#baby yoda being silly
gerardmooresblog · 1 year
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little-guy-polls · 4 months
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(My propaganda is look at them. Look at this guy. He's perfect silly guy proportions. Does this silly guy also go through the horrors? YES. But he also says nya when he hits a counter and makes silly puns and they have the biggest most sparkly eye possible when they're excited.)
Physically, despite being the second oldest in his adventuring party, he's the shortest out of the adults. They also have what I can only describe as cat eyes, which of course go big when appropriate. And to top it off, they have a bajillion pockets hidden under their cloak, apparently, perfect for many small items and trinkets! Mentally and personailty wise, they're the physical manifestation of a sad kitten in a wet cardboard box. They go 'NYA!' when they hit their hip on a counter. He stares at people when he wants their food. He winks despite only having one eye. They eat like a hamster. They smile and say one-liners when they attack. They smirk when their health is low. He tells puns even though everyone besides one of his party members hates them. He plays harmless pranks on everyone. They love their friends but the thought of saying that directly scares them. The list goes on!! I think they are one of The Most little guys. Small in stature, funny and creature-like in their mannerisms, and this is accented by the fact they are put through the wringer so you root for them and want to help them through The Horrors! My favorite guy ever...
They really go through it (cursed by the time loop), but remain an adorable Little Guy all the same!
Baby Yoda: N/A
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
The difference between Chewbacca and Yoda’s longevity is that wookies are responsible adults for most of their lives but Yoda spent so much time in the jedi creche in perpetual babyhood that he has a deeply ingrained youngest sibling energy despite technically always being the oldest and he never really grew out of it for as long as he lived. He was The Baby for so long but all of a sudden he was supposed to be the wise elder? His silliness in ESB is him reverting to his truest self.
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judysxnd · 1 year
hello could u do one where you dress you and Pedro's baby up as baby yoda
Baby yoda?????? Grogu!!! Despite this little mistake I will write your request 😂
I apologize first for being away for a few weeks, but it’s been really difficult for me. I’m moving back to my parents and I don’t really like the whole situation. So it’s really tough on me, I am not really feeling good mentally. So, I don’t really do anything, I don’t play, I don’t write, I don’t read.. I’m trying, but it’s not easy.
This is relatively short, but I think it turned out to be good. I’m coming back gradually. Also, I only dressed up the baby here and not the reader like you wanted, because I thought the reader would have had to dress more like the mandolarian and not as Grogu, so that’s why. Also, first, I thought you were talking about matching pyjamas or something, so yeah here both of them would have be okay, but I wasn’t really sure so I did that. I hope you still like it!
Last week you went shopping for new baby clothes. Your little one is growing extremely fast and it’s not easy to follow. He is almost one year old, but already fits in 14months. So, it was only natural to go buy some new stuff.
You went after work, as baby boy was with the babysitter, Pedro was on set filming, so you knew you had plenty of times. You bought shirts, pants, some socks, a new pair of shoes, and some bodysuits. You were in the last shop of the mall when your eyes met Halloween costumes. You had to check it out, you’ve always wanted to dress your baby up so it was the perfect opportunity. After looking around, you saw a little costume of Grogu. You couldn’t help but laugh. Pedro will love it. Not thinking twice, you took it.
Once you were home, the babysitter left, you could finally enjoy being with your child. Smiling and laughing to your weird and silly faces, your heart was melting. It was almost 6pm when Pedro texted you that he was leaving set, which meant that in around thirty minutes he would be here.
You decided to open the costume of Grogu and change your baby. It would be such a cute surprise for Pedro. Luckily, the costume wasn’t very complicated to put on. A big brown jacket and a headband with Grogu’s ears on the side. You had a big grey basin, so you put him inside, struggling to make him stay in, but to do just like in the tv show.
Right when the door opened, you quickly put the basin on the floor not far from it, and hid behind the counter. Pedro didn’t have time to see you, and his eyes fell immediately on his beautiful baby boy.
“oh my god what happened to you?” He started to laugh. You were secretly filming the whole scene. He kneeled in front of him. Both of them were smiling. “I can see that mommy got you a nice outfit” he started to tickle him a little to make him laugh. “My little grogu, tu eres lindo” he carried him out of the basin, hugging him tight once he was in his arms. “Now, where did mommy go?” And your now little grogu pointed to the counter where we could see you a little. You laughed and got up.
“Isn’t he cute?” You had big smile, as you approached them.
“Where did you find this?”
“At the mall, I went shopping for new clothes for this big boy” you said tickling him which made him laugh. “And I found this, I couldn’t resist”
“I can see why” you both looked at each other
“Our beautiful baby boy” you were both staring at him. Instinctively you got closer to Pedro, putting your right arm around his waist, hugging him from the side, as you held your baby boy’s hand. Pedro kissed the top of your head, which made you look at him. You both smiled before kissing passionately. The sight of you kissing made your baby Grogu laugh, which made you both laugh also.
“I need to send a picture to Bella” you laughed. You let him go to grab his phone. He took some pictures of the three of you, then just some of the baby alone, and sent them to Bella.
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for-a-longlongtime · 1 year
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Wow. Y'all. I truly never expected so many awesome responses on the post I wrote last night about Dieter, Goya and Pedro on Talk Art. It is the first 'fun' thing I've written in so many years - after having felt blocked/paralyzed re: creative pursuits since 2020 (shit happened) -, without stressing about how I wrote it, and it means the world to me that so many people liked it and shared it.
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I don't want to clutter up all the feeds by individually sharing and responding to the reblogs etc, so I'm throwing it together in one post here - because I want y'all to know I appreciate it so much. And it honestly made me even more excited that some of my favorite PP fic authors did so, because I've been enjoying YOUR work so much!
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@chaoticgeminate Sending those hugs right back, and your fic was absolutely not a silly little piece! I truly love(d) it, and I'm glad it sent me down this little rabbithole. And yes, while writing that piece I also became more convinced that Pedro himself was a really big part in shaping Dieter and his background story. It's so damn intelligent and very much his style.
