#because drag kings have to be both afab and not men
genderqueerdykes · 8 months
people often talk about the amount of transfems who have to stay closeted for safety very often, and it is a lot of people, but it's very rarely acknowledged how many transmasculine people have to stay closeted for life as well. i really think it's important to talk about both sides of this, because so many people are affected by this issue.
society is openly hostile toward transmasculine, afab, intersex, and other ""non male"" people who genuinely try to pass as men. people like to say that it's accepted for afab people to crossdress-- but it's not. truly "crossdressing" as an afab person will get you mocked and threatened. before i transitioned, people would actually approach me and tell me that i couldn't wear men's clothing when i did. this never happened when i wore "masculine women's clothing." never. cishet people can tell by the subtle differences in the cuts of clothing, it's not that black and white.
attempts to behave in masculine and male ways will get you targeted. whenever i would hold open doors for men in my conservative redneck 1,000 person population home town, they would look at me like i had 3 heads when i was pre-transition. women aren't allowed to hold open doors for men, that's a man's place. women aren't allowed to use heavy machinery or tools. women aren't allowed to try to foot the bill. you get the picture. even certain masculine behaviors will get you yelled at or berated or worse.
going on testosterone is outright terrifying because unless the person responds to it poorly or doesn't take a very high dose, the effects are almost immediately noticeable, and many are completely irreversible. while most cishets don't know what a trans man is, they can instantly tell that they hate transmasculine people once they encounter one, especially one in very early medical transition. i had the worst time in the early days of my transition because i was such a "he-she". it really is hard, cishet people do NOT like this combination of features, either once they encounter it.
it's not easy for any of us, and it's tragic when any trans person has to live their entire life closeted for fear of safety. let's go ahead and acknowledge the transmascs, trans men, intersex, transneutral, nonbinary, genderqueer, drag king, crossdressing, transvestite, male impersonating, genderfluid, bigender and other folks in this sphere of transness who also have to hide for their own personal safety. we see you, you are beautiful, you are still trans even if you can't show the entire world who you are.
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mayababes19 · 4 months
☆ Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna, Toji, Choso
☆ AFAB!Reader!
☆ Summary: A late Mother's Day special that I turned into a two-parter
Gojo - Gojo is such a dork. Forget fancy things. For Mother's Day, you'll be at an arcade or a sweets café. The only fancy thing you'll get is Disneyland. In Gojo's words, "Nothing fancy can show my love for you. I asked you to be my girlfriend for a reason".
Gojo would make you ride the "It's a Small World" ride because he knows it'll annoy you. From Splash Mountain to the mad tea party, your night is filled with affection and fun. He made an effort to put a smile on your face all day just to see you're beautiful face light up at the end of the night as you both watch the fireworks show at night with amazement. He's mainly looking at you though
Nanami - Now y'all know damn well Nanami is husband material. No debate. Lucky for you, you and Nanami were expecting a healthy baby girl.
It's been a few hours since the birth of your baby girl "Nana". Nanami did everything to make sure you were comfortable. Prepared your food, helped you to the bathroom, took care of Nana as you slept, and even declined every phone call Gojo made to annoy him.
Nanami personally learned how to knit days beforehand and made you and Nana matching hats, he was going to do was support his girls.
Nanami went the extra mile for his mother's day gift because in 3 months, you're going on a cruise with your family
Geto - One thing Geto is going to do is stay classy. No bullshit and no interruptions. He'd purposely pretended to be oblivious of what day it is. Geto would blindfold you and drive you to a fancy restaurant with a good view of the skyline. Once unblinded and in the middle of dinner, Geto casually grabbed a ring box and proposed to you in front of the whole restaurant.
Even though he would be calling the onlookers monkeys by now, his main focus was on you.
Sukuna - You're the only exception. He doesn't care about anyone or anything else on Mother's Day besides you. Ever since he got you pregnant, he's been clingy and more loving even if he doesn't want to admit it. You woke up to roses and your favorite snacks in a giant basket.
"Mornin' brat. Move over"
And just like that, the king of curses is cuddling with you in bed watching your favorite shows and movies. He hates them but he's also secretly intrigued by the dramas
Toji - Toji would send little gifts to your job the days leading up to mother's day. After staying up all night, Toji's plan was finally put together.
After surprising you in bed, Toji dragged you outside to a beautiful sign with your favorite flower(s) and led lights on it and big black letters spelling out,
"Will you marry me?"
Toji would wait till the last minute to buy you an actual gift (He's broke okay 😔) because he went all out on the proposal. Toji saved up some money to take you out to a high-class restaurant and a suit in your favorite color.
After your restaurant date, it was now around 12:45 am. Toji took you out on a late-night drive, he secretly admired how your eyes shined as you looked out the window excitedly looking out at the sky.
Before heading home, Toji bought you ice cream but once you two arrived home he couldn't care less about the ice cream. Like a caveman, Toji scooped you up into his arms while loosening his tie, heading to the bedroom.
"How about I make you a mother?"
"Toji, wait!"
Choso - You and Choso would have a lovely daughter together. Forget her looking like you, she’s a mini Choso just with your eye color.
Choso would purposely turn off your alarm on your phone so you would sleep in and give him time to prepare for your beautiful day. Choso would prepare a bath with roses and candles, breakfast in bed, and coffee. As he’s preparing, he also woke up your daughter, getting her dressed and fed.
By the time you woke up, your bedroom was covered in rose petals, a bouquet, and balloons on your bedside table. No sooner than later, your daughter and Choso walked through the door showering you with love and handing you your breakfast.
After breakfast, Choso gave you and your daughter matching outfits and took you two out to eat.
Choso would ride the carasoul with your daughter, giving quick glances as you recorded the pair. Choso on the other hand, just wants to get off this stupid ride already.
As the day went on, you three went to multiple stores, restaurants/cafés, and did special activities. For the last stop, Choso would take you two to the spot where he proposed to have a picnic together as you the sunset.
But... this Mother's Day wasn't the same.
