#because no matter what these brothers WILL find each other sob
chloecherrysip · 1 year
I am someone who needs to listen to thematically similar music when they're writing fanfic (and also because I literally steal all my fic titles from song lyrics, lol) but when you're writing about familial/platonic relationships, it can be hard to find a song that has ~*~the vibes~*~ you're looking for! BUT THEN I REALIZED THAT ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS OF ALL TIME IS LITERALLY ABOUT THE CLOSE BOND BETWEEN SIBLINGS??? HELLO???
Anyway, if you are someone like me who has succumbed deeply to the Mario & Luigi brotherly love brainrot and also like being able to connect those things with music, I would recommend this song!! It was written by the artist about his relationship with his sister, and while not everything works, obviously (even though they DO have a yellow-ish car, technically? XD), the general themes of wanting to make something of yourself, feeling like it's time to leave a place and move on to something bigger/better (especially in the context of the end of the movie), and wanting to be together above all else are all REALLY similar, at least in my eyes. :)
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drewsephrry · 3 months
Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Words: 2k
Warnings: drug abuse, dealing, cuss words
Summary: 1x06 when Ward kicks Rafe out of the house, he finds home somewhere else
A knock on her window awakened her from her deep slumber. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the window's direction, unable to see anything other than a man's shadow. She grabbed the lamp from her bedside table and held it as a bat before the knocks became louder. She slowly approached the window, pulling away the curtain only to find Rafe Cameron on the other side. She dropped the lamp and opened the window, helping him inside.
“Are you insane? What are you doing here?” She asked with furrowed brows, before noticing Rafe's tear stained face. Her face softened as she helped him sit on the bench under the window.
Truth is Y/N Y/L/N and Rafe Cameron weren't the best of friends, if you could even call it that. They had grown up together because their parents were business partners and ever since they can both remember they were always around each other.
Pool parties at Tannyhill paired with movie nights under the stars after Rose bought that outdoor projector.
4th of July parties at the Y/L/N's household barbecuing and when everyone was too busy or having too much fun, Y/N’s older brother, before he left for college, Rafe, Sarah and Y/N would steal beers and watch the fireworks from Y/N's bedroom balcony.
Midsummers with Rafe accompanying Y/N every year and always matching with each other, thanks to Rose and Y/N's mom.
Y/N only being allowed to extend her curfew if Rafe is the one driving her home, because according to her dad he is the only man he can trust with Y/N, besides her own brother.
And to make matters worse, as if they were not seeing each other enough already, Sarah, Rafe's sister and Y/N's best friend, started dating Topper, Rafe's best friend.
For the past two years, Rafe's attitude and energy had completely shifted for the worse. He was out partying almost every night, returning home drunk off his ass sneaking in with a desperate touron. He kept taunting and being mean to the Pogues, just because he and his family have power and money. But the main reason Y/N had decided to take a step back from him was because Rafe started doing drugs and eventually dealing. She was crushed when she saw him at Kelce's end of summer party, sniffing a white substance with a rolled dollar bill. The next morning, their parents and them were having breakfast at the Country Club and when she had the chance she yelled at him, lecturing him on drug abuse and dealing, but Rafe couldn't give a shit. He couldn't because he was high as a kite, with bloodshot eyes and trembling hands. Y/N ended up throwing her drink at him, telling him to wake the fuck up and she left.
She never considered him as someone to confide in or to hang out when she had no one else. And she thought that was the same for him. But seeing the way his whole body shaked and tears escaping his eyes, looking like a lost helpless puppy, she couldn't help herself but try to help him.
“What's wrong?” She whispered, sitting beside him on the bench, stroking his back in an attempt to calm him down. Rafe's head rested on his hands as he sobbed.
“You can talk to me Rafe” She tried as he continued crying his eyes out “Or not, if you don't want to. But I'm here if there is any way I can help.”
Rafe nodded, lifting his head sniffling. She got up and walked towards her ensuite.
“Where are you going?” He whispered. Y/N returned holding her tissue box, showing it off to him. She sat back down on the bench, handing it to him. He nodded his head, his way of saying thank you and blew his nose.
“Did something happen?” Y/N asked, as Rafe bit the inside of his cheek.
“I didn't know where else to go.” He confessed.
“What about Topper? Or Kelce?” She asked, scoffing.
“Fuck, I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have bothered you. I shouldn't have come here. It…this was a mistake.” He stuttered, getting up as well and started pacing around the room.
“What are you talking about?” She asked but he never answered.
“Rafe, are you high?” She asked concerned and at the same time getting angry at him.
“What? No. I would never let you see me like that. Not again.” He seemed hurt. Truth is Y/N didn't know what she would do if he was. Would she throw him out? Would she try to sober him up? Maybe she would call Top to pick him up or maybe even Sarah. Maybe she would drive him home, herself. Even if she's not a good driver.
“Oh. Sorry.” She said, lowering her head feeling bad as Rafe shook his head.
“Can…is it okay if I crash here tonight?” Rafe finally asked. Y/N lifted her head, widening her eyes in shock.
The last time Rafe slept over at the Y/L/N household, he was 10. Ward and Rose had to go to the Bahamas for a business deal, so Y/N's dad immediately offered to let their kids stay at his house. The girls did their nails and braided their hair while the boys, Topper included, played with Y/B/N's Nerf guns running around and causing chaos. At the end of the night they all ended up watching a movie together and Y/N fell asleep on Rafe's shoulder.
“Yeah, sure. I can go prep Y/B/N's room for you, get you some clothes to change.” She got off the bench but before she could leave, Rafe grabbed her hand stopping her.
“Can I stay here with you?” He whispered, his eyes begging her to let him. Y/N's eyes couldn't tear away from their entangled hands until Rafe noticed and pulled away.
“Ye-yeah okay. We can do that, if that's what you need right now.” Y/N nodded her head and Rafe smiled at her, for the first time that night.
“I'll go grab you some clothes and be right back, okay?” She asked him, reassuringly.
“Yeah, yeah.” But before she could go, he grabbed her hand again, squeezing it.
“Thank you.” He whispered, making Y/N smile and then walk out of her room.
As she was searching for some clothes in her brother's bedroom, she couldn't help but wonder why he chose her. He had so many friends, he could crash at any one of their houses. Or he could just go home, his family wouldn't be awake and would never notice him sneaking in. Why did he say that this was a mistake? He wasn't high, so she thought that he made his decision consciously. Maybe he did. Or maybe he did not.
She walked back in her bedroom, finding him sitting on the edge of her bed. Her eyes focused on the lamp that was now back on her bedside table.
“You didn't have to put that back, I could have, on my own.” She exclaimed and Rafe chuckled.
“Honestly, did you think that lamp would save you from an intruder?” Rafe tried to hide his giggles.
“Shut up!” She groaned, joining him chuckling.
“Here.” She said, handing him the clothes.
“Thanks!” He got up and removed the blue collar shirt he was wearing.
“Woah. I-I umm can go to the bathroom. Give you some privacy.” Y/N closed her eyes with her hand, making Rafe chuckle once again.
“Y/N come on. It's not like you haven't seen me change before.” Rafe started unbuttoning his khaki shorts.
“Yeah, but still.” She replied, as she just turned her head away, while he was putting on the clothes she brought him earlier.
“I'm done. You can look now, princess.”
The nickname caused goosebumps rising on her skin. She looked up at him, finding him shirtless lifting the bed covers.
“Which side do you prefer?” He asked and she pointed at the right side of the bed, before he climbed on the left waiting for her to join him.
“You sure you want me to stay here with you? I can go to the guest room or the couch downstairs, maybe even the floor. I don't mind.” She started rambling.
“Don't be stupid. You'd seriously let me stay in your bed and you'd go sleep downstairs or on the fucking floor? Come on, Y/N.” He scoffed, patting the spot next to him. She nodded and approached the bed, getting under the covers.
“Well, good night.” She exclaimed, turning away from him facing the window he entered just moments ago.
“Good night.” He whispered, staring up at the ceiling. Y/N was trying really hard to fall asleep but knowing Rafe was in her bed, was making it very hard for her. She didn't want to bother him by tossing and turning, so she remained staring at the window.
“Can't sleep either?” He asked and Y/N nodded.
“He…he kicked me out.” Rafe whispered. Y/N's features scrunched up in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” She asked, turning to finally look at him. He was still staring at the ceiling.
“My dad. He kicked me out of the house.” He replied, making Y/N sit up.
“What the fuck? What do you mean he kicked you out? Why?” She was furious. She knew Rafe and Ward's relationship wasn't the best but she never could have imagined him kicking his own son out.
“He…it's not important.”
“Dude, what do you mean it's not important? Your dad just fucking kicked you out of your house!” She exclaimed, getting more furious.
“I think your parents didn't hear you well enough. Yell it once more.” He whispered sarcastically, making her grimace at him and whisper ‘sorry’.
“He found out about me dealing. That I owed Barry, my supplier, some money and we went there. He…Y/N, I…” He stuttered “I never seen him this mad. He was hitting and kicking him and I was terrified.” His body shook.
“Rafe…” she touched his arm, making him flinch “I don't know what to say.” She continued.
“Sorry, I didn't…I shouldn't have told you all this.”
“No, it's good you did. We're going to find a solution.” She touched his arm again, but this time he didn't flinch.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said, turning his head towards her, before she laid back down. Their heads facing each other, staring at the other's eyes. Y/N never had noticed how blue his eyes were, even in the dark room, only the moonlight highlighting his face.
“Why me?” She couldn't help herself but ask.
“What?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Why did you come here? You could have gone anywhere but here. At Top's, at Kelce's, but you chose to come to me. Why?” Rafe gulped.
“Because I needed you.” He whispered, Y/N shook her head not understanding.
“I fucking love you. I have for so many years and I know it may not seem like it and I'm so sorry for making your life hell but I needed something to distract me from my feelings for you. And tonight, I felt like I needed you after what happened. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, we can just pretend like this never happened and I'll be out of your shoes tomorrow morning.” He confessed, shocking Y/N. She tried to find the right words as her mind processed what just happened.
“You don't have to say anything.” He exclaimed, turning around.
She put one of her hands on his cheek, turning him to look at her as her face approached his. Their noses touched as they breathed each other's air.
“Can I kiss you?” She whispered. Rafe stared at her plump lips before nodding as they closed the space between them. Her soft lips meeting his in a passionate kiss.
They pulled away, both panting with closed eyes.
“Get some sleep. Tomorrow, we're going to the Country Club for brunch. I'm paying.” Y/N said, hugging his body before falling into deep slumber.
A/N: hi, hope you like this small awful blurb i started writing a few weeks ago when i started rewatching obx for the millionth time. the ending is a little rushed, i know and i am so sorry for that but i was blocking so hard!!!
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divinesolas · 3 months
sleepless nights
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based on two requests; you can’t sleep and it seems neither can your husband. you find comfort within one another.
wrds; 546
a.n: just some fluff/minor angst to distract me from the pain of todays ep, 🫶
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the ceiling was nice.
or maybe it was a couple minutes ago. hours ago? you had no clue how long you bad been up staring at it.
you missed luke. So much. your little brother. gone just like that. and you were so sick.
the door to your room opened but you dont even have the strength to look. with war at large you should be alert, especially with the attempt on your mothers life you should care. yet if someone has come to kill you you’ll let them because you cannot find it in yourself to care.
what you do notice however is the bed next to you sinking down and the warm heat, his smell. you turn your head, the first time youve moved in awhile you can feel the strain on your bones. a gentle hand runs on your cheek and you close your eyes at the warm. You can feel his breath on your skin, face to face though you cant bare to look at him, your eyes closed but you are more awake then ever.
“you were not at supper.”
you have barely left your bed today you certainly could not attend dinner.
“i am not hungry.”
“when was the last time you ate?”
you dont know. yesterday? a week ago? nothing mattered to you anymore.
your silence tells him everything he needs to know and he sighs, scooting closer to you and pulling you right against him. your head in his neck where you can feel his pulse. It gives you a sense of semblance a sense of life. He is alive.
“i miss him.” He knows exactly who youre talking about and his pulse races a shuttering breath leaves his lips. “i do too, so much.”
“its my fault.” you two say at the same time, pulling apart to look at each other. he is the first to speak, his guilt racing through his bones.
“how is this your fault? i was the one who had suggested we fly out the blame is on me alone-“
“i had swapped with him. i did not want to fly to see borros and i asked if i could take lady arryn. He agreed,” you find yourself struggling to speak as the tears flood into your eyes and your throat closes around you. “it would have been me. it should have been me.”
He grips your shoulders and looks you dead in the eyes, despite the gloss over them you can feel the fury. “never say such a thing. what would i do without you?” your eyes shut and shaky sobs escape your lips. His lips press against yours and your sobs cease. He pulls away and brushes your tears off your face.
“i suppose it does not matter whos fault it is. Because we have each other. and we will never lose each other. ever. when our mother ascends the throne we will take her place after her. and everyday we will live, for him.”
You nod. Hes right. You should not be wallowing in your grief it is not what he would have wanted. You allow him to lull you to sleep. It is the first time you’ve been able to sleep in days. You are at peace.
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perm jace taglist <3 (open!)
@earth4angels @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @jacesvelaryons @ravenn-darkholme @damewritesalot
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hysteria-things · 6 months
also based off of this
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub!nate x sls!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you were in L.A. with your brothers all week. when coming back to boston, your boyfriend can’t seem to control himself.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, dry humping, p in v, overstimulation, small good boy kink, a little cockwarming
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 698
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nate hates when you go to L.A. with your brothers. the main reason is because you're his girlfriend and he loves you, but what you don't know is that he does something that you don't even know about; despite dating for almost a year now.
he never touches himself when you're gone. no matter how desperate he is. poor boy will get hard if you post on instagram or if he scrolls through your saved chats on snapchat, but because you're not there to take care of it, he has to deal with the pain.
if he's in severe need, his hips will have a mind of their own and start moving to thrust against the pillow that sits between his legs. the fabric will rub at just the right spot through his pajama pants, squeezing tight around the pillow to rut into it harder.
closing his eyes tight, he'll bite on the pillow to muffle his pathetic sounds. it'll be embarrassing if his family could hear what he's like behind closed doors. aw, his pants will be ruined by the end of the night.
or how about that one time when just the thought of you would have his dick twitching. he'd be standing there, eyes closed, and imagining the dirty things he wants to do to you. underwear getting soaked from how much he cums in them by the thought of you.
nate knows that you'll find this behavior pitiful, hence why this is his dirty little secret.
although, he couldn't be happier right now. you, nick, matt, and chris got back to boston this morning, and of course, nate's the first one you wanted to see.
"i missed you," he says, smiling at how stunning you are when he pulls you into a hug.
"i can tell," you smirk, referring to the hard-on that's poking your thigh.
the touch of each other's skin feels soothing, and the way he thrusts softly into your cunt has you moaning lowly. nothing can beat 'i miss you' sex.
you already came once, but he’s fucking you through that high.
that’s when his movements quicken so suddenly, causing your eyebrows to furrow and for your nails to dig crescents in his shoulders.
“ah— nate, wait.” you gasp. it’s not like you guys never do it rough, but in this case, you want it to be something sensual rather than intense.
his head buries more into your neck, panting at the rhythm he’s going. “i love you so much.” he whispers into your ear.
“i-i love you too.” you groan, body rocking at the animalistic pace he’s going. it’s not like it hurts, but it was so out of nowhere that, to be honest, you’re starting to worry. “n-nate, please—”
“i don’t touch myself when you’re gone, you know that?” he whimpers, tears welling up in his eyes. “i missed you so fucking much.”
“s-slow down,” you whine, legs shaking when your g-spot gets hit.
he sobs quietly, interlocking his hands with yours. “i love this pussy so much! i-i was made for you. oh my god, i need to cum in you so bad. p-please let me—”
“baby, hey.” you say softly, cupping his cheeks to bring his head up. “look at me.”
finally, he slows before fully stopping. his eyes pool with tears.
you take your thumbs and wipe them away, pouting sympathetically. “i’m right here. you have to relax, okay? i’m not going anywhere.”
he takes a few deep breaths to calm down. he nods, moving his hips again but this time calmer.
biting your shoulder, your nails gently graze down his back. he makes eye contact with you the whole time, loving how you feel wrapped around him. arching slightly, you moan.
“i’m close.” he mewls, the tip deep into your clenching hole.
“be a good boy and cum for me.” you coo, nate shivering at the pet name and immediately releasing deep inside you. he smiles contently, collapsing on top of you to cuddle. his cock stays buried, wanting to keep his cum in where it belongs.
toying with his hair, his eyes flutter closed. now that you’re here with him, everything just feels right.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @sturniolotriplettoplover @stars4matt @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @luv4kozume @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @catalina-island @mbsbaby @mattsdollie @pinkfarts @slut4mattsturn @thesturniolos @vickeyzloserz @nononopenono1 @bitchydragonparadise @gdsvhtwa @hrt-attack @bellasfavbisexual @dwntwn-strnlo @venusbabysblog @meerkatzthings @crazychrisl0v3r @maggieflms @strtuniolo @mutualsafe @riasturns @sturniolowhore
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gay-dorito-dust · 12 days
we better get a part 2 for that ford fic YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IM TALKING ABOUT
🙂maybe- okay this is my formal apology to those I’ve hurt with the Ford fic by being a little brutal at the end.
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Part 1
*a few hours after the confession*
‘You what?!’ Stan exclaimed as Ford finished telling him about his current situation.
