#because I was literally taught nothing. ever about sex
exmojoe · 1 year
mormon parents signing you out of sex ed in school because “that’s something parents should teach you”:
mormon parents when it comes to teaching you about sex: 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 sex = bad 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
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werewolfbneimitzvah · 2 months
vent post. There are two stories i was told in my teenage years that even before i had a real concept of trans issues made me uninterested in discussing the supposed sacredness and safety of separated sex-based spaces.
First, when i was like 13 or 14 my PE teacher told us about a time she went to a women's public restroom, some guy was hanging out outside the bathrooms, she didn't think anything of it, went to the bathroom, and he walked in after her and like, creeped on her over the top of the stall. She was ok, she wasn't telling us this to scare us, just telling us what to do in situations like that (and iirc she was telling the whole co-ed class this, not just girls, bc it's useful for everyone), but this taught me immediately and forever that there's nothing actually keeping these spaces separate really, that anyone can be a creep in any space, and that establishing a space like that as for women only isn't actually particularly useful for safety.
Second, when i was 16 i was at an anime convention, a friendly acquaintance of mine and i ended up in conversation outside, and he showed me his bare wrist and told me he'd been kicked out. A female friend of his had stepped in dog poop outside, and between that and the stress of the convention she'd had a bit of an emotional breakdown, so being her friend, he started comforting her and ushered her into the women's restroom so they could wash the poop off her shoe together. And because he was a man who went into the women's bathroom, he got kicked out, no matter that he was doing something that was actually beneficial to a woman. Punishing a woman's friend for supporting her was supposed to... protect her somehow? This made it clear to me that a no-exceptions rule separating the sexes like that wasn't actually inherently good for everyone.
And this isn't even getting into me as a child needing to accompany my younger sister to the restroom when we were out with just my dad because she had certain support needs past the age he felt comfortable bringing her into the men's room with him. And what if I'd been born a boy, or she'd been the first born? Who's helping her then?
And of course even putting all this aside, we should always prioritize compassion and support anyway. But i never even needed to meet a trans person to know that "keeping men out of women's bathrooms" is silly nonsense. But trans people also need to pee anyway and as humans they have that right, so leave them the fuck alone. your precious women's restroom is just a fucking room with a door, holy shit give it a fucking rest, if someone is attacking you in the bathroom that's bad and if someone is in there to pee that's good and it doesn't fucking matter what their junk is or was when they were born.
a woman could have done the exact same thing to my PE teacher and it would have also been bad no matter how "supposed" to be in the restroom she was, and no one should ever be punished for helping a crying friend wash their shoe.
Anyway i know I'm speaking to like-minded folks here, i just think about those two stories literally every time bathroom gender shit comes up and it pisses me off.
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retroellie · 8 months
Have you thought about something to twisted games but reader reveals that noone has ever went down on her and darl wants to be the first and only one to do it?
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Summary: Daryl is surprised to hear you had never been gone down on... He wants that changed immediately
A/N: I've been dead again I know, but y'all I'm in college now, and lemme tell you... I'm so tired of writing essays :( i needed a break from them and college life so have this :) also, the gif looks goofy as hell... it's the first time I've made a gif on my laptop lmao
Warnings: Cunnilingus, pussy-eating, fingering, some dirty talk
Word Count: 2.6K
It had been a lazy day today, at least as lazy as it could get in the apocalypse. You had woken up and helped out with gardening while Daryl went out on a small run with Michonne but then you had both met back at your shared home. You had come home first and you weren’t there long before you were in the shower. That’s where Daryl had caught you, he didn’t think you would mind if he joined you. It was an innocent shower. Surprisingly, Daryl helped wash your hair and he allowed you to wash his back gently as you didn’t want to hurt the scars lying there, as if they would hurt anymore.
The relationship was new, like 2 months. You guys were still finding things about each other, like his scars. You hadn’t known about his abusive childhood or the scars that reside on him, not everyone knew. You found out only a month ago when you guys first had sex, you had been underneath him, feeling him quite literally stretching you open. You had run your hands down his back and felt the raised scars, at first it didn’t register what had happened but you had suspicions. Then after, you were laying in bed watching him get dressed and that’s when you saw them.
You kept quiet about it, not wanting to upset him but you knew. So everything was just new to y’all, it was all so exciting and nerve-racking. After your shower, you both took a long much-needed nap. Daryl had his head buried in your chest as he literally laid on top of you. You loved how comfortable he had gotten with you, he was once cold towards you and would barely touch you or let you touch him. Now he was always on you and he always craved your touch.
When Daryl had woken up though he had gotten a little too needy, walking you up with kisses along your neck as he pressed his knee against your cunt. You had woken up pretty fast, the pleasure coursing through your body and making your body heat up. So now here y’all were, Daryl tongue fucking your mouth as you sleepily bucked your hips into his leg. It was pure heaven at that moment.
It all had been normal enough, nothing new simply because Daryl didn’t want to be too rough with you, especially after being so laid back all day but soon his kisses had trailed off down your neck. He made his way down your chest, then your stomach, then your thighs. You were quick to push him off, not trying to freak him out but you were confused as to why he had his face down there.
“What are you doing?” You asked, confusion reeked through your comment.
Daryl squinted his eyes at you, sitting back on his knees as he shared your confusion. He thought maybe you had been kidding or maybe you just didn’t want to do that right now, maybe you just wanted to dry hump him and then fall asleep once again.
“What does it look like I’m doing…” he chuckled, hands settling back on your thighs but he stayed sitting on his knees.
“I don’t know… that’s why I asked.” You threw back at him, it sounded mean but you were really just confused.
You hadn’t been with many people, you weren’t too experienced. Maybe 2 partners at least and one of them you only had sex once with. You didn’t know much about sex and honestly, Daryl taught you a lot within the month you guys had been going at it. He taught you how to position your mouth while giving a blow job so you don’t choke, how to roll your hips instead of bouncing yourself when riding someone, how to rub your clit teasingly while touching yourself because it makes you cum better and most importantly how to speak up in bed, demanding what you wanted and communicating that towards him. You knew what these things were, you just had to be taught it. But this… whatever Daryl was trying to do was new to you.
“Has no one ever gone down on ya before?” He asked, watching as your face contorted into more confusion as if that was possible. “Ya know, like ate you out?”
You shook your head, considering the fact you had never heard of these terms or had anyone face level with your cunt like Daryl had just done, you probably hadn’t. The thought made Daryl kind of upset, Daryl had remembered the first time you had openly admitted to having your first orgasm with him so he shouldn’t be surprised. In all honesty, he hasn’t been too big of a fan of your ex-boyfriend.
Daryl had met him, he was some college motherfucker who was still in his annoying “drunk college frat boy” era even at age 25. He was annoyed by him but so intrigued by you, he was intrigued by the fact you were with someone like that asshole. What upset him was how your ex-boyfriend used to fuck you, as creepy as it sounds, Daryl would listen to y’all. Not that he had much of a choice, you both had been neighbors to him in almost every location you had stayed in.
He could hear your fake pornographic moans as you pretended to cum, it was obvious but your boyfriend at the time only cared for himself. It was always the same position too, you had told Daryl this after y’all had gotten together. It was always super vanilla and you would never cum, ever. Daryl could tell your ex-boyfriend only cared for himself, in bed and out. That’s how he ended up dead in the first place, he ran off while you were stuck in a hoard only you had someone to save you… Daryl. He ended up getting caught by the hoard later on, but Daryl didn’t even think to go find him.
Daryl knew of your inexperience but this… this was simply unacceptable for him. The thought of you never getting eaten out, never having your pussy eaten out nice and right like you deserved, created a deep desire within him. He wanted to make you scream, wanted to edge you until you were begging to cum, he wanted to make sure his name was carved onto your tongue for the rest of your life but for now, on this lazy day, he was okay with just allowing you to slowly come undone on his tongue.
“Do ya trust me?” He asked, rubbing soft circles on your thighs as he spoke.
You did trust Daryl, with your entire life. It just made you nervous especially when you didn’t know what he was trying to do. There were so many things you didn’t know about yourself, your body was almost completely foreign to you so you weren’t sure what you liked quite yet. You did know you wanted Daryl to make you feel good and if he thought this was a way to do it, you would let him.
“Of course, I just don’t know what ‘going down on you’ means…” You stated, throwing up quotation marks with your hands as you quoted him. Daryl just chuckled, slightly pushing you down but it was more like he was guiding you to lay back down.
“If you stop talking and just let me show you…” he said, pecking your lips once more before he slowly once again kissed his way down your body. “Just trust me, that’s all I’m asking bunny… You know you can always just tell me to stop if you don’t like it.”
You let out a soft moan as he left soft love bites on your chest, leading them down to your core once more. You decided to just let him do what he needed, you knew if you ever felt uncomfortable Daryl would stop almost immediately. You kept your eyes on the ceiling, a bit embarrassed by his face being so close to your cunt, it felt more like a gynecologist visit than sex but you decided to let it get better.
Daryl trailed his kisses down to the inside of your thighs, kissing them one by one as he trailed higher and higher until his nose dug into your clothed pussy. He gasped as his nose hit your clit, swollen and soaked as he chuckled at your reaction. You threw your head back, biting your lip to hold back your moans, which honestly were quite embarrassing since he had yet to even touch you. Daryl sucked on the inside of your thigh, allowing you to feel his nose rub against you as he left a hickey.
He selfishly wanted to keep this moment going, wanted to tease you and see how even the littlest amount of touch made your toes curl. He decided to stop his teasing though because if he was honest, he felt eager to taste you. He kissed your love-bitten thighs once more before poking his head out from underneath you.
"Can I take these off?" He asked, hooking his finger underneath the band of your underwear.
You nodded your head, your eyes still on the ceiling as you were too embarrassed to look into his blue eyes. Daryl had noticed this, noticing your hands on your stomach as you scratched at it. In other words, Daryl could see you slowly going crazy at the feeling already.
"Hey, bunny..." He grinned, reaching up to grip your chin to look down at him. "It ain't gonna be fun if I can't see them pretty eyes..."
You managed to peel your eyes away from the ceiling and finally look at him as his hand rested on your chin. You smirked, murmuring a soft "sorry" as you watched him retract his hand and place it back on your thigh. He opened them slowly, as wide as you were comfortable with.
"Good girl... just stay like that for me hm..." He whispered out, his hot breath against your clothed cunt.
He smirked up at you, hooking his hand underneath your underwear before sliding them down your legs. He was soft with it, running his hand along your leg as he took them off so slowly you thought you were cum just then. You watched his every move with wide eyes, watching him get back into the position he was before. He could've warmed you up but he couldn't handle it anymore, so he dove in.
He was soft with it at first, and the kitten licked your clit as he rubbed up and down your slit. This action made you want to close your legs subconsciously, the action so sudden and quick your body tried to reject this foreign feeling. Daryl kept your thighs open though, one hand on your thigh as the other massaged your slit. You moaned softly, having a hard time making eye contact with him.
You knew right off the bat this was going to be a problem for you, you knew you would not be able to look at his lips or tongue the same anymore. You knew he would be kissing those lips more than he would your actual lips, but Daryl was completely okay with that. Daryl continued his soft actions until he felt you would go insane if he didn't speed up.
He slowly started licking up your slit, teasing your opening with his finger and sometimes sticking his tongue in just to hear the high-pitched moan you would make. Daryl made sure he didn't miss a single spot of your cunt, making sure he was licking up every single drip of you and allowing it to rest on his tongue as he tasted the sweetness of it. He couldn't explain how good you tasted to him, it was as though he was starving for so long and he finally got a taste of the sweet food he's been missing out on for his entire life. It was addictive.
