#because its nice to actually get the info about an oc out instead of just keeping it in my head locked away lmaooooo
selkymaiden · 1 year
mina and ❓🧩 ???!!?! MEIN GOTT i would love to learn more heh heh 🕵️‍♂️😈
OUGH. The noise I made. 🧍‍♂️
I will put a read more because I'm so sorry Naomi, I'm so sorry I'm about to go ham.
Also, love how you used a puzzle piece. Very good you are truly the detective here!!! 🔎🔎🔎
But Mina is my Private Investigator or Detective in the DC universe. Originally she was made as a side character for Sophie to have friends outside the Rogue gallery. But my friend had her own DC oc, India 💖, so I was like okay lemme expand on Mina so she has more of her own personality and storyline than just being a side character. So I started to tailor-make her more for the Arkham series of games instead of Gotham. But again I just mash up stuff like I did with Sophie since it's so easy with comic book lore. I mean... DC does it to themselves just like Marvel lakfjwelkrj But I say that because uhhhhh wait idk if you've played the Arkham series games? I'm so sorry if you have not and seen spoilers every single day on my blog. But like the last game in the series makes it left open-ended Batman died and I'm like 'nah son' he does not die. So basically I do what I want as we all should so we can enjoy our fucking uhhhhhh little blorbos.
BUT the pun on her name is A. Query. Full name: Aemilia Wilhelmina "Mina" Query. Cuz I wanted someone for the Riddler LMAO just for the fucking canon character again. And at first, I toyed with Oh uh Echo and Query are henchpeople The Riddler has used but I didn't want a henchperson oc. But I love henchpeople ocs though! Ngl I read a lot of spicy riddler x reader where the reader is a henchperson, but I didn't want that for my oc but that's because I'm a terrible person and just want all my gorls OP. Also, Arkham Riddler is so fucking insufferable but I can't not have Mina fuck him!!!
So yeah Mina and Eddie get it on!!! You don't understand Naomi I made a stupid ass moodboard for them when it was slow at work and I had nothing better to do.
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They are the tag: xo. lovefool
If you don't read all this I understand but thank you so much for asking and being interested! It's a good exercise to just get my lore out about her instead of just thinking it lmaooooo
Uhhh but she's a Private Investigator, licensed, she actually does not work or care for the GCPD and has a chip on her shoulder with them. So she likes to take cases from their departments and solve them before their people. But she's not taking on murder stuff, even though she could, no she's more into solving, which she has solved, a lot of missing persons and then cheating cases. LMAO she's like that fucking cheaters show and will bust people's asses for money. But she's very good at what she does and would probably be an asset if she did work for GCPD but she only really respects Gordon and Barbara there. Instead, she's fine with what she has, she's not ambitious but does like to stick her nose into things just to be knowing. Tying with Sophie she gets away with things someone on the 'side of the law' should not be able to do cuz she'll run to Sophie for protection. And she's not a bribe person I guess also? She's neutral in Gotham or does her best. She picks and chooses her battles.
So with her and the Riddler though for the longest time they never actually met in person. Instead, she's come upon his radio frequency before. After that, they talk and eventually flirt over the radio, phone, text, email, internet whatever, just anything but in person. She's a novelty item to Edward when Batman isn't paying attention to him basically. It's cuz she's solved his puzzles and riddles before so she's not just some little idiot running around Gotham. Still not as smart as him or even worthwhile other than to pass the time! But his attitude of him thinking himself smarter than everyone and being so degrading to her wears on her but instead of being 'ok bye' her ass actually starts a grudge. So she starts to make it a point to be better than him! And like the last straw is when he sets up his little challenges for Batman but it's a total coincidence, it interrupts a case she's been on for months and ruins everything. So her ass goes through the whole trouble of solving a series of riddles and puzzles meant for Batman. She went out of her way to find them all and solve them so she can confront the Riddler finally. Him getting pinged thinking it's Batman gets all excited but when he goes to confront it's Mina. He flips out just "Wtf wtf wtf you cheated! you didn't solve these! Why are you here??" but jokes on him she did it. ANYWAYS IM SORRY ITS SO LONG BUT SHORT STORY INSTEAD OF FIGHTING HIM LIKE SHE INTENDED SHE TAKES ONE LOOK AT HIS FUCKING WET BITCH PATHETIC ASS AND THEY GET IT ON. like tension but not the kind of tension he's used to where he just gets his face smashed in with the Dark Knight instead she uses her mouth on him *wink wonk* it's about the sexual tension babeeyyyyy !!!
also here is a moodboard just for Mina. She's the oc. wilhelmina
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moss-and-marimos · 9 months
info dump to me about whatever media, OC's, albums, or anything else that comes to mind! :D (if you want to, that is)
infodump incoming about my dnd character
Grahhhhhh Percival makes me actually wild, hes a triton, he looks like this, sorry If ive showed you him before I cant remember
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but this guy makes me actually wild. hes so unwell hes got so many issues. we've finally started getting a little into his lore in the campaign and I got to call his sister last session which is a big step, and hes finally getting comfortable with the party calling him nicknames which is a big deal because like very very early on campaign I told the other players that he was the type to silently judge you if you called him Perci instead of Percival if you weren't close with him, but last session was the first time one of the other people slipped and called him perci and I got to be like 'he doesnt react negatively' and theyre all like omg we got nickname privileges and im very happy about it at the same time unfortunately though, a lot of his development is kinda gonna go down the drain now because we've got a new player joining the campaign and its really gonna mess him up, he was finally feeling comfortable in the character dynamic, they just saved his life literally and that means a lot to him, but now a new person is joining and thats going to feel like a big betrayal of trust he had a party before this one a few years ago, when he was a lot newer to the surface, and they didnt really care about him or treat him well, and so to get healed by the others meant a lot, because the other party wouldnt heal him unless he was fully downed, always saying that he was overreacting because he was a kid (he was 16-17 at the time) which just wasn't true, this guy has a high pain tolerance and is used to hiding injuries from adults, and so to 1. see his party immediately heal him and for even the pacifist to start taking the fight seriously once he got seriously injured meant a ton, and 2. that they didnt immediately freak out at his blood being the 'wrong color' (his blood is blue) also meant a ton to him. this guy has issues he has so many issues. hes got some kind of complex about not being human enough and it messes him up, but the party has all been nice about him being nonhuman and it means a lot, even though he still tries to mask a lot of his nonhuman traits around them
in the future at some point the campaign is going to go back to the undersea and im trying to figure out how he would react to that. even though hes a fish and comes from the ocean, ever since he left at 16 I dont think hes ever, or at least not often, gone back. his parents were really awful, and hes scared to step very deep into the water because, even though he can breathe underwater literally, metaphorically it would feel like drowning. I think he might be able to put it aside for a little bit for the sake of the party and having to teach them how to move around underwater and stuff, but I definitely think it would mess him up pretty bad. he would also be happy to see his sister though, she's an artificer, and is probably going to be the one to give them the stuff that allows them to breathe underwater, he cares about her a ton and vice versa. ironic for him to be a fish with a fear of the ocean
fun little details about him: - he has a sending stone flavored as a seashell, his shell phone we call it, he uses it to call his sister and thats the only contact it has, and its a cowrie shell (his sisters' is a conch) - He really idolizes his sister, she pretty much raised him, she's the reason he dyes his hair white and wears it in a ponytail - This fish is transgender 💪💪💪 so is his sister too - He can bioluminesce and its one of his stims is that he makes the lights flash up and down his forearms - his name is a fish pun based on the genus perciformes
We got to do a thing recently where he was like actually scared, because he has a lot of issues with bodily autonomy and so being mind controlled is one of his worst fears/triggers, and there was/is a very real potential for that to happen, and its one of the first times the party has ever seen him scared and I love describing the changes in his body language. Most of the time he presents himself very confidently for lack of better term, very open body language, but when hes scared that changes, he doesnt lean back as much, his tail flicks, he clutches at his forearms (especially since one was recently injured when he almost died) and leaves claw marks in his leather bracers, etc
I have more I might put in another reblog bc this is getting really long
traumatized with so many issues -> 🐟
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arcenergy · 8 months
Would you be willing to share more info about Drax?? Pwease 👉👈
i have an obscenely long lore document but it's out of date at this point because my brainrot runs a mile a minute but drax tldr
ishgardian but got kicked out (his dad sux)
always pretty good with magic but never got the chance to practice
very quiet, emotionally stunted, didnt think much of himself
wandered around gridania from ~16-26. at first it was just random gigs to have some money but he eventually got into the adventuring gig because he crashed a lot of bars/inns/taverns and the usual crowds ended up squeezing his name/occupation out of him. drax at this point is like the vid of the dude reading a book at the tyler the creator concert
at first adventuring gigs were for the money and the people he traveled with were decent enough but he got more of an emotional attachment after dalamud fell and now he was Actually helping people
got considerably better at magic during his travels also started doing suspicious black magic oOOooOOOoooooooo but he's really good at blowing stuff up so its ok :) ! nothing bad happens i prommy
when hydaelyn gives her blessing of light it turns his brown eyes into that dodge ram bright ass yellow highbeams and it's genuinely unnerving for most people when they first see him and drax hated it until he ends up enjoying being hydaelyn's silliest soldier and sees it as physical proof of her blessing
during ARR MSQ he ends up going a little too hard on the magic and its killing him a little bit so he gets the emo white strips of hair
he's like omg no its ok ill stop <3 and then never stops. at all. he gets way overboard into the insane hero complex and obsessed w hydaelyn bc he didnt feel like he had a purpose until God Told Him So so he continually pushes himself and causes considerable injury to himself until it becomes routine years later
ends up becoming a drk after haurchefart dies cuz he feels bad about the homie and wants to take a more proactive role in protecting his friends instead of being a low life dps player. he also gets a little silly during heavensward (killed a LOT of templar knights)
also during heavensward since he lost the blessing for a lil bit the highbeams got turned off and his eyes were brown again n he hated people seeing it bc it was Vulnerable for him but in reality 99% ishgardians had 0 idea he looked any different and were freaked the fuck out by the pope killing, dragon-slaying man running around ishgard covered in blood and gore from WHO knows what and now he has lightbulbs for eyes. No fucking wonder people thought it was the end of days if they looked outside their window and saw THAT guy
also a set of duo as in Two ! warriors of light with my friends oc risu bc what's the point if there's no crazy homoerotic drama
drax is genuinely nice and kindhearted though i dont think that ever went away even as time went on. there's still a big soft spot in his heart for looking out for people as he gains an immense amount of empathy towards others during his travels/especially after the 'protector of Literally Everyone' role gets forced on his shoulders. he cares so much it's practically his downfall because he'd rather cut off his own hand then even risk the possibility of harming someone else with that hand. it doesnt help that he didnt view himself very highly before turning into a "hero" so now his self worth hinges on everyone thinking he's doing a Very Good Job being Hydaelyn's Specialest Guy at all times even though the light has nearly killed him like 30 fucking times at this point
i think he became more mentally unwell after killing hydaelyn and is trying to exist in a world that she left for everyone to do what they want with but drax never had the opportunity to do anything he ever wanted his entire life (and now hydaelyn essentially dictating the rest of his life by slapping her blessing on him) and he's now trying to fill the void by doing random shit until something clicks. stay tuned if this works out for him
ty for asking about him. ill fix the lore doc eventually (i wont)
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dbphantom · 2 years
I've been rereading some of my Bl3 h2o au and actually I missed it sm lol bbbbbbbbbbb info dump incoming
It's wild bc some parts come across as awkward to me now after about 2-3 years... To me this fic is very recent so to think I've improved enough to recognize flaws in such a short amount of time... Wha!!
Also Junpai-7 arc my beloved. That's all. I love this arc. Twin sun planet that hates the moon and has sun festivals with Digby Vermouth to celebrate longer days. Custom made RGB Guardian OC that designed mermaids and furthers 'Eridian experimentation' lore and she eventually teams up with the Crimson Raiders after talking to Tannis. The fact that I accidentally called Guardian possession as a lore mechanic because I wanted a way to fit being moonstruck into my silly au. There are pirates and vampires and double-crossing mermen and an Eridian Compass that points the owner to an underwater Vault that becomes a huge whirlpool with a giant sea monster inside. This arc is SO self-indulgent and I love it so much.
Also when ur reading the Pandora 'main story' stuff u can see where I decided the Crimson Raiders' new base on Pandora was going to be Roland's Rest while they build Sanc-III during the main story because it abruptly cuts back to it in the middle of an arc LOL (and also where I decided there was a Pandoran moon pool in the Salt Flats instead of a lineage factor to this one... Because moon pools... I wanted to fit one into the main story to have a basis for the 'revisiting junpai-7 with the Crimson Raiders' arc OK shhh)
And I forgot I killed off Emma and Nino and actually my heart broke when they died bc I was like 'Awww I missed the Black Ops Squad' AND THEN THEY WERE DEAD hhggghhh but This arc also has all the Obsidian Block lore with all the characters being named after H2O villains (Greg, Sophie, Dr. Denman, Will...) and ALSO explains some Eridian lore and I think is also the first time I refer to moonstone from tps as its 'scientific' name which is Cythium-3 :) AND this is where Barnabas betrays Zane after joining the Black Ops Squad and starts their whole thing. Very back-and-forth with the vibes overall... Also lowkey can't wait to see what the actual lore explanation is for the triangle jackets because I will be permanently ignoring that in favor of my Black Ops Squad designs thank you (the jackets were bc they were all part of the Dahl Black Ops outfit on Pandora (referencing that ECHO Captain has about Zane) before they were abandoned, but they were nice af jackets so they kept them and replaced the Dahl logo with the triangle design)
Also also there are SO MANY references to stuff that isn't just H2O... In the junpai-7 arc the Rogues (Clay and the gang) are in the process of smuggling the Eridian Compass to a place called Mariejois when Zane shows up to steal it for the pirate queen Cutlord Karuu bc I love One Piece and it's Pirates okay. Also Zane drinks and enjoys Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, in which he compares the headache after getting moon-driver-struck to getting his brain smashed in with a brick without the lemon.
Also oh my god Zoomer is baby I'm so sorry I forgot about you 🥺 he's so small and beeps so much... He's just doing his best... Yeah he will shoot you but he's trying his best okay don't judge him... Blane (stands for Blue Zane) on the other hand is a total dick and messes with Zane at every opportunity and I think that's beautiful. He's only like that because tediore accidentally switched out the personality cores for the clone so he's the exact opposite of Zane
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resetting37 · 5 months
🌻🌿🌲 for oc game, choose three ocs!!
thank you !!
16 oc questions
let's choose heidi, ian, and theo !
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🌻 What advice would your OC give to their younger self? What advice does your OC need now?
Heidi has soooo much she wants to tell her younger self. "Take the art history course instead of economics" "Apply for an early internship instead of a barista job" "Do not give Whitney your contact info" etc. etc. As for the advice she needs now, maybe be a little patient. Sometimes stories happen naturally, and the ones she desperately seeks don't lead to anything interesting.
Ian would tell his younger self to take more advantage of his position. As a small kid he wasn't the son of an empress yet, but he still could have gotten away with some snooping and exploring. In fact, Ian would want to tell his younger self to specifically seek out certain pictures or documents and store them somewhere safe so his future self could find use to them. Current Ian needs to be told the scariest tales happen right beneath his feet but don't worry, he's going to find that out soon enough :-3
Theo would just remind his younger self that there's no shame in being quiet, he'll learn to eventually embrace it. Idk what current Theo could be told that would be useful. Maybe to remember to pack extra camera film ? He's missed out on some good footage in the past because of that.
