#because that's an interesting avenue I have not done much with yet
exeggcute · 6 months
well it's been almost six months which I think is long enough to break my posting embargo, so, uh: guess what! I got liposuction lol. specifically hip/thigh lipo to quell some pretty wicked dysphoria that stemmed from having such a feminine silhouette… and I have to say I'm really, really pleased with the results.
tbh my initial plan was to keep things under wraps for good which is why I haven't said anything about it yet (and even as I'm typing this up I keep debating whether to post it or trash it)—partly because I was/am worried people might Act Weird about it and partly because I get a little embarrassed talking about bodygendershit in general. but here we are. one reason I do feel compelled to finally share, other than being super happy about how everything went, is that I haven't encountered a lot of discussions about body sculpting as a possible avenue of gender-affirming care (although, to be fair, maybe I just haven't been looking in the right places) and I figured at least one person out there would be interested to learn about what I did and where I've ended up so far.
anyway. pics/details under the cut—nothing even remotely risqué (or yucky), I just know that body image stuff is fraught + not everyone is eager to hear surgery talk.
to be precise: I got tumescent liposuction of the inner and outer thigh, plus this ultrasound thing to help the skin shrink. a different surgeon who I consulted (but ultimately did not go with for a number of reasons) said that even if I got the results I wanted from lipo, which he claimed was unlikely, the affected skin would look loose/baggy/weird forever... and that surgeon was wrong on both counts lol. my elasticity was great bitch!!!!
they didn't take out that much fat overall, only eight pounds or so, but it's way more about the Where than the How Much. my actual surgeon (who kicks ass btw) said lipo isn't that great for weight loss per se, and what it's really good for is sculpting targeted areas—so basically exactly what I did. six months post-op I actually weigh about the same as what I did pre-op, but the distribution has held steady; more weight goes to my stomach now and less, proportionally, goes to my hips since there are fewer fat cells in that area now. so my silhouette retains its new shape!
the overall change is admittedly on the subtle side, since I'm pretty short and have wide hip bones (and you can't change your literal skeleton) but it's still gone a looooooong way. the main thing I requested from my surgeon was "I want to fit in men's pants" and boy did he deliver.
also a good place to note that if you're in the las vegas area looking for a plastic and/or cosmetic surgeon—this guy is board-certified in both btw—then I absolutely have the guy for you. feel free to DM me for details. lipo is clearly his specialty (and it shows!) but he also does a lot of breast revisions/mastopexy (i.e., fixing implants that other surgeons did a bad job putting in), regular implants, and face work (particularly facial feminization surgery). one thing that sold me on this guy was an enthusiastic yelp review from a local stripper who said he hid the incisions for her breast lift in her armpits so none of her clients would notice that she'd had work done... a true master of his craft
okay you've scrolled enough so I'll give you what you're here for lol. I don't have many pre-op pics because I was obviously unhappy with how I looked and was not taking full-body selfies on a regular basis, but here's a few I took ~2 weeks beforehand:
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these super thin men's joggers were my go-to dysphoria pants, to the point where I bought five pairs in different colors, but now they're so baggy on me that they have the opposite effect and make it look like I have wider hips than I do. so I retired them from my wardrobe...
...except not immediately because I had to wear compression garments 24/7 for the first three months post-op and these joggers were just loose enough to comfortably wear a medical girdle underneath them at all times, 110° degree temperatures be damned. (not that I was going out much for the first month since I was soooooooooooo fucking bruised and sore lol.) here's a few post-op pics in the same style pants:
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(first pic is less than 24 hours post-op, about to go to my follow-up appointment, looking greasy as fuck because I wasn't allowed to shower yet; second pic two days post-op and also post-shower, thankfully; third pic is about a month post-op.)
so, like, CLEAR improvement already. I will not be posting pictures of my black-and-blue-and-swollen-all-over legs but considering how puffy I was from getting internally pummeled with a cannula it's wild that I still saw improvement literally as soon as I came home.
recovery was obviously not a blast in the moment but I got off easy, all things considered. I was supposed to get drains put in and was Not looking forward to that at all lol. the first thing I asked when I woke up after surgery was "how many drains?" because they weren't sure if I'd end up needing two or four, but it turned out the answer was zero. no drains!!!
I did have to lie with my feet elevated for the first two weeks straight, and had major bruising that receded over the first month (you could barely see my regular skin underneath all the mottled spots), but little to no nerve pain, no weird complications, and I was more or less back to normal after six weeks. also noelle took very very good care of me and was brave about injecting me with blood thinners so I wouldn't get clots and die :)
when I went into it I was fully expecting to get huge vertical scars up and down the sides of my legs (and had made peace with it!) but instead I wound up with four tiny incisions like this, each less than two inches long:
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what's totally crazy is that the scars are basically Gone now. like even when I'm trying to find them I struggle to locate the ones in the front. I joked to noelle that if someone did an autopsy on me they might not figure out that I'd had cosmetic surgery, especially since the skin on my thighs is back to its normal color and texture. (in this scenario I like to imagine that it's dana scully giving me the autopsy and I'm in an x-files plot where instead of regular lipo I got alien lipo and mulder figures it out purely by accident.)
with lipo it can take up to a year to see the full results but I already feel so much fucking better in my body that seeing old pre-op pics throws me for a loop. and I can absolutely wear men's pants now—pants for short and stocky men, to be fair, but actual regular men's pants and not exclusively Pants For Men With Huge Butts And Legs. which is the only style I could even hope to fit in before. and even then it was a stretch.
big pic dump of shitty mirror selfies taken over the last few months:
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(also I really debated sharing this one but I already included it in the yelp review I left my surgeon so fuck it: here's a tasteful before-and-after in my undies where you can see my bare legs for easier comparison. left pic is one week pre-op, right pic is about five months post-op. including it as a link instead of embedding it in the post in case your boss happens to be reading over your shoulder at this very moment. also this is the one and only time you will ever see me stripped down on tumblr dot com so don't get used to it lol.)
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kookidough · 2 months
sierra is sooooo complicated to me like. i could go on about her for so long & also i wish the writers did certain things with her character (which i will get into later in this rant) so ya here we go
firstly her childhood is . very clearly messed up?? it’s established that her mother is Ultra Obsessed with chris and i think sierra mentions being a 3rd generation chris mclean scholar at one point which implies that obsession just runs in the family atp😭 before even going on the show she’s grown up in an environment where this level of obsession is Normal so she doesn’t see anything wrong with turning out the same way
since her mother is like . obsessed with chris & stuff that’s probably what would bring sierra to watching total drama in the first place and i personally feel like she’d fixate on it because it was a group of teenagers her age, people she would like to be friends with if that makes sense? i can imagine she’d be a pretty odd child without many friends so that’d maybe be a reason for her to latch onto total drama, maybe why she latched onto cody too because like. she thinks he’s cute and they have things in common (like theyre both pretty geeky) so she gets pretty parasocial about it because, as mentioned before, her mum being obsessed with chris is just Normal to sierra so she thinks it’s normal for her to be obsessed with cody (spoiler alert girl: it’s really not)
while she’s on the show i feel like she doesn’t change / gets worse because chris sees her exhibiting Mental Illness and just… actively encourages her behaviour? and the other contestants do nothing to stop it, like how most of the time (e.g. paris) team amazon get mad at cody for sierra’s behaviour instead of helping him out for some reason??? no one tells sierra her behaviour is wrong so she just. Continues to get worse until shes out of the competition😭
this is where im gna interrupt with a canon divergence because like . personally i think in the episode where votes were revealed and cody was revealed to have voted sierra Every Single Time, sierra shouldve gotten over him!!!! it was the harsh truth she needed to hear, the dose of reality that cody is NOT interested in her and she needs to move on. she couldve had good character development, building her relationships with other characters and showing off her skills. maybe she’d still be eliminated in drumheller because she made cody that birthday cake as an apology and then kaboom or whatever idk just some way to keep her elimination the same
going down this train could’ve made her character in all stars Actually Interesting ! we couldve seen a side of sierra that kept some of her old eccentric vibes but had her head in the game this time instead of being focused on a boy, especially since cody isnt even in that season
and of course lastly i just wanna say i’m not excusing her weird actions or her creepiness at all, she has some Extreme Flaws and all the stuff she did was absolutely not okay, i just like rotting and seeing maybe why she acted the way she did and i wanted to drop my own two cents on interesting avenues her character couldve went down :3 i know everyone in td is some form of stereotype and sierra was an obsessive uberfan but she couldve still been that after getting over cody, in fact im disappointed that she knew SO much about the cast yet didnt use any of their weaknesses to her own advantage, she couldve dominated the competition😭
so uhhh yeah thats my thoughts on sierra, i probably over-read her to filth but shes very complex to me and i wish certain aspects of her character were done differently, she had a lot of potential especially in all stars but um Everyone had their potential destroyed in all stars so i’ll overlook that
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kathaynesart · 1 year
What advice would you give to someone who really wants to get into writing/drawing comics, but doesn't know how or where to start? What would you recommend? Even if/ especially if they already have a decent history in writing and drawing
SHORT ANSWER: Don’t do what I’m doing with Replica haha! I’m breaking all my own rules with this comic but maybe we can use it as a good example of what not to do in my rant below…
LONG ANSWER: (below the cut)
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Hoo boy… there are so many avenues this question could take. I assume you don’t necessarily mean entering the comic industry as a professional (there are far more experienced people you can ask about that). But simply drawing your own comics? I'll try my best to break down some of the basics I've picked up over the years. Note these are just my opinion and there is always room for other methods...
The first thing to consider is what is your intention with this comic? Do you want to tell a story centered around a preexisting fandom or tell a completely new story you came up with? What genre do you want to focus on? I'd recommend finding something that really sparks your interest, because you're going to be working on it for far longer than a regular art piece. Plus if you like it, someone else is bound to like it as well!
This may sound silly... but often times I find people fail to take into consideration whether or not the story they are telling works best with the medium they are considering. Had I done Replica as a fan fiction, I would be much farther along with it... but with comics there comes a wide range of subtle visual cues, parallels, and symbolism I can use that I wouldn't be able to show through writing. The written word also has many strengths that comics lack... it just comes down to what you want to be able to show in your story.
If this is your first time doing a comic, I recommend not overextending yourself with some grand epic that is going to take you forever (like Replica haha.)
Example: Years ago a close friend and I did a webcomic called Perpetual Flux that we were unable to finish. It went for about 2-3 years, was over 110 pages long, and yet we had only managed to get about 3 chapters into what would have probably been a +30 chapter story. We came up with this huge epic we wanted to tell and while it was a story we still wanted to finish, it just became impossible to continue as our lives and availability changed.
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So start small! And take that experience you gain into bigger, future projects. Obviously I have not learned my lesson with Replica, but at least with this project it's something I can do on my own time and is supported by a wonderful community who keep me inspired. Speaking of which...
If it’s a story based off something with an existing fandom then half the work is already done! You just need to start interacting more with people in that fandom, and I mean really interacting. Talk to other artists, join Zines, leave comments, and share other people’s work. It can foster a community and help you be a part of the fandom so that people will be interested in what you have to share.
If it’s a new story you’re going to have to create your own community. Nowadays it’s easier than ever to get your work out there, but the competition for eyes is much steeper. What I find that works is rather than starting the comic cold turkey, draw out some highlights from your future story. Moments that have yet to unfold that might wet a random viewer's appetite for more. Kind of like… a trailer for what’s to come. Keep dropping those little crumbs of interest as you prep your comic to garner some interest and that way when you do start you may already have some followers who might share your work around!
Get into the habit of drawing and writing regularly. I know it can be a hassle and the last thing you want to do is make it a chore, but like exercising I find that the more I do it, the easier it is and the better I feel about it. Nowadays I feel weird if I'm not at least writing some script or drawing a few sketches towards my comic/projects every day.
Also, if you can make sure to update fairly regularly (something I also fail at with Replica haha, but at least I try to post little things here and there when time allows). It's important to let your followers know that you are still there and you care! It also helps keep you at the front of their minds. My fellow Apocalypse AU creators Cass and Tapakah0 are GREAT at this as they post a ton! It helps garner a strong community and a lot of continuous excitement! I wish I had that same energy and time but you'll have to make do with my old-lady pace of things, bless you all haha.
Obviously as a writer and artist you're used to doing both... but with comics there's another aspect that can come into play. Graphic design! Whether it's your title, your font choices, the word bubbles, or the way you break down the panels, these area all things you should take into consideration. For example, every webcomic has panels, but they can vary tremendously in style. Because of Tumblr and the nature of the scroll method I chose to forgo the typical "comic book style" for more of a... loose storyboard feel where I care more about the angle of the shot within each panel rather than how these separated images link up to one another. Where as with Perpetual Flux, it was laid out on actual comic pages so we had to take serious consideration into how they fit together within each page. IngunnSara is also a great example of this more traditional method of paneling and it's gorgeous and difficult and they have my utmost respect for pulling it off with Hamato Wanderers! So I recommend looking to some of your own favorite comics and see what jives with you.
Also failed this with Replica haha, but to be fair I went right into it with the intent on learning the style as I went. But I recommend having some grasp on the style you want to use and whether or not it's a viable to be drawing over and over again for your comic (for example, if you make it too detailed it will take you far longer to draw!)
Perfection is a lie. There is no place for it in art, especially if you're just doing this for your own pleasure. Don't strive for it. Don't worry about it. Don't compare yourself. Just keep doing what you're doing and keep learning from it. You'll get much farther!
Ok... hopefully that helps a bit. I'm sure there's plenty more to talk about but I feel like I've talked enough for now. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk and lemmed know if you manage to get your comic off the ground :)
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britcision · 1 year
Alright, friendos! Happy Hanukkah, happy Yule, merry Christmas, happy Kwanza, and happy holidays to anyone I forgot who is still celebrating or gets to start soon!
This chapter is dedicated to all our brave souls who have just made their way through finals! You made it, you’re free, and you deserve a heckin’ break
Tag list: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @eonic @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel
Previous chapter:
First chapter:
A Swell Night On The Town
Jason had been pretty sure he knew what to expect from Vlad Masters. The Plasmius file had stood out even amongst all the other ghosts, and not just for being a halfa.
The guy was a stalker, a creep, manipulative as hell, and would not take no for an answer. And no, he didn’t need a second grabby billionaire anywhere near his life, thanks.
He’d dealt with dozens just like him, rich assholes who thought their wealth and power made them untouchable.
And the man himself, standing in front of him? Yeah, okay, Jason was a little surprised.
Vlad’s face had this perfect fist shape to it, like his cheekbones were gonna wave Jason in to break his teeth.
Wild how that worked.
Offering to share Danny’s baby pictures was… an unexpected avenue of attack, honestly. Fucking effective though, and it had somehow defused the situation.
He’d still rather drag the man out by the scruff of his neck, but the apparent peace offering settled something inside him. Well, more directly Danny’s reaction to it.
Danny wasn’t scared of Vlad. Whatever he was, whatever he’d done? However much he’d hurt Danny in the past, used his death against him?
It hadn’t been fear setting Danny off when he knew Vlad was here. Which raised the question of what it had been, but he could always ask later.
For now, Vlad wasn’t an immediate threat to be eliminated, at least not yet. Today, they could play with him a little.
And if that changed? He was ready.
So Jason let his face soften into a smile as Danny groaned, damn near as dramatic as Dick. Let Vlad think he might be tempted.
And maybe just a little enjoy the revenge after all that bugging about the pixie boot photos earlier.
He reached out automatically to steady Danny as he swayed, leaving his hand on his shoulder. And watched Vlad track the gesture, which was… interesting.
Yeah, they could probably get him on the same game as the Manson’s. Jason let his arm slip around the slighter man’s shoulders, skimming gently down his arm.
Danny leaned into him just a little and if that made the pit happy, well, convenient bonus. Most of his attention stayed fixed on Vlad.
“I guess you’ve known each other a long time?” He offered, trying to keep his voice more neutral.
Danny sighed dramatically, folding his arms and glaring.
“Well it sure fucking feels like forever,” he grumbled loudly and Jason grinned, ruffling his hair.
“Not so long as I’d like,” Vlad argued with a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “I’m afraid even though I have always been his godfather we did not meet until he joined the club as it were. Had we met sooner I might have made a better impression.”
