#bc i saw so much food waste at the end of the night it would make me upset
puppysdog · 6 months
i never really talk about it on here but my “retirement” dream has been to open my own cat cafe called the black cat cafe which helps rescue and adopt out black cats since they have the lowest adoption rate. its gonna be gothic/witchy themed and serve coffee and tea drinks, as well as pastries and some small lunch options. i wanna make it so it can be a cozy study spot with like a mini library lounge area in the lobby as well as reservable study tables in the actual cat room. i dont want a lot of staff as i want to do most the work with my partners help, but id hire queer or trans people that are worried about applying to jobs because of their identity, and give them a safe space to work where theyd always have a boss thatd have their backs. free staff lunches, paid lunch breaks and commute if needed, if you like a customer enough you can give them a discount, just overall a good fun place to work and hang out :)
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romanarose · 1 year
Ive seen TF boys on your page and I wanted to know you thoughts on how the moonboys would comfort and help a bulimic reader?
Hi love! Happy to give you come HC's for this <3
My inbox is currently closed as im working through old requests/ working on writing fics, but I wanted to do this one bc its a very important subject to my heart, with how bad my bulimia permanently destroyed my disgestive system and teeth
Moon Boys with a Bulimic reader
Warnings: Bulimia, vomit, food restriction, binging and purging NSFW refernces (bc its jake)
Steven Grant
He had to stay late tonight at work, some of his students were a little lost on the subject matter, so he held a study session before finals to allow everyone a chance to clarify. He had felt bad for missing dinner, of course, but he brought cake back as an apology
When you didn't answer, he saw the bathroom door was closed, and just figured you were in there bathing as you often did after diner
when he comes to the door to say hello and let you know there's cake, he hears you crying, and quickly opens the door, knowing your history with mental health problems and worrying you hurt yourself or were going to. He saw you crying against the wall, not even looking at him, and saw remnants of throw up in the toilet that hadn't all gone down with the first flush, he initially thought you were sick
"oh darling, here, let's get you to bed. Is it your stomach-" He paused as he saw your hand, red and scratched knuckles covered in throw up. Oh.
"I'm sorry" you cry "I'm fucking gross"
"No, no darling, you're not, here" Steven gets a wet towel and gently cleans your face and hands, as well as any mess you might have made. He washed his hands, then went to scoop you up. "C'mere love, lets rest, yeah?" And carried you over to the bed, not mentioning the cake he brought. Laying you down with a blanket and your favorite stuffed animal, he brought you water and asked you to drink it, knowing how purges dehydrate. He had read every book he could find on eating disorders, the health effects and treatment. He knew your addictive personality made things worse, harder to break out of habits.
"How long had this been going on again?" he asked
"Today was the first relapse" you answered, but he gave you a look like he didn't believe you "I swear! That's why I was crying... all the progress went to waste" You lip quivers trying to get the last few words out
Steven sits down with you, holding you tight, assuring you that this didn't detract from your progress, that progress isn't linear, and you are still his strong, beautiful girl.
He holds you tight that night, they two of you whispering with the sheets pulled over your head like children staying up too late at a sleep over, whispering about how much you loved each other
Will keep a careful eye on you, and definitely takes over the cooking to make you nutritious food, oh you want to help! Even better, love
Marc Spector
When you first approached Marc about going to the gym with him, he was elated! He was so excited about showing you around, teaching you how to use equipment, and of course spending more time with you!
So you started going with him every time he went, he even bought you cute workout clothes. That might have been a bit selfish on his part. He like checking you out, and he liked the way men stared at you, until they realized you were with him. The caveman part of his brain loved posturing, and he especially loved how you only ever had eyes for him, no matter the stronger, fitter men and women there.
Then you got really into it. Marc thought this was a bit odd, but was happy to spend the time training you.
First warning sign was when you started drinking protein shakes in lieu of breakfast. Not the end of the world, you were never a huge breakfast person. But when you stopped eating lunch in favor of the shakes, he confronted you. You insisted they were just easier, and tasted so good, you just preferred it.
Then there was the day he had to take you home early from the gym because you weighed yourself and found you hadn't lost weight, and you began crying, no matter how much he tried to explain that you were gaining muscle, which is denser than fat, and he was so proud of you for how much you could lift now!
You stuck to the treadmill and elliptical from then on, which Marc hated. He'd run with you for a bit, but then opted to do weights. although he stayed nearby in case anyone caused you problems, he missed working with you. He couldn't even really focus, watching you strain yourself and look miserable
The last straw was when he went to bring you water, and you refused to stop or slow down. In the middle of a argument while you ran, he watched your eyes go blank. Thinking quickly, he pressed the emergency button and caught you as you fell, the treadmill only managed to give a few rug burns on your legs and knees.
When you came to in his arms, you were greeted by his angelic face insisting you drink the water he had. He spoke soft, but obviously very distressed. He asked you how long it had been since you'd eaten. The frown on his face was deep as you watched his eyes start to tear up.
"Don't cry, please" you ask.
"You really scared me" He smiled at you.
Marc drove you insane after that. "did you eat today?" "what did you have?" "did you eat all of it?" this man did not know the meaning of sublty
He babied, and I mean babied the shit out of you
Fucker wouldn't even let you ride him
You gotta sit this man down and tell him to knock it off or you're gonna scream
You make a deal. You start going to counseling, he has to start taking you to the gym again (he wouldn't let you go alone, that's fir sure)
He agrees. You focus back on the weights, less on weight loss. (marc took the scale out of the house. You may or may no have found it shattered in the dumpster when you took the trash out. Marc has beef with all scales now.)
You enjoy the weights, you enjoy feeling strong, and you definitely enjoy using it to bring out Marc’s subby side
Jake Lockley
It's hard not to feel sexy with this man
The pet names and compliments are none stop. You've began to wonder if he forgot your actual name.
During sex, he takes the term body worship to a new level. This man's mouth and hands are e v e r y w h e r e
Why are his hand's all over your arms? Why is he kissing your calves when he's got your feet over his shoulders? Why does he suck hickies between your thighs? Why does he bite and squeeze your hip dip? you'll never know, but you love it
But you and him both know that sometimes, eating problems aren't about body image, but about control, and compulsions. And a little bit of body image because fuck, who doesn't struggle with that sometimes?
When he sees the warning signs, you hiding your body from him, not wanting to eat with him, generally being distant again, he always asks. He doesn't come on as intense as Marc with his protectiveness, but he will mentally keep track of your eating, and try to coax you into eating something if he see's you sipping meals. He has deficiently taken your car keys once, not because he was trying to keep you home, but because he didn't think you were safe to drive the busy streets.
Buys you literally anything he thinks might help. If its not about your body necessarily, he'll get you whatever you think might help you feel in control. Wanna craft? He'll build you a shelf and buy you all the fucking yarn in the world. Wana have a lil world you can control? Every sims pack you can imagine. Cat? Plants? A lizard? Fuck it, yeah, he'll buy you a lizard. Coolest lizard ever. He'll take lil charizard on a walk with you if thats what you want
All the boys
You're getting vitamins
And water!!! If you're throwing up, you're going to at least stay hydrated.
Bathroom lock is either taken out, or there's a spare key. Not out of control, no, they know you'll find a way to do it if you really want to, but in case of emergency
Will encourage therapy and medication, if you think it's right for you, maybe at least to try for a bit?
Never, ever, shame you for how you feel or act. You can tell them if you are having urges, need a distraction.
Steven and Jake make sure to keep Marc's protective nature in check, to make sure you aren't deterred from talking to them.
constantly shower you in praise and love and compliments
Always always always tell you how proud they are of you, even if you relapse, bc look how well you were doing! That means you can absolutely do it again!
I hope this was nice! I really love these 3 and I feel they would all be so supportive (even if marc might be a lil much sometimes XD It's okay, we love him <3 )
not tagging anyone today, but please be sure to comment/reblog if you liked this!
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so-true-jestie · 2 years
Ok so. I already typed up the entire thing and then I closed it accidentally and everything was gone and now I'm retyping it. So. Prepare for a ride.
Lovely, I liked it a lot, but bc I watched the Globe version a day before, I now feel like I can't appreciate the NT production as much as it should be.
What I liked and what tipped the scale in favour of NT (bc i really liked it better than Globe maan):
Benedick's and Beatrice's relationship. They felt more real to me - I could believe that they were in love (the Globe one... yea.. nah).
They were also incredibly human, which was lovely to see. I liked both actors. Benedick's journey was great to watch and seeing Beatrice be vulnerable was touching, too.
Also, the scene where Benedick was eavesdropping to Don Pedro and co. was hilarious - I think the entire theatre was howling with laughter. (Ice cream (cones) play an important part, that much I'll say)
There were also many little details sprinkled in which where nice to discover.
I also enjoyed Hero's characterisation; she was more confident than I'd ever seen her.
But the person I remember most is Margret, which was a surprise to me. She was funny and sweet and her journey was so so great to watch - from first flirts to the night spent in hero's bedchamber to her being all witty was - dare I say it - a revelation of sorts. I had never seen her played quite like that before (and with such compassion for her character, too!). I feel like by watching this performance some things fell into place for me regarding her.
Memorable scenes I remember are eg the bath scene with Benedick and the parties (lush colours, bright costumes! Feathers! Swing&Jazz!!!).
I'd totally recommend watching it! I'll def rewatch it when it comes out on the nt at home website.
Also, I want to get some things off my chest regarding the 2022 Globe production:
I didn't like Beatrice&Benedick which is. Difficult to achieve to say the least. Also they were kinda forgettable (as were Claudio and Hero). Well, except for this one scene where Benedick said 'I can't get out of the plant pot', which lives in my head rent-free.
Don Pedro was a dilf. Do I remember correctly that he had his long hair in a messy bun all the time and when he proposed marriage to Betrice he dramatically opened it? And dramatically stared into the middle distance? And when she refused, he sheepishly put his hair up again? Lovely choice, 10/10, chef's kiss.
I liked the choice to let two scenes run parallel, but the food fight took me out of the story completely. I feel like food was such a rare and precious good in war times and after, wasting it for a food fight is a thoughtless choice to say the least? Even if it was supposed to signify new, carefree times... not a vibe tbh.
I loved Dogberry and Co., they were all lovely and some great choices (in regards to audience interaction, too) were made.
Also. Dogberry forgot part of his text and started scatting on the spot which is still hilarious to me. Even Leonata's actress broke character and looked at him confusedly, laughing and mouthing 'what??'.
Which kind of brings me to my favourite. The star of the evening for me.
She was . So. GOOD.
She made every correct choice and then took her performance up a notch again.
She was silly and loving, despairing and furious. It was a joy to watch her and I know I'll rewatch this version for her and her alone.
... ok! Hope I could give you an impression of the NT-Much Ado production!! Have a lovely day! :)
YES this was such a treat and then some!!!!
for the NT version, i will say: i saw clips of the ice cream and bath scenes and they were comedic gold. i only wish i'd seen Benedick at the end of the ice cream scene and during the "against my will i am sent to bid you" bit, cause those parts always get me in any production.
(also i would kill for Vulnerable Beatrice and Confident Hero. i love them. and i am looking forward to seeing Revelatory Margaret, i do think she's interesting and you could play her with quite a bit of depth if you made the effort to understand her. i should get on that.)
as for Globe 2022:
i did think Benedick and Claudio could've been better — Beatrice stood out for me because Lucy Phelps is generally magnetic, and i thought Hero was pretty spunky, which remains a relatively new take. and yeah, i remember the plant pot bit, because my view was obscured by that potted plant for the entirety of the show. didn't Beatrice get stuck in the badminton net though? credit where credit is due.
you are absolutely spot on that Don Pedro was a DILF and about his hair. that was super fun. unfortunately i don't remember much of the rest of his performance (like when he aided and abetted Claudio in his Crimes). as for the food fight, i honestly mostly watched it in confusion. it felt... surreal. like a dreamscape. renaissance painting come to life.
you liked Antonia! that's an interesting choice!!! looking back i have to say, yeah, that lady could do no wrong. in a show where the mains were on the meh side (sorry babes), i think we got some solid supporting characters in this one. i'm usually a fan of the prods that replace Antonio with Innogen, but the combination of Leonata and Antonia was... interesting. i wonder if it compromised on the emphasis on patriarchal societal structures in MAAN, though. i wonder.
i will love you forever, anon, thanks for this.
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ghostedgwen · 2 years
ache in you | p.parker (part two)
note : So this was a trip to write. I washed dishes, made toasts and did my laundry in between writing this and I also put myself through the torture of watching nwh again to get the dialogues right. Fun fact - I'm part Filipino (mother side) so typing out Lola's dialogues was easy and I got flashbacks during her scenes bc my Mom scolds me the same way she does. The "kalat dito, kalat doon" was a mantra I heard throughout my life. Enjoy more angst bc you guys like crying I guess <3
warning/s : grief, death, mentions of blood, gun-shot wounds, robbery, pure angst, self-deprecating thoughts and some self-loathing sprinkled in there, language (?), canon events following nwh, angry Peter (?), just sad stuff
request :Omg I love your recent fic, sad, but I love the writing anyways. What if you can make a part 2 but it takes place in NWH where Andrew!Peter he meets the other (y/n) who is best friends with Tom!Peter and MJ. He feels guilty as he looked at them and he decided not to let history repeat itself after what happened to (y/n) who also died in his world after what happened in part 1. (you can determine the cause of her death)
Losing you so soon after Gwen felt like the end of it all to Peter. He never saw it coming and he didn't know what to do after - and now here he is in another universe, confronted by another version of you. words : 5k
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Peter feels so lost. He pushed you away because he couldn't see you anymore, all he could feel was the regret and the blind hope whenever you were near, and in the end he lost you too.
In the attempt of keeping you away, he wasn't there in time to save you when you needed him most. He wasn't around to save you - and Gwen's sacrifice felt somewhat wasted in the end.
His world collapsed around him when Gwen died. He held her lifeless body in his arms and felt like he was being ripped apart inch by inch and time went on. It continued to move around him and people moved along.
While he stayed stuck in the very moment he shot that web while she fell in slow motion. He's still there, in that very moment - feeling that free fall and rapidly approaching the ground, only he never landed.
He's there suspended in the air, left to watch her slowly descend into the darkness where he can't follow.
He stayed that way for 5 months until he saw you again. Months after the funeral and you looked so different, you must've changed your hair - it was like a slap to the face that so much has happened and he didn't even notice.
He visited her grave every day for all those months and failed to recognize the world around him until he saw you again. Bearing the evidence of time passing, and he wasn't sure what to feel about that.
It didn't help that meeting you again was bittersweet. He missed you - his best friend but he also couldn't afford to look at you long enough without letting his thoughts wander to the dark corners in his head.
This heavy and groggy voice that would chant at him every time you came up in his mind - a dark voice that would tell him it was supposed to be you. And he tried to shrug it off every time.
It wasn't right to think that way and he knew that but when you met again - that voice won. He couldn't stand to stay long with you and see you alive and well while Gwen is six feet under. So he left when he still had so much to say.
And you didn't see him for weeks after that.
One night, on your way back from grief group, you thought to treat yourself to some Chinese food in Chinatown and you actually had your fill - had a great stay but on the walk back to your car -
You pause in your tracks, clutching your purse tighter around your arm and frowned at the man who blocked your path. You subtly look around and realize the streets are now empty. You curse under your breath for staying out too late.
"Can I help you?" You ask cautiously, already reaching for the pepper spray you had in your bag.
"Give us everything you have," the man with a croaky voice said. "And no one gets hurt."
You widened your eyes, did he just say us? You look behind you and sure enough there are two more guys slowly approaching you and all the alarms in your head went off. You took the strap off your arm and tossed it to him.
You were given a choice, your money or your life and you'd rather give them everything else just to make it out of here.
He caught the purse and smirked at you, beginning to shuffle inside and you could feel the single bead of sweat make its way down your forehead - your heartbeat ringing in your ears. You feared for what could happen next.
And Peter was on the other side of town, stopping robberies and high-fiving police officers, he could feel his blood pumping from the thrill of just having stopped yet another bank robbery when his senses went off again.
He was quick to act on his instincts, shooting webs and swinging around skyscrapers to head where his senses lead him and he ended up in some dark and isolated street near Chinatown, he heard the loud sound of a gun go off before he landed.
He was swift, taking the three guys down with minimal effort and immobilizing them with his webs before turning to the person on the ground. He ran towards them and he felt his blood run cold when he recognized you.
Holding you in his arms, he scanned you for injuries and found a hole in your stomach area - you were bleeding out, and he looked at your face to see you blinking hazily at him. You had your lips parted and a faraway look in your eyes.
"_____? ______!" It felt like déjà vu, and the worst kind. He tried pressing on the wound, it didn't matter if his suit was getting soaked in your blood. He can see you slipping in and out of consciousness.
"Peter?" You managed to choke out, it was barely above a whisper and he almost missed it. He pulled his mask off, his tears were suffocating him under the mask and you could feel him. He was warm and he was shaking.
His entire body was trembling. He never wanted to experience this again - god, why him?
"It's me," Peter threw a quick glance at the three criminals that are knocked out and then back at you. "Hey there, pretty girl."
You smiled despite the taste of copper in your mouth. You missed him calling you that - he called you that to tease you after you got so flustered when Gwen called you pretty. It soon turned endearing, and then he stopped.
He called you by name again during her funeral and then walked away, never to be seen for months.
"Peter - miss. . .you." You couldn't even understand the words coming out of your mouth but he understood well enough, he nodded.
"I missed you too," He cracks a grin and then looks down at his hand pressing on your wound. "You're gonna be okay."
But you knew you're not. You give him a sad smile which he recognized and shook his head. He pressed harder on the wound, a futile attempt at keeping the blood from gushing out when you've already lost enough.
It's a wonder you're even still awake and able to process somewhat coherent thoughts while lying in his arms. "No - no, no," Peter shook his head, tasing his salty tears on his tongue. "No."
With your trembling lips and weak hand - you spoke while reaching for his face. Using the last ounce of strength you had left in you to wipe the blood off his cheek and smiled sadly. "See you later."
You didn't say goodbye. You promised to see him again soon and then you were simply gone. One moment, you were smiling at him and then the next, you were gone. Just like that, you felt heavier in his arms and the light in your eyes died down.
He couldn't even find it in himself to scream this time around. He felt like he also died, right along with you and it wasn't until the sounds of sirens came that he was pulled back to reality. He abruptly put the mask on again and hesitantly parted with your body.
That was two months ago.
He started going to grief group - the same one you used to go to and it was quite a shock to everyone when they heard about you. It's almost funny in a way that you attended before and now you're the reason someone is attending.
He almost sobbed when he ate those brownies - you were right. They are worth every visit, and he didn't miss the way Marie paid special attention to him. Watching him when he would listen to the others speak.
He remembers his first visit - he was hovering by the door. Awkwardly greeting everyone who came in while he hesitated, getting one foot through the door before heading back out to catch his breath.
Having stopped actual villains before, he found it nearly impossible to go inside. It's just a room with a bunch of people who understood his pain but he felt so hesitant - like he'd die if he stepped in there but he also had to.
"Are you Peter?" A woman's voice caused him to jump. "I'm sorry for scaring you, my name's Marie."
"Yes, how - how'd you know my name?" Peter asked with a frown.
"From _____, she mentioned you only once and I recognized you from her lock screen - why are you here?"
Peter felt the words get stuck in his throat. This Marie woman knows you, and was close enough that you even mentioned him to her and she has no idea about you - about what happened and he felt like throwing up.
He could feel the bile creep up his throat and threaten to spill over but he gulped it down. He bit his lip, unable to get the right words out and she understood - tears brimming in her eyes when she realized.
"Oh." Has never sounded more heartbreaking when she said it, her voice cracking and her tears falling down her tan cheeks.
She pulled him in for a hug and it felt so warm and welcoming. Peter returned this stranger's embrace and allowed himself to also cry - he felt understood in her arms and in a way, he felt like you were comforting him through her.
He attended for a month after that, every visit did not take away any pain but he understands you now. It didn't magically make everything better but he did feel less alone, Marie was the kindest and warmest soul who offered him brownies every time.
He didn't expect brownies to be his comfort food, but it's become his go-to whenever he would feel sad, and that was every day.
Going to grief group made him feel less lonely but it didn't give him clarity. He had two people to mourn now and he felt lost - what now? He knew exactly what you and Gwen would want and that is for him to move on but how can he?
He felt like he will never be whole again after being broken beyond repair, but something happened a month later :
He sat in front of his computer, typing away while he looked for jobs he could apply for when he got a ping. He received an email and he frowned when he saw it came from you. He watched that notification until it went away.
Stunned in his seat and taking a whole minute before processing what he just saw. He checked the email right away once he recovered - fingers shaking while it hovered by the mouse and he didn't make a mistake. It really was your email and this was sent just now -
Hey there Pete,
I'm typing this in my very messy study table 3 days after you left that morning. It's been five months and I thought I had enough time for myself to gather my thoughts and rehearse what I was going to say to you when we meet again but I came up blank. I was caught off guard and shirtless so all the practiced speeches just poof'd.
I am making it so you received this in 3 months, when I'm out of New York and off travelling all over Europe. Just staying here isn't good for me, I'm gonna go and see the world like Gwen wanted for me and maybe I'll tell you all about it when we meet it again?
I'm really sorry if you're only finding out now that I'm long gone and probably sipping overpriced apple juice somewhere in France, but it's for the best. I know what you think of me, of the whole thing and I honestly don't blame you.