‘Stanley please not so loud, they could hear you-‘
‘You walked away from the person you liked, and not only did you walk away from them but you walked away from them AFTER they confessed to you?! What the fuck Stanford!’ Stan ignored his brother and continued to yell, not understanding how badly Ford has truly fucked his chances with you this badly, god knows if Ford will ever get the chance to make up for this because Stan knows from Mabel that you were heartbroken. ‘What were you thinking?!’ He adds, becoming angry on your behalf since you were too distraught to even feel anything other then anguish.
‘I don’t know! I fucked up I get it!’ Ford replied, equally as frustrated at his actions earlier today, feeling his heart break each time he walked past your room just to hear heartbroken sobs and questions regarding your self worth and it was all because of him. Ford then sits himself down on the edge of his bed and rested his head in his hands, his mind replayed what could’ve been the happiest moment in his life, had he not been stupid enough to get up and walked away from you without explanation.
Stupid Ford, stupid. He thought to himself.
‘I thought this was what you wanted.’ Stan said as he calmed himself down upon seeing how bad his brother was taking this as he sat himself down next to Ford. ‘Isn’t being with them something you’ve always dreamed of happening one day? So why sabotage it for yourself and them?’ Stan then asked as he watched his brother with an observant eye, watching Ford as he caress the lucky stone you gifted him when coming across it while walking through the woods one day.
‘They deserve better than me Stanley.’ Ford said softly as he puts the lucky stone back into his coat pocket where it felt heavier than a small stone should, reflective of his guilt in what he did to you, and your hypothetical life together. He had you saying what he’s always dreamt you’d say, but he didn’t feel as though he was worthy of you and that you needed someone better; so he walked away and out of a beautiful, happy life with you because of his insecurities.
‘They wanted you Stanford, they always wanted you.’ Stanley reassures him with a firm hand on his shoulder. ‘It’s why they confessed to you because they want to be with you no matter what, they mustered up the courage to confess to you despite the fear of rejection, hoping that you wouldn’t be the reason their heart breaks and instead be the reason it laughs and smiles.’ He adds in hopes it encourages Ford to seek you out and makes things right, that and he wants to call you is sibling in law one day, not that he’d ever admit it aloud to anyone.
‘And yet I broke their heart by walking away regardless.’ Ford said defeated as he clenched his firsts. ‘What a fool I’ve been, blinded by insecurity and shame of myself that I didn’t see the hurt I was putting them through in the process.’ Ford then stands up with a look of determination. ‘I must make things right.’
‘Yes!’ Stan exclaimed as he stand up next to Ford, smiling widely as pride flooded his chest. ‘Yes you should! Go get them tiger!’ He cheers as he watched Ford march towards the door before looking back at his brother with a soft smile.
‘Thank you Stanley.’
Stanley smiles back at Ford, winking. ‘All in a days work of being the best twin in existence.’ He said jokingly.
Ford could only chuckle at this as he left his room to venture up the stairs and soon find himself outside your door once more as the nerves came back to him tenfold, but Ford knew that he needed to do this, that he needed to make things right with you once and for all. He takes a deep breath as his heart hammers in his chest as he knocks on your door and awaited.
You opened the door, looking worse for wear with dead eyes that were red from all the tears you’ve shed, wearing a fleece hoodie that Ford remembered brought you comfort from a long day at work, and just looking like you just needed a hug. ‘What do you want Ford.’ You said with no affection in your voice but more so annoyance and hurt.
‘I’ve…’ Ford found himself unable to speak again, he couldn’t convey his feelings into words at all and everything was screaming at him to leave you alone once again, to leave before he brook your heart even further but Ford wanted to be by your side to help heal your heart instead. ‘I’ve come to make things right my dear.’ He finally said and god did it feel good to finally say what his heart wanted to say at long last.
‘How?’ You questioned shortly, wanting nothing more than to shut the door in his face to make him feel how you felt, but your heart still beats for him whether you like it or not, even if he were to crush it in his hands you’d still love him regardless and that was the undeniable, undisputed truth.
‘By hoping that you’d let me help heal your heart and your trust in me again.’ Ford began, ‘I was a fool to leave you after you bore your heart to me my dear and I greatly apologise for that, in truth I like you too but to an extent that it goes beyond words to describe it accurately enough.’ Ford then reached into his pocket and pulled out the lucky stone you gave him and presented it to you.
Your eyes widened, you didn’t think he’d keep such a silly thing but knowing he did only made your heart crave him more. ‘Ford…’
‘Until I have earned your trust and heart back, I shall return the gift you have given me in hopes that one day I shall be lucky enough to be given it again.’ Ford continues with a somber smile but when you started chuckling, Ford couldn’t help but be a little confused. ‘You silly, silly man.’ You said as you gently pushed his outstretched hand back towards himself, ‘the stone is yours to keep, not give back and while yeah I’m hurt by what you did but I know deep down I could never hate nor distrust you ever. I like you too much to suddenly hate you.’ You admitted and Ford quickly pocket the stone before pulling you into his arms, holding you as tight as he could while burying his face into your neck.
‘Thank you my love, thank you so much for entrusting me with your heart.’ Ford said, voice slightly muffed but you were happy to be in his arms and found yourself smiling widely as tears of happiness streak down your face.
‘I’ll always entrust you with my heart, why do you think I gave you the lucky stone to begin with?’ You asked and suddenly everything same sense to Ford as he pulls away from you to lean forwards and kiss you on the lips softly, awkwardly but endearingly as you hummed in content, happy to have your happy ending become reality.
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ikarakie · 2 years
what if they won? what if steve was trying to get the injured eddie out of the upside down as the gates were sewing themselves back up again? what if he knew that not everyone could get out safely, so he sends robin and nancy through. then he sends them eddie and hoists dustin after him and by the time everyone else is through, he knows there's no time.
dustin screams. he curses him out and sobs as the gate closes between them. steve promises it'll be fine, just take care of eddie, he'll be fine, but they both know he can't know that. robin looks so betrayed, so heartbroken, he can't bear to meet her eyes. just looks to the floor and tries to tune out their pleads until the gate's shut for good and he's all alone.
maybe he hadn't really thought it through. just figured his chances were better on this side than trying to squeeze through an actively closing gate and possibly being torn in half between worlds. decided that, out of all of them, he was the one who deserved to go back the least. they all had families that actually cared, that were waiting for them. they had each other, and soon enough they'd forget about him. it was all for the best.
but it still hurt. he still sat in the upside down version of eddie's trailer and wept. wished to tell dustin he loved him like a little brother, wished to kiss robin on her head one more time, wished to know if max was okay, wished that he and eddie could've become real, proper friends.
wished to know if there was something else eddie had wanted to tell him before they split off. if he'd misread things, especially after he'd pushed so hard for him and nancy to get back together. but none of that mattered anymore, because he was stuck here now.
after a few hours of crying and wallowing he gets his ass up and decides he's gonna at least try to survive for a while. he decides to stay in eddie's trailer. doesn't feel like he could make it to his own house, and doesn't even think he wants to. though he does trek to the nearest convenience store (and cries there, too, because he remembers bringing max and the kids here for snacks so many times). picks up whatever non-perishable food he can carry and then holes up.
he thinks of little will byers. cries some more, for him. so small, all alone in this place. how strong he was, how he was braver than steve ever would be, even at his young age. thinks he'd like to tell him that, if he ever could.
he's not sure how long passes. maybe days, maybe weeks. not like it's easy to tell how time goes down here. he would say he lost hope, but he never really had any hope to lose. he never intended for anyone to come and get him, made his peace with the fact he'd die here when he watched the ceiling gate close back up again. it's pathetic, how he mopes around and sits in a single spot for days on end. staring at the walls, not moving a muscle.
that's how she finds him. when he hears the door to the trailer jiggle, he just sort of thinks: ah, this is it. something's come for me. wonders if his parents will come to his funeral, if he even gets one.
it slams open. he doesn't even turn his head, doesn't want to know what it is that'll have him. just closes his eyes and waits, listens as it quietly comes towards him. crouches between his legs and- and takes his hands- what-
"steve." he opens his eyes and the floodgates start up again because it's el. her hair's buzzed again, which breaks his heart because he'd been the one to show her how to take care of it when she was growing it out. knew how proud she was of how long it'd gotten. but she's smiling so brightly, like she's won the lottery.
"el?" he asks, and he's shocked at how broken he sounds. "why are you here?"
"i have come to take you home." she says, rather matter of factly, leaving exactly zero room for argument. there's a fierce determination in her eyes, and she squeezes both of his hands.
but it's so dangerous here, he wants to say, you could've gotten hurt. why go through all of that for me?
and maybe she's been hiding mind reading powers from them, because she adds, "everyone misses you. i would have come sooner, but it took a while to get back to hawkins." then, she smiles. "i think they would have found a way even if i didn't, though."
it's like it all hits him at once. they've missed him. they've all been... looking for ways to come get him, this whole time. however long it's been. they didn't just forget about him like he wanted expected. the very idea suddenly seems so silly.
he takes a shaky breath. "well, in that case, let's not keep them waiting, yeah?" she smiles, big and happy, and nods.
part 2
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ordowrites · 6 months
Of Archery and Apples
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cw: smut, slow burn, arranged marriage, afab reader, minors dni, mdni. reader is mentioned to have an abusive family, but nothing shown. fluff, gentle sex, not sfw. diluc frequently asking for consent. reader has a vision. please let me know if i'm missing a warning!
word count: 6,509
notes: this is a pretty long slow burn and build up, so be warned!! this is also unbeta'ed. this also gets pretty fluffy at the end.
diluc birthday month!!
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He's avoiding you, you can say this for certain - he was barely present at your wedding ceremony, only staying until it was socially acceptable to hurry off, politely engaging in conversation here and there, and his kiss was simply a quick peck on the lips. Of course, the vows were very basic and quick but you figured it's because he's not exactly the best at words.
The business man being terrible at social engagement is quite the entertaining thought, or well, you would normally think so if this wasn't you trying to navigate this new marriage. You'd known Diluc Ragnvindr in your childhood, the two of you had exchanged a whole handful of words but you remember very clearly how social he'd been back then. You remember him, very clearly, sneaking some living frogs into a maid's pockets at some social event with his adoptive brother glued to his side. And you also remember how much chaos it had caused - expensive red wine being spilled, some screams, and you - little old you - had managed to sneak a sip of wine amidst it all. His father, Crepus Ragnvindr, had to pull both his sons aside, while apologizing profusely and Diluc sobbing his eyes out over getting caught.
The other few times you remember of him was when he'd been in the Knights of Favonious - chivalrous, well loved, everyone talked about him with pride in their voices. "Mondstadt's Pride and Joy'', is what they'd call him - he was sure to take the Grandmaster's job once Varka grew too old for his position and nobody would fight nor question it.
You two had talked during that time, exchanging names and he'd given you some flowers because you'd looked lonely and "everyone deserves flowers!" You'd thanked him, albeit very shyly, avoiding eye contact because the heir of the biggest name in Mondstadt was paying attention to you. (And you barely remember what made you so sad, though you're sure it had to do with one of your fathers outbursts.) A small part of you wonders if he remembers that.
The reasoning for your arranged marriage with him is not lost on you - Ragnvindr is a household anyone would want to be part of, the Young Master was the most eligible and the promise was made between your father and Crepus a long time ago. The two, from what you understand, had been close friends in their youth and worked closely with one another, even if you - personally - never met his sons. Of course, once Crepus had passed - a few months before your own eighteenth birthday - you figured that the arrangement was done and over with, and your mother would cart you off with some older man in another country.
Except, that wasn't the case - three years later and you received an invitation from the Dawn Winery. Diluc was still keeping up his fathers promise, but the two of you hadn't even seen each other in adulthood. And your first meeting after that was uncomfortable and awkward - he'd done his engagement with you, but it was clear that he had no idea how to navigate any of this. (Not like you did, either).
The wedding still happened - you'd begged for it to be small, but your mother does not do things small. And Diluc merely wanted it to be done and over with, and you'd spent your entire wedding day apologizing profusely and him reassuring you that he doesn't really care, the mora doesn't matter.
And now, four months into the marriage, you're still trying to even get a glimpse of your elusive and quiet husband. The two of you don't even share a bedroom, and you often find yourself in a confused haze, wandering around the Winery and vineyard with very little to do. A good wife stays at home, cooks and cleans, but you can't do that because he has maids doing that and they shoo you off if you even try to help. Your embroidery skills have a lot left to be desired and whenever you offer assistance in the vineyard, you're told not to worry about it.
Boredom left you asking the head maid for something to do and Adelinde had given you a few tasks to do, you just had to organize things and that was about it. The manor is well staffed, there isn't much work for you to do, is what she'd told you. Perhaps Master Diluc would like your company.
Oh yes, your dear, beloved husband who seems to be avoiding you. Archons, you'd much rather be working for the Adventurer's Guild. You're proficient in archery because you had begged your mother into letting you learn, it was the only way she could get you to do anything else she'd wanted. Of course, being someone of nobility means that your only job is to be a dutiful spouse who bears children and stays at home, but you're going insane.
What most people don't know about the manor is that he does have a small weapons collection - some swords, a few bows and arrows, his great sword, and other things. You're not sure why he needs this armory, but you'd happened upon it one day in your usual afternoon hauntings of the hallway when staff locked you out of the busier places they'd be. (Of course, you'd be more than happy to receive guests but apparently, that's the Head Maid's job and you feel slightly insulted your husband can't even trust you with the business of the Winery)
With the bow and a few arrows in hand, you meander outside - unnoticed by the staff as they rush around for one reason or another (rumors have it that the Traveler is visiting today or someone equally important) - and find a secluded spot to start shooting.
Place the arrow, draw the string, shoot. Repeat.
You're, by no means, an expert but you like to think you're pretty good. You knock down quite a few apples, but you never aim for animals - you repeat this until your fingers are sore and hurting. Still, you load up the arrow again, point, and -
"What are you doing?"
The voice cuts your concentration and you let out a yelp of surprise, releasing the arrow in a loose and awkward manner.
"Archons! I could have shot you!" You shout as you turn to look at the person who broke your concentration. It takes you a few moments to realize who had approached you, arms crossed over his chest, and an unimpressed look on his face. "Oh, sorry, Master Diluc. I thought you were someone else."
"I didn't know you do archery." He says, hardly acknowledging your words as he steps closer. "You're pretty good."
"Of course I am," you boast. "Why wouldn't I be?"
He considers his words and you frown at him, as if daring him to say anything untoward and awful. "Not a lot of nobles take it upon themselves to become proficient in weaponry," he finally answers. You're pretty sure he's spoken to you more now than he ever has in the entire time you've known each other. "Anyways, Add- Adelinde was calling for you. It's time for dinner."
"Will you be joining?" You ask as you pick up what fallen arrows you could, frowning when you realized that there's no way you could re-use them. At least you have yourself a handful of apples. "Or will you be assisting the Traveler with some things?"
"Ah - well," Diluc seems to be stumbling over his words now. It's as if he's remembering he's married to you, and you're not some familiar stranger who has decided to hunker down in his home. "If I have your okay, I would certainly like to join you for dinner."
You're handing him the apples, and he's taking them into his arms without question. You wonder if you could get away with just...handing him things and if he'd noticed. Because his eyes are trained away from you, at the horizon. His face is a tiny bit red.
"Are you not the master of the house and my husband?" You prompt. "Why would you seek permission to have dinner in your own home, with your own spouse?"
He opens his mouth to say something and closes it again. He doesn't know how to talk to you, you realize.
"What are all these for?" Diluc asks, awkwardly changing the subject.
"You eat them." You answer, as if he doesn't comprehend what apples are for. "Obviously."
He makes a noise that sounds like an annoyed growl but seems to drop the subject as he is a good husband and carries the dozen apples back, just for you.
Dinner is quiet - he's been joining you for dinner nightly now, and every time, it's just quiet. The soft clinking of silverware, and he keeps his head down as if it's hard to look at you. Sometimes, Adelinde whispers something in his ear and he'd have to look up, but not at you.
You think this is worse than eating by yourself. And he's always quick to leave once he's finished, thanking Adelinde and uncomfortably wishing you a good night.
One thing you noticed now, is that you're not without apples since that day. And there's more arrows stocked in his armory.
"Master Diluc thinks they're your favorite fruit," Adelinde explains as you ask her one day. "He ordered quite a bit. I think it's a bit too much for one person to eat, and I can only use them for so many recipes."
"Rumors have it that the Anemo Archon loves apples," you tell her. "Leave 'em out as an offering."
The head maid laughs a bit. "Perhaps. I'm not sure why he won't ask you about the things you do like."
"He'd learn things about me - and I, about him - if he stayed longer than the thirty minutes it takes him to finish his dinner." You say as you inspect one of the red fruits. Bruiseless, perfect, round. And juicy, when you bite into it. (You're sick of snacking on them, but hey, he bought them so you might as well make sure they don't waste away) "I timed him one night." You clarify after a moment.
"Yes, well, the Master is a very busy man." Adelinde says, after a moment. You're unsure if she's displeased with your comments about him - the staff is very loyal to Diluc. Of course they would be, he’s their employer and he treats them way better than most people of his status. You’re pretty sure he pays them pretty well on top of that - considering the servant houses are well constructed and well kept. "It cannot be helped."
"Sure," you simply agree, not wanting to anger the one that is in charge of quite...literally everything in the household that Diluc doesn't oversee. "But perhaps he could make time in his busy schedule for me?"
"One could only hope." Adelinde says. "Perhaps you'd like to entertain yourself with other means?" It's a polite way of kicking you out of her kitchen.
