#backstories are somewhat of an issue rn
Played a lot of balder gate 3 recently which means it’s time for me to brainstorm some ideas for dnd!141
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magewritesstories · 6 months
CONTENT WARNING: This is literally just me hating on the 2nd and 3rd affiliate of the Workers. I'd love to hear y'all's opinions on this. Obviously mention of canon-typical things, e.g. violence, drugs, rape, etc.
I just read the 3rd & 2nd Affiliate chapters, plus the summit meeting and be so fucking for real rn, what is wrong with these people??!?!?
like i know the whole point is that you start out hating the gangs and then you grow to like them, like with Big Deal and God Dog, but the workers are just human garbage and there is no coming back from that???
like look at the line-up we have: a rapist drug making nepo baby (Vivi), some guy with stockholm syndrome that protects rapist drug making nepo baby (Xiaolong), an annoying gaslighting narcissist that blames all the horrible things she does on daddy issues (Mitsuki/Neko), some guy that can't get a fucking hard on and follows around annoying gaslighting narcissist so that he can bang her, like dude take some viagra and pull yourself together (Ryuhei/Nomen), pshyo twins who run this hell-on-earth (Eugene and whatever his brothers name is), some random buff dude with a inferirioiryt complex bc his dad wasn't a cheating asshole but just some deadbeat (Samuel), a murderer that kills people because they aren't strong enough (Kazuma/Hyottoko) a dude who's family was killed so he starts working for people who pay oney to the guy who killed is family (Magami/Daruma)
Like the only two people I somewhat get are Samuel and Xiaolung (the guy has stockholm syndrome but still)
Like??????? No excuse they can give me as backstory will make up for the horrible, horrible things they've done. Especially when it's something as dumb as 'Well, I could never get hard until I met her so I joined her hell brigade and started commiting horrible crimes.'
And I know that the people in the circus were also human garbage, but they were still human. But like the people Vivi drugged and raped were innocent, like that girl that Daniel befriends.
Anyway, yeah, the Workers instigate a visceral rage in me and I hate all of them. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
─── MAGE
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antianakin · 1 year
I think what makes Ahsoka's sudden power surge frustrating is that we don't really see her "earn" it besides her slow power increase in TCW, where we see her train, practice, and learn from past mistakes. In Rebels without any prior showing she's able to go toe to toe with multiple force sensitives etc. Then in Ahsoka she's able to do all this without any hint she could before. It could have worked if we saw her in other media like rebels trying to do this to limited success hinting that later success meaning she practiced. A powerful character works, but since these are specific skills with in-universe being rare/difficult to use we need to see her learning since she's too established a character to just have it as a natural skill.
Best example I can think of rn (sorry tired and Rebels is one of my faves) is Ezra's connection ability, even though he picks it up extremely quickly we still see him struggle in the beginning. But things like his increased agility make sense with his backstory so we don't need to see him practice jumping.
So the thing with Ezra’s animal connection ability is that it’s done very specifically to showcase some things about Ezra’s CHARACTER. He picks it up quickly because he ends up using it via anger the first time successfully as I recall, highlighting some of that struggle we see him going through across most of the show, but he figures out how to LET GO and so from then on he tends to do pretty well in animal connection because it sort-of represents his connection to the Force itself. This is Ezra at his most pure, his most balanced. EVERY TIME after that first episode, Ezra’s connection to animals is where he seems the most calm and centered. Think the way he responds to the purrgils right from the start, or his connections to the loth cats and loth wolves later on and how innately they seem to be drawn to him. Ezra’s Force abilities tell us something about his character. (On a sidenote, this is why I was somewhat disappointed in the lack of newer Force abilities for him after TEN YEARS in a new galaxy on his own, it doesn’t feel like Ezra’s had to change or grow at all as a result of that time which seems both unrealistic and really boring.)
Ahsoka being able to do more and more things in TCW is intended to showcase how advanced she is and that time is passing so yeah, she's learning new skills, etc. Ezra gets some of that in Rebels, too, without us needing to see the training happen on screen. But very rarely are her skills utilized to showcase something about Ahsoka's character or her connection to the Force in the way Ezra's animal connection ability is.
I will say that if you watch the shows in chronological order as they are NOW, then Ahsoka in TCW season 7 is capable of besting Maul on her own, so her going up against two Inquisitors in Rebels doesn't seem SO far-fetched. She's portrayed as REALLY skilled in combat throughout TCW, so that honestly doesn't totally annoy me so much as the fact that Kanan and Ezra are completely knocked on their asses by the same two Inquisitors. And that's what makes it feel a little like an attempt to just make Ahsoka look like the coolest. By beating Kanan and Ezra TOGETHER, the Inquisitors are made to look pretty dangerous and powerful, so Ahsoka defeating them makes her look EXPONENTIALLY powerful. If Kanan and Ezra had been holding their own but just not quite able to take them out and then Ahsoka shows up and adds to their numbers and so now the Inquisitors are done for, that might've been a little better. Ahsoka doesn't look quite so powerful, but Kanan and Ezra don't look like such wimps either. I don't mind Ahsoka being powerful in combat on her own, I just have an issue with Ahsoka constantly being compared to other Jedi as supremely more powerful, presumably just because she was Anakin's Padawan.
And that leads us to the Ahsoka show where Ahsoka suddenly has psychometry. That's not even something you can TRAIN as far as the lore for it goes, you either have it or you don't. And Ahsoka has pretty clearly NEVER HAD IT BEFORE given the amount of times that skill would've come in handy in all of the situations we've seen her in. And it's not like they didn't have a way to show what psychometry was on TCW, we see Quinlan use it in his one episode. Ahsoka never does anything at all like that, so it seems unlikely that she was intended to have the skill and just... never uses it. If they wanted us to know she had it, we'd have seen it. In TCW and in Rebels. What she does in the Ahsoka show is never CALLED psychometry, but what she does with the map to figure out what happened to Sabine is so so clearly psychometry it's not even funny. At this point I must assume the reason for giving her this skill out of the fucking blue is just to move the plot forward and to make Ahsoka seem like a wise old sage, or a messiah of sorts. They could've EASILY let Jacen be the psychometric one, he's basically a blank slate in terms of his Force abilities. But nope. Had to be Ahsoka so she could have yet ANOTHER Force skill to make her seem cooler.
I dunno, I get that they're effectively turning her into a goddess of light reborn sort of thing at this point which I hate just for how boring and annoying it is, but if she's supposed to be a goddess of light reborn then sure, whatever, give her random skills out of the blue, maybe the more she starts turning into a goddess the more powers she gets or some bullshit like that.