I understand and I swear, there's no hard feelings - or at least, there won't be after I'm done healing during the trip. I will miss you, I don't know how long it will take until we meet again but I can't wait to tell you all about my adventures.
How are you? I hope you're staying healthy, I plan on visiting Gwen right after typing this out. Who knows? Maybe we'll finally run into each other or I will barely miss you.
Enough rambling! I still have to plan the trip and I'll take two weeks preparing and then I'm off for a new adventure. I hope you also begin healing from this, I know Gwen would've wanted us to be happy.
That's all for now, I might think of sending another email while I'm off walking the streets of London.
I'll see you later.
He felt empty after reading that - he remembered your last words to him, how you smiled in an attempt to comfort him as you feel yourself slowly slip away. You assured him that you would meet again.
How? He didn't know but he held onto that promise, you've never broken your promises before, so surely he would see you again someday like you told him. And he can't wait for the day to come.
Fast-forward to three years later - and currently somewhere in another universe :
"Still nothing?" MJ asks you and Ned, looking over her shoulder and turning away from the TV.
"Nope." You let out a huff of disappointment.
"No." Ned says with a shake of his head, putting his phone down and MJ gets up to sit next to you.
She sits down drawing a long sigh, massaging her temple and her gaze landed on the metal box in front of you. You frown, exchanging looks between her and the metal box.
"MJ?" You ask, raising a brow.
"I'm gonna press it."
"What? No!" Ned disagreed, perking up from his seat.
"Peter told us to wait - " MJ cuts you off.
"I'm gonna do it." She says with a firm nod.
Ned crinkles his nose and began throwing his arm around in frustration. "I just wish - I just wish that we could see him."
You turn your gaze to the tiny sparkle in your peripheral vision - all three heads turn collectively and you feel the shift in the air.
"Ned." MJ called out.
"Do that again."
"Yeah." You encouraged, and watched as Ned tries to do it again.
"I just wish we could see him."
Now all three of you get up from your seats, facing the forming portal with anticipation. Ned fixed his posture and posed his hand -
"I just wish we could see Peter."
Then the portal finally opened - you peer through to find it's some dark alley and someone - guessing it's Peter - in his suit is slowly turning around.
"Salamangkero." You hear Ned's lola exclaim in surprise.
"You're right. I am magic." You managed to crack a grin at Ned.
"Is that him?" MJ frowns and peers through the portal as well, tapping Ned on his arm and all three of you tilt your heads in varying degrees to try and get a better look of the approaching figure.
"Yeah, yea. It has to be."
"Peter!" You called out first and the other two began calling out as well until he jumped through and you frown - that doesn't look like Peter's suit. When did he have the time to change?
You turn to Ned's lola screaming in fear, throwing a pillow at the Spider-Man while he tried to plead his case of being a good guy, you step back cautiously - something was off about this person and you're not sure what.
"I'm a nice guy!" He then takes his mask off making you frown deeper. "Okay. . ."
"Who the hell are you?" MJ asked before you could.
"I'm Peter Parker."
"That's not possible."
This was making your head hurt so you began turning away, walking out to head to the kitchen and began pouring yourself a glass of water. May is dead, Peter is off somewhere hurting all alone and now there's another Peter out there.
You really didn't know what you were signing up for when all you wanted was a babysitter job - this was not how you imagined your life would be. You steered clear from superhero stuff for as long as you've known aliens actually exist when they came flying around New York - and now here you are.
Tangled up in this mess because 5 years ago you needed a job and ended up being Peter's babysitter.
After drinking 2 full glasses of water and feeling your throat was a whole lot less dry - you begin making your way to the living room to find there's another stranger added to the group now and Ned's lola is scolding the cute guy from earlier.
"Ikaw ha nagkalat ka nanaman!" She pointed her finger in a scolding manner. "Linisin mo lahat ng mga basura mo dito."
You hold back your laughter despite not being able to understand her, you figured that older women scolding is a universal language anyway.
"At ikaw, gusto ko yung bahay natin maayos pero tignan mo: dumi dito! Dumi doon."
"My Lola's asking if you could clean up the webs that you just shot."
Younger Peter turned to the old woman with a sheepish look on his face. "Oh, sorry, Lola."
"Yes, of course." Older - Peter? - nodded.
"I'm going to bed." The old woman announced with a lazy wave and then began walking away.
"Goodnight Ned's Lola." MJ called after her and you all watched her disappear from view.
You then turn to younger Peter began fixing his mess from earlier and felt inclined to help him, walking over to put the condiments back up while the older Peter began talking behind you two.
"Oh - thanks - " He lifts his gaze and he felt as if the world stopped.
He blinked in surprise, seeing your face again after what felt like forever. You smile at him, your eyes wrinkling the same way it always did when your lips would curl ever so slightly upwards and the way your eyebrows would twitch a bit at the action.
He drank you in - your hair was way longer than he remembered and you kept it neat in a braid, a few loose strands framing your face and those eyes - they're so refreshing. To see them so bright and alive again.
"Nice to meet you." You grin at him, offering your hand, which he hesitantly accepted. "My name is ______."
He parted his lips, unable to say anything as you lightly shook his hand and he's willed back to reality - head turning on instinct.
"I just had this sense that. . . that he needs my help." Older Peter spoke.
"Our help." Younger Peter corrected, still holding your hand. MJ frowns at you two and you shrug - you have no idea why he's still holding it but whatever.
"He does," you nod at Older Peter. "I'm ____, by the way."
"We don't know where he is." Ned.
"And uhm - honestly, we're all he really has left." MJ said solemnly.
You turn to find the younger Peter is looking down at you with a weird look on his face. You raise a brow at him and he abruptly drops your hand, you're thoroughly confused by him but you shrug it off.
"Well, is there some place that he might go that has meaning to him?" Older Peter asks. "Like uhh- a place where he would go to just - "
"Get away from everything?" Peter next to you finished.
"For me, it was the top of the Chrysler Building."
"Empire State. Better view."
"That is a sweet view."
"Yeah," MJ nods after her realization. "Yeah, I think I know exactly where that would be."
You stare down at the stone, her name carved in it and you could feel your heart crack at every letter. It was too soon, and she was too young - she didn't deserve what happened to her. You couldn't even look her Mom in the eyes when she comforted you earlier.
She lost her daughter and still tried to comfort you. You, who she had no idea, were the reason her daughter is dead.
You turn away to find Peter and May right beside you. She had her arms around him as she sobbed, he was crying quietly. His face flush and cheeks wet from the salty tears.
You wanted to walk over there and comfort him as well -
The people began leaving and it was only the two of you left. He stood right in front of her tombstone, hands in his pockets and you hesitantly approach him.
"I'm sorry about Gwen - " you stopped.
He turned to you and you could swear you saw a stranger. That wasn't Peter. He looked down at you with his brows furrowed, and you almost saw hate in those brown eyes of his that were formerly warm and inviting.
He looks so cold and so unrecognizable.
"You should go, ____."
Your lips part in shock, blinking in confusion and you reached your hand to place it on his shoulder which he shrugged off. Taking a step back and sending a glare your way.
"I said you should go."
You didn't know what else to say or do so you did as told, hesitantly turning around and began walking away. Feeling another set of tears come as you feel a wave of excruciating sadness wash over you like a powerful current.
After the whole confrontation in the roof, everyone headed to the lab and on the way - you put an arm around Peter, your Peter, and ruffles his already messy hair. You didn't interrupt earlier and let him have his moments.
One with his best friend and girlfriend and the other with - himselfs? Ned and MJ walks ahead, you followed right after them with Peter and he chuckles at the gesture.
"Good to have you back on track, kiddo." You coo at him and he crinkles his nose at the nickname.
"Yeah - thanks for coming along, _____. I know you don't like superhero stuff."
You give him a wide grin. "Anything for you, kid."
Entering the lab, the three Peters discuss what they're going to do and you've decided to treat your Peter's wounds before he got any work done. You've done it countless times before so why not again?
"Wait - I get that she's the girlfriend and he's the bestfriend," Older Peter spoke, pointing at MJ and then at Ned before pointing to you. "Who are you?"
"I'm his babysitter." You shrug and dab more alcohol on the tiny cut above Peter's eyebrow, making him wince in pain.
"Ow! Former babysitter, you quit because I'm too old to have one."
"You had a babysitter?" Older Peter frowned.
"Yeah, my uncle died when I was young and May needed the extra help - for when she's not around to watch over me." Peter shrugged. "You guys didn't have one?"
"Nope." Older Peter shook his head 'no'.
"Uh - no." Younger Peter replied and you turn to him - he's still looking at you weirdly, and you can't help but get the feeling that he has something he wants to say to you.
"I guess I'm the only ____ in the multiverse." You shrugged, saying it to gauge the reaction of Younger Peter and there you saw it. A brief look of shock in his eyes and you got your answer, he knows you.
"Can you please cool it with the cotton pad? I feel like you're hurting me more than healing me," Peter whined, avoiding your hand and you mutter apologies. You got too distracted that you forgot you were treating him. "What's up?"
"I just got a feeling, brb," you nod at MJ. "Take over for me, will ya?"
She accepts the cotton pad you offered and began treating Peter in your stead, sitting in front of him and lightly dabbing his wounds with it. You turn to find younger Peter watching them with a faraway look in his eyes, putting down his equipment and turning away.
Then you watched as he quickly slipped out the door and followed right after him, trailing after as he draws out a long breath, leaning against the glass cabinet displaying many trophies the school accumulated and tried to calm himself down.
"Are you okay - woah, I'm sorry." You didn't mean to make him jump, you raise both hands up in mock defense as he puts his hand down when it was previously pointing at you. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine - sorry, I just needed some air."
"Yeah, must be weird having two other you's."
"It's kind of fun, actually." He shrugs and you frown at him.
You take in his appearance - so much different from your Peter, who you practically watched grow up. This one was way older, probably around your age, but like the other Peters - he had dark brown hair and matching brown eyes.
You wonder if there's a blonde Peter somewhere.
"That story you told on the rooftop, about Gwen, I'm sorry." You figured that's why he looked at the kids weirdly when they were having their moment. You watched his glossy eyes fixate on you and you couldn't read the expression on his face.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too."
You let a few moments of silence pass by. Reveling in the bliss of ignorance before you found the courage to ask the question : "Do I exist in your universe?"
"I told you I didn't have a babysitter." He forced a humorless chuckle.
"That's not what I asked, Peter."
He couldn't hold your gaze - it was too painful. He looked away and averted his gaze elsewhere, while yours remained on him, watching his reaction and recognizing the same look your Peter had just moments ago.
You had no idea how but you understood but you did - just from his reaction to a simple question and you felt sorry for him. You slowly approach him, placing a careful hand on his shoulder and leaning against the wall.
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk - "
"Yes, you were my best friend." Peter nods and you smile at the thought. Taking note of the word 'were' even though you already knew from his reaction earlier. "And I lost you, right after I lost Gwen."
"That must've been so hard on you, I'm sorry." You didn't know how to feel - knowing you died in another universe felt weird and it just brings up the fact that you're also gonna die on this one someday.
"Don't be, it's - it's all my fault - both of you I couldn't - "
"Hey, you got that whole loveable dorky and stupid hero complex my Peter has," you interrupt him with a smile. "So surely your ____ has the same stupid ability to forgive that I do."
"I don't deserve it - not from any version of you."
"Shut up," you tell him and he purses his lips on instinct. "Don't keep punishing yourself for things beyond your control. I'm sure I didn't die for nothing and you can't save everyone, as depressing as that sounds, you can't save everyone."
"But I still have to try."
"Yes, you do," you nod. "But you have to learn to forgive yourself for those that you don't. You owe it to yourself for every life you've saved."
"You talk just like her, it's kind of insane." Peter managed to chuckle despite the tears already trailing down his flushed cheeks, and he wiped them with the back of his hand.
"I guess I'm amazing in every universe." You joked and tapped his shoulder lightly, retrieving your hand, and crossing your arms.
"Yeah, you were."
Another short moment of silence passed you two by, you just stared at him and he did the same. He wanted time to stop so he could just live here, right in this very moment where you're standing in front of him and you're just at arm's reach.
He could keep replacing his previous memories of you with new ones. Gone is the night he held you in his arms and you felt so heavy and cold, and here you are chuckling and tapping his shoulder so warmly.
He could feel his chest tightening, but not in the same way as before - before it felt like his lungs were collapsing on itself, but right now, it felt comforting and oddly warm - you were warm.
"I wonder how many versions of me exist out there." You interrupt his train of thoughts, and he chuckled at that.
"I hope there's enough for every Peter out there," he nods and you crinkle your nose at the compliment. "We could really use a _____."
"I'm still sorry you lost yours."
"Well, it's comforting to know that somewhere out there. There's a universe where I didn't lose you."
"And I'm sorry - yeah not to blame myself," he chuckled when he saw you glare at him. "But I still need to say it at least once so I can feel a little better. Please?"
He pouted and fluttered his lashes animatedly, making you laugh and give in with a nod, gesturing with a flick of your wrist for him to proceed and the laughter died down.
"I'm sorry. It was wrong to blame you and apologizing for turning you away during the funeral was the first thing I should have done that morning. You were an amazing friend and I understand why Gwen did it, I would have done the same and I was too taken by the grief to see the real you under all the anger." 
You stared at him, quietly listening in despite not knowing the context of this long apology. You stayed still even as he reached his hand out to caress your cheek lovingly, looking at you with tears brimming in his eyes again.
"You deserved so much better and I just wish it could've been me. I'm so sorry and I will forever be sorry for you and Gwen - but I promise to do the healing, like you asked."
You smile at him - it's so weird. It's like catching up with a friend you haven't seen a long time only this is a stranger, one you've never met your entire life and he shares the identity of the boy you used to babysit.
"And thank you for keeping your promise, pretty girl."
You raise a brow at that nickname, a promise? You rarely give those out because you believe promises should be kept and therefore cannot be broken at any point. You didn't wanna break promises, so you barely gave those away.
Peter knew it wasn't the you from his world but he felt satisfied. To have finally said those words and be given a chance, even in another universe, to apologize for the things he did and didn't do. 
It's almost funny how even with the impossible like the multiverse - you were able to fulfill your promise to him. Like you always did because that's who you were, and how he'll choose to keep knowing you.
Not the 'what-if's and the 'maybe's. Just you.
You decided against asking, you only pushed yourself off the wall you're leaning on - his hand leaving your face -and gestured to the lab door. "They're working - you should probably also do that."
"Yeah." He nods.
You offer him your hand and he didn't hesitate to accept it. Pushing himself off the wall and walking back into the lab with you. This time, he only saw you. Not the life he could've had with Gwen if she didn't save you, and instead he just saw your hair in a neat braid and your bright eyes focused on him.
to be continued back in his universe : part three | masterlist
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                       (  ~ Multiple Characters x Gender Neutral                                                     Reader Insert ~ )
                                                  FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Today for our characters, we have cumflation, exhibitionism, bondage, somnophilia, overstimulation, marking/burning, corruption, video recording, and tentacle play || I’m sorry if I didn’t catch them all! 
SUMMARY: These are just snippets that I’ve formed throughout the day of the BNHA boys when they’re feral or READER-CHAN is feral. Enjoy! 
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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    I headcanon that Kirishima's body is extremely sensitive (and he's secretly a perv I mean come on he hangs with Denki and Denki hangs with Mineta) But he's also HELLA shy. So yall are on a movie date, right, and he has his hand over his bulge, grinding into his hand because he's too embarrassed to let you know that he's turned on; so he's just whimpering away and then he gets really close to your ear- by accident- and he moans your name trying to stay as quiet as he can as he's just crumbling and you, very casually, kneel in front of him and when he tells you not to, you take his cock out of his jeans and suck him off telling him to stay quiet until he cums.... And then you overstim the fuck out of him. By the time you're done and it's time to leave, his whole forearm is covered in bite marks from him trying to muffle his moans.
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     He comes back home from work irritated as hell because someone stole a kill from him so you watch him stomp and pout around the house grumbling before you're both casually watching TV. You climb into his lap and start grinding into him, hard, and as he gets more turned on he gets more angry, eventually burying your face into the cushion before railing you so hard that by the end of it his cum forms a bulge in your tummy, you're feeling raw, and you're crying; but he also is a master at aftercare and he's in his domspace so he's not worried about what pissed him off.
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    He, naturally is shy, but he couldn't help asking to come along when you suggested going to a dinner party that the heroes had put together after a MAJOR win and you were surprised but you said yeah. After some time, he went to the corner table that the two of you reserved but not because he was shy; you brushed him the RIGHT way and he was hot. At the party. And he couldn't exactly ask you to help when you were conversing with other heroes. You got drinks and returned to him with his hands in between his legs as he grinds against his wrist and forearms, riding his hand, mumbling and moaning out your name sweating, out of breath and red faced, then he gets shy when seeing you and he stops, but you make him turn his fingers into tentacles and guide him on how to play with you under the table as a hero or two sit at your table and you all start talking casually as Tamaki tries not to break and blow his cover bc you could lose your hero licenses if you got found out.
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   Iida invites you over to his house to meet his family, and you oblige happily letting him think this will be a teaseless night but of course he's extremely sensitive. You just HAD to exploit that in front of his family. While you're gathered around having dinner, you of course sit next to him and reach over slyly stroking him over his pants mid sentence. You already know he's big because let's face it this man is an absolute truck, and within a few short seconds he's already showing through his tight ass slacks. And it's more noticeable because they're light grey. He's trying to keep his composure even through his fogged ass glasses as you unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, VERY slyly and nobody even notices because you're following along with the conversation seamlessly. You edge him and tease him already knowing that he was quite loud when he came, so you wanted to see how he would fare in front of his family. long story short, he doesn't.❤️ And he instantly gets hard again when you lick your fingers clean of his cum and address the person who cooked the food while staring at him right in his eyes like "Mmmm this is so good. Thanks for the meal~ It was a real *TREAT* Thank you for inviting me, I loved the food. I’m happy to come back any time you need me."
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    FUCKING CUMFLATION CUMFLATION CUMFLATION; He's just fucking RAILING you into the couch whining about how good you feel, how he's the best one you'll ever have, on about how good you make him feel and how he's the only one that knows how to please you the right way. He's just about spent but he wants to watch his cum pouring out of you and just the very image of it gives him anime protag energy so he's reaching all the way deep inside of you while he feeds you praises and tells him how good you're taking him, asking you if you want it harder, faster, deeper. He overstimulated yourself, taking your out of it state of mind to his advantage. He's an absolute mess of tears, moans, and laughter as he orgasms and cums inside of you again, wasting no time to pull out and watch his cum drip out of your hole, always ready to eat it right out of you because he's a pervy baby.
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He's the type to make you a pretty little collar from his tape when he got promoted at work, then drag you around the house by your collar all the way to your balcony, before taping your legs to stay open, your feet and thighs taped to the balcony’s edge, his body being the only thing that's holding you up. At this point, he doesn't care who sees as he absolutely ruins you, bruising your body with his teeth, growling in your ear as he mutters curses in spanish while absolutely WRECKING your shit. If you looked you could even see a bulge in your stomach too. He has no form of restraint when he's feral, grabbing at your skin, forcing your convulsing body to take him in deeper until he sees that you're all fucked out. Then later the same day, you see the both of you fucking on the front cover of the tabloids and it turns him on all over again, and he proceeds to fuck your face while he's reading the column, an expression of complete desperation and victory staining his face.
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Ahhhh our innocent little beannnnn. It'd been awhile since he came since he's too busy occupying himself to masturbate and yall haven't had sex because of your schedules and doing hero work. But you come home late one shift and you find him in bed sleeping while moaning softly and crying while he's whimpering out your name like the pathetic little bitch boy he is while he's grinding against a pillow. You don't wanna wake him up, but you do record it so you can show it to him tomorrow, but you also prop your phone up and record yourself climbing on top of him, replacing the pillow with a thinner one so you could still have control of him without waking him up. You giggled softly and shook your head a little as you started to grind on him, feeling him grip at your hips while he's still dreaming of you, and you grind your hips into him harder and harder watching his crying get more and more intense until he cums and ruts his hips up hard into you even being a screamer while he's asleep. Then he wakes up a little but not enough to know what all is going on, but his back arches and he's screaming and begging for you to continue as you suck his cock clean only to have him cum in your mouth again and again, and then you coo him back to sleep peacefully, kiss his tears and turn off the camera.
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Shoto doesn't have an ounce of social ANYTHING, no social cues, when things are appropriate or not, etc etc. So he takes you out to dinner and he's nibbling away at your neck, his hands trailing over your body because you guys were in the corner and you could get away with it, until he eventually pulls you into his lap and grinds your hips against his so that you could feel his bulge. And then he whispers in your ear how much he wants you, how much he wants to be balls deep inside of you, or how nice your tongue would feel against his cock and how much he aches for you until he's practically in tears. He makes you bounce on him, not really caring who saw you, while spreading your legs and stroking you over your pants at the same time freezing your hands together and pulling your arms over yours and his head so all you could do was cum, beg, and squirm around while you listen to his soft grunts in your ear, your legs having given out awhile ago.
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    Shoji babyyyy awwww. He definitely has a size kink for... Obvious reasons, and he's always really gentle, so he got really flustered when you asked him to be a bit rough with you, instructing him to pin your hands above your head, forcing your legs open and keep them there, and you tried to force yourself all the way down on him. Of course, he'd never experienced everything so intense before, so even after he cums and is a twitching trembling mess you force him to continue to fuck into you until he's begging you to stop but also trying to get more at the same time.