You grab an extra apple and head out. Diluc is in his study - you're surprised that he's stationed himself there. You're even more surprised when he looks up at you.
"You missed breakfast and lunch." you say, after a long stretch of silence. A small part of you wonders if you'd be having children right now if you had a husband who actually wanted to be at your side, instead of carrying an apple in your hand. "Have you eaten?"
Diluc regards you for a moment, before glancing at the small plate with crumbs of some confectionery on it and an empty tea cup.
"...At some point." he says as he looks back down at his papers.
You set the uneaten apple down on his desk.
"We apparently have an overabundance of apples," you inform him with a small smile. "Do your part and eat some then."
Diluc stares at it as if he's never seen an apple before. "Right," he says, after a moment. "Right. Yes. Thank you." The way he says your name sounds lovely but strange, like he's sounding it out. "There's a target range outside."
You quirk a brow and head out.
The target range is simple - it resembles something the Hilichurls would use, but you can at least practice your aim.
Your evening goes quietly - Diluc joins you for dinner again. Tonight it's your favorite meal.
"How come you don't go to Mondstadt anymore?"
Huh? You look at him with surprise.
"Well, I guess...I don't know. Most of my friends are married and have kids or like, moved." Because if you saw your parents, you might cry is the real answer.
"The maids tell me you're bored." You're likely to become the tale of a poltergeist haunting the Ragvnidr mansion, a tale for the children to tell for ages to come. "You can get a job in the city if you'd like. Come work at the Angel's Share."
"With you?"
His face tinges red and he clears his throat. "Maybe."
"How 'bout the Cat's Tail?"
A silence. A grumble.
"If you must." Diluc sounds resigned at the thought - you, however, find yourself wanting to work with the cats at that cute tavern but you wouldn’t actually do that to Diluc, regardless of the current standing you’re both in. You’re not even sure what kind of work you want to do, but bar work doesn’t sound all that great for you (or a match). You decide to let him think you’re willing to work with the competition.
It's in the middle of the night when you're woken up to something - a sound. You've always been a light sleeper and the Manor is always so silent at this hour. There's some shifting, you let out a breath when you feel a familiar but comforting sense of energy around you.
When you fully wake up, you're met with your Vision at your bedside. It flows with familiarity, glowing when you touch it. The Electrical element gives you more energy than you thought you’d ever imagine-
You'd received it in your teens and your mother confiscated it from you. She claimed you had no need for it - someone like you does not deserve it. After all, Visions are only for people who are worthy and who are you to believe you're worthy of such a blessing?
You wonder if Adelinde had quietly dropped it off or if -
Would he? Diluc? The man who can barely stand being in the same room as you? Hardly. Maybe an Archon chose to give it back to you.
With energy that you haven't had in ages, you dress and head down for breakfast. Diluc is there.
"Good morning," he says, barely glancing at you. His face is tinged red again.
"What a lovely surprise," you say. "Truly blessed by the Archons today to see my husband."
He makes a soft 'hmph' sound. "Were you not complaining about never seeing me?"
"I'm glad you came."
Diluc gives no answer.
He heads to Mondstadt Proper, offering you a chance to come along - but you decline. You'd rather practice what you were blessed with. Also, you’re not really up for seeing anybody you know at the moment - you’d rather not field questions on what it’s like to be married to the Diluc Ragnvinidr. Sure, it’s bragging rights but neither of you even share a bed and barely speak to one another as is.
He is back by lunch.
And you are a bit singed - bruised but energetic from practicing with your Electro Vision. It glows at your side.
Diluc looks pleased.
"You seem happier these days." Adelinde says as you enter the kitchen for your daily snack of the never ending abundance of apples. They even taste sweeter. "Have you told the Master to stop ordering these apples for you?"
"I prefer that they become part of our nightmares," you answer her with a small shrug. Adelinde gives you an odd look. "'sides, they're an alright snack." 
You snag one extra one and bid her a quick goodbye as you head to Diluc's office. As before, you set the apple down for him to eat.
This time, you stay.
"Is there something you need?"
"Thank you."
"Whatever for?"
So, you gesture to the Vision that hangs at your side. “If you brought this to me, thank you.” Diluc peeks at it and says nothing. “The apples too, but the maids seem displeased with those.” He shifts uncomfortably. “Am I bothering you?”
“No.” he answers, tensely. “I’m just…don’t worry about it. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” Silence falls over you, and you look everywhere but at him as he pointedly stares at his desk. “Um-”
“So why are you ordering an over abundance of apples?”
“Do you not like them? I can order something else. Sunseittas, those fruits from Fontaine, anything-”
“N-no, they’re fine.” You force out, interrupting him before Diluc works himself into some sort of anxiety induced panic attack. “They’re perfect, thank you.” You need to learn to put your foot down, but you didn’t want to accidentally upset him and think you hated how kind he was, even if the apples were a bit much. Hopefully Adelinde will talk to him instead.
It's been a week since the two of you have last exchanged any sort of conversation or words - the schedule went back to relatively normal. He’s there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner now - sometimes, there’s an uncomfortable invitation for tea and no conversation to flow with it. You find yourself wondering if Diluc even knows what he wants at this point, even when you try to better engage with him, he seems to barely meet your eyes this days and barely responds so you tend to dominate the conversation.
“Is something wrong, Diluc?” you finally ask, during afternoon tea, one day. He’d barely touched his own tea and his eyes lowered with shame on his beautiful face. “Did something happen?”
“No,” he says, after a moment and clears his throat. “My apologies, I was daydreaming, that’s all.”
“About me?” You tease, unable to help the fact you noticed how he looked at you earlier - with this strange look of longing and hunger. But he always acts as if there is a barrier between the two of one, and if he broke that barrier…of what might happen afterwards. You have to swallow a giggle when his face goes redder and he looks away. “Wait - really?”
“M-my apologies. It seems I have some important matters to get to.”
Now it’s your turn to be red faced and shying away - watching as Diluc walks away before you can muster up the bravery to call out to him to come back.
What a great start to your marriage, you think sarcastically as you wander the halls again - confused as to what to do. It’s been what, two months? Since the two of you got married now. Something like that, and what looked like behavior starting to change for the better, was now becoming a problem again. You let out a heavy sigh and sit down on a bench in the garden, burying your face in your hands. Maybe this marriage really is a sham - maybe you could get a divorce, no harm, no foul. Nobody would blame you for that, right? Or him.
You do not go down for dinner that night - feeling way too humiliated over what had happened between the two of you. It takes a week to be brave enough to be in the same vicinity as him, or well, you would be but your husband isn’t anywhere to be seen. With a sigh, you decide to venture out on your own for a while, armed with the wooden bow that’s intended more for practice than actual self defense and some arrows. It isn’t like there are any hilichurls or treasure hoarders who linger nearby or even in the vicinity of the Dawn Winery. 
As you wander along the shore of the riverbank behind the Winery, you find yourself lost in your own thoughts - puzzling together the enigma that is your husband. He avoids you sometimes, and a lot of the time, doesn’t seem to know what to do with you, as if he’s surprised you’re there whenever he sees you. You know you can be pretty shy, but this man takes it to another level. You know Diluc had suffered a tragic loss or two, and you know he can be pretty closed off and rough around the edges, but this feels just ridiculous.
You pluck flowers as you go along - Calla Lily’s, Lamp Grass, really, whatever catches your eye. You figure you could spruce up your room some with decorations, now that it’s been bare for close to five months. It’s not as if you’re forbidden from decorating, it’s just that you haven’t felt like it just in case something happened within your marriage that would ruin that time and effort.
When dusk hits the horizon, you finally force yourself to trek back to the manor, flowers in one hand, your makeshift weapon in the other. As the manor appears in your sights, you decide you won’t go inside just yet - though you’re sure everyone is worried about your disappearance, you don’t particularly care right now.
Diluc is sitting on a stone bench in the garden, his eyes downcast and a small frown on his face and you stop dead in your tracks. You can’t help but think of how beautiful he looks with the sun setting behind him, casting soft hues on his face, his red hair down and waving with the soft winds. Beautiful but sad.
“Hey.” you greet, finally catching his attention.
“Where have you been?” he asks, quickly getting to his feet. “You left and you didn’t say anything to anyone, I thought you were hurt!”
“Sorry, Master Diluc,” you say, sheepishly. “I just went for a walk and lost track of time.” Diluc reaches out, as if he wants to touch you and hug you but withdraws just as quickly. He clears his throat. “I’m sorry, I should have said something.”
You hold the flowers you had plucked from your impromptu adventure.
“Some flowers because everyone deserves flowers.” You echo something from the past and his beautiful red eyes widen for a moment. “Remember? You said that to me once. So here, some flowers because I think you need some.”
Tentatively, he reaches out, accepting them from your outstretched hand. Your face, you realize, is red and not because it’s sunburned.
“Thank you.” he murmurs. You remember, once, that Adelinde had mentioned he likes Lamp Grass.
Diluc puts any flowers you give him in vases that sit in the best spots in the manor - you’d found that he really likes to receive them as gifts, so you go out of your way to find them out in the wild and present them to him like a dog presenting the fruits of its hunt. He always looks much happier when he receives these flowers, and the manor looks a bit better too - the artwork, you always thought was a bit bleak (but never said anything because apparently Master Crepus painted some of them) and the whole place just needs more color.
He stays around now, to talk to you or to be around you even if neither of you talk. It feels normal, like what a normal, married couple would do. But maybe the two of you just aren’t normal - he most certainly isn’t.
Sometimes, Diluc leaves for the city in the evenings and always says that it’s a night shift at the tavern so Charles can have a night off or two. You don’t think much of it, so long as you can actually see your husband more frequently, he still has his job to do.
It’s late, and you haven’t even considered going to bed yet - despite having taken a bath and switching into a nightgown because summer nights in Mondstadt are hot and you’re a bit too absorbed into the book you’d been reading since after dinner time. So, you’re slung on the couch, with a blanket on your lap and legs (sliding off, of course) as you get more and more engrossed in the mystery romance that you’d found in Diluc’s library. The downpour of the rain outside only adds to the ambience and it makes you quite sleepy.
Neither of you were sure when the Master of the house was going to be home, so when it came close to midnight, you insisted that Adelinde head to bed. You’re Diluc’s spouse, after all, you can greet him and take care of him when he gets home. There was a moment where the head maid looked like she was going to argue this with you, but she’d decided against it. It’s about two in the morning when you’re falling asleep, half slipping off the couch yourself when you hear the front door open a bit louder than usual. This startles you from your sleep, and you get up, making your way to see who has the audacity and the bravery to try to break into the manor.
“Diluc?!” you gasp as you rush forward, trying to quell the Electro energy that had been surging in you, ready to attack. He looks like a pathetic wet cat at this moment, hair sopping wet and sticking to his face, clothes just as drenched, his clothes askew and torn, he smells a bit burned. “Are you okay?” Your arm is already snaking around him, and he can’t even look at you. “Archons, you’re warm. C’mon, let’s get you upstairs and in bed.”
“I’m -” he stutters out. Clears his throat. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” You answer, a bit more snappishly than intended. He doesn’t fight you as you help him up the winding staircase and down the hall - into the master bedroom. “What happened?”
“I got caught in the downpour is all.” he says, still unable to meet your gaze. You’re already working to unbutton his shirt to make sure he isn’t injured anywhere that you can’t see. There’s a few bruises and welts forming on his body. “H-hey, I said I’m fine.”
“Why won’t you let me help you?” You ask, pulling away - feeling more hurt and exasperated than you think you should be. “Diluc, I’m your wife and you won’t even look at me.” Despite your words, he’s doing his best to look everywhere but at you. “Diluc, look at me.”
Carefully, he lifts his gaze to yours - his eyes are so enticing. His face is a little bit red, and you think you catch his eyes drifting downward for a moment before meeting your own eyes again.
“What happened?” You prompt.
“I got caught in the downpour.” Diluc answers, simply. “There was a - there was a treasure hoarder lurking outside of Mondstadt’s walls.”
“You got into a fight?”
“Yes, but I’m fine. They aren’t worth much energy or attention.” You sigh and rub your forehead. “It’s just a little bit of rain, I’m honestly more lucky you didn’t try to electrocute me.” It’s an attempt at a joke, one where he’s forcing a smile but you can’t bring yourself to return it. “I…I don’t know what you want me to say or do.”
“As long as you’re okay.” you tell him, finally resigned. “It’s late, we both should go to bed. Um…Adelinde will lose her mind tomorrow when she sees you tracked mud on her clean floors but I’ll take the blame for that.” You bid him a quick good night, turning to leave him to his own devices if he doesn’t actually need your help.
“Hey, wait.” His voice is slightly strained. Your hand is on the brass knob and you look over at him, watching as he gets up and takes a few strides towards you. Before you could ask what he needs, his lips brush up against yours for a brief moment. The kiss is soft and he breaks away after a moment, his thumb caressing your cheek. You tilt your head to the side, trying to comprehend what he just did. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles. “I should have asked.”
“So ask.” You whisper, feeling oddly cheeky.
He swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing as he does so. He clears his throat, a nervous habit of his. “Then, may I kiss you again?”
“Yes.” You murmur and he pulls you in for another kiss, this time more certain - needier. You find yourself melting into his touch, leaning against him as the two of you make it back to his bed. Clothes start to scatter around, his skin is weirdly dry to the touch (and you attribute it to his Pyro vision) but lovely anyways. There’s scars all over his body, your eyes rake over the muscle and old injuries, you start to ask him what happened but he stops you with another searing kiss. Tongue in mouth, teeth nipping at your lips. Soon, those lips, that hot mouth, find their way to your neck - biting and sucking.
But he always stops short of going down further, looking at you with hunger, looking unhinged with those red eyes and wild red hair and the soft glow of the candlelight. Your body aches with need.
“I wish to touch you.” he whispers.
“So touch me.” you breathe. That seems to be all he needs for him to remove those damn gloves, tossing them to the side. Teeth graze at a nipple, making you gasp and arch as his hand teases your other nipple. Lips move down further and further, searing kisses with soft bites that follow, and he tries to get every inch of your skin.
“So beautiful,” he breathes and gently bites your hip bone. Diluc kisses the area above your pubic bone, before moving to kiss along your thighs - teeth digging in deeper and he stops his ministrations right before hitting the spot you want him to focus on. Your eyes lock together. Your heart skips a beat when he bends down and presses his lips against your clit, tenderly kissing at your wet cunt and you gasp. His tongue pokes out, giving your slit a curious lick before diving right in.
His lips and tongue work at you as if he were a starving man - the noises that escape you are lewd and embarrassing as he licks and sucks, a finger slowly working at your entrance. You gasp when he presses a finger inside of you - it’s bigger and thicker than your own, and you can’t help but squirm at the intrusion. Much to your dismay, he pulls away from your soaking cunt to look up at you, his face a mess.
“Are you okay?” his voice is raspy and he’s definitely drunk on your pussy. His face is about as red as his hair at this point, he’s panting slightly and oh, he looks more like a demon of temptation than anything sweet or angelic. Want is etched on every bit of his features and your slick shines on his lips.
“Just - ah - unused to the feeling.”
“Mm,” he gives your clit a lick and you gasp, tightening around the appendage that gently presses in a bit further. “Tell me if I hurt you.” At your nod, he dives right back in - and he slowly adds in another finger and you whine, your fingers finding perch in his soft, but soaked hair. He pays that no mind as he starts to move his fingers in and out, slowly stretching you until he curves them upwards and - oh. You see stars.
“Diluc!” You moan out, grinding against him now. “Fuck.” You’re pretty sure he’s probably grinning to himself. He continues to eat you out and fuck you with his fingers until you’ve ridden out your orgasm, and are more of a mess of noises and moans, fingers pulling at his hair.
He pulls away soon enough, and you stare up at him with slight disappointment - your body trembling from your orgasm and the cold air that hits your heated skin. Diluc trails his fingers along your torso, playing with your breasts for a few moments.
“You’re perfect like this.” Diluc murmurs. Unable to properly formulate a reply, all you can do is reach to meet his hands for a brief moment until you find him gripping one of your legs and under your waist, pulling you flush close to him. “Remember to tell me if I hurt you too much.” You nod, watching him give his cock a few pumps, some pre-cum shining at the tip and you can’t help but feel a sense of nervousness. Sure, you’ve had sex with a partner or two before but that still doesn’t alleviate the anticipation or worry, considering his size. “We don’t have to do this.” He tells you, softly.
“I want to.” You murmur. He guides himself to your slick entrance, gently teasing your folds with the head of his cock for a moment, watching in delight as your eyes close and you push yourself closer, trying to encourage him. Once his head penetrates, you can’t help but reach to grip his arm. He shifts, gently pushing himself in, inch by inch, and your hands finally find each other. Soon enough, Diluc’s bottomed out - your legs on either side of his waist as his hands hold yours down on the bed. And oh, you feel so full - stretched out on his cock.
He stays still for a few minutes, peppering your face and neck with kisses as he whispers words of affirmation - before slowly pulling out and pushing back in. He keeps a slow pace at first, watching your face and kissing you whenever you look like you’re about to cry out.
“So wet for me,” he breathes against your ear. “So good for me.” And those words go straight to your cunt, clenching around him. “Look at you, so needy for me.” Archons, you wonder what else you can get him so say in that tone. Maybe even filthier things.
Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you cling as he continues to fuck you - your second orgasm hitting you as hard as your first, this time you let out a shrill sound and a sob, your nails digging into his back. You think you hear him let out a hiss at that, but you don’t care as you dig your teeth into his shoulder to try to muffle your cries. There’s a taste of copper in your mouth so you let go, giving the bite wound an apologetic kiss.
