#been dying to interact with u for a while ;w;
veinblooded · 2 years
@glorytomankind​​ (cont):
Glancing over at the stranger, 4S simply tilted his head before humming to himself. It wasn't that hard when you have your scanner to show you if the heat is nearby. Even the fact that when you look around....this place seems kinda empty. But was he going to tell the other that? No way that’s some stranger danger tier right there.
"I got curious! I guess you could say I just followed the trail."
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He messed with his bag as he adjusted it, it was pretty worn down for sometime with him checking out what the world could give him. He had his own mission to do, and we see it through. Though he was curious WHO and WHAT this person was in-front of him. Looks can always be deceiving.
"So....who are you? And what is this place?”
          the run from his relentless pursuers had robbed cael of what little strength he had left, leaving behind a humanoid machine broken and battered beyond repair. 
          for reason he was unsure of, the pair of yorha androids— 2B and 9S were their unit designation, supposedly— were restless today. agiated even, they were dead set on completely erasing his existence— wiping every trace, every proof, every little dropplet of blood out of the history pages as if it could magically, laughably prevent the determined marching of the machines somehow. 
          that 2B unit, he had to admit, was unforgiving with each strike of her sword filled with the burning intent to destroy him that he barely managed to escape. but, being a fearsome abomination himself, it was nothing compared to what he had to suffer during the course of his short-lived confrontation against the machine horde, if anything, she was simply better than the stupid whelps with even more stupid ideals, all of whom were too unprepared in the face of a frenzied machine but decided to become mere preys for his claws still. had it not been for the annoying support of her partner, he would have walked out of that battle with her arm as his trophy.    
          but he hadn’t, regrettably. their battle ended in a draw, 2B was knocked unconscious along with 9S, and instead of her arm, his right arm was viciously butchered and disfigured— only electronic static remained behind as a reminder of its ultimate defeat, his vision fuction seemed to be damaged too. the world span around him like a rollar coaster and began contorting into a chaotic, disoriented mess that resembled a puke at best. it was harder to see what was going on now, so it took every last bit of his will to drag his crushed body into the comfort of the hollowed cavern underneath the waterfall in the city ruins. the cold, robotic warning voice of the system inside his head grew louder with each heavy step, and with it loomed the dreadful consequence of what would happen if he failed to find new replacement parts. 
          an unfortunate fate befell on him though, truly unfortunate. barely a moment of respite had passed when another intruder decided to show themselves on his doorsteps once again and— if it was another victory-seeking challenger, cael was ready to embrace what was to come. yet, surprisingly, whoever they were, they were merely a clueless someone who was lucky (or unlucky?) enough to stumble on him when he was at his worst. exhaustion finally caught up with him. the humanoid machine rasped out with great difficulty, though he wasn’t sure if his speech was coherent enough for the other to understand, coutersy of 2B for malfuctioning his voice box.  ‘ l.. l- lea-ve be-- fore i k-- ill yo--- u. ’
          an impossible feat to achieve at the moment, but he refused to die pathetically. 
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taintedcigs · 5 months
GETAWAY CAR — rockstar!e.m. x f!reader
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✦ summary: in which you and eddie try to navigate the aftermath of the kiss (wc: 5.8k+)
✦ warnings — angst, ANGST, FINALLY SOME DESERVED FLUFF n then angst oops, a little bit of argument but v tiny, uhmmm smut, p in v, unprotected sx (wrap it up irl), lots of praises, kinda rough. body worshipping? idk. eddie and p are an old married couple, drinking, smoking/weed, thats it i think.
✦ pairings — rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader, past billy hargrove x fem!reader
✦ authors note — @andvys my angel thank u for all ur love & help💗🙏🏻 not proof-read i tried but i cant do it. pls ignore all mistakes. i honestly have a love-hate relationship w this chapter BUT ENJOY!!. also like... ily all for all the love on the last chapter omg?
anyway ily all pls interact + like + reblog to support me! i'd also LOVE LOVE to chat about anything abt this series, pls dont hesitate to send me an ask about anything mwah thank you for reading💗
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But it felt like hours. 
And you didn’t want it to be over.
Judging by the hold he had on you, calloused hands grabbing onto your flesh like a man-starved, neither did he. 
This was all he ever wanted. Ever since the day you flagged him over when your car broke down. Even when you were a bitch to him. Even when you rolled your pretty eyes at him. Even when you left him. All he fucking wanted was you.  
Always just out of his grasp, close but never close enough. And this? This was a dream come true. Fucking explosions and butterflies in your stomach type of shit that Eddie always mocked, that you always mocked. 
That scar in his heart that scabbed at the mention of you. Healed. All gone. One kiss from you and it was all back to normal. 
“Eddie!” A booming yell echoed in everyone else’s ears but you.
“Jesus fucking Christ, I swear I’m gonna kill him, Eddie where the fuck are you?” 
Was that… Gareth? 
If Gareth fucking ruined this for him, he was going to hang him by his balls, up on the wall, make sure he could never fucking—
And you pulled away, first, Eddie was going to fucking kill him now. A vivid torture method flashed across his mind. Even the adorable flustered look on your face as you drew a breath wasn’t enough to calm him down. 
“I—I think your set is about to-”
“Fuck the set,” Eddie spat, his veins still pumping with the need for you. Brain hazy, he was  never going to get enough of you, was he? A hunger that was never going to be sated. 
The lingering gaze was interrupted by Gareth, scoffing while he dragged Eddie away, ignoring the threats and the cusses that left his lips, the same gentle ones that were just stuck on yours, the sweetest taste, from the filthiest mouth. 
You really needed to shut your goddamn brain up. But how could you? 
His body was turned toward you, shirt stretched out—you did have a tight hold on him. Pale lips now a bit shiny from your candy gloss, stretched into the widest grin, eyes glinting with something you’ve never seen in him before. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
But it was beautiful. He was pretty. Tempting. 
You could barely comprehend Eddie’s words when his gaze on you was that striking. “We’re Corroded Coffin, thank you and goodnight.” Slipped past your ears, you didn’t care, you needed him. 
What happens now?
Lingered in your mind, you wanted him to rush to you like you’re in a fucking rom-com, lock your lips in a dizzying kiss, again, you didn’t fucking care. You wanted more. You needed more. 
You could feel the eyes of everyone, including Steve’s impatient nail-biting, dying to know what the fuck happened between the two of you. Yet they didn’t dare to ask you until Jonathan and Nancy had left since the rehearsal dinner was tomorrow. And ever since they were gone, Robin and Steve had been teasing you nonstop, trying to make you crack.
Clearly, something had gone down, and the co-dependent idiots had to know. 
“He looks like he’s going to eat you.” Steve hummed, making you roll your eyes at him.
You were about to give him a smart-ass answer, but of course, he didn’t let you. “I bet if I laid one hand on you, he’d end up here in seconds.” Steve barked out a laugh, Robin joining him as you threw them a dead-set glare.
“It’s not like that—we haven’t—he won’t.” Your frustration was interrupted by a grinning Steve.
“Oh, yeah?” Steve teased, his hand quick to brush away the strand of hair away from your face, fingertips gently brushing against your cheeks, making heat flutter to your cheeks.
“Steve!” you protested, your gaze widening as you chided him, while Robin playfully counted down from ten by your other side.
Steve ignored your protests, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you into a side hug. You attempted to push him off with a scoff, but he was relentless. 
“Three… Two…” Robin's counting came to a halt, and your childish squabble with Steve ceased as a deep voice interrupted.
“Mind if I borrow her for a bit?” The metalhead’s gravelly voice cut through the air, his gaze shooting daggers at Steve, who only smirked, much to Eddie's obvious dismay.
“Eight seconds,” Steve murmured in your ear, you could almost feel his stupid smirk forming on your ear shell, prompting a huff from you.
“She’s all yours, man,” Steve chuckled, releasing his hold and retreating with Robin, leaving the two of you alone. Eddie scoffed at Steve's retreating figure before turning his attention to you. 
“What’s their damage?” His brows scrunched together as he watched Steve and Robin walk away, engrossed in their hushed gossip. 
“Do you have all day?” You asked with a roll of your eyes, earning a chuckle from him.
He liked this, he loved this, he missed this. Easy banter, shared laughter. 
“So… you goin’ home?” Eddie asked, nonchalant, like his heart wasn’t thumping in his chest each time you stole a glance at him.
You nodded, keeping it simple, almost avoiding his gaze. His exaggerated reaction, a spat-out “What?” made you giggle. A melody he could never have enough of.
“Well, the night’s almost over, so…”
“Come with me,” He muttered, amber gaze like silk as it connected with yours.
“Mi casa es yours or whatever the saying goes.” He grinned.
With a huff, “Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you muttered.
“You know why.” You enunciated.
He raised a brow, “Enlighten me.”
“I—It’s late.”  
“So? That never stopped us before.” He shrugged, seemingly unfazed.
“Oh, c’mon Pinky,” he coaxed, “we never end nights this early, at least not until we’re a couple more joints in, smushed on the couch, putting on some old horror movie… I thought we were revisiting the past.” He hummed, puppy dog eyes staring at your soul. Shit. 
You shouldn’t. You fucking shouldn’t.
“Are you really gonna say no to gettin’ high with me, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart. Sweetheart. Sweetheart.
A nickname you had heard so many times before. Yet, it was different, the way it rolled off his lips making you almost jump in place.
“Okay,” you gulped, physically. Fuck.
He grinned, taking you by hand, fuck all, while you waved a shy goodbye to Robin and Steve, who watched it all with an all-knowing grin.
“Pay up,” Steve turned to Robin with his palm in front of her.
Robin snorted, “No fucking way.”
“Trust the process, Robin. Trust the fucking process.” Steve huffed, watching the two of you leave hand-in-hand.
As the two of you entered the familiar house, the sight of it brought enough memories that made you feel light-headed, a repository of memories flooded in your mind. 
“Is Wayne around?” you inquired, breaking the silence that clung to the space. Eddie, leading the way, answered nonchalantly, “Nah. At his girlfriend’s.”
Your eyes widened. “Wait what? Wayne has a girlfriend?” You exclaimed.
“Uh-huh, Hannah.” 
“Oh! That’s great!” 
“Yeah, he’s having sleepovers with her like a fucking teenager, I told him to ask her to move in, but he’s too chicken shit,” he scoffed. 
“Oh, come on.” You elbowed him playfully, “Be nice to him, he deserves this,” you said with a smile.
He nodded in agreement, “He does.” Then turned to you. “You want anything to drink?” You shook your head. 