Once a beautiful family of three, soon turned into a family of two.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I have really mixed feelings about the small proportion of F/F fiction (original or fanfic), because yeah sure, people have their desires, they should write what they want, I get it. It all works out when I hear it from person to person. But somehow the logic only ever applies in one direction? "There are more male protagonists because men only care about male characters! Women also mostly care about male characters, because that's the majority of characters they get!" And then somehow we also yet kvetch when men write female characters (because it's incorrectly or something, nevermind if women are writing male characters correctly). Why don't we expect gay men to feel compelled only by femslash for the same reasons (but gender swapped) as the lesbian slashers/fujoshi? All of those very rational justifications are applied selectively, "for me for not for thee," and it all only leads to "idk I just don't wanna write femslash", for Reasons. Do we get to call them microaggressions yet?
No, you don't get to call other people's fantasy life a microaggression.
That is indeed "for me but not for thee" in the sense that you get to want what you want but other people aren't supposed to follow their id.
Do you also police gay men who spend too much time on drag and obsessing over female divas? That's an actual real world behavior that's somewhat equivalent. It frequently goes unchallenged, at least by progressives, because men are allowed to do whatever they want with chick stuff, while women are "stealing" if they dare to stray into dude stuff.
(God, I've seen so much more policing of drag kings being ~problematic~ for acting out stereotypical gender than policing of drag queens for the same. It's nuts!)
Fujoshi are often queer, but it's absurd to think we're mostly lesbians. We tend to be bi or asexual women with gender stuff going on, though there is a mix of everybody, including lesbians. There are also a lot of AFAB non-women who get lumped in with us. On the rare occasions I find a man willing to admit to being a similar demographic, he usually does like gender play in his hobbies and entertainment. It's just that men face even more pressure than women do to fit into tidy categories. Bi women get told we're whores. Bi men are told they don't exist.
Yes, I know plenty of lesbians who write more m/m than f/f, but in the big picture of all of AO3 or all of fanfic or all of media, they aren't the demographic driving these numbers. They're vastly outnumbered by the bi women, the asexual women, and the straight and gnc women.
The men we should be looking at as an equivalent aren't cis gay men but bicurious soy boys and the like.
Do most of us fujoshi object to equivalent men doing an equivalent thing? I've seen it sometimes, and I agree it's hypocritical. I'd like us to afford men the same ability to play and take on identities in their art. I remember enjoying Ranma fandom back in the day and reading quite a lot of f/f that was probably by men. It had some of that same sense of distance and fantasy that I so enjoy in m/m aimed at fujoshi. (I do consume some by-cis-gay, for-cis-gay content, both m/m and f/f, but it's often too literal and too bound up in specific named identities for my taste.)
On average, the people I see complaining most about men producing f/f material are the same people who think that because I have a clit, I should center my life around women exclusively. In other words, people spouting radfem ideology, perhaps on purpose or perhaps without realizing.
I do agree that some of the ways of expressing a lack of desire to write femslash can get pretty douchey. I want us to move away from some of the less accurate ones like "There are no compelling female characters" because of this.
But the reason for all these jerkass explanations is that women and people perceived as women who like m/m are constantly asked to explain ourselves. These aren't usually microaggressions: they're openly hostile. People get defensive and try to answer with important-sounding reasons about identity and pain because society at large won't accept "I like this" as the true explanation.
Pleasure is never enough of a reason for a woman to do something.
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prince-liest · 5 months
wrt trans alastor i always saw alastor's gender presentation as extremely drag king-esque. idk if its the combination of femininity & masculinity or the fact he's basically doing a drag bit 24/7, but he gives off those vibes. i've seen too many drag kings with wild haircuts wearing similar suits and doing similarly earnest performances of old-fashioned men not to be reminded of that when i see al do his thing lol
That's definitely a vibe I can see! I think it's another interpretation of the same thing I also pick up from him, which is the over-the-top way that he performs identity as a whole, both in terms of gender and in terms of humanity vs monstrousness. My personal perspective (headcanon? interpretation?) for him is that he's that flavor of agender you get when he cares about his presentation, but the presentation he's running with is just what he was assigned and never felt the need to question. If he was AFAB I think he'd be doing the same exact thing, just in the direction of femininity.
I commented on it a little bit more in this ask, which I think is a good summary of how I see him, haha.
This does also make the idea of writing a fem!Alastor really interesting for me, though, because it's fundamentally same gender, different presentation, but the presentation aspect of it influences Alastor's behavior a lot thanks to how gendered that type of performance is in the first place.
So! Hopefully I have the time to write it. >:D
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up-in-flames-writing · 9 months
Queer masculinity in literature!
Hi, hello, my name is Booker-Garet, I am a queer masc author & I have just undertaken a very big project. In honour of the Stuff your Kindle Day that has thoroughly pissed me off in multiple ways (mostly because of my poor wifi), I am creating one big Recommendation Post collating all the queer masc books written by queer masc authors that I can find.
So, what am I looking for?
I am looking for both fiction & non-fiction books of any genre, including poetry & short stories, that are written by a queer masc person. Do not stop at written works only, I will also be creating subsections for manga, mangaka, comics, graphic novels, & any other visual literary medium that I've probably missed. Fuck it, web novels & interactive novels are welcome too!
Now, the books do not have to include romance, they do not have to be m/m or nb/m or nb/nb, but they do have to include at least one main character who is queer masc. I will be spotlighting m/m & nb/m fiction mostly, but I also want stories that do not focus on romance (for all my fellow aces & aros out there.)
These books also do not have to focus on queer masculinity (unless they are non-fiction), but I will be spotlighting books that do focus on the experiences of queer masc people primarily.
What is queer masculinity?
I define queer masculinity as any gender or sexuality that aligns with masculinity in a queer way. This includes:
Gay cismen,
Transmen (hi, that's me!),
Bisexual/pansexual/omnisexual men,
Aro & ace men (no matter what set of genders they're attracted too),
AFAB nonbinary people who align themselves with masculinity, as well as AMAB nonbinary people who align themselves with masculinity (you don't have to align yourself with masculinity exclusively, or even predominantly to be queer masc, so long as you align with it in some way),
Intersex men who view their masculinity as queer,
Butches & masculine crossdressers,
Also drag kings & queens both.
This list isn't extensive, obviously. I bet I forgot someone out there. But, the gist of it is, if your identity aligns with masculinity &/or manhood in a queer way, you're queer masc to me!
Send me any recs of queer masc books by queer masc authors right into my inbox, or on this post if you'd prefer. There is no deadline, I will be constantly updating the Recs List as I get new recs, so don't sweat it.