“Mine.” he groans out, pace quickening. “Ah - I’m gonna -” His thrusts become harder, deeper and your legs lock around his waist as he bites and sucks at your throat, leaving hickies in his wake. He groans as he cums, his pace slowing down to shallow thrusts - the wet noises filling the air. Your muscles feel weak as your legs slowly free him, his cock finally slipping out - followed by a mess of his cum. Your arms fall away as well and much like before, his hands find yours as he kisses you, deeply. He shifts a bit so he isn’t caging you.
The kiss breaks, a string of saliva hangs between both your lips and he looks at you with want - like he could easily go another round.
“We should get you cleaned up,” he murmurs, shifting to get up. “Do you need anything?” You reach out, catching his arm before he can actually get up and off the bed.
“Just…lay with me for a while.” Diluc looks at the mess you both made - or well, mostly him - with a sheepish and slightly ashamed look but he lays down next to you. “I just want to be next to you.”
“Okay,” he murmurs and nuzzles the crown of your head. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” He’s silent for a moment and you open your eyes. “Diluc, for what?”
“Avoiding you.” There’s some shame in his voice. “I-you don’t know how long I’ve been wanting you but couldn’t have you.”
“And why not?” you prompt as you sit up. “We’re married, aren’t we?”
“Well yes but -” he pauses for a moment, as if thinking. “I figured you hated me or resented me for our…arrangement. I didn’t want to impose.” You stare at Diluc, slightly stunned. “I know I sound ridiculous, but I would have thought you’d be against an arranged marriage. I remember when we were kids and you were telling everyone you’d never get married, that you were going to join the Adventurer’s Guild and become a famous adventurer.”
You snort. “You remember that?”
“Of course I do. You know, we were introduced when we were young, and when father said that the two of us were going to be married, you told him straight to his face that you’d never marry a boy.” Diluc lets out a soft sigh.
You snort back your laughter. “Did that upset you?”
“N-no.” He lets out a soft laugh. “I wish we’d been able to speak more while growing up but…I was busy. I think the last time we actually ever interacted was at some ball or party, you were crying over something and…”
“You gave me flowers.” you finish, quietly. “I remember that very distinctly. Honestly, you made my night way better for that. I’m surprised you remember that moment.”
Diluc frowns at you. “Of course I do. Father actually had a few choice words to your mother about making you cry like that.” He lets out a soft breath. “I actually went off out of the city to find the perfect flowers to give to you in hopes that it’d cheer you up. I…was lucky you hadn’t already left the city when I got back.”
“Thank you, Diluc,” you murmur. “Really.”
A comfortable quiet lapses between the two of you - his fingers stroking your hair. You could fall asleep like this. “If you still want to join the Adventurer’s Guild, I would not be opposed to it.” He finally says, quietly. “Or if you want to work in the city - it isn’t uncommon these days, and I fear your family was a bit too traditionalist in how they raised you.”
“Maybe.” you mumble. “I could work at the Cat’s Tail, give you a bit of trouble.”
He leans down and kisses you on the lips. “I’d much prefer you joining the Guild.” he murmurs against your lips. “I might even have bragging rights if you get better at not breaking my weapons that you get your hands on.”
“Hmm, I’ll consider it.” You curl up close to him, your eyes drooping shut. You feel him relax and rest next to you, his breath warm. “Diluc?”
“I love you.” You feel him kiss the juncture of your neck and shoulder, his hair tickling you as he does.
“I love you too, my flame.”
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bearw-me · 5 months
Hii hope I'm not interrupting.
Can we please have some angel dust with a young sibling reader (everything platonic OF COURSE), they're younger than angel by two years.
Take your time with this one 🌸
you're never interrupting! thxs for request such a cute prompt! i love platonic stuff :,]
𝐒𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐛 — 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 ft : platonic angel dust x younger sibling!reader, valentino mentioned 𐐒 cw : fluff, mentions of alcohol, swearing, slight angst, angel shoots someone for you 𐐒 summary : general hcs + what angel is like as a big brother 𐐒 note : forgive me that this feels a little long, but i needed to get all this off my chest!
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every time the two of you are introduced to someone they assume angel is the younger one (you both correct them)
angel always acts like the younger sibling
by the way you pull up in your car or a cab and peel him from the clubs, annoyed that he's clinging to you drunkenly and hugging you but also relieved that he's safe
him mushing your face around and sobbing about "how much he actually loves you" and "what would he do without you"
Angel always stands up for you, even going so far as to shoot someone just because they said something to you
now that he lives at the hotel, he likes to text you and plan fun "dates" for you guys to do and spend time together
when and if you ask, he always gives you money "okay run along now, go, keep yourself busy or something" while shooing you away
although angel doesn't care that he's in hell, or the messed up situation he's in with Val, he really cares about you being down here
and in his own way, he tries to keep you away from all that stuff
likes when you call him by his actual name: Anthony
the only time you'd probably call him "Angel Dust" is when he tells you to, which is usually at work
and loves that no matter how much he f*cks up, or you do for that matter, you'll always have each other, no matter what
would love doing your makeup or giving you some of his whenever you drop by to visit him
you fight, as siblings do, yelling and throwing things at each other if it gets serious before angel walks out like a drama queen
then that very same night you'd both be sending each other funny videos and pictures as if it never happened
he always apologizes though, like when he sees you the next time in person
he still calls you "kid"
i feel like he'd be prone to fixing you up and dotting on you like a mother. like if you went to a school dance or something he'd help you get ready and fiddle with your hair until he figured it was perfect and would STAY all night
probably cried at any event that celebrated you; like a graduation
tries to be a big brother and not tell you about what happens at work, or how Val owns his soul (you could probably get a bit out of him and be there for his comfort, but he only talks openly about it to cherri and husk)
your big brother is always just a phone call away, like he will literally drop everything he's holding no matter how fragile and find a way to get to you
when you were both younger angel dust was a scrappy little kid, getting into fights with anyone on the playground and chipping his tooth.
always tried to give you the best he could (don't worry, he was never a horrible brother, just a little dramatic at times)
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taifenggg · 5 months
ash have you seen alien stage?
ash i’m sobbing, haven’t stopped since the new round
ash i need happy brother content to cheer me up
do you have any sappy headcanons to share whether with or without an mc
uhhh ig i have some short hcs for the bro, I wrote these in like 5 minutes LOL
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Lucifer is the type to check in on you periodically when he thinks you've been cooped up in your room for far too long and he'll even brew a Hell Coffee for you.
Mammon often opens your dms with him and goes back and reads all of the messages that the two of you have sent to each other and wonders just how he got so lucky.
After realizing he had a crush on you, Leviathan realized that he often romances characters that resemble you either in personality or in looks which he finds embarrassing.
Satan will tuck you in at night, reading you a story. After he sees that you've fallen asleep, he'll lean over and press a kiss to your forehead, because although he's an avid reader, he finds it hard to express how he feels about you directly.
Asmodeus will gas you up no matter what because he knows what its like to be insecure about your self-image and he wants you to feel good about yourself, and to see yourself the way that he sees you.
He loves to eat, but Beelzebub actually wanted to start to learn to cook food that you like so that he can share it with you. He's not very good at it, and he struggles a lot cause he's always eating all the ingredients but Luke and Simeon say that he's improved a lot from when he first started.
Belphegor is a little shit, but whenever you're feeling upset or overwhelmed, he'll lay there and listen to you, taking in all your words even if it seems like he doesn't care.
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kpop---scenarios · 3 months
Reckless (8)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Warnings: Sadness, Violence
Word Count: 2.1k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @hyun-hwanj @zerefdragn33l @stelle-aka-simp @iambangchanswife @seungminsapuppy @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa @glitter-z
Previous Chapters
“Y/N.. you have to listen to me.” Jisung panics. “I was only trying to do what was best for you.”
“What was best for me? So me being so depressed I couldn't shower, brush my teeth, or even fucking eat was the best for me?” You scream. “Why do you get to choose who I love and who I want to be with?”
“He's my fucking best friend! I didn't want things to change between us, or me and you. And I knew they would. Not to mention I think there's better guys out there for you.” Jisung says, glancing at Minho.
“Your reasoning for ruining him and me was because you didn't want to lose your best friend? Are you fucking kidding me!? How selfish are you!? I can't.. I can't even look at you right now.” You whisper.
“Why would you tell her? Fuck sakes.” Jisung yells at Minho.
“Are you serious?” Minho gasps. “You told her I said some awful shit and you're mad at me for telling her that you made me choose?”
“It was for her own good! And yours! Neither of you would have been happy with each other!” Jisung screams.
“How do you know!? Huh, how do you know!? I've never felt so fucking safe and content with anyone, except when I was with Y/N. She made me feel like I could do anything..like I could be anything. You have no fucking idea how much better I felt about my shitty life when I was with her. And YOU took that away from me!” Minho screams back. “You ruined me! You ruined her! So fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Jisung yells. “What does it matter now anyways, huh? You gonna abandon Maya and your fucking baby to be with my sister now? Huh?” Jisung yells.
You stand there, shock flowing through your body, your mouth hanging down as you stare at Minho with tears in your eyes.
“Fuck.” Minho screams. He lunges for Jisung, tackling him to the ground. You can barely even process what was happening in this very moment. You were too stuck on Maya and baby.
A baby.
He was having a baby?
With someone else..someone he really didn't even like. You watched Minho on top of your brother, getting shot after shot to Jisung's face, and Jisung trying to shield himself. You can't breathe. Your head was spinning. You so wished this fucking moment was a dream. You closed your eyes trying to wake yourself up but it wasn't working. Why wasn't it working? You just wanted to get up from this fucking nightmare.
Jisung manages to get Minho off of him, hitting him wherever he could. You turn around, walking out the front door. You continue to walk and walk until you have no idea where you are. You barely even remembered how you got to where you were. You pull out your phone, calling Chan. You needed someone but not your friends. You needed someone who was going to give it to you straight and not pussy foot around, and that person was absolutely Chan.
“Hellooo?” He answers.
“Can you pick me up?” You whisper. “I'm not terribly sure where I am.” You sigh.
“Give me street names and a number on a building if you can. I'll find you.” He says, hanging up the phone. You slip your phone back into your pocket, finally letting your tears flow. You crouched down, resting your head in your knees as you hugged yourself and sobbed. You felt so betrayed by the two people you trusted more than anyone else in this world, despite all the shit they had put you through.
“Y/N.” Chan whispers. You look up at him, you're sure mascara is smeared across your cheeks. He looks at you sympathetically, holding his hand out. You reach out to grab it, he pulls you up, helping you to his car. He opens your passenger side door, closing it once you're in and heading to the driver's side. The entire car side is silent, aside from your whimpering. You appreciated that he wasn't badgering you for information but instead waiting until you were ready. He pulls into the parking lot of his apartment building. You follow him inside, heading to his couch, where you pull your knees up to your chest and take a few deep breaths.
“So.” You begin. You can feel your lip beginning to tremble again as you try to get the words out. The tears threatened to roll down your cheeks again.
“Take your time.” Chan half smiles.
“Jisung.. he um, he told Minho that he had to choose between me and him.” You whisper. “So he had to make a decision if it was going to be me, or his best friend, his brother.” You say.
“What?” Chan gasps.
“That's not even the worst.” You half laugh. “Remember how I told you those things Jisung told me Minho said about me?” You ask. He nods his head. “Turns out Minho never said them. Jisung made it up to make sure I stayed away from him.” You cry. “And now I find out that Maya is pregnant, and Minho is going to be a dad, and I feel like I have no one and my entire world is fucking falling apart.” You whimper. Your chest gets tight as you try to catch your breath. Chan grabs onto your arm, looking you in the eyes, his face close to yours.
“Breathe, Y/N. Come on, breathe.” He smiles. You take a few deep breaths, maintaining eye contact until you feel like you can breathe again. He smiles at you. You lean in, pressing your lips to his. He doesn't move away, but the kiss.. Is not how a kiss should feel. You both back away, looking at each other a little confused.
“That wasn't..” Chan starts.
“No offense, but it felt like I was kissing a cousin.” You giggle.
“No offense taken, I feel the exact same.” Chan laughs. “I think we're meant to be friends.”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” You smile. “Look, I'm sorry about this.” You sigh. “Calling you, all the crying and big dump of issues I just threw at you.”
“Isn't this what friends do?” He smiles. “I'm pretty sure friends are meant to be there for you when you need them.”
“Well I really appreciate it. Any advice on what to do? I don't know if I can go back there.” You say.
“Did you hear back from that psychology scholarship you applied for a few weeks ago?” He asks.
You shake your head. While you were on your healing journey, you had applied for a scholarship at a different University across the country. You had thought it would be nice to get away and go somewhere for a fresh start for a few months at least. You really didn't think you were going to get it.
“Well feel free to stay here tonight, if you want.” He tells you. And that's exactly what you did. You had messaged Jisoo and Hyunjin, letting them know there were some issues and you were turning your phone off.
It was mainly because Minho and Jisung would not stop fucking calling and texting you. You needed time away and would turn it back on in the morning, when you were ready. That night you spent your whole time with Chan, watching movies, eating good food and just talking. You talked about everything and nothing, how you were feeling, your feelings for Minho, which, despite everything, haven't changed. You still loved him, and seeing him after a month of not seeing him had every single thought and feeling you had rushed back to you at full force. But you weren't sure if you could do it with him, not to mention he was going to be a dad. How could you come in between him and the mother of his child? You weren't that type of person.
That night you laid on Chan's couch, your mind racing between everything. You were so fucking conflicted and you honestly just wished you could get away. You turned on your phone, feeling the need to scroll mindlessly through TikTok or something. You had a few texts come through that you ignored, and an email. You checked the email, and sat up on the couch.
“Congratulations Miss L/N Y/N.” You read. “You've been selected for the scholarship in…” You pause. You screamed, as loud as you could, forgetting it was 3am and Chan was sleeping. He rushed into the living room, looking panicked with a baseball bat in his hand.
“What?” He yells. “What happened?”
“I GOT IN!” You cry. “I got the scholarship!”
“Oh my god, Y/N, that's amazing!” He yells, rushing over to hug you. He squeezes you so tightly, like a proud dad. It filled your heart with so much joy. Jisoo and Hyunjin had the same reaction when you told them the next day, but then sadness filled the room.
“I can't believe you're really leaving.” Hyunjin pouts. You take his hand, holding it tightly.
“I'll be back. I promise.” You smile. “It's only for a few months. And it'll be good for me to get away. From everything.”
“I still can't believe Jisung did that to you.” Jisoo sighs. “I broke up with him, by the way.” She tells you.
“What? Why? You really liked him.” You gasp.
“I did, but the fact that he could do that to his own sister is just appalling.” She says.
“His heart was in the right place, Ji. He definitely went about it the wrong way, but don't let it ruin your relationship. You seem to be having a positive impact on him and I like that.” You smile.
Later that day, you went home. You see a depressed Jisung sitting on the couch, wallowing in self pity and ice cream. The second he sees you, he jumps off the couch. A tear rolls down his bruised cheek.
“Y/N.. I'm so fucking sorry.” He whispers. “I was so selfish and just such a piece of shit.. my god, I'm so sorry for everything.” He tells you. You walk towards him, wrapping your arms around him.
“I know.. I know your heart was in the right place.” You sigh.
“But I went about it in the worst possible way. And I will never forgive myself for that, Y/N. I was really just trying to protect you.” He says, holding you tighter.
“I know you were.” You say. “I forgive you, but I'm still so fucking mad at you.
“Jisoo is too. She broke up with me.” Jisung sighs.
“I spoke to her already, I'm sure you'll be getting a call soon.” you smile. “Listen.. I have some news.” You say, pulling away from him. You lead him to the couch to sit down.
“Oh god, what?” He whispers. You can tell he's scared.
“I got accepted for a scholarship at a university.. across the country.” You grin.
“Oh my god, Y/N! That's so amazing! I'm so happy for you!” He yells. “How long are you gone for?” He asks.
“Just a few months.. but given everything, I need a few months away.” You half chuckle.
“I think so too. A nice little fresh start. Recharge and do a lot of thinking. Make some new friends. I'm really excited.” You say.
“When do you leave?” He asks.
“That's tomorrow!?” He panics, standing up. “Get upstairs and get packing! Right now!” He exclaims. You laugh as you stand up, pulling him in for another hug. You head upstairs to your room, pulling out your suitcases and start packing, making sure to do the essentials first. A few hours into your packing, there's a knock at your door.
“I am packing Jisung, don't worry!” You yell. The door opens.
You turn around, Minho stands there. You don't know what to say.
“You're really leaving?” He asks.
“Not forever.” You say. “But this is a great opportunity and I need time.”
“She's not pregnant.” He blurts out. “It was a false alarm.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Why? I didn't want to have a baby with her, I don't even want to be with her. It's you, Y/N. I know everything has been shit these last few months and I'm so sorry for that but it's all done. Everything is out in the open, we can really be together.” He smiles.
“Minho..” you sigh.
“Please Y/N. Please don't go. I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I want it all with you, I'm all fucking in. Just please.” He begs.
“Please don't leave me.”
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luxaryllis · 1 year
hi!! if you're accepting requests rn could you pls write just pure angst of azul with a younger sibling who he was super close to before, but when their parents got divorced they grew distant bc the sibling went to live with their dad instead of with him and his mom. then a few years later sibling ends up attending nrc and azul recognizes them and is excited to talk to them again only to discover that they're not the same as before.
rlly loved your scared younger sibling fics. they gave me chest pains bc of how damn sad they were. keep up the good work :)
Brother Knows Best
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Note: OMG!! What is this!? I, Lux, FINALLY finishing something and posting it?! Has a miracle truly happened?!
