#autumn's abominations
autumnaurora · 1 year
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theragnarokd · 2 years
you won’t know the line till you’ve crossed, 2/?
In Dirk’s line of work, he spends a lot of time cursing various tools. Now, he’s pretty sure that the problem is in his brain.
He’s holding a hex key. By definition, it has six sides. Only when Dirk turns it around, it becomes increasingly more convincing that actually the key has 6 + t % N sides, where N and t are…
What the fuck is he doing? It’s a hex key, it has six sides, it’s in the name. The number of sides doesn’t change, it just is.
It’s just that if it did, then maybe he could use the hex key to screw in the next part.
In an epic flare of fuck it, Dirk tries the hex key on a port that definitely does not have six sides.
It fits.
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delightintheway · 2 years
Video - "Is celebrating HALLOWEEN OK?" - The Lord, Himself, Answers...
This question was asked of The Lord: Lord, is celebrating Halloween OK? [The Lord answered] In regards to the day in which your land celebrates “the Day of the Dead,” those who hear not, speak not, think not nor pray, for all their thoughts have perished with them, I say this: To honor this day is to honor nothing, and is contemptible. And to honor death and darkness is to cast your lot with satan; it is to partake in the works of demons... I am The Light and The Life! Honor Me!  So again, I say to you, do not do it! In no way make for yourself images of the dead. Do not buy or sell such things, nor decorate your house; carve no image, nor adorn yourself or your children with these symbols. Rather celebrate autumn and its splendor, and give thanks; offer up praises to The Lord your God, for all creation declares My name. Read the WHOLE letter here: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Honor_Not_the_Day_of_the_Dead…_Honor_God
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ohnonotnow · 9 months
my library
here's some of the best the hobbit/lotr fanfics I've read cuz they can be quite hard to find and I wanna help
will update the list as I read
Smoke, iron and Thorin
Fire and Gold
Learning Khuzdul
Braid of Gold
Thorin being soft
The Beauty of Chance
Those Hands
The arrival
A king's crown
Covered In Steam
There's just inches in between us
Thorin after a long day of training with his nephews
In This Moment 
Symphony of your life
Oh so quiet
Find Your Way Back
fili oneshots
The Most Unpleasant, Defective, and Abominable Incident
Stay with me
The Redeemer
Durin's Garage
Lost My Way
The book keeper
The beauty and the Beast
getting back at Kili for teasing
My Treasure
Madly in love
It's in his kiss
Love Bites
Sway With Me
Wood Carvings
Softly. . .
Sweet like nectar
A Shot in the Dark
Early Mornings
Beorn takes care of you when you're injured
Watcher of Wanderers
The Innocence of Brutality
Being best friends with Legolas
Hazy Memories
Best friends father
Flower On My Skin
To Meet Under the Stars
Passenger Princess
Autumn Thunderstorm
I Could Love You With My Eyes Closed
Gentle Dark
My Heart Is In Your Hands
Just a Little Help
Warriors Great Tales
The Fountain
Return to Me
Burnt Bread
A Helping Hand
Wildest Dreams
Falling In Love With A Librarian
SFW alphabet
A Roll in the Hay
Turning Points
More characters
various characters oneshots
Imagine: elves having highly sensitive ears and you finding out by accidently touching them.
Journey to Erebor
Hair braiding
Elves + Braiding
What Type of Kisser is Each LoTR Character?
The Hobbit Characters + Physical Affection (Suggestive Version)
A Headcanon For Each Member of Thorin’s Company
Cuddling With Thorin's Company
Imagine some of the elves of Middle Earth find out how easy it is to make you (a human staying in Rivendell) blush and become aroused.
The LOTR characters reacting to a modern reader
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deltaruminations · 10 months
wd gaster merch concepts
scarlet forest tree costume
magnetic board with a print of the gonermaker background. includes a set of word magnets that you can arrange to make the mysterious voice say ridiculous word salad poetry like “YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE LEGS. POSSIBILITY OF EGG? WONDERFUL.” as well as set of magnetic vessel parts that can be cobbled together into terrible abominations
bag of loose black and white legos that have no instructions and don’t fit together into anything recognizable
non-functional nokia 1100 cellphone that looks like it was dredged up from the bottom of a lake. when you press any of the buttons it emits a Horrible Noise
“Deconstructed” Plush (loose stuffing and squares of fabric in a ziploc bag)
fragrance blind box “for ‘HIM’”. a fine gift for the dark and mysterious gentleman in your life. the boxes are labeled “EXPERIMENT IN PROGRESS” and “OPEN TO OBSERVE YOUR FATE.” each box contains small vial of perfume and a figurine of a dead cat. possible scents include: ozone; sulfur; pine; charred bone; autumn leaves; petrichor; cigarette smoke
cookbook: 666 Ways to Crack an Egg. it’s written entirely in wingdings. recipes 26-666 are redacted “for you’re safety”. shockingly normal otherwise
small USB lamp shaped like a clear crystal. dangerously bright when turned on
Box Of Broken Glass
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Hello, there! First of all, i must say tha I love your writing style.
I had this idea on my mind, and I was wondering if you could write something about it.
It's an Eris x reader, where the reader is traveling from another world and falls in velaris, Eris finds her nearby, looking confused and trying to help her, but she can't understand his language.
I would love it if you'd write something like that, and I was hoping in a possible love triangle, with angst and happy ending for Eris.
Sorry for any mistake. I hope that you understand, English it's not my first language
Our World (part 1)
Summary: The dark opening in the sky.
A/n: lol i just realised that i forgot the language difference part so they are all talking to and understanding each other. also sorry for the delay 😭ive never written anything like this or even thought about it, so it was a lil bit of a challenge to write this, but we've at least started!
enjoy! ❣️
The weird, dark and gaping hole on the pavement looked weird. Like it did not belong.
Even under the night sky, in the alleyway shrouded in shadows, it looked sinister.
That did not stop Y/n from leaning close to inspect it.
And then, being her clumsy self, she could not stop herself from toppling into it.
The weird, dark opening in the night sky looked different, like it did not belong in the darkened sky.
Even in the moonless night, it looked sinister.
That did not stop Eris from trying to peer into it.
But it did stop Eris from advancing further when a noise started coming from it. Like someone screaming.
