#batmam crossover
bumblebeug · 1 year
DPxDC Idea for Lazarus Water/ Prompt
Ok so Extoplasm is thought of as being corrosive right?
What if Walker hated having real world object in the ghost zone was because they would eventually dissolve and contaminate the ectoplasm that touched it? Usually not a problem because the ectoplasm dissolves the object and the ghost zone filters it out naturally by just passing the dissolved real world item back into the living realm somewhere. Its why sometimes people feel the hair on the back of their neck stand up on a hot day like they've passed through a cold spot (because generally when the dissolved real world item comes back to the living world, its gaseous).
The problem is, however, if enough real world objects get dissolved at once, it gathers into a heavy pool (Lazarus water) that will eventually leech into the real world somewhere in a nongaseous form. Which is a huge problem because when those open up, it means that humans can more easily access the ectoplasm because since its now a living/dead substance and can be absorbed and, in most cases, abused by humans. Of course the effects of taking a dip don't last long because it eventually evaporates out through a humans pores and, like,, liver.. which is why repeated dips into the pool are needed. Also the bigger the pool, the more gravity it exerts drawing more dissolving real world items to it.
Which, for Walker, is a paperwork nightmare because its hard to disperse these pools once they occur (in general most sane ghosts don't also want to be contaminated). The solution, in Walkers eyes, is prevention over clean-up which is why he's so ridiculously strict about real world items in the Zone.
But say a big enough pool forms.
SO Walker catches Danny and instead of jailing him decides "Hey this kid is already a dead/alive mix, maybe it'll be easier for him to disperse the stuff" and sentences Danny to community service.
Here's the thing though- Walker was wrong, the pool has more pull on Danny because of his unique biology and essentially sucks him in when Danny approaches it.
Where does Danny end up? Thats right- either in Gotham's Lazarus pit or the Al-Ghul's pit.
I'd like to think the trip through a pool would sorta fry Danny's system (due to his unique) until enough Lazarus water evaporates off of him so he's stuck as, like, a combined form Fenton/Phantom because of the overload to his system. And he can't leave until that happens (sorry Clockwork can't help because he's...busy)
Maybe he has half white hair/half black hair and one blue/ one glowing green eye.
Anyways, I think this would be a really fun concept.
Batfamily would have a field day with this.
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deniskhenry · 2 years
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123° Resenha do dia  Grandes Encontros DC Comics-Darkhorse Liga da Justiça . . Meha encadernado Crossover do selo Panini Books DC e Dark Horse com Histórias de Mike Mignola, Dave Micheline, Alan Grant, James Robinson, Artes por Alex Maleev, Steve Pugh e Matt Hollingsworth, contém 412 páginas e compila as histórias variadas entre 1999 e 2000, Superman vs Predator 1-4, Superman vs Terminator: Death to The Future 1-4, Batmam/Hellboy/Starman 1-4 e Ghost/Batgirl 1-4 e pela Panini Comics em 2018. . . Esse encadernado é um verdadeiro convite a nostalgia e a Encontros peculiares e praticamente impossíveis nas histórias atuais, algumas seguem roteiros bem rasos, outros conseguem trazer uma atmosfera interessante com perspectiva única pro leitor. . . Crossovers como Superman Vs.Predador lançado numa miniserie da Ed.Abril em 3 edições ambientada numa floresta da América Central onde o superman irá lidar com algo que drena seus poderes causando um embate complicado contra o Predador. . . Outro Crossover aqui também com o Superman mas desta vez com os comandos da Skynet na caça do famoso John Connor, . . Talvez a melhor narrativa seja entre dois ícones distintos: Batman e Hellboy contra nazistas magos que capturaram o Starman original e na América do Sul com a ajuda do atual Starman: Jack Knight a resgatar o lendário herói além de fretar os planos dos Cavaleiros de outubro. . . Cassandra Cain a atual Batgirl, após Bárbara deixar o manto para se tornar a oráculo terão que trabalhar com a enigmática Ghost contra o chefão de Arcádia, Malcolm e o Duas Caras. . . Eu gosto muito desses tipos de histórias, embora reconheça são bem rasas e até ingênuas em dados momentos sem tanta profundidade, mas era o que predominava na época e casava bem com o fator diversão e entretenimento de leitura e isso ainda funciona bem aqui mesmo nos dias de hoje! Vale a pena conhecer esses encontros. . . #Quadrinhos #Hqs #Dc #DarkHorse #LigadaJustiça #Panini #Batman #Hellboy #Superman #Comic #Predador #Exterminador #Starman #Batgirl (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJop6AuszQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lgreadsandreviews · 6 years
Review of Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul
Continuing on my Great Damian Reading I found myself at Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul. This is a crossover book between the following issues of Batfamily books:
Batman Annual #26
Robin Annual #7
Batman #670
Robin #168
Nightwing #138
Detective Comics #838
Batman #671
Robin #169
Nightwing #139
Detective Comics #839
Detective Comics #840
This book is written by Paul Dini, Grant Morrison, Peter Milligan, Fabian Nicieza, and Keith Champagne. Pencils by David López, Jason Pearson, Tony S. Daniel, Freddie E. Williams II, Dom Kramer with Carlos Rodriguez, Ryan Benjamin, and David Baldeón. If that seems like a lot of names welcome to comic book crossovers.
