#bangtan crossover
daegudrama · 6 months
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Title: Route 613
Pairing: Reader/Namjoon, Reader/Yoongi, Reader/Vmin
Summary: Reader wants to be the very best Pokémon trainer there ever was. Her first stop in that journey is Paldea University home to a myriad of higher education. Still working to get over her ex boyfriend, Yoongi, reader forms new connections while making a few questionable decisions along the way. Each battle bringing her closer to the glory she's always dreamed of. Will she succeed in becoming champion or will outside forces stop her from achieving her goal?
Word Count: 11.3K
Disclaimer: Real life ages mean nothing in this fic. Refer here for ages and my shitty graphics
cross posted to ao3 here
1 2 4 5 6
Chapter 3
You knock on Yunjin’s door while Hiyyih holds the spoils of your snack run. Almost as soon as you pull your hand away, the door opens revealing Chaewon and Yunjin wearing matching silk pajamas. It makes you wish you had a matching set instead of the long sleeve shirt and sweatpants combo you’ve put on. 
“Welcome!! Everyone else is already here. Come in!” Chaewon says stepping out of your way so you can enter. 
Yunjin has plush cushions scattered across her floor around a coffee table. There is a dark sofa behind the coffee table that no one is using, opting for the cozy looking nest of pillows on the floor instead. As she said the boys are already here looking comfy in loose shirts and sweatpants except Namjoon who is wearing a brown hoodie with his sweatpants. Each of them has a drink in their hand and the coffee table is covered in a spread of snacks. The cushion to the right of Namjoon is empty so you take a seat. Yoongi is on the other side of the table with Jimin on his right side and the hosts on his left. Taehyung is seated between Namjoon and Jimin, already snacking on some chips. 
Yunjin turns on a movie and you crack open one of the drinks you picked up before you went back to your dorm to wash up. It’s a movie you’ve seen a few times before so you spend more time watching the reactions of the people around you then actually watching the movie. Everyone seems to be enjoying it, sipping their drinks and reaching for snacks occasionally. When the credits roll Jimin suggests a game of never have I ever. 
“Why do you always suggest this game?” Taehyung asks, squeezing Jimin’s bicep with his long fingers. “You always end up drinking more than anyone else.”
“Isn’t that the whole point?” Jimin asks, tilting his chin down as his face spreads into a cheeky smile. 
“I’ll start!” Yunjin says looking around the room like it might give her an idea. She giggles before she speaks again. “Never have I ever had a boyfriend.”
Hiyyih, Namjoon, and Jimin take a drink with you. Your eyes fall to Jimin after you swallow. More new information about Jimin. This doesn’t really surprise you Jimin hasn’t used pronouns often when talking about his various conquests. 
Without discussion you move to the next question. For several rounds the questions stay tame, leading the majority of you to drink nearly every time, until Namjoon says, “Never have I ever kissed someone in this room.”
Everyone except for Hiyyih and Namjoon takes a drink. It’s obvious by the shock on his face he was only expecting Chaewon and Yunjin to drink. What you are shocked by is Taehyung and Jimin giggling as all eyes fall on them. You simply need to hear this story. 
“What, don't you kiss your homies?” Taehyung asks with a look of pure seriousness crossing his drunk face. 
Jimin pulls Taehyung closer by the back of the neck and kisses him like it’s something he does every day. Their lips move together with needy passion stirring something deep in your stomach. Jimin is about to crawl in Taehyung’s lap when Yoongi whines and grabs a fist full of Jimin’s shirt pulling him backwards. 
“Show some restraint. This doesn’t need to turn into an orgy.”
That is not an image you want in your mind. Even if it was just the guys it’s not an idea you should entertain. It’s been far too long since you’ve been fucked though and images of Yoongi’s hands on your body spring up without warning. You take a long pull of your drink thinking maybe it will wash away the thought. 
“Never have I ever sent a nude.” Taehyung moves the game along without anyone stopping to interrogate you about kissing Yoongi. 
Namjoon and Hiyyih are the lone two who don’t drink once again. Once again your mind is flooded with images your sober brain would certainly not be haunting you with. In particular one stands out. The ass picture Yoongi once sent you with the same framing as the one you sent him. Maybe he was teasing you but the picture was so hot you didn’t respond for several minutes. You wonder if Yoongi’s mind is also flooded with images of your naked body.
Hiyyih, swaying in her intoxicated state, pipes up next with something you don’t expect. There is a sly smile on her face like she knows she’s going to get all of you easily. 
“I’m a virgin. Drink whores.”
The room fills with laughter as everyone except Hiyyih finishes their drinks. Whether or not she is a virgin wasn’t a question that had come up in your many conversations thus far. This new information doesn’t make you feel a particular way. Everyone moves at their own pace and she’s had hawk eyes on her ever since her brother became champion. This leads into sharing the story of the first time each of you had sex. Most of their stories are quite similar. Bringing someone over when their parents were away. Most of their first times were not what they thought it would be at all. 
“I had been dating my first boyfriend for a few months when we decided we wanted to try to have sex. We didn’t really know what we were doing as two virgins. Honestly it wasn’t ever really great with him.” Namjoon says, circling one finger around the rim of his drink. “My most recent ex taught me basically everything I know.”
Two boyfriends. The inappropriate part of your brain wonders if he’s ever been with a woman, but that is definitely not something you should ask. Not now or not ever. That is information he needs to volunteer to you. Just looking at his handsome face is enough.  
“Y/N, what about you?” Chaewon asks, leaning into her girlfriend’s shoulder. “Who took your virginity?”
Hiyyih’s eyes dart back and forth between you and Yoongi. You haven't explicitly told her but it’s an easy connection to make. When you look towards Yoongi he has a stupid smirk on his face like he thinks that still means anything. You make eye contact tilting your head to the side in question. 
“I did.” Yoongi says before you can speak up. “We were each other’s firsts.”
Eventually, you are sure they’ll ask why the two of you broke up, but today is not that day.​​ There is only a moment of brief shock before Taehyung launches into the story of how he lost his virginity in a flower field. Which in his words is not as romantic and scenic as you would think. Apparently a pokemon snuck up on him and the girl and they had to run while desperately trying to put their clothes on. 
Yoongi shifts to put a pillow in his lap and you can only imagine what thoughts are running through his mind. Your first time together isn’t a story worth telling either but things got so much better. Has Yoongi been alone this whole time too? Is he also thinking about the leg shaking orgasms? 
Namjoon’s arm brushes yours and you wonder when he got so close to you. You are acutely aware of how close he is as the conversation morphs away from your sex lives back to the people you met tonight. Namjoon and Jimin take the lead in this conversation gushing about the amazing scientists they met. After being around people of that caliber for so much of your life it doesn’t really phase you anymore. You can understand their excitement though. It’s like if you were to meet the elite four.   
In your drunken state you suggest watching Rugrats in Paris and Chaewon all but jumps at the chance to watch the beloved childhood movie. Yunjin turns off the lights so the room is only lit by the brightness of the TV screen. You pop a chip into your mouth chewing as the open credits begin. 
Jimin and Taehyung are snuggled together and you wonder how they keep their relationship so seemingly casual when they act how they do. 
Namjoon shifts into a more comfortable position bringing him even closer to you. His heart pounds as his thick thigh is pressed against yours feeling the heat radiating off of your body. Namjoon hesitantly moves to rest his large hand on your knee. Is this okay, he wonders. He throws a few side glances your way that you catch with your peripheral vision. Subtly is not in his favor right now, but he doesn’t really care. Your pajama pants are so soft and instead of tensing under his touch you find yourself relaxing. Namjoon takes that as a good sign. 
Both you and Namjoon pretend to pay attention to the movie playing out on the screen but your minds are overloaded with feelings. Most of which could, in your cause, be associated with the fact that no one has touched you in seven months. 
You lean against his arm playing into whatever he’s trying to do for the moment. Namjoon holds in a gasp, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention. Your ex is in the room after all and Namjoon isn’t exactly sure why you and Yoongi broke up. It’s obvious that you aren’t completely comfortable around your ex and Namjoon is happy to be a distraction from that. Nothing you have said makes him think you want to be in a relationship with Yoongi again. It does seem like you are still working on getting over your ex, though. 
You can feel Yoongi’s eyes on you and this prompts you to stick your tongue out at him. Namjoon thinks about backing off when he sees this playful behavior, but the alcohol clouding his judgment wins and he stays put.
Yoongi’s gummy smile which you haven’t seen in months appears and you can hear him chuckling. Your heart aches and you reach for the cup of soju you poured not too long ago that is resting on the table before sinking deeper into Namjoon’s shoulder. Namjoon is sure he made the right decision by not pulling away. 
You share the drink with Namjoon passing the plastic cup back and forth. It’s so casual like you’ve been friends for ages. There’s comfort in having someone next to you. Namjoon is such a gentle person you trust he wouldn’t have bad intentions. Namjoon feels Yoongi’s eyes watching them but ignores it. He is focused on you. What really matters.
Half way through the film you feel the man next to you shift until his breath is tickling your neck. Namjoon is starting to feel sleepy but he wants to spend more time with you. 
“Do you want to go for a walk?” His low voice sends a shiver down your spine.
You nod your head in response and Namjoon gets up only wobbling for a second before offering you his hand. You take his warm hand and pull yourself off the floor trying not to think of all the things your horny brain might like him to do with those hands. Namjoon releases your hand and the two of you walk towards the door. Neither of you turn to see the reactions of your friends but you are sure there are more than a few raised eyebrows. Namjoon knows Jimin is going to have a plethora of questions in the morning. 
“We’re going for a walk.” You call over your shoulder, not paying attention to the looks being thrown at you, shoving your feet into your shoes. 
Namjoon leads the way, pushing his arms into his jacket as you step into the cool night air. He looks so peaceful staring up at the stars as you walk away from the dorms. He releases a Bellsprout letting the pokemon walk in front of you. His pokemon has an aura of love surrounding it that you can feel even from yards away.  
“This is Bangwool. I caught her a few days before I left Kanto. She warmed up to me really quickly.”
He wears the same kind of smile you do when you watch your pokemon. Pride and overwhelming love. Watching other people love their pokemon on the same level as you fills you with joy. Though the two of you raise these companions for different reasons you both only want the best for them. 
You ask him questions about his pokemon rubbing your arms against the cold air. How you didn’t think to put on a jacket is beyond you. Even the alcohol can only keep you so warm. He is leading you towards the field where the stargazing event happened. He looks over at you, studying the way you are shivering for a moment before hastily removing his jacket.
“No, it’s okay, I'm fine.” You say as he tries to press the jacket into your arms. 
“Y/N, come on.” He says softly before pulling you to a stop.
His fingers gently hold your wrist and your heart reacts wildly. There isn’t much space between you and Namjoon when he reaches behind you, settling his jacket on your shoulders. It’s like he’s trying to drive you insane. Namjoon is testing the limits a bit. He could have let you put it on yourself, but where is the fun in that?
He is looking down at you with a soft smile. It’s been a long time since he felt the joy of having a crush. A simple joy he’s deprived himself of. He pinches your cheek, a short chuckle sounding from his mouth, before backing away continuing his walk. You stand frozen processing what just happened. 
It takes a moment for your shorter legs to catch up with his longer ones. His jacket has a light floral scent that is far more noticeable once you push your arms through the sleeves. The oversized fabric is cozy like a hug. Namjoon picks Bangwool up off the ground carrying her until you reach the field. 
Sitting on the grass you let Spark out and he plays with Bangwool. Namjoon stands in front of you for a moment seemingly contemplating something before he joins you on the ground. What you don’t expect is his head falling on your lap. A true smile that shows off his deep dimples takes over his face. Tonight Namjoon decides he deserves happiness.
“Hi, there.” You breath out head spinning and you truly wonder if maybe your drunk brain is imagining this happening.
“Is this okay?” He doesn’t make any effort to move as he waits for your answer. 
He doesn’t fully relax until you nod. Perhaps if you were even a little more sober you would say no, but this is harmless. It’s a good distraction from all the Yoongi related questions plaguing your brain. He starts talking about water pokemon, specifically the ones you can find in Cabo Poco, and you animatedly tell him about the things you’ve seen. 
“When I was 12 there was a Gastrodon on the beach that was so wounded they couldn’t move. It's rare to see the blue and green variant in that area and they are tricky to treat. After my father helped nurse them back to health, they stole our sandwiches and went back into the ocean.”
As you speak you watch your pokemon running together across the field. Your fingers absentmindedly card through Namjoon’s soft hair. His chest flutters but he remains calm on the outside. 
The world around you feels calm and you don’t worry about what could happen tomorrow. All that matters is right here and right now.
“Isn’t it funny that you grew to love fire types when you lived so close to the ocean?” 
“My mom loves fire types so I’ve always found them interesting.” You say looking down at the perfect slope of his nose and curve of his lips. “I want to have a diverse team that can help me overcome any challenge that is thrown my way.”
“You’ve already gotten a good team started.” He murmurs, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of the sky. He turns the camera towards you and snaps a photo. A captured memory of a wonderful moment. 
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The morning brings a brain splitting headache and several worried text messages. Assessing the damage you are happy to find yourself alone in bed fully clothed. You let your friends know you are in fact alive before taking a shower. Your memory gets kind of hazy after sitting in the field with Namjoon, but it seems like you made it home without making any questionable decisions. Only time will tell, you suppose. 
Showering does wonders to make you feel better, or well enough to do some homework. It’s noon by the time you venture out of your room needing more than the snacks you have in your room to sustain you. 
“Y/N!” Jimin calls to you as you are walking in the courtyard. 
You stop looking toward him as he walks your way. He’s wearing an oversized purple hoodie with jeans and somehow he makes it look like he should be on a runway. 
“Hi, do you want to grab lunch? I’m starving.”
He nods letting you lead the way towards the dining hall. “You know it’s Halloween next week and we haven’t made any plans.”
“Do you know any parties we could hit up?” You ask already knowing he must have a plan or he wouldn’t have brought it up. 
“There’s an upperclassman who throws a warehouse party every year. Last year it was the party to be at and he told me to bring all my friends this year.” He says this so matter of factly you wonder if there is really a choice here. Not that you want to say no. It’s not like anyone else has invited you. “It’ll be fun I promise.”
“Okay,” He grabs your arm in excitement as you continue speaking, “but I don’t have a costume.”
“Good thing Mesagoza has everything we could ever need.” When you look at him skeptically he continues. “During October Bagin’s gets transformed into a costume shop.”
After eating a quick lunch you head over to Bagin’s to look for a costume having not even an inkling about what you want to be. This weekend you want to let loose and stop your perpetual worrying. You’ve never worn a sexy costume for Halloween before and what a better time than now to break that tradition. 
Racks and racks of costumes are neatly lined up where expensive backpacks usually reside. Nothing is catching your eye as you look through the costumes. Jimin keeps offering ideas that are not quite what you are looking for.
“What about this?” He asks, holding up a blue cheerleader costume with a minuscule shirt and skirt.
“Maybe,” you say, walking towards him until you are within arms length, “you should wear it.”
“You think I won’t?” He challenges and you tap his nose with your index finger before finally finding something that looks promising. 
A witch costume. Not very creative but the cut of it catches your eye. If you are going to a party you would rather not wear something over the top that could get ruined. Though, you’ve never been to this kind of party you can imagine the vibes. Something that’s cute but not restricting is probably the best bet. Jimin gives an approving look when you show him what you’ve found. 
Jimin is still clutching the cheerleader costume when you check out. Will that skirt even cover his ass? Is he really willing to go this far? Shouldn’t he have had a costume ready? He buys the costume after you pay for yours and holds the door for you on the way out. 
“Where’d you go with Joon last night?” Jimin asks, fiddling with the strings on his hoodie. 
