#aziraphale & crowley & eric & maggie & muriel & nina
hg-aneh · 5 months
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crimis doodles that turned into a story by accident
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fruity-cryptid · 10 months
Okay so, I forced my boyfriend to watch good omens with me and he decided to write some small headcanons and he was okay with me sharing some soooo yea, I also put some of my own hcs warning season 2 spoilers
Genderfluid / Gay / Any pronouns
Used to smoke a lot to cope but Aziraphale helped him quit, though he started to smoke again after the kiss, he also drinks a lot more to try and cope
Normally doesn't cry but after the events with Aziraphale in season 2 he cries more often and easily
Doberman type of partner
Not a huge fan of Taylor Swift but really likes the reputation album + anti-hero
Wears cropped shirts sometimes
Has bad separation anxiety
Didn't talk about his emotions much until after he met Aziraphale + he mainly talks to Aziraphale about his emotions
Repeatedly listens to The World We Knew by Frank Sinatra and cries
Would often go to spots he and Aziraphale would hang around and just think
Had a slight punk phase in the 90s
Nail biter, especially when anxious
Rants to Nina often about what happened
Wears eyeliner ( my hc)
Hated himself for kissing Aziraphale like how he did since he always wanted their kiss to be perfect but now he ruined it ( my hc)
Secretly loved Aziraphales magician costume (my hc)
The Bentley sometimes gets small yellow bits and he just leaves it (my hc)
Is very jealous of Beelzebub and Gabriel but tries to hide it (my hc)
Sees Muriel as their own child and teaches them about earth (my hc)
Agender / Gay / He/They
Huge fan of Taylor Swift, Queen, and The Cardigans
Loves baked goods and is a huge fan of baking shows
Orange cat type of partner
Loves the nickname 'Angel'
He truly loved Crowley back but doesn't' want to admit it due to deep religious trauma
Is a huge people pleaser and was bullied often in heaven
Terrible at making decisions
Eats ice cream when sad
Really regrets leaving Crowley and wants to go back
Most of his decisions made are heavily based on what he thinks Crowley would have wanted hoping somehow Crowley would find out
Very oblivious
Whenever he'd go back to earth and saw black, grey, or red things he would immediately tear up and stare at said object
Hates working in heaven since its too empty ( my hc)
Sometimes gets angels to check in on Crowley (my hc)
His personality becomes much duller in heaven ( my hc)
Hates himself for the fact he didn't kiss Crowley back (my hc)
Nonbinary / Pansexual / They/Them, Zi/Zer
Black cat type of partner
Has body dysmorphia
Dresses gender neutral, masc, and fem
Fell for Gabriel almost immediately
Listens to Everyday by Buddy Holly all the time and never gets sick of it
Loves their flies like they were their children
Can't spell for shit
Loves causing drama
Still keeps in touch with Crowley who introduced them to Muriel who quickly grew on them ( Gabriel and Beelzebub become like uncle figures to Muriel since they Crowley is like a parent to them )
Hates hugs except from Gabriel and Muriel ( sometimes )
Eventually tried food and grew a liking towards it, very frequently watched cooking shows ( my hc )
Loves nicknames and comes up with new ones for Gabriel constantly; my sweet, dear, angel, etc (my hc)
Them and Gabriel have a garden together filled with plants that attract flies and just flowers Gabriel finds pretty ( my hc )
Has anger issues ( my hc)
Trans (FTM) / Gay / He/Him
Loves plushies and owns tons
Also has anger issues but Beelzebub helps him with it
Loves hot coca
Can't be trusted in a kitchen whatsoever so Beelzebub does most of the cooking
Loves cuddling and often clings to Beelzebub
Loves knitted sweaters
He and Beelzebub moved into an apartment on earth
Loves Marvel
His memory is still sometimes slightly foggy and he has trouble remembering things (my hc)
He found out he loves sleeping and takes naps often ( my hc)
Takes Beelzebub on dates often to pubs and cafes ( my hc)
Huge fan of romantics ( my hc)
Goes hot coca tasting with Muriel and Beelzebub sometimes (my hc)
Non Binary / Bisexual / They/Them
Really enjoys Beebadoobee, Mac Demarco, and The Neighborhood
Knits and crochets
Has trauma and is also a people pleaser
Would be shocked if people found them cool
Certain things on earth interest them that most people don't care for
Loves sweet things such as chocolate chip cookies, hot coca, and tea with absurd amounts of honey and sugar
Loves hugs
Was glad to befriend Beelzebub and sees them and like an cool uncle type figure
Becomes close with Nina and Maggie over time and often visits the coffee shop to help out ( my hc )
Somehow meets Eric the disposable demon and forms a quick friendship over how they both feel out of place ( my hc )
Adores the rain ( my hc)
Stargazes with Crowley who tells them about the different constellations (my hc)
Loves ducks like Crowley and goes with him to the park to feed ducks (my hc)
Likes painting Crowley's nails, they painted them yellow one time and it made Crowley cry bc it reminded him of when Aziraphale turned the Bentley yellow (my hc )
Loves learning about different emotions and especially loves the concept of love (my hc)
Eric The Disposable Demon (mainly my headcanons):
Demi-Boy/ Bisexual / They/He
Loves avocado toast
Loves smokey eye makeup looks
Is terrified of Crowley but also looks up to him (my hc)
Finds Muriel very pretty but doesn't feel worthy of being near them sometimes since they're so angelic and hes a demon (my hc)