Sam snorted most of a laugh derisively through her nose, cocking her hip and smirking at him.
“Would you have given a fuck before he joined the club?” She asked sarcastically, perfectly matching his dramatic emphasis.
Vlad shot her another scathing look, then gave Jason an obsequious smile.
“Of course, I don’t have anything on me, but if you would like to come by some time…” he began, and Danny straightened so fast that something in Jason lurched to pull him back.
He resisted. Barely.
“Hell no Vlad, fuck off. You’re not having Jason over to your creepy ass castle in Wisconsin,” Danny snapped, his eyes flashing green and Jason had a revelation.
That? That was a truly fucking weird thing to see. Even if it hadn’t always been the trigger for violence, yeah, he could see why his family flinched.
Also? Danny getting possessive? Adorable.
Vlad certainly seemed to agree (which made Jason immediately want to change his mind), giving Danny a smug smile.
“Jason is an adult, Daniel, as you are yourself. I believe he can make up his own mind?” He purred, gaze flicking expectantly back to Jason.
It was a good thing he’d been practicing one of his best gala smiles half the month for this occasion. He’d never been more thankful for the training that let him keep it light and sweet.
“I’m not coming to your creepy ass castle in Wisconsin,” he agreed with Danny, loving the way Vlad’s face fell.
Impatient bastard. Like Jason hadn’t proved extremely early on which side of this line he was coming down on. Although…
“But maybe you can email me.”
Keep him sweet. Keep him hopeful. All the better to fully fuck around with later, and maybe give himself a backdoor into any plans.
Danny grinned smugly back at Vlad, folding his arms and leaning into Jason in a way that was definitely all out possessive. Which Jason could kinda get.
The new kid at school liked Danny best. Hell, Jason was always smug as fuck when one of the birds sided with him over B.
“Aww, I guess even your best impression wasn’t up for much, huh Vladdie?” Danny teased and Vlad’s eyes narrowed, before his smile flashed back, sharp and venomous.
“I shall certainly send you some pictures at my earliest convenience, Jason. Do you have a card?” He asked sweetly, looking from Danny directly up to Jason’s face.
Jason stifled a snicker.
“It’s not the eighties. Gimme your phone, I’ll add you.” He held out a hand, half expecting Vlad to refuse.
Surely he didn’t make his money and build his evil empire by being stupid. But no, Vlad gave him a calculating look and then handed the device right over.
Didn’t even try and look at the screen. And, well, Jason was a Robin once. Even Danny grabbing for the phone didn’t stop him, raising it above his reach.
Type his email with thumb swipes so it took half the time, turn on bluetooth, pair to Tim’s phone, get the ping for the downloaded app, bluetooth off and he handed the phone back to Masters, back on the contact screen.
“Here. That’s my private email, so don’t go giving it out to all and sundry,” he added as Danny tried to flap the phone from his hand.
“Aw come on Jason! You can’t give him that, he’s evil!” Danny whined, and Jason put his free hand directly in Danny’s face and pushed him away like he’d do Dick.
“You wanted to talk to Selina, you filthy fucking hypocrite.”
“Who wanted to talk to me?”
And speak of the devil, here she was, slinking towards them in one of her tight black dresses, short hair cupping her face.
Vlad shifted to let her join them, making a face when she stepped too close and stepping quickly away.
Jason closed his lips on a grin. Hope he didn’t have anything too precious in those pockets. Luckily his phone was still in hand, now tucked into a different pocket.
“I did,” Sam said loudly before anyone could interrupt, turning and bestowing her sweetest Manson Party Smile on her. “I heard you have baby photos of Jason.”
Selina raised an eyebrow as Jason made a half hearted grab for Sam, cocking her hip and smirking at him.
“Why darling, I most certainly do. And you are?” She asked, gaze darting around the group.
Sam stuck out her hand to shake.
“Sam Manson. This is my date, Danny Fenton, and my… friend, Jason Todd,” she introduced, jerking her thumb at the boys in turn.
Vlad cleared his throat, and promptly regretted it when Sam smirked.
“Oh, and this asshole is Vladdie.”
Vlad shot a glower at her while Danny and Jason snickered, turning to offer Selina his own hand.
“Vlad Masters, Daniel’s godfather.”
Selina took his hand delicately, a sharp smile on her face as she shook.
“Oh, so you’re the one who’s been snatching at the little Waynes! Have you come to make a grab for Jason?” She asked with a barely hidden glee, and alright, maybe she could stay.
Vlad’s poleaxed expression would make up for a lot, then he snapped too and snatched his hand away.
“I most certainly… oh… well. I. Suppose there was one incident, but I’d hardly call it grabbing,” he admitted with ill grace, smoothing down the front of his suit.
Selina’s smile spread and she pointed discretely towards the refreshment tables.
“Oh? Poor Tim has had to get an ice pack I hear, and someone said that you were behind Dick’s sudden disappearance. I’ll have to warn you that the last one left is Damian and he has a reputation of his own,” she purred.
Vlad’s brows furrowed into a deep frown, clearly not sure how to handle this situation. Being the focus of the gossip was apparently a change for him.
Jason was almost jealous, but the sheer joy of watching Selina at work washed it away. Not being the focus of all the gossip was a fun change for him.
“Damian Wayne?” Vlad asked, glancing back at Jason. Like Jason was about to help.
“He bites,” Jason explained casually and Danny fucking cackled, falling forward into Sam.
“Oh… oh Vlad… Vlad please… go bother Damian,” Danny gasped as Sam caught him, and Sam smirked.
“Would you turn down your Wayne scholarship?” Sam asked wickedly and Vlad’s head snapped around so fast he must have cricked his neck.
“Your what?” He asked sharply as Danny sucked in great lungfuls of air, finally straightening.
He was in no fit state to answer so Sam took over, smirking at Vlad.
“Oh, part of why Danny came is because he won a Wayne scholarship,” she said with a smug confidence Jason had to admire.
And join in on, since it was upsetting Vlad so much.
“Yeah, Brucie just loves to provide for underprivileged youth. It’s how we got my newest brother Duke,” he explained with an offhanded shrug, and oooooh he could almost see steam flying from Vlad’s ears.
His glare snapped back to Danny himself, who was just barely recovering.
“Then I suppose it’s a good thing I was here to defend your good name to Brucie,” Vlad spat the words like they tasted bad and that sent Danny off again.
“Aww, Vladdie, you do care,” he giggled, pulling himself back up and wiping at his eyes.
Vlad’s expression contrived to somehow become even more constipated. He turned deliberately back to Selina, his smile decidedly pinched now.
“And you know the Waynes well, I presume?” He asked, doing his best to pretend none of the younger three were grinning at him.
Selina cocked a brow, clearly clocking the interaction and filing it for later, a slow smile curling her lips that Jason fucking recognised.
“Oh, I know Brucie quite well,” she purred, one hand coming up to cup her elbow while she toyed with her hair, “I couldn’t paw-sibly miss the chance to greet Jason.”
Which, honestly, Jason considered mild for her. Vlad’s brows furrowed in confusion this time and Sam covered her mouth with her hand.
Selina tipped Jason a wink and he rolled his eyes good naturedly.
“Couldn’t miss the chance to fuck with Bruce, more like?” He asked dryly.
It wasn’t that he specifically didn’t want her there. Fuck, anything keeping Bruce off his ass was a win.
It was more that putting her next to Danny was probably an incredibly bad idea. His eyes had lit up - thankfully not green - and he grinned back at her.
“Well it is the purr-fect opportunity,” he said gleefully and Sam groaned.
“So this is how I die. Fantastic,” she snarked as Selina’s smile spread and she turned to face Danny more directly.
“But of course, anything fur family,” she agreed genially.
Vlad was beginning to look annoyed too, and Jason decided that was enough to tip him over into enjoying it. Not joining in; he wasn’t Dick.
Dick was here.
Biting down the urge to look around, Jason took a deep breath. Dick was probably still in the back. Probably still having hysterics.
What had Vlad even said to him?
Whatever it was, Jason might owe him a thank you for getting Dick out of the way of this particular meeting. All three at once would be…
Yeah, no, creepy castle in Wisconsin won if only because Jason had fucking always wanted to cause mayhem in an actual castle. Wayne Manor was fine, but an actual castle?
It might have battlements. It definitely had a ghost and a half.
Danny and Selina were clearly having fun, going back and forth with increasingly over reaching cat puns.
Jason took advantage of the moment to casually reach behind Danny and entwine his hand with Sam’s. She started a little, glanced over, and made a show of almost-but-not-quite pulling away.
Keep the show going. Apparently they were competing with Vlad for the spot of Top Scandal, which was just fucking great. No matter who won, they couldn’t lose.
Selina must have noticed though, because she gave him a sly look and gently broke things off with Danny.
“Not to pussyfoot away, but I do need to steal Jason for just a moment darlings. Old family friends and all that,” she added, tipping Danny a wink as he chuckled.
Jason gave her a wary look for a moment, then followed her a short distance away. Staying far enough back to be out of pickpocket range.
“What did you do?” He asked quietly once they were out of earshot, pausing at another potted plant. Appeasing Ivy, or a subtle invitation.
Selina gave him her most innocent smile, leaning up against the pot.
“I may have upset Bruce a little, and now he’s looking for you. He was going to the back rooms first but that shouldn’t take him long.”
Jason remembered watching Cass drag a wailing Dick to the back rooms.
“He might take longer than expected,” he noted with a half smirk, then shook his head. “So why’s he looking for me?”
He couldn’t think of anything Selina might do that would have Bruce hunting him down; usually the response to Selina turning up was to usher the kids away.
No matter how old those kids were.
Not that any of them actually wanted to stick around, just. It was dismissive at best.
Selina smiled fondly and patted his cheek, and for once the emotion seemed genuine.
“Jason, darling, no man likes to think their little boys have grown up. And of course I assumed that if you were making this much of a scandal this early on it was intentional, so I told him you had an orgy in the back rooms,” she finished bluntly, shattering the soft moment Jason didn’t know how to handle.
Rather than stammering or shutting down over emotions he wasn’t sure he could face, a startled laugh shot down his nose.
“You fucking what?!”
“I told him that when you five snuck off for your little chat earlier you’d been caught with your pants down,” Selina explained casually, an entirely catlike smile of satisfaction on her face.
And yeah, okay, maybe Jason was reminded why he liked Selina. For all the distance between them, she’d never stopped treating him as Robin.
She and Bruce might be on again off again, but she’d always be a cool stepmom to the birds. And she could be relied on to join a good joke…
Leaning in, Jason lowered his voice.
“You’re absolutely right, targets are the Manson parents, Bruce, and Vlad. Do you need to be filled in?” It had been a while since he’d done a speed debrief, but at least Selina had received a few.
And recreationally hung out with Harley Quinn. Her eyes sparkling with mirth, she shook her head.
“Oh not at all, darling. You know I pre-fur a surprise. Is the young Miss Manson in on it?” She asked, gaze sliding back across to the others.
Jason snickered, letting his eyes follow hers. Vlad seemed to have swanned off somewhere, and Danny was vainly “trying” to recapture Sam’s attention.
“Sam called the hit. They insist she has to find an eligible bachelor, so she’s got two,” he added, and Selina’s smile took on a decidedly nasty edge.
“Well then you’d best get back there and woo her, hadn’t you?” She cooed, long fingers gently patting Jason’s cheek again as she straightened to slink back into the party. “I’ll tell Bruce you’re at the refreshments.”
Jason hurried back to Sam and Danny, not exactly keeping his head low, but folding himself in a little. Hanging out with Superman and Clark Kent taught a guy a few tricks.
Catching his companions by an arm each, he leaned in to whisper,
“Selina told Bruce we’ve been having an orgy in the back rooms, she’s gonna be running interference and get him to the refreshments,” he explained quietly.
Sam snickered and shook her head, tugging her arm from his grip but allowing him to take her hand instead.
“So is she in on it?” She asked quietly, sharp eyes glancing around the party. Jason shrugged.
“I didn’t tell her much, but she’s always down to cause trouble of one sort or another. Wanna look for your parents and be conspicuous?” He asked Sam, grinning.
A grin spread across Sam’s face too and she nodded, giving him a nudge with her shoulder.
“Your family is fucking ridiculous, Jay.”
Which wasn’t news, but it was nice when other people noticed.
“We’re not really the ones to talk,” Danny pointed out with a grin of his own, coming around to take Sam’s other hand, “dare you to trip me in front of the Mansons, Jason.”
And if there was one thing Jason had gotten in trouble for all through his life… he could never resist a dare.
When did everything go so wrong?
It had been such a lovely evening, and yet out of nowhere, everything had turned on its head.
People were whispering about him, as they usually did, but now it was with giggles! Mockery hidden behind a hand, a glass, some ridiculous fan.
They tittered as he passed, closed their circles and turned their backs, or even moved away from him! He found himself suddenly alone, a room full of people exquisitely aware of his presence and avoiding it.
As if he were somehow beneath them. As if they had any sort of high horse to hold over him. And all for what? A mild misunderstanding?
It was something he’d always noticed about Gothamites, when he’d met them away from this dingy city. The way they considered themselves superior, above the rest for being a bloated parasite class in a jumped up hellhole.
Talking as if they personally were made stronger by all of those rogues, the darkness, the gothic nonsense. As if their city would protect them when even their Bat sought to bring them down.
Corrupt, stinking, filthy wretches. It was why it had never bothered him to avoid the den itself.
Oh, there was abundant ectoplasm, the misery and terror of millions saturating the air to almost Amity Park standards. So many people, crammed together, living in fear every day of their lives.
It made their hope powerful, those who lived at street level. Those who actually faced the city’s dangers. But these inept plutocrats? Cushioned with wealth and corruption and casual evil?
Their city hated them almost as much as Vlad. Would be happy to see them and their pathetic little Court fall. Maybe then the place could finally breathe.
They should count themselves lucky Vlad was above sinking to their level. Restrained himself to icy smiles and remembered faces, adding to his list of those to exploit.
Perhaps that would make Daniel happy; he and that goth girl were so in favour of the working class. A little redistribution of wealth (and some to himself) could be a nice gift.
Of course, if he actually thought about it, Vlad had a pretty solid guess of when the night had left the rails. He never should have grabbed the young Drake, thinking he was Daniel or not.
Frankly grabbing Daniel had been one of the habits he was intent on breaking, but it had just… happened. Force of habit was an irritatingly powerful thing.
They had always had a very physical relationship, and wasn’t that part of the problem? Vlad had never intended that.
It was just that the boy didn’t listen. Wouldn’t see what was good for him, no matter how clearly it was shoved in front of his face. He was independent, wilful, and while those were good traits…
Daniel also insisted on using them against him. Against himself. And Vlad… well, Vlad knew he had a temper. And frankly, so did Daniel.
They butted heads and with their shared abilities, sometimes that got explosive. But those same abilities were how Vlad knew that no matter how much they fought, they would be pulled back together.
And now there was a new halfa. For a supposedly rare occurrence, it was really becoming increasingly common.
Perhaps that was worth testing too. If something about the modern world made it easier to create a new halfa.
Not that young Jason was quite finished yet, he wasn’t a fully formed ghost, but Vlad could already taste the power in the air around the boy.
Not being alone had been all he’d wanted for so long.
And, apparently, something Daniel had been craving in an entirely different way. The air between the boys had been charged with more than just Daniel’s little flare of power.
Vlad wasn’t quite sure where the need to mention Daniel’s photos had come from; he’d never planned to let the boy know he had them.
It had been an idle curiosity, years ago now, and they’d never come to fruition. But seeing Daniel so obviously interested in young Jason…
Vlad was sure he’d looked at Madeline like that all the time, back at school. And far more lucky than he, Jason seemed to return the interest.
Daniel moving to protect Jason, put himself between them, had been expected. It was his nature, dear boy, and as foolish as it could be he stuck to it.
Jason refusing to allow it, moving Daniel behind himself? Surprising, and entertaining. If not for himself, he’d have thought those protective urges helped to form a halfa.
And, of course, it was rather telling.
Whatever Daniel had told him that made Jason see Vlad as a threat, Jason saw him as a threat to Daniel, not himself. That could be useful too.
Vlad would rather be a threat to neither of them if they’d just learn to listen. All he offered was a gift, and all he asked was to not have it tossed aside.