One thing I didn't mention yesterday (and I'm sure this is something a lot of people already spotted since the first day that the movie was online) is that I also came to realize how much Pedro has based Dieter's outfits and some mannerisms on Jeff Bridges' character The Dude from 'The Big Lebowski'. Never really saw that movie but I put it on today for a bit, and it was striking -- I'd even dare to say that the "'Bola, hold my hair!" moment on the toilet is a nod to how The Dude (who has longer hair) gets his face shoved into a toilet. Also, at one point when Bridges' character is addressed with "Mr Lebowski", he dismisses that and tells the guy to call him Dude, or even 'Duder' which, yeah, that's just a small step from 'Dieter Bravo'.
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amycben on Reddit said the same thing about Bridges, and shared these Dieter pics, which definitely made it clear how our Feral Raccoon Boy's style is inspired by 'The Dude' <3 I don't care much for the Lebowski movie, but I love a good reference, especially since it's a Coen brothers movie - and we all know that Pedro now has a small role in Ethan Coen's upcoming movie 'Driveaway Dolls'. Anyway, I honestly hope that at some point Pedro will be asked about the work he did in shaping Dieter, because I'd love to hear more about this. There's no chance in hell that'll happen, because which journalist would ask him this? But I'm cool though if the universe wants to manifest one of us getting to interview him some time in the future, haha.
Anyway, again @chaoticgeminate - thank YOU really. I needed that deep dive more than I knew thanks to your writing!
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@nicolethered thank you too for being responsible for my deep dive, haha, it were your screenshots that made me recognize the other Goya paintings! <3 (and I love your gifs btw!
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings well hearing from you that you loved MY writing is just such a super awesome thing after how much I've been enjoying your Dieter story! <3 <3
@julesonrecord I'M TOTALLY IN hahaha, I saw your comment right before I went to bed last night and it made me smile so much!
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@imaswellkid I'm def not an Apatow person either, and I'll be honest - the first time I watched the Bubble I couldn't get past the first half, haha. But I later began to realize that you should indeed watch it through a critical lens and as a reflection about the craziness that was going on, rather than 'oh this is a movie about the pandemic'. The Mando bud is great btw! But even better is the Baby Yoda bud - I have no clue how growers/dispenseries (I'm in the midwest) get away with naming their product after Disney stuff, but I'm sure glad it got me to try that hahaha.
@lunapascal IKR artist Dieter is so damn underrated, and I'm so glad that at least a whole lot of fic authors are giving him more of what he deserves! OK and I totally want to write some too now, hahaha. Especially because there's a lack of Dieter x OMC/m!reader fics, which tbh needs to be fixed.
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@survivingandenduring @sp00kymulderr @thesimulationswarm @pedrit0-pascalit0 @gemmahale @sin-djarin @perotovar @ladamedusoif @gracie7209 thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly mean so much to me! @angelofsmalldeathandthecodeine WOW, that Dali piece is fuckin incredible! And @basicoccult woahhh maybe y'all did!? See now I feel like I need to inquire about whether y'all take new initiates! <3
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@chronically-ghosted God don't get me started, it's so tempting - next thing you know I'll have suckered myself into writing Dieter fic (while I'm only just getting started now on two other WIPs), haha. But yes I'm so curious about what the unspoken canon is there -- and most probably Pedro is the one with answers to that since it seems so much like he created Dee. I ended up googling some Apatow interviews this morning and saw that he set out to make the Bubble as a sort of Christopher Guest movie (the mockumentary style), and other articles said that there was a lot of improv involved - so obviously Pedro must've contributed a lot. Particularly because I've read at least interviews with four directors (Zeke who did Prospect, Craig Mazin from TLOU, I wanna say Patty Jenkins, and I'm currently blanking on the other name) who spoke about how involved Pedro was, down to specific dialogue and character's motivations etc in shaping the movie (I think Zeke said that Pedro worked with them to tone down Ezra's Shakespearian manner of speech a little, which I can totally see happening since Pedro has done/read so much Shakespeare and it's easy to picture that he wants to fine tune it so it's accessible enough for audiences). Ugh, it's probably gonna take a long while until there'll be any long form interviews with him again, and sadly interviewers are probably not gonna ask about any of this.
Re: painting or acting, yesterday I read @blueeyesatnight 's That's Not Your Name-Dieter fic (LOVED it, can def recommend it!) and one of the coolest things about Dee's character development there is that it indeed delves into 'okay how did he pick acting versus art' and more background story, plus how in the current day events of the story he is even making his own oil paint. That has become my headcanon now <3
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@tessa-quayle I'm so glad you liked my post!! I really really wish that Russell and Robert would do another episode with Pedro. I love Russell in particular (sorta followed his work since Being Human was released, which holy crap was already 15 yrs ago?), but the way they attempted to interview Pedro back then was kind of a hot mess - and I say that lovingly hahaha. They were so enthusiastic that they talked over him so/too many times, so I'd love a tad calmer conversation where P has the opportunity to go more indepth.
@tvversionperson IKR there is SO much plot and character development to be explored with Dieter in that movie, which of course it doesn't have room to delve into but shit I wish they would/could. Or at least to just hear Pedro talk about what his thoughts are on it, because you know he most definitely had Dee's entire back story fleshed out in his head when he shot this movie.
Super long post, but again, I just wanted to thank y'all for the love. This is the first time I've done anything writing wise re: the PP cinematic universe, and all your responses have been so heartwarming and really encouraged me to do more stuff in one way or another with the Pedro boys, be it rabbit hole analysis or fic.