They like to buy Muriel sweets anytime he visits them (my hc)
Very traumatised and is used to throwing himself towards danger (my hc)
Bonds with Muriel at the same park that Crowley and Aziraphale goes to (my hc)
Asks Crowley for advice sometimes on how to get closer to Muriel (my hc)
Female / Lesbian / She/Her
Loves doing latte art
Makes tiktoks sometimes of herself making drinks or doing latte art, mostly to promote the cafe but also for her own enjoyment
Loves 70's and 80's music
Loves ABBA
Her ex partner made her worry over unimportant things constantly
Was sad but relieved when her ex partner broke up with her
Listens to music while cleaning
Black cat type of partner
Watched Stranger Things
Loves halloween and fall
Loves horror movies ( my hc)
Eventually warmed up to Muriel and gives them free food and drinks sometimes since they help around the cafe ( my hc)
Feeds stray cats that live near the cafe (my hc)
Female / Lesbian / She/Her
Loves flowers
Summer is her favourite season
Likes pop music
Golden retriever type partner
Loves sitcoms
Has crocheted stuffies
Has tons of records and plants at home
Goes to the cafe all the time to see Nina
Has a great skin care routine
Loves cats
She taught Crowley about eyeliner and helped him learn to apply it ( my hc)
She loves Muriel and teaches them about different musicians ( my hc)
Really likes Taylor Swift (my hc)
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captainenjolras · 6 months
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sealestial-k · 9 months
Finished some Lineart!! They are on a date!!! <3
I don't know when I will get around to coloring it- so in the meantime I'm posting it here- and you have my permission to color this if you want to- I mean it looks like a coloring page so... I personally might print it out myself and pull out my color pencils- but I want to move on to other projects for now.
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celestialcrowley · 6 months
Hello, everybody!
This is a bit of a mash up post.
Life’s gotten super busy again! I’m back on that overtime at work as two people have jumped ship. It’s why I’ve been less active here.
Anyway, I’m still writing my fiction. It’s officially got a title — Memory Reboot — and it’s gonna be full of angst and fluff. To make it to the fluff, we must first survive the angst. I have a beta — @sad-chaos-goblin 💚
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I’ve created an original character for Good Omens, and — after some thought — I’ve decided to make room for him in Memory Reboot. His name is Raven, and he’s a Nephilim — half angel, half demon. He’s been very fun to create.
I have also made a secondary blog for him because I thought I’d return to RP. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done it, so I’m probably a bit rusty, but I’ve found myself missing it.
Raven can be found at @raven-the-nephilim if anyone would like to interact with him. He is available for both original and existing characters.
Lastly — I can’t say this enough. Thank you, everyone, for your support and kindness and for making my return to tumblr a lovely experience! The Good Omens fandom is absolutely wonderful and truly has been a breath of fresh air. 💚
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leastimqueer · 9 months
When you're about to play the Sims with your Aziraphale and Crowley sims, but realise you don't have anyone else from the show so you go a bit crazy and make 12 side characters in basically 2 sittings. You can find these in the gallery. My username in the Sims is Jungwon_Blue. I am also working on more side characters (mostly from season 1).
CC list: https://twitter.com/LeastImQueer/status/1696251733951865150?t=hiukF4WsVN0GNrMFfSbNNg&s=19
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humoringholly · 7 months
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My next chapter is up from After the Ascension!
This one focuses on who Eric the disposable Demon was before the fall, and how important he is to the story!
The story is rated E (heed warnings on each chapter in the notes)
"The golden light that filled Eric’s eyes brought with it pleasure and pain beyond measure. As his memories from Before The Beginning and The Great War washed over him, there was a beauty and agony that amalgamated in his mind, conjuring and answering questions simultaneously. He sat, his hands in Muriel’s with his head craned back, taking in everything that he had lost."
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rcreveal · 2 months
Spring Cleaning
The Whicker Street friends are busy with spring cleaning in this post S3 speculation when something odd starts to happen to Eric and Muriel. Everyone comes together to help out and enjoy the beautiful spring day.
Work Text:
Nina sat in Maggie's record shop writing in her “Coffee journal” having entrusted Give me Coffee or Give me Death to Eric for the afternoon. Every now and then she'd look up at Maggie bustling about carrying crates of vinyl from place to place and reorganizing the displays while the vintage jukebox played through a refreshed playlist.
The shop bell jangled and Maggie called out warmly, “Hello Muriel!  How are you today?” as the scrivener angel entered the record shop carrying two steaming mugs.
“I am doing very well and I am bringing you these drinks from Eric!” they eyed Nina a little nervously while maintaining a blinding smile.
Smiling back gently, Maggie exclaims, “Is that lavender?” as she reaches for her mug.  Nina scowls and scribbles some more.  
