#because just like he is trying to replace bad memories with good ones and move forward so I want this for myself
triglycercule · 2 months
ok so there's murder time trio where theyre best buddies and get along and sometimes even having more than just platonic interactions. and then there's also the murder time trio where they genuinely just don't like each other and avoid each other and do NOT get along and to me there's just a VERY clear timeline of events that could connect these two group dynamics. like these 2 could coexist,,,,,,
nightmare's fresh outta his little corruption sequence and he needs his henchmen. goes out and gathers the obvious three killer horror and dust (does it really matter how he got them??? kidnapping or not the trio will warm up to him). its his first time having to deal with mentally unstable grown up mortal men and he really has no idea how to manage the team so he lets them have some slack. spoils em a bit yk yk stops fights allows them to hang out allows em to screw around the castle even COMFORTS them,,,, shocking i know (a slightly nice nightmare interpretation from triglycercule? UNFATHOMABLE!!!!)
this killer's fresh outta something new so he's still kinda curious and nosy. he hasnt seen the multiverse and especially not interacted with nightmare/horrordust so he's kinda more outgoing and friendly (ish. to get to know better everyone and satisfy the curiosity of seeing what reactions and feelings these fellas could give him.) bc killer's not that much of a prick and horror and dust would naturally SLIGHTLY get along (and if in the right environment be good buddies. which is nm's lenience and killer's not shittiness) the mtt actually get along pretty well and are good buds!! like the first group dynamic i mentioned where the bad sanses are just kinda like a friend group except they have some weird work relations
and then a fight breaks out and nightmare kills either dust or horror (what about??? anything!) likely dust first because he's more likely to be wary of nm (if kidnapped) and also because he's just kinda more actively righteous compared to horror (who likely wouldn't do much against nm) or killer (does not give a shit.) dust dies, horror likely dies defending dust and that just leaves the og killer and nightmare
nightmare is like "oh shit i just killed my workers". he'll take like a week to ponder what he did and then completely move on (because hes an ass like that.) nightmare gets another horror and dust to replace the ones he killed. and killer is just like wtf how do i deal with this. the guys i were kinda friends were are dead but their copies are right here. like he knew copies existed in the utmv but he didn't think nightmare was so willing to replace them so fast???
this killer's still adapting to the multiverse and stuff (it probably hasn't even been a year since he got snatched up!!!) and yeah hes aware that copies exist and he could get replaced by one but he didn't think that it would LITERALLY HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE HIS EYES. so he decides to stick more around nm and avoid getting replaced like the og dust and horror because it really just hammers in the point that he's kinda useless if he speaks out like those 2. hes avoidant of the new replacements as well bc hes still new to this experience and is getting used to the whole implications of two guys that were once him and he was friends with died and got replaced by basically the same person
but they still have to work together for obvious reasons. and even if killer's avoiding horror and dust they probably aren't avoiding each other and probably are like wary friends/acquaintances. and naturally killer HAS to become okay worker buddy pals with them because hes stuck living with them. nightmare's a lot stricter and cold to avoid something like dust's rebellion against him happening again. mtt are wary of each other (mostly towards killer. horrordust are pals and killer's kinda growing more apathetic to the duo because he's already experienced a lot of the stuff before with the og two that died.) but theyre still "friends" you could say
and then perchance maybe horror and dust decide to let killer in on a lil secret theyve been cooking up. theyre planning to escape (kidnapped DUH. and nm isn't as nice as he was to og horrordust to warrent them to wanna stay) and even though they don't really trust killer theyre still letting him in on the plan and offer for him to come with them because they lowkey feel bad for him and he's really not all that bad under all the bullshit
but killer saw what happened to the og dust and horror so he says no. and the night that the duo are planning to escape he just has this overwhelming sense of dread. the next morning he wakes up to nightmare standing over his bed with a cold glare telling him of horror and dust's attempted escape and death and killer just kinda. sighs. his dread was right (he was lowkey hoping that they could escape so they didn't die like the original 2)
and then the cycle repeats. previous dust or horror or both die to nightmare or some random outside force or escape (because it has to happen eventually right??) and the pair keep getting replaced. killer keeps witnessing their deaths and replacements and at this point he's just so used to it that he doesn't even TRY to interact with the new horrors and dusts. theyre not even like real people that are getting killed and replaced like robots to him anymore they're just distant coworkers that get fired and then a new one comes to take up the position
each new dust or horror is icked out by nightmare and killer. nightmare is incredibly cold and intimidating and dictatorial and just sucks in general. and killer gives them this distant look. like he knows something they dont. he's already proven to them that he knows that they should obey nightmare and how to deal with the king and they know he's been here longer than them but even when he's not with nightmare or not talking about him they get the blank stare
sometimes when a nicer replacement of horror decides to do something nice for killer like make him a meal he just gives him that look and declines (there's already been countless different horrors that tried doing nice stuff for him. it's not new and nice in his eyes anymore.) maybe when a dust replacement gets irked by killer's apathy and decides to try and say something that'll bother him or snoop through his personal stuff killer will just walk away or kick him out of his room with that creepy ass blank stare again (it's not the first time a dust has tried to rile him up. it's not new or interesting and just predictable)
killer just doesn't CARE about the new horrors and dusts. they're all pretty much the same two guy except maybe a bit nicer or meaner or quieter or even taller or something?? all he really cares about is is serving nightmares atp, no other outside relationships. and ngl he doesn't even care that much about nightmare either. he's already figured out his thinking he's already figured out all of his likes and dislikes and what not to do to piss him off. the only reason he's still dealing with him is because he doesn't have anything else better to do and he doesn't wanna be useless to the one guy that he's served all this time
he's just kinda stuck in an empty boring limbo that killer's only maintaining due to a lack of motivation and any other priorities. and personally i just think this bad sans dynamic is lowkey tragic because like killer keeps witnessing all these guys that he used to be friends or enemies or rivals or whatever with and they just keep dying or leaving him behind. not one ever stays for THAT long (because no wayyyy a dust or horror would take being under a cruel nightmare well) and it's given him this idea that none of these people matter (aside from the important one which is nm) because they're just gonna leave me and the connections ill have formed with them will be for nothing so why even try being vulnerable and friendly and interacting with these cheap copies of the guys i USED to be friends with
#nobody asked for this but i wanted to think of this#i don't know why i always have this idea that just because nobody asked for it doesn't mean nobody wants it. I WANTED TO WRITE THIS!!!!!#see this would work better if it were a fanfic and not a cheap tumblr post about this vague idea#i just wrote this because i really like the image of a blank eyed knowing looking killer#like he KNOWS something about dust and horror that they don't. and it bothers them severely#WHAT DOES HE KNOW??? their death or leaving is what#you ever think that killer has this crazy good sense of being able to predict the future#like he's just gotten so used to things that he just knows their next move#he would be crazy good at reading people and figuring out their behaviors#psycho analyze these guys until he could ACT like them. because what else does he have better to do when so bored and apathetic :3#this (may or may not be) is inspired by a song. i was imagining a dust and horror who kept trying to leave nm and failing miserably#and each time killer would tell their story of how they died or how the previous 2 died#he's like a little time capsule. he stores the experiences and memories of each copy of horror and dust to never tell anyone#because who else would be hell??? the MIRROR??? NIGHTMARE??? lmao no#would this make killer much older than the horrors and dusts that get replaced. maybe i think that would be cool#he lies about how old he is to the other two because if he didn't then they would act differently and not like how he predicts#and anything new and unexpected is kinda scary to killer#ok i think that's enough elaborating in tags. time to actually TAG#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#nightmare sans#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#what tricule tag category does this go in hmmmm hmmmm#this COULD be a hc and BOTH an analysis. but which one...............#i guess analysis because there's not really anything outrageously ooc in this one#tricule analyze
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julielilac · 1 year
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Umbrella merch by his FC, the famous skirt-pants and Nike shoes 👀
#build jakapan#my text post#welcome back to Japan#I will speak on this topic for the first and last time#because just like he is trying to replace bad memories with good ones and move forward so I want this for myself#his last trip to Japan traumatized me and the whole fandom#everyone in that cursed company was having fun and laughing#while his life and career was ruined by pathological liar psychotic woman who couldn't break up like a normal person#his country was against him and crazy antis could do anything to him#but he was sent home ALONE without a bodyguard in a f*cking taxi to the airport and not a company car#and after his arrival he sobbed in his father's arms#he ate and slept poorly his family was afraid to leave him alone#his former company wrote that he was suspended from all projects and all brands refused to work with him#the screenwriter with whom he was supposed to work discussed accusations of plagiarism with this psychopath#(in which it wasn't her who was accused but him although he wasn't even a screenwriter)#and the CEO of the company called it's 'a coincidence'#after that his former company wanted to put on a show and put them both in the same room in front of reporters#but he decided to leave the company for his own good#a month later he sued her for deformation blackmail and coercion#but even after the verdict of the court that ruled that everything said by this b*tch was a lie#neither she nor the antis leave him alone and sabotage his work#and journalists continue to ignore the results of the trial and either remain silent about his successes or write vile articles about him#I'll never forgive a single person in that cursed company#not a single pathetic cowards who called themselves his friends and 'family'#couldn't stand up for him knowing damn well that he was slandered#and that wasn't even the worst part because they f*cking CLAPPED his ab*ser from the stage#they still work with her and call her name while treating him like he doesn't exist#their disgusting attitude towards the victim makes me wish to erase their existence from my memory to the point I'll forget their names#I don't care why they chose silence and don't even start with the 'private support' bullsh*t because there was none#and even IF it was there he needed PUBLIC support like his sister and his old friend did
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
we can't be friends (wait for your love) | luke castellan
synopsis: where luke survives the battle of manhattan and returns to camp half blood, only to see you (his ex) in a new relationship.
based on we can't be friends (wait for your love) by ariana grande
luke didn’t plan on making it out alive from the battle of manhattan, but here he was, back in camp half blood, wishing that he succumbed to his wounds instead of fighting to stay alive. the camp was different, cold and foreign to him, even though he’d spent a good chunk of his life on the campgrounds. all his best and worst memories were made at camp half blood, but that life seemed unreachable now. at this point, luke didn’t know if the memories that he recalled were actually his or if they were just tricks kronos was still pulling on him. 
the campers knew him as the ‘traitor.’ the kids he used to help with their sword skills cowered in fear whenever he approached them. the apollo kids only tended to his wounds because they had to and even then, they glared at him and wrapped the bandages just tight enough not to cut off blood flow. the satyrs who used to slip him strawberries from their fields, spoke about him in hushed whispers whenever he walked by them. but the thing that hurt the most was seeing you walk around with theo harvey, hand in hand, just like he used to do with you. 
he didn’t have the right to be upset. it’s been years since the two of you were last together, years since he held your hand in his, kissed your lips, felt you asleep on his chest. it was before he turned into this monster with hands stained with the blood of the people he considered friends, considered family. he knew you’d move on. he told himself that he wanted you to be happy, to receive the love that you deserved, but selfishly, he knew deep down that he wanted you to have that with him– not the theo harvey, child of athena, favored by the gods. 
at first, luke thought he’d be able to make it through the summer. as far as he knew, the older kids didn’t stay at camp half blood throughout the year, but he was thoroughly disappointed when he found out that a lot of the older kids stayed to guard camp just in case something happened. luke blamed himself for his own suffering. getting used as kronos’ host hurt less than seeing your lipgloss on theo’s cheek when they sparred; or noticing that the necklace he made for you when he was 15 was replaced by the one that theo bought you; or hearing your giggles from across the campfire while theo whispered corny jokes in your ear. he did this to himself.
it made him sick to his stomach. he discreetly moved into the poseidon cabin with percy (he grew tired of his siblings falling silent every time he walked into the hermes cabin. he no longer knew how to sleep in silence because it was always loud and rowdy when his siblings were involved, but alas, that changed too). luke was scared of it at first, knowing that he was on thin ice with the gods, but percy, being percy, scoffed. 
“you already tried to dethrone them,” the younger boy joked, trying to lighten luke’s broody demeanor, “i think you staying in a cabin you’re not assigned to is on the bottom of your list of offenses.” 
“dude. too soon.” 
“my bad.” 
the trio tried their best to cheer luke up. they knew that it was probably difficult for him to come back to camp after everything, but it became clear quickly that luke’s mood was not just due to everyone at camp hating him, but rather because one person at camp wanted nothing to do with him. 
anyone who saw you and luke interact before everything went down, knew that there was something between you guys that nothing in the world could touch. none of them knew the extent of your bond until it was your voice that snapped luke out of kronos’ control. it took one word. one syllable. luke. the second he heard your voice, it was like a switch was flipped in luke’s brain. 
percy made an ill-timed joke after the dust cleared, “if y/n was all it took to bring you back, we would’ve dragged her to see you a long time ago, buddy. would’ve saved us a lot of time.” 
on the way back to chb, luke revealed that he made a deal with kronos to keep you out of harm’s way. he only agreed to be kronos’ host if it meant that he would protect you, keep you away from all the bloodshed of the war. the titan agreed but underestimated your stubbornness and prowess. when you showed up to the battle of manhattan, a part of kronos knew that his plan was spoiled. 
so luke’s actions, sulking during meals, spending too many hours training, opting to be alone, made sense to them. you hadn’t so much looked in his direction since he arrived at camp half blood; not even a smile, a wave, an acknowledgment of his presence. it was painful to watch luke stare at you from across the room, longing evident on his face, only breaking his gaze when theo finally showed up to take his usual spot next to you. luke still loved you, that part was clear, but at what point was it too much? 
annabeth, who’d watched your love story unfold, and was your number one fan, was heartbroken to watch your relationship crumble. she liked theo, her half-sibling was great, but luke was her brother and as much as he messed up, she felt bad for him. you were it for luke. if luke was going to end up with someone, it was you. she always believed that it was written in the stars, crafted by the hands of fate, professed by the goddess of love herself, that in this life you and luke would prevail and when your time came to exist in the afterlife, you’d find each other in elysium. but with how things were looking, annabeth began to question her own belief system.
it happened during one of the many nights luke couldn’t fall asleep, no matter how hard he tried. he threw on one of the hoodies he left behind at camp before sneaking out of the poseidon cabin to smoke a cigarette, a habit he picked up during his days on princess andromeda. 
he saw you then, standing by the lake seemingly on patrol. he didn’t know that you’d be assigned to guard tonight. if he did, he probably wouldn’t have come out of the cabin. as much as he stared at you and scratched at his palms wanting to talk to you, he never made an effort to. he knew you well enough to know when you wanted nothing to do with someone and how you were treating him right now made your intentions very clear. 
luke was trying his best to be quiet, but he accidentally burned the tip of his thumb with his lighter and let out a hiss. you turned around immediately, sword drawn, in a fighting stance. you narrowed your eyes, trying to make out who was out of the cabins this late at night. 
“shit,” luke mumbled, stuffing his cig and lighter in his pocket. he’d been so distracted looking at you, trying to hide himself, that he didn’t notice the fire was so close to his skin. he raised his hands up, trying to show that he wasn’t looking for trouble, “i-i’ts uh, it’s just me. sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you.” 
you froze in your spot, arm slowly falling to your side. you placed your sword back in its place, walking over to him, “luke?” 
it was pathetic how the corners of his lips quirked up in a smile at the sound of his name leaving your lips. he hadn’t heard it since that day and it made a warmth spread across his chest. he wiped the smile off his face as you got close enough to see him, afraid that you’d think he was making a joke out of the situation. he stood there awkwardly as your eyes studied his face and his body, probably assessing if he was a threat. 
“hey, y/n,” your name tasted sour in his mouth. he hadn’t called you that in years, always referring to you as baby, or babe, or love, or another cringy pet name that you pretended to hate but the blush on your cheeks said otherwise. using your real name felt too formal, like you were strangers. perhaps you considered him a stranger now. the idea made luke want to disappear. “i just uh, came out to get some fresh air.”
you stayed silent, pursing your lips as you continued to stare at him. luke tried not to think about how much of a mess he looked right now. the sweater was a size too small on him, sleeves falling short on his wrists. his pajama pants were wrinkled and stained with mud where they dragged on the floor on his way to the lake. his curls were a mess on his head. he ran a hand through his hair one too many times while he tossed and turned on his cot. the bags under his eyes weren’t the most flattering and the smaller scars that had been added on his face since the battle were disgusting to look at. 
he cleared his throat, “i can go back to the cabin, i-it’s really not a big deal. i’ll just crack a window open or something.”
“where are you staying?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, “i know you’re not sleeping in the hermes cabin. the stolls told me you haven’t been there in days.” 
luke rubbed the back of his neck, “i’ve been staying with percy. ‘m not really welcomed in my cabin right now.” 
“i see,” you replied. 
“you need to stop it.” 
luke gulped, “stop what?” 
“staring at me,” you licked your lips before taking your bottom lip between your teeth. you scruffed the bottom of your shoes on the grass, a tell that you were feeling awkward. he was brought back to the day you confessed your feelings for him. 
you were sixteen, he seventeen, right after he returned from his quest. he’d taken you out into the woods to get away from the judgment of the campers about his failed quest. he was lying on his back, pointing out the constellations in the sky, when you got up with your hands on your back. you shyly rocked back and forth on the tips of your toes and the balls of your feet, staring down at him with a red flush on your cheeks. 
you started dragging your feet on the floor, ignoring the dirt that kicked up from your actions that stuck on the fabric of your converses. you had mumbled that you liked him and luke couldn’t believe it. he asked you to repeat yourself, louder the second time, partly because he wanted to hear it again, and partly because he thought he was hearing things. when you groaned and walked away, fully believing that he was messing with you, luke jolted from his position and ran after you. he wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around, proclaiming his own feelings for you in between fits of giggles and kisses to your cheek. 
this scene was the opposite of that. your stare was cold and serious, needing to get this point across. luke thought you looked different. physically, you still looked like his y/n– same hair, same eyes, same lips, but the look on your face was distant. you’d never looked at him like this before, like you didn’t know him at all, like he had no place in the life you created for yourself. luke didn’t know if it hurt more to have you ignore him like you had been doing for weeks, or have you look at him like this. 
“i have a boyfriend, luke,” you sighed, “you can’t keep looking at me like that.” 
“i-i’m sorry,” he stuttered out, tears burning his eyes. “i just miss you.” 
“please don’t do that,” you whispered, turning your head away from him. luke watched you wipe your tears with your forearm and all he wanted to do was engulf you in his arms like he’d done a million times before and hold you until the storm was over. “you don’t get to say things like that to me.” 
luke rubbed his jaw, trying to keep his hands occupied, “you know i can never lie to you.” 
“i need you to lie to me this time, okay?” you refused to look at him now. “i need you to say that you don’t feel anything for me anymore.” 
“i can’t do that, y/n.” 
“i spent years loving you and you left, luke. you chose to betray us,” you placed your palms on your stomach, trying to steady yourself. you felt like you couldn’t breathe. this is why you’d been avoiding him. you knew that the minute he made his way back into your life, you’d fall on your knees, at his mercy. a part of you knew that he wouldn’t do anything like that again, but you also knew that in the off-chance that he would, you wouldn’t survive a second blow. you barely made it out alive after the first one. losing luke for a second time would ruin you. “i like theo. i’m finally learning to live without you and i can’t lose all this progress over some wishful thinking. luke, i can’t do that.” 
“it’s not wishful thinking,” luke replied, sniffling. 
“stop it!” you sobbed, turning to look at him. your tears were streaming down your face, despair and hurt clouding your eyes, “stop it, please! i’m begging you to let me go. i-i can’t have you in my life. don’t you get it? i’m tethered to you. you’re the other half of my soul. you own a piece of my heart that i can never ever get back, but i-i’m exhausted trying to fight you off.”
luke’s shoulders deflated at the sound of agony in your voice. he took a step back, mouth opening and closing as he tried to will his mind to say something, anything, in response to you. but he couldn’t. where does he even start? 
should he tell you that it was the memories with you that kept him sane all those years he was held captive? should he tell you that he visited camp half blood despite knowing that it would cause more harm than good during those years just in the hopes that he could catch a glimpse of you? should he tell you that when the corners of his vision began to blur, it was the feeling of your hands pressing against his wounds that made him fight to stay alive?
he’d stay alive just to feel your touch, warm and steady hands on his tattered skin as he’d always remembered, for a second longer. he’d use his last bit of strength to place a kiss on your knuckles, injuries be damned because he needed you to know how he felt. he’d use his last breath to tell you that you looked beautiful, bloodied and bruised, under the light of the world burning around you. he’d spend the rest of his life hated by everyone in the world just to have you glance in his direction. he’d spend his time in the afterlife in tartarus if it meant that he had a shot at rebirth, in a life where you loved him again. 
“make it easier for me and put me out of my misery,” you choked out, “you at least owe me that decency.” 
luke knew that he was difficult to love. his mom went crazy because she loved him. his dad abandoned him because he was too much. thalia hated him because of who he had become. annabeth still flinched when percy made jokes about kronos because it reminded her of what luke did. luke knew that loving him was a chore, a burden, but he never thought that loving him would cause someone so much suffering. especially not you, who told him once that loving him was effortless, as easy as breathing in oxygen in the air. you once said that loving him was simple. it was second nature to you. 
now, he watched you cry out in pain. pain that he caused. and he knew he couldn’t in good conscience deny you of your request. luke stuffed his hands in his front pockets, “okay.” 
he looked at you, for the last time, before walking away, stumbling in his steps as he left you alone.
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saythenametotheworld · 7 months
I Can See You | jjh
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Genre: workplace romance ; oneshot Synopsis: After a wild, unforgettable hookup with Jung Jaehyun, you were convinced you'd never see him again. Apparently, you were wrong because why is he strutting into your office as your newest coworker? Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x Reader Warnings: explicit sexual content (18+) Notes: 16k words, song prompt was I Can See You by Taylor Swift. Had a bad writer's block and wrote this on a whim in the middle of the night while I was high on Speak Now TV and fueled with cold coffee.
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"So, are you going to Tiff's birthday party? We'll go to that new bar downtown. The one that recently had a big opening."
You shook your head without glancing at your coworker, Jenna. Your eyes were focused on the task flashing on your computer screen. "I have plans with my sister."
"I see. That's too bad. You haven't gone out with us in a long time. I thought I'd be able to convince you this time."
You gave her a quick glance and an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I've been busy."
Jenna narrowed her eyes at you. "Are you sure you didn't get a boyfriend? You used to be the life of the party. Now you rarely ever show up. I mean, even though your sister has moved in with you, I don't think that's enough reason to suddenly change your habits."
"No, Jen. No boyfriend. I love partying with you girls, but lately, I just don't feel like it. Do you know what I think about every day when I clock in for work?" you grumbled at her curious expression. "Clocking out."
"Oh my god, you're getting old," Jenna faked a gasp that made you laugh.
"I'll make it up to you though."
"It's fine if you don't. But do let me know when you're feeling up to it again." Jenna flashed a wide grin. "We'll tear this city apart when you do."
Your chat was cut short when you spotted your department's head walking into the office. Jean rushed to her desk and there was a quick shuffle of feet before everyone settled in their own spaces. You eyed your department head and saw that he was coming in with someone else. It must be the new analyst who's officially replacing the last one who resigned recently. That's great because Tiffany's been going through double her usual workload as the only data analyst on your team.
"Good morning, Team!" your department head greeted. "Today's a good day."
Indeed it is, you think so too. It's probably even the best day in the office, given the immaculate sight before you.
"My, my. Look at that..." Jenna discreetly tapped on your shoulder. "A tall, handsome gentleman has graced this tiny workspace with his presence."
You just shook your head dismissively despite also thinking the same thing. When your eyes flitted back to the two men standing by the doorway, you found the new guy's eyes fixated on you. It was like you had been hit by a freight train, the nerves making your heart beat wildly and your eyes widen ever so slightly when you recognized him. Jung Jaehyun.
"This is Jaehyun. Starting today, he will be joining our team as our new data analyst. I trust all of you to help him settle down and get to know our company. I also expect all of you to get along well."
"Yes, sir!"
"Welcome Jaehyun!"
"Welcome to the team!"
Your coworkers immediately gathered around him, greeting, introducing themselves, and welcoming him into the team. Jenna slides towards you in her chair.
"Is it just me or have I seen him before?"
"I'm sure it's just you," you lied, chuckling nervously as you cleared your throat.
Jaehyun was courteous, greeting every single one of you and shaking hands with everyone. You notice him lingering a little longer by your desk but pay it no mind and treat him like it's your first time meeting him. He examined your face as if he was trying to see if you really didn't recognize him at all. That look made you a little impatient, especially after flashes of memories displayed in your head; ones where he was giving you the same intense gaze while you were straddling him.
"It's nice to meet you, y/n." He smiled before leaving your desk and even after he was gone, the way he said your name replayed in your head like a broken record.
"You think he's hot, don't you?" Jenna teased. You had been trying to focus on your job but Jaehyun's desk had to be across the room, right within your line of sight. He was going through some papers with Tiffany, seemingly getting his first taste of his new job post.
He was just as dashing as you remembered, in his complete set of suit and neatly styled hair. Although when you first met, he didn't have his coat or his glasses on. He probably doesn't even need those unless he's reading or something. You know his eyesight works well, judging by how clearly he can navigate even in the dim lights of the hotel room you locked yourselves in a few months back. The memory made you squeeze your legs together, feeling a nervous but euphoric rush run down your heart to your stomach. You cleared your throat, tugging on Jenna's arm to excuse yourself.
In the restroom, you checked yourself out in the mirror and washed your hands for no reason. That night with Jaehyun was like a fever dream, almost surreal. What's even more surreal was meeting him again, even in an actual dream. After that night, you regretted escaping in the morning while he was still asleep. You regretted not giving him your phone number when he asked for it and also not asking for his. You never saw him again after that, even when you tried going back to the place you first met him. You've come to make peace with the fact that you will never be able to see him again, or even meet anyone like him. Yet now he comes strutting into your office and introduces himself as your new coworker? You can't tell if you're being rewarded or screwed over.