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moonalumi · 6 months
★Did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?💗🔥
★Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print🔥💗
★Did you just come out of the oven? Because you’re hot💗🔥
★Know what’s on the menu? Me ‘n’ u🔥💗
★It’s a good thing I have my library card, because I am totally checking you out💗🔥
★I was feeling a little off today—but you’ve turned me on again!🔥💗
★I’m studying to become a historian. I’m especially interested in finding a date💗🔥
★Anyone who says Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth has clearly never stood next to you!🔥💗
★They say nothing lasts forever—so would you be my nothing?💗🔥
★I hope our love will be like the number Pi: irrational and endless!🔥💗
★Are you a charger? Because I’m dying without you!💗🔥
★Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you🔥💗
★You must be made of Copper and Tellurium—because you’re CuTe!💗🔥
★You’re so sweet, you’re giving me a toothache🔥💗
★Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for💗🔥
★Do you have a BandAid? I just scraped my knee falling for you🔥💗
★I’m sorry, were you talking to me? No? Would you like to?💗🔥★Are you French? Because Eiffel for you🔥💗
★I was wondering if you’re an artist because you were so good at drawing me in💗🔥
★If being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged🔥💗
★Are you an electrician? Because you’re definitely lighting up my night💗🔥
★Do you like bagels? Because you’re bae goals🔥
★You know what you’d look beautiful in? My arms💗🔥
★I’d give up my morning cereal to spoon you instead🔥💗
★I love my bed, but I’d rather be in yours💗🔥
★Have we met? You look exactly like my next gf🔥💗
★Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile💗🔥
★You know those gaps between your fingers? I think they were made for mine🔥💗
★I hope you know CPR, because you are taking my breath away💗🔥
★If you were a flower, you’d be a daaaaaamn-delion🔥💗
★Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be pretty cute💗🔥
★ If people were flowers, I’d pick you.🔥💗
★Do you watch Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me💗🔥
★Do you know how to train butterflies? The ones in my stomach right now are quite untamed🔥💗
★Do you play soccer? Because you look like a keeper💗🔥
★Are you my appendix? Because this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out💗🔥
★Do you have the time? I want to remember the exact minute I fell for you🔥💗
★If you let me borrow a kiss, I promise I’ll give it right back🔥💗
★There must be something wrong with my eyes. I can’t take them off you🔥💗
★Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?🔥💗
★Do you have a sunburn, or are you just always this hot?💗🔥
★Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?💗🔥
★I’ve heard it said that kissing is the ‘language of love.’ Would you care to have a conversation with me about it sometime?🔥💗
★Aside from being beautiful, what do you do for a living?💗🔥
★You're so pretty i forgot the rest of my pickup lines ♥😖
omg i spent so much time writing these cheesy corny ass pickup lines and i might get blocked too
(i didn't come up w all of them btw)
im jk pookie this was silly i’m NAWT reading every single one
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morning-star-joy · 8 months
get to know me tag
thank you for the tags my loves @reddedmiller @planet-marz1 @joelsgreys @joelsgreenflannel
1. Were you named after anyone? no, my mom first heard my name from a girl she babysat and liked it! but she also has a very poetic reason for my name meaning haha
2. When was the last time you cried? a couple days ago. period hormones and the horrors of being a silly girl, bane of my existence
3. Do you have kids? I do not, and I don't think I want to have my own, but I do love kids and want my friends to have them so I can spoil them!
4. What sports do you play/have played? I did gymnastics for a bit when I was smol, soccer for a while too but I stuck with dance classes the most (ballet, cheerdance, hip hop). I'm not a very athletic person at all though.
5. Do you use sarcasm? on occasion, I'm more sassy than sarcastic though tbh.
6. Whats the first thing you notice about people? I think I notice smiles and like general vibes they give off.
7. Whats your eye color? Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, I can't watch scary movies (unless it's psychological horror, I just can't do gore)
9. Any talents? Writing anddddd yeah. I'm also p good at digital art I think (I hope, I have a damn degree in it)
10. Where were you born? Washington, my beloved home state, how I miss you.
11. What are your hobbies? Writing! Collecting things I don't need like crystals, vinyls and stuffed animals. Gaming.
12. Do you have any pets? Yes!! My babies Freya and Yoda, I've posted them on here a few times. Stinky stinky kitties but I love them.
13. How tall are you? 5'7 and I like to wear platforms hehe
14. Favorite subject in school? English in high school, psychology in college, esp abnormal psych. Mental health is very important to me
15. Dream job? never having to work a day in my life but having money &lt;;3 (also being an author)
np tags: @familyvideostevie @softlyspector @joelsversion @punkshort @5oh5 @cupofjoel @cavillscurls very late to this so sorry if you've done it already
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reachingforthevoid · 9 months
Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road
I watched this on 25 December 2023 when it was first shown on BBC1.
We begin with a voice over on a snowy night with a woman dropping a baby girl off at a church. The Doctor is a witness. 19 years ago… which makes it 2004.
Then, in December 2023, Ruby Sunday, the baby in the pre-credits sequence, is being interviewed by Davina McCall about Ruby being a foundling. The wheeze is they’ll take a DNA sample to try to find her family. Setting up a mystery there…
There are creatures on the set, causing mischief. A few days later and Ruby is performing at a Christmas gig when she sees the Doctor in a tight top and kilt. There’s more shenanigans going on. When Davina McCall calls Ruby about the lack of results for the DNA tests, she says she’s suffered a terrible run of bad luck, and then a Christmas tree collapses on her. But Ruby has greater problems… a new foster baby is stolen by a goblin…
This is a terrific romp. Daft and silly and exactly right for Christmas evening. And, continuing a trend set during the Steven Moffat years, the Star Wars vibe is strong with this one. Seriously, the goblins are like evil Yoda’s and the goblin king is like Jabba the Hutt.
We welcome Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday—what a delight.
And, my gosh, Ncuti Gatwa owns the role immediately. This story cements it.
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plotweasels · 4 months
This Crossover is Because Black-Footed Cats (Because Smol Apex Predator! Grogu Thoughts)
OK! I am only fandom-osmosis aware of The Mandalorian. I was at one point more familiar with the original Star Wars trilogy, bounced off hard on the prequel trilogy, and had a "not angry, just disappointed" for the sequel trilogy. I have however been reading So Many Damn Mandalorian Fanfics, (somehow ended up reading them after hopping from "I don't go here" Accidental Warlord series in the Witcher fandom, to Accidental Verd'alor to "well found family and Single Dad Adventures is my jam" and descended upon The Mandalorian fanfic.)
So, that explains at least part of this trainwreck. The next section of the rabbit hole is random headcanoning about Grogu's species based on various headcanons found in the previous fics. And also, some meta post I vaguely remember about Yoda picking Dagobah to live in because he was naturally suited to it/is a smol apex predator. (This is why the title references black-footed cats.) This led me to the speculation that Yoda's species comes from a "hell world."