You didn’t know why, and you didn’t know how, but a shyness appeared within you, propping up your elbows as you leaned against the kitchen counter, watching him intently. 
With a shrug, he opened the fridge, taking out a Schlitz, gaze on you dangerous when he popped it open with his teeth, barking a chuckle when you squirmed at the sudden, sharp sound. 
“Fidgety much?” He grinned, that damn dimple taking its place on the corner of his mouth, making all sorts of warmth flush to your cheeks, making you feel so timid under his gaze. 
You could sense the cockiness radiating off of him, it was addicting, and it was making you feel more and more shy under him. Because both of you knew why you were here, at two fucking A.M., dismissing everyone else, flirting and bickering all the way home. 
Yet, since you entered the familiar trailer, you had been silent. Because you knew, you fucking knew that kiss changed everything. But this would seal it. Another step forward. A territory the two of you had never crossed before. 
And your mind was not being kind to you, screaming at you to stop, to run, to not fucking do this, because you’d end up hurt, because someway somehow he’d end up hurting too, but Eddie wasn’t having any of it. 
Your silence made him cockier and cockier, drawing you in more and more. And if he kept it up, you knew even your idiotic abandonment issues wouldn’t be enough to stop you from jumping on him. 
You wanted this, all your mind could replay was his fingers on that damn guitar, the way his mouth popped open that damn can of beer, the way his stupid plushy lips curled into a smirk. Shaggy bangs fell onto his forehead when he leaned on the counter, arms flexing with it. 
Stop fucking thinking about it.
“You gonna answer me or what, sweetheart?”
“Jesus, you okay?” He asked, concerned, cornering you in the kitchen with his soft hazel eyes. 
“Mhmm,” you hummed.
“You don’t seem okay.”
“‘M f-fine!” You answered too quickly and meekly for that to be the truth. 
“Don’t tell me you’re still mad at me.”
Yes. No. Yes. No. I think I crave you more than I’m mad at you, but I can’t let you know that, your thoughts swirled. 
“I thought—”
You interrupted all quippily, “Thought what? That kissing me would suddenly undo everything?”
“No…” He sighed, “I thought I proved myself to you.”
“You did, but that doesn’t undo it.” 
“Well, I forgave you.”
You scoffed. “You know forgiving me doesn’t mean shit if you bring it up every time I tell you  you did something wrong, right?”
Crossing his arms against his chest, “Can you blame me?” He muttered, almost defeated. 
“What would you do? If I up and left, would you just forgive me? Would you just trust me and act like it was all okay?” He tensed, words spilling out of his mouth like venom. 
And you narrowed your gaze, returning it back to him. “What would you do if I kissed Jason? I asked you that, yet you never answered. Would you still kiss me? Would you still write notes for me, knowing that Jason’s slimy lips were brushing—“
He was quick to wave his hands in front of your face, grimacing just at the thought. “Stop! Just fucking stop!”
“What, too much for you?” You spat.
“Of course, it’s too much for me! T—the thought of him, anyone, being with you… makes me sick to my stomach.”
“Good, then I think we’re even!” You suggested.
“Even?” He scoffed,  “Is that all you fuckin’ care about?” He retorted, making you huff, once again.
“God, no! I just—I just mean we both did fucked up shit and from this point on we either move on, or we never talk to each other again, which we can’t seem to do!” You snapped, that anger from before had disappeared though, the kiss had softened things. Softened you. 
“Okay, then let’s just move on!” He took a step toward you, getting close again. So fucking close. 
You took a step back, your back hitting the marble counter, yet you remained on your angry stance. “Fine by me!” You retorted, all hastily. 
“That’s fine by me too!” He agreed, towering over you, trying to one-up you. 
“Good!” And, of fucking course you returned the energy. Stubbornness is exactly what defined the two of you, babbling like a bunch of kids over nothing. 
Eddie didn’t hesitate to take another step toward you, this time, both his hands on the marble kitchen counter, fully cornering you, as he grinned. “Great!” 
And you were about to answer, about to one-up him, like he did with you… but then you looked at him, really looked at him.
Looked at how fucking close he was to you, and you shuddered a deep breath, getting caught up in your throat when it reminded you of the kiss.
And that’s when Eddie realized it. 
You weren’t really mad at him. 
At least not really, not since the kiss.
You were nervous… because he was standing this close to you. 
A piece of dangerous information for Eddie—someone who had been in love with you since you were teens, to acquire, because it’d turn him into an arrogant fuck in a matter of seconds—even more so than he ever was.
“Oh.” The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, he was grinning like a devil now. 
“What?” You furrowed your brows, trying to have that annoyed stance from before, but it wasn’t working. 
“Why are you looking at me like—”
He was quick to interrupt, face inches away from yours. “You’re not mad, at least not that much, you’re… nervous.” He grinned.
“N—nervous? Why would I be nervous?”
“Because of me.” That stupid smirk on his lips returned
“Don’t be ridiculous—”
“What happened to that Pinky who refused to talk to me today? Who told me we couldn’t do this? Did one kiss soften you up this much?” He quipped, making you scoff.
“You know what? You’re an asshole.” You sneered.
“There she is.”
“When did you become this cocky, Munson?” You narrowed your gaze.
“I was always an arrogant fuck, sweetheart. But I’d say the kiss helped, like a fuck ton, and you squirming now, too.” He shrugged, like what he just said was no big deal, like how close he was to you didn’t make you gulp nervously.
You almost gasped, offended, like it wasn’t the truth. “I’m not fucking squirming—”
“Look at you… shuddering a breath just because I’m this close to you.” He barked out a chuckle, gaze dangerous, dare you say… lustful.
“Fuck you,” You spat, feeling small under his bashful gaze, cheeks heating.
“Well, I’m trying sweetheart,” He was quick, you had to give him that, making heat grow everywhere in your body, but especially within your thighs now, fuck, he was smooth.
And you weren’t willing to put up a fight, or a front, you wanted—needed him. You couldn’t deny yourself him any longer, not even your commitment issues were enough to hold you off. 
“You’re s—such a little shit,” You stuttered, embarrassingly so. 
God, you wanted to wipe his smirk off by kissing him, you wanted to feel his honey-flavored lips on yours again, you wanted to feel his lips twitch against yours instead of the air.
And he was close again, all in your face, all you had to do was lean a little bit and his lips would be on yours.
“And you’re an absolute pain in my—” 
Fuck it. 
You fisted his stupid shirt, crashing your lips down to his, dizzying, just as magnetic as before, but needier. His lips still tasted the sweetest, yet mixed with the bitter taste of the beer on his tongue made you grow weak in the knees. 
You were about to open your mouth fully, to feel his greedy tongue on yours, but much to your surprise, Eddie pulled away, making you whine.
“Wait—” He faltered.
“Do you want this?” He asked
“Yes!” Your voice raised an octave.
“Tell me you want this.” His gaze was serious.
“I do,” you breathed.
He scoffed. “No, I wanna hear you say it.”
“I wanna hear you, or we can just pretend like none of it happened, I can forget the kiss we can just sit around here and—” 
I want to know if you’re in this as much as I am, is what he meant.
“Jesus you’re so fucking—” You scoffed, but he actually backed away, your eyes widening at him.
“W—wait!” You pleaded.
An awaiting grin sat on his lips and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“Of course I want this, Eddie. I’ve wanted you for five fucking years, I wanted you the moment I laid eyes on you—okay wait maybe that’s a lie because you really were annoying the first time we met but I wanted, no, I want you—”
His mouth crashed against yours, interrupting you in the best fucking way. His lips felt warm, hot almost. Skin burning everywhere where he touched you, leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
“So eager, princess, already begging for me, hmm?” He taunted, making you roll your eyes in an instant. 
“Just shut up you, asshole.” He grinned, mouth crashing down on yours once again. Much more gentle this time, but rough enough to have your chests pressed together. 
His lips only left yours to be reattached to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses from your chin to your cheekbone. “‘M sorry, sweetheart, I just can help myself you’re so—” He mumbled, voice muffled by your skin. 
He lifted you up, strong hands meeting behind your waist in one harsh move, making you yelp before you wrapped your legs around him, he kissed you like he never had before, all teeth, and no mercy, passionate yet still gentle in somefucking way. 
He pivoted while trying to get to his bedroom, making you chuckle into the kiss, pining you against the wall, and it was all so desperate and messy. And just so you. 
You wanted to discard your dress but he wanted to rip it off, wanted to grab onto your flesh, and feel you, completely. Drink you in. 
He stumbled inside his room, knocking over a few boxes, and sending them over to the other side of his room. Not that either of you cared enough to break the kiss, at least until Eddie plopped you down on the bed, a grin overtaking his lips at the sight of you. 
“You’re so pretty, so fucking beautiful and just—” He took a deep breath, words were failing him, his entire being captivated by you. 
His mind was spiraling, cheeks almost a salmon pink. Eddie had sex countless times before, but none of them meant anything. None of them left him this speechless, none of them made him nervous. It was like his first time, the way his breath got caught in his throat, cock stirring at how pretty you looked, stomach fluttering at how he was on top of you. 
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do this. How long I’ve wanted you… How perfect you really are.” He towered above you, and your breaths mingled, bodies tied, chests pressed against one another. 
You wanted to joke around and tease him like he did with you, but you couldn’t help the flutters in your stomach. All you cared about was whether he thought if all of that was. Did he really see you like that?
“You mean that?” You asked, almost shy, wanting to hide your face, but he just gave you a scoff, like it was the most unbelievable thing ever.
It was to him. 
“‘Course I do, Jesus, Pinky I basically worshipped—” He placed a soft kiss on your lips. “The ground you walked on.”
You drew in a breath, “I—I wanted you just as much.”
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned. 
“Don’t say things like that,” he warned, shaking his head. Did you not know the hold you had on him? Even still? He was wrapped around your finger, always has been. Always would be. 
“Don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.” 
“Then, don’t, please, Eddie, I want you, more than anything.” 
That was all he needed, low grunts escaped his lips. He attacked your lips hungrily, desperately, twirling his tongue with yours, needy and passionate. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cursed, hands meeting behind your back to unclasp your dress, and you helped him get rid of his clothes, your fingers fiddling as they struggled to take his shirt over his head. 
It was all messy, stupidly impatient, making both of you giggle while you struggled to get rid of the clothes that were keeping both of your bodies away from each other. 
“So impatient,” you mocked with a chuckle, enjoying the way his eyes boggled your body, it wasn’t disrespectful, you didn’t feel the intrusion as you did with every other fucking guy you’ve been with. Just pure appreciation and your stomach flipped with excitement. 
Fuck, what was he doing to you? 