"So, Jaehyun..." Tiffany was beaming when she approached you and Jenna by the pantry. "I invited him to come with us tonight and he's totally down."
"You invited him?" Jenna exclaimed in disbelief and Tiffany nodded. "He's a guy."
Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. "And? It's my birthday. Besides, Carl and the department chief are coming too so technically, this isn't a girls' night out."
That seemed to have convinced Jenna. "That makes sense."
Tiffany turned to you and started batting her eyelashes. "So, is my favorite colleague coming tonight?"
You chuckled at the flattery. "I would love to—"
"Ah," Tiffany cut you off, covering her ears. "I don't wanna hear it."
"Tiff..." you lilted but she just pouted and shook her head.
"I know exactly what comes after 'I would love to', y/n," she ranted, looking sulky. "It's my birthday."
"I know that but it's also my sister's birthday, so..."
"Oh." Tiffany softened at you after hearing your reason. "I didn't know we had the same birthday."
You just shrugged. Tiffany went on to suggest celebrating together but you declined because you've already made a reservation in a nice restaurant and you'll be with your parents. She tried charming you to agree to meet them at the bar after you're done with the family dinner and you could only say you'll try but won't make any promises. Honestly, knowing Jaehyun would be there too piqued your interest. Now you're curious to know what would happen at the bar, but you held it all in. You're simply just tired and would rather go home after a nice dinner than spend energy on socializing until late. Not even the hot specimen will be enough to convince you otherwise.
You had a hearty family dinner and Tiffany had her party. Judging by the stories on their social media, you can tell your coworkers had plenty of fun. Strangely, as you swiped through their posts, you didn't feel any ounce of envy at all. In the past, you would've been the organizer of this party. You would be coming home wasted, or not come home at all. But instead, you're wrapped in your blankets, scrolling through your phone on a Friday. You do feel bad about turning Tiffany down, but you won't swap this peaceful weekend for any rowdy, noisy, and dizzying nightclub.
Jenna was right. You're getting old. But you also know sooner or later, they'll succumb to the same lifestyle as yours right now.
Your finger pressed on one picture in Tiffany's long array of stories, the one where Jaehyun was posing with your colleagues. He stood out the most, with his pearly white skin and tall height. In his hand was a bottle of beer, his cheeks and chest were rosy due to alcohol and the rims of his eyes were pinkish. Your eyes focused on his lips, plump and red under the flash of the camera. Your mind spiraled again, falling into an immediate recollection of the one-night stand with Jaehyun. The weather was cold at the time, but Jaehyun's skin was hot against yours. His eyes were fiery with lust, staring you down and scanning your entire being as if he were trying to memorize you. His arms were strong, and so were his chest. You remember how the high came as quickly as it left, and how it was the best part of the whole thing. It was an intense night out, and an even intense hook-up. You will never forget that, nor will you be able to compare it to anything else you've had before. That night with Jaehyun was so good that it almost felt illegal; like a vice that will get you addicted to it if you're not careful.
You tossed your phone across the bed, taking deep breaths to calm your raging hormones. You would never admit to anyone, even to yourself, that part of the reason you stopped going on night outs was because of Jaehyun. Everything about him has been imprinted in your mind that nothing about your nightlife satisfied you anymore, especially not the guys who tried to humor you.
"Fuck my life," you mumbled to yourself, dreading Monday as much as you're looking forward to it. Jaehyun will be there. That idea made you feel giddy and nervous at the same time and you hate feeling overwhelmed, especially about a guy.
Monday rolled in like clockwork and you imagined yourself bumping into Jaehyun at the building entrance. Obviously, you didn't, but you did catch him inside the elevator. He gave you a small smile as you stepped into the elevator with a few other employees. You stood right next to him, your shoulders brushing slightly because the lift was packed.
"Good morning," he greeted casually and you tried not to collapse on your knees.
"Good morning, Mr. Jung."
Jaehyun's smile widened. "You act like we don't know each other."
"Pardon me, Mr. Jung," you chimed, smiling sweetly at him. "But I would rather keep things professional in the workplace. So, wherever it is that you remember knowing me from, I'd appreciate it if you don't bring it up at work."
Jaehyun pursed his lips, his brows forming a knot. "I was talking about the way you addressed me just now. You're the only one who calls me that here. Everyone else calls me by name."
You opened your mouth to retort but then closed it again and avoided his gaze. Jaehyun's grin didn't leave his lips until you were out of the elevator. That annoyed you a little, knowing he was amused about you feeling awkward. You sat in front of your computer all day, looking pissed. Jenna chatted with you several times but you just gave her the bare minimum of your attention. By 3pm, your coworkers were chatting randomly among themselves and while most of them found Jaehyun to be the most interesting one in your bunch, you drowned in your own work instead of participating. You feel awkward enough seeing him around, and even more so because you know you want him. You want all of him. But given that your office has a rule against dating coworkers, you can only dream. You wonder if you can take more of this agonizing situation, and you wonder how much his presence would affect your daily office life.
You must be delusional or have high self-esteem because, for the next few days, you were convinced that Jaehyun was as antsy as you were. Several times you caught him staring at you intently, with his forehead creasing and his lips pursed, not even avoiding your gaze like he meant for you to notice him staring. Even around your coworkers, you can see him watching you with those eyes. You're not oblivious to the meaning behind those gazes and you're not ignoring them either. You acknowledged them, every single one. You gave him the same exact look with the same exact intention. Each time you brushed past each other, regardless of how close or far apart you are, he always made sure to graze your arm, or your elbow, or your shoulder; especially your shoulder when you're wearing something that exposes them. Each time your name is mentioned in your small office, his eyes follow the direction of your desk. And your desks just have to be positioned right across each other's. Far apart, but face to face.
You know he wasn't being discreet and you hoped he would because sooner or later, people will start to notice how he paid attention to you. You can tell by the way your colleagues would randomly tug him because he was in a daze staring at you, and the way someone would always clear their throat to prompt him.
One night, during overtime, when you had to cram some paperwork for the monthly audit, you were alone in the pantry making coffee for yourself when Jaehyun walked in. You held your breath for a moment, giving him a nervous smile before reverting your attention to the coffee machine.
"Evening," he greeted, his voice deep and throaty, damn attractive.
"Evening," you greeted back, watching him reach for a mug from the cupboard. He stood there with you, waiting for the brewing coffee, but your senses were on high alert because of the proximity. Your shoulders were almost touching and his hand on the counter sat close to yours.
"Seeing any light at the end of this tunnel?" he asked, referring to the loads of work everyone had piled up.
"The only light I'm seeing is daylight. We'll be here until the morning," you huffed, sagging your shoulders as you glanced down your wristwatch. It's 11pm but you eventually stopped caring about the time when you saw his pinky finger linking with yours.
"Well, if you need a hand, just let me know."
Your eyes were fixated on your linked fingers but you still replied. "I'm sure you have plenty on your plate as it is."
"How about you try not to decline someone's good intentions," he chimed, letting go of your finger to properly place his hand over yours. "Especially if it's mine?"
"I don't think you mean good intentions, Jaehyun," you purred, challenging his bluff. His lips lifted into a smile, revealing a set of dimples that would have looked cute if only he wasn't staring at you like he was ready to devour you at any moment.
"As long as we're on the same page, I don't care how you label my intentions."
You stared at each other for a while, conversing with your eyes and seemingly coming to an agreement. Your self-restraint had always been thin, but right now it's at its thinnest and your rationality is working hard to remind you that you're in the office and anyone can walk in on you anytime.
The coffee machine beeps, signaling that the coffee is ready. You drew your hand from under his hold and were about to grab the kettle when Jaehyun yanked your hand back and pulled you into his arms, locking you there.
"Jaehyun!" you scolded in a hushed voice. He lets you go after a soft whisper in your ear that had his lips brushing on the sensitive skin. The pantry door opens and you jolted a little in surprise. Jenna lets out a big huff.
"If I die today, know that I loved working with all of you," she said dramatically.
Jaehyun chuckled, grabbing the kettle and pouring himself a coffee. "Hang in there," he comforted Jenna as he poured some on your mug too.
He left after that while you stood rooted on your spot, your mind in shambles because of Jaehyun. Jenna had to shake your shoulder to prompt you.
"Are you okay?"
You flashed a fake smile. "Yeah. Of course."
Jenna gave you a pitiful gaze. "This is killing you too right?"
"Right," you sighed, taking your mug from the countertop. "Let's have some more of this and hope we get through the night."
"Amen," Jenna quaked.
You go back to your desk, but your mind cannot focus on work now. Your heart started beating wildly in your chest the moment you were alone with Jaehyun, and it hasn't stopped since. You tried not to pay him any attention, but he was right across the room so it was impossible. When your eyes met his, he lifted his ID card to show it to you, and that made you look away. You grabbed your headphones and played music to drown your thoughts and hopefully focus on your task. But Jaehyun's melodic voice was still in your head.
'Did you know everyone at the motel knew my name when I stepped out the morning after?'
Fuck him. And fuck motels with crappy soundproofing.
Jaehyun was still smug about you getting flustered by what he said. Now you're thinking he did that to see how much of an effect he has on you. Why bother? He already knows he had you in a chokehold.
"Hey, still swamped?" Tiffany asked sleepily, sinking her chin on your shoulder. You leaned your head on hers and sighed.
"Halfway there, but I'm just finishing up on this one file. I'll work on the rest tomorrow." You were all required to finish work tonight, but after seeing how late it had gotten, your chief eventually told everyone to go home, saying he'd ask the higher-ups for an extension.
"Yeah, it's impossible to finish everything tonight," she grumbled. "Don't stay too long though. No job is worth dying for."
"I know," you sighed, giving her a comforting smile. "See you tomorrow, Tiff."
"See you."
Half of your office is now vacant and the only ones left are you, Carl, and Jaehyun who seemed to be working at a steady pace while still giving you a hard tease. You ignored him altogether, eager to just finish this one paper. But then you caught him yawning from your peripheral view, making you peer over your computer screen to watch. He took off his tie completely and tucked it away before unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. Then he flexed his arms and rubbed his nape, seemingly trying to shake off the drowsiness. The way he closed his eyes and threw his head back while massaging his neck is getting you riled up. You told yourself to look away, but your eyes were fixated on the masculine display before you. It was also at that moment that Carl stood up from his chair with a hand over his belly. His hurried steps caught you and Jaehyun's attention and you watched as he exited the room and slammed the door close behind him.
Jaehyun's eyes fell on you, his expression smug as ever. With a huff, you rose to your feet, tossing your headphones on the desk before you walked straight toward Jaehyun. He seemed taken aback and confused, frozen on his seat when you pushed his swiveling chair and sent it bumping against the wall. A smirk formed on his lips the moment you grabbed his collar.
"Whoa, whoa," he chuckled, even his voice is driving you insane. "What's with the aggression?"
You silenced his cocky attitude with a hurried kiss, straddling his lap while he grabbed your waist and kissed you back. It didn't take long for the making out to elicit an erection from him. When you gave it a grind, Jaehyun pulled back in surprise. The flustered look on his face gave you confidence.
"Why? What happened to the cockiness you've been giving me all day?" you challenged, running your hands through his neatly styled hair. "Don't tell me you're good with just words?"
He grabbed your hands and locked them behind you, hissing as he snapped at you. "Don't tempt me, y/n."
"Like you have been tempting me all day?"
Jaehyun smirked, leaning in to kiss your collarbone. "How long before Carl comes back from taking care of his business?"
"Long enough," you replied, trying to free your wrists from his hold but Jaehyun was infinitely stronger than you were.
"Good. Be quiet," he whispered to your skin, eyeing the CCTV at the far corner of the office. He gently pushed you off his lap before pulling you into the pantry door and shutting the door close.
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The rendezvous with Jaehyun might have been a bad idea. It didn't only go against what you personally believed in, it also went against your company's code of conduct. You had expected the next day after to be the most awkward, but contrary to what you initially thought, things weren't that bad at all. You kept everything professional and not in a forced way. Jaehyun was cordial, and so were you. It helps that you were all busy chasing the deadline for the audit too.
"Coffee?" Tiffany asked when she passed by your desk on her way to the pantry. You smiled at her, catching Jaehyun's gaze from his desk.
"No, thanks. I'm good."
Yes, you kept everything professional between the two of you, but you haven't forgotten the events of last night just yet. Eventually, you will have to stop avoiding going to the pantry, but you will surely never look at it the same way again.
What could be worse than dating a coworker? Hooking up with them. The no-strings-attached guarantee of hook-ups may sound like a good thing, but it's not when your hookup is your colleague. AND if you hooked up at the office. The chances of your little rendezvous happening again were high. You knew that and you were right.
Coffee? -jjh
You stared at the note for another second then glanced at Jaehyun's direction. He was already eyeing you, his brows lifting as if seeking a response to his query. You mouthed a 'no' before crumpling the sticky note and tossing it in the trash bin under your desk. Jaehyun just grinned, shrugging as he rose to his feet and headed for the pantry. Your eyes followed him, sighing when he disappeared into the door.
"What's wrong?" Jenna whispered in your ear, startling you because you never noticed how closely she was sitting next to you. She chuckled at your surprised reaction. "Girl, you should really slow down on those espressos."
"Indeed, I should," you agreed, laughing awkwardly before resuming your work.
Hooking up with Jaehyun was a bad idea and you had decided it would never happen again. That was a lie, of course, and it was proven to be when you found yourself making out with him in the copy room; your back leaning on the copier for support while he ravaged your lips and your neck. Several times, you couldn't suppress the moans that escaped your lips and several times, Jaehyun had to laughingly remind you to be quiet. On another occasion, he pulls you into the fire exit to make out, where he also had you weak on the knees all day just by going down on you for a good five minutes. The pantry would also be a venue for more than just that one time Carl had a bad stomach. Notes passing became a habit too.
Soon, you and Jaehyun had sullied the secret spaces on your office floor. You've memorized the areas where people never usually went to, the blind spots behind cameras, and the dark corners around. Overtimes became more frequent for you, with most of it being spent with Jaehyun between your legs or yourself bent over the pantry table or the copy machine. Surely, you gotta stop doing this at one point. But at which point exactly? Neither of you ever discussed that. You're not in a kind of relationship where you have to talk about this stuff anyway. As a matter of fact, you never even talk about the hookups. You just find the opportunity at random and then you both grab it each time it appears. That's how it has been for the past few months, and it doesn't look like things might change anytime soon. Or so you thought.
"You look gorgeous!" Tiffany praised, the moment you met her in front of the elevator. "Is that a new dress? Did you go shopping by yourself?"
"Thanks, but this isn't new or anything. I've had this for a while now. Barely wore it though," you replied, looking down at the dress you took your time to pick out this morning.
"Well, you need to wear it more often. You look great in it," Tiffany affirmed so you thanked her again.
At the office, Jenna uttered praises about your outfit too, throwing in a nice comment about how your hair was styled. You haven't really noticed it but these days, you've been paying more attention to your appearance. Not that you never cared before, but lately, you've taken an extra hour from your daily routine and dedicated it to looking great every day at work. Now that you're being praised for it, you had to admit to yourself that the reason for this might have been Jaehyun.
"Are you seeing someone?" Jenna asked while you were having lunch at the pantry. Your eyes briefly met Jaehyun's, who looked at you like he too wanted to know your answer.
"No. That's so random. Why'd you ask?" you chuckled, shaking your head and poking your food with the fork.
"I just had a feeling that you might be seeing someone. You look great these days," Jenna chimed.
"Agreed. You're literally glowing, y/n."
You shrugged, feeling shy because of the attention being focused on you. "I'm just feeling great these days. You know, skincare, working out, good sleep and stuff."
"And stuff?" Tiffany repeated, grinning playfully. "Is it the good stuff?"
Jenna snickered. "Must have been some satisfying stuff."
You chided them sternly, shaking your head at their teasing as you reluctantly glanced at Jaehyun. His head was bowed down as he was looking at his food, eating quietly but the grin on his lips made you kick his feet under the table. Carl jolted next to Jaehyun, whimpering as he reached down his leg.
"Ow, y/n. What was that?"
"Oh, god, I'm sorry," you blurted and gave him an apologetic smile. "Something brushed my feet. I thought it was a rat or something."
The rest of the day went with Jaehyun still giving you a teasing grin. You just rolled your eyes at him each time and refused to deal with it. In the afternoon when you were about to clock out, he pulled you into the fire escape, giving you a quick kiss.
"Stop. I have no time for this," you chided, hitting his chest. Jaehyun just smirked and you saw that as him challenging you. "I'm serious. I have plans and I'm gonna be late."
Jaehyun tutted and then sighed. "That's too bad. I was gonna ask if you'd like to have dinner with me."
"Dinner with you?" you repeated. You heard him clearly, you just weren't expecting that to come out of his mouth. "Just the two of us?"
Jaehyun looked around. "Let's see. There's you, me, and no one else around. Yeah, that means it's gonna be just the two of us."
You scoffed. "Stop playing around. I'm busy."
You were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to his chest. He then pressed soft kisses on your neck. "How about tomorrow?"
"I don't know. I'll check my calendar," you quipped, rolling your eyes. "I'm a busy woman."
"Come on, I'll pick you up," Jaehyun chuckled, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips before tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear. Somehow, his actions and the way he's looking at you felt affectionate, making your heart race. "Assuming you don't want to leave the office together. But if you're okay with that, we can just go right after clocking out."
"Why would you want to have dinner together?"
Jaehyun looked at you like you just asked him the stupidest question he's ever heard. "Why not? Is it not allowed?"
"No," you replied but then shook your head. "I mean, it's not that it isn't allowed. It's just... weird."
"Weird? The good stuff is fine, but dinner is weird?"
"Good stuff?" you hollered, hitting his chest as you felt your cheeks flare with embarrassment. "What good stuff are you talking about?"
"That's what you girls called it," Jaehyun laughed, trapping your hands so you'd stop hitting him. "Alright, I'm sorry. That was ungentlemanly of me."
"You're far from being a gentleman, Jung Jaehyun."
"Okay, I know why you think that way. So, maybe you'd be curious to see me be the gentleman that I am and have dinner with me. Tomorrow, after work."
You rolled your eyes and sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'll think about it."
"Great," he lilted, fishing his phone from his pocket and handing it to you. "This is the part where I ask for your number. Though, I know I should have done that a long time ago."
You scoffed as you took his phone and dialed your own number. After that, he kissed you again and you ended up making out for a few more minutes before you hurriedly stepped out of the door back into the building. You didn't expect to see Jenna when you pushed through the door. Her bright smile was a contrast to your surprised expression.
"Oh, hi! Are you leaving now? Should we go together?"
You were just about to respond when Jaehyun stepped out of the door behind you. Jenna stood there confusedly, eyes moving from him to you and him and back to you again. You grabbed her arm and led her away with a burst of awkward laughter.
"Yes. We should leave together," you blurted, dragging her away. "I was actually on my way to see my mom. Would you like to come with me?"
Jenna's face lit up. "I'd love to! I haven't seen her in ages!"
"Good. She'll be glad to see you too."
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Dinner with Jaehyun? This year is really full of surprises for you. Jaehyun went from being a man you thought you'd never see again to picking you up at your apartment on time for a dinner date. This was impossible a few months ago, but now there he is, standing by his car in a nice suit and neatly styled hair as he waits for you to come down.
"There you are," he chimed, greeting you with a sweet smile and a peck on your cheek. You kissed him back, thanking him after he opened the car door for you.
"So, where are you taking me?" you asked as he occupied the driver's seat.
Jaehyun chuckled, probably because of the way you phrased your question. "Where am I taking you? You make this whole thing sound so insincere."
You just shrugged, not denying his observation. "Sorry, just not used to this at all."
"I don't blame you," he replied, shaking his head. "The way we got into this relationship is unconventional."
Relationship? You hummed. Well, whatever this is that you have with him, it is considered a relationship, just not the roses and dinner dates kind. Still, here you are, pulling up in front of a nice restaurant. Jaehyun was attentive to you, opening doors and pulling chairs out. You know better than to assume he was an actual gentleman. His telling you he'll show you how much of a gentleman he was has kinda ruined it for you. Whatever this dinner was for, you decided not to overthink it anymore and just enjoy the night.
"To be fair, I was hoping not to see you again after that," you told him over steak and wine. You were talking about random things when the first time you met him was casually brought up. "I don't really like being nice and friendly with one-night stands the morning after."
"Is that so?" he questioned, brows furrowed but he had an amused smile on his lips. "I thought we had something going on."
You scoffed. "Something going on? Jaehyun, come on. You're not expecting to form some kind of connection with a girl you met at a nightclub. Well, except maybe the physical kind."
Your statement had Jaehyun throwing his head back as he laughed. "God, y/n, you have no idea how adorable you are."
Your cheeks flared at the compliment, but you chose to act aloof and just roll your eyes. "Now, you're just simping."
"Wait, what happened to the witty flirt who swept me entirely off my feet that one night at the club?" he asked so you shrugged.
"That time and right now are different. I was trying to flirt with someone then, now I'm just enjoying dinner with a coworker."
"A coworker?" Jaehyun's smile turned mischievous, dropping his fork gently on his plate so he could use his hand to wipe the corner of your mouth with a napkin. "Just a coworker?"
A coworker you have occasional quickies with. "Don't flatter yourself, Jaehyun."
"How can I not? Having a date as gorgeous as you are is very flattering indeed."
This time, it was your turn to let out an amused laugh. "It's amazing how well you use words to charm people. Is that a skill?"
"It might be but I'm not too confident in that aspect. I'd say I'm more well-versed in other uses for the mouth."
You choked on the wine and did so violently that you had a hard time breathing. Jaehyun was quick to offer you a glass of water, but mischief never left his lips. You glared at him because of that. "Whatever happened to being a gentleman?"
Jaehyun just wiggled his eyebrows, laughing after you rolled your eyes at him. Fortunately, he dropped the teasing and you were able to eat in peace. A huge part of you expected the night to extend until after dinner. You imagined all sorts of scenarios, all of them leading up to you and Jaehyun alone in an actual bedroom this time. It could be his place, or yours, maybe a hotel room. And as you were making out with him in the car right in front of your apartment, you pictured both of you naked on your bed and your mind went as far as waking up in the morning with him beside you.
So when he bade you a reluctant goodbye, and wished you a good night's sleep, you couldn't even hide the disappointment on your face.
"Everything alright?" he asked, noticing your silence as you sat there dumbfounded.
"Yeah," you muttered, still in a daze. Embarrassment soon crept up on you, making you look away and reach for the car door. "Good night, Jaehyun."
"You're not gonna invite me in?"
The way your head immediately turned to him and your face lit up was embarrassing, but your body was aching to be one with his so you ignored the shame. "Would you like me to?"
"I was waiting for it," he chimed, gently pulling you by the neck to kiss you again. When he broke away, he looked apologetic. "But we have work tomorrow and it's getting late."
"You're right," you chuckled nervously. "Duh."
Jaehyun smiled contently, giving you one last peck on the lips before letting you go. "See you tomorrow?"
You flattened your lips together, eyeing him curiously as you asked, "You know we can't date in the office, right?"
"Of course. It's a workplace. Not a dating spot," he chuckled and you sighed exasperatedly.
"No, I meant we can't date coworkers. It's a rule in the company."
Jaehyun looked like he was hearing about this for the first time. "That's a thing?"
"Oh, you didn't know?" you chuckled. "That's fine. It's not like we're dating or anything, right?"
"We're not?"
You groaned in frustration. "Okay, you know what? We're not having this conversation. I'm gonna go."
Jaehyun didn't stop you from exiting the car, but he bade you goodnight before you stepped into your apartment building. The dinner was pleasant but not that you were alone, you realized what a disaster it had been. Thoughts flooded your mind, all of them about Jaehyun; his dinner invitation, his intentions, the subtle implications in his statements, and what's going on in his mind. You thought maybe he was just teasing with his subtle hints. Surely he can't be serious about it, right? He's a grown man who knows how to properly communicate. If he wants more than what you already have right now, he can tell you directly without the mixed signals.
Then again, what if you're both just adults with communication issues? Admittedly, you too have no idea what you want out of this setup. Sure, you enjoy the thrill of it but one way or another, one of you has to be responsible enough to put an end to this.
That being said, you found yourself finding the right opportunity to bring it up with Jaehyun. Unfortunately, work kept both of you busy for the following days after your first date. So much that he can't even find the slightest opportunity for a quick rendezvous around the office. Other than work-related subjects, quick greetings, and fleeting glances, you have yet to speak a proper conversation with Jaehyun.
"Hi," Jaehyun greeted as he rounded the long conference room table. "You're here early."
You panicked on your feet, standing up in surprise at his sudden appearance. Doing so, your hand that was sitting on your lap hit the edge of the table so hard that you thought a bone was broken. Groaning in pain, you clenched your fist in hopes that it might alleviate the pain. Jaehyun rushed over to you, gently taking your hand in his to examine it.
"Why are you so clumsy?" he chided softly, blowing on the reddened skin. "Does it hurt?"
"No," you replied. It did hurt a while ago, but now that you were moving it, the pain has gone and you were relieved to know you didn't actually break a bone. More importantly, you are currently exhilarated because this is the closest you've gotten to Jaehyun in the past few days. The whiff of his perfume was faint, but it was enough to make you feel euphoric.
Jaehyun eyed you curiously, his forehead creasing with concern. "Are you sure? Does it hurt if I do this?" With gentle hands, he pressed on the reddened spot.
"Jaehyun, should we stop this?" you asked directly, and the astonishment on his face was evident.
