#autism breakfast
autism breakfast
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sarah8herstuff · 2 years
Day 10 "Get up"
The best motivation for me to get up and leave my bed is a cup of milk. My favorite drink since childhood and I can honestly say it is my comfort drink too. A cup of milk in the morning helps to regulate my blood sugar and makes me feel calmer and less annoyed. Plus, it stops my hunger and gives me time to cook an actual breakfast without any tension or headache
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l3irdl3rain · 3 months
Wait okay so which one is the flat one? And can we see some photos that show exactly how flat she is? I've only seen pics of all of them together and none of the kittens look particularly differently from each other in terms of flatness that I've seen
Also since you are now keeping flat one, will her name stay the Flat One or will she get a different name?
it doesn’t really photograph well tbh. you can definitely feel it when you pick her up. my mom was shocked when she felt it for the first time. When I grabbed her out of the carrier I immediately said "oh something is wrong with this one"
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In the top picture of The Flat One you can kind of see the way her spine dips down just past her shoulder blades. That’s her spinal deformity.
And then i don’t know how to hold her to show this and I also don’t really know if it’s obvious on camera but you might be able to kind of see in that second picture how she’s got a nice round belly but then her chest looks “thin”
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and last but not least. some pictures of The Flat One for your viewing pleasure. She will eventually be getting a name but I haven't even started thinking about possibilities yet
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cheezy-whizz · 4 months
I hate that these are the characters I can relate to
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
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somehow enchanted by the detail that odo specifically gives himself (makes himself into??) a latte. he's thought about this. he has Colour Coordinated.
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jubmato · 3 months
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i was gonna buy myself the stanley parable: ultra deluxe but i ended up having to spend the money i had for it on my goddamn therapy appointment. fuck my gay chungus life
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c-kiddo · 11 months
so sad that in the tmn reunion tonight(?) caduceus is going to be interuptted from watching hydraulic press and slime videos on youtube in bed to have to fight an evil moon. ableism .
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sadaveniren · 2 months
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sillylandmagic · 9 days
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My brother made butter toast and eggs for dinner for me. And orange juice, used fork a bit but mainly hands, messy though. Yummy dinner love breakfast for dinner!
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laiosynth · 3 months
hey!!! autistic and ADHD people who struggle with breakfast!!!
i have a suggestion for you based on a wonderful solution that i've found.
we all know how hard it can be to have the energy to make a healthy, hearty breakfast. bacon? eggs? toast? all delicious, but require so much energy :((
thus i present to you:
the parfait 🎉
an elegant, easy, yet healthy option for your everyday breakfast!!
you will need:
one cup 💯
(all up to your preferences, i like to use these pusheen drinking glasses i have around. tall and fancy.)
one cereal 🔥
(i love using cheerios, because they're simple and delicious, but you can use whatever you like!!)
yogurt ‼️
(USE GREEK IF YOU CAN!!! this gets you protein in the morning for energy!! if you don't like the taste or texture, that's okay!! just use regular, or a milder kind!)
(optional:) fruit 🦅
(this is optional, but i highly suggest adding your favorite fruit if you have the energy to cut some up! it adds fiber and is, imo, very yummy.)
1. take cup
2. add layers of yogurt and cereal (and fruit) as desired
3. you are done 💯💯💯
it is literally that easy!!!
and you have a yummy healthy breakfast!! plus, for how little effort it takes, it is very nice and fancy, imo!!
please let me know if this helps you!! and help spread this so it can help more people get a good breakfast even on low energy days 🔥🔥‼️‼️
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(also please help me tag im terrible at it but i want to get this out there in case it helps anyone else)
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Today my theater teacher mentioned breakfast club and i immediately screamed “EMILIO ESTEVES”
I need to be put tf down bc wtf
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Bitches be like “this is my safe food” and it’s one of the most inconsistent hard to nail down foods on the planet and no one makes it properly except them and like two other people
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fennthetalkingdog · 4 months
You know, when I was first researching neurodivergence (and autism and ADHD in particular) and wondering if I was, in fact, neurodivergent, I brought my conclusions to my mom and she said:
"I mean, you're gifted, right? So you already are neurodivergent???"
So here's to her (kinda) and her words. Giftedness is a neurodivergence, in my opinion. From what I've seen, a lot of the traits overlap with common autistic and/or ADHD traits too, especially regarding overexcitabilities, and a lot of researchers talking about the topic describe giftedness with the same kind of "your brain is just made differently" and "you're just wired differently" language as they use for other neurodivergent conditions. But I also say this because I've seen some gifted people who, while struggling with some "autistic/ADHD traits," don't have all the traits necessary for an autism or ADHD diagnosis. Giftedness is a label for them that encompasses the struggles they have without saying that they don't struggle enough or forcing them to try to fit into a mold that isn't them. And I get that; when I was first questioning, I didn't think I had enough autistic traits to count for a diagnosis either, so I took comfort in a "gifted" label. (Not to say that all gifted people are just autistic people and/or people with ADHD that don't realize, or that all gifted people are just people who don't have enough traits for a diagnosis! That was just the case for me and the folks I've been around, but I've also heard the case of it not being that.)
But if I am gifted, then I also have autism. A lot of my struggles are, honestly, just better described by autism than just by a byproduct of giftedness. My struggles with people and with "being too much," my sensory differences (and yes, sometimes issues), my stimming, and some of my executive dysfunction all sound like autistic traits to me more than a mix of psychomotor and sensual overexcitabilities and a whole bunch of coincidental byproducts of my being gifted and hanging out with nongifted peers. Don't get me wrong; based on my family history, background, and traits, I honestly probably am gifted lol. But it's not just that.
So this is me saying that if the people around you are saying that you're just gifted, you're free to look for other, perhaps better explanations for your feelings and experiences. But if you are just gifted, you're still free to call yourself neurodivergent! My gifted traits lead to me feeling just as ostracized sometimes as my autistic ones, so who am I to police that label?
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apinchofsanity · 7 months
When a safe food I've been eating religiously for months starts tasting not nice anymore
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toxycodone · 3 months
good morning little freaks in my phone
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ill be eating or making food and my brain is like "hey wouldnt this character love this food"
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