#especially when i could give people stuff for free as a little gift or to friends or kids to brighten their days
puppysdog · 7 months
i never really talk about it on here but my “retirement” dream has been to open my own cat cafe called the black cat cafe which helps rescue and adopt out black cats since they have the lowest adoption rate. its gonna be gothic/witchy themed and serve coffee and tea drinks, as well as pastries and some small lunch options. i wanna make it so it can be a cozy study spot with like a mini library lounge area in the lobby as well as reservable study tables in the actual cat room. i dont want a lot of staff as i want to do most the work with my partners help, but id hire queer or trans people that are worried about applying to jobs because of their identity, and give them a safe space to work where theyd always have a boss thatd have their backs. free staff lunches, paid lunch breaks and commute if needed, if you like a customer enough you can give them a discount, just overall a good fun place to work and hang out :)
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pascalsummers · 10 months
Hey, could you please write Marvel men with a bf that likes to knit/crochet?
A/N: Here you go! Sorry this took so long I am trying my best to get back into the groove of things so hopefully I can post more stuff soon. Enjoy!
You Like to Knit and Crochet (Avengers x Male Reader)
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Bucky wouldn't have much of a reaction to it but he would find it to be an interesting hobby to have. While Bucky wouldn't admit it out loud he really likes it when you make sweaters for him. The thought of you taking all that time and effort into making something for someone like him gives him a warm feeling in his chest. Whenever he is relaxing in the tower you can usually find him wearing one of the sweaters you made him. Eventually, you offered to teach Bucky how to knit and crochet. Bucky was actually able to pick it up quickly and while he doesn't do it in his free time he will sometimes join you whenever you are working on something.
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Steve was impressed by your knitting and crocheting skills especially since it seemed so time-consuming. He would generally accept anything you give him but Steve does tend to like your handmade sweaters and socks the most. He especially likes it when you add little designs to them but he will playfully roll his eyes if you add anything American flag-themed to them. Over time Steve would get curious enough and ask you if you wouldn't mind teaching him something. Steve would have a little bit of a struggle in the beginning but he would eventually get the hang of it. Steve would give you some knitted socks as a present and a thank you for the ones you made him.
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Thor would think it was a nice hobby as some of it would remind him of how some people in Asgard would make their tapestries. One day Thor noticed you had made a crochet bee and was curious if you could make a snake for him. Thor loves it when you present him with another crocheted or knitted animal and he will make sure to show off your creation to the other Avengers. Thor was very honored when you offered to teach him how to knit and crochet. Despite Thor's enthusiasm to learn it was apparent that Thor wasn't that good at it as his creations tended to turn out lopsided and incomplete in places.
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When Tony first heard about your hobby Tony made sure to add senior citizen jokes to his conversations with you. While Tony was appreciative of your gifts to him they didn't really fit his style. Usually, you can find the scarfs and hats you make for him on a couple of his suits in the lab. Despite his seemingly dismissive attitude about them, he does genuinely like them and if you really want to he will wear some of them on occasion. Tony turned down your offer to teach him multiple times but eventually you wore him down enough to give it a try. Tony after some time actually wasn't too bad at it but he would tell you it's not his thing plus it makes him feel old.
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Loki wouldn't react too much to the discovery but he would comment on your skill at doing such a task. When you first presented Loki with a scarf you made for him he was taken aback and didn't really know how to react to it besides a subdued thank you. Loki can be seen wearing the scarf from time to time which lets you know that he does appreciate the gift even if he would never say it out loud. Loki would be a little reluctant to try out knitting and crocheting but would decide to try it out at least once. After a little bit of time, Loki would actually get the hang of it pretty quickly but he wouldn't do it often since it doesn't interest him that much.
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Bruce would be a little curious about your hobby and would ask you some small questions about it from time to time. Bruce tends to appreciate anything that you give him but the one gift you gave him that he holds close to his heart is a blanket you made for him. When he first saw it he was taken aback by it and gave you a genuine thank you for the gift. Bruce will usually bring the cover out for the two of you to lie under whenever you watch TV together. Bruce would actually be the first one to ask about you teaching him and while he may not be the best he does get a pretty decent grasp at it. The two of you will sometimes knit and crochet together to relax.
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schmidtsbimbo · 5 months
hello! hope you are doing well :)
I was wondering if I could request a Mike Schmidt blurb of like the little things he admires about the reader and how he expresses his appreciation for them?
ty for the request !!! this feels so informal and short but i’m trying to get through all my requests ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა hope this does your request justice !! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
𖦹Warnings: none this is pure fluff :p
⋆。°‧Requests are open! Comments and reblogs are welcome and appreciated ♡
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mike would absolutely adore every single thing about you. even small little quirks that some other people might find a bit annoying or weird he finds completely endearing.
mike would especially admire how understanding and compassionate you are towards his financial situation. he refused to let you babysit abby at first when you offered to do it free of charge purely out of guilt.
he definitely still feels guilty about not being able to get you spontaneous gifts or flowers as much as he’d like or thinks you deserve but your constant reassurance that you do it out of love and don’t care for that stuff settles his mind a bit.
he still finds cute ways to show you how much he appreciates your help and kindness, like saying he’s going out for a small walk to clear his mind and coming back home with a small bouquet of flowers that he picked himself and wrapped up with some old newspaper.
he doesn’t just acknowledge the things you do and sacrifices you make for him, he also deeply admires your beauty. whether it’s him simply getting lost in your eyes as he watches them sparkle whenever you talk about something that deeply interests you to him showering you in kisses whenever you express any type of insecurities about your physical appearance.
mike would be laying in bed, watching you as you look at yourself in the the mirror and immediately walking to you, standing by your side as soon as he sees the dismayed expression on your face. cupping your face with his hands and planting soft kisses from your forehead to your cheeks and nose, muttering small things like “such a pretty girl, don’t ever doubt that for a second” in between kisses, making sure he gives you all the reassurance and love in the world whenever you need it.
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avelera · 11 days
I’m dying for your thoughts on what is going on in Dubai with the triangulation of Armand and Daniel in Dubai because nothing in 2.05 explain ms what they(beddeath vampires) could want him to tell them as referenced earlier in the season or warrant all the Rashid pageantry. Especially not with how Armand looks at Daniel like he just got home from the wars.
Your takes are exquisite and I’d love to hear them.
Ok, I THINK you're asking what the hell is going on with Daniel and Armand and Louis and the longing looks Armand keeps shooting Daniel and I might be missing some nuance to your question but that is the question I'm gonna answer because I can't stop thinking about it.
Ok. Ok, ok, SO!! The biggest question I think we're facing as of 2.05 is did the Devil's Minion chapter of Queen of the Damned ever happen?
For the uninitiated (LOTS of BOOK SPOILERS but like the books have been out for decades, sorry): Louis/Armand is like... not a thing. At least, it's not one of the big love affairs of the series compared to Louis/Lestat. I mean they've had a situationship but they're definitely not a long devoted love affair going right up to the beginning of the events of Vampire Lestat/Queen of the Damned, which is where the show seems to take place. They traveled together for a bit after the events of Interview with the Vampire but then parted ways because What Happened In Paris changed Louis irrevocably.
The big love of Armand's life in the books is Daniel.
And we learn this in the chapter of Queen of the Damned called the Devil's Minion.
Because Armand stumbles upon "The Interviewer" and falls in love and they have this fucked up whirlwind torrid romance where Daniel teaches Armand about the modern world and basically "how to be fascinating" and Daniel begs over and over to be made into a vampire.
Lots of stuff happens between them but short, TRAGIC version is that Armand does make Daniel into a vampire and it breaks Daniel's mind. He's not a cool powerful vampire once he's turned, he's basically a vegetable, he loses his mind and becomes a hollow husk of himself. (Ironically, insane-new-vampire!Daniel is left in the care of Marius of all people lol)
SO, from the book reader perspective, I shot upright on my couch when I saw old Daniel. Because Old Daniel means we're in... some flavor of happy AU? We're in an AU where Armand did the "responsible" thing and didn't give Daniel the Dark Gift, so Daniel got to grow old and actually be a person instead of being the Devil's Minion where Armand became his whole personality and then he lost his mind.
Thing is, since S1, I've been assuming, like others I think, that we're in an AU where the Devil's Minion didn't happen at all. That Daniel did the interview, he and Louis parted ways, and now he's back to finish it. It seemed neat, clear, if a little confusing for book fans because Daniel/Armand is one of THE great love affairs and it seems like it just got skipped entirely, which kind of makes sense since no other film version has really delved into it, right?
WRONG. OK, so with the longing looks that begin RIGHT when Armand finally reveals himself, the whole mic drop moment of "Armand, the love of my life" while Armand stares at Daniel, almost seeming to plead with his eyes "GET ME AWAY FROM HIM" and looking at Daniel with such longing, going into SEASON 2 where we learn that ok, the 1970s beat was WAY more complicated than it seems, Louis' memory is very faulty, Armand has actively tampered with both of them and we DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH....?
So my current theory is: the Devil's Minion DID happen.
Armand and Daniel had their love affair, but instead of turning Daniel, which by the way he had to be talked into doing because of Daniel's suicide attempt basically, Armand set him free. But CLEARLY he continued to stalk and pine after Daniel, if he was there at Daniel's fucking engagement reading his girlfriend's mind enough to tell Daniel what she was really thinking then. Armand was definitely still OBSESSIVELY IN LOVE. And, IMO, has been the whole time.
Now, what does this mean going forward? What do I think is going on?
Armand wants out of his relationship with Louis but he's chronically, pathologically, incapable of breaking up with anyone. He used Lestat to break up the Children of Darkness, he used Louis to break up the Theatre des Vampires, and now he's using Daniel to end this fucked up marriage he and Louis are in.
Armand is doing this first by consenting to renew the interview, Louis gets a walk down memory lane, remembers how much he loves Lestat. Not to solidify their bond with how good things are now, but to break it up with nostalgia.
