#before I could take it back she was already typing up her post and yelling 'YOU SAID IT SO IT'S CANON NOW!!!!!' lmao
mamisfavmosher · 3 hours
Hi can you write poly judgement day x alt s/o where they got to a haunted house together and they have fun until she gets hit on by scare actors and they get possessive and she has to tell them she’s only there’s please and ps love your poly fics sm 💕
y'all this is so overdue, i'm so sorry
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four haunts // poly!judgment day x fem!alt!reader
warnings: language, kinda gory scene?, haunted house with scare actors
Also, JD McDonagh is not in this... NOT PROOFREAD
Readers POV
Not too long ago, Dominik had discovered some type of year long haunted house and wanted to go, so on our day off we decided to head over and see how it went. When we pulled up to the attraction, it wasn't too busy, maybe two or three other cars beside ours. We all piled out of Rhea's truck and began walking toward the entrance, excited to see if it would actually be scary or not. "This better be good, Dom," Rhea sighed out with a small chuckle, throwing her keys in her bag before hooking an arm around Dom's neck. "Since you made me drive 40 minutes to get here." "It's gonna be great, don't worry, Mami." Dom responded back before looking at the worn down attraction with apprehension. "...I think." I let out a laugh and started running toward the entrance of the house, excited to see what was inside. "C'mon, guys!" I called back to them before stepping into the house. "Babygirl, slow down!" I heard Damian yell out to me, but I was already inside the house, walking down a hallway.
I smiled as I felt my fear and adrenaline begin to pump through my veins. The house seemed to be pretty spooky so far with fake blood splattered on the walls, creaky floorboards, flickering lights, and gross odors wafting through the air. My four partners filed in through the door before catching up with me.
"Let's start with this room." Finn said before grabbing my hand and leading me into the first room on our left. It seemed to be decorated as some type of surgical room. As soon as we were all in the room, the door shut behind us. "Uh... what's going on?" I asked the rest of them quietly, waiting for some type of jump scare.
"No idea, but this place is wack-" Dom cut himself off by his own scream as someone in a creepy surgeon costume jumped out at him. The rest of us jumped a bit as well before cackling a bit at Dom's scream. "Nice one, Dom Dom." Damian chuckled out and ruffled Dom's hair a bit. All of a sudden, the creepy surgeon started coming towards me, reaching out a hand like he was going to touch me. I didn't freak out, though. It was one of the rules posted out front that the actors wouldn't touch you. Till he did. Then I started freaking out a bit.
"Hey, cut it out! I thought they weren't allowed to touch us!" I said with annoyance while slapping his hand off of me.
"Get the hell away from her!" Rhea moved to stand next to me, putting her arm out in front of me as a form of protection against the scare actor. He silently put his hands up in surrender before creeping back into the closet he popped out of. The door to the room opened back up and we quickly filed out to visit a different room. "If any of those creeps try something again, we're leaving." Rhea said in a strict tone, leaving no room for arguments.
The next room we entered was a dining room, a gross, rotting feast displayed on top of the table. Finn let out a quiet gagging noise before we proceeded further into the room.
"Take a seat!" Yelled out a scare actor who was dressed as a half-dead butler. We all hesitated for a moment before begrudgingly sitting down at the disgusting table. A crazed looking chef walked through the entrance to the room straight over to me. As soon as I looked up at him, I could tell it was the same scare actor that played the creepy surgeon. He beelined over to me and immediately put his hands on my chair to try and scoot me in further before he brought his hands up to rest on my shoulders.
"Man, you're not gonna keep doing this!" Damian said angrily as he stood up from the chair beside me. The scare actor quickly backed off a bit, but took a step closer to me and dropped a napkin in front of me before walking back out the door.
I cautiously picked up the napkin to inspect it, immediately spotting a phone number written on it in fake blood. I threw it off into the center of the table in disgust and Dom picked it up to look at it, Rhea and Finn peering over his shoulders.
"Oh hell no!" Rhea said in a furious tone, standing up from her chair and beginning to march out of the room.
"Rhea, wait!" I called out, running after her, but Damian pulled me back and ran after Rhea himself, no doubt having the same intentions as her.
Rhea and Damian stormed after the scare actor as he rushed down the hall. They both yelled a few threats out to him before Finn, Dom, and I caught up to them, pulling them back towards us.
"Let's get out of here before these two rip that dude to shreds." Finn said while grabbing both Rhea and Damian by their elbows and dragging them towards the front door. We quickly made it outside of the haunted house and we forced the two furious, raging members of the Judgment Day back into Rhea's truck.
"Guys, just calm down... it's fine. Really." I said in a soft voice in hopes of them calming down just a bit. They were fired up and angry.
"Baby, if you think for a second that we're not gonna put up a fight when some creep tries to give you his number, then I'm sorry, honey, but you're dead wrong." Damian muttered under breath, practically fuming in the passenger seat.
"I'm not saying I don't appreciate you defending me, but maybe you guys shouldn't go around threatening people's lives?" I questioned with a small smile, reaching my hands out to gently rest on their shoulders.
"Sweetheart, it's kinda our job. We gotta make sure you're safe and protected at all times." Rhea countered back with a smirk. I let out a sigh and playfully shook my head at their mutterings.
"Whatever. I love you guys. Thanks for keeping me safe and protected." I laughed a bit and relaxed into the back seats of the truck while Rhea drove us home, Dom and Finn on either side of me keeping a protective hand on me the whole way.
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soulsxng · 1 year
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"...Not all angels are lactose intolerant, though? There's just not a lot of dairy products in Heaven, is all..." Why does this feel like some kind of joke that Azrael and Lucifer would have spread around when they were younger?
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"It is rather funny to see everyone getting so lively over it though, isn't it? Don't look so exasperated, Ziri, it'll be forgotten about in a day or so!" Eno, please. This all started because of you.
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
learn your lesson
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part 2 to worry about them
it appears that you haven't learned your lesson about training while sick, much to your teammates frustration. they are determined to get to the bottom of it.
platonic barca x reader
The team was confident that you'd learned your lesson. You waited as long as the doctor had told you to wait before returning, and once you promised everyone that you were feeling 100% better, they let you return to practice.
The issue was, you didn't feel completely better. Improved, yes. You likely needed a few more days rest. The doctor had cleared you though. The team needed you. Surely they couldn't be mad now. You weren't defying the doctor's orders, and you were well enough to practice, you thought.
You made it through one entire practice back, ignoring your teammates requests that you take it slow. You weren't weak. You were better now, you could handle this. Post training, though, you no longer felt better. In fact, you felt the worst you'd felt since falling ill. And, to top it all off, you weren't hiding it very well. You were sat on the bench in front of your locker, drinking water, pretty sure that if you stood, your legs would give out from under you. You planned to wait until the room stopped spinning, until your head stopped pounding, to shower. Hopefully, the locker room would be more cleared out by then.
You were really out of it, almost going limp into Ingrid's side when she came to stand next to you, studying you for a minute, before pulling you up and out of the locker room. She brought you into a recovery room down the hall, pushing you to sit in a chair. She felt your forehead, a disapproving look on her face already. You were delirious at this point, not really understanding what you were doing in this room when you were meant to be getting ready to go home.
"Need to shower," you grumbled, trying to force your eyes to focus on Ingrid, crouched in front of you. She ignored you, typing something on her phone.
"Ingrid, I need to shower," you tried again, attempting to stand. You sat back down when she glared at you.
"You need to get your temperature down. Y/n, you promised us that you were better. What were you thinking?"
"M'fine. M'not weak," you said tears gathering in your eyes. You needed her to know. When she didn't say anything, you continued. "Ingrid, I'm not weak, I made it through practice, I didn't let the team down," you insisted.
Ingrid looked heartbroken at your words, and you weren't quite sure why. You were still fighting to keep your eyes open, your head felt too heavy, and your body shook with chills. Ingrid disappeared briefly, as Alexia threw the door open thunderous expression on her face. Ingrid stopped her before she could begin scolding you, though.
"Ale, calm down first, she's really out of it," Ingrid murmured, nodding at you. Alexia was prepared to yell, but the sight of you, disoriented and tearful, took that urge away instantly.
"Nena," she sighed, moving closer.
You saw Alexia taking Ingrid's spot in front of you and realized she must have entered the room, not having heard the door open.
"Ale, I tried to do it all, I really did, I didn't mean to let you down," you cry. Alexia stood, pulling your seated form into a hug.
"No, nena, no, you didn't let anyone down, not at all. It's okay, it's all okay, lets just get you home." Alexia soothed, and you nod into her. She exchanges a troubled look with Ingrid, aware that something, though she wasn't quite sure what, was going on with you, and needed to be addressed.
It's later that day when you wake up, actually aware of your surroundings this time. You have faint memories of coming home from practice, and Ingrid and Alexia getting you into bed, but that's pretty much where it ends. It's dark out, though, and a decent amount of time has clearly passed.
"Pequeña, how are you feeling?" Came a voice from the edge of the bed. Alexia was sitting there, looking down at you.
"Okay," you responded shakily. It was a lie, and you both knew it.
"Y/n." Alexia said warningly.
"Not great" you replied, and she nodded. You sat up, getting a grip on everything that didn't feel good, before Alexia began what you assumed to be the lecture to end all lectures.
"You had a really high fever after practice. You had no business training today, y/n, and we asked you, so many times, if you were up for it. I don't understand." Alexia said softly. You would have a expected a scolding tone to accompany these words, but Alexia was oozing kindness, softness, as if she just wanted to know what was going on with you.
You ignore her statement. "No overbearing teammates today? Just you?" You ask, referencing the lack of Lucy, Ingrid and Irene who had practically broken in when you'd gotten sick at first, and barely left until you were better.
Alexia shook her head. "No. I thought it would be better if we had this conversation just us."
"What conversation?" You asked hesitantly.
"Do you remember anything you said to Ingrid and me after training?" Alexia asked, instead of answering your question.
You shook your head. "Whatever I said, I was just out of it," you say, trying to take back whatever you had let slip.
"You kept saying that you weren't weak, that you'd finished training, and you had tried not to let the team down." Alexia stated, saying the words as though they physically caused her pain.
"Well. I did, didn't I. I tried not to let you guys down, it just didn't work. I wasn't strong enough." You reply miserably, looking out the window instead of at your captain.
"I don't understand where this is coming from. Have we made you feel like you would be letting us down if you were sick? Or that we'd think you weak if you couldn't play?" Alexia questioned.
"No one made me feel like that, Ale, that's just how it is."
"No. It isn't. None of us feel that way. We're upset because you trained sick, again. Not because you're still sick. Not because you didn't train the way you normally do."
You're quiet, and still won't meet her eyes. Alexia reached out, placing a gentle hand on your knee.
"Nena, I want to help, I want to understand. Can you try to explain to me what you were thinking?"
You can't. You have no explanation you want to give. All you want is to go back to sleep, but Alexia won't leave until she has some answers, that you know. Alexia switches tactics.
"What happened on your last team when you would get sick?" She asked carefully. Her perceptiveness shouldn't surprise you, but it always does.
"I would play." Your reply is automatic, and somewhat robotic.
"Even if you were really sick?"
You nod.
"Do you think that was okay? Them making you train when you were sick?" Alexia is filled with anger at the thought, of your previous coaches caring so little for your wellbeing, that they convinced you you needed to train, to put the team first.
"Alexia, I'm not weak. I can handle training while I'm sick, it's not that big of a deal. The team is the most important thing," you explain. It's about the 10th time you've said the words 'I'm not weak' today, and Alexia hates that you feel like you have to convince her of that. She hates everything about what you just said, really.
"The team is important, sí, but your health and safety are more important. You should not, under any circumstances, train when you are ill. Not with us, not with anyone. Do you understand?"
"But I'm just... me. The team is the team, how am I more important than the team?" you ask, voice cracking on the last word, finally looking up at Alexia with watery eyes. Your captain's face falls at your words, and you want to take back what you said.
Alexia takes a deep breath before speaking, as if calming herself down. "You are just you, and you matter to all of us. More than winning games. You are important, y/n. Your wellbeing is important. We just want you to be okay, that's all we really care about. Winning is good, obviously, but you are more important."
You aren't sure that you believe her, honestly. You want to, really, but you can't wrap your head around the idea that the team cares that much about you. No one ever really had before, and it was a strange, unsettling feeling. You were used to having to earn care, to only being acknowledged when you excelled at something. This wasn't the case at Barca, but you hadn't realized how deep that ran.
"Nena?" Alexia prompted. You weren't sure what she wanted you to say.
"I just don't want to let anyone down," you say brokenly, and Alexia sighs roughly, wrapping you in a tight hug.
"You aren't letting anyone down, pequeña, I promise you that." You allow yourself to take big, deep breaths, trying to quell the sobs that are threatening to break free. Alexia allows you to sit in silence for a minute, before speaking again, keeping you tight against her.
"I understand if you don't believe that yet. Some things run really deep, and it's hard to change them. We aren't going to give up though, alright? We aren't ever going to give up on you, no matter how long it takes to convince you. You're worth the trouble, y/n, try to remember that."
You nod against her, pulling away to wipe the tears off your face.
"Thank you, capi." You say quietly, not exactly sure you could put how thankful for her you were into words.
"Anything for you, pequeña. Anything."
not too sure how i feel about this, hope no one hates it 🤞
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
Just Us
Mob!Azriel x reader AU
A/n: part 2 is here! Although I don’t really like calling it a part two because I don’t see it as a series, I don’t have a better name for it so we’re just going to call it a series. I just see this as a universe with ongoing stories/one-shit fics and headcanons lol. Thank you for all the love this is getting though! I’m so happy so many of you want to be tagged for these posts ❤️
Warnings: none
Series Masterlist
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Digging out another option from Mor’s closet I start to panic. Azriel will be here in two hours to pick me up and it feels like every part of me is sweating from nerves. I wipe my hands on my leggings so I can grip the velvet hanger better. I turn to face the chaos Mor and Feyre have created. 
Shoes from each of their closests and mine, eyeshadow pallets, and even more clothing options cover every inch of Mor’s bedroom. It’s all so…intimidating. I’ve been on dates before, but none of those guys were ever worth half the effort I’m putting in for Azriel. Which is probably why I’m freaking out more than normal. 
As I lay out the dress on Mor’s bed my ears finally pick up what Feyre is joyously rambling about. “And then Gavin just backed off. I have never him seen him humbled so fast Mor, oh my gods. It was hilarious.” A small smile tugs at the corner of my lips. It was refreshing to see Gavin put in his place. Especially by someone like Azriel. 
I circle the bed eyeing my endless options for dresses. My attention lands on one of Feyre’s black velvet cocktail dresses. It has a corset type bodice with tank top straps and a pleated skirt. It’s perfect. 
Picking it up I break out into a wide grin. Feyre and Mor notice looking at me like proud parents. “What?” I ask with a slight giggle. “It’s just…you’re going on a real date. With a real man. I just feel so proud.” Mor squeaked out, wiping away fake tears. 
I shake my head letting out a shaky sigh. “I like this one, can I wear it, Fey?” “Of course babe. This is going to look amazing on you.” She starts gathering the other dresses as Mor begins to look for shoes to match. Sitting me on the bed Feyre grabs my face and purses her lips in thought. “How do you feel about a very light Smokey eye?” 
A knock on the front door - approximately two hours later - breaks my focus from applying mascara. “I’ll get it!” Mor yells from the living room. Just a few more strokes and I’ll be done. My hand shakes from anticipation. Maybe if I take longer he’ll get impatient and I won’t have to go. 
No, don’t think like that. I deserve a nice date. I shake my body and check myself over in the mirror one last time. I look hot thanks to my best friends' combined effort. “Ok,” I whisper. 
Heading out to the living room I can hear Mor and Feyre talking with him. Gods, I hope they’re avoiding embarrassing topics. When I round the corner my steps stutter. It’s not Azriel in the living room. It’s one of the males he brought into the gallery. The larger one of the two who winked at me. “There she is!” Mor said in a sing-song voice. 
I walk forward and the male reaches his hand out for me to shake. “Hi y/n, I’m Cassian.” I take his hand, his calluses are rough against my palm as I shake his hand. “Hi, I remember you from the gallery. If you don’t mind me asking, where’s Azriel?” I hate how small my voice sounds as I ask but I don’t want Cassian to feel like I’m not trusting him or his boss. Cassian smiles at me. “He’s already at the restaurant, he just sent me to pick you up.” I nod and say goodbye to Mor and Feyre before they push me out the door. 
