#i miss these tiny mentions
thena0315 · 1 year
Remember when SVU and CPD used throw in mentions of each other when they weren't doing crossover events
Chicago PD
2x17 - 'Say Her Real Name'
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3x03 - 'Actual Physical Violence'
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*Already implied with 17x01-02
19x15 - 'In Loco Parentis'
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DC x DP Prompt
To the delight of Gotham's citizens, and the dismay of her criminal underbelly, the GCPD has a new specialized unit that ACTUALLY apprehends criminals and brings them to justice!
It's a relatively small squad of mostly young adults, who looked fresh out of their teens. But age didn't matter once they got the work done. And they did, as they've already got criminals like Penguin, Riddler, and Bane behind bars for what looks to be 'for good'.
No one besides Commissioner Gordan knows anything about the squad as they operate as a mostly separate entity from GCPD. It was rare to see any of them, and any photos taken were unusually blurry. They are also extremely secretive; if you exclude their social media which are usually just shit posts, memes, and thirst edits of the Wayne family.
They were a total mystery. Almost as mysterious as Batman.
But those who have seen/worked with the squad before all had the same thing to say about them. They were cool. They had an unusually effective method. And their leader is a menace. With his sharp teeth and pointed smile. And bright blue eyes that spoke to your soul. It was a pleasure to see/ work with him, it really was. But they weren't planning on doing so again for a long time.
That being said, Gotham had been quiet for a while. A bit too quiet if you ask anyone, especially the Bats. Strangely, it didn't feel like the usual calm before the shit storm. The instinctual pit in their guts that usually formed just wasn't there. This was different. This wasn't the calm before the storm. This was the ocean receding. But no one seemed to realize it yet.
Not until the tsunami came crashing down on them.
The GCPD special unit accounts that had been inactive for the last three months suddenly pinged to life. Everyone who followed them clicked the notification almost immediately. With this unnerving calm surrounding them, who the hell didn't want to see what batshit crazy statement they would make after three months of radio silence.
What they didn't expect, was to see a crystal-clear picture of justice finally being served.
The picture was a selfie, taken in an abandoned warehouse. In the middle of the dirty floor was the Joker. He was tied up and his head hung low. You could see how beaten he was, his clothes torn and bloody. His face paint was also coming off, revealing pale blotchy skin. Reminding everyone that, he was still human, just like the rest of them.
Behind him, all lined up with smiles on their faces, was Team Phantom. They were a bit bloody and bruised as well but overall in much better condition. They weren't wearing the normal GCPD navy blue uniform, but black and white ones. All stylized to fit the wearers taste. They all looked so young, but their eyes looked like old tired eyes, finally getting some relief.
From in the corner was their leader. Only part of his face was in the picture. One glowing blue eye, and part of his Cheshire smile. His hand making a peace sign next to the Joker. Even with only part of his being shown, everyone could tell he was relived as well.
And while the picture itself was shocking, the caption was what really got them. The top was what you would usually expect from the team. A big bold 'GOT EM' ' at the top. But at the bottom in small, almost unnoticeable text was:
"He will face his punishment. We will get our retribution. May we finally rest in peace."
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gee i wonder if the issue could be at all related to the fact that the current treatment plan for his chronic pain consists solely of FUCKING IBUPROFEN
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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bmpmp3 · 22 days
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not used to this kind of mascot
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afraidparade · 2 years
"A Kinder Reality"
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Word count: 3,088 Genre: G/T, Hurt/comfort, Angst Content warnings: Detailed depictions of panic attacks/intrusive thoughts, mentions & allusions to gore, death, and suicide, fearplay, possessive behavior
(PLEASE read the CWs as this one is a bit darker than some of my other stuff! sorry if it gets a bit heavy lolol. i tried to base this off of my own personal experiences, as i often have memory problems as a result of vivid dreams and intrusive thoughts that give me a lot of anxiety. there's also not a ton of hurt/comfort where the giant is the one hurting so i hope this fills that emptiness 👍)
Luka’s eyes snapped open, the sudden light he had yet to adjust to making it impossible to differentiate up from down. His fingertips clawed into the sheets around him, as if grasping desperately for purchase on an incomplete thought he held in his hands only a moment prior. What was this? Where had he been until now? It was difficult to recall the details, but the ache of breathlessness in his chest and the icy sweat that saturated his nightclothes was evidence that the experience had been far from pleasant.
He remembered feeling alone, yet surrounded. Helpless, but he wasn’t quite certain of what it was that threatened him. There was a room with chairs and people and…something else. Something that he was desperately terrified of. And it wasn’t that those faceless figures around him refused to respond to his cries and offer him aid, because he didn’t cry at all. He didn’t make a sound. It was a dreadful sensation, sitting in that room and feigning calm, surrounded by those human-shaped husks. There was an overbearing presence behind him: the terrifying thing. Some sort of shadowy monster that sulked in a corner of the ceiling yet simultaneously managed to breathe down his neck. Luka could just feel its predatory anticipation, waiting for him to turn around, or speak, or blink, or any action it deemed unacceptable. He was sure it was there, yet no one else paid it any mind. Could they see it? Could they feel it? Did they even care that it was there? Did they even care that he was there? If the thing lunged down and ripped him apart right in front of their hollow eyes, would anyone even flinch? Perhaps they would feel grateful to the monster for ridding them of such a burden. Perhaps they would all be happier if he weren’t—
Luka pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth and swallowed. Dry. Water, he should drink water. Shapes began to form in the fuzzy white void of his vision, and the man soon recognized the wall of his bedroom. Which meant all those vague and terrible memories had just been made-up. A dream. A rasp of air blew through his chapped lips, as if he was attempting to laugh out of spite. What a cruel joke. He already got a pitiful amount of sleep as it was, and now he couldn’t even be afforded the luxury of feeling rested when he woke up? Well, such was life, he supposed. At least now he wasn’t alone.
At least now…he wasn’t…
Luka froze, and his head throbbed. The space on the mattress beside him was unoccupied. He managed to twist his neck to survey the other side of the room, enduring another sharp surge of pain in his skull. Empty. His lips parted, but he stayed silent.
Wasn’t there supposed to be someone else there?
A third, more definitive pulse in his head caused Luka’s eyes to wrench shut. His hands shot upwards to nurse the pain away, but when that didn’t work, his fingers became more frantic, each scratching at his hairline as if they had a mind of their own. There was some sort of vile growth blocking his airway. He didn’t know where it came from. It felt like the same sort of inky malevolence that the carnivorous presence from before was composed of.
Was this…real? Had he actually woken up? 
He coughed, wheezing around the lump in his throat, panic setting in when he realized he couldn’t breathe. His diaphragm spasmed, and nausea followed soon after. His mouth was open, but if Luka was crying or screaming, he couldn’t tell. His sense of hearing had been reduced to a flat, monotone buzz. 
How could he be certain that this wasn’t the dream? That every memory of having someone beside him, someone that actually cared about him, weren’t just artificial fragments of a bright, fuzzy dreamscape his brain made to protect itself? How was he supposed to know which memories to trust?
A dark ring began to close in around the corners of his vision, blotting out his surroundings like the final scene of an old film. Maybe it was from the lack of oxygen. Maybe it was just a trauma response. But Luka couldn’t bear this feeling, not being able to tell whether he was tumbling or stationary, awake or asleep, alive or dead. If he was alone again. 
Again, again, again, it always happened, he always ended up like this. As if he was always destined to be an afterthought to everyone around him. As if it really wouldn’t matter if a monster swallowed him whole. And bitterly, with the last scrap of his consciousness that could form coherent thoughts, he wondered which reality was kinder: one where he’d tasted love and fulfillment only to discover it was never his to keep, or one where he’d never experienced such bitter joys, and never knew the severity of losing them.
Maybe he could wake up in the room with the people and the monster. Maybe then, even if it was for a second, someone would spare him a compassionate glance while that shadowy beast tore into his ribcage and—
There was something warm on Luka’s cheek. Tears? No. Though it was only now that he noticed their presence, those felt chilly and wet. It was a small pressure, but it radiated familiarity. A shaky, sudden inhale — his consciousness felt so faint, he barely registered it as his own — and a question were the first sounds to break through the fuzzy, intangible blockade around his ears.
“What happened?”
It took several deep, uneven breaths and bewildered blinks before Luka could manage to see just past his nose. A humanoid shape finally came into focus, but unlike the figures in the other room, this one had a face. And, upon closer inspection, wasn’t human at all. Deep, glossy pools of black with white pinprick pupils stared wide at him with concern, and from behind a quivering frown, he could make out tiny, pointed teeth. Reddish horns, an absolute rat’s nest of black hair, and an ill-fitting shirt stitched together by his own clumsy hands, all wrapped up in a three-inch package. The details were too intimate to be mistaken for a dream.
It was Faust. His wonderful, impossible, real Faust.
Luka couldn’t muster the coherence to form words. Aside from the fogginess he felt after finally, truly waking up, he was still parched, and his throat felt bruised from his battle for breath. A hand retracted from his face, the palm damp from the tears it had inadvertently smeared around, and slowly reached towards the confused demon. Faust reached out for it without a moment’s hesitation, causing Luka’s fingers to twitch in surprise. He was real. It was miraculous. He was real.
But that looming dread from before still gripped at his chest unyieldingly. What if one day Luka woke up and he really was gone? How would he be able to bear being thrown from one cruel reality to the next without the reprieve of someone else to comfort him? No, not just anyone else, but Faust. There was no one else. It had to be Faust.
What would he do if he lost Faust?
Luka didn’t know what he was doing. His body moved almost robotically, stuttering every now and then as his brain tried to process how to proceed, all while his unblinking gaze lost focus and bore forward into the same nothingness. His fingers curled around Faust’s body rigidly, and while the demon didn’t protest, he began to shift uncomfortably. The human’s hand pulled back towards his body, his grip unconsciously tightening as it moved, only stopping when his companion was held flush against his chest and there was no space left for his hand to retreat to. 
“Luka, this is— it’s kind of hard to breathe.”
