#been having a ruff week
cosmickaz · 1 year
Comfort Call
look at me and my emotional support alliterations.
one-shot (655 words)
Pairing: Cody, Reader nature of relationship unclear, Cody just cares about Reader’s wellbeing
Genre: Fluff, Comfort no Hurt. Reader is in a funk and Cody gets them out of it.
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The black screen of his datapad felt like a punch in the gut as Cody took off his helmet. It has been entirely too long since his penpal had last responded to his messages, and he knew if they disappeared like this, things were starting to get worse again.
It took a little trial and error but you found a way to break the radio-silence without building pressure.
He checked the status icon next to your name. You were online.
A black screen took over his display once again, yet this one seemed infinitely more hopeful, as it was a sign that you had picked up his call.
“No headphones.” appeared in the little chat-box.
There was a very faint rustling coming from your end of the call and Cody smiled, knowing you’d kept your mic on for his sake.
Then, another message: “Wait,” followed by the sound of your footsteps leaving the room.
Where, at first, he’d been a little confused, even slightly offended by your tendency to just get up and leave after the start of your calls, the explanation you’d offered endeared him to your antics. Not to mention your efforts to prepare for his usual calls beforehand now, even making a little game out of it and sending him obscure ‘getting ready’ messages before pressing the button. ‘one moment, I’m building my house.’, ‘sorry, I’m catching some wifi.’ or ‘gimme a sec, my datapad exploded’.The deviation of your usual routine only emphasized how out of it you had to feel.
Sounds of your reentering the room and placing something on your desk disrupted Cody’s worrying.
“Had to get water,” came your explanation. “And a donut.”
Then, your cam turned on.
Upon seeing your slightly disheveled form, he had to resist the instinct of asking about what troubled you. He learned the hard way that calm nonchalance was the way to go in these situations, and interrogating you would only result in you shutting him out completely. His goal was to get you to stop thinking about Whatever It Is and disrupt your thought spiral, hence the unannounced video call.
“Have you been reading?” He typed back, purposely giving you a chance to fill him in on the details of your day  or ignore the elephant in the room and go on about your favourite hobby.
As usual, you chose the latter. “Yeah, I’m still trying to get through this book. I calculated how many pages I have to read every day so I can get through it before I have to return it.”
Of course you did.
“The collected stories one?”
“Mhm,” you nodded your head while typing, making Cody smile once again. “70 pages for 20 days.”
“And how many pages are you behind now?”
At least he was decent enough to hide his smile behind a hand as he asked this.
You glared at him anyhow.
His smile just got wider.
“That’s almost two days!”
“I AM AWARE!!!!!” You were tempted to turn off your camera so he wouldn’t see you pout. “I went to the garden center yesterday so I didn’t have time. And the first couple stories were suuuuuper boring.”
“But it got better?”
“It did. And it’s interesting because I can see where others have been influenced by these themes and stories so it’s cool to go backwards like this. Makes the other stories more interesting, too.”
As your rambling got more animated, your fingers soon weren’t able to keep up with your thoughts anymore, and the sounds of your frantic typing was replaced by your voice.
It would have been foolish to point it out, but Cody knew that this was the point where you’d successfully gotten out of whatever mood had had a hold on you earlier. And with the mood of the conversation between you entering all-too familiar territory again, he reveled in pride over your shared victory.
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kitakunn03 · 4 months
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sat down and finally drew something :) and ofc it was jeff
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puppy-barkz · 11 months
have been having a ruff week (haha get it cuz i'm a dog. get it. ruff like a dog cuz i'm a dog. so silly so funny)
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hedgehog-moss · 3 months
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I finally planted my garden last week! We had a couple of days of sun which gave me hope, but it's once again raining every day. Thoughts and prayers for my tomato plants, but I couldn't keep everyone in the greenhouse forever, I had to make room for other plants.
(In the fourth picture above you can see what's inside the hügelkultur mound—it's a pile of branches + llama manure + compost + potting soil. One thing I find great about it is how well it retains moisture! Well it's not a problem this year so far but during heat waves I water these plants a lot less than non-mound plants.)
In the greenhouse my seedlings have been struggling due to lack of sun. Impossible to get courgette plants so I had to buy a few from the young couple in town who recently started a plant nursery—they didn't have many either, and I had to share with the mayor who also came looking for courgette plants because slugs devoured all of his.
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He must have seen on my face that I thought my plants didn't stand a chance if slugs don't even respect municipal authority, because he kindly advised me to place crowns of bedstraw (see above) around my plants to protect them. I didn't dare to ask "If it works so well why do you have no courgette plants left?" I just said thank you, and then spent an entire evening last week weaving this sticky weed into crowns and whatsapping photos of my art to the mayor, who always replied "More! More! It needs to be thicker! Like a doughnut!"
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Meanwhile 1 leek in the greenhouse suddenly grew a lot thicker while the other 3 remained skinny and fearful-looking and I'm not sure why. They share a pot, so maybe it's like vanishing twin syndrome. My bell pepper seeds had the same asynchronous development issue—one pot is just now starting to have timid seedlings while the other (right next to it) already contains a grown-up plant with baby peppers:
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By far my happiest greenhouse plants are the potatoes and lettuce. They shot up so fast! I've been eating a lot of lettuce lately but I can't keep up with how quickly they grow in this cold, rainy spring. And I haven't had any slug raids in the greenhouse so that's great.
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My greenhouse squash, onions and pickles are still tiny and not worth a photo (harsh, but this post already has too many photos). My strawberries in the aquaponic towers are beautiful despite the lack of sun and I've been getting mini-harvests of 2-3 strawberries a day for two weeks! They're done now, but I started more seeds so maybe I can get a second round at the end of the month.
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Three more things:
1. Morille helped a lot as I was planting the garden. She kept an eye on my gardening tools so no one would steal them, and sometimes used them as cheek-scratchers. At one point I put one of my beautiful bedstraw crowns around her neck so she looked like Philip III of Spain in that painting where he wears a big ruff, but tragically she ran away in outrage before I could take a picture, and when she returned she'd got rid of her collar.
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2. At the cow parade the other day there was a lady at the market who sold jars of homemade pesto sauce made from all kinds of different plants, and it opened up my mind to entirely new pesto horizons!! I always make the traditional kind with basil, but I have plants that grow much faster than basil, like my rocket, so I tried making pesto with 1/3 basil 2/3 rocket (plus garlic, olive oil, parmesan, cashews) and it was so good! I have to explore all of her recipes now, like plantain or nettle or sage pesto...
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3. There's a monster in the greenhouse. It appeared practically overnight and is quickly claiming more and more territory. Unlike last year it's not a parsley monster—it's my lemon balm. One day it was growing in its vertical tower, luxuriant but tidy, like a normal plant, and the next it had quintupled in volume and was threatening to swallow the nearest planter. Look at the tiny tomato plants, they look terrified of it!
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I urgently need to fight back against this giant mélisse (as we call lemon balm) but I've been really busy and I keep putting it off, and then remembering anxiously at 11pm that I still have this creature to take care of, which is ironic seeing as lemon balm is supposed to relieve stress and anxiety. This is the exact opposite of why I planted you. Anyway if you never hear from me again after this post it's because I finally engaged in battle against this year's vegetal menace, and lost.
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puhmpken · 7 months
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Author’s Note: This one is a filler since I am still working on “Dairy of the Obsessed” ..this one was spontaneous lmfaoo! Also requests are open feel free to give me story ideas
This has BEEN edited 🥳🎉
Warning ⚠️-> If you’re under the age of 18+ DONT interact with this post, this is your only & final warning! I do not & will not take responsibility for anything further!
You have been warned
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Title: A Shape-Shifter’s Dilemma
Alastor x Reader Oneshot
written + edited by @puhmpkins-blog 🎃
W/C: 5.1K 😀 oops maybe too much lol my imagination got the better of me but please enjoy!
You always questioned where Alastor your husband would go. Most of the time you would brush it off and not think of it—Overlord stuff.
But one night while Al and you slept in the same bed he tossed and turned in his sleep you could assume he was having a nightmare
“honey..?” You said in a low ruff voice as you gently placed a hand on Alastor who stops his moving before the word he mutters out was
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...Now that is odd. Why would a overlord like Alastor be saying the princess of hells name in the middle of his sleep?
It made you raise a eyebrow, and questioned him.
The day following did not seem to ease your nerves one bit, he again in rather ..a rush to leave the manor
Standing next to the front doors door you watched as he moved back and forth through the living room looking for whatever he was desiring
“What's rushing for darling? This is rather out of character” You said as your eyes watched him move throughout the room
“Oh nothing to concern yourself with dearie!~ Just overlord business”
You hummed back at his bland cryptic response not wanting to pick it apart–you just decided not to question it and save yourself the energy
“Right. Just don’t go get yourself in trouble” You said smiling at Alastor standing infront of you, slightly towering over you as you fixed and cleaned off any dirt or lent that got caught on his suit as he was in your words rushing around
Moving your hands away from him, your eyes locked with his as Alastor’s reddish brown eyes, a flicker of amusement dancing within them. His lips curved from a small smile into a sly smirk, revealing his pointy teeth.
“Trouble?,” he questioned, making his one of his eyebrows raise in a cocky way , “Why..thats my middle name, my dear.” He said clasping and holding both your hands as he stared at you, before shrugging “But perhaps maybe I’ll make an exception—for you.”
You rolled your eyes to your husband's playful antics, before giving Alastor his goodbye kiss and waving him bye as he sinks into his shadow disappearing leaving you alone in the manor.
A moment of silent filling the air before
“Now, let me figure out WHAT’S actually happening.”
And that’s how this whole shenanigan began with you.
You see, while Alastor might have been expected to marry some ordinary demon, you in your case, were far from ordinary. As a shape-shifting demon, you possessed the ability to transform your identity at will, becoming a whole new demon or a manifestation of whatever your imagination desired.
The only limitations were those of your own imagination or..if Alastor was able to sniff you out, thanks to his keen sense of smell. HOWEVER, avoiding detection was usually easy enough… for the most part.
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Weeks to months you’ve been keeping up on this “routine” of cat and mouse but all was paying off.
You found out Al has been to much of your dismay harboring rather a couple of secrets hidden and tucked from you. Other than your known overlord stuff he was a suppose helper at a hotel called the “Hazbin Hotel” that princess charlie owns and works at with a couple of other people almost made you drop with laughter when you first seen Alastor helping out with the hotel, you had to tell Rosie about this later.
It was easy to stay undercover and even easier to get close to him without him realizing and knowing it was you.
You made up your mind weeks ago that his territory would be fine, if you step away here and there to follow Alastor to the hotel
And that’s how you end up to the present day you.
You weren’t satisfied with knowing Alastor helps at a hotel. Yes indeed it was a shocker but that’s all? You were still puzzled on why Al said Charile name to began with
Alastor hasn’t suspected a thing yet due to him kinda being busy at the hotel or up in his office.
On the rare times you would see him, he was up in the upper balcony with nifty laughing with her, you couldn’t hear what they were talking about but knowing the both of them.. it was rather something strange or gruesome
As another shifted ended, the day ended with you back at the manor seating in your comfortable loveseat, reading a book before mere minutes Al got back, making it seem as normal as possible to not raise suspicions
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The next day as things moved along you wished Alastor a goodbye as you watched him shift into the shadows and disappear off.
Waiting a few minutes after he left you then began to get ready for your shift at the hotel, that first started with showering to rid yourself of your natural scents–you didn’t want to be tackled down by your husband as soon as you walk in through the door.
Finishing up with your shower you stepped out spraying some random cheap perfume you had bought to scramble Al scents.