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noted !
🌷 What does your OC hate about themself? What lies about themself do they believe? On the flip side, What does your OC love about themself?
Heidi hates that she's not "successful", and while she blames her lack of experience, she also worries she just doesn't have what it takes. but also that ties in with the lies about herself. She's not unsuccessful in her journalism, she's still in her early twenties and hasn't cracked a big case yet, no big deal ! She loves that she's persistent, and that she sees through the lies of the city of Evelow. Sure, it makes her mad, but a hell of a lot better than being clueless.
Ian doesn't dabble too much in self loathing, but I do think he's sometimes insecure about how he turned out given he's the son of the empress. (But I think he's more so critical of the position of his mom, like she didn't have to go and do all that, come on now...) As far as lies, he accepts criticism he faces as being an unsuccessful heir to his mother's reputation. Ian is like "sure idgaf I'm just chilling and having fun" sometimes, but he needs to give himself more credit, as he's smarter and more passionate about his work than he lets on. He loves his horror novel collection, but besides material things, Ian likes that he at least makes an attempt to get along with everyone.
Despite Theo wanting to tell their past self that being shy is okay, they still wish they spoke up more. Theo I don't think Theo has much of a reputation, therefore there aren't any lies for them to believe ? That beside the ones they believe about themself, in that being quiet is a flaw.
🌲 What is the kindest thing your OC has ever done for someone? What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for them? On the flip side, what is the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
Kindest thing Heidi has done is admit her fault recognize that lack of criticism isn't a substitute for a compliment, so when she started to compliment others it came as a welcome surprise. I'm not sure if there's a specific action/interaction, but the nicest moment to her was when her big story on the "Ellocast Project" (aka some in-universe lore) got a lot of attention. I guess the nice aspects come from the help she got in uncovering information.
Heidi actually isn't as bad as her deadpan face indicates, but she has been more hurtful than she meant to be, and it's especially a gut punch when its a fight with a friend. I imagine she had one heated argument and said some mean things that felt more honest from an observant person like Heidi.
Kindest thing Ian has done was something I'd imagine an older version of him doing, which is being more active in the city's community, whether it be teacher assisting or putting up education projects. He always loved "talking to others about things" so I'd like to think that would continue as he grew older. Nicest thing someone has done for him was sell the original records of the first sighting of the wailing swallows (more in-universe lore) at a very good price.
worst thing Ian has done to someone is hard to decide. He's never intentionally mean, but I'm thinking he may have accidentally exposed an anonymous identity on his radio show and got that person in trouble.
Ian: "And with us today is an eye witness of the incident, and turns out it's an employee of the institution itself ! Please welcome Pollux Wynn ! ... Or is it Dr. Wynn ?
*Other side of line falls silent*
Ian: "...hello ?"
Theo always goes out of his way to do nice things, I'd say the nicest thing was to wake up at 2am because his best friend Heidi calls him saying she uncovered an entrance into an out-of-commission courthouse and insists the morning would be too late. Theo didn't even ask Heidi to owe him one after getting up out of bed at that time. Nicest thing done for him was when someone anonymously covered his meal at his local diner. Though as nice as this was, it did leave Theo a little upset he couldn't return the favor lmao
Worst thing Theo has done towards someone else was break into someone's house. Look, most of the place Theo's going into aren't residential or are abandoned, but he did learn there's still thriving communities in the edges of Evelow. whoops !
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red-revival · 2 years
howdy hey!! tell me about ur ocs!!! thru a cursory tag i saw one emari and as such would like to hear about them but please use this as a soapbox to talk about any ocs!!
YESSSSSSSSSSS i am so happy rn ok so so
Emari is a ferrokinetic vigilante I play in a superhero game- specifically using the Mutants and Masterminds ttrpg system which is my favourite ever
Um so. Yallve seen the art. Big pretty man covered in spikes with 2 prosthetic limbs. Fun design fact- Emari’s leg has a heart design on the knee! The loss of his limbs was directly related to him becoming metahuman, so he knew right off the bat he would need to get them specially made to not be fucked up by magnets. So they were like fuck it if i gotta pay insane amounts of money for my limbs I’m making them cute. His hand has a heart shape on the back of it too <3
Hes a big sweetheart and very friendly and nice to the point where. The loner ace detective character one of my friends plays ended up into him, he’s befriended almost everyone hes met IC, and usually ends up friends with ppl after one rp scene together. Also usually when he has to fight people he treats their wounds after because he really doesnt like hurting people even when he has to
Fun facts: 1 He dropped out of hs because of a combination of chronic fatigue syndrome and depression and ended up in a band with his best friends. 2 their sister taught them to fight and their dad taught them first aid after they came out as trans. 3 he has nerves in his metal spikes. He can feel them
Other fun fact I LOVE telling so. A lot of people think Emari is a self-insert. This is incorrect! I made Emari back when I was bi, nonbinary, ace, didnt have chronic fatigue, hadnt gotten the depression diagnosed yet. All of those similarities where I also ended up a homosexual trans man with chronic fatigue and depression happened AFTER i made him. Basically Emari is not my self insert they were like this first, my friends joke that I’m their self insert
Other smaller oc rambles in that server I’m ALSO playing
-Corvid gadgeteer nicknamed Maggie who is. Not very nice but she does care a lot. She also works for an organization called the vulture division, which does research into how exactly metahuman abilities work. Basically mad scientist but instead of being eccentric shes just kinda rude
-Superhero/secret villain with ink-based powers. Shes kinda boring on her own tbh but shes important for the story im leading players thru rn
-Star themed hero named Nova, a terrifying character both mechanically and lore-wise. There’s a LOT abt Nova so I’ll save his info for a separate ramble but tldr starry hero raised by a pair of villains who turned in the evidence to get his own parents captured and went on to become a hero out of pure fucking spite
-Biological manipulator/shapeshifter named Finch. 200 year old body horror villain who only actually cares about his Scoundrels, which. Technically is a villain team, but as far as Finch is concerned is their family <3 She is the worst, I love her, and she has THREE false identities. Also its like. ‘True’ identity is legally dead. So.
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mayumiiyuu · 2 years
Not too sure if you’re still taking requests but can we get more love for an Eddie x Filipina! Reader. It’s super nice having some representation (especially with your OC series)!!!
a/n: I acc am still taking reqs !! most of them are in my drafts tho bc I haven’t finished them hehe whoops
Eddie Munson w a Filipina!gf headcanons
ok first of all he would be so interested to learn about you and your culture, he just wants to know everything abt you really and since your culture is a big part of your identity he wants to learn more
i personally hc that eddie is like not a picky eater at all this man will eat anything,,, that being said he ADORES sinigang and (surprisingly) dinuguan
even when u tell him it’s basically a dish made of uhhh chicken/pork blood,,, he just blinks while he processes that info and then shrugs
“idc what it’s made of, if it tastes good it tastes good—also how fucking metal is that????”
when u guys start dating u explain to him the courtship process back in the Philippines
his eyebrows raise when he learns about harana (basically serenading someone)
literally shows up at your window under the dark of night w his guitar and sings and plays for u
learns all your favorite OPM songs on the guitar too :”D
ok we all know that eddie has this whole ‘tough metalhead dude’ look in spite of him being a total nerd so ur parents are a little apprehensive
but then when they hear him play for you outside your window and see how absolutely lovesick you are for him they just let it slide
also as they get to know him more and see how devoted he is to you they’d be like ok thumbs up bery gud
your mom will probably adore him bc he constantly asks for seconds whenever you guys have dinner at your place and it warms her heart that he appreciates her cooking so much
“okay so one of the more popular swear words is ‘putangina mo’.”
“what does that mean?”
“it literally translates to ‘your mother is whore’ but—“
“holy shit???? that’s so mean tho I don’t wanna say that abt anyone’s mom :((“
“baby it’s ok sometimes it’s taken out of that context and usually just means fuck you.”
“yeah but still >:/“
when u teach him how to say yawa,,, or like hayop ka he uses that every time someone messes w him and they just stare at him like,,, what did u just say while ur cheering for him on the sidelines like “U TELL EM BABE”
always there to help u translate words when u forget the English translation, but like not in the he’s like an English Filipino dictionary tbh it’s more like charades.
“eds can you pass me the um… wait what’s that called again??”
“ooo act it out act it out!”
after a few minutes of charades and random hand gestures a lightbulb goes off in his head “OH U MEAN THIS—“
while he learns a lot of words from u he asks ur mom about words of endearment and then surprises u one day while giving you a hug like “hello mahal, did you eat yet?”
calls you super cute nicknames like “mahal”, “sinta”, “palangga”,
sometimes he calls you by food names which sounds weird but is actually kinda sweet such as “my little siopao” or “my sweet ensaymada”
one time he called u his cute little adobo flake and you swore you’d pass out from laughter right then and there
slowly picks up on your mannerisms, like whenever he needs to point something out he purses his lips to point at it instead of his finger
LOVES LOVES LOVES when you tell him abt Filipino creatures !!!
absolutely obsessed with the idea of the manananggal (a creature who takes the form of a woman by day then by night she separates from her torso and sprouts bat wings to feast on people) because he thinks it’s honestly so cool how there are so many different fantastical creatures around the world.
“so say I wanted to kill one, how would I do that?” “you sprinkle chili, salt, vinegar, and garlic into its lower half”
he paused for a minute.
“isn’t that basically the blend of vinegar you have in your kitchen?”
he honestly just loves you so much with all his heart and being, and admires how passionately you talk about your culture and history. sometimes he goes out of his way to make things/buy you things that remind you of home.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
hello, i just found your monsters and magic au and from what i've seen its super cool! i'll definitely be reading 'make every moment last' once summer hits, for sure (its a bit long and i kinda wanna read it all in one go). dunno if this'll be spoilers, but do you think you could give a bit of info on the phantom thieves? you mentioned that everyone besides like 3 of them were human, which seems to have changed from the iterations in the post that listed all of their species. and also whats up with reaper ryuji? curious to know about those choices, and hoping you can shed some light! have a nice day! (ps: i also really really like minato's clock eye, its so cool and i may have to steal that idea for an oc of my own djfhjdfhk)
I'm glad you like it! The last chapter of Make Every Moment Last should be up on June 30th, so it should be ready for a nice binge for the summer.
And the stuff with the Phantom Thieves isn't spoilers at all, I promise. I think there might be a small mix-up. Because they live in a heavily human populated area, a majority of the Phantom Thieves are at least part-human. I probably should edit the list, but for clarity:
Both of Ren's parents are witches, so he's a full-blooded witch.
Morgana is... Morgana.
Ryuji is a reaper/shinigami. It's implied that this comes from his father, as in P5 he has to learn to control his abilities from an outside source. This person is also the one who gave Ryuji his disguise charm to hide his reaper traits.
Instead of 3/4 American, Ann is 3/4 Demon and 1/4 human. Her father is half-human.
I talk about this more in a separate post, but Yusuke's kitsune blood and powers come from his father. His mother was a human woman.
Makoto actually was born human. After an accident took her life, a friend of Sae's reached out to help. As a result, Makoto was kind of... resurrected. Like Frankenstein. This is something that's highly illegal to do on purpose. (there's one instance where it was on accident. we'll get to that later, but for now it's spoilers. let's just say it's how sae's friend figured out that there was a way to bring back the dead.) So, Makoto is a zombie. There's a lot of lore involved with that.
Futaba is... I got inspired by Necronomicon for this. Wakaba was some kind of eldritch being that Futaba constantly writes off as "sea monster" as to not freak people out. Her father was human, whomever he may be. This all depends on your headcanons, honestly.
Haru's father is a vampire, but her mother wasn't. Technically speaking, that makes her something called a dhampir but details. This does come into play with how I write out her Awakening scene.
Akechi plays things off like he's a full-blooded witch, much like Ren. However, since Shido is human in this AU, that's not true. The fact that Akechi is half-human is something that he hates and he thinks makes him weaker. So, unlike Ren who was predisposed to magic and natural talent, Akechi had to work and study hard to get as strong as he is by the time P5 rolls around. There's... There's a bit more that I do with Akechi, but uh... spoilers.
Sumire (and by extension, Kasumi as well) are both full-blooded fae. Both of their parents are fae, specifically flora fae. So their magic has a lot to do with plants and the like. I hint at Sumire's true identity by having her only able to use her powers to grow violets for the longest time. Her magic knows the truth, even if she refuses to acknowledge it.
I actually have yet to figure out what Sophia is. I don't know if I'm gonna keep her as an AI or have things get much darker with her being a spirit trapped in the digital world.
And obviously, Zenkichi is a werewolf. His codename is Wolf. How could I not do that? The only issue is, up until the Kyoto Jail, he has no idea. So it's a fun thing to play around with.
As for Ryuji, he originally was supposed to be the Phantom Thieves' team werewolf! I changed it, however, when Strikers came out and I started playing it. I thought that it would make more sense for the werewolf to be the person who's codename was Wolf.
The reason why Ryuji is a reaper now is actually because of Captain Kidd and the whole skeleton vibe going on. Since the undead are rather rare (and only vampires are legal, we aren't allowed to raise the dead), an immediate skeleton was out of the question. That's how I landed on reaper instead. It gives him a chance to have badass powers, too, to use in combat.
And besides, there's already one reaper in the overall Persona cast in P2. Why not have another?
If we're being honest, I completely forget the original reason that mark was included on Minato's eye. I think I just wanted a cool design element to make him stand out from his canon counterpart, and it ended up playing into the lore of the story.
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leejungchans · 4 years
— our first snow.
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word count: 2.2k
pairing: dino (svt) x idol!oc (juliet)
warning(s): mentions of cyberbullying, allusions to stalking (dispatch yucky), mentions of the toxic/dark side of the kpop industry
genre: mostly fluff; slight angst (about idol life); crushes-to-lovers; idol au
notes: can be read as a standalone but you can refer to juliet’s masterlist for more info on her!! there may be some weather inaccuracies in this ahskhwjs please don’t be mad 😭 i live somewhere that never snows :(
summary: a confession is made during the first snowfall of 2021.
a/n: thank you to the anon who suggested a cute dino/juliet scenario 🥺💖 i hope you like this!!! thank you all for reading and have a nice day!!
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Winter in Seoul is beautiful.
Even though she’s been living in Korea for six, almost seven years, Juliet thinks she can never get tired of seeing snow. Something about it is just so utterly magical and charming, like being in a Christmas card. Sure, it’s freezing and the snow sticks to everything—her hair, parka, boots, even her lashes, but it’s still one of her favourite things about living in Seoul as it’s something she wouldn’t be able to experience back home in Sydney.
Juliet still remembers the first time she saw snow the year she moved to Korea and how transfixed she had been. Upon learning about this, Yeri, the first friend she made at her former company, immediately dragged her out to the sidewalk where snow elegantly floated down from the sky and would eventually envelop Seoul in a pristine white blanket.
Though, she supposes that at the moment, they’re experiencing more of a snowstorm than a snowfall. By the time she gets back to the dorm, her black parka will probably turn white from all the snow sticking to it. She wonders what her members are doing, if they’re also enjoying the snow or staying inside to shield themselves from the biting cold.