Armand is also going to reveal things he's hidden from Louis, I think. Like the fact Armand killed Claudia. I think right now they're both operating under the excuse that Santiago and the coven did it in defiance of Armand but that is simply not true, Armand ordered her death to get Louis all to himself. But (book canon) her death broke Louis so basically Armand destroyed what he wanted in Louis in the gaining of him.
Armand also misses Daniel. He's doing the classic passive lover thing, using the next lover to get rid of the current one. That's why he picked Daniel specifically as the vehicle of his liberation. Boy wants to get white knighted in the most fucked up way possible. Evidence: every single painfully longing, puppy dog look he shoots Daniel's way and how those looks only get more intense the more Louis waxes poetic about how great the Loumand relationship is.
Armand appears as Rashid in order to establish for plausible deniability for Louis that he DIDN'T have a relationship with Daniel OR, if Louis knows about it, that he really did do as promised and wiped Daniel's mind. Look, Daniel doesn't even remember him! When he's standing right there! Pretending to be Rashid! He definitely didn't summon his former lover here to break up Louis and him, obviously this is JUST about Louis' desire to do the interview haha, definitely not trying to bring his old ex to break up his current relationship the guy doesn't even remember who he is.
In conclusion: Armand still wants to fuck that boy old man. And he wants to get rid of Louis by making Louis break up with him because that's how Armand rolls. And that's why this whole ridiculous pantomime is happening, because Armand will never, ever be the active party in the breakup because the boy is way, way too fucked up by his supremely fucked up life up to this point to ever be the initiator. Instead he will always, always manipulate those around him to do what he wants.
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itsybitsylemonsqueezy · 4 months
Wow, my Baldur's Gate 3 post blew up somewhat... nice. Well, time for more headcanons, of the unapologetically horny variety. (Yes, yes, I know everyone and their mother has done this already, well here's mine. Nyeh.)
Including: Astarion, The Emperor, Gale, Halsin, Jaheira, Karlach, Lae'zel, Raphael, Shadowheart, Wyll, and Zevlor
Tumblr is run by unfun prudes who would like my 30-year-old thoughts to remain Chaste and Pristine™ so filth under the cut until they ban me or whatever
So the truly hilarious thing about Astarion is that he claims to be a pillow princess, but is almost always a dom. Like, I find it very funny that he enjoys the Aesthetics™ of being a spoiled brat, too delicate and pampered to lift a finger, but in reality, he's a bit of a work horse who finds having nothing to do dull as rocks.
Not to say that he doesn't enjoy receiving, I fully believe he does, but I think it's mostly relaxing at best and dissociative at worst. We'll assume though he's with a trusted partner for now though, rather than deal with the Hang Ups. I think inevitably he'd eventually roll over and change positions and end up in charge. I think it's an undeniable itch for him, even when he's being treated very well. There's just something so enthralling and exciting about being in control and playing with someone. It gives him a satisfying challenge the way being a pillow princess doesn't.
I think sex is particularly about aesthetics for Astarion as well. Bondage, costume, the art and immersion of it would be appealing. Role play would naturally extend out of this, especially as a safe outlet for some of his more complicated feelings. Succeeding at multiple layers of social interaction and intimacy would be extremely rewarding for him, I think.
He's also a very giving lover. I'm not sure praise would quite do it for him, that's not exactly his build. The submission though... oh yes, that does wonders. And he's very keen to reward that submission with nice things, sweet things, unbearably sweet, more than you can take... that's the kind of torture he's into, whining, begging, pleading, from the too muchness of it all, from how good he's being to you... mmm, yes, that's the stuff. It's soothing to understand you can be in control and not hurt people, to know that the control is not corruptive, not a bad thing in itself. I think it'd do a lot for his confidence and self-image.
Also, very into feeding as a sexual thing. He is a hedonist after all, more pleasure is more pleasure.
(The) Emperor
Hey, haters to the left, please. We believe in free love here and that includes the tentacle-y kind.
Look, okay, the dude comes on... strong. Too strong, to be honest. A little overly possessive, overly needy, but there is a hot, sweet core in there. And with a little patience, time, and reassurance, that can be honed into a respectful balance. If you can be patient and take your time, you can help him understand that he doesn't need to be in your every thought or be constantly touching to still have a deep bond. Do gotta watch those tendencies though.
That said, tentacles are a gift! Strong, dexterous, perfect for holding, squeezing, manipulating, and of course, inserting. It's hard to imagine a more intuitive metaphor for desire than tentacles, constantly grasping as they are. And boy, the Emperor wants. Also potentially has some experience using these, probably has a fair idea of how to make this good for both of you, so a pretty good bonus there.
While the Emperor tends to think he knows best and never enters anything without a plan, I think he'd be willing to take instruction. Your pleasure would be a point of pride so if something could be going better, I think he'd listen. Communication reaffirms trust after all. It's no dishonor to be spoken to or even commanded.
Honestly not sure illithid experience pleasure outside of making you orgasm and just like voyeuring or skimming the pleasure off your brain, so it's probably all about you here. Which also means we're probably not looking at marathon sessions; it'll be just the right amount of attention to a big, satisfying orgasm and then warm, languid rest. But the trick is, you're not going to get any gentle, casual encounters. His focus is unparalleled so it's very hard to back off of 100. That's fun, but can be exhausting, especially if you like a bit of variety.
Sometimes it's hard to see what Mystra saw in Gale; other times it's blinding. He's the most self-congratulating, infuriating, annoying bastard you know and he's also, somehow, perfect. What the fuck. The basic problem with Gale is that he'll tell you, to your face, that he fucked a goddess and when and where and how and the worst thing of all is he's not lying; he's actually good.
Gale has the enviable qualities of simultaneously being very laid back and very enthusiastic. He's happy with whatever position you suggest and is just thrilled to be invited. Throws himself into whatever's on the table.
Not to say that he doesn't have ideas, god, but he never shuts up about his ideas. And they're all, frustratingly, really good ideas too! "Oh, well I thought since we're in the hot tub, a little ice in my fingertips might be electrifying." "Have you considered the effects of shifting local gravity so you could ride me longer?" "I've taken the liberty of enchanting your dildo so you can feel it when you peg me!" God, don't you just hate him for being right all the time?
And to make matters worse, the stupid prick is full of wondering adoration for you, always trying to give you the best time possible, the best time ever. And he cares So Much he even notices if The Most Sensations Ever isn't the right thing right now and adjusts. He's just as happy to sit and cuddle or read next to each other. Ugh, disgusting. It's like someone made him in the Best Lover Conceivable factory and blew the whole budget on just him! Like, why Mystra gotta ruin the dating scene like that?!
Trouble is, he's obsessively good at doing exactly what you want because he was groomed by a goddess so... 😬 Sometimes you have to remind him he's enough. Sometimes you have to let him know that he isn't as good as what he could do for others, that he was already good, just on his own. Sometimes you gotta take care of him because he won't remember and he won't realize. And he might pout and object, but he deserves a good time too. Not that he wasn't having a good time but... you know what I mean. Let him be the focus.
Gale's very into attention and a slow, sweet time. Work him up painstakingly, bring him to the edge of begging, tell him what a good boy he is. He'll be crying with pleasure. Don't let him rush, rushing is a cheap shortcut and it means he doesn't have to endure being adored just as much as he adores you. It's the only time he'll ever be shy, having to accept love. But this should also, of course, always be paired with letting him reciprocate. One-sided affection or interaction would be torture for the poor boy. He wants so badly to be good, but gotta temper that a bit with reminding him he already is.
Oakfather giving Mystra a run for her mother for "ruining the dating scene" with this one. Only The Oakfather went "thicc whores only" and the world cried amen for we were blessed.
What can we say about this polyamorous icon that hasn't already been said? Well, perhaps counter to some above examples, Halsin blessedly doesn't have to be at 110% all the time. Having a soft time is just as good as a rough ride. Although... we all know you're getting more of the latter on average, right?
The nice thing about Halsin is you don't have to worry about him denying himself or doing things just because he thinks you want them; he's a master of balance. He absolutely has his own personal, selfish desires and he knows how to serve them in turn. There's something refreshingly organic about Halsin's attraction, he's into you for perceptible maybe even measurable reasons, you don't have to worry about what's going on in that beautiful head of his so much.
A lot of energy in this one though, gotta be aware of that appetite. But hey, if you're into Halsin, you're probably open to maybe a couple more partners, together or separately. Halsin is certainly down for all of those combos.
Very generous lover, not satisfied until you say so. Down for any length of time, any position, but he strikes me as a man who's not into a lot of frills. Sex is about the physical pleasure, those animalistic instincts, and the kinetic energy between people being used and blended to create something more, something almost beyond us. A lot of artifice and dressing up wouldn't make a lot of sense to him and he's not likely to get much out of it. Don't think he'd yuck your yum, but unlikely to participate himself.
Might even prefer multiple partners at once and the longer the session the better. Short sessions are possible, but he's not going to enjoy it as much unless he can get really into the rhythm of it. Again, it's about balancing the energy, which often involves a bit of warm up and getting into the groove to truly satisfy. If one partner, high energy is best if possible. Come in with some goals in mind or you might get overwhelmed. Wouldn't be surprised if sometimes Halsin doesn't come at all due to his unreal stamina and thresholds.
Can't think of a better teacher to help you try something new though. Patient, kind, thoughtful with feedback from long experience. And he's incredibly appreciative of the unique skills every person has, the things only they bring are always valuable to him, something to be cherished and enjoyed. One of the few people who can be instructive, encouraging, and erotic all at the same time. It's a rare breed.
I'd let Mama Harper boss me around any day. And she is decidedly the boss, she's been giving orders since before I was born and that isn't about to change. Strong dom MILF energy here. And she definitely knows what she wants so those orders are going to be clear and consistent.
I don't think the strap is her preference, but I don't think she'd be opposed. But as another druid, I think she likes to go in bare handed, as it were. And, to be fair, she doesn't need help, I've seen those hands work a lash. She's strong and flexible, whatever you ask for she can give. She seems to have less in the raw energy department than Halsin, but I'll chalk that up to not being chief. I think it would take awhile to wear her down though, can't take her for fast or easy. Just like Halsin, I bet she prefers longer sessions to shorter, but would probably be a bit more flexible on this.
