#be competent or die by my sword
starbuck · 10 months
lord give me the strength to not be a massive cunt at work today
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ozzgin · 9 months
Yandere! Yokai Harem x Reader (II)
The two yokai men reach an agreement and you begin your journey together, searching for clues regarding the mysterious case of your incomplete reincarnation. You learn about the third of the Legendary Yokai, a gargantuan monster worshipped in times of war.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Character Guide]
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The next swish of the mysterious man's sword is parred by Kiritsubo, who managed to make his way to you in time.
"Wait! It's not entirely him, Murasaki, I can explain!" He shouts frantically.
"So you let him live. This is why you've never been good for anything." The dark haired man snarls in a low voice, disgust seeping through his sharp teeth.
It becomes obvious rather quickly that he has the advantage in terms of battle experience. You can only stare in fear, stuffing your wound with your jacket sleeve. What else can you do? You're bleeding profusely and if a demon of Kiritsubo's stature cannot compete, you'd be even less helpful.
"Listen to him, man, I genuinely don't know anything about your master!" You beg as your limbs are flooded with a prickling sensation. They're slowly going numb. "Please. I just want to go home."
Damn it. You have no idea whether the bleeding will stop anytime soon. Is this how you die? You won't even get a proper burial. Even worse, your family will live on thinking you vanished without a trace, unaware you've been stabbed to death by a crazy jackass in feudal Japan. You wish you could make them stop.
You squeeze your eyes tightly, trying to think of a way to escape, when you hear both men groan in pain. You look ahead to see them on the ground, clinging tightly to their chests, faces twisted in a grimace. Huh? They couldn't have killed each other in the few seconds they were out of your view. What is going on?
After a few agonizing moments, the yokai seem to calm down. Kiritsubo is gasping for air, clumsily pulling himself back up. Murasaki remains on the grass, forcing himself to appear collected despite the cold sweat coating his forehead.
"That's...what...I...meant..." The silver haired demon groans between hitched breaths. "Whew. You see it now, don't you? She doesn't emanate enough power to pull this off. It's coming from somewhere else."
Murasaki clicks his tongue in visible annoyance.
"So then, what do you suggest?"
"I don't know. But something is stopping you from killing her and there's a chance she's connected to the source."
"What are you guys whispering about?" You inquire, crawling closer towards the horned men. "And why did you suddenly collapse? You scared the hell out of me!"
"You didn't feel anything?" Kiritsubo questions you with raised eyebrows.
"Besides the, I don't know, stab wound? No, thankfully." You respond sarcastically.
Without a word, Murasaki stands up and approaches you. He crouches down to your level and nonchalantly slaps your hand away from your shoulder.
"Have you ever tended to a wound in your life? You're shit at it." He uses his sword to cut off your sleeve and folds it over your gash with calculated movements. You hiss at the pain and glare at him. "Bite down on a stick if you can't handle it. Better than being dead."
The white haired yokai flashes you an awkward but reassuring smile.
"He might be an ass about it, but he knows what he's doing."
"Why are you helping me, anyways?" you point out, somewhat wary. "You literally tried to kill me a moment ago."
"I changed my mind. You'll help us find the damned bastard or whatever it is he's using to control us."
"What, the priest? Hell no, I'm going back to my world. I've had enough action for the rest of my life."
Murasaki finishes bandaging you and gives you one final press, almost as if messing with you, and you wince. He stands up and slides his sword back in its sheath.
"If you focus a little, you will find there was no question or request in my words. I'm not negotiating with a weakling like you."
Kiritsubo squats down before you and claps his hand together, pleadingly.
"Please think about it, (Y/N). I know you don't owe us anything, but there's a chance we could finally break the seal and be free. If you'd consider helping us. You can walk away, but that won't change the fact you're part of Abe no Nakamaro. He will want his powers back at some point, and we can protect you when the time comes."
You cross your arms and frown thoughtfully, pondering the options. He did save you twice already. So in a way, you're indebted to him. And if he's right, and you will have to deal with more crazy encounters in the future, it's probably better to have two powerful demons by your side.
"Alright, alright. I'll help you." You exclaim with a confident nod.
Kiritsubo grins, satisfied, and Murasaki huffs and looks away. There's a prolonged silence as you wait for them to continue with further instructions, but the men remain quiet.
"So...what now?" you eventually speak up.
"Oh. I thought you knew where to go next." the silver haired man retorts, confused.
"Idiot. She's not a compass." Murasaki scolds him. "Can you stand?" He adds, turning to you. "There's a shrine a few kilometers away that belonged to him. If we leave now, we should make it before sunset. Maybe we can find something there."
You try to prop yourself up, but Kiritsubo promptly scoops you with his sinewy arm and throws you on his back again.
"I'll carry you. Just hold on."
A faint blush dusts your cheeks, but you don't have the energy to argue it. You clutch onto his broad shoulders and nod.
The walk is uneventful and both yokai seem to be distracted. The gentle swaying is causing you to be more comfortable than you'd like to admit and your eyelids become heavy with exhaustion. Before you know it, your head drops against the toned back and you fall asleep.
By the time you open your eyes again, you've already reached your destination. You yawn and stretch, lazily scanning the surroundings. A heavy shadow looms over you and you glance up. Still groggy from your nap, you scream before you can fully process the object towering above.
It's a statue. A colossal statue of some sort of monster. A demon with thick, wide bull horns sprawling out imposingly, almost eclipsing the ridiculously muscular build. The creature has four arms, flexed in a threatening manner, with one hand gripping a heavy spear and the other a skull. The crimson light of the sunset creeps through the windows and reflects against the chiseled clay, giving the statue a devilish glow. You feel insignificant.
"That's Suma."
"W-what?" your head tilts to Kiritsubo.
"He's one of us. You might meet him soon, if he's been alerted of your presence. This is a shrine built for him, to bring good fortune during times of war."
You cannot help but gawk at the structure.
"Is it, uh, life sized?"
"Heh, almost. He's a little taller than this." He chuckles, slightly nostalgic.
You swallow dryly. Just a moment ago you thought Kiritsubo was unusually big.
"I'd rather not meet him, to be honest." You shiver at the idea.
"Don't worry about it. Now that Murasaki has joined us, you're pretty much safe from anything. He's the strongest of us." The yokai remarks with a sad smile.
You peek at the dark haired man, currently flipping through dusty manuscripts, and briefly observe him. Compared to Kiritsubo, he's quite slender, with noble, elegant features. And he'd be able to defeat this enormous beast? Then again, the glimpse you've caught of his swordsmanship is enough of a convincing argument.
What a bizarre gathering of creatures beyond your understanding.
You remember to look away when Murasaki grunts and throws the remaining scroll of paper. His lips form a thin line as he rakes his mind for the next step.
"Nothing here. But I'm rather certain he has to be at one of his hideouts. We'll check each and one of them if we have to." 
"Wait, are you saying he's still alive? We saw his body before Sekiya and Sakaki took him for the embalming and burial."
Murasaki scoffs at his partner's gullible nature.
"And you believed it? That parasite spent his entire life searching for ways to prolong his reign. He's probably hiding somewhere, waiting for his renewed part of the soul to return to him." 
He rests against the wall and points a clawed finger at you. 
"This must've been his solution. Releasing his remaining energy until it found a proper vessel to grow stronger, and patiently awaiting the body swap. Then we go back to being whipped dogs fulfilling his whims."
It's your turn to be outraged, twisting your mouth downwards.
"No way, I'll pound that old man into sand!" You bark and throw a jab against the air, emphasizing your threat. "As if I'd just hand myself over."
"I'm not sure if it'll be that easy, (Y/N)..." Kiritsubo glances at you with a hurt expression. "He's a terrifying, vengeful bastard."
"Not if we find him first and take him out." Murasaki counters with a glint of determination in his eyes. "Humans need to rest, don't they? We'll spend the night here and tomorrow we head out. Kiritsubo, find me a map so we can keep track of the locations. I'll bring the wood for a fire."
And with this, he marches out. Kiritsubo scurries to his duty and you quietly follow his movements. He seems to be used to executing Murasaki's orders. You hadn't considered their group dynamic much, but it appears to have some rather complex hierarchies involved. You almost wish you could witness all of them together, wondering how they'd interact with each other. 
Who knows? If you stick around, it could happen eventually. Murasaki was surprisingly easy to convince, so the other yokai might as well agree to keep you alive until you find their source of misfortune. Heh. Almost like a harem, or something. You snicker to yourself.
Which reminds you...
The fire has been lit and Murasaki mumbles something about guarding the perimeter. This time you hurry outside after him. You reach out to the dark haired man and pull on his kimono sleeve.
He turns to you, mildly irked.
"Teach me how to use a sword." You state with the assertiveness of an order.
"Why? I can assure you I'm more than enough. I've never been defeated." He stares at you, incredulous.
"I don't want to rely on you all the time. You're already this close to being unbearable", you explain, pinching your fingers together. "Besides, if I'm going to be stuck among beasts, I'd very much prefer being the one doing the cool stuff."
And with that, you pretend to slice through an invisible enemy, whistling the sound of your sword cutting through the air. You furrow your eyebrows, imitating the engrossed expression of a seasoned samurai in the middle of a battleground. Murasaki quickly lifts a hand to his mouth - did he chuckle just now? - and responds, the faintest amusement in his voice:
"As you wish. But I'm warning you now, I won't hold back."
"I've been injured twice in less than 24 hours, I'm sturdy enough." You answer, patting your chest proudly.
Next time one of the Legendary Yokai comes for you, you won't be as vulnerable. That's for sure.
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alicesivory · 2 months
Old Habits Die Hard [2/?]
Previous Chapter // Main Masterlist // Next Chapter
Pairing: Nightwatch! Aemond Targaryen x wildling female! Reader
Genre: Historically accurate Aemond
WC: 3115
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Summary: The Night’s Watch was a nightmare to the one eyed prince. Longing for his freedom once more, the gods decided to toss a coin and play with him. Meeting a peculiar wildling that could be his answer. And the Targaryen prince could be the answer to her people. 
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“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honour to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.”
Aemond knelt before the weirwood tree as he spoke the watch’s oath. Although he was devoted to the seven, a hint of guilt lies deep in his heart. He recalls how his mother devoted her life to the seven and prays daily to the sept. Praying for him, Aegon, Helaena, Daeron, her own mother, it felt wrong kneeling in front of the old gods. What would his mother say of him?
Does she know that he’s alive?
Did Lord Stark told her of his fate? 
He could only get lost in his thoughts as he stood up to face his commander. The summer snow falls heavy upon his now black garb, traditionally worn by the order. He should’ve had drowned in that lake alongside with Vhagar and his uncle. Why did the gods saved him just to give him a fate worse than death? 
May the gods be with me.
“Just so you know, new recruits are sorted into three orders. Rangers, warriors of the watch to patrol beyond the wall and fend off any wildling. Then we have Builders, tasked to maintain The Wall itself such as castles, arms, and all that shit. And uh last we have Stewards, cooking and tending horses,” His commander said.
“As much I would love to put you as a Steward, princey…we all know you are needed as a Ranger. You are a skilled warrior aren’t you not?”
Aemond could only stare at the commander, letting out a quiet hum. “You don’t talk much do ya?” Stepping closer to the one eyed prince. “It’s better that way,” Aemond replied coldly.
The northerner scoffed, spitting onto the ground. 
“Cocky little shit.”
Walking away from Aemond alongside with the other crows. Turning his back on them, Aemond stared down at the weirwood tree. It was laughing at him. At his demise, his fate. The old gods were not with him. He cursed them under his breath, stomping away from the scene as his cloak dragged across the snow. 
Training with the northerners wasn’t any different than he had with ser Criston back then in the keep. It’s even easier for his liking. Aemond being a skilled swordsman he is, didn’t hesitate to show off his skills as he competed with new recruits of the watch. Even the ones that were longer in the brother hood had to put up a good fight to keep up with his skills. Yet Aemond was persistent on winning every single time.