"Fuck... Daryl..." You moaned out, your voice box already giving out as you squeezed your eyes shut and gripped the sheets.
Daryl just smiled at your reaction and decided it was the perfect time to shove his 2 fingers in you. He knew you would not be able to last very long, and he was okay with that for now, obviously, he would definitely work your tolerance up to it soon enough but now he was okay with being your first. Daryl wanted to make sure you would never forget this moment like he did with anything when it came to pleasuring you. He wanted to make sure if a younger or more handsome dude came around, you would know who fucked you the best.
Daryl started a slow pattern on your clit, soft kisses followed by kitten licks and then sucking on it before he would slowly rub it with his thumb. It was a crazy pattern, very sporadic, but it was his way of trial and error, seeing which technique made your toes curl the most. So far, you seemed to really like when he sucked on it softly so he made sure to do that the most. He continued his abuse, feeling your walls close against his fingers as it became harder and harder to finger fuck you.
"Fu... dar... I'm... c...fuc..." You could literally not get a single word out of your mouth before a moan would hit you.
Your toes were curled, your mouth agape as you're back arched up until your head was thrown back into the pillows. Daryl started to push his fingers in and out of you at a medium speed, not wanting to overwhelm you too much, and his mouth began to suck softly on your clit. He could tell you were on the edge when your moans turned to screams, feeling your walls tighten even more.
The tight coil in your stomach finally snapped, cumming onto Daryl's fingers with a scream as you shook violently. Your thighs wanted to close around his head but Daryl kept them wide open. daryl fucked and sucked you through your orgasm, feeling your walls contract against his long fingers as you're juices flowed down them. You couldn't stop moving, you're squirming became unbearable and that's when Daryl decided to stop his movements.
He pulled his fingers out of you, stuffing them in his mouth. You watched him in amazement, a new sheet of arousal dripping from your swollen cunt. Daryl made his way back up to you, seeing how sweaty you had become. Daryl smiled down at you with his soaked face, holding himself above you. He popped his fingers out of his mouth before leaning down to kiss you.
You could taste yourself on his lips, it was almost nauseating as everything became too much for you. You ran a hand through his hair, pulling it slightly as you melted into the kiss. Daryl had to physically pull you away from him so you could breathe, he loved how needy you had become. You were so unsure of it at first and now you had fallen in love with it, fallen in love with him even more as he was the one who opened you up to it.
"You liked it huh?" He spoke, pushing some hair out of your face as it stuck to your sweaty forehead. You nodded aggressively, "liked" was an understatement. "Knew my bunny would... Do you need anything, hun?" He asked, slightly concerned at your rapid heartbeat.
You just bite your lip, pulling him into another kiss before pushing him down by his shoulders. He knew what you wanted, he knew you wanted him to go down on you again and he wasn't the one to turn that down.
"Needy little thing huh?" He chuckled as he kissed down your body once more.
"Less talking and more going down on me" You joked back, watching him place himself back in the position he once was in.
"don't gotta tell me twice darlin," He grinned up at you before diving back in. 
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ssareids-coffee · 7 months
hi ! i’m obsessed with the idea of best friend!eddie teaching virgin!reader how to give head😭😭 like maybe they’re watching a movie and a sex scene comes on and her having no experience she’s like “i wonder how it feels…does it feel good?” like genuine curiosity and omg he would be so vocal, soft, and instructional i can’t do this-
sorry this took so long!! but i hope you like it🫶🏻
sat on the sofa in his trailer, passing a joint between the two of you as a horror movie plays in the background. eddie hands you the joint, letting the smoke fill the air between you both. you’ve been best friends with eddie for almost your whole lives, so being curled up on his sofa under a blanket while your wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of panties as he’s wearing his own plaid pyjama bottoms was nothing new.
‘what do you think of the move so far sweetheart?’ eddie asks casually, his arm wrapped around your waist as your head rests on his chest.
‘i really like it’ you say with a smile, finishing the joint and stubbing it out on the ashtray he keeps on the coffee table ‘i like the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously, makes it much more enjoyable’
eddie hums in agreement, his nose pressed to your head as you cuddle, taking in the scent of your shampoo. he knows it’s wrong to be harbouring these kind of feelings about his best friend, but there’s just something about you that makes him feel weak at the knees. he’s enjoying the moment of being close to you, when he starts to hear faint moans coming from the tv. he looks up, the main character of the movie having sex with her longtime boyfriend, he laughs.
‘literally the number one rule in a horror movie, if you fuck, you die’ he says with a laugh, looking down at you and watching your reaction to the scene unfolding. just as the main character climaxes, you turn to him.
‘does that feel, good?’ you ask, buzzed enough from the weed that your not entirely realising that your telling your best friend you have never had an orgasm. eddie feels his cheeks flush slightly and his cock stir involuntarily at the thoughts your question filled his mind with.
‘does what feel good? sex?’ he asks, slightly confused.
‘no, not sex, having an orgasm’ you say, looking back at the tv screen. eddies eyes widen at the realisation.
‘you’ve never had an orgasm?’ he asks, shocked ‘not even by yourself’
‘no, i mean i’ve tried but i can’t ever get myself to finish’ you say softly, feeling slightly embarrassed ‘does it feel good though?’ eddies mind is racing, partly because of the thoughts of you trying to touch yourself and not being able to cum.
‘uh- yeah it does feel good, like really good’ he says, clearing his throat so his voice does not make him sound as horny as he is.
‘have you ever made a girl cum before?’ you ask him, chewing on your bottom lip as you look up at him through long lashes.
‘yeah- a few times’
‘can you show me how you do it?’ you ask, the words falling out your mouth before you can stop them, his eyes widening and breathing becoming more laboured at your proposition ‘oh! not like that, like can you show me how you do it, like acting it out or something?’ you say shyly. eddie is sure he is dreaming, there is no way his beautiful best friend is asking him to explain him to show her how to cum, so she can then go home and touch herself using what he taught her. no- he shouldn’t be getting off on this, your his friend and friends ask each other for help, but he can’t deny that your innocence isn’t making him want to completely ruin you.
‘yeah, sure i can’ eddie replies, shifting on the sofa to turn so he’s facing you, holding one of his palms up ‘so, you know where your pussy is, but your clit is up higher, it’s that little bud right at the top, about here’ he says, using his other hand to point to the top of his outstretched palm.
‘the mistake a lot of people make is applying way too much pressure, or not going slowly enough’ he continues.
‘how do you find the right speed and pressure though?’ you ask curiously ‘i always find that i either can’t feel anything or i feel so much it hurts’
‘well the pussy and clit aren’t the only places a person can feel pleasure, working yourself up first can help with that kind of thing’ he says, clearing his throat as he tries not to picture you with your hand down your panties when your home alone.
‘working myself up how?’
‘uh- teasing yourself, playing with your nipples, teasing yourself over your panties’ eddie replies, looking at you with flushed cheeks and dilated pupils ‘taking things slowly with yourself until your really desperate, can feel how much you need it, it’ll help’
‘okay, that makes sense’
‘you’ll want to start on the outside, working on your clit, but when you get wet enough you can try putting a finger inside yourself. it’ll be tight, but you want to curl your finger till you find a spongy spot, and you want to hit that again and again, that’s your gspot’
‘can you make someone cum just using their gspot?’ you ask, your face mirroring his own desire.
‘yeah, you can, but most women need some kind of clitoral stimulation to cum too, so using both hands to work different areas would most likely help’ he says, noticing that your squeezing your thighs together, cheeks slightly flushed- were you, turned on by this?
‘i have such short fingers though’ you say, placing your palm against his to show the clear size difference ‘i don’t know if mine could reach that far inside’ you say with a small pout. eddie clears his throat, trying to think about anything other than how close you both were and the image of you fingering yourself that was now playing on repeat in his head.
‘right- uh, i guess that could be a problem’ he says, eyes locked onto yours, face subconsciously moving closer to yours.
‘eddie’ you say softly, fingers now intertwined with his ‘can you show me’ you ask, voice barley above a whisper.
‘are you asking what i think your asking?’ he says breathlessly, nose bumping against yours as you are drawn to each other.
‘yes, can you show me how to make myself cum’ you whisper, and that’s all the confirmation that eddie needed before his lips were on yours. years of pent up feelings are pouring out of him as he kisses you, he desperately tried to remember everything about how you feel against him incase this never happens again. he reluctantly pulls away, turning you round so your back is flush against his chest as he sits on the sofa.
‘can i take these off sweetheart?’ he asks, voice thick with desire as he tugs at your borrowed shirt.
‘please’ you whisper, he pulls the fabric off your body, leaving you in just a pair of panties. he feels like he could cum in his pants just from looking at you, the way your back is pressed to him, your tits on full display for him as he takes in your almost naked form.
‘we’re gonna start with working you up, okay angel?’ he says sweetly, lips finding their way to your neck as his hands run up and down your stomach, occasionally grabbing your hips and giving them a squeeze. the feel of his lips on your neck and his hands finally on you after all this time, you let out a breathy moan which makes eddies already hard cock impossibly harder. he slowly reaches up and starts gently touching your boobs, tracing your nipples with his thumb as his mouth finds its way to your earlobe, gently biting it. your back is arching, head falling back against his shoulder as his name falls from your lips like a prayer. your squirming now, bucking your hips up as he tugs on one of your nipples as you let out an almost pornographic moan.
‘eddie, please’ you moan desperately, breathing now laboured as he touches you everywhere but the place you need him most. he takes your panties off, slipping them down your legs as he lets out a groan at the sight of you now naked against him.
‘okay sweetheart, give me your hand’ he says, voice heavy with lust as you place the back of your hand against the palm of his ‘good girl, now your gonna touch yourself, and i’m gonna help guide you with my hand like this okay?’
‘please’ you whisper, your hand moving down your stomach and towards your aching pussy. your fingers catch on your clit, making you gasp at the sensation, his hand still firmly placed against yours, guiding each movement. he starts with small, soft circles on your clit, your already whining and moaning at the feeling- you didn’t know it could feel this good. he can hear just how wet you are, each circle of your clit with your finger making a soft squelching noise from just how turned on you were, making his cock strain even more against his pyjama pants- but this isn’t about him, it’s about you. he slowly starts to increase the pace of his hand against yours, speeding up the movements of your fingers against your clit.
‘eddie, feels so good, didn’t know it could feel so good’ you pant, head thrown back on his shoulder as your eyes squeeze shut, cheeks flushed from arousal.
‘i know baby, your doing so well’ he says softly, using his free hand to gently stroke your hair before moving his fingers down to your neglected nipples.
‘fuck- something feels, different’ you say through a moan, hips now grinding against your own (and also his) hand as your breath comes out in short gasps.
‘it’s okay sweetheart, you gonna cum? your doing so well, you can cum’ he says, coxing your orgasm out of you with each brush of your nipple and circle of your clit. the coil in your stomach burst, crying out as you grind your pussy desperately against your fingers, crying out his name as slick gushes from you. eddie can’t stop himself now, he’s all but humping your back, desperate for any kind of release now your cumming. you cum down from your orgasm, head fuzzy from the pleasure. he softly removes his hand from yours, moving it to your jaw to lift your chin upwards so your looking at him.
‘you did so good angel, so fucking good’ he says breathlessly, kissing you again.
‘eddie’ you mumble against his lips ‘can you show me how to touch a dick now?’