I think her real specialty is probably ropes, any kind of bondage. And she seems keen to teach the uninitiated, to make it not scary and safe. Her argument being the restraint in and of itself heightens the pleasure, why not try it? Not a bad argument.
She also probably enjoys herself most getting a work out in. She can be gentle for you, but her own pleasure is found in conquering, mastering. A test of strength or wills would probably be called for here. Tbh, I can't imagine her being that interested until you can prove you're a match for her in some way. Not terribly interested in coddling.
Oh, a goddess among mere mortals. Those tits, that ass! She could break me in half and I would thank her, crying tears of joy. Karlach deserves every happiness on earth. Karlach is maybe the most enthusiastic person here, and that's saying something. The feeling of being close to others, but specifically sex, is such an important love language to Karlach. She has high physical needs and so is very excited and very determined to make you have as good a time as she is having. Unfortunately, sometimes this has a spiraling effect that results in questions like "how many orgasms is too many orgasms?" She just gets carried away, poor thing. But, nonetheless, as addictive as a good time is, you'll probably run out of stamina before she does. Though I bet she'd still keep going past the point of discomfort for herself, just because she's so excited and in love and bursting with joy and energy. It's hard to stop when there's so much you want to say and do and experience. Especially after being restrained so long.
On that topic, bondage probably not a good fit here. Anything that prevents touch for her is not really going to be her thing.
On the flip side, there is no such thing as too much, too hard, too long. I cannot imagine someone more eager to gobble you up, to taste you everywhere, to squeeze you close and shudder and gasp until your sweat smells the same. Like... she is here for this, she is into it. And she'll intuitively go for whatever is going to be more tactile, more of your touch and your body on hers. But also more scent, more excitement. She's going to respond like lightning to any little squeak or shiver to get any reaction out of you. She's so hungry for it.
And she's had a lot of time to think of ideas so you won't run dry on creativity for a good long while. Also important to note, she's only going to be a fast draw in the early days when everything is so urgent. She will slow down in time, though I think she'll end up running faster and hotter than most here. Her appetite is strong, but her stamina is actually on the low side. So more orgasms, but less space between them. Over stimulation is going to be huge here.
Not sure she has the patience for role play or anything fancy. This is not to say she isn't vocal she is... very vocal. Constantly. But that's quite affirming. And I think she'd be pretty into displays, perhaps even a bit of exhibitionism. After all, voyeurism/exhibitionism is all she had for awhile, so I suspect that would carry over into now. I think in particular she'd like to show you off, since she has a keen understanding of the eroticism of visuals. Not everyone's cup of tea of course, and she doesn't have to, but she just gets excited and proud. This makes her feel so good she can't help wanting to shout about it.
All of this said, she's also probably the most attentive in safety and aftercare. Halsin is a safety nut as well, but Karlach absolutely dotes. She wants to make sure she didn't hurt you or wear you out in any way and so will make extra, extra sure any little need is taken care of.
Lae'zel's pussy could kill a man, in fact, it probably has. Not the most romantic of our choices, at least at first, but vigorous, satisfying, honestly intimidating. But, sex is very accessible with Lae'zel. Sex is part of communion for her, but in a different way than Halsin. It's exercise and contest and entertainment and group cohesion all in one. For these reasons, she's not as intimidating as you'd expect because just you saying yes to her pleases her. If she's invited you, that means she's already judged you worthy. She's not going to be upset when giving pointers because she has no hang ups about how sex is supposed to work. She doesn't expect you to read her mind and would probably be mad if you tried. Clear communication is part of this and you already earned the trust for it.
And on the flip side, she will not be distressed by you stating your desires because she's also not trying to read your mind. She wants you to trust her enough to say what you want. Honestly, she's probably a good starting place for virgins, her openness would be soothing. She might even have the patience to instruct, though she's not a terribly patient woman in general.
Also, not to bury it, Lae'zel just likes sex, the sweat, the scents, the weird, sticky feelings of it, the shivering glow through the body. Sex is fun for her and that's obvious in her vocalizations, both articulated words and not. And she knows that the more times you have sex with the same partner, the easier it gets, the more enjoyable it is. I think she'd like watching that progress, like a good team coming together. It's a sign of trust and affection. And in time, if she comes to trust you a lot, the sex becomes even more intimate and vulnerable, as you start to trust each other experimenting, going by instinct rather than plan. Those little shifts would be thrilling for her as she learns to improvise and accept new ideas. Surprising her would be delightful because she always thinks she has the upper hand. How fun to show her that's not always the case.
Lae'zel is a dom more out of necessity than desire, I think. She's probably a switch, happy with whatever suits; she just ends up doming a lot because no one has earned her subbing/she doesn't trust enough yet. But taking turns would also be valuable team building for her, important everyone trains even the skills they're weak at. Together, we become better at sex and at understanding each other. Weirdly, a very emotionally healthy outlook.
I think I feel about Raphael as others feel about Enver Gortash. I want to project every flithy, nasty ass thought onto this wet rag of a man. So, without further ado: humiliation is the name of the game. I think if you fucked Haarlep in front of him, binding him so he couldn't do anything, only watch as Haarlep groans about how much better you are than Raphael, I think he'd come in his over-tailored pants. Cuckold the shit out of him. I think he needs to be stepped on, pegged, and drooling in the street. Never let him have his own way. I think he'd see stars getting pushed around like that. I think it would be great for him. Just use him like a cock sleeve, really dig in there. Absolutely deserved.
Like, imagine if this whole thing is his cringefail attempt to court Zariel. Imagine that level of humiliation. Works on this for thousands of years, only to burn his own house down over a few puny mortals stealing his shit. Oh my goddddd.
If nothing else, it would be Fucking Hilarious.
So Shadowheart is probably into some hardcore stuff, right? She strikes me as someone with a bit of a home invasion kink. Definitely here for the blindfold/sensory deprivation kink. Restraints, but not just bondage, I'm thinking vinyl suits. Shadowheart's definitely into the unconventional. The more toys and artifice, the better.
It's probably next to impossible for Shadowheart to relax sexually. I don't think it's that she isn't into sex, but it's probably difficult for her to calm down and feel safe being vulnerable, get in touch with soft, gentle things that are just nice. Things that hurt a bit are more comfortable, more familiar, and even have less to do with her personally so she doesn't have to deal with her own feelings and preferences. But, with a bit of patience and a firm hand, you could coax Shadowheart into easing up, allowing herself to be taken care of, and to enjoy just a simple hand job or the too soft touch of lips. She's a bit of a project, but especially if you enjoy a bit of darkness and danger, very rewarding.
And Shadowheart would be big into reciprocation, you can't do something nice for her without her doing the same to you. And she'd take it as a point of pride that she's very good at making people beg for mercy. I think she'd become very giving over time, if you can be patient and teach her how to enjoy herself, in time she will give as much and more back to you.
And to be clear, not suggesting she doesn't also and always enjoy a bit of bondage and sensory deprivation, but I think she'd enjoy it more once she's come to terms with the fact this is not a service she's required to provide, an act which could determine her worth, but just occupations she enjoys for herself, outside of external validation. Teaching Shadowheart to masturbate could be huge. I do worry about her some times. A little self-love lessons might be necessary.
Edging also definitely something to try here. The slower the better. But, it's gotta have that pay off, or she'll start circling back to denial is the end in itself. Which... maybe sometimes, but there's also a lot to be enjoyed in the climax too!
Hard to find a sweeter, gentler soul on the road. And a softer touch too. Needless to say, it's a lot of firsts with Wyll. But, he's a quick study and enjoys being tender and lovely. And I'll say it right now, even with this illustrious company, I don't think anyone gives better head than Wyll Ravenguard. Such a soft mouth and singularly focused and determined, he genuinely enjoys it too. It's such an act of service and this boy is all about acts of service. He wouldn't even get distracted by his own pleasure, just entirely focused on what he can give you. Halsin might have greater skill, but that heartfelt desire is unparalleled.
Wyll is made to be commanded, he will do whatever you say in bed. Even if you gave him control, I'm not sure he'd want it and definitely wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, not to say he's a pillow princess, those hips are doing their share of heavy lifting. Just to say that he wants instruction, he wants to follow your lead and let you tell him what to do. Praise would be huge here, tell him what a good boy he is, how well he's doing, he'd go mad.
To prolong the pleasure, a little orgasm denial may be useful, make him work for it. He loves a challenge and a test to prove his worthiness. And, in time, you could get experimental with him as you build his confidence. Maybe a little exhibitionism. Maybe a little bondage, a little role play. As long as the trust and love is there, Wyll's willing to try anything once.
Maybe the most fun thing about Wyll is Wyll actually can keep it down. Some of us just have to scream about it, but Wyll can actually get away with a fair mount because of his cool exterior. And Wyll is available for quickies, an advantage over some others here since he doesn't require a huge amount of energy set aside to have a good time. Wyll responds better to smaller but frequent affection and physical touch than big events spaced out. And Wyll is impulsively romantic, he likes to surprise with fun ideas and sudden invitations, which is a reward unto itself.
And a win for Team Sexualizing Old Men! I remember my roots. It is truly a tragedy that Larian won't let me sex up that old man. Look at him, you know it'd be good. So tender, so thorough. And Zevlor deserves something nice god damn it.
You know he knows what he's about. None of that shy, awkward fumbling you get with the new kids. Heck, he probably knows how to get you off standing against a wall, still in his armor! A true prince among men here. Don't think because no one's asked in awhile his skills have diminished.
Very passable oral skills, surprisingly long stamina, not just in oral too ;). Not the fastest ride you'll ever have and some positions are probably going to be out, battle-scarred knees and such, but for my money, absolutely delightful. Don't have to contend with more power than sense here.
And hey, if you want some Honorable Mentions like Aylin, Enver Gortash, or Dammon, let me know! I'm always down to give sexual headcanons no one wanted! 
