#ayesha this post is for you specifically
fourthnattawat · 1 year
just saw a parallel edit of the bbs rooftop confession scene with naina from yjhd as pran saying “tum kyun nahi samajh te ki agar main tumhare sath ek aur pal raha toh…mujhe tumse pyar ho jayega…phirse” and i will never be the same again
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
And now, for some shit ain't nobody asked for... *drumroll please...*
Fanboy Futturman Headcanons That Hardly Make Sense Unless You're Deranged
(because it's fun)
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Tags: just rawdog it bruh, idk what this is. I got fucken murmed.
Notes: Special thanks to @luverstream for going insane with me. This list is based off of our oddly specific thread. Love you pookers <3
• 100% started writing fanfiction for 'Biotic Wars' because there was only two works in the whole fandom and they were both illiterate/ooc
• It started as a challenge because he likes writing as a hobby so he made a random account on Tumblr and wrote a one-shot from Tigers POV just for shits and giggles
• He didn't expect literally anyone to read it, maybe a couple notes
• Then around his lunch break the next day his phone won't. Stop. Dinging.
• Long story short, he ends up with an account with like. 1.1k followers
• Once he realizes he has a serious reader base, he takes his blog seriously
• He spends a weird amount of time perfectly curating his blogs aesthetic with mods and whatever extentions he can find
• Personally commissions other fans for his fanfic borders, proper gifs, etc. He has one fanfic actually illustrated for Kinktober and it stays at the top of the 'Biotic War' tags for months
• Speaking of Kinktober, literally will not make plans for October/late September because he knows he's gonna aim to post everyday
• Will stay up for days writing when he gets hyperfixated
• Hates posting short fics. If the number doesn't end with a .k he doesn't post it until it does
• Also has a bunch of Easter eggs from his favorite movies and such in his works as well
• Knows an insane amount of copywrite laws because he's had to deal with people illegally selling his works/uploading them on other platforms
• When he eventually gets a partner he initially lies and says he wanted to become a lawyer when he was a kid, thus why he knows so much
• That works for about 12 minutes before he finally breaks down and tells them the truth, then offers to show them his work because he's told literally no one in his personal life about it
• His partner eventually becomes his editor and co-author on certain works (mainly smut)
• Half the time when he's actively working on smut he's gotta stop midway to "test the accuracy" w/ said partner
• Writes OUTRAGEOUS smut that makes him unable to look in the mirror while he's writing it
• Deadass hides under his blankets in total darkness with tape over his computers camera because of the shame
• Has a collection of proofreaders/consultants because his first smut included cervix penetration and he got dragged by basically everyone on Tumblr for it
• Had a work get popular enough one time one of his friends sent it to him because they figured he'd get a kick out of it
• Which made him panic and stop writing for like a month to lay low
• Has a completely different Spotify account for writing because his mom uses his "normal" account even though he has a family plan (side note: they make little playlists for each other :))
• Has like 50 different playlists dedicated to his fics that's available for his readers to listen to
• The artists all range from Deftones to dodie depending on the work
• His top artist is Ayesha Erotica with 2000+ minutes spent on 'Yummy'
• (Also has an impossible amount of hours logged on said Spotify account)
• Has a whole panic attack when he leaves his phone in the 60s because he had a whole new chapter ready to publish in his 20 part hurt/no comfort/slowburn fic that was over 10.k words in his notes app
• Wolf finds his Ao3 account one time and becomes... concerningly obsessed with Futturmans work without realizing Futturman is the author
• It gets to the point Wolf will legit go on 30+ minute rants about the stories while Futturman is just hyperventilating in the corner because he doesn't know how long he can keep up the facade
• It gets worse when Wolf makes an account and starts actually commenting on the works
• However he ends up getting impressive tips from the rants and ends up incorporating his suggestions into his works
• Wolf never stops bragging about this
• His most popular work/series follows a female oc that originally started as a one-shot request for a oc x Wolf fic (which Wolf hates because he says it's OoC. Futturman does not agree nor care.) But ended up getting popular enough there's well over 20 parts
• At some point he, Wolf and Tiger get into a massive argument because he finds a bound copy of all of his works amongst their supplies and no one will confess who's it is and keep blaming each other
• (It's Tigers)
• When he gets to his final timeline he manages to get his all of his drafts back through Susan (who had a lot of questions, and was given no answers) and just publishes his work as an original series since Biotic Wars no longer exists
• "Orginial series" gets insanely popular and now he has like five burner accounts so he can read fanfiction of his own fanfiction
• Writes fanfiction for his own series purposely to fuck with the fanbase
• Usually will make it ooc but well written, but once in awhile comes up with a "headcanon" that will come true in his next book so he can watch the readers implode
• And last but not least
• He casts his other self in the final timeline as the male lead in the eventual movie adaptation. Because of course he would
(Bonus: in the OG timeline when Futturman ends up disappearing, his biggest series ends up never being finished, nor his blog updated. Leading to a weirdly thorough four hour video docuseries made by Wendigoon about the rise and disappearance of the mysterious author and how the 'Biotic Wars' fandom eventually finished the fic themselves and created their own spinoffs, leading the work to get more popular than 'Biotic Wars' ever was and like five different people falsely claiming they wrote it, only to be disproven within an insanely short amount of time. Yeah, kinda a full on My Immortal.)
Don't ask me what this was, I think I got possessed. Anyways, bon achoo sweet.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
Hiii!! I saw your post with the cod boys + Alejandro for a reader who likes Ayesha erotica and etc but I was wondering how would they react to music like: Narcissistic personality disorder, Stare don’t touch and like artists like: Odetari, Cade Clair, 9lives, Lumi Athena and Iluvvern?
Hey! Thank you for the request! I rarely listen to them myself, tried my best but this was still fun to write!
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Now this man isn't really the person that listens to music a lot. Sure, he knows the regular typical chart songs because a specific scotsman always listens to radio when they drive somewhere, but really he doesn't know shit about music and he doesn't really care about it either. That is, until he found out what kind of music you enjoy and listen to!
He was a little confused as why you were so fond of this...chaos of high pitched noises and yelling. Questioning you why a sane normal person would in general enjoy getting their ears torn apart when they wanted to listen to something that's called and considered an art form? You decided to give the poor man a little break in into the world of edm and phonk genre. You explained the emotions that went with these type of songs and how it just makes your spine tingle when you listen to something like NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER or other songs of these kind. He tried to listen to a few himself, but it's really not his. He doesn't mind you listening to it though.