“We just went to the field and let our pokemon play.”
It looks like he wants to ask more, but there is truly nothing else to tell him. Nothing special, just a walk for some fresh air. Namjoon is his friend, why wouldn’t he ask him? Or is he being nosey wanting to know what you think? Are you thinking too heavily about this?
“I had to stop Yoongi from following you.” Jimin says softly, taking a seat on a bench between two tall buildings. You sit beside him digesting what he’s just said. “He was worried about you.”
“That’s not his place anymore.” A swell of frustration fills your chest. “It’s his own fault we broke up. Where does he get off—” 
You let out a defeated groan. This is something you are going to be dealing with for much longer than you want to. In an ideal world you wouldn’t be dealing with this at all, but unfortunately that is not your reality. Yoongi is here and his life is still intertwined with yours far too tightly. 
“What happened between you two? If you’re comfortable telling me.”
It takes a moment for you to decide to be vulnerable. If they have the same information as you do about what happened they’ll be able to help you. So, you tell him the same thing you told Hiyyih. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder rubbing small circles.
“Now we can’t really escape each other and that would be fine if he would just tell me. His mom just left me with more questions. I feel like I’m going insane.”
“For Halloween let's forget all about him.” Jimin says pulling his hand away from your shoulder. “Let’s just enjoy the party. We can make new memories.”
There’s a warmness in your heart knowing Jimin wants to help you however he can. For so long you didn’t have many friends. Experiencing new things is the best way to distract your mind until Yoongi no longer affects you like this. You are looking forward to Halloween and the chaos that will ensue. 
For a while you sit on the bench with Jimin talking about what last year's party was like. It morphs into talking about the parties he wants you to come to. Apparently, there is one going on somewhere almost every Friday. You aren’t sure if you’ll like that kind of vibe. Small parties with your friends have always been more your taste.
“Are you sure you won’t abandon me for a hookup?” You ask as the two of you walk outside the gates of Mesagoza strolling through the grass. 
“I think you’re more interesting than any hookup I could find.” He says casually not looking you in the eyes.
“Even more interesting than Taehyung?” You question jokingly. 
What you’re more interested in is if he will imply that he has in fact hooked up with Taehyung.
“I know him too well already.” Now he looks at you before continuing. “There’s still a lot to learn about you.”
You are about to answer when your phone buzzes in your pocket. It’s a text from Chaewon reminding you of the study date you agreed to earlier in the week. Spending time with Jimin makes you lose track of what time it is. 
“I have to go study with Chaewon. I totally forgot until she just messaged me.” You type out a message to Chaewon telling her you’ll be over soon. “I’ll see you later!”
He says bye as you rush off not wanting to make her wait any longer than she already has. You need this study session if you’re going to keep up with Hiyyih. Even if she’s your best friend here you won’t let that stand in the way of challenging the elite four this spring. 
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The whole week you focus on classes barely hanging out with your friends aside from meals and your planned study sessions with them. If you want a truly stress free night all your homework needs to be taken care of. It doesn’t help that it feels like you have to work twice as hard as your peers for the same results. But the hours you are putting in every evening battling trainers off campus is paying off. Your team is growing stronger and listening better with each new challenge. 
“Y/N…” Hiyyih whines from the other side of the table settled in the back corner of the library. The light shining through the window warms you. “We have next week's reading done. Can we please go get crepes before we meet up with the girls to get ready?”
“Battle me first.” You quip knowing she’s going to turn you down. 
“We are not battling right now.” She rolls her eyes while she puts away her notebooks. 
“You’re going to have to battle me eventually.” You say also putting your things away because crepes sound good right now. 
“Do you know if Namjoon is coming tonight?” She asks instead, completely avoiding talking about battling you. 
“He’s going to a party in town.” You say letting go of her not wanting to battle you for the moment. It’s not like you’ll be able to change her mind today. “He invited us, but I already told Jimin I’d go to the warehouse party.” 
Ever since you told her about Namjoon resting his head in your lap she’s been mentioning him more. Hiyyih has been trying to convince you it means something all week whenever you’d let her get a non school related word in. But his coat is still hanging off the back of your couch. For some reason you haven’t yet returned it. He never said anything about your walk, and that’s how you want to keep it. This week he was around less, but we are all getting busy. Putting meaning where there doesn’t need to be meaning will only hurt you. So you are choosing not to think about it.
“Let’s see how the night goes and maybe we can head over there if things get boring.” Hiyyih replies, her shirt lifting up to show a bit of her stomach as she stretches. 
“Okay.” You zip your things into your bag and sling it over your shoulder. “But text the group chat and ask what they want. Jimin will be pissed if we get crepes without him.”
“Already on it.” She says following you out of the library as she taps away on her phone screen. “Speaking of Jimin, do you know what he’s going as? He refuses to tell me.”
This makes you wonder if he had a plan before the two of you went shopping together. Jimin seems like someone who would want to do a matching costume with his friend. Did he not plan something with Taehyung? Imagining him in that cheerleading outfit is not where you should be. 
“It’ll be better if you see it in person.” You say with a smirk. 
“Not you too!” She whines again, pouting her lips.
Your phone buzzes alerting you that someone in the group chat has responded. 
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Hiyyih orders for the group, after side eyeing you for calling the group idiots, making sure to get an extra because this is one of her favorite places. You watch the employee make the crepes right in front of you and thank them before you pay. This is your Halloween treat to them. Carrying all of the boxes isn’t easy but somehow you make it to Yunjin’s dorm with all the crepes intact. 
“Hi!!” Chaewon says jumping up to help you lay out the boxes. “Oh, you even had them write out names on them. That’s so smart.”
As promised, Jimin and Taehyung are lounging on Yunjin’s couch waiting for their crepes. No one is in costume yet. In fact everyone looks quite cozy waiting for their sugary treat. Jimin seems almost feral as he grabs his crepe off the coffee table and starts cutting it up with the plastic fork he found inside the box. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” Jimin says, making a kissy face that Taehyung quickly copies.
“You’re the best.” Taehyung affirms biting into his own crepe getting whip cream on his lips. 
The way he licks it off his lips stirs something inside of you that you don’t want to think about. Let’s save those thoughts for when you are a lot more drunk and a lot more alone. The sweet taste of chocolate strawberry sweeps the thoughts of his tongue to the back of your brain. 
“I ordered pizza.” Yunjin informs the room pointing her thumbs at herself. “No alcohol poisoning for these idiots tonight, just good vibes.” 
“Thank you, Yunjin.” You say making half a heart with your hand that she completes. 
“What were you guys doing all day?” Chaewon asks between bites. 
“Y/N all but locked me in the library until we got through next week's homework.” 
The eyes of your friends turn to you in question. You are sure in their mind homework is the last thing to be thinking about with a massive Halloween party just hours away. Not be that annoying person but your parents always taught you to work twice as hard as you play. Letting your hard work take a back seat for a party is simply not an option.
“Why do you make it sound like a hostage situation?” You roll your eyes at her dramatics knowing if she really wanted to leave she would’ve. 
“I’ve studied with you,” Chaewon remarks, not looking up from where she’s staring at her crepe. She is staring at the food with a look of admiration. “I think you picked up study habits from your parents. Not bad but very intense sometimes.”
“Hiyyih won’t you be more relaxed tonight knowing there’s no homework to worry about?”
She contemplates your words for half a second before responding. It’s probably good you have friends that want you to have fun. It would be easy to force yourself to spend every waking moment training because you genuinely love doing it. 
“As soon as I get a drink in me I’m sure I wouldn’t have thought about it.” She takes a bite of her treat, chewing and swallowing before continuing. “I wouldn’t be thinking about it now even if it wasn’t done.”
Light conversation fills the room while crepes are devoured. Taehyung is talking about how he is valuing comfort over a good costume this year. He shows us pictures of last year when he and Jimin dressed in vintage dresses with curly wigs and you wonder where they got the idea for that. 
By the time the pizza arrives Yunjin deems it late enough to start pregaming. She pours a round of shots with a cute smile. As she holds up the shot glass she records a video. Each of your friends copies the movement lifting their shot glass in the air. 
“To friends and lovers fuck the others.” Yunjin calls clinking her shot glass against the hoard of them in the middle. 
She taps her glass on the edge of the table before pouring it down her throat like it’s nothing. You follow suit but reach for juice in front of you to chase away the burn in your throat. Jimin takes a seat next to you on the couch reaching for a slice of pizza. Chaewon has taken the duty of mixing drinks and Taehyung is turning on a speaker.
“How many people do you think you’ll kiss tonight?” You ask nudging his side with your elbow.
“Do you want to be the first?” He leans close to your ear before he speaks. His warm breath washes over your ear pulling heat to your cheeks. He pulls away to speak loud enough for the whole room to hear. “Probably no more than last year.”
“So two?” Taehyung asks from his position on the floor in front of the couch. He puckers his lips up in jest. “I’ll be on that list if you want.”
Oh, so they aren’t only like that when they are drunk? You have so many questions you can’t respectfully ask for the answers to. No one in the room reacts as if this is abnormal. You guess for these two this is normal. Harmless flirting that sometimes leads to them making out and who knows what else.
The pizza sweeps the thought to the back of your mind this time. Chaewon brings a pitcher full of something she mixed together and you put full faith in her ability to make it taste good. The music is setting a good mood and when you finish eating you already want to dance. You refrain, watching the way Jimin ties Yunjin’s hair bow into Taehyung’s dark locks. Tae takes out his phone and snaps a selfie. He tilts his head side to side and pretends to flip hair over his shoulder. He’s really feeling himself and it sends the room into a fit of giggles. The time spent pregaming is peaceful and it wastes away the time until it’s acceptable to show up to the party. 
“We will not be crossdressing this year.” Taehyung says confidently fiddling with the bow in his hair then backtracks when both you and Jimin give him a questioning look. “Well I won’t be at least.”
“Tae and I are going to get dressed.” Jimin says pulling his friend off the floor. He downs the rest of the drink in his cup before speaking again. “Let’s meet up at the party in like an hour.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Hiyyih mumbles, scrolling on her phone with one hand and sipping out of a cup with her other. 
The boys leave and you look over Hiyyih’s shoulder to see her looking at her brother’s instagram. He and four of his friends have dressed up as power rangers. She scrolls through the photos and you see his friends are the members of the elite four. 
“The elite four?” You question despite knowing the answer. You’ve watched every video of them battling that’s available online at least once. “They are close with your brother?”
“Oh yeah, they are Kai’s b—” she cuts herself off hesitating, eyes widening like she almost said something she shouldn’t. You are about to tell her to forget it when she says, “really good friends. They are a lot closer than what they show in public.”
“You’re going to look way cooler than them, Hiyyih.” Chaewon says from across the coffee table where she has pulled out face paint for her costume.  
“Soobin insisted they buy custom costumes. How nerdy can you get?” Hiyyih laughs into her drink before taking a sip and putting it down.  She looks towards you. “Anyways, let's go get our costumes then we can get ready together.”
You nod, turning to the other girls to tell them you’ll be back in a minute. It's going to take them a lot longer for them to get ready anyways. When you step into the hall, noise surrounds you. Many students have propped their doors open and are walking in between rooms with cups of mystery liquid in their hands. Everyone is pregaming for whatever party they are headed to soon. 
In Hiyyih’s room she collects the many pieces of her cowgirl Barbie costume. She decided to go for the nearly fully pink option despite her recent style change. You haven’t seen the costume on her yet but you know that it’s going to look perfect. 
Hiyyih follows you into your room to retrieve your costume and makeup. When you see Namjoon’s jacket still sitting in your room you make a decision. 
“I’m going to return this to Namjoon.” You say scooping the jacket up. “Message me if you leave.”
“Okay, Y/N. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
“Hiyyih!” You scold throwing a balled up shirt at her as she makes her way to the door. 
Once Hiyyih is out of your room you quickly put on your costume. It takes you a little while to fix your hair and makeup, but soon you are leaving your building with Namjoon’s jacket in hand. Though you’ve never been to Namjoon’s dorm you do know which one is his. The Indigo building is just as lively as the Violet building if not a little more loud. 
Just as you are about to knock, the door opens revealing Namjoon. He is dressed as a boxer with a hooded robe and shorts. His chest is bare and there are gloves hanging off his neck. Heat flushes your cheeks as if you just got caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. Namjoon is so much more muscular than you ever imagined. His pecs are huge and his abs are well defined in a way that makes it hard for you to tear your eyes away. 
“Oh, hi.” He says, running a hand through his hair. Namjoon’s eyes travel up and down your body appreciating your choice. He wants to tell you how stunning you look, but decides on something softer. “I like your costume. It looks really good on you.”
In his other hand he is holding the same basket you gave him cookies in. Instead of cookies it's now filled with Halloween themed treats. A pastry with the Cafe Huening logo on it stands out to you among the rest of the orange and black. 
“Thank you.” You say holding out his jacket. “I just came to give this back to you. I’ve been forgetting all week.”
“I forgot about it too.” Namjoon says, taking the jacket from your hand. He wonders if it will smell like you now. “I was actually about to go to your dorm.”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. Why would he be going to your dorm? He knows everyone was at Yunjin’s dorm from the group message. 
“Why? Aren’t you meeting up with your friends in town soon?”
“Well you mentioned you wanted Srircha to try this pastry from Cafe Huening last week so I just gathered some treats to go with it for Halloween.” He has a shy smile on his face as he holds out the basket to you.
“You’re so sweet. Thank you.” You say and the alcohol flowing through your veins makes you want to do other things. Things you’ve only done with one other person. Instead you take the basket from him with a genuine smile gracing your face. “Come have a drink with us before you head out!”
“Just let me put my jacket away then I’ll join you.” 
You wait outside his dorm as he quickly puts his jacket away. His dimples are showing as he walks alongside you back to Yunjin’s dorm. Seeing you makes his night better. He wasn’t sure he’d see you today. You recap what you’ve been doing for the last few hours and he laughs.
“Oh, so you’re already a little tipsy?” He asks when you are standing right outside Yunjin’s dorm.
Standing directly in front of him with little room between the two of you he cups your cheek with one of his hands. Perhaps Namjoon has lost his rational thoughts. He wants to kiss you so badly but he won’t. Not like this. Internally you are screaming, because why is he doing this? What does this mean? Your hazy mind can’t string together a reason.
“Me too.” His breath fans over your face and you can smell the alcohol.
He giggles before pulling away and knocking on the door. You stand paralyzed by shock. Because what the fuck was that? Before you are able to form a coherent thought Hiyyih opens the door and Namjoon moves inside. Your best friend gives you a questioning look but you bat her away. The other two girls hardly notice your entrance until Hiyyih says something about Namjoon’s costume. 
Half of Chaewon’s face is painted white. Yunjin is holding a brush using precise careful strokes to cover her girlfriend's face. They decided to dress as the Joker and Harley Quinn despite Jimin suggesting Chaewon could be Poison Ivy instead. Either way you are sure they are going to look so cool. The two of them spent far more time thinking about their costumes than you did.
“Wow, Namjoon you look…” 
She can’t even finish her sentence and it sends the rest of the room into a fit of giggles. Namjoon is standing tall and confident in his costume choice. This is the reaction he wanted after all. He doesn’t work this hard on his body for nothing. 
All three girls eye the basket Namjoon gave you when you set it down on the coffee table. Hiyyih picks out pastry from her sister’s shop. 
“Barbie really suits you, Hiyyih.” Namjoon replies, and takes a seat on the couch while you find another cup to pour Chaewon’s delicious mixed drink into. 
“Thank you! Did you buy Y/N these?” She asks, looking over the packaging she helped her sister design. Hiyyih is a woman of many talents and her siblings value her opinion. 
“She said she wanted Sriracha to try them and I was already getting some for Drago.” He shrugs watching as you pour a drink for him then hand him the cup. 