Luka could hear him, so why couldn’t he stop? He didn’t want to hurt Faust. He would never do something like that. But he was so small. Even if daily life with a tiny imp had become routine, it didn’t change the fact that he was so very vulnerable. Ultimately powerless in the grand scheme of things. Beautifully unique, terrifyingly unique. There was no one else in the entire world like Faust. The big, dangerous, lonely world. Yes, it was so easy to keep him in place. It hardly took any effort at all. This was simply a reassurance that he had the means to keep Faust safe. To keep him close. To make him stay.
“Y-your heartbeat is crazy fast right now. Seriously, are you okay? I need you to respond to me, Luka!”
Luka’s chin lowered to brush against the hand trapping Faust in place, and without realizing it, his entire body had begun to curl around that point as well. It felt as though Faust was the very core of his entire person. This was beyond normal love, wasn’t it? This was obsession. Sick dependency. It disgusted him so, and yet his body refused to do anything but curl tighter. Like a boa constrictor wrapping around its next meal. Would he end up squeezing Faust until he stopped moving, too? It would be easy, Luka thought. Not that he wanted to. But it chilled him to know that he could.
“Don’t make me do this, Luka. I really don’t want to do this.”
Ah, this was what it felt like when they first met. The knowledge that he held this impossibly small being’s life in the literal palm of his hand, the understanding that he could take advantage of that, and the searing hatred Luka felt for himself when he did. It was horrible, but it was intoxicating, and he didn’t want it back, but a wretched part of him missed it. When exactly did he manage to overcome this feeling, Luka pondered? Somewhere along the way of falling for Faust? Realizing he’d need to change if he ever wanted Faust to reciprocate? Well, what did it truly matter if Faust reciprocated? Faust didn’t have to love him. He just needed to be here. He just needed to stay. Luka needed him to stay.
“…So be it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
God, he was rotten. And delusional, too, to think he had actually changed. People don’t change. At least not people like Luka. Destined to be alone, again and again and again and again. He hated being alone. He hated himself. He hated this feeling. He hated that goddamn room from that goddamn dream. What was even the point? Why did he bother trying to fix something shattered beyond repair? What was stopping him from—
“Ca-li-for-nia girls, we’re unforgettable! Daisy dukes, bikinis on top!”
“Sun-kissed skin so hot, we’ll melt your popsicle — wa-oohhh-ah-oohhh-oh, wa-oohhh-ah-oohhh-oh…”
Faust’s muffled voice faded after the last vocalization, possibly waiting to see if there was a response. Or possibly due to being out of breath. After that, total stillness descended on the scene. Almost as if someone had merely pushed the power button on a remote and turned off all the static in Luka’s brain. It took a moment for him to process what in the hell had just happened, but after rewiring itself, his brain recalled a certain fact he knew he could always rely on:
Faust was a terrible singer.
Once his lungs finally remembered how to inhale, his body relaxed from its tensed and coiled state, releasing the small demon from his desperate grasp. As his vision slowly came into focus again, Luka inspected Faust’s state worriedly, suddenly horrified that he may have actually inflicted harm on his roommate. He was flushed red from a combination of the larger man’s overwhelming body heat and the intense pressure that likely inhibited his breathing, but other than a few gasps and coughs, he seemed surprisingly unbothered. Which was relieving first and foremost, but upsetting in its own right. He deserved to be upset. He deserved to resent Luka. The man swallowed as he attempted to regain his voice. 
“...I hate that song,” he rasped plainly. He didn’t know what else to say.
“Yeah. I know,” Faust replied, still panting as he glanced upward, “I was sorta hoping that the hate and the shock would overpower…whatever it was you were feeling.”
Luka’s mouth hung agape. Had Faust really hinged both the wellbeing of himself and Luka on…an annoying pop song? And that actually worked? He couldn’t tell if the demon was an idiot or a genius. It was so ridiculous on so many layers that he simply couldn’t think about anything else. Those overbearing thoughts from mere moments prior vanished in a puff of smoke, just like that. Eventually he closed his mouth and allowed a small, warm grin to replace the anguish from before. He never smiled like this before meeting Faust. Funny, Luka thought, how very different his inner demons looked from the miniscule demon that stood before him.
 “It did. Thank you.”
“God, you sound like shit,” the imp grumbled. Luka took the not-so-subtle hint and slowly sat himself upright, fumbling for the bottle of water that he kept on his bedside table. “What even happened? I had only just left to find myself something to snack on, but I turned back when I heard you making weird noises. Next thing I know, you’re suffocating me.”
Luka hesitated as he brought the bottle to his lips. An intense feeling of shame weighed down on his body as he recalled his actions, as well as the thoughts that accompanied them. It was probably better that Faust didn’t know every last detail of what brought his panic attack on…specifically, the thoughts concerning him. Sure, they had roots in the anxieties that Luka harbored in the back of his mind, but in that feverish state they had been amplified a hundred fold. They weren’t his true feelings. Or so he hoped, anyways
“I just…had a nightmare,” he answered simply, taking a swig from the container. Faust’s eyes narrowed, clearly unconvinced that there was no other trigger for such an extreme episode, but he held his tongue. After all, he was in no place to doubt the impact of nightmares. Luka, not wanting to dwell in the uncomfortable silence any longer, continued, “I’m so sorry for putting you through that. It must’ve been scary. Are you hurt?”
The smaller shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s fine. I’ve been through a lot worse.”
Luka wiped at a trail of water that trickled out of the corner of his mouth before capping the bottle. That was right — they had both trudged through hell just to make it to that very morning together, hadn’t they? Faust’s trophy was a back full of scars. Luka’s was a drawer full of pill bottles. It was difficult to liken his own traumatic experiences to Faust’s – especially when the other’s past was still largely a mystery to him – but there was comfort in knowing they could relate to each other on a basic level. That they…weren’t alone. Maybe all the trouble up until then was worth it just to share each other’s company. Of course, it was possible Faust didn’t feel the same way. But he didn’t need to feel the same way. It was enough that he was there. 
Luka sighed and turned to Faust again. Given his state from a few minutes ago, it was remarkable how calm he felt now. Maybe that, too, was thanks to his companion’s presence.
“Did you ever get your snack?” he asked softly.
“No,” Faust huffed with a sharp thrash of his tail. After a pause, the small imp folded his arms and turned his pouting face away, adding with a grumble, “I can’t exactly get to the kitchen in just a few steps like you can.”
Cute, Luka cooed inwardly. It was a thought that he would verbalize on any other day just to watch the resulting adorable tantrum, but for now he figured he’d put Faust through enough.
 “Well then, would you allow me to make a nice breakfast as an apology for earlier? I think there’s enough pancake mix left for one more serving.”
The other’s scowl dissipated instantly, clearly more interested in food than maintaining appearances. “Hell yes! Apology accepted! Put some whipped cream on top and it’s apology double accepted!”
Luka laughed warmly and, after brushing away the last of the moisture that clung to his cheeks, gently extended a hand for Faust to climb onto willingly. Despite him being the one to prompt the action, though, he faltered when his smaller counterpart did just that. Even though he’d been forgiven, this simple act of trust didn’t feel earned. It was only a moment ago that he’d hurt Faust, after all. What right did he have to hold him now?
Seemingly picking up on Luka’s uncertainty (or just becoming impatient after being promised pancakes), Faust craned his neck to shoot an inquisitive glare upwards. “What?” he demanded.
“Aren’t you… I don’t know, a bit too trusting of me right now?” the brunette asked, unable to meet the other’s eyes. “Are you not even the least bit afraid that it might happen again?”
Faust scoffed. “Don’t be stupid. Of course it’ll happen again, idiot.”
Well, Luka hadn’t been sure as to what sort of answer he expected, but it certainly was not that.
“It might not be today or tomorrow, but sure, yeah, it’ll come back. Stuff like that doesn’t disappear overnight. But what kind of demon would I be if I was afraid of one measly human?” he pointed out, flashing a toothy smirk. “I trust you, Luka. And besides, I’ll always be around to knock some sense into you.”
Had Luka not spent all his tears earlier, he was certain there would be some welling in his eyes right then. He gave an earnest smile, a quiet chuckle, and asked, “So singing cringey pop music is your definition of knocking sense into someone?”
“It’s not cringey. You’re just a hardass.”
How fortunate Luka felt now to have woken up. Because truly, how could there be any reality kinder than this one he shared with Faust?
As they walked, Luka hummed a few notes between the pauses of their aimless chattering, before eventually groaning and cursing under his breath.
“Fuck,” he muttered,  “You got that stupid song stuck in my head.”
“Heh heh! You’re welcome.”
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rmorde · 4 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Here we go! Chapter 8 Volume... Huh?
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Voulme 2? I thought this is still Volume 1. Am I tripping?
Anyway! Just a moment of appreciation for this parody page of he cover.
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This while thing is so "busy" yet it still make sense. There's so many elements layering on top of each other. It should be a confusing mess. However, I can still easily pick out the four components that tells a story.
Component 1: Vash as a happy salary man being served a drink by a geisha (judging from the hairstyle and accessory) with shadowed eyes on the opposite end of the page.
Component 2: BDN at the dead center. The text makes it a bit difficult to confirm if he has a top knot, but he definitely is rocking a traditional Japanese look. He looks menacingly at Vash as he drinks.
Component 3: Meryl and Milly running in a hurry but for two clearly different purposes. Meryl looks like a traditional restaurant staff frantically trying to serve a lot of guests. Meanwhile, Milly doesn't look she's working anywhere near the food service industry with her get up and the tool that she has on hand.
Component 4: The Bad Lads drinking in celebration while an ambulance seems to be sounding its sirens as it parked near them.
Look. I may seem to be too obsessed with this gag page but it's crazy how its a fucking busy mess that still works at telling a cohesive story!
With just this two page drawing, I can infer easily that someone is in danger and may need to be hospitalized - so the ambulance was called and asked to stand by. Milly is probably the heroine about to save the day with the overworked yet eager to help Meryl. The party the Bad Lads are having is a big distraction at a possible murder attempt starring Vash as the victim, the geisha as the accomplice, and BDN as the mastermind.
