#because it wasn’t passed to him. u know?? i have to go to my grandmother to learn about it
pinkfey · 2 years
it’s weird when your only two ethnic roots that are of some significance to your identity are connected to you via two grandparents
#like my grandmother is hawaiian !! which makes my father half white !! but very little culture was passed down to me#because it wasn’t passed to him. u know?? i have to go to my grandmother to learn about it#and then when i do it doesn’t feel like a piece of me?? it feels like her culture. and i LOVE it so dearly. but like it isn’t?? it’s not my#-identity. and i feel like it Should be but i just. i’m white!! and wasn’t raised with any hawaiian culture !!#it’s. weird.#it’s a bit different with my wela. she’s white latine but her siblings aren’t.#as in she’s just more pale than they are. and so my mother having an irish father is also white#but she was immersed in puerto rican culture. and so was i!!#but i have difficulty calling myself latine in any way#it doesn’t fit#and like#i don’t relate to other white people when it comes to specific stereotypes#such as bad cooking or addressing issues directly as white ppl do#because to puerto ricans problems NEVER get handled. just talked about. everything is passive. that’s how my mom is#not how i am but how she is and half my family is#and like. family gatherings were big and loud and full of music and dancing laaaaate into the night#and frequent too#and i was surrounded by spanish speakers so much of the time#so much of my childhood and life was immersed in puerto rican culture but i’m just. i don’t think i’m puerto rican. i’m NOT puerto rican.#like i’m not a white latina i just. i just don’t feel like i am. or can be. but im not white in the way other white european americans are??#maybe that’s what it boils down to !! not relating to white americans in certain aspects#but only those certain ones. my mom may be a white latina but she is very much a white woman in that traditional european american sense#anyway idek what im rambling about atp. identity is very odd. i don’t feel like there’s any heritage i should claim#but at the same time white isn’t a good enough descriptor when it comes to how i was raised#because it isn’t like white european americans. is this. is this making sense. i think im going in circles#i walk through the world as a white woman and that’s ultimately it at the end of the day bc thats my race!! but ethnically i have no answer.#heritage is strange#anyways.txt
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fangirl-writes · 4 years
Pop Culture
Benny Weir x Reader
Request:  hey i hope ur doing well! would u be able to do a benny x fem!reader where she’s really popular and has a crush on him and isn’t shy about it. benny likes her a lot too but he’s scared that she’ll just end up leaving him for another popular kid. so she makes multiple public declarations as well as takes him on a string of extravagant dates to show him how much she truly likes him.
Warning(s): none. A lot of star wars references. Like. A LOT.
Notes: I am doing fine thank you! Sorry for taking so long with this one. This was cute. I got a little side tracked from the main request and just went all in with the star wars theme, I’m so sorry.
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Y/N L/N was one of the most popular girls in school. That was undoubtable. She was a cheerleader, head of the prom committee, former homecoming queen, and her parents were one of the richest people in town.
But the fact that she had the biggest crush on Benny Weir, resident star wars lover, science wiz, and all around huge geek? Unbelievable.
Extremely unbelievable in Benny’s opinion, even if she had grown up in the house across the street from him.
And Y/N wasn’t shy about her crush on him. In fact, she was very unsubtle about it.
She left him hoards of candy in his locker, hung a bouquet of roses for valentine’s day, and stood on a cafeteria table to wish him the grandest of happy birthdays. 
“Benny!” She cooed as she walked down the hallway with some of her other friends, who were currently rolling their eyes so far into the back of their heads that the nerd squad thought they might get stuck.
“Oh, no,” Benny said, a blush spreading across his cheeks as she approached him, Ethan, and Rory, leaving her posse behind.
“Benny, I rented out the entire movie theater for a star wars marathon this weekend, if you’re free?” She asked.
Benny could barely concentrate on what she said because of how close she was. He could smell her sugary perfume and see the school fluorescents shining in her pretty (e/c) eyes.
He stumbled over his words for a minute before spitting out, “Can’t! Already got plans with Ethan, can’t back out, been planning it for months, years, a whole decade. Can’t miss it.”
“We have?”
Benny elbowed Ethan in the ribs.
“Oh. Right, those plans. Yeah.”
You frowned, looking disappointed. “Oh. Okay.”
Your smile returned for a minute. “Can we reschedule then? Is tonight good for you?”
“Ah, well, you know what-”
The screech of the school bell interrupted him and he looked relieved.
“Well, look at that, saved by the bell! Sorry, Y/N, gotta get to class.” He took off down the hallway. It was the fastest Ethan had ever seen Benny run.
You turned to Ethan, looking more devastated than ever. “He hates me, doesn’t he?”
“Who? Benny?” he replied. “No. No, he doesn’t hate you.”
“Then why does he keep giving me excuses? The old Benny would straight up turn me down...” You said, crossing your arms and staring at the floor.
Ethan put a hand on your shoulder. “Hey, Benny absolutely doesn’t hate you. He’s just...nervous, I guess.”
“Nervous?” You echoed. “About what?”
“Well, you’re really popular and he’s...well, he’s Benny. He’s just afraid that you’re gonna leave him for someone like David Stachowski.”
You pulled a face. “Hairy Dave? No thanks. He’s dog.”
“You don’t know the half of it,” Ethan muttered.
“And you guys know I’m the same Y/N, right? Just because I run with a more popular crowd doesn’t mean I stopped liking nerdy things and stopped thinking about my nerdy friends.”
Ethan laughed. “It’s just a big change from how it used to be. You don’t have braces and a star wars backpack anymore.”
You returned the laugh, remembering how you used to be. “Well, I’ll just have to prove it to him. Will you help me?”
Ethan’s face contorted. “Ah, I don’t know...”
“Come on! Help me, Ethan Skywalker! You’re my only hope!”
Ethan sighed. You got him.
“Yes!” You wrapped him in a hug. “Now let’s get to class!”
“Is everything ready?” You asked Ethan over the phone.
“Yeah, good on your end?” He replied.
“Yep. Movie theater is set. All up to you now.”
“On it.” He said before hanging up and shoving the phone in his pocket. He took a deep breath before bursting into Benny’s house and running up the stairs frantically.
“Benny!” Ethan shouted slamming his bedroom door open.
Benny let out a high pitched scream, falling from his desk chair onto the floor.
“They’ve got Y/N!”
“What?!” Benny bolted upright. “Who’s got Y/N?”
“A couple vampires out for revenge. They must have seen us talking at school the other day. They’ve got her trapped at the movie theater-”
“What are we waiting for?” Benny said, bolting out the door passed Ethan. “Let’s go! Grandma I’m taking the car!”
Ethan waved to Benny’s grandmother as he ran passed her, following Benny out the door.
He hoped this worked.
Benny parked the car and was about to run into the theater, guns blazing, but Ethan caught his elbow.
“Wait, wait, we can’t just burst in there! Look!” He said, pointing to the sign that read ‘Star Wars Original Trilogy Marathon - Tonight Only!’ People stood in a line out of the theater, dressed to impress in various Star Wars get ups.
Benny cursed. “Of course, the one time we need to get in there quickly they’re having a special screening.”
“We can use the side door,” Ethan said. “And here” - he handed Benny a storm trooper helmet - “we’ve gotta blend in or they’ll see us coming.”
Benny groaned. “They could be sucking her dry right now!”
“They want us, not her. And Y/N is not helpless. And I’ve got Erica and Sarah already in there scoping the place.”
“You called them before me!”
“They’re vampires!”
Benny just grumbled and put the helmet on, crossing his arms.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Put on the costume and let’s go.”
Ethan and Benny snuck through the side door, dressed fully in storm trooper get up.
“This sucks, E. I can’t see a thing in this helmet.”
“What do you want from me, B?” Ethan retorted.
He suddenly let out a gasp and turned to Ethan. “Oh my god, E. This is a New Hope. I’m Han, you’re Luke, and Y/N is Leia. Yes! This is like my perfect dream.”
Ethan groaned. “I wish I could argue with you.”
“Ethan, Benny!”
The two turned to see Sarah and Erica running their way.
“What’re you guys doing here?” Ethan asked.
“What?” Benny turned to Ethan. “You called them, right?”
“There’s a bunch of vampires here. Some of Jesse’s old friends that want revenge for his death.” Sarah explained.
“They’ve got the whole place on lockdown. They’re planning on locking all the star wars nerds in here and feasting.” Erica said.
“Oh my god, this is exactly like Star Wars!” Benny gushed.
“Yeah, okay, Han Solo, chill.” Ethan said. “But that does give me an idea. Where are they hiding?”
Erica scowled as Ethan and Benny led them up the stairs like prisoners. “I never agreed to being Chewbacca.”
“Shh. No choice.” Ethan retorted before pushing open the door to the control room.
There were three vampires sitting in there, they were staring out the small window, watching the movie before turning to the now open door.
“Who are you? And what have you here?” One of them sneered.
“We’re with you. Had to dress up to blend in. Caught these two trying to pull the fire alarm. Thought you might want to deal with them.”
Erica hissed at them and the leader, grabbed her by the chin. “Such a pretty face. Shame we’ll have to kill you.”
Erica kneed him in the crotch, making him groan.
“Look out! They’re loose!” Benny quoted, letting go of Sarah’s arms so that she could assist in beating the crap out of the three of them.
It was a good thing that Star Wars was a rather loud movie or the crowd might have been alarmed by all of the noise.
“All right, you scum,” Benny said, grabbing one that was barely conscious. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Tell me!”
“What?” Benny yelled at Ethan.
“They don’t have her. This was supposed to be a surprise for you. We were gonna find her in one of the empty rooms in the theater and then she was gonna take you to an empty theater and you two were gonna watch the marathon together. But now she’s alone in a room with a bunch of vampires around.”
“What?” Benny shouted. “For the love of- You go and get her, we’ll hold them here.”
“You mean we” - Erica gestured between her and Sarah - “will hold them.”
“Yeah, whatever, just go her!”
Benny pulled off the helmet and sighed.
“She really likes you, you know.” Sarah said.
“Come on,” Benny said with a bitter laugh. “Maybe right now, but once she gets me she’ll be off to the next guy in a week. That’s how they all are.”
“Not Y/N.” Erica replied. “She doesn’t get around. Never has. Her last boyfriend was a dick so if she’s pursuing you, she must really like you.”
Benny sighed. “Yeah, I know. I’m just scared. We kinda run in two different circles now, you know?”
“And you can’t overlap? According to what? The rules of high school? The world isn’t so black and white, Benny.” Sarah encouraged.
Ethan rushed down the hallway, looking on the door numbers for 2187 (a number you had modified for the surprise).
“Yes!” Ethan said, reaching the door. He quickly pulled it open to find you laying there on a table, decked out in an impressive Princess Leia costume. It looked like you’d fallen asleep.
“Y/N!” He called and you sat up.
“Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?” You said cheekily. “Where’s Benny?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, pulling off his helmet. “No time!”
“Come on, say the line!”
“What? No, you don’t understand-”
“Ethan! Say the line!” You whined.
He sighed. “I’m Ethan Skywalker, I’m here to rescue you.”
You grinned broadly. “Thank you.”
“But seriously, I’m rescuing you. There are vampires here, and we need to get back to Benny, Sarah, and Erica.
“What?” You shouted, processing the information.
“Sarah and Erica are vampires. Good ones. But there are evil ones here that are planning on sucking the souls out of everyone in the theater and we’ve got to get them and you out of here.”
“What? Where’s Benny?”
“Come on!” Ethan encouraged and, just like the movie, you ran out first despite not knowing where you were going.
You met back up with Benny, Sarah, and Erica in the hallway, as they were backed against the wall with more vampires on the way.
“Where are they all coming from?” Sarah said, spraying a holy water gun and knocking one down.
“I don’t know but I know for sure we can’t get out that way.” Benny said.
“Looks like you cut off our only escape route. All the doors are that way!” You replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry, perhaps you'd like it back in your cell, Princess Leia!” Benny bit back at you sarcastically.
“Ethan, are the sprinklers still lined with holy water?”
“I don’t know. I never did anything to take it out.”
“Let’s give it a try!” Erica said, pulling out her lighter and holding it up to the sprinkler above her head, covering herself with her leather jacket and Sarah holding up an umbrella she had been using as a weapon.
The water almost immediately started spraying out, setting off the fire alarm and soaking the vampires attacking you, burning and hissing all the way down.
“What is your problem?” You hissed at Benny.
“Well, we wouldn’t be cornered if you hadn’t lured me here! And by using Ethan! I feel betrayed!”
“Oh, I’m sorry for trying to prove to you that I like you!”
“Ha! If you really liked me you wouldn’t have become so popular! Leaving your real friends to rot in geek town!”
“That wasn’t my fault! I did what I liked! You guys are the ones who thought I needed to change just because I did similar activities to the other rich kids!”
“Guys!” Ethan interrupted. “Not the time! We need a way out. Now.”
“Oh for the love of-” You rolled your eyes and opened up the trash cute. “Everybody in!”
“Ew. Do we have to go full star wars?” Sarah asked.
“Would you rather chance the holy water river?” You replied, pointing to the floor that was slowly filling up with more water.
“Good point. Let’s go!”
Sarah entered first, followed by Erica, then Ethan, then you, then Benny.
You all were spit out into the dumpster that was full of candy wrappers, old popcorn, and soda cups.
Erica toppled into Sarah and Ethan rammed into her. You managed to avoid their collision only to have Benny slam into you from behind.
You all groaned at the impact and rolled around for a minute, picking popcorn and sticky candy out of your hair and clothes.
“Oh, I’m gonna need a shower.” Ethan groaned.
“After this I think you all deserve a spa.” You said. “I’ll buy.”
“You better.”
“Well, that was not how I foresaw this night going,” You said, standing up with the others and pulling a candy wrapper out of your hair.
Benny stood up, picking garbage off his clothes, and let out a chuckle. “What? Did you think that I was gonna give in just because of your big gesture?”
You turned on him with fiery eyes. “Would you just get it through your thick skull? I like you, okay? I’m not gonna break up with you in a week, I’m not gonna cheat on you, I’m not gonna try to convert you to a jock. Benny I’ve liked you since third grade! I just got enough confidence to tell you and you keep avoiding me every chance you get! If you don’t like me would you just tell me? It would save me a lot of time and money!”
“Not that that would be a problem for you, rich girl!”
“Well, I’m sorry my parents are wealthy! I’m sorry you live with your grandmother and not in a mansion! We’re different but quit painting me as the villain in your pathetic hero story!”
You both were fuming at each other. Erica, Sarah, and Ethan were standing with wide eyes watching this go down.
“Well, maybe if you had just stuck with your real friends we wouldn’t be in this situation!”
“I did! You guys are the ones who treated me like I’d been converted to a cult!”
“Not much different!”
“What is your problem with popular people? You have some sort of nerd code that says you can’t get along with them? Weren’t you the one who was friends with David Stachowski?”
“That’s a different story! He chose us!”
“So did I!”
“No. You didn’t choose us, you chose to have sleepovers with the cheerleaders and go to country club parties and be homecoming queen!”
“I can have more than one group of friends, you know? But do you know who I had hoped would be there for me when I needed it? You guys. Ethan was. You’re the one who keeps running away from me!”
“Well, I’m sorry I think I’m not good enough for you!”
“You’ve always been good enough for me!”
“Well, then I guess I’m saying yes!”
“To what?”
“Everything. All of it. Every date you’ve asked me on, every invitation to a dance, every declaration of love. Yes. I love you. Yes.”
Tears were in your eyes now and you threw yourself into his arms, burying your face into his neck.
Benny hugged you back, as tightly as he could without hurting you.
“You smell like garbage,” you whispered.
He laughed. “So do you.”
Suddenly there was clapping from behind you.
You turned to see Erica slow-clapping. “Well, as much fun and as that rom-com moment was. Can we get out of the dumpster now?”
And you did.
It was safe to say your Leia dress was probably ruined, but you would probably keep it anyway.
Benny held your hand all the way to the car.
You hoped this was the start of something wonderful.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Diana’s child
Diana Prince x child!reader
warnings: ww84 spoilers ahead!
prompt: anonymous: “Lacey! I see you're taking request for ww84, would you write HC for being Diana's child? I'm not sure you're up to HC though. Hope you have an amazing year ;)”
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growing up with so many stories of your mother’s home
that and stories passed down from your grandmother
“and asteria held back mankind in order for the amazons to survive. our people shall never forget her sacrifice” -diana
“tell me another!” -you
“i can’t tell you all my stories! then what would i have left to say?” -diana, giggling as she tucked you in and gave u a kiss on the forehead :)
you had to keep her secret growing up
😔sadly you couldn’t tell everyone you had the world’s coolest mom
buuuut a mom who works at the smithsonian isn’t NOT cool
👉👈exclusive field trips at school
“y/n, can you ask your mom if i can touch that?” -classmate, pointing to a display
“i already know the answer and it’s ‘no’” -you
actually knowing a decent bit about the stuff there
and the people too!!!
“if it isn’t our archaeologist in training, how’s school going?” -mom’s coworker
“pretty well! how has it been here?” -you
“busy busy busy” -coworker
diana teaching you ✨self defense✨
you were half amazon, but you shared many of her traits
that included her speed and strength
*ahem* and badassery
“okay, y/n. you are much stronger than your friends, but they cannot know that. you must be careful not to hurt anyone by mistake or show them how powerful you are” -diana
“so i can’t give my friends piggy back rides?” -you
“i would advise against it, just in case” -diana, chuckling
on your first try against a punching bag
you uh. destroyed the punching bag
“uh...we’ll work on that, yeah?” -diana
“i can’t lie, mother, that was pretty cool” -you
she opened up about steve to you and only you
“he gave me this watch right before he...he saved the world. i wish you could have met him” -diana
“he sounded brave. and really sweet. i mean, at least you got to know him” -you
“that’s true, my love. i am very lucky to have known him for what little time i had, i will cherish it forever” -diana
you were very wise at times. and she enjoyed learning what it was like for her mother to raise her
and although she felt guilty making you hide your true self from the world, you understood that it was necessary
you were not able to grow up as free as she did, but you assured her that it was not a bother at all
you guys totally go on “lunch dates” on saturdays because life does get busy for the both of you and you guys make time to catch up
you tease her when there’s sightings of a woman saving the day
“busy day of work, mother?” -you
“what can i say? i can’t keep myself away from the action” -diana
“when will you let me get a piece of the action?” -you
“your time will come, y/n” -diana
dont let me forget that your mom is super affectionate!!!! (as long as you’re comfortable with it ofc)
kisses and hugs and little notes and alway fixing your hair and cupping ur face just cuz she wants to see her baby!!!!!
oh also!! you can go out whenever you want really because she trusts you to come home on time and knows you can hold your own
“going to see star wars with some friends, mom!! see you in a few hours!” -you
“no problem, do you need money for your ticket or snacks?” -diana
“all taken care of! love you!” -you
“i love you too” -diana
and then stuff got really weird!!! weirder***
starting with the gala that your mom had to go to, you got the house to yourself
it wasn’t all that spectacular really but that’s what happened
*after meeting steve again* “oh, gosh! i have to call my child and let them know that i’m not coming home tonight!” -diana
“w-what? you have a kid?!” -steve
ngl your mom did not want you to have ANY part of the dreamstone stuff
but she also did not want to leave you alone so ye you had to go to cairo with her and steve but you were really happy to meet steve
“your mom told me that you like history” -steve
“some of it. i do like her history though, i can only hope to see where she comes from one day” -you
“well, i accidentally crashed into themyscira, maybe you will, too” -steve
“wait...you found themyscira on accident??” -steve
“don’t get any ideas, y/n” -diana
“but now we have an invisible jet! it’s like this was meant to be!” -you
once your mother started losing her powers, it was your duty to step up to the plate
and you did a pretty good job for your first time hero-ing
“they remind me so much of you. that’s a good thing” -steve
“the world is not ready for them” -diana
being a pretty badass detective when it comes to max lord and the dreamstone
oh! and then meeting barbara. she was pretty cool
jk she was a lil wild ngl
and it was between defeating her and saving your mother and her first love, you knew which was more important
and your mother was proud of how responsible and caring you had become
soon enough, she did have to renounce her wish
and you had to say bye to steve
“hey kid, it was really great knowing you. i’m so glad that your mom has a kid like you, you’re gonna do great things” -steve
“and i’m glad my mom got to see you one more time, but i’m sad to see you go. goodbye steve” -you
feeling REALLY bad when your mom was crying next to u
but there was still work to be done
she had armor for you and another from asteria herself
and you two were about to get down to business
“y/n, before we go any further, i have to let you know that this is a one time thing. you will have more opportunities in the future, but after this, you should go back to normal. be a kid for as long as you can. it goes by so fast, i don’t want you to miss out on a second of it” -diana
“i know, mother. i understand” -you
clashing with max
and reminding him of the ✨child neglect✨ that he is at fault for
it was a very rough and emotional couple of minutes
but the world was.....mostly saved
it needed some time to be put back together
and you and your mother had to return to normalcy
“i’m very proud of you, y/n. one day you’ll make an excellent warrior. but you know that there’s no rush” -diana
“i know, mother. but you have to admit, we make a pretty good team” -you
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @randomfandomimagine //
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Pairing: Reggie Mantle x reader
Synopsis: Reader and Reggie have been best friends since they were toddlers, nothing tearing them apart until Veronica their Junior year. This follows the rise and downfall of their friendship. Can they mend their friendship and be back to what they once were, will they be too hurt to fix their broken hearts, or will they finally admit their feelings for one another?
Word count: 2.6K+ (my hand slipped)
Warnings: Mr. Honey; he’s the worst villain to ever enter Riverdale, you can’t change my mind. Mentions of child abuse, nothing graphic past the mention of a black eye. Some angst. Spoilers for s4e4 technically, I still can’t believe what Mr. Honey did. 
A/N: I have like 11 requests I still have to get to, yikes. I swear I’ll do them soon, but inspiration hit and I ended up writing this. there isn’t enough Reggie love on Tumblr, plus I have a tiny crush on Charles Melton, so writing this was a win win. let me know what you think, and if I should write more for Riverdale. Veggie is better than Varchie (don’t come for me), but I still think Reggie deserves better than Ronnie. 
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Growing up in a small town like Riverdale there weren’t too many kids to become friends with, but when you met Reggie Mantle on your first day of preschool you knew he would be your best friend for life. Archie was showing off on the playground by walking up the slide when the teacher wasn’t looking. The problem then being that Archie's foot slipped right as you were walking passed the bottom of the slide, and he slid down and ended up knocking you on the ground. You started to cry because he scraped your arm bad enough that it started to bleed. Reggie, whom you shared a table with in class, watched from the sidelines as your teacher helped you up and took you to the nurse, he got his revenge during arts and crafts later that day- ‘accidentally’ spilling red paint all over the front of Archie’s khaki pants. When Reggie made it to the table you quietly thanked him and shared your paint with him since the teacher said he couldn’t have new paint as a lesson to be more careful next time. 