Drago is Namjoon’s Dragonite who you have yet to see in person. You are very excited for the day you will get to meet them. It really touches your heart that he was thinking about your pokemon as well while shopping for his own. Getting sidetracked and not seeking out the more speciality treats is something you do too often. 
“Pearl loves those!” Chaewon says looking at the food Hiyyih has placed back in the basket. 
“Your pokemon have good taste.” Hiyyih replies before snapping a picture. “Lea will be happy to know people over here are buying her goods.”
Namjoon takes a sip of his drink and a pleased expression blooms across his face. You take a seat beside him and adjust your dress when it gets pulled down a little. He listens to the rest of you chatter without much participation. He’s happy to passively learn more about you. 
Chaewon is worrying about how hard it’s going to be to get her facepaint off. Yunjin assures her that even if they are both shitfaced at the end of the night she will help her remove it.
“Ahh, true love.” Namjoon remarks downing the rest of his drink before setting the cup on the table. 
“Damn right.” Yunjin replies looking over her shoulder. She has clipped blue and pink extensions onto either side of her head feeding into her pigtails. The blue and pink makeup is smeared just right and you wonder how she perfected the look so quickly. 
Namjoon’s phone chirps with a notification and he pulls it out. His eyes scan the screen for a moment before he looks up. 
“My friends are wondering where I am. If the warehouse gets boring, come find me.”
He shoots you a gentle smile before standing up. His thighs are massive and so impressive. Namjoon snags the last piece of pizza off the table as he walks towards the door. For a few moments there is silence which is quickly shattered.
“He definitely likes you.” Hiyyih says, looking to the other girls for confirmation.
Chaewon nods her head but Yunjin looks wary. Entertaining the idea of Namjoon liking you is not something you want to deal with right now. He could just end up being a distraction from the other feelings you are working through. He doesn’t deserve that mess. 
“No. This is not the time for that.” You reply looking in the mirror to fix your hair. 
“Fun, no thoughts.” Yunjin says adjusting her tiny shorts. “Are you ready? Let’s go!”
After a few more minutes of making sure you have everything you need, the girls file out the door together. You stop off at your dorm to put the basket from Namjoon inside, then you are on your way to the warehouse. Off to your first real party of the year.
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A sea of people in an array of costumes greets you when you step inside the warehouse. In one corner you see an intense beer pong match and in another you spot a makeshift bar. There are a few different doors on the sides of the room. Decorative cobwebs, spiders, and bats line the walls and hang from the ceiling. There is a fog machine giving the room a slight hazy feel.
“Y/N!!” Taehyung calls, turning your attention to where he’s standing in an Eevee onesie. “You have to try this pinap cocktail Jungkook made.”
He hands you a cup and you take a drink. While drinking your eyes fall to Jimin and you choke. Taehyung takes the cup from you and Yunjin pats your back as you cough it out. You quickly shut your jaw wishing you didn’t just embarrass yourself. 
“Do I look that good?” Jimin asks, putting his hands on his hips and turning to the side so you can see his ass. 
Jimin’s abs and arms are exposed showing the work he’s put in. As you expected the skirt barely covers his ass and you see no boxers or safety shorts. He chose a pair of white sneakers so his strong legs are nearly on full display for everyone to see. 
“9 out of 10.” You muse eyes looking up and down his frame. 
He scoffs like there is no way someone could possibly rate him below a 10. Your feet guide you away from him to the bar. Jungkook, dressed as Jack Skellington is making drinks with a skeleton as his copilot. He compliments your costume as he hands you a cocktail. Before you can say another word to him you are whisked away by Taehyung.
He pulls you to the middle of the floor where people are dancing to the loud music. Chaewon, Yunjin and Hiyyih are nearby dancing in a little circle. Taehyung and Jimin are on either side of you showing off their moves. You push closer to the girls dodging Taehyung’s hand and take a sip of your drink. 
For quite some time you enjoy the company of your friends dancing, laughing and drinking together. The girls break away eventually to mingle with other people and you stay behind with Jimin and Taehyung. Who are suspiciously close to you. 
“I think I deserve a 10 out of 10.” Jimin says in your ear, pulling your back against his front. 
Taehyung fills the space in front of you, settling his hands just below where Jimin’s are on your waist. You look up at Taehyung with a pounding heart. He brushes one hand across your cheek keeping the other one firmly gripping your hip.
“Maybe you can earn 10 out of 10, Jimin.” Taehyung says just loud enough for you to hear.
Dancing in beat with the rhythm you grind your ass against Jimin’s crotch. You tilt your head up and pull Taehyung by the back of his neck into a kiss. If this becomes a problem that's something future you can deal with. Present you needs a fun distraction and these too are oh so willing. 
Taehyung’s lips are soft like silk and taste like the drinks he’s been consuming all night. Jimin presses his lips against your shoulder rocking his hips against your ass in time with the song. The boys are thrilled to have the girl they’ve been thinking about for weeks between them. After several minutes of sensual dancing Jimin suggests you move to somewhere more quiet. You make your way through the crowd with little difficulty. 
With Jimin and Taehyung following closely behind you, enter one of the side rooms of the warehouse that Jimin pointed out to you. Surprisingly, there is no one else in the sparsely decorated room. There is one couch and a table that is littered with beer cans and plastic cups. There is one fake skeleton and two colorful pumpkins on different sides of the room. Taehyung closes the door behind you muffling the loud trap beats filling the main area. Your heart races, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You are really about to do this. 
The dingy couch you sit on has surely seen things you don’t want to imagine. Jimin sits on your right and Taehyung sits on the left. Each man has a hand resting on one of your bare thighs. Jimin’s teeth sink into his plush lip as his fingers squeeze your soft skin. Taehyung leans closer to you lips brushing your ear.
“Should I move my hand?” His low voice sends a flutter from your chest to your stomach.
Instead of answering him you grip his hand placing it on your breast. This sexy witch costume provides a nice view of your chest which you have noticed many people looking at all night. Taehyung swipes your hair away from your neck and lightly kisses the skin. Your skin tingles with excitement after not being touched like this for seven months. Jimin’s hand is creeping further and further up your leg teasing the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. 
You draw in a sharp breath when Jimin finally reaches the edge of your skirt and slips his hand under. He wastes no time dragging his finger against your clothed cunt. With his other hand Jimin is palming himself over his short skirt. Taehyung traps your jaw in his long fingers and turns your attention towards him. His fingers are lightly kneading your breast while he leans in for a kiss, one that quickly turns messy in your drunken state.
Taehyung’s mouth moves against yours with equal vigor as you begin desperately grinding against Jimin’s hand. You pull away from Taehyung using his shoulder to steady yourself while moving into a kneeling position. The zipper of his Eevee onesie is pulled down as you eye the outline of his cock. You can’t say you’ve spent much time thinking about what this would be like. 
Jimin pushes your panties to the side, collecting your lust on his finger before spreading it through your folds. Taehyung assists in your goal pulling his large cock out of his boxers. You look over your shoulder to see Jimin’s eyes trained on Taehyung, not on what he’s doing. The younger man strokes his cock while he waits for you to make the next move. There’s something incredibly hot about watching his long fingers run up and down his length.
Your name followed by a curse leaves Taehyung’s lips as yours make contact with his waiting cock. It's only a few seconds that you suckle his cock before you let your tongue kitten lick his fat head. You wrap your hand around his cock applying the slightest pressure to draw a throaty groan from his sweet lips. Taking more of him in your mouth and caving your cheeks in has Taehyung arching off the couch. 
Taehyung’s long cock hits the back of your throat at the same moment Jimin pushes a finger inside of you. The moan Jimin earns from you vibrates around Taehyung’s cock heighting his sensation of pleasure. The younger man lies a hand on the back of your neck encouraging you to deep throat his cock. You happily oblige by pushing the tip of his thick cock into your throat before sliding your lips back up the length. Taehyung makes an approving sound as your lips form a tight ring around the head of his cock.
Jimin slowly pushes his two middle fingers in and out of your wet pussy. Your mouth pops off of Taehyung when the older one's fingers hit deep inside of you. A loud whine filling the air before you go back to sucking Taehyung’s cock. Jimin shifts behind you onto his knees and he uses his unoccupied hand to clutch your ass, digging his fingers into the squishy flesh. 
Experiencing this with someone who isn’t Yoongi for the first time is thrilling. You of a few months ago would not believe what you are doing right now with these men you’ve barely known for two months. These men who you have no romantic feelings for. 
Taehyung pulls your mouth away from him cock looking over your shoulder at Jimin before he stands. He settles behind the arm of the couch. If you weren’t so drunk you might find it comical that he’s standing there with his onesie still on with his dick and balls resting above the zipper. Jimin guides your hips to flip you on your back then quickly stands to adjust his skirt. As he scrunches up the fabric you see that he is wearing a lacy white thong. A warm flurry of pleasure runs through your stomach at the sight of Jimin wearing those pretty panties. Taehyung pulls a condom from god knows where and hands it to the older man. 
“Are you ready, YN?” Jimin purrs, pulling his cock out before sliding the condom onto his length.
“Please.” You beg watching as he wastes no time sliding his cock into your cunt.
Your head lulls backwards in pleasure giving Taehyung the perfect opportunity to fuck into your throat. You take his cock back into your mouth with ease trying to manage the intense pleasure this situation is bringing you. Jimin’s hands grip your hips showing you the perfect rhythm. He pulls you closer until his thighs are under yours giving him a delicious angle to hear your whiny moans. 
Above you Taehyung leans over to kiss Jimin. Of all the things that are happening these two kissing each other is not surprising. You can hear rather than see what is going on as you continue to deep throat Taehyung with your head hanging off the arm of the couch. His hips are slowly grinding into your mouth as he focuses on kissing Jimin’s plump lips. One of Jimin’s hands reaches between your legs and he uses his finger to circle your clit while he rolls his hips into you. Jimin breaks away from the kiss first pulling the top of your dress down to fully expose your breasts. 
Taehyung steps away stroking his cock as he watches Jimin fuck you. The older of the two men leans in to kiss you, tasting his friend on your lips. Taehyung takes a seat behind Jimin lightly slapping his ass. Jimin looks into your eyes for a moment after breaking the kiss, seemingly debating something. 
“Both of you get on your knees on the floor.” Jimin demands straightening up. 
Taehyung and you follow his instructions. While kneeling on the dirty floor of the warehouse Jimin steps between the two of you. Taehyung has Jimin’s plump ass in his face and you have his pretty pink cock waiting to be taken into your mouth. You open your mouth letting your tongue fall out. You pull the condom off his length tossing it across the room without care. Jimin slaps his cock across your tongue as Taehyung spreads Jimin’s cheeks licking a bold strip. The older man gasps, balancing himself on your shoulders. You lick from his pink tip to the smooth skin of his balls before sliding your mouth onto his hot cock.
The younger man is enthusiastically eating Jimin’s ass like he’s been waiting all year to do it. For all you know maybe he has been. You and Taehyung watch Jimin fall further apart with every passing second at the will of your mouths. When one of Taehyung’s long fingers enters Jimin hole the man moans in a way that lets you know he’s been holding back his pretty sounds. You suck lightly letting Taehyung take most of the effort.
After several minutes you kneel on the couch leaning over the back to give them a good view of your soaking pussy. Taehyung takes the lead this time maneuvering Jimin behind you. This time you see him pull two condoms from the pocket of his onesie. You watch as they put the condoms on each other and share a kiss before turning back to you. 
Jimin pushes inside of you easily and Taehyung gently slides his thick cock into Jimin earning a breathy moan. The younger man pushes further inside Jimin making him thrust into you. The back of this dirty couch, that smells like stale beer, is the only thing keeping you grounded. There is a moment of awkward fumbling while they find the right flow. Jimin grabs your hips, rocking his cock inside you deeper than before. Your drunken pleasure is growing and spreading through you. The crazy reality of this situation surely won’t hit you until the morning. For now you give your fullest focus to making yourself feel good. 
You reach behind you to grab Jimin’s hand and guide it to your needy clit. He does what you want resting his forehead against your shoulder. He can’t suppress the whines Taehyung is pulling out of him. You look over your shoulder briefly and see a smirk on the younger man’s face. He’s very pleased with the reaction his friend is having.  
The sound of skin slapping together gets louder as the three of you near your highs. Just as your orgasm is starting to wash over you in waves the door opens. Your head turns to see Yunjin as a scream leaves her mouth. 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry.” She covers her eyes and slams the door. 
Taehyung slips out of Jimin bending over as he laughs. Jimin pulls out too and walks towards the other man pulling the condom off his own dick then his friends. He then pulls him into a kiss while he takes both of their cocks into his hand. When Taehyung realizes Jimin’s hands are a little too small he helps. Jimin and Taehyung make out in front of you while they jerk themselves off to completion. Once they are finished they each lie their head on the other’s shoulder and you almost feel like you are intruding. 
Jimin adjusts his thong and Taehyung zips himself back up before they pull you off the couch. Together they fix your dress making you presentable enough to leave the room. Each of them holds out a hand for you to take. You accept and let them lead you out of the room back to where the main party is happening. Jimin leads you to the drink table where you drop Taehyung’s hand to get one last drink.
“Let’s go back to my dorm.” Jimin says, shoving a bottle of liquor that Jungkook just handed him, under his arm before guiding you through the crowd again. 
When you look over your shoulder to make sure you haven’t lost Taehyung you make eye contact with Yunjin. Your face flames as she gives you a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. You take a gulp of the drink in your hand knowing she is going to ask you all the questions tomorrow. 
You wrap your arm around Taehyung’s waist when you make it outside. The cool air feels nice on your skin after the vigorous activities you just did. You drain your cup almost choking on the liquid when Jimin cheekily squeezes your ass. Somehow you manage to swallow as you giggle. 
You try to slap Jimin’s ass but he runs off too quickly for your drunken limbs to follow without tragedy. The walk back fills your head of what could happen when you return to the dorm.
The Indigo building is quieter than earlier. Most of the students have opted for off campus parties to celebrate Halloween. Jimin unlocks the door and holds it open for you and Taehyung. 
As soon as Jimin locks the door behind him, Taehyung unzips his onesie. He pulls the soft fabric off his shoulders and hooks his fingers under the waistband of his boxers to shimmy out of his low effort costume. Now completely naked he sits on Jimin’s neatly made bed. You follow suit, removing your dress just leaving you in just your soaked panties. 
“Ready for round two?” Taehyung asks cock already half hard as he folds his hands behind his head. 
You straddle Taehyung’s lap giggling as you pull him in for a heated kiss. He nibbles your bottom lip sucking it into his mouth before he buries his face in your collarbone. As your ass grinds against his growing cock he sucks a mark into your collarbone. 
“Starting without me in my own room?” Jimin asks, walking to the foot of his bed with two shot glasses in his hands. 
You pull away from Taehyung’s tempting lips to reach for the shot glass. Jimin lets you take the shot glasses and removes his cheerleader costume. He looks so soft and elegant lying in just a white lacy thong on his bed. You hand one shot to Taehyung before turning to pour the other into the waiting concave of Jimin’s stomach. 
“Is this what you wanted Jimin?” You ask ducking your head to lap up the stolen liquor from his toned stomach. “You want our tongues all over you?”
Jimin whines while Taehyung gets off the bed and rounds to the other side and joins in the slurping. Your tongues meet messily in the middle pushing into each other's mouths for only a moment. Your lips kiss up Jimin’s ribs until you meet his dark nipple stiff with anticipation. Without a further thought your lips latch around it, swirling your tongue. Jimin gasps, grabbing the back of your hair. He strokes the back of your head encouraging you to keep going. 
