#back to fuck orpheus up for real this time
akuma-tenshi · 5 months
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congrats on winning ds mr. campbell i'm going to kill you again if you win nymph
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to-be-a-dreamer · 9 days
I can’t stand that TikTok trend that’s like “just saw Hadestown and my boyfriend is walking the entire way back to the hotel without looking back at me to prove Orpheus was a chump” because not only do they not get the whole point of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth they also Were Not Paying Attention to the musical they just saw.
Hate people who see WSS as “just a Romeo and Juliet retelling”. Hate people who see Hadestown as “Just an Orpheus and Eurydice retelling”.
Hate people who watch a musical that takes a classic story everyone knows and uses it to explore/critique our modern society and only see it as a funky retelling.
Not Getting The Point of WSS is one thing because it’s more subtle and it can be really easy to just see it as a modern R&J, especially if you don’t really know R&J.
How the fuck do you watch Hadestown and see it as just an O&E retelling? It is one of the most heavy-handed political musicals out there how are so many people missing the point?
Orpheus has to fail. Not because that’s how the Greek myth ends but because that’s the whole point of the message of Hadestown.
Social reform is hard. Changing the world is one of the most challenging things you can try to do. So often we see people try to make a difference in society, to change some kind of injustice in the world. And so often we see those people fail. It can feel so impossible to actually do some good in this fucked up world because we see these people who are smarter and stronger and more qualified than us fail over and over again.
Why do we even keep trying?
Because we have to.
Because one day, someone will try and they’ll succeed.
One day Orpheus won’t turn around.
One day the people of Hadestown will get to see someone escape and they’ll know they can escape too. Only then does the world get to change.
So we have to try. We have to keep singing the sad song, no matter how many times Orpheus turns around, because one day he won’t.
In the Greek myth, Orpheus fails because he loves Eurydice.
In Hadestown, Orpheus fails because we fail.
We try and we fail to make a difference. We try and we fail to change the world for the better. We try to see the world for what it could be and it keeps letting us down.
But we don’t give up. We don’t stop singing.
Hadestown is genuinely one of the best musicals ever. Full stop. This musical is one of the reasons i wish I was smarter because I would love to be able to do an entire thesis on this show and all the themes and messages in it. Some of them are subtle. Some of them aren’t.
It is not just an Orpheus and Eurydice retelling. I am begging people to hear the real message.
Never stop trying to change the world.
One day we’ll make it out of Hadestown.
We just have to keep singing the song.
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anxious-witch · 3 months
Jesus fucking christ. This post by @bluebugjay made me realize something. Something that kept bothering me about Charles' inital reaction to Edwin's confession.
He laughs briefly and says "Oh, I get it. It's like one of those Orpheus and Eurydice moments". I was so focused on the fact they made that metaphor within the Sandman universe than I missed a glaring, obvious bit. Charles laughed. That is not a reaction of someone who believes the other person. He thought it was a joke. He thought Edwin was just making a reference, not actually confessing. And he keeps that up until Edwin says "Charles, I'm quite serious". Then his face turns serious as the realization of this being real sinks in.
And I am completely baffled. Awestruck. And based on referenced post above, I think we can conclude Charles genuinely thought Edwin was above that. Above feelings of the romantic kind.
Let's rewind. Edwin, who never showed any interest in anyone for over 30 years, who scoffed at the prospect of Charles liking Crystal. Charles didn't register it as romantic jealousy, because he didn't think Edwin could feel that.
I wonder if he heard of how Edwin died, of how they called him Mary Ann, and correctly clocked Edwin was gay. Maybe he assumed Edwin had forsaken romance completely due to trauma?
But-but the Cat King! Charles was jealous of the Cat King! And he clearly flirted with Edwin!
Yes, indeed. But Charles never sees that Edwin responds to it. Edwin's relegation of his attraction to the Cat King happens when Charles isn't around. Perhaps Charles subconsciously knows, hence his insistence for Edwin to tell him, but he isn't sure. He just knows he and Edwin made a deal and that Edwin is acting odd. Nothing else.
When Monty comes along, we can see Charles is jealous. And he doesn't seem surprised when he thinks Edwin is talking about liking Monty. "You could have told me you like him". Yet, we clearly see it bothers him, even if he doesn't directly protest.
Then it clicked for me. Is this not exactly how one would act if they thought they had no chance of someone liking them for years and then finding out they like someone else??
No wonder Charles can't say he is in love with him back while they are on the stairs! If we assume that on top of all his issues with his dad and growing up in the 80s, he assumed Edwin would never wish to return anyone's romantic feelings, including Charles, it would be so difficult to shift into a mindset where that is a possibility!
Neither of these idiots were ever truly vulnerable with each other! Charles doesn't have feelings for Edwin because he pushed any possibility away. Not to mention then liking Crystal and knowing that whole situation is not yet resolved. He must have been so confused. No wonder he needs time to unpack all that, after belief he held for decades had been shattered in such a short period of time
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IF MW3 was canon to me, and if I wasn’t completely and absolutely burnt out, then I’d write an Orpheus x Eurydice coded Ghoap one-shot where Simon refuses to accept Soap’s death. Just flat out refuses to accept that it happened. Never even goes to the funeral.
He doesn’t accept it, because he can’t believe it.
It was supposed to be him, right? How could Johnny have gone before him, in what universe was that okay?
Ghost is so desperate, clawing, grasping, fighting tooth and nail for something, anything. But first, he needs to get away. (Price looks at him with those knowing eyes. Price knows something’s not right, but what could he say?) So Ghost asks to go on extended bereavement leave and Price lets him.
And Ghost goes straight to Scotland.
Finds a crossroads.
Makes a deal.
When he wakes up in the middle of the night, Johnny’s there in bed beside him, breathing deep, looking so peaceful in his sleep. Ghost thinks it’s a fucking weird dream, only to wake up to the smell of frying eggs and coffee.
Soap seems to remember nothing about that last mission. Been havin the weirdest dreams lately, Si. Cannae believe how real some of them felt.
Something fundamental cracks in Simon’s chest at that moment. It’s real. The deal came through. Johnny’s really here.
Simon's happy to report that the rest of their life together is mundane. Even boring, to an outsider. They quit and move. (Simon takes care of all of it. Johnny never even mentions seeing Gaz or Price, but Simon never prods. It's all surreal, so what's another weird thing?) Their life together is happy.
The real story begins when Simon realises that his time's up. The real story begins when Simon gets dragged to hell, goes with a smile on his face. How could he not? They'd crammed a lifetime of happiness in ten years.
The real story begins when Soap makes it his personal mission to bring Simon back, this way or that.
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
i keep typing out asks to send you but stop working part way through 😔 so instead of letting them sit in my google docs, i'm just gonna send what i've written and just summarize what i wanted the rest to be 🙃
so. here's one of them lmao
loosely inspired by Abigail (2024)
Hob is a reformed criminal, ok; he got out of that life when he met Eleanor and created a new life for himself when they married, identity and all. He didn't want any children they had to have to deal with any of that. He was even going to school to become a teacher.