“Get up,” Aemond said coldly to a young boy aching in the ground after getting hit by Aemond. “We are not done yet. I said get up,” he repeated himself. Is this the kind of men that they’re sending to the wall? Meek and puny men who are supposed to defend the realm from savages and creatures? 
“Stand up straight, boy,” Aemond told his competitor, tapping his leg. “Keep your legs strong if you want to live,” he said before striking again, thankfully the boy paid attention and kept his form strong. It went on for awhile after Aemond defeated them again and again. 
“Enough!” His commander’s voice boomed. “You, Targaryen.” Pointing at the one eyed prince. Approaching Aemond, he questioned, “What d’you think you’re doing?”
“What do you think I’m doing?”
“That’s enough.”
“These men aren’t ready—,”
“—oh now you’re lecturing me? A fucking know it all?”
“Yes I know it all. You’re sending these men into a death sentence,” Aemond pointed his sword towards the new recruits. “Is that what this brotherhood is meant for? Sending men into their deaths because they chose not to die sooner in the hands of you northerners? This is not honour, this is a—.”
Before Aemond could even finish his sentence, his commander punched him in the face, hard. A punch he haven’t felt in years throughout his youth. Tumbling to the ground, Aemond felt his cheek was sore and aching. Wincing in pain, he felt his nose bleed.
Stupid northerner.
Licking the blood flowing through his nostril, he scoffed. “That’s what you northerners always do, hm? Finishing the matter with violence.” Prancing up, Aemond wanted to behead his commander right there on spot. But he was held back by the other watch members. Grunting, ordering them to let him go, their grip only tightened.
“If it weren’t for Lord Stark, I would’ve stabbed you here for tainting the watch’s name.” Tapping Aemond’s chin with his own sword. “You’re lucky you’re protected under the starks, boy. Or else your corpse would be lying in the forest as those savages feast on ya.” Tapping Aemond’s cheek with a mocking laugh before his men threw Aemond to the ground, leaving him alone. 
His clothes, once neat and tidy, were now tattered and stained, clinging to his battered frame. Aemond lets his legs give up as he was left alone in the field. Even if his face was in pain, he was relieved that he is finally alone in this dreadful place. Even if it was for awhile, he savoured the moment and laid back on the cold harsh ground of the north.
Looking up, he saw the sky being dark and grey. Snow has stopped falling from the sky, that’s also relief. He wondered what his mother is doing right now. Is she praying for him? For his brother? What about Helaena? Has she forgiven him after what he had done and asked her for? She was kind. Helaena didn’t deserve the war or any of them. Not even himself.
What of Alys? His newborn? What does he look like? Will she successfully give him an heir? But what is the use of an heir if he is not present to see its birth? If he has lost the war. If the blacks had claimed the throne and cast his family aside? Was the war actually worth the fight? He should’ve perished at that lake to end his misery. At Least he didn’t have to endure the aftermath of the war. But now he’s nothing but a crippled Targaryen, surrounded by a useless brotherhood that we would die to escape from. 
A crow flew above him, landing on one of the trees surrounding the base. 
He used to see dragons flying above him. 
Now he is only left with dreadful black crows.
Yet they are free. Unlike his fate. Trapped in a cage he wished to be free from. 
May the gods be with him. 
He wasn’t surprised when they put him on duty that very night to the Nightfort. Of course they put him in the Nightfort. They said that the fort was haunted since it’s twice as old as Castle Black. Aemond sighed, lighting up his torch looking around the barely standing fort. They would have abandon this fort in a few years. Aemond didn’t mind the dark or the haunting noise of the creaking floors of the fort. For Harrenhal was far more haunting than this old fort. 
Even Alys’ visions were far much terrifying. 
He saw a few men on the ground as he stood by the bridge of the old fort. Scared shitless when they felt a small blow from the wind. “Cowards,” he muttered under his breath. The cold wind swept his hair as he stomped through the old fort. Yet when he slowed down, he heard a double foot step. He kept walking.
A quite tap was heard from a distance trying to sync with his steps. 
Someone was following him.
For the love of the gods, Aemond whined in his head. He drew out his sword and faced his stalker, finding the boy he duelled earlier raising his arms with a shocked expression. “I-I’m sorry!” The boy stuttered in fear as Aemond’s sword touched his chin.
“Why do you lurk in the shadows, boy? Did they send you to assassinate me?” He accused the boy.
 “N-no, ser—,”
“—Prince. Prince Aemond.” 
The boy swallowed a lump in his throat.
“My pr-prince..I…I am not here to kill you.”
“Then why did you stalk me in the dark?”
“I…I did not want to disrupt your peace. I swear it!”
Aemond stared at the boy for a moment, trying to find guilt in his expression. Yet he found none, so he lowered his sword. “Speak,” he commanded. “I…I..I am..scared…of the nightfort.” The boy’s confession made Aemond scoff, “Those stories they tell you were only lies.” Walking ahead, not bothering to stop and have a proper conversation with the young recruit. “Oh but it’s true!” The boy jogged, catching up to the Targaryen prince. “My brother saw a ghost in the halls. It was the perished wildling who died in this fort!”
Rolling his eye, Aemond said, “Lies.” 
The boy curiously looked at Aemond as they walked side by side. “What happened to your other eye?” A question that Aemond’s sick of hearing and answering. “My nephew took my eye when we were children,” he coldly said. “Why a sapphire?” 
No one ever asked him that before.
Only his mother asked him why he chose a sapphire. He remembered her smiling when he requested a sapphire to replace his eye. He remembered how she told him it suited him. How it made him handsome.
He smiled thinly at the memory.
“Symeon star eyes,” Aemond proudly said.
“The blind knight? Ah yes that makes sense. I read about him once. He’s an amazing hero, isn’t he?” The young boy asked, intriguing Aemond. “He is..and he is a brave knight. Taught me that being blind does not mean you must limit yourself from greatness.” Touching his sapphire eye, he recalled how uncomfortable it was when they placed the stone into his socket when he turned 13. But now he is used to it. As time went by, it slowly moulded into his skin. It was his identity now.
“What is your name, boy?”
“And how old are you now?”
“I just turned Ten-and-three now.”
He was just a boy.
Aemond stopped in his tracks, “You are merely a boy. Why are you here at the watch?” Aemond asked curiously. 
“I wanted to.”
Aemond scoffed.
“It’s true! I want to be a crow! My brother was one and I have become one!” 
“Where is your brother now?”
Jack went quiet, looking down to his feet. “He died. A wildling shot an arrow through his heart,” he answered. Aemond sighed, in normal circumstances he would not say anything and leave the matter behind. But Jack’s loss reminded him of his own. Aegon. “I lost my brother too,” Aemond said reassuringly. Jack looked up, wiping a snot away from his nose. “You did? What happened to him?”
“He was poisoned. By his own council, I heard,” Aemond vaguely said. “Oh, you were a prince, weren’t you?”
“I still am.”
“What is it like…riding a dragon?”
Trying to recall what it was like to mount on dragonback, feeling the wind blowing through him as Vhagar took him up to the skies, he answered,
“I was free.”
He missed Vhagar. His only companion. The only thing that made himself worthy. Without Vhagar, what is he? Without his claim as prince, what is he? Just a skilled swordsman who coincidentally has silver hair. What has he put himself into?
Crack. Thump.
Aemond turned his head towards the haunted forest. “What was that?” Jack asked. “D’you think it’s a squirrel? Or a bird?”
Thump. Thump. 
“That is no bird, boy,” Aemond warned, shielding Jack from their surroundings. 
Swish- crack!
An arrow shot beside his head. 
“Wildling,” Jack says in horror
Aemond pulled the arrow out from the wooden walls of the fort. Examining its sharp carved edge of the arrow. It was clearly handmade with lack of detail, yet it is efficient to kill. “Warn the others,” Aemond said under his breath. “What?” Aemond rushed and hurriedly push the boy out from his place. “Warn the others. We’re under attack.” Aemond’s words drove Jack into panic before he runs away from the bridge. Leaving Aemond alone with the wildling arrow.
Pulling his sword out once again, Aemond aimed the sword around him.
Thump. Thump. Thump. 
“I know you’re there. Show yourself!” Aemond commanded, “Do not hide yourself from me, you savage!” 
He felt the floor shake as he heard something- or..someone jumping inside the bridge he stood on. Before he could fully turn around, the wildling pounced onto him. He landed on the floor with a thud. Aemond hastily aimed the sword to the intruder but when he looked up, he saw a she-wildling curiously looking down at him.
Her messy wavy hair was braided disorderly as it hangs above his face. He felt how thick her fur clothes were as a few leftover snow stuck onto her fur slightly falling when she pounced on him. Aemond was ready to strike if the wildling made sudden movements or even dared to harm him. He glared at the she-wildling, gripping his sword. 
“Do as you please, wildling. And I shall stab your hea-.”
She curiously lifts a strand of his hair. Feeling the texture of his hair. 
She looked at his hair with a smile, “It’s actually silver,” her sweet voice said with a chuckle. 
“So you speak?”
She looked down at him, “Of course I do,” she answered with her thick rough accent. “Good. Then keep your hands off me!” Shoving her away, Aemond quickly stood on his feet. Pointing his sword at her. 
“Where are the others?”
“What others?” She smirked.
“Do not think this is a joke, wildling. We know your attacks—,”
“—Attacks? No! No! Gosh.” 
What is this wildling trying to do? Play with him?
“You’re different.”
“You’re not from the north,” she repeated, stepping closer towards him in which Aemond does not want her to do, still keeping his sword pointed at her. “And you’re not here by choice,” she continued, stopping right in front of his sword. One step closer, Aemond could stab her through her chest with his sword. “Is it true?” She asked.
“That you are those people who owned a dragon?”
“What does a wildling know about dragons?”
“Surprisingly we know some things,” she lightly said. “And my grandfather has seen two dragons flying above the wall. But they refused to go beyond the wall.”
King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne. 
His ancestors.
“What do you want, wildling?”
“I have a name, y’know.”
She spoke of her name that sounded foreign to his ears.
“I do not care of your name, tell me why are you here before I drag you to the watch—,”
“—oh, now you’re loyal to the crows? The last time I saw you, you threw a punch at the Lord Commander.”
What? How did she know of it?
“Were you spying on us?” Aiming his sword closer to her throat. “Oh really? You’re asking me that? We’re wildlings, of course we spy on crows like you. Or are you really one?” Her question made him grunt in frustration. “Tell me why are you spying on me?”
“Because you’re different. You didn’t ask to be a crow!”
“You do not know that!”
“Oh but I do. I do,” she challenged him.
“And not to mention, your purple eye and sapphire eye caught our attentio-.” Aemond frustratingly tackled her down. “You’re wasting my time,” he hissed at her. Their faces are inches away from each other. She scoffed, “Am I? Or am I making your job far much more entertaining? You seem bored being stationed in this old fort,” she chuckles. 
This woman is insane.
“This is going nowhere. For the last time, tell me why are you here,” he warned her. “Before I cut your throat, you savage.”
“Do you want to be trapped among these crows, snow haired?” She asked. 
Did he want to be trapped amongst these crows?
The watch?
But he could not admit that.
Not to a fucking wildling.
“You know nothing, wildling.”
“Oh but I know some things. I know you wished to be freed from this prison.” 
He did.
He did want to be free.
“You are such a know it all, wildling.”
“Aye, I am a savage. But I am also a free woman. Do you want to be free like me?”
Her eyes bore into his healthy eye. “If you were to kill me, you could’ve done that minutes ago. You would’ve cut my throat right here, right now. But you didn’t. For you knew my offer is too interesting to igno-,”
“Do not test me, you savage.” 
She scoffed at him.
“Then do it. Cut my throat. Drag me to those men you call brothers,” she challenged him.
Aemond aimed his sword at her.
One swift motion, her throat would be slit and she will lie there lifeless in his arms. That's easy. 
But why couldn’t he move?
His sword just stayed in place. 