For a moment you pull away seeing Taehyung teasing the skin around Jimin’s cock. The younger man is licking and kissing Jimin’s strong thighs while using one hand to lightly rub the older man’s balls through the fabric of the thong. He quickly gets tired of that then removes Jimin’s panties flinging them over his shoulder. 
You give attention to Jimin's other nipple pressing your breasts against his side. Jimin slides a hand down your figure to spank your ass. A yelp escapes your lips but it’s silenced when Jimin tilts your head towards his face. His soft lips connect with yours sending a tingle up your spine. He quickly pushes his tongue inside your mouth tasting the liquor you just licked off his body. 
“Taehyung, please suck my cock.” Jimin whines against your lips. 
You look over to Taehyung and watch as he carefully sucks Jimin into his mouth, earning a loud desperate moan from the other man. Jimin pulls you further up the bed until your breasts are at his eye level. He takes one of your hard nipples into his mouth earning a whimper. You run your fingers through his dark hair wanting more of him. 
One of Jimin’s hands ventures to the waistband of your panties pushing them down. You help him remove them and throw the fabric to the floor. Jimin quickly brushes his thumb over your clit while collecting more of your essence on his other fingers. 
A choked moan leaves your lips as one of his fingers pushes inside your asshole. Jimin’s name passes your lips as you cling to his shoulder. He catches your lips trying to distract you from the slight discomfort. 
You take a deep breath listening to the sound of Taehyung sloppily sucking Jimin’s cock. It takes a moment but you adjust and the older man adds another finger slowly scissoring his fingers until a steady stream of moans is filling the air.
“More!” You beg while you look into Jimin’s lustful eyes. “Please fuck me.”
“Okay, Y/N.” Taehyung says from between Jimin’s legs. 
Jimin sits up slightly reaching for yet another set condom from his top drawer before lying down. You help Jimin roll his on while Taehyung does it himself. You settle yourself on Jimin’s lap facing Taehyung but leaning against Jimin’s chest. Jimin pushes his cock into your ass slowly letting you get used to the feeling. It stings but you take a deep breath pushing through the discomfort. 
Taehyung leans forward and licks your pussy with his wet tongue. He sucks your clit into his mouth effectively distracting you. He zigzags his tongue through your folds collecting your sweet release on his tongue. The feeling of the euphoric stroke of his tongue helps you adjust to Jimin’s cock. Taehyung grips your thighs continuing to lick and suck your cunt until he can see you clenching around the air just begging to be filled. 
The younger man makes eye contact with Jimin before settling himself in the best position to reach your cunt with his thick cock. He slaps his dick across your pussy and grinds against your wetness. Taehyung groans loving the feeling of your essence coating him. He slips inside you with a sigh. 
You are so filled to the brim with cock, all you can do is gasp for air. Taehyung moves first, dragging his cock in and out so slowly you whine. Jimin lifts his hips below you, wrapping his arms around your middle to keep you balanced. You let the two men take over knowing it’s unlikely you’ll be helpful.
They find a steady rhythm that draws purely erotic sounds from your mouth. Your head falls back as your eyes close letting yourself feel this pleasure to its greatest capacity. Electricity flows from your head to the very tips of your toes. You’ve never felt this way before. 
Jimin slides his hands up your waist until he is cupping one of your breasts in each of his hands. His finger traces your areola every so lightly in great contrast to how they are fucking themselves into you. Taehyung presses the pad of his thumb against your clit rubbing in a circular motion. You take your lip between your teeth, almost not able to bear the sensations.
Taehyung bows his head, eyebrows drawn together in concentration obviously approaching his high too. Vaguely, you wonder if they are always this loud in bed or if they are just exceedingly comfortable because of the amount of alcohol they consumed. You love when a man is vocal. It adds to the feeling. 
Warmth is rushing throughout your body. One flick of Taehyung’s thumb perfectly timed with the thrust of the men’s hips sends you over the edge screaming obscenities. 
Jimin’s hand covers your mouth as they accelerate the snap of their hips. You don’t push his hand away liking the way the subtle oxygen deprivation heightens the orgasm you are riding out. Taehyung gets sloppy first, nearly slipping out in his haste to push deeper inside of you. 
Taehyung’s name falls from Jimin’s lips as he spills into the condom inside of you. If you weren’t intoxicated you are sure you would think about that for more than a second. Your hand finds Taehyung’s nipple rolling it between your fingers as you coax him cum. He pulls out removing the condom quickly before stroking himself swiftly. Hot ribbons of cum paint your chest and Taehyung looks down proudly. 
Only for a second before he’s helping you off of Jimin. You close your eyes lying back on the bed exhausted. For a moment you think you could peacefully drift off to sleep, until a tongue drags across your breasts. You open your eyes to see Jimin lapping at the cum on your chest. 
Taehyung stands at the end of the bed with paper towels watching curiously. He snaps out of his trance and slaps Jimin’s ass effectively shooing him away so you can clean yourself. When you settle back onto the bed Jimin covers you with a blanket and the two men snuggle in beside you.
13 notes · View notes
black-ish-bird · 11 months
seven by jungkook is inspired by lan zhan from mdzs.
27 notes · View notes
littlemessyjessi · 1 year
Part Two: "Cure of Infection": A BTS x SKZ Crossover Zombie Apocalypse Story
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The scenario:  Post apocalyptic AU.  Zombie Apocalyse AU. 
A BTS x SKZ Crossover Event
Chapter Recap:  Felix and the mc were on their way back from a raid that went sideways and Felix was bitten not once but twice.   They are battling the clock to save him before he turns.  All looks lost when none other that Taehyung appears and offers them sanctuary.  However, trouble stirs and the mc is forced to seperate from Felix and Taehyung.   Does Felix make it?   Is Taehyung true to his word?  Will the mc be able to make it back to Felix and the others?  
Hoseok stood, arms crossed, brows furrowed and eyes hard as he took in the scene in front of him. 
Taehyung had arrived back … after having told no one that he was even gone. 
He loved the man, really he did. 
And he understood the desire for a stroll outside. 
But those days were in the past.  
Someone needed to know where you were at all times and you didn't need to go out alone. 
And to make matters worse, he'd returned with a drifter … who'd been bitten.
Hoseok, having long since accepted the reality… was prepared to put the kid out of his misery. 
Only for Taehyung to shoot into a blind panic raving about a woman and a separation of cells and a cure. 
Truthfully, if Namjoon's curiosity hadn't gotten the best of him… Hoseok would've already put the poor young man out of his misery and been done with it. 
However, Namjoon had stepped in. 
"Hoseok-ah… let's just see what happens.  We have a containment area … just in case.   Let's just see where this goes.  If it's true and this woman shows… I mean, if she's right… then who knows what this could mean?" 
And while it ground against every nerve and instinct Hoseok had…. he had always been a sucker for that wonder in Namjoon's eyes. 
Joon was the leader, technically, but Hoseok was the disciplinarian and everyone knew it. 
Joon was the face and the voice and Hoseok was the follow through. 
Which usually made it all the more jarring because Hoseok was so naturally charismatic.   
He was a natural at letting you see what he wanted you to see right up until the very end. 
Chameleon, actor… whatever you wanted to call it. 
But he had one huge weakness… and that was Namjoon and that childlike wonder he got in his eyes when he wanted to learn something. 
If Hoseok was Superman, Namjoon was his kryptonite. 
That being said… he didn't like this… at all. 
It was far too risky. 
Felix, the young man, had been bitten twice and while Taehyung insisted he watched this 'mystery woman' pull the virus cells out of him… he had his doubts. 
At Taehyung's insistence, he had been given the medicine found in the backpack in thirty minutes intervals. 
Now the question of a blood transfusion hung in the air. 
Hoseok wasn't having it. 
"Absolutely not." he had snapped. 
"But hyung… she said…." Taehyung pleaded. "He lost so much blood.  He's got to." 
"We don't even know this kid!" Hoseok shouted. 
It had caused an unholy fight amongst himself, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin.  
It was the kid that spoke up. 
"I understand your doubts.  I get it.   You can't trust anyone anymore."  Felix said.   "Don't worry about it.  Noona said she's coming.  And maybe I can build my blood back up." 
"And that's another thing." Hoseok barked.  "Yet another stranger that we don't know.  She conveniently splits and you come in here with an infected person. Taehyung, what is wrong with you?!" 
"If she hadn't then there is a really good possibility that I wouldn't even be here!" Taehyung snapped. 
"You would be fine if you'd stayed the fuck inside like you're supposed to!" Hoseok roared. 
"I can't live in a box for the rest of my life!  If wanting to feel the sunshine on my face every once in a while is a sin then Satan himself can claim me.   At least Hell would be a change of scenery!" Taehyung screamed. 
The both of them were staring at the other with hard eyes and heaving chests. 
Seokjin was the first to collect Hoseok, pulling him away to cool down while Namjoon went to soothe Taehyung. 
Seokjin would bring Hoseok back down to reality and Namjoon, though impossibly curious of the possibilities, would help bring some clarity to Taehyung. 
"I couldn't just…" Taehyung whispered. "Hyung doesn't understand…" 
Namjoon sighed, placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, "He does, Tae.  He's just scared is all.  You know him.  He's just trying to keep everyone safe.  There are others here we have to think about." 
"But… what if… what if it's a cure?" 
"It is." 
The pair of them looked to the young man currently laying on the bed in the isolation room. 
Felix sat up a bit more. 
He looked a bit worse for wear but there was no doubt that he hadn't been overtaken by the virus.   
"A cure?" Namjoon asked. 
Felix nodded, "Noona won't talk about it but I know it's true.  My hyung, Minho, he was bitten and she did with him what she did with me today.  But I think it took a lot longer." 
"This is fascinating but I don't know that it's classified as a cure.  It's more like catching a cut before infection can set it."  Namjoon reasoned. "Still, I had no idea that it was even something that could be done… but it's not exactly a cure." 
"It is though." Felix said.  "I wasn't finished talking." 
Redness creeped up Namjoon's neck, "Sorry." 
"It's ok." Felix said.  "Another member of our group, Hyunjin, he got separated from us for a while.   We feared the worse and had those fears confirmed one day while we were out scavenging.  He'd completely turned. But he's family and no matter what we've been told… none of us could just put him down like that." 
Taehyung's chest tightened with this knowledge and his mind wandered to a certain someone currently locked away in another isolation chamber. 
Felix continued, "We managed to get him back and we put a muzzle on him so he couldn't bite.   Noona knew she could pull the virus cells out because she'd done it with Minho.  But it was different.  Minho had a fresh bite and Hyunjin had clearly been turned for a while. She had to figure out a way to get the cells out and good blood back in."  
"I don't understand." Namjoon said. 
"I think I do." Taehyung said before looking at Namjoon. "That's what she was talking about.   A blood transfusion." 
Felix nodded, "She pumped cells out of Hyunjin until he was barely there at all.   They're not dead, you see.  But their bodies are locked in a different state.  And depending how strong they are mentally…. they could still be aware.   Noona pulled cells out of Hyunjin until he looked like a raisin and then we all took turns giving him blood transfusions.   She'd extract and inject until no virus was left and all that remained was blood." 
"Oh my god." Namjoon whispered.  "This it is." 
"It doesn't always work though." Felix said. 
"What do you mean?" Taehyung said, the flicker of hope in his chest almost dying as quickly as it had grown. 
"It all depends on the person." Felix said, struggling a little to sit up.  "She's tried before on others.   Hyunjin says he felt like he still had his mind but no control of his body.  Like he was being controlled and it was a fight every day.  He said it was like a devil was on his shoulder whispering to him to give in and making him do things he didn't want to.  He said knowing that we were alive and fighting for him gave him hope and something to hold on.  He says that when Noona started the treatment it was awful and extremely painful…but it gave him the strength he needed not to give in." 
Taehyung gasped, tears springing to his eyes, as he thought of the wide dark eyes and full lips, the sweet smile and warm hugs. 
The person who he loved with all his heart…. locked away in his own mind. 
"The others.." Felix started.  "Noona thinks it's because she's not good enough but Hyunjin says he thinks it's because they had already given up hope or perhaps there were prior injuries that were too great.  A girl, Sulli, she came completely back to herself but then she died on the table.   Another, Hara… she was restored but unfortunately she took her life that night.   Changbin-hyung says that she confided in him that she'd lost everyone… and didn't want to continue without them.  She did it before we could even try to stop her. But there was one other.  Her name is Jisoo.  She was bitten and restored.  We saw her not long ago.  She said that she had reunited with her friends, Rose, Lisa and Jennie." 
Taehyung sniffled, "Why did you say you couldn't go back earlier? In the street.  You said you'd been bitten.  If you knew this was possible then why did you say that?" 
A dark look crossed the young man's freckled features, "I didn't exactly have control.  I never realized what Hyunjin mean when he said it was like your body was being controlled.  I felt like it was drifting in and out and my mind was hazy.  I spoke but I didn't have control at times.  At others I did.  That's why when I had the chance, I told Noona I wanted to go with you. I just wanted to make it home.  If we made it home, I knew she could save me.  Because I know it's possible and that she won't give up… and that is all the strength I need to fight it before it overtakes me." 
He was quiet for a moment and tears filled his eyes. 
"But it's been hours… and she still hasn't come.  I - I'm scared that they might've…" he broke off into a sob, his emotions getting the better of him. 
"We'll find the woman." 
The three of them jumped at the voice at the door. 
Hoseok, had been lingering, silently and discreetly listening to the story. 
"Hyung!" Taehyung gasped. 
Hoseok walked to both Namjoon and Taehyung, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder. 
"Taehyungie… I'll find her.  If she can do it… we will try everything we can to bring Jiminie back." 
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Helloooooo my loves! So THAT was a whirlwind and I do hope you forgive me for putting you through emotional torture…. but also… don't most of the best stories? I know the only time I really love a story is when my emotions are WRECKED.   I would love to hear your thoughts! 
Love, K 
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yoonius · 1 year
I feel like Mina (My Hero Academia) and Hobi (BTS) would get along really well. They'd give each other fashion advice and compare each of their dancing styles. i could just imagine them dressing each other up and choreographing dances for each other 🤭
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casetotu · 9 months
The urge to learn how to draw all of my favorite characters so I can make them interact
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swanguk · 1 year
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dustyfanwastaken · 1 year
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Crossover: Kim Seok-jin X Genji Shimada
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Jin was bored at his own home with nothing to do knowing how dangerous it was to be outside at night he couldn't care less as he quickly grabbed the keys to his house locking it right after he stumbled outside, it was raining hard outside he grabbed the umbrella by his doorstep as he stepped on a puddle creating a small splash out of it, he looks left and right of his surroundings making sure there wasn't anything sceptical going on, as it was clear he then stumbled outside the rainy weather walking to wherever he wanted to, Jin was currently wearing a black hoodie, a black shirt with his hair being messy didn't really bother fixing it first before going outside, as Jin walked further by the streets he heard noises from a dark alleyway, Jin quickly moves away as he took a peak from the isle seeing a person that looked like a robot, the streets were quite empty the lights were flickering shops were closed, the sound of thunder surrounded the skies rain pouring down hard as it suppressed the silence from the streets, "Who is that?" Jin was once again curious taking a peak from the dark alley again seeing glowing eyes from across, Jin had the thought that it wasn't just one person from there but there were five of them, four of them left but one remained standing looking at the other direction as rain poured down on him, he had a sword from the back strapped, his knees bent slightly as he looked at the clouds from above rain pouring onto his face, he looked infront about leave as he heard noises from the back, he quickly turned around suspecting that there was someone watching him, Jin cussed himself in his mind as he made the noise accidentally by slipping on a poll he was holding on, he slowly walked away quietly from the streets trying not to make a sound, someone then jumped right infront of him, it was the same guy from the alleyway, Jin wasn't really reacting with anything as he stood there without fear, the guy infront then leaned in close to his face looking at him with interest, "Who are you?" He said as he let out shurikens from his arms pointing at directly at your chest, "Someone you should let go by now." He then trailed the blade of his shuriken on his jacket towards his neck, "Why should I let you go that easily?" he then pressed the blade deeper feeling it slightly cutting the skin of his neck.
