#berg crystal
lucky-fairy · 2 years
I like stones (crystals)~because I am a mage 🌝
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mittenslikescats · 2 months
Ngl the fact that Lloyd forgives Harumi at the end of Crystalized still pisses me off to this day. 
Like he’ll refuse to forgive Garmadon (which makes sense earlier in the season but later on) when he’s shown clearly trying to change himself for the better. And yet Harumi who doesn’t show any kind of change other than the last episode has Lloyd almost instantly forgiving her. But seriously him almost instantly forgiving Harumi (who’s his abuser) is such a fucked up thing to send to your audience.
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stylestream · 11 months
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Crystal Kimber-Peters | Gail Taylor dress • Olga Berg clutch | Oaks Day | 2021
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reallifehq · 2 years
daisy ridley, elizabeth olsen, melissa benoist, nina dobrev, crystal reed or astrid berges frisbey?
Okay so it sounds like between these two, Melissa got votes, and Astrid Berges Frisbey got votes! Personally gonna throw my hat in for Crystal Reed as well!
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theladyregret · 1 year
Drow Name Tables
Something I did as a special favor to @kimmurielsscryingmirror (@eldritchmist ) who showed interest. Because it’s...pretty big I decided to make it into it’s own post.
These are a few Drow naming tables that were originally found in an issue of Dragon Magazine. It’s two d100 tables of prefixes and suffixes commonly used in first names. The second couple of tables is a list of common house name prefixes and suffixes.
EDIT: Just a little something for those who care which I didn’t add before because it took me so long to finish the transcription I just wanted to post it lol. The gender difference is noted in the related Dragon Magazine article as being significant. Non Drow may not notice but a Drow will notice the difference. Female names sometimes borrow parts that are normally only considered male and this is considered fine...but a male with a name that borrows a typically only female part would be seen as extremely taboo.
Prefix (Female/Male) - Meaning
Akor/Alak                 beloved, best, first
Alaun/Alton             lightning, powerful
Aly/Kel                     legendary, singing, song
Ang/Adin                  beast, monstrous, savage
Ardul/Amal               blessed, divine, godly
Aun/Ant                   crypt, dead, deadly, death
Bae/Bar                      fate, fated, luck, lucky
Bal/Bel                       burned, burning, fire, flame
Belar/Bruh                 arrow, lance, piercing
Briz/Berg                    graceful, fluid, like water
Bur/Bhin                     craft, crafty, sly
Chal/Chasz                earth, stable
Char/Kron                  sick, venom, venomed
Chess/Cal                  noble, lady/lord
Dhaun                          infested, plague
Dil/Dur                         cold, ice, still
Dirz/Div                       dream, dreaming, fantasy
Dris/Riz                        ash, dawn, east, eastern
Eclav/Elk                      chaos, mad, madness
Elvan/Kalan                 elf, elven, far, lost
Elv/Elaug                     drow, mage, power
Erel/Rhyl                      eye, moon, spy
Ethe/Erth                    mithril, resolute
Faer/Selds                   oath, sworn, vow
Felyn/Fil                       pale, thin, weak, white
Filf/Phar                     dwarf, dwarven, treacherous
Gauss/Orgoll              dread, fear, feared, vile
G'eld                              friend, spider  
Ghuan                           accursed, curse, unlucky
Gin/Din                         berserk, berserker, orc, wild
Grey/Gul                       ghost, pale, unliving
Hael/Hatch                   marked, trail, way
Hal/Sol                           deft, nimble, spider-like  
Houn/Rik                       magic, ring, staff
Iiv/Dip                             liege, war, warrior
Iim                                   life, living, spirit, soul
Illiam/Im                         devoted, heart, love
In/Sorn                           enchanted, spell
Ilph                                  emerald, green, lush, tree
Irae/Ilzt                           arcane, mystic, wizard
Irr/Izz                               hidden, mask, masked
Iym/Ist                            endless, immortal  
Jan/Duag                       shield, warded
Jhael/Gel                       ambitious, clan, kin, family
Jhul/Jar                         charmed, rune, symbol
Jys/Driz                         hard, steel, unyielding
Lael/Llt                           iron, west, western
Lar/Les                          binding, bound, law, lawful
LiNeer/Mourn            legend, legendary, mythical  
Lird/Ryld                   brand, branded, owned, slave
Lua/Lyme                       bright, crystal, light
Mal/Malag                     mystery, secret
May/Mas                         beautiful, beauty, silver
Micar                                lost, poison, widow
Min/Ran                           lesser, minor, second
Mol/Go                            blue, storm, thunder, wind
Myr/Nym                       lost, skeleton, skull
Nath/Mer                        doom, doomed, fate
Ned/Nad               cunning, genius, mind, thought
Nhil/Nal                 fear, gorrible, horror, outraged
Neer                                  core, root, strong
Null/Nil                             sad, tear, weeping
Olor/Omar                       skin, tattoo, tattooed
Pellan/Relon                    north, platiunum, wind
Phaer/Vorn                      honor, honored
Phyr/Phyx                        bless, blessed, blessing
Qualn/Quil                        mighty, ocean, sea
Quar                                   aged, eternal, time
Quav/Quev                        charmed, docile, friend
Qil/Quil                               foe, goblin, slave
Rauv/Welv                         cave, rock, stone
Ril/Ryl                                 foretold, omen
Sbat/Szor                           amber, yellow
Sab/Tsab                            abyss, empty, void  
Shi'n/Kren                          fool, foolish, young
Shri/Ssz                             silk, silent  
Shur/Shar                          dagger, edge, stiletto
Shynt                                 invisible, skilled, unseen
Sin/Szin                              festival, joy, pleasure
Ssap/Tath                          blue, midnight, night
Susp/Spir                           learned, skilled, wise
Talab/Tluth                        burn, burning, fire
Tal/Tar                         love, pain, wound, wounded
Triel/Taz                           bat, winged
T'riss/Teb                           blade, sharp, sword  
Ulvir/Uhls                           gold, golden, treasure
Umrae/Hurz                       faith, faithful, true
Vas/Vesz                            blood, bloody, flesh
Vic                                       abyss, deep, profound
Vier/Val                               black, dark, darkness
Vlon/Wod                           bold, hero, heroic
Waer/Wehl             deep, hidden, south, southern  
Wuyon/Wruz                      humble, third, trivial
Xull/Url                                 blooded, crimson, ruby
Xun                                       demon, fiend, fiendish
Yas/Yaz                       riddle, spinning, thread, web
Zar/Zakn                             dusk, haunted, shadow
Zebey/Zek                        dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm
Zes/Zsz                              ancient, elder, respected
Zilv/Vuz                             forgotten, old, unknown
Suffixes (Female/Male) - Meaning
a/agh                  breaker, destruction, end, omega
ace/as                                savant, scholar, wizard
ae/aun                             dance, dancer, life, player
aer/d                                    blood, blood of, heir
afae/afein                         bane, executioner, slayer
afay/aufein                        eyes, eyes of, seer
ala/launim                          healer, cleric
anna/erin                            advisor, counselor to
arra/atar                             queen/prince
aste                                      bearer, keeper, slaver
avin/aonar                           guardian, guard, shield
ayne/al                       lunatic, maniac, manic, rage
baste/gloth                         path, walker
breena/antar                   matriach/patriarch, ruler
bryn/lyn                               agent, assassin, killer
cice/roos                             born of, child, young  
cyrl/axle                               ally, companion, friend
da/daer                                illusionist, trickster
dia/drin                                rogue, stealer
diira/diirn                             initiate, sister/brother
dra/zar                                  lover, match, mate  
driira/driirn                         mother/father, teacher  
dril/dorl                                 knight, sword, warrior
e                                           servant, slave, vessel
eari/erd                                 giver, god, patron
eyl                                       archer, arrow, flight, flyer
ffyn/fein                               minstrel, singer, song
fryn              champion, victor, weapon, weapon of
iara/ica                                 baron, duke, lady/lord  
ice/eth                                 obsession, taker, taken  
idil/imar           alpha, beginning, creator of, maker
iira/inid                                 harbinger, herald
inidia                                     secret, wall, warder
inil/in                                     lady/lord, rider, steed
intra                               envoy, messenger, prophet
isstra/atlab               acolyte, apprentice, student
ithra/irahc                         dragon, serpent, wyrm
jra/gos                                 beast, biter, stinger
jss                                          scout, stalker
kacha/kah                            beauty, hair, style
kiira/raen                              apostle, disciple
lay/dyn                               flight, flyer, wing, wings
lara/aghar                         cynic, death, end, victim
lin                                         arm, armor, commander
lochar                                   messenger, spider
mice/myr           bone, bones, necromancer, witch  
mur'ss                                   shadow, spy, witness
na/nar                                 adept, ghost, spirit
nilee/olil                             corpse, disease, ravager
niss/nozz                           chance, gambler, game
nitra/net                              kicker, returned, risen
