#bc otherwise its in danger of my dad getting into it
kenlvry · 2 years
Kyle x s/o who smokes nic n weed n gets all cozy when they highing yo, laying o ZAZA!!
high with kyle
an, never smoke weed b4 but i have a vape, does that count as nic?? idk. also what do you call it when you take a smoke.. like take a blunt?? take a huff?? take a hit?? i hope you guys understand what i mean bc im using it in this also gn reader, reader isn't colour coded so dw
"dont be a wuss and do it kyle, it's not like it can do anything to you or anything" you said as you pass the joint to kyle " smoking weed is literally as dangerous as smoking cigarettes" he said passing it back to you "boo ur no fun" you said as you placed it inbetween your mouth, kyle let out a loud sigh "fine give it, if i get cancer it's your fault" you laughed and passed it to him. you two were in your house, your parents isn't coming home soon so why not take this opportunity? he coughed a little but he smoked before so it was ok, still coughing you took it away from his hands "dude where did you even get this?" you were all giggly and took another hit "hehe stans dad" "maybe youve had enough of this, ur wayyy too high" you just laughed and he took more hits anddd before you know it you two were high, you two laughed at every single shit. your cat licking its asshole? funny as hell, you burped? fucking comedian. kyle then dropped the blunt and you were too high to get mad and just laughed "dude we should like totally make out" "what." you stared at him "just kidding omg you totally thought i was being fr" and you bursted out laughing acting as if mans was kevin hart. then the door flung opened, it was stan "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?? my dad told you bought weed y/n " you stood up walking over to him putting your hand around his shoulder "why? you want it on this?" kyle also walked over "cmon, this shit is actually good" "no thankyou, if you die 5 years from now i won't come to the funeral" you both laughed as he left your house "whatever loser". there were board games on your table and you decided to play snakes and ladders, classic game "cmon kyle what colour counter do you want" he then proceeds to put his counter on the board "kyle thats a chess peice" you to would prank call cartman acting like your funny "um hello yes you have contacted how to be a stripper hotline, do you want to be a stripper?" you two suppress laughter as if he cant hear the "dude shut up" from the other line, you can hear cartman let out a loud sigh "y/n youre the one who called me and this is the 3rd time you called get a life bitch" "thats definitely what a stripper would say" and you two burst out laughing , cartman blocks you atp. he'd green out first like mans is sweating in the middle of snakes and ladders but refuses to loose and is still rolling the dice "dude i think imma puke" "sick dude do it in the bathroom" and he vomits "i think.... i need to lay down" "LAY DOWN ON THE COUCH NOT IN YOUR OWN PUKE". when he wakes up he has no idea of what happens and claims he never smoked but you,stan,cartman and the vomit stain on your carpet says otherwise.
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ruthlesslistener · 3 months
On the post about your dad, while I'm aware of the issues around the choice of words, I myself have NPD and pwNPD can ABSOLUTELY be abusive if we're not self aware or otherwise trying to change our behaviours. I do my best to steer away from being emotionally abusive towards my partners but there have been times where they had to tell me to back the hell off. Not just that, I have an uncle who is the DSM textbook version of a narcissist. I'm aware I might get bashed for this, but I don't really care.
yeah like the thing is that I don't believe that narcissist traits are inherently abusive, but in this specific instance they very much are. While narcissism has negative connotations, I see it as a neutral characteristic that people are just like...naturally prone to do. The reason why NPD is a disorder is because that trait becomes overexaggerated to the point of it being maladaptive to the person who's got it, but that doesn't mean that they're inherently dangerous or abusive. However, if they're allowed to go unchecked then they very much can be abusive. In the case of my father, they are. It's not 'he's abusive BECAUSE he's a narcissist', its 'his abusive behaviors are all derived from the fact that he think that he's the only person who knows how anything in this world works, and he becomes violent if he perceives that he's being contradicted or disrespected'. Like, he's flown into an outright violent rage before over me saying 'hi' to my birds when I got home from school instead of him. Doesn't matter that I saw them first while he was somewhere upstairs doing god knows what, it still ended with him screaming about how I'm a rude, disrespectful, ungrateful piece of shit and how he should kill them or sell them off so that I would 'prioritize my family', and any attempts at telling him he was way overblowing that just made him angrier. I couldn't give less of a lick of a shit if he felt that way but kept it down/backed off after I clarified, but he never did. Even gentle attempts at trying to explain that he was over the top was seen as disrespecting him and could trigger another rage. I know bc that's how most of our fights go lmfao
idk, I just don't believe that disallowing people to say anything negative about a stigmatized trait isn't actually helpful to dismissing that stigma in the first place. A good example that I can think of where I'm qualified to speak on it would be OCD intrusive thoughts. People woobified the shit outta them as being shit like 'jump off this cliff' instead of 'this person who you just met is going to rape you and you need to be prepared to gouge out his eyes to get away/ you can crush this infant's skull so easily, here let's go through a step-by-step- playthrough of how that would feel and sound and smell as you cradle them', and now when people with actual OCD go around talking about or depicting those intrusive thoughts through art or writing, we're labeled as dangerous psychopaths. When in reality, as long as nobody is going through with any of that shit, there's nothing actually dangerous or wrong about having them. It's the severity of the person's actions that matter over everything else.
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- "ashe is an edgy kid thats mad at his dad, but when you tried to get him arrested i really didnt know how he would respond to that"
- "wavelength has a +10 to deception." "YEAH, AND THAT SHOULD BE A RED FLAG"
- THE CHOICE THIS EPISODE. to go with either tide or mark. it was flipped! they went with mark bc in a meta way they thought that would be the most exciting/dangerous and going with tide wouldve been the safe route. this is not the case if they wouldve gone with tide something crazy wouldve happened !!! mark was the safe option. hehe
- now theyre all disappointed they didnt go with tide:
grizzly: "what happened, charlie? you were so set on going with tide at first"
charlie: "i KNOW!! because he was THERE IN THE ROOM WITH US and hes TIDE and hes my... FOSTER DAD!"
- grizzly: dakota would always go with tide no hesitation. the only reason he didnt is because william said otherwise and he trusts william (<< im literally always so fucking crazy every time he says something ljke this)
- LOTS OF WILLIAM CRUMBS THIS EPISODE. i havent actually relistened to it yet and charlie is being really vague about what they are so i dont remember but. apparently there were a lot of little conversation moments that were dropped in here that allude to wiwi backstory
- "mark is a bitch" << theyre so fucking mean to him in the rolleds all the tjme. free my man
- "ashe is really mad at him right now but if he lost mark he wouldnt have any family left" HEY YAKKO???? hey yakko im at work rn dont do this to me .
- condi responds to this immediately with "welcome to the no family club, me and dakota are already here" guys please
- chorus of "i love tide"s . these kids have a favorite divorced father fr. sorry. no im not
- AND THUS BEGINS THE INFAMOUS LIZARD DISCUSSION. FORGOT THIS STARTED HERE. OKAY. im so mad this happens almost entirely in rolleds because most people miss it and the payoff is SO fucking funny. theyre discussing power levels. and in the m&m handbook it gives like. template enemy statblocks and some of those are animals and for whatever reason theres just a WHOLE PAGE of this that are various kinds of lizards and they all find this so funny. bc pd at this point is power level 6. the first thing listed on that page is an alligator..... which is power level 7. "we are not even strong enough to defeat an alligator at this point, we cant even go to florida safely" "dont worry tide we'll come save you from your inevitable offscreen death because we didnt come with you and instead went with asshole mark" (bizly, in tide voice:) "dont worry, just bring 4 alligators with you" THIS GOES ON. FOR A WHILE. ITS REALLT FUNNY. this continues to be a topic of conversation for ljke the next 3 rolleds so prepare for more lizard power level discussion
- they start talking about tides powers and apparently they thought he could breathe underwater and talk to fish but bizly describes him as "more like a water bender than aquaman"
- grizzly said this was lame bc he thought it was the other way around but then charlie was like "listen, we already have aquaman on just roll with it and its gillion tidestrider" this is not relevant at all but i have to include every time gillion is mentioned outside of riptide bc i hear his name and my ears perk up like a dog
- anyway. CONCLUSION to that is that tide cannot talk to fish but it is unconfirmed whether or not he can breathe underwater. which i think is neat :]
- "do you think people let le frog rob them because they feel bad for him" "do you think le frog gets hired for childrens birthday parties"
NOOO they could have gone with tide and had exciting times but instead they had 2 babysit mark the depressed widowed dad </3 thats ok tho i love when they have to babysit this grown ass man. i love the pd + mark winters shenanigans
"ashe is really mad at him right now but if he lost mark he wouldnt have any family left" WHAT IF I EXPLODED??? RIGHT HERE AND NOW???? HELLO
the lizards..... i an beginning 2 understand why overlord's reveal was so fucking funny. it was funny without context but the context is funnier
i like 2 think le frog gets hired for birthday parties <3 i love le frog. le frog i love u. favourite pd character right here. le frog u are everything 2 me <3
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
heyyy isnt it wild how when characters say that mk "literally never listens" that is Also a case of unreliable narration. mk listens a lot actually!! he listens to macaque's "you don't use a weapon, you ARE the weapon" monologue in 1x09. he listens to mac again in shadow play (since he was able to quote back the "then be a warrior!" bit). actually now that i think of it there are a lot lot lot of times when mk deliberately echoes someone else's dialogue and clearly he had to have been listening to them and internalizing it bc otherwise he wouldnt be able to repeat it (things like "chose the wrong successor," "to pain," and "harbinger of chaos" come to mind). the thing is tho that mk usually tends to listen to + internalize things that hurt him or otherwise confirm his own fears. so its actually worse in the long run for him!! :D
imagine you are MK. most of your life before this whole story began was you working under Pigsy, your boss/dad, and hanging out with Mei, your best friend in the world.
