#beginning to see the appeal of bane
froot-batty · 5 months
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great game thank you telltale
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lordprettyflackotara · 3 months
hitchhiker || chapter four || the proxies
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tw: stalker hoodie, hoodies a bit gross in this one ngl, i think this is a fair warning, paranoia, blood, some fluffy shit w tim
i am proud to announce that hitchhiker now has a masterlist with a link to wattpad! find it here!! thank you to everyone who has helped me navigate using other platforms <3
<— previous chapter
Hoodie could understand your appeal.
What he couldn’t understand, was why Tim and Toby had picked you specifically.
Sure, your skin was soft and glowy. Your big innocent doe eyes were doll like. Hoodie’s darker urges craving to see them weep tears under his hand. Although you had overlooked their original odd behavior, was that enough? Were your looks and obliviousness enough to keep you alive?
Hoodie couldn’t understand Toby and Tim’s infatuation with you. It was becoming truly nauseating, sitting through them yapping about you all day long. You were the hottest topic of conversation, the rants about Jeff’s sloppy murders long discarded. Since he couldn’t figure it out, he figured he’d have to do his research.
And every good research session begins the same way: observation.
Hoodie had no issue watching you. He watched as you scrambled to get ready for work, showering so quickly he hardly had time to watch you dry off. He sat perched in an old oak tree across from your building, the overgrown branches and leafs concealing his presence. He noted you truly were oblivious, all of your curtains wide open. Maybe you thought being on the fourth floor saved you from having a peeping tom. In which case, you were terribly wrong.
He watched as you chatted with (who he assumed to be) Nova while running around, his eyes narrowing. Your friend seemed put together, a navy blazer and slacks dressing her thin frame. His eyes flickered back over to you, watching you get ready for work. You did have a nice figure. Your apron only emphasizing the fact. Hoodie had watched Nova slide on the blazer, her upper arms toned with muscle. Huh. So much for a lazy overweight detective. Those targets were easy to get rid of. Toby, in the mist of his yapping about his delightful walk home with you, mentioned Nova. He mentioned the vanilla folder and the case she was working on. Hoodie believed he was the first of the three to have the suspicion she took Winston’s place.
Usually task forces would lay off of the investigation once their colleagues began getting killed. But every so often, there would be a feisty motherfucker who only wanted to indulge in the case deeper. He watched as you darted out of your apartment, Nova grabbing her things and following you. His eyes searched for the vanilla folder. He watched her pack her beat up satchel, random white papers and pens being thrown inside. Yet, no vanilla folder. He grinned devilishly as Nova exited your apartment. Toby would be keeping a close eye on her investigation as she studied the Winston case. They had eyes everywhere, your date with Tim proving to be useful. It gave Hoodie enough time to truly snoop around.
His mind circled back to the vanilla folder, the bane of his existence in your best friends possession. Nova hadn’t left with the documents, the vanilla folder not on her person. Her not leaving with the folder meant one thing and one thing only: it was in your apartment. What did that mean? That Hoodie was going to be able to steal it with ease.
You felt like you were becoming paranoid. Your shift at Olive Garden was the same stressful experience it always was. Screaming children. Argumentative customers. Loud laughter. However, you felt like you were watched. You couldn’t figure out how or why. Your paranoia made you check on your tables faster. Your eyes constantly flickered around the restaurant, searching for the culprit. But all you found were families or couples eating their pasta and bread. By the end of your shift you were beat, shuffling into the bathroom to change clothes.
Davidson park was practically a straight shot from your work, there was no sense in dropping by your apartment. You briefly glanced at yourself in the mirror, not wanting to acknowledge how terrible you felt you looked. You were sure your lips were cracked and your eyes had dark circles decorating them. You shuffled into a bathroom stall, slipping out of your work uniform. You wondered if your perfume could truly mask the nauseating smell of pasta sauce. You began to put on deodorant, the light in the bathroom flickering.
You blinked a few times, trying to ensure you weren’t just sleep deprived. You looked up, a large bug caught in the ceiling light. It was bouncing between the light stick and the glass, creating the smallest sound of movement. You could see its shell, as well as its leggings thrashing around. You shoved it off, resuming changing into your normal clothes. You shoved on your boots, the unsettling feeling of you being watched falling over you again. This time you looked at the bottom gap of the stall door and the floor, a large set of black business shoes standing outside of your stall door. You blinked a few times, as if to double check what you were seeing was really there. “Hello?” You croaked, your mouth seemingly running dry. When was the last time you had drank water?
A gust of wind rushed past you, your head snapping behind you. You were in a tiny bathroom stall, what the actual fuck was creating wind? You turned back to the front of the stall, the pair of shoes now disappeared. Shoving your shirt over your head you exited the stall, looking around the bathroom. All of the stalls were empty, an eerie silence ensuing. Looking up you noticing the bug was no longer moving. Logically you should’ve been fine with it, the small creatures demise caused by the electricity. But the sight of the smallest pool of blood from the bugs corpse made your stomach churn, your face growing pale. How was that possible? The bug was a beetle, not a mosquito or anything with a handfuls worth of blood.
You ripped away your horrified gaze, forcing yourself to look at the floor instead. You shuffled out of the bathroom in a rush, the door hitting the wall as you flung it open. Ignoring the weird looks and questions from your coworkers you left the restaurant. You felt unsteady as you got in the car, your hands planting themselves firmly on the steering wheel. You felt like you had just seen a ghost, the crimson paint staining your mind. You swallowed and attempted to even out your breathing as you put the key into your ignition. You needed to get your shit together. You took a deep breath, putting your car in reverse and heading to see Tim.
Hoodie took his time inspecting your apartment, trying to see what he could find out about you. His curiosity as to what made you so interesting nagging him mid mission. With his partners not around, it gave him the freewill to be as nosy as he wanted to be without repercussions. Your apartment was tiny and cluttered, but he determined your clutteredness was from the lack of space more than being messy. Hoodie’s opinion shifted slightly at the sight of your last outfit on the bathroom floor. Your red lacey underwear caught his eye, the blonde smirking under his mask.
How long had it been since he had been with a woman? He squatted down, picking up the fabric with his ring finger. Hoodie could just imagine your round ass in these, the red complementing your skin tone. He lifted his ski mask just above his nose, inhaling the crotch material of your dirty panties. His face flushed red with lust. His cock was slowly beginning to grow in his jeans, the proxy pulling himself away from the fabric. He took a deep breath, imagining his tongue in between your folds as you pleaded for more.
Ahh yes, Hoodie would do anything to see you beg.
Regaining his focus he wadded up the panties, shoving them in his back pocket. He needed to focus. He left your bathroom, rounding over to your bedroom. Your dresser was covered in various perfumes and jewelry. Did you have more money than you were letting on? He picked up a large necklace, the fake jewels shining back at him in the moonlight. Thankfully you left your lamp on, the blonde beginning to rummage through your belongings more unhinged. He lifted up your mattress, looked under your bed, in your pillow cases, in your nightstands. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There wasn’t even a trace that it was here.
Hoodie gritted his teeth as he pulled open your dresser drawers. His anger temporarily subsided as he eyed the first drawers contents. Rows of undergarments and bras nearly made his eyes pop out of his head. He shook his head, forcing himself to focus. He rummaged through your drawers, the folder no where in sight. He stomped into the kitchen, the living room empty besides a couch, old wooden coffee table, matching with a the same wooden TV stand, and an ancient television. His eyes wondered around your kitchen, landing on a stack of bills with large red OVERDUE stamps plastered on the front. Hoodie picked up the one on top, examining it.
Huh. Not necessarily poor, just poor spending habits. He tossed the envelope aside, continuing his search for the vanilla bane of his existence. And he wouldn’t be leaving until he found it.
You walked beside Tim down the sidewalk path, cool breezes rushing past the two of you. “So how was work?” He asked, starting conversation. Your shift was unnotable, if you took away the feeling of being watched and blood bug. “The usual. My table five had a lot of screaming children but it ended up being fine,” You answer as honestly as you could. You didn’t want to sound crazy, your paranoia getting the best of you. “What about you?” You added. You shoved your hands in your army green jacket, Tim’s hands shoved in his own mustard coat. For a brief second you saw a look of shock flash across Tim’s face, before he resumed his usual expression.
“The usual,” He answered truthfully. He shoved off the uncanny feeling of the Operators static depriving his senses. It wasn’t a usual punishment, the Operator more angry he had to send Kate than anything else. He always had a soft spot for the girl. “We both hate our jobs huh? You look like you just had a ptsd episode,” You chuckled, playfully elbowing him. Your innocence made Tim’s heart flutter, even with the deeper meaning your words unknowingly had. “You’re one to talk about ptsd episodes. You looked scarred when talking about screaming children,” Tim teased. He playfully poked your side, causing you to giggle. The moon hung in the sky, in seemingly a creepy smile. You made Tim feel normal, even if his life was no where near it.
“Oh please anything involving children provokes that face. I can’t imagine having them,” You say. The two of you strolled in unison, the street lights illuminating your path. “Really? Not even down the line?” Tim asked curiously. Of course it was impossible for him to have kids. He would never allow you to get pregnant, not from him or Brian or Toby. There was always the chance the Operator would be interested in the child. He couldn’t risk it. “Maybe. I’d always be afraid I let the wrong guy get me pregnant though,” You admitted. You felt your face go pale with embarrassment. “Oh fuck I said too much huh?” You laughed nervously. Tim couldn’t help but smile at your nervousness. You had no idea how cute you were.
“Not at all. You don’t have to worry around me. I’ve seen and i’ve done weirder things,” Tim told you. You both walked to the towns lake, the watery murky black as the moonlight reflected off of the glassy surface. “I’m really glad I met you Tim. I feel like you get it,” You say honestly. Tim raised an eyebrow, an owl hooting in the distance. “Get what?” He asked curiously. You flashed a nervous smile, tucking some hair behind your ears. “Like you get me. I’ve spent my whole life trying to fit in everywhere I went. Yet I feel at home with you three. It’s such an odd comforting feeling,” You explain softly. Tim took a step towards you, gently grasping your neck. Your eyes fluttered close, your breath hitching as his hot breath danced across your cool skin.
His chapped lips pressed a long kiss to your forehead, his touch soft and sweet. And most importantly, purposefully gentle. Tim pulled away slowly, holding your face in his gloved hands. You looked up at him, mesmerized by his chocolate orbs. He swiped his thumb across your cheek, soaking in your touch. You wanted to kiss him, his lips just out of reach. Tim wanted nothing more than to kiss you, his core yearning to taste your sweet plump lips. But he was trying to restrain himself. He knew he couldn’t have you. None of them could.
Slowly he pulled away from you, turning his gaze back to the black lake. You could feel the heat still dancing across your cheeks. Dumbfounded you turned towards the lake as well, standing side by side with the man you yearned for. There was an unsettling silence, one you decided to break.
“Hey Tim?”
Your mouth ran dry, your nerves getting the best of you. “Nothing never mind,” You babbled. You wanted to tell him about the bug. The shoes. The paranoia. But you didn’t want to scare him away. Tim raised an eyebrow, digging in his jeans pocket. He pulled out a beat up box of cigarettes, the red and white box shining in the moonlight. “Cig? It would help you loosen up a bit,” He offered. You had never considered touching a cigarette a day in your life. But the box sitting in Tim’s hand couldn’t look more intriguing even if it tried. Slowly you pulled one out of the box, looking at it. Tim did the same, immediately putting the stick to his lips. “You’ve never smoked before huh?” He asked. Shooting him an anxious smile you chuckled. His bluntness relaxed your nerves, your shoulders relaxing.
“What gave it away?” You asked him. Tim began digging around in his pocket, searching for a lighter. “You mean besides the fact that you’re eyeing it like it’s poison?” Tim chuckled. You rolled your eyes, the brunette flicking the lighter. He gave it a few flicks, the lighter finally producing a small flame. He inhaled sharply, the end of the cigarette lighting. “Haha very funny,” You replied dryly. Tim grinned as he exhaled the tobacco smoke out of his nose. You blinked, your morals seemingly nose diving out of the window at the sight of him. “You’re holding it like a nerd, go ahead and place it in between your lips for me pretty girl,” Tim instructed. Your cheeks turned pink as you placed the cigarette in between your lips. “Great now keep it there. When I tell you to, inhale for me,” He said. His words were getting to you, from his praise to referring to do things for him.
It made your core throb with an ache you had ignored for a long time.
He brought the lighter to the end of your cigarette, sparks flying as he tried to ignite it. The lighter refused to ignite, Tim’s eyes narrowing. “While I figure this out, you wanna tell me what you were going to a moment ago?” He asked. He took a step closer to you, attempting to block the wind from extinguishing the flame. “I uh, it’s hard to explain,” You said, your cigarette still dangling from your lips. Tim shook the lighter, growing increasingly annoyed. “I have terrible insomnia, nothing you can say will scare me away,” Tim told you. He said it so nonchalantly.
“You have-?”
“Yes, now it’s your turn.”
You stood dumbfounded. Another fast breeze blew past the two of you, your hair flying in the wind. “Well I just, um, I feel like i’m being watched. All the time,” You explain slowly. Tim tried to ignite your cigarette again, the lighter very clearly out of fluid. “Considering you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever laid eyes on, I can believe that,” Tim chuckled. He took another large inhale of his cigarette, the foul stench flooding your nostrils. You felt like a ball of warmth, your mouth running dry. “You don’t mean that,” You say quietly. Tim raised an eyebrow, tossing the empty lighter aside. “I’m a lot of things, but i’m not a liar,” He whispered. Tim easily towered over you, your eyes meeting his, cigarette dangling from your lips.
Tim’s large hand guided you to hold your cigarette in between your index and middle finger, the orange end still on the edge of your lips. Quietly he moved closer to you, the two of you watching as the end of his cigarette hit the end of yours. With each passing second you grew more flustered, his face an inch away from yours. Despite the freezing cold weather outside, Tim made you feel an indescribable warmth. The kind that blossomed from inside of your chest and made your heart throb. “Inhale for me,” Tim murmured. You did as instructed, ignoring the feeling of flames engulfing your throat. You wanted to stay this close to him forever.
You felt the tobacco swirl around your lungs, your gaze landing on Tim’s. You removed the cigarette from your lips, allowing the wind to guide the smoke out of your mouth. “Feel better?” Tim asked. You began to cough, giving him a thumbs up as you looked away from him. Tim grinned as you bent over slightly, trying to clear your lungs and inhale oxygen. As his large hand patted your back you realized that you’d willingly throw yourself into his warm flames. No matter how much they threatened to burn you.
—> next chapter
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di-writes-stuff · 1 year
The Very First Night
Derek Shepherd x fem!Reader
One Shot
TW: Literally nothing. I’m taking a quick break from Evermore because I am so in love with this man I need to write some fluffy shit for him. No use of Y/N
A/N: This is based around the whole prom episode. I needed some self indulgent fluffiness. Also yes I’m ignoring both Meredith and Addisons existence in relation to Derek. Fight me.
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When the chief announced that Seattle Grace Hospital would be holding a prom, you would have thought he was kidding if he didn’t look so deadly serious.
You made a point not to look at a certain man when he announced it.
Derek Shepherd has made it his ultimate goal to get you on a date with him.
Under any other circumstance, you would have said yes in a heartbeat. Hell, you would have been praying for him to ask the second you met him.
He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s a neurosurgeon for God’s sake, not to mention that he’s absolutely gorgeous.
Derek Shepherd is perfect.
He’s also your boss.
The one and only reason you aren’t leaping at the prospect of a date with him.
The label of “slutty intern sleeping with her boss to get ahead” isn’t an appealing one.
But still, the man is very convincing.
You’re doing charts when he sidles up to you, that smile you always stare at a little too long plastered on his face.
He leans against the counter your working on, watching you while you work.
And desperately try to stay professional when you look at him.
“Do you need something, Dr. Shepherd?” You use his title pointedly, a reminder of the barrier between the two of you.
He couldn’t care less.
“Just some information.” He speaks casually, shrugging as he begins to walk, and you follow him without a second thought.
He’s whittling you down, and you both know it.
“About…?” You try to force a smile off your face, but it’s no use. He’s infectious. His flirting. His smile.
You’re not somebody who fails. You’re an incredible doctor, you’re going to be an incredible surgeon. You were always considered an academic weapon, acing almost every class you’ve taken.
You don’t fail.
But when it comes to resisting Derek?
You think you’re about to.
“You got any plans for prom?” He speaks smoothly, comfortably, like he’s not a grown man asking a grown woman to the prom.
Like he’s not praying you’ll say yes.
You laugh, looking down at the ground instead of his eyes.
His beautiful eyes.
“I guess I’m coming, but no, I don’t have plans.” You place a special emphasis on plans. You both know what plans means.
A date.
Derek smiles, brushing your side gently, getting you to look back up at him, your gaze softening when you see him.
“Great, I’ll pick you up at nine.” He grins at you, looking very pleased with himself.
You go to speak, and you plan on saying no before you do. Explaining for what feels like the millionth time that nothing can happen between the two of you.
And hating every second of it.
But instead, it’s like your brain does you a favor, and speaks before you can decide what to say.
“Okay.” Your voice is a little breathy, and obviously nervous.
Shock passes over his eyes for a second before the smile on his face grows wider, reaching his eyes and making them sparkle.
Really, how the hell were you supposed to say no to that?
Your hands brush for a moment, his fingers sweeping past yours, sending your heart rate up.
He says something before walking away, but you aren’t really paying attention, more panicking at what you just got yourself into.
You’re going to prom with Derek Shepherd.
You never planned on taking this very seriously. You were just gonna throw on your dress from senior year, slip into some heels, and head back to the hospital.
But now?
Needless to say, you’ll be spending more time getting ready.
Two hours.
You left work early, and spent two damn hours getting ready for the prom.
All because of Derek Shepherd.
He’s the bane of your existence.
You can’t think around him.
You can’t think about much besides him.
When you’re with him, your happier than you’ve ever been.
Everything about him just makes you adore him more. His personality, his talent, his skills, his smile, his laugh, everything.
He might just be the love of your life.
You brush out the carefully placed curls in your hair, watching as they fall over your shoulders in waves. Your old prom dress still fits you, thank God.
The satin fabric hugs your waist, thin straps showing off your collarbone and shoulders.
A slit runs up from the bottom of the flowing skirt of the dress, stopping around the middle of your thigh.
Even you have to admit you look good.
You slip on your heels when you hear a knock at the door, and you swear you feel your heart stop.
You look at the clock by your bed.
9:00 exactly.
He really might be perfect.
Meredith peeks her head into your room, you’re living with her for the time being.
She smiles when she sees you despite how uncomfortable you look.
You haven’t been on a date in months, and you don’t think you’ve been this gussied up in years.
“You look great. I’m sure Derek’s gonna agree.” She teases you, all your friends have known you have a thing for Derek since you started your internship at Seattle Grace.
And now that you finally caved and said yes to a date with him?
You’re gonna be hearing a lot of shit about it tomorrow.
You can’t help but feel like this’ll be worth it.
“Thank you, and shut up.” Meredith laughs at your attitude, heading downstairs to her boyfriend, Finn.
You follow behind her, exhaling nervously before opening the front door to find Derek standing in front of you.
Derek, decked out in a suit and tie.
His hair is perfect, as usual.
And in his hands, a bouquet.
A bouquet of your favorite flowers.
You mentioned it once. A simple, offhand comment. You can’t even remember how it came up. But he did.
He remembered. He cared.
He’s making it really hard for you not to fall in love with him.
For a second you recognized an expression on his face you’re not sure you’ve seen before. He looked nervous. That was before his classic McDreamy smile appeared on his face when he saw you.
“Did I get it right?” He asked, handing you the flowers.
You’re blushing like a schoolgirl, honestly a bit giddy. Here you are, getting flowers, being taken to prom by the most handsome man you’ve ever seen.
You nod, taking them and stepping inside to let Derek in.
“Yeah, yeah you got it right.” You speak quieter than you usually would as you quickly place the flowers in the vase, smiling widely when you feel his eyes glued to your every move.
You turn around to find Derek watching you, a sweet smile on his face, a look in his eyes that means more than just simple attraction.
He admires you carefully, not as a painting, a still, lifeless thing meant for him to enjoy, to examine, to scrutinize.
He admires you like a worshipper in church.
He adores you, and the look in his eyes might as well be a sign around his neck that reads ‘I’m in love with you.’
“You’re beautiful.” His voice is breathy when he speaks, and the words cause a vivid blush to rise on your face.
You utter your thanks shyly, stepping towards him and taking his hand when he offers it. He regains his composure quickly, slipping back into the flirty pattern you two follow.
Still, the basis of it, the reason why all of this is happening.
It’s not flirtation. Not attraction. Not even because you like each other.
It’s more than that.
It’s love.
He leads you to his car, you’ve been in it a couple times before, on the way to dinners you swore weren’t dates, nights spent with one another when you were still adamant on refusing to develop feelings for your boss.
Or, adamant on pretending not to, at least.
The car ride isn’t terribly long, but somewhere in the middle of it, your hand is on the middle console when Derek’s comes down from the wheel, landing on top of yours.
You don’t move, and he takes the opportunity to interlace your fingers, earning a smile from you that makes him wish he could freeze time and stay in this moment forever.
“Thank you, for asking me.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, and you look over at him. His eyes stay glued to the road, but you watch as the corners of his mouth lift to a smile.
“Thank you for saying yes.” He quips back, looking over to you when you stop at a red light.
You laugh for a moment before responding. “It was about damn time.”
The moonlight glistens off his face as he laughs, every detail about him making you fall for him more.
He’s mesmerizing, and you can’t bring yourself to take your gaze off of him.
You’ve got it bad.
“Yeah, it was.” Theres still laughter lingering in his voice when he speaks, and you think you could melt right then and there at the sound of it.
It’s not long after that when you arrive at the hospital. You go to open your door before Derek does so for you, going to the effort of helping you out.
“What a gentlemen.” You say teasingly, letting your hand stay clasped in his as you walk into the hospital.
“I’ve been trying to land a date with you for months, I’m not gonna screw it up now.” He smiles down at you when he speaks, scanning your face. Pieces of hair fall to frame it, and he brings his free hand up to brush them away quickly, knowing the affect it has on you when you blush and look away quickly.
You’re honestly a bit shocked when you see how put together the whole event it, decorations are everywhere, and the lobby has been turned into a dance floor.
You already see a few people you know, the ones that came here with dates are already dancing, and the ones that are alone?
Well, they’re drinking the night away.
You don’t realize where Derek is taking you, too busy looking around, until his arm slips around your waist, and his other hand is holding yours as you’re pressed flush to his chest.
Derek Shepherd just asked you to dance, without saying a word.
“May I?” He’s good at this, and he knows it.
For a brief, insecure moment, you wonder why. You wonder if the reason this is so natural for him is because you’re not the only woman he does it for.
If you’re just a phase.
A tough one to crack.
You worry that he doesn’t feel the same way as you do.
But then, you look him in the eyes, and the softest, the gentle, loving, adoration in his gaze.
Your worries vanish like fog burning away on a summer morning.
“I’m not very good at this.” You warn, smiling sheepishly up at him as he begins to sway you, a grin on his lips.
You’re closer than you’ve ever been. Your free arm is thrown around his neck lazily, and you could melt into his embrace.
He leans down, whispering in your ear, his minty breath fanning over your neck. “I don’t mind.”
You smile when you hear him, laughing sweetly when he continues to dance with you. There’s a few people watching. You and Derek have become a topic of conversation around the hospital ever since he started pursuing you so strongly.
So, pretty much since your first day.
Neither of you seem to mind, to engrossed in each other to care. He hasn’t stopped looking at you this whole night. You’re always stunning, he usually can’t keep his eyes off you when you’re just in your scrubs.
But tonight?
You look like an angel came down to earth.
Derek lifts your arm above your head quickly and spins you, smiling brightly when the sound of your bubbly laughter reaches his ears.
It’s the best thing he’s ever heard.