Also, self-promos are allowed, but please provide a link to your work if you do so. Direct any self-promos to my DMs, as I'm not sure if tumblr ever fixed the 'no links in asks' glitch.
Now, get to reccing!
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I am, once again, amused by how much transphobia against trans men from within the queer community is based in denying our transness while simultaneously using our agab against us.
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Marcus Moreno NSFW Alphabet
18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.3k
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Marcus is very attentive after sex, and he loves to cuddle. He’s content to hold you in his arms for as long as you want. Even after a mind blowing orgasm, nothing beats having you in his arms close and safe. And if you need anything, Marcus is right in it. Want water? He’s got you. Want a fuzzy blanket and cuddles? He’s your man.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on himself is his arms. Marcus trained hard to keep his body in shape and that includes a lot of arm strength. But mostly he likes to wrap his arms around you and hold you close. He loves when you comment on how safe you feel in his arms.
And Marcus is a boob man for sure. He loves to worship every inch of your body, but he especially loves your boobs. He’ll spend plenty of time kissing his way up and down each mound and spend a lot of time on your nipples too. He loves to knead them softly while he thrusts into you and watch them swing when he picks up his pace. And when you’re finished having sex, he loves to hold you close with a hand on your breast and give it a soft extra little squeeze.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Marcus really likes to pull out at the last second and cum on your belly. The sight of you hot and sweaty with his cum painting your skin is a sight unlike any other for Marcus. And of course he cleans you up real well after he’s done savoring the moment; he’ll never leave you a mess like that. And he loves to watch you cum too. The faces you make are super sexy to him and the sounds are music to his ears, especially if you cry out his name when you cum. He almost loves when you cum more than he cums.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Marcus really wants to tie you up. Not only does he think you would look so sexy naked, bound and helpless on his bed, but it would show an extreme amount of trust, and that turned him on more than anything else. He’s always afraid to hurt you or try anything too wild with you, so he hasn’t asked you yet.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Marcus could count his sexual partners on one hand. He’s not the type for one night stands and he only sleeps with those he cares about. That being said, he still knows what he’s doing. Marcus likes to spend time getting to know what his partners like and what really drives them wild.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Marcus does like missionary so he can watch you while you wrap your arms and legs around him. He also likes when you’re on top and riding him. There’s just something about watching you bounce on his cock and watching himself disappear inside you that gets him off like nothing else. Marcus is a switch so he’s happy to be on top or bottom.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Oh sweet himbo Marcus Morano. He can’t help but laugh at times, and he loves to laugh during sex. Sometimes he can’t help but tickle you while he’s kissing down your body and just grin as you giggle and squirm. Sometimes he can’t resist the urge to blow a raspberry in your belly, and it especially cracks him up when you do it to him too.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps himself well groomed and he loves to be fresh and clean for you. Marcus doesn’t shave, but he keeps everything neat and trimmed. You don’t care either way, hair is natural, but he likes to go the extra mile for you. And he doesn’t mind keeping the hair shorter.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you look up hopeless romantic in the dictionary, you’d find a picture of Marcus Moreno. He is a king of romance, and he takes great pride in sweeping you off your feet when it comes to that. There’s nothing Marcus loves more than to spend the evening wining and dining you, and he spares no expense to get all your favorites. Then he’ll spend all night making sweet love to you. Because Marcus Moreno doesn’t just have sex, he makes love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Marcus spent a long time as a single dad so of course he jerked off fairly often. Between leading the Heroics and being a single father he didn’t have much time to date until you came into his life. He doesn’t feel as much of a need to jerk off now since he has you, but sometimes he’ll put on a little private show just for you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise kink, both ways. He will shower you with affection while he’s inside you and he’ll tell you how beautiful you are and how amazing you feel. And he loves it when you tell him how good he is and how well he takes care of you. Marcus does short circut when you tell him how sexy he is and how hot he looks when he is fucking you.
Nipple play. Marcus loves your breasts and loves to play with your nipples. He’ll nibble and suck marks on your skin and swirl his tongue along your nipple as he savors the way you moan and arch your back. He also loves having his own nipples played with, especially with how you do it so well.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Marcus is traitional in that sense in that he likes to have sex in the bedroom. He likes the comfort and privacy. But, he’s also known to enjoy a good shower sex at times as well. And he also surprises you sometimes when he takes you to a storage closet or someplace in headquarters for a quickie.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Marcus loves when you say his name. Something about hearing it in your voice just really turns him on. And he loves when you initiate sex. And since he knows there’s a risk of his loved ones being targeted, he loves when you can defend yourself. If he’s teaching you a new technique and you’ve got him pinned, Marcus is more turned on than ever.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Marcus will never ever do anything to hurt you. He’s too protective of you to even think about anything like that. Also he does not like the daddy kink at all. He’s a father and he doesn’t want any references to that in bed.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Your pleasure really is his pleasure, and Marcus loves to go down on you. He could happily spend hours between your legs if you’d let him, and he’ll take his time to learn everything you love. Marcus will draw it out as long as he can as he works your clit with his tongue while he hold onto your hips. He’s addicted to the taste of you, and he would forgo anything in return just to spend as long as he can in your folds.
That being said, like most men he would never turn down a blowjob, especially from you. From the moment he’s in your mouth, Marcus is at your mercy, and you both know it. You work him better than anyone ever had before, and he has to physically hold himself back from cumming too soon because of how good it feels. And of course he stares in awe every time you swallow his load.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sensual for sure. Marcus likes to take his time with you. He’ll spend hours kissing you all over before he even thinks about fucking you. Your pleasure is his pleasure for sure, and he’ll spend all the time it takes to learn what you like and what spots drive you crazy. But when he finally does enter you, he likes to start slow. Maybe just warm his cock for a little bit and just enjoy the feeling of you around him. He’ll rock out once very slowly and gently, and just watch your face contort in pleasure. Encouraged by your moans (and maybe you asking him to go faster or harder), Marcus will pick up his pace.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are part of the territory when it comes to being a hero. Sometimes there just isn’t the time Macus would like to make love to you, but he still wants you. Sometimes he’ll take you to a closet, bathroom or empty room in headquarters for a quickie when he gets back from a mission and is running on adrenaline.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Marcus is open to an extent. He isn’t into anything super kinky but if you want to try something he’ll give it a shot for you. He’s also not a super big risk taker since he wants sex to be safe for both of you. He’s got enough risk in his daily life that he doesn’t feel the need to admit to his sex life.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually he just goes for one long round, but sometimes he has a second round in him. Marcus takes his time with you for sure and he drags it out as king as he can. He loves to take the time for you both to explore each other and really pleasure each other. At times when he’s been away or too busy, he’ll want that second round with you, seemingly can’t get enough of you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Marcus doesn’t own any toys himself, but he’s open to using some with his partner if they’re open to it. The first time you use one of your vibrators during sex, he’s almost too in awe to even move. He just buries himself in you and watches as the vibrations on your clit make you mewl and squirm. And he can feel the sensations too, and thinks to himself no wonder you like this so much.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is a tease for sure, but he doesn’t even realize it. When he’s wearing his glasses, you can’t help but stare because he looks so damn good in them. He’s so effortlessly handsome that he doesn’t even know the effect those glasses have on you. And whenever you watch him cook, you’re captivated by his arms. Again, he’s totally unaware. Sometimes, he’ll place his hands gently on your hips as he slips past you in the kitchen and the way he touches you immediately makes you heat up. You’re flustered while he goes about his business completely unaware. But you’ll make him aware later when you corner him in the bedroom...