Anyway, I'll just write the sibling of this one as a year younger than Azul, and the sibling was also be an octopus merfolk. I'm going to mention the reader having interests in some stuff, so please don't get offended if it doesn't apply to you. You can always just replace the traits I put as a trait of yours!
And imma just use Ashengrotto as the family name, cuz idk if Ashengrotto was the last name of Azul's bio father, or step-father, or the maiden name of his mother.
Warning/s: Parents divorcing, Split custody, Angst, Spoilers to Azul's backstory and past, Spoilers to Azul's Ceremonial Robes vignettes, Reader is mentioned to have somewhat similar features to Azul (specific features aren't specified), Tell me if I missed anything
Full post under the cut!
"Big brother! Why are you crying?" A slightly smaller mer-octopus swam closer with a concerned expression.
Azul, who was hiding in an octopus pot, looked up to his sweet and innocent little sibling. The 7-year-old boy's eyes soften, and Azul knew that it was only a matter of time before his baby sibling, [Name], would go through all the bullying and teasing as well.
But Azul didn't want that. He wanted [Name]'s cute smile to last forever. He wanted [Name] to not have to see and experience the horrors of simply being themself. He wanted to protect [Name] from everything and everyone who dared hurt them.
Azul's heart squeezed in his chest as he realizes that he can't. He can't protect [Name]. Azul couldn't even protect himself! He truly was... a weak, dumb, slow little octopus...
Tormented by his thoughts, Azul continued sobbing, hiding further into the octopus pot, hiding his chubby face from his little sibling.
"Don't look at me!!" Azul cries out, accidentally spitting out ink from his tentacles, staining the waters around them. The mess caused Azul to cry even more, the ugly black liquids reminding him of what the other kids told him.
[Name] frowns softly, they didn't know why their big brother was upset. The younger mer-octopus moves closer to the octo-pot, trying to coax their older brother to come out.
"Zul-ie.. what's wrong? I don't like seeing you sad..."
Upon receiving no response, the younger child purses their lips in a pout.
"Come onnn...! Mom and dad made dinner! They made fried chicken! Your favorite!!"
"Big brother!! Look, look! Wanna hear this song I learned on the piano?!"
Piano keys played a gorgeous melody under [Name]'s fingers, and Azul watched with wide eyes full of wonder and pride. Azul felt a small sense of envy in him, but he couldn't find it in himself to acknowledge the jealousy, because Azul was too proud of his younger sibling to do that.
And yet...
As [Name] learned more and more, Azul couldn't help but feel... left behind.
As though [Name] doesn't need him anymore.
But... but that isn't true right? [Name] needs Azul... right...?
As days and years pass by, nagging feelings of envy and worthlessness bubble up in Azul as he watches his sibling shine.
'I should be proud of them,' he thinks to himself as his mind wanders while he was studying.
'Mom and dad don't love each other anymore...'
Those were the thoughts in the two siblings' heads while they listened to their parents argue for what felt like the umpteenth time. And today, it seemed as though everyone in the house had finally had enough of the screams and shouts.
Around a month or so later, the Ashengrotto family were in court, for a divorce trial. It was a somewhat long process, but the judge's words hit the two children like a truck.
"Mrs. Ashengrotto is to be given custody over Azul Ashengrotto. Whilst Mr. Ashengrotto is to be given custody over [Name] Ashengrotto."
When the Ashengrotto family split up, Azul and [Name] were desperately trying to stay together. It went to the point that their parents had to pull the crying siblings apart because [Name] and their father had to leave.
"Big brother!!! NO!!"
"[Name]!!! Don't leave me please!!"
Azul wakes up with a start, sitting up from the bed with wide eyes and heavy breathing. His hair was frazzled in a bedhead, and he quickly looks around.
The Octavinelle Dorm Leader recognizes his dorm room, and breathes a sigh. Not one of relief, but one of exhaustion. Azul reaches to his bedside table and takes his glasses, putting them on as he checks the clock. 5 am.
Next to the clock, Azul sees the small picture he placed. A family picture of him, his mother, his father, and his younger sibling. It was taken before his parents had divorced. When they were all happy...
Azul stares at his younger sibling in the picture, yearning to see them again. He reaches out a bit, but stops himself and shakes his head. 'Now is not the time', he thinks to himself. He shakily stands up and starts getting ready for the welcoming ceremony of the new first years of NRC.
Azul leaves the room and passes by Jade and Floyd's shared room. The house-warden could hear Floyd's complaining through the door and he sighs, knocking on the door and speaking.
"Floyd, would you stop complaining? Jade and I have to get ready for the Welcoming Ceremony, and you and the others have to start preparing for the welcome party for our new first years."
Almost immediately, Floyd replies with a slight whiney tone. "Says the person who wasn't wrung out like a rag for some lotion! I can barely walk!!" Azul could almost hear the pout in Floyd's voice and sighs in exasperation, listening to Jade trying to calm his brother down.
Deciding to leave the twin eels alone, Azul starts to walk away and head to the Lounge to make sure the preparations are going smoothly. As he walked, his mind can't help but wander to thoughts like if he and his own younger sibling would have a similar dynamic to Jade and Floyd. Hm, or would their dynamic be more like Idia's and Ortho's? Likely not, perhaps.
These thoughts weighed in Azul's mind, and he feels himself shaking his head, trying to rid himself of those thoughts. He hasn't seen his younger sibling for a long time; but Azul certainly hopes that [Name] didn't have such a drastic change like he did.
For some reason, Azul couldn't bear the thought of his previously happy-go-lucky and outgoing [Name] to be anything else other than such a happy mer-octopus. It was wishful thinking, but what kind of older brother would he be if he didn't wish only the best for his younger sibling?
When the time came for the Welcoming Ceremony to begin, the Housewardens (exceot for Malleus Draconia, who likely didn't receive the invitation, Azul thinks) were all lined in a circle surrounding the mirror, waiting for students to be sorted into their own dorms.
As each student was being sorted to their dorms, Azul takes the time to look at each student that seemed to catch his attention. None seemed very relevant thus far, maybe a few people he could exploit here and there.
"Next student!"
A student dressed in the NRC Ceremonial Robes stepped out of the crowd of the unsorted first-years. Their hood was on and casting a shadow down their face as they walked towards the mirror.
"State thy name." The mirror said when the student stepped up.
Suddenly, the student spoke a name that ran a shiver down Azul's spine. A name that Azul never thought he would hear no matter how much he wished to hear.
"[Name] Ashengrotto."
Jade raised an eyebrow and turned to Azul curiously, and some other students who recognized the last name also snuck some glances to the Octavinelle Dormleader. Azul could vaguely hear Idia's voice through the floating tablet, saying things like, 'Plot twist?!', but he paid no heed to it.
Azul's eyes were wide, and his mouth was lightly agape in surprise. His younger sibling... studying in NRC?!?
Questions ran through Azul's head in that moment. How is his younger sibling doing? Do they still like to play the piano? Or perhaps they still continued collecting those sea shells? Did [Name] still want to be a singer when they grew up? Do they still enjoy chasing their tentacles like a dog liked chasing its tail? Do they still have that same smile they always did; the one that brightened any room they were in and made their eyes glimmer like the stars land-folk liked to gaze at?
The Dark Mirror spoke again, "The shape of they soul is..."
Azul was beside himself with worry and anticipation. What dorm would his younger sibling be sorted into?
'Octavinelle, Octavinelle, Octavinelle', Azul chanted in his head, hoping for the Dark Mirror to sort [Name] in the dorm he was in.
"... Octavinelle!"
It took almost everything in Azul not to let out a sigh of relief, but he was celebrating in his mind. Suddenly remembering that he was the Dorm Leader of Octavinelle, he stepped up and made himself known to his beloved younger sibling.
Azul mustered up an amicable smile (and those who knew him were rather surprised at how genuine Azul's smile looked), and spoke. "Welcome to Octavinelle, right this way please."
[Name], not having realized who the person underneathe the hood was, nodded and walked to the crowd of Octavinelle students, waiting for the Welcoming Ceremony to be over.
After a rather tiring Welcoming Ceremony, with an entire fire getting started by a racoon-cat-monster named Grim, all the students (save for that one student who couldn't get sorted to a dorm) were allowed to leave and go back to their respective dorms.
The Octavinelle first-years were granted a delicious meal and celebration, and were all briefed on their duties in the Mostro Lounge. The entire time, Azul kept sneaking glances at [Name], which wasn't really left unnoticed by the twins or by [Name] themself.
Azul eventually mustered up the courage to approach his younger sibling and struck up a conversation.
"[Name], it's very nice to see you..! I'm Azul, remember? Your older brother?" Azul's voice was one of slight anxiety, did [Name] eveb remember him? It has been a while since they last even heard from each other..
[Name] turns to look at Azul and nods a bit, smiling a little. "Ah, right. It's so nice to see you again, Zulie."
Being referred to his favorite childhood nickname made Azul smile softly, but he couldn't shake off the surprise at seeing the change of demeanor in [Name]. Back when they were younger, [Name] was much more outgoing and enthusiastic compared to this [Name], who seemed to want to curl up in a ball when someone else tried making conversation with them.
Not even their smile fully reached their eyes anymore. Just what had happened to his beloved younger sibling in the time he was gone?
Internally hoping that his younger sibling hadn't changed too much, Azul tried to continue the conversation. "Ah, do you.. still play the piano?"
[Name] shook their head and smiled a little sheepishly in reply. "Oh, no I don't anymore. Atleast, not as often as before. I still play it occasionally, but I don't exactly find it as fun now."
"What about collecting sea shells? Surely, you still find that enjoyable?"
"Dad and I lived in a more colder part of the ocean, and there weren't a lot of sea shells to collect. So, no, not really."
"Ahh, I see... what do you like doing nowadays, then, [Name]?"
"Oh, well..." [Name] then proceeds to tell their older brother of their interests; though most (if not all) the things the younger Ashengrotto listed were things Azul weren't very interested in.
Regardless, Azul nods in understanding, trying not to mind how much his sibling had changed.
The next few weeks after that, Azul had found it hard to approach [Name]. Why? Well, maybe it was because of the fact that his younger sibling had grown rather attached to the Ramshackle prefect and a certain trouble-making trio (Ace, Deuce, and Grim).
Azul had enough of it, seeing his younger sibling get roped into trouble from their group of friends. When [Name] had came back to the dorm with the Heartslabyul's dorm leader's collar on them, Azul had to pull his younger sibling aside to talk.
"[Name], may I ask exactly why you have Riddle's collar on you? What did your friends bring you into this time?" Azul asked [Name] as they spoke in Azul's office. Azul was looking at his beloved younger sibling with furrowed brows and a scrutinizing expression.
[Name] replied, "It's a.. long story, big brother. Yuu, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I were at Heartslabyul's Unbirthday Party. Dorm Leader Rosehearts got mad at us and collared us and kicked us out of the party because a rule was broken.."
Azul sighs in disappointment and exasperation. He can't believe his younger sibling associated themself with such troublemakers.
"[Name], honestly, why do you even hang out with such people?! They're getting you into trouble!"
[Name] tries to defend themself, "They don't mean to! And I can't just stand by and watch as my friends suffer on their own!"
Azul starts to get a little frustrated. Can't they see, those group of 'friends' as [Name] calls them are terrible influences. It's only a matter of time before they start using [Name] for their own benefit, Azul is sure about that. After all, [Name] has always been rather straightforward in the way that they won't hesitate to help (such values were strange to see in a school like Night Raven College). And Azul knew what happened to people like that; they get exploited, wrung out like a rag, draining them out until there's nothing left to give.
If [Name]'s friends were anything like the other students of NRC (like how Azul would treat his 'clients'), it would be so, so much worse for [Name]. Oh, Azul could practically see it now; it'll start small, like helping out with homework or lending some money. Eventually, it'll be like his younger sibling got the life and kindness sucked out of them, leaving them burnt out like a poor, unfortunate soul!
And Azul can't and won't let his beloved younger sibling go through that. He won't let [Name] fall from grace so terribly like the people who've broken their end of the deal with him.
And that is what Azul tells [Name] (leaving out the parts that paint Azul as the scheming businessman he is, of course) in an effort and attempt to dissuade his sibling from staying friends with their troublemaking friends.
"Don't you see, my dear sibling? They're only using you and their troublemaking schemes would run your student record through the mud. They're getting you involved in so much drama and troubles, and as your older brother, I'd hate for you to be surrounded by such terrible influences," Azul says.
[Name] frowns a bit. Azul worded it as though they hadn't done anything wrong, which wasn't all that far from the truth, though. However, [Name] also knew that Azul was thinking that they were being dragged against their will to help out, which they weren't.
"Big brother... I'm helping out willingly, because I want to. Besides, they're my friends. Didn't the Sea Witch always help other people? We're Octavinelle students, we must always follow the Sea Witch's values."
[Name] replies. The facts about Octavinelle and the Sea Witch were things that the younger Ashengrotto used to try convincing Azul to let them go.
Azul clicks his tongue, his eyes narrowing as he pushes up his glasses that were starting to fall a bit. "Then perhaps you should try getting better, more behaved friends instead of the ones you have right now. What happened to the well-behaved [Name] I used to know?" Azul mutters under his breath, but [Name] could still hear Azul's words.
[Name] frowns at the last question. "What 'happened' is that life happened, Azul. Not everyone stays the same! I've changed!!"
Azul, however, has difficulty getting behind the thought, shaking his head in denial, "Then change back!! [Name], I want the old you! The one who'd listen and trust me without a second thought! The one who was dependent on me! The one who actually made me feel special!!"
That was the last straw for [Name]. They have grown tired of their older brother trying to keep them the same as they used to when they were a child. Can't Azul just let go of the past? "Well that [Name] is gone!! I'm independent now, Azul! I'm not a child! Stop treating me like one!"
[Name] shouts in a burst of anger, before their eyes widen, not having expected themself to actually blow up like that. Not necessarily regretting it, though, the young Ashengrotto quickly turns away and leaves Azul's office, ignoring their older brother's shouts for them to come back.
Azul breathes heavily as he falls to his knees, watching as his younger sibling walks away from him, closing the door behind them. The sight can't help but remind Azul of the time when he and [Name] were separated; just this time, [Name] was being pulled away by their 'friends' instead of their father.
Azul can't believe this!! Did [Name] really just walk away from him?! After everything Azul did in hopes of having his dearest sibling back?! How dare they!
How dare they change! How dare they change so much to the point Azul barely recognizes them! How dare they move on from the past so quickly, as if it didn't bother them! And how dare they even think of choosing their friends over him!
How dare they make him cry! How dare they say words that hurt far more than when those pesky merfolk would bully him!! How dare they leave him there, with tears falling down his eyes and with a heart aching for family!
How dare they, how dare they, how dare they!!
Azul takes a deep breath of resolution, his eyes narrowing behind the glint of his glasses. Never mind, then. He'll show them, he just knows it.
Azul calls the Leech twins over to the office, preparing to make a plan for the upcoming exam season, a list of specific names he wants them to target.
He'll show [Name]. He'll show them that he's right. That big brother knows best.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 6 months
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Word count: 3200+
Warnings: a bit of violence
Part XVII | Part XIX
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You jolted awake, heaving, skin sticky with a cold sweat. Your trembling fingers found the pendant safely hidden under your clothes. It was dream, another nightmare, you thought at first as your sight focused on the light colored chiffon curtains around the bed.
You tried to calm down, inhaling deeply. But it didn't work, panic gripped on your trembling heart that beat too fast. Why it was harder than usual? Your throat was closing, you couldn't breathe. Why hadn't you forgot it as soon as you opened your eyes?
"Y/N!" A males voice cried out. Before you were able to comprehend what's happening, mattress dipped and strong arms wrapped around you. "Thank the Mother."
You finally breathed in. You had to repeat it several times to be able to speak out.
"Rhys," you whispered, your voice hoarse. Your brother was with you. You were safe. The panic began to dissipate. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you weren't the only one crying. Rhysand sobbed, his grip growing stronger.
You stayed like this until both of you calmed down. You didn't speak, just held each other.
"I'm so sorry," Rhysand whispered as he pulled away to look down at you. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have revived those memories."
No dreams, but memories. That's why it didn't disappear after you woke up. You closed your eye and immediately opened them because the horrors started to play out behind your eyelids again.
For the first time in your life you saw Rhys struggling to find words. He was opening and closing his mouth like a fish. You finally looked at him properly.
Rhysand looked terrible. Red eyes with dark circles under, dishevelled hair, wrinkled clothes that remembered better times. He was a mess, much messier than after all-day training in the camp.
For Cauldron's sake, you were so confused. You pressed palms to your face. The horrible headache was back, too.
"Y/N, are you okay? Tell me what should I do? Do you need something?" Rhysand was immediately cradling you.
"I have just this insane headache," you rasped.
"Do you want that powder from Madja?"
You nodded without thinking twice. Small bottle and glass of water appeared on the nightstand. Rhys added a spoonful of powder to the glass, mixed it and handed the glass to you. You gratefully drank it. It worked almost immediately. You sighed with relieve.
"You okay?" You asked Rhys. "You look.. tired at best."
"You were unconscious for last five days. I couldn't leave you alone. It's all my fault.."
"Five days?" you choked on water. "It doesn't matter. Anyway. Don't you dare to blame yourself. I was the one who asked you to do that."
