#bask and Lather
bellaso-bomb · 7 months
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moonlitdesertdreams · 3 months
Too Sweet
A/N: Hi friends. I haven't written anything in a while, as I've been tussling with my mental health and raging SAD from the weather near me. Please accept this Mandalorian drabble? Rambling? Takes place between the end of season two and Din's appearance in the Book of Boba Fett. Tags: The Mandalorian, Mandalorian x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader, Mandalorian x F!Reader, Apostate!Din WARNINGS: None Summary: You've been a safe place for Din Djarin for years. He comes to you at his most vulnerable, but always has to leave before you're ready. Title inspired by the Hozier song of the same name.
Word count: 1.6k+
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Hours later, you’re still in shock.
Din Djarin is in bed next to you, sans helmet.
It wasn’t unusual for him to be in your home- hell, it would be more unusual for him not to be there between jobs. Your Mandalorian had spent years visiting, hovering somewhere in between a lover and a partner. He shows up in the afternoon one day, and is gone early in the morning before you wake. When he returns, beaten and bruised, you chastise him for leaving without saying goodbye. The routine was comfortable. Familiar. 
Except every other time he had been there, you had never seen his face. 
It feels like a dance each time he comes. You tend to his wounds quickly but gently, lathering cuts and bruises in bacta before wrapping bandages or slings where necessary to let the medication heal. Once you’ve played nurse, Din secludes himself to your study to eat dinner. And each time, without fail, he leads you to the bedroom to extinguish the fireplace and blow out your candles. His hands find your body, and he ravishes you in the darkness. 
Key word being darkness.
Today was the same song and dance. He’d limped into your cabin without greeting, shaking snow from his armored body and settling himself into a kitchen chair while you fussed. A tube of bacta and half a roll of bandages later, he silently trudged away to eat in the study. There was a distinct lack of little green child with him today, which was a major concern after the past year. You suspected it had something to do with the oppressive sense of sorrow following him through the house. So you carried on with your usual routine, asking little to no questions. It wasn’t until he’d crowded you up against the sink, bowl still in your grip as you rinsed it, that he spoke. 
Strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, and you leaned back into an unarmored chest. In hindsight, you chastised yourself for not noticing the words lacked the electrical buzz of a vocoder. 
“Din.” You returned.
He only grunts, right hand gliding up your side. It grips your shoulder, and presses until you turn to face him, bowl still gripped in your damp fingers. 
“You know, words are- Din!”
The porcelain bowl shattered as it collided with the kitchen floor. You’d dropped it out of pure instinct, hands flying up to cover your eyes. As much as you’d tried to forget what you saw, it was burned into your brain. Wavy hair, long nose with a scar crossing the bridge of it. Big, brown eyes that couldn’t possibly belong to someone so stern and ruthless. It flashes across your mind, and you almost tear up at the thought of Din breaking his Creed after all these years. 
But he’d pulled your hands away and explained - while your eyes are still pinched closed- that he was an apostate. The Child was returned to his own people, but at the cost of Din’s Creed. It had taken minutes of coaxing and reassurance, but you’d opened your eyes and cursed the universe for being so cruel as to hide such a face. From the set of his brow to the nervous biting of his lip, you basked in seeing so much bare skin. It took less time for him to attach his lips to yours and lead you out of the kitchen.
He’d taken you to bed, and now here you sit. 
Your room isn’t anything special. Quaint and cozy if nothing else, with two small windows that face out over the mountain’s edge. A fireplace flickers opposite the bed, its warmth trickling out to the sheets and heating your toes. Two bookshelves border either side of your headboard, with a nightstand tucked on Din’s side of the bed. On it, the usually extinguished candles burn bright. 
The firelight flickers against Din’s tan skin, highlighting each bead of sweat and curled tendril of hair where it sticks to his forehead. He’s naked, back propped against the headboard and covered in a maroon sheet from the waist down. You’ve donned a short silk robe, black and bordered with laces where it plunges between your breasts. You lay between his legs above the sheets, head on his chest. One of his large hands caresses your scalp and trails to the ends of your hair. The other hand is occupied by a half-full glass of old Corellian whiskey. 
You trace a line of yellow bruises on his hip where they extend below the sheet on his lap. 
“What happened to you?”
His chest rumbles. “I fought an Imperial Moff. And Imperial battle droids.”
Your eyes widen, and you sit up. Din’s hand leaves your hair to grasp at your waist, pulling you to face him.
“Stars, Din.” You reach out to touch a patch of black and blue skin over his collarbone. “No wonder you’re so beat up. I’ll get you some more bacta before we go to sleep.”
He lifts your fingers from his collarbone to his mouth, kissing each fingertip. “You’re too good to me, cyar’ika.”
“You deserve it.” Is your instant reply. 
If there was anything you knew about Din, it was that he never quite comprehended the good he brought to the world. 
The Mandalorian brings the whiskey to his lips and takes a swig. You opt to push an errant curl behind his ear. 
“I’m not a good man,” Your name falls off his tongue like honey. “Spent my whole life as kyramud.” 
You tilt your head at the Mando’a. He’d called you some pet names for years- mesh’la, cyar’ika. But this… kyramud was new. Without his helmet, hearing anything out of his mouth was like a drug. But Mando’a warmed you to the core, building off Din’s comfort and fondness when he spoke the ancient tongue. You yearned to know more. 
“Teach me Mando’a.” You kiss him gently, tasting the whiskey where it lingers on his lips. “So I can tell you why you deserve every bit of kindness.”
Din adjusts your legs so you’re sitting square between his, rear end on the bed and legs straddling his waist. He props you up with the ridiculous amount of pillows lying around. 
“I’ll teach you anything you want.” Din strokes your knee. “Where do I start?”
You chew on your bottom lip. “What am I to you?”
“Ner cyare.” He pauses, debating. The whiskey makes another appearance, and you’re distracted by his Adam's apple bobbing deliciously in the column of his throat. “Naysol uj par ni. Each day I see you is aay’han.”
“What does that mean?”
Din tilts your chin up. “My beloved. Too sweet for me.”
You blush. “What about the end? Ay-hen?”
“Aay’han. Mourning and joy. At the same time.” He finishes the whiskey. “I mourn when I leave you here.”
Much to your annoyance, tears prick your eyes at the reminder that when you closed them, he would be gone before you woke. “Don’t remind me. Please.”
Din leans forward to capture your lips with his. The sensation only serves to make the stinging behind your eyes worse, and a single tear drips down your cheek. He’s quick to kiss it away, large hand curling into your hair. You climb all the way into his lap, suddenly desperate for closeness. His skin is hot and damp, and you’ve never felt anything better. 
“Ni ceta. I never meant to hurt you.”
You sniffle against his neck. “Just promise me you’ll say goodbye from now on.”
He wets two fingers with his tongue and extinguishes the candles before cradling you in strong arms. Two words are murmured into your hair, quiet but sound.  
“I promise.”
You grip him tighter than ever, warmth sadly fading as the dread of morning envelopes you. 
The reflection of daylight off snow-covered ground wakes you. 
It bounces in your windows, bathing the room in cool white light. You blink slowly, a heaviness settled on all of your limbs. It’s a familiar soreness that aches from your shoulders to between your legs, dredging up memories of the night before. Din’s bare face, and all the sweet words in Mando’a that he tried to teach you before you remembered he can never stay as long as you’d like. You sigh, letting one of your arms dangle off the edge of the bed. The thought of turning over and seeing the candles, thinking about him blowing them out on each visit was too fresh. It’s easier to lay and stew in your sadness, watching fluffy flakes of snow fall. The clock on your wall reads ‘1457’, another unintentional reminder of your late-night escapades.
You hate to admit that the feeling makes you tear up again. So you lay in bed, curled beneath a thick comforter while the fireplace crackles its last few breaths towards your feet. It’s easier to stare at the snow than it is to close your eyes and think about Din. 
“Damn it.” You breathe. 
“What are you damning?”
You swear that you stop breathing for a moment. Despite the fact that he had already spoken, you ask aloud, “Din?”
The sounds of bare feet padding across the floor nears, and the Mandalorian appears in your vision. Barefoot and clad only in a pair of loose gray lounge pants that tighten at his ankles. His abdomen is without cover, displaying an array of healing bruises and deep scars. You sit up, letting your feet hang off the bed. 
“You’re still here?” You look at the clock again. “At 1500?”
Din smiles, kneeling in front of you. He presses a mug of steaming Caf into your hands and a kiss to your forehead. 
“If it’s alright with you… I might be for a while.”
It’s your turn to smile as he smoothes away your bedhead. 
“No arguments.” You sip at the warm mug. “I’ll keep taking my Caf in bed, though.”
As always, if you enjoy please like/reblog and check out my links for more :)
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jinwoosungs · 4 months
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{ 013 }
- how they say goodnight to you -
featuring: gojo, geto, nanami, megumi, yuta
[ gojo ☽ ]
the moment gojo finds you already caught in a deep slumber was the only time he willingly remains quiet. his usually upbeat and cheerful voice being toned down into a hushed whisper of your name; the affection he felt for you being so evident and clear.
even his footsteps were lighter, tiptoeing across the hardwood flooring of your shared room as a soft smile graces his features. he carefully sheds off his clothes, never once looking away from the sight of your sleeping features. once he was comfortable enough, donning only a t-shirt and shorts, did he finally slide beneath the covers with you.
gojo feels the way you stir in your sleep, softly whispering to you how he was finally home to protect you from all the scary curses that go bump in the night. from beneath the pale lighting of the moon, he swore that he saw your sweet smile as you instinctively inched closer to him.
he wraps his arms around you, aquamarine eyes shining with absolute love and adoration, bringing you even closer to him when he wraps his arms around your back. his eyes slide shut while he allows his parted lips to meet with your forehead in a sweet kiss.
"goodnight, my love. i hope you have sweet dreams about me..."
[ geto ☽ ]
geto was never one to reject your need for affection, so when he heard your sweet voice calling out to him, asking if you could stay with him whilst he read-
who was he to deny his lover- of denying you of your wishes and desires?
so he extends his arms out to you, gaze appearing soft with an expression he only saves for you. during intimate moments like these, where it seems like it was just you and him against the world, geto knew that he could remain vulnerable with you.
for not only did he trust you with his heart, but his soul as well.
he basks in your purrs of his name, settling yourself atop his lap, the sensation feeling pure and familiar, like coming home. geto allows the tip of his nose to grace at your soft strands of hair before opening his book, reading to you, allowing his rich voice to fill at your ears.
geto had gotten perhaps 3 pages into reading the novel aloud when the sudden sounds of a soft snore was heard coming from below him. moving the novel to the side, he looks down at you with a tranquil expression, realizing that you had just fallen asleep on him.
"my my, what am i going to do with you?" he chuckles to himself softly before leaning in to press his lips against your cheek.
"rest well... i'll be here when you awaken."
[ nanami ☽ ]
feeling guilty for always coming home so late, it was truly nanami's decision to take some time off work and spend the day with you-
after all, it's what you deserved.
he swore that he lived to see you the joy paint your beautiful features, basking in the sounds of your laughter as you jumped into his arms. nanami would let out a soft chuckle while saying your name, allowing your infectious happiness to seep into him.
nanami, being the wonderful boyfriend that he always was, spends the day absolutely spoiling you. he takes you to your favorite restaurant and allows you to buy anything you wished to buy, stopping by your favorite stores while holding all of your bags.
never once did he complain, being so utterly in love with you that he felt fulfilled by just seeing your smile alone.
he ends up completing the day by sharing a bath with you, taking his time washing your beautiful form while lathering shampoo within your hair. as he continues to wash your body, he felt you slumping forward, nearly landing face first within the warm waters had he not caught you in time.
nanami calls out your name in a bit of a panic, "honey, are you alright?!"
only when he hears you letting out a yawn did he visibly relax, resting his back against the tub while chuckling. "i'm sorry, honey, are you getting sleepy?" his voice was filled with mirth when he presses a kiss against your bare shoulder.
"mhmm, just a little bit, ken..."
without saying another word, he wraps his arms around your front, bringing your naked back closer to his chest as he presses kisses against your damp skin.
"go ahead and rest, love... i won't be going anywhere anytime soon... i love you."