"Stop this? This?" he asked back, motioning for your hand. You sighed, flattening your lips tightly together. Jaehyun's face darkened. "Oh, you don't mean that, do you?"
You pulled your hand back, shoulders sagging in frustration. "See, this is the problem with us. We talk in codes instead of communicating like grown adults."
He opened his mouth to speak, but the door opened before he could say something. Your co-workers walked in, chattering like busy bees. While that was happening, Jaehyun was moving back to his seat. The meeting began after quick greetings and work dragged you away from a proper conversation once again.
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"GUESS WHAT?!" Tiffany exclaimed when she found you and Tiffany in the pantry. Her eyes gleamed with excitement and she was jittering like she'd explode if you didn't respond to her immediately.
Jenna was the one who asked, "What?"
"There's a secret couple in our company!" Tiffany said briskly, in a single breath. Your ears rang warning bells. "And it's from our floor."
"From which department?" Jenna asked.
"No one knows yet, but apparently, Olive from Marketing saw two people making out in the fire escape."
At this point, you were sweating bullets despite the cool office. You wanted to remove yourself from the conversation but there was no excuse to leave. And to be honest, part of you wanted to know what people were saying about this.
"Oh my god, who?" Jenna was completely invested, it seems.
"They could either be from the same department or separate. But what if they're from ours?" Tiffany squealed.
Jenna appeared to think. "That's a possibility but who could it be? It's not like we know two people who are weirdly close to each other. Ones who act all sneaky and jumpy from time to time. And also keeps sneaking glances at someone from across the room."
You were stirring your coffee slowly, quietly listening without looking at them. But then you noticed they'd stopped talking so you glanced at them only to realize that they had been staring at you.
"Why? What's up?" you asked dumbly, still a little jittery.
"Well, would you look at that? It seems we do know someone," Jenna grinned knowingly and you could feel the color draining from your face. You and Jenna eyed each other, her looking like a predator who just found her prey, and you feeling smaller and smaller. You knew that she now knows. Feeling caught, you gulped the entirety of your coffee and belched.
"Sorry. I'm gonna go," you told them.
Jenna snickered. "Oh, okay. I'm gonna follow you then."
"Wait! Hey! Who is it?" Tiffany called out, following the two of you out of the pantry. "Girls! What do you know?"
Fuck the universe, you told yourself. The moment you left the pantry, your eyes caught Jaehyun who just entered the office. He did a double-take upon seeing you, stopping in his tracks and walking toward you. Jenna nudged your elbow a little too obviously, so you nudged her back.
"Hi," he began, smiling at the girls and then back at you. "Carl passed me on to you. He said you were in charge of this before so I should come to you for help."
You peered at the file he was handing to you and then turned to Tiffany. "Yeah, I did. But Tiffany worked on this after the previous analyst resigned. I just helped a little."
"Oh? Which file is it?" Tiffany questioned, also looking at the papers. "Yes, I can help, but y/n did the work on this entire project. It was already perfect so I didn't change anything on it and just submitted it as it is."
"You didn't?" you asked Tiffany who shook her head in response.
"Great. Will you help me update it then?"
"Oh, she'll help you just fine," Jenna giggled, nudging you forward. "She's really good at her job. Just don't go sneaking around."
"Jenna!" you chided but your friend just laughed, grabbed Tiffany by the arm, and walked away with a wave.
You groaned in frustration, snatching the file from Jaehyun's hand and mumbling to yourself. Jaehyun inched closer.
"Everything alright?"
"Jenna knows we hooked up."
"Jenna?" Jaehyun repeated, taken aback by your confession. He looked at Jenna who was still walking away with Tiffany. "She did seem like the type to catch on quickly."
"She's sharp when she needs to be," you replied, also glancing at your girl friends. "But she's not the most observant in our office. If she noticed something was going on with us, others will soon realize it too."
"Are you free tonight?"
You glared at him. "Did you even listen to a word I said?"
Jaehyun shrugged, tucking his hands in his pockets. "We can talk about it over dinner if you're down. It's on me."
You rolled your eyes in disbelief, then turned on your heel to leave. He calls out your name so you waved your hand in the air. "Fine. Whatever. Just go away for now."
Jaehyun was grinning fondly, but he heeded your request and walked the opposite way.
Dinner was quiet. Jaehyun kept chatting you up, and he had to keep prompting you because you kept drifting away into an absentminded daze. It's not that you didn't want to listen, you just had something in your mind that's making you dissociate with your company.
"Y/n," he prompted again, now looking concerned.
"Sorry. You were saying?"
Jaehyun exhaled calmly. "Nothing important. Would you like me to drive you home and call it a day?"
"What? No, I..." you paused, sighed in defeat, and then massaged your temples impatiently. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright," he replied, smiling sweetly. He reached for your hand on the table and squeezed it. "Just let me know if I can help."
You shrugged. "I'm just really tired right now."
"I know. Work hasn't been the easiest for all of us."
"Right," you chimed, looking down at your food that you barely touched. "Actually... I really think we should stop this."
Once again, Jaehyun's handsome face darkened with concern. "Is there a specific reason why you keep saying that?"
"Nothing!" you blurted. "I mean, yes! Of course, there is! We can't keep doing this as coworkers. People from work are soon gonna notice."
Jaehyun shrugged. "What's wrong with dating a coworker?"
You laughed derisively. "Aside from the fact that it's a spoken rule to not date a coworker, we are also not dating. I thought we both knew that?"
"We're not?"
"You see that?" you told him, stern and annoyed. "That's our problem. Despite being so intelligent and charming, you always played dumb whenever I bring this up."
Jaehyun exhaled sharply, letting go of your hand and straightening his back. "It's a serious question, y/n. I am actually under the impression that we're already dating."
"Having sex occasionally does not mean we're already dating, Mr. Jung Jaehyun."
"Then at what point do we start dating?"
At this point, you were fuming because of frustration. You couldn't tell if he was pretending to be dumb or if he was actually clueless. Although, the look on his face told you he was genuinely curious about the answer to his question.
"Come on, Jae. You've dated before, I'm sure you know this isn't how it goes."
"Indeed I have but..." he paused, looking away with a creased forehead. "I never had to spell it out to them."
Oh, to be Jung Jaehyun, charming and gorgeous enough to pull any girl he wants. He probably never had to chase after someone he liked. They all probably fell head over heels for him immediately. Like you did.
"Do you like me then?" you asked straightforwardly. If you were to be asked the same question, you would say 'yes' in a heartbeat. That's because you do like him, a lot actually. You don't have deep feelings for him yet, but you feel a romantic spark with him that could lead to something.
"I won't sleep with someone I don't like, y/n."
"It's a yes or no question."
"Yes!" he pressed on, laughing at you like you should've already known the answer. "What do you think?"
You sighed, slowly processing the situation before you. "Won't you ask me if I liked you at all?"
"No," he replied curtly, poking his food with the fork.
His answer made you scoff loudly. "What if I tell you I don't like you?"
A grin formed on his lips as he looked up to meet your gaze. "Then I'd call you a liar. You like me, y/n. I know."
"You're awfully confident," you bluffed, crossing your arms over your chest to challenge him. "Where is that coming from?"
Jaehyun smiled cockily, leaning back on his chair with an air of confidence. "It comes from the way you held on to me tightly whenever you're in my arms."
Your jaw dropped open. Embarrassed, you covered your mouth and looked away. Jaehyun didn't stop.
"The way you trusted me enough to keep doing what we've been doing these past few months. Even the way you look at me from across the room. My confidence comes from those."
You took a deep breath and faced him again. "Okay. You can shut up now."
"That's why I thought we were already dating, y/n," he continued. "I thought we liked each other enough to call this dating. I was just beginning to treat you the way a girlfriend should be treated but work is keeping both of us apart."
You were quiet because you didn't have anything to say, so you just let him talk. Like always, he is composed, confident, and well-articulate. Had he explicitly asked to date you, you would've said 'yes'. Then again, your relationship didn't start in a meet-cute kind of way. It didn't blossom beautifully like cherry blossoms in spring. So he had a point. To be honest, you had no idea how it was supposed to go given the situation. But you would still have preferred if you two just talked about it like proper adults.
"Should I just quit?"
"What?" you asked, not because you didn't understand him but because the question was downright ridiculous. "Why would you quit?"
Jaehyun pouted. "Because I want to be a proper boyfriend."
Boyfriend. Did he actually just say that? And is that an ecstatic giddiness you're feeling?
"You're way in over your head, Jae," you ridiculed, successfully hiding your elation behind aloofness. "You're not my boyfriend."
"Alright, then, how do I become one?"
Just ask, you thought. You didn't want to have to spell it out for him. If you did, you would think he was only asking because you told him to. "How do you not know?"
"If I ask you now, would you say 'yes'?"
"You'll never know unless you try."
Jaehyun straightened up in his seat, reaching for your hand again as he gazed into your eyes. You stared back, letting his deep, dark brown eyes lure you into a beautiful abyss--the kind that's impossible to escape once you fall into it.
"Be my girlfriend, y/n."
You blinked. "Oh, that's not exactly asking."
"No, it's not. That was me making it official with you." Jaehyun's self-esteem is impressively baffling. It almost feels like he's got you wrapped up in his finger. In fact, it feels like he knew exactly that things would go his way, no matter what. He knew what he wanted, and he also knew you wanted the same thing, it seems.
Nevertheless, a voice in your head is screaming a protest. He's a coworker. Indeed, he is. The sex may be phenomenal, but he's still a coworker.
You could abandon your beliefs and take a leap. Jaehyun could be worth the risk of breaking office rules. Not to mention you've already broken said rules anyway, even making a sacrilege of your workplace. Though secretly, it was still scandalous. You never knew you'd be the type to engage in something so risky. It didn't even need any convincing, you straight up just did what was done. You gotta admit though, you liked every second of it; the risk, the thrill, not to mention Jaehyun in his entirety.
Your eyes flitted over to him. His sweet smile will make people assume he's a gentleman, which might be true if you didn't know what he was capable of doing in a hidden but still public space. You remembered the first time you had sex in the pantry; it was quick, almost fleeting. But it was unforgettable and you were absolutely satisfied, so you kept doing it. His aggressive thrusts, hand tight over your mouth to keep you from making any noise, the urgency on his face, and the release that comes crashing through. The image that registered in your head made you squeeze your thighs.
Jaehyun tapped twice on the back of your hand. That was when you realized your mind had wandered elsewhere and was dazed. "What's on your mind, babe?"
Babe? "You."
He didn't even flinch, nor was he taken aback. He just tilted his head a little, and asked, "And why is that when I'm right here in front of you?"
You stared at his lips, craving their warmth and the way they felt on your lips, on your neck, and on the skin of your inner thighs. Your breath hitched and a moan almost escaped your lips because of the vivid memory. You looked away from him and started fanning your face, worried your lewd thoughts were showing.
"Do you want to get out of here?" you breathed, meeting his eyes again. Jaehyun shook his head, moving his glass so the red wine would swirl.
"Don't ask, baby. You know I'd do anything for you."
"Should we just go, then?"
Jaehyun licked his lips, savoring the rich wine. "That's still asking. Assert yourself, babe."
You stood up at once, grabbing his hand on the table and dragging him up. Jaehyun almost choked on the wine he was still drinking, but he quickly put it down and tossed the napkin on the table. You weren't paying him any attention, eager to just leave the restaurant as soon as possible. When you reached the sidewalk, you stopped and looked around.
"I must say, that's one way of asserting yourself," Jaehyun quipped but you ignored his comment and pointed to a certain building around the block.
"Let's go that way," you ordered, and wasted no time discussing plans.
Jaehyun was more than happy to oblige. When you reached the hotel, he was the one who checked you in using his name and his card. You'd barely gotten inside your suite before Jaehyun had you up against the wall, his lips crashing into yours urgently while his arms held you strongly.
You kissed hungrily like you'd been starved for days, which was true because you hadn't had any alone time with Jaehyun for a while now. You ran your hand up his muscly arms to his broad shoulders. Jaehyun reached over to your ass and lifted you off your feet while you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Take me to bed," you breathed, almost in a whisper. "Please?"
"Anything you want, baby," he grinned, biting his lip as he strode over to the king-sized bed. He laid you down gently, caressing your cheek and letting his hand wander from your face to your clothed breasts. He cupped it and gently squeezed it, and his eyes never left yours even for a second. You pushed yourself up to kiss him and as you did, your dress slipped off of your skin. Jaehyun reached for your back, then you found your bra leaving your body the same way your dress did. When his fingers found your nipple and gave it a good squeeze, you let out a moan that made his face twitch. "God, you're so beautiful."
His mouth went to where his fingers had been, sucking, pulling, and teasing at the sensitive bud. Each contact electrified you to the core. His hands are everywhere at once until they find the cloth of your lace underwear. "Can I do--"
"Jaehyun! Less talking, more doing," you interjected, your voice urgent and your tone pleading. "Please."
He chuckled a little. "So polite."
You wriggled out of your panties as he undressed, seemingly taking his time to stall you on purpose. You hated the smug look on his face because you knew he was taunting you. He knew exactly that you were desperate for him, and that you'd beg if he pushed you hard enough.
Jaehyun hovered over you, staring at you intently with lustful eyes and a cocky grin. You tried not to fall for it, but you needed him so you folded.
"Jung Jaehyun, I swear to god if you keep this up, I'm walking out that door," you threatened, You would never do that, but you'd like to see if it would have any effect on him.
Jaehyun inched closer to your face, planting a tender kiss on your lips before moving his head all the way down between your thighs. Without warning, he started lapping on your cunt, squeezing your thighs in the process. You didn't even try to muffle your moans, instead, you screamed them out. Your stomach was doing somersaults and your head was flying on cloud nine. Just as you were about to feel the release coming, Jaehyun stood on his knees and looked down at your confused expression. He flashed a grin that made your belly flutter. There he was, hovering over you with a body that looked like he was some Greek god sculpture, except that his size was nowhere near that of any Greek sculpture.
You stretched up your arms and Jaehyun fell into them. He kissed you again, needily. And when he thrust himself into you, you cried out in sweet surrender; rocking against his hips, kissing his shoulder, his neck, his chin, and then his lips like you'd die if you didn't. The release hit you like a waterbomb, making you dig your nails into Jaehyun's skin. And then he too cried out of release before he collapsed on top of you, panting.
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When you awoke, Jaehyun was still beside, you playing with your hair as he watched your eyes fluttering. You blinked several times, trying to make sense of what was happening. The civility of it all, the fog of affection in the air, his sweet smile, and the warm glow of admiration in his eyes.
"That was an excellent dinner," he quipped, making you smile. "How about some dessert?"
You scoffed then hit his chest. But Jaehyun just gave you a good-natured laugh before gently flicking your forehead.
"I meant real dessert," he scolded softly, motioning to the table across the room. There sat a course of desserts and fruits, as well as a champagne bottle in a bucket of ice.
"Oh," you blurted.
"I'll give you the other dessert later," he added so you glared at him again. Jaehyun was quick on his feet, jumping down the bed and running towards the table before you could even try to hit him. You couldn't help laughing at the unexpectedly goofy display. You weren't discouraged though, if anything, you liked him more because he was adorable.
You sat on the bed and noticed you were wearing a nightgown. You recalled falling asleep after the sex and had faint recollections of Jaehyun telling you to raise your hands so he could dress you up. You thought that had been a dream but looking at the silky dress on your body, you now realize it wasn't.
Delectable food waited for you on the table. Despite being apprehensive about it at first, you gobbled the good food. Over conversations, you also emptied the bottle of champagne and that had you pawing at each other for a while before you both ended up back on the bed, moaning under the sheets.
You spent the weekend in that hotel room; chatting, eating, and goofing around. The fact that you're not shoving your tongue down his throat every hour was surprising. But then you realized that you've learned more about each other in two days of being alone together than you did the past six months.
You strutted into the office with a beautiful glow at work on an early Monday morning. Your steps were light and you were humming happily as you sat in your cubicle. Jenna was quick to notice your ecstatic demeanor.
"Did something good happen this weekend?"
A smile crept on your lips. "No. It wasn't good. It was amazing."
Jenna mirrored your grin, pushing her chair closer to yours. "Why? What was it? Did you and Jaehyun go on a date?"
"How did you-" you stopped, sighed, and rolled your eyes. "What do you mean?"
She nudged your shoulder. "Oh, so you did. Is that why he was in a hotel all weekend?"
Your eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know that?"
Jenna covered her lips, looking like she had been caught. "Ah, that slipped out. Excuse me."
Her chair slid back to her desk to escape you. Intrigued about how she knew about the hotel, you followed her to ask but before you could speak, your department head tapped on your desk and asked you to see him in the meeting room.
"We'll talk later," you told Jenna before following your superior.
Jaehyun entered the office just as you were passing by the doorway on your way to the meeting room. He flashed you a sweet smile which made you giddy. You smiled back before disappearing into the meeting room. That was the beginning of your hidden relationship. It was so much different from your sexual rendezvous, this was more exciting. The secret glances, mouthing endearments when no one is looking, brushing hands or shoulders on purpose, and the contentment of being close to each other when you happened to gather together with your other coworkers. Each day, you leave the office separately only to end up in each other's embrace at night. In the morning, you arrive to work separately too, eagerly waiting for the day to be over so you'd be together again. It was fun and exciting, so much so that you felt like a giddy teenager experiencing your first relationship ever.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this," Jaehyun complained, nuzzling his nose on the crook of your neck. He kissed your skin and inhaled your scent. "I miss you."
"You miss me? We see each other every day," you chided softly, turning so you were face to face with him. You snaked your arms around his neck and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Other than the pantry, this file room has also become your secret meeting place. "We practically live together since you're always at my place."
Jaehyun exhaled sharply, unconvinced. "That's not enough."
You tapped his chest twice, pulling away from him. "We're not kids, Jaehyun. Let's make do with what we get."
Jaehyun sighed, leaning on the shelves and then crossing his arm over his chest. "We can get more than this, you know?"
"How do you suggest we do that?" you questioned curiously. You're not convinced that his idea will be a good one but you wanted to hear what he had to say.
"I could try talking to the HR about the ban."
You scoffed. "That's your big idea?"
Jaehyun just shrugged. "Not really. It's part of the idea. Would you like to meet my parents?"
Your brows are tied in a knot. "Out of nowhere?"
"Yeah. I told them I am dating this intelligent, charming, and lovely woman. They can't wait to meet you."
Well, that was sudden. Despite your previous physical relationship, you haven't been official for long but he's already talking about meeting his parents. Jaehyun had to leave before you could give him an answer because a coworker walked into the file room. You seemed unnerved about the invitation but you were actually ruminating on it all day, weighing the pros and cons of this meeting.
That night, Jaehyun couldn't go to your place because of a prior engagement. But when he called you right before going to sleep, you told him you'd love to meet his parents. There should be no pressure, it's just a brunch. You told yourself to relax and not overthink it.
And so the weekend came. Jaehyun looked majestic in his Prada cardigan, leaning on his car as he waited for you in the parking lot of your apartment. He greeted you with a sweet smile and an even sweeter kiss, followed by a compliment on your hair and your outfit.
"You smell nice too, damn," he added, smelling your neck and tightening his hug. You just giggled, letting him sniff you all he wanted. It was all cute and adorable until he was pulling you by the waist and pressing his crotch on you. "Should we just stay in?"
You laughed heartily. "Let's go, Jaehyun."
"Call me 'baby' and I'll listen to you."
"Baby," you obliged but your tone was stern instead of endearing.
Jaehyun threw his head back, groaning. "God, that backfired. We really should just stay in."
You pushed him aside, opened the car door, and then locked yourself in his shotgun. Jaehyun was grinning when he rounded the car to sit in the driver's seat. He wasn't done flirting with you though because as soon as he was inside, he pulled you into a kiss--long, sweet, passionate. Oh, how he made you feel so beautiful.
He drove halfway across the city, locking your hands together and singing along to the song on his stereo. When you finally reached your destination, you were in awe of the luxurious home before you. You had an inkling that Jaehyun might have been rich but not this rich. His family house is hidden behind a high fence, probably ten feet high, and inside was a literal mansion surrounded by well-kept landscaping. If you're gonna be honest, the display of wealth made you nervous.
"Intimidating, isn't it?" said the familiar voice of a woman. When you spun to see who it was, your jaw dropped upon seeing Jenna walking towards you and Jaehyun. She grinned at your shocked expression. "It's scarier inside."
"Jen," Jaehyun chided. "Don't scare her."
"Jenna?" you exclaimed. Your friend flashed a silly grin.
"I knew something was going on between you two."
You shook your hands to dismiss her. "Wait, before that. What are you doing here?"
Jaehyun interjected. "She lives here."
You did a double-take, checking if you heard it wrong. Jenna let out a hearty laughter. "Sorry, hon. I would've told you but that would ruin the whole point of being undercover."
"Undercover?" you echoed, touching your temples. "Wait, how about explaining it to me like I'm five?"
Jaehyun and Jenna laughed before the latter guided you inside the house. On your way, she explained that she and Jaehyun are siblings. And that the company's CEO was their older brother. It was straight out of a soap opera and Jaehyun assured you that your reaction was understandable. He also apologized for not telling you about it sooner.
"It's fine, I was just... surprised, I guess?" you blurted. You reach the garden area where a group of people are happily chatting at a dining table. Jenna walked ahead of you, tapped an elder woman on the shoulder, and told her you had arrived.
This elder woman was beautiful and had an air of elegance about her. She stood up from her chair to welcome you.
"Hi, Mom," Jaehyun greeted, giving his mom a peck on the cheek. "This is my girlfriend, y/n."
"Hello, y/n. Wow, Jaehyun wasn't lying when he said you were very lovely." His Mom beamed at you, and contrary to what you expected, she was warm and sweet, ushering you to sit next to her at the dining table while asking you about the journey here.
You met his brother, a face you were so intimidated to see because you knew he was the Big Boss of your workplace. He was cordial and well-mannered, and so was his wife. You didn't ask about his father but based on their conversation, you figured out that he had passed away. You knew better than to ask. Brunch hasn't started yet, but you were already gathered in the garden. At first, you thought it would only be you and them, but a group of people arrived and you found out you were meeting Jaehyun's extended family too.
"We're Koreans. Family means so much to us," Jenna told you. "Not all of us are close though."
Brunch began shortly after their cousins arrived. The food was great and the conversations were engaging enough. Most of the attention was on you because apparently, you were the 'first girl he brought home in three years' according to Jaehyun's brother. Jenna confirmed it too. After the satisfying meal of hearty Korean food, you all dispersed to your own little circles. Jenna dragged you to the patio, chatting with you and apologizing for not telling you about her relationship with Jaehyun. You told her it was fine and that you understood why she had to do it. Jaehyun followed closely behind you two.
"So, are you gonna marry my brother?" Jenna asked and the question made your heart race.
"Stop calling me that. It's giving me chills," Jaehyun interjected so Jenna hissed at him.
"Shut up, I'm not talking to you."
You nervously laughed. "We just started dating."
"Yes, so, is he a marriage prospect or not?" Jenna pressed on.
Jaehyun was the one who said, "We haven't talked about that yet."
"Jaehyun, go away," Jenna complained, pushing her brother but he didn't budge. Jaehyun pulled a face at her to which she responded by lunging her tiny frame at his large physique. They bickered for a moment while you watched in fondness.
Then you said, "He's right, we haven't thought that far ahead."
Jaehyun grabbed his sister's wrists to stop her from hitting him, and then he stared at you, looking befuddled. "We haven't?"
You stared back at him, wondering if you had said wrong. "Have we? I know we haven't. Did I forget?"
"No, you didn't," he replied, letting go of Jenna's arms and straightening up. "I mean, we haven't talked about it yet. But I was already thinking that far ahead."
You blinked, surprised by his confession. Jenna snickered and said, "You can't say that so openly, dear brother. You're putting her on the spot."
"I'm putting her on the spot? You're putting her on the spot! You started this discussion!" Jaehyun whined. You couldn't help laughing at the rare sight. He'd always appeared well-mannered, calm, and collected. Seeing him bicker with his sister made him even more endearing.
"Why not? You guys aren't getting any younger. This is an important question to ask!"
While the siblings bickered, your thoughts screamed loud enough that they deafened you from external noises. Marriage was never an issue to you, you can get married anytime you want as long as you want to. But only now were you realizing that you've gotten old and this was in fact an important question to ask.
Still, now is a little too early for it. Truth be told, you don't know if you want to take this relationship to that level yet. Sure, you're in love but with marriage, love is not the only factor that needs to be considered. Jaehyun is from an affluent family with influence and money, you don't know if you want to be a part of it. Even if you did want to be, you're not sure if his family would want you for him. So far, they had been nothing but nice. Then again, it will be no surprise if these families have criteria that you might be too middle-class to comprehend.
"Baby," Jaehyun prompted, nudging your shoulder. "What were you thinking?"
"You," you replied absentmindedly. Jaehyun grinned coyly.
"Really? We're in the middle of a family gathering, but I think can make up a good excuse to leave."
You rolled your eyes at his lascivious thoughts. "No that's not what I meant, dumbass."
Jaehyun chuckled. "That's a shame. I was ready for it. No, actually, I'm always ready for it."
"For what?"
He pressed his nose on the side of your head, sniffing your hair before whispering, "For my naughty little girlfriend who randomly gets these sudden urges to ride me till I'm spent and dripping."
Your face flared at the lewd image that formed in your mind. Holding your cheeks, you walked away from him in embarrassment. Jaehyun laughingly called out to you. "You'll dry me up in no time, baby."
You glanced back at him, scandalized. "Oh my god, be quiet!"
"What?" he mimed, looking around. "No one heard me."
"I did and you're gross," Jenna grimaced before walking away too.