Not too long after, something- no, someone- fell from it.
Eris stared, bewildered, as the figure groaned, stretching out their limbs, lifting their head amid the fallen leaves in the dense forests of the night court.
He had been visiting Velaris for a meeting, and had decided to take a small walk to clear his mind of the bullshit Rhysand had spewed before he returned to the Autumn Court.
And then he had stumbled across the clearing that looked darker than its surroundings, and he had paused to wonder what abomination he would come across.
And now this- this creature, whatever it was, covered with a white cloth that barely reached their knee and a red, soft, velvet like hat on their head, had almost taken down Eris.
And then the creature moved some more, and Eris realised that it was a female. And by the looks of it, mortal. Though her beauty could rival that of the fae females' beauty.
Eris threw that thought to the back of his mind just as her eyes met his while she was trying to shove her hair out of her face.
Despite his curiosity, he gave her one of his disgusted sneers.
She did a double take, her eyes widening.
She stared and stared at Eris, her eyes bewildered. And then she stared some more, as if her eyes had been glued to his immaculately dressed form.
It made Eris a little uncomfortable, and that was saying something, as he was someone who was used to being stared at all the time.
When her eyes remained unwavering, he spat. "What?"
She blinked, her cheeks flushing. "I- you- were you in a play? Why are you dressed like that?"
He rose his brows, incredulous. "What the hell do you mean?"
She scrambled to her feet, and Eris looked away when her dress rode up a little.
Eris was disgusted with himself when he realised that his heart was beating a little faster.
"You- you're dressed up as some... some noble. Am I interrupting a play or something?"
Eris sighed, then walked over to her. "Who the hell are you? Why are you here in Prythian, cause you sure as hell look like you belong in some whore world."
The female gaped at him, her bright eyes enraged. "What the hell is wrong with you! Why would you say that?!"
Despite her angry words, she tugged on the ends of the rag she was wearing, subconsciously trying to cover up.
Before he could speak, leaves crunched behind Eris, and he rolled his eyes, hard, as he removed his jacket and draped it over the pretty female. He had just done adjusting it, trying to ignore her curious and angry eyes when he spoke.
"What is going on here?" The menacing form of the shadowsinger appeared from behind a tree, his wings flared slightly in a show of dominance. He glared at Eris. "Why are you not gone yet?"
"Those are wings!" The female behind Eris mumbled to herself in shock, but Eris ignored her.
Eris gave the shadowsinger a smirk. "Well, looks like we have a problem."
Azriel rose a brow, turning his eyes to the female behind Eris.
"Didn't know you had a thing for outdoor fucking Eris."
A strangled choke came from behind Eris, and it became harder to hide his amusement.
"What do you mean?!"
Azriel rose an unamused brow. "What, are you not being paid?"
"I- you- die!"
Azriel blinked, shocked. He glanced to Eris curiously. "Where'd you find her?"
"I'm trying to figure that out too."
Azriel opened his mouth to speak, but Eris shook his head. "I need to speak to Rhys."
Without much fuss, Azriel accepted.
"Let's go."
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @berryzxx
Taglist: @fell-in-luvs @azrielsmate3
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lilacxquartz · 19 days
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choso x gn!reader
ao3 • masterlist << previous part • next part >>
summary: stumbling upon a strange man while deeply lost on halloween night in the subway, you find yourself quickly in trouble.
tags/warnings: some violence, yandere, reader insert, season 2/shibuya arc references/potential spoilers
a/n: decided to continue this one after all, after this chapter you can expect one more conclusive chapter.
You stared at the man before you, unsure what to think.
In an attempt to tug back your wrist from his almost desperate hold, you found that he wasn’t letting go of you.
The air around the station started to feel thicker, heavier and almost suffocating. The flickering overhead lights were starting to make you nauseated too. The longer he held onto you, the more it seemed as though the walls around you were closing in.
Choso, as you learned the man was now called, pulled you along beside him as you both walked. While being in his presence didn’t feel immediately dangerous, you could tell that something darker was brewing within him as if there was more to him than he let on.
You occasionally looked up at him, watching him pass through the subway with a determined glint in his eyes. Even though he walked with an unwavering stride, his destination locked in mind, he couldn’t help but tighten his hold on you whenever he felt you were potentially straying away.
Such an interaction left you feeling confused as you were unsure as to why he was suddenly helping you with such drive despite the shaky first impression. You didn’t quite understand why there was so much danger down here to begin with, but his serious demeanour was convincing enough so you trusted him.
Or at least, you tried to.
“Stay close to me,” Choso murmured, keeping his voice low. His fingers tightened around your wrist, pulling you a little closer to him.
You could only nod as you tried to swallow away any fear you had. The late autumn night proved cold and stacked with the internal fear that was manifesting in your bones, leaving you almost shivering. Choso’s touch was warm though, surprisingly so, given how almost sickly pale that he looked.
Suddenly, you paused in your tracks and so did he. It felt as though you were being watched and even hunted and upon turning around, you saw a pair of people walking right behind you. Initially, you were relieved but then the longer you stared at them, the more uneasy you felt.
Recognising the confined cursed energy that coursed beneath their unimposing surface, Choso recognised those humans as Mahito’s doing. They weren’t people anymore, just abominations with a temporary cover and being what they truly were, it was no surprise that they were hunting you.
“Stay behind me,” he warned, shoving you slightly back.
Initially, you were about to protest, but then you saw as the people before you became something else completely. It all happened so fast, but their forms quickly became mangled, contorting into grotesque fusions of folded flesh. They lurched forward in a sprint towards where you stood—their movements almost clumsy and erratic—their cold, dead eyes focused right on you.
You tried to step back in an attempt to run away, unsure of what exactly you were seeing but Choso stopped you once again. With a heated growl, he spoke out a warning, “Don’t move. I’ll take care of them.”
His form shielded you from their immediate attack and you couldn’t help but feel your voice lock in your throat. You wanted to scream and ask what on earth was going on, but you couldn’t, with only shaky breaths able to escape your lips.
Choso’s body was tense with anticipation, but he acted swiftly before the now turned cursed spirits could catch up to you and cause any real damage. With a raised hand, his fingers formed a sign and shot out what looked like blood from the tips of his fingers, forming sharp scarlet spears that stabbed through the creature’s bodies, causing them both to be taken down with just one hit.