[ megumi ☽ ]
because megumi could finally enjoy the weekend, taking a break from classes, he decided to humor you and spend the night staying up watching b-rated horror films with you on your laptop.
none of the jumpscares particularly scared him, and in fact, he found it amusing to hear your laughter at the poorly edited effects. each time you would point at your screen, megumi would simply roll his eyes in response, but inevitably brings you into his arms.
he continues cuddling you even when you both decided to lie down against his mattress. with the scent of your hair overtaking his senses, megumi quickly loses interest in the movie and decides to press lingering kisses against the back of your neck instead.
you didn't seem to mind his kisses, still watching the movie with glee. he basks in your soft giggles, and rewards the sounds of your happiness with even more soft kisses against your skin.
when the movie ends, megumi was the first to sit up, eyes seeing the credits roll when he asks what you would like to watch next. he frowns a bit, not feeling even the slightest twitch coming from you.
feeling panicked, megumi calls out your name while gently shaking you, only to be met with the sounds of your soft snoring. a relief was felt coursing through him when he visibly relaxes.
"i can't believe you fell asleep on me, dummy."
you showed no signs of hearing him, which was perfectly fine in megumi's book, since this meant he could cuddle and spoil you with his kisses without completely embarrassing himself.
letting out a huff, megumi goes back to holding you, pressing your back against his chest once more as his lips worked on kissing the junction between your neck and shoulder.
"goodnight..." his soft voice was heard, allowing the single phrase of i love you to linger within the night air.
[ yuta ☽ ]
yuta found that he couldn't sleep, knowing how much he upset you earlier.
you had gotten into an argument, your insecurities seeming to run at an all time high as you had somehow convinced yourself that yuta stopped loving you because you seldom saw him anymore. he does his best to tell you that he has been keeping busy with his work as a special grade sorcerer; that such distance wasn't anything purposeful on his part-
apparently, that was not the answer you wished to hear.
in a fit of anger, you demand that he sleep on the couch, not wishing him to share the bed with you. because of his shock, yuta ends up remaining rooted to the spot, unable to move.
you had never once kicked him out of your shared room, and the fact that you were doing so now was a clear indication that he had messed up. when he didn't move, you finally acted by tossing a pillow and a thin blanket his way, forcing yuta to hide his hurtful expression as he left for the living room.
he was uncertain with how much time has passed, with the moon already hanging high in the night sky, painting his world in melancholic hues of blue. yuta hated being away from you; he hated hearing the sounds of your soft sobs and how it twisted at his heart so effortlessly.
even when he was caught in misery, he knew he had to make it up to you when morning came, with his mind racing, thinking about all the things he could do to make you smile again.
in the midst of his reveries, he freezes upon hearing the way your bedroom door opens. waiting with bated breath, yuta didn't even dare to move when he catches the familiar sight of your figure coming out of the bedroom and approaching him.
his eyes were wide, seeing you holding your own blanket close to your chest. and your eyes were still rimmed red due to your tears, making yuta call out your name with concern.
you remain silent, simply landing on top of yuta as he lets out an audible groan in response. you bury your head within his chest, and somehow- somehow, yuta knew that all was forgiven.
he allows his arms to wrap themselves around your back, the movement being as natural as breathing to him.
"i still don't forgive you."
"uh huh."
"'m only doing this because i can't sleep."
"yeah, i know baby."
"i'm still mad."
yuta couldn't help but chuckle, hearing the pout in your voice when he leans in to press a kiss against your hair, "how about i make it up to you? would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"
his smile was a triumphant one, feeling your nods against his skin.
"breakfast at your favorite café?"
"and lunch at that beef bowl place while finishing with dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant."
"you got it baby, you got it." yuta lets out a light laughter, evident of the relief he felt as he continued to hold you within his embrace.
he waits for your breathing to slowly even out, drawing imaginary shapes against your back while whispering your name like a reverent prayer.
"goodnight, baby... i hope you know that i will always love you unconditionally..."
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a.n. - because i would love to be kissed goodnight by my favorite jjk men 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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blvckswxnji · 11 months
Tramp Stamp | 🕯️🔗
❦.♱ʚ♡ɞ♱❦. ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊✮‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊ ❦.♱ʚ♡ɞ♱
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Pairings: [Hobie Brown x (f) Reader]
Genre: short fic, (18+)
Warnings: some strong language, smut
Summary: Hobie seems to be fan of your new tattoo…
Word Count: 1.9k
It was originally an impulsive decision on your part. It had been a random Thursday afternoon, and the idea of getting a tattoo on your lower back seemed cool. And so there you were, walking into the tattoo shop, and getting that shit inked into your skin for the next hour or so. When the artist was done, you took the time to admire the beautiful line work etched into the dip of your back.
‘Oh, Hobie’s going to love this when he sees it.’ You thought, as the excitement began bubbling its way into your gut.
You weren’t going to see him until later that night so you decided it was best to take care of it until then. You weren’t going to reveal it to him right away, instead, you wanted him to discover it for himself. You knew the reaction would be worth it. For the rest of the time being, you busied yourself with miscellaneous activities to keep yourself entertained throughout the day.
When the time rolled around for his arrival, you noticed Hobie was running a bit later than usual as he still wasn’t at your place. It was getting late, so you decided on running yourself a shower to get ready for bed. With that, you grabbed your towel, and were off to the bathroom.
Hot showers were the ideal for you, and once it was at the perfect temperature you hopped in. You made sure to be mindful of your tattoo while lathering your body, and couldn’t help but bask in the warmth of the water hitting your somewhat stiff muscles. Your playlist played softly in the background as the bathroom fogged up with steam.
You had become deep within your random shower thoughts when you heard a soft thump coming from your room. You didn’t leave the shower right away as you knew it was Hobie, and were sure he heard the sound of the shower indicating where you were to him.
It wasn’t long before you were done, stepping out of the wet tub and wrapping the towel securely around your figure. After drying off your body, you quickly exited the bathroom as it started to become suffocating. You entered the room where you were met with Hobie who had laid back comfortably on your bed. Eyes closed, legs crossed and hands behind his head. He opened his eyes at the sound of the door closing behind you, smirking when he was met with the sight of you in your towel.
“Well that’s certainly a sight to be welcomed by isn’ it?” He teased, biting his lip as he sat up to make his way towards you.
You flushed at the words, shaking your head. You stood up on your toes as he stood in front of you to peck his lips, his arms wrapping around your waist. You smile at the warmth he enveloped you in.
“What took you so long?” You ask, pulling away to get dressed.
Hobie leans to sit back on your bed. His eyes never leave you as you make your way to your closet to grab a fresh set of clothing to sleep in.
“Oh ya’ know, the same old anomaly bullshit, and Miguel bein’ even more of a damn pain in my ass.” He utters nonchalantly, resting his weight on his hands.
You hum. Still aware of his lingering gaze as you walk back towards your bed.
“You gonna stare at me the whole time?” You ask with raised eyebrows, a hint of a smirk playing on your lips.
“Nothin’ I haven’t seen before right? What, you gettin’ shy love?” He tilts his head to the side teasing the question, giving you a once over.
“No.” Your answer was short. Truth be told, Hobie always knew how to fluster you up, and make you nervous. So, you swiftly move to sit at the edge of the bed and slowly unravel your towel. It sits just above the tattoo on your lower back, so Hobie couldn’t see it just yet. Although, his heavy gaze followed your every move. The cool air hits your upper body immediately and you shiver as a result.
You tug on the cami you picked out, the hem halting just above your midriff, followed by a fresh pair of underwear you slipped on under the towel.
“Sure you’re not.” You defeatedly roll your eyes at that, reaching for your shorts. Standing up, you feel the cool air graze your lower body as the towel slips completely from your form. Although you couldn’t see it, the sharp breath of air that resonated behind you was all you needed to know what Hobie looked like. Still, you pretend not to notice, playing coy.
“Whatever Hobie,” you comment, turning to face him, “wanna watch a movie or something?” You ask, climbing up your bed to hover over him with a smile on your face. You lean in to peck his lips expecting a response, but your movement is suddenly halted as you feel two strong hands grab at your hips, and spin you so that your back is facing him again. You let out a yelp, losing your balance at the sudden movement with your side coming in contact with your mattress.
With not much time to process what was happening, you’re then pushed to lay on your stomach, followed up by the hem of your shorts being pulled down slightly to reveal your full tattoo.
“When were you gonna tell me about this hm?” His voice is low when he asks. His thumb tracing the intricate lines dancing across your skin as he examines the ink. The proximity of his body as he lifts his head to pry you of an answer makes you shiver a bit.
You turn your head to face him, his face inches from yours as his eyes darken.
“Oh this? Got it done earlier, thought you’d like it.” You smirk. “Wanted to surprise you.”
“What, you like it?” You ask him already knowing the answer.
He smirks with hooded eyes as he glances back down at the tattoo, gripping the side of your hip even harder before moving his hand down lower to grasp your ass.
You gasp softly at the feeling.
He leans into your ear. So much so, that his lips caress the shell, creating a tingling sensation across your body.
“Love it so much on you, I want to see it with no clothes on.” He whispers as he tugs at the hem of your shorts to pull them down even further.
You blush at the statement as he begins to lay kisses to your neck. “Hobie I just got dressed, and I just came from the shower.” It was a half-hearted plea, as he continued his motions that made your body heat up in anticipation.
“Shoulda’ thought about that before you got dressed babe.” He quipped, creating bruises on the soft skin of your neck as he moved to hover over you.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him closer to you, threading your fingers in his hair as you move to kiss his lips passionately. “Or maybe I did, and just wanted you to undress me yourself.” You say, looking up at him through your lashes, a hint of mischief in your eyes.
Hobie looks down at you with a smirk on his face. He doesn’t say anything as he leans closer to you, hand traveling under your cami and up towards your breast. High just enough to where his thumb could caress the underside of it.
“In that case, I’m glad to do the honors then.” He mutters before smashing his lips to yours. You would never get enough of how warm they were, and the cold sensation his piercings created when meshed with your lips.
Hobie grabbed the hem of your shirt, breaking away from the kiss to pull it over your head, rendering you nude from the waist up. His hands immediately grabbed at both of your breasts, fingers tweaking at the hardened nipples making your back arch off the bed and into him. He always knew how sensitive they were when you were aroused and it only made him want to pleasure you more.
You feel his hand travel down the length of your back, moving his hand to squeeze the side of your hip before flipping you over once again.
“Swear, you’re gonna give me whiplash if you keep doing that.” You complain as you turn your head to face him.
He grins at your reaction, “relax babe, nothin’ you can’t handle.” He says, pulling your backside up to his front, against his hips.
Hobie then makes quick work of removing his shirt, followed by the removal of your bottoms leaving you completely exposed. His hand runs down the expanse of your back, stopping at the ink that decorated the skin of your lower back.
“It’s so beautiful, can’t wait to see it as I ravish you.” He mutters lightly, making you whimper softly at the words. The next thing you know, you feel his soft lips kiss the dip of your back. You feel them as they drag across your skin, going lower and lower. You shudder when you feel his nose eventually brush against your folds, causing you to moan into your pillow.
“Shit.” You whisper against the fabric as you feel his tongue begin to explore your opening.
“You always taste so good f’me sweetheart.” You blush at his praise. “I need to fuck you right now.” He breathes airily.
“Please Hobie, I need you.” You beg.
It wasn’t long after that you found said man railing into you from behind. Arms behind your arched back, face smothered into the sheets, and loud moans falling from your lips.
The sheer force that Hobie’s hips subjected you to, turned your brain into mush. The sound of skin slapping emitting all throughout the room, while both of your bodies became slick in a thin layer of sweat.
You felt as if your body was going to give out with the rate you two were going at, and Hobie could tell. Yet, he couldn’t help himself. Not when with each slam of his hips, he would be rewarded with the sight of your tattoo rippling in tandem with your skin. The way it moved as he drove himself deeper and deeper into your cunt, drove him insane.
It was just so hot to him.
“Fuck Hobie, I’m gonna come.” You yell, feeling the coil in your abdomen tightening with each thrust.
“Shit, I’m close too.” He utters practically out of breath. He reaches for your neck to pull you up so your back is to his chest. “Come for me baby.” He says, whispering in your ear, thrusting faster.
With that, you are finally pushed to the edge as the coil in your stomach snaps and you come undone on him.
You throw your head back in pure ecstasy, stars clouding your vision behind your eyelids as your moans fill the room. Hobie’s not far behind you as you hear a pleasured groan escape his lips and feel warm liquid fill your walls.
You feel Hobie drop his head onto your shoulder, breathing rapidly as he comes down from his high. Hot breath tickling your neck, before he sets the both of you down, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
You both lay like that for a while, waiting for your bodies to cool down. His fingers softly tracing the outlines of the inked design etched in your back.
You lean into his touch, not wanting the small moment to end as it all was too perfect of a feeling.
You shuffle onto your other side to face him, cupping his jaw and bringing your lips to his in a soothing kiss. Breaking away you smirk at him.
“M’ guessing you liked it then?”
