#besides this tank is deep enough that I can give him a good amount of bedding that he can burrow in
mokeonn · 5 months
Worked my new job at the pet store today and I accidentally scared a hamster. So im gonna make it up to him by giving him a loving home
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yuckydraws · 3 years
Vant, Wine, Red, Bear, Sans, Pup and Boss one day come home to a note left by their s/o. In the note there is a very simple message:
Go to [location]. Put on some light summer clothes. Bring nothing else than your favourite drink, and maybe a summer hat. I have food for us. 
- Love, s/o
They go to the location and notice that it is a hill located beside a deep and lush valley with a thin river passing through it. They had to walk up a small and grassy path to enter the top of the hill, but at said top there is a tall willow tree that not only provides a good amount of shade from the warm sun, but the leaves part just enough to give you a perfect view over the valley.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” they’ll hear their s/o say as they stand up from the spot they were sitting. A large blanket and a picnic basket is placed on the ground beneath the tree, and their s/o is wearing a lovely summer dress along with a well sized summer hat. They’ll happily skip over to their skeleton lover and take their hands into their own.
“I found this location when I went on that hike last month, and I just couldn’t stop thinking about taking you here on a nice summer day like this.” They’ll say and place soft kisses onto their knuckles. “I love you so, so much, and I wanted to give you the opportunity to just relax and enjoy the day; with me.”
Sans: He just brings some water, and sure, he’ll put on a sun hat. It looks really goofy when paired with him comfortable lounging clothes, but since when has he cared about his appearance? Not to say he wouldn’t dress up for you, but he has a feeling that this is a more laid back date. When he gets there he’s blushing at the attention. Ah geez, you really spoil him, you know that, babe? He’ll join you on the blanket and snuggle up next to you. A relaxing picnic sounds lovely.
Red: He brings some soda, and he probably won’t put on a sun hat, but he does put a little effort into his outfit, wearing a nice summer button up over a tank top with some shorts. When he sees the picnic you put together he softens. Acts of service is his love language and he’s feeling very loved right now as you approach him and say this. He’ll fluster a bit at your knuckle kiss - he’s not used to that kind of soft affection. He covers it up with some jokes and teases as he shifts the focus to you and your dress. You look smoking, sweetheart, can you do a little spin for him?
Boss: He brings lemonade, and he also won’t wear a sun hat but he will obviously put some effort into the summer clothes. He’s a skeleton of standards after all! He’s very out of his element by all that you put together for this. He’s not used to being the one being romanced but he’s absolutely a sap for this and is quiet - not because he doesn’t like it, but because he feels really flustered. He’ll blush at your knuckle kiss and try his hardest to get the words out, but he just ends up stuttering. If you tease him, that trademark attitude of his will come out, but he’ll calm down and laugh at himself a bit. Then a small thank you will be uttered as he lets himself embark in a lazy day with you.
Bear: He just brings water, and he has an adorable sun hat that he’ll wear while gardening, it has flowers on it! He’ll put that on happily. He does have a bit of trouble getting up the hill, as his knees have seen better days but he’s determined to get to you. He smiles big when he sees you, his eye-light getting all fuzzy at the edges as his pupil morphs into an upside down heart. You look so lovely, pumpkin! His smile gets even bigger when you mention the picnic. He’d love to relax with you. He’ll happily sit down on the blanket and pull you into his lap for some cuddles while you enjoy each other’s company.
Vant: He brings tea and he skips out on the hat. He doesn’t experience heat the same way humans do, and it’s not his style. He also won’t show it, but he’s very excited as he reads the note. You planned a date? He’s giddy as he goes to the location and he gives you a soft smile as you run over to him. He’ll lean in for a kiss and tell you that you look beautiful. While he’s not one to laze around… he wouldn’t mind relaxing with you. Especially if he can get some more kisses.
Pup: Oh, he puts on a summer hat, and a sundress. He’ll bring a smoothie! His favorite place to be kissed is his hands. It makes him feel all delicate, so he’s definitely flushing and giving you the softest look ever when you kiss his hands. He’ll compliment and hype up your outfit, you look lovely darlin’!! He’ll definitely want to take a picture of the two of you on the blanket before you start eating. You just look so cute!
Wine: He’s intrigued, and sure, he’ll wear a sun hat! He, of course, brings a nice bottle of wine. This sort of date is right up his alley. He’ll often take you on lovely picnics and when he makes it there he’s impressed by the spread you’ve made. He’ll greet you happily, returning the knuckle kiss with a proper kiss. He’ll tell you just how beautiful you look and how much he loves that dress on you. This is the perfect way to get him to relax, and he really needs to relax. If you let him rest his head in your lap he’s likely to fall asleep under the warmth of the sun as he fully lets himself relax around you.
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Hello @gluttonousfruit you are in fact my first request. (I did not forget about you in moving my blog.) I am super excited to have anyone ask me to write something! Also I would love to be friends! Feel free to message me through asks or in private DMs! I hope you enjoy the imagine!
Warnings: Fluff with a small amount of angst because Levi doubts himself 😞
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Levi with an Animator S/O
"Okay MC, I know we just finished 'Swimming Only Leads to Hot Mermaids,' but I was thinking since we are already watching otomes, we should watch another series that everyone is recommending online!" Levi says this as he begins to pull out one DVD and place in another while bouncing on the balls of his feet like an excited puppy.
"I guess I could watch one more series, but it better be a good one. Sure the mermaids were attractive, but there wasn't much of a plot." MC says with a yawn. A quick look over to the clock, and it reads 11:48 PM in a blinding blue light. Not too late for one of Levi's normal bingefests, but a little too late for MC when they have classes tomorrow.
"No, I promise this one is good. Everyone is talking about the art style. They say it is so original that it's captivating." Levi walks to the small futon briskly and plops himself down next to MC as he continues to ramble about the art. His voice slowly trails off as the opening begins to play.
As the music fills MC's ears, they perk up and a small smile appears on their face. "Levi, could this perhaps be, 'I Went to Hell For a Weekend and Got Stuck in a Love Heptagon with Seven Incubi'?"
Levi faces MC in shock. The look on their face is quite smug. (In all seriousness, it reminds Levi of Mammon when he wins poker, but he doesn't want to be think about his brother while looking at MC. So he pushes that thought away.) This anime came out only the day before their bingefest. And even then, Levi had this copy pre-ordered for this very occasion and it arrived before any stores were selling physical copies. There is no way a normie like MC could have heard about its release. Does this mean MC isn't such a normie after all?
"You heard of this show already?" The surprise in his voice was impossible to hide.
"Yeah, I have heard of it." MC smiles and chuckles quietly, "I have never actually seen it, but I have heard the opening quite a few times."
"Oh..." Levi sighs. He was so stupid. Of course MC had heard the opening. It is all over his Devilgram and they were on their phone for part of the last show, so they obviously just heard it on there. Levi deflates looking solemn. It was just a pipe dream that MC would ever be interested in his yucky otaku interests.
"Hey! There is no reason to be all sad just because I know the name of the show. I still haven't seen the whole thing. My first time watching will still be with you Levi, isn't that special enough?" The smile on MC's face seemed sincere enough, but the words that came out of their mouth made blood rush up to Levi's cheeks. Their first... did they really mean to say it like that?...
As thoughts begin to flood Leviathan's head the show began. It was true the art style was captivating. So captivating in fact, that he forgot about his embarrassment. But MC's words still lingered in his mind as he watched the show.
"Well, I am dead tired." MC stands cracking their aching joints as they look at the clock. 2:37 AM. It was that late already? "I think I need to head to bed Levi. I have classes in the morning and I need at least a few hours of sleep."
"Are you sure?" Levi was just starting to enjoy MC's presence. At the beginning of the night, he was on edge trying to make everything perfect. Levi did want to mess up by being a yucky Otaku and give them a reason to leave him all alone. But as the night progressed, (and more snacks were consumed) he felt increasingly more comfortable with sharing his favorite shows with MC. "I have other shows we could watch to pass the time, or we could play this new game I got-"
MC walks over to Levi and gently sets their hands on his shoulders, "Games and anime are great, but what I need right now is sleep." MC watched as Levi's face filled with a blush and his eyes flashed with hurt. "I am not leaving because I am mad... or sad... or anything really. I just need to sleep, Leviathan." Their voice was barely above a whisper as they said his name. How could he disagree with them when they said his name like that; all the while, looking deep into his eyes. He felt like he could explode.
As MC turns away, the demon in question then sighs mutters a quiet "okay" under his breath. "Don't worry, Levi. This isn't the last time I will watch anime with you. I promise we can do another one of these when another new anime comes out." MC begins to pick up their things. A blanket they brought with them to keep warm in Levi's cold room and the rest of their human snacks. "Besides, I really liked that one, and I have heard they are already making season two." As they speak, MC makes their way across the room to the gigantic tank.
"Wait. How do you-"
"Good night Henry. Good night Levi." And with that, MC leaves. Closing the door behind them.
How did MC know about a second season? Even he, the Great Otaku Levi, has not heard about a season two on any forums or on any other website... After thinking about it, Levi suspects it's probably on Devilgram like the opening was. To prove his theory, he pulls out his D.D.D. and opens up Devilgram to the 'I Went to Hell For a Weekend and Got Stuck in a Love Heptagon with Seven Incubi' page. He scrolls through their posts and finds the opening, like he predicted, but what he didn't predict was their most recent post.
"This show would not have been possible without MC. Thank you for making such a great story and great art to go along with it!"
Levi reads the caption once, twice, thrice and is speechless. The photo for this post is none other than his MC standing with a hand drawn piece of the protagonist. He can even see their signature in the corner when he zooms in! He knew that they liked to draw, but he never thought they would make an anime.
Without thinking, Levi gets up and begins to run to MC's room. He needs to know that this isn't some sort of elaborate prank that MC and Satan brewed up to make him like a normie more.
The door to MC's room busts open, "MC!" The room is completely dark except for the light shining in through the doorway.
"Levi...? Is that you? Is something wrong?" MC's voice is soft and laced with sleep. If this were any other time, Levi would have screamed over their cuteness, but today he had a mission. He immediately marches up to the half asleep MC and promptly shoves his phone in their face.
"Did you make 'I Went to Hell For a Weekend and Got Stuck in a Love Heptagon with Seven Incubi'?" MC sits up and squints as their eyes adjust to the blinding screen and look at the post.
"Um... yeah. That's me isn't it?" Silence takes over the room, before Levi begins to scream.
"WAHHHHH! MC, why didn't you tell me!" Thankfully with the phone only being pointed at MC, they can't see the blush spreading across his face.
"Well, I didn't want you to treat me differently because I make anime." Laying back down as they speak, MC tucks a pillow under their head and looks up to where they guess Leviathan's face is. "Besides, I thought it was really cute how you were fanboying, and I didn't want you to stop because you knew you were in the presence of the creator." A small smile makes it's way on to MC's face as Levi feels his own get hotter.
Now covering his face, Levi quickly makes his way to the door while muttering, "You can't just say things like that..." As he begins to close the door, he pauses and opens it up again while looking back, "Can you tell me more about your show tomorrow, MC?" His voice sounds small compared to his previous scream.
"Of course Levi. We can talk for as long as you like."
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 2) - Baseball Caps & Stroller Naps
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Summary: The reader gets into the swing of things around the Ackles household and starts having more one on one time with Jensen. He even offers to set her up with a friend of his. When he invites her to a family outing as a friend though, she gets another glimpse that he might not be as put together as he appears...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Square: Daddy!Jensen
Word Count: 5,900ish
Warnings: language, mention of death of a spouse/death of a parent
A/N: Things are starting to happen! This was also written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo!
“Good morning,” you said the next day as Jensen walked into the kitchen covered in sweaty workout clothes.
“Morning,” he said, going to the fridge to grab a drink. “Get the kids to school okay?”
“Yup,” you said, Jensen sniffing the air and humming as he walked over to where a loaf of banana bread was cooling in the rack. “Ah, it’s still too hot. Wait another half hour.”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “It smells amazing by the way. I don’t think anything’s been baked in this house in six months.”
“I’ve always enjoyed it,” you said, Jensen taking a seat on top of the counter. He chugged down the cold bottle of water, some of it dripping down the corners of his mouth. “Enjoy sleeping in today?”
“You don’t know the half of it. I feel amazing.”
“You look rested for the first time since I’ve met you,” you said. “You should sleep in on the weekends more too. The kids don’t need to be up at dawn.”
“No, they don’t,” he said. “I do love sleep too. You do okay with getting the three of them going on your own today?”
“Yeah. JJ’s old enough to get herself dressed and make her bed and do a few things on her own. The twins are a balancing act but the trick is to give yourself double the amount of time you think you need and you’ll never be late.”
“Not a bad tip,” he said as you finished wiping off a glass and picked up a pad and pen. “Whatcha working on?”
“Ideas for crafts and that sort of thing. You guys have a lot of supplies already so I was thinking of some ideas to do this week,” you said.
“You know...you can stick them in front of a TV too. They have their shows they like. We aren’t big on tracking screen time,” he said. “As long as they play and do some kind of creative thing everyday they can watch TV for a few hours in a row if they want. Our parents didn’t worry about that shit when we were kids, you know?”
“No, they didn’t do that,” you said. He lifted up the bottom of his muscle tank and wiped off his face, your eyes going straight down to the pad so you wouldn’t risk staring. “Any work scheduled for today?”
“I gotta wash up, head to the brewery for a few to check on things. I have some voice acting work I’m doing right now so I go to a place downtown and record that. That’ll be my afternoon. I can handle making dinner tonight. I should be back around four thirty, maybe a hair after,” he said. 
“Alright,” you said. “Anything you need at the store today?”
“Nah, we got plenty here,” he said. He wiped off his face with his shirt again, using his collar this time. You handed him a dish towel and he smiled, rubbing it over his neck and head. “Sorry. I’m dripping aren’t I.”
“A little. Do you work out a lot?” you asked. 
“No more than the average person. Try to do thirty minutes in the morning most days of the week. It’s sort of been my only alone time lately,” he said.
“Are you a runner?”
“God no. I’m not built for that. I like boxing and HIIT, weights, that sort of stuff. Part of my job is to look a certain way so if I’m gonna be the tough guy…”
“You gotta look like a tough guy?” you asked. He smiled and you looked him up and down. “Don’t get me wrong. You’re a strong guy, that’s pretty obvious. But you’re not a tough guy.”
“Oh I’m not?” he asked but there was a lightness to his voice.
“Tough guys tend to be assholes. You’re too nice for that,” you said. 
“I suppose you have a point,” he said, sliding off the counter. He stepped over to the banana bread and picked up the knife nearby, slicing off a piece for himself and popping it in his mouth. “Hot. Hot.”
“I told you so,” you said with a small laugh.
“Tastes delicious though,” he said with his mouth full. You shook your head as he ate another piece and turned to go upstairs.
“Jensen,” you said, pointing at the sweaty dish towel. 
“Ugh, yes mom,” he said, swiping it away with a smile. 
“Thank you,” you said, tapping on your notepad. You felt his presence beside you, not to mention the smell, and turned your head up, Jensen smiling back. “Yes?”
“Aren’t you due for a break?” he asked.
“You don’t really get how this nanny thing works yet, do you.”
“Yeah well...I’m not a shitty boss so I guess you’ll have to get used to that too. Take a break Y/N. Have some coffee on the balcony. It’s a sunny January day. Enjoy it,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he pointed at the back door before he headed upstairs. You bit your bottom lip and glanced at the clock. You had been going for over three hours non-stop and one of those had been spent trying to convince a four year old he had to wear pants to daycare.
You turned to leave the kitchen when you heard a tsk. You jumped and slipped on the rug in front of the sink, falling backwards straight down to the hardwood floor.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he said as he rushed over. “I’m always tripping over that thing.”
“I’m fine,” you said as you sat up with his help. Your ass hurt but you knew you’d be alright. “Maybe we move the rug from the very trippable area?”
He swallowed and stared at you for a long moment before you smiled.
“How about we put it outside your office?” you asked softly. He nodded and you picked up one end of the long strip of fabric. He went to the other end and picked it up, backing up as you walked it over to the other side of the house. You laid it out in front of his closed door, smiling as you straightened it up. “There we go. Safe and sound.”
You headed back to the kitchen, Jensen lingering behind you.
“I was...gonna say you can make...you can use my coffee machine,” he said quietly. 
“Okay,” you said quietly. “Jensen.”
“Stuff is stuff. This isn’t a museum. It’s a home. It’s gonna change over time.”
“I know. It’s just that rug...it is so damn ugly and I hate it,” he said with a smile. “I wanted to get rid of it the day she brought it home.”
“Wives have a way of getting the last word in,” you said. He chuckled and you got out a mug for yourself. “Tell me to shove it if this is too personal but are you sure you want to get back out into the dating world? It’s rough out there.”
“It is. Until it isn’t,” he said.
“You’re a hopeless romantic, aren’t you.”
“Guilty as charged.” He rubbed the back of his neck and his cheeks flushed for a brief moment.
“Women like hopeless romantics,” you said. “Just don’t get taken advantage of for that. There’s some not so nice women out there too.”
“Afraid I’ll fall for some ditz?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think you’d do that. But someone might hurt you and you’ve been through enough. Maybe just...don’t fall in love at first sight or something like that,” you said. “Alright?”
“Never was much good at that,” he said to himself while you grabbed your coffee mug. “You believe in that sort of thing?”
“I’d like to. But you’re more of the expert on falling in love than I am,” you said.
“Maybe it’s not first sight but within a few days, a week, yeah I knew I was in love,” he said.
“Well if that happens again let me know and I’ll make sure this chick is good for you,” you said.
“I didn’t know my nanny came with bodyguard services,” he chuckled.
“That was under special skills on my resume,” you said as you headed over to the door to the balcony. “You should wash up. Don’t want to be late.”
“No I better not be,” he said. He turned to head upstairs, pausing on the first step. “You know, no one’s an expert at falling in love. Even those of us who were once married.”
“Oh don’t be a hopeless romantic for me getting my shit together too. We’ll be here for years,” you laughed. 
“Just sayin’...maybe we’ll both find somebody. Not that we need anyone to be happy but...you know what I mean,” he said. 
“Men don’t really talk about love like that you know.”
“I do,” he said. You smiled and he returned it. 
“That’s why all the good men get taken early, the ones that talk like that,” you said.
“I was older than you when I got married. Maybe I’ll get married again someday. We’re out there. I promise.”
“Go shower,” you said, waving him off. You slipped outside, closing the door behind you. You leaned over the railing with your mug and let out a sigh. “You have to a be a fucking hopeless romantic too don’t you. Fucking perfect at everything.”
You lowered your head and took a deep breath. 
“It’s a crush, it’s a crush,” you said, closing your eyes. “Just a crush. He’s your boss and a widow and he bought a birthday cake for me.”
You opened your eyes and glanced into the mug, taking another deep breath.
“He’s just nice. That’s it. Even if he’s…” you trailed off. You took a long sip of the hot liquid, not caring you were burning your tongue. Jensen was simply a nice person and that was that. You had a crush on the attractive single dad you were nannying for. There was nothing wrong with that and you knew for a fact it’d be gone by the end of the week tops.
“Ow,” you groaned a few days later. You opened your eyes and heard a knock at the door to your suite. “Yeah?”
“You okay in there? I thought I heard a crash,” said Jensen. 
“I’m fine,” you said, sitting up with a grunt, leaning back against your bed. “Shit.”
“Y/N, are you sure you’re alright?” he asked again.
“No,” you said with a sigh. “The door’s open.”
You peaked through your open door down the hall, Jensen opening the one to the suite and offering a friendly smile. You nodded and he walked inside, frowning at your cut up knee. 
“I got blood on the rug,” you said. “Do we have bleach?”
“I thought we agreed earlier this week a rug is just a rug,” he said, squatting down and looking at your knee. He looked up and saw your overturned garbage can in your closet where you’d been trying to reorganize a few clothes. “Next time use the step stool in the garage?”
“Yeah,” you said, your face hot. “I’m fine really. Just want to clean up the blood before it sets in.”
“It’s a few drops,” he said, helping you stand with a wince. “You got any first aid stuff?”
“Yeah,” you said, Jensen crossing his arms. “No.”
“Come on,” he said, putting his hands on your shoulders and walking you down the hall. “Scraped up knees are my specialty.”
“Jensen,” you said, stopping at the kitchenette island and bending your leg a few times. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said. He left and you hopped over to the couch, stretching your leg out. The bleeding had stopped, just a thin cut on your knee cap where you’d hit it, but you knew you were in for a nasty bruise. He returned with a bottle and cotton ball in one hand, a bandage and ice pack in the other. 
“Sorry,” you said, Jensen setting the items down on the coffee table.
“Why would you apologize for getting hurt?” he said.
“I should have my own first aid supplies,” you said. 
“Ah. So you’re as stubborn as I am when you’re not feeling great,” he said. You looked down at your lap and took a deep breath.
“Am I fired?” you asked. 
“No? Why the fuck would I fire you?” he said. 
“I don’t know,” you said, picking up the bottle of rubbing alcohol.
“Have you been fired for getting hurt before?” he asked, watching you hold the cotton ball against the open bottle top and tip it over, soaking the liquid in. You pretended to not hear him and put the bottle back, wiping the ball over the cut, a deep red mark already on your skin. “Y/N.”
“Yes, I have,” you said. You set the ball on the table and picked up the bandage, trying to angle it over your knee. He rolled his eyes and took it out of your hand, bending down and turning it around, pressing it gently over your skin. 
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal,” he said as he looked up at you.
“Do I look like I have an HR department I can go to? They were dicks anyways,” you said.
“If you’re ever hurt, big or small, just tell me,” he said. He rested the ice pack over your knee and you sat back, throwing it up on the couch for you to lay there. “Promise I won’t fire you for it.”
“Well if I can’t do my job I’m not much use to you,” you said.
“Are all wealthy people assholes that act like that?” he asked. You shook your head and smiled. “Good.”
“I’ve nannied for eight different families, nine counting yours. Some were very good people,” you said.
“But you were just the help to them, even the good ones,” he said.
“I am the help. That’s the whole point of me being there,” you said. 
“Do me a favor? Don’t assume just because you’re someone’s employee that they think of you as just the help,” he said, picking up the first aid supplies.
“Why do you apologize for…” he said, muttering to himself as you looked down. “If I ever make you feel like that, smack me in the head, alright?”
“Alright,” you said quietly. He nodded and left with the items, returning a moment later with some cleaning spray, ducking into your room for only a moment before exiting.
“It’s all clean,” he said. He lingered at the door and put a hand on it. “Leave that ice pack on for fifteen minutes and pop it back in the freezer. Put it back on for a bit before bed.”
“Thanks,” you said. 
“It’s no problem,” he said. He still lingered and you took a deep breath.
“You should call someone, talk to them,” you said. He looked over his shoulder and you smiled. “You seem like you want to talk to somebody tonight is all.”
“I think I’m gonna go for a drive, maybe stop at a friend’s. The kids are all in bed,” he said. “If that’s cool.”
“Yeah go take a second for yourself,” you said. “I got everything here.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Jensen.”
One Week Later
“Y/N,” said Jensen as you washed your car in the driveway on a Saturday morning. You dropped the soapy sponge in the bucket and straightened yourself out. “Got plans today?”
“Uh, I was gonna run to the grocery store in a minute but other than that, no. Need me to watch the kids?”
“No. We were going out to lunch and then going to a little car show was all and we were wondering if you’d like to join us. Totally up to you. My treat.”
“You don’t want me to watch the kids?” you asked. He laughed and crossed his arms at you. “I’m confused.”
“Do you want to hang out with us today? For fun?” he asked.
“Oh,” you said. “That’s okay. You enjoy your time with the kids.”
“How do I make this clearer,” he said, walking over to you and looking down. “I want you to come with us, as a friend, to do something fun, like friends do. This is not work. Come if you want to.”
“You sure you want me to come?” you asked. He rolled his eyes and plopped his baseball cap on your head as he walked away.
“Yes. And wear sunscreen,” he said. “We’re leaving at eleven thirty.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll see you guys then.”
“There’s something about a burger that’s been cooked in a greasy pop up kitchen that just adds to the flavor,” you said as you took a bite of your cheese burger at the car show.
“It’s probably the grease,” he said, walking one hand on his burger, the other holding Arrow’s hand. She wiped her own little hand on his leg and he sighed as he looked down. “Arrow. I got napkins in my pocket.”
“Oh,” she said, wiping her face against him.
“No one mentions this part,” he chuckled. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulders once he was done with his food, humming as he pushed the stroller with a sleeping Zeppelin inside. 
“Dad, I gotta go to the bathroom,” said JJ. 
“I’ll take her and we can catch up with you guys?” you said. He mouthed a thank you to you as you headed over to the women’s room. You used the bathroom as well, finishing before her and waiting outside for her. “All set?”
“Yeah. Can we get fried dough?” she asked.
“Sure,” you said. You let her lead the way in line and got a plate for the two of you, taking a seat at a picnic table so she could dig in. “Taste yummy?”
“Oh yeah,” she said. “Dad likes fried dough a lot too.”
“Everybody does,” you said, taking a piece off the corner.
“Y/N, you don’t have a mom either right?” she said. “That’s what dad said.”
“Well that’s a funny question. I got a mom and so do you. They just aren’t around anymore is all,” you said. “What’s up?”
“I’m happy you stay with us I guess is all. I know you’re not mom and you work for dad but you kinda are and I like it when dad’s happy again,” she said.
“Me too. You doing okay, kiddo?” you asked. “It’s okay if you still miss your mom.”
“I do but I’m not sad anymore. Dad says when I get real old I can see her again so that’s cool,” she said, taking a big bite.
“It definitely is cool,” you said. “Maybe our mom’s are hanging out right now.”
“You think so?” she asked.
“Maybe. I bet they get up to some fun stuff up there,” you said. 
“Me too,” she said. “Dad’s really happy you came with us. He’s been cranky lately.”
“Your dad’s gonna be just fine,” you said as she finished off her food. “So do you like having a nanny? I know that’s kinda new and funny, huh.”
“Yeah but I really like you being home. Dad gets flustered sometimes.”
“Flustered?” you asked with a little laugh.
“He works on a lot of stuff and he didn’t pick me up on time from school and stuff a few weeks ago. Too many chickens in a basket,” she said.
“Too many eggs in one basket,” you said.
“Isn’t an egg gonna be a chicken though?”
“I...never thought of it that way,” you said. You nearly jumped when you felt some hands on your shoulders but JJ was smiling as Arrow climbed up next to you.
“Ah. I see you ladies found the fried dough. Twins you want some?” asked Jensen.
“Yes please,” they said and he chuckled as he went off to buy some more.
“Look at her,” said Jensen twenty minutes later, pausing at a deep blue Impala, the twins both conked out in their stroller. 
“Isn’t that the same car you have?” you asked, lifting up the brim of your baseball cap to get a better look.
“Mine’s a 67. That’s a 63. I love that color though,” he said. “Blue’s my favorite but it looks good on that car.”
“I think it looks good in black,” you said, walking again when you saw JJ a few cars ahead of the two of you. “Where’d you get your car?”
“Work,” he said with a quick smile, hiding behind his sunglasses and hat. 
“Aren’t you an actor?” you asked.
“You have very obviously never seen an episode of my show,” he chuckled. “Which is totally cool by the way. I drove that car in the show for well over a decade. She’s one of my true loves.”
“Ah, gotcha,” you said. “So you’re a car guy.”
“Kinda. I don’t know everything but I enjoy them. What about you, you like-JJ! Stay closer,” he called out when she kept walking ahead. “So do you like cars?”
“I guess so. This is kinda neat, walking around and looking at the old ones. They had more style back then,” you said, walking past a pair of guys your age, one of them looking you up and down as you went by. “Did that guy-”
“Yup,” he said, glancing back over his shoulder, throwing his arm over yours for a few moments. “Looks like he got the message.”
“Jensen,” you laughed. “I wasn’t offended. It’s not like he was gonna come up and ask for my number.”
“I don’t like the look of him,” he said.
“Neither did I,” you chuckled, Jensen dropping his arm from around you. “You’re that guy friend girls have that will do shit like pretend to be a boyfriend and all that stuff, aren’t you.”
“At your service,” he said with a mini curtesy. You giggled and he straightened up, JJ rushing over.
“Dad can I get an ice cream?” she asked.