And then Eleanor died and Robyn was taken and now Hob is being forced back into that life to get him back.
It's a kidnapping job, some rich fuck, with a large payout and Hob doesn't fucking care, he just wants his son back.
When he sees it's a 12 year old boy who's scared out of his mind, though, that's when he snaps.
He can't do anything, not yet, not when they- whoever they are, he still isn't sure- still have Robyn. All he can do right now is wait and protect the boy.
so it eventually gets revealed that the kids name is Orpheus, that his father is Dream (who's known to be incredibly dangerous, there are stories about him, most of which Hob doesn't believe because hello, vampires aren't real!!!)
except Hob gets proven wrong when Orpheus gets scared (and hungry) enough (he's just a baby!!!) and starts killing off his abductors. he only leaves Hob alone because he was nice to him and confided in Orpheus about his son.
Dream finally shows up at the end of the bloodbath (he was out of the country or something, idk lmao) with Robyn, who had been taken by Burgess (he wanted to force Dream into turning him and that's where Dream thought Orpheus was at first) and is all "you protected my son in the end and ur hot, i'm gonna turn you and make you my bride :)"
and Hob is like "!!! I don't want to get murdered if I say no so I guess I don't have a choice!!!"
and so Hob gets turned, he and Dream are now vampire married and fuck often, and Robyn and Orpheus bond over having weird dads (and when he's old enough, Robyn chooses to be turned as well; no way was Hob gonna make him go through puberty AND deal with being a vampire) (really Hob just didn't want to deal with the angst that came from it all, it's like the normal teenage angst bullshit got doubled and he was NOT doing it, thank you very much) (Orpheus was bad enough, and he was a born vampire; he definitely got the dramatics from his father)
Awww so cute! I remember the trailers for Abigail and thinking that the young lil vampire killing people was a cool concept.
I think the vampire family with Dream and Orpheus and Hob and Robyn would be so cute 🥺 like they live in a big spooky chateau with lots of vampire servants (who are also their friends tbh. Cori is their terrible terrible butler and Matthew is meant to be a valet but hes honestly just Dream’s weird friend at this point) and they go on hunts to kill bad people and eat them, and sometimes they go into town and do normal human things (Dream is really not very good at pretending to be human, but it makes Hob and the kids laugh a lot to see him try). Of course Dream hosts fancy vampire balls sometimes, and persuades Hob to get all dressed up in flowing red ballgowns because they're vampire married and Dream wants to show off his bride to everyone!!!
Orpheus and Robyn have to get Matthew to help them in solidly soundproofing their bedrooms because their dads are having NASTY sex every night. Orpheus has it worse because he has super vampire hearing - he did NOT want to know about his dad and step-dad's kinky strapped to an altar drinking each other's blood sex. But he gets his revenge eventually with a fellow vampire called Eurydice when they fuck on Dream’s favourite red velvet couch. DEFINITELY dramatic just like his father, honestly.
But next time someone tries to kidnap literally anyone in the Endless-Gadling family, they're in for a big surprise. Dream and Hob are protective of their baby boys, and Orpheus and Robyn are soon fully grown vampires ready to protect their dads. They really are the cutest family! As long as you're not squeamish!
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the-nerdiest-insanity · 2 months
Okay so I'm not saying you have to write this but I wanted to share this little plot bunny in my brain with the first fic writer who showed up in the tags.
(this is not a request I just really really want to talk about this)
Okay so we all agree that the reason 'we literally have the rest of eternity to figure out what the rest of it means' is cause Charles never finished reading the myth, right?
So imagine if Edwin is killed of for realsies, and instead of just out right stating that the reader instead gets to find it out through the means of Charles reading the myth- you know, finishing it.
(the angst potential is twsiting me insides)
I started this at midnight for me, and this wormed it's way into my brain and won't leave. The ask gives away the twist, but I hope I've written this well enough that it doesn't matter
The Song Was Written Long Ago
Title from Road to Hell (reprise), Hadestown
Charles landed on the floor with the dull thumping feeling he has associated with living as a ghost on Earth. Niko and the Night Nurse are staring at him with shocked expressions.
"Charles--" Niko tried to start before he abruptly cut her off with a shake of his head.
"Don't Niko, just don't," he mumbled. Charles sniffled and slammed his fist into the ground. Slowly, he sat up onto his knees.
"Hey, I heard a loud noise," Crystal said as she entered. She took in the somber faces around her. "Did something happen? Where's--"
"Don't," Charles spat out, sharper this time. "Don't fucking say it."
"Charles?" Crystal asked as she took a hesitant step forward.
Charles stood up and plowed his way across the room, uncaring about the voices asking about him or the hands trying to stop him. He leapt into the first mirror he could reach. "Take me home," was his only thought.
Charles landed harshly into thei-- the office. His legs carried him automatically to the bookshelf. It had been so meticulously organized before this whole damned trip. Now, everything was a cluttered mess after searching for the book to save Niko.
A painful voice echoed in his head, "It wouldn't be so messy if you'd just follow my system." Charles bit his lip, attempting to rein in his emotions.
This is like one of those Orpheus and Eurydice moments, yeah?
Charles knew there were many different versions of the story he was searching for, but focused on finding the one he had started all those years ago.
Finally, he pulled out Metamorphoses. He flipped to Book X, finding the line he last read. He had stopped when the pair began to leave the Underworld. He had figured either they made it out and lived a happy life or something terrible happened. And, Charles was fine never knowing what the answer was. Until now.
He read about Orpheus's confidence in getting the pair out. He read out Orpheus's doubt. He read about Orpheus turning around too soon.
Charles slammed the book shut. He didn't need to read about how Orpheus died because he was already dead.
Charles slid slowly down to the ground, crying into the book. He could hear a voice in his head scolding him for not taking care of property. It made Charles hiccup as he sobbed. "I'm so sorry, Edwin. I shouldn't have looked back. I should've lead up out before I talked to you. I'm so sorry. We were supposed to have the rest of eternity. Edwin, please."
The rest of eternity was a very short time, indeed.
Was I listening to the Hadestown soundtrack while listening to this? How could you tell? For real, I hope you all liked this and I made the annon proud.
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bludermaus · 10 months
What about him admitting he straight up enthralled and murdered Duke Stelmane? There is a cutscene that shows him causing her seizure. He literally says “you are my puppet” idk after that I could never side with him
Before you make questions, you should check your facts. So let's do it step-by-step:
"What about him admiting enthralling her?" - The game offers no explanations whatsoever about the circunstances of the enthrallment and the reveal is done when you're telling him he's an untrustworthy fella. If he's not "trustworthy" when he's being nice and cooperative, what makes this a "mask off" moment instead of an "hey since you want me to be a monster, lemme roll an intimidation check, maybe you'll cooperate this time and stop patronizing me about trustworthiness". And even if he's being honest about enthralling her, I really don't care about her, like, at all? She was enthralled way before any of the shit in-game happened, our companions have done worse shit in the past, I will just keep working for the guy and save the world I don't care, I'm not gonna pretend our characters are on some higher moral ground because they are not.