“This one is for you, Nina!” Muriel holds out the mug to Nina.  “There are a combination of 37 different herbs, spices, and coffee varieties!  All with a ‘spring’ theme.” Taking the mug warily from Muriel, Nina sniffs, and her face goes stony before she takes a sip, “Hhhhhrrrgg,” she swallows hard, “How did he make a coffee drink that tastes like a wet sheep field?  I can taste the muddy wool.  Eck!” She reaches desperately towards Maggie who hands over her lavender mint tea.  Nina gulps desperately and sighs,  “See, that's perfectly balanced and spring themed and he made it spot on, exact water temperature and everything for maximal extraction of the aromatics.” Muriel is watching everything wide eyed.  Nina cocks her head to the side, “How come you're delivering these and not Eric?” she asks sharply.
“Oh! Because he says that when you tell him how you feel about the drinks he gets worried you'll discorporate him! “
Nina looked slightly aghast, “He works in my shop.  I don't discorporate beings that work in my shop!”
Maggie puts in, “There was Sophie…”
“I didn't discorporate Sophie!”
“You did make her disappear from the whole neighborhood for nearly three months when you told her how you felt about her service.   You can see where Eric might get some curious ideas…”
“I…wouldn't…why?!  Oh, I have to brush my teeth. The mud aftertaste!” Nina looked desperately at Maggie who just pointed at the little washroom in back. Nina scrambles over to it and they hear water running.  Nina calls back.  “I'll go talk to him! Eww, eck!”
Muriel takes a little sip of the abandoned coffee drink, and makes a thoughtful face, before turning back to Maggie.
"Maggie, what's everyone doing?” Muriel asks curiously.
Maggie takes in the shop and what she can see of Whickber Street, replies, “How do you mean?”
Looking at the assorted crates all over the shop, Muriel says, “Well, you are moving the records from place to place and reorganizing the order of everything.  Nina is making a new drinks list.  Mr Brown put carpets with different colors in the front of the shop.  Aziraphale cleaned his shop windows and he has gotten out a ladder and paint!” Muriel points along the shop front towards the door to A Z Fell and Co book shop.
“It's spring cleaning, Muriel.  After being shut in all winter, people like to tidy up and change things around.  I like to listen to different music in the springtime than I listen to in the wintertime, so I'm pulling out my favorite spring music.  Want to help?”
“Oh yes!  I would like to listen to ‘spring' music and reorganize the shop!” Muriel burbles happily,  “Aziraphale doesn't like to move the books around very much at all,” Muriel confides as they pick up a crate and follow Maggie.
After a few rounds of toothpaste and urgent mouth wash gargling, Nina stalks out of Maggie's shop to reassure Eric that she's not going to discorporate him if she doesn't like his coffee offerings while Muriel and Maggie freshen up the record displays.
“OH!” Suddenly Muriel cries, and scrunches their face and shoulders.
“Are you alright, Muriel?” asks Maggie.  “What happened?”
“I felt…in my back!” they try to point at their back, “I've never felt something like this!” Muriel shimmied their shoulders against their jacket.  “It prickles?  And I want to rub it with something rough? OH! It is really, very persistent!” Muriel is dancing on the spot.
“You have an itch on your back? Can't you reach it?” Maggie asks while Muriel tries desperately to reach their hands to the middle of their back between their shoulders.
“May I scratch it for you?” Maggie offers.
“Yes! Please!?” begs Muriel.
As soon as Maggie starts to scratch, Muriel relaxes and sighs contentedly.  After a normal sort of time for a scratch as between friends, Maggie stops.
“Why did you stop!!!” Muriel barks at Maggie. “Oh! I'm so sorry,” Muriel apologizes hands to mouth to an astonished Maggie, ”It just itches so, so, BADLY !!!”
“O-kay.” Maggie starts scratching again, “Let's just go see Mr. Fell, shall we?”  Muriel nods, and apparently will agree to anything if the scratching doesn't stop.
Mr. Fell is refreshing the paint on his sign wearing some sort of painter's smock over his usual dapper shirt and waistcoat while Crowley is fussing at him to hire someone to freshen up the shop sign  while steadfastly holding the ladder and passing up tools and supplies.
“But I like doing it myself, Crowley, really I do!  It reminds me of illuminating manuscripts!” Aziraphale beams while he carefully applies gold paint to the sign that he's been lovingly sanding and preparing.
“Crowley? Mr Fell? I think something is wrong with Muriel?  Do you think you could pause for a bit?” Maggie asked.  
Mr Fell looked down from the ladder, pot of paint and brush in hand to see Muriel's upturned face scrunching again, just before Maggie started scratching again.
“Oh you poor dear, I'll be right down!” Aziraphale caps his paint pot and wipes off the paint brush on a cloth before tucking the paintbrush above his ear and handing the pot towards Crowley. Who doesn't take it right away because he's watching Nina shepherd Eric towards them while Eric urgently scratches his back with two wooden spoons. 
“Something’s wrong, “ Nina tells the group, “Eric snapped at me and he won't stop scratching his back.  Fix him.”
Aziraphale asks Crowley, “Do you have your kit with you, dear?”
“S’actually in the Bentley.  I have a few I'd hoped you'd help me with. Plus I'd noticed you might need a bit of help.”  Aziraphale smiles tenderly at Crowley.
Aziraphale directs the others from up on the ladder, “Please take Muriel and Eric up to the rooftop.  Crowley and I will be up directly,” Aziraphale dismounts the ladder and grasps Eric's shoulder, “Help is on the way!  Off you go!” ushering Nina, Maggie, Muriel, and Eric into the bookshop.