(Extreme environmental conditions, and lots of megafauna resulting in sentients strong in the Force because they're being predated on by the megafauna who may also be strong in the force. Note: yes I'm aware we can't assume all of Yoda's species is strong in the Force. However we do know his species is either rare or super good at hiding because three examples in universe.)
Now! Because of all the found family vibes and Din Djarin being a Good Dad fanfics, I immediately latch onto another series with Found Family and Good Daddish aspects. This would be Martha Well's Books of the Raksura. And also, the setting, the Three Worlds. (The "worlds" refers to the three major environments the various sophont species in that world come from: ground, sea, sky.) It's also pretty much a hell-world, with not only megafauna but also megaflora. (trees the size of mountains that have their own smaller forests growing on them for example. And so many predators. So. Many. ) The core of the crossover here, is that Yoda's species is native to The Three Worlds.
2 Ways to do the crossover:
One: I had a very vague idea of there being some kind of cultural field trip thing Grogu is expected to go on and Din Djarin ends up assisting with the trip! Because some of these planets are pretty dangerous! This turns out to especially be the case with Grogu's homeworld! This is a silly idea, but I just want Din Djarin and Moon to do the equivalent of talking about their kids, okay?
Two: Slightly less vague idea is that apparently there was a bit in the series where Grogu tries to send out a call for a teacher. And there are some fics where Time-space travel happens instead. In this example, Grogu decides "find your people" (paraphrase) to literally be his people, so he goes to the Three Worlds, dragging Din along with. This is fine! (It is not fine.) The tiny bit of plot that's attached itself involves baby Fell trying to join up with Consolation's Flight and getting themselves into hot water, and Din rescuing them because Kids. And they end up going to the Reaches and eventually finding Grogu's people.
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chlosmovingcastle · 1 year
for the @thehauntedair starless sea sweaterverse event!
“Hello! Welcome, nice to… see you again” I say as Kat and her girlfriend enter Zachary and I’s shared apartment, “What are you wearing?” Kat is dressed as Santa, while her girlfriend has a Grinch onesie on. "It's fashion, Dorian. Thats what we're wearing. Fashion." Kat says, posing with a smile.
Every year since Zachary and I met, we've hosted some kind of ‘Friendsmas’, which he later explained to me is a ‘friend Christmas’. It started as a way for us to celebrate Christmas while in the Harbor, surrounded by Mirabel, The Keeper, and whichever cats felt like joining us, but over the years things have changed, so now it is just us, Kat, and her girlfriend, Van. “It's called Holiday cheer, dumbass” Kat replies with a smile. “Well, shall we get this party started?” 
We gather in the living room and start dividing up everyone’s gifts. Some for Kat, some for Van, some for both of them and vice versa. Every year Kat buys Zachary and me something matching as a gift for both of us. It kind of became a tradition for her, to see our reactions to some ridiculous thing that definitely should not have a matching counterpart. Every year, I dread that gift. “This year,” Kat says, sorting the gifts for Zachary and me into 2 different piles “I did something different! I didn't get you guys anything matching!”  
Thank. God.
Hours have passed, and we are finally down to the last few gifts. “Dorian, this” Kat says, pushing a poorly wrapped ball of paper towards me, “Is your last gift. From me at least. Well, Open it!” Kat says cheerily. There are only a few things Dorian thinks it could be, but over the years he has learned to expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to Kat. Slowly, I peel the Baby Yoda-covered wrapping paper mess away from the gift and... Oh god. What. The. Fuck
“Katrina Hawkins, what the fuck is this?” I ask Kat, holding up the sweater and turning it around for Zachary and Van to see.
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“That's amazing!” Zachary cackles loudly, while Van and Kat stifle their giggles. 
“It's a sweater, silly! I saw it and thought it looked exactly like you two so I had to get it, and Zachary hates knitted sweaters but they fit your whole” Kat points at me, up and down “Vibe you've got going on so I got it for you!” 
“You're so right that's definitely us!” Zachary says, tears of laughter brimming in his eyes. “Im the Dragon and Dors the… Bear?” 
“If you like it so much you can have it” I throw the sweater at Zachary, “It's the worst thing I’ve ever seen. And I once walked in on The Keeper post-shower. Ugh,” I shiver. “It's actually dreadful! Horrendous! Unacceptable!” I say, adding a shitty Lemongraab impression to the end of the sentence, something I've unintentionally done ever since meeting Kat. “Where did you even find this? The 6th circle of hell?” 
“That doesn't matter! Stop being a sourpuss and try it on!” She says, taking the sweater from Zachary's lap and tossing it back to me.
“Absolutely not.” 
“Yes, you absolutely will. That sweater was 45 dollars!”
“You spent 45 dollars on this? It's horrific! I can't even tell what the white animal is supposed to be! And in what world would a Dragon and a Bear-Cat thing even be friends? And hold hands!” 
I realize while speaking, that I'm fighting a losing battle.
“Ugh. Fine. I’ll put it on. But I want the receipt.”
I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and can't help but let out a laugh. I will admit, I don't hate the sweater entirely. I mean it's awful, but it is a pretty color. Maybe if I wear it backwards it'll be better for everyday wear?
“Ready yourselves!” I call from behind the bathroom door. When I come out of the bathroom, Zachary, Van, and Kat are sitting in a semi-circle like a group of kindergarteners with their hands over their eyes. “Open your eyes in 3, 2, 1”
“That's absolutely incredible” Zachary laughs. 
“Oh my god” Van giggles
“What a strapping young lad! It fits you great!” Kat says with a smile. “Maybe since you clearly love it so much this is a good time to tell you I donthavethereceiptanymore” she says the last part quickly, hiding her face between her hands. 
Oh my god. I'm stuck with this sweater.
“I need another drink”
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bethagain · 2 years
I'm rewatching the season 3 premiere and am increasingly wtf. I feel like whining about it in public so here goes.
Stop reading now if you just want to look at Mando and Baby Yoda and not feel unhappy about anything.