"He murdered Duke Stelmane" - He did not??? She was murdered by the Bhaal Cultists, the game is very explicit about this. The Emperor already did his mischievous actions, you don't have to invent new ones to give to him
"There is a cutscene that shows him causing her seizure" - Yeah, and I'm glad he's learned that enthralling others is just not worth it and is actually trying to forge a real alliance with us, even if it's an alliance by necessity. It's a pretty shitty thing he did but again, I don't care about her as much as people do. He's not doing it to me and he clearly shows he knows it didn't work back then and it's better to forge a real alliance with a free-willing person, and I have no reason to be antagonistic or vindictive towards the one that has been The Shield to The Sword.
"He literally says '''you are my puppet'" - And is he wrong? You literally wouldn't be there without him actively protecting you (not Orpheus, he is the one protecting you, Orpheus is doing jackshit for us besides being the source of the hivemind disruption power) and he's using you to save himself and save the world in the process... just like you're doing the same with your companions. And I don't mean Tav, I mean you as a player. They are your pawns as well. You can do whatever you want with them. You can be invested in their emotional well-being and want the "good" endings for their quests, or maybe you'd rather have more firepower on your quest to save the world in which case you'd maybe go for the "bad" endings. They are - indeed - paws to achieve the goal you desire the most
People just don't like The Emperor because he acts exactly how the player themselves do. He has a clear goal in mind and wants things to happen the way he wants and is using the NPCs (us) to further this final goal. I will just do what he wants since our goals align, he'll be happy and then he fucks off to continue playing City Skylines: Baldur's Gate Edition with the Knights of the Shield.
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reptilian-rapscallian · 3 months
orpheus and eurydice vs wolfstar?? i NEED to hear your thoughts!!! (as a classics nerd marauders fan i can't believe i didn't think to draw parallels between ships n mythology sooner)
Reblogs, this ask and an ask from @transwolfstar has officially convinced me.
I've always gone back and forth on who was who in this scenario, but I've come to the conclusion recently.
Orpheus is Remus, Sirius is Euridyce 100%.
Orpheus is what I believe Remus would have been if he hadn't been attacked by Greyback. He grew up loved, and as sheltered as he physically could have been from the world until he went to school. Orpheus was one to see the best in the world, what the world could become. He was a loner through and through, which is so Remus coded tbh. Remus is connected and grounded, which I fully believe Orpheus was, based on the way he used his musical talents.
Euridyce being Sirius is something I'm so genuinely passionate about. He sees the world for what it is because he's been through such extreme hardships. Euridyce and Sirius are kindred spirits through and through. Not only that, but in the original myth Euridyce was a nymph. The way Sirius' beauty is so heavily emphasised throughout his mentions in the books and films (to the point that I lowkey love the being part veela headcanon) is so Euridyce.
This leads me on to THEIR LOVE. Orpheus falls head over heels for Euridyce, but not just because she's a minor deity, because of her. Because she's his soulmate, his everything, the person he's willing to literally go to the end of the earth for. This is so fucking paralleled by Wolfstar. They love each other so genuinely unconditionally (according to all canon that I read too much into and a lot of fanon), and Remus is willing to fight, even kill an old friend, with very little real confirmation/context, at the drop of a hat for Sirius.
Remus loses Sirius for the first time tragically in the same way Orpheus loses Euridyce (on their wedding night). For both, it isn't permanent, in spite of the fact that they believe it will be. Euridyce is in the underworld, which is known to be a genuinely traumatising afterlife that causes you to lose all sense of identity, and Sirius is in Azkaban, which feeds on your positive memories and forces you to lose all sense of self.
Orpheus seeks out and cares for Euridyce so deeply, using his skill set (his music) to save her from the underworld. This is a bit of a stretch, so you can completely disregard this one, but Remus is a more subdued character (because he grew up in more hardship than Orpheus, moulding his character into a more reserved one), making his staying with, looking out for and understanding Sirius without words his own variation of this.
All of the waiting; both Orpheus and Remus knowing that every second in their own respective torture was stripping them of their soul, their identity. Then, when they're finally reunited, they get no time together. Orpheus has to lead Euridyce, walking for days, without looking back, without ever knowing if she was really following him, if the gods had tricked him, if she had been taken or hurt at all on the way back. Remus and Sirius are immediately thrown back into a war, with no way to keep one another safe. Every day was one of uncertainty, and they had Harry, the child of their dead best friends, to look out for every single step of the way.
They both end in tragedy.
Orpheus, when he's out of the final stretch, the cave, turns. He looks for Euridyce. Whether it's on instinct, because she trips, because he believes he's been tricked, or because he could hear her crying the entire time and finally reached his limit, he turns around. He loves her so much that he searches for her, and he loses her because of it. Remus, however, allows Sirius to walk into the trap. He hears the panic, he knows that Sirius will go straight after Harry, will walk straight into the trap on his own, and brings the Order. He tries to keep Sirius safe. His problem is one of looking away. Of being so caught up in the war, that he can't even register what is happening until it's over. Until Sirius has been taken from him, even though he did everything he did to keep him safe. For both of them, it looks like they're going to make it, that everything is going to be okay, until it isn't. One painfully human moment, and they're both gone. Orpheus because he doesn't trust his circumstances and looks back, Remus because he trusts them too much and looks away.
Still, there was never an ounce of blame appointed to Orpheus or to Remus. The poem Metamorphoses by Ovid puts it perfectly. “Eurydice, dying now a second time, uttered no complaint against her husband. What was there to complain of, but that she had been loved?”
Sirius is taken through the veil. Remus doesn't know if he is truly in the afterlife, or if he's trapped in between, suffering helplessly and wishing for relief. Wishing that he could take it all back, or that he could just die. He can't even go after him and find him. He has to hold Harry back, hold him together. Orpheus doesn't know how long it will take Euridyce to lose her mind in the afterlife. For everything that he fell in love with to be stripped away, for her to become nothing but a being of eternal suffering. He attempts to use his music to get back to the afterlife, but he cannot.
Orpheus is eventually killed, as is Remus. Both too soon, both not soon enough.
Right person, not enough time.
It's absolutely heartbreaking, and it's what I spend my every waking moment thinking about.
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xjulienbakerx · 4 months
I think prompt 02 or 23 would be really cute, also so glad you’re gonna start writing again! :)
Thanks so much for sending in a prompt! I went with #23. Will probably do the cabin one later, too.