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Dabi suddenly showing up to your work 10 minutes before your lunch break starts and he drags you out of the office and he pulls you into a dark corner so anybody could see if they wanted to but you both weren't in the way of anything (and out of the way of cameras) and he fucks you HARD burning through some of your clothes, leaving burn marks on you, his fingers shoved in your mouth to muffle your moans, and there's a bleeding bite mark on the nape of your neck then he kisses you, tells you to have a good day at work, and walks out as if nothing even happened.
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
—lunch box
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A/N: just another cute idea i had because i’m obsessed with barbarian/dragon king!bakugo and fantasy shit in general. some context: you and bakugo are betrothed—although, sometimes you wish you weren’t bc he can be a real asshole. luckily for you, he’s willing to work on it bc he likes loves you just that much. a litte angst (it wouldn’t be a mtha story without it) but it ends in fluff <3
Warnings: cursing
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Your friends looked at their food with heart eyes and dug into the neatly wrapped box with fever.
“Ahh! Thank you for making this, Y/N!” one of them exclaimed. The other could only nod in agreement, too into your cooking to speak.
You smiled and waved them off. “It was nothing. Consider it a thank you for letting me copy the homework last night,” you chuckled.
“Did you cook one for Prince Bakugo? I’d imagine he’d love it! If there’s anyone’s cooking he loves more than his own, it’s yours!”
At the mention of his name, your expression fell. You looked down at the case of food you had prepared for him as an apology.
Four days ago, you two were hanging around his residence. You managed to get him to dance around with you. Well, it more like you were dancing and he was doing his best not to combust in embarrassment. Katsuki warned you that you shouldn’t be too reckless otherwise you’d break something.
Of course, you paid him no mind, too enthralled with your fun to notice your proximity to a nearby statue—one of the Bakugo family’s treasures.
One thing led to another, and you knocked it over, shattering it before either of you could even react. Your rich skin lost its glow and your boyfriend cursed something nasty.
Least to say, his parents were not happy. But instead of being rightfully scolded, Bakugo had taken the blame for it.
They found him attempting to clean it up and assumed it was his fault. You wanted to correct them, but he threw you a nasty glare, sealing your mouth shut. He was now under punishment until they deemed fit and from then on, he hadn't spoken a friendly word to you.
A little sigh escaped your lips. Your two friends looked at each other before offering you encouraging smiles.
“Hey,” one spoke, placing a hand on your knee. You met her gaze. “You should go give it to him. He’d love it.”
There was a moment of silence before you decided to act. Taking the spur of confidence, you stood up and briskly made your way to the other classroom. Just before you entered, you heard his voice and felt your heart waver with anxiousness.
However, now wasn’t the time to let doubt consume you. Things wouldn’t get better until something was done.
You took a deep breath, calming your nerves, before opening the door and walking in. Your eyes scanned the room and found the young dragon prince amongst his group of friends.
Jaw set, you walked over to them, hands firmly around the packaged food.
Kirishima saw you first and gave you a friendly wave.
“Hey Princess L/N!”
“Hi boys! How’re ya doing?” you politely asked, putting on your best smile.
They gave you an upbeat answer that lifted your spirits.
Despite that, you hadn't heard a response from Bakugo. In fact, he hadn't even looked at you—but you wouldn’t be disheartened. You fueled herself with faux confidence and held out the dish to your betrothed.
“I-I made you something small yesterday, as an apology,” you stuttered.
Katsuki finally looked up, indifference in his stare. Ruby eyes flickered down to the box filled with rice, chicken, vegetables, and a small pastry on the side. His favorite kind. For a moment, he seemed like considered your offer, but you suffered the low blow of humiliation when he turned away to look through the window.
“Thanks, but I’ve already eaten. Should’ve given it to me earlier.”
Something in your stomach fell. Crushing rejection blossomed up your throat with each passing second. His words were cold, harsh, and unforgiving. It might’ve been stupid, overdramatic even, but it hurt.
Heartbroken wasn’t even the word.
Your nose burned, eyes blurring before you could stop it. Your chest tightened with embarrassment. Luckily, you mustered enough strength to hold in whatever was threatening to crumble you.
“Oh,��� you dumbly responded.
“I’ll take it!” Kaminari excitedly said.
“No, I will! I’m still starving!” Kirishima chided.
You placed the box down, struggling to keep up your act.
“Split it between the both of you. I hope it’s good!” You internally winced over how high your voice had become. “I’m gonna to get going now. I’ll see you guys after school, yeah?”
And before anything else was said, you bolted straight out of the room. You hadn’t bothered to look at Katsuki. Knowing him, he probably hadn't noticed the strain in your voice.
As soon as you were out of sight, the tears flooded. You held your hands against your mouth, desperate to muffle your cries. You quickly took you into the nearest bathroom and you prayed no one had seen you lest there be questions. If you went to your friends, it’d cause a commotion. Your parents would eventually find out and you didn’t want any more problems.
So, you cried your eyes raw and eventually willed yourself to stop when it was time to return to class.
The week had gone by without another interaction. The weekend brought you some relief since you wouldn’t be forced to see Katsuki’s face for the time being. Or so you thought.
All you wanted to do was run some errands for your parents and then go back home and continue sulking. Yet the universe would not let you rest.
The moment you caught Bakugo’s eyes, you pivoted on your heel and booked it the other way. You assumed his anger with you would force him to keep his distance.
But you were thoroughly surprised to find he was following after you.
“Y/N,” he called.
Irritation and hurt filled your chest. You only walked faster, clutching the purse against her chest.
“Y/N, stop,” he demanded to which you promptly ignored.
This went on for a good thirty seconds until Bakugo decided he had enough. Without much noise, he ran up to you, grabbing you by the shoulder.
You weren’t having it.
You harshly shrugged off his hand. “Don’t touch me,” you snapped, keeping your eyes forward.
“I need to talk to you,” Katsuki grumbled.
“Well I don’t want to talk to you. So maybe some other time.”
Truthfully, the crowned prince found himself shocked at your coldness. Despite your innate boldness, he wasn’t used to such an icy tone. Especially directed at him.
His father warned him to never attack in these situations, but Bakugo let his temper get the best of him. His first reaction was to frown and deal back harsher words.
“What’s your fucking problem, dumbass? When I say stop, stop!”
A spike of anger flooded your veins. You whirled around on your heel and glared at him with frosty eyes. You felt compelled to drop your papers and slap him, but instead, you settled for a finger in his face.
“First of all, I’m not some dog you can just order around, you jerk! And just because we’re betrothed doesn’t mean I’m some girl you can treat like dirt whenever you feel like it! Until you apologize, leave me alone because my only problem right now is you. Bye.”
And just as quickly as you came, you turned to leave.
Now Bakugo was actually stunned. Forget, cold, this was a side of you he hadn't ever experienced. Admittedly, he hadn’t been spoken to like that from anyone besides his mother—and she only got away with it because she was not only the queen…but he was his mom.
Katsuki honestly didn’t know how to handle it. It was only then that he concentrated back on his father’s advice. Whenever his mother was upset with his dad, his father would fight back, but never with emotional anger. Always with humbleness and an understanding tongue.
It usually did the trick considering his mother could never stay upset with him for more than a night. It always struck the teen with hidden awe. Sometimes, Katsuki thought his dad was an angel.
Bakugo was no angel, but he hoped it’d have the same affect on you.
The blonde teen softened his face and walked up behind you. He stopped you, wrapping his arms around your waist to lie his forehead against the decorated braids the fell down your back.
“Damn it. I’m sorry okay?” he lowly said, face burning from such a public display of affection. “Just hear me out.”
You didn’t speak and he clenched his jaw.
You inwardly cursed your rapidly beating heart. If it weren’t for how stupidly nice being in his arms was (he was definitely working out more), and the fact that you found him kinda cute begging for your permission, maybe you wouldn’t have caved in so easily.
For now, you’d blame it on the fact that you two were destined to wed. It was better to start dealing with fights now so, hopefully, the future held less of them.
You heaved a sigh, unwillingly ignoring your body’s urge to curl in his arms. Instead, you pulled away and turned to face him. You peered into unsure crimson eyes with as much harshness you could conjure.
“Fine. Speak,” you permitted.
There was a small pause as he gathered his thoughts. When he opened his mouth, you instantly regretted it.
“I’m still mad at you for being dumb and breaking one of family’s treasures. And I’m still fucking pissed that my old hag is on my ass about it,” he started and noticed how your eyes narrowed in contempt.
You were about to turn away, thinking this was a waste of time. However, Bakugo took a hold of your wrist before you could leave.
“Leave me alone! If you didn’t want to get in trouble, you should’ve just let me take the blame. I can't believe I thought you’d apologize—“
“Let me finish, princess.”
It was your title, yet you felt your stomach flip when it came from his lips. You refused to let it influence you…but you’d give him another chance.
Bakugo stepped closer to you. “I’m upset, but I took the punishment because I wanted to. You didn’t mean to break it. Accidents happen, I understand that.”
There was a pregnant pause. Then, you softened your gaze a bit, eyes still lit with inquiry. “Why? Why would you do that if it meant getting in trouble? I could’ve taken the blame just fine.”
“Y/N, you freak the fuck out whenever you don’t get a perfect score on an exam. You try not to mess up and when you do, it’s like the world is ending,” he explained with a teasing smirk. You ungracefully snorted. He had a point. “When you broke the vase, I could hear your heart drop. You were two seconds away from crying. And when I saw how scared you looked I just—I don’t know.”
The look on your face was something between shock, surprise, and wonder. You blinked, thick lips parting slightly in awe.
“Katsuki…” you breathed to which the boy heavily blushed. Realizing how sappy he sounded, his mind screamed at him to cut it out.
Bakugo looked down and noticed he was still holding your wrist. He quickly let go and instinctively rubbed the nape of his neck.
“D-don’t be dramatic. I just didn’t wanna see you moping around or some shit. My father said that it wasn’t that important anyway…the vase I mean,” he mumbled.
Sure it wasn’t, you thought. What were you gonna do with this boy?
You supposed an apology was a good start.
“That was very nice and admirable of you Katsuki. Thank you,” you eventually said. “I’m still really sorry about the vase, and for being mean to you just now.”
He shook his head. “I know, but I’m the one that should be apologizing. I ain’t hafta treat you the way I did. I was being an ass for not accepting the food you made for me earlier.”
“Yeah you were, ya bastard.”
He chuckled at that. “The two idiots wouldn’t stop raving over how good it was.”
“Well, I had the best teacher in the kingdom,” you grinned.
“And I had an even better student,” he winked.
Your smile widened. Maybe marrying him wouldn’t be so bad.
You couldn’t help yourself when you heartily embraced him, enjoying how his arms slowly slithered around the small of your back. Your eyes met and you kissed him on the lips, leaving him with a little gasp. You pulled away and giggled under your breath.
“You know, you're a sweet guy underneath all that false bravado.”
“False brav—what the hell are you going on about!?”
Ignoring his explosive behavior, you readjusted the straps on your shoulder before turning on your heel.
“Don’t bring anything for lunch on Monday, okay? I’ll see you later, blondie.”
Despite his little tantrum, Bakugo still watched you disappear into the store with a gentle expression. You gave him more headaches than he cared for, but you were worth it. Besides, he was sure you could say the same for him.
Bakugo turned to leave and passed his fingertips over where your lips touched his own.
He’d never admit to the giddiness in his chest. He’d take that shit to the grave.
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Anon who’s dog had a seizure. I wanted to be able to give a positive update, but I won’t be able to. I was woken up by a call at around 1:30am from my mom and the first thing she said was “[my dogs name] died”
I don’t know all the details, I was in a full fledge panic attack and was overcome with despair when it was either explained to me or I overheard (frankly, I don’t remember) but apparently at some point either last night or veryyyyy early this morning my mom let the dog out to use the restroom, and he collapsed again similarly to how he did two days ago. My mom rushed him to the emergency vet (a thirty minute drive) but he didn’t even make it there.
I think I was dry heaving at some point because my panic was so bad. I ended up going to the vet with my dad so I could say goodbye (he had before my mom left with the dog) and ngl, going with him did not help in the slightest. My dad has NPD and he kept making the situation about himself and I stg I was ready to throw myself out the car window in the middle of the freeway and walk the rest of the way there OOP—
I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to because of Covid, but we were allowed to all head into the vet and hold him and give proper goodbyes before they took him to be cremated (they have a partnership with some place that does all that jazz). It was rough. He’s a small dog, only 18 pounds, but just holding him felt so different. There was no resistance when I picked him up (I’m not his favorite person lol, so he’d always deadpan and shuffle away a little from me before giving in whenever i’d make grabby hands hahaha) and it was just rough.
A year and a half ago my old bird passed away in that same emergency vet, so I just felt like I was suffocating the whole time. It was basically history repeating itself and I had a ✨mental breakdown✨ while cradling the pooch. My mom almost had to drag me out 2.5 hours later because I didn’t want to leave him. I tried to be strong, he was her dog in the end and they had an unbreakable bond. I should’ve been the one comforting her, not the other way around. I totally failed lol.
Thank god I was able to go home with my mom and not my dad. I wanted to be the one to drive home so she could rest, but I didn’t have the energy to protest when I saw she was already in the drivers seat.
We’ve had him since he was a few months old. I was in first grade at the time, and despite us having a very rocky start (young me didn’t like all the attention he received bc it used to be mine) he was my lil buddy and I would have done anything for him. I was looking forward to taking my senior and graduation pictures with him soon, but it seems like that won’t be happening. I just wish I did more with him.
Sorry for rambling and being so depressing! I haven’t gotten much sleep over the past two nights so I’m really out of it.
If it’s not too much to ask for, could I have a part ii of my previous request but have it involving what I wrote above? Asdfghjkl my depressed ass needs comfort and all of my friends are in school LOL. (Thank god I was called off from school this time) Plus, I don’t wanna make my mom feel worse by adding my grief on top of her own (I hope that made sense)
Part 1
(A/N): anon, I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. From what you sent me about him, he sounded like an absolute delight to be around and a very good boy. You deserve to grieve too, even if you don’t think you should. Grieving is healthy and it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored. Everyone grieves differently, so maybe you and your mom could reminisce on the good times with him? Only if you both feel comfortable doing so of course. Please get some sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat some food if you haven’t already. My DMs are always open if you ever want to talk <3
Warnings: death of a dog and bird (mentioned), panic attacks, NPD parent mention
You were jolted awake by a loud ring from your phone laying on your nightstand. It was the ringtone you specifically set for your mom. Blinking deliriously, you answered with a raspy, “mom?”
You were only met with her choked sobs on the other end. This woke you up completely as you turned on a lamp and sat up fully in your bed, “mom what’s wrong?”
“(Dog name)...” She was unable to say your dog's name before she broke into more harsh sobbing. Worry and fear pricked your gut at the mention of your dog’s name. “What about (dog name)? What’s going on?”
“He d-died, (y/n). He isn’t suffering anymore.” You felt as if ice cold water was poured onto you as you sat staring at the wall in shock. Faintly you heard your mom telling you how it happened, but you didn’t register her words. The words that came out of your mother’s mouth were nearly incomprehensible anyways due to her distress. You didn’t know when she hung up, but the next time you looked at the phone screen your homescreen met you: a picture of you, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy at an amusement park. 
Your panic attack had escalated to you dry heaving over the toilet after puking up your dinner. You felt like you were suffocating as you remembered the techniques Techno used a few days prior. You stumbled up from a crouch and scrambled over to the sink. Your hands could barely grab the faucet and turn it on as you lost most of your sense of spatial awareness and everything you touched felt distant, like every single synapse in your body was both simultaneously working in overdrive and failing at the same time. The water was as cold as it was going to get, so you plunged your hands into the liquid and felt your body jolt at the temperature. After a while, your hands turned numb after regaining some senses back so you shakily cupped your hands under the faucet and gathered water into your hands. You splashed it at your face and felt yourself becoming more grounded as time passed.
By the time you left the bathroom, your dad gathered you into the car and started to drive you to the emergency vet. The entire time he was ranting about how you needed to pull yourself together because the dog was closer to him than to you. That definitely did not help in any way, it made you want to jump out of the car and walk the rest of the way to the vet. It would be better than having someone constantly belittling you for grieving. The ride was hell, but you persevered for (dog name). You needed to say goodbye to him.
When you left the car and walked into the building, it felt as if you were walking through the nine rings of hell with blazing infernos licking at your skin with every step. Dread and despair filled and overwhelmed you with every step. 
When a nurse escorted you to the room, she offered you her condolences and left you to say goodbye. With wide eyes, you slowly walked over to your mom and saw the motionless bundle of fur in her hands. It looked like he was sleeping, but you knew better. She looked at you with so much heartbreak and sadness as tears slipped down her cheeks that you remembered that he was her dog in the end and they’ve always had an unbreakable bond. You needed to be strong for her.
Your stony facade broke the second your mom handed you (dog name). He was cold and stiff as he laid unmoving in your arms, not even trying to wiggle out of your embrace like he always did. You were never his favorite person. He felt so… different. So wrong. 
Time passed around you as you held him and cried into his fur. This situation was very similar to your previous one that happened about a year and a half ago when your bird passed away and that was what finally sent you over the edge. Before you knew it, your mom was dragging you out of the building so he could get cremated. Your dad had long since gone home so he could get ready for work, so that left you to ride home with your mom. Not that you were complaining, it was certainly better than riding home with your dad. You just wished that you could drive so she could get some rest. 
By time you got home, it was about the same time you would leave for school. As you were driving down your neighborhood, you saw a very familiar car pass you. It was Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy’s car. They were probably going to school. You kept your head down and stared intensely at your tightly clasped hands. 
The second the car was in park in your driveway, you made a beeline for your room. For the rest of the day, you hid underneath your covers and ignored the incessant buzzing of your phone on the nightstand. You spent that time alone having a panic attack. This was your longest and most intense one yet, by the time it finally calmed down it was 10:30 at night. 
You smacked your dry lips together and feel absolutely drained. The buzzing still wouldn’t let up, so you reached out with a shaky hand and opened your phone. You had at least eighty combined missed texts from Wilbur, Tommy, and Techno. 
Tuesday, Innit?
Yo, the fuck’s goin on? 
Why the hell did you ignore us when we passed you???
Music man take me by the hand lead me to the land
Ignore that dumbass
What’s going on? You weren’t at school today
Technology Sword
You don’t have to tell us what happened if you’re not comfortable
Just tell us if you’re okay
That was only the start of the messages in the group chat. Granted it was mostly Tommy spamming your name and Wilbur and Techno trying to get him to chill out, but some of the messages managed to calm the swirling panic inside of you slightly. Your phone buzzed as you got another text. This time, it was an individual one from Technoblade.
Technology Sword
Look out your window, grab your notebook
You raised your eyebrows slightly as you read the message. Your window was right across from Technoblade’s, so when you saw Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” music video and showed it to Techno, you both decided that this would be your primary communication before you eventually got phones. It wasted a ton of paper, but you both felt like the main characters in a story so you kept doing it. You hadn’t done this since you got your phone and he got his. 
After you grabbed your spare notebook and a sharpie, you sat up in your bed and turned on your lamp. When you opened your curtains, you saw Techno smiling at you before he grabbed his notebook and wrote ‘hello’. 
You uncapped your marker, wrote ‘hi’, and shakily raised it to him. You saw him frown at your shakiness, he wrote ‘you okay?’
You stared at your paper for a bit contemplating whether or not you should tell him the truth. It was no use in lying to him, he knew you better than you knew yourself. After a moment, you wrote ‘no’.
You watched as he frowned and his eyebrows crinkled together in an upwards slant. ‘Discord?’
You closed your curtains once more and opened up your PC. You could already see that Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy were in a separate voice channel. When you joined, you were startled by Tommy’s loud screaming and Wilbur’s hysterical laughter. 
They were interrupted by a knock on Tommy’s door, “Tommy for the love of god it’s almost eleven at night kiddo. You can keep playing but please just keep it down.”
“Good job dumbass,” Wilbur chuckled.
“Hey (y/n), how’re you?” Techno’s somewhat pointed voice interrupted them. “(Y/N)! Please tell Wilbur that it’s not cool to borrow my armor and ‘accidentally’ fall into a lava lake.”
“It was an accident I swear!” Wilbur’s slight chuckle told you otherwise. “Wilbur,” your croaky and wobbly voice scolded him quietly, “not cool.”
The voice channel went silent as you logged into your shared minecraft server. You immediately spawned in the main lobby at spawn that you built the last time you logged in. You got to work gathering wood for walls you were going to build around the city. You saw Techno’s character run to you and help you gather wood. 
“...You good, (y/n)?” Tommy’s voice took on an uncharacteristic level of gentleness and concern. 
“‘M fine.” 
After a while of silence, you heard keyboards start to click again. Gradually conversation started back up and everything felt lighthearted once more. Though, you only talked when you were prompted to. After gathering the correct amount of wood, you and Techno went back to your house so you could craft some slabs. However as you approached the crafting table, you passed your bed. Next to your bed was your pet dog, barking slightly and looking at you with it’s pixel eyes. 
You could feel tears well up in your eyes at the sight of the pixelated dog. With a lump forming in your throat you struggled to breathe through it, your breaths coming out shuttering. You made quick work of muting yourself on Discord and started sobbing, the white dog staring at you sitting on top of your minecraft bed. This wasn’t a panic attack, you knew that. But you still felt overcome by a massive wave of grief. 
After a bit, you saw Techno’s character pop in front of you and start hitting the air. In chat, you saw that he private messaged you ‘vc 2’
You clicked off the main voice chat and was immediately greeted by Techno’s gentle voice. “What’s goin on buddy?” He was only met with your sobs, “deep breaths.”