I want to say right away in this review that this book is something I remembered as a lot better than it was. One of the main issues I have with this book is that that book is not as focused as I would like. While this is to be expected in a comic book crossover it still can take away from the experience of this title. For example, the main plot of the story is that the League of Assassins wants to put Ra's al Ghul's life essence into Damian so that Ra's may return to life. On the way to the plot we also have to deal with the romance between Bruce and Talia, Tim Drake's horrible life experiences in the last year, Nightwing needing to make life or death decisions, etc. While this does make sense because this title ran through all of these books it does stretch the story out in ways that did not seem necessary. Even with all of that said there are some positives in this book.
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The first major benefit to this book are the parts with Tim. At this point in Batmam history Tim had lost his best friend (Conner), Dad, and girlfriend (Stephanie Brown) all within one years time. Added on to this is Damian entering Bruce's life and making Tim question his part of the Bat family. Seeing him seriously consider joining with Ra's just for the chance to bring his loved ones back to life does make sense for Tim. It takes Dick's trust, and punches, to get Tim to seriously consider what he is doing. For this time in Tim Drake's history I appreciate seeing that Tim is human and does consider it.
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Another point I love in this story is Damian showing how much he wants to be like his father. This is the first time we really see him go away from Talia and start to see him branch out as the eventual family member we will grow to love.
I want to talk about the art in this book though because that is the biggest mixed bag for me. We get some pretty good pencil work from Tony S. Daniel, though some of his work in this book is still off. Then we get some chibi art that does not fit in by Jason Pearson. The worst is probably the faces drawn by David Baldeón, though he does draw some nice backgrounds.
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Simply put this book doesn't need to exist but it does add some nice facets for the future. This book gives more reason why Damian would end up joining Batman. Additionally, the character moments for Tim are a major benefit. The biggest impact though is showing more of Talia being willing to split from Ra's which will be important as Morrison's run continue.
Now I am off to one of my favorite Morrison books...