As the years went on, yours and Reggie’s friendship only grew until you were inseparable; you two went on family vacations together, you went to every single one of his junior bulldog football games from the ages of eight to twelve, he went to your ballet recitals when you took classes in grade school even bringing you roses. Reggie was your rock at your grandmother’s funeral, you helped him pass his geometry class Sophomore year so he could stay on the football team, and you were the only person that he opened up to about his father’s abuse- having witnessed it with your own eyes a handful of times. 
Your mom was convinced you and Reggie would fall in love and get married one day, and your father was convinced your friendship would crumble and ultimately go down in a blazing fire. Going into your senior year you hate to admit that your father was right, his words bouncing around in your skull every time your brain shut off for longer than two seconds. Veronica Lodge moved to town Sophomore year, enticing every boy within a fifty mile radius with her upper East side charm. Reggie didn’t fall for Veronica right away, he fell for her junior year when he was helping her with La Bonne Nuit. And as cliche as it is, that’s when you realized you were in love with him, you had been for a while. The small nagging voice in the back of your head told you that it had been since that day in preschool. 
But you would grin and bear the pain, the soul crushing pain, if it meant that Reggie would still be in your life. And you did, for a while at least; until Reggie stopped calling and texting you back, until he stopped begging you to come to his games, until he stopped sneaking into your room every friday night after a game to go over the play footage where you would help him come up with new plays and tweaks to the old ones, until he started ignoring you in the halls in favor of making out with Veronica. You never hated the girl, she had been nothing but nice to you anytime you would interact, but God, you just wished she would disappear and give you your Reggie back. 
You resented Veronica, leading your interactions with the girl to be more tense and your answers clipped, and that was what led to the blazing fire your father talked about. Reggie offered you a ride home one day after school, and of course you jumped at the opportunity to spend time with him again. Instead of going to pops and talking like you thought you would, the two of you got into your biggest, and last, fight ever. 
It started with Reggie asking why you hated Veronica, where you defended yourself and swore that you didn’t. But he wouldn’t believe a word that came out of your mouth, continuing to press you as you two kept driving. The closer you got to the edge of town the worse the fighting got, your voice raising along with his. You accuse him of abandoning his friends, abandoning you, to be with Veronica all the time. He gets mad that you don’t understand why he’s with her all the time, claiming that you couldn’t understand not when you’ve never had a boyfriend. Something that he’s the reason for, since he scared all of the guys even remotely interested in you away with just one piercing glare or one lowly growled threat. 
The comment picking on your relationship status, or lack thereof, is the straw that broke the camel's back. You let loose just as you pass the sign thanking you for visiting Riverdale, the town with pep. Pep your ass, the small town is full of death and endless heartache wherever you look. You rip into Reggie, letting the hurt take over as you scream and scream at him-calling him a terrible friend. He finally screams back, claiming that you’re worse because you hate his girlfriend. He has to pull his precious car over, the car you helped him pick out when he turned sixteen, because he started swerving when you two got into a screaming match. 
The interaction ends with you getting out of the car on the side of the road leading into Greendale, slamming the car door behind you, knowing that he’ll get mad with how aggressive you’re being with his baby, his Bella. He does a sharp U-turn driving beside you, trying to coax you into getting back in the car with him. But you can’t do that, you can’t face him right now. So as you watch the taillights of the gun metal grey Chevelle disappear around the curve in the road you finally let the tears fall down your face, they stream harder and faster the closer you get to reentering the town with pep. 
Reggie had dropped your backpack off at your house when he got back into town, so it was sitting there waiting for you in your living room alongside your worried mother. You cried into her arms that night for hours, until you were all cried out, not caring that you look like a big baby. You had just lost Reggie, you had just lost your everything. You hadn’t talked to him since that day in the middle of your junior year, even after him and Veronica broke up and she went back to Archie like always. The days of your senior year seemed to fly by, October coming in what felt like mere days as opposed to months, and your last Halloween in Riverdale is today. 
You and Reggie would always wear matching costumes to trick or treat, and school just for fun as you got older, this always prompted your classmates to wonder if you two were finally dating. But that wouldn’t be happening this year, for the first time ever. You had even dressed up and sat on his porch in costume when you were six, handing out candy to the other kids so you could talk to Reggie, who was in costume too, through the window because he was sick with a 102.2 degree fever. You were dressed as Kim and Ron that year, his mom had even crocheted him a little Rufus to stick in his pocket. You couldn’t wait to get out of this town, away from Reggie, away from the places where you would see ghosts of your younger selves everywhere you went. 
Kevin calls you freaking out after he and Reggie got caught tp’ing Mr. Honey’s office. Kevin caved after Mr. Honey threatened to make sure he wouldn’t get into NYU if he didn’t. Kevin felt guilty for his actions, and even though you hadn’t talked to Reggie in close to a year you were worried about him. Worried what his dad might do to him when he hears he got in trouble at school again, and worried what the unhinged Mr. Honey might do to him himself. 
You don’t hear anything from Reggie the next day, not that you really expect to. You more-so hope he’ll call you, but you know what they say about hope- it breeds eternal misery. The day goes by at a snail's pace as you stare at your phone throughout the entirety of said day. You finally curl in on yourself and go to sleep after midnight, however sleep doesn’t stay for long. You’re awoken around two in the morning from your phone’s incessant ringing, in your dazed stupor you don’t realize it’s Reggie’s special ringtone- the bulldog cheer from Kim Possible. 
“Hello?” you ask hoarsely, making sure to stay quiet so your parents won’t hear. 
“(Y/N/N), can you talk?” your startled to hear Reggie’s voice on the other line. It sounds scratchy, like he was recently in a screaming match with someone. You open your eyes for the first time, finally accepting that you won’t be able to just roll over and slip back into your dreams. You glance at the alarm clock on your bedside table and your eyes widen at the time.
“It’s like two in the morning Reg,” you sigh, hoping he’ll wait till morning. 
“Can I come over?” Reggie’s pleading now.
“Later, we can go to Pop’s for lunch or something,” you yawn loudly into the phone in protest. 
“I’m already here,” before you can respond the line goes dead.
You can hear quiet, almost not there, footsteps outside your window as Reggie expertly navigates his way through the flowers and bushes outside your window. He taps on the window three times in quick succession, your old signal for when he would sneak over letting you know it was him at your window. You reluctantly get out of your warm cozy bed, stumbling to the window to open it for your former best friend. 
Your plans for just slipping back into bed anf hopefully nodding off while he talks go out the window as you come face to face with Reggie’s swollen face. He has a split lip and a black eye, you’re sure he has belt marks on his back too. You don't care that Reggie is climbing through the window a little too loudly, your sole focus now on fixing him up. Once he’s in the room you sneak to the kitchen and quietly grab an ice pack, stopping in the bathroom to grab rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and ibuprofen.  
You hand him the pain reliever and your bottle of water, it’s not the first time you’ve shared, as soon as you shut your bedroom door behind you. He swallows the pills down with ease, and you both settle on your bed, a sad depressing routine. You don’t say anything as you clean his split lip, he winces slightly when the alcohol drenched cotton ball makes contact with his open wound. 
“Mr. Honey caught Kevin and I last night,” Reggie admits quietly. 
“I heard, Kevin told me,” you murmur unsure of where this conversation is headed, so you continue to dab at his lip.
“Mr Honey, he said that no one takes me seriously, no one since you. He said that he heard around school that I made my ‘persona’ bigger, became more of a prankster, after I lost you. He-he knew about my dad, (Y/N),” Reggie’s voice cracks, you can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now. “Said people at school are laughing at me, worst of all, you’re laughing at me.”
“Oh sweetie, no!” you're quick to jump in and defend. “I would never laugh at you, you know that. Never. No one else is either, he was just saying that to get a rise out of you.” Your arm moves without your permission, you push a strand of black hair out of his eyes before caressing his cheek softly. 
“He tp’d my car, that I get. That was actually funny,” Reggie hisses, you aren’t sure if it’s because you’re lightly pressing the ice pack to his shiner or because of what he’s about to say next. “But he broke Bella’s windshield, shattered her passenger side window, and busted her left headlight.” 
“I’ll kill him!” you jump up from your spot on your bed, no longer caring if you wake your parents. Reggie holds the ice pack to his eye with his right hand, cautiously reaching for your hands with his left. You calm down when his fingers intertwine with yours, sinking back down next to him. 
“I avoided going home all day, but when I did and my dad saw the car,” Reggie takes in a shaky breath, and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb. “He did, well he did this.” He uses your joined hands to gesture towards his face. 
You don’t say anything, instead just pulling him in for a hug. Reggie tenses at first before melting into your warm embrace. You pull him down onto the bed with you so you're laying side by side, he rests his head on your chest as you tuck the two of you in. 
“I know we haven’t talked in a while,” you let out dissatisfied hum as you card your fingers soothingly through his hair. “But you're the only person I wanted to see, the only person I ever want to see. It’s been torture without you (Y/N).”
“It doesn’t seem like it,” you say under your breath, but he hears you clearly with his ear pressed to your chest. 
“I was an idiot, I let my ego keep me from you,” he moves his head to look up at you, his brown eyes shine with sincerity. 
“Don’t do this right now Reggie,: your eyes fill with tears, “Don’t do or say anything you don’t mean just to make me feel better.”
Reggie moves his right arm from around your waist to brush away a stray tear that slipped out of your eye. He moves his thumb down your cheek to your lips, tracing them with the pad of his thumb. Reggie lightly tugs down on your lower lip causing you to uncage it from your teeth, when did you even bite it in the first place? 
“I love you (Y/N), I always have,” he looks away from your mouth so he can stare into your eyes. “And I think you have too.”
“I have, I love you so much Reggie,” he pulls your face down to meet him. The kiss is searing, and a little wet due to the tears leaking out of both of your eyes, but it’s perfect. You pull back when you get the slightly tangy taste of blood on your tongue. You immediately fuss over Reggie’s lip, said lip splitting again during the makeout. Reggie pulls you back down onto the bed and into his arms after you’ve dabbed at his lip with the cotton ball again. 
“How can I make it up to you?” his eyes shine with unshed tears as he stares lovingly at your face, almost like he’s mesmerized by you. “Not just tonight, but leaving you for Ronnie so I could try to get over you, and for every other night you’ve taken care of me.”
“Just never leave me again,” you whimper, which is cut off when he kisses you again. 
“Never,” Reggie’s never been more serious about anything in his life. 
You cuddle up to Reggie’s chest, his warmth and scent quickly lulling you into  a deep comforting sleep. You don’t care that he should sneak out the window and go home, or that your mom will find you two cuddled up in your twisted sheets when she comes to check on you at ten. All you care about is Reggie being safe, in your arms, and finally having him back in your life-but with one vast improvement to your relationship.
Permenent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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venomous--fics · 4 years
Summary: A kind stranger attempts to help you move stuff into your new apartment, but it doesn't go so smoothly.
a/n: credit to whoever made the gif. I had to get it off google because my internet was being really spotty for some reason.
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Unpacking the small U-haul was taking way longer than you anticipated. More boxes were scattered on the pavement than there were in your apartment. Strangers would stare and even whisper amongst themselves as they passed, and each time you sarcastically smiled and waved. 
"Thanks, San Francisco. Very helpful."
Little did you know, someone was peering at you from their window, contemplating whether or not to help. 
"They look frustrated. We should stay out of their way." Eddie said, quickly closing his window curtain. 
"They're frustrated because they need help." Venom replied. 
"How would you know?" 
"I've seen movies, Eddie. We got out, help them, and then we fall in-"
"No. Absolutely not, man.  That's Hollywood. This is..." Eddie paused for a moment, "This is low budget Hollywood. That crap doesn't work here." 
Venom was quiet for a moment before replying, "It might." 
"It doesn't." 
"Okay, and? We can help them and be friends. We need friends, Eddie. We are kind of sad." 
"We're not....Speak for yourself." 
"You're sad, Eddie. Very sad. It's a little pathetic, really." 
"Stop talking." 
"You cried while watching Mamma Mia." 
"I- It was- It was a very touching musical. Leave me alone." 
"Are we going to help?" 
"I guess." Eddie sighed, "Beats getting picked on about my movie choices."
You had set another box down on the sidewalk and took in a deep breath. The U-Haul was almost empty, but for now, you were going to focus on taking boxes up to your apartment. The afternoon was beginning to fade into evening territory, and you/d be damned if you were out and about once it was dark. 
You were about to pick up a stack of two boxes when you heard a voice. You stood up straight and your eyes landed on a rather scruffy looking man. You turned and looked behind you, thinking he was referring to someone behind you. With nobody behind you, you turned around and looked at the man once more. 
"Hi, I'm Eddie. I- Uh, I live up there," he pointed to a closed window at the top floor. 
You followed his gesture and noted the window at the top. You looked at his face again and he turned back to you.
"Just came out here to see if you needed any help." He awkwardly fiddled with the ends of his jacket sleeves, "Well, I mean I came out to help." 
You scoffed a little bit before you walked back to some of your stuff, "You must've watched me struggle and thought I was pathetic." You picked up an antique looking framed painting, "Thank you, but no thanks." 
The painting was a little larger than you remembered, and a little heavier. You tried to get a good grip on it, and Eddie being the gentleman he is, came over and put his hands on the other side of the frame, "It's no trouble. It's always nice to help out a neighbor." 
Chalk it up to being tired, hungry, hot or just stressed, but you really didn't want this guy's help. You wanted him to piss off back to his own space. Besides, you've seen crime shows, this is how you wind up dead in an alley behind a diner. 
"Again, I'm capable enough. Thank you." you tugged a little on the painting, hoping this dude would take the hint. 
Eddie thought you were struggling, and held his side of the painting firm, "You just looked like-" 
"What? A damsel in distress? I'm really okay. Trust me." You sighed as you tried to maintain your space and make the man leave.
Miscommunication is what caused the dominos to fall. You see, Eddie really thought you were exhausted and struggling to hold up the painting. He just wanted to help, but on your side of the coin, this man was a stubborn jackass could couldn't take no for an answer.
"Eddie, was it?" you blew some of your hair out of your face, "I really appreciate the gesture, but, I can get it. I don't have that much stuff."
"It's no biggie. I do this stuff all the time." Eddie cringed at how that came out, like he just waited for vulnerable people and he'd just swoop right in and save them, "No, I meant like, I just like being helpful." 
The next domino fell, and then the third, and the fourth, and well, the rest. Amidst your one sided bickering, you had stumbled back and tripped over a box, landing flat on the cement. Eddie stumbled back with the painting and also tripped over a box. In his panic, he tried to stop the painting from falling on him, but his whole arm wound up going right through it, leaving a nasty hole right in the center. 
Mortified, Eddie was frozen on the sidewalk. Let's hope this wasn't some sort of rare art piece you'd bought from a museum. Venom, on the other hand, thought it was a little amusing how clumsy Eddie could be.
"You did them a favor." 
You had rolled over and propped yourself up with your elbows. You saw Eddie with his fist through the painting and it's like everything stopped. 
"It was an ugly painting anyways." 
You heard those words and immediately scrambled to your feet. You quickly made your way over to Eddie, and he was expecting you to be concerned about his well being, because he was just used to that reaction. Instead you pulled the canvas away from him and said, "You dick." 
"It was an accident." 
You shot daggers at him before quickly looking back at the canvas, "My grandmother painted this." 
"Your-" Eddie swallowed his words and replaced them with, "Oh shit. I'm so sorry." 
Eddie pushed himself up and tried to muster up a better apology, but he wound up stumbling over another box and landing right on his side. 
"Just stay down." Venom sighed.
"Okay." Eddie said in a hoarse whisper. 
If a human could physically curl up an die, he wanted to know so he could do just that. This had to be some sort of cruel joke, right? A literal nightmare scenario had just taken place.
"Are you normally this clumsy or is today a special occasion?" you spat as you picked up a single box and went inside, dragging the canvas with you. 
“Today must be a special occasion.” Eddie sighed to himself.
Eddie hesitated and he groaned as he looked at the ground. This was not a good first impression. After a few minutes, he managed to pick himself up and that's when you came back out to get more stuff. You didn't look upset anymore, but that doesn't mean you were in a good mood either. 
"Is there anyway I can-"
You shut the building's door before he could even finish. Childish, sure, petty, of course, but you weren't going to pay any mind to him. He was just some stranger that you'd had a bad encounter with. Just because he lived in the same building meant nothing to you. 
Eddie, being unable to let it go, had gone against your requests, and found himself picking up a stack of boxes. Maybe he could make it up to you even a smidge by helping you this one time. He saw you just getting to the top of the stairs and he silently followed. Mentally, he was prepping all of these apologetic responses and ignoring anymore of Venom's "advice." 
You had shut the door to your apartment, mostly as a precaution, leaving Eddie out in the corridor. He walked up to your door and set the stack of boxes down, and making his way back outside to repeat the process. 
You had set the boxes back in an empty room and were you were heading out to get more. You had opened your door and bumped into a stack of boxes. You quickly put your hands on them to level them, and that's when you realized that the rest of your stuff was there. 
You saw Eddie, who was holding the last box. He paused when he saw you, expecting you to flat out murder him for not listening, but it was your turn to be stunned. Eddie walked over and set the box down and rubbed the back of his neck as he held out a set of keys.
"I locked up that little trailer thing...Hope you don't mind." 
You slowly took the keys from him, "Oh, thanks...Did you bring up my stuff?" 
"Oh, that? Uh, yeah, I did. Thought it was the least I.. Not important." He took a step back and pointed over his shoulder, "I'll get out of your way now-"
You felt bad. Maybe you had over reacted a bit, "Hey, you wouldn't mind helping me bring the boxes in...Would you?" f
Eddie stared at you and then the boxes, "I don't mind."
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter
☽ ☼ ☾
five years ago 
Elide drank her iced coffee and idly watched her friend, Lysandra, race around her bakery. “Elide! Where is my phone?!” the normally collected woman asked, her voice shrill with nerves. 
Calmly, Elide shoved off of the table she leaned against and walked over, the buckles on her knee-high platform boots clinking. She reached around Lysandra’s waist and plucked the green-eyed beauty’s phone from the back pocket of her mom jeans, “Here you go. Coffee?” 
Lysandra sighed and tucked a strand of hair that had escaped her loose braid behind her ear. “No, thanks. It’ll make me more nervous.” 
Elide smiled gently and put her hand on Lysandra’s upper arm, rubbing it up and down to soothe, “Lys, c’mon. You and Nesryn are ready for this. Evangeline adores you two.” 
“Yeah, but her room isn’t even finished! There isn’t even a bed,” the baker replied, her voice only rising in pitch. 
“And that’s what the boys are for,” Elide said. “Why don’t I go call them, see how it’s going?” 
“Yes,” Lysandra said. “Please.”
The tattoo artist nodded and smiled, stepping away to call. Her thumb hovered over Rowan and Lorcan’s contacts, deciding which of the two she would call. Fenrys hardly ever picked up his phone and she didn’t know Vaughan well enough to call. 
She chose and held the phone to her ear, her gut wrenching with anticipation. It rang a few times before it picked up and a voice answered, smooth like whiskey and just as deep, “Hello?”
“Hey, you,” Elide said, her voice somehow steady. She hadn’t seen or spoken with him in three weeks, since they’d both gone home over the holidays. 
“Princess,” Lorcan said, a small smile in his voice. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
She looked at Lysandra, “Ms. Ennar-Faliq would like to know when her daughter’s bed is getting here?” Behind her, the door opened. Elide turned to see Lorcan, Rowan, and Vaughan carry in a large box. Fenrys danced in after them, off in his own world with his earbuds in. Over the few months Elide had known the boy, the one thing she had learned was that when he had his earbuds in, there was no mortal that could call him back down to earth. 
Lorcan had the phone to his ear and smiled at her, “Momentarily.” 
Elide rolled her eyes and hung up, “Honey, the menfolk have returned!” 
He snorted and put his phone in his pocket, his question directed towards Lysandra, “Where do you want this?” 
“Follow me,” she instructed, waving them to the back of the bakery. There was a staircase that led to the apartment Lysandra, Nesryn, and now Evangeline lived in. 
The boys nodded and dutifully followed Lysandra. Elide watched them go, her eyes on Lorcan. Heat rose to her cheeks and she hoped they would get a moment to chat later. 
She had missed him. 
At that moment, her phone buzzed. Elide looked down to see a number she didn’t recognise had texted her. 
(202) 555-0157: Elide! It’s Yrene 
(202) 555-0157: I loved seeing you over the holidays
(202) 555-0157: I hope you don’t mind that I asked your mother for your new number 
elide: yrene ! no, no it’s fine
elide: it was great to see u too
She added Yrene’s name and number to a contact and they texted, benignly, for a few minutes. Then, Elide heard a shout and loud crash from upstairs. She looked up in alarm and fisted a hand in the gentle material of her black tiered skirt so her steps wouldn’t be hindered as she went up the narrow and steep stairs. “Guys? Is everything alright?” 
The black door at the top of the steps was closed, but not locked, so Elide twisted the doorknob to let herself in. 
“We’re good!” Fenrys hollered back from the second floor. 
“You’re bleeding, pup, I think that counts as ‘not good’,” Rowan’s deep voice chastised. 
Elide snorted softly and walked upstairs. She peered in, seeing Lorcan, Vaughan, and Rowan kneeled around Fenrys. Rowan held a tissue to Fenrys’ nose until the boy batted his hand away, “I’m fine, it doesn’t even hurt that badly!” 
“Fenrys, you broke your nose,” Rowan reminded him, his tone dry and ever-suffering. “We need to go to the hospital.” 
Fenrys rolled his eyes and turned to the women at the door, “It’s not that bad, is it?” He stood up and Rowan got to his feet as well, steadying his friend. Fenrys pulled the tissue away and Elide gasped. 
“Fenrys! It’s completely broken,” Elide said, walking over to him. The bridge of his short nose was snapped at an almost perfect ninety-degree angle, though the rounded tip remained in the same place. She reached up, gingerly touching it. Fenrys winced, tears drawn to his eyes. “You’re going to the hospital.” 
“But the bed–” 
“I will drive you there and you three,” Elide pointed at Lorcan, Vaughan, and Rowan, “will stay and finish the bed so Lys doesn’t lose her mind whole.” 