nolu                                 art, artist, expert, treasure
olin                                   ascension, love, lover, lust
onia/onim                           rod, staff, token, wand
oyss/omph                       binder, judge, law, prison
qualyn                                 ally, caller, kin
quarra/net                           horde, host, legion
quiri/oj                                  aura, cloak, hide, skin
ra/or                                     fool, game, prey, quarry
rae/rar                                   secret, seeker, quest
raema/orvir                         crafter, fist, hand
raena/olvir                            center, haven, home
riia/rak                       enchanter, mage, spellcaster
ril                                 bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw
riina/ree                     enchanter, mage, spellcaster
ryna/oyn                         follower, hired, mercenary
ryne/ryn                      blooded, elder, experienced
shalee/ral                 abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher
ssysn/rysn          artifact, dweomer, sorcerer, spell
stin/trin         clan, house, merchant, of the house
stra/tran                             spider, spinner, weaver
tana/ton                           darkness, lurker, prowler
thara/tar                             glyph, marker, rune
thrae/olg                          charmer, leader, seducer
tree/tel                         exile, loner, outcast, pariah
tyrr                    dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion
ual/dan                                speed, strider
ue/dor                                  arm, artisan, fingers
uit/dar                                  breath, voice, word
une/diin                         diviner, fate, future, oracle
uque                              cavern, digger, mole, tunnel  
urra/dax                       nomad, renegade, wanderer
va/ven                             comrade, honor, honored
vayas                         forge, forger, hammer, smith
vyll punishment, scourge, whip, zealot  
vyrae/vyr                     mistress/master, overseer
wae/hrae                           heir, inheritor, princess
wiira/hriir                           seneschal of, steward
wyss/hrys                          best, creator, starter
xae/zaer                             orb, rank, ruler, sceptor
xena/zen                         cutter, gem, jewel, jeweler
xyra/zyr                             sage, teller
yl                                          drow, woman/man
ylene/yln         handmaiden/squire, maiden/youth
ymma/inyon                      drider, feet, foot, runner
ynda/yrd        captain, custodian, marshal, ranger  
ynrae/yraen                       heretic, rebel, riot, void
vrae                                   architect, founder, mason  
yrr                                         protector, rival, wielder
zyne/zt                                finder, hunter
House Name Prefixes - Meaning
Alean                        the noble line of
Ale                             traders in
Arab                          daughters of
Arken                        mages of
Auvry                        blood of the  
Baen                          blessed by
Barri                           spawn of
Cladd                         warriors from
Desp                          victors of
De                               champions of
Do'                              walkers in
Eils                              lands of
Everh                         the caverns of
Fre                              friends of
Gode                          clan of  
Helvi                          those above
Hla                              seers of
Hun'                           the sisterhood of
Ken                            sworn to
Kil                               people of
Mae                           raiders from  
Mel                            mothers of
My                              honored of
Noqu                         sacred to
Orly                            guild of
Ouss                           heirs to
Rilyn                           house of  
Teken'                        delvers in  
Tor                               mistresses of
Zau                              children of
House Name Suffixes - Meaning
afin                              the web
ana                               the night
ani                                the widow
ar                                   poison
arn                                fire
ate                                the way
ath                                the dragons
duis                              the whip
ervs                              the depths
ep                                  the underdark
ett                                 magic
ghym                            the forgotten ways
iryn                               history
lyl                                  the blade
mtor                             the abyss
ndar                              black hearts
neld                              the arcane
rae                                 fell powers
rahel                             the gods
rret                                the void
sek                                 adamantite
th                                    challenges
tlar                                 mysteries
t'tar                                victory
tyl                                   the pits
und                                 the spider's kiss
urden                             the darkness
val                                   silken weaver
viir                                  dominance
zynge                             the ruins
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croziers-compass · 5 months
Shores of the Polar Sea (1878)
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“This is a sketch, from the floes alongside the ship, of an unusually distinct Paraselena that appeared on 11th December, 1875. The haloes and cross round the moon are caused by the passage of her light through a tissue of impalpably minute needle-like crystals of ice slowly falling through the atmosphere. . . . In summer the sun was often surrounded by a similar meteor, but intensely dazzling, and tinted with colors like an outside rainbow.”
Shores of the polar sea : a narrative of the Arctic expedition of 1875-6
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“The sketch is from amongst Floebergs to seaward of the ship. The sides of the berg in the centre have been worn into columns and alcoves by the surface floods of some former summer. . . Snow-drifts fill up all the gorges and ravines amongst the bergs, and are in some places so hardened by wind and infiltration of sea-water, that tidal motion cracks and fissures them, especially round the grounded bergs.”
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I could tell when she left.
Crystals down her paper balls.
She is a king of his.
She is stalling an oomph.
All the lovers set.
And I am rupturing pomegranate seeds.
And I am howling paradise kisses.
Crush till Crystal.
Compass round the table.
And her kissing you.
My holding her and to falling asleep.
Sand as Gold and Berg.
I knew how it would be.
I love it hood's knee.
I love her.
Baby bee.
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killed-by-choice · 4 months
“Elaine Roe,”46 (China 2012)
"Elaine" was a 46-year-old woman who underwent the chemical abortion pill regimen. Mifepristone was used followed by misoprostol, as is typical.
After the misoprostol was administered, Elaine suffered from asthenia, feelings of chest discomfort and shortness of breath. She was hospitalized, but went into cardio-respiratory arrest and was declared dead on April 6, 2012.
Elaine's death was one of 688 adverse events reported in a medical study published nearly nine years later. Her death was the result of an adverse reaction to the misoprostol.
Although Elaine's death occurred in 2012 and the study that reported her case was published in 2021, the FAERS database did not receive any report of her case until March of 2024.
Others who died from legal use of the abortion pill regimen include Holly Patterson, Chanelle Bryant, Hoa Thuy “Vivian” Tran, Rebecca Tell Berg, Oriane Shevin, Nadine Walkowiak, Manon Jones, Sarah Dunn, Alyona Dixon, Brenda Vise, Jessie-Maye Barlow, María Del Valle González Lopez and many who are unidentified, including: “Marcie” (Australia 2010), “Crystal” (27, Canada 2003), “Jane” (26, Canada 2001), “Summer” (19, Canada 2021), “Fleur” (25, France ~2013), “Joana” (14, Portugal 2005), “Raeden” (31, Taiwan 2006), “Jess” (UK, 2004 or before), “Janet” (UK 2020), “Janice” (UK, 2004 or before), “Olivia” (31, UK 2010), “Alina” (31, USA 2023), “Belle” (21, USA 2009), “Bridget” (24, USA 2021), “Carmen” (29, USA 2008), “Ella” (27, USA 2010), “Mandy” (28, USA 2003–2007), “Lucy” (29, USA 2022), “Luna” (31, USA), “Sabrina” (18, USA 2007), “Tara” (USA 2005), “Taylor” (33, USA 2017), “Tina” (USA pre-2017), “Toni” (USA pre-2017) and “Wanda” (24, USA 2006).
Analysis of 688 Cases of Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Misoprostol (Pharmacovigilance, 2021)
FDA Adverse Event Report #23601184
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pearlymermaidscales · 4 months
My OC Interview
Today, our special guest is Vanessa Kinderwood, a young witch from Witchy Diaries, who had kindly agreed on taking part of this interview!
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Were you named after anyone?
Yes! I was named after a good friend of Ms. Author herself who met Ms. Vanessa during their time as language students. Ms. Vanessa had come all the way from her hometown to study medicine, just like how I come to High-Rich Valley to study magic. Although Ms. Vanessa and Ms. Author are now separated, I heard that they will reunite again this winter holiday!
When was the last time you cried?
I think it was a week ago? My friends and I were having a sleepover party, and Damian introduced us to this thing called 'movies' from planet Earth. It is like, some sort of a story-telling device... similar to a crystal ball but with a big boxy screen! We were watching about a woman and a man who falls in love with each other in a ship, but then the ship crashed into an ice berg and-!! OH! No spoilers!! But, I still can't believe I was the only one who cried!
Do you have any kids?
No, I am too young to marry. But I do want to have children with Fenix - I mean! N-Not that I want to have children with him, w-wait no! I don't want to have children with him, but it doesn't mean that I hate him, I love him!!! WAIT NO!!! UUWAAAAAHH! NEXT QUESTION PLEASE!!!
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What is that? A lie? No. I don’t lie. It would be very hypocritical of me when my ‘divinity’ is to see through people’s lies, wouldn’t it? Also, my mother hates liars...
