#audrey chen
nbernardo · 2 years
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Audrey Chen @ OUT.FEST, Barreiro - 08.10.2022 © Nuno Bernardo
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gianttankeh · 1 year
TFEH presents: Henrik Nørstebø / Audrey Chen & Adam Campbell / Off Brand at The Waverley Bar, Edinburgh: 14/4/23.
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It's time to get serious about springtime goofin': Henrik Nørstebø's set for solo trombone trickery will be augmented by Audrey Chen's famously free flapping yap, Adam Campbell's sinewy synths & Off Brand's enthusiastic efforts. You can find out more about this show & buy tickets here.
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acecroft · 8 days
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TWIN PEAKS 1.05 ''The One-Armed Man" (1990)
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Pinup Ladies of Twin Peaks by Emma Munger
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mcqicons · 2 years
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En 50 avant Jésus-Christ, Astérix s'inquiète de l'impact à long terme sur la santé de l'utilisation excessive de la potion magique et de la consommation constante de viande. Il sait que les Gaulois ne peuvent pas combattre les Romains sans la potion, mais il tente néanmoins de le prouver en affrontant les Romains sans succès. Obélix essaie de nouveau de séduire Falbala, mais elle n'est toujours pas intéressée. Fu Yi se rend en Gaule avec Graindemaïs, le conducteur de l'entraîneur, et son garde du corps Tat Han. Astérix est attiré par Fu Yi.
Fu Yi révèle que sa mère, l'impératrice de l'Empire du Milieu, a lutté pour garder le contrôle du royaume après la mort de l'empereur. Les princes convoitent le trône et menacent la vie de Fu Yi. Le prince Deng Tsin Qin défie l'impératrice et impose une nouvelle taxe sur sa part du royaume. Deng souhaite épouser Fu Yi, mais elle et sa mère se moquent de cette idée. L'impératrice, sentant le danger pour Fu Yi, demande l'aide d'Epidemaïs, un commerçant occidental déguisé en Gaulois où il s’est même teint les cheveux pour être convainquant. Graindemaïs est le neveu d'Epidemaïs. Lorsque Deng attaque, l'impératrice demande à Epidemaïs d'emmener Fu Yi en Gaule pour la mettre à l'abri. Epidemaïs confie cette tâche à Graindemaïs, tout en tentant de courtiser la princesse. L'impératrice est capturée par Deng, tout comme Epidemaïs.
Abraracourcix refuse d'aider car l'Empire du Milieu est trop loin et l'histoire de Fu Yi lui semble incroyable. Astérix propose d'aller avec Fu Yi pour aider sa mère et elle-même, et Obélix décide de les accompagner, emportant une gourde de potion magique malgré le souhait d'Astérix de s'en passer. Pendant ce temps, Jules César est à Rome avec Cléopâtre. Celle-ci, exaspérée par Jules, décide de rompre avec lui pour Tabascos. Ri Qi Qi, conseiller de Deng, propose des richesses à César en échange de son aide militaire. Cléopâtre se moque de César, lui disant que personne ne le connaît en dehors de Rome. En colère, César décide d'aller à l'Empire du Milieu pour y laisser son nom. Il emmène ses légions pour défendre Deng Tsin Qin, mais reste coincé sur la route de la soie.
Astérix, Obélix, Tat Han, Fu Yi et Graindemaïs se rendent en Afrique du Nord en traversant la Méditerranée. Graindemaïs révèle à Astérix son amour (exagéré) pour Fu Yi et son intention de l'épouser, ce qui crée une rivalité entre les deux pour son affection. Le groupe traverse le désert égyptien pour atteindre la ville de Klysma, où ils rencontrent Titanix, un capitaine de bateau et l’engage pour les conduire au pays. Quand la taverne de Bibine se fait braquer, Fu Yi assiste à l'effet de la potion magique lorsque Astérix et Obélix combattent des bandits.
Le groupe croise le navire pirate de Barbe-Rouge. Tat Han demande à Astérix de se retirer et affronte seule les pirates, gagnant l'admiration d'Obélix. Pendant ce temps, l'armée de César traverse la Perse, l'Inde et la Mongolie pour atteindre l'Empire du Milieu. César s'allie avec Deng pour conquérir le pays, utilisant le guerrier Caius Antivirus pour vaincre 4 royaumes. Le dernier debout est le clan Ku Koo.
Arrivés à l'Empire du Milieu, Astérix avoue à Obélix ses sentiments pour Fu Yi et lui demande de quitter la cabane car elle appartient à ses parents. Obélix révèle son intérêt pour Tat Han mais Astérix rit à cette nouvelle ce qui provoque une nouvelle dispute entre les deux gaulois. Deng et César annoncent qu'ils vont exécuter l'impératrice (et Epidemaïs) dans 7 jours.