As you began styling yourself from being a lady of the 1920s with elegant beauty and designer dresses to a ripped petite coat, old bleach stained black skirt with a hole at the bottom with a finish messy down hairstyle
You laughed at your reflection
Seeing what you looked like in your normal form made you laugh. Alastor would probably gasp and dropped to his knees at the things you wore.
You walked out the house being sure to not be seen
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Successfully making it past the fenced gates and out of the woods you came to the main roads of hell shifting yourself into a hell creature you have been using for this whole little “spying game”
A lengthy white fur being that stood, 6ft having two red stripes covering both arms and legs. Your (h/c) just reached the middle of your back and on your head sat two cream colored pointy horns, you kept your sharp teeth to still be able to scare off unwanted demons if the occasion was to rise
Checking yourself out in the reflection of the glass windows, you made sure everything was correct: your look, your attire and your scent.
You started to walk to the hotel, the sidewalk you have taken at least more than ten times.
As you inched closer to the hotel you for safe measures stopped and sprayed yourself down one more time in cheap perfume emptying the bottle before tossing it off in the distances and kept walking
Getting inside the hotel was an easy task,
You said hello to everyone vaggie, angeldust, sir pentious and his eggo children, huskier and nifty.
‘Everyone is down here practically–well almost everyone’ looking around furrowing your eyebrows together
“Where Charlie? She's usually with you, Vag?” You said to Vaggie who was sitting on the couch next to Angel looking at the TV
“She should be in her office right now Lucy. I think she also wanted to talk to you” Vaggie said kinda nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders towards the end as she looked up from the tv to you as you nodded your head
Making a hum noise you turned on your heel and began walking to Charlie office
Knocking before you entered, Charlie sat at her desk looking at papers
“Helluva morning Charlie. Vaggie was telling me you were looking for me, I just wanted to speak to you about what you wanted” You said as you walked towards her desk and seating down in one of the chairs across from it
Charlie still having her go lucky smile on her face nodded putting down a couple of papers “Yes Vaggie was right! I was looking for you Lucy!” She said pausing as she slide over a little stack of paperwork, “It’s nothing serious promise! I just wanted you to run these up to Al~!”
You nodded silently thanking hell for the opportunity to be closer to Al
“Yeah of course I can do that” You said standing up taking the paperwork in your black gloved hands “Consider it done Charlie!” You said walking out of her office as she screamed a thank you from behind a closed office door
You hummed quietly to yourself as you walked up the flights of stairs to get to Alastor’s door
Minutes passed before you got to the door that read in bold letter
“Alastor, Radio Demon”
Knocking lightly on the door, ‘he should be in there?’
‘No response..hm that weird’ You thought as you looked over both your shoulders before you placed a gloved hand on your door handle twisting the knob before it opened slowly
Your body mentally cringed at the noise as you pushed the door more open glancing around one more time you slipped in the crack of his door, gently shutting it closed once you entered
‘Wow’ Was the first word that escaped your mouth looking into his room now, it's his office yes, but what was beyond it that made it almost feel like you were..alive it was the bayou swamp/forest it was just how you remembered before you died all those years ago..breathtaking
Scanning the dimly lit area with the only light being a moonless night and the few fireflies that infested the air, you didn’t see Alastor anywhere in sight, just a table with a chair on it in the middle of the grassy forest.
You bite your lip gently as you looked between the paper work and the forest before groaning knowing your mind was made up, as soon as you laid your eyes on the bayou. Leaving the paperwork for Alastor sitting on his wooden desk before you walked passed it and too the bayou landscape filling as it was almost a dream
Walking slowly into the grassy area with a smile as you breathed in the smell of forest closing your eyes and taking in the sound
It was a wonderful moment of quiet before the light noise of static in the forest made you snap your eyes open,.. that’s Alastor getting closer into range of where you were standing.
Being lucky and hopeful you HOPE he didn’t see you in the clearing just standing their with your eyes closed
You ran and hide behind some bushes and trees that were away from the table and chair you were standing near–and just in the nick of time
You could hear and see him from where you were hiding the full static sound of a certain radio demon as he hummed a tune with a deer slumped dead over on his shoulder, carrying it with ease as he slammed it down on the table, you examined as he sat down making a fork appear out of thin air as he leaned his staff against his chair, before disappearing into air as he began to eat the deer raw pulling at its meat–made you want to gag in disgust
‘He could’ve cooked it’ you thought watching him munch down on his hunt you can assume. Licking his lips after a couple of bites he wiped his mouth with a napkin like a true unhinged gentleman
Before he cleared his throat his eyes shutting but his smile spreading wider, causing you to get goosebumps
“I know your there” He said making you do a double take ‘he knows i am here?’ you thought blinking as you didn’t buy his bluff
“I can sense your presence,” he drawled, his voice dripping with a sinister charm.
“You can’t hide from me.” He opened his crimson eyes as they began scanning the area. You kept your movement still as he scanned over the area you were hiding. You saw how he squinted his eyes almost immediately at the bush you were in
“Come out, come out wherever you are” He sang out in a haunting tone
“You do know as a predator.”He started in a cheery tone before his voice dropped to a dual and deep one “ I can smell you out.” His voice ringing of no radio filter
Your heart began to sped up
‘fffuck’ Is what you thought before you seen Alastor disappear into thin air—it wasn’t a surprise you were accustomed to that but you couldn’t help your heart starting to speed up as he vanished into the air
“Run,” a disembodied whisper breathed against your nape
Took you no time of convincing as you ran not looking behind you as you kept your eyes forward only hearing the sound of something chasing behind,
You hit left and right, hoping to get Alastor off of you
As you take another right you ran behind a tree, hiding behind its figure as you heard and felt Alastor run pass you
You have never done something like this, it was rather fun but dangering
Peaking your head from behind the tree after what felt like entirety you didn’t see Alastor for safe measures you transformed yourself to a small forest animal, just in case Alastor wants to sneak behind you..again
Following near your foot trail from the tree branches, you jumped from branch to branch with ease as you stopped once more hearing static noise come from nowhere, you smirked in your creature form as Alastor wouldn’t suspect a thing
Watching from above, his form essentially appeared from thin air as he had a wide smirk and a look of hunger in his eyes as he looked at the spot you were suppose to be standing
“Where are you~?” He said
After a moment of looking in all the places he would expect and assume for someone to hide, he stood in the middle of the forest arms crossed as his ears flickered now and then
“Now where did they go? I was rather hungrier for something other than deer” He said you can tell by his voice he was almost dumb struck how could he still be able to smell you but your nowhere near..weird?
You slowly shifted yourself backwards away from Alastor as you didn’t want to alarm him nor give away your hiding, you were almost clear before a vibration was felt throughout the branch and in one second the branch snapped as you land ontop of Alastor head
It was quiet not either one of you dared to move before you felt your body being picked up fully by his hand and now..the jig was up
“What do we have here..” He said looking at you “A small diversion from the person thats in here?”Alastor’s gaze bore into you, dissecting your very essence.
A wicked glint in his eyes began to take place, “Well I guess since I couldn't catch my actual food, I shall eat you little one” Pausing to smug smile before continuing “Bad luck for you?~” He said as he lifted you above his mouth
You squirmed in his hands, heart racing.
‘This can’t be how (y/n)'s story ends’, you thought desperately.
Just as he was about to drop you into his abyssal maw, you shifted—your disguise falling away
You landed on top of Alastor, who staggered back, utterly unprepared.
“Don’t eat me,” you blurted out, adrenaline surging. Alastor stood, bemusement etching his features.
“Lucy?!” Alastor’s voice crackled through the air, a radio filter distorting his words. The static hummed, raising the hairs on your arms.
“Why are you in here?” His step was deliberate, menacing. You retreated, heart pounding.
“How did you make yourself appear small? Then big?” His eyes narrowed, dissecting you. Each step he took, you mirrored, until your back pressed against a tree—literally.
Your mind raced for a lie, an escape. But then it happened—the slip up, the unraveling.
You shifted into your true form, the one Alastor would recognized.
“(Y/N)?!” His voice lost the radio filter, and you met his gaze. Confusion etched his features. You bit your bottom lip, a awkward laugh escaping.
“Erm, surprise…?” You said as you watched him back up a little from you a smile now spreading wider by the minute as the static was the buzz in the air
As it was overtook by the applause he started to emitted as he turned the other way starting to laugh
“A surprise indeed dearie who would’ve know my wife could pull such a thing off” He started.. you didn’t like how this was sounding as you moved away from the tree watching him as he created slight distances between him and yourself
You watched as a nagging feeling was telling you to start running but ignoring that you spoke up “Alastor I-” He cut you off with his words
As he appeared behind you—the Radio Demon, with crimson eyes and a dangerous smile. His arm encircled your waist, pulling you closer. “You had the entire hotel convinced of this Lucy woman,” he murmured, his voice devoid of filters. “Bravo, dearie. Truly bravo.”
You didn’t like how he was taking the situation as what he said to you in a flare voice on confirmed how much you actually DID piss off Alastor with this little disguise
“You should run now.”
Those four words holding a threat of the unknown and you wanting to at least talk for yourself turned to face Alastor his crimson eyes only reflecting the pure chaos he was about to inflict on this game of catch with you, as you shook your head
“Please let me explain” You urged, desperation coloring your voice.
“5” Alastor your dear husband replied, holding out his hand. The air crackled with tension
“Al please—…”
“4..” He sung out as he closed his eyes, standing tall. One hand rested behind his back, the other poised like a pendulum. The smile of him showing his sharp teeth made you swallow harshly
“3” He warned out to you knowing your still there as he opened one eye to look at you breathing out short “Hmm..a shame your going to let me catch you so easy” He said shutting his open eye closed
“2 dearie” He warned out now holding two fingers as he began to shift in his stances his neck elongated he was slowly shifting into his demon form, and that’s when you finally decide to run
You huffed and panted as you switched your form a couple of times to give you longer distances away from Alastor as you made it deeper into the Bayou the ground under you turning slightly squishy as you kept running not interested to turn around
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You ran for what felt like hours before you stopped down near a swamp bank hunched on you knees as you gain your second wind, taking a few more breathes you stood up, the air was quiet you couldn’t hear the static of Al, so you have to be far from him? or he just turned off that noise so he could stalk and pounce on you
Whatever the case maybe you took a breathe in and out as you looked ahead of the lake, nothing but more forest—
You thought different ideas like turning into a winged creature and flying back towards the rooms door to get out of here, but you didn’t know how high you could fly and since Alastor can’t fly nor has wings, you doubt that celling is high enough to get high enough where he couldn’t hit you out of air
Best option was to keep running or go into the swamp water, it would give you better opportunity, reflecting your options about it you heard the ground beneath you move with vibrations ‘fuck he already found me’ you thought coming to the defeat you were going to let yourself be caught but that was until you seen that fucken demon form mere seconds before he seen you, you bailed out dipping yourself slowly in the cold water taking a big breathe before dunking yourself under
Seconds stretched into eternity as you held your breath, your lungs screaming for release. The vibrations in the ground intensified, and you knew he was near. What was Alastor going to do when he catched you? He wouldn’t actually hurt his wife? You thought of as your heart hammered against your ribs, and you wondered if you should be actually concerned
Alastor scanned the area, seeking his dear wife. You pressed deeper into the water, your head submerged further, only the top part of your head concealed by a stray lilypad.
Minutes passed—or perhaps it was mere seconds—before you surfaced. Gasping for air, you wiped water from your eyes. Alastor wasn’t in sight.
You continued walk towards the edge of the pond before crawling out of the pond, lying down on the edge of it your knees still submerged as you sighed out in relief, shutting your eyes for what felt like a second
Before you heard, the clearing of a throat—a sound that sent shivers down your spine. Opening your eyes standing above you was the oh-so-familiar radio demon. You smiled, but before you could vanish into the water, Alastor’s grip closed around your arms. His purr was a velvet blade against your skin.