“I'll meet you up top in fifteen, angel,” Crowley says, plucking the paintbrush out from behind Aziraphale's ear and handing it to him. “I'll just put away this ladder and grab my kit.”
On the rooftop the spring breeze teases at being as warm as the bright sunshine promises, which is why Eric and Muriel are shivering a bit in their undershirts, Nina and Maggie having checked the two’s backs for anything that might explain the terrible itch.
“Good thought, Nina, Maggie, but that's not the skin that's causing the problem,” Crowley sauntered over to them in his black racerback undershirt and black jeans. He snaps on the outside restaurant heater that sits like a lamppost in the middle of their group of chairs.
“Muriel, Eric,” Aziraphale calls, “Please let your wings out, so we can take a look,” Aziraphale follows behind Crowley, also, very uncharacteristically, in his undervest.
“Bu-but, won't the humans see us?” Eric asks.
“Nah,” Crowley works a little miracle, “they might see some pigeons, but those are dead common, right?  Go ahead. ‘S alright,” Crowley encourages. 
When they still stare at Crowley owl-eyed, Aziraphale says, “And it won't itch nearly as much,”
That does it.  Suddenly great black wings lift behind Eric and white ones arch over Muriel.
“Why do their wings look moth-eaten?” Maggie asks, concerned. And indeed, swaths of feathers seem to be missing from both Muriel and Eric’s great wings.
“Oh, it's just a bit of spring molting!  It’s more common in youngsters to have so many at the same time!” Aziraphale reassures. “Muriel, Eric, please sit down, my dears,”
“It's the pin feathers coming in, yah see?” Crowley points out patches of what look like sharp quills.  Lifting Eric's feathers gently, Crowley points out the irritated skin around the new feathers, “They itch like the devil!” he says sitting behind Eric and unzipping  a case.  Eric's feathers puff up nervously at the sound.
“What’re you gonna do?” Eric asks anxiously, as his wings tuck in tight to his back and slick down, one kohl lined eye flashing too much white over his shoulder.
Looking kindly at the nervous demon, Aziraphale asks, “Crowley, would you please see to my tertiaries? I never seem to be able to reach…” he sits down and his great white wings blossom out of his back like cherry blossoms on fast forward. 
In close to his back, the angel points out a few pin feathers, even touching them puts his arm at an awkward angle.
“May I have your feather oil, angel?” Crowley takes an antique atomizer from the angel and sprays it on the skin around the new feathers, Aziraphale hums happily while Crowley massages the oil in. Conversationally, Crowley points out a feather quill that's red. “That one's still growing.  But, these two,” he starts to roll the chalky white quill between his fingers until it shatters and the feather underneath can unfurl, “are ready” he brushes away the remaining feather sheath dust.  The second just loosens enough that Crowley can cautiously slip it off.  Aziraphale says, “that one is always a bit sensitive, thank you, dear.”
“It's like my Nana’s parrot!” remarks Maggie brightly, “He gets so tetchy when his pin feathers come in where he can't reach.  He really loves being preened, but he was nervous about it when we first got him,” she's studiously not looking at Eric.
Nina remarks, “I get how you can tell when Mr Fell's feathers are ready, but what about Crowley's?  His feathers are black!” 
“Crowley, your turn,” Aziraphale says standing.
Crowley unfurls long slender wings, feathers deep ebony black.  “Is it the usual patch?” Aziraphale’s hands are already stroking through Crowley's feathers uncovering a patch of black-sheathed new growth.  Crowley sighs and nods sagging onto the seat Aziraphale just left, the demon’s legs straddling it and arms wrapped tight around the back.  The angel applies oil with an ancient metal oiling pump that makes a ‘tonk-tunk, tonk-tunk’ noise with every pump.  “I have to be more careful with Crowley's feathers,” he explains.
“Ngk. That one's not ready, angel!” Crowley calls out hunching over the chair.  Aziraphale immediately let's go and tries the next pin feather.  Crowley relaxes again when the next feather is released.  Reaching back, Crowley can just reach a few of the pin feathers. 
“This one and this one.  But NOT this one.  Right?” 
Aziraphale gently removes the itchy pin feather covering and avoids the blood feathers. 
“This reminds me of when my mum would take my sisters and me to get our hair braided,” remarks Nina.  “I'll be right back,” she says and heads for the stairs.
“Muriel, I used to help my Nana’s parrot with his pin feathers.  May I help you?” Maggie asks.
“Thank you, Maggie, I would like that very much!” Smelling the different oils, they choose Crowley's and hand it to Maggie.  “This one smells like cinnamon Altoids!”  Aziraphale hides a chuckle when Crowley grumbles, “And other occult things…”
Muriel looks over at Eric who's still looking anxious. Sitting facing him, Muriel reaches out, “I'm a little nervous.  Will you hold my hands?” Muriel asks.  “I've never done this before.  Have you?”  Their warm almond eyes catching his black ones.
