#banded leaf monkey
life-on-our-planet · 4 months
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The Raffles' banded langur is currently critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting for food and the pet trade. They've been legally protected in Singapore since 1947, and there is hope that the addition of a recent nature park will ensure safe feeding grounds for these monkeys. ©
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haikkun · 2 years
Three years later.
Still feel it…
Even before I nod
To the date on the calendar
As though we ran into one another getting the mail or going for a jog a few pitiful, pivotal times
A year.
I am still waiting for the sea monkeys
I ordered from the back of a comic
That was many years expired.
I am waiting for the power to go out
So the freezer thaws
And I have a reason to throw out the cookie I frosted while cooing your name.
I am waiting for the day this day doesn’t count.
The pink band of boxers you once wore;
Brands I should never know about, this side of the world.
I am ready to be hit by the bus when I chase the leaf I thought was inconsiderate litter into traffic.
How dare someone
Just throw
Something so beautiful
To the floor?
Maureen Armstrong @haikkun
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After hours of filtering, I have a list! From 411 submisstions to 134 competitors. Of course, that means that not all the submissions are competing. My main rule for filtering was that when many similar animals were submitted, one was selected. This means that even if your submission din't get in, there is likely somthing else similar you can vote for instead! I'm hoping to get the polls out this Saturday or Sunday, and I'll post the time once it's decided. That being said... here's the list!
Mouse deer
Blanket octopus
Twenty plume moth
Bagworm moth caterpillars
Banded archerfish
Barreleye fish
Tripod fish
Bigfin squid
Black sea hare
Black snub nosed monkey
Blue sea dragon 
Bush brown caterpillar
Chinese water deer
Maned wolf
Common spotted cuscus
Corpse Assassin Bug
Messmate pipefish
creatonotos gangis
Tongue eating louse
Ganges river dolphin 
ghost pipefish
Giant Anteater
Giant gippsland earthworm
Giant tube worm
Giraffe Weevil
Goblin shark
Golden mole
Green-banded broodsac
Greenland shark
Gum leaf skeletonizer caterpillars
Hammer head bat
Honduran white bat
Short horned lizard
Green hydra
Jerusalem cricket
Largetooth sawfish
Bulwer’s pheasant
Lowland Streaked Tenrec
Marbled polecat
Mata mata
Mexican mole lizard
Ghost faced bat
Naked bulldog bat
Naked mole rat
Phillipene tube nosed fruit bat
Mantis shrimp
Ogre faced spider
Parrot fish
Partridge bug
Pelican eel
Asian giant softshell turtle
Pink fairy armadillo
Pipa pipa
Portuguese Man O War
Predatory tunicate
Sea spider
Red lipped batfish
Bowmouth guitarfish
Roseate spoonbill
Pink iguana
Royal albatross
Sage grouse
Saiga antelope
Sailfin dragon
Volcano snail
Schaefer’s anglerfish
Sea cucumber
Sea pig
Sea sheep
Assassin spider
Spider tailed viper
Spectral bat
Spix’s disc winged bat
Spotted wobbegong
Stalk-eyed fly
Stoplight loosejaw
Giant phantom jelly
Sword billed hummingbird
Tailless whip scorpion 
Bobbit worm
Glass frog
Immortal jellyfish
Mirror spider
Trilobite Beetle
Vampire bat
Vampire squid
Wrinkle-faced bat
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Welcome to my shop!
We have a lot of trinkets, tools, and pets! We can also have some things custom-made for you, if you'd like. Our door is always open, and we welcome anyone. Even if you don't buy anything.
The currency is coins, but we are willing to negotiate. We will often take items needed for crafting and such as payment.
We have cloaks of camouflage, which shift color to blend in to your surroundings.
We've got the lighthearted potions. A powder to make a person rhyme for a few hours, a candy that gives them a high voice for a day or two, and the kaleidoscope glasses cleaner. Makes em see everything like a kaleidoscope, obviously.
We've got the ones that alter emotions. Buy 2, get one free! Or you can mix and match to your heart's desire.
How about the soaps? One makes it so you never have to bathe again, it'll keep you clean. Another one makes mosquitoes terrified of you. Permanently.
Or there's the arm-band that gives you an outfit that morphs into whatever you deem fitting for the occasion.
As for the armband, I recommend wearing clothes underneath, just in case it malfunctions. Just leggings and a t-shirt. I've had angry customers wanting refunds and they were a pain in the knuckles.
Also, a pill that makes you not a loser. I take it daily. I don't think it's too effective.
There's the leaf crown that gives you the ability to photosynthesize... but your eyes will turn green while you're wearing it. Which isn't the worst of things. Green eyes are pretty.
There's a thermometer, it measures figurative warmth and cold.
We've got the magnet from the Shaggy Man in the Wizard of Oz. Makes people love you. Honestly, I think all the love potions are overrated.
We've also got bracelets with attachable charms including but not limited to: charisma, intelligence, stamina, strength, speed, stealth, wit, etc.
There is also a pocketknife that can never be lost, a notepad that takes notes for you, and a book that changes its story every time you finish it.
A pair of hair-pieces. You exchange it with a person, and it allows controlled, consensual telepathic communication. The simple ones are a button apeice. The multi-dimensional ones cost a seashell for a pair, but if you get the multiple dimension ones, I can offer you a discount.
We have nail polish that can turn your fingernails into claws that can cut through metal.
We've also got earrings that give you controlled selective hearing. And yes, we also carry the magnetic kind.
Some new items!
Bags, that when you put something into it, it does not have any weight. Great for traveling.
Little metal beetles that can be programmed to detect almost anything you'd like; such as water, warmth, certain types of plants, or even tracking animals.
Mirrors that show not physical appearance, but personality.
Hourglasses that measure the time until your next sneeze.
Candles. You can put a memory you want to forget into them, and then when it burns out, the memory will be gone.
Fish eggs. They're for fish about the size of a minnow, but you can use them to relay messages. They whisper in your ear. And all of the species have a hive mind, so you could use them to spy.