“Come now, darling,” he drawled, his tone deceiving. “We don’t want you to get wet. Let me assist you in this rather…exchange.” His strength pulled you back, and you squirmed, defiance flaring. But Alastor was stronger, and you found yourself pressed against his chest, dripping and caught.
“Let go,” you demanded, but he only laughed—a predator savoring its prey
“Now, dear, this is part of the game.” His eyes bore into yours, crimson flames dancing. “I’ve caught you, and now you’ll be the prize I win.” His tongue flicked across his lips
As Alastor carried you through the forest he hummed a simple tone, making you more on edge
You both arrived at another clearing?
“This isn’t where we started Al” You said as he set you down, gently helping you get up, as your eyes shifted from the scenery to him
Alastor’s gaze was going up and down on you, as you caught little symbols manifesting themselves around him as he was now a step or two away from you
“Come here” He said in a commanding tone, a chain manifesting around your neck as your eyes widen to metal chain outline with the color of green. Your hands immediately shot to your neck trying to grip and claw at it. You felt a tug come towards Al before you leaned your body away from it trying to keep space, digging your feet lightly in the ground
One real yank got you to move forward unprepared, the earth meant your face very quick and you instantly felt blood in your mouth
“Ah, be good for me, Y/N, and just obey,” he murmured, his grip unyielding. You crawled on your knees and hands, inching closer to him. The chain around your neck tightened, lifting you off the ground. Alastor’s crimson eyes bore into yours.
“My dear sweet little wife, Y/N,” he drawled, his voice devoid of filters. Each word carried weight, punctuated by his southern accent. “You, dearie, violated our little agreement.” His fingers traced the chain. “We had an understanding, did we not?”
Your breaths came in ragged gasps. “I didn’t mean to Al” you whispered
His chuckle echoed through the clearing as he lowered you gently to the ground, ensuring the fall didn’t harm you.
“So, my doe,” he began, his voice a velvet blade, “please give me an explanation. Why has my wife been running around disguised as a Lucy person, working—” His fingers closed around your hands, the chain that had bound you vanishing into thin air. “Her dear, softly delicate hands at a hotel that deserves none of her attention?” His words hung in the air, a question wrapped in menace. “Rather than be in a manor that belongs to her and her husband? Have I done something wrong?”
You sighed out as you nodded taking your hands out of his, to his displeasure “All this started because i heard you mumble in your sleep rather a month or so ago..princess name Charlie” You said with embarrassment flaming your checks as you looked away from Alastor not wanting to know what expression he held
The air was quiet between the both of you, not a word was spoken—You felt like you were holding your breathe with the tension in the air before you felt the touch of your husband on your hands again
“Mon cher~” He purred out making you look at him, his face of course held a wide smile but the look in his eyes held anger with something else glimmering around it “Nothing could replace you”
“No hotel” He said his hand holding out your arm as he kissed at the palm before saying, “No demon” Alastor continued raising his head kissing you at the center of your arm, looking at you in the eyes before kissing more up your arm while saying “And certainly no Lucifer daughter could take my eye off of something as ravishing as you my doe~” Al kissing up you between each pause as he at your neck slowly peaking at it having you basically in his lap with your back towards him, as you moved your head to side to let him continue as he only chuckle at the gesture
Al with his free hand grabbing at your chin to make you look at him as he stared into your (e/c) “But my dear mon cher, you agree at my words as if you understand, but it seems as though you forgotten who I belong too” He said letting go of your chin as both of his hands traveled down to your hips resting there “You forget who's name causes thrill of different emotions within me, so let me remind you~”
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Alastor leaned into you, as you meant him half way kissing him
A passionate kiss with some underline aggression made the kiss much more thrilling as Alastor fought for dominance with you trying to dominate over him
With a deep chuckle he pulled away from the kiss, “You being defiant won’t end well for you dear” You looked up too him as you bite your lower lip holding on too his bow tie slowly undoing it as his hands trailed up and down your legs
“No words so be it” He shrugged before pushing you down to the ground, your back laying on the grass as he spread your legs open wide, everything on full display for him to see
He leaned his head down as his ears pushed back towards his head as his eyes half lidded looking up to a red face you “Mm~Darling your so intoxicating with that look on your face” He said before plunging his head down open his mouth before eating your pussy
Your eyes shut closed as your hands went immediately to his hair gripping and pulling at it, as you mumbled out moans holding onto Alastor head down as he kept eating you out
“Al~!” You said in low moan as you felt yourself starting to come undone down there “Alastor..I..I am going to—”
Before you could muster and get out the words to warn your husband, the sensation of Alastor mouth moved away from you leaving you in almost blank state, so close to clarity but yet so far …
You whimpered as you looked down to Alastor who’s face was smirking as he shook his head licking his lips slightly “You think after the charade you pulled your going to get to cum that quick and easily?” He said and laughed “Dearie we are just starting.”
Alastor in a instances flipped you over making you rise to all fours with help of his shadows tendrils you were now ass up face down, with your arms being held down by the shadows tendrils, you whimpered trying to move against them as you felt a burning sensation on your bottom causing you to move it from side to side
Alastor watched in trans like state as you moved your ass after he smacked it only making his boner go harder, as he rub on it through his pants
“Al, let me out of this! I don’t want to be—Ahh~!”You said feeling a familiar feeling slide in you as your eyes rolled behind you, you clawed at the grass alastor pushed all himself in you
“Mmm~There you go Mon Cher~” Alastor said rolling his hips as his head tilted backwards, both of his hands gripping on your hips keeping them in place as he began slowly pumping in and out of you
You moaned as you moved with his thrusts, arching your back as Al grunts and low moans could be heard
Alastor started to pick up in speed as you could only speak out the simple word “Al~” Which was music to the radio demons ears
“Oh (Y/n)~” He said as he kept up fast with his thrusts moving one his hand to your hair, gripping at it pulling you backwards as your head flung back
“Open your eyes.” He said making you slowly open your eyes as meant with the eyes of crimson red ones as his smile was deceiving as his eyes showed pure lust that was feeling “Fuck.” He said as gripped tighter on your hair yanking almost at the root as you moaned with each thrust
“I am going to finish in you.” He said in not a question but as a command as you tighten around him bring him closer as he shut his eyes letting go of your hair before opening his mouth and bitting at the back of your neck as you moaned closing your eyes feeling yourself reaching edge as you reached climax sametime as Alastor
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Couple months later drawed by quick before you knew it you were back at the manor, watching over Al’s territory sipping tea as you smiled mindlessly, yeah there was really nothing to worry about.
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Extra! Extra!
(Y/n) and Al strolling through the park. hand in hand as Al hums a tune
Al: “I do say mon cher, I think I never told you why I was saying Charlie's name”
Y/n: “Yeah you haven’t, do share”
Al: “You wouldn’t believe it! Charlie in my dream was trying to paint my Radio Studio, it was all going to be rainbows with fluffy pink unicorns if I didn’t say her name”
Y/n: deadpans
Al: Only telling you the truth dearie~!sings out
Y/n: Your truth is utter dogshit sometimes
Al: gasp Darling!
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orphicdreamers-wp · 8 months
I Know The End — Nico Hischier
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Summary; In which a rumor started turns into you staring the end of your lifelong dream in the eye
Content Warnings: Blackmail, false accusations of assault, mentions of cancer, mentions of blood, mentions of suicidal thoughts, mentions of death during childbirth, angst, Jack & Luke Hughes acting out of character, pick me fem oc(Julia), Nico being caught in the crossfire, inaccuracies of being banned from the NHL, female NHL player
Pairing: Nico Hischier & Fem Reader
You had always loved hockey, your father held the highest pride in his only daughter enjoying his favorite sport. He’d played hockey briefly for a professional team in Germany when you were really young. So it didn’t come as a surprise to him when you decided you wanted to play hockey as well. He was reserved to let you play, your mother had died a few years earlier. She died during childbirth with your younger brother, Vincent and your dad didn’t want to lose you too. But reluctantly he agreed to let you play, because he saw how much you loved it.
So you played hockey from your seventh year in school and you eventually made it onto the Professional Women’s League’s Boston team for about a year and a half. But that wasn’t where you heart was. Your father had encouraged you to go for the NHL, but he didn’t make it to your draft. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had stopped responding to treatment just weeks before the draft was scheduled. He had passed away the night before you were drafted by the New Jersey Devils.
You knew before you were drafted that playing on a team with a bunch of guys wouldn’t be easy. You knew that you would find yourself the brunt of the jokes and facing a lot of hazing from the men. But you didn’t mind it, as long as you got to do what you loved you didn’t mind if the men who were on your team hated you and the idea of you being there. As time progressed only one of the players really seemed to be okay with your presence, Nico seemed to enjoy being around you. Whenever the team won and would go out to celebrate Nico always kindly extended the invitation to you, knowing the other guys weren’t.
You rarely accepted but whenever you did you found yourself enjoying the time spent with Nico and occasionally the other players when they were in decent enough moods to tolerate you. So it wasn’t a surprise when you and Nico wound up intertwined in each other and eventually became a couple. But that never would have worked out, not in a million years. So you and him broke up and within a month he was already seeing someone new. Her name was Julia, and you liked her enough. She was smart and kind. But if you knew then that she would be the reason your in the position you are you would have never spoken to her.
You were leaned against the boards untaping your stick after practice when your head coach Lindy Ruff approached you, “I need to see you in my office now.” You were taken aback by the urgency in his tone as you could feel eyes on you. You frowned slightly as you made your way to his office. You raised an eyebrow as you walked into a room full of men, you were used to it so you sat down and waited as an uncertain feeling loomed over your head.
Coach Ruff spoke ever so gently, as if he was scared of your reaction to the news he had, “I’m sure you know Comissioner Gary Bettman, Director of Officiating Stephen Walkom, Security Officer Miles Anderson and this is attorney Leslie Ryans.” You furrowed an eyebrow further growing confused, “What’s going on coach?” Coach Ruff blew out a deep breath, “Over the past 2 days a lot of rumors have been circulating regarding you and some unacceptable behavior.” You frowned, “I haven’t seen anything, what are you referring to?”
Coach Ruff slid a folder across the desk and you stared at the papers inside. It was printed out screenshots from a Twitter account. The tweet was from Nico’s current girlfriend, Julia. It went in depth of an alleged assault she experienced because at your hands because you were jealous of her and her relationship with Nico. You frowned as you shut the folder and dropped it on the desk, “Coach you don’t seriously believe I could do that, do you?”
Coach Ruff shook his head, “This was not the decision made by just me Y/N. This was all the coaching staff here’s decision. Along with Director Walkom. But most importantly this was Commissioner Bettman’s decision. It looks bad for the organization. I’m sorry but the only choice I have is to remove you from my roster and tell you that you are barred from the team and the NHL as a whole for the foreseeable future.”
You shook your head as you stood up, feeling your voice raise, “This is unfair to me. You all just sat behind a closed door and unanimously decided that my career and my reputation were worthless while you believed baseless claims about me that have nothing to back them up?” You ran a hand over your damp cheeks, “How the hell is this fair to me?”
Coach Ruff shook his head, “It’s out of my hands. Pack your stuff.” You shook your head, “How can you do this to me? To reach deep inside of me and pull out everything I have ever worked for and throw it on the ground so carelessly? I resent it.”
A sob wracked through your chest as you took a deep breath, “This is bullshit. I shouldn’t have left Germany, I can’t believe your taking the last piece of my dad away from me. I resent that and I resent you all for that.” You opened the door to the office and were met with Nico, Jack and Luke sporting solemn expressions. Your eyes were bloodshot and stained with tears.