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It's been a week since the family luncheon. Aside from the fact that you now know Jenna and Jaehyun are siblings, nothing much has changed in your relationship. You admit that it was weird with Jenna at first, in a way that whenever you have your usual girl talk, you suddenly remember who she was and just daze. It took some getting used to. Same case with Jaehyun who gets ordered around the office for being a newbie and him doing everything he is told to do like he's not the literal son of the company's founder. You realized just how much humility these two have and how impressive it was that they were raised this way instead of the regular snobbish rich kids.
Your boyfriend's identity had you ruminating about the future of your relationship. What would be the reactions you'd get if people found out you were dating a coworker--especially if it's revealed that he was actually the CEO's brother? You'd surely be called a Cinderella, scoring a jackpot by dating a billionaire's son. People might think it's magical, while most will assume you were in it for the money. Either way, the possibility of your life being put under public scrutiny terrifies you.
"GUESS WHAT?" Tiffany barged into the meeting room, startling you and Jenna. You clutched your heart, beating rapidly in its cage while Jenna gave your coworker a stern look.
"You gotta stop with the dramatic entrances, Tiff," said Jenna.
"Jung Jaehyun just got named CHRO."
Jenna scoffed. "Yeah, and Jung Jenna just became COO. Jaehyun would die and get reborn again before he takes an executive role in this company. Shut the door."
Tiffany shook her head as he approached you, pushing the door close as she went. "I'm serious. Check the company page. They just announced it."
You toggled on your tablet and pulled up the company portal. And there it was, the announcement of the company's latest personnel changes. Jung Jaehyun was indeed the Chief Human Resources Officer.
"Why would he take that job?" you questioned, genuinely curious. Jenna told you before that Jaehyun was supposed to come in as a department head since his education and experience made him qualified for the position, but he still chose to do the undercover thing. Now he's suddenly a CHRO?
"No way, he's not!"
"Apparently, he is. And guess what was the first thing he asked to change in the company policy?"
"What?" you and Jenna asked in a chorus. Tiffany ducked to toggle on the screen and opened another announcement.
"He abolished the dating ban among coworkers. Effective immediately."
Your jaw hung open, while Jenna started laughing like a maniac. Then she said, "Jung Jaehyun, that sly little bastard."
"Does that mean he has a girlfriend here?"
Jenna eyed you. "Yeah, he obviously has a girlfriend here."
"Or he could be sympathizing with the people here who want to date but can't because of the ban," you suggested, trying to challenge Jenna.
"Yeah, like you," Jenna teased. You just rolled your eyes, giving up on challenging her. "He must really like this girl to go through this much trouble. I didn't know he could do something admirable."
"No way!" Tiffany exclaimed, eyes still glued to the screen. You and Jenna turned to her. "Jaehyun is the CEO's younger brother?"
Jenna exhaled sharply, rolling her eyes. "Oh, boy. I guess this is where it starts." She walked away, bidding you quick goodbyes before disappearing to the door. You and Tiffany stayed, waiting for the meeting to begin.
The next few days at work were filled with excited chatters and gossip. During the company's annual staff meeting, Jaehyun and Jenna are introduced as family members of the company. Their positions were also made official, sparking up a debate among the employees on whether they deserved their posts or if it was plain nepotism. You didn't join any of these discussions, but when you're alone with Jaehyun, you'd tease him for being a nepo baby and he'd just laugh at it.
"Should we go to work together today?" Jaehyun asked, nuzzling his nose on your neck.
"No," you replied briskly, scoffing as you pulled away from him. Jaehyun, a lot stronger than you were, grabbed your waist and pulled you back to bed with him.
Your apartment has never been this warm. Love emanated from the walls and you've never felt this content with a relationship. Jaehyun seemed to have made this small studio apartment his favorite place to be and you're not complaining at all. He would spend the night here almost every day. You would sleep in each other's arms, and wake up still cuddling.
"I made coffee," Jaehyun would boast in the morning. "And pancakes too but they're not as fluffy as the ones from the breakfast cafe."
"I love the pancakes you make," you would tell him.
And he'd say, "Thanks, I love you too."
He'd ask to drive you to work but you'd decline. It's been three months since he became head of HR, but the people at work are still clueless about your relationship. You liked it that way, but you also feel bad for Jaehyun who would often invite you to lunch or for coffee. It's not that you don't want to, it's mainly because you'd rather not be talked about. Jaehyun seemed to just take it in stride. He'd ask once in a while, and if you declined, he'd give up and try again next time. He's been most understanding of your reasons.
But then again, he's Jung Jaehyun; he will never let up until things go his way. That said, he walked into your office on a Wednesday afternoon, with a massive bouquet of red roses in his hand, and an even bigger smile on his lips. Your colleagues went into a frenzy, hurrying over to greet him and chat with him. Questions were thrown his way; ones like, 'What are you doing here?' or 'Is there anything we can do for you?' and 'Can we help you?' And then there are also comments like, 'I knew you looked familiar! You were the CEO's brother!' or 'You should have told us who you were!' and 'Man, I didn't overwork you, did I?'
Jaehyun was courteous and greeted everyone back, but after he was done with the pleasantries, he locked his eyes on you--his target. He waded through the crowd, his feet walking straight to where you were sitting quietly in your cubicle. You had hoped he would ignore you, or that no one would notice you. But that was impossible since you knew he was there for no other reason except to see you.
"Are those flowers for someone?" one of your colleagues asked and you mentally cursed him for asking because now, everyone's curious who the flowers were for.
"There you are," Jaehyun beamed, peering over the cubicle. You smiled sheepishly, taking a peek at your coworkers' shocked expressions.
"Can I help you, Mr. Jung?" you smiled back, hoping he'd take your cue and stop whatever he was trying to pull.
"No. I'm here to pick you up. We have dinner plans, remember?" he grinned, seemingly enjoying the way you're all flustered and shy. "You look great. Looks like we can go straight to the restaurant without changing."
"You're having dinner? Is it a company dinner?" Carl questioned, his hand raised in the air like an elementary student.
Tiffany was quick to slap his hand away. "Gosh, Carl, you're so clueless."
Jaehyun offered you the flower. "Shall we go then, my love?"
You've never heard a crowd gasp in unison before, but now you have. Cheeks burning in embarrassment, you took the bouquet and pushed yourself up. Jaehyun had a content smile on his lips when he offered to hold your hand, which you accepted.
"Jung Jaehyun, you really are a sly little bastard."
"You love me for it," he chimed.
And so, hand in hand, you and Jaehyun walked out of your office as a couple.
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littlespoonevan · 6 months
If you are looking for prompts.... Eddie and Tommy realising they unintentionally excluded Buck ?
ohohoho this was fun to write but Sad also bc eddie is clearly thinking one thing and tommy is clearly thinking many things and buck is off in his loft thinking many, Many things but i hope you like it, friend 💛
Eddie hobbles over to his couch with Tommy’s help.
“There you go, man,” Tommy says as he gets Eddie situated on the cushion. “You need anything?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Eddie replies, waving a hand. “There’s beer in the fridge though; help yourself.”
Tommy doesn’t take him up on the offer, instead moving to sit on the coffee table next to where Eddie’s propped up his injured leg.
“So, uh, Buck can get pretty competitive?” He says it like a question, nodding to Eddie’s wrapped ankle as if in proof and it’s, well-
“No, actually,” Eddie says, and he feels…stuck between a long-ingrained need to defend Buck and confusion as to how they ended up here in the first place.
Because this isn’t like Buck. Because Buck usually spends his every waking minute actively trying to keep Eddie out of harm’s way. He sure as hell is never the cause. And Eddie knows he didn’t mean to, is the thing. But just calling it a simple accident doesn’t feel quite right either.
“I don’t-” he starts and then reconsiders what he’d planned to say. “Honestly, Buck’s been a little off this week so I think…”
He trails off. It feels weird talking about Buck with someone who isn’t close to them, who doesn’t just implicitly gets all the intricate mental gymnastics behind Buck’s every action.
Then again, Eddie’s not sure if anyone is actually as adept at figuring out how Buck gets from A to Z as he is.
“Is it because of me?” Tommy asks and he looks genuinely concerned.
Eddie replays every conversation he’s had with Buck this past week – every too bright smile Buck flashed him, every enthusiastic assertion that he thought it was great Eddie had a new friend – and then he, inexplicably, thinks about when he first joined the 118 and some things slot into place.
“I think he was maybe a little worried,” Eddie allows. “That I was replacing him with you.”
Tommy’s eyes do a slow, deliberate sweep of the living room and the multiple photo frames of him, Buck and Christopher on the mantel and the side table before he looks back to Eddie. “Is that even possible?”
Eddie shakes his head, letting out a laugh. “I mean, no. Obviously. But Buck just- sometimes he needs reminding how much he means to people.”
Guilt settles between his ribs then. He’s been too distracted this week, too excited about having someone he had so much in common with around to talk to. If he’d taken half a second to look a little closer he would’ve realised Buck was spiralling.
“I should’ve spoken to him,” he sighs. “Reassured him that we weren’t trying to exclude him.”
Tommy frowns. “You really think that’s how he felt? I thought you said he never wanted to play basketball when you asked?”
“I think it was more than just the basketball,” Eddie says, wincing – the memory of him asking Buck to babysit instead of coming to the bar with them feels particularly bad.
Tommy nods slowly, mind clearly working. He’s quiet for so long Eddie thinks about telling him not to worry about it, that he’ll deal with it, but then-
“Why don’t I go talk to him?” he suggests, confident and sure. “Clear the air? I don’t want him to think I’m trying to get in the middle of you two.”
It takes Eddie by surprise. There’s a strangely defensive part of him that wants to say he and Buck don’t need anyone to mend their fences for them but he shoves the thought aside and reminds himself that’s not what Tommy means. Buck had sought Tommy out too last week and they’d seemed to get along. Maybe Tommy wants to clear the air for his own sake.
So he says, “Yeah,” probably a few seconds too late and makes himself smile. “Normally I’d be the one driving to his house and forcing him to talk. But I guess I’m kind of out of commission right now.”
He nods at his foot and Tommy laughs, pushing himself up off the couch to stand. “Well, hey, I’ll be sure to pass on your regards.”
“Thanks,” Eddie snorts.
Tommy claps him on the shoulder as he rounds the couch. “Don’t forget to take those pain pills, man. I’ll let you know how things go with Evan.”
He calls the rest of his sentence over his shoulder as he heads for the door and Eddie manages a half-hearted, “Will do,” as he hears the click of the latch.
And he feels…how Buck has felt all week, probably. Confused and irritated and a little possessive. Like Tommy’s stealing his job. As if Eddie hadn’t just told him it was fine. As if Eddie could even make it over to Buck’s place right now. At least he managed to hold back the petty, “His name is Buck,” that had immediately rose up in his throat as soon as Tommy had called him Evan.
Shaking his head, he reaches for the paper bag with his prescription that Tommy had left on the coffee table.
He’ll talk to Buck tomorrow and everything will be fine.
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bahrtofane · 6 months
promises under the stars - jude pov
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Jude never meant to replace you. But that's how it ended up isn't it. There's no one to blame but himself, no one behind each and every decision that now has him standing at the end of an aisle, waiting for his bride. A bride that isn't you. 
highly highly recommend reading this fic first. or else it kinda doesnt make a whole lot of sense on its own. then come back here. this is kinda like a part 2? kinda
shout out to this anon for this idea ! hope you like it
word count - 2.1K+
watch it - well angst, yet again. pregnancy talks the works. sorry if i used ur name for his wife xoxo. enjooyyy
p.s. - shout out to @anadiasmount for the inspo to create the image at the end ! go read all her stuff yall so good
He thinks the moment it all comes crumbling down is when he gets word of you getting mobbed. After you've just been to Madrid with him. And he can't do anything about it but send security and hope it doesn't get out of hand. 
He expects you to give up right then and there, curse him and wish for him to have nothing to do with your life again. But you don't. You can never bring yourself to blame him. To hate him.
Then comes your whole family suing him for something completely out of his control. Fresh after your father has threatened him, this is just what they need to come after him legally. 
It's okay because they don't win. Of course they don't. How stupid do you have to be to try and sue for going on vacation for someone you love. He wants to call you every step of the way. But his lawyer warns against it. So he doesn't. And you’re left in the dark.
Do you even know that they've tried to sue?
He can guess what you're thinking. He knows you too well. You think this is him taking an exit from his life. He doesn't want it to be this way. Maybe its for the best after all he finds himself thinking. Back to the thoughts of letting you go for your good as much as his. 
But like most things in life, things get muddy. 
He spends his time in a whirlwind of emotions, all leading back to you. He can not go more than an hour without you in his mind. 
Even if his texting habits dont show it, he wants to talk to you every second of every day. Do you remember when he would call you to complain about the mundane. When he stubbed his toe, or drank out of his mind, pressing his nose against the screen trying to feel you against him. 
Things have changed. He’s no longer the same youthful Jude with a penchant for recklessness. Taking day trips to see you, skirting around paparazzi and your families just to have a moment together.
He misses you, but he’s scared to reach out again. So he remains silent and an onlooker to your life. 
Funny isn't it. World class player with more money than he knows what to do with is scared to text you in fear of what your families will say or do. 
And yet, he can’t stay away for long can he. His resolve breaks on your birthday. Months and years have gone by. Legal cases are drawn out go figure. And he's been so busy with games every few days and events he can never say no too. When he gets home his bones ache, only finding the strength to clean himself up and go to bed. 
When he calls you he realizes maybe it's too late. That waiting for things to blow over have left a gap in your time together. He knows nothing but memories. Your life eludes him. He tries to go back truly, but seeing your story while you're out with friends, smiling- actually smiling. He thinks he better not intrude. 
His mother isn't helping one bit. She's come to the conclusion that the only way to move on and get your family off his back for good is to just move on. Find a “nice sensible girl” she says, smiling.  
Jude doesn't want to. It makes him sick. Kicking and screaming the whole way about it. It’s not a bad idea in theory. Pretend to date someone. Your family gets off his back his family of yours boom you can be happy together again. 
So he can learn who you are again. Find a way into your life. Do you still tilt your head when you're confused? He needs to get back to you. He can't let someone like you leave. He doesn’t just love you, he’s fascinated with the person you’ve grown into. 
The thought of you with anyone else makes him sick. He still loves you, and he makes himself believe that the same is true. 
If only right.
He meets Kaylie in the dead of winter. At a sponsorship event that he completely forgets about and shows up an hour late to. He looks around trying to find his agent but before he can even say his usual rounds of hellos he spots his mother standing with a blonde who clutches her necklace to her chest while she laughs.
This is the start of his own nightmare.
He comes back around when he knows he has to. After taking his sweet time talking to everyone. He tries to look for help to get out of the encounter but it's already too late. His mother is flagging him down. So he walks over, already sweating. 
His mother all but pushes them together. 
“What a couple you two are.” she beams, hands clasped together. 
He gives a tight lipped smile and tries to wiggle his way out the awkward slew of introductions Kaylie gives of herself. But his mother gives him a look, grabbing into his arm and making stand and listen. 
There's a look in his mothers eye, he knows what it means. This is the woman that's supposed to replace you. He feels sick. 
Along the way he thinks that maybe this is what's best for him. For you. 
His family all love Kaylie. And she's sweet enough.
Nothing like you, dragging him into different clubs while you linked arms to get ice cream at the same time.
He finds it hard to keep up with her. Her life is fast paced, more so than his. Every time he calls she's in a different country it seems, catching flights and going to fancy resorts.
You never minded a quiet night in. Its what you loved, being able to exist with him. 
Most of all she doesnt know him. She knows Jude Bellingham. The player, the figure, the celebrity. She doesn't know that he has a bad habit of touching his ears when he's nervous, how his eyes go wide at praise and teasing. How without a hundred reminders and alarms he truly would be late for everything. You always helped getting him to things on time.
When you were both awkward pre teens struggling to make sense of the world, you’d stop by his house to make sure he wouldn’t miss the bus. Sitting next to him on the beaten leather seats, and spitting facts you learned the day before. 
He always listened. He still would today. 
He doesn't think Kaylie’s noticed anything about him. She spends most of their time together taking pictures and flaunting him around. He pretends it doesn't bother him. Is the peace even worth it at this point?
She doesn't know how much he loves making little daisy chains, how much he loved putting them in your hair when you were kids. You’d throw a fit, but he never missed the look in your eyes when his fingers would swoop down to settle them gently. 
Kaylie is beautiful. But she's not beautiful like you. She may have an expensive taste for clothes that allows her to put together a stunning outfit for any occasion, cleavage on display while she pouts her lips and bats her eyelashes for a kiss. Kisses he never gives her. He can't. Not when he knows you wait for him. 
Sure she's great by the average man's standards. But she's not lovely like you. You could be in a trash bag and he'd still think you're the most gorgeous person on the planet. 
He thinks this whole Kaylie thing will blow over, that he'll be able to get back to you. 
And he tells her this. 
He goes through the motions, just to shut everyone up. 
Sitting her down when his mother isn’t around, “I don't love you. I will never be okay. I'm only here to get my mom off my back.”
And she laughs, flicking her hair over her shoulder, “Okay Judey whatever you say,” bracelets clanking together.
The name makes him want to hurl. “Get out of my house.”
Kaylie has got it in her head that she's here to stay. They've gotten into screaming matches because she's gotten her hands on the spare key and spends her days lounging in his house while he's away. They're not even officially dating by any means. 
And he keeps finding her in his bed, in nothing but one of his shirts. Giggling and acting coy. He's losing his patience and losing it fast. 
“Why did you give her the key.” Jude storms into his mothers house. 
She's making tea, swirling a spoon in her mug,”she's your woman isn't she. She needs one.”
“No. She's not my woman and you know that. Everyone that.”
She set the spoon down in the sink, going over to where Jude stands.
“Jude. you need to focus on what's good for you. And she wasn't good. You should be lucky that they didn't win the case. I went and told them about Kaylie and how wonderful she is. Be thankful. “
He's losing his mind. He needs to talk to you. 
He gets the chance when he's back in his hometown. And he sees you. He doesn’t think he could ever miss you, not even in a crowd. A rush of people stop him from running right to you. So instead he texts you. For the first time in ages. 
Was nice seeing you.
He hopes you can read between the lines, that you still know him well enough to understand what he really means. 
I still see you. 
For Jude is a coward. 
You dont reply. He forces himself to go back to what hes been forced to know.
Kaylie is all over him, hands roaming his body. There are days when he gives in. Sharing a bed with her as a cruel demented way to find some sort of release from everything that goes on around him.  The look on her face after its all set and done makes him genuinely want to punch something. A look of arrogance, like she's won something. 
And to top it all off he's been called up for England. His life gets even busier, if possible. Trying to keep up with it all proves to be grueling.
But light comes in the form of you. In the form of a single text.
Watched you play tonight. I'm proud of you.
You're proud of him? You watched him? 
The words bring him to near sobs, the light of his phone illuminating his hotel room while hes getting changed into his pjs. It's completely dark, his personal preference. And hes so happy he would fly the damn plane himself to see you. 
Before he can even think of a reply Kaylie tells him she's pregnant. Barging into his room with a little white box in hand. He thinks is some sort of congratulations for the game. Tacky card, maybe a watch. 
When he opens it, his world comes to a halt. Its a single pregnancy test.
He wants to cry. He's too young to be having kids let alone with her. It makes no sense to him. He always used protection the handful of times they did sleep together. Each time he'd only cry in the shower trying to scrub off her smell and the feeling of her touch off of him. She's only a distraction he tells himself. Too late for those words now.
It feels so wrong, so so wrong. He was supposed to be waiting for you and here he is sleeping with another woman. Who's now pregnant. He wants to vomit. 
He's in too deep now. And he can't be a deadbeat dad. 
Thoughts of you get pushed back to his mind while he scrambles to deal with the consequences of his own actions. 
When they get back to Madrid, his mother doesnt let him off easy. Screaming at him till he thinks he's popped an eardrum. And yet there's a gleam in her eyes like she's happy it all worked out this way. Doting on Kaylie and rubbing her belly (that's not even close to showing yet), and calling herself grandma already. 
The next step is obvious. He has to marry her and make it work.
So he does. An impromptu wedding that happens so fast he doesn't even hear the congratulations from everyone. He doesn't know how to break it to you so instead he posts on instagram and tries to figure out what his life has become. 
Jude is nearing 25. He has a kid on the way. He's married. He hates his wife. He hate himself.  Can you ever forgive him?
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jamesmydeer · 10 months
christmas festivities hcs
james potter
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making gingerbread houses
- the potters are THE family when it comes to christmas traditions 
- james is like one of those dads on vacation with an itinerary for the whole month of december
- he will be partaking in every christmas festivity 
- and so will you, like it or not
- and he will be referring to anyone who complains even once as ‘scrooge’ 
- his favorite, without a doubt, is decorating gingerbread houses 
- because this man is competitive 
- he loves you, but there’s no way he will let you make a better gingerbread house than him 
- he wanted to bake his own like his mom used to do when he was a kid 
- but he is no longer a kid 
- and you are not his mom
- so he settles for the pre-assembled ones 
- gets soooo pouty when yours starts looking better than his
“i think they gave you better icing or something”
- excuses
- you leave for one second to wash your hands 
- and come back to his gingerbread house lights (mini gummies) actually flickering 
“jamie! we agreed no magic!”
“you can’t prove anything!”
- he’s such a sore loser omg
- says he doesn’t care whose turns out better 
- liar 
- insists that you do one together 
- more like he watches you do one and claims half the work 
- sits you in his lap while you work on it 
- his only contribution is a heart on the side with your initials in it 
- he’s so cute y’all 
- wraps his arms around your middle and snuggles into your neck 
- hums along to the christmas music playing in the background 
- gets bored and stands up, taking you with him 
- dances around the dining room to festive music until his parents return home
- and immediately asks them whose is better 
- doesn’t care my ass 🙄
“they’re both great jamie” 
“what? i’m not going to lie to my son”
- will need to snuggle on the couch to a christmas movie after that 
- his poor little feelings :,(
sirius black
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decorating the tree
(contemplating writing a fic for this, lmk what you think)
- sirius never got to decorate a christmas tree as a kid
- they always had one, and he helped put ornaments on
- but it always ended in him getting yelled at for putting them in the wrong place
- and they always had to match the theme
- if he brought an ornament home from school, it went straight into a box
- so when you get a tree for your place, he fully intended to sit back and let you do all the work
- you bring in a few boxes of ornaments and he tells you he’ll get all of them out
- he doesn’t want his baby poking themselves on the sharp part
- he goes through the first box and there’s nothing special
- some cute ornaments you made as a child that your family was willing to part with
- a cute set of a wolf, deer, dog, and rat that james insisted on everyone getting
- then he moves on to the next box
- and it’s full of ornaments from his family home that never got put on the tree
- he doesn’t even care how you got them, he just feels so appreciated for once
- he associates christmas with some not so good memories, and he loves you so much for trying to replace them
- sets the box down and hugs you so tight
- you swear you hear sniffles, but that’s neither here nor there
- lifts you up to put the star on top of the tree
“nice view from down here. star looks pretty good too”
- you step back to admire your work and he can’t stop smiling
- he’s so proud of it
- the tree is nowhere near as pretty as the ones he was used to
- but it was the best tree he had ever seen
- because it was yours
- and it showcased how much you love him
remus lupin
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family christmas party
- oh he is NERVOUS
- he’s met your family before, but this is a big deal to him
- because it’s the holidays and your whooooole family will be there
- you try to tell him that there’s no way he could make a bad impression
- he has tea with madam pince once a week, older people adore him
- you offer to pick him up but he insists on coming over alone
- which was a BIG mistake
- he went to a christmas party at the potter’s last year and was severely underdressed
- how was he supposed to know you have to dress fancy for christmas parties?? they don’t do that in the movies
- he was not going to do that again
- but your family does not wear suits to a christmas party
- weirdo pureblood traditions
- when he walk in and everyone is in comfy clothes?
- he has never felt more embarrassed
- his face is so red it could pass for an ornament
“you have more christmas sweaters than anyone i’ve ever met, and today is the day you decide not to wear one?”
- aside from a few of your uncles teasing him, everyone thinks he looks quite charming
- i mean, he’s already an attractive boy
- he can only look better in a suit
- besides, he’ll take a few teasing comments if it means he gets doted on by your mom
- whines to you once you’re in private that you should have told him
- you’re so mean
- remus lupin is a big baby
- luckily, you have a few of his sweaters
- you lead him into your bedroom to change
“door open y/n!”
- as if remus would ever do something inappropriate in your childhood home!
- he so would
- will NOT stop sniffing his sweater that now smells exactly like you
- it gets to present time and remus doesn’t expect to get anything
- and he’s fine with that !!!!
- he’s just happy to be there
- rests his head on your shoulder and watches everyone pass around presents
- you play with his hair and that’s enough of a gift for him
- but omg remus this one has your name on it!
- and it’s from you and your parents
- he smiles so big and assured them over and over that they didn’t have to do that
- he opens it up and it’s a pair of pajamas
- you tell him they match the ones that you three have
- and that’s the sweetest thing he has ever heard
- you guys want him to match you 🥺
- after everyone leaves, you all change into them and watch a christmas movie
- you snuggle up on the couch and he holds you tight
- occasionally kissing your forehead and thanking you for tonight
“you know, they can’t yell at us to leave the door open if they’re asleep”
- he’s so cheeky
- but who are you to deny him
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sehodreams · 7 months
Link (nsfw)
tags and tw: p in v, sexual content, teasing, streamer! Seunghan.
Streamer!Seunghan who never has time for you and it's always doing lives and creating content, leaving you, his sweet girlfriend, all needy because he hasn't been paying attention to you lately.