All he wanted was a family. And while he certainly wasn’t yet as desperate as Brucie Wayne, adopting any child he found on a street corner… perhaps the other man did have something to teach him.
With any luck they would still be able to have their private meeting. Vlad could only hope that the impression he’d managed to make would be enough.
The man doted on his sons, and Vlad involved in upsetting two of them? No, he would have to tread very carefully here.
Some form of apology. Not tonight, not while the issues were still… fresh. He would have to steer clear of the Waynes for the rest of the evening.
And think of some suitable way to show his contrition.
The younger boy was interested in technology, wasn’t he? His interest in Tucker would be explained there. And Vlad had plenty of technology beyond the power of science alone.
Yes, some form of gift for Timothy. Nothing too closely related to ghosts, but that was only a brief limit.
And perhaps it would be a way to soothe Jason too. For him to see that Vlad was sincere, that he did not intend to be a threat.
Why, maybe even something to protect the boy. A personal shield, perhaps. That should please such a protective soul.
Richard would be harder. Perhaps Vlad should have avoided the topic altogether, but he hadn’t realised the boys had been close.
By all accounts Grayson had precious little to do with Brucie around the time of Jason’s adoption, and while there was never any negative publicity, they rarely appeared together.
Not the way Grayson could now be seen fawning over all of his other siblings, draping himself over them and teasing whenever possible.
Perhaps Jason’s death had been a catalyst for him.
Not that it mattered. Even if the young man’s hysterics had been at least partially overblown (it certainly hadn’t followed through to Vlad’s enhanced senses), the message was clear.
And he’d gotten the answers he needed anyway.
Perhaps something equally overblown in return, Vlad mused with a slight smile, ignoring the other guests flowing around him.
Flowers wouldn’t please most young men, but the goal wasn’t actually to please Richard. He might appreciate a dramatic gesture in return.
And the man was a police officer of some sort. Something for his station.
Yes, no need for the evening to be a total loss. There would be the meeting with Bruce, and perhaps he could even persuade the man that he wished for his help to make amends.
As frustrating as this little setback was… this was still his day.
Tucker had absolutely no idea why Sam always complained about these parties, because he was having the best night of his life.
He’d met Tim Drake-Wayne! Actually hung out with Tim Drake-Wayne! WAS STILL hanging out with Tim Drake-Wayne!
And he got to piss off Vlad, eat fancy food, make his mom cry with pics of him in his fancy suit… Yeah, it was the best day ever.
Tim had taken his jacket off a little while ago after they’d bumped into Vlad, and while they’d joked about rigging him a sling for the rest of the night, it’d be taking the bit a little far.
It had also given them an excuse to hang out away from the crowd for a while and just talk tech while Tucker iced the “wounded” shoulder.
As expected, Tim Drake-Wayne was beyond brilliant. Most CEOs had no idea what the departments who actually worked for a living did, but Tim?
Tim knew about every single project going on in R&D. He knew what all of them were doing, and he seemed impressed that Tucker kept up with as much of their testing as was made public.
Remembering which bits still weren’t technically public yet was a little trickier, but he didn’t want to make a bad impression.
Hiring the hacker who broke your system was a movie bit, not real life. But, Tucker did hope that if he could impress Tim tonight, he’d at least remember Tucker’s name when the job faires started.
If Danny and Jason hooked up, maybe he and Tim would get to hang out at other events in future.
Because yeah, Tucker dug the new halfa. He did. Jason was funny, cool, pretty considerate, and just immediately down for Team Phantom’s fuckery in a way few people were.
Hell, he’d gotten Tucker a party ticket at pretty near the last second for Tucker to have this, the best night of his life. Tucker loved the guy, for all he’d known him for about a weekend.
He did suffer from not being Tim Drake-Wayne. Like a lot.
It was probably something he heard way too often though, so Tucker was never gonna mention it.
Cuz yeah, Jason might be entry number four in a species that no one had thought was possible, but like.
Tim Drake-Wayne.
It just wasn’t a fair contest.
Tucker hadn’t clicked with anyone this fast since the day he met Danny in first grade too. He’d known Tim Drake-Wayne would be brilliant, obviously.
The guy was the next best thing to Batman himself, and was even mentioned occasionally in some of the Oracle-spotting groups Tucker frequented.
(Not that he could be Oracle, of course. While Tucker would put money on Oracle being in Gotham, Tim had way too much public presence.
He had a busy, often public job, but Tucker was just dying to ask if he’d ever done custom work for Oracle themself. Not on first meetings, though.
Had to find out if the guy was In The Know or not first. There were some theories that he was good enough to be a Robin, but Tucker didn’t really follow Gotham’s vigilantes.
More likely they just bought - or were given - Wayne tech and talked to the Oracle themselves.)
But really, Tucker hadn’t expected Tim to be so funny. He reminded Tucker of Danny in that way, always ready with a quip or a one liner.
They cracked each other up, and even now that they were back recirculating Tucker barely noticed who Tim was introducing him to.
All rich folks, the Mansons’ level or higher, most old enough to be their parents if not their grandparents. All making boring, prim and proper conversation.
The room might as well have been empty of everyone but Tucker and Tim. He didn’t even bother keeping an eye on Vlad, though he and Tim had exchanged grins as they watched the slowly expanding circle now following the man wherever he went.
Vlad was Danny’s problem. Tonight, all Tucker cared about was spending time with one of his own personal heroes.
Right up until he opened his mouth and fucked it up.
“Yeah, I was gonna stay at MIT over the holidays, there were some cool experimental tech meet ups planned? But I’m glad I wound up going home. It would have sucked to miss this!”
Tim stared at him for a moment, then actually laughed, which kinda surprised Tucker a bit. He hadn’t been joking?
And Tim clearly saw his confusion, patting Tucker companionably on the back.
“Sorry man, it’s just… you’ve gotta be the only person I know who doesn’t hate these things with a passion,” he explained, still grinning fondly.
Tucker cocked his head, frowning thoughtfully.
“What? Why not? The food’s great, dressing up fancy is fine once in a while, and the company…” he trailed off, cheeks heating just a little as he considered how to end the sentence.
He didn’t wanna wind up sounding like Danny. That would be way too embarrassing.
Luckily Tim didn’t seem to mind, grinning and giving him a cheeky nudge. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice the blush so much on Tucker’s cheeks.
“Oh trust me, this is definitely the best gala I’ve ever been to too. I’ve never had half this much fun before, cuz the company is usually waaaay more…” he waved his hand, gesturing to the small chatting groups they were wandering past.
All older, stuffy, boring… yeah. Fair.
Tucker grinned slyly at the other man.
“Well I’m glad I could liven up your evening, but Jason already told us you’re here to scout out Danny,” he teased, and Tim laughed again.
“Yeah, that probably woulda made top five anyway,” he agreed easily, “but you shoulda seen Damian’s first party. Demon brat was still half feral, he challenged a guy to a duel for calling him the “little Wayne”.”
Tucker laughed as well, glancing around the hall just in case the littlest Wayne should appear. No such luck.
“I can’t say I’m surprised,” he agreed with a broad grin, “he seemed a little short tempered.”
Tim nodded cheerfully.
“Oh he’d take your fingers off if Brucie hadn’t convinced him it was undignified to bite. His mom was one of those… what you’d call old fashioned. Very big on family honour and defending it at all costs.”
Tucker whistled long and low, shaking his head.
“Yeah, can’t say I’ve seen much of that… not as much as Danny, but you met Vlad,” he added with a snicker and Tim chuckled and bumped his shoulder.
“Yeah, well. I’m still glad you came. Do your family live near by or did you have to fly in?” Tim asked cheerfully and Tucker laughed.
“Nah, neither, Danny picked me up.” And then Tucker froze.
Cuz you couldn’t just say “my friend the Ghost King came and picked me up, we portalled through his private dimension”.
Not to a stranger.
Tim looked momentarily confused. As one should, when someone made no fucking sense.
“Danny? Does he fly?” He asked, and Tucker hid a sigh of relief under a huff of laughter.
“Well I’m not really supposed to say,” he whispered, leaning in close so as not to be overheard, “but let’s just say not officially?”
Team Phantom Group Chat
‘TechMasterF: so for all future interactions Danny you have an illegal pilots license. Can the GAV do a plane?’
‘TechMasterF: doesn’t matter I’ll say it can’
Jason had not been in the back rooms.
There also hadn’t been the kind of scuffing that would indicate… activities from a group of more than two people, but that didn’t put Bruce’s mind at ease.
There were plenty of ways to hide such things, and he had endlessly drilled his boys in being discrete.
If only he’d done a worse job.
Prowling around the party, he kept his genial smile on as a matter of course, chatting as he passed but never stopping. He had to find his son.
He’d run into Dick on his way out of the back hall, half burying poor Cass in his loud sobbing. Seeing an opportunity, Bruce had pulled both aside for a quick debrief.
Apparently Masters had run into them as well, and had actually dared to ask the question he’d heard circling the room all evening.
Jason’s funeral.
No one else was going to, thanks to Dick’s antics.
It didn’t make Bruce feel any better, since neither of them seemed to have noticed whatever Tim had seen. Both had seen Jason, still with the youngest Manson and this suspicious Danny.
Bruce hadn’t waited beyond that, though he trusted Dick’s quick warning that Masters had a bad reputation. One that Bruce had heard too; his business dealings were notoriously predatory.
Whatever leverage he held over former partners, Bruce wouldn’t allow him to get it over his family.
However the man was also known to be a brilliant scientist and engineer, and clearly had an interest in Wayne Enterprises. Bruce could take advantage of that to gather information on Danny.
Finally, finally he spotted the familiar white flash of Jason’s hair in the middle of the floor. He was accompanied by Sam and a scrungly young man with dark hair and blue eyes.
The mysterious Danny.
Time to say hello.
Bruce began to move purposefully through the crowd, not being obvious in his staring but keeping them in the corner of his eye.
“Oh shit,” Sam hissed suddenly, grip tightening on Danny’s arm, “Bruce is on his way.”
Danny’s eyes widened and he didn’t quite look all around, but only just. He looked to Jason instead.
“Do we wanna do this now?” He asked, shaking out his shoulders like they were talking about an actual fight.
Jason paused and mulled it over. Dinner would be starting soon, and honestly? If they held Bruce off til then, he couldn’t come for a “private chat” for at least another two hours.
Which would be pretty fucking funny. Especially since Selina had been winding him up.
On the other hand, Bruce wouldn’t have more than ten minutes to interrogate them, and Jason could wind the man up himself.
Jason leaned in until his lips almost brushed Danny’s ear, voice low so they couldn’t be overheard by anyone but Sam, who also leaned in.
“How much do we look like we’ve been passionately making out?” He asked softly, wicked glee in his voice. At least, that’s what Danny thought he said.
It was a little hard to focus with his breath tickling across sensitive skin.
Sam stifled a laugh but Danny almost missed it as he glanced over, catching Bruce Wayne’s eye. And the sudden, intense glare.
A startled squeak slipped free and he grabbed Jason and Sam and vanished.
At least Jason wouldn’t see him blush.
Across the hall, Damian’s eyes narrowed.
He’d gotten himself a good vantage point, half way up the stairs so that his relative height wouldn’t be against him.
He could see the whole hall clearly, easily able to track Todd and his cohorts. The dramatics reminded him of one of Todd’s books too, so he was sure the man was having the time of his life.
Right until Fenton grabbed both of his companions and all three disappeared. As if they’d just turned invisible.
Fenton was some form of meta. And something had startled him. Tracing back along the direction he’d been facing, Damian caught sight if Father.
Talking to the Kyle woman.
“Selina,” Bruce acknowledged, attention snapped away from Danny Fenton as Selina slunk up to his side, her smile wide and satisfied.
“Bruce. I thought I should come and let you know about the mood in the room,” she purred, hand slipping through his arm.
Eyes narrowed, Bruce glanced up to where Jason had been. His face much, much too close to Danny’s.
All three young people were gone.
Sighing softly in irritation, he returned his attention to Selina.
“Oh? And what is that?” He asked, trying not to let his annoyance rub off on her. She couldn’t have known.
Selina smiled up at him, her other hand coming up to pat gently at his chest.
“Rumour has it Vlad Masters is after your Jason. He’s invited him back to his castle to “get to know each other a little better”,” she purred, fingers flicking against him for the air quotes.
Bruce’s eyes narrowed.
“Why?” He asked sharply, now sweeping the room for Masters’ ponytail.
Selina shrugged elegantly, tweaking his tie before moving back.
“Who can say? Perhaps he’s after the same thing as the Mansons, hoping Jason and young Danny will hit it off. Perhaps it’s a little more… personal,” she mused, a half smile on his face.
Bruce’s expression pinched tighter for just a moment, but he didn’t bother pasting a smile back on. He was allowed to be worried for his son.
Especially if a man old enough to be his father was inviting him away.
“And what did Jason say?” He asked half to himself rather than to her, once again furiously searching the crowd for Jason.
Selina shrugged again, also scanning the crowd.
“Well, he’s been keeping himself quite busy with the small town guests. Perhaps he’s growing tired of Gotham,” she mused, watching Bruce from the corner of her eye.
He knew he twitched. Kept the rest of the response under control.
He wasn’t sure which was worse; Jason building a harem, being courted by an older man, or just plain wanting to leave… no, none of it was good.
The worst part… was that Bruce wouldn’t blame him.
Jason couldn’t be allowed to leave. He just couldn’t. No matter what else happened, Jason needed to be close enough for his family to keep an eye on him.
However good he thought his control of the pit was, it kept slipping. And the chances that Jason would do some serious damage were bad enough in Gotham itself, never mind across the country.
Gotham held so many bad memories, too many of them Bruce’s own doing. Gods, he wished he could safely let Jason go and get him out of that environment. Somewhere far from bad habits.
Though Jason was reluctant enough to leave just Crime Alley. He loved Gotham, and always had, despite what it had cost him. At least if he wanted to leave, Bruce had a plan.
And the fact that he actually would prefer it if Jason were just sleeping around… wasn’t one Bruce was prepared to deal with. He would absolutely not be admitting any of it to Alfred.
Looking back to Selina, his eyes narrowed.
“That wasn’t an answer. Why would Jason want to leave Gotham?” He almost demanded, stepping into her space this time.
Selina did not look impressed, lips pursing and a single brow rising pointedly as she looked him over.
“Why, I don’t know, Bruce. Can you think of anything that might be making him feel unwelcome? Unappreciated? He never did like the limelight,” she remarked coolly, and that cut deeper than her claws.
“The gala was his idea,” he tried to defend himself, not thinking about the first part of her question. Jason had wanted his official life back.
Selina tutted softly, reaching up to pat him on the cheek. That was her slightly pitying smile too.
She knew him far too well.
“You know you won’t get his motivations from talking to me, Bruce. If you want to know what Jason’s thinking you’ll have to ask him yourself. Today’s probably a good time,” she added slyly, half turning away, “after all, you know how soothing a little… exercise can be.”
And then she was gone again, swaying away into the crowd. Bruce took a moment to collect himself before following, closing his eyes and drawing in a deep breath.
It would be fine.
He’d been planning his speech for tonight for weeks. Since Jason had first voiced the idea to Dick.
Bruce knew he was no good at bearing his soul. Open heart to hearts with his children had always been his greatest struggle, and he knew it weighed on them all.
He loved them with all of his heart, and it was maybe that which made it so difficult to just… let himself be vulnerable. He never knew what to say. How to express the depths of emotion.
But he would fix that today, he’d promised himself. He would tell Jason how much he loved him in front of the world.
Narrowed eyes being the only outward sign of irritation, Damian hurried down the stairs and through the crowd.
There was no point going directly to Father; he would likely be distracted with the Kyle woman for a while yet. No, he had to find one of his siblings.
Surely one of them had noticed. Todd was to be the center of their attention for the evening. One of them must also have been watching when he disappeared into thin air.
Grayson first, he decided, ducking and weaving between the much taller adults. He was the most competent, and the most invested in Todd’s new behaviour.
Grayson must have seen.
Danny gave Jason and Sam an embarrassed grin as he popped them back into visibility behind a plant.
“Sorry… Bruce caught me looking and I kinda panicked?” He offered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. It was kinda adorable.