You walked past them and began to empty the contents of your locker. Nico spoke quietly, “Are you okay?” You glared at him as you dropped some of you items into the box, “Like you care.” You dropped the last items in your box as you began to untape the photos of you and your dad and your friends in various places. You picked up your box, the past 4 years of your life amounting to a single box. You sighed as you walked past Nico, “Keep your lying ass bitch away from me. Or god help me it won’t be a rumor anymore.”
Nico frowned at your words, “What the hell is she talking about?” Luke let out a defeated sigh, “This.” He handed Nico his phone as Nico slowly digested the information he was reading. He handed Luke his phone as he found himself driving to Julia’s house. The door opened and Julia smiled widely at the sight of her boyfriend, “Hi baby!” Nico’s tense demeanor didn’t shift, “Why would you post that? I know that’s a lie, why?” Julia’s face paled, “Why do you care? It’s not about you!”
Nico scoffed, “Because you just got her fired for good. She’s banned from the NHL, not just fined. This was the most important thing to her. Why would you do that?” Julia’s voice lowered, sounding similar to a small child who was in trouble, “Jack asked me to get rid of her.” Nico’s eyes widened, “What?” Julia’s eyes watered, “Jack told me that if I didn’t find a way to get her off the team he would tell you about me and Dawson.” Nico raised an eyebrow, “What about you and Dawson?” Julia sniffled, “We hooked up at that party Jack threw.” Nico scoffed, “I don’t care. We’re over, fix this.”
A good month had passed and you had finally accepted that you were done in the NHL. You were packing up your apartment in New Jersey so you could move home to Germany with your grandparents and finally start school. Your phone rang, you frowned slightly as you read Nico’s name across the screen and answered, “Hey what’s up?” Nico’s soft voice filled your ears, “Check Twitter.” You frowned as you opened the Twitter app on your phone when Nico hung up.
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You frowned as your phone began to ring endlessly, teams leaving voicemails telling you that they’d love to have you, Coach Ruff leaving messages apologizing and asking you to return. A message from Nico made you smile briefly. He told you to do what you already knew to do. You smiled as you typed out a quick response ‘I did. Check Twitter’
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jellyclogs · 1 year
Shanks x reader: Laundry
Trigger warnings: I can't really think of any
Word count: 3k
Fluff, shanks and y/n are cute
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Shanks could not take his eyes off of (y/n). It wasn't like she had done anything special today. She was just being her normal self, wearing her normal clothes. Still, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Even though her top wasn't tighter than normal he could swear her chest looked bigger, and did those shorts make her ass look better? (Y/n) was always beautiful to him. She wasn't the kind of beautiful that would make her a supermodel but she was beautiful. Shanks found her beauty was even more striking because it was real. Most days he could just pretend not to notice. But on days like today, Shanks just couldn't make his mind ignore it.
(Y/n) was doing the crew's laundry, this week was her turn. She had already washed it and now was hanging it to dry. She hummed along to a sound dial playing some Soul King, her hips swaying along. Shanks always loved a chance to see her sweet domestic side. Not that he minded seeing her be ruff and rowdy but seeing her like this scratched an itch in his brain like nothing else could.
(Y/n) was the crew's animal expert. Shanks had not understood when he first recruited her what that really meant. What it meant was she was an animal whisper. She could understand animals like no one else he'd ever met. It was unreal to watch her work. She could silently communicate with them. You leave her in a room with a wild animal and within two hours it's in her lap wanting to be pet. 
"You know I can feel you staring?" (Y/n) turned to Shanks one of his shirts in her hands. She reached over and grabbed some clothespins out of a tiny little basket. She pined the shirt up, with a smile on her lips.
"It's not my fault you look so nice," Shanks smirked at her. He had been wondering how long shed let him get away with his staring.
"Is there something I can do for you, Captain?" Her voice had a hint of amusement to it and Shanks could see a smile on her pretty lips.
"No, just enjoying the view." Shanks gave her a devilish grin," I've got to say it is quite the view." His eyes did not leave her. In moments like this, it was easy to forget how adept she was with a set of daggers. It was easy to imagine her as a girl from a small island, that he was slowly but surely convincing her to be his. 
(Y/n) rolled her eyes turning her back to him "So are you going to just stand there and watch me?" She grabbed the next piece of laundry and began to hang it up. Her hips still swaying to the music.
"Have something else for me to do?" Shanks quirked his brow, still smiling.
"You could always help me," (y/n) offered.
"Are you trying to push your work off on your captain?" Shanks gasped in mock offense. His hand came to rest on his chest over his heart, “Your captain does not appreciate it.”
"So you talk about yourself in the third person now?" (Y/n) gave Shanks a funny look over her shoulder. “Captin it's not even noon lay off the saki.”
Shanks bit his lip and then laughed. Their gose (y/n)'s silver tongue. He's always loved how quick-witted she was. Then there was the look she gave him. That was damned adorable. He could feel the smile growing on his lips, "I'll take that as a, 'yes I'm trying to make you do my work for me captain', that's not very nice (y/n)." Shanks shook his head teasingly.
"Oh feel free to just sit and watch me, but if you happen to get bored I wouldn't mind the hand." (Y/n) huffed, Finishing pinning up a sheet. Her back was still to shanks, but he could feel that she rolled her eyes at him.
Shanks thought about it for a long moment before standing up and walking over to help her, “Well I guess since there is nothing else for me to do I might as well help you.” Shanks looked at the basket of laundry she was pulling from and saw it was mostly empty.
“Only if you really feel like it captain.” (y/n) shot him a sweet little smile, “I was mostly teasing you anyways,” she said carelessly.
Shanks wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, “You're so mean to your captain (y/n).” Shanks tsked, “What on earth am I going to do with you?”
Mel rolled her eyes. She was used to shanks being cuddly. She had hated it when she first joined the crew but now she didn't mind. Not that she would tell her captain but there were few places she felt safer than in his arm(s), “We both know you’re being over dramatic.” (y/n) patted Shanks’ cheek.
Shanks took a deep breath and soaked in the feeling of just holding the beautiful woman. Holding her like this was almost torturous. He would never push his luck but dam it he wanted to feel more of her, “I am allowed to be overdramatic.” his voice had dropped an octave, “And we both know that you like it when I am.”
(y/n) felt a chill run down her spine. There were many things about Shanks that drove her crazy but his voice was at the top of that list. She had a feeling, Shanks knew just what he did to her. She was never sure if he liked her or just enjoyed seeing her squirm. “How is this helping me?” her voice was a little higher than normal.
Shanks smirked, “Oh I changed my mind,” he could feel her heart racing under his touch, “I'm gonna be a hindrance to you instead.”
(y/n) let out a soft laugh, “Now you're being the mean one.” She wriggled out of his grasp and grabbed the next sheet from the basket.
Shanks laughed himself grabbing the second to last sheet from the basket, “Ok fine ill help.”
“Well thank you, captain,” (y/n) handed him two clothespins before grabbing two for herself.
“So is this the last load?” Shanks asked before holding the clothespin between his lips and tossing the sheet over the line. He quickly pined the sheet in place.
“Yep, it's the last load.” (y/n) responded finishing hanging up the sheet in her hands and then grabbing the last one out of the basket.
“For someone begging for help, you didn't need it much.” Shanks cooed with a teasing smile.
“Maby it was just bugging me that you were silently sitting there and staring at me.” (y/n) scratched the back of her head.
“And like I told you it isn't my fault you’re so nice to look at.” shanks shot her a cocky smirk.
(y/n) thought about her next words for a bit longer than their playful conversion called for. She sighed and then asked, “Do you flirt with me because you like me or just because it's something to do?” She had wanted to ask him the question for a while now.
Shanks froze, he hadn’t expected to hear her ask a question like this. He stared into her (e/c) eyes for a moment, “I flirt with you because you are a strong, quick-witted, and beautiful woman.” he reached out and grabbed her hand, “It does help pass the time but I do it because I like you.” his thumb brushed along the back of her hand. “Do you flirt back because you like me?” he asked in a teasing but sweet voice.
(y/n) looked into Shanks’s worm-brown eyes before smiling, “Oh I like you, captain,” she purred suddenly confident. She thought about it for a moment before grabbing his collar and pulling him in for a kiss.
Shanks did not hesitate to kiss her back. He leaned down to meet her lips his hand letting go of hers as his arm snaked around her waist again. This was definitely a good outcome for him. He was smiling into the kiss. It was a soft and sweet kiss.
The two of them had been playfully flirting for months. Shanks hadn't pushed it passed flirting because it would have felt wrong. He hadn't wanted to force her into a relationship if she didn't want to. He didn't want her to feel like just because he was the captain she had to be with him.
After a long moment (y/n) pulled away. She leaned her head against Shanks’s chest. All her confidence was gone. She could feel herself blushing. The animal whisperer had very little experience with men. She was a blushing virgin and was suddenly insecure about it. She knew Shanks was a bit of a ladies' man. She knew he was experienced. Her mind began to spiral, wondering if he'd still like her knowing how inexperienced she was “Sorry if that was too forward.” (y/n) mumbled.
Shanks couldn't stop smiling, “To forward?” he hummed. He picked her up cradling her in the crook of his elbow, “You really do act like a proper damsel sometimes.” he laughed resting his forehead against hers, “But no you weren't too forward.” he was enjoying the adorable flushed look she had on her face. She was a truly beautiful woman.
“Hay (y/n) you hungry?” Lucky Roux called into the mess of clotheslines and clean clothes. 
(y/n) quickly slipped out of Shanks’s grasp before calling back, “That depends, what's for lunch?” She was a little glad to have an excuse to run and hide from Shanks. She needed a moment to regain her composure before she interacted with Shanks again. She flipped the sound dial off before she quickly headed towards Lucky Roux trying hard to calm the blush on her face.
Lucky Roux rolled his eyes, “You are such a picky eater.” he laughed a smile spreading on his face.
“Yeah, I am,”  (y/n) emerged from the maze of hanging clothes. “So what's for lunch?”
“Well, I kept it simple, just some sandwiches,” Lucky Roux could see the flush of the girl's cheeks and smiled harder. He wasn't going to ask why she was blushing because he had a feeling why. He could spot the top of Shanks’s head from the same direction the (h/c) haired girl had come from.
(y/n) spent the rest of the day avoiding Shanks. She felt like a flustered preteen girl every time she thought of him. She knew the rest of the crew could tell she was avoiding him. She figured she would explain it later. If it bugged anyone they hadn't said anything.
She had eaten lunch with Lucky Roux. The man had been giving her a knowing smile the whole time. Clearly, he understood what had happened. She was glad he hadn't pressed for details.
It had been a couple of hours since lunch. (y/n) had been hiding in her room trying to get a grip on her feelings. She decided she should go see if the laundry was dry. She was an adult woman and had responsibilities she needed to attend to. She couldn't spend all day being a flustered little girl.
(y/n) slipped out of her room. Her bare feet made almost no noise on the wooden floorboards of the ship. The sun was setting as she got to the deck. She could tell the clothes were dry just by looking at them.
She began to pull the laundry down and sort it. Each crew member labeled their clothes by writing their names on the tags just to make it easier to sort. She checked the tags of each piece of clothing before tossing it into each respective crew member's basket. She didn't bother to fold the clothes, however, she did fold the sheets and bedding.
“So you finally came out of your room?” a slightly gruff voice teased as the smell of cigarette smoke came to invade (y/n)’s nose
“Beckmen put that out,” Mel spun to glare at Shanks’s right-hand man, Benn Beckmen, “Do not make all of the clean laundry smell like cigarettes… again” 
Beckmen laughed, “Ok jeez (y/n) I'll put it out.” he dropped his cigarette and squished it under his foot, “So what did Shanks do?”
