#badass remus lupin
we-r-loonies · 6 months
"the marauders would be a punk band! a rock band!"
they would be one direction. they wouldn't take anything seriously. sirius and james would make up dances and perform in sync. they'd stop shows to make fun of fans. they'd call someone's mum on stage. peter would tip water on everyone.
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stompingdvds · 29 days
‘People don’t talk about the marauders era girls enough! They’re so underrated!!’
and their page is always 90% about the male characters
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 23 - prompt 23: Rescue [word count 798]
Sirius had learned to recognise every single sound around him. He could hear the legions of rats plaguing Azkaban scurrying in the walls. They hadn’t come into his cell after the first night he had spent there, when the first rat to poke its head in the newcomer’s cell had ended up crushed in Padfoot’s jaw, paying for another rat. He could hear every sound traveling down the corridor. He could tell how many Dementors were by his cell by the swish of their coats alone. Sometimes a hysterical laughter echoed from who knew exactly where up to his cell. The first time he had heard it, Sirius had had to lean on the wall and had immediately transformed into Padfoot again, curling up in the corner opposite the door. Now when he heard it it barely fazed him.
“Hello there, Bella. Still alive then,” he would murmur before resuming what he was doing which was usually trying to stare out of the small grated window above his cot.
Other sounds traveled to his cell, mainly screams or begging, and other times a voice talking. Sirius had taken quite some time to recognise the voice, despite having heard it often in the corridors at Hogwarts years before. Crouch Jr. The only person left for him to blame for Regulus’s death since Orion and Walburga had apparently died from the utter shock of having no heirs left after October 31st. And now he was stuck in a place where the other’s voice would drift through the door, sometimes arguing loudly, sometimes possibly reciting whole pages of books Sirius remembered having studied himself, sometimes laughing almost as hysterically as Bellatrix, sometimes repeating the same word over and over like the night before when Sirius hadn’t been able to sleep because the whole prison seemed to be filled with one word.
“Rose, rose, rose, rose, rose, rose, rose.”
Come dawn, Sirius hadn’t been able to know if he wanted to ask Crouch when he had become so interested in botanic or just strangle him.
So it was natural for him to hear an unusual sound as soon as it echoed somewhere. Footsteps. The Dementors only glided, and no one was ever allowed to visit Azkaban. It was a double sound, as if two people were walking in the corridors, their steps different. Sirius was about to move to the door to better listen when the footsteps stopped somewhere. A couple of seconds later, his door blew up in a flash of bright green light and smoke. Sirius coughed and tried to better look at the shape coming through the smoke. He blinked, feeling his heart skip a beat, then he was crushed by two arms.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, my love,” Remus’s voice whispered in his ear.
“Moony,” Sirius looked up at his boyfriend’s face. “I thought… I mean, they must have told you…”
“They packed you up without even a trial and sent Harry away somewhere just as fast. It was all too easy, I knew something was missing even if I don’t know what.”
“I swapped with Peter. He was Secret Keeper instead of me.”
As he watched the colour drain from Remus’s face, Sirius realised he had never been able to say that sentence out loud. Remus swallowed.
“Alright,” he managed to say. “We’ll deal with this as soon as we’re back on land.”
“How did you get in here?”
“I had help,” Remus motioned to the door.
The green smoke had almost cleared by now, and on the threshold stood a pretty blonde woman, her hands calmly crossed on her very pregnant belly.
“Pandora Lovegood,” she smiled at him. “You might remember me as Pandora Rosier back in school.”
Sirius just nodded. The Rosier twins, other people who had constantly been around Regulus. He remembered the Order meeting when Alastor Moody had proudly announced Evan Rosier had been killed in a run-in with the Aurors.
“She’s got a knack for explosives,” Remus said as if it was the most natural thing in the world, running around Azkaban with the sister of a Death Eater. “The smoke stuns the Dementors as well.”
“But not forever,” Pandora said. “Come on, I have another cell door to blow up before we can go, and I don’t want to be too long, my husband worries easily.”
“Which door?” Sirius asked as he followed Remus in the corridor, strewn with motionless Dementors.
“Barty Crouch Jr,” Remus said. “I had to agree to it to rescue you.”
“Crouch?” Sirius repeated. “But he’s been condemned to life here!”
“As were you,” Pandora smiled. “Besides, there’s something him and me have to tell you about your brother.”
“Regulus?” Sirius breathed.
“Come on,” Pandora started down the corridor. “We have an awful lot to do.”
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fall-95 · 1 year
Pandora on her period: I’m going to sue whichever pea-brained arsehole decided to put women through this!