constantly, you will have Pigsy screaming up a storm about employee etiquette and how MK should clock in on time and “if you ever come to work late again, i’ll fire you!” or you have Tang telling you beautiful stories in exchange for free food because every tale he spins is magical and adventurous. or you have Mei who is a little bit like the little devil on your shoulder egging you on to another game or arcade or movie or outing because both of you never truly had a friend until you met each other and never know when to end your time hanging out.
and we see this in the second episode of season 1, where MK feels pulled in every direction with his job, spending time with Mei, helping out Sandy, and training with the Monkey King. EVEN BY S1 HE IS AT THE END OF HIS ROPE!!! And did anybody truly notice????? DID THEY????
and yeah, Pigsy, Mei, and Minky King are the big contenders for telling MK he isn’t listening, and honestly MK does have a problem with understanding the intent and meaning behind what his friends are saying as he’ll only take in the superficial. however, when it comes to the most stressful and dire times, MK is all ears.
he absolutely understood LBD’s words when she put him and his self worth down, he understood Macky’s ire and vitriol (and was able to piece together that most of Macky’s words are a shield), he understood SWK’s aversion for allowing MK and the gang’s help with finding the rings because of their mortality
here is my assumption of what MK is learning from the people around him (bc my personal headcanon is that MK learns and understands how to behave and react from the people in his circle):
he’s learning that his friends’ needs are more important than his own
he has learned that a lot of his worries are meaningless because they typically get brushed off
in addition to that, he learned that if he has any issues, it would be better to keep them to himself because it truly is no big deal and will find some resolution eventually
he learns that nobody is fully certain he can do things on his own
he learns that many people (the villains) believe he’s someone they can mold into their own
MK is internalizing a lot of shit. and we see a snippet of that behavior I think in s3 where he bemoans about not being good enough for SWK and Pigsy’s is like “woah, wait a minute….did that asshole really say that to you???”
and the thing is, Wukong didn’t say that nor would he ever intend to say something that would make MK think little about himself; however, Wukong has his own issue of never elaborating on shit, so while he may have said “listen, bud, this journey is super dangerous and life threatening, and you’re still mortal so it would be best if you stayed here” what MK heard was “since you’re still a weak mortal, this mission isn’t cut out for you”
and yeah it just eloquently shows how MK internalizes the worst of people’s words (hey, like mentor like student, am I right? 👀) which is why it is so easy for the antagonists to creep into his head (LBD, Mac, Azure, Ink!MK, possibly PIF???)
but yeah, what you said, bestie
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kmixer · 9 months
Mizu and kid Ringo
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🪼 Mizu and kid Ringo (NOT A SHIP)
🪼 cute story about them interacting
🪼 Sumary: Mizu is on her way to her next destination, but Kid Ringo thought it would be wise to follow her
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"Stop it" Mizu says as she tries to get the kid named Ringo, who introduced himself at least 5 times already getting of her leg. She recognizes him from a ramen shop she went to a day ago, and she was surprised he could be so quiet for his big, builded body. Otherwise, she would've noticed him so much sooner than only 5 minutes ago, and he hasn't shut up since.
"Hi, I'm Ringo, and I wanna be your apprentice!" Ringo said for the 5th time already. He has a strong grip on her leg and isn't planning on letting go any time soon.
Mizu signs as she gives up on trying to get him off her leg. "Okay, i know that already bc you keep repeating it, but like I said for so many times already, you can't. If I look at you, you're probably 7 years old and nowhere near ready to help me on my very dangerous mission" She said 'very dangerous' a bit louder so he would really pay attention to those 2 word hoping he would back down.
"But I don't wanna go back home my dad is mean and he always wants me to be quiet and whenever I mess up he beats me" He says on sad tone that made Mizu have a little compassion with him but then remembers that she doesn't have time for a child
"I'm sorry buddy but this is very dangerous and your fingers can be cute off one by one" she says not noticing his dysability.
"good thing i have none then" Ringo said showing his arms, no hands attached. He didn't look sad about them at all he was in fact proud to be able to do this much without hands.
Mizu looked at his arms and signs as she finally gave in. "fine come with me i'll give you food" She said walking further to a small city. She really wanted to get rid of him but she decided that she can't let him go without a empty stomach
"yay! thank you sir!" he said full exitement. He followed her to the small villlage amazed by the many people and the yummy food he saw
Mizu walked up to a stand and asked for 2 bowls of ramen and some extra food. Ringo looked exited to try someone elses ramen bc he always ate his self made at home
Mizu received the 2 bowls and gave Ringo one. "watch out its still very hot" She said while walking up to bench to sit, while Ringo sat beside her and blowed at his food so it would cool down
Mizu began eating hers at some minutes and so did Ringo, Mizu had to chuckle a bit when she saw how hungry Ringo was. When they were both done she gave the bowls back and walked up to a small hotel
"how much for a night for 2?" She said to the owner. "60000 yen" He said, Mizu looked in her coat for some money and gave it to him. The owner showed them their room and then closed the door behind them when they were inside
"go to sleep, its getting late already" Mizu said while taking of her hat and her sword, while getting under the covers
"what are you going to do with me?" Ringo said while also getting under the covers. Mizu ruffled through his hair and smirked "i guess you will be staying with me, only if you don't get in the way" she said and Ringo nodded while he dozed of the sleep
@carrot-love-to-be-indecisive requested this ff of Mizu and Ringo! Here you have it love, sorry that it wasn't sooner! but i hope you enjoy it!
also if anyone would also love and ff of Mizu then please requests some to me bc i would love to make them!
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
tmc fairy tale au!!!
SO this is actually a concept i had a few months ago that i never rly expanded upon.
first, let me explain the basics:
i assigned different tmc characters to different fairy tales, but they all exist in the same universe.
Adam - Rapunzel Evelin - Snow White/Flynn Rider Jonah - Little Mermaid Sarah - Gretel/Daughter from The Juniper Tree Mark - Hansel/Stepson from The Juniper Tree Cesar - Frog Prince Thatcher - Lumberjack guy from Red Riding Hood Ruth - Red Riding Hood Dave - Father from The Juniper Tree Six - Gothel Gabriel - Stepmother from The Juniper Tree Preacher - The Sea Witch Stanley - The Candy Witch Alt!Thatch - Big Bad Wolf
next, some art i made for the au!!!