I’m so glad I got this done lmao this whole week has been so tiring for me so I’m sry for the delay. Hope y’all enjoyed! <3
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justblades · 1 year
⌕ BEDEWED, 18+
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⟢ CHARACTER : sampo koski x afab! reader WC : 1.3k
⟢ WARNINGS : EXPLICIT, MDNI. squ!rt!ng, improvised toy, love bites, finger f.
⟢ SUMMARY : a supposedly innocent act of service from your boyfriend goes wrong. the exciting kind of wrong.
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"come on, let's get you cleaned up." the bi haired male coos, signaling for you to enter the bath tub along with him. with gentle movements as you step in, the crystalline, warm waters ripple for a short moment. sampo slowly glides his hands on your dampened skin, making sure to lave every nook and cranny of your body.
the water splashes everywhere considering how large his frame was, accompanied with your lover's humming, playing a melodic tune that chimes smoothly into your ears; one that tugs your heart strings in the right places. meanwhile you bask in the feeling of having someone to rely on - it may be a trivial thing to have someone wash you, but in actuality, it's a rare experience to do it with someone you actually love.
"raise your arm." sampo's light yet silvery voice reverberates inside the bathroom's walls and you follow suit to his command. you lift your arm up, the male proceeds to lather the soap on your naked skin, the spumes of the object gathers on your body and foam bubbles drift away from the undulating waters.
you avert your gaze elsewhere and notice a reflection from the bathroom's walls. you saw how bright sampo's smile is as he does this solely for your benefit - to which you couldn't help but do the same. it's rare moments like these that make you treasure sampo even more, oftentimes showing you sides of him no one has ever seen before.
turning to him, you lay your head on the scuplted plane of his chest, although a hard surface as he was well built; muscular, sampo's strong arms pull you into a relaxing embrace. once you look up to meet his viridescent irises framed by his long fluttering eyelashes, you couldn't resist his charm - eventually sealing a pseudoinnocent kiss on his lips.
sampo seemed composed for someone who was taken aback from your actions, he continues to slip his tongue in and tangle with yours, saliva mixing together creating a lovely, addicting concoction. his breath deepens as he proceeds to grab a hold of both your wrists and pin them on the sides of your body. it was a fervent one, to which you could feel your lover's body heating up in an instant.
the male leans forward to your neck this time, his canines immediately sinking on your dewy skin. sampo nibbles on the sweet spot of your neck, flicking his pointy tongue on the part and vice versa. he merits himself with your own breathy moans, you couldn't help but throw your head back from the pooling satisfaction. "never leave my side, okay?" he asks and leaves the final marking of love and selfishness on your complexion, a large one at that.
meanwhile you attempt to catch your breath as your heart now thrums against your own ribcage. "i could never." you say with a voice no higher than an octave. he beams you a grin in exchange and gives an ephemeral peck on your forehead. however, the bites he marked on your neck still stings.
without wasting any more time, your partner now pays attention to your naked tits. in spite of the wholesome peck from earlier, he laps the other while twirling the bud from his tongue, almost acting like a suction for pleasure. your other boob was being toyed by him, his fingertips fiddling with your nipple. "i love seeing your nipple perk up." he says with no hesitation laced in his words not embarrassment in his tone.
heat rushes to your cheeks, suddenly feeling abashed from sampo's touches. sampo's tongue skillfully swathes your hardened bud and for the other, he pulls it lightly, earning a wince of pain and ecstasy from your drooling lips. your mind drifts into a daze, unable to register what he did just now. he never did that before and this occurrence just unlocked a new pleasure point.
"enough teasing sampo . ." you whine and the navy haired only knits his burrows in return. he withdraws from your chest and meets you in the eye, "we're both having fun, why would i stop?" and suddenly, something prods to your slit, it was hard and thin. you glance down and spread your legs wide apart, only to see him inserting the body of a toothbrush to which your walls were clamping around, followed suit by your gasp. your brows furrow as well, not knowing when he was able to grab it shakes your mind to the core.
just as when you were about to protest, sampo crashes his lips into yours, muffling the following words you wanted to verbalize. he rotates the improvised toy inside your hole, making you stupefied even more. "how does it feel?" he queries and gyrates the tootbrush now with an intent to prevent you from responding.
'this bastard', you could only mentally cuss at him as your mouth was being drowned by his heavenly, sloppy kisses. you feel the corners of his lips tug upwards, an indecent grin sculpting on his face. "my fingers feel better, no?" for a brief moment, the object finally exits your pussy. not for long however is an abrupt intrusion into your cunt once again, this time, it felt thick and wriggling.
your body jolts with immense pleasure and sampo basks in the sight only him gets to see. he curls his fingers still, finding the spot where your mind will break the most from— eventually finding your g-spot. tears of compelling satisfaction well up in your eyes, more of saliva dripping past the margins of your mouth. "s-sampo . ."
he looks at your pathetic yet tantalizing state, exuding an aura that he can do more than this. the male picks up the pace, making your body tremble from the rapid thrusts of his digits. "wait—" your toes start curling and your grip on the edges of the bath tub tightens, sampo only titters in exchange, lolling your frenzy self into a deep kiss once more.
and finally, liquids of release spring out of your hole, coating sampo's three fingers and some of the substance mixing with the bath water. "i'm sure i'll get an award of scolding from you later but . ." he pauses, prepping his erect dick right at your entrance. "as i said, that's for later. let's just enjoy the present."
he finishes his sentence and rams into your cunt, girthier and longer from his fingers previously. you couldn't think straight at this point, you feel lethargic yet ecstatic, like your body can't keep up with the numerous pleasure points sampo has been tending to your body. he keeps on ravaging your velvet walls yet they persist to clamp around his shape, the bi haired eventually lets his whine of pleasures come undone, moaning into your ear as he grabs on your pelvis to support your body.
sampo's noises were airy and his musings of how you felt so good when you're around him stirs the cesspool of sensations pooling inside you. his voice sounded a particular dulcet tone, one that once you got to hear, you'll never be able to forget it. "i-i'm . . i'm reaching my limit." he says, beads of sweat tinged with water rivulet from his wet hair down to his chin. "where . . do you want it?" he groans, trying to stall for his release.
it took you a moment to respond as you were panting so much along with him, "on my face . . " you reply. with one last pound into your walls, he swiftly pulls out and stands up, pumping his cock until strings of milky white cum spills on your face. as you attempt to calm your dopamine permeated body, you could feel how the glaze sticky liquids slowly trickle down to your chest. "that felt so good." he murmurs and wipes your face clean, leaving another peck on your damp cheeks.
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my masterlist !
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yanaromanov · 1 month
thinking about mommy wanda helping you take a bath after a long day…🌷🌻🪻
she notices how tense your muscles are immediately as you walk through the door, shoulders held up to your ears as a long sigh leaves your lips. it’s like she can read your mind because when she suggests a nice hot bath, there’s nothing in the world you can think of you’d like more.
wanda lets you relax on the couch while she goes to get everything ready, calling you through to the bathroom minutes later once she’s set everything up for you. there’s gentle candles alight by the side, shrouding the room in a warm, gentle glow. you can spy the full tub waiting for you, just the right amount of bubbles sat on top emanating your favourite scent.
when you slide out of your clothes and slip into the water, it’s also the perfect temperature to immediately soothe your tender muscles. you expect wanda to leave once you’ve sunk comfortably under the layer of bubbles, heading back to whatever she was doing before, but instead she simply kneels down beside the tub with a smile as warm as the water.
you don’t argue as she reaches for your favourite body wash, squeezing some out on to a wash cloth and starting a lather. her touch is tender as she begins to drag the soap across your body, so delicately cleansing your skin of all the troubles the day has brought. she hums a small tune as she cleans, nonsensical to your mind as you slip further into the gentleness of her touch.
when she begins to wash you hair with your favourite shampoo, you can feel your eyes begin to slip closed in utter content. her fingernails scratch delicately at your scalp, sending beautiful shivers down the length of your spine. all the while, wanda is placing gentle kisses to the top of your skin; your forehead, your shoulders, all the little curves of your body. it’s an almost wordless affair but the simple intimacy hung in the air is enough to appease the both of you.
wanda rinses your hair using a cup, making sure to avoid letting any soap spuds fall into your eyes. her fingers then run conditioner through the lengths of your hair, once again humming her little tune. she lets it sit for a few minutes while she traces senseless patterns on your back, nails feather light against your skin.
once you’re finally free of all residual soaps, wanda lends you a hand out of the tub, helping you to stand on the plush bath mat. she reaches for a fluffy towel she’s had resting on the radiator, enveloping you in yet another heavenly embrace of warmth. you let her arms wrap around you for a moment as you stand there basking in the softness of her body.
then, you let her help you get dried off. when you’re completely dry, wanda reaches for the bottle of lotion from the bathroom cupboard and begins rubbing it in all over your freshly clean skin. she mumbles sweet praises to you as she moves between each body part, kissing all of her favourite areas of you with delicate lips. “you’re so beautiful, baby,” she’d murmur as her graceful fingers dance over every inch of your skin. “so so beautiful, just for me”
once she’s done with the lotion she helps you pull on the soft pair of pjs she has laid out for you, making sure your wet hair doesn’t let loose any droplets onto the clean fabric. once you’re dressed, she detangles the lengths of your hair and helps run through any products you use before styling it just the way you like.
when she’s completey done, she presses gentles kisses to the back of your head and down to your neck, letting her arms come to rest around your waist from behind. she’d look at you through the reflection in the mirror, smiling at her beautiful girl as she holds you close. she can feel just how much more relaxed you are, body entirely giving in to her touch.
“now,” she’d say softly, lips brushing the soft hairs at the back of your neck. “how about we think about getting my baby some dinner, hm?”
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luvfy0dor · 9 months
"How Gorgeous !!" BSD x GN!Reader
╰┈➤ Fyodor, Nikolai, Chuuya♡
Warnings; yk the drill; probably a little ooc, other than that pure fluff, dyed hair Nikolai bc I saw some people who REALLY dislike blonde Nikolai so I'm just gonna put that as a warning
Description; Select bsd boys letting you do stuff with their hair
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A/N; I'm so sorry to the two people in my requests I know dad Fyodor anon is there and so is another rlly cute request, Im thinking stuff up I pinky promise :(( im not ignoring anyone istg I'm just having severe writers block so when i got this idea i wrote it out as fast as possible just to have something out for yall, i hate posting only twice a week.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ༉‧₊˚.
Fyodor enjoyed having his hair washed, he liked the feeling of your soft fingers massaging his scalp while he hummed, very pleased with the favor you had stepped up to do for him.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The sound of water splashing against the porcelain of the tub filled the bathroom as you drew a bath for Fyodor and yourself. His plans were all over the place as of late, and you felt maybe a nice bath and head massage might soothe him a bit. His hair was getting a bit greasy under that ushanka, and you weren't gonna just let him go about his day overworked and musty.
You could hear the door unlock, along with the soft tapping of Fyodors boots, coming to a pause and being momentarily substituted by the clicking of the lock. You stood up, shaking the water off of your hand from checking the temperature and turning to him.
"Hi Fedya, how's your work coming along?" You ask, removing the ushanka from his head and brushing his bangs away from his face. He hums and rests his head on yours, his hands gently stroking your back. "It's not coming along very well, if I'm honest, dear." He sighs retracting from the hug and starting to remove his shoes and unbutton his shirt. "Very stressful."
You nod in understanding, sliding his shirt off his shoulders while he undoes the final buttons. "Things will work out for you, they always do." You say. You both finish undressing and get into the tub, Fyodor sitting between your legs and kinda leaning back against you, his eyes closed as he sighs, clearly relaxed. You fill your cupped hand with water and spill onto his head, the droplets trickling down the thin strands of his midnight colored hair.
His steady breathing was your indicator that he was feeling at the very least a little better. You pumped some shampoo into your hand and ran it through his hair, your fingertips rubbing against his scalp, drawing soft sounds of contentment from his lips. Filling a small, nearby cup with water, you gently poured it over his head and rinsed out the suds. Some of the water drips down his face, small drops catching in his eyelids as his head leans back. You smile at his small reactions.
"Mmn, that feels very nice, my dear." He murmurs, the corners of his lips being tugged into a small smile, a smile of leisurly pleasure. "Good." You reply while you begin lathering conditioner in the ends of his relatively long hair. The scent of the tea tree conditioner only added to the lingering fragrance of the matching shampoo. Fyodor liked the smell of tea tree, and if he didnt use that, he used faint floral scents. You run your fingers through his straight hair, parting a couple of pieces and starting to absent-mindedly braid them together, weaving the strands over and under each other.