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Marcus Moreno is a moaner. Boy definitely gets into the heat of the moment and sounds pour from his mouth. Where a lot of men are quiet during sex, Marcus is almost as loud as you are. He grunts while he thrusts into you, moans when you clench around him, and praises and your name spills from his lips.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He is a talker in bed, and sometimes the things that spill from Marcus’ mouth surprise you both. It’s never anything too derogatory but Marcus can get dirty when he wants to. “You feel so good baby” or “You take my cock so well” or “You like when I fuck you like this.” Marcus is definitely big into dirty talk and he loves to talk you through everything. And of course he always tells you how much he loves you while he’s fucking you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Marcus is well endowed, but he doesn’t even realize it. Honestly he doesn’t even think much about it. He’s never been the macho type so he never felt the need to brag about it or even care about what he’s packing. As long as you love what he does, he’s happy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Since he spent so long without someone, Marcus does tend to have a high sex drive when it comes to you. He’s usually up for sex about four nights a week, as long as he’s not too tired from being a hero or a dad. But on those nights, he’s just as content to cuddle in bed and hold you close.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Between being a hero and a single dad, poor Marcus is always tired. So once he’s spent for the night, he tends to fall asleep fairly quickly. Sometimes he’ll have you wrapped in his arms with you on his chest and savors the warmth of your body. Other times, he’ll lay on your chest and enjoy the softness of your breasts and the sound of your heartbeat. Especially when you play with his hair and rub his scalp, it doesn’t take Marcus long to fall sound asleep.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Greek Myth Series: Eros and Psyche Part One
Eret x afab! reader
trigger warnings: yelling, mentions of pregnancy
premise: so the story of Eros and Psyche is kinda complicated, and no that many people know it, if you want to find out about it in a different context you can here or if you want to go into this blind, go ahead.
list of Greek Gods/characters for this work
Eros- Eret
Aphrodite- Puffy
Zephyrus- Philza
Zeus- Dream
Pan- Tubbo
{I tried to keep this gender neutral, but in the myth Psyche does end up pregnant, and its kind of a big plot point, I'm sorry.}
{also I forgot how long this story is, so I'm going to split it in two, on one hand so that I don't leave yall without content, and two because it'll be easier for me that way}
There was a city state, long ago, near the sea, that was known for its beautiful royal family. The eldest daughters of the king had been considered the most beautiful in all of the land, until the youngest child, (y/n), came of age.
It is said that their beauty surpassed that of everyone in the kingdom, and where ever they went the people flocked, eager to earn their favor.
(y/n) knew of their beauty, but they did not look upon themself in vain, but they did know that this beauty caused jealousy among many, especially their sisters.
What they did not expect of this, was when the people of their kingdom began to worship them, as if they were the goddess of beauty, Puffy herself.
Now this was never something that (y/n) wanted, all they had wanted was to live a normal life, but now they had to stay shut up in their chambers, trying to ignore the cries from outside.
They were admired by all, yet wanted by none.
And as Puffy grew jealous, and planned with Eret to exact her revenge, (y/n)'s father sought help from the good oracle of Delphi, what was he to do if everyone in the land loved their looks, but no one wanted their hand in marriage.
As the months passed, and their chambers seemed to become even more like a prison and their sisters married other monarchs, (y/n) began to loath their beauty, wishing there was some way to be rid of it.
Having returned from his journey to Delphi, the king entered their chambers, "My child," Said he, "I have sought an answer, and answer, the oracle has given."
"And what answer is that?" (y/n) asked.
"In three days time we will hold your wedding," He took a shaky breath, "You are to be wedded to a dreadful monster, and in three days time, we will take you to the rock spire, at the edge of our kingdom, and leave you to him."
A gasp rippled through (y/n)'s throat, and they fell to their knees, "Father please don't leave me to die!"
He shook his head, "It is already done."
The three days passed in quick succession, and soon, (y/n) found themselves being led through the kingdom, dressed in a blackened wedding gown.
As their parents wept, they held their head high, having resigned to their fate.
Upon reaching the top of the spire, their family tearfully departed, leaving (y/n), wind whipping through their hair, dreadfully alone. Slowly, they inched closer to the edge, staring down to the rocky shore from which the pillar had grown.
A partially strong gust of wind caught them in the back, unexpected, and as they toppled over the side a scream ripped through their throat.
It took them a moment to realize that they had not made impact with the ground, that rather, they were floating, flying, being carried across the lands.
"Fear not," A disembodied voice assured them, "I am Philza, the west wind. No harm shall come to you."
(y/n) remained terrified until they were at last gently set upon the soft grass of a meadow.
"Go now, explore your new home." Philza urged.
Slowly, (y/n) moved forward, gaping as a huge villa came into view at the other end of the valley. As they drew further up the path, more disembodied voices greeted them.
"What is this place?" They asked softly, looking around in amazement.
"Why do you wonder so much of this finery? It is your own, do go inside, and rest and bath, and then there shall be a great feast." A soft, breezy voice returned.
Hesitantly, they did, enjoying a fresh bath, and much food and entertainment, but slowly, as night began to fall, the gayety died away, and they were urged to get ready for bed.