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and now, huge lore dump! >:)c its gonna be long so buckle your seatbelts LMAO
so, the main plot of this au is basically that adam has been stuck in a tower in the middle of nowhere for almost 21 years. he had been raised by six, who is actually a witch set on taking over the kingdoms that surround the nearby areas (aka the counties). one day, six it out doing stuff, and while he's gone prince evelin (yes she's a prince bc fuck it) ends up finding the tower. she decides to climb it out of curiosity.
she ends up in a standoff against adam, but to try to deescalate things, they introduce themselves to each other. all of a sudden before they could talk more, adam hears six coming back and hides evelin in a nearby closet. evelin sees adam and six get into a fight abt adam wanting to go out into the world for once, but six is all "you're not ready" and it just gets really bad. all until six lovebombs adam and leaves again to get something for adam's upcoming 21st birthday.
evelin had exited the closet as six left, and she's like "you let him do that to you?" adam is like "uh yeah? he always does? i dont see them problem" and evie starts making adam question everything. she promises to take adam into the world but return him by night in case six came back. they'd also stay near the tower just in case as well.
cut to jonah's pov! he's a simple merman wanting to be a part of the human world! he sees evie and adam having a lot of fun and wishes he could join them. his dad (yes, if jonah is the little mermaid, the fucking mervin marshall is the king by proxy DCFVGBHNJ) is all like "nuh uh too dangerous, especially with most of the witches residing on land anyway" and jonah is like "FUCKING BET!"
he goes to the sea witch, preacher, and asks for legs and talks about seeing adam and evie hanging out! and preacher is like "im sorry WHO????" bc she knows that adam shouldnt be out and about. she makes jonah promise that as part of the deal, he must return adam to six in three days time, otherwise he'll turn back into a merman. he quickly agrees, and the whole deal is made. preacher does go tell six about this, and while he freaks out at first, preacher is like "it's ok dude i got this. i got a client to promise to return him home as part of our deal. you're fine m'dude."
jonah ends up on land and tries teaching himself how to talk while finding a cloth to barely dress himself with. adam and evie do eventually see him and they're like "yo who tf are you?" and while jonah cant talk, they do find a way to write to each other and they become friends!!!!
they do also eventually meet sarah at some point, and oh b o y does she have a backstory.
SO, in order to explain her backstory, let me explain the story of "the juniper tree" (copy pasted from discord LMAO)
"so a mother is peeling apples under a juniper tree and accidentally cuts her finger. the blood drips onto the snow on the ground, and that (somehow) grants the woman's wish to have a child as white as snow and as red as blood. she dies after giving birth to her perfect child, and the father soon remarries, having a daughter of her own.
she loved her daughter but hated her stepson and abused him every day and is all "i want my daughter to inherit your father's money." she then leads her children to a chest of apples one day. she lets her daughter pick an apple from the chest, but when her stepson came to pick one, she slammed the chest on his head and decapitated him.
she then set it up to where the same thing would happen again but the daughter would be there to witness it all, and her mother would gaslight her into thinking that she murdered her own brother. she then literally turned her stepson into soup and fed him to her husband. the daughter was so grossed out and distraught the entire time, but she couldn't rat her mother out. she ended up burying her brother's bones under the juniper tree.
then, he reincarnated as a bird and sung a song to some townspeople to convince them to help him get revenge on his stepmother. he gathered a golden chain for his father, red shoes for his sister, and a millstone to crush his stepmother. he reveals himself to his family and they live happily ever after."
here's the changes i made to the original story:
instead of just the mother dying, both of mark and sarah's prents die, and now they are in the sole custody of dave
instead of having the caretaker marry someone, dave asks his friend "o'brien" to help raise mark and sarah
instead of the stepmother dying, it is revealed that o'brien was actually the great mage gabriel trying to steal something important to their plans that dave just so happens to have
and thats it CFVGBHNJM. gabriel does try and come back every once in a while to coax gabe into either letting them come back or trying to make dave give himself up for sarah's sake.
cesar's story is also p cool imo! he is the prince of bythorne and evelin's cousin! they got along great when evelin was younger, but that stopped once cesar disappeared.
this was caused by him saving mark and sarah from the candy witch, stanley, who had lured them in to specifically kill mark. cesar saw what was going on and saved the two of them before it was too late.
later that night, stanley decided to be a petty bitch and curse cesar into being a frog so he wouldn't be able to save anyone else from her or her sisters' (in which six is her like. brother but i'll explain why later LMAO) plans. cesar hid in the shadows of mandela kingdom's palace for years since then.
since cesar's disappearance, evelin had wanted to take the role of prince to honor him. she also used it as a way to not have to be trapped inside the palace walls and coddled. she ended up still feeling stuck anyway, which led to her sneaking out to travel through the woods, which ofc led her one day to find adam's tower.
at some point (if anything this would be after evie and adam meet and stuff), evelin finds cesar in his frog form on the windowsill of the guest room he would regularly stay in whenever he would come to mandela to visit. he finds that she isnt revolted by his new appearance and is actually willing to help him out!
he explains that he learned that most curses can be cured by "true love's kiss", which in storybooks was always seen as romantic. he had always viewed evelin like a little sister, so he felt that he was hopeless.
that was until evelin thought of a loophole, since the stories never explicitly said that it was romantic, she would try to break the curse purely through the love she has for him as her cousin. she kisses the top of cesar's head, and cesar has returned to his human form!!!
...well, somewhat. the curse had altered his human form due to it not being broken for years on end, so cesar came back deformed. his limbs were too long and half of his face was always covered by a dark shadow. cesar did freak out about this, but evelin assured him that he'll always be her cesar, no matter what he looked like.
evelin and cesar explained the situation and cesar was finally returned to bythorne. he did write a letter a bit after wards telling her that he has resigned from his princely duties to become a princess! maybe it would help him not have to struggle with the expectations of needing to be brave and bold, and it would be a thank you to evelin for taking his role as a prince!!!
speaking of evelin, let's go back to her for a minute. so, i had also put her as snow white, but we haven't really seen her fulfill that role yet. weeelllll...
at some point in the story, six finds evelin alone in the forest and offers her to take a bite of an apple in exchange for knowledge about adam and his past. the thing is, evelin HATES fruit so she's like "ewww do i have tooo" and six is like "if you really wanna know, then you gotta."
evelin agrees and bites into the apple. it tastes so fucking gross, but she feels like she was to swallow it to finish her end of the deal. once she swallows, the pieces suddenly cling onto her throat, choking her in the process. as she struggles to breathe, six begins to tell her who adam truly is.
adam is a regular boy who six took as part of a deal made by his parents. lynn had been getting pregnancy cravings and wanting the rapunzel frm the neighbor's garden. she made jude retrieve them for her, but it wasn't enough. eventually, jude got caught by six and agreed to give up their firstborn child in exchange to continue taking the flowers.
once adam was born, lynn and jude were killed by six, and he took adam away to raise him as his prodigy. as a catalyst for the witches' plans.
as six is explaining all of this to evelin, she is trying her hardest to take him down with her. fuck the info he's giving her, he tricked her, and now he has to pay. she swings with all her might but falls in vain. her vision goes black as six walks away from her dying body...
there's probably a "mother knows best reprise" moment here and six is all like "oh you might wanna go save your friend if you care about her so much" and adam freaks tf out. she's desperately trying to think of something to help evelin.
eventually, the group remember's cesar's story with "true love's kiss" and they're like "fuck it let's try that". adam, while literally sobbing, plants a small kiss on her forehead and prays for her to wake up.
while this is all happening, evelin ets visited by mark's spirit. he basically hypes her up and is like "you got this girlie!!!" and she wakes up after adam plants his kiss on her. she starts to choke again, but adam helps her with it and heimlichs the apple out of her throat. she's finally able to breathe, and the group celebrates.
however, the happy moment doesn't last for too long. jonah does eventually return adam to six behind evelin and sarah's backs, but afterward he feels so guilty for it. they literally sacrificed one of the first human friends he's ever made for legs. how stupid is that? they eventually go to sarah and evelin and they quickly figured out what happened. while evelin goes to the tower to save adam (with help from a certain spirit), sarah and jonah confront preacher.
there is gonna be a plot abt preacher almost taking over the seas, but jonah and sarah do eventually take her down and retrieve jonah's voice. and yes, sarah gets to see that jonah is a merman and she's actually like "YO WAIT YOU GUYS ARE REAL???" and jonah is like "UH YEAH?????"
and yes, adam does eventually escape as well, but i dont have those details either so ye :')
that's the main plot at least! i do have a subplot for thatcher's pov tho! more copy paste from discord
"thatcher and ruth are friends and live nearby each other. ruth usually helps out w raising mark and sarah, though mark by this point is dead so dave DEFINITELY needs help. he and sarah havent been taking his death well, especially since dave literally ate mark’s remains without knowing. and sarah feels guilty enough for being gaslit into believing that she killed mark.
so ruth is about to go to dave’s place and has to walk through the forest to get there. she eventually meets what seems to be a very friendly wolf. she is a little weirded out by it, but she eventually tells it how dave lost mark and that she’s helping out! and the wolf is like “oh thats cool! i wish you luck on your journey. though i must say, these flowers smell beautiful! maybe you should pick some and take them to your dear friend!” and as ruth collects flowers as the wolf suggested, it found thatcher nearby and took his appearance to take a visit to a particular dave lee." ...