When he pulls you back in your pressed close to him, touching his chest with yours, staring up into his cerulean eyes. Your breathe mingles as he looks down to you, his gaze flickering to your lips as he does.
Everything else feels like it just disappears. The only thing that matters, the only thing in your world, is the man standing in front of you.
You curse yourself for waiting so long. For always being so damn good. For not letting yourself have this sooner.
Have him sooner.
Every single time he asked you out, you wanted to say yes. But you didn’t, you were too focused on everything you shouldn’t have been.
Everything but him.
And now?
You’re done.
So when he leans forward, when his lips brush yours. You close your eyes and let him kiss you, and it makes your knees weak. It rips the air out of your lungs.
It flips your world upside down.
You could have repeated this moment forever and been happy.
You move against him, kissing back, running your hands through his hair. His hands slip further down your waist, coming to rest on the small of your back.
Your forced to pull away as you begin to run out of air, gasping a bit as you do. You press your forehead to Derek’s, smiling widely.
He pulls you in closer, and you bring your head to rest in the crook of his neck, and he sways you back and forth, abandoning any efforts of actually trying to dance.
“You got me.” You whisper, and you feel laughter rumbling in his chest when he hears you.
After all this time, all of the asking, all the flirting, everything.
You let go.
Let go of your worries.
And grabbed on to him.
And you are never, ever, letting go.
A/N: Soooo this is short and kinda cheesy ngl, but I hope y’all liked it.
edit: guys stop glazing we all know this doesn’t deserve over 600 likes
- di <3
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iedistis · 8 months
It's a shame they changed the Franc letters so much tone-wise because they gave Gortash a lot more nuance in his methods than what's going on in the patched version. Sure, those may be more banite but I always liked how in the original, the tyranny was not in the relationship between both characters but rather their acts committed together.
I enjoy Gortash as a character so much because he subverted the expectation of what a Chosen of Bane would be. His approach is deeply Machiavellian. The idea of him working his way up through the ranks of aristocracy by both cultural impact that is unignorable thanks to his machinery and a force of personality that disarms his targets emotionally and turns them favourable towards him on an interpersonal level instead of forcing them into submission via fear and threats(as one would expect) made it compelling. It made way for tyranny harder to uproot than one built on aggression because it would not just subjugate people, but change them. A person who fears you is closer to betrayal than one who loves instead. It is an alternative way of subjugation and I like to think that's what may have differentiated him from other Banites so much it made him a Chosen.
And those letters showed how that could've played out. They were deeply manipulative. Threats, if there were any, were in the beginning and faded into the background with the overpowering charm that continued on. The newer version falls flat in comparison. They start and end with thinly veiled threats and that's just not as powerful.
It sucks because I considered them a potential window into how the past relationship of Gortash/Durge could've started out too (regardless of how you interpret the nature of it). I don't think they could've gotten so close as to prompt something like the prayer of forgiveness like this simply because I can't see a Dark Urge responding to threats, fearless avatar of murder and all that. But the first version? Shallow flattery to get the foot into the door and appealing to their wants (like some good old torture racks) to ultimately foster an emotional attachment so severe it borders on heresy for at least one of them? That's awful. I like it.
In the patched letters he's just…evil. A more open and diplomatic (and perhaps more in line with bane) version of it, but also one a lot more predictive. Shame.
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What a bore
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AN: Beginning the birthday festivities with ChanCheol. I had a more ambitious birthday fic in mind but, figuring out the logistics of sex with six men was a nightmare lol so, I settled on the top two for this year. Maybe I'll tackle the whole line next year.
Synopsis: Your coworkers are mostly palatable people, really, they are. Except for Yoon Jeonghan, who has quickly become the bane of your existence in the months since you've transferred. He thinks you don't do anything beyond work and stay in your apartment, and he has no problem telling you that. You're more than happy to prove him wrong with the help of your willing coworkers: Seungcheol and Chan.
General tags and warnings: Choi Seungcheol x Fem! Reader x Lee Chan, Non-Idol AU, coworkers to coworkers who fuck, they all work within a company with a pretty prominent drinking culture so, alcohol and alcohol consumption and Jeonghan is an asshole in this (there are elements of peer pressure and he's pretty passive-aggressive but, he does get somewhat better).
Smut tags: petnames, not exactly sex in an elevator, but there are moments of Chan and Reader getting hot and heavy in an elevator, they all have sex after drinking (no one is drunk, and everything is consensual), dirty talk, possessiveness if you squint, praise, nipple play (f. receiving), strength kink if you squint, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), overstimulation (f. receiving), Seungcheol licks Chan's fingers, piv sex without a condom, hair pulling, mild degradation, objectification if you squint, creampies, manhandling and aftercare.
Word count: 12.3K (*clown noises*)
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Thursdays, typically, are days you don't care for. They're a stepping stone to the true hero of the week: Fridays. However, at Martinz, you've come to learn over the course of your past two months here, Thursdays were the best day of the week. It's in the way everyone glances at the clock, waiting for 17:00 to roll around. Almost everyone in the office practically jumping out of their poorly supported chairs as soon as the clock strikes. Hurriedly tugging on their jackets and making their way Jun's for drinks on the company's dime. 
You've opted out since you've started here. Not really seeing the appeal in getting drunk with your coworkers when you still need to report for work the next morning. Especially knowing you don't exactly have the same tolerance you did when you were much, much younger. You're more than content to spend your Thursday nights bundled under your favourite blanket and catching up on your shows for the week. 
Seungcheol, Chan and Jeonghan always extend an invitation without fail. Two sets of pleading eyes begging you to join them for the night while one is knowing but, he extends an invitation along with your other two coworkers nonetheless. You always decline. Appreciating their desire to include you but, you've never really been the type to interact with the people you work with more than necessary. It's how you operated at all of your previous jobs so, you don't see why anything would be any different here. 
Seungcheol and Chan are understanding. To the point where guilt does twist up your insides a little but, their megawatt smiles help assuage any of it. Jeonghan, however, is not one to let things go easily as you've come to learn. 
"Oh, going straight home again?" He asks while the four of you pack away your items for the night, his eyebrow raised as he observes you over the wooden dividers between your desks. Frankly, they should be higher in your opinion. You enjoyed the sight of the stunning man when you first started but, now his smug face and permanently raised eyebrow grate your nerves in a way that would be impressive if he wasn't so aggravating. 
"Jeonghan," Seungcheol interjects, shooting you an apologetic look on the other man's behalf. Sometimes, you don't understand how someone as kind as Seungcheol can put up with him but, the two men are practically two peas in a pod. From your peripheral, you can see Chan shuffle uncomfortably in his seat. Not that you blame him. This is why you try to not interact with Jeonghan more than strictly necessary. The tension grows to uncomfortable levels even for you sometimes but, you have always been stubborn, as your best friend, Seungkwan, is fond of reminding you. 
"What?" Jeonghan asks Seungcheol in a way that masquerades as innocent, "I'm merely making polite conversation with our colleague. That's all," he finishes, shooting you a look as though he's seriously waiting for you to answer his question when all four of you can likely recite your answer by heart by now. 
"Yes, Jeonghan. I'm going home," you grit out, your fingernails digging into the faux leather material of your bag. Your jaw only clenching further when a grin speards across his face. It's all venom and, all three of you seem to brace yourselves for the words that leave his mouth next, 
"Oh, of course. I suppose I should expect that from you. You are the more reserved type, after all."
You'll never admit it but, those words echo throughout your head all the way to your apartment. They remain in your mind and play on repeat while you change into your pajamas, order dinner for yourself and settle onto your couch. They continue to haunt you even during your attempt to distract yourself with trash reality television. You know yourself. You have no issues with the person you are. You're not going to let some asshole who hasn't even known you for three months rattle your self-image. You know how to have fun and enjoy yourself. That part of yourself just isn't any of your coworkers' business. Separating work and fun is a philosophy that has saved you from many headaches and much drama over the years. Jeonghan doesn't know shit. 
Even with those assertions, it's difficult to forget his words for longer than you care to admit. 
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Thursday rolls around once more. You can already feel the migraine building behind your eyes when Jeonghan looks at you. Seungcheol and Chan, for their parts, choose to focus on their computers. You know they aren't actually working on any sales. They both have the subtlety of an elephant hiding behind a telephone pole. You do understand their lack of willingness to involve themselves unless Jeonghan pushes too far. Which you don't think will take him all that long. 
"So, will you be joining us tonight?" He asks with that knowing smirk you want to wipe off of his face. His face resting in his hand while he waits for you to answer. 
"Don't you have work to do, Jeonghan? Is all you think about going out for drinks?" You ask with a faux curious tilt of your head, the saccharine tone of your voice does not go unnoticed by the three men. Seungcheol looks surprised that you not only cut him off from pulling the other man back in line but, that you responded to him at all. You suppose you've finally had enough. Being the bigger person gets exhausting very, very quickly. 
Jeonghan looks intrigued by your response. Opting to bite, he says, "I finished my work over an hour ago. Plus, it's almost time to close up for the day anyways. I simply know how to balance work and enjoying myself. Perhaps you should take some notes out of my book," he finishes with a glint in his eyes. 
What a fucking dick. 
"You know what? Yes, I will be joining everyone for drinks tonight. I think I've earned it after how grating this week has been," you respond and maybe you feel too smug for your own good that surprise colours his face for a moment. However, Jeonghan being Jeonghan, it disappears nearly as quickly as it morphed onto his face. 
"Hey, you know you don't have to come. Jeonghan's just being a dick," Chan chimes in, shooting you a reassuring look. Jeonghan pouts dramatically at being referred to as a dick but, he doesn't refute Chan's assertion. Given how he's treated you, he seems to have the self-awareness to know better. 
"Yeah, we know not it's not for everyone. Hell, Jihoon maybe comes out like three times a year and, one of those is for his birthday," Seungcheol adds, big, warm, brown eyes looking at you softly. His full lips spreading in a smile that's meant to soothe the tension in the air. You appreciate the two of them. Honestly, they've been far kinder than you than you probably deserve but, this isn't about them right now. 
"No, I want to. Don't worry. I'm curious to see what the excitement is about since Jeonghan can never quite stop talking about it," you respond with a miniscule upturn of your own lips. It's not much but, you hope it's enough to ease any concerns the two men have. They exchange a glance with each other while Jeonghan smiles with far too many teeth and his head resting in his hand, 
"This'll be interesting."
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Anxiety simmers in your bloodstream as you join your hoard of coworkers at Jun's. It's not a massive bar by any means but, you think you understand why it's become the go-to spot rather than anywhere else around your offices as soon as you step through the door. The atmosphere instantly feels welcoming, a stunning, giant of a man who you learn is named Mingyu greeting you all as you flow through the entrance. The booths and tables are quickly filled by the people from your office and, you scan the area looking for a place to sit that isn't outside or close to the bathrooms. 
"Come on," Seungcheol says with a gentle nudge to your shoulder, the smile he gives you under the lowlighting of the bar heats your system in a way you think would be unwise to dissect right now, "We usually sit in booth number 8. We kind of have unofficial dibs on it," he says with a chuckle and you see Chan nod in agreement. Jeonghan doesn't say much, much to your surprise, as the four of you settle yourself into your seats.
Chan sits beside you while Seungcheol and Jeonghan opt to sit next to each other and across from the two of you. Shrugging off your coat, you briefly wonder if it would've caused you less of a headache to sit next to Jeonghan instead of looking at him for the entire night but, Chan's presence next to you is more than welcome. Plus, you can just look at Seungcheol instead, which isn't a terrible alternative. Not in the slightest. 
"So, what would you guys recommend?" You ask in an attempt to crawl out of the shell you've crafted for yourself. You may have come out tonight mostly to spite your dick of a coworker but, you aren't opposed to having a decent time with your other coworkers. Plus, free alcohol and food are offers you know better than to say no to. Your parents would be disappointed in you otherwise. 
"The soju here is really good," Seungcheol pipes up, glancing up at you over his menu. "The beer's great too," Chan says with a smile that disarms you a little seeing it so up close. Heat rushes to your face and you hide your face in your own menu, pretending to scan the items while you use the time to calm yourself down a little. Really? Getting flustered just because you're with your, admittedly, good-looking coworkers outside of work? Good lord. Get a grip. 
"I'm going to be honest, I think beer is kinda gross," you say sheepishly and you nearly laugh at the affronted looks on both Seungcheol and Chan's faces. Hell, even Jeonghan cracks a smile that you'd consider a smidge genuine. 
"Beer isn't gross," the older man protests with a pout that you're not used to seeing on his handsome face. It suits him. You wonder if you'd see it more if you came out with them. Maybe it makes itself known more outside of the confines of the office. 
"Yeah, you've probably just had shitty beer," Chan argues with a nod so assertive you're a little worried he might hit his head hard on the back of the seat in your booth. You giggle at the two men nonetheless. Clearly your coworkers are avid beer drinkers and defenders. 
"Or, consider, that beer just sucks," you argue with a smile and you have to bite back a laugh at the sincerely affronted looks the two men send your way, "Soju is okay. It's a little too bitter for my liking but, I don't mind it. But hey, why are you guys drinking soju on a Thursday?" 
"Maybe because we're not killjoys and we can handle our alcohol," Jeonghan finally pipes up. You knew it was too good to be true. You knew you couldn't just have a decent night out with this man in your presence. The somewhat pleasant atmosphere that the three of you have managed to create is completely evaporated by Jeonghan's commentary and, you wonder if he's just like this or only like this because you're out with them tonight. 
"Anyways," you continue on, choosing not to rise to his bait this time and scanning the various alcoholic beverages that span the menu, "I think I'm going to order a glass of red wine. I'm a bit of a lightweight too so, that should be a safe option," you say with a small smile to directed to the two other men in the booth, "I'll probably also get some fries because drinking alcohol on an empty stomach is no-no I learned the hard way." 
"Wait, how'd you learn that lesson?" Chan asks, an amused smirk spreading across his handsome face while he glances at you. Seungcheol looks curious about that particularly story too. You're not sure if they're desperate to avoid you and Jeonghan spitting venom at one another or sincerely curious but, you indulge them nonetheless. 
That's how you tell them about one night in your second year of university where you and Seungkwan were short on cash but, wanted a night out. The semester had been kicking your asses and you two thought you'd earned a night of flirting with cute boys and taking shots of tequila. So, pooling the little money you two had, you spent it all on and drinks and nothing else. Being too young and dumb and desperate for a good time to think about having dinner before hitting the clubs. Suffice it to say, you two paid handsomely for your choices. 
Seungcheol and Chan remain invested throughout your story. Hiding their laughter in their mugs of beer that were set on your table along with your wine while you regaled them with the tales of your time in university. At times, electing to laugh out loud freely. Both of their laughs triggering giggles of your own. Embers of fondness flickering inside of you watching their faces contort with joy and, drinking in the way Seungcheol's dimples soften his face and the spread of Chan's smile adds to his already magnetic draw. Jeonghan only sneaks in a few jabs. Perhaps the alcohol is mellowing him out a little, his remarks not enough to distract you from the, surprisingly, good time you're having with your other two coworkers. 
"Wait, he paid you to chug your beer in under three minutes? And you actually agreed?" You ask with a loud laugh, taking a generous sip of your second glass of wine. 
"It was the principle of matter!" Seungcheol argues, his beer sloshing in his mug as he juts his hand out to emphasise his conviction, "A little cash didn't hurt too," he finishes off with a laugh, taking a swing from his glass. 
"He did it though, and Soonyoung had to pay up. A lot. It was on him. What kind of idiot bets so much money on someone being able to chug beer?" Chan adds with a snort of his own. 
"Soonyoung apparently," Seungcheol responds with a chuckle. 
"Hey, a win is a win and, it sounds like you got quite the bit of cash out of it," you say with a small smile, warmth blossoming in your cheeks at the boyish, prideful grin Seungcheol shoots your way, "I don't think I have any uni stories about chugging drinks and making bets, unfortunately." 
"Yeah, you don't seem at all like the adventurous type," a voice you'd be thrilled to never hear again chimes in before he smirks that insufferable smirk of his and sips from his own mug of beer. And you've just had it. It's been easy, for the most part, to ignore Jeonghan and focus on your more pleasant and handsome coworkers. However, maybe it's just that you've reached your breaking point or the alcohol flowing through your veins but, your aggravation reaches a fever pitch. 
"What is your problem?" You finally turn to the source of your foul turn in mood, "What have I done to offend you so personally that you've been a pain in my ass since I started working with you? Or does my mere presence just bother you that fucking much?" 
The entire table goes quiet at your outburst. You do feel a little bad about Chan and Seungcheol having to sit through this. For the nth time. However, the man across from Chan is just so insufferable and seems to enjoy needling a reaction out of you. Well, you hope he's satisfied with the one he ripped from you now. 
Jeonghan appears taken aback by your response. His eyes wide and blinking at you while his mouth opens and closes repeatedly. He looks stupid. Good. 
"I was just teasing. It was just some light hazing," he finally manages to spit out but, his answer just adds a generous heap of gasoline to those sparks of irritation in the pit of your gut. 
"Some light hazing? Really? That's all you have to say for yourself? Being a dick to me for months is just some ha ha funny teasing? We all know you're too old to hide behind such a shitty excuse, Jeonghan," you retort with a smirk that likely looks like the ones he's fond of sending your way. More teeth and venom than anything else. His eyes flash then and perhaps you touched a nerve. Whoops. 
"At least I'm not a bore that barely has any social skills," he spits in reply. Really, it's a horribly weak response and you could've easily been the adult here and let it go. Continue pretending he's not here and listening to more of Seungcheol and Chan's stories. You could have done all of that but, you're so tired. 
"You think I'm boring huh?" You ask him with a smile that's far too saccharine, it even hurts your own face with the effort it takes from you. Turning to face Chan, you decide to make a choice. Is it incredibly impulsive? Absolutely. Is it incredibly stupid and reckless? Absolutely. Will it be worth it? Potentially. 
"Chan, do you think I'm boring?" You ask the man with a bat of your eyelashes and a pout on your lips. Chan doesn't even hesitate before he's tumbling over his words to respond to you, "No-no, not at all!" His earnestness is cute, "Don't listen to Jeonghan. He's just being an asshole. His words don't mean jack shit."
"Thank you, Chan. I appreciate it. Really, I do," you respond with a more genuine uptick of your lips before continuing, "If I asked you to kiss me, would you?" 
That causes his eyes to nearly bulge out of their sockets. You don't miss Seungcheol and Jeonghan's noises of surprise either but, you're focused on the younger of the three men at the moment. Typically your nerves would be more on edge but, interestingly, you're calm. Patiently waiting for the blonde to respond to your question while you take another swing from your glass. 
"Are you- are you drunk?" Are the words he's finally able to stutter out, fingers tugging on his tie a little in what you can only assume to be nervousness. 
"Chan, I know I said I was a lightweight but, two glasses of wine aren't enough to completely knock me out of my senses," you reply with a giggle. You likely wouldn't act this way without the liquid in your veins but it acts as a nudge at best. You'll show Jeonghan who's boring. "You don't have to say yes, of course," you assure him, "but, I think you're cute." 
The blush that colours his face only adds to his attractiveness and, to your shock, he nods. You didn't expect him to truly agree to your, frankly, insane suggestion but, he well and truly nodded just now. You shift closer to him and ease your hands onto his handsome face. It's difficult to tell who closes the gap first but, in the grand scheme of things, you don't think it matters all that much. Chan is a good kisser. He might even be great. He presses his lips firmly to your own but, not to the point of being stiff. Any earlier hesitation he had has vanished without a trace. His mouth meeting your own eagerly and with skill that makes you the tiniest bit lightheaded. 
You pull away first. You're not sure how far this would've gone and, you don't want to push your luck here. Cracking your eyes open (when did you close them?), you're greeted with a sight that sends your insides into a tizzy and prompts your thighs to rub together. Chan watches you through lidded eyes, his gaze zeroing in on your freshly kissed lips while he chases every bit of you he can on his lips with his tongue. Easing your hands off of his face, you turn to face the two speechless men. Jeonghan looks like you just shattered his entire world view. Seungcheol, however, looks stunned for an entirely different reason. Perhaps you're projecting but, you're certain you see traces of the look the younger man gave you moments ago reflected in Seungcheol's gaze. Your suspicions are confirmed when his eyes drift to your mouth not so subtly. 
You can't help the smile that's threatening to split your face in half. Men. Predictable. 
"Seungcheol," you drawl in a voice a little foreign to your own ears but, based on the visible shudder you see run over the built man, he doesn't mind the change all that much, "Would you like to kiss me too? Or are you worried I'm just as boring as your colleague over there asserts?" You ask with a faux innocent tilt of your head while you gesture leisurely towards the man beside him who still hasn't said a word. 
Much like Chan, Seungcheol looks like he can't quite believe what you're offering. He exchanges a glance with the other blonde at the table and whatever discussion the two of them have helps him come to an answer. The knots in your insides that were beginning to twist themselves just from kissing Chan grow significantly more complex just from the weight of Seungcheol's gaze and the nod he directs your way. This time, more maneuvering is required on your part but, Seungcheol is more than happy to meet you halfway. This time, his hand reaches across to cup your jaw and you find yourself growing the slightest bit stupid just from the way his thumb drags itself along your skin. 
"For the record, I've never thought you were boring," he mutters before encompassing you in bliss. Seungcheol's lips, you discover very quickly, are just as soft as they look. It doesn't take him long to take the lead in this liplock. Guiding your head just slightest bit so, it's angled exactly how he wants while every brush of his mouth makes you seriously contempt whether you require oxygen at all. You think you could just live off of him instead.
Much to your dismay, he pulls away first and you painfully understand the disappointment Chan felt earlier when you parted from him. You could kiss the two of them for hours, you think. It's your turn to stare at him in a daze and the self-satisfied smirk he shoots at you does horrible, terrible things to your heart and panties. The two of you part after that without much fanfare. The table is deathly silent for a moment while you stare down Jeonghan who still appears to be coming to grips with what just transpired before his very eyes. 
"I suppose you still think I'm a bore who never does anything outside of my comfort zone," you say to him, leaning on your palm and delighting in his inability to respond, maybe a little too much. Seungkwan has always chided you for your affinity for spite. "I hope you don't take offense to my not being interested in kissing you, though."
"Okay, fuck," he finally breaks, dragging an elegant hand over his face in a way that is a far cry from the smug man you've come to know, "I'm sorry. I was being a dick. You didn't deserve any of that. I guess I just felt threatened by you and I was lashing out." 
That bewilders you. A lot. Out of all the reasons for you to earn the ire of Jeonghan, you don't expect that to be his explanation. "Threatened by me? Why?" You finally manage to ask, staring at him like you can't quite believe this is all even real. What the fuck is your life right now? 
"You're the first person in a very long time who's been real competition for me at work," he chooses to ignore Seungcheol and Chan's interjections and huffs of protest, "I didn't think I was a competitive guy until someone who was actually a challenge came around and, I felt threatened. I'm sorry. I know that probably won't cut it for all the jabs and remarks but, I think I owe you that much at the bare minimum."
"You're not the first insecure man I've had to deal with in this line of work and, you won't be the last," you snort, reacquainting yourself with your glass, "Yeah, you'll have to forgive me if it takes me some time to warm up to you but, I do appreciate this being a start. Who knew kissing our coworkers would be the way to get you to be honest?" You muse behind said glass, smiling at the way all three men blush. You can deal with the ethics of all of this tomorrow. 
"I misjudged you," Jeonghan responds with a disbelieving laugh, "I would've never thought you'd do something like this."
"You know what they say about assuming," you retort but, there isn't as much venom in your voice. You suppose you can't be in too foul of a mood after kissing the two men who think they're being subtle with the glances they sneak your way. 
After that, much to everyone's relief, the tension between you and Jeonghan dissipates significantly.