“Lose my what whole?” Lysandra asked idly as she walked into the room, carrying a basket of things. “Fenrys, oh no, are you alright?” 
“I broke my nose,” he said, his head tilted up. 
Lysandra’s eyes widened and she quickly put the basket down, stepping over to him, “What, how?” 
He started to speak, but his words were so muffled and jumbled, no one could understand him. Lorcan spoke for him, “Vee was holding one of the boards and it slipped and hit Fen’s face.” 
Fenrys nodded in confirmation. Elide sighed, “Ok, well, let’s go, Fen. We’ve got to get you to the hospital.” She led him down the stairs, carefully, and out the front door. “How’re you feeling, hon?” 
“My nose hurts,” he replied, his voice clogged and thick. “And I want to punch Vaughan.” 
She laughed and helped him into the passenger seat of her car, “I’m sure you do.” The boy leaned his head back against the headrest and groaned, his eyes screwed shut. Elide quickly crossed the front of the car and slid behind the wheel. “Buckle up, buttercup.” 
Fenrys complied, his eyes remaining closed as he groped for the seat belt buckle. Elide did hers as Fenrys clipped his and they were off. 
She drove smoothly and reached over to take his hand, “You want some music, Fen?” 
“Sure,” Fenrys said. “Your choice.”  
☽ ☼ ☾
They stepped back, scrutinising their handiwork. Lorcan reached up and shook the frame, while Vaughan tapped the tall posts it was lofted on. They looked at each other and shrugged, turning to Lysandra. “It’s done.” 
“Perfect, because Nes is on her way home right now,” Lysandra said, smiling in relief. “Can you two help me with something downstairs?” 
“Of course,” Vaughan replied, nodding his head serenely. 
“Good!” The baker turned and walked downstairs, leading them along. 
When they got to the café, Rowan had Aelin pressed against the side of the coffee machine, her hands locked around the back of his neck, her leg hitched over his hip. Lysandra paused and crossed her arms, arching a brow at them. Vaughan muttered something about sexual deviants and averted his eyes.
“You know Lys has to serve customers with that thing, right? I think they’d appreciate not having you guys infect it with your STI’s,” Lorcan commented, leaning his forearm on Lysandra’s shoulder and using her as an armrest. 
Rowan pulled away, his cheeks flushed. Aelin smirked and kissed her boyfriend once more before slinking away from him, “I’m glad to know you’re concerned for my sexual health, Lorcan.” 
He gagged.
The golden nightmare cackled and fixed her hair, waltzing up to her friend, “How can I help you, boss?” 
“If you two can’t control yourselves,” Lysandra started, shoving Lorcan off and towards the chairs stacked on the table, “you may leave. And get the chairs.”
“And miss meeting your daughter? Never,” Aelin sniffed. “We can control ourselves.” 
“We?” Rowan asked. 
Aelin rolled her brilliant eyes and conceded, “He can control himself.” She waved her hand, “Whatever, I’ll be good.” 
The brunette walked into the kitchen to fetch trays of Evangeline’s favourite baked goods and sweets, muttering, “You’d fuckin’ better.” 
The others made quick work of readying the chairs and setting the table. Vaughan and Lorcan were strategic and subtly put themselves between Aelin and their roommate, so there was no way for them to go to each other without passing under the disapproving glare of the cousins. Lorcan’s promised violence, but Vaughan’s was much worse - filled with fatherly disappointment and gay distaste. No one could withstand it. 
Lysandra swept back out, bumping the swinging door open with her hip, “Guys, it’s so boring in here, will one of you play some music?” 
Aelin practically lunged with her phone towards the amp and took the aux before either Lorcan or Vaughan even looked up. Lorcan made a confused face, “What was that?” 
She scrolled through her music library, “I’m not letting you corrupt that dear child with your punk rock shit.” 
“Not that I don’t simply adore it when the two of you go at it,” Lysandra cut in before Lorcan could snap back something, “I need someone tall to help me.” 
“Vee’s tall, make him do it,” Lorcan countered, even though he crossed over to help her. 
“Shush, you. Come this way.” 
They walked into the backroom and after Lysandra’s direction, Lorcan started pulling heavy boxes from the top most shelf. They were heavy and he puffed, not prepared for how heavy they’d be, “Hellas below, Ennar, the fuck’s in these?” 
“Bags of flour and sugar,” she answered, dragging them to a wheeled dolly. “So, how was home?” 
He shrugged, “It was fine. Cold as shit, though.” 
Lysandra laughed, “Is that all?” 
“No, there was a powwow,” Lorcan said, tugging the last box down and putting it on the dolly. “I was designated as the official photographer.” 
“Of course you were,” she said, taking another trolley and loading crates of butter onto it. The blocks would sit overnight to soften before Lysandra and her assistant got up to bake. “This wasn’t a competition, was it?” 
“No, not this one. Just for the solstice, ya know?” 
“Ah,” Lysandra nodded, understanding. “Did you dance?” 
When he was a child, Lorcan used to be a powwow dancer, like the others. His grandmother and mother kept shelves in their house dedicated to the trophies and medals he used to win and the ones his sisters brought in now. “Nah, I didn’t. I’m out of practice and none of my regalia fits anymore. The girls did, ‘cause they got new jingle dresses at the feast.” 
Lysandra made a noise of exertion as she braced her feet against the polished concrete floor and leaned into the handle, pushing the trolley out. “And how was everything else? You went with Ess and Vee, right?” 
“Yeah, but Essar’s staying a week longer,” Lorcan said, using his foot as leverage to push the heavy dolly. “She and Dresenda went to Oro with Fen before flying up. What’d you and Nesryn do?” 
“Oh, not much. We had a lot to do for Evie and we fostered a set of triplets,” she said with a beaming grin. Lorcan hadn’t ever seen her smile this much, not even after she’d barfed on him the first time they’d met. Twice. 
Thankfully, they had become fast friends after that. 
“And Yulemas is always a busy time for Nes,” she added. The social worker worked harder than anyone Lorcan had ever known and was always bringing home the strays, as she affectionately dubbed the children she met in her work. “She managed to find a home for the kids, which is especially hard for siblings, but they’re so happy.” 
They conversed like that, effortless and understanding, as they put the ingredients away and Lorcan moved the industrial stand mixer for her. 
“How’re you and Elide doing?” 
His spine straightened and Lorcan cursed the heat rising to his cheeks. Lysandra’s voice was casual, but her question was anything but. “We’re fine.” 
“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed, pulling out her binder of recipes and flipping through them to choose an array of baked goods. “Did you two talk over break?” 
“A bit. We were both busy.” 
“Right,” Lysandra said. Lorcan looked at her and chuckled a bit, knowing she had completely zoned out. 
“Hmmm, what? I’m listening, promise.” 
“No you aren’t,” Lorcan said, reaching over to flick her forehead. 
Lysandra clicked her tongue and looked at him, “What, what? You talked a bit, you were both busy, I’m listening!” 
“You’re drooling over chocolate and strawberry mille feuilles.” 
“Well, of course I am, they’re delicious,” she sniffed. She sighed and flipped through the laminated pages, muttering something to herself. 
Lorcan knew that she was stressed and nervous - Lysandra would obsess over recipes in her binder whenever she felt herself lose control. The kitchen was the one place where she was in charge of everything. Calmly, he put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him, “Ennar, you need to breathe, man. You already chose the specials for tomorrow and you’ve done everything you can. Breathe.” 
She nodded, her eyes searching his until she calmed and breathed slowly, “Yeah. Yeah, I can do this. I’m ready.” 
“Fucking rights you are,” he said, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Lorcan led them out of the kitchen. 
The door opened as they walked out, the bell above it chiming. A slender, brown hand reached up to silence it, “Hello, all.” 
A little girl, with hair like flames, sprinted across the shop, “Lys!” 
Lysandra grinned widely and stepped away from Lorcan, her arms open. The girl crashed into her, her reedy arms locked around Lysandra’s neck. The dark-haired woman held her daughter close, a hand cradling the back of her head, “Oh, hi, Evie.” 
Everyone else grinned at the sight and a slim woman sidled up to Lorcan, her eyes on her wife and their daughter, “Hello, Lorcan.” 
“Hey, Nesryn,” he said, nudging her with his elbow. “How’ve you been?” 
Nesryn turned to face him and Lorcan saw tears shining in her eyes, “Never better.” 
☽ ☼ ☾
Elide helped Fenrys get out of the car, as the splint they’d set his nose in obscured part of his vision. “Come on, you big baby.” 
“I am not a baby, my nose hurts!” 
She laughed and tucked her arm through his elbow, “You’re very macho, Fen.” 
He nodded, his short dreads bouncing, “Yes, I am.” He raised his chin and howled like a wolf. 
Elide laughed, her stomach aching, “Stop being goofy, let’s go, we’re already late.” 
“‘t’s Vee’s fault,” he pouted. 
She merely laughed again and pushed the door open, singing, “We’re back! Did you miss us?” 
“With everything I am,” Aelin responded. 
“Aha, I knew it,” Elide said. Her eyes scanned the room, snagging on Lorcan. She gave him a small grin that widened when he winked in response. Before she could become distracted, Elide moved on and saw a young girl. “Hello, there. You must be Evangeline.” 
She nodded, shyly, “Yes. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Evangeline. I’ve been looking forward to it,” she said, grinning warmly. “My name’s Elide and this is Fenrys.” 
Fenrys waved, “‘Sup? Don’t mind the face, I broke my nose.” 
Evangeline nodded seriously and tentatively trailed up to them. She looked at the buckles on Elide’s boots, which were hearts. “Your boots are cool.” 
In the background, Lorcan punched Aelin as if to say, My work here is done, in regards to ‘corrupting’ the child. Aelin grabbed his wrist and viciously twisted his arm behind his back, pushing until it hurt. 
Nesryn reached over, “Stop that.” Immediately, they stopped and mumbled sheepish apologies. She chuckled and shook her head, turning her eyes back to her daughter. 
Evangeline strayed towards Lorcan, Elide, Vaughan, and Fenrys, asking them questions about their clothes and tattoos. She gingerly touched the spikes on the shoulders of Lorcan’s jacket and asked Fenrys about all the rips in his jeans.
He told her about each and every skate fall with huge, theatric sweeping arm motions. He wore them like badges of honour. 
The others readied the table and dinner, sitting down too. Elide was opposite Lorcan and he watched her watch the pair. Her grin was easy, her eyes thinning. He wanted her so badly and dearly. To be called hers. 
Something alerted her and she looked down at her lap, a bluish light, like her phone, shone on her face. Elide’s pale cheeks bloomed with a deep blush and his heart fluttered, then cracked when he realised it wasn’t his message she was blushing over.
He cleared his throat and spoke to Vaughan about nothing in particular. They ate their dinners and laughed along everyone else. Lorcan’s mind kept drifting to her blush, wondering who it was. 
After dinner, he volunteered to clean up. Their riff-raff family understood his need to be alone sometimes. It was… overwhelming, being around them for too long. It didn’t mean he didn’t care about them.
Lorcan trudged to the kitchen and hung his jacket up before he washed, his ratty black Joey Ramone t-shirt hanging from his lean frame. He attached his phone to the speaker and played his favourite playlist. 
Come on, people, now 
Smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now 
He started to wash the dishes and pushed his hair back with soapy fingers. It was long, past his hips and low belt. In all his life, he had never cut it. He hoped he would never have to.
When I was an alien, cultures weren’t opinions
Gotta find a way, find a way, when I’m there 
Gotta find a way, a better way, I’d better wait
For his people, for the Ozuye, hair was sacred - an extension of his spirit. Cutting was a sign of respect and grief, when someone you cared for deeply passed. 
Never met a wise man, if so it’s a woman
Gotta find a way, when I’m there
The doors swung open and clunky boots walked closer to him. He tensed and looked over his shoulder at Elide. Lorcan smiled tightly, “Hey, princess.” 
She sighed and stood beside him. Elide punched his shoulder and hopped up on the counter. “Don’t call me that, stupid. I’m not a princess.” She sniffed primly and crossed her leg over the other, clasping her hands on her knee. 
“Riot princess,” Lorcan replied, rinsing the utensils. 
“...Ok. That I like.” She looked at him, “Is that my contact?” 
He snorted and laughed, his shoulders shaking. “Nah… not exactly, Lee.” 
She gasped and pushed his shoulder, “What? Tell me, I gots to know!” 
Lorcan rinsed his hands and dried them with the towel. “You really wanna know?” 
“Yes, yes, yes, you twit.”
He flicked her cheek, “Insulting me won’t help.” Elide sighed and crossed her arms, drumming her fingers in her upper arms. “It’s ‘Discount Alice Cullen’.” 
Elide’s jaw dropped open and she gasped loudly, “Come on, that’s not even good!” She gestured to her hair, which was really more of a curly shag cut. “I don’t even look like her anymore.” 
Laughing, Lorcan leaned away from her and she punched him again, “Fine, I’ll just change you to ‘Discount Heath Ledger’.” 
He shrugged, “So? I stand by him.”
Elide clicked her tongue, “Stupid.” 
He knocked his head into hers, “Princess.”
 Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you...
Gotta find a way, find a way, when I’m there
Gotta find a way, a better way, I’d better wait!
They sat in a comfortable silence. Elide picked at her nails, “How was your break?” 
“Pretty good. Got some cool photos.” 
“Yeah? Anything you wanna show me?” 
Lorcan nodded, “Yeah, actually. I dunno, it’s a ‘lil thing to say congrats for the tattoo job.” Elide had graduated her apprenticeship a month and a bit after they’d met. 
For her first tattoo, she’d tattooed Golden Girl above Aelin’s knees, one word on each leg. They’d thrown a party after to celebrate. 
Her eyes sparkled and she toyed with the stud in her Cupid’s bow. “I look forward to it.” They looked away again, stomachs hopping. 
Lorcan bumped his shoulder into hers, “Did ya miss me in your ivory tower?” 
“Yeah,” Elide said, resting her head on his shoulder, “Kinda. Did you? Miss me?” 
“Yeah,” he sniffed, knocking the toe of his Doc Martens into the rubber mat over scuffed linoleum. “Kinda.” 
☽ ☼ ☾
They all slinked out when Evangeline became sleepy. Elide had hugged Lysandra, kissing her cheek, “I’ll see you later, honey.” 
“Of course, El,” Lysandra said. 
Lorcan and Vaughan were standing by the streetlamp. The taller of the two cousins carried Fenrys in a piggy back, the teen drowsy from the light pain meds. 
As Elide strolled to Rowan’s car with Aelin, her phone buzzed. She knew who it was and had been blushing at her texts all evening. 
Something about talking to Yrene always made her feel like a young girl again, so smitten with her first girlfriend. 
yrene: You can totally say no if you don’t want to, but I’m going to be in Orynth soon to check the med school
yrene: Maybe we could get dinner some time? 
“Honey, you want a ride?” 
“Oh… no, it’s fine. I’m going to walk with the boys,” she said, slipping her phone back into her pocket. “Bye, you two. Behave yourselves, I have to get up early tomorrow.” 
They laughed and got into the car. 
Elide half-jogged to catch up. By the time she got to them, Vaughan was slinging Fenrys over his shoulder and walking away. Her friend- well, she didn’t know if friend was right, but anyway. Lorcan waited for her and they walked slowly, Elide’s bag swinging between them. 
“So, how was home for you?” 
“Not too bad,” Elide said, looking up at him. “Got to see some old… friends and the like.” 
He hummed and nodded his head, “Yeah. It’s nice to visit home.” 
She nodded and bit her lip, “Essar and Dresenda are Ozuye, too, right?”
“Yeah, but they’re also Bogdano, like Fen.” 
“Oh, I didn’t know that Fen was Bogdano.” 
They walked and chatted to the intersection. Elide would turn off and Lorcan would walk straight on. She nodded towards the rolled paper in his hand, “Is that for me?” 
“Sure is,” Lorcan handed it to her and she turned to see it in the streetlight. He peered over her shoulder as she unrolled it. 
 A soft gasp left her when she saw it. It was a picture of Elide, bent over a long leg with a tattoo gun. Aelin leaned forward too, holding her hair back as she kissed the back of her sister’s head. Elide was smiling. 
“It’s the tattoo you did for Ash, Golden Girl?” 
“Lorcan…” she breathed. He watched her cheeks, and though amazement and tears glassed her eyes, there was no flush. “This is amazing. I love it.” 
He grinned, even as his heart sunk. “You think?” 
Elide spun on the toes of her Demonias and her skirt twirled, “Yes. You’re so good, Salvaterre.” She rose to kiss his cheek and whispered, “I’ll frame it in my studio.”
“You flatter me, Lee.” 
She rolled her eyes and stepped backwards, pushing him away. “Good night, stupid.” 
They parted. Lorcan flipped the hood of his sweater up as he crossed the street and looked back at her. 
She had stopped by the street corner and looked down at her phone. His picture was held beneath her arm and it was slightly crunched. High on her cheeks, that same blush pinked. 
He clenched his jaw and looked away. 
Lorcan regretted looking back.
☽ ☼ ☾
an: we're getting into the plot and i am SO excited hehe <3
powwows are culturally significant events for lots of native nations, but especially plains natives (Blackfoot, Arapaho, Assiniboine, Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Gros Ventre, Kiowa, Lakota, Lipan, Apache, Cree, Ojibwe, Sarsi, Nakoda, and Tonkawa). there is lots of different types of dancing and for lorcan's sisters (my oc's) i chose jingle dress ! they're called jingle dresses because of the metal cones sewn onto the skirts that make noises when the dancers dance <3 here is a video about its roots and here is a video of someone performing a jingle dress dance
songs played in chapter (by order of appearance): 1. Territorial Pissings - Nirvana fic playlist
@mythicaitt @eyllweambassador @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @ladyverena @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @jadeaffliction @superspiritfestival @sanakapoor @ireallyshouldsleeprn @spyofthenightcourt @thegoddessofyou @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @claralady @neonhellas @darlinminds @readingismyonlyhobby @autophobiaxx @myshadowsingeraz @firestarsandseneschals @elriel4life @always-in-a-daydream @jlinez @ladywitchling @mariamuses @darklesmylove @adelzd-bookblr​ @rowaelinismyotp @sassyhobbits @swankii-art-teacher​
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s1utspeare · 3 years
@staidwaters asked for Li Cu and “selcouth” (in reference to this post; send me a prompt!), and since someone ELSE requested selcouth for a character I gave you an extra word lmao. THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE PROMPT!!! I LOVE U!
Also I will put these in a whole collection on ao3 at some point lol. 
selcouth—unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet wonderful hiraeth—a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home with maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past
There’s a time, when he returns, when he realizes he doesn’t know where home is. 
Objectively, of course, he knows where he lives. He knows that there’s an apartment with his father in it and his bed and clothes and things are there, but that’s different. It never quite was a home, but it really isn’t anymore, because it’s just… it’s so small. He’s spent weeks with the stars as his ceiling, even more looking at the same four walls of his room in the Wang compound, so an apartment with beat-up furniture and storage closet that was never used for storing things isn’t that much different from any other apartment he could be in. 
He tries going to Su Wan’s first. Part of him wants to because he missed Su Wan, but it’s mostly because he didn’t know for weeks if his best friend was dead or alive, so when he wakes up in the middle of the night with a short, sharp gasp, all he has to do is listen, and he can hear Su Wan breathing next to him in the bed. Also, Su Wan will cuddle him whether Li Cu wants him to or not, so that’s nice. 
It doesn’t last, though, because every morning he has to go downstairs and say hi to Su Wan’s parents, and Su Wan’s parents tolerate him, but they don’t really like him, and they really don’t like him now, after he filled their garage with packages and dragged Su Wan off into the desert. Also, sometimes he doesn’t want to be cuddled because that’s like arms pinning him to the ground and it takes all his willpower not to punch a sleeping Su Wan in the face, but to instead lie stiff as a board until morning. 
So he packs up his stuff and moves to Hao-ge’s, which is different, but not exactly better. Hao-ge is dealing with his own grief, his own loss, and Li Cu feels in the way of all that fury and rage. He knows, logically, that Hao-ge doesn’t blame him anymore, but he can still see Hao-ge’s face, streaked with tears, his fist pulled back, his voice strangled with anger and pain. Li Cu’s leg throbs. 
He stays for three days, just to be polite. He watches their shop while Hao-ge goes out of town to visit some relatives, to figure out what they’re going to do with his grandmother’s things. He knows Hao-ge is probably going to sell the store. It’s not just because he doesn’t want to run it; he honestly can’t, financially. Hao-ge’s not ready to let it go, quite yet, so when he gets back, Li Cu lets him have the space back, to trace over and memorize the corners of his home before he has to leave, makes a mental note to bring Su Wan over to help him pack, to keep him distracted. He didn’t sleep well at Hao-ge’s anyway, especially when he was gone. It was too quiet then. 
He can’t couch surf, after that. All the rest of his friends are dead. 
He uses some of the stupid money that Wu Xie paid him at the very beginning—and it’s really not even enough, Wu Xie should be putting him through college—to rent a hotel room for a couple nights. That’s nice at first. He has his own space, a big shower, cable tv. But he doesn’t know it, his body can’t relax in an unfamiliar room with big, wide windows and only one lock. He spends two sleepless nights lying on his back, on his side, on his stomach, pacing the carpet. He gives up after night two, when everything’s hazy and dull in the back of his head, and checks out. 
He spends the afternoon wandering around the city, toeing past the restaurants and coffee shops and arcades that he used to hang out in, the soccer fields and schools and parks he passed every day. There’s the manhole cover that broke and the city’s never gotten around to fix it, so there are perpetual orange cones around it in a cult-like circle—no, no, don’t think about cults, cones can’t have cults, it’s just a circle, Li Cu, come on—and there’s the statue of a dog near the center of the park near his house and he likes dogs, even more when they’re—not attacking him, they didn’t attack him, the dust of Wu Xie’s grandfather is ground into your bloodstream—and there’s the library that he and Shen Qiong used to go to for story time when they were really young—and now she’s young forever, a bullet in her brain between her eyes she died angry with you she died alone she died at the hands of her family—and eventually he’s on the soccer field and he’s lying flat on his back in the grass but there’s too much light and he can’t see the stars. 
He can’t see the stars. 
He can’t fall asleep if he can’t see the stars. If he can’t see the stars maybe he’s underground again, maybe—
“Kid, you can’t sleep there.” 
He lifts his head, wearily. It aches, heavy on his neck. It got dark at some point, except not right now, because there’s a police officer shining his flashlight into his eyes, and he squints into it. 