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Demon!Eddie 4
Oh, hoo boy. I feel like this one warrants some content warnings: blood kink, teeth kink, unsafe(?) sex he’s a demon idk, self lubricating dick
“You wanna ask me something.”
Steve didn’t know if it was demonic powers that made him so easy to read, or if it was just that he wanted it that much.
“I wanna ask you...for something. But I don’t know if I can.” If he did, would Eddie say no? Would he push him away? Laugh in his face? Tell him that all his sacrifices fell to his charms eventually?
“Is it the kind of thing you’ve asked for before?”
Steve couldn’t help the bit of confidence that showed through as he thought about the girls he had kissed in the past.  “Not verbally, no. I’ve always just like, put out a vibe or something.” He could usually tell a girl wanted to be kissed by him before he did it. Could tell that she was waiting for him to make a move.
“Try me then.”
Eddie had a look on his face like he knew exactly what Steve was talking about; what he was trying to ask him for. This was the same dude who took him on a whirlwind job adventure and turned into whatever he wanted at the drop of a hat so Steve wondered why his impulse wasn’t kicking in now, when Steve was at his most nervous.
But why was he nervous? Steve looked down at his hand, still in Eddie’s hold after he drank from it. He intertwined their fingers and Eddie didn’t pull back. He never pulled from Steve. He never refused him. Never said no.
Steve’s other hand went up to cup Eddie’s jaw, his thumb caressing his cheek. He didn’t see an opportunist demon. He saw a man who wanted him.
“Come here.”
He was kissing Eddie.
And Eddie was kissing him.
And then Eddie was gripping his face and pushing his tongue into his mouth and pressing him down into the couch. There was that impulse. 
Yet Steve couldn’t find it in him to complain. Never even occurred to him. Not when kissing Eddie felt this good and right. Not when Eddie’s weight on him had him feeling the most grounded in the past 24 hours.
Eddie was licking into his mouth, biting at his lips, sucking on his tongue like he literally wanted to eat him and Steve might let him get away with more than a few bites.
“You gotta-”, Eddie started before cutting himself off by diving in for another kiss. “You gotta tell me when to stop.” 
Eddie let a fang drag across his bottom lip and Steve felt a spike of arousal at the danger.
“Otherwise I’ll just take.”
Steve tried to catch his breath as Eddie’s words rolled over in his mind. “I don’t believe that.” 
Nothing about what he’d seen today made him think for a second that Eddie would just take without considering him first. He didn’t just try to hustle Steve through figuring out his wish. He made sure he had breakfast, showered, and a proper night’s rest first. So far, he had entertained Steve’s career choices, even if all of them didn’t end up so well. And he didn’t just rush Steve through them all nonstop. He let Steve dig his feet into it so he could make an informed choice. Then took him home before he got overwhelmed.
“I think you’d stop me before going too far. Like you’re doing right now.”
Eddie looked caught. “I don’t-Steve I don’t think you know what you do to me. How hard it is to stop.”
“But you did it.”
Eddie took a breath through his nose. “I don’t wanna scare you.”
Steve let out a belt of laughter and even slapped Eddie on the arm. “Dude, you were an adorable dog today. And I saw you try and teach a bird how to whistle the Flintstones theme song.”
“I swear I’ve heard birds singing showtunes. They can be taught.”
“My point is, you’re the least scary demon I’ve ever met.”
“You’ve met other demons?”
“If anything, you should be the one stopping me.” Which Steve supposed Eddie was doing right now, but that was beside the point. The point was, he had known this man for about a day and was ready to give him everything.
“You remember you don’t owe me anything, right?”, Eddie’s eyes searched his, hoping Steve wasn’t putting himself on a platter just because of their current situation.
The way Steve saw it, even if he ended in just some soulless occupation, he owed Eddie everything. But that wasn’t why he was doing this.
“Because I’d just make out with any career counselor”, he rolled his eyes.
“I think I’m a bit more than that”, Eddie grinned.
“An exceptional career counselor then. Eddie, this is mine to give. Let me give it to you.”
Eddie let out a groan and his head fell upon Steve’s chest. “You won’t be afraid? Promise?”
Steve patted the top of his head. “Promise.”
Then, he felt more than saw Eddie growing on top of him. Horns protruded out of Eddie’s head and black, leathery wings formed on his back. Eddie looked up from his chest, those red eyes staring back down at him. “We’re gonna need a bigger couch”, Steve breathed.
Eddie smiled, rising up and taking Steve with him by the hand. “You deserve a little better than a couch, sweetness.” Eddie was leading him to that magic door again but this time when he opened it, there was a bedroom inside. Unlike the one in the apartment, this one was much more spacious. The bed was large enough for five of him at least. There were candles everywhere and Steve nearly had a mind to ask if they were actually in hell now but Eddie was on him before he could.
Steve wasn’t small by any means, but in his true form Eddie had a few inches on him and he had to look up to kiss him. 
Eddie remembered the first whiff he got of Steve’s blood, back when he had been tied down to the altar. It had smelled so sweet that once they had a moment, he couldn’t help himself. His thirst had sealed the deal and he had counted himself lucky that he had gotten that much.
But now Steve was giving him more. Giving him everything. And he didn’t flinch away or anything. While they kissed, Eddie used his hands on Steve’s hips to lead him to the bed. Steve broke the kiss to crawl backwards onto it and then grabbed Eddie’s shirt, pulling him back in and on top of him.
Steve got a little bold and as he licked into Eddie’s mouth, he let his tongue brush against a fang. Eddie’s hold on his hip tightened a little. Steve licked at the other fang while Eddie held his mouth open and still. Steve pulled back with a smirk.
“Careful gorgeous, I bite.”
“Yeah?” Steve held his face and waited for Eddie to open his jaw again. Eddie obliged and this time when he licked at one of his fangs, Steve let it prick his tongue. Eddie let out a groan as a drop fell on his own tongue and he sucked on Steve’s.
Steve moaned and he was definitely starting to chub in his pants. Eddie’s pants. He was in Eddie’s clothes, in Eddie’s room and in Eddie’s space and he just wanted to be Eddie’s.
Eddie got as much blood off his tongue as he could and started to kiss at Steve’s neck. His lips made a trail at the way down to his collarbone until the shirt got in the way and then he was pulling that off. Eddie found his mouth again while Steve was trying to get his shirt off too. Eddie rose to his knees to remove it and tossed it somewhere without a care.
“How did you do that?”, Steve asked.
“What? Get my shirt off?”
“I mean get it over your...your wings? Without ripping it?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets”, Eddie smiled, wiggling his fingers.
“Fine, deal torn shirts in the future then.”
Eddie tried not to smile too much at the implication Steve was giving him. He would take what he was given, which was there here and now. It was a present, after all. Steve had practically gift-wrapped himself.
Steve let his hands trail down Eddie’s body. 24 hours ago, he had this same sight. A demon hovering over his body. How did things change so much in such a short time? 
“See somethin’ you like?”, Eddie teased.
“At least one thing”, Steve looked down between Eddie’s legs to the still growing tent in his pants. He reached out and grabbed, making Eddie hiss in pleasure and buck into his hand. A thrill ran through Steve at being able to make someone this powerful buckle with just a touch.
Eddie pulled Steve’s pants down, Steve helped by kicking them off. That left him in just briefs which of course Eddie had to snap the band of.
“What’re you 12?”, Steve snorted.
“On a scale of 1-10? Yes. And here I am....” Eddie kissed at his hips, clawed hands lightly dragging down his sides. “At the knees of a 20 at least.” He kissed under Steve’s bellybutton as he slowly peeled off his underwear.
Eddie might be just a bit obsessed. His blood was sweet, his skin was sweet, and here where his scent was at its strongest and muskiest was just too much to resist. And he didn’t. Eddie rubbed his face in Steve’s crotch, kissing at the wiry hairs and rubbing his fully hard cock against his cheek.
“Fuuck, Eddie...”
He looked up and saw the kind of sight that was too holy for the likes of him. Steve was already so blissed out, expression so open. Eddie was going to give him everything he wanted. Eddie rose up to take off his pants, letting out a sigh once he was free.
“Holy shit”, Steve’s eyes got wide when he saw Eddie’s dick. 
It was darker than the rest of him, leaking at the tip already. But not just there, there was a sheen over it like it was wet. And it looked like the kind of thing that might actually split Steve in half.
“You want it?”, Eddie asked.
Steve nodded. “I want it.” If this was how he died, then so be it.
Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand and brought it to his cock. Steve bit his lip as he felt how hot and slick it was. Eddie guided his fingers to stroke it, getting them nice and lubed up before taking his hand and moving it towards his hole. Steve’s breath picked up a little.
“You gotta get yourself ready for me, baby.”
Steve took in a breath. Eddie’s eyes were boring holes into him. He threw an arm over his eyes while rubbing at his rim with a slick finger. He let out a whimper as he pushed the first one inside. Eddie grabbed the arm that was covering his face and pinned his wrist to the bed.
“Don’t hide from me. Let me see you.”
Steve couldn’t help the whine and turned his face into his arm anyway. But his hand didn’t stop moving.
“Look at you, so beautiful”, Eddie praised. He grabbed Steve’s thigh and lifted it, making him spread more. Steve pushed a second finger in and Eddie let out a groan like he was the one being touched. 
“Next time...I want you to do it. Wanna feel just you.”
“Think you might regret that Stevie”, Eddie said, letting his claws lightly scrape at his chest.
“We could do it in your human form”, Steve suggested, trying to get his fingers as deep as he could.
“And deprive you of your Count Chocula fantasy?”
Steve laughed out loud at that but it quickly turned into a moan when Eddie bit into his calf and licked at the dripping blood. Feeling good enough, he started to press a third finger in. Eddie sighed as he wrapped his fingers around his cock. He stroked and more pre cum and slick dripped right onto Steve’s hole, making the slide of his fingers easier.
Eddie was a simple demon. He saw a literal angel, fingerfucking himself with his own slick, looking up at Eddie like a god and that was it for him. With a curse, he came, shooting across Steve’s body. The blood sigil those people had drawn on him hadn’t been Eddie’s own symbol, just a generic mark for summoning anyone. But Steve was marked as his now.
“Gonna make you mine”, Eddie growled, biting at his neck and shoulders. “Gonna ruin you for anyone else.” 
He rubbed the head of his cock against Steve’s fingers, still stuffing himself. He thought Steve might hesitate, might second guess. Instead, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed at him, using his legs to bring him in closer. Eddie burned for him and couldn’t wait a moment longer. Eddie pushed the head inside and Steve sang. Eddie kissed him, not even letting the air around them have his sounds.
Steve was panting into his mouth. He had been right. Eddie was splitting him apart. But he wanted him even deeper. Steve had been gripping the sheets but now he was clawing at Eddie’s back. 
“You’re doing great baby, taking me so well.”
“Yeah?”, Steve surprised himself with how breathy he sounded. “I feel good?”
“Feels incredible.” Eddie could feel Steve’s body fluttering around him as he adjusted. He had a hand on each thigh, keeping him spread wide. He let Steve breath while he gave much needed attention to his neglected chest. Eddie buried his face in it, squeezing both pecs and effectively motorboating him with adoration.
Steve squirmed under him and Eddie started to move, taking it slow but still giving him all that he could take. 
“Mine”, Eddie murmured, nibbling at his chest, then up his neck until he founds his lips again.
Then Steve surprised him.
His fingers gripped his curls, forcing him to bare his neck. And then Steve bit him. Sank his teeth right in. It didn’t break the skin but damn if Eddie didn’t get the message. Especially when Steve didn’t stop at one bite. He wanted to mark him up; show that he belonged to Steve as much as Steve did to him.