Having changed into night clothes, and climbed into bed, the lights were dimed by unseen servants, and they were told, "Rest now dear, your husband shall arrive soon."
"My husband?" They asked, confused, but there came no answer.
They laid awake, anxiously, until footsteps sounded on the floor.
"Who are you?" They demanded.
There was a soft chuckle, "Worry not, sweet (y/n), I am not here to hurt you. A husband should never have such intentions with his betrothed."
"Who are you?" They asked again, shuffling away as a weight settled on the other side of the bed.
"Your wife," she repeated, "I must admit, I didn't think of the consequence you might have faced upon hearing that dreadful fake of a prophecy. My dear, I am sorry, but could find no other way to take you away from the prying eyes of some."
Slowly, he retold the story, of how he had fallen in love with them, for the way that they had carried their burden, and when she had heard the plans of many, that they had to get them away.
"Alas, my sweet, you may not know my name, nor may you ever be permitted to see me, for it might tear us apart. For that, I am sorry."
There was a note of sadness in his voice, enough to tug at something in (y/n)s chest.
He had away-ed at dawn, long before (y/n) awoke, leaving them to their thoughts of what had happened that night.
The following days seemed to follow the same pattern, until soon a week had passed, and then the weeks began to blend into months.
Back in the kingdom, in which (y/n) had lived, word had reached their sisters of what had happened, and each day they began to gather at the spire, calling for them, wishing they hadn't disappeared.
But, their husband warned them, that even though (y/n) could hear there voices, they must never call back, and the sisters may never be allowed into the valley.
For some time, (y/n) worked to comply, but hearing the despair in their sisters voice wore them down slowly, to the point where even when they were remind of how cruel the women could be, they did not care, and only wanted to see them again.
It got to a point, where one day, after their husband had left, they slowly crept from the villa, and dashing across the valley, called to Philza, begging him to take their sisters to the valley.
"Are you sure, (y/n)?" He asked.
"Yes, please, I'd do anything to see them again!" They begged.
Reluctantly, Philza's winds carried the sisters to the valley, where (y/n) embraced them, "My sisters! Don't weep! I'm safe!"
They hugged them back just as tightly, before letting go and looking around at the valley, and the villa.
"You live here?" The eldest asked.
"Yes, it is my husbands villa." They replied with a smile, "Come, I'll give you the tour, and then we may walk the gardens."
As the siblings moved from room to room, and (y/n) gave their tour, the sisters became increasingly jealous.
They had been married to old men, hardly holding onto their titles as king, why should their little sibling get all of this?
Soon, they were seated in the garden, nibbling on the food the servants had prepared.
"You certainly live in luxury (y/n)." The middle sister remarked.
They nodded, "Yes, I suppose I do."
"How does your husband afford all this? What does he do?" The elder asked.
"Well..." They trailed off, thinking, "I'm not sure."
"You mean you don't know?"
Slowly, (y/n) explained what had happened, and their husbands conditions of never being seen.
"Oh (y/n), honey," she pulled a sympathetic face, "He's clearly hiding something from you, and such a shame, you being pregnant with his child."
They glanced down at their stomach, they weren't showing that much, were they?
"It might turn out to be a monster, for all you know. You've never even seen him."
"No! He's not a monster!" They insited.
The sisters continued to build up the idea of their husband lying, or disguising himself, both in a subtle agreement to ruin everything (y/n) had.
"he's not!"
Frowning, one sister leaned forward and patted her hand, "Maybe, but you don't know. Just to be sure, when he has gone to sleep tonight, light a lantern, and look at him, just to be sure."
"I think you should go." (y/n)s voice was hard, and soon Philza was returning them to the kingdom from which they had came.
Night returned, and along with it, their husband.
She had fallen quickly to sleep, though (y/n) lay awake, their sisters voices filling their mind.
What if they were married to a monster?
Slowly, shakily, they rose, and finding a lamp, carefully lit it, before turning to their wife's side of the bed.
In the flickering lantern light, (y/n) beheld their husband for the first time, dark brown hair falling in curls about their head, and large feathered flings pooling at her back.
They gasped in amazement, turning to find a set of quiver and arrows at the foot of the bed, suddenly it made sense. The bow, the inhuman beauty- they had wed the god of desire, Eret.
Some how, all at once, they fell in love, toppling over the metaphorical cliff they had stood near for sometime, as the lamp suddenly felt to heavy for their hands.
Shaking, they moved to set it down, but not before a drop of oil spilled, landing on the gods shoulder.
In a cry of pain, she awoke, and looked up at (y/n) with wide eyes.
Without another word, they stood, gathered their things and began to leave, as they had come flying through the open windows.
"No! Please don't leave! I love you!" (y/n) cried, seizing his arm.
"You fool!" He roared, dragging them along with her, "I risked everything! I went I against mine own mother! She told me to punish you! and yet I fell in love! I created all this! All of this just to get you away from her prying eyes!
"Now the magic is fading you poor poor fool! She will find you now! You won't have much time! You- you listened to your sisters didn't you! They wanted this! I told you to not listen to them! You lie! Regard me as some beast to peak on in the night!" At last they shook (y/n) off, and they went tumbling to the ground.
"No love can exist with out trust."
With that they flew away, leaving (y/n)s cries for her to stay. And Leaving (y/n) alone, so terribly alone.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
No, I mean, what's your gender? - Whatever I want it to be.
I did it. I knew I would eventually, but I tried to ignore it. Everyone meet my A-Team OC. @datasgirlfriend Feast your eyes on what you have helped to create!
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Their name is Anne "Karma" Kelley (she/they). In modern terms, they'd probably call themselves genderfluid, but in the show, she'd just give a shrug or sassy remark whenever asked about her gender due to the time the show takes place and was written in. It would also only use she/her pronouns for her.