"she gets to dave's place who has been escorted out by the wolf/alt thatcher, right? so he's like "dear friend, why don't you rest! you've spent all day walking here, and you should be able to rest" aaaaand he tries to turn her into a werewolf but then thatcher comes in and is like "AYO TF YOU DOING TO MY BESTIE????" and he and the wolf fight. thatcher ends up getting bitten but is able to ward him off with his axe that was laced with silver just in case. so ruth is saved, but overtime thatcher feels more pain surge throughout his body and just kinda. turns one night.
unfortunately, he ends up killing ruth. alt thatcher tries to take this as an opportunity to maybe make him join the witches, but thatcher ofc refuses and makes a break towards dave's house. thatcher ends up telling dave what happened, and dave is okay with helping him hide it as well as hiding his newfound lycanthropy
sarah overhears this convo and becomes EXTREMELY angry at thatcher bc ruth was helping dave raise her after mark died. she was basically the mother figure sarah had always wanted, and thatcher took that away from her."
that's it for plot!!! now for some witch shenanigans >:)
so the witches are basically all the alts who usually practice shapeshifting magic to like. deceive others and all that jazz. ive made it a running joke that six is technically the only guy there FVGBHNJ
like, stanley is fem, preacher is female, alt!thatcher is copying thatcher who is transfem in this au, and gabriel dresses fem. six (and by proxy adam) is literally the only guy there DCFVGBHNJ
i am. running out of energy but i think that's everything for rn. hope you enjoy this au though!!!! ive put a lot into it <33333
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Luzs main problem is that she puts everything on herself. Every problem that pops up is something she has to solve on her own bc she doesnt want to be a burden on her loved ones. She does a book report with live snakes bc she thinks itll take the stress off her mother worrying about her grades. She nearly gets blasted to bits by the blights to get gus and willow unexpelled. She brushes off her grief over her father so Amity can focus on her own problems.
It's kind of like how hunter thought in s2 and early s3, but luz isnt so jaded that she consciously recognizes this. "This is tangentially caused by me so its all my fault" and "Im just as bad as belos because im doing similar things to him" are her ways of explaining this mindset to herwelf because deep down, even luz doesnt know what the root of her problem is. These are logical fallacies that are easily broken, but luzs actual problem is her fear of burdening those she loves. Unless she addresses this, she will just come up with a new fallacy to keep with this mindset.
Luz told eda that it was her fault her magic was gone, so shes been a burden and needs to put herself in danger to make money for the family. Eda does talk about how luz should depend on her, but she mostly focuses on telling luz she isnt a burden. And its true! Eda views luz as a net good in her life! But luz still views herself as a burden.
Luz says that her grief over her dad is no big deal because she wants to help amity. Amity says that no, it is a big deal and shell help luz grieve. And amitys right. It is a big deal. Luz thinks so too. Its just that she doesnt want anyone else to be brought down by her personal isues.
Luz thinks because she helped phillip find the collector, that its her responsibility to atone for everything. Her friends and mother assure her that it wasnt her fault, and even if it was, its okay to make mistakes. But even if luz knows all that, she still thinks of herself responsible for defeating belos. Her friends who want to help are just tagalongs that she needs to do all this for.
Finally, luz questions if killing belos would make her as bad as him. The titan assures her thats not the case. Luz is nothing like belos because her intentions are good. Luz knows this. She says this in kings tide and says something similar every other time she gets to banter with belos. Maybe she doesnt believe what she says in some of the more stressful scenes but at least in the finale, luz understands this.
And then the titan grants luz their power. He gives her their hope of defeating belos and makes her responsible for the fate of everyone on the boiling isles. Luz gets help from king and eda in mastering her power, but otherwise she is the gamechanger in the fight, the one who deals the most damage. She accepts that she needs to be the one to defeat belos, and most of her friends dont get the opportunity to share in her burden by helping.
When belos spews his nonsense about how luz is evil for not helping him, she doesnt respond because shes known its not true for a long time. The titan just confirmed it for her. But luz is still shouldering the burden of saving the isles. With help from barely any of her loved ones.
The solution to luzs fear of burdening the people she loves is for her loved ones to show that its okay. To be loved is to be someone elses burden and share someone elses burden in turn. If luz cant do something, someone who cares about her can help her do it. Or do it for her.
In thanks to them, luz puts herself in danger to save hunter from belos, but hunter and flapjack were ultimately the ones who defeated him. In for the future, luz couldnt stave off kikimora on her own, so the students at hexside do it for her. In watching and dreaming, luz was killed by belos. In return, she was rewarded with the power to defeat him with almost none of her friends to help. She is still bearing most of the burden on her own, same as the start of the show.
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creamyavocadosoup · 8 months
hello hello, how is everyone? i've been doing good. 2024 has been okay so far!! but ragh i have a few updates currently about just life.
one. hehe guys i am so!! so i'm kinda in love with someone rn and sksksk he's such a sweetie pie!! not to mention he meets all my standards. just taking things slow at the moment but gosh !!! he makes me so happy and i'm so glad i met him. (help he literally signed my mock-up adoption papers stating that he'll be the dad of my plushies after telling me to send him a document so he can sign it)
two. i've taken steps now towards actually dealing with an illness i have :> it's been so difficult!! especially eating the right things and having them in moderation but its so much better for me. was thinking of getting a walking pad bc enduring the outside elements when i never have the time/its rlly dangerous for me as a woman, is not exactly my cup of tea lmao
three. in my second semester of my second year in college and i feel like im gonna pass out !! why is it so difficult i hate this. but i want to actually get better grades this year bc ik i dont want to become an irregular student and actually get this shit as fast as i can!!
four. second part of can i be her is currently in the works btw!! (its literally open rn as i type this) ik i havent been the best in writing stuff but unfortunately, studies and real life kinda takes precedent bc otherwise i would have collapsed as a human being. but yes, i will still put out stuff but once in a while only <_<
that should be all!! hope you are all doing wonderful!! keep an eye out for that update soon :>
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bodyfrmabalcony · 1 year
things that i find interesting about the arc re: tim's mom dying & tim becoming robin officially:
-bruce going coming to comfort tim re: his parents' kidnapping and after his mom's death while wearing the cowl
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-bruce pushing tim to try to understand the meaning of a mask, and its double-edged nature
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-ending w/ bruce calling tim robin for the first time while he isn't wearing the mask at all
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obviously this arc is super super explicitly About Identity (it's called identity crisis, lmao), but i do actually like what it's doing with those themes!! it's digging into some really fun contradictions, both on purpose and not - bruce is trying to get tim to understand the full weight and meaning of the mask at the same time as bruce is unable to take it off and comfort this kid bc he's still too stuck in his own grief and the past. the whole reason tim got to (start to) become robin in the first place is bc he gave a speech about symbols, and now batman is giving him speeches right back about the mask as a symbol to explain why he's not ready yet. the conversation above where batman says sometimes it's okay to trust your instincts is directly in conversation w/ what happened to jason - pages earlier tim imagines jason telling him that jason basically killed himself by rushing in without thinking, which, that sure sounds like how bruce would explain that! - but this time it's okay, because tim didn't die and he saved the day (with a lot of research and prep and whatever, but still! the inherent contradiction of trust your instincts!) and it's also not-on purpose in conversation w/ steph's stint as robin, when bruce gives her the same follow my orders to the letter or you're done ultimatum, steph ignore him to save him, and bruce says good instincts but you're fired
it feels totally futile to talk about the contradictions in bruce's choices or worldview over the course of actual real life decades bc like, of course. how many different writers, how many different story arcs, how many different directions for the character - but it's interesting! i like the fact that bruce is kinda impossible to deal w/ on things like this, bc the questions of how to be the perfect hero or how to never get your teen sidekick killed or whatever else are literally impossible to solve. u can't get it right all the time. you give your teen sidekick speeches about the dangers of the mask and then you show up to comfort him from a nightmare about losing his mother in a mask bc you can't figure out how to make your own emotions something you think he can see. like. it's more interesting that it's a total mess than if it were neat and clear all the time
it's a cool arc in a few respects, bc i think it throws up a bunch of stuff that feels super foundational to tim's relationship to bruce, to batman, and to robin; and to bruce's relationship w/ batman, robin, tim, and himself - HOWEVER and originally this was how this post started and then i got off track - it is so hard to read and so hard to recommend bc of the virulent racism all up and down the book. the depiction of the haitian villains is just straight-up bad and i hate it. lots of interesting character stuff but truly at what cost.
tldr all of this is the oldest of news but it's interesting to me!!! i saw the post going around about some of tim's nightmares, and most of them r from these two arcs OR from right after steph and his dad's deaths, and it got me back 2 thinking about some of the things that i do find worth thinking about in an arc that is otherwise pretty rough!