Fyodor tilts his head back a bit more, rotating it to look at you. "Are you thinking about anything in particular?" He questions, his gaze soft. You shake your head, running your fingers through the braided hair pieces, ultimately undoing it. "No, not really." And it was the truth. The two of you were basking in the moment the way a lizard does in the sun. Your hand snakes down to grab onto his, giving it a soft squeeze which he returns. After washing yourselves off, you stand up and wrap towels around yourselves once you've initially rid most of the drops of water from your skin. You both get dressed in pajama pants, a tee shirt for you and a sweater for Fyodor, a smaller towel around his neck.
The towel is visibly wet as Fyodor leans against the sink, watching you ruffle your hair to dry it. "Fedya, your towel is soaked. Here, let's blow dry your hair." You say, reaching into one of the drawers of the sink, pulling out the blow-dryer and plugging it into the wall. "We could always towel dry it and save money on the electricity bill." He says, starting to squeeze any remaining water out of his hair with the towel.
"It's fine, trust me, it's not like it's upping the bill a trillion dollars." You say, the nozzle of the blow-dryer pointed just downwards of Fyodors chin, aimed towards the (a little more than) damp ends of his hair. "Alright, alright." He nods at your response. "Okay, ready?" You ask, your finger hovering over the 'on' switch. "Mhm." He nods with a soft smile, and with that you flick on the blow-dryer to the lowest setting. The air is hot as you move the dryer from side to side, not allowing the heat to be directed to one spot and burning Fyodors skin.
Fyodor listens to the whir of the blow dryer with his eyes closed, his eyebrows furrowing when the warm air hits his forehead as you get his bangs. You laugh at his expression under your breath and ruffle his hair a bit to dry the roots better. Once his hair was...well, dry enough, the sound of the hair dryer came to a halt. His eyes opened again, their purple color as beautiful as ever under the dim bathroom light. His hand goes to cup your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin, as he places a soft kiss on the corner of your lips. When he pulls away, he's giving you a small, faint smile.
"Thank you for pampering me, it is a wonderful feeling." He quietly says, one of his hands on the bottom of your neck. You nod and give him a full kiss on the lips in response. "You're welcome, I love doing that type of stuff for you. I like playing around with your hair." You state, pushing a strand behind his ear. You stare into each other's eyes for another couple of seconds before he leans backwards, unlocking and opening the door. The cold air from the rest of the house causes you to shiver a little.
"Would you like to join me for some tea before bed?" He asks, standing in the doorway. You nod and follow him, flicking the light off behind you as you both make your way to the kitchen. He starts to boil the water in a kettle, grabbing a tea bag from the cabinet for each of you. He waits for the water to reach it's boiling point and leans against the counter, gently pulling you into his chest. You smile and wrap your arms around his torso, one hand reaching up to twirl some of his hair around your finger. He sighs softly, leaning his head backwards and into your touch. When the water is finally ready, he softly guides your body to the side, walking past you to fill the mugs with water and dip the tea bags in. After a couple moments, he hands you your cup, sipping from his.
"Thank you, my love." You murmur with a appreciative smile while taking a sip yourself. He nods. "Ofcourse, dear."‧₊˚.
Nikolai Gogol ༉‧₊˚.
Nikolais hair isn't just white naturally, obviously, so whenever his hair needed to be touched up, he turns right to his lover to help him out. He tried doing it himself and nearly ended up with bald spots from forgetting about the bleach and leaving it on for WAY too long.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Although they weren't those most noticable thing in the entire world, Nikolais roots were starting to show. You had noticed though, ofcourse, because you spend a lot of time around him. Every time the taller man was snoring in your arms, your eyes drifted down to the forming tufts of dark blonde hair peeking through the white, shiny strands. You made him aware of it, and he sent you off to get bleach and toner after he couldn't find any around the house. That conversation was exactly what landed you in the hair aisle of the store closest to you.
You inspected the packaging of each dye until you could deem one a good enough and trustworthy brand. You brought it up to the register and payed for it, exiting the store and driving back home. The weather was rather gloomy and rainy today, making you skitter quickly through the driveway and to the door. Pushing it open, you sigh having finally escaped the rain. Though it wasn't pouring, it was still not something you wanted to stand in for all that long. "Kolya!" You called out to your boyfriend through out the halls of your home, taking off your shoes and jacket.
Upon fully standing up, you went to walk further into the house just as you could see a yellow light starting to form behind you. You laugh a bit before turning around. "How many times do I have to tell you, you're not gonna be able to scare me by doing that." You say with a playful eyeroll. His head fully pokes through the portal. "You can tell me as many times as you want, dear, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try it." He says with a grin, his hand popping through the portal to gently guide your face closer to his. He presses a kiss to your cheek before he fully comes through the portal.
"You got the bleach?" You nod, holding up the box. "Yeah, c'mere, we'll touch up your roots right now." He follows you into the bathroom as you pry open the box, shaking the contents onto the sink counter. You grab the gloves and slide your hands into them before turning to Nikolai. "Here, go sit on the edge of the tub so I can do this accurately." You say, pointing in the direction of the bathtub. He nods and sits down, his feet in the tub with his back facing you. You stand with your hands on your hips while reading the directions and grabbing the packet of bleach powder. Nikolai peers at you over his shoulder, grinning at your face of concentration.
You mix the bleach with the developer together in the bowl, setting it back on the counter once it's the right consistency and walking over to Nikolai. "Your hair is so long, Kolya." You say, undoing his usual braid and starting to section his hair as he smiles. "Ofcourse it is! Its been growing for a long time, my dove." He replies with a grin, feeling your hands part his hair and clip certain pieces in certain places to keep them separated. You started applying the bleach to his roots, his soft 'tee-heeing' being heard over the sound of the bleach being applied to his hair, apparently in a ticklish way.
"Does it tickle that much?" You ask, grabbing another bit of his hair. He nods. "Yes, yes it does." He beams, kicking his feet up onto the other edge of the tub.
Upon making it all the way around your boyfriends head, you proudly stood back to observe your work; the blue substance already lightening the first bits of hair you worked on. "It's already working, Kolya, your hair will be renewed in like...well, the box says twenty minutes." You say, inspecting the piece of cardboard. "Oh, I'm sure you did such a wonderful job. I'm so excited to see it." Nikolai says, standing up from his place on the side of the tub.
"Wait a minute," you say, exiting the bathroom and heading to the kitchen before returning, ripping a piece of aluminum foil from the roll you had fetched. "If we stick this on your head, it'll go quicker." He laughs and pats the foil down on his head, nodding. "And why is that?" You think for a moment. "It traps heat and stuff." You say, stepping out of the bathroom and into the hallway, Nikolai following you. "Oh wow! My dove is just so smart!" He says with his cheeky little grin. You playfully roll your eyes and toss your gloves in the garbage can.
"That's basic, I feel like everyone knows that. I think you know that too, but you just wanted to hear that from my mouth." He nods, resting his hand on your shoulder. "See? What a genius." You quietly scoff.
You wait out the twenty minutes with Nikolai, talking about whatever silly stuff comes to mind. When the timer on your phone rings, you crumple up Nikolais make shift aluminum hat and tossing it in the garbage. You examine the roots of his hair, which are a very pale yellow. You shrug it off and bring him to the bathroom, rinsing the bleach out of his hair and shampooing and conditioning it with his head under the tub faucet. You put a towel over his head and ruffle his hair, examining it once more.
"Oh, it's not that yellow." You murmur. "The toner will fix that, and then you'll be twinning with Fukuchi again." You say, your eyes scanning the bathroom counter for the box with the toner. You raise an eyebrow when you come to realize it's not there. You must have left it in your car, so that's where you head with a soft hum of confusion. Bolting out to your car, trying to avoid the rain, you're met with a toner-less sight. You sigh.
"I didn't even buy it." You say to Nikolai exasperatedly while simultaneously scanning your receipt, and unsurprisingly finding only the bleach. "Aw, don't worry! We can get it when the rain clears up, I won't make you go out again." He insists, pulling you into his chest. You just sigh and wrap your arms around him. "Yeah, you're right." You murmur, your body limply leaning against his. He pats your back.
"Come sit down with me, we should play a board game or a card game. They're perfect for rainy days, don't you agree?" He says, plopping down on the couch. "I do agree. Do you have a preference for a specific game right now?" He thinks for a moment before shaking his head. "No, not in particular." You go off to find a good game for the both of you to play, settling on Uno. "Okay Kolya, quiz time! What game do I have?" You say, imitating your boyfriend. He giggles at your impersonation of him, placing a finger on his chin while thinking. "Hmm, I'm gonna guess Uno." He says. You nod, making him grin.
"I guess we're both quite smart then, dove! Let's play, shall we?" He pats the seat on the couch next to him, making you smile as you nod and walk over to sit with him. ‧₊˚.
Chuuya Nakahara ༉‧₊˚.
Chuuya didn't really entrust many people with the task of cutting his hair and keeping it a constant length, but with one hell of a lot of convincing, he decided to let you try it.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Walking down the hallway, you had a little more pep in your step than usual. Your boyfriend finally decided he trusted you enough with his hair to let you trim it. Whether you have experience with cutting hair or not didn't matter, you were determined to make this the best haircut Chuuya would get in his entire life.
You only did minimal preparation for this, and by minimal preparing you had some kitchen scissors, a comb, and a brush. As you turned the corner into your shared bedroom, you saw your red-headed boyfriend sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly rethinking his decision. "Alright, Chuuya! I'm gonna give you the best trim of your life, trust me." You say, waving him into the bathroom to follow you. He does with a nervous sigh, standing next to you in the mirror.
"Alrigh, Chuuya. How much do you want off?" You ask, starting to brush out his un-even hair. "No more than half an inch doll, don't get me wrong, I love and trust you and all but.." he murmurs, staring at you through the mirror.
"Oh no, I get that, I would NEVER let you do this to me." You say, combing through his hair. "What?!" He says, a shocked look on his face. You laugh a bit before grabbing the scissors. "Im joking, don't worry." You reassure him, cutting off some hair on the back of his head. He hears the scissors cut a bit off and his eye twitches.
You continue snipping away, little clusters of his hair fall onto his shoulders and onto the floor. You could see his eyes following every chunk as it dropped, hitting the floor tiles after drifting from side to side for a couple moments. "Chuuya, it looks perfectly fine so far, don't worry." You proudly state, grabbing a hold of some of the longer hair, combing it out and cutting off a half inch of it as he asked. "I'm not too sure about that, but whatever you say, darlin'." He mumbles, his intense stare aimed at you. It wasn't aggressive or mean, but a bit anxious.
You continued, pulling at pieces of Chuuyas hair, one small section at a time, really putting your heart and soul into his trim. Once you had decided you were done, you stepped back and grabbed a smaller mirror, turning Chuuya around and handing it to him. "Here, look! It turned out very well, if I do say so myself." He thoroughly assessed it before nodding.
"Alright, you're right, it doesn't look nearly as bad as I thought it would." He says, ruffling it a bit before brushing it out and putting his hat on. "Oh, did you not have any faith in me at all?" You playfully scoff, your hands on your hips. He grins and shakes his head. "Don't you worry doll, I've got plenty of faith in you. My faith doesn't lie in your barber skills, though." He says, his gloved fingers guiding your chin closer to his face, his soft lips gently colliding with yours, making you smile. His thumb gently caresses your jawline.
When he pulls away, he doesn't go far. He murmurs a couple of soft words against your lips. "You did real good though, I must admit." He says, admiring his hair in the mirror, running his fingers through it.
"Im glad you like it." You say, observing his hair, too. "Maybe I should let ya do my hair more often." He looks over at you with a small grin. You laugh a little and nod. "Yeah, maybe you should."
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
new to your blog and it's absolutely ADORABLE! :D may I please req a toge inumaki x reader fluff where toge/reader return after a looong day to their s/o and bask in their warmth? maybe turns into eventual smut? all upto you and absolutely fine if you don't want to, thank youu and ly!! :)
Thank you 🥹 AND YES I CAN (and I hope this one care out great!). Also I normally do (character x F reader) unless someone asks for something different. So keep that in mind when reading my stories 🥸
Bath Time?
“Hmm… he said he finished his assignment about an hour ago, so he should be here by now…” I trailed off as I set the table. I quickly finished setting the table and placing down the food, in hopes that he would arrive before it gets cold. “If he’s taking this long to get home, then it must’ve been a tough mission,” I sighed as I covered the meal to prevent it from getting too cold. “I should have a bath ready for him,” I said and headed to the bathroom to start a warm bath for him. As soon as I finished filling the bath with hot water I heard the front door open.