He drew in a breath when your chest rose up and down, he felt like he was watching a ping-pong match, eyes darting over to every part of your body, he wanted to engrave it in his mind. Have you there forever. 
He could barely comprehend it, you, stark naked, on his bed. Telling him you wanted him, more than anything. And you looked perfect. Fucking perfect. More than he could ever imagine. All those years he spent thinking about you. 
The girls he fucked were always a spitting image of you. It wasn’t a fucking coincidence. He couldn’t get his mind off of you. You made him feel out of his head, and fucking finally, it was happening. 
Cold rings ghosted over your chest, making you gasp. “So—” His head dove into your breasts, latching his tongue on one nipple. “Fucking—” His hand dove down to your panties, discarding them without care before he ghosted over your slit, still waiting for some approval from you. “Perfect—” He hummed, against your nipples, making you mewl. 
“P—please, Eddie,” you muttered, pathetically. 
His eyes shot up at you, amber gaze dark, wanting, needing you to tell him exactly what you needed. “Need you to fuck me, please.”
“Baby,” he rasped, jaw almost hung open with how forward you were being. His cock was trapped in his boxers, needing room with the way words fell like silk from your lips. The nicknames were new, especially something like ‘baby’ but it felt so familiar, like the two of you had always been like this. Like the last five years didn’t exist.
This was all the confirmation he needed, his ringed finger met your entrance, and you whimpered at the slight sensation, your entire body burned with need at his one touch. 
His soft lips trailed down from your chest to your belly button, tongue leaving nice strokes on his way to your pussy, making you arch your back in desperation. 
“Need more, Eddie,” you whined, a pout apparent on your cheeks.
“That desperate, huh?” He grinned, pad of his thumb still toying with your clit, earning gasps out of you. “Haven’t even done much, yet you’re soakin’ my fingers, baby,” he added, that taunting tone making you roll your eyes.
“Arrogant fuck,” your voice came out as a squeak, making him let out a greedy chuckle. 
He inserted a finger inside of you, enjoying the gasps he earned. “You know, I always thought that attitude of yours needed a fix?” He hissed, ringed finger curling inside of you, making you squirm at the coldness as you bucked your hips for more. 
You didn’t know what took over you, or him. The dirty talk just rolled out of your lips like it was natural like the two of you had been together for the longest time. 
It was all the pining, anticipation, and the pent-up desire. And it was making both of you needier by the second. 
“Then do it, fuck it out of me.” A low groan echoed in the bedroom, followed by a string of curses, Eddie’s entire body shuddering with it. 
His fingers left your clit, hands working their way to slip out of his boxers, a rough expulsion of moan released from his lips when his cock plopped against his stomach, making your mouth water at the sight. 
Shit, fuck, shit. 
You gulped, jaw almost wide open, making him cockier if that was even possible. His hands jerked at his cock, collecting the bead of pre-cum collected at his hot tip. “Gonna give this to you, is that what you want, sweetheart?” He taunted.
With a nod, you licked your lips, making his cock twitch in his hands. “I’ll fuck the brat out of you, don’t worry, honey.” His hand was about to stroke his cock again, but you were quick to shake your head. 
“Let me help,” you hummed, your smile and attitude all disappearing, a glazed look washed over your features as your soft hands fisted his length. 
“You’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me,” he groaned roughly when your fingers stroked his rock-hard cock, until he couldn’t take it anymore and pushed you down on the bed and taking you by surprise before his lips re-attached to yours, hands slightly parted your thighs, teeth clashed together, and nibbling on each other's lips, before he finally, finally guided his cock against your entrance. 
Then, he stopped, making you furrow your brows when he reached for his bedside table, and you, unable to wait, were quick to stop him. “No!” His attention snapped back to you. 
“Please… I wanna feel you, ‘m on the pill,” you murmured, pupils blown wide, making Eddie curse once again before he blabbed, nervousness spilling out of him. 
“O—okay,” He hummed, turning to you with a nervous look, “and just so you know I haven’t had—” Shit, he was going to ruin this. 
“I was tested not too long ago and me and Chr—”
“If you finish that sentence I swear to god, I will leave, Munson,” you warned, gaze narrowed and jealousy bitter in your veins. 
He scoffed, “I was going to say we haven’t done a—anything, you lunatic,” he wanted to joke, but words rolled out of his lips like a quick ramble. He couldn’t fucking ruin this. But, he had to let you know. You had to know that they didn’t sleep together.
And much to his surprise, with a grin on your lips, “Oh? I don’t know if I can say the same with me and Jame—” your joke was quickly shut up by a dizzying kiss, and his groan turned into a growl, filled with jealousy, making you giggle into the kiss.
Both of you were idiots. Total fucking idiots. Insane. Crazy. But, fuck, did it feel right, like dominos falling into place, this is what it should’ve been. 
He dragged you more toward the edge of the bed with his rough hands, finally guiding his cock to your entrance, wiping off that grin from your face, hunger taking over fully. 
“You think you’re funny?” He spat, and you nodded all sassily, “Laugh it up, doll. But once I’m done with you, you won’t even remember the names of those other douchebags, I’ll fuckin’ make sure of it.” His arrogance was back, and that smirk played on his lips, shutting you up once again. 
He pushed into you without a warning, making you cry out while your eyes squeezed shut at how good he felt. Your pussy wrapped his cock nicely, so warm and tight that Eddie had no fucking idea how he didn’t cum right then and there on the spot, a low groan escaped his lips. 
He dropped his head to your shoulder, frantic breathing escaped through his nose as he tried to adjust to how tight you were. 
Jesus, fucking Christ. 
He had to hold himself off. 
Your hands clawed at his back, enjoying the stretch while Eddie pushed himself inside of you at a slow pace, reveling in the way you mewled for him. 
Eyes already squeezed shut, mouth slightly open, lashes fluttering the more he drove his cock into you. You looked so beautiful. Ethereal. 
He was struggling to comprehend if this was all real. This entire fucking night. From the fight to the kiss to now. 
It was always back and forth between the two of you, but more real than anything he ever had. 
His Pinky. 
He loved you, so so much, that his heart was about to explode, his body felt hot from everywhere you were touching him. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ tight, sweetheart,” he hissed, pace picking up once you finally accommodated his size, eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
“Feels s—so good, Eds,” you whimpered. He caught your chin in his hands, tilting your face toward him, making your fuzzy gaze focus on him. “I’ve wanted this for so long. You, wanted you for so long, shit, honey.” 
“Tell me…” He muttered, licking the trail to your boobs, sucking on it with a growl. “Tell me that this changes everything. Tell me that we’ll never go back, and I’ll fuck you like you deserve it.” 
“E—Eddie,” you stuttered, still struggling to comprehend it when his cock was hitting spots inside of you that you didn’t know existed. 
“I…” You sucked in a deep breath, mind feeling mushy before Eddie groaned, tucking his hips back, pulling out of your warm pussy as you gasped at the feeling, just as you were about to whine, beg, he rammed himself deep inside of you, again. A grin appeared on his lips when you cried out in pleasure. 
Yet, his movements halted, as if he was giving you a taste of what might happen, and you wanted to cuss him out, tell him to never fucking stop again, cry out, beg for him to continue. Your body felt woozy with how much you needed him to fuck you, how much you desperately needed to cum. 
“Everything!” You cried out frantically, “E—Eddie, fuck, I d—don’t ever wanna go back, please…”
That was all he needed to hear. And he simply couldn’t wait any longer, deprive his body of you any fucking longer. His movements picked up with a low grunt, fucking into you roughly and fast, all animalistic as he held onto your hips, leaving bruises all over while he worked on your neck, sucking, marking you. 
Pleasure bursted through your body as Eddie’s thick cock dragged along your walls. Both of your eyes locked, emotions gathering in them. Panting as your foreheads connected, thinking the same thing. 
Those three little words begged to roll out of both of your plushy lips, yet too scared to ever utter them. His lips crashed down on you again, this time, just so that those three words didn’t escape his mouth, kissing you with such passion that your head grew light. 
“Pretty girl,” he breathed into your neck, “my pretty girl,” he growled. His cock was driven by a primal need to make you his, every touch meant something, every time he thrust himself into you, it was deliberate, rough, but gentle in some fucking way. 
Shallow breaths escaped your mouths in puffs, as you watched him drive his cock all the way into you, and you tightened up almost immediately, your pussy pulsing around him.
He groaned at the sight of you, mouth hung open, tits bouncing up and down, mewls coming out for him. You looked fucking beautiful, babbling to him about how you were going to cum soon. 
He pressed his middle finger to your clit, drawing quick circles as you whined for him, he was fucking good, and you could feel your walls swelling as you yelled out his name. 
Your screams were muffled by Eddie’s lips as a wave of pleasure hit you like a ton of bricks and the second you came undone on his cock, he fucking lost it. His groans grew guttural as he spilled his load inside of you, falling on top of you with a contented sigh as he made sure every drop of him was stuffed into your walls. 
Ragged breaths filled the room as Eddie slumped next to you, and you stared at the walls, a smile curved on your lips when the drawings you gave him were still there.
“You still have that?” 
“Of course.” His fingertips traced a delicate path along the canvas of your skin, gentle, and warm, pulling away that strand of hair that was hiding your pretty features, a smile formed on his lips, his gaze on you so soft that you almost melted into him. “I told you… your art matters, it’s the very reason, I am where I am.” 
As his words hung in the air, you looked up at him, and he gazed down at you. In that shared gaze, both of you knew. No words were exchanged, yet the depth of your connection bridged any gap.
Three words. Eight letters. 
You should say it, you should tell him first. Let him know, that you love him, always have, always will. Your lips, poised in anticipation, hovered let him now, to utter those words.
But he interrupted, a subtle pull drawing you closer into the cocoon of his embrace. “W—We should go to sleep… hell of a day ahead of us.” He cleared his throat, fingertips weaved through the strands of your hair, caressing it.
A day ahead of us. Us. Us. Us.
It’s promising, so fucking promising. Peaceful. Everything you asked for. Yet, it scared you, because it was good. All of it was almost too good to be true. 
But you wanted to shut that part of your brain off. No, because you weren’t going to ruin this for yourself again, you weren’t. 
You hummed into his chest agreeingly, the vibrations resonating into his chest, his scent enveloped you, fully, completely. 
And each gentle stroke of his fingertips through your hair was like a lullaby, making you give yourself into the security of his presence. It only took a handful of caresses for you to give into the sweet desire of sleep, nestled against his warmth.
You woke up next to a void spot in the bed. The morning sun burst through the lazily taped windows of Eddie's room, forcing you to squint against its intrusive rays.