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milfzatannaz · 2 years
Hey it's me! The one that said about how zatanna can be more ''wrong'' in her relationship with john and how fans forget about it and just blame our british man. I will communicate with this ''🐇'' emoji, so you know it's me.
well my question is this: As I think Zatara is not the best father in the world
starting with the fact that he is highly overprotective and that ends up being something controlling. He always wanted to control Zee's life. I recently found out that after the ''death'' of his wife and the deaths of his Wayne's friends, Zatara became an alcoholic and please, I'm pretty sure he silently blamed Zatanna for it all. He had no one else and she was the only one he could take his anger out on.
second point: the way with in JLD 2018 he did the worst with Constantine. The guy literally pulled john out of the asylum, a broken and mentally stable john who had just been through trauma. zatara decided it would be a great idea to take this kid and put him through some of his magical shit he didn't want to get his hands dirty. He lied and manipulated his daughter and still made john never able to tell anything
third point: Zatara has already erased zee's memories and his trauma with puppets, which I think is wrong since she grew up with this fear and didn't know the reason for it, and I'm pretty sure he has erased her memory other times . In addition to him manipulating zee, because she ALWAYS defends her father, even when he is a fuck and is highly wrong. she was a dumb brat when she cursed at john and said horrible things to him in JLD #13 2018. All this to defend her goddamn dad.
maybe that's why Nick Necro wanted to kill Zatara so badly in the new 52
I don't agree with a lot of Zatara's actions, but I understand that he was protecting his daughter in a horrible way, it's difficult. I like their relationship, but I hate how Zatanna is dependent on her father and can't get over his death. All screenwriters always press on this same topic and it has already become something boring.
good, that's it! sorry to talk so much and my english is terrible, most of it is from the translator, the dangers of being brazilian. Anyway, I really admire everything you do and talk about johnzee and the vertigo universe in general, I'm with you in this fandom of 5 people!
hiya it's nice to hear from u again! I love receiving meta in my inbox!
and yeah you raise a lot of good points about Zatara, esp the 2018 reboot. I suspect that sideplot was written to heighten conflict between John and Zee- writers never make them overtly romantic, and for the JLD plot to move forward I feel like they need to have something keeping them at odds. Otherwise there's less of a justification of why DC hasn't fully developed them in 30 years.
also, aside from team comics, I think Zatara is often written this way to add some life to a rather flat character. He hasn't been anything but Zee's dead dad since 1986. The mourning daughter schtick is a tad tired, so this effort to make him posthumously more morally grey is probably just to add some spice. but it often backfires, bc Zee still glorifies him and has never done anything but miss him on panel, despite the mind-wiping and manipulation. So they keep introducing these plot points that should have a lot of emotional weight, but aren't developed.
that's honestly my problem with JLD '18 as a whole. visually cohesive with enough vertigo lore to make it go somewhere, its main problem is its own lack of commitment. All these things happened to both john and zee, and their individual characters and their relationship has not progressed at all. Zatara died for John, who himself had just been cradled in zee's arms, and it's never mentioned again. Zee kept secrets from him and there was no payoff. idk you can try and make a ~spooky~ comic but if there's no emotional development it all falls a tad flat.
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oflgtfol · 2 years
man i just had a really freaky dream
so i was at michaels of course i was. except now that i think about it it was kind of merged with my food pantry job because everyone was buying food pantry items but obv it was not a pantry since they were purchasing it, and it was my michaels store and i was very obviously at the michaels registers
im alone on register ringing someone up whos kinda taking a while and then i look up and suddenly the queue is out the whole line area so i call for backup over the phone and then two people came up for backup but they were people i do not recognize like they do not and have never worked here at my store but dream logic said they were just seasonal cashiers thats why
and then.
the computers start shaking. like the monitors tremble back and forth on all six registers. a popup on screen says
“PLAYER [register number].
(a line here that i didnt get the chance to read because i was obviously freaked out but i think i caught the word disconnected)
Please put back all winter items. (paraphrased also)”
the ground was not shaking like this was not an earthquake it was just the computers themselves and i think the lights started flickering also. and everyone started getting freaked out i literally couldnt ring anyone up because the computers had this popup and the customers couldnt see it bc it was just on the cashiers side of the computer, although now that i think about it i have no idea what was being displayed on the customer facing monitor
and it just wouldnt stop shaking it was just really loud the way they were moving and there were just so many people on line that their agitation also got really loud and then everyone looks towards the main doors and starts yelling and even screaming. theres a cop there yelling something but the customers are moving AWAY from her and in the back of my mind sorry im like. Is there a shooter. is that someone dressed as a cop who is about to just open fire on this whole crowd. sorry thats the US american in me. and then two more cops come in and then it turns into a frenzy of everyone trying to get away. we all left out the fucking emergency side door just to get away. no shots were fired so i dont know why everyone was frightened to that extent
so im like ok well im out of here i wanna leave after that im freaked the fuck out and i dont know why everyone was running away but seeing as i was furthest from the front doors im trusting crowd instinct that there was something dangerous there but then im like. my bag is in my locker all the way in the back of the store
i think this was sort of drawing from the pipe bursting incident where my mom was texting me that i cannot leave without my bag because my wallet has my life in it and i was like yeah no shit i fucking know. and that was a burst pipe it wasnt like fatal or outright dangerous. but this time as im standing out in the freezing parking lot at like, just past sunset, watching the customers streaming out of the store im like. i need my bag. i cant leave without it. i felt kinda stupid like what if this is a bad situation what if it IS an active shooter and im prioritizing my bag over my life but then i was like well i literally cannot leave without my bag like physically because my car keys are in my bag so im stranded otherwise
so i head back inside and i see other Red Vests among the crowd showing my coworkers also going back inside. and then i kinda blank on what comes next but the next thing i remember is im sitting in the backseat of my MOMS car with my parents up frront? like theyre driving me home for some reason? despite the previous importance of me needing to drive myself home??
so i catch sight of the store as my dad drives away and its this strange… lighting. it doesnt look like the lights are completely off but theres a weird glow meaning its not completely dark. and i idly wonder what happened w my closing manager like i feel bad for whatever just happened and i was wondering how she was handling it
and so im trying to explain to my mom what happened. she took the shaking to be an earthquake and i was like no. mom it was not an earthquake. i was explaining everything i just did with the shaking being only in the computers and the weird popup message every single computer got at the same time even the ones not in use, when i look up at the now dark sky and its fuckinf GLOWING its like PULSATING its FLICKERING like the sky itself is FLICKERING
and my moms like OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT and i think my last thought was “is this the fucking rapture or something” and thats rhe last thing i remember because i woke up
i was kinda drifting in and out of sleep so i think thats why i was just like. nope im out! and woke up. but that also means this whole dream took place in only ten real life minutes because thats the gap between each of my alarms
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brittbax · 2 years
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pepprs · 5 years
im gonna go fucking crazy im just gonna go crazy!!!!! more health shit in the tags im sorry
#parents tw#medical tw#(i havent been tagging stuff as well lately sorry)#my parents are being so fucking horrible. just horrible!!! both of them!! they insisted i stay home today but when i ask for food or like.#help or anyrhing they take my fucking head off. i still cant hear anything cuz my eustachian tube is still blocked somehow and my eardrum is#retracted and i keep like blowing my nose and puffing our my cheeks and it pops but not enough and its dangerous to keep trying and my mom#is like lol keep doing it anyways! and the doctor @ the clinic told me to see an ent specialist if i didnt have my hearing back by 9/4 which#is today and my dad like flat oht refuses bc he thibks theyre gonna just tell meto take medicine or grt surgery and he thinks this is 100%#caused by my wisdom teeth coming in and wont hear anything otherwise but i cant get in to get those out until october and i cant wait that#long to like hear shit u know! but he refuses and both of them are anti medicine abd doctors and whatever and lkke i get that. but this is s#serious right!!! like its been a week and a half and my ear is still fucked! and my mom is like just be patient and go back into your room a#and leave me alone!!! all they want is me to leave them alone. and theyre like ur being too demanding and taking up too much time and money#and i know i am! and im sorry!!! but this is kind of important right? doesntanyone think this is important? i cant drive i cant take care of#this myself and what if theres something an ent could fix or illuminate r whatever bc... u jnow.. they specialize in that??? just a thought!#its like so frustrating and scary that im not being listened to!!! and im like dad theres not a 100% chance that this is caused by my teeth#and he’s like YES IT IS! and im like how do u know and hes like BECAUSE! like what the fuck!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK! and my mom is like just#take a turmeric pill and leave me alone and youll feel better and by the way i fucking hate you and everything you stand for :) so i really#am just at a loss. i feel basically back to normal now except this little nagging cough and then my fucking ear!!!!!#and idc if they tell me i need surgery or medicine like. it would fucking suck but maybe i should listen to them bc... u know... theyre#doctors? this js what they do for a living? theyre not just getting info from past experiences or google??? but what do i know!#purrs
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Let’s Talk About Norman
I’m going to start off by telling you all something you probably already know: Norman is abusive. I try not to use super strong language on this blog because calling someone abusive / toxic is a pretty big deal, but Norman is an abuser, full stop. Aside from the obvious physical violence though, there’s a lot of emotional trauma he causes Ruby through his actions— this post is mostly going to be talking about Norman’s emotional abuse and how it affects Ruby’s psyche and actions throughout the arc instead of just “oh he punched his son down some stairs” because I think it goes way deeper than that. With that out of the way, the rest of the post is below the cut!