He remained still for a moment before turning back to you and taking a deep breath. His eyes were dark with tension but he forced himself to soften his stance when he looked back towards you.
“Are you okay?” he asked you, attempting to adopt a gentler tone. Choso had to remind himself that you weren’t a sorcerer, so he had to be patient with you.
You gulped down your fears, attempting to nod but your legs felt weak, as though they would give out at any second.
“I-I’m fine,” you warily stammered, barely hearing your own voice as your heart thundered in your chest, the pulsating echoing against your ears, “what… what exactly are you?”
Choso’s calm demeanour faltered for a second. That was a good question. What was he? His expression turned almost pained, as if he didn’t have a cohesive answer. He found himself stepping forward, trying to hold onto you again as a way to both comfort you but also himself.
“It’s not easy to explain,” he said with a strained tone, the flashback of his fabricated memories still fresh in his mind, “I’m not like you, I was created… not born.”
“Created…?” you repeated what he told you. “So you’re not exactly human? But you look so…”
“I’m what is called a death painting, I believe,” he replied, trying to explain it to you, thinking that maybe if he forces himself to listen to the history he recently learned then it would make it easier, but all it did was torment him. “I was formed in a womb like you, but I was never born. I was made for a… purpose, but that turned out to be a lie because I was misled by someone I thought I could trust,” his voice became more strained, almost rough with emotion, “but that doesn’t matter right now.”
You blinked, unsure how you should process the information he gave you. It was admittedly tough to digest. “It sure sounds like it matters though…”
“My focus right now is you,” he dismissed, shaking his head, “I can’t let anything happen to you, not after everything that has happened tonight.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words as he left you feeling quite strange with the implication. There was something about the way he looked at you that made you feel wary, as though you were his reason for holding on. While flattering, he was still a stranger to you and a dangerous one at that from what you had seen, so such a thought in fact scared you.
“I… I have done things,” Choso continued to speak, his voice almost trembling, “things that I regret. I almost killed someone important to me but… but, I was wrong. I was deceived…” he trailed off for a moment, his eyes locking onto yours, “I-I don’t want to be a monster, but, I’ll do whatever I can to protect you, even if it means I have to become one for your sake in the process.”
You could only stare back at him without forming an immediate response. The weight of his words were heavy, especially coming from someone you had just met. A strange feeling formed for you too, though. You knew that you should have been much more terrified than just simply scared, but there was a part of you that wanted to believe him all the same. It was as though his vulnerability had almost touched you…? It made you feel sad for him and what he was forced to do.
“I… I believe you,” you finally said.
Choso stiffened in response, both relieved but nervous all at the same time. He pulled you closer without warning, ensnaring your body in a tight, sudden hug. His arms around your body feel strong, the muscles tight around your frame but you didn’t feel as though you were in danger.
“Thank you,” he whispered, his breath rolling hot down your neck. “I’ll keep you safe, no matter what I have to do.”
You nodded, letting him hold onto you despite not having a single clue as to what was really going on and finally, after a long minute, he loosened his grip on you even if he didn’t let go of you just yet.
“We need to keep moving,” he said, his voice less intense now but still just as determined as before, “there’s still danger here but I’ll protect you.”
You nodded again, unable to form a response that time as you let him drag you forward. You don’t know exactly where it was that he was leading you, but you felt somehow bonded to this strange man who led you through the underground space. For the most part, the station seemed empty but whenever there was even a passing footstep or a slight shuffle, he would turn the corner with you and lead you somewhere else. You stayed close to him, of course, not that he would allow himself to let you go.
Something about him seemed to be changing however, his breathing slowly grew more labourers and his expression gradually turned grave. It was almost as if he was distracted, with his eyes darting around erratically, searching for something—maybe someone—that wasn’t there.
Then without a single hint of warning, he stopped dead in his tracks.
“Choso…?” you tried to ask.
The death painting didn’t reply right away, still reeling from the overwhelming emotions he was experiencing. Finally though, he finally spoke up, but his voice seemed broken, “I-I… I can’t go on… n-not right now.”
His shoulders sagged as his body melted against the wall, bringing up his knees to a tented fold to his chest. Feeling unsure of what do exactly, you decided to settle down beside him, unsure if it was the correct course of action.
The fear that you felt earlier was still there, deep down in your core. However, you could at the same time understand that he was going through something that went beyond your own comprehension of understanding. You weren’t an unreasonable person. You could feel pity, even empathy for what he might have been going through; it was clear that he was struggling with something, even if you didn’t get the true extent of just how dire it truly was.
“Are you okay?” you tried to ask in a soft tone.
Choso let out a shaky breath, his voice barely audible, “I am not… I’m not okay. I don’t know how to deal with this. All of this. The guilt… the… confusion? I thought I knew what I was and what I had to do, but now nothing makes sense to me anymore.”
His words while scattered, did make at least a a shred of sense to you. You just sat beside him with your hand on his arm, even leaning a little bit. You didn’t have anything that you could say to soothe his aching heart, but you could still offer him your company.
Many minutes had since then passed and the tension in his body slowly subsided as he leaned further into your touch. His breathing was no longer laboured as he fought to regain control, but his eyes were bloodshot with tears that threatened to escape. With one look at you, he begins to cry. He did so quietly at first but then he truly let go; his weeping echoing through the confines of the (mostly) empty station as he finally let go of all the raw pain and regret that he had been holding back.
You kept at his side, offering him your quiet support that he desperately needed. A part of you still didn’t understand him and another part of you still feared him and what he might do, but you swallowed those thoughts away for now. In front of you was a broken man and despite his claims of being a monster, you could very clearly see the humanity within him and his warring struggle to hold onto it.
After what felt like forever, his cries finally seemed to subside and Choso at last wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He then turned his head to get a better look at you and although his gaze initially seemed tender—there was something else lurking beneath the surface—something darker.
“You…” he strained, reigning control of his voice once again, “you’re so kind. Too kind. Why are you still here…?”
You hesitated. Overlooking the part where he wouldn’t let you you go even if you tried to leave, you had a different reason for sticking by his side. “I don’t know… I guess I can just see that you’re trying? You don’t want to be a bad person and it’s clear.”