“Come on,” the officer says, “Go home.” 
Li Cu laughs and flops back onto the grass. The police officer mutters something that sounds like a swear word under his breath and comes through the gate, marching over to Li Cu and hauling him, albeit gently, off of the turf. 
“You been drinking?” the officer asks. Li Cu shakes his head. “Can’t smell any on you.” The man scoffs. “Jeez, kid, no offense, but you look terrible.”
Li Cu just blinks at him. He’s really tired, actually. 
The officer sighs. “Come on, I’ll drive you home. You got an ID?” 
Li Cu remembers that his ID is in his wallet which is in the pocket of his backpack and he knows it’s there because he had to use it to pay for the hotel.
 He hands the entire thing to the officer, who sorts through it, glancing at Li Cu every so often in concern, and clicking his tongue contentedly when he finds what he’s looking for. 
“Alright,” he says, “Let’s get you home.”
Li Cu’s glad this officer knows where his home is, because Li Cu has no idea.
Never mind. Li Cu is pretty sure this isn’t his house. 
The police officer rings the doorbell, and unfamiliar chime. A loud, deep voice inside says, “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming!” and then the door is flying open, and a large man with wild hair is staring down at them. 
Li Cu frowns because he has no idea who this guy is. 
The guy seems to know him, though, because he rolls his eyes, turns back into the house and shouts, “TIANZHEN!” 
Li Cu winces, cause his head kind of hurts now, and that was not helpful. 
The man turns back to look at them. “What did he do?” 
“Uh,” the officer says, because he’s shorter than Li Cu, actually, so he must be feeling very intimidated by this large man, “He was sleeping on the soccer field at the high school.” 
The door man snorts. “Of course he was.” He folds his arms, leaning against the doorframe, looks Li Cu over. “Yeah, you look like a mess, Ya Li.” 
“Wha?” Li Cu says, because that’s weird, that this strange giant man with large arms is calling him Ya Li. 
“That’s what Xiao Wan called you, right?” the man asks. “Su Wan? Your best friend?” 
Li Cu gapes. “How do you know Su Wan?” He backs up a step. “Is someone stalking me again?” 
The police officer looks very alarmed at that. “Again?” 
“He’s joking,” the Person-Who-Calls-Him-Ya-Li says, “No one’s stalking him. His friends came to me for help a while back, but he wasn’t with them.” 
The police officer does not seem convinced, but at that moment, a familiar face appears in the doorway behind the Person-Who-Calls-Him-Ya-Li. 
“Wu Xie?” Li Cu asks.  
Wu Xie looks just as surprised as Li Cu is. “What did he do?”
“Nothing,” the officer says, “He was trying to sleep on the soccer field. Which is actually illegal. So I brought him home.” He frowns. “This is his home, right?” 
“I don’t know,” Li Cu says. 
“Yes,” Wu Xie says quickly. “Yes, you brought him to the right place. Sorry, he’s been a little out of it lately. Stress at school, you know. Not sleeping very well.” 
“How’d you know that?” Li Cu asks in surprise, because as far as he can remember, he hasn’t seen Wu Xie since before the Wang compound. There’s a fuzzy memory of an apology, of being carried, but after he’d been thrown out the window, he woke up on a train. 
He glares at the windows to the side of the house. He does not trust them. 
Wu Xie gathers him by the shoulders and pulls him through the doorway. “Thank you, officer. I’ll make sure that it doesn’t happen again.” 
“Okay…” the police officer says. “Um. Get some rest, kid.” 
“Mmm hmm,” Li Cu mumbles, even though he knows that probably won’t happen, and Wu Xie shuts the door. 
“What’s the matter with you?” he asks. “You’re supposed to be at home.” 
“I dunno where it is,” Li Cu says. He yawns, widely. How long has it been since he slept? He has no idea. 
“You don’t know where your house is?” Wu Xie says slowly, like he’s trying to figure something out. He’ll be able to do it. Wu Xie has a Big Brain. 
“My house is where my house is,” Li Cu says vaguely. “I dunno where’s home.” 
Wu Xie goes silent for a moment. “I see.” 
Li Cu blinks himself into less of a stupor, figures out where his hands went (they were on the end of his arms). “I’ll go back there, I guess. Sorry.” 
“No, no, wait,” Wu Xie says, which is funny, because Li Cu hasn’t moved. “It’s late. You’re… really tired. We have a couch.” 
“Good for you,” Li Cu congratulates him. 
Wu Xie closes his eyes for a second, gritting his teeth. “The couch is for you.” 
“You’re giving me a couch?” 
“Oh my god,” Wu Xie says. 
The Person-Who-Calls-Him-Ya-Li laughs. “You sure chose a good one, Tianzhen.” 
“Shut up, Pangzi,” Wu Xie mutters, because apparently he is this Tianzhen person. 
“Make him take a nap for an hour,” Pangzi says, wandering off down the hall. “Then dinner’ll be ready.” 
“We had dinner earlier,” Wu Xie calls after him. 
Pangzi stops, looks at Wu Xie pointedly. “Nope. Dinner. In an hour. So the kid can join us.” 
“Oh,” Wu Xie says. “Oh, right. Yeah. Dinner.” 
Li Cu might puzzle through this if he were more awake, but he’s really not. “What?” 
Wu Xie sighs at him. Li Cu should really stop making him do that. “Alright,” he says, “Come with me.” 
Li Cu dutifully follows Wu Xie down the hallway, because he’s followed Wu Xie into worse places. 
They come out into a wide-open room, full of books and random vases and boxes of papers and bits and bobs. Sure enough, there’s a couch there, and Wu Xie steers Li Cu over to it, pushing against his shoulders gently to make him sit. The couch is pretty soft, a well-worn type of feel to it, like someone has sat here every day for years and years and filled it full of memories. 
“I’m not going to ask if you need to be hom—back at your place, because I really doubt it,” Wu Xie tells him. His voice is coming from below Li Cu’s ears, so Li Cu looks down to see Wu Xie pulling off one of his boots, so Li Cu flops over his knees to pull of the other one, but his fingers get tangled in the laces, and he gives up and lets Wu Xie do it.
Wu Xie sighs at him. He takes Li Cu’s backpack and puts it next to the coffee table, where Li Cu can see it. He appreciates that. It’s good to know where things are. If you know where your things are, you can’t lose them. If you know where snakes are, they can’t bite you. If you know where Wu Xie is, you don’t have to miss him. 
“Lie down,” Wu Xie says softly, and the couch really is comfortable, so Li Cu tentatively pulls his legs up and sets his head down and gazes at the lamp next to an armchair. 
Wu Xie drags the throw blanket from the back of the couch and settles it around Li Cu’s body, which might be a little overkill, because Li Cu isn’t going to be here that long, he’s just going to rest for a moment, and then he’ll leave. Then he’ll get out of Wu Xie’s way. He’ll go back. Just a few minutes. 
Wu Xie straightens up, grunting a little bit, and Li Cu almost says, don’t go, but he bites his tongue.  He can’t ask that much of Wu Xie. Wu Xie’s already giving him a couch. 
But then, Wu Xie doesn’t leave. He goes over to the armchair, picks up the notebook lying tent-style over its arm, flips through it. Someone’s glasses are on the end table, and that someone turns out to be Wu Xie, because they go on his nose as he takes in whatever the journal says, chewing the inside of his cheek absently and tapping a pattern out on his knee. 
Li Cu blinks, slowly. Wu Xie is warm and marvelous, he thinks. He’s fading into a soft glow, backlit by a warm light that reminds Li Cu of something, something good, something he thought he lost, but maybe not. Maybe not. 
He falls asleep and dreams he’s home.
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silveanna · 4 years
In The Next Lifetime
Non-idol!Jaehyun x Fem!reader
Summary: your bestfriend Jaehyun is dating someone for 5 years now you should be happy for them right? A big NO, he’s your soulmate and he’s supposed to end up with you in this generation. And clearly it’s too late for that to happen.
Genre: Slight angst, Reincarnation!au, Soulmate!au,
Note: Agatha is your great great grandmother:)
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Even though time has changed you’re still the one I will choose in the next life
“In the past few days, I keep dreaming about you” your best friend Jaehyun said, you two were at his rooftop laying down while looking up in the night sky.
“Yea, you were wearing a historical gown and it seems like we’re still super close in those dreams” he explains, the image of you in his dream flashes in his mind again.
“Well I dreamed about you too, and as far as I can remember, you’re a son of a farmer”
You change your position and faced him “do you think it means something, Jae?”
“Hm... maybe”
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It was weekend again, you and your family visited your grandma and stayed in her house for the night. It was 8pm when your grandma knocks on your door, you quickly opened it and greeted her with a sweet smile “Yes nana?”
“I want to show you something, come follow me” she smiled and gestured you to follow her, confused, you put your phone in your pocket and followed her.
She lead you into a unfamiliar place of the house, it’s also a bit dark and dusty. At the end of the hall it was a dead end, and there’s large bookshelf there.
You were wondering if she wants to give you a bunch of books to read not until she pulls out one book and suddenly, a tunnel opened. You and your grandma immediately went inside, it was completely dark so you turned on the flashlight in your phone.
In the end of the tunnel, there was a small room filled with very old stuffs. Your grandma finally found the switch and turns on the light, it wasn’t bright enough to lightened up the room though.
What are all these stuffs? “Is this what you wanted to show me nana?” You looked at her, she smiled and shook her head. She went to a large object that looks like a painting and removed the cloth covering it. “This”
What the-
You silently gasp and hold your head, seeing the painting suddenly made your head ache.
It was a woman wearing a historical gown, her hair was long and curly, and she looks exactly like You “Are you alright?” Your grandma ask you.
“Yes..uh, is that me?”
“No, She’s your great great grandmother. Agatha. She looks exactly like you right?, Beautiful” she runs her fingers softly to the dusty painting. “This is the only painting of hers that she passed through the generations, why? the love of her life is the one who painted this”
“What’s his name?”
“Jaehyun, the eldest son of the farmer who works for Agatha’s family”
Year 1894
“What? Why?”
“Well isn’t it obvious? He’s noble, respectful, handsome and can cook. Agatha, He’s the right guy for you” her father explains, suddenly she loses her appetite to eat.
“But I love someone else..” she whispered.
“What?” the tone of her fathers voice suddenly changes, he hardly even heard her but he’s sure she said something that’s against his plan.“N-nothing, I’m full thank you for the food” she forced a smile and immediately went upstairs to her room.
Her father arranges a marriage for her with a man she has no idea who is, Agatha wanted to protest and tell him she loves someone else but she’s too scared.
It was midnight and everyone was peacefully sleeping, Agatha took this chance to sneak out and meet up with someone. She uses a match to light up the small lamp and took it with her. She immediately went to the garden where there’s a small house located, it took few knocks before someone opened the door. “Jae..” Agatha whispered and hugged him tightly.
“Darling what’s wrong?”
“It’s Father,he arranged a marriage for me with someone else, I don’t want it Jae. I want to be with you” she hugged him even tighter, Jaehyun sighed and stroked her hair.
He didn’t know what to do, the man your marrying must be rich and he can’t compete with him since he’s just a son of a farmer. You’re in a era where the rich are powerful.
Jaehyun closed his eyes took a deep breath, him and Agatha really love each other and there’s no other choice but to “let’s runaway, let’s find a house very far from here, build a family after a few years and live happy together.
“Absolutely not”
“Father please I’m begging you” Jaehyun’s father is utterly against the plan, he didn’t want to let go of his boy,still hesitating. “But it really looks like you two love each other, well then i will escort both of you on the way out..”
“Really? Thank you Father! I promise once we get there, i’ll write you a letter” Jaehyun hugged him, his Father patted his back while forcing a smile trying to hold back his tears. “I’ll visit you two on holidays”
Agatha was also weren’t quite happy about the running away plan, she has a lot of responsibilities at home but she also don’t want to be stuck with a man her family forced her to love.
all of them finally went out, but before the couple leaves Jaehyun’s Father hugged him again for the last time. It didn’t last long, Agatha’s Father came marching with a bunch of guards, his face filled with anger. “Traitors!”
“Father I-“
“Silence! And you rascals! I treated your family very well and this is how you will repay me?! Abducting my daughter?!” The way Agatha’s Father just casually calls Jaehyun and his father rascals angered her. She wanted to protest but the guards are holding her back.
“I’m vanishing you to this town and never to be seen ever again! If you dared to come back I will not hesitate to kill you!”
“No!” Agatha screamed, the guards took her back to her room and there she cried for hour and hours until she no longer feels anything. Completely numb and lonely. She stood up and searched for something, a painting of hers precisely.
While staring on the portrait, happy memories of her and Jaehyun started to flash in her head “Stay still! This may turn out badly if you keep moving!”
As expected, the next day, Jaehyun and his family is no longer around and has completely disappeared in town. And in that day, Agatha started to receive letters from him and she would always write back. But the letters stopped coming and Agatha eventually got married and had a family.
Back to Present time
“The end”
“Wow, that’s so sad.. did they get to see each other again nana?”You ask sounding like a little kid.
“Sadly, no, but the last letter that Agatha received from him says that Jaehyun will be searching for her in their next life” your grandma explains, you suddenly remembered the dreams you and jaehyun were talking about the other night. Maybe it does means something, it wasn’t you who Jaehyun saw it was Agatha!
And both of you are the Reincarnation of Agatha and Jaehyun in the past life!
It didn’t work in the past but the universe gave them/you another chance to try again.
“Argh!” You heard a piercing sound and your head started to hurt again, “Sweetie are you alright? Come let’s go back to your room so you can rest.” Your nana helps you on the way out.
After hearing Agatha’s story, you’ve been spacing out the whole weekend, you wanted to call Your bestfriend but maybe it’s the best to tell him everything in person.
You were packing your things in Your room when your grandma came knocking in. “Yes nana? Do you need something?”
“No, it’s just that.. I wanted to give you this” she handed you an old notebook it says ‘Diary’ on the front cover, “that’s Agatha’s Diary, something is telling me that I should give it to you because it might be a help” she explains. You nodded and hugged her.
“And you can keep it” she added.
You furrowed your eyebrows in disbelief “I don’t think— but since something is telling you to, then sure I’ll keep it”
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It was already 4am but you couldn’t sleep, something is bugging the hell out of you. Maybe it’s the Diary? You look at your study table where Agatha’s Diary sits.
You turned on your lamp and read the first few pages, it was quite entertaining. The untold stories lies in her Diary. You read further and come to a small portrait of Jaehyun. He’s wearing the same attire you saw in your dreams. You flipped the pages again and a paper slipped out, you quickly picked it up and read what’s written in it.
‘I Promise to look for you in the next life’
“That’s it?” You said, quite disappointed and looking on the other side of the small parchment. But that’s all it says. You sighed and put it all back. Going back to your bed and forced your self to sleep since you still have school later.
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“Hey Y/N!” Your bestfriend Jaehyun greeted you. But your too busy spacing out so he flicked your forehead “Ouch! What was that for?” You glared at him and rubbed your forehead.
“You’ve been spacing a lot lately Y/N is something wrong? What happened at your Nana’s?” He ask.
you didn’t know where to begin, Jaehyun has the right to know but what’s holding you back?
“Hi Jae!” A girl pops out of nowhere and pecked Jaehyun’s lips.
Your eyes widened, “who the hell is she?” You pointed at her. It confuses you more when he puts his arm around her shoulder. “My Girlfriend, Remember? We’ve been dating for 5 years now. Y/N did you hit your head on something?”
You’ve been pretty busy minding Agatha’s story and her Diary that you forgot Jaehyun in fact has a Girlfriend. You softly shook your head and look at the girl, “u-uh what’s your name again?”
Confused, she replies “Lily, Seung Liliy”
But Jaehyun is supposed to be with you right? what the hell did you do in the past years that made him fell in love with someone else?
“Anyways, my friend is throwing a party at her house if you’re free then we can come together?” Lily changes the topic.
“Sure, how about you? wanna come with us Y/N?” Jaehyun and Lily both looks at you waiting for your response.
“Yea yea sure, why not” you shrugged.
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The music was very loud you barely even hear your own voice, so you decided to stay outside for a while. It was a bit chilly, quiet and you were lonely but it’s fine. It’s better if you’re alone.
“What are you doing here?”an unfamiliar voice spoke behind. You turned around and saw it was Johnny Suh.Your classmate.
“It’s loud inside... and, I can’t find my friends” you looked down avoiding eye contact, you felt a bit akward since this is the first time Johnny talks to you. He nodded, “same”
“What would you do if your soulmate is in love with someone else?” You ask randomly, you weren’t that close to ask him about things like that. But he’s the only person who showed up and it seems like you can trust him. “Well if they’re really in love and happy with that someone then so be it, i don’t want to ruin the relationship. Not all soulmates end up with each other” he answered.
You nodded your head and looked down, “I was given a chance but it’s too late when I found out” Johnny has no idea what are you talking about so he just stayed silent. But after that, you changed the topic. The conversation last long until it’s time to go home, “see you at school” you smiled and waved goodbye at Johnny. He did the same.
Jaehyun droves you home and when both of you are finally in your doorstep you stopped and faced him, “Jae, Do you love Lily?”
“What made you ask that? Of course I love her”he replied.
“Like Love LOVE?” You ask him again.
“Yes I Love LOVE her truly, I could see my whole life with her without cringing”
“Ok then... see you tomorrow”before going inside your apartment, you smiled at him and after that you shut the door. You leaned back on the door and took a deep breath while running a hand thru your hair.
I’m sorry Agatha.
Year 2105
Lunch time, but it was too crowded in the cafeteria so Y/N decided to eat at the rooftop instead.
Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw a boy standing near the edge of the building, he was about to jump but luckily Y/N immediately pulled him down and he ended up falling on top of her.
“What the hell” the boy said and got up.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to say that, WHAT THE HELL What are you doing?!”
“Well isn’t obvious? I’m committing suicide!” The boy shouts back.
“Stop screaming! and if you really died the doctors gonna see you naked, do you really want that?”
They both paused and looked at each other, the boy scratched his head “well that changed my mind”
“Also, you dropped your diary” he pointed behind her.
Y/N picked it up and removes all the dirt in it, “it’s not mine, it looks really really old and I’m not the type of person who writes in a stupid Diary”
“And who still writes in a Diary? It’s 2105” she added.
“Just keep it, there’s no way you’d find the owner anyways”
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt3
hello and thank u for all ur support with this story!!! i couldnt do it without u guys :) pls enjoy!!
(Y/N) reached her igloo and walked to her room, stalking past Yue in the process. “Your boyfriend’s looking for you,” (Y/N) said before she entered her room and slammed the door shut. She flopped onto her bed and buried her face in her pillows. 
(Y/N) was surprised to see Katara enter the hut where her healing lessons were held, the expression on her face deeply agitated. She spotted (Y/N) immediately and took a seat beside her, crossing her arms. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?” She whispered as the instructor, Yugoda, spoke. 
“That horrible waterbending master won’t teach me because I’m a girl,” Katara whispered back harshly. (Y/N) blinked at her. 
“I could’ve told you that,” She said. “Women in our tribe aren’t allowed to do anything other than healing.” 
“But that’s ridiculous!” (Y/N) nodded sadly. 
“I’ve tried for years and they won’t let me. And I’m a princess,” She sighed. “I thought Master Pakku might give an outsider a chance, but I guess I was wrong.” She noticed Katara’s solemn expression and gave her an awkward smile. “Yue promised that when she’s chief, she’ll change that!” 
“But I don’t have time to wait for Yue to become chief,” Katara whispered. The lesson ended before (Y/N) could say more. She stood at Katara’s side as she thanked Yugoda for the lesson.
“So who’s the lucky boy?” The healer asked, gesturing to Katara’s necklace. Katara looked at (Y/N), confused. 
“Your betrothal necklace,” (Y/N) explained. “I assumed you were getting married to the Avatar.” Katara’s face paled as she shook her head quickly. 
“Absolutely not!” She exclaimed. “My grandmother gave this to my mother, who passed it on to me.” 
“I don’t know why I didn’t realize it sooner,” Yugoda gasped. “You look just like Kanna.” 
“You knew Gran-Gran?” Yugoda nodded. 
“She and I were friends when I was your age. She was born here, in the Northern Water Tribe.” Both (Y/N) and Katara’s eyes widened. 
“She never told me that,” Katara said. Her fingers instinctively wrapped around her necklace. 
“She had an arranged marriage with a young waterbender. He carved her that necklace.” 
“If she was engaged, why did she leave?” Yugoda shrugged. 
“She never told me. She left without saying goodbye.” (Y/N) and Katara bid their goodbyes to the instructor before walking out the hut. 
“I wish Yue would take a page out of your Gran-Gran’s book,” (Y/N) grumbled as their boots crunched in the snow. Katara looked at her, confused. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Yue’s engaged to one of the worst boys in our entire tribe,” (Y/N) explained. “She’s only doing it for the good of the tribe, but sometimes I wish she’d put herself first.”
“It’s very admirable of her to do that,” Katara said. (Y/N) remained silent. 
Sometimes she wondered if she was a selfish person, for wanting to put her own goals and dreams ahead of her tribe’s. She loved her home but sometimes she felt like an outcast in her own house. The only person who really understood her was Yue, but she would never think of ever leaving their tribe. It made (Y/N) feel guilty for daydreaming of a life beyond the icy shores of the Northern Pole. 
She parted ways with Katara and ventured into the city. As she walked around the canals, she heard a voice call her name. (Y/N) turned around to see Sokka running toward her, a bright smile on his face. 
“I don’t know where my sister is,” (Y/N) said once he had reached her. She continued her walk. Sokka fell in step beside her. 
“I wasn’t looking for your sister, I was looking for you.” He rummaged around his pocket and pulled out a small piece of wood. “Do you think your sister would like this?” 
She squinted her eyes to scrutinize it. “Is it a fish?” Sokka pulled it away from her, giving her a bright grin. 
“I knew you can tell what it is! Katara said it didn’t even look like an animal.” He shrugged. “Whatever, Yue will get it. I hear you’re a waterbender, is your sister one too?” 
“No, she isn’t.” (Y/N) held her chin high to maintain her regal appearance as she and Sokka rounded the corner. 
“That’s fantastic! I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being a bender, but I’m not one either.” 
“Congratulations,” She said in a monotonous tone. She hoped that if she kept giving him short answers, he would leave her alone.
“Do you happen to know what her favorite flowers are? Do flowers grow here?” (Y/N) sighed and stopped in her place, turning to face Sokka. He towered over her, but she could see him gulp as he stared at her. Being the youngest daughter of the chief, (Y/N) had mastered intimidation tactics.