The one thing I will give to the Ahsoka show is that they allowed Baylan to be BETTER than her. At least temporarily. I'm sure she'll end up beating him later in season 2 or something, but he gets to explicitly tell her she'll NEVER BEAT HIM and he's RIGHT. This is the first time in a VERY LONG TIME that Ahsoka's been up against someone she legitimately just cannot beat. The only other one has been, like, Anakin himself during Rebels. So I did appreciate that they finally showcased another Jedi character who is just legitimately better than Ahsoka in combat. I wish there'd been more of an emphasis on WHY that was, why Baylan is so powerful/strong in comparison. If it's just that he's the only other character she's been up against who was likely a full Knight or even a Master by the time Order 66 came around while Ahsoka only got a few years into her apprenticeship and so OF COURSE he's better than her, that would've been really cool to explore. Ahsoka never FINISHED HER TRAINING, that would've been an INSANELY interesting thing to really dig into and it should've been a NECESSARY thing to dig into before she took on a Padawan she didn't need to train. Unlike Kanan and Ezra, Sabine is not someone who's already showing signs of Force sensitivity that she needs to be able to hone and there are absolutely other options for Sabine if she wants to train (we're pretending the stupid worldbuilding-breaking "everybody is Force sensitive" bullshit is real for the sake of this argument). Sabine could've gone to Luke if she was that desperate. Ahsoka should've been forced to figure HERSELF out before she took on a Padawan and having to recognize that a full blown Knight/Master is easily able to best her could've been a very interesting start to that particular revelation.
Ah well. Wasted potential across the board, I guess, that should've been the Ahsoka show's logline.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
So you don’t have to explain them in depth rn if you don’t want to but I’m curious do the Cafe tag crew have backstories?
Saber is a model with mommy and daddy issues
Clyde was in the foster system and treated poorly for being a harlequin rabbit. He works different delivery jobs
Pauline was a former cook at the cafe and now owns a farm
Shauna is the daughter of a club own who runs a more mature of the cafe. She's also just recently come out as trans
Doc is a medical student who used the cafe to get over their fear of humans
Trick is an archaeologist and a foster parent when available
Scout lived alone in the mountains with his grandmothers and pet wolf until they all passed away
Prince is the son of a chief police who adopted him after his birth mother asked her to take him in and had a rough childhood
Wisteria is considered somewhat of an abnormality in this world being a plant and near immortal, and has tried to make a place for herself with helping with various gardens around the city
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aquaburst3 · 10 months
Last night I read someone's article analyzing Honest Fellow and his place in society. While I don't personally agree with most of OP's points as per usual, like the fact that I think Jamil is more on par with Ruggie rather than being "rich" and on par with characters like Riddle and Vil when it comes to wealth, one interesting one they mentioned is how all of the Halloween one shot villains so far served as one of the character's dark reflections. I honestly see that.
Rollo=Idia Both lost their brothers in tragic accidents. While Idia was able to deal with his anger and grief in a healthy way, Rollo was never able to accept or cope with his loss. He directed his anger towards himself for not being able to save his brother outwards, doing the flower thing in order to get rid of the one thing that stole his brother way in his eyes—magic. (Strictly talking about the canon versions here. My own take on the character is slightly different, even if they share the same backstory. Plus, I'm handling Ortho FAR differently in mine to the point he will seem like a different character. Rollo doesn't reflect Idia very much in mine as a result.)
Honest Fellow=Ruggie Both come from impoverished backgrounds and have been screwed over by society to varying degrees, clinging to wealthy benefactors. Both also have UMs that control people in different ways. While Ruggie is fully willing to swindle, steal from and take advantage of oblivious rich people, he has his limits about how far he'll go and has compassion for others, even those from rich backgrounds. Honest Fellow wallowed his resentment, and took out his anger for his circumstances by willingly taking part in a plot that would turn people, especially magic users and from privileged backgrounds, into puppets. This is likely due to thanks to Ruggie being able to go to NRC and Leona helping Ruggie grow past his station while Honest Fellow was not, it's still no excuse or make Honest Fellow's actions any less fucked up. Plus, Leona also cares about Ruggie and treats him with respect whereas Honest Fellow's boss treats him like trash. (Granted, I don't think this arc was well written. Hell, I have plenty of issues about how Honest Fellow was handled as a character, especially about him not paralleling his canon counterpart. Neither here nor there rn.)
I did something similar in my stories as well, albeit unintentionally somewhat. One example is for Addie (Yuu)...even if she's only a rival rather than outright villain like the above examples. There's also the final boss for her as well. But considering the first one won't show up until the next arc of my fic and the last one I want to keep under wraps, I will leave it at that for another post at a later point. However, the more I think about it, Destan, my "twisted" Narissa OC that shows up in the middle of my Savanaclaw rewrite fic who harassed my "Yuu", is Vil's dark foil.
Undercut thanks to spoilers to the next arc of my fic
Both are actors and Hollywood (or the fantasy version of that) nepo babies. Both feel like they are mistreated by the entertainment industry, Vil with being typecast as a villain and Destan for not being casted in hardly anything. Both have powerful UMs that can be deadly in the wrong hands, being connected to the Evil Queen in different ways. (Vil with his ability to curse anything or anyone he touches, and Destan's making him basically a Heartrender, aka being able to control another person's heart...literally.) What separates them is that Vil is kind, considerate and genuinely cares about others, wanting to help people become their best selves, while Destan sees others as pawns to get to help him become famous.
Yes, Vil is a polarizing and super flawed character. He's domineering, overly critical, controlling, harsh, impulsive, temperamental among a whole other laundry list of things. Also, yes. He did try to poison Neige. Double yes, the way that he treats Epel isn't it. However, at the end of the day, he wants to help out those in his dorm become their best selves. He gives others personalized body care. He helped others with their makeup in the first Halloween Event. In Epel's SSR dorm uniform story, when Vil needed help tinkering with magiwheel for one of his plays, he asks Epel, since he knows about his skills in that area and that it's something he enjoys. He put in a lot of hard work into his routine and wanted to win against Neige in legitimate means. He only resorted to the poison shit after he was disheartened by others loving Neige's shitty performance that he put no effort into. (Handling that differently in mine, but strictly talking about the canon here.) He's also the only person who overblotted so far who actually apologized to Yuu and tried to make it up to them.
If you include my writing as well, he genuinely cares about Addie's wellbeing and sees her as a friend by the end of his arc. He will even help her with something at one point during Pomefiore thanks to empathizing with her circumstances. He also apologizes for when he says something horrible to her and tries to make it up to her.
You can make the argument that he is using her and Epel to aid his VDC team, however, he never coerced them to do anything. He was up front about his conditions, both with her and Epel. They both have free choice. They are able to say no and back out at any time. Hell, she even agrees to help take down Neige at one point. While he could've been clearer with Epel about what everything entailed, that's more do to his own misunderstanding than anything on Vil's part.
