#benson x stone
australiancarisi · 2 months
A little part 2 of this from 2021 oop half of which was written in 2021 half written in 5 minuets just now
Sister!Olivia Benson Peter Stone x Reader Words: 535ish
soz for any mistakes I don't care lets just enjoy that I'm writing again
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You laughed from the couch as Noah ran around the living room with his Iron Man mask on.
“Don’t encourage him!” Liv exclaimed through laughter of her own
“But I’m the fun aunt!” you wrapped your arms around Noah as he ran past you, pulling him to chest and began tickling him. Noah squealed and kicked in a half attempt to get away from you “This is what I’m supposed to do”
Liv rolled her eyes and you let Noah go. Things calmed down as she joined you on the couch, handing you a glass of wine, she, opting for tea. You guys didn’t get to spend a lot of time to just relax, have dinners and spend time together, you were both so busy. So when you did get the chance you really did appreciate it.
“what?” you eyed her off
“What?” she repeated back
“I know you, I am you. You want to say something” you squinted
“I was just thinking-“
“That’s not good” you said which got a giggle out of Noah who had found himself on the floor with some lego
“-that you and Peter seemed to be pretty friendly lately” Liv ignored your comment. It had been about a month since you’d met Peter in that bar and then again the next day in Liv’s office. Since then you may or may not have made a habit to look for the man whenever you were walking around the courthouse, striking up a conversation or popping into his office when you were walking by.
“Is that a crime?” you asked, slightly defensive “We have many things in common”
“Like what?” Liv asked
“Like how much you and your squad annoy us both” that made Liv roll her eyes and let out a huff. With all her years of detective work under her belt she was sure there was something going on between you and Peter. But she could never be 100% sure with you. Just when she thought you were going to zig, you zagged. “He’s a good looking guy. Stable job. Smart you could do a lot worse then him” Liv said as she lifted her cup of tea towards her lips before whispering so Noah couldn’t fully hear“and you have” “Well if you think he’s so great why do you go for him” you grunted a pang of jealousy hitting your gut as the words came out of your mouth. Liv smirked. She knew it. She knew there was something happening. You could tell.
She decided to keep it to herself, not wanting to potentially cause an argument. Over the years you have had numerous arguments about the men you dated…. if you could call it dating. No one would ever be good enough for Olivia Benson’s little sister, even if you were a pain in her ass. The two of sat in silence and watched the movie Noah had decided he wanted to watch, even though he was not paying attention to it at all.
You felt your phone vibrate next to you. Flipping it over you suppressed the smile threatening to make its way onto your face. It was a text from Peter.
Brunch? Tomorrow? Absolutely
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A 5000 word Peter Stone/Reader for anonymous requester.
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It was the small kisses that traced up your shoulder and up the side of your neck, the large hand on your opposite arm that brought you out of your own thoughts; the familiar and comforting smell of expensive cologne and plain soap, the warmth of the bare chested body behind you as you pulled your shoes on over your foot.
“You’ve had that look on your face all night,”
The voice rumbled in your ear, sending goosebumps up your body, but still you continued to finish getting dressed, standing up and staring at the blue eyed man who was now leaning on his arm and looking up at you. “You know why. I’m sick of having to constantly sneak around like teenagers. I feel like you’re ashamed of me-“ You began before you were abruptly cut off. “No. I’m not ashamed of you, and you damn well know that. If we declare our relationship then everything is under scrutiny. Every case, every interaction; it’s something we need to really think about before doing this,” The man stated simply, now sitting at the edge of the bed with the blanket pooling around his waist; “Give it a few more weeks, and we can do it. Okay. Just a few more weeks to get some things in order,”   You could feel the frustration in your chest, “Yeah I know, it’s what you said last night as well. And the week before that, and the week before that. You can kinda see why I’m a bit hesitant to believe you this time around,” A look of defeat suddenly crossed his face and he let out a small sigh, “Yeah I get it,” He placed his face in his hands and looked down. Your jaw cracked a few times before letting out a small sigh, “Peter,” You took a deep breath in and swallowed deeply, your heart pounding in your chest, “I love you, and I’m sorry that I keep bringing this us but I don’t want to be your secret anymore. If you don’t feel the same back that’s absolutely more then fine, we can go back to being colleagues and that’s that; but I can’t keep doing this anymore if you have zero intention of letting this go any further,” You picked up your backpack by his bedroom door. “Are you going straight home?” He asked, looking over at you, his shoulders deflating somewhat. You shook your head, “Liv called me in, a john and stabbed a sex worker so Finn and I are going to head to the crime scene,” A moment of silence fell between you both, “Stay safe,” He stated simply, looking back down at his hands. “Yep,” A small, simple, easy reply. Detatching yourself before he made you detatch from him. You could see it in the way he suddenly withdrew from you. You knew what was happening before he even had to say it. You were pushing the idea of declaring your relationship to his boss and he was shutting it down. You told him you loved him and he once again was shutting down.
As you stepped out of Peter's apartment, a wave of emotions crashed over you. Love, frustration, and a sense of defeat battled within, leaving you feeling sick with anxiety. The cool night air did little to soothe your  thoughts as you made your way to meet Finn and Olivia.
The drive to the crime scene was silent, the tension palpable between you and Finn. He shot you a concerned glance every now and then, but you brushed it off with a forced smile, not wanting to burden him with your personal struggles. He had been your partner since day one, becoming both your mentor and a close friend. The care you had for the older man was like that of a daughter to a father, a person who you could always talk to when you needed them, but tonight you couldn’t bring yourself to truly talk to him. How were you even meant to begin with talking about your relationship issues when you couldn’t even tell him you were in a relationship?
Arriving at the scene, you and Finn began your investigation, focusing on gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses. Despite your best efforts to keep your mind on the case, thoughts of Peter kept creeping back, clouding your judgment.
As the night wore on, you found yourself growing more distant, lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Finn, sensing your distraction, gently nudged you, concern etched on his face.
"Hey, you okay?" he asked softly, his voice pulling you out of your reverie.
You managed a weak smile, nodding. "Yeah, just... got a lot on my mind."
Finn studied you for a moment before nodding understandingly. "Well, you know I'm here if you need to talk, right?"
You nodded gratefully, grateful for his support. "Thanks, Finn. I appreciate it."
Finn nodded before adding, “You know, if it’s about a guy, I can do that too? I worry about you sometimes kid,” You chuckled softly at Finn's comment, grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. "Thanks, Finn. It means a lot to me."
He gave you a knowing look, his expression softening with understanding. "I may not always understand what's going on in that head of yours, but I know when something's bothering you."
You sighed, feeling the weight of your secret relationship pressing down on you. "It's... complicated, Finn. Really complicated."
Finn nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. "Love usually is. But you don't have to go through it alone, you know. Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
His words touched your heart, and you felt a lump form in your throat. "Thank you, Finn. I mean it."
He reached over and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Anytime, kid. Anytime."
The night took an unexpected turn when you and Finn received a call about a suspect spotted in a nearby alley. Rushing to the scene, adrenaline pumped through your veins as you prepared to confront the potential threat.
As you and Finn approached the alley, you saw the silhouette of a man lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, you called out for him to freeze, but before you could react, he lunged at you with surprising speed and ferocity.
Pain exploded through your body as his fists connected with your face and chest, sending you crashing to the ground. He straddled your waist as you lay on the ground, a sharp, blinding white pain seared throughout your entire body, blooming from your stomach. Through the haze of agony, you heard Finn shouting for backup as one, two, three gunshots echoed through the ally, but you were too focused on trying to breathe through the pain. Suddenly, a loud groan left your throat as the heaviest weight you’ve ever felt sat on top of your wound. You knew it was Finn putting pressure on it but you also knew it was the most painful feeling you’ve ever had. His voice was a steady anchor amidst the chaos, reassuring you that help was on the way and that you would be okay.
As paramedics rushed to your side, you felt a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that you were no longer alone in your pain. Finn stayed by your side throughout the ordeal, offering words of encouragement and support as you were loaded into the ambulance and whisked away to the hospital. <><> Peter Stone sat at his desk, poring over case files with a furrowed brow. The dim light of his office cast long shadows across the room, matching the weight of his thoughts. His mind was consumed with the recent conversation he'd had with you, the woman he loved, yet couldn't fully claim. Was he shocked when you said those three simple words to him? Of course he was. He never really knew what it was like to love a woman and he wasn’t even sure if what he felt towards you was actually love. But when you said it, the way you said it, the way is stomach twisted and turned, the way his heart skipped a beat and almost froze completely. He knew he loved you just as much. The earlier argument was one you had both had so many times over the time you had been together, it was one that he kept promising to rectify but every time he went to do something about it something in the back of his head made him freeze. He was scared. He was scared not just of declaring your relationship, but of loving you. Had be been with women before? Of course he had. Had he been in relationship before?