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their voice. Without my ‘divinity’, I cannot truly tell if people are lying or not, but I can at least tell what they are feeling. If their voice trembles, then they are scared. If their voice is loud then they are experiencing an intense emotion, whether it be anger or excitement. It's not magic at all though, I promise! I'm just good at reading people. Hehe...
What is your eye color?
It is dark brown, the same as my hair. Though sometimes, I do wish to have a lighter eye colour... like the Elves. Isn't that what everyone want? Lighter skin tone and eyes that reflects the sky? If only I was prettier, maybe Fenix would love me instead of... 'her'.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I have only watched that one romance movie with Damian and the others. It was a tragic ending for the couple so I choose happy endings! I don't want to cry in front of my friends. It was embarrassing. Oh no! Did I just spoil the ending?!
Any special talents?
If you mean by magic, then I have many talents! I can levitate objects, shoot light beams from my wand, make people fall asleep, and ride brooms! But if you mean by a special talent at birth, then it is my super strength and my 'divinity' to tell lies.
Where were you born?
I was born in Rocky Valley, planet Olympia; home to many non-magic labourers such as myself and my father, who is a native. But thanks to my Nepolion witch mother, I am supposedly lucky enough to be blessed by God as 'divinity' runs in my blood. This is how I am able to get proper education in life and stand where I am now. Otherwise, I would still be in Rocky Valley collecting gold for the rich. Our family is extremely dependant on my mother. Without her, my father and I don't know where else to go as he refuses to go back to Rocky Valley. He even called it, "a place for hellborn people" when referencing our hometown. There were no lies in his words. Only hatred.
Do you have any pets?
I did. It was a baby pet turtle, Mr. Sprinkles. Unfortunately, he passed away after a bunch of Elves threw stones at him for fun.... Next question please.
What sort of sports do you play?
I love broom riding if you consider that as a sport! Otherwise, I think it would be football. It is a sport from Earth that Damian had recently taught me. You should try it! It is very fun! And apparently, it is also extremely popular on Earth. Based on the stories I have heard about The World Cup, every person would watch it through their magical screen at home to support their favourite team until the very end. I wish Olympia would have stuff like that. Instead, we have public executions where we watch slaves being killed by three headed bulls.
How tall are you?
I am 156cm. Not so tall of a girl I am... haha.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Definitely Potion Making! Though many witches and wizards would say Hexes, I am not so much of a big fan when it comes to violence. I'd rather bake cookies, muffins, and pies with healing properties to help people in need.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be a baker and open up a bakery shop one day. It is a promise that my father and I made when I was 10 years old. I am not really sure if he still remembers it though. But my determination of achieving my goal is not only because of the promise, but it is because of my passion in baking too! Oh! And of course, I love muffins!
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And that is for today with Vanessa Kinderwood! I hope you enjoyed the interview and have learned something new about her as well. Thank you for your stay and I will be seeing you again, next post.
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top portrayals:
[12] Lily James
[9] Keira Knightley, Jennifer Lawrence
[5] Imogen Poots
[4] Maisie Williams
[3] Sarah Bolger, Jenna Louise Coleman, Romola Garai, Bella Heathcote, Amber Heard, Saoirse Ronan, Emily VanCamp, Alicia Vikander
[2] Rose Byrne, Nina Dobrev, Taissa Farmiga, Sarah Gadon, Karen Gillan, Eva Green, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Anna Kendrick, Katie McGrath, Leighton Meester, Sophie Turner
[5] Matthew Goode, Jared Padalecki
[4] Jude Law, Aaron Paul
[3] Nathaniel Buzolic, Bradley Cooper, Hugh Dancy, John Krasinski, Landon Liborion, Miles Teller
[2] Jonas Armstrong, Justin Bartha, Douglas Booth, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Sam Claflin, Charlie Cox, Chace Crawford, Charlie Day, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Martin Freeman, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnum, Jake Johnson, Harry Lloyd, James McAvoy, Mads Mikkelsen, Julian Morris, Colin Morgan, David Morrisey, Dylan O’Brien, Evan Peters, Michael Pitt, Eddie Redmayne, Andrew Scott, Bill Skarsgard, Ben Whishaw
[ 3 ] Astrid Berges-Frisby, Bella Heathcote [ 2 ] Sarah Gadon, Felicity Jones
[ 8 ] Michael Fassbender [ 8 ] Keira Knightley [ 7 ] Tom Hardy
[ 6 ] Emilia Clarke, Phoebe Tonkin [ 6 ] Jensen Ackles, Richard Armitage, Henry Cavill
[ 5 ] Emily Blunt, Nina Dobrev [ 5 ] Nathaniel Buzolic, Sam Claflin, Luke Evans, Chris Hemsworth
[ 4 ] Jenna Louise Coleman, Michelle Dockery, Margot Robbie, Emma Watson [ 4 ] Ben Barnes, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, Liam Hemsworth, Jared Padalecki, Bill Skarsgard, Sebastian Stan, Toby Stevens
[ 3 ] Candace Accola, Natalie Dormer, Jessica Brown Findaly, Claire Holt, Scarlett Johanson, Freya Mavor, Katie McGrath, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Emma Watson [ 3 ] Robert Carlyle, Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Jaime Dornan, Theo James, Joseph Morgan, Julian Morris, Evan Peters, Aidan Turner
[ 2 ] Chloe Bennet, Shelley Hennig, Lena Headey, Amber Heard, Lily James, Leighton Meester, Emilie de Ravin, Krysten Ritter, Sophie Turner, Evan Rachel Wood [ 2 ] Aneurin Barnard, Douglas Booth, Charlie Cox, Charles Dance, Hugh Dancy, Scott Eastwood, Mark Gatiss, Tom Hiddleston, Michiel Huisman, Harry Lloyd, Richard Madden, James Norton, Colin O’Donoghue, Daniel Sharman, Milo Ventimiglia
[ 7 ] Natalie Dormer [ 6 ] Romola Garai [ 5 ] Emma Stone [ 4 ] Crystal Reed, Holland Roden [ 3 ] Karen Gillan, Rosamund Pike, Emilie de Ravin, Eleanor Tommilson, Charity Wakefield
[ 5 ] Ben Whishaw [ 3 ] Billie Piper [ 3 ] Dylan O’Brian, Colin O'Donoghue [ 2 ] Alexis Bledel, Laura Carmicheal, Sarah Paulson, Lara Pulver, Taylor Swift, Anna Torv [ 2 ] JJ Field, Freddie Highmore, Josh Hutcherson, Gabriel Mann, Dan Stevens, Max Theriot
2: Cava Delevingne, Zoey Deutch, Phoebe Tonkin, Lea Seydoux, Kristen Stewart, Suki Waterhouse, Emma Watson
3: Tom Hiddleston 2: Daane Dehann, Chris Hemsworth, Luke Mitchell
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sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
Today's joy with Rachel Joy Scott Friday edits is for missing kids I hope soon they be found and Brought back home safe and sound Madeleine McCann, Inga Gehricke, Summer Wells, Haleigh Cummings, Morgan Nick, Ben Needham, Timmothy Pitzen, Baby Lisa Irwin, Baby Sabrina Aisenberg, Kayla Berg, Mary Boyle, Jennifer Joyce Kesse, Amy Lynn Bradley, Asha Jaquilla Degree, Brian Randall Shaffer, Brandon Swanson, Lars Joachim Mittank, Maura Murray, Kyron Richard Horman, Rebecca Coriam, Evelyn Grace Hartley, Frederick Valentich, Lauren Spierer, Marjorie West, Margaret Ellen Fox, Joshua Guimond, LeeAnna Warner, Tara Leigh Calico, Cherrie Ann Mahan, Nyleen Kay Marshall, Phoenix Coldon, Laureen Ann Rahn, Johnny Gosch, Sara Anne Wood, Rebecca Reusch, BRANDON LEE WADE, Katrice Lee, Adele Marie Wells, William Tyrrell, Rene Hasee, Jane Beaumont, Dennise Jeannette "Denny" Sullivan, Ember Skye Graham, Tricia J. Kellett, Donnis Marie "Pinky" Redman, Renee Aitken, Dulce Maria Alavez, Jonathan Allen, Victoria Allen, Mylette Josephine Anderson, Erica Nicole Baker, Ava Grace Baldwin, Amber Renee Barker, Brittney Ann Beers, Tammy Lynn Belanger, Alessia Vera Schepp, Livia Clara Schepp, Ilene Rebecca Scott, Mary Lou Sena, Natasha Marie Shanes, Kathleen Ann "Kathy" Shea, Crystal Ann Tymich, Anna[1] Christian Waters, Holly Ann Hughes, Ashley LaShay Jones, Sofia Lucerno Juarez, Amber Jean Swartz-Garcia, Brooklinn Felyxia Miller, Marjorie Christina "Christy" Luna , Lorie Lynn Lewis, Sheri Lynn Johnson, Lauren Maria Pico Jackson, Hattie Yvonne Jackson, Janice Kathryn Pockett, Alice Pereira, Sabine Morgenroth, Daniela Moreno, April Ann Cooper, Catherine Barbara "Cathy" Davidson, Mary Rachel Bryan, Hazel X. Bracamontes, Melissa Lee Brannen, Edna "Bette Jean" Masters, Shaina Ashly Kirkpatrick,
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nadiegesabate1990 · 4 months
Long before, radio stations already broke my Nadiege listener's heart with their songs. The melody reigned supreme. At first, however, the idea did not arouse enthusiasm because of the commercials. I hated listening to the radio for this reason. And the program or the announcer announced; Here comes a DJ returning from a season in Europe, he brought songs in his luggage, which he tries to sell without success. And another DJ was hired to run the radio, I was already fed up and decided to invest in something new, buy a cell phone and look for commercial-free radio apps. Before, however, Rádio OiFM, in Rio de Janeiro (English music), was already starting to say goodbye, "and my happiness ended". And two more stations went on air and would return my happiness with the European dance music genre, one of the DJs was the most played.