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the-kingshound · 22 days
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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cancerfairy · 2 years
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𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙿𝚝.𝟺
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since i'm feeling much better i've decided to finally put out another astro observation post for y'all! thanks for supporting my blog, i'm grateful to all of you <3 here are my other observations: one, two, three ;*
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𖡎 leo risings love giving their friends/lovers all kinds of gifts whether they're handmade or even giving free readings to them
𖡎 cap or sag in the 11h may attract older friends or act like the oldest in their friend group when they might be the youngest
𖡎 if you wanna know which year was or will be your worst check the sign of your 8h in your natal chart. then check to see if that sign is the same for your ascendant in your solar return chart that you thought was the worst year. if you feel the year hasn't happened yet, check your future solar return charts to see. then check to see where the ruler of your 8h is in your natal chart. for example, my friend said her worst year was in 2017 bc of school. she has an aqua 8h and her solar return chart ascendant was in aqua. the ruler of her 8h was in the 9h which has to do with school
𖡎 for saturn in 4h natives, most people will think they're very closed off and private as a first impression (which they are to some degree), however once you get to know these people, they have a habit of making people feel super comfortable and welcome. they are the sweetest people with the hardest childhoods
𖡎 people with major libra placements, like a stellium (with little to no water) tend to be very insensitive towards others feelings and problems. i've noticed that most of these people have sympathy but lack empathy
𖡎 i feel like uranus in 7th individuals prefer low maintenance friendships bc they value their independence and don't always like someone constantly texting them (especially if they have a ton of air placements)
𖡎 moon in 6h natives have a huge soft spot for pets and animals but sometimes they'll hide that fact if their moon is in scorpio or capricorn. i've noticed these signs tend to take awhile to open up to their pets
𖡎 cancer & taurus placements are super cranky when they're woken up by someone. it's like they turn into a different person and if you don't want that side of them then don't interrupt their sleep !
𖡎 on the other hand, if a cancer/taurus placement doesn't get mad when you wake them up then you must be really special to them
𖡎 earth in 3rd house natives tend to sound super blunt and almost mean to others despite their mercury sign
𖡎 same thing with mercury-saturn natives. they tend to be very blunt and straightforward. perhaps they had to learn many lessons about the way they speak to others and how they come off because it can be viewed as rude even if they mean well
𖡎 people with earth or fire in their 2nd or 3rd house tend to have deeper voices
for example: i have aries in the 2nd and taurus in the 3rd and my voice is pretty low/deep
𖡎 venus transiting your 5h could mean you'll meet someone you'll be in a relationship with soon. this could also apply to sun, moon, jupiter or mercury but make sure there are atleast two planets transiting your 5h
𖡎 gemini, virgo & aqua placements are the most observant people ever. they watch your behavior and mannerisms as if they're studying you. i've also seen scorpio & cancer placements (esp if cancer placements have air placements too) do this as well.
𖡎 taurus and libra moons are the ones that sign and dance when they eat/get food they like
𖡎 libra moons are always online shopping
𖡎 having virgo in 2h is like going to the mall, picking up all the stuff you like and then when you get to the register you start putting stuff back bc you think its too expensive and ending up buying 2 things at the end
𖡎 aries/pisces/1h placements tend to have really nice or pretty eyes/eyelashes
𖡎 leo moons have such pretty hair and i noticed when they have curls (which they usually do) they're big curls or their curls are very defined
𖡎 saturn in gemini in the 4th natives/saturn in 4th/chiron in 4th/cap in 4th/mars in 4th (sometimes lilith) all grew up far too fast during their childhood. their parents were most likely abusive and/or narcissistic. they've left the native with an obscene amount of trauma to deal with as adults and most don't know where to start or heal from it. their problems were never taken seriously or even heard and parents often never let the native stand up for themself or criticize the parent without punishment. these natives were silenced and often felt alone or invisible
𖡎 the biggest lesson for mercury-saturn aspects especially conjunctions is to think before you speak. naturally this aspect forces you to do so but with the conjunction it causes people to become very blunt to the point where it may hurt others feelings. saturn here tries to teach you how to speak in a way that's efficient but won't hurt others feelings
𖡎 venus-saturn aspects may love vintage clothing especially now that it's trending more. they're also fond of old movies or just old vintage things in general
𖡎 the 8h is opposite the 2h of self esteem and self worth so i feel like the ruler of your 8h is where you get disrespected the most. for example, 8h ruler in the 7h? you might get disrespected in relationships. 8h ruler in 4h might get disrespected by their family the most.
𖡎 2h ruler is where you may feel appreciated the most bc it rules your self esteem. 2h ruler in the 6h may struggle with liking their bodies for awhile but as they grow up, people may compliment their bodies more or they may become meow accepting of it. 2h ruler in the 2h may start to appreciate themselves as they grow up (depending on the planet in the 2h) and start liking their voice more. 2h ruler in the 5h might appreciate their talents more or become more accepting of their romantic side.
𖡎 i've noticed a lot of 8h placements (specifically saturn or stelliums) tend to get bullied when they were younger!
𖡎 aries venus (males) usually are so direct when they like people and you'll always know it but when you're the one being chased by an aries venus i noticed that they tend to stop chasing once they feel they "got you". you stop being a prize for them to win and so they start to get bored or become uninterested in you. it's almost like you have to keep being exciting for them to stay. if you want to keep an aries venus, be unpredictable and play hard to get! (this usually only works on guys tho)
𖡎 if you have an aries 5h or gemini 5h you may attract younger partners! this may also apply to mercury in 5h people or your ruler of the 7h in the 5h!
𖡎 people with sun-mercury conjunctions always talk ALOT especially if it's in a mutable sign!
𖡎 saturn in water houses causes the native to be afraid or reluctant to open up to others. these people tend to be afraid of vulnerability. saturn acts as a lock and key in these houses so the natives have trouble expressing the themes of the houses to others when asked to and it's almost as if their lips are glued together.
𖡎 taurus moons/ lilith in 2h can struggle a lot with eating disorders or may have a difficult relationship with food. ex: in jennette mccurdy's new book she talks about struggling with bulimia and she's a taurus moon. if these natives also have moon-jupiter aspects they could be prone to eating their feelings away.
𖡎 leo moons can sometimes have daddy issues, as in, either their father wasn't in their life or they don't acknowledge them at all
𖡎 i noticed that some leo placements (especially if they have 6h placements/cancer placements ) tend to do favors for other people but always expect you to do something for them otherwise they'll try to hold it over your head and say "well i did this for you so why won't you do this for me?!" they're generous but expect that generosity to be returned.
𖡎 4h, 6h & 8h people often become peoples personal therapist bc they lack the boundaries to say no to others. they enjoy helping people but it leads to them becoming very drained and tired and so they may take time to themselves or just disappear from friends for awhile. you guys need to learn how to stop feeling guilty for not being there for others and instead you should choose yourself! don't help others at the expense of your mental health!
𖡎 ik i wrote this while answering in an ask but virgo venus's either have people that criticize them (their looks) or they critize themselves to the point where they can't recognize their beauty which is why a lot of virgo venus celebs like bella hadid, kylie jenner, kim kardashian and others get plastic surgery. pls virgo venuses learn that your natural beauty is perfect <3
𖡎 virgo moons are probably the hardest moon signs imo to get to know on an emotional level bc they're so careful with their words and don't like oversharing at all. if they do end up oversharing, they feel embarrassed after (i noticed this manly in men tho... specifically aqua men)
𖡎 pluto transiting your natal 6h or being in your solar return chart can cause major health changes. i've noticed it causes health problems or a sudden development of a health issue. it can also cause your weight to fluctuate
𖡎 an 8h sun in your solar return chart can make you constantly second guess if your ego is getting in the way of your plans. it's a major ego death and really makes you aware of it's influence. you'll notice that you'll be more aware of "putting your pride aside" to make decisions
𖡎 i think this is obvious but leo stellium people are SO loud and act like literal little kids in front of their loved ones but i also noticed they take really good pictures of their friends or people they care about fr. they give a ton of compliments too (definitely love this ab them bc i'm a leo venus <3)
𖡎 one thing i noticed about aqua suns is that you can never really tell when they're joking through text bc they naturally have a serious tone or demeanor especially through text like you'd imagine them texting in a straight face
𖡎 if you have a stellium in your chart you may find yourself constantly attracting important relationships with others that have stelliums in their chart bc it's said that people with stelliums are "more powerful" since there's more focus on the specific sign the stellium is in or house
𖡎 having your natal rising in the same sign as your solar return rising sign can make you feel more like yourself during that year
𖡎 having a 10h stellium in your sr chart (especially with venus in it or venus conjunct the mc) could mean you'll get a promotion that year
𖡎 pluto in 2h in a solar return chart could go two ways: either your financial situation changes a lot or your self esteem changes a lot
in my case it was both bc my financial situation got better and my self esteem increased so much that i feel like my 12 yr old self would be so proud :,)
𖡎 having jupiter in the 4h of a solar return chart could mean you get a new addition to your family like someone might move in or a new child might be born in your immediate family. it could also mean you may move from your house
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𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚢 & 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎:
𐀶 having lilith in the 1h of a composite chart can either cause high sexual compatibility or cause you two to slowly resent each other
depending on the lilith sign you can see how or why you resent each other. for example: gemini lilith may resent each other bc of the way one talks to the other (constantly calling names or petty arguments)
𐀶 having an a fixed sun (i specifically observed scorpio & taurus) in a composite chart shows you two will be in each other's lives for a long time.
𐀶 having an aries sun or aries 12h of a composite chart can show that the relationship may end just as fast as it began.
