#before going back into hibernation mode
savage-rhi ยท 4 months
I've had enough character development for this year. Can we skip to the beach filler episode?
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fandomtrumpshate ยท 6 months
Totals Time!
It's been a year of records and record-breaking. Of reaching new fandom spaces and building new community ties. It's been wild. And absolutely fantastic.
When we closed the auction signup window we had 981 offers โ€”nearly 150 more than we'd ever had before. When we re-opened it for 4 more hours, hoping to find another 19 folks (because we wondered what an auction with 1000 offers would look like) you all came through in spades, boosting the auction everywhere and bringing back 100 new offers in 15 new fandoms, bringing us to 1081 offers this year - a 33% increase over our previous record.
And you all weren't done breaking records. Shattering them.
This is the first year that any of our supported nonprofit orgs has received a 5-digit sum. And? TWO of them did.
So. Are you ready to see what our community has done? Are you ready for the numbers?
This year
thanks to all of you
FTH raisedโ€ฆ
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The breakdown of donations to orgs looks like this -
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This brings our eight-year total to
Huge thanks to our 797 creators offering 1081 auctions in more than 400 different fandoms and subfandoms, and to everyone who bid! And to our 17 fan crafters who brought in $4,127 of that total โ€”60% more than our previous crafting record!
So, what's next?
Contact deadlines:
Creators, be sure you contact your bidders by April 1, and bidders, on your end please respond to their communication by April 15!
Bidders need to provide their creator with a workable prompt by June 30 (unless you've worked out a different timeline together) to ensure they have plenty of time to finish their fanwork.
Once the fanwork is posted, let us know via our form (can you believe FOURTEEN creators have already finished??) and if youโ€™re posting it on AO3 be sure to add it to the Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 collection. If youโ€™re writing a fic for FTH and need help from our Regiment of Fan Laborers, email us! As always, the deadline for completed fanworks is December 31.
We hope that for at least some people, your involvement in FTH will lead to continued action throughout the year. Sign up for our organizationsโ€™ email lists, check out their volunteer opportunities, and help boost their signals on social media!
And if youโ€™d like to run your own fanworks auction for a good cause, we can help get you started!
We have a packet of organizational materials weโ€™ve been sharing with other auction organizers since 2017; weโ€™re planning to spend the month of April overhauling and updating these materials to incorporate many of the improvements weโ€™ve implemented since then. If youโ€™re thinking about organizing an auction or fanworks exchange in your fandom to raise money for a good cause, we would love to share those materials with you. Contact us at fandomtrumpshate at gmail.com and we can send you our auction playbook, as well as answer any questions you have about our process.
Your mods (@porcupine-girl, @captainbunnicula, @tiltedsyllogism, @anyawen, @renjunbabygirl, @trickybonmot, and @a-still-small-vox) are going to be going into post-auction hibernation mode (or, for most of us, post-auction deal-with-all-this-other-stuff mode) for a little while. So if you email us, donโ€™t panic if we donโ€™t get back to you immediately! We will start actively monitoring the inbox again by April 15 at the latest.
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unreadpoppy ยท 9 months
Halsin bear related headcanons
So, bears are a special interest of mine which means I have too much knowledge about this animal than what is allowed and I just...needed to make these involving my favorite druid's preferred wild shape.ย This is part romantic headcanons, part general hcs and part me using this man as an excuse to talk about bears.
As I said in another post, bears have an extremely accurate sense of smell, and they will leave their mark on their territory by rubbing their backs on trees to leave their scent. With that in mind, I can picture some days where Halsin is constantly hugging Tav, holding their hand, just being in physical contact with them, to sort of leave his smell on them.ย 
Maybe he would do that after noticing how Tav was smelling of others.ย 
On the topic of smells, bears are attracted by smell, so on days that the group is low on supplies, he wildshapes and scavenges for all sorts of fruits and plants, especially the more sweet ones.ย 
Also, Halsin sniffing Tavโ€™s hair, especially after a good bath, and saying that it smells nice.ย 
Many species of bears are omnivourous, I think especially black bears, so Halsin will eat just about anything. If it looks fresh and edible, he will eat it.ย 
It also means that, during the weeks/months leading up to winter, he is going to be eating a LOT.ย 
Bears are not true hibernators and for Halsin, that could translate to him just sleeping more during winter time.ย 
Also, if itโ€™s a particularly cold night, heโ€™s wildshaping into a polar bear and enveloping his partner(s) in a tight and very warm hugs. I say polar bear in specific because they have the fur that is more adapted to handle cold weathers and because polar bear moms will often cuddle with their cubs because their (cubs) fur is still not developed enough to handle the weather, and picturing Halsin in bear form doing that is just so cute.ย 
Black bears in particular are great climbers and I can see Halsin picking up that as well. On a particular night, where the sky is clear, Halsin would transform into a bear, get his partner on his back, climb up the tallest tree around and then show them the stars and the moon.ย 
Also, getting a bit into more animalistic things, Halsin would be a very vocal guy, like grunting and growling when he's upset.
When confronted by someone who could be a threat, he'd use his already large size to his favor and try to intimidate the person away. Puffing up his chest, holding his head higher, just showing he's the bigger guy and he's not to be messed around with.
Getting particularly into moreโ€ฆnaughty territory, I want to talk about courtship. On the more tame side, if Halsin has his eyes on someone, heโ€™d follow them around more, get them to be comfortable around him. Heโ€™d be more playful, like being more outspoken of his intentions and flirting more, but just like real bears, he'd wait until his partner initiated it.ย 
I don't see Halsin as a possessive man overall, BUT, in specific situations, I can see this side of him coming out, because of bear instintcs. Male bears can get more aggresive towards other males during mating season, and I can see that affexting him.
Maybe he's courting someone and another person gets a bit too close (and his partner makes it clear they're not liking it), Halsin's gonna get into protective mode and scare the guy away.
The last two points are a bit more sexual, so I put them under the cut.
Also, after seeing a video and reading a couple of articles on it, yeah I can see Halsin being into primal play.ย 
His partner gets a good head start before he wildshapes into a bear and runs after them. Fun fact, bears can run up to 35-40 mph, so I can see him also like, stopping from time to time to prolong the hunt even longer. If his partner in a druid who can wild shape into a bear, I think itโ€™d be even more interesting because the speed of both would be equal.ย 
Remember how I said he's a vocal guy? Yeah, he's going to be groaning, and moaning and grunting a lot during sex.
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dailyadventureprompts ยท 1 year
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Villain: Finality 9, Arbiter of the End
For hours you and your allies have sheltered in place as the astral warships bombarded the city, feeling each impact as another block was levelled. Now you watch as the Flagship touches down, scarab like legs taller than spires unfolding from it's hull. It's going to be a bloody, brutal struggle fighting your way through the rubble and the burning streets up to the control deck, but It's your only hope of ending things without your home being razed to the ground.
The embodiment of a death sentence passed long before any of the heroes were ever born, the Marut Finality 9 and the Inevitable armada it commands serve only one purpose: to deliver violent and irrevocable endings to entities that should have died long ago.
Unfortunately for the party, whatever being(s) Finality 9 is hunting happen to reside on the same landmass as they do, and the Inevitable has no qualms levelling anything that gets in its way until the destruction of its target is confirmed. Like many creatures born from the shattered plane of order, Finality 9 and its construct legion have a very narrow set of operational directives, and "preserving life" ends up being the preview of a different order of celestial machines.
Finality 9's operations always follow the same protocol: After using divination to determine the vague location of their target Modron scouts will be sent to investigate, sending a transmission back to the ship to begin the invasion the moment they've determined the enemy's presence and threat level. After that it's bombardment and battalions in specified areas to soften up their target's defences before Finality 9 itself descends to finish the job.
One of Finality 9's scouts becomes attached to the party early in their adventures, following along and providing typical mascot antics until they stumble across evidence of the big bad. This starts a ticking clock for the party to find and oust this evil before the Inevitables arrive... a task the galactic forces of order were failing at for decades.