“I’m not having a panic attack.”
“Still, deep breaths are good. Follow me.” With that, you two worked on getting your breathing back to normal and your tears slowly stopped. The entire time he was giving you praise and gentle reassurances whenever you tried to apologize to him. By the time you stopped crying you felt almost completely drained. 
“You okay now?” You hummed in confirmation, too tired to say anything. “Thank you Tech, I-I’m sorry-”
“Stop apologizing for feeling emotions. They’re one hundred percent valid… Do you feel comfortable telling me what happened?”
“I…” You trailed off as you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words out loud. “You don’t have to tell me, ya know.” Technoblade gently reminded you.
“I’ll PM it to you.” With that, you PMed him on minecraft explaining that your dog died this morning. “Fuck, I’m so sorry (y/n). I’m sure he isn’t suffering anymore. Did- did they ever find out what caused the seizures?”
“No, but… he had tons of health issues that I’m glad he doesn’t have to deal with anymore.” 
“Do you wanna talk about the good times with him with Wil and Tommy? If you don’t want to we can just talk about them here.”
“Let’s rejoin the main voice channel.”
“Hey (y/n), how’re you doing?” Wilbur gently asked you. “I’m alright, do- do you guys know what happened?” They both said yes. Technoblade must’ve told them what was happening.
“(Y/n) come outside. We built something for you.” Tommy was uncharastically gentle. 
When you moved to go outside of your minecraft house and Wilbur and Tommy led you to an empty spot in the city you four were building, you stopped in your tracks. In front of you built in various types of stone was a dog statue. In front of it stood a sign that read ‘in loving memory of (dog name)’.
“We aren’t done with it, but we can finish it in a couple of hours,” Wilbur mumbled into the microphone. 
“No, it’s perfect as it is. I don’t know what to say guys…”
“You don’t have to say anything, just know that we’re here for you.” Tommy said, his minecraft character walking over to your own and hitting you. 
“Oi, don’t hit them!” Techno punched him back and that started an all out brawl between the two. It quickly ended when Techno pulled out his fully enchanted netherite sword named ‘Orphan Obliterator’. 
“Get fucked, nerd.” You could just tell Tommy was holding in screaming at his brother. “I’m not the nerd here, you’re the one that reads for fun.” Tommy retorted. You heard shuffling on Techno’s end and him walking away from his PC. You were about to ask what was happening before you heard Tommy silently scream in terror. “Oh fuck he’s coming!” You assumed that Tommy ran to lock his door. Not long after that you heard a knock, “I just wanna talk.”
“No! You-”
“I just wanna talk.”
“Let him talk, Tommy!”
You heard Philza’s groggy muffled voice, “it is midnight on a Friday. I don’t care what happens or who fights who, just do it in your own rooms and do it quietly.” 
“Sorry Dad,” you heard Techno’s retreating steps before he returned to his chair. “You’re a douche, Technoblade.” 
“I just wanted to talk, Tommy.” At that, Techno started beating Tommy to death once more. Each time he would kill Tommy, he would give Tommy a small head start before he would find him again. While this was happening, Wilbur PMed you ‘wanna prank Tommy and Techno? I’m thinking we put chickens under their houses’.
You looked at his player and nodded. You and Wilbur got to work luring chickens into holes you dug around their bases and burying them so that they were close enough to hear, but deep enough for it to be mildly inconvenient finding them. After you two were done with that, you met at spawn again.
“Techno stop killing Tommy. We want to tell stories about (dog name).” You saw Techno’s character sprint to your group and Tommy’s come up from a hole in the ground. “I was just about to find him.”
“Thank you! God, I hate it when he does that.”
The rest of the night you four spent reminiscing on the funny things that (dog name) did over the years. At some points you even laughed along with them. After you told them that you wanted to take your senior pictures with him, Techno offered to edit him into your photos. You didn’t know when you passed out but when you woke up, you had a crick in your neck and your PC monitor was off. You could hear three sets of soft snoring on the other end of the call. You felt yourself drifting off to their gentle breathing and smiled slightly; with them, everything felt better. 
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unknownwriting · 3 years
Hey can you do Ace, Shanks, Mihawk, Ben hcs with a con artist that meets their s/o by conning them(not too mean)/stealing food from them/crashing on their ship? <3
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♡ Summary- reacting to a con-artist s/o
♡ Characters- Portgas D. Ace, Shanks, Dracule Mihawk, Benn Beckman
♡ Warnings- none :)
♡ Wooo con artist s/o sign me up 🥳🥳 sooooo shanks is a little long bc I so got carried away….
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Portgas D. Ace
- now Ace isn’t always the brightest, sometimes he just doesn’t really think things through or worry too much about the consequences and that doesn’t mean he hasn’t run into con artist before either, he has had his fair share of con artist, but when it came to you it just didn’t click with him
- you came off as an abandoned, young person with a dream of sailing the sea. It’s always been your dream but you could find the right time or even money. But you were smart enough to not start with asking for money, you knew how to ease into it
- so when you first stumble across Ace, you were quick to spill your sob story and get his pity. It's not like you needed it tho. To you, Ace was just some sucker who had money to spend
- you started by making him buy food claiming you haven’t eaten in days, then processed to make him buy you new clothes, and finally just some random trinkets. you knew you didn’t need much, to begin with, you just didn’t want to spend your money. You weren’t bad compared to others.
- so once you got your stuff you waved Ace bye and thanked him. You didn’t want to stay only longer and give away your identity. However one of Ace’s crewmates had already caught on to your plan and as soon as your left they confronted Ace about it
- surprisingly, at first, Ace was not that upset, you were cute so he found it easy to forgive you, what Ace did not find cute about it was how much money you made him spend. He was definitely not happy about that
- and seeing how you were a cute person around Ace’s age why not chases you down to get his money back. He didn’t have to do it but it was a mix of curiosity and adventure that compelled him.
- so y’all’s relationship was one that definitely formed over time, Ace would chase you down but before he could catch you, you’d run off then the cycle would start all over again.
- it was never a serious relationship, to begin with, although Ace had really wanted his money back, he enjoyed chasing you down. It was fun to tease and flirt while doing so.
- but of course, sooner or later Ace is gonna catch you. And when that day comes, Ace has no intentions of making you pay the money, instead, he’s gonna make you join the crew. There’s no way Ace is gonna let you get away from him again
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- Shanks became an emperor for nothing, he’s had his fair share of a con artist who’ve been oblivious to his status and tried to con him. But of course, he’d always scare them off before they could even do anything.
- but when it came to you, Shanks just decided to tease you. It looked liked you didn’t know who you were conning and you looked pretty cute, so why not tease you a bit
- you were definitely away from Shanks reputation, but you had a reputation to your name too. You were known for stilling for the big names. And one day you saw Shanks was in time, and hey, go big or go home. so set with determination, you went off to go do your best to get on Shanks ship
- you found it surprisingly easy to approach him, so once you did you wasted no time and quickly tried to earn his pity…..which was surprisingly….easy too. Maybe you overestimated this guy. He was even dumb enough to let you spend the night on his ship.
- ‘Ha! What a dumb emperor he is’ you scoffed, as you happily boarded his ship
- of course, you were only there to steal the good stuff but it was the ship with an emperor and a ship that has good food, so why not stay for a while. Well, a while turned out to get you drunk enough to pass out It was definitely what you didn’t have in mind.
- luckily before you ended up passing out in some random room you had some chances to go explore the ship and get used to the layout by saying you had to go to the ‘bathroom’
- so far everything was going really smoothly for the fact that you were on the emperor’s ship. You find it very suspicious and it definitely made your anxiety grow but you just keep telling yourself that’s he just a careless pirate
- you wasted no time a quickly got to exploring. It was a large ship so you need time. While you began to explore, you had noticed that the ship was swaying a lot more than before. But you just thought it was your hangover. Until you stepped foot onto the deck and heard the crashing of waves and the small village shrinking in the distance.
- the ship was moving and with you on it too!! The crew sailed off with you still on. Panic now began to spread. They must’ve forgotten about you bc there is no way they would sail off with you on. At least that’s what you wanted to tell yourself but after seeing the smirk of Shanks you figured he knew what he was doing
- turns out you weren’t sneaky enough to outsmart an emperor
“You seemed surprised. Did you think you could honestly outsmart me?” Shanks scoffed as he approached you.
“I…I-uh…y-you looked clueless!” Was all (y/n) could muster.
“I knew what you were up to the whole time. But you’re still pretty good at it, so join my crew!” Shanks exclaimed, throwing (y/n) off.
“Join me crew, your good at stealing and lying, which makes a great spy and your cute. We don’t have a lot of cute girls here, it’s does get kinda lonely.”
“Ugh as if!” (Y/n) stomped, “take me back right now! I didn’t steal anything so I have no reason to stay here.”
“Yeah about that, we’re not going back to port so you apart of the crew now. Whether you like it or not. Sorry princess.” Shanks winked before walking away. (Y/n) was speechless. This couldn’t seriously be happening.
“H-hey…hey! Don’t walk away! Ugh…this-this is boarder line kidnapping!!”
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Benn Beckman
- he definitely knows about it before you even do it. Of course, he doesn’t react to anything until he knows that your gonna do it. He’s come across a lot of people who had thought about stealing from him but never got the guts to do so.
- but you definitely had the guts to do so and with no shame either. But surprisingly, you didn’t steal anything from him.
- you had run into him when he was out on the town when they were docked. And you were quick to recognize him as Benn Beckman. Although he was a pirate on shanks' crew, you knew that he wasn’t a bad guy. He looks intimidating but not bad.
- and you were desperate at the time, living on the streets, digging food and drinks out of people’s trash, always begging to take the dirty jobs nobody wanted just to get money. It was a very unfortunate time of your life but you knew Benn had food and a place to sleep
- you didn’t have the guts to fully rob him or manipulate him into buying you food, but you did know how to mask your presence. So doing the only thing you were good at, you sunk onto his ship even though it was shank ship, you still sunk on it.
- only until they left port, you were gonna sleep and eat as much as you could. You were beyond terrified that you were gonna get caught but you hope that Benn would be understanding.
- Benn knew about it the whole time but let you stay. You weren’t doing anything of harm: not stealing money or treasure, or trying to kill anyone or spying. So he let you stay for around 2 days just before Benn confronted you. And when he did he was still understanding.
- he tried his best to confront you in a way that didn’t scare you but that just didn’t happen, so he tried to make you feel comfortable as quickly as possible. He didn’t mean any harm just like you did, he simply just wanted to ask why you were doing this
- it didn’t take you long for you to figure out that he didn’t mean any harm. It didn’t take a while for you to open up to him. Benn found it so easy to get to know your situation. And he was right. You were an over good person, you just happen to be a bad time in your life
-so now knowing that you simply just want someplace to go Benn decided to ask you to join his crew. You definitely had to do a double-take. Benn knew what he was doing too and he also knew you would say yes, but just in case he had to ask.
- it definitely took you a while to even say something, but just as Benn thought you said yes. And thus began y’all’s very strong relationship. Benn was always there for you, even though you couldn’t give much in return you were still super grateful.
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Dracule Mihawk
- all you needed was some quick cash. You had to fell behind on some payments and just need the cash to pay them. You were kinda desperate. And with Mikawk’s very….accessible ship, you figured you could make that quick cash
- it was easy to get on the ship and even more easy to look through it. But with that being said, there was practically nothing on it. Literally, you couldn’t find anything at all. So just as you thought you hit the jackpot, you were very disappointed
- and just as you were gonna try your luck somewhere else, you found yourself face to face with a large sword. You didn’t even try to process anything before you already began to put up a fight. Someone just shoved their sword in your face, of course, you gonna fight
- Mihawk honestly had no intention of fighting tho, he just wanted to scare you off. He saw you digging through his ship but he already knew that you were gonna find anything, so he just wanted to scare you off. He didn’t expect you to fight back
- at least you know the owner of the ship, so now you can definitely judge him. And who knew it was gonna be a warlord. Yeah, you definitely were gonna win but he might have money on him. So if you could pickpocket him in the fight and escape you’ll be fine
- you took the first move, stepping towards him too but he was quick to Dodge. This went on for a while just in dodging, but you were able to finally get your hands on the money and was about the book it but Mihawk got to you too soon.
- he grabbed you by the wrist holding the money and pulled you close to him, maybe a bit too close. With his other hand, he grabbed the money out of it and eyed it for a moment before looking back up at you and commenting how impressive that was. He wouldn’t have even known you robbed him if it wasn’t for you holding it in your hand
- you felt like an idiot but definitely blushed at it but it didn’t take you long to spit back an insult or something. Surprisingly Mihawk found this all too amusing. Not bc you got caught but just how you treated him. No fear of any of the sort
- he took a moment to ask you why even steal and you, without even knowing, tell him that you own people's money and came up short. Ugh, one of the things that Mihawk hates.
- so very similar to Shanks and somewhat out of character he asks you, more like forces you, to join his one-man crew. You thought he was crazy and he was but you knew it was better then owning people all your life. So very unwilling you join his crew.
- even Mihawk doesn’t know why he asked you, he just found you so amusing and interesting that he couldn’t keep himself from asking you. He’ll definitely be enjoying his time around his home a lot more with you around.
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simgerale · 2 years
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another boyo for @morrigan-sims's bc!!!
where to start lol sorry for the length!!
he's a cocky, smart-alic, hot-headed prince that ends up charming people regardless of all his negative qualities... sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's a curse
born to the kingdom of Oryn as the 6th child, there was never much expected out of him. his parents (and entire country, for that matter) constantly questioned what his purpose would be and how he could possibly benefit the family of Pelle. he was the accident, and the extra, and the forgotten. it really is no wonder he turned out as the "problem" child. he had to get their attention somehow.
his kingdom was prosperous from their mining operations and trade deals with surrounding lands, and kristopher was tired of hearing of it. why, oh why, are they tearing apart the land like that? soon, every mountain in Oryn will come tumbling down on his people--or at least that's what he believes. if he had any power, he would halt the mining operations... at least until he figured out how his people could mine the earth without destroying it.
it is rumored that the royal family of Oryn were the last descendants of the Great Elves, but no one has any proof other than pointy ears popping up every few generations (like he has). it would make much sense, considering the vast forests that cover their land and the connection some (like kristopher) have to it.
all that said, kristopher doesn't let people know what goes on in his head. he has been too close to death to let anyone become close now (from a servant that was hired to kill him when he was young... some say it was his own father that ordered it, others say that the people of Oryn were just tired of the burden he was).
he devoted his time to physical activities growing up, like sparring and archery and running. his family didn't waste any important tutors on him, of course, so scholastics wasn't his forte. he loved being active instead. took his mind off the fact his whole family disliked him.
he wasn't disliked without any reason, however. he liked to escape from the castle and have disgraceful fun nights at pubs. sabotaged some trade deals. often offended nobles and visitors of high-importance. neglected the small amount of duties he did receive. drank at all events, which was partly to embarrass the family but also to forget the sad truth about his existence.
at age 25 (yes, he's younger than the Queen by a few years, but i thought that was appropriate), kristopher had already accepted his fate as the kingdom's laughing stock and crick in the neck. then his parents surprised him with an interesting opportunity... they wanted him out, and the Queen of Anvia's invitation was the perfect excuse. "Make Oryn proud for once, Kristopher. Court the Queen. Do not make a fool out of your people, or your people will make a fool out of you. Consider this your last chance, son."
little did they know, kristopher saw this as his first chance in his life. sure, maybe the queen won't like him in the slightest--wouldn't be the first time--but he can finally experience another culture. he can finally be himself. he can finally... tell another kingdom what Oryn is doing to their land for riches. but will Queen Fallon believe him when he's being his arrogant self?
despite being so in-shape from his rigorous activity, he's a glutton. he loves sweets, and meats, and savory things, and gravies, and breads, and spice, and.... well you get the point. that was one good thing about being looked over; no one saw him when he stole food from the kitchen.
the scar on his upper lip is from the assassination attempt, i'm afraid. kristopher isn't ashamed about it, though. rather, he shows it off as a symbol of his rebellion towards his enemies. (also... it would make his lungs cave in if someone he was interested in kissed it gently and was worried it hurt 🥺)
the only family member he liked was his eldest sister. she couldn't stop her father and mother from hating the kid, but she did her best to include him. she is now married to some foreign empire, her life bargained as part of a trade negotiation...
he's not innocent, but he's never once been interested in any person he's slept with. it was always revenge for him, to shame his family. he can't say it was the most honorable thing he did in his past, but he hopes that he never has to do that again.
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Dating and Goodreads
Back for Day 8-Blind date (how the hell do u guys come up with good title fics i struggle so bad lol). I wasn’t really going anywhere with this one, but when i read all of the others and saw how fun the fics were, i decided to finish this one.
also for Summertime and Fresh Strawberries, I deliberately left it blank but I can’t hold onto the secret bc two people were curious as to what happened, so i’ll let the rest of you know that aelin and rowan decided to keep summer and be a cute little family, bc im a sucker for happy endings lol (unless its angst, it’s safe to assume that all my rowaelin fics have happy endings bc they’ve all ready been thru so much and even in alt fics i need them to be happy lmao)
anyway, on to the next one. hope you enjoy!
1.8k words
cw: none
Aelin was a confident woman, something that she was proud of. But that didn't mean that there weren't times she didn't feel self-conscious or awkward and full of doubt.
Because right now, all those negative feelings were swimming inside of her.
And those feelings were just magnified today, especially since she had gotten fired only a few hours beforehand. It was utterly unexpected, she had never received any prior warnings, and while she was a fighter, Aelin didn't feel like stepping into the ring for this one. Not when her boss was a demon from hell that made life unbearable and she had to physically push herself into entering the work building.
Aelin told herself that it was for the best. She was miserable there and hated working in an office typing up the worlds most boring reports and working in a space that was entirely too drab.
But she wasn't looking forward to job hunting. Aelin was aware that she could ask her friends for favours, but if Aelin did something wrong, she didn't want it reflected back onto whoever helped her.
And she was still a little peeved over the damned argument she had online again with that haughty prick on Goodreads. Aelin wasn't sure why those arguments kept going, but each time she would post a review, White Tailed Hawk would respond, telling her that she read the book wrong and this and that and blah blah blah.
Aelin repaid the favour each time, telling him how he was wrong and he had no reading comprehension skills. And on and on it went until Aelin or whoever the fuck that guy was went back to their own lives.
Depressingly, it was the most fun she had some days.
Shaking her head, Aelin forced herself to think of the now and not of her shitty day. Still she sighed, not quite believing that she had agreed to this blind date. Couldn't believe that she had let Aedion convince her it was a good idea.
Aelin had said no at first, after Aedion had voiced his offer, and her cousin left it at that. But days went past, and he would bring up the topic of Rowan, about the things he had said that day, how his dry sense of humour took some time to get used to but once you figured it out, he was actually pretty funny, how he had finished a project perfectly and this and that.
But it got to her, annoyingly. So the other day when he was helping her out with some housework that was a two person job, Aelin told him to set up this date. Aedion cheered as if it was the best thing he had ever heard, telling her how she and Rowan were the perfect match for each other.
Aelin rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything of the assessment.
She had only agreed because it was getting frustrating being asked at every family event if she was dating someone, when she was going to give her parents grandchildren (that question pissed her off the most, as if Aelin was nothing but a birthing machine and that was all Aelin could contribute to society), and who was going to look after her when she was old if she didn't have children (because apparently carers didn't exist).
Aelin was also lonely—she could entertain herself just fine, but she did like the idea of coming home and talking to someone that could respond. She loved Fleetfoot and her enthusiasm when Aelin came home, but human companionship would be nice.
But Aelin didn't have high-hopes for this date because the universe liked to kick Aelin's ass from time to time, she suspected that they were going to hate each other.
Taking a deep breath, Aelin got out of her car, smoothed down her romper and went inside the restaurant, head held high.
Rowan couldn't believe that he was about to go on a blind date. That Aedion had convinced him to go out with his younger cousin. He hadn't dated anyone since Lyria and he knew that his dating skills were going to be rusty as hell. He had been with Lyria since they were nineteen, married at 23 and divorced at 31; he had been single for the last two years.
It had been...fine, a little strange, after being with someone for so long to find himself a bachelor. Rowan never thought that he would apart from Lyria, but their relationship had just faded. Long before the divorce, it had been more like a housemate relationship than a marriage. He wasn't surprised when his ex-wife had come home after work with divorce papers. He had only stared at the paperwork for an hour before he signed the forms. Truthfully, Rowan was just glad that he was still on good terms with Lyria, that they could still talk to one another from time to time.
Rowan had almost called her earlier today, to ask how the hell dates went, but felt that it would have been crossing some invisible line, so he didn't call and instead had Googled the questions instead.
They didn't really help.
Rowan drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, telling himself that if things went wrong, then it wasn't the end of the world. That if he had to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, then that was fine. He had plenty of ways of keeping himself busy—he had a good career, a nice house, plenty of books to read and to argue online about them with.
He had one earlier today, actually, with Queen of Wildfire about a new release that Rowan had eagerly read within days of its release. And once again, he ended up with an argument with the woman about the messages and themes within the book.
It was stupid, he knew, to be at his age and to be fighting online with a stranger, but something about this woman just had his fingers flying over the keyboard.
Some days he looked forward to it, as embarrassing as that was to admit. He didn't really want to look into himself to figure out what it all meant.