“How about some apple slices,” he said, reaching under the stroller and grabbing a cooler. He pulled out a little baggie and handed it to her, JJ shrugging and walking ahead of the stroller again. “Shit, that probably means I can’t get ice cream now too.”
“We can always get some on the way home for later,” you said. “I won’t tell on you.”
“I’m putting this on your performance review,” he said. You shot him a side glance and he smirked. “I’m joking. I don’t want to do that as much as you don’t.”
“Thank you for that,” you said, stopping and looking at a red challenger for a moment.
“You like that one?” he asked.
“It’s nice,” you said before you started walking again. You fixed your hat and caught back up with him, Jensen slowing down as JJ took her time ahead of you. “So I should probably know this but what show were you in where you were driving around a muscle car?”
“You really haven’t looked me up online yet?” he chuckled. You shrugged and he laughed to himself.
“I may have peeked at your IMDB page but that was it. Was it that show you were on a long time? Super something?”
“Supernatural,” he said, a big smile on his face. “Yeah, I drove it for that.”
“Oh yeah, that was the really scary show, wasn’t it,” you said. 
“You’re too sweet,” he said, chuckling to himself. “It’s not that scary. I promise. Give it a try sometime. You might like it.”
“I’m sure someday I will. If I’m brave enough.”
“I think you are,” he said, JJ running up ahead again before he called for her to hang back. He sighed and threw his head back. “It never ends, does it?”
“I’m sure someday when she’s older you won’t have to worry so much.”
“I’m gonna worry about that kid when she’s forty years old,” he said.
“That’s cause you’re a good dad,” you said. 
“You haven’t known me that long,” he said.
“Do you love her? Worry about her?” you asked and he nodded. “Well any dad that does that and tells his kid that someday they’ll get to see their mom again to help her grieve when he well and truly doesn’t know the answer to that...you get the picture Ackles?”
“I could be better,” he said.
“Everyone could be better. They don’t need the best dad ever. They just need the best dad for them and you seem like you’re doing a good job of that from what I’ve seen so far,” you said. “You’re gonna screw up but so does everyone. Try to just enjoy it and not be too hard on yourself.”
“You’ve spent a lot of time with kids haven’t you,” he said.
“I’ve been in the mom role more than once as a nanny,” you said. You kicked at the dirt and shrugged. “It’s how I know the difference Jensen. You don’t need me or want me to be their mother. You just need help sometimes. That’s an important difference. Asking for help, especially when you don’t want it but need it, that’s a good dad move.”
He was quiet as he walked, stopping at a yellow mustang. He stared for a moment and swallowed. 
“Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot. Really.”
“Come on dad,” you said, walking away and up towards where JJ was. “Let’s go see if we can find one this one’s gonna be asking for on her sixteenth birthday.”
“Those three are finally down and out for the count,” said Jensen as he walked downstairs to catch you in the kitchen wiping up the pan from dinner. “Thanks for eating with us tonight.”
“Thanks for inviting me,” you said, putting the pan away. He looked out the back window and bit his bottom lip. “Everything alright?”
“You’re not like, hanging out with us cause you think you have to right?” he asked.
“Trust me. If I didn’t want to, I’d be down in my room,” you said. “Besides, I’ve thought about it and you know what, why don’t you set me up with that friend of yours.”
“Really?” he asked, a little alarmed.
“Why not? The age thing doesn’t bother me at all. Unless you think it’d be a problem for him?”
“No, he doesn’t really care about that sort of thing. I think he’d prefer it’s just someone he clicked with, had a connection, you know?” he said.
“Perfect. Why don’t you set us up for next Saturday night then?” you asked.
“I need you to watch the kids next Saturday night. I have-”
“The gala. Sorry, I forgot. Um, just, I’m free whenever. You know my schedule so you can set something up and just let me know?” you said. He smiled and nodded. As you were starting to leave he grunted. “Yeah?”
“I have some friends coming over for a drink in a bit. Small backyard fire. Whiskey and smores. You’re welcome to join.”
“Jensen. You’re not asking because you feel like you have to right?”
“No, not at all. I like hanging out with you. I’m sure whatever you’re binging on TV will be there if we bore you too much,” he said.
“Alright. I’ll be out in half an hour or so. Just wanted to freshen up from the show earlier,” you said. You ducked back to your room, taking a quick shower and changing into some leggings and a flannel. By the time you were out you could hear a slight mumbling and walked downstairs, catching Jensen with some guys on the patio pouring some drinks.
“Hey,” said Jensen when you stepped out of the slider door. “Guys this is Y/N.”
“Ah we get to meet the world’s best nanny,” said the tallest one. “I’m Jared.”
“Hi!” said a redhead that slipped out of the door behind you. “I’m Ruth.”
“Y/N. Your hair is kinda amazing by the way,” you said.
“This is what happens when you invite the girls,” said Rich.
“Normally we just talk about Jared’s hair,” chuckled Jensen. You grabbed a chair and helped gather up some snacks to bring over to his firepit, Ruth hanging back to help you.
“Jensen said you live here with him and the munchkins?”
“Yeah. He works so much it makes things easier on him. Are you an actress?” you asked.
“We all are. Only Jared lives close by. The rest of us haven’t been down here since…” she said and you nodded. “I really am happy you’re here. It’s nice to see a smile on our boys face again.”
“He’s a great boss. He’s very kind. We’re becoming friends,” you said. “He’s trying to set me up with his friend actually.”
“Oh which one?”
“Dunno. He just said he’s 42, an actor and is single. Age stuff doesn’t bother me.”
“Rob is a bit older than myself. It really doesn’t matter in the slightest, especially when you’re a little older,” she said. “Jensen says you’re great with the kids.”
“They’re pretty easy going. Normally the parents are the hard part of my job but he’s been great. He really loves his kids,” you said.
“Yes he certainly does,” she said.
By the end of the night you found yourself really enjoying Jensen’s friends. It was clear they cared for him at more than a surface level, especially Jared. You’d heard Jensen speak to him on the phone a few times and call him his brother but it really was apparent they had a special bond that went beyond a typical friendship.
“I’ll catch you guys for brunch before you head home,” said Jensen, waving night to them all as you helped pick up. You were just about finished and heading back for your room when Jensen caught you in the kitchen. “You have fun tonight?”
“Yeah. Your friends are great,” you said, a small pair of footsteps coming down the stairs. You both turned and saw Zeppelin there with tears in his eyes.
“What’s wrong, honey?” asked Jensen as he walked over and squatted down.
“I had a bad dream and I want mommy but she’s gone,” he whined. Jensen instantly scooped him up and held onto him tight, kissing his head. “I want mommy.”
“I want mommy too, baby,” said Jensen quietly. You mouthed go and he nodded, taking Zeppelin upstairs while you finished cleaning up. 
You got up early the next morning and made a big batch of chocolate chip pancakes, plenty leftover for breakfast the next morning. Jensen padded over from the hall where you knew the home gym was, sweaty and tired but a smile came onto his face when he saw you.
“What’s all this,” he asked, getting a bottle of water from the fridge.
“Chocolate chip pancakes make everything better,” you said. He put a few on a plate for himself and sat down at the counter as you made up some more, stealing a few for yourself.
“These are delicious,” he said. You stored away some for when the kids got up, making up your own plate before you dug in. “Sorry about last night. I feel like I ruined the fun.”
“Not at all. He’s a toddler. I literally can’t imagine being in your position. I’d have fallen apart instantly,” you said.
“No you wouldn’t. You care about those kids,” he said. “You push on for them.”
“I know it’s not really my place to say so but-”
“Y/N. I’d prefer if you just talk to me like a friend, really,” he said.
“You made it sound like you were ready to try dating again. Last night you seemed kind of...maybe not so ready.”
“I’m ready. I will always miss her. I’ll always love her. But that doesn’t mean I can’t love anyone else ever again like that too, you know? I don’t believe there is a limit on how much love a person can give,” he said.
“Your wife was a very lucky woman,” you said.
“I was lucky. She was patient with me,” he chuckled. “You guys would have gotten along really well.”
“Can I offer a bit of advice?” you asked.
“What’s that?”
“Keep telling your kids about her, all throughout their lives. They’ll still get to know her that way, you know?” you said. “Tell your future girlfriend too. That’s how you’ll know if they’re a good one for you.”
“Why do you say that?” he asked.
“You’re a kind soul. I would expect your partner would be as well,” you said.
“I hope so. Mine kinda has a permanent handle with care warning label on it,” he chuckled.
“I don’t think so. Just need somebody that understands, not try to fix you. There’s nothing wrong with you in the first place,” you said, taking a bite of your pancake.
“Thanks, kiddo,” he said.
“You’re not that much older, bucko,” you chuckled.
“Nah, I’m keeping kiddo,” he laughed. “You good to watch the kids for a few hours around eleven?”
“Sounds good. Go have a mimosa with your friends for me,” you said.
“Will do, Y/N. Will do.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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sweettodo · 4 years
Animals ⟿ Levi Ackerman x fem!reader
Includes : cockwarming, smut, swearing, riding, slight praise.
Word count : 1,8k
An, ik this is short. But I’m down bad yall. I am so dick deprevied it is just sad. ANYWAYS. Also I couldn’t think of a good title bc this is just smut w no plot??
Levi was not the one for pda, quite the opposite- no surprise there; he hated kissy couples who laid all over each other like idiots. It was really disappointing when you were more or less ignored besides meal time throughout the day, where in the dining hall we would be able to have some conversation.
You sat across from him at dinner, the smoldering heat from the summer evening which kept you all from wearing your normal uniforms, you wore a white tank top with some random shorts while Levi looked incredibly sculpted, his pecs and abs filling out a tight-ish short sleeve shirt, sweat slightly sticking to his arms, restricting, that- that tight...
“Oi, staring much?” My gaze snaps back to his dark eyes, deadpan face and all. You smirk and roll your eyes, his eyes fell deep into yours; he bit his tongue in anticipation of what you were planning next.
“Sorry, Captain.” You drag, with that slight whiney undertone you purposely allowed to slip from your lips. he scowled at you, obviously irritated at your childish behavior, you playfully kick him under the table, Hange eyes you from the corner of her eyes, smile planted on her face. Everyone knew you rarely called Levi ‘Captain’ and the only time you did was- quite frankly- in the bedroom.
She turns to face Levi, her smile only growing when she sees how irritated he looked, “why the pout ‘Captain?’” She laughs teasingly, patting his shoulder. It was all fun and games until you don’t expect the sharp kick into your calf, you jerk backwards and wince, followed by a hiss and you stand, your legs hopping over the bench and as you pass Levi, you feel his eyes burn holes into your backside. Steering yourself across the halls and finally down to Levi’s office with the adjoining bedroom, sneaking into the office; making sure no one saw, you close the door behind you in excitement; your stomach giddy knowing you did a sufficient job planting a little bug in Levi’s ear; enough to get the ball rolling.
One thing no one knew, a surprising fact that left you baffled the first time you had heard it; Levi was a switch. At least when he felt like it. It came in handy when he didn’t want to do any work.
He liked to watch you get yourself off and use him like a toy.
Slowly walking around his perfectly neat desk, the infamous Levi walks in, slamming the door behind him. While he stood there, you continue strolling around the wooden desk, fingers lightly trailing across the smooth finish of his desk, “do you think you’re subtle? Practically moaning my title in front of our peers?” He grits, walking over to his bedroom door, opening it and standing there waiting for me, “get on the bed. Now. This is what you wanted right? To piss me off enough?” I slyly walk by him, ignoring his tantrum, my fingers once again trailing across his immediate tensed stomach. He shuts the door behind him and watches you sit on the bed, legs hanging off the side.
It didn’t take long for the air to quickly become thick in the moderalty large room. Your neglected pussy throbbing at the idea that it was about to be packed to the fucking brim.
He slips off his shirt whilst standing in between your legs, you gulp and look up at him. Suddenly grabbing your jaw, a tight grip which you quickly realized he wasn’t going to make this any easier for yourself, “I’m gonna get on this bed, and you’re gonna ride me.” You blink innocently, incapable of nodding from his freakish Ackerman strength. He shoves you off his hand, your back hitting the bed, your hand raising to your jaw and rubbing the tenderness.
Unbuttoning his pants, kicking them off his thighs and propping himself against the rustic wood headboard, you slip off your top, followed by your shorts, you approach him to straddle him, starting to throw a leg over his waist.
But before you can do that...
Grabbing ahold of your hips, he begins manhandling you, turning you around to reverse him, “that’s unfair.” You pout, his hands dragging up and down your thighs, applying a loud slap against your right ass cheek, your cunt clenching as he slaps you again with his hard calloused hand.
“What’s unfair? What’s there to look at if you’re facing me?” He chuckles, you crane your head back to look at him, a smug look on his stupid face.
You bring yourself up and deciding to give yourself a little pleasure. You find yourself bringing your clothed heat against his hard cock, grinding.
This. This, for certain Levi could not resist, he allows you to give a little friction, knowing he wouldn’t allow it to go on for too long regardless, “I wanted to look at your face.” You hum, whining your hips slightly against him, his mouth falling dry.
“Tch, show me what you can do, yeah?” His hands massaging the small of your back, gripping and kneeding tightly as you sit up only a little, leaning down so you can snake your hand between your legs and releasing his dick from his boxers with one hand, he uses his two fingers to move your underwear to the side, adjusting so you can ride him.
Your hands grip his thighs, the curve to your back which he looked at, your shoulder blades rolling, fitting him into your cunt, your head moving almost erratically as he stuffs you, “so fucking wet, how long have you been like this princess? I fucking love it.” He praises, his hands still helping you up and down still at a slow pace.
“All day Levi.” You admit, he lets out a little ‘hm’ in response, he was just so fixated on the way your hips and thighs moved while on top of his slightly sweaty body; the sound of skin sticking together was echoing throughout the bedroom.
His hand lingering up your spine, reaching for your hair, his fingers entangling into your roots, grabbing hard and yanking your light headed - head back, he sits up and brings his head right to the crook of your shoulder, you stop thrusting yourself up and down momentarily, “I love it when you sit pretty on my cock like this, mh’ could be like this all fucking night.”
You can only wimped in response, walls uncontrollably flexing and twitching around his cock which sat nested in you for what felt like forever, with his hand still in your hair, he used his free one to weave around to your front, slipping into your underwear, you gasped and cried out, panting like a fucking dog as he plants firm and pressurized circular motions around your clit.
You couldn’t move; body being help down on his dick, you couldn’t even squirm underneath him, “Such a feign for my cock aren’t you? Tell me what you want.” You could’ve cum right then and there.
“Bend me over.” You begged, he picks up the pace of his three fingers which spun crazily around your bud, his fingers becoming soaked. He completely ignored you, “fuck! Levi!” You wail, your pussy twitching, eyes rolling back, still restrained over his hard on. Thighs twitching as you feel the slick of your cum bathing Levi’s already drenched cock. His fingers had slowed tremendously, working you through your first orgasm, he releases his fist from your hair and your weak neck drops down and you breathe, you wanted him to fuck you now.
“You better not move. I’ll fuck you when I’m ready.” He growls, feeling you attempt to lift your hips back up for any type of thrust; which he stopped.
His hand leaves your slit, you groan in frustration, “Captain, please bend me over.” You whine and plead once again.
This time it works, he quickly pulls out and pushes you onto your elbows, he gets on his knees, lightly slapping your shoulder, motioning you to turn your face towards the head frame as he stood perched behind you; your head in the pillows as he kicks open your legs with his knee, pushing down against your hips so he could look at your throbbing pink pussy, screaming to be fucked.
“I shouldn’t even be touching you right now.” He grits, angling himself against your cunt, sliding back in, it truly stung, the time he spent sitting inside you only heightened those nerves, they exploded when they came into contact. “Annoying me like that? You think you deserve this?” He insults, contradicting his words with his slow thrusts, crying into the pillow, his tight grip which held your legs in place, he’s pulling your hips towards him; fucking you onto his dick.
“I-m sorry Levi.” You moan, he smacks your ass, the stinging sensation onto going straight to the most sensitive area. You were so close to releasing again; luckily for you Levi wasn’t they type to stop you. Loud moans being somewhat silenced by the pillows yet didn’t block all the sound. Levi, who is drilling your hips onto his, he stops and switches roles, him doing the pounding.
Levi’s hand grabs ahold of the headboard, watching you fall apart under him, arm and back flexing beautifully as your cum juiced down his cock. You were so fucking wet, wetting his thighs and your own from the skin to skin contact.
With one hand placed roughly on your back, the other on the headboard, he wastes no time gaining momentum and fucking you absolutely silly; fucking you till’ you were seeing stars when you closed your eyes.
Your weak hand reaches for his moving body and you keep it on top of your tail bone so you could touch his stomach as he thrusted back and forth into you, the tips of your fingers touching him was enough for you to orgasm.
Not to mention the headboard banging back into the wall as well- which neither of you paid any mind to-while he was assaulting the absolute fuck out of your cunt. Your tears and drool which have destroyed the pillow are no match for the amount of cum and sweat that both you and Levi had soaked the sheets with. You two fucked each other like animals, you two could be going all day and night if you didn’t need the sleep for the coming day.
Nor did he care about pulling out, not even warning you, or even himself for that matter- he’s catching himself unloading a thick load deep into your squeezing pussy. His grunts filling the room; followed by a repeated ramble of your name. You had lost count to how many times you had cum, which came to no shocker when it was Levi.
He stays inside you, his sputtering thrusts, he panted as he still kept you full and warm with his softening cock, not wanting to feel cold, stubborn about the fact he needed to stop fucking you at some point. People were bound to have heard the banging headboard and wailing, which you and Levi would be hearing about with the neighboring headroom and office... Hange’s room and office.
He finally slides out of you, entertained at the sight of his cock covered in slick. You lift your head up and throw yourself onto your back, whilst Levi is doing the same. He looked a mess, glistening with sweat, hair either sticking to his forehead or little pieces even clumped together; with his cheeks red, mouth slightly open with heavy breaths from his chest- he was a hot mess, but you didn’t even want to know what you looked like.
“Let me pee and we go again Captain Levi?” You tease, body perking up, he looks up at you and smirked, nodding and as you roll out of bed, he slaps you hard against your ass, you jump and scurry to the bathroom.
“We don’t have anything to do tomorrow anyways.” Levi mumbles as he stands up to follow you to the bathroom.
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namluve · 4 years
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↳ an alpha’s touch | johnny x reader | 4.0k | oneshot | 18+ genre: smut, supernatural, werewolf, alpha/omega mates warnings: dom/sub themes, possesivness, spanking, size kink, praise kink, oral sex, a little manhandling
❝ determined to finish your studies before you would start dating, you had rejected your mate a year ago. as your heat approaches, your alpha and mate johnny wants to do everything he can to help you through the pain. will you resist him or will you give in to your alpha’s touch? ❞
note: this fanfic is for @nct-writers​ halloween event. an excuse for me to finally write a fanfic about my ult-bias. beta read by my best friend @you-better-stob​ thank you amanda ily. hope you all enjoy! 
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The cold wind grabbed hold of you as you walked down the street with your two best friends sending shivers down your spine. Couldn’t you have chosen a café that was closer to campus? None of you talked on your way over, the bitter cold in October being enough for even your loudest friend Laura to keep quiet.
One foot in front of the other, you thought as you crossed your arms over your chest. Head down as you hoped to God you would reach the café soon. Longing for that hot pumpkin spiced chocolate you had been craving all day.
You were on the verge of going into heat and craving sweets, other than for someone to rail you all night of course. Knowing things would only get harder once you got into heat, you decided to hang out with your friends. Before you would spend the weekend alone in agony in your bed of course.
A sigh of relief left your lips once you opened the café door, the heat embraced you as you stepped inside. Your cheeks turned slowly to life again as you approached the barista. The bitter cold left your body with every second you spend in the shop.  
The cute barista you recognized from campus greeted you and your friends with a warm smile. You knew he was part of your pack, unsure of what position though. Your parents had been strict with school above werewolf duties. An education was more important than a mate in times like these. You had to be able to stand on your own, get a job above all else.
“How may I help you?” The barista asked and your friend Laura responded before you and Ally even had the chance to open their mouths.
“We’ll have three pumpkin spiced chocolates.” The barista placed the order, his fingers tapping fast on the cashier. Had you always had a thing for hands or was this a new thing? You couldn’t help but to stare at them, a whine almost left your lips. They looked pretty. Long, slender, could probably hold down your body really good. Probably even-
“Y/n, hello? Where do you wanna sit?” Ally asked and brought you out of your trance. Cheeks red as you turned and looked around in panic. Pointing to an empty table by the windows, you hoped no one had noticed you staring at the barista’s hands. You didn’t even dare to look back at him as you pointed towards the table.
“There- We can sit there.” You nervously ramble as you start walking towards the table. Your two friends followed you closely, laughing as you got to the table. As you all sat down, you stared at them with a face that said ‘what?’ which only made them laugh more.
“We know you are close to your heat but damn girl, do you have to be so obvious?” Laura speaks and Ally nods in agreement. Burying your face in your hands, you silently hoped your cheeks had turned back to their usual colour.
“Do you think he noticed?” You asked, you question muffled as you let your head rest in your hands.
“Yeah, well I think he knows you are in heat if I’m being honest.” Ally said and you looked up to meet their faces. Confused as to how he could know.
“Why? Is he a werewolf?” You asked and Laura answered your question.
“He is actually Johnny’s beta, Jaehyun if you didn’t know. God, your parents should at least let you attend the pack meetings.”
You groaned as you threw your head back. Jaehyun would 100% tell Johnny that you were in heat, which was the last thing you wanted. The two of you had a complicated relationship to say the least.
You were his mate and he was yours. Only problem? You had rejected him. Wanting to focus on your studies before you got into a relationship, you chose to reject your mate last year. Your heart is still weary and wounded. Your wolf cried for his every night, longing for the connection you both craved.
Why couldn’t you have been one of the people that met their mate at an older age? Every night you wished you could’ve met Johnny when you were done with college and had a job. If that were the case you would've been in his arms right now, never letting him go.
Johnny was hurt but he knew how strict your parents were. The choice hadn’t been entirely yours. He just wished he could’ve had you in his arms right now, not in two years when you get your college degree. He wanted you as his from the moment he had smelled your scent when you walked onto campus.
The two of you had talked about it, matter of fact, you kept in touch with each other through text. You weren’t seeing him so there was no harm in it, right? Except for the fact that you craved him more and more each day as you got to know him. You loved him more and more for each day.
Oh how screwed you were if Johnny found out you were about to go into heat. No way would you be able to resist him. So, you made a silent wish. Wishing Jaehyun wouldn’t tell Johnny anything. Besides, you had never seen him before. There was no way he knew who you were, right?
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That night you clutched your arms tightly around your knees. Laying in your bed in agony as your heat kicked in. Sweat dripped down your body despite that the air condition was on max and you only wore a tank top and panties.
It was far worse than anything that you’d anticipated. Probably since you had found your mate already and your wolf was calling for him. You’d lost count the amount of times you’d told her to shut up. Johnny wasn’t coming, the two of you were alone in this.
Suddenly, it felt as if you could think again. A strong scent filled your nostrils with hope. It reminded you of something, of someone, but you couldn’t figure out what or who.
As it got closer, everything felt as if it got easier. You sat up on your bed, confused as you could feel your wolf being overly excited. Why was she suddenly so happy?
“Y/n?” Oh… That’s why… A soft whine left your lips as you heard Johnny call out your name from behind your apartment door. No, he couldn’t be here. Not now.
“Y/n answer me, I know you are in there. I could smell you miles away.” You didn’t miss the alpha tone in his voice that instantly brought heat down to your core. Your submissive side now at war with your rational thoughts. Craving to give in and give your alpha anything he’d ask of you.
“Yes?” You quietly asked, knowing he could hear you despite the bedroom door and apartment door blocking the soundwaves. All werewolves were blessed with supernatural hearing among many other things after all.
“You didn’t answer my texts, are you alright?” No, you wanted to say that so badly. Ask him to make you his right here and then. If only it wasn’t for the fact that your parents would immediately be able to smell it on you the next time you would see each other. A claimed mate had a special smell to ward off unmated wolves from them. Making it easier for werewolves who still searched for their mate.
“Yeah… I’m fine!” You lied, your wolf crying as you did. Every cell in your body protests as the words leave your mouth. It wasn’t in your nature to lie to your alpha and it hurt. You bit your lip as you felt a sting of pain in your stomach. You couldn’t make any noise. You couldn’t let Johnny know anything. You had to keep quiet so he would leave.
“Don’t lie to me now,” Johnny warned and you could imagine his jaw clenched as he growled, “come to the door so we can talk.”
You didn’t stand one chance against his alpha voice, your body moved on its own account. Soon enough, you stood in front of your apartment door. The only thing in between you and your mate.
“Good girl.” He praised and your wolf purred. With the last willpower you had in your body, you slid down against the door. You threw the back of your head against the door as you let out a deep breath. You could do this. You could sit here and talk with him without anything else happening. You could do it.
“Now… Why didn’t you tell me you were going into heat?” Johnny asked and you chuckled. Because if I had told you, I would’ve let you fuck me all night long. Funny story, right?
“And how come, I had to find it out from my beta because one; he could smell you. And two; you drooled while staring at his hands.”
“I didn’t drole!”
“Ah, so you admit you were staring at his hands?” Well fuck. You couldn’t exactly lie to him. Best thing to do now was to probably keep quiet. If Johnny came here jealous out of all things, there was no way you would survive the night. He wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t want him to do, but if he kept talking like that, you might just give in.
“Is there anything I could do to help?” He asked with his voice softened. Johnny had swallowed all the jealousy he felt. He needed to be there for you right now, he could be jealous later. Right now, you were the most important thing to him.
You thought for a little while before you answered him. “It feels better just by sitting like this.”
“Do you want us to do that? I could talk you through it you know? Anything I can do to help I’ll gladly do. You know that.” You did know that. Johnny had expressed several times through text that he was willing to wait for you and that he would come running first thing if you ever needed him. Just like he had done now.
“It’ll get uncomfortable for you.” You replied and your wolf suddenly got mad at you. Probably because she thought you were going to reject him again. When in reality, you just cared so much about him. The thought of him sitting all night outside of your door broke your heart in all honesty. All because of your stupid rules.
“It’s still nothing compared to what you’re going through.” Well, he wasn’t wrong, but still, it didn’t feel right to leave him outside. You could let him help you through it. You could just let him in, stay in his arms until it was all over.
With that in mind, you mustered strength to unlock the door. Your hands shaked as you turned the lock. Johnny listened outside of the door, tried to figure out what you were suddenly up to. His question was answered quickly when he heard the door unlock and you crawled away from it.
You made your way over to the nearest wall surface by the door. Resting against it, your breathing was heavy as if you had just run a marathon. Still, Johnny didn’t open the door. He waited for your next move, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
“You can come in… if you behave.” Your voice low as you spoke, and Johnny understood right away what you meant. He carefully placed his hand on the door handle, turning it slowly as he stepped inside your apartment. Closing the door behind him before he looked down on you as you sat on the floor.
Eyes closed as you struggled to breath, your body shivering as if you were cold despite the sweat dripping down on your skin. He tried his best to keep his eyes on your face. Growling as he recalled the split second he’d let his eyes roam over your half naked body. Legs on display for him, only panties and a tank top to cover your body.
Combine it all with your sweet smell and Johnny was lost. Both he and his wolf wanted nothing more than to mate you and put you out of your misery. So, he took a step back. A deep breath left his mouth as he held himself back. You trusted him by letting him in, he wasn’t going to ruin that.
“Could we… watch a movie?” You suggested and brought Johnny back from his thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah… of course. What do you wanna watch?”
“Anything… Can you carry me to the bed? My laptop is in there?” To the bed. Johnny had to lay beside in bed, have you in his arms and not do anything. Impossible was his first thought but he had to do this, he had to do it for you.
“Yeah… Just give me a sec.” He said before he disappeared into your bedroom. The smell of you almost overwhelming as he removed the bedcovers to make space for you two. Anything to buy him some time to collect himself before he had to carry you over here. His wolf screaming at him to just claim you as his.
The pain in your stomach stopped for a little while and your wolf encouraged you to go to him. Reasonable, you thought and slowly got up from the floor. One step at a time, you made it into the bedroom. Startling Johnny in the process, he had been too caught up in his own thoughts with his wolf to notice you until you were in front of him.
“You can lay down.” You nervously muttered and Johnny nodded at your command. Laying down on the bed, he promoted one of his arms above his head. In Johnny’s defence, he thought it would be the easiest position that you could lay down on him and he could wrap his arm around you. Keep your head on his shoulder, but all you could do was let out a shaky breath.