A particularly strong gust of wind blows the hood of Juliet’s parka off her head, causing snow to immediately start landing on her newly-dyed purple hair. A gloved hand instantly reaches up to tug the hood snuggly back into place.
The female idol turns to her companion and smiles, even though he can only see her eyes due to the both of them wearing black masks, but she hopes he notices her eye-smile anyways. “Thanks, Channie.”
Juliet watches Chan’s eyes curve into crescents, and she knows he’s also grinning behind his mask. They’re always so sparkly, she thinks, like they hold the entire universe in them.
“C’mon,” he says softly, “the snow’s getting heavier, better get you home before we’re both stranded out here.” Juliet doesn’t tell him, but she wouldn’t exactly complain even if they do get stranded as along as she’s with him.
Here being a mostly empty street with only the dim lights from the street lamps and the occasional passerby to keep them company. The passerby’s don’t pay them any attention either as they walk briskly in an attempt to get out of the snowstorm as quickly as possible. They did pass a few small groups of people who came outside to enjoy the first snow of the year, but those people too occupied with making snowmen and taking photos to notice that they had crossed paths with two idols.
Despite the late hour, Juliet doesn’t want to go home. At least, not yet. She knows she should be back by now, a few award shows are scheduled for the end of the month, not to mention ATEEZ’s upcoming projects and appearances, so she needs all the sleep she can get to keep up with the practising. Chan definitely also needs the rest, yet he insists on walking her back to her dorm after their late night out before going back to his.
Juliet knows they’re both physically exhausted from their hectic lifestyles, but it is the unspoken knowledge that this is the only time of the day they have for themselves, truly just themselves, that make them want to stay out longer to retain a sense of normalcy. Over the years, she’s learnt to cherish the short-lived moments away from the cameras and prying eyes.
It’s knowing this that causes her to deliberately slow down her walking pace, because she wants just a little more time where she is simply Baek Minyoung instead of Juliet from ATEEZ, spending time with her friend Lee Chan and not Dino from SEVENTEEN.
Juliet has always believed that she is someone who warms up to people slowly with the exception of her members. But then Chan came into her life and effortlessly wove himself into the seams of her heart in a blink of an eye.
She thought they’d just be friends, she really did, until she found herself falling for the energetic boy with a heart of gold after a few secret outings much like this one. Before either of them knew it, their friendship had morphed into something more, though neither dared to make a move. After all, they know how fragile idol relationships can be in their industry—interfering companies, invasions of privacy, the slew of hateful comments that every idol couple cannot escape...
There were many nights where Juliet stayed up late thinking if it was easier to stay friends than to take the next step. Idol friendships, even opposite-sex ones, typically last longer and are met with less scrutiny, after all.
In those times, she also found herself wondering what her life would’ve been if she never came to Seoul and became an idol. She never thought that at one point in her life, getting a coffee or grabbing lunch with friends without having people shove their phones in your face would be a luxury, but here she is.
But if she never came to Seoul, she never would’ve met her members, the kind staff members who treat her like a younger sister or daughter, the amazing friends she met along the journey of becoming an idol...
She also wouldn’t have met Chan, so there’s that.
She once asked him during a phone call last year how he and his members cope with all the downsides that come with being an idol.
“It’s a learning process every day, I think,” he says thoughtfully. “But in general, I try to tell myself that even though bad things happen, there’s still a lot of good that outweighs the bad...I get to meet amazing people and do what I love for a living...These things are what I will cherish forever, the bad things won’t last forever, and it doesn’t do me any good to lose myself in them instead of the good.”
Juliet thinks about that a lot. Not that he has to know, or he’ll never let her live it down.
“—say about the first snow?”
Chan turns to face her with confusion written across his face from a lack of response. She blinks blankly at him. “What?”
He shoots her a look of mock exasperation. “Were you seriously not listening to anything I was saying?” he whines.
“Sorry, I spaced out!”
“I’m not going to be friends with you if you keep ignoring me like this!”
Before the boy has time to react, Juliet grabs a handful of snow from the ground and launches it at his face. He splutters for a moment, brushing off the flakes from his mask as she cackles, but her glee doesn’t last long when he reaches for a larger handful of snow.
Juliet shrieks and jogs away from Chan, which isn’t as easy as she thought given that her feet keep sinking into the layer of snow. “Wait, wait! Stop! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“You have to keep it down,” he laughs, gently tossing the snow back onto the ground, “we can’t be out here screaming and drawing Dispatch’s attention.” His tone is light and teasing, but the mention of the news—no, gossip—outlet makes her wrinkle her nose in distaste.
Though she can’t help but find it funny that if someone from Dispatch is actually currently following them—and she hopes they’re not because, hello? What happened to privacy and human decency?—all they’d get would be footage of them throwing snow at each other.
“You’re right,” Juliet says as they continue walking, “let’s not give them more business. What were you saying earlier, by the way?”
“I asked if you know what people here say about the first snow.”
Of course she does. Even if it has never been brought up in the dramas or movies she watched, her friends outside the industry have certainly gushed about the symbolism.
“No, not really,” she replies, feigning innocence. Playing dumb is fun, especially when you can also play the ‘foreigner card’ to back yourself up.
“It’s said that any lie you tell on the day of the first snowfall will be forgiven, and that any wish you make will be granted.”
Juliet frowns. “I thought that was for the first snowfall of the season, not the year. So technically, today’s not the first snow.”
Chan’s mouth drops open in a large ‘O’. “I thought you said you don’t know much about the first snow,” he accuses before shoving her lightly.
“Ah-ah-ah, you can’t be mad at me! You said any lie told today will be forgiven!”
“You’re the one who said today doesn’t count!”
“Okay,” Juliet relents, “this can be our thing, then. We can have two first snows each year.”
He laughs, and she can’t help but admire the sound of it. It’s just so contagious and never fails to put her in a good mood. “Deal.”
They keep walking until her building is in view. Admittedly, it’s a risky move to have him walk her all the way to the building’s entrance, as it’s known that people tend to wait outside idols’ dorms hoping to catch a glimpse of them, but Chan insisted that he didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of her walking alone in the dark at this hour.
“You know what else people say about the first snow?” Chan’s voice loses its usual playful edge. Instead, it sounds far softer and might’ve even betrayed a sense of nervousness.
Juliet doesn’t respond, but she turns to face his side profile to assure him that she’s listening. He keeps looking down at the ground, so she decides to silently admire the straight slope of his nose and the sharp angle of his jawline.
“People say that if you confess to someone during the first snow, you’ll stay together for a long time.”
“Is this your way of saying that you want to be with me for a long time?” she teases, but her grin drops when Chan looks at her with a solemn expression. “Oh. Oh. You’re being serious.”
He huffs out a quiet laugh at her wide eyes. “I know we’ve talked about this before, but what would you say if I told you I want to be with you? Officially, I mean.”
What would she say? A million thoughts are running through her mind, and she feels as though she’s been struck by lightning. How would the boys react? Their second year since debut was only a few months ago, would they think it’s too early? Would they be upset with her? Should she tell her company or let them find out? Would they tell her to break it off if they knew?
What if they break up? Will they still stay friends after that? Idol relationships can crumble easily given the nature of the industry and its habit of selling the fantasy of idols being ‘available’. Ten fingers wouldn’t be enough to count all the couples who broke up due to the pressures that come with this job—hectic schedules, obsessive fans, meddling companies, cyberbullying, the list can go on forever.
Is it worth it to take the risk when there seems to be a million reasons suggesting that it’d be better to stay friends?
But what does she want? Does she want to live basing every decision off of appeasing people who only know her from what they see on a screen?
Or does she want to live unapologetically with the people she loves and cares about, even if she has to risk her reputation and image simply for being happy?
Her answer couldn’t be clearer.
“I’d say that I’d like that a lot. Unless you’re secretly playing a prank on me.”
To say that Chan is flooded with relief would be a massive understatement. “You scared me!” he whines as he clutches his heart. “You weren’t saying anything for so long and I thought you were thinking about how to reject me!”
“I’m sorry,” Juliet giggles, eyes shining up at him. “Forgive me?”
A dramatic, reluctant sigh. “I guess I can make an exception for you,” he finally says.
Despite their masks hiding most of their faces, their eye-smiles tell the other just how happy they both are.
Deep down, Juliet knows that a simple snowfall cannot guarantee a fulfilling, long-lasting relationship. Perhaps a few years later, or even shorter if they’re unlucky, they may find themselves dealing with imminent heartbreak and separation.
But when her gloved hand—gloves courtesy of Chan because he somehow knew she’d forget her own— reaches for his, interlacing naturally as though they’ve done it a hundred times prior to today, she hopes that the universe will grant her silent wish that they can stay like this for a long, long time; that no matter how much they and their environments may change, they will still be able to find happiness and comfort within each other. She thinks it’ll come true.
After all, it is the first snow. Their first snow.
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— bonus!!
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a/n: eeeeeeeeppppp ngl this is,,,kinda cute if i do say so myself ;-; and yes this is also indulging my wish to have a cute boy (preferably park seonghwa or lee chan) confess to me on a snowy day ahdjhwjs 😔 again, thank you for reading and take care!!
feedback is always and highly appreciated!! whether it’s a reblog, a reply, or a short ask, it would mean the world to me 🥺💗 and remember that you are more than welcome to chat with me about anything in my asks!!
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cr9wee · 3 years
ok anyways time to info dump about some oc shit hehehehehe
ok *rubs hands together* so like ive had this au for my warrior cat oc Sunpaw in my brain for a while and its spilling out of my ears at this point so here its is...
atticus-ratticus-in you attic presents to you..
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(gonna talk about this like yall know who tf sunpaw is and what this rp is about even tho only one person from it follows my tumblr) also TW/CW for talk of m*rder, ab*se, man*pulation (kinda but not really idk but a lot of ppl d*e and Sunpaw is man*pulated by SS and theres also a bit of talk of ab*se) and s/h
so like some background stuff is that basically everything happens slightly earlier on. Like SS (Sun-Shadow) is born earlier and dies earlier so Darkie finds out about what SS did earlier so Sunkit gets abandoned earlier on, there for Fig, Discord, Jade, Viper and Recluse/Spider go to Pineclan arlier. Sunkit/Sunpaw meets Sun-Shadow and instead of seeing his corpse he meets his ghost. Sun-Shadow basically says a more serious version of "Arent your life tired of being nice? DONT YOU JUST WANNA GO APESHIT???" and Sunpaw, (not knowing wtf stranger danger is), says yes.
SS teaches his weird spawn how to commit arson and she gains a shit ton of blood lust. During this, She realizes why Fig and Discord seem so "scared" and unnearved by her (She looks almost identical to SS and SS was literally kitty-cat c*lt leader and ab*ser (more directly to Fig and younger members)) She gets pretty sad about this but unlike the main rp, she also gets mad. She takes thua out on herself and barely makes it to the med den (but because of the meds morning the loss of the leaders son, Sun doesnt get any treatment). Februarypaw (belongs to @willymybeloved hello bestiee), a birchclan apprentice, ends up stumbling into the med den and finding her like in the rp and they become very close almost immediately.
They start meeting up during the night (because half clan relationships oooo) and stuff because yas. Eventually Februarypaw is murdered (me and them are still tryng to figure out who but maybe her dad if hes still alive at this point or SunShadow?) and Sunpaw is absolutely distraught. Shes balling her fuckin eyes out in the med den when Sun Shadow appears (uh oh). SS is like "Lmao well Feb was just distracting you from yout training and shit so she had it coming" and Sunpaw literally fucking snaps. She immediately attacks Sun-Shadow and after a hella long fight, she tears his neck open, killing him. She is in shock for a few moments before becoming extremely proud and happy with herself for defeating him.
Sunpaw (Now named Suncrystal), Takes it upon herself to hunt down her biological family/parents (Darkie and Saffron) to confront them and probably kill them. she tracks them down and finds them. and they are happily playing and living without her. Angry, she stalks them until Darkie goes out to hunt. She follows him before revealing herself when hes somewhere the other cant hear him. She confronts him for abandoning her before attacking him. (I like to think she would light a fire and burn him to death and before she does she would say something like "WHATS THE MATTER FATHER... IM JUST LIKE SUNNY, ARENT I???" since Darkie always compared her to Sun Shadow as a child (since Darkie is Sun Shadows brother)) After killing him, she heads back to the rest of her "Family" and confronts them. Saffron tells her that she missed her and didnt have a say in what happened but Suncrystal doesnt buy it. Her siblings also dont even remember her and dont seem to like her. Angry, Suncrystal slashes and attacks all of them before running off back into the forest.
Suncrystal decides the next person shell attack will be Fig and Discord, since they seemed to "hate" her the most (they don't actually hate her and are just kinda unsettled by her). She attacks Discord (At this point Discord isnt dead but has gone blind.) Fig runs up and attacks Suncrystal. They fight for a bit before Fig pins her and is ready to slash her neck. Suncrystal tells him to kill her, but not in a mocking way, in an almost fully serious way. Tbh she's probably begging him to kill her at this point. Fig decides to just put her out of her misery and, slightly unwillingly, kills her.
She, unsurprisingly, becomes a dark forest cat and lives the rest of her days there, doing usually df cat things like child m*rder and sitting in mud. she regrets everything she did but knows that there not a way to just take it all back.
and thats it ig???? i dont have much else to add shhsushsushsj bye sorry for this. ill post this in the rps discord in like a minute hejshsjs
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Riven x Musa
Ok, so I keep seeing posts everywhere that basically badmouth S8 and after seeing ten seconds of the trailer (YIKES to the animation, what’s wrong with the industry that they are making everything anime? Powerpuff Gen Z, I’m looking at you – obs: I didn’t watch it fully yet) I can see where some of the criticism is coming from but anyways…
My favorite Winx!couple EVER has always been Musa x Riven since I was kid and first watched the show (Netflix is not helping ‘cause I ship them even there).
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I remember yawning at Bloom/Sky, rolling my eyes at Stella/Brandom and making a completely incredulous expression that I could literally feel forming on my face at Helia/Flora (can anyone say ‘unrealistic’?). Timmy/Tecna are a second favorite.
And why my Winx OTP are Riven x Musa followed after Timmy x Tecna? Because it reflects real life. In real life you’re not gonna stumble into people whose real and deep relationship problems are solved in twenty four minutes (not even that considering that some episodes present the “problem” half-way through said 24 minute-episode).
The breakup between Riven and Musa in S6 (spoilers everywhere after all) was one of the most mature breakups in the history of breakups with the hope for the future (yes, I’m completely ignoring S7, sue me, the whole thing was one huge filler anyways). And, after reading a lot of opinions on both ends (defending Musa/attacking Riven and defending Riven/attacking Musa) and watching the episodes in question (reuniting through reconciling) I think I can give my own analysis.
Since Musa AND Riven (individually and as couple) are my favorite characters in Winx, I think I CAN give a fairly unbiased view (hopefully).
*clears throat*
Ok, keep in mind that I’m defending BOTH of them, because I ship them too hard not to.
Musa Being OC (sometimes being called ‘brat’): C'mon, people! Musa and Tecna are OC since S4 anyways, where are the tomboy and the nerd? With the sneakers, T-shirt and comfortable-looking clothes? Noooo, now they all need neat skirts and hot pink high heels and long, glamorous hair. Do they look good? Of course, but and I would totally be less pissed if there was ANY indication on the reason for the change. Are they just maturing? Expressing themselves differently? Crowd mentality? Tune and Stella finally broke Musa down and Tecna followed soon after? Was it just to please Riven and Timmy? ANYTHING (even the 'pleasing a boy’ would at least be A reason - a ridiculous one that would piss me off, but A reason none the less), was just a sudden impulse that took?