Eyes drifting to the dashboard, Rowan realised that his date was about to start. Popping a mint into his mouth and smoothing out his clothes, Rowan took a deep breath and left the car and went to his first date in twelve years.
Hopefully, it wouldn't be too bad.
The date had started out a little awkward, but that wasn't a surprise to Aelin, because what blind date started smoothly?
It picked up after Rowan admitted that he was divorced and that he had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do. Aelin appreciated that stark honesty and admitted that she too had no idea what to do.
Since then, the conversation went well, the food was good and Aelin had even swiped a few bites of his dinner because it just looked so much better than hers. Rowan had playfully grumbled underneath his breath, but smiled as he said it.
It was going really well. Maybe the universe had decided to give her a break for the rest of this evening. There was a part of her that maybe wondered if they would have sex, because the man did look fucking fantastic, but at the same time, she didn't want to rush anything in case this actually turned into something more.
“What's the dumbest thing that you've done recently or in the past?” Aelin asked. There was no such thing as small talk between them—Aelin had all ready asked if he believed in aliens and was glad when he said yes, because “it's ridiculous to think that we're alone in this wide universe of ours. It makes sense that there'd be other lifeforms out there.” Which was pretty damned close to Aelin's reasoning as well, so asking him about stupid moments felt like nothing in comparison.
Rowan smirked at the question and took a moment to think before answering. “I engage in online arguments.”
“Really? About what, exactly?”
“It's stupid. But my all my arguments occur on Goodreads of all places. Not Facebook, or YouTube, or Twitter, but Goodreads. It's never anything insulting but just arguments about how wrong some people's in depth reviews are.”
“Fair enough,” Aelin said, “I've been known to do the same thing as you. There's this one user on there, White Tailed Hawk—a stupid name if you ask me—and he just never...” Aelin stopped when she noticed that he stopped eating and was just looking at her weirdly. “Rowan? Are you okay?”
“Do you, by any chance, go under the name of Queen of Wildfire?”
Aelin blinked, and then blinked again, and once the pieces fell into place, she knew right then and there that the universe really hated her. She let out a harsh laugh, the sound echoing throughout the space. Aelin wasn't really sure what to say, because it was true what he said; it had never been insulting, but ending up on a date with the man she had regularly arguments with was just...she had no words, other then, “It really is a stupid name.” She took a sip of her wine, needing to do something other than wanting to bang her head against the table.
“I couldn't think of anything else to write.” And it wasn't also his favourite animal, he had told her that earlier.
They lapsed back into the awkward silence of earlier, both picking at their food.
But Aelin didn't want this night to go to waste. “It'd be stupid to let something as small as this get in the way of whatever this could be,” Aelin said, deciding to be blunt.
Rowan nodded. “It would be. Although I have to be honest, you really have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Call of the Wild Winds.”
Aelin just about stormed off when she noticed his playful smile, his eyes sparkling bright. Laughing, Aelin threw a bread-roll at his handsome face, and once he caught it and split it in half for them to share, they went back to their earlier conversation.
And when Rowan walked her to her apartment door and kissed her on the cheek goodnight with a promise to text her later, Aelin couldn't help herself by telling him that all his opinions sucked and that he had no idea what he was talking about—all with a big smile on her face as Rowan sputtered as she closed the door on his face.
They spent the rest of the night texting, and all of Aelin's earlier woes faded away. And she looked forward to tomorrow, despite the horror of job hunting. Maybe the universe will finally let things turn around for the better for her.
Aelin went to sleep with a smile on her face, all because of White Tailed Hawk.
And on the other side of the city, Rowan also fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Friday Nights and Take-Out (1)
Would I be someone you’d hypothetically hook up with?
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre/Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, popstar/idol!jk, fluff, angst, future smut; this is a dialogue-heavy series so read if you’re into that! Also Jk is a sweet friend
Warnings: foul language, these characters talk alot bc I talk alot, heavy drinking, eventual smut
Word count: 4,300
Series summary: You meet pop star/idol Jeon Jungkook at the cafe, you get close, and as Hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. But you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
series masterlist 
A/N: My recent dive into fanfics compelled me to unearth this thing I wrote 5 years ago for a certain curly-haired brit (luvu harry) but I never finished it so it never saw the light of day but now it will bc i love jungkook so much and idk what this is but let’s see!
There’s a light and unsure knock at the door. As you open it to see who’s visiting you this Friday night, you immediately wish you stayed at least a half hour later at your family-run café so you didn't have to be having this conversation right now. 
But you are having it right now. At your apartment. With your ex-boyfriend who finally decided to give you an explanation as to why he broke up with you five months ago. 
The next thing you know, he’s saying he’s decided to move back to Australia after graduation, he’s saying sorry for the nth time, you’re watching him walk out the door, you’re heading to your room for your blanket, you’re going back to your couch, and then you’re crying as it dawns on you exactly what just happened. 
The break up had caught you off-guard because things were going so well. Your dejected and grieving self wasn’t enough to scare him away and his shy, non-expressive self didn’t sow any doubts on your relationship. You two barely fought, too, too alike in disposition for any disagreements or grudges to fester and hurt you. Things just worked. 
But like many good things, this one ended too. It’s like he just woke up one day and decided it wasn’t going to work out anymore, for what reason, you never knew until now. It hurt you, of course - it was still a memorable 2-year run - but true to form, you were able to dust yourself off quickly and get back on your feet shortly after. 
You tried to reach out though; you were good friends before anything anyway, but he avoided you like the plague and you thought you’d not only lost a boyfriend but a friend too. Tonight felt like the closure you didn’t know you needed. He’s gone, for good. And then after graduation, he will be gone for good, for good. 
You stay lying on your couch until you get a text from Jungkook, your new famous friend and current favorite person.
JK: Ran into Jieun at work, says drinks on her at The Third tonight. You up for it?
Nope, you say to yourself. 
You: I don't wanna go out tonight. 
You immediately reply. On a normal night you’d think about it, or even pretend you’re considering it, but not tonight.
It isn’t one of those nights when you’re sad and you want to be around people and get wasted so you can convince yourself you will be okay. It’s one of those nights when you’re sad and you know you will be okay the next day but right now you’re not and you’ll deal with it until the morning comes. You’ll just have to wait because it is only 7:30 in the evening. 
You try to think of a series you’ll binge-watch, but then your phone rings and it’s Jungkook’s meme face, the one he took last week and saved as his contact photo, lighting up the screen.
“Hey, you alright?” He asks, as you groggily pick up and say “hi.” You think he probably thought something was up when you didn't have a follow up message after you turned him down for something.
“Yup,” you manage to respond after an ugly sniffle. “Except I’ve been ugly crying for the past 10 minutes,” you continue.
“What happened?” 
He seems to have stepped out of wherever he was because you hear the mumbles in the background soften quite a bit and you figure you probably disturbed his dinner.
“Jinyoung came over and said the shit I needed to hear five months ago,” you start. “He copped out cause he got scared, Jungkook. Not of getting hurt, okay, which I always said was a bullshit reason for anything but he got scared of me and my dreams. I mean, come on, how much of a fucking coward can you get?” you blurt, sniffles in between phrases, fingers pressing the bridge of your nose to try and keep yourself from crying even more. 
“But I don't know, I’m pissed but he looked so sad and sorry and now he’s moving back to Australia and I just…” you try to continue, frustration rising up again. You’re a mess of emotions right now, that’s for sure.
“Ah, boys,” Jungkook breathes out, knowing this conversation is too important for it to be had just over the phone. “I could come over with food if you like. I know you probably don't need me but you need the food so…” he trails. 
You smile to yourself. “As long as I’m not disturbing your Friday night plans.” 
“You aren’t. I’ve had enough of the hyungs, if I’m being completely honest,” he replies, voice a little louder.
You hear a mix of scolding and laughter in the background, knowing for sure that the rest of the guys are giving Jungkook shit for bailing out on them for you. Again.
“Sounds good,” you say. “Thanks.”
You hear a knock on the door under the fleece blanket you have over your fetus-laid body on the couch. 
“It’s open!” You shout, as you tuck the soft white material under your chin and move to your side for a more comfortable position. You look at the built, chocolate-eyed, knife-for-a-jawline pop star walk into your place with what looks like take-out Japanese food. 
“What happened to locking doors?” He asks with a concerned and almost terrified tone, brows scrunching under his stray locks, the rest of his hair hiding underneath his black bucket hat. 
“I didn't wanna escort Jinyoung to the door because it felt poetic to watch him leave from a distance…” You dramatically say.
“And you were too lazy to walk 10 steps to lock the door, but were energized enough to find your blanket from your mess of a closet in the far corner of your room?” He continues, blinking continuously at you.
“Exactly,” you say, as you point to him as if giving him props for reading your mind. 
He rolls his eyes but grins as he does, revealing his dimple that you believe is the first line of offense of his charm. You may not be one of those people who get hysterical when they see him — although you did end up embarrassing yourself when you bumped into him at the café a few months ago when you’d met — but you know charisma when you see it, and you can’t deny that it basically oozes out of him even when he’s not trying. 
He sits on the couch, in the area where your feet lie, and he starts unwrapping the food and lays them out on your coffee table. You sit up ready to pounce on the sushi rolls in front of you when he stands up and gets two glasses of water. “Anything else you need from the kitchen?” He asks.
You respond with a no and watch him open the cupboards, and you can’t help but be touched at the effort. Here is a guy whom you’ve only known for a few short months, blowing off his Friday night plans to be with you because your ex-boyfriend decided to show up… and because you needed food and Jungkook knew you wouldn't make your own when you’re upset. You’ll probably just end up with a bowl of ice cream topped with cookie dough and chocolate chips or something.
“Thanks for being here even if I don't really need you to be,” you say after chowing down a salmon roll, legs crossed underneath you as you both sit on the floor and eat from the coffee table.
“You’re overstating that, Y/N,” he laughs, looking at you, as you’re about to have a mouthful of the tuna roll this time. “I’m 200% sure that you would’ve stayed underneath the covers and probably just ate ice cream or gummy worms until morning if I hadn’t come.”
“Fine,” you start, putting the food down, straightening yourself. “Thank you for my happy food and for being here on a Friday night, watching me carbo load on rolls and tempura rice in my jammies under my blanket. It really means a lot.” You flash him a smile. 
He laughs at this. “May I remind you that this is nothing compared to last week? Keeping me hostage here wasn’t the most fun. Except for your comfortable couch that I had the pleasure of sleeping in,” he grins, tapping the empty space on the sofa next to him.
Right, last week. How could you forget? 
Your days-late New Year celebration ended with you being a goner at the bar, Jungkook being the only one available and strong enough to take you home, what with your friends' adventures and misadventures that night. 
By the time you were home, you were completely passed out. Long story short, he had stayed - which you didn’t know he did - you walked out of your room half naked, heard a sound and someone approaching, screamed and grabbed a knife, ready to attack your supposed intruder, who only turned out to be him.  
So yes, skipping out on drinks tonight didn't come close to him having to take care of you the week before and almost being stabbed by someone he was only trying to help. 
“Please don't remind me,” you say, feeling your cheeks turn red. 
“It’s a funny story to tell,” he chuckles and proceeds to get a mouthful of his own tempura rice bowl.  You look at him surprised - didn’t he just have dinner at the dorm? You shrug it off, almost forgetting this is Jungkook you’re talking about and his bottomless pit of a stomach. 
“I could’ve killed you!” 
He laughs. “But you didn’t.”
“And I didn't have an ex-boyfriend knocking on my door to apologize for being a dick,” you say, sounding serious all of a sudden. 
You know that even if you don’t really intend on having Jungkook here, it still means a great deal to you that you have someone you can talk to. You didn’t want to disturb your friends who were busy with their own work and social lives and having him here is really more than you could ask for, especially considering what he does for a living.
“What did he say?” He asks, eyes soft. You’d only mentioned the breakup in passing a few times before because really, what more can you say? Sometimes relationships just run their course; it happens. At least that’s what you thought it all was.
You sigh, readying yourself. “He said that he just started to think about that talk we had about the things we wanted, and he pointed out the fact that I wanted to do so many things and it just scared him—my goals and the fact that I could reach them scared him,” you share, dragging the words and almost shouting at the stupidity of it. 
“I know I always say we shouldn't invalidate anyone’s fears but that’s being selfish and just ridiculous.” You put the chopsticks down, as if to prepare yourself for the flurry of emotions you were about to release. 
“This guy stood by my side when I got injured and when Grandma died and I was a literal mess. But I got myself together and I got better for myself and for him and then suddenly me wanting more out of life, more for myself, suddenly scared him?” You pause for a bit, catching your breath. 
“It’s like, when he realized what I - what we - could become once real life happens, he bolted out the door, out of this country, back to everything he knew before me, before us.” 
You’re emotional again, air catching in your throat as you feel the tears pool around your eyes once more. By this time, Jungkook had paused eating his meal to focus all his attention on you. 
You continue on about that 15-minute conversation you had - if you could even call it that, given that it was all Jinyoung talking, with you staring at the man you once considered you could have a future with. 
Once you’d calmed down, you and Jungkook exchange thoughts about relationships, back and forth with nuggets of wisdom that you don’t really expect from someone you thought didn't have the time of day to maintain a relationship. 
He’d be constantly linked with models and fellow pop stars, which he’d noted weren’t anything serious or factual for that matter, at least those that weren’t part of some PR stunt, yet here he is right now, agreeing with what you’re saying and adding a different perspective to things. 
He is a hopeless romantic after all, that much he’d admitted during one wine-filled night after crying over Titanic while you were both on the phone (“they literally knew each other for just 3 days, Jungkook, they couldn’t possibly be in love,” you’d shouted. “Ah, 1900s romance,” was all he said. “So beautiful, isn’t it?” Another gulp of wine and then he’d fallen asleep.) 
You two find yourselves grabbing the pitcher of Sangria from your fridge and settle on other topics, like what could be acceptable reasons for breaking up with someone, to the ideas of fate and destiny - which you constantly bicker about because you don’t believe in it while he does, oh so passionately - to the afterlife.
“Relationships are so draining,” you say, tipping your head back on the couch, a groan escaping you. “Even after it’s over, it still takes so much out of you.” 
“I can only imagine,” he laughs bitterly. 
“Words of advice from Friday Night Me - don’t get into one. It’s tiring to pick up the pieces once it’s over.”
“Friday Night You?”
“Yeah, the one who’s upset. Monday Night Me will probably say something different.”
This amuses him, but he nods in agreement nonetheless. “Relationships tend to get messy and I’ve already got enough crazy to deal with,” he continues. “That much I’ve seen watching the hyungs get into these things from the sidelines. I’m sure it’s great and all and I can’t wait to be in one too, don’t get me wrong.” You raise your eyebrow at him.
“I mean hello, Jack and Rose?” You roll your eyes. “Allie and Noah?” 
You laugh. Seriously, this guy needs to watch more romantic films. 
“But I don’t know, too much going on with me right now, I guess,” he continues, shoulders slumped, eyes suddenly finding your fur rug interesting.
You dwell on this thought a little longer than you had wanted. 
You get what he’s saying, though. It’s draining enough for a commoner like you, what more for a worldwide superstar like him? You try to decipher if it’s sadness in his voice, maybe frustration? Resignation? Acceptance?
“But I’m sorry you had to go through that, Y/N.” He says, subject of the conversation now back to you, causing you to break out of your reverie. “I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better,” he says, hand scratching the back of his neck.
“Hey, no need to be sorry! I’ll be fully functional again by tomorrow. I just didn’t realize there was more to the breakup so I was just thrown off a little bit.” You flash him a smile. “But I’m good, really. And the food was enough,” you add. “And your presence, of course.” A smile again. You realize you seem to do that a lot when he’s around.
But you do feel better. You hadn’t thought much about Jinyoung since the breakup until tonight, seeing all the other things going on in your life. But seeing and listening to him made you feel all sorts of emotions that you really just wanted to let out. 
You’d kept a lot of these thoughts to yourself the last few months because you didn’t feel like there was more to say after that first goodbye, and it was nice to have Jungkook there to just listen, which is what you said you wanted him to do (“what kind of friend do you want me to be tonight?” He’d asked. “The listening one,” you’d replied.) But you’ve said what you needed to say, felt all that you needed to feel, and now you’re shutting close, under lock and key this time, that chapter of your life once and for all. 
After a fairly long silence, when he was sure you’d already expressed all your frustrations, he let out a breath. 
“Well, this was a much better option than drinking your sadness away at some club, yeah?” he asks, moving his body to his left side with his back on the armrest so he’s now facing you who’s also back on the couch now, sushi rolls and tempura rice all gone, sangria but a sip left. 
“Well, that wasn't an option in the first place, Jeon,” you call out. “I’m not really one who would take advantage of my misery and use it to justify a night of drinking and awkward hook-ups,” you anticipate, recalling the countless times your friends had encouraged you to go out and find someone good enough for a one night stand these past months.
“Ah, so you’re not a fan of hook-ups, no?” He smirks, looking intently at you, clearly curious about your thoughts on the idea. It’s amusing how quickly you could change topics but it was a good try to move on from the somber conversation you just had.
“I don't really wanna have sex with someone I’ll only be sharing fluids with,” you say, blankly. This intrigues him because now, he’s moving closer to you like a kid waiting for his next adventure story. 
You laugh at his movement. He tips his head, signaling you to continue.
“It’s just not my thing, that’s all,” you start, trying to find a way to explain yourself. 
“I want someone to talk and laugh with when it gets sloppy,” you say, “and someone to make me breakfast when I oversleep. A guy for pure pleasure probably wouldn’t be that person for me. He’d probably just focus on getting both of us off and then up and leave,” you shrug.
This amuses him, even if he chuckles and says “I knew it probably had something to do with food,” and being the Jungkook you’ve come to know these past months, he asks you something that catches you off-guard but at the same time doesn't really surprise you.
“Would I be someone you’d hypothetically hook up with?” He smirks again, excited for your answer.
“No, you’re too good-looking for that,” you say almost instantly and you curse yourself in your head.
“So you mean hypothetically if you were to hook up with someone, he’d have to be unattractive?” He asks, seemingly confused.
“Uh, if it would just be for pure pleasure, yeah… I mean I wouldn’t mind but of course he’d have to be like, hot or something,” like that was common sense. “I’d probably be too drunk to focus on his face and it’d probably be too dark for it to matter anyway,” you shrug. You’re hoping this makes sense to him because your friends never did quite get it. 
You just really don’t do hook ups, especially drunk ones, not that you put sex on a pedestal, but you just have a thing for the before and after of it - the gentle fore play, the removing (and not ripping) of clothes, the cuddle and the aftercare that stretches to breakfast or lunch, and the lazy morning sex. Call you hopeless romantic or something, at least this is your version of it, but those were the things you like about sex, the full package. 
“Hmm, I feel honored to be too attractive to hypothetically hook up with Y/N Y/L/N,” he says, feeling proud of himself, smiling like a kid who just got a blue ribbon for something superficial. God, the duality and contradictions of this guy, you think.
“Let’s just say… you have a face and a touch I’d hypothetically want to get used to, so I wouldn't settle for just one night with you, and then it wouldn't be a hook-up!” You say trying to sound nonchalant, thinking about the tinylittle crush your friends claim you’ve developed on the guy in front you but really, anyone with a pair of eyes would agree that the man is beautiful (you’d always deflected though - “have you seen King Namjoon? Now that is the man, you’d say). 
You settle for honesty though, and it’s true. You just don’t delve on the full package thing, because you know Jungkook is exactly the kind of guy to do all that, but you stop your mind from going there, much so with him sitting in front of you. 
“Ah,” he says, pleased with himself. “So you could get used to this, huh?” He teases, lunging on you, his knees just barely resting on your thighs. He’s planting his hands on your face and squishing every surface he possibly could, laughing as he’s doing so while you shout out every cuss word you know and trying your best to hit him with your hands even if he’s just going to block your hits anyway. 
You kick him on the thigh when he finishes his rampage but it is you who squeals of pain because you used your right foot, the one you re-injured after playing a tune-up game of volleyball the other day. 
Naturally he grabs your foot and starts massaging it, as if he’d always been doing that since you’ve met, which he hasn't. And you haven’t even known each other that long. 
“You’re annoying,” is the only thing you could mutter after finally catching your breath. You can’t lie though, his massage is pretty good. You lay your head on your stretched out right leg and can’t help but close your eyes. 
He sees the satisfaction on your face and not long after, he quips, “I bet this is also something you could get used to after a good night of fucking, yeah?” he starts laughing. 
Since last week’s incident, you’d noticed Jungkook being more comfortable and definitely a little cheekier, flirty, even. Perhaps seeing you in your underwear could do that to a person, you think. 
You feel your cheeks heat up, and all you could do is hit his arm continuously so that he had started to flex after a few slaps. You literally were just talking about hook ups, why did you feel so scandalized? (You’re in denial; you know exactly why.) 
“Good? That confident with your abilities, I see.” You tease, as both of you have now settled down and kept your body parts to yourselves. 
A grin starts creeping from the side of his lips and you immediately regret making such a comment. “Nevermind!” You shout, holding out your hand to cover his mouth before he could say anything again. 
“I’m teasing. I wouldn't know, actually. It’s not like I do it often to know, anyway.”
At this you’re pleasantly surprised, not that you expect him to be the kind of pop star who casually and constantly hooks up with women just because he can, but still you know the parties he attends and all the beautiful women in his circle who no doubt wouldn’t mind making a move, or probably already do on a regular basis. 
Maybe you’re just startled that he would be open about this particular facet of his life to someone he hasn't known long. But then again, you two have been open to each other about many things since you’ve met, but that’s still something you’re only starting to get used to. 