The biting made Eddie release noises like an animal. So Steve really shouldn’t have been surprised when he started fucking him like one. He felt the girth of that goddamn ridged cock push in and pull out with the kind of wet noises that might’ve embarrassed the Steve Harrington of yesterday. The one of today wanted to slather himself in the slick and show everybody that he was Eddie’s.
There was so much it was coating the inside of his thighs and dripping between their bodies. Eddie gathered some and wrapped a hand around Steve’s cock.
“I want it all, sweet thing. Give it to me.”
“Eddie! EddieEddieEddie~” Steve’s voice cracked and his back arched off the bed, spurting and coating himself in his own cum.
Eddie’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fucked Steve through it all. Then Steve felt two hard thrusts and then suddenly a rush of warmth filled him. It pushed out past Eddie’s dick and dripped onto the bed under them. 
“...Shit...”, Eddie said between pants.
Steve had no words. He felt like he was floating through syrup. Only the points where he was touching Eddie anchored him. He let out a whine as the other pulled out of his body.
“Shh, I gotchu baby.”
Eddie pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. Blindly, Steve searched for his other hand.
“Eddie, I need...”
“I know what you need.” 
Steve let out a relieved sigh and felt his eyelids get heavier by the second. Eddie would take care of him. He felt a chaste kiss to his lips as everything around him faded.
Part 6
Okay, I’ve stared at this smut for hours so here is the writer literally asking you guys to legit tell me if it’s good or nah.
Also if you want to see the visuals that inspired this from the very beginning, check out vivalski’s patreon. They have glorious monsterfucker steddie art, as well as other things that are well worth the price of admission.
Tag Team
@swimmingbirdrunningrock @flustratedcas @estrellami-1 @weirdandabsurd42 @lololol-1234 @chaoticvictorianspirit @giopandaonice @marklee-blackmore @blackpanzy @kacatshi
@stevesbipanic @goodolefashionedloverboi @panicatthediaz @gregre369 @littlewildflowerkitten @starryeyedpoet17 @envyadams-vs-me @abbiecadabi-blog
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@irregular-child @fandomcartographer @cherr1ehead @anaibis @finalmoondragon @sani-86
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pascalscoffin · 6 months
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Bad Idea
Full Pedro Masterlist
No this is not inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s song
Warnings: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. Smut: unprotected p in v sex (do what you want, heathens); oral (f receiving); biting; Dieter gives a pussy she/her pronouns; “choking”; Dieters a menace. Reader works at the hotel and just can’t follow literally one of the only rules DONT FUCK THEM
You never really fawned over celebrities before, you never really understood the hype, they were just normal people that made it onto tv more often than most normal people. Anyway, that’s what you used to think, but being the concierge of a fancy ass hotel in England quickly taught you otherwise.
Sure, celebrities wanted you to think they were normal, just regular people milling through their day with an annoying boss- their bosses were in fact annoying- but these people were far from normal, most of them had absolutely insane views, or requested absolutely ridiculous things from you or the other hotel workers. And they never fucking tipped. Ever.
So, the ‘do not fuck them’ rule was never really a problem for you, sure your favorite celebrity would come in, you’d get the butterflies and the nervous feelings- and then they opened their mouth and they were just… horrible, and any infatuation you’d had for them would be gone immediately.
When you heard a whole slew of them would be bubbling in the hotel you worked at, you seriously considered completely resigning from the job altogether and finding a new one, you didn’t want to be stuck in a hotel with those people for three months! Filling their ridiculous requests and making them feel good about themselves when they inevitably crash, because they always do.
Ronjon, though, had somehow managed to convince you not to, and now here you were, standing at the front desk of the hotel as the actors got taken care of outside before coming in. It was the Cliffbeasts cast and crew, Cliffbeasts, while it was an okay movie, ultimately did… nothing for you because you really would rather just go watch Jurassic Park.
Not to mention the cast of the Cliffbeasts movies made you want to shoot yourself in the face. Sean Knox was a “wellness guru” though something felt fishy there to you, like maybe he didn’t believe in it or something, or maybe like it was a cult. Carol Cobb.. you weren’t sure why you didn’t like her, she was a decent actress.. well despite that half-Pakistani half-Israeli role she’d recently done but you couldn’t really blame her for that… could you? Lauren Van Champ… you really really didn’t like Lauren, her nasally cry thing was annoying, her Cliffbeasts accent was just… too harsh, and her all around… everything just made you not like her. Her husband Dustin Mulray was a class A fucking asshole, drunk and disorderlies, screaming at old ladies, he was even seen flipping off a seven year old one time.
Krystal Kris was a new face to the movies, a young girl famous on TikTok for her choreography.. if you can call swaying your ass back and forth choreography. Howie Frangopolous was a good actor with some truly comedic gold lines, though a bit hot headed according to tabloids.
And then there was Dieter Bravo. Dieter was probably the only one that didn’t put on a show for people, didn’t try to make his life seem more or less fabulous, he didn’t dress up for anything that wasn’t a tv interview or an award show, though you figured if he could dress like a hobo to those things he probably would.
You’d heard Dieter was a man whore, giving himself over to any woman or guy that was willing to lay under or on top of him. So, you expected him to be.. less than appropriate. Maybe a scandalous comment here and there, or sultry looks, you didn’t know, but you were determined to stick your ground and not fall into any traps.
That proved difficult, though, because it seemed like every time you went to Dieter’s room to collect a service tray, or bring him food or clean towels, he wanted a serving platter once and hasn’t returned it yet, he was pretty much fucking naked, door flung all the way open with his arms stretched out, sometimes in a bathrobe, other times in a wool brown robe you often thought about feeling anywhere on your skin that wasn’t your fingertips. Always with a cheeky, sexual grin as he tried to coax you into his chamber of pleasure, you’d decline with a comment about him having a fist and internet before practically sprinting away from him.
You’d tried not to be around him too much if you didn’t have to go to his room, feeling your resolve crack each time he’d flash you that stupid fucking smile that made your heart palpitate. The stars were having dinner together tonight though so you wouldn’t be able to avoid him like you’d hoped.
You walked over to him and Carol when you noticed he didn’t have any water and motioned to his water class with the pitcher in your hand. “Would you like some more?” Dieter looked over at you quickly and grinned over the top of his sunglasses. “Yes. Please.” He reached for his water quickly and extended it out to you, gazing up at you with those big brown eyes.
God you had to get away from him, away from this room, before your resolve completely shattered and you were begging him to just take you right then and there. Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea. Repeated in your head like a mantra as you poured his water and then rushed away from him, feeling your face start to warm up under his heated gaze.
Dieter stared at you like that all night, like he knew something you didn’t know and it was driving you crazy. At the end of the dinner you rushed to help clean everything up as the actors started to file out of the room. Dieter, though, hung by the entry way, watching you as you scampered around the dining area.
When you made your way out you stopped in front of Dieter and put on your most professional smile. “What can I get for you, Dieter.” Dieter looked down at you and tilted his head a little.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Your eyes widened and you jerked your head behind you to make sure your coworkers hadn’t heard, opening and closing your mouth before looking at Dieter. “That’s unprofessional, Dieter.” You stuttered, trying to move past him.
He followed you, though, and continued. “That wasn’t a no.” He looked at you and you sighed, shaking your head. “It’s a bad idea.” “Again, that’s not a no.” You sighed harder this time and stopped, turning to face him. “Do you actually want to have sex with me or just sex with something?” Dieter opened and closed his mouth and you raised a brow. “Find me with an answer and I’ll give you mine.” “Yours?” Dieter perked up and his eyes fell to your crotch. You scoffed and slapped under his chin. “My answer.” You rolled your eyes. “Now go to your room and take a cold shower or something.”
“Cold showers don’t work.” Dieter grumbled as he slouched away, bath robe swinging side to side with a big pout on his face. You shook your head and went back to doing your work, rubbing your wrist against your forehead.
Two days later Dieter was asking for chocolate strawberries and rosé to be brought to his room- by you specifically. When you got to his room you tapped your knuckles against it and hummed as you waited for him to open the door.
When he opened it, he actually had pants on this time, well not pants, more like those dress shorts you usually hated on men but… they looked good on Dieter. And of course, he had on that brown robe again. He looked godly, really.
“Hi. Come in.” Dieter stepped to the side quickly and you raised a brow before stepping into the room a when he motioned you in before closing the door. You looked at the door, and then Dieter.
“I thought about what you said.” He nodded and sat on the sofa, patting the cushion next to him. This is a bad idea. Echoed in your head as you slowly set the strawberries and rosé down, sitting down next to him even slower as you pressed your hands into your skirt. “Okay…”
You didn’t actually expect him to think about it. You thought maybe he’d give up the chase and try to find someone else in the hotel or maybe finally cave in and just fuck his god damn fist- no such luck, though.
“I thought about it a lot. Like a lot. I haven’t slept. Well I slept but only for like thirty minutes and then I dreamt about it.” You blinked and motioned for him to continue. “Okay…” he nodded. “I wanna have sex with you. Anybody else is just confident. Around.” He shrugged. “Besides… I’ve wanted to taste you since the second I walked into the hotel.”
You widened your eyes a little and let out a little scoff. “What?” “That’s why I keep asking people if they wanna have sex. I keep thinking about you. About how your pussy would taste. How she looks. Fuck I bet she’s pretty.” His eyes are glued to your skirt now, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as you looked anywhere but at him because you had one sliver of resolve left and you could already feel it starting to slip away right into Dieter’s thick fingers for him to just completely obliterate.
“Dieter you can’t-“ Dieter was in your personal space now, practically sitting on you but not necessarily in your face or anything. “Bet she glitters like fucking gold when she’s all wet and waiting for somebody’s cock.” And then his hand is sliding under your skirt and his lips are on your neck. “I bet she’s soft and warm and tight. I bet she’ll flutter like a fucking butterfly when I finally let her cum.” And that was it.
You whined and grabbed Dieter’s wrist to push his hand under your skirt, taking a deep breath when his large warm hand settled over your panties, already wet with your arousal. Dieter groaned low in his chest before slipping his hand into your panties and resuming his assault on your neck, getting more aggressive.
“Need you to say it.” He shifted so he was turned towards you better. “Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” He nipped at your jawline lightly, causing you to shudder as your eyelids fluttered, moaning softly. “Dieter- need you to fuck me. Please.” You scratched his forearm lightly. “Please.”
Dieter pulled away and was quickly tugging your blouse of your skirt and started yanking it over your head before kissing your chest, biting down on the flesh of your left breast. You yelped a little and looked down at him as he slid his tongue over the bite and grinned before lifting you up so he could unzip your skirt before tugging it down.
Once he had your clothes off and you were sitting there in your bra and panties, he stood up and put his hands on his hips, getting a good at you. “Fuck you look gorgeous.” He mumbled, licking his lips before leaning down and slamming his lips against yours.
You pushed into the kiss eagerly and let out a soft moan, grabbing his robe and pulling him down on top of you, pressing up against him. Dieter moaned happily and pressed his hips down into yours eagerly, letting out a shuttery breath.
“Gotta taste you. Fuck. I’ve been wanting to taste you.” He reached behind you to unhook your bra, nipping lightly at your nipples before trailing down your torso and to where he really wanted to be.
“She’s crying for me, baby. You shouldn’t deprive a lady of what she wants.” Dieter shook his head and pulled your panties down, groaning happily and closing his eyes before pressing his face deep into your pussy.