He was a ruthless warrior who burned everything to the ground. He slew the strong family line. He killed those bastards and beheaded their men. Killing a wildling is nothing to him.
But he didn’t.
For she could free him from the watch. 
“Come with me. And you can escape from this place. I can help you go back to your home behind the wall. If you agree to come with me.”
She can take him home?
To Kings Landing.
His mother.
The keep.
“And you can help us as well. You don’t have to stay and become a crow—,”
He heard a watch man called him from afar with Jack pointing to Aemond’s direction with the wildling. “Ah so that’s your name. Targaryen,” she jokingly said with a light laugh. She shoved Aemond away making him stumble back onto the hard floorboards of the fort. “Catch her!” He heard a watchman said again as they ran towards them. Aemond picked himself up and was ready to leap and stab the wildling. 
To no avail, the wildling was swift and jumped on the edge of the bridge. 
“This is my cue to leave. My offer stands still, Targaryen. We shall meet again.”
Giving Aemond a wink before jumping down, nowhere to be seen. Disappearing into the cold night air.
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a/n: woohooo Aemond finally gets to meet the reader! Hope he’s fond of us🫶🏻🐇 Anw thank you for reading this chapter until the end! I will upload the next chapter asap<3 Alsooo I currently don’t have any taglist so if you want me to tag you in upcoming chapters just LMK🌷
🍰current tags: @suntizme @8812-342 @ladytargg @barnes70stark @magpiewritingsforonce (bold means I can’t tag you and idk why😔🐦‍⬛)
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justwinginglife · 2 months
Omg! Hii!
Anyways, I would love for you to write something like, maybe y/n is petty, because soshiro and y/n were both battling it out for the vice captain job? Soshiro Thinks Y/n hates his guts because shes always roasting him. Oneday, he stumbles opon her diary, and finds out shes actually a die-hard simp
OH MAYBE SHE SAYS SOMETHING LIKE "I love it when he bosses me around' EHEHE
Anyways love your fics!! <3
@soshirohoshinasimp Yay it's you again! Hello dear, so happy you love my fics! Appreciate you so much. I hope you continue writing as well! Also, thank you so much for this prompt, I had so much fun writing it, it's definitely one of my favs.
Follow Me
You and Hoshina butt heads so frequently it was a wonder your heads weren't permanently mashed together at this point.
It started when you both met during the Defense Force Exam- he had already taken down a third of the kaiju in the arena and he had the nerve to snatch one of your kills from you, the attention-seeking bastard. You had your gun aimed and ready, finger curled around the trigger, about to shoot, and he swooped in and sliced the kaiju to bits. In response, you chased him all over the training grounds, sniping every beast he went after before he could even react. And that was how he found out that there was actually someone who could keep up with his speed. Yeah, he was annoyed as shit, which pleased you immensely.
Then, when you were both rookie officers in the same division, you'd constantly be competing over combat power. He'd increase his stamina through vigorous training, bragging to you that he was at 40% and then you'd shoot back that he was still too damn slow because you were at 45%. Then he'd learn a new sword style technique and hit 50% with a smug look on his stupid face and you'd rush to keep up, vowing to him you'd make him choke on your dust one day when you left him behind. Sometimes you'd swear that just the act of pissing you off upped his combat power because it gave him the biggest rush. Some days, you weren't even sure if he cared about the numbers anymore, he just liked to push your buttons. Well you always pushed right back.
You accidentally glimpsed some old pics of Hoshina when he was a kid and you realized he'd had the same haircut his entire life so he must have one hell of a consistent barber. And that barber had to have hella dirt on him, having known him his whole life. So, of course, you tracked down his barber (like any sane person would do, right?) and coaxed him into telling you stories about Hoshina when he was little.
The next day, the base was abuzz with gossip about the time that Hoshina almost drowned at the hair salon because he tried to scoot further up in his chair while his barber was still shampooing him and he hit his head on the faucet, choking down the water in the process, and Hoshina just knew you had something to do with it. After all, how could it have not been you? You had the most satisfied, most devilish look on your face all day, though you never admitted it was you who spread the rumors.
After that day, it seemed nothing was off limits anymore. Hoshina spread hideous pictures of you with braces on when you were a teenager all throughout campus (to this day, you were still unsure how on earth he found them, you thought you'd destroyed all trace of the evidence) and as payback, you hid erectile dysfunction medications in his bag and then slit a hole in the bottom of it so when he spilled the contents of his bag in the locker room the next day in front of all the other officers and then denied it vehemently the other officers just took his denial as further confirmation of his... issue.
But as nasty as both of your pranks seemed, some of them were actually quite amusing, even endearing. You'd had a bad day at work one day and to cheer you up (you think), Hoshina set a litter of puppies loose in your bedroom. You did have a shit ton (pun intended) of shit to clean up after that, but it didn't matter, you'd already cheered up when you saw their adorable wagging tails and big round eyes. So, to repay him, you filled every square inch of his room with bottles of his favorite coffee. He couldn't sleep on his own bed for weeks, but at least he had a long lasting supply of wake-up juice.
And the two of you got to know each other extremely well through all this competing and bickering. He'd figured out what time you liked to go to your favorite bakery and he'd buy out their entire stock of your favorite pastry before you got there. It took you awhile to figure out how they were always cleaned out of only your favorite snack everyday, but then one day you got injured in a fight and you found him leaving a chocolate croissant by your hospital bed when you woke up.
It seemed like things were taking a different turn than you'd thought, and maybe the two of you could actually be friends for once, instead of rivals.
But then you both got the same letter saying that one of you would be the new Vice Captain of the Third Division and it all depended on your performance going forward.
"Only 70% combat power, huh? Not very 'Vice Captain' of you. Maybe I'll have less competition than I thought." You'd smugly say to him in passing.
He'd roll his eyes and say, "Oh yeah? And how's that training of yours going by the way? Cuz I could've sworn I beat you by nearly half a mile in that last marathon, getting slow in your old age?"
You were the same damn age as him. Fucker.
But even though the two of you would tease each other like you always did, you could tell that this time things were different. There were actual stakes on the line and one of your futures would be greatly impacted by this. You were both so young, it would be an impressive feat to be Vice Captain at this age. Both of you wanted that badge of honor to parade around.
Eventually, you were neck and neck. Both about 90% each. For the first time you were evenly matched. It was anyone's call who'd be the next Vice Captain.
It even crossed your mind that neither of you would ever be Vice Captain and the two of you would just be locked in a life long battle to be better than the other. But one day, something changed your mind and changed the course of both of your futures.
You saw him training someone in secret, someone who had absolutely no chance of being in the Defense Force and honestly had no business being in the Defense Force with how weak he was. But Hoshina saw his potential and he spent his free time nurturing that potential. That made you think about all the other little things Hoshina would do like this.
If someone was down about their skill level, he'd always point out something that was so obviously impressive about them and his simple logic would always win them over, cheering them up. Because how could he be wrong if it actually made sense? He'd say it like it was a simple statement, like he was just reciting a fact, but you knew he'd put thought into trying to comfort them.
If a kaiju was particularly difficult to defeat, Hoshina would look at all the angles, strategizing different ways to bring them down, ways that normal people wouldn't even consider. Even if it was crazy, if it was possible, if it would save more people, he'd do it with no hesitation.
He was fearless and strong, but he was also selfless and kind. And you'd started to adore that about him.
So you wrote a letter to the Captain of the Third Division withdrawing your desire to be Vice Captain, saying you'd follow wherever Hoshina led.
It was your little secret. Until it wasn't.
You swore you saw Hoshina coming out of your room one day, but when you didn't find it filled to the brim with anything, didn't see any trace of his usual pranks, you thought you might have imagined things.
But then when he ignored you for an entire week, not even bothering to tease you or respond to your teasing, you knew something was very wrong. You even started to miss him annoying you, and that realization deepened the pit in your stomach even further.
Then he showed up at your door.
"Can I... can I come in?"
You stared at him for a moment. "Um... sure?" You stepped aside awkwardly, unsure what was about to happen, but you missed him so much you'd let it happen anyway.
He paced in front of your desk for a moment and then he finally said, "I got the Vice Captain position."
You smiled. "Congrats. I'm happy for you."
He groaned at that. "Don't. Don't do that, don't say that. I only got the position because of you."
You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he could be talking about. Surely he didn't know about your letter... right? "What do you mean? You got the position because you deserved it." Your words were still true, you did feel he was the best person for the job.
"Yeah but you wrote that damn letter. At first I was so pissed at you, and then I was so pissed off at myself for feeling like I couldn't have gotten the spot without you."
You gulped. Well shit. Cat's out of the fucking bag now.
"No, I'm not done yet. Let me finish."
You let him continue but you sank into the couch, feeling like the shock of having this conversation was too much to handle standing.
"I read your diary. I felt like we'd been so stressed lately competing for Vice Captain, I thought a lighthearted joke would bring us back to where we were before, so I wanted to see what I could do to get you to smile again. So I flipped through your diary, and yes, I know where you hide it, don't even give me that look- you're not very good at hiding things and you know I know you too well for this."
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. The familiar sound eased your nerves a little. Just a little. You still held your breath as he continued, wondering just how much he read.
"I was shocked by the way, here I was thinking you hated me and I come to find out that you think it's cute when I boss you around and you actually like being around me." He teased, nudging you playfully.
You flushed at that but remained silent.
"But then I read that you'd sent in the letter withdrawing from the running. I was so furious I couldn't even read the rest. So I sulked for a week. But now I'm here. And I want to know why. I know you well enough to know this can't be a joke. You'd never throw away something so important for the sake of a prank, so tell me why. Why'd you do it?" His eyes were desperate and pleading and you knew you couldn't lie to him.
You cleared your throat, meeting his gaze even though every part of you wanted to look away. "I meant what I said. You deserve the position, more than me even. I'm strong, but I don't inspire people the way you do. I'm fast, but I don't rally people the way you do. And I care about people, but you love people. You were meant to do great things and I guess I just realized I wanted to watch you do them. I'll follow wherever you go, Soshiro."
It was his turn to flush now, realizing that this was the first time you'd ever called him by his first name, and with such sincerity no less. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to compose the right words to say. He finally settled on mumbling, "You always were a pain in the ass, you know that?"
You laughed at that, a real genuine laugh and it made him smile. "I could say the same for you. But you know... I can't seem to live without you being a thorn in my side anymore. Is that so strange?"
He shook his head quickly. "I feel the same. It's like I need you near me or I can't go on with my life."
You both go silent as the weight of this realization hits you hard.
"Follow me. Be by my side. Wherever I go, I want you there with me," He said finally, quoting your earlier words. He held a hand out to you and you took it, squeezing it tight and then pressing a kiss to it.
He's shocked but then he says with a smirk, "I think you missed." He points to his lips.
"Yeah, no, you're going to have to buy me dinner first." You tease, nudging him with your shoulder.
He grins widely and you take in the sweet sight.
"I can do that. I'll buy you a million dinners if that's what it takes."
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calisources · 6 months
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All of these sentences are mostly taking by my own mind and i'm not joking. It was hard finding material quotes regarding tournaments in historical or fantasy setting. Some are from shows or media but eighty percent is all from my own mind, please give credit if use these. Change pronouns, names, locations as you see fit. All of these involve the medieval event of a tournament and what happens around them.
I fear I am already bending far too many rules just by taking you, my young princess.
Show me your hands, you will have blisters soon.
Lady Eglantine doesn’t believe in love, only lust.
In the world of competition, only the strongest shall prevail.
A true champion is not defined by their victories, but by the obstacles they've overcome.
Victory is sweetest when it's earned through sweat, hard work, and determination.
Will you not participate in the tourney, my lord? 
May I have the honor of wearing your favor today, my lady?
Good luck to you, my Prince.
The tournament is not just a test of skill, but a test of character as well.
Is it always this bloody? Will those poor men die? Someone must see them.
I want him to wear my favor.  Only him. 
If he wins, the knight has the right to name his Queen of Love and Beauty. And at the feast, they shall dance.