Yes. But there was nothing like this. No one had ever made him feel safe and calm after a long day the way you did. Nothing made him smile more then when you would knock on his door in the same clothes he had seen you in the precinct wearing earlier, knowing you had come straight there to him after work. The way you would sit on his couch with your feet on his coffee table, the smell of your body wash in his shower; every little thing you did either annoyed him or made him adore you; And he loved you so much.
Just as he was lost in thought, his phone rang, jolting him back to reality. The time said it was just past 11:30pm, he had made his way back to the office just after you left. His brain no longer allowing him the pleasure of sleep he usually got when you had been with him. With a gnawing sense of unease, he picked up the receiver, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Stone," he answered, his voice betraying none of the turmoil within.
"Peter, it's Liv," came Olivia Benson's voice on the other end. "We've had an incident. It's [Y/N]. She's been seriously injured."
The world seemed to tilt on its axis as Peter processed Olivia's words. His mind raced, a thousand scenarios playing out in his head, each one more terrifying than the last.  His brain finally settling on the one that terrified him the most. That you weren’t going to be okay.
"What happened?" he demanded, his voice taut with worry.
"She was attacked while on duty," Olivia explained, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "She's in surgery now, but it's bad, Peter. Shes lost a lot of blood. We're doing everything we can."
Peter's chest tightened with fear, his thoughts immediately turning to you and the danger you faced every day in the line of duty. And as Olivia continued to speak, outlining the extent of your injuries and the uncertainty of your condition, Peter felt a surge of guilt wash over him.
Guilt for keeping your relationship a secret, for not being there to protect you when you needed him most. Guilt for letting his own fears and insecurities stand in the way of declaring his love for you openly.
As he listened to Olivia's words, Peter made a silent vow to himself. If you pulled through this, he would no longer hide his feelings for you. He would shout them from the rooftops if he had to, damn the consequences.
Because in that moment, with the possibility of losing you looming large in his mind, Peter knew one thing for certain: he couldn't bear to live in a world where you weren't by his side. And if it took a brush with death to make him realize it, then so be it.
With a determined nod, Peter thanked Olivia for the update before hanging up the phone. Rising from his desk, he made his way out of the office, his thoughts consumed by one thing and one thing only: you.
<><> Peter’s footsteps echoed through the sterile halls of the hospital as he made his way to the waiting area where Olivia and Finn were already seated, their faces etched with worry. As he approached, their eyes met his, filled with a mixture of concern and anticipation. His stomach was in knots the entire was there, every red light, every corner seemed to add what felt like hours to his drive. His brain swirled in dangerous thoughts. What if you died before he got there? What if he never got to see you again? He felt sick with anticipation on the way there and seeing your colleagues faces and Finn’s severely blood stained shirt only made it worse.
"Peter," Olivia said, rising from her seat to greet him. "Any news?"
Peter shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "Not yet. She's still in surgery according to the nurse I asked on the way in."
Finn stood up, his expression grave. "Damn. Any idea how she's doing?"
Peter swallowed hard, the lump in his throat growing larger with each passing moment. "Not yet. The doctors haven't said anything."
Silence hung heavy in the air as they all took their seats, the tension thick between them. Peter could feel the weight of their worry pressing down on him, suffocating him with its intensity.
Minutes stretched into hours as they waited anxiously for any word on your condition. Cheap coffee only seemed to make the bile in his throat rise higher, almost forcing him to vomit while his stomach twist and turned while the clock ticked ominously in the background. His eyes watched Olivia pace briefly as she made calls to your Chief and who he assumed were your family members. Every now and again he felt Finn’s eyes on him, as if he was watching him carefully, curiously. Wondering why the ADA would be so concerned with you being here. Peter could almost sense the moment that Finn finally figured it out. The other man sat back in his chair, placed a hand on his back and said simply, “She’s going to be fine. She’s done more stupid things then this,”. The hospital bustled around them, a flurry of activity and noise that seemed to fade into the background as they focused on the one thing that mattered most: you.
Finally, a doctor emerged from the operating room, his expression somber as he approached them. Peter's heart leaped into his throat, his pulse racing with anticipation; the look on the doctors face made his heart expect the worst. It felt like it was about to beat straight out of his chest.
"Are you here for [Y/N]?" the doctor asked, his voice gentle yet tinged with sadness.
Peter nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes. How is she?"
The doctor sighed, his gaze sympathetic. "She's stable, but it was touch and go for a while there. She suffered multiple injuries, including severe internal bleeding and a punctured lung. We were able to stabilize her, but she's not out of the woods yet."
Relief washed over Peter in a wave as he absorbed the doctor's words. You were alive.  You were going to make it. As the doctor explained the extent of your injuries and the treatment you would require, Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Olivia standing beside him, her eyes filled with concern.
"Peter, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked softly, gesturing for him to follow her.
Nodding, Peter followed Olivia to a quiet corner of the waiting area, away from prying eyes and ears. Once they were alone, Olivia fixed him with a searching gaze.
"Peter, I need to ask you something," she began, her voice serious. "Is there something going on between you and [Y/N]? I’ve been wanting to ask this for a few weeks now, but I couldn’t be sure. But now…"
Peter's heart skipped a beat at her question, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a response. He couldn't lie to Olivia, not about something like this.
"Yes," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "We're... involved." It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Telling someone felt like a brick from the wall that was stopping your relationship from moving forward had been moved. He almost wanted to laugh, of course you would be right about that.
Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "I had a feeling. The way you two interact, the tension between you..."
Peter nodded, guilt gnawing at his insides. "We've been trying to keep it under wraps, especially with everything going on at work. But tonight... we had a fight. I pushed her away, and now..."
Olivia placed a comforting hand on Peter's arm, her expression sympathetic. "Peter, you can't blame yourself for what happened. You didn't know this was going to happen."
Peter shook his head, his voice choked with emotion. "She was pissed with me when she left tonight, I know she was,”
Olivia squeezed his arm reassuringly. "You'll have plenty of time to make it up to her once she's out of surgery. Right now, we need to focus on supporting her and making sure she pulls through this."
Peter nodded, a sense of determination settling over him. "You're right. I won't let her down again."
<><> “Peter, Peter wake up,” His eyes shot open upon hearing Olivia’s voice. For a brief moment he wasn’t sitting in the most uncomfortable chair he’s ever sat in his entire life trying to get even an hours worth of sleep. The brunette woman gave him a gentle smile, “The doctor said that she’s stable enough that you can go see her now. I thought it would be best if you go sit with her, just make sure you keep us updated okay?” She gave his thigh a squeeze as she stood up to her full height, Peter following soon after. He rubbed a hand over his face, waking himself up a bit more; “Wha-what room is she in?” “ICU 7,” Olivia gave him a somber look, “I’ll bring her some stuff that you can give to her from her apartment,” Peter waited for a moment as Olivia walked past him before calling out her name. Waiting until she turned around he gave her the first small smile he could muster, “Thank you,” “You both deserve happiness. And if I can give you even a small bit of that, I will. I’ll be back in a few hours,” Olivia nodded before turning around and walking back down the corridor. Leaving Peter with  shaking hands, unsure of what he was about to face. ICU 7’s door was plain. There was absolutely nothing significant at all about it. Peter would almost say it was too clean. His hand couldn’t bring himself to open the door, he wanted to. He needed to see her but his was almost scared to see what was on the other side. With a heavy heart, Peter Stone entered the hospital room where you lay unconscious, hooked up to various monitors and IV lines. The tube down your throat with the machine on the right breathing for you gave him a solid reminder that you were just that close to losing your life. Almost 12 hours ago you were under him, your lips pressed to his as your nails scratched down his back, and now you looked just a shell of yourself. You were pale, almost white. It made him almost want to cry, this wasn’t you. There was no sparkle there. It was almost like he was waiting for you to suddenly open your eyes to make a comment about him being over dramatic.  The steady beep of the machines provided a somber backdrop to the scene, punctuating the silence that filled the room. He took in a deep breath, the smell of antiseptic assaulting his nostrils.
Pulling up a chair beside your bed, Peter took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze fixed on your still form. You looked so fragile lying there, a stark contrast to the strong and vibrant person he knew you to be.
"Hey," he whispered, reaching out to take your hand in his. "It's me, Peter. I'm here."
He was waiting, almost anticipating a response. But your hand just remained limp and the machine continued to pump air into your lungs. Peter felt a pang of guilt twist in his chest. He should have been there for you, to prevent this from happening. Maybe if you didn’t argue there could have been a chance he could have convinced you to play hooky like he was planning, But instead, he had let his fears and insecurities get in the way, pushing you away when you needed him most.
"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I should have told you how I feel. I should have fought for us, instead of letting my own doubts hold me back."