Choso simply stared at you with an unreadable expression written on his face but then he piped up, finally having something to say to you, “You… You don’t know how much this means to me. No one has ever treated me this way, with kindness… with compassion or with hope.”
You thought that his words were quite tragic, as you were unable to imagine such a lonely existence. It was then that you realised that something had shifted between the two of you. The way he was looking at you now, it felt much more intense than before, almost possessive. It was as if he made an internal decision in his mind and just as you were about to ask him about it, he opened up his mouth as though to stay something.
“I can’t let you go,” Choso said, his voice laced with desperation, “I need you. You’re the only thing that’s keeping me… human.”
You looked at him with some uncertainty evident in your gaze, unable to reply to the bluntness of his words.
“Look, I know that this is… sudden,” he mumbled, realising just how insane he must look to you right now, “but I can’t lose someone like you. Not now. Not ever.”
You swallowed hard as your mind raced at the implication. Just like that feeling you had before, you wanted to break free from this man and run away as far as possible. Then there was that other part of you that couldn’t deny that there was some tension between the two of you—something that dared you to stay, to see where this whole thing might lead. You knew that all of this was wrong and dangerous, but something about the way he looked at you was more convincing than anything you had ever known.
“Please,” he urged, his voice raw and almost pleading. “Please stay with me. Don’t leave. I’ll.. Ill protect you, I’ll do anything for you… just don’t go. Don’t leave me.”
Once again, you looked at him unable to form an immediate response. You got it to an extent; the fear of being alone was almost incapacitating and you weren’t quite believing your own words as you spoke them, but finally you gave in, “Okay, I’ll stay.”
Choso’s eyes lit up with a strange mix of relief and almost possessive hope and it wasn’t long before you found yourself locked up in his strong arms yet again. This time his hold on you however felt stronger, almost imprisoning as though letting you go would mean the end of the world.
As you sat there, wrapped up in his embrace and secured within the confines of his taut body, you realise that once again, something had changed between the two of you. His hold on you wasn’t physical, but emotional and it was very unlikely that you were going to go home anytime soon.
It was as fate was triggered by you accidentally stumbling upon him because in the midst of it, you ended up giving something that he didn’t know he needed.
And now that he had it, he would never let you go.
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In all seriousness, I feel so so sorry for Catherine. I have no intention of publicly speculating on why she needed surgery but my quick googles have shown that a 1-3 month recovery period at home is normal for abominal surgery with a large incision so I don't think people need to be panicking unnecessarily.
I'm so sad that we won't see her until late April at the earliest. I'm sad that we won't get to see her at the BAFTAs, or at with the Welsh/Irish guards, or at the 6 Nations. I'm sad that the Waleses won't be going abroad until the end of the year at the earliest. I'm sad that Kate won't be part of any incoming State Visits in the spring. I'm really sad that there won't be any day-to-day engagements, seeing her with the public or with little children. I don't want her to rush back but I contain multitudes and I will miss her.
I'm completely soft for the fact that William won't be doing engagements until mid-February because he will be with Kate. I'm soft for the fact that he will have a reduced schedule afterwards. And I'm obsessed with the fact that they included that Catherine wants to return to work and wants to reschedule her engagements as soon as possible.
I genuinely don't know what I'm going to do with myself for three months and I'm not looking forward to an increased silly season. I hope Catherine gets to rest and recover privately, with her friends and family around her, and I hope that the summer brings a gentle return to royal duties, the autumn brings overseas trips and tours, and winter brings tiaras and tinsel.
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sanflawoah · 3 days
Black Myth: Wukong
Cursed texts and massive spoilers bellow. Lots of random bits and wee woo wee woo.
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First of all, YEEESSS to everything well written big budget media with heavy cultural elements that isn't western centric. Love it 👏, a thousand more like this please.
HONESTLY can't get enough of the character designs. Watching the old tv show in my childhood got me imagining the JTTW characters as these cute human with animal ears. But since the game took a more serious and darker tone they took the character design to 1000. So many memorable characters with distinct style, drip, and combat.
Ok so whose idea was it to make some of the plants sentient and will beat your ass for daring to pick them up. I now have trust issues with ginseng and mushrooms
The toad bosses reminds me of Gamabunta. For a moment they also gave me a war flashback of Jedi Survivor's Oggdo-Bogdo, I want those things vaporised from earth 🔫🔫
Kang-Jin darkening the environment during her second stage, I legit thought it was a problem with my screen, until I found out other players had it too lmao. Also looove her design, silver loong with holographic glow, prettiest loong in the game
Boss musics are so LIT, I've been looping them for weeks
The Scorpionlord. First I saw him I was like HANZO HASASHI :DD??? But instead of hellfire, this time he uses venom. And the fact that the environments have autumn palette, connects me to MK 11 Shirai Ryu fire garden arena lol
an NPC called Starved Abomination. The name really sends me because ngl it's a relatable concept, I too became an abomination whenever I'm starving.
To punish Wukong for his lifetime worth of trash-talking, the game now choose The Destined One as shy and doesn't talk much except for when he screams during fights. All my grievances of expecting him to be chatty and noisy actually works out the more I understand the story. And turns out it was all part of his journey, you are meant to complete him by collecting Wukong's scattered senses. Lil introverted fur-ball of scream I love you so much. Since the NG+++ Wukong stance actually gave him voicelines, I'm guessing the Destined One is going to complete his development in actually becoming Wukong in the DLC.
Everyone and I mean EVERYONE had a beef with Wukong and now we gotta pick up after his mess. My poor Destined One walked into an area completely clueless and suddenly everyone is jumping on him because "REMEMBER THE THING YOU DID TO ME A FEW HUNDRED YEARS AGO??? WELL FUK YOU, NOW DIE."
🐱Yin Tiger🐱. First time I met him I was like ohhh who are you, you look so cool and kinda cute tho, look at those big boba eyes, pspspsps.
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He's all busy with his hammer and zabuza sword, thinks you're so annoying for bothering his work. Then there's this "challenge" option and suddenly he rose and casually tossed his hammer to the ground, I was like wait I was just joking aYO I WAS JUST JOKING-, then proceeds to delete my HP in 30 seconds. Anyway I love how he appears big and heavy and yet moves so swiftly. Of ALL the tiger bosses in this game, imo he's the coolest and THE SANEST. I still can''t get over the Tiger Vanguard and Mad Tiger trauma, those orange cats are on a whole new level of insanity.