“Look. I understand that you’re head over heels for my sister. Get in line, there isn’t a single guy in this tribe who isn’t. But if you’re only going to talk to me to just get to know her better, I’d appreciate it if you never talked to me again.” She stormed off in the direction of her igloo. 
She had dealt with people like Sokka her entire life. Yue was a wonderful person, blessed with beauty and kindness. People had always adored her. But what infuriated (Y/N) was when people only got close to her to get closer to Yue. It was like they saw her as a stepping stone on the way to her sister’s approval. It was moments like these that she wished she knew more waterbending moves, so she could take out her anger on a glacier. 
(Y/N) reached her igloo and walked to her room, stalking past Yue in the process. “Your boyfriend’s looking for you,” (Y/N) said before she entered her room and slammed the door shut. She flopped onto her bed and buried her face in her pillows. She tried to push down the sting she felt as not being acknowledged as her own person. She was always “Yue’s sister,” or “The Chief’s youngest daughter.” (Y/N) had never been herself to anyone else. 
She sat up, continuously pressing down the tears that threatened to spill. Reaching under her bed, she pulled out her paints and papers. She retrieved her easel from her closet and positioned it in front of the window that faced the horizon. (Y/N) began painting, stroking blues and greys and blacks onto the canvas. By the time she finished her painting of the glaciers, the sun was nearly set. 
(Y/N) jumped as Yue entered her room without knocking. She turned around to see her on the verge of tears. (Y/N) rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around her shoulders as she guided her to sit on the bed. “What happened?” she demanded as she kneeled at her sister’s side. 
“It’s Sokka,” Yue cried. She wiped away her tears with the sleeves of her robe. 
“Did he hurt you?” (Y/N) asked. Yue shook her head furiously. 
“No! Goodness, no. He’s amazing and so sweet, and I feel so happy when I’m with him, but I’m engaged to Hahn. I can’t disrespect him like that.” Her hands reached up to touch the betrothal necklace he had carved for her. (Y/N) frowned. 
“I wish you’d follow your heart,” (Y/N) sighed. Yue’s bottom lip quivered. 
“I think you were right,” Yue whispered. She grasped (Y/N’s) hand tightly. “But I’m scared it’s too late.” 
“You’re the princess, Yue. You have the power to do whatever you want to do.” 
“I don’t want to disrespect the tribe.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. 
“The tribe will get over it. Everyone adores you.” She booped her sister’s nose. “Whatever decision you make, I’ll support you no matter what.” 
Yue swallowed another sob. “Do you promise?” She held out her pinky. (Y/N) hooked it with her own. 
“I promise.” 
(Y/N) and Yue had been awoken by their mother early the next morning. They threw on their clothes and walked down to the common room, where the Chief met with his people to help them with their issues. Her father was already there, speaking to both Katara and Pakku. 
“What do you want me to do?” Her father asked of Katara. “Force Master Pakku to take Aang back as his student?” (Y/N’s) brows furrowed. She was missing an important detail. When had Aang not been Pakku’s student? What had happened since the last time she had seen Katara?
“Yes, please!” Katara begged. 
“He might change his mind,” The Chief conceded, “If you apologize to him.” Katara gritted her teeth. 
“Fine.” Pakku stared down at her smugly, with his arms crossed. 
“I’m waiting, little girl.” Katara’s frowned deepened as she shook her head. 
“No. I’m not apologizing to a sour old man like you!” Katara exclaimed. The pots of water that surrounded them began to crack. “I’ll be outside if you’re man enough to fight me.” The girl stormed off as Yue gasped. (Y/N) wore a bright smile on her face. 
“Finally, something exciting!” She exclaimed. 
“I’m sure she didn’t mean that,” Aang assured the Chief. Sokka gulped. 
“I think she did.” 
(Y/N) darted outside before the others, her family and Aang and Sokka trailing closely behind. Her mother grabbed onto her arm before she could get too close to the battle. 
“Stay here,” Her mother insisted. “It’s too dangerous.” (Y/N) let out an exaggerated sigh, but obeyed. She watched as Katara and Pakku began battling. Her own hands itched to control water like they could. She tried to repeat some of the moves that they were making, but her father looked at her disapprovingly. 
(Y/N) was impressed to see Katara holding her own against Master Pakku. She leaned over to speak to Aang. “Do you think she’ll win?” 
He looked at her, a worried expression on his face. “I don’t think so. But Katara’s strong, she’ll fight until the end.” (Y/N’s) eyes analyzed every single one of Katara’s movements. It was obvious she was a fighter, and a skilled one at that. (Y/N’s) heart sank. She wanted to be like Katara.
Their fight finished as Pakku picked up Katara’s necklace. “This is mine,” He said quietly. Katara, locked in ice, thrashed against her holdings. 
“No it’s not! It’s mine, give it back!” 
“I made this, sixty years ago, for the love of my life,” Pakku explained. The ice holding Katara melted back into water. 
“My grandmother was supposed to marry you?” Pakku nodded. 
“I made her this necklace when we got engaged. I thought we would have a long, happy life together. I loved her.” 
Katara’s face softened. “But she didn’t love you, did she? It was an arranged marriage. Gran-Gran wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs run her life. That's why she left.”
“That must have taken a lot of courage,” (Y/N) said. Yue’s breath caught on a sob. She darted away from the group, Sokka running after her. 
Pakku handed Katara her necklace, straightening himself and holding his chin high. “Very well, Katara. You have proven yourself as an excellent waterbender. You may join my lessons.” 
Katara grinned at Aang and (Y/N), who cheered excitedly for her. “Master Pakku!” (Y/N) said as she ran up to him. “May I join your lessons with Katara, please? I promise I’ll be just as dedicated as any waterbender you’ve ever had!” 
“(Y/N’s) the best at all of her healing lessons,” Katara added. “There’s not any more she can learn from them!” 
Pakku stared at (Y/N) for a moment before turning back to look at her father. Her own eyes trailed back to her dad, whose anger was apparent on his face. “Absolutely not,” The Chief said decisively. 
“But Father-” 
“You are a princess of the Northern Water Tribe. You know our customs and will adhere to them.” She opened her mouth to defend herself once more, but her father turned around and ignored her.
(Y/N) looked at Katara. The shock on her face told her that she hadn’t anticipated their conversation going that way, either. (Y/N’s) eyes remained downcast as she walked back up to her igloo with her family, hot tears melting the snow at her feet. 
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malfoyfarms · 4 years
St. Christopher
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.2
Triggers: drowning, domestic abuse/violence, regular violence, alcoholism, manipulation
A/N: hi lovelies, this was written for you because my page hit 350+ followers and “Sleepy Girl” received over 2,100 notes <3 u all
Christopher was a man who carried a child for many many miles even as the child grew heavy, never giving up. This man became a saint, and his image was plastered across items worn by travelers in all forms. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, pins, sashes and even clothing.
The tales of St. Christopher necklaces were told in your family for ages. All surfers and adventurers who wore those necklaces were protected, always returning home. You wore one, both your parents wore one, and your grandfather wore one as well. It had become a right of passage, one that you intended to carry on with your children as well. 
You were on your way to meet JJ at one of the abandoned lookouts on the island, nervous as all can be. The blonde boy had been in your life for a while now, and had been your boyfriend for almost ten months. Your grandfather had brought up the idea of giving JJ a St. Christopher necklace, as he had become part of the family. 
‘Pumpkin, I see the way he looks at you. That’s the same way I looked at your grandmother.’ Those words echoed over and over in your head. The wise man had always been your favorite, and when he suggested it, there was no way you could disagree. You had saved up enough money over the course of the next several weeks and went with the old gentleman to the mainland to pick out a pendant for your boyfriend. At that moment in time you thought the hardest task would be picking out the jewelry, but now you realized explaining the family history and actually passing over the necklace was the hardest part. 
The pendant itself was silver with a gray-blue border, with a long leather chain, knowing JJ wouldn’t like the metal look. Something silly about it looking too kook-ish. The colored rim complemented your own peach hued one. 
You saw the love of your life standing at the edge of the cliff, looking out into the ocean. You took a minute to regain composure and breathe. The leather chain was weaved into your now clammy hand, the pendant leaving an impression on your palm. 
“Hey J, I’m glad you made it,” he turned around to greet you.
“You said it was important, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” A smile spread across your face, appreciating how considerate he could be. 
He could tell you were nervous. The shifting of weight from leg to leg, avoiding eye contact, and most importantly, the hiding of hands behind your back. You plopped down next to him, feet dangling off the edge just as he did. 
“Alright, spill, you look like you’re going to explode,” he chuckled. You looked up with nervous eyes, hoping that he wouldn’t run away when he realized what the token meant. 
“So, you know how in my family we have the tradition of the St. Christopher necklace? Well, it’s like a right of passage, or an induction I guess to our family itself.” As you rambled JJ went into thought. He had heard many stories from your grandpa about how he believed the spirit had saved him. “And I was talking with Papa about mine, when he said that it’s time that I gave you one.”
With that last statement, you jutted your right hand forward, opening your palm to present him with the necklace. A blank expression washed over his face as he looked at the object. 
“I figured since adventurers and surfers tend to wear them, you being both, it would keep you safe. Especially now that we’re on some treasure hunt,” you spoke as you looked away. 
JJ gently took the charm out of your palm and placed it on his neck, lying just below the shark tooth. He smiled, looking into your eyes. The gray-blue that lined the man’s imprint matched is eyes.
“Is this your formal way of accepting me into your family?” He asked. You simply nodded, pulling him to kiss your lips. 
Over the next few months the tale around the necklace seemed to have proved its purpose.
When John B proposed the idea of surfing the surge there was no way JJ could decline. With the rare amount of storms, the thought of multiple good waves was too appealing. Of course you would have loved to join the duo, but you were out cold on JJ’s bed at the chateau. He just couldn’t bring himself to wake you up. 
They made their way to the beach, dropping all their stuff on the sand and taking off towards the water. The waves were angry, almost as if they were trying to knock the boys off their boards. JJ being the daring bastard he is, he kept going out farther from the shore each time. 
“Dude, be careful, it's getting really rough out here!” John B yelled out to his friend. JJ simply ignored him and kept swimming. 
Once he was satisfied with his location, he turned around ready to ride the wave back to shore. The surf didn’t go as planned as he was quickly knocked off the board by a huge gust of wind and spray. 
He felt his body scrape the ocean floor, while the current kept him tumbling like dirty clothes. No matter how hard he tried to swim up, he was sloshed around underneath. JJ could feel his lungs burning, dying for air. 
During JJ’s fight to resurface, John B sat at the edge of the beach looking for his blonde friend. He began to panic when his board washed back to shore without its owner. Trying to explain to you how he lost your boyfriend in a surge was going to be a nightmare. How would he tell you? ‘Oh hey Y/n, I uh, couldn’t find JJ after he went down in the surge.’ That was definitely not going to cut it.  
Next thing he knew JJ was washed up, coughing with a slight gash above his eyebrow, two yards away from his board. Relief and color flooded JB’s face. 
“Dude, thank god you’re alive. We’re done for the day.” JJ simply nodded as they made their way back to the Chateau. 
You hadn’t woken up yet, still in a deep sleep, when the two entered the house once again. They quickly agreed not to tell you about the little incident that had just occurred, and go take a nap.
As JJ peeled off his wet bottoms and replaced them with sweatpants, he noticed the pendant on his neck. St. Christopher. He owed the legend big time. He turned to you, chuckling at how you slept. He tried to squeeze in around your body, but since you currently resembled a crumpled piece of paper, he lifted you up a tad to allow him to slip next to you. You barely woke up, but you stirred enough to realize who was underneath you. Your fingers brushed his necklace and you instantly nuzzled to the boy next to you.
The second time the necklace seemed to be looking out for JJ was when he had a run in with his father. JJ had loudly stumbled into the house, causing Luke to wake up. The man’s footsteps came barreling through the house to meet the intruder. When he saw it was his son, he was livid. 
The alcohol induced rage made Luke only see red. He littered blow after blow to his son, not hearing the screams coming out of JJ’s mouth.
“You stupid motherfucker, coming into my house, loud as all can be, especially when I have to work tomorrow,” JJ knew working was a lie, his father gambled on Tuesdays. “I do nothing but provide for your lazy ass and this is how you repay me?” 
JJ prepared himself for another kick or punch or slap, but it never came. He opened his eyes to see his father lying on the ground. 
He quickly picked himself up, grabbed a few things from his room and exited the house, making his way back to the chateau. The entire walk back he played with the necklace he had removed from his neck. The cold metal in his hand was the only thing keeping him semi-relaxed as he made his way to your house. 
   He bound through the front door, marching directly to your room, catching you off guard as you were reading a book. The marks that tracked his body were fresh, and so was the emotional turmoil. JJ threw himself on to your bed, dying to find comfort in something that smelled like you. 
You tended to his physical and emotional wounds as best as you could, desperately trying to provide as much security as you could. The boy looked so young and vulnerable as his wet hair clung to his face and he was wrapped in a quilt. You held him close to your chest, swaying gently.
“He brought me home,” his voice crackled. You let out a noise of confusion. “St. Christopher, he brought me home. Maybe not scratch-free, but he made sure I made it.”
The size of your heart had grown four times in size. The small necklace was wrapped around his hand, sitting in between his pointer and middle finger. 
“St. Christopher knows right where you belong.”
The third, and hopefully not last, time St. Christopher had brought JJ back to you was the most defining. 
Each pogue member had their own intricate tasks on how to get John B and Sarah off the island, your’s being a distraction for the police force. The only specific detail you had to follow was the timing. You needed to capture an audience after dark when the lovers would try to exit island waters. The larger the distraction the better, but you may have overdid it this time. 
While JJ, Kie and Pope had been prepping the boat all day for the escape, you had been wandering the island looking for trouble. Within the time period of you being MIA, you managed to stumble upon Rafe Cameron looking as cracked out as ever. Bingo, you thought, time to light the fuse. 
Walking up to Rafe, you began to pester him. Talking about Sarah, cocaine, and how his dad wasn’t happy that he killed the Sheriff. Telling him he never would live up to the kook expectations. You tried to pull out every card you could to infuriate him. 
Now, hours later, and many many provoking conversations with Rafe later, it was dark and your time to shine, or die.
The police officers were trying to negotiate with Sarah and John B, but were at a complete halt when they saw you were being held with a knife to your throat. You were bloodied and cut as his knife hadn’t been an empty threat
“If-if you don’t stop all of this nonsense about finding my sister, I-I will slit her throat,” Rafe screamed. 
The attention attracted the cameras, Ward, all the deputies and even your friends who were waiting in the tent next to the police. Your panicked face had everyone forgetting about the two escapees. 
“Rafe, son, please put the knife down,” Ward tried to coax him. You instantly felt the blade tighten against your throat. Tears ran down your face, small cries floated from your lips. Rafe’s dirty fingernails dug into your hips causing you to drop to one side in pain. 
“NO! She knows the truth Dad! We need to silence her! I managed to capture her, aren’t you proud Dad?” You pressed your head back into him, trying to get away from the knife, but that action had backfired. He pressed his face against yours, getting spit and tears on your cheek. 
Something must have clicked in Ward’s head because his next statement saved your life. “Of course Rafe, I’m so proud of you.” 
As you dropped to the ground, you were surrounded by an officer, carrying you over to the group of kids who you loved most of all. You could only pick out one voice though, JJ. 
“Y/n, don’t you ever do that again!” he scolded while pulling you against his body. “I can’t lose JB and you on the same night.”
You gently giggled against his chest, trying to stop the tears and from flowing. You were too happy to be pressed up against his chest, smelling the faint scent of weed, deodorant and salt. 
“Don’t be mad, I had to go that far, it was the only way,” you wailed. The grip on you tightened as you felt Kiara and Pope hug you as well. 
It was hours after your parents and grandpa had come to retrieve you and JJ from the beach, and the two of you laid in your bed, refusing to be further than three feet away. Your stomach was pressed against JJ’s as you ran your fingers around his collar bone. His lips sat on the crown of your forehead. 
You broke the silence with words that echoed JJ’s from a few months before. “I did it because I knew he would bring me home to you. No matter how big the adventure, he’d bring me home. One day he’ll bring us home to our biggest adventure, but today was not the day. He knew we were still needed.”
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sleepylevii · 4 years
moon’s laugh
ship: rivetra word count: 1.9k warnings: one (1) bad word genre: canon | hurtcomfort/fluff
chile! here’s my first rivetra/first aot in general fic...i just lub them a lot...a lot of u guys asked for established relationship but i lich rally could not get this out of my head i just think it’s SO cute anyways here go:)
The warmth of the open flame that illuminated Petra’s face was the only source of light at the mess hall at this time of night. Even though she knew the moon was awake and based on Gunther’s ever accurate chats that it would be full, the orb had already passed by the sole window to her right side, leaving Petra alone with her pair of candles, one in front and one to her left so that her right hand would not cast a shadow on her work. She didn’t mind the dark, though–with the nighttime always came safety. A moment to herself away from Orou’s teasing and Eld’s chattering was perfectly welcome after a day as long as today has been.
It had started off as an expedition outside of the wall that was continued from the night prior. Due to an injury in her early teens, her lower back was home to lasting pain, and sleeping on the ground, hard–and cold, too, at this time of year–was no help. Without Hange’s specially crafted medicine for her, as she’d forgotten to take it with her before they left, Petra woke up in an uncharacteristically sour mood. Without a titan in sight, the group had traveled relatively far until they’d reached the chosen stopping point to turn around. The mission was only supposed to be a day and a half, a brief expedition to scour which land beyond the wall could be suitable for farming. It was nothing short of a normal expedition until Gunther’s horse spooked and tossed him, leaving Petra bringing his horse home as he rode on Eld’s during the journey home. Hange deduced it as a concussion, though not terribly bad, once they had made it back.
It wasn’t the worst report she’d ever had to write. Levi had begun to task her months ago with writing the reports that would be sent to the king as an update for what his branch of scouts was doing, as Titan activity had been relatively low recently. Really, it had been a general offer–Petra couldn’t yet figure out why Levi didn’t want to do it himself, as he typically liked to be in charge like that–but the others complained about the task, so she took it upon herself to complete it. It’s not like she would pass up on a chance to impress her captain.
For less naive reasons, Petra was very skilled in literary talents. Her older brother taught her to read at a young age, and words kept her company as he left to join the scouts. Now, books were both a painful reminder of what was and a hope to a more peaceful future. She’d scribbled notes in the margins of pages for as long as she could remember–an analysis there, a definition from Alec there, a letter to a friend, her grandmother–all were intertwined in language. Her handwriting was precise at the worst and not unlike a printed sheet of newspaper at the best, and her abilities to describe events and plans were unparalleled within the rest of the scouts, meaning Levi was more than happy to appoint her to accomplish the chore.
However, it did mean that there were nights–like tonight–that she was up far past the sun’s setting, pencil cramped in hand, a cup of tea by her side that has gone cold hours ago. As she finished up her report and scrawled her name at the bottom, Petra folded the sheet of paper in half and secured it with twine, laying it on the table for Erwin to pick up the next morning since he was visiting. She sipped the rest of her tea, blew out the candle, and with lidded eyes, made her way back to her small bedroom.
It was dark, and even though she was tired beyond belief, Petra was sure she knew the path to her own bedroom. Fairly sure.
She rustled around the room for a moment, fatigue exhaling from her quiet grunts as she attempted to cozy herself under the covers. But there was–something?–next to her leg–no, it couldn’t have been anything. Perhaps she’d left her pillows a mess before leaving two days ago. Besides, she wasn’t actively being hurt, so she supposed that whatever the problem was could wait until the next morning.
Just because a day was uneventful did not mean that Levi slept well. He wished it could be that way–after knowing all of his scouts were secure in their beds, titans slumbering under the safe eye of moonlight–there he would find peace. But it was not often so, and Levi found himself tossing and turning as per usual that evening.
But such trivialities shouldn’t have ever made their way into the mind of the captain, and he did his best not to entertain them. Covers pulled tight around his chest, Levi did his best to fight off any energy left inside of his busy brain and instead succumb to the sweet embrace of sleep, trying to keep the image of a certain ginger-haired girl out of his head.
Levi wasn’t sure if he was asleep or not by the time he felt a rustling near his back and a weight pull the covers off of him, but he was certainly awake by the time the ordeal in question was over. Normally, he wouldn't have hesitated to react–maybe he was asleep–but he had, and now it was silent.
Brows furrowed, Levi cautiously turned to his left, trying to figure out what had happened while making the least amount of noise and movement possible. To his complete surprise, he found ginger locks messily splayed on the pillow beside him, Petra’s chest gently rising and falling with her breaths. The moonlight cast a soft shadow across her face and for a moment…no. He had to have still been sleeping.
“…Petra?” he murmured, the faintest hint of a whisper leaving his lips. This had to have been a mistake. Petra was sensible, intelligent, and most important, focused on her work. Not him.  Perhaps she’d notice in the morning and skirt off before he awoke, and he wouldn’t say a word about it. Still…sleep hung from his eyes and Levi found it difficult to make a decision. This was what he had wanted for weeks now, was it not? It would be selfish to not wake her, letting her know that she’d made a mistake. But Levi Ackerman was sometimes a selfish person.
He rolled back over, breaths steady, and tried not to think about the girl slumbering next to him, the way her warmth felt in his bed. Goddamn, his brain simmered. You’ll pay for this tomorrow.
Petra woke up to sunlight dusting her face, squinting her eyes as she cleared her throat. With the daylight came another exhausting day of trekking through the woods, eyes peeled for roaming titans, and–within moments of opening her eyes, Petra was sure that something was wrong. There was a weight pressed to her side, over her waist, and the morning seemed eerily calm. Slowly, as if a sudden movement could trigger a disaster, she rolled to her side, wincing from the ache in her back. A single night of good sleep would not fix the chronic pain that plagued her. And then–oh, God.
If it was a dream or a nightmare, Petra couldn’t tell which–just that she found herself face to face with none other than her captain, still fast asleep, his arm draped over her side. Petra thought he looked precious asleep, the ever-present scowl gone from his face–but she couldn’t pull herself away from the panic that enveloped her. What happened? Why was the captain in her bed? No…why was she in the captain’s bed? That was even worse. If she moved, would he wake up? Could she crawl out without him noticing? She wished she’d never begun having that silly little crush on him, knowing nothing would ever come of it.
The captain’s eyes flashed open, squinting in the sunlight as she had just moments before. Frozen, there was nothing she could do except stare at him, his deep grey eyes piercing into hers. “Captain, I–”
“I didn’t think you’d still be here in the morning,” he murmured, face softening.