César envoie un message à Cléopâtre pour affirmer ses actions mais il reçoit ensuite des excuses de sa part, le faisant regretter ses actions. Fu Yi et son groupe séjournent chez le maître de Tat Han, Ban Han, qui révèle que l'impératrice est captive au temple abandonné de Xuan. Le groupe font évader l'impératrice en laissant Epidemaïs car il a insisté pour rester afin d’aller au bout de sa négociation avec ses ravisseurs, puis il se rend au royaume de Ku Koo pour y obtenir l’armée pendant que l'impératrice et Tat Han partent rassemble leurs alliés. Le prince héritier Du Deng est réputé laids mais se révèle être un belle homme aux cheveux blonds (qui est considéré comme sa principal laideur) et Fu Yi semble attiré par le prince à la grande déception d’Astérix et d’Epidemaïs.
Fu Yi et Du Deng rassemblent une armée de 10 000 personnes contre les 80 000 de César. Astérix partage sa potion avec Fu Yi et Du Deng. Mais au milieu de la bataille, une flèche perce la gourde, la faisant se vider. Obélix défend Astérix de toute attaque de la part des Romains mais malgré leurs efforts, Fu Yi se fait encercler. C'est à ce moment L'impératrice arrive avec une grande armée de 1 000 000 personnes, obligeant les Romains à se rendre. Deng et César sont contraints de rentrer à Rome où même temps, Jules reçoit la réponse négative de Cléopâtre.
L'impératrice célèbre la victoire en Gaule. Le prince Deng épouse Fu Yi. Obélix préfère Tat Han à Falbala malgré la distance et Astérix se remet à manger de la viande. Deng et Ri Qi Qi deviennent des domestiques pour César. À Bibine, Cléopâtre se réconcilie avec Jules, et Astérix fait de même avec Obélix.
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girls of the night are: Lucky, Amplifier, Witch and Centralia from Magic by the Kilowatt!✧・゚:*
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 months
Lightning Bug Interview: Believe It All Somehow Matters
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Photo by Ingmar Chen
It often feels like indie rock bands that dabble in atmosphere, inflecting their tunes with shoegaze distortion or dream pop haze, struggle to find lyrical ideas that match the grandiosity of their sound. Not so much for New York four-piece Lightning Bug. They first caught my attention with 2021's A Color of The Sky (Fat Possum), a soft, expansive exploration of the process of self-discovery-via-songwriting, an album that looked inward despite its skyward timbres. Earlier this month, the band released its long-awaited follow-up No Paradise, and though frontwoman Audrey Kang still digs deep inside of herself, the result carries broader thematic reach. It's a circular album based on the creation myth, bending time and space, triggered by a perspective-shifting 4,000-mile motorcycle ride Kang completed from Mexico to New York City, that was followed by a deep depression. In addition to creating the album almost entirely themselves--including using a studio that guitarist and bassist Kevin Copeland built and using cellist/synthesizer player Logan Miley to mix the album--the band chose to self-release No Paradise like they did their first two records. It's more than regaining total creative control: With No Paradise, in describing the start of the world, Lightning Bug have also created themselves anew.
Whether stark and minimal or layered and complex, the songs on No Paradise all achieve a certain level of immensity. Opener "On Paradise" starts basic enough, with coats of acoustic guitar and staccato organ. Eventually, Kang coos with passivity, "I'm happier here, slow / And indulgent in the sun / I'm happier here, weak / Let the night come when it comes," letting the song also gain steam and volume. "The Flowering" takes notes from Laurel Canyon folk but, too, gives way to stadium-sized drum programming, pedal steel, and swelling strings. The timeless one-two punch of "The Withering" (which features Allegra Krieger) and "Opus" delve into folktales but modern, wiry instrumentation all the same. First single "December Song" sees Kang use the language of Greek mythology to illustrate her depression, over instrumentation that's simple, yet cinematic. "I wish the gods would turn me into a tree / But keep my mind distinct, alive, and free," she sings, as if to want to bear witness to the wonders of the world without having to experience its hardships. And a couple No Paradise songs recall some unexpected forebears, from the Radiohead-esque bass bends and Dane Hagen drum patters of "The Quickening" to the trip hop stylings of "Serenade"; considering Kang's high-pitched, yet soulful voice, you could mistake the latter for Portishead.