A languid groan escaped your lips as you reluctantly left the warmth of the bed, lazily throwing on one of Eddie’s shirts as it hung well over your knees, making your way to the kitchen as you called out for him.
Silence greeted you.
You checked the fridge, hoping for a note, a hastily scribbled message, anything that might explain why he was gone. 
But nothing. 
At this point, your mind hadn't erupted into full-blown panic; there was no reason for it, or let your intrusive thoughts kick in, no, they were wrong, they had to be wrong. 
There was no way he’d leave you, he wanted this himself. He invited you over. 
And the two of you were supposed to go to the rehearsal dinner early. To help Jonathan and Nancy out. There was no way he’d just leave you like this.
Or maybe he regretted all of it and left in a panic.
You kept telling yourself the same lie until seconds melted into minutes, and eventually into hours.
And then, it finally dawned on you. 
Eddie didn’t leave a note because he didn’t want to see you.
He regretted everything.
That's why he left you.
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wonyrs · 8 months
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enha hyungs x fmr gnr non-idol au, est. relationship warnings food wc 939 + library #
‘ enha hyung as ur 'homies' ! REQ
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lee heeseung
" ayyy how u been bro?"
plays along and even replaces his normal petnames with something he'd usually call the members but NEVER you (until now)
um... hello? where is the endearing "why'd u call me that babe 😢☝️?" where is the begging for a kiss? where is the desperate attempts at pda we were hoping to see? this wasn't the plan at all (like... at ALL)
he tries to hide his laugh when u give him the stink eye and keeps up his act
even going as far to pretend like he isn't seeing ur hand inching closer to his and lifts it up to 'brush' the hair from his face
second attempt at holding his hand ended up with him fishing his phone out from his pocket and showing u an extremely!!! hilarious... insta reel.
ur plan has reversed; instead of him dying for ur affection, its now u trying to stop him from treating u like any other person before u physically cannot take it anymore
"ok man. i see how it is man. bye man." this is ur cue to stand up, run away and never look back for ur own emotional sake
if it weren't for heeseung GRIPPING onto ur shirt with the most gobsmacking laugh u've heard coming out his mouth, to the point tears were trsiling down his face from how hard he's laughing
"wait- wait [name]! you started it, come back!"
park jongseong
" how are u doing BABE? how's life BABE? "
mommm [name]'s acting weird again, i think the heat's getting to them
he acts like he can't see ur hand in the air and continues to kiss u right on the lips (but he still moves ur arm down for safety measures)
"what's good, dude?" "baby, who are u talking to? it's only us in this room lol 🤨"
u try again with dapping him up but immediately he turns around and oh so suddenly the wall is soooo interesting
for the whole hour u mess with him and call him 'bro, dude, gang' and shit like that while he just sneakily rolls his eyes and goes on with his day- while most likely wondering what on earth was wrong w u
he'd be in the kitchen washing the dishes while ure trying to hold his hand and have it dap urs up
but is he paying attention?
lmfao no
he goes on with his day since he knows u cant go another hour without his love and so he has nothing to worry about (unless u actually DO go for another hour, then he's actually going to believe something's wrong with u)
eventually u give up and go back to slumping on his back. the months u've spent together gave jay a clear understanding on ur antics and gave him some time to prepare for anything u had up ur sleeve
" tired already? an hour, new record babe. good job"
sim jaeyun
" why are u doing this to me "
the moment u refuse his hug and opt for a more... different greeting, jake malfunctions for a bit
he trys to hug u again but u extremely remain still
whines complains when u keep up the 'homeboy' act
"i swear we acted like a normal couple yesterday, did i make u mad pookie? 😥" sneaks in some of the petnames u absolutely LOATHE just for a reaction
hates when u replace the lovely kiss-and-hug interactions with dapping him up like a BRO
most likely complained to the enha gc abt ur 'unearthly' behaviour (u get his ass on that later) and cries that he might never see the old u again
the urge to drown him in all the love u've kept in since u met up is eating u alive But watching him practically cry over ur feet is helping u out a wee bit
"chat this is absolutely hilarious what are we thinking" "WOW! Hahaha so funny!! Such a kneeslapper! can u stop now 😐."
Hes dead serious when he says this btw Like full on eye contact with furrowed eyebrows, but a small pout is resting on his face
he was fine with the joke at first but then he just got more eager for ur touch as the hours went by
u stare for a bit before engulfing him in the biggest hug ever while peppering his face with an abundance of smooches
"finally! u dont know how long ive waited for this"
park sunghoon
" did u eat something funny? "
just stares. nothing else, just stares
eventually u have to drop ur arm because the silence just got too awkward
was he mad at u? (ofc not) Maybe hoonie just needed to load and take a bit to process the scene in front of him
"i dont think u should be doing this to your boyfriend, babe. it doesn't really fit the loving couple vibe yk 🤖"
even when sunghoon continues to act like everything's normal u keep on persisting with acting like close-bro-friends
... only to be met with the most baffled face ever.
he wonders if ure roleplaying as some character or just genuinely going insane
decides to go along with whatever you're doing and continue the day as normal as it can get
when u get tired of the lack of attention, u drop the act but unconsciously refer to him as bro
muscle memory(ish) fr
"dude can you at least act interested?" "um excuse me? what'd u just call me"
HELLO. where was this dumbfounded hoon when u need him?
ure actually laughing atp because he doesn't even look like he knew what was wrong
the whole time u kept up w the joke, he didn't even look like he cared UNTIL u got tired and talked in ur normal tone
"don't ever say 'dude' in a serious tone like that. scared me, babe."
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@ wonyrs 2023
note sorry anon for not taking ur request after like 2 weeks... i've needed some motivation to write SORRY.. also maknae version is next :> requests open!
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blue-slxt · 1 year
*Request: maybe some idea for u : feisty humain!reader having mood swings w her best friend (Loak or Neteyam) because she is in her ovulating week and he teases her until making her tell him why she is acting weird like that today. then he asks her to explain the "symptoms" and she says that she want to fuck more and that she’s more attracted to people during this time and he asks if it’s applied to him too & u already know the end of it🤭🤭 hope u can take something from it, xo 😘*
Okay, so this is my first human!reader fic so go easy on me 😅 I might redo this one in the future with Neteyam because I’m curious about how much different it would turn out if I wrote for him instead. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one 🤗 All characters are aged up.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Smut under the cut.
Pandora was beautiful. Even though you had to admire its beauty through the shield of your mask, it still left you breathless every day. Looking out at the bioluminescent flora and fauna every night through your bedroom window was unlike anything you had ever seen on Earth. You wanted to be out in it every day. But today you were hit with a painful reminder that you were human.
You jumped out of your sleep drenched in sweat. What were you dreaming about? You couldn’t fully remember. The memory came in flashes and blurs. Moans, smacks, and heat is all you’re able to really make out before you lose the visual. You suck in a sharp breath feeling a dull ache in your breasts. You cautiously press on one trying to figure out what was causing the pain. You find nothing and brush it off as a consequence of sleeping on your stomach. When you make your way to your bathroom to get ready for the day, you strip off your sleep clothes and notice a giant wet spot on your panties. That’s weird. And then it hits you. You check your app on your phone and realize what week it is. You’re ovulating. You roll your eyes and make a mental note to plug in your toys before you leave your room.
After a shower and brushing your teeth, you go join everyone for breakfast. While you’re fixing your coffee, a familiar voice enters the lab. Everybody greets Lo’ak as he walks through the cafeteria over to you. “Hey, I found this awesome lake with a cliff that’s perfect for diving. We’ve gotta check it out!” he’s oozing enthusiasm and excitement and it’s adorable. All of a sudden, it feels like there’s a throbbing between your legs.
“Sounds cool, Lo’ak. Maybe another day though.” You say about to walk away, but he blocks your path.
“Are you kidding me? I’ve already been waiting for like 2 days because of training. We’ve gotta go now.” “I’m not in the mood Lo’ak.” Your irritation is growing. You loved Lo’ak. He was your absolute best friend, but he was persistent. And while that could be endearing in certain circumstances, it could also be kind of a nuisance. Right now, you really just needed to get back to your room and take care of your little problem.
“What’s up with you today? I thought you’d be dying to go.” He’s starting to get a little concerned looking at your face. “Your face is getting red.”
You can’t handle the way he’s looking at you right now, “Nothing is ‘up’ with me Lo’ak so will you drop it please?” you push past him and continue down the hall to your room.
Lo’ak follows right behind you though. “I’m not leaving you alone until you tell me what’s wrong.” You roll your eyes as he follows you into your room. “What? Somebody eat the last of your snacks or something?”
You huff out a big sigh and set your coffee on your desk. “If you really must know, I’m ovulating.”
His face screws in confusion. “Okay…What does that mean? Is that a human thing?”
Right. You and Lo’ak are so close that sometimes you forget he is actually an alien. “How do I explain it….it’s like when a na’vi woman goes into heat, but for humans we also can get bloated and moody and crampy and a whole bunch of other stuff. You follow?” you do your best to try and explain to him and his eyes jump around while he’s trying to make the connections in his mind. ”So you’re in a bad mood because you’re in heat?” he does his best to try and make sense of your situation.
“Basically, yeah.”
“So how do you make it better?” he crosses his legs making himself comfortable on your bed like he often did.
“There’s not really a way to make it better. I kind of have to just ride it out. Unless, I got pregnant, but it’s not like that’s gonna be happening anytime soon. But I’m irritated because I’m insanely horny and I can’t really get any relief.”  You brush your hair to the side with your fingers trying to soothe yourself and Lo’ak watches your hair brush over your neck and expose your shoulders.
“Well, what if I helped you out?” he asks casually.
Your body freezes in place. “Lo’ak I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“That’s why you’re not asking, I’m offering. I mean what kind of friend would I be if I knew I could help you out and I did nothing?” Lo’ak had always kind of had a thing for you. You were his closest friend and he found a comforting familiarity in you that he didn’t feel with other na’vi thanks to his slightly more human traits.
You think about his offer for a split second before snapping back to your senses. “How would that even work? I think you forget that you’re like 8 feet tall. You would quite literally split me in half.”
He chuckles knowing that you’re not wrong. “Just lay down and let me handle it.”
You’re skeptical. “What are you going to do?”
“Just lay down. You trust me, right?” You slowly make your way over to your bed next to him. “Yeah…”
“Okay then. So don’t be so uptight.” You lay back and let your eyes scan the ceiling of your room. Your breathing gets faster when you feel Lo’ak hook his fingers in the waist band of your shorts and panties and slide them down your legs. You close your eyes trying not to focus on the fact that your best friend was now staring down your exposed cunt.
