#babe you’re in love
shoesallinaline · 5 months
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Bertie, my dear, how do I put this? Jeeves is…your partner, your other half, your group-of-the-two-of-us. When will you realize??!
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bruciemilf · 3 months
“Too Sweet” by Hozier is a superbat anthem btw
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie post a Tiktok reminding his fans that Corroded Coffin is getting back together to play three nights in Los Angeles and as he’s talking, he’s tossing stuff into his suitcase because he literally has to fly out tomorrow. At the same time, Steve is taking the things out of his suitcase and putting it back in their closet. Towards the end of the video, Eddie turns around and sees his empty suitcase, and is like, “Babe.”
And Steve says, “I don’t want you to go.”
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sunshinechay · 5 months
I can’t help but wonder if, despite being in his thirties, this is Alan’s first time falling in love.
He has no idea what to do at any point and is generally acting like a love struck teenager with the added pressure that Jeff is just…so much younger than him. So now not only does he not know what to do, he seems well aware of the fact that way he would try going about it, is VERY different from the way people Jeff’s age would.
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vague-bisexual-crimes · 2 months
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The state of the iwbft characters in the polls
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sapphic-bats · 15 days
Stu’s pretty sure there’s something wrong with Tatum.
He and Tate aren’t exactly the most celibate, and anyone with eyes or ears can detect that. They’re not exactly shy about their trysts.
It’s the same thing that’s amiss with him, that’s for sure.
Stu would never, not in a million years, admit that he likes guys. To anyone. Besides the obvious fact that Billy knows, they’ve been fucking around for a while now, and it’s really the only time fun felt serious. Permanent. It’s stupid, cliche, and fucking flowery, but he’s gotta at least be honest with himself, yeah?
He always liked it when girls got as zealous as guys did. When they peeked down shirts, ogled asses, and slept around. I mean, sure, Stu had slit a woman for being a slut, but he really couldn’t care less about why. It was for Billy, and that was the only reason he needed. He wasn’t paid to think, but he was compensated, needless to say. Just… not in the way most would pay a hitman, for example.
Stu knew about Bowie. He knew bisexuality was a thing. He knew all about San Fransisco, and who inhabited it as freely as they could. He really never gave a shit, until he started puberty, and boys looked about just as good as girls did, although Stu often explored the mystery of women and how they worked, rather than the familiar concepts of men.
But the weirdest thing was that, even if Billy seemed to shun the very prospect of girls, someone else didn’t. And it sort of made Stu feel idiotic that he didn’t realize it was possible.
For every perverted glance Stu shot down a girl’s shirt, Tatum had done the same. Tate, however, didn’t seem as blatantly disrespectful as most guys acted. She seemed to recognize that people had feelings, and as long as she was discreet and kept her words and hands to herself, she wouldn’t make a girl uncomfortable.
Tatum slapped Stu when he ogled a girl, but it wasn’t in the girlfriend way it should have been. She didn’t seem the jealous type, Tate was just… what’s the word? Right, a feminist.
But it should have been in the girlfriend way, feminist or not! Shouldn’t it have been?
So, when Stu keeps catching Tatum glancing Sidney Prescott up and down, and picks up on the weird, almost ex-like tension between her and Courtney Blanchett, he says nothing.
In turn, Tatum never mentions the fact that she knew what a stab-slash-knife wound looked like, being the sister of an officer, after all. She never mentions that she knows that Stu’s spent his free time with Billy on the days that he comes about those injuries. She never talks about that one time, on New Year’s Eve, when Stu and Billy changed their clothes on a whim before midnight.
So they don’t talk about it. They don’t, and the secrets die with them.
I’m finally reading Debaser by @sharpth1ng and I had this idea while reading Chapter 8.