You gasped and looked down at him with wide eyes, moaning loudly and gripping the couch cushions tightly, trembling a little. “Dieter- fuck.” You pushed your hips up into his mouth and whined softly, looking down at him.
Dieter peered up at you through his lashes, humming happily and sucking on your clit like a pacifier. Your back arched as you gasped loudly, moaning as your eyelids fell shut, dropping your head back as you rocked your hips up into his mouth eagerly, your hands moving from the cushions to his hair when he slid his tongue into you and started fucking you with it.
You’d never really enjoyed oral before, most guys that tried were rushing so they could get to their prize, bury themselves in you and then never call you again. Dieter, though, Dieter ate pussy like his life absolutely depended on whether or not you came. His tongue massaged every inch eagerly but not too eager to the point where he was rushed and sloppy.
His movements were calculated, lips moving like he was having the most intense make out session, sloppy wet sounds mixing with his moans and groans, fingernails dug deep into your skin. He was actually enjoying it, his own hips pushing against the air as he looked up at you with those big brown eyes, whining and begging you to cum on his tongue.
It wasn’t long before your brows furrowed and your mouth fell open, her legs shaking and closing around his head as you came with a loud cry of his name, trembling a little and tangling your fingers tightly in the hair on the back of his head, keeping him in place even if he made no movements to pull away.
After a moment, though, he tapped your thigh and you felt your cheeks warm up more than they already. Your skin was practically on fire, already a little damp from the exertion. You slowly opened your legs and Dieter pulled up with a small gasp, panting softly as he grinned cheekily, face shiny with your juices.
You blinked rapidly as you looked at him and shifted a little. “Knew she tasted good. Taste.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours tightly, pulling you closer to him as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. You moaned happily and tangled your tongue with his. Dieter wasn’t really the type to wipe his face, instead opting for leaving your juices there, sliding his tongue wherever he could get it on his face before he was picking you up and carrying you over to his bed.
You yelped when he threw you down on it and laughed as you looked up at him. “Keep it on.” You said quickly when he went to take off the coat, raising a brow at you. “What?”
“I…” you huffed. “You come to the door naked in the coat constantly and you’re not gonna fuck me in it?” You pouted. “A little lack-luster if you ask me, Dieter.”
Dieter blinked and slowly let go of the coat with a grin, humming. “Alright.” He moved down to his shorts and undid them before pushing them down- commando- you expected nothing less from him.
“God I’ve been dreaming about this since I got here. Been wanting to bury myself in this warm pussy.” Dieter purred and kissed you deeply as he pushed your legs apart and slotted himself between them, grinding against you but not quite sliding in yet.
“Please, Dieter. Need you.” You begged, grabbing his shoulders under the jacket as you peered up at him, trying to tug him closer. “Can’t stop thinking about it. Please.”
Dieter grinned and chuckled a little as he started kissing your neck. “So impatient.” “Says the guys who’s been begging me to fuck him for three weeks.” Dieter laughed again and lifted up so he could watch as he grabbed the base of his dick and guided it into you slowly, groaning happily.
“Look at how hungry she is.” He mumbled softly, sliding his thumb over your clit slowly. “Swallowing me up so good. Didn’t even need to stretch her out.” He ran his hands over you slowly, pulling out and then sliding back in, groaning. “God it looks so pretty. Fuck. Got me all soaked already.” He dropped his head back as he bottomed out, eyelids fluttering as he closed them.
“Dieter~” you whimpered, you were honestly surprised you hadn’t needed any stretching, Dieter was definitely the biggest guy you’d been with, not in just one aspect but individually you’ve been with men that compared either girth wise or length wise. But you’d never been with someone as long and as girthy as Dieter, your legs shook as you hooked them around his waist, sliding under the coat as you whined.
“Fuck you feel so good.” Dieter groaned into your neck, starting to bite and suck on your neck. “Harder- Dieter, harder. Please.” You begged him, tugging him closer and leaning up to kiss him eagerly as he started fucking into you harder, huffing softly.
“Listen to you, baby. You sound so fucking pretty- fuck- gonna have to keep you around huh?” He kissed your jaw lightly, nudging his nose against your cheek lightly. “Would you like that? You can come live with me in Sherman Oaks, have your own room- fuck- your own house if you want one. Never have to work again just be my little play thing- fuuuck.” Dieter whimpered when your nails dug into his shoulders, a gasp falling from your lips when he brushed your gspot.
“Dieter-“ “aww I know, sweet girl.” Dieter purred, kissing your cheek gently. “Feels good, huh?” He angled his hips to hit your gspot with each thrust, groaning with the way you were fluttering around him, shuddering as you nodded your head rapidly. “Yes. Fuck it feels so good, Dieter.” You whined, rocking your hips with his before gasping when he shoved your hips down into the mattress.
“Stay still, sweet girl. You just sit there, look pretty, and feel good.” Dieter hummed, nipping lightly at your jawline as you nodded eagerly, not even sure what you were agreeing to as you felt his thumb press into your clit, the rest of his hand splayed over your mons pubis, his fingertips grazing your midriff as your head fell back, the pressure of his hand pressing down caused everything to feel ten times stronger than it already did.
You looked up at Dieter and saw him watching his hand with an astonished look on his face. “W-why are you making that face?” You whimpered softly as Dieter chuckled. “Can feel my dick through your stomach, gorgeous.” He licked his lips. “Fuck. Let me keep you, baby. Please.” He begged, looking from your stomach to your eyes.
“Wanna be able to fuck this pretty pussy whenever I want to. God.” He dropped his head back for a second and snapped his hips harder into you. “Gonna let me? Please, please, please.” He moaned and pressed his hand harder against your stomach, making you whimper and scream his name as that coil in your stomach snapped and heat spread across your body, legs tightening around Dieter to pull him closer.
“Fuck- yes, Dieter. Don’t ever wanna stop doing this.” You whined and arched your back. Dieter gasped softly and moaned before leaning down and kissing you eagerly, moaning and pushing his tongue into your mouth as he came, pushing deep inside you as his muscles shook.
You slid your arms through the jacket and wrapped them tightly around Dieter’s middle to keep him close, nudging his nose against your cheek before covering you in kisses and little licks like he was a kitten.
You laid like that for a while, Dieter keeping himself hovered over you as he smothered you in kisses. Slowly, he moved off of you and laid next to you, laying on his side so he can look at you, a dopey smile on his face.
You felt a little awkward under his stare, slowly starting to fold your arms over your chest until he stopped you, grabbing your arms and pulling you close to him, kissing your knuckles. “Did you mean it?” He asked curiously and you looked at him, furrowing your brows. “About moving to Sherman Oaks with me.” He lifted on his elbow, looking down at you a little giddy as his fingertips drew patterns on your stomach, trailing up your chest and to your neck before grabbing it lightly at the sides.
“Want you to move in with me. Be my little housewife.” He bit his lip as he ran his eyes over your face, he looked a little nervous. You swallowed thickly, opening and closing your mouth before you nodded slowly.
“Okay.” You said softly. The idea of living with Dieter did seem nice, especially if this was something that was going to happen on any kind of basis, day to day or otherwise. “I wanna live with you.”
He perked up and grinned widely. “Yeah?” He shifted so he was sitting up now, his hand pressed down against your collarbone as you laughed softly and nodded, cheeks warm. “Yeah.”
Dieter grinned and leaned in to kiss you deeply, you yelped a little and giggled as you kissed him back, closing his eyes and laying your hands on his cheeks. “Good.” He laid beside you again, pulling you tight against his side as he nuzzled your neck, slinging his other arm around you and hugging you tightly.
You didn’t peg him for the cuddling type, though now that you were wrapped up in the octopus-like limbs of Dieter Bravo, it made sense he would cling to you like this, physical touch seemed to be a big thing for him, something he was always craving.
On some sort of sub-level you understood, being an only child with parents that would rather work and drop you with nannies you knew all about not getting the love and affection children craved and required.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Maybe you and Dieter could be good for eachother.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Marital rape is not rape (unless the man used cruelty and physical violence against the woman). If a woman herself agreed to have sex with her husband, whom she does not love, this is not rape, but the norm of that time. So Viserys did not rape Alicent, and most likely Aegon did not rape Helaena (judging by her joyful mood, I think not - he did not use physical force on her). Stop talking about the events of the Middle Ages in terms of the norms of the twenty-first century.
Uh... Is this a joke ? 😂
Am I the one talking about HOTD without taking into account the historical context ? This is the best joke I ever seen ! 😂
I've literally made tons of posts in response to team greens judging HOTD by their modern standards, but I'm the one judging the series by modern standards ?
And yes of course...
Aegon II is a proven and certified rapist, but just because Helaena is his wife does that take away that title for her ?
The guy rapes servants when he's drunk but he wouldn't rape his own wife when he's drunk ?
In the same episode, we learn that Aegon II raped a girl and he was obviously drinking. Then in the same episode, Helaena explains that her husband ignores her except when he has been drinking. If you don't see the obvious parallel / symbolism here, there's nothing I can do for you.
And then excuse me, but the situation between Helaena and Alicent with their husband has nothing to do with it.
One (Alicent) acts towards her husband on the orders of her father in order to always make Viserys believe that she likes him, as she did to be able to marry him, and the other (Helaena) simply underwent a marriage arranged by her mother, explaining that marriage isn't so bad because your husband ignores you most of the time, except when he has been drinking.
And she says that in the same episode where he raped a woman. What's not understable about that ?!
Helaena does not play any part with her husband. She simply endures her condition in silence because she was taught that this is what she should do, with a man who thinks he can sleep with any woman, whether she want it or not.
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
hey! can we get some L nsfw headcanons? i love the way u write L <3
Oh, can you ever.
When he was younger— that is, before he got seriously into the whole solving cases thing— he was a celibate whore, prompted by him watching a single episode of To Catch A Predator and figuring that he could do that as easily as they could. He could. He taught himself to do a very good young girl impression and quietly mailed all the necessary paperwork and evidence to their local counties. In the process of that week-long project— in which he got around one hundred people arrested— he was introduced to all sorts of odd kinks and fetishes, and when you hear just about every term in the book for the first time you obviously have to go look them all up, and you can’t just use academic papers or blunt definitions because then you have to pretend to also be into all those things for your plan to work. This research also proved useful in terms of taking odd jobs later down the road; it’s much easier to find blackmail material on people when you know what they are going to care about and what you should be looking for. In the process of doing all that he learned a lot of things about himself, things that would only be reinforced as the years went on.
Top 10 kinks and explanations (in no particular order):
1. Bondage (giving): People weren’t want to trust him. It takes a lot of trust to let someone tie you up. The idea of being in a situation where that is even a thing that comes up was incredibly thrilling for him to think about. Specifically, shibari and kinbaku because it takes a lot of time, it requires a lot of planning and looks very pretty.
2. Overstimulation (receiving): Please, make him forget his life. The idea of just not thinking for once was incredibly appealing. This is one of the few he actually tried doing; after the first orgasm, however, he ironically could not justify going for longer and had other, more important things to do, much to his dismay.
3. Edging (giving): What greater feeling is there than bringing someone to tears with desperation, to be so openly respected that one would be willing to put his quiet satisfaction above their own? He does a lot and doesn’t get much meaningful reward for it, and he’s already openly replaceable. Sometimes a little reverence for him as an individual is nice.