This is crossing so many lines, but your mood would only get worse if you were to stop now. Work yourself up just to rip away your chance at real relief? You weren’t in the mood for edging today. There was no turning back now.
Meanwhile Lo’ak is wide-eyed as he stares at your body. He’d never tell you this, but he had imagined you exactly like this countless times. When he’d come to see you and you’d be dressed in barely-there comfy clothes, when you’d bend over to pick something up, when the front of your shirt would fall a little lower than it should and he would catch a peek at your cleavage. The restraint he had to hold on to was legendary. And now here he was licking his lips greedily as he almost gets stuck just staring at your form that squirmed with anticipation and nerves.
He lowers his head between your thighs and carefully swipes his tongue against your throbbing clit. Your whole body jolts from the feeling and a small moan escapes. Lo’ak’s ears flick in your direction and he’s now painfully aware of how hard he is right now. He continues lapping at your soaked entrance closing his eyes to savor the sweet taste on his tongue. He groans against your heat and the vibrations make your hips grind against his face. “Mmf…Fuck…Lo’ak!” your voice comes out in a breathy whine.
One of his fingers teases at your entrance before he slowly slides it inside of you. His finger is huge stretching you deliciously. You look down at his face and he’s already watching you. The eye contact makes you lose it. “Yes! Yes Lo’ak! Right there! Oh, fuck you’re gonna make me cum right there!”
“Shit, so fucking tight. Cum for me.” He says between sucking on your clit. It’s too much. The way his finger curls up to press against the spongey part inside your walls and the sound of him French kissing your cunt sends you over the edge. Your body shakes violently and your walls squeeze around his finger. Your head falls back while you reach your peak and subsequently come down.
Lo’ak reluctantly pulls his mouth off of you and pulls his finger out of you and watches your chest rise and fall rapidly while you regain your composure. He tries to position himself so that he can hide his bulge not wanting to let on just how badly he wanted to fuck you dumb right now.
“Feel better?”
You lazily nod your head at him.
“Good. So can we go diving now?” he tries to lighten the mood before any kind of conversation can follow what just happens. You’re not really ready to talk about it yet either.
“Alright, let’s go.”
He jumps up in excitement and you get dressed and find your mask.
“Thanks, Lo’ak.” Even if you weren’t really ready to talk about it yet, you still felt like you should at least thank him.
“Trust me, it was my pleasure.” He shoots you a playful wink before walking off.
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thieves-in-the-palace · 10 months
jumps into ur ask box hello. hi. what are ur ng+ time loop thoughtz
god i have. a lot of thoughts about ng+ time loops in general. in relation to this post tho i specifically have Some Thoughts about Akira going through the loops trying to figure out why he's stuck there, how to get out, etc and also having to contend with Akechi dying every time but also like…the inevitable emotional cycles that come with watching the same guy die over and over.
✧ "Who is more unlucky here? The one who will die every time but never remember? Or the one who will live every time and always remember?" –> "Me. I'm the more unlucky one. What's this dude's fucking problem" –> "What's MY fucking problem? Why does this keep happening to me? Why doesn't anyone else remember? Why can't I escape this? Why does Akechi have to die every time??" –> "What's this dude's FUCKING problem–"
✧ does it count as a parasocial relationship if you know the guy irl and also it's based on the weird sense of kinship that comes with being doomed to repeatedly live through the same year over and over while he's doomed to die every time. hand in hand they are BOTH doomed baybee
✧ You know how Akechi is often portrayed as having Death Note-esque internal monologues when interacting with Akira? That but Akira is having his own wildly different internal monologue that sounds a lot like "okay you shit idiot. what's it gonna take to keep you from dying"
✧ The rest of the Thieves are surprised when Akira doesn't seem to react to Akechi's death, but they figure he's trying to keep it together for the sake of the mission. Truly tho Akira is mentally cussing Akechi out and lamenting the fact they're gonna have to fight god again soon. rip lawboy you would've loved fighting ol' yaldy
✧ Futaba hacks Akira's phone (for enrichment) and sees his most recent google search "is it bad to stop feeling bad after the 15th time you watch the same person die or are you allowed to start getting annoyed about it" – maybe he's going through something similar to what she went through w/ her mom? She starts prodding him about his past, but it doesn't really get her anywhere…
(If u want to get even more into Game-Based Reality Nonsense u could even say that Futaba can't find anything on Akira aside from his criminal record. No hospital records, no school info, no nothing. It's like the guy didn't even exist before the day he got arrested. Akira might not have any answers either, which, u know, doesn't help with the mental strain caused by being stuck in a time loop. Does he even exist outside of the loop? If the loop ended, would he disappear with it? etc etc)
✧ At the beginning of each loop, Akira makes a list of things that might break the time loop, updating it as needed. "Akechi survives" is at the top of the list every time bc it's one of the only things that never happens.
✧ Akira just generally having a slightly shorter temper w/ Akechi bc truly. How do u go through this sort of ordeal w/o wanting to rattle him like a maraca after a point. He won't hesitate to call Akechi cringe when the guy leans too heavily on his Pleasant Lawboy™ persona.
They wind up sparring in Mementos more frequently bc this Akira is more willing to entertain Akechi's bloodlust; fighting is a good outlet for Akira's own frustrations. Akechi keeps getting more and more annoyed each time tho bc why tf can this attic trash keep up with him? How is he predicting Akechi's attacks so well? (Akechi's going to start spitting fire if he ever finds out Akira has been holding back during their fights lmao. Akira can easily trounce him in 1v1 since like…3 loops ago?)
✧ Akira spending so much time annoyed and even furious w/ Akechi for not having enough self-preservation to survive even one loop only to ultimately circle right back into The Guilt + Sorrow bc god, all this time and he still can't figure out how to keep this fuckhead alive?
And it IS guilt Akira feels, unfortunately. Makoto and Futaba were both antagonistic towards the Phantom Thieves at first, too. Just spending some time with them was enough to reveal how getting screwed over by adults guided their actions; it doesn't absolve them of threatening the group, but it makes them easier to forgive.
Akira wonders, sometimes, if he's too quick to forgive Akechi. He's killed people, and he claims to be perfectly okay with being a murderer so long as it means he can reach his goals. But Akechi is a liar all the way down, too, because a cold-hearted killer wouldn't sacrifice himself for his enemies. He wouldn't give up his only shot at vengeance so easily after going through years of hell to achieve it. Yet Akechi still dies in that boiler room every time. Akechi never truly hates Akira, and Akira can't quite bring himself to ever truly hate Akechi, either.
But then Akira sees Akechi alive and well and smiling for the camera in the next loop, and he gets the abrupt urge to lay the guy out.
✧ "I want you to live. I also never want to see you again."
✧ And all of this is w/o getting into P5R's third semester hijinks. Akira thinking he's finally escaped the time loop only to realize that something Worse is happening now.
And Akechi is still there, because of fucking course he is–
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man im glad kabru put his sword down n acknowledged hes no good w monsters. He hurt himself so much trying to be a person hes not… dying over n over again… becoming so good at killing people in the service of that goal n it gets him no closer to it… and i dont think dungeon life is actually what he wants either… he had such a miserable time but i feel the people he met…was the journey. Maybe. I think theres something moving about him venturing out n meeting ppl from all walks of life.
And a life of many more…and i may be about to do a horrific misreading but i always thought part of the reason kabru got namari n toshiro to go w him instead of his own party was trying to keep em outta harms way esp rin. But in turn he cut himself off of his closest connections while interacting w ppl who bring up really bitter memories for him. Man kabru n rins relationship… they dont love each other in the same way but u can tell theyre always thinking of each other. Like interacting w the canaries is hard for him. But also on another level he may have taken them bc they do in fact live up to his idealized version of ppl who can effortlessly slay monsters n its something he knows he lacks. But idk if being good at slayin monsters particularly helped in the end of that situation tho it was good to have a few ppl good at it on retainer. Kinda bummed they cut out of a lot of kabrus interactions w namari and shuro bc i do find them interesting in the short moments they interact. Thats the b team (w mithrun acting as the antag of it so he flits in and out)
Like kabru has a moment of vulnerability in telling his own story to them honestly. It was hard for him. And if they cut out namaris genuine moment of unconditional kindness when she reaches out for kabru while everyones trampling over each other and hes having a ptsd moment ill be at their doors. I think it was a pretty vital moment in reminding him why he feels so strongly abt autonomy. I feel kabru very rarely gets acknowledged for his kindness often no string attached. N ppl are much quicker to note hes manipulative n a charmer but i think some of these moments he just likes listening to ppl some of whom have never been listened to in their lives…. Its sad how much kabrus willing to accommodate others n give em grace n yet he wont give it to himself : ( But also that those two were genuinely moved by his moment of vulnerability and even tho theyre mainly there for their frat bro allegiance towards laios where theyre like idc if he did that #freemyman, i do think what pushed them over the threshold is thinking about what he said about the elves trampling everyone and how they trampled over this delicate infrastructure ppl built for their livelihood . I like to think their lil turn everyone against the canaries was them pouring one out for him. Carry his dream on a little bit longer bc they dunno if he survived. I found it like aw. That all his like kabrus been trying to carry a mountain on his back, trying so hard to be a manipulative charming person to that end, but he can move ppl just as he is. By being open n vulnerable .
the last survivor of utaya… but is just surviving enough? Think its good he makes a new home in melani so that he can move onto the next part of his life while keeping every place hes ever been close. A dungeon that wiped out all life. A dungeon that created a new one
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aernx · 11 months
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tysm everyone for 1k!! i hvnt been on the blog for a while but this is such a milestone for me i’m genuinely so proud of myself that i have reached this far. this also wouldn’t have happened w/o y’alls supports!!! tysm for everyone who enjoyed my works from “oh niki you’re so fine”, to my little random drabbles, to works i’m working on rn‼️‼️
no but srsly i had everything planned out for my 1k milestone aka the oneshot ver of “it’s a wrap!” or a jake long oneshot but they aren’t finished yet 😭😭
sorry for being inactive these days guys :( school had js started n I’M LITERALLY DYING. like i nvr would’ve thought that i wld be the type to study every night but here i am doing that every night 😭
ONCE AGAIN THANKU SO VERY MUCH EVERYONE!! i am so thankful that i started this blog bc i get to meet the most wonderful of moots and got to interact w all of u!!! please look forward to my next works!! love u all so so muchhh
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tenoart · 6 months
I'm rambling about this and no one will care but WHATEVER
Smp The Odyssey (more so epic the musical) au (Scott centric)
Basically it all starts with esmp s1 with Scott, and all canon events there happen all pretty much the same EXCEPT jimmy gets killed in front of Scott, and that after life doesn't last. All ESMP S1 leaders become the Greek pantheon
(Scott is Athena, Pix is Zeus, Joel is Ares, Lizzie is Aphrodite u get the picture)
The reincarnation of Aeor and all that doesn't stop , cut to ESMP 2 Scott hundreds of years later lives in the small empire of Rivendell (it's rulers died and hasn't been stable sense) and adapts to a life of crime to survive and gets his baby llama, Owen. before quickly realizing Owen was a shape shifter disguised as a llama to get free food.