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Lucky (Julien Baker x Reader RPF)
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Julien surprises you by finally asking for a tarot reading. Prompt: a spacious, light-filled meadow.
Word Count: 1,059
Content: no smut, just sapphics reading tarot; lil bit of anxiety from JB
Disclaimer: this fic is inspired by a real person. don't read it if that bothers you. do not repost this fic off platform. do not share it with the person who inspired the character or anyone who knows them.
Prefer AO3? Read it here.
"Will you read my cards?"
You and Julien are resting on your backs on an oversized blanket in the middle of a spacious, light-filled meadow. You've been lying there for hours, enjoying the day and each other. You're currently spaced apart, just the tips of your fingers touching. 
You open your eyes and squint against the sun, suddenly giddy. You turn to Julien with a hand shading your eyes. 
She's staring up at the sky raw despite the sunglasses sitting off to her side. You hate how often she does that. 
"You serious?" 
She smiles but doesn't turn to look at you.
"Yeah, baby, I'm sure. I wanna see what you see."
You bite your lip against a smile and nod. 
You'd both loaded up the back of JB's truck for your day trip. You've always been an over-packer and you wade through several jackets and changes of clothes until your fingers ghost across the only deck you brought along.
It’s your favorite, a gilded tarot deck featuring historical romances. It felt appropriate with how often you were both buried in a book.
You grab the deck along with the leather-bound journal you use to track your own readings. You can't pass up the opportunity to remember everything about reading for Julien. Who knows when she'll let you do it again. 
When you get back to the blanket, Julien is sitting cross-legged with her hands resting on her knees. She visibly swallows and gives you the tiniest smile.
"Ready, baby?" you ask as you sit opposite Julien with the deck and journal between you.
She nods. 
"Ok. Let's just start by breathing together." 
Julien follows your lead, the two of you breathing gently in and out together for a few minutes. When Julien is at ease as she gets, you pull the cards out. Your hands dance over them as you clear them and start shuffling. 
"Got any specific questions?" 
She looks thoughtful.
"Mmm, no. Just wanna see what comes up."
You've never been one for spreads, content to read the cards as they come without boundaries.
You smile to yourself as you draw the cards, still unable to believe she’s trusting you with that unseen part of herself. You pull a few cards from the top of the deck until you feel done.
In front of you is a Five of Cups depicting Orpheus and Eurydice, Judgement represented by Hades and Persephone, and a Seven of Cups featuring Titania and Oberon.
“You’re fretting too much,” you say quietly, looking at the cards as they speak to you.
Julien snorts. “Me? Nah.”
“Yeah you, Baker…mmm. Running the same decision over and over in your head.”
You turn the cards around so that Julien can see them right side up. You walk her through the cards and their meanings to you.
“This story is all about being so in your head that you end up outside of yourself, which sucks on its own. But the thing being warned about here is that there isn’t really a choice that avoids change. I think you’re in a leaping season, gotta make big moves. You’re going to have to grow into an evolved version of yourself no matter which way you want to go. And that’s okay. You’re already you, can’t really do it wrong.”
She stares at you for a beat. “Fuck.”
You preen at her awe. This reading was the first you’d heard about what’s been going through her head lately.
Julien’s a loving, communicative partner but she needs time to process things before she brings them to you. She’s always worried about “making you” do the labor of processing things for her. You’ve told her dozens of times that it’s no bother, that you want to help unburden her even if you can’t fix anything. But time and space are what she needs and you’ve learned not to take it personally.
It’s nice to know you were dead on about whatever quiet battle she’s waging.
Julien gestures at the cards. “May I?”
You nod at her and she grabs each one, staring at the intricate designs and turning them over in her hands. When she gets to the Orpheus and Eurydice one, she lingers.
"Ya know, I used to think he was so stupid but now I get him,” she says. “Like, it’s not about what you think is true, it’s needing to know when it comes to the people you love. I don't think I could be anywhere and not know for sure if you were safe. Asking someone not to love like that is cruel."
You frown.
“Are you worrying about us?”
“No!” she shakes her head vehemently. “No no, not at all.”
She scoots closer and takes your hand, gently rubbing her thumb over the skin as she speaks.
“I just…,” she tucks her hair behind her ears and takes a deep breath. “The last year was so, so amazing but it changed me. I’m different now as an artist and as a person. I don’t want to go back to doing things the way I was before. I don’t…it feels really scary. Like, I can give people what they want from me or I can…experiment. Try new things. But then maybe they’ll be disappointed? I don’t know.”
The sun is beginning its descent for the day, currently covered behind some trees. Julien stares off for a while.
You watch her, struck by how the golden light makes her look like she’s glowing from the inside out.
When she’s ready to speak again, she squeezes your hand.
“I’m just really excited about this all. About you and me moving in together. About the new record. About the new dog…I just don’t want to fuck anything up.”
You shrug. “We’re all fuck ups. But you wanna hear something funny?”
“This is literally what the cards were saying. That instead of fretting and worrying about what other people are doing or thinking about you, you just have to focus on what feels right for you. People will always have opinions and you can’t do anything about it. Just focus on making yourself happy. And when you can’t do that, I’ll help you.”
Julien smiles at you, her eyes wide and a bit misty.
“How’d I get so fuckin’ lucky?”
You lean in to give her a quick peck on the lips. “This is what I’m saying!”
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icymi, here's a link to the prompt list. I'm trying to write short fics to get back into the writing groove. Send a prompt if you want a JB fic :)
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spicyraeman · 3 months
96, 28 and 43? Tav questions for Virranan
and i'm pretty curious about 11, 37 and 40 for Emra
OH! And if its not too much trouble,
Could i ask about Treble with 99
Thank you for the ask! These were really fun ones to think about!
[Tav Ask Game]
28. What does your Tav think of Auntie Ethel? What do they tell Mayrina?
The first time Vir meets Ethel in the Grove he can tell somethings a little… off about her, but they’ve got more pressing matters to attend to at the time so they don’t look into it too much.
The second time they meet Vir has a full ‘I knew it!’ moment as she shows her true colors after he doesn’t side with her. He convinces the brothers not to go looking for her and with some nudging from Wyll and seeing her effect on the swamp, decides it’s for the best to dispose of the hag.
Although Vir is annoyed by Mayrina’s attitude after they rescue her, he understands that sad and desperate people often lash out and they still retrieve the wand for her. He does think briefly about breaking the wand himself so she can finally grieve normally but in the end, he brings him back and gives her the wand so she can make the choice herself.
43. What does your Tav think of Jaheira and the Harpers?
Vir loves Jaheria, she fits right into their little group of misfits, and her insightfulness and sense of humor are something that he can relate to. Her calm and levelheaded nature is also something that Vir appreciates, especially as things get more hectic and they need someone to knock some sense into them.