And don't get me started on the scaling of each figure and the silhouettes. Just... I'll just repeat, Nightow is amazing for how pretty AND technical his drawing is. It's so clean. Wow...
Sorry for getting derailed. So, back to the chapter.
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Ok. I lied. Let me just appreciate Winter Mery and Milly here. I love them so much and they so fucking cute here with their dynamic pose... solid silhouette... Clean fucking lines... Sorry... Give me a minute!!!
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Interesting. So, '98 rearranged the sequence of events here. This happened a bit later... which I think is better. It adds more impact on Vash's duel against BDN.
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These guys are no stormtrooper shooters. They having really good aim!
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They didn't hit Vash. Okay. Maybe the tails of his coat now have fresh bullet holes, but aside from that, Vash is fairly intact. The Bad Lads have great accuracy.
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This is an intriguing way of drawing a spinning gun. It's simple but effective in visually communicating that that is what BDN is doing. A good choice. Thinking about it... If three twirling guns in a blur of circles were drawn, it would be too distracting and BDN will be overwhelmed in the panel.
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Cool foreshortening. Incredible detail on the filigree. And a bonus Goofy Face Vash!
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So so fucking glad '98 was faithful to the manga with these scenes. Meryl and Milly were such badasses here.
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Huh... Well that's a huge difference. There's not much:
GASP! It'S VaSH tHe STampeDE!
vASh ThE StAMpEdE?!
It can get a bit much... sometimes in '98. So, this is refreshing.
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So, those lines by Miss Purple Avenger from the filler episode were originally from BRILLIANT DYNAMITES NEON?!
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Oooohhh.... Pretty art... Wait no... I can't distracted. I'm mad!
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OML! This is much more intense! IT ADDS SO MUCH WEIGHT TO THE DUEL!
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Oh my goodness... This nuance... WHY WAS THIS CHANGED?!
Not to say that Miss Purple Avenger and the episode featuring her was bad. It was actually great! Her version of July was nightmare inducing... and her confrontation with Vash was truly tragic too but.... Uhm...uh... AAHHHH!!!! I CAN'T CHOOSE! THEY'RE BOTH GOOD!
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Oh... break my heart into fucking pieces will you huh?!
LOOK AT THESE! Manga Vash getting cheered on by the people! People were supporting him! He is being treated nicely as he deserved.
Even in '98! It was not as overt at this page. However, that scene of the captain from the beginning of this chapter replaced these panels instead and is just as effective. '98 Vash has people believing the good in him.
TRISTAMP VASH WAS ROBBED!!! HE NEVER HAD THESE!!! That poor precious boy! The few precious people who supports him only showed up near the end... and... and...
Now getting even more upset again with the Jeonora Episodes in Tristamp!
It's so not fair!
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Oooh. A cinematic page!
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I can't believe this. This fight is better in the manga!
I am not dissing Studio Madhouse for what they've done tho. The '98 Duel was epic too! They did great! But all these crazy angles and perspectives in the manga just elevate the overall awesomeness of the gunfight. It's just more immersive.
Tbf to the '98 anime, this is a nightmare to animate faithfully. With the technology and techniques at the time, this would be so difficult to pull off beautifully - going topsy turvy in one smooth motion for two characters at the same time in a fight scene with a complicated moving background? Yeah... The animation staff would go insane. It's totally understandable that they simplified this duel into extreme close ups and strong facial + gun drawings instead.
I hope Studio Orange re-hashes this fight in some way tho... or does the Episode 1 duel count?
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Sigh... With the my discovery that Miss Purple Avenger's lines were actually BDN's, and that the outrage towards Vash for not remembering anything about July belongs to the Bad Lads', these words have become so much more meaningful.
It's also now more effective at convincing me that Brilliant Dynamites Neon have hidden depths.
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Oh... Ow... The detailing here is just ow for the hands of an artist. Perhaps I overreacting, but those fine lines in the crooks and crannies make me wince.
Once again tag responses:
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Yeah. The more I see his work, the more I'm awed by his skills. That's a cool detail that his design incorporate realism. I thought the glasses are for the light tho? But maybe it's like those the Olympian gunners wore during the competition?
The dead REALLY haunting the narrative? Looking forward to it!
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Ok. Monthly publication are still grueling but at least its not as nightmarish with weekly mangakas. No wonder the quality is consistent with the art. Nightow was allowed to breathe.
You make a good point. '98 did have a bit of a mystery woven into it. We know Vash the Stampede - we follow his misadventures and people kept saying who he is ad nauseam in every episode. However, we don't really know know him for quite a long time. It's a different, but no less interesting, spin to the story.
Which kinda explains I'm misremembering some scenes and characterizations? The last third of '98 made a long lasting impression that I kinda forgot about Vash's horn dogginess.
#trigunbookclub#trimax journey#there is no escape#i'm due for a re-watch of '98#but i am a bit upset at the change of who mentioned july#yeah some may say it's a tiny thing but those questions about july COMING FROM bdn before the duel is just much more impactful!#especially when contrasted with the previous chapter where vash tells kaite about his pacifistic ideals#it's a metaphorical slap to the face like...#PREVIOUSLY - vash: kaite i don't want to kill because i promised someone i never would#CURRENTLY - bnd: oi vash! why fuck did you kill everyone in july?#just the absolute whiplash minfuck of it all! tho '98 did it too because Miss Avenger episode was AFTER the Love & Peace one#the events just kinda flows so much better here in the manga than '98...#ALSO! bnd mentioning july makes it more convincing that he's not a 100% asshole thirsting for nothing but mayhem and blood#'98 keeping his 'life shines brighest' line is a bit lackluster when he didn't show any redeeming qualities whatsoever#here in the manga there is an implication that while he is a ruthless criminal - he has a line that he thinks vash had crossed#hence his seemingly more 'personal' stake on the duel#idk aughhh#sorry for rambling here for too long in the tags#i'm going back and forth at this#because '98 isn't bad AND they did stick to the core idea regarding the july question to vash#plus people losing their humanity to fight for survival is plain terrifying#sigh... this manga is going to keep me at my toes even if i watched the two animes already
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blue-eli · 5 months
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Ink October day twenty-nine: Wilder
To bewilder; to perplex.
Comparative form of wild: more wild.
#tears of the kingdom#loz totk#totk#the legend of zelda#legend of zelda#legend of zelda tears of the kingdom#totk link#blue boi draws#ink october 2023#ink October 2023 day 29#I have extremely conflicted feelings about this game that I think boil down to: I don’t dislike it but it did disappoint me#like there are a lot of things about it but the things I dislike are loud in a way that makes them hard to ignore#there are also a lot of tiny nitpicking things I dislike about it that I feel bad about because they are probably insignificant or cases of#people having different taste in things. like the bombs I miss my remote destination bombs :( but also the mechanics that replace them are#really fun. I actually think most of the mechanics and puzzles are really good (I probably have more fun in Zonai shrines then sheikah#on average) I also think expanding to the sky and underground was really smart and good. I think most of my issues are with the story#they did Zelda so dirty. sooooooo dirty. the three good things they did with her are 1 gave her good parental figures 2 cut her hair#3 tURNED HER INTO A FUCKING DRAGON. A WYRM. A CREATURE.#that’s probably my favourite main story thing besides maybe the companions and also Tulin#I love Teba the fact that his son is featured heavily and is done so good in this game is amazing.#also revali being basically never mentioned was really good. fuck you revali#love the Zonai HATE them founding Hyrule (or well rauru)#love the designs dragon goat people love good dad to Zelda the king can go fuck himself#the thing about me is I hate ​colonial the divine right of kings and monarchies so much. the kingdom of Hyrule stinks of these things#botw to me was in part a story of a monarchy failing. the king and the system failed Zelda failed Link and failed their kingdom.#I knew that more then likely they would be rebuilding the kingdom in the sequel but oh my gods does the addition of the politics of Hyrules#founding make it worse. there are so many people who have explained in detail this but right now my brain is just… GAH#*banging my head against the wall* can we PLEASE acknowledge the flaws of the Hylian royalty I’m not even asking for them to be discrowned#at this point I just want anything that isn’t this glorifying shit. and it sucks because I like Sonia!!! I like Minaru!!!#ran out of tags but I need you to know I am fucking vibrating about this
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odysseys-blood · 3 months
also fun to notice that the niflheim crew has the smallest horns collectively i think out of all the groups so far in the game sans andrealphus (i don't even think the guy next to belphegor has any at all but theres the possibility they might have been broken). also belphie has a fun horn-isthatactuallyahorn?-ring like naberius so i wonder if thats just smthn that happens or if its a trait that only certain types of devils have since naberius also doubled as cerberus before the baby cerberus was born and given the name instead
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beeholyshit · 7 months
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I'm so emotional rn
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
reading gideon the ninth:
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reading harrow the ninth:
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#htn#tlt#everything has gone from like. 50 to 1000#like sure there were things going on before and I had to pay attention#but now I have to pay ATTENTION#like okay. okay harrow is 'remembering' that there was a sleeper or whatever#and there was a 2 hander with it. under it. okay. okay so what does that mean#and this 'body'#which for some reason she's continuously hallucinating?#and the whole thing with the letters and ianthe#i'm trying to parse through everything but I don't know how much I can figure out and how much is explained#by context and events I simply haven't been told about yet#so it would be fruitless to surmise because I quite literally can't know yet. missing pieces#based on current knowledge my assumption is that for some reason harrow has retroactively altered her memories#for an unknown purpose#because ianthe's 'who? oh the cavalier' at the beginning leads me to believe she recalls gideon just fine. and that gideon was in fact real#though there's something going on with her#well yeah no shit she's disappeared straight up#not like disappeared like gone missing but she's straight up been erased from the story like she doesn't exist#except for these tiny mentions#of a two hander#which also brings to question the importance of a reader in a story#but that's a whole other can of worms#the point is I have to pay so much more attention now#i love it I love being confused (genuinely)#the first book was fine but it wasn't like this#anyway. harrows the fucked up scrunkle cat of the group and I'm endlessly amused by it
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gentil-minou · 1 year
Xiantober Day 12 - Falling
CQL | Modern | Reincarnation AU
Yanli-jie recommended bungee jumping as a romantic and exciting date. It was supposed to be thrilling, give them an adrenaline rush they'd carry all the way home.