He has Esmp s1 Scott who for simplicity sake I'm gonna call Tundra following him around throughout his childhood, and gives him the test in his teen years to steal the skull without dying, Tundra takes his eye and trains him from there on out. Pressuring him into becoming an king of his own nation and constantly eluding to Xornoth without outright stating it.
Scott however, hates this role. It's not him. He's a free spirit who can't be bothered to rule a kingdom. So he leaves with Owen and doesn't look back, only for months later to be confronted by Tundra (cue my goodbye from epic)
He takes back Scott's new magic eye, and tells Scott he basically ruined everything, and Scott doesn't understand, insulting Tundra for stringing him along and implies that Tundra only does this for his pride. Meanwhile tundra was trying to make sure Scott didn't repeat his mistakes
He shows Scott that all the other empires were attacked in his disappearance, that Jimmy, sausage, everyone had died to Xornoth while he was absent. Then, Tundra with the blade I can't remember the name of from ESMP 1 kills Scott, sending him to an after life with Owen, and stepping over him and sheriff Jimmy's corpses and through a portal
Years later there's a old abandoned museum of the ESMP 2 empires, that's built on top of a similar one of the ESMP 1 empires. Witch Smp Scott (who will be called Witch for simplicity) finds it and is exploring it with his lover pre deathification. Tundra now starts following him around. His test being the witch competition itself. He sees Joey summon Xornoth and rushes to introduce himself to witch. Witch knows of him and finds him super cool and looks up to him as a friend.
He follows in Tundra's orders. Making his own empire with his lover, having a kid (who I haven't. Made many decisions about yet I just know I want him to interact with Esmp 2 Scott's ghost at some point tho)
Witch trains under Tundra for awhile, before finding red vines creeping out of the ocean and Tundra deciding it's time.
Other scenes / stuff is I want A LOT of the other Scott's present.
Teleporter Scott as Hermes, Life serise Scott teamed up with Xornoth, Id love to include vampire Scott cause he's a favorite but I have 0 clue where. Cleo from witch Smp is Witch's BFF, (gets killed)
I LOVE THE IDEA OF GOD GAMES W Tundra Lizzie and Joel all ESMP 1 it BANGS.
Also imagine witch slowly as it goes own growing antlers from his little horns as he becomes more ruthless. During god games I like the idea of Jimmy being one of the easier ones Tundra has to convince, I like the idea of witch getting trained outside of time in a completely fixed Rivendell only when Tundra leaves him to be left in the real ruins of Rivendell.
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moonlitxeuphoria · 1 year
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“We’ve actually, um, already met,” the prince interjected, his voice sounding rather small and pitiful.
Sokka raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Wait, really?” her brother inquired. “When did this happen?”
When he saw he’d receive no answer from his sister, whose stony glare mirrored the prince’s from earlier in the night, Sokka turned his focus back towards his friend.
“It was, um, right after we arrived,” the Fire Prince replied, and she could see that he was starting to sweat just a little, which served him right. “I didn’t know she was your sister, though…”
Her brother finally noticed something was wrong, and his head swiveled back and forth between the two of them.
After a heartbeat Prince Zuko somehow forced a weak smile on his face, cautiously extending his hand to take hers.
No doubt he intended to raise it to his lips for a kiss, probably to regurgitate some nonsense about what an honor it had been to make her acquaintance or something.
Well, he would receive no such honor from her tonight, not after his vile behavior and insults.
Katara allowed her eyes to skim down to his pale, trembling hand before raising them to meet his gaze once more, her mouth set in a hard thin line.
He held his hand out for a few more moments before finally realizing that it was pointless, eventually letting it drop to his side as the corners of his mouth quickly shot downwards into a frown once more.
A faint murmuring arose from the crowd watching this interaction, marveling at this snub.
“Wait, am I missing something?” Sokka asked, his brow furrowing in concern.
Delicate - Chapter 4 by Jasmine-Tea-Latte
Zutara nation how we feeling after that last update 🫡
This amazing fic has been living rent free in my mind and so I just had to draw this moment from it because the image of Katara death-glaring at Zuko all while Sokka is totally confused about it had me dying when I first read through it. Backgrounds are defo not my strong suit but I’m honestly super proud of how it turned out, used references of ballrooms and simplified it because I would’ve probably keeled over if I detailed it as much as I wanted to originally. (See if you can spot which of the shadows were my favorite to draw 🥹 I feel like it’s super obvious)
If you’re looking for a good read, this has it all:
- good immersive writing
- enemies to friends to eventual lovers (they’re getting there 🥹🥹🥹 but not without a whole world of obstacles in their way)
- s l o w b u r n. And it’s so stinking good.
Literally if you have not already, and are a fan of works similar to pride and prejudice or bridgerton, go read it rn rn. @jasmine-tea-latte you are a literal genius 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 hopefully I did this moment some justice.
(Trying to put a link to the fic on this but tumblr is being a jerk to me rn and won’t do it 🥲)
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hoonvrs · 4 months
uhm okay i think i missed a lot but wtf ? dragging someone while complaining that you have lack of attention is crazy behavior because why do you think a person needs to interact w you every second of their lives? if you truly want to be friends then try to make effort and if u don’t get it back then just yk give up? why would you chase someone and demanding ‘equal rights’ bro is this voting rights that we are so desperate to get?? (idk who leaderwon is but i hope they are okay becuz you have to super salty and w no friends and common sense to drag a poor person like that for no apparent reason just for being intelligent, anon just need to get out there and experience real life and read a book idk)
i get that it can be hurtful when the person you want to interact w u doesn’t show much interest (probably becuz they have life outside this delusional platform? have you ever thought they could be working? studying? just in general having a life and not chronically online) but you don’t need to be so stupid abt it? just let saint breath man? ALSO DADS? HELP GIRL ARAB DADS W THIER ONLY DAUGHTERS R ON ANOTHER LEVEL CUZ I KNOW HOW THEY CAN BE ? CRAZY SGIT TO SAY
anyways meow saint you r popular people just dying to get a piece of u 😩
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like ?? i don’t owe anyone anything this is like my hobby who are u to talk to me like that😭 and then they called me rude cause i said i don’t care how they feel unless they talk to me properly not through anon thinking i was gonna apologise LMAOOO
and then dragging luna cause they have shit grammar💀 when did people get so entitled on this fuck ass app omfg
AND IVE BEEN SAYING IM BUSYYY and alw been saying from day one im so shit at interacting in js grateful for my moots interacting with me first cause im too awk to start it🤧 WEIRDOOOOO
INOOOOO eldest daughter who’s the only girl to an arab dad and she though she clocked me thinking i have daddy issues WRONG✋🏼
meow :3 i’m js too irresistible
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rotshop · 2 years
okay but. imagine Sheriff!Reader. basically Auditor makes a contract with the Reader instead of Sheriff.
rubbing my hands 2gether . you know what ive written too many fucked up readers i think i can write ONE pathetic meow meow reader <333 just went w/ audi for this but uhhh tee hee . if u want anyone else ... lmk
[ ONE brief mention of reader dying and being brought back at the end but otherwise no warnings needed ]
-you weren't the most famous in nevada, not by a long-shot, but your name was still one people could mention in passing conversation. you'd managed to amass a following of your own, getting a good few people under you that would support you. they weren't a whole lot, but the sentiment was enough that you felt pretty confident in your place.
-however, even that confidence you'd had so instilled in you wavered the moment the shadowy figure had walked into your office. you'd really just expected a slow-day, not even thinking too hard about the shakiness of one of your employees who'd come to let you know about you visitor in the first place.
-it was a simple enough offer, supplies in return for Hank's head. It was all too predictable, yet you couldn't say no. The help the AAHW could offer you and your group as a whole was nothing to sneer at, it'd be all too nice to have a few more hands on deck and some more supplies to keep you all afloat.
-you just had to hope you wouldn't come to regret it as you reached to shake their hand.
-Initially, she wasn't quite sure of what to make of you. On one hand, you definitely had some talent. You were good at getting people together and you were good at keeping morale up- something he was less than stellar at. Yet, there's always a risk of you backing out or being in over your head. Hank was no easy target, she knew this, you knew this, and you both knew he could tear you and your branch to shreds in the blink of an eye.
-Admittedly, she ends up fostering some respect for your willingness to try. It's not much, but many grunts in the same position would fold under the threat of near-assured death. You at least had the guts to give some kind of effort, something she highly appreciated. This only grows more with how you organize your group. Sure, it's nothing he would do, but he's never really made kind with any of his units. Your approach was far more hands-on than his ever was.
-He doesn't exactly have the time to supervise you, but he places some trust in that you can keep from falling apart. That said, he'll definitely send an agent of his to go check up on things in your branch every now and then. She finds herself impressed with the fact you've continued your efforts and have really dug your heels in, coming up with plan upon plan to try and limit casualties while maximising efficiency.
-Eventually, she starts making some time to go check on you herself, wanting to see just how you've managed to handle everything. It's certainly no easy feat to smoothly go from leader of a few to leader of many in a relatively small time-span. At first, she's really just viewing things in a purely analytical way, wanting to see just how you tick.
-It can almost be jarring to look over your shoulder and see her doing the same to you, focused entirely on something you'd been telling one of your men about. People slowly start to get used to it, expecting his presence following yours and ignoring him entirely. He offers his own little input here and there ("No, you shouldn't send them there. They'll know it's a trap and go somewhere else instead.") but for the most part he's just kind of . watching .
-At first, it was a little intimidating, but it grows on you once you realize it's really just his curiosity. You'll take the time to try and explain some of your reasoning to him while he just kinda . nods and listens. its the first time anyone's ever really seen him interact with someone so casually.
-He's getting attached before he even notices it, cringing a bit whenever he gets some accident report back detailing how some facility you'd been working on was raided and cleared out. He's not the best at emotional support, never really seeing or receiving it from any of his peers, but he'll hang around you and try to offer ways to avoid that. She distinctly remembers reading one and it just not leaving her mind. Not for any real reason, even, just stuck in there. She distinctly remembers her nails stopped tapping her desk when the thought of you being in one of those facilities came to mind.
