#backstory unlocked
Did you learned magic from found books too?
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"Mammals tend to forget we're in the room"
"Everything I learned this far was self-taught, from observing their skills and art, inside their private space."
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 years
Pls give more Joseph content/ lore 🙏🤲🥣
hello hello my brain is ALL over the place but its fine i will oblige ok
i based so much of his backstory off of john carpenter’s the thing cuz that movie is just so fucking good dude my god. anyway
his companion mockingbird was discovered frozen in ice in dinosaur valley, and taken by a research team in the area because ~new weird organism!~ they didnt realize that bird was still alive until it escaped one day when no one was around, so they have NO idea where it is
joseph himself wasnt discovered by the team, but killed and took over one of the rangers by dragging him under the ice in the lake. nobody is aware that he is an alien, hell they dont know theres two of them at all.
joseph and bird eventually find each other and try to figure out a way to escape without anyone knowing. unfortunately theyve both been stuck in ice for the past hundred million years and have no fucking idea whats going on, and after joseph gets caught destroying blood samples from bird, they panic and just straight up murder everyone. after that they dip and are found wandering the valley a few weeks later by explorers who are completely oblivious to what happened or what they are.
once it comes to people’s attention that an entire research team ended up dead under mysterious circumstances except for one guy, hes obviously pretty suspicious but no one can prove anything because there isnt enough evidence either way.
so now they just wander jorvik causing minor problems :)
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erabu-san · 1 year
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Do not separate !
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So I just read up on the FAQ since I got all caught up after being addicted to your comic for two weeks and I have to ask -
If Steven's gem is the size of his entire skull as a teenager, how did it fit inside his head as a baby? Did the gem start small and then grow with him?
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help-itrappedmyself · 6 months
Danny Punches a Clown part 9
Danny is led up an unnecessarily long flight of stairs into a fancy house. The floors are all hardwood with rugs interspersed throughout the rooms.
     Hood starts leading him down the hallway and he can see paintings and antiquities, so many rooms. He is reminded vaguely of Vlad's mansion back in Wisconsin, but this seems larger, and better decorated. They end up in a living room of sorts, lots of different chairs and couches wand a huge TV lining a whole wall.
     Danny sits in one of the armchairs. Agent A soon comes in, with another tray of food. This tray seems to be for more than just him though. Hopefully. He could never hope to finish that many snacks by himself. 
     A isn't wearing a mask this time. “No masks upstairs, Master Jason. I'll keep the boy company until the rest of you get here.”
     Hood (Jason?) leaves and A introduces himself as Alfred. Apparently, he is the butler of the people that live here. Makes sense that people rich enough to live in this house would have a butler.
     Alfred lets him sit and eat for a few minutes in silence. The room gradually becomes more full as people come in and take their seats. They all introduce themselves as they come in and sit down. Damian and Dick sit together on a couch, with a girl he knows he’s never met before, Cassandra on Dick’s other side. Jason comes in and takes another armchair. Tim sits on a couch, a blond girl, Stephanie, and another boy, Duke, sit next to him. They all start working. Seems like Stephanie and Duke are in college, and Tim works at a big company. 
     Once the oldest person yet comes in, Bruce, and sits on an armchair, they all stop whatever else they were doing and turn to face him. He’s pretty sure he’s met most of them before while they were in masks, but other than Jason he doesn’t really know who is who. 
     “Can you tell us more about where you’re from now?” Bruce asked.
     Danny looks around the face in the room. They’ve all been helpful and kind. And he’s so tired of lying all the time. They’re most likely going to kick him out once they get their answers anyway.
     “I’m from a different dimension. I fled here after a fight.” Danny admitted.
They already seem less shocked than Danny would have imagined, and they aren’t calling him crazy yet, so this is going great!
     “There is a… war, almost? Starting in that world.” Danny gets fully into storytelling mode, as none of the others seem like they’re going to interrupt his thought process. “It all started with my parents actually. They started building a portal to the ghost zone, and that’s when it all went downhill really. Especially for me. I had my best friends over, they wanted to see the portal, so I took them down to the basement.”
     Danny took a deep breath. “My parents had put the on button inside of the portal, and when I went in… I hit it on accident. The portal turned on with me inside.”