Sam rolled her eyes and flicked him upside the head.
“Dude, you’ve gotta learn to chill. One day someone’s gonna see that,” she reprimanded him.
Jason cocked a brow, resisting the urge to pat himself down and check he was tangible again. They’d gone directly through more than one guest on their way to a quiet corner.
“Does this happen a lot?” He asked dryly, fighting down a smile. It was quite possibly the funniest startle response he’d ever seen.
Danny’s cheeks flushed and he looked away, pointedly looking at the floor.
“Not so much any more?” He offered, and Sam snickered.
“He told you how many times he phased through glassware when he first changed, right?” She teased. Danny gave her a half hearted shove and she laughed, shoving back much harder.
Jason did his very best impression of innocence, raising both hands.
“I’m gonna plead the fifth. We should go make sure we’re spotted though, just in case anyone saw,” he added, giving the room another quick scan.
There was no real commotion, no one looking this way and that like they were trying to find someone.
It might be okay.
Damian caught up to Cass and Dick just as Dick was wrapping up a particularly colourful story about repainting the manor that was probably at least half true.
Cass wasn’t completely sure, but it would explain the rule about paint rollers being used from the floor or not at all.
Damian was frustrated though, all tight and tense and trembling with self satisfaction. Which wasn’t actually all that unusual, but she wouldn’t say it.
He walked straight up to her, full of determination.
“Cain. Grayson. I need to speak to you,” he demanded bluntly, ignoring the two couples still laughing over Dick’s story.
Cass and Dick exchanged curious looks, and Cass shrugged. Dick turned back to their audience, grinning broadly.
“Well, big brother duty never sleeps. We’ll see you around!” He declared with a jaunty wave, turning to follow Damian. “What’s up, kiddo? It’s nearly dinner time.”
Damian gave him a scathing look and Cass hid a smile. None of them did well with stuffy parties.
Once the youngest decided they’d come far enough from listening ears, he stopped and turned back to hiss.
“Fenton is a meta. He and perhaps Manson as well. I saw them disappear in the crowd.”
Brows furrowed, Dick glanced to Cass again. She frowned, thinking back to what she’d seen of both Amity Parkers. There hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary in their body language.
Unless you thought they were supposed to be civilians, but that wasn’t strange. Not in her circles.
Damian was sure though, so she shrugged again. Dick turned back to Damian, grinning consolingly.
“Hey, I know it’s embarrassing, but Jason’s always been a sneaky bastard. It’s not a big deal to lose them.”
Which was the other option. But the way Damian’s eyes narrowed, anger cranking up and then being choked back down… he was sure.
“I did not say I lost them, Richard! I said I saw them disappear. In front of my eyes. Whether it was some teleportation or just invisibility, I saw them,” he spit out, giving them both a fierce glare.
Cass hesitated, glancing across the hall.
It was… busy. Not exactly packed, but there were enough people, the patterns too random to predict… no.
She’d have noticed someone invisible stepping their way through. There were ways one had to move to avoid being struck if no one could see you.
In a place like this? Not even she would try it in the middle of the floor. This was where you took the high road, or hugged the walls.
Looking back to her brothers, she carefully signed, her body hiding her hands from the crowd.
‘Teleport. Where?’
Dick accepted her analysis as simple fact, frowning thoughtfully and looking around. Damian looked viciously gleeful to be vindicated.
“If they’re still here, it’d have to be short range. Probably somewhere quiet, somewhere they’d been. How long ago?” He asked Damian, and the boy didn’t even glance at his watch.
“Not more than three minutes. You are easy to find.”
“I’m not trying not to be, Dami,” Dick corrected easily, looking around the hall again. “Odds are they’d have gone for the back, so we’ll head that way.”
Which was a really solid plan. Until they stepped back into the crowd and immediately ran into Jason, Danny, and Sam, talking to Tim and Tucker.
Bumping into Tucker and Tim had been a fun coincidence, and Danny wasn’t about to miss the chance to catch up. Sure, they’d not been apart long, but a lot had happened.
First of all…
“What happened to your shoulder Tim?” Jason asked “innocently”, something just on this side of sincere worry in his eyes.
Tim made a face, rolling his shoulder and carefully cupping it.
“Oh, nothing. Just a bit of an overenthusiastic greeting by someone called Vlad,” he said nonchalantly, shooting Danny a sly smile. “He thought I was someone else.”
For just the briefest second, that hot flare of Obsession hit Jason again. Protect-mine-how dare he.
But Danny was used to those kinds of reactions; mostly from personal experience. If he even thought his friends were hurt in an attack, things got… intense.
He let his aura spread enough to stroke across Jason’s again, not moving closer while they were the center of attention. He felt the flash of surprise, and something… else?
Something softer, none of the alarm he’d felt when he’d filled the room. He stroked calm-safe-amused-he’s faking back anyway and watched Jason’t shoulders settle.
Felt a wash of embarrassed-amused-sorry more directed his way, and smiled to himself. Jason was getting good at this pretty fast.
Sam, Tuck, and Tim had kept the conversation going while they had their little halfa moment, chatting just a little louder than they should about Tim’s encounter.
Just so their neighbours could hear them without having to strain, of course.
That would be rude.
Slotting back into the conversation was easy, and honestly? Tim was also a pretty cool guy to hang out with. Danny was a little surprised by how much fun he was having.
It just went to show, the galas of nightmares could be pretty fun with friends.
There was definitely something about to start though, because people were beginning to move more pointedly towards the large doors opposite the stairs. The dining hall, if Danny remembered right.
Right. Dinner.
It was probably that which brought Damian, Dick, and Cass to join them. Dick launched easily into the story of their own encounter with Vlad and okay, being funny as fuck clearly ran in the family.
Damian was a little off though. Until he actually met Bruce, Danny couldn’t say for sure, but for now? Maybe the Waynes were just the unfunny ones.
That or something was bugging him, because he had a tight frown on his face. And… was… kinda staring at Danny.
Half an eye on the kid, Danny casually shifted away to the right. The glare followed, so yeah - gonna say that was for him.
It was kinda cute really. For all the kid wanted to play tough guy and pretend he didn’t care, he basically radiated a protective suspicion for Jason.
Danny had to admit he’d been weird enough when he thought anyone was threatening Jazz or his friends, so he couldn’t complain. Just felt strange to be on the other side of.
Just as they were approaching the wide open doors, the Mansons popped up again, absolutely beaming to see Sam surrounded by the full crop of Waynes.
“I’m so happy to see you all getting along, poor Samantha does get so lonely at these events sometimes,” Pamela trilled happily, patting her daughter on the shoulder.
Sam, Manson Party Smile in place, glanced at the hand like she was seriously considering biting it. Danny hid a grin of his own.
“We’re sorry to break up the party, but we should be getting our two off to our table,” Jeremy explained, giving Sam a beaming smile and pretending Danny didn’t exist.
Jason cut in immediately, bestowing a charming smile on both of them and offering Sam his hand. Which she gave a sidelong look to, then slowly took.
Pamela’s eyes all but whirred like camera lenses as she locked onto the gesture.
“Actually, I was just about to invite Sam to join me at our table? And Danny too of course,” Jason added as an afterthought, also not looking for Danny.
For the best, because he wasn’t sure he could hold in all the giggles. No chance of the Mansons noticing anyway, because they were on cloud nine.
“Oh, how wonderful! It would certainly give you some more time to get to know each other,” Pamela gushed, the hand on Sam’s shoulder giving her daughter a sudden little shove closer to Jason.
As if there was any chance she might have missed the super subtle parental semaphore all evening.
And Sam deserved an Oscar.
Glancing up to Jason, she let the Party Smile slip more into a real, shy one, quickly looking away like she didn’t want to be caught looking.
“Yeah, okay. Sounds good,” she said quietly, her grip tightening just a little.
If Danny hadn’t known she’d never been shy in a relationship in her life he could have easily bought into this Bridgerton bullshit. As it was, he and Tuck exchanged grins, wishing for popcorn.
Jeremy took his wife by the arm before she could dissolve into delighted tittering, inclining his head to the group.
“I’m sure we’ll see you after dinner then. Have fun,” he told Sam, and for just a moment he sounded so sincerely proud that Sam’s grip tightened in Jason’s.
Then they were gone and she groaned melodramatically, dropping said hand and glaring at Tucker and Danny.
“Not a word,” she snapped, eyes narrowed. Both boys immediately raised their hands in abject surrender.
“Whatever would we even say?” Tuck asked innocently. Beside him Tim snickered.
“That your parents clearly read even more period romances than Jason?” He offered, and Sam’s eyes narrowed at him instead.
Then she huffed, folding her arms and dragging Jason’s hand into the crook of her elbow.
“Yeah, yeah. Get me to the table. At least I don’t have to listen to them gushing for an hour,” she grumbled, actual sadness flicking across her eyes.
Jason slipped his hand free and before she could protest, wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“C’mon, let me tell you about all the times Timmy’s fallen asleep at gala dinners,” he said innocently, shooting a wicked grin at his younger brother as he turned them away to keep walking.
Tim’s smile dropped immediately as they begun to walk, hurrying around so he could glare at Jason and walk backwards.
“Don’t you fucking dare Jason. I still have pictures of the Discowing incident,” he threatened, and unfortunately for him only made Jason grin broader.
“You did, until Babs owed me a favour,” he teased back and Tim’s eyes narrowed, hands jumping to his phone.
“Fuck off she did not, she wouldn’t,” he grumbled as he fell behind, Dick landing a companionable hand on the back of his neck to steer him along with them.
“Discowing incident?” Tucker asked, hurrying up on Jason’s other side.
Jason glanced back over his shoulder, smirking at Dick and Tim.
“Family game night. The loser has to suffer some humiliation, and when I lost they got me one of Nightwing’s old costumes to wear for photos. The one with the v-neck,” he added for explanation.
Coming up on Sam’s other side, his hand in the small of her back, Danny damn near tripped over his feet. He’d have fallen if Sam hadn’t caught him, a smug smirk now on her face.
At least she was feeling better.
Behind them, Dick rolled his eyes while Tucker went searching on his PDA.
“Hey, I still say that was a cool suit. More interesting than all the black spandex the rest of the bat brigade mainline,” he protested, making all three of his brothers scoff.
“Then why did he stop wearing it?” Steph asked, materialising from nowhere to toss an arm around Dick’s shoulders, just as Danny asked,
“Isn’t Nightwing’s current costume mostly black?”
Even Cass giggled, which Danny had already decided was an accomplishment. Dick gave a few half hearted defences while the others needled him, and Tucker made a triumphant noise and passed his PDA to Sam.
She angled it so Danny could see and he had to clap his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
“He fought crime in that?!” He exclaimed through his fingers, and Sam raised a pointed brow at him.
“Batman’s underwear are on the outside and this is the line?” She asked sarcastically, then turned and grinned up at Jason. “So when are you introducing me to my new best friend Babs?”
They’d reached a large oval table now… right in the front and center of the room. Right. Wayne table, Jason’s gala.
They were gonna have an audience.
Jason chuckled and grinned down at Sam, moving to pull out a chair for her just off center.
“Absolutely fucking never unless you swear to forget all you’ve heard,” he promised as the rest of his siblings minus Cass rushed around for the other side of the table.
Sam snorted a laugh, taking the seat and letting him tuck her in.
“Look at what I am fucking wearing. Give me the disco suit and I’ll wear that with pride,” she pointed out, gesturing to the mass of bows.
Dick won the race, by diving into the seat Tim had just pulled out and locking his legs underneath it. He leaned immediately across the table and grinned at Sam.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” He asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Steph dropped down to sit beside him.
“We could go later tonight?” She offered, and both laughed when Jason flicked a napkin at them, taking his own seat.
“You’re both the fucking worst, and Babs has shit on you too,” he reminded them, with no real effect.
Danny took a seat Sam’s other side, Tucker winding up beside Danny on the curve. That left Tim with a seat almost half opposite Tucker, on the other side of the round.
Further from the main action, but honestly, he took it with good grace. Better than Damian, who despite having the seat on Dick’s other side, near the middle of the table, was still sulking.
Maybe because he’d had to wait for a new chair to be brought? Cass had the other new chair, at Jason’s other side.
No one seemed worried that they’d left the table unbalanced, mostly down at one end.
A couple of attendants had already hurried over with three extra chairs, disappearing again for place settings as the Waynes passed cutlery around.
Danny figured this was what throwing the party (and having more money than your average country) did for you. People didn’t make a fuss when plans changed.
The hall was still pretty loud, people finding their seats and getting comfortable. Across the table Dick leaned forward, grinning broadly at Sam and Danny.
“So, we know about Sam and her folks. What about you, Danny? Do you have any family nearby?” He asked, ignoring a warning look from Jason.
Danny appreciated it, but he didn’t really mind. Odds on, he’d be getting to know Jason’s family better at some point. They seemed pretty close.
“Nah, my sister’s studying psychology in Star City and both parents are still in Illinois. We sort of spread out.” Not least so both he and Jazz could have some time away from home.
Time to pretend to be normal. And somewhere nobody knew the name Fenton.
Dick nodded cheerfully, but Danny didn’t miss how both Damian and Steph’s eyes had narrowed. They were gonna remember what he said for later.
Fun. Maybe he should be doing some interrogating back.
Dick had already moved on though, still with that charming smile.
“Can’t say I know much about that, the furthest I got from home was Bludhaven,” he said companionably, tugging Damian in for a hug. “Can’t let the little ones do without their biggest brother.”
Damian squirmed viciously, sputtering protests, and Steph laughed and pulled Dick into a headlock.
“Jason’s bigger,” she teased, and Danny couldn’t help glancing over from the corner of his eye.
Jason was a lot bigger. In just about every direction. To be fair, Jason was bigger than some cars.
Dick squirmed free with surprising flexibility, releasing Damian who huffed and corrected his outfit immediately. Danny figured it was as good a time as any to do some sleuthing back.
“Bludhaven, huh? What do you do there?”
“I’m a cop,” Dick answered with an easy shrug. “I guess I got in the habit of wrangling these little bastards.”
Sam snorted a laugh beside him and Danny hid a grin in his hands. He was probably gonna regret that.
“You grew up in Gotham and became a cop?” She asked, heavy with derision. Beside Danny Tucker snickered, leaning over to whisper to Tim.
“And you thought you had it bad before.” Which, yeah. ACAB was Sam’s other favourite mantra after Eat The Rich.
Dick shrugged again, not losing his cheerful grin yet and spread his hands.
“That’s kinda why I did it. There were always so many corrupt cops, I wanted there to be at least someone that people could count on,” he explained like it might save him.
Sam stifled most of the second laugh.
“Oh, sorry, I thought you said you became a cop, not a firefighter. Is he a snitch too?” She asked Steph, who looked like Christmas had either come a little late or extremely early.
“Not to Bruce, but he did threaten to arrest me for parking near a fire route,” she said with a wicked grin.
Decidedly pouting now, Dick threw both hands into the air.
“I was kidding! I didn’t actually arrest her!” He argued as the rest of the table booed. Even Damian.
“Just another corrupt cop,” Sam sighed, shaking her head. Dick opened and closed his mouth a few times, then frowned.
“Wait so I’m a snitch if I do arrest people and corrupt if I don’t? How am I supposed to win?” He complained, the pout still mostly playful.
Sam stared him dead in the eye, devoid of mercy.
“Not be a cop.”
Dick groaned dramatically and Steph laughed, reaching over to pinch his cheeks.
“Hey, we told you when you joined,” she pointed out cheerfully and Dick sighed.
“Well, yeah, but the system’s not gonna change if no one ever does anything, is it?”
Tucker and Danny exchanged looks. Grins. And were slightly surprised when Jason beat Sam to the punch.
“Corrupt systems don’t change from the inside, Dickie,” he said with a smirk. Dick pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“Hey, you can’t talk. He likes Red Hood,” he explained as an aside to the Amity Parkers as if it might help his case.
Jason spread his hands, grinning.
“Hey, I came from the Alley, I’m allowed to appreciate a guy cleaning it up. Which the cops never even tried,” he added smugly. Dick huffed.
“Red Hood killed people.”
“So do the police,” Sam pointed out with a smirk of her own and Dick deflated.