Cassian opens the car door for me, taking my hand to help me up into the high SUV. I thank him before he shuts the door. The ride over to the restaurant was fast and quiet. I think Cassian could tell I’m nervous. When we pull up I notice the small parking lot was oddly empty. 
I audibly swallow, staring out the window at the front door. Cassian opens the door smiling at me with a boyish grin. “Cassian, can I ask you something?” “Sure thing.” Concern flashes across his face. The scar above his brow crinkling in. “I just…is he…” I can’t find the right words to ask my question correctly. Cassian seemed to pull himself up straighter. “I know you know his job but he’s not cruel. Azriel can be guarded at first but I think you’ll get through to him easily. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.” He smiles at me again, squeezing my hand in encouragement. I sigh, tilting my head to the side. “You’ve only seen me twice.” “That’s all I need. I know my brother.” 
I nod and take Cassian’s hand again to step out of the car and he ushers me into the restaurant. As I look around I notice the dining room is empty. Most of the tables look like they have been cleared out so a special table could be set up in the middle of the room. Azriel is speaking to the chef and a male I assume is the owner. 
Cassian clears his throat behind me to get Azriel’s attention. When he turns it feels like all the air has been sucked from my lungs. My heart flutters at the bright smile he gives me. His hazel eyes light up as they look me up and down. I finally start breathing again when he stops in front of me. The scent of his cologne is intoxicating. The warm vanilla tones mixed with a light spice fills my nostrils. It’s comforting and makes me want to curl up next to him to breathe it in more. 
Azriel takes my hands in his large scarred ones, bringing them up to his lips to press light kisses across my knuckles. I didn't notice the scars marring them before. They were beautiful. Like a torrent, restless ocean. “You look absolutely stunning this evening.” A blush heats my cheeks, a small smile appearing on my lips from his compliment. “Thank you. You look handsome as well.” 
He drops my hands holding his arm out for me to take like he did in the gallery two days ago. Azriel continues being the gentleman that he is and pulls my seat out for me, pushing me back in, and listens to my answers when he asks me about myself. When it was my turn I asked about his childhood, which seemed to be quite normal given the amount of money his family has. I also couldn’t help but ask why the restaurant was empty.
Azriel sheepishly smiled, looking at his entree for a moment before admitting he bought the place out for the night. “I prefer first dates to be more…intimate, if you will.” I let out a hum, “So you do this for all the girls.” I joke. Azriel looked panicked for a moment. “No,” he got out quickly, “This is, you’re the first one I’ve ever done this for actually.” His voice getting quieter at the end.
My heart leaps at the confession. No one has ever put that much thought into a date with me before and I told him how much I appreciate this.  
“So, how did you get into art?” He asks over dessert. A delicoius crème brûlée with a perfect golden brown sugar coating. I break it with my spoon as I think about how to phrase my answer. "I've always loved art no matter what form it comes in. Paintings, sculpture, digital, all that stuff. I like that people appreciate something pretty or one of a kind, so if I can help them get their hands on it, it makes me happy."
I look at him, shoveling the sweet creamy treat in my mouth. Azriel smiles at me adoringly. Those hazel eyes twinkling with what I'd like to think is love. "That's amazing. Besides the two I got, how many paintings have you sold?" I let out a short, cold laugh thinking about how pissed Gavin was that I made a sale. "You were my first customer. and probably my last. As I know you heard my boss say I'm just an intern. I really should've called him but it was the end of the day so what was the harm."
Azriel shook his head. A dissaproving look takes over his beautiful face as he remembers the scene he walked in on yesterday. "I was ready to punch him." Azriel admits. "He had no right to talk to you like that. But I must say, you were a natural my dear. I probably wouldn't have bought the paintings wihtout your knowledge on them."
"Thank you." I say surprised that soemone didn't find my knowledge about art annoying.
When we finished the chef came out to say goodbye along with the owner. Azriel offered me his arm again but I took a chance twinning my fingers through his. We glance down at our joined hands. I smile lightly at the comfort I feel when I hold it. Azriel looks shocked that I would even go near his hands. "Is this ok?" I ask softly. He seems at a loss for words just nodding and staring at me like a boy realizing he has a crush for the first time.
The whole car ride back to my apartment Azriel doesn't let go of my hand. I rest them on my lap and gently rub my thumb back and forth in a comforting motion. When Cassian comes to stop in front of my apartment my heart sinks. I don't want Azriel to go. I'm not ready for tonight to be over.
"I got it Cass." Azriel says before Cassian can unbuckle. He leads me up the short steps, stopping on the landing. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Feyre and Mor crouched down on the couch. Their eyes just peeking over the window sill. Ignoring them I turn my attention back to Azriel who hasn’t taken his eyes off me since we left the restaurant.
He slips his other hand in mine pulling me slightly closer to him. “I had a wonderful time with you. And I really want to see you again.” Without hesitation I say yes, “I’d love to.” Azriel’s smile seemed to get wider. I must say, he’s not at all what I thought he’d be like. Not knowing how to say goodbye we stumble over our words for a moment until Azriel’s expression became serious. His face mere inches from mine now. “Can I kiss you, y/n.” Something about my name on his lips just seemed so right. “Yes,” I whisper.
Azriel’s lips are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The kiss is soft yet passionate and full of a desire I don’t think either of us would be able to sate. Pulling away for air I feel Azriel’s hands slip down my neck and pull away from my body. I hadn’t realized he was holding me. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” I nod, speechless. The air once again sucked from my lungs.
I slowly open the front door giving him a small wave before shutting it. Leaning against the wood I listen for his graceful retreating footsteps, the car door, and the engine as Cassian takes off down the street.
My heart won’t stop pounding. I rest a hand over my chest, a stupid smile on my lips as I’m off in my own fantasy world.
tags (accounts I couldn’t tag in bold): @amara-moonlight @harrystylesfan2686 @kalulakunundrum @thinkingofmatthewfairchild @just-a-social-casualty-1 @insecuritieeseatmealive @teenageeggscissorslawyer @theladystardust @thehighladywrites @callmeblaire @luell1q @meshellexplosionmurder @verena9003 @starsinyoureyes @mich0731 @yourfutur3lov3r @samanthalynn13 @enchantedatheart
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lizzieislife94x · 4 months
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Dating Site (w.m)
Requested <3
 WandaG!PxFem Reader
sorry i haven't posted in a few days guys family came up from England and I've had a full house hahaha anyway i will be posting an AN in a few hours or tomorrow so please check it out when posted love yall thank you for reading as always i hope yall enjoy!
Y/ns POV:
I bite my nails feeling a little nervous as my mind runs wild I have a date tonight well in the next few hours and the thing that's making me nervous is I met her online on a dating site we've spoke on the phone but tonight is our first date her voice is heavenly I could listen to her talk all day and night "y/n coffees getting cold" my roommate yells snapping me out of my thoughts I quickly get up and walk into the livingroom "dude what if tonight goes wrong what if she doesn't like me or something" I sigh taking a sip of my coffee "y/n I see the way you smile at your phone when she texts or calls think positively what if she does like you what if she's the one worst case scenario you get railed by a sexy chick and never speak again" she says with a wink as she gently pushes my shoulder making me laugh "you know what youre right thanks jill" I finish my coffee before heading back to my room to shower and get ready. 
4 hours later:
Me:Hey I just arrived see you soon x 
I set my phone down as I sit at the table waiting for my date just a causal coffee shop date but its a cute little coffee shop my leg starts to bounce as my nervous build up "y/n..." I look up to see the most stunning girl I've ever laid my eyes I feel like all the oxygen has left my body "hey wanda right?" I say with a smile as I stand up to hug her which she returns I quickly pull her chair out for her as she sits "I'm glad you came" I say nervously we fall into a comfortable conversation It feels so natural we spend 3 hours talking getting to know eachother
"I can't believe it's 9pm already can I walk you home" she says with a smile I nod as we walk to my house continuing our conversation "well this is me" I say as we stop infront of my apartment she pulls me into a hug making me smile as I pull away she kisses my cheek "I'd love to go out on another date with you if you'd allow me to take you out" she says looking into my eyes I feel my cheeks flush and nod "yes of course" I say before we bid our goodbyes.
3 weeks later:
"You've been smiling at your phone for 19 minutes " Jill says making me look up "shut up tonight's my 4th date with wanda she's just text details I was thinking of asking her to come up tonight so do you mind if I have the place to myself " I say biting my lip me and wanda have been flirting alot making out and we always stop before it gets heated but tonight I wanna invite her up "oh la la la I can't believe youre on your 4th date and you haven't fucked yet" she says making me blush "dude shut up"
 Wands: See you tonight beautiful *1 imagine attached* 
I spit out my water looking at my phone as I open the picture an image of wanda wrapped in a short towel appearing on my screen oh fuck I can't breathe "what was that for!!" I look over to Jill covered in my water "you got sent a nude Holy shit!" I shake my head "no no I didn't I gotta go get ready bye and sorry" I quickly run to my room closing the door I lean my body against it as I bite my lip I strip to my matching bra and panties as I take a picture in the full length mirror
Me:I spit water all over my roommate thank you very much *1 image attached* 
I put my phone down and remove my bra and panties as I get in the shower I quickly get washed and wash my hair it takes roughly 20 minutes before I climb out and wrap myself in a towel I bite my lip as I walk in excited to check my phone I pick it up and screw my face up as there's no reply I start to type a message
Me: the picturewasn't that bad was it I thought my ass looker rather good in those panties..
I towel dry my hair as my phone dings
Wands: Baby baby baby I'm so sorry I was to busy trying to remember how to breathe then I couldn't take my eyes off the photo and youre right.. fuck your ass looked AMAZING in those panties holy shit
Me: Thank god I thought it was to much and you didn't wanna speak I got scared, I can't wait to see you soon baby and I have the place to myself tonight so I was thinking we could come back here afterwards?..
Wands:I have an idea why don't we just have the date at your apartment we can watch movies make out have a glass of wine or 2 make out talk and make out oh and did I say make out? 😉 
Me: That sounds like a plan I'll see you soon and i uh i dunno maybe we should uh make out?😏 
I put my phone down and I run out in my towel "Jill wandas just coming here for our date if you don't mind heading out please and thank you" I head back into my room and start getting ready since we're staying here I decided to go for short shorts and a tight vest top that shows my cleavage perfectly I throw my hair up in a messy bun as I sit on my bed deciding to watch an episode of friends to kill time 
2 hours later
"OK im off y/n byeee" my roommate yells "ok bye see you tomorrow" I yell back 10 minutes later my phone dings
Wands: I'm here baby 
I quickly run out to let her in as she wraps her arms around me holding me tight "I see you went for the casual look, I love it" she whispers in my ear making me smile as I step back "you look beautiful" i say truthfully as I pull her into the apartment we ordered some pizza as I spent the full time admiring her, her laugh her smile everything "that was some great pizza" she says leaning back as I agree we spend the next 3 hours cuddling watching a friends I feel the urge to kiss her so I sit up and straddle her waist as I sit "mh hey" she whispers as her hands settle on my thighs I quickly press my lips against hers as I start to make out with her the kiss quickly heats up a moan leaving my lips as I feel something hard pushing against my core I look at her a little shocked as she looks down avoiding my gaze I hold her chin gently making her look up at me "hey don't ever be ashamed I'm still here I don't care that you have a dick I find it hot" before I know it her lips smash against mine as we make our way to my bedroom the feeling of her hard member pressed against me only turning me on more "I can't wait to feel you" I pant out against her lips as we fall onto the bed our clothes being thrown everywhere until we're both naked I bite my lip at the sight of her as she does the same "fuck y/n"
she looks at me lust in her eyes as she stops and sits on the bed "I have something I need to say" she says looking nervous I sit up and rub her back "hey you can tell me anything its ok" she turns to look at me taking my hands "I have a BDSM kink" she says low as a giggle leaves my lips "me too I love being tied up" she looks at me shocked as the lust takes over her eyes once again "do you wanna do it" she says turning to me I quickly lean over into my drawer and pull out ropes making her smirk "oh you kinky little slut" her words turn me on more as I lay with my legs and arms spread "tie me up daddy" as soon as I speak the words she flicks her wrists and my arms and legs are tied to the bed I look at her shocked "that's a story for another time babygirl for now just relax if you want me to stop at anytime say Red ok?" I moan and nod as eyes explore my naked exposed body "ok daddy" I whimper as her hands slide up my thighs to my core her fingers spreading my pussy lips as a moan leaves both our mouths "look how wet you are for me princess such a naughty girl" she says as her slender fingers slide into my tight cunt causing me to arch my back and moan "mmmh fuck wands right there feels so good" I moan as she kisses up my body thrusting her fingers perfectly hitting all the right spots her lips latch around my right nipple as she sucks taking no mercy I can't help but scream her name as she curls her fingers hitting my gspot with each thrust "I'm gonna..oh god I'm gonna..cum" I pant as I cum all over her talented fingers my breathing rapid as she slips her fingers out "such a good girl did that feel good baby" I nod as I try to control my breathing "are you ready to take my dick babygirl" she says as she positions herself between my spread legs the sight enough to make me cum again I let out a whimper as she runs her head through my cum soaked cunt "please daddy please" I beg still breathing rapidly I feel her line herself up to my entrance as her hand grabs my tit I feel her slam deep inside me "uh fuck y/n shit your so fucking tight" she moans into my eyes as she starts thrusting "so big so big" I pant desperately needing to touch her to pull her tighter into me "fa..faster daddy" I moan as she starts pounding my cunt faster and harder I've never been this turned on I've never been this wet but fuck me does she do something to me and I love it "yes yes yes!!! Don't stop please oh my fucking god yessssss" I scream as she slams her length into me at a bruising pace her moans in my ear making it harder not to cum "let go princess cum all over my dick" as soon as she whispers into my ear it's game over I cum all over her dick as she continues to pound me faster "fuck wanda cum inside me" she groans and I feel her thrusts become sloppy letting me know she's close "I need to feel you filling me baby p..please" I pant as another orgasm crashes over me after a few more thrusts I feel her deeper than before as she slams inside me shooting her load into my cunt her body collapses onto mine as we both pant trying toget our breaths back "I have never..felt that amazing" I whisper into herear as she sits up and slides out me moaning at the sight "me either baby" she says as she unties me before heading to the bathroom to clean herself and returning with a damp cloth to clean me "now time for lots of cuddles and kisses because you deserve it baby" I smile as she climbs into bed I instantly wrap my arms and legs around her "can we watch more friends please baby" I say with puppy eyes as she giggles "of course we can baby as long as I get to hold you" I smile as i put the TV on and load friends we spent the rest of the night in eachothers arms this is what I want forever with her.
AN: I hope this is ok I always feel these are crap when I write them haha but as long as you sexy people enjoy them that's the important thing requests as always are open babes word count , stay hydrated babes 2.1k
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izvmimi · 7 months
cw: minors dni. no actual smut but like a lot of allusion to sex. minor violence. this is definitely a crackfic.
There are few things you remember from the house party you had last night, but a few things are certain - one, you and Atsumu fucked, two, you and Atsumu really fucked, the type of sweaty, passionate and nasty fucking that you’ve been hoping to do since you first got to flirting and cheeky banter, and three, you’re still slightly hungover, having stumbled out of his apartment to get to work before he even woke the next morning. He was cute even slumbering, you remember, smiling as you start to recount some of the most savory parts of last night's session, toes practically curling in your heels as you stack up your papers to pack up for home. Your work day came to a close sooner than you could imagine, and Atsumu has already invited you on another date for this evening, this time at one of the nicest places in town. Perks of dating a professional athlete, of course.
There’s just one thing you have to make sure you take care of first, and that is, retrieve a pair of scarlet lace panties, likely on his bedroom floor. You’d been mortified at first when you realized you couldn't find them, but somehow throughout the course of the day your friends convinced you that it was sexy more than anything to leave them behind for someone who was that into you. You had to admit that it was odd that Atsumu made no mention of them in your texts, but when you make it there before you head out to dinner together, you could make use of the flirty exchanges practiced in your head.
Atsumu is out, sneaking in a 1 hour training session and a couple mile jog when he gets a text.
Where are you right now?
It’s not from you, but from Kiyoomi’s girlfriend, rather. This surprises him enough to skid to a quick stop. He remembers cleaning the house properly before leaving, but sometimes Sakusa can be really particular, even if his partner has managed to convince him to be less meticulous over time. There shouldn't be a problem with the post-party cleanup. 
But Kiyoomi can just text him whenever he wants; he doesn’t have to go through her. Atsumu scratches his head but texts her back.
Jogging? He texts. What’s up?
Honestly, you should just keep doing that until Omi calms down because if he sees you, you’re dead.