Well, the fish, we've also got birds. The parakeets will pretty much do what you tell them to. They're smarter than most. We've got the axolotls, they basically just look cute and question everything you do. Our crabs are crabby, our frogs can make it rain, toads will selectively eat the bugs you don't like, and turtles are pretty wise. The squirrels are excellent trackers, and can find almost anything. But they'll never shut up.
We're not supposed to sell the hawks because they have an extremely keen sense of justice, and have injured their owners for being prejudiced or unjust. If I made an exception, you'd have to raise it from a fledgling, to raise it loyal to you.
We are currently working on getting larger animals. Ferrets coming soon!
You'd have to sigh a waiver for that though.
Some new pets!
Monkeys! They're pretty awesome. No magical abilities, but quite well behaved and very fun to spend time with. But they need a lot of enrichment.
Glow worms that can read books to you.
Caribou. Very friendly and great emotional support.
Hummingbirds. They bring better luck.
Sloths. They sleep so you don't have to. This is literal. If you let them sleep, you will not need sleep.
If you're interested in buying something from my shop, feel welcome to come in! Speak to one of these people if you want to buy something, or have something custom made.
Firefly: Troubled past, silly, easy to please, cares deeply about people and is a fierce fighter. Gone most of the time on quests and such.
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Ohtacaro: Quiet, smart, stereotypical ninja, has a cat named Randir. He and Otsi'stia have a sign language that they came up with for private conversations.
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Otsi'stia: She is clever, practical, and the twin sister of Ohtacaro. She is less withdrawn than he is, but usually won't start a conversation for no reason. Hates small talk. Will get straight to the point.
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Hotaru: Cheerful, hyper, enthusiastic. She's innocent and loves everyone. She just wants to help people. She is easily fascinated by little things. Especially koi fish.
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Jon: Has a sense of humor, charming, and loves books. He is good at planning and dealing with people. He won't take abuse, and won't let you abuse his friends, either. He hates it when things get awkward.
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Rena: A little bit bossy. She can be a grouch. You do NOT want to get on her bad side. But the number one way to get on her bad side is to be mean to Hotaru. She goes on runs to clear her head, and is currently taking anger management courses, because Jon and Lilian made her do it.
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Lilian: The comforting, motherly one. She'll probably invite you in for a cup of tea, or babysit your pets or children or irresponsible friends. She wants you to be okay. She usually has calming music playing in the background, and she can be really poetic when she wants to be.
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Soraya: The mechanic/scientist/inventor. Not a great fan of eye contact. Shy, as in, almost never speaks to anyone. Has her own space to work in, and stays there most of the time, but often goes to the library, or to the abandoned lot to test things out. She is extremely intelligent and a problem solver.
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Sun Wukong
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Race: Faunus
Nationality: Vacuo
Ethnicity: Mixed Vacun & Mistrali
Weapon: Ruyi Bang & Jingu Bang
Gender: Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Starting Age: 18
Birthday: Summer 1st
Aura Color: Yellow
Handedness: Ambidexterous
Complexion: Tan
Eye Color: Blue Im so sorry
Faunus Trait: Monkey Tail
Occupation: Haven student, Junior Detective, Boy band lead singer
Previous Occuppation: Thief (wanted for arrest in 5 places)
Long ago in a distant land, there once was a clan of nomads that traveled the desert. On one of their travels, they found a crying rock. Wondering how a simple rock could make such a sound, the strongest of their number took his weapon and struck the rock with all his might! The rock was split in two, and inside was a baby monkey faunus that had been crying all along. Not knowing where the baby had came from, the nomads decided to keep the boy and raise him as one of their own. This is the legend of Sun Wukong.
The boy was the most free spirited and reckless child the nomads had ever raised. While the nomads had taught all of their children that theft was okay as long as it was done out of nessacity, such as stealing food when you are hungry, Sun would steal at every city the nomads visited for the thrill of the heist. Even more infuriating, Sun was never arrested no matter how many times he was chased by authorities, which seemed endless to the nomads.
However, Sun's nature would help the nomads. Whenever they needed food or money, Sun would be the first to provide for them. But in Vacuo, it is every person for themself. That is why, when the nomads are lured into a trap and made to choose between Sun or the whole clan, they make the only choice a Vacun could make in that situation. Sun isn't even angry at them, even if it's not what he would do in that situation. A learning expierence, really.
For three days, Sun rampaged in Vacuo city. He couldn't find a way to escape, so he would make it the problem of everyone person there. It was only when Yù yin, the oldest and most beloved Huntress in Vacuo, appeared was Sun finally stopped. Using her semblance, Yù yin "pacified" Sun, and he allowed himself to be arrested. Using Quake Dust, Yù yin sealed Sun inside a cage made of solid rock, to be cut off from the rest of the world forever... if Starr Sanzang, a member of Sun's clan, hadn't become a guard at the prison he was being kept in. Without telling anyone, even Sun, she made tiny cracks inside his stone jail.
After a year of captivity, Starr smuggled in a Dust necklace and gave it to Sun so he could escape. And he did. Away from jail, away from the clan that gave him up, and away from Vacuo.
At 17, Sun traveled west of Vacuo, past the dark lands, and into Anima. With no one knowing who he is, and owning nothing but the clothes on his back, Sun wondered if he could start over here. He could turn a new leaf, go to school like always wanted to, renounce his wild ways... on his 18th birthday, Sun broke into Vasilias Enterpises and stole the experimental weapon, Ruyi Bang Jingu Bang. Unfortunately, Sun was out of practice and got caught.
When Sun was finally arrested, he was greeted by Leonardo Lionheart. The academy headmaster gave him a choice, face execution, or enroll in Haven Academy as a reform program student. Sun made the only choice he could make in that situation, and he has been happy ever since.
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drstonetrivia · 1 year
Chapter 196 Trivia (Part 1)
Scientist Suika is here to save the day!
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A callback to Senku in chapter 14! Except this time, Suika doesn't have the core principles of science in mind— she has Senku instead.