Without being on edge awaiting Jeonghan's next jab, you're more relaxed than you have been since you started working with the men. Laughing freely at his own stories of horrible night outs and last minute submissions from university. Smiling behind your glass when he shares especially embarrassing tales featuring Seungcheol and Chan, much to their dismay. The atmosphere is calming. Sneaking your own glances of the two men under the low light and appreciating the way it creates a halo effect on both of them. Not that they needed much aid with their looks as it is.
You don't fail to notice how Chan's thighs brush against yours or the way Seungcheol's foot accidentally bumps yours underneath the table. Seungkwan's voice chooses now to echo through your skull. His nagging about how you don't think things through before acting on your pettiness being a particular hit with every silent touch, nudge and look between the three of you. The ghosts of their lips haunting you and it's only been a few hours. Maybe you're more fucked than you realised, you think when Seungcheol sends you another brief weighted gaze before drinking from his mug and, Chan chooses then to rest his hand precariously close to your leg. 
"I think I'm going to call it a night," Jeonghan says after a brief but, not unpleasant lull in conversation, "It's getting late and I have a shit tonne to do tomorrow," he finishes with a sigh for dramatics before sliding out of the booth and grabbing his jacket. You don't know him well enough and it might be a trick of the light but, you swear you see his eyes practically twinkling with an emotion very, very close to amusement as he takes his leave. 
"Goodnight, get home safe," you offer in the tentative peace the two of you have built over the evening. He shoots you a smile that almost looks misplaced on his face. This one is much softer than any he's given you before and you think maybe you and Yoon Jeonghan may be begrudging, civil coworkers yet. Seungcheol and Chan provide their own farewells to the man but, otherwise don't make any moves to slip out of the booth along with him. You're not sure what to expect. Part of you assumed they tended to call it a night together but, based on the way they sink into their seats while the other man walks off to hail a cab, your assumptions are misplaced. 
The silence in the booth is deafening and the air feels decidedly tense. Not tense in the way that had become a staple of your interactions with Jeonghan. No, this isn't nearly as awkward and uncomfortable. You'd think the same bravado that had prompted you to kiss the two men who you now remain in the booth with would continue to carry you for the night but, without Jeonghan here, you find your face growing warm with the gazes you know are being leveled at you. Electing, instead, to keep your eyes locked onto your empty glass and ignoring Chan's body heat radiating mere centimetres away from you. 
"So," Seungcheol is the first one to break the silence. Of course, it would be him. Against your better judgement, you glance up at him out of curiosity and you almost instantly regret that decision. His eyes look glazed with what you suspect to be desire but, perhaps that's projection and the wine on your part. However, it's difficult to shake that suspicion when he just keeps looking at you like that. Full lips parted while his eyes scan over your face, lingering on your lips long enough to leave you squirming in your seat and reminding you of the state of your panties, before settling somewhere beneath your neckline. You have eyes. You know Seungcheol is attractive. And knowing, that on some level based on the way he kissed you and the way he is essentially undressing you with his eyes, he thinks you're attractive too is a lot. 
"It's been quite the night," Chan pipes up and you honestly don't know if you have the resolve to look at him right now. You can already feel yourself coming apart at the seams being the focal point of Seungcheol's attention, you don't think you can handle adding Chan into the mix. He's already too close and his cologne has steadily drifted into your space enough to further muddle your brain and turn your throat remarkably dry. "I'm glad you and Jeonghan sorted everything out. Well, sort of," he laughs and that does make you feel lighter. You've always thought Chan had the most endearing laugh, "Plus, we got to see a different side of you tonight too." 
All of the less carnal thoughts you had briefly are quickly extinguished by the way his mouth curves around the word 'different' and Seungcheol's answering laugh. It's much deeper and drawn out than the cute giggles you've grown accustomed to from him and, your insides burn. 
"I didn't think I'd end up with a kiss from my gorgeous coworker but, I can't say I'm complaining," Seungcheol adds and your heart stutters in your chest when 'gorgeous' registers in your foggy brain. Your hands clenching against your thighs, fingernails biting into your skin through your thin stockings. 
"Same here," Chan replies and you can hear the grin in his voice clear as day. God. What is this night turning into? 
"What's wrong? You haven't said anything since Hannie left. Cat got your tongue?" Seungcheol asks with a tilt of his head and it hits you in this moment why he and the other man got along so well. A glint you've only seen in Jeonghan's eyes shining clear as day in his while one corner of his mouth lifts up, his dimple making an appearance. You're so fucked. 
"I'm not- I don't," you huff in frustration when the words you're looking for don't quite find you, "I'm fine. Just a little hot but, I'm good," you finally manage to spit out. Only feeling mildly embarrassed at the effort it took but, all things considered, you're proud of yourself. 
"Hot huh?" Chan asks in a way that causes the pit of your stomach to drop. Considerably. That drop continues when he shifts closer to you and leisurely slings are a muscular arm over your shoulder. You hope against hope neither man hears the soft gasp that leaves your mouth at the contact. Your grip on your thighs growing harsher when you comprehend his broad body pressed into your side. It takes all of your strength not to rub your thighs together when his scent hits you more viciously this time. 
"Would you like our help cooling off?" 
That forces you to look at Chan. Mouth parting while all you can think to do is stare at him before turning towards Seungcheol who doesn't contest Chan's usage of 'our.' His eyes darker than they were minutes ago while he waits for your response. From the way Chan's fingers absentmindedly trace patterns you can't discern onto your shoulders, he's waiting for a response too. Surely they can't be suggesting what you think they're suggesting. Definitely not. There's no way. This is just a wine, touch starved induced daydream. That's all. 
"Well?" Seungcheol prompts you with a raise of his stupidly attractive eyebrow. Is everything about this man just hot? 
"Well what?" You attempt to spit back but, any stability in your voice is severely undercut by how breathless you sound. Fuck. 
"Do you want our help cooling off?" Chan asks once again and there's no mistaking what he means by the way he's pressed against you and the dip in his voice. His words drifting into your ears like something akin to music. You can't believe you're getting flustered by the same guy who accidentally stapled his tie to his paperwork. Twice. In the same day. 
But really, what do you have to lose? Ethics pretty much took a nosedive off of a steep cliff when you asked to kiss the two of them and they agreed. It's clear they want you as much as you want them. So much for promising yourself to never, ever sleep with a coworker. Here you are contemplating letting two of them fuck you. Your younger self would be aghast. However, you're here now. And you can already feel how sticky and uncomfortable your panties are with every second that ticks by. What's the worst that could happen? 
You nod. Biting your lip in the process and trying your best not to dissolve into a puddle in Chan's arms while you wait for them to respond or react or just do anything. 
"You'll have to use your words, sweetheart," Seungcheol drawls and the tinge of command in his voice makes your stomach perform an entire gymnastics routine. "Yeah, we can't know what you want unless you tell us, baby," all of these petnames are going to make you lose your mind. Especially coming from both of them. 
"I-I want you both to help me," you finally say. You're sure Chan can feel the heat radiating off of your face in waves but, you just hope that that confession is enough for them. 
"Well, we shouldn't keep you waiting then," Seungcheol says with a grin that borders on wolfish. Yeah, you can definitely understand why he and Jeonghan are such close friends. It all makes sense now. 
"There are a few hotels we can choose from down the street," Chan comments, the brush of his blonde hair against your skin sends a shudder down your spine. It really has far too long since you've been touched properly if his hair brushing against your skin is enough to cause you to react so strongly. 
"I'm down if the two of you are," you muster, using every last bit of your nerve to glance at both of them to emphasise your seriousness. They both look like the way to eat you alive and, yeah, having both Choi Seungcheol and Lee Chan's gazes on you at the same time is incredibly overwhelming to put it mildly. 
"Fuck, let's get out of here," Seungcheol practically groans, grabbing his jacket before shimming out of the booth at break neck speed. Your body moves before your brain can catch up. Sliding out onto very unsteady feet, coming into contact with Seungcheol's incredibly solid frame while he steadies you. You choose to ignore the knowing grin that spreads across his face while Chan grabs both of your respective possessions and joins the two of you. 
"Shall we?" The younger man asks as if the three of you are getting ready to grab coffee with each other and not book a night in one of those inconspicuous hotels.
"We shall," Seungcheol responds and you truly cannot believe how cheesy they are. You're not sure what it says about you that these are the two men who caused you to make a mess in your panties and wobble on your feet. Thankfully, they choose not to drag things out after that exchange. The few coworkers who haven't taken Jeonghan's lead and headed home too wave you all off when you pass their tables. Oh. If only they knew. 
It all feels real now. It's one thing to impulsively kiss your coworkers and flirt over drinks. It's a whole other matter to walk out of the bar and walk down the street to a hotel that blends in seamlessly to all of the other businesses. You're too busy being sandwiched between the two muscular men to catch the name. Not that it matters all that much in the grand scheme of things. 
"Hello, could we please book a room for the night? We're not particular on what kind," Seungcheol asks the receptionist. Your face warms when they scan the three of you and raise their eyebrow marginally before typing away at their computer. Chan rubs your side and gives you another one of his blinding smiles while Seungcheol handles the details of whatever room the three of you are going to tumble into. Fortunately, they don't take long to wish the three of you a good night and hand over a room key. You all chorus your thanks in return before making a b-line for the elevator. 
Chan is on you as soon as the doors shut. A surprised gasp from you echoes loudly in the tiny box when he nudges you against the cool wall. His lips pressing featherlight kisses along your jaw while his hands grasp your hips. Groping and fondling every part of you he can while Seungcheol watches the two of you in a mixture of amusement and desire. Your walls clench when your eyes meet over Chan's shoulder and he sends you a lopsided smile that shoots straight to your clit. 
Much to your disappointment, the doors open in what feels like seconds later and Chan separates from you with such ease that it gives you whiplash. You're sure you already look like a wreck and here he is walking out as though he wasn't peppering your throat with kisses while his erection rested against your thigh. Seungcheol has the audacity to laugh at the pout on your lips but, he pulls you out of the elevator with ease. It doesn't take much scanning before the three of you stumble into room 259. It's a pretty luxurious suite. You're a little worried about just how much Seungcheol swiped away nonchalantly when paying for this room but, the two men are on you as soon as the door shuts behind them and before you can think about the cost of tonight further. 
This time, it's Seungcheol's lips that descend upon you. Unlike the younger man, he opts to take his time. Kissing you as though he has all of the time in the world. His large hands reaching up to cup your face and drag his thumbs along your cheeks. Chan does not share the older man's affinity for patience. You throb harshly when you feel his cock pressing against your ass. Gasping into Seungcheol's mouth with every grind and kiss he sears into your neck. His hold on your hips is unrelenting. Keeping you in place while he finds relief in your body and the two men push you towards insanity. It doesn't help that you can feel the beginnings of Seungcheol's hardening cock prod your stomach too. 
Before you're aware of what's happening, both men push you towards the monstrous large bed. Seungcheol laughs when a whine is ripped from your throat when you separate from the two of them, "We're going to take care of you, baby," he soothes while he kicks off his shoes and makes himself comfortable on the bed, "Don't worry." 
"Yeah," Chan chimes in after some time, the throaty quality of his voice turns the storm of butterflies in your stomach into a hurricane, "Just need to get you in place first. Want to taste you," he mutters while he watches Seungcheol tug you towards him with heavy eyes. Situating you between his thick thighs while his lips occupy Chan's previous position and his hands drag along your body. Between every brush of his large hands and the outline of his cock resting against your lower back, it's all so much. However, then your brain is finally hit by Chan's words. 
"Taste me?" You whisper, watching the younger man when he opts to position himself between your thighs. Your heart rising to your throat and close to bursting while his hands leisurely stroke your legs. Even through your stockings, his touch only adds to the sticky mess at the apex of your thighs. "Mhm," Chan hums in affirmation, carefully taking off your work heels and kissing along your left leg while his hand shoves up your skirt, "Been thinking about this for weeks," he mutters, meeting your eyes as his kisses reach higher and higher. 
"When you wear these tight skirts that cling to your ass and shirts that hug your tits, how could we not?" Seungcheol mummers in agreement with Chan directly into your neck and a shiver runs from the top of your spine straight to your pulsing, neglected clit. His fingers shift to unbutton your blouse, more and more of your cleavage spilling out with every steady movement. Your brain is reeling from their confessions and every touch they imprint onto your body. Whimpers all you can think to respond with when Chan reaches your inner thighs and Seungcheol impatiently tugs your shirt off of your shoulders. 
"Tempting us for months now," Seungcheol continues with a teasing edge to his voice into your shoulder while his hands knead your breasts over your bra. Chan hums in agreement against your thigh. Tugging your skirt further up your waist and, you throb when his lidded gaze finds yours between your thighs. "And that little show you put on for Jeonghan," Seungcheol chuckles while his fingers drift from your breasts to fiddle with your clasps. Between your breasts finally being free and Seungcheol wasting no time in cupping them in his large hands and, Chan pressing his face directly onto your covered slit and groaning, you can already feel yourself growing overwhelmed. 
"Well, maybe it wasn't just a show," Seungcheol says between kisses to your neck that prompts goosebumps to rise with every brush of his lips, his thumbs dragging slow circles against your hardened nipples that force mewls from your throat. You'd shut your thighs if Chan wasn't firmly slotted between them, honestly. 
You're brought out of your haze when a ripping sound hits your ears and cool air hits your drenched panties. A startled gasp leaved your lips when you look down to see that Chan ripped your fucking stockings. You're not sure if you're more annoyed or aroused right now. 
"Chan," you hiss, though you doubt you sound angry enough since Seungcheol's fingers are still toying with your nipples and his strong hands eagerly knead as much of your breasts as he can fit in his palms. He even has the nerve to laugh against your shoulder. The fucking audacity. 
"I'm sorry," he certainly doesn't sound all that sorry, "I just got impatient. I'll buy you a new pair. Hell, I'll buy you as many pairs as you want," Chan says, his eyes solely focused on your now exposed, wet panties. Before you can think of a retort, he moves them out of the way and wastes no time in lapping at your soaked slit. 
If Seungcheol didn't have you firmly pressed to his broad chest, you think you may have crumpled on the spot. 
Chan is a passionate man. It bleeds into his work and, he's one the hardest working people you've ever met. Apparently, those characteristics are not only part of his work persona. He doesn't give you a chance to catch your breath. Moaning into your pussy while his hand presses against your thigh to make sure you remain spread for him. Keens ripping from your body when he attaches his lips to your swollen clit, alternating between licks and sucks. Experimenting to see what prompts the best reactions from you. Watching you under his lashes when he licks particularly hard and your hips jolt into his mouth. 
"Is Chan making you feel good, baby?" Seungcheol whispers into your ear, a whimper leaving you when he bites down on your lobe and his fingers tug a little harder on your nipples.
"Ye-Yes," you moan, one of your hands weaving into Chan's blonde locks, not sure if you want to shove him closer or push him away. Fortunately, his hold and mouth make the choice for you. His tongue dragging patterns your hazy mind couldn't hope to discern while one of his hands joins him. A quiver running over your entire body when two of his fingers tease your entrance. 
"Both of y-you. Both of you are making me feel so goo-good," you manage to hiccup. 
"Fuck," Seungcheol grunts, one of his hands reaching up to cup your jaw. Thick fingers pressing into your cheeks fiercely while he angled your face towards him, slamming his mouth against yours and greedily drinking in every sound of pleasure you let out. The kiss is messy and poorly coordinated. It's more tongue and spit and desperation than anything else and you love it. 
Chan chooses then to stop toying with you. Gingerly pushing two of his fingers into you, you're more than wet enough to take it but, you still shift marginally to adjust to the stretch they provide. Your tugs on his hair grow more incessant and you barely have the presence of mind to kiss Seungcheol back. You feel no better than a baser creature right now. The obscene sounds of just how wet you are for both of them bouncing off the walls with every careful movement of Chan's fingers. A far cry from the way his mouth is determined to devour you whole. 
"You taste so good," Chan groans against you briefly before diving back in, curling his fingers faster than before and allowing them to push further into your tight heat. A wanton, broken moan leaves your bruised lips when you and Seungcheol finally separate for air when Chan finds the most sensitive part of your walls. You would roll your eyes at the smirk he presses against you if you could. Really, you would. However, you can already feel your thighs starting to shake and more of your wetness gushing down his palm with every brutal curl of his fingers and lick of your clit. 
"Are you getting close, sweetheart?" Seungcheol's question forces your eyes open (when had you even shut them?) and the heat in his eyes makes your walls clamp down on Chan's fingers. 
"Uh huh," you whimper, using all of your strength to keep your eyes open to look at the older man while he rubs soothing circles into your cheek and his other hand gropes one of your breasts. "'M so close, Cheol. Wanna cum so bad. Channie's mouth and fingers feel so good. Please," you doubt you're making much sense at this point but, it can't be helped when you feel that familiar knot in the pit of your gut growing tighter and tighter. Your words motivate the younger man further. His fingers happily exploit the weakness he found along your walls and he sucks on your clit vigorously. 
"Well, then cum for us, baby. Want you to make a mess for us. On Channie's face and fingers." 
Well, that does you in. 
You're once again thankful that Seungcheol is bracing you against him because you would have dissolved into a puddle the moment your orgasm barreled into you. He kisses you through it. It's not as fierce as his earlier kisses but, you appreciate it nonetheless while you moan and whimper into him. Chan keeps going through it all. Licking along your slit to lap up as much of you as he can while his fingers continue to work inside of your spasming walls. Not giving you the slightest chance to shut your thighs and making you take every, single sensation while you try your best to ride out one of the most intense orgasms of your fucking life. 
"Ch-Channie," you whimper, pulling away from Seungcheol and tugging on the younger man's hair in an attempt to separate him from your poor, throbbing pussy, "Too much," you heave, shaking in Seungcheol's arms. Your eyes roll into the back of your skull when he gives you a few more kisses before unlatching himself from you. He eases his fingers out of you slowly and it feels like a fucking lifetime before you're painfully empty once again. 
You're panting and heavily slumped against Seungcheol who happily lets you rest against him. Chan rests against the backs of his legs once he comes up for air too, his chest heaving just as heavily as yours. His face is flushed and the bottom half of it is drenched in spit and your juices. His tongue peaking out to chase as much of your wetness as it can reach, his eyes glazed with desire. God, you don't think you'll ever forget the sight of him like this. 
"You should taste her," are the first words he speaks, the scratchiness in his voice shooting straight to your near overstimulated clit, "She tastes fucking heavenly. Honestly could've kept my mouth on her all night," he borderline moans to the older man over your shoulder. 
"Based on the way you were humping the mattress and nearly came in your pants, I bet she does," Seungcheol laughs from the depths of his chest, his body vibrates with it. Chan scowls at the older man, "I didn't nearly cum in my pants. It's not my fault she tastes good and I got fucking hard," he pouts and, god, him pouting while his mouth is still covered with you should not be so hot. 
"Here, taste for yourself," Chan retorts, lifting the hand that is still covered in you towards the older man. That catches you off-guard. If Seungcheol wasn't behind you, you'd be staring at the man unblinkingly to see how he responds. How he reacts. However, you can't see him or what expression he's making at Chan's offer. 
"Fine," and like that you hear the sound of him lapping at the younger man's fingers with the same enthusiasm Chan had when he was between your thighs. 
These two want you to fucking die. 
"See?" Chan asks with a smug smirk spreading across his face, pulling his fingers back. The knowledge that they're now wet with Seungcheol's spit significantly worsens the ache between your thighs. 
"You're right," Seungcheol grumbles from behind you, strong hands moving to run along your sides, "I need to get a taste for myself later," he muses, grasping at your hips and squeezing them hard. 
The thought of his mouth on you causes you to whimper. And, unfortunately for you, both men hear you based on the heavy looks you can feel on you right now. 
"Greedy," Seungcheol laughs behind you and you ignore the heated rush that courses through your veins, "Wonder how long you've imagined having both of us like this," Chan muses, watching you through his bangs and god, you don't understand how he manages to look so fucking hot. Maybe Seungcheol is right. Maybe you are just insatiable for both of them. Your lust is a bottomless pit. 
"Since the first week I started working with the two of you," you breathe and your noise of surprise is muffled by Chan. Your eyes widen and your brain takes a second too long to kiss him back but, you eventually do nonetheless. Melting into him when the taste of your cum hits your tastebuds. Desperate hands clutching at his previously pristine work shirt while he licks into your mouth. 
"You should've told us. We could've had you like this for weeks," Seungcheol whispers into your ear, shallowly rutting himself against your ass while Chan continues to messily make out with you. 
"Fuck," you moan into the younger man's mouth at Seungcheol's words, the throbbing starting to teeter on painful once again, "Please. Fuck me, please. I want both of you. I'm so empty, it hurts," you whimper, touching and attempting to grasp at both of them simultaneously. Anything to relieve the endless desperation you're drowning in. 
"Poor baby," Chan coos once he's pulled away from you, his eyes watching the way his thumb drags along your bottom lip before looking at Seungcheol once again. Whatever exchange they have this time doesn't take long before Chan's eyes are on you once again, "Be a good girl and bend over, sweetheart. We'll take care of you." 
It's all a scramble of limbs and hurried movements from there. You miss the warmth and safety of being caged by Seungcheol but, the promise of being filled motivates you more. The sounds of clothes rustling catches your attention and your breath stops in your lungs as you watch Chan hurriedly shrug his shirt off to reveal years worth of hard earned muscle. Saliva pooling in your mouth when he unbuckles his belt and kicks off his boxers and dress pants, his cock slapping against his stomach and making you clamp down hard. 
"Like what you see?" He asks and this time you do roll your eyes at him, "Shut up," you respond and Seungcheol laughs from his position against the headboard. 
"Quite the mouth you've got there, sweetheart," Chan says as he comes up behind you, his hands grasping your stockings and hurriedly pulling them and your ruined panties off of you. Leaving you completely nude and exposed to both men. "Let's see if you'll still be mouthing off to me in a bit," he says, kneading your ass. His blunt fingernails biting into your skin and sending lightning from the top of your spine to the very base. 
A strangled gasp bounces off the walls when he rubs himself against your ass, groaning at the friction and watching you grow wetter and wetter with each grind of his cock against you.  
"Chan, please," you whine, pressing back into him in search of any kind of relief. 
You expect him to give you a tougher time. Tease you. Toy with you until frustrated tears brim your eyes but, fortunately, he seems just as pent up as you are. 
"I've got you, baby," he practically moans, nudging your entrance with the head of his cock. Ensuring he's sufficiently coated in your wetness before he carefully starts to push into you. Your combined sounds of pleasure quickly fill the entire room, your eyes fluttering shut with every centimetre he sinks into you. You're so wet. Wet enough that it's smeared your thighs but, the stretch is still overwhelming. Your fingers clawing at the sheets and your mouth hanging open as your walls try to accommodate Chan's girthy cock. 
"You're doing so well, pretty girl," Seungcheol soothes you, reaching for you and cupping your heated face. You'd honestly forgotten about him for a moment. However, his touch and words are more than welcome. They help you relax as much as you can until Chan bottoms out. Cracking your eyes open, you moan at the sight of the older man watching you with a mixture of softness and desire. Your eyes dropping to map as much of his skin with them as you can. You don't know when he removed his shirt but, you weren't complaining in the slightest. 
Your walls clench and unclench around Chan's cock sporadically, trying to grow accustomed to the thick intrusion while Chan's hands continue to knead your ass and Seungcheol helps you relax as much as you can. 
"Ch-Chan. You can m-move," you finally whimper out when the discomfort subsides substantially. He hums in affirmation before slowly pulling out of you halfway and thrusting back in just as slowly. It's still a fucking lot and, you can already feel the strength to hold yourself up leaving you. A broken moan leaving your bruised lips and Seungcheol chooses then to kiss you. One of his hands drifting to your hair and tugging on it lightly while Chan continues to shallowly work you open. His cock deliciously dragging along your slick walls while he moans softly behind you. 