I walked out, and saw Toge removing his shoes and putting on his sandals. I walked up and he noticed my presence and faced me. “Hi honey,” I smiled. “Salmon,” he said and reached out for me. I slowly pulled him into a hug and I felt him relax as I rubbed his back. Rough day today?” I asked. “Bonito flakes…” he sighed. “I thought so… so I made you something tasty,” I said as I guided him to the dinner table. “Kelp? Salmon?” He questioned. “I thought some rice balls and katsudon with curry might make today a little better,” I said and uncovered the food. “Tuna mayo!” He said excitedly and quickly sat down. “Salmon, kelp, caviar,” he said softly and he placed his hands together and bowed his head lightly. Then he quickly began eating as if he hadn't eaten anything all day. “I guess they didn’t give you a break today huh?” I asked before taking a seat myself. “Mustard leaf,” he mumbled before taking another big bite. “I’m glad you like it, and I have a bath ready for you too. So finish up and get ready ok?” I asked. He nodded and we both finished up eating.
I began picking up the dishes, “Alright now go wash up before the bath,” I smiled. Toge grabbed my arm, almost making me lose balance of the dishes. “Toge?” I asked, confused. “Salmon,” Toge said as he removed the plates from my hands and set them in the sink. He then dragged me to the restroom. “T-Toge?” I stuttered as he shut the door. “Bonito flakes,” he said as he pointed to the both of us and then the bathtub. “Oh! Y-You want to take a bath together?” I blushed. “Tuna mayo,” he smiled, and began removing his clothing. I blushed at the sight of him, I don’t know why I still get so embarrassed. It’s not like I haven’t seen him naked before, but still… I slowly began removing my clothing as well. I covered my chest, feeling my face heat up. Hopefully, he thinks it’s from the steam, or else he’ll tease me about it. “Salmon,” he said as he turned on the shower head and moved me in front of him. The water rained down on us lightly, I then watched as he grabbed some body wash and lathered up his hands in soap. I squeaked when I suddenly felt his hands on my hips. I heard him chuckle and I bit my lip. I tried my best to keep calm, but his hands roamed around my body. I then felt one hand cup my left breast and the other right on my abdomen. “T-Toge…” I whispered as he began playing with my nipple. “Hmm?” I heard. “I-I think I’m clean enough. I think it’s y-your turn,” I said before grabbing some soap and lathering my hands. I turned around to face him and began to lather some soap on his chest. I slowly moved them lower and lower, before stopping. I was suddenly pushed into the wall behind me and felt a pair of strong yet soft lips overcome mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. He then pulled away and went straight for my neck, sucking and nibbling all over. “Ah~! Toge!” I let out. After this I felt Toge attack my neck rougher, and felt his hands roam down to my legs pulling them up to where he’s now carrying me. After a few more minutes of making out I felt Toge begin to walk me out of the bathroom. “Toge?” I asked, confused. Before being suddenly thrown onto a soft flat surface.
I blushed as I realized that he took me to the bedroom. I watched as he stared down at me, panting, and letting his eyes roam around each inch of my body. “Doggy position,” he said, and my body quickly acted on its own and flipped over onto all fours. I blushed heavily from the lewd position I was in, all fours with my pussy spread out for him. I squeaked as I felt a thumb graze over my pussy lips. “Mm~” Toge let out and slowly entered 2 fingers. I gasped, and quickly bit my lip. Trying to hold on whatever sounds I’d make. Toge must’ve taken this as a challenge because he quickly increased the speed. I laid there on all fours gripping the sheets until my knuckles turned white trying to not let out any loud moans. “Salmon…” he said frustrated. “T-Toge… sl-slow down!” I gasped and tried to look back. He then slowly removed his fingers, giving me a moment to catch my breath. But a moment too little as I gasped from the large, hard cock that slipped inside. He quickly grabbed both my arms pulling them behind me. His cock filled up my insides perfectly, and without a second to adjust to the size difference Toge quickly began ramming into me. “Ah~ Ah~ To-!” I drooled as I finally gave up on controlling my moans. “Louder,” I heard, and my moans began filling the entire room. My mind was blank, all I could comprehend was the sounds of his thrusting and my moans. “Oge~ Toge~!” I cried out, with my face hitting the sheets. Suddenly Toge released my right arm and it fell to the side, I have no strength to move it. “Rub yourself,” I heard him say and my arm moved itself under me, straight to my clit. My eyes widened as I began rubbing my clit, “No~! Too much~!” I cried out, but my hand wouldn’t stop, and neither did Toge. This begging only made him fuck me harder, as I felt him lean over me even more. Making his cock fill my pussy up even deeper.
I felt the familiar burning sensation running through my body and knew what was coming. “Oge~! Slow do- Gon- cum~!” I gasped, but it was too late. I felt my body tremble as a wave of pleasure ran through me and I quickly bit into the sheets until it passed. My body finally relaxed and my arm dropped. I then realized… Toge’s still inside, and he’s still hard. “T-Toge?” I asked softly, and before I could turn I felt him slowly pull out before ramming back inside. I moaned loudly and fell back in the sheets. “Wait~! I-! I’m s-sensiti-!” I cut my self off as Toge begin fucking me even rougher. His sadistic side is coming out! My moans filled the room again as he continued pounding my pussy, I then felt him pull my body up slowly. With a hand on my hand to face him, he pulled me into a rough, but passionate kiss before thrusting again. I then felt his free hand snake down my body and began rubbing my sensitive clit. “Mm!” I moaned into his mouth. I trembled as I was at the mercy of this man. Oh god I love it. I felt his fingers rub my clit faster and faster, with his thrusts slowing down but still deep. “F-Fuck…” he groaned into the kiss. “Toge~ Cum inside me~” I said softly as I pulled away. I watched as he smirked and nodded. He leaned a little forward and continued thrusting, while rubbing my clit. I bit my lip, and suddenly heard, “Cum.” An electric shock ran through my body as I threw my head back towards Toge and felt as he bit onto my shoulder while he rammed one last hard and deep thrust into my sensitive pussy. We both took a minute to catch our breath before moving from our current position. “Salmon…” he said softly and kissed my shoulder that he bit. “Toge… bath now? Please?” I panted. “Tuna mayo,” he chuckled and slowly carried me back to the restroom to continue our bath.
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ffsg0jo · 8 days
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i'm not the moon, i'm not even a star
eid mubarak to all those that are celebrating :)) i wanted to do a quick event for eid because it's a really special time for me, and i want to spread the happiness and joy with everyone.
this event is open to everyone and anyone, regardless of whether you celebrate or not !! so please feel free to join in on the fun <33
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[selfship drabble - mutuals only]
bask in the warmth of the sun with a drabble, featuring you and your fictional other. don't forget to bring water to stay hydrated, and lather on some sunscreen!
to receive a drabble, please send me the following in an ask: your selfship (from jjk/bnha/haikyuu/aot/kny), your hobbies, your dislikes, and 3+ selfship headcanons. feel free to be as detailed as you want <33 (if you're stuck you can talk about how you met/your favourite things to do together/a memorable moment etc). your asks will NOT be posted and will be promptly sent back to you after drabble is posted.
[6/10 slots left] - ik it can take long to write an ask for feel free to ask me to save you a spot :))
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[appearance matchups - followers only + off anon]
the moon envies you, hearing their whispers of your beauty spoken into the starry night. they seem truly entranced by everything about you. if only you knew how much they admired you.
to find out who your secret admirer is send me the following in an ask: your pronouns, nickname, a picture/picrew of you, a fandom (jjk/haikyuu/bnha/aot/kny), any characters i should avoid, gender preference, and lastly 3 of your likes and dislikes. asks will NOT be posted and will be promptly sent back to you after your matchup is posted.
[6/20 slots left]
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[headcanons/drabble - open to all + anons welcome]
the night sky is saturated with glistening stars littering its entire surface. galaxies and universes are hidden amongst these, waiting to be discovered and found. are you ready to explore?
to request headcanons/a mini drabble, please send me the following in an ask: a character from any of the fandoms i write for (jjk/hq/aot/kny/bnha), an au you want me to write, or a short scenario, and type of reader (fem/gn). i WILL be posting these asks, so feel free to use anon if you'd like.
[no slots, feel free to send as many as you'd like until 20/06/24]
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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buckleysbitch · 5 months
just got home from the bar, here’s some hazel x drunk reader headcanons for your souls ☾ 。🍸。⋆ ⊹₊
reqs are open!!
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listen to hazels spotify here ☾₊ ⊹
comments and reblogs give this writer a heartbeat ♡
𐙚 giggling on her shoulder at the bar
𐙚 hazel definitely knows none of the songs but she follows your lead and kinda awkwardly bobs behind you
𐙚 but fuck she looks hot, loose muscle shirt and jeans drooling brb
𐙚 holding you by the waist while walking you back into the house
𐙚 watching her fumble with the house key for 30 seconds
𐙚 “babe i’m FREEZING”
𐙚 racing to see who can chug their “i need to sober up NOW” water quicker
𐙚 standing in the kitchen eating cheez its in silence
𐙚 stumbling up the stairs together, laughing so hard you can barely stand
𐙚 hazel unzipping your dress, peeling it off your body while peppering kisses on your shoulders and neck
𐙚 taking a shower together, lathering up each others bodies lazily
𐙚 her little hums while she massages shampoo into your scalp
𐙚 braiding your hair for you
𐙚 and of course swiping your favorite t shirt of hers and a pair of boxers
𐙚 her cute little focusing face while putting your skincare on for you
𐙚 even getting the ice roller out and massaging your face, what a gentleman i cant
𐙚 she still def pokes you in the eye on accident though don’t worry
𐙚 laying on her chest while watching tiktoks together
𐙚 her chest bouncing against you when she finds really funny one
𐙚 nodding off in her arms <3
𐙚 somehow she’s magically immune to hangovers, which means you get breakfast in bed
𐙚 while she brushes out your hair and you chat about all the crazy stuff that happened last night, sun basking through the window
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cursedpiratestash · 4 months
Bath Time Drabble
Mauga x Reader
Tw: suggestive, nudity
Word count: 2185
a/n: thought a bath fic would be cute to write about
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Finding some time to yourself you decide a bath would be a perfect way to relax right about now. Mauga was away on a mission and although you two haven’t been together for very long you’ve learned to handle your stress. It was dangerous work, but you knew Mauga was more than capable. You already considered him the Atlas to your world; you didn’t want to put more on his plate by worrying to death.
Mauga would love for you to relax right now considering he’s a little late coming home. You’ve freaked out on him many times before and even though he has spent a few nights reassuring you it dawned on you that maybe this wasn’t exactly what he wanted to come home to. You took it upon yourself to work on that.
Now here you were waltzing from the bedroom to his rather large bathroom. Of course it had to accommodate for his size, however it was more than that. A high ceiling to match the bedroom and a deep bath built into the floor. Mauga always did enjoy the feeling of water all around him. The shower head rested directly above as if to give off the effects of a waterfall. You two shared this home out of impulse the day you both realized work and among other things have limited how frequently you would be seeing each other. Every moment he’s home with you reminds you of how grateful you were for the new arrangement.
You begin to prepare everything as you gather your choice of scents and lathers; even sneaking in some of Mauga’s beloved scents just to bask in them. The bath begins to fill before you drop whatever you prefer in it. As steam floods the room you breathe in the mixed smells and pick up on the soft spices combined with a touch of palo santo. Granted, it was his leave-in conditioners that sweetened his smell, but this was unmistakably him. It relaxes you in an instant. Turning to your phone you put on a playlist a friend of yours had shared to help settle your nerves. Niran was always looking out for you that way.
Placing your phone down on a nearby shelf and shutting off the brimming water you finally disrobe and gently lower yourself in. The contrast of the cool air and the steaming water forces you to take a minute to adjust before you’re submerged and content.
The smell of him makes your mind wander. You ponder his whereabouts and tense at the thought of him in a situation where he's finally bitten off more than he can chew. Perhaps this is the one time you should be worried. Were you not already in the bath you would have started to pace. Thankfully you wave off the thoughts before they can flourish and focus more on getting clean. As your bathing routine commences you fail to hear someone enter your home in the middle of your session.
Messaging the soap into your hair and skin puts you in such a trance that you start to lightly hum to the music; even after you’re done with the routine. You finish by grabbing the dark wooden bowl you left for yourself and proceed to use it to rinse off the shampoo and conditioner out of your hair. After all is said and done you position yourself on the edge of the bath to soak. There you lay resting your arms outside of the bath to cool off and support yourself as you peak out the window with your back facing the door. The moonlight pours over you and illuminates the bath beautifully as your humming carries throughout the room. Your friend had surprisingly good taste for choosing a genre you wouldn’t normally pick for yourself.