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ainosgarden · 1 year
Obsessed with the fact that Steven Yeun and Ali Wong are soulmates in both Beef (2023-) and Tuca&Bertie (2019-2022) but in the most opposite way possible
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uhohdad · 1 day
Dad I have read all of your works and I adore you the most, but I have to know, do you have any gentle giant konig recs from other writers? It’s nearly impossible to find any and I don’t have the energy to write it myself but I am in desperate need for that man to be soft for me 😔
ohhh this is an excellent question my dear i’m going to defer to the kiddos on this one. drop ya recs below - c’mon now don’t be shy. we help each other out in this house.
and tell you what drop me another ask so i don’t forget (more than welcome to customize it to your tastes) and i will get to it as soon as time allows ✨💞💖🩷💕💗💞💖
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saayatsumu · 2 years
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[dj khaled voice] another one
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im-in-andromeda · 10 months
there is not a single member of the greyjoy family who is not absolutely delusional it’s the one trait they all share
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yeagrave · 1 year
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you’re closer than you think, Jake…
[ bradley!spiderman sketches below the cut! ]
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bakugoushotwife · 2 months
for ena <3 happy birthday loml, genuinely my other half i hope you have had the BEST day and as far as im concerned…you’re having a birthday MONTH! i’m still gonna buy that star and you can’t stop me hehehehe @suguru-getos
birthday bash || satosugena
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you wake up when you feel something pressed against your nose. more aptly, someone else’s nose bumping up against yours. when your eyes flutter open, you’re met with the nearly frightful sight of satoru’s white lashes blinking over wide and crystal clear blue eyes.
“happy birthday princess!! i said it first just remember that—“
strong arms secure you fight against his abdomen and morning…excitement. “happy birthday, darling girl…” he purrs next to your ear. suguru. he smirks, a lazy little number. he knows that despite satoru’s hovering, his gravelly morning voice is enough to make you press your legs together on instinct. “we’ve got a big day planned for you, it’s going to be a lovely day.” he assures, nose nuzzling against your cheek.
satoru hums in agreement, diving down a bit to kiss your face, concentrating most of his affections on your lips. your own lips part in a smile, their warmth and excitement and love radiating off of them. “n it starts with breakfast in bed!”
splurging on breakfast isn’t inherently special. they usually order your favorites once or twice a week, the rest of the cooking usually done by the two of them together—with you happily kicking your feet on the nearby barstool bouncing conversation with them or humming along to the music to relax.
but today, they got all of your favorites. mocha lattes worthy of your growing instagram blog, nutella crepes and fruit, even the savory option of chicken sausage, scrambled eggs, and breakfast potatoes. some of geto’s servants bring it in already beautifully plated. it’s clear your fiancé’s have been busy this morning.
you won’t eat half of it—and it’s not about how much you eat. it’s about that satisfied grin on your face. you know they know you. to the core, they understand you completely. every detail you’ve mentioned, they’ve memorized. because you are their person. and their person is deeply worshipped. no other day but your birthday could showcase their utter devotion to the woman that ties them all together. satoru poses the plates together for you to snap a picture of—of course starting a birthday reel. instagram will eat first today. and while it’s not your intention—many a follower will fall for you and stew in jealousy all at once. satoru and suguru are going to put on a masterclass.
after eating, they urge you to shower and get ready in something casual. of course they never really specified, and even your casual is runway worthy. they’re antsy and ready to go by the time you step out of your own hair and makeup booth.
it seems your birthday falls during festival season all the way around, and what a beautiful coincidence. the start of spring suits you so well, it’s almost as if they’re celebrating you like your soon to be husbands are. the cherry blossoms are so bright and the vendors line the streets to the fair.
they take turns buying you hand crafted earrings from one stall, silk dresses and wraps, organic candles from the next. all the way into the arcade area, naturally. whose idea do you think that one was? satoru is very intent on winning all the games and getting you a huge fucking prize. suguru is proud to push him to lose his mind over arcade games meant for children by being unnecessarily competitive—and you actually make satoru lose his mind by beating him by being genuinely better. he’s tweaking. and it’s your birthday—but he’d never insult you by letting you win. or apparently even being a decent graceful loser.