His white t-shirt rose a little in the process, exposing a tiny bit of his lower abdomen. His black boxers and abs immediately caught your eye and you felt yourself get wet. Johnny could immediately smell your arousal. Your eyes hungry as they stared at him. Was this how you had stared at Jaehyun’s hands?
Fuck it. He had to at least teach you a lesson not to drool over any other man. Especially since you were his and his only.
“Like what you see?” He teased and your eyes met his. Cheeks flushed and with your mouth slightly opened, you couldn’t help but to nod.
“How about you let me play with you? I promise I won’t mate you. I could just make you cum and let you focus on other things.” It was tempting to say the least and Johnny promised he wouldn’t mate you. There couldn’t be any harm in that, right? The thought of cuming made you clench your pussy. You could get the best of both worlds, you just had to be careful.
“Please…” You whined as you walked over to your alpha and Johnny sat up on the bed. You felt so small as you stood in front of him. You were the same height as him right now, only he was sitting down and you were standing. His hand reached out to pull a few strands of your hair away from your face and tug them behind your ear.
“But first… I do think you need to be reminded who you belong to, don’t you think?” At Johnny’s words there were no thoughts left in your head and you only got more turned on by the second. Johnny closed his eyes for a second as he allowed his body to take in your scent.
“Think I need to leave some marks on that pretty ass of yours. Make sure everyone knows who you belong to.” At this, your breath hitched, eyes glowing with excitement. “We talked about this right? Green means all good, yellow for if it hurts and you need a break-“
“And red if I want it to stop.” You interrupted him, excitement rushing through your whole body as you remembered how the two of you discussed some of your kinks not too long ago. You had even been the one that brought it all up a lonely night when your hand hadn’t been enough to satisfy you. Johnny knew exactly what you liked and would finally be able to explore it.
“Exactly… However, you can’t interrupt me whenever you want little one. Over my knee and make sure you count.” Anticipation filled your body as you did what you were told and laid your body over Johnny’s knees, giving him the perfect view of your ass. His hand caressed it, gentle strokes that made you lean into his touch. Wanting more.
“Let’s see if you can be a good girl to your alpha.” Johnny’s voice had softened and both you and your wolf whined. Both wanting nothing more than to submit to your alpha. His hand left your butt cheek shortly after, only to deliver a slap a second later. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt the impact.
It stung a little, but it didn’t hurt too bad. The reason you had gasped was more because of the shock. The thrill of not knowing when he would spank you. “One.” You counted.
“Good girl, was it alright?” He asked, not wanting to push you too much on your first time. Only wanting to put you in your place for speaking back and ogling his beta. The hand that had made the impact stayed on your ass, rubbing it softly.
“It felt so good.” You moaned and for the first time since you had started your heat, the pain had been replaced by pleasure. Johnny hummed in approval before he spanked you again. This time your other cheek.
“T-two.” You mewled and so it went on until Johnny had delivered five spanks on each cheek. Your voice week, panties drenched as you counted for him. “Ten.”
“Good girl.” He praised and you could swear you’d never been this turned on in your life before. “Now it’s time for your reward. Lay down on your back.”
You followed Johnny’s orders, weakly getting off his lap in order to lay down on the bed. Your whole body felt weak as you awkwardly climbed onto your bed on all fours before you laid down on your back. Johnny got up from his sitting position and stood now beside your bed.
A yelp left your lips as Johnny took hold of your ankles, dragging your body closer to him. Your legs dangled off the edge of the bed as he placed himself between them. Still holding your ankles, he locked eyes with you. His gaze filled with pure lust.
“You look so small little one, bet you’d let your alpha do anything to you, wouldn’t you?” He growled and you arched your back, desperately seeking out his touch. But his hands stayed wrapped around your ankles, even as he slowly got down on the floor. His body now between your legs, face dangerously close to your core.
From this angel, he could see how drenched you were. Your body squirming with anticipation of what he would do next and he loved it. Loved how he was the one who made you feel like this.
“But I want you to know that I’m at your mercy, always.” Johnny spoke with a low voice, placing a sweet kiss on top of your thigh. You got up on your elbows so you could see him more clearly. On his knees, in front of you, at your mercy, Alpha Johnny Suh was certainly a sight to see.
“I want…” You began, locking eyes with him as he encouraged you. One hand on your knee rubbing soothing circular motions, he waited for you to speak. “Could you eat me out? Please.”  
Johnny wanted to tell you that you didn’t even have to ask but his mouth found your thigh once again only a second after the words left your mouth. His kisses now rougher, hungrier as he made his way slowly upwards. His hands explored your body on their own, one found their way to your ass while the other one played with your boobs.
His body worked on its own accords, as if it wasn’t his first time exploring yours. As if you had been his forever. Every touch made you crave him more.
The hand that had been playing with your boob left and you let out a whine that was soon replaced by a moan as you realized where it was going. Taking hold of the side of your panties with both hands, Johnny dragged the drenched material down your legs and threw it away.
With your panties now on the floor, Johnny had a perfect view of your puffy pink drenched folds. Not wanting to waste any time, he spread your legs even further apart. Giving himself more room to devour you and you sighed the moment his mouth came in contact with your core.
His tongue collected all your wetness. His primal need of eating you out completely took over the moment he got a taste of you. The whimper that left your mouth as he traced your clit was so sweet that Johnny wanted to hear nothing else for the entire night. His mouth stayed on clit, circular motions that made you reach your high ridiculously fast.
“C-close.” You moaned and Johnny took the que to go faster, desperate to have you cum on his tongue. Your high washed over you and you tried to desperately get away from your alpha, oversensitivity had kicked in the moment you started coming down.
Johnny, however, pinned you down. He wanted to savour this moment and he wasn’t going to let you escape it. With his hands on your thighs, he held you down onto the mattress. No matter how much you whined, squirmed and tugged at his hair, he wouldn’t stop devouring you. The only mercy you were shown was when his mouth vent further down, tasting your cum before he licked it all up as well.
His primal need to clean his mate overthrew any logical thinking. Growling into your heat as he licked you clean. A hum off approval left his lips when your oversensitivity slowly went away and you relaxed in his embrace.
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded. Your body no longer felt as if it was on fire or in any pain. You were at ease. Johnny had helped you through your heat.
“Are you going to stay?” You asked and soon you felt his presence beside you. Johnny was now sitting on the bed beside you instead of in between your legs.
“Do you want me to?” He asked and you almost wanted to laugh. As if that was even a question, of course you wanted him to stay.
“Yes silly, now get in here.” You said as you crawled up further on the bed. Johnny’s hungry stare never left your half naked body which only made your confidence grow. You may have pulled through your heat, but you still desired him, now more than ever. Screw your plans, you wanted him.
“Y/n… you need to put on some clothes… or I won’t-“
“Won’t what?” You cut him off, and his eyes shifted to focus on yours. His stare purely animalistic as your eyes shifted from his to look further down. Your mouth watered at the sight off his hard dick that was trapped underneath his layers of clothes. “Don’t.” He warned, and you looked into his eyes again.
“Or what?” You challenged and Johnny replied with his alpha voice. “Or you’ll be in for a long night.”  
“I want that… I want you…” You whispered and Johnny’s eyes widened.
“Are you sure?” He asked and you nodded as you answered him. “Please mate me alpha.”
That was all Johnny needed to know before he let himself go. A long night waited for the two of you. Finally, you were his and he was yours. 
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mrskurono · 4 years
tw: somnophilia // Hinata Shoyo
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tags: somnophilia (male receiving), vaginal penetration, slight dub-con if you squint
character(s): Hinata Shoyo (hq)
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The night before. It had been too late and too long. That didn't stop you from making the absolute best of the sleep over with Hinata. You had both passed out at some point well after two in the morning just between movie marathons, videos of volleyball games he insisted on  showing you and the amount of snacks you required just to make it as late as you did. There was no way anyone was staying up any later though. Ending with both of you passed out in his twin sized bed like a knot of limbs and blankets.
What was different from falling asleep was waking to the warmth of another body wrapped around you. It took no time at all in your groggy state to realize it was Hinata clinging to you back. Face buried in the nap of your neck with his arms tightly around under your breasts. Content but a little flushed to feel his entire body smashed up against you, it was all good until your sleepy mind realized there was something harder pressing against you.
'Is that his...?' You shifted your body back into him, nearly jumping in surprise when the tent in his boxers was in fact his morning wood rubbing against you through his boxers.
Just as you pushed back to investigate Hinata unconsciously tightened his hold around your ribs. With that a sleeping Hinata continued to rub his hips into your bottom. He was mindlessly, all be it lazily, grinding his hard on into your thigh.
Expecting to just fall back asleep. Now you were wide awake. with your own ache growing in your stomach realizing Hinata wasn't even awake during this. Perhaps it was waking him. Or the simple fact his body was acting on its own. Regardless the entire thing was sending you in a bit of a tizzy.
This isn't what you'd expected when you both past out last night. Certain it would go away, since that's what boys did right? You weren't so certain about yourself though as each ticking second it made you more curious to grind back against him just to see what would happen. Partly that but also because the knot growing in your stomach was getting worse.
'Just...one more time...that's all...' You reasoned. Hinata wasn't awake so there was no harm.
Chewing down on your bottom lip you hold your raggedly growing breath. You pushed your ass back into his pelvis wondering for a second if Hinata could even notice. But then you find yourself incredibly wrong when his hands holding you down grab at you like he was searching for something.
"Y/N...mmm, there you are-" Hinata, absolutely still asleep, had his hand on your breast without a thought. Morning mumbles barely rolling past his lips as he buried his face into your neck once again.
You froze. Certain he was awake now. You panic wondering if you should pretend to be asleep. But when Hinata didn't move again you let go of your breath. If your insides weren't twisted up before. Now with his hand cupping your breast and his cock rubbing against the crotch of your panties, this was ending being more torture for you than curiosity.
'He's really asleep...' Amazed you wondered how far you could push it at this point. Hinata's hand lazily gripping your breast. His breath on the back of your neck. And his small slender body pressed up against you was slowly becoming your undoing.
"So warm-" Hinata's dopey sleep riddled voice behind you made your body melt. And it wasn't just for the soft tickle of his breath against your ear.
You didn't even mean it until it was too late. Your hand down between your legs. Rubbing your fingertips along the moist spot in your panties. This had to be just because you were horny when you woke up. There was no way Hinata sleeping boner was doing this to you. But as your fingers moved lightly over your parts it just wasn't enough. At this rate you'd loose your mind before any relief came.
At your wits end there was no other solution. If you hesitated then you'd know you regret it. Wiggling onto slightly more onto your back, only holding your breath a moment longer to see if Hinata woke. No part of him even stirred. The persistence of his cock pressing into your thigh was all you needed to proceed.
Reaching back down to your panties this time not to play with yourself. Instead you pulled the fabric away from your soaked slit. Unable to move quick enough, you get a little more frantic as you position your hips back up against Hinata's crotch. Now the only thing between you two where his boxers.
Looking quickly beside you to see him. If Hinata could be anymore blissfully asleep you might assume he was dead. But with the tightening around your chest and the hand squeezing your breast through your thin tank top, you knew he at least wasn't dead. You felt like you were going to be if you couldn't get to the prize any quicker.
Once or twice you fumbled to really get a good grip on his length. Either your leg was in the way or something. Frustrated you finally just through your leg over his side. Spreading yourself open wide with Hinata nearly pinned under you. If he woke now then you'd just deal with that when it happened. Need was driving you to the point of insanity.
Just when you were about to give up the only button keeping things stalled was undone. With ease you were able to finally get what you were working so desperately for. Hinata's cock. Shimmying back into his hips you lined yourself up best you could while having to glide him along your slit blind.
The inability to see didn't stop you. At a moments notice when his precum covered cock touched your folds it was like electricity shot through your body. If having just this head graze your clit felt this good. What it might feel like to have him inside you seemed other worldly.
One good deep breath was all you needed. Pressing back into him just as you angled him up and- Pop.
"...f-fuck-" You whimper even through clenched teeth. The ending to your aching was here. Hinata was inside you and without hesitation you pushed back into him just to get every last inch of his cock inside you. Like it needed you, the twitch you felt inside your clenching walls was too much already.
Feverish about it, your now free hand shot down to your clit. As swollen and sensitive as Hinata's cock had to be. You restrained from playing with your neglected bud too much for fear of ruining the goodness of it all. Wanting to start off slow only last about the three times you gyrated your hips back into him. If you didn't get off now then surely you'd loose your mind.
Quickening your pace as you rocked your hips even just a little bit more so you could feel Hinata's cock fuck you. Doing all this work didn't stop you. Panting up a storm just as you realize the hand on your breast tightened. Asleep or not you knew this had to feel good on his end. That second thought to Hinata was short lived when your orgasm approached you with furry.
With one hand occupied between your legs rubbing at your clit about ready to drive you over the edge with the accompany feeling of Hinata's cock rubbing your insides. It left only one other hand to help keep yourself quiet. Breaking the verge of no return your hand shot up to gnash your teeth on your hand to stifle what was coming.
Finally it was too late. Bucking your hips back into him one last time just as your finger swept over your clit one too many times, your legs shoot out straight with an enormous tremor wracking every muscle in you. Screaming through your teeth it doesn't even matter if Hinata wakes up at this point as bliss takes you over the edge. Too busy riding your orgasm out on his cock to realize the hand on your breast tenses. Just when the last ripples of your orgasm ride you into bliss, you gasp with the sensation of Hinata's lips on the back of your neck.
"...can I join you for round two?" His voice cooed to you from behind. Cock buried in you. With your juices dripping down your inner thighs. Now was no time to play coy as you were caught red handed. Simply smiling back at him you wiggle your bottom onto him just to see that ginger bite his lips and drown in the feeling of your tight twitching pussy around his already sensitive cock. Play your cards right and the tiny giant would make sure this morning was a good morning.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
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WC: 1973
Rated: E
Tags: technically unprotected smut, fluff, tiny bit of german
“Have you checked the gauges?”
“Yes, Niki,” you huff at his question through your microphone. This was at least the third time he’d asked you to go over everything.
“What about fuel?”
You point to the little meter that showed the tank levels. “Still full.” Your husband turns to face you in the cockpit of the small plane. The look he gives you is one of false annoyance. You know he’s just doing this to be as safe as possible, to minimize risk. “Sorry, sorry,” you offer him a guilty grin. Your husband’s brow cocks before he turns back to the dashboard panel.
His little private jet only held capacity for maybe 8 people total, but today it was just you and your husband. He always said he would teach you how to fly but you never figured that you would be brave enough to follow through with learning. Now here you sit, engine purring under you, a pair of thick headphones over your ears. For the first time Niki was going to let you handle your flight - all of it. Of course, he still had the ability to use the controls on his side of the small cabin, but he made it clear that he would only do so in case of a serious emergency.
“Everything has been checked over and ready for flight,” you confirm.
He tilts his head to offer you a smile. “Gut. When you are ready, Liebling.”
Taking a deep breath, you open up the radio communication line with the air traffic control tower. You recite the technical jargon that Niki had taught you. “This is Lauda 1 requesting clearance for taxi and take off on runway B, north side, over.”
Static comes over the line for a second. “Lauda 1 you are cleared to taxi and take off from runway B, north side, over.”
You release the brakes before pushing the throttle the faintest amount. With one hand on the yoke and the other on the lever you slowly guide the plane towards the runway. It had taken a good six months of Niki being annoyed at you calling it a ‘steering wheel’ before you finally called it by its proper term.
You lined the nose of the plane up with the lines on the runway tarmac. Once you are satisfied with your positioning you pause to let the turbines rev and build up power. With a swallow you lean towards Niki. “You won’t let me fuck this up and kill us both, right?”
“Of course not. But you don’t need to worry about that, you will be fine, Liebe. I know it.” He’s relaxed next to you, as though he’s at home sitting on the couch reading one of his racing magazines.
“If you say so. I love my brother but I’ll be damned if James gets custody of the girls,” you snark with a laugh, all while releasing the brake and pushing the throttle again. Niki’s own snort can be heard over your radio headset.
The plane accelerates under your guidance. You maintain a firm but steady grip on the controls; finally you push the thrust lever all the way. The small aircraft wobbles with friction as it speeds down the track. Suddenly, the front lifts, giving a weightless calm as the nose begins to ascend into the air.
Once you have gotten far enough off the ground you flip the switch to raise the landing gear. Niki has been silent letting you work the last five minutes or so. Over the crackle of your headsets he instructs you “that was very good. Now get us to cruising altitude.”
“Yes, sir,” you acknowledge with a mock salute.
This is by no means the first time you have been in a plane, let alone flying a plane, with your husband. But it is the first time that it is you truly flying. As you travel you admire the view in front of you. It felt like you were seeing the clouds and the sunshine for the first time. The blue nearly overwhelmed you with its vibrancy. You couldn’t help but bite your lip to hold back the way your cheeks threatened to split with how hard you were beaming. Every so often you remember to check back on the gauges and meters to ensure that everything is working properly.
You don’t notice how your husband watches you from the seat beside yours. He admires your confidence at the new skill, completing the tasks with ease. He admires how bright your eyes are, lit by happiness and the light of the sky outside the windows. He admires the fact that even after close to fifteen years of marriage you still humor him and his passions.
When you finally break away from the view to look over at Niki he’s already got his eyes on you. His bottom lip is caught in his teeth. “What?” He raises his brows in question at you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Can I not look at my meine schöne Frau?” he teases you. Even after so many years you still feel the heat rise in your cheeks when he calls you beautiful. “You look good flying my plane. You should do it more often.” Both of your hands remain on the yoke; his hand comes to rest on your thigh, giving you a little squeeze. He leaves it there the rest of the flight.
After maybe an hour or two you have circled the jet back towards the airport. Calling in, you get clearance to land on the same runway you had departed from. Carefully you lower the plane’s altitude to prepare for landing. Flipping the switch, you can just hear the grind of the wheels as they lower.
“The trick here is-”
“You want to line the stripes on the runway next to the nose visually, otherwise it’ll be crooked and I’ll go off the tarmac,” you finish for him.
He chuckles. “See, I don’t even know why I’m here. You don’t need me.”
“Of course I need you, I always need you, Niki.”
He lets you focus as you pull back on the throttle and slow your speed, further lowering to the ground. You line up just as he taught you with the painted runway up ahead. Gently you touch down, the plane jolts as it makes contact. You brake the jet to an acceptable speed to taxi. Adrenaline courses through you. I just flew a plane! you cheer to yourself.
Once the vehicle is parked within the hangar you shut off the engine. Quickly you leave the cockpit to stretch your legs in the spacious passenger cabin. Turning to your husband, your jaw is dropped. “Is this what it feels like? Every time you drove the car? Christ, Niki, I feel like I could do anything! The absolute rush!” Niki has come up behind you, so you face him before bringing his lips to meet your own.
The kiss is full of passion and energy. It deepens as you stand there in the middle of the cabin. You push him away and down into a couch-like seat. He grunts in surprise when you forcibly yank his pants from his hips. When they are to his knees you give up in favor of pulling off your own. Niki wastes no time in tugging you back to him, his mismatched lips attaching themselves to the column of your throat. You, in turn, drag your heat along his hardening shaft. When he is ready you push his cock inside your throbbing core with a groan.
Breathily, you ask “why have we never done this before now?”
His mouth moves away from your jaw to meet your gaze. “Fucked on a plane? I didn’t know you wanted to,” he huffs in amusement.
You start to push and pull your hips at a dizzying pace above him. With each pump the ridge of his cock hits you perfectly. Niki tosses his head back in pleasure, a long moan tumbling out as your walls squeeze him. His hands help to guide your hips as you ride him. “They don’t call it joining the Mile High Club for nothing, love.”
“Not sure-” he grunts at a particularly hard snap of your pelvis “-this counts.”
You shove your fingers between his curls, a bit shorter and a few streaks of silver lining near his temples, and pull his head to rest against yours. “Are you complaining?” you breathe out along his lips. Never once does your pace falter. Instead of answering he gives you a bruising kiss.
It isn’t long before his thumb finds your center, rubbing harsh patterns against your aching clit. He knows exactly how to toss you into the abyss; exactly when you are near shattering. Within seconds you are shouting out his name, clenching around his still-pistoning cock. His own cries of bliss come shortly after.
Resting atop him, Niki rubs his fingers along your clothed back. You hum into his throat where your head lays. “You did so well today, Liebling. I’m very proud of you. Pretty soon you’ll be a better pilot than me.”
You smile into him. “Bullshit,” you laugh. “Me compared to the great Niki Lauda? Impossible.” You pinch the softness of his side.
He gives a laugh of his own, his chest rising with the action. “You never know, could surprise us all.”
You roll your head onto his shoulder to be able to look up at him better. “Mmm, but with you I’ve always known.”
Niki drops a sweet kiss to you. His expression is delicate as he peers down at where you sit atop him. He scrunches his nose as he tells you “I think I knew first. I know I did.”
You study his face for a moment. His tone is confident, like there’s no way he could possibly be wrong about when you first got together so many years ago. You know that the moment for you was pretty early, before you officially even went on your first date. Curiosity wins out. “Oh really?” You sit up on his lap. “And when was that, since you’re so sure?”
“I asked if you would rather go with Hunt than come see me at Ferrari. You nearly jumped out of your skin with how hard you cringed at the idea of him.”
You’re shocked by his confession. “Alright but he’s my brother,” you groan and laugh at the same time, “and…” you think back to that day, “wasn’t that maybe five minutes after we’d met?”
“Yes, but I did not know that at the time. I thought, ‘hmm, an attractive woman that doesn’t want to sleep with that arschloch but instead visit me at the track? She’s someone special’. And I wasn’t wrong.” He brushes a thumb on the skin of your cheek.
“You know, you always tell me that you aren’t good at these things. Romance and the like.” You look up at him from under your lashes.
“That was such a lie, Niki. You’re always so sweet to me.”
“Only you, Liebe.”
The two of you right yourselves to leave the airport for the day. The sky is clear as you walk to his car parked outside the hangar. Reaching out, you find your husband’s hand and hold it tight. “So, when can we do this again?”
He turns to face you from where he stands next to you. “That eager for more already?”
“It’s addicting, Lauda,” you shoot back playfully. So many times since you met he had described the drive or flying as addicting. To be faster, to be better, to go harder.
Niki stops suddenly, lips pursing. “Just to be clear, are you talking about flying or the sex?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you wink.
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander @ntlmundy @mymagicsuitcase @anteroom-of-death @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lieutenantn @multiversemarielle @trashbin2 @whatawildone @metalbreakfast @laura-naruto-fan1998 @greeneyedblondie44 @godidontevenknowwhat @marchingicenotes7 @mysticalexpertdaze
@loliissmut @fandom-princess-forevermore
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
whenever youre free, can you write yandere 2p china headcanons? im just thinking abt him 👉🏽👈🏽
Yandere 2p! China headcanons
Getting together with you was hard enough. But now that you’re his, he can’t go back to being a second choice he’s always been. He’s never letting you go.
Zao doesn’t have a single yandere characteristic by default, but when he does, ooh boy. It’ll take some time for him to deviate from his normal personality and mental stability, but given enough paranoia and infatuation, he will start losing his sanity, then, his ability to distinguish between right and wrong. And the terrifying thing is, he doesn’t even know it. By this logic, he is by far, the craziest yandere you’ll ever have the misfortune of encountering. 
(There isn’t a lot of fanart on 2p! China so have this fanart of Wei Wuxian for visual purposes)
Home life
He’s very into kissing, so much that he’ll sneak some in while doing the most mundane things. When he talks to you, he will hold your waist and fill the brief moments of silence with kisses. In his eyes, having his lips on yours while a conversation happens is being ‘productive’ as he makes the most out of being with you. Before anything escalates, which ends up happening more often than you’d prefer, you’ll pull away and clamp a hand over his mouth. He’ll lick your hand and laugh at your reaction. 
He bathes with you. He could’ve gone with the more economical option of showering, but he’s far from broke. And plus, he can do so much more while sitting down. You usually stay on the opposite end of the tub, but he’ll pull you onto his lap and whisper this in your ear, “Don’t be shy, kitten. This is your throne.” As you sink into his embrace, which ends up hotter than the water you’re submerged in, he will caress your back and make out with you. Once you’re pleading for air, he will pull away and trail a tongue up your neck instead. When you’re with him, he never actually lets you catch your breath, ever. 
Zao is very mindful of your comfort. Perhaps not when it comes to something sexual, per se, but he will always bring you a blanket if it gets a little chilly. If you forget to put socks on, he will put them on for you without asking. Whenever you go out, he will bring a bag with him and most of the things inside are either yours or for you. 
Spoiling you is a given. He can’t imagine a better way to put his hustle to good use--to give you things you want. Even if you don’t ask for anything, he never fails to get you something you end up loving. But there is one thing he won’t ever let you touch. Substances. Zao is so overprotective in all aspects of your life, he doesn’t even like you drinking. He’s a little more lenient on weed, and will let you have a few puffs of his joint. 
He always covers up at home, and will get a little flustered if you catch him indecent. Zao doesn’t wear a lot to bed, like tank tops and underwear, so he isn’t shirtless very often. The only time he doesn’t get embarrassed is when the mood is... You know. And he’s doing you-know-what with you. Otherwise, he will call you a pervert, but really, he’s teasing you more than expressing embarrassment. Because clearly, that’s rich coming from him.
Yeah. It’s not news how big of a pervert he is. Nor is he ashamed of it. Any dirty thought that crosses his mind, he will never fail to relay to you. It leaves you mortified when he tells you what he wants to do to you, in detail, especially when he isn’t being self-aware. Save that for when you get home, you idiot! But the private sphere only makes him even worse. 
He calms down at night, thankfully, and lays in bed with you on his chest. This is where his love language starts speaking to you. Connecting to you emotionally and mentally is how he shows he loves you. This takes place in long, deep, and random conversations, and if not, he will just captivate you in his dark eyes and stare at you endearingly. “What are you thinking about, kitten? I hope it’s something related to me~” Then, he’ll dig his hands through your hair and massage your head as he breathes you in until he gets intoxicated with you. 
When he gets jealous
He’s the type to get so jealous, it becomes suffocating for him--especially when he doesn’t outwardly show it. So whenever anyone remotely shows interest in you, he’ll keep his cool for the most part, but will get very irritable and clingy. It doesn’t matter how subtle they were, it could’ve been a single glance, even, but alarms will go off. He will pull you into a tight embrace and bury his face in your neck until they leave. You don’t really mind because he isn’t giving anybody trouble, but you do find it cute when he immediately returns to his soft side afterwards. 
Zao isn’t the biggest fan of conflict, even if he’s more than capable of it. Instead, he will gravitate towards his intelligence and cunning to outdo anybody he hates. Stalking is definitely on the table if he needs to get to know someone, then, when it comes down to it, sabotage. He will do anything to keep them busy so they wouldn’t have to see you. And he succeeds every time without you finding out.
Unlike most SO’s, it’s easier for him to get jealous over friends than love interests. He values the emotional aspect of your relationship with him the most, and gets very upset if you bond with people other than him, platonically or not. To make up for it, he demands your attention and ensures the time you spend with him is two times more fulfilling than whoever it was you were with. This is the fundamental reason why he’s more susceptible to getting jealous--literally anybody is a rival in his eyes. 
This is all the more reason to be so much more paranoid and restless than other typical yanderes. 
When you argue
He doesn’t agree with you on a lot of things, so it’s like talking to a brick wall. Objective subjects are easy to get through when it’s straight up facts, but if the topic is about what he can or cannot do in the relationship, save your breath. You will never get through to him. When he feels entitled to something, he takes his own side, regardless of what you feel about it.
Nevertheless, he will do the bare-minimum of leaving you alone in the meantime when you’re upset. That’s how he somehow respects this boundary he just crossed. But a few hours later, he will go back to normal, which means he will be affectionate even when you’re not in the mood. This cues the second phase of the fight. While you’re trying your damndest to push him away, he will corner you, physically and mentally. 
While he hugs you tight, he will force you to look at him while you cry. It’s invasive and suffocating, but the night always ends with you making up with him. Be it kissing or other means. It’s unfair, but no matter what he does, you can’t help giving in to him. And he knows this very well. That’s why he keeps doing it.  