(Also Din and Grogu, I still love you. I'm sorry your storytellers let you down.)
(Also, also-- Hey guess what, after writing all this out I actually feel much better and ready to embrace the silliness. Onward to episode 2!)
Who the heck was behind the camera? The framing in the opening scene with the Armorer is so pedestrian it looks amateurish. And don't get me started on having her take time to face the camera and show off the new helmet. Seriously??
What is going on with the editing in the Giant Alligator Monster scene? It's meant to be a big exciting action sequence but the timing is off. Instead of cutting from action to immediate result, there are extra beats left in all over the place.
How does the Armorer suddenly have a huge number of followers? Last time we saw her, she and Paz were hiding out, alone, in the bowels of a space city. And before that, most of the covert got wiped out and we didn't know if anyone else survived. How much time has passed? And if it's been months or years, why hasn't Din been to Mandalore himself yet? Why is he collecting artifacts from randoms instead of going to see for himself?
Why is Din talking about getting a "decree of exile" lifted when he's sitting there talking to the Armorer and clearly can show up to visit wherever the hell he wants???
Also why does the Artifact from Mandalore look like somebody's kindergarten art project?
Wth are the giant space squids? whales? Idk? flying alongside while they're in hyperspace? I guess they're supposed to be scary because Grogu goes looking for a hug from Din after seeing them but then they never show up again so ???
The pirates trying to get a drink at the school could have been a great interaction, akin to Mayfeld's bullying. But it falls completely flat. Why are they obsessed with that building always needing to be a bar? Is it cultural? Was that, like, pirate church and Karga's metaphorically pissed on the altar?
Is Navarro a thriving, peaceful, prosperous place, or does it desperately need a new town marshall? Make up your mind, Favreau.
Why does Din suddenly need a droid? Why???
I'm sorry. IG-11 melted and exploded. There is not that much of him left. No.
How come Grogu didn't really have a role in this episode. He's just kind of there.
Where do they live? Where does Din go to take a shower? Where/when/how do they eat? I was looking forward to seeing how Din was going to deal with all that real life stuff without the Razor Crest but apparently in this new version nobody ever even has to pee.
Another chase through an asteroid field. Really? 🥱 Also if the pirate dude values his colleagues' lives so much, why does he get them into a situation where they're going to ram into asteroids and explode.
Why is Bo Katan's enormous fancy castle on an isolated peninsula? Is it just to be dramatic? Also if she's all alone out there what does she eat? I'm picturing Space Instacart delivering ice cream and Cheetos.
There is something hilarious about the great Mines of Mandolore being beneath the civic center.
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Face paint
Pairing: Obi wan x reader
Contents: a Halloween party, chaotic fun and Obi wan costume illustrations
Warnings: none
Word count: 2000
@heyhawtdawgs as you suggested, Obi wan dresses up as Anakin 😌
He dreaded this time of the year. Anakin as always was up to some mischief so given that today was the blue moon festival, he had to keep an eye out. It had gotten to a point that he postponed all his meetings and he would stay at home, away from any trap Anakin would have laid out for him. He was on his way back to his suite, dodging corners and not looking at anyone when he turned the corner and bumped into someone. He could not lose the bet for the consequences were dire. If Anakin managed to catch him before he got home, he would have to attend that horrible event.
But the sight of dark hair coiling around his chest and a pair of brown eyes looking at him made him realize what had taken placed. It was you. He struggled with getting the crush he had for you under control that any effort was futile. Right now, he had forgotten everything, words weren’t forming in his mouth so instead all he could was look at you and steady you back to your feet. “Sorry, Obi wan.”, he heard you say and shook his head as though he would never let you take the blame. It was his fault. But he saw the smile that played on your lips and only then it hit him. As he turned around, Anakin was right there. He had lost, this was the first year he had lost.
“Obi wan, looks like you will have to attend the festival.”, Anakin crossed his arms and he felt defeated. It was low, even for Anakin, to involve you after everything he knew.
“Fine. What are the conditions?”, He asked feeling quite annoyed. “Oh, the council will decide that.”, Anakin motioned to follow him and so he did.
“What are you up to?”, he narrowed his eyes. “Oh you’ll know shortly.”, Anakin responded with that everything turned black.
The air was stuffy and whispers swirled around him. “He’s awake.”, said a voice as he slowly opened his eyes, that were beginning to adjust to the low light. “Alright, alright, final votes now.”, he heard and knew it was his Padawan’s. He looked at the figures who were dressed in costumes of different kinds. He wanted to chide the person responsible for this so when he tried to move his hand, he noticed he had been tied down to the chair. “Anakin.”, he voiced echoed in the dark. “This is unnecessary.”, the anger bubbled in the back of his throat. “I’m sorry master but the stakes are high this year.”, Anakin responded but he heard a laugh and the sound of metal. “Kenobi, you look comfortable.”, his blood began to surge. “What is he doing here?”, he questioned. “I’m here to see you suffer.”, he heard Maul respond while he flicked at his nails.
“Now everyone settle in, we need to choose the top three winners.”, he noticed Anakin held a glass bowl with torn bits of paper in it. “Why do I have to be a part of this?”, his questions were being overlooked. “You’re afraid you might actually enjoy it.”, he heard someone finally respond. “I will not.”, he bit back as he turned to see only to have the wind knocked out of him. You strode into the room in an emerald gown dressed as the daughter, your hair dusted with glitter and your face ever so elegant. His eyes lost focus and the room blurred, his heart began to speed up such that he could feel the pulse in his throat. “Right on time. Let’s get started, our makeup artist is here.”, Anakin announced while he had no clue what was even about to begin. He could sense you were walking closer towards him and he willed himself to look at anything else to calm down.
“The first look is…”, Anakin fished around for a piece of paper and finally stopped when he got one. “Yoda as a baby.”, he read to the room only to hear Maul break the silence with his laugh. Ahsoka covered her mouth while Anakin snickered. He dug his nails into the arm rest. This was what he dreaded, the silliness of it all. But when he felt your finger tilt his chin to have him look at you, he wanted to rethink about this moment. He’d let you do anything, so he was alright with a bit of face paint.