“He didn't do anything wrong I promise.” (y/n) handed Beckmen his basket full of clean clothes. Beckmen was Shanks's leash. He made it his role to keep Shanks from doing things the crew would regret. 
“So then, why were you being a shut-in?” Beckman pressed. He knew both Shanks and (y/n) well enough that he could tell that something had happened between them. (y/n) wasn't the only one acting weird, Shanks had been mopey since lunch.
“Well Mom if you have to know,” (y/n) threw her hands up in surrender. She hoped the nickname would get under his skin. “We kissed.” 
Beckmen shook his head and rolled his eyes, “Why did that make you hide in your room.” he didn't mind the nickname, especially since it was (y/n) calling him it. What big strong man didn't like to be called a demeaning nickname by a pretty girl?
(y/n)’s face flushed, “Because I'm a dumb girl who doesn't know what to do now.” She paused before adding, “That's not me asking you for advice it's me answering your question.”
Beckmen wasn't dumb he had seen the way the (h/c) haired girl acted around Shanks. The girl liked the redhead. “Did the kiss not go well?” Beckmen asked her softly.
“I think it went good, It’s just,” (y/n) wasn't sure how to explain her concerns, “I have absolutely no experience. I don't want Shanks to be disappointed.” She winced at her own words hoping she didn't sound too pathetic.
“You have no clue how men think sweetheart.” Beckman chuckled. “Shanks doesn't care what experience you have.” he decided not to tell her that Shanks would probably be thrilled to be her first.
“So I'm just overthinking things?” (y/n) asked. 
“Yes, you are,” Beckmen rustled her hair. The whole crew knew (y/n) was a bit on the innocent side. They didn't know much about her past however they had the idea she had been fairly sheltered from people. She had little cues that let them know she hadn't socialized much as a kid.
“Thank you Beckmen,” (y/n) gave the crew mom a hug.
“No problem,” Beckmen hugged her back before letting her go and picking up his laundry basket. “Go talk to Shanks when you get a chance,” he said as he walked away. His job was done, the issue could work itself out now.
(y/n) had dropped everyone else's laundry off to them, and now she was just standing in front of Shanks’s door holding his laundry basket. She had realized how her reaction must have seemed to him. She felt bad and wanted to apologize to him but was having a hard time working up the courage to knock on his door.
She knew she couldn't spend the whole night awkwardly standing in front of the captain's door. She closed her eyes and counted to three before knocking on the door. She had to do this.
“Come on in,” Shanks called through the door.
(y/n) balanced the laundry basket against her hip and opened the door before stepping in, “I'm sorry for avoiding you.” she said softly. It would be best to just rip the bandaid off.
Shanks looked up at her, he was sitting at his desk, “Don't be,” he gave the girl a reassuring smile, “So was it just too much for you? Did you relize you didn't actually like me like you thought? And if that's it that's fine don't sweat it. It's perfectly fine if you don’t like me” shanks did like the woman but at the end of the day he’d rather be friends than nothing at all.
“Oh no it's not like that.” (y/n) set the basket down, “I was just,” she sighed, “please don't laugh but I have absolutely no experience with relationships and I didn't know what to do. I know you are someone” (y/n) thought for a moment on how to say it, “with a lot of experience and not usually interested in a monogamous relationship and I wasn't ready to have the conversation of what we are now or if our relationship had changed.”
Shanks silently stared at (y/n) for a long moment, “That has to be the nicest way I have ever been called a man whore.” shanks grinned at (y/n) hoping that cracking a joke would help ease the tension.
(y/n)’s blush grew, “I didn't mean it like that.” She frantically tried to correct herself.
“You’re not wrong, I usually don't go for monogamy but most of the people I'm getting with arnt on my ship. There is usually a mutual understanding that it's just a one-night stand when I'm hooking up with someone. But that's not what I want with you.” He stood up and walked over to (y/n).
(y/n) fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, “What do you want with me?” she asked her heart racing again.
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” Shanks reached out and set his hand on her cheek. He really did mean it. (y/n) was a beautiful, intelligent, sweet, and capable woman. If he would settle down for anyone it was her.
“I want to be your girlfriend,” (y/n) leaned into Shanks’s touch. She liked the feeling of him touching her. She wanted to no longer hide from that.
Shanks stepped in close to her, wrapping his arm around her waist, “Well then you’re my girlfriend.” his voice was inching closer to the deep husky tone that drove (y/n) crazy.
(y/n) smiled wrapping her arms around his neck, “I'm your girlfriend,” she purred smiling ear to ear.
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kentosbabes · 1 year
First time having shower sex
With: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun
*very smutty
What started as an innocent shower quickly became a steamy makeout session. His hands at your waist and your hands getting lost in his hair as your lips are attached in a slow, sloppy, passionate kiss. You can feel his hard against your stomach as his tongue explores you fully. Although you and Eren had been a little experimental when it comes to sex you were yet to have shower sex, so when Eren came home after practice and asked you to join him 'to save water' you were more than happy to comply.
The tension only grows as he pushes you up against the wall bringing his leg right in between yours, causing you to grind your hips against him. Your lips never parting 'You gunna let me fuck right here ma?' his lips now meeting with your neck. with a nod of your head, he's turning you around and entering you from behind his thrust speeding up at the sight of the hot water dripping down your arched back making him impossibly harder.
Once he's finished inside you watching both your juices drip down your legs, mixing with the water, he's leaning over your frame whispering 'lets do this more often baby'.
After teasing him about him having a sex dream and whispering your name in his sleep, Armin gives in and tells you what the dream was about. Your cheeks heating up as he tells you about how you were pushed up against the wall of his shower as he thrusts slow strokes inside of you.
So after a week or so, you decide to surprise him when he's taking a shower. The first thing he notices is your hands wrapping around his waist as your boobs pushed up against him, the feeling going straight down to his dick already. You spin him around looking up at him with an innocent smile before leaning up to kiss him. Armin is quick to catch onto what you're doing and gently pushes you up against the wall as you deepen the kiss. Your hands now running through his wet blonde hair as he reaches down and lifts up your left leg to his hip. 'You okay with this baby we don't have to' he whispers in your ear making sure 'min please, I need you' Your pleas turning him on more as he lets out a groan before pushing himself into you. His thrusts are soft but deep as he plays with your clit with one hand and the other holding you in place. 'I should've told you about my dream earlier'.
Jean doesn't even try to play it off to you, asking you as soon as the thought crosses his mind. 'Pretty girl wanna join me for a shower' he says a smirk plastered on his face as he pulls you into the bathroom as you nod knowing where this is going. and once you're in the shower he's wasting no time after a few pecks he's bending down placing one leg over his shoulder as he licks up and down your folds before sucking on your clit. Your hands nestled in his wet hair as his auburn eyes pierce into yours taking in the sight before him. when he's satisfied with your overstimulation he's tuning you around and fucking you from behind.
His thrusts are ruff and hard making sure he hits you cervix each time. one hand grabs onto your neck slightly putting pressure on the sides, the other circling your clit as you let out sweet sounds. 'God your so sexy doll, your made just for me'
You're the one to bring up the idea to have shower sex and he's all for it. Before you're even in the shower, his lips are on yours in a passionate kiss making you mewl 'Baby girl just you wait, I'm going to fuck you so good'.
He doesn't even need to ask you to jump, scooping you up with your legs around his waist as he enters the walk-in shower. He loves how big he is compared to you and how easily he can pick you up and man-handle you. He smiles at you as you giggle at his eagerness and run your fingers through your now-wet hair. The sounds you make going straight to his dick and when you let out a soft 'please' he's bottoming out in you lowering you down on him. He has one hand under you guiding you up and down on his dick, his other gripping your waist hard. Your hands scratch at his back as he begins fucking hard into you causing your head to throw back at the pleasure. When he feels you pulse around him and knows his own high is not far, hes bringing your hand to his and holding it over the place in your stomach where you can feel him. 'you feel me, baby? So deep in you, should fucked you like this sooner.'
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someobsessionrequired · 5 months
Love your cuddle headcanons 😍 would you do some Dating one with Kid and Killer?
I would love that! I wasn't sure if you meant just general dating headcanons cannons or what but here's some fluffy headcanons with Kid! I've been super busy recently and it took me way too long to get this out so here's kids half and I will be posting killers later in the week!
Fluffy Relationship Headcanons with Kid!
Breaking through this man's ruff exterior is quite a feat! He was most definitely the type to never see himself settling down, instead moving from fling to fling each port they visit
So when he found himself falling for his newest recruit it was definitely new waters for him
Do not expect a mundane relationship, a proper relationship is very foreign for this man, but that doesn't mean that man doesn't put in the effort he can
Does not like PDA when he's in Captain mode, but definitely expect to be sitting on his lap and smothered in attention the moment it comes to game/poker nights
In public he is definitely a PDA guy, definitely comes off as territorial making sure no other man would dare look at you unless they wanted to get their ass beat
Also just a huge snuggle bug! In bed he always wants to have you held close to him, even after a fight he will put his ego aside murmured a half-assed apology just so he can hold you
Definitely not a traditional dates kinda guy, expect dingy bars and night staring at the ocean, but in those moments you completely capture his full attention
When the tides turn and danger is near he knows you can handle yourself but can't help but keep an eye on you just in case, if something happens and he can't be there he always makes sure killer is watching your back
Speaking of being in a relationship with him definitely consists of a lot of time spent with the three of you
Hell sometimes it feels like you're the side piece, but Jokes Aside you having a close relationship with killer is important for Kid, he is the person he trusts most in the world aside from you
100% the type to make knick knacks mostly jewelry in his workshop for you, this is both for the fact that he enjoys how your face lights up when he gives it to you but also knowing that you'll wear it and it's a part of him on you
He got annoyed the first time you stole one of his t-shirts, because of this you quickly changed... come to find out his thoughts on the matter have completely changed and he now constantly throws his articles of clothing at you
Most definitely just another one of his marking traits, he just loves people knowing you are his
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shebunie · 10 months
Could you do one where reader is a samurai kid of a ruff back story facial scars or back and ringo and mizu see them fighting also huge and buff as shit 🙄🙄
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𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝙈𝙞𝙯𝙪 𝙭 𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙞! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁, 𝗶𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗿𝘆, 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝘀, 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗮 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟭.𝟭𝗸 𝐀/𝐍: 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲, 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗮𝗿. 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀
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A woman, training to be a samurai? How laughable. You were of no use, no value even when offered to a brothel. Not when your skin is imperfect, flawed, or undesirable. You were a disgrace. And so you went anew. Walked a path that shaped the person of who you are now. 
You trained, with makeshift materials that mother earth provided. You had to make do with what you had. You trained again, with more precision and confidence in your steps. From the early cracks of dawn till the bed of night, you gave every drop of sweat, blood, and tears. 
But as the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, you discovered a resilience within yourself that you never knew existed. The makeshift training ground, surrounded by the echoes of your own doubts, became a sanctuary of self-discovery.
With each swing of the makeshift sword, you embraced imperfection as a testament to your strength. The scars on your skin became a map of your journey, a visual story of battles fought and resilience earned. You realized that perfection was an illusion, and true strength lay in embracing your flaws.
However, at some point in time, you’d give up, out of frustration, and anger. Why couldn’t the gods have given you another life, maybe spare you mercy and take you right now? 
I’m tired. Mind plagued with bitterness, sorrow, and demise. And scared.
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“How long has it been like that?” Mizu questioned as she leaned by the entrance of the abandoned hut, eyes grazing over the scars littered on your body. Watching Ringo mend another fresh wound you obtained from a fight. From their fight. 
She watched you wince and hiss, how your broad shoulders would rise and fall from behind. “Long enough.” You knew what the woman was implying. Calloused fingers of your hand trace along the scar on your arm. A constant reminder of the past. 