Every year the realm celebrates the festival of St. Altrin's Star, held on a night when a particular comet is viable to venerate the figure's many beneficent acts. This year however the comet is unusually bright, heralding the fact that it is not a star, but Finality 9's ship which has been circling the world for decades or even centuries waiting for the reemergence of a long dormant demi-lich which the party awoke earlier in their adventures.
The Inevitable does not warn or negotiate, and likely does not even speak the language of the lands it is razing but with some telepathy or a background in obscure astral dialects they might be able to get it to stop by presenting evidence that its target is already dead ( forcing them to do all the work) or that its actions are unlawful (which requires iron clad litigation skills and knowledge of multiple celestial law systems). If the heroes happen to have any favours with infernal deal makers or underworld bureaucrats, now would be the time to call them in.
In a desperate hour, the party must seek out finality 9's armada hovering dormant in wildspace in hopes of gaining their aid against a greater foe. Delving through the flagship in its hibernation mode will not be easy as not only are there defence systems to worry about but astral wildlife that have nested in the interior while the constructs within were in standby mode.
Art 1, Art 2
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mimi-cee-genshin ยท 1 year
Until You're Convinced - Subject Two x f!reader
Summary: Albedo is struck on Dragonspine and asks Subject Two to get help. But when he runs into you, your warmth causes him to fall for you. He knows your relationship can't last; you've mistaken him for Albedo. Yet, he continues to desire to be by your side, even if the one you long for isn't him.
Other Info: Subject Two/Fake Albedo/ Rubedo x f!reader, Albedo x reader (one-sided); fluff and angst with happy ending; 1.0k; lightly edited
Notes: Felt like sharing what's basically the outline of my Subject Two idea here. I don't think I have time to write this one even those I love this idea. Maybe one day.
You have a crush on Albedo and you see him frantically running around Mondstadt looking for someone. You wonder what's wrong with him. He's actually Subject Two and he's looking for Lumine for help because Albedo is in trouble. He's currently in a sort of hibernation mode in Dragonspine so he won't lose control and destroy Mondstadt in the process.
When Subject Two comes back after finding Lumine, you offer him a meal and a rest after his long search. He's touched by your smile and the care that you give him โ€“ before he remembers he needs to pretend to be Albedo.
Your insecurities eat away at your insides. You think that Albedo is in love with Lumine because of how much he sought after her, and with a heavy heart, you admit to (Fake) Albedo that you're in love with him.
After that day, Subject Two runs into you often at the restaurant while he's working with Lumine and some of the Knights to help Albedo. You're still kind and friendly with him, but despite his aloof and slightly cynical personality, he can empathize with your unrequited love for Albedo because of his own unrequited familial love.
He often wants to see you because you radiate a warmth that he never experienced. Yet he knows you treat him this way because you think he's Albedo. As a result, he continues to act kind and friendly like Albedo would.
One day, you tell him you're going on vacation and plan to take a trip to Liyue. Surprisingly, Subject Two asks to come with you. (He tells himself it's not out of character for Albedo to ask this.)
You chat with him as you stroll through the streets of Liyue and you buy little souvenirs for people back in Mondstadt. You ask him when is his birthday, and he tells you he doesn't know, forgetting that he's supposed to be Albedo. You decide you can celebrate his birthday today and buy him a red scarf.
He's surprised you thought to give him a present. But because you misinterpret of his reaction, you ask if you shouldn't give it to him because he likes Lumine. Subject Two recalls how much Albedo talked about you and wouldn't be surprised if Albedo did love you back. He tells you that he likes you too.
From that day on, your relationship with each other grows. He gives you a necklace on your birthday in return for the scarf and you bring him along on your days off to wherever your feet would take you.
But Subject Two continues to deny the fact that he isn't really Albedo. He had pretended to be Albedo before, so why take his identity like he did before?
However, it had been years since he created that cryo whopper flower and he began to have a good relationship with Albedo after that. In fact, Albedo was the one who told Subject Two to pretend to be him while he was locked away on Dragonspine. He didn't want people like Klee to worry. Yet, Subject Two wanted to continue to be by your side, causing the turmoil inside his heart.
Lumine comes to Subject Two, telling him they've found a solution for Albedo. Knowing he can't continue with his relationship with you, he tells you that he needs to break up with you because soon he's going to forget everything that happened with you. You urge him to explain himself but he can't bear to tell you the truth that he wasn't Albedo. You were in love with Albedo, not him.
He disappears on you, telling you to forget him and you are left in despair. When Albedo returns to Mondstadt, he really doesn't know anything that happened between the two of you. But it's too hard for you to pretend as if those times together never existed.
Several months later, Subject Two is at Albedo's camp in Dragonspine. He's been hiding out in the mountain ever since. It's where he always lived anyway.
He opens the trunk full of his belongings, sees the red scarf you gave him and wraps it around his neck. You walk up from behind him and he stuffs the scarf in the trunk and closes it.
You say you recognize him and he admits it's true. He has met you once as Subject Two but he didn't really talk to you.
You say you wanted to see him, but he says you barely knew him. In a sense, it was true you never knew him. He pretended to be Albedo the whole time without showing his true personality. You tell him that you can start to get to know him now. He brushes you off and tells you to do whatever you want.
Little by little, you come to visit him on Dragonspine. And little by little, Subject Two would slip up on things he's not supposed to know about you until you finally tell him, "Albedo, never lost his memory, did he?"
He snaps at you and pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about. But he sees that you're wearing the necklace he gave you, hoping the Albedo you knew would come back. You ask him again if it was him, if he was the one you spent all that time with.
You tell him of all the things you missed about him and it dawns on him that you listed things related to his personality and not Albedo's. More and more of his personality slipped through the more he spent time with you and he didn't even notice.
At this point, Subject Two is still in denial that you'd still choose him over Albedo. "Then why is it that, after only meeting you a few times, I only think about you? You won't leave my mind," you tell him.
He finally gives up and tells you all about who he is. That he was a failed experiment. That he had tried to kill Albedo before. That Albedo was stuck in Mondstadt and asked him to take on his identity.
He doesn't know how to take all of this in. He doesn't understand why you'd want him over Albedo. So you tell him you'll stay by his side until he's convinced that you really do love him.
I hope you liked this even if it's not a full fic like I usually do. Please check out my other fics if you enjoyed this one. :)
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tehrevving ยท 2 months
Long responses are such a gift, honestly. What's this about a Golden Saucer analysis? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
The Gold Saucer Date!!
I love that chapter. Honestly one of my favourite things I've ever written. There's so much symbolism in it and I put so much thought into trying to have each part of it address a different part of Vincent's issues, trauma and his relationship with Reader. I wonder how much of this my readers picked up (probably none. I overthink everything.)
Anyway let's go!
Before we go into the chapter itself, let's talk about what the previous chapter (coming in his pants lmao) represents to Vincent.
Vincent has been in hibernation for a long time and hates his body, current appearance and everything. He thought that he would be happy with just making Reader come and not needing anything in return, because that's generally how he's approached many of his previous casual sexual encounters, and because Lucrecia would never get him off. Anyway. I digress.
But, he's caught feelings and is struggling. In his head, as long as he can keep feelings out of it and everything separate, then he can continue being friends with Reader while also pleasuring her occasionally. This then gets muddled by his own feelings and the way that she tries to reciprocate and shows care and affection towards him.
After she gets him off, sticking within his boundaries and being enthusiastic about it. He decides that he is going to try and see if he can act normal enough to have a normal date/relationship and tests this at the Gold Saucer.
At this point there are a few main points that are causing Vincent grief about having a relationship.
His appearance, body, scarring, monster bits etc
His own self loathing and hatred
The fact that he is not normal, not human and will never be
The way that Reader looks at him with fucking stars in her eyes
He is 95% sure that he is going to reject her after the date, but holds out hope for that tiny 5%.