I wonder if Senku's ever explained what that equation means to her…
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I thought Suika's melon was replaced with something else because of the ridges present, but it looks like it's still the same melon we know and love.
Also, the red ribbon in the village rope is visible! Remember this for later.
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A pair of toucans have made a nest next to Suika's little hut on top of the tower. I'm convinced Suika is actually a disney princess with her ability to attract and tame animals (Chalk, Sagara, the monkeys from earlier…)
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In case you don't remember Ukyo's kindergarten school teacher moment, it's from back in chapter 99.
Kinro and Magma attended the science academy classes as well!
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The 3 methods Suika mentions: firstly, the Ostwald process. This is the one Senku uses on Treasure Island and similar to the Haber-Bosch process Xeno used. This is the one that required platinum.
I assumed this was the one she attempted first (though she has no platinum) except…
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…The process doesn't actually use sulfurina/sulfuric acid. Instead, I believe the process she tries is single displacement synthesis which uses sulfuric acid and a nitrate salt like potassium or sodium nitrate.
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The second method is known as the Birkeland–Eyde process, which involves heating up the air using electricity, forming nitric oxide. This is then dissolved into water, forming nitric acid.
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The final method is the man-made version of what was happening in the Cave of Miracles, where feces is left under certain conditions so that it can decompose into nitric acid. The right humidity is also necessary, which is why Suika is watering the mounds!
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Suika's science setup! Not sure where that wheel is rolling from, but you can see Suika has all the pots and jars ready for measuring, along with a kiln and a set of scales.
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Even without her melon, Suika still rolls around. 🍈💨
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A crappy fact: capybaras actually poop pellets, similar to those of rabbits, but slightly more oblong.
I won't include a real-life image of it.
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The birds Suika finds are most likely roseate spoonbills, a large wading bird whose habitat includes the mouth of the Amazon river. The one perched on Suika's boat is probably a juvenile as it lacks the red band normally found on its wing.
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The Sengoku period is a time when Japan was in almost constant civil war from 1467-1615. As such, they needed gunpowder for the matchlock guns they were using, and thus used this method to create the nitric acid necessary.
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Suika's writing with the ashes of a burnt stick onto a leaf, so I assume any other writing tools they had are long gone. They must have had some on them at some point though because both Senku and Chelsea were writing small details, and I don't think a burnt stick can do that.
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Suika found a mangrove, a Brazilian grapetree/jabuticaba and a huge mollusc with its siphon sticking out. Nice job Suika!
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(Next part)
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abookishdreamer · 4 months
Character Intro: Pseudologos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The False God, The Dark Deceit by the people of Olympius
Father by Dolos
Sue by Elpis
Grandfather by Pheme
Age- 70 (immortal)
Location- Olympia, Olympius
Personality- He's very observant with a strong attention to the most minute of details. He's also narcissistic, highly manipulative, selfish, uneasily fooled, as well as egomaniacal. There's only a few beings he genuinely cares about. He has many girlfriends.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As the god of lies his other powers/abilities include truth sense, vocal mimicry, lie proficiency, criminology mastery, telepathy (is able to read minds), fraud inducement (can manipulate others to lie), shapeshifting (his skill is on par with Empusa), being able to create a variety of auditory, visual, & sensory illusions, as well as being able to communicate with/shapeshift into animals associated with trickery- like rats, wolves, snakes, jackals, hyenas, weasels, foxes, coyotes, monkeys, crocodiles, etc...
Pseudologos' primary abode is his cliffside mansion in the state of Olympia. The mansion is built out of adamantine glass, white marble, & black onyx. There are a lot of streakless windows and glittering chandeliers while the flooring is white marble with Imperial Gold accents. The interior design is cool, modern, & sleek with a variety of artwork, photography, and sculptural pieces with leather furniture, & metal, lucite, Imperial Gold, jade, and obsidian furniture pieces. He has a LARGE garage that houses his collection of luxurious sports cars. Pseudologos also owns a beach house on Shimmering Tail Island and an apartment at Bolt Towers, located in the Skyline neighborhood of New Olympus. He also owns a yacht called Olympian.
He has an animal companion- a dragon named Nyroxion. He's the second oldest & fourth largest dragon in all the realms, widely known as "The Black Beast." After Xuvra, Nyroxion is the most fiercest and aggressive. He's primarily covered in black scales while his belly scales & spinal plates are a dark blood red. The dragon has black horns, claws, and crests with dark red eyes & black wings with dark red wing membranes. Nyroxion is usually Pseudologos' mode of transportation. Dragon and rider have an unbreakable bond.
He's fluent in all the languages spoken in Olympius.
Members of Pseudologos' immediate family includes his younger brother Logos (god of stories), his son Dolos (god of deception & treachery), his niece Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), his daughter-in-law Elpis (goddess of hope), and his granddaughter Pheme (goddess of fame).
His breakfast is usually prepared & cooked by his personal chef- a mountainous centaur named Montague (called Monty for short). Some of Pseudologos' favorites includes almond poppy seed belgian waffles topped with peach compote, cinnamon & cardamom crêpes topped with powdered sugar, baked florentine egg white omelets, and tropical fruit sorbets.
His favorite "snacks" are smoking cigarettes & cigars. Pseudologos treats himself with buying a few of the most expensive cigars at Ygró Veloúdo- the wine bar/premier smoking room owned by Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck). At 1.3 million drachmas a pop, the cigar is meticulously filled with rare tobacco sourced from the Underworld infused with a prestigious black pomegrante cognac, wrapped gracefully with a gold leaf, and is secured by a band with dazzling diamonds totaling 5 carats. He also partakes in weed & lotus dust.
He's proficient at forging signatures.
Pseudologos takes great pride in his appearance. In spite of his advanced age, he lives an active lifestyle and is in peak physical shape. His silver gray hair is neatly trimmed, his clothes expertly pressed, & his shoes perfectly polished. Pseudologos is a firm believer of quality over quantity when it comes to his belongings.