"Is Chan's cock making you feel good?" Seungcheol asks teasingly, his eyes glinting when you shut your eyes as Chan gives you an especially deep stroke, his hands spreading your ass so he can watch the way you cling to him and coat his cock. Your brain is quickly turning to liquid in your skull as his pace picks up a bit. Not too much but, enough for the sounds of his balls hitting you to become more audible. 
"I asked you something, baby," Seungcheol says, the darker edge to his voice unconsciously making you tighten around Chan who groans louder than he previously had, his hips snapping into you hard enough to push you towards Seungcheol. 
"Ye-Yes, Cheol. Ch-Channie's dick is making me feel s-so go-good," you finally stutter out. You have an inkling the other man knows what he's doing because it doesn't take much after that for Chan to fuck into you with very little hesitance. Thick fingers moving to hold onto your hips and keeping you firmly in place so you couldn't squirm away from him. That finally evaporates any strength you had left. Seungcheol happily lets you rest against his thigh and his cock, straining against his boxers, joins your line of sight. 
"Che-Cheol," you whimper, trying to collect all of your brain cells that aren't currently mush right now. Reaching for his cock and needily palming him over his boxers, prompting a grunt from the man from the very back of his throat. 
"God, you're so fucking cock hungry," he grits out, his hips pressing into your hand to help alleviate some of the pressure. "Chan's already fucking you and here you are trying to get my dick out," he groans, looking down at you through his damp hair. 
"I think she likes when you talk to her like that," Chan laughs breathlessly behind you, leaning down to press a kiss against your back while he continues to fuck into your warm, wet walls, "Our little cockslut." 
The word makes you whine into Seungcheol's thigh. Much like Chan, he seems to be a little too fond of being a bit mean to you too based on the way he chuckles. "Don't be shy," he coos, reaching down to cup your face and make you look at him. You're sure you look like a fucking wreck right now. "If you want to suck me off, you could've just asked, baby," he says, his fingers brushing along your bottom lip and following the movements religiously. A quiet curse that falls from his plump lips as he watches you. That's more than enough motivation for him to pull his hands away from you and tug off his boxers. Tossing them to join the mess you've all made on the hotel room floor. 
Seungcheol is big. No, big is putting it mildly. Seungcheol is fucking massive. The sound his cock makes when it hits his thigh is enough to intimidate you further. Not that it required much since the sheer size of him was enough to prompt your eyes to widen, mouth to salivate and pussy clench viciously around Chan. 
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to," he says once you've ogled him sufficiently, his eyes shining with concern and his hand toying with your hair. 
"No, I want to. I want you in my mouth, Cheol." 
His cock jumps at your words and you think his reaction is going to supply you with enough confidence to last at least a lifetime. "Fuck, okay. I'll go slow," he groans, wrapping his hand around his cock and you didn't think it could look any more appealing until now. True to his word, Seungcheol does very, very slowly push into your mouth. He tastes a little salty but not unpleasant. It does take awhile for you to adjust to his size and you can already feel the ache developing in your jaw. However, it's worth it. It's so worth it the way Seungcheol groans when he's halfway in your mouth. It's worth it when his fingers weave themselves in your hair and tugging on it gently while he shallowly fucks your mouth. 
Between the way Chan molds you around his cock and the way you drool around Seungcheol's, you aren't really capable of much else than letting the two of them find pleasure in your body and taking the pleasure they give you. Your body jolts when the fat head of Seungcheol's cock hits the back of your throat. 
"Shit, 'm sorry, baby. Are you okay?" He asks, his warm, brown eyes looking down at you with concern. You try your best to nod with him still in your mouth. Conveying to him that it's okay and he once again thrusts into your mouth. This time around you're better prepared to handle the brush of his cock on the back of your throat. "Fuck, you're so fucking tight. You love being our little toy to use huh?" Chan moans, his hand snaking between your slick thighs to rub heavy-handed circles into your clit. Your pitchy moans are muffled by Seungcheol's cock, spit dribbling down your chin while your body shudders as Chan drags you onto his cock and pushes you closer and closer to another orgasm. 
"You're taking my cock so well, sweetheart," Seungcheol praises, his pace picking up slightly until the sounds of you choking on him join the litany of noises that fill your hotel room. You can already tell that your throat will be raw tomorrow but, you don't care. You can't when he looks so stunning fucking your mouth and copious amounts of his pre-cum join the mess slipping past your lips. 
"Fuck," Chan grits behind you, his thrusts quickly shifting from precise and brutal to sloppy and bordering on uncoordinated. Based on the way his cock twitches inside of you, you wager that he's close. You're proven right not long after that when he chokes out your name before pressing his hips flush against your ass, his cock throbbing as rope after rope of his cum floods your eager and awaiting walls. Between the warmth that floods your pussy and his continued rubbing your clit, you tumble over the proverbial edge soon after him. All your whimpers and mewls turn to vibrations around Seungcheol's cock, overstimulated tears streaking down your face as your body spasms along with Chan's. 
"Fuck, pretty girl, you should see yourself," Seungcheol grits out, easing his cock out of your mouth while you try to gather your bearings as Chan holds onto you to steady himself. Your walls still spasm around his softening cocl through the aftershocks and that just prompts him to dig his fingers into you and, moan quietly. 
"Are you two okay?" Seungcheol asks with equal parts concern and amusement, eyeing your respective fucked out states. 
"Yeah, just needed a moment," Chan responds first, gently pulling out of you. You can't help but, cringe at the feeling and the sudden emptiness. Your body finally collapsing onto the sheets since Chan isn't holding you up any longer. Your thighs feel little better than jelly at the moment and your breathing is still laboured. 
"Yeah, I'm okay," you reply once you start to come back to yourself, blinking up at Seungcheol who shoots you a gentle smile and strokes your hair. You notice that he's very much still hard and part of you wonders why he didn't just cum in your mouth. You'd be more than happy to let him. 
"You haven't cum yet," you say, glancing at his wet, very hard cock before looking at his face. 
He laughs and Chan snorts behind you, "I didn't want it to be too much for you. Don't worry. If you're tired, I can just take care of myself and we can call it a night." 
You can't help but pout and reach for him, wrapping a hand around him and delighting in the hiss that leaves his lips, "I'm not tired and I want you to cum too, Cheol. Do you want to use my mouth or cum inside too?" 
You probably shouldn't find the way his jaw clenches so attractive yet here you are. 
"Told you she was a cockslut," Chan pipes in and you shoot him an annoyed look over your shoulder briefly. You doubt you look all that mad at him since you take a moment to appreciate the way his blonde locks stick to his damp forehead and a thin sheen of sweat makes him look even more mouthwatering, "Shut up, Chan," you retort before turning back to the other man and waiting for his answer. 
"You're trying to kill me," Seungcheol jokes, sounding short of breath, "Can you roll onto your back for me, baby?" 
You comply so fast that you're surprised you don't give yourself whiplash. Chan grins at you before moving out of the way without much fanfare. Taking Seungcheol's previous position against the headboard and being content to spectate this time around. 
It's one thing to see Seungcheol while Chan was rearranging your spine but, the vision he makes between your thighs will be the stuff of your fantasies for years to come after tonight. He's longer than Chan. You can tell as much just from looking at him and feeling the younger man inside you. It's going to be an adjustment but, you're more than ready to take him. 
"Are you ready?" He asks, glancing at you through his bangs while he grinds against your wet slit. Sneaking a few peaks to watch the way you cover him in your wetness. You would giggle at his complete lack of subtlety if you weren't itching to feel him. 
"Seungcheol, yes," you whine, grinding back against him so he knows you're more than certain about this. 
"Never hurts to make sure," he tuts but, grabs himself in his hand nonetheless. Guiding himself to your wet entrance and very gradually sinking into you. Your mouth hangs open as a gasp leaves your lips at the sensation. Fortunately, the stretch isn't too overwhelming. Chan certainly made sure of that. However, Seungcheol is still big and it takes you a while to grow accustomed to the way he pushes into you. 
"Chan was right," he groans, watching your face and body for any signs of this all being too much, "You're so fucking tight and wet, baby."
All you can do is moan in response. Pitchy whimpers being punched from your chest when he's finally fully sheathed inside of you. Your eyes drift from drinking in the way his face contorts beautifully to glancing down to watch him split you open and tightening around him at the sight. 
"Taking me so well," he mutters, leaning down to press a frenzied kiss to your lips before he starts moving. Your hands find themselves on his broad back, your fingernails digging into it with every deep stroke he gives you. He eagerly swallows your gasping moans when he shoves your legs back, using his strength to keep them pressed to your chest and cursing against your bruised lips when he sinks impossibly deeper into you. 
"I'm going to be honest," he pants against your mouth as he fucks into you, his cock dragging against your walls, a combination of your wetness and Chan's cum beginning to leak out of you and dribble down your ass with every jolting thrust he gives you. "I don't think I'm going to last that long," he pants, nuzzling your neck and lavishing your throat with licks, nips and kisses. 
"'Is okay," you squeak when he brushes against the sensitive patch against your walls, your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your skull. "Want you to cum. Want you to cum inside, Cheol," you whimper, clutching him as close to you as humanly possible. Not caring in the slightest at the sweat you can feel dripping onto your skin. 
"Fuck, baby. Don't say that," he moans against your skin between kisses, his hands gripping your thighs for dear life while he continues to chase his release. God, he's so fucking deep you're certain you can feel him in the pit of your stomach where that all too familiar knot begins to tighten once more. The obscene squelching of your pussy combined with his breathy curses seared into your skin only fueling the simmer building in your gut. You're not sure if you can cum again right now but, based on the way his cock bullies your pussy, you're not sure how much of a say you have in the matter. 
Seungcheol, unlike Chan, catches you off-guard when he falls apart. His strangled warning of 'cumming' is the only signal you receive before he gives you one brutal thrust and completely remains inside of you to cum as deeply as he possibly can. You wouldn't be surprised if you found bruises on your thighs tomorrow from the way his thick fingers clutch at them while he rides out his climax, his cock pulsing nonstop inside of you. It's like he cums endlessly and you kiss the side of his head as he shudders on top of you, his breaths fanning over your heated skin. 
Seungcheol barely has enough strength left but he uses it to pull out of you (you don't think the feeling will ever stop being unpleasant) and rolls onto his back to catch his breath. You don't blame him. You're about five seconds from passing out and you can already feel the mess of combined cum smearing your thighs.  You are genuinely a little worried about how you're going to get your legs to cooperate with you. 
"Nope, no passing out," Chan says, leaning over you. He's so handsome. Even when he's annoying you and you want nothing more than to shove him aside and crawl under the covers. "We have to get you all cleaned up first," he tuts, booping you on the nose. It's difficult for you to reconcile this man with the one that made you almost cry from pleasure not too long ago. 
"I'm tired," you whine, flicking him lightly on the forehead and smiling at the splutter you receive in response, "Plus, my legs feel like jello. I don't know if I could get up if I wanted to." 
"We'll help you. It's our responsibility after all," Seungcheol mutters, looking as tired as you feel but sending you a reassuring smile all the same. 
You're barely awake as the two men help you to the bathroom. Helping you clean up while doing the same for themselves until the three of you are no longer a sweaty, gross mess. You don't remember much before you find yourself wrapped up in the soft hotel covers, snuggling into one of them. You're not sure who and, you honestly don't care beyond whoever it is incredibly warm and solid beneath your touch. Sleep finds you within minutes after that. 
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Your groan when the (unfortunately) familiar sound of your alarm violently drags you out of the land of the unconscious. You blindly reach for it but, come into contact with something muscular and hot instead. That wakes you up. Blinking your eyes open, you're met with someone's back instead and that's when the events of last night come slamming into you. 
Oh god. So that really happened. You really had sex with your two coworkers. That wasn't just some surreal dream. 
"Whoever's alarm that is, shut it off," a tired, scratchy voice grumbles behind you. Using the arm he'd slung around your waist to tug you closer to his broad chest. Seungcheol. 
"I need you to let go of me first," you respond sheepishly, the rough quality of your voice surprising you but, then you remember the way the man behind you used your mouth last night and you suppose this is to be expected. 
He only grumbles minimally before eventually letting you go. You're sore. Unsurprisingly. However, you do try your best to crawl to the foot of the bed until you find your purse, thankfully, within reach. You hit the dismiss button quickly before crawling back to your spot. You have no clue how Chan can sleep through that. The man must be a fucking rock. 
"We need to get ready for work," you whisper to Seungcheol with a frown, resting your arm across your forehead and sighing. 
"Or," you nearly jump out of your skin when the younger man turns to face the two of you with a grin on his face, "We could just call in sick," he offers with a shrug. Typically you'd protest the idea more but, you're so exhausted and you highly doubt you'd be able to get up on your legs right now even if you gave it your all. 
"I second that," you respond, glancing at the older blonde to see his reaction. He looks pensive for a moment before replying, 
"Well, it's settled then."
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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lelalyo · 9 months
I'm only in Act 2 of my first Durge run so this might not be an entirely accurate interpretation but I've read the Prayer of Forgiveness in every playthrough and wanted to share my thoughts on it;
I know a lot of people say that Durge is pleading for forgiveness for admiring Gortash and/or maybe not actually wanting to kill him and I love that, I absolutely think that's part of it but I think there's more.
I think, that not only does Gortash treating them like a person and an equal cause them to form some kind of bond with him but what if Gortash is also causing a crisis of faith for them too? To me, the prayer kind of reads like Durge is panicking - as if they're trying to reassure themselves more than Bhaal. I mean, why would you go so far as to commit such a prayer to paper? Why go through the trouble of solidifying it? It's proof that Durge is unworthy of being the chosen - proof that, even they, have a WEAKNESS. Why leave the door open for possible dethronement or exploitations when they could've probably just said the prayer quietly to themselves on Bhaal's alter? Durge has only ever really known Bhaal, right? They've only ever really known blood, death and carnage for the sake of it but when working with Gortash, maybe Durge sees that all the destruction can have a PURPOSE beyond stating their father and that other purpose is to make their lives BETTER. Maybe seeing how driven Gortash is to survive but also live beyond surviving makes them begin to see a value in living - that maybe there's something to valuing yourself above all others. Seeing what he accomplishes for the sake of his dream, maybe it makes Durge question, maybe it makes them hope, maybe they buy into that idea of a brighter tomorrow. Maybe the ideals and teachings of Bane begin to appeal more to them.
Gortash, is by no means, a hero but maybe to Durge, he was. Maybe they were completely blinded by hope for more and that's why they needed to write the prayer. Maybe they began to feel as if praise from their father isn't actually worth ending the world for when they could have it all to themselves - all that freedom, all that power, all those perks of godhood their father would deny them for his own ambitions.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
Locke, I don't interact with fandoms much but uhhh could you help a girl out and explain the appeal to ENVER-EVIL-ASS-GUY-GORTASH??? 😭😭😭
Like I don't see the appeal 😭 but that's ok 🙏 i can be converted !!! Would you care to explain a lil what it is that you like about him? 👉👈
(On another note, how do you feel about Astarion or any other characters you'd like to talk about (just in generallll))
rubbing my lil hands together ... ohohoho........... for months, i have languished in silence, biding my time until i could conduct my Enver Gortash proselytization. i'll begin with some broad strokes then focus in on the dynamic i built a loose storyline around.
among the dead three's chosen, he's the most reasonable (although, to be fair, the competition isn't steep). his willingness to share authority with tav/durge belies a certain pragmatism most power-hungry folk lack. this is probably why bane picked him out from the riffraff. he's vain, sure (what with his portrait being plastered everywhere), but he isn't arrogant. he knows that to see his goals realized, he'll need to cooperate with others. patience, compromise, calm in the face of unexpected circumstances; these attributes disguise and strengthen his tyranny.
this snippet from the readable item, the ultimate state, specifically the bolded portion is of great interest to me:
What is progress? Progress is the movement of society and culture towards a state of collective unity. Without unity, mortals, each with their own individual agenda, blunder against each other, causing friction, conflict, war. Unity - peace and prosperity - is achieved when the collective follows a single agenda, that of one superior person.
he wants a functioning society, not a wretched one, where evil's inflicted for evil's sake. with that out of the way, i can finally elaborate on my neoliberal business major x humanities major dynamic. i'm sorry to everyone who read that cursed sentence, but it describes this relationship so well, i can't bring myself to delete it .
your early interactions with lord gortash are rife with tension. he senses your disdain, finding it more amusing than threatening. you're an idealist, well-intentioned yet naïve to the ways of the world, at least in his initial appraisal. when your path's cross, he entertains your perspective. you dislike his rhetoric, he believes your aims are as likely to happen as a reconciliation between shar and selûne.
you do have potential though — he won't deny that. gortash starts looking forward to your little run-ins (occasionally organizing these 'coincidental' encounters behind the scenes). unlike the other fools championing your bleeding heart cause, you walk the walk. he can't help but admire that quality. you'll inevitably be treated to one of those 'we're not so different, you and i,' spiels from him. you're easy on the eyes and make for pleasant company, this development was inevitable, in his opinion.
you wanted him to be this wicked, heartless monster, he can see your inner conflict when you realize this isn't the case.
there's a thrill in wooing you. gortash begins inviting you over, offering to make concessions on this or that issue should you plead your case effectively enough. and he does so enjoy hearing your arguments. it's a window into the workings of your mind; his latest intrigue. a few goblets of wine in, he's steering the conversation away from politics or philanthropy and into subjects more personal.
he already knows a great deal about you, courtesy of his vast information network. it spans throughout baldur's gate and beyond. naturally, he keeps this information to himself. you may have an inkling of a suspicion, but he's utilized so many proxies that nothing definitive can be traced back to him.
you develop some influence over him. you haven't made him soft per se, he's just more willing to 'do good' then before, since it'll earn your respect. it's still a means to an end.
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yoimix · 2 years
genshin men + first kiss
ft. albedo, gorou, itto
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[ tw: language (itto) ]
✽ albedo needs to first grasp the concept of love to understand why you stare at his lips so often, why you lean into his touch with that look in your eyes. it is not inherently human to feel love; he’s sure the snow foxes and emerald finches understand the warmth of affection just as well. he believes it is human, however, to feel the way he does for you. from your comforting smile to the lingering touch of your fingers against his cheek, he wonders if he should give in. he’s in quite the stalemate between his head and, as they say, his heart. despite reading up on the mystery of love, albedo cannot quite fathom what it would mean to you, what he would see in your eyes if he simply pressed his lips to yours on a snowy evening against a mondstadt sunset. no, it would require experimentation and perfect execution.
“it’s so cold,” you breathe out, your leg bouncing up and down as you sit down by the fountain in mondstadt city. there are a myriad of decorations up, lighting up the winter as homely as the city and man you fell in love with.
“would you like me to get you a coat?” albedo asks. “i’m sure i could fetch one from the headquarters.”
“no, it’s alright.” you gulp, a bit of heat surging into your face at his concerned eyes.
regardless of your attempted nonchalance, albedo brings your hands to his mouth and blows onto them, warming up not just your hands but your whole chest.
“al-albedo! you don’t have to.” the truth is, you didn’t expect that sort of warmth to exude from his breath. but then again, you believe he is made to reflect sunlight. even if he repeats it often that you are his sunlight.
“but i want to,” he whispers. “i want to stay like this longer. and that implies, i don’t want you getting cold.”
your poor heart. he shouldn’t do this to you when you haven’t even had your first kiss with him. 
“i wish- i wish you’d...” you look away, unable to bear his gaze. is this too much to ask for?
“well, i’ve wanted to know for a while now,” he responds, a small chuckle leaving him when his hands leave yours abruptly to hold your face. you can barely breathe when he inches in.
chalk and stardust and snow—what difference does it make? there is nothing so wondrous as the touch of his lips against yours, as his hands cupping your cheeks that glow with your very own warmth.
“is this alright?” he asks, pulling away.
“shouldn’t you do it more times to confirm an answer?” your heart might just dissolve into your bloodstream. boldness isn’t your strong suit but it makes him laugh softly.
and how could he say no to your appeal? it is scientific practice, after all, to understand phenomena through repeated observations.
✽ gorou, ever the celebrated war general, admits he knows not much beyond the battlefield. so he does not understand why his face turns red at your teasing, why he gasps when you press your lips to his forehead for good luck, why—god forbid—his tail starts wagging when you lean in close. he didn’t even like you at first. you’re the bane of his existence. there is not a single day without you popping up at the encampment with your bothersome smile and refusals to leave him alone. every alarm in his body goes off around you and yet still, he draws in closer with each teasing word of yours, with each cheer of encouragement and with each sigh following your goodbyes.
your voice is too cheerful for an early morning. the dew hasn’t trickled down the grass yet, but you’re always here before training begins. he’s hopeful, in a way, that you’re here for him. it gives him strange pangs of the heart to think otherwise.
“(name).” he tries not to sound too excited. hold still, tail.
“and what is my favorite fluffy boy doing?” you embrace him before he can even complain. seriously, is it so ordinary for you to express affection? and if so, are there others who get to experience it? gorou doesn’t like the idea of that.
“you have other fluffy boys?” gorou coughs as soon as he says that, face blaring crimson. 
you respond with a surprised snort, followed by laughter—the sound of it easing any anxiety of the heart.
“no, gorou,” you say, calming down. “you’re the only one i have.”
gorou breathes out, a short laugh following. it’s not so bad making a fool himself in front of you. “is that so?”
“would you like me to prove it to you?”
uh oh. your tone is teasing. gorou cannot bring himself to imagine what horrors you have in store for him.
“huh? what do y—“
you press your lips to gorou’s and he swears he can hear heaven sigh. it is short, much like a parting kiss, and he can’t help but chase after your lips before composing himself. oh, how miserable he feels now to never have experienced this earlier.
“(name).” his call is almost sorrowful. gorou does not do so well with partings.
“can you- could you please..?”
he doesn’t have to finish his request for you to oblige him again. your favorite general deserves at least as much. 
✽ itto thinks of himself far too highly to admit he knows jack shit about kissing. it’s not like anyone was willing to kiss an oni when he was growing up. so he was deprived of that experience; that is, of course, till he met you. all of a sudden, all he wants to know and understand is the human experience of kissing. it’s like instinct, the way he leans in every time you talk about your day or giggle at his exaggerated stories. he always restrains himself though. it shouldn’t be too surprising, considering that the oni race have the will of a rock. however, he does want you to see him the way he looks at you—like you put the stars in his sky, wound the rivers in their places, weaved the flowers into the ground. for all its worth, your view of the world matters to him more than any god’s. itto may not know of or even understand romance novels, but if anyone were to see him look at you, they’d have inspiration to write yae publishing house’s next bestseller.
“oh my! itto,” you gasp, your eyes looking up from the book you’re reading, eyes sparkling like no tomorrow. “do you know what happens next? i anticipated it but i still have butterflies in my stomach.”
you’ve been reading your new books to him every free afternoon you get and he’s displayed patience unheard of. in fact, he listens carefully to each story with follow-up questions and his idea of what the main character should have done (it mainly involves beating people up). his gang was sure he was possessed but then they saw you and accepted itto’s fate on his behalf.
“huh?” he furrows his eyebrows. “you ate what now? you should’ve just told me if you were hungry! i made yakisoba just this morning.”
you shake your head, bursting into laughter. “no, silly. it’s an expression. it’s feeling excitement strong enough to send a tingly feeling in your stomach.”
“oh.” itto breaks into a warm grin. “like i’m feeling now!”
you blink. “e-eh?”
“you make me feel that way.” he explains laughing, like it’s no big deal. “excited. and like i ate some butterflies. with some onikabuto too.”
you press your book to your lips, holding in your laugh. the atmosphere quietens when itto speaks up again.
“is that- is that the kind of man you like?” he pretends to not care about your answer, so painfully obvious even you catch on to it.
“no,” you say, smiling behind your book. “i like men like you, itto. or rather... it’s only you i like.”
itto stutters, words not quite coming out right as he frantically opens his mouth and closes it.