“It doesn't matter,” you say, flashing him the same sincere and thoughtful smile that you put on when he started fixing up your dinner for you earlier. He returns your smile, eyes soft, as if grateful for you not asking any more.
“Well, I mean you’re good at a lot of things anyway so if you suck at that, you could always just sing or dance or impersonate someone and that would overshadow whatever it is you suck at,” you say, winking at him. 
He hits you with a pillow. 
“I’m not sure if that’s supposed to make me feel better,” he says, “but thank you for complimenting my impersonating skills because I think that’s being undermined by the media.” 
You both laugh at the humor.
“Tonight made me feel better, though. Thanks for being here,” you say as you finish your glass of wine. 
It’s been hours since he arrived, sleepiness no doubt creeping on the both of you, especially on him who’d spent his day practicing and filming. It’s moments like this that make you happy you met him, that you didn’t freak out or think much when he asked for your number those months ago. 
It’s also moments like this that you remind yourself of what you’d lose if you nurture that tinylittle seed of affection that’s growing in your heart, one unwittingly planted there a week ago. 
He looks at you softly again, as if there’s more he wants to say but instead he replaces his bunny smile with a gentle one, wrinkles forming at the outer corner of his eyes, cheeks just slightly pushing up to reveal the bags underneath those orbs of his. They glisten under the lighting in your living room.
He lets the silence linger a little longer. 
“Anything for you, Y/N.” 
You let yourself bask in this thought, in his presence, just for tonight. Saturday You will get over this. 
As you lay on your bed that night, you decide it isn’t just your past with your ex that you’ll bury under lock and key. It’s also this.
>> part 1 drabble
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hello there Wolfie 💜 Can we get some post-mountain angry Jaskier? Geralt knows he’s messed up big time bc Jaskier is using his full name. We love Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde 🤣👌🏼
(And maybe they kiss and make up? 🥺)
Hiya Dani! Yes you absolutely can! Did I write this about a week ago and forget to post? Maybe... Geraskier, 1252 words.
CW: Much swearing
Jaskier sipped from his wine goblet, not looking up when the tavern went eerily silent and the doors flew open. He was well acquainted with this particular kind of silence. He’d followed Geralt around for more than half his life now. This silence was the kind that only occurred when a witcher walked into the room, and only two days after the blasted dragon hunt… he knew exactly which witcher it was.
His heart ached in his chest and he downed the last of his wine, poking his food around his plate with his fork. He couldn’t deal with Geralt right now, and if Geralt had meant his cruel words then he wouldn’t have to. Geralt didn’t want him, not even as a friend. What a fucking waste of his life? He couldn’t have found a kinder witcher to fall in love with, could he? Even Valdo Marx hadn’t been this cruel, and their falling out had been legendary. Oxenfurt students and faculty still spoke of it to this day.
“Jaskier?” Geralt’s low growl sent the usual shiver down his spine but he stoically ignored it, preferring instead to stab at his food.
“Guess you didn’t get your blessing,” he mumbled.
“Guess not.”
Jaskier hoped it would be the end of the conversation so he could lick his wounds in peace, but Geralt of fucking Rivia had other plans. The witcher slid onto the bench next to him and a fresh goblet of wine was pushed across the table. Jaskier looked up, flicking the fringe from his eyes so Geralt could see the full extent of his glare.
“Still here, witcher?”
Geralt hummed. At least he had the decency to look guilty, like a puppy that had been thrown from the house. “I’m…” he paused with a grimace and Jaskier scoffed. Of course he would struggle to apologise. He had no problem whatsoever in tearing Jaskier’s heart to shreds but one teensy apology had him stumbling over his words.
“You’re what?” Jaskier snapped “Sorry?” Another scoff. “What for, perhaps the punch in the gut when I’d done nothing wrong? Or maybe, witcher, you’re sorry for never admitting that we’re friends? Better yet, you’re sorry for almost tearing out my vocal coords with your ill-worded wish, oh and whilst we’re on the subject, Geralt Roger Eric Du-Haute!”
Geralt winced, looking smaller than Jaskier could ever remember seeing him.
“Fucking djinn wishes, fucking sorceresses,” tears were streaming down Jaskier’s cheeks now, but strangely enough it wasn’t the heartbreak causing them.
He was fucking livid. Years and years of pent up anger, making excuses and following the witcher around like a lost puppy, all coming to a head. He didn’t bother to wipe away the tears, instead he poked Geralt hard in the chest. “You have the audacity to blame your troubles on me when every single one traces. back. to. you!”
Jaskier was breathing heavily by the end of his rant. “I didn’t make you call the Law of Surprise, witcher,” he added more quietly, his anger subsiding as sobs threatened to take over.
Gods he was a fucking mess.
“I just thought.. if you could see me perform in court, at a Royal Court, you’d finally see me as more than a nuisance. I thought you would be proud of me,” his eyes darted across the room, flickering between the patrons and he told himself small stories about each one in his head.
The man in the corner with the jagged twisted scars down one arm, he’d rescued his lover from a burning building. They’d been childhood sweethearts and been married the following spring.
The barmaid, juggling an impossible amount of tankards and goblets on a tray. She had wanted to runaway and join the circus but her father had caught her in the middle of the night.
The pretty red-head with a long plait down their back and freckles dusting their cheeks. They had dreamed of swimming with mermaids…
... of the coast.
Jaskier’s heart clenched, and he had to bite down on the insides of his cheeks to stop himself from sobbing. His throat ached and his tears were now dripping onto the table like a fucking waterfall.
“And then you tied yourself to Yennefer, no wonder we could never fucking escape her,” he muttered bitterly. “I had to watch time and time again whilst you tore each other apart, but it wasn’t my fault, Geralt.”
“I know,”
Jaskier snorted. “You wanted the djinn, not me.”
“I know,” Geralt repeatedly earnestly “and fuck, Jask. If I could take it all back I would, but I can’t. Not even Yennefer’s magic is that powerful.”
Jaskier looked up at Geralt with watery eyes. “I only ever wanted you to see me.”
“I. I did,” Geralt admitted, reaching across the table to take Jaskier’s hand. The touch burnt his skin and he wanted to pull away, stay angry at the witcher, but dearest Melitele he was weak. He let Geralt touch him, hold his hand like it didn’t stab daggers into his hurt. “I could never look away. You were. You are my sun. Too bright. It blinded me. I could never hold you down, never darken your light.”
Jaskier, for the second time in two days, was speechless. He only managed a strangled laugh, running his hand through his hair in disbelief. “Fuck me,” he breathed. “I’m supposed to be the poet, Geralt.”
Geralt chuckled, rubbing small circles into Jaskier’s hand. “I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
“Good,” Jaskier said a little too quickly, but gripped Geralt’s hand tighter before he could pull away, lacing their fingers together. “I just need some time, my dear,” he added more softly.
Geralt nodded. “I know.”
“And you’d better treat me right this time,” Jaskier laughed, no real bite to his tone, it was a warning but one that he hoped Geralt didn’t need.
Perhaps he was being naive but he was in love, and Geralt had said he was sorry.
Geralt nodded, looking nothing but sincere, an adorable crease between his brows. “I swear.”
Jaskier flicked the fringe from his eyes, managing a weak smile. He could still feel the tear tracks on his cheeks. “Gods, look at me I’m a mess.”
Geralt just cupped his cheek, wiping the tears away. “You look beautiful.”
Jaskier scoffed, shaking his head and trying to hide his traitorous smile. “Don’t go soft on me now, Geralt.”
“Can I kiss you?” Geralt asked quietly, golden eyes shining with hope that was just too much for Jaskier’s poor heart.
He nodded without words, and Geralt pressed a soft, fucking ridiculously tender, kiss on Jaskier’s lips. Jaskier barely had time to close his eyes before Geralt pulled away, and yet it still had his head spinning. He fell forward slightly as Geralt’s lips left his, chasing the kiss he’d been dreaming of for decades. He felt as if his world had turned upside down, and there was a teensy part of him that was furious. He really had meant to stay mad at Geralt for longer, but when he opened his eyes and saw that stupidly soft smile on Geralt’s face… fuck if he wasn’t going to love this man for as long as he lived.
“Not forgiven you,” he muttered, trying desperately to hold on to his control of the situation. He needed that for his sanity.
Geralt hummed, and pressed their foreheads together. “Take as long as you need, Jask. I’ll wait for you."
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kyotarou · 3 years
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title: a little more noise
pairing: kyōtani kentarō x gn!reader
synopsis: in a world of constant silence, he’s the noise you need in life, even if he’s a bit quiet.
warnings: fluff, angst, mutual pining, slowburn, strangers to friends to lovers, lotta tropes and cliches, two swear words if i counted correctly
word count: 4.8k+
a/n: i wrote this in two days which i’m very proud of, go me! always wanted to write a kyōken fic and here it is. kinda scared to post this bc he’s quite tough to characterize imo and i’m terrible at writing longer pieces. oh well :,) no indentation because that’d be such a pain. hope you like it, feedback is always appreciated! (this is also my first time writing slowburn so please lmk if it’s still too fast)
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Your parents were not bad people—that was a fact. They were kind, and you did everything an ordinary family would; eat dinner together, go on trips, attend school events. Things were quiet, a little too quiet for comfort. It never felt… right. You heard stories of parents arguing, nasty divorces, and custody battles. They tore your friends apart, made them feel a pain you could never understand. You knew how terrible it was, yet sometimes you wished you went through that to fill the silence in your home. The same monotonous, “good mornings,” and “hellos,” became sickening to hear. You told yourself to push on until after graduation where you’d escape. As the years dragged on, you weren’t so sure you could keep your sanity intact.
It was how you met Kyōtani Kentarō, a second-year from your school who was in a different class. Your friend told you of a gym nearby that was secluded at night. With a sly grin, he said he met up with students from other schools to smoke, and sometimes as a hookup spot. You wrinkled your nose at his comment and flicked his forehead. These were the people you hung out with; not so bright, but easygoing and fun. They were the ones who satisfied the need for noise, the bit of excitement in your life.
You snuck out after your parents had gone to bed. It didn’t hit until halfway through your walk that several things could happen. You were alone with nothing to defend yourself with except your phone and bare hands. Looking down at your outfit, an old dark hoodie and some sweats, you hoped it was ominous enough to ward people away. Besides, the last thing you wanted was to go home and wallow in its emptiness.
To see the lights on in the gym was a surprise. Upon closer inspection, you heard the squeaking of shoes and the cannon-like sounds of balls slamming the floor. You peeked your head through the door. The only person inside was a boy, no older than you. The first thing you noticed was his oddly dyed hair which resembled a tennis ball. The second was his piercing gaze as he turned his head and stared at you. You jumped. He looked as though he was going to charge at you. Instead, the boy huffed, walked to the other side of the gym, and picked up the ball. You spotted a familiar white and blue jacket on the ground.
The boy turned to you again. “Yeah.” His voice was low, but powerful enough to rumble the earth.
You swallowed. “I go there, too.” This was a waste of time, you thought. You should’ve gone home, and you almost did until he spoke again.
“Never seen you before.”
The ball flew into the air with the boy tailing it. His body bent in a way you didn’t think was possible, face pinched in concentration. It hit his hand then the ground with the loudest smacks you had ever heard. It was incredible, but also scary. He picked up another ball behind him and did the same, and again, and again, until his side was empty and yours was strewn with several blue and yellow volleyballs. The more you watched, the more mesmerized you became.
“Can I stay?” You felt stupid for asking, but if he was trying to concentrate, you didn’t want to disturb him. Surprisingly, he nodded. You sank to the floor with your knees to your chest and listened to the constant thwacks and smacks all night.
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You only learned his name a little while after. It was by accident. You were walking by a group of boys at school when one of them called him Mad Dog-chan, and you bit your lip to stop your laughter. Luckily, they didn’t notice. It was kind of cute the more you thought about it. It fit his appearance quite well, too. That night, you found him at the gym once again. Instead of a curt nod, you waved.
“Hey, Mad Dog-chan!”
You immediately regretted your words when he stopped bouncing the ball and flashed you a murderous look. You muttered a hurried apology and sat on the floor in your usual spot. He whacked a ball a couple of times then came over to grab his water bottle. After a few quick gulps, you expected him to get back on the court, but he stared at the spot beside you.
“It’s Kyōtani. Kyōtani Kentarō.”
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Some nights, he didn’t practice. You sat in a playground nearby with soda and snacks from home. Originally, they were meant to replenish his energy when he overworked himself. Now, you were the one eating most of them, with Kyōtani nibbling on a custard bun as you wolfed down chip bag after chip bag. One thing you could say with confidence was Kyōtani was a great listener. At first, you sat in awkward silence. Then, you started rattling off all the things you did that day. It led to you talking about anything and everything, including the funny-looking dog you saw on the street last week. You hoped he didn’t think he reminded you of it.
Talking to Kyōtani was equivalent to talking to a wall. If anything, you were talking at him. He barely looked your way, and if you asked a question, he responded with a grunt or a simple, “Yeah.” Even though you wished it was two-sided, it felt good. You could finally break the silence that shrouded you for years, something you yearned to do but never had the confidence to. With Kyōtani, because of how quiet he was, you felt you could say anything without judgment. You did this for a while, rambling to him in the playground while he sat and listened.
Together, you sat on the swings with fruit sandwiches you made earlier that day. Your feet dragged against the sand and dirt as you swung back and forth. It seemed like Kyōtani enjoyed it. You noticed him eyeing your sandwich while licking his lips. You laughed and handed the rest to him. You started your daily tangent; woke up, ate a meat bun for breakfast, went to school, did homework, then came here. Somewhere along the way, you mentioned how you were home alone since your parents had lots of meetings to attend. You wished it was a little more lively. It was why you left the house every night, to find some noise in the suffocating void of it all.
You talked some more about your family, which you never did. You were too distracted to see Kyōtani’s head perk up. He stopped munching on the fruit sandwich and leaned forward, trying to look at your face. You continued to ramble, feeling your irritation slowly rise.
“Am I a bad person? I mean, they’re really nice, and I adore them. But it’s unbearable sometimes, and then I end up feeling like an asshole.”
You let out a dry laugh, ignoring the pain of the metal chains holding up the swing as they dug into your palms. You pressed your lips together in a thin line, unsure of what to say next. You chose to draw circles in the sand with the tip of your shoe.
“I understand how you feel.”
You looked at Kyōtani in surprise. You waited for him to say more, but he didn’t. The night felt a little brighter.
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The last thing your “friends” expected was for you to ditch them for him. “Looks like a tennis ball,” one of them said. You chuckled since it was your exact thought when you first met him. You were relieved but also disheartened when they didn’t seem to mind too much. At least you knew where they stood. 
Hanging out with Kyōtani was much different compared to your nights at the gym or the playground. You got lots of stares from the third-years who never thought he could behave like this. Some people in your class whispered about the two lone-wolves banding together. You pretended not to hear.
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“You’ve been cheery lately.”
You stared at your mother, trying to process her words. They never asked about you, which you grew to appreciate. It meant not having to force out a conversation. You almost brushed it aside until she spoke again. Your chin rested in your palm as you picked the vegetables on your plate, stomach full with snacks.
“I met a new friend.”
Your mother raised her brows, impressed. “Oh? Tell me about him.”
“How do you know he’s a boy?”
“Just a hunch.”
You sighed, continuing to stir your food. “He’s quiet. A little weird, but he’s nice. I can talk to him about anything.”
“That’s good.”
Your father glanced at her, and she shot him a strange look. Don’t, it said. He backed off and ate as if nothing happened.
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You managed to weave yourself with the other boys from the volleyball team. They were a scary bunch at first, most of them glaring at Kyōtani the moment he walked through the door, but they were nice to you. He had left his jacket at the playground one night, and you made a mental note to return it to him the next day. Except, like Kyōtani, you also forgot about it. When you saw the boys flood to the gym for practice, you raced home then back to school and shyly followed a group of girls to the gym who were there to gawk at the captain.
During their break, you nervously approached Kyōtani and poked his shoulder. They watched you return his jacket but didn’t expect his, “Thank you,” afterward. When you left, Oikawa bugged him to invite you back. Kyōtani shrugged. He usually ignored him at all costs. Oikawa took it as a good sign.
Hanging out with them was a lot more fun than you anticipated. They were better than your previous friends, and even though most of them didn’t like Kyōtani, they seemed to be warming up. Your favorite moment was the movie night at Oikawa’s house. The living room was packed, with little room to wiggle, but it was comfortable. That night, you laughed so hard your stomach hurt, and the tensions between you, Kyōtani, and the rest of the boys dissolved. You belonged here.
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Yahaba caught him staring at you outside your classroom. You sat across from another classmate, helping her with a few assignments for her art class. You posed and let her take pictures. Some were silly, but the others captured your features perfectly. In one of them, you rested your cheek in your palm with the tip of your pencil wedged between your teeth. You looked at the camera through your lashes as your classmate continued to snap more shots.
“Cool it.” Yahaba clapped him on the shoulder.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Never said you were.”
You helped your classmate pack her things. While you followed her out the door, she twirled a lock of hair around her finger and fiddled with the hem of her skirt. You bid her goodbye as her friends called her over, then turned to Kyōtani and Yahaba. 
“Ready to go?”
Yahaba nodded, as did Kyōtani. You walked ahead of them, listing off that day’s menu. Behind you, Kyōtani’s eyes zeroed in on your moving form, the shift of your hips as you took each step. From an outsider’s perspective, it looked like he was honing in on a kill. Yahaba prodded his arm.
“Don’t be a pervert.”
You swore you heard a slap.
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Friday after school, your parents were home from work much earlier than anticipated. A game show played on the television. They barely noticed your arrival until you called out. The TV turned off, and your mother looked over the back of the sofa with a wry smile. Your father drummed his fingers on the arm of the sofa. His eyes stayed glued to the empty screen.
“Welcome back,” your mother greeted. She glanced at the boxes in the kitchen, filled with old plates and cutlery you hadn’t touched in a while. You assumed they were throwing them out.
“So…” she drawled. “What do you think of Tokyo?”
Your hands shook as you set your school bag down on the kitchen table. The boxes made more sense. You remembered your father talking about a school his friend’s son attended. Nekoma, was it? He told you how great it was there, that it’d be easy to make friends in such a populated area.
“Tokyo…” you repeated. A heavy lump formed in your throat. “It seems… nice. Why do you ask?” You couldn’t stop the waver in your voice. Your mother caught on too.
“Dad’s company moved areas. It’s a big shift, but it’s too good to lose. So-”
“We’re moving.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you were about to.” 
Your head hung over the table. There was a crushing weight in your chest. Of course they wouldn’t tell you. They never did. It was too much to not expect this betrayal. If you told them how happy you were at Seijoh, maybe things would’ve been different. I could’ve prevented this. You shook your head. You couldn’t stop an entire company from moving, nor could you convince your father to find a new job in Miyagi. You had to follow them like you always did.
“If we can stay, we will, but most likely-”
“I’ll start packing.”
You grabbed your school bag and stomped to your room, vision obscured by your tears. Why now? Why did it have to be when you were starting to fit in, when you found real friends who made you happier than ever? Just when things looked like they were turning around, you were back at square one. You’d be there for a while, stuck in a new city far away from Seijoh. If you were with your old group, you wouldn’t have been this upset. But to not see them again—Yahaba, Hanamaki, even Oikawa.
You opened your phone and stared at the lock screen: a picture of you and Kentarō from the movie night at Oikawa’s. His arm was slung over your shoulder, a scowl on his face, but the peace sign he held up made it worth it. You remembered taking it and everyone gasping that Kentarō would even allow anyone to take a picture of him, let alone save it. Your heart fluttered. When did he stop being Kyōtani and become Kentarō?
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Kentarō faced the empty playground. He sat in the right swing as he always did, scanning the area for any sign of you. In his hand was his attempt at a fruit sandwich, messily covered in cellophane with whipped cream oozing between the bread. A bandaid wrapped the tip of his finger where he accidentally cut himself. Damn those strawberries.
Kentarō kicked at the dirt. He waited, and waited some more, but after twenty minutes, you didn’t show. He pulled out his phone and sent you a quick text. Your absence made his skin crawl. His phone lit up with a response. Sorry, was all you said.
He couldn’t shake the heaviness as he trudged home.
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The view outside the window gave you an excuse to be distracted. The voices of the boys were loud, but you chose to focus on the birds circling the courtyard. Two of them swooped down and landed on the thick branch of an old tree. They ruffled their feathers and nuzzled their beaks. You saw your old friends walk out of the main building. The one who introduced you to the gym glanced up. His eyes met yours momentarily. He went back to talking to someone you didn’t recognize and led them to the other side of the campus.
You stared out the window until Mattsun shook your shoulder. You turned and put on a faux smile. Your classwork was still strewn across your desk even though it was lunch. A few drops of chili sauce had landed on your math homework. You scowled at Hanamaki, his face stuffed with food.
You wiped it off with an eye roll then stuffed it into your bag along with your other notebooks.
“What’s buggin’ ya?” Mattsun asked. 
You shrugged. “Nothing. I’m ready for the day to end.” It was the last thing you wanted. There was a bit of time before you left for Tokyo, but the countdown moved fast. You ignored Mattsun’s opposing look and ate. They couldn’t know yet.
Kentarō knew there was more than what met the eye, but he bit his tongue. He was paranoid, he told himself. The guilty look on your face as the boys laughed, unaware of the shift in attitude, said otherwise. He threw his arm over the back of your chair. You relaxed, but the sad look remained. Remembering the fruit sandwich he made, Kentarō grabbed it from his bag and slid it across your desk. You raised your brows.
