#bbrae babies
justinepush · 1 year
I just stumbled onto your blog months ago and I am AMAZED to see a bbrae kids comics. I am hoping that you did not abandoned it because your art style and plot looks GREAT!
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It's definitely still in the works!! I still really think about it and continue to change and add new things to the story. I will have to admit that a full comic of Overcast will unfortunately be impossible. I am very busy with school and now I just draw during my free time, unlike in the past where I would schedule and create deadlines for certain comics.
But seeing that there are people waiting and still really interested, I will continue to post sketches or short comic strips that are related to the plot.
Thank you so much for the support on Overcast because I truly love the characters and building their world :))
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wwinter-wren · 1 year
thinking about this thing I did almost exactly a year ago
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scorpioaqua · 2 years
bbrae shippers i just feel like. we are eating, ykwis? we are being fed. every time i see new official dc content with even a crumb of gar/rae my serotonin spikes. i don’t even care if the media it’s contained in is good at this point (i mean i do but that’s…shut up). like whenever i see them next to each other i’m like yes. and if they are having an interaction i’m like YES. and if they are having a ROMANTIC INTERACTION i’m like yyyYEEEEESSSSSSSDSDSSSSSDDS
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astriddestelle · 7 months
Seeing all the zutara, kataang post where they analyze every episode for the bare minimum (they held hands, she kissed his cheek, he kept her from falling) is killing me cause I remember doing the exact same thing for Teen Titans back in the day except it was BBRae and RobRae.
I had a whole list (mind you before tumblr was like super popular so this was HANDWRITTEN) going oh he caught her when she fell, they both laughed at this joke, she smiled at him in this exact scene. Omg I was down in the trenches bad and so are yall I love it 🤣
If it’s one thing the girlies gonna do it’s overanalyze every little detail for our ship.
Now I look back and laugh it was a fun time but baby I can’t imagine being that obsessed about a show ever again.
Everyone who’s seen me go crazy for JJK: Sure Jan
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nautiscarader · 2 months
"Happy father's day" for Robstar, Bbrae AND Cyjinx.
It was difficult to say whose eyes went bigger and whose expression was more bewildered when Starfire handed all three male Titans father's day cards, complete with positive pregnancy tests.
"What joyous day that we have all found out we have been upknocked at the same time!"
She flew between Raven and Jinx and brought them in a tight hug completely unaware her two friends were not sharing her complete ecstasy.
"But that is not all! I have bought us all gifts as well!"
Starfire pulled three identical white t-shirts and pushed them onto herself and her friends.
Jinx burst into laughter, seeing Raven wearing white shirt with "Baby on board" text.
"I wasn't sure what board they meant…. Are all our children will be surfers?"
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vexic929 · 8 months
Sending you Beast Boy and Jason Todd for the character thing!
my baby boyyyys!
1: sexuality headcanon
Gar: pan or bi
Jason: demisexual and biromantic
2: otp
Gar: Titans Polycule! BBRae or JayGar
Jason: JayGar, JayRoy, or JayRose
3: brotp
Gar: Cyborg and BB besties forever!
Jason: Jay and Bizarro are so cute <3333
4: notp
Gar: I don't think I have a notp for Gar, actually
Jason: Jason and Artemis, sorry they're besties for sure but I just feel like Artemis is way too sapphic
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Gar: Gar does every single kpop tiktok dance trend. Every one.
Jason: Jason has progressive hearing loss and chronic migraines due to the amount of explosions he's been through
6: favorite line from this character
Gar: "Why can't I battle evil in a pair of baggy Levi's…? This is the stuff that keeps me up at night…"
Jason: "Goodness gracious I've been bamboozled!" or when he interrupted a guy who said hi to him by just saying "I don't want to talk to people." relatable king
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Gar: loves video games, bad jokes, animals, and kpop
Jason: is overdramatic and sarcastic
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Gar: early Gar was a bit misogynistic, he's pretty uncomfortable to read (newer comics and shows, way better)
Jason: the freaking dildo helmet
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Gar: current Gar, total cinnamon roll! the babiest of boys!