Nightcrawlers - Push the feelin
Stereo Bros. - Disco Bus
O2 - Breathe
04 - Carolina Marquez - The Killer's Song
12 - David Guetta - The World Is Mine.
13 - Infected Mushroom - I Wish
14 - Inaya Gray - Free
Shake it
Shinig star - Get Far
You cgonna want me - Tiga (05:17)
Walking away - Tocadisco remix - The Eyy (05:21)
Same man - Till West & Dj Delicius (04:42)
Dirty funk - Stero music (02:42)
Love at first sight - Delicious (04:58)
Ibiza vibes - Paradise island (03:26)
Dj Joe K. - Born Slippy
Alex Gaudino & Crystal Waters - Destination Calabria (03:42)
House Boulevard - Everybody's Grooving (03:34)
Global Deejays & Technotronic - Get Up (03:35)
Martijn Ten Velden - - I Wish U Would (03:32)
Tiesto & Christian Burns - - In the Dark (03:51)
Ida Corr & Fedde Le Grand - Let Me Think About It (02:31)
David Guetta - Love Is Gone (03:20)
Mason - Princess Superstar - Perfect ( Exceeder ) (04:04)
Yves Larock - Rise Up (04:33)
Chriss Ortega - Separated (06:51)
Yanou ft. Mark Daviz - A Girl Like You (04:52)
Sharam - The One (07:00)
Openhouse - Lessons in Love (04:34)
Axwell - It's True (05:29)
Robbie Rivera - Aye Aye Aye (06:26)
R.i.o. - De Janeiro (03:57)
Fragma - Tocas Miracle 2008 (05:55)
House Boulevard ft. Samara - Set Me Free (03:44)
Samantha - U Turn (04:13)
Kasino - Go Higher (04:36)
David Guetta Feat Kelly Rowland - When Love Takes Over.mp3 (04:52)
Axwell, Ingrosso, Angello, Laidback Luke ft. Deborah Co.mp3 (06:43)
Alexxa - Give To Me.mp3 (03:23)
Desaparecidos - Fiesta Loca.mp3 (03:07)
Kid Cudi - Day n Night.mp3 (03:40)
Dj Tom Hopkins feat Samara - Destiny.mp3 (05:58)
Spyzer - I Feel So Free.mp3 (05:47)
Swedish House Mafia Feat. Phar - One (06:56)
Yolanda Be Cool Vrs Dcup - We no Speak Americanoo (03:00)
Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dog - California Gurls (03:56)
Alex Gaudino - IM In Love (I Wanna Do It) (03:39)
Edward Maya - Stereo Love (03:35)
Ke$ha - Tik Tok (03:19)
Armin Van Buuren Vs. Sophie El - Not Giving Up On Love (06:50)
Akcent - That's My Name (04:05)
Eliza G. - Summer Lie (06:01)
Tikos Groove feat. Gosha - I Dont Know What To Do (03:43)
Desaparecidos - Follow You (05:03)
Tv Rock & Zoe Badwi - Release Me (06:46)
Inna - Hot (03:36)
04 - Afrojack Feat. Eva Simons - Take Over Control. ( 3:28)
05 - Bingo Players Cry (Just A Little). ( 6:19)
06 - Nause Made Of (Original Mix). ( 6:36)
08 - Tim Berg - Seek Bromance ( 3:20)
10 - Britey Spears - I Wanna Go ( 3:30)
11 - Alexandra Stan - Mr Saxo Beat ( 4:17)
13 - Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand ( 2:43)
15 - Alex Gaudino feat. Kelly Rowland - What a Feeling
16 - Ask2Quit feat. Colonel Red - Got Me Going Over ( 3:20)
It was an immense success - especially among housewives like me - the radio stations guaranteed my happiness and had high audience ratings and soon became privileged showcases for sponsors. The production brought together a huge contingent of professionals - professionals from Rádio JP alone brought together more than 15 DJs per week, some coming from other countries, others trained by the radio itself. The most powerful vehicle of mass communication, radio ended up functioning as a fertile source of talent that would be recruited by tv?
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gemwing1988 · 1 year
Katie Gemwing TV Tropes
A/N: Warning, this fanmade tropes will have some spoilers for certain parts of stories of The Dreamstones series for those who have yet to read them. And some tropes will be renamed due my “No swearing” policy. Read at your own risk but also please enjoy.
The Ace: All three members of the Dreamstones are skilled and powerful in their rights, but Katie has her awesome moments.
She is skilled at archery three years straight.
As a Crystal Dragon, she can master multiple elements similar to TLoS Spyro and Cynder.
Action Girl: Big time!
Actually Pretty Funny:
In Chapter 1: Pulled Into a Book, she smirked in amusement when Lexie joking pulls out her Bible to marry a laughing Natty to a slice of pizza when Natty jokingly asked if she could marry pizza.
In Chapter 19: Take to the Skies, she actually giggles along with her friends when they were amused by her calling the Devil “Luci”.
Adult Fear: As the oldest in the group, Katie often fears of the constant dangers her friends face up, whether it’s Lexie and Natty’s unwanted lovers or the kids getting bullied or threatened.
Next to Lexie, Katie is most horrified and guilt-stricken when King Dice stole Mugman’s soul during their confrontation in Misterie’s shop.
Matt, Liam’s kid brother is often in some potential danger ranging from several kidnappings and being surrounded by the Devil’s minions.
Kaichi the Sprigon also counts on being targeted due to his small size.
And the fact that TCS Cuphead owing the Devil his soul can do a real number on her Paranoia Fuel.
Adventure Couple: With Validor since the third season of The Cuphead Show: Dreamstones Edition.
Affectionate Nickname:
Her friends and most of her family calls her Kate.
Both versions of Mugman often refer to her as Miss Katie. Henchman also does the same as well as Clank from the Ratchet & Clank franchise.
TCS Ms. Chalice often calls her either “Sparkles”, “Glitter Wings” and “Blue Eyes”.
Starlight is one from her sister.
Hilda Berg from the book nicknames her Moonbeam.
Validor affectionately refers to her as “Oceanfire” due to some comparing her eyes to the ocean as she has a fiery spirit in her depths.
Afraid of Needles: Much like Lexie, Katie is terrified of injection needles for obvious reasons and hates every time she has to go to a doctor’s appointment that involves needles.
All of the Other Reindeer: Being born with autism, Katie had difficulties with some things and she was badly bullied at school, mainly as a teenager.
All-Loving Heroine:
All Your Powers Combined: Unlike Spyro and Cynder, Katie is able to combine two per elements together to form into a much more effective Fury attack blast. Her prime example is defeat her fight with the Devil from the book by combining her Ice and Electricity Fury blasts into an electrical snowstorm.
Alone Among the Couples: Throughout Heart, Soul & Mind, it’s sequel, Playing with Loaded Dice and the first and second season of The Cuphead Show: Dreamstones Edition, Katie is the only one among the main trio who doesn’t have a Love Interest. Her boyfriend, Validor is later introduced in season 3.
Amnesia Danger: She briefly has amnesia which the Devil takes advantage of her memory loss by manipulating her into believing she is his fiancée and that her friends are the bad guys. Luckily, his plan didn’t work.
And Now, You Must Marry Me: Of all people, both versions of Cuphead’s Devil wants to her to be his queen, going as far as kidnapping, blackmailing and even trying to trick her into becoming his bride.