Heart-shaped lips pursed together, hard in thought. Mizu called out to Ringo to leave you two alone when he finished patching up the wound. 
Hushed creeks of the wooden floor and the soft thud of the sandals enveloped the silent room as the dark-haired woman came close. Standing behind you, feeling her gaze at the back of your head. She voiced
“Why risk so much of your life for us, you very well know you can’t save everyone.”
With closed eyes, you steadied your breathing as the mind flowed. You’ve always been living in this way, with the weight of the world heavy on your shoulders. It is what you are been used to — trudging on in life, putting the needs of everyone else before your own. Not a single complaint, not a single time had you griped about the unfairness of it all. Such is life, anyway, is what you always tell yourself— your mantra which often draws you comfort from. But when it all starts to get too much to bear; the burden weighing down to the bones, you finally decide to allow yourself a tiny space to breathe, just for a moment. 
Your palpitations start to cease. A few seconds pass, and then a full minute, before you feel a weight settle beside you; you know, without a doubt, a slight turn of your head, you look over at the sword wielder. “I just, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”  
The night was heavy with the scent of impending danger, but in that moment, you found solace in the shared silence. The soft rustling of leaves and distant echoes of distant creatures became the backdrop to your quiet conversation. The sword wielder's eyes reflected the glint of moonlight as they met yours, and a hint of vulnerability lingered in their gaze.
You turn to face the dark-haired woman, and for the first time, vulnerability flickers in your eyes. The dim light casts shadows on the lines etched on your face, a testament to the battles fought and sacrifices made. You offer a weary smile, the kind that holds a lifetime of stories.
"I appreciate your concern if it was one." you scoffed your voice a gentle murmur that barely broke the silence. "But sometimes, we must risk everything for the chance to make a difference. It's not about saving everyone; it's about making the choice to stand against the darkness, even when the odds are stacked against us."
The room seems to hold its breath as you continue, your gaze fixed on some distant point, perhaps lost in memories or contemplating the uncertain future. "I've seen too much pain and loss. It's true, I can't save everyone, but if I can make a difference for even one person, it's worth it. We all have our battles to fight, and this is mine."
The dark-haired woman listens, her eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and worry. She understands the weight of responsibility, having seen the determination etched on your face during countless trials. Her fingers find solace in the hilt of the sword at her side, a silent acknowledgement of the shared burden.
"I get it, I do," she finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "But what if your choices lead to your own undoing? What if the darkness consumes you, and there's no one left to carry on the fight."
Your eyes, tired and world-weary, met hers. The vulnerability in your gaze deepened, revealing the cracks in the armour you've worn for so long. "That's the risk we take," you replied, your voice now laced with raw honesty. "Sometimes, the line between saving others and losing ourselves blurs. But if we let the fear of that darkness paralyze us, then what hope is left?"
The fireflies danced in the distance, their fleeting glow a stark contrast to the gravity of the conversation. The sword wielder clenched her jaw, torn between understanding your noble cause and the gnawing fear that she might lose the one person who had become her anchor.
"I've lost too many people I cared about," she admitted, her gaze dropping to the ground. "I can't bear the thought of losing you too."
For a moment, silence reigned supreme, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the night. You reached out, your hand finding hers in the darkness, a silent promise etched in that touch.
"We can't control every outcome," you said softly, your thumb tracing comforting circles on the back of her hand. "But we can choose how we face the inevitable. And as long as I can make a difference, I'll keep fighting. For you, for everyone."
The unsaid words lingered in the air, heavy with the unspoken truth that this journey, this fight against the encroaching darkness, might cost more than either of you were willing to admit. In that shared moment of vulnerability, the weight of the world pressed down, and the looming shadows seemed to grow darker.
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jasperyourmutt · 4 months
hi everyone <3
I have a bit of a life update. To make a long story short, last week I was diagnosed with PTSD. I have been having a... very hard time coming to terms with that. For most of my life I believed I just had a bad anxiety disorder, but I am now realizing that is unfortunately not the case. The past couple months I have been in a near constant state of fight or flight, fear, panic, whatever you want to call it- without really realizing it. and man. it has been exhausting, mentally, physically, spiritually. I just thought it was normal to feel like this all the time. i assumed everyone felt like this. my therapist has helped me realize I am in a lot of pain right now and it is not normal. so. the good news is that there is an intensive trauma therapy that I will be doing for the next couple months that is going to really help me recover. i love and trust my therapist with my whole heart. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. i am finally getting the help i need. so. unfortunately I am going to step away from tumblr for a bit. i dont really want to do this, i love being on here. i love interacting with all the friends i've made here. kink has become a very important and healing part of my life. but it is just a little too much for me at the moment. I'm not sure when I will return, could be a couple weeks, a couple months. I'll return when I feel right. I feel like this may be a little odd to share here, but it's important to me to acknowledge and share that I have been having a really hard time. i tend to downplay when i'm in pain. i feel like people usually don't care about me (i know this is very very much not the case. im trying to convince my brain of that too.) its really hard for me to tell people when i am struggling, especially in my real life. so i am taking baby steps and starting here. so, until I return- chase your tails for me, roll in the grass, bark at the squirrels. take care of yourselves. if you are struggling, know youre loved. get the help you need. i will be curling up in my dog bed and taking a nap in the sun. ruff ruff. wag wag. much love to all of you.
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delta-pavonis · 4 months
Dreamling Week 2024 Day 4
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Dreamling Week 2024 Day 4 Prompts (from @mr-sadman): shapeshifter, storm, finger food, dirty
Dreamling || Rated M || 751 words
tags (other than the prompts above): fantasy, urban fantasy, solarpunk, drow druid/sorcerer Dream, half wood elf bard/gunsmith Hob, investigator partners with a history, they get captured and held for days as torture, escape from torture, cannibalism metaphors for love, discussion of taking joy in revenge
In chronological order: Day 2, Day 1, Day 3
Day 4 comes soon after Day 3
They crawl out of the cave system into a raging thunderstorm. Might as well be a hurricane for how the wind is blowing the rain and trees sideways. However, the sight of cypress trees and the salty smell of the ocean limits the possible places that they have been taken to. 
“Holy shit we're in Port Essen!” Hob gasps in breathless laughter. When Dream looks at him he is smiling, almost glowing, underneath all the dirt and grime and soil and debris they are covered with, that is all rapidly turning to mud as the forceful winds and driving rain wash them clean. He looks to Dream and it is like the sun has risen, warmth diffusing through Dream's skin. “I grew up here!”
That raises a red flag in the back of Dream's mind–he doesn't believe in coincidences. 
“We need to move. Get as far away as possible. Fast. Get on.” Dream doesn't say more, doesn't explain, just grabs some of the reedy dunegrass at his feet and pops it into his mouth as he makes the appropriate hand motions. 
Hob lets out a yelp as Dream transforms into a dire elk, huge and black. He wouldn't be able to fly in such rain and he has no meat for a spell component, so his dragon form is out; the elk will give Hob a smoother ride over the widest variety of terrain. 
Once fully shifted Dream drops onto folded legs, but that still means his back is at about the height of a horse, so he angles his head towards Hob to lend an antler for leverage.
Luckily Hob catches on quickly, hefting himself up onto Dream with a grunt. “West,” he says as he buries his hands in the ruff of thick fur around Dream's neck, “We’ll hit forest and freshwater fastest if we go west.”
Dream stands, looks back at Hob once to make sure he is settled, and then leaps into action. Hob lets out another yelp the first time Dream lands from a bound, but he sets a rhythm and the bard in Hob cues onto it almost immediately. 
Then he outright laughs.
“Dream,” he whispers into his fur, must be leaning over to get so close to his ear, “you are amazing, dove.”
Dream would laugh as well, if he could. 
He has never had a rider before, not in any shifted form he has taken, and that it is Hob on his back, moving fluidly with him, legs around him, clinging to him… well. Apparently one doesn’t need wings to fly.
But first they need to disappear. They need to get gone and regroup and get food and maybe bathe in a cold stream and start assembling their meager knowledge of their captors so that they can send out feelers for information and start the tedious process of revenge. 
Because Dream will eat their hearts raw for making this the bower in which he tells Hob the nature of Dream’s connection to him. He will make them watch as he sucks the marrow from their living bones for how they have treated his Mate. He cares not that he himself has been tortured; Dream has done more than enough terrible things in his life to have earned such an experience. But Hob? No. He will not let them survive this insult.
However, getting to that point, when he will be able to revel in the suffering of those who caused so much of the same, will take time. Dream is always thorough in his planning.
And while they wait, keeping to the shadows and gathering their knowledge and power, Dream will sup upon his Mate. He will devour the finest meal he will ever have. Savor the small pieces that he can pick up between his fingers and drop into his mouth and lick from under his fingernails. Drink long draughts of pleasure of Hob’s body and thereby nourish his own soul. Dream has been starving and did not know it, did not really understand what he was missing, until his body was weakened by the captivity and his mind sharpened by the pain his Mate experienced. 
Dream vaults over some rocky ground, avoiding it completely, and then as they crest a hill the treeline comes into sight and he could cry for the relief of it. Within the embrace of the forest Dream will have all the tools he needs to keep them safe. And then he can look towards the future.
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mrsshabana · 2 years
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♥CW: None. Pure fluff. Gender neutral reader.
♥AN: I've been wanting to start writing for Shigaraki so here's something small to start. I love mothman Shiggy fics and I had a cute idea, so here's my little contribution.
♥WC: 1,004
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This is getting annoying and you’re fed up.
Every time you open your closet, you find your favorite sweaters filled with new holes. How is this even happening? These sweaters are useless in the frigid winter when they are filled with holes. The holes are big too, and there’s only one thing that you can think would have wrecked such havoc on your wardrobe.
You must have a moth infestation.
After buying some moth balls from the local supermarket, you make your way to the closet that night before bed. This should get rid of those pesky moths, you think to yourself.
Opening the closet, you are shocked by the sight before you.
A man with giant wings has your sweater sleeve in his mouth.
His wings are black and white, with an iridescent sheen that lays atop a delicate pattern. Feathery antennae stick out of his shoulder length, white hair. He has a fluffy white ruff around his neck, matching his hair. Ruby red eyes stare back at you with a frown. 
With a squeal you throw the mothballs at him.
He hisses, showing off his fangs in an attempt to scare you away. The scent wafting off the mothballs irritate him, so he simply picks them up and throws them back at you. Returning back to his meal.
“Stop it!” you shout, snatching your favorite sweater from his grasp, “This is my favorite sweater!” You’re more concerned about saving your sweater than you are about the literal mothman in your closet.
He squints his eyes at you, “Hungry,” he growls.
Getting a better look at him, he does seem sickly. Very thin and pale, with scars scattered across his skin. He’s wearing tattered pants and no shirt, the sight of his ribs show you just how hungry he is.
You start to feel bad for the poor creature, not enough to sacrifice your sweaters though. “Stay here, I’ll get you some food.”
He waits patiently while you go to the kitchen to fetch him something to eat. He has sharp teeth so you assume he eats meat, grabbing a raw chuck roast from your fridge. Bringing it back to your room on a plate.
“Here,” you sit across from him, offering him the plate. “You can eat this.”
He crawls towards you, cautiously approaching. Sniffing the meal you hold out to him. 
With a single, swift motion, he lunges forward. Pushing the plate aside and latching his fangs on the bottom edge of the sweater you’re wearing.
“No! Stop it, my clothes aren’t food!” You protest, pushing his head away from you. But he doesn’t budge no matter how much you try to push him away. It’s obvious that his strength is far beyond that of a human.