“What’s this?”
“I made it.”
You unwrapped the sticky mess of whipped cream and strawberry jam. Kentarō watched you take a small bite, followed by a bigger one.
“This is delicious!”
He showed you the tip of his finger. “The price I paid for it.”
Your knees knocked against his under your desk. He flinched. You pressed your finger to your lips, then to the bandaid. “Thank you. Hope it feels better.”
Your cheeks swelled as you took more bites than you could chew. Pink syrup stuck to the corner of your mouth. Cute, Kentarō thought.
“What was that?” you mumbled. A crumb lodged itself in your throat. Mattsun rushed over and slapped you so hard on the back it echoed. A handful of other students looked over. Hanamaki scolded you for gulping down your bottle of water without taking any breaths. Kentarō cheeks turned a darker shade than the strawberries when you gripped his arm for support. You didn’t ask again.
“Cute,” he whispered anyway. He knew you wouldn’t hear over Mattsun’s teasing. “You’re cute.”
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Kentarō invited you to the movies. He planned on having it at home, but his parents occupied the TV, and his laptop was too small to enjoy anything. He met you at a plaza a walking distance’s away. He let you pick the movie, curious about your tastes. Action? Romcom? When he looked at his ticket, it was for the latest horror movie. Critics raved about it, calling it the best of the decade. Impressive.
The movie started a while ago. The critics were right, it was scary, a lot scarier than he expected. You enjoyed it like a comedy movie, clapping your hand over your mouth when the entire theater shrieked at the killer, including Kentarō.
“You’re a sadist,” he whispered.
“Am not, just think it’s funny.”
He shook his head. Another jumpscare happened, this time worse than before. Several people jolted in their seats and bits of popcorn flew into the air. Kentarō didn’t realize he had sank into his seat—your seat, actually—until you nudged his foot with yours.
“Scared?” Your breath was warm against his ear.
You patted his hand which clutched the armrest with a vice grip. Kentarō’s heart beat faster.
“It’s okay,” you said. “I’m right here.”
The movie ended and the lights switched on. People left the theater with wobbly legs and pale faces. You headed to the exit holding your empty cups and popcorn bags with Kentarō in tow. He wished the movie was longer. Not because he enjoyed it, but because the smile on your face made it worth it.
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Your room was bare besides your bed and desk. Most of your stuff was packed neatly in the many cardboard boxes piled inside your now empty closet. It’d been a few weeks since that Friday, and you still hadn’t told Kentarō or any of the boys. You weren’t sure how to break the news. He noticed how clingy you became, tailing him wherever he went at school. Not that he minded. You talked less at the playground. It was him who filled the silence instead, though his daily recaps weren’t as interesting as yours.
Next week was the last with Kentarō. In your shaky hands was an envelope, the edges indented from how hard you gripped it. You took out the letter inside, read it over, then slipped it back in. You thought about sealing it for the umpteenth time that day. Before your tongue swiped against the flap, you quickly scanned over the letter once more as if the words would disappear. You’d seal it later, you told yourself.
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Your over-the-top cheeriness was so evident it was painful. They asked what was up, and you said you were simply having a good day. Kentarō knew better than that. At lunch, when you were away from everyone else, he prodded your shoulder and asked what was wrong. You frowned at him, then smiled.
“Everything's fine.”
Before he could probe further, you grabbed his wrist and led him to the cafeteria.
“There’s chicken! It’s your favorite, right?”
Something slipped out of your pocket. Kentarō thought it was your school notes. He bent down to pick it up and saw it was a white envelope, unsealed. You were already gone, dragged away by his teammates. He didn’t want to pry, but curiosity got the best of him. Turning the other direction, he grabbed the note inside. His name at the top caught his eye.
Dear Kyōken-chan,
He snorted.
Sorry for not telling you this sooner. I’m still trying to process this too.
A crease formed on his forehead as he squinted. The letter was quite long, the handwriting messy. He repeated the phrases in his head over and over, but he couldn’t fully understand what they meant. He flipped it to the back and sighed when there was more. He decided to scan it this time, except a handful of words made him reread it in depth.
“Kentarō!” In your arms were several wrapped buns from the cafeteria. He tried to stuff the note into his pocket, but you already saw.
“Oh.” The buns fell to the ground. “Oh no.”
Kentarō’s face was a mix of frustration and hurt. The hand holding the letter shook, the other balled in a fist. You wanted to run, but if you moved, you swore you’d collapse.
“(Y/N),” he murmured. “What is this?”
A weary laugh escaped your lips. “Um. Can we go somewhere else?”
Not waiting for an answer, you grabbed his wrist and led him to the school’s courtyard.
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“One week,” he huffed.
“One week.”
You sat beneath a large, shady tree in the farthest corner away from the main building. Kentarō rubbed his temple and sighed. He held onto your letter. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap.
“For how long?”
“Probably forever. Not literally, but it’ll feel like it.”
“So you’re graduating from Nekoma?”
You nodded. Kentarō tapped his knuckles against his cheek.
“Wished you told me sooner.”
You blinked at him wearily. “You’re not mad?”
He shook his head then turned away. You grew quiet for a moment. He took it as his chance to butt in.
“So, you like me?”
“It’s all in the letter.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
You looked away. Your hands were clammy, and the air felt ten times hotter. The word you used was stronger, much stronger than he anticipated. It made his cheeks burn and a smile threatened to pull at his lips. He wanted to hear it come to life.
“I love you, Kentarō.”
It sounded sweet, almost tooth-rotting sweet. Kentarō chewed the inside of his cheek. He liked you, he really did. He just wasn’t sure if it was the right moment to say it. Would there be a right moment? After this week, you’d be in Tokyo in another school—a rival school, to make matters worse. He wanted his words to hold weight, and in that moment, they didn’t. Not as much as he wished.
“If you don’t feel the same, I understand.”
“I do.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but the bell cut you off. Kentarō hoisted himself from the ground then held his hand out. His palm was rough under yours, but his touch was gentle. Once you got to your feet, you let go, but he kept his pinky locked with yours.
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Friday arrived quickly. Sadness filled the air as you said your goodbyes, thanking your classmates and teachers for the short, but pleasant year. After school, the team led you to the gym with your eyes covered. The boys’ gym was decorated with a banner and a table with food. There was even a cake, the word Seijoh iced and crossed out on top. You let out a hearty laugh before inviting the boys to dig in.
“Of course,” said Oikawa. “I paid for it.”
On one side, Mattsun smeared frosting over Hanamaki’s cheek. On the other, Oikawa tried to spoon-feed Iwaizumi only to be smacked on the head. You sat on the floor next to Kentarō and looked around with a big smile. His thumb reached out to wipe a dollop of frosting from the corner of your mouth. The phrase, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” held up its end of the bargain. When you looked outside, the sun had begun to set.
You thanked your friends, took one last photo, and managed to hold in your tears until your walk home. You promised to visit and to cheer them on at nationals, even if you were on Nekoma’s side. They laughed, waved with sad smiles, then watched you leave.
Kentarō caught up with you a third of the way home. His hand slipped into yours, a habit he recently picked up. It wouldn’t last much longer. You stopped a few houses down from yours. You didn’t want to let go, not yet.
You learned many things this year. One, life wasn’t fair. It never was. Two, people weren’t as shitty as you thought, proven in your new friendships. Three, seeing Kentarō cry made your heart ache in a way you never wanted to feel again. His head fell against your shoulder with a hard thump, tears soaking through the uniform you’d wear for the last time. You rubbed his back and pressed your lips to the top of his head.
“Stay,” he pleaded.
“I wish I could.”
“Please don’t go.”
“I have to.”
Kentarō looked up through his watery lashes. Your lips connected. Who initiated it was a mystery. His kiss was slow but fervent. You leaned in, deepening it until you swore your teeth clashed. Kentarō’s hands rested on your hips, yours on the nape of his neck. His kisses were magnetizing, drawing you closer with each movement. You broke apart for air, foreheads pressed together. He still had tears in his eyes, and so did you. You stayed like that for a bit, wrapped in each other’s arms until you knew you had to let go.
“Call me everyday, please,” he whispered.
“I promise. I swear on my life.” 
You kissed him again. 
“Goodbye, Kentarō. I love you.”
“Goodbye, (Y/N). I’ll be waiting.”
“So will I.”
Kentarō didn’t say it, but he didn’t have to. You knew he loved you, proven by his daily text messages and calls thereafter. Even if it only lasted a couple of seconds, you never missed a day. Sometimes, you heard his teammates' voices in the background. The audio would become crackly before a new voice replaced your boyfriend’s: Mattsun, Yahaba, Oikawa, and even Iwaizumi. 
Boyfriend. The fact made your stomach fill with butterflies. Kentarō was yours, and you were his.
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It’d been months since you last saw him in person. You finished your second-year at Nekoma, a school that welcomed you with open arms. You met lots of people, found new friends, but the boys from Seijoh never left your mind. The picture you took hung on the wall of your new bedroom, a space you were still getting used to. Summer vacation was here, and you promised to come home to Miyagi for a week or two. On the train, you checked your phone to see how many kilometers were left. Just a few more minutes.
When it came to a halt, you burst from your seat, duffle bag in tow. You sent Kentarō a text, only to be face-to-face with him the moment the doors opened. You leapt into his arms, knocking him back a few steps. His chin rested on your shoulder as you hugged, swaying side to side.
“I missed you so much, Ken.”
“Missed you, too.”
Your fingers clasped around his, resting perfectly in the dips between his knuckles. Hopefully, he hadn’t dropped his habit. The months you were apart flew by, but they were also the longest you had ever witnessed. Seeing Kentarō for the first time in a while felt like a breath of cool, fresh air.
You tugged on his wrist, ready to head to town. He stayed put.
“What is it?”
“I love you.”
He grinned shyly at you. Kentarō brought color into your dull life, your source of noise in the thick silence. The summer wouldn’t forever, and you had another year left to endure. But as long as he was there, even kilometers away, you’d get through it together.
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have Present mic, Aizawa, and all might where they learn their young student is fatherless? Like... their father walked out/went to prison when they were young. I'm sorry if this is time consuming, but I can't stop sobbing over my father.
I'm the situation baby but remember it wasn't your fault
I changed it up a little bit with Mics- I hope you don't mind
Present Mic:
• from the getgo something was wrong
• The moment you walked into class he could tell
• You looked like shit
• Dark bags under your eyes, hair messily brushed, just to get it out if your face, and your eyes were a light red.
• You didn't look particularly happy to be there either
• something turns in his stomach, a gut feeling that something really had went down
• And he hated seeing his students upset
• but he was relatively close to you to begin with, his felt different
• He felt like he had to do something
• Everyone settled into their seats as the bull rung but his eyes remained on you
• You honestly didn't pay attention during the lesson
• He could tell as much
• class finishes and the bell rings but you sit still, and it's not until most of the students have trickled out of the room do you start packing up
• He walks over and kneels in front of the desk "You okay there? You don't look so good," he looks concerned and his heart drops when he sees your lip start to quiver
• It takes you 0.27 seconds to break and you're frantically wiping your eyes as sobs wrack your body
• He's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds and you're leaning into his shoulder.
• He isn't sure exactly how long you're crying for but eventually you calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence
• "My-My dad was arrested Friday night. He won't tell me why- he won't let anyone else tell me why and I don't know what else to do," you cry, "I miss him so much and its only been a few days- I don't- I don't have anyone else, Mr. Hazashi,"
• And you're crying again.
• He has you take the rest of the day off, in fact he takes the day with you
• He calls in a sub (you don't know what strings he had to pull for that but you don't ask, at this point you don't care) and you two dip
• He takes you to get food, real food, that'll make you feel better
• He knows that'll help a little
• and after that he takes you to get something sweet- that tends to help mood and blood pressure and anxiety
• So he does his best with you
• He nutures you the best way he knows how
• if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING this man has you covered
• He does his best to step up in any way he can
• first off he extends his assignment deadlines and cancels two tests. Who needs them anyway.
• And you eat lunch in his classroom because he can well tell you don't want to talk to anyone else right now
• He closes it off (seemingly) so in reality its just you and him
• He'll probably tell Aizawa too but on the downlow (just so he knows)
• When holidays roll around, the dorms close.
• In this case- he let's you stay with him. He has an extra bedroom. He doesn't want you to stay in an empty house.
• You also get his phone number (which you gladly use) for anything really
• Bored? He'll deliver some shitty puns.
• Confused about homework? Text him.
• having a mental breakdown? He's got you covered.
• You got memes? Please for the love of God send them to him.
• The dynamic eventually shifts to a VERY father daughter relationship.
• He knows he'll never replace your dad. He understands that wholeheartedly, but he wants you to have someone
• He actually gets a letter from your dad, thanking him for taking care of you
• but he really doesn't mind
• He had a feeling that there was something going on at home. Or rather, a lack of something.
• He's dealt with it in the oast- with himself and with past students and current ones
• Shinsou
• I mean, aside from that fact whenever parents were mentioned, you'd either stiffen up or wrinkle your nose
• You didn't really like the subject of parents
• There was an essay prompt about parents (nothing too personal) nd you ended up writing it on the extinction of dinosaurs and why God fucked up instead
"It'd be absolutely stellar to see huge lizards roaming the earth and occasionally stepping on people, you know? Jurassic park was onto something."
• Man's couldn't even fail you on it because it was written v well
• Anyway, he doesn't pry too much. He just silently figures it out by process if elimination and pattern.
• He doesn't really care too much
• In the sense if it doesn't define you and he doesn't help you because he pities you
• he helps you because he seems potential
• He takes you under his wing with shinsou
• Yall spend a whole summer training
• And that's when it all came out
• It was an accident really.
• Shinsou was tired, exhausted really
• and when people get tired- that tired- sometimes they spout random shot they wouldn't usually say
• and thats what he did
• he went on about his home life
• and if he could, you could too right?? You could trust them.
• "My dad walked out when I was a kid. Little, like 3. I have a few pictures of him holding me, but I guess it wasn't enough. I don't have any desire to meet him. Not anymore. But it left me feeling like I did something wrong? I guess? Which I suppose is why I train. Because then I feel strong. Which is a good difference from how it usually feels."
• He knew it.
• He called it.
• He was right again.
• He reassures you that you are good enough, strong enough, and his decision to leave had nothing to do with you
• and when he saw you give him a soft smile, he warmed.
• I mean really, it only goes up from there
• he'll deny it, or grumble under his breath, but he seems you two as his own
• Like these aren't my kids but they are my kids
• When dorms close on holiday yall get to stay because that's where he lives too
• Like if you chose too
• he's not gonna force you to stay but if you don't want to go home, you don't have too
• He has that power
• He will buy you food
• all you gotta do is ask
• and he'll roll his eyes and grumble something he doesn't really mean, just secretly happy that you feel comfortable enough around him to ask for something
• lmao family group chat
S: 'Hey Mr. Aizawa I found this cat. Hold on lemme send a pic'
A: 'Dont need a pic. Bring him home'
Y: 'What if he's ugly??'
A: 'gremlin. Bring him home.'
Y: 'Hey I saw this tweet that said 'kids be like watch this and do a half roundhouse spin kick clap and waste my fucking time' and it make me think of you.'
S: @ mr. Aizawa when he has to watch deku do sumn
Y: Lmaoooo like when he threw the baseball
A: Me watching you too try to figure out how to beat me in training
Y: Yikes bro
S: That was a rough one
• Does he regret giving you and shinsou his number??
• Maybe
• Not really
• Lmao super secret lunch movie days
• Every week on wendesday yall watch a movie. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days to watch the movie since lunch is only 70 minutes
• @ you accidently calling him dad one day and shinsou snickering but it stuck
• dadzawa lmaoo
• Man's has 2 underlings.
• You and Deku.
• Picked you up when he started teaching at UA
• Ion know let's say one day you popped off bc he said some dumb shit and you were like no sir that's clearly wrong
• schooled him in his own damn subject
• the other kids were like 😳
• what the fuck
• Anyway
• He see's you have potential
• And though he's not the best teacher, you seem to respond better to the way HE was taught
• So tbh its easier to teach you
• 'okay, now I want you to beat the shot out if that wall,'
'Okay lmao bet'
• Midoriya is like, hey mayhaps we should analyze the situation
• N ur like noe
• You just don't give a fuck
• about anything really
• other than moving up the ranks
• But even then- its not a super super big deal, you're just gonna do your best but you aren't gonna stress
• However he noticed a pattern w you (even before Midoryia brought it up to him)
• You don't let anyone in
• Midoryia knows a bit more than the other students but that's really only because he's always with you
• a good majority of the week he's w you
• but its not really a deep connection
• you don't rely on either of them
• You do your best to do things on your own.
• He knows midoryias life story
• he knows why he acts the way he does
• but he doesn't know why you do
• he has a gut feeling it could be the same as midoryia
• I mean he already had one kid who's dad dipped
• he'll surely be able to figure out you too??
• So he makes himself a promise that he'll figure it out and he'll become someone you trust
• And he does just that
• When you tell him about your nightmare of a family history he's like mm, makes sense
• but he's happy that you trust him!!!
• He's a BIG suckered for movie nights
• he's got popcorn, snacks, candy, chocolate, soda- he's prepared
• list of movies lined out all ready
• I lowkey feel like he'd be into lord of the rings or fast n furious
• fast n furious at LEAST
• He's really into American action movies
• and he has no problem sharing those movies with you
• he doesn't have a whole ton of money, like he's not rich, but if you or midoryia need something he's definitely there to get it for you
• even if ur like fam no you don't need too
• he'll buy yell food a lot
• a l o t
• and cards
• when you and midoryia get him a father's day card he thinks he's gonna cry
• You guys also have a group chat
• 'da faemilee'
• Y: "Hey dad do you have milk?"
A: "???? Do I have milk????"
Y: "ya I'm looking in your fridge n ion see any???"
A: "How'd you even get in????"
Y: "Izuku."
I: "lmaoo"
Y: Izuku you dumb bitch I left for ONE day
Y: And you got into a fight with Bakugou
I: He wanted to throw hands. I just did what you would do.
A: He's got you there
A: What do you guys want for dinner
I: Sushi
Y: Chicfila
Y: Izu square up
I: K
Y: Izu is fighting kacchow again
A: Beat his ass young midoriya
Y: Lmaoooooo
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tobioslune · 3 years
liquid courage
Paring: Iwaizumi Hajime x gn!reader
Genre : fluff, comfort? college au kinda, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, Iwaizumi being soft and a simp
Warnings? : implied drinking, (aged up), cursing (from the lyrics), a little smooch 
a/n: This is a draft i started in january but things happened that made me leave it for about like four months lol (if u wanna know what happened while i was writing this you can read it here lol also you could see how i wrote / continued writing it here ) but! im finally finished and im pretty proud of it even though its lowkey all over the place :>> please do check out the song bc it slaps and it’s really good lol okay that’s all for now hope you enjoy <3 (last notee: likes and reblogs are really appreciated!!)
▶ now playing : drunk - dijon 
You and Iwaizumi have been close friends since highschool, and feelings may have been caught during that time. With the reason of not wanting to ruin the relationship you’ve built with him, you tried to brush it off. And like every other trope where you fall for your best friend you expected that he wouldn’t feel the same way.
Surprisingly both of you ended up going to the same university, and you were able to hang out and keep in touch with each other. Everytime you think you’ve set those feelings aside, whenever some romantic tension presents itself, it bubbles up inside all over again. Like an annoying weed that keeps coming back no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. 
School and other work has been pressing on you for the past few months and you just keep getting into a slump. No matter how hard you try, you find yourself in the same place you were over and over again. Iwaizumi noticed this and really tried his best to help but he’s also caught up with a ton of things. 
O baby, I’m lonely and I’m fucked up by myself
 Could uu come here?!  
It was 1am on a Saturday and Mattsun called you. You were working on an essay and it was super unexpected. It was able to shake you from the somewhat trance you were in while trying to think.
“Hey y/n-san I’m so sorry to call you at such a late time and most probably not so nice notice, but is it okay if you pick-up Hajime here at our usual place? Hanamaki and the others have already left and theres a paper I need to take care of, and you’re the only one I could think of.”
“Oh, it’s okay. Did Hajime drink too much like last time?” You think to yourself, ‘How stubborn, I’ve told him last time to be mindful of how much he takes because of his low tolerance’  You found the thought quite amusing.
“He sure has. When will you be able to get here by the way?” Mattsun replies.
“Give me about 15 minutes, it’s not so far from where I live anyways. Can you keep him company for a little while longer?” you tell him. This would be able to get your mind off the stress and exhaustion you’re in hopefully for a little while. Besides you haven’t met him in person for about month so it would be nice to see him again.
“Yeahh I can do that. Thanks again by the way y/n.”
“Suree, anytime. Okay see you in a bit, bye”
The train stations are already closed at this time, and it would be too much of a hassle to take a cab to and from where he lives so it probably would be best that he crash at your place instead.
You straighten a few things up in your apartment and proceed to grab a jacket, your keys, wallet and your phone, placing it into a small purse. As you closed the door you could already feel a rush of cold air surrounding you.
The walk there was quite refreshing and you felt much better than you did earlier. As you arrived there you could see Mattsun waiting in front. You smiled as you walked toward him. It took him a couple seconds to recognize you as you came into view. 
“Heyy, hope I didn’t take too long” you said as you greeted him with a hug. 
“No, it’s all good you actually arrived faster than I expected”, Mattsun replies returning your smile. 