“Red Hood stopped,” Jason joined in, jumping on the moment of weakness. “I bet his bodycount is less than Bludhaven PD’s.”
Steph and Tim both snickered at that, although Danny wasn’t quite sure why. It seemed a little more innuendo ridden than just enjoying Dick’s suffering.
And Jason’s cheeks definitely pinked. But he ignored them. Yeah, Danny had some follow up questions for later.
From Jason’s other side, Cass signed something that Danny couldn’t quite catch from this angle, but Steph nodded quickly.
“Yeah, good point Cass. She wants to know what you guys think about vigilantes,” she explained, looking expectantly at Sam.
Who frowned for a moment, then shrugged.
“At least they’re getting something done. But someone needs to look into Batman hoarding children,” she said dryly, and most of the table snickered.
“I think most of them follow him,” Tim pointed out in an effort to be fair. Steph and Jason both made faces at him and he flipped them both off.
“But do you have a favourite of Gotham’s vigilantes?” asked Dick, leaping onto the subject change with both feet.
Danny cast a quick glance at Jason, but he looked about as entertained as the rest of the table. It must have been something they talked about a lot.
Or the rest of the Waynes were the rest of the bats. But Danny didn’t want to assume… unless it would be funny.
Without the key of Jason’s old Robin connection, Sam and Tucker probably wouldn’t get there.
Sam was pursing her lips, probably thinking about her options. She’d know more of them than him or Tucker, but Danny figured he knew most of the big players.
“Black Bat,” she finally decided, leaning back in her seat, “but Batwoman definitely fucks.”
This was met with general agreement, Danny frowning for a moment. He’d not had many bat sightings since moving to Gotham, but…
“She definitely says fuck,” he agreed with a snicker. Sam punched his shoulder.
“You can’t talk. Who’s your favourite, new town boy?”
Rubbing his arm and feigning great injury, Danny stuck his tongue out at her. Thought for a moment longer.
“Signal’s pretty great,” he decided, tipping his chair back for a moment to frown at the ceiling, “I passed by the mall after a rogue attack one time and he was teaching the kids to do flips.”
“After the rogue was in custody?” Steph asked, but she was still grinning. Danny shrugged.
“I dunno, I don’t talk to cops.”
Dick let out another wounded groan and Sam snickered, then leaned forward to look at Tucker.
“How about you?”
Tucker hesitated for a moment, clearly torn. Then he visibly drew in his courage and looked around the table expectantly.
“Have you guys heard of the Oracle?” He asked, voice heavy with anticipation. The surrounding Gothamites stilled, watching him expectantly.
Sam rolled her eyes.
“If you’re not wearing spandex are you even a vigilante?” She asked dryly. Tucker flipped her off.
“Hey, Oracle’s done more for this city than any of the bats! More for the whole world!”
“It’s a legend in the hacker community,” Danny “explained”, keeping an eye on Dick and Steph as the two opposite him. And less obviously hacker connected.
If they were the bats and Oracle existed, they’d know.
“They’re a master hacker that can break any system, any time, and gathers all the evidence to put people like Roman Sionis behind bars,” Tucker said, taking over the explanation.
With his usual dramatic aplomb, planting both hands flat on the table and leaning forward impressively, his voice low and conspiratorial.
“No one knows who they are or anything about them. You just find their tracks sometimes, especially when there’s a really big rogue attack or someone gets busted too soon.”
“Sounds kinda like a rumour,” Dick offered with a small shrug, glancing at Tim. “How about you, Tim? Have you heard of an Oracle?”
Tim hesitated for a moment, just long enough for Steph to snicker.
“Guess if there is one they don’t bother with Bludhaven PD,” she said smugly, dodging when Dick swung half heartedly at her. “Police brutality!”
Dick groaned whole heartedly as the others laughed, sinking back into his seat.
“But seriously, why doesn’t anyone like Nightwing?” He grumbled, arms folded as he pouted at his siblings. “He was on the scene before it was cool.”
‘Before he had to be cool,’ Cass signed, shuffling a little further around the curve of the oval so the rest of the table could see her.
Dick’s head snapped up when Steph and Sam laughed harder, pouting at his sister.
“Hey! Not fair when I’m not looking!”
‘Pay attention then,’ she signed back, her expression all sweet and studied innocence.
At the other end of the table Tucker decided to take a little pity on the guy.
“Nightwing’s okay. I liked that suit,” he said with a shrug and a grin. Dick straightened in his seat, grinning over at him.
“Finally, a man of distinction and taste!”
“Cops don’t get opinions,” Sam smirked, leaning forward to grin at Tucker, “so what’s your excuse?”
Tucker stuck his nose in the air, pointedly looking away from her.
“We’re not all goth, Sam. Some of us have heard of colours.”
“Spoiler wears purple,” Tim put in helpfully, pulling up a picture to show him. Tucker leaned in for a moment, then nodded.
“Yeah that’s pretty cool too. Capes are in,” he added, shooting a meaningful look at Danny. Who rolled his eyes, both hands in the air.
“And when they come in for those of us not wearing identity obscuring masks, I’ll wear one,” he replied dryly. Tucker pshawed at him, waving a hand.
“You’re in Gotham, how weird would it be?” He asked off handedly. Danny sighed and then looked pointedly around the rest of the table.
“Weird?” Steph offered, shrugging.
“Pretty fuckin’ weird,” Jason agreed and Danny folded his arms and grinned at Tucker.
“I’m not breaking my win streak by letting some rogue mistake me for a bat. You wear a cape while you’re here,” he said, sticking out his tongue.
Whatever Tucker was about to say was lost when Dick sat up sharply, face bright with renewed enthusiasm.
“Wait, Danny, does that mean you haven’t been in a rogue attack before?” He asked eagerly, which was just a little too fucking weird.
Even weirder, the rest of the Gothamites looked equally excited. Even Damian managed a smug anticipation around his piercing stare.
Danny felt kind of like he was in a freak show display case.
“Uh… yeah? But I bet loads of people in Gotham haven’t and it’s only been a year…” his excuses were immediately batted away as Steph clasped her hands in front of her.
“Oh that means tonight is gonna be your first! That’s so exciting!” She squealed happily.
Danny and Tucker gave her weird looks, but to their surprise it was Sam who answered, sighing and leaning back in her seat.
“At least one rogue always attacks a gala,” she explained, waving a hand around them, “it’s all of Gotham’s wealthiest in one place. It’s why we don’t come here much,” she added, eyes narrowing in frustration.
Beside her Jason frowned down at her. Probably trying to work out the frustration.
“Because they don’t think it’s safe? One of the bats always deals with it,” he added when Tucker and Danny still looked confused.
Sam snorted and shook her head.
“Because they think I’ll start something during the attack,” she huffed, folding her arms and glaring at Tucker and Danny. Daring them to comment.
Tucker, unafraid of death with Danny between them, snickered.
“You’ll finish something during the attack,” he corrected, ignoring the suddenly concerned looks from the Gothamites.
Sam’s eyes narrowed further but she let the comment stand. Steph leaned forward a little, looking nervous for the first time.
“It’s usually better not to get involved?” She offered, sounding almost apologetic. “The rogues can be pretty dangerous and you don’t want to call attention to yourself.”
“I doubt that would be an issue,” Damian snapped, eyes narrowed as he trained that glare on Sam instead of Danny.
She stared him down, then nodded sharply.
“He gets it. Anyway, you don’t have to worry, I got the lecture half a dozen times when we flew in. “No punching assholes, or any criminals”,” she mimicked her mom’s perky tones, heavily sarcastic air quotes stretched alongside.
Stifling a grin, Danny suddenly noticed something.
“Hey wait, I didn’t get the no punching speech?”
“Maybe they’re hoping you die in the rogue attack,” Tucker snickered, shooting Jason a sly grin.
There was, predictably, that Obsessive flare of protection-guard-still funny and Danny kicked Tucker under the table for it.
He already wasn’t happy about the whole Fright Knight thing, better not to belabour it. Almost before he reached for Jason, he felt the other man reaching back though.
Grinned in spite of himself at that first careful brush.
Safe-home-I’m fine
Smug-strong-damn fucking right you are
“They’d be a little late to that request,” Danny shot back at Tucker instead, even as he winced from the kick.
About half the table groaned, which Danny personally considered unfair, since the Gothamites hadn’t heard his death jokes before.
Right up until Tim ran both hands through his hair, looking from Danny to Jason in amused exasperation.
“Great, there’s two of you. Are bad puns a side effect of the Lazarus pit too?” He asked dryly.
“No because if it was puns, it’d be Dick,” Jason shot back just as fast and Dick groaned, letting his head flop forwards onto the table.
“Did I just not get the memo that it’s “Bully Dick Day” or something?” He moaned plaintively, still overacting enough that Danny wasn’t worried they’d actually upset him.
And when Jason leaned over and flicked the top of his head, equally unconcerned.
“Consider it revenge for almost a decade of godawful puns, Dickiebird,” he told him bluntly, and Dick groaned louder.
“Betrayed by my own brethren… abandoned by my flesh and blood…”
“We are not your flesh and blood,” Damian reminded him sharply - and possibly unwisely, since it prompted Dick to flop over onto him instead and wail louder.
“Denounced! Deserted! Thrown to the gutters!” He howled at increasing volume.
Damian threw all attempts at dignity to the wind, struggling to fight his brother off without falling out of his chair. Dick just threw more of his weight over, both chairs beginning to rock dangerously.
There was now muffled laughter from more than just their own table in the background. This only seemed to encourage Dick, right up until someone cleared their throat into the microphone.
Damian took immediate advantage of his hesitation and shoved Dick off him and to the floor. Danny and the rest of the table looked up into the surprisingly stern face of Brucie Wayne.
Who then smiled.
“So, with that bit of rough housing out of the way… I promise I will let you all get to your meals shortly, but I have a couple of things to say first. I’ll do my best to keep it short and sweet.”
Dick scrambled back into his seat and Danny glanced along the table, wondering what was going on. The party was just to show Jason was back, right?
Jason was sat right here.
And had apparently caught wind of his confusion, catching his eye and half smirking.
“It’ll be a couple minutes. Then I have a speech, then we’re done and it’s just food, more socialising, and shaking hands with 90% of high society,” he explained quietly, leaning down to Sam and Danny as Bruce spoke.
Sam didn’t seem concerned, so Danny settled in as well to watch. There might be some fun baby Jason stories.
And y’know? It was a pretty standard speech. Talking about his beloved son, how hard it had been when he was gone, how happy Bruce had been to find him.
Danny found himself glancing over at Jason a couple of times, the beginning of a smile tugging at his lips. Jason looked mostly unmoved, smiling along at appropriate points, but not engaged.
“And I can only say how sorry I am that I wasn’t there when he needed me the most,” Bruce ended softly, eyes meeting Jason’s from the podium.
The younger man went white so fast Danny almost thought he’d transformed. Sam’s nails bit into the table.
“That’s the first time he’s said that, isn’t it?” She snarled, just low enough to go under the genteel applause all around them.
Danny flicked his aura out across Jason and he visibly started, then turned to glance at them. Nodded once. And started to stand.
Sam’s hand snapped over like a whip before he’d pushed the chair back, her voice low and deathly serious.
“Jason Todd we met today but if you go up there right now and say anything even like that you forgive him, that man is leaving here tonight in a Fenton thermos.”
Danny rolled his eyes, leaning over and nudging his hand under hers as the applause began to fade, eyes beginning to turn their way.
“Can’t put living humans in the thermos, Sam,” he hissed, sending a gentle pulse of reassurance-calm-we’ve got you through his fingertips to Jason.
The other halfa looked surprised for a moment, then shot him a grateful smile, hand turning to touch both of theirs as he rose. Sam turned her fixed smile on Danny, now holding both of their hands.
“I did not say he would still be living, Danny,” she said firmly and Jason stifled a laugh, his aura brightening to amused-shocked-touched.
Beat the hell out of the gaping, painful hole it had been. Danny caught his fingers for a last second before Jason pulled away, grinning at them both.
“I appreciate the backup, but I’ve got this. I know how to handle him,” Jason said softly, coming around behind their seats.
One hand brushed across the back of Danny’s neck, though who he was grounding Danny couldn’t say. And as he moved up to the podium himself, Danny damn near believed him.
Couldn’t argue with the open sincerity Bruce was putting out either though.
Tugging their hands back off the table, he leaned in to whisper to Sam.
“The fuck was that about? At least he finally said sorry?”
Sam closed her eyes for a long moment, visibly reigning in her temper.
“I fucking hate that manipulative bullshit, Danny. It’s the same crap as a public proposal; he gets to be the good guy, and all the pressure is on Jason to act the right way, do the acceptable thing, or he’s the villain. It’s fucked up and it’s a cruel way to force the answer you want from someone if you don’t think they’d give it,” she snarled, eyes still fixed on Bruce as he moved to the side of the stage.
Danny stared at her for a long moment, then sunk back into his seat, Tucker visibly deflating alongside him. He’d never thought of it like that.
Tucker let out a low, uneasy whistle as Jason took the microphone.
“Sooooooo, note for Val, no public proposals?” He offered in a whisper, and Danny giggled in spite of himself.
Sam kicked him in the shins, fighting her own smile, still staring at Jason.
“Shut up.”
Jason was gonna buy Sam a coffee. Six coffees. Maybe more.
He just… he’d seen Bruce’s speech. They’d read each others, both gone through them with Alfred to make sure they were concise, charming, and appropriate.
Bruce had asked for his green light on every story.
The apology hadn’t been in it.
Fuck, his head was still spinning in a thousand different directions and he could barely even feel the pit. He felt shocky, shaky even now, going through the motions.
Smile and wave.
He didn’t know what he’d have said or done if Sam hadn’t grabbed him. If he could have said anything at all. But it had helped. Brought him back to himself.
And an imminent offer to murder Bruce, which he sorely appreciated even if he was pretty sure Bruce hadn’t actually been hoping to force him into anything.
The guy was a master manipulator of his own image, but… he wouldn’t do that to them. To any of his children, no matter how much Jason sometimes doubted that he still counted.
There was something in the way their eyes met, the way his voice softened even on mic. A tenderness that Jason actually believed, in spite of himself.
And how fucked up was that, that it was easier for Bruce to say sorry in a mask, in front of a couple hundred people, than just to Jason alone? That it took a crowd for him to admit he’d failed?
No. Jason wasn’t going to forgive him. Not the easy out of a public reconciliation and then everything going magically back to normal.
Fuck, he wanted to. Wanted to fall into Bruce’s arms, be fifteen again when his dad was always right and strong and had all the answers.
Wanted to say the words and have the fairytale moment.
But even without the pit screaming bloody vengeance he knew it wouldn’t be true. Saying sorry was never what he’d wanted from Bruce, and he hadn’t expected it.
He wanted to know he’d mattered. Wanted to know that Bruce had cared, had learned, would never put a fucking kid in that position ever again.
Bruce was more careful now. Tim and Damian and Steph had an extra full book of rules on top of what Dick and Jason had made.
But he still wouldn’t make the hard choices. Still looked down on Jason for taking someone at their word when they said they’d never change, that it’d take death to stop them.
They still had a fucking lot to talk about, even if Jason had stopped killing.
Bruce hadn’t looked away the entire time Jason made his way to the podium. At least, not unless he’d done it in those seconds with Sam and Danny.
He’d moved back and away, giving Jason his space, and he appreciated that. He even managed a small, slightly strained but genuine smile as he stepped up to the mic.
“And on that cheerful note…” he let himself trail off, pulling his own less practiced but still perfect Party Smile on, letting the room in on the joke.
Laughter broke out quickly, breaking the tension that maybe hadn’t all been in Jason’s head. Looking back at Danny, Jason could swear he felt the other man’s relief wash over him.
He was fine. He could make a joke.
Part of him wanted to change his own speech, something to acknowledge what Bruce said, something to throw him off like he’d done to Jason.
But Sam was right; Jason had deserved to hear those words alone first. In private. And when he was ready to move on, that’s how he’d tell Bruce.
Honestly his mind was empty anyway. It was hard enough to remember the practiced speech, and letting himself sink into the familiar words helped steady him.
His speech was shorter. Bruce told their “story”, ostensibly to spare Jason from painful memories. All Jason had to do was say how glad he was to be back.