“Once,” he whispers, eyes shiny, crossing his arms and tucking his hands in his armpits. Aziraphale and Crowley exchange a glance. Crowley kneels in front of Eric, murmurs to him, “It won't be like that, like after the f-f-Fall.  When every feather coming in itched, then burned, then ached, no matter what you did…” he stares off over the rooftops and Aziraphale grasps Crowley's shoulder. Crowley clears his throat,  “Point out the ones that are just itching like mad.  Those are the ones that are ready.  Anything hurts, you sing out and we stop, instantly. Ok?” Crowley offers, but Eric looks away from them all, wings and skin shivering.
Aziraphale suggests, “Why don't you try one for yourself, Eric.  You can reach these here.” Aziraphale points to the feathers further out to the tips of Eric’s wings.  Eric reaches out tentatively, rolls the pin feather between his fingers until the covering breaks in his hand and an iridescent black feather emerges.    
A huge grin spreads across Eric’s face and his shivering wings settle, “You weren’t havin’ me on!” He reaches out and disintegrates sheath after sheath. 
Looking at Muriel, he says, “I need to do this myself for a little.  ‘Kay?”
“Okay,” Muriel says tentatively, “but I really am a little nervous! It tickles!” Aziraphale looks at them kindly and comes over to grasp their hands while Maggie continues to work on Muriel’s feathers humming to herself.
“Refreshments!” calls Nina, arriving back on the rooftop with two large pitchers of coral-colored beverage and glasses on a tray. Filling the glasses she brings them around, “My grandmother used to make us this punch when my sisters and I would get our hair braided.  It was our special treat, since it took hours to get the braids done,” she brought Aziraphale, Maggie, and Muriel glasses.
Walking over to Eric who is working on his own feathers, Nina says, “My sister’s scalp was so tender, the only thing that kept her going was the promise of hair braiding punch.  I thought you’d like it, too.” Crowley accepts the punch and after tasting it says, “Refreshing, and the rum is nice too.”
Aziraphale swirls his, “Mine doesn’t have rum!” 
“You don’t like rum.  Yours has champagne in,” explains Nina.
“Oh!” Aziraphale says approvingly and takes another sip.
Maggie asks dubiously, “Your grandmother gave you this?”
“Well, Grandmother made the punch.  My sister, Mary, started to put the alcohol in when we were older,” Nina explained.
Eric tastes his, smiles a small smile up at Nina, who says, “Gotta get my best barista sorted.  Let me know if you need a refill, or a hand.  Some stuff, you need a friend to help with, ok?”
Muriel stretches out their other wing, “Could you do the other wing? IT ITCHES SO BADLY I WANT TO SCREAM!” Nina heads over to Muriel and starts working on the pin feathers with Maggie, eliciting some relieved noises.   But the scrivener just can’t stop squirming uncomfortably.
Eric, always on alert for potential discorporation, suddenly stops preening.  Urgently, he says, “Crowley!!” and dives towards Nina.
“Uh-oh,” Crowley intones, but he’s already in mid-dive towards Maggie.
The demons encase their human friends in layers of black feathers just before Muriel stands, hands clenched and screams in a voice that's become a chorus that covers at least five octaves,
“MAKE IT STOP !!!!!”
Aziraphale just has time to deflect the scream up into the heavens within a sweep of his white wings.
“My!” Aziraphale takes a deep steadying breath, “Muriel, I hadn’t thought of getting rid of all the pin-feathers at the same time like that, my dear!” placing a guiding hand on Muriel’s shoulder to help them sit back down.  “Crowley, Eric, you can let Nina and Maggie up now.”  Muriel is halfway down a pitcher of punch when Aziraphale turns back to the young scrivener. “And that will be enough of that!” he plucks the pitcher out of their hands. 
“It doesn’t itch anymore,” Muriel smiles at everyone, a little dazed. Then swaying slightly, they say, “That punch made me tired.” They yawn and plop over on a lounger, snoring gently like a toddler who's just succumbed to nap time.
Emerging from a cocoon of Eric's black feathers, Nina leans over and bumps Eric’s shoulder with hers before he can slip away, “Eric, that was quick thinking.  Thanks for looking out for me and Maggie.  Again.  You don’t need to be so nervous around me!  I’m not going to discorporate you for making coffee that tastes like a sheep field!  That was genius! Disgusting, but genius!”
Maggie has popped her head out from between Crowley’s wings, unfazed.  Smiling sweetly, she pecks him on the cheek, “Thanks, Crowley!” and practically skips off to insert herself to bump Eric’s other shoulder.
“That was really nice of you to think of us, again!  You do such a good job at both of our shops!  Really, we only wanted to discorporate you when you were attacking the Bookshop with the other demons!  Not now!  You’re our friend!”
“Oh. Yeah.  That makes sense.” Eric says ducking his head.
Crowley hand to his cheek muses, “We bise ?” before shaking himself and joining Aziraphale to try and assess what just happened to their little part of London with Muriel’s itchy outburst. 
“I can’t sense anything wrong, angel. You?” Crowley shrugs.
“Nor I, but,” Aziraphale stretches a wing and runs his hand over it, “I think Muriel took care of all my preening for a bit. You?”
Crowley stretches his wings for Aziraphale’s inspection, purring a little when the angel scratches the place where the wing meets his back.
“Not a feather out of place, my dear,” remarks the angel.
Nina glances up from where she’s been deep in discussion about what exactly Eric had done to create his “sheep field of spring” coffee. “Eric, what about you?  Are you still itchy?”