𐀶 stelliums in composite charts are important whether they're house or sign stelliums because it means that you'll both impact each other's lives a lot
𐀶 however, a composite chart with a mutable stellium (i've mostly observed a virgo and gemini stellium) and barely any inner fixed planets (specifically the sun or rising) will likely not last because mutable placements aren't really stable but the relationship will atleast be flexible enough for you two to grow in it
𐀶 check to see if any of your natal planets conjunct your composite chart planets and that'll show you how you act as an individual in the relationship or how it affects you specifically. ex: i had a composite gemini stellium (moon, venus, mars & saturn) with someone and it was conjunct my natal mercury. needless to say, i needed a lot of mental stimulation in that relationship otherwise it wouldn't work
𐀶 on that note, having a lot of air in a composite chart shows you two both need a lot mental stimulation so texting or calling may be important to you two
𐀶 having a lot of water in a composite chart shows you two need a lot of emotional vulnerability or that it'll be a focus of the relationship
𐀶 having a lot of fire in a composite chart shows that you two will experience new things together and likely travel a lot or laugh often
𐀶 having a lot of earth in a composite chart can show that you two need to be physically with each other a lot or that you two need financial stability together. it could also indicate needing stable roots with this person or wanting to settle down with them. this could be a composite chart with someone you're with for a long time
𐀶 chiron in the 1h of a composite chart can either indicate a lot of healing or wounds resurfacing and being too hard to deal with
𐀶 neptune in 1h of a composite chart can make the relationship feel like a dream with the other person. you both feel like the other is your ideal person. the same applies to synastry that has a lot of neptune aspects such as neptune conj ascendant/moon-neptune or venus-neptune
𐀶 having inner pisces placements in a composite chart (especially moon) can really create a telepathic connection between the two people involved. i had this with someone and i swear i always knew how he felt or what he was thinking before he even said anything
𐀶 a relationship that will change you the most usually has a 8h placements in the composite chart or even an 8h stellium. it'll be the relationship you never forget and this could apply to synastry as well
𐀶 having gemini mars in composite means you two may like sexting or phone sex lmao
another observation of this placement is that the two of you may call each other names and it may really offend one of you even if the other meant it in a jokey way. this placement could indicate petty fights but they get dispelled pretty quickly
𐀶 hardly any moon aspects in synastry to your moon could make the relationship feel very dry and likely superficial
this especially applies to moon-saturn aspects in composite (specifically conjunct or square). since the moon usually rules the woman (if it's a heterosexual relationship) then she'll most likely feel empty or lonely in the relationship and it's hard to create an emotional bond
𐀶 mercury overlaying someone's 8h in synastry (if you're the mercury person) makes you literally spill all your business to them.
this can also apply to mercury in the 4h of a composite chart bc you feel "safe" enough to tell them
𐀶 having a leo rising/leo placements in a composite chart makes such a fun relationship/friendship with someone like it's just constant laughing
𐀶 having innner 6h placements in a composite chart show that you two can live with each other well and it shows you two may talk everyday or have some kind of routine you do together that's in harmony
𐀶 however, having a planet like pluto in the 6h in a composite chart can show you two don't like living together or it could be very difficult like you may hate some of their habits
𐀶 having chiron in the 8h of a composite chart can be a healing placement for your deepest wounds. it can cause both of your trauma to surface but together, it's easier to sort it out or talk about it
𐀶 besides venus in 5h being a great placement for either composite or synastry, i noticed in a composite chart it shows that you two enjoy indulging in the others hobbies and you two probably love doing similar activities
𐀶 having north node in the 1h in synastry or composite (or conjunct the composite ascendant) shows that you and the other person were meant to meet in order to move each other's lives forward. some are meant to stay and others are short lived just to get you in the direction you need to go
𐀶 having mars in the 2h in a composite chart might mean you two spend money impulsively or you just spend too much too fast
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
Sorry its me again from the matter manipulation request I forgot to add their personality.Their personality is more like Quiet,calm I wouldn't call them a villian but they are also afraid of their own ability and they can't control lets say that they're a 2nd grade because they struggle with manipulating matter even tho it's like POWERFUL but they just struggle with it.
(Their power is like atom eve but they can control humans aswell since they can control atoms and molecules like changing ppl,their dna and stuff)
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Back in high school, he’d find ways to annoy you the most, not because he didn’t like you but because for a long time he thought you were shy and needed to get out of your shell.
He also was curious about your powers: always asking if you could make something smaller or bigger for him, make regular tea into boba tea, if you could shrink all of them and possibly start a war with the giant ant hill in the courtyard. Mostly it was just to tease you and get you to talk to him even if it was you constantly denying his requests.
He finds your low confidence in your gift a huge waste of potential, and it’s a bit frustrating for him to watch. He thinks you should have more confidence in yourself.
Even still, he knows you well enough by now that he has all your little worries and habits pegged whether it’s itching, nail biting, tapping, he can see all your nervousness, and also make it disappear with a single inappropriate joke.
You’re a calm and quiet person, which he says makes it much more special when he’s finally able to crack a smile from you or get you worked up over some dumb scheme he’s concocted.
Well into young adulthood, he continues to bug you about doing silly little things with your powers for him. He doesn’t think you picked up on the fact that he asks for these little things to help you practice your skills and new abilities without you noticing.
Geto is really fond of you. He has been ever since you notice him making a disgusted scrunch after choking down curses on a mission, and how you used your powers to literally make them an easier pill to swallow by shrinking them.
He finds you to be a soothing presence like Shoko, another calm compared to Satoru’s storm with Geto himself somewhere in the middle. It makes a good dynamic.
He spends a lot of time trying to help you come to terms with your power. He always defends you when Satoru would use your fear of your power against you in petty fights.
Suguru is always trying to make sure you’re comfortable with everything going on around them. He tries to make sure you don’t get teased too much, and he always has a calm way of talking to you that convinces you to join in with the others more. You’re observant of everyone else so he wants to return the favor and look out for you too.
He swears you have nothing to worry about when it comes to using your powers. If things go wrong, he’ll help you figure it out. Although, he does enjoy how happy you get when you get something right, likes to pat your head.
After he defects from Jujutsu High, he gives you the offer to come with him. You wouldn’t have to feel pressured to use your powers anymore if you did. He wants all sorcerers to live a free life especially you. 
Your personality makes you more favorable to him than other people. He knows your potential is strong and respects you for understanding, accepting, and trying to manage yourself to avoid hurting others. It’s the slow and steady method. However, this still causes him to underestimate you at times and overly worry about your mental wellbeing.
He does his best to protect you and give you direction, taking the lead even when your technique is realistically better for most situations.
You have to study a lot to learn all the different things you can do with your technique and so you both can bond over being readers and take each other’s suggestions on books or television programs.
However, there’s not really any other times where the two of you can be around each other a lot due to your grade difference and you’re both not the type to seek others out unless you need something so the relationship remains at a respectable level to friendship.
The two of you get along fairly well since you’re both quiet people. However, that means that when you spend time together, there isn’t much talking as there is enjoying the company of someone else, which causes the two of you to get teased a bit as a quiet duo.
You’re both the second grades in your group, and you both got mental hangups about your powers. When Megumi notices this in you as well, he tries to help out, repeating what Gojo says about being greedier, but he gets a little embarrassed and says to ignore his rambling when you still seem confused by it.
He enjoys working with you, your powers open up endless possibilities to use in battle, and he wants to be able to think of more creative ways to use his powers in the way that you can so he finds your technique pretty/interesting to watch.
Megumi is a little more self-conscious around you. You’re very quiet and calm, maybe serious, he isn’t entirely sure because you don’t speak your mind a lot. He doesn’t judge you for it because he can be the same way.
He doesn’t feel the need to pressure you into speaking more than what’s comfortable. When you become better friends, he realizes he likes having your company without the pressure to entertain you.
He thinks you’re the best one in the school who can understand all of his worries. Itadori and Kugisaki understand him well, but he thinks maybe with you it’s more mutual), or at least he hopes he’s the same for you. 
Extra: You’d probably be able to learn from Yuki Tsukino as well. She doesn’t exactly have matter manipulation, but her mass manipulation technique could probably inspire some ideas. It would also lead you to being like teammates with the ever-boisterous Aoi Todo.
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
NikGraves? They’re slowly becoming one of my favorite ships
This is gonna be a lot like the last one just without Price so it'll be interesting to see how that changes the dynamics
Feel free to submit ships or other questions about the ship like "Who takes the hottest shower?"
Who was the one to propose? Graves. He knows when he likes something and isn't going to shy away from keeping it
Who stressed more over wedding planning? Still Nik. I can see Graves being stressed at first but then he mentions it to a few of the Shadows closest to him and boom! He's got like a professional wedding planning team.
Who decorated the house? Graves. Nik wanted to but Graves has so much gifted to him from his Shadows they had no choice. Of course, the only stuff that goes up is stuff Graves likes. He's got class, after all.
Who is more organized? Once again going off the idea that Graves is really good at keeping up appearances of being organized, but it's Nik that's keeping track of stuff. They make an incredibly well-functioning duo which scares people. Truly a power couple
Who suggested kids first? Still Nik as a genuine topic. Graves gives in pretty easily, especially when they find the cutest little girl and take her in. Now, all I'm picturing is Graves waltzing into Shadow Base with their little girl just proudly showing her off. Idk why this is a thought I had with this, but Graves calls Nik his "big bear" cause like, duh? And it kinda sticks until they adopt their daughter and then suddenly he's "Papa Bear" and she's little "Pooh Bear". So of course Graves got her a little bear onesie complete with ears on the hood. And she's running around on the base, and the Shadows are all 'screaming' "There's a bear loose!" and it takes a bold Moose to rein the terrible monster in *I am not sorry, Mike :D* Another super cute idea relating to NikGraves and their toddler: Graves, holding her up like Simba in that one scene: BEHOLD, A CHILD! *cheers and screaming from the Shadows. There are some of them crying* *Graves could not be happier*
Who's the cuddler? Nik is still the cuddlier one. Graves gets dogpiled a lot during the day, but poor Nik has no one to cuddle "except for you, lyubov ;)"
Big spoon/little spoon? They interchange a lot, but Graves does his best to be a big spoon, even if he secretly melts when Nik just wraps around him from behind.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Horse back riding. I dunno I just see them doing that for some reason. They continue going to the same place after adopting 'Pooh Bear' because there's a special program for young families (ie families with small children) and she's just giggling madly while riding the cutest pony. (This idea has possessed me. This is your fault, @mike-like-t-scream all yours! We're just trading brainworms at this point, aren't we? First it was you with Moose, then me with the fucking YouTuber AU, and then you with Graves, and now me with NikGraves and their toddler daughter)
Who cooks? Graves. He knows how to feed his man. Mostly cause his Southern ass would drop dead if the love of his life hadn't eaten properly all day
Who comes home drunk at 3am? Nik on the rare occasion, but if there was a party with the Shadows, it's Graves or one time it was both.