He also feels selfish because as he states later. He wants the memories of her having a good time because they will be all he has. This dictates quite a lot of his behaviour during the date too.
Now that we've outlined what makes him angsty and thought process going into the date. Let's start the analysis.
The Skywheel
This is right at the beginning, so Vincent is in full 'date mode'. Everything here is showing him being kind, thoughtful and a good partner. A hand on her back to help her on the pod when she hesitates, reassuring her during the light show, pointing out the towns and then having her on his lap and cuddling at the end. This is who he wants to be (and who he is lol but anyway).
Reader brings up that they need to have a talk, which previously has made him shut down, or try get sexual lmao. This time though he does commit to having a discussion later, which is a huge deal.
The Travelator
Vincent knows that going on the travelator is going to fuck him up. Technically this has nothing to do with any of his issues, he could just dress less fucking extra. But it still sort of kind of relates to his body and how it can't be changed. Anyway, he tries to lead her to the stairs. She specifically asks him if he's nervous and reassures him that she's here for him and will help him through it. If she had said anything else, then he wouldn't have gone on it. But because she said it from a place of genuine care, he decides to just do it. Personally, he doesn't mind being the butt of the joke, for people he cares about anyway and knows it would make her laugh. He wants to have that memory of her laughing and caring about him, so decides to go through with it.
Cid's section is where the night starts to go wrong for Vincent lol.
This section reminds him that his body cannot be changed. He will always be bony, lanky and awkward, and has the monstery bits too. Everyone will always look at the two of them and wonder if she's bruised from his body, or what she sees in him. It's something inescapable that she will always have to deal with being with him.
This part also addresses the fact that he can't eat normally. He can't have a normal date and go out for a meal, share a picnic, all of that shit lol.
Vincent Playing Games
This has 2 parts that tell a story together lol. Anyway, Vincent is good at games, that's fine lol. We expect it. Reader tells him that he could atleast just let her win one. He plays it cool, but when compared with the next scene, where he plays Tifa and lets her win. It means something.
My highschool english teacher would be so proud of me lmao.
Basically, him not letting Reader win represents that he's decided that he's not going to lie to her in the context of the relationship. He will hide himself or lie to Tifa, or any other member of the gang, but he's not going to lie or hide himself from Reader.
At this point from Vincent's perspective, the night hasn't gone that great. Almost all of his concerns have occurred, and even though Reader doesn't seem to care, they're still weighing heavily on him.
She is very eager to play G-bike, because she's actually good at it (like me lmao). Vincent knows the VR will likely glitch out on him, but isn't quite sure how. He figures he can play all of it off like he did on the travelator, and he'll get a good 'memory' out of it. But, we're at the end of the night now and his patience is wearing thin. Keep in mind that the closer we get to the end of the night, the closer the inevitable conversation where he has to reject her grows.
What happens to him on the G-Bike is basically the worst case scenario. The entire game glitches out because he's not human and then he can't even take the damn thing off at the end. This sends him past his breaking point.
The Ending
Reader obviously recognises that he's having a panic attack or something, and go pulls him out somewhere quiet. This fucks him up more because he needs to be in control of himself, and he's losing it. She tries to reassure him multiple times, which just makes him feel worse because they all feed into those insecurities. We're back to those main points again. He's not human and can't do human things, the normal world does not work for him. And that she is trying to reassure him with care and understanding (the best that she can anyway).
This takes Vincent to a breaking point and he needs to remove himself from the situation immediately, lest he risk losing control and transforming. So he's very abrupt and mean so that she stops trying to reassure him and lets him go.
So there we go, that's my Gold Saucer analysis. I bet no one realised how much symbolism I put in here while you were reading it lol. Anyway, did any of you pick any of this up? Please let me know, I'm so curious.
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incorrect-jojolands-quotes ยท 9 months
People theorized Paco's one year hiatus as him being a rock human in hibernation or taking Barbara Ann's suggestion that he was in jail for theft, or he was simply on a different year-long adventure involving a crime spree.
My theory? Paco was gone for a year because he was actually hiding from his abusive father.
(trigger warning as I discuss child abuse and abuse regarding food)
My headcanon is that Paco dealt with abuse from his father for his entire childhood. He's tried to escape and find help but he was failed too many times by the adults in his life. Him getting his ear bitten off ended up being a turning point, because it was around the time he met Meryl Mei. We know she's a beloved principal and, as a school employee, is a mandated reporter. Whether Meryl Mei genuinely wanted to help Paco out or see him as a potential underling that can be manipulated is up to interpretation, but she used her resources to finally get Paco's dad arrested and imprisoned.
I don't see Paco's dad as someone who would willingly plead guilty and go off quietly. I don't think he'd hesitate to drag the trial for as long as possible, encourage his lawyers to intimidate and invalidate Paco's experiences in court, and possibly hire people to attack Paco outside of court. Even with Meryl Mei's resources to protect Paco and provide what he needs to fight against his father, the whole process for a child like Paco is mentally and emotionally exhausting. Hearings and meetings with social workers or legal counsel involve occuring when he should be in school, being forced to relive your abuse on trial and be cross examined for it sometimes back to back, going into hiding for fear of retaliation because even the police and witness protection may not be enough, and the fact that everyone eventually catches on that your dad is on trial because of you means school is put on the back burner. Paco tried to keep up with his studies at first, but he ultimately halted them as the trial takes a toll on his overall well-being.
To add, the stress of it all could explain how he was formerly chubby and then leaner so rapidly. We don't know exactly why he started out chubby before being very shredded, although there is a correlation between those who experienced childhood trauma and those who develop unhealthy eating habits that lead to obesity. It's possible Paco used food as a coping mechanism growing up or intentionally fattened himself as part of his survival. Food could have also been used against him by his father as well, either by forcing Paco to gain weight or withholding food as punishment. In terms of the latter, it could explain how Paco developed his kleptomaniac tendencies and his chubbiness could be due to him constantly stealing what he can to get his next meal and eating anything he can in fear of not knowing where his next meal will be.
Long story short, Paco's dad is now in prison for crimes of child abuse among other things and it will be a while before any chance of him getting out will happen. By now, Paco is a legal adult and therefore no longer forced to be under any guardianship but he no longer has to look over his shoulder like before. Although he had to be held back, he can return to school safely to finish his education under Meryl Mei and he prefers to keep his experience under wraps for the time being. Out of gratitude and feeling indebt to her, Paco became a loyal lackey and ended up working with Jodio and Dragona shortly after. I personally think he lost some weight due to stress caused by the situation, and continued to lose weight afterwards because he finally could relax and get better access to food among other things. Paco took the opportunity to start focusing on his wellbeing now that he's no longer on survival mode, being able to maintain a healthier diet and lose weight more sustainably, and it further motivated him to get the ripped muscles he has now.
Unfortunately, with how things timed out, his ear couldn't be reattached. Whether Paco is saving up for his ear to be improved or sees it as a symbol of his survival is up to you.
What do y'all think? I'd like to hear your own headcanons about Paco too.
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imaginewarehouse ยท 6 months
Jacob Stone x Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: You're sick and tired of constant jobs. I mean- you'll go, of course you will. There are people who need your help. But god--
All you want to do is still stay at home and make out with your hot artistic cowboy boyfriend on a Saturday. Is that s o much to ask??
Warnings: Sexual references maybe. Tiny ones.
The blinds are drawn shut, the room dark except for the shock of white daytime light slipping inside through the crack in the curtains; bars of white painting the middle of the bed and a strip of Jake's back a brighter colour. Music is playing softly in the background, something mellow and non-distracting that Jake picked since its his place- his stereo- his tunes.
You're laid out on the bed all-comfy, a pillow under the arch of your back and your legs wrapped around a beer-barrel waist and Jakes on top of you; holding himself up so he doesn't crush you, but ehhhh still crushing you a little. You love it.
A gentle, relaxed moan slips out of you when he parts from your lips for a second to take a tiny breath and switch sides, before pressing his soft mouth back to yours and slipping his talented tongue back between your lips; kissing you slowly, like the passionate poet he is.