A go-to drink for him is a dirty martini. He also likes champagne, red wine, manhattans, whiskey sours, scotch on the rocks, mojitos, negronis, and vesper cocktails. A usual from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized iced americano.
He doesn't have a close relationship with his brother. Pseudologos hates his younger brother's "greater-than-thou" attitude towards his lifestyle and firmly believes that the moniker of "Olympius' Grandpa" has gotten to Logos' head. He only sees him when there are monthly family dinners hosted by Elpis.
The accumulation of Pseudologos' wealth is one of the best kept secrets in all the realms. There are whispers about his dealings in the black market, but nothing definitive.
His favorite frozen treats are rum raisin ice cream & champagne sorbet.
He has his own crew of stringers that gather intel and photos for the paparazzi. For fun it's rumored that Pseudologos will be in a shapeshifted form as a maintenance worker at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus to gather more information- which is then given to The Oracle Scoop, the tabloid magazine owned by Pheme.
Pseudologos has a few tattoos- a small dagger on the inside of his left wrist, the saying "trust no one" written in Old Greek on the inside of his right wrist, a black widow on his chest, and a bunch of nightshade flowers on his left thigh.
He quite likes his daughter-in-law Elpis. When she visits him, she always brings in a fresh bouquet of flowers. They'll go to the beach to surf & afterwards Pseudologos will enjoy Elpis' homemade smoothie bowl, the blueberry açaí one being his favorite. He doesn't mind the jokes she makes at his expense and thinks that she is too good for his son.
For lunch Monty will prepare Pseudologos' favorite- grilled snapper and asparagus with herb-caper vinaigrette. If he's with a date, he'll dine out, often at The Crown. From the menu he likes the steamed miso custard with mushrooms & soy dressing, herb crêpes with olives and spinach, & grilled garlic crusted oysters with beluga caviar.
Pseudologos' relationship with his son has always been tense. He honestly can't remember the last time he said "I love you" to Dolos or showed any sort of physical affection towards him. Pseudologos is proud of the fact that he taught his son about the harsh truths of the world. That for deities like them, their worth is made, not given. He also refuses to tell Dolos anything about his biological mother.
His all time favorite dessert is baked alaska.
Pseudologos loves buying gifts for his girlfriends, daughter-in-law, & granddaughter.
He has recently released his signature cologne called Mystique. The spicy fragrance has notes of violet leaf, cyclamen, amber, bitter orange blossom, orris, & narcissus. Another notable feature is the black obsidian bottle with purple jade accents. A 8.5 oz/250ml bottle sells for 1,300 drachmas. The release day for Mystique happened at a Pithos Department Store in the Skyline neighborhood.
Pseudologos adores his granddaughter- calling Pheme "My little diamond." They keep in touch through text all the time and they visit each other often. He was one of the financial backers involved in starting up her Diamond Ave. fashion brand. When they spend time together they'll go to the spa, go shopping, & dine at a restaurant. At times their relationship has been tested- due to Pseudologos' constant flirting with Pheme's friends. Lately, he's been trying to let up on that.
A guilty pleasure for him is a wagyu, foie gras, & black truffle burger that Monty makes.
He has quite the social media presence on Fatestagram.
Throughout his immortal life he's been married well over a hundred times! In the pantheon Pseudologos is infamously known as "The Collector of Wives." He's been engaged even more times. Pseudologos rejects the notion of true love, but understands the want and desire to have a warm body close to him at night. Now, he keeps things casual with many girlfriends of many creeds. His long-time girlfriend is Lycana (Titaness of lycanthropy).
Pseudologos has also propositioned Aisa (goddess of lot & fate) as well as Apate (goddess of fraud & deception). Aisa rejected the offer while Apate hasn't given him an answer yet. He does feel a little guilty about the latter- seeing how Apate is his friend's daughter and that she used to work closely with Dolos.
In the pantheon he's friends with Erebus (god of darkness), Astrape (goddess of lightning), Empusa (goddess of shapeshifting), Bronte (goddess of thunder), Hysminai (goddess of fighting & combat), Kydoimos (god of uproar & battlefield confusion), Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown), and Hyperion (Titan god of heavenly light). Pseudologos was the official mentor to Aplistos (god of avarice).
He met Lycana's daughter Lykos (goddess of wolves) briefly a few weeks ago. Pseudologos doesn't have much of an opinion about her.
His carnal appetites rivals that of Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning). Pseudologos has a "little black book" filled with the names of all his conquests. He has slept with Empusa a few times and has even slept with Gaia (goddess of the earth). An upcoming "event" Pseudologos is looking forward to is a video he's shooting with Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection) for her adult website. He and Lycana got into a HUGE argument about it.
He broke his only cardinal rule when he said "I love you" to Lycana while they were having sex. When she tried bringing it up a few days later, Pseudologos said that he was high on lotus dust when it happened.
In his free time he enjoys lovemaking, golf, watching TV, tennis, sunbathing, clubbing, going to the casino, playing dominoes, going to the cinema, sky diving, billiards, poker, and going to the opera.
His favorite meal is lamb ravioli with champagne butter and sage.
"The perfect lie is the one that no one suspects."