Another key differentiator for No Paradise within the Lightning Bug discography is the effect of vocals being higher up in the mix, not as obscured by washy instrumentation. It's certainly apparent on "Just Above My Head", Kang's singing accompanied by only cello. But the effect of voice in general shines brightest on "Lullaby for Love". It's a song Kang wrote as part of a mixtape for an ex-partner, yet it's an effective encapsulation of what being in love with anything or anyone sounds and feels like. "When I hear your name in the hollows of my mind / It runs as a melody through the chambers of my spine / To float on that feeling till strong turns to weak / A truth so far greater than language can speak," Kang sings. Indeed, "Lullaby for Love" is far more than mere melody. It's encompassed by pulsating vocal samples, swirling guitar textures, and rolling drums, oceanic and vast. In a way, it exemplifies the paradox at the heart of the album. How can one wrap their head around concepts that are intangible, like existence and feeling, to begin with, let alone put their perspective to words and music? With No Paradise, Lightning Bug are your newfound philosophers, willing to try anyway what they know is impossible. Earlier this month, Kang answered some questions over email about various aspects of No Paradise, from its preceding motorcycle ride and the effect its songs had on her, to the album's mastering and album art. Read her responses below, edited for length and clarity. If you're in NYC, Catch Kang solo opening for Soccer Mommy at the Stone Circle Theatre in Queens on Friday.
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Photo by Ingmar Chen
Since I Left You: Why did you ride a motorcycle from Mexico to New York? Did you expect it would be a transformative experience that might catalyze a chain of events leading to creativity?
Audrey Kang: Honestly, I only did it because I really wanted to keep my motorcycle that I’d bought in Mexico. I felt very attached to this bike because it had seen me through some brushes with death, it had been my faithful companion for many months, and because it was the bike I learned to ride on. The only way to keep it was to drive it home, so I did [laughs]. It was a very practical mission that had nothing to do with a desire for transformation, inspiration, or creativity.
SILY: Much of No Paradise seems to deal with the idea of living passively versus actively. Do you consider songwriting or music-making an active way of engaging with the world?
AK: I see songwriting as more of an internal thing. I stay deep in my own world when I write a song. I suppose once you share your music, you’re engaging with the world. But at least to me, the process of making music is quite introverted.
SILY: On "Lullaby For Love", you sing, "When I hear your name in the hollows of my mind / It runs as a melody through the chambers of my spine / To float on that feeling till strong turns to weak / A truth so far greater than language can speak." Do you ever find songwriting or singing the most effective form of communication?
AK: Hmm, that’s a tricky question for me. I definitely think you can get a feeling across in song that talking can really muddle up. But the truth is, we’ll always only be capable of guessing just how effective or ineffective our communication is, whether it’s through writing a song or extensive conversation or a really long letter. That’s always fascinated me, that you never really know how much someone else is absorbing of how much you’re trying to express.
SILY: When writing, how do you come up with instrumental compositions that reflect or perhaps contrast the lyrics?
AK: I think the composition usually comes along with whatever feeling or space I’m occupying in the song. Does that make sense? I’m so useless at explaining my process [laughs]. When I’m making music, I think/feel/move very fast; it’s really all a blur.
SILY: Your voice seems to be more upfront in the mix than usual. Was that a conscious decision going into the recording of the album?
AK: Yes, definitely. We wanted the vocal to stand out more and carry the plot.
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Photo by Ingmar Chen
SILY: The video for "December Song" starts with a line from "Rex's Blues" by Townes Van Zandt, a songwriter known for exploring melancholy as a lived experience. Did writing this song change your perspective on what it means to be alive? Do any other songwriters have this almost existential effect on you?
AK: I would say that writing this song did mark a significant shift in me. I realize this a lot (then forget, then re-realize, and so on), but you can’t wait for life to feel meaningful or magical. In vast expanses of dreary despair, you kinda just have to put one foot in front of the other and commit to believing it all somehow matters. Writing “December Song” was a reminder of that for me. As for other songwriters who explore melancholy as lived experience, Nick Drake comes to mind. Paul Simon. Nina Simone in her expression and performance.
SILY: What is powerful to you about comparing yourself to or even embodying nature--trees, mammals, insects--as you do throughout the album?
AK: Hmm, I just do this without thinking, to be honest. But I will say all patterns in nature repeat themselves throughout all organic existence. I feel this very intensely.
SILY: How did you come to work with Allegra Krieger? What about the qualities of her voice made her fitting for "The Withering"?
AK: Allegra is Kevin’s partner, so that came about very naturally. We both have what I describe as “grandma voices” which I think made a good fit for the rather old-sounding “Withering”. I love how her voice holds it down in that song, but also how our voices interweave and play together.
SILY: On "Just Above My Head", you sing, “Let my death ask of me / Will my music remain? / My songs all may die with me / But when I sing, I find my own eternity.” Do you pretty often think about legacy, in general and when writing songs?
AK: Oh my goodness, I never think about legacy [laughs]. I can see why you’d interpret that line this way. But I guess it was more that I was thinking about how transient life is. So sort of the opposite.