🕷️Fourth Spider Sister🕷️. I'm actually so INVESTED in her mystery, like why are you helping me? Why do you look so sad? Are those tear stains on your cheeks?? Why did the Immortal Crane said that I'm giving you "false hopes"? What were we in the previous life?
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"Think about her, won't you? Should you feel like stirring trouble in your next life." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, TELL ME. SHE SEEMS SO NICE THO, she's just a sad goth girl what did she do?? What did WE do?? And her journal entry is so interesting.
🐉Yellow Loong🐉. LISTEN.... I literally had to pause for a moment when I saw him. Cutscene plays and I was like Oohh it's going to be that type of charismatic character reciting monologue, and then I saw his name and it's THE YELLOW LOONG??? This suave horned man is The Yellow Loong??
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Well damn I have to say that's one handsome loong. He's one of those elegant style fighters, my favourite genre, up there with Whiteclad Noble and Erlang Shen.
👁️Erlang Shen⚡. The way I turned up the volume when I heard Andrew Koji's Erlang voice.....It's just so.......pleasant to hear. Something about the way he did his voice, the smug taunts, the gentle almost-whispers, and the gROWLS???
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I can't even with the entirety of Erlang's character design in this game, because dAMN BOI what a BEAUTY. I thought the game was going to make his appearance more mature looking, or even scarier, because that's just how it is with game character design formula, especially in games like this. But NOOOOO..... they made him ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. His face, his voice, HIS MOVESS, the way they designed his martial arts so elegantly. When you perfect dodge everything with him, it really feels like a dance. I have to note that when sometimes you tried heavy attack on him aND HE SIMPLY JUST-.... took one step to the side.... THE ABSOLUTE SLAYYY DISRESPECT💅💅. Welcome back Isshin from Sekiro.
Also I just found out that depending on what transformation you're using, he's going to react differently on each. Particularly interesting one was when you use Azure Dust. Most of the time, when you transform, he's going to transform too and chances are he's going to one-shot you out of the transformation. He doesn't do that with Azure Dust for some reason, instead he got amused because Lmao returning back to your origin?. And this line, "Walking his path is no easy feat, it will test you relentlessly". SOMETHING SOMETHING ABOUT ERLANG HAVING THIS HIDDEN BURDEN THROUGHOUT THE PLOT IS DRIVING ME INSANE, I NEED THE DLC TO EXPLORE HIS CHARACTER MORE I'M BEGGING YOU GAME SCIENCE. You can't leave me hanging with his journal entry please I want him to have some peace and closure.
Powerful quiet character with hidden struggle, the bane of my existence, my beloved.
☂️🐉The Four Heavenly Kings🎸🗡️. MAN I love these guys, their fight feels so rewarding somehow, because after all those struggles with Erlang, they feel more like a reward battle for visual entertainment.
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Aside from being relatively easy, they're just so fun to watch. I keep wanting to stall the fight just to see what move sets they could perform because their coordinated attacks are just SO COOL.
South king throwing the sword at us, joined by the West king throwing punches, and then the West king passing the sword back to South king. That brief moment of them passing weapons, they need to do more of that, so sick.
The North king combo with every other kings. The West jumping up using the North's umbrella, summoned the dragon, the South yeeting the sword, and the East buffing up the umbrella thrust attack with his Pipa magic. I'd hate to be a normal human citizen under them during that scene GODDAMN. I'd say the West is the game's favourite king because he's the one with the most screentime. He's the one with distinct glowing eyes and he was the most visible behind Erlang during the opening. The North being the coolest because WTF WAS THAT TYPHOON UMBRELLA WITH THE WEST'S DRAGON ROLLING WITH IT, AND THE MUSIC QUE, ABSOLUT CINEMA. The East probably being the chillest of them all because my man was just serenading the fight yo, I like how his fingers actually moves accurately playing the BGM. I know they're on the heaven's side, but for some reason I want them to be on our side if it's possible in the DLC. If we could get Erlang, then surely we can get them? They're too epic not to have.
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Who would've thought that we're going to fight our former self as a literal your greatest enemy is yourself concept. Like yO IT'S THE G HIMSELF WUKONG but now FUK I HAVE TO FIGHT HIM?? Look, sir, Mr. Great Sage, I know I've been playing around as you and I don't even know what I'm doing, I'M SORRY.
So now we're fighting zombie Wukong. He's literally soulless inside and his voice sounds demonic. YET STILL he radiates that lively asshole energy. You try pillar stance to get away from him, he does the same but his pillar is TALLER than yours. You try to walk off calmly, he does the same but then taunts you for it, eats a peach and then flicks the seed to your head. Kicks you to the sky and transforms his jingu bang into a pillar and plants it to the ground with you under it. He cheats by summoning kintoun and body slammed you. He summoned his clones to kick you in all directions only for the original Wukong to wait on the side yawning, then he kicks your jingu bang back at you like "pick it up bitch", and taunts you with his hand gesture to come at him. Ok now you're raging and you tried to pillar stance heavy attack at him, he's like "shut yo bitch-" and GRABBED YOUR JINGU BANG WITH YOU STILL HOLDING ON TO IT AND STARTS USING YOU AS A FLY SWATTER. Just as you think that these suffering couldn't get any worse, you tried to heal and he IMMOBILISED YOU, SNATCHED YOUR GOURD AND TOOK A SIP, decided that it tastes like shit and threw it back at you. Now THIS is the little shit that I know and love.
The whole time you tried to do a move against him, he returned the favour but better. You think your staff extension is long? Ok he'll extend his staff to a kilometer, and that's STILL him holding back. You can do ring of fire? His is bigger in diameter and burns brighter. The game had to nerf out his lore accurate skills because it's just so atrociously OP.
Ok so you finally defeated him? Just as he got dusted away he still managed to croak a last laugh.
Que good ending animated cutscene with the JTTW plot in reverse serenaded with Celestial Symphony. Happy onions, happy onions tearing up the eyes. Crank the volume up, it's all coming together. That's Ba Jie, that's Sanzang, that's Wujing, that's horse.