“oh you’re CHEATING!!” he whines once your digital streetcar passes the finish line three milliseconds before his.
“i don’t think that’s even possible in one of these.” suguru chuckled out in your defense. you turn your nose up and just roll your eyes at him.
don’t even mention the punching bag okay. that was a mishap. if he could just simply do it over again he would have gotten a higher score.
“900?!” he yelps as the numbers keep rolling higher. he only got 846. “I barely hit the thing goddamn i didn’t know we were going all OUT—“
at least he still won enough tokens to pick out the nicest stuffed toy in the entire place for you. no matter how old you three get together—satoru will be sure to capitalize on the inner child.
you spend hours at the fair and festival, getting all kinds of treats and gifts and trinkets. this is what they can get the girl that has everything—new experiences and quality time!! soon it’s time for dinner, and suguru has all of that planned out.
the car takes you three back to the estate a little after sundown. you’re weighed down with bags and the giant stuffed animal you were so graciously gifted. shortly after getting back to suguru’s home turned the sole base of operations, suguru tells you not to get un-ready.
“woah woah, i hope you don’t think that was it?” he raised a brow when he saw you slipping off your shoes. “time to go out to the lake. let me guide you, my love.” he smirks, holding an arm out for you to take. satoru grins, knowing what to expect. you thread your arm in suguru’s and let him escort you out to the gorgeous lake under the willow in the back of your home.
before you even arrive at the lakeside, you can see the small intimate table set for three. candlelit, with the help of the moon and stars, a traditional italian course. wine paired with your salad, then another wine perfectly suited to your chicken alfredo and chicken parm duo, a third wine to compliment the tiramisu birthday cake with your name dripped in extra mocha. it’s like something out of a storybook. it’s just for you three, their gifts bringing you that peace of mind you had wished for. their joy was so evident—the tender crease of suguru’s brow as he watches you wiggle happily in your seat; satoru’s absolutely puppy lovesick stare even though you’ve been together for three years at this point—it all just makes you feel so safe. it’s always been hard for you to let yourself be loved wholly; almost like you believe you don’t need it or deserve it at times. they make you understand that not only are you a deity in their lives—but you should never feel anything less than this feeling right now. you should always feel cherished. like you’re a gift. that’s not spoiled or entitled or bratty, that’s just true. women like you are few and far between—you’re called princess and angel for a reason. you are holy, you are royalty. that’s why your feet don’t even touch the ground as satoru carries you back to the main house, up the winding stairs to the shared bedroom.
by now, you’re truly exhausted—but blissfully happy. part of you feared they’d go insane—have a full blown party to shower you in materialistic gifts you already have. especially with satoru’s tendency to throw money around like it’s free to him. this was perfect. suguru helps you get out of your birthday outfit, peppering kisses to the exposed skin of your wrist, your shoulder, your collarbone.
now it’s satoru in your ear, brushing the silky locks of yours away, “how about some birthday spankings?”
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sinnbaddie · 7 months
I already said it once but I’ll say it again everytime I see it; I think it’s stupid to say that stsg is “so close to being canon” and then think Itafushi is mediocre and doesn’t have any solid romance.
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junii-moony · 3 months
our general
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pyxisspeaks · 5 months
It’s 2024 and I’m tired of pretending and acting like being attracted to fat bodies is shameful.
I struggle to feel attractive simply because of my weight and that’s what’s shameful.
We are lovely and gorgeous and hot and sexy just like skinny people.
There’s a million things I could say here but really what I want to say is that you absolutely should love fat people for how sexy our bodies are.
And that’s it. That’s the moral of this story.
Be fat it’s sexy.
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charles-edwin · 9 months
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“thank you for providing me with the opportunity to meet and be loved by more people”
“please stay happy with phi gun for a long time till you are aged. love you so much”
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