Talk about all the things he wanted to do for kids that hadn’t gotten as lucky as him. The things he’d do with his second chance… third chance in the eyes of most of the room.
Name a couple of generous future donors Tim had helped him select for bleeding hearts and a love of attention. Although… that’d be an opening.
Hiding a smirk behind the practiced smile, Jason looked around the room until he caught sight of the older Mansons.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about the future,” he added, just at the end of his own speech. Made eye contact with both, looked to the front table, and smiled at Sam.
Yeah, this’d give Bruce a fucking heart attack too. That’d do.
“There’s so much I’ve missed. I don’t want to miss out on anything else. I intend to take every chance this new life gives me with both hands. Especially when it brings new… friends.”
He lingered over the pause, enjoying the way Sam’s grin turned fucking feral. Let his gaze drift sideways to Danny, who had both hands clapped over his mouth to muffle his laughter.
Figured fuck it.
And blew Sam a kiss.
Danny stilled, something pinching suddenly tight in his chest.
He’d seen Jason’s lips before. Pretty much every time they’re together, honestly, they spent a lot of time talking. They have so much to talk about.
He’d already seen them laugh, smile, pout, pulled tight in a snarl. All sorts of expressions, and he can just about remember watching old clips of Robin.
Same expressive face, even around a mask. There’s a weight there now that Robin never had though, even when he got more violent.
Dying changed people, and there weren’t many people in the world who knew that more intimately than Danny. Being a teen superhero wasn’t easy either, but being a dead teen hero…
Honestly it was a distinction they shared with way too many of the other young heroes, and Danny got why Jason fucking hated the very concept.
It aged you before your time. Showed you sides of the world no kid should see. Gave you the chance to keep other kids from having to.
Danny thought he’d seen pretty much everything the living world had to offer. The good, the bad, the ugly. But now he was here, looking up at his new friend, and it felt like he’d never seen him before.
There was a part of him that wanted to see Jason smile more, to see the weight lift from his shoulders.
There’s a part of him remembering those lips next to his ear, warm breath stroking across him but not closing the gap.
There’s a part of him that wondered how, even after all he’d been through, Jason still had those smiles in him.
And there’s a part of him as he watched Jason press his fingers to his lips that wondered if they could possibly be as soft as they looked. If Jason had leaned just a hairsbreadth closer…
And yeah, he was going to be denying ownership of every single one of those parts, thank you very much. Especially the one that flickered with just a hint of jealousy.
Jason was a damn fine actor, that much had been clear right from the start of the evening. This was all just for the bit.
There was nothing to be jealous of.
He just. Hadn’t noticed Jason’s lips before. How soft and full they looked, how a smile curved them into something beautiful.
He realised he’d been staring when he caught Jason’s eye, saw those smooth lips twitch into a wider smile. And then Jason was making his way down from the podium.
Back to the table.
Holy fuck Danny was gonna need to be able to string a coherent sentence together by the time he arrived. Even with Sam and Tucker, with Jason’s siblings responses of glee and laughter…
He might not make it.
He just kept getting distracted in the curve of that mischievous smile.
Biggest thanks to @lehana37 and @wolfjackle for helping me out when I got stuck on this one! It turns out the answer to tricky scenes is still “And then Catwoman was there”.
This last scene is for @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair 😁
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sparklepirate · 1 year
Alright, final thoughts on Brisingr.
You know what half the book was dwarven politics but I ate that shit up.
The more I read these again the more I appreciate the nuance of Eragon's character. It's super rare for me to like a main protagonist as much as I like him, but he has so many things going on. He's heroic, but in a deeply existentialist way, which leads him to be a bit cruel/callous towards his brother. He is smart and a quick learner, both academically and on his feet, but he does and thinks some of the stupidest things sometimes. He was forced to grow up so fast, so while he often comes across as mature and self-assured, internally he is still just a kid, or perhaps a very, very young man, and that kid part of him still shines through sometimes. He does and will do what he has to do to help the world, but he is constantly surprised to find new avenues of guilt when confronted with various consequences of his actions, but he still presses on. He is still learning his place in life not only as a dragon rider and a hero, but just as a person in general, and I think that's so cool and interesting to read! And he's also dealing with the trauma of the everything that's happening to him, but doesn't quite yet seem to realize that he isn't alone in his feelings. He is a dork, and I love him, and I want to be his friend, and I want him to accrue a whole squad of older sibling figures to help him through his stuff.
Along the lines of trauma, I hope he and Roran get to talk about this stuff. They both have moments of berating themselves over being weak for having strong feelings about killing and participating in a war, and I wish they would talk to each other and realize they were not alone. ... Murtagh too but that's just wishful thinking. I'll just have to write that myself I suppose.
Saphira is also so good queen of my heart and my soul she is beauty she is grace if she were a human she would rip apart a rat with her bare hands and teeth and do a kegstand immediately afterwards with the blood still dripping down her face but her makeup would be FLAWLESS while she did it ❤️
This felt like the first book that really drove the point home of how close the two of them are, because this is the first time they had to be truly separated from each other. Every time they reunited and they were just so filled with joy and love I just 🥺
As always- Murtagh deserves better!!! He and Thorn!!! He is in this position because he was too compassionate for Eragon (being led to the Varden), and then Thorn (swearing fealty to save him), and no one really cares about him but he still hopes and he still loves!!! Obviously, like, being on opposite sides of the conflict no one is going to not try to kill him, they kind of don't have a choice, but... Damn. I won't say too much more about him until after Inheritance but like. Damn. Justice for my husband.
On that note, the absolute betrayal he must have felt upon finding out that Oromis and Glaedr existed. Granted, by him becoming a dragon rider it was already too late for them to help him, but still. It's just kind of a tragic circumstance that everyone was so powerless in this situation, and like... Being literally possessed by Galbatorix for a bit there was. Hmm. Bad. I'm sure we'll be dissecting THAT in the new book.
It makes me wonder how much of this situation could have been prevented if the elves and the dwarves weren't so consistently self-serving. I think that's what makes Nasuada such an effective leader in comparison to them. She will get shit done, and she will set aside pride whenever she needs to to achieve the best results. Now, she has her flaws, which I know are explored more in Inheritance, but I can understand her constant frustration with the other kingdoms refusal to help or share important secrets that could have helped them sooner/prevented bloodshed.
And as far as secrets go... I don't know. It's hard to gauge "should have" or "shouldn't have" with most of the things Oromis and Glaedr neglected to tell Eragon and Saphira (or anyone), but the eldunarí feels like the most cut and dry. I guess they weren't anticipating Thron hatching but like. If that's the source of Galbatorix's power... It might have been useful for literally anyone to know about that before now. Arya didn't even know, for god's sake.
Speaking of Arya, I like her way way more this read through!!! And I do not ship her and Eragon literally at all sorry I'm a hater ❤️
RIP Oromis though sucks that you died.
Onto Inheritance!
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naavispider · 6 months
I love love love the two parts you posted for Merciless, with John Mercer becoming interested in Spider. (I just noticed the title is a play on his name lol)
How did you come up with that idea?
And if you're planning to continue this, what are your ideas for where to take this? What does Mercer think he's going to get from Spider? Is he planning to use Spider as a solider, or study his body to adapt other humans to Pandora or what?
Thank you! I'm so glad you'e finding it as interesting as I am! 💞💙
I was just discussing Frontiers of Pandora with @hyperfixatedfandomer and @yesthisismycurrenthyperfixation and the topic got onto how FOP is set literally at the same time Jake escapes to the reefs. They are my inspo! Hyper kind of gave me a prompt and I ran with it 💀 I've been watching all the walkthroughs of FOP (because I'll probs never get the game) and really enjoying it! The story of Sarentu is pretty rad and I couldn't shake the idea that Mercer and recom!Quaritch are both alive and in the same facility at the same time.
It felt so fresh to add a new character into Spider and Quaritch's dynamic, one they can both agree is evil! Thank you for noticing the name ahahaha 💞💙💞💙
There are two main directions I could go here, and I'm not currently sure which avenue I'll end up taking.
Ardmore decides to transfer Spider into Mercer's custody while Deja Blu go out on their mission (and thus use Spider over Quaritch to ensure they get the job done)
My own version of Hyper's oneshot, where the resistance destroy the RDA base and manage to get Spider out while they're doing it. Cue found family vibes between Teylan, Nor, Ri'nela and Spider 😭 So'lek would be their grumpy old father figure. (I don't know how the game ends yet so I might be well off with the characterisations here!)
If I go with the first one, Mercer will probably want to study Spider first. He'll want to work out what his body is doing differently to humans who were raised on Earth. I headcanon that Spider is much better adapted to the air than regular humans (as in, he has a few extra seconds/minutes before he would die), and how the reduced gravity has affected his muscle tone. He'd probably want to experiment on Spider a fair degree. He needs a test subject and here is this kid who has no parents, no citizenship, and no one back on Earth who would even have a clue what Mercer was doing, let alone be required to authorise it. It's free real estate baby. He can get away with whatever he likes on this kid.
Plus, it's an excellent tool to keep Quaritch in line 🤭
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aprismaticodyssey · 6 months
Hello; please read this, if you don't mind.
This isn't any sort of update. This isn't an announcement. I know I haven't been posting and I haven't been active, so I'm sure to a lot of you, I'm all but gone. For all my talk of "I'm writing this!" and "That's being edited!" I haven't shown you guys anything. I will get to that later. This post is to tell you about my dog and his situation.
That's right! I have a dog! A yorkie. I should have spammed you all with pictures of him. We had gotten him (my mother's idea) to help me through depression. He absolutely loves people, adores meeting new dogs (even if the bigger breeds scare him), and especially kids. He's a people person. He'd sooner lick you to death than ever cause anyone genuine harm. My dog's name is Monty. Monty the Monster. And he's certainly grown into his name when he would play!
Unfortunately, at eleven years old, I guess his time is... running out. You see, last month, we took him to be groomed at a pet store we frequent. When we came home, a couple days later, he would eat less. He wasn't quite as playful, but he was still more or less himself. After stressing about his lack of interest in food, we went to the vet. There, we were told he has a heart murmur, a 3 out of 6 on the scale, I believe. We were recommended to take Monty to a cardiologist and our vet personally recommended one that she had gone to.
The problem is... everything was booked up. Some places we simply couldn't trust with something so delicate. Others were full until next February or March. Last night, my mother had me call one more place and after the call, we were told to come in on emergency. Not ideal but everything was full and we had to get him looked at. His breathing is hard and fast, uncomfortable. Wheezing. A few coughs. Distress in his eyes.
So we left. The place was nice. The people were nice. The problem was what they found: metastatic cancer in the lungs. I appreciated that we were told matter-of-factly. Very straightforward. But I still cried nonetheless. And when we were left alone, I broke down. Our options were this: we give him a few days of medication and see if it helps him. If it improves his quality of living adequately, we could get more medicine. Or... after those few days... we come back and have him euthanized. My mother has looked into other avenues already. Further treatments. Tests.
But I've already made up my mind. It isn't fair for me to put him through all of that just to delay the inevitable. I feel like a horrible owner for thinking that. For saying it. Like I should be moving mountains to give him another week. A month. A year. But I can't. I just can't. I couldn't handle seeing my dog knowing that all I've done is bought him time, time his health has decided he doesn't necessarily have. I struggled going to sleep last night even after crying. I told him over and over that I loved him. That he's my best friend and how much he helped me. These eleven years are too short. Too soon.
So... the reason I'm posting this, the reason I'm saying all of this, is just because I would like you, any of you, to say a prayer or two for Monty. To wish him smooth passage into the afterlife and that he's able to eat all the things he never could. Like chocolate! God, he'd love it if he could have it now.
If there's anything I want left behind, it's this post. I love you, Monty. More than I'll ever love myself or anyone on this earth. You helped me more than medicine or therapy ever could. I love you. I love you. I love you. I hope you get to travel the stars. I hope you make friends. I hope you find grandpa somewhere out there and join him on his adventures.
And to those of you who read this... Thank you. I'm sorry for my silence. I'm sorry for not posting more. I'm sorry for not being here. I'll be here more and more soon. Eventually. Just... not yet.
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liminalpebble · 3 hours
Between the Lines, Chapter 5
Minors DNI
Cw: Dubcon
Masterlist link
Chapter 5
You sleep soundly through the night. He makes sure of it.
You only stir ever-so-slightly with an adorable little mumble when he rustles the duvet, sliding in next to you. It lightens his ruminating mood just a little. The prince lays on his side, and releases a long pensive sigh, hoping thoughts of what he'd just done would be whisked way with it. He tells himself he's still in control, and that's all that matters.
But he's not, entirely, and it matters a good deal less to him than it ought to. Loki doesn't dare let that idea surface. He holds it underwater and hopes it will drown.
He reaches his hand out to cradle the curve of your back, but hesitates; watching your shoulders undulate to the tempo of slow inhales and exhales. The moonlight paints a soft glowing highlight over you hair as it cascades around your neck and shoulders. You're so beautiful like this. He has to feel it...feel you; has to assure himself that you're really here and tangible.
He dares to touch the pads of his fingers against a lock of your hair, slyly, and light as a feather. You don't notice it consciously, even as iridescent green ribbons of light glimmer around you, enchanting you with the sweetest dreams and the deepest rest his magic can provide.
Loki smiles faintly, hoping you'll appreciate the romantic dreams he peppers in; the two of you together, flesh against flesh, fingers lacing through hair, the smell and taste of warm skin and the salt of sweat, the weight and rhythm of entwined bodies consumed by electric pleasure.
Beneath the fatigue, he suspects you must be aching as badly as he was, and he's determined to ease that splendid ache, if only in your mind...for now.
He tries not the think of how you must have been dripping deliciously between your legs all evening, incandescent with need beneath all that shy fear.
She wants me, clearly, as much as I want her. So why all this hesitation?
He knows the answer.
Because we're strangers, he reasons.
Or a least, Loki is a stranger to you. You couldn't know how his voracious studying lead the prince to your vast body of work; the fiction and poetry you'd penned, even your immaculate academic papers and petitions to do away with banning and censorship.
He even followed news of the work you'd accomplished as a librarian and archivist, preserving priceless knowledge. You were relentless and whip-smart. Any scrap of information with your name attached to it had begun to make his heart beat a little faster. He'd never felt this way before; infatuated and flustered by someone so completely from simple words on a page.
Before long, he felt that he knew you so completely; your interests, intelligence, bravery and endless imagination, even your sense of humor. Yet, it wasn't enough. He was telescopically focused on finding the version of you between the lines of your work. He pined after the details of you; your favorite foods, your favorite flowers, what you longed for from a partner, what frightened you the most and what gave you joy. Did you smile often? What did it sound like when you laugh? Was anyone there to hold you when you cry?...Did you like to dance?
He was consumed with the need to know you...really. He had to meet you.
So, Loki did what he does best. He schemed, and schemed well, using this avenue to bring you to his door...to his bed. There was no other way within your society to engage (not without a devastating scandal).
And, yes, this would still be a scandal, but much less of one than an honest courtship would be. No one would be particularly surprised that the god of chaos suddenly changed his mind about taking concubines. Most would probably shrug their shoulder at the hypocrisy. What could one expect from the god of lies?
Nothing good. He thought, sadly, No one ever expects anything virtuous from me.
He could never let you know the depth of his fascination with you...of course he couldn't. You'd think him desperate, some kind of deplorable obsessive.
It's not as if I planned to fall so hard for her. It just happened. I just...
For all the silver-tongued rationalizing he was capable of, it failed him now. Apparently, he couldn't do it for his own sake.
This is far from the first mess the god of chaos has ever made, but, for once, chaos has found him in return, and it has burrowed so deeply into his heart..into the core of him.
You turn on your back languidly as you sleep, interrupting his thoughts. He moves closer tucking himself near enough to gaze down upon your face; that beautiful face. He's pleased to hear you let out a soft breathy moan, knowing you've found one of those sinful dreams he'd given you. Your hand hovers up, reaching for him.
Warm...your fingers shock Loki with their warmth. They curl along his solid bicep pulling him closer, and though he is so much stronger, he relents easily as you gather him into your arms.
Loki curls eagerly against you. He holds you close enough that his lips brush your cheek and he kisses softly; your cheek, your temple, the curve of your jaw, your neck and shoulder.