Lips parted in a semblance of fear, Petra glanced away from his gaze. “I–I’m so sorry, I was–” She pulled herself up with another wince, getting ready to scramble out of the–his–covers–“I was up so late last night; I just, I–” She felt the pressure of Levi’s fingers around her wrist. His grip wasn’t too tight, however, she was sure he could feel her pulse, beating fervently. And then–“You knew I was here last night?” The question seemed to surprise even her, as if she hadn’t quite pieced it together in her brain by the time it spilled out of her mouth.
“I–” Now it was the captain’s turn to flush, lips pursed. “You’d had a long day, I…I felt it would be rude to ask you to leave,” he said. Petra didn’t think he sounded genuine. But, he continued: “I was being an asshole. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
Petra couldn’t focus on anything except for his hands gently tracing patterns on hers, as if he was distracted as well. “You–I’m not, um, uncomfortable,” she forced out, trying to regain her composure. “I just…oh, Levi…I don’t know what to say.” She turned her head to the wall, sucking in a deep breath. After a moment’s silence, she looked at him again, still laying on his pillow. “I should go.”
It was strange to watch his face fall in such a real way. It was not like the grief that gripped him on the battlefield as a plan went wrong, nor the annoyance with his teammates when they argued too much for his liking. No–his face was soft, eyes gentle as they fell from hers to her waist, then the covers. “You don’t have to,” he suddenly said, voice barely louder than a whisper. “I–I hope I’m not being too forward. But it’s still early. You can stay.”
“Oh…” Petra licked her lips. Was this a good idea? She turned back to him, and for the first time noticed a new kind of fear in Levi’s eyes. She felt like she understood, then–he wasn’t upset at her, or embarrassed–just afraid of losing what could have been. Slowly, the faintest of smiles spread across her face, eyes fluttering. This can’t be real. “I…are you sure?”
“Five weeks sure,” Levi admitted, his cheeks coloring.
Petra slid back down under the covers, cozying up into Levi’s open arms with a hint of a giggle on her words. “I’ve got you beat,” she said slyly, eyes fluttering up at him. “Four months,” Petra said, laughing at Levi’s surprised face. “You didn’t know, did you.”
“I…I knew,” Levi said, smirking.
“You did not,” Petra chuckled. “Knowing you…you would have made a move if you did.”
Levi gasped quietly, the blunt of her words surprising him. “I…I suppose you’re right about that.” There was a brief silence between the pair before Levi rolled over, burying his nose into Petra’s hair. “I’m glad you were stubborn enough to stay up late to finish that report.”
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coloraturadiva · 4 years
A mistake - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Napoleon Solo x F!Reader (You)
Summary:  Napoleon comes home and finds a surprise
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Warnings: angst, pregnancy (I’m sure I forgot something...) 
Word Count: 1551
A/N: a special thank you to my lovely beta @iloveyouyen​ ! The third and last chapter of this story has already been written so don’t worry, you’ll get to read how it ends 😉
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
Feedback, reblogs and constructive criticism are appreciated!
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission. Comments and reblogs welcome!
Tagging some people that never asked for it and others that actually did: @iloveyouyen​ @littlefreya​ @aletheladyinred​ @madbaddic7ed​ @promptandpros​ @mrsaugustwalker​ @jencanbeyouryengeralt​ @radaofrivia​ @henrythickcavill​ @ladyreapermc @mary-ann84​ @onlyhenrys ​ @qualitynightkoala ​ @eefjedegraaf ​ @summersong69 ​ @minillamakeup-blog @ladyreapermc
If you want to be tagged in the next chapter, please ask me!
You were walking home after work on a rainy afternoon, one of your hands resting protectively on your belly. You were still in distress, but you were also extremely excited to finally become a mother. You loved your little one to bits.
In your hand you were holding a bag with new clothes. 9 weeks had passed since you had talked to your grandmother and most of your clothes didn't fit you well anymore: you needed new maternity ones.
In the past weeks you talked infrequently with Napoleon: this mission was incredibly demanding, and dangerous, you imagined, and he didn't have many occasions to safely phone you without risking to compromise his work. You missed him terribly. He was trying, as always, to reassure you, but you felt from his voice that he was very tired and always on the edge. You would have given anything to have him home safe, resting in your bed. On a couple of occasions you tried to tell him about the baby, but you never had the courage to bother him during a mission. You would have preferred to talk to him face to face, but weeks passed and he never mentioned the date of his return, so you had made up your mind to tell him on the next call.
Once you set foot in your apartment, you realised that the light in the kitchen was turned on. Maybe you had forgotten it in the morning? You hung your coat by the door, placed your shopping bag on the console table and moved towards the kitchen.
“I can't believe that you are home late from work for the first time in years right on the day I come back from the longest of missions” his unmistakable voice coming from the kitchen made your blood freeze in your veins.
You entered the room and saw him standing by the sink, washing something he had likely used to prepare what was now cooking in the oven.
“My lovely lady is having fun without her man at home? Did you go shopping? Did you meet...” he turned around and stopped dead on his tracks. His eyes went to your abdomen. The light blue dress you were wearing didn't do much to conceal your growing roundness.
He stood there for what felt like hours, his mouth gaping, his eyes focused on your belly.
He had a bruise on his cheek, you noticed. And he looked pale and tired. In another situation you would have run to him, taking him in your arms and caressed his bruised cheek, but your legs weren't working and your brain was exploding. Say something Leon. Please, say something.
“What have you done?” he talked like a robot. His usually caressing voice sounded cold.
“What have WE done” you answered with a strength you didn't know you had. Maybe it was your maternal instinct talking?
He finally moved his gaze to look in your eyes. Your hands went to your belly.
His gaze was as cold and empty as his voice. He wasn't looking at you with loving eyes as he had done for years.
“It takes two people to make a baby.”
“But you...”
“I am the one with a baby bump. Yes, it works like that. You were listening during biology hour.”
“I didn't want this.”
“I know, but it happened. Now we can...” you attempted a weak smile, moving a step in his direction.
“No!” he shouted at you. You took a step back, scared by his violent reaction. He had never ever shouted at you. “I still don't want it.”
The first tear rolled down your cheek.
“I envisaged it” you whispered, bowing your head.
“You should have told me.”
“Why? You don't want this baby. What's the difference?” your voice was trembling.
“I wouldn't have bothered coming here, seeing you like that...”
You looked up and shot a furious look at him.
“Listen my... Y/N. I overreacted and I'm sorry for that. Still, I can't be a father. I never wanted to be a father. I shouldn't be there.” He started walking towards the door, but you blocked his way.
“Napoleon, what are you doing?”
“I'm going away. I can't bear to stay here.”
“This is your house.”
“You can keep it, if you want. Or sell it, do whatever you want.”
“I don't care about the house! But us? I'm your wife...”
“You're right” he nodded. “I'll talk to my lawyer. I think we can solve this easily and with full satisfaction for both of us.”
“Leon, what are you saying? You want to blow up everything we built like that?”
“I can't stay like this.”
“So you leave me because something is not like you want it?”
“It's something really important.”
You sighed, he wasn't listening to you. He had already made up his mind.
“This is the one thing I've always been against. I never asked for much...”
“You never asked for much??? Do you have the faintest idea of what I do for you? I've been lying for you to family and friends EVERY. SINGLE. DAY about nearly anything regarding you to protect you and your job for years. Last year you were away from home 273 days. 273 DAYS. And when you come back you were deadly tired and bruised or injured. Most of the time I have no idea of where you are and when you'll be back. Or IF you'll be back. We can't go to certain places because you fear you can be recognised or I can be related to you. We are not even in the damn phone book and YOU dare to tell me that you never asked for much???”
“You knew about it all before marrying me. And you never complained.”
“Because I love you, you idiot! I endured it all for you, because I wanted to be with you despite it all.”
He bowed his head and stayed silent for a moment. You were right, you knew it.
“This just happened” you began, getting closer to him, resting your hand on his arm. “It's nobody's fault.”
“I'm not accusing you. I just saw it coming. I knew a baby would have come to separate us. We couldn't be happy together for too long.”
“It's your baby Napoleon, for God's sake!”
He looked at you like you were speaking an unknown language.
“I... I have to go”. He moved away from you and went to the front door. “I'll come tomorrow to get my things when you are at work, so I won't disturb you. I'll have my lawyer contact you for the bureaucracy. You can keep everything you want.”
He turned his back to you and opened the door.
“Leon, we can't end it like this...” you started to cry.
“I know, but there's no other way.”
“I want you.”
“You can't have me. Not like this.”
He closed the door and walked away, into the night.
You felt all your strength slip away from you. Your legs turned into jelly and you had to lean on the wall to carefully help yourself to sit on the floor.
It went exactly how you had envisioned. It was your worst nightmare taking place in real life. He couldn't even look at you. You had shared so much and now everything was gone. All ruined.
No one made a mistake. No one did anything wrong. Yet, both of you were paying the price of it.
Well, three of you. Your baby having to grow without a father will be paying as well.
This was so unfair.
You felt your heart breaking into small pieces. You literally felt it burn in your chest.
You loved him.
Despite everything, even what had just happened, you still loved him.
You curled on the floor, caressing your belly, and cried uncontrollably for hours. Your sobs were loud. Your neighbours had probably heard you from their apartment. You didn't care. You were physically hurting so much and being heard was the last one of your problems. You needed to throw out at least a bit of that pain. But it didn't work. You were just desperate to have him back, even if he was the cause of your pain. You couldn't believe that he was now your ex husband. You had hoped to spend all your life with him, fearing only the dangers provided by his job could take him away from you, but instead it was your defenceless and innocent baby to separate you. How ironic!
It should be his hands caressing your bump to soothe you, not your own. He should be here cuddling you, whispering you reassuring words, but he was gone.
The thought of not seeing him again felt like a slap on your face.
You'll have to do it all by yourself. Going through the pregnancy, giving birth, raising the baby. Alone.
You should be hating him for how he behaved, for how he treated you, for having abandoned you, but you couldn't do without loving him anyway.
Sometimes things are easier when you hate someone.
You weren't good at hating in general, and it was impossible for you to hate him.
He would still be the love of your life, despite everything.
And this hurt even more.
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spooky-z · 5 years
Mom? Dad? Chaos.
First, I would like to thank you all! Really. And I'm not talking about the followers (which reached the 500), no. I'm talking about your reception for my stories. You guys are awesome!
Second, Marinette is a little... dark in this story. Maybe because she fought Hawkmoth for a long time or Batfam influence, I don't know. She defends herself and defends her friends against Lila. So, don't be surprised, please.
(finally managing to edit the post f- u tumblr) 6K of salt, sailors.
Lightly based on Wayne Travelers by @multishipper1needshalp​​ Maribat by @ozmav​​
The day had started normal.
Marinette getting up late for class and getting ready in a hurry while Tikki helped the girl as best she could, her parents setting the table for breakfast together and Damian sitting, waiting for his girlfriend to go to school together. Adrien still asleep after staying up all night with Jonathan on the phone.
That had become Marinette's morning routine for the past two years, with Damian going to Paris to study economics with the best education that money could afford and her finishing high school in Dupont with Adrien.
And as said before, the day had started normal.
They ate breakfast with her parents, Marinette kicking Adrien out of bed and walked together to Dupont's entrance, where their paths parted.
She had kissed Damian good-bye and he whispered a “see you later” before getting in the car parked on the sidewalk. The driver politely waving to Marinette.
Adrien grimacing in the background, like a child watching his parents kiss.
It had been normal the way the class wrinkled their noses as she passed them; how everyone was in their proper place when Lila began to tell the latest nonsense lie; when Adrien came right behind her and was forced to sit next to the Italian (face completely twisted in pained expression); Chloe walking to the back of the room and placing a tender kiss on Marinette's cheek before sitting next to her; the two whispering the news to each other while Adrien sent a wistful look to his friends; their kwamis together in the boy's bag (since it was the largest of the three there).
Ms. Bustier leaving and leaving them with free time to do whatever they want.
This was normal. This was the routine after Hawkmoth had given up on terrorizing Paris and returned the butterfly and peacock Miraculous. After Gabriel Agreste had been arrested.
What was not normal now was that portal opening beside Ms. Bustier's desk and five people passing by.
The whole class frozen in shock.
The first out was obviously the oldest. In his 19 years, probably.
Black hair - in the sunlight there was a bluish illumination - trapped in a bun at the top of his head, the eyes were a cold and sharp gray, his skin was a beautiful olive tone, a strong jaw and the body showed that he was very more than just physically active.
The second person to go through the portal was a girl, who was about 15/16 years old.
They couldn't see the color of her hair, as she wore a hijab, but the eyes were a vivid and bright green, her skin was paler, small face, pink lips in a cupid bow and she also seemed to exercise a lot too.
The first two seemed to be siblings and that at least one of the parents was Asian.
The third was a blonde girl. She was the same age as the first girl, not much older than 16. While she didn't seem to have a more defined body, just the fact that she wasn't touching the floor when she left the portal said a lot about her.
The blond hair - exactly the color of Chloe and Adrien's hair - was long and loose, the curls unruly. The eyes were blue, a radiant blue and not very common, the triangular face, the doll's lips.
The fourth person was actually a little boy, who must have been at most 3 years old and was in the blonde girl's arms.
His hair was black and unruly, eyes were the same bright blue as the girl, round face with rosy cheeks, pale skin and he was sucking his thumb.
The last person to pass through the portal had been a girl with a much stronger Asian heritage than the first two.
Her cherry-red dyed hair reaching her shoulders, body far more defined than the girl with the hijab - her biceps pronounced by the shirt – the eyes were amber and dangerous, thin lips, her skin was tanned from spending too much time in the sun, oval face.
They stared silently at the class as the portal closed behind them.
"Okay... Who's going to tell this to our parents?" The blonde girl asks, breaking the silence and the red-haired girl looks at her, a murderous expression on her face.
“That was your fault! You're the one to tell!” Growls.
The blonde girl looks sincerely sorry.
"How would I know this was a time machine?!"
The redhead approaches her, her fists clenched ready to pounce, but the oldest of the five holds her in place.
"Rie, Emilie, please. Now is not the time to fight." His voice comes up like a blade. Sharp. "Especially with Clark among you."
They move away from each other. Rie walks closer to the classroom door, Emilie floats toward the window. Both with serious faces.
"It's not wanting to cut your drama, but we're not alone." The hijab girl says, drawing their attention to her. “We have audience, (哥哥) gēge.” She points to the still very frozen class.
He turns, his eyes scanning the students, before locking in the back of the room. In Marinette and Chloe. His eyes close in a pained expression.
“Fuck.” Curses without shame. "Dad will kill us."
"Absolutely." She replies, not looking any little upset at the situation.
In fact, her eyes were shining. She seemed very excited about everything.
The bell rings and it seems to wake everyone up from the shock, the students frenzied.
Everyone talking at the same time, they approach; Alya with the phone in hand; Marinette talking quickly on the phone, looking worried; Chloe was looking critically at the newcomers, the familiar feeling poking at her head; Adrien looked downright in love with the little boy in Emilie's arms.
Lila was... Wanting to take advantage of the situation to do something.
Rie begins to fuss over and over with the noise of the class, the pitch of the sound seemed to be hurting Clark's sensitive ears. The situation gets worse until she screams, anger clear in her tone.
“ど け! (Doke!)” Everyone shuts up but doesn't understand what she says. "I said get away, NOW!"
They are frightened by the girl's ferocity and move away.
“Okay, now one at a time.” When everyone moves to talk together again, she raises her hand in a stop signal. "Raise your hands and I'll choose who speaks."
They quickly raise their hands, waving violently. Max was jumping in his seat.
"You." Rie points to Rose and the girl stands up happily.
"What is the name of you all?" Questions.
Rie raises an eyebrow, disbelieving that this was the most important question the girl had to ask, but said nothing. Who answers is Emilie.
"I'm Emilie, this little one is Clark, the scary one is (理 恵) Rie, the handsome guy over there is (健) Jiàn and the hijab girl is Aria-" She turns sideways to point at the girl, just to find the empty spot. “Where's Aria?” She asks the two beside her and Rie just points to the back of the room.
And they all turned just in time to see Marinette being hugged her life away by the girl.
“妈妈 (māmā) you are so cute!” Both Adrien and Chloe gasp, eyes wide. Marinette gets paler and paler.
That moment makes both Rie and Clark notice the blondes in the room and Clark begins to cry, writhing in Emilie's arms and trying to reach Adrien.
“Papa! Papa!” The little boy sniffles until Emilie releases him and lets him fly to Adrien.
The class shouts at the demonstration of power.
The blonde catches him reflexively, hugging the small body in his arms and the boy sinks, melting in the warmth. He looks shocked at Emilie, wanting an explanation and the girl just shrugs, a bland smile on her face.
"Hi Dad."
Adrien chokes, his eyes filling with water, thrilled. He smiles back in disbelief.
Chloe rises from her seat indignantly.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Shouts. “Why do you two get visits from your future kids, but not me?!” She stomps her foot in a tantrum.
It seemed just another bout of Chloe's futility, but Marinette - who was still being held by Aria - felt her heart ache at the hurt look on her best friend's face.
"What am I? Invisible?” Rie responds rudely. “You should recognize your children, 母 (haha).” Her cheeks were rosy despite her serious face.
Chloe is speechless before going downstairs and throwing herself into Rie's arms. She could scarcely believe that she had built a family in the future, that apparently her best friends continued together years and years into the future.
“And you must be my son!” Lila's voice cuts the happy mood. "Handsome like that, you're just like my Damian."
Chloe turns away from Rie, Marinette comes down the stairs with Aria and Adrien stays in his seat, with Clark in his lap and Emilie sitting at his desk, stroking the blond boy's hair.
The seven looks at Lila standing in front of Jiàn, who seemed disgusted with the thought of being her son.
"Yes, many say I look a lot like my father," He replies. And although the expression is not the best, his voice contains no emotion. "But I have my grandmother's eyes."
Lila seems especially excited about the boy's response.
Alya still recording everything and the class in an eternal pause.
“Oh! Now I see! You really look like my mother. She's very beautiful, looks like a model.” Lila says, glancing quickly at Alya, probably making sure the girl was recording everything.
Jiàn wrinkles his nose in disgust and turns away from the greedy hands of the Italian.
“You're not my mother.” Lila is surprised by the hatred in the boy's tone. "My mother has decency and honor, something you obviously lack."
The class seems to stop breathing.
"Oh, that hurt." Emilie muttered, chin resting on Adrien's head.
She had left Adrien's desk and was sitting at Alya's desk, which was behind the boy, so that she could hug him like a koala. Clark was dozing in his arms.
Alya snorted offended.
"Hey, this is no way to talk to her!" She moved, the phone still clenched in her fist.
"I speak the way I want." Jiàn answers. "Criminals and liars don't deserve my respect."
The class starts talking on top of each other, confused.
“What do you mean?” Alix's voice sticks out.
Jiàn tilts his head, but straightens again. An expression on his face as if he had just unraveled the mystery of the century.
"Oh, you haven't found out yet..."
"Or rather, they haven't opened their eyes yet." Aria comments.
Kim gets up, his face rock hard.
The newcomers exchange glances with each other. Aria raises her eyebrow, Emilie shrugs, Jiàn sighs and Rie looks at everyone.
"I think aunt Mari already told you about the sausage being a liar." She pats Chloe's arm affectionately. “Lila Rossi, in 2046, is under arrest for terrorism, extortion, sexual harassment, blackmail and best of all: murder.” Rie smiles darkly as she watches the students' pale faces.
Alya's phone recording every second of everything. Live. On Ladyblog.
Lila feels panic bubbling in her chest, her hands shaking and a sudden weakness in her legs. This could not be happening!
She glances at everyone in the class, noting the expressions between disbelief and fear, only Alya still holding the angry expression on her face.
Adrien, Chloe, and Marinette did not seem surprised by what the boy said, nor angry. She would use that to her advantage.
Lila's eyes widen in the most pitiful expression possible. The fake tears already running down her cheeks. She didn't forget to sniff before she spoke.
“Why are you guys doing this to me?” That catches everyone's attention, Kim being the first to come to the rescue. She uses the boy for support. “Is it some kind of horrible plan Marinette came up with? I know she hates me, but I didn't think she would do something so wicked to bring me down.”
Alya, Alix and Mylene are quick to reach both of them to comfort Lila. Which left Ivan, Nathaniel, Max, Rose, Juleka and Nino to defend the honor of the Italian.
“Look what you did!” The DJ pointed out. "Lila is crying because of you!"
"It had to be Chloe's daughter." Max says, adjusting his prescription glasses to his face. "Only a snake would give birth to another snake."
Emilie sighs offended, as does Aria and Jiàn.
Max barely has time to blink before feeling the sharp edge of Rie's katana in his throat. He swallows, the eyes wide.
She had left Chloe in the same spot before jumping over the tables and reaching Max. The katana that had been her belt, taking shape in her hands just in time to reach the target.
"Call my mother snake again and I'll cut your head off." She says coldly.
Nathaniel runs away, Rose and Juleka accompany him. Even Lila swallows the fake cry feeling the fear run down her spine.
"You wouldn't have the guts-" Ivan begins, but quickly shuts up when he sees Max leaning as far away from the sword as the red thread of blood trickles down his throat.
"Do you doubt...?" Rie says quietly. "Are you sure?"
Marinette reacts with that, ready to separate the girl from her classmate.
“Rie Tsurugi Bourgeois!” Aria calls, voice like steel. "Let him go."
Rie doesn't move, doesn't even blink.
“Now.” Aria raises her voice. Adrien and Marinette are able to see her eyes turn a radioactive shade of green (which resembles Chat Noir's eyes very much) and her round pupils narrow like those of a reptile.
Rie grits her teeth, smoke escaping between them. She squeezes the katana a little deeper into the boy's throat before moving back toward Chloe.
The blade becomes malleable in her hands and she fastens around her waist again, sparing no glance at the rest of the class. Not at all sorry.
Marinette breathes a sigh of relief, but soon becomes serious. She needed to fix that mess.
"Okay." Says it out of nowhere and catches everyone's attention. Aria once again hung around her neck. “This day was too weird in just a few minutes, so I need everyone to collaborate.”
Her gaze points mainly to Rie and Alya, who turn their head into a tantrum.
“First, I want an explanation for that.” Hands shake in the air. “What are you doing here in 2022 and who are you?”
Jiàn smiles quietly before getting serious again.
“Our names have already been said, so I'll tell you where we came from.” He takes the liberty to sit on Ms. Bustier's desk, as if he owns the place. “First, we are from the future, as you have already understood. Secondly, we are children of three students in this class.”