Maggie asks, “May we help if you still have an itchy spot?”
Eric stretches his wings again and Maggie catches her breath, clasping her hands to resist the temptation to touch his iridescent black feathers, “Oh, they’re lovely, Eric!”  Maggie exclaims.
“Huh, they don’t itch and it dint hurt to preen them,”  he shakes the feathers back into shape and then his wings fold themselves away into whatever place they exist parallel to this world.
“They’re kindov a lot,” he says a bit self-consciously.
Nina presses her lips together in a line, “Eric, I'm going to tell you what I told my nephew, Jaime. You're not too much.  Not to me.”
“Not to us,” Maggie puts in.
Nina looks meaningfully at Crowley, who sagely contributes, “Huh?”
Aziraphale stepped in smoothly and said, “You're welcome to come up here whenever you like to stretch out."  Looking over at Muriel, he chuckles and adds, “Or nap.”
“Come on!” Crowley challenges, “You haven't lived til you've lounged about in the spring sunshine with your wings out!” Crowley picks up a glass of punch again and raises the glass to the company, “You should try it, Eric.”
“Could you make a coffee that tastes like the feel of spring sunshine on your shoulders and the wind in your wings?” asks Maggie, “I’d love that,” she reaches out her arms and raises her face to the sunshine.
With the ghost of a mischievous smile, Eric unfurls his wings again, “Gotta do some research, before I make that sortov drink,” he swipes the pitcher of rum-fortified punch out from under Crowley's questing grasp and refills his own glass to Crowley's amused snort.
Affecting a serious tone, Aziraphale toasts, “To research!”
The group, except for the slumbering Muriel, who got a jump on napping in spring sunshine, raise their glasses, “Research!” then mostly break off into chuckles as they skive off to enjoy the spring day, spring cleaning forgotten.
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lenaellsi · 1 month
I figured we are definitely going to be seeing the archangels, Muriel, probably Eric, and the Metatron, so I thought I'd just ask about characters we may or may not see again. I also excluded Madame Tracy and Shadwell as Neil has said their story is concluded, but vote "other" for them if you are hoping they'll be back in S3!
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melonsharks · 9 months
Tell us everything about the parent trap au immediately please please please
to give u an insanely quick rundown with a wip art i have:
aziraphale as elizabeth. wedding dress designer under his pen name A.Z. Fell. (hes an artist as confirmed in s2 and the whole "drawing on napkins" thing elizabeth would do appeals to me immensely)
crowley as nick. owns a vineyard. I NEED HIM TO OWN A VINEYARD SO BAD. shoutout to Old Vines on ao3 for changing me in a fundamental way. he makes wines and he tends to the vines and he is so passionate about it to an abusurdist degree. he yells at his vines when they arent growing right. you already knowwww.
when they meet for the first time, they don’t meet on a boat like in the movie, they actually meet at a wedding party :J crowley was a wine collector, just starting out. he loved offering aziraphale samplings of his most vintage collection out of impulse. (he likes seeing the way aziraphale savors them) (he’s besotted) Wants to own his own vineyard one day. aziraphale, on the other hand, has dreams of becoming a fashion designer of sorts, always drawing ideas on any scraps of paper he can find. his designs are very old fashioned, but thats like… part of the appeal. his work very much reflects who he is, and the people who flock to it understand that.
they enter this kind of… whirlwind relationship, they get married, and then eventually adopt two golden haired blue eyed baby boys. twins. :J warlock and adam.
they break things off because aziraphale leaves... alluding to their recent breakup in season two, the reason he left was because "we both clearly had very different ideas on where our lives were going. so. i packed up and left." (parallel s2 divorce 😋 they don’t know how to talk to each other) (aziraphale throws a book at his head after this argument, like the hairdryer in the movie LOL. it was pride and prejudice. crowley still has it.)
aziraphale leaves with adam. warlock is left with crowley. crowley eventually leaves London because he finds he cant stand being anywhere near Aziraphale (hes just irresistible in that way), and he goes to California where he finally fulfills his dream of owning a vineyard. a nice one on Napa, Northern California.
Aziraphale’s wedding dresses become more and more well known, Adam grows well-adjusted. Same kid you know from the show and book, natural born leader, a good head on his shoulders. (Aziraphale has no idea why Adam is like that, but he is so proud)
Crowley’s vineyard (The Garden Of Eden) grows and grows… Warlock is spoiled rotten, but he does love actually working at the vineyard with Crowley to and he and Crowley have a really good relationship…
Eventually the kids go to a summer camp together in London (i dont know if they . do this in the UK, but suspend your disbelief if you will) Adam meets The Them there, then meets Warlock after a nutty fencing thing, they kind of hate each other at first and the rest is history :J
side characters UM. LOL. idk……. i mean i kind of know but not really? theres just so many possibilities that make the rounds in my head. chessy could be anathema OR nina (ive had people suggest eric too?) and martin could be newt OR maggie (ive also had people suggest muriel????) gestures vaguely.
as for meredith…….erm…………🤷‍♂️ ive had everything under the sun suggested to me and i still……have no idea. LOL. gabriel, lucifer, shaX, FURFUR, THE WIFE FROM THE NON-SPOILER SPOILERS. I DONT KNOW. IT ALL FEELS WRONG. its hard to come up with this role in particular when these gay bitches literally only have eyes for each other. always. forever. u know. i think lucy is like. the classic answer. but idfk.
ask me about . more things if u want. this is consuming my every thought.
anyways the cover im working on for. for something:
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rareomens · 6 months
It is time! Mostly because I forgot to post it earlier.