SILY: Some of the songs on No Paradise feature Greek mythology or recall traditional folk music. On, "Opus", you use the word "o'er". What to you is significant about combining archaic or traditional language, stories, or song structures with contemporary songwriting and instrumentation?
AK: Again, like in the use of nature metaphors, this use of archaic language comes to me without me thinking much about it. I guess because I read a lot of old books [laughs]. It’s harder for me to connect with modern things. So that comes across when I write my own songs.
SILY: The video for "Opus" was based on a ghost story you wrote. Do you write any other sorts of poetry or prose?
AK: I scribble things, but nothing I take too seriously.
SILY: You notably tend to keep the making of your music in-house, so to speak, though you continue to work with Heba Kadry, someone with quite an extensive credits list. What does Heba bring to the table that makes her a great mastering engineer?
AK: Heba is an all around legend and boss. She’s totally committed to her art.
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SILY: What's the background behind No Paradise's album artwork?
AK: Well, the album is a loose rewriting of the creation myth, so the artwork needed to reflect that. I wanted to contrast “evil” with “innocence” in some visual way. I ended up making a rather potent-looking evil apple, and a childish butterfly to alight on the skin.
SILY: When playing live, do you tend to find yourselves in the same headspace as when you wrote and recorded the songs? How do you see adapting No Paradise songs to a live performance?
AK: It depends on the day, the venue, the audience. Sometimes, you can enter a very special space that feels intimate and true to the writing of the songs. Other times, it’s harder to connect, and you can feel a bit like you’re just going through the motions of performing. I’m excited to perform these songs. They’re honestly extremely hard to sing due to wide melodic movement and rhythmic precision. But they’ll be rewarding to perform, because there’s a lot of passion in this album.
SILY: What's next for Lightning Bug?
AK: I really want to work on our live performances. We’ve never put enough energy and work into that part of music, in my opinion, and I want to change that!
SILY: Is there anything you've been reading, watching, or listening to lately that's inspired you or that you've enjoyed?
AK: I’ve been staring at ocean waves a lot. I find this to be incredibly enjoyable and peacemaking. I’ve also been reading short stories by old Russian greats, like [Nikolai] Gogol.
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cecilereads · 1 year
Isaacs reading list in Heartstopper
Season 1
Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert
Naruto vol. 72 - Masashi Kishimoto
Quantum Mechanics - Leonard Susskind & Art Friedman
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder - Holly Jackson
Proud - Gareth Thomas
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman
Gender Explorers - Juno Roche
The Time Traveler’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman
There is no Planet B - Mike Berners-Lee
Season 2
Ace of Spades - Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays - Oscar Wilde
Booklovers - Emily Henry
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
We Are Okay - Nina Lacour
The Outsider - Albert Camus
Birthday - Meredith Russo
The Awakening - Kate Choppin
Crush - Richard Siken
Boy Erased - Garrard Conley
The Swimming Pool Library - Alan Hollinghurst
I Love This Part - Tillie Walden
We Have Always Been Here - Samra Habib
Summer Bird Blue - Akemi Dawn Bowman
Ace - Angela Chen
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sillypenguinwitch · 1 year
isaac's books in heartstopper s2
episode 1:
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Tillie Walden: I Love This Part
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Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé: Ace of Spades
episode 2:
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Nina LaCour: We Are Okay
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Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest
episode 3:
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Ocean Vuong: Night Sky with Exit Wounds (the one he is carrying under his arm, I'm assuming that's his and not for the display?)
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has read: Ritch C. Savin-Williams: Bi: Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid, and Nonbinary Youth
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Emily Henry: Book Lovers
episode 4:
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Victor Hugo: Les Misérables
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Antoine De Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince
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Kate Chopin: The Awakening
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Nina LaCour: We Are Okay (again)
episode 5:
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Albert Camus: The Outsider
episode 6:
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Martin Handford: Where's Wally? The Great Picture Hunt
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Meredith Russo: Birthday
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Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days
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Sara Pennypacker: Pax Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, Sophie Mas: How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are ? ? ? Damian Dibben: The Color Storm Alice Oseman: Loveless Susan Stokes-Chapman: Pandora Katy Hessel: The Story of Art Without Men ? Evelyn Waugh: Rossetti Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles A.O. Scott: Better Living Through Criticism ?: Then We Came to an End (?) Ruth Millington: Muse Dr. Jaqui Lewis: Fierce Love Charlotte Van Den Broek: Bold Ventures - Thirteen Tales of Architectural Tragedy ?