You know he's busy, he's doing his best to keep his public entertained and earn enough money to spoil you, but you're his girlfriend, and the most you see of him during the day is before you leave for work and he's sleeping on your side, because when you arrive he's already in front of his screen talking to his mic and not having time for you.
You try to be a good girlfriend, giving him snacks and making sure he's had anything that wasn't pre-made for dinner at least, and he knows he hasn't been good to you those days, so he lets you stay next to him in one of his transmissions.
Lying next to him, you're content just with keeping him company and listening to his voice talking to the viewers, laughing with their comments and playing a game you don't understand at all.
When you look at him, he's moving his hands over the keyboard so skillfully that you can't help but remember how they felt inside you, so long and thick, his fingers were enough to make you cum, and you can't help but feel yourself getting wet with that memory.
The bed smells like him, it's his own room after all, and he doesn't sleep much there since he always sneaks into your bed to feel your warmth, but with the windows close to avoid any sound leaking in and that computer making the room hotter, his aroma is all around, provoking a certain sensation to build inside your guts, because it's exactly the same aroma he had when he fucked you and his sweat dripped over you.
Your arousal can't be stopped at that point, you're hurting and your head is all dizzy, nose against his pillows and inhaling his scent.
You see him by the border of your sight, he's not silent, but he's distracted, you can feel him needing to watch you, and you know it's wrong to not let him concentrate when he's working, but you've missed him so much, you can't help but touch yourself over your pijama shorts, and seeing his smile fall, you decide to take it off, sliding them down your legs with your eyes on him.
It can't be seen in the dark, but you know his boner is right there, you can hear it when his body shifts on his seat and he starts to stutter.
That makes you laugh, your boyfriend has always been kind of a nerd, losing control of himself whenever you teased him, and now was not the exception.
Your hand finds your clit, and pressing two of your fingers, you open your legs for him to be able to see you being so dirty. Smearing all your juices over your fingers, and pulling them apart, you show him how both of them are connected by a fine line of wetness, which you lick so it doesn't fall to his bed.
You're burning him with your eyes, and his forehead is suddenly shining because of how nervous you've made him.
Your fingers go back to do their job, and this time pushing one in, you have to bite your lip to not make any suspicious noise that his viewers recognize.
He's alarmed now, he's fucked you enough to know you're not the quiet kind, so telling them all that he needs to take a break, he turns off his mic and cam even with the chat flooding with questions and telling him to hurry up.
He doesn't waste a single second and turns to you, smiling from ear to ear cheekily and replacing your fingers with his own, "you're so bad" he murmurs, digits going up and down between your folds before he decides to push a finger inside you, feeling you immediately clench when your pussy recognizes her long needed attention.
You want to moan but he doesn't want you to, so he pulls your shirt (his shirt) up and makes you bite onto it to stop the sounds from coming out of your mouth.
"fuck, she's so tight, she's been missing me uh?" He asks, and you want to laugh at his silly dirty talk, but his finger inside you and his thumb playing with your clit feel so good you only nod, eyes finding his in the almost black room, only illuminated by his screen, and the sounds of the notifications he receives from all the people writing him agitate you, so a part of you is saying how bad of a girlfriend you are for not letting him work in peace, but a part of you is also happy that you finally have him near.
"You- you have to work" you try to talk, voice all muffled and some words unintelligible since you can't completely open your mouth with your shirt between your teeth, and he smiles.
"I'll work, cum once and I'll go back, can't let my pretty baby all needy" he answers, pulling down the hem of his slacks and showing you his hard cock.
You've missed him so much just at the sight of his thick pink tip your legs open even more, and the same voice inside your head that was just seconds ago telling you to stop is now celebrating to finally find some relief.
It's been so long that when he thrusts tears prickle your eyes, and your head falls to the pillow you were inhaling with force, eyelids closing with how good it felt to have him inside you again.
"fuck, I haven't fucked you a couple weeks and your pussy is like that just from putting it in? We have to make her get used to me again" he sighs, making fun of you from tightening so much around him, but you can't help it, and soon you're all dizzy and nodding, giving him the reason.
You really want him to make you get used to it again, like before when he fucked you every night before you went to sleep, or like when he fingered you in the morning so you could have a good day at work, you've been trying to prove that you didn't need him just for that, moving in silence in the morning to let him sleep, and just sending him a text telling him that dinner was ready so he could come out an eat when you went to bed.
"I've missed you" you confess, not referring only to the sex.
He notices it and he can't tease you anymore, making you let the shirt free to give you a well deserved kiss, "I know baby, I've missed you too" he whispers between kisses.
His tongue is invading your mouth, making you receive him with a cry like you've done many times before, moving his hips so you can relax your walls and let him fuck you like he knows you like it.
You like it deep, wet, his hips punching yours and his hands moving your legs up to your chest so you can feel him more.
You're not containing your moans anymore, hands going to rest over his, helping him maintain you in your position, all ready for him.
"Ah- that, there, there" you're begging, he easily found that little spot inside you that makes you feel extra good thanks to his thick tip and the curve of his cock, making your eyes tear more and your pussy flutter.
"Fuck, taking me so good, my baby, my precious girl, I've been missing you so fucking much" he says when your sweet voice is telling him how you're getting closer to your orgasm, and not daring to let you hanging or make you beg for it like he usually does, he starts to piston into you, a wet echo replacing the sound of the hundred of notifications he's receiving, making you smile with the memory of how that exact sound always pushed an orgasm out of you.
"please," you're begging, so close to it you can already grasp it, eyes unfocused and blurry with all the tears and your nails scratch the back of his hands, making him hiss because of the pain and then grunt because of your warm walls wrapping him and not letting him pull away from you.
"are you still taking the pill?" He asks, unsure after all those weeks not having known much from you.
"yes, inside, please" you quickly answer, closing your walls on purpose to make him, and you, cum faster and harder.
"shit, baby" he curses, not being able to contain himself anymore and hammer into you to undo that knot in his pelvis ordering him to give you what you want.
He bites his lip too, frowning with the pressure building inside, all coherent thoughts gone and an empty mind pushing his body to ruthlessly fuck you after all those days.
With eyes rolling, you cum when he punches that spot once again, and your legs shake even with his hands keeping them up there.
Not more than a minute later he follows you, letting his cum all inside you, filling you to the brim with all the sperm of days not having a proper orgasm.
When he pulls out he sees how a little white drop of his cum escapes from your little hole, and he doesn't know why, but he feels the need to push it inside, giving you a soft peck to distract you from his fingers pushing his cum inside you.
"you have to work..." You tell him so he doesn't stay much with you, you have no idea how much time has passed, you don't think it's more than five minutes, but still, that's too much for a streamer to let his public alone.
"yes" he exhales, sad of having to leave you, "you can go to bed if you want, I'll meet you there in an hour".
He's still over you, letting thousands of pecks to not leave you alone, so, after cleaning the thin layer of sweat from his forehead with your shirt, you're the one who has to push him away so he goes back to his seat.
"well guys, sorry for the wait, I had to help my girlfriend with something" he proudly says, making you laugh before you close his door and go get clean so you can wait for him in your bed.
145 notes · View notes
We will protect you. Part III
Self-Aware! Armed Detective Agency x GN! Reader
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Description: First Day of the Charity Fair. Armed Detective Agency is on their duty.
Warning: OOC. Stalking. English is my second language.
Part II
Part IV
You read the list of recipes again. Your shift will start in ten minutes, so, you decide to refresh your memory.
Mii-chan was sitting on your shoulders, looking at the recipes with you. You scratch him behind the ears.
"Sorry, Soseki, I knew, that is not the most interesting thing to read. Tomorrow I will bring a book."
Natsume only purred and rubbed his head against yours.
You heard noises coming from the next room. Merlyn were arguing with Mr. Burke.
"With all due respect, Mr. Burke, but letting a cat be here is a poor businesses decision"
You rolled your eyes. Merlyn could talk to a wall and get better results, then trying to convince Mr. Burkle to change his mind and tell you to bring Mii-chan outside.
Because Mr. Burkle liked animals and knew, that Mii-chan will attract more customers. Yes, most of the café income will be donated, but, next month café employees will have a chance to get a big prize. All businesses, that participated in a fair will get bonuses, but, the biggest bonus will be given to a business, that earned more money than others.
So, Mii-chan's place in this café for the next eight days is safe. As long as you don't bring him to the kitchen and not to the part of counter where you put orders.
Sounds of argument disappeared, and Marlyn left the manager's office. They glared at you and Mii-chan.
"Just make sure that flea bad won't cause trouble."
Soseki hissed and you rolled your eyes.
"Hello to you too."
Merlyn Bourke grumble something and left to the other room, where they will spend the rest of the shift, doing manager's job.
Mii-chan hiss again and look at you. Then at Mr. Burkle's office door. Then, at Merlyn's 'office' door.
You whispered.
"As long as I know, they aren't related, despite their family names sounding similar. As for Merlyn... Imagine, that Kunikida tried to replace Fukuzawa and start doing twice the work as usual. And talking with others ADA members as harsh as he can, even being borderline rude to them to make them work better. That's the description of Merlyn."
Mii-chan mewed. You finished with re-reading recipes and moved to the main part of the café. Right now, the café was on a short break, so previous shift can leave peacefully, and current shift can prepare for work peacefully.
Mii-chan jumped on the counter and sit in loaf position. His collar with a little bow looked cute.
You chuckled, remembering one of the times Natsume Soseki helped you.
You feel absolutely exhausted. You need to finish two more essays until next week. But you feel so burned out, you feel, that you can't write correct words. In your mind, your thoughts were beautiful and clear. In reality...
You looked at the paper sheet before you.
"Evil is not good"
Genius thought, right?
You hear the knock on your door. In a second, Natsume Soseki walked in, holding a cup of tea in his hand. He walked closer to you and gave you the cup.
"Here, [Y/N], take a little break."
You looked at Natsume with gratitude and took the cup. Tea was tasty and hot. Meanwhile, Natsume was rereading everything you wrote.
"Writer's block?"
You hum.
"Mhm. Can't write anything right. Soseki, do you have any tips?"
Natsume looked at you with the corner of his eyes.
"You are overthinking too much. When you are that stressed, you can make mistakes."
Suddenly, he perked up. He took his phone from his pocket and open the recorder app.
"You need a different way of working. Please, lay down on your bed."
You looked at Natsume with a puzzled look, but he only encourages you to lay down. You shrug and lay on your bed on your stomach.
Natsume put his phone near your head.
"Okay, start talking about what you want to write. I will guide you and show, what to write in an essay."
Before you can ask why you need to lay on your bed for that, Natsume Soseki transformed into a cat.
Calico cat jumped on your back and start kneading your back.
Natsume Soseki, the man, who created The Tripartite Framework, who was a teacher of Fukuzawa Yukichi, Mori Ougai and, perhaps, Santouka Taneda, were giving you a cat massage.
You giggle. It felt so nice.
Mii-chan meowed, asking for you to start talking.
"Okay... So, First, I need to list my opinion on the matter."
Mii-chan purred.
"Then... I will list my reasoning behind my opinion."
More purring.
"First argument, short review, the second... Ow!"
Mii-chan hissed and carefully bit your ear.
"Okay, explain first argument in a detail..."
Mii-chan licked the place he bit and purred again.
After more kneading, purring and some biting, you had a clear plan for both essays.
In reality, you pet Mii-chan's head.
"Thank you, Soseki..."
Mii-chan meowed.
You glance at the clock. It was almost time for your shift.
You hoped, that others won't be hurt.
Armed Detective Agency were on a lookout. Today, they will be the ones, who will stay in a café protecting you. Others will patrol the rest of the Charity Fair just in case.
They saw, that café start working again. Their mission begins.
Fukuzawa Yukichi and Ranpo Edogawa were already in the café.
They occupy one of the tables. Ranpo was enjoying soda and cake, while Fukuzawa was drinking green tea.
You approach them.
"Hello, Ranpo, Hello, Yukichi!"
Ranpo grinned and waved at you. Fukuzawa smiled warmly at you and greeted you with a nod.
"Hey, my favorite assistant! Do not worry about today, the Greatest Detective in the world won't let anything happen to you." proclaimed Ranpo.
Fukuzawa sighs and looks at you.
"[Y/N], please, do not worry. Ranpo and I will stay here and protect you, meanwhile the rest of the ADA will patrol near the café and scare Stalker off."
"Understand. But... I am worried about the others..."
Ranpo laughed and boop your nose.
"Do not worry, [Y/N], they will be okay. Besides, I knew, that Stalker can't do anything against them."
"I hope, you are right. Call me, if you need anything. I will be behind the counter."
Fukuzawa finished his tea.
On the outside, he looked like a calm person.
On the inside, he was furious.
His desire to protect you were akin to a dragon fire.
You are so precious. So perfect.
Fukuzawa hide his smile, recalling, what happened one summer morning.
Fukuzawa was drinking tea and reading the newspaper. When, suddenly, he got a notification. Someone texted him. Fukuzawa looked at his phone's display and saw a message from you.
Must resist the urge to pet: Yukichi! Help, I’m being kidnapped!
Fukuzawa feel a chill running down his spine. What? You were supposed to be with Gen'ichirou! Did someone attack you two and defeated Fukuchi? Fukuzawa start tapping message as fast as he can.
Fukuzawa : Where are you?
Three dots appeared. The wait was torturous.
Must resist the urge to pet: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
It was bad. He needs to do something.
Fukuzawa decide to call Fukuchi. Maybe, you were kidnapped, while he was distracted?
Fukuzawa dial the number. A few moments later, he heard the voice.
"Hello, Fukuzawa. Do you need anything?"
Fukuchi sounds calm. Not worried or angry. He doesn't know, you were in danger. Fukuzawa spoke.
"Where’s [Y/N]? They texted me that they were being kidnapped."
Fukuchi was silent. Then he answered.
"[Y/N]? Fukuzawa, what do you mean? They're right next to me in the car...
Then there was silence. Then Fukuchi spoke again.
"We will return home in five minutes. Please, wait for us."
Fukuchi hand up. Fukuzawa breath in and out. You were with Fukuchi? Then why did you text him about kidnapping?
Perhaps, he should wait for Fukuchi's return.
Five minutes later, Fukuzawa saw Fukuchi's car stopping outside the house. Fukuzawa decided to greet you outside.
The moment he stepped from the house, you jolted from the car and hide behind Fukuzawa.
"Yukichi, save me from this man" you point at the second person, who stepped outside the car.
Fukuchi slowly approach you two. Fukuzawa blinked and chuckled quietly.
Fukuchi didn't have his mustache anymore.
Meanwhile, Fukuchi was looking at you. He spoke to Fukuzawa.
"I decided to freshen up my looks a little. Got new haircut and barber offer me a shave. I agreed."
You grab Fukuzawa's sleeve, trying to hide your face behind it.
Fukuchi glare at you.
You trembled behind Fukuzawa'a back.
Fukuzawa start laughing. He placed his hand on top of your head and ruffle your hair.
"Okay, calm down, you two."
You close your eyes, accepting the pats.
At the end, you finally accept, that strange man really was Fukuchi.
But Fukuchi decide not to shave his mustache again, when they grew back.
Kirako Haruno was one of your first clients today. She waved, when she came closer to the counter.
"Hi, [Y/N]! Hi, Mii-chan!" Kirako carefully scratch Mii-chan's chin.
Kirako knew who Mii-chan truly was. You were told, that back in their world, Natsume was taking care of Kirako, while she was in 'stasis' and had a strange form of self-awareness. And, after Kirako finally became truly self-aware, she and Natsume talked. They didn't have any bad blood between them and managed to became good friends. Natsume wasn't against posing as Mii-chan for Kirako, and Kirako assist Natsume while he was writing.
You smiled and Mii-chan meowed.
"Hi, Kirako. How can I help you?"
Kirako stopped petting Mii-chan and looked at the menu.
"Can you recommend something? Everything look fantastic, I can't decide what to get"
You thought for a moment.
"Well, everything here is tasty. But, I must say, that all milk in the café are sweet, so, keep in mind, if you want to order a dessert."
Kirako carefully read the menu again.
"I will have an apple tart and black tea, please. Will eat it here."
"Will be right up."
You stepped in the kitchen and start preparing tea. Meanwhile, Kirako sat on one of the tables in the café, not far away from Fukuzawa's table.
Soon you put a tray with a black tea, chocolate biscuits and apple tart before Kirako.
Before Kirako can ask about biscuits, you answered.
"Biscuits are from me... Thank you, Kirako..."
Kirako smiles.
On your way to the counter, you remembered one of the little moments you shared with Kirako.
"They are so cute and fluffy" cooed Kirako, watching the cat video you were showing her. You nodded in agreement.
You two were having a lazy hour full of snacks and cat videos. Kirako practically forced you into it, after she noticed that you were stressing about university again.
Kirako rubbed her chin. Her eyes sparkled.
"Hey, [Y/N] let's go for a walk. The weather is nice. Let's take a breath of a fresh air."
You wanted to refuse, but, you must admit, that you still feel tired. You still need some time away from the university and study.
"Let me grab my jacket, and we will be on our way."
You smile at the memory. But, you couldn't enjoy the trip down memory lane for too long. You have new customers at the counter.
Kirako take a good look around the café. It wasn't the biggest café, and it doesn't have many places to hide.
Kirako wasn't the detective, but she has a good memory and was quite observant.
She remembered Fukuzawa's instructions for her.
"After Natsume's-sensei and Karl's attack on the Stalker, they won't be really active tonight. It will be a good chance to take a first look at the café. Plus, we might find, if someone from [Y/N]'s fellow students are observing them. You and Naomi will be first to go to the café. Report, if you see something suspicious."
Kirako looked around again.
And she noticed them in the window.
The same person in black that Ango saw in walls' memories and Natsume-sensei attacked.
Kirako sent a quick message.
"They are here. Third window from the entrance. Want to do something."
The answer was delivered almost immediately.
"Naomi is on her way. Be careful."
The moment Naomi walked inside the café, Kirako finished her tea, and tart and left the café.
[Y/N], my dear [Y/N]...
Oh, my sweet treasure...
Why are you talking to this woman?
Why are you still dirtying yourself?
Didn't you get the message...
You are mine...
Kirako looked with disgust at the scratched Stalker, who still slightly reeks of rotten durians and was laying on the ground and howling with pain.
Kirako was holding an empty water bottle. Just a few moments ago, it was full of salted water. Kirako prepared this bottle before she came to
Stalker were so absorbed in their thoughts, they didn't notice Kirako walking behind them and pouring salt water at them.
At their fresh scratches.
Kirako rolled her eyes.
"There is more where it came from. Stay away from [Y/N].
Kirako turned around and left the sobbing person behind.
Naomi Tanizaki greeted you with a hug.
"[Y/N], you looked so good in this uniform! During our next shopping trip, we should find similar clothes for you."
You chuckled.
"Okay, no problems. What can I get for you?"
Naomi took a quick glance at the menu.
"Big Capuchino to go. That's all"
You take her order and start making her coffee. You remembered your first coffee time together.
"So... What do you want to discuss, Naomi?" you tilt your head, looking at Naomi. It has been two weeks since BSD Gang appeared in your apartment, and you still feel a little bit shy around them. She turned around, holding a book in her hands.
You blinked.
Naomi nodded.
"Yes! I want to learn about this world's flowers."
You chew your lip.
"What do you want to know?"
Naomi looked from side to side.
"Everything... Anything. I just want to spend time with you."
You stay silent. You remember, how you promised Naomi, back when you received the first note from her in the app, to have some tea together.
"Let's brew some coffee and tea. And... Let's talk about anything we want."
Naomi looked happier than before.
You two went to the kitchen.
You finish preparations and drew some flowers on Naomi's plastic cup. You also included a bad of candies from your own stock.
When you gave it to her, she smiled.
Naomi left the café. You turned towards Mii-chan.
"Was it me, or she had spikes on her shoes?"
Mii-chan murped.
Naomi stayed at the café entrance, waiting for Katai to take over. Back in a café she noticed, that Stalker was on their knees, but still observing [Y/N].
Naomi tapped her feet impatiently. Where is Katai, she wants to finally get her hands on the pathetic Stalker.
Katai, without his futon, finally appeared. He looked confident.
"Surveillance are under my control. Do whatever you want with them, Naomi."
Naomi nodded and moved to the Stalker's spot.
Behind her, Katai walked in the café.
[Y/N].. ow ow ow
Why are you ow ow ow
Hugging... Ow
Will punish... ow
Naomi looked at the beaten up Stalker. She spent three minutes kicking them with her special spiked shoes.
Naomi put her feet on Stalker's head.
"Another warning for you. Go away and never return. Leave [Y/N] alone."
After another small kick, Naomi picks up Stalker's phone and left.
You greet Katai with a little smile. He waved at you and looked around. There were multiple people here.
"The place is becoming more and more crowded, am I right?" asked Katai, looking at you with pity. "Isn't it too much work for one employee?"
You shrug.
"Even if it is, there is nothing I can do. I am not even an official employee, I am a free labor student... I am fine, to be honest. Charity Fair is important."
Katai rub his neck.
"Well, yes, it is... Can I have simple black coffee? Here."
Katai turn around and sat at the farthest table. He took his laptop from his bag and start typing something.
You start making his order. With the corner of your eye, you noticed, that Kirako and Naomi returned and now were sitting at the same table as Katai.
Another memory, this time with Katai, appeared before your eyes.
You were laying on Katai's mattress, while Katai was checking your laptop. He wanted to make sure, that you don't have any viruses or trojan in your laptop.
Thankfully, nothing bad was discovered. You yawn. A little idea came to your mind.
"Hey, Katai, want to watch a movie together?"
"What movie?" asked Katai, glancing at you.
For the next two and a half hours, you and Katai were snuggled under one blanket, watching the movie.
You brought Katai's order to him. You also add some red bean buns you brought from home.
Katai took a bun.
"Thank you, [Y/N]."
"No problems. Girls, do you...?"
Naomi interrupted you.
"No, don't worry, we will just sit here."
You nodded and return to the other customers.
Katai was monitoring the surveillance cameras. He turned them on and off, all for ADA not being caught while teaching Stalker a lesson.
Naomi gave Katai Stalker's phone. In a matter of seconds, it was hacked and Katai start working on his part of the punishment.
Before that, he sent a text to an ADA chat with Stalker's current whereabouts.
I... I will return...
These girls... Will pay... Ow...
For taking [Y/N]... Away...
For beating me...
I... will get you, [Y/N]... You need to be..
Kept away from this people... I knew where the back door is... I soon will be there...
Where... did the snow came from...
Junchirou Tanizaki was looking at the Stalker, whose nose he just broke. Stalker was covering his nose with both hands. Blood dripped on the ground.
Junchirou grabbed Stalker's jacket and shook them.
"You will never come near [Y/N]. You will leave this city. You will leave this country. And you won't even breath in their detention. Or else... You will be dead."
Junchirou kicked Stalker in the stomach, picked them up, threw in the nearest garbage container and left the dark alley.
Now he needs to go to the café and guard you over here.
According to Ranpo, the Stalker will be persistent.
Well, he is also persistent. And he cherished you.
He remembered this one time, you two cooked together.
"Okay, just add some spice, and ramen will be ready" instructed Junchirou, cutting fried meat for dinner.
You nodded and start slowly adding the last ingredient.
The aroma of cooked food was fantastic.
You turned off the stove and put the pot of ramen on the table. Junchirou cast a quick glance at you and smiles.
"I am so glad that we are finally here, near you." confessed Junchirou.
You let out a quiet laugh and gave Junchirou a side hug.
"And I am glad that I have so many new, wonderful friends."
Again in the dumpster!
My hit list is getting bigger and this people say! [Y/N] are mine and only mine!
I will destroy all enemies of our love!
Will start with this blonde boy! He was on one of the pictures I destroyed.
Come here you...
Kenji Miyazawa was looking at the dumpster, he threw on the nearest roof.
He thought about talking with Stalker, but they tried to attack him, screaming threats and promises of what they will do with [Y/N].
And Kenji can't let them make their threats a reality.
Because you are important. Because you are his friend.
Kenji hurries to the café. You need all of them to protect you.
Kenji remembered, how you two went to a farm market.
"[Y/N], I tell you, this meat will be perfect for a pie" grinned Kenji, pointing at the small stand near you.
"Kenji, I do believe you, but I don't want to use your power too much." You explained. You already have your hands full. And Kenji was holding a few bags with fresh cheese, cotton cheese, at least a few dozen kilos of vegetables and fruits. Kenji smiles and assures you. "Don't worry, [Y/N], I can carry much more than that. Let's buy some meat"
Kenji looked at you with pleading eyes. You can't say no to these eyes. That evening, all of you enjoyed some meat pie.
Stalker literally rolled from the dumpster. They curled on the ground, trying to make sense of what just happened.
With no success.
After a few minutes of laying on the roof, Stalker finally stand up. They finally spoke.
"I only need to avoid the kid... [Y/N] still will be mine..."
They took a photo of you, that they stole three days ago.
Then they heard a crackling sound.
"You truly are despicable. The waste of good bandages isn't that shameless in romantic questions."
Someone's hand grabbed their shoulder.
"Well, I will teach you manners. Lesson number 1. Don't go near [Y/N]"
Doppo Kunikida rolled his eyes, looking at the twitching Stalker, who he zapped a few moments ago.
"I hope, you learned your lesson. But, if not, all of us will be glad to repeat the lesson."
Doppo turned around and marched to the roof exit.
You are such a good person. A little bit chaotic, but perfect in your way.
Doppo smile, remembering one of many moments you shared together.
You and Doppo were putting books in the library on their respectful places.
"Pay attention, we need to pay attention to full book titles. Alphabetical order may be the most common one, but, nevertheless, it is the easiest to use in the libraries." explain Doppo, checking the order of the books he put in.