96. Does Lae'Zel remain loyal to Vlaakith, or does she follow Orpheus? Or neither?
In Vir’s canon, Lae’zel renounces Vlaakith and leaves to join the revolution with Voss and Orpheus.
After the first meeting with Voss, it's something that looms over their relationship - Lae’zel is leaving (whether she truly wants to or not) and there is a very real possibility she might not come back, but it's far safer for everyone if she does, no matter how much it hurts.
11. What goes through your Tav's head when they wake up on the Nautiloid? Are they scared or do they push those feelings aside to focus on escaping?
He’s not particularly scared, maybe more annoyed than anything. This isn't the first time Emra’s woken up in a (very) sticky situation like this and it probably won't be the last. He’s quick to push through and try to get the fuck off the ship and preferably out of literal hell.
37. Did your Tav go to Creche Y'llek? Did they know something was up with the healer?
He did. He didn’t want to, he left his people behind decades ago and had no intention of ever returning to them, but he knew there was no other way to shake Lae’zel’s unwavering loyalty to her people.
The moment they enter the Ghustil’s office Emra already knows how this is going to end. He’s been around long enough to know that the Githyanki’s only cure for a ghaik parasite is death, and if they did have another cure it sure as hell wouldn’t be at some backwater creche. He still lets Lae’zel get into the zaith'isk though, her faith is far too strong for her to get the reality of the situation without some direct consequences.
40. Did your Tav agree to kill the Guardian or did they go talk to them instead?
Emra had no intention to kill the Guardian, but getting a direct order from Vlaakith herself pretty well guaranteed the Guardian's life out of spite alone.
99. Did Wyll get freed from Mizora? Did he save his father?
Getting Wyll out from under Mizora’s thumb was Treble’s top priority as soon she learned about his contract. Freedom is incredibly important to her so there wasn't a chance in the hells that she was gonna let a good man like Wyll be stuck doing a fiend's bidding.
As for Ulder Ravengard, Treble’s opinion of him is… less than favorable, but keeping him alive is clearly important to Wyll so when they find him in The Iron Throne she makes sure he gets out safely.
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
Call me tragedy anon w the way i slurp that shit up real. Okay but in all /srs i'm a firm believer that most love stories or stories in /gen in TWST are mainly happy love stories tragedy? Never heard of them!!!
But i think most would be more fascinated to figure out thats its popular in Yuu's world. Like why??? Don't people not like being happy more than sad? and its true!! But there's always something cathartic about well-written tragedies (imo at least) and people enjoy that feeling. Personally the media i enjoy and stick to me the most are usually the ones that have open ended or ambiguos endings that leave a bittersweet after taste in your mouth. Something about retrospecting and finding peace that yes even though it never ended well, there was happiness, or maybe if not happiness then maybe peace to be found in a story like that. The love was still there!!!! Do you understand!!!???
Orpheus can never be with Eurydice ever again, but the two loved each other!! Icarus will always die but the sun kissed his face!!! Do you understand!!!!!!!!!!
I want to thank you for sending me this on valentine's day. It is so fitting I should have answered immediately.
Welcome to the stage tragedy annon! W takes in this ask right here your brain is massive.
Orpheus can never be with Eurydice ever again, but the two loved each other!! Icarus will always die but the sun kissed his face!!! Do you understand!!!!!!!!!!
I really like happy endings and have a hard time playing the bad end in otomes but one of my favorites, Birushana has these tragic endings that I have done some of and GOD. The image of Shungen screaming at Tomomori as he cradles Shanao's dead body, saying he can't just take her away as Tomomori prepares to jump into the ocean and drown with her only for him to say "You misunderstand, she is taking me." .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·. i am crying, screaming, throwing up etc. and so on because fucking damn that's what it's about. The love is so real it has to endure even when everything else is gone.
I think that Idia might find some morbid comfort in that concept which is why I mentioned the Orpheus and Eurydice connection in his long fic musing. I don't think he would find it romantic necessarily, but certainly comforting. Like at least by Yuu's weird standards his curse isn't the major set back he thought it would be and even if things end badly they will still see it as worth it? That's weird, odd, and something he outwardly wants to make fun of but not something he really can when that's what he has come to believe too after his overblot.
Jade and Azul both work really well for this too. Azul because he believes love is inherently exploitable, so the idea that stories end badly in your world just further cements his own bias. The idea that you would consider the bad ending to make things no less real or valuable though, THAT he would need some time with. What do you mean Orpheus fails to save Eurydice is the point of the story? He has a hard time coping with the idea of losing already, adding that into romance as a selling point doesn't make sense from a consultant's point of view. You want to win in the end no? Not just be left ugly crying alone. Jade on the other hand... I just like to see him eat shit on something like this tbh. "Oh I would never do something like that, what an idiot for looking back-" Jade would actually show up at the gates of the underworld and he would still look back because he needs you to be there exactly like the myth foretold and he would be cursing fate the entire time.
I feel like I leave Floyd out of these sort of things so I want to add him here because I feel like he would dismiss the idea of tragedy as a good thing but not because he like. Doesn't think it doesn't exist or something he just doesn't care. He already knows the time you spend together will be enjoyable, and if it ends with death or with him going too close to the sun, well that was the point wasn't it? Kind of like he gets the point but not because of the example given. It's also why I could see him actually successfully making it through to a happy ending. He has this line in Chapter 7 when Lilia is scolding the Octatrio that made me scream because of how good of a job the VA did with it:
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And if he says his place is a happy ending I believe he'd make it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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samsalami66 · 4 months
Never done this before, but have some rambles about a recent Sandman/Baldur's Gate 3 crossover idea of mine!
Naturally, there are some minor bg3 spoilers following, proceed with caution!
Currently my idea is that as the nautiloid crashes through realms, it also crashes through Earth and snatches up a few people . It's not many, they're gone almost as soon as they appear, and Hob is between one of those very few, probably on his way back from a medieval re-enactment. He gets tadpoled and crashes with the rest of the group in Faerûn. Decides to tag along, not necessarily because he's worried, his husband is an Endless after all, and even if their connection seems to have been temporarily cut off by the tadpole, Dream will find him sooner or later and fix this, somehow. He has a lot of faith in his husband.
Anyway, having a fighter in the group who can't die and has been on the battlefield more times than he could count might be helpful to these people.... and they all seem to need an open ear, someone with a bit more experience to talk to. It's also nice to talk to some Immortal and near Immortal people for once!
Anyway, when the dream guardian comes, Hob can't help but snort. Trying to disguise himself as a dream? In front of the King Consort of the Dreaming? Hob was a Good Consort, he prided himself with knowing all currently active Dreams.
This was not one of them.
A real dream would also recognise him as their ruler. So, who is this person who looks just a bit too much like his husband....? (What a terrible disguise anyway, no dream would dare to take on their creators form, not in front of HIM)
He's mighty distrustful of the Dream Guardian and his intentions, tries to find out just what sort of war is being fought in this other plane.