He does however looks after you. He knows how you can sometimes forget to take breaks when listening to music with your headphones and afterwards get headaches from it. He will remind you to keep the volume on a lower healthier level rather than fully turned up. Whatever makes you happy, makes him feel content as well. As long as his love is happy and doesn't get hurt that is.
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Johnny is a little menace. He likes music. Mostly Scottish stuff or dirty songs like Ayesha Erotica but when he heard you listen to Red Eyes Black Dragon on full volume in your room he got curious. He's never heard of this kind of music, hyperpop and dance/electronic wasn't really his until now. He started easily with something that was pretty popular on TikTok to see if he should try out listening to more.
He did find two favourite songs after a while. Sure, they are pretty popular at the moment but he didn't chose them because of that. He just...really feels them when they come on his playlist. Kerosene Sped up and Murder In My Mind are his go to's when asked what his favourite songs are at the moment. He also really lives to explain why he suddenly started liking this kind of music. His answer always the same: ,,Y/n listens to it. It's their favourite music genre and I feel so close to them when listening to this music!". Ghost thinks Soap is head over heels for you and should finally tell you everytime he sees you guys smiling at each other longingly while one of you puts this music on. It's like a secret conversation between you two.
When you finally got together (after he proposed you listen to music together in his room to calm down after a long mission and he put on the song if it ain't me by whatsaheart and afterwards kissed you) weekly music sessions are a must. You invite Gaz sometimes because he really wants to explore more music genres meanwhile on other days you have discussions about your all time favorite songs in the car and Johnny always hypes you up when Kyle tries to make his music genre the dominating part of the discussion. If you are close to losing the discussion Soap will just straight up pull his phone out, start his playlist and play your guys genre as loud in the car as comfortable for your ears.
Visiting raves together is also very important. Soaps first rave was with you and Gaz. He got so overwhelmed by all the nlise and lights that you had to leave earlier to cuddle with him and listen to his calming scottish songs in a very very low volume, barely hearable in your guys room. It was still fun for him and after that he got used to the clubs noise and lights!
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Poor Gaz really loves music. He does. But he is unsure of exploring new music genres. Way more comfortable with staying with what he knows and learned to like. Though when invited over to you and Soaps weekly music session he couldn't decline. A good time listening to music with his best friends? Hell yeah! That was, until he heard what kind of music it was you guys listened to. First being really opposed to it, he left very early saying he still had papers to sign. He actually just needed time in a quiet room because his ears had started to hurt sadly.
Next time he listened to this music was when he and you shared a room on a mission. You put it on to fall asleep, god knows how you could sleep to it but you seemed to do just fine. Kyle layed awake on his makeshift bed and tried to listen to the text and after a while he also fell asleep. It was a miracle how but he did. He asked what song played when you guys fell asleep the next day, trying to recreate the melody so you knew which one he was looking for and soon he got the name from you. Metamorphosis. It's become his favourite song, one of the more softer sounding ones he really enjoyed.
Cuddle sessions when you guys are together os a must. In the background there is always your playlist playing on a low volume to not hurt Gaz and his poor sensitive ears. Though once in a while he can be seen in a rave with you, where he wears sweet green earplugs you got him for his birthday, to reduce the noise a little and still be able to enjoy the event.
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Man has no idea what in the seven hells you got there going. Was it an exorcism? He wasn't sure. He also couldn't understand a single thing. But you seemed to be doing just fine. Singing your lungs out to Sex Obsession by cade clair and Lumi Athena. Watches you bouncing around the training field while shooting and stabbing dummys left and right without a single miss. Today was your turn to choose the music on the little makeshift training field John had at his own home, you guys had a week long off from work but still spend it training because you didn't know what else to do. When you started your playlist he knew the "enemies" were done for. It seemed with this kind of music you just felt more powerful and legendary or something of that kind. At least that's what you have told him.
He is impressed by how you can work so good with that shit on full speakers, but he doesn't allow you to listen to it while on a mission or on base on the training field because it could distract yourself and the other soldiers. Internally he also says that because he himself isn't really a fan of that music and finds it even a little annoying. But he doesn't tell you that. For that he adores your happy face while the music plays too much. Gaz and Soap asked him and Ghost once to join you guys on a rave night. Old man didn't even knew what it was and only said yes because you had the next day off. Simon just stayed back and laughed his ass off at John's obliviousness.
When you guys came back the poor old man had to take some ibuprofen to make his headache go down a little.
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So you like raves and all this weird interesting sounding music? Nice! Alejandro does know a few things, of course he does. His and Rudys teenager lifestyle was going to parties and being active all day and night. But the music style did change a little over the years. Electronic/Dance is still a beautiful sounding chaos but a little more...Gen Z like, how Soap and Gaz would put it. Alejandro is listening to it with you, now and then. But he won't allow you to play it while training or on operations. Even if he loved you and you were his everything, he likes his workspace to be concentrated and ready for anything so no music or anything allowed.
Well you and Rudy did prank him once in a while with that sudden loud music in his office or while training the new Los Vaqueros members. It was fun to watch him get scared and then calm down just to be annoyed be the laughter of the new recruits or when he kicks his pencil holder off his table because there was a sudden loud melody right behind him on his desk and while turning around the poor cup holding his pencils got a visual flying lesson around the room.
Raves tho, are a yes. When you guys have free time and there is one nearby, he likes to take you on a date to visit them. On the occasion he loves to get a little risky on those raves, taking you somewhere more hidden and pounds you to the beat. He once invited Rudy, after talking to you, and when Alejandro started walking away with you hot on his trail Rudy started to follow as well in the dark neon lighted room full of people. In a dark corner they fucked you, a pleasant surprise for Rudy which ended with you and your boyfriend grinning successful and enjoying the outcome of the night.
So sorry this took me so long. My mental health is a little down right now and I got a few other things going on rn sooo yeah! Hope you enjoyed this one, till next time (:
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Mortal Kombat Music HC's
in this coconut head of mine here are some music headcannons i have:
-Johnny Cage is easily a swiftie and attends the eras tour with Cassie and makes bracelets
-he also was hugely into the Spice Girls (younger Johnny), that man knows spice up your life by heart
-Sonya is into more 70's classic rock. Catch her listening to Clapton.