-It's something he's entirely new to. Most Employers are relatively solitary, preferring to keep to themselves unless it was entirely beneficial to be around one another. Yet, you've managed to make him wanna stick around you. It's ALMOST funny. If not for the way she crosses her arms and zones out while standing around you. More than a few times now you've had to try and politely get her attention back while she just kinda . stares off into space .
-Eventually this boils into physical gestures, something as small as just putting a hand on your shoulder or more noticable like leaning over the back of your chair with her arms around your neck (more than a few times she's almost nicked you with her claws in her panic to straighten up whenever someone walks into your office to talk to you). If you ask her about it it just kinda stops at 'Do you want me to stop?' If you ask for her reasoning directly she just kind of. stares at you. looks away. looks back at you. and then changes the topic.
-EVENTUALLY . she will finally just kind of . suddenly grab you by the shoulders and ask you out in some weird way. 'Can i court you' babygirl what <3 . just be patient w/ her she has no fucking clue what she's doing. he tries to learn tho . for u
-If he wasn't around you before, he sure as hell is now. Obviously, you still both work on your own things and you have some time to yourself, but there's plenty of moments where you'll be in one of your offices together. He prefers if you stay at the same facility with him because he feels like he has much more of a chance to keep you safe if anything should happen .
-IF . you do get fucking GOT she most definitely finds a way to get you back. At that point you're absolutely stuck to her side for a bit. He's just paranoid if you're out of sight for too long he'll find out you're actually still in purgatory or that something else will go wrong. going off that one white hank interp of sheriff bc i liek it he's definitely the type to trace along the stitches and occasionally press a careful kiss to them. It makes him a little bit sad but he likes feeling them in sort of a grounding way . safe 2 say you won't get any taunting about them or anything else . your partner can turn into a Fucking Dragon. what are they gonna do then. fight????? yeah. sure. right. they'd rather keep their skin.
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celestie0 · 29 days
bae you should’ve HEARD the squeal i let out when you posted 😭 i like rolled around on my bed and kicked my feet for a good minute or two IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK BAEEE 💗
also bae omg im realizing how many mistakes i made on my most recent ask omg its so embarrassing 😭😭 im assuming you understood what i meant tho? 😭 IN MY DEFENSE I WAS ON THE TRAIN SO IT WAS BUMPY AND I DIDNT WANT PPL SEEING MY PHONE 🫠 like have you ever been in public and then someones looking over at your phone?? SHIT HAPPENS TOO OFTEN I SWEAR.
bae missing gojo so bad rn i turned to character ai 😓
anyway do u remember C?? yeah so i confessed and uh 🧍‍♀️he kinda just brushed it off and brought up another girl 😭 BUT GET THIS. THE OTHER GIRL IS ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS. like imagine you’re texting a girl who’s been your friend SINCE YOU WERE KIDS and KNOWING she has a crush on you and then you still bring up one of her closest friends relationship status. LIKE??? i’m being so fr when i say this i cried. i called my friend D in TEARS after i finished talking to C and D was just like “yo wait what happened?” and then i had to explain AND IT TURNS OUT C HAD BEEN ASKING ABOUT MY FRIEND FOR A WHILE. they danced together once at a party and apparently hes had a crush on her ever since??
okay but enough abt C,, hes an asshole and i never want to speak to him again (i still like him very much and i still need him but im tryna cope lolol) 💗 how’ve u been bae?? i hardly ever send in asks anymore so i feel like we don’t interact as often 😞 omg bae do u have any show recommendations?? i’ve been dying to watch something new lately but all the shows my friends recommend are ones i’ve seen already 😓😓
anyway bae thats all 💗 i hope you were doing well on your hiatus (even though it was short!) and i can’t wait for the next kickoff update ‼️ byebye and i love uuuu
hiii my lovely <33 OMG you're too fucking sweet i swear you make me smile everytime i see you in my inbox. yes it's nice to be back i missed everyone lots :'') i still might take it a lil easy tho haha i realized during my hiatus i've gotta just spend less time on tumblr between my fic updates kdjfhsdkfjl
haha yes i hate when ppl look at screens. but i always used to look at people's screens during lectures in college to see what they're up to and what they're ordering on amazon HAHA i guess it's human nature to be nosey asf
omg NOOOO babe that's horrendous fuck C i'm so sorry you went through that :(( you deserve sm better than that. aww bb whatever helps you cope is valid, but i do think that maybe it's time to let C go...you confessed n did what you could, and even if he didn't like you back, he should've treated your confession w care n respect. the way he reacted is major red flag!! i'm sorry though, i know you've known him a long time, so that has to be really tough to go through :'') chin up bb, i promise you'll find better guys out there that will treat you w the care you deserve
i've been okay!! i had my last day of work on thursday which was kind of bittersweet, i cried in front of my PI LOL (he's an old german man and he's always been very sweet to me n i'm really gonna miss him aaa) i had social plans the past couple of days which was fun but i'm kind of an introvert so i spent today recharging my social batter haha.
ooo i've been watching bojack horseman recently!! i like it, it's funny and realistic, but i've heard it becomes a total shitshow (not as in it becomes a bad show, it's still a great show BUT the characters kinda stress you out)...i really like it, i've been recommending it to people! i like shows that are kind of cynical commentaries w an overlay of comedy though HAHA so if you're into that too, i'd recommend it. if you wanna watch a really good romance show, i'd recommend 'one day' on netflix!! it's like a slow burn friends to lovers, and the acting in it was phenomenal. no spoilers but i will give a heavy angst warning.
thanks bb!! yes my hiatus was good haha i appreciate you sm <33 love u tooooo darling
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sacrilegiious · 1 year
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hi, my loves ! 4am but we're finally here, intro almost posted. i'm daisy ( she/her ) and this is my bby dawn. i've been playing her for a while now and i'm so excited to get to it again and see how she will interact with all of your lovely muses. dawn is my headstrong, always down to fight, antisocial girl - genuinely an all round asshole but with her heart in the right place i think ? i guess that judgment is yours to make. def looking forward to plotting w all of u okay byyyee ! &lt;;33
꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀shin ryujin.   twenty-one.   cis woman.   she/her.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   ’dawn'  soojin jeong   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the   drummer   in   rad   and have been signed with the label for   six months.   they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @fuckoffjake.  fans know them for being   ruthless   but i swear they’ve got a   protective   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   sleepless nights spent under neon lights, fingers impatiently drumming on a desk, dark eyes that refuse to look away first.   stan twitter even voted them most likely to   overthrow the government.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
name:  soojin “dawn” jeong.
nicknames:  u can try i guess.
gender:  cis woman
pronouns:  she/her.
age:  21.
date of birth:  march 23rd 2001.
astrological sign: aries
place of birth: seoul, sk
nationality: korean-american
ethnicity: korean
occupation:  drummer at rad / architecture student.
sexual & romantic orientation:  bisexual, biromatic.
longest relationship: like a month probs.
height:  1.64m / 5′4″  (as i’m being told)
weight:  50kg / 110lbs.
hair colour:  naturally black (does like dying it though).
hair style:  rn short-ish, almost reaching her shoulders.
eye colour: brown.
clothing style:  tomboy meets goth witch. almost exclusively black.
tattoos:  has several. a little D and a moon on her left hand, a rythmic score on her right ribs, a little black cat on her hip.
piercings:  ear lobes & left ear helix.
defining features:  whisker dimples, mole under left eyebrow.
positive traits:  ambitious, charismatic, intelligent, self-reliant, daring, witty.
negative traits:  controlling, haughty, choleric, abrasive, impatient, judgy.
likes:  rock music, cats, the city at dawn, cool architecture, hot chocolate, asmr.
dislikes:  people (especially cis men), planes, haunted houses, brussels sprouts.
skills & languages.
notable skills: drumming, drawing, good memory, pen / drum stick spinning.
secret talents: lock picking, horseback riding.
languages spoken: Korean, English, Japanese & a bit of French.
tw: v minor mention of violence
born as jeong soojin in seoul, her life has always been predetermined by her last name, her family. she was the first child of her rather prominent parents, alongside her twin brother and both of them grew up surrounded by wealth, learning a second language by the age they were four and a third one from age nine. generally, their parents tried their best to give them everything you were supposed to give a child in order for it to develop promisingly. if raising a child were similar to a math equation that is. the only thing that they were missing, that no money or good intentions could afford them, was privacy. being one of the children of the ceo of a successful real estate company and a prominent politician meant they were always somewhat in the eye of the public. not enough to constantly be of relevance to the media but enough for any missteps to find an audience. 
making mistakes was never an option. failure not in her vocabulary as she grew up and became the over-achiever her parents had always hoped for. she was on top of her class ever since starting school and later on became not only student body president in her high school but also picked up all the right hobbies. playing the violin, horseback riding, fencing - excelling in apparently everything she touched. all the success came with a price though, the rigorous self-discipline, the complete disregard of her actual nature. inside all she felt was emptiness and that emptiness was only replaced by burning, raging anger. when she was thirteen, her blood absolutely boiling with unbridled rage, she became violent towards a classmate of hers. an incident that didn’t cause a big scandal solely because once she got home, bloody fists and all, her parents immediately paid off both the parents of said classmate as well as the members of the press who had heard of the story. everything was kept under tight wraps but it was clear there was an issue, a problem, with the golden child. therefore, she was brought to therapy, diagnosed with anger management issues and recommended to pick up a hobby that might help her with her situation. among the provided examples was drumming, something soojin would have never been allowed previously but that soon became her favorite thing to do. 
in the end, graduating with stellar results was no issue, if one thing came relatively easy to her it was academic success. still, however, she felt empty inside. felt caged in this life she had never picked yet never really tried to fight either. that was until now, when she could finally convince her parents to let her study abroad. embellishing her arguments with how impressive it would look on her CV and how it would help both her cultural and language education, she was allowed to leave the country and therefore also her parents’ and the press’ watchful eyes. she started her bachelors in architecture at ucla, actually quite passionate about the subject but she also didn’t lose sight of another thing she felt passionate about: drumming. ever since she got to the us, she changed her name to dawn, affording herself further anonymity and has finally become her own person. style, chaotic flatshare, political views and all. together with, what would soon become her two closest friends, she created the band r.a.d. about three years ago.
for a long time they were a small underground group, playing feminist punk rock was after all not truly what would catapult you into a life of stardom, or at least that is what they thought. however, after over two years of playing a lot of dingey bars, one of their songs gained some notoriety on tik tok, becoming what you might call a feminine rage hymn. with that hit song under their belt, they were approached by several record labels. dawn never felt inclined to sign, for her life was easier this way. nobody to tell them what direction to take with their music, absolute freedom. she would simply bankroll them herself. but when revolution records approached them and considering her existence of living in between the two worlds might come with an expiry date, rad agreed to sign. it gave them a sense of financial security, while also preserving their artistic freedom. for revolution, they moved across the country where now dawn is finishing up her bachelors degree mostly online.  
character wise she quite controlling and reckless, which can be difficult for social interactions, especially since she is absolutely unwilling to compromise in her ideals or to admit defeat. has absolutely no issue with telling people just how wrong she thinks they are. on the other hand, she has quite the dry sense of humor, can be incredibly charming if she wishes so.
is having the time of her life ever since she joined rad, she is now dressing completely different than she used to at home.  she has also started expressing her own thoughts and opinions a lot... most would say too much.
very much a destroy the patriarchy, anti-capitalistic, eat the rich, acab kind of babe.