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Richard Siken: Crush
episode 7:
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Garrard Conley: Boy Erased
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George Matthew Johnson: All Boys Aren't Blue
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Samra Habib: We Have Always Been Here
episode 8:
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Akemi Dawn Bowman: Summer Bird Blue
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Angela Chen: Ace
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Truham school library pride display (seen in ep. 3 and 8):
top to bottom, left to right: Angela Chen: Ace Andrew Holleran: The Kingdom of Sand Mary Jean Chan and Andrew McMillan: 100 Queer Poems Scott Stuart: My Shadow Is Pink Lotte Jeffs: My Magic Family Tucker Shaw: When You Call My Name Ritch C. Savin-Williams: Bi - Pansexual, Fluid, Nonbinary and Fluid Youth Alok Vaid-Menon: Beyond the Gender Binary George M. Johnson: All Boys Aren’t Blue Mason Deaver: I Wish You All the Best Alex Gino: George Melissa
on top of shelves (left to right): Kevin Van Whye: Nate Plus One Xixi Tian: This Place is Still Beautiful Becky Albertalli: Leah on the Offbeat Mya-Rose Craig: Birdgirl Bernardine Evaristo: Girl, Woman, Other Connie Glynn: Princess Ever After Saundra Mitchell: The Prom
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Charlie's choice at Shakespeare and Co (ep. 6): Allan Hollinghurst: The Swimming Pool Library
That's it for now.
Sorry about the ones i couldn't identify and sorry if i missed any! Might try and do some of the ones in Isaac's room later but that'll take a minute
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sywtwfs · 8 months
Team USA for 2024 ISU Championships
World Championships
Men: Ilia Malinin, Jason Brown, Camden Pulkinen (Alt: Maxim Naumov, Andrew Torgashev, Jimmy Ma)
Women: Amber Glenn, Isabeau Levito (Alt: Ava Ziegler, Elyce Lin-Gracey, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Emily Chan/Spencer Akira Howe, Ellie Kam/Danny O’Shea, Valentina Plazas/Maximiliano Fernandez (Alt: Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy, Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard*)
Ice Dance: Madison Chock/Evan Bates, Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Emily Bratti/Ian Somerville (Alt: Caroline Green/Michael Parsons, Eva Pate/Logan Bye, Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik)
Four Continents Championships (announced before Nationals)
Men: Tomoki Hiwatashi, Camden Pulkinen (WD), Andrew Torgashev (Alt: Maxim Naumov, Liam Kapeikis, Jimmy Ma)
Women: Amber Glenn (WD), Lindsay Thorngren, Ava Ziegler (Alt: Elyce Lin-Gracey, Audrey Shin, Starr Andrews)
Pairs: Ellie Kam/Danny O’Shea, Chelsea Liu/Balazs Nagy, Valentina Plazas/Maximiliano Fernandez (Alt: Isabelle Martins/Ryan Bedard, Maria Mokhova/Ivan Mokhov)
Ice Dance: Madison Chock/Evan Bates (WD), Christina Carreira/Anthony Ponomarenko, Caroline Green/Michael Parsons (Alt: Emilea Zingas/Vadym Kolesnik, Oona Brown/Gage Brown, Eva Pate/Logan Bye)
Junior World Championships
Men: Daniel Martynov, Jacob Sanchez (Alt: Beck Strommer, Taira Shinohara, Lucius Kazanecki)
Women: Josephine Lee, Sherry Zhang (Alt: Logan Higase-Chen, Sarah Everhardt, Elyce Lin-Gracey)
Pairs: Olivia Flores/Luke Wang, Naomi Williams/Lachlan Lewer, Adele Zheng/Andy Deng
Ice Dance: Leah Neset/Artem Markelov, Elliana Peal/Ethan Peal, Yahli Pedersen/Jeffrey Chen (Alt: Jenna Hauer/Benjamin Starr, Caroline Mullen/Brendan Mullen, Olivia Ilin/Dylan Cain)
*Pending TES minimums
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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postpunkindustrial · 4 months
A bit of a documentary on Vimeo
In 2013, Salon Bruit e.V. and Audition Records organised a series of concerts by female artists from the experimental scene in the cinema of an ex-squat in Berlin. Each concert was filmed and released online (auditionrecords.com/quota.php), accompanied by an interview with the artist, as a means of offering a partial, but necessary, insight into an extremely dynamic scene for which documentation is lamentably sparse.
It is from this heterogeneous material that the film blends the narratives of this group of women and charts their musical journey through their individual experiences and challenges, which led them to Berlin to embrace a scene which offers them little chance of financial reward or mainstream success.
Echoing the way its protagonists conceive their music, this experimental documentary, through radical aesthetic choices, also gives insight into their unique approach to creating and performing in a genre that eludes the dominant musical rules and structures.