The young man turns to Rie, beckoning her to proceed.
"I'm Rie Tsurugi Bourgeois, I have a twin sister named Alice." She turns to Chloe. “We are your daughters with Kagami Tsurugi. I think you two became something last year, 2021, right?” And the blonde nods emphatically. "Three years from now you get married and after five years Alice and I are born."
Chloe hugs the girl, wild feelings in her chest.
“My turn!” Emilie shook herself on the table, Clark, still sleeping, shifted uncomfortably. "My name is Emilie Lois Agreste-Kent and this cute sleeping is my brother, Clark Auguste Agreste-Kent." She notices Marinette's horrified look and sighs in agreement. "I know I know. Our names are one thing... horrible, but they wanted to honor our grandparents...”
The class makes a confused sound and Nathaniel is the fastest to speak up.
“I don't understand.” The voice loud enough just for a quiet room to hear. "Adrien's mother's name is Emilie, Lois may be his mother-in-law's name and Clark the father-in-law's name..." He pauses thoughtfully. “Why Auguste? Shouldn't it be Gabriel?”
At the sound of the name, newcomers, Chloe, Marinette and even Adrien himself react negatively, leaving no doubt of the dislike of the designer.
"Because Gabriel never was and never will be a father to uncle Adrien." Aria replies.
Nino nods in agreement with the girl.
“… Ok, I understand where you come from. But who is Auguste?” He asks. “I don't remember anyone with that name Adrien commented on.”
The blonde gives a bland laugh before looking at the DJ.
"It's because I never speak his name, but you know him... the gorilla."
Nino widens his eyes at the news, but soon understanding dawns on his face. It made sense. The man cared more for Adrien than his own father, who could only look at his belly button.
"Wait!" Alya calls. “Gorilla's name is Auguste?” Adrien nods and she presses her palm over her face. “Oh my god, this is cursed! He doesn't look like an Auguste!”
Emilie releases Adrien to fly over his head.
"I know! I once told him that and he laughed at me!” Her hand movements were wild.
It makes Alya pale.
"He laughed. Adrien's bodyguard laughed. Oh my God."
Lila gets fed up with the situation and decides to return the conversation to where it mattered. She needed to know who Adrien's future wife was, just so she could make sure they never met. With Gabriel's help, of course.
He might have been arrested, but he still had... powers over Adrien.
“We already understood that part, but you never told us who your mother was.”
Emilie freezes in the air, the cheerful, happy air slipping into an empty shell. She sits back behind Adrien, her gaze hard on the Italian.
“Because I don't have a mother.” She responds and Lila had to control the happy smile that wanted to escape. “I have two dads. Adrien Agreste and Jonathan Samuel Kent.”
The air in the room becomes cold after she finishes speaking. Lila never felt as much hatred as she did then.
Adrien was hers. Just hers. Knowing he was married to a man in the future was too much for the girl.
“B-but how? I thought Adrien was straight. We all know he dated Kagami.” Mylene asks.
Adrien frowns at the girl. Not a bit happy.
"I never said I was straight or that Kagami and I were dating." His voice was dry. “Kagami and Chloe have been together since last year, Jon and I have been dating since I was fifteen. Four years ago."
Alya gives Marinette unhappy glances, as if pitying the girl for the news. But in the end, she notices that the brunette was not at all surprised or shaken.
"And about you? Who is your father?” She points to Aria, who raises an eyebrow at her. The mockery in all body expression. "We know you're Marinette's daughter because we heard you call her mother, but you didn't say who your father was."
Aria rolls her eyes and sighs, completely tired of having to deal with these people. They were very ignorant.
"Aria Dupain-Cheng Wayne-" Surprised sighs are heard.
“And Jiàn Dupain-Cheng Wayne. We are children of Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Damian Al-Ghul Wayne. There is Thomas too, but he was with Alfred and the Couffaine siblings when we... traveled back in time.” Jiàn cuts his sister, making a sardonic bow toward Alya.
Marinette was choking as she tried to hold back a scream.
Those were her children! There were three! She and Damian had been together for many, many years! Her heart was beating so fast that she feared everyone in the room would be able to hear.
“… Damian Wayne. Isn't that the name of your boyfriend, Lila?” Juleka says suddenly and everyone looks at the Italian trying to sneak out of the classroom.
She stops, knowing everyone was keeping an eye on her and turning around, her eyes full of tears.
It was time to put on a show.
"M-Marinette!" She sniffs. “How can you go so low stealing my Damiboo from me?! I thought you were better!” The hands cover her face and shoulders begin to shake, as if she’s crying.
“My God, girl!” Alya shouts angrily as she approaches Lila once more. Alix, Mylene, and Kim did not move from the scene. “Stealing Lila's boyfriend? As if it wasn't enough to be an envious slut-
Jiàn turns the face so fast that Rie can hear the young man's bones crack. The face contorted into a murderous expression.
“I suggest you not finish this sentence, otherwise I will be forced to do something my parents wouldn't approve of.”
Lila pulls her hands away from her face looking at the boy in defiance.
"What? But it's true! First Adrien, now my Damiboo. Your mother is a bitc-” Before Lila could finish the sentence, Jiàn was in front of her. Alya pushed aside, along with the phone that fell to the floor.
His right hand goes straight to Lila's face, squeezing her chin as he forces her to face him. He didn't need to look at the look of horror on her face to know that anger and disgust were clear in his eyes.
“You're an unpleasant person, Lila Rossi.” He says. “Even though you know you have nowhere to run, that you only have those futile idiots to control, you still try to play the wronged good girl.”
Adrien gets up from the chair, Marinette approaches and Chloe too.
“Jiàn, I think-”
Aria puts her hand on Marinette's shoulder, drawing the girl's attention back to her. "No. He won't hurt her... physically.”
“But-” Adrien protests.
“Dad, please. In the future you regret not stopping her before. Let Jiàn do it.” Emilie says seriously. The most serious she had been until that moment.
When Marinette and Adrien steps back, the class sees this as allowing newcomers to do whatever they want, so they run to Lila's rescue. Alya quickly rising from the floor, the phone forgotten.
"Let her go now!" Kim shouts. He tries to hit Jiàn with a punch, but Rie is quick to stop him.
"And why would i do that? Ms. Volpina here, did much worse things helping Hawkmoth.” Lila widens her eyes, the panic clear in her face.
“What was that little fox? No more lies to tell us? Are you afraid because you can no longer use akumas to get rid of difficult situations?” The sarcasm in Jiàn's voice was clear, as was the acidity.
Everyone saw the way Lila stopped trying to defend herself and her gaze became sharp. Malicious. Jiàn took this to get away from the girl. She took the time to straighten her hair and caress her jaw before a blatant smile took over her expression.
Alya felt the ice run down her spine, discomfort rolling in her stomach. She stepped back, trying to create distance.
The class reacting precisely the same.
“Oh? Do you really think I need some old man and cursed butterflies to get what I want?” Rose choked on the way Lila spoke. “Look at what we have here. Come on, look!” She shakes her hands, signaling around them.
“I managed to fool these people for years. YEARS! No one doubting a word of what I was saying. Even with the most trusted person in the class trying to warn of my tricks, they just ignored it. They treated her like trash, they threw her into a corner... They humiliated her.” Mylene cried and Ivan tried to comfort her.
“And I didn't even have to do anything much, just say what they wanted to hear.” There was a victorious smile on the Italian's face. “Hawkmoth was just a tool. I never needed him to get where I got.” She nodded dismissively.
“So, you lied to us all this time?” Alix growls, Kim having to hold her so she doesn't hit Lila.
The Italian raised an eyebrow, smiling as if nothing was wrong.
"Alix, Alix ... You guys were so naive." Lila sighs theatrically. “I mean, dumb. Ignorant. Easy. Fools. I think you were by far the easiest people to manipulate.” She shrugs.
“You… are the worst! I don't believe-” Nathaniel stops and shakes his head violently, trying to deal with the situation.
“Ow, poor thing.” Lila sneers. “Okay, I was a little harsh with my words. It was not entirely your fault. Caline Bustier played a huge part in all this, since without her passivity, I would probably have been discovered much earlier.”
Marinette cringes at the teacher's name.
Caline had gone from being Marinette's favorite teacher to the less pleasant one. The woman's pacifism gave the brunette knots in her stomach. Each time she heard the phrase “be an example to others,” the discomfort washed over her body and all Marinette could think about was running home and sleeping for an entire week.
She knew that Lila's era of terror in her life would not have stretched so long had it not been for Caline Bustier's incompetence. Just with the teacher checking Lila's medical notes to know that everything the girl said she suffered was true would suffice. Then all the other lies would be uncovered, like a crumbling house of cards.
But she never did. Not even when Marinette explicitly expressed her concerns. When Adrien took the courage to confess that he felt bad about Lila being overly sticky. Or when Sabrina wept on the teacher's shoulder that Lila had made mean comments about her mother. And also, when Chloe denounced the Italian for homophobia.
Caline Bustier had been complacent. Never moving a finger to help students. Thus, Lila Rossi's greatest facilitator in Dupont.
“Ms. Bustier has nothing to do with it!” Juleka shouts in distress.
It was the first time they had seen her like that.
Lila rolls her eyes.
"Of course she have! Or do you really think that an adult woman with a master's degree, teacher, who deals with children and teens daily for years, would believe everything you say?” Her voice was annoying. “Please, you deify totally wrong people. Where's the critical sense? No one here can see the world without the pink lenses?!”
As soon as Lila finishes speaking, the room was silent. Rose and Juleka had twin expressions of disbelief, Alya cried silently, Nino tried to find support in Nathaniel who was unsure what to do, Kim along with Alix and Max had angry expressions on their faces, Mylene and Ivan hugged tightly to each other.
Aria with her arms around Marinette, both with expressions of pure boredom. Chloe and Rie had sat at Adrien's desk throughout the confrontation, tired of Lila's villain speech. Jian, already away from the Italian, was arms crossed and raised eyebrow. Adrien was the only one in the second group who was minimally disturbed by Lila's words. Clark slept despite all the confusion and Emilie had stolen the model's phone to play while flying around the room.
Lila had a victorious expression on her face as if the speech had solved all her problems.
Oh man. If only she knew.
"Did you get everything?" Marinette says in the silence of the class and everyone looks at her.
“What-” Lila begins.
"I'm not talking to you." The girl cuts her off, her expression disinterested and voice like steel. “I'm talking to him.” Marinette picks up the phone (which has never left her hands since newcomers showed up in the classroom) and shakes it, showing a video call in progress.
“Of course, حبيبتي (habibat).” The person in the video call answers. A youngster. "We are on our way. Don't let her run away.” The call is cut off and Marinette puts the phone in her hoodie pocket.
She stares at Lila. The cold, deadly eyes. Like a predator about to pounce.
“Of course I won't let it. Not anymore.” There was a dangerous smile on her lips. “It's my time to go after you, Li-la! Change our dynamics. Threatening me in the dark corners of the school is getting outdated, so it's time for prey to become a predator, don't you think?”
Lila senses the danger in the girl's words and steps back without thinking. She keeps a brave expression.
“And what do you think you are going to do? Tell your little friend?” She forces a mocking laugh. “Please, Dupain-Cheng. You know you can't against me. Never could.”
Aria lets go of Marinette and the girl slowly makes her way to the Italian, without breaking eye contact for a second. She was waiting for an opening to be able to make her move.
“Are you sure about that, Lila Agnola Rossi?” Lila doesn't hold her breath at the full name. “Because I have a lot of material against you. Your mother helped us a lot. A nice woman, despite working so hard. She needs to rest, don't you think?”
Marinette stops, less than a foot from the Italian, before leaning further. Warm breath hitting Lila's face with how close they were.
“And she said everything, you know? About how you lied about school being closed by akuma attacks, about being bullied and how your boyfriend Adrien Agreste-“ The boy and Emilie make sounds of disgust. "Are considering asking you to marry at graduation!"
Chloe sneers in the background. Aria, Jiàn and Rie laughing at what she said.
“When you-” Lila's lips were pale and her eyes wide.
Marinette leaps away. A smile bordering the maniac on her face.
“You don't know how surprised she was when we said the school was never closed!” She spins, arms raised to the ceiling. "Or that Adrien Agreste has a boyfriend."
“YOU DID WHAT?!” Lila shouted, advancing on Marinette, only to be held back by the hard look the girl sent toward her.
“Imagine the other surprise she had to learn that her little girl was a compulsive and abusive liar? That the only child she gave birth was lying as she breathed? Lila, Lila. Lying about Jagged was your first mistake, Prince Ali the second. The third was about Ladybug.” Marinette lifts a finger at Alya who reacted to the heroine's name. The girl stops. "Ladybug was not at all happy to hear her name was being dragged through the mud by someone as dirty as you."
Lila swallows hard.
“And sweetie? She wants you to pay. Pay for all the times you helped Hawkmoth and endangered innocent people or badmouthed her kitten.” Chloe laughs at Adrien's red face. “She's a very protective bug, you know? Revengeful too.”
"Is this a threat? Is that it? Ladybug sent you to threaten me?” Lila questions.
Marinette crosses her arms, a dark shadow taking over her blueberry eyes.
"Lila, I don't need Ladybug to take you down." She sighs bored. “Who do you think ended Gabriel Agreste?” The students are surprised. The newcomers sat watching like it was a very good movie. Adrien with the biggest smile ever.
“… You're lying!” Lila shouts. “Gabriel was caught by a… anonymous… report… you?!” The voice trailed off until all that was left was a whisper.
"Me." Marinette smiles.
There was a fire burning in Lila's eyes, her teeth showing, a growl deep in her throat.
"How could you?!" She bites. “You destroyed Adrien's life! How could you do this for the boy you love?!”
"Hey! She didn't destroy my life!” Adrien protests in the background, but no one listens to him.
“Ah, please! You're only annoyed because you learned that it was me who destroyed the collar Adrien was kept on and forced to wear. Or do you really believe we didn't know you and Gabriel had a deal about controlling Adrien?” Lila shivers as if she's been shocked. “We know everything. Everything."
“And you went there and put the only family he had in prison. Congratulations Marinette. You have reached a new low level.”
No one blinks for the next scene.
Marinette stretches her left hand straight to Lila's neck, pulling the girl closer to her.
"You don't open that dirty mouth to talk about family." She growls. “That man was nothing more than a piece of shit. Trash to be thrown away. He was never a father or a decent man. Being arrested was the easiest way out for him, because if I could have the opportunity to get my hands on him, you can be sure that today Adrien would have both parents buried.”
Her voice was piercing. Ice spread through the room. Everyone felt the honesty in the girl's words, no hesitation. Lila clamped her hands on Marinette's wrist, trying in vain to pull away.
She was beginning to be terrified of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Let me go." She gasped as she felt the tightness in her neck tighten.
“Adrien hasn't lost a family.” Marinette ignores the girl. Adrien puts Clark in Aria's arms before getting up. He needed to stop that.
“Just now he got one. My parents are keen to make clear what family love really means; Auguste continues to work with him even though he no longer needs it; I taught him what a toxic and abusive relationship was like, how to have siblings and people to support him; Chloe accompanied him for weekly therapy; Kagami and Luka distracted him from panic attacks; Sabrina helped him understand what sexual harassment was. We were all there when he spent weeks locked in his room crying thinking he had no one else. We introduce him to what a family is. And surprise, he's much happier now.” Marinette lets go of Lila's throat and the girl swallowed huge amounts of air.
"He's much better off living in a bakery than in a ghost-filled mansion and empty rooms with people who only knew how to exploit him."
As soon as Marinette finishes talking, Adrien hugs the girl and then the door opens.
“We're here, Minette!” Sabrina's cheerful voice tears the oppressive silence of the room. "And I brought company."
Everyone turned to look at Sabrina and found a lot more people at the door than they thought.
“Dad, Damian, Jon and Kagami have come! Lu and Bruce are there at the office talking to the Director and Ms. Rossi.”
As soon as the five enter the room, Aria rushes into Damian's arms. “بابا! (baba!) You're cuter than 妈妈 (māmā) at this age!”
“… You two are grounded.” It's the only thing Damian says, pointing to Jiàn who was approaching.
“Dad!” Emilie squeals at Jonathan, who just smiles in confusion. “Oh my god, he's so cute! Did you see, papa ?!” She yells at Adrien who hides the red face on Marinette's shoulder.
The girl laughs at him patting his back.
"マ マ (mama)." Rie says respectfully as Kagami looks at her and Chloe sitting at the table.
"... I'm feeling a headache coming." Roger mutters before putting Agent Raincomprix's face and looking at Lila. “Ms. Rossi, I need you to come with me. We have some questions to ask.”
Lila shakes her head in refusal.
"No. I have nothing to talk to you about. Nothing."
Roger sighs. “If you do not come for good, you will come for bad. I really don't want to use force with you.”
"I do not care! I won't go with you!” Lila’s voice rose two octaves. She was starting to get hysterical.
“Ms. Rossi.”
"No! I'm not—” Lila rolls her eyes closed before falling hard to the floor. Marinette stood behind her, the hand with fingers pressed together and the thumb bent. Like a knife.
She relaxes her posture and smiles innocently.
“To avoid more drama.”
Damian sighs. “حبيبتي (habibat).”
She continues to smile innocently.
First Hawkmoth, then Gabriel and now Lila. That was a great way to close a chapter in Marinette's life.
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smolfelton · 4 years
heyyyy for soulmate aus... 1. the every popular tattoo/soulmark au 2. the "feel each other's pain" au 3. the "write on my skin, shows up on my soulmate's" au 4. the "see in greyscale until i touch/kiss my soulmate" au 5. the "soulamtes can communicate telepathically" au 6. the "soulmates can see each others' auras" au hope u enjoy! thanks for asking! :)
Harry hadn’t seen colour for over twelve years now. And fuck, did he miss it. On the morning of his 18th birthday he opened his eyes to find everything around him in grey scale. He had panicked and floo’d Hermione and Ron over, only to learn that something like this was actually pretty normal.
“It happens to some wizards, mate,” Ron explained. “Not all, but some.”
“I didn’t learn about it until after Hogwarts,” Hermione said. “Apparently it’s such a common thing for magic folk, especially purebloods, that they don’t even bother to teach it in school. Stupid, if you ask me. How are muggleborns and half-bloods supposed to know if it should happen to them?”
“But what is it?” Harry asked, practically shaking in his seat.
“It means you have a definite soulmate, Harry,” Ron explained. “When someone has a soulmate, both parties stop seeing colour on their 18th birthdays. Neither will be able to see colour again until they touch each other. That’s how you know you’ve found your soulmate.”
“So... I just have to touch them?” Harry asked. “Like a handshake? And that’s it?”
Both Ron and Hermione nodded, and Harry suddenly felt excited. This was his chance to find what he’d been missing in life. To find someone who was truly meant for him and him alone. Someone who wouldn’t care that he was The Chosen One, just that he was their soulmate. He could be selfish for once, for the first time in a long while.
His excitement faded quickly.
He had spent the first few years shaking the hand of every person he came across. Every adoring fan, every politician, every old friend from Hogwarts, and more. Not a single person was left unnoticed by him, and in turn the wizarding world adored him for it. They all loved their doting Saviour. Harry, however, couldn’t have been more miserable.
“Just be patient, mate,” Ron had said, trying to comfort him. “Some people don’t meet their soulmate for years. My great-grandfather didn’t meet my great-grandmother until they were well into their forties, and they were happily married into their hundreds. Or at least that’s what my mum told us.”
So Harry carried on well into his late twenties, still shaking the hand of every person he met, trying to be as patient as he could possibly be. But the nagging at the back of his head soon began to feel as if someone was drilling a hole into his brain. What if he never found his soulmate? What if they were looking for him too? What if they both died alone, never even knowing each other?
“Oh Harry,” Hermione had sighed. “You don’t have to be with them to be happy. You could always just find someone else. I’m sure-”
“No,” Harry had simply said. He wouldn’t entertain that thought.
A few months before Harry’s 30th birthday, Headmistress McGonagall had sent him a letter inviting him to become the new professor of the previously cursed D.A.D.A. position. Harry immediately accepted, happy to finally leave his job as an auror. He loved saving lives, but he was tired of putting himself on the line every day of his life. He wanted to teach, and he remembered how good it felt when he helped other students learn to defend themselves during the war. He wanted to do that again.
Harry was thirty when he finally returned to Hogwarts, and it had been just as amazing as he remembered. If anything, he felt like he was eleven all over again, and it was like the castle was welcoming him home. The students and other professors seemed overly ecstatic as he joined them, receiving a warm and rather loud welcome from everyone in the great hall on the first day.
Well, almost everyone.
Harry had nearly toppled over when he saw Draco Malfoy sitting at the professors table, sipping on a goblet and not deigning to even notice Harry’s presence as he sat next to him. Harry fidgeted in his seat as he was introduced by McGonagall, most of his attention focused on the blond man beside him. Not because Malfoy made him uncomfortable, but because he looked so very... different.
Malfoy’s hair was long- so, so long- and it had been tied into a loose braid that fell over one shoulder and went down to his waist oh-so prettily. His skin was just as pale, but now it no longer looked as off-putting as before. Instead, it reminded Harry of freshly fallen snow, and he doubted that it would look much different in colour. His long fingers and nicely manicured nails gripped his cup steadily as he brought it to his lips. Harry wondered what Malfoy would look like in colour. He bet he’d look even more beautiful than he was in grey scale.
“Can I help you with something, Potter?” Malfoy finally asked after several long minutes. He finally turned to look at Harry, and suddenly he felt like he was going to be sick.
“I-I didn’t know you were a professor,” Harry replied.
“Well now you do.”
“What do you teach?”
“For how long?”
“Six years now.”
“I bet Snape would be proud,” Harry said, instantly regretting it when Malfoy stiffened and turned away. “Sorry. I know he was your godfather.”
“It’s in the past, Potter,” Malfoy said and took another sip out of his cup.
“You know... You can call me Harry if you’d like.”
Malfoy snorted into his goblet, and Harry could see his thin lips turn upwards into a smile that made Harry’s heart leap in his chest. Malfoy looked at him with a sharp, raised eyebrow and a smirk.
“That definitely isn’t going to happen,” Malfoy said.
Months passed and both Malfoy and Harry got on quite well. Somewhere along the way over the past twelve years, Malfoy had become a genuinely good person. He was a strict professor, just like Snape had been, but he seemed to care about his students regardless of their house. Harry rarely ever heard the students say a bad thing about Professor Malfoy, and when he did it was usually because he’d assigned extra homework or had taken off a few house points.