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0.5mm Pencil Lead
2002 Honda Civic
320 Pack Glitter Gel Pens
A Blunt
A Candle That Smells Like Fragrant Evergreens
A Copy of "The Book Thief" (2005) by Markus Zusak
A Daisychain
A DVD Copy of Over the Hedge (2006)
A Train
Ace of Spades Playing Card
Adipose Plushie
Adorable Cow Creamer
An Innumerable Amount of Lost DS Styli
Animal Shaped Rubber Bands
AP French Exam Packet
Argon (The Element)
Aviator Goggles
Baguette Body Pillow
Bead Maze
Beaded Curtain
Beanbag Chair
Best Rock
Big Drinking Fountain
Black Out Curtains
Blue Jeans
Blåhaj/Ikea Shark
Bright Orange VHS for the Rugrats Movie
Broken Alarm Clock
Bubble Toy
Bur Oak Tree
Buttons (for clothes)
Can of Beans
Cast Iron Pan
Cat Collar With Bell
Chalk Boards
Cheese Grater
Chew Necklace
Chicxulub Impactor
Claw Hairclip
Clip-On Earrings
Coconut Broom
Colored Fairy Lights
Comically Oversized Lollypop
Construction Cone
Crane Machine
Dead Baby Possum Killed by Chihuahua (RIP)
Digivice V-pet
Dirty Glass Bottle You Find In The Woods
Disinfecting Wipes
Dragon Ball Z Volume 4 (Manga Paperback)
Drinking Bird Desk Toy
Egg Slicer
Elementary School Yearbook
Empty Pizza Box
Every Basket
Every Knife
Eye Mug From a School Ceramics Sale
Fake Dictionary Lockbox
Fancy Showerhead
Fantasia 2000 VHS Tape
Fencing Mask
Finger Cymbals
Finger Cymbols
Fingerless Gloves (made of wool)
Flower Bush By The Pavement On The Street
Four Seasons Puzzle
Froggy Chair
Garden Gloves With Claws
Generic Paw Of A Monkey
Glow in the Dark Celing Stars
Glow Stick Liquid
"god i wish that were me" Screenshot
Golden Acorn Statue
Googly Eyes
Half An Onion
Halloween Skeleton Decoration
Hand Mixer From The '60s
Haunted Callie Calamari Doll That Drinks All Your Pepsi and Calls You a Bitch
Heart-Shaped Glasses
Holly the Dragon Beanie Boo
Homemade Hand Sanitizer
Hurdy Gurdy
Ice Cube
Ice Maker
Japanese 5 Yen Coin
Kids Watercolor Set
Kitchen Sink
Knockoff Garfield Plush
La Croix Sparkling Water Pamplemousse
Late Night Infomercials
Lavender Scented Candle
LEGO Spring 2007 Catalog
Lightning McQueen Crocs
Lindt Gold Bunny
Lint Roller
Lip Smackers Watermelon Chapstick
LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado
Lobster Ornament
Loch and Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster Ladles (one solid, one with strainer holes)
Lun-Class Ekranoplan
Mammatus Cloud
Manatea Tea Infuser
Meat Cleaver
Meat Tenderizer
Mechanical Pencil
Mini Cuban Flag on Plant
Mini Fan
Monopoly Dog Piece
NA Mazda Miata (Specifically With Googly Eyes)
Native American Fire Opal Blade
Nokia Phone 3310 (2000)
Old Faithful
One Crouton
One Flavor Blasted Cheddar Goldfish
Onion Chopper/Mini Food Processer
Opalized Fossil
Our Sun
Paint Tube
Palm Leaf Rose
Paper Crown
Paper Leaves
Paracetamol Tablet
Plastic Lightsaber
Plastic Play Food Set
Polly Pocket Website (circa 2005)
Popstar Microphone
"Previously on X-Men" (YouTube Video)
Rainbow Desk Lamp Christmas Gifted By Aunt
Rainbow Pride Flag
Red Bouncy Ball
Rocking Horse
Roller Skates
Rounde (Sheep Plush Adored by Friend Group)
Rubik's Cube
Russian Nesting Doll
Salt and Vinegar Chips
Sand-Filled Frog Toy Named Floppy
School Chair Attached To Desk
Seattle Space Needle
Seki Edge Nail Clippers
Sewing Pin
Shoe Insoles
Shoelaces (From The President)
Silver Hoop Earrings
Simply Southern T-Shirt
Single Macaroni Noodle
Siren Percussion Instrument
Slap Bracelets
Sliced Bread
Slip N' Slide
Slotted Spoon
Snowman Headband
Solar Eclipse Sunglasses
Soviet-Era Apartment Complex
Spamton Plush
Sparkly DND Dice That Look Like They Should Be Edible But Aren't
Squishy Water Tube Toy
Stained Glass
Stand-Up Bass
Starbucks Coffee Cup
Steel/Metal Pipe
Stick (From the Ground)
Stop Sign
Stuffed Animals
Subway Employee Hat
The Bible
The Demon Core
The Entirely Of Wikipedia Printed Out
The Giant Canadian Rubber Duck
The International Space Station
The Internet
The Kaaba
The Milky Way
The Mona Lisa
The Moon
The Spinx
The Statue Of The Shoe That Almost Hit George Bush
The Tiny Jack Hiding In The Wall Of My Trunk For When I Have A Flat Tire
The Transistor
The Voynich Manuscript
The Wheel
The World Trade Center (WTC)
The Zener Diode
TI-84 Graphing Calculator
Tom Scott's Best Thing Survey
Torn Apart Skunk Dog Toy
Trans Flag
Tumblr Anon Hatemail
Tungsten Cube
Two Paper Cockatiels On A Wire Stand On My Desk
Umbrella Hat
Unicorn Pillow Pet
Vicks Vaprorub
Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers Painting
Vintage Railway Poster
Walkable City
Water Bottle
Water Snake Wiggler
White Boards
White Out
Wind Chime
Wings of Fire Slightly Used Coloring Book
Wireless Headphones
Working McDonalds Ice Cream Machine
Xbox 360
Yoga Ball
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards
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letmeliedown · 1 year
today in weed strains that sound like songs by a fake band that gets mentioned for one line in a william gibson novel:
Cactus Kush by Naked Mummer
Britney��s Frozen Lemons by Top Leaf
Sticky Monkey by Collab Project
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gliphelgeneral · 2 years
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Bumblebee millipede - Anadenobolus monilicornis Individuals are dark brown with distinctive yellow bands, and measure 2.5–3 centimetres (1.0–1.2 in) long. The legs and antennae are red. This species inhabits leaf litter. Birds and captive monkeys have been observed crushing these millipedes and rubbing their secretions on their wings or fur, potentially to repel insects. The secretions of millipedes may have some properties that repel insects. This species is native to the Caribbean: it is found in Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, and on Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Maarten, Martinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Haiti. It species has been introduced to southern Florida, where it can occur in large numbers but is not considered a pest.