Psychology + When he snaps
He is much more intelligent than he lets on. Even though he already knows you like the back of his hand, he studies you every day. If you asked him what you were thinking about, he could probably guess it. That’s what makes him such an intense lover. You can’t hide anything from him if you tried. Hence, he has a terrifying amount of control in the relationship, and he will use it to his advantage.
Zao is a good multitasker. He can juggle his ‘job’ and hobbies while keeping you in the palm of his hand. There is absolutely nothing you can do without him finding out, and this is precisely how he keeps himself miles ahead of you. 
As everything progresses, he will tolerate less and less. His love language is how much quality time he gets with you, along with emotional connection. Eventually, he will start ruling out the prospect of you having any of these things with anyone besides him. That includes friends, so he will start isolating you from them, all until the only soul you are truly close to is him. Soon, you will have to rely on him for everything, which he absolutely loves. He will make himself the only person in your life. 
As this continues, he will become obsessed with the idea of your co-dependency on him. Zao always loved looking after you, but he isn’t satisfied with that anymore. Being your own person? Hell no. Every single thing you do, he will be in the backdrop. If not, he will be next to you, and start influencing your own thoughts until you can’t even trust yourself. 
At this point, he is manipulating you to accept everything he does. And he succeeds a lot of the time, especially when he’s so unfazed. You start wondering if you should be this unfazed, even when what he’s doing is wrong. 
If one of your friends tries to intervene, he will make sure they won’t see the light of day ever again. He has a lot of connections, and combined with how cunning he is, he can get them to disappear with the snap of his fingers. He will keep doing this until every single person in your life is gone if he has to. 
Zao acts purely on his own desires. It’s his moral compass. Right and wrong will blur together so long as it’s for you, and there’s nothing he won’t do. Murder is as casual of a topic to discuss and do as having breakfast. 
A lot of psychopaths would at least get the thrill of doing something so heinous, but he won’t give a shit. He won’t bat an eye. He won’t feel the smallest shred of remorse and carry on like nothing happened. But what he will feel is satisfaction. 
If you find out what he did
You can cry all you like. He’ll only feel remotely guilty because you’re heartbroken, but it passes pretty quickly when he’s happy with what he’s done. You could try running away too. Try. But he always finds you. It doesn’t matter if you leave the country and go into hiding. He will follow you to the ends of Earth for the rest of his life. What can he say? He loves a good chase. It’s a fun game of cat and mouse he knows he’ll win. 
Every time he finds you, he’ll sneak up to you from behind and whisper, “Are you done, now? Let’s go home already.” If you try to run away again, he’ll just catch you and hold you tight, even while you’re thrashing in his arms. “I can do this forever, kitten. You have nobody else to go to, and nowhere else to be. So don’t waste your energy and come back with me.”
Response to ask: 
Of course :) I’m honored you submitted an ask to me after thinking about him 🤗 He’s definitely one of my favorites! Zao’s gotta be the most fleshed out 2p next to Allen. Since 2p’s aren’t canon, they rely solely on the fandom’s interpretation and ability to dish out content on them. I haven’t seen any proper yandere stuff on Zao, so I think this is a first. And boy, he’s a terrifying one for sure. I feel like he embodies the worst of the yandere trope because he’s into psychological manipulation. Worst isn’t the right word, actually. I believe ‘accurate’ is a better way of describing it. This is what a real yandere looks like. 
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creampuffqueen · 3 years
Getaway Car - Cresswell, TLC Shipweeks 2021 (Criminal AU)
a/n: Hello!!!! TLC fandom! It's been quite a while since I did anything for y'all! But here I am, back from the dead, with an unholy amount of one single fic for the ship weeks. I was going to post this yesterday, since that was Cresswell's AU day (I think, I wasn't originally planning to post anything so I wasn't keeping track, but I listened to Taylor Swift's song Getaway Car and got a Vision) but sadly my ideas were too large to complete in one day! So take this now!
Word Count: 13142 (yes, I know)
Summary: In an alternate universe, Cress and Thorne are partners in crime, literally. They may also be in love with each other, literally.
Warnings: Contains mentions of guns, violence, underage drinking, cursing, and a lot of crime
“Cress, you got me?” Thorne’s voice crackled over the speaker of the burner phone, right into the waiting ears of the person he needed most.
His getaway car, Cress Darnel.
“Loud and clear!” She replied, twisting the key in the ignition of the old car. The engine roared to life under her touch, and the young woman sped out of the alleyway. “Keep going, I’ll be there. You know what to do.”
“We’ve done this almost a dozen times; I know what to do!”
The blonde cracked a grin to herself, “Sure you do. You’d be lost without me.”
“You got that right! See you in two! Mwah!” With that last endearment, the line went dead, and Cress chucked the cell phone out the window with an exasperated smile. She was parked close enough that the rendezvous spot only took her one minute, sixteen seconds to reach.
Timing was of the utmost importance to this mission. Even a few seconds too late and everything would end.
This was proven approximately thirty-eight seconds later, when Carswell Thorne, renowned criminal, tore around the corner, half-zipped duffel bag slung over a shoulder. He had a gun, but both he and Cress knew it wasn’t loaded, it was just for show.
The doors were unlocked, the car had a full tank of gas, and Cress was a very good driver. “Floor it!” Thorne shouted, and Cress didn’t have to be told twice.
When the police arrived, approximately twenty-two seconds later, they, and all evidence, were long gone.
After an hour of driving, it was getting dark. Thorne discreetly hotwired a new car in a full supermarket parking lot, and the duo was on their way.
Another hour of driving, and Thorne took over the controls from the younger woman, letting her nap in the passenger seat. She curled up in a little ball, so small she didn’t even stick out of the seat. When she was fast asleep with her cheek squished against the window, Thorne finally risked a glance over to his partner.
It was strange to think they’d only known each other for a few months. Well, six months, two weeks, and five days, to be exact.
He’d tried to stop himself from keeping count. It hadn’t worked. Six months, two weeks, and five days of Cress Darnel being in his life.
It was about nine o’clock, so the traffic was beginning to thin a bit. They were in one of the busiest parts of the city, easy to blend in with their average-looking car. Someone honked behind him, and Thorne gave a glance in his rearview mirror. Whoops.
The day had been long and exhausting. Time to start working on a place to hunker down for the night. Cress shifted a bit in her sleep, and a loud grumble cut through the car. Okay, time to find some food, too.
He drove around the city a bit more, making sure nobody was on their tail, before finally exiting to the more sparsely-populated areas. Where you paid for your room in cash and nobody asked questions.
It was eleven o’clock by the time he finally found someplace suitable enough. He drove through a fast food joint nearby, then finally parked the car. Nudging Cress awake as he exited, he wordlessly passed her the food before heading inside.
Most of the rooms were sold for the night, but they thankfully had one available with two twin beds.
He found Cress devouring her burger like she hadn’t eaten in years. And-
“Hey, fry-stealer!” He chuckled, snatching his bag, “Eat your own!”
She gave him a look with those big blue eyes and something inside him melted. “I already ate mine.”
Thorne rolled his eyes, but passed her a couple more fries anyway. “This means you have to carry your own bag, you know.”
That statement earned him another pout, but he ignored it, instead grabbing his suitcase and the duffel bag containing today’s goods.
He left Cress to her own devices, heading inside the room and grabbing the shower first. His food would be cold, sure, but at least he’d get all the hot water he wanted.
When he came out again, toweling off his hair and rubbing his freshly-shaven face, Cress was inside, passed out on top of her hotel-made bed.
Thorne sighed, but couldn’t bring himself to be annoyed. It was exhausting, having so much brainpower all the time.
He tugged off her shoes, placing them neatly by the bed, in case they needed a quick escape. Then, gently, almost reverently, he tucked her under the covers.
He couldn’t resist. Making sure she was fully asleep, he pressed a soft, tiny kiss on top of her perfect golden hair.
“‘Night, Cress.”
He was fast asleep himself before he heard her reply.
The pair made an early departure, before other residents rose from their slumber and possibly compromised their location. Since Thorne had driven for so long yesterday, Cress felt it was only fair that she drove. It was a bit strange, she admitted, usually she was the night owl and he the early bird. But yesterday had been hard. It took a lot of planning to pull it off that smoothly.
By the time the sun rose, the pair was at least an hour away from the motel. Cress got them both coffee at a little roadside place, then pulled off to the side so they could enjoy it.
“You always get my order right,” Thorne chuckled, leaning against her as they sat in the open trunk of the car. “I’ve got a very sensitive palette, you know.”
Cress snorted, “You sure do. That’s just pure sugar in a cup right there.” She took a big gulp of her own brew, which was almost pure espresso.
“I don’t know how you can drink literal dirt water!” Thorne protested, “It’s so nasty!”
Cress bumped his shoulder again, still smiling. He grinned right back at her, before turning his eyes back to the early-morning sun.
“You ever think you’d get to see stuff like this? Do stuff like this?”
Cress could think of a thousand different witty remarks to toss back at him, mostly along the lines of “Being a wanted criminal? Absolutely.”, but for whatever reason, she held her tongue, instead replying, “No. Back then I didn’t even know when I’d see the sun next.”
Thorne turned his blue eyes over to her, squeezing her hand in a silent comfort. This close, she noticed that he’d shaved last night. And was letting his roots grow out again. Her heart sped up, just a bit.
In the six months she’d known him, he’d changed his appearance so often she was losing count. He always did after a heist, no matter how big or small. He dyed his hair, let his beard grow out, or sometimes simply donned a pair of glasses. Cress hadn’t changed hers since the very first.
“Hey, blondie, where are you headed?” Cress whipped her head around to the voice that sounded. Rumbling up beside her was a car, front window rolled down, to reveal a young man, only a year or so older than her.
“None of your business,” She responded warily, curling in on herself a bit.
“Are you lost?” The guy continued, “I could give you a ride.”
“Like I’d get in a car with a strange man. That’s, like, begging to be killed.”
The guy looked actually offended at that. “What? I don’t kill people!”
Cress just rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the offer, but no.”
She turned away, hitching her backpack higher. She’d chickened out again. Sybil would be home any minute and she needed to get home. Her pace quickened, and the car and the guy rolled off.
Little did she know, that certainly wasn’t the last she’d see of him.
“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.” Cress pulled the duffel bag of stolen material towards her, beginning to rifle through it while Thorne watched. The late afternoon sun filtered through the window, turning her golden hair into an illusion of fire.
They’d ditched the car yet again, this time nabbing one from a used car parking lot. Now they were in a small town that the highway ran through, alone in a back alley, the only company being an alley cat in the trash and a couple further down that were too caught up in each other to notice anything.
Inside the bag, Cress pulled out treasure after treasure. A lot of cash; Thorne had the employees empty all the registers, and a lot of what Cress needed: Computer parts.
She had an old, run-down laptop, one of the few things taken with her from her previous life in the quiet suburbs. She would have had Thorne steal another laptop, but those were too traceable these days, even if they were brand new.
So manual upgrades it was.
Computers were her specialty, always had been. And now that she was a part of this merry band of two, her computer and her skills were integral parts to everything they did.
As it turned out, the most recent robbery had yielded exactly what she needed, and more. She gave a squeal of delight after unearthing a certain part, hugging it close to her chest.
A little chuckle sounded behind her, and Cress whipped her head around. Thorne was grinning ear-to-ear, the kind of smile that made her face heat up. “Happy, Goldilocks?”
Her face burned, and she twisted her fingers in her shoulder-length locks of hair. But she met his eyes and nodded. “Really happy. This is exactly what I needed.”
Thorne’s smile softened. “Anything for you, Princess.”
And somehow, deep inside her, she knew he was speaking the truth.
Cress sprinted along the side of the road, the grass scratching at her bare legs. Her whole head throbbed, and her left wrist was sprained for sure. Every step pulled at the bruising on her stomach, and it was a struggle to keep moving, keep the backpack on her shoulders, keep moving.
“I’m eighteen now, she can’t hurt me anymore. I’m eighteen now, she can’t hurt me anymore,” She murmured over and over to herself, a mantra to keep her sore legs moving. She needed to leave, needed to keep moving.
She risked a glance behind her. Her heart froze.
Car lights were coming up the road. Fast.
Cress started running faster, biting her lip to keep from sobbing, keep from just keeling over and dying right there. She could beat her. She could escape. She just had to keep moving.
It was the middle of the night, there was no way anyone else but Sybil was driving that car. There was nowhere to hide. All she could do was keep going, and hope that maybe she sped right past. It was foolish, but it was all she had.
Her foot slipped into a small dip in the earth, and her whole ankle screamed, sending her toppling into the dirt. Coughing and sputtering, she pushed herself up, stumbling forward. The tears came, fast and hard and unstoppable. The lights were nearly on top of her now.
And that’s when she saw it. Another car, coming towards her. Her last chance.
Cress nearly toppled over herself in her haste, tumbling into the middle of the road, in the path of the incoming car. As expected, it screeched to a stop, the driver slamming on the horn.
“Help!” Cress screamed, as Sybil’s car pulled up behind her, her face illuminated by the other headlights and frozen in fury. “Please help me! She’s going to hurt me!”
“Crescent Moon!” Sybil bellowed, and Cress backed up against the other car. The driver’s door opened. And out stepped the most handsome man Cress had ever seen in her life.
Okay, she was definitely dreaming. She gave herself a tiny pinch.
Maybe not.
The man… he seemed familiar, somehow. She couldn’t quite place it.
“Cress,” Sybil snarled, stomping over, “Get in the car, now.” Her tone left no room for argument. Cress curled in on herself.
“Hey,” The man replied, “Who the hell are you?”
“Her mother.”
“Foster mother,” Cress interjected softly. “And I’m eighteen. You don’t own me anymore.”
If Sybil’s face could get more furious, it did. The man glanced between them, brows creasing as he took in Cress’s limp, her black eye, the way she held her stomach.
“You heard the girl. She doesn’t belong to you, witch.”
Sybil lunged, grabbing Cress’s sprained wrist. She screamed in pain, and the man moved.
And suddenly he was pointing a gun at her foster mother. Everyone froze.
“Let her go.” He said, “Leave her alone.”
Sybil backed away. “I’ll call the police, boy. You can’t threaten me.”
The gun clicked. He armed it. He pointed it straight at Sybil.
“It doesn’t matter. She’s eighteen. And if she comes willingly, there’s nothing anyone can do about it.”
And Cress really couldn’t say why, exactly, but in that moment she knew that he was truthful. That his words made sense, and more than that, she would go with him.
“I’m going with him, Sybil.” For the first time in her life, Cress Darnel was being brave. And it wasn’t a dream.
The man turned to her, flashing a grin, and Cress recognized him then. The same one who approached her nearly a month earlier.
“Cress, right?” He asked, when Sybil had retreated to her car and driven away, “Nice name. I’m Carswell, but everyone calls me Thorne. Oh, and sorry to scare you like that. This thing isn’t loaded, never has been.”
Cress glanced down the road, at the car growing steadily smaller in the distance. “Thanks for all that, Thorne. You showed up just in time.”
He offered her a hand to shake. “My pleasure, blondie.”
Despite everything, Cress found herself cracking a smile.
“So, where to next, milady?” Thorne beamed, spreading a roadmap before them both. They’d finally stopped for the night, and were sitting on some questionable carpet in an even more questionable motel, figuring out their next plan.
“Dunno,” Cress shrugged, “Wherever’s good, I guess.”
“I mean, where you do want to see?” Thorne elaborated. “What’s your dream destination, Cress?”
She gave him a confused look. “Why?”
“You can say Disneyworld. I won’t judge.”
That earned him a snicker and a shove against the shoulder, and he could almost feel his heart swell with affection. She really was adorable, sitting in a tank top and pajama shorts, thick socks rolled around her ankles. He’d do anything to earn that smile again.
“I’m not sure, really. I’ve never had the chance to really think about it.”
“Well surely you must at least know some places. A place you’ve heard, maybe?”
Cress sighed, leaning further against him. “I don’t know, Thorne. What about you? Where do you want to go?”
“Ladies first, Goldilocks.”
“It’s Disneyworld, isn’t it.”
“You could hack their system and get us free tickets! And fast passes for all the rides! It would be great!” He replied enthusiastically.
“I mean in theory, sure, but Disney’s kinda notorious for being fairly unhackable.”
“Damn it.”
Cress yawned, laying nearly in his lap. “Let’s think about it tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Thorne lifted her, bridal style, to her bed, amidst her soft giggles. She sounded like a fairy. “Goodnight, milady. I shall seek thee out in the morning.”
Cress laughed harder, which turned abruptly into a yawn as she tucked herself beneath the covers. “Goodnight, my knight in shining armor.”
Over the next few weeks, they travelled to wherever they felt like. The car they had was stolen from a junkyard, so it wasn’t like anyone was looking for it. Sure, it was a piece of crap, but it moved and it did its job.
They moved intermittently between small and big towns, usually only spending a day or two before hitting the road again. Cash was hard to come by, so they mostly resorted to stealing purses and pickpocketing. Cress felt a little bad about it, but hey, they needed to eat.
Things between her and Thorne were… changing. She couldn’t exactly tell how or why, but she knew they were. The change wasn’t bad, but it was different. And strange. And a tiny bit scary.
She’d find her gaze naturally finding his at any given moment, catch herself staring when she shouldn’t. She laughed at his dumb jokes more, focused on the sound of his voice when she should be focusing on the road.
He hadn’t changed his appearance in a long time. His hair was its natural shade of golden brown again, and he kept his face clean-shaven. The dumb glasses had been broken and dumped some time ago.
And it wasn’t just her that was staring, either. She felt his eyes, sometimes saw them too, when he thought she wasn’t looking. He was doing more and more to make her laugh. And he wasn’t being as careful to make sure she was asleep before he kissed her head goodnight.
Cress didn’t really know what to make of these changes. She couldn’t tell if these were good or bad. She wasn’t used to this, these butterflies in her stomach, this heat in her face. Sybil kept her isolated her whole life, and she was just now starting to really experience the world. Was it right to fall for the first guy her age she met?
Because she realized that’s what it was. They were in a moderately sized town, and were walking around the downtown area, looking for a place to eat and also some easy targets to fund said meal.
Sadly, this wasn’t an easy crowd. They had eyes in the backs of their heads, and after nearly an hour, they only had a meager ten dollars to show for it between them.
“Hey, chin up,” Thorne grinned, “We’ll be fine. I think I saw a fast food place up there, follow me.”
He grabbed her hand, and Cress couldn’t stop the dopey grin that found a permanent residence on her face. He’s holding my hand.
Unfortunately, it was a high end fast food place. The kind that had “gourmet” food at a third of the price of a fancy restaurant. Even the cheapest item on the menu really meant one meal to split between them both.
“You should eat, Cress.”
“No,” She protested, “Let’s find somewhere else. We both need to eat.”
He shrugged. “It’s late. Just promise to give me a bite, okay?”
She would have argued more, but she was really hungry. So, begrudgingly, she made her way to the register and bought dinner.
That was when she really realized what they were. He smiled at her the whole time while she ate her fill, head resting on his hands. He took the bite she offered, and refused any more. She knew he was hungry. And yet, he let her eat.
Anything for you, princess.
Surprisingly, the guy hadn’t killed her yet. Weird. It had been three days. And he was still being nice to her.
They’d stayed in a motel nearby. Two separate beds. He’d been a perfect gentleman the entire time. He helped her ice her sprains and bruises every day. He made sure she was comfortable.
“Are you sure you really wanna be hanging out with me, Goldilocks?” He asked on the dawn of the fourth day, “There’s nowhere else you’d rather be?”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” She responded suspiciously. It’s not like she had anywhere to go, anyway.
“No, no, of course not!” Thorne insisted. “It’s just, weird, I guess. People don’t hang out with me willingly too much.”
He dramatically brushed his hair out of his eyes, “I’m just too good for them I guess.” Then he met her gaze with a serious look. “No, it’s because I’m a criminal.”
“Yeah, I kinda guessed.” Also she’d looked him up as soon as she had some time alone. It wasn’t hard to unseal his juvenile record, where she found he’d been arrested several times for theft. And once for grand larceny at seventeen, which was honestly kind of impressive. That also explained where all the money was coming from.
Cress awkwardly looked away. “I mean, it’s whatever. I don’t care that much how you make money.”
“I promise I don’t steal from old ladies or hobos or anything like that.” Cress blinked at that. How had he known that was worrying her?
He seemed to also understand that, too. “You’re literally an open book, princess. You’re not good at hiding your emotions.”
That was their last interaction for the day. He left around lunchtime with an empty duffel bag, and Cress decided to look the other way, for now. She made herself comfortable the rest of the time, before finally falling asleep around nine o’clock.
She’d barely been asleep thirty minutes, according to the clock on the bedside table, when Thorne burst inside the room with a gasp.
“What’s going on?” Cress grumbled as he flicked on all the lights.
“Get up, we have to go. The police are right on my tail, I won’t lose them for long.”
Well, that was one hell of a wake up call.
Thorne was tossing his stuff haphazardly into his own backpack, shouting at Cress to do the same. The duffel bag on his shoulder was full, and Cress caught a small glimpse of green on the inside. Money.
Being inside the motel for four days, her things were strewn about. She was taking too long. With only her laptop and about half her clothes packed, Thorne decided it was time, and dragged her out of the motel room.
Cress was barely inside the car before he floored it, screeching out of the parking lot. His blue eyes were wide, but nearly as terrified as she expected.
Of course, she realized later, he’s an adrenaline junkie. He lives for these kinds of moments.
But at that moment, all her focus was on the road as Thorne sped through the streets, heading as fast as the car could go for the highway. In minutes, a police car was on their tail. Thorne pressed the pedal harder.
“How did this even happen?” Cress gasped, trying in vain to take her mind off the sirens behind them.
“Someone called 911 before I was done. I didn’t notice the phone until too late. Stupid mistake on my part.”
“You know,” She suggested, the seatbelt holding her tight against the seat as they screamed around a turn, “You could have just bought a signal blocker beforehand, that way nobody could call at all.”
“A what?”
“A signal blocker. They’re super cheap at like, any electronics store. Hell, I could have done it for you. It’s not that hard; it was one of the first hacker-y things I learned.”
Thorne turned to her with a grin. “You can do that?!”
“Yes. Eyes on the road!”
Many terrifying minutes later, they’d shaken off the police tail and made it to the freeway. Thorne’s smile was huge, and his attitude was becoming infectious.
“That was awesome! We totally knocked them off our trail!”
Cress chuckled awkwardly. “Yep. Except now we’re both wanted criminals.”
Thorne raised an eyebrow. “Both?”
Cress flushed. “Yeah, these windows aren’t tinted. They probably all saw me, and now I’m an accomplice to robbery.”
“Well then, Goldilocks, I think it might be time to show you my post-heist ritual.”
Thorne waved off her questions for another half hour, before he deemed it safe enough to get off the freeway and find a gas station. They parked and headed inside, keeping their heads down and both wearing hoodies. (This was the first of many of Thorne’s hoodies Cress stole).
In the abandoned bathroom, Thorne finally showed her what he was talking about. His hair, naturally a golden brown, was dyed black, and the stubble he’d been growing was shaved off as well.
Then it was her turn.
“Cut or dye?” Thorne asked, holding scissors in one hand and a box dye in the other.
She twisted a strand of her long, golden hair around a finger. Goldilocks. He called her Goldilocks. She liked that.
“Awesome. I’m a great hairstylist. It’s my true calling.”
“So it’s not actually crime you’re called to?” Cress snickered as he began to snip.
“Well, that too. Crime and styling hair.”
“What a combo.”
When he was done, her hair littered the floor of the bathroom. Cress couldn’t stop staring, or running her hands through it.
“Does this make you my official partner, Goldilocks?” Thorne asked with a smile.
“I think it does.”
It was nice to be a part of something.
“I’m bored.” Cress complained, splayed out on her bed.
“Uh huh,” Thorne replied, eyes flicking through a magazine he’d snatched that morning.
“I’m tired of pickpocketing.”
“I know you are, princess,” He turned a page, still not looking at her.
“Let’s go rob somewhere.”
That sure got his attention.
“I’m sorry,” Thorne started, “But did I just hallucinate? You want to rob someplace?”
Cress sat up to look him in the eye. “I mean, I don’t want to do the actual robbing. You do that. But I haven’t been your getaway car in weeks, and I’m bored.”
Thorne gave her a thoughtful look. “It has been a while. And I am tired of not being able to afford things.”
“So let’s do it!”
Her partner in crime glanced around the shitty motel room. “Not here. We need to find a better town.”
“Well, duh.” Cress fished around in Thorne’s bag and procured the road map. “It’s gotta be a bigger town than this hole-in-the-wall kind of place.”
So that was how the rest of their night went. Searching for a town nearby that was big enough to have a variety of places to choose from. A quick jog from the freeway, preferably, and with a low rate of crime to ensure police wouldn’t be super prepared for something like this.
It took another day of pickpocketing before they had enough for food and gas money, but they did it. Set out on the road, a plan in motion. Cress almost couldn’t believe it. She was the one who suggested robbery.
That beaten-down girl from the suburbs far away was long gone now. Instead, the new Cress was in her place. The Cress that was confident in her abilities.
And, of course, the Cress who was also hopelessly in love with her best (and only) friend.
They reached the town quickly enough. They’d driven for longer hours before. However, they’d set out later than they wanted, and as such reached their destination much later than they wanted. It was almost one in the morning when they finally pulled up to a motel just outside their chosen city’s limits.
“You got any rooms?” Thorne asked the night manager through a yawn.
“Yeah, just one though.”
“Whatever, we’ll take it.”
The rest of the transaction was quick and wordless. Cress was slumped against Thorne’s side, nearly asleep on her feet. He grabbed the room key and they trudged to the room, both half-asleep.
He unlocked the door. They stepped inside, just like they had dozens of motel rooms.
This one, however, was markedly different.
Instead of their regular two beds, this one only had one.
Taking in the scene, Cress woke up a bit, stiffening slightly.
“Shit,” Thorne mumbled, “This isn’t right.”
“It’s the last room available,” Cress reminded him.
“Right. Okay, I’ll take the floor. Just toss me one of those pillows and I’ll be good.”
Cress snorted. “I’m not doing that. You just drove all day. I’ll take the floor.”
“What? No way. Take the bed, Cress.”
“No, you.”
“No, you.”
“No, you.”
With a loud groan, Cress finally said, “Fine! We both take the bed! It’s not that big of a deal.”
Thorne’s eyes went a bit wider. Cress could feel her face start to warm. She looked away.
“I- no, that’s-”
“Goddamn it, shut up and sleep in the bed. We’re big kids, you take one half and I’ll take the other.”
And that was that. Neither bothered to change, as tired as they were, instead just slipping their shoes off and climbing into bed.
The first thing Cress noticed about sharing a bed was that it was warm. Really warm. This was fantastic, as she was always cold when she slept.
“Cress, what are you-”
“Shut up,” She sighed, as she curled herself closer to Thorne’s body, “You’re warm.”
Not only was her whole body warm, but her face was burning. This was a bad idea. And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. Thorne was stiff in her arms, and she squirmed closer.
“Relax. I can’t sleep if you’re stiff as a board.”
“Sorry,” He whispered. He became a little less tense, which Cress decided was good enough.
In minutes, they were fast asleep.
Cress woke up cold. Which totally sucked, because she’d gone to bed nice and warm. When she cracked open her eyes, she noticed that the bed was markedly empty.
Sitting up, she looked around for Thorne, but caught no sight of him. She sat up further, looking over the edge of the bed.
He was sleeping on the floor, snoring very quietly. He took the scratchy blanket the motel provided, along with one of the towels and a pillow, and had made himself a place on the floor.
Cress’s face positively burned. Burying her face in her pillow, she let out a silent scream of embarrassment and frustration.
She’d thought into it too much. Of course he didn’t like her like that, why would he? She was just some random girl he’d picked up off the road, the brains of his criminal operation. He wasn’t secretly in love with her. He never was.
It was early. And she was still tired. But just to make sure she didn’t wake him up, Cress slipped into the bathroom to have the cry she so desperately needed, before tiptoeing back to bed and falling asleep once more.
She woke up many hours later, to the sun shining bright into her face. Thorne was awake, she determined by the shadow moving about the room.
“Hey there, Goldilocks,” Thorne chuckled, “Was that bed just right for you?”
“Yeah, it was fine,” She replied, not meeting his gaze. “What time is it?”
He snorted again. “Noon.”
He tossed her a bag, which she caught quickly. “Lunch. Or, for you, breakfast.”
She couldn’t help the small laugh at that. “Thanks.”