A film by Philip Morris and Jérémie Pujau
Liz Allbee
Charly Birkenhauer
Alexandra Cárdenas
Audrey Chen
Anat Cohavi
Anna Friz
Felicity Mangan
Andrea Neumann
Abigail Sanders
Heidrun Schramm
JD Zazie
Anaïs Tuerlinckx
Els Vandeweyer
Sabine Vogel
Antje Vowinckel
Roberta WJM
Ute Wassermann
Marta Zapparoli
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vintagetvstars · 5 months
Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket - Round 1
Round 1 (All polls)
Bea Arthur Vs. Bea Benaderet
Barbara Eden Vs. Kathryn Leigh Scott
Kellye Nakahara Vs. Janine Turner
Betty White Vs. Gracie Allen
Joely Richardson Vs. Miranda Richardson
Holland Taylor Vs. Joan Collins
Joan Chen Vs. Rachel Bilson
Lucille Ball Vs. Suzanne Pleshette
Angela Lansbury Vs. Eartha Kitt
Alex Kingston Vs. Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Gina Torres Vs. Sherilyn Fenn
Katee Sackhoff Vs. Geraldine James
Barbara Feldon Vs. Carol Cleveland
Amanda Tapping Vs. Nana Visitor
Amanda Randolph Vs. Barbara Mullen
Kate Jackson Vs. Kim Cattrall
Emma Thompson Vs. Penelope Keith
Rue McClanahan Vs. Barbara Stanwyck
Thalía Vs. Sheila Kuehl
Joan Bennett Vs. Grayson Hall
Julie Newmar Vs. Lalla Ward
Farrah Fawcett Vs. Catherine Bach
Diahann Carroll Vs. Siân Phillips
Mary Tyler Moore Vs. Jan Smithers
Nichelle Nichols Vs. Yvonne Craig
Carolyn Jones Vs. Lara Parker
Janet Hubert Vs. Marcia Strassman
Jackée Harry Vs. Dawn French
Tina Louise Vs. Linda Cristal
Eva Gabor Vs. Anne Francis
Lynda Carter Vs. Peggy Lipton
Courteney Cox Vs. Mädchen Amick
Vivica A Fox Vs. Julia Duffy
Valerie Harper Vs. Jaclyn Smith
Doris Day Vs. Dawn Wells
Debbie Allen Vs. Elizabeth Montgomery
Karyn Parsons Vs. Katy Manning
Deidre Hall Vs. Phyllis Logan
Jeri Ryan Vs. Mira Furlan
Lucy Lawless Vs. Claudia Black
Morena Baccarin Vs. Shannen Doherty
Jonelle Allen Vs. Francesca Annis
Jane Seymour Vs. Annette Crosbie
Diana Rigg Vs. Joanna Lumley
Melissa Joan Hart Vs. Lisa Robin Kelly
Lisa Bonet / Lilakoi Moon Vs. Lisa Hartman
Eliza Dushku Vs. Chloe Annett
Fran Drescher Vs. Mariska Hargitay
Lauren Graham Vs. Charisma Carpenter
Marlo Thomas Vs. Lily Tomlin
Connie Booth Vs. Barbara Billingsley
Gillian Anderson Vs. Alexandra Paul
Penny Johnson Jerald Vs. Mag Ruffman
Sarah Jessica Parker Vs. Judy Parfitt
Cicely Tyson Vs. Aimi MacDonald
Anna May Wong Vs. Peggy Ashcroft
Carol Burnett Vs. Elisabeth Sladen
Sarah Michelle Gellar Vs. Hattie Hayridge
Pamela Anderson Vs. Loretta Swit
Itatí Cantoral Vs. Audrey Meadows
Jane Krakowski Vs. Jennifer Aniston
Terry Farrell Vs. Nicole de Boer
Carole André Vs. Melissa Leo Vs. Sabrina Lloyd
Eve Arden Vs. Dorothy Provine Vs. Vivian Vance
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
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❝ Audrey Beiste was absolutely no stranger to bullying or how cruel other people could be. Having lived with her aunt Shannon, known to most others as Coach Beiste, since she was seven and her father had gone to jail, she had always known very well what other people thought of her and the only family she really had. She had heard people mocking her aunt for the way she looked and sounded, calling her every single mean name in the book and, when it was adults who were doing the insulting, only smiling condescendingly when young Audrey had attempted to stick up for her auntie. And Audrey herself was no stranger to taunts and insults, either; she’d been being bullied for her size since she could remember, mocked with loud pig snorts or yelled suggestions to eat a salad almost every time she walked down the school halls.