Animal Motifs:
Dragons. The dragon is her Chinese Zodiac sign and she has several dragon themed ornaments and plushies in her collection as well as a Spyro the Dragon themed purse-wallet and a Spyro the Dragon game controller holder in her bedroom. She also has fondness for shiny things such as gems, which is a trait among dragons.
Swans. According to both versions of the Devil, Katie is often compared to a swan from being beautiful and graceful to fierce and aggressive when provoked, especially when her friends are in danger.
She often associates with dragonflies as Lexie does with butterflies while Natty goes with fireflies.
Potentially foxes given she wore a blue jewelled fox brooch on her jacket in Heart, Soul & Mind, and Kaichi’s character design is heavily inspired by foxes.
Battle Couple: With Validor.
Beautiful Singing Voice:
Be Careful What You Wish For: Having it the hardest in the Real World where she often feels like she’s unappreciated and unwanted, Katie wishes to live out her childhood dream to live among toons and go on adventures like in her favourite movies. After she had found the Cuphead book with the gemstones, her wish coming true was a lot more than she had bargained when the Devil is involved.
Berserk Button: Although she rarely loses her cool, Katie still has a number of buttons best not to be pushed.
King Dice and Anubis are always on the receiving end of her wrath whenever they come onto Lexie and Natty.
For some reason, she hates being called “sweetcheeks” TCS Sal Spudder learned that the hard way when she, Lexie and Natty scared him, Chauncey Chutney and Ollie Bulb off before they could attempt to soak up the nutrients out of Elder Kettle’s vegetable garden to spite the Cup Bros.
She hates the worst people pulling a Karma Houdini, especially when they’ve pulled some heinous acts out of spite and for the sake of being cruel.
She also can’t stand tyrannical and controlling parents who abuse their own children and force things onto them such as who they should be friends.
Don’t take advantage of either her or her friends’ kindness and trust, most especially Lexie’s. Dice had certainty learned that the hard way.
Animal and child abuse is a sure way to set her off.
She has ZERO tolerance towards bullies.
For personal reasons, mentions of her fights with her stepfather counts as one.
Never, under any circumstances, insult or badmouth about her boyfriend.
Do NOT ever come in between true love. Katie questions how many times she had to teach Dice Anubis that lesson.
Similar to Sonic the Hedgehog not liking being called a rat in some of his games, Katie hates it whenever someone calls her a gecko.
Also, do not play with her emotions, betray her or break her heart in the worst way possible.
Beware the Nice Ones: Next to Lexie and Natty, Katie is one of the sweetest and nicest people you could ever meet. However, when it concerns her friends either being bullied or harassed by unwanted lovers, she can also be the most fiercest when one of her buttons are pushed.
Big Eater: While thankfully nowhere near the extent of Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise, Katie still enjoys some tasty food and can be extremely excited about dinner and going out for ice cream with her friends.
Big “NEVER!”: Similar to mentioned below. Big “NO!”: Katie is often prone to scream this one out whenever something bad is about to happen or when either versions of the Devil from the Cuphead is coming onto her.
Big Sister Instincts: She has a sisterly friendship with Lexie and Natty, and to the extension, Matt, Liam, the Cup Brothers and even Ms. Chalice. Whenever either of them are in trouble, she will not hesitate to dive in to the rescue.
Blow You Away: Wind is one of her multiple elements. Its attacks allow her to literally blow her enemies away. They also allow her to buffet enemies and throw them about, and foes struck by them are left hanging in the air and vulnerable to attack.
Blue is Heroic: She dresses in plenty of blue, her dragon form is crystal blue and she is one of the heroes.
Breath Weapon: As a dragon, she obviously has that. Much like Spyro and Cynder from The Legend of Spyro Trilogy, she has multiple distinct elements - fire, ice, electricity, earth and wind. She also has the ability to master the Light Aether element in certain occasions.
Break the Cutie: In Heart, Soul & Mind, the Devil had attempted to break all three girls’ spirit by taking the souls of the former debtors. Katie is hit the hardest when she suffered a nightmare about being blamed due to have finding the “Cuphead: Don’t Deal with the Devil” book to begin with. However, in the rest of the story, she gets better.
Bully Hunter:
Calling Parents By Their Name: Or in her case, calling stepparents by their name. Whenever he upsets, Katie bitterly calls her stepdad by his name behind his back. She only does by in private, although this habit is often mentioned in her P.O.V once in a while. In her defence, her relationship with him is… strained.
Celestial Body: Her feathery wings occasionally glimmer with starry sparkles and they glow with bright blue and purple Auroras whenever she’s about to unleash a Light Aether Fury or breath attack.
Crush Blush: She occasionally blushes when Validor compliments her or when he states his fondness of her traits.
Cute Clumsy Girl: She has her moments of being mildly accident prone.
Damsel In Distress: Subverted. Despite being armed with a Keyblade, a summon charm to summon allies from various franchises and is able to turn into a dragon, whenever she’s either disarmed or if something blocks out her magic, she is prone to be captured and taken hostage against her. She will often have her friends helping her out of scrapes that she can’t handle alone.
Damsel Out of Distress: When push comes to shove, Katie is capable of being her own hero from time to time and will resort to her resourcefulness and cunning to get her out of trouble. Defiant Captive:
Delightful Dragon:
Disappeared Dad: When she and her older sister were very young, her biological father had divorced with her mother and moved away. And when she was somewhere in her late 20’s, he passed away from over alcohol poison due to over drinking.
Does Not Like Spam: Katie has a handful of certain foods she does not like or hate with a passion.
She really hates mushrooms. She most especially hates the smell of any being cooked.
She doesn’t like extra mature cheese due to the strong smell and texture.
She doesn’t like lamb and she despises the idea of eating kidneys and livers.
She’s not a fan of black liquorice.
And for personal reasons, she refuses to drink any types of alcoholic drinks.
Ironically, she also doesn’t drink coffee. She doesn’t like the taste.
Embarrassing Nickname: Subverted. TCS Porkrind tends to often call her “blueberry” due to the amount of blue in her clothing, much her awkward confusion. She decides to just roll with it later on.
Even Loving Heroes Have Hated Ones: As sweet and compassionate as she is, Katie still has a number of people she despises due to their lack of redeeming qualities.
She gets overly irritated with both versions of King coming onto Lexie.
She has a heated rivalry with Anubis since he had been lusting for Natty and he has some ways of getting under her skin. And the fact of his career as a bounty hunter and resorting to kidnapping Cuphead certainly didn’t do him any much favours to elude her wrath.
With his snobby attitude and his tendency to steal other people’s musical works to pass them up as his own to take all the credit, Ludwig has the displeasure of being added onto Katie’s list.
She could never bring herself to forgive her bullies after how they had treated her at school. Her reasons are justified since they had never apologised.
Everyone Has Standards:
Played for laughs, she hates pineapple on pizza.
She also doesn’t like raisins in cookies.
She really doesn’t like bathroom humour because she finds it gross.
While it’s true she can agree that most children should be disciplined whenever they misbehave but she is against Corporal Punishment because she believes physical punishment is basically child abuse. She even finds spanking to be too harsh.
While she finds most slapstick humour to be funny off from TV, she doesn’t like the idea of her cartoon friends getting badly hurt or worse in the situation is much more serious.
Although she has every right to hate and resent her past bullies for mistreating her back in school, Katie would never bring herself to stoop down to their level when the Devil (game) had offered her the power to get revenge on them once she agrees to be his queen.
Everyone Hates Mathematics: Her worst and most frustratingly hated subject at school.
Fan of the Past: She is greatly fond of cartoons from the late 90s such as the original 1991 Rugrats series and Disney Afternoon cartoons like Darkwing Duck and Looney Tunes. She often laments how much she misses such shows since there is hardly anything good on television anymore, aside from The Cuphead Show on Netflix.
Katie: Hey, can’t go wrong with the classics, am I right?
Fear of Thunder:
Feathered Dragons:
Friendless Background: Before Lexie and Natty, Katie didn’t had any much friends at school due to being bullied. Friendless Background: Before Lexie and Natty, Katie didn’t had any much friends at school due to being bullied.
Friend to All Children: If her interaction with Matt and the Cups are of any indications.
Friend to All Living Things:
Gamer Girl: Dating back to playing Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage (Gateway to Glimmer back in the UK) on the PlayStation 1, Katie enjoys playing video games and is a veteran Pokemon gamer dating back to having Pokemon Yellow: Pikachu Special Edition on the GameBoy Colour.
A Girl and Her X: In some case, a woman and her Sprigon companion.
Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies: Katie’s not really a fan of horror movies because she can’t stand extreme blood and gory scenes. And she doesn’t like any horror themed video games due to the overly graphic death cutscenes if the player loses. Not to mention the Jump Scare scenarios don’t sit well with her either.
Girls Love Chocolate: No arguments that chocolate is her Trademark Favourite Food.
Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She has a collection of stuffed toys and plushies back home.
Good is Not Soft: She is one of the sweetest, nicest and compassionate of the Dreamstones girl, but when villains, bullies or creeps threaten her friends and love, that’s when the gloves are off.
Graceful Ladies Like Purple: It is one of her favourite colours. Her belt bag is purple as well as the scarf-like ribbons at the bottom of her necklace in her dragon form. She also wears purple clothing such as her pyjamas, swimsuit and some dresses everyone now and then.
Growing Up Sucks: Sadly, she feels like it does given how she is often at odds with her stepfather and her struggles with her autism.
Hardcore Bookworm: She enjoys reading and is a very powerful dragon half-blood.
Hardocore Adorable:
Has a Type: Her ideal man is sweet, kind, honest, caring and very accepting of how she is. She also likes a man who is a proper gentleman with a sense of chivalry, puts others before himself, is good with kids, a Friend to All Living things and is a Cool Big Bro.
Hates Dresses: Subverted. She’s okay with wearing dresses on special and formal occasions such as a date at a fancy restaurant or an invitation to a gala. The only times she hates being a dress if she’s a victim of Go-Go Enslavement. She also finds wearing a dress limits her mobility when she needs to get around and would very likely trip over the hem of the skirts.
The Heart: According to Misterie, Katie, as the Binder, is the Heart of the Dreamstones and she often tries to keep everyone together.
Heroic Dog Lover: She’s a huge dog lover and she has two dogs back in the Real World - a Samoyed and a Pomeranian.
Hidden Depths:
She enjoys doing some cross-stitching and is excellent at embroidery. Her specialities are making Bookmarks in the theme of PokeBalls and flowery hearts.
Bowling is actually her most favourite ball game and enjoys playing it.
Hope Bringer:
Iconic Outfit: Her Crystal blue cold shoulder jacket with the flowing bell-shaped sleeves, long midnight blue handles gloves along with her medium denim jeans, back boots, midnight blue tank top with the light blue shoulders, purple belt bag, bracelets and book-shaped locket is her trademark look. She retains it throughout the stories while Lexie Natty go through an upgrade.
I Did What I Had to Do:
I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship: When “Tom Chrystolite” proposes to her on their first date in the Gilded Rose’s garden, Katie lightly turns him down as she’s against marrying someone she just met and isn’t ready for that commitment. She also wanted them to be just friends for now until Lexie and Natty reveal who Tom really is thanks to the Bible.
I Just Want to Be Special: One of her wishes was to be someone who could make the world a better place and is respected, appreciated and loved as a hero. She had often wondered if people would be nicer to her if she was someone who matters.
I Just Want to Have Friends:
Innocent Blue Eyes:
In-Series Nickname: She is affectionately called Kate by her friends throughout their adventures.
Irony: Yep, even Katie has a list of a few things.
She’s half-dragon and she can breathe fire but she doesn’t like spicy food of any sort.
She likes ketchup and Heinz tomato soup, but for some reason, she hates actual tomatoes. Probably because she doesn’t like what the insides look like with the seeds and juice.
She ironically doesn’t like actual oranges due to the texture but she’s okay with drinking fresh orange juice (as long as it’s purely smooth and doesn’t have bits in it).
Despite her British origin, she doesn’t drink tea, much to TCS Devil’s surprise and the confusion of some toons who stereotype her.
Lexie and Natty often compare the Cuphead Devils as the King Bowesr Koopa to Katie’s Princess Peach although she has yet to play any of the Super Mario games.
Despite being old enough to drink, Katie hates alcoholic beverages of any type due to personal reasons.
She’s also old enough to drink coffee but she hates the taste of how bitter it is.
It’s All My Fault: She took full responsibility of her friends when she was the one who had found the book and gemstones and is quick to blame herself.
Kiddie Kid:
Despite being in her thirties, Katie is a child at heart due to her autism given her Fangirl obsession with cartoons and video games but she can still be mature when she needs to be.
She also doesn’t drink coffee or any alcoholic beverages, preferring mostly soda and frappes.
Kind Hearted Cat Lover: Although she leans more to being a dog person, Katie still like cats as she gushes over Aya and squees over the cuteness of a curious kitten bounding up to her for a pet.
Let’s Get Dangerous!:
Leave the Two Lovebirds Alone: Whenever Liam and Lexie or Natty and Andrew are having a romantic moment, Katie is prone to catch on that the lovers need a little alone time with being in each other’s company and ushers the others away while leaving herself.
Magic Pants: Whenever she turns back into a human, her clothes are still intact.
Magical Accessory:
Hey Keyblade transforms into the blue bracelet with the white and purple beads she wears.
In her dragon form, she wears a necklace that magical summons special armour for protection or to enhance her abilities on certain occasions.
Mama Bear:
The eldest out of the Dreamstones girls and is overly protective of her friends. She also seems to have some motherly instincts towards Matt, Kaichi and the Cups.
As a mother, she can be at her fiercest whenever Eira is in danger.
Marry For Love: While she’s not ready for that commitment, she is still a firm believer in this.
Meaningful Name:
Katie means “pure” in Greek, fitting for her sweet and curious nature.
In the Ancient Language of the Dragons, her middle name, Estelaria means “Daughter of the Stars” since the egg her ancestral namesake was said to be brought down from the stars.
Her surname, Gemwing has some meanings as well since her wings often have star-like glimmers and glints like a gemstone. Turns out there’s a rare gem in the Dragon Realms called the Midnight Opal, which is a dark blue gem that has a starry luster.
Meet Cute:
My God, What Have I done?!:
My Greatest Failure: She struggles to emotionally connect with her stepdad.
Neat Freak: She tries to keep things tidy as possible and she has the tendency to keep certain things in the order she likes. She admits that she does get mildly freaked out and annoyed whenever someone doesn’t out things back the way she likes it when they were in her room.
Nice Girl: A sweet, bubbly and well-meaning woman.
Not Above It All:
Despite her zig-zagged fear of the Devil, she’s not above giving him terms of insults whether it’s behind his back or right up to his face, going far as to call him “Luci”.
She has her moments with making up some puns, much to the amusement of her friends and expanse of the bad guys.
She’s not above expressing her inner child when she gets excited about somethings like Christmas and enjoying chocolate and ice cream.
Oh, Crud!: Phrase Catcher: Cuphead does a mild modification to his best known Catchphrase for Katie and the girls with this quote: “Eh, don’t be too worried about it”.
Playing Hard to Get: Both versions of the Devil from the Cuphead universe believed her to be doing this whenever she refuses his advances.
Please, I Will Do Anything!:
Running Away to Cry: Whenever she’s upset and wants to be alone, Katie runs off in tears. This trait is what kicks off the first adventure in Heart, Soul & Mind where she finds the Cuphead book with the three gemstones planted in the bookshop at her local town by the Devil.
Running Gag: She sometimes will zap TCS Devil with her electric breath in the same fashion like in the Sweater episodes or occasionally like in The Devil’s pitchfork whenever she’s defending herself or when she wanted to deliver some payback.
Say My name:
Katie is prone to scream out for her friends’ names whenever they’re in trouble with their unwanted lovers or when either versions of the Devil is about to take her away.
She often says or cries out Cuphead’s name either to scold him when he does or says something irresponsible or if he’s in danger (mainly with the Devil).
She Cleans Up Nicely: Normally wears gender-neutral clothes and is always seen in her Iconic Outfit, she can still dresses up in elegant gowns and cute dresses on certain occasions. And is just as pretty in a dress as Lexie and Natty.
Single Woman Seek Good Man: She made it clear to both versions of the Devil her reasons why she would never marry him. Since Validor arrived, she is head over heels for his kind-hearted nature.
So Beautiful, It’s a Curse: In the eyes of both versions of the Devil from the Cuphead franchise, Katie is deemed the most beautiful as well as very powerful for her powers. And it certainly doesn’t help that she often attracts unwanted attention from more some other darker admirers such as the dreaded pirate overlord, Levithaus.
Stepford Smiler: While she does a bubbly personality, there are times that Katie can be emotionally troubled when it concerns her with her rocky relationship with her stepdad and struggles to put up a brave face and a cheerful facade to mask her anxiety and woes.
Squee: She’s a die-hard fan of certain franchises and will fangirl extremely hard over the latest Pokémon game, anime or even the possibility of a new Spyro the Dragon follow up game to the Reignited Trilogy.
Sweet Tooth: She has a great love for sweets, mainly chocolate, cake and ice cream.
Tears of Fear: Not very often but she will sometimes shed some of these when most terrified.
Tears of Remorse: She is often prone to express her guilt and remorse over honest mistakes or if she feels at fault through crying.