     Everyone in the room remained quiet, and Danny couldn’t bear looking at their faces right now. He did his best to move on. “The portal was open, and ectoplasm started seeping into our town, we didn’t realize at the time, but that becomes a bigger problem later. At the time, we -or I- was busy becoming a one-man army against an invasion of ghosts. My parents started developing weapons. The government declared any being whose body could process or contained ectoplasm was non-sentient and could be kidnapped, experimented on, and/or killed at will. The Anti-Ecto Acts. The government branch dedicated to ghosts, the G.I.W, invaded Amity. Me and my friends had been capturing the ghosts causing problems and sending them back into the ghost zone. Now, we had to do that while trying to play keep-away with my parents and the government, while trying not to get captured myself. The government decided they wanted to send a nuke into the portal, trying to kill all ghosts at once."
     “I had to stop it. I was gathering all ghosts left in Amity to bring them with me to the Zone. My friends were going to close the portal behind us, destroy it. My parents had just finished their new gun.” Danny’s hand went to his side. “They chased us. I made it through the portal, with as many ghosts as I could find. Theoretically, the portal was closed once I left.”
     Danny was quiet long enough that the others realized he was done. 
     “I’m sorry that happened.” Danny heard, he looked up, but didn’t know who had said it. They all seemed sad.
     “And you’re… A ghost then?” Jason asked.
     “Only half.” They all looked bewildered at that. “It’s complicated."
     “So, you can’t go home?” Bruce asked.
     Danny shook his head. “If all went well then the portal doesn’t exist anymore, not that I could leave this dimension without a portal. I’m stuck here.” 
     “You’ll be staying with us then.” Bruce nodded firmly. “Metas are protected in this world, Danny. I’ve worked on a team with a ghost before. You’re safe here, Danny.”
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dorindameddler · 4 months
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miss cuntessa!!!
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sailing-ever-west · 10 months
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early days baratie got me feeling things
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ace-lemonade · 4 months
chilchuck: I trust you all with my life, just not necessarily my personal info
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v1p0 · 5 months
Ok FINE since everyone has been dropping their amazing irkensonas and cool ocs I'm gonna share mine as well, ehem...
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This is my sona, an irken without antennae, and this is her tragic backstory:
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Eridan: love saying i’vve been getting really into mundane normal things as if they’re a neww undiscovvered hobby. been getting really into pudding cups lately.
Aradia: been getting really int0 Beatles ya0i recently
Eridan: sure. wwhy not. been getting really into beatles yaoi recently. it doesn’t fucking matter. only made a cute post i thought wwe wwould all like about pudding. and now it’s about beatles yaoi. sure. wwhatevver. been getting really into beatles yaoi. is that the response you wwanted. congrats. you got it. fucking beatles yaoi.
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punkforkos · 16 days
👁️👁️ can you drop the Dante meta design lore :3
ERMMM yes I can 👀💕
hi tumblr, you don't know who Dante is yet but you're about to!!
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Extremely brief overview for anyone who doesn't know: Dante Inferno (they/he) is my drow fathomless warlock, pirate captain, and awful babygirl who wants the world to burn. Dante took on their warlock pact to get power and bring suffering to those who wronged them and hopefully find the daughter that was stolen from them many years ago. However, this pact comes at a price... it's actually Dante's misery that the patron is most interested in. 🥀 They may be in too deep to figure this out though!! For years, they've been self-destructing and falling deeper into corruption... and are quickly hurtling towards a future where they may be left with nothing of who they once were.
Anyways!! This corruption is represented heavily within their design!! This is most apparent with their tattoos, which reflect how much power/abilities Dante has accrued. Their body itself serves as their warlock tome.
📌 Each of their "tattoos" are actually scars that Dante has left on their own body, carved into the skin by ritual dagger, to imbue their body with power. The scars have blackened as though frostbitten, but this is more for visual effect.
Here's what each tattoo symbolizes:
(LEFT ARM) Abyssal/Deep Speech Runes: Each symbol correlates to a different spell ability that they’ve been provided by their patron. Spells like Eldritch Blast, Hex, Cause Fear.
(RIGHT ARM) Sea-Serpent: This is their summons arm! Dante, as a warlock, tends to lean more into the control + summoner type! This arm corresponds to their ability to summon different abyssal/deep sea entities to assist them in battle. Spells include: Evard's Black Tentacles, Summon Undead, Tentacle of the Deep (ability).
Back Tattoo: These deep speech/abyssal runes spell out the word TREACHERY. It was carved into their skin by their patron and represents the abilities granted by their Eldritch Invocations.