Destan is the complete opposite, being like if Vil completely gave into his ire from the get-go and did anything to get the roles he wanted. He doesn't go out the way to help others around him. He only sees everyone as pawns, including his "friends". Rather than earning his goals and trying to accomplish them through honest means like Vil, he's taking the lazy and worst way out. Destan's whole plan is forcing Addie to be his girlfriend in order to be spotted with her and be thrusted into the spotlight like that. He will not take no for an answer, and will do some nasty shit to make her comply. How she gets out of that situation, only time will tell.
Destan also represents her ex that cheated on her. Both he and her ex boyfriend saw Addie as a sex object and a tool to put themselves in the spotlight. His UM being a nod to her ex being a "heartbreaker" is not subtle.
I admit, making these one shot villains dark foils to the NRC boys is genuinely clever writing and is one aspect that makes those events seem more engaging compared to most of the other ones. The fact that these guys are able even have darker foils goes to show you that most of the NRC boys are more like the Dregs from Six of Crows and more morally grey. It also proves that most of these guys have potential to be so well rounded they seem like real life people than characters based on cartoon villains if they just had more consequences for their actions and were handled differently in general. (Minus Ortho and Grim, who I think are poorly written characters. Ortho has no personality outside of being the "child character". Grim is poorly constructed and makes zero sense. King from The Owl House is what I imagine Grim would be like in the hands of a far more competent writer. But I'll save that for another post.)
I would say "great minds think alike". But since I think Yana is a highly overrated and terrible writer, I think it's a "even a broken clock is right twice a day" situation. xD I'm genuinely curious how the game will handle these "dark reflection" foils in future Halloween events and which characters Yana will pick out to be those. (I, for one, can see a twst version of Ernesto being Azul's thanks to him basically being Azul without any of the latter's positive traits or conscience. Same goes for a twst version of Jack Skellington for Kalim. Have no idea about who Jamil's dark foil could potentially be, though.)
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alice-the-demon · 3 months
okay, got it!! just one more question if you dont mind tho
I was thinking of making said oc part lust and part wrath but toning down the powers of course. like the lust part only being able to somewhat control people and the wrath part only making the imp slightly stronger than the average imp. but since you'd prefer to keep things simple, I'll just have to ask you relating to the backstory I already came up with for the oc: if they are a fallen angel who did something horrible (as in attempted murder or something) due to being jealous over someone they were obsessed with/lusting after, what kind of demon would that make them in your opinion? I saw that your example of a fallen angel turned into a lust demon because they attempted to S/A someone, but I mean if the angel were to hurt someone else to be able to be with their person of interest. sorry if Im not making sense, I'll try to put it simply if that's better; if an angel falls due to hurting someone that they were jealous of because that person was dating someone that the fallen angel wanted for themselves, what kind of demon do you think they would become?
-waning anon (Im on my laptop rn so I cant use emojis lmao)
I'll try to answer this in the best way I can lol
In this case I say that it depends on the reasoning on why that person hurt another one.
I mean: what was the main thought they had to make them act that way?
Were they doing it out of Lust? It means they're possessive of their partner.
Out of Pride? It means that they have self worth or some kind of inferiority issues.
Out of Wrath? The person is impulsive and jumps to conclusions without thinking twice.
To understand which kind of Demon that person becomes you have to understand the main reason why they acted that way.
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bumofthewild · 7 months
omg your ffxiv journey is so sweet ;____; it's so touching to see other haurchefant fans waaaaah everything in ishgard is so crazy. do you have any thoughts? on his family, ysayle, estinien? aymeric?
awwww ty i feel like all i've really done is tweet "i love haurchefant" or complain abt fantasy racism but i'm happy you think so...! and yess infinite love for haurchefant forever i was not expecting to fall for him like that at all. he is literally perfect.......!!!
im actually obsessed w ishgard im hoping you understand that asking for my thoughts on anything is opening a floodgate but i will try to reel it in! ok! here we go!
ok i love ishgard.... i love its extremely insular and severe and almost monastic atmosphere. i am a hugeee fan of secluded locations as the setting of a story so when i realised hvw was going to be largely about ishgard i was so excited. i also really love plots where characters are in hiding/have to take refuge in a hidden and secretive place??? and then the fact that the place you have to take refuge in is haurchefants family home??? i started writing fanfic immediately i literally felt like i was being spoiled like they wrangled that from my brain i genuinely couldn't believe i could experience so much luxury all at once. of course that's been ruined after doing the vault which i have been genuinely handing terribly but. moving on!
emmanellain is so funny and i think the contrast between him and artoirel (silliness/overconfidence vs seriousness/insecurity) is really interesting, down to where you go with them on their separate missions. really fun way of exploring more of ishgard. i like their dad too he's genuinely sweet which i thought was a nice surprise. it really stuck out to me this one moment where the war worsens and he says you can't stay anymore bc its become so dangerous, bc i just automatically assumed everyone would beg you to stay and help. that really touched me. i feel like hvw somehow passed my convoluted eq test
also learning haurchefant was an illegitimate son in the way you do w artoirel just telling you really stood out to me o__o not bc that kind of thing is an issue but bc of how you learn it idk backstory on the characters kind of throws me off in a good way bc of how linear the game is. idk i cant formulate thoughts on haurchefant rn itd need its own post. some other time..