Sure, we can talk about “character growth” until we are blue in the face, but the matter of the fact is that there was none.
The changes we see in Musa and Tecna are basically the creators making them more like the rest of the Winx (I’m including Aisha in this too, where is the sporty girl that matched the boy’s interest in extreme sports? C'mon! Even Bloom and her Girl Next Door looks are replaced with Bratz and Clueless-level of outfits).
Is anyone really going to look me in the eye and say Stella wasn’t a shallow (if friendly and good-natured) Mean Girl? She got better, but as I re-watch the show (currently in S3, meaning almost half-way through the content), Stella still worries more about her hair than anything else even while under literal fire.
More and more, Musa, Tecna and Aisha are losing their identities and what made them, IMO, the more badass Winx.
How did the two on the left went from this…
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… to this:
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Yeah, yeah, Musa still sings, Tecna still technobabble and Aisha is still a Warrior Princess but Aisha was the first one to go Bloom and Stella on us with Musa and then Tecna following soon after. It’s not just their clothing style, it’s the way they carried themselves too.
Right now? The only thing keeping them apart is their BF blues (different kind of blues) and some personal interests (singing, shopping, tech, the whole drama with Domino/Sparks, etc). But that’s IT, their personalities are going down the drain!
Sorry for the long-winded text, but the reason I’m expressing my disappointment at their change is because Musa’s reaction fits it. S6 we have such an AMAZING breakup (didn’t even think that was possible, WTH, right? Amazing breakup?) only for her to be mad as hell at Riven at S8? Bad writing, that has been dragging her (and the rest of the Winx) down to becoming just one unilateral, shallow character (the Specialists are also falling into that pit, what in the world did they do Helia in S8? He sounds like Thor telling about his “brave exploits” there, yikes). And continuity what? What continuity? Do they even remember how the breakup was written?
But ok, let’s put the Audience View aside for a moment and focus only on the In-Universe terms.
S6: You’ll always be my hero.
S8: What on EARTH are you doing here. 
I laughed a bit, the contrast just got to me but instead of getting mad at one or the other like most of the fandom, I laughed.
Musa followed that by saying that Riven has not maintained contact and just in that I would be beyond pissed as well and giving my support to Musa. WTH, Riven? I think that each season is more less six months to a year? Sort of? Still, zero contact for so long even after ending on amicable terms and wanting to stay friends? And he went off on his own! A text now going, “I’m not dead” would be the bare basics for Musa not to worry herself bald!
BUT then I also read comments about how this was a two-way street, why didn’t Musa call either? That’s unfortunately something that I very much doubt will ever be explained. One of those: did it or didn’t it? Musa could have called and went straight to voicemail with no signs of life from Riven or she might not have called and just expected him to call as if feminism were dead and all initiative must come from the guy (which doesn’t even fit because they parted as friends).
Since we have no info on the above, I put it on both of them. It’s not fair to say, ��HE should have called!” or “Why didn’t SHE call?” because we don’t have fricking context. So the only thing we can take is: no contact.
BECAUSE I put the lack of contact on both of them, Musa’s reaction was a little too much, however, Riven shows up all smirks and leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and I would have flashbacks to S1 if it wasn’t for the animation style that made all the guys look like girls. Dude! Not the time for that kind of posture. Not saying that he should be all sheepish and rubbing his arm as if he had done something horrible (again: we don’t have context on the no contact) but a more neutral approach was warranted here. Nobody does themselves any favors with that kind of attitude no matter what how high of a horse they may be (rightly or not) riding on, if anything I would react like Musa solely on that one.
Next episode we have that Riven convinced the guys to follow the girls in some mission and Musa was angry. Again: I would be too. WTH? Yes, yes, they helped and if it wasn’t for them, the Winx would gotten seriously injured but Musa did have a point saying that this demonstrated that they had no trust in them and need their hand held, it was no sanctioned mission like on Earth after all. BUT, Riven does something that I would never expect from in S1-4: he explains, he reasons it, he puts it in all the words that he does trust Musa and co and that he only wanted to show that he’d be there for her (you know? One of the main issues in S6 that made them breakup in the first place? His inability to conciliate Specialist work with supporting his girlfriend and ultimately failing or feeling like failing in both?) and Musa still pouts, crosses her arms, and turns around. Geez. I expected that one from Stella, not Musa. I think the closest Musa has ever come to THIS was back in S2 when Jared explains that Riven was the one to recommend that he interview Musa and yada yada yada and she got mad and stomped off on the poor guy that didn’t even understand what was going on (only to immediately apologize to Jared and recognizing that it wasn’t him that she was mad at… like I said: what character growth?).
Riven then goes to show that he indeed grew when he asked for advice from Sky and Brandon (WTH, right? Can we picture that happening back in S1-3? He very grudgingly would LISTEN to UNSOLICITED advice from Nabu and Helia in S4-6). And does a very, very goofy and embarrassing show of affection. Yeah… again… I can picture Stella loving the light show with her face for IDK how many people to see but not Musa (although can we really blame the guy after the series went out of its way to make Musa all Stella-like? Clothes, attitude, the only thing missing is making Riven carry her shopping bags around and call him “Shnookums” (although the mental image is already enough for me to fall over laughing, just for the face Riven would make). Still, I have to count that one against Riven if only because (as much as the show gives only lip service to it) Musa isn’t Stella.
Riven being mind controlled (again) aside, those two are back together. And on the overall? Riven showed more growth than any other character in the show COMBINED (he is the Zuko of the show), that doesn’t go to say that he didn’t make mistakes since coming back in S8 (but that was more a guy trying to win back a girl than… betraying his friends for a pair of nice legs or… IDEK like in S1 – where, mind control or not the show itself made sure to make it clear that he had free will) or that he is now the one out of Musa’s league. I think that NOW it can actually work… if the show allows him to keep the progress, Musa is the next to see her flaws and work on them (which she showed to be able to do since S2) and put effort in the relationship. The difference between them is that Musa can actually work on herself and the relationship at the same time. That’s not me saying she is better than Riven in any way, everybody has their own pace and their own way to cope, to improve and to self-reflect.
I still root for them.
PS-IDK why, but I read posts about how Riven changed so much and posts about how all his progress disappeared and he is now back to his S1 attitude and I’m just cofused. Yeah, different of opinions and so on, but such opposite opinions on the subject of a guy whose relationship was focused on three episodes? 
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laserbobcat · 4 years
Top 5 of 2020 by Laserbobcat
    Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
    YO so Anna tagged me on this and I’m like HAHAHA choosing only 5 things in my huge art dump that’s a joke. The monthly thing already had me sweating for fuck’s sake. The thing is, I draw A LOT, in bulks, and I don’t really push my renders very far, so i don’t have like, awe inspiring pretty pieces I’m especially fond of... BUT she threatened me and now I have to be self loving and all, what a nightmare. Friends are the worst. So i’m cheating and making this into 5 categories with a few examples and links! Hahaha take that authority and rules.
#5 - OK SO maybe I have a few drawing that I like because they’re milestones in my improvement or something. It happens.
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Like, finally being able to draw extra buff baddass women, finishing a more detailled illustration, getting a good dose of life and dynamism into a sketch, or just drawing an acceptable tasty piece of ass like the thirsty bitch I am. ALSO I am proud of EVERY soft smile I managed to get out on the canvas. Soft smiles are the best and when I draw them I feel gooey and people tell me they love them. Good stuff.
#4 - Which leads to: every soft shit I’ve ever drawn, like ever. Life is harsh, we need soft content to warm us up.
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I mean I was nicknamed Fluff for a reason. I have whole ass tags especially for this btw: Softness, Hug, Kiss. I’m organized. The links are: arcanine hug, this werewolf AU, this other AU, this screentones thing, that Swap Roles AU (yes AUs, lots of AUs) and the genderbent reguri thing I did.
#3 - The stupid shit I draw.
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Comedy is my life and blood. I can’t stay serious for long. They’re also fast to do and satysfying. That torchic comic is actually my all time most shared piece, it fucking exploded! I don’t have tag for fun stuff cause it’s kinda my default mode...
#2 - My sonas and asks reactions
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Cringe is dead, cats ears are in. This kinda goes along with the third category cause my ask reactions are some of the dumbest shit I draw. I love asks! I rarely do things to engage with people though... I should, but i’m more of a “make stuff in my corner and dump it on the internet absent-mindedly” type of media user. Bear with me guys. I love you. I tag all those with “Sona”!
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YEAH maybe i'm biased cause it's the OCs I'm into these days, but DAMN I'm having a blast drawing them. They saved my end of the year and my artblock/burnout. I hope you like Luke's dumb smile cause you're probably gonna see it for a while! The tag is DnD!
I hope I can get out at least 10% of the cool shit I have in my head for them. List includes things like : -Tiel yelling at the others cause they fall asleep when she tells awesome stories -Aeva learning to use a mace and leaving huge holes everywhere in the floor and walls but not touching the training dummy -Luke and Ranec trying to drown each other in a public bath while Celadon is watching tiredly -Tiel reluctantly polymorphing into a cat to cheer up a sad Luke -Luke and March betting on who can piss off Ranec the fastest -Ranec's halfling adoptive mom yelling at him cause he said the F word -Aeva abandoning the mace and punching the dummy in frustration, tearing off its head in one move and crying about it afterwards -Various members of the group saying that Luke's hot sister can definitely step on them, and Luke suggesting to avoid her cause she's known to do way more painful things than that -Various members of the group wanting to be stepped on more even more -SOME COOL FIGHT SCENES ??? That would be great? I want to improve this year too ! i’m tired of drawing the same stuff again and again. Flash Info News : I'm not into reguri anymore ! I mean, I love the two idiots,they have a special place in my heart, I just want to draw other things for now. I've been drawing reguri / namelessshipping for AGES, in fact I started that tumblr almost two year ago for this ship. I used to not draw fanart that much, and certainly not share it. It was fun to obsess on a ship for that long, it felt like embracing the cringe stuff I didn't allow myself to do when I was younger. I met cool people too sharing that interest, it was nice ! But now the interest has finally burned down. I’M SUPPOSED TO TAG PEOPLE BUT I DON’T KNOW THAT MANY ARTISTS HERE? Maybe @empearts​ when you get back home? Or @geneseedraws​ if you have time? @moonfang182-magic​ get your fingers out of your ass and make a top 5 too instead of sharing furry stuff :D Damn I’m bad at this networking stuff. U__U HAVE A COOL YEAR we fucking deserve it. Hope you’ll enjoy seeing my shit for the year to come too XD
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sugakookielix · 4 years
Calico: Chapter 3
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Summary: It has been two weeks since Mika came to live with Yoongi, and it’s time for her to finally meet his friends
Pairing: CEO Yoongi x Calico hybrid OC. 
Mentioned Pairings: Hinted potential Bunny hybrid Jungkook x Calico OC (but not really, this fic is Yoongicentric only). Other implied pairings for the future. 
Rating: PG
Warnings: Extremely brief mention of mistreatment/abandonment, occasional swearing
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 5.4k
Calico Masterlist
Credit for header goes to a friend. Original character used in the fic belongs to me. Do not copy, translate, or repost my work onto other sites without my permission. If you find my work has been reposted, please let me know asap. 
AN: This update took forever, and I know that a lot of you were waiting for it. As an apology, I have decided to make this chapter longer than my others. For future updates, please let me know if you guys prefer the longer or shorter chapters. I also would like to note (Since some people have asked) that this series started off as a commission to a friend who then decided to hand over character rights and rights to finish the fic as she left the fandom. If you would like to commission a fic such as this one, the link to my commission info can be found in my masterlist. Now, before I continue rambling, hopefully you guys enjoy the update!
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It had been just over a week now and Mika seemed to be adjusting perfectly. As promised, Yoongi had taken her shopping and let her grab anything she wanted to help her feel more at home. Not the easiest task, given she would grab anything he looked at or recommended but never anything by herself. Eventually, he had given in and stepped back so she would have no choice but to pick things on her own, replying “If that’s what you want,” whenever she showed him something. It concerned the male a bit that she was so dependent for everything, but he assumed it was a result of her previous ownership and hopefully she’d snap out of it over time. Not that he minded having her cling to him, but it would be extremely tricky to get anything done if Mika always asked his permission to do something as simple as watch TV. 
Another recurring issue was the obvious separation anxiety whenever Yoongi had to leave for work. Hoseok had kept his promise and came over every morning to keep an eye on her so Yoongi could leave, but it was clear the hybrid was already attached to him. Mika would whine and cling onto him until he gave her a pat on the head and promised that he would return home before dinner. Otherwise, she had to be pulled away from him physically which caused its own set of problems. Yoongi would never admit it, but it broke his heart a bit to have to leave her while she was still adjusting, but there wasn’t much else he could do. It wasn’t like he could just not show up to work for a week or two to spend time with her, and he wasn’t confident with bringing her to the office yet given how shy she was. All he could really do was promise he would return until he determined if it would be a good idea to start bringing her to work. Hell, he hadn’t even introduced her to his friends yet. 
Thankfully, it was Friday, and Yoongi could spend the weekend focused on his new hybrid instead of the new business plan he was working on. His normally organized desk was now cluttered with various documents and files, some of which he hadn’t been able to open yet. It was that time of year where the male found himself flooded with potential changes to lead the business into another successful term and it was honestly overwhelming. Partnership offers, marketing plans, managing finances, looking over reports for all of the departments; it was a lot to handle, and yet here he was forcing as much of it as he could into his shift so he didn’t have to take work home with him. Not when there was a young calico cat waiting at home that deserved his attention on his days off. Especially since weekends were the only time she was actually calm, knowing Yoongi didn’t have to go anywhere without her. Yoongi had about an hour left before he could head home, and he was determined to complete as much of this paperwork as possible, having already worked through his lunch break as well.  
A knock at his door pulled the male away from his thoughts, barely looking up from the paper in his hand as he groaned out a forced, “Come in.” 
“You’re still working on that?” Yoongi looked up to see none other than Kim Seokjin, dressed and proper as always. If people thought that Yoongi was always professional, they probably hadn’t seen his business manager. Jin always dressed to impress, with well-tailored suits that molded to his form, hair brushed back with not a stray in sight, and the subtle touches of makeup to hide any potential imperfections. It was a very stark contrast to the way the older male acted, and definitely a contrast with the way Yoongi looked at the moment. His jacket discarded on the back of his chair and a few strands of his hair falling out of place from the number of times he’s run his hand through them in the past few hours. Jin took one look at the younger male and sighed, pulling up a chair to the other side of Yoongi's desk. “You’ve been looking at these since this morning,” he said, skimming through some of the papers, “why don’t you take a break before you burn out?” 
“I want to get as much done as possible,” Yoongi replied, “it would be nice to not take work home with me again.” 
“Because of your new hybrid?” Yoongi only grunted in response, but it was all the confirmation that Jin needed. “When are we going to meet her by the way? It’s been over a week now and everyone's dying to get to know the new member of the family.” Yoongi groaned and set down the document he was holding, pinching the bridge of his nose with his other hand. He knew the question was going to pop up sooner or later but now was not the time. 
“Don’t you have work you should be doing?” he asked. 