To Be Continued :)
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bookscandlesnbts · 5 months
2024 Things I’m Looking Forward To
This is not as easy to compile a list for as it might seem. Because while I am excited about some things, I’m still deeply annoyed that BTS is gone (until we get Jin back this year and Hobi too). I miss Jikook terribly, but in the spirit of it being a new year and of me tending to look on the positive side of things, I’m making a list really for myself of things to look forward to this year. I encourage you to make your own or let me know in the comments or DMs if any of these resonate with you 😊
1. Jikook Travel Vlog- I’d be lying if I didn’t put this as my most excited thing for the whole year. Nothing I love more than being comfy cozy on my couch with some snacks, lighting my candles, and witnessing Jikook shenanigans
2. My trip to Tokyo and Seoul with my sister this summer. Crazy that this isn’t number 1, I know, but truthfully I am nervous. I’ve never flown abroad and for such a long flight I’m nervous. Not about the plane itself but for being in such a confined space with strangers for that long is not my jam. But it will be worth it, I’m sure. I’m also pretty bad with time changes and well, 14 hours is something I can’t imagine. But I’m really excited to see all the places that I’ve been watching on my tv screen for the past 3 years.
3. All the new music content we will get from the tannies this year. I love new music in general (I participate in a group that does new music friday where we listen to new music that comes out every Friday) and getting new music from my favorites while they are away is so amazing. I love sharing that joy with people.
4. Bit of a sidetrack away from things BTS related but I’m super super excited for an actually good live action remake 🤞🏻 of my favorite series of all time at such a pivotal age (12) during my childhood. The equivalent of HP for me is Avatar the Last Airbender and from the looks of the sneak peek trailers, I think it might be worth the hype and I’m ever cautiously the optimist. I’m so excited to enter back into a world that I love so much and characters that mean so much to me. Maybe I’ll be inspired to write some crossover fics 😂
5. The return of Jin and J-Hope will definitely be a grounding experience and a source of great comfort to get real time content again from Bangtan.
6. Any other merch or little surprises or communication from our boys (especially Jimin and Jungkook around here you know the deal) I especially need all the magazine covers and content of Jimin in his natural hair color, blond. He could rule the world.
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but it’s enough to keep me going. Fighting! 🫰🏻
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shellbells-things · 1 year
So, I was chatting with some friends and we were discussing how, lately, the ASKS on Tumblr have been plagued with a bunch of “people” coming into our space, trying desperately to convince us that Jikook are basically estranged. It’s crazy how all over the place these ASKS are!
For example: “They have always hated each other and now they don’t have to hang out anymore. They are brothers and work friends only. They used to be a thing, but they aren’t anymore. They are cover for a real relationship. The company forces them to mention each other on social media. And my personal favorite….They’ve only seen each other a couple of times this year, they just aren’t close”.
What?! Are they stupid or something? Do they honestly think that they ONLY time Jikook (or any of the members actually) see each other is when they talk about it or post about it on social media? The rest of the time, nothing? Oh Lordy, I need something pretty to calm my nerves.
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Thats better! Do these people really live in such an isolated world that they believe that the litmus test for a relationship is the number of posts on Instagram? Because that’s the standard they are holding Jikook to. Heck, I checked my own personal social media pages and saw that I’ve posted things about the people I actually LIVE WITH or that I see every single day…only a handful of times this year. So clearly, social media posts aren’t necessary for maintaining (or proving) a relationship.
We all know why that specific group of people are here. They NEED to try and disprove Jikook because if Jikook exists as a couple, then their fantasy is just that, a fantasy. And listen, they KNOW. They see it. Images of Jikook, in all of their Jikook glory, are burned on their retinas. They wouldn’t take Jikook moments and alter them (badly…oh so badly) by replacing Jimin’s face with, well, someone else’s, if they didn’t see the moments as romantic. Oh the second-hand embarrassment I get when I see those edits. Yeeeeshhh.
As for the so called “insecure Jikooker”, I can see how it happens. Listen, we used to basically LIVE with BTS. We saw them during practice, at concerts, eating together, backstage, on RUN BTS, Bon Voyage, Bangtan Bombs, In the Soop (1&2), during special content, at music shows and awards shows, photoshoots, commercials. They were much more active on social media, posting selfies on Twitter, talking in Fan Cafes, doing vLives regularly. I mean dang! It was constant. During all of that, from day ONE, we saw Jikook together. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes they were loud. Regardless, they were always together (Satellite Jeon saw to that). Now, during solo era, we rarely see any of them together. And there is no “natural reason” for Jikook to be joined at the hip in the public eye. Before, they had reason, they had “cover” so to speak. But now? Suddenly, they share very very little about themselves. It’s quite the adjustment for fans to make and I can see how it leads to “discomfort”.
So now, I’m finally to my point! Jikook has been close for 10+ years, closer than close. They’ve risked a LOT to be together, worked through tough and scary times together. After all of the risk, hard work, and commitment, do we really, really think that different schedules would cause them to throw in the towel? Do we really think that having different work priorities would make them suddenly fall out? Really? I call BS on that. Out here in Normalville, people in relationships manage to go to different jobs daily, have sets of friends that do not crossover, even go on work or pleasure trips without each other, and still maintain a healthy, happy relationship. Couples in Normalville don’t have to post about each other regularly on social media, nor must they FaceTime all of their family, friends, and coworkers just to give them an update or their relationship status. Yet, this is the standard people are holding Jikook to. If they don’t prove themselves, they aren’t real? Wow. Harsh.
I saw this tweet and I thought it went well with my Ted Talk today. All you have to do is look at them and you know they have something special. And just because we can no longer see them as often, it doesn’t change the fact that their special relationship still exists. Just look at them. LOOK AT THEM. I feel confident, based on what we HAVE seen during this solo era, that Jikook are the same as ever. They are just having to travel down a new path together. And an actual BONUS for them, I think, is that they are getting to have a lot more privacy than they have had in the past. Anybody who says different has their own agenda and I, for one, don’t plan to give them any of my attention.
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daegudrama · 6 months
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Title: Route 613
Pairing: Reader/Namjoon, Reader/Yoongi, Reader/Vmin
Summary: Reader wants to be the very best Pokémon trainer there ever was. Her first stop in that journey is Paldea University home to a myriad of higher education. Still working to get over her ex boyfriend, Yoongi, reader forms new connections while making a few questionable decisions along the way. Each battle bringing her closer to the glory she's always dreamed of. Will she succeed in becoming champion or will outside forces stop her from achieving her goal?
Word Count: 8.5K
Disclaimer: Real life ages mean nothing in this fic. Refer here for ages and my shitty graphics
cross posted to ao3 here
1 3 4 5 6
Chapter 2
Hiyyih holds up a long red dress with a flowy skirt and rose detailing on the bodice turning towards you with an excited smile. She has been pulling more dresses for you than for herself. Her style is too different from what she thinks will look good on you. Even though you think she could put on any dress in this place and still look amazing.
The shop is fairly empty on this early Friday evening. Just a few customers browsing the racks of beautiful dresses. Hiyyih happily agreed to come with you saying she was in need of a new dress too. Professor Oak has invited her as well as a number of other students to attend the fall benefit. Seeing and interacting with the students the donors will help might encourage them to be more generous. At least that’s what Professor Oak thinks. He must know what he's talking about to have gotten this far. 
“I like that one, but let's find something for you.” 
You browse racks looking for darker colors to fit Hiyyih’s aesthetic. She has attended events like this one before, but didn’t think she would need this kind of dress at school. Who would’ve thought Professor Oak would end up here helping better the university? Dressing formally and trying to catch the attention of researchers certainly was not something you thought you would have to do here. 
Ten minutes later each of you have three dresses to try on. You aren’t thrilled with the first two when you see them on and you can tell Hiyyih agrees even when she says you look great. The last option is a burgundy floor length gown made of velour fabric with sequins that give it just the slightest shimmer. It has short off the shoulder sleeves with a boat style neckline that accentuates all the right places.
“Y/N, you have to get this one!” Hiyyih says, a serious look on her face. “No one is going to be able to keep their eyes off you.”
Your cheeks flush as you take in her words trying to believe she’s being genuine. Looking at yourself in the mirror you feel giddy with excitement. Confidence rushes through you while you spin loving the way the fabric swishes around you. 
Hiyyih walks into the dressing room to try on her first gown as you continue to smile at yourself in the mirror. You are thankful for the chance to get dressed up with reason. What you aren’t sure of is if the other members of the Oak’s Club are looking forward to it as much as you are. Jimin was the only one who looked interested when Professor Oak mentioned the dress code. He promised to make sure the other guys were properly dressed when the two of you had a moment alone. 
“Oh, Hiyyih!” Your eyes turn to your friend as she steps out in a floor length black gown with a plunging v-neck. The intricate beading and cut of the bodice remind you of feathers in a way. The detail continues down past her hips into the flowy skirt. “Absolutely, stunning.”
“You don’t think it’s too much?” She asks looking over her shoulder to see the back of the dress in the mirror.
“Not at all.” You reply, pulling out your phone to snap a picture of the two of you together. 
“This was a lot easier than I thought.” She says heading back to the changing room. You head to the other changing room reluctantly taking off the dress and redressing in your clothes. Hiyyih meets you at the cash register. “Do you want to take these back to the dorm then come back down? There’s still an hour until we meet the guys.”
“Yeah, let's do that.”
Hiyyih happily leads the way once you’ve both paid. You glance to the side at her while she starts telling you about her aunt’s dress shop back home. This is one of the first times she’s bought a dress because usually her aunt makes them for her. Around you the streets you are becoming familiar with are dimming with the setting of the sun. 
Every day this week you’ve spent time with Hiyyih and the two of you are quickly realizing how similar you are despite growing up on opposite sides of the region. There’s a deep level of understanding that makes you feel like you’ve known her for years rather than days. 
You join Hiyyih in her room to finish getting ready for your group dinner. Namjoon was adamant that you have to try this pho place he frequents. Apparently it’s the best he’s ever had. You think he felt weird asking you to come with just him so it turned into a group outing. Namjoon, Jimin, Chaewon and her girlfriend are also supposed to attend.
“Remember how I told you I asked my sister if she could come to the benefit?” Hiyyih asks, coating her lashes in mascara. You nod your head remembering she mentioned it a few days ago when the two of you were looking for trainers to battle in the woods. “Unfortunately, Lea already had a prior schedule that day. But she’s going to talk about it on her livestream tonight.”
“Really? That’s amazing! Your sister has followers all over the world.” 
Professor Oak and the research professors here will be thrilled to see one of their alumni helping such a cause. Lea has nearly two million followers on her main streaming platform and runs a bakery in her hometown focused on pokemon health and strength foods. In most of her live streams she is talking about pokémon health and foods that can help make your pokémon stronger. There are different ways she teaches this information. She’s fond of baking lives where viewers can watch her make things for the shop live. Sometimes she does sort of lecture style lives where she talks about specific topics. On rare occasions she’ll do Q&As but usually her inbox gets flooded with questions about her brother so it’s been quite some time since you’ve seen one of those. 
“You know you’re one of the only people that hasn’t brought my siblings up to me since I got here?” She closes her mascara tube as she speaks looking at you over her shoulder. Her face holds just a hint of annoyance but you know it’s not directed towards you at this moment. “It’s such a small thing, but you make me feel like I’m my own person and not just my name.”
You walk closer to her, putting a hand on her shoulder in comfort. She leans into the touch silently. It must be extremely annoying to only be asked about Kai and Lea every single day of her life. To some extent you know how she feels. Most people only ever ask you about your parents then about yourself as some kind of afterthought. 
“The way I see it, if you want to talk about them you will. I like you for you, not for any connection you have. I would rather talk about the person right here in front of me than the guy I’m going to beat this spring.”
A genuine belly laugh sounds through the air and her eyes crinkle as she looks back at you. She doesn’t say anything for a moment but you know she’s not laughing at your ambition. Some part of you feels like she wants someone to beat her brother. 
“You or me,” She says standing up from her desk with a confident smile. “one of us is going to get there.”
When you and Hiyyih arrive at the restaurant the others are already seated towards the back. Three seats at the long table are available to the right of Chaewon. They greet you while you sit down looking for a menu. Namjoon hands you one before you can ask and your eyes glance over the options. 
“This is my girlfriend Yunjin.” Chaewon gestures to the pretty girl sitting beside her as she speaks. 
Chaewon has mentioned her a few times. It's obvious how deeply she loves her by the way her eyes light up. Will you ever find a love that makes you feel that way again? For so much of your life you were sure Yoongi was your end all be all, but that’s no longer the reality. 
“It's so nice to meet you! Chae has been talking about you a lot but I’ve been too busy to hang out this week.” Yunjin smiles looking around the table. Her features are soft giving her a sort of angelic look.
You read over the menu during the lull in conversation trying to find something special to try. This place does look quite good.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” Jimin asks a few moments later, folding his hands on the table in front of him. 
“We both found beautiful dresses.” Hiyyih says and you nod along confirming what she’s saying. “You aren’t allowed to see them until the benefit though.”
Jimin’s lips fall into a pout and Namjoon looks as if he’s trying to imagine what the two of you could’ve chosen. Not even the photos on your Instagram would make someone think you would pick the style you did. The color especially is not something you would normally wear.
“Seriously, don’t show us what you are wearing either. It’ll be a fun little surprise!” You perk up loving the idea of seeing your new found friends dressed in their best clothes.
The waitress comes to take orders a few minutes later and you order the first thing that looks good on the menu because you hadn’t made a decision when Jimin started talking.
 Before you can start another conversation a different waitress approaches with a pitcher of what looks like beer. Jimin quickly confirms your suspicion. 
“I thought we could have a few drinks to celebrate the end of your very first week of college.” 
Hiyyih takes charge pouring drinks for everyone before sipping her own drink. This beer has a lingering fruity taste that you quite like. Yunjin compliments Jimin’s choice, telling him some history about the company that makes it.
You settle in listening to the conversation more than you are engaging in it. The atmosphere is calm, their topics are interesting and you are enjoying your drink. 
Namjoon was not exaggerating when he said this place was incredible. The powerful flavor makes your stomach happy and your heart warm.
 As you continue to drink you join the conversation telling them about the first time you got drunk. It was a few years ago when both you and Yoongi’s parents were away at the same time. The two of you ended up vomiting on the beach before falling asleep in the sand.
“Namjoon, are you watching Lea’s live?” Hiyyih says, looking over his shoulder on her way back from the restroom.
His face turns red and he quickly puts his phone away like he’s been caught doing something embarrassing. You guess being caught by the younger sibling of the person you are watching could be kind of embarrassing. 
“She’s a very talented woman.” Namjoon replies after regaining his composure. “I never miss her livestreams.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Hiyyih says cryptically, resuming her place next to you and taking a long pull of her beer. 
The topic shifts back to the first time you were drunk. Jimin tells the group about a party he went to in high school. His friends begged him to come and he got so drunk he made out with two different people before passing out on the couch. 
“Two people in one night?” Chaewon questions with a look of pure shock. “Are you a player?”
You laugh wondering if Chaewon always boldly asks things like this or if her alcohol consumption has something to do with it. 
“People can call me what they want. At the end of the night I’m never lonely.” 
“That’s a pretty average Friday night for him. Last year there was this party where…let’s just say I lost Jimin for a while then found him in a compromising position twenty minutes later.” Namjoon remarks, shrugging his shoulders. 
“You said you didn’t see anything!” Jimin hisses before covering his face with both of his hands. 