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softmangoes · 3 months
true terror | ivory wraith x pc
18+ only
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the sun dips below the horizon, tinging the waters of the lake with the day's final golden rays.
you take a deep breath, filling your lungs with the scent of pine and the cold crisp of autumn. the wait is over: there will be a blood moon tonight.
before, you would await for that familiar pull to tug on your soul and reel you into the depths of the lake. those first few nights had felt like something out of a dream: a face made of moonlight, hands that brushed your skin as if to make sure you were real, eyes like shards of the night.
but at this point, you have made marking your calendar to count down the days a science. you have stowed away a bag of spare clothes in the forest. the waves lap at your ankles, beckoning you closer. you are so tired, so sore, and all you want to do is be engulfed by something that shouldn't even be possible.
once you wade until the waters have reached your chest, you take another breath and dive.
"beloved," a familiar voice hums once you surface. you don't quite hear his voice so much as feel it. the specter's joy feels bright, like the gleam of moonlight illuminating the crevices of your soul.
with a grunt, you climb onto the stones, gripping the length of rope you anchored into the ruin during your last visit. the inside of the old temple is lit with a soft glow. he is here. the abomination. the monster. the ghost that haunts you and your heart.
you expect to see his gentle smile to celebrate your arrival. but at the sight of you, the wraith falls silent.
he sees the bruises darkening your throat, listens to your ragged breaths, watches as the tears swell and stream from your eyes.
"i missed you," you say, trying to manage an assuring smile. oh, he's so beautiful. you don't want to ruin your time together with your pain. "i didn't want to keep you waiting."
like a wave, the specter surges in front of you. his hands are balled into fists.
"who made you weep?" he says slowly, reeling in his rage as a riptide pulls a current back to the depths of the ocean.
"i'm fine," you begin to say, but before you can continue, the wraith extends a cold hand to your face and wipes a tear from your cheek. he brings his finger to his mouth, tastes the wet bead of your sorrow.
in that moment, the wraith sees the memory of a vile figure of a man with dark hair and an even darker heart. his hands are around your throat, telling you that you are worthless. that you better pay up or else.
when the specter's eyes open, they are nothing but endless wells of blue. his expression is placid. glassy. the calm before the storm.
"i will rend their flesh from their bones." ghostly tentacles manifest around him, writhing and roiling in the air as if itching to capture and constrict their prey. "they will bear witness to true terror."
"hey," you say softly, taking one of their hands in yours. you two only ever have so much time. already, the moon begins to wane. "i'm okay, alright? i promise."
the wraith softens. his tentacles calm. you are just how you have always been. how he has always loved you: gentle, optimistic, hopeful.
and in all the lives you have lived, you have always been a bad liar.
"the world is unkind." he gathers you into his arms and presses his lips against your temple. "but here, you will always be safe."
you sigh, the tension of the last few days leaving your body. it is only in the arms of an aberration that you can finally find solace. after a few moments, you fall asleep to his fingers running through your hair and the hum of a song that sets your soul at ease.
but soon the night ends as it always does. the wraith places your sleeping form back onto your bed.
his eyes are as red as the moon.
you are safe, as he promised. the hunt begins. you do not hear the screams that pierce through the night.
when you wake up the next morning, bailey's office is empty. you do not see him the day after. or the next.
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hex12345678910 · 4 months
My pronoun hoard part 1
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The Yanderes of the Autumn Court
(Fall has finally 'fallen' haha, and I couldn't resist writing this. I'd say this is based on fairies, but I love cosmic horror too much to not add a wee bit of it...so I named them Alterkinder or Alterkind for singular (lit just German for 'Older Children' smh 😞) because this is my bastardized version of them.
To avoid the overuse of this made up word, I also call them the Fallen, the Autumn Court, autumn fae, or the Wither. If I say 'Yandere' specifically, I'm referring to the Yandere. Though it might seem like it, not all fair folk are lovesick in this world of mine, so the yanderes are one of a kind even compared to their fellow eldritch abominations.
Enjoy this cosmic fairy shit, loves.)
Content: original worldbuilding, stalking as courtship, unintentional cannibalism, kidnapping, necrophilia, eldritch monsters and their own version of love. Took inspirations from Hades and Persephone, but besides the kidnapping scene, nothing else.
The Autumn Court.
Once the greatest of the Alterkinder, they bear scars from wars of ages past.
Nowadays, they are merely remembered as the Fallen, the Shadows of What Was. They were left to rot in the realm of ambers and russets, where the earth is too coarse and barren to grow much of anything.
As a result, the Fallen pride themselves on being resilient, persistent even at the face of hardship and humiliation.
Which is why for you, their mortal pet, it means rejection will never be an option.
Harvest Season
As patron deities of harvests and hunts, the Fallen treat courtship the same way a hunter would a promising prey. It's all a game to some of them. Whereas we mortals have dating rituals, the Autumn Court have what they call 'the Harvesting'.
Elder Fallen will know the season is coming before it even hits them. They will feel it in the breeze flowing through their hair, feel it in the slightest drop in temperature, or in the smallest change to their physiology.
The younger, inexperienced Fallen tend to fall victim to their basest instincts.
Should you find yourself the target of a Fallen's affection, and a Yandere one at that, just know that you will have until winter to dissuade them. Before the first snowfall, they can court you without interference from any other spirits besides those from their own court, so take advantage of it.
I wouldn't get your hopes up though. You'll realize the further more you read this what I mean by 'persistent'.
Finders, Keepers
It is a tradition in the Autumn Court that a fae must brand their chosen prey to prevent any conflict.
At this point, they will not show themselves to their chosen mortal just yet. Reasons vary, but for a Yandere, it's typically because their first priority is to let all the others know that you are theirs and theirs alone. They know just how heated territorial disputes within their court can get, and they'd rather keep you out of it as much as possible.
Though this tradition was founded to prevent any two autumn fae from fighting over the same prey, it isn't always respected. If the Yandere themselves haven't disregarded the brand of their fellow kin, then they are ensuring that nobody else would do the same. Realistically, that is impossible, but some of the more powerful members of the court could absolutely decimate anyone they think covets their pet.
From death by a thousand thorns to being mauled to shreds by their most vicious familiars, but I'll speak of their cruelties later.
How a Fallen chooses to brand their Darling is up to individual preferences.