Be careful. A tourney is a grand place for courtly love, but also, for blood to rise and affairs to appear.
Call me what you like, say I'm without honor, I don't care. I'm not getting on any more horses to whack you people with a stick.
Kings may be chosen by God, but they still make the mistakes of men.
When even those who rule can sink this low, it is not possible to change anything.
It's my lucky charm, be sure to bring it back to me.
My favorite blue ribbon. Take it.
It will bring you good fortune and you will return from joust unharmed.
I was hoping to ask for the Princess's favor.
How about a kiss, for luck?
Courtly love was the culture around the performance of love at court.
And now, rather than admit these feelings, you're dancing around one another with this mind-numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.
The knights take on the duties of shadows with pride.
Whoever wins the tournament, shall become the prince/princess’ new betrothed.
You want to marry my daughter? Prove yourself worthy.
Petyr survived only because I begged Brandon not to kill him.
When Petyr heard of my engagement, he challenged Brandon to a duel. 
You do qualify to marry my daughter.
What matters most is who she will give her favor to. 
Her face is one that can create dynasties or crumble empires.
I was hoping for a word before you rode on the tourney, my Prince. 
My brother is the one competing against you, please be gentle with him.
The games are done for the day, please, feast and drink as you wish. 
You have been staring all day, my lord. I was beginning to wonder if I had something in my face.
Any damsel that's in distress - she'll be out of that dress when she meets Jim West.
Great men do not seek power... they have power thrust upon them.
My daughter seems. . .infatuated with you. I have yet to see why.
The princess is naive and thinks any man who is kind means well. A tournament will only show her the reality of life.
You honor the arena with your combat. May your swords and shield preserve the peace.
In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining.
I will be brave for Princess Pea.
As a squire, your first duty is to your knight’s armor. Your knight’s armor is more important than your own life. 
You will be knighted and you will have earned your knighthood.
You are hurt. At least let me tend to your wound.
The men laugh and fight and the ladies search for husbands.
Nothing like a good tournament to find a husband, or a companion for the night. 
Rumors are always spread with ease in these.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die.
We're married now, but we still haven't told your dad. This is the right time.
Are you promised to someone?
My sister's getting married. It's a love match. A rare thing. I’m not so lucky. My husband is to be chosen by who can hold a sword the longer.
Why can’t women participate in the games?
There are games for the ladies, Your Grace. But they are less. . .gruesome. And of course, the dancing.
Princes and Princess all over the realm and across the sea are coming for this event. You must shine brighter.
Let me help you with your armor. It appears loose.
As I promised, I return your favor to you, my lady. 
The Prince never loses a joust. He will crown his queen and then all will be well.
I do not understand the appeal of this. 
I spend days making these favors, let me stay a little longer.
My lady, I do not need your favor to win, but perhaps, a kiss of good faith. 
I do not care who wins these games, your hand is already arranged for another.
Men are scoundrel, specially when blood runs hot after a good battle, stray away from them.
These games are done in honor of the king’s heir.
The lord’s daughter is said to have bloomed, and the man chooses to announce it like this. 
A tournament is for men to boost their strength, fathers sell their daughters like mares and for affairs to happen.
I saw you on the stands today, my lord. But you did not participate on the games.
My brother wishes to dance with you, my lady. He is all too shy to ask himself.
You were injured. Have you allowed someone to heal them or are you too stubborn to let them?
Princess, you must not stray too far away. 
Mother is too drunk and annoyed to care, she won’t mind. 
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jedi-enthusiast · 5 days
Hello. How are you?
Can you raise an explanation as to why The Jedi Padawans were sent to fight on the front lines alongside The Clones and Jedi Knights/Masters, please?
Of course, the Padawans need Masters but I'd assume there would probably be enough inside The Temple to teach them, despite the war...
I know The Jedi wouldn't want to send their children onto the front lines, so I'm trying to think of how they'd ended up there anyway.....
Thanks in advance (if you do have an explanation. If not, thanks anyway).
Good night/morning!
Hey, I'm doing alright---I'm sick rn, but I'm hoping that it'll pass soon so I can get back to my normal shenanigans <3
So the out-of-universe explanation is just that TCW was a show made for kids and so there are gonna be kid characters doing all the cool fighting and battle stuff. Is it pretty unrealistic? Yeah, but this is also a show set in space with magic powers and laser swords lol
In-universe things get a little more complicated and we kind of have to make our own assumptions based on what we already know.
In TPM we see that children...aren't really treated like children, from a young age they're actually treated more like teenagers or even adults. Padme is the queen of an entire planet at 14, a job so dangerous that she has 12 body-doubles who pretend to be her so she doesn't get killed, ready to die in her place---body-doubles who are probably of a similar/the same age. Anakin is allowed to compete in a pod-race on Tatooine at age 9, a race that is shown multiple times to be dangerous and get people killed, and it's treated as completely normal by both his mother and his opponents.
So we can probably deduce that, while the children are obviously still children, they're expected---and shown---to be more capable and independent than they would irl. They hold a level of maturity and responsibility at a younger age, and this is completely normal in the SW universe.
So the explanation is that padawans' ages don't really come into question.
We see from how Anakin and Obi-Wan react to Ahsoka, who is 13 in TCW movie, when she introduces herself as a padawan---they're shocked and view her as too young to be one, with Anakin continuously calling her a "youngling." From that, we can deduce that generally padawans are older than 13 and---in a universe where a 14 year old is seen as mature enough to rule a planet and other 13-15 year olds are mature enough to possibly die for said ruler---taking a padawan who is, say, 15+ into battle isn't really odd or seen as morally questionable.
As George Lucas says regarding Ahsoka being brought into the war, "she's being trained as a Jedi Knight, she's got this."
And so do all of the other padawans, maybe more so since a lot of them are probably older than her. They're Jedi, they're not younglings anymore, they can handle the responsibility and---if they can't---they're still just students and their master is right there to protect and teach them.
That seems to be the canon intention, at least. If you want to take a more nuanced look at it through the lense of them actually being children, rather than the canon intent of them being more mature children who can handle these things, you're probably going to have to come up with your own reasons why the Jedi would bring the padawans into it. In my fics, I usually go with the idea that the Jedi didn't have much of a choice, just due to what their training is/does as well as different concerns with leaving them at the Temple, as well as pressure from the Senate to have "every Jedi available" on the front lines---but you can obviously do something different, if that doesn't sing to your tune.
I hope my ramble answered your question <3
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
there's just something so inherently poetic and romantic about zoro's devotion to luffy during all of wano that makes me go completely insane.
he sees luffy for the first time in like a week, which might not seem much but for them, who are used to feeling each other's presence all the time and did not have a good experience with being separated, it's torture to not be together. so of course they go all happy, kicking their feet and blushing when they reunite. then his captain is like "hey, this is tama. tama is our friend now" and zoro takes it extremely seriously and protects that random kid he has no connection to because luffy says so and, well, because she's just a kid and everything, but still i think zoro instantly accepting to adopt tama is really cute.
zoro acts like luffy's enabler during this arc, because his captain might do the most impulsive and reckless shit, and the dude will support him to death. even when he's just competing against kid and law to see who's stronger (or the dumbest), luffy is the most serious he's ever been here. of course, zoro has some moments of "okay, gotta stop this idiot" but it turns out zoro is fucking stupid too, and getting into a fight in the middle of a party while you look for your captain is just,,, so them.
and all of this is just silly moments that make you think "oh, okay, zoro is whipped, yes. we already knew that". but then he pulls the most romantic and poetic things we've ever witnessed in anime history and honestly, i fucking lose it every time he does things like this.
drake goes to them and asks if he can be on their side (btw dude could have just told luffy he knew koby somehow but okay) and zoro instantly goes 'protective first mate' mode and says "haha no the fuck you're not. disloyal people are the worst and you'll always be like that. once you betray someone there's no going back" which is something i love about zoro because, even if from his perspective drake was actually a member of kaido's crew and they're supposed to be the bad guys, zoro respects loyalty so fucking much that he doesn't care whose side are you on as long as you have your priorities and beliefs on the right place. i find that beautiful, especially knowing what comes next.
zoro is gifted a sword that theoretically could cut hell, to then being then perceived as the king of hell for the same reason, and then actually going to the battlefield and referring to it as hell itself because they're fighting to death against two emperors and saying "if you're sending our captain to hell, you'll have to take me with him" because he would quite literally go to hell for luffy. and then the guy goes and tells law "hey, this is going to hurt like a bitch and i might probably die. if that happens, you know, just take care of the rest because luffy trusts you too" and he goes and awakens his conqueror's haki without even meaning to and not even giving a single fuck when kaido tells him because his only ambition and will at the moment is protecting luffy and fighting for him. that, and also the countless times he saves luffy without hesitation during this fight, which are too much to remember but i swear every time he gets in between one of kaido's attacks and luffy, my heart does a backflip and i die. and also, the gentleness in which zoro treats luffy when he can't fight. the way he protects him when luffy puts all of his undying trust on zoro. they make me go wild.
the fact that luffy is constantly saying in this fight (and always, of course) that he's going to be the pirate king and showing it clearly with all of his parallelisms to roger, and then zoro pulling things that make him quite obviously the king of hell, just makes the whole "captain and first mate" thing seem so little for what they actually are. because we have 3 different couples of this kind in this story, and nobody compares to these two, because they're not just a captain and his first mate, they're literally kings. and i haven't watched more (i'm on episode 1030 if you're curious, uta time!) but i'm so excited to see how this develops. especially knowing the religious undertones behind whatever the fuck gear fifth is supposed to be (except for a lil cute and powerful af looney tune).
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hero-of-the-wolf · 4 months
What are your thoughts on each LU hero?
cracks knuckles long post incoming!!
I feel like a lot of people forget about how much of a gremlin Time really is. He's cryptic for the bit, because he thinks it's funny, but he's absolutely willing to talk about things when asked (like when he told Wind about his entire adventure). Yeah this man's got trauma, but at the point he's at now he's healed a lot. I also think that he's just incredibly awkward, and it makes him come across as aloof and ✨mysterious✨
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Twilight is the softest dorkiest Link by far and I will DIE on this hill. He's the biggest big brother to ever brother, and he vibes like someone who feels most useful when he's taking care of other people. It's very important to him. My boy is also so so stubborn like who the heck thinks it's a good idea to try and walk off an axe wound to the gut 😭 also I know in my heart that he gives the best hugs ever and I think a hug from him would fix me actually
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People like to make Warriors this shallow jerk??? and he's NOT. He's really really not. He's just a big brother and he loves to tease. He's also really smart too, esp with battle tactics and working with other people. Also this man def knows field medicine like look at him whenever one of the others is downed in a fight, he's always right there making sure that they're okay.
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Four is so so clever and really good at teamwork (obviously lol). but like!!! I love how throughout LU you can actively see him working really well with the others and accounting for their skills and where they are in battle, like in The Shadow arc he ducks down so Time can land a hit and it's a really cool scene. I also love his inside jokes with himself lol. He keeps his secrets just because he's waiting for a big dramatic reveal and I respect him for it.
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Wind makes the best facial expressions HANDS DOWN. He's such a big brother too, and even tho he's the youngest Link I'm sure he still big brothers all the others lol. Also!!! This kid literally made the gods choose him as a hero. At every turn literally nobody took him seriously and he proved himself and killed Ganondorf!!! I'm so proud of him. ALSO Wind is so smart. He's the first one to start piecing together the timeline(s)!!
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Wild is honestly super hyper competent?? Boy knows how to live off the land. He's smart. He chooses to be silly bc he enjoys being silly, not bc he's stupid. Also he was literally a prodigy!!!! That doesn't go away just because he lost his memories. He basically started out with the master sword (as in he started his knighthood with the sword already in hand), he defeated a guardian with a pot lid, also he knows how to cook lol. He's fine vibing by myself, but he's also happy to hang out with the others too :) also yeah he has a lot of trauma and guilt over everything that happened :(
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Legend's harshness to me is def a projection. A coping mechanism, if you will. Boy's got such a soft heart (bunny hehe) and he wants to protect it from getting hurt again. That doesn't stop him from loving and caring about the others, he's just more guarded about it. And despite everything he's been through... he still loves adventuring. He really does.