It wasn't supposed to go like this…
The bungee cord that was meant to be pulled taut by the force of gravity from his descent is loose and dangling in a U shape as their guides whisper among themselves
"Did you see him run? Wasn't his boyfriend all the way on the other side?"
"How did he even grab hold of him?"
"You talked to them earlier right? Weren't they both excited and ready? They seemed so into it…"
"Yeah…they definitely weren't crying like this…"
Their voices sound far, far away. A part of Wei Ying registers them, knows where he is. Knows who he is. But the other part…
He's a million miles away…no that's not quite right.
He's hundreds of years away, the empty and safe ravine he and Lan Zhan had driven to is gone, though he can't tell because he can't look down. But he can feel the burning heat as it sears through his clothes, turns his bones to ashes and rips him apart.
The standard issue helmet they gave him earlier might as well not be there at all. In fact, impossibly, he swears he can feel a scorching wind whipping his long hair around him, despite the fact he'd had a haircut just last month.
But he can't look away to check or take note of anything, because his eyes are glued to Lan Zhan's above him, where he's hanging over the edge of the cliff, is hand gripping Wei Ying's wrist tight enough it's like its like they're welded to each other.
And Lan Zhan is crying.
The tears pour uninhibited from his eyes, normally a honey brown but somehow tuned pure gold in the sunlight. His tears fall and fall, though he doesn't say anything. Jaw clenched tight and his arms trembling, he's like a man possessed. Or Wei Ying would think that way if it wasn't for the look of deep anguish that spills from him, shaking Wei Ying to his very core.
Even as Wei Ying is dangling above an abyss, all he can think about is his worry for Lan Zhan, for his zhiji.
The word pops into his head from no where, feeling right. Describes them perfectly.
A cloud passes overhead, revealing a dazzling sub that blinds him, making him squint, and suddenly his boyfriend's short hair is ten times longer, falling over his shoulder as he purses his lips. He's bleeding from his arm, wearing white instead of the jumpsuit their guide gave them.
But that's not right… something isn't right. Wei Ying feels like he's in two places at once. They both feel real, but how can that be possible?
Is he the grad student on a once in a life time trip with the love of his life, crossing off a bucket list item?
Or is he a pariah, letting go of the hatred and pain in his heart to find salvation, being held back by someone who knows him as well as he does, inside and out.
Why can't he figure out where he is? Who he is?
The words spill unbidden past his lips.
"Lan Zhan, let me go."
Lan Zhan's squeezes his grip, digging into his skin even as blood drips from his injured arm down into Wei Ying's palm. The sound of swords clashing mixes with concerned whispers of their workers trying to get near, except Lan Zhan won't let them, afraid to let anyone near.
"Lan Zhan…"
Lan Zhan purses his lips, the furrow between his brows deeper than any canyon. He shakes his head, once slowly, before more vigorously. Water leaks from his eyes to drop on Wei Ying’s cheek as he hangs there.
"Wei Ying, no…"
"Lan Zhan, you can't save me."
His mouth keeps opening of its own accord, as if the words Wei Ying says aren't even really his to begin with. Like they're following a script that's been written long ago.
But Lan Zhan doesn't listen. Even as the voice above keep shifting from battle cries to frenzied workers trying to keep everyone safe, Lan Zhan hold on his wrist remains firm
"Wei Ying will not fall again."
Something bursts inside Wei Ying's chest. He'd think it was his heart, except he can still hear it, drumming against his skull as tears fall from his eyes to drop into the endless chasm below.
He feels like he's been waiting a long time to hear those words.
His voice chokes between sobs, and he has to take a moment to speak with a clear voice. "Will Lan Zhan save me, this time?"
Lan Zhan must have gained purchase on the ledge somewhere else, anchoring himself to it, because his other arms comes around to grab Wei Ying near his elbow in a secure grip. He's gritting his teeth and trying to heft him up, a vein in his forehead giving away his exertion.
"I will save Wei Ying, every time." he says, a fire burning his eyes scorching anyone or anything that dares to disagree.
He drags him up, and Wei Ying just barely gets a glimpse of a pair of guides holding Lan Zhan's legs to keep him stable, muttering about needing new rules.
When his feet land on the ground, it feels solid beneath him in a way it never has before. Like he's finally reached clarity and peace for something that's been gnawing at him for generations.
The long hair is gone, and Lan Zhan's arm isn't bloody or injured. They're both wearing their jumpsuits as the breathe heavily, just sitting on that ledge watch each other.
Wei Ying remembers where he is again, the fog gone from his mind. But something feels...different. Something has been changed irreversibly, though he can't quite put his finger on what.
Their guides are trying to give them a lecture, but all of Wei Ying's attention is on Lan Zhan. Where the tears no longer fall but glisten in his eyes and his mouth curves up in the sweetest, happiest smile.
"Wei Ying. I saved you."
Wei Ying huffs a laugh. The joy in his heart doesn't feel like his…but at the same it feels like all ever had. Like it flows through his veins and lights up his center.
"Yeah, Lan Zhan. You did. You caught me."
He leans forward, presses a steady hand on Lan Zhan’s tear-stained cheek, and kisses him, letting the light and love he feels pour into him, their souls entwined and at peace.
(threadfic here)
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dawntheduckrb · 6 months
Fun treat, mainly for myself but maybe also you guys?
I visited some family today for Easter, and that family member keeps my grandmother's old piano in her house, so I messed around on it for a little bit. I messed up a lot, but it was still really fun :) (sorry, had to adjust my hair tie at the beginning)
((((...I never formally learned how to play the piano; I'm a marimba player, so I only know the correct technique for percussion keyboard... go easy on me pls, I haven't played either in quite a while :') ))))
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
i hope when mia comes back she gets to have a conversation with roy that lasts more like like 3 words. what a concept
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mari-lair · 1 year
Wip of the Phantom Thieves AU prequel
Rated M
Pairing: Terukane.
Warning: OOC for being a decade older. Violence. Teru and Akane are mostly in the 'enemies' stage of their relationship here so they are assholes. Sexual Tension. Sexual Comments. Lust. Questionable consent in 1 scene. Incompleted scenes. No beta reader.
Title: Catch Me (I Know You Can)
There was something off with this room. He knows some rich assholes consider minimalistic decor fancy, but the cheap glass roof, and colorful paintings didn’t scream money, just a marble floor isn’t enough to mask how barren it all feels. No furniture. No decor. 
Like the room has been emptied beforehand.
He narrowed his eyes at the lack of windows
Or maybe it was never occupied in the first place, build like a cage, not a room.
A door opened.
Akane immediately jumped to the darkest corner of this fancy cage.
The unwelcome visitor glowed in the weak moonlight the glass ceiling offered, so it must be a high-ranking officer with their pristine white uniform. Not that Akane cares, recruits and admirals alike are child’s play to deal with.
Akane picked a spoon roughly the same weight as a key from his pants pocket and approached the officer as quietly as possible, noticing a sheeted sword and the metallic hint of a gun partially hidden by his cape, focusing on a much smaller glint on the opposite side of his belt.
Akane lunged, as quiet as he could in this echo-y marble floor,  touching the edge of the key and  freezing when his moves were stopped by a firm grip on his arm.
That’s unusual, he tends to be too fast to be caught.
“Phantom Thief, so glad you came.” The cop said, his smile polite but his blue eyes cold, glowing like radiation in the dark “You’re as foolish as the rumors say.”
Akane bristled, abandoning his jacket to slip out of his hold. The man stared at the empty sleeve in his hands with a frown, but he didn’t panic, throwing his jacket on the ground “And just as slippery.”
Akane didn’t comment, trying to search for a way out. The room was pretty big, but just as he had suspected: there wasn’t a window he could use for a grand escape in sight.
“You’re under arrest for multiple robberies, unauthorized possession of poison-”
“Poison?” He doesn’t have poison, what the fuck is he talking about?
“-and assault of seven officers,” The man said, raising two fingers up and immediately turning on the lights, making everything too fucking bright. It confirmed his suspicions this place only has one exit, but now what? “If you turn yourself I’ll be generous in your sentence.”
“Does that offer ever works?” Akane mocked, walking towards the only door and feeling just a tiny bit wary of the calm way this man followed him, still composed after witnessing Akane's speed.
“You would be surprised,” The man said, grabbing a whip from behind his cape, which is an odd weapon for a police officer, odd enough for Akane to pause, connecting the dots: Golden hair. Glowy eyes. Whip. Now that’s a combo that sounded familiar.
Akane resisted the urge to laugh, realizing he is dealing with the very top of the food chain, the chief of the police, infamous for being a monster in every criminal bar Hanako had dragged him against his will.
Akane doesn’t feel any camaraderie with other criminals, finding way too many rotten people in the ‘business’, but their popular rumors are worth listening to: The sewer is a good emergency exit, no cop will ever dirty themselves for their dear law. The industrial area is so loud you can fire a gun without being noticed if you time it right, so criminals and police officers alike are bolder. And if you fall for one of Chief Minamoto’s traps, it’s wiser to surrender on the spot.
It made his heart speed up, getting some hope for the asshole in the uniform. He would hate to end the night with his hands empty, but if he steal something from this monster, he will be unbeatable.
The chief badge is perfect. He wants it.
What he wants, he takes.
Akane has never been caught before, no doubt his name has plenty of rumors attached to it as well. He isn’t scared of monsters, just because he never ‘raised the bar’ of his crimes, as Hanako so stupidly puts it, doesn’t means he isn’t the best in his field. He can handle a pompous asshole with a whip.
Akane threw his cape at his face and run for it the second it got close enough to hide Teru's eye, cursing the easy way he keep his predatory eyes on Akane’s shadow, slashing the air in a perfect arc that caught Akane’s cape mid-air and slammed the ground far too close for comfort, the sound of his whip breaking the air made Akane’s ears ring, forced to jump back.
This demon is fast.