“Given it’s the end of the day and you have most of the work, not really. Besides Yoongichi, you look like you could use the distraction.” Yoongi groaned again, but he knew that Jin was right. He probably wasn’t going to finish this in an hour anyway so a break was probably what he needed. 
“I don’t know when you’re going to meet her,” he admitted, “she’s really shy right now and still getting used to her new home, crowding her with new faces is probably the last thing she needs.”
“Well she's going to meet us sooner or later,” Jin replied with a shrug, “what's the worst that could happen?” 
“A terrified calico cat and my house getting destroyed,” Yoongi said with a deadpan tone. Jin laughed a bit at the youngers' expression before shaking his head. 
“You say that as if we are barbarians, I’m sure everything will be fine,” he tried to assure, though his boss didn’t seem too convinced. 
“It’s not you I’m worried about, or even Taehyung, since I know you’ll be gentle, it’s the other hybrids I’m worried about. Jungkook is hyper and practically twice her size, Jimin is physically affectionate, and when Namjoon isn’t accidentally breaking everything he can be very intimidating. Does putting them in a room together with a very anxious kitten actually sound like a good idea to you?” Perhaps Yoongi was being overprotective, but he had seen first hand how scared Mika gets by the tiniest of sounds, so her being scared by other hybrids was inevitable. Still, Jin seemed dead set on convincing him that letting them meet her was a good idea. 
“Aish, you’re overreacting,” the older chided, “no ones going to pounce on her. She’ll have to meet us at some point, better sooner than later.” Yoongi sighed and shook his head. 
“I’ll think about it,” that seemed to be enough to please the older, as he quickly excused himself before leaving Yoongi's office. The blonde sighed and ran his hand through his hair before looking up at the clock, it seemed that their conversation took longer than he thought as it was about time to pack up. His eyes glanced at the scattered papers on his desk before sighing, organizing them into one pile and placing them in the top drawer of his desk, already dreading having to come back to all of that work on Monday. Still, he promised himself that he wouldn’t take work home and would enjoy his weekend, so that’s what he was going to do. With a tired sigh, he stood from his chair and stretched, feeling his back pop a bit from staying in one spot for too long. Flinging his jacket over his shoulder and grabbing his things, he quickly scanned his office to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything before stepping out, locking the door, and making his way down the hall. A few of his workers paused to bow and tell him good evening, but he only gave them a slight bow of acknowledgment in return. Yoongi wasn’t really in the mood for conversation right now, he just wanted to go home and rest. 
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It was silent when he finally stepped through the door of his apartment, kicking his shoes off and calling out a soft, “I’m home.” Another few seconds of silence passed before Hoseok popped out from the kitchen. 
“I was getting hungry so decided to make dinner, hope you don’t mind!” he said with a soft smile. Yoongi smiled back and shook his head. 
“Not at all,” he walked over to his friend before pausing and looking around again, “where’s Mika?” 
“Taking a nap on the couch,” the younger replied, returning his attention to the stovetop, “she’s been out for a while though so she’ll probably wake up in a few minutes.” Yoongi hummed in acknowledgment and took a seat at the counter. He groaned softly as he rested his elbows on the counter and his head in his hands. “Rough day?” Hoseok asked without looking back. 
“Just busy,” The older mumbled, hearing his friend hum in acknowledgment. Hoseok knew better than to pry on work matters, which Yoongi was grateful for. He didn’t want to talk about it, or at least the actual work part of it. The conversation with Jin replayed in his mind, and Yoongi questioned if he should bring the idea up to Hoseok. After all, he knew more about hybrids than any of them, so his advice could be useful. “I spoke with Jin-hyung today,” he said, easily grabbing the younger attention. 
“Oh yeah?” Hoseok replied, “what about?”
“Mika,” when he didn’t get a reply, Yoongi took that as a sign to continue, “he said everyone's getting pretty anxious to meet her and that I should introduce them soon.” Hoseok hummed softly in thought, turning off the stove and beginning to fill three plates so they could all eat together. 
“What did you tell them?” he asked after another moment. 
“I said I wasn’t sure,” Yoongi lifted his head to properly face the younger, “I mean, I know they have to meet her at some point but she’s so shy that I don’t really know if it’s a good idea.”
“I’m guessing that you are asking because you want my advice? I mean, Hyung does have a point that she will have to meet them eventually if you want her to stick around, and she seems to be adjusting well to living with you. I’d say that as long as you are right there with her, and she has a place to escape if she gets scared, then it should be fine.” He didn’t even have to look at Yoongi to know the older still wasn’t convinced, shaking his head as he walked over with two of the plates, having to make a second trip for the third. 
“Thanks,” Yoongi said softly, beginning to pick at some of the vegetables as Hoseok took a seat beside him. 
“Why don’t you just ask Mika what she thinks?” Hoseok asked, “explain what will happen to her and let her decide when she is comfortable enough to meet them. If you do it on her terms then it will probably have a better outcome.” Yoongi shrugged softly. 
“I guess,” as if on cue, he felt two small arms wrap around him from behind, a soft tuft of white and orange fur tickling his cheek as the young cat curled up against him. 
“You’re home!” Mika purred, nuzzling her head against Yoongi's neck. Said male chuckled and reached to scratch at her head for a moment. 
“Why hello sleepy head,” Yoongi teased, “have a nice nap?” Mika yawned softly and nodded, still half asleep. It was very obvious that she had just woken up; eyes partly closed, hair falling messily in her face, and her tail swaying lazily under the oversized sweater she was wearing. As soft and precious as always, it was a wonder Yoongi hadn’t completely melted in her presence yet. She stayed curled up against Yoongi for a bit longer before he reluctantly pulled away. He was slowly opening up to how physically affectionate she was, but it still made him feel awkward at times, especially when someone else was around. “Why don’t you sit down before dinner gets cold, I need my arms to eat after all.” Mika pouted a bit but nodded and quickly climbed into the chair next to him, not hesitating to dig into her food. Both males laughed at her before returning to their own food, the conversation between them forgotten. 
Hoseok left shortly after dinner, patting Yoongi on the shoulder and giving Mika a side hug before bidding them a good night. The pair migrated to the living room shortly after, Yoongi scrolling through the tv channels while Mika distracted herself with one of her toys. The soft jingle of a bell echoed through the room, coming from the soft ball that she was pawing at and pushing around the rug, letting her cat side start to take over. Occasionally, Yoongi would glance down at her and just watch silently, thinking about what Hoseok said. Would she want to meet the others? The more he thought about it, the more it couldn’t hurt to try his luck. “Hey Kitten,” he called softly, “come here for a moment.” Mika perked up and immediately made her way over to the couch, taking a seat beside him. “How would you feel about possibly making new friends?” 
“New friends?” Mika asked, cocking her head to the side and giving him a confused look. Yoongi couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as he nodded. 
“I have a few close friends that would love to come and meet you. They own hybrids as well so you could have new playmates. They are a bit hyper though so I wanted to make sure you were ready before inviting them over,” he explained. Mikas' ears twitched slightly and she looked down for a moment. Yoongi frowned when he saw that, immediately thinking the worst. 
“What if they don’t like me?” not the response Yoongi was expecting, though he probably should have. 
“Of course they’ll like you,” he assured, “I’m sure once you get used to them they’ll love you.” Mika looked up at him to try and see if he was lying. He wasn’t, he was sure that they would like her, the issue was whether or not she would like them. After seeing that he was being honest, the hybrid softly nodded. 
“Okay,” she said softly, “when are they coming over?” Yoongi felt like a weight had been lifted off of his chest, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“I’ll talk to them tonight and see, probably sometime this weekend,” he was already pulling out his phone to text Jin, knowing he would pass the news onto Taehyung for him. Mika watched him for a moment before deciding that she wanted his attention again. A soft huff left the female as she slid closer to Yoongi, gently tugging at his arm and successfully getting his attention. 
“Cuddles?” she asked. Yoongi bit his lip to keep from smiling as he lifted his arm so she could snuggle up against him. Mika immediately curled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his waist. The male could feel her purring against him after a few seconds, shaking his head as he let his arm fall around her. 
“You’re very clingy you know,” he mused. The response he got was her nuzzling her head against the crook of his neck, mumbling something he couldn’t quite hear. “What was that? I can’t hear you.” He expected her to move and repeat herself, but she made no effort to do so. Her tail brushed against his hand as she relaxed, purring continued as her eyes fluttered shut. Yoongi realized that she was falling asleep and shook his head. If he was being honest, he envied the cat hybrid for being able to fall asleep when and wherever she wanted. He was lucky to get five hours of sleep on any given day with how hectic his schedule was. Yoongi quickly finished up his text conversation and set his phone down. After a brief debate on if he should stay or wake the sleeping hybrid, he carefully wrapped his arms around Mika and stood up. It was a bit of a struggle to lift her since he wasn’t the strongest, but she was thankfully light enough for him to carry to bed without much issue. Yoongi gently set the Calico down on the mattress and placed the blankets over top of her before going and getting ready for bed himself, making sure the doors were cracked a bit so Mika could wake him easily if she needed anything. 
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After texting Taehyung and Jin, they all decided to come over for dinner the following evening. Hoseok had to work, but he said he would stop by for a bit if he could. Yoongi had spent the day cleaning so his place would be presentable for their guests while Mika ran around and did her own thing. He had also decided to just order takeout for everyone so he didn’t have to spend hours cooking for potentially eight people. Plus, he wanted to avoid going to the store at the moment and leaving Mika alone in the house. She still didn’t have a proper collar, only a standard black one that he doubted was comfortable given how often she picked at it. Yoongi felt bad and tried his best not to take her out in public too often until he could get her one that was of better quality. Since most higher quality collars were more expensive, many people just bought simple ones and only made their hybrid wear it in public. Money wasn’t an issue for Yoongi though, and he knew when the time was right that he would get Mika one that was special. 
The sound of knocking snapped Yoongi's attention to the door, apparently catching Mikas as well since she was clinging to him in an instant, hiding behind his slightly larger frame. He knew she was nervous, but hopefully, she would calm down once she saw them. “Relax,” he muttered, reaching behind himself to pat her head softly, “everything will be fine.” That didn’t seem to help much as the calico was still clinging to his arm when he opened the door, revealing Jin and Namjoon. 
“I know we’re a bit early, but I was too excited,” Jin said with a smile. Yoongi nodded and opened the door further to let them both in. 
“Figured as much,” he replied, closing the door and trying to pry the scared cat from his arm. If it was physically possible, Mika had curled up even more when she saw the new guests. Not that anyone could really blame her though, since there was now a large and intimidating wolf hybrid standing a few meters away from her. As sweet and as clumsy as Namjoon was, he could be very scary upon first glance. He knew it as well since he was actively trying to distance himself from the pair while Jin tried his best to get a look at the young girl. Yoongi had already explained how she might act to them so they would know how to better act around her. At least until she got comfortable with their presence. 
Jin bent down a bit so that he was eye level with Mika, waving and giving her a soft smile, “Hi, I’m Jin and this is Namjoon, it’s nice to finally meet you.” She stayed silent for a moment before Yoongi gently nudged her. 
“I’m Mika,” she whispered, so quietly that even Yoongi struggled to hear her. Jin couldn’t help but coo a bit at how adorable she was.
“Aren’t you precious, don’t worry, we don’t bite,” he assured. It was easy to notice now Mika's eyes darted to Namjoon for a moment before hesitantly nodding. Still, her grip on Yoongi never loosened and he was starting to worry that she would accidentally rip his sleeve. 
“Come on, let’s go sit down in the living room while we wait for everyone else,” he urged, already beginning to walk. He knew Mika would move with him and Jin and Namjoon would follow after so there was no point in waiting. It was another struggle to get Mika to let go so that he could sit down, but they eventually managed to get her to sit without trying to cling to him. Even if she was still curled up into a ball; her ears pressed against her head and her arms wrapped around her legs. Jin remained standing while Namjoon made himself comfortable in another chair. It was barely noticeable at first, but he was doing his best to remain calm so that he would be seen as approachable. With their advanced senses, hybrids could easily pick up scents that went unnoticed by their human companions. It was oftentimes how they picked up on certain emotions or detected threats. Namjoon was also still keeping his distance, wanting the cat hybrid to approach him first. This seemed to work as she relaxed after a few minutes, staring at the wolf curiously. Yoongi and Jin were so caught up in their own conversation that it shocked them when Mika finally spoke up. 
“What do wolves do for fun?” she asked, causing the two humans in the room to stop and stare at her. Namjoon thought over it for a moment before looking up at her. 
“Well, I can’t speak for all wolves, but I like to read in my free time. I also accompany Jin-hyung to work a lot so I’ll help him there when I can,” he said. 
“Namjoon is a pup at heart,” Jin cut in, “don’t let him fool you, he’s also very playful.”
“And clumsy,” Yoongi added. 
“Yah! It’s not like I try to break things, it just happens!” Namjoon whined. Yoongi rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit in response. Mika seemed to get bored with this conversation and decided to change the subject. 
“Does Jin work with Yoongi?” she asked. 
“I do,” the male in question replied, “he is my boss.” Mika looked up at him in awe when he said this. 
“Yoongi is really the boss?” the shocked tone in her voice caused the blonde to pout. 
“I told you I was the boss the day I met you,” he reminded, “did you not believe me?” Mika blinked up at him for a moment before shaking her head. Jin held a hand to his mouth as he tried not to laugh, Yoongi giving him an unamused expression. “Why exactly would I not be the boss?” he asked.
“Because normally bosses are mean and scary, and you’re too nice!” At this, both Jin and Namjoon burst out laughing, confusing Mika and annoying Yoongi. 
“Yoongi? Nice? That’s a first!” Jin teased, causing the other to roll his eyes. 
“Oh hush,” he groaned before turning back to his hybrid, “you know that not all bosses are mean right? Hobi is the boss at the shelter, and he isn’t mean.”
“But Hobi is fun and doesn’t wear suits to work every day,” Mika pointed out. This effectively confused Yoongi as he tried to process what exactly she was implying. 
“I’m guessing she doesn’t go out much?” Namjoon asked. 
“Not yet, no,” Yoongi confirmed, “Obviously I can only speak for the past two weeks, but we haven’t gone out much.” Both Jin and Namjoon nodded, knowing what he was implying and not wanting to bring up a potentially touchy subject. If Mika did realize, she probably didn’t understand properly as she spoke up again. 
“I was told hybrids weren’t supposed to go out much,” she said, referring to her previous owner, “the last time I went out we went to the park and then I ended up at the shelter.” Everyone froze at what she said, not knowing what to say. Thankfully, they didn’t have to worry as another loud knock echoed through the house, followed by another series of loud knocks. Yoongi sighed softly and excused himself as he went to answer the door. The second he opened the door, he was almost knocked over from the force of two hybrids pouncing onto him. 
“Hyung!” both males shouted, nuzzling against Yoongi who was still trying to regain his balance. 
“We missed you,” Jungkook said. 
“Yeah yeah, you literally saw me two days ago,” Yoongi muttered, “get off.” He pushed both males off of him as Taehyung stepped inside, giving his friend a huge smile. 
“Doesn’t mean we can’t be excited to see you!” Jimin argued. 
“Whatever,” Yoongi straightened out his sweater before closing the door, “come on, everyone else is waiting in the living room.” When they entered the room in question, everyone was in the same position they had been left in. Jin was busy laughing at something, likely another one of his awful jokes, Mika was looking at him confused, and Namjoon was trying not to laugh himself. At the sound of footsteps, both hybrids' ears twitched as they turned to the source of the sound. Namjoon waved at the group while Mika gave them all a shy smile. 