-then suddenly a loud, obnoxious ringtone sounds and you're so surprised; you jump! You knock your forehead into Jake's and nip his bottom lip! "Ah! Shit- " Well, a little more then a nip. You actually bit him!-
"I'm sorry!" You exclaim, shocked and guilty as you both sit up and you watch him wide, worried eyes as he touches where you bit him. When he finds no blood, he just shrugs; flashing you a grin. An amused grin. Amused, at your panic (Like you're so fricken cute). "I'm so so sorry- "
"Don't worry about it. Now," His gaze wonders over to his phone on the dresser, and your heart falls; remembering the ringtone. Your hopes for a quiet, slow morning are crushed. "What was that?" As Jake reaches past you for the phone and presses answer, pressing it to his ear and straightening up again, you give a sigh.
"One guess." You pout, wrapping your arms around your knees and hugging them to your chest, a bored and annoyed look on your face as you watch him.
His eyebrows lift up hearing what's said through the phone that you cant hear, and he nods; Going into business mode. Damn. You were right- Without needing to know what exactly is being said, you let your legs hang over the side of the bed, touch the ground, and get up. You begin your search for your pants, still with that frustrated look on your face. Where did they end up last night??... We watched Dracula, I kicked off my shoes, then we went to sleep and I wiggled outta my jeans... ha! Over there- "Really?... Huh. Okay, yeah, Y/N'll meet ya at the library in 10- "
Jake stops talking, and you're not sure why, til you turn around and catch him looking at you. You raise your brows, like what?
"What's that look on your face?" He hisses (Well, mutters so whoever's on the other end of the phone cant hear him- but in his voice it sounds like a low, husky hiss), his eyebrows knitting together. He's already dressed, having been up writing on his laptop beside you when you finally ended your (Much deserved) sleep-in; and you kind of resent him for it. He's all put-together, he doesn't need a break- he's happy to go on another life-or-death mission right away! At the drop of a hat! As he should be! But you?? You feel like Grumpy the dwarf after a cut-short hibernation. All you want is to stay in bed with your cowboy and make out. Or sleep. Or watch more old movies. It doesn't really matter what you do, so long as its in bed.
You feel like you've been on missions non-stop lately; risking your life in a million different ways. It feels like you're fighting to survive so much that you're forgetting why.
"Nothing," You shrug, turning away again and grabbing your pants. After all, you cant complain. You're helping people! People need you, and Eve, and Jake and the other librarians. That fact is not lost on you, and honestly most of the time you love doing what you do--
But sometimes you're just... tired. Like today.
Eh, you'll get over it you guess.
"Nah. Nah nah nah- its not nothin'." You feel Jake's hand wrap around your wrist and pull you to him where he's moved to sit at the end of the bed. To the phone, he gives a quick 'call you back cass', before chucking it backwards on the bed and drawing you in closer; not once taking his intense eyes off of you. Usually you love those eyes, and honestly you do now too, but they are so full of smarts that you do sometimes you feel overwhelmed. Like you don't even have to talk- he already knows what's going on. And sometimes, like now, you just don't want him to know everything! "Tell me."
"Its really nothin- "
"Don't say that again," he shakes his head; a flicker of annoyance. "Go on, tell me."
You give him a look. "... no, I'm awful."
"First of all, you're the opposite." He brushes over that self deprecation quickly, nipping it in the bud before you can even truly feel it. "What? What- You don't wanna go to the library??"
"I- " How do you explain without sounding silly? Huffing out a sigh, you slip your wrists out of Jake's grip and run your hands through your hair. "I'm just tired, I guess. I know! Thats not an excuse to not save the world from monsters, or gods, or whatever the hell else wants to take over today- I know that. But I'm just- so- ughhh."
Slipping out from between his knees, you slump down on the edge of the bed beside him instead; dropping your face in your hands and your elbows onto your thighs. You don't doubt Jake's focused art-critic's eyes on the whole time. Analysing you like some old Rembrandt. Seeing your shame. "My bones feel heavy." You say, quietly.
A moment passes before you feel one of his hands on your back, rubbing up and down; working out the tight stress-filled knots in there. Then you hear his voice, but he's not talking to you??
"Hi again Cass- yeah, uh, on second thoughts we're actually gonna sit this one out. You guys got this, right?" Immediately you sit up stock-straight, turning to Jake with wide eyes. What?? You mouth, horrified.
He gives you a mystified look back. Mouths 'what?' back at you.
Your jaw drops.
"No no no- we can go! We can go! We can definitely- Thats not what I was saying." What is he doing?!? They need you two! They need him, for definite! Just because you're tired, doesn't mean you can just chuck a sickie!- "We have to go, Jake, don't- " When you reach for the phone to tell Cassandra that he's joking and you'll be there, Jake catches your hand and leans away from you, finishing up the call and preventing you from stopping him.
"Yeah yeah yeah, great. Thanks, Cass! Goodluck! Call me if you need us- yeah- bye!"
Then he hangs up and chucks the phone behind the bed, between the wall under the window and the mattress, where you cant get it.
You're half considering diving after it, but Jake starts rubbing comforting circles into your knuckles and you turn your gaze back to him; shocked and confused.
"... but- " Before you can argue with this decision, Jake leans over and kisses you. Its warm and slow and almost as good as before, making your head all fuzzy and quiet. He pulls back, and you struggle to open up your eyes again. ... still- "But-"
"Come on." Jake gives a comforting grin, a devastatingly handsome cowboy grin that makes your insides turn into mush and your shoulders relax. And he's still rubbing your back, so you're feeling so so sleepy and slow. "You're tired- I get it. We've been on mission after mission for weeks. Almost 2 months. And you've been so damn good with it, savin' our asses at least 10 times. They'll be fine without us this time, you know that." He assures you, which makes sense now that you're calm enough to hear it- they will be fine without the two of you. You all take individual jobs all the time, and besides- they have Flynn this time. Your perfect, sweet boyfriend gives a shrug of those broad shoulders of his. "'nd you deserve a break."
... taking hold of his hands, you lean in and press your forehead to his. "So do you." You say earnestly, gaze flickering over the bags under his beautiful eyes.
"Yeah. So lets do that, huh? Together. C'mon," When Jake gets up abruptly, letting go of one of your hands but keeping the other to tug you up with, rubbing those comforting circles back into your skin, you look up with curious eyes at him. "Lets getcha a cup a tea, or somethin'. Whadaya want? I'll order."
"Mmm... " You close your eyes and think, a tiny grin twitching onto your lips. "Um... pancakes." Pancakes sound like absolute heaven right now. Fluffy, and drenched in syrup, with some strawberries??
"Aw yeah, that sounds freaken good, actually."
When you open your eyes again and see him smiling, you nod and wrap your arms around his neck. You're thinking about pancakes, and restful bones, but also how good Jacob smells. And his weight on top of you. And the romantic timeless way he kisses. "Uhuh." He wraps his own around your waist, pulling you in against him. "... but first,"
"Hm?" He grunts, your noses brushing against eachother and him suddenly becoming quite distracted; being so close to your lips. "Wha?"
"... 20 more minutes in bed."
Immediately he nods, guiding you back onto the mattress and crawling over on top of you, adjusting your hips back over the pillow so you're comfortable. "Forty, at least."
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chronosh0t ยท 7 months
ใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ…คใ€Œ เผ„แŸŽ .*เณƒ ๐…๐„๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐๐† ๐๐‹๐”๐„
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๐“๐€๐†๐’: male x Lee, canon-divergence? perhaps, explicit content if you squint hard enough, my own commandant (Zenas) because using the same pronouns can be confusing. ใ…คใ…คใ…คใ€”NO BETAใ€•ใ…คใ…ค MDNI๏ผ
๐’๐˜๐๐Ž๐๐’๐ˆ๐’: so, you know the horns? well, now it's the back... you need to read the horns one since it's lowkey a continuation of it.