4. Breeding: He had done all the things anyone could ever want in regard to career advancement. He could support a child, if only financially. To even have that be an option, for someone to look at him and know him long enough to say that they not only want to have sex with him but also want to carry a child for however many months was incredibly appealing as an idea. It was completely unrealistic— he knew that, if he ever decided to be a father, he would probably be incredibly distant and turn out a murderer or, worse, a detective like him who would go through the hell that was his adolescent years— but the idea in it of it was incredibly appealing.
5. Sploshing (Google tells me that’s what it’s called; food during sex): Because why not multitask?
6. Hidden sex: He had the means and the ability. Getting caught? Horrible. But knowing that the two of you did that in that place? Wonderful.
7. Cockwarming: Sometimes you just want to hold somebody very close and bury your face in their hair and just be there and know they’re there undeniably. Especially for it when it comes to sleeping; if he had it his way that would be the protocol every night the two of you sleep together (see Sleep for further explanation).
8. Humiliation (giving): There’s nothing that brings him more joy than winning at literally anything. A part of that is, of course, the joy of giving you endless shit. As soon as he fell into some sort of routine and figured out where the lines in the sand are drawn if he found out that this was on the table he would use it whenever applicable.
9. Sensory deprivation (receiving): This relates back to the overstim thing; he heard a lot and saw a lot and noticed a ton of things and that is not a good thing when you want to spend quality fun time with your partner in his opinion. Make him focus on you, on your touch or your words; make him forget that anything or anyone exists but you.
10: Voyeurism: This one was a matter of time and proximity. It came up a lot and he spent an oddly long time on his computer so the idea just sort of festered in his head. He also believed himself completely incapable of having a partner for a long time; he figured that was about as close as he was going to get.
Not kinks but honorable fantasy mentions:
You perform a task and he’s grading it.
Someone discovers who he is and they don’t use it for money and instead so that they can get in a relationship with him.
Being literally anyone else and having any sort of achievable sex life.
But of course, things happened. He got more into murder and stress levels hiked up and his attention shifted from what he wanted to what he had to do. His libido, admittedly, took a hit from his being anxious all the time. But if he was ever allowed the time to think about those things? If he could ever find someone to have that happen with? Who knows?
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starl3ght · 1 year
Heyy star love love your work so far and was wondering if I could get a gaz reader hc ?❤️❤️
THANK YOU FOR THIS!! I love this man so much he’s perfect material❤️👄❤️
I really hope this seems accurate and to your liking <3
//~Kyle “Gaz” Garrick hcs~//
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A/N: I was working on this a while ago I just forgot about it. Glad I could add the stuff I needed🥹 Currently in the process of more hcs, I’ll definitely post Alejandro or Soap depending on how much I write the this week. I’ll also be doing a little König oneshot because I love bae
Contains: Fluff, 18+, mentions of sex, little angst, just genuine hcs
Minors watch yourselves!!
• Ok Gaz definitely fell for you when he first saw you. Love at first sight is what it was oh yes
• I see him as a dog person. Will randomly pet dogs on the street or bring a puppy in the house😭
• HE IS VERY SMART! Definitely was an honor student. He knows literally every subject he was ever taught in school
•When he comes home to you and you’re awake he’ll pick you up and you wrap your legs around his waist then he pulls you in for a kiss.
• If you’re asleep he’ll silently put his duffle bag in the living room and walks into your shared bedroom watching your sleeping form.
• “I’m home love…” he whispers sweet nothings into your ear and kisses your forehead then leaves the room to shower
• You go car cruising together at night in the city lights with any nice song playing. Most likely Passionfruit by Drake or some Weeknd
• Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and see his side of the bed is empty. You got confused a bit but when you walked into the living room to look for him, he was laying on the couch watching the recording of the basketball game he missed while he was out
• He just looks at you for like 5 seconds and gives you a playful smile “You wanna watch with me love?” Why the hell not🤷‍♀️
• You lay on top of him under the blanket and watch the game literally at like 2 am
• Arguments are rare. But when you do just prepare for some heartbreak
•If you have tears streaming down your cheeks he might release some too
•He’ll pull you into him and apologize while kissing the top of your head.
• When it comes to comfort, you’re both there for each other. When you cry he’ll hold you. “It’s alright, you’re ok love...”
• Some nightmares here and there sometimes. You’ll talk to him until he feels better and he hugs you.
• Now this may be odd. But no matter how late it is he’ll take you to the living room and have jazz music playing in the background while he slow dances with you.
• Price knows about you so he treats you really well. Really good friends actually
• Ghost would probably be casual about it. He knew about you when he and Gaz were taking out some enemies and they just talked to pass time.
• “Bloody Jesus, Gaz you really did a number on em mate.” Gaz loaded his gun again before turning to Ghost. “Yea, just wanna finish quick so I can get back home to my birdy.”
• Now Ghost was oddly curious. He turns to Gaz “You got yourself a lass huh? That’s nice mate” Gaz and Ghost turn back to the enemy soldiers, “yea…it is nice” he has a smile on his face
• Soap also finds out eventually and just spits out questions about you. Ghost slapped the back of his head so he could leave Gaz alone. Good job Ghost
• The 18+ now ong
• 🎶Sex, money, feelings dieeeee🎶
• Soft dom definitely
• Will never pressure you until you’re ready
• When you do, he knows how to use his voice👁👄👁
• Focuses on both of your experiences when he’s inside of you and whispers ‘I love you’ so many times
• holds your hands very tight like you could slip away from him
• Will indeed look after you well. Kissing you and in the bath he probably plays around with the bubbles to make you laugh🌹🥹
• Literally if you’re shopping and you come across it you just tug on his sleeve and you point at it. He’ll smile at how cute you look like a child and will buy whatever drink you want
• Little pillow fights, might’ve ripped a pillow once and feathers were everywhere in the room but you’re both laughing too much
• He literally has you pinned to the floor sometimes playfully and you caress his cheeks smiling at each other and you lean up to kiss him.
• Gaz is just a sensual, loving, amazing partner in my eyes.
• Would do absolutely anything for you
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talentisntgenius · 5 months
Heard you like PJhazel, so hope you don't mind some incorrect quotes I have made but am too shy to post on my blog, i know alot people don't enjoy incorrect quotes so feel free to ignore this message if you don't but if you...enjoy
Hazel: 🥺🥺🥺
Pj: Alright, fine. You can talk to me. BUT NO ONE ELSE! I MEAN IT!
Pj: hazel just said "I have an appetite for destruction" and then she reached down and untied my shoe.
Hazel: Your legs look great in those pants.
Pj: You should see me without them.
Hazel: Why would you take your legs off?!
Pj *covered in hickeys and scratches from hazel but refusing to admit who they're from*: I don't kiss and tell.
Josie, from across the room: That's literally the only two things you do!
Sylvie: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks in this room. 
Pj: Fuck you, I’m not kissing anyone- 
*Hazel, walks into the room*
Pj: ...Fine, I'll do it. Rules are rules.
Pj: Hazel; my beautiful girlfriend, taught me to think before I act.
Pj: …So if I beat the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Pj: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds?
Hazel: Yes?
Pj: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days.
Hazel: Fuck.
Pj: It's gonna be a fun week!
Hazel: I'm going to josie and isabel’s house.
Pj: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Hazel: this is a stupid idea!
Pj: Hey, nothing we’ve done so far has been un-stupid, and we’re still alive, aren’t we?
Hazel: I can’t really argue with that, but I feel like I should.
Pj: not that I'm complaining, but when I asked for a spoon, I meant the utensil.
Hazel *hugging her from behind*: Oh.
Pj: How do I tell hazel that I want her to yell at me like she's Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Josie: Wow you and pj are home early from the movies. What happened?
Hazel: We got kicked out because pj wouldn't stop yelling diving scores as people jumped off the titanic.
Pj: That last guy had a solid 8, I'm telling you!
Pj: We have a problem.
Hazel *is done with her shit*: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them
Hazel: Hey, wanna have sex?
Pj: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Pj: Before "the huntungton incident", I had so many interests. Now all I care about is whether or not Hazel had a good day.
Hazel: for the last time pj, they're called "hikes" not "stupid mental health walks"
Pj: I don't see a difference
Pj: Hazel is good at kissing. So good I want to punch the ahit out of the person who taught her.
Pj: You know what would be sexy?
Hazel: What?
Pj: Eating food off each other.
Hazel: You didn't do the dishes, did you?.
Pj: ..I did not.
That's all I've got, hope you enjoy!
Anon I just gotta say, neurodiverse PJ is so real and you were brave enough to say it!!!! You heard it here folks: pjhazel aduhd couple (real) (canon)
Loved the last three in particular and the spoon one it's so them lmaooooo thanks for this! <3
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cosmicjoke · 18 days
I ask you next time not to put any impression on this manga and keep Attack on Titan and give it your own interpretations that suit you.Doumeki goes to Yashiro and leaves without any feelings because he knows what will happen if he shows his feelings and he thinks that this is the only way that Yashiro wants sex without feelings. This is what Yashiro wanted in the past, but how does Doumeki know that Yashiro has changed?You can't blame DoumekiYou really don't understand. It's better for you to leave your impressions to yourself
It's better for you to STFU, lol.
I'm allowed to say whatever the fuck I want about Saezuru, or any other piece of media, and if you don't like it, you're welcome to use the block button, dick-wad.
You don't seem to understand that Doumeki doesn't own Yashiro, and his attempts to control him, whatever the reason is, are fundamentally wrong and it's leading to nothing but Yashiro's pain and suffering. I'm sorry if you're incapable of accepting that Doumeki isn't a perfect human being who never makes any mistakes. I never said he's intentionally trying to hurt Yashiro, but that doesn't change the fact that he is.
Seriously, what are you? A moronic child? You can't deal with seeing opinions that challenge your own, rose-colored view of things and so, like a total bitch, you send anon messages telling me what to do. No wonder you approve of Doumeki's actions. You're displaying the exact same sort of controlling behavior yourself. Nobody ever taught you you don't get to go around telling other people what they can and can't discuss, can and can't say.
Doumeki knows Yashiro has changed because he found out from Inami that he's impotent with everyone but him, and Yashiro fucking confessed his feelings to him back at the end of chapter 56, that's how he would know, dipshit. But Doumeki is operating under so much fear of losing Yashiro again, that he's letting that fear blind him. You're also so idiotic, that you've utterly missed the point I'm making, which is that if Doumeki could let go of his fear of Yashiro running away, and just accept that he doesn't get to decide if Yashiro stays or goes, then that would be what leads to them finally being able to speak to one another.
Again, too fucking bad for you if you can't accept Doumeki's own responsibility in this situation.
Now kindly crawl back under whatever rock of irrelevancy you came out of. Literally nobody gives a shit about you and your basic bitch takes.
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lifblogs · 2 months
I'm here for your Tech headcannons 🙏👁👁
(And your PheeTech headcannons....)
Oops, this got long!
Tech definitely doesn't like spicy food. The sensations are just way too much for him.
Tech doesn't really like drinking that much because why would he put something like alcohol in his body when it can dull his thinking and senses?
Tech has always been bad at trying new foods, but despite Wrecker messing around with him he actually helps him with it, and says it's okay when he doesn't like something, or really doesn't want to try something.
Tech would probably rather be fixing anything he could get his hands on than go to a party (if he was ever invited to one).
Tech has scars we can't see from the Clone Wars. He's been in combat so many times there' s no way he doesn't have scars under his clothes. He's not self conscious about them because he understands how they work and why they're there.
His favorite color is blue! But a darker blue than what Hunter likes. he doesn't see the merit in Hunter's favorite blue.
He used to have glasses, but they kept flying off his face during training, so he switched to goggles.