The day passed slowly after that. Cress showered, thankful for the hot water to rinse off the grime and the feelings of the past few days. She and Thorne watched shitty reality TV that was on at three pm, laughing when he got way too into Say Yes to the Dress. Finally, they couldn’t ignore the rumbling of their stomachs anymore, and decided to go find dinner.
Of course, in order to get dinner, they needed money. Something they were in short supply of. Time to work the crowd again.
They had morals about who they pickpocketed. Or, really, Cress did. If she wasn’t around she was sure Thorne would definitely be an old lady purse-snatcher. But he always made sure to only steal from well-off people ever since Cress joined him.
Her gaze followed a man dresses in nice clothes from where they sat on a bench, Thorne’s arm slung over her shoulder in an effort to look casual. She nudged him, pointing at the target with her eyes.
“Nah, that Rolex is fake. He’s only pretending to be rich. But that guy over there-” He pointed out someone else, and Cress started up the act.
“Sir!” She chirped brightly, stepping directly in his path. The man started, taking in the tiny girl before him.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, I’m trying to find my cousin, have you seen him?”
The man glanced around. “What does he look like?”
Cress stood on her tiptoes, gesturing as she spoke, “About this high, same hair and eyes as me. I just saw him, I don’t know how I got lost!”
From behind the man, Thorne gave her a conspiratorial wink as he plucked the wallet from his back pocket. The look was clear. Keep working him.
“I saw him over there last, do you see him? It’s hard to see with this crowd.” She pointed away, keeping his attention elsewhere as Thorne rifled through the wallet, stuffing bills and coins in his own pockets.
“No, I’m really sorry. Maybe try calling him.” The man gave her a smile, and began to walk away. As he retreated, Cress spotted the bulge in his back pocket, where the empty wallet had been replaced.
“Thanks for your help, mister!”
She turned to Thorne as they made their way to a more secluded corner of the street, “How’d we do?”
“Great, actually! That guy had a lot of cash on him. Let’s go eat.”
As they walked, Cress was suddenly aware of Thorne grabbing her hand, holding her close. She glanced up at him, heart pounding.
He just smiled. “Wouldn’t want to lose you for real.”
“Drive!” Thorne shouted, slinging his whole body into the car.
“But-” Cress protested.
“Okay, okay, geez!” Cress pressed the gas, but Thorne sat up behind her.
“Faster! Cops will be here any minute!”
Cress’s heart was in her throat as she sped up. “But I blocked the signal.”
“And you said it yourself, it only holds for as long as the satellite is in position, which it will be out of any time! We’ve gotta go! Faster!”
So Cress went faster. At Thorne’s instruction, she did her best to throw off the tail of anyone who could be following. Screaming around turns, suddenly going back the way she just came, tearing through alleyways and side streets. She ran every red light she could, narrowly avoiding accidents multiple times.
“Maybe you should drive,” She suggested after a few minutes, but Thorne shook his head with a smile.
“Nah, you’re pretty good at this. I knew you had it in you.”
Eventually, they made it out of town, a bag full of stolen cash and goods. Thorne took over driving, but only after Cress stopped the car and demanded it.
“So, you hungry?”
“Are you hungry?” Thorne repeated. “You did great today. You deserve a treat.” After a glance at a sign on the road, he asked, “Does Sonic sound good?”
“I guess. I’ve never had it.”
His jaw dropped. “You’ve never had it? Jesus Christ, your life is sad.”
Cress wrapped her arms around herself, glancing down. Thorne seemed to realize his mistake. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“It’s fine,” Cress lied, not meeting his eyes. “Let’s get this Sonic thing or whatever.”
“You’re gonna love it, Goldilocks. Promise.”
He was right. She did love it. And as they sat, eating greasy fast food beneath the stars, the earlier argument was forgiven and soon forgotten.
Cress promised herself that night that her life would never be sad, not ever again.
“This is literally the worst idea, idiot,” Cress groaned, standing awkwardly outside a place she really didn’t belong: The local liquor store.
“Relax, it’s fine,” Thorne assured her, hauling along a case of White Claws. “You’re eighteen, that’s old enough to have a little drink, I think.”
“You’re not even old enough to legally buy it!” She protested.
He smirked, waving a little card with his other hand. “Fake ID, blondie.”
They made their way back to their motel, still arguing.
“We’re going to be here for a while during the planning part! We can at least have a little fun! It’s not like I’m going to a bar or anything.”
“Yeah, but if the cashier knew it was a fake ID and called the police, everything could be done for!”
His eyes narrowed. “Wait. So you’re not against the principle of underage drinking itself, but rather the fact we could get caught?”
She looked away. “I mean, it’s whatever.”
When the door was locked, Thorne opened up the case and cracked one open. “I like the lime ones the best. You’ll probably like the lemonade one better. Or maybe the raspberry. They’re sweeter.”
Glancing between the curtains and the blinds shut tight, Cress assured herself that nobody was outside, nobody was watching. With a sigh, she opened up a White Claw of her own. “You’ve thoroughly corrupted me, Carswell Thorne.”
“It’s what I do best, sweetheart.”
That was a new one.
They got a little planning done as they drank, but as the night wore on, and they both indulged themselves in another drink, then another, they started caring less and less about the upcoming heist.
Cress noticed she felt different by White Claw number two, but had another, just because she wanted to try all the flavors. Lemonade so far was the best, raspberry a close second. Mango, despite being a good flavor on its own, was actually disgusting. And Thorne had claimed all the limes for himself.
Everything around her was fuzzy. It felt like she was swimming in her own head. And everything was also really funny, too. At one point Thorne burped loudly, and while normally Cress would have groaned and scolded him, this time she began to giggle hysterically.
Thorne shot her a concerned glance. “Okay there, Goldilocks?”
Cress snickered. “You’re funny.”
“Right. And you are drunk. How many-” She noticed his eyes widen at the two empty cans, and the one in her hand. “Shit, Cress, that’s enough.”
He snatched the can from her, and she flopped onto the floor, still laughing. “Everything’s so spinny, Thorne.”
“Yeah, I’m getting you some water. Stay right there.”
“Sir yes sir,” She slurred, then giggled at her own voice.
Water began to run in the little bathroom. What had Thorne said about water again? Curious, she pulled herself up, then stumbled towards the sound.
He doing something at the sink. Cress slipped behind him, then in a sudden burst of immense confidence, wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his strong back.
“Cress?” His voice came out almost strangled. “What are you doing?”
“You’re warm,” She mumbled. “I like hugging you.”
Thorne sighed. “Not that I don’t like hugging you too, you need some water, maybe some Advil, and then you need to go to bed.”
He tried to pull away, but Cress held on tighter. “Noooo, don’t leave,” She whined.
Thorne managed to maneuver himself so instead of being wrapped around his back, she was facing him, chest to chest. “C’mon, Goldilocks, drink some water.”
She gave him her infamous puppy dog eyes, but he shoved the glass in her face. “Drink up.”
“You’re mean,” She muttered, but did as he said and drained the glass. She looked up again, her blue eyes meeting his own. “You didn’t wanna be my snuggle partner last night, and I got cold.”
Thorne looked away, and if she wasn’t so buzzed, Cress might have noticed the blush.
“Let’s get you to bed, okay? Can you dress yourself?”
She definitely had too much liquid courage. “You could help me, if you wanted.”
Thorne pulled away. “No thanks. You seem capable enough. He stepped out of the bathroom, and passed her a pair of pajamas from the outside. “Drink some more water while you’re at it.”
When she opened the door again, she instantly latched onto him again. “Cress,” He chuckled awkwardly, “I can’t move.”
“Then you can’t leave,” She murmured. For some reason she felt really sad now, almost to the point of tears. “Please don’t leave me.”
“Never, Goldilocks. Let’s get you to bed.”
He tried to move, but Cress held tighter. “You’re gonna have to drag me,” She warned.
“Not a problem.” In one motion, Thorne swept her off her feet, literally. Carrying her bridal style, her arms wrapped over his shoulders, he carried her effortlessly to the bed. The single bed, that they both shared.
She was laid down on the bed gently, but Cress refused to let go. “Don’t leave me,” She whispered, over and over again. With nowhere else to go, Thorne finally gave in and laid down with her, letting the smaller woman curl against him.
“Goodnight, Cress.”
Her eyes were heavy, but she looked at him anyway. “You always kiss my head goodnight.”
His face flushed harder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She unlatched one hand, tapping the top of her own head. “Right here. Almost every night.”
He couldn’t resist the puppy dog eyes again, she knew. With a sigh, he leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss on top of her head. Cress gave a happy sigh, and settled down on the pillow.
Neither of them moved all night.
Everything hurt the next morning. Her stomach, her joints, her head.
“What in the fuck happened last night?” She mumbled into the shoulder of the person next to her.
The… person in the bed with her.
Cress shot up violently, instantly regretting it as her head throbbed harder. The person the shoulder belonged to groaned, opening up their eyes. Their familiar eyes.
“I feel like shit,” She sighed, as Thorne sat up next to her.”
He chuckled. “I kinda guessed that you would. You overindulged, princess.”
Things were coming back in bits and pieces, though everything was still fuzzy. “Why’d I have so much?”
“You wanted to try all the flavors.”
Right. “Mango tastes like shit,” She lamented, “I’m never drinking again.”
“Then who’s going to help me finish off the case?” Thorne chuckled.
“I would have helped you with the limes if you didn’t hog them all for yourself.”
“Princess, if I let you have a fourth you would have woken up in the hospital.”
“No, not a fourth, I mean instead of the nasty mango-”
Suddenly, as she leaned closer, Thorne winced, and backed away. “Whoa. Hangover breath. You need a shower.”
Cress’s face flushed. “Yeah. I’ll go do that.”
As she washed off the feeling of last night’s mistakes, more memories came back. But not quite everything. She was still missing a chunk: why she and Thorne had woken up in the same bed, after he’d left her alone the night before.
She got dressed, brushed her teeth, and drank some more water, before stepping out of the bathroom with the towel still wrapped around her dripping hair. Thorne stood up to take his own shower, but she stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Hey, did… anything… happen, last night? I can’t remember everything, and if I said something weird-”
“Nah,” Thorne replied with a shrug, “You just got giggly, then suddenly weepy and clingy. You were really set on me not leaving you alone.”
She ducked her head, blushing. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine,” Thorne assured her. “I mean, you’ve never been drunk before, it’s not your fault you didn’t know how you’d respond.” With that, he stepped away, into the bathroom, which was soon filled with the sound of running water.
Cress sighed, glancing around the motel room. Last night’s activities had left it trashed. So while she waited, she cleaned up.
About twenty minutes later, they were both back in the car, on their way for some coffee. Thorne had even decided to get black coffee for once, in an effort to ward away the hangover.
“So…” He started awkwardly, and Cress’s heart stopped. What was he going to say? Had she really embarrassed herself last night?
“You wanna talk about why you were so obsessed with me not leaving? I mean, I know before all this your life was pretty shitty, so I get it if you don’t want to talk, but-”
“My dad left when I was seven.” She stated simply.
They got their coffee, and headed back to the motel. Thorne met her eyes again with another awkward smile. “You also seemed pretty upset that I slept on the floor the other night.”
Heat rushed to her face. “It’s not that big of a deal, it doesn’t matter that much.”
“Drunk Cress had other things to say.”
She didn’t answer.
Back inside the room, Thorne spoke up. “You wanna know why I slept on the floor?”
She shrugged. “It’s whatever. It’s fine if it was too much or something. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
His blue eyes got big. “No, no, that’s not what happened. Look, Cress, have you ever slept with anybody before?”
“What?!” Her entire face went red, and Thorne’s did as well, when he realized his words.
“Shit, no, not like that. I mean have you ever shared a bed with somebody before?”
“Oh. No, I haven’t.”
“Listen, Cress.” Thorne leaned in close, and her heartbeat somehow sped up and stopped at the same time. “I liked sleeping in the same bed as you. But…”
Oh no.
“You kick. Like, a lot.”
Cress nearly spat out her coffee. “That’s why you slept on the floor?!”
“Yes!” Thorne laughed. “It was all fine and dandy until you kicked me in the groin at three in the morning!”
Her face fell into her hands. “Oh my God.”
“And I mean, I had to save the boys-”
“Shut up! Stop talking!” Thorne gave a loud cackle, and Cress gave into her own hysterical laughter. “That’s what this was all about?”
Things fell back into place easily after that. In fact, they seemed to fall further into place. They plotted and they schemed, searching out their target and making their plan. They never went in blind, and they weren’t about to start now.
And when they slept, they slept in the same bed. Thorne tucked her into his chest, arms holding her steady, and she never felt cold or alone while she slept. To keep from kicking, Cress twined their legs together.
Neither mentioned the obvious shift in their relationship. But they both knew it was growing deeper by the day. They woke up in each others’ arms. Thorne came up behind her randomly during the day to wrap himself around her waist and rest his head on her shoulder. He kissed her head before they slept each night. Cress was never asleep.
The day came, the day they’d been planning for weeks. They were ready. Whatever happened today, they knew that no matter what, they’d always have each other at the end of the day.
“Cress, you read me?”
Sitting in the car, ready and waiting for his voice, Cress replied, “I read you. How’d it go?”
“Without a hitch! Incoming in about three minutes.”
“I got you, captain.”
“Ooh,” Thorne chuckled over the speaker, “I like that.”
Cress rolled her eyes. “Focus on running, doofus. I’ll be there.”
“Mwah!” The line went dead, and Cress tossed the burner phone like she always did. She arrived at the rendezvous in two minutes, eight seconds, leaving the doors unlocked for their quick exit.
Thirty-four seconds later, and the familiar sight of Thorne running for his life arrived. With a wild grin, he threw himself and the bag inside, and Cress sped away. At this point, she was an expert at losing the police.
“How much?”
“Close to five thousand!” He beamed. “It’s gonna last us a long time!”
“You’re fantastic,” She grinned back.
“Nah, sweetheart, it’s all you. I’d totally be in jail by now if I hadn’t met you.”
“I mean,” Cress giggled as she sped out to the freeway, “Prison’s always still on the table.”
“Then don’t get us caught, blondie.”
“You wanna stop at a gas station and change your look?”
Thorne glanced in the mirror, seeing they weren’t being followed. “No, I think the ski mask was enough. Plus, I wore the lifts in my shoes just like you said, so they can’t see my real height.”
“Cool. So, where to now?”
Thorne leaned back in his seat. “Wherever your heart desires, milady.”
Cress smiled softly, finding his hand over the center console. “Okay. Let’s go.”
They switched cars that night, then kept driving. The adrenaline was keeping Cress going, even as Thorne finally dozed off. She’d forgotten how good that rush felt. Thorne had fully turned her into an adrenaline junkie, the same as him.
During the planning phase, they plotted their escape route thoroughly. There were multiple directions to exit, and they scoped each one out to see what worked the best. In the process, she’d looked extensively at the road map. And for whatever reason, the tiny, blip-on-the-map town called Farafrah was calling to her.
So that was where she went. It wasn’t too far away, but far enough that they’d be safe from the police of the other city. They could lay low for a bit before continuing on. There were so many other places to go. Cress wanted to see it all.
This time, it was Cress who drove through and got dinner. Cress who rented the motel room for the night. And it was Cress who urged Thorne out of the car and inside. Where the single bed was waiting.
They had their routine down pat. They rinsed off, even though it was eleven o’clock, changed into pajamas, and settled down for the night. Cress curled into Thorne’s side, her safe place.
“Goodnight.” Tonight, his kiss was on her forehead. And tonight, it lingered. Cress was smiling as she fell asleep.
Many hours later, she was woken up by another gentle kiss to her head. “C’mon princess, you’ve had enough beauty sleep.”
She rolled over, a contented smile on her face, even if she had to squint at the light coming in through the curtains. “Morning,” she whispered, voice raspy from sleep.
“I’ve found a nice brunch spot. I think you deserve something nice after everything yesterday.”
Cress sat up, scrubbing the sleep from her eyes. “You spoil me.”
“You know it, Goldilocks. I bet this place is gonna be just right.”
That earned him a pillow to the face, Cress rolling her eyes. “You doofus.”
“OH! I’ve been mortally wounded by my dear lady!” Thorne groaned from the floor. Cress peered over at him, only to have the pillow chucked back at her head.
“You don’t know what you’ve just started,” She warned with a smile. Within seconds they were in a full on pillow fight, flinging pillows bath and forth as they screamed with laughter.
After a few minutes Thorne managed to get the upper hand, smacking her right across the face with a pillow. Cress was knocked down on the bed, and he pinned her down with a laugh. A moment later his fingers found purchase under her arms, and he tickled her until she squealed.
“Stop! Stop! I forfeit!” Cress giggled, squirming away. Thorne was panting with laughter, still sitting on top of her.
“Learned your lesson, princess?”
She smacked his face with another pillow and escaped to the bathroom with her clothes.
Finally, nearly half an hour after she woke up- a new low for the duo who could get up and out in three minutes- they made their way to a little brunch spot in the middle of the littler town.
Their waitress was a woman about their age with a prosthetic hand named Cinder. She had a lot of personality, and had enough sarcasm to rival each of Thorne’s witty remarks.
About halfway through the meal (which was delicious), a little idea began to form in Cress’s mind. When Cinder came back to refill their drinks, Cress decided to ask her a question.
“How’d you end up here?”
The waitress shrugged. “Car broke down. Stayed to get it fixed, ended up making some friends and decided to stay. I could ask the same of you two.”
Thorne and Cress glanced at each other, before Cress replied simply, “Travelling through.”
Later, when she came back to deliver the check, Cress asked another question: “If you could do anything with your life, what would it be?”
Both Thorne and the waitress gave her a quizzical look. Thankfully, neither asked for elaboration. Instead, Cinder donned a slightly puzzled look as she thought.
Finally, she responded, “I want to open up a mechanical repair shop. For all kinds of machines.” Her dark eyes lit up as she began to ramble a little bit, about all the kinds of things she could do, what she could learn. But after a minute, her voice took on a slightly somber tone. “But, that’s not gonna happen. I’m always worrying about rent nowadays, I don’t have enough to save for anything.”
“How much is your rent?” Cress continued. The waitress stiffened.
“Why do you want to know?” She asked suspiciously.
Cress squeaked, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, but…” She scrambled for a quick lie.
Thankfully, Thorne picked it up for her. “We’re thinking of moving here. We just wanted to know how much rent was.”
Cinder relaxed. “Oh. Well, it’s about $600 a month.”
Cress smiled, taking the check from their waitress. “Thanks, Cinder. It was great. We’ll fill this out in a minute.”
Clearly dismissed, the woman offered them a smile before departing. When they were alone again, Thorne turned a questioning gaze over to her. “What was that all about?”
She shrugged. “Dunno. I just… wanted to know. She seemed nice.”
“I agree. I’ll give her a good tip.”
Cress’s smile got big. “Wait, let me run back to the car real quick. I want to give her a big tip.”
She came back just two minutes later, her pockets stuffed. Thorne’s eyes got big. “How big a tip do you mean?!”
Cress methodically smoothed the $50 bills out, keeping them out of sight below the table. She tied the stack with a hairtie she kept on her wrist, and stuck it inside the little checkbook left on the table. Just to make sure they were really clear, she scribbled out on the receipt, “The money is for the meal. The rest is for you. Good luck.”
Primly, Cress stood up, brushing her leggings off. She offered her hand to the man sitting next to her, whose jaw was pretty much on the floor. Almost in a daze, he took it, and she led him out to the car.
Finally, back in the motel, Thorne rounded on her. “What the hell, Cress?! How much money did you give her? A thousand? Two?”
“Two thousand.”
“What the fuck! Why?!”
“Because,” Cress took his hand, looking deep into his blue eyes, “She needed it. More than we do, really. Thorne, whenever we run low on money we pickpocket and we steal and we rob. That girl, she’s too good for any of that. And if something like that didn’t happen, she was going to spend the rest of her life stuck in that restaurant, in this town in the middle of nowhere where she’d never grow.”
Thorne sighed heavily, rubbing the back of her hand with her thumb. “I wish you’d at least told me before you did it.”
That gave him pause. “I guess… we’ve been so in sync for months now. I feel like I know you, Cress, more than I’ve ever known anyone. And yet, I had no idea you were nice enough to just give away two thousand dollars to a stranger.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re that nice too, Thorne.”
“What? No, I’m not.”
Cress gave his hand a little squeeze. “If you weren’t that nice, you’d have taken the money back. You like to pretend you’re this big bad hardened criminal, but you’re still good, deep down. You show me that every day.”
At that, he pulled her in for a hug. “It’s because of you, Cress. Blondie. Goldilocks. Princess. Every day, you remind me that there’s still good in the world. Even if it’s not us doing the good. But you… you make me want to be good.”
Cress might have been crying. Thorne was definitely crying, his tears falling into her golden hair. “You saved me. Carswell Thorne, you saved my life that night. I always dreamed when I was little that someday I’d be saved. You’re my knight in shining armor.”
Thorne pulled away, still holding her, still sniffling. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Cress. I hope you know that.”
“I hope you know you’re the same to me.”
They decided to stick around in Farafrah for a few more days. They had a bit more money to burn on fun before they got moving again and needed to get back in the swing of their criminal ways. The pair spent the day exploring the little down, taking in the sights. And at night, they cuddled in bed, watching whatever happened to be on TV until they got so tired their eyes were falling closed.
It was the morning of their second day when the objective suddenly changed.
Thorne came into the room, bringing coffee and croissants with him. As well, he’d managed to procure a local newspaper, which he handed to Cress alongside her breakfast.
The pair sat in comfortable silence for about twenty minutes, simply basking in the other’s presence as they ate. When she finished with her croissant, Cress opened up the paper.
And stopped dead in her tracks.
“Cress?” Thorne glanced over when he heard the soft gasp. “What’s wrong?”
Wordlessly, she passed him the paper, pointing out an article. It wasn’t hard to miss, in big, bold letter along the top: LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTER UNDER INVESTIGATION DUE TO CLAIMS OF ABUSE AND NEGLIGENCE.
“Shit,” Thorne muttered, “That’s awful.”
“Those poor animals,” Cress lamented with a sad sigh. “I wish we could do something about it.”
For Thorne, he thought that was the end of it. He headed out to go explore some more, but Cress opted to stay behind. He didn’t think too much of it; she was a fairly antisocial personality and had done a whole lot of talking to strangers the past few days. She probably just needed a day to herself to recharge.
What he didn’t expect, however, was to come back several hours later to find empty coffee cups and a couple RedBull cans strewn about, and Cress hunched over her laptop looking nearly frantic.
“Whoa, what’s all this?” She glanced up, and Thorne took a step back. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot.
“Thorne. I’ve got it! I know how we can do something! We can save all those animals! Come here!”
Cautiously, he took a few steps closer. Cress grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him over. She was surprising strong for someone so petite.
And what he saw pulled up on her screen…
“Whoa! Cress, slow down!”
“But I figured it out! Sit down, I’ll go over it with you!”
He yanked his arm away. “Cress. Look at me. Listen to me. We cannot blow people up because they might be abusing some shelter animals.”
Her blue eyes hardened. “Well, that isn’t the plan. We’re not blowing up people. Even if they deserve it.”
“When did you get so violent all of a sudden?” He took another glance around the room. “I’m never letting you have a RedBull ever again.”
“No. No bombs. The police will take care of whatever’s going on with the shelter.”
Cress gestured around the room, almost violently. “How can we trust that?! The police haven’t caught us yet.”
Thorne sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fine. What the hell. Tell me your plan.”
She almost squealed with delight, but he cut in- “That doesn’t mean we’ll do it though. And if you go solo and get caught, I’m not bailing you out for your own mistakes. We don’t bomb. We rob.”
“Okayokayokay, listen up. Here’s how it goes…”
It was exactly two months since they’d met, and the new duo had just completed their third heist. They’d robbed a fast food joint after it closed. Cress was really good at finessing the alarms so they didn’t sound as they emptied the registers.
Now, they were still driving. It was late, and Thorne was beginning to doze off. He needed to find a rest stop soon, or risk running them right off the road.
As for Cress, she was quickly headed in the same direction. Her head would tilt forward as she fell asleep, just for a few seconds, then rapidly jerk back, and she’d go back to fighting sleep.
“You can sleep, you know, blondie,” Thorne offered. “I’m looking for a rest stop so we can sleep for a bit.”
“But you’re driving,” She protested through a yawn, “I don’t want you to be alone.”
He cracked a smile at that. “I’m not alone. I’ve got you now.”
“No, but-” Another yawn- “You won’t have anyone to talk to. I’ve gotta keep you awake so you don’t kill us both.”
“I’m not gonna kill us both.”
Her eyes flicked up, out the windshield. “You’re drifting.”
“Shit.” She was right. He rubbed at his eyes, wishing they’d stopped at that gas station a few miles back to grab an energy drink. The rest stop was about two miles ahead, but Thorne was really beginning to struggle.
“Can’t fall asleep…” Cress mumbled, just as her head tilted forward again. Thorne snorted when, once again, she jerked up with a groan of frustration.
“Just sleep, Cress,” Thorne urged gently. “We’re almost there, I promise.”
She gave a cursory glance out the car, seeming to check and make sure he was still driving correctly. Finally, after another long minute, her head titled. She was falling asleep again.
This time, however, she dozed off with her head against his shoulder.
Maybe it was the time of night. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation. But for whatever reason, having Cress against his shoulder, safe and sleeping, felt right. More right than anything else had in his nineteen years of life.
They made it to the rest stop ten minutes later. Thorne pulled off to the side and put the car in park before turning it off. Cress snoozed on.
Finally, he could relax. Thorne leaned back with a contented sigh, smiling a bit to himself as Cress nestled further against him.
He wrapped an arm over her shoulder, keeping her close by. And, for whatever reason, that felt right too.
Maybe it was the same reason that caused him to plant a tiny, barely-there kiss to the top of her golden head.
Yeah. It was just the sleep deprivation, for sure.
They were doing this. They were actually doing this. Thorne was going crazy. Why had he agreed to this again, exactly? He shot a glance at the blonde woman at his side.
Right. Her. Since when had his judgement been so addled around her?
Always, idiot, his brain reminded him.
Shut up, brain.
They were inside the largely-contested Farafrah Animal Shelter. The same one that was under investigation for abuse and negligence.
Holding his hand, Cress smiled brightly at the man leading them among the cages. Her other hand gripped the straps of her purse. To everyone else, the smile was genuine, but to Thorne, who knew her best, it was as fake as could possibly be.
“And these are all of our felines we have at the moment. Do any of them possibly interest you?”
Cress shot Thorne a smile, this one a bit more real. “Let’s look around, darling, shall we?”
“Of course, my dear.” He gave her his best impression of an adoring look. Little did he know it was about as real as it could get.
“I’ll give you two a moment. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”
Cress squeezed his hand harder and dragged him to the farthest cage in the room. As they passed cage after cage, they saw the same things they had with the dogs: matted fur, frightened animals, some so scrawny their ribs were evident even from a distance. Neglect. It was bad. They reached the end of the room, and Cress took a glance inside the cage they stood next to.
Instantly, her face lit up as she took in the cat. It was a black and white thing, scrawny really, the nametag reading “Boots”.
“He’s so cute!”
“That’s not why we came,” Thorne sighed, making sure the man was really gone.
Cress sighed. “But he’s so cute. And wouldn’t it be nice to have a little companion?”
“A cat? As a roadtrip companion?”
“A cat is better to your criminal look, you know. So you can turn around in a chair dramatically while stroking his fur and say ‘I’ve been expecting you’.”
Thorne rolled his eyes. “Life’s not a TV drama, princess.”
“Life is its own drama! Make it your own!”
“How would we even take care of a cat on the road?”
Cress dragged him closer to the cage. “Just look at him. Look at his sad little face. He’d be the perfect roadtrip cat. I just know it.”
Thorne opened his mouth to protest again, but then the black and white furball gave a plaintive mewl and all the thoughts left his brain.
“Okay… he’s kind of cute… I guess.”
Cress nearly squealed with delight. “He is! Besides, think about it; we need a plan to get into the office. It’s the perfect ruse!”
Boots the cat meowed again. “You wanna go commit crimes with us, buddy?” Thorne asked.
“He says yes,” Cress whispered conspiratorially in his ear. “Let’s get him.”
As they walked to the office, Thorne hung his head in defeat. “I can’t believe I just let you talk me into getting a crime cat.”