Jason: problematic fave
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grotesquefl0wer · 17 days
just out of curiosity, what’s your opinion on bbrae?
I also don't like bbrae lol. It basically has the same problem of dumbing down Raven and writing her ooc but in actual canon comics instead of just tumblr textposts. I've been keeping up with Titans 2023 and God is that characterization rough. I don't want that wannabe alt outfit or Raven being fine and the text acting like she's never had any problems I want her to have a breakdown because she thinks her goddess is disappointed in her for not being an emotionless robot.
I kind of resent how Raven went from being a character who had a very fraught relationship with her own sexuality and body from the trauma of being a rape baby and growing up in a cult that pushed complete emotional abstinence on her to whatever it is they're doing with her right now. Sure, a character is going to change over the course of 40 years, but this isn't the change I'd have wanted and I don't think they really did a good job of showing her going from point A to point B because of all the reboots and jumbled timelines and whatnot.
Also, to be honest Gar is just kind of annoying to me lol. I don't like the NTT version's whole joke being that he sexually harasses his teammates and I don't like the sort of juvenile goofy guy humor they give him in more modern versions. I can tolerate him as a character but I don't want him to be basically the only character my fave gets to interact with.
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bbraefairy · 12 days
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this is the strongest hint about a baby even though she doesn’t want it now, she doesn’t deny that she will have one, and I'm sure Gar will convince her to become parents
aw i loveee this. i always think bbrae can do every and anything
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secondgenerationnerd · 9 months
Any friendship hcs on Lian, mar’i & the twins? Also a group nickname for the four of them: young titans, pretty cool
Ooooo See I fully believe “New Titans” would also include my BBrae twins, Emerson and Elijah Logan.
Lian, Mar’i, and the West twins are also called “the menaces” because they can and have outsmarted people on the League 😂😂😂
Jai knows how to braid hair because of them. He actually can do some very cute looks too!
Some older hero asked a 17 year old Jai why he tells people he’s not the biggest threat of the four.
*points at Irey* “The little Redhead? That’s my twin sister. I’ve seen her call the sons of Superman and Batman pussies, take down opponents five times her size, and argue with experts for being ignorant. She also bites like a fucking feral cat.”
*points at Mar’i* “The tall one with the pretty curls? That’s my pseudo baby sister. She’s heir to an entire planet, has been squaring up to adults since she was 8, and can rip cars in half without breaking a nail.”
*points at Lian* The gorgeous baddie in the leather jacket? That’s my childhood-best-friend-turne-girlfriend. Not only is she immune to a fair amount of poisions, not only does she have an attitude like she’s seven foot five and made of steel, she’s got the kind of aim that takes one hit to be life altering.”
*gestures to all three* “They’re why I figured what ‘fuck around, find out’ meant by age 9. If they decide to take over the world, I’m on their side, bitch.”
Jai carries pads and tampons on his backpack and has a spare pad in his wallet at all times. He also happens to know when their periods should hit and keeps the kitchen stocked.
Mar’i, Lian, and Irey will all do some modeling pics for Milagro, so she can show how an outfit will look on different body types. Jai is their biggest hype man
If you mess with one of them, the other three will kick your ass.
They would make their dads pretend to be Villians so they could be superheroes.
The first time Mar’i met Jade, everyone was really concerned that Mar’i would fight her. Because she knows how much Lian loves her mom and how much it hurts she’s not there. Mar’i just stared at her with a wisdom too old for an 8yo to have.
Want them all to sit still? Put on Lilo and Stitch. They won’t move for hours
All their dads have stepped in when people have made the four feel uncomfortable at different times.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
1, 3, 6 for Teen Titans. :) Gimme the salty Tari takes!
1. the character everyone gets wrong
Red X. No one seems to understand that his identity wasn't the point. It didn't matter who was underneath the mask. He wasn't anyone. He wasn't supposed to be anyone. Not anyone significant or familiar anyways.