-Kabal listens to punk music, but also hardcore rap. One minute The Casualties, next Mobb Deep
-Erron also listens to jazz on top of country, I cannot be convinced he doesn't
-Kano likes mainstream metal bands (megadeth, slayer, judas priest) and unironically sea shanties
- Kitana likes more indie leaning music (beabadoobee, Sir Chloe, men i trust) but doesn't talk about it. Only shares this with Liu Kang, who does not know a lick of mainstream music.
-Fujin likes indie as well, but more on the side of Porter Robinson.
-I feel like somehow if you exposed Liu Kang to every genre, he'd take a liking to Europop. Also would like Post Malone.
-Mileena listens to bimbocore music. Y2K music is a must. Ayesha Erotica remixes all day for her.
-Nitara likes specifically female-lead rock bands: Runaways, Kittie, Babes in Toyland
-Jacqui Briggs is a phoebe bridgers and sza stan.
-Kung Lao really likes mac miller, and I cannot explain why I believe this.
-Raiden listens to podcasts rather than music
this was a just dumb lil thought in my head
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azznyx · 2 months
Info post!
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for my current and future followers My name is Azzie/Azznyx/Flem/Marlee and I'm a genderfluid special boy. I go by any/all pronouns! My current hyper fixation is the DCA but I also like wobble dogs, kinito pet, welcome home, steven universe, slime rancher, red dead (specifically II), any horror games, annnnd a lot more. My favorite hobby is drawing and crafting. Oh! and I love fursuiting. I don't have any finished drawings or good pictures but my four main fursonas are, Maru a kemono white and pink cat, Dove a golden retriever, Zig-Zag a black and white mutt, based on halloween, and lastly Erotica a opossum based on scenecore. Besides that, I love crafting, from cardboard to clay. I wish I knew how to sew, but I don't. So for now, HOT GLUE!! My music taste ranges from heavy HEAVY metal to pop, I don't really have any specific artists I love, but if I had to choose, Ayesha Erotica.
This blog will entirely be SFW! It might show some suggestive themes, but never ever link, show, or talk about NSFW things. I want my blog to be a safe corner and family friendly.
This moves us onto what are you allowed to do. Fan art? PLEASE! Anything makes me extremely happy, even if you deem it horrible. Even if it’s a stick figure I’m going to hang it on my fridge. Any fan work please drown me in it!!
But, we have some rules. I think shipping is cute, but if it’s characters who are aro/ace and/or no interest in the subject please don’t ship them. You can also always ask me first! This leads us to.. please don’t draw my characters in a suggestive/nsfw way. Even if I do, that doesn’t necessarily make it allowed. Please ask beforehand. Romantic settings are fine.
Small side note: I do not like TSAMS, none of the stuff I post, or will post, is related to them. I do not wish to go in depth about it. Just letting some of you know as a handful of you like them. What do I use to draw? Traditionally, a mechanical pencil (wood pencils aren't my forte) Digitally, either my phone and finger or I use a Wacom One 13 which I got on sale! The apps I use are IbisPaintX or Magma.com. AUs? I have so many AUs it's wild. Recently Retired: Finsternis - High Fashion! GMG (Generic Motorcycle Game) Main: Disco? 70s! (@cherrybombfananzza) Chocolate Covered Strawberries or Snug as a bug in a Rug (@choclatecoveredstrawberries) I think that's a good cover-all, if you have any questions feel free to ask! I'm not judgy. :)
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vadymxarsioxska · 5 months
· * ★ - INTRO ! . (RMK)
(please take 10 minutes of your time to read , to see if we have something in common! I spent HOURS on this ᰔ ! )
⌗ Hi! I'm Vadim! [ or just vadym , Toyo , Vlad , idk call me how u like! ]
Ꮺ uses ; He / Him & They / Them
(Demi-gender ahh)➹
✦ ; I'm Italian!
⚠︎ I'm a MINOR ⚠︎
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⌗ Basic DNI criteria , Pr0sh!pers , PPL who do not want to interact with minors , 21+ yos , problematic characters supporters , MHA Fandom , SOME genish impact players , Weirdos .
I wanna make this Blog a safe place for anyone that isn't problematic !
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ᰔ Main Fandoms ! :
⌗ JJBA (Especially part ; 4 & 8 ) ← Fixation
⌗ Pretty Cure ( especially Smile PreCure )
⌗ Puela Magi Madoka Magica ( & magia record )
⌗ Crush Crush
⌗ Berserk
⌗ Stardew Valley
⌗ Warrior Cats
⌗ ArtisWitch
Other Fandoms Mention ! :
ᰔ ┆Animal Crossing , Fran bow , Sally face , FNAF , Pokémon , Skull girls , Resident evil , The walking dead , Yandere Sim ( I DON'T support yandere dev ) , The sims , project zomboid , BFDI (especially the power of two ! ).
Main favorites too! :
# Kira Yoshikage , toshikazu hazamada , hot pants , guido mista , keicho nijimura , terunosuke miyamoto , toyohiro kanedaichi , Ken Oyanagi , Sayaka Miki , Madoka Kaname , Felicia Mitsuki , Tiara , Nina , Tiger star , Spider star , Sand Storm , Harvey , Leo , The wizard , Casca , Slan , Guts , Nao Midorikawa , Miyuki Hoshizora , Elle , willow , Vellatrix' , The dark one , Eva .
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Favorite Artists ! ;
ᰔᩚ ; Queen , Metallica , AC/DC , Oingo Boingo , Bad Company , Malice Mizers , Aerosmith , Green Days , HOT FREAKS .
Also other honorable mentions! ;
⌗ Melanie Martinez , Will Wood , Toy Box , Pierce The Veil , Ayesha , Caparezza , The Vanished People , Foo Fighters , Weezer
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✦ Others ! ;
⌗My favorite styles are ; cybergoth , metal head and gyaru!
⌗My fav musical genre are ; Metal , Rock , Vkei , Cybergoth , goth , new wave , & Others!
⌗I have Ponytown ! You can meet me at the Jojo corner/spot , i usually have a toyohiro kanedaichi skin .
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This one specifically! ↑
⌗ I love to draw ! So i'll post a few drawings wen I can .
ᰔᩚ Another Honorable mention to my Best Friends, that are always here for me.
@67andreaxoxo & @sk3pt1cal.
↑ GO FOLLOW HIM ! ! ↑sadly is never online
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femmemortes · 7 months
I have free choice- What music do you believe Amanda Young would listen to? That or any other Saw character you have particular feelings about in the sense of music.
Personally I believe John Kramer would have listened to Ayesha Erotica and Eminem but that’s just me.