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You were close enough to see the faint freckles on his cheek. His eyes very often would focus on you and when you catch him, he’d look away. He sat patiently as you quickly worked the rouge on his cheeks. You fixed the Yoda ears over his head and stepped away. Maul took one look and had to leave the room, Ahsoka squeeled and Anakin was coughing after laughing too hard. “Obi wan you’re so cute!!”, Ahsoka smiled and Rex, who was standing next to her, nodded in response. “I’m not cute.”, he rolled his eyes. But he was and with out any thought you blurted it out which he heard. His brows relaxed, the frustration faded away and his eyes glimmered. “Am I?”, he asked softly as he turned to you. Your cheeks felt warm as your finger fidgeted with the brush. “You are.”, you said quickly and moved away before you could read into his expressions again.
He wanted to wear a costume and attend that stupid festival cause the adrenaline of hearing you admit wanted him to scream from the top of the Senate building. The baby Yoda costume was turned down purely on the fact that no one wanted to antagonize master Yoda. So the second look was fished from the bowl. Anakin mimicked a drumroll and held the paper out to Ahsoka who looked over at Maul and in that moment he knew. He knew Maul was getting his revenge. “Maul”, she read out. “Kenobi out in public with my face painted on his? A befitting payback for having metal legs.”, Maul folded his arm with a snicker. Anakin was pulling out his Holo pad to take pictures and all he could do was heave a sigh. “Lets get it done with.”, he closed his eyes and felt the cold application of the paint on his skin.
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There was something about it. The black kohl that lined his eyes, the red paint contrasting his eyes and his gentle voice. He wore the scowl well, his hair disheveled from having the Yoda ears removed. “I’m impressed with your self obsession.”, you heard him comment to Maul. “Well for a more authentic portrayal, I suggest a bald head.”, Maul bit back with a maniacal smile. “No one touches my hair.”, you could feel the frustration with which he spoke. You wanted to divert him and ease the tension. You signed up for this in the hopes of spending more time with him and that he might finally enjoy himself. You reach out to push back a lock of hair that fell over his forehead and tuck it behind his ear. His eyes snapped to yours as he leaned in ever so slightly into your touch. “I second that, it adds to the look.”, you peeled away from his gaze to look around but if it had been only you and him, you knew you would have leaned in as well.
The second look was a close fan favorite and it was to the theme of being scary but Obi wan felt a bit out of his element. Maul had gotten the fun out of it so it was now down to the final selection. Anakin shook the bowl and selected an entry but it was unusual that he didn’t burst out laughing. He held the paper in his hand and had a dreadful look. Ahsoka peeked over his arm and became ecstatic. “This is the winner.”, she proclaimed to which Maul wanted to know. As she whispered it to him, his eyes began to shine yellow with mischief. “It has my vote too.”, he seconded the idea. Now it was getting to you, the need to know. “Now it’s up to you.”, Anakin turned to you and pulled you away to show you the final option. The moment you read it you agreed and with a smile gave away your final vote. Obi wan looked around, his face etched with confusion as they finally turned to you in the hopes of an explanation. “I will remember this, all of your betrayal. It won’t even be that funny.”, Anakin was throwing up a tantrum. “We’ll win this year.”, Ahsoka sounded confidant.
The others left the room, now it was only him and you. “So what’s the final verdict?”, he asked in an attempt to not dwell on the matter that he now had your undivided attention. “You’re guilty.”, you untie his hands and he relaxes into the seat as he massaged his wrists. “Oh and what is the consequence?”, he played.
Anything. Ask me anything.
“Well a dance. That is only because the situation isn’t dire.”, you disappeared behind him which only made him feel more confident. “And what if it was?”, he asked. He saw you walk into his view and place the costume on the stand nearby. “You need to change into those.”, you evaded his question but the closer he got to attending the events, the more confidant he got too.
The costume was nothing but his Padawan’s clothes and suddenly all of this became even more exciting. He could go about as Anakin and behave as reckless as he wanted to. But the costume only consisted of a pair of leather pants and a black robe, this was going to be interesting. He looked at himself in the mirror before he exited pushing past the white curtain.
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You had always only seen him in white but watching him walk out in a black ensemble without a shirt beneath made you fumble with the products in your hand as you quickly looked away but it was no use, he was walking towards you any how. It was uncanny how easily he got into character. He flopped down onto the chair, his Maul make up needed to be removed. “I’m assuming someone’s lent me my Padawan’s night wear. It’s clear he doesn’t sleep with a shirt on.”, he turned to face you. “All that beauty hidden away beneath robes, a little unfair don’t you think?”, you ask knowing well it was to tease him, his reaction was not what you expected.
He leaned in, instead of staying away, so maybe you were reading the signs right. You pull him closer as you rub the makeup remover over his face, the paint almost gone but his eyes stay on yours. “Tell me the consequences for my dire actions.”, he whispers and you feel your stomach plummet. “Only true love’s kiss can redeem the irredeemable.”, you half jest. You trace your thumb over his top lip to remove the final smidge of paint but as you move away he took a hold of your wrist and kissed the back of your hand.
“What’s this?”, you ask feigning innocence. “Insurance for the dance.”, he replies and you hum. He pulled on his gloves and you match his eye level to fix the wig. “Now Anakin, I need you to pass on a message to your master.”, you tell him to which he smirks. Furrowing his eyebrows, “You can tell him yourself.”, he responds. You tip your mouth in a smile as you grab a hold of the sides of his robe and pull him closer till your lips met his. He freezes but then let’s go. “Oh well, he’ll never know that I planned this so I can get him alone.”, you chuckle as he kisses you back. “Oh he knows. That is why he played along.”, he responds and you laugh.
The moment he walks around, people whistle and cheer except for Anakin. “Again, this isn’t funny.”, he folded his arms. “It will be when we walk over a sand pit.”, Obi wan joked and mimicked his walk. “Oh no.”, he stops patting down the sides of his robe. “I've lost my lightsaber, again.”, he laughs and Anakin rolls his eyes. His hand finds yours as everyone boards the shuttle to event while Anakin bickered in the background. Tightly packed amidst the crowd he holds you close and places a secret kiss on your forehead. This was going to be a night to remember.