“then will you kiss me? as they do?” you speak for him, paralyzing his muscles then and there.
you set aside your book on the little rock you were sitting on. itto looks up from his seat on the grass, a squawk of surprise leaving him when you push your lips onto his, your hands nearly burning against his searing cheeks. where’s that confidence he’s so proud of? 
you pull away to find itto looking lightning-struck. however, demon blood makes for quick reflexes. he pulls you by the waist, you falling onto him with a surprised squeak.
“oh no,” you say, noticing the glint in his garnet eyes.
“you brought this upon yourself,” he warns, his arms around your waist far too strong for you to break free. as if his silly, boyish grin doesn’t make your heart flutter enough.
“will this exhaust me?” you brace yourself. it’s far too exhilarating for you, to go from just friends into an intimate embrace.
“you bet.”
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laufire · 9 days
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august reading meme!
Burning Your Boats by Angela Carter. I got through this collection of short stories slowly but surely, and it cemented Angela Carter as one of my favourite authors. The Bloody Chamber will always have a special place in my heart, but each collection had stories that made my imagination run wild and enthralled me with their prose. Some of my favourites were "The Loves of Lady Purple," "Impressions: The Wrightsman Magdalene," or "The Scarlet House."
Olvidado Rey Gudú by Ana María Matute. This is my ASOIAF. What a long, meaty, enchanting tale, seriously. This book is the magnus opus of one of my favourite Spanish authors, and tells the story of the Kingdom of Olar from its birth to its end, over five tumultuous generations. It mixes the grounded medieval setting and outlandish fantastical elements in a very fluid prose, and following the tragic tale of woe in its pages over the last couple of months was a delight.
The Cheshire Contract (Action Comics #613-618). I wanted to read the story of Lian going to live with Roy, for Reasons. It's good and fun and short (it occupies a small part of a larger issue, 8 pages each), so if it interests you, go for it.
Batman & Spiderman. This is part of a bunch of crossovers I haven't read, and don't plan to for now, so I was mixing some context, but I read it because Talia was there lol. I don't think DC and Marvel mix well, most of the time, but this little one-shot makes it work.
Jason Todd: Rebirth (2016-2020ish). It... had its moments. Waaaaay too much Lobdell, just as the New 52, but now that I've started the next phase to fall face-first into Cheer, of all arcs... yeah, neither is good lol. But one thing that really appealed to me was the dynamic between Jason and Bizarro; hence the cover. The other highlight was the (tragically few) interactions between Jason and Duke, especially in New Talent Showcase 2017. Give me mooooore, DC!! Other than that... well, there were many things that annoyed the hell out of me (Black Mask's writing, Bruce's EVERYTHING), but let's not get into it lol.
Green Arrow (2001). What a run. I've loved it from beginning to end, really (though a bit through the middle the art horrified me xD). It turned Mia into one of my favourite characters (and in reread, elevated a rareship into an OTP, because it really works for her character :P), which is not rare given that this is clearly where here best arcs are :D. Connor didn't have enough to do, tragically, but he's a great character and I look forward to read more about him; about Dinah&Ollie as well.
Batman: Bane of the Demon. Hi yeah just mentioning this arc to tell you guys about how Ra's apparently keeps cameras in Talia's bedroom :))) he might've been watching as she hooked up with Bane (who he unceremoneously decides she must marry to advance his plans). Let's all kill Ra's.
Batman: Death and the Maidens. A Rucka story, so you know it's good (though not particularly good to Talia lbr... I'm not bothered by *what* happens, I just wish we'd seen more of her perspective, during and especially after -though that's not a mmater of *this* run of course). Bruce's dream journey/possible visions of his parents's ghost were a highlight. Do recommend.
Truth & Justice: Hunted by the Past (#4). Way better than similar "Jason fears becoming the Joker!!!" stories, though that interpretation of the character is never going to be one I agree with. I liked seeing him with the helmet again, and the art is fun. The story gave Jason yet another pre-Robin childhood friend (this one got killed
Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard Travelling Heroes. A fascinating read, especially taking it in its context and comparing it to how timid DC is about politics in current comics, IMO. This run was messy and didn't always seem to know what it was doing, and some of what it included or argued feels wrong from a modern perspective, but it dared to take risks and that's always appreciated on my part. My favourite story was the one introducing John Stewart; both for John himself, of course, but also because it was unafraid to write Hal as someone that despite good intentions and despite being a ~heroic character, had racist biases he needed to face and overcome.
Kingdom Come. This is one of those ~iconic comics that feels like a must-read; it's meaty and it raises questions and it's a run you could really sink your teeth into. And I didn't like it at all LOL. It's so... nostalgic and regressive and downright reactionary. Its fluffy epilogue does it no favours, too (other than prompting this post of mine, ig).
No Man's Land. I finally read the whole thing!!!!!! It took me SIX MONTHS!!!!!!!! And speaking of reactionary beliefs añdslfkjasf. But I did like it and enjoyed it far more than Kingdom Come, tbf (except Dixon's issues omg whyyyyy is he everywheeeeere he's so boriiiiiing). Helena Bertinelli is the uncontested star of this event AFAIC, and I won't hear otherwise. Well, Leslie, Barbara and Cass definitely shined too. And Montoya and Essen. Aaaand Harley Quinn has her introduction. And Selina has a lot of fun stealing things and screwing with everyone!!! And Talia gets Bruce to get his head out of his ass!!! Ugh, there's so much I could say about this run. The Renee & Two-Face issue. Alfred's tale of himself as Bruce's squire. Lynx and Batman's brief team-up. The Secret Files and Origins tale about a man named Jason who thinks Gotham is speaking to him, and who thanks Barbara for her service to the city. There is a lot in this arc that I'd gladly rotate in my mind forever. But Helena is my darling and THEE best Bat(man). That is all.
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raphaelesbian · 5 months
Absolutely tickled by your Shredder/Splinter swap AU. Uh. Long ask warning. Like. Thinking about how in Lone Rat and Cubs Splinter's like, validly, "What did I do to deserve this? :(". Cinder meanwhile-- "What did I do-- oh wait yeah. What did the turtles do though?"
Young Raph and Leo getting super into training (taught for self-defense, I'm guessing), and Cinder just. Begging them to get a different hobby. Please. He'll even give the children noisy toys (the bane of many a parent) if they would just. Stop.
Michelangelo, already manipulative as a younger brother, being an absolute MENACE under this new parentage-- Cinder may not be a great manipulator, but he certainly had enough charisma to inspire a coup.
Cinder would probably be like, "Absolutely NOT," in regards to Donnie and April. (Romance is DANGEROUS, kids!!!) Which, since it'd probably be a harsh, instinctive reaction... would not be great for Donnie's character development.
Miwa meanwhile... her choices in teenage rebellion are either 1. be laidback in response to her father's seriousness, or 2. be murderhobo in response to her father's values. Since Saki's alive, #2 is looking really appealing... (Kinda reminds me of a crack AU of mine-- TL;DR Shredder realizes after killing Shen that he Done Fucked Up and wants to be better. Somehow this doesn't stop S1 from happening.
Point is, they share this vibe:
Saki: Look Yoshi, I understand you wanting me dead but could you stop sending teenager(s) to try and kill me? It's not good for their mental development!
Yoshi, who does not want Saki dead: My kid(s) are WHAT?)
oh my goddd I'm literally OBSESSED with this omfg???? you took that thought and RAN with it and I love it so much fhfashglk.
EXCELLENT point about the way lone rat and cubs would play out differently. Like, Cinder ABSOLUTELY believes he deserves his fate to be mutated and outcast from society, but his boys? They didn't deserve any of that. They don't deserve to have HIM as a father. But they do, so he does his best to care for them and not make them feel ashamed of what they are
(though, now that I think about it, I think he would do a much worse job of it than Splinter. Though Splinter ALSO is not a huge fan of being mutated into a giant rat lmao, he wouldn't have Cinder's belief that it's, like, a punishment. He talks positively about being a human, AND his life as a rat with his sons, and though they can tell he misses being human, I don't think he really gives much of an impression that his whole being-a-rat is a bad thing. Plus, Splinter leans into it a lot with his cheese phone and his cheesesicles and the rat wheel fhdaksghkasghlk.
Cinder would be different, I think. He may not outright state it, because he's not dumb lol, but I think it would come through more that he views his mutation as an overall negative thing (that he deserves), and he would not be one to encourage the rat jokes. So the turtles may be a bit less positive and comfortable with their status as turtles. Idk, sidebar fhadshksdglk)
FHALSGHKDSG, Cinder literally trying EVERYTHING to get them to stop being so interested in fighting. he gives them finger paint. he gives them loud toys (where raph gets his drum set fhdkasghkds). he scrounges up an old video game console. they still like sparring the most. what remains of his fur is going grey
oh man, Mikey would be DANGEROUS. which also, just another tangent, I do think it's so interesting that what we see of Shredder in 2012.... is NOT particularly charming or manipulative! which, like you said, he had to be charismatic and convincing enough to inspire a whole coup. What we see of his strategy seems to be mostly threats, which yeah, works NOW that he's super powerful, but in the beginning? nah. we see SOME charm in the tale of the yokai episode, where he tries to convince Shen to leave Yoshi, but that's p much it. So like, idk, it's interesting to think about. My interpretation (mostly) has been that, like, he just kind of loses control at the start of the show with the re-emergence of Yoshi, and the super-aggressive Shredder we see is kind of out-of-the-ordinary. Like, that's him when he's enraged beyond belief. but idk hfashgklskdgl I think it's very ambiguous...
ANYWAYS, omg the Donnie angst angle??? Literally that never even crossed my MIND but you're so fucking right. idk if you read my father/daughter one-shot but the description you gave of a harsh, instinctive reaction called to mind how he snaps at Karai in that one, which, idk. I like that thought a lot. it would absolutely drive a bit of a rift between Donnie and Cinder, that's for sure.
omg yes that's literally EXACTLY the vibe I had in mind for Miwa. To Yoshi she's like "I'm just here to support you, I really don't want anything to do with Uncle Saki" and Yoshi is like "I understand <3"
Meanwhile Miwa is sneaking out at night to attack the turtles and try to hunt down (and kill) Cinder. Meaning the turtles are EXTRA convinced this Hamato clan is up to no good, Cinder is SURE that Yoshi wants him dead, and Yoshi is just like ":(((( why won't my brother talk to me.... I just want to move forward and find a way to be a family again...."
Miwa: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk dad maybe he just sucks and we should go home
ALSO I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT THAT CRACK AU IF YOU EVER WANNA SHARE FHKASGHKSDGLK. literally I am obsessed with any potential for Saki to like, Try and Improve, bc it's something we really don't see ANY of in canon, but he's SUCH an interesting character.
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coffee-in-veins · 7 months
Have you heard of how reynauld goes back to being a farmer after it all in dd2? Apparently if you fully upgrade his altar, a narration says that "he will retire his battered helmet atop a scarecrow, and labour the land beneath its baneful gaze" Any thoughts on that?
hello hello o/
thank you for the ask! ^^ i hope i won't dissapoint you with my answer, but after the last stunt RH pulled, on top of my already sour reception of the butchering changes the game made to characters...
let's just say, don't expect a pure, not salty, unbiased opinion, alright?
short version:
i'd say - i'm getting progressively more and more glad DD2 got cancelled in the making the more info i hear about it :}
long version:
the word choice in that particular snipet is so baffling i don't know where even to begin.
let's start with the simple things. upgrading the altar means nothing to land restoration. you either channel your JRPG and kill a god, or you don't. there's no in-between. you're restoring memories of what once was by grinding the candles and pouring the wax into the altar instead of feedingit to Tardif or something. if it implies living in the memory and denying reality as the only thing worth doing in a ravaged world, well, that is a shitty message to bring along as the only hope your fictional world has.
then again, looking at the real world now, i somewhat get the appeal... but i digress.
secondly, the guy is naively optimistic if he thinks he'll be able to return to farming without some community or an armed force to defend that land and whatever results of his labour bring - especially after such a massive shitshow as the full-world calamity DD2 implies. after DD1, localized and contained in just one county at worst? oh, sure, no issue with that. grab that Dismas' arse and go fulfil your redemption husband dreams in a neighbour country that have never even heard of walking fish. but after the fuckupery of DD2 where the whole world is corpses, burned cities, undead and tentacle fun? ehhhh... not as many places to go to, ain't it? starting community from the scratch? again, see point 1 aka "good luck putting that helmet away instead of sleeping in it if you found some untainted land".
thirdly, "baneful gaze" addition is just... what do you even imply here? that it's his past sins and he's the only one who can't leave the past behind? that there's some higher ups (probably the church who canonically have military here) who will be watching him and controlling his land and its harvests? is it just a throwavay line to make it sound more poetic? is it vague for the purpose of being vague...?
"baneful" is a very strong word. it implies hate, poison, promise of harm. is this a hint that DD3 Electric Boogaloo will be about the crusaders DD2 tried so furiously to scrub out of itself and then just slapped a DLC about them on top of itself without care and thought about the timeline and how none of it makes even a lick of sense if you stop for a moment...?
let's say, i can see Rey wanting a retirement and starting a farm somewhere on the outskirts of some village. but i doubt it will keep him, unless there will be some trauma which would prevent him from asking to work anywhere better - or someone who'd keep him there. Rey is knighted. he's a soldier in a medieval world, with a gear and maybe even a horse. he's worth a small fortune and i doubt he doesn't know that. hell, if we look at his barks:
Eyes down, you cowering sheep!
The faithless have no right to harm anyone...
Fool! Stop getting in the way of the soldiers!
No. And if thou breaks rank again, I will smite thee.
It profanes the Light to visit blessings upon you unworthy dogs!
You are not worthy of aiding me.
does he sound to you like someone who'd settle for a peasant position unless he has some outer reason to...? he doesn't to me. more like a guy who has a pride of a knight - and the life expectations of one. i can see him becoming a borderline knight, with a castle tower of two rooms and a village or two in his grasp, tho. that would fit, imo. a tiny lord with a lot of secrets in his past, battling PTSD and trying to get back into the civil life. that would be interesting to see.
then again, maybe he's a poor little meow meow like the rest of DD2 crew, i honestly have no idea. i tried to play the DLC, but the story was giving me seisures, so i dropped it pretty fast. i got him and Dismas together to the tavern, fed them chocolates, quit the game and never opened it since because that scene with the warlord was making me unreasonably angry.
sorry if you were expecting a better opinion.
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rottenbrainstuff · 6 months
BG3 - Fuck Gortash
Mild spoilers:
I took a little break from playing after binging a whole bunch, which I think is good - it’s not as good to do everything in a rush. Need time to savour it. I’m almost done now and I have to make these last moments count. I have very little left to do now - just Gortash, then House of Hope, and then the final battle, and that’s it! That’s all. I’ve been doing this run for six months now and I am almost all done.
Unpopular opinion: I think it’s good Larian is not making sequels or DLCs for bg3. They did start work on something, realized they weren’t passionate about it, and called it off. They’re going to move onto something else. How fucking amazing is that. These days the idea of sequels in general fills me with nothing but dread. IPs are just a crash grab waiting to be milked by a room of higher ups requesting the most bland and generic stories that will appeal to the broadest audience possible and cost the least to produce in order to maximize profits. I know that’s the movie situation anyways - I don’t know as much about how games work. I still think it’s fabulous that Larian realized they weren’t able to bring the amount of passion that they felt they should, and they called off the work.
I don’t really want to see more content with the characters that we have. I think their stories are interesting and self-contained and complete. I think it makes sense to end it where it ends. And I mean… it IS a fun game but I’m not so invested in the setting that I’m clamoring for more games set in this specific world. So even on that front, I feel like I don’t need more.
Plus maybe it’s my age, but I’m not used to the concept of game updates in general. I don’t expect them. When I was little, you bought a complete game and it was finished and that was what you got, period. The game is the game. It’s complete and it’s good. It’s always there for you to play again, whenever you want it. You can play the different origin plots, you can make different characters, you can make different choices and see what happens, and it’s always there for you. The fact that there won’t be any large additional DLCs doesn’t take this away from you?
So I don’t know. I feel like this is where fanworks step in now. All those little details you want to see, all those little blanks filled in, all those little extra adventures: that’s what fanworks are for. Let’s let Larian work on their next big project now.
Ok anyways, enough of that. Gortash. First you have to get back into the fortress, and all the guards attack on sight. Myeh. After all these very difficult battles, I guess it was nice to have something less hard, but it’s also no fun to feel like you’re shooting fish in a barrel. I did Iron Throne -> Foundry -> then Gortash, I wonder how things change up if you do things in a different order. After killing all the aggrod Fist in the fortress, it was neat to be able to and read all the books I couldn’t access before. Looks like things have gone significantly downhill in Baldur’s Gate recently.
As for the actual Gortash fight: Gortash gets pretty annoying pretty quickly so I cast Otto’s dance on him to keep him boogying. I love casting control spells on this dipshit that’s all about “Blah blah blah, Bane, Control, Bane, Control” well eat this, asshole. I’m a bit obsessive about collecting all the books and notes in the game to read all the lore, so I was pretty unhappy about everything getting destroyed by the constant barrage of grenades. I reloaded and focused on taking out the three grenade launchers at the beginning of the fight and we had smooth sailing. I’m glad I went through the trouble - Gortash has a journal (well, a rough draft of a stupid vain memoir) that details a bit more the plan that I (durge) was a part of, and where exactly in the timeline I was removed from that plan.
Then poor Karlach. So I do really like Neil Newbon, he did fabulous work, his big scene with Cazador was very cathartic and emotional. I think for those of us who have been badly hurt by other people, it’s not an uncommon fantasy to imagine yourself getting the same kind of brutal revenge. His scene made my oldest daughter tear up when she got to it. Me, I’m not sure, maybe I had seen too many clips online beforehand, maybe it was that it was all over so fast, I mean I definitely liked the scene a lot, and kudos to Neil and all the complicated emotions there, but the eyes stayed dry.
Karlach however - that one did make me cry. It really hit hard for me when she was talking about how unsatisfying it was. Now he’s dead but what good did that do, he’s not any more sorry about what he did. She’ll never get that closure. They took her heart and she won’t ever get it back. It’s been almost nine years now, I think? since I left my abusive husband, and that’s still something that eats me up. You can’t ever get that time back. You won’t get an apology for what happened to you, not from them, not from anyone, not from the universe in general. They probably won’t ever even ever recognize that what they did was wrong. And that’s…I don’t know. For me personally, that’s been so difficult to deal with, and to hear Karlach react the same, that hit hard. I had to pause for a moment.
Then she starts talking about her looming death. This whole time she’s been so positive, focusing on what she can do here and now, it’s admirable! But now it all catches up to her at once and she’s so, so angry. I cried. First time the game made me cry.
Fun fact - I actually legit was going to do Duke Wyll. I don’t care if the game is trying to tell me that’s the bad choice, I do honestly believe that’s a good future for Wyll, and it’s great for the city. But Karlach made me so sad here, her grief and anger at having so little time, and I reloaded back and changed my decision.
Now Karlach’s back to focusing on enjoying the moment, and asking if I will be there when she dies. Man.
Back in Baldur’s Gate, with the three netherstones in my possession, the elder brain is lashing out, and immediately, three citizens are turned into mindflayers. These mindflayers had (rather pretty) silvery white blood! Is this a new patch? Do all mindflayers have that now? I’ve killed a few now and I definitely did not see silver white blood before.
Last errand before I head down to the sewer for the final big fight: stealing my contract back from Raphael. At the start of act 3 my tav felt like his soul was disposable, but I guess all the events have left him with a desire to fight for it. Can’t wait, can’t wait!
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Legally Blondes (2009)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Calling Legally Blondes an insult might sound like an overreaction, but hear me out. This film is cheap, badly acted and poorly written. It attempts to cash-in on the popularity of Legally Blonde while featuring none of the characters we fell in love with. Worst of all, it doesn't even understand the appeal of the series, meaning it had no chance of pleasing its intended audience.
Elle’s twin cousins, Annabelle “Annie” and Isabelle “Izzy” Woods (Camilla and Rebecca Rosso) move to America with their father to study at Pacific Preparatory. Their love of punk and family reputation draws the ire of Headmistress Elsa Higgins (Lisa Banes) while the school bully, Tiffany Donohugh (Brittany Curran), sets out to get them expelled.
This is clearly another script re-worked to be part of the Legally Blonde franchise. The twins are not attending law school, they’re given chihuahuas at the beginning but the dogs play no part in the story and there are no familiar faces to be found. Not even Elle. That’s right. Reese Witherspoon does not make an appearance. References to her character are made and the twins stay in her home while she’s away but if you sit through the end credits hoping to see a cameo, you’ll be disappointed. Instead, you’ll see something I’ve never seen before: the movie’s deleted scenes. They play while the names scroll. I guess director Savage Steve Holland knew no one would bother to check out this disaster’s special features but wanted us to see them nonetheless.
2001's Legally Blonde is not a perfect comedy but it has a lot of appeal. Although she didn’t fit initially, Elle had a good head on her shoulders. She had a few things to learn but ultimately, law school was where she belonged. The same can’t be said for the twins. It’s obvious to everyone watching that Tiffany hates them but every time the conniving brat approaches the sisters to give “helpful advice”, they accept it. Her true colours are first revealed when the girls show up at a party in inappropriate outfits. Sound familiar? I’d say spoiler but if you’ve seen Legally Blonde you saw that one coming. You’ll see everything coming, in fact. Izzy and Annie are introduced with title cards that describe what their character arcs will be. One can’t stand public speaking. The other is terrible at history. How profound.
You’ll be so bored you’ll want to stab yourself in the leg just to stay awake. Legally Blondes does nothing interesting until 2/3 of the way in when the plot FINALLY kicks off. It’s a school trial. Ah, so that’s where the title comes from. Took you long enough. This is where the film could have earned itself some points. At least now there’s a clear thread to follow. There are stakes and in theory, figuring out how our heroines will win the case should be fun. Too bad the screenplay by Chad Gomez Creasey and Dara Resnik Creasey can’t even do that right. The jokes are so terribly executed you won’t understand the punchlines until the movie is a distant memory and certain ideas introduced earlier that should be important turn out to be useless, making you feel like you're wasting your time paying attention.
Legally Blondes has no reason to exist. It won’t please fans of the series, it won’t win over anyone who didn’t like Elle previously. The apathy everyone had for the project is obvious. There are numerous logical gaps, the funny jokes are rarer than four-leaf clovers and there’s little to like. I’d say there’s nothing to like but it does get slightly better as it goes along. Not enough for me to recommend, mind you. Not to anyone. Not ever. (July 31, 2020)
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cantspellsubtextwithout · 48 minutes
I've said it once and I'll say it again, after a certain point spn should never have an episode where it's just Sam + Dean + a bunch of throwaway characters (especially when the plot of that episode isn't solely a monster of the week and actually connects to the overarching plot of the season)... Like I feel like something spn actually does well pretty consistently is create characters that the audience ends up caring about in some way even if they only appear in a handful of episodes (like Eileen, Claire + wayward sisters, Garth, etc) and yet there's still so many episodes that really lose appeal bc it's literally just the brothers having the exact same conversations as the beginning of the show... Like at the very least include Cas or Jack or Rowena or Crowley or anyone else
This post was inspired by me finishing twigs, twine, and Tasha Banes and looking to see if we ever get any updates on Alicia and Max after the fact and we don't ! Which is fine ig but I'm a little bitter about it
Additionally the episode bloodlines exists which is just unfortunate overall but that happens in season 9 aka after a lot of much more interesting characters were introduced that deserved more screentime (for example we don't even get an update that I'm aware of about Krissy chambers and her friends which isn't even the most interesting group to me but still loads better than bloodlines)
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twistedtangledfate · 4 months
Nimerah Lannister - Game of Thrones Verse
Nimerah Lannister is one of the several children of Ser Jason Lannister, half sister of Damon, sister of Joanna (who prominently went on to marry their cousin Tywin), Myranda, Elia, Lionel and Benroy. Nimerah was born in 250AC and was, by all accounts, rambunctious and regularly had to be pulled back. Her station, her prospects, her position and what was expected of her had to be re-enforced multiple times but by the time she was ten, she had learned to temper a touch of her rebelliousness.