"It was so.." Rhysand fisted on his hair. "If those bastards weren't already dead, I would.." He was so angry that air around him crackled with power.
But you didn't have a chance to talk with him more as a roar came somewhere from the hallway. "Where is she?"
Both of you turned to the door at the same moment, eyes wide. Rhysand was about to stand and go to see what was going on down there when the door flew open and hit the wall hard.
On the threshold stood Azriel. His eyes dark, face full of rage, body ready to strike. The shadows wildly swirled around him, wings stretched behind his shoulders. He was so scary, looking like the embodiment of death itself. If you didn't know him, you would be so panic-stricken, unable to even blink. His hazel eyes scanned over you still in the bed.
In a blink of eye he had Rhysand pinned to the wall, his feet in the air. "What did you do to her?!" he growled, baring teeth at him. Blue siphons on his leathers shone dangerously.
Your brother struggled against his grip, his lips turning blue, but he didn't use any magic to protect himself. Azriel was so blinded with the rage he would kill him and Rhys would allow it. You had to stop him somehow.
You leapt from bed and tried to pull his muscular arm away from Rhys' throat. "Az, calm down," you whined, but you didn't make him move for even an inch. "Azriel!"
Rhysand's eyes began rolling back, now whole his face was bluish.
"Azriel! Let him go!" You were pulling on his arm even more furiously now, your nails digging into his flesh. You drew blood. Only then his gaze moved to you and his arm fell back.
Rhysand fell to the ground gasping for air and coughing. You knelt beside him, rubbing on his back. "Rhys, are you okay?" He just nodded still panting and coughing.
"Are you crazy?" you turned to Azriel. "You could kill him."
"That's exactly what I wanted to do," he retorted, glaring down at his High Lord angrily. "He promised to not push you further. You weren't ready for that and he fucking knew it."
"I asked him to do that!" You shouted back.
At that moment Feyre appeared in the door. She was dirty from a paint, apparently somebody ran to her studio in the city to alert her after Azriel arrived.
"Rhys," she cried out when she saw him panting on the ground and ran to him.
You both helped him stood up and get to the door. Feyre gave you a worried look. A silent question. You just shook your head and smile and so she took your brother to their room, leaving you alone with Shadowsinger.
Azriel glared after him, promise of death in his eyes.
"Don't even think about that," you warned him. "It was my decision. I went to him. If you need to vent your anger on someone, here I am."
He grumbled something you didn't understand and stayed silent with hands crossed on his board chest, hazel eyes watching you.
You gazed back at him.
"How do you feel?" he asked much calmer.
You raised a brow at him.
"You were about to kill Rhys. Don't I deserve the same?"
His mouth opened and closed, no words coming out. "It's different."
"Simply different."
You angrily glared at him until the spymaster did unthinkable thing. He backed and disappeared in his shadows without another word.
Exhausted you sat down and pulled knees to your chest. As it became your habit, you took the pendant out and played with it. Now you knew. You regained the last bit of your memory. You had everything as you'd planned. You were trying to avoid thinking about the horrors of the last night your mother was alive and rather tried to focus on finding a way how to get to Spring Court.
That night you couldn't sleep. You aimlessly wandered through the house until you found yourself in front of Rhys' and Feyre's bedroom. You were about to knock on the door, but you changed your mind at the last second and decided to go to the garden.
The door behind you opened quietly and Feyre came out. "Oh, it's you," she smiled tiredly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."
She just waved a hand. "I was about to get some tea. Will you join me?"
You nodded and a few moments later both of you were seated in the sitting room with steaming cup of tea in hand.
"How is Rhys?"
"Oh," Feyre smiled. "You don't need to worry about him. They're fighting quite often. He's fine, sleeping like a baby at the moment. By the morning he won't have a single bruise."
You shook your head. "It's my fault. Azriel burst out like that because of what I asked Rhys to do."
"You did nothing wrong. Anyway, it was up to you to decide that. Azriel can't be angry for that."
You sipped your tea while Feyre watched you, face tense with worry. "Are you okay?"
You tried to smile, but it turned into grimace. "I will be."
Feyre sighed. "I guess you can't sleep. Rhys showed me what happened there. It was.. well.. more than terrible. If you would like to talk about it.." she offered gently.
You thanked her and this time you managed to smile properly. "It's enough that you are here."
She nodded. You finished your tea mostly in silence, just occasionally doing some small talk. That's how you found out there would be Starfall in a week.
Starfall, the biggest and most beautiful celebration in Night Court. How could you forget about that? An idea began to form in your head.
"Who will come?" you asked subtly.
"As usual. It will be us, my sisters, some friends and people from the city," Feyre smiled, already imagining the party.
"Yes, Winter Court's High Lord with his wife and few generals. Helion will come and a few friends from Summer Court. Lucien should be here, too." Feyre was counting on fingers, roaming through the list in her head, but you stopped listening.
You already heard what you needed. Lucien would be here. Such a big party was a good occasion to disappear without being noticed for hour or two. It should give you enough time to speak with Tamlin, if things went in your favor.
Thinking about all possible alternatives you even forgot about the horrors of your past and spent that week mostly peacefully.
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Evening of Starfall
You stood in your room in front of the tall mirror, admiring yourself. Mor convinced you to go shopping dresses with her and this was what you ended up with. The dress she'd chosen for you for this event was beautiful. It was very simple long dress made of dark blue almost black velvet, the hem of skirt was decorated with shiny little stones that in narrowing chains rose up to your waist. It reminded a night sky full of shooting stars. Indeed, very fitting for today's evening.
She also insisted on helping with your make-up and hair. Since she left a few minutes ago, you had been standing in front of the mirror looking at your reflection. It wasn't like it didn't suit you. To be honest, it suited you a lot, you felt almost beautiful, but this wasn't you. It was too much.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. "Are you ready?" Rhysand's voice shouted from behind the door.
"Yes," you answered. Door opened and Rhys strolled in.
As soon as he found you, his eyes widened. He froze on the spot, in silence gazing at you.
"What?" You raised a brow at him. "Is it too much?"
He slowly shook his head looking for his voice. "No, it's perfect. You're beautiful. I've never thought I will get a chance to see my baby sister like this. Tonight you'll be the most beautiful among the stars."
You frowned at him, blushing fiercely. "You are such an ass."
"I'm just honest," he grinned. "I can't wait to see Azriel's expression when he sees you."
You rather said nothing to that. Ever since he revived your memories, he kept making small remarks about Azriel and you. No need to say that the very next day after Azriel almost killed him, they were again brothers, talking as if nothing had happened.
"Let's go. I can't wait to show my Starshine to my friends," he teased you.
Party was held as always in the House of Wind. This was your first time visiting here since you came back, but you had to say that although Rhys had changed the furniture and decorations, the house itself hadn't changed that much. You still could easily navigate through narrow halls and numbers of rooms here.
Rhys' family was gathered in a big private sitting room. As soon as the two of you walked in all eyes turned on you.
Mor had already seen you, so she wasn't so surprised and sent you just a cheeky grin. Cassian's sonorous voice was the loudest one. He left his mate at the bar and hurrying to you he lifted you up, spinning with you.
"Our lil' sis finally joined the gang," he laughed as he put you down. "Look at you! You're so pretty, dove."
Laughing you pushed him away when he tried to kiss your cheek. Your face felt even hotter than after Rhysand complimented you. "Stop that, you big bear. You'll destroy Mor's hard work."
"You look amazing," Feyre hugged you. Even Amren nodded approvingly. Next to her stood male you'd never seen before, but it wasn't hard to guess he was from different court and had a thing for her. He smiled politely at you, which you returned.
Elain stood with her sister at bar. She frowned at you and turned away. As long as she didn't make another scene, you didn't mind. Nesta, on the other hand, winked at you and smiled, sipping from her glass. It was surprising.
Balcony doors opened and Azriel walked in with a glass of whisky in hand. "What's -" When his eyes met yours he forgot what he was about say, gaping at you. Hand that held the glass dropped and its content spilled onto the floor, splattering his shoes and pants.
Rhysand and Cassian boomed with laughter, others turned around and hiding their amusement pretended to be occupied.
You spared him an embarrassing situation and walked away to Mor. You hadn't talked with him since he attacked Rhysand and honestly, you were still a bit bitter about that.
As the evening progressed, the party was in full swing. Rhys and Feyre disappeared, certainly having their private party on one of the smaller balconies. Cassian with Nesta also disappeared together. They visibly needed an alone time. The rest went down to have fun with the other guests.
You were alone on the higher balcony, pretending to observe the crowd below you. True was you were looking for a certain redhead. Feyre said Lucien would come, but you hadn't spotted him yet.
"Drink?" A deep voice spoke to your right. Shadowsinger waited just a few inches from you with two glasses of wine in hands, offering you one. You hadn't heard him to come.
You gave him a tight smile. "I don't drink."
"Oh," his cheeks tinted with pink. Both glasses disappeared. "You are stunning tonight." You ignored that comment. He leaned against railing, looking down. "Are you still angry with me?"
"Little bit," you answered honestly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Well, at that moment I guess I did, but..I was angry. And so worried for you. Rhysand sent me on some damn mission that took weeks to accomplish. I couldn't see you for so long and the first thing I heard after returning home was that you aren't well, that you're unconscious because he returned you the last bits of your memories. He promised me to wait."
You placed your hand on his big scarred one. "As I already told you. It was my fault. I asked him to do so."
"Now I know. But back then.. I think I would react the same way even if I knew," he admitted."
"The three of you grew into brutes," you rolled your eyes.
He laughed, the sound so rare that you couldn't resist and had to look at him. He was handsome in the tailored suit. Even more than usually. Despite all hardships and wars that he survived, he still seemed young and innocent, just as you remembered him. Your heart stuttered, breathing became labored.
He had to hear that because he stopped laughing and looked down at you. Suddenly he seemed to be too close. The crowd below you gasped and went silent, all eyes turned to the sky. You did the same.
The show had began. Hundreds of spirits travelled above you. A warm wing wrapped around your shoulders, big hand landed on your waist. You turned to Azriel, his shiny eyes already on you. Now he was even closer than before. You could feel his warm breath full of freshness and woody smell of whisky on your face, strands of his hair tickling your forehead.
It threw you centuries back, when the two of you stood on the exactly same spot in the exactly same position. You were just a young female, still teenager, crazily in love with the handsome young male, best friend of your older brother, who loved you deeply. Your knees buckled just like they did back then, breath caught in your throat. His full lips brushed over yours. A moan made its way through your parted lips. You felt so lightheaded and drawn to him.
This was wrong. You weren't that young female anymore. You didn't feel the same way anymore. Your heart changed. You were here on a mission. You blinked the haziness of your mind away.
"I'm sorry," you breathed out and ran away, leaving confused Azriel behind. He didn't try to chase after you nor he stopped you.
You ran until you got two floors lower and only then you stopped in one of the alcoves in the hallway to catch your breath. You forbade yourself to think about what just happened on the balcony.
You were upset. You needed to find Lucien quickly, before the party would be over and you miss the best chance. You walked down the hall and turn the corner just in time to see hair as bright as a fire disappear in one of the doors.
You stalked closer and carefully peeked in. You were lucky, it was Lucien. He stood with his back to the doors, pouring some alcohol to the glass. He was alone. You slipped in and closed the doors behind you.
Startled he turned to you. "It's you? You should have said something. You move around like a ghost. One day somebody gets a heart attack because of you." He turned his attention back to the drink. He seemed to be in a bad mood.
"I was looking for you."
"Really?" He took quite big gulp of liquor grimacing. "So congratulations. You found me."
"Are you okay?"
"Nothing I couldn't solve myself," he snapped. "What do you want from me?"
"I need you to take me to Spring Court." His brows raised, both russet and gold eye snapped back to you.
"You what?"
"You heard me."
Lucien laughed. "Sure. And next time I meet Rhysand, he will chop me into small pieces and feed me to some beasts. Thanks, no."
"He doesn't have to know you helped me."
Lucien tsked, but he listened. "All I want from you is that you take me to Tamlin. That's all. After that you can return to the party and pretend you haven't seen me at all."
"You said it yourself. Tamlin needs help and I can help him. Do I need any other reason?"
He looked you over from head to toe with narrowed eyes, thinking. A muscle pulsed on his tightened jaw. "Okay. How do you imagine we get out of here?"
It surprised you. You thought he would be harder to convince to do something so crazy and dangerous.
And so you presented him your plan. It was very simple: find unused balcony far away from prying eyes and winnow. You already had an idea which rooms with balconies would be safe for your escape.
Lucien agreed and obediently followed you through halls. You were already so close to the one of the empty rooms when a deep voice came from behind you.
"Where do you think you are going?"
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@impossibelle @sevikas-whore @b0xerdancer @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @nocasdatsgay @yunloyal @nebarious @isabiss @st0rmyt @lilah-asteria @ubigaia @paleidiot
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streets-in-paradise · 4 months
In These Arms - Achilles x (Fem) Trojan!Reader
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Warnings: Paris dumped the reader for Helen before she gets to meet Achilles. Includes break up angst + discussion of cheating.
Summary: Heartbroken and publicly humilliated after being abandoned by Paris, you seek peace in the promise of giving up on men without realizing the consequences of his actions would find you one last time.
Turned into a war prisoner and handled to the leader of the myrmidons, the unusual comfort of your master offers you a second chance.
Note: Inspired by two prompt lists by my dear friend @alysinwonderland-at-tea
Angst list - Prompt 4 " Everyone told me you were going to break my heart. I should have listened to them. "
Fluff list - Prompt 2 "I think about you. Ceaselessly."
Tags: @lovelybaka
If everyone else in Troy had reasons for sorrow, on top of theirs you were the most damaged. The man you loved had returned home bringing someone else on his charriot. A stolen queen, woman you didn't have the slightest chance of comparing yourself to given the charm of her famously inhuman beauty. Even when Paris never made any expressed promises priorly, love confessions had once been mutually retributed and you believed in that.
You trusted him going against the advice of many people who attempted to warn you. His own brother had told you that no matter how much he spoke of it, Paris knew nothing about love. Blinded by your feelings, you didn't care, and it turned out the worst mistake of your life.
" Everyone told me you were going to break my heart. I should have listened to them. "
It took you all the strenght you had left not to cry, but at that moment of confrontation it was him the one sobbing in front of you.
" I never meant to! Dear, what I felt for you was real … But it wasn't true love, and I had no way to tell the difference untill I meet Helen. "
You couldn't believe the excuse that was being given to you.
" It was for me, Paris … and because of you I think I will never love again. I gave you everything, but turns out all I am wasn't enough. "
The assumption seemed to have offended him.
" You know I don't mean that! Please, try to understand! "
" What's left to understand? You betrayed your homeland and you betrayed me. You too deserve each other, indeed: a cheater for a cheater … Lovely couple to doom us all! And me the first."
He gave you a hurted look, as if after what he did he still cared for your forgiveness.
" My heart breaks for you, and i am ashamed of myself for the pain i'm causing you … But what can shame do to stop the intensity of love? I would have never accompanied Hector to Sparta if I would have known there I would fall like this for someone else. I couldn't return pretending nothing have happened, and making you live a lie would have been even more unfair than this. You deserve better, I still hold good feelings for you. I swear it on these arms that had comforted you countless times before. "
Paris attempted to pull you closer for a hug, but you stopped him ríght away.
" You humilliated me in front of the entire city! And how strongly I wish I could get granted the mercy of never seeing you again, but Troy is not big enough for that. Blessed is the king of Sparta, who gets the ríght of spreading hate without having to see his wife in the arms of other man every day! Me, instead? I get doomed to watch you smile happyly from afar in the balcony of the palace alongside your mistress for the rest of my life. Do you call that justice, Paris? If that is your mercy, I would rather get your hate. "
In the most twisted way possible, the gods granted at least one of your wishes.
Promising yourself to never love another man ever again after your first love had ended so bitterly, you took the first step into the only path allowed for a woman in your position. With the help of Briseis, who remained your friend despite what happened with her cousin, you seeked to get choosen to take vows in her temple. It was a quick way to restitute your honor in the public eye and be left alone as well. Unfortunately, you didn't get to even try on the priestess robes before the concecuencies of Paris' actions reached you once more.
Greek warriors brought to avenge the husband of his new lover destroyed the temple, killing the priests and taking you prisioner. You would never get to see the great city of Priam again and, despite the sorrow you felt when thinking of your family, that also caused you a dark sense of relief. Because of Paris you have lost everything, even the most bassic of goods such as your freedom. Only after loosing so much, of hitting rock bottom, you had a real chance to be free of him.
Enslaved to Achilles, but liberated from everything you were before, the worst part was having to stand the provocations. The myrmidon enjoyed himself attempting to seduce you, but wasn't forcing you into his bed, and that worked good enough for you in that context.
At one given time you did found his teasing going too far, and only then you became fully honest with him.
" Why did you choose to love a god? I think you will find the romance one sided. "
It made your blood boil, even if you could tell he spoke to you like that because he had no idea of who you were despite knowing your name. Achilles believed to be teasing a priestess and in the discoverment of his mistake you ended up laying eyes on him for longer than you should.
He was wearing the same type of long egyptian styled robes Paris would typically wear in the domestic environment, keeping arms and shoulders covered while fully exposing the torso. It was matched with the same sort of long skirt made of light fabrics opened at the side for more cassual expousure. You could vividly remember he wore a black outfit almost identical to that one during the first night you made love.
And yet, that man looked nothing like him. His sun kissed skin and the sculpted muscles were as contrasting as his blond hair and blue eyes.