(Back of) Neck Tattoo: A marking left by the Spider Queen when Dante made an agreement with her. YEP! They've made two deals with different demonic entities. This tattoo basically represents her eyes at the back of her neck. (I can explain their pact with her but. that's for another post FSGHSJ)
Gills: The first marks they carved into their body when they took on their pact. This gives them the permanent ability to breathe underwater.
X on chest: This one actually isn't related to their warlock abilities at all. It's actually a promise they made to their daughter... to find her again. X marks the spot. (They had cut an X into her cheek when they were separated so that they'd be able to recognize her in the future. So much more to say abt this but that's the gist!)
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They were going to keep gaining more marks as the campaign went on longer... And eventually, the tips of their extremities were going to begin to blacken from all of the corrupt power they were storing!
📌 Also, fun fact for you, Tooth! Dante was eventually going to take the Eldritch Invocation that would allow them to send messages to others by writing on their skin. They were going to have some of the Bleeding Hearts carve their names onto their body so they could do that :3
And for the rest of the meta design lore, I'll also put those into bullet points for ease:
Their eyes have split heterochromia (red and blue halves in both iris) and slit pupils. The heterochromia was brought on by their pact and just kinda gives them a rly freaky look!
They've usually always got some spider motifs on em,, they have an extremely complicated relationship w the Spider Queen and their identity as a drow. But we can also say that it's just because the spider motif drip goes hard.
This isn't smth that can be reflected in art easily but their skin is COLD to the touch! Warmth no longer feels the same to them anymore.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Wingman Wayne AU pt4 is here! | AO3 link
Eddie comes back home from his not-a-date with Steve much later than planned; the two of them ended up spending the whole afternoon at the cafe together, sharing stories, getting to know each other, laughing at weird passersby... Eddie hadn't even noticed how much time had passed until it was already getting dark outside.
Wayne is about ready to head out for his night shift when Eddie gets to the trailer, and shoots him a way too smug look.
'So your date went well, huh?'
Eddie makes a face at him. ‘Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly, old man,’ he says. ‘In all honesty, I do have to admit that Steve’s actually a good guy - but that’s the only credit you’ll be gettin’ here. We merely had a fun time bonding over some queer stuff. I can assure you that there was completely no attraction whatsoever.’
Wayne's face drops. 'That's too bad, Ed.'
'No, it's not,' Eddie replies. 'I'm perfectly happy being single, you do know that, right?'
'Yeah, of course.' But it doesn't quite sound like he means it.
'Seriously, don't worry about me. I'm fine,’ Eddie says. He gives Wayne an affectionate pat on his near-bald head. ‘And you should go to work now, before they fire you for being a sentimental old man.'
As soon as Wayne’s truck drives off, Eddie finds himself at the phone, the gross note with Steve's number on it clenched in his hand again.
'Hey, um, just wanted to let you know that uncle was very disappointed there was no spark between us,' Eddie reports when Steve picks up the phone.
'Well, let's hope he finally learned his lesson not to mingle in your love life, then,' Steve answers with a light chuckle.
'He's the worst,' Eddie says, but then immediately feels bad about it, so he adds, 'He actually means well. I think he worries. Not that he needs to, I decided I'm better off single anyway.'
'Really?' Steve sounds surprised.
'Yeah, I guess I'm not exactly a relationship type of guy, you know.'
'You've never been in a relationship?' There's no judgment behind the question, only curiosity.
'Uhh...' Eddie hesitates. But Steve's queer too, he'd understand, right?
'I don't know,' he settles on saying. 'I mean, I've been someone's dirty secret a couple times. Turns out that my definition of a relationship doesn't always align with that of closeted Chads. So that’s why I decided I'm better off alone.'
There's a silence at the other end of the line, and Eddie wonders if he overshared again. He knows he shouldn't do that, but sometimes he just can't help himself. He had been so excited about having met a fellow queer guy, someone who'd understand him... Maybe he misjudged Steve after all.
'You do know there are options out there that aren't closeted Chads, right?' Steve finally says. It sounds genuinely empathetic, putting a halt to Eddie's spiraling thoughts and reminding him that he doesn't need to worry, that Steve's a good guy, that he indeed understands.
Eddie laughs. 'Sorry, Stevie, you're still not my type.'