Atsumu looks up and he’s already just a few feet from their apartment. He scoffs, then slips his phone back in his pocket. She’s known to be dramatic anyway and he’s still sweaty and has a date to prepare for in a little over a half hour anyway. He jogs up the stairs, congratulating himself on his pump, knowing his arms and shoulders will look extra good in his fit later on today.
As soon as he makes it just two steps from the front of the door, it swings wide open, enough that the handle opens and hits the opposite wall with a crack and his seething, red-faced roommate grabs him by the collar. 
“What the-”
Kiyoomi is far stronger than he looks, and in Atsumu’s confusion he lets out a yelp, as Kiyoomi practically lifts him off the ground and thrusts a pair of soiled panties in his face, enough to make him sputter in shock. When he finally lets go, Atsumu swatting at him, the bottle blond stumbles back and he can see Kiyoomi’s partner slip into view behind his roommate from the door, her face in a frown and arms crossed over her chest. The sight of her pisses him off more.
“I did tell you to take another lap,” she murmurs. Atsumu glares at her, but his attention shifts back to Kiyoomi who throws the burgundy garment back at him.
"Whose fucking panties are these?!"
“I don’t know where these are from man?!” Atsumu yells, throwing them back. Sakusa dodges, then bucks at him, fists up before his girlfriend shrieks his name and grabs hold of his arm, begging him to relax.
Sakusa whips around quickly to glare at her as well and she frowns. 
“What do you mean, stop!? You just chewed me out for nearly half an hour and now you’re acting like I’m unreasonable???”
She pouts, embarrassed, but then sighs. “Okay, how would you react if some random dude’s jockstrap was in my apartment? How am I supposed to guess it’s your roommate’s?”
“Who just wears jockstraps? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t make fun of my analogies!”
Atsumu looks back and forth between the two of them, still confused, but then it clicks and his eyes widen.
“Oh…” he starts but Sakusa’s dark eyes snap back at him. 
“Don’t say oh like you don’t know what happened, I’ll knock your fucking teeth in,” he hisses. Atsumu reels but then flashes of what exactly happened last night run through his mind and it clicks.
He… didn’t take your intense makeout session into his room.
It wasn’t his room, it was Kiyoomi’s.
The dresser you leaned on while taking backshots? Not his. The mirror through which he watched your ass bounce up and down his cock? Also not his. The bedsheets you twisted and came over and over again on? Not his! He must have fucked you on every single surface… not one of them his.
“Fuck,” is all that he manages to make out. Sakusa glares, but by now he’s calmed down, and his girlfriend has managed to sheepishly rub his shoulder into calm behavior. 
“I’m getting a hotel tonight and you’re paying for it.” Sakusa turns on his heels, taking his girlfriend’s hand, and the door slams. Atsumu is left to look at a pair of scarlet panties sit forlornly in the corner. 
He has to admit. They are a sexy pair.
Atsumu meets you outside his apartment, just moments after Sakusa has sped off in his car, and he’s dressed but visibly distressed. You smile at him but notice his unrest.
Your heart pounds. Maybe he didn’t think the panty drop-off was cute? 
He doesn’t seem upset though. He gives you a weak smile back, then pecks you on the cheek before handing you a parcel in a brown paper bag. Your stomach turns.
“I.. uh, think you left something last night,” he says in a small voice.
“Yeah.. uh… sorry.”
The two of you stand in front of each other, bashfully. You let your hand run through your hair, then smile. 
“I thought it would be cute,” you start explaining before regretting it. Atsumu offers you yet another weak grin.
“It would have been… if uh, it were the right room.”
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minimoxha · 15 days
My Babydaddy
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In honor of my glorious blue eyed king coming back I conjured up a lil sum sum
The phrase “that's my baby daddy and ima stick by him” was a common phrase said by the famous rapper s/n. That was the only phrase she could say that would give her some type of strength to stick by her baby daddy as he did some pretty questionable things in the movies he acted in. Between the kissing scenes, the sex scenes, and the press tour flirting that was quickly turned into compilations that made her look like a stupid bitch for staying, Y/n didn’t know how much she could take. The answer was little to none.
There were already songs and diss tracks out to defend your reputation and you had already had talks with Gojo but it ended in him giving her a nod and continuing to do what he was told not to do in the first place.
“Satoru why the fuck is there another compilation with you flirting with this girl on a press tour? What did I fucking tell you?” She yelled into the bathroom, alerting her white haired boyfriend who was brushing his teeth while scrolling on instagram. Probably on other bitches posts too.
“You're always doing shit to embarass me.”
Gojo spit into the sink and wiped his mouth before looking at them through the doorway of their sometimes shared bedroom. He lived with her sometimes and others he would pick up his baby and do god knows what at his own penthouse located deeper in the city. “What are you talking about, Y/n?” He questions, a clear attitude in his voice.
She flips her phone back to him so he could see the true blasphemy for himself. “Look at this shit.” On her phone was sure enough a 10 minute compilation of him being a flirt to LENDAYA on their new press tour.
“What’s the problem?” He feigns innocence.
“You're cheating on me publically. Even cheating on me at all is crazy to me.” She yelled, walking up to him poking his chest with her new nails.
Satoru shrugs and gently removes her hand before scooting by the woman, much to her dismay. “What? Do you think we’re together or something?” He laughed. And with the upmost audacity he proceeded to sit on ‘his side’ of HER bed. “It was just flirting, its not that deep.”
The woman could swear her jaw had fallen on the floor and she wouldn't be able to lift it off after that comment. The friday date nights, constant fucking, petnames, kissing, all the aspects two people would have if they were dating turned out for them not to be dating? He had to be fucking lying.
“Fuck do you mean Satoru?” She cussed back. All he did was laugh again. She would be ten times more angrier if his voice wasn’t so crisp and beautiful.
“We’re just…coparenting. I thought we went over this, sweetcheeks.” It was now his turn to stand and put his finger on her. But he wasn't rough with it. He grabbed her chin in a playful way and smirked at her balled up face. “Why so angry, N/n?”
She thought for a moment. It had been five years of the same routine before and after King was born and it turns out he had been playing with her the entire time? No fucking way. She had to upstand constant name dragging every time they weren’t seen together for a while or whenever he decided to flirt and kiss other women. There was only so much she could take with this man. And it was in this moment where she decided to have a backbone and say something about all the shit shes been put through.
“Get the fuck out, Gojo.”
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mamirhodessxox · 2 months
His Strange Addiction
(Bonus Chapter)
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Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Reader (Milena Reyz)
Desc: It’s been an official year since Milena & Cody got married & had a child & now 2024 has hit, Cody is doing many promos for wrestle mania but it ends up with Milena coming to his defense when The Rock takes things to far.
Contents: Violence, mentions of blood, Trash talking, arguing, comedic relief sort of, fluff, angst????
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @jeysbvck
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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“Cody you shouldn’t be challenging someone like Dwayne.” Milena spoke as the married couple paced around the bedroom packing before going into Chicago for Monday night raw, “Sweetheart it’s fine I-“ “You trained for this type of stuff yes but Dwayne is 10x bigger than you, he’s already pissed you off by bringing family into this and you know if he actually hurts you in some sort of way I’ll run my mouth and challenge him myself.” Cody chuckled to himself while he watched their daughter Ivey roll onto her tummy while petting Pharaohs head “That’s not necessary love.” “If he pisses me off can I act out?” Cody sighed looking at her “1 time.” She giggled smiling before kissing his cheek & going off downstairs.
“Your moms a reallll fire cracker.” He grinned as Ivey just smiled & cooed at him. Cody picked her up carefully and let out a joking huff before she giggled and tugged on his hair “alright gentle there, you’ll make daddy bald.” He tickled her cheek before going on with the day taking care of his adult chores alongside Milena.
Weeks passed since that day and it was finally Monday Night Raw 03/25/24. Milena sat in the bus with their daughter & her mother Jasmine. They all watched the event from the tv attached to the bus but just as Cody was in the middle of his promo Dwayne had stolen the moment & having a staring contest with Cody before whispering something to him. Milena raised a brow & rolled her eyes as she continued watching the TV until it was time to tuck in Ivey for bed while Milena suddenly started turning back to the TV noticing a backstage segment of her son in law getting into a scuffle before Dwayne once again appeared but full blown attacking Cody
“Look at you now Huh?! You thought the rock was gonna let you talk trash for the last two weeks!? HUH?” Jasmine held a hand over her mouth “Oh my god?!” Jasmine gasped making Milena walk out on time and see her husband being tossed around on television “You’re kidding me..” Milena held Ivey close & tried covering her daughter’s eyes but she was to squirmy while Milena saw Dwayne stand outside of their exact bus yelling about chicago and tossed cody around
Dwayne kicked her husband around in the rock “You wanna be a hero? How about this! You son of a bitch the rocks got your hero.” And quickly heard a loud thud against the vehicle “and mama rhodes. Look at your son the rock has a special gift for you.” He smeared Cody’s blood around a belt with his mothers name against the leather & kept taunting Cody on camera. Milena was finally fed up & instructed her mom to stay in the bus handing Ivey over to her grandmother while Milena went to Cody’s aid.
“Milena absolutely no-“ Jasmine watched as her daughter picked up an extension cord “Milena that could kill him!!” Milena glared “I’m not gonna kill him mom I’m just gonna make him back off!” Milena spole as she kicked open the door causing Dwayne to perk up a bit “You need a woman to defend you? Huh?” He mumbled towards Cody for a moment while backing up a little bit while Milena approached him clearly furious “Who in the absolute FUCK do you think you are?! You keep his goddamn family out of his mouth goddamnit & your not about to smash my husband against a goddamn bus where his DAUGHTER is inside of it!” She shouted while Dwayne held out his hands grinning.
“Sweetheart you’re to pretty to be dealing with this alright? Leave it to the men.” Milena tilted sn eyebrow while noticing a cameraman still rolling. “You wanna embarrass my fucking man on camera and talk to me like that? You must not know who the hell I am. So let me show you.” Just as Dwayne was going to speak she punched him square in the jaw and kicked him in the crotch before shoving herself behind him and untied the extension cord from her wrist before yanking it against his throat and wrapping the parts she was holding against her knuckles while mocking him with his own words “Look at you now! Look at you rock! You’re getting your ass beat by a woman, Cody Rhodes wife at that. Embarrassed aren’t you?”
Cody groaned against the bus and didn’t bother stopping Milena, She finally tugged the cord away from Dwayne & eventually kicked the man on the ground & dug her boot against his head “We’ll see you Friday Dwayne.” She kicked him in the face before snatching the camera away from the cameraman and held it over Dwayne’s bloody face while he coughed “This is your guys’ Final boss? Cody was right about him being a whiney little bitch, look at him, all bark and got his ass beat by a woman. How embarrassing.” She shoved the camera back to the man before snickering and walked back towards Cody & Helping him up and frowning at the sight “Jesus Cody…” he shook his head holding the side of his chest while she took him inside of the bus & her mother help clean off any blood.
“Your gonna beat his ass at mania am I understood?” Cody chuckled in amusement while his wife pressed a bandaid against his cuts & scrapes while he nodded weakly “sweetheart..” “I don’t care what we need to do but whether you like it or not you’re going to beat his ass.” He smiled tiredly and held Milena’s face “Copy that.” Milena’s mother sighed & gave him water after coming back from tucking Ivey into bed “You have to prove him wrong now Cody.” She spoke before Cody nodded & eventually called it a night.
Friday Night rolled around and everyone took notice to many things within the Rhodes family. Milena tweeted something about how Dwayne should get better security while Dustin insulted the man. Cody has been absolutely silent on social media, Milena had been planning a slight comeback since the last time fans saw her within WWE was before she was pregnant with Ivey and she was planning something VERY special for smackdown. Tonight Dwayne was doing a promo & stood in the ring “Cody’s entire family are a bunch of sorry ass clown emoji’s including his loud tacky wife & goofy ass dog. I’m sure you all saw raw right?? I beat that boys ass and he actually needed a woman to fight for hi-“ “And what about it Rock?” Cody’s voice soured through the arena as he walked towards the ring “You know what’s embarrassing? How you need to catch people in vulnerable moments when they aren’t paying attention so you can catch them off guard just to win a game nobody is playing.”
Dwayne glared & looked at the audience as he noticed Milena following her husband into the ring before spinning in a circle showing offer her business meeting like dress & black pumps while smiling brightly as her husband wrapped his arm around her waist while she snatched the mic away from Dwayne “You saying all of thiisss is tacky? Let me tell you what’s tacky. Your cousin Nia barely getting any sort of physical touch so she feels the need to shake her rank, vile, smelly ass In people’s faces THAT’S tacky & unclassy, but what’s REALLY tacky i-“
“Mrs Rhodes with alll the respect Why don’t you go sit somewhere and look pr-“ “First of all you address me as Ms. Reyz, Second of all you don’t talk over me, how about you stand right here shut the fuck up and let me speak. And as I was saying Dwayne, What’s really Tacky is how your forgotten about so you feel the urge to budge yourself into a wrestle mania event that isn’t even about you, your doing this whole thing so you can seem important when really You’re not. Your boring. Washed up & only good for corny ads & movies. Whats really tacky is how you want to seem soooo relevant within WWE that you’re willing to let Roman Reigns act like he’s the tribal chief when it should’ve been You. Your getting bitched out by some other irrelevant wannabe just so you could be relevant. And what’s tacky is you have the absolute nerve to go in live television embarrass my man & taunt his mother well let me tell you something Dwayne. Everything about you is Tacky, and the next time you talk about Cody’s family I’ll ruin your fucking life & make sure your role within TKO vanishes into thin air. Let me catch you beating on my fucking husband outside of a bus with my goddamn daughter in it. See what happens.”
She tossed the microphone at him & let Cody take over by Rock got in his face making Cody & Milena taunt him before pulling away as she started speaking again but off mic and slightly loud enough for the camera to pickup “What’s also tacky is how you talk so much on having Big Dwayne energy but you literally have an LDS struggle, you’re barely 5 inches yet have the audacity to walk up in here running your mouth like you have a big dick.” She snickered before fake frowning the more he glared while Cody spoke up “Trust me on this Dwayne. I’ll going to beat the living shit out of you & Roman all together.” He slammed the mic into the ground before leaving the ring before walking off to the backstage area,
Milena saw Jey & Seth laugh over something making her walk over towards them while Cody went to the dressing room to check up on Milena’s mom & Ivey “Where the fuck were you two when Cody needed help huh?!” Jey froze for a minute “woah wai-“ “You know how many times Cody has jumped the gun to save your asses from problems you’ve started but lack to solve every single time?” Jey awkwardly scratched his neck “Now I understand Seth because he has to be here for Becky & he has to watch out for Roux and I get that, Hell Cody just went to go check on Ivey, but you Jey?! I thought you always had his back.
“Okay woa- Mel I do have his back! I mean c’mon sis I’ll always defend him no matter what girl!.” She glared in his eyes shaking her head “So where were you on Monday when that entire ordeal was filmed on live television throughout the Arena? I know you saw it and you were here for raw so what the fuck?” Jey stood in silence while guilt wavered over his face “Goodnight Jey.” Milena spoke before walking bak to Cody’s dressing room & putting on a smile when she saw him tickling Ivey while she held his tie “look at you wrapping your dada up around your finger.” She cooed while kissing her daughter’s cheek “Where’d you go off to?” She shrugged “Just talking to jey.” Cody nodded with a smile before giving her a kiss until she pulled away humming.
“You’re gonna go out there at wrestle-mania, kick some fucking ass and win. I don’t care if you’re shady with it. But you’re going to win no matter what.”
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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lily-fics-11 · 2 months
The Girl Next Door: Chapter 5 (Hazel Callahan, Bottoms)
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Fic master post here (feel free to comment to be added to taglist)
The Girl Next Door
You hadn't been close with your neighbor Hazel for years. But you find her beat up in the locker room after fight club and all of that changes
Chapter 5
Now that you are an official member of the fight club Hazel is ready to teach you everything she knows.
Word count: 4.2k
CW: Profanities. Canon level violence. Car almost crashing. Mention of a bomb.
“You better not kill me Callahan!” The warning comes with a playful smirk as Hazel backs out of her driveway. 
“I swear I’m a good driver!” she laughs. That turned out to be an enormous lie. Hazel nearly gave you a concussion after slamming on the brakes as a yellow light turned red. You could have sworn she almost missed the red because she was looking over at you. But that is the type of wishful thinking that causes trouble. You see her wearing your initial on her wrist and you shake your head, reminding yourself that it doesn’t mean the same thing to her that it does to you.