Who kills the spiders? Nik, but he's under watch. I genuinely feel like Graves is the type of mf-er to have been like "Oh, yeah, guys I got this" during his recruit days, only for him to have been bitten and break out into a horrendous allergic reaction. Nik and Graves both don't to risk him having another allergic reaction like that
Who falls asleep first? Even though Nik is a pretty chilled out, sleepy looking kind of guy, he's genuinely so bad about sleeping. Look at that man and tells me he gets the recommended amount of sleep at night, I fucking dare you. SO therefore, Graves always passes out the second he hits the mattress. He's either 100 or 0, no in between.
A head-canon? Graves actually has a few siblings, and he's still relatively close to his family. Close as in he enjoys visiting on the holidays and for special occasions but other than that, they don't really talk much. Not for bad reasons, just more like he and his siblings all grew up and have lives of their own now. His family members were not fans of Nik, at first. Especially Graves's parents. Hell, this guy's probably a good ten years older than Graves if I had to guess, and which means Graves's parents are about the same age distance apart, assuming they were in their twenty's when they had Phil. It took a while for them to all warm up to Nik, which he probably expected, but they were never outright mean to either Nik or Phil. His mom definitely voiced her concerns, and his dad definitely threatened Nik (to which Nik treated it with such seriousness and he like shook Graves Sr.'s hand with a grim "With my life, I will protect him" to which Graves Sr. is like "oh yeah, this dude's chill!"). ALSO Graves is definitely a middle child. He gives off such strong feral middle child vibes to me, I just... He's the middle child, I promise.
Do they have any rituals? Graves's rituals for safety, fun, and winning during the Shadow Olympics and Nik's stretches for safe flying.
Who has the most patience? Nik, obviously. This actually concerns his parents-in-law cause let's be honest, the Graves family is probably a bit messy and they all have pretty short tempers with each other. Meanwhile Nik's just chilling, he's vibing with the old family dog while his husband and brother-in-law are wrestling over the last burger, as if they both aren't in their forties.
Gif that sums up the relationship:
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*is still sick* Hehe cats
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extralively · 2 months
Satoru's apartment (Part 1)
Continuing with my whole thing of trying to make the characters' apartments from my fic in The Sims, let's finally get into Satoru's apartment! ....Or part of it, because his apartment is fairly big lol. Here's the layout:
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*The office and washroom are blurred because I haven't actually gotten around to them yet lol
Satoru's place is pretty big, but not the biggest he could have afforded because he is just one guy... so a fairly "modest" apartment will do.
("modest" my ass lmao)
His apartment is pretty neat, which tends to surprise people that expect someone like him to make a mess of things, lol. But Satoru had a pretty strict childhood so some things just stuck with him, and along with the way his family never allowed him to decorate his room in the Gojo Estate with trinkets and stuff, most of his apartment ended up the same--almost void of personality. The things he actually cherishes are kept away from prying eyes, even if this is his own apartment.
Honestly, I had a few very vivid images of what I thought his apartment looked like in my head (or parts of it), and it was kinda tough trying to put them all together into a definite layout lmao. If I made some weird architectural choices, well.... good thing I'm not an actual architect! I just really wanted to make it look like how I pictured it in my head.
In this post we'll take a look at the living room/fireplace/dining area and the kitchen after the cut!
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The entrance is pretty spacious, and right behind the camera here there's a door leading to a whole ass closet for shoes and coats and stuff.
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This here is the living room, where Satoru spends a lot of his free time watching movies (especially when he has people over. And by people I mean Yura and Shoko, mostly). He has a bunch of DVDs and Blu rays there on the shelf behind the TV, and he also has a couple of video game consoles that he doesn't use a lot.
Yes, this is where the Movie Night oneshot took place (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... among other scenes.
(That corridor in the second pic with the white door leads to the guest bedroom, the office, and the washroom. That white door is the guest room, specifically.)
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This is the fireplace area! Satoru doesn't actually use the fireplace a lot since he has central heating in the entire apartment, but in the opening chapter of Deeper in the Dark, this is where Satoru made a little pillow nest on the floor for him and Yura to snuggle... and yes, other things.
It's got a pretty good view! (...just pretend it's Tokyo back there)
(That corridor in the first pic leads to his bedroom.)
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Here is the dining room that Satoru only uses when he has people over, otherwise it's just easier to eat in the kitchen or outside in the balcony (more on the balcony in another post... cause I still need to make it prettier lmao)
Also I might make some changes to this dining area at some point because I'm not 100% sure on the decor yet....
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And here's the kitchen! This is the one place that has the most trinkets on display, a lot of novelty items that were mostly gifted to him by Yura over the years (and that he actually makes a point to use). Funny mugs, cookie jars, silly sugar bowls--since Satoru is filthy rich, it's very hard to give him gifts, so Yura eventually found out that he actually likes being given 'stupid stuff', in her words.
I had a very vivid image of the kitchen entrance in my head from that chapter where Yura was sleeping in the guest bedroom after coming back from NYC, and she sleepily stumbles into a shirtless Satoru with his back to her by the counter... cue her brain short circuiting for a moment lmao.
Anyway, next up should be the bedrooms! It's been a struggle making this apartment because I had to download so much CC and mods to be able to make things look the way I wanted to, and I'm still constantly changing things lol. If I do decide to change something, we'll just call it Satoru renovating his apartment at some point throughout the years lmao
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mysadcorner · 2 years
So I am LOVING all the Jason content and was wondering, do you have any "in general" Jason todd headcanons?? Just stuff off the top of your head?
Thank you very much and that is my request
General Jason Todd Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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• Jason is pretty sentimental so it’s not surprising that he’s kept some little mementoes from when he was a child hidden away. Both from before and after he met Bruce consists of these things, and he wouldn’t tell anyone about them unless he truly knew they were going to be a life long partner.
• He’s one of the most emotional people you could ever meet, not that’s not in a bad way. It just means that he has a need of telling you how he’s really feeling and opening up to you whenever he can after needing to hold everything inside for so long.
• After his loving situation when he was a kid, Jason is actually surprisingly clean. Someone who just met him would never expect it, but he likes to keep everything neat and organised (especially the books he’s collected over the years).
• Every time you tell something to Jason he remembers it, meaning that he’ll eventually remember every little thing about you without needing to think too hard. It’s because he cares so much about those around him that he does this, and he secretly hopes that you do the same for him.
• Jason is definitely the type of person to hold a grudge against a person even if he’s made up with them. Regardless if they’re both on friendly terms now, he will remember things and potentially hold it against them for future reference if things do happen later on.
• Despite Jason enjoying the day time as much as the majority of other people, he is definitely a night person. At night he feels much more free and able to do as he pleases, and he’s also able to get the most action with bad guys and contribute the most as a vigilante.
• Jason would try not to settle down with someone he couldn’t see himself being in a relationship with in the long term. It takes a lot of effort for him to open up to someone and be truly vulnerable around them, so this is absolutely something he’d prefer not to do on a regular basis.
• Jason is a huge fan of pets, and he’s actually been disappointed by not having more quality time with animals throughout his life. Yes they may leave hair everywhere or you need to clean up after them, but they’re adorable and provide wonderful comfort to people.
• Whenever Jason buys someone a gift he tends to incorporate a hidden message or buys it because of some sentimental reason. He likes to gift things that people may need or have a deeper meaning as he’s so pushed by how those around him make him feel or how well connected he is to them.
• Jason is hesitant to letting you comfort him at first as he’s so used to keeping his hard exterior, but after getting the chance to know someone properly then he’ll feel more willing to confess how he’s feeling. Jason is also excellent at comforting others as he’s been through so much in his life and has dealt with a lot of innocent people going through terrible things as he’s a vigilante, so he projects what he knows people need onto them rather than messing around and simply giving advice.
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fawnfictions · 10 months
are you still receiving requests? if yes, can i ask for the monkey boys (separately) with a tsundere s/o?
like, their love language is acts of service and gifts so they often cleans the boys’ things and buy them things that they heard they would like to have? and they just look away and shrugs like telling they had nothing better to do or ‘whatever’... also touch starved! they get hyper flustered and cute when receiving touch or affection in general but secretly wants more.
uh, whatever...
— macaque & wukong x gn!reader
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wasn't sure if 'monkey boys' included MK or not—if it does!! feel free to send in another ask and i'll do another for him, too :))
;; romantic, fluff, no warnings? tsundere behaviour.
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- he would find this behaviour very cute.
- likes to tease you a lot for it, revelling in your flustered state and whines, trying and failing to deny his flirtatious words.
- he's lowkey glad that you struggle with handling physical affection, because it distracts you from the fact that he can't handle it, either.
- people around you two, staring with deadpan expressions as you whine and fluster at Macaque placing an arm over you shoulder, pulling you close to himself as a bright red blush covers his face, unable to make eye contact with anyone.
- you'll both be awkwardly reaching for each others touches and attention, touch-starved but struggling to handle the feeling.
- eventually, you both work it out, though—he gets a lot more confident and cockier with his advances and flirts, and you get a little more used to it, while still flustering.
- honestly, Macaque is quite lazy in nature, and with the occasional depressive episode he puts himself through because of his past, his places tend to get a little... messy, to put it lightly.
- although he may not show it, you cleaning up after him REALLY helps his mental health, and he appreciates it more than he can possibly admit.
- genuinely, though, if he comes home after a long day to find that you've cleaned his belongings and furniture, he won't be able to stop himself from falling in love even more.
- depending on his mood, he'll either kiss you on the spot and force you to relax on the couch with him, or he'll discreetly show his gratitude through an expensive gift somehow turning up amongst your things, or that one restaurant you've been craving arriving at your front door.