Evan, terrified: Do you want gay depression or gay chocolate?
Pandora, sniffles: Both.
Evan, calling over his shoulder: Barty, get Reg and Remus!
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alwayshinny · 5 months
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Hinny 💍 - The One With No Voldy and Where Everyone Lives
AU, where Harry happens to hear a conversation between his grandfather, Fleamont Potter, and his father, James. Fleamont, who has been looking weaker by the day, tells his son he knows his and Euphemia's time is coming to an end, and his only regret is not being able to witness Harry grow up and get married. This bothers Harry, and while on a playdate at the Burrow, he confides in Ginny, who responds as if it were the most obvious solution: "Then let's get married."
They persuade their families to arrange a gathering, and they con the Weasley brothers into decorating the backyard. Ron stands by Harry's side as his best man, while Luna is Ginny's bridesmaid. All it took was one look from Harry and Ginny to convince Sirius to turn into Padfoot to be their ring bearer/flower girl; his outfit consisted of a bowtie and a tutu (James, Remus, Gideon, and Fabian nearly fell off their chairs laughing so hard).
They made each other's wedding rings. Harry's ring was made from the metal from his grandma's old Auror badge (which Euphemia gave to her willingly) and the very first snitch he caught for the first time and gifted to her. Ginny convinced Fabian and Gideon to transform into a ring. Ginny's ring was made of her favorite green bubble gum (that was suspiciously similar to Harry's eye color) and twigs of their broomsticks as the band, which Harry convinced his dad and Sirius to smooth out and place an unbreakable charm on with an auto-replenishing charm on the bubble gum.
They both dressed themselves for the occasion, and Harry asked his mom and godmother Marlene to help him pick flowers for Ginny's bouquet. He smelled each one and was very picky persistent it had to smell like Ginny's hair. It took Harry HOURS until he was finally satisfied with the arrangement. Molly volunteered to make their wedding cake, and a few days before the wedding, Ginny told her dad in a very grown-up tone to wear a bowtie because he was walking her down the aisle on Sunday. Hinny asked Hagrid to marry them, and when it was time to kiss the bride, Harry was just about to protest/lecture Hagrid about how he should have asked Ginny for her consent instead of giving him permission "to kiss the bride" (the boy was Lily Potter's son and a true feminist at heart), when Ginny pulled Harry down and gave Harry a big kiss on the lips. The kid was frozen for a solid minute and then couldn't stop smiling as he followed his 'wife' around all day.
They made Fleamont and Euphemia's wishes come true.
Then, 16 years later, they got married again.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 8 - Unity
@jegulus-microfic August 8, Word count 842
Previous part First Wolfstar part
Regulus finally settled on a medium-sized boulder. He muttered spell after spell over the locket. Trying to think of a way to prove it was what he thought it was. The locket, though it had a clasp and a hinge, did not open, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get it open. A shadow fell over him as James Potter peered over his shoulder at the locket. 
“You’re blocking my light,” Regulus said through gritted teeth. 
“Not really,” James replied, perching too close beside him on his boulder. Regulus tried to stand, but James started talking before he could do more than tense his muscles. 
“That was Slytherin’s locket, right?”
“Yes,” Regulus hissed as he gave up with magical means and bashed the priceless heirloom on the rock. 
“Wait, wait!” James grabbed his wrists, encircling them with his fingers and stopping Regulus from hammering the locket. “Will you just hang on a second?!” James grunted as Regulus squirmed and shoved him. James toppled off the boulder, taking Regulus with him. They landed on the dusty ground with Regulus sprawled on top of James, his wrists still locked firmly in James’s hands. 
“Are you happy now?” He spat, trying to right himself, but James just yanked his arms until they were face to face. 
“Will you just listen? What was Salazar famous for?”
“Hating mudbloods?” Regulus deadpanned. James tightened his hands so tightly around Regulus’s wrists that he yelped in pain. “While you are around anyone that isn’t your precious Dark Lord or his little followers, you do not use that word. Do I make myself clear?” James growled. For the first time since he met James Potter, Regulus felt actual fear of the man. This was a side he’d never seen before, and he wasn’t sure he hated it. 
“He’s not my precious anything.” He grumbled, turning his face away as best he could. Had everyone forgotten already that the Dark Lord had locked him away and staged his death so no one would look for him?