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Hyrule's got SO much grit and sheer determination. And he's so powerful too, even if he doesn't think that he is. He's got spells!!! That's something none of the others really have. Boy's got the toughest enemies in the entire franchise, too. He survived the Adventure of Link. That's insane lol also he's got SUCH just a little guy energy fr and I love that for him
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I think people also forget what a troublemaker Sky is. And he absolutely gets away with all of it too bc like just look at his face. Is that the face of someone who's ever done something wrong in their entire life? yes. yes it is But he's also genuinely so so sweet too and yeah he def gives really great hugs. Also he's an insanely talented swordsman??? Like there's a reason he's called the Godslayer™️ lol. Sky is SCARY when he's angry. He just doesn't get angry all that easily.
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joys-of-everyday · 1 year
SJ and the Pitfalls of Toxic Masculinity
Liking women wasn’t shameful in the least, but treating a woman as your savior, shrinking into her embrace in search of self-confidence—Shen Qingqiu needed no one to tell him how incredibly shameful that was. So he would rather die than tell anyone, particularly not Yue Qingyuan.
- Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu Extra
Hot take: og!SQQ had toxic ideas about masculinity, and it ruined him.
SVSSS is all about the ✨Toxic Masculinity✨ but this seems to be more associated with SY than SJ??? So yeah, lets talk about SJ (my poor meow meow).
There’s actually some subtlety here, because talking about SJ and masculinity naturally involves an interplay between historical and modern views on masculinity in China, which is something that has developed over time and has influences from other cultures (e.g. the west and our views on masculinity). (Interesting thing if you haven't already come across it) I am… not qualified to read the subtleties here.
To note, SJ is coded as masculine… sort of. He’s the head of the scholarly peak, a master of the Four Arts, which is one facet of ideal masculinity in traditional Chinese values. (Fluttering a fan around was very gentleman-like. Although also, expressing your emotions through poetry and copious amounts of tears was very masculine back in the day. 'Traditional masculinity' has and always will be an elusive ideal.) But I get the feeling nowadays ‘scholarly’ has more feminine connotations than ‘martial’, albeit a slightly weaker one than in the west. Also, on the topic of toxic masculinity, certain groups of people Who Shall Not Be Named would like you to believe that Real Chinese Men are stoic warriors and ‘gayness is a western thing’ (my rage is unreal but we will not talk about that).
Anyway, broad strokes, broad strokes.
Arrogance and Insecurity
A big part of toxic masculinity is a need for social recognition, to be the ‘alpha male’ (not an ABO pun and on a side note I literally cannot take anyone talking about alpha males seriously now, for many reasons, but this is the funniest).
SJ is obsessed with his cultivation, but more pertinently, he is obsessed with his reputation. He demonstrates this in a few ways. Firstly, he works his ass off, which is not bad in itself, but he does this to the extent it is detrimental to his health (that grindset lol). Secondly, he projects a certain image with his actions and mannerisms: reading in order to seem intelligent, looking down at people to seem superior etc. Thirdly, he responds to any perceived slights of his ability with violence. (Fighting with LQG is an example, but also drawing a sword on SQH when he pointed out that he was reading an upside-down book.)
Now interestingly, the unanimous vibe that Cang Qiong seem to get from SQQ is that he is ‘arrogant’. When in truth, all of this is compensating for his insecurity.
Shen Qingqiu was overly suspicious, always feeling as if everyone was talking behind his back about how he was still incapable of forming a core, didn’t accept his position, wanted to sabotage him in secret, and so on and so forth.
- Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu Extra
Sadly, SJ is justified in being afraid of other people’s opinion. His comfort and security rely entirely on his status, which in turn rely on other people’s opinion of his competence. Of course he wants to get to the top – he’s been under other people’s power before, and suffered terribly as a result. Why should he not desperately defend what he has worked so hard for? Yet ultimately it works against him, because when he’s in serious trouble, he hasn’t been able to build the human connections he needs to get help.
The problem is with the system. The idea that having strength allows you to do whatever you want hurts not only the people regarded as inferior, but also creates a collective sense of anxiety for those who find themselves ‘at the top’. Anyone can be kicked down and treated like scum. Everyone is afraid.
Dominance and Bullying
The phrase ‘toxic masculinity is fragile’ quite often, but to elaborate, these kinds of rigid ideas of masculinity are by nature constantly under threat. Because any crack in the perfect shell is regarded as failure, it requires constant, aggressive maintenance, which takes the form of bullying the weak in order to elevate oneself.
SJ’s treatment of LBH is complicated, but here I want to draw attention to a different character – Ming Fan.
SQQ (SY) would have you know that MF is not a bad kid, other than the fact he’s a huge bully to LBH. And in part that comes from jealousy of NYY’s crush on him, but what allows it to happen is the way SJ runs the peak. It's interesting to note that so much of SJ's bullying of LBH happens through MF, whether it be giving him the faulty cultivation manual, giving him chores or physically assaulting him. In doing this, SJ creates a system that firmly establishes himself at the top, likely in order to give himself some semblance of security.
But ironically, this is the very system that SJ has suffered under his entire life, recreated to it's extreme on the peak that he controls. When he was completely under the power of others (QJL, LBH) he suffered. When other people were under his power, he inflicted suffering. He encouraged other people to do the same. Again, the whole thing is a scam! He is putting all of his energy into things that aren't helping him, things that ultimately bring him down.
Real Men Don’t Cry – the Dangers of Emotional Repression
SJ has many, very justifiable reasons in life to be upset and angry. The things he went through are both terrible and extremely unfair. Being angry at everything is not a healthy outlet for these feelings, but he hasn’t exactly been taught an alternative either. On the streets, tears would have gotten him absolutely nothing. Anger at least gave him energy to fight back.
And this destroys him. He is angry at the fact he had no one in his life who loved him, his talents were wasted because of QJL/WYZ, nobody takes his abilities seriously… and with no healthy way of expressing this, he goes onto bully LBH. LBH then returns to destroy him, literally. More subtly, he is unable to express his fear and anxiety in healthy ways, so acts standoff-ish and aggressive to his those around him. As his relationship with them deteriorates, his fear and anxiety increases. Feedback loops.
SJ puts on a mask of anger and stoicism to the point that everyone around him (including himself) is convinced that he is unrepentant and evil. Suppresses and suppresses until it breaks him, until he has nothing – not his comfort, nor status, nor the one that he truly cared for:
He had single-handedly facilitated Luo Binghe’s today, and now who had single-handedly created this outcome for him? Yue Qingyuan was never supposed to have an end like this. In order to come to a decades-late appointment, to fulfill a completely useless promise. A broken sword and a dead man. It shouldn’t be like this.
A Note on Ambivalent Sexism
It’s funny because I think there’s a fandom vibe that SJ was the secret feminist of SVSSS. Don’t get me wrong, I love this in fanfics. Badass feminist SJ all the way. But my honest opinion is that I don’t think that was the case.
More explicitly, I don’t think SJ took women seriously. NYY, for example. Certainly, SJ valued NYY. But the expression of this care involved doting on her, hiding his treatment of LBH from her, and not particularly pushing her to grow. And PIDW!NYY wasn’t implied to be the most mature of the lot. Okay, while we don’t know a lot about PIDW!NYY (narrator unreliable), it’s probably safe to say some distance from SJ helped her a lot.
Another point – the Qiu massacre. SJ killed the men, but not the women. And while this says more about his distaste for men, it also indicates (possibly - I will float this idea but I won't die on this hill) that he straight up doesn’t see any woman as an enemy, or capable of being a threat. Which is possibly a natural conclusion he’s drawn from his experiences (QHT was not very perceptive, or very threatening) but also inaccurate as a worldview.
And his attitude towards the women he sees as saviours? Has the same vibe as ‘it’s so embarrassing to be protected by a girl’.
Okay, so being doted on and not being killed are positives compared to being abused or murdered, but this kind of attitude is the opposite side of the same coin to ‘women are incompetent and inferior’. And when it comes to raising kids, not allowing them to grow can be extremely harmful as well. See e.g. Ambivalent sexism.
Although I do want to mention that I do not think SJ was like… actively misogynistic. I think he genuinely liked women more than men. The point is you can be sexist without realising it.
To conclude, SJ had ideas of success and self-worth associated with toxic masculinity which were instrumental in his downfall.
Masculinity doesn’t have to be toxic. While the Cang Qiong family aren’t exactly the healthiest bunch, YQY’s calm and patient leadership, LQG’s steadfast loyalty, LBH’s ability to cry like a maiden and still be the strongest… these are all traditionally masculine traits that can be very positive. These are also people who can have feminine traits and explore their gender identity without being prissy or weak.
It's the great tragedy of SJ that he had many positive characteristics. He was talented, intelligent, articulate, perceptive, loyal, and caring… under the right circumstances, he could have grown into a great person.
And maybe he still had that chance, right until the end.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 5 months
(clarisse is taking over my mid)
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- I’ll be back -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Persephone! Reader
An - just a heads up as I said in my Korra fic this will probably be my last clarisse fic For a while. The hyperfixation and excitement to write for her is slowly going away, I will be writing most all of the request that I do have for her eventually but other than that I will be taking a short break I hope you all understand!
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The sky had a thick layer of grey over it. The destruction to manhattan causing cement and other forms of pollution to take over the air.
Swinging your weapon aimlessly you tried to fight off the growing hoard of monsters. It was hard, fighting for gods know how many hours, seeing people you loved and care for die in-front of you and slowly loosing your siblings.
What hurt the most was seeing kids you grew up and laughed with fighting against you. Fighting for a cause that would benefit no one, fighting for what seemed like a dream that was never going to be real.
Trudging into a hidden alley way you lifted up your shirt. Looking down you saw the poisoned arrow shot wound becoming purple; throbbing harder and harder by the second.
Muffling your scream you pulled the dirty bandages off your body, tossing them into a dumpster. Rummaging through the bag at your side you quickly tried to change the dressings.
In the middle of war a second of peace was rare, a moment to asses your injuries was non existent, a chance to mentally reflect on your surroundings ended in death.
Death that forever followed you.
Standing stiff you were almost to scared to look down. If you gas lighted yourself enough you couldn’t feel it, it wouldn’t be true. It was foolish to think that you could of hidden from war.
“Checkmate” a raspy voice behind you whispered. Tyla.. s a daughter of Tyche and a friend who you had always competed with. Simple childish competion that eventually ended in celestial bronze piercing through your gut.
You’ve never been the best fighter but receiving deadly wounds twice in one day was setting the bar low. Pulling her sword out you fell to your knees, a metallic sound swinging in the air and hitting you in the back of your throat.
Tylas rough combat boot pressed your face into the gravel, tears quickly falling out of your face. “See You in hell” sliding the rubber bottom off your cheek she spat on you. Walking away with the intent to kill another.
Laying in the dirty alley way your thoughts went from the pain slowly leaving your body to memories of her. Of clarisse.
Sitting on the doc together where you shared your first kiss at sun down.
The first argument which ended with you both apologizing and laying together.
Sneaking into the ares cabin just to get caught the following day because you accidentally grew dead roses outside her window.
The awkward confession and her asking you on a date.
… the promise you made to clarisse that you would come back alive.
You woke up laying on a mat, a few medics crowded around you and the crying face of the woman you loved above. You couldn’t help but smile, even in her worst clarisse still looked beautiful.
Will reached over and grabbed her arm squeezing it. “She doesn’t have long” he mumbled closing his eyes. “Be quick” he softly spoke, standing up and walking to another kid.
You tried to move but she quickly took your body into her arms. “Hey, hey don’t.. just rest” clarisse tried to stay strong but right now she couldn’t help but loose it all. “You gonna be fine” her voice broke.
Tears began falling from her eyes and hitting your face. Her weak expression destroyed your heart.