'I'm not – that's wasn't – I didn't mean it like that,' Steve splutters at the other end of the line. 'I just meant, you know, it’s not completely impossible that there could be someone out there for you. Someone who won't treat you like some dirty secret, who will love you as much as you deserve, you know?'
Eddie feels his cheeks heat up at those words. He clears his throat, suddenly feeling nervous but not exactly knowing why. 'You're starting to sound like my uncle,' he tries to joke.
Steve chuckles. 'Maybe your uncle is wiser than you give him credit for.'
'Are you calling yourself wise, Steve?'
'No, I'm calling your uncle wise. You should probably listen to him more.'
'If I listened to him more, we'd be going on another date tomorrow and get married this summer. Is that what you want, Stevie?'
'Well, the getting married this summer sounds a bit rushed,' Steve says, 'but I wouldn't mind seeing you again.'
Eddie's heart drops to his stomach. 'Steve...' he starts, all the jokey undertones having disappeared from his voice. 'I told you that it's not like that, for me.' He thought he had been more than clear about that right from the start, in fact.
'No! Oh, God, no, I didn't mean it like that,' Steve immediately says. 'I just meant, like, if you ever wanna hang out or something... As friends, you know. It's um – it'd be nice to have a – another queer friend.'
Eddie releases a relieved breath. 'Okay, got it,' he says. 'Good. Perfect. Yeah, we should definitely hang out another time. As friends.'
Jesus H Christ I’m honestly blown away by the response to this silly au, it means so much to me <333 I’m reading all your lovely comments and hilarious tags with the biggest smile on my face, makes me sooo happy!!
(Update: apparently there was something wrong with the taglist but I think I fixed it, sorry!! Please lemme know if the tags are still not coming through)
Taglist: @phantypurple @love-kurdt @eddiemunsonswife @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @swimmingbirdrunningrock @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @yourebuckingkiddingme @th3-r4t-k1ng @messrs-weasley @moonshadows-13 @im-sam-fucking-winchester @xjessicafaithx @yournowheregirl @henderdads @lwhoscribbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon @rainydays35  @cassaloopa @skeliiix @thesuninyaface @silversnaffles @jestyzesty @4nemo1egend @ace-of-foxes @harringtonsgother @thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @thereindeerlady @jillfriend @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @gamerdano @spectrum-spectre @zerokrox-blog @00biscuit @mixsethaddams @steve-the-hairrington @episcogoth @caligularib @gaydrieeen @winterbuckwild @bookbinderbitch @daysarestranger @nonbinary-eddie-munson @fangirltofangod @solalasoforth @obsessivlyme @slit-wrist @fxndom-hoe @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @joruni @roastingdragon @lenore1232 @princessstevemunson @cuips-not-cute @munsonsuccubus @justalittlefungi @cherrycolas-things @nitrilexam @thepainisspicy @hopefulslothcollecter @whatisreggieshortfor @doctorqueensanatomy @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sadcanadianwinter @iamsotiredman @orangeandthefairroadkill @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @b-icetea @freddykicksasses @faery-god @poleaxed-aloe @mamaclownhunter @paperbackribs @blvckwidow @mightbeasleep @butuglypeoplefucktoo @lolawon @angryavocadofrog @iwouldsail @livelaughlexa @magpiemuseum @shushuac  @ravnlinn @homohomohoe @kissaphobic-kas @cmackz93 @your-greatest-queen @alltheweirdkidsinoneplace @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @ceaselessly-watching @anaibis @enchantedlandcoffee @fluffy-alpaca-of-darkness @nelotegreitic @mollymawkwrites @evix-syne666 @redfreckledwolf @ajamlessbaby @connected-dots @nothisisntmyname @steddieassheg0es @anxiouseds
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royaltea000 · 1 month
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burnt out sorry - do ya wanna see my ocs (not giving you a choice)
Old designs -w-
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markantonys · 14 days
i hate to say it but call me an orc because adar is daddy [a hook yanks me offstage as the crowd boos]
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backjustforberena · 7 months
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MARYLAND 1x01 -  ( footage thanks to @evebestonline​ )   for @rxnefairs, who talks to me about this ship x
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Unresolved feelings for someone in his past. Eddie's highschool guy best friend boyfriend he had complicated feelings for showing up lol. In all seriousness, I don't think that's not about Shannon. Not directly, not yet. I'd say someone from the army, maybe? Or even, like, legit someone who knew him as a teenager. Maybe a friend from school?
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