I actually have a playlist of songs that I think Amanda Young would listen to, but boiling it down to genres I’d probably say post punk, deathrock, darkwave (she’s a moody gal and honestly there’s so many songs within these genres that I’ve listened to since then that have made me think of her.) Hard rock, sludge metal, doom metal and death metal are genres I think she’d listen to as well.
Idk why specifically but “When the Levee Breaks” by Rosetta Stone makes me think of her a lot. I should learn to edit and do an edit of her to that song icl.
But I also think she’d probably listen to a bit of Daughter and Mitski. Especially the louder and more angry songs.
Basically to sum it up, loud, angry, there’s always a looming sense of doom (doom yuri real) and then melancholy, lamenting and fucking bawling ur eyes out‼️
I’m gonna link the playlist because why not :3
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cyber-rory13 · 2 months
Hello everybody!
My names Rory, and I’m back on tumblr for the bajillionth time and rebranding for the bajillionth time (seriously why did I ever leave in the first place, I love yall)
Anyways… here’s my whole spiel about who I am, what I do, etc.
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^^^ where I post from lolz. Anyways, here are the basic stats
Name/what y’all can call me - Rory, Cyber Rory, idk anything else just not any of my old names if you know them
Age - 19
God what else do you put in these OH OMG
Pronouns - irl they/them, online they/it (and ask about neos if interested)
Sexuality/gender identity - i identify as bisexual, abrosexual, and gender-fluid (please do not use he/him or she/her even if I say I feel more masculine/feminine, they/them is always preferred)
What’s my deal - I’m an artist! Previously I never really posted my own stuff, but now I want to start doing that. Obviously I’ll still repost things I like, but it’s not gonna be my whole page lolz. I started taking my art more seriously since I switched my major from marine bio to a double major in art and psych (physics and chem are too hard) I’m currently not in school (I had to withdraw during the middle of my first semester due to mental health issues, but I’m going back this fall! So excited!!)
What kind of art? - glad you asked. Im really into Frutiger aero and cybercore at the moment, so that’s what I usually base my art around, but I really don’t have one set style/“aesthetic” in my art. I go in between Frutiger aero, cybercore, y2k, scene, mizuiro, and basically anything else that I can sneak the color blue in
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Other fun things about me
Music I’m into - I don’t mean to be one of those “oh I’m into everything” kind of people, as it’s not fully true, but it’s true like 90% of the time. My favorite genres right now are metal core, emo, whatever Ayesha erotica, millionaires, and slayyyter are, and ambient instrumentals (more specifically cybercore ambience and the little big planet soundtrack) I will not listen to most country, and pop music is very hit or miss, but other than that I usually like everything else. Specific bands I’m into include bad omens, mcr, motionless in white, spiritbox, and pierce the veil
Shows/Animes I’m into - hot take but I really don’t like to watch tv *gasp* I know I know, but it’s so hard for me to start new shows and keep watching them, especially if episodes are longer than 20-30 mins. Even with anime I have a hard time watching shows that I wasn’t into over a year ago. I’m really into JJK, Haikyuu, Yuri on Ice (rip), the aquatope on white sands, and tbhk
Other things I’m into - just gonna dump them all here lolz. Blues clues, Winnie the Pooh, stuffed animals (NOT squishmallows, hot take sorry) deltarune/undertale, sally face, Fran bow, project sekai (forgot to put vocaloid in music lolz), and the ds and Wii era Nintendo
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I’ll be setting up either a card or a link tree hopefully soon, but I’m also on TikTok (regretfully) and instagram, both are @/cyber.rory13 if y’all are interested. Eventually I hope to open up commissions and/or a sticker and print shop, but for now I’m waiting til I have more traction on my socials as shops cost money, and I’ve been unemployed since October (starting work in may tho!) so I don’t want to make that investment quite yet. Commissions however, I’m open to the idea of them, so if you are interested feel free to message me and we can talk about details there (they will have to be digital or traditional transferred to digital). And finally, the moment like one of y’all has been waiting for, some of my actual art!
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Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, my page is a safe place and feel free to reblog really engage anyway if you’d like to be mutuals! Slay queen!!
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Just because I simply wanted to do it and not because someone asked, I decided that I wanted to list everything I like and dislike about my favorite characters. Link to original post (OP deactivated their account, so I’m using the link of one of the reblogs):
I’m gonna start with V since me scrolling through the “dmc v” tag is how I came across this.
Favorite Thing I Like About Them: His design. I am a sucker for gothic/emo designs, not to mention the awesome tattoos, so seeing V’s design drew me in. And so it began my thirst for this goth man whore.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: I barely have anything bad to say about V, but the closest I can think of is the fact that he got such a nice alternate costume in a GACHA GAME. I hate Gacha games because they are the most obvious boring and bland money grabbers and the fact that the only time he officially got an alternate costume is in Devil May Cry, Peak of Combat.
Favorite Line: “Don’t worry… I’ll be gentle.” For… reasons 🤭. Okay but for real, that aside, I like his, “I have no name, I am but two days old,” line.
BrOTP: V and Nero, because technically, Nero would be interacting with his father in his 43 day old goth phase.
OTP: None. I’m indifferent to him (while I’m at it Vergil) being shipped with Lady.
NOTP: V paired up with Dante or Nero. I will move on before I make an unfunny Sweet Home Alabama joke.
Random Headcanon: He’s a messy eater with specific foods. Despite how gentlemanly and somewhat polite he is, things get messy if you give him a burger. Even if he starts to get it after like the 5th time.
Unpopular Opinion: I’m not sure if this is an “unpopular opinion,” since a lot of other people agree with this too, but nonetheless, I have no problems with V being his own character. It’s mainly because when I personally look at V and Vergil, I see two different people.
V is basically who Vergil could have been had that incident at their home not have happened or if he and Dante switched places. Vergil chooses not to open up emotionally or make himself vulnerable because he is an emotionally constipated power seeking blue demon, but V chose to be vulnerable in front of Trish and then Nero.
Even with that twist at the climax of DMC5, I will always view the two as separate characters.
Song I associate with them: Joke answer: Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica.
Serious answer: Tourniquet by Evanescence (I thought long and hard about this one and could not come up with anything else).
Favorite picture of them: Fanart wise? @orosuz who drew very cute artwork of Shadow licking V’s cheek affectionately.