Taking a deep breath, Peter continued, his words tumbling out in a rush of emotion. "I love you, [Y/N]. I've loved you from the moment I met you, and I've been an idiot for not saying it sooner. You mean everything to me, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Tears welled in Peter's eyes as he spoke, his heart laid bare before you in the quiet of the hospital room. He knew you couldn't hear him, couldn't respond to his confession, but he needed to say the words out loud, if only to ease the burden of his guilt.
"I promise, when you wake up, I'll be here," he vowed, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll be here for you, [Y/N], for as long as you'll have me. And I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
With a heavy heart, Peter leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment longer. Then, with a sigh, he settled back into his chair, his hand still clasped tightly in yours. <><>
Days had passed since Peter's confession at your bedside. Each moment felt like an eternity as he waited anxiously for any sign of improvement in your condition. The hospital staff worked tirelessly to stabilize you, but the road to recovery was slow and uncertain. They allowed him to shower there, his laptop constantly by his side as he tried tiredlessly to catch up on the ever-building unanswered emails. It was a nice distraction to the heartbreaking scene in front of him. His phone would ring occasionally from the team at SVU asking for updates- Olivia passing them on to your family who were unable to catch a flight to get to you.
Then, finally, a glimmer of hope emerged as you began to show signs of improvement. The doctor discussed removing the tube from your mouth and throat, explaining that it was a procedure he wouldn’t want to be around to watch. It was an internal battle he was fighting before a friendly nurse, one who had been bringing him late night snacks from the nurses station, placed a hand on his arm and reassured him that you’ll be in good hands and it’s nothing they haven’t done a hundred times before. She was giving him a chance to go freshen up before seeing you. It felt like hours, the drive to his apartment, the shower, the re dressing, getting your favourite food from the takeaway place down the road, before making his way back to the hospital. One part of him wanted to bring you back flowers, but the other part of him heard you mocking him for being over-romantic and reminded him that you didn’t always like romance.
Yet, Peter was there, as he had promised, seated beside your bed with a laptop open in front of him, but his attention was wholly focused on you. When he noticed the subtle change in your demeanor, his heart skipped a beat, and he set aside his work, all his attention now on you.
"Hey there," he said softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Welcome back."
Your vision was blurry, your mind still foggy from the effects of the medication, but his voice was a lifeline in the darkness. Slowly, you blinked away the haze, trying to focus on his face.
"Peter?" you murmured, your voice raspy from disuse. You winced slightly, every bone and muscle crying out in pain as you slightly moved.
"Yeah, it's me," he replied, reaching out to take your hand in his. "How are you feeling?" You tried to speak, but the rawness of your throat made you grimace in pain. It felt like you had tonsilitis all over again.
"It's okay," he reassured you, his voice calm and soothing. "You're in the hospital, but you're going to be okay. The doctors had to intubate you to help you breathe, but you're getting better. Do you need anything? I have food, water, what do you need,” You pointed to the water bottle sitting on the table next to him, something which he grabbed and unlidded quickly. It was like you hadn’t drank anything in years, the whole bottle was almost finished before you pulled it away. Peter watched with bated breath as you took small sips of water, relief flooding through him as you finally seemed to find some comfort. He couldn't help but marvel at the resilience you displayed, even in the face of such adversity.
"Better?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with concern as he watched you carefully.
You nodded weakly, your voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."
Peter smiled, a warm, genuine expression that reached his eyes. "Of course. Anything for you."
As you settled back against the pillows, Peter reached for the container of food he had brought, offering it to you with a gentle hand. "I got your favorite," he said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "I hope you're hungry. The doctor said you need to take it easy but I know you’d probably be hungry,”
You managed a small smile, gratitude shining in your eyes as you accepted the offering. "Thank you, Peter. You didn't have to do all this."
He shook his head, his expression earnest. "I wanted to. I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed when you woke up."
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you ate, the only sound filling the room the quiet hum of the machines monitoring your vitals. It was a small moment of normalcy in the midst of chaos, a reminder of the bond you shared and the love that bound you together.
As you finished your meal, Peter reached for your hand once more, his touch gentle and reassuring. "I'm so glad you're awake, [Y/N]," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion. "I've missed you."
“I’ve been here,” You pointed out, a small, weak smile crossing your face. Peter paused eating, a shadow crossing his face, “It’s not the same. It wasn’t the same. I’ve had a gun pointed at me and I was less scared then what I was when I got that phone call from Liv,” You looked down, your appetite suddenly gone and the air in the hospital room becoming thick, “I didn’t go out intending to be stabbed,” “We had an argument that night about the same thing we always do. And that was all I could think about. Was that you weren’t going to make it and you thought that I didn’t love you,” You pulled shrugged a shoulder, “And do you?” Peter's heart clenched at your question, the weight of it hanging heavy in the air between you. He took a deep breath, his gaze searching yours as he gathered his thoughts. The idea of him waking up to you every morning, being able to hold your hand in public, to kiss you. The idea of being able to tell you that he loved you every day and every night meant more to him then you would ever fully be able to comprehend.
"Yes," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "I love you. More than I can put into words."
You met his gaze, uncertainty flickering in your eyes. "But why didn't you say anything before? Why keep it a secret?"
Peter sighed, his shoulders sagging with the weight of his guilt. "I was scared. Scared of what it would mean for us, for our jobs. Scared of losing you if things didn't work out." You opened your mouth to retaliate but he held up a hand to cut you off.
"But that's no excuse," he continued, his voice tinged with regret. "I should have been brave enough to tell you how I feel, to fight for us instead of letting my fears hold me back. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I let my own insecurities get in the way of our happiness"
Tears welled in your eyes as you listened to Peter's confession, his words echoing the doubts and fears that had plagued you both in the weeks leading up to your hospitalization. But beneath the pain and regret, there was a glimmer of hope, a flicker of possibility that maybe, just maybe, you could find a way to move forward together.
Reaching out, you took Peter's hand in yours, the warmth of his touch grounding you in the present moment. "I forgive you, Peter," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "We've both made mistakes, but that doesn't change how I feel about you."
Peter's gaze softened, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. "I don't deserve you."
You shook your head, a small smile gracing your lips. "We’re idiots but we deserve each other, Peter. And whatever happens next, we'll face it together."
In that moment, as you sat together in the quiet of the hospital room, surrounded by the steady beep of the monitors and the hum of the machines, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm. And with a renewed sense of hope and determination, you leaned in to press a gentle kiss to Peter's lips, sealing your love and commitment to each other once and for all.
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thena0315 · 1 year
Remember when SVU and CPD used throw in mentions of each other when they weren't doing crossover events
Chicago PD
2x17 - 'Say Her Real Name'
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3x03 - 'Actual Physical Violence'
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*Already implied with 17x01-02
19x15 - 'In Loco Parentis'
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in-dire-read · 3 months
Scoring Her Heart (Book Review)
Rating: 4⭐️/5⭐️
Author: Kismet Kaye
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Page Number: 154
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Christa Benson has harboured a secret crush on Julie, her older brother's best friend since she was a freshman in high school. So, Christa jumps at the chance when a rare marketing job opening comes up at Julie Stone's prestigious soccer academy. As she starts working closely with Julie, she finds herself drawn even more to her. Their growing connection forces both women to consider whether they should play it safe or take a leap of faith for a chance at a lasting relationship.
I recently had the pleasure of reading "Keeping Score of Her Heart" by Kismet Kaye and I must say it was a delightful discovery. This was my first time delving into Kismet Kaye's writing, and I regret not having come across her work earlier. The book not only takes readers through the dynamics of a boss/employee relationship but also introduces an element of drama through the presence of a toxic ex-girlfriend, adding further depth to the story. 
One aspect that I found particularly impressive was the author's ability to craft a quick-paced and quirky sapphic narrative that kept me engrossed throughout. The character of Iris, though chaotic, managed to capture my favouritism, and I feel that introducing her earlier in the story would have heightened the emotional tension. Her presence truly elevated the stakes in the relationship between Christa and Julie, which added an exciting layer to the narrative. 
Overall, "Keeping Score of Her Heart" is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted sapphic office romance with a fast-paced and engaging storyline!
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Olivia benson x reader where the reader is Olivia’s daughter and a perp runs into her during the chase and hurts the reader and Olivia catches the perp and then mother daughter fluff
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Authors note: It's pretty short but I just don't have the time or motivation to write right now. I hope you still like it, even if it doesn't correspond to the extent that you know from me ♥
"Idiot, watch where you are going!" you yelled in the direction where the man next to you landed face down onto the street. He fell to his knees in front, not bringing his hand forward in time to steady himself and smacked face first onto the sidewalk. Something cracked, his glasses or his nose- probably both.
Your elbow suddenly turned into the sensation of lightning and fiery pain and you placed it in the palm of your hand. Out of frustration and flooded with throbbing pain in your entire upper arm, the heel of your boot intentionally dug into the side of his thigh and let him groan out in pain.
His head dragged on the floor, trying to protect his face from the small stones scraping the skin like sandpaper. A piece of his broken glasses got caught in the ground and cut his face in his movement. The dripping blood out of his deep laceration on his cheek, intensified that angry, devilish smirk that he threw at you.