But not your lips, no, he wants to save that indulgence for when you are wide awake.
In your sleep your breath hitches and your back arches. He holds you and watches as your body shudders in climax against his sturdy frame, lost in the heat of imaginary coupling. The sweetest dream you've ever had.
You give one last luxurious sigh, and it reaches him like incense ascending from an alter to a god; an offering. He nuzzles against your chest, falling asleep to the lullaby of your slowing heartbeat.
He smiles furtively, like a fox, then kisses your cheek, satisfied with his good work.
Good night, sweet one.
You wake up slowly. To your surprise you wake up alone, and apparently, untouched.
I guess he is a gentleman after all.
Still, you vaguely remember sweet dreams...wet dreams. You blush at the memory, feeling how wet you still are between your legs. Although the sex was imaginary, the climax certainly wasn't. The odd pleasure of it, considered in the light of day, it is decidedly disorienting.
The prince's vast chambers look so different in the morning, cozier and less imposing. Like their resident, you imagine their personalities can vary vastly in the span of a day. You shake your head, wondering if you'll ever really understand him, his actions, or his motives.
You look for some kind of note, but find none. He has, however, left you everything you might need in neat piles; clothes, toiletries, a scrumptious array of food. The double doors to the library have been left wide open for you. You drift around, exploring what you assume will be your new home.
The thought crashes over you like ice water.
My new home.
You heart feels impaled. You want to go home...your real home, but you can't. There's a tightness in your throat and a claustrophobia itching and buzzing at the edges of your senses.
You test the doors leading outside, or at least out of his chambers and into the main castle...every single one, and there are many. You jiggle each handle once, twice, thrice, a dozen times, to be sure.
Locked...all locked. You're not really sure what else you could expect. Of course he would lock you in your cage like a pet canary. He owns you now.
You try not to think about that as you make a pathetic attempt to eat, or as you bathe, or as you change into fresh clothes, with the hope that all these familiar rituals in such an unfamiliar place will make you feel better, but they don't.
They can't, because you didn't choose your food, or your clothes, or even the scent of your soap. Nothing is yours. Even your existence feels borrowed...borrowed from him.
The thought makes your stomach turn, and though it's been hours and you're famished, you don't dare to try eating again. Time marches on and the sky changes in great vistas of color through the tall windows. It feels as if it's teasing you, mocking you.
No, you think, he's the one teasing and mocking me. I can't blame the outside world for going on existing, whether I get to experience it or not.
Finally, as dusk descends, you resign yourself to your situation. Finding a comfortable chair, you gather yourself into it like a disconsolate child. You have no sense of how long you've been there once the main doors finally click open again and footsteps echo towards you.
@lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @peaches1958 @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @muddyorbs @mischief2sarawr @icytrickster17 @goblingirlsarah @sweetsigyn @unlucky-number-13 @mochie85 @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @ladyofthestayingpower @mischiefmaker615 @loopsisloops @sailorholly @coldnique @smolvenger @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @gigglingtiggerv2 @anukulee @azula-karai-27 @eleniblue @marcotheflychair @litaloni @gruftiela @literatureatthebowofnails @meowmeow-motherfucker @wolfsmom1
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ratcandy · 5 months
Ok nobody's listening right? I'm going to speak blasphemy
So like. Fundamentally. Right. I understand narilamb as a ship. Right. Like, I get it. I totally understand. 100% makes so much sense. And the devs seem in on it to some extent so like. Yes. Nodding my head in polite agreement. I understand.
And better yet the only way to get me invested in a ship (usually) is if it can be made funny. And well there's plenty of opportunity to make it very funny. So like. Right? Right. I understand.
AND. AND. Enemies to lovers is like the only romance trope I can ever get behind. When done well of course.
So like. the stars should be aligned here for me
But. But also.
It's so much more interesting to turn their relationship into something strained and awful and terrible in so many ways and there's so many avenues you could go down to make it positively wretched instead . and as a purveyor of angst I grit my teeth and clench my fists because while I have softer thoughts, the idea of Horrors is too much to ignore and I'm. If I write anything. Good lird.
sozo is so much funnier
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steddieunderdogfics · 4 months
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This week's writer spotlight feature is: @maryofdoom! They have forty-four Stranger Things and forty-three Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson works on archive of our own!!
@mojowitchcraft recommends the following works by ArgentumCivitas:
Every Time: A Steddie Drabble Collection
Corroded Coffin - Live On Tour - One Night Only
He Carries Me Quietly
Higher Education
Mary is such a talented writer, I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read by her. She’s an incredible story teller and very generous with brainstorming offering advice. - @mojowitchcraft
Below the cut, @maryofdoom answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
To quote Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes, “I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul.” But for real, though, it's because my bestie and writing partner called me up on Discord one night and said, “Mary, you need to watch the first episode of Season 4 of Stranger Things. Right now. I mean it. I think the show is in love with Eddie.” (…Some, shall we say, substances may have been involved.) However, I stick with it because I love both the boys as characters. I think they're interesting. They have a lot of interesting aspects about them to explore, both singly and together, and I think we're all enjoying that.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Mutual pining! Good God, give me so much pining that I think I’m in the forest. Give me so much pining that I need to use an oil-based paint on them. Give me so much pining that I’ll saw those two boys into planks and repanel my house. 
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
By far, it's when one of them has a crush on the other and is pissed off about it. There’s so much potential for sparky, interesting dialogue with other characters (and with each other) when the boys find themselves in that situation. And then it leads to interesting moments when they finally turn the corner and realize they’re not actually mad at the other one, they’re in love. 
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
There are so, so many that I love. But instead of giving you one of the big ones, let me share this gem: Love My Way, by dreamspaces. It’s very short, at only 1,346 words, but sometimes a bite is as good as a meal. 
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
It might be interesting to do something with “and they were roommates.” I haven’t truly messed around in that space, yet. I also haven’t done a proper enemies-to-lovers, either, mostly because I can’t stand to set up a proper enemy relationship at the beginning…but I am chewing on an idea at the moment that might necessitate that sort of opening relationship between them.
What is your writing process like?
 It tends to follow a very specific order of operations:
Get an idea from somewhere. Possible avenues for ideas include conversations with friends, news stories overheard from NPR, something that hits while I’m listening to music, posts on Reddit, anything that turns up from general blorbo rotation, the works.
Write down the idea in my notes app of choice (I use Evernote)
Begin adding more thoughts and concepts to the idea (sometimes even snips of dialogue, if they hit interesting)
Once the idea has reached a critical enough mass, transfer it to Google Docs and turn it into a draft (if it’s a one-shot idea) or an outline (if it’s a longfic idea)
FOR A ONE-SHOT: begin writing the draft
FOR A LONGFIC: begin writing the outline, according to the outlining method detailed in Tom Lennon and Ben Garant’s Writing Movies for Fun and Profit (this book is half how to make it as a screenwriter in Hollywood and half solid craft advice on how to write a screenplay, and though I don’t want to write screenplays and though I was very skeptical until I tried it out, this is the only method that has worked to get me to finish any actual novel-length works)
FOR A ONE-SHOT: when the draft is done, put it down for as long as I can and then come back to it and revise it, heavily, to make it better
FOR A LONGFIC: once the outline’s done, actually write the thing 
FOR A LONGFIC: once the thing’s written, put it down for as long as I can and then come back to it and revise it, basically rewriting it completely
FOR A LONGFIC: do the same thing again, and then again, pausing in between each iteration for as long as I can
FOR BOTH A ONE-SHOT AND A LONGFIC: once it’s to the point where I don’t hate it, get ahold of my bestie and writing partner and have her read it and crit it and tear it apart
(cry a little because her crit is probably right)
Implement the good changes and ignore the bad ones - sometimes we have a (good-natured) fight about which ones are which
Send it to my other writing friends for their thoughts and comments and incorporate those, in a similar fashion
Revise, again
Once it’s as done as it’s going to be, make a posting schedule (if it’s a longfic)
Get it out there, according to the posting schedule
Begin working on the next thing
Do you have any writing quirks?
I mean, I can sit here and say “Oh no, I definitely don’t,” but I’m sure that I do. I am sure I have a distinctive writing style, just as everyone else does, but I would have to defer to anyone who’s read multiple works I’ve written to pull out any specific “quirks.”I will note that I really try hard to get the characters’ voices down, in their dialogue. I don’t know that I always succeed, but I try.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Oh, a schedule, ABSOLUTELY. More power to those of you who post when you’re done writing, but I am the kind of person who needs to have everything DONE and ready to go before I put even a HINT of it up online. You can see this from my writing process. It doesn’t lend itself nicely to just throwing stuff out there as a work in progress. 
Which fic are you most proud of?
Oooh, good question. I would have to say it’s a tie between the next two fics on this list. Tessellation, because I worked really hard on it (and because I figured out work skins), and He Carries Me Quietly, because I think it’s beautiful. The way it ends still gets me, even now. Not just because of the action that happens, but because of the words that I chose. I read them and I’m like, “...I wrote that? Damn, girl.”
How did you get the idea for Tessellation?
I mention it a little in its ending note, but I got the idea for Tessellation from a couple of places, one of which was the Steddie fandom itself. I love the idea of every single one of these 25,000+ stories about Steve and Eddie all being true all at once. Even the story of Stranger Things itself, as we see it on our TV screens, is just one possible version of the story that’s happening somewhere. (I truly believe that. I didn’t become an extremely lapsed Catholic for nothing. HECK THE RULES.)
When writing Tessellation, what was something you didn’t expect?
It was surprisingly easy to make connections between the six stories. It wasn’t like I was hunting for places to jam them in—they ended up falling into place very naturally. And I think my favorite one of these is when Steve, in the space story, is describing the spaceship that he pilots as “Rusalka class, she’s a good swimmer,” to Eddie, who presumably understands what this means in the context of the sci-fi world in which they live. 
What inspired He Carries Me Quietly?
It started as something else entirely—a whole established-relationship fic with the kids coming over to Steve and Eddie’s (either house or apartment) to play D&D, with an arc about a blind Max being included as kind of an oracle or super-NPC through Eddie passing her index cards with Braille on them, so she could be part of the game when and if she wanted to be. The whole thing was supposed to be told in flashbacks. I had a whole scene where Steve was figuring out how to bake cookies for everyone with whatever meager ingredients he had on hand. …Then it took a hard left into religious trauma, through some meandering means.  I guess it would be reasonable to say the inspiration, at that point, was seeing a tweet on then-Twitter with some speculation about how Eddie had come to live with Wayne. If it was the common (and unfortunate) queer-kid arc of being disowned by one’s parents. And then I thought, “Let’s go ahead and put Steve through that too, but let’s do it several years after it happens to Eddie, so that Steve has someone to guide him through the whole process.”
What was your favorite part to write from He Carries Me Quietly?
I think it was probably the opening, because of the rhythm of the sentences and how the sounds fit together with one another. I mean, if you choose to check it out, try reading the first few paragraphs out loud. It’s kind of what I think of when people talk about how writing has a cadence, or a musicality to it.  That, and the ending. The ending, starting with, “There’s one more thing that Steve wants to know,” was one of those things that just fell perfectly into place. I can see it so clearly in my mind: the two of them having a conversation, late at night in bed together, after a traumatic day. 
How do/did you feel writing Higher Education?
I love this goofy little story! It was part of a Discord server gift exchange in 2022 and my recipient said “College AUs are my jam,” so this is where my mind went. I wanted to consider a world where Eddie was the frat boy, instead of Steve. But if that were the case, the fraternity would have to be a pretty non-traditional one, wouldn’t it? The fictional Lambda House is based heavily on the fraternity house where I used to hang out in college. (It was at an engineering school and was populated entirely by nerds.)
What was the most difficult part of writing Higher Education?
The actual writing itself, honestly. Winter 2022 was a really difficult time for me, personally, and though I signed up for the fic exchange with all optimism and good wishes, it was a struggle to get everything done in time. 
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
One that really stands out to me is from Wrong Number, which was a oneshot I wrote based on a short conversation with some Discord friends. Picture it: Eddie and Jonathan and Argyle are all hanging out in the basement, and they’re all extremely high. Argyle, in his own way, can sense that something is wrong with Eddie. In order to get him to confess to whatever’s on his mind, they reference the pact they made that “anything said in the basement stays in the basement. It’s the law of the basement.” That just hits me as something so quintessentially Argyle. 
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Oh my, yes! I have two longfics in the pipeline that I hope to be sharing with everyone soon (or, well, as soon as I can get them through my Process). The Music of the Spheres is a Regency AU with a smoldering slow burn and an eventual happily-ever-after, while Home for the Holidays is a genre mashup: Steve’s in a Hallmark Christmas romance and Eddie’s in a psychological thriller. I am also rotating a couple more ideas in my brain that could potentially be longer works as well, but we’ll see how those go.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
I think the esteemed and prolific two-time-Hugo-Award-nominee Dr. Chuck Tingle puts it very nicely when he says: “CREATE. BUILD. EXPRESS. CONQUER THE LYING VOICE THAT SAYS YOUR TECHNICAL PERFECTION IS BETTER THAN TRUTH OF THE MOMENT. FILL THE VOID WITH ART and do not fear because weve got your back buckaroo. we are ALL creators in our own way so LETS HECKIN CREATE.” Let’s heckin’ create, buckaroos. I’ll see you out there in the word mines.
Thank you to our author, @maryofdoom, and our nominator, @mojowitchcraft! See more of @maryofdoom's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 9 months
Hello! Dropping into your inbox to ask you about your research for
"Lent From Tomorrow (today was too small for us)." You must have done a ton of historical research for it to get so many of those details. I think that sort of thing is a lot of fun, and I'm very curious to know if you came across anything especially cool/fascinating/weird during your writing research.
Ooh, thank you for the ask! How fun!
There's SO MUCH research in this fic, from the codebreaking to the science of how to defrost a supersoldier to what was on the radio on specific days in 1943. I've got a whole folder of just Lent From Tomorrow research, and the back half of my WIP document is just copy-pastes of quotes from soldiers, scientists, codebreakers, radio hosts, etc.
But, to be fair, I've been reading nonfiction about WWII codebreakers for like 20 years. It's one of my special interests~ and something that I just love learning about. WWII *battles*, I don't care about at all, but everything else about the time period is fascinating to me -- probably because of Molly McIntire, haha.
My FAVORITE little tidbit actually comes up in this coming week's chapter, so I'm not going to spoil it, but it's my favorite recollection in Code Girls by Liza Mundy. That was definitely the book that I used the most for this fic, since the main characters are basically all "code girls," or code omegas, whatever. I also used a lot from PBS Nova's The Mind of a Codebreaker, which I watched when it first came out in 1999 and it rewired my entire brain. I immediately did a report on the women of Bletchley Park in 7th grade (and another on the WASP/WAVE/WAC pilots, so I was really excited to be able to have Carol Danvers make a cameo in Lent!).
But I also looked up specifics for just about every scene -- the snippet of Quiz Kids that's on the wireless radio when Steve and the Asset are listening to the wireless is a quote and actually aired that day. The Torah portion that Steve hears when he goes to shul with the gals and Scott is the Torah portion from that particular Shabbat service in December 1942. The movie scene is the actual movie, newsreel, and cartoon that were shown together at a theater in Washington, DC, on that Friday in March 1943.
I leaned on a former-scientist friend of mine to point me in the right direction to find out how they would have frozen and defrosted the Asset, and also how The Arm might work in a way that isn't just "::shrug:: it's Superhero Science." Her husband is a mathematician, and she suggested some avenues that Steve might have written his big 1929 math paper about, too. And then I read a bunch of math papers from the 1920s and tried to understand them and it was. a lot.
I also did a lot of research into Steve's various disabilities and ailments and the treatments available by the early 1940s, particularly asthma and his childhood polio. (I'm forgetting whether the backstory of his polio experience has actually shown up in the fic yet or if it's coming up soon in a chapter? If it hasn't been posted yet, then spoiler, I guess, Steve had polio as a kid [although I *think* that's canon?]). Steve's experience of being disabled is really important to me, and I wanted it to matter and be a part of his life in this story (and any story I write about Steve).
There's a lot more specific stuff coming up in the back half of the fic, now that we've reached the midway point... Bucky's backstory requires a lot of research into things that I don't know as much about, just because I don't tend to look into actual battle/military histories, and because [redacted for spoilers].