And when he finds Orpheus (and he's just a bit taken aback by the name, by the fact that he could save someone with this name, even if it isn't the Orpheus he wants to save) he swears to free him, fuck the Dream Guardian and his talk about doom and gloom.
In the end, Hob takes care of his new friends, be it in fights or whenever they need someone to listen.
He bumps shoulders with Mizora and Elminster, later Mystra, holds up Cazador so Astarion has a better angle with his dagger, points out Vlaakith's and Shar's bullshit and pisses off the Dead three (hopefully Death won't be too cross with him for that, but he can't imagine his sister in law is particularly fond of these guys.)
Aware of his connection to the Endless Gods cower before him, much to the surprise of his companions. Even their relentless friend and resident undead Withers seems to take a step back whenever Hob approaches.
And when Hob and the others finally slay their final foe and are freed of the tadpole, it only takes moment for Dream to follow their bond and start fussing over Hob, who he had believed to have been captured.
And as I am a weird person in general and my first thought at 3am was to start a new Baldur's Gate run with Hob as my Tav and Dream as my Dream Guardian...
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Hob is a Fighter and due to his extensive knowledge with the blade I have decided to make him a Battlemaster Fighter. His background is quite obviously that of a soldier, his skills as a mercenary being what he uses in battle here. Some details are the moon-earrings, which were a gift from Dream, and a fading neck tattoo of a rose that he got shortly after the flopped 1989 meeting.
Dream on the other hand is just your resident edgy twink, earrings also a gift from Hob!
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thesunsethour · 10 months
my official ranking of (basically) every song by hozier
(ignoring some collabs/songs from soundtracks etc)
(this is just my opinion no one shout at me)
(he has no Bad songs, only Less Brilliant ones)
52) To Noise Making (Sing) (the sing chorus at the end goes on just *that* bit too long
51) Sunlight (slightly repetitive)
50) Nobody (maybe this is controversial? does however contain one of my favourite lyrics “it’s suicide Tuesday back in LA”)
49) Sedated (the lowest ranked song of his self titled album and it’s not because it’s not good it’s because his discography is fucking insane)
48) Someone New (only ranked this low because it was very overplayed in Ireland when it came out)
47) Almost (Sweet Music) (this was never my favourite song but who can resist “i laugh like me again she laughs like you”)
46) Son of Nyx (hozier made the best study music song of all time)
45) Wasteland, Baby! (sounds exactly like the album feels, if that makes sense?)
44) Swan Upon Leda (would be higher but i keep accidentally forgetting to add it to my playlist because it’s not on an album. also Free Palestine)
43) Better Love (hozier’s voice is so beautiful)
42) Dinner & Diatribes (ever since someone said he sounds like Count von Count in this song i can’t un-hear it)
41) It Will Come Back (so sexy. one of the sexiest songs in his oeuvre)
40) NFWMB (an under appreciated classic. i remember playing this in the car when my dad was dropping our friend’s kid to school and getting in trouble for the cursing)
39) The Parting Glass - Live from The Late Late Show (not only a beautiful rendition, but it was also performed during covid when everyone was feeling very hopeless and he just captivated ireland for a few short moments. gorgeous)
38) Anything But (we are reaching the territory of songs that are so goddamned good that it feels a crime they are so low down. he has dozens of such songs)
37) In the Woods Somewhere (eerie vibes which are beautiful and exacerbated when you find out he based this on a dream he had)
36) To Be Alone (again, CRIMINAL that this is so low down. blame hozier having so many good songs. don’t blame me)
35) Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene (a bop AND a banger AND a jam. triple threat)
34) Damage Gets Done (their voices are soooo beautiful together)
33) Be (“When Atlas acts the maggot” is one of Hozier’s best Irish culture lines)
31) Shrike (this song made me cry when i first heard it and i am Not one to cry)
30) To Someone From a Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe) (GAEILGE MENTION!!!!)
29) Jackie and Wilson (one of my first ever favourite hozier songs)
28) Talk (i love the myth of orpheus and eurydice and i ALSO imagine being loved by hozier)
27) Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) (blowjobs)
26) Eat Your Young (hozier wrote this for all first year trinity students who had to read Swift for their intro to irish writing lectures)
25) All Things End (don’t be sad. we begin again :). hozier said so)
24) I, Carrion (Icarian) (soft, sad, beautiful. like hozier)
23) Nina Cried Power (feat. Mavis Staples) (also very overplayed in Ireland but this time it really deserved it!!)
22) Cherry Wine - Live (one of the most beautiful and recognisable guitar bits of all time. yes i said guitar bits i don’t know anything about guitars)
21) As It Was (the drug the dark the light the flame…)
20) First Time (“anyway”)
19) Who We Are (makes me feel like my chest is being lifted to god)
18) No Plan (“As Mack explained, there will be darkness again” is one of the all-time great Hozier lyrics actually)
17) Would That I (it’s illegal for anyone to dislike this song)
16) De Selby (Part 2) (he wants to run against the world that’s turning!! he moves so fast that he’d outpace the dawn!!)
15) De Selby (Part 1) (AN ENTIRE VERSE AS GAEILGE)
14) Like Real People Do (once again, how is this so low? hozier is too good. “we should just kiss like real people do” lyrics of all time)
13) Butchered Tongue (i wrote an entire essay post about this song. with citations)
12) From Eden (time has maybe made us forget just how fucking insanely good this song is. IDEALISM SITS IN PRISON CHIVALRY FELL ON HIS SWORD INNOCENCE DIED SCREAMING. also reminds me of verse 2 of Human by The Killers)
11) Work Song (WHEN MY TIME COMES AROUND LAY ME GENTLY IN THE COLD DARK EARTH. NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN. I’LL CRAWL HOME TO HER. also special mention for: “in the low lamp light i was free” aka the name of one of my criminal minds fanfics. moving on)
10) Run (SOOOOO underrated. literally rare is this love keep it covered! run to me run to me lover! run until you feel your lungs bleeding!)
9) Movement (i played this song every day on repeat for 2 months when i was 17)
8) Arsonist’s Lullabye (wario of better love. don’t ask me how or why)
7) In a Week (feat. Karen Cowley) (the most gorgeous beautiful song of all time their voices are perfect for each other - I’D BE HOME WITH YOU)
4) Unknown / Nth (DO YOU KNOWWWWW I COULD BREAK BENEATH THE WEIGHT OF THE GOODNESS LOVE I STILL CARRY FOR YOU!!!! he had no right to sing this. and as beautifully as he does. makes me cry. sha-la-la)
3) Abstract (Psychopomp) (this wasn’t originally my favourite when i first listened to Unreal Unearth has grown on my heart and will not let go. did you know the memory hurts but does me no harm. and did you SEE HOW IT SHINESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2) Take Me To Church (this being his debut single. DEBUT. SINGLE. no one else was doing it like him. the vocals the lyrics god the beautiful lyrics the MUSIC VIDEO!!!! ireland’s best living artist.)