- but, if you get him a gift in return, he'll feel bad.
- Macaque isn't used to people buying stuff for him, especially as often as you do, so he's constantly trying to convince you to not waste your money/time on him, or is getting you a gift of similar expenses in return.
- keep it up and keep insisting that he deserves it, he'll eventually get used to it and won't feel as bad or undeserving of it all.
- he honestly adores your stubborn nature.
- Macaque loves that you usually have a response to his witty comebacks, or that you at least try to fight him on it.
- he likes the fire inside you, and is constantly adding to it with the intention to purposefully rile you up.
- sometimes, he may take it too far, though.
- once he realises he upset you, he'll feel really bad about it and will do just about anything to gain your forgiveness.
- in all honesty, he fucking sucks at apologies.
- but he'll try his best, stuttering over his words and giving you a peace offering in the form of a cute plushie or a sugar snack that he knows you like.
- "a-ah, i'm... sugarplum, i'm sorry—i didn't mean it. could you, uh, can you forgive me?"
- just tell him you do and give him a big ol' smooch and his tail will be wagging happily.
- he'll still tease you, though, just for the fun of it; but, he learns your limits and boundaries, and makes sure not to cross them again.
- this man is also guilty of teasing you a lot.
- it's practically his love language, other than physical touch.
- he can't get enough of the look on your face when he flusters you, making himself blush in the process due to the extent of his love for you.
- it's not too difficult to fluster him back, though.
- he'll take any of your physical affections in stride, but isn't as used to someone flirting back at him, or pulling any... 'spicy' gestures on him.
- be warned, though, if you even TRY to do this, whether you succeed or not, he'll reverse it back onto you later, when you least expect it, to get his revenge.
- he's really good at seeing past your exterior personality, and understanding the true way you genuinely feel about things.
- he's thanking you for something, and you say, "whatever... i didn't do it for you, anyways."
- in reality, he knows the micro-expressions you make show that you're happy he appreciates your work, and the blush on your face solidifies this for him :))
- when he first met you, your reaction to his physical touches and affection made him back off a bit, assuming you genuinely didn't like it.
- but, later on, he realises that you lean closer to him whenever he's nearby, and that your hand trails after his when passing an object to each other.
- it makes his heart flutter to recognise that you do want his affections, you're just stand-offish and reserved in your own way.
- he's a lot more physical with you after that, cherishing his moments with you and finding your nervous reactions fun.
- he appreciates your acts of service and gifts, but he'd much rather spend time with you and enjoy the smaller things.
- he's Sun Wukong! the man already has plenty of objects and presents, its a problem, if anything.
- although, he won't leave your gifts in his hoarding piles, no, no—they've got their own place, where he won't lose them and the monkeys won't find them and destroy anything.
- as a compromise, though, he'll simply do these things with you!
- if you're getting him a gift, he'll go shopping with you! or will keep you company/offer help if its something that you make yourself.
- if you're cleaning around the mountain (good luck getting through the hoarding piles), he'll do it with you! helping sort things into piles, or taking out the trash—he just wants to spend time with you :(
- you'll probably yell at him for it... if he can help you clean, why can't he clean it HIMSELF???
- this is lowkey hypocritical of him, though, he likes buying you gifts a lot, especially if its Monkey King themed; he'll buy anything that reminds him of you (which is a lot, considering you're almost constantly on his mind).
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MERRY CONSENTMAS. Let’s talk about personal space/belongings. I’m thinking of kids particularly but this could apply to anyone.
Ok so you’re at someone’s house. You wouldn’t invite yourself into the primary bedroom to have a look around, right? It shouldn’t be different for kids’ room. That is also a safe, private, and personal space for somebody.
Just because the same child was super excited to show you their room and all their stuff last year doesn’t mean they feel the same way this year.
Honestly, adolescents are even more likely to be self conscious of their space and stuff than adults.
If there is a kid moping in a corner with a sketchbook, they don’t want to show you or explain why they’re drawing fanart of emo elves.
It’s going to feel extremely violating if you pick up that sketchbook and start turning pages. That’s not fun. If you are genuinely interested in their artwork or the book they’re reading, try asking a specific question. Remember, if someone is drawing or reading or playing a phone game at a big holiday event, they probably feel really weird and shy right now.
Food can also feel very personal. Idk, for adolescents, everything is personal. No one needs to justify being a vegetarian or gluten free or whatever. You’re smart, you get it.
Did you like being spoken of as if you and your siblings were a monolith of age and preferences? Of course not, especially when you were in middle school and thinking a lot about differentiation. There’s a big difference between asking the parent “Do your children ____” and asking the kids, “Do any of you guys _____”. I don’t care if it’s identical quadruplets, it goes a long way to show you see them as whole-ass people.
Teenagers are not going to think it’s cool if you try to act like their peer in any way shape or form. At best it comes off as immature and at worst is kinda creepy.
Say it’s a shared room. The younger child really wants to show you around. It’ll go a long way to ask their roommate before going in.
LAUNDRY. This is a normal thing to want to help with, and might be to totally fine. It might also be embarrassing for older kids.
Little kids too, especially around potty training. If someone needs help getting cleaned up, they might just want their parent.
When in doubt, ask “is this special to anyone?” before using something/sharing it with other kids.
Literally no one wants to hear your opinion on who’s sleeping with a lovie at what age.
I repeat. I do not care if there is a 17 year old with chest hair in this house wearing a blankie on his head like Linus from Peanuts. This Christmas, give the gift of minding your own.
And for the love of sweet baby Jesus, KNOCK.
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randoimago · 8 months
Day 30 - Mutual Pining
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Artagan
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): Because of Jester, I feel like this archfey pining isn't as creepy and greek mythology-esque as it definitely could be
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He is a powerful fey being, he does not pine for anyone. If anything, people and creatures pine for him. He's gorgeous and magical, who wouldn't pine for him?
And that's why he easily noticed you enjoying his presence. At first, he wasn't interested, sure the idea sounded fun. Maybe give you a chance to see how long until he made you snap. Jester immediately got on his case as soon as he started making comments. It's not his fault that you're thirsty.
But you're also not doing anything and it's causing him to grow more curious. He thought it was shyness. Maybe some cliche self-doubt because he's a fey being and you're not worth his time. But he doesn't see any illusions when he does make his presence relatively known. Instead, you just act pleasant, and it gets under his skin.
He starts to want to do things to try and get a different reaction out of you. He doesn't want the niceties or the pleasantries. So, he asks Jester what you're scared of. Find out little pet peeves of yours. Jester thinks it's a bit weird, but she gives him some info.
He absolutely uses that info to mess with you a bit, sees what causes what reactions for you, hangs onto every time your eyes light up because he made sure a specific flower grew in your path or made sure to lead you in the direction of where a baked good you enjoy is being sold. Not because he likes you or anything, but because he likes those reactions.
And then Jester gives him things that he likes, and he is happy and ready to thank Jester, except he learns that it's actually from you as a way to say thanks for his actions. Artagan begins to defend himself that it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart or anything silly like that. But he'll take the present because he likes gifts.
It's just a cycle of Artagan throwing things he knows you like in your path and you giving Jester presents to give to him. And anything he does have the time to pop in as himself, it's just politeness from you when he knows you like him. This cycle is only slightly skewed because at some point, Artagan begins to wonder if maybe you don't like him. Was that an assumption he made? Are you just nice to him because he's Jester's cool uncle figure? He wants to tear his hair out at the idea that he's been messing and courting you all this time for nothing.
"That's it, I've had enough!" Artagan is taken out of his chaotic thoughts of 'what if he saved you from a swarm of wasps, maybe you'd like him then' when Jester suddenly made that exclamation. "Arty, just tell them your feelings."
"Jester, I have no idea what you're talking about." He's an archfey, deny and gaslight and he'll be fine because he's not ready for this conversation with her. Especially because he knows how tricky she is, he helped raise her, in a way. The glare she gives him would make him sweat if he could (he'd never ruin his visage by sweating).
"I am not going to be in the middle anymore. Tell the truth or I'll go and tell them everything you've said to me about them," she says and Artagan gasps, a bit too dramatically, at her words.
"We made pinky promises Jester."
"Pinky promises be damned, this is love!"
There was a part of him that wanted to deny the love concept, but Jester wasn't budging. So, he said he'd think about it. He'd need some time to figure out a good way to do this and didn't want it to be some cliche. Jester gave him one week, material plane time, and he was very proud of the strong-arming she gave him.
So, one day, Artagan popped in as a simple merchant you thought you were buying from - he had no idea who actually owned the stall, but he doubted they'd mind you being given free stuff in the name of love - and he gave you a bright smile and asked if you come here often.
It's dumb, it's cheesy, but it causes a smile from you and you both talk, and he flirts. He thinks you flirt back? For his ego, he says you are. And then he flat out says, "I've been trying to court you for the past several months. So, are we going to be a thing, or will my heart be broken, and I vanish in a swarm of pigeons to go brood?"
The amount of relief he feels, not that he'd admit it because he knew your feelings all along, when you say that you do like him back. That you had done your own "courting" by having Jester give those thank you gifts. It's good, it's great, the actual stall owner is coming back so he needs to skedaddle really quick, but he'll pick you up that evening for a date fitting of an archfey's love. Good luck.
He doesn't think his heart has ever raced as much as it is now (well there was one time with this half-elf twink but-) and he never wants to do this again. He really hopes that he doesn't mess up with you.
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month
thinking about Donny developing a crush on Angel
Because I don't think it would be until after btts. There are moments in earlier seasons that are seeds to me, where I think they'd be in love looking back on it, if that makes sense? But when she gives him the best of the outfits in her intro episode and he enjoys dressing up more than we usually will see from him, I don't think it means anything at the time. Or in the Darkness Within when the creature makes him see her fall--I like best to read that as purely platonic in that moment. They don't know each other well yet--but it does tell us something about how deeply he values his friendships. And the fact that she comes to their Christmas party--okay she mostly seems to be there to help Raph torment Casey and April, but still, it shows some trust and level of effort that she's there. Because it's not like she can tell her grandma where she's going.