I can’t talk about Ruby and Norman without mentioning this— it’s the most clear cut evidence of his abuse on-panel. He punches his son down the stairs, engages in a high stakes fight with him, and puts him in mortal danger (which Ruby has to save himself from). What I’m concerned with isn’t the actual incidence of violence itself, but rather the emotional baggage that comes with it.
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The interesting thing about the Big Fight scene to me is that Norman instigates the conflict. Norman lures Ruby into a “dark and scary building” in the rain and away from others, appears behind him, threatens him, and throws him against a wall. The only thing Ruby had done in that moment is ask his dad how / why he had found him— Norman was the instigator of violence. It is Ruby’s reaction to this immediately violent start that segues into the next Big Thing about their relationship.
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It is obvious from the minute Norman appears on panel that he is intimidating. Multiple characters throughout the arc mention that they are scared of / intimidated by him, but none are more obvious than Ruby. In fact until we reach the scene at the Weather Institute, Norman hasn’t been shown in a positive light at all from Ruby’s perspective. Ruby continuously mentions fear about his father: he imagines his father grabbing him, looking angrily at him, and generally seems to be afraid of him. Ruby expresses worry and concern about the consequences of his father’s anger— and that’s ALL he thinks about. Ruby mentions explicitly that he has seen “Norman’s Dark Side” and tries to hide as soon as he appears. He even shivers at the mere mention of Norman. Ruby’s entire motivation is his fear of his dad, which is bad, obviously. 
Every thought about Norman that Ruby has up until the Weather Institute about Norman express fear and stress Norman’s emotional distance. Whether or not Ruby and Norman love each other is not of importance here, what is important is that Ruby has constant worry and anxiety about how Norman will react. His entire motivation at the beginning of the arc is centered around doing things behind Norman’s back and giving him definitive proof of Ruby’s accomplishments— Ruby is so nervous around Norman that he considers communicating to be a risk. This is typical abuse victim behavior and it continues through the arcs. Living under the constant threat of (often violent) punishment has taught Ruby that disagreements and communication in general are dangerous and can spiral into violence very, very quickly— he displays this same fear time and time again.
Quick Aside: As everyone here probably knows, the main conflict in the oras arc is centered around Ruby’s unwillingness to tell Sapphire what is going on for fear of how she will react. Ruby’s hiding of his memory of their confession in the Emerald arc is the same— Ruby refuses to communicate because he is afraid of how Sapphire will react. His main emotional flaw is the fact that he is driven by fear; Norman has shown him there are consequences to communication and Ruby carries this lesson throughout his entire life. He is a victim of abuse and this hampers his ability to communicate and be emotionally vulnerable. He is so caught up in the idea of consequences that he is more than willing to lie or omit the truth to avoid the consequences of talking to people about stressful topics. This is not to say that Ruby’s actions are excusable— he’s still a dick with communication issues, but whether or not Kusaka intended it, Norman’s abuse and its consequences define Ruby’s emotional arc.
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I can’t really talk about the environment of fear that Norman created without talking about his anger issues. He crushes a phone, shoves people out of the way, knocks multiple Pokemon out at once, and otherwise acts aggressively in various situations throughout the arc without any real Reason. As if these hints weren’t enough, we actually get confirmation through Ruby’s mother that Norman “does this often”— and judging by Birch’s reaction, these displays of destructive anger aren’t normal in in-universe. Whether or not there is a violent / strict parenting style within the universe doesn’t matter, because Norman is shown to be uncharacteristically aggressive in comparison to other adults in the series. Judging by Ruby’s reaction at the Weather Institute, he implies that his type of violence towards him isn’t uncommon; he seems almost resigned to it.
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To wrap up this section: Norman’s aggressiveness is atypical even in-universe, he is shown to be unable and unwilling to curb his violent anger, and this creates an environment of fear among his family that permanently impacts Ruby’s ability to communicate effectively with others.
DISCLAIMER: This is where things get… dicey. Everything I’ve mentioned previously is rooted in the actual drawings and actions of the characters or overarching themes / problems. This next part however focuses on dialogue. It is almost impossible to truly understand the tone of each line without being a fluent Japanese speaker (which I am not) so instead I’m going to use Viz and CY to the best of my ability for this section. I’m not going to extrapolate this to Kusaka’s intentions, since without the original work that’s nearly impossible, but I can at least talk about the way these come off in English.
Admittedly, Viz is the worst about this. They constantly hype Norman up and excuse his behavior, outright censoring some of the physical and emotional abuse. Viz absolutely mangling the tone of RS, however, is a post for another time.
Because Norman actually speaks to Ruby at length a grand total of twice times in the RS arc, we can break down his actions into these two instances: the first is at the weather institute and the second is as he’s dying.
Rather than go based on overall theme, this scene is best done line by line (this is using the CY version due to limited censorship compared to Viz). 
Scene 1: Volume 17, Chapters 208-210
(Norman is dangling Ruby off the roof of a building by his collar. There are sharp rocks at the bottom)
Ruby: Re… release me…! Norman: Insolent brat!! Is that how you talk to your father?!
To start, Norman uses tone policing and deflection. He focuses on the fact that Ruby is “talking back” to him and making demands of his father, which doesn’t acknowledge Ruby’s request or the fact that Ruby is being dangling over the roof of a building. Also note that this is the first time the words are bolded and that they stay this way throughout the fight— Norman verbally escalates the fight. Norman is abusing his position of power over Ruby in order to excuse his actions and pass the blame back to his son.
Ruby: I don’t care how furious you are with me… I’m ready for it!
(Norman decks Ruby down a flight of stairs)
Norman: Why did you run away from home?!
Note once again that Norman is implied to start raising his voice first even when Ruby isn’t. There’s another deflection here: Norman changes the subject rather than actively respond to anything Ruby says.
Norman: Well? Say something! You’d better voice your complaints right now!!
(Ruby has a conversation with the Swimmer, who advises him to apologize to avoid his father’s rage and “just go home” which… fuck you Swimmer Jack. I’m skipping that part of the dialogue bc it isn’t that important).
(While Ruby is debating what to do, Norman’s Slaking lifts the stairs that Ruby is on and tries to fling him into next Tuesday).
Ruby is physically prevented from escaping by being dangled above Norman. I shouldn’t have to tell why physically preventing someone from leaving an argument is a bad thing.
(Ruby decides to fight Norman)
Note that Norman is physically and emotionally forcing Ruby into two possible options: Fight or be obedient. He is preventing Ruby from running and deflecting Ruby’s attempts to explain himself. He then shifts the blame to Ruby *again*, attacking Ruby and his pokemon with full force and implying it was Ruby who instigated the conflict in the first place.
Norman: … so you wish to fight me? … Iron Tail and Hyper Beam… I was the one who taught you those attacks. There’s nothing about your attacks and strategies I don’t know about. You’re just wasting your time! Give up!
Here, Norman does two things: he stresses Ruby’s dependence on him and his power over Ruby. It’s a typical “your success is dependent on me” and a “there is no option except obedience” rhetoric, and is likewise typical of abusers. Norman is stressing the things Norman has gifted to Ruby (battling knowledge) and using whatever he can to force Ruby to do what he wants— he’s exerting his control.