Among the Headless Riders, their favourite method is to douse their target with their blood. Their human can scrub themselves clean, but little do they know, enough of it will still linger for any fae to notice.
Some are less dramatic and opt for something simpler, like runes and insignias.
I don't know about you, but the lack of blood make it a little less romantic...but that's just my opinion.
Pumpkin Spice and Apple Pies
After they have secured their ownership, this is when the true courtship begins.
Some Elder Fallen may still remember the magic of the Old Summers. They cannot stop the inevitable march of winter, but the chill won't drop any lower than is comfortable for a while just so they could see you wearing your favourite sweaters. Anythig to prevent you from wearing too many layers.
Some could even bless your lands with fertility to ensure a plentiful harvest for the local farmers in your area, or make it drizzle everyday should they see how much you like how it sounds against your windows.
But what can a young Fallen do when he doesn't have much power or prestige to his name?
A feast.
It isn't official, but any Fallen worth their salt must show they are capable providers. The Autumn Court as a whole not only finds pride in being survivors, but in thriving where their enemies thought they will perish.
Roast meat, your favourite desserts, and fruits you cannot name will all be beautifully arranged on your table regardless of how small it is.
But never ask what the meat is from. Don't ask what these fruits are either. The apples' flesh is red, bleeding, for a reason. You wouldn't want to know why.
The feast is simply a symbol of their dedication to you. The Yandere hopes that by showing you the fruits of their labour, you will believe them when they promise that you will never feel fear or hunger ever again.
Just let them take care of you.
The Reaping
At last, fall is coming to an end, and the Fallen are beginning to feel the approach of winter. The time has come for them to choose whether or not they want to keep you.
The Reaping is the last stage, and it is perhaps the most scariest thing the Yandere can do to you during the Harvesting.
This is because for many mortals, they wouldn't even see their suitor until this stage in the Harvesting. It's not like they could have known that the owl, falcon, cat, mountain lion, and fox that they have been encountering was just their secret admirer in disguise.
And as the wise of old said: "The longer the wait, the sweeter the fruit."
Knowing this, the Yandere would certainly abstain from talking to you just to keep the Reaping special.
It would be the first time they'll hear your voice directly being spoken to them, and only them.
It would be the first they'll feel the warmth of your skin and supple flesh, take in your scent and taste.
At last, they have you all entirely to themselves.
It all seems romantic...for the Alterkind. But for you, the first meeting is nothing less than a kidnapping.
Imagine the earth shaking out of nowhere. When you thought it was only an earthquake, the ground quite literally parts in half, and a great hole forms before you. Just as you try to even make sense of it, a great black steed leaps out. Its rider--of course it has a rider. It won't be able to wear the most noblest of accruements otherwise--simply whisks you away, back to which he came from. Your screams of terror will be ignored.
Every Fallen has their own unique love story, but if there is one thing common in all of them, it is that none of the brides were willing.
Zealous Protectors
Their defeat at the hands of the Summer Court and Spring Court had heightened something that every Alterkind has: possessiveness.
For one thing, having their home realm taken from them has made them deeply paranoid. Being stripped of all their wealth and power was like rubbing salt on their wounds.
As such, the Alterkind of the Autumn Court learned to be wary of anyone who so much as look at their possessions wrong.
The average Fallen are zealous in their guardian duties. Elder Fallen especially are known for taking their vows of protection seriously. After all, the memory of what they've lost is still fresh in their mind.
So optimistically, your devoted Alterkind was born several generations after that fateful war, but don't expect much improvement.
One of the most cruelest deaths whispered within the Court came from someone even they least expected.
There was once a prince of a quiet nature. Though far from a pacifist, his temper was not as tempestuous as the winter blizzard or thunderstorms of spring. He planted thorn berries within the belly of a spring fae, nurtured it until they grew out of her bleeding mouth and tore her stomach open.
All of this because she regarded his beloved mortal for longer than what he allowed.
Possessiveness runs deep in the veins of the Alterkinder, be they of autumn, winter, spring, or summer.
But you must know, the culture of the Fallen was built from humiliation, the detritus of their golden age act as its foundation. It nurtured them to become what they are now:
Like Leaves in Fall
Ironically, the court that finds virtue in change and transition have some of the most...'inflexible' members.
You might think concepts often associated with autumn like decay and inevitability would make them more accepting of death, but alas. Once in a blue moon, you will hear tragic tales exemplifying just how much lower the Fallen Kinder could fall.
The Lovesick of the Autumn Court are just that; patron spirits of rot and inevitable death, unable to accept that even something immaterial and abstract like love can be taken from them.
They themselves can decay. It isn't unheard of for an autumn kind to slowly devolve into the very thing they are masters of. Their skin dries and peels like dried bark as their joints and bones go brittle.
They can grow lonesome.
It may hold onto the rotting corpse, too broken to acknowledge the maggots infesting its sludgy flesh, and imagine movements. In desperate hope, their decayed heart will jump as they think, "They're alive! They're waking up! I don't have to be cold and alone anymore!"
But once the Kind realize they were wrong, the grieving process starts anew, and they hurt all over again.
Their entirety withers. Their thoughts and memories may drift away. Their grasp on reality becomes just as lost as fluttering leaves.
Where you truly ever theirs to begin with?
The Fallen Fae becomes bitter. Cold.
This cold bitterness grows and grows until it turns into something all-consuming. It will destroying whatever kindle was left in their heart, making it impossible for them to feel the warmth of love or hope ever again.
And so...they hold onto their Darling. A hollow shell of what their love once was.
In the shadows of the past.
Mind scattered in the wind like fallen leaves.
Ivies grow here.
In this cold dungeon of old.
Hush, for you will miss it.
The crying of the Withered.
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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"Hey, look at this creepy illustration in this old book" (Jean-Michel Nicollet, from "Draw Me a Monster," an abominable library setting and mini-scenario for Call of Cthulhu, in Casus Belli 34, autumn 1986)
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tyrantisterror · 12 days
What are your top ten Halloween movies?
I'm going to give you the answer to the question "what movies do you try to watch every Halloween" instead, since otherwise the answer to this question is identical to "what are your top ten horror movies," which is impossible for me to answer.
The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I always use to start the season.
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. I always try to watch a few of the Universal monster movies, and this one always caps it off as a sendoff to that era.