Teru's voice changed from coldly polite to authoritarian, “Get on your knees and put your hands where I can see them or I’ll be forced to use violence.” 
“Fuck you-” Akane eyes widened, barely dodging his attack and running farther out of range, waiting for an opportunity to try to steal his keys again-
He yelped when a slash nearly hit his head, the force of it damaging the wall behind him. Holy shit, is the bastard trying to kill him?? Akane sped up, needing a proper plan-
He felt something wrap around his leg, yelping at how it burned his skin and losing equilibrium when Teru pulled. Akane slammed on the ground, hitting his chest on the hard tiles and breathlessly cursing the fucker.
 “Watch your tongue, thief.”
This piece of shit-
Akane tried to jump back on his feet, but was smashed on the ground by a slash on his spine. The impact hurts like hell, and the fall didn’t help, making him get familiar with the ground again in the spam of a minute.
Something heavy pressed on his back.
Shit shit shit
“Get off me!” He tried to shake him off, panicking at how little he could move as he feel his arms be restrained “Watch your hands you son of a-”
Hard metal wrapped around his wrists. Akane froze, having not been caught in one of these in years.
Teru pushed him by his restrained wrists and analyzed him as if he was a chore, Akane tensed up, doing the same: The chief looks weirdly young, can’t be older than thirty, his disgusting cop uniform and the cold apathy in his eyes putting Akane on edge. 
Akane usually likes beauty, but it was impossible to care about his ‘long lashes and ocean blue eyes’ when the bastard looked at him like he was a piece of trash.
“What’s your name.” Teru ordered.
Akane spat in his eye, annoyed by the easy way he dodged, acting as if Akane was a badly behaved child. He grabbed his handcuffed wrists and roughly pushed him back on his feet.
“Get off me!” Akane snarled, his cursing cut by a pained hiss when Teru pushed his hair.
Akane just snarled, trying to get off the handcuff. These chains aren’t the cheap ones but he can do it.
Akane waited until he was sure the bastard wasn’t looking to slip the hairpin he hides inside his gloves to the tip of his finger.
“I’ll save the interrogation for later.” Teru commented, keeping a firm hold on his shoulder as he dragged him. His grip was uncomfortably tight, even if Akane didn’t have handcuffs on, he wouldn’t be able to slip out of it. 
Akane pretended to have given up, not resisting when Teru unlocked the door and pushed him out but still glaring when the chief narrowed his eyes, wary of his ‘docile’ attitude.
Teru grabbed his hand and confiscated his hairpin, startling Akane. 
Teru ignored his curse, keeping a firm hold on his shoulder as he confiscated the hairpin on his other glove and pat him down.
Akane snarled, watching all the tricks he hide up his sleeves, shoes and pants be confiscated, feeling almost naked without any of it.
He was visibly more grumpy but he didn’t complainwhen Teru picked up the pace, taking note of an open window ahead. It was the one he had used to get inside this hell hole: two meters up, which isn’t ideal: Still, an escape route is an escape route, if he used Teru’s body as a step ladder he could make it.
He tried to steal his key, able to do so the second Teru glanced at the window Akane has his eyes on, but his victory was short lived, barely getting enough time to twist himself out of Teru’s hold before his scalp burned, the damn cop not gentle when pushing his ponytail.
“Escape attempts will only increase your sentence.” He said in a pleasant tone, smile falling as Akan’s handcuffs clattered on the ground. “You already unlocked?”
He sounded almost impressed. Almost.
“What else would I do with a key?” Akane hissed, changing his approach. If the wary bastard won’t let him out he’ll do it by force.
He grabbed his arm, aware his shoulder throw is a force to be reckoned with, but being tripped the second he touched Teru, losing his balance.
There must be metal on his boots cause his kick hurts.
Akane held his injured leg, cursing when he was restrained again.
“Keep this up and I’ll resort to violence.” He said calmly.
Ha! As if he wasn’t already fucking using violence.
“Eat shit and die.”
“Very well.” Teru's smile gained a sadistic edge to it, punching him straight in the gut.
Akane felt the air leave his lungs, swaying on his feet, his vision got blurry at the edges. The only reason he did not fall was the firm grip on his arm, dragging him.
“...Bastard.” He groaned, trying to dig his feet on the ground to make his life harder but all he achieved was to trip on the stairs.
He was shoved on a cell, his clothes changed into an awful striped prison uniform. Even his tie was confiscated, making his long hair stick to his neck.
At least the handcuffs are off, this city’s prison cleaner and more spacious than the one on his old town.
“They really caught you, pal” a very familiar and annoying voice said “Thats rough.”
Great. Just who he wanted to see in this shithole.
“I’m not your pal No.7” Akane glared, his mood dropping even lower “What are you doing here?”
“Just visiting, thought you would be lonely in this cold cell.”
“I will call the cops” Akane deadpaned, hoping that demon whipped the smirk off Hanako’s face.
“Awww~” Hanako eyes crinkled, amused “You want me as your cellmate that bad? I missed you too my fellow thief!”
One of these days he will be charged with murder and if the bastard doesn’t disappear right now, he’s afraid the allegations will have basis.
“Police! Help!” He yelled, pretty sure they wouldn’t care, but trying to send Hanako a message by giving him a deadpan stare “I am being harrased.”
“You’re so mean to me~” Hanako whined but he looked happy.
The lonely brat probably just wants attention, doesn't matter if is good or not.
Loud footsteps made Hanako immediately shut up, getting out when the door opened.
Hanako didn’t even grab a key for him. What a waste of space of a ‘partner’.
“Thief!” A young officer with bright blue eyes and way too much enthusiasm said “What’s the problem?”
Akane raised a brow, both by how similar to the chief he looked, and by his question “I am in a cell”
“For your evil deeds,”
He snorted.
Sure. Very evil. “Like stealing?”
“Of course”
“And trapping and hurting a person?” He said, snorted went the young man nodded, taking a moment to notice Akane was showing off his damaged wrists.
The boy opened his mouth but didn’t come up with anything to say, looking stupid.
Must be an amateur
Akane tried to steal his keys, surprised by how quickly the young man grabbed his hand “You’re not escaping this prison, evil villain!” He gave him a determined look “I, Minamoto Kou, will make sure of it.”
Another Minamoto?
Just his luck.
His meal was way better here than in his last city's prison, it actually tasted pretty alright, filled him up too... Who would have thought?
Akane was pretty sure he figured out a way to escape by the end of the day, Kou may be fast but he seems easy to trick, eager to impress.
“Hey Minamoto!” Akane yelled, getting ready to put his plan into action, when the wrong Minamoto opened the door, his high-heeled boots clicking on the concrete floor.
Well, shit.
Akane held on tighter to his prison bars, looking up at Teru with a mocking smirk “Well well, if it isn’t the chief! What brings you to my cell?”
“Phantom Thief.” He greeted back, with the same cold smile. “I have a few questions for you.”
Of course he does. It would be a miracle if they could shut up.
“Were you behind the heist of the central bank last week?”
“Yes?” Akane was so confused he didn’t even try to withhold information “I thought that was the whole reason I am here?”
“Just making sure,” Teru commented, sounding a bit curious…? Maybe? It’s hard to read his mood.  “Why?”
“I like kicking your arrogant subordinate back in their places” Akane was honest, staying as close as he could to the bars “The money is a good bonus.” 
“I see” Teru gave him that cold smile  “I’m glad I’m working with such an honest criminal." He picked up a sheet of paper "Now, I have countless witnessed that claim the phantom thief have smuggled poison.” His eyes narrowed “Would you care to tell me more about It?”
“Wrong thief.” Akane sighed. “Hanako is the one you're after. Bastard stole my title. I think he is butthurt I don’t want to be his partner, but I have no idea what goes on in his head.”
Instead of not believing him, Teru nodded, putting a hand on his chin “So there truly are two phantom thieves… What is your name then?”
“None of your business.” Akane waved him off, walking away.
“Are you an illegal immigrant?”
Akane didn’t reply.
“Very well” Teru grabbed his whip.
Akane froze, turning around and lo and behold, Teru entered the cell, that coldly polite smile on his face “Now now, we don’t need to drag this out longer than it have to.” His eyes flashed dangerously “I have better things to do”
Akane felt a shiver down his spine, his muscles still aching where he had slashed him.
Akane spat blood on the ground of his empty cell, narrowing his eyes at the stain in his otherwise clean cell.
Bastard is clearly holding back but his lashes still fucking hurt, those cold eyes making him feel like a bug he would have no qualms in ripping it limbs one by one.
Despite what some people may say, Akane doesn’t like pain, so he gave Teru the fake name of “Shiki Nagisa” to buy himself time. It was incredibly annoying to give the bastard the satisfaction of even a fake full name.
‘You didn’t win anything’ Akane wanted to growl at the cop's pleased face, but he held back to only a glare ‘Good luck finding Nagisa, bitch.’
He tries to steal from Kou again the next time he saw the guard, playing up his injuries and putting effort into distracting him, able to keep the conversation going for long enough for the teen to lower his guard and not realize the keys in his belt were missing.
When Kou got out to get him bandages, Akane was soon to follow, leaving his cell behind.
He spotted Teru talking to a lieutenant near the building entrance, and fought back the urge to punch him. Even with the element of surprise, Akane isn’t sure he is faster than Teru's reflexes, so he settled with stealing more keys and throwing them to every captive he crossed.
“Akane-kun.” Aoi greeted him with big eyes, “Did something happen? You didn’t visit last week at all.”
Akane smiled awkwardly, not sure how to tell her he was in prison. She knows about his late-night robberies but not in detail, not that he is the phantom thief or that he is considered one of the seven most skilled criminals in town. 
(...Which he doesn’t particularly like, hating the other thieves he have been lumped with)
“I was on a trip, for my night job”
“How exciting! I hope you had fun,” Aoi hummed, understanding he was talking about his life as a thief when he mentioned a night job “Do you want the usual?”
“I will like a blue lagoon today, Aoi-chan” He smiled “And a raspberry juice too.”
Aoi nodded, going to the kitchen.