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hzrnvm · 1 year
dare to be stupid?
Best song: It's got to be Like a Surgeon, man. I mean come on. It's Like a Surgeon. It's got silliness, it's got a strong and consistent theme, it's got jokes, it's got danceability, and it has a super cool music video. Quintessential Weird Al — and a perfect example of a well-done parody song.
Most talented song: Dare to Be Stupid is one of Weird Al's best examples of really knowing his stuff. It's a Devo song, through and through. Also, you can really tell Weird Al likes New Wave: along with this one, two of his other most accurate style parodies have been You Make Me (Oingo Boingo style parody) and Dog Eat Dog (Talking Heads style parody. Specifically the album Little Creatures)
BONUS SECTION!! I couldn't find a spot for this one but just HAD to include it so i added an extra spot. Song that stands out: This Is the Life is one of Weird Al's only songs that isn't a parody or a style parody: it's a complete and total original! I think it's a really great one honestly. Very fun lyrics, simplistic concept executed wonderfully.
Least favourite song on the album: im sorry i never watched George of the Jungle. I dont know that show. it's a fine song It's just not for me, or other people who have never watched the show George of the Jungle. Also Cable TV gets a mention here, not because i dont like it but because it's the first song in a classic Weird Al tradition: songs about all sorts of junk you can find on television. He did this idea better in Couch Potato and I Can't Watch This.
Most overrated song on the album: Like I guess it would be Like a Surgeon but really that song is exactly as rated as it should be. It deserves every drop of love it recieves, no more no less. Really every other track on here (besides Dare to Be Stupid and Yoda (which is good btw i have to mention that. it's a nice song)) is pretty underrated.
Most underrated song on the album: You all hate Girls Just Want to Have Lunch, and why? It's really quite a fun song. I see Weird Al fans hating on this and i scoff and say get real! You are a Weird Al fan, and you dislike it when he gets silly like this? Man, you know even Weird Al doesn't like this one? Maybe you should be a girl having lunch maybe that will change your perspective on this song.
Banger of bangers: ok baby. alright girl. this is the song I've been dying to talk about this whole time. this one is to be honest probably my favorite, but that's probably just because I've been listening to Like a Surgeon since I was a kid and I recently discovered this one. This song is named Slime Creatures from Outer Space. And you'll never guess what it's about. It's about slime creatures. and they came from outer space. and they're terrorizing the citizens of earth, and they've got bug eyes. They've got death ray eyes. They've got slimy lizard skin, an evil lookin' grin. They'll rip your head off and suck your brains out with a straw. Slime creatures, from outer space. Anyways. it's an homage to 50s Scifi and honestly it really pulls it off. and more than anything. even more than its fun lyrics. even more than its cool theme. It's so danceable. It's so moveable. The song plays in your mind and in your ears, and your fingers like it. It's amazing. Say what's the deal with both of Weird Al's movie genre parodies being such bangers?
Rating out of 10: this is hard honestly. like i'd give it a 8.4 I suppose. I don't know how well weird al music really works with a normal 1-10 scale. There's a lot of different scale his music is on and honestly when he makes a song that's shitty on one aspect it often makes up for it with another. But yeah. 8.4
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My Crazy YouTube Masterlist
All skits were written and performed by me. Listed by category.
The Mandalorian
Being a respectful Mandalorian fan
The Chin scene
The Grogu/Ahsoka conversation
Din Djarin vs. Boba Fett
Din's Life post season 2 Part 2
Everyone after season 2
Grogu forgets his lunch
Life lessons with Din and Baby Part 2
Baby Yoda's handcuffs
Do you want some soup while being interrogated?
Mando movie night
Mando adopts Rey
Grogu hates vegetables
Din and Baby holding hands
Mando's next ship
Mando and Grogu reunite
What will Grogu choose?
When The Mandalorian theme song gets stuck in your head
Grogu and Rancor talk naps
Grogu's bedtime
Only interested when Mando is on screen
Recording his message to Moff Gideon
Is Mando the perfect man?
Kidnappers return me because I don't shut up about Din and Baby
Mayfeld spills on Mando
Pedro Pascal
Watching Narcos unsupervised
Making a film better with the Pedro method
Casting Pedro as The Mandalorian
Recasting The Mandalorian
When your friend is a Pedro fan
You can't say these words around Pedro
When you've pinned every Pedro picture on Pinterest
How to make Pedro Pascal look unattractive
When YouTube keeps recommending Pedro
When Pinterest has new Pedro content
In a Pedro coma
Pedro recording the reunion scene
Pinterest not recommending properly
Will Pedro ever play an unlikable character?
A silly rant about Pedro
Filming the Waters of Mandalore scene
Pedro Pascal Protection Squad
General Star Wars
What if The Book of Boba Fett wasn't dark and gritty?
The Children's Book of Boba Fett
The problem with theme songs
Will Mando appear on Kenobi?
Boba Fett reads Green Eggs and Ham
The thing that has never happened in Star Wars
Andor does Prison Break
Mando on Andor?
What happened to Keef?
Swishy cloaks
Andor is over
Moon Knight
Arguing over a goldfish
Steven tries interogatting
In a car chase
Tea or coffee?
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bluecardigan-13 · 10 months
There is no benchmark anywhere in life that says you have to have this or this figured out. Life is hard, being an adult is hard. I’m 45 and I have a panic attack standing in line at the grocery store when I have to pay for my groceries! I freak out when I’m like yes I’m hurrying to put my check card away back off! LOL my oldest son is 20 and he says he feels bad that he doesn’t have his drivers license by now. I said who said you gotta have anything by now? Live your life, be you, love yourself and don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t. It will work itself out. At least it did for me. Life is too short to make yourself into something that makes you unhappy!
Yes I have actual #panic attacks when I am even in self check out at the store. Irrational as it may seem. I hyperventilate while I take my wallet out of my purse to pay for my groceries, and then when I put it back sweat trickles down my back while I am feeling stared at by probably no one! It’s ludicrous and silly!