On my mind lately has been Donny, finally truly coming back to the present after getting Master Splinter back, wanting to move on quickly to the next big thing which he now knows is helping April start her own tech company, but he can't tell her that because 1) messes with the timestream and 2) she just got married. He needs to find ways to keep himself busy because when he doesn't have something immediate to deal with, he ends up having to deal with nightmares and shutdowns instead.
And then here's Angel, settling into her job as a hairdresser, just moved back in with Gramma because she needs help at home, trying to spend more time with the turtles because 1) they disappeared, that freaked everyone out, stuff is is always happening to them and this time she's not gonna miss it, and 2) trying to recapture memories because her life has gotten away from her so fast and now it's 9 to 5 and what ever happened to graffiti and beating up thugs? (she'll get those things back just dealing with early 20s time management struggle). She's not a very openly verbally affectionate person, she's always been super independent, she doesn't really know how to say 'hey i missed you guys, do you wanna hang out because sometimes if i don't see you for too long i get worried.' So she tries to feel useful. Invites herself on patrols with them. Hangs out a lot with Leatherhead learning first aid for mutants (lots of skills apply to both but he's the medical expert in their friend group of mixed creatures and given their various hobbies they could always use more friends who can help with injuries). And--most importantly for this post--brings things by that she thinks the turtles could use. Just little gifts. Fun accessories to help them blend ('trust me mismatched socks are cool, the sillier the better. No one's gonna be checking how many toes you have if you're wearing these'), her own art, extra screws and bolts upon noticing that Donny can always find a way to use them. It becomes a bit of a game, with her trying to spot things that could be taken apart and repurposed to see what he ends up doing with them.
Gifts are a big deal to Donny. Especially since, as noted above, without a crisis to deal with he's finding himself vulnerable as emotions he previously couldn't confront due to being in survival mode are coming to the surface. And now someone he already respects and cares deeply for is bringing him Items and taking an interest in what he does with them. I think this is the main thing that gets his attention. And once you have Don's attention you have All Of It because that's how his brain works what, projecting? me? . He's seeing how much she tries to take care of other people while trying to maintain this aloof 'whatever I'm just here for the free food' facade. Noticing that she likes to do her nails in colors that clash with her hair, when she does them, usually she keeps them plain. Taking an interest in human cosmetology (what an academically interesting subject). Finding her jokes funnier than he ever remembers finding Casey's even though they have a very similar sense of humor. Admiring how brave she is, heart swelling with warmth when she does little things to take care of her grandma, stomach fluttering when she comes over to play video games with Mikey and specifically asks him to join. Taking note of her favorite foods, taste in music, what types of games and movies she likes.
Slowly realizing that his feelings have evolved, trying to ignore it because he has no idea how pursuing a relationship would even work. And then one day as he's shaking himself out of his daydreams to refocus on fixing the dishwasher, realizing that more and more often it's her filling up his thoughts in quiet moments, instead of Shredder or Triceratons or Viral. Huh, cool. Maybe it's not a permanent solution, Master Splinter's been telling him he needs to allow these feelings to run their course, but--well, maybe he can apply that to the crush he's developed. That's something he has to deal with, too, and it sure feels nicer.
And then Angel (who is more observant and more confident than her friend group, mostly older than her, ever remember), asks him on a date. Now he has a big thing to focus on! And for the first time in what feels like ever, it's a happy thing. He's going to be the best boyfriend, Angel deserves to be so spoiled and he's good at that!
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Heyo guys!
Since my friend made a post about it, I figured I should make a separate post of it as well that could hopefully grab the attention of more of you out there. Especially since it's now not only become a recurrent issue for myself, but millions others like me; whose voices and pleas for help are often met with silence and no aid when it's needed more than ever.
My friend made this with the hopes it would get the attention of a lot of people. And the few that have so far responded, with boosting my signal, it's truly appreciated.
So, I figured I'd best give my story here.
For those who know me, they know that I've been through this before, not that long ago. For those that don't:
This isn't my first rodeo with my dad. This isn't his first offense, and I doubt it'll be his last. But, even my boyfriend commented that it's really like I'm Cinderella.
Which, would make my family Lady Tremaine and her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella.
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Yeah, not the most fun people to have in your life as family, let alone be analogous to your own.
But, for at least my brother on the matter, he doesn't mean to intentionally be cruel- if anything, he is just trying to survive from becoming the next target. Which, I get entirely. I oftentimes do the same for when a fight breaks out between my bio father and my stepmom.
But, that's besides the point-- the fact that they are even akin to that family dynamic is absolutely atrocious.
I'm often seen as a black sheep in my nuclear family- a dark horse, a scapegoat, pariah, outcast; hell, I'm almost synonymous to fucking Bruno Madrigal from Encanto, with a little bit of even Luisa for that matter with how bad her anxiety is.
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Sure, that sounds pretty awful, but that's like, a surface-level perspective of who I am and what I've been through. And I'm not gonna give you my whole life story here, but, as my grandma would always famously say:
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So, here are the said facts (bullets are Bruno related, indents are Cinderella)-
People used to see me as a gifted child when I was little, y'know? Like, my talents had no bounds. My way of being so empathetic and friendly to even the most awkward stranger was renowned by my extended family. I was awkward with communication, and often was very blunt but honest when talking to people, but I was a happy kid. And it's not like I'm not seen for my talents now, but they're brushed to the side more now as an adult because "you can't be living in a fantasy".
Since my dad and stepmom started living together, I've been made to become the maid of the house, doing most chores because the boys won't do it and my stepmom is incapable of handling all the chores and dishes on her own, so she's dumped most things onto me as a "way of covering for part of your rent". Which, I still have to pay upwards of 660-880 a month for. For one small room and a bathroom. For wifi use. And I still have other bills to pay, like for my car, insurance, credit cards, and stuff like that.
It wasn't until I was starting in my teens that my dad saw me very differently. I would often lie to try and keep the peace, because I feared that telling the truth would only hurt everyone more.
I started failing in math; I never got a grade higher than a C-average after sixth grade, because the teacher that year not only made me look like an idiot, but several times painted me as a villain and treated me like I was evil. Simply for standing up for myself amongst a group of classmates who would often bully me
I have little to no privacy in my own room. The only time I do is when I sleep, and that's even temporary at best. My father will routinely inspect my room and if it's not meeting his standards, he has me clean it or threatens kicking me out onto the street because he won't let me live in this house if I can't "do what I am required to do in order to keep living here" shit I wish I actually wish I had recorded him saying fr
He's taken off my door several times in the past as a punishment for not "adhering to his rules"- not okay as a teenager, even more not okay as a fucking twenty-four year old adult
(literal screenshots from conversations with my dad below)
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My bio dad started seeing me less as an honest and good person, because during my sixth grade years and beyond I'd struggle with being honest with myself, let alone my parents, about my personal and educational issues.
I've had to be the one to call out when things aren't right, and be shut down for it. I've been the one to call out my family's bullshit, only to get side-swept with the realization my perception of how they treat me is cuz they do believe something is inherently wrong with me for retaliating.
I'm often accused of mishearing things- like, my parents will say one thing, and then the next day, or weeks or months later, when I repeat that statement, they go and say "Oh, I never said that."
I've walked out of my parents' lives once. It only lasted two weeks, but I did have to take a step back from it all. Because I could see what it was doing to everyone in my family. And I love my family, despite their shit. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna walk out again- in fact, I'm working on a way to do so.
I relate more to pets and small children and even teens than I do older people.
I still have anxieties and fears over my talents and what I'm capable of, thinking I'm not good enough or that it's just the same old thing. The difference is I know it's not, and I know I'm worth more than this.
I have always liked the color green, and it was always a more mysterious color more than an evil or menacing color.
I often have had foresight of future events and get deja by when they do happen. Though, other times I just notice things going awry and I try to warn others of like, a possibility that they don't want to accept.
I lost friends and people who I actually enjoyed being around because of how I was growing up, and it was until I became an adult that part of it wasn't even my fault. A lot of the kids noticed my parents and didn't want to be around that kind of behavior with adults, because they could sense what I couldn't at the time, which was that my parents' behavior towards me was absolutely uncalled for, and rather controlling.
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I was only recently properly diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADHD; but before then, as an adult, I had more difficulty talking. Difficulty expressing how I felt. Trouble with finances. Being in the right headspace. Being able to take a step back and be like "whoa, now hold on- pointing fingers at me is only going to point three right back at you, let's not assume shit here". And it took a lot of support from my support systems and my boyfriend- @constant-state-of-self-discovery - to get a truly more accurate diagnosis. Cuz I've had three different diagnoses over the years, with the third being my most accurate one but I digress
I have echolalia and repeat funny phrases, hum music, etc.
When my brother was born - and I hate to use this comparison, but - almost immediately he became the Golden Child of the family dynamic. I was ten when he was born- and yeah, that's unfair for a baby, toddler, and little kid. But flash forward to when he's a bigger kid, when he's in his pre-teen stage and now a fourteen year old, who's gotten more educational advantages than I was ever offered or even given when asked. Who has had more positive experiences with his parents than I ever did. Who got the chance to actually go to the highschool he wanted to without having to worry about who I was really zoned for. Who is getting to work on his passion and talents. Yeah, that's totally not favoritism there.
I draw. I write. I legitimately can see myself voice acting one day.
I have often proved my family members both right and wrong about things in their lives, but I'm still the bad guy. Interesting how that works.
See, these are the facts that just have me relating to just Bruno and Cinderella alone, with how my life is. There's plenty of other shit to add on about my stuff, but that's enough dirty laundry to get the ball rolling.
The fact of the matter is this: I cannot live in such a place like this anymore. And if anyone can help, I'd seriously appreciate whatever cash, boosting, reblogging, sharing that can be done.
I'm tired of living a life like this. I want to move forward. I want to start my next chapter, away from abuse.
And I'm really hopeful for the first time ever that something good might come out of this.
(thank you @savythenillerwaffer , @nystiaa , @oswinunknown , and @anne-of-crows for reblogging along with the others who have spread the word.)
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