Grabbing her shirt as it was the closest you could Get to touching her. “I’m ok… everything’s ok” you whispered. Clafisse just shook her head, the color was quickly leaving your face. “I just have to visit my mom for a little while, it’ll just be for a few weeks ok”
Clarisse brought your body to hers, hiding her face in your neck. Your arms went lip and around you both dead flowers and weeds appeared. As a daughter of Persephone death followed you every where, even in your final moments.
It felt as though the world stopped. That the outside wasn’t real and this all was a bad dream but even the strongest warriors had to accept when the sun came up.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
GENERIC FANTASY PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for any fantasy setting
you are a descendent from an ancient royal line.
can you joust?
this is not a question of bravery.
are you too cowardly to take a life?
hand me my sword.
the sheets feel scratchy.
you could have got us killed!
if you had kept to the plan, those knights might be alive right now.
together, we have a chance to take back what is ours.
would you ride into town with me?
you're playing with fire.
you should be on the throne.
perhaps we never should have come.
did you bring your bow?
you take one more step, traitor, and i'll chew you to splinters.
are you fit to compete, or shall the forfeit stand?
thank you, my lord.
i will deal with you when this is over.
you have to go alone.
we have some work to do.
it's an ambush!
why are they all staring at us?
were you robbed?
clean your sword.
i must look for a suitor.
i know where your allegiance lies.
pick up your sword.
you're not going to kill me?
what do you propose we do, your majesty?
the path takes us through there.
i will probably die on this quest.
even the peasants can marry for love.
your people love you.
i just learned this spell. can i show you?
are you with me?
how many more must die for the throne?
why don't we discuss the matter later?
what are you wearing to the ball tonight?
do not shush me!
be careful on those roads. there's been a report of bandits.
i'm not worthy of the throne.
how do i know your promise will be kept?
take the sword to the tower.
is that your horse?
i hear there's going to be a royal ball.
it was said to be magic.
no one has ever taken that castle.
what a waste of brandy.
is there a way down?
do you hear talk of a dragon?
you knowingly endangered a member of the royal family.
on a horse, with a lance... you're unbeatable.
some day, i'll be a knight.
there's an army out there, and it's ready to follow you.
hold your tongue or lose it.
you're no longer a myth. you're starting to mean something.
admiring the castle again, i see. isn't it beautiful?
tonight, evil has met its match.
you make me feel like a poet.
i'll ride with you.
this kingdom is better off without the lot of you!
why were they trying to kill you?
no one ever comes back from the woods.
i think it's time we found out what's going on.
i will not lose.
how about a little target practice?
you were right to fear the woods.
choose your last words carefully!
the time for pleasantries is through.
run, and i will run with you.
they wanted to arrange my marriage.
will you dance with me?
i'm sure when i'm older, i'll understand.
you know what we have to do.
what do you think? now that you know what i am?
you speak of what you do not know.
my parents were peasants.
we have a long journey ahead of us.
we should have killed them when we had the chance.
you might find this land a more savage place than you remember.
do you even know how to use that thing?
you have to be of noble birth to compete!
i didn't want to be at the celebration.
i can do magic.
are those catapults?
do you know any spells?
i'm not supposed to be seen with people like you.
minotaurs? they're real?
try and take them then.
help me fetch my arrows.
i'm afraid i'm not worthy of you.
i hear you have a quest for me.
sit with me and drink.
that's a bit of a long story.
there is no way that i am fighting.
i challenge you to a duel.
i wonder who lived here.
maybe it's time you had this back.
you have a traitor in your midst.
meet me in the castle gardens tonight, after the sun sets.
the king sent me.
you stole from the castle?
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sillyromance · 3 days
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...He picked me up.
Just a minute ago, it was a fight: loud screams, screeching of metal upon metal, dead people, scents of sweat and blood flooding the ground underneath my boots. Now, it's just me and him; he is so huge, a death battle below is nothing but an amusing bunch of shouting tiniest punching each other for no reason.
Many years ago, he left to serve a kingdom opposing mine. I knew him... Very well. But we have changed. He isn't my old friend any more as well as I'm not an immature student of Royal academy.
I don't know who ordered him to come here. I have no idea how he found me in that mess. But there is no doubt why I'm on his palm now. My fate is clear: he is a giant, and I'm a human. I'm significantly weaker; my sword is a toy which won't do him any harm. As if I intended to... Anyway, I throw the blade away - then look back in his blue eyes gazing at me softly, almost like they did before his deception.
No words are said. Feeling tears swelling at the corners of my eyes, I hold away sobs, but continue to stare right in his face, showing that I don't fear what's coming next. He moves his thumb and rubs my wet cheek as if trying to reassure me. I don't protest. It's... comforting to be remembered. To be reminded that our bond still costs something.
Afterwards, he lifts me closer to his mouth, opens it slightly - and gently puts me inside, shutting his jaws behind my feet, leaving me in compete darkness. His tongue springs beneath me, saliva pools in immediately, soaking my clothes and hair as I lie limp, allowing my devourer to do anything he pleases with me.
I cry silently. I have already accepted my end.
At my surprise, he doesn't savour me for long. He is exceptionally careful with my vulnerable body; perhaps, it's because he tastes blood running from a wound in my shoulder. Merciful, as always... I'm grateful for him taking me from hell down below; at least, there will be no nasty smells and yelling soldiers when I die.
His lips part one last time - I see a glimpse of sky and the sun flickering gloriously at my smeared face. I look at it, peace settling in my chest.
I tap the muscle, announcing that I'm ready.
And he listens - I feel as gravity gradually shifts beneath me. I slide into the pharynx - he swallows loudly, forever separating me from the outside world. Just a little quivering lump travelling down his powerful throat and disappearing without a trace in his broad chest as if I have never existed.
I slowly sink further, further into dark, soothing warmth. I hear his heart beating beside me, his huge lungs filtrating air as he inhales and exhales - signs of a great life all around my minuscule frame. Something I will be a part of very soon as a ship becomes a part of the ocean which claimed it.
The esophagus contracts, squeezing a pained whimper out of me - I'm pushed in a spacious chamber which greets me with an audible growl.
I don't know if I should feel anything as I tuck myself into the velvet folds. Acids make my skin itch a little, but it doesn't take long for the sensation to turn into pleasant numbness. It's pitch black, hot, humid. And soft. My lids lower against my will; exhaustion and blood loss are determined to knock me out. I know - if I fall asleep, I won't wake up. But it's OK. I'm tired. He is with me. His belly gurgles softly, digestion process ready to rage on; his hand wonders around his abdomen - I feel it touching my back, then it presses harder at me and doesn't ever go away.
Only he will ever know what happened to me. I'm not even visible out there - and though it should be terrifying, I'm happy that no one will come to save me.
He won't leave me alone again...
I smile. Then, allow my eyes finally close and succumb at the mercy of his stomach....
- Hey.
I blink, lifting on my elbow. The room is enormous; every item or piece of furniture is at least fifteen times bigger than me. Meanwhile, my bed is just the right size for a tiny. In fact, it is a cute fruit basket full of cushions. I want to pull away a heavy piece of fabric given me instead of a normal blanked - but hiss and give up on this plan immediately, blind and deaf from pain: the cut on my shoulder burns, convulsing, as if it was on fire.
Only once I catch my breath and the fog covering my vision clears a little, I notice familiar forget-me-not eyes twinkling kindly from above.
- Ugh... W-what happened?
The giant smiles.
- Your injury needs good treatment. I saw you on the buttle field and decided to take care of your crazy head before someone else did. It appears I was just in time.
I huff, falling back at the pillow dramatically.
- Very funny. Actually, I thought you was about to make me your food.
He raises a brow, then frowns - it looks like I have offended him.
- One more word - and I'm eating you for real.
I giggle. Next few minutes pass in silence as I watch him preparing a tiny bondage for my wounded arm. His large fingers move so accurately - it seems impossible, considering how big he is. When he finally turns to me, I let him wrap his work around the stinging area. Healing extract bites sensitive flesh aka crocodile, but I don't pay attention to it, smirking softly at my friend's focused expression as he tends me gingerly.
- That's why I love you. - I murmur.
He says nothing. Just smirks back - and gives me a kiss in the forehead.
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angstbabyjae · 4 months
Nona The Ninth Epilogue Analysis and Interpretation
I just finished rereading Nona the Ninth of the Locked Tomb Series with my dad and of course he was majorly confused at the epilogue, so here is my interpretation of what happens in it. For things said by the characters in old-timely English I’ve replaced them with my interpretations of what is actually being said, with the exception of lines that I think were said verbatim. Even though I think Alecto is actually talking in Shakespearean English during this scene I’m still going to write down my modern English interpretation of what she says, though keep in mind she is likely actually talking the way she does in the epilogue. There’s also a line down the road of Alecto’s that I keep as written because I don’t entirely understand it. Here we go!
Alecto wakes up after her and Harrow’s souls switch back to their bodies. She finishes her sentence from before John put her to sleep and breaks out of the chains, breaking her bones. She cries “ah, ah, ah!” and Ianthe shows up, having recovered from the Herald Bullet Pyrrha shot her with and goes to attack Alecto. Harrow, still injured and still laying on the alter begs Ianthe not to kill Alecto saying something along the lines of
Harrow: What you doing, Tridentarius? Touch her and our vow is void and I’ll kill you where you stand.
Ianthe: You’re gonna fight me? You’re half-dead.
Harrow: I’m half-dead, but you would be two-halves dead, bitch.
This one is nearly word for word what Harrow says. It sounds a bit more like something Gideon would say, not Harrow, but it’s definitely Harrow that says it. I think it’s further proof of Harrow and Gideon’s souls having an effect on each other after lyctorhood (even though they’re no longer lyctorally bound). Then Ianthe says
Ianthe: I’ll die only of longing for you, my sweet.
Harrow: Then perish.
Harsh as fuck, I love it. A reminder that Ianthe is still in love with (or at least has her romantic sights on) Harrow. Then Alecto gets up from the alter and backhands Ianthe into the water surrounding the tomb. I’m not sure if it’s hitting Ianthe into the water that triggers this or Alecto summoning them, or what, but what appear to be pre-programmed skeletons emerge from the to tomb’s wall. I thought that maybe Alecto didn’t summon them and raises her sword to scare them away, which works but I’ve also seen people say that she sends them to attack Pyrrha, Gideon, Paul, and Aiglamene on the shore, as she probably thinks they’re here to kill her.
As Alecto starts walking, the bones she broke when tearing out of her chains start to mend. Her current weakness is probably why she wasn’t instantly healing like we know she can, as she describes her body as “not fully awake” as she stumbles on the steps crying for John. Next she mentions the “crowd of dead children” on the tombs shore fighting with “living children”. Either the skeletons on the wall are the ones fighting them or the possessed corpses of the ninth broke into the tomb and attacked. All we know is that Pyrrha, Paul, Gideon, and Aiglamene are fighting dead people. They’re all competent fighters so I assume they’ll be alright fighting them. Alecto doesn’t understand why this is happening, so she likely, and unfortunately, doesn’t retain any memories from being Nona (at the moment at least).
Pyrrha shouts for Alecto from the shore and Alecto remembers her from before her imprisonment. It says “she was mightily dashed in the memory of Alecto, so that all their sleep was perished with noise” which I’m having some difficulty interpreting. She calls back to Pyrrha and tries to tell her about how John imprisoned her to appease the lyctors and that Pyrrha was “fed” to them by John to appease them as well (when G1deon became a lyctor). But he never did appease Alecto and only taught her how to die. Pyrrha can’t hear her over the noise.
Alecto remembers some vow she made before she was imprisoned. This vow confuses me, as she doesn’t seem to be referring to her vow to Anastasia, as this is before she realizes Harrow is Anastasia’s descendant. Strange and confusing is this chapter’s middle name, but I love a good puzzle so I’ll have to sit with this one for a bit. Alecto then turns to Harrow and raises her sword to attack her because she thinks she’s going to try to kill her like Ianthe did, but then recognizes her as someone she saw in a dream and stops.