“Then stop spitting out his venomous words. Muggleborns are just as magical as us purebloods, some even more so.” James loosened his grip slightly while still keeping a firm hold. “And maybe stop calling him the Dark Lord, it makes it sound like you’re still a part of his little party. The wolves are getting antsy, they don’t like Voldemort. We need unity amongst us, or it won’t matter if you figure out how to defeat him, we won’t have the help we need to do it.” Regulus flinched. He didn’t like saying or hearing that name. “Anyway, as I was saying. What was he most famous for?” Regulus stilled as he thought for a second, letting James’s chest lift him up and down with his gentle breathing. 
“He was a parselmouth,” Regulus whispered. James grinned at him. 
“They all were. So perhaps their family heirloom is imbued with that magic.”
“And it won’t open unless we speak to it in the right language.” Regulus sat up excitedly and James gave him the slack to do so. “Salazar’s balls, I wish I still had access to the library in Grimmauld Place. I bet there are multiple books on the subject.” He stomped his foot into the dirt, causing a fine cloud of dust to puff up around it in his aggravation. 
James sat up, making Regulus slide down his chest and into his lap. “You know, the Potters have the third-best library in wizarding Britain after the Blacks and the Malfoys?” James mused. Regulus perked up. 
“You’d let me into your library?” His mind started going a mile a minute as he thought of all the things he would need to cross-reference and how little time he’d probably get in there. 
“Sure, love, for as long as you need,” James grinned at him. Regulus smiled back, completely forgetting that James was still holding him prisoner and glossing over his use of love. 
“Well, don’t you two look cosy?” Marcus snickered as he walked past, taking a huge bite out of an apple. Regulus twisted his wrists and this time James let go. He got to his feet and brushed off his trousers before he glared at the wolf. 
“I thought you had pack business to attend to?” Regulus questioned. Marcus’s eyebrows rose up his head as a myriad of expressions crossed his face so swiftly that Regulus couldn’t pick them apart. 
“If you think that when those two said ‘pack business’ and didn’t get that it was code for boinking in the forest, then you two are dumber than I thought you were,” Marcus guffawed as he went on his way. “Pack business, ha!” Regulus grit his teeth as he watched Marcus walk away, contemplating the many different hexes he was going to cast on his brother for disappearing and leaving him alone with James Bloody Potter. At least he’d got an invitation to the Potter library out of being manhandled and a new appreciation of being captured by James Potter's hands. 
Next part
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charbroiledchicken · 17 days
i am a badass on the street in my leather jacket and sunglasses with a cigarette in my mouth. i pull the cigarette out - its a strawberry flavoured chupa chup. the sunglasses are diffraction glasses. every streetlight looks like a heart. i am a child.
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dracosiwa · 2 months
abt the marauders football au:
lily’s backstory of being “different” from her family is that she want to play football put they tell her it’s a men’s only sport and maybe petunia wanted to be a footballer too but never had the potential and feels jealous (like she did in cannon cause she wasn’t a witch)
pandora being the social media manager and making promos and fun competitive videos for the club’s insta and youtube
her making james and lily pair up after popular demand and the whole comment section saying they should get together
them dating for pr reasons and james already having feelings
lily being the captain🫡🫡
marlene being a BRUTAL defender (kate mccabe style)
dorcas being a sports reporter always taking interviews by the side if the pitch, getting flustered while commentating when marlene has the ball, her and marlene having a whole conversation when dorcas asks a question at a press conference
this is gonna be a LONG ASS THREAD OF HCS brace yourselves i can’t contain my enthusiasm anymore
hc for this au with @brighterthanthou
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
Sis, we need some angst and a badass reader with Sirius. I meant it when I said I NEED IT
you and me
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sirius black x badass!reader
a/n: hiii!! thank u sm for the request i hope you like this!!! this is lowk sub!sirius but you can ignore that if you’d like
he knew you were capable on going on a mission by yourself so why all of a sudden was he asking you not to go? sirius had been following you around for the last hour asking you not to go on your solo mission for the order tomorrow because he was worried about you getting hurt.
“sirius, i have let you go on solo missions SEVERAL TIMES. why all of a sudden are you asking me to stay at home when i’ve never asked that of you” you asked him sternly standing in your shared kitchen with your hands on your hips.
sirius looked the equivalent of a kicked puppy however there was aggravation behind his eyes.
“i’m worried about you. i don’t doubt that you’re strong enough but you’ve never been in the field alone and none of the other girls-“
“sirius orion black the third i swear to merlin’s left ballsack if you tell me you don’t want me to go on this mission because i am a woman i will pack my bags and leave you here alone without a word of whether or not i am okay”
he looked shocked at your threat, and yes maybe you had taken it a bit too far and you would never actually follow through with it but he needed to know his place, he could not control you.