The blonde had a bounce in her step, swinging their joined hands delightedly. “You’re fully at my disposal.” Oh, she didn’t know how right she was.
It took a few minutes to reach the office from the kennels, but they both knew that. Cress had hacked the blueprints for the building several days ago, and they’d both memorized them from top to bottom. The offices were the furthest away from the kennels, likely to keep the noise down.
Finally, they reached their destination. Cress knocked politely on the door, bringing out her most innocent look. The one that always served the perfect distraction while Thorne expertly stole their wallet.
The man answered the door after one knock. “Have you made a decision?”
Cress and Thorne locked eyes, then turned back an nodded in unison. “We have.”
The paperwork was extensive, and Thorne was sure he had to sign his name at least a hundred times. He made sure to read carefully, though; Cress had warned him about possible legal traps. By law, animals shelters were required to vaccinate all their animals before adoption, and strongly push the idea of neutering. But in the paperwork, vaccines were of no mention. The entire time, the man simply sat silently with a small serpentine smile.
Finally, after the paperwork was signed and handed back, the man stood, offering Thorne a hand to shake, which he took reluctantly. “I’ll go pick up your new lovebug, okay?”
“May I come with you? Please?” Cress employed the puppy dog eyes. They were about eighty percent effective on Thorne, and that was after he spent months working to resist them. The man stood no chance.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
“I can’t wait! Darling, hold my purse; I want to hold the precious kitty.”
The man herded Cress out of the room, leaving Thorne to sit quietly by himself.
Or so he thought.
When he was sure they were gone, the young man sprung into action. Inside Cress’s purse was a small package, hardly bigger than his hand. A homemade bomb she’d spent days researching. It was activated by a remote control, so it could be jostled as much as he desired and still wouldn’t explode.
It was important it was planted in the office. They would detonate it after hours, so no people would be injured, and it was far enough away to keep the animals unharmed. Their only goal was to make the place unusable, which would then force the animals to be relocated to other shelters where they’d hopefully receive better care.
Thorne moved quickly and efficiently, like he always did with his missions. There was a reason he was such a successful robber; he didn’t get distracted, and he always got the job done. After a minute of rifling around the room, he settle on hiding the bomb in a bookshelf on the far wall. This office’s wall was also an outside wall, so it was nowhere near another living soul. Perfect.
Five minutes later, the pair returned, Cress carrying a new cat carrier. “Here he is, darling! The newest member of the family!”
The goodbyes were quick after that. They made it to the petshop part, where they bought some food and the most important part: a cat leash. They walked out with their new charge, both of them pretending to ignore the front desk lady’s comment of “such of cute couple!”.
“Phase one, complete!” Cress said with a smile, still holding his hand. In the cage, the cat, Boots, seemed to give them almost a grateful look. Almost like he was saying thanks for getting me out of there.
Thorne gave a glance behind him, to the retreating animal shelter. “Phase two in t-minus eleven hours.”
Cress leaned against him as she walked. “Aye aye, captain.”
Phase two of their master plan commenced, as said, eleven hours later. The duo spent the next several hours getting acquainted with their new cat, whom they hadn’t even intended on buying. As it turned out, Boots was a fantastic cat. Affectionate and sweet, he warmed up to both of them instantly. And he didn’t seem to mind the car either, one of the most important factors.
Later in the evening, they packed up. Their motel room was paid for another whole day, but that was just a countermeasure. They already had a secondary vehicle in waiting, and would abandon their current one in the motel parking lot. As always, they had everything planned down to the last detail.
Now for the big finale, and the most difficult part, too. Sneak close enough to detonate the bomb, then get away fast enough to not get injured in the blast and not caught up in the investigation.
The sneaking part was easy enough. They’d done that plenty of times. Sure, Thorne had to boost her over a few fences, and they had to do some real super-spy action in a tree to get over a sleeping dog’s head, but they made it without a hitch.
The concrete walls of the animals shelter loomed before them. They tracked around it once, scanning for anyone who could get in their way, and came up empty. Time for the moment of truth.
Cress and Thorne met up at the point, the spot Cress had calculated earlier to give them the best chance of success based on the bomb’s location.
She took a deep breath. Now or never.
Silently, Thorne’s hand laced with her own. Cress held the detonator out in front of her.
And she pressed it.
Smoke. Smoke and fire. Smoke and fire and haze and blood and pain-
“Thorne-” Cress gasped, throat rasping, “Something went wrong!”
There was no answer.
Cress suddenly became aware that she was alone. She was lying in the dirt, still gripping the detonator. And Thorne wasn’t with her.
A massive section of the wall was complete dust. Fire and smoke billowed out, clearly originating from the point where the bomb must have been. A few stray papers fluttered about, before they were quickly seized by the flames.
“Thorne?” Her voice was quiet.
“Thorne!” Louder.
“THORNE!” Cress shoved herself up, testing each limb. Everything was in working order. Despite that, she knew something was wrong, so wrong.
The explosion shouldn’t have been that big. She calculated it over and over again, even explained the math to Thorne so he could do it himself. They both got the same answer.
This was not their answer. The fire was spreading quickly. Alarms went off inside, but the spray of water was doing little to quell it.
Nearly robotically, Cress pulled her burner phone from her pocket. She and Thorne had gotten them in case of emergency. They hadn’t expected to use it.
“911 what is your emergency?”
“There was an explosion at the animal shelter. There’s a huge fire. Hurry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Don’t let anyone get hurt. Please.”
She hung up before the operator could speak again. With all her might, she hurled the phone into the fire. By the time they found it, it would just be an unusable hunk of metal.
And then she ran.
All the scheming, all the plotting, all the plans went out the window. It was the dead of night, and Cress ran. She didn’t dare yell for Thorne; she had that much sense left. But with every step she felt it.
Something had gone horribly wrong, somehow. She must have forgotten something in her calculations. Maybe her information was wrong.
If both of them got out unscathed and unarrested, it would be a miracle, she knew it.
So lost in her own thoughts, she nearly ran face-first into someone who had stepped out onto the sidewalk. With a scream, Cress came to a screeching stop, standing and panting as she assessed the situation before her.
The woman was young, with dark hair and eyes and tan skin. And her hand… it was strange. A flash of recognition appeared in her eyes.
“Cinder…” Cress breathed. The other woman startled.
“Oh my God. It’s you.”
“I- it’s not what it looks like-” She followed Cinder’s gaze. Right to the detonator still in her hand.
“I swear, nobody was supposed to get hurt. I already called the fire department, if they get there in time they’ll save the animals-”
“Cress,” Cinder whispered, “Stop talking. Just go. If I see police I’ll cover for you. I promise.”
She stood still. Flabbergasted. “W-why would you do that?”
Cinder shrugged. “Because I know you’re a good person. Maybe you’ve got a convoluted way of showing it, but you’re good. Besides,” she cracked a tiny smile, “It’s thanks to you I might have a shot at my dreams.”
Then her voice took on a note of sudden seriousness. “Get out of here. The Farafrah police are no joke. Take the back alleys.”
Cress nodded numbly. “I will, I just have to find Thorne first.”
Cinder stepped closer, pulling her into a sudden hug. “Thank you. Both you and your dummy boyfriend.”
Cress found herself blushing, despite the situation. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
The other woman smirked. “He should be. He’s madly in love with you. He’d move the heavens and earth for you. Maybe consider telling him how you feel. Of course, after you’ve gotten out of here.”
“Right.” Cress chuckled. “Bye, Cinder. It was lovely meeting you.”
With that final goodbye, Cress began to sprint. Just as Cinder suggested, she took the back alleys. Thorne would be okay. He had to be. He’s okay. He has to be.
By the time she made it to the abandoned parking lot, the rendezvous point, police sirens had joined the firetrucks. The stolen red car… it was on! Idling in one place, waiting for her.
“Cress!” Thorne shouted, flinging the door open and throwing himself at her. He pulled her into his strong arms, pressing his face against her soot-stained hair. “God, I was so worried. I couldn’t see you in the dark so I headed back here. I was just about to go searching.”
Cress didn’t want to let go of him. Not now, not ever. But… “We’ve gotta go.”
“I know,” Thorne breathed, “But I was just so worried. It made me think… what if I lost you?”
She pulled back, just slightly, just enough to see his face in the dark. “What do you mean.”
“I mean, I started to think about you, Cress. How much I’d miss you. And how much I’d regret it if I lost you, and I hadn’t even done this…”
His voice trailed off, and Cress was about to ask what on earth he meant, when suddenly his lips were on hers.
Carswell Thorne is kissing me. Kissing. Me.
Her brain might have short-circuited, just a bit. But after a moment of frozen hesitation, she was kissing him back with just as much fervor, taking his face in her hands to pull them impossibly closer.
Thorne’s head tilted, and their lips fit together like they were always meant that way. His hands stroked at her golden hair, the hair he loved to much. What the hell; the girl he loved so much.
He might have told her as much when they finally came up for air, and she might have said it back. But all words were forgotten moments later, when they both spotted the flashing lights in their peripherals.
A police car, heading to the scene. If they were seen…
“Hey,” Cress whispered, beaming so wide her face hurt as she tugged on Thorne’s sleeve, “How about you be my getaway car for a change?”
She stood on her tiptoes, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. Risky, in their situation. “Yeah.”
Thorne brought her hand, so small and delicate, to his lips. “For you, Cress, you know I’d do anything. Crime for the sake of crime. Crime for the sake of justice. Whatever it is, wherever life takes us, just know that you’ll always have me. I promise I’ll never let you feel alone, ever again.”
He stroked a stray tear from her face. “C’mon, Goldilocks. It’s time to make our grand exit.”
She made herself comfortable in the passenger seat, glancing where she knew the gun lay, tucked inside the glovebox, just for show, never loaded. The gun that saved her life.
Thorne tore out of the parking lot, speeding down the streets of the tiny town at three am, just begging to be chased as they passed the animal shelter. The fire was nearly out, animals being evacuated by the second.
She caught his gaze with her own. Blue on blue. “Police chase, huh?”
He smiled, gripping her hand in his own. “You know I like to show off.”
Sirens blared behind them. Cress’s grin grew. “Then let’s give them a show.”
Thorne leaned down and kissed her over the center console. “I thought you’d never ask.”
a/n: Oh my gosh. I cannot believe I just wrote that. All that. I haven't written in a month and this felt fantastic!!! I hope y'all enjoyed! Reblogs and comments are so appreciated! <3
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imagine-this-fandom · 4 years
BNHA x Fem! Reader: The Rescue- Purple Ragdoll
The rescue intro: here
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone is staying safe and had a good New Years Eve. Thank you all for your support, I'm really happy to be writing for you. I apologize for the lateness of this chapter, but I hope you all enjoy!
Inko led you back into the main store and past rows of all sorts of tanks. She paused and tucked Izuku into one of them before she continued along, stopping in front of a door with cute little pawprints running up the side. At the top of the door, the word CATS was in big bold letters. She opened the door and ushered you inside, carefully closing the door behind you.
You took in the chaos of the cat room, eyes following Inko as she expertly dodged cats and weaved through various cat toys on her way to a cat tree in the back. The room was filled with cats of all shapes and sizes.  You decided it would be best if you stayed put. The last thing you needed was to accidentally step on one of the cute animals. That would be a rather unfortunate end to your budding experience as a pet owner. When Inko saw that you were standing alone, she made a tutting noise and went back, grabbing your arm before leading you over to the quiet corner she had scouted earlier.
You followed her curiously, trying not to trip on the felines winding around your legs, which was an intense feat as they seemed to really like you for some reason. You came to a stop in front of one of those hanging cat hammock things. Inside, was a fluffy cat with strangely lilac tinted fur that was ruffled and sticking out at all angles. You searched your limited knowledge about animals before settling on the breed. The cat before you was the sleepiest looking ragdoll cat you had ever seen. The fur under his eyes was darker than the fur around it, giving it the illusion of deep purple eye bags. He looked kind of run down if you were honest as if no amount of naps in the world could make him energetic. He was definitely not what you expected. He reminded you of Grumpy cat but exhausted.
Inko smiled warmly at you while clasping her hands to her chest, watching your reaction closely.
“This is Shinsou! I think he’d be the perfect cat for you.”
Like the black cat from earlier, there was something really intelligent about Shinsou. Either that or the look of confusion he shot Inko was purely coincidental and you were misreading things. Regardless, there was something about him that you gravitated towards.
“You’re sure? He wouldn’t be happier with someone more experienced?” Inko just shook her head and lifted the drowsy cat out of his hammock. He wasn’t too concerned and had accepted his fate at this point in time, not really having the energy to protest anyway. She carefully deposited the cat into your arms and bustled off to gather supplies for you. You looked down at the bundle of fluff in your arms and he, in turn, stared up at you with a bored expression.
Shinsou was vaguely interested in how this would go.  Considering he was not a normal cat by any means, it should prove to be an interesting experience. If all else failed, he was intelligent enough to escape and come back to the store, he mused. But for now, you hadn’t done anything that indicated you were going to be difficult to work with and Inko seemed to approve of you, so he just yawned and settled into your arms, enjoying the change from the flannel hammock to your warm arms.  You were kind of freaked out by the newness of the situation, but Shinsou didn’t seem to care what was going on, and his nonchalant attitude put you more at ease.
While you waited, you began to pet him. A smile tugged on your lips as he basically melted in your arms, face pressed against your collarbone and a contented purr escaping his chest. He was obviously enjoying your soothing touch, more than he wanted to admit to himself even. That was encouraging, and you decided then and there you would die for this animal should the need ever arise.
When inko returned with a cat carrier, you were a bit hesitant to put him inside. You were bonding! As reluctant as you were, the carrier was probably your safest and easiest method of getting him home. You laid him inside on the cat bed and he was out like a light within minutes. He was peacefully sleeping as you latched the carrier shut and listened to the instructions Inko gave you. You were determined to be the best pet owner possible for him.
It wasn’t long before you left the shop, new pet in hand and a strange new warmth settling in your chest at the thought of sharing your home with your sleepy new companion. ~~~~~
You sighed tiredly as you closed the door behind you, happy to be out of the biting cold. You had let Shinsou sleep in his carrier on the way over, so you just popped the door open once you were inside so he could explore when he was ready. You gave his sleeping form a small smile before you retreated to your bedroom for the night.
He was still sleeping when you woke up around 8 the next morning, so you let him be and began your morning routine. You hummed to yourself as you waited for your coffee to brew and scrolled through social media on your phone.
Shinsou roused at the rich scent of coffee filled the air. As a human, he swore it almost ran through his veins. He took after his mentor in his love for coffee, the bitter beverage giving him the energy his training and hero work often stole. Inko always had tea instead when she worked at the pet store, so the familiar scent was quite a shock to his system. He stretched lazily before ambling out of the pet carrier. His purple eyes locked on the mug you held as you made your way to the couch.
You smiled brightly at him as you sat down, not noticing where his intent gaze was directed.
“Hey pretty boy, sleep well?”
He turned his gaze to you, almost disgusted by the fact that you were so awake and perky already. Usually, it took him at least half an hour to fully wake up, so your sunshine smile was absolutely unfair considering how early it was. He gave you a deadpan stare in response that triggered an even wider smile. Good grief.
He hopped up onto the couch beside you, waiting for an opportunity to steal your beverage.
He didn’t have to wait long though, you had just taken a sip before your phone rang. You looked down at the contact name and your expression twisted into one of weary acceptance. You hit the answer button and stood, coffee abandoned as you paced and listened to the voice on the other end of the phone.
Shinsou would smirk to himself if cats could. He made a beeline for the cup and quickly drank his fill. Meanwhile, you were not having nearly as good of a time.
“Sir, please, it’s my first day off in weeks. Are you positive no one else can cover the shift?”
“I wouldn’t be calling you if I didn’t already know, (y/n). Are you going to show, or not? Need I remind you that you’re on thin ice with your attendance?”
You bit your lip, the tiredness settling into your expression before you took a deep breath and forced your customer service smile.
“Yes sir, I’ll see you in an hour and a half”
“Good. Don’t be late.”
You heard the line go dead on the other side and nearly screamed, hands clenching against the phone as you resisted the urge to throw your device. The job was infuriating, but it was steady and dependable. You didn’t have a quirk, so finding work was a bit of a process, and you couldn't afford to be choosy at the moment. You lamented this fact as you sunk onto the couch beside him, any energy the coffee had given was now sapped away.
Shinsou had only caught bits and pieces of the conversation, but he already knew he didn’t care for your boss. He had only known you for a day, but he didn’t like how quickly that sunshine smile disappeared as if covered by stormy clouds. It was disconcerting. He watched your expressions go through the stages of grief before settling on tired acceptance.
You sighed heavily and scratched the top of his head.
“Sorry, buddy. I wanted to spend the day getting to know you, but the big boss says I have to get to work.”
You pouted unhappily before stretching. You hated your job, but you weren’t going to spend time feeling bad for yourself. You had to be strong, this job was what enabled you to have Shinsou too, so at least something good came of it. You scratched behind Shinsou's ears before standing and plastering on a fake smile.
"well, no time to waste if I want to get to work on time. I'll be back before you know it. Try not to wreck the house while I'm gone."
He watched you leave and go to your room to prepare for work. He took this time left alone to look around. The living room was fairly plain but comfortable enough. There weren't any photos or personal touches up on the wall. He wandered the living room, mapping it out in his head and taking careful note of any possible escape routes. By the time he had explored all the open rooms, you had found your way back into the main room. You were holding a few bobby pins in your teeth as you fixed your hair into a high ponytail.
Your uniform was typical of a barista and he could just make out the logo of a local cafe on the corner. Huh. Juniper Glow. He actually recognized the cafe. He frequented the place when he was still human. It was open 24/7 so it was a lifesaver after long patrols. He couldn't remember ever meeting you, but it had been quite some time since he had visited. Maybe you were new?
You grabbed the essentials needed for your job, grimacing as you caught sight of the clock. You crouched down and scratched under Shinsou's chin before you shouldered your purse again.
"Alright Shinsou, I'm heading out. Be good for me, okay? Don't trash the house.  I'll see you in a few hours."
Shinsou stopped himself from nodding, knowing it would only freak you out, and stared at you with a tilted head as if to ask "cause trouble, who, me?"
You gave him one last dazzling smile before dashing out the door.
Shinsou watched the door close and was surprised to find himself a bit disheartened with the quiet now encompassing the house. He supposed he was used to the noise now. From the crowded cat room to the way you spoke to him like a person, he wasn't used to the silence anymore. He wondered how much other things would change as he stayed with you.
Some things never changed. Despite having no hero work or classes, Shinsou was still tired all the time. You found his tiredness endearing and took every opportunity to cuddle him while he napped.
The first time this happened, he was surprised. He was peacefully napping on the couch while you were occupied with a hero documentary. He was content to snooze next to you when a sudden movement changed his position. You had carefully scooped him up and he was now resting in your lap. He would have moved, but honestly? You were comfortable and warm. Not to mention you were petting him too. The soft strokes and your fingers carding through his fur relaxed him. He melted into your touch and was surprised when he started to purr at the attention. You smiled, your documentary no longer the center of your attention.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was quite enjoying your attention. At first, he thought this whole pet thing was going to be a fun challenge to exploit and then escape. However, he was growing attached to you. That might end up a problem. He was going to be human again, one day. He would make sure of it. And he couldn't let you get too used to him.
Still... this was nice. He liked being held and cared about, even though he was used to being and working alone. He was ostracized for having a villain's quirk, so he was definitely not used to people spending so much time with him. Midoriya and his mentor were his support system, but this was somehow different. He would have to think about this more... But for now, he would enjoy these moments with you.
Fortunately for him, these moments became quite frequent. You loved having Shinsou with you and nearly every moment spent at home was spent with your cat. You talked to him as you cooked, you watched TV with him on your lap, you even let him sit on your bed while you read before heading to bed.
This routine continued for months and you admitted for the first time since you moved to Japan, that you were happy. ~~~~~~~~
You opened the door for Shinsou. The sun shone brightly on the two of you as you waited. Shinsou trotted out and joined you on the porch before you closed the door, being mindful of his tail.
The two of you set off at a leisurely pace. You had decided to take Shinsou with you on your trip to the local farmer’s market. You wanted to get some produce for a fruit dessert you wanted to try and also stop by the bakery that was nearby. You smiled down at Shinsou as he plodded along by your side. He was such a clever cat and you found him fascinating. The few times he had gotten out, he merely followed you to work before going home. Unbeknownst to you, this was his way of making sure you stayed safe. While he couldn't fully protect you in this form, he would do his absolute best to protect you should trouble to arise.  When you took him out on purpose for the first time, he stayed dutifully by your side.  This lead to many walks when the weather was pleasant.
He was secretly pleased now that you trusted him to stay with you as you go places. This also meant he could spend more time with you. Although, he wished he was human for these walks. He had been with you for four months now, and he knew you quite well. He enjoyed his time with you and that simple companionship he shared while living with you had grown to be more than fondness on his end. He started to care for you more than he thought he would. He became more worried about your safety, upset on your behalf whenever your boss inevitably called you in on your few days off. He did his best to remind you of your own health, making sure you went to bed at a semi-decent hour. He cared about you, really cared about you. And it was moments like these he couldn't deny it anymore. He looked up at you as the two of you walked.
He wanted to know what it was like to hold your hand, fingers entwining as you babbled cheerfully about your day, him content to listen to your sweet voice. He wanted to compliment you on the sundress you chose to wear for your trip to the market, he wanted to tease you about how excited you were getting for fruit. But that didn’t seem to be a possibility, so he had to content himself with these small outings and the fact he could still be with you as a friend.
You were chatting about all the delicious things you were going to buy, looking back over at him with a bright sunshine smile that he hadn't expected to adore as much as he did.
"Ooh! And don't think I'm leaving you out, there are a bunch of fruits cats are allowed to eat! I can't just treat myself and leave my best boy hungry!"
He would have smiled, but instead settled on a rumbling meow, purr sneaking into the noise.  Warmth filled his chest as you turned back to face ahead. He walked with you for a while more, the warm feeling of the affection fading but also growing more intense but in a new way.
Shinsou blinked in confusion as a strange sensation started to take over, the warmth shifting, contorting into something different. His head was swimming and his entire body was starting to tingle. He almost tripped over his own paws as he made his way to an alleyway, not wanting you to see him this disoriented. His gaze swimming in front of him. He stumbled into the alleyway, his body felt like it was on fire. Fire spread through his nervous system as his body gave up fighting and the bubbling feeling spreading through his veins surged through him. All at once, there was a pop sound and the feeling disappeared, leaving Shinsou panting on the cold concrete of the alley. He opened his eyes and was quickly struck by the difference in sensations he was feeling as well as the heightened colors. He groaned and threw his arm over his eyes before realizing the change in limbs. He quickly sat up and realized with awe that he was human again. Naked, but human. A grin spread across his face and he wobbled to his feet, getting used to being tall again. He took a few minutes to reorient himself.
He heard your voice calling his name and butterflies took flight in his stomach. You sounded worried and upset, voice frantic as you repeated his name. You were looking for him. Cat him. Well, that was a problem. He looked around for a hiding place and was relieved to spot a fairly out of sight around a corner.
As much as he would love to go out there and sweep you off your feet in his true form, he knew that would be absolutely terrifying and the worst way he could go about this. He peeked out from behind the corner, watching your worried form as you carefully searched the alleyway. He ducked back behind the wall before you saw him and his eyes landed on a convenient clothesline. Huh. How convenient. He’d have to think about the uncanny timing later because he heard male voices floating down the alleyway. He grabbed the clothes and threw them on, making a mental note to compensate the original owner when he gets the chance.
Meanwhile, you were looking between two men in front of you. They had followed you into the alley, insisting they were worthy of your attention and could help you find your cat. However, they didn’t really seem to know what personal space was and were quite insistent. You were obviously uncomfortable, a nervous smile in place, but they didn’t seem to understand. You inched backward until your back met the bricks behind you as you put distance between the men trying to avoid coming off as impolite. You really just wanted to find Shinsou and go home.
“Excuse me gentlemen, but I really should be going…” Your eyes darted around, searching for an opening to escape. Your eyes stopped their search when the man closest to you put his hand on the wall, leaning closer and effectively caging you in.
“Oh come on, we’ll worry about finding your cat later. Besides, you look a little turned around yourself, like a little deer that lost its way.” He smiled in a way that you believed was meant to be charming.
“Oh, no, I'm not lost.” You cringed back and gave him a nervous smile.
“This little deer looks thirsty,” The second man commented, tilting his head as he looked you over appreciatively. “We should take her for a cup of tea.”
You bit your lip, clenching your fists in an effort not to wring them nervously. Or wring their necks, you were undecided at the moment.
“No thanks, my sister's expecting me.” You bluffed, hoping it was enough to deter the two men.
“She's pretty cute for a Deer. How old are you, anyway? You live around here?”
The first man ignored your poor attempt of diversion and continued to press, not giving up.
“Leave me alone.”
You cringed away, dipping your head away as your mind swirled with possible lies and excuses to give to get away from them. You had other things to do, namely finding Shinsou.
The second man rolled his eyes at his friend, nudging his shoulder playfully. “You see? Your mustache scares all the girls.”
The first once chuckled, reaching out a finger to lightly brush against your cheek. “So? She's even cuter when she's scared.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you scrunched them closed, hot embarrassment and anger threatening to spill over. You jolted a little as a hand rested softly on your shoulder from beside you and gently pulled you away from the men and against a warm chest.
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you.”
A deep voice rumbled from the mystery man behind you. His grip was soft, almost nonexistent to give you the option to escape. But… He felt safe, for some reason.
The first man looked at the stranger, irritated gaze flickering between him and you, prompting you to lean more into the stranger. You were already going with his story, so you were going to make it convincing!
“Hey, we're busy here.” The first man scowled.
You could hear the smirk in the Stranger’s voice with his next words.
“Are you really?”
Both men made sounds of protest before something strange happened. Their limbs went slack, all tension disappearing as a glazed look appeared in their eyes, the words dying on their tongues.
“It looked to me like the two of you were just leaving.”
You watched in awe as the men walked away, just like that. As soon as your would-be tormentors were out of sight you whirled around to face your mysterious hero. Any words of thanks you were thinking of immediately fled your mind upon seeing him.
Oh no, you found him very attractive. He had unruly purple hair that flared out as if he had just been caught in the wind. Striking purple eyes that seemed even more brilliant considering the dark circles under them. You were fairly certain you would have gotten lost in them had you not noticed his bizarre choice of clothes. He was wearing a T-shirt that was a little bit too small for him and sweatpants and was...barefoot? You blinked in confusion at his feet before he cleared his throat and you snapped out of your daze.
“Are you alright?” He regarded you with concern, those dark purple eyes focused on your own.
You nodded quickly.
“I'm alright, thanks to you. What did you do to them, was that your quirk?”
He cringed at the mention of his quirk and one hand went to rub the back of his neck in discomfort as he averted his eyes.
“Yes, my quirk is brainwash. I can control people, but only after they’ve responded to a question of mine.”
He waited for the rejection and distrust that came with telling people about his “Villain” quirk. While people like Midoriya told him it could be used for good, most people still jumped to the criminal conclusion first. And although he hoped you would be different, he knew it would hurt so much more if you found his quirk frightening. He actually cared what you thought of him.
Your eyes widened and you considered the new info you gathered. You noticed he looked apprehensive, he was waiting for you to respond. An excited smile spread across your face.
“That’s an amazing quirk! It’s so useful! You could talk villains into custody, help in hostage situations, and stop fights before they even happen! There are so many possibilities! That’s so cool!”
Shinsou was shocked silent. Your beaming smile was dazzling and his mind refused to form coherent thoughts. The butterflies from earlier came back full force and it took him a second to remember how to breathe.
“You… really think all that?”
His voice was hesitant and hopeful but you misunderstood his quiet for awkwardness.
“I really do! Sorry if I got carried away there, I just think it’s a really cool quirk.”
You gave him a shy smile, trying to tone down your enthusiasm.
“And... Thank you for, you know.”
You gestured awkwardly to the direction the men went.
“I was starting to get really uncomfortable there. You were a lifesaver.”
You shot him another smile and he felt the tips of his ears go hot and his chest fill with warmth but pushed the feeling down and disguised it with a lazy smirk.
“Don’t give me all the credit, I just wanted to prevent their murder. You looked plenty capable. Still, I couldn't pass up my chance to find a smooth way to talk to you."
You grinned, quite taken by his charming words. Still, you had other things to worry about.
"Hmmm, as much as I'd love to continue getting compliments, I'm on a mission."