Nimerah followed the rest of her family to Court for the coronation of King Jaehaerys II in 259AC. Joanna remained as a lady-in-waiting to Queen Rhaella and a distance opened up between Nimerah and her older sister both emotionally and physically. When she returned home, her lessons intensified to better prepare her not just for marriage but to teach her the discipline required to make her a credit to her House and not a point of dishonour, a position occupied by the older Lynora Hill.
In 263AC, Nimerah attended the wedding of Joanna and Tywin and was, like many, shocked that Tywin actually smiled. He had a reputation among his cousins for being somewhat stern and serious which wasn't necessarily a bad quality but Nimerah found it boring and unappealing. The marriage of Joanna ushered in the betrothals and marriages for her siblings, beginning with Nimerah at the age of six and ten (266AC) when she married Elbert Arryn and moved to live with her husband in the Vale which felt so removed from all she had known.
Nimerah was not particularly content and her marriage with Elbert was one that brought them both discomfort as they fought regularly and often. Nimerah could never force herself to bend to what a husband would expect and Elbert regularly referred to her as the 'bane of the Vale'. Nimerah was regularly counselled by Jon Arryn to find her space and her place and when she did that, she would be happy. Nimerah thought highly of Jon and believed him to be rather wise. Courtesy of her marriage, she knew both Robert and Eddard and had very different feelings regarding both of them. Eddard seemed strong and solid and dependable as well as smart and quick. Robert was too brash for her liking but she could well see the appeal that he held.
Nimerah travelled often to Casterly Rock to visit Joanna and her niece and nephew. She doted on the golden haired twins and was happy for her sister but also somewhat resentful that her own marriage had not brought her happiness. She had been assured that it would but Nimerah had found only someone she could be discontented with. She envied Joanna but didn't let that cause a rift between them because her family was the only real support she had.
Nimerah had two children, Lysander in 265AC and Jocasta in 267AC, both of whom passed away from sickness in their infancy. Nimerah was devastated by the loss of her children. She did not wish for any others to follow claiming that her heart could not bear that pain again. She quarrelled with Elbert who demanded an heir to which Nimerah told him he had enough bastard children to choose from for that job. She did not care.
Further disaster occurred in 273AC when Joanna passed away after giving birth to her last child, Tyrion. Nimerah left Elbert and moved temporarily to Casterly Rock to act as support to Tywin primarily regarding the children who had lost their mother. This was a moment where the family needed to be together and Nimerah offered what comfort she could to her niece and nephews. It was clear from the beginning that Cersei in particular disliked her youngest brother and it was not surprising to her that Cersei blamed Tyrion for what was beyond his control. He wasn't the only one and Nimerah had particularly stern words with Tywin over that subject. They had one last fight over the issue in 276AC and Tywin told her she was not welcome at Casterly Rock. Enraged, Nimerah told Tywin that should the time come when he needed her support, she would deny him. She then promptly departed with Elbert to return to the Vale. This prompted a form of reconciliation between the married couple and in 281AC, Nimerah fell pregnant despite her wishes not to try again. Elbert was greatly pleased and reassured his wife that he did not care if his heir was a boy or a girl, that all he wanted was an heir born in wedlock.
Then, came the Rebellion and it cost Nimerah in that she lost a husband, widowed after King Aerys II executed Elbert in 282AC after riding with Brandon Stark in response to Lyanna being taken by Rhaegar Targaryan who had also snubbed Nimerah's own niece Cersei. More loss was to follow however when she gave birth prematurely. The birth took much out of her and she almost perished from childbed fever. When Nimerah recovered enough to understand what was happening it was to discover that her unnamed son had not survived.
Nimerah followed the directions of her family and of the Arryn's and when the Rebellion was over, she was on the right side. She was given the choice to remain in the Vale or to join Jon and Lyssa in Kings Landing after Jon was named Hand of the King. Nimerah agreed and followed. She was happily reunited with her niece and nephews and found that she was far happier in Kings Landing than she had been in the Vale.
Nimerah never remarried, choosing to remain a widow and stayed in Kings Landing for as long as she was welcomed.
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reyescarlos · 2 years
let me take your heart (love you in the dark)
summary: Settled into his new life in Austin, TK takes pride in having a handle on all the recent changes that have come his way. The latest recruit to the 126, however, threatens to undo all of that instantly. As he and Carlos grow closer on and off duty, TK quickly discovers that some fires aren't meant to be tamed.
for @ronenrubinstein. I truly do hope this was worth the wait 🌚💜
word count: 14.3k || rated: e || chapter 1 of 2 || read on ao3
Who wouldn't want it when he looks like that? Oh oh oh, I want you to stay And if I try my hardest, would you look my way?
Ordinarily, Monday mornings are the bane of TK’s existence. But the power of the 126 these last couple of months has truly done wonders in changing his state of mind. The bonds forged here have taken him by surprise, making it so this curated team feels like a family.
This is the station, the fresh start really, that he and his father have built here in Austin. Just a few months ago, this wouldn’t have seemed possible, but now TK’s feet are planted firmly on solid, stable ground.
It’s been interesting to see a guy like him, who is so used to things ending, have a role in creating something this healthy and new. It’s made it all the more easier to adjust to life in a new city, surrounded by a brand new set of people who have quickly come to mean the world to him.
The 126 represents positive change. He and his father have managed to put together an all-star team and are looking at the possibility of adding another member to their ranks.
His father had reminded him this morning over breakfast that they’d be meeting with a firefighter from the 121.
It’d felt dicey to begin with, rebuilding the 126 as outsiders and having two other non-locals on the squad. But essentially poaching a firefighter from another station seemed like inviting a special brand of trouble.
However, his father had made a fair point in saying that this firefighter was coming to them, not the other way around. All the same, TK’s curiosity has been piqued over Carlos Reyes.
As he and Judd start out the morning going over supplies on the rig, he hears footsteps.
“Good morning,” a clear voice from behind him says.
TK turns and blinks twice, suddenly staring at arguably the most attractive man he’s ever seen. The guy is wearing a short sleeved button down that hugs his incredible biceps. TK almost doesn’t know where to look first, but he zeroes in on the man’s mouth as he begins to speak.
“I’m looking for Captain Strand. I have an interview with him in just a few minutes.”
Judd extends a hand to the stranger, but TK can’t seem to bring himself to do anything other than stare.
Since his breakup with Alex back in New York, guys really haven’t been on his radar. But this man, beautiful and appealing standing before him, is causing him to reconsider at once.
This, he realizes belatedly, has to be Carlos Reyes and even with a heads up of his arrival, nothing has prepared him for the reality of actually seeing him.
“Sure thing. I can bring you up now,” Judd says.
“No need. I’m right here.”
TK finally looks away from the stranger to the arrival of his father to the little group clustered in the bay.
“You must be Mr. Reyes.”
“Yes, sir. Carlos. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Owen smiles and TK continues to stare as the two shake hands, Carlos’ hand strong and veined. He’s got a firm grip, he can tell. TK’s jaw clenches for a second before his father pats him on the back.
“TK will be joining us for the interview, if that’s alright,” Owen says to Carlos. “He’s my son and he’s helped me through this process since the start.”
Carlos looks at him then and smiles. “That’s more than alright. It’s nice to meet you, TK.”
TK manages to get out the words, “You too” but he’s fairly certain it comes out garbled.
He’s spared from any further tongue-tied speech as Owen gestures towards the stairs, the trio making their way up to his office. TK pulls up a chair to sit beside his father behind the desk as Carlos settles into the seat across from them.
He looks relaxed, confident in a way that isn’t cocky, but tells TK that he’s sure of himself. It’s promising.
His dad picks up a manila folder from off his desk and opens it. He doesn’t read from it, however, and TK knows well enough that his dad has no doubt done all the required reading. He’s unsurprised when the first question his father asks is one that Carlos’ file can’t supply an answer to.
“Why the 126?” Owen asks. “The 121 is the largest station in the county.”
Carlos meets his unwavering gaze head on as he sits up a bit more in his chair. TK can already tell the man must have prepared for this question and he’s literally on the edge of his seat just waiting to hear his answer.
“With all due respect to Captain Tyson, your firehouse is the kind I never thought I’d actually see in this county. When I first started hearing about a fire captain from New York who was assembling a diverse team, I thought it was too good to be true. But I can see what you’ve established here and frankly, it’s an ideal environment.
“I’m a gay Latino man stepping into this field that wasn’t designed with someone like me in mind. That is until you revived and reinvented this station. The fact that I even feel comfortable enough to disclose such a personal thing says a lot about what you and your crew have created here. If I could be a part of that, well, that’d mean everything.”
Carlos sighs softly and shakes his head.
“I’ve always lived a life in service to other people. Being a firefighter has been a long-standing dream of mine. It’s as every bit a part of me as everything else. But there are some close-minded folks around here who would rather dwell on certain aspects of my identity and somehow distort them into negatives.
“I’d like the chance to be part of a team that I know I can be safe with. This job is already demanding enough. One less concern would be incredible. I just want to focus on the task at hand and not feel as if I have to either downplay who I am or be fearful of the intentions of others.”
TK is blown away by Carlos’ candor and he can tell his father is too, by the look in his eyes.
Owen smiles and sits back in his chair, looking down at Carlos’ file.
“You’re impressive on paper and even more so in person, I must say.”
Carlos smiles shyly. “Thank you, sir.”
From there, the interview only continues to go up as they delve more into Carlos’ record and recommendations. TK finds himself taken with each response the man offers to their questions.
As the interview ends, Carlos stands up, the Strands doing the same.
“I appreciate you taking the time out,” he says to Owen. “Both of you,” he quickly amends, looking over at TK.
TK offers a small smile and yet Carlos beams at him. It makes TK’s heart beat a bit faster, transfixed by the warm sight in front of him.
Carlos shakes both their hands as Owen promises to be in touch soon before he leaves the office.
“What’d you think about him?” his father asks, sitting back in his seat, arms folded behind his head.
“Same as you. His record alone is insane and he seems like a really great guy. I think he’d be perfect for the station. We could use someone like him.”
He keeps his private thoughts to himself, about how hot he thinks Carlos is, how much he knows he’ll be drawn in. Those aren’t qualities that will make him a good asset to the team, but selfishly, they’re key selling points on why TK wants him to join.
Owen smiles and nods.
“I’ve got a good feeling about him too.”
The end of Carlos’ first day with the team can only be described as a success, though TK hadn’t been harboring any doubts that this wouldn’t be the case. If anything, Carlos somehow managed to blow past the already high hopes TK held.
Carlos was incredible in the field, so much so that TK felt as if Carlos had been with the crew right from the very beginning. He found small ways to talk to him, but for the most part, he kept his distance. It’d taken a great deal of self-control, but he managed to keep a friendly atmosphere and not give away the fact that his attraction has been laying roots.
He did, however, manage to find a way to reach out to Carlos while still keeping to the promise he made to himself. TK had gone into today hell-bent on playing it cool with Carlos.
A small welcome note seemed like a good option, a happy medium he slipped into the grate of Carlos’ locker.
As their shift comes to an end, the team retreating to the showers and getting dressed for home, TK wonders if Carlos will approach him before the day is officially over—or if he’s even noticed the note at all.
He gets his answer a few minutes later as he’s tying his laces.
“Is this from you?” comes Carlos’ voice to the right of him.
TK turns and is brought up short by the sight of a shirtless Carlos, his perfectly toned torso exposed and glistening with water droplets from the shower. TK forces his gaze upwards, endeared completely with Carlos’ wet curls. It takes TK a moment to focus on what Carlos is talking about until he sees the Post-it note in the man’s hand.
“Yeah, I just thought...I don’t know. I wanted to say ‘welcome’ without being all up in your face, I guess.”
Carlos looks over the quick note and laughs.
“Consider it a success but, for the record, I wouldn’t mind you being all up in my face. This was really nice and I appreciate it. Thank you.”
TK’s eyes squint a bit at Carlos’ wording, but he cast the thought aside that he could actually mean anything by it. It’s more than likely that he’s simply wishing for more than what’s actually there.
“Don’t mention it.”
Carlos smiles warmly at him and for a moment, TK finds it difficult to gather his thoughts.
“You did amazing work today, by the way. Really incredible for your first day.”
Carlos takes a seat beside him and TK’s blood races at their proximity. They’re close enough for him to smell Carlos’ body wash and shampoo. The scents embed themselves in his memory effortlessly. TK looks him over, unable to make his brain disengage from the fact that Carlos is practically naked and soaking wet beside him. He watches a drop of water descend down Carlos’ abs and get trapped in the towel at his waist.
This is far more than he can handle right now.
He forces himself to focus on Carlos’ face, but that’s hardly much better. There’s a loose curl hanging over his forehead that he just wants to touch and Carlos’ perfect bow shaped lips look so soft and inviting, he wants to test the feel of them with his own mouth.
TK clears his throat softly as Carlos speaks.
“Thank you. I’ll admit, I was pretty nervous at first, but this is such a great crew. You guys are amazing.”
Carlos looks around for a second, almost bashfully. He leans in a bit closer, his voice a notch lower when he speaks again.
“I know it’s only been a day, but I’m really happy here. Everyone’s been helpful and things like this,” he says, holding up the sticky note, “go a long way so, again, thanks for taking the time out. I don’t think you realize just how much it means to me.”
These words warm TK’s heart to hear. All he could possibly want is for Carlos to feel comfortable with the crew. They’ve become something of a family and TK can only imagine how intimidating it must be to be a newcomer to such a dynamic. He thinks back to Carlos’ interview, how candid he was in talking about having a safe space to work in.
It makes him feel a bit guilty for essentially lusting after the man so shamelessly.
“We’re all here for you, whatever you need. Whether it’s work or personal stuff, I think we all pretty much hit the jackpot in having people we can turn to.”
TK falters for a moment.
“My number is on the back of that note,” he says slowly.
Carlos looks surprised and turns the small piece of paper over.
“So yeah,” TK continues, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m around after hours too, any time, if you need me.”
Carlos glances back up at him and holds his gaze for a moment. TK doesn’t so much as blink even once. He knows his wording was loaded. He only hopes it doesn’t scare Carlos off.
“Noted,” is all Carlos says before getting up.
TK sighs softly and resumes packing up his things, this time with shaky hands as his boldness sinks in. He worries he’s coming on too strong, but the way Carlos looked at him just now felt charged.
TK sits up and breathes in, instantly regretting the decision. Carlos may be gone now, but his scent still lingers. It makes TK ache for the real thing again.
TK lies in bed that night, staring at the ceiling and replaying the day in his mind—namely his locker room conversation with Carlos.
He goes over their exchange with a fine tooth comb, trying to decide if he can trust his own memory of events. The way Carlos looked at him could be interpreted in so many different ways. There was nothing definitive about such a thing but it sure felt like something.
TK groans and scrubs at his face. It’s 11pm; he should be sleeping right now. But it’s hard to come by with his mind as preoccupied as it is.
His phone buzzes where it’s charging on the nightstand, pulling him out from his headspace momentarily. He grabs it and sees a text from an unknown number, but a smile works its way across his face as he reads it.
I’ve been trying to decide what this first message to you should be. A simple “hi” seems kind of inadequate, but I’m not sure what else to say so…hi. Hope that’s not too boring.
TK saves Carlos in his phone before replying.
TK: And here I was thinking I overthink things too much. “Hi” is a good place to start. I’m just happy you messaged at all
TK burrows in deeper under the covers as the gray bubble appears on his screen, Carlos typing up his reply.
Carlos: Would have seemed a bit foolish not reach out after such a warm welcome
TK feels a fluttering in the pit of his stomach.
TK: You got VIP treatment. I didn’t do that for anyone else on the team
Carlos: Guess that makes me pretty special then, huh?
TK: Right now you’re on a trial run, but I get the feeling that, yeah, you’re really going to be the exception
TK knows he’s laying on the flirting, but it’s so hard to tell through text if Carlos is actually in fact dishing it back to him.
He spends the next hour or so talking to Carlos, their conversation unfolding. For as much as he’d been essentially avoiding Carlos throughout the day, here now through texts, it’s so much easier to engage with him.
He finds out all sorts of things about Carlos, tidbits about his family and hobbies. It’s so much easier to talk to him like this. Through text he doesn’t get tongue-tied, and at this late hour, it feels like they’re existing on a plane outside the confines of their norm.
TK can’t help but to feel as if he should pat himself on the back for finding the perfect way to break the ice.
From that first night, texting with Carlos becomes routine. They’ve grown closer at work, but it’s in their off hours that they’re able to speak freely for hours on end.
Texts give way to actual phone calls and twice now already, TK has fallen asleep to Carlos’ voice in his ear. He knows he’s playing a dangerous game here, making it that much harder for himself not to crush on Carlos.
He tells himself he can handle getting closer. An actual friendship may be the best outcome he could possibly ask for.
Over the last two weeks in his new role, Carlos has joined the ranks with Paul as a skilled cook. It’s in the kitchen now that TK finds Carlos, hard at work whipping up something delicious.
“What are you making?” TK asks, stepping further into the room.
Carlos smiles at him.
“Chili and cornbread. Hope you’re hungry.”
Carlos places a hand on the small of his back as he scooches behind him to grab an oven mitt.
TK fights the urge to shiver at his touch, but his pulse quickens. It’s over so quickly; Carlos is removing the cornbread from the oven by the time TK finds his voice again.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I’m all set. But I could use your opinion though.”
He sets the baking pan down on top of a dish towel on the counter and grabs a small spoon. Steam bellows from the pot as Carlos removes the lid and dips the spoon inside. He blows on the sample and comes closer to TK.
“Open up.”
TK’s lips part at once at the command. He leans forward as Carlos extends the spoon to him, free hand cupping underneath. It's a far more intimate move than TK is expecting, but he knows better than to let an opportunity of closeness slip through the cracks.
He opens his mouth further to Carlos who keeps his eyes fixed on him, face hopeful as he feeds TK.
Of course the dish is perfect. TK doesn’t think it’s possible for Carlos to make anything that’s less than extraordinary. Yet still, Carlos appears to be waiting with bated breath for TK’s review.
TK swallows it down and gives two thumbs up as Carlos pulls the spoon away. Before TK can speak, Carlos’ thumb swipes slowly against the corner of his mouth.
His finger lingers for a moment and TK is certain that it isn’t the warmth of the room that makes his face and neck feel hot. Carlos’ eyes are fixed on his mouth for a second too long or perhaps, TK fears, it’s just his imagination.
Either way Carlos is turning away from him now, dropping the tasting spoon into the sink, the moment over just as quickly as it started. TK can feel his whole body warm up at the intimacy of Carlos’ touch, and he’s glad the man is distracted now with wiping his hands.
The rest of the crew files in and TK squares his shoulders, doing his best not to fall apart right then and there. It’s a close thing.
Marjan glances at him, searching his face.
“You alright there?” she asks. “You look a little flushed.”
TK nods and from the corner of his eye, he can see that Carlos is now looking at him too. TK swallows hard and steps away from the counter, assigning himself the task of grabbing bowls from the cupboard.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just a little warm in here is all,” he says, pulling a stack of bowls down.
This answer seems to satisfy her and she moves on to get spoons from the drawers. The others chat amongst themselves, but when TK looks up again, Carlos is still looking at him with an unreadable expression.
The tips of TK’s ears feel hot and, mercifully, Carlos is the first to look away. TK blinks twice and comes back to himself, clearing his throat before getting the dishes on the table as the team settles in.
The last available seat lands TK right across from Carlos. He tucks into his chair, his legs bumping against Carlos’ which are outstretched under the table. Neither of them moves which is how TK spends the entirety of lunch with his calf pressed up against Carlos’. He catches the man’s eyes a few times, but Carlos keeps up with conversation at the table so easily as if nothing is amiss.
Maybe it isn’t a big deal or even an issue at all for him like it is for TK now who feels the press of Carlos’ leg on his like a weight to his chest for the entire duration of their meal.
Carlos If I come in late, distract your dad for a few minutes so he doesn’t notice
TK Late night partying?
Carlos Yeah, a real rager on my couch watching HGTV. It was so intense, I didn’t hear my alarm go off this morning
TK laughs as he moves up in line at his favorite coffee shop halfway between home and the station. Each time TK gets a text from Carlos these days, he can’t help but to feel a bit giddy, happy knowing that Carlos has him in mind enough to reach out. It hardly ever matters to him what the text says. It’s just enough to have him speaking to him at all.
TK Well, lucky for you, Dad and I are making a pit stop before work, so you should be just fine
He focuses back up as the young lady behind the counter calls next. He lowers his hand to his side and greets her, giving her his order and his father’s who is currently waiting out in the SUV.
“Can I get you anything else?” the barista asks, her hand hovering over her touchpad as he turns his phone over in his hand, the device buzzing with an incoming text.
Before TK can think much of it, he’s rattling off Carlos’ usual to her.
Back in the car, his dad says nothing of the third cup that sits in the tray alongside their orders and TK is glad for it.
He spends the entire trip wondering if this gesture will seem odd in Carlos’ mind.
At the station, his father takes his drink straight up to his office to begin on paperwork, leaving TK free to set up camp in the kitchen alone.
Carlos bustles into the kitchen about five minutes later, running a hand through his hair. It’s been weeks and though they are wearing the exact same thing, TK can’t imagine anyone looking as good as Carlos does in his AFD uniform.
He’s all form fitted on top and firm thighs clad in snug material on the bottom that looks more or less painted on. It’s far too early in the morning for this, he thinks.
TK pulls his gaze upwards and pushes the extra cup towards him wordlessly.
Carlos’ brows furrow, a bemused look on his face as he reaches out to take it.
“What’s this for?” he asks, reading the scribbled order on the cup.
“Figured you might not have had the chance this morning,” TK says nonchalantly, finally finding his voice. “Thought you could use the fuel.”
“You know how I take my coffee?”
TK cringes a bit.
“Is that weird?”
Carlos smiles and shakes his head.
“I think it’s nice that you noticed…that you care enough to. Thank you,” he says, lifting the cup to his lips.
He takes a sip and looks at TK over the lid briefly. TK can’t tear his eyes away though he knows he should. Carlos licks his lips as he sets the cup back down and TK’s jaw clenches at the flash of pink.
It shouldn’t be so obscene, but he knows that his bias is talking here. More than anything he wishes he could run his own tongue across Carlos’ mouth, learn the taste and feel of those lips he’s been fantasizing about.
“How is it?” he asks, his voice a bit coarser than he’s anticipating.
Carlos startles a bit, but quickly recovers, like TK pulled him from his thoughts.
“Delicious. You’re a quick study.”
He licks his lips again and TK swallows hard, standing a bit straighter.
“So I’ve been told before.”
Carlos raises a brow, something in his expression changing minutely.
“Hmm, wonder what else you could be taught.”
TK feels his cock stiffen at those words, the teasing glint in Carlos’ eyes.
Before he can even drum up a response, Mateo comes into the kitchen, clapping his hands together. It’s enough to distract TK– and not a moment too soon.
He peers over at his friend who catches sight of the cafe cups now that both he and Carlos are facing him.
“Oh, sweet, you guys did a coffee run?”
TK’s face flushes.
“Uh, no. Not exactly, sorry. I’ve got you next time though. At least we’ve got a good machine here though. Just as good as from a shop.”
Mateo holds his hands up.
“I’m not touching Cap’s machine again. That thing hates me and I don’t have a death wish.”
TK shakes his head and pushes off from the counter, glad for the distraction as he crosses the room and puts much needed space between him and Carlos.
“Fine, I’ll do it. How about that?”
“Good idea.”
Mateo and Carlos follow him over, Mateo settling on the opposite side of the counter like he’s really at a coffee shop. Carlos stands beside TK, an inch or two too close. TK can feel the warmth of his body.
It makes his throat dry.
Carlos places a hand on the back of his neck, his thumb brushing along his skin just so. The hairs there stand at attention. TK fumbles a bit, coffee grounds spilling on the pristine countertop.