" I have choosen nothing, fate forced me to seek shelter in the cult of Apollo after being abandoned by the love of my life. I told myself that, if i could never love again, I could at least give my devotion to the regent god of my city. Because of you I never got to become a priestess, so now i'm a double spoil: rejected for marriage and dragged out of the temple. "
Although standing ríght in front of you, disbelief faded some of the cockiness.
" You won't be rejected here, that's a promise. I had a minor altercate with Ajax because we found you so pretty we both wanted to keep you."
He sat on the ground ríght next to you and observed you with tenderness before taunting you once more.
" Did I ruin your life, or arrived just in time to restaure your faith in men? I don't understand how a girl like you could think of running to hide inside a temple instead of getting herself a better man. "
You answered with the truth, but carefully crafting enough disdain.
" There was nothing I could have done to keep him with me when the competition was the most beautifull woman in the world. The majority of men would have done the same, and that's why I have choosen not to believe in any other ever again. "
Achilles wasn't expecting to find out he was struggling for the attention of the woman that the trojan prince had left behind in his pursuement of the spartan queen.
" Will all mankind pay for the crimes of Paris? That bastard is not even a man. You are so much better without him, consider that perhaps the queen has made you a favor. If he is your reason to give up on men, I have to say it's quite offensive for the rest of us. "
You could tell where his speech was coming and you tried to stop him.
" You would have given me to Ajax if Briseis wouldn't have ran away. I didn't left with her only because I have nothing left to live for. Living in Troy is unbereable for me, but at least here I don't have to worry about seeing them and that's the only perk i expect. Don't try to pretend you could be any different, specially when I'm here because you couldn't find any other more beautifull slave girl to claim yours. "
His hand was then on your face, lifting up your chin so your eyes won't leave his as his thumb caressed your lips.
" I think of you, ceaselessly. If there is any daughter of trojan judged more beautifull than you, I don't need to know and I don't care, because I want you over any other. "
Your hand followed his and pulled down, rejecting his contact.
" Sweet lies won't win me over, not this time. "
It frustrated him, but wouldn't make him desist.
" Would you believe me if I bring you his head on a spear? I can make him cry a painfull death to pay for your tears. Whatever vengeance Menelaus dreams of would be called mercy compared to what I can do to that trojan bastard in your name."
The strange rush of passionate defense encouraged you to reveal yourself.
" Revenge is not on my interest, all I want is to forget. Can you make me stop thinking of the first man who made my heart beat? The moments when we were happy still haunt me like a disease of the spirit, but then I remember someone else occupies my place now and it's like my heart gets eaten raw inside my chest. Pain and regret is all I have for you, son of Peleus. Paris drained me of anything else. "
Achilles got rid of his black robe and wrapped your shoulders with it.
" One night in my arms is all i think that would take me to vanish the memory of that fool from your mind. You haven't yet been loved by a real man: whatever he gave you would taste like few once you would have tasted me."
The fabric was still warm from the contact with his skin and he was holding both sides of it on top of your chest in an attempt of wrapping you tighter.
You didn't try to escape him that time and he used the new proximity in his advantage to trap you in his strong grip, pushing your body against his.
" In this arms you will find happiness again, if you allow me to show you how good I can do just for you. "
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 month
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I Can Take the Upper Hand and Touch Your Body: Epilogue
A/N: So I meant to post this yesterday for @acotar-omegaverse-week's Day Four because hoo boy are they "Getting Knotty" in this, but then I had to actually do my job? And didn't have time to finish and edit. Booooo. So now I'm posting this today! Hope everyone enjoys this once again very smutty ending.
Read on AO3 // Previous Part
Six Months Later
Nesta is already sweating when she opens her eyes. Her whole body feels like it’s on fire, molten lava pounding through her veins in time with the heart beating between her ribs, in time with the beat of her heart rushing and echoing in her ears. Her skin feels stretched uncomfortably over her bones, and Nesta clenches her fists to keep down the desire to scratch at her arms, to claw at her throat. She shoves at the blankets tangled around her legs, but the slide of the fabric against her skin only seems to make matters worse, the relief Nesta is desperate for still so far out of reach.
With a whimper, Nesta rolls over, pressing her face into her pillow. She tries to focus on her breathing, on taking slow, deep breaths in and out to calm her heaving chest. Each inhale draws out more of the scent that clings to the fabric, and that at least helps to soothe Nesta’s quickly fraying nerves enough that she can think a bit clearer.
Nesta has always been meticulous in her tracking, in her planning. She always knows exactly when to stock up on supplies, when to take off from work. She always knows exactly what to expect, and this is not it.
It’s too early.
But Nesta knows that denial won’t help or get her anywhere. Because there’s no denying the slick already sticky and coating the inside of her thighs. There’s no denying the cramping low in her gut and the way her cunt clenches in desperation to be filled. There’s no denying that her heat has started.
Keeping her face pressed firmly into the pillow, Nesta reaches a hand down between her thighs, pressing the heel of her hand against her clit. The too long sleeve of the hoodie she’s wearing catches slightly around her fingers, and Nesta whines, trying to rock her hips down and chasing some sort of relief.
Perhaps, she shouldn’t really be surprised at her heat coming on. She’s been wearing the hoodie for two days now after all. She had also swapped the pillow she used with the one from the other side of the bed. And just yesterday, she had gathered up more of the blankets onto the bed. The perfect nest, and it hadn’t even registered in Nesta’s mind. She just thought she missed Cassian and the heat he always radiated to keep her warm while he was off with his brothers to some family cabin they visit annually.
Cassian. Her alpha.
Just thinking about him has another whine pulled right from Nesta’s chest. She reaches blindly toward the bedside table, fingers fumbling to find her phone. Another cramp spasms low in her gut, a fresh rush of slick dripping between her thighs, and Nesta lets out a frustrated sob, nails scraping against wood as her fingers curl. She continues to lay there, breaths panting out, when the soft sound of tinkling keys reaches her ears, the sound of a door opening and closing.
“Nes, I’m home. And we stopped for pastries on the way.”
The sound of that deep timbre draws out another whimper from her even as it slinks along her skin like a cool, soothing balm. It takes all of her willpower to push herself up off the bed, her steps wobbling beneath her as she pads out of the bedroom.
She finds Cassian standing in the kitchen, his back currently to her where he stands at the island. He looks so good with his dark curls pulled back into a bun, a soft looking cable knit sweater stretched over his wide shoulders, and his forearms on display where the sleeves are pushed up to his elbows. Just the sight of him has Nesta’s cunt clenching again, has a moan tumbling past her lips.
“Alpha,” Nesta sighs softly, pressing her thighs together.
Cassian whirls around, and Nesta moans again at finally having that hazel gaze on her again. Especially when those eyes flare, a flickering flame that echoes the fire in Nesta’s own veins. His nostrils flare, and even with the distance between them, Nesta can see the groan that reverberates in his chest as he takes in her scent.
“Oh shit.”
Nesta finally tears her attention away from Cassian at the new voice, surprised to find Azriel also standing in their kitchen. Cassian’s groan morphs into a growl, and he spins back toward his brother, fisting clenching at his sides as he firmly places his body between Azriel and Nesta. An alpha zeroing in on a threat, ready to do whatever it takes to protect what’s his.
“I’m going. I’m going,” Azriel assures him, holding his hands up in a surrender.
Nesta is sure that Azriel must be moving, that the front door must be opening and closing with his exit, but Nesta is no longer paying attention to him. All she cares about is Cassian’s attention returning to her, that darkened gaze of his pinning her in place. All she cares about is how strong his scent is having him this close again, how it floods her senses in the best way. All she cares about is the way he steps into her space, his large hands finding her jawline and lifting her face to his.
Cassian leans down, his breath skating across her lips, across the skin of her cheeks, and Nesta’s knees almost give out. She fists her fingers into the fabric of Cassian’s sweater, pressing her hips forward against his own and tilting her chin up higher still, trying to catch his lips with her own.
“Please. It hurts.”
“I know, sweetheart.” Cassian kisses her sweetly, humming as he trails his lips along her jaw and down her throat. “Let me take care of you.”
Nesta keens when Cassian’s teeth scrape over the scar on her neck, the remnant of his claiming of her, the mark of their accepted mating. His hands slide down to her thighs, hoisting her up and against him, and Nesta wraps her legs tightly around his waist. She tugs at the hair tie in Cassian’s hair until his hair tumbles free back down to his shoulders again, burying her fingers in the dark strands of his hair and using her grip to draw his mouth back to hers.
She sighs into the kiss when her back meets the pile of blankets she intricately arranged on the bed. Cassian presses her deeper into the softness of it all, his hips rocking against hers. She can feel the hard line of his cock through the fabric of his pants, and her hands reach desperately for the buckle of his pants. She slips her hand beneath the waistband, her fingers just barely grazing against his cock before Cassian pulls her hand away, pinning it back by her head.
“I thought I told you to let me take care of you,” Cassian tells her, grabbing her other wrist and pinning both her hands above her head with the grip of just one of his. “Now be my good girl and lie still.”
Cassian sits back on his haunches, Nesta legs splayed out over his thighs. His hands slide over her ankles, up her calves, along her thighs, but once he reaches the hem of the hoodie she’s wearing, they trace right back down. It’s a tantalizing tease of calluses against skin, Nesta biting her lip while she tries not to squirm, determined to be good for her alpha and keep still.
“And look at this nest my good girl made,” Cassian continues, squeezing her thighs on the next pass. “Did you make this just for me, sweetheart?”
Nesta nods her head before remembering herself. “Yes.”
“Good girl.”
Cassian reaches one of his hands behind his back, fisting in the fabric of his sweater and tugging it off. He tosses it aside and leans back down over Nesta. This time, his hands find the hem of the hoodie, sliding it up over her hip until it’s bunched at her waist.
“Nothing underneath? How naughty,” Cassian teases, shifting until he’s settled on his stomach between Nesta’s thighs.
Nesta whines even as one of her hands snaps down to bury amongst the dark strands of Cassian’s hair. It’s unfair, the sight of him. How far her legs have to spread to fit the wide berth of his shoulders and chest. How large his hands are where they grip her thighs, fingers digging into the flesh as he holds her open. The one curly strand of hair that falls forward and along his temple. That cocksure smirk and simmering gaze as he peers up at her and licks her lips.
Her hips try to buck up, her body keyed-up and desperate with every second that goes by without his touch where she really wants it, but Cassian’s hold is too firm. Just that display of strength has more slick dripping from her cunt, and Nesta is sure she’s already made a mess of herself and their bed.
But she doesn’t care.
All she cares about is the need thrumming beneath her skin. It writhes in her veins and begs. Begs for pleasure. Begs to be filled. Begs for her alpha.
“Want your knot,” Nesta pants, tugging at Cassian’s hair like that will get him to move. “Need it.”
“I know,” Cassian hums, nosing along Nesta’s inner thigh. “Let me take the edge off first.”
Nesta wants to protest again, but before she can, Cassian presses his mouth to her cunt, any words dying in the back of Nesta’s throat. His tongue is hot where it slides against her, his groan reverberating all the way down to her toes. Nesta tosses her head back with a moan when he slides his tongue over her again, tracing all the way up to her clit, but it morphs into a frustrated huff when Cassian pulls away.
“Eyes on me, sweetheart. I want you to watch the way you fall apart on my tongue.”
Nesta whimpers, and she needs to take a few breaths before she’s able to tilt her head back down, to meet Cassian’s gaze, the hazel of his eyes already swallowed by his blown out pupils.
“That’s my good girl.”
Cassian leans back in again, and this time, he devours her with a fervor. His mouth moves over her cunt like he’s a man starved, like she’s the last meal he’ll ever taste. Each circle his tongue traces over her clit has Nesta’s toes curling, and each time he fucks his tongue into her, her cunt clenches at the promise of the way she knows he’ll match that movement with his cock. She can do nothing but moan Cassian’s name, nothing but hold onto his hair, at the mercy of the way Cassian’s grip keeps her pinned, keeps her just the way he wants to have his way with her.
With her heat in full swing, it doesn’t take long before embers start to pool and burn low in her gut. She can feel herself climbing higher and higher, the blissful fog of pleasure starting to cloud her brain, as Cassian continues to eat her out. It takes everything within her to keep her eyes open, to keep watching Cassian. But when Cassian sucks her clits between his lips, she can’t hold out any longer. Her eyes squeeze shut, thighs snapping around Cassian’s head as her release tears through her, more slick rushing into Cassian’s mouth to swallow down with a groan.
She slumps back against the bed, sighing at the feel of Cassian pressing sweet kisses along the inside of her thigh. Those kisses trace upward, up over Nesta’s hip bone and stomach. He pushes the hoodie she’s wearing further up until he can tug it off completely, all without breaking his mouth’s contact from her skin.
Cassian hums rather than responding, his mouth closing over one of her breasts. Nesta cries out, arching up into him as Cassian’s tongue slides and swirls over her nipple. Those embers still burn low in her gut, stoked by the scrape of Cassian’s teeth over the sensitive skin of her breast. But despite the pleasure his mouth continues to build, it’s not enough. Still she needs more, wants more.
“Please. Cassian, please. I need–”
Nesta’s plea cuts off into a loud moan when Cassian sinks two fingers into her cunt. The long, thick line of them drag along the walls of her cunt, drawing out more slick with every thrust of them. Nesta’s entire body feels like it’s on pins and needles, her heat only adding to the intense pleasure of it all. And when Cassian curls his fingers, her every muscle tenses, cunt clenching down around Cassian’s fingers.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Can’t wait to have you squeezing my cock the way you’re squeezing my fingers.”
He switches his mouth’s attention to her other breast, his fingers continuing to drive into her cunt and stretch her. It’s almost unfair the way he knows her body so well, the way he’s able to work her exactly the way she likes, the way she needs. Everywhere his mouth touches, everywhere his fingers reach, has sparks ricocheting through Nesta’s whole body. And when Cassian turns his hand enough that he can press his thumb against her clit, adding to the pleasure, those sparks turn into a blaze as she goes tumbling right over the edge again.
“Gods, you’re so beautiful when you come,” Cassian tells her, sliding up her body enough that he can drag his mouth across her throat.
Nesta tilts her head to give him better access, her eyes fluttering when he finds that spot behind her ear. She whines when Cassian pulls his fingers free, hating that empty feeling, that ache that starts right back up again despite two orgasms already. But then Cassian is raising his hand toward Nesta’s face, dragging his fingers across her lips and smearing her own slick there.
“Now be a good girl and clean her alpha’s fingers for him.”
Nesta is all too happy to oblige. She sticks her tongue out, eagerly sliding it over the pad of Cassian’s fingers before sucking them into her mouth. She moans softly at the taste of her own slick blooming across her tongue, dragging and curling her tongue over Cassian’s skin as she swallows down every last drop. He presses his fingers deeper still, until Nesta's gagging around them, but still, she doesn't stop, desperate to please her alpha.
It’s all she can think about, that single thought fogging her mind, and she panics when Cassian pulls back, when he clambers off the bed and out of her perfectly good nest. Her hands reach out toward him frantically, a whine building in the back of her throat, but Cassian merely catches her wrist in his grasp, pressing a kiss to the center of her palm.
He focuses his attention on the buckle of his pants, quickly shoving them and his boxers down his legs, and any and all other thoughts eddy from Nesta’s mind once his cock finally bobs free. It’s already hard where it rests against one of Cassian’s strong thighs, and Nesta can already see where his knot has started to swell at the base, see where a bead of arousal glistens against the head. Just the sight has Nesta moaning again, has her cunt clenching and aching to be filled. She spreads her legs wider against the bed, raising her hips in open invitation.
Cassian chuckles softly at the display, fisting his cock lazily. “Do you need my knot, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Please, alpha. It hurts.”
“Well, we can’t have that.”
Cassian kneels back up onto the bed, between Nesta’s spread thighs. His calluses slide against her skin as he lifts her leg, hooking it around his hips as he settles. He drags the head of his cock across Nesta’s cunt, through the mess of slick pooled there, and Nesta’s entire body shudders. She can feel more slick rush from her, feel it coating Cassian’s cock, and she throws her head back with a moan when his cock presses teasingly against her entrance.
She doesn’t even have to finish her plea, her voice choking off as Cassian snaps his hips forward and buries his cock. Everything within Nesta zeros to where they’re joined, the omega part of her keening at finally being so full, at having her alpha’s cock right where it belongs. But still, it’s not enough, still she wants more.
But if there’s one that Nesta has learned in her time together with Cassian’s, it’s that he always knows. Always knows how to play her body. Always knows exactly what she needs. He pulls his hips back just to snap them back again, grinding and pressing his cock deep with every forward thrust.
“Fuck you’re always so tight wrapped around my cock,” Cassian tells her, building up his pace. “But you were made to take it, weren’t you?”
Nesta can do nothing but moan, wrapping her legs tighter around Cassian’s waist and rocking her hips to meet each thrust. Every drag of his cock has her cunt clenching. Every deep press has her toes curling. Every stroke of his body working over hers has those flames burning through her veins cresting higher and higher.
“And you take me so well,” Cassian continues to praise, Nesta keening and arching at his words. “That’s it, Nes. Gods, nothing feels like your sweet cunt.”
Nesta claws desperately at Cassian’s shoulders, trying to pull him closer still. She can feel the tease of his knot, the stretch that it promises. The promise of being so completely filled of Cassian. And she wants.
“Please. Cassian, please,” Nesta begs, digging her heels into Cassian’s back. “Want your knot.”