Karma is relatively tall for an afab person, standing at around 5'7" or 170cm tall. She's slim and muscular and usually binds her chest if she's not presenting as 1000% fem. One of her most defining features are her birth marks - that the A-Team thought were bruises upon first meeting her since they could only see the one around her left eye. She also has one across her right shoulder and arm and at the back of her left thigh. Her skin is tanned and freckled, her eyes are a very dark brown and her hair is short and dark blonde. Have some more meikers for reference since none of them perfectly show what she looks like:
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I might also make a sim of her to see if I can do it better. Either way, moving on:
Anne is their deadname and they'll turn into a raging demon if anyone ever calls them that. The A-Team knows this and they go to all lengths to avoid it. Even if she's presenting as very feminine (for a job, for example), the guys will come up with some way to avoid both her deadname and her chosen name, Karma, because they know it's a bit of a rare one. Depending on the situation, they'll either call her "Miss Kelley", "Kelly" and variations of that name. Face, however, always pulls out his arsenal of terms of endearment and he takes great delight in watching her not being allowed to yell or curse at him for it.
Her "official" A-Team nickname is Kit. Hannibal was the first to use it, though it's unclear if he didn't call her "kid" instead. Face picked up on it and he absolutely loves using the name. The guys all insist it stands for her skills with her makeup kit and a toolkit, but it's pretty obvious that it's an excuse to compare her to a kitten.
Which brings me to Kit's skill set: Using makeup and a fitting outfit, they can make themselves look like a men or women of varying facial shapes - and they can act the part too! Think of drag queens and kings and the way they reshape their face with contour and highlighter. Specifically, Kit does an eerily accurate impersonation of Face, even when viewed up close. Whenever the A-Team uses it in a mission, they refer to it as the "Two-Faced" strategy. She can also do an impression of Murdock, but she finds it hard to get the mannerisms right ("I'm just not insane, Hannibal, I can't come up with what to do or say!"), plus height really becomes an issue with him, so she only does it from afar. With Face, it still more or less works since subtle platforms exist. Kit is also a more than decent mechanic, acting as B.A.'s assistant at times or taking over for him if he can't reach something because he's too big. A former trapeze artist, Kit is strong, flexible and athletic. Any sort of climbing and parcour action usually falls on their shoulders once they're really accepted into the team. They're also a fast runner and will not hesitate to kick or punch someone - or slap, in Face's case. After all, they need him to stay pretty or whatever, so she doesn't hit him too hard.
I think it's become pretty clear that Kit and Face's relationship is pretty special. I mean, we know Face, the ladies' man. To him, Kit is lady enough (though she's considered one of the boys by the likes of B.A. and Hannibal) for him to be flirting with her. He likes teasing her a lot and she knows how to take it, sassing him in return. This is very much a "I would never fall for you!" situation. We all know she will, maybe she already has, but will she admit it? Hell no.
B.A. sees her as a younger sibling. A very feral younger sibling. He might not show it, but he's secretly very proud whenever she beats someone up.
Hannibal has basically adopted her. Something along the lines of "don't you ever tame your demons but always keep them on a leash".
Murdock and Karma are chaotic queer besties, challenging the concept of gender and any kind of normativity together.
The story of how she met the A-Team may also be coming your way. This may be a brainrot. Sound the alarm...
@starlightocs @starlit-ocs
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uncloseted · 4 years
lately i've been VERY confused about gender and sexuality (not mine, just in general, although more on that later). so i always called myself a lesbian because it made sense, im a girl i like girls. about 2 years ago i had a lot of internalized homophobia and i tried to be as feminine as i could so people would think i was straight. and i remember one time i thought "what if i'm a trans man and i'm doing this because i feel like i have something to prove". +
but then i thought "nah, i can't be a man (or non binary) i like girly things too much". but that's awful too. ellen always wears suits and has short hair and she's still a woman. jeffree star likes girly things and he's a man. but now i don't even know what IS a girl/woman. i mean i didn't choose to be a woman and i never had a chance to be anything else. but i don't think i ever wanted to be. even if i identified as "agender" and i still looked and acted the way i do know, society would still
be seeing and oppressing me as a woman, so at least to me, personally, it feels useless. but also, a lot of nb people (most of them are afab) identify as lesbians. it's very confusing. i never had any kind of dysphoria although i felt uncomfortable with my body, periods, and sex but i always thought it was because of shyness, anxiety, internalized homophobia, insecurities and beauty standards. and i have a friend who's studying psychology in university and she told me dysphoria does not exist
trans girls. i think it depends on, like, how "far" they are in their transition?. i think i could be attracted, physically and emotionally but i couldn't have sex with someone with a penis. and i know even the most trans-positive people will tell you that it's ok to have a genital preference and not want to date trans people. but it still makes me feel horrible because it's like i'm seeing nb people as "more woman" than trans women. but also in all honesty it's very hard to "tell" cis people
from nb people. if you showed me a picture of jeffree star and jonathan van ness (or elena and syd from one day at a time, or amandla stenberg and king princess, or sam smith and harry styles) and asked me which one is nb, i wouldn't know. i would probably say jeffree. so i agree that monosexual (straight/gay) people will inevitably be attracted to nbs because nb is a spectrum, and also some people (I think all of us, in some way? maybe it's a controversial opinion) are gender non-conforming but
but don't identify as nb. does that mean we should change the definitions of gay/lesbian, since any gender could have any type of body and look as feminine and/or masculine as they want? do sam smith, jvn, vander von odd/sasha velour/gigi goode (all genderfluid drag artists) have male privilege despite not being men?. should we change the words feminism, sexism, misogyny, male privilege, etc for something more accurate?. honeslty i think a lot of this confusion is actually intrusive thoughts
and me just being an overthinker in general but it's been causing me so much distress that now every pronoun feels wrong and i can't even masturbate. please forgive the rambling, the buts, the incoherence and the ignorance. thanks in advance. oh and please tell me if this comes through in pieces and i will send them again
So there’s a ton to unpack here, but for the record, I’ve had this exact train of thought, too.
I want to preface my answer by saying that I’m not a gender scholar and I haven’t read nearly as many academic works as I’d like to on this subject, so this is coming very much from my personal opinions and less from an evidence-based/academic place. I also want to say that if pressed, I would describe myself as a pansexual gender anarchist (as in, attracted to people for who they are instead of their parts and I think we should get rid of the concept of gender entirely), but I think that sounds a bit wanky, especially since it has almost zero bearing on my everyday life. So I think the concept of sexuality and gender is maybe different to me than it is to other people, and my perspective on this topic might be unusual in that sense.  If anyone reading this thinks what I’m saying is bullshit or problematic, please join in the conversation! I would love to hear what you have to say.