His long brown hair, which was sticking out in all directions after your collision, almost made his eyes disappear. Your gaze traveled further down his body and got stuck on his hands. Within them, he held something that had a razor-sharp blade and reflected the sun´s rays.
The knife lay at your feet and the movement of his hand scraped the rough concrete with a metallic sound. Fearful, you backed up slowly trying to gain some space between the two of you and swallowed hard as you watched him hesitate. Instead of lunging at you, he looked around, apparently trying to get away from someone.
Not five seconds later, you felt and heard more noises behind you; rough and loud footsteps rushing towards you at a rapid pace, creaking on the concrete floor, mingling with hounded voices; voices of people you knew.
Sergeant Finn Tutola, your mother´s best friend, bent down in front of you and briefly jolted you out of your thoughts. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked in surprise and grabbed the man´s feet before pulling him off the sidewalk away from you and onto the street. Pistol holstered, his hands gripped the suspect´s upper arm and twisted him onto his back before pulling him up.
"Just catching a little break. There are not enough benches in the area so I figured why not just sit out here?" the dark-haired shakes his head with laughter at your sarcasm and reached out a hand to pull you up from the cold ground. Thanking, you clasped his hands in your non-painful one and jumped up.
Around the corner of the street on which you were now standing across from each other, another figure ran towards you and you could already see from afar that it was your mother who came to support her best friend. The brunette dogged her heels into the gravel when she realized her sergeant had everything in control, but gave you a questioning look, eyebrows furrowed as she jogged the last few meters standing between you.
"Hey mom"
"Your daughter caught this one" he thrust his arm forward, which he had anchored around the young man´s handcuffed wrist, and nudged the suspect a little to add more emphasis to his sentence. Proudly, he smiles at you softly. "Now off to the police station with you. You have a lot to explain"
Olivia stood at your side and tucked a strand of hair, that had become tangled on your face from the gentle breeze, behind your ear. "What happened?" she asked worried as she stepped closer to you. You looked like you were in pain and judging by your jacket, it had suffered too. Her hand tentatively rested on one of your shoulders and ran down the leather of your jacket until she came to a larger cut that parted the material.
"What a crap," you scolded under your breath and looked at the place where you felt her fingers on your skin; stirring over the split leather. "Your suspect knocked me to the ground because the idiot did not see me"
You grimaced in pain as you braced your elbow in your hand again. Your mother was shocked at first- she did not tolerate any missteps when it came to you and you knew instantly, that the young man will later face an short-tempered woman who would make his life hell in the interrogation room.
The brunette quickly but carefully began to slide your jacket off your shoulders, exposing your slowly discolored skin. She gasped when she saw the blue color running from your elbow to the middle of your forearm. With every step that she tried to move your arm to get a closer look, your body tensed in front of her.
Olivia kept glancing at your face, worry creeping into her serious expression. "Ouch!" you gasped and gritted your teeth hard. The brunette worked quickly, not wanting to prolong your pain any further. "A doctor needs to look at that. Come on, let´s get you to the hospital"
Carefully, she placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you closer to her; her lips gently drawing three small kisses into your hair while one of her hands supported your elbow. "Mh.." you closed your eyes and unconsciously leaned onto her.
She grinned at the way you were when you were hurt. You have always been someone who enjoyed her warmth, cuddles and kisses and never put her off. If she did not know otherwise, she do say you could not have more love coming from you. But she always misjudged it; when you were sick or in pain, a little more of your dependence on her always came out.
But she did not complain. You were the greatest gift that life had to offer and could give you. With you, she was complete.
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alyssaforevermore · 4 months
Edit: I think it’s about time I address the frustrations (?) that this poll has caused. I was going to add my response to reblogs but I thought it would be better if it was right here for future finders to see. I wasn’t going to even respond because a) people haven’t been super rude and are allowed an opinion and b) I know who I am. However, anxiety has gotten the best of me! Leaving this under the cut so this post doesn’t clog peoples feeds.
For context, here are the responses I’ve gotten that lead to this edit:
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First, I want to say that the frustrations are valid. Yes, this poll does include only hetero ships and we should call people out when they’re being purposefully exclusive. Clearly, this poll does look purposefully exclusive and I can recognize that.
This poll was created at ~3am after I watched the episode where Tucker died. My thought process was: I wonder who everyone wishes she did/would end up with? Benson is a canonically straight character which led to me picking only hetero ships. Would I love for her to eventually be shown as bisexual? Of course!! She just hasn’t explicitly been shown to be so far. I included ‘other’ because I wanted to see if there were ships I didn’t think of or other non-canon ships.
I could’ve and should’ve made the poll title more clear. That was entirely my fault and I do apologize. I never in a million years would purposefully or hatefully exclude LGBTQ+ ships or even just the LGBTQ+ community in general from any posts I make.
As a bisexual non-binary woman, seeing even just one person upset about the exclusion of WLW ships from any of my posts is awful. I never want to make people feel like I don’t support or appreciate diversity. I just wasn’t thinking at that moment about any non-canon ships and again, I should’ve been more clear about the intent behind this poll. It has been something I’ve been working on in all of my posts since I saw the first response to this poll.
Like I said, the criticism is valid and I apologize. I just wanted to finally make my intentions clearly because I feel like that’s important. I don’t want to further upset or anger anyone when it comes to a topic that I’m so passionate about. I really didn’t have any bad intentions when I made this poll but I understand that good intentions do not negate hurt caused.
I hope all of this made sense. I’m not the best at wording my thoughts. Thank you for reading and I’m always open to discussions surrounding what I put out on here. If you have any questions or concerns, please do reach out so we can discuss. Thank you.
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legitalicat · 3 hours
Raven's Wings, Dragon's Fire - Chapter 2
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AN: Your honor I love them that is all. Also thank you to @foxyanon for the help crafting the opening scene, I love you so much. Special thanks to @zaldritzosrose @thenameswinter99 @towriteloveontheirarms and @kaelatargaryen for encouraging my "flowery language", my dive into the angst, and dad!Aemond.
Series Masterlist here!
Songs of the chapter:
1. Gilded Lily by Cults
2. Family Line by Conan Gray
3. Beautiful Things by Benson Boone
Summary: Aemyra coping with the loss of Jaehaerys, and Aemond's nameday.
CW: Grief, language probably, dad!Aemond
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Aemyra Targaryen (OC)
Word Count: 3.6k
Previous Chapter
“Have I ever told you about Balerion, my dark haired beauty?” Viserys asked Aemyra. He had her sitting on his lap while he sat in front of his model of Valyria.
She was only seven, but she had heard the story a million times. Even at seven, she understood her father’s health was waning. The Maesters flitting in and out of his chambers throughout the day, the smell of blood from his seemingly ever present wounds. The better parts of his memory seemed to fail him.
She knew it better to indulge him in his desires to speak of his dragon. Balerion and Old Valyria, the histories of their family and their dragons, it was how he chose to bond with her. This model was one of his greatest joys. She would go with him to the stone masons as he commissioned more pieces. And in his joy, she found some too.
“I want to hear, father,” she said softly.
“The Conqueror’s dragon. The Black Dread. He was the beginning of our line, some thought he might be the end. I did not receive a cradle egg, so I was without a dragon for the first sixteen years. And Balerion was something special to behold,” he said.
Aemyra saw him look this way often. It was when he spoke of the histories of their family, of Westeros, that he seemed happiest. His words sounded like they came to him from a far off dream. It was all light and air in the purest forms, a soft counterpart to the harsh fire and smoke of dragons. Viserys had a passion for storytelling, even if she didn’t think he was particularly good at it.
“Teeth longer than my arms, scales blacker than any night you have ever seen. He was a true testament to Old Valyrian. I never thought I would truly be worthy of claiming him, but I had to try. I could not marry your mother without having a dragon. And so I roused him from his slumber with great effort, and we connected. It was as though life made sense, then, and never before. We flew around the city three times that day, and I knew I was destined for greatness,” Viserys told her excitedly.
Her father’s voice drifted away from her as she picked the pieces of the model off the ground. Aegon had smashed it to bits in fits of rage and grief. He did it to spite their father, to cast him aside as a weak and pitiful king.
The irony of Viserys only ever bonding with Balerion did not escape her. He was not a strong king or man. While he was steadfast in his opinions if his mind was made up, he was easily swayed to certain courses of action. Her father would be remembered as a king of peace who cared too much for making people happy. The strength of the Targaryens came before him and would continue after him.
But to see the rubble of his dreams and passions scattered about so helplessly weighed on her heart. This replica was all she had left of him. Without it, Daenerys would know of her grandfather only what Aemyra knew of Balerion; that what was once a great man died too old to even make it to his Throne, forever reminding those around them of the fragility of House Targaryen.