1) Foreigner’s God (my favourite song of all time. no notes. utterly perfect in every way.)
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"dusk" masterlist
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pairing(s): yoongi x reader (endgame); kai (exo) x reader; kai x oc (endgame); side namhope, jinkook, vmin rating: PG-16 genre: twilight au, urban fantasy(ish) romance current total wc: n/a
summary: When you moved to Forks, Washington, you only expected awkward conversations with your adopted sister's biological father and a lot of rain. You did not expect to see the love of your life walk through the high school cafeteria doors - especially when you thought he died back in 1918. But Yoongi doesn't remember you, and believes you to be fully human. With the seemingly endless amount of danger coming your way, how long can you keep the act up?
tw: angst, depression, suicide attempt, violence, fights, murder, blood drinking, liar revealed storyline, fluff & crack, yoongi and a piano, mint yoongi, so many kpop groups and soloists, chaotic taehyung, covering twilight-new moon-eclipse, i am not touching breaking dawn, nearly everyone goes by their real name not their stage name ~ this will be updated as the series goes on!
read on ao3 ~ read on wattpad character profiles playlist ~ faq moodboards ~ characters ~ pt.1 main masterlist
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act i ~ dusk
prologue: when dusk falls ~ one: and they were roommates ~ two: just another fucking monday
three: they always say 'i can explain!' but they never get the chance to ~ four: in case you haven't noticed, i'm weird. i'm a weirdo. ~ five: rule #1: the doctor lies
six: get in loser, we're going shopping ~ seven: hi, welcome to chili's ~ eight: my brand of heroine
nine: "be myself", what kind of garbage advice is that? ~ ten: late-night interview with a vampire ~ eleven: and then i didn't
twelve: the iconic baseball scene ~ thirteen: there's only one snacc here and it's me ~ fourteen: how to run from the mess you've made
fifteen: not everywhere you fit in is where you belong ~ sixteen: was that the bite of '87?! ~ seventeen: it's just a flesh wound
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act ii ~ dark
eighteen: and you did it at my birthday dinner ~ nineteen: as if i never existed ~ twenty: don't cry, craft!
twenty-one: it is wednesday my dudes ~ twenty-two: top 10 anime betrayals ~ twenty-three: take a number
twenty-four: at least there's a dog ~ twenty-five: wishful thinking, mindless dreaming ~ twenty-six: a world so dark
twenty-seven: so maybe i'm not okay ~ twenty-eight: v is for validation ~ twenty-nine: we could be
thirty: my past, my future, my hell ~ thirty-one: now would be a good time to be anyone but me ~ thirty-two: orpheus and eurydice
twenty-three: late-night interview with a half-vampire ~ thirty-four: feel my wrath and extreme self-doubt ~ thirty-five: how to be a failure 101
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act iii ~ dawn
thirty-six: oh my god they were roommates ~ thirty-seven: howdy-do, fellow kids ~ thirty-eight: it's murder time
thirty-nine: the fine art of bullshit ~ forty: hey guys, i'm really trying here ~ forty-one: alexa, intruder alert
forty-two: thanks, i hate it ~ forty-three: you, bulletproof, in black like a funeral ~ forty-four: prom (an important high school rite of passage)
forty-five: there's no 'i' in 'justice league' ~ forty-six: the blood on your hands ~ forty-seven: probably unethical experimentation
forty-eight: i promise to love you forever ~ forty-nine: late-night interview with a werewolf ~ fifty: murder time is now almost exclusively the time, always
fifty-one: for what it's worth ~ fifty-two: t.g.i.f. ~ epilogue: dawn was breaking
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maegalkarven · 10 months
I just thought of redeemed!Durge run AU in which Elder Brain won (Emperor or Orpheus were not strong enough/Elder Brain grew too powerful under the influence of the crown), so the Great Design was set into motion, gods freaked out (bc no one needed Ao coming to whoop their asses), grouped together and pulled the time rug back.
Which made the entire team go back to the moment right before Ketheric's death (bc it's the last point of no return, after his death Brain gets freed from one part of the command and it just spirals from that).
Gods also pull the kind of dimensional skype call like in Pillars of Eternity. Basically gods summon the team.
Which leads to the most epic yet hilarious encounter.
Imagine: the entire team (with Isobel, Aylin, Jaheira, Halsin and Minthara, let's make it a good run) standing in front of Gods in some liminal space.
I'm thinking the Dead Three, Selune and Shar (imagine how fucked up things have to be for them to be at the same place and be civil-ish), Mystra and maybe Loviathar. Oh, and Jergal is also here.
And it's all pathos and importance of stopping the Netherbrain before the world gets destroyed (and before Ao looks down and starts whooping ass.)
But at the same time most of these gods are evil, they do not know how to work together and they hold grudges.
Shar and Selune are specially seated at the further sides from each other. Myrkul is seated between Bhaal and Bane because these two reached some new levels of hatred and so he is working as a god-shield.
Bhaal blames Bane for Durge's fallout, Bane retorts he would have a better use for Durge than Bhaal, and anyway Durge ruined a perfectly good tyrant, look at him, he has feelings now! (Gortash looks offended.)
Selune stares at Ketheric without blinking and so is Shar (no one sees her eyes, but Ketheric FEELS her gaze). Myrkul tries his best not to bring the twins' attention his way. When it is brought, he argues what at least he gave Ketheric what he wanted and points at Isobel. Isobel is like "DID I ASK THO?"
Mystra says everything is Jergal's fault, if only he didn't give away his power to these three dipshits-
Which brings said dipshits fury over her head.
Loviathar just happy to see Durge who took her blessing oh so nicely. Bhaal demands Bane calls off his wife who is stealing Bhaal's child.
Someone asks "Why when some bullshit happens, it's always you three?" (meaning the dead three),to that Bhaal retorts what he wasn't there when Bane and Myrkul stole the Tablets of Fate from Ao and brought the entire Time of Troubles on their heads.
Myrkul says it's because no one invited him.
Selune says the Time of Troubles was REALLY fucked up and they lost Mystra.
Mystra is like: "I am literally here," to which she gets response "I liked the previous one better".
And the entire time the mortals (and Aylin with Durge) are like: ...so we're screwed, right?
And also NONE of the chosen can be killed bc doing that will free Netherbrain.
Karlach tells Mystra to fuck off. The entire team supports it, to Gale's bewilderment.
Jaheira stares daggers at Bhaal. Like for real tries to intimidate a god with a stare.
Orin has to be restrained bc killing her is not an option, but she will not cooperate.
Shar goes to hurt and intimidate Shadowheart in some way, to which Selune, Aylin and Isobel are like: "Literally fuck off".