A long whistle snaps you out of your trance, “What a sight.” A deep voice almost purrs at you.
“Mauga!” You exclaim in both shock and relief. You rush to cover the front of yourself with your back turned to him at an angle as you look at him in all his naked glory.
“Don’t stop that singin’ on my account, sugar. Just thought I’d join ya.” He grins as he can tell you’re still in the process of getting used to his rather confident approach to nudity in this relationship. You try your best to keep your eyes above the waist despite really not wanting to. Even focusing on his various tattoos couldn’t save you. Settling for turning your head away you feel a wave push you towards the edge of the bath as water spills out at all sides. There’s an exaggerated sniff behind you before you hear him speak again, “Aw you missed me so much you had to use my stuff, huh?” He loved to tease you. Much to his pleasure you lightly bark back, “Well, you did take your sweet time getting home.”
His laugh shakes the water around him as you feel him move towards you. The water reached just a few inches above his waist but it was enough to completely submerge him if he were to lay down.
“There was some work drama-you know how it is.” Mauga chuckles to himself as he sugarcoats his last little debriefing with his team.
Now that he was in the bath with you it was much easier to look at him, although, it was now evident that he was staring at your ass through the water. “Ahem.” Your glare was easily translated as an empty threat that earned another deep chuckle from Mauga. “A text wouldn’t hurt.” You suggest.
He lightly scoffs, “You know I will always come home to you. Takes more than a bunch of nulltroops to take me out of the game.” When he’s met with silence he continues, “but… if it helps you relax I’ll send a text when I'm about to head home.” He returns the small smile you give him before it widens. You could tell by the look in those amber eyes that he was feeling mischievous. He was about to tease you relentlessly. You brace yourself by facing the window once more, but hardly focusing on what's outside. “You missed a spot, babe.” He spreads his hand against your back before sliding it’s way up to the back of your neck as he has leaned down to whisper in your ear. His free hand gently holds your stomach as he presses you closer to him.
“Maybe if you help me with that you might get something in return… if you’re good.” Despite your beating ribcage you grant him a sideways glance with those bedroom eyes that you know he goes crazy for. He licks his lips in anticipation before his deep voice shakes you to your core, “Anything for you, angel face.” A fitting name for you as the moonlight dances around you. You melt in his touch as he lathers you up and sneaks a few light touches with his free hand.
“Mauga.” You voice in a warning yet playful tone.
He only laughs to himself before he asks you something as if he is none the wiser, “How about that nice little tune you were singin’ before, huh?” He reaches for the wooden bowl and rinses your back. Mauga finishes his task by chastely kissing the back of your neck. It sends a pleasant shiver down your spine.
You hadn’t even noticed the playlist had ended a while ago. It must have slipped your mind to set it to repeat after it was over. As you were about to tell Mauga that you would really rather not, he stares down at you with such a gentle gaze as if he were being serious. Perhaps he was…
You play with the notion just a beat longer until you sigh and turn to him. He hides it well, but you could see the tired look behind those amber eyes. Finally you shrug, “Alright turn around.” He beams at you as he follows your command. He seats himself close to the edge of the bath and waits patiently for you to get into position. Mauga obviously already knew his reward. He gladly takes up the offer any chance he can get. Bashfully, you get out of the warm bath to dry your hands on the towel you’ve brought with you. With your hands now dry enough you replay the song you were humming along to. Luckily it was easy to predict the melody.
Placing a towel on the cold and wet bathroom floor, you seat yourself down onto it and gingerly lower your legs into the water. Mauga doesn’t waste any time in leaning his head back towards you. His reward was having you wash his hair for him. Your fingers through his thick raven locks could put him in a trance no matter what. You placed another smaller towel folded over your lap as you guide his head a little closer just as the music picks up. With that, your soft humming carries throughout the room once again. The smell of gunpowder and metal wafts towards you, “You better start washing yourself, Mauga. You reek.” You chuckle in his ear in almost a whisper before humming again.
He only grumbles at you as he lazily grabs his soaps from the edge of the bath and lathers himself halfheartedly while you finish wetting his hair. Nails lightly scratch at his scalp as you begin lathering. You delicately work through any tangles and simultaneously coat every inch of his hair with product. Mauga doesn’t even rinse the soap off his body as he leans into your touch. With his eyes lulled shut you pick up the pace with a little more vigor; enough for him to groan at the feeling, “Your hands are magic, babe.”
You laugh softly through your nose as you continue with your song. As everything was coming to an end you were careful not to get any soap in his eyes. You nudged him gently off your legs as he was getting dangerously relaxed. You weren’t exactly fond of when he would sleep on you and make you lose blood flow to your legs. “C’mon Mau’” you cut his name short as an alternative nickname on occasion, “Time to rinse this stuff off.”
Mauga stands almost to full height and sluggishly makes his way to the middle of the bath. A surprising amount of water has been drained. You were kind enough to go to the controls and switch on the water to a welcoming temperature.
While he finishes up you take it upon yourself to prepare everything for bed. This involved drying off and getting dressed as well as a few other nightly routines. Once you were comfortable in his massively huge bed Mauga emerges from the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Your eyes follow the few droplets of water that race down his chest and stomach. With that blissful look on his face you were sure he was going to pass out with just the towel. Or even without it…
“That is just what I needed.” He approaches you and thanks you with a peck on the cheek before swapping the towel for sweats. The waist band is tight below his abdomen; his treasure trail spilling out tastefully. Mauga wasn’t a fan of underwear, especially in his own bed. Not that you complained anyway.
“Yeah I was worried you were going to fall asleep on me again.” You quip.
“I said I was sorry.” Mauga quickly retorts with a wide grin.
“You had to carry me to bed after that.” It was a playful complaint that Mauga gladly went along with.
“As if you don’t like it when I carry you princess style.” His booming laugh was easily contagious as you chuckle in response, “Alright, fair enough. Come to bed already.”
His sharp canines poke at his bottom lip as he eagerly crawls over to you, “Anything you say, angel face.”
“Easy there, big guy, save it for tomorrow.” He laughs through his nose before kissing you on the shoulder and flopping down next to you. Mauga wastes no time wrapping you in his arms and pulling you close to him. “That’s more like it.” You snuggle into his chest; being mindful of his cybernetic parts.
He moves the covers over the both of you to keep warm. Lastly he buries his face into your hair taking in the scent. “Goddamn you smell good.” You only pat his chest in response to that. “That tired already?” Mauga inquires.
This time you’re quick to respond, “Yeah, you should be too.” It’s mostly muffled but it gets a quiet laugh out of him.
“Alright alright. Goodnight, sugar.” He squeezes your ass for good measure which drives a groan out of you before you both drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
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giamee · 11 months
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ཐི♡ཋྀ featuring -> blade, gepard
ཐི♡ཋྀ contains -> mentions of depression/low mood, more blade bias teehee
ཐི♡ཋྀ gia's notes -> i kinda based these off of my own experiences with depression, so hopefully it's at least a little relatable. i tried not to romanticise it too much. also disclaimer i am fully aware that the stuff i talk about in here isn't a cure-all for depression, but i did focus on a less severe characterisation of it in this. hope that's ok anon
ཐི♡ཋྀ request -> anon: hi!!! really loved your roommate thing for har, literally makes me smile may i request blade or/and gerard with reader who got depression? even if you don’t like the idea it’s fine, hope you have great time <3
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ BLADE
-hm ok to be honest blade seems rather emotionally repressed
-so it may take a while for him to pick up on signs of you starting to get into a depressive episode
-he’s busy with being a  stellaron hunter, and he isn’t exactly the most frequent texter, but he’ll still notice a change in your texting style as the time between your replies increases while the length of them keeps getting shorter
-maybe you were busy? even though it may sting a little to see his last message still unanswered as he’s holed up somewhere on another planet, he still can’t help but worry for you, though he may not outwardly admit it
-and that spurs him on to finish elio’s mission for him even quicker so he can get back home to you
-when he returns, he may be a bit confused due to your seeming apathy
-he had missed you, and he didn’t want to be the one to cave and say it out loud
-but at your mustered smile and hollow sounding greeting, that’s when things start to click and blade may realise what’s going on
-personally i feel like blade’s love language is acts of service/physical touch
-and man’s just come back from a mission
-he’s dirty, he’s hungry, and he’s tired
-so he decides to deal with those issues with you in that exact order
-cue him running a bath and then convincing you to get in with him on the ground of him “getting lonely” without anyone there, making you crack a little smile at his antics
-the warmth of the water and his solid chest against your back is a soothing sensation, and neither of you voice how tender his touches are as he lathers your hair, fingers carefully detangling any knots as he rests his weight against you
-it’s a peaceful affair, and you can feel yourself begin to warm, with the weight that you previously weren’t even aware of beginning to lift off of your chest as you filled the silence of the bathroom with some hushed conversation with blade
-he asks you how your day was, listening to your hesitant recollection with his chin is tucked over your shoulder, his arms encircling you as he listens to your voice and hums occasionally, basking in your presence
-when the water begins to run cold, blade’s offering you his clothes to change into, leading you by the hand to your shared bedroom, and it’s touching to see just how much care he puts into your wellbeing when it’s him who’s just come back from a dangerous mission
-up next is finding something to eat
-the uncharacteristically soft behaviour of blade is continued as he rummages around the fridge, cursing under his breath when he realises that he'll have to make a shopping list
-he still manages to find enough ingredients to make some sort of meal, and though he's not a cook by any means, it's definitely edible and the distant growl of your stomach suggests that maybe you were feeling hungry after all
-you're leaning against one of the counters, watching your boyfriend's back in quiet awe as he continues to cook, the simple black cotton of his shirt stretching across his broad shoulders practically inviting you to wrap your arms around him
-you've never been one to resist such an offer, and you find yourself shyly walking up to him, letting the side of your face rest against his spine
-blade almost immediately relaxes into your embrace, continuing his ministrations while you mumble a muffled "thank you" into the fabric covering his back
-you don't need to clarify what you're thankful for, and blade has always been one to speak more through his actuons than words
-he pauses for a second, turning to flick your forehead gently
-"don't get all soft on me now"
-you feel your eyes well up with appreciation for your boyfriend, squeezing him a little tighter to yourself as he turns back around, feeling his hand do the same to yours where it rests on his stomach
-"yeah, yeah. now let's eat, hmm?"
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ GEPARD
-another emotionally repressed king 😍
-i feel like in terms of noticing that something's up with you he would be worse than blade
-mr landau is a bit of a workaholic, and he's guilty of using it as a coping mechanism when he can feel himself start to slip
-he will run off of denial and caffeine and just force himself to keep working, resulting in a general lack of awareness in spotting when he or others are struggling
-so really, the dots that he should connect with how you've been acting recently take a little longer than they should be
-he's mentioning to serval how you seem to be the polar opposite of him recently, acting a lot more withdrawn and apathetic in general
-and serval is just blinking at him and wondering how dense her younger brother can be
-reprimands him and tells him that this is a conversation he should be having with you, and not her
-and with a little guidance, gepard is sat in front of you and asking if anything's wrong and if so what he can do to help
-and initially, you're not really sure yourself
-you know that you don't feel the same as usual, but you tend to just go with the motions and wait it out
-and gepard furrows his brows when he hears this
-poor guy has no idea how to handle this without direction
-so he does some research and makes some notes on ways he can help you because he loves you
-and next thing you know his late working hours and overtime have turned into getting home before the sun goes down
-resulting in him having enough energy to do something with you and spend some quality time together, whether that be a date night in or just cooking a meal together
-and funnily enough, gepard notices not only a slight improvement in your overall mood, but in his as well
-with all those tips and tricks of maintaining a routine, he was glad to see your shared efforts come into fruition
-he almost felt his heart combust when you told him that being around him makes you feel better
-man is whipped he will walk the ends of the earth just to see you happy
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY: fade into you!
honkai star rail masterlist ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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sweetcollywobbles · 5 months
my yandere!leon headcanons so far MDNI
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hello! these are just a few headcanons i had about leon as a yandere and a person in general. there is nsfw below the cut, so MINORS AND AGELESS BIOS FUCK OFF ‼ also feel free to send me your thoughts on yandere!leon and your personal headcanons if you have any!!
⟢ he's self-aware that what he's done to you is horrible. he knows you have every right to hate him, but that doesn't stop him from wishing you would love him back. he never meant to hurt or deceive you, but he's lost and given too much. leon wants someone to come home to, share a meal with, and feel needed and wanted. to receive a sliver of what he's given out. so forgive him if he's being selfish when it comes to you, but he deserves happiness too. so why not help him play house?