Had the price of her existence not already been paid? To be brought into life, her mother had to die. For her entire life, she watched her father shrivel away in front of her while being incapable to stop it. Aemond lost his eye and she was not there to protect him, and for that she was married off to her worst tormentor. And now, her freedom from him came at the cost of Jaehaerys. ( 1 )
“Aemyra?” Aemond said quietly. She turned to find her husband standing just a few feet away. “Why are you on the floor?”
She did not answer him as she turned back to the gathering the pieces. Her fingers moved deftly over the stone shards while she ignored the biting tears flooding her eyes. It was her responsibility to put these pieces back together.
He walked over to her and pulled to her feet. Her eyes turned to him in a burning anger, though his hand remained firm. His face was unwavering in heavy gaze. Eye narrowed, lips drawn tightly.
“Leave me,” Aemyra spat at him.
“Do not do this, ñuha perzys hontes,” he said softly to her. “You will cut your hand.” (“My fire bird.”)
Aemond’s lips parted slightly as his entire gaze softened as he stared upon her. Dark circles adorned the area under her eyes. Fresh tears remained just on the brim while the stains of those previously fallen remained evident on her face. She was devastated and sleep deprived.
“He destroyed all we have left of father, I need to fix it,” Aemyra said quietly. Any louder and her voice would crack.
“You need to sleep,” he told her.
“I need to fix it,” she said once again, firmer than before.
“It will not change anything, Aemyra. It will not change father’s fate, it will not change Aegon’s pain, it will not bring Jaehaerys back,” Aemond said sharply. “You need sleep. We have a daughter who needs you. Aegon needs you, Jaehaera, Helaena. I need you. Please. It is my nameday, all I wish is to spend the day with my wife and daughter in the safety of our rooms.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion for a moment and then her face fell. She truly had been holed up in their father’s chambers for that long? Aegon had smashed the replica just hours after their return as he swore his revenge. She had watched and stayed. Every threat yelled, every crashing and crumbling of stone, she stayed. Only for Aegon to leave the room without so much as a glance at her.
It wasn’t that she wanted him to comfort her. Her loss, her pain, it was nothing compared to his. All she wanted was to hold him, to remind him he was not alone.
Even so. It was Aemond’s nameday. And while it may otherwise be marred by the tragedy of Jaehaerys’ death, Aemyra could not deny him the comfort of his family. He was right. They were broken, and it would not fix anything for her to waste the day trying to gather all the pieces.
She nodded silently as she dusted her hands off on the skirts of her dress. Her hands shook as she wiped at her face. No tears had remained, but she could feel them still, and it felt wrong. Weak.
“Where is Daenerys?” she asked him quietly.
“In bed still. Daemon offered to stay with her so that I could come get you,” he told her.
She nodded and a silence fell. He knew she needed more time to steady herself. Aemyra was nothing if not a pillar of serenity for their daughter. She never denied her own feelings to the girl, but he would watch her approach them with a calmness. Though she always gave ridiculous sounding reasons as to why she refused to let Daenerys see her upset, Aemond suspected it was because the five of them were never allowed to be upset. ( 2 )
Any flaw of Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, or Daeron became like a beacon for their mother and grandsire. They would hone in on it, correct them in anyway they could. With Aemyra, he wished it could have been so simple. She was revered by their father for being her mother’s last sacrifice yet punished by near everyone else for not being a son. It was the curse she bore the moment Aemma died.
To be born a girl to a king with no sons was considered sin enough. To be born from the death of the much beloved queen was damnation. The love he held for Aemma blinded Viserys to accepting the flaws Aemyra held, so she began to present herself as perfect. Eventually, it was so that any action deemed criminal or unbefitting by Otto or Alicent came under such scrutiny she dared not let her so much as let her chin fall when others could see her.
Aemond stepped closer to her. His movement, even so small, caused her to immediately take his hand in her own. She was so used to moving with him that she did not think twice. Nearly five years married and she always guided him, helped him, moved with him. His one proper insecurity was that he could not always grasp the proximity of things since he lost his eye. It was not easy to convince him to let her help at first, but now he was nothing short of grateful for her.
He leaned into her body. An all too subtle grip on her hip and his forehead against hers. If they were not contained to their own chambers, he was careful with his affections. To let anyone know how he felt was difficult for him at best. Aemyra and Daenerys were special in that, even if he could only really show it in the privacy of their apartments.
She felt him move, pulling her along, but she felt as though she were only watching. Even in her vague awareness, she could see there was a heavier guard presence around The Keep. Patrols of three guards passed by them every five minutes. Aemond did not seem to care, so Aemyra could not bring herself to.
Theirs was a simple path. She walked on his right side no matter where they went. Her hold on him served as a simple guide for him. Nobody would question why he would walk with his wife’s hand in his.
Nothing felt real. She was only just aware of them collecting Daenerys from her bedroom before making their way to their own. Aemond made sure the girl was settled carefully into the cot they kept on nights she needed to be closer than a room down the hall. Aemyra was contented to sit on their bed and stare out the window until Aemond wrapped his arms around her.
“Kostilus, ñuha jorrāelagon, gaomagon daor umbagon lyka,” he whispered. (“Please, my love, do not stay silent.”)
“Udra kessa daor māzigon naejot nyke, valzȳrys,” she responded. Try as she might to remain steady, her voice wavered and cracked. (“Words will not come to me, husband.”)
“You do not need to torture yourself so,” he said in a gentle quiet. He pulled away from her, reaching over to their bedside table to pour her some water. “Your presence would not have changed anything. In fact, it may have only added Daenerys into the choice Helaena was forced to make.”
Aemyra turned to face him at almost breakneck speeds. The blood that always flooded her body with a burning heat became colder than the winter sea. He was only just turning back to hand her the water.
“What do you mean?” she whispered. Aemond met her question with an uncomfortable silence. “Aemond.”
He sighed. There were times where he was certain she could command dragon’s flames. She would speak with a firmness once unknown to him. It was inescapable.
“I thought you knew,” he said with an unease in his words. “The men that came made Helaena choose between Maelor and Jaehaerys.”
Aemyra stood up as panic overwhelmed her. Her stomach churned violently, saliva flooding her mouth. Her hand barely covered her mouth to contain it before the burning vomit of an empty stomach spewed from her. The yellow liquid seeped through the gaps in her fingers and down her dress before she stopped restraining herself.
Aemond rushed to stand behind her at the sound of her retching. His large hands held her waist to keep her steady as she did nothing but vomit on the floor.
To her, hours passed instead of minutes. She couldn’t force herself to stop no matter how she tried. It was only when her stomach ached and her body heaved without result that she seemed to be able to stand on her own. She stared at the mess on the floor and the stain on her dress hopelessly.
Thankfully, Aemond said nothing about it as she crossed the room to a small basin of water. She eased her shaking hands into the warm water, wringing them together in an effort to forget. Her thoughts ran wild at the idea of Helaena in such a position.
The men the Greyjoys sent were smart, it seemed. They couldn’t find her or Daenerys, so they would torment Aemyra in the next best way. She would like to think the Greyjoys would never order such a vile act as making a mother choose which of her sons would be slaughtered. Yet, the memories of Vickon taunting her with the raven feather’s danced around her brain.
At times, he would tell her they came from ravens his archers would shoot down with letters that bore the Targaryen sigil. It was to remind her that he made her no more capable than a caged bird. She had no hope of Rhaenyra or Aegon coming to rescue her. For five years, she was certain they were being fed falsities of her well being while she rotted on Pyke, body and soul.
By the point she felt like her hands were finally cleaned and she could change her dress, Aemond had already brought in a servant to clean the floor. She didn’t pay her any mind as she removed the soiled green material, only to immediately pull a blue dress on. The girl was only just leaving when Aemyra turned around. Aemond only looked at her sympathetically, walking over to help her finish lacing her dress.
“You are the epitome of Valyrian beauty, did you know that?” she asked him quietly.
Aemond’s hands faltered in their movements, a quiet cough getting caught in his throat. She chuckled quietly, imagining a blush on his face that she could not see. She liked complimenting him. It always took him by surprise, somehow.
“What am I compared to you?” he asked her. His voice was just as quiet, yet somehow it weighed up on the room more.
Aemyra chuckled softly before she turned to look at him. Aemond had, for his entire life, found it hard to let someone close. He wasn’t as close as Aemyra, Aegon, and Helaena were during childhoods. Rhaenyra was almost a stranger to him. Though, since his marriage to Aemyra, he had tried to let her in. He wanted to be close with her, he wanted her to love him.
“Papa, mumma?” the sleep laden voice of Daenerys called out.
She nodded softly to her husband, who only smiled before he walked over to Daenerys. He picked the small girl out of her bed, her body curling into his warmth in the absence of her blanket.
“Happy nameday, papa,” she whispered to him as she rubbed her eyes.
“Thank you, little love,” he told her, chuckling softly.