Officially? That one Visions of V panel I reblogged under my “goth poet (my dmc v tag)” where he’s eating cooked demon meat and saying, “this tastes vile” while he’s STILL eating it.
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johndonneswife · 2 months
speaking of spn. i have been soooo sad for years bc i deleted my old tumblr and that’s where i met ayesha (tragic) 😓 and i have not been able to get into the email account i made specifically for that tumblr - forgot my password, didn’t have any security questions or my phone number or another email linked to it - anyway, google was just like ‘lol make another email! it’s free!’ and i was so annoyed about it. for years. but i woke up at like 3 am the other night and suddenly remembered my password!!!? and i had email notifs on for everything so i literally have every message ayesha ever sent me and every time she replied to one of my old posts saved now 🫂 and i have the first message she ever sent me!!! we also met a long time ago before tumblr even had DMs ok like you don’t understand
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paintinthesims · 5 months
A vampire earns his wings
Today, I decided to try out an idea I've had for a while: giving Damien the ability to fly. In-universe, he's matured enough as a Vampire that his powers has reached their full potential. His wings have fully grown in, and are now strong enough to carry him into the air. (What I actually did though was give him a jetpack from the Into the Future expansion pack and color it completely black to blend in with his clothing.)
Late one night, he decided to try flying for the first time. He managed to pull off a few maneuvers at first, but...
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He didn't quite stick the landing.
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The furniture wouldn't render, but I'm pretty sure he fell through the alchemy room here. (Ayesha is playing chess by herself in the back, completely oblivious).
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Still, he kept trying until he could hover in the air.
Having a sim that can fly is really useful. You can have them travel to just about anywhere in the neighborhood in one click. I had Damien get a couple 'drinks' at the local tavern, and had him travel to the bookstore to get some more skill books - specifically for horse riding. There's a wild black stallion with strange moon-like markings that's been running around the neighborhood for a long time, and Damien is determined to tame it.
...This is also him and picking himself up after another crash landing when he came back from the bookstore.
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Sometime later, Damien decided to explore the catacombs at the local graveyard, and all he got was a traumatic experience and some book.
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*When you get so scared you forget that you're undead*
Later on, I used a combination of NRAAS cheats and abuse of visitor AI to trap the stallion in his backyard where it ate one of his rare wine grapes, and made Damien literally stay awake for two days trying to tame it and he stayed out there so long that his wife was actually starting literally get LONELY, only to find that it wouldn't stop being afraid of him despite being best friends so he had no choice but to let it go, but... I'll just skip over that.
To end this post, here's a couple pictures of Damien flying with his wife on a chilly spring morning.
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ecofinisher · 7 months
Funny Sims meme I made - Part 2
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This can happen in other cases too. I think this was actually a mod.... (Ah yes, River is dreaming of something)
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Talking about River, during the years I don't remember seeing River in many gameplays of other Simmers. I know Holly and Lisa were common. Bebe sometimes too.
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I found the eyes funny 🤩
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I'm probably capable of remembering half of my classmates' names. With pictures it's probably easier for me to identify them from professional school back to 3/4th grade maybe? All Sunset Valians of the base game I can list them down without needing pictures.
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The images look hideous the ore I look at it. (Gotta love seeing Lisa with those firecracker things inside the house. It's totally canon 😆)
Most of the drama I do contains random "vanishing" Sims or ruining Sims' love lives.
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Why is there even a cheerleader outfit?
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If she wasn't eating, I could sell this as Mermaidman's invisible car.
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Who needs to carry a stool anyway? (Eco, you idiot they have a backpack capable of fitting 30 cars, 20 drumsets, 10 books and a Italy. It's the equivalent of a boy's pocket)
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This is literally the truth, most of the jeans for women/girls have decor pockets, because.....they're useless I guess.
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Nah I wasn't over yet. I just realized, I should have left this in the previous post, but it's alright. (Bonus question: Can you recognize the SIms behind the costume? 😎It's probably too obvious 😐)
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Well, I heard this from comments on Youtube under the Simlished Song "Na Na Na" I would do the same, if I were able to sing.
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So beautiful 😍 But my heart belongs to Xander Clavell with Ayesha Ansari 🤠🥺
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OH, I read this theory on the Sims WIkia and actually......it would make sense, eventually? Or not eventually? My head also hurts and I think I wrote nonsense here, but there is a theory of TS2 Kaylynn being the daughter of Parker Langerak.
VIDEO CAPTION: Me picking a teenage girl to play with.
Alternate titles:
Me looking for a love interest
Me looking for a main superheroine protag
Me looking for someone to piss off
Me looking for someone to give the life she deserves
Me looking for a cameo to use in fanfics
Ok actually that was meant to be the last meme, but as this clip of Greg's diary is going around Instagram, etc. I have my outtake 😂 This was me after returning to Sims 3 after the pandemic started.
EDIT: I forgot these two pictures 🤣
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That moment reminded me of specific scenes from iconic movies.
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sappylemons · 2 years
27, 31, and 43 for the ask game !!
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
ooooh i take so much inspiration from music and it's definitely cultivated a lot about my characters, but i'm not sure if i have anyone whose creation was inspired by a song... OH omg it's been literal years but one of nico's very first incarnations was from a batch of humanized songs i did, him specifically coming from shoot it out by 10 years! he's extremely different now but he still maintains the wired-out goth boy with shaggy hair look from the initial sketch 😊 (gfhgfjdk god that was literally early middle school)
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
parvati's would be. so. extremely pink, very carefully laid out while also looking like that delicious myspace tackiness with leopard print background and sparkle blingees that hurts to look at. blend of bimbocore/gyaru/sanrio aesthetic pictures with extremely mundane posts like "so sleepy >.<" and "think i'll make macaroni when i get home :P". posts playlists very frequently and probably has an ayesha erotica song set to autoplay
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
great asses 😔 GRJHFBXDKZSL but seriously, i do make a pretty concentrated effort to vary appearances but i notice a lot of thick curly hair, extreme heights (either very tall or very short), skin details like freckles or hyperpigmentation etc. and lots of round chubby faces :]
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walpsource · 2 years
hello! if you're still doing source edits, could you possibly do the part in episode 2 (i think), where ayesha and saira wake ahsan up? - specifically, the part where ayesha calls saira heartless & she deflates big time. if not, no worries! have a great day :)
Thank you so much for the request!
I'll make it now and post in a couple of hours when it's done :D
-- Jess
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falsebooles123 · 2 months
Confessions of a Recovering Genrephobic 4/13/24
Hey Whores, I gave my two weeks this week!