⟢ smells of bergamot and lavender. it’s nice and relaxing, but also musky and woodsy. he read somewhere that lavender calms the nerves, so he just absolutely lathers himself in the scent. Sometimes you swear he smells like sleep personified. unfortunately, he’s still a man, so he uses old spice lavender body wash. for cologne, he uses sauvage by dior. 
⟢ normalcy is hard. how can anyone go back into society as if the amount of  horrors you’ve seen, aren’t there? like you’re fine and everything is fine? so, leon has found a pretty good remedy, company. each friday, a sit down dinner with claire, chris, and jill. pizza, wings, and beer every sunday with chris watching whatever football game is on. sometimes they may not know the current standings of teams, but it’s fun to pretend that they do. yet friends can only fill the void so much, maybe with you, the world won’t feel so lonely. 
⟢ he has a major sweet tooth! likes his coffee with cream and sugar, won’t drink his coffee black unless he really needs it. leon will always have room for dessert lmao. has tried to bake, but he just doesn’t got it 💀something just always goes wrong. a big ice cream/frozen yogurt guy. once a month, leon will make a “everything under the kitchen sink” sundae. he’ll dump whatever pints of ice cream into a large bowl and top it off with whatever candy, syrup, and whip topping he has. leon is usually on a very strict diet, so why not splurge?
⟢ leon on his off time has taught himself how to smoke/grill meat. only knows how to make small side dishes to go with the meat that he’s made. mashed potatoes and grilled veggies are usually his two favorite go-to sides. 
⟢ i'm a firm believer that leon's receiving love languages are quality time and words of affirmation with a hint of acts of service. leon works a lot, whether at the office or away on another mission, this poor, tired man is always working. so when he's home be prepared to be attached at the hip. leon also has a lot of self-doubt and guilt about what he's done to you, so by telling him how much you love and appreciate him, it feeds his growing delusion that what he's done is necessary. you need him just as much as he needs you. it also adds to the reassurance when you do small things for him to show your love and appreciation, whether it’s real or not. like cleaning and folding his laundry, making him a cup of coffee in the morning, back rubs after a long day, or even packing his lunch for the day. 
i’m giggling at the thought of leon keeping all the small notes you add to his lunch, reading them when the day gets tough. or maybe he has one or two in a go-bag when he has to take small out-of-state trips for work. 
⟢ building off the one before, he won't admit it but he's clingy. he prefers showers, but will choose a bath if it means he gets a small intimate moment with you in the morning. not in a sexual sense, more in a “let’s bask in each other’s presence”. never sits across from you at a table or booth, always next to you. same thing for the couch. there could be a thousand pillows on the bed, but he always chooses yours. leon will also never lets you sleep facing any windows/doors for security reasons. there is no such thing as personal space with this man.
⟢ since leon is a yandere his reciprocating love language is all of them. he wants you to stay with him, so he is willing to drown you in his love until it's the only thing you'll ever know. i'm going to break this down a little in sections.  
⟡ leon isn't the best when it comes to choosing the words that relay how he feels. the words feel wrong and it leaves him awkward. so any sort of verbal praise from him is rare. the most you would get from him is a thumbs up and a "sure" or a pat on the back with a nod.
(😀👍🏻 <— leon fr) but, put a piece of paper infront of this man and all of a sudden he's writing words that’ll make shakespear blush. it's words so sickly sweet it gives you a toothache. leon really hates himself for not being able to verbal relay this to you, but maybe you can feel what he wants to say?
⟡ leon is just really good at showing you how he feels than telling you. I KNOW THIS MAN WOULD GIVE THE BEST HUGS BECAUSE HE SO DESPERATELY NEEDS ONE. just imagining leon giving you a bear hug, fully enveloping you, and he can't help but hold you a little closer. maybe even holds your head a little more to him. his eyes are closed, soaking up the loving moment, he might even do a little sigh of relief. because with you, he's safe. with you, he's loved. and he just wants you to feel the love he has for you through every action. to feel what he can't say. (SORRY I GOT OFF TRACK!!) leon also always has to be touching you in some way. his favorite places for kisses; nose, cheek, neck, or hand. every morning, when he's holding you close, he'll leave small repeated kisses on your neck until you wake up giggling. not really into lip kisses, but will sometimes start a lazy make out session. just loves holding you whenever he can and making sure you feel loved at all times.
⟡ leon will also do the most for you. having a hard time sleeping? he's awake with you, lightly scratching your back in small circles or holding you close while he's running his fingers through your hair. leon just can't sleep knowing that you're having a hard time sleeping. hungry but don't want to cook? he's in the kitchen cheffing it up. putting love in every plate that he makes you, even if it isn't restaurant quality. i feel like leon will also leave you small notes around the house in places that you would find, but it's little drawings instead of words. in the slow cooker, a picture of a flower. in between the dryer sheets, a bad stick figure drawing of what you think is of you and him. at some random page of the book you're reading, a simple heart. 
⟡ leon loves spending time with you. it doesn't matter what it is, even if you're doing nothing. he wants to do nothing with you. his favorite thing to do with you is listen to you. whether you’re rambling about the latest tv drama he knows nothing about or it’s late at night and you’re reading whatever book you’ve picked up. he loves being in the kitchen when you’re cooking/baking. he’s your dedicated sous chef, so feel free to boss him around like your gordon ramsay. although, i’m so sorry for the amount of “my name is sue” jokes he’ll make. loves watching movies, putting together legos/ doing diy crafts, and playing mario kart. 
⟢ when it comes to pet names, leon will add a “my” to the start of it. he’s possessive and it shows in his actions. will often say: my girl, my sweetheart, my baby, my angel, etc.
nsfw (i’m not good at smut sorry)
⟢ the praise problem does not equate to what happens in the bedroom. i'm sorry, i just simply refuse. a complete 180, he's a talker. whether it's saying something so outlandishly lewd like he wants the whole world to hear or sickly sweet nothings in your ear, this dude will NOT stfu. (and it makes me giggle and kick my feet) I WILL PUT MY LIFE ON THE LINE AND SAY THAT THIS MAN IS ABSOLUTELY FERAL IN BED. he's always stressed. from his job, from the lack of self care, from the past that just never seems to leave him. he's on edge. he has healthy ways of releasing it, but sometimes the gym or extra training isn't enough. 
⟢ which can lead to leon being a little mean in bed. he’s absolutely degrading the life out of you while also giving you whiplash with the praise that he gives you as well. leon is a lot more aggressive and at some point you’re just a fleshlight to him. spanking, choking, biting, spitting, you name it, it is on the table. also licking whatever drool comes out of his mouth makes him lose his mind fr.
⟢ i'm not good at writing smut, but i do have an idea of what i think leon's favorite sex positions would be. the first one would be mating press. it's extremely intimate and it allows him to be close to your face and neck than the regular missonary position. again, he really gets off knowing that he's the one getting you off. another postition would be cowgirl, it gives him full view of your chest and face, except you're not really riding him. again, he just using you as a fleshlight like giving you the perception that you’re in control. another would be you on your belly and him basically putting you in a headlock. IDK WHAT IT’S CALLED BUT IF YKYK. and leon just saying the most down right atrocious things in your ear would make me go crazy. 
⟢ last but not least, ✨moaning✨. i like to think that he’s a grunter and whiner at the same time. idk if that makes any sense? he’s loud but not obscenely loud. but sometimes when he overstimulates himself, he’s a complete whiner like lovi (again if ykyk).
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diejager · 5 months
somnophilia with big brother simon?..😵‍💫
Cw: somnophilia, DARKFIC, INCEST, DUB-CON/NON-CON, creampie, unprotected sex, PinV, cockwarming, tell me if I missed any.
Slotting himself against you, he slipped into you without any struggle, basking in the warmth of your gummy walls. You were still slick and stretched from earlier, bending you over his desk and fingering you until you stopped squirming, compliant and soft under him, your cunt clenching around his fingers while you bucked backed and mewled softly. You fit so well in his arms, pressing your back to his chest as he spooned you, panting against your nape and mumbling little praises.
He rolled his hips, the fat head of his cock tapping your cervix, making his groan in pleasant appreciation. Pulling back, he gave a shallow and hard thrust, plunging back into you with a wet slap, his balls hanging from the side of his thigh. He soaked in your slick, feeling it drizzle down the thick base and wetting his groomed hair. You writhed in your sleep, walls fluttering around him, pulsing with a hot and strong beat, little moans slipping through your closed lips.
He fucked your slow but roughly, pulling out gently, throbbing inside of you before he rammed in, his tip kissing your cervix. It pulled sleepy mewls from you and grunting moans from him, his eyes closing in the sheer ecstasy of you. He missed this, feeling your sweet cunt milk him dry and pumping you full of cum, or pounding you into the mattress of your bed, but you’d been on a month long Op away from him. His little sis was taken away from him by another Task Force needing a temporary medic for a specific mission, gone for a month with little communication for classified reasons.
He’d shut down, the ice that had thawed had frozen over again, and he couldn’t jerk himself off when you were gone, leaving him to stalk the walls with heavy balls and a thick and neglected cock that demanded your attention. His mouth thirsted for a taste of your lips and your tangy slick, his hands itched to grip your hips and thighs and his cock ached to find the warmth of your cunt and hands. Nothing he’d done would soothe him, neither sleep nor pleasuring himself to the thought of you, naked on his bed, but it flet blasphemous to think of you in such ways.
What a hypocrite —a disgusting hypocrite. He would damn himself for imagining you in such ways despite being unable to control his thought and his actions when he ploughed into you, fucking his cum deeper. He felt you stir when he gave a particularly harsh thrust, jerking your whole body and wrenching a whimper from you.
“Si..?” Your voice was lathered in sleep, raspy and tired from just returning from your mission.
“ ‘m taking care of it, lovie. Don’t worry,” he groaned, gasping and rutting against you, his cock’s throbbing growing in strength and pace.
“Ah- o-okay.”
Without any struggle, your eyes closed and you went back to sleep, mind succumbing to your exhaustion and his manhandling, letting him do as he wished with you. Giving a few short and hard thrusts, growling in your ear, little praises about you being so good for him, he came after bottoming out, his balls tightening and cock twitching. Spurting cum from his sensitive slit, he felt your walls clamp down on him, pulling and coaxing all the load he had to offer you. He softened, limp shaft laying snugly inside your tight, painted cunt, mumbling incoherent words before he calmed down.
“Thank you,” he gasped, breathing loudly in your ear, “Thank you.”
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kabukibun · 1 year
–Breeding Sex With The Girl I Love (Non Stop Cumming Until We Have A Baby!)
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⚠ TWs/CWs: the start of my doujin titles, fem! reader, pussy eating, breeding, creampies <3
notes. this is pt 2 to my “first time” fic. i mistakenly called him kunikuzushi in the first fic so i’ve retconned it here
“That’s a good boy, Kabukimono. Just keep licking, I’m almost there-!” Your thighs lock around his head, pulling him closer to your wet cunt. Kabukimono knows exactly what that means, so he bobs his head faster against your pussy, tongue lathering you up. His lips focus on your swollen clit, slurping and sucking so much it drives you crazy. It’s been two months since he first had sex and learned how to worship your pussy, but it feels like he’s been doing this for far much longer. “Cum in m’ mouf, pleashh.. Wanna taste ya,” he says, words muffled by his mouth full of pussy. As if on command, you cum, legs shaking as your eyes roll back in pleasure. You roll your hips to ride out your orgasm and Kabukimono hums in satisfaction. He reluctantly pulls away, wiping away the excess fluid with the back of his hand.
“You always taste so good. You okay to keep going? If you’re tired I can just- Mm!” His rambling is swiftly shut down as you pull him in for a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. “O-okay, I understand. I’ll put it in now!” Kabukimono grasps onto his cock for the first time all night, lightly tugging on it before grinding against your wet cunt. It slides across easily, his cock slicked up in your juices. He takes a deep breath before he sinks into your pussy, breath releasing in shudders as he tries not to cum. His hands are firmly pressed onto your hips, using them as leverage to thrust inside of you. Kabukimono bites his lip in a futile attempt to hold back from moaning. He always thought he was too loud.. He just wanted to hear you and the cute noises you made when he hit the spot just right.
Ah, just thinking about it has him whimpering. “S-soo good! Mn, ah, I wanna cum-” His hips shake wildly, chasing after his high. The sound of skin against skin makes a loud plap, plap, plap - a sign of the lewd act you were committing if anyone were to pass by. Your legs intertwine behind his back, keeping him firmly against you. Kabukimono can only hump you desperately as you offer no chance of escape. “Inside?” He asks.
“Y-yeah, fill me up with your cum. You know what happens then?” You breathe shakily, your orgasm muddling your mind. Still, you knew you meant what you said.