“Your nameday means no eye patch. You promised,” Daenerys added firmly. She always loved seeing Aemond’s full face. His scar was nothing short of the most amazing tale in her eyes. The sapphire that sat in his socket always made her face light up.
Looking at her husband and daughter, Aemyra couldn’t help be gravitate towards them. She was certain that if she had nothing else in this life, as long as she had these two, everything would be okay. Sitting next to them, she felt more at peace than she had before.
Aemond settled his body on the settee, Aemyra close beside him, and Daenerys climbed into her mother’s lap. She laid her head on the chest of the woman who loved her most, listening to the heartbeat she had known her whole life. Aemyra knew that for Daenerys, Aemond hung the moon and stars. And for him, his wife and daughter were the only things that ever mattered.
His fingers were a careful movement against the back of his head, loosening the eye patch until the point he was able to remove it completely. She saw the faintest movement of the muscles around his socket twitch, as though meaning to blink, though the presence of his sapphire never lessened. She felt her hand reach out to him, her hand coming to rest on the side of his face. As much as she wished she could make him whole once more merely by stroking his scar with her thumb as she did now, Aemyra knew she couldn’t. But feeling his weight press further into her touch stoked the fire in her heart.
Daenerys giggled softly as she moved once again. Aemyra let out a soft hiss, her daughter’s elbows and knees digging into the soft flesh of her body. But it was important to Daenerys as she began separating her father’s hair into small sections.
“We are apparently continuing our braiding lessons,” Aemyra told Aemond with a small chuckle herself.
“Easy, little love. Don’t want to hurt mumma in your excitement,” Aemond said, smiling.
“I’m sorry, mumma, just excited,” she apologized. He always made sure she stayed aware of herself.
When Aemyra had been pregnant with Daenerys, Aemond stepped back. He had become so completely overwhelmed by becoming a father, he couldn’t be there for his wife. He would regret it until his final breath, but he had promised them both the day Daenerys was born that he would never again leave them.
Together, mother and daughter braided small sections of Aemond’s hair repeatedly. He sat patiently for them to finish, his hand on Aemyra’s leg. Every few minutes, the weightless laughter of a child rang out as she told her papa how pretty he was. Before her, Aemond would have never accepted being called pretty. But now, he would rather be called nothing else.
The last four years, Aemyra spent his name day with him however he wanted. Their first being married, she was heavily pregnant, only to give birth less than a moon later. He had been quiet that day, still sitting with her but not really being with her. The first as a family, they took Daenerys to the skies. Just a short flight around the city, the small girl held tightly in Aemyra’s arms, just as Aemond held her while they rode Vhagar.
She felt guilty at the thought of their early happiness. If she had known what it would cost then, she may have just stayed in Pyke. If she had known Aegon and Helaena would lose their son, that she would have a daughter being threatened, she would not have ever dared leave. Her freedom was not worth the pain caused.
“All done,” Daenerys said happily, smiling. There was a singular braid that she had decided to leave, the rest of Aemond’s hair falling freely to his shoulders.
“Thank you, my little love,” he said to her, his own smile on his face. “Your turn, yes?” he asked her. Then she nodded, climbing into his lap.
Aemond’s fingers moved methodically through the hair. He always tried to tell Aemyra that Daenerys looked like her, was like her in every way. Yet, to her, their daughter was him in every way. She was already proving to be studious, carefully learning and considering everything. Everything from the shape of her eyes to her nose to her smile was him staring back. She was quick in her actions, only thinking then through when someone spoke reason to her.
“You both are my forever,” she whispered to him. ( 3 )
And deep down, she knew it to be true. Aegon and Helaena would be together, no matter what. Rhaenyra had her family. Aemond and Daenerys were the only two people in the world that were completely hers.
“Just as you are mine,” he whispered to Aemyra. He looked away from the braid to his wife, his heart thudding in his chest. “I pray to the gods every day that you remain at my side.”
She gave him a soft smile, reaching up to gently stroke his cheek. Her touches were always careful, precise. She always gave him the opportunity to deny her, to pull away. There had been a long standing promise between them, neither would ever push. Their own desires would never put the other in an uncomfortable position.
“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever had,” he told her, turning his head slightly to press his lips to her fingertips.
“I love you,” she whispered to him.
“I love you,” he responded before turning his attentions back to Daenerys.
Aemyra willed time to stop just now. To let the rest of the world fade away while this room stayed standing and untouched. She wanted Daenerys to never live through what she had. She wanted Aemond to remain so happy and free from the weight of the world. She wanted to never have to live without this love.
The day continued, the shadows moving across the room to prove to her she could not control time. She moved through the day, staying by her husband’s side in every moment as long as he desired. She knew there was a terror right around the corner, and she was desperate to avoid it as long as possible
Taglist: @zaldritzosrose @thenameswinter99 @mysticalendings
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brooklynislandgirl · 11 months
10 Fandoms / 10 Characters / 10 Tags
Tagged By: my loves @kylo-wrecked and @tangleweave Tagging: Anyone who feels like they need one more Sunday this weekend.
I. Marvel: Beta-Ray Bill, Eddie Brock/Venom, Doctor Strange, Phil Coulson, Vision, Groot, Spider-Man {Peter Parker}, Gambit, Doctor Morbius, Bucky Barnes. M'Baku {Hate the moniker of 'Man-Ape'}. Magneto. Loki. Night Crawler. Frank "Punisher" Castle. Colossus. Danny "Iron Fist" Rand. Foggy Nelson. Ghost Rider {Both Johnny Blaze and Robbie Reyes, "Caretaker" Carter Slade}. I know that's more than 10. Whatever, I do what I want. >.> II. DC: Lex Luthor, Nanaue {King Shark}, Martian Man Hunter, John Constantine, The Joker, Jonathan Crane, Morpheus {Dream of the Endless}, Death of the Endless, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bane, Swamp Thing, Green Lantern. Cisco Ramon. Hunter Zoloman.
I absolutely blame @nightmarefuele for at least two of these.
III. Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Admiral Piett. Kylo Ren. Wedge Antilles. Kit Fisto. Han Solo. Chewbacca. Jocasta Nu. Darth Rivan {not to be confused with Darth Revan}. Jos Vondar. Jango and Boba Fett, and of course, all my 10,000,000,000 Clone children. No I will not be taking questions.
IV. Star Trek: Worf, Martok, Gowron, Chancellor Gorkon, Kurn, Dr McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, Chekhov, Chris Pike, Ortegas, Nurse Chapel, Geordie La Forge, Riker, Data, Lore, Chief O'Brien, Q, Benjamin Cisco, Garak, Gul Dukat, Quark. V. Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Jayne Cobb, Hobun Washburne, Zoe Washburne, Shepherd Book, Kaylee Frye, YoSafBridge, Adalai Niska, Badger, Jubal Early Take my life, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care 'cause I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. {{My coat has always been a little...brownish.}
VI. The Walking Dead: Shane Walsh, Daryl and Merle Dixon, Michonne Hawthorne, Abraham Ford, Glenn Rhee, The Governor, Bob Stookey, Ezekiel, Dwight, Aaron, Morgan Jones. VII. Justified: Raylan, Boyd, Ava, Art, Rachel, Tim, Dewey Crowe, Johnny Crowder, Loretta McCready, Robert Quarles, Ellstin Limehouse, Mags Bennett, Devil, Jean Baptiste, Boon, Willa, Carolyn, Sweety... oh so many. VIII. Yellowstone: John, Jamie, Beth, Kayce Dutton, Rip Wheeler, Jimmy Hurdstrom, Thomas Rainwater, Mo Brings Plenty, Lloyd, Colby, Teeter, Jake, Ethan, Angela Blue Thunder, Malcolm Beck. IX. Law & Order- Alphabet Soup: Captain Cragen, Lenny Briscoe, Mike Logan, Anita Van Buren, Jack McCoy. Rey Curtis, Ed Green, Arthur Branch, Cyrus Lupo, Kevin Bernard, Frank Cosgrove, Jalen Shaw. Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Odafin Tutuola, John Munch, Chester Lake, Melinda Warner, Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba, Dominick Carisi, Peter Stone, Bobby Goran. I have seen literally every episode of the American Law & Order franchise Original, SVU, CI, OC, etc...with the first three watched multiple times. While I often wouldn't call it my most favourite show...it's probably my most favourite shows.