So I'm really happy, not really sure where we go from here but I'm just enjoying the rush so lets get into some music.
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Little Homes (2016) - FEiN
Genre: Indie Pop, Rock Length: 63:00 (16 Tracks)
FEiN an indie pop duo who have only released one album to date.
Feeling a bit like The Neighborhood or Artic Monkeys by way of tally hall FEiN is a band that feels both famalier and complex
and yeah I don't have a lot deep to say about this. Do you like Indie Rock music like the acts I just mentioned???? Then your'll like this.
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Fresh Meat (2017) - Ayesha Erotica
Genre: Hyperpop Length: 30:37 (14 Songs)
I don't know how to tell you this but I don't think this album exists?
So according to the Ayesha Erotica WIkipedia, (the Ayeshapedia for those in the know), this album was planned to be released but was scrapped in 2017 for unknown reasons.
However in 2022, somebody uploaded a full album tracklist to spotify. This is where it gets crazy. Is that at some point it appears that Ayesha Erotica took all of her music offline and that people (whether fans or grifters), have been ripping her music, to spotify, bandcamp, soundcloud. Who even knows right.
Theres like at least 5 different Ayesha Erotica pages on spotify all with like different uploads of her music. But as for as I can tell from the Ayesha Erotica Subreddit the album I listened to does seem to be a semi-legit complition of the album. She is the licensing holder for the account and so forth. The Ayeshapedia has not official canonizized the tracklisting but it seems fairly legit based on there forensic construction of the proposed album.
Also I just realized I've already put in 5000s words into this review and most of you bitches don't even know who she is.
Branding herself as the 'number one crackwhore' and 'for the girls and the gays thats it', Ayesha Erotica brings a manic slut energy to the world of Hyperpop. PITK, (people in the know), are informing me that her style encompesis a lot of very specific eletro genres that I'm too uncultered to get but understand that when I say Hyperpop. I'm discussing the style of aggresive electronic dance music that incorpurates Y2K and McBling aestetics. You may have also heard of Bimbocore or Slut Pop? you get it girlies.
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Ayesha Erotica is basically like if Britney Spears and Paris Hilton scissored on top of a mountain of cocaine and razor flip phones. Its aggresive, Tasteless, Overtly Sexual, and honestly a blast and there are also a lot of people that got major beef with Miss Ayesha Nicole Smith.
I honestly don't want to get into her many many controversies and parse what any of the accusations mean but just ask yourself this question. Are you the type of person whose going to vibe with this bimbo crackwhore drag persona or is that too much for you. Its ok if it is but I will honestly always kinda be a stan.
NOTE: I understand that AE is a controversal artist and I'm happy to hear your thoughts on the subject but I do ask that you be civil on my posts.
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Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life (2018) - The Wombats.
Genre: Pop Rock Length: 38:43 (11 Tracks)
Honestly I don't have much to say about this.
Do you like The Wombats? This is a Wombat Album
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Supernatural (1999) - Santana
Genre: Latin Rock (apparently the term is controversal??? I guess call me a fascist in the comments. I get my information from wikipedia) Length: 74:59 (13 Tracks)
Part of the Jam Bands of the 90s. Santana is a american rock band led by hispanic guitarist Carlos Santana. This album is one of the best selling albums of all time. Also you have heard some of these songs you definetly have heard smooth. \/
Mixing Psychedelic Rock with Jazz influences and there signiture 'Latin and African polyrhythms', (as the NYT puts it), Supernatural is a very complex sound that feels completly lived in.
There is something delictable about it and honestly I'm not knowledgable enough about music to really break it down. Because there are elements I can draw from it. Labels I can apply but that is one piece in a more complex whole.
Regardless I can understand why this album is on critics top lists and is a favorite of everyones stoner dad. God do I have to listen to phish for this challenge? cause honestly I'm kinda scared.
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prongsmydeer · 4 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Jun & Jun S1
You know, I guess it makes sense that some idols eventually take a day job. K-Pop, like football, is a hard and fast career
Very bold of Lee Jun to be shushing his cashier as he himself chose to buy something while on the phone
"Is he an angel or a god or something?" said Lee Jun, after this businessman (Jun #2, maybe) accepted his request to hitchhike to Gangnam with them
"There were a lot of lost pigeons at the station too. Why didn't you pick all of them up?" said Presumably Jun #2's friend Yeong, as if she had not also been picked up from the station like a pigeon
Why IS Jun #2 so pleased? Is it just having a handsome man in his car, or is he a fan of Jun #1's former K-Pop era LMAO
"Unless it's your job to be friendly and nice, I think you need to be compensated." Insane take. Lee Jun said: Manners are for customer service workers and the poor
I really did think for a second that Jun #1 was autographing this milk as financial compensation instead of exchanging contacts:
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Is it actually a norm to not take the elevator with your boss, or is that just something they're doing for K-Drama Romance LOL?
"You said you'd return the favour. I wanted to do you a few more favours." Jun #2 said: The flirting starts NOW
I like Jun #2. It was funny of him to withhold that he was the Director until he could use it as a punchline
Realistically though, wouldn't the manager also hire him? LOL
"Nepotism? Didn't we all benefit from that? We were hired through recommendations too." Lady Intern said: Nepotism is fine if we all acknowledge it
Respectfully: Jun #2 doesn't look like he's worked an office job a day in his life. He simply radiates Male Model
"What kind of person... is that person? Is it Team Leader Song Hyeon Jae?" This onboarding interview feels SO emotionally intimate, and for what
I was not expecting to get an immediate answer to that question in the form of a flashback:
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"That's why it became a habit to remember Choi Jun and miss him." Don't we all have a very close friendship from our youth that we miss that upon further reflection probably had gay-adjacent undertones on at least one side (am I being too specific)
Also, this makes the way that Jun #2 was just like, radiating love and affection in interview make much more sense. I was just willing to accept it as an acting choice
"He uses an emoticon like that? How cute. The emoticon, I mean." LMAOO why is Lee Jun narrating his DMs with his boss aloud for all the other interns to hear
"Enjoy your relationship." Assigned Gay at the Coffee Shop
I don't know if she's a one-off character but I like the barista. Her look of what-did-I-just-say post customer service interaction was endearing
Even if Choi Jun has another shirt, why is he encouraging stripping in the kitchen? Find a bathroom, you lunatics!!