“I’ll.. give you a baby! I’ll fill you up and get you pregnant, mmf! Please, please, ah!” His hips piston faster into you, eager to cum inside and make both your wishes come true. With a final thrust, his cum releases in heavy spurts inside of your tightening cunt. Your orgasm hits you as soon as his does, the feeling of cum filling you up giving you that final push over the edge. The two of you shake as you bask in the afterglow, breathing shakily as you hold one another.
Although this would usually mark the end of your session, neither of you can manage to be the one to pull away. Your throbbing cunt and his still hard cock serves as no incentive to release the other. You roll your hips and Kabukimono shudders with pleasure. “Well, we have to make sure, right?” Ever the gentleman, Kabukimono wants to have your clear consent to continue. His stamina is far better than the average human, you’ve learned that lesson already. Today was different, however, you wanted this. You didn’t want to stop until there was no doubt you’d have his baby.
“Keep going, hahh, I want you. Need your cum in my womb.” Your words made Kabukimono whine. You could feel his cock twitch as he grabbed your legs, pushing them towards your chest. Your calves rested on his shoulders while he gripped the back of your thighs. His cock kissed your womb as he positioned you, the head repeatedly rubbing against it as he hurriedly thrust inside. All he could do was slur his words while you milked him. “Giving you a baby,” and “I love youuu,” were barely legible as he tried to kiss you.
You watched as his cock filled you up, stretching you out with every thrust. His cock was covered in his creamy cum and your juices. God, it looked delicious. If he wasn’t fucking a baby inside of you right now, you’d be sucking him off and licking him clean. You reach down to rub your clit as you watch Kabukimono pound into you, occasionally glancing at his face. Just the sight of his sweaty, focused face as he struggles to fuck you could make you cum. “Kabuuuuki, gonna cum again.”
“Do it, I’m right behind you. Uoogh, so tight, you’re sucking me in!” Your pussy clenches around his cock, squeezing him as if it were begging for his cum. His hips move slow and deep, shuddering through his final push as he tries to stuff his cock as deep into your womb as he can. He mewls as he feels his cum spill inside you, filling you up beyond what your pussy can handle. For now, his cock serves as a plug to hold it all in. You whine at the fullness in your tummy, almost achy with how much of his seed you’re carrying.
When he pulls out, his cum overflows, spilling out in globs. Kabukimono pouts at this, using two fingers to scoop it up and push it back inside. Your pussy flutters when he touches you, completely overstimulated. He murmurs a soft apology, kissing your thigh to soothe you. Despite this, you still tell him, “Just a couple minutes… and we’ll go again. You will put a baby in me.”
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knot-headed · 1 year
hi hope you're doing well
I got reminded of my obsession with Castlevania :0 and reminded of how much poor Alucard suffered :((
So gentle Vampire male reader x Alucard
I just want reader to focus on Alucards pleasure , doing everything he asks for , because he deserves to be treated like royalty Reader is just pampering him with kisses while making him a whimpering mess And ofc the best aftercare in the world for Alucard <333
Also I hope you're having an amazing day <333
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Adrian Tepes x Vampire!Male Reader Summary: Pampering and gently fucking Adrian. Warnings: NSFW, 18+ Only. Top!male reader, bottom!Adrian, gentle sex, praising, lots of kissing, unprotected anal, riding, orgasms, aftercare, set after season 3, reader is at least strong enough to carry Adrian.
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“Adrian?” His eyes screw shut tighter, chest stuttering with uneven breaths while tears of frustration sting behind his eyelids. You lean back slightly, attempting to rub soothing circles into his hips with your thumbs. “My love, we don’t have to-”
“No,” he interrupts, the grip on your arms tightening. After a few deep breaths Adrian manages to open his eyes, a pink flush slowly blooming across his face with the way you so gently look down at him. “I want to do this, I…” 
You understand his hesitance - once he told you about Sumi and Taka everything had snapped into place, and the reason why he was so reluctant to get close to you at first became perfectly clear. 
“How about we try something different?” You ask, his nervousness bleeding into the room. Normally with Adrian so quiet you would tease him, but when he simply nods, you don’t, instead encouraging him to sit up so you can press your mouth against his, his anxieties ebbing away as his head grows foggy. 
Slowly, you manoeuvre your bodies until you’re the one pressed into the pillows and Adrian is on top, straddling your waist as you hungrily lick into his mouth, lowly moaning when he reciprocates with just as much vigour. When you break apart you barely manage to contain your grin as a noise of discontent rises from his throat, unhappy with the loss of your mouth.
“Is this better?” You whisper, and Adrian takes a moment, blinking dazedly before sitting up and looking down, realising where he now was. He can feel your cock, hard and hot, poking him, and the blush trails down his chest. Hands falling down to his waist you gently squeeze, bringing his attention back to you. “We go at your pace, whatever you want to do.”
Overcome with emotion he surges forward, bringing you into a hungry kiss, tongue trailing over your fangs with excitement. When one of your hands moves to tangle in his hair and cup the back of his head to keep him pressed against you he moans into your mouth, hips unintentionally grinding down against your stomach. He’s hard against you, and when your other hand travels to his cock, thumb collecting the drops of pre that had gathered before you begin to stroke him, Adrian breaks the kiss, forehead falling into your shoulder as he gasps at the contact.
He revels in the pleased hum that rumbles in your chest, your mouth now paying attention to his neck, allowing your fangs to gently drag against the skin before you begin to lather at a certain spot, intent on marking his neck.
You don’t get the chance, your head falling back when Adrian takes you in his hand, stroking your shaft as you twitch in his hold. With new found confidence he shuffles back, looking at you with blown pupils and only a thin ring of gold in his eyes when you finally tilt your head back up. Your chest contracts with a sharp intake when he holds your cock to his hole and begins to slowly sink down until he’s flush against you, the slide easy thanks to the prep you did earlier.
Neither of you move, basking in the presence of each other while you wait for Adrian to adjust, hands trailing over every inch of skin you can reach before settling on his waist when he testingly moves his hips, hands falling to your chest to keep himself up.
With the absence of pain he starts moving, rocking back and forth above you, your cock dragging against his walls and filling him completely. When the pleasure starts to build he leans back to rest his hands on your thighs, bouncing himself up and down and giving you the perfect view.
Small, pearly drops leak from the tip of his cock, gathering on your skin. Although you haven’t been fucking him long Adrian already feels the building of his orgasm and you’re right behind him, the teasing you had done before wrecking your stamina.
Grinding his cock against your stomach Adrian whimpers, the small pool of precum on your stomach steadily growing as he climbs closer and closer. When you wrap a hand around his cock he cries, breathing growing heavier as he pleads. “Please please, I’m close, keep going.”
You jerk him off faster, his cock shining and wet with arousal. When you flick your wrist just write and angle your thrusts to pound into his prostate he’s almost sobbing as he cums, splashing across your torsos with a soundless cry. Fucking into him to prolong his orgasm Adrian eventually moans out loud, cock kicking with each rope of cum.
Slowing your thrusts as he comes down Adrian quickly notices you haven’t cum and fucks down on you faster, reigniting your orgasm. “Fuck fuck fuck, I’m close, I’m close,” you chant, rapidly losing control over your encroaching orgasm. “Where do you want it?”
“Inside, cum inside me.” Adrian begs, rapidly bouncing up and down on your cock to bring you to the edge.
With a final hoarse cry your body arches up to chase the tightness of Adrian’s hole as you cum, the tip of your cock knocking against his prostate with every thrust as you paint his walls in thick globs. Hips jerking into his your body vibrates with pleasure, steadily filling him until you’re a panting mess, Adrian faring no better as he trembles above you. 
The both of you remain still as you enjoy the ripples of pleasure, only moving to rake your fingers across the tops of Adrian’s thighs while he catches his breath, cock still snug within his walls.
When you pull out and go to move Adrian stops you with a hand on your stomach, curiously grinding back to feel your hard cock nestled between his cheeks. “You’re still hard?” He asks incredulously.
Your smile turns sheepish, body more than ready to go for another round. “Yes, but we don’t have to go again, I can-”
Adrian quietens you with a scoff. “What do you take me for?” Using his strength he flips you both over, legs widening to make room for you and arms pulling you forward until your cock is pressed against him. “Do you think I would leave you unsatisfied? You really must-”
Cutting him off when you push back inside Adrian chokes on his words, hands fisting the fabric of the sheets into his fingers, a broken moan forcing itself out of his chest. When you start thrusting again your body feels everything, more sensitive in the aftermath of your first orgasm.
With his head thrown back in pleasure you leap at the chance to take in Adrian, mouth slightly apart as moans tumble from him, skin shining with exertion and blooming marks beginning to form on his neck. 
You never understood how people could devote themselves to others so freely - but now, with Adrian splayed underneath you, golden hair surrounding him like the sun itself, you understand. With emotion boiling in your chest you lean down to capture his lips once more, pleasure crackling up your spine with how he clings to you.
Reluctantly pulling away when Adrian tilts his head back to moan you move to his neck, nipping and sucking at the skin as his legs tighten around you, the edges of your orgasm slowly creeping in. You push up onto your hands, hovering over him while your thrusts gain speed, skin slapping against skin as you chase your release. Adrian scrambles to hold onto your shoulders as his body jostles with the force.
The knot tightly builds in your stomach, thrusts growing wild as you pound into him. “I’m close,” you manage to warn, short grunts following each thrust.
Adrian digs his fingers into your shoulders, leaving crescent shapes as he pants. “Again- cum inside me again.”
With a few more thrusts the knot snaps, rhythm stuttering as you feel each rope of cum fill Adrian’s hole, his body tensing around you as if to milk you for all he can. The feeling triggers his own orgasm, cock twitching against his skin as streaks paint his stomach, body shivering with intensity.
Trembling with the aftershocks of your release and barely able to keep yourself up you collapse to the side, spots dancing behind your eyelids and an arm automatically surrounding Adrian when he shuffles next to you, resting on your chest.
He clings to you in the afterglow, simmering in pleasure as he loses himself to the way you gently run a hand everywhere once the spots have faded - light fingers following up his spine, across to his shoulder and then down his arm until you take his hand in yours, thumb softly running across his knuckles. When he regains some control of his body he glances up to see you already smiling down at him, a question on the tip of your tongue. “Are you ok my love?”
His head falls back onto your chest, too heavy to keep up. “You ruined me, you brute.”
Adrian rises and falls with your chest as you laugh, one hand combing hair off his sweaty forehead while you plant a kiss on his temple. “I’m sorry, let’s take a bath and I can make it up to you?”
He sinks further into your body, limbs struggling to respond. “I can’t move,” he pouts.
“You won’t have to, I’ll be right back.” Disentangling yourself from Adrian is harder than you think, but once free you look over your shoulder to catch his eyes hungrily sweeping over your naked body and send him a wink, quickly disappearing out of the room and into the attached bathroom.
Turning on the water you allow time for the bath to begin filling, and when you return to Adrian he’s shifted onto his back, waiting for your return. Planting one knee on the bed he has little time to react before you’re moving one arm under his knees and the other across his back to pick him up, Adrian’s arms flying to wrap around your neck. He huffs, burrowing his blushing face into your neck as you carry him. “I can walk by myself.”
He can’t see the grin plastered across your mouth but he can hear your amusement. “I thought you said that I ruined you, that you couldn’t move?”
Adrian groans, burrowing further into your neck. Arriving at the bath he reluctantly lets go as you lower him into the water, switching off the gushing taps and encouraging Adrian to lean back and relax. With another kiss to his temple you disappear for a few minutes, quickly stripping the ruined bed sheets and replacing them with fresh ones.
Reappearing in the bathroom you coax him forward just enough so that you can settle behind him, pulling him back to rest against your chest as your arms encircle his waist, hugging him close to you. The hot water eases the soreness in muscles, and soon Adrian is twisting his head to seek out your mouth, body relaxing as you kiss him slowly, gently.
You spend the remainder of your bath pampering him - cleaning every inch of his skin, washing his hair, muttering praises into his ear. By the time you’re both clean Adrian is completely lax in your arms, fighting to stay awake. Pulling Adrian up as you stand you help him out, grabbing the nearby towels and drying you both off, Adrian dazedly watching as you throw the towels in a corner to deal with later and link your fingers with his, pulling him back to bed.
Adrian settles under the covers first, lying on his side and pointedly waiting until you lie next to him. He quickly encourages you to engulf him, making you shift onto your side to face him so he can move one of your legs over his and cuddle into your chest, arms wrapping around you to hold you close. Once your arms envelop him and your chin rests on the top of his head his breaths soon even out, the lull of sleep too hard to resist knowing he’s entangled with you.
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