For me, the more I think about gender and sexuality, the more i don’t really “get” either concept. Gender has begun to feel (to me) like one of those Buzzfeed quizzes where you answer a bunch of questions and they’re like, “you’re rocky road ice cream” and you’re like, “I have no idea what that implies except for it’s the collection of traits I chose from the options above”.  
What I mean by that is that gender is a social construct. No traits are inherently masculine or feminine- things that are considered masculine in one culture can be feminine in another and vice versa. 
Especially now, when we’re really moving towards disentangling gender from our world, I wonder what’s left to take the place of those items to define what gender is.  Gender used to be like “feminine is cleaning, nurturing, creating (or Barbie dolls, dresses, and makeup), and masculine is destruction, being powerful, and being ambitious (or football, beer, and video games)”, but clearly that’s not what it means anymore. Ellen’s suits are feminine suits by virtue of the fact that she IDs as female, even though suits used to be considered a male thing.  Jeffree Star’s makeup looks are male makeup looks by virtue of the fact that he IDs as male, even though makeup used to be considered a female thing.  I’ve heard some people say that there are as many genders as there are people in the world. At that point I think we’re just using the word “gender” as a synonym for “personality”, which is fine, but I think we need to be clear about our definitions and what these words now mean and imply about a person.
Going along that train of thought, if gendered words don’t really mean anything anymore, I don’t see the point as identifying as a particular gender, at last not in the abstract.  In practice, our world still sees gender and cares about it, and other people’s interpretation of our gender has very real consequences.  As you say, even if you identified as agender, society would treat you as a woman because you present in a way society considers to be “traditionally feminine”, and as a result, you would be oppressed in the same way women are.  This is why I said that my position on gender impacts my life zero percent.  I can identify as a gender anarchist all I want, but at the end of the day I still get passed up for opportunities because the way I present is read as female.  Likewise, nonbinary people who were assigned male at birth do have a degree of male privilege (or at least, can access male privilege), depending on how well they “pass” as a man.  Sam Smith likely still experiences some male privilege, because they look (most of the time) like what society might consider traditionally male.  Someone like JVN probably passes less frequently, due to his long hair and frequent wearing of what we might think of as traditionally female clothing (skirts and dresses and high heels).  However, the flip side of that is both Sam Smith and JVN risk being even more marginalized than female identifying, female presenting people when they do dress in a gender non-conforming way, because nonbinary identities are less understood and less accepted than female identities are. 
So now that we’ve considered what gender means in relation to society, maybe let’s consider it in relation to our bodies and sexuality.  This is a bit of a minefield so I’m going to try to tread carefully, but again, feel free to call me out if I say something problematic... 
I don’t think being uncomfortable with your body, especially feminine features of your body that are widely looked down upon (for example, periods) or sexualized (physical features like boobs, butts, hips) necessarily makes a person trans or nonbinary.  As you say, those feelings can be a result of shyness, anxiety, internalized homophobia, insecurities, beauty standards, and dozens of other things.  However, it is something many trans or nonbinary individuals experience.  So the question then becomes, where are those feelings of discomfort coming from?  Are they internal to you (as in, your body physically feels like there’s something wrong/those features shouldn’t be there) or external (you feel shame for having those features because of the society you grew up in)?  It can be really hard to detangle internal influences from external ones, given that people who are assigned female at birth learn to hate our femininity and female bodies from a very young age.
I would say that if those feelings are internal to you, then that’s what referred to as gender dysphoria.  Gender dysphoria is a real, ICD and DSM diagnosable condition, and there’s some evidence to suggest that there’s a neurobiological basis for it.  My (very controversial) hypothesis is that gender dysphoria is like other body integrity identity disorders, where there’s a mismatch between the brain’s map of the body and what the physical body actually looks like.  I want to make it clear here that I don’t think being trans is a disorder.  I don’t think it’s bad or that all people who are trans have a body integrity disorder.  I don’t think you need to physically transition to be trans, or that we should pathologize gender/gender expression, or that gender is a binary (hopefully that last one is obvious).  I just think if society has less stringent gender divisions and a less binary understanding of gender, fewer people would physically transition, but some people would still experience a mismatch between their idea of how their body’s sexual characteristics should look and how they physically are.
So then, what does that mean for our terminology?  I think in the context of a world where the meaning of gender is changing, gay and lesbian just refer to genitals (people with penises attracted to people with penises and people with vaginas attracted to people with vaginas, respectively).  Or perhaps we need to separate it out further- maybe you can be romantically and physically attracted to female and male presenting people, but sexually attracted to only vaginas.  Maybe that would fill the gap between being interested in a person romantically and being interested in having sex with their genitals, where you’re attracted to someone without yet knowing what’s in their pants?  In general, though, I think labels should exist to be useful.  I don’t know how useful it is to have a term for “I'm attracted to you, given that you have the genitals I’m sexually attracted to.”
I think under that framework of centering labels like gay and lesbian on genitals, a lot more people are pansexual than would identify that way if you took a poll right now.  In general, I think a lot of people never recognize that they’re pansexual because they aren’t in contact with nonbinary or trans people that they’re attracted to frequently enough to know they don’t actually care about genital preferences.
When talking about other labels like feminism (the advocacy for AFAB and female-identifying/presenting rights), sexism (prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, generally towards female identifying/presenting people. but also towards gender nonconforming people), misogyny (dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against AFAB and female identifying/presenting people), male privilege (the system of advantages or rights that are available to men and male identifying/presenting people solely on the basis of their sex/gender presentation), etc., I think those terms refer to the societal construct of sex/gender that is still prevalent in our culture.  We perhaps need to start using other words to describe discrimination against nonbinary people, but I think the existing terms continue to serve a purpose and it’s not time to retire them just yet.
I don’t know if any of this is at all helpful or if I’m expressing my thoughts clearly.  Maybe it will just add more confusion to your existing thought process, but I hope it helps to minimize your distress at least a little bit.  Ultimately, all of this is kind of made up, so don’t beat yourself up too much while trying to unravel all these different threads. People spend full academic careers and sometimes their entire lives trying to figure out what they believe on these issues.  It’s okay to not have it all worked out or to not be sure in your ideas.  Even for me, this is just where my thinking is right now.  Maybe in the future it will change with new information I learn or as my feelings towards myself change.  Try to let yourself think of this as a journey instead of something you have to already have figured out.