He raised an amused eyebrow.
"Oh? My apologies for keeping you.  If I can be of any assistance, just say the word."
You looked him up and down before nodding in confirmation.
"Yep. You'll do. You're purple, so I need your help to find my purple cat. Think you can manage it?"
He considered your words before grimacing.
"As much as I'd love to be your knight in shining armor and find him, that's not going to be so easy, all things considering."
Your amused look faded into one of confusion.
"And why is that?"
He avoided looking at you for a moment, his anxious behavior starting to worry you.
"Ask a question only your cat would know."
You stared at him in confusion, starting to wonder if the man was as sane as you had first thoughtAfterall, you had found him in an alleyway without shoes, so your chances weren't the best.
He grimaced and tried again.
"Ask me something only your cat would know, humor me, please. You can decide not to believe me or run or whatever, but please do this for me and listen first."
You were beginning to get scared. His tone was so much more serious than before. Still, something about him was familiar, and felt safe.  Taking a deep breath, you focused on him, scanning his face as you decided on your question.
"What did I call Shinsou when he broke my favorite mug?"
He honestly looked taken aback for a moment, eyes wide before he started cracking up, deep chuckles shaking his shoulders.
"of all things to ask, you chose the moment when I messed up?"
You froze, the implications of his words sinking in. There's no way... You scowled at him, enraged at the idea of someone pretending to be your best friend.  Still, the more you thought about it, the more similarities you saw. He really did look like the human version of your cat, eyebags and all. It was uncanny, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to tell for sure unless he answered.
He stopped laughing a leveled you with an amused smirk. "You called me an emo furbie before flinging yourself onto the couch and proclaiming that love was dead and you had been punished for your addiction to caffeine. "
You felt like you had been sucker-punched. Your brain short-circuited and you inhaled heavily. Shinsou's smirk dropped and he watched you with concern. He reached out to you as if to help you, but hesitated, unsure if you would want him to touch you. He looked at you with panic as your expression morphed between anger and something he couldn't identify.
"Shinsou... It's really you? But how? You're human now, how did that happen?"
He gave a small sigh of relief that you actually believed him.
"It's a really long story, but I was a human first. I'm a pro hero, but I was hit by a quirk that turned me into a cat. I thought I was going to be a cat forever until I met you. Somehow you were the missing piece that countered the quirk"
You nodded tiredly at his explanation, still a bit in shock, but less upset. You sighed and stepped forward, grabbing his hand before yanking him after you as you started walking.
He stumbled after you, confused but also pleased that you were holding onto him.
"uh, where are we going?"
You rolled your eyes before looking back at him.
"First, we're going to go get you some actual clothes. And shoes. Then we, are going home. You're still my Shinsou, and I'm still you're (y/n). Things have just shifted a little."
You flashed him a small smile, some of that sunshine that he loved shining through your eyes and he swore his heart skipped a beat.
"I'd love that. And I can't wait to tell you everything. The story, and how much I care about you."
You blushed as he raised the hand you were holding to his lips and kissed your knuckles, a small smile of his own in place.
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rachetmath · 3 years
JRY vs Ace-ops
Warning: Long read. This is theory on who would survive a fight. A analyses. In my opinion. So with clear, if you agree, then like or comment. Disagree, fine, go wild.  
Hello, so you must have read the title. Okay you might be thinking, "Ratchetmath, bro, you can't be serious. There is no way Jaune and Ren can ever defeat the Ace-ops. Only Yang, considering her and her teammates did in volume 7." Which I would completely side with you on. However, I've come to realize that the Hound was never a threat, and more importantly the boys could've done more if the Worf effect wasn't in place. So, let's give these guys a fighting chance and see what they along with Yang, could've done if they had to fight Winter and Ace-ops.
First, let's discuss the Hound and why the Worf effect failed. For those of you who don't know what the Worf effect is, it is when a new character is placed in the story and to prove their strength: you make them fight already deemed strong characters and let them win or stand a chance of winning the fight. The reason the Worf effect failed for the Hound is because Oscar is not a very strong character. Oscar skill level as the show presents is random at best. The Hound should have aimed for Jaune. Jaune as the show and writers made clear, has an incredible amount of aura. Seeing the Hound break his aura completely without even trying would've been more terrifying and makes sense. Or Yang, showing that it could fight.
But why? Why the Hound taking Jaune or Yang down first makes sense? Yeah, Yang is fine but Jaune is not strong or a capable fighter. Maybe not much of a fighter, but he is strong. In fact, he holds back grimm twice his size on a regular basis like an Urosa and Nuckelavee. Even Yang and the other characters, well except Elm because of her physical appearance, are guilty of this. The Hound is no different, it's basically a harder version of the Beowulf. Let's face it, Jaune couldn't do anything because the show must go as planned. Jaune could've save Oscar by getting close and blowing it away with his gravity dusted shield. The hound attacking Jaune first would prove it was watching them carefully, seeing their weapons and abilities to find who could be a threat to its mission. Proving its power and intelligence.
Now, the main event, team JRY versus The Ace-ops. The fight starts when the Ace-ops arrive after Jaune told them about the grimm river. Sadly, when they arrive, things were not so good. The Ace-Ops were more focused on finding Penny instead of the river. Now the grimm river destroyed the Atlas barrier and Atlas was under attack. However, the Ace-ops still want to arrest the group. Instead of going down peacefully, Jaune, Yang and Ren won't go down without a fight. Can they win?
Now, let's scan the environment. They were in an open plain field full of snow. There is nowhere to hide and almost no way to escape for team JRY. The motorcycle is not fast enough to outrun Harriet or a plane. But more importantly there was a crater beside them where the grimm river used to be. Now there are two ways this can go down, but I'll explain later. Let’s focus on the characters.
Let’s talk about the Ace-ops. They are elite hunters in Atlas. And from what we got from volume 8, Harriet told us that Marrow and Winter are replacements for their fallen comrades. Meaning Vine, Elm and Harriet herself are the remaining, long term members of the Ace-ops. So, they work very well together unlike with Marrow and Winter. That could give team JRY an advantage, but not much. Do to the fact that it's five against three and with only one of them being the strongest fighter, they need a plan to set the odds to their favor.
Now for team JRY. Beacon students turned hunters thanks to James. Now they’re with adults. However, there are a few problems with this team. There are three people in the team and two of them, barely fight or have barely won a fight at all. Jaune is more on the defensive while Ren... well, he spams his attacks, and relies heavily on long range. Sadly, the Ace-ops over power them with combative semblances and fire power. Their best shot would be to run. However, there still a way to win. This is a fight or flight situation, so what would happen if team JRY choose either option?
For flight, the reason being because they're not capable, it's a waste time and more importantly lives are in danger. First, remember they were on a field of snow. What does Jaune have? A shield that shoots gravity waves on contact weather it's from enemies or to the ground. Jaune was already in front of the bike and with good timing, he could activate and slam his shield to ground, sending snow flying, causing a smoke screen. Giving them little but plenty of time to hop on the one motorcycle and ride, while making sure Winter or Marrow have no time to stop them with either of their semblances. The crater also plays a key role for their escape. They can ride in it, but Harriet, due to her semblance granting her speed, will be on their tail. However, if orderly seated, Jaune can stop Harriet from getting too close. But what about the other members? Well, they'll be back on the ship, but they can't do anything. If they fire missiles, they'll get in Harriet's way and more importantly hurt her in the process. Jaune could also block her path himself with shield bomb.  
Now, for fight. Reason being is Oscar is in danger and needs saving. More importantly the plane is better for traveling around Mantle and saving people than a motorcycle. This will be a difficult battle but not one sided. This is going to involve the team trusting each other. And putting their skills to the test.
First off, they would need to get rid of Marrow. Marrow may be the rookie of the Ace-ops, but he is the most powerful. His semblance can stop time just by looking at his opponent or pointing at them, commanding them to "Stay" in place.
To take out Marrow, they need to knock him out before he uses his semblance. So, before the fight truly starts, Yang should be close to Jaune, grabbing his clothes and amplifying her aura. When she has enough, Jaune, since team JRY will get a plane, launches the bike and Ren shoots the gas tank. The explosion should cause a temporary smoke screen. Yang should immediately get on Jaune shield for him to launch her towards the Ace-ops and activate her semblance to knock Marrow out. Wait a minute, but Yang's semblance doesn't work like that, she needs to take damage to even use it. However though, Blake revealed that Yang and Adam's semblances are one of the same. Meaning, both can activate their semblances any time without the need to be attacked. Yang has done this once back at Beacon and in Atlas considering Elm couldn't even touch her. But this would wear her out. Too bad she was amplified by Jaune, so she may not experience the same negative draw backs when using her semblance recklessly before.
Wait, but what about Aura? Can't aura protect Marrow from harm? Well, sadly no. Aura, as the show so far made clear, is limited to what it could do for its users. If you have a broken arm, get poisoned and/or critically wounded, your aura my not save you. So, a heavy blow to the head is something your aura is useless in healing, especially when you need to be conscious.  
Now, it's four against three. So, what should happen next? Jaune pushes Harriet into the crater, allowing Ren to fight her. Harriet may be fast but with the crater being narrow and deep she'll have a hard time moving around and probably climbing out. This will allow Ren to adapt to her movements and fight in her in hand-to-hand combat. Hopefully, he's still good at that and not relying on his upgrade.
Jaune may have to take on two opponents. They are being Vine and Elm. Don't get me wrong, it took Blake and Yang to beat them, but Vine and Elm aren't really that good. In fact, they are just stronger versions of Ren and Nora, except Vine's semblance is better suited for combat. But let’s be clear, Jaune survived a journey of pain without his aura being broken but a few times. Never mind, only once, do to being tired after fighting a giant mech.
Now, hear me out. Elm is strong, and her weapon is an RPG. But her semblance is useless if the ground is cracked, which Jaune can do without wasting aura, or entering a burst mode. Elm also has not demonstrated any hand-to-hand combat skills. Even if she was willing to still use her weapon without her semblance, it only further proves she will suffer from the recoil from her weapon once fired. Plus, Jaune can block or deflect the missiles back at her using the gravity waves from his shield. Also, though Elm is stronger than Jaune, he's faster, has more movability and a sword. So as the saying goes, "Bigger doesn't always mean better."  
But hey, what about Vine? He beat Jaune before. But who can't beat Jaune? More importantly, didn't Vine need the high ground to fight anyone. In the snow plain field, Vine has no high ground but the ship, Jaune already fought him once so he might know how far his arms can stretch, and more importantly, Jaune is physically stronger than Vine. He might use his weapon but again, the shield can deflect it. And if Jaune grabs his stretchable arm, he basically can throw Vine around.
I will make this quick for Yang. Yang will take on Winter. She would be able to reason with her considering she's friends with her sister. But Yang might have some ways to fight Winter considering she should knows how Weiss fights and been working with Weiss for a while. However, we still must consider that Winter can make an army of grimm, but she has not used any other tactics.
But these are still highly trained hunters. They aren't so easily to be defeated especially against Jaune and Ren. Well, Jaune can assist Ren by knocking out Harriet. How? Ren could use his grappling gun to capture and slow down Harriet. Ren gives Jaune a signal, Jaune goes to him, Ren releases Harriet who was running too fast for her own good with no time to react. Finally, Jaune use his shield to knock her out. They climb out and both can fight Vine and Elm. Same for Ren if to assist Jaune first. Harriet may be fast but won't be able to climb out the crater. Once all four members are down Winter would be the only one left. And sadly, the Schnees despite their abilities, still manage to lose battles.
Well, that’s all folks. Remember this is in my opinion. If there are ways for team JRY to win or if there are flaws to my plan, then please leave a comment. However, despite what I said, team JRY would still lose. Mostly due to what I said about the Worf effect not being used properly. And the villains have way more plot armor then the heroes.
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Prompt: Y/N has never been happier to finally have her spa day time at home, but what it should be a relaxing day, becomes quite the opposite when a beautiful Irish man decides to join her.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Finn Bálor x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut(implied), fluff, frustrated spa day, clingy Finn.
Notes: This is dedicated to my sincere love for cosmetics and Fergal Devitt! 😂 I don’t know why, but Finn has always gave me the feeling of being extra loving, extra caring, extra sweet, even a little needy and clingy (which I’m a sucker for guys who can be extremely affectionate) and he just seems like the type, that’s why most of my fluff ideas for stories always end up having him as part of the plot, he exudes that energy of pure love and affection, I don’t know, there you have it I guess.. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
Earlier that morning
I finished gathering all of my essential materials for my weekly spa day at home.
This was a sacred weekly routine I’ve had for as long as I can remember, one day of the week where I would shut myself off the world, without a single care for nothing except my own self! In crazy weeks, such as the one I just had, this was the day I eagerly waited for. My little piece of heaven on earth, where nothing could go wrong...
I was beginning to take my clothes off when a loud thump coming from downstairs, in the living room, startled me to death.
*Oh God, please don’t let it be an intruder* I silently prayed as I grabbed a metal baseball bat from the bathroom (Yes, I have one metal baseball bat on each room of this house ok? I know it sounds slightly paranoid, but I’ve had a rough childhood so don’t judge me!)
I made my way downstairs in my underwear and armed with my faithful baseball bat. I already placed it to attack mode, when I saw a manly figure kneeled down, messing around with a large bag, with his back facing the stairs.
*A burglar! Oh, you’ve messed with the wrong house motherfucker!*
As I was ready to give my knockout attack to the back of his head, the man said
“Argh! Every damn time this happens ta me! I need ta fix this cursed zipper”
*I know that voice..*
“Fergal Devitt! Have you lost your mind?!”
Finn’s whole body jumped from fright and he turned to face me.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N! Ya almost gave me a heart attack!”
“No, I almost knocked your ass down, Devitt! Don’t you know better than showing up like a creep on my house like that?Don’t you know all about my ‘attack mode’ whenever I hear noises around the house?Fuck, I thought you were a burglar or something, I almost killed you!” I said, with my heart still beating at a ferocious pace from both the fright and almost hurting him.
“And did ya planned on killing tha burglar with tha bat or from a severe hard on?” He pointed with his chin towards my black and red lace lingerie.
“Ha ha, very funny Fergal. I’m serious! I could’ve hurt you really bad you know?”
“Oh trust me, ya are” He stood up and adjusted himself on his black jeans.
“Finn, I’m not joking babe” I said placing the baseball bat down on the couch.
“Me neither! Those are ta kill any man” He said as he approached me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist, tightly securing me on his embrace while he kissed me deeply. Once we broke the kiss, he looked at me and said
“I’m sorry ta scare ya like that, I just wanted ta surprise ya”
“It’s ok baby, I loved the surprise, but please don’t do that anymore! It scares me to think what could’ve happened if I didn’t notice it was you.” I pecked his lips “Just give me a heads up next time ok?”
“Ok love. Now what do ya say about we go upstairs and have a little adult fun time, huh?”
“Uhmmm, I don’t know about that..” I teased
“I’ll make ya change yer mind love” He lightly chuckled as he kissed down my neck
Later in the afternoon
I begin to lay out my products on the bathroom sink, carefully choosing where to begin. When Finn bursted through the bathroom door.
“What yer doing love?” While he bites on an red apple.
“Jesus Finn, don’t you know how to knock?”
“What? There’s no need fer me ta knock”
“Yes there is!” I said shocked “What if I was doing something private?”
“Private?” He chuckled “Love, I’ve seen it all before. Yer gorgeous. It’s not like ya need ta hide from me” He sincerely smiled
I just took a deep breath as a response
“Ya didn’t answer me. What yer doing?” He pointed to my products beautifully placed on the sink, while he hungrily chewed on his apple.
“I’m setting things up for my spa day”
“Spa day?”
“Yes, I always take one day of the week to have some quality me time in which I happily do my weekly spa routine” I smiled at him proudly
“So what exactly do ya do on this spa day?”
“Well it changes depending on the week I’ve had. Sometimes I do more, sometimes I do less, but today I’ll be deep exfoliating my body and face, put a detoxifying mask on my hair and face followed by a nourishing mask for my face, applying a moisturizing mask on my hair and a deep moisturizing lotion on my body. I also might do my nails, but I’m not sure yet”
When I didn’t get a response I looked up to Finn who’ve had mixture between shock and amusement on his face.
“What?” I asked
“Wow love,that’s...a lot! No wonder yer skin’s so fucking soft” He said in awe
“Well..I like doing that..is sort of a way to relax I guess” I was blushing in sort of an embarrassed way
“I don’t mean it like it’s a bad thing ya know?! How do ya know so much about those things?”
“I don’t know that much about it, I just like reading about it and testing products...Some people see it as a futile thing but, I like it you know?” I said slightly self conscious about the amount of time people judged me as a complete hollow, materialistic and futile person, just for my sincere love for cosmetics.
Finn stood up from the tub, where he was seated, made his way to me and placed his hands on my hips.
“Well, I don’t think it’s futile. I think that ya shouldn’t be embarrassed about tha things ya like, ya should be proud of it, love! Besides” He started to kiss down my neck “I love tha fact that I get ta enjoy tha end results” He roamed his hands upon my bare skin
“Finny...if you keep doing that, I’m not gonna be able to do anything” I sighed
“But I can’t help it! Yer skin is so soft, ya smell so good and I’ve missed ya so much” He pressed his hardening bulge against my ass “Tha only thing I had ta keep me company at night was yer t-shirt...It helped, but it’s not tha same...” He pressed me harder against him “I need ta give it back ta ya, since I’ve made such good use of it, it doesn’t even smells like ya anymore baby” He bites my ear lightly
“Finn....please babe” I tried to fight back the growing need of him
“C’mon love, just give me a few minutes huh?! I just need some loving” He started to dry hump his hard bulge against my ass
“Fuck” I moan “Fine, just a few minutes”
In the late afternoon
“Finally” I sighed softly to myself. As I was opening the package of my face mask I hear some terrible singing coming from the room next door. It sounds like a fucking dying animal..
“Oh God, please tell me this is a joke” I made my way to the room next door and entered, just to find Finn only on his briefs, with headphones on, singing terribly to the very loud music playing, doing some laundry.
“Finn?” I called, a minute passed with no response
“FINN?” Still silent, as he bounces his hips (or at least tries to) to the rhythm of the music. When I realize that my yelling is useless, I made my way towards him and took one headphone out.
“Hey love” he pecks my lips “What yer up to?”
“I’m trying to relax” I said slightly annoyed
“Oh, I can help ya with that” he smirked as he reached for my tank top. I slapped his hand away, before saying
“I don’t mean it like that, I mean I’m trying to do my spa day, and your awful deadly singing is not helping at all. I love you, but you’re so fucking tone deaf! It’s driving me crazy!”
He chuckled and said as he approached me
“I have another way ta make ya relax love..”
“Fergal! Don’t you think, we’ve fucked enough already? We’ve done it twice and you’ve only been in this house for six hours!” I backed away from him
“I can’t never get enough of ya lass. I don’t think we’ve fucked enough already, I want ta fuck ya all tha time.” He reaches his arms to me
“Fergal, don’t you dare”
“Come here Y/N, let me tell ya a secret” he smiles deviously
The fucker knew what effect he has on me every time he gets this raw and possessive.
“Finn, I’m serious”
“Don’t be like that Y/N, I just want ta tell ya something, come here”
“You can said it out loud, I’m listening”
“I told ya it’s a secret, nobody can hear it”
“It’s just us here Fergal”
“Still..” He ran towards me, I was caught off guard so I didn’t even had time to process his surprise attack until I was laying down on the floor and Finn on top of me, pining me down.
“Ferg, what are you doing? Let me go”
“Hmmmm, I’m not really in tha mood ta let ya go” His eyes sparkling with mischief
“Finn, please I got stuff to do” I tugged my wrists in an attempt to free myself from his grip
“You were tha one who came in here lass”
“Yes, because I thought there was a dying animal on this room, Jesus, you almost got me deaf with your rotten singing”
He only chuckled as he buried his face on my neck
“In a few minutes I bet ya there’s gonna be another type of screaming in this room”....
In the late evening
I had sadly gave up my spa day and was only filling up the tub so I could take a bath, it was the only thing I could do since I was exhausted thanks to Finn.
The bath salts smelled incredible so I strip off my remaining clothes (which consisted in basically my tank top and panties)
And hopped on the bathtub, I sighed in content, feeling my muscles start to loosen up and the relaxation finally hitting me. But that soon went down the drain when the bathroom door opened
“Hmmm smells nice in here”
I opened my eyes to see Finn at the foot of the bathtub *Please tell me I slept in the tub and drowned and this is my version of hell*
“So selfish Y/N” he clicked his tongue
“Ya didn’t even invited me?”
I had already accepted the fact that I wasn’t gonna have a time for myself as long as Finn is home so I just said
“Do you wanna come in?”
He just smiled like a little boy and took off his boxers. I leaned forward to give some space for him to hop on behind me, but he said
“I want ta be in tha front”
It was a rare occasion for Finn to want to be in front of me, but whenever he was far away for a long time he liked to be the little spoon, it was cute to see a man as strong as Finn wanting to be the one who’s comforted. I actually eager those moments when we would switch places and I was the one able to take care of him.
He sat on the tub in front of me, resting his back on my breasts, his head on my shoulder, pulled my legs on top of his so that his arms could rest on my thighs. One of my arms slides on top of his shoulder to cross his chest while my other arm was resting on the side of the tub stroking his short hair. As he hummed in appreciation.
“I like this love”
“Yeah, me too” I kissed his cheek lightly
After a few minutes of a comfortable silence he says
“Are ya mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because I ruined yer spa day?” He looked at me with guilty eyes
“Finny, you didn’t ruined baby, you just...happily convinced me of doing other activities instead” I chuckled softly
“I’m sorry love, is just that, I can’t help it ya know? I love ya so much and I missed ya so much that I just wanted ya all ta myself today”
“Oh Finny, that’s so sweet baby. You can have me whenever you want sunshine. I’m not complaining”
“So does that mean that I can have ya all fer myself tomorrow?” He stared at me pleading with those beautiful ocean blue eyes
“Of course baby, you can have me all day if you want, at least for as long as you’re home” I smiled
“Really? Everyday, all day long, without ya having ta work?”
“Yeah, I promise you”
“Good” He sighs in content
“How long are you staying home?”
“Two weeks love”
My eyes widened in shock “Two weeks?”
“Yeah, I managed ta get a few extra days off” He smirked and pecks my lips
I still looked at him in disbelief, I was ready for four days or something, now two weeks?
“Good thing ya work fer yourself, right love?” He hummed satisfied “Oh can ya wash my hair please? I love when ya do that”
I just nodded in agreement
He happily smiles “Thank you baby. I love ya” As he rested his head on my shoulder again and closed his eyes
How the hell was I supposed to fuck this Irish man four times a day for two weeks straight? Maybe I should Google that, right?...
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Summary: No one had really expected Ransom to never set foot back into the Thromby house just because Harlan had left it to you, right?
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x Black!reader
Warnings: smut, swearing, degradation, humiliation, oral (male receiving), dubcon, bondage, drugging, sex pollen
(A/N: Happy Halloween! Reblog, like, and comment. Most importantly enjoy.)
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Sure his Grandfather had left you all of that money. He may have loved you for your kindness or whatever the fuck he’d said. You were some little orphaned girl with no family to run to so no wonder you spent all your time with him. You were the perfect target. 
He could kind of see why the old man had been so fond of you. During the time you’d spent together while he was lying to your face the whole time about not knowing what happened, he actually kind of enjoyed your company. You had this sad girl charm to you that normally he found exhausting which is why he didn’t enjoy mixing social classes, but on you it was quite becoming.
The way your pretty brown eyes welled up with tears as you confessed to him what you’d thought to be true. The way you were trying to protect his grandfather’s wishes. The way you’d lied so easily for him to everyone to protect Harlan’s dying wish.
He liked seeing such a loyal bitch. He didn’t want to let that go to waste. Of course you were never going to trust him now. Not after he’d tried to stab you with what turned out to be a stupid plastic knife. Fuck as he thought about it, though, he kind of liked the feeling. Of pressing that into your beautiful brown skin.
Fuck you deserved it after stealing his family’s fortune from right under their nose. 
He knew this house like no one else. All of the little tricks. Just like Harlan. Unfortunately you did, too, but he didn’t care as he climbed through that secret window that you’d stupidly left open.
You were already sound asleep in your bed. Good. That mean the drug he’d slipped into your wine was already working. He wondered if the other one was working, too. You’d kicked the covers off and groaned as you turned over. 
That time was now as he touched your soft skin. If only his Uncle Walt could see him now. About to fuck a little brown skinned girl until she was full of his cum to guarantee his share of the fortune because she’d be too ashamed to not share with him.
You stirred a little as he tied you up. He’d cut off your panties with his knife before working on your tank top. God your tits looked so beautiful. He heard you gasp behind your gag before letting out a scream.
“Shhh, don’t panic, Baby.” He leaned on the floor in front of you. “Do as I say and I won’t fucking kill you.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you your eyes connected with his. You shook your head. “Nnnaha!” You tried to scream behind the cloth, but it was impossible. You tried to fight against your restraints, but again. 
“What the fuck,” he growled, grabbing onto your neck to force you to look at him, “did I just tell you?”
You sniffled and stopped trying to fight feeling the restraints growing tighter now as you nodded. You couldn’t understand why your body suddenly felt hot. Like a star had erupted and was engulfing you in it’s flames.
“That’s my girl.” He moved his knife along the swell of your breasts. He’d tied you up so you were spread wide open for him. Ready to take his dick whenever he finally decided to give it to you. 
Your eyes stayed trained on his knife as you waited for him to stick the blade into you like he’d wanted to do that day he’d been arrested for what he’d done to Fran. You sniffled again, feeling your tears dripping down your cheeks now.
“I won’t hurt you if you just behave for me, okay? Can you do that? Be a good girl for Daddy?”
You nodded reluctantly. The worst part about it was the way your cunt was reacting. Your pussy was begging for him to touch you. He could see your glistening cunt all dripping and wet. 
He bent down beside you to put his mouth on your nipple, biting into your flesh. You gasped as worked his tongue over the nub. He used a clamp over your other nipple.
“Heeee,” you begged because as much as you didn’t want to admit it, it felt so fucking good. He switched to the other one, smirking up at you as he bit into the other. 
“I always knew you were a horny little slut.” He squeezed your titty before smacking it. “Look at your dripping cunt.” His fingers went to your pussy as he set the knife onto the nightstand. “You know, with the right amount of money you can get anything,” he started. “Rope, a knife, nipple clamps. Sex pollen. You really should know better than to leave that window unlocked.” 
The bile raised up in your throat. He wished he could have snapped a picture of you in that moment. That look of disappointment in yourself. It was worth a million dollars. Fuck you were gorgeous.
“I’ve always thought about fucking this little cunt,” he said. “I should have done it when you’d first started working here.” He rubbed your clit even faster and as much as you hated it, your body was reacting. “And, this fucking ass.”
You shook your head, your body now wrecking with sobs as he violated you. Fuck why did it feel so good. It shouldn’t have felt so good. He was a fucking monster and you didn’t need him violating you like this.
“Been wanting to make you my little slut for a long time,” he whispered in your ear.
“Now, remember. If you bite me, that knife is slicing into one of your pretty little tits, okay?” He asked, pulling away your gag away from your mouth. 
You looked at him with those pathetic little eyes as you were right about to scream as he shoved his cock down your now open mouth, going so deep into your throat. 
“See what happens when you try to play games with me,” he said with a chuckle, moaning as he fucked your throat now. He groaned as spittle pooled out of your mouth as you gagged around him. “Promise to be a good little slut for me,” he said
You nodded. 
“No more screaming, right?”
You nodded again.
He didn’t stop fucking your mouth, though. Rocking his hips like he was fucking your pussy. You stuck your tongue all the way out almost like you were accepting your fate. Besides your body had been screaming for you to just let him do what he wanted. You needed the relief of him.
He reached down to play with your cunt again. Fuck you were dripping. It felt so damn good. His other hand grabbed onto your braids so he could help you. 
“Tell Daddy thank you for letting you suck my dick.” 
You nodded as he pulled you off of him. “Thank you for letting me suck your dick.” You took a deep breath before he could stick his dick into your mouth again. 
“Perfect,” he said. “Such a good little mouth.”
Your pussy was aching so much. You needed him to fuck you so bad. It felt like you would explode if he didn’t give you his cock. 
Finally he pulled you off of him. “Good girl. Not screaming or anything. I think you like it.”