“So pretty when you beg. Don’t worry. I’ll give you what you need.”
A few more thrusts and Cassian keeps true to his word. He slams his hips forward until his knot breaches and locks them together. Nesta screams, her entire body seizing up with her orgasm. She clenches down hard around Cassian’s cock and knot, her thighs shaking, as the warmth of Cassian’s seed floods her deep, adding to the pleasure and dragging out her release.
Cassian groans, rocking his hips shallowly and pressing deeper still. “What a good girl milking my knot. We’re not going to waste a single drop, are we?”
Nesta shakes her head, locking her legs tighter around Cassian, keeping him, his cock, his seed, right where it belongs. She sighs happily as she sinks back into the mattress, reveling and all but purring at the fullness, the warmth, the comfort that settles in her veins. Cassian focuses his attention on her throat, pressing gentle kisses along her skin. Nesta cards her own fingers through the dark strands of Cassian’s hair, humming when his lips trace over the mating scar. She feels like she’s floating, feels like she could fall back asleep just like this.
But her eyes snap back open again when Cassian pulls his hips back, his cock slipping free. That desperation claws back up her throat, tumbling past her lips as a whine. She can feel tears beginning to prickle at the corner of her eyes, and she tightens her grip on Cassian’s hair, trying to keep him there.
“No no no. Need your knot.”
“Fuck,” Cassian mutters under his breath.
One of Cassian’s large hands settles on her cheek, thumb stroking gently, and Nesta turns her head enough that she can lean into the touch, the way it soothes some of her desperation. She can hear rummaging to her left, what sounds like their bedside table opening and closing. Then something cool glides along the inside of her thigh, and when Nesta looks down, she finds one of her knotting toys now in Cassian’s hand.
He drags the toy over her cunt, coating the silicone in her slick. When he reaches her clit, he turns the toy on, Nesta tossing her head back and gasping at the vibrations. He traces a few circles before bringing the toy lower, sinking it into her cunt. Nesta moans at the intrusion, at now feeling those vibrations along the walls of her cunt, but Cassian doesn’t move. With a huff, she decides to take matters into her own hands, moving her hips and fucking herself down on the toy.
“Gods, look at you. So fucking beautiful, Nes.”
Nesta moans at the praise, and she tries to work her hips faster, squeezing down around the toy. She tilts her head back down again only to find Cassian now stroking his cock, his gaze pinned on where the toy disappears into Nesta’s cunt over and over. She whimpers, her bottom lip finding home between her teeth, and Cassian must be able to feel her attention, his lips twitching up into that tell tale smirk of his.
“See what you do to me, sweetheart? I’m already hard again.”
“Want the real thing. Want your knot.”
Cassian groans at her words. He pulls the toy free, tossing it aside, but Nesta doesn’t even get a chance to see where it lands, Cassian’s hands gripping her waist and flipping her over roughly. He raises her hips and leans forward, plastering his chest along her spine and pressing his lips against her ear.
“Hands on the headboard.”
Nesta moans as she obeys the command, fingers curling against the wood. Cassian’s knees kick her legs further apart, really spreading her wide. He slams his cock back into her cunt, quickly setting a rough and brutal pace before Nesta can adjust again to the girth of him, to the way he stretches her. Her fingers scrabble at the wood of the headboard, trying to hold herself up against the pleasure of it all, sparked by every snap of Cassian’s hips against her own.
“Pretty mate taking her alpha’s cock so well. One day I’ll work you up to taking my cock and that toy.”
The imagery is enough to have Nesta clenching down hard around Cassian’s cock, and she drops her head down between her shoulders with a choked off moan. It just mixes with the groans and grunts of Cassian behind her, with the obscene sound of his cock sliding through her slick, of skin against skin.
She tries to move her hips against the iron grip Cassian has on them, tries to meet his thrusts and his knot. “Cassian…”
“Fuck, keep moaning my name. You know that’s my favorite sound.”
“I need… I need…”
He continues to fuck into her hard, turning Nesta into little more than a delirious mess of moans and whimpers of his name. She can feel him everywhere. Feel where his fingers leave brands across her hips. Feel where his cock spears deep within her. Feel where his knot teases and catches but never breaches. It has her cunt fluttering and clenching around him, has her heart pounding in her chest in time with every knock of his hips against her ass.
“Need my knot again? Need to be filled again?”
“Yes!” Nesta cries out, that desperation clawing up her throat.
Cassian groans, the movements of his hips becoming more erratic. “I’ll make sure you’re absolutely dripping. Make sure my seed really takes. But first, I need you to come for me. Come all over my cock.”
One of his hands reaches under Nesta’s hip, finding her swollen clit and tracing tight circles over the bud. It’s all it takes for another orgasm to wash over Nesta like a crashing wave, the force of it leaving spots dancing behind her eyelids. Her back bows, Cassian’s grip the only thing holding her up as she convulses and shouts Cassian’s name.
With a groan of his own, Cassian sinks his knot into Nesta’s cunt, only adding to the pleasure blazing through her. She clenches around Cassian’s knot, moaning at the feel of Cassian’s cock twitching in response, more of his release filling her. The stretch and fullness is everything, aftershocks still rocking through her body until just bliss remains.
Nesta slumps back down against the bed, panting against the sheets as she catches her breath. She feels sated for the first time all morning, the ache in her body giving way to a pleasant buzz. She doesn’t even whine when Cassian pulls his cock free again, settling beside her on the bed. Instead she merely sighs softly when Cassian’s hand finds her hair, fingers softly carding through the sweaty strands and pushing them away from her face.
“You back with me, Nes?”
Nesta hums, turning her head enough that she can blink at Cassian properly. “For now.”
Cassian chuckles softly, the hazel of his eyes bright in the light that pours into their bedroom. He shifts close enough that he can press a sweet kiss into Nesta’s hair before clambering back off the bed. Nesta can’t find it within herself to move, just following him with her eyes as he goes over to the dresser, pulling out a pair of sweats and tugging them on.
He digs around in another of the drawers, and when he steps back over to the bed, his hands reach for her and gently tug her up into a seated position. He pulls an oversized t-shirt over her head, and once Nesta has pushed her arms through the sleeves, his hands shift under her thighs, gathering her up into his arms. He carries her with ease out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, setting her down on the kitchen counter.
“How was your trip?” Nesta asks, watching as Cassian grabs a glass, filling it with water.
“Drink,” Cassian tells her instead, holding out the glass expectantly.
Nesta rolls her eyes fondly, but she takes the glass from him, allowing the cool liquid to soothe her throat. Satisfied she’s staying hydrated, Cassian turns his attention toward the fridge, but he pauses his rummaging, turning back toward Nesta and squinting toward her. It’s almost adorable the way his eyebrows pinch, the way his lips quirk as he hums quietly, seemingly to himself.
But Nesta still huffs and crosses her arms. “And what’s that look for?”
“Trying to determine how long we have until the next wave hits. That will decide what exactly I can make for us.”
Heat floods Nesta’s cheeks, especially at that smirk of his now painted across Cassian’s face. It’s all alpha, male bravado and pride. She scowls at him, but that only seems to make his grin widen, hazel eyes sparking with amusement, with fondness. With love.
“I hate you,” Nesta tells him, even though there’s no bite behind the words.
“Love me,” Cassian corrects, grinning widely.
“Fine. That too.”
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
Temptation- Ethan Landry x Fem!reader - Part 3
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: You're Quinn's best friend, who can't hold back their urges for Ethan any longer.
A/N: This doesn't contain smut, it's just more of a wrap up for the story. It's really angsty, a smidge of fluff. :) Thank you guys for reading it!
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As Quinn looked back and forth between you and Ethan, you couldn’t say anything. She has a wrath that is terrifying to go up against. Ethan was bright red as he realized his mistake, but you could tell he was panicking. He knew that the possibility of the two of you being together just plummeted through the floor in a matter of seconds.
“Well, is anyone going to say anything?!” Quinn yelled. Her nostrils were flaring as the silence added fuel to the rage that was building inside her.
“It’s not a big deal,” you said, turning back around to take the pancakes off the pan before you started a kitchen fire.
“What do you mean, it’s not a big deal?! You’re fucking my brother!” She jumped up, walking over to Ethan.
“You’re such a fucking loser. You can’t find a girl on your own that would actually want to be with your pathetic ass, so you go after my friend?!” She snapped at him, and your mouth flew open before you even had a chance to process your thoughts.
“Don’t you fucking talk to him like that! He’s not a loser, and I want to be with him. You’re so caught up in trying to find someone for me to hook up with, that you don’t even care how I feel about anything. It’s like the main focus in your mind is me getting laid, when you know these guys you’ve introduced me to have NOTHING in common with me. Ethan and I could work. I could be happy, but I’m too focused on trying to keep you happy that I’m putting my own happiness to the side. It’s what I’ve always done, before anything happened with Ethan. I’m fucking done with it!”
After you finished your rant, you grabbed Ethans hand, leading him outside before Quinn could say anything else. You went to the patio beside the pool, before breaking down and sobbing in his arms.
“It’s okay, baby,” he said, gently rubbing his hand on your back.
“I know she’s my best friend, but I can’t take it anymore. You’re the first person I’ve had an actual connection with in a long time. I’ve had a crush on you for over a year, but I had to push that down to keep her happy,” you cried.
“You’ve wanted to be with me for that long?” he asked, curiosity playing in his tone.
“Yeah. I don’t know, I like that you aren’t like anyone else I’ve been with,” you said, as he pulled back to wipe the stray tears sliding down your cheeks.
As you stood there in Ethan’s arms, Quinn was watching through the patio door. She might be pissed, but she does love you and want you to be happy. As she watched Ethan comfort you, she saw a different side of him. She also realized that you must feel strongly enough about him to snap on her the way you did.
She opened the patio door to walk out to where you stood.
“Can we talk for a minute?” Her tone was completely different from before, which made you want to give your best friend a chance to explain how she feels, and you could tell her how you feel.
Ethan pulled away from you to take a seat in one of the patio chairs as you and Quinn walked to the other side of the pool. You both sat down on the edge of the pool, sticking your feet in the cool water.
“Why did you lie to me when I asked you if you had a thing for him?” she asked, significantly calmer than the yelling match that took place before.
“Because you act like he’s the worst person in the world,” you said, eyes tearing up all over again.
“Siblings don’t have to like each other, you know?” she said with a small laugh.
“It’s not like you just don’t like him, you hate him. I hate it when you talk about him the way you do. You see an annoying brother, I see a sweetheart that wants so badly to be cared about,” you said, kicking your feet under the water.
“I was livid when I realized that you hooked up with him, but after seeing him comfort you like that, I know he cares about you,” she sighed, looking across the pool to see Ethan.
He couldn’t hear the conversation, but he was watching the whole thing. He was trying to read your body language to know how it was going, a part of him was still scared that you’d want to cut things off with him out of respect for his sister.
“Ethan, come here,” Quinn yelled, him quickly getting up and walking over to the both of you. He pulled his sweatpants up to his knees before sitting on the opposite side of you, placing his feet in the water.
“What’s up?” he asked, Quinn rolled her eyes.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you the way I did,” she said, the words tasing like vinegar as they left her mouth. She’s never apologized to Ethan for anything, but for you, she was willing to try.
He was taken aback at her words, not really knowing how to respond. You grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers with his.
“I know you want the best for her, and that’s what I want to be,” he said to Quinn, your heart starting to swell at his words.
“A few conditions, though. I’m not losing my best friend to my brother. I’ll share, but you’re not going to take her away from me whenever you want. I don’t want you guys fucking when I’m here, because I don’t want to hear it. And Ethan, I swear if you hurt her, I will kill you,” she said, a small smile painted on you and Ethan’s faces.
You didn’t need her permission to be with him, and you had all the intentions of trying to sneak a relationship. Now that you don’t have to keep a secret from the person you tell all your secrets to, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your chest.
“I promise, I won’t hurt her.”
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accio-sriracha · 9 months
Choosing isn't an option.
A quick Jegulus drabble I wrote while waiting to start work, enjoy <33
Regulus stood, facing his boyfriend, anger flaring through him.
"Reg-" James started. He held up a hand,
"Don't. Please just don't."
"I'm sorry." James continued anyways, "You know I didn't mean it like that. I swear I never would have-"
"I don't know anything, James! I thought you would have understood! But you didn't. You yelled at me!"
"I know, and I am so sorry-"
"I just- I need some space right now, okay?" Reg whispered, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
James' breath hitched, he and Regulus never needed space from each other, they always worked things out by talking it through.
"Reg?" He whispered, his voice breaking.
He looked away, "Please just go."
James could feel his heart shattering, he didn't care to pick up the pieces, leaving them at his boyfriend's feet as he left the room.
"James?" Remus called when James walked right past them in the common room, "What's wrong?"
James didn't stop, he wasn't sure he could bring himself to put on a smile. He continued up the stairs and to their dorm. Footsteps followed quickly behind him.
"Prongs?" It was Peter's voice now, "Are you okay?"
He shook his head, curling up under his covers. Sirius immediatley climbed in next to him, wordlessly holding him.
"I fucked everything up." James whispered, "I'm sorry, Padfoot, I-" He broke off, a choked sob escaping him as he finally let himself cry.
Sirius shushed him, gently pulling his shoulder to turn him around, "You don't have to apologize, it's okay. We'll fix it. Whatever it is, we'll fix it." He murmured.
Remus sat on the foot of his bed, Peter on the floor beside him. Both of them watched as Sirius did his best to comfort James.
"It's Reg." He finally got the words out, "I- I fucked up with Regulus."
Sirius' eyes went wide for a second. James could see the hesitation on his face.
Regulus was his brother, his flesh and blood, the one Sirius had given everything up to protect his whole life. And James was his best friend, his chosen family, the one he'd left everything behind to stay with.
He couldn't chose between them. And James wouldn't let him.
"Please go find him." James whispered, "Make sure he's okay. I- I hurt him really bad."
"Did you-" He cleared his throat and sat up a little, "Did you hit him?"
James jumped up, "No! Merlin, no! You know I could never! I just- I yelled at him. It was stupid, I know that. It wasn't even a big deal, I shouldn't have gotten so upset, and I tried to apologize but-"
"Hey, it's okay." Sirius pulled him into another hug, "I know you'd never hit him, I just had to ask. We're gonna fix this, I promise."
James nodded, brushing away his tears with his sleeve.
"We'll stay here with him. Go find your brother." Remus told Sirius.
Sirius gave him one last squeeze before leaving the room. James turned to Remus and Peter after the door shut behind him.
"If we break up-" He started Peter cut him off,
"Don't even think like that, Prongs." He reached up to place a hand over his own, "You're going to be fine. You know that."
"Yeah, but if we do." He insisted, "What will happen with Pads?"
"Sirius will figure it out." Remus told him, "You know he isn't willing to lose either of you."
"Was this a mistake?" James looked at their hands, "I'm making him chose between me and his brother. What if we argue again? What happens when he has to chose a side?"
"It won't come to that." Peter insisted, "You and Regulus aren't like that. Neither of you would do that to him, no matter how angry you are at each other."
"And what happens if we do anyways?"
"We'll figure it out together." Remus smiled softly, "But I don't think one little fight is going to put your entire relationship at stake."
"Really?" James asked. Remus nodded,
"Really. Think of all the times you and Pads have faught over the years, and you still love him don't you?"
"Yeah but that's different." James muttered.
"Why?" Remus asked.
"Because he's like a brother to me. I know he's not going anywhere. I'm too scared to lose Reg, I-" He trailed off, shaking his head, "I love him more than anything. I can't imagine my world without him, you know? Like the moment he entered my life I just- I just knew. I was born to love him. I just wish I could explain to him how much he means to me. Sirius is my brother, it doesn't matter how many times I fuck up, he'll always be there at the end of the day, just like I would for him. But with Reg I'm so terrified of messing up I end up pushing him away. I got scared and lashed out and now I might lose him and-" He tried to slow his breathing, Peter squeezed his hand,
"Regulus is your family now, James. We can all see it. He's not going anywhere either."
James nodded, "Yeah... I really hope so. Thanks guys."
A noise from the doorway caught their attention and they all turned to find Regulus and Sirius standing there. Regulus was wiping tears from his eyes.
"He was coming up to find you." Sirius explained, "I ran into him in the hall just outside of the portrait hole."
"Reg." James whispered. He didn't know what to say, he had no idea how much Regulus had heard.
"Did you really mean it?" Regulus asked, "You love me?"
James nodded, "I meant every word."
They stared at each other for a moment longer before James stood, walking over to take both of his hands,
"I'm sorry, Regulus. You have no idea how much the idea of hurting you is killing me. I'm sorry I lashed out earlier... I was just- I was so scared of losing you. You aren't something I can ever live without." He took a deep breath, "I'm in love with you, Reg. With every piece of me. And I never want to let you go."
"I love you too." Regulus whispered, there was a soft smile on his face, "I'm sorry I pushed you away, and that I made you mad in the first place. I should have just talked it out with you Ike we always do."
James shook his head, "It's okay."
"We're okay, right?" Reg asked. James nodded,
"Yeah, we're okay."
He pulled Regulus into a tight embrace, glancing at Sirius over his shoulder,
"Promise me you'll never let me hurt him?" He whispered. Sirius nodded,
"I promise, Prongs."
"Good. Because choosing between us isn't an option."
Regulus laughed and tucked his face into James' neck, "Merlin, you'd be lucky if you figured out a way to shake us both off."
"I love you." James whispered again, kissing the top of Regulus' head. Regulus hummed,
"I love you too, Jamie."
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