"It's nice... if I have to get hands-on to care for [someone high maintenance] and have my scent on them. That makes it feel like they're mine." I know they're childhood friends, but this is absolutely DERANGED behaviour for your boss to say this on your first day as he encourages you to do a little office kitchen strip-tease
"You'd have to take off more clothes to be American-style." WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
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"I think this is too American," said Lee Jun, as his boss and childhood friend grabbed the nape of his neck like he was looking for a little kiss
Does it count as an HR violation if you only flirt intensely AFTER work hours but still on the premises?
I know he hasn't done much except intimidate the interns, but the tan suit guy (Chief) gives me bad vibes. His aura is off
"'A fresh start?' Oh, you were talking about Chief Kim's second marriage." LMAOOO Hyeon Jae said: You gossip about my friend, I gossip about you!!
Choi Jun does NOT like Hyeon Jae's situationship with Lee Jun
"You said you were free earlier." I get that you like him, Jun #2 but it really wouldn't be any of your business if Jun #1 was involved with Hyeon Jae, because he's 1) just seen you again for the first time in years and 2) your employee!!!
Deeply unhinged for Jun #2 to show up at Jun #1's apartment. However, since he is being silly instead of romantic, and Jun #1 has a framed picture of the two of them as children around, I will allow it
"I'm giving [this candy] to someone I like." "Thank you! I'll make sure to bring one next time." Awwwww baby Choi Jun giving Lee Jun a little Valentine's present!! That's very sweet
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"You're shameless even after drunkenly barging into my house because you're from the USA, not because you're illogical?" [Laughs] "I think you fantasize about the USA a bit." A direct and accurate hit to Jun #1 LMAO
"The director is... kind of firm." I KNEW this play on words about softness had to be a segue to a boner joke
"Give me a hand," said Jun #2, with an HR professional typing furiously in the distance, probably
I think it's actually pretty reasonable for Jun #1 to question if this is normal behaviour for Jun #2. Also his simultaneous concern that Choi is living a slutty lifestyle while also realizing that him talking about the slutty lifestyle turns Choi on more, is very funny
Fhhfhfoifj Yeong offering to call Jun #1 "eonni" to differentiate
LMAOOOO Jun #1 fantasizing about Jun #2 coming out of the shower just because his own hand got wet
"People from different countries have very different values than us," said Jun #1, probably thinking about how his boss politely asked him for a handjob that morning
HAHAHA he admitted he was thinking about it, and then complained about Jun #2 pecking Yeong on the cheek. I'm guessing she is a relative or smth
"Oppa, I'm telling you this as your fiancée, but by any chance..." NOT THE KIND OF RELATION I WAS EXPECTING. Lavender marriage????
Some of these coworkers are truly haters for no reason
Lee is alone by the copy machine, which I can only assume means that Choi is coming to flirt
Update from 5 seconds later: Colour me incorrect! He passed by without doing anything
"You're the only one who knows exactly what I like." I know he's not the lead, but they really present Hyeon Jae as an extremely thoughtful and reasonable situationship as compared to whatever the hell is going on with Choi:
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The vibes of the main relationship are sort of that scene from B99 that goes, "I can't believe I'm gonna sleep with him." "Well, you don't have to." "Nah, I'm gonna!"
"You know what that is. A business smile." This is the first time that the Catty Intern has made a good point
"We're not interested in going beyond our budget, so we'll completely rescind the request we made to you." Like that we're getting some marketing drama. Industry lore is half the appeal of office romances
NEW CHARACTER UNLOCKED: The other K-Pop idol who is homies with Jun #1, to which Jun #2 probably thought, 'Why do you have so many things going on with so many guys?'
"Just look at me and copy me. If I lean on you, try to support me as much as possible. Don't be stiff. Relax. Make a facial expression similar to mine too." Simeon seems like a solid guy based on this photoshoot support during Jun #1's K-Pop debut flashback
"Don't you think Simeon likes you?" "Is that so? I feel like I just got scolded." A friendship built through slighty curt K-Pop Career Advice
Awwww two of the K-Pop boys WERE dating but it's the side boys that aren't important to the plot
"Don't you think he has something going on with the team leader, and the director too?" The second time Catty Intern has made a good point
"Are you free today, by chance?" "Why? Will you finally go out with me on a date?" WEEL WEEL WEEL, Jun #1 really is the most popular boy in the marketing department
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I'm gonna be real with you, this plot has felt semi-nonsensical since episode 1, but now that we are introducing a THIRD love interest on the 5th episode of a 8 episode series, I really think it's extraordinarily silly. I don't mind though, it's mostly a fun kind of silly!
"The person who likes the other more loses." What a fucked up dating philosophy LMAO
Choi is, unreasonably, sulking at all the people who like his crush
We have no moved into a contrived plot to do marketing together all night. How fun!
"What are you, the president's son?" "Yes." Wow, this company really does love nepotism!
"Yeong's father is a director of this company. Her mother is the CEO of a very well-known corporation." I guess that explains the engagement. It's the chaebol marriage I've heard about on Tiktok
Jun saying, "What am I, a child?" to be being offered a bigger piece of chicken because he's upset but immediately opening his mouth to be fed anyway as he continues to complain is the funniest thing that has happened on this show so far:
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Jun #2 and Yeong whispering back and forth right in front of Jun #1 as if he's not sitting one foot away is also very silly
"Is that lady who's sleeping over there your fiancée since you were a kid or something?" [Nods] I'm glad Jun #2 explained about the fiancée right away when asked. Communication!!
"Just because someone is impressive, does that mean you're not good enough?" It's kind of a shame that all of Jun #1's friends want to fuck him, because this is genuinely supportive, it's just coloured by his underlying romantic affection
"You might be able to quantify how lovely someone is." "How?" "By the number of people who love that person." See what I mean! Romantic agenda
"There are so many people in unrequited love." "I know. There are... so many people like that." At least Hyeon Jae is really respectful of not making his feelings Jun #1's problem
"Lee Jun, let's start dating." "I know you grew up in the USA, but I didn't think you'd be like this." Jun #1 said: Polyamory is for Americans and sluts
Really, this is on Jun #2 for not explaining the fiancée situation better
This flashback to Hyeon Jae quitting makes it seem like he and Jun and Simeon were fighting their way towards a throuple
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Choi has progressed into overt office jealousy; hoo boy
"I mean, I was impressed by how good you are at eating the salad." Bizarre compliment, 10/10, I want more
"Am I being scolded right now?" "No. You're being loved." Simeon's love language is being just a little rude
I do appreciate that Simeon doesn't allow him for a second to be self-deprecating. He's like, you're talented, stupid <3
"I would do anything if you asked me." Why is every man on this show a better dating option than Jun #2
"That fake smile. You know that doesn't work on me." [Deadpan] "Is that so?" I love the immediate shift in tone from Hyeon Jae
"Since when we were so professional?" Hyeon Jae and Simeon are so ex-boyfriend coded. I gotta wonder if Jun #1 is a proxy for Simeon's feelings for Hyeon Jae
"'Sad?' You are? Because of me?" "Of course. You can't ignore the time we spent." See what I mean!!!