He chews at your sweater with urgency, like he hasn’t eaten in ages. And he’s shivering too. It’s the middle of winter and the poor thing doesn’t have any proper way to stay warm. Maybe that's how he ended up in your home, he was looking for a warm place to stay through the winter. 
You sigh and stop trying to push him off of you. He’s just hungry after all and you can always buy new clothes. Bringing your hand up to the ruff of his neck, you gently pet his soft fur, “Fine, you can have the sweater.”
He purrs sweetly in response, laying his head in your lap as he continues to eat away at the fabric. You stroke his fur, admiring his beauty for the next hour. Until he’s traveled up your body, and down your arms, devouring every strand of the sweater you were wearing.
The mothman licks his lips in satisfaction, sniffing around your chest to make sure he got it all, before turning around to leave. Figuring that he has overstayed his welcome. Quite embarrassed that he had just savagely devoured your sweater, unable to control himself due to the fact that he hasn’t had a proper meal in weeks.
“Wait!” you reach out to him, “Please stay… at least through the winter. You’ll be safe here.” For some reason, you feel sympathy for him. Yeah he was eating your clothes, but he was only trying to survive.
Why are you inviting him to stay? You should be screaming in fear like the other humans do when they see him. But you’re different… the first person to show him a hint of kindness. He can’t turn you down even if he wanted to, his chances of surviving such a harsh winter will be slim without a warm shelter.
Seeing that he’s not quite convinced, you quickly put on a t-shirt and scurry over to your bed. Holding the blankets open for him to join you. The warmth of your bed beckons him. He can’t remember the last time he had a warm, safe place to sleep. Following his instincts, he slips under the covers with you. Nuzzling up to your chest, purring as you roll your fingers through his white hair.
Surely you must have a death wish, allowing a deadly mothman to huddle up with you for warmth. But you don’t care. So far he’s only shown interest in harming your clothes, so as far as you’re concerned, he won’t harm you.
His tense muscles relax in your touch, wrapping his arms around you with a relaxed sigh. Trying to convince himself that he’s only doing this to warm himself up, no other reason besides that. 
“Tomura… my name is Tomura,” he mumbles. Thinking it rude that he hasn’t introduced himself yet, he doesn’t want you to think he’s some wild animal with no manners.
“What a pretty name. My name is Y/N… you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, Tomura,” you say sweetly. 
“We’ll see…” he grumbles. Burying his face into your chest to hide the blush forming across his cheeks.
He’s so comfy here with you, that he might just consider staying through the entire winter. And you wouldn’t mind one bit.
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faislittlewhiteraven · 7 months
So seen a few 'What if the ISAT cast were in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon' posts...
And I'm gonna put my hat in the ring because darn it I've been thinking about this for over a week now and I want to infect others with these ideas.
Siffren: Hisuian Zorua - White, adorable AND comes free with a neck ruff to hide their face in, but well, doesn't it fit Siff extremely well lore wise too? Just a cute little guy that's a remnant of a home and life forcefully taken away, Normal enough to be among the living with no issues but also Ghost because there's something missing... Something lost that shapes them, tears at them but they just can't let go... Also they eat a lot, have a good amount of mischief in their nature and use 'illusions' for self protection so like. It's a perfect fit really~ XD (Also the 'red' aspects during the Vs Friends fight makes me wonder if in the PMD version of ISaT Siffrin is evolving so wrong somehow that the universe is breaking and a huge chunk of the fight is the party basically mashing B button in utter terror~ XDDD)
Isabeau: Ditto - No joke, Isabeau had me really stumped for ages because what kind of pokemon species goes from nerd to buff to eventually somewhere in the middle during their evolution line but then I realized 'Wow I'm an idiot. There's a pokemon all about Change that can be any form right over there!' and thus Isa-Ditto was born in my mind. I like to think he's almost always in the form of a Marchoke, Zangoose or Scrafty or something that to the others is big and buff but Isa's warm smiling ditto face always stops him from ever looking intimidating, and back in the 'nerd' days Isa probably stuck to being a Gothita/Gothorita, if only because they're about the only mon I can think of with braids and they do seem like a good form if one wants others to stay away so they can focus on studying and stuff...
Mirabelle: Minccino/Cinccino - Ok, most of my reasoning for this one is because Mira visually reminds me of the Minccino line (those eyes <3 And her ribbon! <3) but like, she IS pretty studious and helpful and probably cleans up after everyone and that's Cinccino as anything to me, plus the sheer way this mon blitzs with Skill Link... IDK I just really feel the line suits her.
Odile: Kanto Persian or Purugly - After realizing Siff, Isa and Mira were all Normal types I decided to make it a thing and since under this logic Odele couldn't be a Kadabra (as was my first instinct), the idea of her being this big old book reading cat affectionately rolling her eyes at everyone else's nonsense just had so much appeal <3 Leaning Persian if only because its design matches her visuals better but the thought of her as a Purugly feeling comfortable enough around the others she doesn't puff up her fur via her tail around them is pretty cute/very 'seems standoff-ish but is secretly affectionate Odile' so I'm still struggling to choose between them.
Bonnie: Zigzagoon - Bonnie was probably the hardest to pick out because there were so many possibilites (Aipom for the mischief? Munchlax for the cooking/food vibes? Oh but what about Meowth for their weird hug face???). But then I realized pokemon of all sorts could do all of those things and what really stands out about Bonbon is their 'NPC somehow on the big adventure and doing their best' vibes so a spunky little Zigzagoon using their 'Gluttony' expertise in food to 'Pick Up' the party's sprits felt really fitting (also they way they dart in and out of combat with their Quick Feet just. It works you know? XD). Not sure which Zigzagoon form would be most fitting for them but currently leaning Galarian if only because Siff being weak to Bonnie fits hilariously well, it matches with Bonnie's 'desire to be edgy despite still being adorable' vibes and the mental thought of them far off in the future, all grown up and protecting their family as a big bad Obstagoon gives me a ton of warm fuzzies so yeah~ <3
Euphrasie: Lopunny - Look, it's just the hair, the affectionate personality and her being really really tall compared to the others alright? Only the party is actually Normal locked to me! X'D (I could see her as an Altaria or a Mega Ampharos as well but Lopunny just feels more 'right' somehow.)
The King: Hisuian Zoroark - . . . In my defence, he's an incarnation of malice born from the loss of his home/life with long long hair who acts as Siffrin's foil, pushes them towards 'discovering the red' and yoyos between tragically lamenting and being a ruthlessly, cruel monster who would hurt a child. There was no other option.
Loop: currently torn but leaning Cosmog/Cosmeom or Mimikyu for most of the game and Necrozma/Ultra Necrozma for the Act 6 secret fight - Finally the one non Normal type! And the fact it's the eldritch feeling Loop is kinda perfect? Helps them stand out more at least, and well you really can't beat Ultra Necrozma for 'star shaped thing that is both terrifying, potentially world ending and in immense amounts of pain'. (...Also its weak to Siff's H!Zorua and Bonnie's potential Dark type so it fits type wise also XD).
Change God: Mew - Do I really gotta explain why? (Legendary, has Transform, cute and sweet but also a little bastard, etc- It ticks all the boxes XD
So... Yeah. Those are my In Stars and Time 'what Pokemon would the main cast be' thoughts.
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burntprofiterole · 3 months
this is a weird first post, as it isn't something i usually dwell on... but I want to take it off my chest. i have been questioning alterhumanity for just a couple of days, so it hasn't sunk in whether i should be worried about this. nonetheless, i want opinions and comments. i don't want to 'fake alterhumanity' or mislabel myself, and that's why i'm posting this.
i don't know how long this has happened for, but sometimes i get random urges. sometimes, i so want to run. run as fast as i want to, as far as i want to, whenever and wherever i want to... but not in a 'normal' way. i want to plop down on all fours and run on my paws. i don't know if it's a want, but sometimes it feels like a need. i don't know if i'm exaggerating either, as i haven't felt like this in a couple of weeks. i usually solve this urge by doing quadrobics, but it doesn't feel like enough. i want to be able to comfortably move around on all fours. i want to be able to walk, trot, canter, run, and sprint on my non-existent paws.
this might sound weird, but i also love barking. hah. i want to be able to woof, ruff, bark, whine, howl, growl, meow, yowl and all of that shabang. that's why i do vocals. i enjoy doing vocals. i've actually taught some of my friends how to make animal noises, which i find silly.
anyhow, ill probably post a more clearer message on these 'urges' when i get one.
i have no clue if these urges are actually important and have to be worried about, but for now they are harmless and do not mess with my day-to-day life. i have no clue if these urges are just me loving quadrobics and vocals so much or smth.
i've been hesitant on posting this, but here ya go!
if you recognize this post, i've posted something similar on a different account, but deleted it for personal reasons. but here i am again :D
i do need as much help as you can offer to figure things out, and would appreciate if you spread this post around by liking or reblogging! (not forcing. dw)
have an amazing day <3
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 8 months
May I ask for a continuation of "Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot." <3 thanks !
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 13
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 3,009
Hiccup tries to ‘nice date’ you.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, Dragons: Defenders of Berk, Tunnel Vision, Hiccup POV, Reader Pov, Switch POV
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You watched with mild interest as the Riders made hurried efforts to trap Gobber. You tried to stay out of their way, which was especially important as they chased down a madman with an axe.
You had been avoiding the forge a little bit and not just because of Hiccup. Gobber stank. You couldn’t avoid the thought that Berk needed a plumbing system.
You held a poster you made earlier advertising that people take a bath more than once a week at least in the summers, letters scratched in clumsy Norse. You weren’t sure if you had any real intentions of posting it but you had made it and it had taken a long while. So, for lack of anything better to do with it, you carried it around with you.
You sighed, eyeing Fishlegs as he tried and failed to pull any water from the well. Berk had been on water search for a while. At least a week, since the last bath day. You doubted the other teens noticed; they were lucky enough to live up to the Chief, and to benefit from all the privileges that afforded.
You were supposed to clean the railing and caging around the arena, though you had no idea how you were going to do that without any water. Maybe oil? Phlegma said something earlier about water and rust, anyways, so it was probably for the best.
A plumbing system would really help with that. You took a note to go wander down towards the Arena later. Maybe then you’d figure out what to do.
“Okay, we need to figure out a way to keep Berk's supply with water, until a new well can be dug,” Hiccup paced back and forth, arms crossed as he glared down at the cracked stone below. 
He held in a nervous grimace. They expected him to do something. They expected him to do something when no one had looked to him for anything for… Ever. Not before the Red Death. Not before Toothless. He’d been taking the lead a lot lately, and he’d have to say he’d done well all things considered but now he was left scrambling for ideas.
He turned, suddenly, looking at the other riders lined up before him before pointing, “Ruff, Tuff, strap on the washtub and head to Lars Lake to fill it.”
“Okay, that thing’s pretty big,” Tuffnut dropped his crossed arms, bouncing in place before gesturing back towards Ruffnut, who scoffed at him, “I mean, it’s bigger than Ruff's butt, it can take a while, maybe a week or two.”
Hiccup winced, choking down the small part of him that found that sort of funny as Ruffnut turned to look down at her butt, looking slightly put off in a way that was uncharacteristic. 
She then reared back to land a hard punch to her brother’s head. Ouch.
“I was assuming you would use your dragon,” Hiccup said flatly, gesturing as Tuffnut pulled himself off the floor. 
Tuffnut scoffed, “Why would you think that?”
“Right,” Hiccup said, “Astrid, Snotlout, head to the mountain streams and fill as many canteens as you can.”
“Mountain streams…” Snoutlout began, before continuing in a voice just above a mumble, scooting closer to Astrid and trying to rest his arm over her shoulder, “Romanti- Ow!” 
His voice cut off as Astrid grabbed his arm, twisting it wickedly, kicking his begin the knees.