The raspberry juice was a bit emptier than his by the time she came, both knowing it was asked for Aoi.
“You don’t usually ask for alcohol, is everything alright?”
“Met an asshole on this trip” Akane sighed “I have a feeling my job will get harder”
Aoi either hate his heists, or is jealous of them. Till this day, even after knowing her for three years, he wasn’t sure.
She had once told him he isn’t fit for thievery, that he likes to give more than he likes to take, and that he should become a waiter at the cozy coffee she works on.
It is a lovely idea, Akane know they would have fun talking about clients behind their back and working side by side, but he can’t picture this dream like scenario lasting.
He was born to be on the run, filling his pockets with gemstones and wallets and on instinct, his insides burning when he set his sights on something that he cannot have. There is an itch under his skin that didn’t let him stay still or play nice for long, lingering in the danger zone to catch every hint of fear and awe in his chaser’s eyes, the insult thrown his way only fuelling the fire in his veins. 
He shouldn’t worry her.
Akane had no trouble finding Teru’s house. It wasn’t as stupidly extravagant as most noble mansions but it was still far too big for someone that reportedly lives alone.
Akane very carefully sneaked to a balcony on the second floor, expecting the chief to already be out and about, leaving his house free to be robbed but finding someone curled up in bed, engulfed by fancy blankets.
It’s already 7 am. The police station opens in half an hour.
…Was his info-gathering flawed? Does Teru actually live with someone? Did he have a secret lover no one is aware of?? 
Akane was about to open the window, and do proper research, when a yawn made him freeze up, ducking and only occasionally glancing at the very sleepy man stretching: the man was slim, and not very intimidating, but he knew that pale hair and glowy eyes anywhere.
The chief rubbed his eyes like a little kid and dragged himself to one of the three doors in this bedroom. Of course the rich bastard's bedroom has a personal closet and a private bathroom.
Akane waited in pure silence for a bit, relaxing at the sound of the sink being turned on and using it as cover to sneak the window open, testing the floor.
Akane glared when Teru slammed him on the ground, keeping his restrained wrists in an uncomfortably tight hold above his head.
He tried to get free but teru only used more force, his smile tenserp “You never learn, thief.”
“You're a bad teacher"
Teru grabbed his neck and Akane snarled.
Teru narrowed his eyes when Akane threw his handcuff into the horizon but immediately started running after him, jumping high, and hitting the ground with a roll, the sword on his hip scratched the concrete, his long coat not made for this, but Teru kept his eyes on him, not slowing down.
Akane cursed, jumping off the roof and sliding into a balcony, using it to reach the fire escape in the next building and yelping at the feeling of a whip wrapping around his leg.
His jump lost power, barely able to reach the edge of the fire escape, holding on tight to the rusty metal.
“Too slow.” Teru pulled him back to his side, stepping on his chest the second he his back landed on the rooftop ground, his heavy boots digging in his ribs.
“I hate you,” Akane groaned, trying to kick him, and freezing at the way he grabbed his cravat, pushing it until the back of his neck hurt.
Teru took his cravat off and give it a quick once over, throwing it away.
Teru ignored him, putting a hand on his hips and making Akane freeze, his eyes widening when Teru took off his belt, his gloved hand on his stomach far too warm.
Akane heart skipped a beat, panicking.
He tried to fight him with more vigor, face growing hot with frustration but the chief just held him tighter, keeping him pressed on the concrete.
Akane shivered at the dark look in those eyes, not remembering anyone who had ever immobilized him so easily.
“That should do,” Teru said.
Teru wrapped the belt around his wrists, keeping it extra tight and pulling at it as if it was a leash, forcing their faces near “Now,” His polite smile was overflowing with malice, “be a good boy.”
Akane felt blood rush to his face as he stumbled to his side, the spark he had felt turning into rage. He tried to bite his nose, hating how unimpressed he looked, grabbing his neck before he could even scrap his teeth on his face. “Keep treating me like a fucking dog, and I’ll bite you.”
Teru's nearly choked him, the pressure making Akane cough.
 “Don’t make me buy a leash.”
Akane snarled, finally having the bastard off him, and hurrying up to keep up with his pace, barring his teeth. Teru seemed amused by it.
They walked in silence. Akane tried to undo the dead knot of his belt restrain, but it didn’t budge, all attempts rewarded by Teru tightening the knot.
Well... This sucks.
'At least my pants are tight enough to not fall without the belt,' he tried to be optimistic. 'it could be worst'
Akane blinked.
He frowned, staring at the grey sky. It will rain.
Great. Wonderful even...
Teru pulled at the tie when he slowed down, seemingly ignoring the increasing rain as he headed to a small store “Have you ever hurt a civilian?”
“...No?” Akane blinked, not expecting this line of questioning. Frankly, it was a bit offensive “I am a criminal, not a monster.”
Teru was unimpressed, but his track of only bullying cops must have led to enough credibility to earn the benefit of the doubt.
“Can I trust you to behave inside the store?”
He hissed “I can ‘behave’ just fine when people aren’t a stuck up pieces of sh-”
“If you make civilians feel threatened I’ll punish you.” Teru tugged harshly at his wrists, dragging him far too close for comfort, and narrowing his glowy eyes without a hint of a smile, the rain sliding down his cap forming a small waterfall between them “I want your word.”
Akane felt a sting in his chest, never seeing himself as a danger for civilians, but understanding how someone might get wary about a ‘criminal’ in a bad mood.
“...Fine.” Akane said as if it physically hurt him, hating that he can see Teru’s point.  “I promise I’ll behave.”
Just while they are at the store, it will be quick.
Teru nodded sharply, the silent warning heavy in the air, and twisted his hoster, putting his gun in the back, out of view, before stopping in front of a big store.
He forced himself to relax when Teru opened the door, wearing an innocent look and staying quiet. He looked at Teru instead of the customers, even if he could feel their eyes on him.
He was surprised by the way Teru behaved, not teasing him for playing nice, merely buying an umbrella and a bag to guard his wet cape, smile far kinder than the one Akane is used to, tone comforting, far from humble but still grateful when the owner gave him a discount, the warm talk alluding Teru have helped them before.
The energy was so cozy it felt like being hit in the head. Either he is one hell of a good actor, laying deep into the image he was given, or Teru has more than violence in his heart, he just… doesn’t see Akane as a person.
The idea was annoying.
(It hurt, but Akane refused to acknowledge anything about the demon could hurt him.)
Akane tried to pocket a candy to distract himself from this creepy ‘sweet’ side of Teru, but before he could dream of touching it, Teru made a show of raising his hand to scratch his cheek, which tugged at the belt trying Akane’s hands, keeping them far away from his goal.
He didn’t glare though, he keep his promises.
When they got out Teru was back to being a dick “I’m impressed you only tried to steal once.” He opened the umbrella “Good job, I’ll give you a treat~”
“Oh, I’ll show you a treat you two-faced pig.” Akane dropped the docile attitude too, yelping when he was tripped, nearly stumbling on his arm. 
“Watch where you’re walking” He mocked.
He made a face at the way he had to almost lean on the bastard’s arm to escape the rain, “Watch your step, bitch.”
Akane huffed, but he reluctantly appreciates being protected from the rain, Teru’s fancy jacket was warm and dry from having been under his discarded cloak.
Akane had no idea what to do so he stayed silent, watching the downpour eat up the city, the road infested by puddles. His socks was wet and uncomfortable, clearly more on the edge of the umbrella than Teru, they haven’t even crossed a block and half of his fringe was already dripping wet.
Teru was starring at him when he focused on the asshole again.
“Like what you see?” He mocked, 
The chief wordlessly tilted their umbrella, soaking Akane to the bone.
Akane spluttered, trying to take his wet fringe off his eyes and yelping when it only earned him a harsh tug, his belt digging into his wrists, burning his skin.
“Oh I do” Teru smiled maliciously.
Akane glared at him, uncomfortable at the way the demon blushed, liking to make his life harder. So he wasn’t imagining, the bastard really is a sadist.
He smiled pleasantly at his anger, and Akane resisted the urge to spit on his eye again.
After two blocks, the rain slowed down, still strong but not enough to create a river on the streets.
“It’s weaker” Teru commented, keeping his hold on the tie tighter, but his shoulder was not as tense.
“You stole Hyuuga’s necklace haven’t you?”
“Damn right,” He smirked “You couldn’t catch me.”
Teru gave him a side look, mood impossible to decipher “And you returned it”
Akane's smirk fell “So what?”
Akane sighed “He was bawling his eyes out about it, I can’t just take his only connection to his lover or whatever his 'Lady' is”
“How nice of you” He mocked.
“Fuck you too”
When they had to climb a set of stairs, he noticed Teru was making an effort to keep him under the umbrella, focusing more on measuring their steps. It was… admittedly not something he had expected of him, but he still wouldn’t call it ‘kind’: Teru pulls are harsh when Akane slows down, and he doesn’t try to warm him up, letting akane stay soaked, smile still unreadable and eyes cold.
Is a blessing in disguise. The idea of being hugged or borrowing his jacket makes Akane stomach twist, not wanting to cozy up to the sadistic cop with a rotten personality or feel comfortable while being led to prison.
He bet the cell will be very cold tonight. Way too cold.
He can’t have that.
Akane tripped Teru when they were near the end of the wet stairs, being pulled down with him but able to sneak out of his belt, and running away and grabbing the umbrella while he was at it by instinct “See you later chief,”
Teru got back on his feet quickly. Always fast to act.
Akane smirked, disappearing into a back alley. It was hard to hold on to drenched posts and plants littering the wall with his hands tied but he managed.
Akane peeked from the balcony, not surprised, but still feeling adrenaline make his heartbeat ring in his ears at the way Teru was chasing after him, with his little cape and cap, rain be damned.
Akane jumped away from his whip with a smirk, umbrella under his arm, making his escape harder, but worth it from how being wet annoyed Teru. There was a sharp edge on a window, so Akane used it to nick his belt and get enough of an edge to undo his restraints, picking up speed and leaving the chief in the dust.
Teru had taken the fire escape, his cap getting lost at some point, rain dripping down his hair, getting in his eyes.