You chuckled and re-check the books you were organizing.
"Okay, if you say so..."
Doppo looked satisfied with your answer. Everything was nice.
Until Kunikida saw the section with Dazai Osamu's works.
Books were not only standing in non-alphabetic order, but some of them were upside down, or laying on the side. You even made a little house with five books.
"[Y/N]! What happened with these books?"
You laugh.
"Well... I thought it would be nice, to arrange at least one section in a way it mirrors someone of you. So, Chaotic Dazai get... Chaotic section."
Kunikida huffs and start reorganizing Dazai's section.
"It's not something you or him should be proud of. This waste of a good bandages are like a rock that was thrown in the bag of flour."
You chuckled quietly and continue help Doppo, this time, for real.
Atsushi and Kyouka were keeping an eye on Stalker. They were still laying on the roof, after beating and zapping from Kunikida.
They twitch and slowly get up.
On weak legs, they walked towards the roof exit.
When they finally left the roof, Atsushi and Kyouka slowly followed them.
I... I... Won't... Give up...
They... Were the one... Who decide to attack me...
[Y/N] didn't ask them to do it...
They... Love me... Will love me...
Stalker hopped, that girl with the knife, that creepy thing with katana and half-tiger, half-human were their hallucination.
Pain was real.
"They are unconscious" Kyouka stated, slightly kicking Stalker. They were alive. But even more damaged.
Snow demon was holding Stalker's small bag that they were hiding in their inner pocket.
Bag, full of pictures of you, that were taken secretly from the distance.
Atsushi, who transformed back into human, grabbed the bag.
"While I want to destroy them, I think we should save them as an evidence. Just in case."
Kyouka nodded. Atsushi cast a last glance at Stalker, after disappearing in the dark alley. Kyouka kicked Stalker one more time and follow Atsushi.
You became an important part of their lives.
There is no way they will let anyone hurt you. Or let someone, who made you cry, pay.
You three finished swimming in the pool and now were relaxing in the picnic area.
The ice cream was perfect for that hot summer day. You, Atsushi and Kyouka enjoy cold treat, while sitting under the tree on your backyard.
Demon Show was sitting not far from you. It finished brushing Kyouka's hair and now was brushing yours.
The day was perfect.
Stalker heard a metallic noise. They opened their eyes.
Yosano, who was holding her cleaver, smiled. Her smile was crazy.
"Poor thing, you need a doctor, right? Don't worry, I will help you. After my treatment, you will never ever mess with [Y/N].
Exhausted, Stalker was laying on the ground.
All their wounds were gone, but, they would prefer to have their wounds back instead of receiving the treatment from Yosano.
Doctor huffs and, after stepping on Stalker, left the alley.
She smiled again. This time, the smile was real.
You two were visiting a botanical garden. They have an area with real butterflies.
Butterflies were beautiful and colorful.
Yosano manage to take many photos that day. On one of them, you were staring at the butterfly, that decide to land on your nose.
You looked so adorable, trying not to sneeze and scare the butterfly.
Stalker managed to stand up only half and hour later. They were disoriented, terrified and dizzy.
And they were stubborn as hell.
Even after everything they went through, they were adamant on making you theirs.
And tried to make one last attempt to get to the café to observe you.
But they couldn't make it past the alley.
Because they crashed into someone's chest.
Stalker looked up and looked right into Dazai's brown eyes.
For one moment, Stalker thought, that he was looking death in the eyes.
Dazai Osamu whispered.
"So... You were the one, who made My Dear Guiding Light cry..."
It's been few hours, since they appeared in your world. All of them want to talk to you. To make sure, that you are real.
To make things easier, they decide to approach you one by one.
It was Dazai's turn.
Dazai was sitting before you. You were holding his hands.
"Dazai... I am sorry. I am sorry for unknowingly pocking my nose into your past. And into your thoughts. I will accept your disgust and hate, but, I assure you, if I knew, that you were self-aware, I would stop reading and watching."
Dazai felt tears in his eyes. He embraced you. For the first time in his life he hugged someone.
"I could never hate you... Someone so human and kind... Thank you, [Y/N]... For being near me during all this time."
You hugged him in return.
"You are welcome, Dazai."
Dazai whispered.
"Please... You can call me Osamu."
Dazai left the beaten up Stalker in the alley.
He started walking at the café.
Your shift will end soon.
Your shift was almost over. And almost whole ADA gathered in a café.
Junchirou and Atsushi were helping you by the counter, Mii-chan entertained clients by simply being there and letting pet himself, Doppo, Kenji, Osamu and Yukichi were making sure, that customers wasn't trying to cause trouble, Akiko, Naomi, Kirako and Kyouka were helping you with carrying trays. Katai was helping Ranpo with uncovering last bits of information, so Ranpo could investigate.
Ranpo was slightly worried.
He knew, that he will uncover everything, he is The Greatest Detective in the World.
But he was worried, if he uncovers something, that will make you upset.
He didn't want to make you upset.
He prefers, when you were happy.
You and Ranpo were visiting a small candy shop.
Both of you were happy, like two kids at a birthday party.
With hands full of snacks, you returned home and had a True-Crime podcast marathon.
With Ranpo commenting every single actions detectives and police do.
The moment your shift finished, Katai obtained the last file from Stalker's phone.
ADA and you gather around Ranpo.
Ranpo drank the rest of his soda (fifth one).
"Well, time for me to uncover, who is our Stalker's accomplice. Super Deduction"
It took Ranpo one minute to form a list of accomplices.
You looked at the list, slightly worried.
"It's... A lot of people..."
Ranpo nodded solemnly.
"Yes. But, I am sure, that they won't like what will happen tomorrow. We will patrol the rest of the Fair. And here... Well, They will see, how protective Port Mafia can be."
All of you nodded.
ADA help you with cleaning up. You left café with all of them. Together.
The day ended.
First day of the Charity Fair was a success.
You wonder what would happen tomorrow.
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pumpkinbxtch · 6 months
*slides into your requests*
Hi hello I'm here to feed my Frank love 💕
I looooove how you write him because he can be so sweet and loving and MWAH
But do you think you can write a fic where it's Reader (doesn't matter the gender to me 😊) where they have the worst time trying to flirt with him so they end up flirting with him via baked goods and stuff? Just the whole "I can't voice my love without being an idiot so here's a plate of spaghetti 🍝" 👀
food is better than pickup lines ✧⁠*⁠。
— frank zhang x fem!reader
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summary: you wanted to flirt with frank, The situation is that it turns out that you are not that good at it, so you think of a different way to make him understand your feelings.
warnings: none, maybe language.
a/n: omg, you guuuys *runs and rings a bell* a frank request and it's super cute and amazin ideaaa, livin the dream frfr. thank you for your sweet words and for share me this dream of yours. i hope you like it ): — kisses from mars (tee-hee), maría 🩵
You were determined, you'd make Frank understand that you were terribly in love with him… well, something like that. Actually, you were already doing it, but it wasn't until that moment that you realized you had replaced pickup lines with baked goods. Why?
Man, flirting wasn't your thing. But the terrible part was that you didn't know you were actually so bad at it. You realized it once you had already said such embarrassing, terrible things that there was no doubt you had killed one or several seduction fairies somewhere on the planet.
— Is someone waiting for you, Frank…? — you hinted that time. He looked up from his paperwork and when you saw how his eyebrows slowly came together, you knew you had done it again.
Behind him, Piper covered her mouth and stifled a laugh. Was there anything crueler than a daughter of Aphrodite laughing at your seduction maneuvers?
— Someone waiting for me? — he asked, leaning slightly over the bar that separated them. Frank thought maybe he hadn't heard you right.
Your hands continued working on his tea, but internally you were kicking yourself. To cover it up, you let out a laugh.
— Yeah…— He looked at you closely, scanning, pondering all the possibilities of that comment. Apparently reaching a conclusion, his lips curved into a smile.
— Sometimes I don't know when you're joking.— He reached out to pat your head and ruffled your hair gently. That time, you blessed Frank's innocence and swore you'd never use phrases-to-seduce-your-crush.com again.
Gods, what about that time when Piper tried to help you by pushing you towards him? You said something about him being too tall, and in an attempt to turn it into an opportunity to say something cute, you ended up calling him Giraffrank. GI-RA-FFRANK. You wished you could steal that memory and bury it in the deepest recesses of Tartarus.
No, you simply couldn't go on with that, or you'd end up confessing to him in an even more embarrassing way (if that was possible).
In your despair, you grabbed some ingredients from the cafeteria and let your woes turn into nothing less than strawberry-filled mochis. You lifted them to appreciate their fluffiness and felt a touch on your shoulder. You almost forgotten Piper was there.
—That? — She looked at the tray and raised her eyebrows playfully. — Can I try?
— Sure, take them — you said listlessly, sliding the tray across the marble table to your friend. Piper ignored it upon noticing your bad mood and hugged you.
— Frank is really hard to catch, girl. He's so… clueless. — Your friend pressed her lips together and stroked your hair. At least you had her.
— You're not going to tell me it's my lack of skills in saying charming things?— Piper looked away, trying to avoid answering, and you shrugged.
Her consolation to you was interrupted by the doorbell. Both of you looked up. It was late.
— We're closing!— Piper shouted, approaching the counter while you stood at the back. Seeing her stop abruptly and shoot you a sparkling glance, you moved closer. As soon as you saw the purple shirt, you wanted to bury yourself in the pile of dishes you had to wash, but before you could do it, Frank smiled at the sight of you.
— Ladies...— The guy bowed. Despite his apparent diplomacy, your friend had a playful smile adorning his face. — I was passing by and saw the lights on. It's about time you were at the camp, and I remind you that you're only working here for your spring break, so I can't allow you to be out longer than permitted.
— Well, it's our good Frank playing preator — Piper joked while giving you a look. You forced a smile and nodded.
— While you're here, you're my responsibility. Camp Half-Blood would never forgive us if anything happened to you.
— Believe me, Frank, they don't care as long as we come back in one piece — Piper said disdainfully. She cleaned the nearest table and offered the Roman a seat, which he accepted with an excuse.
— Is something wrong? —The guy asked, giving you a concerned look.
Unconsciously, you had stayed behind the counter in complete silence. Piper gestured to you, but you were so afraid of messing things up that you didn't want to even speak. You just shook your head and forced another fake smile.
Piper made a gesture of annoyance without Frank noticing and signaled to you again, which you still didn't understand. She realized she had to act, or you would never get anywhere.
— In fact, she's tired of making the new cafeteria dessert, right? — You frowned, not understanding Piper's movement. This time, she pointed at the mochis, and you widened your eyes.
— Yeaaah, and I don't think you want to try them. It's the first time I've made them, and I don't want to poison you.
— Oh, come on, we know you're good at this! — Your friend insisted, making faces and signals for you to seize that opportunity.
— That's true — Frank said, giving you a radiant and confident smile.
Without much enthusiasm, you went to put a few on a plate and left them in front of him. Immediately, the guy examined them with surprise.
— Mochis?
Your cheeks burned. Stupid Chinese dessert.
Frank widened his smile and eagerly took one into his mouth. The sound of enjoyment he made churned your stomach nervously. Apparently, you did something good that day.
Frank's eyes locked onto yours with a sparkle, and he smiled at you again in that way only he knew and the same one that kept you awake at night. — Delicious!
“am I so in love with him?” you wondered, and with just that word, you regained your humor and motivation. Your mind thought that would be the best way to express your feelings to Frank. You walked to the counter where the others were and packed them in a bakery box with the cafeteria logo. When you returned, you gave it to him.
— For me? — He said, amazed, with a curious look.
— Yes, for you.
And you knew it was the best way to express it. "Show, don't tell," you thought.
Despite being happy with your approach, Piper lamented in the depths of the kitchen as she washed the dishes. She should have tried one of those desserts before speaking.
And that's how things went. Maybe for you, it was almost like a vacation, but Frank had to keep being a praetor, training, and attending to his responsibilities, which consumed most of his days, so you provided him with some food. From that day on, you never stopped cooking for him.
— Frank! — Seeing him covered in sweat with a spear in hand, you felt nervous, but you approached him anyway, handing him the dish.
—Spaghetti. I know you guys have your own magical kitchen, but...
You nervously smiled as he took it as something precious, and the corners of his lips lifted. Your breath seemed to catch as you admired how impressive his beauty was to you, the breadth of his shoulders and the strength he seemed to possess. It seemed counterproductive how someone with his appearance was actually such a kind, gentle, and adorable person.
— You don't have to bother — his velvety voice snapped you out of the trance. Still, he held the dish against his chest and smiled sweetly.—Thanks, do you mind if...? — A whistle interrupted him, and his expression seemed to harden, he was annoyed. Without wanting to interrupt his duties, you gestured for him to go, and he walked away from you because he had no other choice. At that moment, Frank hated being a praetor, but you felt relieved not to have to talk to him, taking risks.
The following days were like the ABCs of love... with dishes.
L - for Lasagna
O - for an Omelet
V - for Vegetable Soup
E - for Enchiladas
Each one adapted to lactose intolerance. Sometimes in the middle of the process, you felt your cheeks burning, the embarrassment overwhelming, almost stupid, but you really wanted to let Frank know that you cared about him, and it seemed like you did. It better be that way.
Piper entered through the back door, and after sniffing the aroma of tomato pasta, she groaned.
— Damn it, Frank! — She exclaimed as she put on an apron. —I'll help, but he gets the best part
You laughed as you cleaned the counter and headed to the microwave, where you took out a plate already served. You approached your friend and handed it to her. —Thanks, Pipes.
She accepted your thanks with a mouthful and praised your culinary skills.
— Frank... has he said anything to you? — Piper asked once she swallowed the bite, noticing that strange tone, you glanced at her sideways.
—About what? — Anxiety rushed through your thoughts, and you turned quickly. — He doesn't like the food? Have I already annoyed him? Gods, I knew I looked weird doing it.
Piper shook her head and took a sip of water.
— None of that. I'm just asking... — That strange look again. You noticed her eyes changed from amber to green.
—No — you murmured, running your hand along the edge of the counter, feeling a certain heaviness in your stomach as you noticed the direction the conversation was heading. You didn't want to hear it, so you changed your gaze to Piper for a more upbeat one. — But it's okay like this. It's better if things are at ease, maybe after all, we shouldn't be anything more than friends.
Piper wanted to smack you on the head, she couldn't believe how blind you were. Nevertheless, she knew she had to let things work out on their own. The brunette approached you and caressed your cheek tenderly.
—Go give this to Frank before I snatch it and devour it all.
You let out a chuckle, releasing the tension that had built up in your body.
— Stay away from my macaroni — you scolded, and grabbed the dish. At the door frame, Piper called out to you, you looked at her as she stood on tiptoe and raised her fist encouragingly.
— He's going to love it! — She shouted, and you left the cafeteria in search of Frank.
As you approached the camp area, your steps quickened along with your pulse. Every time you saw him, it felt like walking on a tightrope with lions waiting below to catch you with their sharp teeth. Being with Frank was an explosion of emotions that were held back from being too obvious, the only demonstration of those was the stupid pasta you held.
You scanned your eyes for the boy, while also wanting to close them and pretend you hadn't found him, then Piper could devour the food. Now that you thought about it, in that circumstance, everyone would win. But as soon as you turned towards the Field of Mars, you saw him, and before you could run away, he noticed you too.
You mocked yourself.
Your legs began to weaken, but it wasn't a problem because Frank was already heading towards you with that charming smile that melted you like honey. You remembered a pickup line that would have been very good if only you weren't so bad with words.
—Uber Eats? — He teased mockingly. This time, he was in armor and his cape. "What a damned gem," you thought.
— I think you know it — you tried to respond in the same tone, but a stutter escaped your lips. The faster you delivered it, the better.
Frank's face changed completely, clearly noticing something in your attitude that afternoon. You extended the food, and he received it, momentarily touching your hands. The sensation made you shiver, but you controlled that feeling.
— Good luck, I'll see you later.
He grabbed your shoulder before you could turn away. His brown eyes remained open, filled with motivation.
— You give me this, but you never stay.
You raised an eyebrow, trying to understand both the words and the change in attitude. Frank let go of you and cleared his throat.
— What I mean is that I always end up with something you've cooked for me — he reaffirmed his grip on the dish and looked at it carefully before returning his eyes to yours, his mind trying to choose the right words, hoping not to ruin everything.— But I never get to share it with you. If we could, it would make me happy.
His cheeks turned pink, and you wanted to rub your eyes to make sure of what you were experiencing, but as soon as you considered the possibility, a wave of insecurity washed over your chest.
— I have to... go back to the cafeteria — you took a step back, and he grabbed your arm again. Frank was tired of letting you go and promised himself he wouldn't let it happen this time.
— You can't. You have a matter to discuss with the praetor.
That sentence surprised you as much as it did him.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, and the way Frank held that determined appearance made it impossible for you not to draw a smile. Although you weren't sure if it was out of nerves or because of how funny the situation seemed, maybe both.
— Oh, really? — You challenged. If he didn't let go willingly, maybe throwing him a bad flirtatious line would make him give up, although you weren't sure why you would want to waste something like that.
— Yes. Let's go or the conversation will go cold — he said, taking your hand and ignoring your desire to ruin the moment.
He dragged you to the common dining hall. At that hour it would be occupied only by the two of you.
Frank was a son of Mars. He was good at conspiring strategies against the enemy, and for some time now, he had decided that you were the enemy in this story. Approaching halfway, leaving him out of the game, now he wouldn't allow it, and finally, he could make his next move to you.
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bringbacktim · 9 months
sebastian vettel x reader where y/n comforts him after his difficult time in ferrari. fluff to smut maybe hehe x
Red to green
Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted , I got carried away with the dialogue as I usually do , it does have a sexual ending but not quite smut as I just wanted to get this out
Not edited or proofread
Warnings: mentions of sex and sexual things , sad seb ig , probably incorrect use of German words , a crap ton of dialogue
Wc:738 words
You're replacing Checo at force India and I had to find out through the f1 Instagram page" Y/n asked storming into the room where her husband sebastian was
"It's Aston Martin now , but yes I am" he said not daring to move out of his chair as she seemed calmer than she should be and he was scared she was going to try and hurt him if he got up
" Still doesn't answer the question of why you didn't tell me you're own wife" she said crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at him waiting for his answer
" I didn't want to tell you Schatz because of how bad my ferrari season went , if I told you everything would've went bad" he explained hoping for sympathy
" I thought I was your good luck charm though?" She fake pouted and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she sat sideways on his lap
"Don't give me that face , you know what I meant leibling" he laughed
" It's just like when you start dating someone so you don't tell anyone cause once you do they start to not like you anymore , I get it seb. I just wish someone atleast told me so I could've stopped buying ferrari merch"
"You look so good in red though" he teased as he traced up and down her arm ( I literally don't know how you describe it )
"Flattery will get you very far with me mr.vettel" she tried not to cringe as she said that but with of them both laughed
"You can go back to being mad with me how" he told her as he gave her a flirty push
"Well daniil isn't there anymore so you don't have to fight him , but bottas is and he did basically cost you the championship lead , but I'm sure you'll do great" y/n said holding his face and kissing his cheek
"Such kind words , you forgot when me and Lewis had contact in Belgium 2018 and I dropped to the back of the grid" he said looking sad at remembering the memory
"Didn't want to bring that one up since lewis is becoming a bit more of a madman when it comes to having contact with people"
As sebastian sat looking like a kicked puppy Y/n couldn't help but feel bad I mean she did bring up some of the bad things that had happened while seb was in ferrari but she was trying to uplift him in a joking manner , which clearly hadn't worked.
He assured her he was fine but even stevie wonder could see he was anything but .
Y/n tried to mention some highlights in his career like his red bull prime, but seb would just hit back with two other mistakes that happened whilst he was in ferrari as if everything bad that happened was his fault
"You know not everything is always your fault right? You tried your best in ferrari but it wasn't the right fit for you and that's okay"
"But ferrari is one of the best teams in the world and I was terrible, Charles even outnumbered me in Japan" her husband answered head in his hands
"Thats not the end of the world , you even said yourself that charles has a gift and Japan is only one race so why does it matter. Plus I wasn't there to give you any of my good luck"
"So it was your fault I did so bad?" He questioned half a grin showing
"I guess so yes all the bad things we're all my fault" she said with a michevous twinkle in her eye hoping they were on the same page
"Oh yeah ? Guess we're going to have to do something about that then aren't we" oh they were definitely on the same page , same sentence even
"What're you going to do ? Punish me for being so bad or something?" Y/n said stading up and walking slowly backwards towards the stairs that lead to their room
"Don't start something you can't finish" he warned stalking after her
"We both know I can make you finish, just depends where you want to" she giggled as she increased the speed she was walking at as he was hot on her heels
He only ever mentioned his sad ferrari memories after that if he wanted to either annoy his wife or get some
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zhongrin · 2 years
rule two hundred and sixty nine
◇ characters ◇ zhongli
◇ tags ◇ minors dni, yandere!dragon!zhongli, unhealthy relationship dynamic, 'whore' used 1x, spanking, nothing too explicit - mostly suggestive
◇ a/n ◇ this is an expansion of this but it's kinda tame??? i wanted to go feral but i was scared and my writing is simply ✨not✨Good✨enough✨ and i got too embarrassed im sorry-
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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it started small at first.
since starting your relationship, you thought you’d fully understood that your lover is a man that has his set of rules and expects them to be followed at all times.
and at first, it worked well.
it provided you with some sort of structure - a clear guideline to follow, so to say. almost comforting, really, since following his rules meant smiles and sweet kisses bestowed oh-so graciously unto you, along with immaculate praises accompanied by his velvety rich voice. meanwhile, when the opposite happens, his disappointed glare burns into your mind and eats you up from the inside, searing the moment into your memory and deep into your heart so you remember to not do it again.
…. but as time passes, you find that the list seems to be unending, and you're pretty sure he’s been adding new rules more frequently these days. while it might not sound that bad at first glance, you start to notice that some things either don't make sense or suspiciously correlate far too close to what you recently did.
it’s overwhelming. and a tad irritating, to be completely honest.
so is it really your fault for disobeying some of the rules he set for you? for going out past his curfew and not telling him that you hung out with a few friends? that you let them hug and touch you since it's all platonic anyway?
you will quickly find out that yes, you're, without a doubt, at fault. at least from your lover's perspective, that is.
as soon as you step into your shared home, you’re pinned onto the floor by a furious dragon.
a weak mortal that you are, you struggle fruitlessly against the literal claws that have replaced your lover’s usually slender fingers. adrenaline pumps through your veins, your head pounding from the sudden escalation of your heartbeat. there’s a sudden pressure that makes it hard to breathe, partly because of his half-dragon body’s weight on top of you, but also caused by the two half-lidded draconic slits which are seeing into your very soul.
"rule two hundred and sixty nine," he growls, talons digging onto your cheek and neck, making indents on your skin, threatening to sink into your flesh, "you do not. come into my nest. smelling like a whore."
your breath seizes, both panic and embarrassment blooming rapidly from your chest and warming your whole body. you should be scared, you really should. a mythical beast eyeing you in displeasure, you're at his complete mercy - but when presented with such mean words, most would try to defend their honor, and you're no exception.
“how dare you disobey me like this.”
there is no gentleness to be found in his person, only blazing fire of fury, as if you’ve insulted him the vilest things known to humankind right in front of his face. to him, that’s awfully close to what you’ve done. undermining his authority, betraying his trust, and worse of all, breaking the rules- the contracts, which were supposed to bind both you and him together.
“i was just-” your tongue feels heavy inside your mouth when you see his glare harden. his hands moves off you, giving you more space to breathe, and yet you find that it’s even harder to do so, now.
“yes, [name]? continue.”
continue your excuses, see what it’ll lead to.
“…. n-no, nevermind…..”
a click of a tongue. his hand is back on you, but this time the sharp black claws grip around your clothes, easily tearing them off your body. you’re about to protest, not wanting the cold hard floor of the front entrance to become the place of… whatever this will turn out to be, when you feel the black scales dig onto your body as he lifted you up with one arm. he casts one last glance at the torn fabrics and mumbles something along the line of burning them later.
you don't dare to ask.
hell, you don't dare to even make any sort of noise.
“you broke the contract and you’re not even sorry. i expected better from my mate.”
“i’m sor-”
you’re thrown into the bed unceremoniously, and before you can even think about escaping, the half-dragon is already caging you in, predatory eyes eyeing you hungrily beneath him.
his puny little human, sometimes too dumb for your own good. why can't you understand that the rules he has set in place, are all for your sake? for your safety, for your purity- for it is only him who’s allowed to corrupt you, to strip you bare and to breed you full until you can’t help but leak his cum for days.
your lips tremble and move slightly, but you don’t dare make a sound, his previous command preventing you to do so.
well, at least you’re obedient now, he thinks proudly. but if he lets this go unpunished, then what’s to say that you won't do the same thing again in the future? the thought makes him growl in irritation, and your arms press closer to your sides, to your chest, in an attempt to make yourself smaller.
his head dips down towards your neck, breath hitting warmed skin. at once, he’s attacked with a plethora of foreign smells. aside from the very faint smell that is you, none of them pleases him.
“you drank.”
you want to talk. want to explain to him that it was just a few sips. that it didn’t even make you tipsy. but he has yet to give you permission to, so you swallow those words and look at him with pleading eyes, trying to convey your thoughts through it.
“tell me. rule forty seven. what did we agree on regarding this topic?”
“that-that i shouldn’t drink alcohol when you're not around, but-”
“that you should not drink alcohol when i am not around, period. i do not think that there was a ‘but’ in the clause. unless you’re saying i misremembered?”
you shake your head fervently, tears of shame and frustration starting to creep beneath your eyelids.