In all honesty, flirting with death doesn’t sound so bad when sitting next to Hazel and dreaming about flirting with her. 
“I’m not going to let PJ get away with what she pulled yesterday.” Hearing that tugs at your heartstrings. The girl you love being protective? What more could you want?
Without thinking, you put your hand on her thigh when you tell her that she shouldn’t give PJ the satisfaction. Hazel looks over at you, her jaw dropping. You quickly pull your hand away. “Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to…” as you look away to avoid eye contact you realize that there is a stop sign that Hazel does not seem to be aware of. “Hazel the road!” You yell at her in a panic and she slams on the brakes just in time to avoid driving right into a busy intersection. 
She looks over at you, afraid and ready to apologize. But it is just so damn cute and endearing that you start laughing. Her face goes from flustered to concerned. “I literally almost killed you!”
That makes you laugh even more. “What’s a few more bruises? Just drive, Hazel.” She regrips the steering wheel, her knuckles turning  white, proceeding with great caution. 
“I meant what I said about PJ. She’s not worth your time. There are more important things for you to focus on.” You tell Hazel before taking a sip of your coffee.
“Yeah, like you.”
Your heart stops for a second and you nearly spit out your coffee. “Like me!?” You exclaim, completely bewildered.
“I didn’t mean it like- it's just that- the thing about us is…” Hazel trails off for a moment like she has lost her train of thought. She takes a deep breath before continuing on. “I’m the one who introduced you to the club. It’s only fair that I fight you like I said I would. You’re a little behind, but I’ll teach you everything I know.”
“That sounds great Hazel, thank you.”
The rest of the car ride is awkwardly silent. Hazel is a yapper so that doesn’t bode well. Is she already regretting this? After arriving at school the two of you say “see you later” and part ways. 
The school day drags on, monotonously and endlessly. Missing Hazel increases exponentially as time passes. The hope that she still wants anything to do with you is the complete opposite. As the hours pass you convince yourself that you’ve royally fucked up. 
Nerves have been building up all day, so when you get to the gym after school you are relieved to see that Hazel is once again talking to Josie and PJ. Hazel is glaring at PJ and she is glaring back, the conversation clearly heated. Josie is looking back and forth between the two like she wants to intervene but doesn’t know how. 
It’s not long before PJ yells “lets get a move on cuntskillets!” Hazel is unfortunately on the opposite side of the gym from you, leaving you unable to get close to her. Instead of stepping into the center like she did yesterday, PJ stands alongside everyone else and says “alright, how about Hazel?” PJ’s eyes scan the group for a moment before landing on you. “Get out there princess!” she orders.
You and Hazel step forwards but keep your distance. Based on your observations of Hazel’s other fights, she seems to be much more calculated then everyone else. She uses moves that seem to be some sort of martial arts, whereas the rest of the girls just start shoving and throwing punches. Unsure of whether or not to make the first move, the two of you begin to circle each other. Hazel seems a little hesitant so it only makes sense to take the offensive position. Without wasting any time you charge forwards. Before making contact as intended, she swiftly turns out of the way and you stumble to the ground to avoid knocking anyone down with the momentum. Expecting Hazel to take advantage of your tumble, you twist up and around as fast as possible. Having said that, she is still choosing to leave a fair amount of space between you. You opt for a slower approach this time, but she flawlessly dodges the punch thrown her way once she is within reach.
After locking in Hazel’s gaze you smirk and roll your eyes. “Defense Callahan? Really?” Her lips part like she is about to say something but she hesitates before sighing. “You don’t know what you are doing, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I’m tougher than I look.”
Hazel shakes her head. “You need to learn what you are doing first.”
“Then give me a lesson, Haze. I’m a hands-on learner.” The taunt is paired with a wink. Adrenaline is fueling unprecedented confidence.
That earns you a smug look from Hazel. Her eyes are trained on yours when she gives in. “Fine. But I’m not going for your face. Unlike PJ, I know how to treat a pretty girl.” Before you can even process what she has said you are stumbling backwards after taking a jump kick to the chest. You smile, too focused on Hazel to be phased by the pain. She’s true to her word, not going anywhere near your face. All the same, she low key beats the shit out of you. Enjoying every second of it feels wrong. The euphoria is afflicting, but seeing her like this is invigorating. Fighting Hazel only makes you want her more. 
She delivers a punch to the gut followed by a roundhouse kick. Allowing no time for regained footing, Hazel sends you crashing to the ground with a swift leg sweep. Back flat against the ground, Hazel looms over you, straddling your hips. You try to sit up, hands reaching forwards, in an attempt to push Hazel off. But she catches your hands in hers and laces her fingers through yours. She lunges forwards, slamming you into the ground, arms pinned down above your head. A competitive drive is the only thing keeping your thoughts from wandering suggestively. You squirm around and try to break free, but Hazel’s grip is firm and she is a lot stronger than she looks. If you simply tilted your head up your lips would meet hers. You hold your breath and close your eyes, fighting the urge to steal a kiss. When Hazel whispers “so how did I do?” your eyes shoot open, face burning red
“I’m not quite sure I’ve got the hang of this yet,” you murmur. “We should probably do this again sometime.” You long for that moment to last but Hazel pulls away with a cheeky grin. She gets up before helping you to your feet and shaking your hand. There is a dizziness that could be from your head hitting the ground so hard or the inability to come to terms with the feelings brought on by this.
You make it through another fight somewhat successfully. Being matched up with Isabel was more of a level playing field. Sure she has more experience, but she somewhat lacks strength and confidence. The lighthearted nature of wrestling with your close friend was very helpful in taking the edge off after the more intense fight with Hazel. It was all giggles and smiles with Isabel. As much fun as it was, you couldn’t help but steal glances at Hazel. Her watchful gaze was both unnerving and exciting.
Even after cooling down from the second fight your heart was racing thinking about the drive home. This morning had been confusing. It was awkward. But you two had still had a moment. And the fight? It was intense, intimate, and in all honesty, a bit of a mind fuck. You can’t believe how bold you had been or that Hazel had matched your energy. For you the tension had been palpable. Had it been the same for her? For everyone else in the room?
When the meeting is over you scramble to get your things and busy yourself by joking with Isabel about your fight. The distraction is enough to allow a few laughs, but also for you to nearly jump out of your skin when you feel a hand on the small of your back. Your head snaps around to be met with a concerned look on Hazel’s face. “Oh my god, I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m so sorry!” She quickly removes her hand and steps away. The loss of contact leaves behind an empty feeling, the yearning to be near her only getting worse.
After saying goodbye you head out with Hazel. She starts talking about how much she is enjoying watching everyone improve and that she is hopeful these girls actually stand a chance at defending themselves if they need to. Although getting the gist of what she is saying, the details are jumbled around, the overwhelming emotions an unavoidable distraction. You slowly start to zone out, unaware and out of it until Hazel asks “are you ok?” after getting into her car.
You shake your head and blink rapidly in an attempt to get grounded back into reality. Without looking over at her you make the excuse. “I’m just feeling a bit dizzy, that's all.” Fortunately you are a much better liar than your neighbor, though you hate giving her anything but the truth. However, these are extenuating circumstances. 
Hazel gasps loudly. “I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard.”
“That's not it, it's just that you um… you don’t need to apologize. It's all in my…” you stop and clear your throat, giving you enough time to shift your thoughts. Despite the apprehension you turn towards her so that she believes it when you assure her “I was the one who told you not to hold back. Don't worry about it Haze. If anything I should be thanking you, for presenting me with a challenge and politely avoiding my face.”
She bites her lip. “Remember what I said though. Even getting beat up can’t make a difference on a face like yours. But I’m still really sorry.”
You neglect to acknowledge most of what she just said in fear of taking it the wrong way. “Did you know you apologize a lot?”
Hazel takes a deep breath and covers her face with her hands. “I apologize so much because I feel like no matter how many times I say I’m sorry it will never be enough. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for hurting you.”
“Hey, Haze, look at me.” She uncovers her face and there are tears in her hurt, puppy dog eyes.
“I forgive you, I really do. And you said you would make it up to me right? All I want is for things to go back to the way they were.” Thinking about that makes your heart hurt. It’s not your true desire, but it’s the best that you are going to get. She nods her head. “I just want… yeah, that's what I want too.”
“Just be mine,” you nearly choke on the air in your lungs after realizing what just slipped out. You quickly try to recover. “Just be my best friend again.”
“I’ll be whatever you need me to be.” Every last breath gets sucked out of your chest. If only Hazel knew how you really felt, she would show some mercy and be more careful with her words. She would pity you, but spare you any extra heartache. After regaining your composure you tell her “we should get going, I need to ice my whole body.” 
You twiddle your thumbs, afraid of saying the wrong thing. You fear hearing more words that could be romanticized or mean something completely different for you than it does for her. After mustering up the courage, you change the subject.
“You know you actually seem to know what you are doing. When you're fighting. Where did you learn all those moves?” You inquire with genuine curiosity.
“Well I did tae kwon do for a little while but also Mortal Kombat.” Hazel explains.
“What’s Mortal Kombat?”
“It’s a video game.”
You chuckle. “Makes sense why I don’t know it. My gaming knowledge doesn’t go any further than the Sims.”
Hazel bites at her nails. “I play Mortal Kombat all the time. Do you have any plans Friday night? You can come over and we can play it. If you aren’t busy. And only if you want to.”
Your face lights up. “Friday? I'm free friday.”
The next few days go well. School work wasn’t too bad, no discernable drama, and more time spent with Hazel. You savor every moment with her, all of the car rides and getting up close and personal while fighting. Pinning each other to the ground is always the best part of your day. It is a little odd that all of your fights end that way, but you wouldn’t dare complain. 
On Friday when you get to Hazel’s house Mrs. Callahan is sitting in the room off the foyer. “Is that who I think it is?” she calls, getting up to greet you. “Hazel told me you two were friends again but I wasn’t sure whether or not to believe it.”
“Mom!” Hazel groans. Mrs. Callahan puts her hands on her hips. “What honey? Can you blame me? It’s been years!”
“We are leaving now.” Hazel tells her sternly and grabs your arm to pull you away.
When you get to Hazel’s room you guys get settled. Hazel sits in her gaming chair and you get comfortable in a bean bag. She passes you a PS5 controller. “I’m assuming you don’t know how to use this?” 
“That would be correct.” She angles her own controller towards you and starts pointing to the different buttons. There are some arrows and shapes? It is really hard to pay attention to what she is saying when you are looking at her hands. The silver rings on her fingers. How she effortlessly maneuvers different combos that mean nothing to you, but definitely get your heart racing. You don’t snap out of your daze until Hazel prompts you. “Think you've got it?”
You couldn’t repeat back a single thing she said but couldn’t tell her that. There was no world in which you clued her in on what had been distracting you, and even if she went over it all again the same thing would happen. “Yeah of course!” you lie with an enthusiastic nod.
Hazel loads up the game and a selection of characters come up. “Which one do you play as?” You inquire.
“I like to switch it up,” she explains. “Everyone has different special moves and I like getting to use them all. I haven’t played as Johnny Cage in a while so I think I’ll go with him this time.”
You scan the list of characters and declare “Sonya Blade looks like a baddie I’m playing as her.”
Hazel laughs. “What?” You question a little defensively. “Was that a bad choice? Should I pick someone else?”
“No, no. It’s just funny that you picked Sonya when I’m playing as Johnny. They were married and then got divorced. But they still love each other.” You are silent for a moment after hearing that. You had Hazel, only to a certain extent of course, but then you didn’t. You strayed away from loving her, but never too far.
“What a coincidence.” Your fake laugh is feeble at best. “I’m ready though, we can start the game.” After the game begins you start hitting random buttons, a futile effort. Hazel won rather quickly. She giggles. “I thought you said you were ready?” You roll your eyes with a smile. “I just need some practice, that's all. Start another round!” You demand playfully because you literally do not even know how to start a new round.
A seemingly endless cycle begins. Hazel beats you game after game with little to no effort. She eventually catches on that you might not have been getting everything she had explained earlier. You can only pray she doesn’t figure out why. “It seems like you didn’t get what I taught you before. But you said you are a hands-on learner right? Move over.” You abruptly attempt to shift over as far as you can while the bean bag chair is caving in. After failing to get very far Hazel plops down next to you. The two of you sink further into the middle, pressed up against each other. As much as you always hope to be this close to Hazel, you never actually know what to do when that fantasy becomes a reality. She sighs. “You aren’t even holding the controller right.” She reaches one arm around you and moves your hands into the correct position. This was definitely not how you imagined this evening going but you will be eternally grateful for the divine intervention. Hazel goes over the basics once again and then moves into the combos, guiding your hands into place for each one. 
After going over everything again Hazel takes her arm back from around you. It feels wrong, like you belong in her arms, but you push that thought out of your mind. She puts both of her hands in her lap. Looking down, she fiddles with her rings. Hazel clears her throat and you look over to her and temporarily lose yourself. You desperately search her beautiful blue eyes for something, anything, that might indicate she wants you that way that you want her. But she looks uncomfortable, and even a little nervous. Your hopes and dreams are like waves, rising up only to crash back down, over and over again. Hazel’s lips are so close to yours. It would only take a small slip to bridge the gap between them. “Do you want to try another round?” She asks. “I won’t play, I'll just talk you through it.”
“Um yeah. Let’s try that.”
Over the next couple of games you actually start to get the hang of it, with Hazel’s help of course. Eventually you don’t even need any tips or reminders. After you really think you’ve got it, you announce “alright, I’m ready to beat you now.”
“If you say so,” Hazel laughs and gets up, leaving you regretting your decision, wishing you had played stupid. Damn your competitive nature. Especially because you played for another hour and didn’t even win a single time. Stupid. Stupid! Your ego is hurting when you groan, “ok, I surrender. I can’t do this anymore.” That leaves Hazel looking very smug and amused. “It’s basically dinner time anyway. Is there any chance you would want to, um, stay for that? We could order a pizza or something. Or we could get whatever you want. If you want to stay.” She looks down at the floor before you can answer,
You can’t help the blushing smile on your face. “Pizza sounds great.”
“Really?” she looks back up at you, her posture straightening up.
“Yeah! We could watch a movie or start a tv show,” you suggest with a shy smile.
Hazel blinks rapidly in disbelief. “You would want to start watching a show? With me?”
“Yeah, that way you have a reason to keep hanging out with me,” you tease her
A knowing smile spreads across Hazel’s face. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried.”
“You say that now,” you begin, voice shaking before pulling yourself together to continue. “Just wait until I’m beating you up in fight club and in Mortal Kombat.”
“That's never going to happen. But I guess that means I’ll never have to lose you again.” Her words hit like a freight train that either came at the best or worst time, you aren’t sure which one.
You bite your lip. “You’re cheesier than this pizza is going to be Callahan. Keep it up though. I’ve missed it.”
Hazel looks away and scratches the back of her head. “Anything for you.” As hesitant as you are to believe her, there is no stopping your heart from nearly exploding.
Hazel orders the pizza and you guys stay hanging out where you were. Until the pizza arrives. 
She puts it on her bed and gets comfortable. There is no point in denying that you’ve imagined this moment, ending up in Hazel’s bed, in your wildest dreams. But the reality of this is terrifying. It’s like reaching out for something but never actually being able to grab it. You are filled to the brim with anxiety when sitting down on the opposite side of the bed, at the very edge. Hazel is lounging comfortably but you are sitting with your knees tucked into your chest, arms wrapped around them to try and provide a sense of security. You are looking at the tv when your hand reaches into the pizza box, only to accidentally graze Hazel’s hand. You don’t even dare look over at her, just at the box, so that you can see when it’s safe to reach over again. 
As time and episodes go on you start to relax. Instead of sitting as far away from Hazel as possible, in a state of disarray, you find yourself sitting with more ease in a spot that doesn’t come with the risk of falling onto the floor. 
Once you are done eating Hazel leaves to put the leftover pizza away. While she’s gone your eyes wander around the room. All the old pictures are still up on the wall, and she has hung up the picture the two of you took the other day. She’s got quite a few completed Lego sets on display. There’s a basket of yarn in the corner, Hazel has always liked to crochet. An extensive collection of trinkets is scattered throughout the room. Movie and video game posters are plastered on the walls. There is something small, with wires sticking out of it, sitting in the middle of her desk. It looks almost like a… bomb? You don’t give it much thought. This is Hazel Callahan: certified sweetheart. She would never do anything to hurt anyone. Well, unless they deserved it.