No one else seems to notice.
“I’m gonna catch up with Paul,” Carlos announces. “I’ll see you guys in a bit?”
Mateo nods and waves. TK looks at Carlos whose focus is on Mateo as he smiles at the young firefighter. But he lowers his hand, letting it run down the full length of TK’s back, stopping right above his ass at his belt.
This wouldn’t look like anything to anyone viewing them now, but Carlos’ touch does something to him, makes him want to stay under his hold forever— if only he could.
“Thanks again,” is all Carlos says to him before tipping his cup and heading out of the kitchen.
TK watches him go, stunned for a moment and trying to make sense of their exchange. He looks to Mateo who is apparently none the wiser and begins prattling on about where the best grounds come from.
TK is grateful for the counter being the perfect height to hide how hard he is.
One of the many things TK finds difficult to do is fall asleep in the bunks these days. It’s why he finds himself wide awake now at one in the morning, out of bed as the rest of the crew sleeps in their downtime during a 24-hour shift. If he were wise, or even capable of it, he’d be sleeping too.
But he can’t seem to shut his mind off, not when his thoughts keep conjuring up foolish fantasies like crawling into Carlos’ bed and cuddling up with him. He’d bet anything he’d manage to fall asleep in an instant if that were an actual possibility.
TK sits now in the common area, absentmindedly scrolling through social media, entertaining himself with stupid videos. For company he has Buttercup, the dog forever stuck to his side. He startles as Buttercup sits up quickly, his big brown eyes staring off in the direction of the bunks. He doesn’t bark in warning, but his tail thumps excitedly on the ground.
A moment later, Carlos steps into the space with them and TK can’t blame the Bernese for getting so happy. He’s fairly certain he’d be wagging his tail too if he had one. Instead, his heart just races faster at the sight of Carlos in reading glasses, sweats and a tank, a book in his left hand.
“Night owls too, huh?” Carlos says conversationally. “Room for one more out here?”
TK gestures to the couches. “Plenty. Take your pick.”
Carlos smiles and takes a seat right beside him, patting Buttercup for a second before opening the novel he’s brought along with him.
TK shifts and sits cross-legged, his knee lightly touching Carlos’ thigh. It wasn’t intentional to begin with, but now that he’s aware of the contact, he finds himself remaining in place. Carlos doesn’t move either and it’s just like lunch last week all over again.
They sit in utter silence and each second that ticks by feels more like an assault on TK’s sensibility.
TK looks over at him, but Carlos is seemingly engrossed in the book he’s reading, paying no outward mind to their contact now. TK feels as if he’s losing it.
“I haven’t been imagining this…thing between us, have I?” he says, breaking the quietness. For his sanity, if nothing else, he needs an answer to this.
Carlos stares at the page he’s on and it strikes TK then that in all the time they’ve been seated together, Carlos hasn’t turned the page. Not once.
Carlos looks up at him, casting the book aside and shakes his head.
“No, you haven’t. I just don’t want to mess this up,” he says quietly. “I really like being here. I don’t want to jeopardize my position on this crew.”
Carlos sighs.
“But it’s also getting very hard to pretend that I don’t want you.”
TK blinks twice, letting that confession wash over him. For weeks now they’ve been tiptoeing around this thing. To hear it so plainly knocks the air of his lungs for just a moment.
“I’ve been trying and failing. You just…,” he trails off, shaking his head.
TK feels like he could burst with curiosity.
“I what?”
Carlos groans and shakes his head again, but the seal breaks.
“You drive me crazy,” he spits out. “It’s like I can’t help myself when it comes to you. I can’t stay away from you no matter how many times I tell myself to. Everything in me is practically screaming at me not to get too close and yet...” He sighs. “I swear, I’ve never wanted someone this badly before in my life.”
Carlos looks surprised with himself for saying so much, but every word he’s uttered feels like an absolute gift to TK.
“Then have me,” he says instantly, taking hold of Carlos’ hand and putting it on his lap. “Because I want you too, Carlos. I have since the moment I first saw you.”
Carlos searches his face in disbelief, but TK doesn’t back down. If Carlos can be completely honest here, he will be too. To further his point, he leans in slowly, giving Carlos plenty of time to object.
He doesn’t.
TK closes the distance and kisses Carlos softly. It’s subtle, a gentle press of their lips, but it makes everything inside of him light up.
It seems to do the same for Carlos who deepens the kiss a second later, the two falling into an easy rhythm with each other like this is something they do all the time.
Feeling a bit more daring, he guides Carlos’ hand up further to touch him. He shivers at the light squeeze Carlos gives him, a soft moan escaping the other man. Carlos palms his cock and TK feels desperate to know his touch without the barrier of clothes getting in the way. But it feels good nonetheless, his body responding to him immediately. Yet, too soon, Carlos moves his hand away completely.
Carlos pulls back from him and looks over his shoulder.
“Someone could see or hear us.”
For a moment TK almost foolishly asks who, his mind so muddled, but he looks around and remembers exactly where they are.
He takes comfort in Carlos’ words, the fact that he didn’t say he wants to stop; he’s only concerned about someone happening across them.
TK gets up and holds out his hand to Carlos who takes it, no questions asked. They leave Buttercup behind, the only member of the 126 who has borne witness to this and the only member of the 126 who can’t utter a word about what he’s seen. The perfect accomplice.
TK brings them down to the bay, hidden between the two trucks that sit dormant.
It’s not the best coverage, but options are limited and the thought of putting this on hold until after their shift simply will not do.
TK is glad to see that what they started just a few minutes ago carries over seamlessly.
Carlos walks him backwards against the truck’s side and TK shivers feeling the man’s breaths against his face. Every part of his body is begging, screaming to be touched by Carlos, but the man doesn’t lay so much as a finger on him, instead simply boxing TK in. It’s a ridiculous thought, but TK suddenly feels jealous of the truck for knowing the feel of Carlos’ palms pressed firmly against it.
TK fights the urge to pout, but he can’t help the needy whimper that leaves him. Carlos’ face is so close, his lips right there so tauntingly perfect and yet they aren’t on his, like his body is demanding they be.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Carlos asks. “It’s not too late to stop now.”
TK tips his head upwards, pressing his lips against Carlos’ mouth, kissing him deeply. Carlos’ lips part and TK doesn’t hesitate to slip his tongue in, his hands anchoring onto the other man’s hips as they kiss. He pulls back a few moments later, heart thumping hard.
“I want this. I want you.”
He searches Carlos’ eyes.
That plea comes out in a whisper that seems to melt the last bit of Carlos’ restraint, his hands slipping from the truck and gripping TK’s waist instead.
TK’s hips snap forward, met with the firm press of Carlos’ erection against his own. It’s enough to make him want to sink down to his knees, but they’re still too exposed.
Carlos’ eyes flicker to the truck’s door and TK grabs a fistful of Carlos’ shirt, pulling him inside.
“This is insane,” Carlos says breathlessly, running a hand up TK’s shirt as they sit.
TK lets out a shudder of a breath as Carlos’ hand explores his torso, thumb brushing against one of his nipples.
“Do you want to stop?” he rasps.
Carlos shakes his head and leans forward, kissing and nipping at his collarbone. TK’s eyes roll shut, his hands slipping into Carlos’ hair.
“I couldn’t now, even if I wanted to.”
It’s the perfect answer for TK who smirks to himself, basking in the kisses Carlos continues to plant along his clavicle.
TK does as he’s been dying to since they stood outside of the truck minutes before. He gets down on his knees before Carlos, running his hands up his thighs and squeezing the man’s firm legs until he reaches his crotch.
TK takes a hold of him over the fabric, throat growing dry at the feel of his thickness against the palm of his hand. Carlos’ head thuds softly onto the interior of the truck. TK looks up at him, the heavy rise and fall of Carlos’ chest.
It’s so clear how riled up Carlos is already and it makes TK all the more eager to build on this moment, to make Carlos feel even more incredible.
He switches tactics, slipping his hand past the band of Carlos’ sweats and taking out his cock. His eyes widen as his brain fully registers the sight in front of him now. He licks his lips, drawn to the precome glistening on the tip of Carlos’ cock. Unable to stop himself, TK leans in and licks at it, shivering in delight at the taste.
“Shit,” Carlos hisses, squirming in his seat. TK grins up wickedly at him before turning his focus back on the man’s cock.
The pad of his thumb spreads the beads of precome leaking and TK takes a moment to tease Carlos before he replaces his finger with his tongue and swirls it around the tip.
Carlos puts a fist to his mouth as he jerks forward and TK is all too happy to take that as a clear sign to slip more of Carlos’ length into his mouth.
Carlos huffs out a heavy breath, free hand gripping TK’s hair as he rolls his hips forward. TK can’t take his eyes off Carlos now, watching pleasure flit across his face.
“You’re amazing,” Carlos rasps, his fingers curling in TK’s hair. “You’re so, so good.”
TK feels a thrill go up his spine at the praise. He doubles down, taking Carlos to the root and back out again before repeating the maneuver.
Learning what makes Carlos tick quickly becomes TK’s new favorite game. He’s a fast learner, picking up on what Carlos likes best, what makes his breath catch or a curse fall from his lips.
TK loses himself in the act, despite the ache brewing in his jaw. He could spend hours just like this on his knees, mouth full with the weight of Carlos’ cock. Moan after moan rips through him, deep and low as his head bobs and cheeks hollow the further he takes Carlos in.
He can feel Carlos’ resolve slipping, his cock twitching against his tongue.
“TK,” Carlos says in warning, but TK keeps going dutifully with zero intentions of shying away now.
He’s worked for this and his reward will be the taste of Carlos directly.
He runs a languid swipe up the underside of Carlos who shudders hard above him at the feel. From the very beginning Carlos has always been so in control of himself, but TK is unraveling him bit by bit.
His nails bite into Carlos’ thighs as he steadies himself, slackening his jaw to take in more of him.
Carlos grits out a curse, his hands balling into fists in TK’s hair. TK slides one hand off Carlos’ thigh and to his balls, applying pressure.
It’s just the thing to send Carlos over the edge. He comes hard, biting back on his lower lip to stifle himself.
TK is obsessed with it all, the taste and feel of him, the look on his face, the broken sounds he makes. They’re barely finished and already he wants to do this again.
He sucks Carlos off cleanly, letting his tongue drag along. Carlos falls back against his seat, a soft sheen of sweat on his forehead.
TK wipes at own mouth and peers up at him.
“Hi,” he says with a quiet laugh.
Carlos shakes his head, still breathless.
“Come here,” he whispers, leaning forward to kiss TK fully on the lips. TK matches his intensity, both hands framing the man’s face.
Carlos’ mouth is second to none.
Carlos settles back after a moment and tucks himself back in.
“That was...there are no words,” Carlos says, almost in disbelief.
TK feels his heart swell with pride at the positive feedback.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I know I sure did.”
Carlos bites back on his lower lip. “You must be so hard right now.”
TK laughs quietly and nods. “Yeah, but it’s alright. I think we’ve pushed our luck far enough for tonight. I’ll just replay this while I’m in the shower later and take care of that.”
Carlos groans and TK laughs again, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“We should get out of here,” Carlos sighs, his breathing still uneven. “But I owe you one, okay?” he continues, voice low and serious.
TK delights in that, the promise of a next time.
“I’m holding you to that.”
TK skims his fingertips against Carlos’ forehead, brushing back the rogue curls that have managed to fall.
Carlos steals a quick kiss and the two of them carefully check that the coast is clear before getting out of the truck.
The bay is dead quiet, the rest of the crew no doubt still taking advantage of the lull in activity at this hour to continue sleeping.
TK rests back against the truck as Carlos looks him over, gaze settling between his legs where TK’s erection is still on display in his sweats.
Something in his expression changes; TK can see the moment it fully hits him.
“I can’t believe we just did that. If the team knew or your dad—,” Carlos whispers, eyes widening.
“Hey, don’t worry,” TK assures just as quietly, stepping closer to him. He laces their fingers, lets his teeth graze Carlos’ earlobe before he speaks again.
“Despite what I just proved in there, I can actually keep my mouth shut,” he laughs. “It’ll be our little secret. Just something between friends.”
It’s been three days and TK has been unable to think about anything other than his hookup with Carlos. It felt more like a fever dream initially, as if he’d finally snapped after spending so long picturing what it’d be like to be intimate with Carlos.
These last few days have been torture, slipping back into their normal interactions at work as if nothing has changed between them. Certainly shifts spent in the very same truck he learned Carlos’ taste has made for an interesting new reality.
All things considered, TK thinks he’s done one hell of a job in going through the motions and not raising any suspicions. Carlos definitely has too, scarily so.
But TK is growing restless with the charade, more so going without Carlos since that night. His want for Carlos is an incessant itch beneath his skin that can only be alleviated in one particular way.
The locker room empties out of his crew, TK waving goodbye to Paul and Mateo as they passionately debate some movie on their way out.
Carlos is a few feet away at his locker, packing up his bag as the relief team comes in. TK isn’t as familiar with these guys, but he’s still mindful of their presence as he saunters over to Carlos.
“What are you doing tonight?” TK asks, resting his back against the row of lockers.
Carlos stops packing and looks up at him. There’s a flash of excitement in his eyes.
“I didn’t have anything planned, but I’d be alright if that were to change,” he replies, putting the last of his things in his bag before zipping it closed.
He stands up, crowding a bit of TK’s personal space.
The urge to kiss him right now is overwhelming; TK has to actively remind himself of where they are, who is around them.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
Carlos grins as he speaks.
“Are you able to come over now?”
TK bites back on his lower lip and nods enthusiastically. He can spare a text to his father from the car; TK wants to leave now and not waste a single second.
Carlos barely gets the key into the lock before TK is on him, no doubt giving any nosy neighbors a bit of a show as he stands behind Carlos and kisses the back of his neck, his hands running up his sides.
Carlos curses under his breath as the door gives way and the two go stumbling through.
It happens in the blink of an eye, the speed in which Carlos manages to have him pinned up against the wall, his lips at TK’s collarbone in retaliation.
TK clutches a fistful of Carlos’ hair as the man bites down and sucks on his skin.
This is infinitely better than being inside of a cramped fire truck. For as exciting as the other night had been, TK is all too happy for the fact that they’ve got nothing but time, space, and true privacy now.
His free hand drags down Carlos’ back and to his ass as they both kick off their shoes in a frenzy.
Carlos tugs at the hem of TK’s shirt.
“Off. Now.”
A chill runs down the length of TK’s spine at the command paired with the sharp look in Carlos’ eyes.
TK hurries to disrobe, carelessly casting his shirt aside the moment he gets it off his body.
Carlos looks him over and TK’s anticipation heightens even further. He feels so desperate for any kind of attention Carlos deigns to give him now.
Carlos fiddles with TK’s pendant for a moment before letting the bit of metal go.
Carlos’ touch is deliberate, his fingertips ghosting down TK’s torso. There’s a fierce look in his eyes, the same as a lion that’s discovered its prey. TK would love nothing more than for Carlos to make a meal of him, to feast until there’s nothing left.
He leans forward as Carlos does and kisses him deeply, his tongue slipping past Carlos’ parted lips.
Carlos walks them over to the couch and pushes TK to sit. TK practically squirms in his seat as Carlos sinks down to his knees in front of him.
“I’ve been dying to thank you properly for the other night,” he says, undoing the button on TK’s jeans and working to remove them altogether.
Carlos sits back for a second and looks at him. A part of him, TK thinks, should feel a little self-conscious being half naked on the man’s couch. But with the way Carlos’ eyes skim over him with hunger, it’s hard to feel anything other than excited over what’s about to unfold.
Carlos’ eyes flick to his for a moment before he leans over and starts peppering TK’s thighs with kisses and gentle bites.
The muscles in TK’s legs tremble at the attention.
TK is so unbearably hard, each shift of his hips drags the fabric of his underwear across his sensitive flesh, adding to it.
He fights to control his breathing.
“Is that so?” he asks, attempting a coy voice though his breath catches as Carlos’ teeth nip at him.
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about,” Carlos murmurs, not breaking his stride. “Getting my hands on you. My mouth.”
He grasps TK over the material of his boxers, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment as he lets out a soft sound. TK can feel himself leaking, the want within him almost blinding and with Carlos responding to him like this, it only makes it all the more intense.
TK can’t tear his eyes away. It’s been one thing to fantasize about this, to hold on to these private thoughts that were safe merely living in his head. It’s quite another to be met with the real thing and have it be eons better than even his most detailed daydreams.
“So hard and wet for me already,” Carlos notes, looking back up at him.
TK’s face flushes a bit. “Can’t help it.”
Carlos smiles at this, nimble fingers tugging TK’s underwear down and off his body.
“I like that. Such a good boy, just aching for me.”
TK’s cock twitches at these words. He likes the way Carlos handles and talks to him. It’s easy to safely lose himself.
Carlos’ eyes drink him in and TK can’t remember the last time he's felt this wanted, this desired before.
The fire between him and Alex had gone out far earlier than TK cares to admit or think about. Their intimacy had come to feel obligatory and transactional towards the end.
But this is new, exciting, and real. TK wants all of it.
He holds his breath as Carlos touches him bare. He’s leaking so much that Carlos has no problem slowly jerking him off. It takes a great deal of effort not to go thrusting forward at once. It’s been a lifetime since someone else has touched him like this. The fact that it’s Carlos only makes it harder to wrap his head around.
Carlos takes his time and for someone like TK who likes to move fast, it’s nice being made to go slow and savor it, to truly experience it.
Carlos comes in closer to him, tipping his head up and TK is right there to meet his lips. Between Carlos’ deep strokes and this sensuous kiss, TK knows he could finish just like this, but it’s obvious this is merely a precursor to something more.
Carlos is the first to break their kiss and TK takes the opportunity to pull in a clean breath as Carlos lowers his head and swipes at the tip of TK’s cock with his tongue. TK jerks forward instinctively, his heart pounding in anticipation for more, eager to feel his mouth around him.
He isn’t kept waiting. Carlos zeroes in, his tongue circling his slit before dragging along the underside of his cock and for a moment, TK seemingly short circuits as Carlos takes him in.
The warmth of Carlos’ mouth makes goosebumps rise on his arms. TK grips the couch cushion tightly, knuckles turning white as pressure builds inside him. He takes a breath and relaxes his body, sinking into the moment entirely. Carlos moans in approval, no doubt feeling the tension leaving him.
He rubs softly at TK’s thighs, one hand moving further up still and massaging his balls. TK traps his bottom lip behind his teeth, but it does little to nothing in quieting him.
He can’t imagine if the roles were reversed the other night in the truck. He would have woken up the entire team. Maybe even the whole goddamn city.
Here, in the privacy of Carlos’ place, he can give himself over completely to what he’s feeling—no filter.
His head tips back and he lets out a moan, his breath rattling his throat.
Carlos doesn’t let up, his breaths shallow as he takes TK in deeper still, his tongue brushing relentlessly along his shaft. Carlos’ instincts are remarkable. He seems to have a manual on knowing what TK’s body needs.
“Carlos…dammit,” he grits.
The man simply looks up at him, brown eyes practically black with his overrun he must be. It’s just one more layer to TK’s enjoyment now, the knowledge that he’s able to satisfy Carlos in return.
TK’s head tips back again, eyes drifting closed as Carlos’ hands fall away from his thighs. He doesn’t think much of it until he hears the faint sound of a zipper.
His eyes fly open in time to see Carlos reach a hand into his jeans and touch himself. Carlos shudders at the relief he must feel and TK watches in awe as the other man begins to set a rhythm on himself.
“God, that’s so fucking hot. Holy shit,” he murmurs, gripping the man’s hair tightly as he jerks forward in his mouth.
Carlos isn’t shy and watching him pleasure them both is without a doubt the sexiest thing TK has ever seen. He would take a snapshot of this moment if he could. Instead, he commits it all to memory as best he can.
Carlos slips TK out of his mouth for a moment, letting his tongue lap against his balls instead. TK’s fingers tangle in Carlos’ curls as he curses and jerks upward.
“Fuck…your mouth,” he murmurs, nails scratching against Carlos’ scalp.
The man’s tongue is tireless against his balls and as he begins to suck, TK feels the muscles in his thighs quiver.
Carlos frees him with a wet popping sound and quickly works TK’s cock back into his mouth without missing a beat, his cheeks hollowing.
He looks up at TK, smirks around his cock and TK loses it at once.
TK comes hard without warning, his breath catching shakily. Carlos sucks him off still as he comes down, leaving TK writhing in his seat until he settles.
Carlos’ arm moves feverishly over himself for a few more moments before he curses under his breath, his forehead resting against TK’s thigh as he reaches his end too. TK brushes a hand gently through Carlos’ curls, coaxing him through while he collects himself.
Carlos looks up at him and TK leans forward, kissing him heatedly.
He takes a hold of Carlos’ hand and brings it to his lips, sucking the man’s release off his fingers. Carlos visibly shivers, their eyes locked in. TK takes his time cleaning off Carlos’ hand, obscene moans falling from him as he does so.
He pulls Carlos up to sit beside him on the couch.
Carlos shifts to settle on top of him at once, one hand anchored to the arm of the chair. TK seeks out his mouth and gets lost in kissing him, his mind in a fog as Carlos’ lips move over his.
TK’s palms explore Carlos’ back over the fabric of his shirt where he longs to feel him instead.
“It’s not fair. I’m the only one here who’s naked,” TK grumbles against Carlos' lips.
Carlos laughs and pulls away just enough to give himself space to take off his shirt.
“Better?” he asks.
TK doesn’t answer in words. He lets his hands roam Carlos once again, this time basking in the feel of direct contact with his warm skin. He keeps his eyes focused on Carlos’ body as he does so, marveling at the firmness of his muscles and the heat of his body. It’s more than just better. It’s perfect.
He looks up as Carlos sighs softly, finding those brown eyes already fixed on him. TK leans forward and kisses him again. At this rate, TK is certain his lips will be swollen forever, but it’s a risk he’s willing to take if it means he can have this blissful feeling all the time.
TK hooks a leg around Carlos’ hip and pulls him closer, a sharp breath leaving him as the front of Carlos’ jeans glides over his spent cock.
Carlos shivers at the sound and grunts, rutting up against him. He kisses along TK’s collarbone, nipping and sucking his skin as he goes.
TK grinds harder, a dirty roll of his hips. Carlos retaliates, trapping one of TK’s nipples between his teeth. TK feels the shock of the move right between his legs. He drags his nails down Carlos’ back, repeating the gesture one more time.
Carlos pays him back in the same way once again, sucking the nub and teasing him with the tip of his tongue.
Carlos’ mouth is capable of the most incredible things and TK is already picturing another part of his body that would love to experience his tongue as well.
The thought alone gets TK going and as Carlos switches sides, TK closes his eyes and lets his mind wander.
Carlos’ lips travel further down, brushing here and there, teeth grazing. He pauses every now and then, sucking down hard enough, TK thinks, to leave marks. He certainly hopes so.
TK lowers his hand and feels Carlos’ growing bulge. The man groans and shifts his hips slightly, an almost sheepish look on his face.
“It’s a mess. I really need a shower,” Carlos laughs softly.
TK skims his index finger along Carlos’ jaw as he smiles back at him, his interest piqued.
“Do you want company? I could get you nice and clean.”
A smirk plays at Carlos’ lips.
“I’d like that a lot. Yeah.”
He places one more quick kiss on TK’s mouth before getting to his feet. TK slips his hand into Carlos’ and follows as he’s led up the stairs.
Carlos pauses outside of one of the rooms, pressing TK to the wall and kissing him until he’s breathless. TK’s head is in a daze by the time Carlos opens the door.
The bathroom is gorgeous, a steam shower in the corner, the glass doors gleaming. TK is already picturing Carlos pinning him to the tiles as the man turns on the water and finally removes his pants and underwear.
The sight of him from behind makes TK’s throat dry. Carlos is undoubtedly the most fit guy he’s ever seen. It’s nothing short of mind-blowing to know he has this kind of access to him now.