Tech is okay with having poor eyesight, especially since that can be helped. He might even like how he looks in his goggles despite also favoring the practicality of the design.
Tech has allergies, but they're not bad enough to get shots for.
He considered getting a tattoo so he could feel like he fit in more, but he just didn't see the point in it, and also couldn't land on a design he wanted.
If Tech absolutely had to flirt with someone I feel like he'd fall back on talking about physics.
He prefers to look at people's eyebrows rather than their nose (out of the two options) because eyebrows are closer to the eyes, so he'd appear more "normal" that way. He actually does like how eyebrows look on people, and has a few favorites for who has the best eyebrows.
Out of curiosity he has tried Crosshair's sniper rifle a couple of times, but he knows that Crosshair's the expert, so he'd never try to do this on an actual mission.
He once tried infodumping about the way some type of creature mates, and everyone shut him down.
He finds exercise and physical exertion interesting because he thinks about what parts of his body are doing which and how that works.
He's never read a fiction book. Ever.
His favorite types of physics are thermodynamics, and electromagnetics.
Tech once tried explaining those topics to Phee, and she listened, but had no idea what he was talking about. She just liked the energy he had while speaking, and the slight smile on his face.
Guess this is now naturally becoming the Tech x Phee part of the post, so here goes nothing!
Phee had to explain foreplay to Tech, but he finds the whole idea extremely interesting. And he didn't really have any qualms about trying it out.
Phee and Tech go on adventures together.
Phee loves joking around with Tech to get him riled up, but if he genuinely doesn't understand a joke she'll explain it to him.
Phee does get Tech to try a bit of alcohol, and he likes the more expensive kinds because he has good taste.
Literally, those two would try out multiple kinks just because Tech's never done any of that before, and Phee is adventurous. Of course she'd want to find out what he likes!
Phee has to remind Tech during sex that, no, this is not fighting, he is using his body for something different. He's just not used to it at first. So, he'd get a bit rough and hands on. But they figure out they kinda like that anyway sometimes.
Sorry this is all about sex now, wtf.
Phee loves seeing Tech smile, and she tries to get him to smile all the time.
Neither of them can cook very well.
Phee has taught Tech some sword-fighting techniques. He finds the weapon interesting and wants to know more about it. Though he's not sure he favors the saber design.
Tech has showed Phee a bit about using his pistols.
Phee jokes around about how twirly he gets while in combat.
Phee does open up to him about her past, and is honest about it. Most of the time. She doesn't really feel the need to lie. She just finds it amusing half the time. But with being close to him she definitely would lie a lot less. In fact, she likes when he's in on her lies she's telling to other people. He doesn't say anything, but he'll let her story unfold. The first few times he did interject a ton, and he can't understand what's fun about it, but he thinks about how she doesn't interrupt him when he's infodumping, and figures it might be a similar kind of fun.
This one's canon, but Phee obviously understands that Tech can't make eye contact all the time, and she's more than fine with that, even though she does like to look at his eyes when he's not paying attention.
They once wrecked a hotel just by trying to stay a night and enemies from their adventure found them. No, they didn't pay for any of the damages.
I could probably keep going, and want to think of more cute ones, but this is what I have for now! Thanks for the ask! This was so fun. I love Tech. I love the type of person he gets to be around Phee. I think Phee is kind and silly, and genuinely cares about Tech.
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lordystrange · 11 months
What I really find concerning is that many people romanticise Milkvan as a co-dependnt relationship (with takes like if one of them were to d*e the other one would immediately unalive themself - somebody literally said this on Reddit and of course received tons of upvotes). Now there are certainly people who find co-dependency very romantic but actually it is highly unhealthy since it makes growth and individual development impossible. And therefore to romanticise co-dependency is anti-growth.
Many Milkvans whine "Oh these evil Bylers just want El to be forever miserable under the accuse that a break-up with Mike is apparently female independence and growth. But true female independence is that she chooses to be with Mike." But so far Milkvan's relationship only seems to promote co-dependency: Mike feels indebted to El because she saved his life numerous times. El feels indebted to Mike because he was the first person to treat her with kindness and showed her that he genuinely cared about her as a person.
And I feel like due to this indebtedness both characters refuse to contemplate whether their feelings for each other may only be platonic or romantic. Nobody ever really tells El and Mike their relationship is wrong: Even the instance with Hopper is played off as a dad who refuses to see his daughter date at all. So nothing about El "choosing" Mike is romantic at the moment because ever since she met him she never really knew there was a choice at all. And she only starts learning it at the end of Season 4 so we have barely scraped the beginning of the storyline where El (and later also Mike) get to choose
Anon, you nailed this!
I think I saw that comment in Reddit. I think I even replied to it (and got downvoted so badly).
I guess this mindset is because we’ve been taught that Romeo and Juliet is as good as romance gets. And relationships have forever been really toxic because of gender inequality. Now, in same-sex relationships there is none of that imbalance, and it has shown us what it looks like to be in a relationship purely based on love, not looks and expectations.
”I can’t live without you” is not romantic. It’s obsessive, unhealthy, and not true.
”I don’t want to live without you” is romantic. It shows that the person chooses to live with the other person because they love them. Not for any other reason than that.
Thank you for writing this, my English wouldn’t have been good enough to explain this thing but you did it perfectly!
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itsalliebitheway · 8 months
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Supercorptober Day 31: spookycorp
The yell sounded so loudly through the penthouse that Kara almost fell from the desk chair in her home office.
Panic cursed through her veins as she used her superspeed to get to her wife as quickly as possible. Was she in danger? In pain? What was the reason for that scream?
Kara found Lena kicking off her boots, literally kicking them away while she tossed her keys carelessly against the wall where they fell down and landed next to the dish they had bought for their keys and wallets.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Kara asked as she came to a screeching halt on her socked feet.
“Andrea and Sam deserve to loose. And I’m going to be the one to humble them. We are going to humble them. I cannot stand this anymore!”
"What? Andrea and Sam? What are you talking about baby?”
Lena had shrugged out of her coat and let it fall to the floor, apparently too angry to tidy up after herself. Her eyes were sparkling with something akin to rage and if Kara didn’t know where it was directed, she’d be cowering in fear right now. Lena could be scary if she wanted to.
“They believe they will win the costume contest of CatCo’s Halloween party because they have a better sex life than we do!”
“I-,” Kara stopped talking again and furrowed her brows in confusion. “I don’t understand what the one thing has to do with the other?”
Lena huffed and stomped over to the kitchen where she filled a glass of scotch and emptied it in one go.
“We had lunch and somehow came to talk about the party. Sam is convinced that the couple’s costumes reflects on the couple’s sex life. Which is ridiculous, but she explained it and it somehow made sense especially when Andi chimed in to support her points. Then they made fun of us going as Team Rocket last year, saying that our fun little costume revealed how immature our sex life truly is. You know I really love them both as individuals, but introducing them was the worst mistake I ever made.”
Lena had lost her steam at the end of her rant and Kara was there to take her into her arms. She placed a gentle kiss on Lena’s hair and carefully pried the empty glass out of her hands. They hugged for a moment in the kitchen, then Kara cupped Lena’s face in her hands to make their eyes meet.
“My Love, our sex life is amazing. Nothing Sam and Andrea can say will ever change that. It’s not childish or immature or vanilla even. I’ve discovered sides of myself I never even knew I could have. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”
She kissed Lena on the forehead and pulled her in once more. “But, because it means so much to you, and because it’s so very fun to win against them, we’re going to have the best couple’s costume at this party and I already have the perfect idea.”
They stayed up long hours into the night, putting the finishing touches on their costumes. Thankfully Lena had taught Kara how to sew so they were able to work together on Lena’s dress, embroidering one black sleeve each with the silvery yarn to make the intricate pattern.
They only needed to adjust Kara’s dress to the oval hoop skirt, the rest was pretty much perfect already.
When the day of the party came, Lena used her darkest lipstick to paint her lips after applying a truly hauntingly beautiful smoky eye. Kara’s eye makeup wasn’t as impressive but her lips would match the color of her dress exactly as well while her hair was punned up into a complicated bun with two strands framing her hair.
They had previously agreed that Lena wouldn’t use her magic in public if there wasn’t an emergency, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
They had practiced their entrance several times. The portal watch came in very handy, creating the blue orb that would be the foundation of the image Lena would create around it. Even though she hadn’t practiced illusions a lot before, this gave her the perfect opportunity to do so now, and her illusions of mirrors became more authentic with each try.
“Okay so, the plan is to portal directly into the bullpen. I press the button while you concentrate on the mirror illusion on the other side. Are you ready my Queen?” Kara asked, while she slipped into her heels she bought just for the occasion.
“I am yes. Is my collar okay?” Lena asked while she grabbed her little clutch shaped like a deep-red apple.
“It’s very upright. But wait come here,” Kara gestured for Lena to come closer and adjusted the necklace she had put on to mimic the one Regina wore with the dress she was wearing right now.
“There, all perfect again. Any last words before we mirror-travel into battle?
“You’re ridiculous and I love you,” Lena chuckled and gave her a quick kiss that almost smudged both of their lipsticks. “And you look very beautiful,” she added, brushing one of Kara’s strands out of her face.
“And you look absolutely hot and stunning and I can’t actually find words. How are villains always so attractive anyways?”
“It’s probably the cleavage,” Lena chuckled and shimmied her shoulders for good measure, drawing Kara’s eyes down to where the corset was pushing up her boobs in the most delicious way.
“Okay let’s go then before I decide to rip your clothes off again,” she grumbled and cleared her throat. Lena offered her arm to Kara so she could link hers into Lena’s elbow. They shared one more glance and both nodded, then Kara pressed on the portal watch while Lena murmured her illusion spell to create the mirror on the other side.
They stepped into CatCo’s bullpen to the symphony of half-concealed shrieks of surprise and ohs of wonder. Whispers were spreading through the room like a wildfire while Lena slowly let the image of the mirror fade into nothing.
“You certainly do know how to make an entrance,” Andrea drawled, stepping up to them with a champagne flute in hand. Sam sidled up next to her, wrapping one arm around her waist, holding her close.
“What are you supposed to be?” She asked, her eyebrow lifted in surprise as well as astonishment.
“Lena is the Evil Queen, Regina Mills, from Once Upon A Time and I’m Emma Swan. They were clearly the power couple of the show,” Kara explained, satisfaction bridging a grin to her face.
“And as what did you two dress up?” Lena asked and looked her two friend up and down.
“We’re Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, obviously,” Andrea said and gestured to her own bleached wig with pink tips one the one side and blue on the other side. Sam wore a Red wig and a green dress that looked like it was mostly made out of leaves, covering not a lot.
“I see, your couple’s costumes reflects exactly what a bratty little bottom you are,” Lena said to Andrea, but gave her no time to reply. “May the best costume win.”
She sauntered off with Kara at her side, drawing looks from all around them. They went over to Nia , dressed in a Princess Peach costume to Brainy’s Mario.
“You gays look fabulous,” she cheered and hugged them both hello. “Ugh and that entrance was sooo good! I loved the reference to the show, you can’t not win with this.”
“Here’s to hoping,” Kara answered and snatched two champagne flutes for her and Lena from a passing waiter.
Sometime during the event, Andrea encouraged everyone to vote for their favorite costumes in a little booth she had set up near the elevators. There would be different categories for solo costumes, couple’s costumes and group costumes, each category able to win a price.
When the award ceremony finally came, Andrea stepped onto the makeshift stage she had organized for the night and asked for all of their attention.