i don't believe in things like nobility as an actual moral concept, obviously, and fantasy games let alone ishgard really test my patience with it, but i do love it aesthetically. same w christianity. i really like idk arthurian medieval aesthetics. the high houses + their motifs really got me like i specifically love unicorns and roses if hvw was trying to appeal to me directly it knew exactly how. ishgard's politics too i thought that shit was so interesting i'd love to learn more about the rocky relationships btwn the houses. and we loveeeee toppling the church thank you heavensward
there were a lot of times though where i was really frustrated with the dragonsong war and this is my issue with ffxiv in general but the way it treats beast races is extremely disturbing. i pretend i cant read whenever a character on the "good" side talks about "civility" or "reason/sense". and the ishgard lore being ppl directed by their god to inhabit a land only to find that land inhabited by "savages" (the dragons) that they have to kill now bc as "reasonable" beings they have a religious claim to that land...is an insane thing to write about!!! jrpgs are crazy!!!!!! like i genuinely need it to stop but i guess they at least (???) kind of turned things around with hresvelgr and ysayle offering the perspective of the other side and i think they made it an interesting issue enough for the game but lord it is disconcerting. that being said the foundation of ishgard being a total lie (and being described constantly as a sin) is still a lot of fun to me like thank god. and the quirky somewhat found family journey w ysayle, estinien and alphinaud to unearth the truth was one of the best parts of hvw imo. i loved seeing estinien act almost like an older brother to alphinaud, and for estinien and ysayle to constantly be at odds and alphinaud trying to keep things together. i am so fond of that section of the game.. just felt like you were climbing higher and higher into figurative heaven (i love the title heavensward im glad they used it in such fun ways) and seeing stubborn bastards like estinien question what he knew. he was so funny by the way i was not expecting that even though i knew an estinien was a popular char in the game for a while. i also like ysayle a lot like her passion was very compelling, and when she finally talks to hresvelgr the way her goals would be tinged w a sort of self-serving personal feeling at times i found really interesting. all of it was so interesting whenever the plot strayed from ishgard id be like take me back PLEASEEE. idk i like chars who behave like tools (estinien) or become tools by accident (ysayle). i think those two should hang out and bicker and begrudgingly accept each other forever
also i love aymeric like i already loved aymeric from post-arr idk if you play w another dub but his english voice has this softness to it that i find so cute. idk he's kind of delicate to me maybe not what they were going for but i'm into it. the fact that post-arr to me is just watching aymeric and haurchefant be in a wol-loving contest MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACHGHH i love the ishgardians how much they like wol in a place that's notorious for being so cold is so great. i think love is real on earth. and not in the self-insert "i need every char in this game to want me" way i just mean that i like love a lot, and they are not shy about the fact that they love you. its great. also when they revealed aymeric was actually an idealist and that getting jailed as a heretic meant little to him if it could bring about a new ishgard--literal nail in my coffin. i love idealism!! i was really pleasantly surprised that the nobles you come to know decided to care more about bringing in a new age for the region rather than being noble. whether or not that change comes is to be seen ofc.. but considering the brume is a location that exists well. what is with this game and the fantasy cops always being really bad...? like is ffxiv actually down for the cause...? (joke)
ik ishgard has its whole classism thing going on but that seems more like fray's department now which i have yet to dance with.. i mean literally just dissolve the class system...but this post is already very unorganised so. no more. i would pay an infinite amount of money to bring haurchefant back. each time i think about him i slip up and think about his gravestone instead and feel nauseous. great game!
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snoozingredpanda · 1 year
Happy pride month! Can I request some gay headcanons for benni and nox? Gotta support my fave wlw (Preferably happy ones bc of benni's backstory)
Omg happy pride month I totally forgot it’s June and not May anymore 🏳️‍🌈
Women <3 (Benni, Nox)
Warnings: a lot of gayness, mentions of past homophobia, general yandere behaviours, happy headcannons because I need some love in my life rn
• Benni was a very confused child. She was raised in a home where being straight was normal and anything else was sinful.
• So when she started developing crushes on women instead of men she started to freak out. She probably knew she was somewhat gay from around age 12, but kept it to herself all the way until she got kicked out at 16.
• After that, she felt quite content with herself. She didn’t properly label herself for awhile, figuring things out before coming to the conclusion she’s was bi. Despite this, she always had a deeper attraction to women than men, due to the unfortunate events that happened in the past.
• Benni never had any relationships until collage life, where she meets her darling, eventually becoming completely obsessed with the land you walk on.
• The fact you’re a woman makes it all the better. You’re so pretty, and cute, and amazing, and everything she could’ve asked for.
• She’s not at all ashamed to walk down the corridors holding your hand, proud that she’s yours and you’re hers.
• If you’re not okay with that, or you’re not out yet, she’ll tone it down for you. She doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, and knows that your family could be unsupportive like hers. She wouldn’t want you to be in any danger, of course.
• Obviously, she ends up telling you about her childhood, and expects you to tell her everything’s okay, that it’s okay to be gay. So please tell her or she’ll be very sad.
• As well as this, Benni has struggled with gender identity before.
• She’s always wanted to be masculine, dressing in ‘boy clothes’ and always having her hair no longer than her shoulders. It wasn’t until middle school when a random boy shouted a trans slur at her did she really start to think about gender.
• It kept her up at night, wondering why she was feeling the way she was. She kinda wanted to be a boy. She wanted to be tall and muscular, and to play football with the other boys, but since she was a girl, they took the piss out of her for wanting to play.
• After months of thought, she realised she was happy with her gender, just not her body. She liked being a girl, she just wanted to be a more masculine girl.
• So she started to work out, eat healthily to promote growth, and eventually achieved a body she was happy with, and thankfully she was blessed with features such as broad shoulders and a slightly deeper voice than most girls.
• So the moral of the story is to tell her how handsome she is, how perfect she is, how much you love her body. She’ll feel so good about herself if you were to, and happy Benni is best Benni.
• Right?
• Pride month is something that Benni started participating in when she first started dating you. She would make posters to hang up around the collage, and made a website so people could anonymously email her to talk about their sexuality and gender issues.
• She kinda became the LGBTQ guru in the collage, and a lot of people looked up at her.
• And every school has those horrid kids who think it’s funny to make jokes about being gay, and let me tell you she was not letting that pass.
• Ok she could’ve done it in a better way than putting cocaine bricks in their lockers but it did the job and got them expelled so 🤷‍♀️
• All-in-all, Benni is very proud to be bi, especially with you at her side.
• Maybe one day she’ll even confront her parents. Show them how successful she is while being ‘sinful’. Or maybe she’ll just set their house on fire who knows she’s unpredictable.
• Nox went through 17 years of her life thinking she’s aromantic and asexual.
• She had literally never been attracted to anyone, man or woman. Not even a celebrity crush.
• In high school she ended up getting with a random guy just because all her peers had boyfriends and girlfriends and she felt kinda left out. She just felt incredibly awkward, especially when he tried to take their relationship further.
• She was just sitting there as he sucked on neck, a sort of startled look on her face. And then he wanted to go down on her, but she said no cause she was really uncomfortable, and he was a rude boy and hurt her feelings by making fun of her body.
• Now say sorry. Nox is perfect the way she is so what if she has a little bit of chub?
• 😠
• Anyways.
• She just didn’t have any loving feelings towards anyone, until little old you made an appearance.
• She’s like what the hell why are you so freaking pretty?
• Like, her heart rate has tripled, her palms are sweaty, her cheeks are red. It’s like she’s the main character of a romance novel written by a man who’s never felt the touch of a woman.
• That’s the main reason she starts to get obsessed. She just so curious as to why you’re making her feel this way. It’s like you’re soulmates, that you’re the only one in the world able to make her feel positive emotions.
• To put it simply, she’s Y/n-sexual. She just isn’t attracted to anyone else but you.
• However, she doesn’t know how to explain this, but she wouldn’t be able to date you if you were a guy. She’s basically a lesbian that’s hard to please in the romance department lmao
• But the fact you’re a girl doesn’t bother her. She doesn’t give a crap about what other people think; so what if she’s dating a woman?
• Plus why tf would she give up your tits just to please some homophobe?
• Yes she’s a boob girl.
• Are her family supportive? Her brother is. Her parents? How would she know they’re dead 💀
• She doesn’t do anything for pride month. If you want to go to a parade or something then she’ll go and watch from the sidelines, giving you small encouraging nods, and after that she’d probably take you out to dinner or something to treat you for being such an amazing pride warrior.