(Ruby turns the tide of the battle, so Norman likewise switches tactics by attacking Ruby himself and attempting to hit him with a staircase. Ruby falls down the stairs and is dangling over a pit of spikes when Norman stands on the edge, blocking Ruby’s only escape route).
Norman: Now will you come quietly? Stop being so stubborn
Not only is Norman forcing his son to choose between obedience and Literal Death, he also shifts the blame again. He excuses his own actions by claiming it is Ruby’s stubbornness that forced him into this position. He deflects the whole “putting my 11 year old in harm’s way” by claiming Ruby’s own resistance to Norman’s violence is the trigger for the violence itself. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s victim-blaming nonetheless and sadly, it works
(Flashback time: Norman admits he was going to give Ruby permission to participate in contests and gets emo about it. They fall, but Norman catches Ruby. This doesn’t matter though, because they both end up falling and Ruby uses his running shoes to save them both).
Ruby: (thinking) Ru- running shoes… my birthday present from dad… saved both… our lives
Ruby displays pretty typical abuse victim behavior here, focusing not on Norman’s 3 threats to literally kill him but instead on the One Good Thing Norman did. He doesn’t mention that it was Ruby himself who saved them both or that Norman was the one who put them in danger in the first place— he’s in total denial about the severity of everything that happened.
(At this point, Norman looms above Ruby with an angry expression and a raised pokeball. Bystanders panic because it appears that Norman is going to attack Ruby who, by the way, is unconscious on the ground, but Norman gets a surprise call from Winona and turns away after realizing that Winona can see him).
“I only stopped attacking my son when I realized people were watching”… alright fuck off then Norman
Norman: HEY!! Idiot son! You disobeyed your parents, then you ran away from home. I’ve had enough! Just do what you want! In return, you’d better accomplish your goals!! A man should complete what he has set out to do… … before he can return home!!
Hoo boy. Norman never apologizes, deflects all the blame onto Ruby, insults him twice, and then tries to save face with Winona and the people around him by giving Ruby permission to do contests— which he was apparently planning to do all along. He emphasizes the things Ruby did in response to Norman’s actions (Ruby ran away from home because he knew his dad would be unsupportive and gets violent during disagreements, so in essence Norman is to blame for backing him into a corner). Norman twists the narrative in order to make Ruby the instigator in every case, justifying Norman’s responses as reactions to Ruby’s problematic behavior
Swimmer Jack: Isn’t that a wonderful father? Ruby: Thank you… father.
Ok first of all Jack is a dumbass, so jot that down. Second of all, while it’s unintentional, Ruby is being gaslit to hell and back. It is only after Norman’s omission of all the abusive behavior and bystanders’ affirmation of Norman’s love that Ruby starts to think positively towards his father. The threat Ruby used to think was so large has been downplayed and outright denied by the people around him, so Ruby’s prior fear of Norman diminishes. Ruby’s fear of Norman and the violence Norman took against him is denied, downplayed, and ignored, so Ruby begins to doubt his own animosity towards his father. Thanks Swimmer Jack you unintentionally gaslit an 11 year old.
SCENE 2: (this one is much shorter, thank god)
(Norman, while he is dying, explains the whole deal with how he was ordered to search for Rayquaza yada yada. Throughout the exchange, Ruby gets increasingly upset).
Ruby: (thinking) barred from the test and forced to search for Rayquaza… It must be some kind of punishment! What could Dad have done to warrant such… why was he made responsible… ?!
Ruby: … … but… come to think of it, dad is not someone who makes mistakes easily… something’s not right!
Slight aside, Ruby has been so convinced of his father’s power by others that he is unwilling to even CONSIDER that his dad fucked up, which… wow!
Ruby: That day… Dad must have taken the rap for someone else�� and… (flashbacks to Salamence Incident) that person… was….
Ruby: (out loud) … me?! That person who set Rayquaza free… was it me…?!
Norman: Yes.
And then he dies!
(Technically he says “oh I did all that out of love” (paraphrased) and then dies but it’s just a continuation of the previous thing).
Norman, before dying, does not say “I’m proud of you” or “I’m sorry for everything” or anything remotely comforting, instead he says “hey Ruby, you’re responsible for my death and all your childhood trauma alongside your friend’s. Peace.” (this is paraphrased).
Even on his actual deathbed, Norman places the blame on Ruby for Norman’s own actions. He makes Ruby feel guilty for Norman leaving, Norman hiding information from him, and Ruby’s tumultuous childhood.
None of this is to say that Norman doesn’t love Ruby or that Ruby doesn’t love him back— I’m fairly positive the two of them love each other dearly and want the best for each other. However, Norman is a child abuser who reacts violently, instigates violence, and then turns around and denies said violence. He creates a culture of fear among his family, gives Ruby some serious communication issues, and the narrative takes his side. Norman is a child abuser in canon and has a very VERY profound effect on Ruby which has emotional ramifications throughout Ruby’s entire character arc all the way until oras.
TLDR: Normans sucks man
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Day 9- Last Name (Wayne)
ok, so, if youve paid attention, the you know that i can’t write dialouge for the life of me lol.so today…i bring you dialouge in the form of texting :)
Marinette didn’t make a big deal about who her father was. Of course, when she had just met the man, she had relied on her friends to help her navigate the tricky situation. Since then, the teen had gotten good at only saying what she needed to. Chloe knew. Nino knew. Kim ands Alix knew. Max knew. They all knew and didn’t bring it up. They knew that she had processed it and moved on. To her, Bruce Wayne was just her father. She didn’t talk about the money, or all the work her father did. Marinette made a point to just be herself, and not worry about what names were attached.
At school, of course, she was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. On her ID? On her ID, she was Marinette Cheng-Wayne. Only those who needed to know knew. That how Marinette liked to keep it, at least, if she could help it.
When Marinette was 14, a new girl joined her class. The girl was sweet, if a little delicate. She said she had a lot of different injuries and conditions, but who was Marinette to judge? When the girl started to cling to one of the boys, Adrien, Marinette got a little worried. It wasn’t the end of the world, if he had offered to help, but he looked uncomfortable. When she mentioned this to Chloe, the girl had snarled. “That leech has been worming her way into his head. If you could hear what Gabriel was telling him to do- “her friend shook her head. “If I step in, want to help?” Marinette felt a smile crawl its way onto her face.
Over the next few weeks, the girls watched what their new classmate, Lila, did. By that point, Nino had brought up his own concerns at fit far too well with theirs. Finally, Chloe decided it was time to take action. The blond stormed into the class and settled into her seat with a scowl. When Sabrina hurried over to join her, Chloe shook her head. Marinette took pity on the redhead and tugged the girl to the back of the class with her, whispering a quiet “watch”. When Nino and Adrien came in, Nino made his to the back, where he plopped down next to Kim. Alix and Max sat across the aisle, and all of them were ready for the explosion that was bound to happen. As Lila and Alya slipped in together, chatting and giggling over some story, the others exchanged glances. They had all been pretty close for years. Because of that, it was hard for others to join their group. The newest addition was Sabrina, and that was only because of her tendency to hang around Chloe. A ding on Kim’s phone drew the groups attention, making them all glance down at their own phones. In the group chat, Alix had sent a video linked to the LadyBlog.
Alix: saw this, this AM. Might be worth looking into. (video attached from the LadyBlog, Titled The Secrets of the Wayne Family)
Mari: wtf
Mari: what is she trying to do
Mari: her ass will get lawyered so fast
Max: she obviously hasn’t thought this through
Kim: is she claiming to know them????
Chlo: oml
Chlo: please Mari, please tell me that she doesn’t know your family?
Mari: I mean
Mari: she might? But I think her family name would have come up when Tim and I were planning world domination if she did.
Mari: don’t worry, its been put on the back burner. Dad has a new kid that keeps trying to stab Tim w/ a Katana lol.
Nino: Mari, aren’t you supposed to go visit soon? Maybe you should just stay here, dudette.
The friends hurriedly stowed their phones away and returned their gazes to the front of the room where Lila had approached a confused Adrien. The boy had been deposited next to Chloe in the first row, confusion evident in his green eyes. The Italian girl leaned over the desk, trying to garner as much attention as possible. “Adrien, why don’t you come sit with me? I was hoping you could help me keep up with the lesson.” The dangerous flash of her eyes was so fast that most would have missed it. Marinette narrowed her eyes in suspicion. It looked like Chloe hadn’t been exaggerating about what was going on behind the scenes. Moving before things could get out of hand, Marinette skipped down to the desk.