Zenas was not having it today. Honestly speaking, he's never having it actually, because every day in Babylonia seemed like hell with all the work he has to do no matter what hour of the day, not to mention dealing with dipshits believing they are some superior beings just for having a โ€œtitleโ€.
His anger piling up with each passing second and the lack of proper sleep didn't help, not even a bit. Unfortunately, skipping work wasn't part of his options, considering he had already postponed finishing some maintenance and files. But that didn't mean he couldn't have a few minutes of free time in between and relax a bit in the lounge.
Lee's new frame maintenance was over as well. He was now back to Hyperreal however that means he was also having double the jobs to take care of, as the only frame that could fight directly with the virus without getting infected and corrupted, almost every team in Babylonia wanted him. It was definitely not something Zenas was loving. Lee was his.
So, after working for five minutes, he decided it was time for a well deserved break of an hour. Humming a song he couldn't remember when he heard it first, his legs were taking him to his favourite room, where his favourite construct was now either reading a complicated book about maths just for fun orโ€ฆworking. In any case, Zenas wanted to see him.
Reaching the door, he knocked twice and waited for a response, a calm voice that'd let him in. But nothing came. He went for another two knocks, this time, he added more strength, waited again. Silence. Overly anxious and worried that something might have happened to Lee, he rushed inside. The room was clean and not a single book was out of its place. It was too quiet.
He slowly made his way and there he was. Constructs don't need to sleep, they don't feel tired, but Lee wasโ€ฆ sleeping? Or you could say he was in some hibernation mode, he would usually do that when his M.I.N.D was overloaded from working outside, on earth. Sitting on a chair, his arms crossed over the table and his head resting on them. His eyelashes would flicker a little, as if he wanted to wake up but couldn't, blond hair a bit messed up. He looked extremely adorable.
Zenasโ€™ eyes roamed around and stopped at his back. Lee's jacket had a back window cutout, so it was exposed. He could see the details of his frame as well as that blue light coming from specific parts. There was an itching sensation on Zenas' fingers, he wanted to touch. His hand was a few centimetres from Lee's back when he suddenly felt a deja vu. Didn't he do something similar before? Oh, right, how could I forget. Palefire's hornโ€ฆ
He thought, and kept thinking. If Palefire's horn were so sensitive, then what about his back? The more he looked at his back, the more he wanted to try and test his theory. Might as well risk it all if it means he would get a similar reaction. So, not restraining himself, Zenas let his mind go free and his hand rested on Lee's back. Fingertips tracing every single line with a delicacy he never had before for anyone else.
There was no reaction, probably because Lee was in that state but when he was already thinking of retracting his hand a soft moan filled the room. Zenas' hand stopped, and then moved his finger again. Another moan. He was smiling, as expected, his back was also sensitive and that single thought started to consume his sanity and left nothing but desire to keep teasing the blond Construct.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คโ€œWhat do you think you're doing?โ€
The voice startled him, Lee was awake, and he was fucking angry.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คโ€œFucking hell, you scared the shit out of me.โ€ Zenas answered, giggling at the situation. Because yes, Lee was angry but he also knew the boy would never do anything to him, and if Zenas was brutally honest, Lee looked hot.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คโ€œYou didn't answer my question.โ€ he said, standing from the chair and taking some distance by walking a bit further away from the human, his hands already tapping on a screen.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คโ€œYou're sensitive all over. Just wanted to tease you.โ€
Denying it was stupid. Besides, he knew Lee very well, and he was completely sure the boy was flustered as hell because he would always resort to work and focus on whatever is in front of him in order to avoid eye contact. That's what he was going now, looking away, pretending to be focused on something else and ignoring Zenas' presence in the room.
But Lee was too fully aware. His cheeks were red and he hated himself for being so damn weak. Zenas was shortening the distance between them, there was nowhere to run or hide, Lee's mechanical heart was beating way too fast for his own good.
He felt shivers the moment the human's fingers touched his back again. Tracing in circles and Lee couldn't avoid remembering that day when he was messing around with Palefire's horn, how he was touching him, how Lee reacted to that and what he said before leaving. No amount of cold water could've subdued the heat climbing up to his body.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คโ€œAre you thinking about that day?โ€ Zenas whispered in his ears, soft lips touching him, that familiar voice reverberated inside of him, echoing and leaving marks. He gripped tightly the pen he was writing some reports and broke it in pieces.
ใ…คใ…คใ…คโ€œShall we continue, babe?โ€ Zenas said, keeping one of his hands on Lee's back, while the other was going into places Lee wished he didn't have.
The human's body was hot, pressed against Lee and the latter was losing it. He could feel his pulse reaching a speed he never experienced, not even when fighting the most difficult and dangerous ascendant out there. It was hard to keep his voice down, especially when Zenas was leaving pepper kisses all over his neck, ears, and one of his hands playfully touching his inner thighs.
Zenas was a bit impatient but he didn't want to rush anything, it was really difficult to hold himself back. He grabbed Lee by his waist and forced him to face him. Eyes locked, the Construct's eyes had tears formed already, his cheeks tinted of the brightest red, parted lips and soft pink marks on his neck. It was an amazing sight indeed. Zenas lowered his body a bit, and in the blink of an eye Lee was sitting on the desk with Zenas between his legs. The light kisses from before were now more aggressive, tongue tracing every single tooth. Muffled moans coming out of Lee, both of his hands firmly grasping Zenas' hair and his legs wrapped around the human's waist.
It was too hot. Lee felt like his frame and M.I.N.D were about to explode due to the excessive heat he was feeling. But he didn't want Zenas to stop. He didn't care if others could hear them, he didn't care if he was losing his cool. Right now he just wanted to get fucked by his favourite human.
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
ใ€” ๐ŸŽ ใ€•... ๐šœ๐š˜, ๐šข๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š‘. ๐š’ ๐š ๐š’๐šœ๐š‘ ๐š’ ๐š ๐šŠ๐šœ ๐š๐š˜๐š˜๐š ๐šŠ๐š ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š—๐šœ๐š๐š  ๐š‹๐šž๐š, ๐š–๐š˜๐šœ๐š ๐š’๐š–๐š™๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐š•๐šข, ๐š’ ๐š ๐š’๐šœ๐š‘ ๐™ธ ๐š ๐šŠ๐šœ ๐š๐š˜๐š˜๐š ๐šŠ๐š ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐š’๐š—๐š, ๐š’๐š— ๐š๐šŽ๐š—๐šŽ๐š›๐šŠ๐š•.
ใ€” ๐ŸŽ ใ€• ๐šŠ๐š—๐šข๐š ๐šŠ๐šข, ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š๐š’๐š—๐šž๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š™๐š›๐šŽ๐šŸ๐š’๐š˜๐šž๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐š—๐š ๐™ธ ๐š ๐š›๐š˜๐š๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š‹๐š˜๐šž๐š ๐™ฟ๐šŠ๐š•๐šŽ๐š๐š’๐š›๐šŽ'๐šœ ๐š‘๐š˜๐š›๐š—(๐šข). ๐™ธ ๐š‘๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š ๐šŠ๐šœ ๐š๐š˜๐š˜๐š ๐šŽ๐š—๐š˜๐šž๐š๐š‘, ๐™ธ'๐š– ๐šœ๐š˜ ๐šŠ๐š ๐š”๐š ๐šŠ๐š›๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐š‘๐š ๐š—๐š˜๐š .
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thelittlebroccoli ยท 4 months
A super short fic I wrote a bit ago about my little guys <3
Peter had been going headfirst into Spiderman work for a solid week the suit being worn for at least 5 hours a day. When he wasnโ€™t in the suits he would be at his suite in the Compound, Vision popping by occasionally to bring him food and water (they have had to make a rule for Peter and Tony, if they donโ€™t leave their office for over four hours, one of the other avengers had to bring them a snack).