Harrow: Oh corpse of the Locked Tomb, I have loved you all my life with my whole soul and strength. I hope to God that I find grace in your eyes, but you can kill me if that’s what you want because I love you.
This makes Alecto mad. I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe she doesn’t like Harrow treating her own life so lightly. Or putting her life in Alecto’s hands. Maybe it’s because John (and her vow to Anastasia) puts her in the position of someone who serves others, not as someone who should be served. She then kisses her and bites down on her mouth because she doesn’t know how kissing is done. You’d think that Harrow would be all into this, but according to Alecto she is not “appeased” by this kiss, which confuses Alecto. It seems like Harrow is perhaps already becoming disillusioned with Alecto to me. She can taste through Harrow’s blood that she’s a descendant of Anastasia, which calms her down.
Alecto: You are a descendent of the tomb-keeper?
Harrow: Yes.
Alecto: Anastasia’s bloodline is unbroken?
Harrow: Through sin and iniquity, yes.
Alecto: I am very sorry about Samael.
This is referring to how John killed Samael to make Anastasia mortal again after she got the proper lyctoral process right. I don’t think Harrow knows about this so she doesn’t say anything.
Alecto: I remember my vows. As I swore to Anastasia I swear to you. I am in your service until you bid me the favor, and whatsoever you appoint I shall perform, and consider the vow rendered. This is what I promised, until such a time as you deal with me as you see fit.
This one was pretty hard to interpret so I just left the whole quote from the book in there. The last two sentences of this passage are what makes this passage so difficult. It’s undeniable that Alecto is saying she will serve Harrow, but she refers to the favor as something that’ll END her servitude to Harrow. She uses the word “rendered” to refer to what serving Harrow will make of the vow and I’m not entirely sure what that means. Whatever it means, it scares Harrow, who likely expected to become Alecto’s servant, not the other way around.
Harrow: My hands are too stained, and I am too lowly.
Alecto then places her sword in Harrow’s hands by the blade, which cuts her. Curiously, it seems this is not what causes Harrow to faint. The cuts on her hands “made the child exceedingly faint, but it did not swoon of weariness”. So she got dizzy, but not because she was tired. Which I could take to mean that her dizziness was from something to do with sword not because of her injuries or the fact she was cut. At this point we must assume Harrow’s limbs aren’t still sloughing off and that she was healed of at least her fatal wounds when her body swapped with Alecto. The “strength” she takes to not pass out pleases Alecto. Maybe the sword is supposed to make you pass out and for some reason it doesn’t work on Harrow? I dont know.
Alecto: Notwithstanding, I offer you my service.
Gideon, shouting from the shore: Get in line, you big slut!
Iconic. Clearly this sounds like a cavaliership pledge to Gideon, which she is pissed about. Despite Gideon being on the shore she seems close enough to hear Alecto and Harrow’s conversation, which Pyrrha wasn’t. So Gideon seems to have gotten away from or concluded the combat on the shore to make her way towards them and says this upon hearing them. We then get a time skip, with the only thing we know being that the next paragraph is “afterward”.
We know that Harrow ends up accepting Alecto’s blade and “thereupon” fainted, which means that the acceptance of the blade happened separately from when she placed the blade in Harrow’s hands. Harrow “did not swoon” when that happened and must have been awake when Gideon yelled at Alecto. I can only speculate on what happens after that, but if I had to guess I think Gideon probably charged at Alecto. She shouts “a very great shout” of anger when she calls her a slut, which knowing Gideon means she must have attacked right after. A confrontation between Harrow and Gideon is achingly missing from this epilogue, but to me I think it must have happened between the time skip. I don’t think Alecto immediately takes her and Harrow through the river when Gideon charges because Harrow is still awake and hasn’t “accepted the blade” yet, unless accepting to Alecto simply means having it in her hands. I’m thinking that maybe when Gideon charges Harrow stops her, which leads to a very emotional conversation between them which ends in Harrow accepting Alecto’s servitude and sword to the heartbreak of Gideon. I think Harrow will inevitably regret this. Harrow passes out, Alecto takes Harrow in her arms and into the river to what was once the Erebos and stabs John, yada yada yada. “Annabel, good morning” and all that jazz.
It’s very like Tamsyn to keep a Harrow and Gideon reunion from us until the next book. According to the excerpt of the first chapter of Alecto The Ninth that Tamsyn Muir read at TorCon last year, the next book will start with Harrow waking up from the same position she was left in in Harrow the Ninth: Laying in the tomb in Alecto’s place with the sword and skin mag on top of her. I don’t believe this to be the same scene as her actually waking up in her own body at the end of NTN. I think this is a flashback to her point of view in the river bubble/mindscape/dream (I really don’t know what it actually is) of Alecto’s memories with John. How she got from seeing what she did at the end of HTN (the tomb and the magazine) to what she does in NTN (Alecto’s memories of wandering the dead planet with John post-apocalypse, which somehow had John’s actual consciousness in it?? Who recognizes Harrow??? I don’t know, man). Since ATN will start with filling in gaps from before, I’m pretty confident we will also get this missing conversation between Harrow and Gideon.
About the vow between Alecto and Anastasia, this seems to have been made on Alecto’s part as a thank you to Anastasia for staying in the tomb with her despite it meaning her death. I suspect this is the case because in the previous chapter, after Alecto parts the salt water and walks to the tomb, she sees Anastasia’s bones in the curve of the rock. When it comes to Anastasia, the timeline seems to be that she starts building the tomb for Alecto on the ninth before everyone became lyctors. She has her child(ren?), maybe with Samael, on the Ninth, Pyrrha helps with the birth and paints the nursery. The disciples “discovering” the botched version of the eight-fold word John led them to happens after the tomb begins construction but before Alecto was actually sealed there, so it must have taken a long time. It’s so sucky to think about the disciples that told John to do this (which definitely includes Mercymorn) keeping this from Alecto at Canaan House while her tomb is being built so far away. Did Pyrrha know at the time? Did she find out afterwards while sharing G1deon’s body? Who knows. Then imperfect lyctorhood happens, Anastasia gets it right, John kills Samael, the tomb is completed, and a mortal Anastasia shuts herself in the tomb with Alecto to die watching over her. Fucked up.
That’s all I have for this post, I have another shorter one I’ll be posting after this going over a few key moments in the chapter prior to the epilogue. Hope you’ve enjoyed this analysis and I hope it helps people understand the epilogue more.
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thebluestbluewords · 6 months
more murder is good actually
sometimes all my brain needs to write more of Uma’s crew actually murdering their hostage is different music apparently??
"I c'n help," Ben slurs. His tongue is going all weird and large. It's like they pulled all the moisture in his mouth out with the gag, and now his tongue is trying to fill the void all on its lonesome. "I can get you off." 
Harry leers. "That's my job, princey. Hands off my captain." 
He pulls back. "Aww, Uma--" 
"I told you to keep him alive." she says, low and dangerous and slightly blurry to Ben, who is very focused on breathing normally and trying to get spit back into his mouth. If he's going to talk his way out of this situation he needs to be able to actually talk, and not just mumble his words like he's a drunken pirate. 
Although, maybe she'd like that? 
"He's livin'! Breathin' and bleedin' n'all!" Harry cries, spreading his hands wide. 
He's got a hook clenched in one of them, Ben notices. It's sharp. Glistening. Not red and wet like his clothes, so probably not the one they stabbed him with. Do pirates keep a collection of hooks for stabbing, or is it just one per scallywag? He'll look that up later. If he makes it to later. He's gotta focus right now. Pirates. Bleeding. Cotton shoved in his mouth. 
Someone grabs the side of his face and shakes it. "LOOK AT HIM! He's droopier than a rotten potato! He wouldn't be bleeding at all if you hadn't stabbed him!" 
Diplomacy. Negotiations. He's got this. 
What comes out of his mouth instead is much less elegant. "Ow." 
Uma's grip on his cheek switches from shaking to cradling real quick. If Ben were in less pain right now, he might be interested in that. He's still very much gushing blood though, so the little rational part of his brain just files it away for later, when the much larger part that's focused on the ow fuck blood side of things is available again. 
Uma smiles down at him. Her teeth are very white and very, very sharp. She looks like Evie when she smiles, sharp and pretty and dangerous. "Little king! You're awake. How nice." 
"I can help," Ben repeats. His brain is not made of mushy oatmeal, he can do this. "I c'n-- can get you off. The barrier. I have a gate remote." 
Uma lifts a brow. "Do you? Harry?" 
Harry whips out the contents of Ben's pockets with a leering smile, and slaps a dark leather bundle into Uma's awaiting hand. "We didn'a take one off him. Took this though." 
She ruffles through his wallet with efficiency. It shouldn't be hot, but Ben's brain is maybe wired a little wrong, and also he's pretty lightheaded from the blood loss and easy to win over with the easy competence that so many of the kids on the Isle just ooze like water. 
Uma flicks her gaze down to him. "You brought three hundred dollars to the Isle of the Lost." 
"Do you need more?" 
"Do I need--" She laughs. "Do I need more? Money? Here. On the Isle of Leftovers. Do we need more money?" 
She spreads her arms wide, lets her shoulders shake with laughter. It makes the shiny pieces of her jacket dance and sparkle like the shiniest, shittiest disco ball Ben's ever seen. 
He sort of wants to kiss her, but that's probably the blood loss speaking. 
The crew joins her in laughing. There's more of them than Ben can see, but they're there, laughing right along with their captain, melting out of the shadows in a riot of purple and red and black clothes, scrappy and glistening to the teeth with swords and knives. And that's just the ones that Ben can see. 
He can hear one, two bodies moving in the rigging above his head. Laughing. 
It strikes him, belatedly, that he's probably going to die here. 
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mydearlybeloathed · 2 months
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i was inspired by this art by @atomikats and this art by @bumbleboa of three sword style nami and ive been down a rabbit hole ever since.
so here's my au where nami and zoro switch jobs
i need someone to draw navigator zoro with slutty little reading glasses or i think ill die probably
anywho allow me to explain the vision.
navigator!zoro and swordswoman!nami are in fact best friends.
zoro doesn't exactly fight in this au, even though he fully well could. he just chooses to talk shit and let nami deal with the consequences cause she's the swordswoman after all.
while nami is infinitely annoyed by this, she never leaves him hanging, as most of zoro's taunts are about how skilled nami is
Zoro flanked Nami's side, arms crossed over his stiff chest and eyes narrowed. The Going Merry would be docked till early morning, so the pair decided to have some fun while they could. Dim lighting, a steady haze over the building, enough people to go unnoticed--the perfect place to grab a drink and shuffle into one of the corner booths. Nami wore a pleased smile as she beelined for the bar, muscling her way between two lanky guys to shoot the bartender a charming smile. "Can my friend and I get a bottle of Sake and two glasses?" she jittered, oblivious to the glares of the men on either side of her. Zoro hovered behind her, a careful eye on each. The bottle and glasses were soon slid her way, Nami's eyes shining as she took it all in one trip. The bartender cleared her throat and Nami's eyes darted back up, confused when the woman tapped the bar. The bartender rolled her eyes. "You gonna pay?" "Oh." Nami pursed her lips, broad shoulders falling, and she slowly peered over her shoulder to give Zoro her sweetest smile. The navigator rolled his eyes dramatically, already reaching into his own wallet to cover her bill. "Thanks!" Nami took the drinks with a chuckle, heading for a table with Zoro on her trail. It took five minutes before Zoro started running his mouth, albeit not without aggravation. "Yeah, I said it. You're an even bigger idiot than I thought if you think our swordswoman would ever look at you twice." Meanwhile, Nami exasperated and tossed back another shot, hand moving to her sword in preparation to back up Zoro's loud ass mockery.
swordswoman!nami is often haunted by the memory of her best friend.
kuina visits her dreams on occasion, and its always a shock when nami shoots awake in the dead of night.
kuina died with a dream--to become the world's greatest swordswoman, when nobody thought she could. at one point in time, nami didn't think it possible either. someday, the boys would all grow stronger than them despite everything.
but kuina thought differently. kuina thought things could be different, if only they put in the work to prove it.
her friend didn't survive to see her dream fulfilled, so it was nami's destiny to prove kuina right. a woman can be the greatest.