“Awe,” Taehyung cooed as he dropped to his knees in front of her, “aren’t you adorable? I’m TaeTae!” Mika flinched back a bit but nodded in acknowledgment. At least this time she didn’t immediately try to cower behind Yoongi. Well, that was until Jungkook and Jimin excitedly bound over to her, quickly jumping up on the couch. 
“Hi, I’m Jungkook!”
“Hi, I’m Jimin!” both hybrids spoke over each other, their energy immediately startling the smaller feline as she yelped and rolled off the couch. Within seconds, she had dashed past the group and back over to Yoongi, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her head in his shoulder while muttering something about being too loud. Yoongi sighed heavily, ‘not again.’
“Yah!” Jin scolded, “we literally just got her to stop hiding and you had to come in and scare her again!” The two in question pouted a bit and lowered their heads, Jungkooks ears flopping down a bit. 
“Sorry Mika,” Taehyung apologized for them. 
“They’re just excited,” Namjoon explained calmly, “don’t worry, no one's going to hurt you.” Yoongi wrapped his arms around the girl softly before whispering to her. 
“They’re idiots, just ignore them and they’ll calm down eventually.” 
“We can still hear you!” Jungkook exclaimed, making the other roll his eyes. Still, the laugh he got from Mika was worth it. 
“Come on,” Yoongi encouraged, “we still have a few hours before dinner, why don’t we sit down and you can meet everyone properly.” He waited for confirmation from Mika before he pulled away enough to lead her back to the couch. The others would definitely tease him for being soft later, but he didn’t care. 
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After a few hours, everyone calmed down enough and Mika actually felt comfortable being around the group. She was still a bit on edge and didn’t engage in conversation very much, but she did occasionally speak up or ask questions. Hoseok had decided to drop by as well which helped a lot, helping push Mika to interact more and not be shy. At one point, she had even allowed Taehyung to pet her, nuzzling into his hand a bit as he ran his fingers through her multicolored hair. They had all just finished dinner and were now winding down to watch a movie and relax before calling it a night. Yoongi, Jin, and Taehyung were tidying up in the kitchen, while the hybrids and Hoseok were playing in the living room. It was really just Jungkook and Jimin though since Mika was too shy to move and Namjoon knew better than to try and wrestle the younger boys. 
Mika was on the floor with one of her bells, tossing it around softly as the others did their own thing. Jungkook and Jimin were play fighting a little bit away, having already failed at trying to throw the bell with her. Hoseok was leaning on the back of the couch as he watched, about to say something when he heard his name being called from the kitchen. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said, “try not to break anything while I am gone.” He heard a mutual hum of acknowledgment as he walked away, leaving the hybrids alone. Jungkook watched for a moment to make sure he was gone before making his way over to Mika with a smirk. Of course, she noticed, looking up at him with a questioning glance. 
“Can I see the bell?” he asked, causing the felines' expression to shift. 
“No,” Jungkook pouted a bit, trying to reach for the toy as Mika pulled it back. 
“Why not?” 
“Because it’s mine and I don’t want to give it to you.”
“That’s mean, I just want to see it.” Mika huffed and held her hand out to show off the bell. 
“There, now you see it,” she said with a smirk of her own. Jungkook glanced at her before chuckling. Moving faster than she could react, he snatched the item from her hand and darted back to Jimin on the other side of the room. Mika blinked in shock for a few moments before realizing what just happened, “Hey! That’s not fair!” 
“Not my fault you weren’t quick enough,” Jungkook teased, laughing a bit as Mika glared at him, “if you want it so badly, why don’t you come get it?” The catgirl hissed for a moment before crawling over and trying to grab the toy from Jungkook, who only held it higher in response. “Really Jungkook?” she was clearly unamused by whatever game the bunny was trying to play. 
“Jungkook-” Jimin tried to interject but the younger only shook his head at him. 
“I already told you, if you want it then take it,” he pushed, dangling the toy over Mikas' head. She tried to grab for it again, only for him to pull it away at the last second, causing her to groan. Her tail began to sway behind her as she backed away slightly, ears pressing back against her head. Jimin, who realized what was happening, quickly tried to interject and grab the bell back, only for Jungkook to push him away as well, glancing at him and mouthing ‘Trust me.’ Namjoon had also picked up on what was going on and began to get involved as well. 
“Jungkook…” before he could get his full warning out, Mika had pounced onto the bunny hybrid, successfully knocking him back. Jungkook gasped as the wind was knocked out of him, but regained himself before she could grab the bell out of his hands, tossing the item to the side as he flipped their position so he was the one pinning her down. The commotion immediately alerted the attention of those in the kitchen who immediately ran out. Yoongi and Taehyung panicked and immediately tried to run over and break the two up. They were stopped however by Hoseok holding his arm out in front of them. 
“The hell Hoseok?” Yoongi hissed, to which the younger shushed him. 
“Relax and watch,” Hoseok whispered back. Yoongi huffed but did as he was told, biting at his nail to calm himself down. Sure enough, Mika quickly regained herself and managed to push Jungkook off of her, dashing after the bell once she was free. The bunny was still quicker though and beat her to it, hitting the toy away so they were both chasing after it. After a minute, the sound of laughter filled the room as both hybrids wrestled and chased after the small object, Jimin getting involved shortly after. Both owners immediately relaxed when they noticed this, Hoseok smiling at them proudly. “See, they’re just playing! Nothing to be worried about.” Yoongi couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of him, happy that they seemed to get along. 
“Looks like we’ll be over for playdates a lot more,” Taehyung whispered. 
Yoongi's smile widened as he nodded, “Looks like it.” 
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Twitter: SugaKookieBias
AO3: SugaKookieBias
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luckystarchild · 4 years
I was discussing this with my writing group earlier and decided that I wanted to collect some more opinions on this, so what're your thoughts on reviews that start out with "I don't really like oc-driven/centric stories, but―" or reviews worded to a similar effect/to the same tune? Personally I just don't find them to be as much of a compliment as the reviewer thinks it is, and wish people wouldn't preface a review with such info.
Soooooo there’s a lot to unpack here. I’ll do it in stages. Sorry if this is more than you wanted... I take asks too seriously sometimes. XD
Why do these types of reviews feel insulting?
The reason these kinds of reviews might not feel so great to the recipient is because they pair a compliment with a qualifier. And combining a compliment with a qualifier is how you structure a backhanded compliment.
Example of pairing a compliment with a qualifier, AKA a backhanded compliment: “Your old haircut was terrible, but your new one is much better.”
The “but” is key here. The compliment-giver said something nice about your appearance, yes, but now you’re walking around feeling badly about the last ten years of your old hairstyle, wondering if everyone who looked at you while you had that old haircut was calling you ugly behind your back.
When someone says, “Normally I hate stories like yours, BUT...” they’re using the structure of a backhanded compliment to pay you a (hopefully legit) compliment. They’re calling you an exception. You’re writing something that’s normally terrible, but you managed to squeak by with something acceptable (against all odds).
Even though you’re an exception, you’re left wondering if other people hate your story because of its sheer concept just like the reviewer initially did. And because they used the structure of a backhanded compliment to express their feelings, you’re left feeling like you did indeed receive a backhanded compliment, even if that wasn’t the reviewer’s intention.
After all, the recipient of a review can’t read a reviewer’s tone. All they can see is how the review was structured, and when the reviewer used the structure of a backhanded compliment, that’s what the recipient feels like they were given.
By pairing the positive with a negative, the reviewer has potentially cancelled out the good, leaving the recipient to focus on the bad. And since humans are hardwired for negative bias, it’s no wonder many people come away from a compliment + qualifier feeling like they’ve been insulted instead of complimented. They can’t help but focus on the bad more than the good, the insult more than the compliment.
What are reviewers REALLY trying to say?
Next we should discuss what reviewers are actually trying to say when they leave reviews of this kind. There are two possible scenarios to consider.
Possibility #1: They’re legitimately trying to pay you a compliment, but they aren’t thinking about how you’ll receive it or what they might be inadvertently implying by using the structure of a backhanded compliment. They actually, truly believe that you would want to know that you are an exception to their reading rules, and that this fact is a high honor. You’ve done something so well, they don’t even care what genre your story is! Your work is great, and the fact that they’d normally hate it due to its genre is AMAZING. You’ve changed their minds about a genre! You defied expectations! They were determined to not like your story, but it’s too good! You broke through their preconceived notions of what they like and MADE THEM LIKE SOMETHING with your writing skill. It’s not a feat all stories can achieve, so the reviewer thinks you should wear that as a badge of honor.
Possibility #2: They’re actually paying you a backhanded compliment and are hoping you’ll get upset. They want you to know they liked your work... but they secretly still think it’s silly, or stupid, or cringe. I won’t elaborate on this opinion because I think we’ll all fill in the blanks with our own worst fears, so there’s no need for me to do the heavy lifting when it comes to this kind of horror.
Which of these things do reviewers actually intend? I can’t say. This is obviously up to the receiver of a particular review to decide. I personally remind myself of Hanlon’s Razor whenever possible: “In misunderstandings, never assume malice where thoughtlessness will do.” It doesn’t necessarily amend the hurt I might feel, depending on how the review is worded and how severe the backhanded compliment structure is... but it does help me make peace with it.
What’s my personal opinion on the matter?
I’m of two minds.
Mind the First: It’s awesome to convert someone to a genre of story they previously hated. OC fics get a (frankly undeserved) bad rap, so I understand that an inevitable portion of readers will come into OC stories predisposed to disliking them. Knowing someone clicked on my story thinking they’d hate it, only to come to love it, is pretty great. It’s like you’ve given other OC fics a chance by being a good representative of that fanfic genre.
Mind the Second: In general, using the structure of a backhanded compliment to pay someone a genuine compliment is confusing and can be an example of poor communication if it’s not worded with enough clarity. Additionally, “I thought I’d hate your story” might be true for a reader, but it probably isn’t a necessary thing to tell an author. Just because you CAN say something doesn’t mean you SHOULD.
Personal Anecdote: A reviewer once told me of my main work, Lucky Child: “I clicked on this story to laugh at it and mock the concept, because it’s sooooo cringey, buuuut... it’s actually pretty great and I grudgingly respect the work you’ve done on it.”
The rest of the review was lovely and very complimentary, but knowing they came to my story intending to make fun of it, being told I wrote for a cringe concept, that they only “grudgingly” respected me... wasn’t the best. Largely because I am secretly afraid that people feel that way, so their review was confirming something I secretly dread. “How many other people are think my concept is cringey?” I found myself worrying. And the word “grudging” made me feel like they resented me for converting them to OC stories, which made me feel... not the best.
I genuinely believe they were trying to be nice and pay me a compliment NOW, but I will admit that I was somewhat unsettled by the comment when it first came in. There were better ways they could have communicated with me, for sure. Again, Hanlon’s Razor came in handy in this instance, and now I look at that review (and reviews like it) positively. But it did take me a while to put aside the negative implications. It helps that Lucky Child gets a comment like this every few weeks, LOL. At some point I’ve gotten used to them. Now I wear them as badges of honor and love receiving them. AGAIN, THOUGH: I’ve had practice. Authors less used to that kind of comment would likely respond the way I did at the beginning.
In conclusion?
In the end, I think using the structure of a backhanded compliment is confusing as heck when what a reviewer INTENDS to do is pay a genuine compliment.
So to reviewers who want to leave remarks like these? I’d say try to structure your comment in a clear way, avoid structuring a compliment like an insult, and be sure you’re not leaving room for miscommunication. Writers are notoriously sensitive creatures (myself included), and their command of language means they’ll read VERY DEEPLY into things if you’re at all ambiguous. Clarity, in all things, is key.
Honestly? Times like these are why I wish we taught more rhetoric in schools. The MANNER in which you communicate a thought can completely negate the CONTENT of your thought if you don’t use the right rhetorical device to communicate it, and using the rhetoric of insults to convey compliments is bad use of language. Mind your rhetorical devices, people! They’re important, especially if you consider yourself a writer.
To writers who receive these comments? I’d say to write down a version of Hanlon’s Razor and to repeat it to yourself often: “In misunderstandings, never assume malice where thoughtlessness will do.” I’m not saying all reviewers who leave this kind of comment are thoughtless, of course. But I AM saying that most of the time during misunderstandings (especially ones that take place on the internet, where you can’t read tone, body language and facial expression), people just don’t realize that their words can be misconstrued for anything other than what they intended. Most of the time, they have the best intentions. But since outcome is more important than intention, that can be cold comfort for those on the receiving end of a badly communicated review.
TL;DR for Reviewers: Don’t leave comments like these if you don’t want to be misunderstood.
TL;DR for Writers: Don’t take comments like these personally, because most reviewers don’t mean them maliciously.
I hope this helps, OP. Sorry if it’s too much!!
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ginger-snaps014 · 3 years
Because I am trying to actually post my art again. Also I need to stop watching dc shows since this is getting out of hand.
Enjoy my random OC I created after rewatching young Justice and Titans. In whatever multiverse she lives in, Greyson is still robin but older (think junior/senior in high school pre-fallout with Batman). And most members of the team are young justice versions. She is a scholarship student at Gotham Academy and is roommates with the daughter of a former ambassador’s to bealya who does not like talking about her mum (spoiler not Queen Bee).
Personality: sarcastic with trust issues galore; she tend to lean into anger and humor as a defense. Despite her parentage (presumably because she never knew her parents), she has a strong moral code despite being able to quickly befriend villains. She likes to call out the hero’s when they are being self righteous picks (especially if she is saving their butts or saving an innocent). Prickly, but overall good.
Episode one: Diamonds are not a Girls Best Friend.
Opening- one year ago
You meet Gwen in school being harassed for her scholarship status and bored as hell. Use this scene to establish personality. Next meet her bubbly roommate who starts talking about being jealous of the Wayne Scholarship dinner that will be held at the Manor, clothing etc. makes Gwen borrow a nice dress because otherwise Gwen would go in casual black jeans (which is all wrong for a cocktail event per the roommate).
Next major scene is in the limo with the other scholarship kids (only 1-3 per grade). Easter egg with atriums. Alfred and Greyson greet the kids at the door, and Greyson leads the group in a tour of the manor. During the tour near the entryway, they pass a large jewel that perfectly matches Gwen’s eyes and seems to slightly glow. Close up of Gwens schooled face looking like she saw a ghost. She asking dick about the gem as if disinterested and asking why it was in the Manor. Dick explaining someone had stole it last year from local gallery, and that Batman had just recently recovered it and handed it over to the gallery’s owner. Who in turn asked Bruce, an old friend, to secure it while the gallery’s security is being upgraded. Next scene is a vaguely uncomfortable dinner scene where Bruce has to leave within 5 minutes of being introduced to the group. He tells Dick to stay. While leaving Gwen realizes she left her phone at the table and leaves the limo to retrieve. She stares again at the jewel and tells herself “it is a coincidence.” She grabs her phone. The limo has already left. Dick finds her at the door and seems annoyed (and like he is in a rush). They call a cab and wait awkwardly in the entryway. Suddenly the windows burst. Smoke bombs and knockout gas are thrown in side. Blurry men in full tactical gear bust in as Gwen collapses. When she wakes up she tried up in a chair next to dick (also tied up and seemingly unconscious though a few panels will show his eyes partially open). Gwen struggles only to hear a familiar laugh. “Isn’t life funny, last we were all together,” motions to himself and and the stone (still in its glass case though the other masked men are trying to break in), “I killed you”. She looks up with disgust. “Missed you too sweetie”. The man lifts up his mask to reveal a teenage boy. And Gwen spits at him. Fun dialog show that they at least dated and she had something to do with the original theft. They finally get the stone and start to leave. “Oh right. lose ends” he aims a gun at her and it clicks. The barrel was empty. Laughing to himself the leader then tells one of the other men to get her up. Smiling. She is coming with us. One of the masked men speak. He sounds older and more mature. “That is an unnecessary risk. Leave her or kill her.” The leader throws a tantrum yelling that he hired the men. “Just shut up and do what you are fucking told”. Gwen has her hands tried behind her back and is forced up the stairs to the roof. She looks over her shoulder at Dick who looks asleep and cooperates.