On friday, Peter swung straight into his room, the window being left open from his departure earlier. The lights turned on to a low level (around 30%, thanks to Friday) which was just bright enough for him to flop on his bed safely. He had taken his mask off as soon as he landed in the room, Karen transferring over to the small spider-shaped speaker on his main work desk.
โ€œPeter, you have a guest waiting for you in the lounge.โ€ The little speaker spoke up quietly, Karen knowing how tired he is after his patrols.
He groaned as he rolled onto his back, looking at the slightly cracked door to the hallway, a quiet trickle of music coming from down the hall.
โ€œThem them to come here, I donโ€™t want to move Karen.โ€ He was still in the suit, the heating mode on to help his aching bones. He lied therefor a solid minute or two before a soft knock pushed the door open.
โ€œHowdy, partner.โ€ Harry stepped into the dim bedroom, Peter keeping his eyes on the shelling, his boyfriend had started making it a habit to visit the Compound when possible, which took a lot of convincing on Tonyโ€™s end. Harry sat down near Peterโ€™s head, his unscarred hand carding through his hair. โ€œWow, itโ€™s been a week for Spidey, huh?โ€
Peter signed, bringing his gloved hands up to rub his face. โ€œHarry I want to actually hibernate. Crawl into my covers, hand food and water, and not come out until next winter. My everything hurts and I donโ€™t want to see anything Spidermand related for at least a week.โ€ The hand in his hair stilled, a small chuckle leaving Harryโ€™s lips.
โ€œFunny you say thatโ€ฆโ€ Peter sensed something up, moving to push into a sitting position.
โ€œFriday, change the lights to 75% please.โ€ And as the lights brightened, he turned to Harry and let out one of the loudest groans ever. โ€œYouโ€™ve got to be shitting me.โ€
Sat in front of him was his boyfriend, Harry Osborn, decked out head-to-toe in Spiderman Merch. His head and face had more on it than Peter thought possible.
โ€œHarry, why?โ€ Peter was fully sat ups nd facing him, still taking the whole outfit in.
Harry held his hands in his lap, fiddling with a ring (that was, in fact( a spiderman ring) as he thought of what to say.
โ€œWell I knew that you had a lot this week and just wanted to give you a bit of a laugh. I dunno Pete, but hey I brought a change of clothes so how about I change?โ€
Peter had been watching Harry talk the entire time, his eyes wandering up and down his partnerโ€™s body. He could see how bad Harry felt through the body language and the way he was talking, so he decided to go about it a different way.
โ€œNah Iโ€™m okay, now cโ€™mere, Iโ€™m in desperate need of an after-patrol kiss.โ€
Harry immediately obliged, wrapping his hands around Peterโ€™s neck and settling into a kiss. It was slow and both of them were in no hurry, so they enjoyed it together. When Peter tilted his head slightly to deepen it a few moments later, his hand followed with the shift and moved up to Harryโ€™s eyes, plucking the sunglasses off, followed by the hat and the little sticker he had placed on his cheek. The one thing that stayed were the earrings (little black spiders). He kept Harry busy throughout this, swiping his tongue over his partnerโ€™s bottom lip and using his other hand to slide under the tee shirt and pull the two closer together. The other hand moved a bit down and pulled the brightly colored hoodie off his shoulders. When the hoodie was off, Peter could feel all the scars that made their way down Harryโ€™s arm and hand, rubbing across them with a feather light touch, though he couldnโ€™t feel too much himself through his still-gloved hand. Harry moved to try and push things a bit more but Peter pulled back, taking a moment to gather himself, before starting to talk.
โ€œNow, as much as I would love more than anything to have hot steamy after patrol sex with my hot steamy boyfriend, I am in desperate need of a hot shower and sleep.โ€ Peter stood from the bed as he was saying this, and he made his way to the dresser to grab some clothes to change into after the shower. โ€œBut it is your lucky day mister, because you have been chosen to be SpiderManโ€™s hot water bottle for the night!โ€ He turned to Harry when he said the final bit, throwing in some jazz hands to hopefully seal the deal.
In true Harry Osborn fashion, his partner rolled his eyes at his shenanigans, flopping down onto the warm side of the bed. โ€œI guess Iโ€™ll stay. But as long as you scrub that nasty sewer-y smell off of you, because damn Parker you smell like you wrestled with a garbage truck and lost.โ€
After one of the best showers Peter had taken ever (solely due to the fact that he hadnโ€™t showered in a week) and changing into a comfy pair of sweats and an MIT crewneck, Peter was lounging on his bed waiting for Harry. Said man was digging through Peterโ€™s clothes to find a good pair of sleeper pants for himself, listening into his boyfriend talk about all the work heโ€™d done this week.
โ€œYeah, and after the weird kids, which likeโ€ฆ why would you put chameleon dna into children, stupidโ€ฆ Oh yeah after that Aleksi showed up. Heโ€™s the one with the giant Rhino Mech suit? Yeah he busted through the wall at JPMorgan Chase (big olโ€™ bank) and tried to break into their material holding vault. He threw off my chase by a whole hour andโ€ฆโ€ Harry was nodding along the entire time, and he made a small โ€˜aha!โ€™ when he found the pants he wanted. Still facing away from Peter, he slid off his jeans, and went to go put the pants when Peter spoke.
โ€œOh come on man!โ€ Harry jumped, turning to look at Peter.
โ€œWhat? What is it?โ€ But Peter was looking right at his crotch, a small blush gathering on his cheeks.
โ€œYou- you bought- I didnโ€™t even know they made those!โ€
Peter was staring at not only Harryโ€™s crotch, but what was covering it. All across the blue boxers was a pattern of repeating Spidey masks, his logo, and some webs. Harry joined him in blushing? His arm resting by his side still holding the sleeper pants. With no other ideas, he winked to his boyfriend. โ€œLike what ya see?โ€
โ€œHarry, Iโ€™m breaking up with you.โ€
โ€œBoo, you love me too much to break up with me over boxers.โ€ Harry crossed his arms, seeing that Peter was unashamedly still looking at his crotch. โ€œMy eyes are up here.โ€
Peter smiled, glancing up quickly before looking back down. โ€œOh, I know, but I cannot make eye contact with you right now so Iโ€™m doing the next best thing- hey!โ€
Harry threw the pants dead onto Peterโ€™s face, a satisfying thump sounding from the contact. As he walked towards his partner, who was holding the pants in his hands, he spoke up again.
โ€œThese boxers are staying on.โ€ In response to that, Peter tipped back to land on his pillow, his arms crossed.
โ€œYou are so mean to me. Imagine if I had done this to youโ€ฆ oh I know what Iโ€™m getting for our anniversary.โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t you fucking dare.โ€
โ€œWatch me.โ€
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fandomtrumpshate ยท 2 years
FTH 2023 Wrap-Up
Boy has it been a year, guys.
This seemed like the year when anything that could go wrong did, from covid to family emergencies to work obligations to software bugs. We're so grateful to you all for your patience and for coming back year after year to remind us why we do this.
Historically, non-election years have usually seen slumps in both our number of auctions and our donation totals. But this year? You guys blew us away yet again.
We had just as many auctions as last year, which is amazing. But even beyond that: our donation total โ€”just 10% lower than last year's massive recordโ€” is 150% higher than our third best year, making it a very close second.
So are you ready for this year's grand total?
This year
thanks to all of you
FTH raised...
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Which brings our seven-year total to
Thank you so much to our 616 creators who offered 800+ auctions in over 400 different fandoms and subfandoms, and to everyone who bid! Also a special shoutout to our record 17 crafters who raised over $2500 of this - three times as much as any of our previous craft bazaars!
Your returning mods (@porcupine-girl, @captainbunnicula, @tiltedsyllogism, @anyawen, and @renjunbabygirl) would also like to give our heartfelt thanks to this year's two additions to the mod team, @trickybonmot (who has been a mod before but was returning after several-year absence) and @a-still-small-vox (who is brand new to this whole thing). Given everything that went down this year, the auction literally could not have happened without them. They've been ridiculously awesome.