• But to be perfectly honest there’s not much to say about Nox’s sexuality. She likes you and that’s that.
• And she loves your tits.
• So.
• 🤙😎🍒
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trixstriforce · 2 years
hello :) i saw your posts about lu and idk if you were gauging interest in people hearing your opinions. personally i would be super interested in reading what specifically about every lu character is ooc! i am similarly frustrated with the current dominance of lu characterizations in fandom as a ww fan. ive been following for a while i just logged into this side account because i am scared to ask on main :( i hope you do not mind the somewhat bare blog. thank you!
oh my god oh my god oh my god someone wants my opinion??? do u wanna make out???? u do not understand the power u r giving me rn u do not understand how annoying and nitpicky and very passionate i can get specifically about lu bc i care so much about link its unreal and also bc i just like things like linkedmaze, dimensional links, and minaslinkverse better characterization wise bc to me they have shown the "found family links meeting up" thing a lotttt better than lu when i still read it
but to be fair i STOPPED reading around the part where four split due to the way the lu community reacting to the person with DID, a very stigmatized disorder who genuinely just wanted Jojo to acknowledge they messed up in the past and present and didnt like the vauge ass apology she gave making me actually disgusted. ppl talk about accountability then rallied against 1 tumblr user who was uncomfortable bc ppl liked Jojo's comic so she doesnt have to explain that now she respects nonbinary ppl and understands how past things were wrong for her to say we just infer this bc lu good :/ like hey maybe Jojo owned up to it afterwards or something bc she made 2 apologies that would make a YouTuber blush so i was done w/ the community and it was only rlly after that and after i played a few of the actual games + read some mangas i realized wow actually i do not like lu as much as i thoguht i did they butchered my boy, also i feel i should say it literally wouldnt matter to me do what u want in ur au but lu is now a fandom of its own and its influenced a lot of other aus and interpretations of link so i do take issue w/ how ooc these guys end up being
for one i dont know for me having link as a secret hoarder who would rather DIE than use the full scope of his abilities around OTHER HEROS is just no bc thats fucking stupid levels of wanting to appear normal around OTHER HEROS possiblly the ONLY other ppl to ever understand what u r going through
for me having every single link act like a frat boy/standard teenage white boy who is emotionally constipated is a no??? have u SEEN link he is so sociable and kind and understanding to other ppl WHY r the links like this, so many fics just...make them stew in their issues for angst and not trust the others and be incredibly insecure about the other heros(which is lu canon for at least hyrule and wind i think?) and like ok that is definitely fine for 1 link but why r they all like this in the games link is clearly not like that he wouldn't be this closed off and wouldn't hesitate so much like my dude he just inserts himself into other ppl's lives to make them better than leaves he wouldn't pussyfoot around other heros like what
also another major issue is the mergings just lead to certain characterizations or important backstory for certain links(FOUR. LEGEND.) being completely erased and the nuance of their journeys lost like when u merge links who r canonically 100s of years apart not just in the timeline but in the GAMES? yeah u lose things that make that link special
also bc u mentioned wind waker i found it kinda fucked up that wind waker link was delegated to The Kid TM even tho his entire journey was about moving on from the past to a brighter future and he took on the mantle left behind by the hero of time on his own volition and did what Time COULDN'T do which is kill Ganon but he is constantly underestimated and made into the Kid Who Wants Approval trope specifically around Time which sucks ass ngl he deserves to be an equal him still being a kid while the others got to grow up, including Four who's first journey arguably would have been a better fit for this archtype of wide eyed kid, is just side lining one of the most interesting links especially considering most of the other links were YOUNGER than him when they started
this is all general stuff plus 1 of my issues w/ Wind bc ur a Wind Waker fan bc as a Spirit Track fan i feel a kinship, im gonna make another post for specifically each link breaking down my issues w/ how they r portrayed later bc rn it is 8am and i ment to just say haha ty for the permission but then my inner ranter came out i am INCAPABLE of being normal about lu especially after i actually experienced zelda games bc lu was my FIRST introduction to zelda outside of smash bros lol
toast if u r reading this say rip to ur dms bc i am once more gonna talk to u about a comic for a videogame franchise u only know about due to my rambles and forcing u at gunpoint to learn about link...godspeed comrade
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thatoddgent · 2 years
Some more head canons while I try to get over my creative block, and also cope with some shit going on rn :))
TW: Infertility, abuse, trauma. All set in the past, talked about in reference to backstory.
- Sister Imperator was intended to be Nihil’s prime mover, especially since they were committed to one another (at least were thought to be) romantically. This however couldn’t happen because they found that Sister had immense issues with infertility, which caused a drift between her and Papa Nihil. Another sister was chosen to bare his children but the romantic aspects were kept between the two almost exclusively, until Nihil picked up the habit of hopping from woman to woman behind Sister’s back.
- When sister discovered that she was pregnant, she actually had planned to tell Nihil after his show as a way to celebrate both him being in the scene and the gift given to them. She took her pregnancy very seriously and was absolutely ecstatic, which left her heartbroken when she was finally met with evidence of her suspicion of infidelity.
- Nihil shut out his prime mover after the incident, which did nothing but rid his boys of a real mother and leave them to be raised communally. He was only ever involved with them when it came to scolding or teaching them about his duties, he never publicly showed affection or much care towards them.
- Each of the ghouls have characteristics left over from their lives before they died, whether it be accents or things in their appearance, they’re more apparent in their more human like forms. They keep memories from their past life as well, which can lead to certain issues on occasion.
- Cumulus has a southern accent, and though it’s toned down a bit over the years, she still uses a lot of slang and slips more into it when she talks quickly or gets emotional. She’s also a bit muscular on her arms and legs, from doing a lot of lifting and such (which she stills does around the ministry when needed) in her past life, where she smuggled illegal goods to help her family get by, despite it going against her morals.
- Cirrus has a habit of getting very defensive due to an abusive upbringing as a child, with a few scars still visible on her new body. This is why she’s seen as more sassy and protective, a new found confidence makes her want to stand up for herself and others. She’s become victim to night terrors, she killed her abuser in self defense but even now the guilt haunts her, Cumulus has always been there to walk her through the aftershock.
- Sunshine was also a victim to abuse, being assaulted both sexually and mentally by family and people close to her. She was always skinny due to neglect when she was younger, but instead of becoming bitter or defensive she tries her best to be optimistic and always be a ray a sunshine for those around her. She’s also somewhat child like in the sense that she never got to experience the wonder most children do, finding joy in the smallest things and being blown away by any new sights and sounds introduced to her.
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endermen-impasta · 1 year
My Sona (and their story) Post!