AH YES R.A.D. dawn is the youngest member of the band and their drummer. just like at uni, she’s known exclusively as dawn in this context bc she’s still kinda trying to avoid people back at home finding out eek (hello ms hannah montana lol) - esp since r.a.d.’s specialty is angry feminist punk rock.
studies architecture and actually rlly loves it? like she will def geek out about architecture if you give her the chance.
dawn of justice was funnily enough the name of her first horse back home, so do with that info as you will.
she has the kind of personality that makes her a natural leader even though? she is an introvert? so yeah, she does prefer her solitude most of the time but don’t expect her to keep her mouth shut in social situations.
she sleeps very very little, which only adds to her high-strung personality. most of those sleepless nights are either spent performing with the band or studying.
when speaking she does have a slight korean accent.
wanted connections (wip).
i do have this sort of fun ideak that idek what to call but basically your muse and dawn got into a loud argument outside the building and somebody took pictures or videos and posted them to twitter saying they were having a lover spat. actually, they probably don’t get along great and have been trying to vehemently deny it on their social media, both losing some not so nice words about the other but it was simply interpreted by the netizens as them lovingly teasing each other soo.... that’s where we’re at basically. 
enemies / antagonists   — basically, dawn does tend to be a rude lil dickish so she’d def have quite some people who dislike her. for example that could be somebody she made fun off bc she didn’t like their music (probably called it something like mushy fluff or whatever skdfjsdf).
former hook up   —   this was definitely just casual, especially on her part. clean, no strings attached fun. well, unless maybe it wasn’t for your muse ?!  that could be a fun option as well. open for all genders.
the rare friends   —   this is the exclusive group of people she likes to be friends with asdfahd. it just be like that but ya def hmu and give my antisocial gal some friendss. maybe somebody who she actually connected with through music, or perhaps architecture.
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harukadrawsthings · 2 years
Ok, ik i shouldn't be complaining and I'm def being picky rn but I NEED TO SEE INTERACTION WITH LUCARIO AND DESTINY- I've been dying to see some more interactions with ash's other Pokémon and his daughter, it would be the actually best if we can see Destiny and Ash go into Professor Oaks lab and just seeing her play with some other Pokémon for the first time, I'm also keen on seeing her and Lucario have some sort of cute bond like w Pikachu. P.S - sorry for being a pain, ik I'm a picky person and I'm just dying to see something adorable and new because i somehow got through all of your comics' in one day, what can i say u give a real good plot line and an even better art style-
An interaction between Lucario and Destiny is something in my bucket list since a while of ideas for future comics! That and other Pokémon too like Dracovish, Gengar and Sirfetch'd. It could also involve the other Pokémon at Oak's lab too!
Worth noting that Lucario develops a particular interest for Destiny when she's an older child the moment everyone figures out she's an Aura User just like her dad.
And thanks for the feedback! Tomorrow a new comic will be uploaded but it won't involve these that I've mentioned, sadly!
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HELLO SO THAT FIC U POSTED???? CHANGED ME FOREVER. I relate to that other anon deeply my brain chemistry will never be the same. it frankly hasn't been the same since the fic was just snippets you posted abt once in a while and now it's posted and it's A 25K DELIGHT AND I JUST---- *SCREAMS**SQUEALS**CRIES*
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW PRESENT IT'S BEEN IN MY MIND SINCE FOREVER KQMCLWKFS I'm dying. reader is great her thing with Wilbur is great I am screaming and crying and Oh My God thank u for sharing it w us I am. /SCREAMING./
no but genuinely I've been grinning and letting out like. fickin SQUEALS for over an hour kqmflsjxkalck like I'm so glad and happy I got to read it istg. u have SUCH a way with words?????? and characterisation??????? and like. developing relationships hello????????? I am in shambles. every once in a while I return to ur writing bc it's just So Good and now I got to do it thru this fic I've been excited for for the last????? TWO YEARS I THINK. idk how long it's been but it's been A WHILE so thank u thank u thank u thank u not only did it live up to my expectations it also absolutely went over them. thank u genuinely you've made my past two years pretty much. for the last however long there hasn't been a week in which I haven't thought abt reader and Q's interaction (the snippet of ‘this is how it started the last time’) for at least an hour straight genuinely like. and haVING CONTEXT??????
anyway basically this is like a huge thing for me and I just thought I'd tell u that😭💕 like I hope u know your writing has been v important to me for a while, from what you love you devour to like. everything kinda but wylyd just struck a chord w me if that makes sense lmao and like. I would've totally gotten it if you'd lost interest but I'm glad u didn't and decided to share that absolutely amazing fic💕💕
(*25K*!!!! oh my god!!!!! I wasn't before either, but now I will literally never stop thinking abt it)
((THE GHOSTBUR STUFF WAS SO SWEET)) ((and heartbreaking in the most PERFECT manner)) ((and don't get me STARTED on Dream. and Q. and WILBUR OH MY GOD WILBUR WILBUR WILBUR WILBUR-------))))))(and reader oh my god reader I will never shut up about reader)
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I'm gonna rotate your message in my head like a microwave dish for the rest of my life I love you so much 💖💖💖 I've been meaning to answer this for days but I wanted to take the time to properly answer it because I'm going to ramble about this fuckin fic I hope you know!!
this fic means so so much to me and I'm so glad that I finally got it published, but also that I ended up publishing it like this, like I definitely could have added more but I think it would have ended up kind of bloated, and it's already such a huge fic 😅😅 the vignette style makes me feel like I'm getting snapshots of the important moments while still getting the sense of the reader having a life between scenes, and the rest of the dsmp plot still going on around them
I mean this so genuinely, WIPS are always In Progress, I never forget a fic, I still reread what I have of my Mafia!Corpse AU from 2019 and wonder what I should add next, same with the other like, 20 drafts I have. 😅😅 I hope they all get published eventually, but I feel very lucky to have come back to this and recognise that it's good enough to put out there ☺️☺️
but OKAY I WANNA TALK ABOUT THE READER'S RELATIONSHIPS WITH ALL THESE FUCKING CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY MAKE ME YELL !! im making this into it's own post because i literally wrote so much just talking about the reader and dream and i have so much to say about them and Q and WILBUR and i'll tag u xx i LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE THIS FIC IT STILL MAKES ME FERAL
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greenjokwe-blog · 1 year
Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure - Finished 01/04/2023
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... I really, REALLY need to vet these games before playing them.
Zack and Wiki was high up on the list of games I needed to play for a WHILE. I bought it YEARS ago for preowned £12 back when the Wii was still relevant, I heard RAVE things about this game from places like Official Nintendo Magazine when it launched. As far as I’m aware, the game is still considered a hidden gem in the Wii library to this day. I left my Wii backlog abandoned for a while, so when I decided to finally dust off my Wii U (it wasn’t that undusted, was replaying some BoTW recently) and finally beat it, thinking a break with a nice, casual, children's point-and-click game...Fuck man, part of me makes me almost think I’M the issue.
Okay, compliments first cuz there’s a LOT to love about this game. The visual presentation is absolutely lovely. The models look great, colours gorgeous, animation is lovely, and honestly this game feels like to the Wii what Mega Man Legends was for the PS1. In fact I’d say this game has a lot of the best of Capcom’s default charm. Everything pops out and makes sense, there’s an inherent “kick” to how things feel to use and interact with, and in general, there’s just a great sense of creativity with the amount of game mechanics that fit into the structure of the game. This game has a ton of ideas and feels pretty unique for what it is, the best way I could describe it is like a fusion of Mega Man Legends, Ghost Trick, Secret of Monkey Island, and your standard early Wii game.
And when I say early Wii game, holy shit do I mean it. What’s nice about the puzzles in Zack and Wiki is that they are very beginner-friendly and easily solvable, but maaaan that does NOT follow up in actual execution. This game controls entirely via the Wii mote, and a lot of actual interfacing with the mechanics requires a variety of different motion control actions. Which, don’t get me wrong, at the time, SUPER cool, especially with how they’re integrated into the levels and the items it can feel super immersive, but it makes things a strain at certain points, especially towards the end of the game where it feels like half of the controls don’t even work like intended, leading to a lot of unintended deaths.
Oh yeah, dying in this game sucks. Instead of having your standard life system or using checkpoints, this game needs you to buy lives with gold, you don’t get any for free. What at first seems like an interesting idea to play into the games score system for solving puzzles, turns into immediate frustration very quickly, as large amounts of progress can be reset due to a mechanic not working or an accidental misclick, and your only reprieve is that you didn’t waste your money and have enough lives, which still resets your score, so you might as well reset anyway. It sucks cuz what could’ve been a convenience was turned into the exact opposite.
It’s so frustrating. If these features felt less broken, felt more considered and just, worked? I feel like this would be one of my favourite games on the Wii. And who knows, maybe it’s because of the final boss that really frustrated me and broke the straw, but man it’s hard for me to even look at the great parts of the game without thinking twice. I did really like the game at its best though, fusing great child-friendly point-n-click mechanics without the inherent puzzle-solving arbitrariness that may turn people off. I love games like this, I LOVE unconventional games and, if not limited by the pre-Motion+ Wiimote or maybe a better money balance for hints AND lives that didn’t require you to replay levels, I’d be suggesting EVERYONE check this out. I can still definitely recommend this game just cuz the good parts manage to be so incredibly impressive, unique and charming, but only with the pre-warnings I didn’t really give myself. I really really wanted to fall in love with Zack and Wiki, but all the things against it just make me never want to touch it or its post-game ever again. An EXTREMELY neat game worth remembering and looking into, but nowadays will need to be judged by new players to see if it’s worth the dive.
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