The funeral had taken place early in the morning. Some tears were shed among the adults and the kids all had this sense of awkward mourning. Nami couldn't take it. She bolted from the gravesite before she saw the end of the ceremony. And it grew worse in the evening. "Sensei, let me wield Kuina's sword!" "Enough, Nami. You should learn from her. I won't let you suffer the same fate." As if falling down the stairs had anything to do with being a girl. But in the dead of night, it all became much better, as she slunk into the dojo as quiet as a cat, crouched as she approached the sword hung on the wall. The Wado Ichimonji glimmered into the moonlight and felt cool under her shaky fingertips. Nami swore she heard Kuina's lifeful voice as she fled the dojo with not one, but three swords at her hip. The village mocked Nami too, claiming no one could learn to wield three swords at once. She left the island altogether, escaping on a tiny fishing ship, with the intention to prove everyone wrong.
navigator!zoro thinks he's the most competent one on board, but it's definitely swordswoman!nami
zoro is still luffy's first mate because they deserve each other and i cant picture it anyway other way
but yeah, zoro likes to think he has his head on right at all times, but if he doesn't have a compass or log pose in hand at all times he's getting lost
it's part of the reason he was so determined to become a great navigator, because he always got lost as a child and nojiko made fun of him for it. then, of course, it was because belle-mere believed he could be the greatest, that he could draw a map of the world.
not many people believed in him back then, so it meant everything.
swordswoman!nami is devasted by her loss to dracule mihawk
she can only think of kuina and the mockery they withstood in their village
she believes she has failed... until she hears luffy's voice
he still believes in her, something no one since kuina has ever done
the only reason she's able to stand to face the sun again is luffy, and the fact that mihawk left her with a message
Nami's palms pressed into her eyes with too much force, her temples beginning to spike with pain that only sightly took away from the fire running across her chest. She scorned herself for the tears that dared to streak down her face, such a show of weakness she felt disgusted by. "I'm sorry," she choked to both her captain and the ghost ever hanging in her vision. "I'm sorry... I failed!" Inconsolable... until his voice broke through her strangled cries. "Get up, woman," Mihawk drawled in a low timber. "You won't grow stronger on the floor." Nami cracked open and eye, the sun blinding. "What?" "I said--" She really opened her eyes now, finding Mihawk looming over her looking like a god. "--if you intend to defeat me, you'll have to do better than this, Demon Hunter Nami." Heaving, Nami blinked quickly, desperately clinging to consciousness as her life force seeped out slowly. "I don't understand..." The World's Greatest Swordsman rolled his eyes at her. "You said you have something to prove: that a woman can take my place. And I'm saying you have a spirit most men go their entire lives searching for. So come and find me again. I'll be watching for that day." Nami laid still as the man took his leave, a strong burning passion taking the place of her loathing. She gripped hold of the Wado Ichimonji and held it high in the air for all to see, choking on her own breath. "Luffy! I will never fail you again! I will become the greatest!"
navigator!zoro is stingy about his tangerines
he only begrudgingly lets sanji use them in his food, mostly because having orange flavored food reminds him of home (sanji knows this and uses it against him)
speaking of the rivalry is definitely still a thing, but zoro just cares less (on the outside, inside he's plotting sanji's demise)
"Cook," Zoro grunted, pushing his readers up the bridge of his nose as he looked up from his book. "Being a little loud, don't ya think?" Sanji gripped his whisk in a vice, a vein popping on his temple. "No, I don't." He pushed back his sleeves and huffed. "Why don't you find somewhere quieter if it's too loud." Zoro shrugged once and grabbed an orange slice. "Nami took my quiet spot." "As she should," Sanji quipped back instantly, mood instantly better. "She spends so much time picking up after you, she deserves some peace." Where Sanji expected a retort he got infinitely worse silence. The cook slowly turned to face the navigator, one brow raised. Zoro ever so slowly removed his glasses, folded them up, and set them aside, glaring up through his lashes. "I'm not the one who was so caught up in her cadence and beauty that I tripped her and got everyone cornered by that gang." Sanji choked on nothing and promptly whipped back aorund to finish dinner. "Whatever."
swordswoman!nami loves protecting her more cowardly friends, never annoyed by usopp and chopper's occasional clinginess
she always keeps an eye on all of her crewmmates, just in case she needs to protect them at a moment's notice
and when they reach alabasta, she becomes a bit more vigilent when in the presence of princess vivi. nami gains tunnel vision as she focuses solely on protecting vivi, and anyone who dares to hurt the princess will be sorry <3
The sands of Alabasta were a soft cool during the night, a pleasant contrast to the blaze of the day. Still, that didn't mean the cold wasn't uncomfortable. Ace kept the fire big and strong, but the outskirts of the small camp remained chilly. Nami sat hunched over herself, wrapping her arms around her knees and rubbing her hands together. Her eyes scanned over her friends, ever aware of any possible threats... when her gaze found the princess. Vivi sat away from the rest as they partook in jovial conversation, her eyes misty and gaze faraway. Nami contemplated what to do for too long, her stare soon being met by Vivi's darting gaze. Startled, and a bit embarrassed, Nami offered up a soft grin. Vivi only met it halfheartedly, her brows screwing together as Nami shuffled to sit beside her on the dunes. "Are you all right?" Nami asked softly. Vivi pondered her gentle voice, and how ti contrasted to how she'd originally thought the buff woman to be. Nami was soft despite her edges, and Vivi couldn't help but be endeared. "Yes. Just thinking." "About?" There's the edge, always pushing to fix any problem. Vivi couldn't be upset, not when Nami's spirit held such care. "Just... thank you. I've said it before, but I'm so grateful for your help." Vivi curled into herself. "I couldn't do this without you." Nami swept an eye over the boys, satisfied with how they occupied themselves near the fire, and moved closer. She settled a hand on Vivi's shoulder, palm warm against her skin. "It's nothing. Zoro may be here for money, but I'm here for you." Nami's face bloomed bright red. Her heart stopped and stuttered as Vivi dissolved into gentle giggles at the sight of her. "Thank you, Nami." Vivi reached to take Nami's hand in both of hers. "Especially you, for protecting me today." "D-Don't mention it."
as you can see ive thought about them a lot
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hinasxvii · 2 months
Noble Trial Thoughts
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
❁ 𝗠𝘆 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘄! 𝗛𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗺𝘆 𝘆𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴! 🤗💞
This is just a random thought that popped up in my head as I listened to Zaros’s audios for the 850th time! 🥰
I don’t know if it was stated, but I am 99.9999999% sure that it was in one of the episodes. If not I will be extremely embarrassed 🙏 but it’s whatever (it’s not whatever)
I THINK that in one of the episodes that it was either our mother or Zaros’s mother that said back then when the trials were held in the past that those who contested actually fought to death. It’s killing me that idk if this was stated or not rn and im gonna crash out, but moving on! But if it wasn’t stated this will js be a lil AU of mine, I think that’s what it’s called im not sure tho..
IF it was truly said in one of the audios my head immediately thought “Oh! What if Earis and Zaros had past reincarnated selves that were thrown into the deathly noble trials back then centuries ago?” As we know over time the trials have changed of course, but just thinking if the trials had remained the same and be so cruel as back then, it would be truly tragic for Zaros and Earis to be thrown into them.
My wording is not the greatest so pls don’t attack me 😞 English isnt my first language in case you guys weren’t aware 🙏 If I could word this much better and way more poetic I would, trust!
Anyways back on track to my rambling thoughts! It would truly be tragic if the two of them were put in a death trial for the games back then and now for the throne. If the trials were done the same it were back then I’d actually crash out thinking either one of them would die in the other person’s arms.
Earis and Zaros being people centuries in the past rivaling for the throne only to be reincarnated rivaling against the throne once again will forever and always be Roman Empire from now on.
Like I mean imagine how cruel the trials could’ve been back then? People willingly (?) choosing to kill someone else for the throne or something like that? But if Earis and Zaros were there during that time, I ain’t even gonna lie, I think Earis would be the one to do the kill. I HAVE MY REASONS WHY DONT JUDGE ME I LOVE EARIS I SWEARRRR!!
Back then in the trials I don’t think there would’ve been such a strategic planning such as now with the trials? I think back then they focused mainly more on power and strength than the others. That’s just my opinion though!
I mean just think of how horrible it would be to be up against someone you know and (used to) love. Idk what kinda of relationship/bond Earis and Zaros’s past lives would have but if it’s anything like present Earis and Zaros’s bond that’d crazy tragic. I mean really, it’s a killed or get killed situation worse of all it’s by someone you love/care about deeply inside but can’t show due to the circumstances.
Since we sort of know that Earis is quite skilled in Serulian (I think that’s how u spell it) sword fighting I can only imagine that their reincarnation from the past would be skilled as well if not more. I can only imagine that back then there was just this big massive arena that those who compete for the throne (Earis and Zaros) are thrown in to fight for the death aka the throne.
Back then the fighting section/strength section has got to be the most lethal, no? I’m pretty sure that would be the last stage/section as well since it’s probably the most dangerous. Like imagine having to fight to the death with your rival with a blade knowing one of yall have to die in order to get the throne. Crazy. Like having to plunge a whole entire blade through someone?? I feel like Serula would be around the arena watching the whole thing as well, thinking this is some sort of entertainment for them to watch. (before yall say it’s giving the Hunger Games, thats what im going for 🙏)
Or if not dying due to blades from Earis, poison? Since we know that Zaros is very informed with plants, herbs, and such. What if his past reincarnated self were the one to kill during the trials? If he were, I believe poison would be what he’d use to sabotage the other person (Earis).
Ik I might sound crazy thinking abt stuff like this but I can’t help it guys 😞 im WAY too deep into the Noble Trials lore and I can’t get out and I will NOT get out anytime soon lovelies 🙏
Okay but lowkey back to the Hunger Games kinda. Would that not be coolish? Having a whole kingdom/empire watch two people get thrown into the trials/an arena to fight each other to death for the throne. Like imagine being put into the trials only to realize those who are watching think this is for entertainment, thinking that YOU losing your life is for their source of entertainment. CRAZY RIGHT?!
I can only imagine how deathly the trials could be in the past. Idk how far long in the past im thinking but however long ago it could’ve been it still would’ve been tragic either way.
If Earis or Zaros’s past selves won the trials back then I can’t even imagine how one of them would have to deal with the heavy weight of killing the other person. Either dying by someone’s blade or dying due to someone’s poison. Hurts to know that they were willing to do such a thing for the throne. Or maybe they aren’t willing? Maybe they were forced? Who knows??
Or maybe one of them doesn’t have to die back then, maybe both of them could’ve died together back then in the trails idk how but it could still happen. I mean both of them dying thinking the other one lived would be tragic too, wouldn’t it?
Or they don’t even have to die. Maybe Earis and Zaros’s past reincarnation sleeves could be forfeit the trials or something like that and neither of them have to suffer a tragic fate.
Idk but these are just my random thoughts that are not canon, think this would be something called an AU, alternate universe? Idk but yeah! I feel like I have much more to say but I think I’ve said enough for now 😭 I still needa work on that yandere fic, Elias texts, and the 2nd part to “Lantern Festival”.
And I still have to make a masterlist/introduction for you lovelies yet the link importing thing won’t work for me so I might just post it without links and stuff!
The urge to write a fanfic with this concept is going WILD rn, is this how yall writers feel? Wanting to write a whole new fanfic but you have other to have to write in your drafts? If so, this is TORTURE. 😞🙏
But yup! That’s the end of my Earis and Zaros tragic rambling fate! Glad you guys took ur time to listen to me yap. MWAH LOVE U ALL 🤗💞
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