Next Panel in the background his chair is empty. Gwen is on the roof watching a helicopter come closer. Suddenly one of the men is pulled backwards into the dark. Traditional Batman style fight with henchmen. Only the leader remains. He pulls Gwen to him and holds a knife to her throat. “Come any closer, you fucker, and I kill her!” Gwen smiles. “I’d like to see to see you try.” Suddenly she stomps on leader’s foot, and spins away unscathed. Notably, in the struggle the knife slashed Gwen but there was no blood, only blue sparks. She stands before the leader, her dress cut across the middle (clearly showing her skin … with no cuts). Leader pulls out a gun and Robin’s voice emerges from the shadows telling his to drop the gun… and likely making a joke. The leader starts firing at the shadows. We heard robin curse as if hit. Gwen jumps in and says his fight is with her. She walks slowly towards him and he fires repeatedly. The bullets bounce off with a flash of blue light. Her eyes are glowing. “You!!” He screams “It chose you!!” Gwen clocks him across the face and the leader collapses to the ground. She turns over her shoulder to ask the boy in the shadows if he is ok. He comes out. Intrigued. His leg is bleeding but he promises it was only a graze. She looks down at her dress. “Well this sucks.” Jokes about dry cleaners and coverups. Gwen mentions the Wayne ward passed out inside. And sees her cab coming towards the house. Thanks robin and jumps off the roof. We see her land and walk towards the cab.
Next scene is her getting a package early in the morning with a new dress the perfectly matches her roommates and her phone. And a joking note from robin. She see dick in a nearby classroom and asks how he is doing. He says fine but is clearly in pain. She can see some blood seeping through his pant’s leg where robin had been grazed. She says nothing. And the las scene just says “now. “ Showing robin and Gwen soaring on a roof.
Sad Origin or Juliet should have just Stayed Home: (Notably all covered in one issue as background info to avoid romanticizing pain and trauma) first thing to notice in the first panel. Gwen has brown eyes instead of the normal eerie blue). She thinks she is an orphan being raised by a loving aunt, only to have her home blown up by faulty gas lines (spoilers was not the gas lines). She ends up in the Narrows living in a group home with a hot boy (he is the leader that tried to steal the gem in the earlier episode). She is alone, without a safety net and traumatized. He starts dating her. And is a manipulative and emotionally abusive asshole. He tells her the mob has his missing birth father and will kill him if he does not get a certain stone (that just happens to be on display as of that morning in her dead AU ants gallery). The gem had been brought over by an anonymous buyer who what deemed in breach of the purchase agreement and lot rights to the gem. The aunt’s co-owner/ girlfriend had reviewed the jewel and set it up as displayed in the old 15th century painting, weird writing and all. While stealing the gem, Gwen cuts her hand as her boyfriend fucks around and reads the weird script. This accidentally starts an old ritual. After a clean get away, the boyfriend kisses her and pushes off a roof to her death. She accidentally grabs the gem while grabbing for something to safe her life. She wakes up two days later on the street where her body had landed after the fall, with blood stains in her clothing from nonexistent injuries. She feels strange and disconnected from her past as if looking at her entire history through water. She assumes it is shocks and sneaks back into the group home. She uses her aunts oversized jacket hide the blood. Her roommate try’s to get Gwen to fess up where she has been thinking it was a romantic runway. Gwen turns to go to the restroom and roommate says she likes the new contact lenses. Gwen looks up and realizes that her brown eyes have turned an unnatural blue. last panel "what the hell"
Bullet point of storyline notes:
The Halloween special issue. “Never Trust a Cat.” Gwen has her noticing Dicks Gymnastics and being forced by her roommate to go to a Halloween party. She dresses up as a cat. Roommate is kidnapped by guys in tactical gear and has something injected into her. Gwen runs after and with Dick’s help saves the roommate. Only to realize she has been injected with some neurotoxin that slowly makes her susceptible to suggestion that the JL has recently learned about. Obviously created by the light. He says the antidote is in the bat cave and he will take care of the roommate. “If you think I’m leaving her side, Dick Greyson, you are dumber than you look.” Dick tries to deflect. Gwen says fine. He awkwardly holds the roommate while racing through the street on his bike. He looks over his shoulder at Gwen who has not moved. A blue flash is in the sky. He goes through the waterfall. And administers the cure. Suddenly from behind “so this is what the bat cave looks like…. I’ll be honest. I did no expect the giant penny.”Gwen is floating in cloud of blue light that dissipates as she lands.
Batman started avoiding Gwen after only a few sessions
In the same episodes she learns her mother is alive and abandoned her for a life of crime, she learns that her aunt faked her death and left. Apparently, the aunt killed some guy that had been hitting her. He was part of the mob. “It’s not safe for you” crap.
Finds out mum is alive after seeing a picture of cat woman on the bat computer. Turns out Batman had only even given her the maybe scholarship after learning he could be her dad. He grew distant when he learned who was the dad. Oh the abandon meant issues and trust issues I mentioned above.
Turns out robin knew about her parents and had been lying to her for over year. He is also the only person to know her secret so she feel especially betrayed. Needless to say the budding relationship is crushed after their first kiss. She is pissed.
Mum is cat woman. Who had an unwanted pregnancy and gave birth under a fake name. She faked her death in a car accident. And never appeared to look back.
Gwens auburn hair is from her dads side of the family. That’s right cat woman and lex hate fucked after a successful mission. Lex doesn’t know about Gwen.
When Gwen learns who her father is and that Batman and robin have known since testing her DNA (without her consent) a few weeks after meeting her. She is pissed. So she gets drunk underage. Kidnapped by none other than her ex. He had hired Icicle Jr. to guard her. She just wants to avoid the bats at all costs and know she is off the grid. So she spends the next few hours joking with Jr and bonding.robin breaks in. As other henchmen are being beat up, Gwen asks jr if he wants to make a deal. Give me a place off the grid to crash and I will get you out of here. Screams. Jr shrugs and says the money wasn’t that good anyway. Gwen blasts the ceiling creating a hole and grabs jr to fly out. They crash at one of his hideouts and get take out. At some point a group of his friends (probably Easter eggs) come to try to get Jr to come partying. A little bit later. Gwen is at a club in central city with a bunch of villains and having the time of her life. She is flirting with one of the guys that came to Jr’s. And jr is dancing with his own man (is apparently gay in this universe go with it). Gwen is joking and being extremely vague about her “co-workers”. Suddenly green arrow and Artemis crash the party. Artemis says to put down the shot glass. Gwen stays she is just drinking and to chill (she is dealing with some shit and may not be perfectly sober). Artemis fires an arrow that breaks the glass. Small fight and Jr drags Gwen out. They arrive at the apartment laughing. A panel showing days of the week and then hanging out (video games, baseball, etc. just friend shit). Later the same friends at before some over with Jrs new man. They are all hanging out when the others start talking shop. Namely Batman has been captured and will be killed on live tv. They are laughing at how the hero’s won’t find him despite him being just a few bloating away. Gwen excuses herself. And leaves a note to jr thanking and apologizing to jr. she saves Batman. Fight scene. And tells him to never contact her again. It’s snowing when she leaves.
One of the Episodes right after robins betrayal. “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble”. Bus of kids with Gwen on it gets highjacked. Before highjacked, see a football player ruin gwens chem book. The kidnappers make their demands and decide to wait it out at there boss’s place…. Which also happens to host an illegal fighting league. The men joke that they will make someone fight. If you win the whole ransom amount we will let you go. Gwen volunteers. The men laugh. A football player volunteers and gather his friends money to place the bet. He gets knocked out in record time. The b Gwen worked on her school projects volunteers her money up so long as it gwen in the ring. The rules are simple. Step out of the ring, you lose. Get knocked out, you lose. Die, you lose. Gwen first fight is against a larger guy who comes swinging. She dodges and trips him. He lands out of the ring. She wins without throwing a punch. She sees lex in the box. She wins several rounds of increased difficulty. This includes a two on one and blockbuster. Gwen next fight is against bizaro.When he is flying she asks if that counts after stepping out of the ring. No, you have to touch the ground. Gwen does not want people to see her powers. Instead she tumble and flip jumps off the ring tops to reach the lowing rafters. She proceeds to fight and dodge bizaro before jumping on mercy greaves shoulders and asking Lexi if he could spare what he had hidden in his ring. Curious and intrigued he gives her the sliver of kryptonite, which she slide under Bizaro’s skin when she tackles his form. He collapsed in the ring. Comedic scene of her dragging her out of the ring slowly since he is so heavy but technically still awake. She removes the kryptonite as soon as his hand touches the ground outside the ring. It’s the final fight. Makes a joke how she has definitely repaid the ransoms after this this. At this point the kidnappers are impressed and joking with her. She jokes about chem book. They promise to give her 300 bucks for a new one if she beats the next guy. A cage comes down on the ring. A guy smaller than most she has fought is tried up with a hood covering his face. Kids wonder what monster could be worse than Bizaro. The announcer starts going on about this interloper trying to shut the fights down. It’s robin duh. Gwen turns to the kidnappers. “I’m supposed to fight robin. Fun” robin is half to see Gwen and tells her they just need to fake the fight for bit since KG and his other new teammate are there. Gwen says not a problem and punch the lying sidekick across the face and into the bars. She makes a cryptic joke how this will be over In a flash. Just give her five minutes. Cue fight. Robin is good at dodging. But gwen is coming for him. Crowd comments that she seems way more into this fight. Robin ends up tied up and hanging from the top of the cage like a Christmas turkey with one shoulder dislocated (but nothing permanent). He struggles and Gwen asks if he was looking for these. And pulls out his batarangs. Chaos occurs as the young hero’s make their move. An arrow is fired but Gwen blocks it with a batarang saying she still has 20 seconds on the clock. She waits as she counts down then jumps out of the ring as KF comes up. “What they hell” Gwen smirks. “We both know he deserved worse. After I didn’t cause any permanent damage.” She starts walking away. “By the way, don’t worry about taking me home with other hostages. I will find my own ride.” See her ride off on a bike. Artemis walks over to KF “isn’t that Robin’s bike”. “Yep”. Next scene Gwen in bat cave returning the bike when Alfred walks in. “I did not expect to see you here again for a while.” “I needed to return something after all. I’m not a thief.” Alfred looks at the bike and notices some stu wires. He raises an eyebrow. “You found the trackers” Gwen smiles “so will robin. I left them in some interesting places”. Alfred asks if she needs a ride home. She says she fine and has a few errands to run. A chem book to buy” “ miss Kyle, I believe most book stores will be closed at this hour.”
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Dancing, Drugs, and Lies (Pt.2)
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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(This is my gif so please give credit if used)
Summary: Morgan’s cousin is in danger. Aundreya decides to use some of her ‘special talents’ to help the team find her. Story seven.
Category: Working a case with the team. A bit angsty, I guess.
Warnings: Cussing. Drugs. Implied drug abuse. Normal CM gore and situations.
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: Just a reminder that this is all fiction and I don’t actually know about drugs or exotic dancers.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
When I got back to the office, I could feel the tension radiating through the room.
“What’s going on?” I asked carefully.
“The tox screen came back and they were only able to identify three of the substances in the mixture: heroin, cocaine, and MDMA,” Reid said.
“So there are more within the mixture?” I clarified.
“Their best guess is that there are two others in there.”
“What? And they can’t test it?” I was flabbergasted. How could a lab not test drugs? Wasn’t that literally half their job?
“They’re saying that they’re being overpowered by the other three in the mix, and they don’t have a good starting point as to what the others would be.”
“Do we have the drug?” I asked. I could give a stab at it. I was, what one could describe as, well versed in drugs.
“It’s in evidence,” Spencer said, skepticism coating his voice. Instead of explaining, I marched out of our meeting room and headed straight to evidence.
When I got back, everyone was looking at me. I opened the bag and dumped just a little bit on the round table.
“What are you doing?” Hotch asked. I pinched the white powder between my fingers and lightly rubbed them together.
“I’ve had a lot of experience with drugs. I’m just trying to figure out what the other two are,” I said.
“You’re not going to be able to do that. Especially not by just looking and touching because a lot of drugs come in white powder form,” JJ said.
I sighed. “I know, you’re right. But if I can figure out what the other two are, is that information going to lead us to our unsub?”
“There’s a very good chance. Obtaining five different drugs would hopefully leave enough records to track someone down, especially if the other two aren’t classic street drugs,” Reid said.
“Okay,” I said, ignoring the lingering question pertaining to my motives. I took a deep breath as everyone’s eyes were still on me. I looked around at the people in the room, trying to completely absorb them in their entirety, attempting to remember as much of reality as I could. Then, before anyone could bat an eyelash, I swooped toward the table and sniffed up whatever powder I had put there.
Amanda was not messing around when she said they acted almost instantly. I had barely raised my head back up when the euphoric feeling hit me. That must be the cocaine.
Cocaine acted the fastest so I would feel that first. Someone was grabbing my shoulder, ushering me to sit down, but I swatted them away.
“Shut up,” I mumbled. The noise around me had amplified, either because of the drugs, or… because of the drugs. Because I had taken the drugs, and people were freaking out.
The noise didn’t stop so I yelled, “Shut up!” That did it. “Listen to me,” I said, looking at everyone around the room. “There is nothing you can do about it now but let it run its course. I need you to trust me. Like I said … I’ve had a lot of experience with a lot of different drugs. I need you … I need you to let me do this my way. I can help,” I said. Sentences were already hard to concentrate on forming.
“What are you feeling?” It sounded like Emily.
“Yes, can confirm, there is cocaine in this,” I responded. “What do I look like? Like do you see any signs of other drugs?”
“Your pupils haven’t changed, but your eyes are watering,” JJ said, leaning in.
“Okay yeah. So we know there is also heroin in it,” I said.
“Wait, what?”
“Cocaine would make my pupils big, but heroin would make them small, so they’re balancing out. Also, heroin causes watery eyes along with flushed and itchy skin and a runny nose and drowsiness,” I explained. Speaking of, I was starting to feel woozy and put my hands out on the table.
Definitely heroin.
“Thank you, Doctor Spencer Reid,” Prentiss joked.
“You’re welcome, Aundreya Chambers,” I clapped back. It was almost always me that was on the receiving end of the info-dumping.
“Touché,” Emily acknowledged.
Spencer, ignoring our jabs, reached his hand out and placed it on my neck, which shocked my whole system. His hand felt like ice pricking my burning skin.