When Hazel comes back into her room and crawls back into bed she sits much closer than anticipated. Close enough to lean your head on her shoulder and for her to put her arm around you. No matter how badly you want that you can’t let yourself get any closer. Being close and cuddling had always been normal for your guys but that was before you realized you were in love with the girl next door. But your neighbor did sit close to you, and it’s nice to see that she is comfortable with you once again. However, it would only cause agony if the two of you were doing the same thing with completely different intentions. You watch the show, laughing, talking, and overall having the best time, though painfully aware of what you are missing out on. Time does funny things when you’re with Hazel, so when you get a text and see that it’s midnight it makes a ton of sense, but also none at all. It’s a text from your mom. “Are you staying over at Hazel’s?” 
Your face turns bright red. You were most definitely not going to spend the night with Hazel. The two of you are used to sleeping in the same bed but that was then and this is now. Wanting to sleep on the floor or in the guest room could raise suspicion. You clear your throat. “Wow, I can’t believe it’s already midnight. I should probably get going.”
Hazel looks over at you and seems a little disappointed. It pains you to see that look on her face. Unfortunately, you have learned the hard way that you need to protect your feelings before those of other people. She gives you a hug and you pull away rather quickly and get up a little awkwardly. Hazel’s dissatisfaction is evident. “I guess I won’t see you until Monday. Is it ok if I text you before then?” She asks hesitantly. You smile at her. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” 
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pairings: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader summary: Xavier doesn't like seeing you around other people. warnings: swearing, mention of alcohol and drugs. jealous Xavier, mention of sex. Xavier being a bit possessive. characters are 18.
note: don't forget to request anything that you would like to see. I made a post on who I take requests for
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"what the hell is wrong with you?!" you shouted at Xavier
"nothing, what's your problem?" Xavier said aggressively
"leave, get out of my room. I don't want you here!" you demanded, pointing to the entrance of your room
"I'm not leaving" he shook his head, taking a slow step closer to you
"Xavier, get the hell out my room right now" you yelled at him, taking a step back.
"fine, but don't come crawling back to me when they leave you!" he screamed in your face
"oh trust me, I won't" you laughed sarcastically.
Xavier walked away from you, out the door where you slammed it in his face. you leaned against the door and bit your tongue, trying your hardest not the let the tears fall from your eyes, but they did. and they wouldn't stop.
that was a month ago. and since then, you haven't talked to Xavier at all, you had lost your closest friend of years to something he was jealous about.
"hey, darling" said an annoying voice, you turned to the blonde boy
"I've already told you not to call me that, we're not dating, we're not together and we never will be, what we did was a one time thing and I was partially drunk. so please. whatever your name is, leave. me. alone" you rolled your eyes at him.
he had been following you around like a lost puppy for the past two weeks because you slept with him at a party and you had gotten sick of it, but up until now, you could just bare it.
the boy gulped before leaving your table
"don't you think you should take a break from sleeping around with guys?" your friend, Danny suggested
"It's not like I do it on purpose, its the alcohol and drugs that does it" you shrugged.
lately you've been experimenting with those type of things at parties. you don't mean to but it's like a routine. you go to the party, you see Xavier staring at you, you take a dink or a smoke and end up all over a guy.
you wouldn't say it's to make Xavier jealous, but you do it because of him.
but again, you don't mean to, you just help yourself.
something about seeing her with all these guys just pisses me off. she knows what she's doing, and she knows I don't like it.
I even said it to her.
she started ditching me for her new 'friends' and sleeping around having sex with almost any guy she crossed paths with.
I told myself I was looking out for her. but I know it's more than that.
it's been a month since she threw me out, meaning she has a whole month to cool off. so when I saw her walking the corridors to the poe statue alone. I took my chance.
I followed her and snapped twice. down the stairs quietly I noticed her talking to a guy
"yesterday was fun, so. did you want to go out again. maybe tomorrow?" the guy said. standing a little too close for my liking
"I'd like that" she giggled softly. my stomach flipped, and not in the good way, my hands formed into finsts as I watched the scene unfold. he tucked a stray hair behind her ear and smiled at her.
she looked at him like he was the only guy in the world.
"well I'll see you then" he said
"I can't wait"
I quickly hid when I saw him coming up the stairs to leave. i held a breath as he walked past. I didn't want to hurt him.
but I did
"she's mine" I growled as I stared down at his unconscious body laying on the concrete floor.
I go back to the secret library and see her standing there, back turned to me. she looked like she was doing something, but I couldn't see.
I get to the bottom of the stairs with my hands in the pockets of my pants. I walk up behind her without her knowing and grabbed the notebook floating in the air.
the pen that was writing on it dropped and she turned to me out of shock
"give it back" she demanded. she looked cute
"come and get it" I smirked hiding it behind my back so she can't access it.
"give it back to me please" she sighed
"tell me what you you were doing with that other guy" I said
"what?" her eyebrows were lifted, acting oblivious
"you know I don't have patience. what where you doing?" I stated
"none of your business" she had her arms crossed against her chest, she look annoyed, but she made it look so cute
"are you wasted?" I asked
"no! why do even you care anyway? it's not your problem" she rolled her eyes
"you know your friends have been here too long" I took a step forward
"oh my god I can't believe you right now, I am aloud to have friends, I don't know why we're having this conversation again" she groaned
"no no, you can't blame this on me anymore. at first I did too, but over the past month I've realised this is on you, that you were too busy lying and sleeping around with guys to even hang out with me" i dropped the book and took a step closer to her
"I don't need to explain myself to you- why does it matter anyway, it's not like we were together!" you yelled at him
"well what the hell were we?! you can't seriously tell me that we were just friends, cause you and I both know we were more than that!" I took another step forward, making her back up slowly
"you're being ridiculous!"
"oh I'm being ridiculous because I'm fucking protecting you?!" I screamed
"Protecting me from what? my friends? they're better friends than you will ever be" she growled
"trust me they are not your friends, and that guy you were talking to is seeing three other girls" I paused, licking my lips frustratedly "but yeah, if they're better friends go on then, leave again" I laughed
"fuck you!" she yelled
"please do" I smirked
"my friends are great" she defended
I took a look around the room, pretending to look for her 'friends'
"and where are these great friends of yours right now, hm?" I huffed in amusement
"-I can tell you where they are" I smiled "they're out in town, probably in the cafe, drinking coffee while talking shit about you"
"you are such a fucking dick" she ran her hands on her face
"I'm a dick for stating the truth? ok sure" I shrugged
"why are you even here?" she threw her hands in the air and back down to her sides
"because I'm fucking sick of seeing you with other people!" I screamed, backing her up into a bookshelf
"so you're jealous? we're not even friends anymore, you don't have the right to be mad at me for it"
"I'm aloud to be mad, I've been watching the girl I love ditch me for idiots for the past two months!" I yelled
"oh so now you love me, great" she said sarcastically
"I've always loved you, you fucking idiot, you're just to blind to even notice!" I ran a hand through my hair.
you went to say something but he cut you off
"don't you dare try to tell me you don't feel the same, cause we both know that we had something. you just threw it away to sleep with people"
"I was drunk and high, I didn't know what I was doing" you said quietly
"that hasn't stopped you from doing it again" Xavier growled
"I- I'm sorry" you whispered
"no you're not" he shook his head in disappointment, looking down at his feet, he didn't want to look at you.
"the only reason I did it was to get over you!" you yelled
"what the hell do you mean?" xavier questioned
"don't act like you haven't slept with other people. I only slept with them because you did it with Bianca!" she choked out
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"don't act fucking clueless! I know you slept with her, there's no point in denying it" you sighed, moving past him and walking away
"I never slept with Bianca" he denied
"bullshit" you cursed, not turning back
"don't fucking walk away from me, turn around" he said, trailing after you, stopping at the stairs where you were walking up
you stopped but you didn't turn around
"she told me" you smiled sadly, turning around for him to see your eyes become watery
"I can promise you that I didn't, you are the only girl I've had my eyes on in years" he gripped onto the railing of the staircase while looking up at you
you walked down the stairs and stopped in front of him
"I promise" he muttered to you, looking down at you lovingly
you gripped onto the collar of his shirt and pulled him down your level, placing a desperate kiss on his lips.
he situated his hands on your hips and moved closer to you, rubbing your hips against his own.
"so you love me?" you said amused
"don't act like you don't love me back" he shook his head, chuckling
"we're just friends" you teased, trying to hide a smile
"friends? yeah, I'll show you friends" he smirked, picking you up, wrapping your legs around his torso and kissing you.
i swear this took way longer than it should've.
this is loosely based of friends by Chase Atlantic
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b33zlebubz · 2 months
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SIMON RILEY X AFAB READER | 18+ MDNI | MASTERLIST | AO3 PREV CHAPTER | NEXT CHAPTER TAGS: reader uses she/her pronouns, fluff angst & eventual smut, blood violence & death, suicidal ideology, slow burn, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, toxic workplace environment, flashbacks “Abandoned in a battlefield with the one person you thought you would never see again; you're forced to come to terms with the ghosts of your past." CHAPTER CW: IMPLIED SEXUAL ASSAULT ((not from simon))
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"You're movin' too much, still."
"You are quite literally breathing down my neck.  Kinda hard not to."
"Yeah, well, get used to it, love.  'Cause at this point you're always gonna have someone looming over you."
You huff, unamused, and it clouds out in front of your face as you squint through the scope of an unloaded rifle.  Gloved hands grip the machine as you focus the scope on a point far-off at the other end of the course. 
Four hours you've been out here, now, running a sniping simulation.  The rest of your squad was split up in pairs across the vast landscape.  You were left as the odd one out and, seeing as Walker had originally planned to just stick you carelessly in with another group, Simon volunteered to partner with you instead.  Keep things equal.  Which basically—as your superior—meant he had an excuse to sit back and smoke while you did all the work.
The exercise was simple; climb the mountain, find your post, sit and keep watch for flags until the next team tags you out.  A sniping exercise as well as a strength and conditioning one.  
You both made quick work of the mountain, ice picks cracking against the ice.  Simon never really considered himself the competitive type, partially because he never needed to be and partially because there was no point—he's worked hard to ensure he's always the biggest guy in the room.  Today, though, something in your growing annoyance as he yelled down keep up, sergeant or watch your footing every time you lagged behind stirred something in you, which in turn stirred something in him.  It quickly became something of a race.
When his pick slipped and you finally surpassed him as he skidded down a few meters, he heard your laugh for the first time against the wind.  For some reason, it made him smile, too.
"I hate sniper duty," you grumble.  "Don't know how you do it—sit in the snow for hours."
"Same way I put up with your whiny ass."
"And what's that?"
You roll your eyes, but your lip quirks up into a smile nonetheless.  A sight he's grown more accustomed to over the course of the past couple days of training and conversation.  He's helped you out in little ways, stopping by the shooting range to offer some constructive criticism as you practiced, offering dietary and training advice to get your strength up, sticking his neck out for you when he could around Walker…among other things.  As it would turn out, you were good company.  Whiny, maybe—but good company, nonetheless. 
You were improving, too.  Temperament and strength-wise.  How much of it is due to his company rather than his guidance, though, he isn't sure.
"You're not funny," you retort.
"You complained the whole way up the mountain, love."
You huff and shoot him a look.  "Did I get it done?"
"And did I beat you while doing it?"
He shrugs.  "More or less."
"Then you should watch your mouth, Lieutenant."
His eyebrows raise, amused.  "Is that a threat I hear?"
"It's a promise to beat you again sliding back down the mountain, sir."
He imagines you throwing yourself down the snow in order to beat your own speed record, and he chuckles a little at the thought.  "I'd like to see you try, Angel."
You smile, gaze focused through the scope.  You've spotted three flags already, and you spot two more as another hour passes.  The team that's supposed to take your place is getting closer, Ghost thinks it'll be twenty minutes before they rendezvous, and you both make your way back for the day.  
"Angel," he exhales another cloud of smoke and vapor when you speak, breaking the comfortable silence that's washed over you both.
You maneuver awkwardly to position your hand behind you, opening and closing your fist a few times.
"Hand me one of those," you say, your breathing puffing out into the freezing air.  "And my lighter."
He shakes his head with an amused smirk.   "You're supposed to be focusing."
"Can't focus if my hands are shaking."
"And what if this is a real scenario?  You're not gonna have cigarettes in a life-or-death situation, sergeant."
"Yeah, well, you do," you flex your hand again.  "So gimme."
He figures you're the only Sergeant on base he'd let order him around, but he doesn't let that thought take root in his mind. Instead, he shifts closer so that he's lying on his stomach next to you in the snow.  
"Keep still," he tells you, plucking a cigarette from his pack.  "You miss a flag Walker won't let me hear the end of it." 
You seem slightly surprised, but you don't say anything as he slots himself next to you.  He offers you the cigarette as you keep your gaze in the scope, and you use your free hand to slot it between your lips before he lights it.  You inhale slowly, and he watches your lips as you do so; watches the tips of your fingers through the clipped tips of the gloves he gave you and watches you exhale.  When he looks up, you're already looking at him.  He's close enough to see where snow clings to your lashes.
A beat passes where you both just stare at each other.  Simon finds he can't read your expression.  Then, you shake your head and clear your throat, which in turn snaps him out of his daze, before you take another drag and lock your focus in once more.
"Another flag," you say, your brow furrowed.  "At your twelve o' clock.  About four kilometers out."
Simon shifts, putting some space between you both as he clears his throat because fuck.  What the hell was that? 
"Copy that."
You're quiet for the rest of the exercise, only speaking whenever you spot another flag.  For some reason, Simon still finds himself fixed on the cigarette in your hand as you work.
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Whenever both return to the base, there's a lot of whispering.  He doesn't notice, at first, too busy sorting equipment and putting it away.  You don't notice the lingering stares or the hushed voices either; or you're just pointedly ignoring them.  Sorting through your own gear nearby, you're quiet, and you're done and ready before he's even folded his snowsuit.  Nevertheless, Simon doesn't pay much mind to the name being whispered around until he can put the face to it.
Roger's Back.
Now, if there is one thing Simon isn't—it's humble.  After years of hard work he's managed to pack on an impressive amount of muscle, taking him from a lanky, malnourished teen to the legend he was now.  Not since Roba has he ever had an issue taking down anyone with the same experience, or sometimes more, than him.  He's made sure of that and intends to keep things that way.  
That is, until Simon happens to lift his head and peer down the hall towards someone he, for once, doesn't have to look down to meet the gaze of.
He's massive, is Simon's first thought.  The same height as him, he wagers the bloke might be the only lower-ranked soldier here who actually matches his strength enough to maybe have the upper hand in a fight.  
Simon's second thought is that bloody hell.
There's a long scratch across the man's cheek and the remains of a bruise around that of an eyepatch.  There's a still-healing gash on the side of his head, scar tissue fresh and thick on the temple of a shaved head, flesh stretched inward from staples freshly removed.
Ah.  Roger.  The sergeant who's skull you cracked against the edge of a bar.
The man approaches you from behind and Simon stops in his tracks just down the hall, eyes flitting over to watch the scene unfold in the corner of his eye.  
Keeping his face hidden had its cons, sure.  Maybe he did nearly suffocate himself every time he sweat his ass off in the desert.  Maybe underwater tasks were difficult and maybe he had to jump through all kinds of hoops to avoid getting his picture taken.  In hiding his own emotions, however, he's become quite good at reading the body language of others.
And you're uncomfortable.  Tense.  Ready to bite at a moment's notice.
You stand rigid still as you sense his presence, your back to the man as he approaches lazily to stand behind you.  Some words are exchanged.  You, biting retorts that just barely count as professional and him…standing too close for comfort.  
You hold your ground.  You don't punch first—just like Simon told you.  He watches the man's lips move, reads the threat that crosses his lips.  Still, you hold your ground as Simon's fists clench and he realizes what's happening—why you punched first.  Why you're struggling and why you put your training on halt for leave.
Next time, the man says.  Next time, you're not getting away so easily, bird.
Simon watches you think about it.  He watches your hands ball into fists, watches your eyes narrow and your nose scrunch with disgust.  But you don't move, no—you don't shrink away in fear and you don't immediately go for the kill.  You stand your ground just as Simon told you to.
You do so until the man looks away first, sauntering off.  Simon watches you let out one breath, then another, before you grab your pack in a shaking hand and sling it over your shoulder.  His eyes linger on you as you quickly leave the room, barely noticing how Roger approaches him to introduce himself.
It's not until the door shuts behind you that Simon grabs the young Sergeant by the front of his shirt and slams him against the wall.  Roger lets out a startled yelp.