Hiccup winced again, sort of glad he wasn’t Snotlout, before his train of thought seemed to sputter to a stop. The Mountain streams.
His shoulders stiffened. The cove pulled water from one of the mountain streams. It was nice, and green, and really, really empty. The water was fresh and it was pretty quiet. A great place for… for a romantic date.
Maybe Snotlout was right.
Fishlegs looked at Hiccup exhaustedly, face flat and Hiccup shot him his own stormy mild scowl. He didn’t think anyone else picked up on it. He hoped not.
Then Hiccup started.
Looking up, he was greeted to the sight of you, by the top of the cage. You held onto the bars with both hands, looking down into the ring.
Why were you here? His heart picked up a little bit more as you spotted him and gave a small wave.
Sometimes he wondered if it was really time to take down the chains and bars, not that he had the resources and time to do that. It was a miracle his dad hadn’t made Hiccup himself repair the hole Toothless blew into the top after rescuing him from Hookfang on the day of the battle against the Red Death. 
Good will and victory only went so far, after all. He still made Hiccup take out his boots on Boot Night, despite his pleading and begging and leveraging.
“Actually, on second thought, I’ll go get the canteens. Snotlout and Astrid and Fishlegs, you’re all on well duty. Figure out what happened. Toothless and I are faster anyways. We’ll just…” Hiccup laughed nervously. 
He kept his eyes off to the side, rubbing his arm as he imagined the others rolling their eyes. A blink later, though, and you were gone.
He exhaled stressfully. He had one chance.
“What?” Tuffnut asked, while Ruffnut sighed out a long, “Lame.”
Chores. It was always chores that brought you to places you should not be.
You looked down at the Riders talking together in the arena and squinted down into the Arena below as the Riders scrambled for their dragons.
You just got done with your break, which you spent carving. 
You watched Hiccup quickly slide onto Toothless’ saddle, jumping around the others as they siphoned out of the arena and into the sky.
It had been a little awkward, whenever you’d come close enough to Hiccup for there to be any sort of tension. You had been, admittedly, a little avoidant.
You were mildly surprised when instead of taking off like the rest of everyone, Hiccup instead waited till they were a speck in the distance or making a touchdown on Berk to bound right over to you on Toothless.
You started as Toothless stopped suspiciously close, slightly infringing on your space to a level that was slightly unnecessary.
You watched as Hiccup scrubbed the back of his neck, “So…”
You bent down, crouching as you dipped the tip of the canister into the pond, half submerging it and listening to it gurgle as it filled with water.
You watched as the waterline by your feet bobbed slightly. You got as close as you could get to the stream and fall that funneled water into the cove, hoping that the closer you were to running water, the higher quality the water would be, somehow. 
You had a hefty basket next to you and rows of filled canisters lined up by the cove’s packed dirt beach.
Hiccup had been helping earlier. 
The last you checked, he’d half tangled a large blanket back behind you on the grass, checkered in light tan squares and a darker brown almost reddish color. Like a picnic blanket. He seemed to pull it out of nowhere. 
You wondered when Toothless got a satchel. Saddle bag.
You helped him straighten it out quickly and quite clumsily too and shuffled around a bit nervously after.
Hiccup’s dragon seemed to take great joy in staring down Hiccup as he fussed.
You had faith in the fact that what he was doing was good, even if you didn’t know what it was. You weren’t inclined to criticize him when he had taken a back full of flesh-burning acid for you, and also he was the protagonist.
You stood up, scuffing your feet against the dirt to peer into the large basket at your side. No more canisters.
You shrugged your shoulders, looking around.
It was nice to have time to think for yourself for just a moment. Even if nothing was said outright, there was something familiar about the area and you weren’t not going to read between the lines when the things between were cool.
This was where Hiccup and Toothless became friends. 
You wondered if he found this place as important as you thought.
It felt a little sacrilegious being there even though you knew objectively Hiccup and Toothless couldn’t have been the only Viking-Dragon duo to exist here, especially after every other Viking started to pick up dragon riding as a hobby.
You tried to figure out which rock was which- as if you could somehow recreate the movie in your head but in live action. But there were a lot of rocks.
You sighed. It didn’t matter, anyways.
You looked back at Hiccup, who, it seemed, had straightened everything out.
Though for some reason you thought the world would have looked much nicer if the sun had been low on the horizon, washing everything in something sort of orange.
“I finished filling the cans,” You said as you walked up to Hiccup, who was rummaging around in Toothless’ saddlebag.
Hiccup started, a bit disheveled, “Already?”
The drawstrings by his collar hung slightly open, twine undone from the first few holes. You wondered when that happened. Probably in between mumbling to Toothless and something about Snotlout.
“Yup,” You shrugged, popping the ‘P.’
“Everyone will be happy to hear that we got some water back, I’m sure.”
"I’m actually hoping we’ll get back before they notice,” Hiccup shrugged sheepishly.
Toothless snorted, and Hiccup shot him a skeptical, unimpressed glance in response, before focusing his attention back at you.
You took a step back to give him more space to move and settled backwards as he gestured to the blanket of the floor, lips stick in a thin line, shifting back and forth on his heels.
You were slightly confused, expecting in half to start flying back to Berk to help distribute the canisters of water, though if Hiccup wasn’t worried, it probably wasn’t that urgent.
You squinted, “You’re probably a little late for that.”
If chaos was something Hiccup wanted to avoid, then… You knew a few people who had gotten into fit fights over it lately. You were lucky enough not to have to tussle for any water, yet. Everyone else was draining the lakes and streams and anything else they could get their hands on.
You wondered how long it would take for someone to get sick off it. Still water, and all that. As you did, toothless ambled his way off to the other side of the clearing.
 “It’s been on the low for a while. Since the last Bath Day.”
Really?” Hiccup grimaced, adjusting his tunic, green, “How’ve you been getting it?”
“I’ve just been boiling it out the sea,” You admitted, “I got someone down by the docks to fire their Nadder and I’ve just been using the sand glass to collect the condensation.”
It was very time and resource consuming which was probably why no one else had done it. And it was only really good for drinking water and salt, which you used a lot of. 
You’d annoyed plenty of other Vikings by hogging some of the fires down by the Great Hall anyways, though no one had thrown out your pot and glass set up yet.
“The condensation?” Hiccup asked.
“Yeah,” You nodded, “It’s sort of drinkable. Learned how to do that in science.”
You let your head fall to the side, where Hiccup was waiting for you to keep talking. They probably did have a word for it, if the way Fishlegs talk about dragons was any indication. Of course they had a word for it. You weren’t sure how to describe it, though.
“Like from the scientific method. Hypothesis, testing,” You shrugged, resting your chin on your knees and you let your arms rest around your ankles, “I don’t know the Norse word for it.” 
“I think I get it,” Hiccup nodded, anyhow.
Your hands drifted up to feel at a pocket in your sleeve, hastily sewn in by you the day before, perhaps trying to gather whether or not you’d lost the thing you’d put there.
It was a simple bead, wooden with just two lines going around the ends with a small sketchy likeness of Toothless’ face. It was so small, it had taken you forever to carve out. 
It didn’t feel right to keep on your own, somehow.
You rolled it between your fingers, it’s polished, oiled yet bumpy surface feeling tingly underneath your fingertips.
You slipped it out absentmindedly. It was nice to have something to fiddle with, and you were still really proud of it.
“A rose by any other name is just as sweet-would smell as sweet, or something,” You scoffed.
Then you frowned slightly. 
Shakespeare wasn’t actually the best literature had to offer. It sounded sophisticated enough to most people, though that was probably because it was hard to understand half of what Romeo and Juliet were saying, so it was hard not to take most of it seriously, even if some of it was meant to be funny.
And though you tried to ignore it, it was getting more and more difficult to switch between your language and the Vikings’.
“What does that mean?” Hiccup asked. As he let one leg rest flat against the ground and he leaned back against his hands, you couldn’t help but find yourself a little bit bothered by the twine hanging from his shirt.
How did he usually tie it, anyways? 
You tilted your head and turned the bead in your fingers over one more time.  The twine looked thin enough and the hole of the bead large enough to slip through. 
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” You mumbled, embarrassed, “It’s from a romance novel, I think. Romeo is telling Juliet how he’d-... like her, no matter what her name was.”
“Wow,” Hiccup said, “That’s...”
You nodded.
“Hey, Hiccup,” You leaned forward slightly, gesturing to his neck, “Your… The string is untied. By your neck.”
Hiccup glanced down with a grimace, face reddening with embarrassment. He rubbed one hand down the side which had the effect of smashing his cheek oddly.
“Let me…” You said, taking the opportunity to swoop in, scooting closer and grabbing one of his loose tunic strings. 
You realized a bit late that you were a bit too close to be comfortable, but it was too late for you to back down now. You could have put it on his wrist though it would probably fly off when he was riding Toothless, anyways.
You threaded the bead through and tied his loose drawstrings together in a messy bow.
Hiccup looked down at it with bewilderment, bringing up a hand to pull the bed on a string into view, “A bead.”
He looked incredibly embarrassed.
“You don’t like it?” You asked, wringing your hands nervously, “I made it in my free time. It’s just been sitting around, so I thought… I mean, I didn’t… Plan it, or anything, but…”
“No, no, I-ah,” Hiccup coughed, though it sounded a lot like a choke. He spoke in a way which made it obvious he was trying not to squeak, “I really like it.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, glancing out over the small pond, rubbing your hand down your neck and shoulder, “So, anyways… Have you… I mean. I’ve been meaning to ask.”
“Yeah?” Hiccup asked, looking like he was holding his breath.
You weren’t sure what he was listening for, though you didn’t stop to think much about it, very much a girl on a mission.
Hiccup didn’t have a crush on you.
You had something important.
“Have you ever considered building, like, a reservoir? Or a plumbing system or something? With a boiler, I mean, and closed pipes, and all that,” You suggested, thinking about the makeshift system of funnels and dragons Hiccup had come up with before, “You could fill the well pretty good with that, after some water proofing, probably.”
Hiccup looked mildly disappointed.
You pretended you didn’t feel the hot nervous sweat beginning to build in your closed palms.
You should have just put up the poster.
“I mean, infrastructurally, it would probably change a lot,” You started, “You already did something like it, and we had something like that back at home. I’m not very fresh on the details- it’s never been my thing.”
“...I guess we could use Nightmare Gel to keep it going,” Hiccup started. 
You nodded.
“If you think about it, we don’t need a lot to keep a strong fire for a long while, so if we just took a little, then… Dragon spit would work too. And one of the Nadders-” You were gleeful as Hiccup caught on, and listened to Hiccup ramble for a bit with a bright, self-satisfied smile; about what he was doing in the forge, Toothless, and other things, shifting on the blanket below.
He definitely saw the potential, Hopefully the Chief would too. Finally.
Warm bath water.
You never thought the structural integrity of Berk was something you’d ever have to worry about.
You shifted your arms, full of water cans, mouth open slightly.
The village was in chaos. Vikings running around waving weapons, the Riders swooping clumsily around the sky as Whispering Deaths wrecked the island, spiking huts and tearing up farmland.
You turned to stare at Hiccup, whose eyes were wide as Vikings off in the distance shouted something wild about taking cover.
Hiccup sighed as Toothless settled heavily down next to him, basket strapped to his back, smacking Hiccup in the head with his wing, “Ow.”
A viking man, heavy and covered in brown furs burst through the wall of the hut nearest you at the edge of the village, hollering.
Off in the distance, you heard the shout of Hiccup’s name from someone who only could have been the Chief.
He started, dropping a few of the water canisters piled up in his arms.
Hiccup balked out something between sigh and an awkward laugh, “Duty calls, I guess.”
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