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tudoquemotiva · 4 years
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Olá pessoas! Passando para fazer um update das minhas leituras. Jogo rápido, vamos lá!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Estou quase acabando Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes e os livros dessa série são mágicos. É infantojuvenil, mas tem muita referência à culturas pop, bom humor, lindas amizades e muita ação. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Também estou no final de Mulher Gato da Sarah J Maas e estou impressionada que, apesar da protagonista ser loira, linda e alta, ela não vive em função de macho e não depende deles para nada??? Dito isso, eu estou gostando da leitura. E também estou curtindo demais o crossover de personagens.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Para quem não sabe esse é o terceiro livro da série Lendas da Dc que está saindo no Brasil pela @arqueiro. Sendo o primeiro, Mulher Maravilha, seguido de Batmam, e o último Superman (que ainda não saiu no Brasil).⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Também comecei um no kindle. Mad, Bad & Dangerous to know é um lançamento de Maio que estou atrasada na leitura 😅 estou ainda no começo, então não sei falar muito sobre. Só posso dizer que estou gostando da escrita da autora.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Acho que é basicamente isso mesmo. Como foi o final de semana por aí? Já me conta o que estão lendo de bom. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Tenham uma ótima semana pela frente ❤️⁣ ⁣ ⁣ . ⁣ #allthebooksjun20 - latest purchase⁣ #bookishpodjun20 - beasties for life⁣ #sandandbooks2028 - cover buy https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMBaknDxw9/?igshid=16funaxxutdaf
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damthosefandoms · 7 years
I've been reading your batfam pjo au and they're really great! Can you elaborate on how you're gonna portray the big reveal to batmam? Maybe even involve a lot of the league members? Maybe something about a large attack on Jason and Percy just comes in destroying all the enemies to protect his brother? And it just devolves from there? (Can you imagine the tension between Poseidon and batman? Like, "I'm his dad even though I suck at being one to Jason")
I’m really glad you liked the fics and stuff. it makes me happy to know that people enjoy what I’m doing here. 
I… don’t really know how that reveal would go, to be honest. It never occurred to me to write it. It may seem like I’ve planned all my fics ahead but honestly I just write them whenever I get randomly inspired. I like to think of it as the first fic I wrote, Two Kinds of Heroes, is really the only like cemented piece in the universe of that crossover. It basically sets how everything came to be and all. Anything written after that is just more like side stories, things that could happen in that universe after everything in the first fic goes down. The fun part about those stories to me is that Jason is still hiding this huge part of his life from his family. It’s fun to make it so he has something to hide, something big to worry about. If there was a reveal to Bruce that went down that I wrote, I feel like that’d be it; I couldn’t really change anything after that moment because now it just wouldn’t be as fun, at least for me, anymore to write the stories. The stories are forever stuck in the build up to that climax because after that, the story ends. And I know it really doesn’t but to me it’d feel like it did. The story wouldn’t have to end after that for you guys. That’s why I’ll probably never write the reveal; I like to have my options open and I like to stick where I am and keep it there. If any of you wanted, and if you credited me somehow, I’d totally be fine if you wanted to go and write a reveal and send me a link because I wanna know how YOU think the reveal would go. It’s up to your interpretation. Sorry if this was really long. I’m just trying here, okay? 
If you aren’t satisfied with that answer? Here’s my joke version of how the reveal would go from my messages with @harleyhoney:
“Bruce is gonna find out when Jason says ‘fuck you my real dad is a god and never around yet he’s STILL a better father than you’ll ever be you 40-something year old bat furry’”
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cloakedsparrow · 6 years
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(via 'Deathstroke vs. Batman' by Christopher Priest coming this April - Batman News)
It’s long been said that Batman can’t beat most anybody, given enough prep time.  He has an unflinching resolve, his deductive skills are second to none, and if he’s not the master of a particular form of martial arts, he’s the master of a half dozen others.  Batman is the peak of the human form, an example of what one can achieve with enough determination and training.
And craploads of money, but you know.
In the entirety of the DC Universe there’s scarcely anyone that could be called his equal in hand-to-hand combat.  Except for Deathstroke.
Slade Wilson, that one-eyed Terminator and longtime scourge of the Teen Titans, is the one man that even Batman thinks he can’t beat.  At best they’d come to a standstill, yet Slade has no qualms about taking a life so even that’s debatable.  It’s not even about fighting skill either, as Slade is a master tactician so brilliant that even Superman enlisted him to help coordinate an attack no Brainiac.
Bleeding Cool is reporting that come April, the Dark Knight and the world’s deadliest assassin will go head to head in Deathstroke vs. Batman.  Written by current Deathstroke scribe Christopher Priest, with art from Carlo Pagulayan and covers from the inimitable Lee Weeks, it’s unclear if this is a one-shot, a miniseries, or a crossover.  What is evident is that two of the most popular characters in comics will be going head to head under the pen of one of the most celebrated writers in the industry, which is reason enough to get excited.  More details will likely come with DC’s April solicitations, so we at Batmam News will keep you updated as we learn more.
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