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lebaronlordking · 17 days
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King September 7, 2024 [email protected]
4:00 PM Rising Son - Forgive Them Jah 4:04 PM Capleton - That Day Will Come 4:08 PM Marla Brown - Champion 4:10 PM J Boog - Blaze It for Days 4:13 PM Iyatah Shai - Gideon Time 4:17 PM Yaadcore - Higher Meds 4:22 PM Winston McAnuff - What a Man Sow 4:26 PM King Kong - Jah Is the Ruler 4:31 PM George White - Suffering 4:33 PM Buju Banton - Steppa 4:36 PM Unlimited Culture - Bayerman Style 4:39 PM Jesse Royal - Lionorder 4:43 PM Jo Mersa Marley - Burn It Down 4:48 PM Freddie McKay ‎ - In Times of Trouble 4:55 PM Black Uhuru - Reggae Rock 5:00 PM The Wailers - Buffalo Soldier 5:04 PM Kazam Davis - 400 Years 5:08 PM Jalifa - Kannabrain 5:10 PM Sister Nancy - One Two 5:15 PM Tafari - Skin2Skin 5:17 PM Upper Cut Band - Bear Jah Fruit 5:22 PM Junior Kelly - Protection 5:25 PM Beenie Man - Happy Life 5:30 PM Earl Sixteen - Find A Way 5:34 PM Popcaan - Freshness 5:38 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Mr. Rastaman 5:41 PM Randy Valentine - Victory 5:44 PM Young Garvey - War 5:49 PM Matisyahu - Sunshine 5:52 PM Yaksta - No More Sales 5:56 PM Luthan Fyah - Rockstone 6:00 PM Toots & The Maytals - Monkey Man 6:04 PM Lee Perry & Mad Professor - Dub Those Crazy Baldheads 6:09 PM Bugle & 808 Delavega - Compliments 6:11 PM Luciano - Here We Go Again 6:15 PM Cedric Myton - Rat Trap 6:18 PM Tarrus Riley - Tears of Joy 6:24 PM Arise Roots - Rootsman Town 6:29 PM Gappy Ranks - Maad Sick 6:33 PM Stoneface Priest - Mind Your Tongue 6:38 PM Leaf of Life - No Long Speech 6:41 PM King Ujah - Independent 6:45 PM Wicked Dub Division - Not in My Name 6:48 PM Swashii - Shanty Town (007) 6:52 PM Kiddus I - The Salmon 6:55 PM Upper Cut Band - Wake Up Call
0 notes
humangirlonearthh · 4 months
The Byzantine Empire was divided between opposing theological thoughts; the Chaledonians believed Christ held dual natures, one divine and one human. They worshipped him through a physical form; these icons manifested in wooden reliefs, crosses and gold leaf portraits. The opposing Monophysites believed he held a mono nature that was purely divine and thus unreachable physically.  As a girl irl in 2024, I carry around icons of my own, a Julius the Monkey key chain, silver bracelets I feel identifiable by, a comb for my fringe, and baby pictures of my little brother and best friend stuck to my MacBook. Since childhood, I have been preoccupied with creating a space for myself online and offline, transmuting my ideals, values, and interests. Curating a digital language emblematic of the self, a package that can be received, held, observed, understood, and appreciated.  To get over a guy last year, I walked around and listened repeatedly to a song by my dad’s favourite band, Get Me by Everything but the Girl. Tracey Thorn sings, ‘I, And I want to be addicted, I want to be secure, I want to wake up after the night before, but do you ever get me? Do you ever get me’.  I can say with absolute certainty now he didn’t ‘get me’. I found solace in the idea that his rejection of me was due to an immutable cosmic distance between us. I concluded that since the first day we had met, 3 years before our eventual destruction, we had been participating in a painful, slow-energy dance, attempting to grasp a connection and failing miserably. The beginning preluded the end; we had completed a perfect circle. A few months later, I found a stack of books in the corner of my room. In the haze of deep crush psychosis, I had curated a selection of books to lend him, an attempt at handing myself over to him; here I am; this is what I am all about; please accept it. He didn’t read; I was endearing myself towards him in a language he didn’t understand. If we were Byzantines, I was a Chalcedonian, able to observe divinity/love/connection in physical manifestations and he was a Monophysite, dogmatic and focused on factual realities. At first, the discovery of these books devasted me, but after a few months, a truth emerged. I find myself, others, ideas, truths and connections in the physical manifestation and performance of the self; it is how I extend my hand to the world.  In the attempt at connection, I had created an idle of myself, my own personal pantheon he could worship, a human girl on earth. Through doing so, the image of myself became more precise in my mind, and the emblematic language I was cultivating for him became the identity I embodied to cope with his absence.  
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jefferyryanlong · 1 year
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Infinite Pau Hana - August 9, 2023
"why must i always be the thief"
Hour 1
Tears of Rage - The Band One Too Many Mornings (live) - Bob Dylan The World Is Going Wrong - The Mississippi Sheiks You Better Move On - Arthur Alexander Too Much Monkey Business (live) - Chuck Berry Memphis, Tennessee - Chuck Berry Sympathy for the Devil - Sandy Shaw Baby Blue - Gene Vincent Suzie Q - Dale Hawkins Crackin' Up - Bo Diddley Rocket 88 - Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats Showdown at Big Sky** - Robbie Robertson Lost Highway (live) - Hank Williams
Hour 2
Apple Suckling Tree - Bob Dylan and the Band King Harvest - The Band As Tears Go By (live) - Johnny Thunders As Tears Go By - Nancy Sinatra Are You With Me Now? - Cate Le Bon He's Funny That Way - Billie Holiday The Lonely Sea - Steve Almaas and Ali Smith Drowning the Call - Mirroring Why - Annie Lennox Ruler of My Heart - Irma Thomas Steal Away Girl - Sugar Minott This World - The Staples Singers Funky Kingston - Toots and Maytals
Hour 3
Chest Fever - The Band On a Rainy Afternoon (live) - Elston Gunn Leaf and Lime - The High Lllamas Lujon - Henry Mancini Hang on to Your Ego - The Beach Boys Old Man Going - The Pretty Things Barbara Ann - The Who The Swallow's Eye - Comets on Fire Panda - Dungen I Lost Something in the Hills - Sibylle Baier Egyptian Tomb - Mighty Baby Rasputin - Boney M. The Devil Is Dope - The Dramatics
** - by request
KTUH - 90.1 FM Honolulu, 91.1 FM North Shore, ktuh.org
0 notes
The 8 Most Powerful Artifacts in History according to the World of Lego Monkie Kid
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Okay, this screenshot was taken in the Season 1, episode 3. Princess Iron Fan was talking about Mei’s family Legendary Dragon Blade when she let out the holograms of the “most powerful artifacts in history.”