Christmas holiday came around rather quickly, and most students had already gone home except for a handful. Even most of the professors had gone home to be with their families. Harry had spent a few days with the Weasleys, but had returned to Hogwarts to go ahead and prepare the work for his students when they returned. Usually he wasn’t one to plan ahead, especially when it came to schoolwork, but being a new professor made him rather eager.
Harry was surprised to find that Malfoy was doing the same. He walked into the professors lounge with a heavy pile of books and papers in his arms, only to find Malfoy already sitting at a table with his own pile. Harry watched dumbly for a second as Malfoy used his quill to scratch and tick marks onto papers, his long pale fingers moving with grace. Harry felt his breath hitch in his throat when he noticed Malfoy’s tongue was posing out from between his lips, his eyebrows pulled together in concentration. Harry wished he could see how pink it probably was.
Malfoy finally looked up at Harry after a moment, and he quickly snapped out of his trance and moved to sit across from the blond. He set his work down and began doing the same as Malfoy, then huffed when he realised he’d forgotten his quill and ink. He made to get up until Malfoy cleared his throat.
“Here, Potter,” Malfoy said, extending his hand to offer Harry an extra quill. “Just make sure you remember who it belongs to.”
“Right. Thanks,” Harry nodded, taking the quill and watching as his fingers were so close to brushing Malfoy’s. 
Malfoy set his ink pot between them and both professors started back on their work. After nearly an hour of grading papers and beginning new work for the students, Harry had become terribly bored. He looked up and glanced at Malfoy, impressed with how quickly he was working. The potions professor’s hair was freely flowing over his shoulders and down his back, straight at the top but falling into waves at the bottom. Harry wished he could see what the blond hair looked like in colour. He could hardly even remember what it looked like anymore. Hell, he couldn’t even remember the exact shade of his own green eyes anymore.
For a split second, Harry thought Hermione could have been right. Maybe he didn’t need to be with his soulmate to be happy. He clearly liked Malfoy, as much as he wished he didn’t. He wanted to meet the person he was meant for, but there was no way he could deny his true feelings any longer. He wanted Malfoy. He wanted Draco. Why should he have to wait forever to find love? Why couldn’t he have it now, when it was right in front of him?
“Hey Malfoy,” Harry suddenly said, surprising himself.
“Yes?” Malfoy asked without even looking up.
“I was thinking abut going into Hogsmeade tomorrow,” Harry lied. “Would you maybe want to come with?”
“Unfortunately, I can’t,” Malfoy sighed, which seemed genuine. “I have far too many papers to grade. Plus I haven’t even begun to prepare for the students return.”
“Ah. That’s okay,” Harry said, hiding his disappointment. “Maybe next weekend, then.”
Malfoy looked up at him and Harry felt a lump form in his throat.
“Maybe,” Malfoy said, then went back to his work.
Harry wanted to bang his head against the table, but instead he went back to grading his own papers. He ticked and scratched and scribbled until his hand started to cramp, but no matter how tiresome it became he didn’t stop. Even when day turned into night, he continued. He told himself to do it for the students, but he knew that wasn’t why he was really doing it.
The truth was, he just wanted an excuse to be near Malfoy.
Harry sighed and moved his hand towards the ink pot without looking up from his papers, and he felt the tip of his finger brush something soft. He knew it was Malfoy’s hand reaching for ink as well, and didn’t bother to look up. When he brought the quill back to his paper, he froze, the blood in his veins turning into ice as he gulped, mouth suddenly dry and face heating up.
His hand was brown again. His quill was dark green. The textbooks beside him were red. The lounge’s fireplace washed the room in an orange glow.
Harry could see colour again.
He heard a soft gasp and looked up to see Malfoy staring at him, wide silver eyes beginning to fill with visible tears, but he didn’t bother to wipe them away. Harry stared at him, his heart practically leaping with joy now that he could see Malfoy- truly see him again.
Malfoy’s blond hair was nearly as white as his skin, contrasting against the dark green turtleneck he wore, but it looked golden in the fire’s light. His lips were a pretty pink colour, and his cheeks were equally as pink and rosy, becoming darker by the second. He let out a shaky breath and a single tear fell from one silver eye and down his pink cheek.
Harry had never seen anything so fucking beautiful.
“I...” Malfoy finally said, his voice shaky as his lips trembled. "I think I would like to go to Hogsmeade after all... Harry.”
Harry couldn’t help but smile, feeling tears begin to well up in his own eyes, his shoulders sagging in relief. Malfoy returned it, his pink lips turning upwards into a small, soft smile. Harry had never felt so happy.
“Thank you, Draco.”
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weyheyjxlya · 4 years
Kekkon バ花メ
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*•.¸♡ pairing: kita shinsuke x reader *•.¸♡ genre: fluff | farmer!kita au *•.¸♡ a/n: made one out of simp nights hahaha father my children kita listen to the music linked in the lyrics while reading this hehe :3 forgot to tell u guys that kekkon is “marriage” in japanese (quite unsure HAHAHA)
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“cause it's you that I dream of the one who gives me love you’re the one I always believed in you are the one who answers my question you’re my inspiration and it's you you’re the one I’m thinking of”
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"How bout you marry into this family Y/N?" Kita's grandmother suggested as the two of you are making dinner while waiting for Kita and others finish up their business at the farm "You like it here dear, right?" added by your grandmother who's helping with cutting vegetables. As the word "marry" got its way onto you. Without hesitation, you run. You ran from the thought that you'll be leaving city life. You ran from the thought that you'll be leaving that kingly routine that you've had and will now have a sophisticated routine for your daily life. And you ran from the thought that you'll be marrying your childhood friend, Kita Shinsuke
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"Ouch" you squealed as you stumbled upon a rock that you haven't noticed since you've been running for your whole life from Kita who's been playing tag with you for a while now.
~~ Kita Shinsuke. That composed kid that you've met over the time that your grandmother brought you to her best friend's home for a visit. It's the Kita household. Everything's so sophisticated. Right from its ornaments, furniture, etc. Everything's seemed so refined that it wrapped warmth around your heart. It's welcoming and you like it. This visit of yours from the city, you love it very dearly. But there's one thing that you just can't put your hands on. He's emotionless but he goes by the principles. He's not like a normal kid because he's so knowledgeable about cleaning, courtesy, and physical conditioning. As a kid, you thought that this kid is not in the right age. "He must've been older, I think" "He just shrunk back into a child's body but he's older" "This kid is a robot." You've always thought to yourself when you first met him. But when you got bored, you snuck out of the house to check its garden to see if there's something to pass the time with. To your surprise, the robot kid was there. Smiling upon the butterflies that have been flying around the garden. The scenery is picturesque. The subtle sun rays hitting his face like art. Right at that moment, you've had your first crush as a child. Suddenly, without you noticing, your body moved its own and is now holding this boy's face because you've been admiring it since. Now the boy's face is back to its original state. Stoic. Urgh, you've ruined it. But to neutralize the moment you spontaneously asked this kid to play tag with you. And to your surprise, he agreed. 
~~ "Oh did someone got injured?" Kita's grandmother asked "Yes and grandma, could you please hand me the first aid kit?" Kita instinctively asked. He's calm but you can see his worry and a timid trembling of his hands while dressing your wounds. He really is still a child. He did not shrink. He's not a robot, he can feel things. "You're really such a klutz Y/N." teased by your grandmother which you just rolled your eyes with then starts putting back your gaze to this boy who's still dressing your wounds. "But you gotta say goodbye now to your first love, Shinsuke. We'll be leaving in 30 minutes." your grandma teased again as you felt heat upon your ears out of embarrassment and disbelief that your grandmother knows. Girl's instincts it is. "It's done now. P-please take care of it afterward and regularly change y-yer wounds dressing." mini Kita said while stuttering. His head is now directed to the floor. While looking further to the sudden change. You saw his cheeks down to his ears. It's flushed red. But as a kid, you don't know what that is. Leaving the Kita household is sad but it surely left a whole mark in your heart. Its warmth and welcoming presence and that boy, Kita Shinsuke. Hopefully, as a kid, you wished that you could go back there and marry him.
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14 years passed. Due to stress in the city and it got noticed by your grandmother. She asked you to come with her for a week to help her best friend back in Hyogo for some harvest. "Ahh, farming. I got an opportunity to be farming," you've thought to yourself sweetly. You've got yourself a breather. So without hesitation, you giddily agreed to your grandmother. Going back to Hyogo, Kita fetched you both at the station. Kita assisted you throughout the vacation. He had been helpful ever since. When you're in distress with something, he'll come up saving and helping you get by. He hasn't changed a little. He's still the same as the boy that you've liked 14 years ago. But one thing changed, he's a man now. With muscular shoulders, a height that's way taller than you, with a refined face that you awe so much. This man, he really is a refined one compared to guys in the city and you fell in love with him over again. This vacation wouldn't be this perfect if it wasn't for him.
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"So your grandma’s staying over and you’re leaving tomorrow, right dear? May I ask, do you like it here Y/N-san?" his grandmother asked "Yes, obaa-chan!! Very much!! The kindness from people, unity, and food. Oh so great!" you've answered enthusiastically. "How bout you marry into this family Y/N? Live with Shinsuke." Kita's grandmother suggested as the two of you are making dinner while waiting for Kita and others finish up their business at the farm "You like it here dear, right?" added by your grandmother who's helping with cutting vegetables. "Please consider it Y/N-san. We'd love you staying here. Even the community loves you." "But how about Shinsuke-kun?" your grandmother asked "Just say these things to him and you'll get the answer," his grandmother giggled "Take your time considering this offer Y/N-san," she added calmly You haven't uttered a word as the word "marry" sunk its way onto you.   Without hesitation, you run out of the house. You ran from the thought that you'll be leaving city life. You ran from the thought that you'll be leaving that kingly routine that you've had and will now have a sophisticated routine for your daily life. And you ran from the thought that you'll be marrying your childhood friend, Kita Shinsuke. You wished you could've said yes properly just like in the movies. But the responsibilities back in the city. You have fallen in love with this place. Now that you've received the news that the community also loves you, you've fallen head over heels now. But the thing is how? "Can I fit into this town?"
"Can I also be a refined individual in this town?"
"Can I get used to this life that's away from the city?"
"Can I be a good mother of the house?"
"Can I be a good and perfect person to stand by Kita's side for life's eternity?" Anxious and insecure. You've become paranoid about the things that have been worrying you thinking that it's a lot to take in one sitting. So you just ran until you stumbled upon a rock and fell. "Ouch, what a good timing rock!" you've exclaimed and soon, you've heard steps nearing you. As you looked up, you saw Kita, running towards you and held your hands to help you get up from your little accident. "Are you fine Y/N-san? Are you hurt? What are you doing outside? Did something happen? Why are you crying? You're leaving tomorrow and you're like this?" Kita asked as he wiped your tears from your cheeks as you aren't able to because your hands are dirty. Without noticing, you pulled him to your embrace. Tightly but bearable for him. He's quite shocked by your sudden movement but he reciprocated. He also wrapped your frame with his arms and is now gently patting your back as you cry your tears out. "Everything's gonna be fine in your case," he mumbled in your hair. His presence calmed your very soul down. All your worries have subsided down within his hold. This man deserves the world. "Ha, this is somewhat like a deja vu." you chuckled as you peeled yourself off of him. "You picked me up again as soon as I fell and treated me until I'm better," you added shyly Your heart fluttered as you hear his mini chuckle in response to what you've said. "No matter what goes on, near or far, just remember I'll always be here for ya Y/N-san. I will do my best to help yer with the best that I can." he calmly said with a beautiful grin spread around his face that made you in awe again. "Thank you Kita-san. Let's go back, shall we? They might be worried by now," you've said "Okay, come on let me help you" he offered as you walk back to their house with the night's still young and a tranquil atmosphere lingering between the both of you like it's some safe space for you.
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"Are you sure you've got everything with you? I can fetch it up for you." Kita exclaimed "Nope, everything's here," you answered as Kita nodded with your sure response. "Please consider what I've said Y/N-san. I hope for your wonderful response when you return to fetch your grandmother." his grandmother mumbled "Yes obaa-chan," you've answered collectively "May I ask what is that?" Kita asked. "That's our secret Shinsuke-kun," his grandmother giggled "Hmm, something was strange last night Okay, so we'll see you in like three weeks then?" Kita asked "Yes Kita-san, see you," you replied as you gently bowed down to show your gratitude to their family. "Shinsuke would be fine Y/N-san" he cooed You chuckled as you give your thanks to them more and bid farewell as you turn your back as the train stood still in front of you. Fifteen minutes went by and you've realized that you've been better. You can never compare to anything that you've experienced in this place. The place that's like a scenery out of art. The wind that takes your worries away with them. Your time with the community that's so well spent. The time that you've spent with Shinsuke was like the world's best gift for you. And Shinsuke? you've realized that he's like God's tailored gift for you. Kita Shinsuke. You love him and you can't imagine a future without him. Even though he deserves the best in the world, you're now willing to do your best to give it to him. A wonderful life, a wonderful child, a wonderful wife and family that may be imperfect but will do its best, and a wonderful future that no one can ever imagine. You're now willing to do it. You now want to stay here and have this wonderful life and to marry Shinsuke. Luckily the next train stop was like a minute away. Without any wasted moment, you hurriedly got on to the train that’s going back to where you came from and contacted Kita to fetch you and you have something to say.
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"So what made you come back Y/N-san?" Kita asked while catching up his breath as he hurried his way back to you. "I've realized something." you've declared with your eyes shimmering like daylight stars "Your grandmother asked me to stay here and live with you Kita-san." "What?" he answered with an indescribable expression that you can't decipher because he's most frequently expressionless. This is kinda new to you and it even pushed your eagerness to know more. "Yes, what you've heard is right and I want to marry you Kita-san. Wait no, I want to stay by your side and build a family in this lovely town with you Shinsuke. I love you, will you marry me?" Nervousness crept its way when Kita just nodded and just directly looked down the floor for quite a while but it exhilarated its way when you've heard sniffles from Kita. He's crying? this is odd Suddenly, you've almost died from shock when Kita pulled you into a hug as he completely embraces you and is now kissing the crown of your head. So he's happy, I'm so glad. "Y/N-san, thank you. I'm so glad. Receiving these words from my first love is like the best gift that the Gods have given me. This is indescribable. Thank you Y/N. I love you too and marry me. No take-backs, okay?" Shinsuke surprisingly exclaimed Locking his eyes onto yours, he pulled you by the waist and he gently cupped your cheeks as he went to kiss you slowly as time stopped itself for the both of you. This is the gift that you can never share with anybody. This is perfect. "I can't wait to marry you Shinsuke," you've said as both of you pulled back but with your foreheads sticking together "Me too Y/N, I love you." Kita cooed lovingly as he grabbed your things to help you travel back to their house to deliver this wonderful news to your grandmothers.
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*•.¸♡ taglist ♡¸.•*  @maviiiiic​ @keiyoomi​ luv u peeps omg <3
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Edser/SCK anon asks (36 spec)
I accidentally deleted an ask that was interesting, if you don’t see yours here, resend it!
(Asks below the cut)
Anonymous said: Do you think that scene of Eda confronting Selin about it is the end of the episode? I'm so drained, Liza. When will this suffering end?
Oh honey, we have SUFFERED. We have. No doubt about it, but I’ll talk more about that in a minute. (We can overcome) 
First the fragman, could it be the end of the episode? I suppose so. It’s no fun thinking that it might be the cliffhanger and we have to live with that for 11 days instead of 4, but here’s the interesting thing, according to people who look closely at these things, the outfit Eda was wearing when confronting Selin, Hande was wearing that today while filming at Art Life. We also know that at Art Life the set was dressed for some sort of party or event. An event that had the word ‘love’ on the table. So which comes first? The confrontation with Selin or the Art Life scenes that do not include Deniz or Selin?? I don’t know.  The other wild card factor is Bige’s availability. I’m sure most people have heard by now that, sadly, her father passed away this week. This show does not work on a timeline where they can wait.  So they might have had to write her out of a few scenes already in this episode, and it’s unknown what her availability will be for next episode. That could end up changing things a bit, so we’ll see.  Maybe there will be a second fragman that gives us more context.
Now back to feeling drained by this storyline. I get you. I feel you. But here’s how you shake if off. Boil it down for yourself. Why do you continue to watch this show? I’m going to guess it’s for the same reason I continue to watch this show.  Edser. Eda and Serkan are still magic together in every single scene, and Hande and Kerem’s chemistry can turn even the most turgid, ill-advised story or scene into gold. They are worth watching whether they are looking into each other’s eyes or reading the phone book.  
So... my advice is to emotionally distance yourself from the plot. The plot is just the device to keep these two actors on screen together playing these two characters. And that sentence is truer for this show than for any other show I’ve ever watched (and I’ve watched A LOT of shows.) It’s all about these two characters and these two actors. So ultimately the plot doesn’t matter. Let the plot go. There is nothing to worry about, Edser is endgame, Edser is the reason this show exists, they are all the matters on this show. So knowing that, just enjoy their individual scenes, appreciate them for what they are and don’t tie yourself into knots over the nonsense these hack writers throw at us. It will all be fine in the end. 
Anonymous said: I kinda find it funny that what Erdem suggested turned out to be the way Serkan got his memory back. It was a scene fit for a romcom. Obviously it wasn't how I pictured him to remember but at this point I'll take it. Lol! Erdem should be a fortune teller or something!
You’re right. Erdem was on the right track. It would have been funnier if Erdem had hit him to get his memory back and once it worked, then Engin could have held Serkan down, while Erdem continued to bonk him in the head to bring back more memories.
Anonymous said: i totally feel the mixed feelings with the fragman, but it seems like its an ep with great edser moments where they're together and trying to solve this problem, at the same time they just couldn't keep the drama out of the fragman this time?! at a time where everyone is relieved and positive for the first time in weeks?! just seems like a bad move by the production imo and i'm not even that concerned with the plot like others are. another anon said this, but there is def selin fatigue
Selin fatigue is real!!!! But to be honest I was in Selin fatigue by ep 29. And it’s just gotten worse episode by episode. (though we had a bit of a reprieve from her in 34-35) but the fragman brought the fatigue back with a vengeance. The producer has tweeted before about how the show has to have drama, so, I guess that’s where we are. Drama. They think this is what sells, I guess?
They produce those fragman’s with the Fox viewer in Turkey in mind. So perhaps that’s the kind of tease that works well there? I have no idea. Honestly, I think they’re not worried about online fans and international fans because they know we’re so invested that we won’t give up. 
Anonymous said: Normally i would also calm down with the pregnancy thing, it’s probably selin’s last desperate attempt at keeping serkan BUT you know why it scares me? Because they’ll probably introduce the “Kemal is Serkan’s biological father” storyline and I hope that it’s not correlated to selin’s fake pregnancy...like, Serkan would never leave Eda but this Kemal thing will probably remind him how he never had a real father growing up so i hope this doesn’t push him to be by Selin’s side. However, it’s also true that I really don’t think that he and Selin had s*x so I also don’t think they can follow this path. I’m so confused I think we just need to wait and see haha
Yes, we need to wait and see. I see no reason to go down this speculation path unless we’re forced to, because it seems very unlikely to me. Clear it from your mind, and then, if the worst happens, we’ll deal with it then, not now. 
Anonymous said: Idk if u follow sck news on twitter but they posted pics/vids from set today in the office and it looks like a party with food and a sign that says “better together”. Someone commented a theory that serkan will orchestrate a surprise engagement party for eda while she talks to Selin and the ep will end with her turning down the proposal bc Selin is “pregnant” and then we have to wait for the next ep for serkan to tell her it’s not possible 🤡🤡 what do u think?
Yep, I follow sck news, who doesn’t? ;) I think this speculation is plausible, and as long as she’s upfront with Serkan about why and Serkan is able to shut it down immediately next ep, then I can live with this as a cliffhanger. 
Anonymous said: Part 1. You mentioned in a previous ask how Engin didn't tell Eda that Serkan remembered everything when he made it in time for the wedding. Honestly his lack of action was not surprising, upsetting or disappointing. That's just who Engin is. He's a talker, not a doer. Engin is Serkan's friend similar to how Ceren and Fifi are Eda's friends (I'm talking pre amnesia plot). They care about their friend's happiness. Engin has always talked reason to Serkan especially about his feelings for Eda.
Part 2. But Engin's reason for doing that is Serkan's happiness. Of course he wants Eda's happiness but mostly only because it's tied to Serkan's happiness. He has stood up for Eda before like when Serkan accused her of working with Kaan or when he said she deserves to know the truth about her parents death, but whatever Serkan says goes. He never acts in opposition to him. So if Serkan says he won't stop the wedding, Engin isn't going to do anything despite believing Eda should know the truth.
Here’s the problem with this, it’s not just him not caring about Eda. It’s him not caring about Serkan. He should have done it for Serkan, knowing that Serkan would regret his inaction the rest of his life.  It costs him nothing to tell Eda at that moment and let her make the decision. 
That’s one of my biggest problems with this cockamamie plot. From the first Fragman of 29, I said it was impossible that Selin could have hidden him away and rekindled her relationship with him because the other character wouldn’t allow it. Oh but they did. This storyline ruined pretty much every single supporting character, (outside of Melo) because otherwise, if they would have acted in-character or even like normal humans, it never would have worked. And that continued all the way up to this stupid fake/real wedding.  Writers... if you have to ruin every supporting character to bend and twist and make it so your antagonist isn’t immediately jailed or carted away to a mental hospital, that is a sign that it doesn’t work and you need to go back to the drawing board. 
Anonymous said: I have to say, they really do well with the casting on SCK. Especially when they want actors who look like they are related. Eda and her grandmother looked like they were related. It was great casting. Now Serkan and the new character look like they could be related. They have similar features. If the point is for us to speculate that they are father and son, I think they did a good job.
Yes, they really do. I’ve also always thought that Neslihan looks like she could be Kerem’s mother, they have the same coloring. Evrim looks like she could be related to Hande.  They have done a great job with that. 
Anonymous said: That fragman for ep 36...part of me wants to hope that it will all be solved pretty soon, since we got edser separated for so long we deserved them together now. But part of me also knows these writers suck so I’m expecting the worst. I just wanted edser together again 😭
You and me both, babe.  You and me both. 
In the meantime, lets remember to enjoy this show while it lasts. And if we can’t enjoy the plot, as I said above, let’s think about the things we can enjoy.  So if in this episode there are a dozen great Edser scenes and then one that rips out our hearts... let’s concentrate on the dozen, okay? The one that rips out our hearts will resolve itself soon enough. 
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