Tender Tears: Potentially the most emotional of the Dreamstones girls. Being autistic, she is sometimes most prone to be driven to tears of pain, sadness, frustration and when she feels emotionally helpless. This happened a lot at school as well her fights with her stepdad.
Term of Endangerment:
Both versions of the Devil often refer to her as “my dear”, “my sweet”, “my darling”, “my little one” “sweetheart”, and “my little dragonfly”.
By Leviathius, she is “my dear”, “my sweet”, “my love”, “my treasure”, “my shining pearl”, “my little mermaid”, and “my siren”.
Tomboy With a Girly Streak: Although she’s a tomboy, Katie isn’t above keeping in touch with her feminine side as she sometimes wears a dress in special occasions and dabs on some perfume. She also likes shiny things, the colour pink and adorable cute things.
Trademark Favourite Food:
Chocolate in any form in all of its glory. Milk chocolate is the best.
Red velvet cake is one of her favourites.
She also enjoys ice cream. Most especially chocolate, vanilla, coconut and cookies & crème.
For savoury, her favourite is pizza, especially if it has southern fried chicken with extra cheese and a barbecue sauce base.
Being British, she enjoys a Sunday roast with either chicken or turkey, mashed potatoes, carrots, roast potatoes, homemade stuffing and bread pudding, pigs in blankets, plenty of gravy and Yorkshire puddings.
Well, more of a favourite drink than food, really but she loves fizzy drinks between Coke Zero and Pepsi Max in either normal, cherry or vanilla flavour.
Trapped in a World: Twice in fact alongside Lexie, Natty, Liam and Matt. Once in the game version the Cuphead universes via a book. And the second time was in the TCS version.
Trying Not to Cry: She often tries to keep her emotions in check but once the water works start building, she can’t seem to stop until she has a moment to herself to calm down.
What Beautiful Eyes!: Her blue eyes are said to be very beautiful indeed. A rare Crystal Dragon trait is that her eyes sometime literally sparkle. According to both versions of the Devil, her eyes are like the ocean, deep and mysteries and sparkle when the sunlight glistens over the water.
Why Did It Had to be Snakes?:
She has a crippling phobia of wasps due to being stung by one in her palm as a child when she accidentally trapped it between her head and hand.
She also hates scorpions due to how deadly their stingers are. So, it’s understandable that is scared at the thought of dying of being stung by one.
As mentioned above concerning needles, she always dreads going to the doctor’s for an injection. No matter how small it is.
Both versions of the Devils still count in a way since he tries to force her to marry him. TCS Devil, taking on a Let’s Get Dangerous turn can actually be terrifying when he wants to be.
Your Favourite: The Devil had been doing a LOT of research on Katie when he often serves her favourite dishes when inviting dinner. Even going as far as buying her certain chocolates she likes and giving her a bouquet of her favourite flowers.
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deepdreamnights · 2 years
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Beneath the Berg
It's more than just ice, no matter how strange that seems.
Prompt: a digital painting of an iceberg in the middle of a body of water, a digital painting, inspired by Philipp Veit, graphic of enchanted terrarium, untethered stelae, green sea, stylised storm, oversaturated, monster ashore, digital key art, crystal, fantasy water color, gateway to another dimension, cliffside, painting in luminist style
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innocenthedgehog · 1 year
Happy World-building Wednesday! You had me at Ice Dune and your other WIPs sound awesome! What is your favorite part of worldbuilding? What details to you tend to get lost in (for better or worse)?
Hey! So the reality is I actually hate worldbuilding lmao, at least most of it. I want to create these huge sprawling worlds with interesting cultures and cool technology and all the fun societal implications because that's what I love reading about, but my brain just doesn't work that way.
Instead, I build almost purely based on aesthetics. I had a really strong image for Berg's opening of someone sailing down a river on a futuristic yacht at night, with bioluminescent purple moss and crystaline trees lining the banks, towering blue mountains in the distance, and everything glowing with the light of the auroras overhead. I also knew I wanted flying snakes. So I just started brainstorming, partly on my own, partly with ChatGPT (which I use for bulk idea generation), and came up with a few types of flora and fauna.
Another aspect of this story is class conflict, so I knew I wanted one character to come from a ridiculously opulent city, and one from a frontier village. I know basically nothing about either place, even 25K into the draft, just a few specific details relevant to given scenes. I know Sierra watches the first sunrise of the year from Hyperion Plaza, how the colours reflect in the frozen fountain and ignite the thousand crystal spires to harvest gold, but I have no idea where Hyperion Plaza is, what else happens there, or much of anything else about the city.
Essentially, anything which lets me create strong imagery is my favourite part of worldbuilding. Also I can spend hours making up artificial specs for hoverbikes or laser cannons or anything else which has very little plot relevance, but makes everything that bit more real when infused properly. It's creating the sandbox in the first place I struggle with!
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chaoticrebels · 10 months
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NAME : Calista Lokelani Dreamtide NICKNAME : Staci, Cali, Lia, Loki, Lanie AGE : 21 BIRTH DATE : June 18th GENDER : Female ORIENTATION : Demiromantic, Demisexual LOCATION : Nightstar Crystal Paradise Kingdom, The Ocean near Nightshade Cove PROFESSION : Princess ZODIAC : Gemini SPECIES : Mermaid SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English HEIGHT : 5′7¼” - Human Form WEIGHT : 125 lbs - Human Form HAIR : Dark Brown EYES : Purplish Pink TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : None SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Astrid Berges-Frisbey
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It was a starry moonlight night and all was calm, yet off the shore of Nightshade Cove, in a beautiful crystal castle underneath the sea. It was anything but calm, it was a bit chaotic. The merpeople anxiously waiting the arrival of their long waited princess, the little girl King Kye and Queen Nixie had always wanted. And after trying several times, nine times to be exact to get a little girl, they finally gotten their wish. Naming their blessing, Calista Lokelani Dreamtide. Becoming the first girl born into Kye’s side of the family in decades.
A few weeks had passed since her birth and the kingdom was getting ready for the celebration of the little princess, the king and queen sending invitations across the ocean to other merfolk and creatures, although some were not invited for many reasons. On the day of the celebration, the sea was calm and the sun kissed the waves beautifully. It was such a peaceful, perfect day and everyone there was having a good time. Until all of a sudden the sky turned dark and grim, the sea was no longer calm. Their peaceful celebration abruptly interrupted by a group of creatures, some of the very same that weren’t invited to the celebration. The leader of the pack being a pair of twins, Keres and Kieran, a witch/wizard, mermaid/man, vampire tribrid and the rest of their posse being half kraken, half nymph.
Keres and Kieran doing what they do best and that was to cause chaos and trouble, upset over not having an invite to the celebration. Then preceded to tell a story about a curse and a promise one of their ancestors had made. How a witch cursed Kye’s family line after the prince at the time refused to bare a daughter with her after promising, only because he fell in love with another. So the witch cursed his family line that they’d never bare a daughter, which the prince at first laughed about it, not believing her until it became quite clear she wasn’t lying. And when she refused to undo it, he banished her to the land for the rest of eternity. Which that’s where she and their ancestors remained until Kye’s great, great, great grandfather sought out them out and begged for them to undo the curse. Which Keres’s and Kieran’s great, great, great grandmother said she would if the king kept his ancestor’s promise except as punishment, she wanted the first born girl. In which he hesitated but reluctantly agreed, figuring it would be one of his. If he knew that it would have effected anyone in his bloodline but not him then he would’ve never agreed, unfortunately he didn’t and now here they where reaping the outcome. 
Which that was causing more problems than not. Because while Kye didn’t want to make things worse, he wasn’t about to hand over his little girl. And that made the twins furious, promising the king and queen that they’d regret this, that one day they’d get their hands on Calista. Which they rebutted with their own promise, promising that no matter what, they’d never let them get their hands on her before they had the guards to escort the twins and their posse out. Once they were truly gone, both the king and queen apologized to their guests then said their goodbye. Everyone promising to be there to help make sure that Keres and Kieran never get their hands on Calista, that they’d be there for them whenever they needed something before they left the party. And they all kept their word cause whenever they needed them, they were there.
Five years had passed without any serious threat, four years of having a magical barrier around their kingdom. The king and queen not taking any chances, yet despite all their efforts to keep their children safe, one stormy night changed everything. But it didn’t start as a stormy night, it started as a beautiful night. The stars were reflecting off the crystal clear waters, there wasn’t a cloud in sight. So beautiful that Kye’s and Nixie’s second born child, Kaiholo took his girlfriend Sirena to Midnight Lagoon. An island a several hours off Nightshade Cove and Moonlight Hollow, an island that is surrounded by crystalized rocks. Which the only way to get to the island is an underwater cave or the small entry that’s hidden behind moonflower vines. It was a perfect romantic spot to look at the stars, the bioluminescence in the waters surround the island making it look like there was stars in the water. The moonlight shimmering off the crystals, some of the flowers were in bloom. It was where their whole family went to purpose to their partners, using whatever gem or crystal that caught the other’s eye. And Kaiholo was going to purpose to Sirena that night.