I’ll try to identify these holograms. 
Disclaimer: I maybe proven wrong by the time future seasons of LMK come.
1. The Wheels of Fire and Wind / Fenghuo Lun (风火轮)
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The Wheels of Fire and Wind were used by Nezha, a powerful child god and warrior, who fought the Monkey King and later on became allies. 
Nezha uses the wheels to summon supernatural fire  and travel great distances by standing on top of them. [1]
2. Diamond Snare OR Shimmering  Golden Rope
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The Diamond Snare was made by Lao Tzu. This was the weapon used to finally capture the Monkey King while fighting Erlang Shen (nephew of the Jade Emperor) in Journey to the West. 
The Diamond Snare has another form which is the Golden Jade Ring, used by the Single-Horned Rhinoceros King to suck away weapons. [3]
This can also be the Shimmering Golden Rope or Huang Jinshen (幌金绳) is previously a waist sash of Lao Tzu. It is one of the many treasures of the Gold and Silver Demons. By throwing the rope, it will instantly bind to an enemy. [1]
3. Magic Demon-Destroyer Staff / Jiàng Yāo Bǎo Zhàng (降妖宝杖)
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While there wasn’t any mentioned unique capabilities, it was said that this weapon was made by Lu Ban, the Chinese deity of contractors and builders. [4]
 It is wielded by Sandy in Journey to the West.
4. Banana Leaf Fan / Bajiao Shan (芭蕉扇)
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Princess Iron Fan’s Banana Leaf Fan that is capable of summoning cyclones and storms. [1] This weapon was one of the conflicts between the Monkey King and the Demon Bull King.
5. The Golden Staff / Ruyi Jingu Bang (如意金箍棒)
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The Monkey King's staff made of iron and gold. While few can lift it (it weighs 7,960 kg), not many can command it as it only listens to the Monkey King alone.
Rú yì meaning "as you wish"
Jīn meaning "gold" or "metals"
Gū meaning "band" or "ring"
Bang meaning "staff" or "stick"
Before it was the "Ru Yi Jin Gu Bang", it served as the stabilizer of the four seas named "Tian He Ding Di Shen Zhu Tie." It was made by Lao Tzu and acts as an enormous pillar in the Eastern Sea Dragon King's palace. [8] 
4. Dragon Blade
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I haven’t found any source for this yet. But according to the Lego Monkie Kid, it is linked to the Dragon of the West, Ao Run, father of the White Dragon Horse who was Tripitaka’s steed during JTTW.  
Ao Run imbued it with powers so that the true clan member can weild it to protect the family. 
5.  Seven Stars Sword - Qixing Baojian (七星宝剑)
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Judging by the marks on its blade, this might be the Seven-Star Sword [5] or Precious Sword of the Dipper [1]. It is made by Lao Tzu and stolen by the Gold and Silver Horned Demon Brothers. [5] It allows them to match the Monkey King’s prowess during battle and were only defeated when the sword was taken away.
The Seven-Star Sword is similar to to Chinese straightswords that have seven brass plugs inserted into the blade.[6] 
However, the marks on the blade above might indicate that this is the Qingfeng Sword (青锋剑). It is wielded by the Southern King of the Buddhist Four Heavnly Kings named Zeng Zhang Tian Wang (增长天王). It could summon winds and a fire-spewing serpent. However, unlike the Seven-Star sword, this weapon has appeared in Investiture of the Gods and not JTTW. [1]
6. Red Boy's Zhang Ba Fire-tipped Spear OR Nezha's Huojian Qiang
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This spear can be Red Son’s Zhang Ba Fire-Tipped Spear (丈八火尖枪 zhàng bā huǒ jiān qiāng) that he used to fight with as Red Boy. [7]
Or this can be Nezha’s Fire-Tipped Spear or Huojian Qiang  (火尖枪) that can shoot fire. [1]
7. Purple-Gold Red Gourd /  Zijin Hong Hulu (紫金红葫芦)
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I don’t think this is the Calabash in Season 1, Episode 5. I believe this is once again one of the treasures of the Gold and Silver Horned Demon Brothers made (once again) by Lao Tzu. 
The Purple-Gold Red Gourd can capture a living being and reduced them to goo. [1]
8. Precious Sheet- Metal Rake /Shangbao Qinjin Ba (上宝沁金耙)
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This weapon is also known as Nine-Toothed Rake or Jiuchi Dingba (九齿钉耙). [1] It is wielded by Zhu Ba Jie or LMK Pigsy's ancestor, Pigsy.
It's made by Lao Tzu and bestowed to him by the Jade Emperor. It resembles an iron farmer’s rake with elaborate carvings. [1]
It’s interesting how there are 8 powerful artifacts when 8 is a lucky number in Chinese numerology. 