He was just a random ass kid who liked the thrill of the heist, decided on a whim to break into Titans Tower, and lucked into the biggest score of his career. He doesn't need any more deep backstory than that.
People always go the laziest stalest most boring route and make him Jason Todd anyway, despite how that would absolutely never work in the TT continuity.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
It's a good thing we're limiting this to Tumblr because boooooooooy did I see some bullshit back in the day, lol.
Probably the worst bit of fanwank on Tumblr for the TT fandom is the mindless endless, "BBRae is abusive and toxic!!!!" whinging.
No they're not, they're friends whose personalities can sometimes clash very abrasively but when the chips are down they'd do anything for each other, it's fine if you don't like their dynamic but not every tiny bit of conflict or disagreement or not getting along between characters is automatically a toxic relationship.
Oh and there was also the time RobRae shippers tried to kickstart their own Zutara-esque, "We were supposed to be endgame the whole time guys, the creators totally said so, promise!" conspiracy.
And the time fandom tried to incorporate Teen Titans into the "Cartoon Network cancels superhero shows because too many girls watch them!" nonsense.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
[See aforementioned previous note about which shipper base tried to start a Zutara-esque "We were the original endgame!" conspiracy.]
It's a lot less now, now that they've essentially been subsumed and absorbed almost entirely by the DamiRae shipbase (and that's a rant for another day lololol) but the TT fandom was baby Tari's first shipwar and introduced me to so many ~*wonderful*~ concepts like:
Slutshaming the female rival is a totally valid argument, and not base misogyny at all.
Reducing the rival ship to its most surface level characteristics is okay when we do it.
Canon ships having any kind of relationship progress or development is "forced".
"Chemistry" means "the ship dynamic I like".
Wanting to pull someone out of their clearly-narratively-depicted self-destructive habits is bad actually.
Shipping fanon is a subversive act of rebellion and revolution against oppressive unfair norms. (AKA "Shipping is Social Justice Activism" before that was a thing.)
Fanon shippers are just naturally smarter and better than people who enjoy the canon romance as presented.
And many other highlights!
Yeah, I don't miss that drama and that's one of the reasons I don't want a revival or a Season Six, because then I'd have to deal with these idiots all over again.
Choose violence ask game.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
You prolly don’t take requests but I loved your nice!future AU and I was wondering if you could somehow incorporate DamiRae being married into it???? Like not only is Dami more mature and kinder and has a healthier relationship with future!Tim, but he also has a very stable and healthy relationship that he built with Raven over the years. and that another reason he’s so close with Tim in the future is because Tim helped with getting them together?????
I'm sorry to disappoint you baby, but this blog belongs to ride and die BBRae shipper, that is heavily against making Raven younger for the sake of pairing her with Damian.
I saw teen titan as a kid and was never the same again there's no way back after that one.
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justinepush · 3 years
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Some angsty part of the comic
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morbidlyrixxedge · 5 years
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Beastboy cant even take fighting crime seriously! 
Beast boy is https://www.instagram.com/pdxacrylick/
Raven is me https://www.instagram.com/lyrixxcosplay/
photo by https://www.instagram.com/cmcphotogra/
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writeittypeit · 5 years
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they flirt a lot 
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serrj215 · 5 years
2nd Room
There was so much to do, too much to do. Raven was starting to regret refusing Bart's and Conner's offer of help. They would have been moved in less than 30 seconds. Of course it would take days to figure out where everything was, and if Bart’s room in the tower was any indication she would be finding her clothes in the dishwasher.
Moving is exhausting despite mystic talents or super powers. It was a mental drain trying to figure out where everything went, where it was supposed to go and what they were missing. Raven had spent half an hour trying to place a small protective statue of Athena. A house warming present from Donna Troy. It was a lovely piece but there was no obvious place to put it. It was the same story with an area rug given to them by Wally and Linda West. It was thick and well made, and it was obvious that Linda picked it out. It was still rolled up leaning against the statue of Athena.