X. The Lord of the Rings: Boromir and Faramir, Éomer and Éowyn, Theoden King, Theodred, Gimli, Pippin, Sam, Meriadoc, Fangorn {Treebeard}, Beorn, Celebrimbor, Bard the Bowman, Dwalin, Celeborn, Denethor, Gil-Galad king, Fingolfin, The Watcher in the Water, Maedhros, Finwe, Manwe...and I could go on for years. My first true fandom as we know it {probably Arthurian Legend was my first and truest fictional love}, and one I have been faithful to for over 25 years. Honestly never please talk to me about it, because I have rabid opinions about literally everything. And lastly, I only included tv/movies here because books and rpgs would require an entire three or four Long Ass Posts all of their own. Much Love.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
What I've Been Working On Today: 24/1/2023
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Wake Up Call - Terry Bruno x Reader - Terry and you share a moment when the alarm clock goes off. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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LemonTrees! Series Part 2 - Twelve Weeks - Benny Miller x Reader - Companion Piece to Lemon Trees - You have some news for Benny (Redrafted & Booked In)
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LemonTrees! Series Part 3: Night Terror - Benny Miller x Reader - Benny knows there's something wrong when you wake him up in the middle of the night (Redrafted & Booked In)
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Between A Rock & A Hard Place - Will Halstead x Reader - You realise Will's career is at risk when pills from the clinical trial go missing. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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Go - Peter Stone x Reader - Companion Piece to Hate Sex and Weak - Peter can't stand the sight of you. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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Complicated - Nick Amaro x Reader - Nick makes some admissions when Benson questions him about your relationship. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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FluSeason!Series (Part 1 of 2) - Flu Season - Jimmy Lanik x Reader - Jimmy knows you're a terrible patient. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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FluSeason!Series (Part 2 of 2) - Sick Day - Jimmy Lanik x Reader - Jimmy resorts to negotiation tactics. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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Maybe Baby - Joe Velasco x Reader - Companion Piece to Take Your Pants Off and Blue - Joe and you discuss the prospect of children. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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Come Home - Jimmy Lanik x Reader - Jimmy hasn't been home in a few days. (Redrafted & Booked In)
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villains-are-hot · 2 years
The SVU squad part 1
Fandoms: law and order order svu / encanto (in which the squad have gifts)
Eventual Parings: oc x John munch, oc x fin Tutuola, oc x Elliot stabler, oc x Nick Amaro, oc x Sonny carisi, oc x Rafael Barba, oc x Peter stone
Other characters appearing now or later in this series: Donald Cragen, Melinda Warner, George Hwang, Olivia benson, Mike Dodds and William Lewis.
Pervious captain: “open up your eyes Donald this flashlight holds the miricale given to our department”
Young Cargen: “how did we get a miricale”
Previous Captain: “long ago when I became a detective and first joined the precinct there was a rapist the worst New York has ever seen more victims than we could count. Despite many people working tirelessly we couldn’t catch him and one of my coworkers got killed. In our darkest moment we were given a miracle this flashlight became a magical device that would never turn off. It blessed detectives and Adas with gifts to help the citizens of this city. However after years some of them decided they were too old so they stepped down and gave up their gifts. Now I’m leaving it’s your turn to lead this precinct…—————————————-
Estrella held her breath as she walked up the stairs into the building where the 16th precinct is housed. Two years she spent as a uniform officer and now she was finally promoted to a junior detective. She stopped briefly to re-read her resume making sure it was written correctly before continuing on her way. When she saw the door reading special victims unit she gulped hesitating to open it. There had been many transfer requests to this particular department thoughts of ‘what if I’m not good enough?’ Ran threw her herd after all only the best of the best would be accepted.
After what seemed like forever she opened the door and walked in. The area seemed cramped but cosy including desks filled with papers and a investigation board. It didn’t seem like any of the detectives that worked here were in at the moment. Estrella noticed a bald man sitting in an office with the door closed this must be the captain. She knocked politely and he looked up motioning for her to enter.
“Are you Captain Cragen?” Estrella asked walking in?
“Yes and your are?” Cragen asked
“Officer…sorry junior detective Estrella Juliette GracÃa” she said handing over her resume with a nervous smile
“Please take a seat” Cragen said she did as told and waited for him to read it she tried to gauge his reaction by his facial expressions but he wasn’t giving much away. Finally he looked up “this says you have an iq of 146, you graduated high school at age 13, got a scholarship to Harvard where you earned both a doctorate in criminal justice and an SJD in law by age 18, you then served in the army for three years as a private where you saved the lives of two fellow soldiers, you were awarded the silver star for your bravery being one of only 10 women to get that medal, you then joined the police academy where you graduated top of your class and now you have been promoted to detective after being in uniform for only 2 years….am I missing anything?” He asked
“I don’t think so Captain?” Estrella said a little confused
“I’m sorry the position has already been filled..” Cragen started Estrella frowned at this she knew the competition was huge but she thought he would at least think about it before making a decision “But I’ve thought about it and your resume is exemplary I would be lucky to have you on my team, so I have decided to call detective beck and tell her I am going with someone else” he finished smiling at her and handing her resume back to her
“R..really? You mean I got the job?” Estrella said shocked but excited she struggled not to jump and down in her seat
“Welcome to the special victims unit detective” Cragen said shaking her hand
“I won’t let you down Captain Cragen, when do I start?” Estrella asked
“You start tomorrow officially, today i’d like you to get to know your coworkers and then tonight will be your gift ceremony” Cragen explained
“That is fine with me” Estrella said
“Good your new partner Elliot Stabler should be at the courthouse testifying, go meet him there” Cragen ordered
Estrella got out of the cab looking for this stabler man. Instead she was disgusted to see a man kissing what looked to her like a child.
“What is going on here?” Estrella asked trying to hide the slight anger in his voice
“Butt out she’s my girlfriend” the man shot back
“Your girlfriend? This is a child that makes her your victim” Estrella said frustrated
“She is 17” the man said
“Do you have proof? I’d?” Estrella asked the girl
“She isn’t showing you anything take a hike lady” the man said
“You have to be really stupid or really cocky to molset a child in public” Estrella said pushing him down on a car hood and putting his hands behind his back
“Let me go right now! Who do you think you are” the man yelled trying to fight her
“Hey el cabrón, i’m a detective just got promote and your under arrest under the New York penal code 130 sexual abuse of a minor” Estrella said turning the man around and handcuffing him.
“Please stop he’s my boyfriend, leave him alone” the girl pleaded
“There a problem here?” A man with short brown hair and blue eyes asked he had a detectives badge much like her own in his hand
“I caught this man molesting a minor” Estrella told pointing to the handcuffed guy who yelled at the detective to “get her off me”
“Tell her” the girl said
“It’s legal the girls 17” the detective explained
“Really the girl was telling the truth?” Estrella asked still confused she let the man out of the handcuffs
“Come on let’s go home” the girl said and the couple walked away hand in hand
“That’s not right even if she is legal that guy is like 30” Estrella said
“Tell me about it, but it’s what the court ordered” the detective agreed with her “what’s it to you anyway?”
“Are you detective Elliot Stabler?” Estrella asked
“Yeah” he answered
“Well that was an awkward introduction…I’m detective Estrella GarcÃa your new partner” she introduced herself
“Welcome to the world of grey” Elliot said clearly unhappy about the courts decision
“The captain said I should get to know my co workers so I guess there other others” Estrella says
“Yeah I’m meeting them for an after work drink at a bar down the street if you want to join us” Elliot offered
“I don’t really drink but sure id like to meet them” Estrella said they then headed to the bar she let her new partner lead the way since she was familiar with the place. When they walked in she realised there was a lot of police and lawyers drinking here. Elliot walked over to a table where two men were sitting one white man in his late 40s to early 50s wearing glasses and the other a black man in his early 40s his long curly hair in a ponytail. They looked familiar and Estrella got a serious feeling of deja vu but she shrugged it off.
“Guys this is my new partner Estrella GarcÃa” Elliot introduced sitting down at the table next to fin.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both” Estrella said sitting at the remaking seat
“Hey I’m Odafin tutuola but I prefer just fin, this is my partner John Munch” fin said shaking her hand
“Welcome to the squad and a life of regret and suffering” John said jokingly while also shaking her hand. A waitress came to the table the guys ordered beers and Estrella got a fruity cocktail. While waiting for them to arrive the guys got into a work related conversation. Elliot was still upset about the 17 year old girl case.
Estrella sat deep in thought she realised the names Tutuola and Munch were familiar to her. Then it clicked there was a detective Munch that worked in Baltimore homicide and a detective Tutuola that worked in Manhattan narcotics they were pretty much the reason she became a cop but I couldn’t be them? Could it…
“Excuse me John did you ever work in Baltimore Homicide?” Estrella asked the table went silent
“Yes a life time ago, why?” John sighed obviously not wanting to discuss his old life. Estrellas eyes went wide so she was right about one of but what about the other. She turned to look at fin
“What about you Fin did you work in Narcotics here in New York?” Estrella asked
“Yeah how’d you know are you stalking us” Fin said raising an eye brow suspiciously
“No nothing like that…do either of you remember a case fifteen years ago where one of the biggest drug lords in America was arrested he also had many trafficked girls that he would use and pass around to his men. He and his gang was responsible for a long list of murders they operated mainly from Maryland and New York but he was living in the state of Pennsylvania. He had three kids and older son and two twins a boy and a girl. The mother of his children died under mysterious circumstances.” Estrella recounted
“Have you been studying our case notes? There’s not way you could know all that if you didn’t” John said
“No i didn’t” Estrella said
“A lot of those details weren’t released to the press theres no way you can not that stufd” Fin told her
“I can explain you know that scared little ten year old girl that had to testify and put her father in prison? I don’t like to bring it up much but that way me” Estrella admired both men looked her jaws hanging open in surprised even Elliot looked shocked and he hadn’t even worked that case.