"You lay another finger on her," he snarls.  "And I'll fuckin' cut it off, Sergeant, you copy?"
Roger's eyes are wide.  The breath knocked from his lungs, he's panting, and his mouth opens and shuts again in shock.
"I said do you copy?"
"Yes—yes, sir.  Copy and check."
Satisfied that his warning is taken seriously, Simon turns him loose with a hissed, "piss off."
Roger stumbles.  Disoriented, he continues down the hallway, and Simon is still seething as his boots carry him down a wrong turn to Walker's office.
He doesn't walk out until your safety is guaranteed.
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
fountain / eddie munson
rated: m (18+, minors DNI)
one shot
cw: literal p!ss kink, pet names (babe/baby), mentions of sex
note: if you think it’s gross, plz don’t read. i wrote this as a request from a friend and tbh it was hard to write anyway and i debated posting it😅 no hate to ppl who have this k!nk and so sorry if i didn’t write it well enough.
“okay, now get out eddie i have to pee,” you giggle, shoving your boyfriend towards the door after you’d just got done plucking his eyebrows.
he just shook his head at you and crossed his arms. “i don’t see why i can’t stay in here with you, we’ve already had sex,” he states loudly. you clamp your hand over his mouth with wide eyes. the door was open and your sister's room was exactly across from the bathroom. he rolls his eyes at your actions and carefully pulls your hand away. “her music is blaring, she didn’t hear me,” he says in a quieter tone and pointed eyes.
“watch it,” you mumble and glance towards your sisters room anyway.
“go pee so we can go start that movie,” eddie says, motioning towards the toilet.
you groan, not seeing a point in fighting with him since it wasn’t that big of a deal to you anyways. “close the door, please,” you say with raised eyebrows. eddie does just that a focuses on inspecting his eyebrows as you use the bathroom.
as the months of your relationship went on, eddie just always ended up following you to the bathroom when you had to pee. you chalked it up to being part of his separation anxiety which he wasn’t afraid of telling you about.
you did find it kind of odd when he started requesting to watch your pussy as you peed, but he was an oddly curious boy and you weren’t the type to care. you should’ve connected the dots sooner.
“babe, i’m gonna go use the restroom,” you say, standing up from your spot on his couch. you look at him expectantly, ready for him to stand and follow you. instead he only looks at you, biting his lip, like he was thinking about something.
he opens his mouth, closing it and looking to the side. he was nervous. “baby…” he started slowly, looking down to mess with his rings. “i want to uh, tell you… and ask you something. i don’t want to weird you out or anything but… i’ve thought about it a lot,” he rambles, refusing to make eye contact.
you furrow your eyebrows, but nod. “what’s up babe?“ you ask, put off by his very unusual behavior.
“um…,” he glances up to you before putting his face in his hands. “i want you to piss on me,” he says very quickly, his words blending together so much you couldn’t understand him.
you look at him in confusion. “i didn’t catch that?” you say carefully.
eddie groans, his hands slamming down on his thighs and his head falls back. “i want you to piss on me,” he yells, screwing his eyes shut. your jaw drops at his words. he wants you to what?!
eddie takes note of your silence and is slightly scared he might’ve just ruined your relationship. “i’m sorry, what?” you ask in utter disbelief.
“shit,” eddie curses to himself, but knows he can’t just pretend he didn’t ask. “i want you to sit on my lap and piss on my dick, because… because it turns me on,” eddie explains.
“eddie…” you start, slightly disgusted at the thought.
eddie shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “i know, your boyfriend not only is a freak, but a disgusting one who has a piss kink,” he groans.
“babe… don’t talk about yourself like that, it’s just… i’ve never heard of anything like that. it’s- it’s hard to process,” you say, trying to think through the concept.
eddie purses his lips, knowing you’re slightly considering it. “i know, baby. i don’t know why i like it, but the idea just gets me so horny. anything to do with your pussy makes me horny,” he elaborates.
“won’t it make a mess?” you question.
eddie shrugs. “yeah, but we make a mess every time we fuck because someone cums a lot so…” he says, hinting at you.
you stand there for a moment longer before shrugging. if you hated it, you’d never do it again. but how could you deny him? “so are we doing it here or your room or?” you ask, causing his head to whip up.
“you’ll do it?” he asks in excitement and shock.
“babe, i’ll try just about anything for you,” you say seriously.
eddie’s smile widens at your words. “i can’t wait to marry you one day,” he says, also being serious. he settles down in the couch and motions to you. “take those jeans and panties off and come here,” he says hungrily, patting his lap. you giggle and begin unbuttoning your pants. you quickly shed your undergarments and then make your way onto his lap.
eddie positions your hips right above his clothed cock that was slightly hard. “do you want your pants on?” you ask genuinely.
“yeah, i don’t know, we can try without later but i want to feel it soak in,” eddie says, his eyes trained on your pussy that was hovering above his crotch.
you nod and then relax your hips, trying to let go but you were struggling. “i'm nervous,” you whisper, looking up at eddie shyly.
he brings his eyes to meet yours and then leans forward to kiss you softly in reassurance. “don’t be, it’s just me and we’re just trying something,” he says calmly and then reaches his fingers down to rub soft circles on your clit. “just let go, piss on me, baby,” he coos. you nod, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes.
your bladder was pretty full, eddie always had beer to drink and it ran through you so fast. eddie’s fingers on your clit make you less rigid and you push lightly. you let out a hum of relief as your bladder finally starts to empty. eddie’s hand leaves your clit, both hands on your hips as he moans lowly. you open your eyes, looking down to watch the wet patch on eddies crotch spread. “fuck, baby, that’s so good, holy shit,” eddie moans, the two of you watching his cock grow in his pants as your stream coats his jeans. you push a little harder, the piss coming out harsher and causing eddie to grunt.
as the last bit of piss dribbles out of you, you drop down into your puddle making a slapping sound. eddie throws his head back, humping up into your core as you grinded against him. “i’m gonna fuck you now,” eddie says to the ceiling, and you know he’s dead serious.
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Door Open (Part 1) - Billy Hargrove
Part 1
Billy x reader Hopper
Warnings: none really
Word count: 1,644
Summary: Hopper finds out his oldest daughter has a boyfriend and wants to meet him.
Authors Note: There is a part 2 that will be posted soon. It's already typed and in my queue.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Part 2
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“El door!” Hopper yelled out as noticed the door to his youngests room closed shut. With a boy in there.
“Why?” El questioned as she opened the door and stuck her head out.
“Why?!” Hopper asked with raised brows.
El nodded “yes”
“Because I said.” Hopper answered, looking her in the eyes.
“But why? Y/n gets to keep her’s shut.” El wondered out loud with squinted eyes.
“What?” Now Hopper was confused.
“Y/n gets to keep her door shut.” El looked Hopper in the eyes, upset with his ‘door open’ rule.
“Well, Y/n doesn’t have a boy over or a boyfriend.” Hopper told her still a little dumbfounded at this conversation.
“Say you.” El mumbled but apparently not low enough.
“Excuse me?” Hopper spoke, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Nothing.” El tried to cover up but Hopper wasn’t going to let it go, turning to go back into her room.
“El.” Hopper said using his deep angry voice, getting the young girl to turn around again to look at him.
El sighed wishing she said nothing to begin with. “She does.”
“She does what?” Hopper questioned his body tensing.
“Y/n, has a boyfriend.” El stated looking down at her feet. Not wanting to see Hopper’s face.
“Since when?” Hopper questioned but when El gave no answer he tired again. More stern this time. “El, since when?”
“8 months I think.” El said reluctantly, looking anywhere but at Hopper.
“8 mon-” Hopper couldn’t even believe this. How could he not have known this? How did he not notice anything? God sometimes he really thought Y/n should become a detective, she’d definitely be good at the undercover work.
“Please don’t tell her I said anything.” El pleaded before she went back into her room to continue hanging out with Mike.
All Hopper could do was nod numbly. He was going to have a talk with his oldest daughter when she got home.
^     ^     ^
“Y/n.” Hopper spoke as Y/n entered the cabin like normal.
“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed in acknowledgment that she was listening.
“We need to talk.” He stated from his spot on the couch. With a simmering expression, holding in his anger. Which isn’t exactly directed at his daughter.
“What about?” Y/n asked as she came around to sit on the couch alongside him.
“I heard through the grapevine that you have a boyfriend.” Hopper stated taking a sip of his beer before he continued and trained his eyes on his daughter. Watching her behavior. “That you’ve been together for almost a year. How come you never said anything?”
Y/n looked down to her lap, she had been caught and didn’t know what to say exactly. “I was nervous too.”
“To tell me?” Now he felt a little bad. “Why? You can tell me anything, you should know that.”
“Dad, you can be very protective, and intimidating…” It was going to go bad at this next part if it led to what she thought it would. “And I know that you don’t particularly like who he is.”
“I’m your dad, of course I’m going to be protective over you. Just like I'm with El. As for intimidating, that's my job as your father.” Hopper stated, he had to keep explaining his job as a father a lot recently to his girls. But now he really also wanted to know the bigger question. Who was the guy? “Now who is this boy that I apparently don’t like?”
Y/ shifted her eyes away from her father as she mumbled the name. “Billy.”
“Hargrove?!” Hopper screamed with bulging eyes and he stood up in shock, hoping he heard wrong.
“Yeah.” She confirmed, shrinking in on herself. But Hopper couldn’t even yell in that moment he was speechless.
“You don’t know him.” Y/n stated and Hopper just sent her a look. He’s met the kid and he doesn’t like his attitude. Y/n shook her head at his look knowing what he was thinking. “Not really. He acts like a completely different person at school and around town then he is with me.”
Hopper looked at his daughter for a moment. Really looked at her and he could tell this was important to her so he sighed, turning to face her seated form. “I wanna meet him.”
“What?” Now she was confused.
“I want to meet him. Bring him over for dinner tonight-”
“He can’t tonight, but he is available tomorrow.” Y/n spoke efficiently, cutting him off. She knew how Niel was, there was no way Billy could come on such short notice tonight.
“Fine. Tomorrow.” Hopper agreed.
“Okay.” Y/n nodded relieved and she got up off the couch and headed to her room.
“Oh.” Hopper spoke up before she could shut the door to her room. Turning to look at her dad waiting for him to continue, hoping that she wasn’t in more trouble. “Your door stay’s cracked from now on.”
Y/mn nodded letting out a breath of air, hoping to not be in even more trouble. But now she was going to tell Billy.
^     ^     ^
“He wants to meet me?” Billy looked very anxious since Y/n explained what had happened last night. But could you blame him? He’s had run-ins with Sheriff Hopper and they weren’t the friendly kind.
“Don’t look so afraid, Billy. It’s normal, he found out about you and he's gonna want to meet you.” Y/n said with a smile on her lips, slightly amused at his behavior. He just kept pacing with wide eyes.
Billy nodded at her words. “Ok. I got this.”
“Yes, you do.” Y/n nodded in encouragement. Meeting the parents was something Billy didn’t do, but he was willing to do it for Y/n. She got up off his bed and cupped his cheeks. “I believe in you.”
“Is he pissed?” he asked, looking into her eyes trying to get a read on his answer.
“No, not really. I was told that the door has to at least be cracked from now on. But otherwise he seems to be giving you a chance. That's good odds.” She told him with a cheerful look in her eyes and on her face. Y/n was optimistic, and Billy hoped she was right.
“Yeah, I guess.” Billy sighed, he needed to prepare himself for tonight.
“I know.” Y/n smirked, biting her lip as she looked up at him through her lashes.
“Haha” Billy mock laughed before pulling her into a very heated kiss.
^     ^     ^
“Are you nervous Billy?” Y/n asked watching him drive them to the Hopper residence. He was bouncing his leg and tapping his fingers.
“Yes.” Billy stated flat out glancing for a second away from the road to Y/n. His face said it all with a look of pure honesty and fear.
Y/n looked at him in shock, trying to hide her amusement at his confession. “I didn’t expect you to admit it.”
Billy shrugged one shoulder looking back to the road. “Well, I am. That tell you something?” 
Y/n reached over to grab his free hand in hers, hoping to provide him with some reassurance. “Calm down. It’ll be okay. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I promise.”
Once they pulled up, as they got out of the camaro El came running out of the house and hugged Y/n.
“Hey, El.” Y/n greeted, hugging the younger girl back.
“I’m sorry.” she mumbled feeling bad that she outed the girl that took her in as a little sister.
“Its all okay, really. I’m not mad, El.” Y/n stated trying to reassure her that she wasn’t mad. Y/n pulled out of the hug making El look her in the eyes so she would know how serious she was.
El nodded a little in relief and a little just to show she understood. Then she shifted her attention to Billy. Hopping he couldn’t be pissed that she outed his relationship with Y/n.
Billy shook his head coming to stand next to them. “I’m not either.”
“Stop standing there and come in and eat.” Hopper yelled as she stood in the open doorway with a hard expression on his face.
With that the 3 headed inside and sat down to eat. Conversation consisted of small talk mostly at first but there was a reason this dinner was taking place. They should get to it.
“How’s Max?” El asked halfway through their meal, wondering about her friend.
“She’s good.” Billy said before taking a sip of his soda.
“So Billy.” Hopper spoke up, putting his fork and knife down.
Billy gulped. “Yes, Sir.”
“What are your intentions with my daughter?” Hopper asked, cutting to the chase.
“No, its ok. He’s gonna ask at some point right?” Billy stopped her, like she said earlier. These things needed to be done and said. “My intentions are mainly pure with Y/n.”
“Mainly?” Hopper practically growled out, looking at the mullet haired boy with narrowed eyes.
“Well, we do makeout and. . . cuddle.” Billy choked out the last part while Y/n and El snickered. Yeah they cuddle, amongst other things.
“Nothing else?” Hopper ticked his jaw ready to wring the boys’ neck.
“Not really Sir.” Billy shook his head with a smile on his lips, taking a bite of his steak.
“Not really? What's 'not really’ supposed to mean?” Hopper leaned forward placing his forearms on the table, staring Billy in the eyes. He should tread carefully with the look he was giving Billy.
“Well the other things are all of and when y/n wants.” Billy stated looking Hopper in the eyes. He was being brave, Y/n thought. Stupidly brave.
“Hmmm.” Hopper hummed before he continued to eat. At least he seemed to respect his daughter.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila @cherriebat @fandom-princess-forevermore @goth-cowgirl-03
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yankpop · 1 year
Yandere NCT Dream OT6
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Summary: Taeyong tries to get between you and the boys and that’s something they won’t tolerate.
DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTION work only made for entertainment purposes so please don’t take any of this seriously. I do not support or encourage any type of abusive behaviour. Please, be 18+ to read this. Make sure to read the trigger warnings before you get started, but almost everything is yandere and includes toxic behaviours.
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Kidnap/captivity situation; implied future murder.
AN: Mark's not here, so it's only the rest of the boys. Hope you guys enjoy this 💖
I'm not back, just trying to get rid of what I have in my drafts.
Your heart beats faster than you’ve ever experienced, both adrenaline and fear pumping into your blood.
You only catch a few glances of Taeyong, unable to have a clear view with Jeno and Jaemin protectively standing in front of you, the last one a little far behind so that your body is pressed against his, making you feel Jaemin’s body slightly shaking.
Despite the visual obstruction, you can clearly hear Haechan and Taeyong discussing, as they keep arguing back and forth. “You can’t keep her like this, it’s not….okay.”
Haechan scoffs with disdain at Taeyong’s words. “We’re not keeping her. She wants to be here, obviously.” You frown at hearing that, how could Haechan lie so easily?
Standing on the sidelines, Chenle vehemently nods in agreement while next to him Jisung has panic written all over his face with head going back and forth through the members. Over the time you spent with the boys, it quickly became evident that despite his high height, Jisung was a scaredy cat and hated making decisions, unlike Haechan.
“If she wants to be here, then why won’t you let Y/N say it herself?” You look at Taeyong’s direction, catching a fleeting glimpse of the man looking at you with evident concern in his eyes.
The unexpected eye contact makes you want to plead for help, and you open your lips to say something - anything -, until Jeno moves slightly to the side, effectively hiding you once again from Taeyong’s sight.
His words definitely stir up the group, Chenle and Jisung share a concerned expression as Renjun lets out an exasperated sigh and Jaemin reaches for your hand, tightly holding it without changing his position. This whole ordeal makes you feel conflicted, for one side you badly want to call out Taeyong to help you but you’re afraid of the consequences.
Especially because there are 6 of them but only one Taeyong.
What if they hurt him?
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’re gonna scare her away, Taeyong.” Renjun tries to intervene, supported by Chenle. “Yeah, you’re probably gonna try to change her mind or something.”