[1] https://owlcation.com/humanities/chinese-legendary-artifacts
[2] https://www.chinabeastsandlegends.com/jiu-long-shen-huo-zhao
[3] https://chine.in/fichiers/jourwest.pdf
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha_Wujing
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Journey_to_the_West_characters#Golden_and_Silver_Horned_Kings_and_associates
[6] https://www.mandarinmansion.com/glossary/beidou
[7] https://www.chinabeastsandlegends.com/hong-hai-er
[8] https://www.chinabeastsandlegends.com/ru-yi-jin-gu-bang
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yongislong · 2 years
[ ncity playlist event ]
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now playing ... JOHNNY SUH
shut up my moms calling - hotel ugly
head over heels - tears for fears
out of your leauge - blood orange
kiss of life - sade
woman - harry styles
cough syrup - young the giant
lil thing - knox fortune
suck it and see - arctic monkeys
be sweet - japanese breakfast
4 leaf clover - rayvn lenae
now viewing ... // the bassist from your underground school rock band is completely infatuated with you. and you very much know, as he is attached to the hip at you. rather tries to be at least. snatching your backpack and laptop on your way to class on early december days and claiming someone as pretty as you has no right holding such heavy things (regardless of how strong you are lol)
he likes to use his tallness as an advantage and this plays true once you find him fondly looking at a glittery cassette tape in the computer nook in the library. pouncing on his broad back and earning a frazzled look from him. you pester him about what that little mixtape holds, as he raises his hand with the tape high up in the air, with the other hand unknowingly landing on your waist to keep you from tumbling.
he knows theres no point in hiding because he secretly hopes knows you feel the same from that one time you froze and watched him like a hawk at one of his shows at the local coffee shop with drool on your chin and confesses everything. he almost goes into shock once you laugh and pull out your own pink cassette tape (with this playlist on it) for him labeled "i fell first but you fell harder :3" covered in cat and coffee themed stickers.
his legs give out under him as he flops into one of the library bean bags. the only thing that brings him down from cloud 9 is the dig you make at his old red mazda mx - 5. god he is embarrassingly obsessed with you. he does however keep his mixtape from you in order to put smiley face and cat stickers on it though... lol //
idk anything abt cars yall im sorry also these keep getting longer... gah hes my 127 bias o_O
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melodyschaos · 2 years
Cruise Ship/ Redson & Macaque/ They/Them
Y/N was going to have a peaceful trip. Just take a book, find a nice spot to read, and oh great looks like Macaque's bullying the fire demon.
"Cur? What is this, the 1600s? Nah, I think I'll hang on to these. They're just my style." Macaque was floating above Red Son just out of reach, holding two golden hoop earrings in one hand.
Red Son's hair was completely alight with fury. Y/N, in an attempt to rectify this injustice, picked up a nearby volleyball. Taking aim, they planted their feet annnd….WHOMP!!! Macaque was smacked in the face so hard he fell from his cloud, hitting the deck.
Red Son quickly grabbed back her hoop earrings, replacing them in her ears. “Thank you, Y/N. This baboon took my earrings while I was trying to brush my hair out. Chlorine and fiery locks do NOT go together. Then he refused to give them back!” Red Son planted their sandaled foot on the back of Macaque’s neck. “I should burn you to cinders you stupid monkey!”
Y/N put a hand on Red Son’s shoulder. “Or- and here me out- what if instead, as punishment, Macaque has to do whatever you want for the rest of the day?”
A grinch-like smile slowly spread across Red Son’s face. “Infernal Oath.”
Red Son pressed down on Macaque’s neck harder. “Hear me, you thieving ape, make an Infernal Oath that you will be my servant for the rest of the day, or I will hold dominion over your immortal soul for the rest of eternity!”
With cherry red justice crushing his neck, the shadow monkey could only hold up his hand to shake. When the two shook hands, there was a flash of red and the faint screams of the damned, and a small bell appeared. Red Son lifted their foot from Macaque’s neck, who sat up gasping and coughing.
“Ooooh, what does the bell do?”
“This, Y/N, is going to give us the most fun we will ever have, and I intend to share it with you since you were so helpful today.” With one hand on their hip, Red Son held the silver bell in one hand. “Servant, go and get Y/N and I some shaken milks, we’re parched from kicking your butt.”
Macaque stood up, glaring at the demon son. “You don’t seriously expect me t-”
Red Son shook the bell lightly, making Macaque collapse back on the ground grabbing his head. “OKAY OKAY FINE! I’ll get your crummy milkshakes!”
“Good. We’ll be relaxing in the pool if you need us.”
When Macaque phased through the floor, Y/N asked, “Why didn’t he do that when you were crushing him?”
Red Son lifted a cherry sandal. On the bottom was the Chinese character for “Hold”. “I am never unprepared. Let us go, Y/N, our shaken milks should be ready soon.”
All afternoon Y/N and Red Son took no end of mirth in making Macaque rune inane errands: Moving the umbrella two degrees to the left, then one degree to the right, fanning them with a giant palm-leaf, running back and forth endlessly to the various snack bars, throwing away their trash…it was heaven. For them, anyway. Each time there was any bit of back-talk or sass, Red Son would ring the bell, leading to Macaque dropping to the floor in agony. Apparently, as Red Son explained during one long ringing session, the pain was comparable to the Band-Tightening Spell the Monkey King suffered during his famous westward journey.
Red Son and Y/N were almost asleep from how much devouring of snacks they’d partook in. The two were admiring a beautiful sunset, with Y/N on Macaque’s shoulders and Red Son being carried around like a bride. They were also too tired for walking. “A wonderful day indeed, wouldn’t you say, Y/N?”
“I can’t think of what could make it any better!”
There was the faint sound of a reverse chime as the sun dipped below the horizon. With a concerning amount of malice in his voice, Macaque said, “I can think of a couple things.”
Red Son’s eyes widened and he held up his left hand. Sure enough, the bell was gone. “Y/N, RUN!” She suddenly took a deep breath, letting her hair burst into sudden flame, making Macaque drop Red Son. Y/N quickly fell backwards off of Macaque’s shoulders to be caught by Red Son, who quickly began high-tailing it.
As Y/N and the flame demon fled for their respective lives, they both came to an agreement: It was totally, absolutely worth it.
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