He runs a hand through his hair and catches sight of himself in the mirror. His skin is red in all the spots he’s been kissed and bitten, all in places no one else’s eyes will see. There’s something almost addictive about that, being marked like this by Carlos. Claimed.
Carlos’ arm snakes around his waist, his chest pressed to TK’s back as he looks at him in the mirror too, his chin resting on TK’s shoulder.
“I got a little carried away. Sorry about that,” Carlos says against the shell of his ear after a moment of studying TK’s reflection.
TK’s eyes rake over himself again, at all these markings to his body put there by Carlos’ skilled lips. It makes him feel special in a way he can’t quite fully absorb just yet.
TK smiles at Carlos in the mirror and pats his arm.
“I’m not complaining, that’s for sure.”
He turns in Carlos’ hold and kisses him for the millionth time tonight, squeezing in as tightly as he can to Carlos’ frame, feeling his erection pressed up against his own.
TK trembles at the contact, pulling back from the kiss and gripping Carlos’ shoulder for balance.
“Still with me here?” Carlos asks, a slight teasing tone in his voice.
“You’re a bit overwhelming…in the best way possible,” he admits, feeling a bit lightheaded.
Carlos smiles at this and gives TK the most chaste kiss of the night. His thumb brushes back and forth softly along TK’s jaw before he tugs TK into the shower with him.
TK goes willingly, leaning back against the tiles as Carlos stands under the spray. He watches him quietly, studies the way Carlos’ hand rakes through his hair, notes the journey the water takes as it trails along Carlos’ shoulders and down to his back, the swell of his ass.
TK clenches his jaw, his cock twitching. Unable to stop himself from merely observing, he remembers his offer from downstairs and stands behind him.
He grabs Carlos’ washcloth and gets a lather going. He sets the cloth to Carlos’ back, rubbing in circular motions.
He works quietly as he cleans him, letting his fingers linger here and there, smiling to himself at the occasional shiver his touch sends through Carlos.
This is a different kind of intimacy, and TK is glad for the fact that they get to explore it with each other now.
TK’s hand lowers and wraps around Carlos’ length with the washcloth. He feels him stiffen and TK simply kisses Carlos’ shoulder as he works to clean between his legs.
He drags the rag down Carlos’ cock, the man letting out a grunt. Carlos reaches a hand back that settles in TK’s hair.
TK casts the cloth aside, replacing it with his hand. Carlos rocks forward slowly, his breaths trembling as the water beats down on him.
“Feel good?” TK asks softly, feeling himself harden bit by bit as his arousal grows.
The combination of steam, Carlos’ sounds, and the feel of him stiffening under his touch is everything.
Carlos lets out a quiet breath and nods, fingers twining deeper still in TK’s hair.
“Incredible, actually.”
TK moves his hand more steadily, his downstrokes firmer. His other arm wraps around Carlos’ waist, holding him closely to his body. He whispers in Carlos’ ear, telling him how good he’s being for him. TK can feel the pressure mounting in Carlos, sees the way he’s losing the battle to keep control of himself. TK can hardly believe the effect he’s having on him. He sucks on Carlos’ earlobe, teeth grazing as Carlos pulses against palm.
“I wish you could see yourself right now. So goddamn gorgeous,” he says quietly, wrist flicking as he works over him.
Carlos grinds back against his cock and TK bites back on his lower lip to keep in the moan that climbs up his throat. His fingers dig deeper into Carlos’ hip to keep them both steady.
He can’t help but to picture himself inside Carlos now, what it’d feel like to get him on his cock, tight and needy as he jerks him off. It’s quite the sight in his mind’s eye.
He bites down on Carlos’ shoulder, relishing in the whimper it claws out of him.
Carlos swallows hard, his body trembling against TK’s frame. His cock twitches against TK’s palm again in warning.
“Let it out,” TK whispers he says after a beat. “You’ve been so good, Carlos. Come for me. Nice and hard. Right here, just for me.”
Carlos makes the most desperate sound in the back of his throat that echoes off the tiles and a moment later, his body shudders hard as he comes in TK’s fist, TK’s name falling from his lips in a broken whisper.
TK drops one more kiss to his shoulder before letting go of him and cleaning his hand off under the spray.
The water has gotten significantly colder, but with the warmth of their bodies pressed in together, it hardly makes a difference to TK.
Carlos turns and cups his cheek, his thumb brushing against his cheekbone. He backs TK up against the shower’s wall. He kisses TK hard and dirty, his hands clutching at TK’s hips. Carlos ruts up against him for a second and hisses, no doubt still extremely sensitive.
His lips journey along his face. TK’s head is in a fog from it all.
“I just can’t seem to get enough of you,” Carlos murmurs into his neck where he leaves the faintest of kisses.
TK is sure Carlos can feel his pulse quickening. He adjusts his stance, spreading his legs a bit.
“Take whatever you want then. It’s all yours.”
Carlos' hand runs down the length of TK’s torso and between his legs, making good on TK’s offer and grasping him fully, a promise in his eyes.
A few minutes later, TK finds himself riding out his second orgasm of the evening.
Cleaned and in bed, TK cuddles in on Carlos’ side. They lay naked with a blanket strewn over them exchanging lazy soft kisses. Carlos’ arm wraps around him, holding him closer still.
“I wish I could stay over,” TK thinks out loud. “But my dad knows I’m with you. That might raise some questions.”
Carlos frowns a bit, but nods in understanding.
“I’ll take you home soon. I just need to kiss you a little while longer first, if that’s okay.”
TK jokingly rolls his eyes.
“You hereby have my explicit permission to kiss and/or touch me any time the mood strikes. I will never not want you on me— just so we’re clear on that front,” he says in a matter-of-fact voice.
Carlos is quick; he pins TK to the bed by his wrists, his hips pressing firmly against TK’s.
“Is that right?” he says, his brown eyes piercing.
TK swallows hard, breathless.
Carlos leans in and nuzzles against TK’s neck, his breaths tickling his skin. TK’s pulse quickens, but Carlos only gives him a gentle kiss, such a contrast to his bold move from a second ago.
TK’s hands ball into fists, his nails biting into the palm of his hands as Carlos’ thigh slips in between his legs. It’s pure muscle, hard and firm, and TK can’t help but to grind down on it instinctively.
TK can feel Carlos smirk against his neck. The man knows what he’s doing to him. He has every reason to be smug about it and TK is well past the point of pretending his body isn’t prime to react to him.
“I hate you,” TK groans as he begins to stiffen a bit. This shouldn’t be possible and yet here is, getting it up once more.
This man just might be the devil. TK is willing to take any deal he offers.
Carlos grips his hair, tugging just hard enough to tip TK’s head back to look him in the eyes. His gaze is intense and it sparks something carnal in TK at once. TK shamelessly humps his leg like some kind of depraved animal. The friction against his cock is addictive and the knowing look in Carlos’ expression has no right being as sexy as it is. He’s pleasing Carlos and that fills him with almost blinding pride. He can barely think straight, but one thought repeats like a mantra in his head: be good, be good, be good.
“Sure doesn’t seem as if you do,” Carlos notes, brushing TK’s hair back. “Looks to me like you can’t get enough. Just look at you. So eager for it.”
TK groans again and rests his forehead against Carlos’ as he continues to rock forward steadily. Carlos doesn’t even have to do anything and he’s able to get under TK’s skin. He clings desperately to Carlos’ shoulders, his breaths ragged.
“Fuck you,” he grits out, pleasure pooling molten hot in the pit of his stomach quickly. His body is officially pushing past its limits, but TK knows he’s got a little left in him.
Carlos laughs deeply and kisses his lips before brushing his mouth along his cheekbone and up to his ear.
“Maybe one day if you’re lucky, I’ll let you do just that. Until then, come one last time for me before I take you home. You’re almost there. I can feel it. You’re so close.”
With the mental image back in his head for the second time this evening, TK grinds harder against his thigh. He sees it far too clearly now as his hips roll forward. His hands run down Carlos’ back and to his ass, roughly kneading. It’s easy to pretend, to let his mind conjure up the image of himself fucking into Carlos and not just his leg.
TK comes for a third time, with a downright pathetic whimper as Carlos strokes his face and tells him how beautiful and good he is, just for him.
It’s worth every bit of the exhaustion he feels now to earn praise like that.
It would seem that their time together outside of the station has made them into a force of nature while on the clock.
That’s TK’s theory anyway and it seems like a pretty solid one given how in sync he and Carlos are out on the field. It’s a noticeable thing as they get commended on their rescues, Owen partnering them up at almost every turn.
More often than not, he and Carlos don’t even have to communicate in words. Knowing what the other needs in the moment is simply second nature.
It’s been fun getting closer to him in all ways and to see how effortlessly Carlos has been brought into the fold with the 126.
Today’s group outing is to watch Marjan’s roller derby match. The energy in the room is so high it makes TK feel electric. He, Carlos, Paul, and Mateo keep themselves busy as they watch the first match of the afternoon, getting sucked into the brutal game unfolding before them. Marjan isn’t set to go for another thirty minutes, but it’s just as exciting watching now, even if these women are total strangers.
“I’m gonna grab a drink. Another round for you guys too?” he asks the others, their cups empty.
They nod and TK hops up out of his seat, heading over to the bar. It’s pretty empty given most people are settled in for the matchup going on now. It makes it easy to get the bartender’s attention.
The man looks him over as he steps up fully to the counter.
“And what can I get for you?” he asks.
There’s something to his smile that makes it clear he’d offer TK more than just drinks if he asked.
“Three beers and an iced tea, please.”
The bartender nods and grabs the nearest cup to him, filling it from the tap.
“Here with friends?”
TK nods. “Friends-slash-coworkers. We're here rooting for yet another member of our crew. Her match is next.”
The man raises a brow. “Your crew?”
“Yeah, we’re firefighters.”
Intrigue flashes in the man’s eyes. TK is used to it once people hear what his profession is. A man in uniform never fails to be an attractive thought, he’s realized over the years— more so now thanks to seeing Carlos in his uniform each day; TK understands the appeal.
“Sign me up for the next calendar,” the bartender muses.
Before he can respond, TK sees the other man’s eyes shift to the side of TK and a second later, TK feels a presence.
Carlos stands beside him, placing a hand on the small of his back and rubbing it softly.
TK’s face flushes a bit at the unexpected move. He can feel his heart beat faster at his touch. They’re usually very careful—deliberate, actually— in not touching each other if they can avoid it when they’re out. This is a clear violation of that and in such a public space, too.
TK looks up at him questioningly, but Carlos isn’t looking at him. His eyes are fixed straight ahead at the bartender setting their drinks down on the counter.
“Can I get you anything else?” the man asks TK, but it’s Carlos who answers.
“We’re all set. Thanks so much.” His tone is polite enough, but there’s an undercurrent of an edge to it.
The bartender looks between the two of them as they pay and Carlos scoops up two of the cups as the man moves away to help someone else.
“What was that about?” TK asks, picking up the remaining glasses.
Carlos shrugs a shoulder and steps away from the bar, leading the way back to the stands. It’s far noisier now that they’re around more folks and closer to the track.
“Just thought you could use a hand with the drinks.”
That isn’t the part of the exchange TK was referring to and he’s certain Carlos knows that as well. Though, he supposes, perhaps Carlos means he was actually genuinely rescuing TK from the guy flirting with him.
He wonders at the implications of that, but he doesn’t push the matter though as this area doesn’t exactly lend itself to conversation.
Whatever mood Carlos was in back there at the bar has completely faded now as they reunite with Paul and Mateo. Carlos has got a genuine smile back on his face as he passes over the two beers he carried to the other guys.
TK holds out Carlos’ glass to him, their fingers brushing lightly as they settle into their seats beside each other. It’s such a brief touch, but it sends sparks through him, as touching Carlos always does.
Carlos’ eyes drift to his lips and TK wonders how he’s meant to get back to watching the action on the rink, when all he wants now is to be alone with Carlos.
“Do you want me to drop you home or do you want to come over?” Carlos asks as they approach the first red light since leaving Marjan’s winning match.
TK turns his head from where he’s been watching the scenery to raise his brow pointedly.
“You’re such a smart man to be asking such a silly question,” he says. “The answer is always going to be to head to your place.”
He stretches out his left arm and settles a hand against the nape of Carlos’ neck, his fingers gently playing with his hair.
Carlos grips the steering wheel a bit tighter. TK tries his best not to openly gloat.
“It’s been a long day. You might’ve wanted to get some rest,” Carlos notes as he puts on his indicator and pushes on the gas pedal once the light changes.
“I appreciate the concern, but sleep is the very last thing on my mind right now. I can think of so many other things we can do in your bed instead.”
Carlos glances over at him with heat in his eyes and TK feels his stomach flip at the sight. For as much as he loves hanging out with the crew, TK had been eager to squeeze in some alone time with Carlos this evening. He’s grown fairly dependent on it, if he’s being honest.
The moment they arrive at Carlos’ door, TK feels antsy to get inside. Carlos lets them in and at once, Carlos frames his face and kisses him deeply for a few seconds before leading him up the stairs to his bedroom.
Carlos pushes him back gently against the bed and tugs off his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. He stands for a moment and TK blushes a bit, following suit and taking off his shirt as well. Carlos comes in closer then, climbing on top of him. He kisses TK again, but the energy isn’t the same.
This kiss is unlike any they’ve shared before, as if Carlos is trying to tell him something different this time around. It’s more urgent, frenetic even. It feels off, so much so that TK pulls back and looks at him.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
Carlos’ brows furrow, searching his eyes.
“Nothing. I just want to make you feel good.”
TK places his hands on both sides of Carlos’ face. There’s something almost pressing in Carlos’ expression. TK soothingly strokes Carlos’ cheeks with his thumbs, his gaze just as steady.
“Believe me, babe, you always do.”
Carlos’ eyes widen a bit and TK realizes belatedly that he’s just used a pet name for the first time on him. He’s ready to take it back when Carlos smiles and kisses him again.
This is more like it, TK thinks as he kisses Carlos back, sinking deeper into the mattress as Carlos presses their hips together. It still feels as if Carlos is trying to communicate something, but this time, TK understands it.
He responds, a sweep of his thumbs against Carlos’ cheeks once more before his hands take up residence in the man’s hair. The brush of Carlos’ tongue against his lips is a question TK answers by opening up to him.
Carlos’ hands wander and each place his palms land on TK’s body makes his blood sing.
Carlos undoes the button on TK’s jeans and ultimately makes quick work of undressing them both. TK peers up at him, the tips of his index and middle fingers tracing the curve of Carlos’ bottom lip.
TK sighs softly. It’s overwhelming, what he feels for this man and all the things he simply cannot say. But he gets the sense that Carlos understands it all the same.
Carlos leans in and kisses the tip of his nose before reaching past him for the bedside table. TK turns his head and looks, the foil of the condom wrapper catching the light beside the bottle of lube Carlos has also taken out.
TK looks up at him, both hands cupping his face as he pulls Carlos in to kiss him heatedly. He shifts his hips, spreads his legs a bit in silent invitation. He craves Carlos’ touch so desperately, wants to feel him everywhere at once he thinks he could just snap under the weight of wanting.
His face warms up at the sound of the bottle opening, the liquid applied softly to his rim. He shivers at Carlos' touch, gripping the man’s bicep as Carlos’ thumb gently encircles him.
The amount of care Carlos extends to him leaves him breathless. Slowly, Carlos’ index finger breaches him and TK clenches his jaw at the intrusion, but he’s filled with such incessant need. His body relaxes, sinks into Carlos’ touch like a warm bath.
Carlos’ eyes never leave him as he works him open. A look akin to awe is trapped in his darkened stare. It’s the last thing TK sees as his eyes roll shut, the man’s name rolling off his tongue in a drawn out moan.
It’s so easy to surrender to him, to give himself over completely because he knows that Carlos is not only capable, but can be trusted with him.
He lets out a soft whimper at the pulsing rhythm Carlos sets. It’s torturous and perfect and TK wants it to last forever.
TK stares up at him, palms clamoring at the strong chest before him, the ridges of Carlos’ tight abs.
Carlos leans in closely, eyes dark and piercing as he kisses TK’s neck, the tip of his tongue teasing the exposed column of his throat.
TK moans once more, burying half his face into the pillow.
He spreads his legs wider and pushes them up, his back arching towards Carlos, the new angle bringing his finger in further.
“Jesus, TK,” Carlos murmurs. “So good for me.”
TK’s whimpers, rolling his hips back against the digit as Carlos works it in deeper.
One finger becomes two scissoring inside him, and soon three stretching him to his limit and TK’s body demands more of Carlos. All of him. Now.
“How do you want it?” Carlos rasps against his ear.
His tone sends heat like wildfire down the length of TK’s spine, the question itself leaving him bereft for a moment.
“I want…,” he trails off, fingers twisting in the sheets as Carlos’ fingers curl perfectly inside of him. “Fuck,” he hisses.
Carlos kisses his forehead, his fingers holding steady as they work in and out of him.
“What do you want, TK?” he asks directly against his ear again.
It makes TK’s breath catch, goosebumps running up his arms despite the heat between them.
“I want to ride you,” he manages to say.
A low growl emits from Carlos’ throat that makes TK shiver once more. Carlos carefully withdraws his fingers, but TK doesn’t mourn the loss of them for long. He flips them over, eager for more.
Carlos makes quick work of opening the condom and getting it on over himself. It’s not a moment too soon before TK lowers himself down, eyes squeezing shut as Carlos begins to fill him.
The stretch burns in the most pleasurable way. Carlos’ attentive prep makes it that much easier to accommodate his length, but Carlos is by no means average.
He relishes in the way every inch of Carlos takes him over, the man’s fingers gripping his hips almost bruisingly. TK’s glad for his touch; he feels like he could float away at any moment with how surreal this all is.
He opens his eyes slowly as he sits comfortably on Carlos’ cock and finds the man already looking up at him. There’s a fire in his eyes that TK is sure is reflected in his own. He trembles under the intensity, can see the readiness in Carlos’ expression, his desire to move and truly give in to this.
TK nods twice and it may as well be a pistol firing to mark the start of a race. Carlos is off at once, hips slamming upward and TK cries out in pleasure, his head tipping back as he rocks over him. Carlos’ hands lowering to TK’s ass and spreading him wider still.
“Look how well you take me,” Carlos spits out, his voice rough. “Like you were made for it.”
In all honesty, it feels like the truth. Never before has TK felt this connected to someone, as if the stars aligned perfectly to bring him to this precise moment in time.
TK bounces up and down, palms firmly in place on Carlos’ chest to ground him. Each thrust of Carlos’ hips goes directly against his prostate and TK chases that feeling, so overrun with pleasure that he can’t even get out a coherent sentence. His vocabulary is reduced now to two simple words: yes and more.
Carlos grabs a hold of his cock and jerks him off. TK can’t even form the words to thank him for satiating yet another need. Carlos’ touch beats out anything else and his body is in pure bliss with Carlos tending to him so greatly.
His thighs burn in this position, but he easily ignores it, just presses his knees harder into the mattress as he claws at Carlos’ chest, his dull nails leaving red marks down his front in their wake.
Carlos’ hand is relentless against his cock, each twist and turn setting every cell in TK’s body ablaze until it’s simply too much to stave off.
TK comes hard with a string of curses, his body doubling forward as his release spills onto Carlos’ abs and chest. It’s quite the sight, thick white rivulets streaked across the expanse of his smooth, otherwise unblemished skin.
Carlos isn’t deterred in the least. If anything, TK thinks it’s the very thing that gets Carlos to follow him over the edge beneath him, his arms wrapping around TK and holding him close as he crashes into him a few more times.
TK blinks quickly, his head completely static. He’s all too aware of how hard his heart is pounding as he tries to catch his breath.
He swallows thickly and seeks out Carlos’ mouth, their noses bumping together before he latches on and kisses Carlos like his life depends on it.
Carlos doesn’t miss a beat, his hands raking down his back, tongue slipping past his parted lips.
He pulls back after a few moments, biting down on Carlos’ bottom lip and tugging.
He rests his forehead against Carlos’, fingers gently curling around the strands at the nape of his neck. His mind is still racing, but one thought breaks through enough for him to voice it.
“You can’t be real. I must’ve made you up. I must be dreaming.”
He feels Carlos smile against his lips as he kisses him gently, his palms gliding down TK’s back.
“That’s high praise, especially coming from a guy like you. You’re perfect.”
TK could give him a whole list of reasons why he’s wrong, but he chooses instead to bask in this moment and the compliments that a man like Carlos could effortlessly throw his way with such conviction. Like it’s gospel.
Instead he just brings him into another kiss, his tongue slipping past Carlos’ lips and greedily exploring until he can’t breathe.
Reluctantly he gets off of Carlos, immediately missing the feel of the man inside him. Carlos discards the condom and plucks a few tissues from the box beside his bed and cleans them up.
TK settles beside Carlos on his back, brushing his hair off his forehead. He feels Carlos shift and a mere moment later, Carlos’ lips are on his chest, peppering his warm flesh with soft kisses. It makes his heart beat faster.
TK plays with Carlos’ hair, humming quietly in appreciation at the man’s actions. A shiver runs through him as Carlos’ tongue swirls over one of his nipples.
Carlos looks up at him through lush lashes that cast a shadow on his cheekbones. TK isn’t the best with words, but he feels like he could write poetry about the beauty of Carlos’ face alone.
“How are you feeling?” Carlos asks.
“So good. So freaking good. Thank you for that.”
Carlos’ nose skims along his chest. TK’s heart skips a beat just below the surface.
“Do you need to head back already?” Carlos asks, his soft voice in complete contrast to earlier.
TK shakes his head, stealing a kiss. “No, I can hang around for a bit. I really want to.”
Needs to, is more like it. The thought of leaving now is inconceivable. He’ll think of a cover story to his father later, if need be.
Carlos smiles and it’s infectious. TK grins back, skimming his fingertips over Carlos’ brows.
“Good, because I’m not finished with you yet.”
TK laughs and shakes his head. “Oh, so you’re trying to kill me? Is that what’s happening here?”
Carlos puts on an innocent face that isn’t fooling anyone.
“I’m just determined to send you home perfectly satisfied is all.”
“You’ve already done that, a hundred times over, but I’m definitely not objecting if you want to go for another round.”
Carlos smirks and kisses him again, achingly slow, so much so that TK feels as if he could just burst. He tries to goad Carlos into kissing him more intently, but Carlos settles him with a firm hand on his hip.
“Patience,” Carlos chides gently against his lips. “We’ve got all night.”
“And tomorrow too?”
Carlos pulls back then and looks at him. TK licks his lips before speaking again.
“I mean, if you wanted to spend your day off with me that is.”
They’ve already got plans in the evening to hang out with the crew here at Carlos’ place. But TK can’t resist pushing it a bit further and securing alone time with Carlos before then.
Carlos looks him in the face, his brown eyes growing even darker as the palm of his hand journeys down from TK’s chest to between his legs.
TK lets out an airy moan as Carlos’ thumb brushes over the head of his cock. TK’s eyes flutter closed for a second as he catches his breath.
“Babe,” he sighs.
Carlos doesn’t back down, merely nips at his collarbone slowly, his thumb continuing to encircle him. TK whimpers softly, biting back on his lower lip.
“A full day of having you like this? All to myself?” Carlos says, adjusting his hold and stroking him lightly, toying with him.
TK is still so sensitive from before, but he feels something unspooling in the pit of his stomach as Carlos touches him. He has to wonder if Carlos is made of magic. It’s the only way to explain this power he has over him.
TK sighs heavily, forehead resting against Carlos’ as his hips slowly move to meet the man’s fist. He’s spent, but Carlos’ touch is something that his body can’t seem to help but to long for.
A knowing smirk curls at the left corner of Carlos’ mouth.
“Yeah, we’re not going anywhere tomorrow,” he crows in TK’s ear. “I’m keeping you here all to myself.”
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