And the prince did, which his girlfriend said yes within a heartbeat. Leaving him, leaving them both beyond happy. Everything was good, life was good. And after spending a little longer, they finally decided to head back and share the good news. Although it was on the way back, that the weather began to change. The sky that was crystal clear with stars shinning bright like diamonds was now full of angry looking clouds, the sea that was once peaceful was now chaotic. It was almost like someone had upset either Poseidon or Neptune, whichever God you wanted to blame. Either way, the point is they were now dealing with a hurricane like storm and despite trying to take cover fast enough, they fell victims to it. Almost like whatever caused the storm wasn’t natural, like they were targeted by some dark magic and they were. Keres and Kieran made sure that Kye and Nixie knew that, promising it’ll get worse if they didn’t honor their ancestor’s promise. But once again, the king and queen refused before promising that they’d regret this. Which the twins just snickered at before disappearing from the picture once more.
It would be another five years of peacefulness before another tragedy would strike but this time it wasn’t a storm, it was humans. And it was no accident, the twins were up to no good once again. This time Baylor, Kye’s and Nixie’s third oldest child and his fiancé Serenada were the unlucky victims. It was just a few days before their wedding and they were basking in the sun when all of a sudden, out of no where came a pirate ship. Closing in fast but before they could dip back into the sea, they were caught up in a fish net. And as much they tried to free themselves, they couldn’t. And that really scared them, especially since Serenada was expecting their first child. And with humans, they really didn’t know which ones they could trust so it was a tricky situation. Which soon enough it became clear, these humans weren’t to be trusted. With the talks of what they should do with them, sell them to the government to study or to a circus to become a sideshow attraction. And Baylor refused to let his fiancé and unborn child fall to that fate so he used his powers to try to break free, which lead to them killing each other. 
After that, the king and queen had made the surface world forbidden. Wasn’t about to let Keres or Kieran kill off anymore of their bloodline, certainly wasn’t about to hand over their daughter. No, in fact they were planning revenge now because they’d regret messing with their family. And while it took a few years, Kye and Nixie returned the favor. Using their powers to make the twin’s life hell but not to harm them because they would never stoop that low, they were better than that.
While that neutralized the twins, it had made them beyond livid. So much that when they had a moment, just a moment of peace they placed another curse on Calista‘s whole family line. A curse that was design to punish them, a curse only true love could break but made it hard to find it. A curse that would start one her eighteenth birthday, promising to break it when the queen and king give them what they want. It was after that her parents knew that this was only going to end in one of two ways, them giving the twins what they want or they finally get rid of the twins. 
Over the next couple of years, the queen and king had been preparing on finally ending this mess. Over the next couple years, the princess had began sneaking out of the protective barrier to explore. Sneaking to the surface world every now and then, despite knowing how her parents felt about it. It’s how her fascination with other supernatural creatures and humans began, although humans scared her. Especially after humans tried to kidnap one of her siblings then ended up killing her brother so she always kept her distance, just watching them from a far. But one frightful night after her eighteenth birthday, the worst thing imaginable had happened and she was caught in a trap set by humans. She was freaking out, trying her hardest to escape. Even the creatures of the sea she made friends with was trying to help her, which luckily she managed to escape. After that she avoided the surface world for a bit, especially after she was scolded by her parents when they found out what happened.
But after awhile she eventually returned, something drawing her in. It was after her nineteenth birthday, that she found herself in another trap. But on this frightful night, no matter how much she and the sea creatures tried, they couldn’t free her. So in a last ditch effort, she used her power of invisibility in hopes she’d trick them into thinking they had nothing. It almost worked, except something gave her away. Proving these were no regular humans, they were supernatural hunters. She was about to use her other powers but then she was pricked by something, causing her to black out and when she awoke, she found herself in a tank of some kind. Which freaked her out, which caused her to panic and try to use her powers to escape. And when it didn’t work, she couldn’t help but to break down and cry. 
After awhile, the tears had stopped falling. The mermaid finally took a chance to study her surroundings, it was then she spotted the twins talking to the men who captured her. Which caused her heart to completely stop momentarily, she knew instantly that she was in serious trouble. It had meant the twins found a way to win, even with her parents doing everything to make their lives hell. And that scared her to no end, because if they could pull that off then what use were they capable of? She didn’t want to know but something told her that she didn’t have much of a choice.
And turns out she was right because over the next few years, she witnessed a lot of things she wished she didn’t. Things that scared her, things that would haunt her for the rest of her life. And while she wasn’t going just give them whatever they wanted so easily, she was careful not to push her limits too much. Just brought her time and waited til she had the perfect chance to escape, even though some days were harder than not to deal with all the bullshit the twins were putting her through. Those nights she would cry to the moon, wanting nothing more than to be with her family again.
But as time went on, she had almost given up on escape. Every time she had tried, she had failed and that lead to unbearable punishment. And every time she fought back, it only made it worse. Which she swore once she was free, she was going to find a way to curse everyone who had caused her pain. Yet right now, she just focused on surviving while she continued to plan her escape. Though luckily for her, she managed to make a friend as time went on. One that had promised to help her escape, she just had to say when. But she was a bit hesitant to get them involved because she didn’t want to get them in trouble, not because of her. 
Yet by the time Calista was twenty one, she had over heard the twins plotting to take over her kingdom. As well as plotting an arrange marriage for her, arranging her future family with one of their eldest child. They just couldn’t decide which one would take her hand in marriage, so they had decided they’d let them both try to woo her but when she wasn’t having it. And that was only making the twins mad, swearing that they’d make her marry and start a family with them both if she didn’t stop. Then they decided right then and there, that’s what they were going to do and that scared her to death. She knew instantly that she needed to escape and soon, which prompt her to get ahold of her friend.
So while Keres and Kieran set up her wedding to Draven and Akuma, Calista and Eretria worked on her escape. But til then, she had to act as normal as she could while behaving the best she could. Yet it was hard, especially when she had to deal with her fiancés trying to evoke their fiancé rights. Which irritated her to no end but she did her best not to do anything to piss them off too bad, didn’t want to risk ruining her chance to escape. However it killed her inside so much she cried quite often whenever she was alone, all this had left her traumatized but she was trying to remain strong. 
By the time the night before the wedding rolled around, the mermaid was within an inch of walking over the edge of just giving up. The edge of giving in and letting the twins win but she kept reminding herself that she would be free and reunited with her family soon enough, that was what kept her going. That and the encouraging words Eretria kept whispering to her, plus the fact that she would be able to get revenge on those who had harmed her soon enough if that is what she wished for. Although she didn’t know if she would seek revenge, it wasn’t exactly a healthy route to take. After all look at everything that had came from it so far.
After a long day of prepping for the wedding, Calista was just about fed up with pretending. So when the clock struck midnight, she wasn’t no time doing what she needed to do. Once she was done, all that was left was to wait for Eretria to do her part. And when she did, when Staci was finally free, she nearly cried of happiness but she knew she wasn’t out of the woods just yet. Hell it wasn’t that long afterwards that she heard a noise coming from the place that was her home for a few years, it wasn’t as loud as it would’ve been if she was closer but she was still in range to hear it. But they wouldn’t be able to stop her this time, no all they could do is try to find her before she made it back home. Yet her friend had friends making sure they were lead on a wild goose chase to buy them time to get the princess home, or at least enough time to let her get as far away as she could get. Still being a careful as she could be because she knew she was still being hunted, would be hunted til the twins and their family line was finally dealt with once and for all.
Mermaid/Human Transformation
Fish/Cetacean Physiology
Eternal Youth and Longevity
Water Manipulation
Weather Manipulation
Wish Granting
Siren Song
Communication with Sea Creatures
Enhanced Senses
Sonic Scream
Invisibility Detection
Vision Sharing
Superhuman Strength
Object of Power Wielding
Kye - Father
Nixie - Mother
Katsumi - Brother
Kaiholo - Brother †
Baylor - Brother †
Laiken - Brother
Makai - Brother
Nori - Brother
Roka - Brother
Mizuki - Brother
Ariellia - Sister in law {Married to Katsumi}
Aurora - Sister in law {Married to Nori}
Makimi - Sister in law {Married to Mizuki}
Maritza - Sister in law {Married to Roka}
Leilah - Sister in law {Married to Laiken}
Sirena - Honorary Sister in law {Engaged to Kaiholo} †
Serenada - Honorary Sister in law {Engaged to Baylor} †
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