“Nah no way that was you” Fin said
“Yes way” Estrella said
“I read about that case in the paper, sorry you went threw that” Elliot said the group then changed the subject and spent the rest of the hour eating, drinking their drinks and talking about the recent case of the 17 year old that looked like a little girl. Estrella listend with interest since she just joined she wasn’t up to speed on that case.
That night the big gift ceremony was going to take place. Politicians and police from other bureaus were in attendance as well as the current members of svu. Since the prescient was small but people still wanted to know what was going thousands gathered in Times Square watching a live feed of the event. Estrella smoothed over her suit and fixed her hair ready for the ceremony to begin. Music begun to play signaling that it was time for her to emerge from behind the door she nervously complied. This was it that thing they would make or break her if she got a gift she’d become a permenant member of the squad if not she’s soon be gone like Brian Cassidy and Monique Jefferies before her. People clamped for her as she walked. She was nervous and this resulted in her only talking about a step a minute. Every so slowly she mad her way to the glowing lockers.
The lockers were large probably big enough for a person to fit inside. Each one glowed with magic displaying the name of a person and a symbol showing what their gift was. Stabler had a dumbbell on his symbolizing his gift of super strength, Tutuola had a chameleon showing that his gift is shapeshifting and Munch had a speech bubble with words in different languages on in since he had the ability to speak, read and understand all languages fluently. A new locker had appeared next to the others out of thin air this one was blank but still had an aura of magic around it. Captain Cragen was standing. He had the magical flashlight in his hand
“Will you use your gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this city and strengthen victims hope” Cragen asked
I nodded and placed my hands on the flashlight it felt warm and calming. I went up to the locker door and hesitantly reached out touching on the combination lock. A magical light moved over the door transforming it and my name appeared in gold glowing letters ‘Estrella GarcÃa’ underneath was a love heart. I felt lots of eyes on me waiting for me to do something revealing what my gift was. Nothing happened! Everyone waited not knowing what to do and after a while Cragen addressed the crowd
“We have a new gift I don’t know sure no one knows what it is yet but it’s a gift all the same” Cragen said i ran my hand along the door confused but happy at the same time. I was now an official member of the squad but my gift hadn’t manifested itself yet..I wonder what it could be?
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hearmeoutbracket · 1 year
The Bracket is finished! The Polls will be posted on Saturday, May 20, 3:00 PM EST.
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The matchups are as follows under the cut
The left side:
The Snatcher (A Hat In Time) VS Megamind (Megamind)
King Bradley (Full Metal Alchemist) VS Second Dimension Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) VS The Narrator (Slay the Princess)
Dr. Teeth (The Muppets) VS Kenny (The Walking Dead Game)
King Dice (Cuphead) VS Jack Horner (Puss in Boots 2)
Ramiel (Evangelion) VS Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank)
Gashu Satou (Your Turn to Die) VS Junpei Matsumoto (Corpse Factory)
Eddie Dear (Welcome Home) VS Pythor (Ninjago)
The right side:
Commander Tartar (Splatoon 2) VS Leorio Paradinight (Hunter X Hunter)
Sam Wayne (Scarlet Hollow) VS Mimic (Vita Carnis)
Spamton G Spamton (Deltarune) VS Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Elijah Volkov (Camp Here and There) VS Ganondorf (Tears of the Kingdom)
Faust (Guilty Gear) VS Bowser (Mario)
Mammott (My Singing Monsters) VS Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Benson (Regular Show) VS Ivor (Minecraft Story Mode)
Benrey (HLVRAI) VS Enrico Pucci (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean)
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polls-showdowns · 1 year
Best Poly Ship Round 2 Group 2
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Here are the links for the round:
Crona Gorgon/Maka Albarn/Soul Evans (Soul Eater) V.S. El Hopper/Max Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Sabrina Spellman/Nick Scratch/Harvey Kinkle (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) V.S. Victor Grantz/Andrew Kreiss/Luca Balsa/Edgar Valden (Identity V)
Lonnie/Kyle/Rogelio (She Ra) V.S. Rarity/Applejack/Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony)
Stannis Baratheon/Davos Seaworth/Melisandre/Selyse Florent (A Song of Ice and Fire) V.S. Shaggy/Fred/Daphne/Velma (Scooby Doo)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar the Last Airbender) V.S. Eddie Brock/Dan Lewis/Venom Symbiote/Anne Weying (Venom)
Sweetie Belle/Applebloom/Scootaloo (My Little Pony) V.S. Thomas/Minho/Newt (The Maze Runner)
Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji/Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) V.S. Madison Montgomery/Zoe Benson/Kyle Spencer (American Horror Story)
Scott Summers/Logan Howlett/Jean Gray (X-Men) V.S. Vivi Yukino/Lewis Pepper/Arthur Kingsmen (mystery skulls animated)
Mako/Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) V.S. Sucy Manbavaran/Lotte Jansson/Akko Kagari (Little Witch Academia)
Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta (Les Miserables) V.S. Rachel Amber/Chloe Price/Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)
Zane/Kai/Cole/Zane (Ninjago) V.S. Garnet/Amethyst/Pearl (Steven Universe)
Nya/Skylor/Pixal (Ninjago) V.S. Cassandra/Eugene/Rapunzel (Tangled the Series)
Zuko/Katara/Aang (Avatar the Last Airbender) V.S. Sadie Kane/Walt Stone/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles)
Vriska Serket/Kanaya Maryam/Rose Lalonde/Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck) V.S. Glimmer/Catra/Adora (She Ra)
Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere (Arthuriana Legends) V.S. Zagreus/Thanatos/Megaera (Hades)
Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) V.S. Zoya/Nikolai/Alina/Mal (Grishaverse)
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transgender-mothman · 2 years
Tagged by @stereomike my true blue pal
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing
On repeat:
1. Gorillaz - Humility (feat. George Benson)
2. Harvey Danger - Cream and Bastards Rise
3. Lil Nas X - MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)
4. Coldplay - Atlas
5. Southern Culture on the Skids - Camel Walk
6. Arcade Fire - We Exist
7. Doechii - Yucky Blucky Fruitcake
8. Kenshi Yonezu - Cranberry and Pancake 
9. The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
10. The Smiths - Pretty Girls Make Graves (Troy Tate Version; 2008 Remaster)
Songs I really like:
1. Eels - Flyswatter
2. Super Cassette - Be Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan
3. Bear Ghost - Necromancin’ Dancin’
4. Motorama - Heavy Wave
5. Post Malone - Lemon Tree
6. Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
7. Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister
8. SoulDecision - Faded
9. Cursive - The Recluse
10. Slowdive - Sugar for the Pill
uhhhhhhh who can I tag.... @readasaur @haku23 @bittertowncowboy @maxbroforce @discardedvectrex @hotshawce @babka-yaga .....???? BOLD OF THIS MEME TO ASSUME I HAVE FRIENDS ON TUMBLR IN 2022
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kanedaloveslas · 1 month
I also wrote a bit of some Johnny (an old carisis character before carisi) x Las fanfic.
Where Las my self insert who works for benson as her assistant. Had dated Johnny who first went to the headquarters to apologize or something and he meets las.
And they get to talking and he feeling a moment of courage asks her out for coffee. They go and end up dating for a while until he breaks up with her because she can do better than some bum. And las is heartbroken but accepts it.
Then she meets Carisi who's a cop at the time and has a crush on him but doesn't have the courage to ask him out. Finn knows it and ships it. Meanwhile, Peter Stone comes into the picture and has it down bad for her. But notices Las' crushbon Carisi and is pretty sure he's not going to be here long and so he doesn't do anything about his feelings.
Meanwhile Johnny comes back into Las' life. And he's ready to try again. Las is conflicted but agrees to coffee again.
While Johnny leaves, he runs by Peter Stone, who is like Carisi? I've never seen him out of his usual work clothes.
And Finn is like oh that was Johnny, not Carisi. They look the exact same wild right? Las has a type.
Meanwhile Johnny runs into Carisi in the elevator and it's confusing because they look like brothers. Twins even. Johnny explains that he and Las had a think and he's trying to get back with her. While Carisi has this twist in his stomach. He doesn't like the idea of Johnny and Las. But why? He doesn't like Las like that. But maybe he does. And now what does that say about him.
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southwest-artisans · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Navajo Pearls Necklace Native American Jewelry NA Pendant Traditional Design ***.
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I also low key ship Peter Stone x Olivia Benson
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