“That must be the MDMA,” he said, retracting his hand. He was checking my temperature and pulse. Nice. I looked up at him and immediately turned away, grimacing. “What, what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. You’re right, Molly’s kicking in, that’s all,” I sighed.
“I don’t understand,” Hotch questioned. If I wasn’t so high and using every ounce of willpower not to be dragged under by the euphoria pounding in my head, I’d make a smartass remark regarding Aaron’s uneducatedness in the realm of drugs. Not like I expected anything different.
“MDMA usually causes hallucinations, and some of them can get pretty weird and pretty graphic. She must be experiencing one now,” Emily explained, and I was grateful she stepped in. Wait. Ha! Of course Emily knows the effects of MDMA. I should have guessed.
I tried to look up at her to silently thank her, but her face was too messed up and I had to look away. Now I just had to wait for other signs of other drugs.
“Your hand twitched.” It was a voice that I hadn’t heard before.
“Your hand. It’s twitching,” the small, squeaky voice restated. I whipped my head around to identify the source and it was a little girl in a white sunflower dress. “Look.” I directed my attention to my hand and she was right. It was in fact twitching.
“That’s not a cocaine thing, right?” I asked her. My mind was getting foggier by the second.
“What’s not a cocaine th-” JJ started.
“Shh!” I snapped. I bent down and stretched my neck out as far as I could toward the girl to get as close to her as possible without moving a foot.
“No. It’s not,” she answered simply, “so then what is it?”
“I don’t - I don’t know,” I racked my brain, but nothing was coming.
“Your foot. You’re tapping your foot,” she said.
“What does that have to do-” I tried.
“And your eyes. Everything looks shaky, doesn’t it? They’re moving around really fast,” she said in that high pitched, sing-songy voice.
“What other drug does that?”
She just shrugged at me. Twitching, fast eyes, uncontrollable and jumpy muscles…
“Hyperactivity,” I realized.
“What?” someone around me asked.
“Hyperactivity! Spence, what’s the drug that makes you super hyped up?”
“There are a lot that do that,” he said, and I jumped. His voice came from the right side of me and I snapped my head up to look at him. Had he always been standing there? I thought for sure he was on the other side of me.
“There’s Adderall, concerta, dexedrine-”
“No, no, no. Twitching, jumpy muscles, shaky eyes, that kind of thing,” I said, getting impatient, knowing that I didn’t have time to spare for one of his lists right now.
“Yes! Yes! That’s the one! There’s meth in here too,” I verified.
“Can I ask you something?” Emily asked. I nodded.
“Who are you talking to?” I turned around to look at the little girl. She waved at me.
“Uh, there’s a uh …” How should I explain this? “She’s helping me figure out what I’m on.”
“Who’s she?”
“This girl over here,” I said, turning back to face Prentiss and pointing my thumb over my shoulder.
“Cool, cool. That girl is obviously a hallucination-”
“I know that,” I interrupted.
“Right, but a hallucination from what drug?” Prentiss asked. My eyes got wide.
“Em, you’re a genius! Not to take anything away from the actual genius over here. Not saying that you aren’t smart or like super-nearly-genius-material or anything-”
“Aundreya,” JJ said sternly. I swallowed and looked at her. “What drug causes that hallucination?”
“Right. Um …” I started.
“Acid,” the girl behind me helped me out.
“Yeah. What she said,” I seconded. The team looked at me. “You can’t hear her, either. Sorry. Acid.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, the swirling in my head nearly becoming too much.
“Okay, well those are the other two drugs in there,” JJ concluded. She gave me a reassuring smile. “You did great.”
I sat down, prepared to let myself fall into the euphoric feeling now that I had gotten the information we needed, but it never came.
What’s that about? I take five different drugs which are supposed to make me feel better and I get nothing?
“Let’s move you to a private room,” Rossi said, approaching me. I backed away, shaking my head. “It will only be for a little while until you come down from your high.”
“No! I don’t want to move,” I said on impulse. Suddenly, all I wanted to do was stay with people I knew, people I was comfortable with, and just curl up in a corner.
“Whatsamatter? Are you nervous?” the little girl taunted. I turned toward her, but she evaporated before I could ask her what she meant.
“Come on. I’ll help you there,” Rossi offered again. I took another step back.
“I can get to wherever it is myself,” I insisted, turning toward the door. I got halfway out when I realized, “Where is it, exactly, that we’re going?”
Rossi gave me a soft smile. “Why don’t I lead the way, and you can follow me, yeah?”
“Alright.” He led me straight to his office and shut the door. He locked it too.
“Wait, no, please don’t lock it,” I begged. He looked at me confused.
“Okay, I won’t. Is it okay if I stay in here with you for a while?” I nodded. I felt paranoid, like someone was watching me. I frantically looked around to identify anything that seemed out of place, or anyone else that could have been spying on me.
Come on, where’s that euphoria? I could use a little release right about now…
We sat there in silence for a good 20 minutes when he got up.
“Where are you going?” I asked. I would have been embarrassed by how childish and reliant my voice sounded, but I was honestly too worried about his answer.
“I’m just going to step out for a bit, and JJ is going to come in here instead. Is that alright with you?” he asked. He seemed to know a bit about how to deal with high people, yet another one I should have seen coming. I attempted to make a mental note that Emily, Rossi, and I should get high together at some point. No need to drag in inexperienced people, although I would definitely love to see our team members high. I hoped I would remember that when I was sober.
“Fine. Yeah. Sure. I’m good with that,” I said. Rossi opened the door and JJ quickly slipped in. Had she been waiting out there this whole time? Obviously not, but considering how fast she came in, it was like she was already prepared for the swap. Duh, Aundreya, you’re high and already seem to have an unstable personality. Of course she was already prepared for the swap.
Next up was Emily’s shift, but things didn’t get bad until after that, during Derek’s shift. Why’d it have to be during Derek’s shift? He already had a lot on his plate, and I didn’t even think he should have been watching me to begin with because of that, but being the good guy he was, he wanted to help in any way he could.
I started screaming. “Oh my god! Help him! Somebody please do something!”
On the floor, in a bloody heap, was none other than Spencer Reid. His body was bent in ways it shouldn’t have been, blood was pouring from his chest, his neck, his head, his mouth. And those eyes, those precious, movie star eyes, were completely glazed over. There was a split second before I started screaming in which I tried to remind myself I was high, and convince myself it was only a hallucination, but I couldn’t take that chance.
I rushed over to him on the floor and just started shouting for anyone to help and to save him. Oh dear lord just save him.
Morgan got down on the floor next to me and placed a hand on my back. “Who, Chambers? Help who?”
“Spencer!” I yelped. He got up and backed away from me. “What are you doing? Why aren’t you helping?”
“Aundreya, I’m going to be right back with help.” His gaze was the most intense I’d ever seen it. When the door opened again, I saw Spencer. My jaw hit the floor.
“Spencer?” I stammered, standing up. “Tell me that’s not real!” I gestured to the other him on the floor next to me, “Tell me that’s not fucking real!”
“I’m right here and I’m okay. What’s wrong?” he asked. He seemed sincere but I had to be sure. I glanced back to the floor where the other Spencer was still dying and bleeding profusely. I winced and tore my gaze away.
“Tell me something that I’m too stupid to come up with on my own so I know you’re not just another hallucination,” I demanded.
Without hesitation, he said, “Quantum mechanics is the science dealing with the behavior of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. It attempts to describe and account for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituents-electrons, protons, neutrons, and other more esoteric particles such as quarks and gluons. These properties include-”
“Oh thank god!” I stopped him, quickly embracing him with everything I had. I’d never been more grateful to hear his rambling, and I was pretty certain he was prepared to continue on until I knew he was real and I told him to stop.
He gladly accepted the hug, rubbing his hands up and down my back, assuring me he was real and was okay. I pulled away from him, and he cupped my face, brushing away the tears I hadn’t noticed falling. Standing so close to him with relief pulsating through me, his hands still supporting me, I suddenly had the intense urge to kiss him. I’d never felt that before, but even with the uncertainty, I was totally willing to let that urge dominate my actions. My eyes quickly scanned his face, trying to see if he was feeling the same.
What are you thinking? You are high, remember? Don’t do something stupid. This is not you thinking, this is drugged out crazy you thinking.
That was the problem, though. Even if it was drugged out, crazy me, it was still me thinking those things.
It scared me so much that I actually gained a moment of clarity, finding the willpower to turn away. Hoping he didn’t read the thoughts on my face and embarrassed by the whole thing, I said, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or pull you away from what you were doing. And Derek, I’m so sorry. You already have enough to worry about, you don’t need me adding to the stress.”
“It’s okay,” they both said at the same time. Spencer’s voice was soft and supportive in contrast to Derek’s strong and understanding one, both of which I needed to hear. It was nice to have a sturdy base and a safe net to fall back on.
“You don’t need to apologize. You took a dangerous, unknown mixture of drugs just so you could help get my cousin back. The least I could do is look after you for a little while,” Derek said, changing to that silky smooth voice of his.
“And I’m just glad that I could help you out of whatever terrible thing you were seeing,” Spencer added.
“I don’t know what got into me. That’s never happened to me before,” I stated, still feeling like I owed them an explanation.
“It’s just gotta be the intense mixture of drugs,” Derek said, waving it off.
“You’re probably right…” I started, but it didn’t feel right.
‘Whatsamatter? Are you nervous?’ The little girl's voice came ringing back into my head. What was she trying to tell me?
“What’s wrong?” Reid asked, clearly able to read my troubled expression.
“I’m not sure yet. Has Garcia come up with anyone?”
“She’s narrowed it down,” he said. Why’d he pause like that?
“What’s that mean? What’re you not telling me?”
“It’s just that, uh, she has narrowed it down to eleven people.”
“Eleven? Not farther than that? There are eleven people who are using all five of these?” I asked. How is it possible that my extra information didn’t narrow it down farther than that?
“I guess, but don’t worry,” Reid quickly added, “we are still using what we know to narrow it down even further.”
“Okay,” I said, disappointed, “I wouldn’t want to hold you up.” He gave me a small smile and exited the room. It was back to just Derek and I.
Whatsamatter? Are you nervous? Something about that was not settling right with me. That girl was helping me figure out what I was on, but she just left me with a cliffhanger? A taunt? What was she trying to tell me?
I sat there for the next 20 minutes (it felt like hours) trying to figure out what was going on.
Nervous, lack of euphoria.
Think, Aundreya, think.
A hallucination that had to do with a big fear, drowsy.
Come on. There’s got to be another drug involved.
Anxiety, emotional. Wait. Anxiety.
I was anxious about moving locations, I was anxious about people switching out, I was anxious that someone was watching me. Spencer dying is a root of anxiety, not to mention just sitting here, unmoving? There’s got to be another downer in here. What downer do you have less experience with? One that would cause lots of anxiety and a hallucination you aren’t familiar with?
I racked my brain until it came to me.
“OxyContin!” I yelled. Derek looked up at me, drowsiness in his eyes. I rushed toward the door and into the meeting room before he could do anything about it. “There’s OxyContin in this, too!” I must have startled them because Penelope nearly knocked her drink over from the surprise.
“Don’t do that to me!” she yelped.
“Sorry. Narrow down your search by only looking at those with access to OxyContin, either because they work in the medical field or because they or someone in their orbit just had surgery,” I commanded. My thinking felt sharp and clear.
“Okay, that leaves us with-” she stopped. Her eyes went wide. “Only one suspect. Dom Forester.”
“Address?” Aaron insisted.
“Already sent.”
“Let’s go. Morgan, Chambers, stay here,” I nodded. Morgan was about to challenge that order when I lightly grabbed his arm, leading him away from the rest of the team.
“They’ve got it,” I said.
“I know. I just wish he’d let me help more,” he complained.
“I know.”
“Hey, how are you feeling? You seem pretty clear headed for someone who is supposed to be high on now six different drugs,” he pointed out.
“Have I mentioned that I’ve had a shit ton of experience with drugs?”
“Yes you have.”
“Let’s just say I’ve built up quite the tolerance,” I said with a quick eyebrow raise. We didn’t need to get further into it.
He sighed. “Well I appreciate you doing that. Let’s just hope they catch this sonuvabitch.”
“Amen,” I replied.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
So they didn’t catch the sonuvabitch.
Actually, they didn’t catch anything. They swept his whole place, twice, and didn’t get even so much as a dirty sock on the floor. The guy was squeaky clean.
“That’s not possible,” Derek said, fuming. “Can we track his phone?”
“We tried, but it's pinged at his house for the past two months without moving. Everything we have is purely circumstantial,” Prentiss said with an undertone of pity.
“So what do we need to do to nail this guy?” I asked. We were certain it was him, but we just didn’t have anything to prove it.
It was several hours later, so I had pretty much come down from my high. Drugs pumped in and out of my system very quickly at this point.
“The best way is if we can catch him in the act,” JJ said.
“Okay, but how? You want us all to split up and stake out the clubs? That would take too long,” Morgan said.
“Well, Amanda said that he only went to three of them, so we’d only have to look at those three,” I said, trying to add some optimism.
“We don’t know if he’ll go to one of those tonight, though,” JJ said.
“Okay, let’s revisit the profile. What do we know,” Hotch redirected us.
“We know that he’s devolving because he got thrown off his routine, which probably means he’s accelerating,” Rossi said.
“It also means that he’s probably going back out tonight,” JJ added. It also means that Thia is probably dead.
“Okay, so he goes out tonight. What then? We’re at the clubs and just have to bust into all of the private rooms constantly to make sure none of them are our guy?” Morgan said. He was right. That was never going to work.
“Catch him in the act right,” I confirmed, a plan forming in my head.
“Right,” Aaron said. He looked at me suspiciously because he knew I was coming up with something.
“Why don’t you send me in? I’ll go in and act like I’m one of the dancers there, then he can-”
“No,” Emily said, cutting me off. “You’ve been through enough today. I’ll do it.”
I shook my head. “Trust me, I can-”
“I don’t think either of you should do it,” JJ said, cutting me off again. “There’s got to be a better way.”
“But this will work. We can make sure that-”
“It seems risky, but I think we can pull it off,” Morgan said, the third in a row to interrupt me. I rolled my eyes.
“How though? There are too many factors to consider,” JJ questioned.
“Well if any of you would like to let me finish one goddamned sentence around here, I’d tell you,” I snapped. They all turned to look at me. “Sorry. All I’m saying is that you can send me in as a dancer, he’ll ask for a private with me, then when we are in the private room, Dom will make his move and we catch him in the act.”
“How are you going to make sure he’ll ask for a private with you?” Morgan asked.
“Trust me. He will,” I said. If there was one thing I knew, if I paid enough attention to him and made eye contact while I was dancing, he’d almost certainly pick me for a private.
“Let me guess. ‘I have a lot of experience with dancing?’” Morgan mocked. I just nodded. “Is there anything you don’t have a lot of experience with?”
I shrugged, “Anything legal.” He blew a slight laugh out of his nose.
“That’s great and all, but you actually have to be at the right club,” Rossi stated.
“So we divide and conquer. We’ll stake out the three clubs and call to let her know which one he’s at,” Emily said.
“Are you sure you are okay with this?” Spencer asked me.
“I’m positive. Plus, I’m the only one with a heavy resistance to drugs so I’ll still have my wits about me to alert you. You’ll give me like a small button or something to push when he’s gone too far, right?” I confirmed. Hotch nodded. “Then let's do this.”
Part 3
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