Brides of Dracula. I also always try to do at least a few of the Hammer horror movies, and since Brides of Dracula is my favorite of the lot it always ends up in rotation.
Dawn of the Dead (1977), one of my all-time favorite movies period.
Little Shop of Horrors (1987), another one of my all-time favorite movies period.
Extraordinary Tales (2013), an animated anthology of Edgar Allen Poe adaptations with narration by Christopher Lee, Guillermo del Toro, and a posthumous Bela Lugosi via an old radio recording he did
Beetlejuice, a movie that's a Cope family tradition at this point. It's also a Cope family tradition to have a Tim Burton night as part of the Halloweening, which always consists of this movie and the next entry on our list...
Sleepy Hollow, the other requisite Tim Burton choice, and my favorite adaptation of the Sleepy Hollow story. We also pick a third movie to go with it and BJ - either Corpse Bride, Mars Attacks, or Frankenweenie (Frankenweenie would be a regular if it weren't for the really racist Asian caricature in it).
The Abominable Dr. Phibes. I try to get in a few Vincent Price movies before the season is over, and since Dr. Phibes is my favorite, it's most often in rotation.
Cabin in the Woods, which feels perfect for the end of the season thanks to the finale where it lets dozens of archetypal monsters out to play.
Technically Not a Movie But Just as Necessary as the Above: Over the Garden Wall, which is always the VERY last Halloween thing we watch, as a bridge between Autumn and Winter.
I also try to work in some of my favorite trashy 80's living dead movies - Return of the Living Dead, Re-Animator, or an entry from the Evil Dead Series - as well as some 50's/60's era creature features. I used to work in a kaiju week as well, but in recent years I've done a larger kaiju marathon either in November (the 3rd being Godzilla's birthday) or March (my birthday month), and thus don't feel the need to try and work them into Halloweening.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (21)
E for Eadha (Aspen) - September 21st Autumn Equinox
“Whispering tree, also known as Trembling tree  - Autumn Equinox of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), when moving into darkness”
Star: Pluto, Mercury, Saturn: Gemstone: black opal,; Gender: female; Patron deity: Persephone, Hades; Symbol: listening, overcoming fear + courage, shield, light in the darkness
Aspen trees are all native to cold regions with cool summers, in the north of the northern hemisphere, extending south at high-altitude areas such as mountains or high plains.
The aspen is referred to as quaking aspen or trembling aspen because the leaves "quake" or tremble in the wind. This is due to their flattened petioles which reduce aerodynamic drag on the trunk and branches, so that they catch any slight breeze, making the leaves tremble, flutter and make a soft, rustling sound each time they do so. In autumn, the leaves turn bright yellow and sometimes red, and when they fade further and turn black, they fall off.
The ancient Celts believed that the wind was a messenger of the word of the gods and therefore considered anything that was in tune with the wind sacred. The same is true of the aspen tree. The aspen, which has the best ears of all trees, always rustled its leaves in response to the voice of the gods.
However, the aspen, with its close connection to death and the underworld, came to be regarded as a tree of misfortune. In earlier times, corpses and graves were counted with a cane made of aspen named fé, and people were terribly afraid of the calamities that would befall them if they were struck with this cane. The connection with the seasons, rest and rebirth was often overlooked, and many people, cowering in fear, heard only the abominable sound of aspen leaves rustling in the wind. However, the teachings of the aspen are about overcoming the fear of death, the fear of the unknown and fear itself. The aspen was called the 'shield tree' by the Irish Celts, and is said to have been their favourite tree for making shields. This was not only because aspens provided a reassuring shield, but also because they protected us from flinching in the face of the unknown, once we had taken their teachings to heart.
Incense made from aspens is burned continuously during Halloween (Celtic festival of Samhain). Halloween is the time of year when the distance between this world and the underworld is at its closest, and the period that ushers in the new year. Samhain is also the festival of the New Year, which takes place on November the 1st, the beginning of the year, but it is also the festival of the dead. It is believed that during nights between the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, the border with the other world disappears, the souls of the dead visit their relatives, and demons and evil spirits cause damage to crops and livestock.
Ancient Celtic cultures were known to carve turnips or potatoes and place embers inside to ward off evil spirits. That's because Ireland didn't have pumpkins. In England, large beets were used. When immigrants brought over their carving tradition, Americans began carving jack-o'-lanterns from pumpkins.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (21)
EはEadha (ポプラ) - 9月21日・秋分の日 
『ささやきの木、震える木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)・秋分、暗闇に移るとき』
星: 冥王星、水星、土星: 宝石: ブラック・オパール、; 性: 女性; 守護神: ベルセポネ、ハデス; シンボル: 聞くこと、恐怖の克服+勇気、楯、暗闇の中の光明
ポプラ (セイヨウヤマナラシ‘山鳴らし’) の木はすべて、北半球の北部で夏が涼しく寒い地域に自生し、南は山や高原などの標高の高い地域に広がっている。
ハロウィン (ケルトのサウィン祭)の期間中、ポプラから作られたお香が焚かれ続ける。ハロウィンは、現世と冥界の距離が最も近くなる時期であり、新年を迎える期間でもある。サウィンは、1年の始まりである11月1日に行われる新年の祭りでもあるが、同時に死者の祭りでもある。年末から新年が始まるまでの夜は、あの世との境界がなくなり、死者の魂が親族を訪ね、悪魔や悪霊が農作物や家畜に被害を与えると信じられている。
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catbatart · 10 months
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Got to work on some miniatures this weekend!
I counted up ALL of my unfinished minis and have about 1,300. So I decided I need to start chipping through them!
Had a lot of fun just splashing some speedpaints on the abomination ogre (don't remember his actual name, but it's by Archon) and then building those colors up. He's so neon and colorful but so gross! (Added some UV resin to make everything just a little slimier!)
The Samurai is my first bust. She'd been sitting mostly painted on my shelf for awhile and I really needed to just finish her. I could've spent a lot more time on her but rather than get hung up, I decided to move on.
And the feathered snake (Tobi-Kadachi from the Monster Hunter Boardgame) I wanted to paint up to be an autumnal bush viper! Really pleased with how they look!
None of these are my best paintjobs but they look pretty cool on the table and they're FINISHED!
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