It took Raven hours trying to get the kitchen in order. It didn’t help that her boyfriend's packing style was a little haphazard. She had found most of the utensils in a box labeled bathroom, and the mugs were hidden under Garfield's anime dolls, no sorry figurines he was sensitive about that sort of thing.
It also didn't help that their friend Victor had given them every kitchen gadget known to man as his housewarming gift. It was very sweet of him but Raven was not sure if she trusted herself to operate a microwave, let alone a blender with 26 different speed settings.
Garfield had been a whirl of green energy since she had said "Yes" and agreed to move in together. He had started packing before they even found the apartment. Then he insisted on loading and unloading the moving truck himself. Every time she got close to lifting a box no matter how small or light he was there. "I will get that for you Rave" She started to wonder if he suspected. Maybe he knew on some unconscious level.
Still even without the heavy lifting it had been an exhausting day and each room still had a small mountain of boxes. Where did either of them get so much stuff?
"VICTORY!" Garfield shouted
"And who have you defeated?" Raven shouted back though the apartment as she opened another box labeled kitchen to find two spatulas and a bunch of video game cartridges.
"Come to OUR bedroom and look!" Gar had been doing that all day. It was not the kitchen it was 'our kitchen', not the bathroom it was 'our bathroom'. You have never met someone so happy to be sharing a space.
Raven walked into the bedroom just in time to see her boyfriend flop onto the bare mattress of the newly assembled bed. Once settled on his back he lifted up a small brass L shaped tool and threw it across the room behind a mountain of boxes he had hoped never to see again. This was his 5th attempt to turn a box of wood and steel into a bed.
"I never thought I could hate a piece of metal so much. " he said breathing hard like he had just ran a mile full out.
"Well it's finished. Congratulations. " She said leaning over him.
"Not Yet!" He reached up and pulled her into the bed with him.
"What are you doing!"
"Testing phase, the most important part of the process." He said with a laugh as they tossed together for a moment settling with Raven lying on her side resting her head on Gar's shoulder.
"Satisfied?" She asked pushing her hair out of her face.
"Not even close." He said pulling her closer starting to kiss down her neck. The warmth from his lips flooded into her and started stirring something.
"Not now." she groaned out reluctantly pushing him back a bit. It was sometimes too easy to give in to him. Raven knew if she did they'd be spending the rest of the day “testing” their new bed instead of getting anything done. "We still have to finish unpacking."
He groaned and let his head fall back. "I know we still gotta get the living room setup, the Wifi, we got to find out if the neighborhood pizza place is any good."
She craned her head to look him in an eyebrow raised.
"What? A guy has to eat, and we haven't hit the grocery store yet all that’s in the fridge is water and empty ice cube trays".
She thought for a moment. “The Thai place up the street, it's menu has a big vegetarian section.”
Garfield ears perked a bit. “That does sound good” He sat up a bit in the bed. “I could go for noodles and peanut sauce”
“That and you eating a little less bread a grease might be an idea.”
“We have been moved in for 17 hours and you're trying to change me already?” he said with a laugh.
Ravens arm wrapped around his chest “I just want you around for a while, I promise Pizza is in our future just not tonight. “
"Speaking of the future, what do you want to do with that spare room?" He asked. "I mean we could just do a guest room but maybe a home gym would make more sense?"
"We do still have the Tower for that, I did have another idea."
“You're going to let me turn it into a man cave?” He said with too big a grin to be taken seriously.
“As much as it appeals to me to sequester you, your xBox, your plastic anime girlfriends and eventually Victor so the rest of the house is available for my own peace and quiet, no. “
Garfield tried to hold back a laugh. "How about Raven’s little library. Get some comfy chairs, floor to ceiling shelves for your books, a sign on the door that says SHHHH, the whole 9 yards. All the peace and quiet you could want."
"Tempting, but not what I had in mind.” She squeezed him a bit. He could live there just wrapped up in her.