(Probably could be a separated AU tbh)
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Their name is Glitch (or Virus) and they are kinda like FNAF Glitchtrap in FNAF stuff. Virus is a type of computer virus (of course) but there is a way for people to see them in real life. Before I get to that part, Virus can interact with the real world, sometimes messing with people, to a person that could see them, they look like they're messing with things for example covering themselves with a blanket. Though to most people it doesn't look like anything at all, and just looks like no one is there and nothing moves. Sometimes driving the only person that could see them, crazy.
A way for real people to see Virus is a computer chip or any type of computer part, surgically or forced into the head. (Sometimes it will be violent) After a few weeks, Virus would appear at any time. Setting a limit on how far they can move around the person who has said computer chip inside the head.
Now this is where it gets somewhat complicated, because Leo is involved in this story.
(first drawings per usual)
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I would like to think Leo got Glitch as a tagalong while their chip was completely smashed. Before this time Glitch was holding on the broken yarn because they only existed on that computer chip. Somehow the computer chip was out in the middle of Leo's brain, by a possible mis-teleportation or by having a possible head injury during the Kraang battle. Somehow, someway it got to the center of Leo's brain. Now no one knew about this, because it didn't draw any blood and didn't cause any physical issues. Nor did it appear on any scanners at the time. (That's all I can explain rn)
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(Onto more on Glitch in my rottmnt universe.)
Glitch is able to take over Leo's body with the help of three things in the moment. One: Leo is asleep or unconscious. Two: Glitch has a strong emotion to where they can push past Leo's consciousness. And Three: Leo pushed Glitch to the front (either purpose or accidentally but he can take back control at any time)
Which with Glitch, the powers (more mystic than ninpo) carry onto them as well. Their powers are very mysterious at the moment but, seen in a ref sheet above they can make objects. Sometimes Glitch can also use Leo's mystic ninpo abilities to make a nice combat strategy. So, that's nice.
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That's all I can think of rn. Have fun, and chapter one story links below!
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Alright! Hard talks. I’ll add my thoughts tomorrow because rn I’m kinda tired.
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This is just info on how talking through Floo works. Nice bit of canon to have.
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Let me just say I love the mom-dad dynamic that is going on between these two all book long. Whenever the topic is something more complicated, Remus is around either during the conversation or afterwards to soften what Sirius said, and I love this.
Kreacher you little shit.
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This is pretty much the first fully domestic convo they’ve had. Before it was about the war, about Harry’s visions, and Sirius shared a bit of his backstory with us to explain why he was behaving the way he was.
This is the first time we get to see them just talking about minor stuff (at least the boys think it is minor as of right now). Just a teen curious about his father.
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This is a great shot of the mom-dad dynamic. Lupin is trying to be sensible. He saw Harry at school, he knows how he is and how his friends are. He understands why seeing the father he carried practically as a god behaving like that is a big shock, so he tries to be reasonable (which doesn’t really work, because Harry too is “just a kid” and never acted like that).
Sirius otoh is practical about it. He acknowledges that memory isn’t one of the best, but he’s more about justifying James. “Yes, he behaved like that BUT they were rivals from day one because Snape was jealous of your dad ( he was. Not for the reasons Sirius quotes though) and big on the dark arts and so that makes it okay.
Which doesn’t work with Harry either because in that memory Snape wasn’t involved in dark arts or anything. He was literally just existing, and Sirius himself started the mess. But still. Mom-dad dynamic.
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The bombastic side eye. Criminal offensive side eye that Lupin gave him there makes me chuckle. It is a massive lie. He doesn’t regret bullying Snape, he hates Snape to this day. But I think it is sweet that he doesn’t want to set a bad example to Harry.
Because here’s the thing, Sirius could have kept his line of thought there. “Yeah well he was a racist asshole and he deserves it”. Harry dislikes Snape, he would buy into it eventually. But Sirius doesn’t. He acknowledges it was wrong, and doesn’t try to encourage Harry to behave like that, or see his actions as good.
And then Lupin comes in, but this time he switches up. He uses what Sirius said earlier to try and mediate. Do I think he believes what Sirius said? After that bombastic side eye? No I don’t. And I think we all know that the real reason for the Snape and James war was Lily, not some silly popularity jealousy. But having Harry hate his dead father who he looked up to doesn’t sound very fair to Harry, or to James’ memory, so he plays along with Sirius somewhat.
And oh look. Sirius switches up in response! “Ok yes we were dicks sometimes” which earns him a smile from Remus for telling the truth.
Then they have some genuine bonding over James, which I think is cute and sad at the same time. And then we get to see more coparenting in action.
Sirius acknowledges Harry’s feelings further in his way, and then he looks at Lupin for validation on how he’s handling this, and what would be the best thing to say. It’s cute because it’s wolfstar but it is also cute that Sirius is trying really hard to parent well.
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And here we get some character traits. Lupin’s self awareness is on point, but so is his self hatred. We need to remember he spent 13 years as the sole survivor of his friend group (as he believed the Sirius he knew never even existed), and so he has a lot of survivor’s guilt and self esteem issues. He didn’t stop James and Sirius and so it is his fault that they are here right now discussing the sins of their dead friend with his horrified son. But Sirius with his loyalty does very much what he did to James earlier. He gets protective. “Well actually you did call us out sometimes”, not letting him linger on that self hatred.
And we also get to learn that James grows past that stage and turns into a better person. Good enough that Lily went from hating him to loving him, and eventually marrying him and having Harry. It is most likely that version of James that people refer to when they complimented him to Harry all his life.
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Here’s where it gets complicated, because we are talking about seventh years now. Legal grown adults in Harry Potter canon. By this point in the story, we are at the first wizarding war or very near it. Though their main issue is Lily and will remain Lily for the rest of her life, there is a lot more going on in the world around them and they are doing a lot more.
The fact Lily didn’t see the bullying (which are now fights) makes me think these happened during missions for the order. Not that James wasn’t relishing on going at the guy that wanted his girlfriend, because he very much was. But there is a broader context, and with that broader context Snape stops being a victim and he becomes a death eater. It’s a war now.
But Harry doesn’t know any of that. He is still thinking about school level Malfoy bullying. The type he saw on the memories. So it’s not enough, and you know what? I won’t fault him for that. He is allowed to dislike his father’s flaws, even with the broader context. I think the realization our parents aren’t perfect happens to all of us at some point in life or the other. He is entitled to his run.
And Sirius well. Sirius got a bit protective. I understand that too. Because sure, James was an attention [bleep] and a bit of a bully but he was also the guy that saved him from an abusive household. That taught him he didn’t have to be what his parents wanted him to be. That took him in as a brother and gave him love on a level he never had before. As he says earlier “the world isn’t split into good people and death eaters” and this is a good example of that.
I think that’s a lot to process at 15 though. Especially when you are fighting a war against Hitler himself. What do you mean people have nuance? So Harry is taking this well enough.