“no darling-, i’m sorry that came out wrong. please just think about this before you go, i’m just worried about you. i cant lose you darling. please don’t let me lose you too”
tears cascaded down his face, it had only been a couple of months since the ministry had reported his brother missing and although he refused to admit it, sirius was scared that everyone he loved would not make it out of the war, leaving him alone.
sirius thrived on the social connections he had with others, he was only ever truly happy in the presence of other people, especially you. it gave him a break of what thoughts his mind had plagued him with.
your body relaxed as sirius inadvertently admitted why he didn’t want you to go, you quickly make your way to your lover and wrap your arms around his waist and press his face into your neck where you feel the wetness of his tears fall onto your skin.
“shhh siri, it’s okay. i’m not leaving you. i promise to come straight back to you. you know i will, you have to let me fight for us sirius, i want us to grow old together, please let me help us earn a better future together” you whispered as tears pricked your eyes as your threaded your fingers through his hair.
he’s nods softly before he pulls away softly with a cute pout on his face, “kiss?” he asks through sniffles and you smile softly as you grab his face in your hands and place a delicate kiss on his lips.
“you and me, forever sirius”
“you and me” he murmurs as he places his forehead against yours.
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silverameco · 9 months
Remadora makes no sense
Because Remus belongs with Sirius and Tonks belongs with me
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violetthistle1 · 9 months
**Sirius, while being questioned under veritaserum**
“What are your intentions with Remus?” Molly surprised everyone by asking. 
Sirius’s eyes went wide, as his mouth answered without a filter. “I love Moony with all my heart, I always have and always will. I intend to stay by his side until I die or he forces me away. I intend to provide for his every need and desire, and grow old together.” His cheeks were growing crimson with the blush that developed during his confession. His eyes darted to the newest onyx and gold ring added to his right ring finger. Molly followed his eyes and noticed the placement of the ring, but said nothing about it. 
Dignity be Damned, chapter 29: The Weasleys, excerpt (3)
Chapters 1-29 are available on Ao3 now!
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here's my idea for a jegulus rasing baby Harry dune au. Doubt I'll ever write it. Might post a drabble on my tumblr. We will see. Anyway the au is that it very loseley follows the plot of the first dune movie(because I've never read the books) James and Regulus are basically rulers of this forest like planet. Their family is called clan potter, symbol the deer. Lily was surrogate for James and Regulus son. She's also a part of their clan as Harry's personal bodyguard. He just calls her Lily. Harry is set to be arranged to be married to someone in the Malfoy clan called Draco. And has been having visions of him on a very beautiful planet with greenery and rivers and oceans.
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But before Harry can meet him, him and his family have to stop at a desert planet that the emperor Voldemort (leader of slytherin clan) has bestowed upon them. Its a trap to kill off the Potter Clan. James and Regulus are very in love in this and are very old married couples vibes. Lily is a badass body guard who mainly joined the Potter clan to run from a dark past. But she is very protective of this little family especially Harry. Harry has visions, mainly of Draco, but also of things that will come to past, mainly happy things. Because of Regulus and James unconventional marriage. The Blacks are feuding with them. But a lot of the Blacks who loved Regulus either joined the Potter clan( Sirius, Andromeda) or they married into a different clan(Narcissa) so the feud doesn't apply to them anymore. The Blacks are secretly helping the Slytherins. Over all this has tons of Jegulus, Drarry, Wolfstar. I have no idea if I should kill James for real or make Regulus and Harry think he's dead when he's not when they have to run into the desert for safety. Regulus also sees visions too but his is mainly bad things. Can't figure out who should be the desert people on the planet. Maybe Remus and other werewolves that are good? Could be how Wolfstar happens. Let me know what you think about this au. Also Dracos family comes to save the Potter's when Draco here's Potter's pain echo to him across the universe.
Explain to me why dont you wrITE THIS FIC BECAUSE LISTEN I LOVE THE IDEA LOVE IT NEED MORE also why does it make so much sense almost as if this au was meant to be
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I want a little like 5 chapter fic of remus being in the arena cause all I can think about is zar saying his weapon would be his hands
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inkpot-winters · 2 years
the fact that every time one of the fan casts is in a new project the editors of the fandom collectively rub their hands together and delight over the new footage
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moonfulmoony · 1 year
i saw a post a long time ago about how someone headcanoned that after the prank remus started hanging out with the slytherin skittles as revenge on sirius and i just want a fic with that... imma try to find that post again
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macdaddylex · 2 years
hey guys can we stop with the “marlene’s only personality trait is liking effie”?? lesbians are allowed to be people outside of their sexuality <333
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