“You’re not gonna get anywhere near her.” Jaemin declares, his voice booming with determination. His words awfully resemble a threat, and the room temperature seems to drop immediately.
The message was clear.
They weren’t going to give you up, no matter what.
And they weren’t gonna allow Taeyong to take you away either. Something you already suspected, but now Taeyong is warned too.
Haechan keeps quarreling with Taeyong but you notice as Renjun turns around to whisper something at Jaemin, who sternly nods and signals Chenle to come closer, followed by a frightened Jisung. Giving you a final look, he pushes your hand into Chenle, his face void of any emotion as he mutters “Take her to the safe room. We’ll call you when it’s over.” his words make you panic, what was going on?
“What? No, guys, I-” You try to push away Chenle, only for him to grab your hand impossibly tighter, forcing you to follow him as he goes for the door exit. You hear some commotion behind you when Taeyong realizes what was going on, yelling at the boys to let you go. Anxiety boils inside you at the radical change of events, making it harder for you to breathe.
You turn your head behind, catching a brief glance of Renjun standing on the side while Haechan, Jeno and Jaemin surround Taeyong.
The vision only lasts a mere second but it’s enough to fill your heart with fear, making you trip on your own feet. Jisung softly pushes you from behind, compelling you to keep moving.
They force you out of the room, closing the door with a loud noise just in time as a fight immediately begins.
Taeyong’s destiny is evident, making you realize that their determination in keeping you is more powerful than you ever imagined.
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itsclydebitches · 6 months
Summary: Tarina, a new apprentice at Sorcerous Sundries, becomes intrigued by a wizard and his oddly colored raven. 
Pairing: Gale/Astarion, outsider PoV
Word Count: 3,427
Part of the Little by Little, Step by Step collection
Inspired by @cake-apostate post <3
Tarina had never seen a white raven before.
It sat tall on the wizard’s shoulder, surveying Sorcerous Sundries with what she wanted to say was a haughty air. That was ridiculous though... right? Plenty who passed through the store could summon up a familiar, but this creature lacked the same aura of magic those conjured beasts wore. It might have been a druid showing off their impressive Wild Shape, but Brenan had given her that You’re An Idiot Apprentice look when she’d asked, reiterating that every druid’s shape was identical to another’s. It was built into the spell. You’d have better chance spotting a Wild Shaped druid not by its behavior, but by how conspicuously brown it was.
She supposed it might have been a normal bird bound to the wizard, even trained, but Tarina had never seen plumage of that coloring. The raven was pure white, from the tip of its beak all the way down, the only color on its body stemming from piercing, blood-red eyes. Sometimes Tarina caught the bird watching her and shivered, feeling hunted. Which again, ridiculous. She might have only just started her training, but even she could best a two-pound corvid.
The wizard must not have found what he was looking for because Tarina watched as he shook his head, gesturing angrily at their collection of scrolls. As he did, the movement dislodged the raven, nearly sending it to the floor.
It proceeded to bite the wizard’s neck in retaliation.
Then it gagged.
“—don’t know how many times I need to say it!” the wizard was yelling as he left the shop, one hand on the small wound and the other trying to grab the raven by the scruff of its neck.
They got all types in Sundries, but this was odd even by their standards. Tarina didn’t know what was up with those two but she was damn well going to figure it out.
Besides, mysteries were better than doing inventory any day.
“Excuse me, um—Master Rolan?”
Tarina had tried to present herself as respectfully and unobtrusively as possible, going so far as to give a little curtsy as she approached (which probably looked stupid in breeches). For a moment she thought he hadn’t heard her—or worse, was ignoring her—but then Master Rolan sighed and raised a hand to his eyes, squeezing them shut.
“Please don’t call me that.”
Tarina blinked. Being corrected probably wasn’t a good thing, but he didn’t sound mad. She decided to risk shuffling a little closer, standing beside him as he looked out over the store’s upper railing. “Why...?”
“Would you like to know what I’ve learned about others, myself, or my true motivation?”
Okay, maybe wizard dude and his raven weren’t that weird, not if this was the guy running things. Tarina was trying to figure out if this was some kind of test when Rolan turned, his lips twisting into a self-deprecating smile.
“Lorroakan was this tower’s previous master,” he said, “and I have no intention of following in his depraved footsteps. Beyond that, however, I still have a great deal to learn about the arcane arts and have not yet earned the title of ‘Master’ even if I wanted to take it. Mystra knows my folly has endangered enough of us already. But really...” Rolan leaned closer, a spark of... something lighting up his eyes. “My sister Lia will never let me hear the end of it if she catches you calling me that, so save me the trouble and I won’t have to fire you without recommendation. Alright?”
“Right!” Oh, this had been a bad idea. Tarina couldn’t tell if Rolan was joking, but she really wasn’t inclined to find out. She couldn’t afford it. Literally, given the weight of her coin purse. She mumbled a nonsense apology to her feet and started backing away when Rolan raised a hand, halting her.
“Where are you going? Didn’t you need something?”
“It’s nothing much Ma—uh, Rolan. I was just wondering if you knew this customer?” Tarina started gesturing a little wildly and willed herself to stop. Her hands didn’t listen. “Wizard type. Shoulder-length brown hair. Beard. Wears a weave earring and seems to have a preference for purple?”
Rolan was staring at her, long enough and hard enough that Tarina because to sweat. She could see a muscle ticking in his jaw and wondered if she was about to be blasted off the balcony.
“Yes,” he finally said. “I know him.”
“Do you... know what’s up with his raven?”
All at once the tension left Rolan and he snorted, a sound of dry amusement. He muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, Attention seeking idiots but Tarina couldn’t be sure. When he spoke though it was with such deliberate seriousness that she was instantly suspicious:
“Would you believe me if I said that raven is his husband?”
“Well then. I suppose there’s nothing left but for you to get back to work.”
Tarina went, wondering halfheartedly if Arcane Atheneum was hiring. Without recommendations.
Two months since she’s started working and training at Sorcerous Sundries. A month since she’d first seen the raven. A week of making her list.
It was, unfortunately, a rather unhelpful list.
Things The Raven Does (That Maybe Aren’t Very Raven-y?)
Likes to sunbathe on the Southside bookshelves while the wizard browses
Seems to enjoy annoying whoever is in his vicinity. Master Rolan is a favorite target
(Raven is a “he.” Heard wizard use pronoun after kissing his beak. Husband???)
(Look up legal precedent of human/animal relationships in Faerûn)
Preens at compliments but won’t let anyone else hold him
Update. Exceptions: white-haired cleric, githyanki (!!!), two druids, adventurer of undetermined race/gender, and Minsc. Fucking Minsc was in our shop
Update for the update: raven tried to hunt Misc’s hamster. It didn’t end well
Snatched a bracelet off a woman’s wrist and tried to fly off with it. Wizard summoned ice wall that Raven slammed into. Woman distraught. Raven pissed (sounds like a tea-kettle crossed with an un-oiled hinge). Rolan threw fireballs until wizard cleaned up the water from his melting wall (this did more damage to the books than anything else, but I was too scared to point that out)
Possible successful second attempt: man’s gold-plated quill went missing during checkout. Raven nearby. Can only describe his behavior as ‘too innocent’. Looks like he would have whistled if he could
Tends to bite. Has a preference for necks (kinky??)
Is generally an asshole. Like, even more than the average bird
Tarina started down at the notes, hoping that something would jump out at her and make it all make sense.
Nothing did. If anything, her already messy scrawl grew incomprehensible as her eyes watered. Tarina let out a massive yawn, tipping her head back to suck in more oxygen. Maybe Rolan would let her pop out for a coffee before next shift? 
When she opened her eyes again the wizard was standing before her.
“Hello there,” he said, giving a wave.
Tarina made a sound approaching ‘Ulp’ and ‘Gah’ if they’d had an unholy baby together.
“Quite,” the wizard replied. “Now, I don’t suppose you have any tomes on the magical co-efficient found in cherry wood carved staffs, do you? While I wouldn’t go so far as to describe this as an emergency per se, your expedience in the matter would be greatly appreciated.”
The raven sat on his shoulder once more, staring at Tarina with an unnatural focus. Without taking his red eyes off her he croaked something towards the wizard’s ear.
“Well yes, but I would prefer to know how much magic I’m getting before I destroy the staff.”
Croak. Croak croak.
“Halsin gave me that! Just because you keep losing to him in lanceboard—”
A loooong croak.
“I do not get grumpy when I need to eat!”
Tarina stared.
Now that she knew what to look for, the wizard did seem a little peaky. He was paler than anyone should have been on a hot day like this, even if they were reclusive scholars. There was a thin, sickly sheen of sweat on his forehead and his hand, when it went to give the raven a solid flick, trembled slightly. Frankly, he looked like shit. 
There were so many things to address here that Tarina’s brain felt like a Melf’s acid arrow hurtling at full speed. Who was doing research that esoteric and specific? Who wanted to? Was the wizard using a Speak to Animals spell? He must have been, otherwise Tarina should probably find Brenan and alert them that a crazy was on the loose. Someone crazier than the average wizard, that is. The man just looked tired though, a little sick, which made Tarina wonder if it was contagious, if she should find a healer, if she was even conceivably paid enough to be dealing with any of this.
“I’ve got crackers,” she blurted, wincing slightly when their combined attention turned her way. “In my satchel. In the back. Crackers for... eating? If you’re hungry, I mean.”
The smile the wizard gave her was kind, but the noise the raven made sounded like laughter.
“Thank you,” he said, “but a book will serve me just fine. If you would?” and he waved an imperious hand that clearly said, Get on with it.
Okay, so he was a little bit of an asshole too. He and the raven were meant for each other.
Still, Tarina flew to the back, pulled up their catalogue, and found every reference to staffs, cheery wood, and magical coefficients that an Elixir of Hill Giant Strength would let her carry. It wasn’t her job to question why their patrons wanted the information, only to supply it. 
The wizard spent a while pursuing the volumes she’s brought out, seemingly content to let the other patrons wait than take his load to one of the nearby tables. Tarina shot them an apologetic smile, nodding towards other employees who could help them out. The angle at which she visually negotiated with an ancient, terrifying woman put her in the perfect position to spot the necklace on the raven’s neck.
Tarina blinked, trying to get a closer look without it being obvious that she was doing just that. The necklace—amulet?—was expensive, that much was obvious. A pure gold chain tapered down into a disgustingly massive purple gem. A garnet? Amethyst maybe? Tarina might have known a little more about precious stones if she’d ever been in a position to purchase one. Or even see one up close before now. There were smaller gems too of a similar color and though the raven’s feathers covered many of them, there was no hiding the overall size of the jewelry, nor the contrast against that unnaturally white plumage. Tarina was staring now, caution be damned, because how had she missed that?
Magic, Dum-Dum, her mind supplied. Something simple to deter attention, but not true invisibility. Once you do notice it, it’s obvious what's there. But until you do...
She wasn’t the only one noticing things. With a jerk, Tarina looked up to find the raven staring at her. Hard.
“Utterly useless,” the wizard was muttering, flipping through two books at once. His body swayed with the motion and the raven swayed with him, perfectly balanced, its sharp gaze never once leaving Tarina’s face. “Well, I suppose that’s not the worst thing considering I really didn’t want to part with the staff—your feelings on the matter notwithstanding—but that does still leave me in a bit of a predicament. Do you think Tav has anything on hand? I do hate to bother them with this, though I suppose in the grand scheme of things they’d much less rather the city be demolished so soon after saving it...”
Before Tarina could unpack that statement, the raven gave a squawk of what was undoubtedly self-satisfaction. Lifting one foot he extended his leg out from beneath the mound of snowy feathers, revealing a gold bracelet with runes etched down one side.
“Where did you get that?”
What followed was the strangest display of tenderness and fury she'd ever seen, with the wizard swatting at the raven one moment and pressing kisses to his head the next. He bore both with the same, haughty attitude. There were shouts of theft, and gratitude, and more than one muttered, “You insufferable rogue.” The wizard left the small mountain of books in disarray with only the swiftest ‘Thank you’s as he left the shop. However, before the door slammed shut behind him Tarina caught a strange purple light emanating from his chest. 
“Honestly!” the old woman said. Tarina agreed wholeheartedly.
But she couldn’t think about that now. Snatching her list, Tarina began scribbling madly, trying to recreate the amulet before anyone else had need of her.
She really should have gotten that coffee.
The Corvid Token.
It took a while, but Tarina hadn’t been hired on pity alone. She found mention of the amulet buried in the appendix of an otherwise boring tome on artifacts that manipulated jump distance. Why anyone would want to influence that was beyond her, but now she was glad people cared about such things.
Prized for its beauty as well as its power, the Corvid Token is an amulet of legend. Said to have first belonged to a favored follower of the Raven Queen, it allegedly gifts the wearer with jump distance, flying speed, and Feather Fall while Polymorphed or in Wild Shape. However, these abilities alone would not be enough to earn the amulet its coveted status. Records show that wearers are able to take on a unique Polymorph while in possession of this token: the Dire Raven. This transformation, far from simply providing the ability to fly and blind opponents, circumvents the usual limitations of a Polymorph, allowing wearers to take on all physical aspects of the raven while simultaneously maintaining their faculties. This transformation also lacks the usual time limit. One diary details a father who gave the amulet to his ill daughter, allowing her to physically circumvent the illness while maintaining her mind and personality. She would remove the amulet once a year on her birthday and otherwise lived a long and purportedly happy life as the town’s beloved corvid. 
Slowly, Tarina shut the book and breathed out a giant, full-body sigh. Though Sorcerous Sundries was open through the night, it only took a skeleton crew to keep it running during the late hours. She’d offered to take this shift precisely so she could do a bit of research without anyone looking over her shoulder, but now...
“Is he sick?” she wondered aloud, idly toying with one of the pages. The raven? The peaky wizard? Customer service was boring; an apprenticeship even more-so until you got to the casting bit of things. Tarina could admit that she’d been using the raven as a distraction, just something fun and mysterious to pass the time. But now that this was on the table, the possibility that the two people she’d been obsessing over for weeks on end—two strangers who didn’t feel much like strangers anymore— might be going through something like that... well, it shouldn’t have come as a shock, but it did. Suddenly, the mystery didn’t feel like a game anymore.
Tarina shut the book with a snap, pasting on an insincere simile when the bell over their door rang. The man who stepped through wore a hooded cloak with his head dipped low—not an uncommon practice in these parts—and she did her best to toe the line between false interest and respect for his privacy when she asked if he was looking for anything in particular.
“Nothing much, darling. Just a story tonight. My handsome, high maintenance husband has a weakness for books and he’s been particularly excitable tonight—though not in any way I’d prefer.” The last was muttered into the hem of his hood as it dropped down, revealing a shock of unnaturally white hair.
Sorcerous Sundries did have a fiction section. It was small, outdated, and very rarely browsed, but they prided themselves on providing their customers with anything and everything the magical community might need, which sometimes translated into a much-needed break. Tarina should have pointed him towards the alcove in the back and returned to quietly chastising herself for treating real people like toys. Instead, something about that hair had her blurting,
“How about a love story?” Once the words were out Tarina couldn’t keep the rest quiet and what followed was a rushed outpouring half-swallowed by a laugh. “I’ve got one about a wizard who hunts down a rare amulet that turns his love into a raven, all to save him from the fatal illness that plagues them both. Or something.”
Tarina winced. The customer was staring at her. Of course he was. She should have been embarrassed at the very least. Or worse: worrying that he’d issue a complaint to Rolan and get her fired. But his appearance had rooted her in place. There was something familiar about that white hair and those piercing, mischievous red eyes.
...and the purple amulet, just peeking out from beneath his cloak.
The man laughed suddenly, revealing fangs that glinted in the candlelight. He sauntered over, placed his elbows on the counter, and gave her a look that was nothing short of gleefully dangerous.
“Oh yes, this encounter will do very nicely. Gale’s going to have kittens! How about a trade, my dear shopkeeper? Your funny little assumption for a far superior version of the story.” He took her hand, stopping just short of kissing it. “I’m Astarion, by the way. We’ve met. Though I’m afraid my far less handsome visage didn’t catch your name…?”
“Tarina.” She couldn’t breathe, could barely think. A vampire. Tarina wasn’t sure if she should be pulling out the snacks, or running for the hills.
“Tarina,” Astarion echoed, flicking his cloak out as he settled in. “Well, Tarina, would you like to hear the real tale? About how the wizard hunted down a rare amulet… to allow his vampire love to walk in the sun? Or fly, rather, if we’re being precise. It's quite disgustingly sweet. ”
Oh. Hells, that was so much better—and suddenly Tarina remembered where she’d stashed the extra wine after their last shop party.