“Raven, this is our place, You tell me what is going to make you happy, I am just so glad that you are here with me. “
"A nursery" she said quietly.
"You mean like plants?" His mind immediately jumped to an image of a room full of lush green and potted flowers.
"No Gar, there is something that I need to show you.” Raven said getting up. She straddled his waist”
“Oh I like where this is going”
Raven ignored the obvious innuendo and placed her hands on either side of his face. Her eyes closed “Azerath Metrion Zinthos” she chanted opening up a pathway between her and the man she loved. It was not the first time that Raven shared something like this with him. It was another way for her to be close to someone, and it was time to share a secret she had been keeping. Garfield got lost in the sensation and the rhythm of her words, his own lids fell.
Thoughts and images poured into Garfield mind. Playgrounds,joy, stuffed animals,excitement, names,trepidation flashed at random then he felt it. There was another presence, un-directed curious and simple. When Garfield focused his other senses came along. Raven’s familiar scent had changed, intensified in some ways softened in others. Her skin had taken on more color, he had written it off as some extra time in the sun but then he heard it. The gentle but regular thumping of a small heart.
His eyes shot open and his surprise the shock breaking the link. “Raven you're pregnant? I mean that's what I felt right! You...we... are going to-” his voice started shaking.
“Yes Gar.”
“We're going to have a baby?” he said just above a whisper.
“Yes Gar”
“I am going to be a dad?”
“That's generally how it works. “
Garfield was still as a statue for a moment. Then it happened. Raven didn't know what she felt more the tidal wave crash of emotion or the fierce hug wrapped around her. He buried his face in her neck.
"Baby!" He declared “Rave, I didn't think we could, I mean, I thought that this was impossible." His voice shook. “You are going to be a great mom!”
Raven’s arms came around him. “Thank Azar, I wasn’t sure how you would react.”
“I have never felt something so big in my life!. I want to tell everyone, I want to go out and get toys and diapers and you're going to, and things and that things and-” He was talking too fast and his mind was jumping to a dozen places at once.
“Slow down.” Raven said softly one of her hands slowly stroking the back of his head. She kissed his forehead.
He wiped his eyes with his hands, trying to steady himself. The last few minutes was like getting hit by cold lighting. He wanted to tell Vic, and Bart, and Conner, the justice league, he never met Darkside but if he did the first words out of his mouth would be “Me and Rae are having a baby!”
Then a horrible realization hit Garfield square in the face. “SHIT!”
“What’s wrong?”
“The kid is going to need a crib, and a changing table and a dresser, I am going to have to find that damn Allen key” Garfield said flopping back into the bed.
Raven gave a small laugh. “Yes our child will need those, later. Right now can we just enjoy the moment?”
“Your right, we need to celebrate.”
“Gar, the aprt-”
“Can wait!” He sat up taking both her hands. “The boxes are not going anywhere. Let me take you to dinner tonight. Then maybe we can open Dick’s housewarming gift.”
Raven was almost afraid to ask “What did Dick get us?”
Gar’s face broke into a smile a wild look in his eyes. “Satin bed sheets” he said before pouncing on her. The next thing she knew, Raven was on her back. His hands quickly ran under her shirt to do deliciously sinful things. His mouth biting that one spot on the base of her neck taking a sledgehammer to her self control.
“Gar” she moaned out. “What are”
“Trying for twins.” He said before capturing her mouth with his.
@westernfan1​ Requested this story and asked for it to be based on the Geoff Jones version of the characters. This was an interesting challenge for me since most of my stuff I write I base on the TTA universe borrowing from other cannons when I need to and where it doesn't conflict.  So I do hope you all enjoy it and please be forgiving if a few details are a little off. 
I would also would like to thank @loubuggins​ who gave me a dissertation worthy of university admission on this subject.  Thank you Lou in my mind you are the foremost expert on Jones version of Beast Boy and Raven.  
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crypticdoodling · 5 years
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decided to update the bbrae triplets a little
first is Hailey, Harley then Hynden
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