Rare Omens Prompt List: February 2024
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Rare Omens is a month of fan works starring less commonly seen or paired up characters. For Good Omens TV series fans, these are creations NOT centered on the angel Aziraphale with the demon Crowley. This is for all types of relations: friendship, coworkers, enemies, lovers, and more!
Don't like a prompt? Skip it!
AO3 Collection: Rare_Omens
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Text list below cut.
1: Lucifer + Michael
2: Horsepersons of the Apocalypse
3: Muriel + Saraqael
4. Series 1 Human + Series 2 Human
5. Beelzebub + Shax
6. Aziraphale + Gabriel
7. Hastur + Ligur
8. Muriel + Eric
9. Crowley + Furfur
10. Beelzebub + Gabriel
11. Aziraphale + Muriel
12. Crowley + Lucifer
13. Shax + Furfur
14. Crowley + Shadwell
15. Aziraphale + Tracy
16. Anathema + Newt
17. Nina + Maggie
18. Crowley + Gabriel
19. Aziraphale + Beelzebub
20. Crowley + Muriel
21. Trio of Characters
22. Crowley + Shax
23. Michael + Uriel
24. Pairing Not Listed
25. Aziraphale + Historical Human
26. Crowley + Historical Human
27. Beelzebub + Dagon
28. Adam + Warlock
29. Reverse AU Pair
Thanks for joining YEAR 4! Our tags are: Rare Omens, Rare Omens 2024
I'll be reblogging here and Twitter, possibly bluesky if I can remember. You can fill a day's prompt WHEREVER YOU LIKE. Some folks don't finish their story until months later. So long as you TAG THIS ACCOUNT, I'll see if and share it along.
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bked0n-lorazepam · 24 days
My Requests are open!
Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but I'm back, and with new people who I'll be happy to write for you; here's my list!
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Rhee, Enid Rhee, Michonne, Rosita, Simon, Abraham, Carol, Jesus "Paul", Shane, Sasha, Dwight, Beth
House MD:
Gregory House, Lisa Cuddy, James Wilson, Allison Cameron, Robert Chase, Eric Foreman, "Thirteen"
Jeff The Killer, Toby Rogers, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Jane The Killer, Nina The Killer, Hoodie, Masky, Liu, Sally
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, BeetleJuice
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Tara Lewis, Cat Adams, George Foyet
White Collar:
Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Neal Caffrey, Alex Hunter, Diana Berrigan, Lauren Cruz, Clinton Jones
Hannibal NBC:
Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Freddie Lounds
Marvel Universe:
Loki Laufeyson, Mobius Mobius, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfied, and Tom Holland), MJ Watson, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Prince T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Okoye, Carol Danvers, Gamora, Peter Quill, Nebula
IT (2017 and 2019):
Patrick Hockstetter, Henry Bowers, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Pennywise
Stranger Things:
Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers, Jonathon Byers, Jim Hopper, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Karen Wheeler, Dr. Brenner, Argyle, Billy Hargrove
Once Upon a Time:
Rumplestiltskin, Emma Swan, Prince Charming, Snow White, Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Killian Jones, Baelfire, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Belle, August/Pinocchio, Ruby/Red, Zelena
Good Omens:
Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton "Newt" Pulsifer, Beelzebub, Muriel
Jake Sully, Neytiri, Kiri (No smut), Lo'ak (No smut), Neteyam (No smut)
And that's it so far! I'll add more as I go, I swear <3
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brokewokebespoke · 4 months
My daydreams for the first episode of GO season three (clearly, this is if I were designing it, and of course, I am no master of storytelling, and please don’t forward this to anyone who actually matters):
After some kind of cold open, we enter the story following Supreme Archangel Aziraphale as he spends his time running Heaven. Maybe he has a beard. Either way, he is absolutely worrying the snot out of Michael and Uriel and Sandalphon, although Saraqael seems to be fairly on board with what he’s doing. The Metatron is being ominous in the background.
In the meantime, we also see scenes of Muriel and Nina and Maggie and what they are getting up to on Earth. Of course, there are some antics, but it gives us a chance to get caught up with these characters and Whickber St. Maybe a quick pop over to Shadwell and Madame Tracy, Newt and Anathema, and the Them? Maybe not Jim and Beelzebub though.
Maybe we get to see Shax and Furfur and the Erics and even Hastur. Get a peek at everything that’s going on in Hell.
And of course, Crowley. Maybe up in Heaven Aziraphale has some line (talking to himself, or maybe a visiting Muriel) about how he’s worried about Crowley, concerned about what Crowley is up to and how he’s faring. Only for us to cut to Crowley, lounging on a beach, with a tropical drink, seemingly having the time of his life. Events that go forward show that he is not quite as happy as that first picture with make it seem, but of course he isn’t.
Plot ensues.