“that’s not all, is it not? i can smell others, all over you, on your clothes, and worse - on your skin. and to top it all off, you’ve broken your curfew.... so many contracts broken within a day, [name]. this is unacceptable behavior,” the dragon’s eyes dilate, and you catch the sight of his long tongue swiping over his lips, “i’ll have to be sure to clean you all up… but first, you need to learn your lesson.”
your beloved retracts himself from above you, and you tremble in both fear and excitement of what’s to come. he’s manhandling you at this point, bruising grip maneuvering your smaller body and preventing you from escaping, the harsh glare and agitated sway of his tail making you quietly obey his silent demands.
you’re spread across his lap in mere seconds, his knees digging on your stomach and dangerously close to your weeping pussy. the scales and ridges of his tail wrap around your legs in a vice grip, trapping you in the position. one hand trails sharp nails over your jugular - a silent warning, you think with a shudder, and the other slides down your back before settling on your buttocks.
zhongli’s smirk widen when you jolt, realizing what he was about to give you. what he expected you to take.
“you will count, and for each and every single one, you will apologize.”
claws dig into your scalp, your back arching desperately to follow his movement. a low snarl rumbles right beside your ear.
“did i stutter, [name]?”
“i’m sorry! i’ll be good! i’ll be g-good-!!”
the tail wrapped around your legs tighten momentarily before a loud slap echo in the room, along with the sting of pain shooting up your spine, staggering your senses. breath hitching, you’re not sure if what came out of your mouth was a cry of pain or pleasure.
“then start counting.”
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask!
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I am still so in love with this moodboard. Thank you @sidthedollface2 ! You are amazing <3
Warnings: Soft Dom Steddie X Singer Reader, SMUT, angst, and fluff. Some dark themes regarding addiction (reader does get high and is tempted by all her vices; Steddie confront her), um...I think those are the biggest warnings. Brief mentions of her ex and an encounter with a bad friend.
Word Count: 5851
“Have you never been on a tour bus before?”, you giggle as both boys try to find places to put their things. 
“Uh, no, sweetheart. My band wasn’t cool enough to get a bus.”, Eddie grins as he gives up and throws his overnight bag on to one of the bunk beds. 
“Honestly, I prefer it to planes. I’m afraid of heights but thankfully we’re just touring the US this time around so…just a bus.”
Your phone begins to ring and after glancing at it you toss it to the side. 
“Is he still bothering you?”, Steve asks taking a seat across from you. 
“Kind of. He, um, he knows I’m going to fold soon and answer.”
“Why is that something he knows?” Eddie takes a seat beside you, his jeaned knee grazing yours. 
Since that afternoon in Steve’s car, neither of them had tried to make another move but to be fair you had been extremely busy preparing for the tour. Occasionally, you would steal a glance or they would find little ways to touch you like placing a hand on your lower back to guide you towards the car or, like right now as they sat next to you, a part of their skin would find yours. 
You reveled in that minimal contact; tasting what you so desperately wanted but couldn’t have just yet. 
“Because I do it every time…”
“Yeah…but not this time. I mean, you already did something different by not bailing him out of jail.”
“Yeah, his mom did that.” They both smile as you laugh. “He, um, he’ll probably show up at some point…just so you know.”
“And we’ll be ready.”, Steve grinned, giving you comforting wink. 
“This place is fucking nice, Harrington.” Eddie looks around with amazement as he and Steve walk around the venue you would be performing at in a couple of days. 
“It really is. For Vegas I guess this is normal?”
“Speaking of…”, he stops walking, facing his friend. “I hate that her idiot manager made this place one of her stops let alone the first one. We may need to keep a closer eye on her here when it comes to her vices.”
“I agree. She’s been doing pretty good though.”
“Steven, it’s been a week.”, he chuckles. “You don’t undo that much trauma and damage in a week. She IS doing good but if she wants to remain sober, she’s got a rough road ahead.”
“Y/N! What’s going on, babe?” The director of the show startles you out of your fog as he shouts your name. You had dissociated into a memory while singing a song you had wrote many years ago about your parents. Usually you, just sang the song, plastered in a haze that numbed your pain as the words flowed through but this time…
“I…I, um, I don’t think we should have this song on the list.”
The boys, who had been sitting in chairs off to the side, heard the change in your tone as they leaned forward to listen to the exchange.
“What? This is one of your number one singles. It resonates with people. You have to sing it.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Mark. Can’t we just replace it with something else?” You roll your eyes as he looks at you with apprehension. “I need a break.”
They see it in your face as you stomp off the stage, splitting up to go in different directions. 
“Where are you going, Y/N?”, Steve asks as he runs to catch up with you. 
“I just need a break, ok? Can I have one goddamn moment to myself?!”
“Of course you can but then why are you heading towards the back exit?”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
As soon as you open the backdoor, your blocked by Eddie’s towering, broad frame. “Going somewhere, your highness?” 
“Move.”, you growl.
“Make me.”
Huffing, you turn around and push Steve out of your way as you head for your dressing room. 
“What’s running through your mind, honey?”
You angrily pull a cigarette from your purse, allowing it to dangle from your lips as you search for a lighter. 
“I’m not your honey, Steven. You think just because you had your fingers inside of me that I owe you something?!”
“Some respect at least.”
“Hm. Sure. ‘Respect’. All you fucking men are the same.” They watch as your hands shake as you try to work the lighter. “Fuck!”
Eddie reaches into his pocket as he moves towards you, lighting his own lighter, allowing you to bend and ignite your cigarette.
“Tell them again. Reiterate that you refuse to sing the song.”
Your eyes glance up towards them, filled with a lot less hate than before. “I need a drink.”
The metalhead shifts behind you, delicately petting your head as he brushes your hair away from your face.
“No you don’t, princess. Everything’s ok. You’re in control right now. Can you say it for me?”
“I’m…I’m in control.”, you whisper.
“Good girl.” His eyes find yours in the mirror as he smiles. “Say it again.”
“I’m in control.” 
Eddie’s grin grows when you say it with a bit more confidence before reaching over you to steal your cigarette. “Thaaaaank you. Now, get back out there and show those fuckers whose boss.”
“Oh come on, boys! Let me have some fun.”
“No.”, Steve’s tone was firm as he watched you slide on your high-heeled shoes. “You can go out and have fun but we need to at least be close by to protect you.”
You roll your eyes as you rise to your feet, smiling to yourself when you notice their eyes drink you in. Tonight, you had some friends that wanted to go out on the strip with you so you asked (politely) if the guys could stay behind. They adamantly refuse. 
Before you retort your hotel door flew open as all of your friends ran in to give you a hug. 
Throughout the evening, Eddie and Steve were pretty good at being invisible. There were a few times you forgot their presence until you reached for a glass of wine or cup of something bitter and an arm reached over to snap it from your grasp. 
“Were they told to keep you from having a good time?”, a girl whined loudly in their direction to make sure they heard. 
“I’m sure Jack and Sarah gave them a whole to-do.”
Another girl whispered something in your ear and you nodded your head as she got up from her seat with a friend to glide sexily towards them.
“Hello there. I’m Allie and this Caroline. Y/N has told us a lot about you two.”
“Hm. Not enough it seems because this right here won’t work.”, Eddie politely grins in their direction as he tries to move Allie to the side so he can keep his eyes on you.
“What won’t work?”, she asked coyly. 
“Ladies, you’re gorgeous but you need to let us do our job, okay?”
“Oh please. What are you going to protect her from here at a club? The big bad bottle of vodka.”
“No but maybe we can protect her from selfish people who use her for her money and a fun night out.”, Steve responded sarcastically and they recoiled at his comment. “Jesus Christ.”, he sighs when he notices you’re not at the booth anymore. 
“Here we go, Harrington.”
It took them 2hours to find you and they were livid. You knew they put some type of “Find my phone” tracker on your device so you left it in a taxi that had them running all over Vegas. 
They gave up, deciding to wait for you at the hotel when a loud bass behind the door grabbed their attention. As they opened it, they found your friends strewn across the floor in a drunk haze with some other people they didn’t recognize. 
You were sitting on your bathroom floor with heavy eyes staring into the void of the wall in front of you. “He-hey, honey!”, you slurred as you looked up at them. “Aha…looks like you found me.”
Eddie’s jaw clenched as he turned to head for the living room. Steve stepped over you, turning on the faucet to allow water to fill the tub. 
“Oh, a bath sounds nice. Are you going to join me?” The boy remains silent as you giggle. 
“HEY!” The people in the living room jump at the metalhead’s deep, booming voice. “If you’re name isn’t Y/N Y/L/N I want you to leave right now!” They groan as people slowly begin gathering their things causing Eddie to clap his hands loud enough that even you cringed. “Let’s go, people! You have until the count of ten before I call a cop. Eight!”
Within seconds everyone is gone, leaving them to deal with you. Steve lifts your sluggish body, placing you to sit on the edge of the tub as he kneels in front of you. 
“Did you think what you did was funny? Disappearing like that.”
“Yeah, a little.” He nods, roughly grabbing your cheeks as Eddie shines a small light in your face. “What the fuck?! Stop that!”
“She’s definitely on something. What did you take, Y/N?”
“Fuck you. You’re my security. I’m allowed to have some fun without you looming over me!” Steve curtly nods again before lifting you once more and placing your fully clothed body into the bath. “Fuck me! That’s freezing!”
You try to jump out but the man’s grip on you tightens as he holds you still. “After you snuck out last time, we warned you not to disrespect us or what we do, right?”
You have no idea why but his calm demeanor despite the circumstances is pissing you off more as you aggressively tug at his hands. “Let me go!”
“We’re going to play a game, Y/N. If you cooperate with us, I’ll let you go. What did you take?”
When you don’t answer, his hand pushes you back, quickly dunking your head under the cold water before pulling you back up. 
“What. Did. You. Take?” Steve’s voice is still calm but much firmer than before. You shakily point towards the bedroom and Eddie turns to look through your stuff, finding the drugs you took hidden in your suitcase. By your bed was a plate with a rolled-up dollar causing him to sigh. 
“Did you bring this with you or did you buy it here?”, he asked. 
“Allie brought it.” Your eyes widen as you watch him dump the contents down the toilet. “HEY! You can’t do that!”
“I just did. Call it penance for running around Las Vegas looking for you for two hours. Here’s your phone by the way.” He displays it in front of you before tossing it across the room onto your bed. 
You continue to fight against Steve hold, splashing water everywhere to no success. Something inside you snaps as you stop moving and look around the bathroom. The drugs had begun to wear off but you still felt heavy under their haze. You were submerged in water in this revealing dress pouting like a five-year-old because they threw out what you believed to be your lifeline. 
What hurts the most is when you risk a look at them both and are met with not just anger but disappointment. They’re job was to protect you and keep you safe yet you sent them on a wild goose chase so you could get high with people who didn’t give a fuck about you. 
Steve lifts his hands and you hang your head as you begin to cry. 
“I’m sorry.”
The man rises from his knees, leaning over to drain the tub before sitting on the edge. “Is it alright if I remove this dress? If not, we can step out so you can change.”
“I can’t move.”, you sigh as you respond with a tiny voice.
“Yes, you can. Come on, now.” His palms grip your arms as he fully stands with you. “See?”
Eddie comes up to the side and places some of your clothes on the sink. You gently hang on to his shoulders as he searches for a way to get you out of your gown, finally settling on lifting it over your head. His eyes remain on your face as he hands you a towel.
“Here. Go ahead and dry off, get dressed. Come out when you’re ready.”
“Can you dry me?”
“Like I said…come out when you’re ready.”
“Eddie! Please!”
“Why? Why should I do something nice like that for you after the way you treated us? You think after all that we’d really take care of you in that way?” You flinch as he tosses the towel in your direction. “Dry off. Get dressed. Come out when you’re ready.”
That morning when you woke up, you found both boys asleep on the couch and your heart broke. You had this huge fancy suite that allowed the three of you to have your own room yet last night they slept on opposite ends of the couch to make sure you didn’t try and sneak out again. 
One of their phones began to vibrate and you tiptoed to the counter it was plugged into to see who it was before bringing it to Steve’s sleeping frame.
“Steve…Steve…”, you whispered as you gently pushed on his shoulder. “Steve.”
“Your dad is calling you.”
“My wha?” His eyes crack open as you display the screen for him. He groans as he answers, rolling off the couch, and heading for the bedroom. 
Eddie, completely unphased, continued to snore as he slept. You sat on the floor beside him as your eyes scanned his shirtless torso. You had already known about the tattoos on his arms but the ones on his chest were new to you. Reaching over him, your fingers softly traced the inked skin before sliding down his tummy. He seemed to have a couple of scars here and there which you imagined where from previous security guard jobs. 
You desperately wanted to kiss them. You wanted to kiss every part of him but after what you did last night you knew you didn’t deserve it. Sighing, you rose to your feet, heading for the shower to get ready for the day. 
“I didn’t know you could play guitar.”
Your eyes flicked towards Eddie from your spot on the stage floor as you wait for crew to set up things behind you. 
“It’s been a while. With, um, with my vices I couldn’t really keep my hands still to do what they needed.”
Hearing footsteps, you swivel your head to see Steve walk towards you two and sit on the floor beside you. He digs through the bag in his hand and produces a sandwich from the shop down the street, handing it to you. 
“Lunch. Eat.”, he commands. 
“Thank you.” You feel both sets of eyes quickly scan your face as the metalhead takes a seat as well, taking the food his friend offered.
“You ok? A little hung over?”
“No… I just feel a little guilty about last night.”
“Hm. You should.” Steve takes a sip of his drink before offering some to you which you eagerly sip. 
“I’m really sorry.”
“We know. Actions speak louder than words, princess.”
“I understand.”
After rehearsal, they walked you back to your hotel, becoming instantly annoyed when they find your friend waiting outside. 
“Attached at the hip still I see.” You cringe at Allie’s sarcasm. “Usually Y/N gives me a copy of her key to wait IN the room but I was told she can’t do that anymore.”
“Yup especially with apparent drug dealers coming and going.”, Eddie replies casually as he opens the door and holds it for everyone to enter. 
“Pfft, what drug dealers?”
“Oh. So you didn’t bring drugs into this hotel room last night?”
“That doesn’t make me a fucking drug dealer asshole.”
“It does when you give them to her.”
They both glare at each other before she finally turns to you. “Are you going to let him talk to me like that?”
“Is there anyway we can pick this battle and talk about it later? I’m fucking exhausted.”
Allie sarcastically laughs as she reaches into her pocket and throws a baggie at your chest. “Fuck this shit. That’s all you care about, right? That’s all I’m good for? Tell them about how you beg for me to bring you my stash. How some nights you call me crying saying you NEED it.”
“Don’t play this game with me, Allison.”, you growl in her direction. 
“You think I’m afraid of you?! Simon is right. You’re fucking pathetic.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to tell your husband you said that. Oh wait. Where is he? That’s right. He left you after you gambled away all your savings and I had to bail you out by giving you money so you could keep your house!”
She angrily stepped towards you but Steve blocked her path. “Out. Now.”
“You’ll regret this, Y/N!”
The man pushes her towards the door, shutting her out as she continues to yell. You reach down and big up the bag she threw at you, sighing as you hand it to Eddie. 
“I’m going to go change. Will you throw this out for me? I don’t think I have the strength to yet.” You flash him a smile as you head to your room. 
“What is it?”, Steve asks as his friend heads towards the bathroom.
“The last of her stash I imagine.”
Later that night, both men came out of their rooms when they heard you shuffling around. 
“Are you lost, your highness?”, Eddie asks slightly amused. 
“No. Not physically anyway.”
“Whatcha doin’ then?”
“What’s it look like? I’m making a bed on the couch so I can get some fucking sleep.”
“Y/N, you can sleep in your bed.”, Steve chuckles as he leans into the doorframe. 
“I could but…it’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
You exhale as you roll your eyes and face them. “I fucked up and snuck away from you two. I should be sleeping on the couch while you sleep in the beds. It’s fine. I mean I’ve slept in worse places and you deserve to sleep on a comfy mattress like those especially if you’re supposed to be protecting me. I want you 100%.”
Their eyes continue to look you over making you groan. “What?! You can still hear and see me from there. If I tried to leave you can still run over here and catch me!”
Eddie glanced at Steve, nodding before placing his body in front of yours. “What? Fine, God damn! If you insist on sleeping out here, don’t say I didn’t—”
The metalhead’s hand shot out, gripping the back of your neck as he pulled your lips to his. His tongue danced with yours eliciting a soft moan before pulling back to rake your eyes over his face. 
“Do you want to sleep on the couch?”
“Do you want us to sleep on the couch?”
“Where should we sleep then?”
“Wi-with me…”
“Oh, come on, princess. You’ve been yelling at us pretty much since we met you. I know you can say it more confidently than that.”
Your palms grip his face as you bring his lips back to yours. Eddie doesn’t miss a beat as you jump up and he grips your thighs in his strong hands as you circle your legs around his waist. 
“Sleep with me…” You graze the tip of your nose across his. “…after you fuck me.”
The metalhead carried you to your bedroom, falling with you onto your bed. His lips hungrily ran down your neck as he bit and sucked on your skin. 
“Wait…you can’t leave…marks on me before…before a show.”, you pant. He nods as he lifts his head to meet your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Sweetheart, that isn’t something you need to be sorry for, ok?”
“Ok. Where is—“, you turn your head looking for Steve, finding him sitting in a chair beside your bed. “Why are you so far away?”
His head tilted as he listened to your voice dip back to that little girl tone you used with them before. Eddie focused on you again, lifting off your shirt as he kissed your skin. 
“I’m not far, honey.” To emphasis his point, he crossed his legs on to the mattress in front of him. “I just got to taste more of you last time than Eddie did so I’m letting him explore a bit.”
“Pfft, letting me.”, the boy chuckles as he takes off his shirt and yanks down your shorts with your panties. “Do you hear him?”
His lips trace your chest to your stomach as you reach down and run your fingers through his hair. He places soft tender kisses on the inside of your thigh, driving you wild. 
“Eddie, please.”, you beg.
“Please what?”
You whine in frustration and he quickly turns to look at Steve, laughing to himself as the boy’s jaw clenches. He rises from the chair and saunters around the bed, laying down beside you.
“Look at me.” You do as he asks, taken aback by the slight hint of annoyance gleaming within his eyes. “When we ask you something, we expect an answer. No whining or pouting. Understand?”
Eddie’s fingers slide through your folds, opening them wide so you’re perfectly on display. 
Steve’s own fingers grab your cheeks forcing you to meet his eyeline. “I said…do you understand?”
The boy between your legs smirks as he watches your pussy flutter at his friend’s words. 
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good girl.”
Your eyes rollback when he releases you and Eddie runs his tongue through your sex. “Fuck me. You were right, Harrington. She does taste good.”
While he continues to lick you, you feel him shuffle, briefly looking down to see him kick off his pants and boxers. Much gentler this time, Steve turns your head again to face him. 
“When we ask you to do something, we expect you to do it.”
“Mmm—I understand.”
“Now, honey, Eddie and I like to play a bit rough sometimes but we would never make you uncomfortable. Is there a word you feel like you’d remember under any situation? For example, what’s the first word that comes to mind right now?”
It was so hard for you to think as the metalhead wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking and flicking your nub with his tongue. 
“I…I can’t…I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do, baby. Come on. First word, any word.”
“P-Paris! Fuck, Eddie. That feels so good.”
“Huh. Well, I definitely have some questions but I can work with that. Ed?”
“Stop if I hear Paris. Got it.”, he responded curtly before shoving his face back into your now dripping core. He moaned against your bundle of nerves, gradually stroking his cock as he devoured you. 
Steve pressed his mouth to yours, swallowing your whimpers as you neared that edge. You reached down to rub your palm against the growing bulge in his pants. 
“You…you can be rough with me. Just don’t…don’t… I’m gonna…”
“Hey, no. Don’t cum until you finish that sentence.”, he warns.
“Just don’t—mmm—don’t hit me. Fuck! Yes…” Eddie pins your thighs down with his hands as you came hard against his tongue. Your arms wrapped around the other man as you kissed him passionately, your body trembling as you came down from your high. “You can spank me…just don’t like smack me or anything.”, you pant against his lips. 
“Ok. Ok, pretty girl.”
Eddie climbed up your frame, placing open mouth kisses on your skin along the way. 
“I’m, um, I’m on the pill. I struggle with most things but I always remember to take that. I don’t trust Simon to…ya know.” Your eyes shift between theirs as your voice gets smaller. “I mean, I still understand if you want to use a condom. I don’t have any but—”
The metalhead cuts you off with his lips. “Have you been with anyone else since our wonderful introduction to your now ex?”
“No.”, you grin up at him. “I got tested before the tour to so I’m clean. Have you been with anyone…recently…?”
“We’re attached to you 24/7. Have you seen us with anyone?”, Steve smiles making your grin grow as he stands up to start removing his clothes.
“I don’t know what you do with your free time!”
“Aw, that’s cute. She thinks we have free time.”
You playfully smack his shoulder and he in turn captures your lips. “Do you want me to…?” Your eyes gesture towards his cock and he tilts his head to follow your gaze, tickling your face with his hair. 
“Not tonight, sweetheart.” Eddie reaches down to grip your thigh, opening you wider as he drags his length through your pussy lips. “Do you feel that? Do you feel how hard you made me just from tasting you?”, he whispers, his forehead pressed against your own. You moan as he grinds his hips, teasing himself as much as he’s teasing you. 
“You want my dick inside you, baby?” You aggressively nod your head as your nails tread down his back. “F-fuck, ask me for it.”
“Please, Eddie, I need to feel you inside of me. I need you to make me cum again.”
Both your mouths fell open as he gradually thrust his cock into your entrance. 
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking tight.” His head fell to the side as your fingers reached up to tangle in his hair trying to hold him as closer to you as you could. 
“Does he feel good, Y/N?” Your eyes flick up to meet Steve’s who’s watching your face intently as you nod. You could hear Eddie panting in your ear as he pumped into you inch by inch causing your cunt to clench tighter to him. “How do you usually like it, honey? Tell him.”
“I…I…don’t…”, you stuttered over your words as he bottomed out. 
“Tell me, Y/N.”, Eddie whispered. “Tell me what you—mmm—what you need, pretty girl.”
“I don’t know.” You felt yourself start to tear up and immediately burrowed into his shoulder. 
“Hey. Hey, come on. Let me see that gorgeous face.”, Steve grinned when you looked up at him. “Nothing to be ashamed of in here, baby girl. What do you like?”
“It’s been a long time since anyone has asked me that.” Eddie pushed up on his elbows so he could look at you as well. “You were right. Simon has never made me cum. It’s been a while. Well except in your car.” They both chuckled. “Why don’t you show me what you like?”
“I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet.” The metalhead leans up on to his knees, pushing both your legs back till your own knees were close to your shoulders. He began pumping into you again, your eyes rolling and closing as you feel him touch deep inside you.
You felt Steve’s breath warm your cheek as one of his palms comes up to caress your face. “Eddie and I like to be in charge in a relationship; more so in the bedroom.”
His fingers slide down to trace your lips before softly lingering on your throat. “We like…taking care of you…” Your jaw falls slack as he tightens his grip around your neck as Eddie slams his hips harder into your own. After a few moments, he releases you and the other boy returns to his steady pace. “And in return, you submit to us.”
“Fuck, fuck, please.”, you beg; to which one even you aren’t sure. Steve continues his path down your body till his fingers find your clit. Your hand reaches for his wrist but Eddie is faster, gripping your own as he leans forward over you, pinning it to the pillow. 
“Goddamn.”, the metalhead groans as he feels your pussy tighten even further around him. He falls on top of you, rolling his hips so hard the bed moves underneath you. Your body shakes as you cum, moaning his name repeatedly as your free hand clings to his neck. 
Eddie couldn’t hold back any longer especially with your cunt spasming around him as you came undone. With a few more hard, deep thrusts he came inside of you causing you mewled at the feeling. 
His hair blocked most of his face but you could just make out the hint of a smirk painted across his features. 
“Told you…we knew what…a woman cumming sounded like.”, Eddie panted and you snicked underneath him. 
“You’re so dumb.”
“And you’re beautiful.”
He gently kissed your forehead before you turned to look at Steve. Your sweaty palm reached for his cheek and he turned into it, tenderly placing his lips against your skin. 
“Do you think you can take me, honey? It’s ok if you can’t.”
You almost too eagerly nod your head. “I can.”
Eddie carefully climbed off you and Steve couldn’t help but notice you were still a bit shaky. “Come here, pretty girl.” He moved you with little to no effort, tugging you till your back was to his chest. Lifting your leg, he bent it at the knee in front of you, placing it near the other boy’s hip. 
His lips kissed yours until you felt him hold your waist and guide his cock inside of you. You whined at the feeling as he allowed you time to adjust before pushing further in. 
“Steve…oh my…fuck. You’re so big.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt his arms encase you and hold you closer to him. His breath warmed the nape of your neck till you felt him bottom out. 
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re so warm and wet. You’re making a mess on my cock.”
You’d heard dirty talk before. Hell almost every man in the entertainment business especially musicians thought they would lull any woman into erotic heaven just by saying dirty things in their ear. Simon and every one of your one-night stands had tried it.  Every time it made your eyes roll and not in a good way. 
Hearing Steve whisper his filthy words as he began really thrusting into you had you seeing stars while you whimpered out answers to his questions. 
“Can you feel me stretching you open? Fuck, honey. I’ve never had a pussy this tight before.”
Your eyes fluttered open when you felt another set of hands touching your body. 
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart. You look so gorgeous like this.”, Eddie cooed as he leaned in to kiss you. Your head lulled as both their lips trailed along your neck. “Can you cum again for us?”