Creators, be sure you contact your bidders by April 1, and bidders, on your end please respond to their communication by April 15!
Once the fanwork is posted, let us know via our form (can you believe six creators have already finished??) and if you're posting it on AO3 be sure to add it to the Fandom Trumps Hate 2023 collection. If you're writing a fic for FTH and need help from our Regiment of Fan Laborers, email us!
As always, we hope that for at least some people, your involvement in FTH will lead to continued action throughout the year. Sign up for our organizations' email lists, check out their volunteer opportunities, and help boost their signals on social media!
And if you'd like to run your own fanworks auction for a good cause, we can help get you started! Contact us at fandomtrumpshate at gmail.com and we can send you our auction playbook, as well as answer any questions you have about our process.
Your mods are going to be going into post-auction hibernation mode (or, for most of us, post-auction deal-with-all-this-other-stuff mode) for a little while. So if you email us, don't panic if we don't get back to you immediately! We will start actively monitoring the inbox again by April 15 at the latest.
Here is a quick snapshot of the donations to individual organizations - see below the cut for all of the totals!
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We hope to see you all again next year!
Amounts raised for each of our individual orgs:
TLDEF $8,594.5 (18.15%) DigDeep/Navajo Water Project $7,037 (14.86%) Rainbow Railroad $5,970 (12.61%) Sherlockโ€™s Homes Foundation $3,169.5 (6.69%) Life After Hate $3,069.75 (6.48%) Never Again Action $3,062.75 (6.46%) Citizensโ€™ Climate Education $2,235 (4.72%) Xerces $2,103 (4.44%) Razom $2,101 (4.43%) Violence Policy Center $1327 (2.80%) NNtEDV $1,157.75 (2.44%) The Appeal $935 (1.97%) Other organizations (that arenโ€™t abortion funds) $1,151 (2.43%)
All abortion funds $5,468.50 (11.54%) Indigenous Women Rising $2,073 (4.43%) other abortion funds $1,184.50 (2.50%) Abortion Fund of Ohio $963 (2.03%) KY Health Justice Network $634 (1.34%) New Orleans Abortion Fund $349 (.74%) Buckle Bunnies $240 (.51%)
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mingos ยท 7 months
ใ€ h.c. ใ€‘ ใƒผ "food = survival" (food trauma)
ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€(cw: disordered eating, food talk.)
ใ€€been having back-and-forth with @belovedcorvid the last few days about the bird brothersโ„ข and how their relationship with food was absolutely altered due to those formative childhood years being forced to eat garbage (as well as probably bugs, plants, or anything in the woods that looked vaguely edible) & steal to survive.
and we discovered that both birds, like everything else in their lives, had complete opposite trauma responses; rabbit's rocinante is more-or-less food avoidant because the act of eating is generally uncomfortable outside of specific tastes & textures, whereas i feel like doflamingo would be gluttonous when it came to food. basically, they can hardly stand to eat in the same room as each other because their eating habits are so opposite that it makes them either sick or irrationally angry.
it started with the realization that, although rosinante was only forced to survive by eating garbage & stealing for that two year period before being taken in by sengoku, doflamingo continued to eat garbage & steal. at least for another 3-5 years until his gang was established. because they were the ones looking to doflamingo to get them out of poverty, not the other way around, their first headquarters was is a garbage dump.
pair that with him being in a rough environment and his general desire to survive no matter what (ie. he can't survive if he dies of starvation), he'll eat almost anything without complaint. ate his entire devil fruit, stem & all, for sure.
almost anything. he has one specific food trigger (that he has tried to overcome for years for the sake of his "food = survival" mindset, but he just can't do it) which is barbecue or any slow-cooked meats. any meat with char on it, tooใƒผreally, any meat that is drier than medium-rare is probably pushing it.
pretty sure it was just a dark joke made by oda about him almost being immolated as a child, but since i've already headcanoned that as the worst/most humiliating experience of his entire life, i'd say the memories being enough to make him repulsed by the thought is valid.
more about his other specific behaviors (food aggression, compulsive overeating, food waste anxiety) under the cut.
food aggression: i don't know if there's a human equivalent to this phrase because i've only ever seen it used when describing animal behavior when they become territorial over their foodใƒผbut he has whatever that is. his food is his food; he doesn't share, he doesn't let people eat things off his plate, and if you try to take away 'finished' plates without his say so, or eat the last bite of any dish at his table (at least without asking permission first) he'll get irritated at best and furious at worst. really kind of just depends how hungry he is because, the hungrier he gets, the more his brain slips into the "survival mode" from when he was a child. same goes for pantry/snack foods he enjoys. even if he has no immediate plans to eat it, if you don't ask him first so he at least knows that food is not going to be there next time he seeks it outใƒผthat's his food. he was saving it. how dare you eat it. so, i guess "food hoarding" can be tacked onto this point, too.
compulsive overeating: i generally see & write doflamingo as a hedonistic pleasure demon (he drinks, he parties, he's hypersexual, etc.) so him having a habit of overeating definitely tracksใƒผbut it's not a hedonism thing. it's ironic considering his business partnership with cesar & kaido has indirectly contributed to the starvation of thousands of people, but he has an irrational fear of food scarcity. even when he's a rich as fuck crime lord & king with his own walk-in pantry and multiple fridges, it's never quite gone anyway. every meal may as well be his last meal so he's going to eat like a hibernating grizzly bear and stuff himself to the point of sicknessใƒผeven past sickness sometimes, if he's in a particularly weird headspace or he's having his first meal really late in the day because he was too busy. big portions. double portions. triple portions, even. very rarely will he turn down food offered to himใƒผusually only if he's sick, too busy to eat, or if it's his one food trigger. otherwise... yeah, just hibernating grizzly bear energy.
food waste anxiety: somehow, i keep finding ways to compare doflamingo & sanji, so me seeing him having a general hatred of wasting food tracks. they both had periods in their childhood where they were starving and had to covet what little food they could find, so it makes sense to me. though, dare i say, i think doflamingo would be a little more unhinged about it. because, when normal people talk about not wasting food, they usually just mean finish your plate, don't throw stuff on the floor, don't let food spoilใƒผwhich doflamingo agrees with, don't get me wrong. he does. if you don't finish food in front of him (especially if it's food he offered you) he'll want to wring your neck. but... 'wasting food' to him also extends to not wasting edible food scraps. if it's edible, he will eat it (or at least have it turned into something else, like a broth). including, but not limited to: banana peels, orange peels, cheese rinds, apple cores, watermelon rinds, potato peels, and vegetable stalks, stems, or leaves. basically, there's this fanart of doflamingo smoking a cigarette with rosinante and, after he's done, he just... eats it. that's the vibe. that's what eating with doflamingo feels like. just... horror, and confusion, and you can tell something is mentally wrong with him just based on the way he eats
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milk-ducts ยท 9 months
Happy holidays, sweetheart! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful holiday season filled with joy, laughter and cheer. Stay warm, enjoy some hot cocoa and know that you are loved. <3
OH MY GOD????? ANON THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING,, this was the exact kind of msg i needed 2 hear at the right time as well (ใฃ ฬ†ะท( ฬ†โŒฃ ฬ† ) i've been an absolute mess lately & just rotting in bed n not in the holiday spirit at all but ur words are more than enough. tysm for going out of your way to write this you wonderful human being <3333 i'll be sure to sip cocoa by the fireplace tonight. i do have some invincible christmas doodles in the works to spread some cheer before going back into hibernation mode (*โ€ขฬ€แด—โ€ขฬ*)ูˆ ฬ‘ฬ‘
+ happy holidays 2 u too cutie!! may your days be merry n bright.. !! and for real tysm again, i appreciate the check-in alot. i apologize if i havent been answering anyones msgs in the inboxes, again i am so sorry for my inactivity, i will get to them in a bit i promise. the holidays are rough but ur sweet msg gives me motivation!! love you bby, stay awesome <3
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secretary-ian ยท 1 month
helloooo do u have any sir kadee hcs
I thinkkk I have a few. Let's see. Recalling what I've thought of before.