“I can help, Lila! Literature is one of my favorite subjects!” the anger that glowed behind Lila’s eyes was worrying, but Marinette wasn’t worried. She grabbed the other girl by her elbow and tugged her towards the seat the brunette usually occupied. “I’m sure that Alya wouldn’t mind sitting next to Sabrina!” as Marinette settled into the new seat, Lila folded herself onto the bench and pulled out her notebook, shunning her new seatmate. As Marinette got her own supplies ready, she mentally prepared herself for an hour of clod anger directed at her.
After the bell rang, Marinette slowly started to collect her things. The girl next to her was moving faster than the noirette expected. For a girl who was supposed to a wrist injury, Lila sure wasn’t trying to avoid the pain. Shaking her head, Marinette finished collecting her stuff and went to join Chloe where she was waiting at the door. As they linked arms, Marinette realized that there was a sharp voice behind her, crying. “Oh Alya, it was awful! Marinette wouldn’t answer any of my questions, and told me that if I didn’t understand it, I should keep my mouth shut!” Chloe sniggered next to her and strode away towards the lockers, pulling Marinette with her.
“Honestly, Mari? I wish you had told the brat to shut up, maybe then she would be scared of you.” Marinette rolled her eyes at her best friend.
“your only scared of me, because you’ve seen me with Tim, and know that we already are on the path to world domination.” Chloe shook her head and closed her locked with a soft thud.
“Mari, you are worse than all of your brothers, simply because you don’t use your fathers name to back you up. If you did that, then you would have the same royal brat rep I do.”
Chlo: so, is anyone going to put a stop to the liar’s yapping?
Adrien: wait what? Chloe, who are the other numbers?
Chlo: Adrien, please.
Chlo: do you really not have these numbers saved already?
Nino: yeah dude, that’s a little mean
Mari: lol yeah, I’m insulted, Adrien!
Adrien: Wait, Nino?
Adrien: who…is in this chat?
Alix: Me!
Max: Markov and myself
Kim: and me, man
Adrien: that…doesn’t help.
Chlo: oh honesty!
Chlo: you idiot, its Mari, Nino, Max, Alix, and Kim.
Chlo: you are Ridiculous
Mari: Chloe, chill. I don’t think he’s been in one of our…unique chats before.
Max: affirmative. Adrien usually spends time with Nino, Alya, and Lila if he isn’t with Chloe and Sabrina
Chlo: back to the topic at hand!
Chlo: the brat has to stop
Mari: I mean…she hasn’t done anything we can stop her with yet.
Nino: we need solid proof
Alix: are we just going to forget this AM? (video attached from the LadyBlog, Titled the Secrets of the Wayne Family)
Adrien: is someone going to tell me what’s going on?
Mari: we can’t drag them into this, Alix. it’ll make it worse, not better.
Alix: M, are you sure? we could shut her up real fast. Your fam, mine, Chloe’s?
Max: theoretically, it would be the path of least resistance.
Mari: bc that ass totally will.
Adrien: ok, but what’s going on?
Max: Lila is trying to use you to catapult herself to fame
Kim: haha yeah, its not going to work if we have anything to say about it.
Chlo: also, very happy Mari never brought Alya into the fold
Mari: fuck no
Mari: do you see the way that girl doesn’t research anything. She latches on and never lets go.
Nino: so, you’ve said, Mari. I still think your over exaggerating on that one, lol
Mari: lmfao
Mari: Nino, she thinks I have a crush on ADRIEN of all people.
Mari: sorry, Adrien, bc you’re my friend? But she latched onto something and won’t let it go
Alix: shit I remember that. She tried to get us to set the two of you up. Those plans SUCKED.
Mari: remember how I kept sabotaging them lol? She just thought that fate was against her
Max: logically, shouldn’t that be a sign that you two aren’t meant to be?
Mari: haha I wish. After that, she tried to set me up with Chat Noir.
Chlo: WAIT
Chlo: that’s what Lady Wi-Fi was about?
Mari: yesssssssss
Adrien: um…should I be concerned about this?
Kim: I mean…no? its normal at this point.
Max: Chloe, plan #3 might work for taking down Lila? We wouldn’t need Mari’s family to join in if we do that.
Mari: if that fails, I’ll call Tim.
Mari: but ONLY if #3 fails, and we can’t make say…#5 work.
Chlo: you got yourself a deal, Marinette.
When the group entered the classroom together the next day, Chloe and Marinette were chattering excitably together. Adrien and Nino were talking about something on his phone while Max was keeping sore for whatever competition Kim and Alix had going on. When Lila approached Adrien and tugged him over to her seat, the others tracked her movement wordlessly.
When Alya came in and found them watching, she smirked at them. “those two make a cute couple, don’t they? Lila was practically glowing earlier when she was talking about the date they went on last night.” The friends exchanged telling glances but otherwise brushed the girl off as they dispersed to their seats. As she made her way to the seat she had claimed at the back at the beginning of the year, Marinette paused by Lila’s desk.
“Lila, do you need help again today? I know that the topics we’re covering are a little difficult if you’re not familiar with them.” The brunette scowled up at her.
“sorry, Marinette, but you can’t really keep up with the help I need.” The smaller girl shrugged.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way, Lila. If you ever need help, feel free to ask.” as she made her way to her seat, Marinette could hear Lila say loudly
“She’s just jealous that I have connections like the Wayne’s and Jagged stone and she’s just a little miss nobody.”
Mari: fuck it, it’s on bitch. I’m calling Jagged and Clara. These are slander charges now.
Chlo: should I expect your family’s lawyers too?
Mari: hell no. Tim is a last resort.
Mari: dad’s friend tho? THEY are defiantly going to be getting a few phone calls.
Mari: hey Jagged, Penny. I have just a tiny question.
Penny: Marinette! We were getting ready to contact you! What’s going on?
Mari: what kind of slander would be bad enough to sue over?
Penny: why?
Mari: this (voice file attached. Label reads SeNd To JaGgEd ASAP)
Jagged: little lady…where did you get this?
Mari: I recorded it during class today
Jagged: this liar is your age?
Penny: Marinette, would you mind if I send this to our lawyers?
Mari: go right ahead.
Tim: so…
Tim: would you like to explain why Jagged Stone is ranting to B in the entryway about a “little lying brat” who is in his “favorite niece’s class?”
Mari: wat
Mari: idk what you’re talking about
Tim: Little Bit, you can’t possibly think he hasn’t name dropped you yet.
Mari: WHAT.
Mari: fuck
Tim: ummmmmm
Mari: tim. Please remember who my brothers are.
Tim: OH neverminded
Tim: why didn’t you get me involved?
Mari: theres no reason for Marinette Dupain-Cheng to know the Wayne fam
Mari: also, we wanted to use #3 and #5 first. If they didn’t work (they are) we were going to rain fire lolz.
Tim: fine. When your ready for the power that comes with the name, lmk
Tim: aslo, I insist on being included in the planning.
Mari: also*
Tim: fuck off
Tim: I wan to be ready for whatever damage control might be needed with the press
Tim: also, I live the kind of chaos that you and Chloe create together lolz
When Adrien turned to Marinette during lunch that day, there was clear confusion in his eyes. “Mari?”
“what’s up, Adrien?”
“who was that guy…Tim? That Chloe kept mentioning?”
“oh? She didn’t tell you?” the blond shook his head, looking worried. Marinette smiled ruefully and sighed.
“he’s my older brother on my father’s side.” When Adrien furrowed his brow, Marinette elaborated. “My father lives in the United States and runs a big corporation. He spends a bit of time in the limelight, but he keeps us all out of the press.”
“the…Dupain family?” Marinette laughed before smoothing over her friend’s confusion.
“no, Tom is my dad, but Bruce is my Father. He lives on the east coast, and I spend most holidays and breaks with my siblings over there.” Adrien nodded and smiled at her.
“I guess that makes sense. Its really cool at you get to spend your time with both sides of your family like that. What is your father’s last name then? I don’t think I’ve heard it.” Marinette winced.
“My father’s last name is Wayne. Anywhere except school, I use the name Marinette Cheng-Wayne.”
ok, thats a wrap. for once, this could be read by itself with almost no context. this will fit intothe overall storyline, but i had to go back and set the stage (this) for when Mari is 15. here, its the begining of the school year that she turns 15. (her b-day is in April bc i want to mess wiht cannon even more than i already do.)
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