“I saw your whole ass.” Namjoon deadpans and the table erupts with laughter. 
Stopping yourself from imagining his bare ass is harder than you would like to admit. You’d be lying if you said you haven’t peeked at the way his jeans hug his ass. It doesn’t help that Jimin is naturally flirty and has pillowy lips. You squeeze your eyes shut trying to clear your mind and take a sip of water.
“What about you Namjoon?” Yunjin asks, taking a bite once she’s spoken. 
“The first time I got drunk was with my ex-boyfriend during my last year of high school. While we were watching a movie we drank a lot of razzberry wine, then my ex led me outside. He wouldn’t tell me where he was taking me.” He pauses to take a sip of his drink before continuing. He is licking at the corner of his mouth where some beer has dribbled.  “Somehow this man gained access to Silph Co. Headquarters and thought then would be a great time to go on the roof so we could look over the city. It was beautiful up there but we did get scolded by the security. They let us off after we beat them in a two v two pokemon battle.”
Your mind is loaded with new information about Namjoon. Firstly, he likes boys and dated one for long enough to get into some shenanigans. A few questions that you don’t ask are fluttering through your mind. It’s not your business whether he only likes men. If he wants you to know that kind of information he’d tell you. Secondly and more importantly, he’s good enough at battling pokemon that he can beat security guards. Typically security guards for a place like that would have strong well trained pokemon. 
“You battle?” You find yourself asking thankful your stupid mouth didn’t run before your brain. 
“Only in specific situations. My pokemon aren’t weak, I just prefer to only use them like that when absolutely necessary.” Namjoon says with a serious look crossing his face for a minute before falling back into a relaxed smile.
Chaewon asks more about where Jimin is from and he happily speaks about where he grew up. Several minutes into that conversation they are interrupted when Yunjin’s eyes catch someone you don’t want to see. 
“Yoongi?” Yunjin says and you follow her eyes to see your ex boyfriend being guided by a waiter to an empty table. Yoongi looks surprised that she’s calling out for him. Chaewon gives her an elbow to the ribs but she doesn’t take the hint. “You should join us!”
Why does your chest fill with dread so quickly? How can the person who was once your everything make you feel this way? At the same time you want to talk to him because you miss him no matter the pain you feel. Is that you or the incoming buzz talking?
“Are you sure?” Yoongi says, looking at everyone except you, like he knows he isn’t welcomed by you. 
Your friends shrug not knowing the severity of discomfort this could cause you. It’s not in your nature to exclude people so you don’t fight when he sits beside Hiyyih. If she will be welcoming is out of your realm of knowledge. She knows you’re exes but not quite all of the story behind how you broke up.
Yunjin explains how they met in class. Apparently, Yoongi isn’t being as cold to her considering how brightly she’s speaking of him. After only a week she seems to be picking up on things about him that are hard to catch. Jealousy flutters through you. 
Jimin pulls your focus away from Yoongi for a moment but you notice him speaking to a waitress. It’s almost infuriating how easily your ex boyfriend slides into the conversation. It makes sense he was once your best friend. Why wouldn’t he get along with your new friends?
“Oh, we’ve been there!” Yoongi says, gesturing towards you as Jimin talks about Goldenrod City. He was talking about the massive department store there that seemingly had every item you could ever need. “Our parents were researching in the area…what was it two years ago?”
“We were sixteen and left mostly unattended and we got into a little bit of trouble. They let us into a bar and we took way too many shots.” 
A real smile crosses your face as you remember the messy kisses and soul warming dancing. It was on that trip that Yoongi confessed he saw you as more than just his best friend. Something you had been waiting years to hear. Under the bright light of the moon next to the ocean the two of you shared the first of many kisses. These memories are tinged in sadness now knowing you can never trust him like you once did. Even if you let him explain, a part of you will always worry he will leave with no explanation again. 
Yoongi continues speaking about your time in Johto without giving details about your relationship. He’s saying so much that you wouldn’t have spoken about. All of your important memories in Johto are deeply intertwined with Yoongi. Sure you visited restaurants and stores, but you remember the way his fingers felt laced through yours as you walked along the dock. You remember the kiss he pressed to your forehead before dinner, with both his and your parents, promising he didn’t care if you waited to tell them about your changed relationship status. 
You are pulled away from your thoughts when the waitress sets a pinap berry cider in front of you. This delicious beverage has been your go to for nearly a year. Yoongi used to go to extreme lengths to secure it for you even when he wasn’t yet old enough to buy it. 
Hiyyih raises an eyebrow silently asking you what’s going on. Yoongi looks pleased with himself but only subtly. If you didn’t know him so well you wouldn’t be able to tell. He doesn’t do these kinds of things for gratitude, it’s how he shows he cares. 
“Did you order that?” Namjoon asks, wondering how he could have missed that with you right in front of him. 
All eyes at the table turn curiously to what Namjoon is asking about. You take a sip of the drink savoring the sweet flavor that coats your tongue. You hate that Yoongi knows you this well. He knows you would rather drink this if it’s available. Even after leaving you with no explanation he comes back caring for you just like he used to.  
“It’s her favorite.” Yoongi says before downing the rest of his drink. 
Namjoon’s face is unreadable, but the rest of them seem to find this situation cute. You aren’t so sure how you feel. Letting him creep back into your heart is surely not the best option. 
“Y’all are so cute together.” Yunjin says, flicking her eyes between you and Yoongi. An awkward silence falls over the table and Chaewon is reaching to cut her off when she continues. “Did you ever-”
You bolt up, not wanting to hear the end of that sentence, feigning sickness as you run to the restroom. Behind the closed door you take a deep breath and form a plan to get away from this dinner as soon as possible. They don’t know your drinking habits. For all they know you are actually sick.
The door creaks open and Hiyyih appears with a concerned look wrinkling her brow. She lays a hand on your shoulder looking at you in the mirror before she speaks. 
“Are you alright?” Her voice is soft like she doesn’t want anyone to accidentally overhear.
“I’m good, I just need to get out of here. Being around Yoongi is too much.” You take a deep breath steadying yourself on the sink in front of you.
“Okay, lean up against me and pretend you are having trouble walking. I’ll talk for you and we can go home.” 
You pull her into a quick hug before doing exactly what she said. You sling an arm around her shoulder and droop your eyes to perfect the illusion. You thank her as you put more of your weight into her side. 
“You’re the best.”
Hiyyih guides you back towards the table where everyone is wearing matching concerned expressions, except Yoongi who you know isn’t buying this. Yunjin looks upset with herself and your slightly intoxicated brain thinks she should be. Sure, she didn’t know any better but it was still weird. How can she pick up on small things about him but not know about you? Are you that unimportant to Yoongi now?
“I think she had a little too much to drink.” Hiyyih says with a sheepish smile. “I’m going to take her back to her dorm. We’ll see you later.”
No one protests, probably thinking it’s best for you to go home before you puke all over the table. Jimin looks wary but remains in his seat. 
The act continues until you are far out of sight of the restaurant. You straighten up giggling at the effort you just put into escaping that situation. Hiyyih is a real one for helping you without question. She waits until both of you are sitting on your couch, cozy in your dorm, before speaking about anything meaningful. 
“So, what’s the deal with Yoongi? I know you said he’s your ex, but things are obviously not amicable.”
It’s a minute before you respond trying to gauge just how much you want to share with her. In the end the why is quite simple. Maybe if you were a little more sober you wouldn’t share this with someone you met so recently. Somehow, you think she will understand how you feel about this. 
“We were childhood best friends who did everything together. He’s been my only real competition all my life. He challenged me but was always there to lift me up when I fell. We started dating when we were sixteen. It was on that trip he was talking about that we finally confessed our true feelings to each other.” 
You pause, taking a deep breath as Hiyyih listens. You let everything out, feeling tears of frustration pool in your eyes. It’s okay for you to feel this way. It does not make you weak. 
“We were together from that day until a random day in March when he broke up with me over text then left the region. Obviously, I was really worried when he didn’t return any of my messages. I went to his house and talked to his mom, but all she would tell me was that he had to leave. She said that he was okay, but that didn’t stop me from spending the next few months worrying about him. Yoongi has never been the kind of person that ignores me even when he’s upset with me. He came home for graduation but didn’t speak to me. He wouldn’t come to the door when I came to his house, and as soon as he could he left again. Then he shows up here and is in the same club as me and suddenly wants to speak to me. It’s too much. I’ve spent all summer trying to forget the feelings I have for him, but no matter how hard I try I can’t escape him.” 
Hiyyih takes a moment to digest what you’ve just told her. This is a lot of information to just drop on someone. She pushes a piece of her hair away from her face before looking you in the eye. She cuts right to the chase not beating around the bush saying how hard that must’ve been for you. 
“Do you want closure?” 
Damn, you haven’t even known her for a full two weeks and she already knows what question you need to be asked. For most of the summer you convinced yourself that you didn’t need closure because you thought the chances of you ever getting it were miniscule. Wishing for an explanation only felt like you were further deluding yourself. 
“I want my best friend back. He was the person I ran to whenever I was excited or sad, but he’s only going to make excuses for what he did.” Your head falls against the back of the couch as you release a loud sigh. “Even if there is a good reason I can never trust him the same.”
“I’m not saying you have to go talk to him right now, but it might be helpful eventually. It’s better to live without regret or wonder.” 
After a moment of contemplation you get up and get water from your mini fridge.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” You ask looking over your shoulder after taking a drink of the water. 
Hopefully, this will distract you. Hiyyih nods tell you she’ll be right back without further elaboration. Several minutes later you hear a knock on your door after changing into your pajamas. 
Hiyyih is standing outside your door with a big bowl of popcorn and two bottles of soju. You take the bowl from her hands and walk back to the couch. 
Once settled on the couch the two of you decide on a movie. You and Hiyyih get far drunker than you intended and end up giggling on your bed together once the movie is over. 
“Then Kai walked around the corner and I thought for sure he was going to beat Riki up, thankfully Kai is not a very fast runner.”
She’s sharing the story of her first kiss in great detail when your phone buzzes against your hip. You unlock your phone and see a message for Namjoon.
Namjoon: I left some snacks outside your door. You’re probably sleeping by now so I didn't knock. See you tomorrow y/n 
The impulsive part of your brain wants to jump up and thank him before he makes it out of your building. You decide against that since you are supposed to be sick and what if he misinterprets your drunken excitement? 
“Namjoon brought me snacks.” You say almost like a question rereading the words on the screen several times.  
“That’s so cute. I knew he was a softie.” Hiyyih says with wide eyes. Then continues in a different tone. One that is almost teasing. “You have him worried about you.”
You roll your eyes as you get up, almost falling over. Hiyyih follows you to the door where you open it as quietly as possible. A small wicker basket sits in front of your door filled with your favorite snacks. The handle is wrapped with a dark green handkerchief. You bring it inside wondering how he knew exactly what you’d like. Only one or two of these things have been mentioned in front of him, but packages of your favorite candies are neatly placed in front of your favorite chips. Did he ask Yoongi? Is he some kind of sorcerer that has mapped out the taste buds on your tongue without you knowing? You pull out one of the bags of candy and see Spark’s favorite canned food at the bottom of the basket.
Namjoon must’ve asked Yoongi because no one else would know the very specific food Spark likes. He is quite picky when it comes to canned food and this one can be hard to find. Yoongi would know where to find it because his Whooper, Sugar, also likes this one. 
You are almost more surprised that Yoongi told him this than the fact that Namjoon made the effort to do this for you. Him going out of his way to make your night just a little bit better fills your heart with happiness.
“Oh my god!” Hiyyih exclaims picking up the pokemon food. “This is the only flavor Kepi will eat. He hates all the other ones. It’s a struggle to get him to eat anything Lea didn’t make.”
After asking if it’s okay Hiyyih releases her Pachirishu, Kepi, and you release Spark. You find a suitable dish and open the can, pouring the contents into the dish before setting it on the floor. The two pokemon happily share the meal as you ask Hiyyih about her sister’s food. 
You learn her sister’s pokemon food can be found at the pokemon center here in Mesagoza. Hiyyih is grateful her sister was able to expand her business fairly recently. In a sense Hiyyih’s pokemon team is incredibly spoiled, but it’s made them stronger. 
In the morning you wake up to the scent of a floral shampoo under your nose. Your head pounds when you open your eyes to find Hiyyih’s back cuddled against you. Bright light is streaming into the room from the open curtains.
A half asleep groan leaves Hiyyih’s mouth when you pull away. She stretches her stiff muscles with eyes still closed. Once you’ve made it off the bed you search for a hangover cure in your medicine cabinet. You pour two glasses of water and bring the bottle of headache relief over to Hiyyih who is holding her head in her hands. She gladly accepts and chugs the water after swallowing the pill.
A buzz sounds from somewhere in your blankets and Hiyyih helps you find it. When you unlock your phone you see a few texts. There is one from your mom, one from Jimin, and one from Chaewon. Your mom just wants to know how you are doing and some part of you thinks you shouldn’t tell her that you are massively hungover. Jimin is wondering if you survived the night and Chaewon is apologizing on behalf of her girlfriend for making things awkward. 
After assuring Jimin you are alive you ask if he wants to get breakfast. While you wait for his reply you answer Chaewon assuring her that it’s okay because Yunjin had no idea. Sure, she could have not said you and Yoongi were cute together, but she couldn’t have possibly known how that would make you feel. 
“Are you going to respond to Namjoon?” Hiyyih asks, unlocking her own phone to find several texts from the Huening sibling group chat. 
“Thanks for the reminder.” You say opening your message thread with Namjoon. 
After what is probably too much consideration for the situation you send a simple text.
You: thank you for the snacks! Spark and I really enjoyed them 😊
Jimin hasn’t answered so you get up heading for the shower. Hiyyih leaves to clean herself up as well, promising to meet up for breakfast afterwards. The two of you will probably end up going to the dining hall. If you venture back into town you might get distracted and you have homework to finish and pokemon to train. 
The shower does wonders to make you feel less disgusting. The last time you got this drunk was the week after Yoongi left when you started to accepted he wasn’t coming back anytime soon. That time was a lot messier, ending with your cousin holding your hair back as you puked into your mom’s tulips at the back of the house. Your parents barely punished you because they could tell how distraught you were by the situation. 
Jimin texts you back once you get out of the shower suggesting brunch in an hour. He adds that Namjoon is coming too. You decide to use this time to make cookies in the communal kitchen on the first floor. Making cookies, even if it's with premade dough, has always been something you like to do. Your mom made sure you had some before she went back home and you are grateful. It’s a calming task that gives you time to think. 
The cookies are done well before you leave for the dining hall. You line Namjoon’s basket with a piece of fabric and carefully arrange the cookies inside. With the fabric covering them you hope they will stay warm long enough for you to meet up with your friends.
Pixie, your Azurill, follows closely behind you as you walk with the basket on your arm. Earlier this week you decided Pixie was the name for her after hearing someone say the word in the library. She cuddled into your leg when you called her by that name for the first time. You can feel a bond forming with your new pokemon already. This is all you’ve ever wanted. You are so excited it’s finally happening. 
Jimin and Namjoon look surprised when you unveil the cookies. Hiyyih raises an eyebrow but doesn’t stay much, instead reaching for a cookie. A soft smile is playing on Namjoon’s face that shows off his deep dimples. What would he do if you reached out and poked your finger into his cheek crater? 
You leave Namjoon with the remainder of the cookies and his basket when the four of you have finished eating. You head off for a training session by yourself. Lying in bed won’t help this hangover so you may as well do something productive. Besides, you need to spend more time with your pokemon.
Professor Oak preps you and the boys for the Fall Benefit by giving you a list of questions donors might be interested in knowing the answer to. He thinks hearing it from the students will make them more generous. The students are the ones who will be using the equipment most. You look over the list one more time as you are putting the final touches on your makeup for the evening. Deciding to go for a softer makeup look was an easy decision when you want to give full attention to your beautiful dress.