Akane opened the umbrella, more to show off his victory than really get any safety from the rain. He is drenched already, they both are. It’s no wonder Teru isn’t smiling, a cold look in his eyes.
There was something about watching him struggle to catch up, hair darker and flatter, that was hard to look away from. The way he whipped his fringe off his eyes is too pretty for such a bastard, it’s a wonder he turned into a cop instead of a cover model.
“You look like you’re having trouble” Akane yelled to be heard over the rain, throwing a closed umbrella at him, watching him grab it before it hit him in the face “Don’t catch a cold chief!”
And off he went.
“Careful, you wouldn’t want me to involve your sibling-”
Teru kicked hard enough to feel like he broke his spine when he hit the ground, barely able to cough before he stepped on his chest and put a blade on his throat, the tip of the cold metal pressing him on the ground with enough force to damage some of his skim.
“Touch my family and I’ll kill you” He has never seen such a cold expression on his face, his tone making it clear this isn’t a threat. It’s a promise.
Akane narrowed his eyes, feeling scared, but unwilling to show it “Ha!" The laugh made the blade dig deeper "Bet Kou would adore to learn his dear bro killed someone-”
A sharp pain made Akane scream, surprised to have Teru slash his chest, soaking his shirt with blood.
He only got his wound treated at his cell, when Teru realized he wasn't being serious.
He didn't let Kou guard him Akane again tough.
Akane clenched his fists as he cleaned his bleeding shoulder, sure it would be harder to escape now.
Akane usually only went out into the night after careful planning, once every two week, or every month depending on how busy his life have become, but there was a buzz under his skin, a desire to see Teru again, attracted to those glowing eyes like a moth to a flame, wanting to scream at him, prove to himself that he is worthy of the chief's attention.
It’s no good, no good at all.
He is no fool, he knows the chief is a real threat, but he still wants his eyes on him, he wants to be the one to trip him, to tear that condescending smile apart with his teeth.
So he went out again.
Akane smirked, the chimney proving to be a good shortcut. He stopped right before he hit the ground and stepped out of the coal’s way. 
He grabbed a bag of expensive clothes and jumped out the window, using the electricity post as a boost and support to reach the top of fancy wall, feet in between two spikes.
“Too late chief!” He laughed darkly, looking back with malice and feeling this euphoric adrenaline crash at the sight of a baffled commander whose name he doesn’t even know.
He want to leave Teru in the dirt, outrun him- It wasn’t worth trying something new on these guys, he could have escaped even by walking through the front door.
Akane glared, slipping into the house he jumped over instead of running back to his home.
Where was that stupid cop?
After picking from three more houses, with no sight of Teru, Akane huffed, frustrated by his absence. 
He grabbed the haul successfully though so he should be happy. Usually this would be a big win, but he only felt a vague disappointment. Dropping the gems in his bed and freezing at the realization he had been looking forward to mocking Teru.
Oh, would you look at that! the missing chief!
Akane silently moved through the shadows, smirking at the way he analyzed writing on the walls, Sumire’s doing, that one is a dangerous girl. Till this day he has no idea if she causes destruction on accident or on purpose.
“My, if it isn't th-” Akane started his monologue, surprised by the gun pointed his way, the barrel dead set on his face.
Akane froze, too tense to notice his finger wasn’t on the trigger.
Teru's unreadable look didn’t disappear, but his shoulder slumped “Thief.” He lowered his gun, still far more tense than usual.
“On edge aren’t we?” He mocked, feeling a drop of sweat on the back of his neck. “Did a filthy criminal outsmart you?”
Teru's face closed up “Do you have any ties with the masked murderer?”
“I don’t associate with murderers” Akane deadpaned “and masks aren’t uncommon for criminals-”
“A skull mask.”
Akane face closed up, he know the guy. Hates his guts, sure No.6 used to work with a cop, a while bback. A true disgrace for a criminal.
“Why would I tell you?”
“I won’t try to run after you if you do”
“Oh?” He smiled “You’ll let a filthy thief get away?”
“A murderer is my priority over stolen jewelry” Teru deadpaned “Do you have any information or not?”
Murderer…? Sumire is not a murderer.
He froze.
There is blood on his cape. He cannot tell if it’s Teru’s or someone’s else, but from the bloodstain angle, he is inclined to say it’s someone else.
“Shouldn’t you lock yourself up then?” Akane mocked.
Teru smiled politely “No info then.”
Akane dodged his whip, still not on the same level as the bastard, but knowing him well enough to hold his own in a chase.
When they saw each other again, he had the urge to make him bleed.
Everything about the chief always felt too cold, too calculated. He wonders if he is even human underneath it all, if he will drop the politely amused smile if Akane choked something out of him.
He didn’t care about an image anymore, he grabbed Teru's jacket and kicked him as hard as he could, dragged Teru to the ground with him.
He probably sprained his ankle, it hurt, but Teru was down as well, immediately focusing on grabbing his arm so Akane didn’t run, “Why would you think this would work?” Teru hissed, a hint of annoyance in his voice “Stop always struggling!”
“Sorry for not liking jail, asshole.” Akane sassed, spotting a hint of red under his fringe.
He does bleed.
When Teru dragged him by the collar, Akane felt a shiver down his spine, wary of his smirk, panicking when it looked like he was going to kiss him-
“Watch your tongue” Teru used his authoritarian voice, shaking his bones. It made him tense up for all the wrong reasons “If you tell me how you got to the museum, I’ll give you a blanket for the night.”
The disappointment when the kiss didn’t happen was such a shock Akane didn’t have a witty comeback.
Akane glared as Teru disappeared.
That’s not good.
Akane paced his cell, understanding the man is beautiful but this is ridiculous.
Akane hates cops, disgusted by their superior attitude and their incompetence, the way they stretch the definition of what’s ‘legal’ the second it becomes convenient, putting a price on lives as easily as the criminals they condemn.
The highlight of his heists is always outsmarting them, the rush of pulling the rug from under their feet, to kick them off their high horse with only his shadow in their memories, watch what rumor they come up with to protect their pride.
And Teru is everything he hates the most, the arrogance, the clear sense of superiority, and sadistic tendencies. He would never get excited by his pretty face.
‘Behave’ That mocking smile came to mind, as infuriating as it was attractive, dark gloves holding on tight to his hair. ‘Or you’ll be punished'
Akane shook his head at the mental image, disgusted with himself. If he was that needy he should just get a one-night stand.
Akane isn’t very fond of those, he may not be as romantic as he used to be in his childhood, but he still believes being intimate is better with someone you trust.
(Even if the thrill of bringing a stranger to his bed and dangling his identity in plain sight is hard to beat, a road that can get addicting.)
Akane huffed, rubbing his wrists, unable to get any fluttering feelings when he pictured the asshole, at most begrudging respect for his skills, so at least it wasn't something as stupid as a crush.
Akane laughed, distracted by how close they are “And here I thought I was being subtle.”
“Oh thief,” He leaned even closer, his amusement cruel, the condescending smirk begging to be ripped to shreds “You’re as subtle as a dog near a slab of meat-”
Akane closed the distance, stealing a kiss to shut him up.
Teru’s lips are far softer than he expected.
The chief’s hold grew slack when he forced his mouth to open, eyes wide in a way Akane haven’t seen before. 
(It set of a spark in his stomach, adoring how big his eyes looked when knocked out of his high horse.)
He will be lashed for this regardless of what he does now, so Akane didn’t hold back, sneaking out of his restraints to grab his silky hair and deepen the kiss, intrigued to feel something sharp, a pair of small fangs on an otherwise flawless set of teeth. He could feel Teru’s mouth turn into a snarl, unsurprised Teru wrapped his fist on his collar the second the shock passed, pushing Akane off and slamming him into the wall.
Akane's brain bounced at the impact, not sure if he felt dizzy because of the blow or because he actually kissed the bastard. He inwardly laughed in the the face of his anger, not giving Teru the time to get his cool back before he dragged him down again for another kiss, trying to take the lead and succeeding, shivering at the way Teru tasted, getting on his tiptoes when Teru was able to straighten his back, lifting Akane to his level by lifting him up and scraped his back on the concrete wall, the pain only serving to blur his vision, making it all feel more surreal.
Akane got his tongue bitten for his audacity but he couldn’t stop, having never seen those icy eyes so wide before, his discomfort tasted like victory. 
He wrapped a hand around his neck when he felt the pressure on his back lessen, not wanting to lose this equal height, and tilted Teru’s head, getting more demanding. Teru did not like that, slamming him back on the wall and sinking his fangs where he could hurt him, but kissing back regardless. The hand on the collar of his shirt choked him at some point. It hurt.
He was out of breath by the time Teru threw him away, straight to the ground. The persistent ache on his bitten tongue even after getting air back, and blood on his gums, reassuring Akane this is real. 
Teru stared at him with hatred, his shoulders tense, hands turned into fists as he breathed a bit faster than usual. He wasn’t amused anymore, his wet lips with a brand new bruise on it.
Akane felt heat coil in his stomach at the sight, addicted to his unease, for once being the one to look down on him.
Akane resisted the urge to kiss him again, using Teru’s wariness as an opportunity to jump away, feeling invincible to taste freedom while his mouth is still bleeding.
(He could have run, but he stayed near, watching him, mesmerized)
Teru spat on the ground, and cleaned his lips with the back of his glove, positively furious “Have you grown desperate enough to use cheap seduction tricks?” 
“Have you sunk low enough to enjoy them? ” He licked his bruised lip, “You’re pathetic,” His smirk widened into something cruel, high on the way his eyes glowed with hatred, forgetting it all to focus on Akane and Akane only  “Just throw your badge away chief, go use your mouth for something useful, I’m sure you’ll have fun sucking dic-”
Teru jumped his way with a murderous glint in his eyes, fast as lightning.
Akane tried to run away, heart skipping a beat for all the wrong reasons, but he was grabbed by the neck before he could jump to the next building, coughing harshly at the tight grip but still high on the way he had ripped that condescending smile off his face, his anger uncontrolled for once.