She’d never let it affect her, however, at least not the cruel words directed at her; Audrey was the kind of person to always choose kindness and sunshine, and she did her best to honor that principle, constantly having a sweet smile on her face and a positive comment on her lips, even when those around her rolled their eyes at it and went right back to insulting her. The only pain or anger she ever allowed herself to show, outside of defending her aunt against people who were old enough to know better than to be so rude, was in the pages of her songwriting notebook, in the lyrics she spent most of her free time jotting down and singing out loud to make sure they sounded right. She put her pain into those lyrics and kept the notebook that housed them close to her heart, knowing in her soul that one day she would turn them into actual songs that could be used to prove wrong all the bullies that had told her she would never amount to anything.
When her aunt decides to take a job offer to coach a struggling football team in Ohio, Audrey hopes for a fresh start, a place where she and her aunt can begin again away from those who tormented them. But her illusions of the grass being greener in Lima are quickly shattered when she starts attending McKinley High - a fatphobic word painted on her new locker and a slushy in her face ruining one of her favorite sweaters will do that to a person. Desperately trying to find a place where she can be free of judgement, Audrey auditions to join the school’s glee club, and there she finds a great deal of drama and divas, but also a group of people who love music as much as she does and who accept her as she is, because they’re all freaks in the eyes of the rest of the school, after all.
However, it’s also there that Audrey quickly develops a crush on one Finn Hudson, an awkward football player with a heart of gold, and the first boy who’s ever called Audrey pretty. But of course, there’s also the issue of Finn already having a girlfriend as well as a complicated relationship with his cheerleader ex, and anyway, someone like him would never go for someone like Audrey, even if they’re part of the same chaotic, unusual found family… right? ❞
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emmlivia · 29 days
My lego friends full name headcanons part 1
These are what I headcanon the lego friends characters full names to be, based off some other posts where they show what they think the lego friends last names are, but this time full names (+ details about it, also, the full names for characters from the original and still here will all apply to the original, girls on a mission and next chapter canons in my headcanon)
Original 5 girls:
Olivia Victoria Castillo-Flores
• I liked the idea of making Olivia have a double-barreled last name from the original post so I decided to do so for mine but put 2 different last names, and i might’ve gotten Castillo from Mrs. Castillo from dreamzzz, and I just like how her name sounds, also, I think she is Hispanic in all canons but is a much lighter skinned Latina in the classic series
Emma Louise Parker
• Louise is actually Emma’s canon middle name in the original show as she says it in the episode, snow way
Cassandra Andrea Jackson
• definitely a Michael Jackson reference
Mia Camille Smith
• originally I thought of her middle name as Claire and last name as Thomas but i thought that what I actually went with sounded much better, also, ninjago reference with me choosing Camille as her middle name
Stephanie Alice Thompson
• her mom’s name is Alicia, so I think Alice is a pretty close name for her middle name
Next chapter crew:
Aliya aurora jones
• her middle name was a bit hard to come up with but I felt like aurora works pretty well
Sabrina Autumn smith
• I thought what if autumn was just a nickname and middle name since her hair looks like the leaves in the fall, and also because I thought Sabrina was a cute name choice
Leonardo Alejandro Mateo Gonzalez
• I think that Leo would have a long full name (as well as some other characters), I might’ve gotten the idea for Mateo from dreamzzz
Liann Marie Chen
• i originally wanted her middle name to be Ann but that would just not work as well, and I definitely got the idea for Chen from ninjago and it’s a pretty common Chinese last name, so I think it works and her voice actress’ last name is Chen as well
Nova Ella Bailey
• it was hard for me to come up with a good full name for nova, but compared to autumn, I kept nova as her first name
Oliver James Simmons
• Olly’s full first and middle name is a reference to 2 actors in Harry Potter, and I also like how his full name sounds
Audrey Paisley Roberts
• I also thought of paisley’s name being her middle name like with Andrea and autumn
Zachary Jeffrey DuPont
• Zac’s full name is actually Zachary in the show and I liked the idea of DuPont for a French last name
Next would be about the side characters and villains of the series
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lucihens · 3 months
i know it's been weeks since the finale and this is likely redundant at this point but because i'm deranged about this show i pushed through the mental illness and finally finished my season 7 wishlist for my birthday. this was once over-detailed and the points were really just fanfic prompts, now the points are non-sensical and probably not even s7 specific. so in no particular order of timeline or importance, likely to never happen and straight from the audrey head canon universe: SEASON 7 WISHLIST.
[if you wish]
general (most could happen in any season and are potentially insane.):
- actual bailan conflict
- wopez baby girl unnamed forever, just for a giggle.
- nyla family maybe? she's an only child to me
- grey angst. like i wanna see him fight someone or something
- monica lasts less than 7A, but we see her a bit. unpopular opinion but she's fun. like that's one of my fav characters from jtv manifested once again on my favourite show.
- celina and lucy get a cat. they'd just vibe with it i know it. tim loathes the cat every time he comes around during their reconciliation era. but loves it.