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Remember when Sirius said her regretted bullying Snape?
Knowing what the adults know, Harry and Voldemort are connected and occlumency is the only way to keep him safe. Snape stopping the lessons over a childhood grudge that Harry didn’t cause and risk losing the war is a bad move.
I understand. His worst memories. He panicked. Still. Broader context. War. Harry needs to be good at this or everyone dies, so I understand why Lupin and Sirius freaked out.
I love Lupin being the mediator tbh. I really do. “Yes I know you love Harry and you want to protect him but sit tf down, padfoot”.
And yes it is for the best if Lupin speaks with Snape instead, please and thank you. I don’t know why he told Harry to talk to Snape. He won’t “kill him” as Harry suggests, but he won’t want to continue the lessons either. It’s best if Lupin gets Dumbledore to do it.
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FFS Filch. The timing!!!
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kikizoshi · 2 years
[Jan. 2023] My Current Fyodor Timeline (Subject to Change)
This is sort of a time-capsule for Fyodor. I'm sure I'll change things as I go, probably drastically, and so I wanted to keep record of where I'm at with him so far. I'd also like to share my current timeline of his life with others. So, here it is:
[November 11] born
[August] mother dies
[September] the tragedy; church daycare to orphanage
[October] Alyosha taken into Church
[January] started first year as architecture student
[May] birth of niece
[August] niece’s seizures and first hospitalisation
[April] meets Nikolai
[December] father’s death; moves in with Nikolai due to financial trouble (can’t get by without father’s support) [this is oppressively bleak for both of them, though Fyodor finds himself more comfortable with Nikolai in a one-room than with strangers in a kommunalka]
Fyodor’s first seizure in Nikolai’s presence
[January] still money issues but getting stabilised somewhat; Nikolai starts to develop some hypomania
[February] Mikhail and Margarita come to Petersburg
[April] Nikolai’s spiral into depression
[May] Mikhail fully recovers
[July] Nikolai attends his sister’s wedding, they keep in touch through letters [they should have a novel or two they’re discussing throughout the story, with it ofc showing the theme] [Fyodor will write about money issues, that just has to be]
[September] Nikolai hears about Misha’s wedding and begins to make vyshyvanka for Fyodor (still in Mirgorod, where he bought the materials and pattern from the local tailor)
[October] Nikolai finally back home
[May 14] Misha and Margarita’s wedding
[May 18] Vyshyvanka Day (celebration with Misha and Margarita during honeymoon)
[May 19] Nikolai's Curse revealed
Fyodor finds out about his Curse; Fyodor kills Sonya (and this somehow cements his “need to kill people” thing that started with his father?... only it’s a bit more nuanced than I first thought, because he pitied his father like Marmeladov pitied Ekaterina Ivanovna. So his father should’ve also died by Fyodor’s own hand for his father’s sake, as well as his siblings’.)
Goes to Japan, sets things up for 3 months, carries out plans for next 3 months, later incarcerated for 3 months in Meursault
Since rn I've pretty much concluded that the only way their backstory can be told is through a series of different genres and different stories, rather than one continuous one, there're some notes about the stories I'm currently working out. Also, not everything is entirely literal, i.e. Fyodor's church didn't turn into a literal orphanage.
Because Tumblr likes to make formatting a living hell, this is much messier than my Google Doc, which didn't translate over well at all (for some reason, Tumblr only allows sub-indentations in the editor, and erases them in the actual post).
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famouslysleepy · 2 years
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Okay so first, i’m gonna get into spoiler territory since i’m pretty sure most of you have likely actually not read/listen to a translation of Villeneuve’s original unabridged tale. So, I’m gonna keep my points under the read more below.
Because it’s somehow over the several past months become somewhat important to me that y’all go become blindsided by the Prince’s backstory the same way I was okay?
1. I need you to understand the level of fucked upittude surrounding this guy and the fairies in Villeneuve’s tale okay???
2. okay so you know the evil fairy? not ONLY did she cursed him at 15 she cursed him when he refused her marriage proposal!!! EVEN WORSE WAS THAT SHE WAS HIS GOVERNESS WHILE HIS MOTHER WAS AWAY AT WAR
3. HE USED TO CALL HER MOTHER AT ONE POINT!!! THAT IS SO FUCKED UP!! btw the prince definitely has like a BUNCH of abandonment issues because the evil fairy ditch him for like a year straight she came back and proposed, like his mother figure left him then came back acting Different, His actual mother hasn’t seen him in like 14 years (i don’t even think she wrote him letters??) his dad was dead before he was born
4. his real mother the Queen as i mentioned before was away leading a war for basically his entire childhood until he turned 15
5. but because the war was over and she finally came back to him no HE came over to her and help FIGHT in the war so he could ask her to *formally* refuse the Evil Fairy’s request
6. okay the good fairy is fairly chill all things considered but there are still some weird moments with her regardless like near the end of the book when the curse is broken after he thanks her and hugs his mother for the first time in implied years(??) the good fairy ordered him to not speak to beauty while the whole time discussing with his mother his allowance to even marry beauty???
7. which by the queen doesn’t want her to marry beauty due to her class level being so low
8. and there a pregnant pause and the humans in the group await in fear of her reaction as their she might be a bit pissed at the queen for even caring about status and might turn all her good fortune right around on them for it
9. she thankfully doesn’t but like wtf??? what an unsettling pause
10. i like won’t get into because it’s like 2:47 am rn but truthfully i could write an actual essay on the prince having debatably the LEAST amount of agency of all the characters despite beauty’s whole arrangement dictating that she be here as a unwillingly member to some degree
but like god i’m obsessed with this fella i’m literally making a retell kinda story set in the immediate aftermath of the beast turning back into the prince in my downtime heavily inspired by Villeneuve and Beaumont’s tales because i just cannot stop thinking about this story
i wanna buy this book at some point and then later buy the untranslated version and forced myself word by word to learn how to read old timey french from it but yeah i’m positively insane about this book and my new shiny blorbo
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chisatowo · 3 years
Ok *looks at band swap ras* time to finally figure out what your fucking deal is
#rat rambles#band posting#band swap au#Ive had the broad stroaks along with an ok amount of ideas of chu2 and layer but not much more than that#also I should probably specify yeah they dont go by their canon stage names in this au so just pretend Im using their actual names#but yeah to make things simpler Im relocating basically everyone to the area that pareo lives in#which also means that some of them get a brand new load of issues woo#the main exception is masking who still lives at the same place Im just relocating his school#layer is easy enough to work with since her backstory inbetween first moving and joining ras in canon is vague#Ill just have her had moved there shhh its fine#chu2 takes a bit more cheesing but not a lot#she lives in the same area as most of the others but Im gonna say she goes to a farther off school#and of course pareo just stays right where she is#lock is the real tricky one though. the best I can rly come up with rn is just a simple 'their parents moved there when they were young ig'#but anyways they mainly practice at galaxy since thats where masking and lock first started practicing when they first started practicing#together and at this point its basically their home base even if chu2 could probably get them a fansier place to practice#now the real character Ive been rotating in my mind is pareo#because like its honestly not too hard for me to decide how the others were effected by this new enviorment but pareo is a weird case#because while her home enviorment hasnt changed the people around her has#what Im thinking is that she was probably somewhat more open and friendly around them while still being kinda reserved#that being said I still think this universes pastel palletes probably still helped her gain more confidence in being herself#and by that I mean ran did. ran is basically 100% responsible for every element of their band that ends up inspiring pareo djdmydk#but hey the others are getting there#back to pareo though I think this development is ironically a bit slowed by the other's presence#mainly because what pareo wants to do is a drastic change and although she trusts them to accept her its still strange at first#theres just an adjustment period mainly nothing too bad#I like to imagine that something akin to the event story in canon were afterglow is asked to write a song for pastel palletes still happens#in this au but with less conflict on ras's part since pareo would leap at that oppertunity and the others certainly wouldnt stop her#actually I think ran might be the one against the idea at first up until pareo comes to show them her lyrics and she just tells them abt all#the ways theyve influnced her over the past year for the best and they read her lyrics and have a moment™
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sinematically · 2 years
🪄thoughts on Dr Strange: Multiverse of Madness🪄 long post and will contain spoilers under the read more
Disclaimer: I enjoyed the movie but this somewhat review will contain some major criticisms.