You moaned as you shook your head. “Too much…”
“I know, princess. I know Harrington can be a bit overwhelming…”
You shook your head again. “Feels too…good. Can’t…”
“Yes, you can.”, he whispers, his finger drifting to your bundle of nerves. “Just give us one more.”
Steve slowed his pace and you whimpered as you turned to grip his neck with your arm. “Fast. Faster.”
“Is that what you need, sweet girl?” He does as you ask, pounding his hips into yours. 
You lurch forward bringing Eddie closer to you while your other arm threaded through Steve’s hair behind you as you felt yourself tumble over the edge. 
“Jesus fucking Christ.”, the boy behind you groaned as he chased his high. 
“Good girl, princess. Such a good girl.”, the metalhead praised as he petted your head, moving your hair out of your face. “You did so well. Are you ready for Steve to fill you up?”
You weakly nodded as your turned to face him, his nose pressing to yours as he panted against your lips. “Please cum. I want you to cum like he did. Please…I need it, baby.”
Your eyes remained on his face as his own closed, eyebrows scrunched together as he came, pumping his seed inside of you.
As carefully as he could, he pulled his cock out of you but you still whimpered at the feeling. 
“I know, honey. I’m sorry. Do you think you can handle a shower?”
Drunk on the high of them, you could barely move let alone speak but you somehow managed to shake your head at his question. 
“She can shower tomorrow morning before rehearsal. Let me get something to clean her with now though.”
“No…”, you lazily reach for Eddie’s arm before it slides from your grasp. “Too far.”
“He’s coming right back, baby girl. You’re okay.” Steve places soft kisses along your face. “We’re not leaving you. I promise.”
You wince as the metalhead gently opens your legs and cleans between them. “Maybe we should bring her to one of our beds till they change the sheets.”
“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Since she doesn’t want to shower, grab another damp rag so we can clean some of this sweat off her.”
“I’m sorry.”, you mumble.
“For what, sweetheart?”
 Opening your eyes halfway as Eddie sits you up, you glance towards where you had been laying as he starts running a new rag over your skin. 
“Yeah…nothing you need to be sorry for. Fucking Steve made a mess to. Look at him!” You giggle when he smiles down at you from his place behind his friend as he cleans below his waist. As he reaches your shoulders and neck, your forehead falls to lean against his. “You don’t have to apologize for everything, princess. Not everything is your fault.”
“Hey, beautiful. Can you do me a favor and drink some of this?”
“What is it?”, you cringe as you take it from him. 
After the first sip, you couldn’t stop, chugging it back till the glass was empty. “May I have more please?”
Both boys turn to each other, flashing a knowing smile. “Yes, honey. You can have more.”
Eddie suddenly lifts you into his arms and carries you to his bedroom, placing you down on his cool mattress. “Well, at least your using sentences. Do you want a shirt or anything?”
“No, thank you.”
Steve came in handing you the glass again which you eagerly chug after thanking him. They watch as you crawl under the sheets, waiting for you to get comfortable before getting in beside you. As soon as Eddie pulls the covers up, you wiggle to him, placing your head on his chest as you pull him closer.
Steve wraps his arms around your torso and your lower half immediately curves into him making both men smile. 
“Can I ask you something?”, he whispers and you respond with a tiny hm. 
“Why Paris?”
“My family went on vacation there when…when I was a kid. It was…the happiest I remember us…ever being. I go there sometimes when…I want to be left…left alone.”, you answered as you flitted in and out of sleep. “I…I feel safe…there.”
@rckstrbee @melodymishahiddlestan @alienthingstwo
@siriuslysmoking @micheledawn1975 @cositaslua
@munsonmoonshine86 @unfocused81 @paleidiot
@steddieloverrr @aol19 @strngrlytn @mrsjellymunson
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insipid-drivel · 3 months
Getting a new wheelchair! The XTSO M4
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If you're wondering what model of power chair this is, it's this in the readmore:
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Here's the website.
Here's my family friend's website with even more variety and options.
I'm brand new to wheelchairs and power chairs, but have recently invested in this one as my mobility has been an increasing issue as I'm getting older. A family friend of mine has MS and owns a wheelchair and powerchair company, and just recently went to a floor-show of new models in Miami, FL, and emailed me back with the XSTO M4 as a recommendation for my first chair.
These chairs are expensive. They may not be affordable for you. I'm only getting one because I know a guy who sells them and he's willing to help me out when it comes to the financials. However, if you're curious, shopping, or interested to know what kind of new tech is starting to be incorporated into electric wheelchairs, here are some product deets about the M4:
Comes with an automatic balance system, which balances out the seat even when I'm going uphill. This prevents the "I'm going to fall and hit my head" sensation if a slope is steep.
Can clear vertical obstacles of up to 2" vertically or 6" horizontally (such as rolling over grass between paving stones) , so if a city's infrastructure sucks for chair-bound people, I can at least brute-force to a sidewalk or park when necessary.
Can handle slopes of up to 15°
Breathable back and memory foam seat for no more Ass Sweat Prints on warm days.
Designed not to slip or skid on slippery surfaces or going up or downhill
Self-adjusts the seat to stay level even when on a slope so I don't tip over or fall off the chair. Also has a safety-wheel in the back so it can't be tipped backwards, either.
Travels up to 11 miles on a single charge
Has both "casual" (indoor) and "off-road" settings.
Can adjust the seat up or down up to 8" to Reach Things Better or Be More Visible To Traffic.
Has no rear handles for assholes to grab and try to move me around without permission.
Comes with an app (ugh I know) that makes my phone make an alert noise when the battery is low or a part or component is malfunctioning, gives me the ability to remotely control it to wheel it closer to me if it's out of reach and I can't walk to it (honestly a selling point for me; I never know when I'll have Bad Issues and need extra help), switch its modes from casual to sport mode, and make it fold/unfold for space.
Breaks into 3 separate parts for easier storage in the back of a car.
Goes up to ~4mph, which isn't bad for me, since my normal mph at home without a chair is 0.
Has a tight 32" turning radius courtesy of the front tires, making it good for moving around indoors too.
Seat reclines and has a small leg-rest for if I want to lean back.
The manufacturer recycles parts, so if something like the battery needs replacing, I can send the old part in and receive a new, replacement part for free.
Almost every feature covered by the app is also available on the LCD readout beside the joystick, so I don't need to use the app if I don't want to.
It doesn't look like I stole it from a retirement home or a WalMart.
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jgracie · 5 months
wait u are a genius and i want a full explanation of ur analysis on the florida lyrics w jason
masterlist | rules
on the radio . . . florida!!! (taylor swift ft. florence + the machine)
an THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR ENABLING THIS. jason might be a little ooc in this but that's just me looking deeper into his character (something mr rick riordan failed to do). also obvs im not doing lyrics that repeat twice both times LOL also sorry if this is bad these r all off the top of my head
you can beat the heat if you beat the charges too they said i was a cheat, i guess it must be true
there are many possible meanings for the first line but im choosing to interpret it like this - you can escape their criticism if you prove them wrong. this, to me, is similar to when jason came back to camp jupiter. when leo (unwillingly) fired against camp jupiter, the romans immediately began attacking. instead of fighting them himself, jason begs them to listen to him and tells them he's on their side (thus trying to beat the charges of being a traitor)
however, it didn't work and he ended up getting a brick thrown at him and passing out - "they said i was a cheat, i guess it must be true" - while taylor's saying cheat as in a cheater (romantic relationships), for jason this refers to the emotional cheating he did on camp jupiter. sure, he didn't want his memory wiped and to be placed in a whole new camp with the greeks, but he liked it, so in a way he did cheat
and my friends all smell like weed or little babies and this city reeks of driving myself crazy
we all know jason never fit in in camp jupiter. even in his pre-memory loss days, he seemed to stick out like a sore thumb (despite also being their golden child and the son of the camp's namesake). when he comes back to camp jupiter, jason feels even more left out - his friends are all either stuck in the past and incapable of growing and developing ("all smell like weed") or have moved on an extraordinary amount which he cannot keep up with ("or little babies")
as i said above, jason didn't fully merge with his fellow romans. a primary example of this is the fact that he willingly joined the fifth cohort simply to improve it, and im pretty sure he says somewhere he's always been a little more rebellious than the average roman. it also took him a lot of effort to become praetor. coming back to camp jupiter probably brought back all the judgement and criticism he received from the romans - "and this city reeks of driving myself crazy". the verb "reeks" also implies a bad smell, not a good one, so the memories are not a good kind of nostalgia
little did you know your home's really only a town you're just a guest in so you work your life away just to pay for a time-share down in destin
okay so the first part - "little did you know your home's really only / a town you're just a guest in" - again, emphasises how alone and solitary jason feels in camp jupiter. however, i'd like to bring up the fact that percy became praetor within a week (? if not less) of arriving at camp jupiter. praetor is a position which jason grovelled for for ages, only for some random greek guy to be able to replace him after one single quest. why? well, that's simply because the romans saw him as a guest, not a resident of camp or new rome - someone who is temporary and will leave to go somewhere else eventually
jason has been a member of camp jupiter since he was two. he was quite literally working his life away, work is all he ever knew since his childhood was robbed from him so quickly. he worked so hard just to become praetor and so he could make a change and maybe finally fit in with his fellow romans. however, he simply ended up with a timeshare - which (according to google) is "shared ownership of vacation property" - he and percy practically shared the position of praetor, and both saw camp jupiter as somewhere temporary (although jason realised that later on), just like how a vacation home isn't the place you're going to stay in forever
florida is one hell of a drug florida can i use you up?
for jason, florida is camp half-blood. while camp jupiter is orderly and constantly forces him into tight lines, camp half-blood allows him to express himself for who he really is and makes him feel as if he were on cloud nine (similar to how a drug makes you feel when you're high)
however, jason is still hesitant to fully commit to camp half-blood. after all, his father is jupiter, not zeus. could he really be a part of the greeks, or will they see him as foreign too? ("can i use you up?")
the hurricane with my name when it came i got drunk and i dared it to wash me away
in the song, florence welch is referencing hurricane florence, which caused major damage in south-east of the US. since jason is the son of the god of winds and sky, in a way, all hurricanes have his name since they're all semi-controlled by his father - hurricanes run in his blood. he probably sees himself as the hurricane, causing damage to both others and himself. he most likely feels like the piece of domino which started the chain of disasters he and his friends faced, since his arrival at camp half-blood is what began the second great prophecy (for them)
i'm choosing to interpret "i got drunk" as jason changing once he got introduced to the life and culture of greek demigods. he was no longer perfect, proper praetor jason grace. although it (naturally) took him some time, he became wild and carefree like them, similar to how a drunk person may act. this also ties in with the idea of camp half-blood being like a drug to him. everything about it is addictive, the more he gets, the more he wants
barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine
the bottle of wine here is a symbol for camp half-blood. when jason feels unsafe, he chooses the greek camp over the roman to keep him company.
also, this lyric is reminiscent of the great war - "i drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone" - in which taylor swift isolates herself from everyone else and dwells on the end of her relationship with her ex, which in turn makes her believe they were the bad one in the relationship. similarly, jason is often depicted as thinking about his days at camp jupiter (the few memories he can recall, at least) and from what i can remember it's never really fond. the more he thinks about it, the less camp jupiter feels like home. this reaches a climax in house of hades when he speaks to the god of the southern winds and realises he wants to stay at camp half-blood - he drank his poison and killed any tie he had with camp jupiter
well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time yes, i'm haunted, but i'm feeling just fine
i think this is pretty self explanatory. growing up in the harsh environment of camp jupiter, jason has killed and witnessed death to the point where he seems desensitised to it. however, jason is soft on the inside. he puts up a facade when he's praetor jason grace, not letting anyone else see how much this affected him - "yes, i'm haunted, but i'm feeling just fine"
and your cheating husband disappeared, well no one asks any questions here
i feel like this is him talking to reyna directly (real ones know i am the biggest jeyna shipper so obviously i had to bring them up LMAO). since praetors often end up being in romantic relationships, jason was probably seen by a lot of romans (especially the more traditional ones) as reyna's husband, despite them never even dating
you can sense a bit of snark here as well with "no one asks any questions here" - again, i bring up the fact that the romans were incredibly quick to accept jason's betrayal of camp jupiter, even though he didn't, and reyna siding with them (even though she knows its not true)
a cheating husband is also mentioned in fortnight ("my husband is cheating / i wanna kill him") which i believe is reyna's song but that's a story for another day
so i did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body and in my mind, they sink into the swamp is that a bad thing to say in a song?
this is the turning point - the scene in hoh where jason makes the choice between camp jupiter and camp half-blood. he lets go of his past and everyone he knew pre-memory loss ("so i did my best to lay to rest / all of the bodies that have ever been on my body"). please keep the line "i did my best" in mind, as healing isn't a linear process and obviously there were some days where jason wanted nothing more than for things to go back to the way they were
a swamp is described as 'uncultivated', meaning you can't grow any plants in it. similarly, his relationships with the romans will never grow back as "they sink into the swamp"
"is that a bad thing to say in a song?" PURE SASS. he's mocking the ideals of romans but for once doing it without fear. he's saying sure, it might be, but do i care? no 🥰
little did you know your home's really only the town you'll get arrested so you pack your life away just to wait out the shitstorm back in texas
this is once again referencing the fact that jason was exiled from camp jupiter after his 'betrayal', even though he should be the first person they trust in a confusing time like this - discovering there are whole other counterparts of the Gods they know and love. not only because he's praetor (reyna is praetor too, after all), but because he's been at camp for the majority of his life
i need to forget, so take me to florida i've got some regrets, i'll bury them in florida tell me im despicable, say it's unforgivable at least the dolls are beautiful, fuck me up florida
again, pretty self explanatory considering the themes of drugs and alcohol i've mentioned above. jason wants to forget (haha very funny cynthia you all say in unison) anything and everything to do with camp jupiter and roman culture, so naturally, he runs to their antithesis - camp half-blood. i like to think if you played a song in his head while he was choosing between cj and chb it'd be this banger of a bridge
however, he still feels guilty. after all, loyalty is a very serious thing for romans. i think reyna tells annabeth something about how if you swear on your life and break that swear, the romans won't hesitate to actually kill you. no matter how much jason tries to pull away from roman culture, some things (like the loyalty) simply run in his blood - "tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable" he wants to be held accountable by anyone, even though he knows his friends on the argo ii are the last people who'd judge him
"fuck me up florida" is jason completely succumbing to everything greek. we all know how the romans look down at greeks (prime examples being the ghosts calling percy graecus as an insult when he arrives and octavian immediately assuming the worst when the argo ii arrived). to the romans, the greeks are lousy and messy, everything they don't want to be. jason has always been this way deep down. he's willing to let the greeks completely fuck him up
love left me like this and i don't want to exist so take me to florida
love has constantly been bringing jason down. he has a big heart and yet he's lacking so much luck in that department. his relationship with reyna was completely destroyed the moment hera took his memory and put him on that wilderness school bus, and he and piper's relationship has always been awkward, ending in them breaking up and dating someone else while he was left truly alone
here, i don't think chb is florida. however, i don't want to say its elysium because that hurts. so lets just say its a magical place where everything is perfect and he can escape
(take me to) florida
i chose this specific one for the (take me to) bit, which sounds exactly like the "take me to" in the lakes - "take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die"
i don't remember if this was ever mentioned/implied anywhere in the books or if it's something my brain came up with and i accepted as canon, but jason is definitely the type of person who romanticises things he shouldn't. the lakes is one of the the most romantic places in england and is a commonly used date spot
here, jason wants nothing more than to just die peacefully (he is the poet) than have to endure any more pain and misery. what better place to die than in his florida? (i read somewhere that he was buried in cj and nothing makes me wanna kill myself more LMAO)
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putting one more Cinderglass drabble request in your askbox (i am so sorry for the spam but i’ve been thinking about them nonstop aghfsk). again, feel free to ignore this!
i‘d love to see Sarah help Lex work through a panic attack or a traumatic flashback! maybe either so that he doesn’t have to drown himself in alcohol about it or she’s helping and calming him down while he’s drunk
Wildefire Masterlist
cw: alcoholism, emeto, hallucinations, withdrawals
He'd been sober for thirty seven hours.
Not long at all, really, but it was something, and he was trying, and it was fine.
Well, it was fine for thirty seven hours.
Outright quitting was the only thing Lex dared to do. Trying to just cut back wouldn't work, because what was cutting back? He didn't keep track of how much he drank anymore, he just drank until he felt like it was enough. Even just trying to regulate himself to one a day seemed risky business. Would he be able to stop, once he started?
He didn't want to find out.
Lex didn't tell Sarah, didn't want her saying it was a bad idea or insisting on staying with him. It was a rough ride ahead, and he didn't want to somehow hurt her in the throes of his panic or sickness. He... He didn't want her to see him like that.
So he locked himself in his room, told her not to bother him this week, that he'd be busy. The safehouse was old and decrepit but huge, and his room had a small bathroom attached, something he was doubly grateful for now.
He stocked his room with water bottles. It was impossible not to think of Sarah whenever he looked at their plastic cases now, Sarah staying up until early daylight, because she was worried. That was good. He could use his guilt there as a reminder; a reason to hold out.
He sipped at them and stared at the wall, every light in the room on, the old radio Sarah had gotten for him positioned at the foot of his bed. She'd given him a battered CD case with it, packed full of a few dozen discs. A Guns n Roses album was currently in, playing just loud enough to pull his thoughts.
She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories
By now, Lex was pretty good at doing nothing, letting himself sink into the thankfulness that nothing was being done to him. Even a year after the Tower and weeks free of Uriah, the talent hadn't faded. Day one turned into night, and he didn't dare fall asleep. Just swapped one CD for another and let his mind cling to the lyrics.
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time
It was around hour twenty two that the headache started, and it only got worse from there. Not long after that, Lex was clinging to the toilet bowl, heaving up the half-dozen water bottles he'd drank throughout the day, his head swimming, the pit in his stomach insisting couldn't he just do this later? Would it hurt to have one drink, to get rid of this shitty feeling?
No. All or nothing.
He moved the radio to the bed, putting his ear to the speaker, trying to drown out everything else. The album came to an end, and he replaced it with another, as quick as he could without scratching the disc with his stupid metal fingers.
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes
Fuck. He just needed to hold out, just for a few days, and this would be over. A little self control, and maybe he could call himself worthy of the people here. Not a loose end. Not an ex-enemy or a liability. Something better.
Lex wrapped the sheets around himself, held the pillow over his head to try and ease the pounding in his skull with the pressure. It didn't help. He almost fell asleep, but the nausea pulled at his stomach and his skin was crawling and too hot, and then he was throwing off the blankets; stripping down to his boxers in an effort to ease the heat.
Exhausted but unable to find sleep, he sat with his back against the cool wall and sipped water, trying to find the lyrics again and hold them.
I don't really want to stop the show
But I thought you might like to know
That the singer's gonna sing a song
And he wants you all to sing along
It didn't help, it wasn't enough. His own body was fighting him, roiling nausea and sickness insisting all he needed was one drink and it could all go away, it could all be okay (fray, gray, stay).
The radio hummed as the CD came to an end, a few seconds passing before the album began again.
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
At long last, his own exhaustion was catching up to him, and he dragged himself back onto the bed, the heavy feeling in his chest spreading to his eyes and mind, as the music faded to a buzz and sleep overcame him.
He woke in the Tower.
It was impossible, he knew it was, but the fear seized him all the same, the crushing weight of walls he couldn't escape, the knowledge that this time, there would be no one to free him; this time he was here for good.
And the floor was wrong and Lex knew there was never music, but he fucking knew where he was.
He sat up, wincing at the sharp pain that rang through his skull at the movement, forcing down rising nausea. No one here cared if he was sick, if he was hurt, they'd hurt him more anyway, they'd do what it took to keep him down, keep him in line. He wrapped his arms
(Arms? It's wrong, stop, you aren't---)
around himself, squeezing his torso with a pressure that wasn't comforting. He felt shaky, blurred, weak. Had they drugged him?
(just one drink and this all goes away)
He tried to reach for the techniques he'd used to get through the days, tried to remember the things he'd done to stay sane, to stay alive, but any useful memory fell through his hands like sand, leaving nothing but the shadows, the nightmares (snares, glares, spares).
He knew what happened here, in his cell (hell). He knew what was waiting to spring on him at any moment, what would surely come for him if he let his guard down (drown), if he fell asleep, if he---
"Morning, scum."
Lex froze as the door swung open. Morning? But it was so dark, but it was always dark, the light never hits you here, and when it does there are worse things waiting---
"I knew you'd come crawling back. This is where you belong, it's home."
He could hear the voice clear as day, but couldn't see its owner. It didn't sound like Wade. It almost sounded like...
"Alexei. Did you really think you could hide from me?"
Uriah Fox stood over the bed, a smug smile plastered on his face.
"No," Lex choked out. "Y-you can't--"
"You always knew it would end this way."
(Fray, pray, stray)
He climbed onto the bed, straddling Lex, easily pinning him despite being so much smaller, despite Lex being so much stronger, and he couldn't move, he couldn't breathe---
The pressure in his chest faded, and he gasped for air, squinting into the dim light, unable to make out anything. A hand fell onto his shoulder, giving it a light shake, and he flinched back.
Sarah? He forced himself to breathe deeply, ease his eyes open. Her silhouette was blurry above him, and it was only then that he realized he was crying.
He brushed the tears away hastily with the back of his hand. "You... You should go," he managed to say.
She sighed. "I'm sorry if I scared you, I just... I heard you... screaming. Not loud or anything, but..." She tapped her earlobe. "Can't get much past these."
He swallowed, trying to push himself into a seated position, but his shoulders shook, his stomach twisting, and he fell back onto the pillow.
"Lex..." She bit her lip. "You could've told me. You know you don't have to do this alone."
He almost laughed out loud at that. What other way was there? It was his body, his choices, his mistakes. He'd drowned himself for too long, hoping it could save him, knowing it never would. He was reaping his rewards. No one else should have to deal with the mess that was him.
"I'm not your problem," he murmured, letting his eyes close again. What could she do, besides be there to fill the silence when music wasn't enough? Besides grounding him and telling him it wasn't real, he wasn't there?
"You're not a problem, Lex," she said, her voice serious. Tired. How late was it? Even trying to be fucking better, he was still screwing up her life.
"I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?" She kicked at an empty water bottle. "Is this the best way? I'm glad you're trying, I am, but don't you think it'll be easier on you if you come downstairs and hang out?"
He didn't want any of them to see him like this. "What good would that do?"
"Distract you, for one. For another, it'll be easier to remember meals. When's the last time you've eaten something?"
He sank further onto the bed, his gut twisting again at the thought of food. "I don't know."
"And have you been drinking anything besides water?"
"No, that's--that's the whole point, I'm not---"
"That's not what I meant. Electrolytes? A protein shake, maybe?"
"No," he answered after a moment.
She dropped her eyes, a grimace tugging at her mouth though she seemed to be trying to hold it back.
"Do you not think I can do this?"
"I think you're punishing yourself," Sarah said. "And I think you should stop."
Was he? His head spun almost too much to think about it. This wasn't self-inflicted punishment, it was cause and effect. It was something he had to get through if he ever wanted to move past the Tower.
"It'll be over soon," he muttered, and he hoped he was right.
She dipped her head, pressing her lips together tightly, and pushed off of the bed, moving to sit cross-legged on the floor.
"Look, I don't wanna push your boundaries, but I can't leave you like this. It's not safe."
"It'll get worse from here."
"Which is why I'm staying." She gave him a stern look. "If you want to be alone, I'll leave, but I'll be right outside your door."
Lex clenched his jaw. "I'll be fine."
"You're detoxing. You're already feverish. What if you start seizing up?"
"Then I've already dug my own grave."
"Lex." Her expression darkened. "You can't keep doing this."
"This is the only time--"
"Not this. Self-destructing. You..." She did grimace then, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You keep hurting yourself, and I can't keep watching."
He pressed his cheek further into the pillow, knees drawing to his chest. "Then why do you?" he said. "Why haven't you thrown me out yet?"
The words came out too angry. Accusatory. His own fault. Any filter he had was lessened by the pain in his head and the nausea and the fucking exhaustion. He didn't want her to throw him out, he... he needed her. Not in some bullshit emotional way, but as a reminder that there were still good things. Things worth fighting for, worth living for.
"I'd never throw you out," Sarah said, her expression turning to something that bordered playful. "I like you too much for that, you know. I just..." She exhaled through her nose, pushed soft dark hair over her shoulder. "I want you to try, okay? Can you agree to try to do what's best for yourself? To stop taking the harder path just because?"
Could he? Even if he wanted to? The harder path was what he was used to. Less traveled, less trapped. Suffering for a goal was a habit. Muscle memory.
Would the path to freedom be as clear if there was no pain to pave it?
Still, something in her voice pulled Lex to nod against the pillow. "I'll try."
Her smile shifted to something more genuine. "That's all I'm asking." She began to push herself up. "I'll, uh... I'll be in the hall then. You are eating breakfast in the morning, mister."
"You... You don't have to do that," he started.
"Do what? Bring you food? Or stand guard? I already said I'm not leaving you alone--"
"You don't have to stay in the hall." Lex swallowed (followed), and it took him a second to form the words. "You can stay here. If you... If you want to."
Her expression softened. "Yeah. I do."
She found a spare pillow and blanket in the room's closet and began to settle down on the floor beside him, picking out a new CD to start the music playing again.
While we're on the subject, could we change the subject now
"I'm here if you need me."
"I know." I need you.
It was a paradox. The easier path to recovery, to a clear head, to control being the more difficult one. Because it was untravelled. Because he almost felt he didn't deserve it, that he should bear the punishment for his own vices.
But even if the path was unchartered, he had a guide. For once, he didn't have to walk it alone.
oh, and we carried it all so well
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