- fire episode. not just a victim in a fire but like the station or one of the characters house on fire, like oo an arsonist terrorising the characters specifically. (maybe nolan like burn his crib down and cause him pain for once.)
- lucy parents. this is non negotiable. like maybe they're in trouble, being harassed/stalked/held hostage or whatever and she saves them, and they, at least, lighten up on the disappointment.
- lucy cousin [not s7 specific]. i know she has one. like a younger, annoying, freeloading male cousin. just give her some family please. and her nana.
- and an ex-girlfriend but that's free for any season. heir to sappho, lucy chen.
- lucy fighting like 50 guys all by herself and winning.
- lucy going undercover at least once and spanning multiple episodes.
- generally any and all lucy storylines that aren't centered at all around tim.
- maybe give her a female friend her age outside of the main characters. someone who helps her in her career and personally. someone on the same level. and give her wesley too.
- lucy critically hurt like worse than D.O.D
- can you tell i yearn for lucy storylines? like that's my main character!
- characters generally struggling with things outside of work and relationships. like illness/disability. (and not for bailey)
- speaking of struggling (!!!!!):: i really want to see one or all of the main characters struggling with their morality/sense of self as a police officer. like we all know the despicablity of cops irl. we know the rookie knows, see: s3. why can't this be a consistent thing? and not just nolan struggling to not come off as white saviour. like all the characters, both white and non white, experiencing personal turmoil about their position on world affairs and how that would (i hope) completely misalign with the mores of the average cop. especially given the state of the world right now, while uncomfortable, it would be somewhat realistic/relatable to our universe, and would be intriguing to watch (either that or i unfortunately learn that the political views of the rookie tyrants are.....).
- fully explored appearance of a k-9 unit.
- the rookie finally goes back to the multiple patrol calls an episode format and stops trying to be like chicago p.d.
- harper and lopez are given the decency to be treated as two separate careers instead of one forever unit. like i love that they're often together and they are partners in the same job but can we stop segregating the characters into unchanging groups? i know there are often exceptions but spice it up a bit please? mix patrol and detectives. but don't make patrol all about detectiving, and don't make harpez one job and the patrols always on the same case. give them calls away from each other. let them all do their jobs separately so you don't perpetuate the above point too much. (but still keep my family together obviously - it's all about balance.) is this point a jumbled mess? i think. look away.
- celina more interesting. please make her more than nolan's miserably failing boot.
- and give nolan consequences!!!!! let this man learn for once! we see he makes mistakes, but he's magically cool and respected again? make him a watchable character by going deeper than nice guy who wants to do good and well, fails yet is picked back up again by everyone else who loves and adores him so much like!!! where's the pain and conflict!
- nyla with a homeless teen or struggling adult who she helps i just thought of this. i know that woman has empathy that runs deep. nyla centric episodes especially talking about her cartel past!!! and with that more angela backstory like why do the women of the rookie have like 5 backstory points and i could write a whole novel about just one male character's.
- feed me the greatest lucy fits and bring back angela's curly hair i'm on my knees and i'm begging.
- more lgbt+ rep
- more disabled rep
- more class rep, especially in the characters themselves, i wanna see a cop struggling to get by money wise. actually that would never happen for a cop nevermind.
- speaking of poor i want nolan to lose everything.
- i'm not a sadist i swear.
- something for aaron that isn't based on 'i was falsely accused' and 'i almost died' like not saying it's boring but i don't want the writers to lack the creative ability to explore him even more. and celina too, give her something beyond her sisters death. these were great storylines but i don't want these characters to become tired and underused.
- the rookie starts rounding out long running and short running storylines for once. please stop making me say 'wait, that was it?'.
- dear whoever runs the rookie: please take yourself seriously again, i know you can do it baby.
- and stop reading fanfic
chenford specific quick fire:
- tim therapy
- lucy therapy
- lucy discovering herself way outside of tim
- tim brain transplant
- just kidding i love him
- tim more therapy
- tim mother
- tim groveling
- lucy deciding to live a little bit more outside of him until she's ready
- tim just chill i don't want more tim backstory i'm good
- lucy win at work
- tim grovel
- timlucy chill, are cool enough with each other
- friends
- reconcile
- take it slow
- tim grovel and therapy
- lucy undercover as part of finding herself
- friendly enough, tim has no influence in her career now like it or not
- lucy badly hurt, tim crazy
- besties while lucy recovers
- besties again, and actually on screen, like i wanna see all those besties moments that we were only told about before
- tim 'you are my entire world together or not' moment
- getting closer, getting heated, getting to actually talking
- maybe arguing
- like i want my years long head canon of them (tim) blurting i love you in an argument like
- i don't know how the rest goes
- they kiss the end
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