Chaewon, Yunjin and Hiyyih are sitting in various places around your dorm also getting ready. You’ve briefed them on some of the questions even though they are mostly meant for the Oak’s Club members. 
You thought it would be more fun to get ready with your girls and you were right. This is such a nice change from back when most of your days were spent primarily with Yoongi. 
Hiyyih is singing along to the song playing over the speaker as she brushes blush onto her cheeks. Chaewon presses a kiss to the top of Yunjin’s head while she’s putting on earrings. Each of them look absolutely stunning in floor length gowns with carefully styled hair and makeup. 
“Let’s go take pictures in front of the statue!” Yunjin suggests a few minutes later when she sees everyone is ready.  
The rest of the girls happily agree walking towards the door to put on shoes and you follow close behind. It will be nice to get pictures before you are surely swept away to stay with the Oak’s Club all night long. 
Chilly air hits you as you step outside of your dorm building and walk towards the Uxie statue in the courtyard. Another student you recognize from your Battle Strategy class walks by and you call out to him. 
“Jungkook!” You say waving your hand at him. He turns around and his eyes flick up and down your body. His doe eyes crinkle at the corners when he realizes who is calling for him. “Do you mind taking a few photos for us?” 
“Of course!” Jungkook says taking your phone and lining up the best shot. “The four of you look really nice. I’m not sure how the researchers are going to be able to focus.”
This brings a cascade of laughter from you and the girls. He starts snapping pictures and instructs you on some poses. Jungkook takes every combination of photos he can between the four of you, switching phones a few times. Fifteen minutes later Jungkook’s cheeks are red as the four of you circle around him to make sure the pictures turned out well. It seems your classmate is not just good at finding the strengths in seemingly weak pokemon, but capturing the best angle as well.
“Thank you so much. See you in class!” Chaewon says when you are satisfied with the results and ready to head to the ballroom on the other side of campus.
“I can’t wait to meet your mom.” Hiyyih says, clinging to your arm as you walk. 
The inside of the ballroom is decorated with tasteful fall colors with a gourd gracing each table. Your eyes sweep the room looking for the other members of the Oak’s club. Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi are standing on the other side of the room, but they look breathtaking even from here. Hiyyih tugs you towards them with a bright smile.
The boys are wearing simple black suits styled differently. Something about seeing them dress so nicely makes your stomach flutter. Each of them is so handsome, even if you would rather not admit you still find your ex boyfriend attractive. They are so put together and radiating a different kind of charm than you feel on everyday encounters with them.
Namjoon and Jimin’s jaws slack when they spot you. They share a glance then look back at you with eyes sweeping up and down your form. Yoongi doesn’t look quite so shocked having already seen you dressed like this before and dressed in far less. There is a look glazing his eyes that you can’t quite interpret. Is he thinking of how stupid he was to let you go? This dress is boosting your confidence in a way you didn’t think it would. 
Jimin is wearing a white dress shirt underneath his three piece suit with a tie that is very close in color to your dress. He has a silver watch on his wrist and small silver earrings dangling from his ears. Namjoon is wearing a turtleneck that gives him a sophisticated air. You’d be lying if you said the way both these men have their hair styled off their forehead didn’t make them more attractive to you. Lastly, your eyes settle on Yoongi seeing he’s forgone wearing a tie deciding on just the black suit with a white dress shirt. He’s fiddling with his cufflink when you tear your eyes away. 
“Y/N you look gorgeous.” Jimin says moving closer to you and softly pushing a lock of your hair away from your face.
His soft fingers graze your cheek pulling your heart into a pounding rhythm. Just as soon as he’s touched you he slips away. 
Namjoon grabs his other wrist effectively making him withdraw. Yoongi looks between you and the other two boys like he can’t understand what just happened. You aren’t sure you understand yourself. Before you can think too deeply about it someone taps your shoulder and you turn to see your mom. 
“Hi!” You say your voice turning high pitched in your excitement as you wrap your arms around your mom.
“Oh, I missed you.” Your mom whispers in your ear before pulling away slightly. “Introduce me to your friends!”
The next several minutes are spent introducing your mom to all of your new friends. More people are making their way inside the ballroom and Namjoon only holds out on research questions for a few minutes. Professor Oak is wandering around the room speaking to his colleagues about the greatness of your school. 
It’s not until after dinner that Professor Oak gathers his club to parade around and introduce you to notable attendees. There is a professional photographer snapping pictures around the room. Professor Oak is sure to get several shots of his club together. Your mom tags along boasting achievements for you and Yoongi to every person that stops to speak with you. It’s nice to spend time with her after being on your own for the last few weeks. Her presence and arm threaded through yours is comforting. 
After about 45 minutes you break free taking a breather from the many conversations about the science of pokemon. Jimin clings to Taehyung, who’s father you learn is an actor who has made a sizable donation tonight. Taehyung looks handsome in a way that could ruin lives. If he asks for something you aren’t sure you’d be able to say no easily. There is an air of confidence around him and it’s easy to tell he’s very comfortable dressed how he is. 
Mom joins you in an area with fewer people and gives the side of your head a stroke. Her expression is soft but you can see the pride she’s holding in her eyes. Going to this school is at the top of the list of all the things she’s ever wanted for you.
“You know you can call me if things get hard, right?”
This makes your heart ache. What makes her think you wouldn’t reach out if you need her? You’ve always been close with your mom. Doing things with your mom and spending time with her was all that got you through the summer. 
“Of course, Mom.” You say feeling genuinely okay and happy with how the night is going. Sure, things with Yoongi have not been easy on you but it hasn’t been bad enough that you needed your mom. Learning to cope on your own is healthy. Mom doesn’t need to know everything all the time. “I like it here. It’s helping me discover a whole new stronger me.”
“I knew you’d like it here.” She says, then raises an eyebrow in a way that makes you sure she is about to ask about boys. “So, has anyone caught your eye? That Namjoon boy has been looking over to you an awful lot tonight.”
“Mooooom!” You whine, nudging her ribs with your elbow. “It’s not like that. You are just imagining it.”
“Okay, whatever you say, sweetie.” 
Before you can protest more your mom is swept away by the many students that want to speak with her. This is something you’ve become used to over the years. Everyone wants to pick your mom’s fascinating brain. 
Most of your evening after that is spent speaking to guests. Hiyyih joins you and stays close by engaging with whoever will listen to her. Which is a lot of people because of her last name. You wish they were listening to her because of her brilliant mind and not because of Kai. Question after question is answered until you think you might pass out if you have to talk about the research equipment you will never use one more time. 
There is a stretch of time after that where Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung join you. They each have a drink in their hand and standing close to them you can tell they have a buzz going. There is the slightest smell of alcohol breaking through the scent of each of their colognes. The conversation stays appropriate for the environment you’re in. Professor Oak would not want the wrong ears to hear the night's prized jewels speaking like they were just a few nights ago at dinner. Jimin is talking about the different types of Combees when you decide it’s time for a drink.   
Standing next to the bar without a drink in your hand yet, Yoongi's mom finally approaches you. She looks elegant as ever with a tired smile on her face. You aren’t sure how you feel about talking to her, but you were sure she would want to. It wasn’t something you thought you would need to do again. You didn’t think you would be attending these kinds of events anytime soon. This woman helped raise you in so many ways now you don’t even want to look her in the eye. She gives you a side hug that you return hesitantly. 
“How are you doing, Y/N?” She asks and when you don’t say anything for a moment she asks another question. “Yoongi’s not giving you a hard time is he?”
Of all the things to ask. Has Yoongi been telling her his own version of how things are going? You wouldn’t say he’s been giving you a hard time, but it hasn’t been particularly easy. Is it bad to wish you had never dated him at all? Going back to the friendship you once shared is all you could wish to happen, but that can never happen. The two of you crossed the line.  
“I’m okay.” You reply playing with the fabric on your dress nervously. “We haven’t spoken much. He tried to give me an explanation but I don’t really want to hear it.”
She nods in understanding. “Even if you aren’t dating my son I am always here for you. When he left I wasn’t aware of the full scope of what was happening. He never meant to hurt you. Quite the opposite actually. He was trying to protect you. I would suggest you hear him out, but whether or not you want to pick up where you left off is your decision.”
What could he have possibly been trying to protect you from? You don’t need protection. If anything he needs more protection than you. Time and time again you have prevailed as the stronger trainer. Why wouldn’t he want your help?
“We are beyond picking up where we left off, but what was he trying to protect me from?”
Yoongi’s mom hesitates as if she’s toying with whether she wants to tell you the truth or a modified version or perhaps a straight lie. After he left you haven’t been able to trust any member of his family quite the same. Being around his mother brings up so many good memories that are tainted by his betrayal of your trust. 
“It’s best if he tells you that.” An uncomfortable look crosses her face. “I’m not sure in how much detail he wants to explain where he was and what he was doing.”
“Are any of us in immediate danger?” You ask keeping your face cool and calculated despite the cocktail of emotions brewing inside your chest.  
“No, not any immediate danger.” Yoongi’s mom says warily like she wants to say more.  
“Okay then I’ll keep that in mind.” You say picking up the glass of cider you ordered from the bar. The glass is cool against your hand and you take the first sip before continuing. “If you’ll excuse me I’d like to see my mom before she leaves for the night.”
Except you don’t find your mom. Your eyes scan the room for the man you once thought was the love of your life. With large unattractive gulps you down your cider before cornering Yoongi. Professor Oak is showing off one of his newer pokemon so the majority of the guests are on the other side of the ballroom. 
“What were you trying to protect me from?” You demand as you close in on him until you are just feet apart. 
“Hello to you too.” Yoongi says, swirling the whiskey in the glass he’s holding before taking a sip. When did his taste change? He didn’t like dark liquor before he left. “I saw you were talking to my mom. How’d that go?”
“You wanted to give me an explanation. So go. Explain.” The words are flying from your mouth sharply.
“Beautiful, do you really think this is the best place for that?”
“Don’t call me that.” You hiss wishing the old pet name didn’t make your heart sting. A word that once made you so happy causing you so much pain. “What were you trying to protect me from?”
“The less you know the safer it is for you.” “You left me with no explanation why should I believe you are still trying to protect me.” “Because I still lo—”
“Y/N! Yoongi!” Yunjin interrupts, throwing a knowing look your way as if she’s trying to save you from the conversation you are having. You turn to look at her. Chaewon is holding her hand looking like she’s had a few drinks herself from the flush of her skin. “Everyone’s leaving but we want to keep the good vibes going. So meet me in the violet dorm in an hour!”
“Pajamas are preferred!” Chaewon adds, swinging her hand that is intertwined with Yunjin’s as she speaks. “Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon are coming too!”
“Can I bring Hiyyih?” You ask, pulling your mind away from the man standing behind you. 
You don’t want to leave Hiyyih out and honestly you will feel better having her there. She already understands you on a different level than anyone else. It’s like the two of you were made to be best friends. Fate only brought you together when it was needed most. When you need someone new to push you to new lengths and understand you deeper than anyone else has. 
“Of course! I couldn’t find her or I would have invited her too.” Yunjin replies with a wide smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.” Yoongi says quickly leaving before you can get another word in. 
The couple leaves hand in hand and you find Hiyyih several minutes later in the bathroom. Thankfully, she was just emptying her bladder and not her stomach. You are nearly out the door when your mom stops you. Her arms wrap around you tightly squeezing warmth into your heart. 
“I’ll let you go with your friends, but please be safe.” She says when she pulls away to hold you at arm's length. “And here take these. A Hoenn professor gave them to me but I think you two could make better use of them.”
You obtained six Timer Balls. In your own research you learned that the Timer Ball is a special Pokeball that makes it easier to capture pokemon the longer your battle with it lasts. This type of Pokeball is not common in this part of the region. Closer to where Hiyyih lives they are easier to find.
“Thank you!” Hiyyih exclaims enthusiastically and you know if you don’t pull her away now she is going to start talking to your mother about the mechanics of the ball. 
“I love you, mom.” You say as you grip Hiyyih’s bicep and pull her out of the door.
“I love you too, sweetie.” Mom replies laughing at the way you are dragging your friend away.
Before heading back to the dorm you descend the long staircase into Mesagoza in search of snacks and if you pick up some alcohol on the way that’s no one else’s business.   
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jupiterfallz · 8 months
BTS (bangtan) x Batfam crossover
Dick, retelling a story about a girl he was flirting with: She said, she said, she said she’s from Hawaii. How you say cute in Japanese? Kawaii
Roy: duuuuude
Jason: *face palming in the background*
26 notes · View notes
littlemessyjessi · 1 year
"Cure of Infection: A BTS x SKZ Crossover Zombie Apocalypse Story: Part One
Tumblr media
The scenario:  Post apocalyptic AU.  Zombie Apocalyse AU. 
So this IS a BTS fic technically but in reality it's somewhat of a BTS x SKZ cross over and there will be other idols mixed in as well because I think it makes it special and also I got creative liberty and I'm letting my mind run wild.   And it's poly b/c it's the end of the world, dammit and there's enough shit going on.  I say if you find love, hold on to that shit.  
The setting:   The world has gone to absolute shit.  A virus wiped out a good portion of the population and the entire planet plummeted into chaos leaving the inhabitants struggling to survive. 
Two pairs of feet scuffled across the street.  
The dirt and crime of a time not too long ago still stains the world like a fading bruise. 
It wasn't that long ago at all and yet at times it felt like ages ago. 
"N-Noona… I- I don't think I can keep going."  
The voice is breathless and the woman can tell it's because it's struggling to breath. 
"Yes, you can, Lixie.  I got you.  Come on." she said, tightening her hold on him, basically supporting him at this point.  "We gotta get back home.  Binnie is waiting on us with promises of cuddles.   And Minho is probably making supper.  I'll bet it's delicious." 
He forced a laugh, the deep rumbling sound, almost broken and she could tell that tears were building up. 
"Noona, I've been bitten.  I- I - I can't go back." he said. 
"Felix." she said.  "You are going back with me.  No matter what.  I promised you.  You and me forever. You're gonna be fine. We just need to get home and I'll clean the bite and it'll be ok."
"But Noona… it's too far." he said, emotions finally getting the best of him. 
"No." she stated firmly, stopping to completely pull him onto her back. "It's alright.  I'll look after you.  I always do." 
She could Felix crying into her neck as she navigated the streets. 
Ever watchful and on the lookout for Creepers. 
That's what they called them.  
It made it a little easier to do what you needed to do. 
It hurt at times because eventually you ran into someone who you used to know… and they were just gone. 
A shadow of who they used to be. 
She moved along for the longest time, just surging forward. 
She had to get Felix back. 
A groan from over her shoulder made her freeze in her tracks. 
Felix's normal groan was tinged with something and when she looked, his usually beautiful dark eyes had gone cloudy. 
"Shit." she cursed and she hurried him off to the side behind a dumpster.  "Hold on, Lixie.  Hold on." 
He was turning. 
She thought they had more time.  
She knew it would be close but she honestly thought she could get him back but as soon as she ripped his shirt open, she discovered why. 
It wasn't just one bite but two. 
More bites, more virus, faster acceleration, less time. 
She leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead, grasping his freckled cheeks for a moment. 
"It's ok, Lixie.  Noona will fix it.   I'm sorry, baby.  I'm so sorry.  It's gonna hurt but try not to scream if you can."  she said, hands shaking as fear overtook her. 
She couldn't lose Felix. 
Not Felix.  
She'd already lost so many people. 
She couldn't lose him. 
Not her Lixie. 
She pulled the bicycle pump that she had rigged from her bag and attached it to the worse bite.  