“I’m really glad so many of you participated so vigorously in this years costume competition. Dressing up has always been fun for me, but a good costume also takes a lot of time and often a lot of elbow grease so we’re here to honor the best of them.”
She cleared her throat and opened an envelope. “The best solo costume goes to Mackenzie with Hayashi and Dardine as runner ups, congratulations.”
Mackenzie, dressed in a perfect cosplay of Mel Medarda from Arcane, came up to the stage to collect her prize, a food basket filled with Halloween treats, while everyone clapped.
“Next up we have the couple’s costume. Runner ups are Nia and Querl and myself and Samantha.” Polite applause filled the room while Lena squeezed Kara’s hand who was holding her breath.
“Winners are Kara and Lena, dressed as Emma and Regina from Once Upon A Time.”
Thunderous applause filled the bullpen as Kara and Lena took the stage. Lena couldn’t stop herself from conjuring up blue sparks all around their feet, making it look like they were igniting them with each touch of their heels to the floor.
Sam handed Kara their own gift basket while Andrea hugged Lena to congratulate her. In the privacy if their hug, she whispered, “I might be a bratty bottom, just like Harley is for Ivy, but you can’t deny that relinquishing control once in a while is refreshing, Evil Queen.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Lena murmured back. “I can’t wait until she gets me out of this dress later tonight.”
Andrea and her shared a laugh, knowing that everything was well between them, even though her and Sam had lost the friendly competition. They both also knew that their respective girlfriends would take wonderful care of them once they’d leave the party.
Read here on my ao3 : )
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desudog · 7 months
I feel like the root problem of why so many people argue against "quad" / "feral" fur is under-discussed. Generally speaking, we have reached a space where as societies we are so very humiliated to even discuss anything about sex- consensual or not, that people are taught something is "wrong" but without explanation. And then, when they learn why, its too late, and the reasoning is just flavor text, not something anyone has ever put thought into.
To them, attraction to a character who is reminiscent of an animal, regardless of the character's otherwise anthro characterization = wrong. Because they were taught that the problem is attraction and not harm done to living things. This leads to people claiming people who are attracted to characters like Simba from The Lion King as being equal to a person who has sex with animals in the real world, with nonsensically, "animals cant consent" slapped over a cartoon character who speaks and understands the concept of consent.
Its absolutely a cancer that humanity has to deal with constantly, that so many people will hear something and immediately solidify it as an unshakable truth that must be protected and cannot be challenged.
In all truth, regardless of if anyone is ready to hear it, there is nothing illegal about even in the real world, looking at an animal and going "wow that bird is handsome." In fact, it doesnt harm any animals at all. You may not agree with them, you may be confused by the statement, you may even find the statement offensive, but nothing has happened. A person has just stated something. The bird doesnt know english. The bird doesnt understand the concept at all. The language used to describe animals by humans literally means nothing to them. They do not understand it.
The concept of "animals cant consent." is not saying animals know consent and perpetually choose no- it's stating the fact that animals do not understand human ideas of consent. Its why animals may mate forcefully or even violently but cannot be tried in court as rapists. An animal cannot consent because an animal does not know consent, it cannot communicate consent, and a large amount of animal's "animal nature of consent" is controlled by their body, reacting to seasons or temperature or age, not their own readiness for sex.
So when an animal character, (for simplicity's sake ill bring Simba back up,) like Simba, understand complex concepts, can control his actions in accordance to his understanding, and can communicate clearly with a partner, there is no reason that someones in-universe self insert should be barred from him. Then, furthermore, in OUR universe, there is no issue to begin with, because Simba isn't an animal.
too many people have the idea that the attraction is the offense, the thing that harms an animal, and they have the idea that [image on screen -> interpreted as animal adjacent -> is animal -> someone masturbates -> fantasy of sex -> sex = sex with an animal -> animal has been harmed] instead of whats actually happening, or understanding the root of the issue.
This extends to a lot of issues regarding perception of fiction and the language people use, but really. And i see this a LOT. If a character is a shape shifter and turns into an animal randomly for sex... like, seriously. Thats a person. If you give a shit about what media is "problematic", your average werewolf fantasy is usually less capable of and generally consensual than feral/quad furs.
Not that it matters either way, because once again, nothing on a computer screen being passively interacted with is an active offense. Simba isnt an animal. That person's fursona isnt an animal. A werewolf is certainly not an animal. Someone's non-consent fantasy is not real, its not happening, and technically speaking, its a fantasy so its the most consensual it can be- not involving any parties other than the fantasizer.
Im so tired of seeing it. "Attraction = action" Is the type of thinking that genuinely has people asking if theyre rapists for having a crush on someone.
And before anyone rides my cock for this, i want to say, hey go ahead. But FWIW, its not a fantasy i personally really get into. Sadly my asexual ass is more into random shit like being chained up alone in a cellar. Im absolutely posting this because i see it happen to other people and im tired of the debate.
That sparkledog isnt real bro. Nobody is actually fucking it, and certainly nobody is actually hurting it as an animal. A character cannot be an animal or a human because it is not real. It can be created to be interpreted as one, but it cannot be one. Simba is not a lion. It's a drawing and concept. All drawings are drawings. You cant hurt them. They cant live or die. No one can have sex with them. Chill.
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spankingtheatre · 1 year
How To Be Discovered
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Soon it will be Valentine’s Day, and the greatest gift you can give someone you love is the key to yourself.
Recently I wrote about how we hide the awkward truths that make us interesting, despite deep inside, yearning to be found. If that resonates with you, and you feel you've rather barricaded yourself in with shame and embarrassment, this post is going to suggest how you might begin to free yourself.
The starting point is saying aloud to yourself something you’d find very difficult to admit.
Since you're reading this, I'm guessing that something is an awkwardness related to spanking. Perhaps you yearn to be spanked. Not just you’d like to be spanked, but you have a deep almost visceral need to actually feel your bottom hot and stingy, just like it has countless times in your imagination.
Or maybe there’s someone special in your life that you dream of spanking. Someone you’d love to give the gift of a smacked bottom, someone with whom you’d just love to play kinky spanking games. It might even be admitting to someone close to you that spanking is an indelible part of your sexuality, as important, or more so, than penetrative sex.
Spend a moment thinking about it. Put your desire into a sentence.
Now write down this secret on a piece of paper. Be specific, so you can see it in words. No one else needs to see what you’ve written, and you can destroy it at any time, but first, it’s important to get your confession out of your head. What can seem so big and overwhelming in our heads can seem so much smaller and manageable on a page.
Once we expand our mental definition of sex beyond crude notions of nudity, fucking, and orgasms, we begin to realise something quite profound. That sex is actually the universal human need to feel desired, touched, and understood. Changing the language we use to think about sex helps change our perspective. We begin to see our sexual side as an entirely reasonable impetus, a necessary catalyst to enable us to get close to other people; not at all the shameful urge it’s too often depicted as.
We’re taught from an early age to experience emotions in moderation, told off for being too sad, angry, or exuberant. Hence intense feelings of shame or arousal make us think there’s something wrong with us. But how many things in your life invoke feelings of such intensity? Shouldn’t those that do be considered extra precious rather than weird? 
Whatever your secret desires are, the way forward starts with being kind to yourself. Reflect on why you feel guilty. Then be compassionate. Rather than berating yourself using negative notions like perversion and weirdness, reframe what you're into as kinda cool. Being kinky doesn’t make you weird, it just sets you apart from the mainstream, it actually makes you super interesting. 
Embrace the fact that you and me, and millions of others around the world love spanking! Isn’t that awesome? Welcome to The Tribe! We’re so delighted to have you here! Fist bump!
The breakthrough to being willing to be discovered is accepting there’s nothing wrong with our fantasies. Given what we seek is literally the approval and active consent of others, how could there ever be anything wrong with that? If whoever you tell isn’t into it, that’s perfectly fine, but they’ll still respect to you for being so courageous and candid, and for being so respectful in seeking their consent. No-one will be hurt by your thoughts, but you can cause yourself a lot of suffering by suppressing them.
So that’s the first step, to introspectively examine your own feelings of shame, and challenge them. To rationalise why you feel the need to be so defensive about your sexual beliefs. There’s no reason to feel guilty, because no crime was ever committed.
I think negative emotions, like shame and loneliness, are like runtime errors in the mind. There's something inside us that doesn’t feel right, that isn't congruent with who we are, or want to be. These emotions don’t exist to make us suffer, but to warn us. They’re meant to provide an impetus to take action, so we correct our course through life, just like a burning sensation demands we pull away from a fire.
Your challenge is to reframe your erotic desire from something you consider shameful, to something you consider makes you truly interesting. Note how no-one else’s opinion matters here. Just yours. No one else needs to be convinced. Just you.
“Spanking makes me interesting.”
Can you say that aloud, even in an empty room? Even as a whisper? Try it. Try saying it every day until you truly believe it.
For many, this is where they'll stop. We’ll make peace with ourselves, and resolve to be truer to ourselves. That’s progress, and quite acceptable, we all have the right to keep our own secrets that no one else needs to know. But if you want to be discovered, and play with others, you will have to be found.
What’s stopping you is likely to be fear. When surveys ask people what their biggest fear is, the top responses are typically claustrophobia, being attacked, spiders, and heights. But an even more profound fear lurks deep inside everyone, one that’s rarely mentioned: the fear that no one will love us. The fear of abandonment.
This is why revealing intimate details about ourselves makes us feel incredibly precarious. If we stay silent, we know the delicate status quo of our lives will be preserved. The same routines, and the same certainties. But if we reveal our secret, we fear everything might come crashing down. The future becomes unpredictable, even risky. So we hide away, hoping to preserve what love we have.
When our partner tells us they love us just the way we are, we interpret that as loving what we’ve revealed of ourselves so far. We fear disclosing any more might invalidate us, like a prospective house buyer looking beneath a carpet and being shocked by the sight of rotten beams, making them walk away in disgust.
But our desires aren’t a rot or a taint on our being. That’s why it’s so important to reframe them as interestingness. If we think our desires are wrong, whoever we confide in is likely to feel awkward about them too.  
Remember that those who love us, by definition, want to be kind to us. Often they show us far more compassion and sympathy than we might show ourselves. That's often why we're so hesitant to be vulnerable, because we know perfectly well just how mean we are to ourselves when we’re feeling uncertain. But you’re not announcing your most intimate desires to the whole world, just someone who already loves you.
We can be bold and tell them.
We can give them permission to discover us.
One of the strangest things about secrets is that once revealed, they lose their intimidating power. We might feel super embarrassed for a few hours, or days, or maybe even months, but that feeling will eventually fade, until it becomes just another event in our ongoing life story.
Our revelation may even open up new paths, and unlock new life opportunities. In the years to come we may look back and wonder why we ever wasted so much mental energy keeping it secret at all.
One last tip. If you do share a secret, rather than leaving it hanging in the air, awaiting your loved one's seal of approval, the very best follow-up is to immediately invite them to tell you a secret of their own in return.
Just say: "What have you always wanted to tell me?"
You’re giving them permission to be vulnerable. Promise them you won't judge them, just like they haven't judged you. Who knows how long they’ve agonised about opening up, worrying themselves sick that you’d reject them. Now you’ve broken the ice, there’s never going to be a better moment for them to open up too.
They don't need to even say it right now, promise them you'll listen without prejudice whenever they're comfortable to talk. Give them the same advice I’ve given you, gently help them in overcoming their own anxieties if you need to.
This is how we stop hiding.
This is how we allow ourselves to be discovered. 
This is how intimacy is built.
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