Everything conspires until the final moment when Aziraphale and Crowley finally come face-to-face, silently and unmoving with a gulf between them, echoing the distance between them at the end of the Job episode.
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Cut to credits and Good Omens waltz.
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addledmongoose · 2 months
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (05 Apr 2024)
Almost everything this week is canon-compliant/adjacent. For a change there's only one human AU.
Nice And Ominous: a reluctant eschatology of the Second Attempt (series) (84K currently; Rated T/E)
Every so often there comes along a week where I'm absolutely ecstatic to recommend something. I spend all week in anticipation of sharing it with everyone in the hopes they'll love it as much as I do. This week, it's this series, a three-part post-S2 that definitely deserves way more kudos and attention than it currently has.
Part I (rated T) is from Crowley's POV and focuses on him slowly healing from the heartache of losing his angel. He learns to be friends with Maggie and Nina, becomes like a big brother to Muriel, and even gains an almost-friendship with Eric. The story isn't as angsty as it sounds, though Crowley doesn't always have the healthiest coping mechanisms (a tendency to drink and drive across the world). The author does a great job of not putting all the breakup blame on Aziraphale. You can always tell the difference between Crowley blaming Aziraphale in a story and the author blaming him.
Part II (rated T) is from Aziraphale's POV. This story is definitely more angsty that Part I. Aziraphale's up there doing is best, but with only one real (human) friend back on Earth to rely on and trust, he's mostly on his own. Just as with Part I, the author doesn't put the entirety of the blame for the breakup on Crowley any more than he does Aziraphale. Be warned that it ends in a cliffhanger.
Part III (mostly rated T but some E) is still incomplete, but the author posts weekly and the story is already written, so I feel confident we'll see the end. I can't say much about the plot of this one without serious spoilers, but if you read the first two parts you'll definitely want to read Part III. It hurts at times. A lot. If you need mostly fluff right now, this isn't the one for you. (The rest of today's list is pure fluff, though, because I needed it after obsessing over this story).
If you don't like to be left hanging on a story, read Part I, but hold off on Part II until Part III is complete. It won't be too long; the author has already released two chapters since I started writing this note (7 of 14).
This series is incredibly well-written. It's almost certain to make my year-end best-of list, as it's easily one of the best "what happens next" after Aziraphale leaves for Heaven. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all week.
Break the Rules (1.4K; Rated G)
Aziraphale has a beard. Crowley loses his mind.
In Love We Rise (11K; Rated E)
One of two AJ_Constantine stories on my list this week filled with fluff and gorgeous writing. It's Easter Sunday and Aziraphale is feeling a little down about the holiday. Crowley decides to cheer him up.
Bad Communications (series) (15K; Rated T)
Funny post-S2 three-part series where Crowley and Aziraphale are made to realize (by Nina/Maggie and Muriel respectively) that they might not have communicated with each other as clearly as they thought during the Final 15. I particularly love how Muriel is written here.
Heaven On Wheels (3K; Rated M)
Aziraphale buys a Scoopy moped and convinces Crowley to go for a ride. The author, CopperBeech, describes it as "a sappy, happy, old-fashioned s1-compliant (and s2-defiant) post-Nopocalypse getting-together fic."
Caramel Delight (16K; Rated E)
Human AU. Another wonderful bit of fluff from AJ_Constantine. Crowley is delighted when his terrible neighbors move out and even more delighted when he sees his new neighbor is a gorgeous blond man. The neighborly thing to do would be to bring over a jar of his Nan's caramel sauce as a welcome to the neighborhood gift, of course. Crowley is really dense here; hilariously so. The "they share one brain cell" tag would be appropriate, but Aziraphale is the only one using it.
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helphowdoiusethis · 3 months
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsAziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)Aziraphale & Gabriel (Good Omens)Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)Beelzebub & Crowley (Good Omens)Maggie/Nina (Good Omens)Maggie & Nina (Good Omens)Eric | Disposable Demon/Muriel (Good Omens)Crowley & Muriel (Good Omens)Aziraphale & Muriel (Good Omens)Beelzebub/Gabriel (Good Omens)Beelzebub & Gabriel (Good Omens)Aziraphale & Beelzebub (Good Omens)Aziraphale (Good Omens)Beelzebub (Good Omens)Crowley (Good Omens)Gabriel (Good Omens)Muriel (Good Omens)Eric | Disposable Demon (Good Omens)Maggie (Good Omens)Nina (Good Omens)Aziraphale and Beelzebub have friendly competitionmentions of sickZe/Zir Pronouns for Beelzebub (Good Omens)He/Him and She/Her Pronouns for Crowley (Good Omens)Post-Good Omens (TV) Season 2
Gluttony is the sin that both Beelzebub and Aziraphale share, that's clear to see expecially now.
@brotpqueen and @sparrowsortadrawzzz
Fics done!
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celestialcrowley · 6 months
There’s something to be said for shades of grey.
Friendly reminder that my RP blog @raven-the-nephilim is officially live! I’ve truly missed it, and I’m having a lot of fun creating Raven.
Raven is a Nephilim — half angel, half demon. He’s an original character created for the world of Good Omens, and he’s available to interact with anyone! Please don’t hesitate to tag him if desired.
It’s a secondary blog, so all follow backs will come from here. :)
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