7'3" (221cm) tall. Big, broad build
His sword's even taller than him.
Scruffy looking man as you might've seen in my art lol
Black hair, a bit ashy
If I remember correctly, this is only ever noted in Defend the Statue: Eras of Conflict, as in other games he's only considered the Leader of the Noob Army-- but he is also the King in my heart.
not HC but ^ I basically am still thinking about every game's tidbits I can because I want to incorporate something from every DtS-like appearance into him lol
Oh, how could I forget... Trans Swag!
Sir Kadee and Mr. Hammer are brothers (and I suppose that'd make Kadee Crazy Robloxian's uncle lol)
He has several suits of armor. Counting them, he has 4 in total. (Corresponding to the different games' models: 2 of the original version, 1 of the DtS:EoC Expert mode Kadee, and one of Universal Mode) (EDIT (see tags after): ADDING NOSTALGIC PROCTORS' DTS, HE HAS FIVE. 5 ARMORS)
His speech fluctuates between Nooby leetspeak, and proper grammatical speech. Has a slight slur in his speech in general
He can detach his head from his body, courtesy of his dark powers. (Headless Horseman ahh HC)
Occasionally he'll let his headless body wander with the armor to do things. People will look closer, see the empty helmet and think the armor is possessed. In a way, yeah; it just might be.
Definitely has a few scars over his body. Has a lot of dark, purple veiny-looking marks concentrated in his chest and back; running vertically and diagonally through the muscles between them.
That is a lot more than I thought I'd write, I don't know what to say now. Hope you enjoy them?
I'm going to go hibernate again now. ๐Ÿ‘
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elexuscal ยท 1 year
Protective prompt: โ€œHe(/she/they) said what to you?!โ€ Murderbot & Pin-Lee. Whoโ€™s being protective? Up to you!
When movement triggered outside the door to Pin-Lee's apartment at 3am, local time, a full five days before she was due to return from a planet-side trip, I assumed the worse: i.e. GrayCris or other potentially hostile agent attempting a break-in.
0.2 seconds later-- long enough for me to be on my feet and formulating a response plan-- I registered the figure I was seeing as Pin-Lee herself, and settled back down.
Unexpected, but preferable.
Stil, once she was inside, I asked a message to confirm if she was okay. Pin-Lee waited a worrying long period of time (over five minutes), to respond with a curt 'fine'.
That rung my bullshit meter, but it wasn't any of my business, and also I didn't care. So I wasn't going to ask about it.
And I didn't ask her the next cycle, either, even when she gave my drone this really weird look.
And no. I didn't even ask her three cycles after that, when she ran into me unexpectedly within the halls of the Preservation Alliance government building, and she visibly flinched.
Flinching was fine. I could handle flinching. Flinching was just a thing people did, around SecUnits.
I wasn't going to say anything about it, and I didn't expect her to either.
Three hours later, she sent me a message: [I noticed you turned your drone off.]
I hadn't turned it off. It was in low-power mode. It would fully activate if/when certain key phrases/sounds were detected.
I didn't say anything about that.
Pin-Lee said, [I'm getting the sense I better apologise.]
[For what?] I said, before I could stop myself.
[For flinching like that, when I saw you in the hallway earlier,] she said, and then there was a 7 second pause before her next message. [It's not because I'm scared of you, or anything. I promise.]
[No one said you were.]
My drone was in hibernation, so I couldn't tell if she sighed or not. [I'm just in a weird head-space right now and you surprised me. I flinched and fucked up. Sorry.]
[Okay,] I said.
There was a long enough pause that I thought this conversation was over, and I had gotten back into my book. Then Pin-Lee said, [I got into a fight with my parents.]
[A fight?]
[Well, they called it an 'intervention'.]
[An intervention for what?]
[They said I was bot-drunk.]
They said what? [They said WHAT to you?]
[You heard me.] Pin-Lee stood up and started pacing around her office, which I could see, because I'd turned her drone back on.
Bot-Drunk was a Preservation-specific bit of slang, but most CR languages and cultures had their own equivilents, ranging from 'whales' to 'silicon sluts'. (Gross.) It referred to anyone who got sucked into an obsession with a chat bot, ComfortUnit, or other artificially-constructed personality, coming to view it-- and the supposed relationship attached to it-- as real.
"They said," Pin-Lee ground out, "that I was working too hard. That I needed a break. Which, okay, fair, maybe I was! But that was why I came down to visit them, like they asked! And then they wait until I'm settled in, and all my childhood friends are there, to say hi, or so I assume. But then I come home one day and they're all gathered in the living room andโ€ฆ" She spluttered in a sort of wordless rage, which man, I kind of wish I could pull off. It looked cathartic.
"And THEN they sit me all down, and they remind me of the AI boyfriend I had when I was twelve, TWELVE. And they say that I'm falling into old traps again. And that they know that 'chat programs can be very convincing', but that 'a layer of fake skin might make you seem more realistic, you still need to keep some perspective on what really matters'โ€ฆ"
[My skin is fake? Could of fooled me.]
"Your emotions, too, apparently," she said, bitterly.
"Huh. Guess I can stop feeling so fucked up about them, then."
She laughed. Then she stopped, abruptly. "I'm sorry. I'm making this all about me."
I shrugged, remembered she couldn't see me, and said, [It's okay.]
"It's not. It's fucked up. It's fucked up that they'd treat you that way, that they'd talk like that to my face."
It was fucked up. But they weren't my family, so I didn't really care.
Except for the way they had very clearly fucked Pin-Lee up, I did. She didn't just look mad; I had seen Pin-Lee mad. Pin-Lee wore anger like armour, or a cape. It made her look distinguished and powerful.
This made her lookโ€ฆ bad. It made her skin look blotchy and her eyes look red and her body look shaky.
Okay, yeah. Now I was pissed, actually.
[Want me to go down there? Then they can for themselves just how made-up I am.]
She laughed. It was a long, ugly, bitter laugh. "Don't tempt me, SecUnit. Do not fucking tempt me."
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r-ene ยท 2 years
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Midterm exam week routine and recap: 10/17 to 10/20.
had our exams face to face and boy it was exhausting, but I'm proud of myself for surviving, passing and being able to arrive at uni at the same time everyday, haha
my routine went like this:
3AM: wake up, shower, some quick make up and double checking things to bring
4AM: breakfast while reading through notes - spent an hour with eating so I won't shock my digestive system because it's very inconvenient to speed through this and your stomach suddenly wants to let go of some baggage, yk?
5:10AM: leave for commute - I take 3 modes of transportation to get to uni and back
6:10AM: uni arrival (yes it's been consistent that I arrive at this time even if I wake up at 4AM, hahaha)
8:30AM: usual start of exams until about 11:30 or 1:30PM
the gap between this and my arrival to uni consists of a 7-11 visit for some sandwich or onigiri and studying at the uni student's garden conference area. morning fresh air is great, it eases my mind despite not being able to cover all that I need to study the day before then I leave uni usually before 3PM so I won't have to get stressed on the way home as well since rush hour starts at that time.
5PM: estimate time I usually arrive home since I run some errands once I get off near our village in front of a grocery
The rest of the evening I try to study but most times by 10PM my brain isn't functioning anymore that's why arriving at uni really early has been an important part of my routine this exam week, but after Wednesday's exam of pulmonary pathology and research I just hibernated when I got home at 2PM until 12MN, hahaha. The following day's exam was fortunately easy and I've already reviewed on the commute home so I could pay off some sleep debt
12MN: latest time to go to bed for at least 3hrs of sleep
with this post, I hope for those who also had an exhausting week to relax and unwind this weekend !! I made myself some tteokbokki to enjoy with some beer and Howl's yesterday as a celebration and a pat on the back for surviving and passing :)
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