"I'm sorry, baby." she whispered before she started pumping. 
He went to scream and she had to stop and slam her hand over his mouth. 
"You gotta be quiet, Felix." she said, tears actually rolling down her face at this point. 
She was scared. 
"Hey, do you need help?" 
She jumped at the sound of the deep voice peering around the corner at her. 
Instantly on guard. 
There were still people left but a good portion of them were absolutely vicious. 
Not all of them … but she'd met a good deal who weren't so kind. 
She didn't have time for this and instantly drew her weapon.   
She couldn't deal with this!  
If she didn't hurry up she was going to lose Felix! 
The stranger put his hands up, "Hey, hey.  Listen, I'm not a threat.  I saw you limping in here with him.   He looks like he's bitten.  And I hate to say it but I mean…" 
He trailed off and she thrust the sword at him. 
"Shut up." she snapped. "I know what I'm doing.  I can fix it if I can get back to it.   I just have to get it before he-  Felix?  Lixie?!" 
Felix's head had tilted back and his mouth fell open. 
She gasped in horror and shook him. 
"No, Lixie. Please, baby!" she said, reattaching the contraption and pumping furiously. 
The newcomer watched in amazement as she pulled the thick black sludge from the bite mark until it began to turn back to the normal color of his blood. 
She wiped it off on her shirt before repeating the same on the other wound. 
Felix thrashed around as she did because the process was extremely painful. 
"I know, Lixie.  I'm sorry, baby. I have too.  It's ok.  Noona will fix it.   Noona will fix it.  Noona's got you." she said, full panic setting into her tone. 
The man sat down beside her and actually flinched back at the aggressive look she gave him. 
He put his hands up, "Hey, I swear I'm not gonna do anything.   What do you need?  I'll help.  I-I had no idea this was even possible.  I- what can I do?"
She never slowed in her process of drawing out the thick black goo from Felix's bite.  
"Just- just keep watch.  And hold this against the other one.  I'm scared he'll bleed to death before I can treat him." she said sniffling. "Please… and thank you." 
He nodded, grabbing the cloth sticking out from her back pocket and pressing it again Felix's torso, making him groan again. 
"Put your hand over his mouth." she whispered, "If he keeps screaming, he's going to draw them and then we're all fucked." 
"I'm Taehyung by the way." the stranger said doing as she asked and keeping a look out.  "Do you have anywhere to go?  How far are you staying from here?" 
She hesitated in answering as she finished the pumping of the other bite and pressed a cloth into it.  
"We… do. But it's too far right now.  I need to treat him right now… and not on the side of the street.  He'll be ok for now.  I've pulled the cells out but that means he's lost a lot of blood and I need to get some medicine in him and a transfusion or… he.." she said, her voice thick with emotion. 
"Noona…" Felix said weakly, eyes opening again to reveal those deep dark orbs she loved so much. 
"I'm here, Lixie. I'm here." she said holding his face and pressing another kiss to his forehead. 
Taehyung stared at them for a moment longer, "Come with me then.  My base isn't too far.  And I'll help you carry him." 
She was hesitant and he sighed. 
"I know you don't trust me.  No one trusts anyone anymore but you just said that you need to treat him and by the looks of you, you're about to fall over any moment now.   You can't carry him anymore either." he said.  "Just accept the help."  
She stared at Felix for a moment later, searching his eyes for an answer. 
"Let's go with him, Noona.  So we can go home.  I want to make it home." Felix said. 
She nodded before turning to look at Taehyung. 
She searched his wide dark eyes, looking for a sign of deception but she saw nothing but kindness and worry in that moment. 
"Ok, thank you." she said.  
Taehyung nodded, helping her get Felix to his feet and slung over their shoulders. 
"We can't go back in the main street." he said and he could already see her beginning to panic.  "He's bleeding too much and there's too much risk of being seen.  But I do know a short cut.  I know this is pointless but you're gonna have to trust me." 
She nodded, "Let's just get him somewhere safe.   I have a short window for treatment before it -  let's just go." Taehyung nodded. 
He didn't have a clue how she planned to do treatment. 
He knew all too well what happened when people got bitten.   
It didn't go away. 
It just got worse. 
But then again, he had never seen anyone pull the cells of the virus out before. 
He didn't even realize that was possible and judging by the look of the young man… it had almost killed him in and of itself. 
Taehyung hurried them along through a small building into a dark alleyway. 
"It's just a little further and we'll reach the gate." he whispered. "You'll be safe." 
She nodded but a low, distorted groan sounded behind them.  
A creeper was close, most likely following the scent of Felix's blood. 
"Get him to safety." she snapped at Taehyung, pulling her backpack off and flinging it towards him.  "There are three syringes of medicine in there.  Give them to him thirty minutes apart.  He'll need a blood transfusion after that.  There are clean supplies in a box at the bottom." 
"I can't just-" he said. 
"Just tell them I'm coming and let me in when I get there.  I'll find it.  That way right?" she said, drawing the sword. 
"But… what if you get bitten?" he asked fearfully. 
Felix's eyes flickered, "Noona, no! Don't leave me!" 
"Go with Taehyung, Lixie.  I'll find you.   I always do." she said before she charged away from them and around the corner. 
Taehyung was frozen for a second and only brought from his thoughts when Felix sniffled in his arms. 
"Come on." he said. "It's ok, man.  I got you.  She'll be back." 
Taehyung pulled Felix along until they reached the gate. 
"Taehyung-ah, who is that?" Namjoon's voice sounded through the system at the gate.  "He looks like he's been bitten, Taehyung.  You know we-" 
"Just let us in and I'll explain, hyung." Taehyung said, glancing behind him, hoping and praying that the woman would appear any second. 
The gate opened and Taehyung pulled Felix through. 
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Hellllo, loves! Ok, so I know this is angsty as hell but I just really wanted to do something like this.  I like angst. I like supernatural and horror and honestly the zombie thing gets me.  So I hope you like the crossover and are excited for the future of this story!  If you do, please let me know because while it's not necessary it does really help me to know what is liked and it does give me motivation to keep going.   
Thank you so much! 
Love, K 
Hey, loves! I hope you liked it! I'm trying out new content styles! If you liked, it please let me know!
Love, K
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scarlet2007 · 9 months
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ ₊︶꒷꒦︶
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Fandoms i currently write for:
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・BTS.
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・Hunter x Hunter.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・Harry Potter.
˳✧₊┊[ 4 ]・Marvel.
˳✧₊┊[ 5 ]・The Witcher.
˳✧₊┊[ 6 ]・Omniscient reader's viewpoint.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
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⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Bangtan boys ₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Jimin ]
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Highschool sweethearts.
- Summary: You caught the attention of the highschool sweetheart.
- Genre: Yandere, Kidnapping.
No work for other members available yet, feel free to request.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
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⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Hunter x Hunter ₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Illumi Zoldyck ]
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・ Illumi x reader
- Summary: Illumi finally kidnaps his S/O.
- [ Series ]
[ Adult trio + Kurapika ]
˳✧₊┊[ 💜 ]・To tame a mermaid's heart.
- Summary: After being kidnapped by Chrollo, a certain clown and assassin took an interest in her as her childhood friend, Kurapika Kurta, tried to free her from the clutches of those monsters. But perhaps, Kurapika has become one too.
No work for other characters available yet, feel free to request!
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⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Harry Potter ₊︶꒷꒦︶
Upcoming series: Tom Riddle x reader.
No work available yet, feel free to request!
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⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ The Witcher₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Geralt ]
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・The Witcher's Witch.
- Summary: Being rescued by the Witcher after being accused of being a Witch was the last thing you expected in life. But it looks like kindness can go a long way if shown to the right people.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
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⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Omniscient Reader₊︶꒷꒦︶
Upcoming series.
No work for any characters available yet, feel free to request!
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
Things I don't mind writting for:
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Yandere theme.
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・Dark themes.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・Romance.
˳✧₊┊[ 4 ]・Non - Yandere themes / Fluff / Angst.
˳✧₊┊[ 5 ]・Characters / members / reader as hybrid.
˳✧₊┊[ 6 ]・Characters / members / reader as super natural beings.
˳✧₊┊[ 7 ]・Crossovers in certain fandoms. [Only if I feel like it will fit]
˳✧₊┊[ 8 ]・Poly relationships.
˳✧₊┊[ 9 ]・There are more stuff that I am down to write for, feel free to request!
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Things I will not write:
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Non-con, smut. [I am very much underage.]
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・Pregnancy, miscarriage, one night stands.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・Pedophilia, Huge age-gap [Like 20-30 years, I don't mind a 10 years age gap but anything above 15 is a no for me]
˳✧₊┊[ 4 ]・Open relationships.
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- Before requesting, please keep in mind that if the idea doesn't spark the writer in me, i might not write it, no hard feelings. I just write when I feel that inspiration. Again, no hard feelings! [ Don't let this discourage you from requesting! ]
- Also, I don't have a schedule.
- And there might be a lot of things that I may / may not write for that I forgot to mention as I am still figuring out my writing style and what I feel comfortable doing.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
𝐸𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎!
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ ₊︶꒷꒦︶
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Things I dont like of Chapter 2 (the rise of solos)
You have heard me say it more than once that I don't like Chapter 2.
After much thought, and internal reflexions (cause sometimes I catch myself being mad or sad) I want to share with you the reasons (as a therapy):
1. There is no Ot7 content. Obviously, it's not the purpose, but if we want to see our favorites together (e.g. jikook), it's hard, and it makes me very sad 😥. There is only content from those who have something to promote, and so they do crossover, or a 2 x 1 (even in the design department).
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2. Chapter 2 is the rise of solos, and maybe the end of the power or strength Army (as fandom) used to have. 
The true face of many accounts that are SOLO has come out. 
And when I say “SOLO”, I mean those who want the artist outside of BTS. I respect all opinions. But, if I knew that was their pov from the outset, I would not follow those accounts. Still, I follow accounts that follow and agree with those accounts... 😓😓 and the fact is that I don't know what the fuck to do, because sometimes I have the feeling that I need to start over and do a clean up, even though that would mean not following moots that I appreciate a lot.
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I'm a bit of a solo myself. We all are. With our favorites. It's logical. 
But I want BTS back in 2025 or 2026.  I don't want any of them to leave the group unless they want to. 
And so far, they have expressed their willingness to be back together. I don't know... maybe they are constantly lying to us... or maybe it's the FUCKING TRUTH! 
As solos become more polarized, fandom will lose strength.
3. I do NOT like Hybe's planning at all. I'm sorry for what I'm going to do now, which is to compare, but it doesn't seem right to me that Hobi, for example, had almost 4 months for it (from July 15th when JiTB was released til mid October when Jin released the Astronaut) and Jimin only 4 weeks. Of course, the solution is to give more time to Jimin (not shade to my dear Hobi).
Let's see... wasn't this supposed to have been planned for a long time? This chapter 2.... 
Didn't Suga or RM have some songs already prepared before? 
Why not the vocal line? 
And what the fuck happened to the 3 songs and 3 MVs that Jungkook was talking to Hobi in early 2021?
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Something is wrong here? Do you see it too?
4. In addition to planning, it should be added that Hybe is being very negligent in the way it promotes its biggest intangible assets: BTS members. I won't expand on this, because I already made a post.
But I do want to add something. It is good for all of us to speak out and raise our voices in the face of injustice. But we have to keep in mind that the solution is in Hybe now and the radio issue.
In my opinion, it is not organic to make massive purchases to boost anyone's position. I mean, from my pov, the merit is to take the song to the top 1 because everyone who listens to it, likes it, and then "it sounds more and more" and also they buy it. Army is needed, especially at the begining, but can't be the only source of success of BTS. 
BTS members deserve to be EXPORTED worldwide! Hybe DO YOUR JOB! 
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5. Despite some glimpses of change (i.e. Bangtan naked era 😏) some things remain the same, to my own disappointment (but my fault & my expectations).
By this I mean certain very Kpop dynamics, which BTS still respects. Despite their privileged position and sailing between two seas: kpop and more western culture .... I think it's clear to us that where they are living influences their behaviour.
By this I mean all: the subject of women, how they should present themselves in front of Army, maintaining the illusions of the "ships", having  impeccable friends and collaborations (although as drinking is culturally accepted there, that seems to be well seen...).
It is funny to me when I see a lot of my PJMS-moots think that everything Jimin is going to do is always some kind of "coming out". There may be glimpses, and hints, but nothing could be further from the truth. Expectations of him are very high (free him from that burden!).... and they forget that he is one of the members who has the most respect for the elders and for his culture and values. If you talk to K-army they will point out that Jimin speaks with impeccable respect for Army. It's not for nothing that he's always at the top of the reputation rankings.
(Side note: maybe that's why the final part of "Letter" is so important, that it's not written in informal and that Jimin would never sing in that tone to Army).
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There are things that have not changed and I wished they would change. For instance:
- I never expected jikook to come out of the closet, if I'm correct and they are together. But I also didn't expect such a level of misguidedness and protection (compared to other members, with whom they seem to go out to the theatre, football or drinking with no problem).
- I expected Taejennie to attend a premiere together, of some of their actor friends, and they didn't even greet each other at the Harry Styles concert. 
I don't think I'll ever get over this. 
Even if you don't think they're a couple, and that it was all a set-up (a bit naive, actually), it's impossible to think that they don't know each other, given that they share a lot of friends (starting with the Paradise family). 
But on the contrary, to cover up what for me is obvious, Tae has over-used certain mass-raising behaviours.... you know what I mean.
- I thought Jimin was going to tell us a bit more about his album, and he censored things for the minors in his vlive. I will never forgive our Jiminie for this.😣
I still have faith in Jungkook's recent misbehavior 😂. Although not much either.... But if he comes out in one pic alone with Calvins, I'll adore him for life and think there's hope for change 🥹
Anyway... the best thing about this era is seeing their talent and getting to know their solo works. Obviously. And of course to see how all the top brands want them...
and  how they show more and more skin! hahahahaha....Let's enjoy it...
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cr: @taebokkiii
Don't get me wrong.  I'd rather 10 times “chapters 2″ than see them go off to military service.
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And I needed to make this post, because it's a way to get out the helplessness I feel these months (while I also think about what to do with my twitter experience lately and the rise of solos).
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stormblessed95 · 4 months
dunno if you’ve answered something similar but i saw you mentioning fics from the pjo-verse so i just wanna ask who u think jimin’s and jungkook’s godly parents are???? and the rest of bts???
and have you encountered any jikook fics with mythological themes? doesnt have to be riordanverse. greek, roman, egyptian, norse ANYTHING IDC i just wanna read some!!!
percabeth was my otp growing up the way jikook is mine now, so the pjo tv show airing really made me come back to my roots!!! if i could find anything jikook x pjo/mythology that would be peak happiness 😩
Oooo interesting request! I haven't personally read any, I don't tend to read a lot of RPS fics personally, so I can't vouch for any of this, if they are any good or not... But searching for fandom crossovers (Bangtan Boys and Percy Jackson) on AO3 and for the pairing you want (Jikook) is a really good place to start for that. The search engine there is honestly really great. I'm sure there has to be at least one!
From a Google search, this blog account has listed some fics with the vibes you are looking for
And then here I just searched on AO3 under the tags "Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin" and "Alternate Universe - Mythology" and it came up with 98 fics. Lol you can organize them by kudos or whatever else you want but that's a good place to start I bet!
SO SORRY I can't give more of a personalized recommendation as I haven't read any myself, but I hope you find some that work for you!!
If you want more in depth reasons for my choices, we can come back to it lmao but for now off the top of my head I might go with Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hestia and/or Artemis for Jimin, and Apollo, Zeus, Demeter and/or Hermes for Jimin.
CLEARLY I have a hard time deciding and I can see some of each of their domains in them at various times depending on which way they are leaning lol
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