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
Let's talk about Loki! Under the cut for the sake of those who have not yet seen Episode 2.
OKay so to start with, overall this episode of Loki was a pleasant surprise. Loki himself got to be serious and powerful and I enjoyed that. He's finally had a chance to shine in his own series. The way he played with magic, especially with the shadows at the beginning, was absolutely stunning, and I'm glad we're finally diving into his magical abilities more. He had just the right amount of menace in his interactions with Brad, and the way he was softer and rather understanding when Mobius flipped out was a wonderful counterbalance. So far I'm liking this version of Loki where he's threatening to his opponents but genuinely caring towards his people, and I think whoever was in charge of writing him in this episode did an excellent job reinjecting some nuance and some authority into his character.
Mobius was a little weird at certain points; he's been an analyst for like a bajillion years or something so I think in-character he should've been able to handle reading the guidebook, but honestly he had a decent showing too. Using him as the levity...it's not a horrible decision if it's not going to become a recurring theme, because I don't want him to get dumbed-down, which he's not so far; his deducing that there was set-up was quite clever and I didn't see it coming. It worked in this episode partially because he was also doing some smart stuff, but also because it was offset by the bits of temper and vulnerability he displayed, which were both very well done in my opinion. It actually added another dimension to his character that I really like, and I think addressing that he's more afraid of "what if the life I was supposed to have is good?" than if it was bad is an interesting take, especially considering he seems to be in the camp of "it may be the life I was supposed to have, but it's not my life," because it's good for the show to be exploring those different avenues for the TVA workers, and because it makes Mobius a more unique person himself. I'm also kind of enjoying his little ruthless streak, ngl.
I like the dynamic Mobius and Loki have together right now. Them eating pie together and talking about Mobius's feelings was a lovely scene, and probably one of the most authentic we're going to see out of the entire season if I had to guess. They're working together very nicely; Mobius sort of letting Loki go off his leash with the magic at the beginning was neat, and I just adore the way their less-heroic tendencies are playing off of each other (such as in the Brad-in-the-box scene). I think that makes sense for them, and I'm not looking for these guys to be heroes of pristine reputation, or even heroes at all, just guys who are trying to hold what little they have left together, so it's really hitting the spot for what I expect of their personalities melding together.
(Also, I'm now pronouncing Casey and Ouroboros a ship, although I doubt I'm the first one. The idea of OB being a celebrity to this one guy, and only this one guy, is pure gold.)
I will say, there's still a little much of the MCU-brand hokeyness in the show for my taste. There doesn't need to be something to laugh at every couple of minutes (not that I'm really laughing, because I'm tired of that style of writing by this point). The story can stand on its own without the forced comedy, and if it can't, then the comedy is only going to annoy people further. This is kind of serious stuff, and although I'm not against having some lighter moments or some comedic relief, I could live with Loki actually taking itself more seriously. But, like I said, this episode did feel more genuine to me, so it's not all jokes and quipping.
I'm still not a fan of Sylvie. Her existence annoys me because the female-Loki premise is obnoxious, and she feels so much like every other female character out there she doesn't really have the personal qualities to redeem the premise. Also, I find Loki's obsession with her strange, as she's mostly only been a total bitch to him and clearly wants nothing to do with him. (Which in itself is weird; her acting all butthurt at him in this episode like he was the one who pushed her through a time-door or something was like...what the heck? If somebody can explain that to me, please do, because I feel like I've either missed or forgotten something that would make it make sense.) I find her "normal life" as an 80s McDonald's employee strange, also, because that's...that's not the kind of normal she would envision. Her "normal" should be something regular on Asgard, because she's not a human dreaming of a normal life, she's an Asgardian dreaming of a normal life, although I do understand that according to the rules of the game there's probably not an Asgard where a Loki is welcome...yet Lokis are shapeshifters, so she could sneak in one anyway. That's probably a little nitpicky, I can recognize that.
So, yeah. There we go. This episode of Loki actually raised my expectations for the rest of the season, which is a nice surprise for me. I didn't think I would enjoy any part of this show so much, because the first season really didn't have a moment like this where I went huh. this is pretty good. I hope this episode being so good isn't an anomaly, because I was a huge fan of Loki in Thor, Avengers, Dark World, Infinity War, and I want to be a fan of him again in this show. If the writing stays this good (or gets even better, perchance?) I may end up considering myself a convert.
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autumnrose11 · 5 months
Feeling horribly miserable today :(
I've dragged myself through my final year of high school and it's been SO lonely for the past eight months. I haven't been very happy during my last school year, tbh. I feel like I don't fit in because I've got nothing in common with the people in my class. Seriously, I've spent my breaktimes sitting at one side reading/writing fanfiction and reading novels with absolutely no one to talk to. I'm pretty quiet and most of the time during these last few months I've simply felt invisible. Idk, I just want someone to be deep, genuine friends with who's on my wavelength but I haven't found them yet. I'm just feeling sick and tired of all of it.
They don't get me, I don't get them, so there's nothing I can deeply get into with them apart from schoolwork, and there's only so much you can discuss about how your plans for university are going. (Which is part of the reason I love tumblr because you guys have the same interests as me!!) The other girls are into dance and films that aren't really my cup of tea and having boyfriends and going on dates and stuff. Not that that's a bad thing, I know everyone has their interests, but.... The only guy I've been in love with is fictional, and regarding the boys in my year.... the less said the better, because they are crude, vulgar and unhealthily sex obsessed on another level. I don't approve of dating just for the heck of it, just because everyone else is doing it. Generally, the most widely read novels in my peer group are Colleen Hoover, Fifty Shades, etc. I'm not saying you *shouldn't* read that stuff, but... Surely there are other avenues of literature you can and should explore? In my mind sex is done out of love and affection . Body and soul. I don't get why on earth they'd warp it into something so sick and twisted. So the feelings I have are overwhelmingly isolating.
It simply feels like I don't have one single person my own age to speak to who really *gets* me without my having to explain myself. My mum is currently one of my best friends.
The only bright spot on the horizon is that I'm going off to uni in a few months, and I'm trying to tell myself I'm going to find someone soon, but I'm just scared that won't ever happen and I'll have to continue alone like this forever.
(this meltdown will clear up in a bit. Maybe I should go have some coffee. I just needed to get it all out).
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calamitydaze · 1 year
im nosy please elaborate hehe (esp on the snf stuff eyes emoji)
you got it 🫡 warning in advance for banter + snf crit but this is all from the perspective of a fan i’m not hating just to hate. and under the cut cause this is everything i’ve been holding in it’s Long
imo the problems with banter boil down to 1) a lack of direction, and 2) that it honestly seems like nobody but karl even gives a shit about it. it doesn’t even need to be a particularly inspired idea to work, just coasting off their dynamic would be fine (i don’t think karl/sap/george is a great combo for this format but that’s not to say it can’t ever work, i’ve enjoyed them in past episodes) but they still need to go into sessions with like…. an idea of what to do. it’s evident in both individual episodes— losing track of the topic ten minutes in, aimless conversations, starting and stopping stories, etc— and the podcast as a whole— celebrity guests seem picked at random with minimal research done, their chris episode that had a chance of being topical didn’t come out until after the general public lost interest, and doing THREE reboots because they keep losing steam after putting out two episodes is just ridiculous (though they’ve been better about that recently, credit where it’s due). their new set actually looks great, i like it a lot, but it doesn’t make their fundamental problems better. and all that would be more excusable if i got the sense that banter was really a passion project for them, but like i said yesterday i just…. don’t think that it is 😭 i do feel like karl genuinely wants to make it work and tries hard. but snf seem like they just said yes because it’s easy for them and they’ve got literally nothing else going on, and at least imo it shows
three guys in their twenties making a mid podcast isn’t the worst thing in the world (in fact it’s healthy for them. enriches their environment) but the reason everyone is so bitter towards it is because it’s ALL we get these days, save for a stream for two every couple weeks. it’s true that banter doesn’t Actually stop them from doing anything else, if they wanted to make content they would make it, but when we hear that group streams have been canceled and snf fly to north carolina a day later that’s still what it feels like! and, maybe most maddeningly, they seem to be under the impression that most of their audience Likes the podcast?? that’s the only explanation i can think of for the hubris of booking a big venue in a low-traffic state just before vidcon with no guests but austin ever announced and the most half assed promotion i’ve ever seen (see my point about not caring). i don’t like them blaming the venue for the cancellation either, i call bs on them being “difficult to work with” and it was almost certainly because of low ticket sales. like honestly, genuinely, did none of you see this coming? it’s incredibly out of touch and even though i like all three of them i can’t help but feel bitter thinking about how the only content we can expect from content creators is something they don’t seem passionate about yet continue to ignore that their audience very resoundingly Does Not Want It
and that brings me to snf’s careers right now as a whole. i don’t have as much to say as i did yesterday cause this anon summed it up so well but it really feels like between dream not micromanaging them anymore, minecraft content in general getting lower views and more creatively burned out, and not being separately stuck inside forced to do Something to stave off the boredom, they just don’t know what to do anymore, so they do nothing (or make seven-minute mr beast videos). dream isn’t the content machine he used to be either but at least with his projects like usmp (🕊) and drusic i can feel like he’s busy with projects he loves and there will be something tangible for me in the future, so i’m more willing to wait and see. and using tommy as another example, he’s done a great job branching out into other avenues and preserving his audience when what he was doing got tired. there’s no reason snf Can’t, they just haven’t. and when i hear about things like them scolding dream for promising us things i’m like ?!? fair i guess, i’d rather not expect anything and not be disappointed, but it’s only not happening because you guys aren’t making it happen. are you really SO busy that you can’t carve out three hours in an afternoon to cook something on stream? (in fairness that could be said about all three) or do you just not want to, and expect your audience to stick around indefinitely like it’s 2020?
and this discussion has been had on tumblr already of course and to be honest i’ve never really agreed with the consensus that it’s entitled to want content from content creators, but just to cover my ass a bit LMAO: this doesn’t bother me day to day, i have life to keep me busy so i just watch something when it interests me and don’t when it doesn’t. i love that dteam seem like friends first and business partners second and i would rather preserve that than grind content! but all the same i don’t think it’s wrong as fans to be critical of what people we like are (or aren’t) putting out but as always yk feel free to chime in with agreements or disagreements or whatever i am a greek forum for minecraft youtubers
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felikatze · 1 year
Base game Awakening is, on the surface, very black and white. But only on the surface and fandom has a VERY big problem with that, I find. I feel like there's implications historical Ylisse has done War Crimes and Emmeryn has to cope with knowing this and that her people probably still would War Crimes the Plegian people at the drop of a hat, regardless of cult association or not.
YEAH. both chrom and emmeryn bring up their father being Exalt McWarCrimes. the war found in the game is just War 2. When Gangrel talks shit about emmeryn just hiding away in ylisstol after ylisse ravaged plegia, he is still talking shit about her, but also voicing legitimate grievances. but when she retorts that she had to rebuild ylisse first, and just had neither time nor ressources to help plegia, that's also true.
everything that happens is just unrest left over from the previous war. it's questionable if the grimleal would've risen to that much power if political instability made religion a great rallying point for a broken country. plegia was the defending party in the previous war, and it's reasonable that a lot of people want retribution, and feel their crimes against ylisse are justified.
it mainly comes down to how the issues are dressed up. chrom questions himself and his purpose, yet the people he fights against are always without a doubt portrayed as villains. going back to gangrel, his behavior is so over the top ridiculous that it ruins the good points he makes. validar's motivation is also incredibly weak, and i don't think it would've taken much to prop it up. he could've aimed to revive grima to secure the political power of the grimleal, which took a big hit after the previous war decimated a lot of them. having an actual god to show, and being the person who revived that god, would net him a shitton of influence, not just in plegia, but the entire continent. grima could be a force of revenge for the plegians, finally striking back at ylisse.
but instead the villains are all just zany tropey bad guys. chrom can be as introspective as he wants about killing people, the only boss people actually feel bad for killing is still mustafa and nobody else. depth for some of the other bosses comes from henry's supports of all places. In his ricken support, he talks about how some of the bosses were actually his friends. That's interesting! How do Henry and Tharja feel abandoning their own countrymen? Both of them were part of Gangrel's forces!
This is just a huge FE problem in general. It's where story and gameplay clash. in order for there to be gameplay, there need to be people to fight, and that can't always be justified in the story. So very very often, between big story moments, there'll just be Random Brigands who LOOOOVE burning down villages for fun. fucking. binding blade does random brigands better through its own thief characters. hell, there's two recruitable brigands. through supports and story stuff, it's incredibly clear that the brigands exist because of war profiteers and lycia's rampant poverty, especially in its capital of ostia.
avenues for depth in awakening tend to fall flat, but the implications are still there. I'm particularly mad about Aversa's spotpass thing. Like yeahhh she didn't do any of this of her own volition she was just brainwashed :) fuck off man.
and before that, she's also just a cartoonishly evil puppet master. she wants to revive grima.. why exactly?
basically all chapter bosses besides VERY few of them are so unremarkable. they're just Random Bad Guy who you don't need to feel bad for killing. three houses attempted to do an all sides view, and it. hm. it sure tried. all around, the series is hesitant to ever let the player question if what they're doing is right. the player always needs to be the hero. that's why you have so many varieties of brainless zombies to slaughter en masse, generic bandits who Deserve To Die, and devoted soldiers who cannot be reasoned with.
though, tbh, the moments where you feel like shit for playing the map are the fucking best. ch23 of binding blade, you are so cool thematically. and like, everybody remembers mustafa! it works!
that was a long tirade. i think i've made my point. maybe.
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Saw a tweet that said ATVB was feeding Matty content and now SATVB is him talking about that and becoming the man that content intended for him to be and i’m OBSESSED. He also liked a tweet about The 1975 (BFIAFL) lyrics that set up ATVB/SATVB and ugh it’s all so perfect.
I do think it’s giving him a little too much credit because I highly doubt ATVB ➡️ ATPOAIM ➡️ SATVB was the plan from the get go, but I think it’s super clever. So many of the complaints I’ve seen from fans have to do with how unorganized all of this is and the change in ideas, but I feel like they all connect? Obviously we haven’t seen the new show yet, but I don’t think it’s as messy as it seems.
Oh I doubt it’s messy at all! Okay, so the last time that I talked about something similar people started dragging me and being like “matty isn’t that deep” and “he’s not Taylor Swift” (as if she has a monopoly on caring about the art that she’s producing?) so disclaimer: this is just my opinion. Let me live ffs. If you disagree that’s fine. I respect your opinion. No need to be nasty.
SO, yeah I think that the second show (i.e. SATVB) might have initiated from 2 separate things: 1. The initial reaction to the tour being great but then post-podcast (even before Taylor) shit going negative and then 2. That author writing a book about parasocial relationships roughly around the same time that Brad Troemel started being interested in the topic too.
So, like, Matty started to think about his persona and how he would do things differently to better reflect what he wanted, especially in light of things going negative in Feb. and him always being a fan of Troemel (he was already thinking about Troemel’s work when he wrote the original ATVB) the moment felt right. He had this other avenue to explore if he collabed with Troemel, so he decided to do it.
I think what happened was, after he decided to do the new SATVB, he came up with the idea for ATPOAIM as a sort of “transition” in between. Because, remember that atpoaim was filmed right before SNL. And the podcast happened in early Feb I think. So, the timeline lines up: backlash, idea for new show, need for atpoaim as a transition into new show.
Like, I’ve been thinking that they filmed more atpoaim episodes and just never released them either cuz matty changed his mind or they never finished them or whatever the reason may be….but like these days I’m wondering if the first half was supposed to end with the SATVB announcement and then the second half will come back once SATVB kicks off?
I think that’s what’s going on. But again it’s just a guess based on how things are being rolled out and him deleting his Instagram right after the very first atpoaim being posted and stuff. Like I don’t think this entire thing was planned in October 2022 when BFIAFL came out, but I think as soon as he felt like evolving the ideas, he started to plan for the whole thing. And, yeah, it’s Matty. He cares about the little details so much. So of course he’s been thinking it through this whole time and of course he’s going to reference his own lyrics. That’s what he has always done. But again, I could be wrong. Just my take.
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