“There’s lots of adventure in it?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“But of course.”
“As only a rogue and his fool can attract.”
“Embarrassing anecdotes about Rolan?”
Astarion paused, then grinned. That was a true smile. Tarina could tell the difference now that she’d seen both and it felt like she’d unexpectedly passed some kind of test.
“Not in this particular story, darling, but I can make time for a few more.”
“There’s no one else coming in tonight,” she said with the certainty of someone who would be announcing the store’s unexpected closure if anyone did show up. “I’ll get the wine and you tell your husband you’ll be back late?
“Early,” Astarion corrected, “but yes. Tara can entertain him for a few hours. The Gods know that tressym owes me.”
Tarina hadn’t a clue who Tara was, but she hoped to find out soon. As she started taking the stairs two at a time, she caught the unmistakable sound of wings in the store’s silence before the bell on the door rang again.
She smiled to herself. Alright. Working here wasn’t all bad. Two months down. One mystery solved.
One friend gained. 
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this-loser · 4 days
Through the Motions
Author's Notes: I meant to post this on Monday, but things came up and I ended up with a toothache. That really threw me off my game and I left the second chapter uncompleted, but gave you guys a small preview. That was the unedited version though and compared to this. Anyway, the first chapter is linked here and you can read this on AO3 too.
「WC: 3,502 」
「Summary: It took one mistake of going to a party and another with you being in an alley watching utter chaos unfold with a guy that's called, Red Hood.」
「Warnings: Minor cursing and some mentions of verbal abuse, but nothing detailed」
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「Chapter 2: The Start Of A Headache」
Your legs were still shaking, threatening to give out at any point as you stood there in the alley.
Not even that many words were exchanged between you and that weird guy, yet he left an impression. One that made you realize that he is the type of man to not be fucked with. He literally threw a man against a wall. Threw. That word alone made you feel worse because that guy could easily punt you across the city. All that would be left would be a fine mist of red.
The thought doesn’t help.
Light on tonight. We’re keeping the light at my desk on. You think to yourself.
The breeze of the night air was colder, at least to you, and it caused you to shudder. You force your leg to move, dragging it across the pavement, then quickly head back to your apartment.
Why not listen to the six-foot-tall guy in a weird get-up? Better than staying in the alley. Although another part of you was tempted to return to the building and hide there. Out of the need for comfort and maybe some more alcohol after coming across that scene.
It was hard to tell if your thoughts were moving too fast or if the alcohol mixed with the boost of adrenaline was forcing you to be stuck in a limbo of thoughts and panic.
Somehow, through the panic, you managed to get back to your apartment. Though maybe the people who were out and about at this late hour must have given you funny looks as you retreated home. If they saw what you saw. They would also be speed walking or running down the sidewalks.
Your body was tense, eyes wide and glancing around anxiously. The hallway was empty for the night, and every one of your neighbors was inside their apartments as the elevator door closed behind you.
The hallway felt stretched in front of you. Maybe the alcohol was now really messing with you and making everything else sound far away.
That is until the sound of a door being thrown open pulls you back. You’re about six steps away from your apartment door as the neighbors down the way are dragging their argument into the hall.
Cursing and accusations fill the air as a woman stomps out of the other apartment. And she makes eye contact with you now that she's in the hall. You already look like a deer in headlights before rushing to your apartment door. Feeling around in your jacket pocket for your keys, praying that you didn’t drop them anywhere. It takes a second before your fingers brush against cold metal and your fingers curl around the keyring, pulling it out and causing your keys to hit each other.
A sigh leaves you. So you weren’t that panicked and you had not dropped your keys anywhere.
Her boyfriend emerges from their apartment, grabs her arm, and spins her to face him. He starts up again, then she yells at him, trying to pull away.
You knew better than to intervene. Should, but after what you had seen tonight, you were not about to get punched or worse. The door to your left opens, and an elderly man walks out. His attention is on the couple.
Words are a jumbled mess to you. Everything going on is ignored as the top lock is unlocked with a soft click before moving to the bottom one and unlocking it. Without another thought, you opened the door and closed it behind you, leaning against it as you took in a few breaths as your hair fell in front of your face.
Your chest felt heavy. You knew you were close to having a full-out panic attack.
The voices continue outside your apartment. Not that it mattered because this was an everyday thing. Those two would fight, someone would intervene, and then it went into a full-blown argument between three people until someone had enough or threatened to call the land and cops.
You stood there for a few minutes, taking in deep breaths and slowly letting the fuzziness in your head ebb away. Once calm enough, you locked the door, moved your hair from your face, and moved away from it. Your body is stiff and still filled with tension.
It wasn’t going away anytime soon.
You cross the floor, kicking off your shoes and not caring where they land for the moment. You will deal with that tomorrow. Next was pulling off your jacket and digging into the pockets to take your phone and wallet out of them before shoving the jacket into the closet in the living room.
Aside from the kitchen light being on, the living room was mostly dark. But you knew the place well enough to not accidentally knock something over.
You moved to the couch, bumping into the arm and letting out a string of curses.
Never mind, maybe you judged too quickly how far the couch was.
Aside from the minor miscalculation, you feel your way to the floor lamp and turn it on. You mumble more curses at the couch and yourself before plopping down on the couch. Your stuff falls out of your hand and beside you on the cushions.
You stayed like that for a few minutes before your brain decided to remind you of that weird guy. It’s like your curiosity had no end, and within the next few seconds, you were on your phone, Google searching for this guy.
The whole situation could easily be a fever dream from the alcohol… Right?
Turns out that it was not, and you are currently looking at a news report of a guy called "Red Hood”. The report is barely even helpful, not much is known about him, other than a few eyewitness accounts that all say he has saved them or been seen killing criminals. But it’s mostly a dead end on information.
Another site mentioned that Red Hood and every other vigilante should be taken down because all they do is cause more issues in Gotham.
Clearly, people were divided on him and Batman. Common knowledge to know about Batman since he is reported on a lot.
Red Hood was far more mysterious, and from what some reports claimed, he was a serial killer.
Somehow, you found yourself in a rabbit hole of looking for more information. Until you stumbled on a weird site. Your eyes ran over most of the paragraphs, not too invested in most of it at first. Your eyes landed on a line that you stopped and read through.
‘Red Hood. He showed up a few years ago and is pretty new, but in that time he’s done a lot, but his methods are questionable. He kills the criminals that he comes across, in rare cases where he’s left them alive as a warning or to keep an eye on them.
Some kids on the street say he’s a good guy and look up to him. Some even say he takes care of them.
No kids are ever harmed by him. Which makes me think that he does have some level of compassion. Maybe even sympathy.
However, there have been mentions that he has a bat symbol on his suit, similar to Batman, but he doesn’t follow the Bat’s views. But this is based on people’s brief encounters with him.’
The comment section is a mess of people. Some say that Red Hood is just another criminal that disguises his true intent. While others mention they would prefer if Gotham didn’t have any more of these psychos. The few who do appreciate Red Hood all mention that he does far more than Batman could ever do.
No matter how far you look, it seems like people will always view this weird guy as a criminal. You think to yourself as you hit the power button on your phone and put your phone into sleep mode.
Better to not continue this weird deep dive into this already strange dude.
Eventually, you gathered your stuff up and headed into the bedroom. Turning the light on at your desk, then crawling onto the bed and not caring to plug your phone into the charger. You didn’t even care to change out of your clothes the second you hit the mattress. Your eyelids close, and your hand loosens its grip on your stuff.
With the adrenaline out of your system and the alcohol still creating a light buzz in your head, you’re lulled to sleep. Red Hood is no longer in your mind or the fear.
The second the world faded, you were locked in REM. Your subconscious dragged back that moment.
Once again, you were standing in that alley, fear riddling your mind as you stared at him. He stands there, feet away from you, and not turning around. His attention elsewhere while your presence didn’t seem to make him snap out of it.
Slowly, the fear disappeared. Questions and curiosity swirl around you as you stare at Red Hood. Who is this guy? Why is he like this, and what could have happened in his life that would make him take a drastic turn?
All of this curiosity in your head kept you tossing and turning most of the night. Replaying that moment like a broken record, yet the same song played, and it’s like it wouldn’t end.
Morning comes. The sound of your alarm on your phone going off and forcing you out of your restless sleep. Groggily, you feel around the mattress for your phone and grab it after patting the bed for a few seconds, then swiping snooze on the alarm. You're back on the bed, getting comfortable again.
You were exhausted, and the tossing and turning didn’t help. Your mind cursed you to be tired for the rest of the day while a festering annoyance began in your mind.
The alarm goes off again, and you let out an audible groan. Today was already a pain. Just great.
Most of the morning had been spent sluggishly shuffling around your room and bathroom, getting ready for work. Your mind is stuck on the little hours you slept compared to reliving the dream and moment in the alley.
Once you had gotten ready for work and left, the first hour of your shift was hazy, leaving your body to go through the routine that had built up in the last few months since you started working at this convenience store.
Your dazed state didn’t go unnoticed for too long. Richard, your manager, pulled you to the side. Scolding you for being spacey and telling you to focus on doing your job. The embarrassment is what got you out of that state and the idea that a few of your coworkers would have something to gossip about later.
That alone made you feel ten times worse. The frustration and annoyance growing in the back of your head is now worsening.
“Psst, hey,” The hushed voice makes you jump, turning your head to see Claire sneaking out of the backroom. She was one of the decent people in this place who didn’t gossip too much, but she had a habit of being self-absorbed at the worst moments.
She quickly and silently rushes to your side behind the counter. Moving to the left of you, beside the register, and leaning her lower back against the counter on that end. “Heard you got an earful from, Rich. What’s going on? You’re never thisout of it during your shift.” You open your mouth to respond, instead, Claire presses two fingers against your lips. “Let me guess,” She flashes you a cheeky grin, “Something happened at the party? And you didn’t tell me about it!”
Not only did she have the audacity to invite you and then leave you at that stupid party by yourself, but now she’s making assumptions.
Your eyes narrowed at her as your jaw clenched. If you weren’t currently at work, you would not hesitate to yell at her, but the last thing you needed was Richard coming back out here to drag you into the back and scold you some more.
You breathe out, forcing yourself to not snap at her and pushing her hand away. Can’t you just leave me alone? It’s what you want to say, but only let the words linger in your thoughts. “No, nothing happened.” You looked away from Claire. Desperate to keep yourself in control.
She nudges your arm with her elbow in an attempt to look back at her. “You can’t be serious! How boring are you?” That makes your shoulders slump. Please… Go away… You think to yourself as she nudges her elbow a little harder against your arm as her other hand tucks her dark curls behind an ear.
Your eyes wander, glancing at the security mirrors in the store while Claire stands there. Lecturing you, but you ignored it.
Near the toilet paper is an elderly lady.
Laughter pulls you from looking at the mirror. A trio of boys are standing in the front aisles and looking through chips. They are pretty much minding their own business, so they were alright. For now.
The bell on the door rings and your attention is pulled from the customers to a new one walking in.
In Gotham City, there are two ways to react to seeing a hooded guy. The first way to react is to be as calm as possible and smile at him, hoping he doesn’t get ideas. The second way is to be scared and pray to god that he doesn’t do anything.
A guy in a red hoodie walks in, hands in the front pocket as he stalks to the counter. He’s tall, and that already makes things worse in your head. You would easily have your ass handed to you if he pulls out a weapon or punches you.
His hood is up, and you can barely see his face in the shadows. Oddly enough, he has a slight hunch even for his stature. His back has got to hurt from that.
“Good morning,” You say without stuttering. However, it is noticeable how nervous you actually are while he simply stares at you for a second before looking over at Claire, who has gone quiet. Something that only makes your stomach churn.
You can’t see her face, but you know she’s got her eyes narrowed and is keeping an eye on this guy’s every move.
He doesn’t respond and looks back at you, then rolling his shoulders. “Cigarettes. Doesn’t matter the pack.” His voice is gruff like he doesn’t talk much to people, and with how blunt he is, that would definitely be the case.
The sound of the backroom door opening makes you, the guy, and Claire all look in that direction as Richard holds the door open. His eyes land on Claire before he motions to her. “Get over here, you’ve got work to do.” It wasn’t a surprise that he had just realized that she hadn’t been in there this whole time. Claire hesitates, not wanting to leave you alone with this guy. But she is aware that Richard doesn’t care too much about the dude as long as he pays and does not cause problems.
Claire pushes herself away from the counter and pulls you back, her lips close to your ear. “If this guy tries anything, scream and I’ll come beat his ass.” She knew that she could not actually hurt this guy, but she was going to try anyway. You knew that. All you can manage is a small nod as she lets go of you and moves to the backroom. “You know not to even be up here-” “Yeah, whatever.” She dismissively waves a hand as she walks by Richard. He narrows his eyes at her and follows her into the back. Inaudible voices beyond the door.
“I’m… sorry about that.” You look back at the guy. He lets out a grunt. Hard to tell if he is purposely being rude or if this is how he normally is. Either way, you grab a pack of cigarettes and place it on the counter, then input the item into the register. “That will be fourteen dollars and fifty-seven cents.” Your attention turns back to the guy, and he moves his hands from the front pocket of his hoodie, pulling out a wallet.
Maybe it was your curiosity, but his hands were callous and rough. Some scars on them. Wonder what kinda of job causes those kinds of scars. Your inner thoughts were rampant as you looked at his scars with interest. Hell, he didn’t even care that you were staring. It’s like he was used to it.
He sets a twenty dollar bill on the counter, shoving his wallet and a hand back into the front pocket as his eyes move back to look at you. Waiting.
You are snapped from your thoughts and focus your attention on the money. “Thank you,” You pick up the twenty dollars and place it into the register, pull out a five dollar, and begin to count the cents while the receipt is printed out. “Keep the change.” He takes the pack off the counter, walking out of the store while you stand there.
You barely process what happened and that he had left without even taking the receipt or letting you say anything.
Your shoulder twitches as you start putting the money back into the register. Fighting the urge to slam the thing closed as you are left feeling utterly stupid. A headache forms while you run your hands through your hair.
The ding of the bell and the door closing were the last things he had heard as he walked out. Cigarette pack in hand.
Fucking paranoia. He thought to himself. Not only did he run a background check and come up with nothing. Not that he was surprised it was clean. Hell, Bruce usually did background checks on every damn person he’d come across out of “safety” reasons. Not that Jason didn’t get why it was done. He didn’t feel like descending into the trap of paranoia, but with how he was brought up and what he was put through this was bound to happen.
Jason shoved the insignificant annoying thought away. Cursing at how quickly his mind was to betray him and even compare him to the old man.
He glanced down at the pack of cigarettes. Wasn’t even his favorite brand, but he did say that the pack didn’t matter like an idiot. Then again, he was running on the last bit of coffee he had earlier and about an hour of sleep, so he wasn’t entirely in the mood to care. He tore open the packaging, shoving it into his hoodie pocket, then reached into his jeans pocket, pulling out a lighter. After that little shit show, he needed this.
He lit the cigarette, shoving the pack into the front pocket of his hoodie. Taking a drag.
Clean background check. Then what the hell was the idiot even doing in an alley? That late?
See, Jason had been thinking and wondering since the other night. He was too busy talking down that worthless asshole to even care about the fact that music had been playing from the building. He’s got bigger problems to deal with.
He was even questioning why this single person even mattered to him. Somewhere in his muddied mind, he actually froze. Frozen in the alley and even now. Maybe it was the look that had been given to him. Pure fear, but also that they had stood in that alley, and some part of him was worried? Would worry even be the right word?
Honestly, he was stuck on how to feel. He went out of his way to do a background check and then dropped by their workplace.
Jason breathed out another puff of smoke, walking along with the crowd and despising every second he was stuck walking amongst the crowd.
God, he was thinking too much about this one person who had no ties to him or anything. They were pretty ordinary… Similar to him whenever he wasn’t dealing with Gotham’s criminals.
Coincidence my ass. Jason lets that thought fill into his head as he thinks back more. His face stays relaxed as his bangs stick to his forehead from the light sweat on him.
The sound of the city around him. Birds chirping while people walking down the sidewalk chat or go on about their lives. Vehicles move through the streets while distant sirens can be heard. This place was nosy, but this was how the city usually was.
This gets him out of his head for a second as he flicks the cigarette onto the ground, snuffing it out. Coffee sounds good. He needed it. Too much to think about, and he was running on whatever energy he still had.
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