Bhaal straight up tells Orin she was destined to fail bc all she was - a trial for Durge. Orin DOES NOT take it well.
Durge and Bhaal ready to kill each other because this family is MESSED UP. The team trying to hold Durge down bc "Stop, you idiot! He'll just kill you again!"
Karlach not taking it well what Gortash shouldn't be killed. Same for Jaheira and Halsin, but about Ketheric. Aylin is more reasonable about it, but deep inside she's seething.
The team snitching on Mystra to the other gods like "she told Gale to detonate netherise orb!"
Shar: I also liked the previous Mystra better.
Mystra: WTF this is so uncalled for
The gods: Did Shar and Selune just agree on something????
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Gabe I am kissing you on the mouth bc yes!!! Hob would be such a good influence on Dream! He helps him get his shit together during the tour and when it finally ends and they head back home, the offer is made for Hob to become their permanent guitarist. They had already spent most of the tour writing new material and so just two months after it, they already have a double album's worth of songs to record.
The recording process is smooth sailing. They're really meshing well as a band and being home around his son begets a wave of creativity that was unknown to him. He also cuts back significantly on the drugs so his mind could be focused at home with his son and the divorce proceedings with his wife. Calliope doesn't want anything really since she's made her money and prefers to be independent. Orpheus also finally starts to reconcile with his father. He even starts writing love songs again, first to his son and then to Hob. But he never tells Hob that these happier songs are for him. The press would rip them apart if they ever knew so he keeps it under wraps.
But with the record company happy with the new demos, life gets better. The bassist position filled by a long time and much-beloved musician Gault who Lucienne convinced to join when she saw her preform in a little club in Manchester, even Hob is better off when he finally and officially joins the band and gets some money coming in from it. It's his first real label deal since '76 when EMI had come sniffing around. He can now afford to send his son off to a really nice school and make sure he's cared for when he goes off on tour.
The record comes out and becomes their biggest seller. Their sound, while still a bit down, now has this air of optimism and pop sensibility. For the first time, they get offered a worldwide tour. Over two hundred dates in 15 countries. They play everywhere from LA to Capetown. They're giving interviews. It really feels like their moment has come.
But there's trouble on the horizon. First off, Constantine's drinking has worsened. He's a rockstar now and likes to party as such, which is a shame because now Hob has been chiding him for partying so hard. His work performance has been slacking and that's led to some fights. Which he finds hypocritical, as Dream has cut back, he hasn't gotten clean either. This leads Dream to rent a hotel room for a week and lock himself inside to sweat out the worst of the addiction. Which he does without telling anyone.
Hob obviously loses his mind looking for him and finds him on the floor of the bathroom, shivering like a shitting dog and so cold. He helps nurse him back to health, but by then it's too late. The tour starts and what a tumultuous tour it is! The first month or so, Dream barely has the energy to walk let alone give a three-hour performance. Lucienne loses her mind trying to manage his mood swings and Constantine's drinking problem. Gault nearly bails after the first show when he snaps at her for fucking up during rehearsals. Mr. Record Company also isn't happy with how expensive the set is to move and decorate which makes Dream threaten to walk. Hob has to talk him down. Even their relationship falters when they get hounded by paparazzi wherever they go and they start arguing over stupid issues. Like Hob sees a female fan getting harassed during their set and stops the show to have it out with the guy which leads him to jumping off the stage, over the barricade and into the crowd to fight him. Which is not a good look. Hob might be punk rock, but that's not their image. He can't be fighting whoever pisses him off anymore! Which plants it in his head that maybe him and Dream are a little too different for this work out.
I have more ideas like Hob being spotted during a show in LA when he sneaks off to go see Black Flag and gets fucking wrecked by the crowd who call him a sellout and bounce him from their space. He's not a real punk anymore! Or Dream's little catfight with Morrissey when he gets big, but I won't bore you anymore lol
🎸 (is this taken? if it is my apologies)
I'm still relentlessly obsessed with late 70s musicians au!! Here is the first part if anyone missed it! Thank you so much for giving us more 🎸 anon!!
I love the rollercoaster of this whole relationship. On the one hand the band is seeing so much success, and there's money, and the press is in a good mood for once. But fame brings so many issues and Hob finds himself almost missing the days when he was scrounging for gigs. He wants to make music and he wants to be with Dream but he's hyper aware - he's not immune to alcohol and drugs, he's a little scared that he might relapse when the stuff is just laying around in the dressing rooms all the time. He knows that Dream partly got clean for his sake but he hates seeing his lover in such a fragile state. Basically Hob is trying very hard to hold the whole band together: caring for Dream, dragging Constantine out of clubs at 3am so he doesn't get arrested again, trying to persuade Gault that it's really not all that bad, next week will be better... he's tired. He gets into more fights. He listens to a lot of Def Leppard. He's spotted outside strip clubs (mostly hunting down Constantine) and starts to get a reputation in the press as some kind of sleazy guy. Dream gets jealous even though he knows the truth. It's the most stressful period of Hob’s life and he is SO burnt out.
They have a couple of days off from the tour and Hob goes AWOL. Dream can't find him anyway, at the hotel or the bus or at any of the nearby cafes. Dream eventually finds him at a local church, just sitting hunched over in one of the pews. Dream can see that he's been crying, and suddenly he feels so awful for taking advantage of his friend, his lover. He's been so selfish but Hob still smiles at him and takes his hand. Dream ends up holding him in the empty church, rocking him gently and humming one of the songs that they've been writing together.
Dream tells him that they can go home. They can cancel the last 50 or so dates and just go back to Hob’s suburban home and get some fucking sleep. But Hob shakes his head and nudges Dream gently. The show must go on, right? No point in giving up now. It's just that they've all lost sight of the music somewhere along the way.
It doesn't get much easier, but Dream steps up a bit. Constantine is cajoled into toning down his rockstar behavior. Dream and Gault sweet talk the press by giving a few interviews and photo ops where they make sure to emphasise that Hob is NOT sleazy, he's actually a family man and a brilliant friend so everyone can fuck off talking shit about him. They even get a couple of other big name artists to say nice things about Hob. He's worked on so many sessions that everyone knows him. And yeah, there are some shitheads (and probably also johnny rotten) who call him a talentless sellout. But Hob is touched by how much effort Dream has put in to making him feel better.
And eventually they get to go home. Dream is still a shivery wreck but he hasn't relapsed, the record is still selling, the paps have calmed down now the tour is over so Hob doesn't feel terrified every time he meets Dream in public. Their relationship FINALLY gets more physical in private. They make love for the first time!! Dream finally sees the anarchy tattoo and writes a ballad about Hob’s wonderful arse (which will, mortifyingly, go on to be a top 20 hit).
Of course they're a pair of disasters and they have their ups and downs. But I honestly feel like their relationship is a rollercoaster that neither of them really want to get off. They're basically soulmates and however insane their lives get, they're always going to end up together.
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