“W-What?” Akane wheezed out, well aware he can’t escape his iron grip but still feeling victorious “Can’t handle the truth? Thirsty bitc-”
He expected the punch, frankly, he had expected sooner, but the explosion of pain in his gut was far stronger than usual, packing enough power to make him lose his conscience.
Akane woke up to see a dirty concrete floor, his vision blurry… Body moving without his consent. He vaguely registered that Teru was dragging him by his hair because of a sting on his scalp.
He really angered the asshole this time.
Akane felt a hint of satisfaction before blacking out for good. A few days in jail is worth it.
Akane startled awake, cursing at the feeling of water dripping all over him.
He shivered, trying to clean his face and nearly falling, realizing he was sitting on a slippery surface, his hands handcuffed behind his back and wrists aching from the awkward pose, completely unprotected from the rain. 
Akane froze, slowly processing that he was trapped on the rooftop of what seemed to be an abandoned house located who knows where, his stomach still hurt from Teru’s punch, and the creeping night made the surroundings dim.
That son of a bitch.
Akane rested his back on the cold chimney he was handcuffed too and groaned at the way it was too short to offer much back support, its cone tip digging his spine. The rain didn’t take long to completely soak through his clothes as he tried to get out of his restrains and not slip down the wet shins. There is a window near this chimney, so at least he will get immediate cover once he is out-
Akane paused his struggles, taking a better look at the dirty window and noticing a shine on the windowsill, the key to his handcuffs innocently resting on it, out of reach but only by a meter.
“You’re one petty fucking bastard.” He hissed, remembering Teru’s anger and smirking.
The chief was always so cold, so high and mighty and unbearable, it felt strange to realize he is endearing. 
He hid it well, rigid when Akane forced him into a dance, always ready to use violence, but he got tense by his flirting after being kissed, making a conscious effort to not let his eyes linger on his lips, clearly affected by his stupid taunts-
That’s so cute.
He was aware he should run, but the urge to make him angry, see if he could make him cry, made him greedy. The feeling was addicting, not resisting when Teru grabbed his hand, counting on it.
“You can kiss me back, is only fair~”
Teru laughed, so disgusted Akane may have misunderstood his intentions “Fair.” He grabbed his chin, fingers digging into his jaw “Is to put you in your place.”
Akane shivered, wanting to kiss him, pour gasoline until his eyes burned with hatred again but the merciless kiss he had hoped expected never happened, pushed down the fire escape stairs.
“I wish he’d fuck me” Akane admitted after swallowing another glass of alcohol, blinking slowly when Hanako choked on his wine, but unfortunately didn’t die from it. 
“What?” Hanako was looking at him like he was insane.
“He is pretty.” Akane shrugged, not understanding why Hanako looked sick, or why his body was shaking so much.
Or wobbling? Yeah wobbling. Everything was kind of wobbly now the he think about it...
Wait no, Akane’s vision is the wobbly one.
… Maybe he is a bit drunk. 
Or tipsy? It’s been a long while since he drank more than a polite glass of wine.
Was this even wine? What the hell is he drinking?
His head hurt when he tried to read the label of his bottle so he just re filled his cup. It tasted good. So whatever.
“He nearly cut your arm off.” Hanako pointed out.
“Pretty and strong” Akane agreed, smirking at his discomfort but feeling a hint of annoyance at the thought of Teru's stupid face as he watched Akane scream “Mean too… Hate his guts. Need to get off his stuuupid high horse.” Akane frowned at his glass, imagining his bitten lip and blushing at the memory of his undivided attention as he glared at Akane, wanting more of it, “I want him to look at me. Break his back for once, bastard is so cold...”
He would lose a limb if he try to kiss him again, definitively die if he squeezes his ass, but it would be so worth it, just to see the rage in his eyes again.
‘He has been more violent with me lately… Bet he can’t get me out of his head’ Akane licked his bruised lips with self-satisfaction.
Hanako seemed traumatized.
Heh… That’s funny.
“Pussy.” Akane mocked, stumbling out of his seat and raising his glass up high “Hey! Who here wanna fuck the police chief?!”
He expected a solid three people to agree, aware that much beauty can blind some folks even after said pretty man ruin their lives, but a solid one third of the bar raised their glasses, starting a roll of yelling both of agreement and of judgment.
“Make him pay!” someone in the back snarled. 
“Yeah!” Akane cheered, taking a swing of his drink. Something about the number was too high for comfort, it made him annoyed, he wasn’t sure why, but he really didn’t like it.
Half these people wouldn’t be able to escape prison, so they must have never gotten their face smushed on the ground within seconds by Teru, or felt their lips split open by his fangs.
What do they know? Bet they don't even know the bastard have fangs.
Akane frowned, feeling an annoying itch in his stomach. Surely they would have bragged about it if they had kissed Teru.
Fuck it, he raised his glass again “Who here has kissed the guy?!”
The bar got silent.
Akane laughed, this time louder, far more genuine.
“...You didn’t” Hanako paled.
Akane smirked, giggly with victory. Now that’s more like it.  “And I’ll do it again!”
“Thief, what the fuck-”
“How are you still alive??”
Akane woke up with a hangover and four different wallets on his bed, two more on the floor, which had likely fallen when he moved in his sleep.
He has no idea who he stole from, but he really hopes one of his targets was Hanako.
Akane got up, groaning at his aching head and drinking a generous amount of water before looking through his haul, smirking when he found a flashy wallet with 320 bucks in it, and another with no identity card and way too much paper money, the picture of the newbie reporter, Yashiro, making it obvious Hanako was the owner.
Akane blinked at a picture of the youngest Minamoto hidden between two bills, amused to realize the fool also seemed to be interested in a Minamoto.
He feels sorry for the kid, Hanako's way of flirting make people's life hell. Akane would know.
Akane agreed to be his informant.
Why? He doesn’t fucking know.
He seriously considered not showing up to their meeting spot, but the mental image of Teru's disappointed look and a condescending “Shouldn’t have expected anything else from a thief” made him fume.
Akane kept his hair in a tight bun and wore a pair of reading glasses, which is a low-effort disguise but it worked since people rarely see the phantom thief in the night anyway, seemingly only knowing him from his cape and his ponytail. On his way he could hear a commotion, reluctantly checking it out when he realized it came from a jewelry store he planned to rob when he had the time.
He couldn’t get too close, police were blocking the way, but he could see a broken window and hear a girl, around twelve, maybe less, screaming for her mom.
Teru was speaking to her in a tone that was very gentle, too soft for Akane to discern words. He looked uncomfortable.
The girl stopped screaming but she still cried and shook her head, visibly shaken.
The chief orders were noticeably less loud and authoritarian when he asked his subordinate to get her a blanket, measuring his volume near the civilian.
Akane just stared, noticing Teru never touched her, keeping a certain professional distance, but he let her hold on to the edge of his long coat for support, seemingly genuinely trying to calm the girl down despite his discomfort, talking in a quiet tone.
When the officer he requested a blanket shook his head, Teru seemed a bit troubled, unclasping his cape, offering it to the girl with a gentle smile, and letting her wrap herself in it.
Akane felt frustrated by it all, ceirtain now that Teru isn't a demon, he just just doesn't consider Akane human enough for kindness.
( but also felt weird at the sight, something more sticky and troublesome. )
He has been vaguely aware Teru, in all his arrogant and cruel ways, is not as simple to pin down as the other cops he dealt with: He carried a sword and a gun, but rarely used them. He refused bribes, only locking up those he was confident were guilty for their crimes but Akane know nobles well enough to know there must be something shady going on with the Minamotos. Teru failed in many areas, treating people like garbage the second they were deemed a criminal, but he made an effort into keeping his men in check, putting work. He doesn't seem to trust anyone. But he help citizen.
Is odd, even if he reluctantly understands Teru lowered the town crime rate considerably, he does not like his approach, he can’t help but tense up at his presence. Hating his arrogance, his stubborn attitude, and his pristine little murderer uniform.
And yet…
When Teru smiled at the girl, the stranger, there was so much kindness put in the spotlight, the dangerous glow of his eyes soft and comforting.
For the first time, he perfectly understood why so many civilians called him a prince, a hero.
‘I’ll protect you, everything will be alright’ His actions seemed to say, keeping his energy light when asking her to describe the “bad guy” that invaded the place.
(It felt wrong, like a fake advertisement, and yet…
Akane couldn’t help but remember the umbrella store.
He couldn't look away.)
Akane held his face, his gentle touch making Teru narrow his eyes. Hard to read.
‘I want you’ He thought, but he couldn’t have that, so he settled for gently  brushing his fringe behind his ear and using his shock to steal his hat, hiding it behind his back and flashing him a smug smirk “See ya chief!” He gave him a mock salute, only exchanging his small tophat for the chief’s cap when he reached the next house roof, smirking at the immediate sound of footsteps after him.
“Thief!” Teru hissed, his voice commanding, reaching his very soul. “Return it. Now.”
He looks good without a hat.
“Came get it!” Akane egged him on,  jumping on top of a lamp post and using the momentum to dive straight into a four-story mansion balcony, disappearing inside the room and walking out too quickly for the arguing couple in front of the fancy bathroom to notice he was ever in their house.
From there he just had to climb one store up and hop around, determined to run away, keep the cap as a souvenir. He run until his legs ached, crossing many restricted areas and civilian houses any law-abiding citizen would have trouble walking around willy nilly.
He lost Teru after a few blocks, disappearing into the night and slipping inside his bedroom window. 
“My win” Akane laughed in his empty room, touching the dumb white cap in his head with pride, the sight of him with it in the mirror made him feel weird. He hates cops and their pretentious uniforms, but he couldn't deny he felt something at the idea this isn’t just a cop’s hat, but a part of Teru’s uniform.
It made him feel closer to the chief.
“How pathetic” He mocked his reflection.
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tj-crochets · 7 months
“Allergying myself multiple days in a row” reminds me of how I keep taking deep sniffs of my secondhand fabric (AFTER washing!) to see if it still smells and starting to sneeze a bunch right after. Surely the two are not related 🤔😂
That is an absolute mood lol
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