Did you know that I have 2 #cats (Ash and Yoda) as my #emotional support animals? They each have their designated roles for me and help me cope. Ash who is grey and white, and meows like (not to be mean) but she meows like a crying baby - she helps keeps my brain in check. Like #grounded if that makes sense.
And Yoda she is my #alpha cat. When I buy them new toys or beds which tends to be more frequent than I’d like to admit will claim everything including the box it came in. But she knows when I am having a #panic attack. She lets her presence know by meowing before doing anything. Be it jumping on the couch, trying to help me balance my check book by ripping the receipts up - even tho I tell her not to. She lets out a short #meow. As to say I’m here pay attention human I am here to take care of you because I know you need me. Which 9 times out of 10 I do. I wish I could bring both of them with me when I go out but that’s frowned upon here. Plus they don’t like the kennels I’ve bought them, and I’m 1 person. I can’t carry both of them.
Yoda will climb on the couch or into bed with me and sit ON me until my #panic attacks pass. I’m not sure how she knows she just does.
I also have #cptsd. This is due to prolonged exposure emotional and mental abuse as a child. And even as an adult. I know no one is perfect. But I grew up in a traditional samurai Japanese household. What my parents said went. No questions asked. The word #NO was not apart of the English language or part of any conversation I had with them. I wasn’t a troubled child but was seen as one. My score in my family compared to my younger sister was a big fat goose egg.
She was the #golden child. I was not. Why you may ask? She did what she was told. She as I’ve heard #taylor swift say, she was the girl that smiled and waved. Did as she was told, never making waves. I #made waves. Not big ones. But like my sister was in AP everything, not me. I was a failure. She got straight A’s, I got A’s and B’s and gasp the occasional C. I remember once I got a D. I was tormented for it for months.
Did I not know that these grades (at the age of 7) would follow me for the rest of my life? #and that I bring shame to my family for such humiliation?! I never felt that this was my sister’s fault. This was just my parents. So my sister and I were still close. We’re 3 yrs apart.
As we got older, I remember her telling me that she had developed depression and anxiety too. But dealt with it by sticking her head in the sand because she saw what I went through with my parents. (My therapist wanted them to come to my sessions - my dad said no. That it was my problem that I needed to fix on my own. Why did he need to be there?) so she pretended like it was all fine. When it wasn’t. I told her she could talk to me if she wanted to. She never did. I’m guessing it’s just easier to pretend #everything is ok. Even when I’ve told her #it’s ok not to be ok.
If any of you need someone to talk to, please respond to this message I am more than happy to listen. Not necessarily give advice. Cause I’m not a dr. But I can be your friend if you want. Even if it’s once, or a million. This is a #judgment free zone. I also have a YouTube channel that’s the same way. #love is love.
I know what it feels like to be alone. And #it’s no fun. Wanna looks me up on YouTube? That’s me! I am a nobody. A small insignificant channel. I barely have 1,100 subs. I’m striving for it though. I really want to hit 2,000. I doubt I’ll get there. (Not enough people care about our my message!)
We talk about #art therapy, #yarn, #epoxy resin (I just moved from HI to OK but I do used to do live resin pours. I’m trying to get my craft area in order so I can start again), we also talk about #chronic illnesses - I have several and it sucks. We talk about #chronic pain which I also have, which also sucks.
We talk about having #fibromyalgia yes it’s a thing, despite what some drs say. We discuss #mental illnesses, which I also have and how hard it is to manage. We talk about how #art therapy helps manage these things and how nice it is sometimes to see on YouTube or wherever that there are other people like us out there. Cause it’s lonely sometimes thinking you might be the only one who has, #fibromyalgia, #chronic pain. These subjects are all hard things to talk about. I know. But I want to talk about them. People find me boring or annoying, or I bring them down. Maybe that’s why my channel isn’t growing?
Sometimes I lay in bed at night asking myself what’s wrong with me other than the obvious incurable diseases I have. I’m on so many medications, and I still have medical problems they can’t figure out. It’s a joke.
IDK maybe that’s why I’m here on Tumblr. LOL even though I still don’t know how this works 3 yrs later. Hahahaha!! I’m such a #boomer even tho I’m a millennial. Right? I’m 45. Go figure.
A mom, with 2 sons and a wonderful husband who takes care of me when I have a flare from my #fibro. Cause when you have a flare - it hurts so much even your #teeth, #hair and #skin hurt. Heck it hurts to #laugh!
Did you know that I haven’t been on a REAL vacation in over a decade? It’s sad. I would give my last #breath to my husband, or children before I ever would take a #vacation!
In all seriousness if you are in need to chat with someone cause you feel stuck? Or deal with the same or similar things that I do, please comment! Or head over to my youtube channel and comment. I do my best to comment to my members. (Oh and I don’t call them my subscribers. Yall are #ohana members. Cause you’re family. I find subscribers impersonal. I like having you as apart of my family.) I was born and raised in HI. And ohana is important in HI. I miss mine even if it’s contentious. They’re still my family.
And since my last post I lost my dad. He died during Covid. It’s weird cause it’s like time was before #Covid and after #Covid. Right? He died on 4/21/21 of a sudden cardiac arrest. My mom had just retired 4 months prior. They were planning on taking my oldest son to #Japan for his high school #graduation gift together. As the oldest I had to plan the funeral which was hard because of #covid. My husband was a big upset with this cause right before my dad passed away, my dad told me that he didn’t believe a single word I was saying about my illnesses. That I was just attention seeking. Cause I really love taking ll my meds and being poked and jabbed all the time for fun. But, his mom (my grandma) died in December of 2021. I was super close with her. I just want a break from life.
Anyway no said life was #easy or #happy right? Come join my #ohana where no one gets left behind. See what #silliness or #not so silliness we get up to. #Chat if you want. Or don’t. It’s a #no judgment zone, and #no one says you have to be somewhere or do some benchmark just cause you’re x yrs old.
More to come.
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405blazeitt · 10 months
doctor who's baby yoda also being its glup shitto except it's called "beep the meep" is the exact level of silliness that dr who ought to be
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