When Martin Scorsese said MCU films aren’t real cinema, and the MCU fans consume films like one would enjoy a theme park. I don’t think he’s wrong but I don’t fully agree with him either, but, MoM is the best example (if there was any). I’m not sure how to properly put this into words. I’ll give it a few days to see if I can do this thought justice. But know that I genuinely think MoM is the best example for this opinion.
Goddamn that plot was MESSY. Three act structure whomst???? (Extremely derogatory). My film studies teacher would have destroyed that script, gave it a D- and a whole month to rework it because that’s how much time it would need. There’s a Lad Bible interview Cumberbatch and Olsen did. They were describing how often things would change, how the morning of the shoot they would get brand new info. It’s very evident in the pacing of the movie.
MoM would need a 6-episode show, with 45-60 whole minute per ep, to fully do justice to the characters. The lack of character development, or effective character development was a little sad. The pacing is my biggest issues with this movie because they’re just bringing in SO many things into one film when they cannot afford that rn
It’s basically a horror movie in a lot of ways. It was visually stunning and absolutely lovely in so many ways. The music!! (And that fight scene w the music ohmygod) I love it.
Spoilers here on out.
Dr Strange, sir, I’m sorry this wasn’t your movie. Literally so many things happened, I wish I got to see how you processed the snap and the “dust for 5 years” thing. I’m glad you gave us a better quote to express love I love you 3000 was kinda ????, (like a friend said, it’s superior). “I’d love you in any universe” was wonderful (and I might get the exact wording wrong, sue me, I’m still drunk)
WONG MY BELOVED. You deserve to be Sorcerer Supreme!! Ur amazing and can do no wrong. Beloved <3
America Chavez!! You’re super cool and I cannot wait to see the cool shit you do. But also, I’m going to acknowledge that they’re brining a new character without putting in the work? To me it seems like they introduced her with no personality and a tragic back story. Do MCU women have any real backstory other than “a tragic event thats entirely (female characters) fault or something they should feel shame/take blame for?”
Replacing Irondad-Spiderson with a Strange & Chavez, Father-Daughter relationship I see. It’s cute, fanfics will be fun. Can’t wait to block the inevitable ship name.
Christine, I’m glad that in every universe, you’re prioritising yourself and your sanity instead of dating a man too afraid to be vulnerable. Good for you, girl!!
WANDA. I have so many thoughts!! You might get your own post??? She’s so powerful, I love it. Even though I think it was a horrible way to show her power, watching her destroy the Illuminati was awesome. The whole bit where she used her Intelligence and the reflections was a 11/10 better way to show her formidable nature. I think there’s some major cognitive dissonance in her motives. If she knows that she can create her own world through sheer emotions, then why would she need to go to another universe??? If you’re telling me she feels guilt, and that’s why she won’t hurt the humans on earth-616, then how do you explain her being ok with taking away another Wanda’s babies for herself? Anyway. Thinking thoughts. Feel free to explain I guess? Idk.
The fucking Illuminati!!!!!!!!!! This is a whole thing bro
First of all, REED RICHARDS??? THEY KEPT KRASINSKI’S CASTING HIDDEN?? Alleged Tom Cruise was a fucking phenomenal distraction, I’m in AWE. Andrew Garfield could NEVER!!!! Everyone else on that cast list we had strong inklings but ufh Mr. Fantastic that was GG as fuck. (Also I think I read Tom Cruise and Haley Attwell were dating so maybe the whole Tom Cruise Ironman came from him visiting her on set? Idk)
Now to shit on it.
You’re telling me the smartest man in their universe, Who voted on killing their Strange for Dreamwalking the darkhold magic, didn’t anticipate Scarlet Witch’s power????? Even if he did anticipate it, why would you tell her about Black Bolt’s power!!! God that was DUMB. Good to see u Mr. Jim Kraskinski but you deserve to be noodle string cheesed. The fam service is great tho, and I really hope we see Kraskinski-Blunt and Evans in a new Fantastic 4 movie
CAPTAIN CARTER I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Thank you for not bringing Steve into her narrative in any way what so ever. Thank you for the “I can do this all day” It’s lovely!!!! She’s Amazing and strong, but like I said killing her off was just meh move. I like that you did it that way? But idk,,, I want to see more of her so maybe Marvel will listen to their fans again and give us more!!!
Black Bolt, why did I think Ben Affleck played you?? You died in a super fucked up way and honestly, thank you for that. Your death was refreshing and will scar at least one (1) child, and idk if that’s a good thing but, parents definitely need to adhere to the movie ratings on this one.
PROFESSOR X!! I love you, I missed you, you were dressed like your husband (Mr. Magneto) when you died why was that??? I hate that Wanda killed you but I missed you. So much. I love you.
CAP MARVEL MARIA YOUR AWESOME but I wanna see more of you also if ur Cap then where Carol and did you still have a kid? What happened?? I wanna see more!!!!!!
Okay I think that’s mostly it. Closing notes, could do better, y’all threw character development out of the window. Randomly introducing new powers, characters and strengths is a little weak in terms of writing. Employee foreshadowing instead of expecting your fans to watch over 20 hours of content. It was good but you could do a lot better.
I will not watch it in the movies again, and I watch NWH like 3 times full priced tix.
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