“He’s inside by the way.” gesturing with the back of his thumb.
“Okay, I’ll go take care of it from here” 
“Thanks again, apologies if it interrupted anything important.” 
“Like I said, it's alright! I got it.” you assure him.
You both bid your goodbyes and you make your way inside the homey bar. There he was, head resting on his right hand and glass of water in the other. You figured he sobered up at least a little bit. 
You let out an amused sigh, “Oh Haj, I’ve told you a couple of times last time to watch it, right?” You took a seat in front of him, leaning your head on your hand. He laughed a little at the statement made. “Sorry y/n, got a bit caught up and forgot.” 
Letting out a low hum you respond, “Anyways, ready to go?” 
“Yeah just give me a moment.” His head was still pounding from the drinks.
I’M WASTING and I’m anxious; I’m fading from myself… 
You placed his arm around your shoulder in an attempt to keep him upright and stable as you walk. Compared to him he was obviously heavier making it difficult for you to even make it to the door, you were basically stumbling out, but somehow you were able to manage and he was at least trying to cooperate even when everything was practically hazy for him in that moment.
You fell for him, and little did you know he did too. You’ve known Hajime as reserved, reliable, firm, caring and surprisingly stubborn at times. He knew that if he told his friends and teammates they would tease him and make it more obvious that's why he kept it in a never said a word. 
He liked you, he liked you so much, but sometimes you just seemed so out of reach to him. Loved by almost everyone, you were beautiful, charming and just overall amazing to him. There were times where he really tried to deny his feelings, his emotions, toward you but whenever another guy would be around you he just can’t help but want you all to himself.
As school progressed your schedule became more hectic and your assignments started to pile up. It felt like an endless mess and an inevitable disaster. He saw how stressed you were but he felt a bit helpless because he didn't know what to do. He couldn’t really help you because of your different courses and besides he wouldn’t even know what to do. As time went on your hangouts became lesser and lesser and sometimes you'd even be too busy or even too tired to chat with him. You would try making plans but your group mates would suddenly set up meetings or deadlines would abruptly be sent and given. 
Although he has tried reaching out, because of how busy you were he was left alone with his thoughts and feelings and he tried to make sense of how he really felt. He wanted to avoid thinking of you but that became difficult for him when almost everything reminded him of you…
“They would have liked this..”, “I should probably ask if they ate.”,  “This would be such a nice gift for y/n.”,  “I wonder what they would think of this.”, it just felt like never ending thoughts of you.
When Matsukawa and the rest of the old team from Seijoh offered him to hang out and catch up he couldn't say no. By going he would be able to hang out with them and it would hopefully be a distraction to help get you off his mind. He knew you were busy and in his head he thought that maybe you didn't like him the say he does. You ran circles around his mind and at time he’s just feel so conflicted and confused.
In the end he got wasted, he felt faded, and just wanted to feel ok. He accidentally ended up telling the boys out of frustration that he had feelings for someone which left him with mixed emotions at times. They found this quite surprising because who would get him so hung up and drunk like that.
COULD U COME HERE?! And say u’ll stay the night 
Although you reminded him last time you went drinking to watch his intake you were still shocked that he was so drunk he could barely think straight. The cold air and silence filled the walk and everything in some way felt alright. You felt at peace and his presence made everything feel comfortable even if you were practically carrying him.
He sighs, “Hey I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess I accidentally let myself go back there again.” 
“It's ok, I mean that's bound to happen to everyone at some point I've got you  don't worry it's fine.” you respond.
“Where are we going, by the way?” He asks.
“I'm taking you back to my place, I mean if you don't mind. The subways are closed and the taxis are hard to come by at this time.” 
“Oh ok, it's fine, I mean I have nowhere else to go to anyways and I don't really mind,”  He says with a flustered laugh.
As you keep walking you pass by a convenience store you both frequently used to hang out at when your schedules weren't so busy.
“Hey Haj, we should stop there for a while just so you could sober up a little more. Also I’m a bit hungry anyway,”  you suggest.
“Yeah good idea, besides you must be kind of tired trying to carry me around for this long.”
You both make your way to the convenience store and you tell him to sit outside while you buy something for the both of you.
 Cause it’s been a while, since I've seen u smiling! O baby, could u come down? I think I’m freaking out! And I’m drunk! 
You step inside and the warmth of the shop embraces you. You then proceed to get some meat buns, and two coffees. As you go to pay you take a glimpse outside to check up on Iwaizumi and to your surprise he was already looking at you. You quickly turn away and you feel a small blush attempting to creep up on your face, but you shake the thought away as you make it to the counter.
You finish paying and walk over to where Iwaizumi is sitting and you place the food down on the table. Handing over a meat bun and a coffee to him, you sit down and sigh in satisfaction as you bite into yours. Somewhat comfortable silence fills the space and you absentmindedly process everything that happened.
“So, how was the hang out with the guys? I haven't seen them in so long. You sure must’ve had fun...” You say in the hopes of making things a little less awkward and quiet.
“Oh yeah it was great.” He replies with his mouth still with food, you laugh and he continues after he finally swallows what he was eating.
“Yeah it was really fun, we got to catch up on a lot and they're doing pretty great I must say. You should come next time, I mean when you're not busy. I miss our hangouts, you know...” 
“Is this not a hangout?” You humorously ask.
“I mean, it is but I'm saying we should hang out more when you're not busy and when I'm not drunk.”  He says with a laugh.
“Yeah we totally should.“ You say with a smile.
“So anyways, how's life?” 
“Well I mean I'm doing ok, but overall just really stressed. Work and papers have been piling up and my head has been pounding for like weeks or maybe even just days you know, but I guess I'm doing fine.” Giving a small laugh to lighten the statement.
“Yeah the workloads really suck right now, they're crazy. But I'm here for you if you need anything even if I don’t really understand a thing from your subjects.”
“Yeah, I know.” You say giving him a reassuring grin.
You both take a brief pause when he suddenly brings up an old inside joke you both had when you were younger. You spend about an hour reliving memories, throwing around jokes, teasing each other and laughing a lot.
Sighing into a smile he says, “I really miss this. It's been a while since I've seen you smile like that.” 
“Yeah I missed our hangouts like these, this feels so great and nostalgic in a way.”
And I don’t think I can beat it, I’m paralyzed, I’m terrified of being alone!
You both clean up and start to continue your walk back to your place. All the stress you’ve been feeling earlier feels as if it has left and you feel relieved. As you both near your apartment complex, Iwaizumi stops making you turn back.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask.
“Yeah I’m good.” You then proceed to turn around, but he suddenly continues.
“Listen I need to tell you something, and I need you to promise me that we’re still going to be ok even as friends afterwards.” He says with a slight seriousness on his face
“Yeah, you can tell me anything I promise I'll still stay. I mean unless you're a criminal and you're gonna kill me.” You joke. Moving closer to him you prepare yourself a bit for whatever he would say.  “So what's up?”
He takes a breath, “I like you y/n -san.... and I'm really sorry if you don’t like me after this or if this makes anything awkward or if I made you uncomfortable in any way. I've liked you since high school and I was too scared to say anything because I thought you liked another guy--”
“--I swear even when we were younger there was something about you that just made everyone like you. You were so nice, friendly to everyone, helpful, beautiful, and so much more. You’re captivating to me… and I’m trying to use whatever’s left of this liquid courage to get this off my chest and I think I’m ready for whatever might come next.” 
Your mouth parts slightly from shock because of what he said but it slowly, turns into a huge grin.   
“Hajime, I don't know what to say…” you cut him off before he could say anything, 
“Because I like you too, and I have for such a long time.”
He lifts up his head with hope and a slight disbelief in his eyes, “You do..? You did..?!’’
“Yes..” you say with a small chuckle and a smile plastered across your face. You walk even closer until you're both mere inches away from each other. You take a relieved sigh and make eye contact with him. You wrap your arms around his neck and draw him in for a hug. He places his arms delicately around your waist hugging you back.
He slowly pulls away and cups your face ever so tenderly, pulling you in so that your lips are merely ghosting the others; and he gently kisses you. You felt as if that you were floating on clouds. His lips were so soft and warm it felt so surreal.
You both pull away and he says with a smile, “I've waited and wanted for so long to do that.”
You couldn't believe that everything that happened, actually happened. It felt like a scenario that you would only be able to play in your head. But it was all real and it was all happening. It felt like a dream, and if this were a scene in some cute drama there would have been hearts floating around your head right now, you felt lovestruck.
 Cause it’s been a while, since i’ve thought about the good things, all the bright light things all the good times that we had! It’s been a while, since I made u smile! 
You finally reach your apartment hand-in-hand, sitting down on the couch as soon as you enter. The night was filled with more conversations, laughter and just overall good times. Homework forgotten and disregarded, you let yourself go and have fun. Surprisingly everything felt like it just fell into place. 
You looked at him and maybe it was the alcohol but he was pretty sure he saw stars in your eyes. 
“I can't believe after all this time you're finally and actually mine.” you say.
Whatever magic or fate intertwined and lined you up to this exact moment you just knew that you were forever grateful.
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starbornvalkyrie · 3 years
paper rings [a nessian one-shot]
a/n: hey besties!! here’s some fluff for this fine saturday. i wrote this for my mate, my besta @vanserrasvalkyrie​ bc i love her to death and she deserves everything. i wrote this based on paper rings by taylor swift. enjoy!
acotar masterlist || masterlist of masterlists
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When the sunlight hit his face, Cassian stretched with a groan and reached for his girlfriend. Girlfriend. Three years and he was still shocked that was the title he could call Nesta Archeron. When they met all those years ago, he could have sworn she hated him. He thought it might have been his high clouding his mind but no. 
Nesta gave him the cold shoulder every time they hung out, though he never failed to sense her eyes on him when they were out with his friends. There was something about Nesta that always drew him to her. Some sort of gravitational pull that made her irresistible--even as she pushed him away.
Cassian frowned when he found that the other side of the bed was cold, his girlfriend long gone for the day. Blinking slowly, he wondered if she told him what she was up to today. Not that she needs to, but she usually gives him a heads up. His thoughts were pulled away when his phone chimed.
A single text message from Nesta read, Morning, babe. I’m out running errands with Feyre today. I’ll see you later. Xx
Cassian couldn’t help the grin that formed on his lips at her use of the word babe, and he used that energy to get out of bed and prepare for the day. The day that he hopes will bring him one step closer to calling Nesta his wife.
He dialed Rhys, putting the phone to his ear as he fastened his watch around his wrist. He smiled fondly at it, remembering the day Nesta gave it to him saying, “Your old watch is too loud. Use this.”
Rhys answered on the last ring with a labored, “Hello?” followed by a female yelp and giggle. His brother shushed her, but Cassian’s brows furrowed.
“Is that Feyre?”
Rhys cleared his throat, “Yeah, of course, why?”
“I just thought…” He trailed off. “Nevermind, brother. Is everything still set for tonight?”
He could practically hear Rhys rolling his eyes when he replied, “Yes, brother, we’ve been over it a thousand times. It’s going to be great.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll leave you two to… whatever I interrupted.” Cassian almost gagged hearing Rhys’ stifled groan of a goodbye as he hung up, patting his jacket pocket to feel for the ring one more time. He was about to grab his keys when he noticed a note on their side table, the elegant script telling him who left it. Smiling, he picked it up and read.
Do you remember the night we first met? I remember it vividly, probably because I wasn’t as stoned as you. But what I haven’t told you is that I went home and stalked you on the internet. Full on FBI mode. If you tell anyone, I will not hesitate to kill you. Sometimes I think about how I tried so hard to learn every detail I could about you without actually talking to you, but now I feel like I know more than I should.
We’ve shared a lot these past three years, and I have to say that one of my favorite hobbies to share with you is reading. The days we spend wasting away in bed reading side by side are the days I hope we will continue to share for the foreseeable future. While they aren’t my favorite, I do enjoy the war novels and thrillers you keep beside your bed. I think I’ve read all of them by now.
I skimmed Catch 22 this morning and was particularly intrigued by page 143.
It wasn’t signed, but Nesta’s perfume lingered on the page, igniting Cassian’s senses. The memories she wrote of came to the forefront of his mind. She was shy at first, not wanting him to know the sort of books she enjoyed reading with her friends. But one night he snuck one off her nightstand. Needless to say, they’ve had their fair share of experimentation based on a few of her novels. And when she read his books and talked excitedly with him, he thought he’d propose on the spot.
Cassian rushed to his bedside table and, sure enough, Catch 22 is on top. He flipped to the page she mentioned. Another note fell out along with a blue paint swatch. The color looked familiar, but he couldn’t figure out where he knew it from. Shrugging, he read the note.
Do you remember when Azriel made us all help him paint his room? My favorite memory of that day was the fact that there was more paint on us and our friends than there was on the walls. You, of course, had the brilliant idea of jumping into the pool of Az’s apartment complex. At 8PM. On a January evening. No one wanted to join you, for obvious reasons. I still think you’re an idiot for suggesting it. I still think you’re an idiot for actually doing it.
But then again, I followed. You may have jumped first, but I went in, too. I will always follow you, Cass, to the ends of the earth.
Will you follow me, too?
Yes. One hundred percent, yes. Cassian would follow Nesta to the ends of the earth and back. He’d slay dragons for her or just sit back while she conquered them herself. He couldn’t think of a time when his world didn’t revolve around Nesta. While they played games of cat and mouse when they first met, it was always Nesta. For him, he would always follow Nesta.
Will you follow me, too? He absolutely would. There were no other directions on the note, but Cassian knew exactly where he needed to go. Carefully folding the notes, he placed them in his pocket next to the ring. Giving the pocket another pat, he grabbed the keys to his truck and made his way through town. Azriel moved out long ago to live with his girlfriend, but Cassian still knew how to get to his old apartment complex.
That night was one of the best nights of Cassian’s life, but not for the reasons Nesta might be thinking. It was fun, definitely, swimming in that freezing pool, alcohol the only reason they didn’t feel the icy bite of the water. But that was the first night Nesta laughed and smiled with only him. Sure, before then, he had seen her radiant smile and heard her mesmerizing laugh with their friends. But with no one else around them in the pool, Cassian had relished in the fact that he was the reason for her happiness. It was the first time he had dared to hope for something more.
The apartment complex wasn’t gated, so Cassian drove right in, straight to the clubhouse pool. He hopped out of his truck, leaving it running idle, as he searched the area. He searched the chaise lounge chairs and tables but only saw a towel and duffel bag that someone left behind. He walked the perimeter of the pool itself. Still nothing. Did he get it wrong? Was he supposed to go somewhere else? Confused and frustrated, Cassian was about to give up when something at the bottom of the pool caught his eye: a ziploc bag anchored by a can of paint.
“You have got to be kidding me, Nes,” he mumbled to himself. Cassian went back to inspect the duffel bag, cursing his cruel girlfriend the whole way. When he unzipped the bag, a note was on top. Have fun getting wet, was all it said. Underneath was a pair of Cassian’s swim trunks and an extra pair of clothes. Accepting his fate, he changed in the restroom, and dove into the pool.
Pulling the paint can--the same color they painted Az’s room--to the surface was harder than he thought it would be, but eventually he was sitting on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water that was a lot warmer than it was that night. Shaking the moisture from the bag and his hands, he took out the note, slightly shorter than the rest. Nesta knows he’d be impatient and nearly irritable by now, and he loved her even more for thinking about that detail.
Nice day for a swim, right? I wish I could have been there to see it, but don’t worry, I’ll have you wet and shirtless in no time later. But in all seriousness, I had a lot of fun that night. Getting to know you better in the pool is one of the highlights of our relationship and it’s something I will never forget.
But let’s go back to the beginning. Meet me in the place it all began. I’ll always be waiting for you.
Cassian grinned and pushed himself up to dry off and change. He grabbed the clothes Nesta packed for him, pleased to know she knew his style, and meticulously transferred the small box from his jacket pocket to the front of his jeans.
Knowing exactly where to go, Cassian made his way to meet his future wife.
Nesta waited nervously on the dock of a lake just outside of Velaris. She clutched the final envelope in her hands, reminding herself every few minutes not to ruin it. She sat on a blanket, a basket filled with Cassian’s favorite foods. She tried to push doubt from snaking its way into her brain, but she couldn’t help it.
She had been dropping hints to Cassian for months now but to no avail. After Rhys proposed to Feyre six months ago, Nesta felt that tug in her heart that told her she was ready. She practically told Cassian as much. She made it a point to talk about Feyre’s wedding prep every day, asking what he would want if he was in their position. She even went as far as showing him rings.
But Cassian hasn’t made a single move. Nesta knows he loves her, but does he not see her as wife material? Does he only love her for now? Nesta didn’t think so, and she didn’t let herself believe that, but the seed of doubt is still there, waiting to grow. To counteract the doubt, she decided to take things into her own hands.
Hence the basket and the notes. 
Her phone chimed with a text from Az telling her that Cassian just jumped into the pool. He got it on video. She laughed and asked him to let her know when Cassian left the apartment complex. While all of their friends were in on the event, Azriel was the only one she trusted to trail Cassian without being caught. Everyone else was tasked to decorate their apartment for a party after Cassian left on her scavenger hunt.
Nesta stood as she heard the sound of tires on gravel and braced herself as she watched Cassian step out of his truck and make his way towards her. Much to her amusement, she realized his hair was still a little damp from his impromptu swim, but he was also wearing the jeans and button down shirt she had packed for him as well. Nesta still counted herself lucky, praying to the Cauldron every day that this was the man that crashed into her life all those years ago.
Cassian stopped in front of her, surveying her from head to toe. His gaze sent shivers down her spine, but she stayed still as he scanned her set up on the dock, a smile gracing his lips as he most likely remembered what they’ve done out here. Multiple times.
Finally, he turned back to her and greeted her, “Hi, Nes.”
“Hey,” she said, voice low.
“What is all this?” He started to move towards her, but she held up her hand, nerves getting the best of her.
“I-- uh, we’ll get to that. But first,” she held up the note she held in her hand. “Last one.”
This time, he did step closer to her, but didn’t touch her yet. Ever observant, he knew she needed her space right now while her nerves went haywire. He stopped just in front of her, though, and asked, “Will you read it to me?”
Nesta’s eyes went wide, scanning the hazel ones she’d come to love so much. She saw only love and a hint of amusement staring back at her, so she whispered, “Okay,” and opened the envelope. With a few deep breaths, she began to read.
“Cassian. My best friend, my love. The biggest brute on the planet.
I don’t know how else to put this, but when I think about who I was when we first met, I can’t help but feel that I fell in love with you by accident. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad that I did. But you know me, I hate accidents. I hate when things don’t go the way I want them to. And that’s you in a nutshell. I never know what’s going to happen, but I’m here for it, along for the ride for the rest of my life.
You know my past better than anyone else, even my sisters. All of the things that happened with Tomas… if none of that had happened, I wouldn’t have found you. I can even say I’m thankful for your past girlfriends, knowing that you wouldn’t be the man I know without them. We may fight, we may not be perfect, but that doesn’t stop me from loving you and hoping you love me in return.
Because I want it all, Cassian. I want you and all the complications you may come with. I want to kiss you randomly just because I can. I want to brighten your dreary Mondays, for you to wrap your arms around me while I cook, and everything in between.
You’re the one I want, Cass, in any way you’ll have me. Picture frames, dirty dreams, you name it.”
Nesta paused, steadying herself for the next part. She wiped the tears that started to fall from her eyes as she read. When she looked at Cassian, she could see the silver lining his own eyes as he gave her a watery smile. The smile she can’t imagine living without ever again. Steeling herself, she asked, “Are you going to make me do the knee thing?”
The corner of Cassian’s mouth turned up higher at that, decorating his face with that smirk that’s gotten him into so much trouble in the past. “You know how I like to see you on your knees in front of me, Nes,” he teased, making Nesta’s heart stutter.
“Brute,” she mumbled. “Fine.” Nesta adjusted her dress as she got down on one knee, holding the note in her palms. “I know this isn’t a shiny ring or anything fancy, but I don’t need any of that. I only need you, Cass. You’re the one I want until we’re taken to the next life and every moment after that as well. Will you marry me?”
Cassian hesitated for only a split second before he was on his knees in front of her, her face in his hands. “You stole my thunder,” he accused, his voice playful. When Nesta only stared at him with a cocked brow, he chuckled. She watched as he reached into his jean pocket and pulled out a small velvet, black box. Nesta couldn’t contain her gasp as he opened it to reveal a perfectly cut ruby set on a simple silver band. “You’re the only one for me, Nes. You’ve always been the only one for me.”
Nesta stared at the ring. “Cass…” she whispered.
“Are you sure you don’t want the shiny things? I can return this…”
“Don’t you dare,” she snapped. “Ring me.” Nesta stuck her left hand in Cassian’s face. He laughed but removed the ring from the box to slip it onto her ring finger.
They both watched in silence, the air buzzing with anticipation, as Cassian pushed the ring past her first knuckle then the second. Until it metaphorically clicked into place at the bottom of her finger.
A perfect fit.
Nesta launched herself at Cassian, tackling him to the deck with a searing kiss. Her heart thundered wildly, their tongues tangling as the words engaged, fiance, and future husband played on repeat in her mind like her favorite song. She pulled back to look down at her best friend, her everything, his eyes shining right back at her.
“I love you, Nes,” he said, voice low but thick with emotion.
“Until the end of time,” she replied with another kiss.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to/taken off my general SJM tag list just send me an ask and be sure to include the fandom! i’m very good at losing them in the comments. love y’all!
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