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 6 years
pronouns don't equal gender in the way everyone's exact relation to gender is different so you can have a cis guy using the same pronouns as an m spec afab nb person but that doesn't take pronouns' meaning away so if i see another cis lesbian try to use he/him pronouns in a vain attempt to live trans men's struggles like it's a cool or trendy thing while invalidating trans men's fight i might as well fucking implode
if you're comfier using he/him pronouns then maybe consider you're m spec. and if not then stop this. we don't need more transphobia and erasure there's enough with truscum, transmed, terfs and whatever other bullshit tumblr will pull up next
cis people don't get to use other pronouns unless they're having a persona ( ie drag kings and queens ), it's a middle finger to trans people like oh you've been fighting for this ? i don't understand how it feels at all but i'll demand the exact same thing of you even though i'm perfectly comfortable with my assigned gender, also pronouns don't mean a thing ((((:
fuck off with that "pronouns don't mean a thing" bullshit they do mean a thing if you come at me and misgender me because "pronouns don't mean a thing anyway" i'll personally beat your ass in an alleyway
social dysphoria is literally based on people misgendering and seeing us as a gender we aren't and y'all have the audacity to say it doesn't mean a thing ? the audacity to act like "they're just words" ? idk if you noticed but words were made to have a meaning
funny how only cis girls will to by he/him because "pronouns don't mean a thing", not trans girls. maybe it's because pronouns fucking mean shit ? get the fuck out of here with your transphobia and weird nonsensical rhetoric, it's just as bad as "you need body dysphoria to be trans", like fuck off with both of these statements they're from opposite sides but they're both bullshit as fuck
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draftingforrewby · 8 years
rewby well yeah what are you asking this all seems pretty basic
helicoidcyme idk it seemed reasonable to me but i havent spent anywhere near as long as you have thinkin abt it so i wanted to see if i was missing anything mostly
rewby idk it's like
helicoidcyme i guess theres some room for people who, like, will never have sex and people who, like, arent up for a romantic relationship without sex to want to discuss that with each other before they get too far into things, but that fits into the part where the post discusses individualized communication so like yeah
rewby yeah it's like a thing i try all the time to articulate but am constantly shouted down over by mogais so,,, meh
helicoidcyme what eeven is mogau mgoai* fuck it
rewby Marginalized Genders, Orientations, And Intersex, bc I guess intersex is just a thing that gets stuck on the end lmao, and basically it's the acronym ppl are using to "replace" lgbt+ as "more inclusive" aka "we want to include literally every marginalized gender and orientation ever" aka "a bad fucking idea"
helicoidcyme /me squint
rewby i wouldnt hate it as much if people haven't started trying to use it in real life to replace the actual acronym "lgbt"
helicoidcyme are /me hrm i guess intersex people arent inherently trans
rewby the basic root of the intersex issue as far as i, a perisex person, can tell
helicoidcyme though i imagine its likely given the mess that is modern society/medicine's reaction to them as infants
rewby is that each individual intersex person can identify as cis or trans depending on their condition and therefore including them as a whole in the lgbt+ acronym isn't particularly useful for their community there are, for example, a lot of intersex women who are afab and identify as cis who've written about this
helicoidcyme /me nods
helicoidcyme but like there are plenty of gays who arent trans either whoare still in the grouping just bc theyre gay so like
rewby so like that's why the intersex community as a whole hasn't advocated for their inclusion in the acronym and most people who include I in the acronym are, surprise surprise, perisex mogais
helicoidcyme while they dont necessarily fit just bc theyre trans i could see an argument for including them anyway
helicoidcyme it seems to me that they could reasonably fit, given the general unifying factor between gays and trans being oppression based on not behaving the way society Expects based on genitals? but like it doesnt seem necessary or anything so if they havent really asked to be included im cool with it just being a somewhat-parallel community yknow
rewby yeah but like as an intracommunity issue intersex voices who, for the most part, don't want the I in the acronym, are being ignored in favor of overwhelmingly white perisex voices
helicoidcyme right
rewby additionally the more I think abt it the more I agree with the analysis that the lgbt community is based around a partnership against shared oppression formed during and because of the AIDS crisis and that is really the defining factor in what groups form the community
helicoidcyme which is, obviously, all about feeling self-righteous about being More Progressive Than You hm
rewby prior to the AIDS crisis there was no significant partnership between gay men and lesbians
rewby (noting that trans/nb women and men were generally parts of the gay and lesbian communities, respectively)
helicoidcyme /me mutters thats bc men suck and lesbians have had enough of them wait, respectively?
rewby trans women prior to the real popularization of transgender identity and politics in the mainstream usually found homes in the gay male community and most often IDed publicly as drag queens
helicoidcyme ah
rewby similarly, trans men found homes and community with the lesbian community and most often IDed publicly as drag kings/butches
helicoidcyme guess that makes some sense but like... ill admit to being glad that thats not... my situation now
rewby within the first few years of the AIDS crisis, lesbians rapidly became the only social group willing to form partnerships with gay men and take care of them through the epidemic. survivors of the crisis recall that their lesbian acquaintances were the only ones they could count on to nurse dying men and act as in-home caretakers, for free
helicoidcyme /me nods
rewby doctors and nurses were often not willing to do these things due to homophobia and AIDS panic
rewby so that was really when a solid alliance formed between gay men and lesbians and when the communities began advocating as a cohesive whole rather than disparate factions
helicoidcyme but there was already a gays<->transes thing goin. where did that start?
rewby from the beginning! gender nonconformity and homosexuality have almost always been seen as linked/synonymous in the public eye therefore trans and gay people have pretty much always been forcibly lumped together and oppression that affects one group nearly always affects the other i.e. in the 60s, it was illegal in America to wear the clothing of your opposite assigned gender this was meant to target gay men and lesbians, but of course significantly affected trans people
helicoidcyme /me nods
rewby and like I mentioned, drag (of both kinds) has always been a subculture formed in gay and lesbian communities, but it also has always served as a safe haven for trans folx
helicoidcyme i dont understand? drag like outside of trans people
rewby man this is a good conversation do you think we could post it
helicoidcyme i guess as a broad concept yeah sure gender isnt real esp gendered _clothes_ so ya just wear whatever but in the real world uh sure if you want yeah but in the real world with individua people who _have_ grown up with gendered clothes, where does drag come from if not trans people
rewby idk its just Good and i would like to share but if not it's cool
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