Simeon asks Hyeon Jae three times not to call him, which I can only take to mean he will be waiting impatiently by the phone at all hours of the day
"We used to do a lot more than [drinking from the same coffee]." What does that MEAN, Jun #1? What is going on between these four guys!!!!!!!!!
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"Why do you never call me?" "I don't have your number. How could I?" Yeong grows on me more with every passing scene
"If you have changed, you need to change the relationship." Yeong is giving her blessing for Jun #1 to date her fiancé
Jun #2 has crashed the Hyeon Jae-Jun #1 after-work plans and now we all get to experience an incredibly tense threeway dinner date
"Since when did you like him?" "Four or five years ago?" We are now having honest confessions mid-drinking contest
I love that Choi has given absolutely no context to how he knows Lee so him saying he's liked him for three or four times longer (like 16 years) should really be coming out of left field for Hyeon Jae
"Did I ever tell you that I would marry her?" "You get married if you're engaged." You'd be surprised, Jun #1
"Yeong and I are just helping each other out." "So?" "What?" "What do you want me to do?" Jun #1 said: We are not going to date unless you tell me you like me first!!
I'm not even sure if Lee Jun knows why he's mad, but I think it's very fair of him to be
[Kisses Choi Jun] "Get out of here. I like you." Incredible confession, please continue
"You're going back to USA anyway." OHHH so he was double mad
"I never said I'd leave, and I didn't say I'd get married. I'm sorry I haven't explained it to you properly, but I don't want you to believe the things I didn't say." This is the best communication in the show so far. I'm terribly endeared, but my god, it really took them 6 full episodes to have a normal conversation
I appreciate that they are actually doing work while they have these conversations about their feelings. They can multi-task
"I want to help you, and I want you to help me too. I want to have a win-win relationship." Oh, I do love this
"I will neither misunderstand nor avoid you. Just wait a bit." I really do think this is the most normal their workplace behaviour has been thus far:
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Hyeon Jae is learning over this lunch that simply Thinking Your Feelings very loudly at your friend for four or five years does not a romantic relationship make
"He has no talent, but he showed off using a video of an idol." Catty Intern has really made no contribution to this workplace aside from his unkind remarks constantly killing the vibes
"And it's about bringing results, but the company wants a hard worker, not someone who's talented. Everyone ends up growing at the same pace, anyway." What do you know, I guess Chief Kim does have redeeming qualities
I think Chief Kim should be allowed to intimidate interns if it's exclusively aimed at Catty Intern Yeong Seok
"I'd also like to know your idea of a boyfriend." Jun #1 really does have to bat away boys left and right. Situationships ended with Hyeong Jae and Simeon, now Jun #2 is my best inappropriate workplace relationship
"Don't you have a more specific reference?" "You. I won't be able to say that." "What?" "I'm saying you're the reference [of a look from a boyfriend]. How am I supposed to say that to people?" AWWWW Marketing Boyfriends
The prophecy of Jun #2's male model face has been fulfilled
"I've always been confident in what you do. And I still feel the same." Hyeon Jae said: How do u feel about rekindling whatever the fuck we had going on, Simeon
"Ask Mr. Lee. Because this..." [points to a picture of himself] "is his." "Pardon?" HAHAHAHA he deserves this reaction
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"You definitely played a major role in this ad campaign." I really do feel like the marketing has been well-woven into the plot of this show, Lee Jun has earned his accolades
I do appreciate that Hyeong Jae seems happy for Jun #1. He's a nice man
"I just want to be a good person by your side. That's all I need." "But I wanted to tell you how precious you are to me." This is the gentlest break-up-that's-not-a-break-up that I've seen
"Though I haven't raised a child yet." "You have. Me." Jun #1: I am father-zoning you. I hope this helps ❤️ To which Hyeon Jae said: Actually yeah, it kinda does!
"I'll come with you." "Where to?" "My place." Now that Jun #1 has resolved all of his relationship side quests, he is ready to be loved 💖
Are we not going to discuss the implications of Jun dating his boss now that he's been offered a full-time position? I feel like we should
"This is how men are. They're so insensitive." LMAO @ Yeong popping out in the middle of this date to scold Jun #2 for not being a better boyfriend
KKHKFHKFFKGF Yeong listing off reasons why she would be as good of a boyfriend as Jun is. Perfect, I love her
Jun #2 kissing Jun #1 right in front of her metaphorical salad to end this discussion LOOOL
"No, don't use it preciously. Use it generously." Is this a camera, or lube jhkghgjhgkgjh
"You should pay for the first round." "What are you, a thug?" [Playfully] "Probably." I actually love the Exes Date, they have more chemistry with each other than either had with Jun
"Okay. Let's get drunk since we both got dumped." Like in Legend of Korra, when the going gets tough, circle through dating the rest of your friend group until you find a relationship that works:
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Choi sulking because Lee doesn't remember romantic gestures from over a decade ago. Girl, I don't remember this morning
"Mr. Lee recommended me a shampoo. Is it because I use my brain too much. I've been losing my hair lately." HAHAHAH they are incapable of beating the office romance allegations
"I'm glad that Mr. Lee is adjusting to work well." Hyeong Jae said: It's none of our business 😌❤️
AWWWW I love the callback to the earlier scene where Jun hadn't yet learned how to take coffee orders. The barista is back and proud!
I love that Mi Yeong, Nice Lady Intern and Dong Hyeon, anxious but earnest intern, also got their places
"You can walk and chew gum at the same time. It's easy, right?" [Forced laughter] LMAOO, Choi, on the other hand, is still mid-learning a work lesson, I think
We cut to Simeon and Hyeong Jae who are having a little birthday date
HAHAHAHHAAH I was in the right area, wrong item. The job present from Yeong is condoms!
They have also circled back to "returning favours" [audible wink] Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!
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