You nodded again.
“Use your words.” He grabbed your chin, using his thumb to enter your mouth. Fuck you looked so pretty all needy and with spit drying on your face.
“I like it,” you replied. “I need it.”
“Good fucking slut.” He kissed you so roughly as he kept his hands on your cunt. He kissed down your body, nipping and sucking along your body until he could get to your pussy where he got back on his knees in front of you. 
He entered you so quickly. You cried out, wishing you could wrap your arms around his neck. Fuck he felt so damn good. Why was he so damn god big.
“Fuck me,” you cried. “Please. I need it, Daddy.”
“God, I always knew I could turn you into a little whore.” He wrapped one of his hands around your neck. 
“Please, don’t ever stop fucking me, Daddy. I love it.”
“Yeah?” He groaned. “You love Daddy’s dick?” 
You nodded. “It’s so fucking good. So big.”
“You’re taking me so damn good,” he said. “All your little holes belong to me, huh.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you replied.
“I want you to fucking say it.” He squeezed your neck a little harder, just enough to where it only made it all feel that much better.
“All my holes belong to you, Daddy,” you said. 
“Even your little asshole?” 
You nodded. “Especially my asshole,” you cried. “Can you untie me, please. I want you to fuck me from behind.”
“I don’t know, Baby, what if you run away?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I won’t,” you replied. “I promise.”
He leaned forward to undo one of the ties around your wrist before untying the other. Soon he flipped you onto your stomach so he could slam into you. You gasped, trying to work back against him.
“I want it harder,” you begged, putting your face into the pillows. “Please. More. Rougher. Fuck me dirty, Daddy.”
“Good fucking bitch,” he said. He did as she’d asked. Smacking her ass as he rubbed his thumb over her other hole.
The way you tightened around him as he watched your cum all juicy on his dick. “I’m gonna cum!” You gasped.
“Cum for me, Bitch. Cum for me.” He rubbed your clit furiously trying to bring it along as you exploded around him. It was like you were seeing stars.
He groaned as he flipped over onto his back. “You’re fucking insatiable you know that.” He pulled you into his arms.
You giggled kissing his face. “It’s your fault for giving me that drug or whatever.”
“I told you it was strong.” He chuckled.
You reached over to grab the knife he’d used at first, trailing it up and down his chest before pressing it into him.
He let out a soft hiss as it pricked his skin. “Ow.” He furrowed his brow as the blade disappeared into the casing.
You giggled. “Who would have thought we’d end up fucking like animals after you tried to stab me.”
“I find it pretty romantic.” He smiled lazily before kissing your forehead. “I love you, Sweetheart.”
“I love you, too.”
“I’m really glad that knife turned out to be plastic.” He closed his eyes getting all comfortable with you in his arms.
“Me, too.”
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sailtoafarawayland · 3 years
The Chicken Debacle
Summary:  There’s nothing Emma loves more than watching her husband work up a sweat, but being right certainly comes in a close second. In which a hot day, a flock of fowl, and a naughty Emma work together to make good use of some patio furniture. 
Rating: Explicit 
Tags: Humor, Pregnant Emma, Pregnant Sex  
Many thanks to all of my lovelies over on the discord - a truly inspiring bunch who prompted my muse to take what was a rather frustrating real life situation and turn it into something a bit more fun, and a bit more naughty.  
AO3 - FF
The Chicken Debacle
“You're not going to help?” Killian asked, eyebrows darting up in surprise as he swept his arm across the backyard, gesturing toward the small flock of chickens currently digging through the garden and flower beds.
Emma caught the edge of her bottom lip between her teeth, her cheeks warming as she bit back a smile.
“Nope, sorry, babe,” she shrugged, running her hands down the large swell of her stomach, “I probably shouldn't be chasing chickens seven months pregnant. Besides, I'm not the one who forgot to shut the latch on the gate.”
His eyes narrowing at her accusation, Killian looked as if he were about to argue, but finally sighed and started toward the closest chicken, the heavyset, yellow fowl bobbing her head suspiciously as he drew near, her feathers ruffling as she shook herself and pecked viciously at the ground – readying herself for a fight, Killian imagined.
“I'll keep you company though,” Emma called out, grabbing her iced tea and laying back on the lounger – smothering a laugh behind her hand as her husband leaped toward the chicken only to have it kick up a cloud of mulch in his face and dart between his legs, making for the nearest bush.
“I'm very grateful indeed,” her husband quipped as he turned and reevaluated the situation, casting his eyes around the yard to see if there was anything he could use to ensnare the unsuspecting birds. “Enjoying your iced tea, Swan?”
“Yup, delicious,” she purred, enjoying the way the hot sun was glancing off the sheen on his chest, the summer hot enough that even the smallest amount of activity outside was enough to make them both sweat. “Perfect for a hot day – oh, our little one just kicked!”
A look of genuine contentment washed over Emma's face as she rested her free hand on her belly, her hair falling to frame her cheeks as she whispered something he couldn't hear to the child growing within her – and just like that the frustration fell from his shoulders, replaced with a love so deep he wouldn't begrudge his beautiful wife anything, not even the opportunity to hold something as trivial as the chicken gate over his head, but...that didn't mean he couldn't make his Swan work up a sweat of her own while doing it.
Emma had just looked up from the gently undulating swell of her belly when she saw Killian standing in the middle of their yard, his fingers folded around the edge of his shirt as he lifted the hem up and over his body, his abs and pectorals flexing as he tossed it to the ground nearby, shoulders rolling as he stretched and eyed the closest chicken with a determination Emma recognized immediately– those poor birds were in for it.
She watched as he lunged forward, his sneakers shifting in the grass as he chased the chicken toward a corner of the fencing, just managing to snatch it by the leg before carefully folding its wings in and lowering her over the fence back into the run, the only sign of a bruised ego some few ruffled feathers.
He rounded on the next bird, a smaller one that Emma liked to call Cinnamon – although they were pretty sure she'd never laid, and were somewhat concerned she didn't seem to know she was a chicken at all, preferring to spend her time stubbornly following around the chipmunks and squirrels that frequented the yard. While she wasn't the smartest of the bunch, she was quick, and Emma had to bite back a chuckle as Killian stumbled more than once trying to get near her – eventually giving up and moving on to the larger fowl digging in the raspberries.
Emma enjoyed the cool slip of iced tea down her throat as she feasted on her husband – his skin glistening in the sun as he moved, each hard line and muscle calling out to be touched, stroked, lavished with the sweep of her tongue as she slid her palms over the ridged planes of his stomach, moving lower until she could curl her fingers around the waistband of his shorts and slowly peel them down, her nose parting the thatch of dark curls that surrounded his thick, glorious –
“Ha!” Killian let out a triumphant yell, drawing Emma's mind back to what he was doing, two rather disgruntled looking hens fidgeting in his arms as he hurried them back to the pen and plopped them over the fence.
Her eyes were locked on her husband as he paused to catch his breath, his biceps curling as he ran his hands through his inky mop of hair, a curtain of it falling once more over his face as he bent and tightened the laces on one of his shoes, giving her an eyeful of just how firm and perfect his ass was in those particular shorts – if her husband wasn't made in the image of the gods, then she wasn't sure there ever was such a thing.
The straw she'd been sucking on finally let out a loud gurgle as she drained the last of her drink, her cheeks flushed as Killian turned around and shot her a look that said he knew exactly what she was thinking, and indeed, as she shifted on the lounger, she could feel her desire slick and wet between her legs – but there was still one chicken left to catch – Cinnamon, and her pirate wasn't one to give up before the job was done. She set the glass down on the patio, her fingers brushing against the firm coil of the hose they used for watering the garden, and as she watched Killian sprint across the yard after the last, stubborn bird, she got a perfectly wicked idea.
He'd made a few passes around the yard, Cinnamon dodging into the raspberries when he rooted her out of the garden, but no matter how quick he was, she was faster, her beady eyes never leaving him as she pranced through the grass like a tiny, cheeky dinosaur, always just out of arm's reach. It wasn't until he paused mid yard to catch his breath that Emma struck, the hose already primed and ready as she pulled the trigger and let a spray of cool water douse him, his muscles tensing as he jumped out of range and spluttered, wiping the rivulets of clear water from his eyes, his hair plastered to his head.
“Oh, you'll pay for that, Swan,” he promised, stepping forward with a dark intensity that had her scooting back on the lounge chair, her hands raised in front of her to ward off any tickling he was likely make her suffer.
“You looked so hot,” she begged, her voice rising an octave as he drew closer, droplets spraying from his hair as he shook his head and graced her with a sinful smirk, “hot and thirsty...I just thought – ”
She was about to scream, her body already on edge at the mere thought that he might tickle her, but then he stopped, both of their heads swiveling to the garden shed where they could here the clamor of something knocking and a plaintive bock that sounded for all the world like it was coming from the bottom of a well.
“Well, your punishment will just have to wait, love – that's too good an opportunity to pass up,” Killian grinning, walking swiftly to the shed where Emma could just see the fluffy bottom of Cinnamon framed by two flapping wings, her head stuck in the open neck of an old water can.
Triumphantly, Killian picked up both the bird and the can, soothing her with quiet sounds as he coaxed her free and dropped her back into the pen with her sisters, her soft orange feathers looking only a little worse for the wear as she rejoined the flock with a confused warble.
Emma's heart thumped in her chest as her husband finally turned his attention back to her, no more chickens to distract him, and advanced across the yard, the ripple of his muscles as he moved making her core clench and her nipples harden beneath her tank top – fuck if she didn't always want him, and pregnancy hadn't done anything but make that need more sharp, more constant.
“Killian,” she pleaded, licking her lips as he strode toward her, that same determination she'd seen earlier now focused entirely on her. “You could have gotten heat stroke. It's got to be ninety – ”
She yelped as his large hands gripped the bottom of the lounge chair and pulled it closer, its wheels grating against the patio as she held on, her bare foot running along the side of her leg in anticipation.
“You were quite right, love – I was getting quite thirsty.” Letting go of the chair, he kept his blue gaze locked on hers as his palms traced the firm lines of her calves, pressing deliciously into her muscles and sliding up towards her thighs as he leaned closer, “and now that you've sated that need, I can focus on more important matters.”
“Oh?” she breathed, every other part of her brain shutting down as her body screamed for him to touch her, to  take her right there on the lounge chair, “and what would that be?”
“Well, a bit of hard labor always makes a man hungry, Swan,” he growled, his hands swiveling to press against the inside of her knees, her legs falling open on the lounger as he filled the space between them, his fingers deftly pulling the adjustment on the side of the chair and carefully lowering the head rest so she was nearly flat, her view of him suddenly blocked by the roundness of their child – it was the only thing she missed, being able to see him so sinfully enjoying himself between her legs.
“And I intend to enjoy every last bite of my dessert,” he finished, his fingers making her jump as they brushed against her inner thigh, pushing the light fabric of her shorts and panties to the side as he exposed her. “I knew you'd already be sopping wet for me, love...”
Emma whimpered as she felt the welcome press of his stubbled cheek against her leg, his breath hot against her damp folds for only an instant before the sensation was washed away by his tongue lightly dragging through her arousal, her back arching as he curled the tip of it around her clit, just barely nudging beneath its hood to tease the sensitive nerves within.  
“Oh my god,” she hissed, her fingers wrapping tightly around the edges of the lounger as she pushed forward, desperate to have his mouth sealed over her, sucking and licking and making her feel as if she could shatter with one flick of his tongue – knowing she would. “Killian, please...”
“Now be a good girl,” he whispered, pulling back as she writhed closer. “I intend to savor this, just as you savored watching me chase those bothersome fowl around the yard.”
“You shouldn't have forgotten to lock the door,” Emma whined – why she was arguing, she wasn't sure, after all, it wasn't talking she wanted his mouth occupied with.
“Ah, but I didn't let the chickens out this morning,” he chided, licking a stripe along her leg before returning to her drenched folds, teasing along the edges of them as he drank down her essence. “I was dropping Henry off at work, if you recall.”
“Oh!” Emma gasped as his tongue slipped into her, stroking another wave of wetness from her walls as his lips massaged her flesh – oh, that was right, she remembered it now, letting them out, dropping the lid to the feed bin on her foot and forgetting to latch the gate. “Oh my god....fuck...Killian, please...”
She could feel his grin against her as he pushed her legs wider, the top of his head bumping against her belly as he moved up. The flat of his tongue licked straight through her wetness and encircled her clit, his lips pursing as he sucked on her small, swollen nub, his scruff razing her thighs and countering the overwhelming roll of pleasure that was spiraling between her legs.    
“So delicious, Emma,” he moaned between her sharp gasps, leaving her only a moment's relief before he returned to making her crumble around him, alternating between sucking and laving her clit, his fingers reaching between them to slide into her tight sheath, her walls grasping and pulling as soon as he entered, eager to be filled. “I could feast on you like this all day...”
Something between a cry and a scream fell from her lips as she clutched the lounger, the pleasure building in her core spiraling and writhing and threatening to pull her apart as his rough fingers stroked her swollen walls, his tongue darting down to swallow every drop of arousal that was slipping from her, his breath fast and needy against her hot flesh – and then with a rough press of his fingers and soft flicks of his tongue, she was falling, tumbling, breaking apart around his mouth as her orgasm rolled through her like a storm.
She eased her hips up without realizing what was happening, Killian's strong hands caressing her flesh at the same time he slipped her shorts from her body, leaving her half clothed in their backyard, her mind still spinning from his incredible mouth, the sounds of the outdoors and the cars in the distance only just filtering back to her.
“That was...”
“I know,” he smirked, tossing her shorts to patio as he hooked his fingers into his own and drew them down over the impressive length of his cock, its swollen thickness bobbing against his stomach with urgency, “and now that I've eaten, I think we can move onto taking care of my other needs.”
“Killian,” she rasped, her words muffled against the material of the lounger as he gently lifted and guided her, turning her still reeling body over so that her hips were raised in the air, her sopping folds open and framed by her pale thighs as her face rested against the cushion.
“Yes, love,” he hummed, drawing a groan from her as he ran his cock through her folds, coating it in her arousal before slapping it cheekily against her bottom. “Is there something you wanted to say, perhaps?”
“I left the...accidentally...” she mumbled, coherent thought fleeing her as she felt the thick press of the head of his cock against her pleading center, her folds parting around its velvet roundness as he slowly entered her.
“What was that, darling?” His hardness slid unhurriedly into her, his strong hands holding her achingly in place as she sought that burning fullness that came when he was in her completely, but her walls pulsed longingly around just the tip of him, anticipating when they would be stretched to their limit.
“Fuck...Killian, please, need you in me...all of you,” she begged, wriggling against his grip as he grunted and gave her a few shallow thrusts, the swollen head of his cock so close to that sensitive, ribbed place inside of her that would scream with pleasure as he rolled over it.
“Aye, I know what you need, Swan, but you won't get it just yet...” He pulled out slowly, his fingers grasping her full bottom and squeezing as he watched his cock slip from her, only the flushed, glistening edges of her folds still brushing against his sensitive flesh. “Not until you admit what you did.”
“I forgot,” she hissed in a rush of air, pushing hard against his grasp, his nails almost certainly leaving red marks in her pale skin as she struggled to slide herself back onto his hard length, needing it like she needed to breath. “I left the gate open for the chickens to get – get out...”
“There we are, Swan,” he crooned, his grip easing as he swatted her on the bottom and leaned forward, a keening whimper falling from her mouth as he lodged himself completely within her, her nails dragging across the cushion as she rolled her hips to adjust to his girth. “Now was that so hard?”
She would have laughed if she didn't think she would cry from how amazing it felt to have him buried inside of her, every inch of her core throbbing around him and begging to be stroked by his beautiful cock.
“Very hard,” she breathed, squeezing his member inside of her and reveling in the deep groan it pulled from his chest, a mischievous smile twisting her lips.  “Are you mad at me?”
“Never, Emma,” he whispered, his words ghosting along her back as he leaned over her and placed a reverent kiss to her shoulder, his hand trailing along her body until it came to rest against her swollen stomach, drawing small circles against her taut skin. “There's nothing I love more than indulging the beautiful...” He thrust roughly into her, her cry of pleasure lodging between his ribs like the most exquisite knife as he withdrew “...forgetful...”      Another drive of his hips buried him in her once more, her body trembling as her walls clung desperately to his cock “...mother of my child...”
A wavering cry hung between them as he sunk deeply into her again, stilling for only a moment before his hips snapped back and he set the punishing pace she was craving, greedy, desperate pleas falling from her lips as he pistoned into her, his skin burning with a heat that roared from deep in his gut to blaze along every inch of his body.
Emma clung to the lounger as Killian filled her over and over again, his member caressing the most intimate parts of her and pulling from her noises she'd only ever shared with him, her panting breaths lost amid the slap of their skin meeting, the back of her thighs stinging from the scrape of his hair as he pounded into her, whispering things into the air that had her core throbbing with sinful pride.
It didn't take them long, the hot sun beating down against them as he roared over her, her upper body limp and clutching the cushion beneath her as he finally came, the vicious pulsing of his cock sending her over that beautiful horizon once more, her tight sheath squeezing him as he washed her insides with his release, their bodies shivering and trembling together as those last waves licked their skin – electric and burning and perfectly right.
His cheek was rough and hot against her back as his cock finally softened and slipped from her, pulling a last whimper from her lips as her wet flesh was left cool and exposed, everything throbbing pleasantly. His fingers traced soothing lines along her legs and sides, a soft chuckle reverberating against her back.
“Something funny, pirate?” she murmured, her back starting to ache even though she felt too boneless to move.
“It just occurred to me that I may very well find the chickens loose more often after this...lovely afternoon interlude.”
“I make no promises,” she quipped.  
“I've have always said you've a little bit of pirate in you, Swan,” he rumbled, pinching her bottom before gently rolling her to lay sideways on the lounger, his arms pulling her close to his chest.
“Well, more than a little,” she reminded him, drawing his calloused palm over her stomach, their not-so-little pirate rolling happily against them both as they soaked in the warmth of another lazy afternoon. Everything was bathed in that burnt, hazy afterglow that comes with summer, nearly tempting them to fall asleep – at least until something moving across her field of vision had Emma's eyes springing open, her mouth opening in surprise.
“Is that...Killian, did you check that the latch was actually shut after you put the chickens back in?”
Her husband's stubble scraped her skin as he peeked over her shoulder and watched the slow march of fowl making their way around the edge of the garden, scratching and pecking and looking far more recuperated from their last encounter than he currently felt.
“Bloody hell...”  
Tagging: @justanother-unluckysoul​ @kmom0f4 @the-darkdragonfly @teamhook @zaharadessert​ @xarandomdreamx @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @tiganasummertree​ @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @alexa-fangirl-forever @alifeofdreams @superchocovian @donteattheappleshook @hollyethecurious @caught-in-the-filter @snowbellewells @itsfabianadocarmo @stahlop 
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yaku-soba · 3 years
we’re planets in orbit, and i’m okay with this collision course
༶•┈┈ general m.list 
༶•┈┈ amanai kanoka x f!reader | pining, angst, eventual fluff
tags/warnings: swear words, best friends to one-sided sapphic pining to astronaut analogies to lovers, author brings back the space metaphors for another round of what is happening, lots of pining, the lyrics to space oddity 
word count: 3.2k
a/n: may i humbly suggest you listen to love you forever by takayan while reading this </3
synopsis: If Kanoka’s oxygen, and loving her is the vast expanse of space, you’re the astronaut setting herself adrift with a single oxygen tank and equally copious amounts of hope and resignation. 
Or: loving Kanoka will end in heartbreak. You might as well be greedy about how it happens. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
“Kanoka-chan!” The both of you look up from your lunchboxes to see your class president waving at your best friend. There’s an excited flush high on her cheeks, the same shade as the neck of the boy who’s hovering nervously outside your classroom. 
Ah, you think a little forlornly, as Kanoka shoots you an apologetic smile and a murmured promise of be back soon, trying not to look at the way her skirt sweeps the back of her thighs, just shy of the back of her knees. 
“Another one?” You hear someone say. 
“I wish she’d leave some for the rest of us,” another girl jokes, and you pick disinterestedly at the last of the tuna in your lunch.
Kanoka likes tuna. I’ll give it to her when she comes back, you tell yourself, as if you don’t already know how this will turn out. 
You wait five, ten minutes. She doesn’t come back. One of your friends - Aika - takes Kanoka’s seat in front of you, pushing her closed lunchbox to the side as she leans over the table to whisper in your ear that that was the captain of the baseball team, isn’t he just dreamy? 
“Yeah,” you say, because that’s what you’ve heard everyone else say, “didn’t they go to nationals last year?”
Predictably, Aika swoons. “He did,” she sighs, resting her chin in her hands, casting a longing glance at the closed door of your classroom, “it’s really too bad that Kanoka-chan’s going to turn him down.”
You hum, feigning interest. Your eyes drift to the wooden door too, and you can’t help but wonder where Kanoka’s taken him. Nonchalantly, you add, “Yeah, she’s hung up on her childhood crush, isn’t she?”
Aika wails into her palms. “A waste,” she mutters, “he’s not even in this school.”
Privately, you can’t help but agree. What a waste. 
A glance at the clock tells you it’s been fifteen minutes since Kanoka had left with the boy with the tan skin and the big hands and the sunshine smile. 
You eat the tuna. 
Kanoka slides back into class a sliver of a second before the bell that signals the end of lunch rings, smiling sheepishly. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
It’s lunch again, and this time, you’re on the roof. 
“What happened with Seiji-kun?” Kaori asks. 
Ah, the baseball captain. You try not to grimace. Seiji’s nice, after all - you used to sit next to him, in middle school. He’s sweet and kind and everything a girl who isn’t you would love in a boyfriend. 
Except you don’t want a boyfriend. You just want Kanoka.
Aika scoffs, digging somewhat vehemently into her bento. “She turned him down,” she eyes Kanoka the way a housecat eyes mice, “like every other guy who’s confessed.”
“Sorry, Aika-chan,” your best friend apologizes, embarrassed and sincere, and it grates uncomfortably on your nerves. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” the words are out of your mouth before you can think twice, “it’s totally up to you, you know, whoever you date. Or don’t.” You don’t look up from your lunch while you’re saying this, and belatedly, you hope that the edge to your voice is imagined, that you don’t sound as bitter as you feel. 
“It’s fine,” Kanoka is quick to reassure after a moment of painful silence, and all it does is make you feel worse. Stop apologizing, you want to tell her, it makes me want to kiss you to shut you up. 
“No,” Aika says, “Y/n’s right.” She sighs, and a pair of chopsticks come into view, dropping a cherry tomato in your lunchbox. “I was just hungry for gossip.” There’s a hint of playfulness in her tone, and you can’t help but feel relieved, even as it sears disgust deep in your stomach. 
(You’re always so selfish.)
Kaori laughs. “I guess it’s good for his ego to be turned down every once in a while,” she giggles, and the last of the tension is broken. “Besides, all Kanoka needs is us, right?”
“Of course,” Kanoka replies, smiling that smile of hers - the one that makes your fingers go weak till you can’t pop the lid off a can, the one that you’ve had a crush on since middle school - and it’s what you wanted but not enough and it hurts so damn much. 
All you’ve ever wanted is Kanoka.
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
The next time another boy calls Kanoka out of class - because of course someone does - you’ve got tuna in your lunchbox again. 
Aika and Kaori plop onto the seats next to and in front of you, throwing around names and giggling the way they always do when there’s a confession. 
“Kanoka-chan’s really popular, isn’t she,” Aika says enviously, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Kaori reach over to pat her on the shoulder. 
“A real heartbreaker,” she agrees, and you’re foolish enough to hope that that’s the end of that. You try not to stare back when they turn to you expectantly, cautiously picking up an egg roll, feeling like a rat before a snake, deer before a lioness. Maybe if you move slowly and carefully enough, they’ll lose interest. 
No such luck. “Though she’s nothing like Y/n-chan,” Aika says, “at least Kanoka-chan’s nice about her rejections.”
You frown. “I’m nice about it too,” you mumble defensively, fending off Kaori’s chopsticks when they attempt to sneak away an eggroll. 
“Sorry,” Aika intones flatly, “I’m not interested.” Kaori breaks into laughter at her impression, and you scowl into your bento. 
“You’re insufferable,” you complain, depositing your tuna into Aika’s lunchbox anyway.
“Is that what you said to Hirata-kun from 2-8 last week?” Kaori asks sweetly, and you stick your tongue out at her in retaliation. 
Aika sighs, flopping back in her seat dramatically. “Really, the two of you could have any guy you wanted. Your popularity is wasted on you.”
You force a smile on your face. I never said I wanted a guy, you want to say, all I’ve ever wanted is Kanoka. “It’s not my fault I’m good at everything,” you tease, “maybe if you’d pair up with Kanoka and I more often in gym, you’d learn to keep up.”
“But the two of you are always so intense,” Kaori whines, “everything’s a competition with you two.” 
“I hate you,” Aika adds, but there’s no real heat behind it. “You get everything -  didn’t you weasel your way out of detention just yesterday?”
Chewing on the last of your lunch, you look up just in time to see Kanoka sliding the door to your class open. “Fujimura-sensei has a soft spot for me,” you say in explanation. 
And isn’t that the truth - the whole, terrible, painful truth. You’re decent with your grades and competitive in gym; and everything that everyone else had wanted, like popularity and confessions from the guys in the sports clubs, you’ve gotten. 
Of course it's fitting that the one thing you really want, the one person you’ve every wanted a confession from, is the one you absolutely can’t, will never have.
All you’ve ever wanted is Kanoka. It makes sense that she’s the only thing you’ll never have. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
There is no way that this will end in anything less than heartbreak. You've always known this, since that precise moment in middle school when you’d realized that other girls don’t always want to run their hands down the sides of their other girl friends, don’t stay awake at night wondering what their lips feel like, the way you do when you think of Kanoka.
And you think of Kanoka a lot.
It’s not just about the way her hair shines beneath the sunlight streaming in from the classroom windows, or the way her face glows from the inside out like a miniature sun when she smiles, or that one week in your first year of high school when she’d hit a sudden growth spurt and the school skirts a size bigger than her old ones were out of stock. 
It’s about the way she likes to chew with all her food on one side of her mouth, like a hamster. It’s the way she looks on the court, focused and hungry for the victory you’re always sure she’d get. It’s the way she says your name, all soft and excited, the way your hands brush on the walk home like two planets on a collision course, the way you think you could hear her talk in a language you don’t understand and never get bored. 
You could look at her forever and still find yourself breathless, like an astronaut floating in space with an empty oxygen tank. And, well, isn’t that just terrible?
There’s a movie you’d watched once, with Kanoka warm along your entire left side as you’d cuddled on her couch, like a furnace, like phantom warmth the seconds before eternal sleep in the midst of a blizzard. The astronaut had been trapped on a ship without fuel, the oxygen levels low. And maybe it didn’t matter whether he’d stayed on the ship or floated out into space with the single oxygen tank left - he’d die anyway, and he knew it. In the end, he’d chosen to die out in space, looking at the world he’d died to see, and it hadn’t been sad so much as it had been admirable. 
Kanoka makes you feel like that astronaut must have felt, in those final few seconds. 
You have a crush on your best friend, and she’s in love with someone else. There’s no way this will end in anything less than heartbreak, but really, all you are is a satellite in orbit around Kanoka, and even though you know that you’ve set yourself up on a collision course, you don’t think you’re able to pull away.
You’re going to have your heart broken either way, you remember realizing as Kanoka falls asleep on your shoulder and the credits roll - you might as well be greedy about the way it happens. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
When Kanoka calls you at night, while she’s away for the Spring High tournament, it’s about that childhood crush of hers from elementary school. 
“Tanaka-kun likes someone else,” is the first thing she says when you pick up, and even with the crackling static you can tell that she’s on the verge of tears. “I was so stupid,” your best friend says, and you really, really, want to say me too, that makes two of us, “it’s been years, I should be happy he even remembers me.”
You let her sniffle into the phone for a while. Sometimes she just needs to get it out of her system, and you’ve known her for long enough now to know that this is one of those times. 
“You know,” you say once the frequency of the sniffling decreases, and you have a sudden, disjointed thought that this feels a little like that one english song - Ground Control to Major Tom; can you hear me, Major Tom? “Kanoka-chan, didn’t you go to nationals for something else?” 
Maybe it’s the wrong thing to say. But you’ve never been one to baby others. 
“Yeah,” Kanoka says into the receiver after a moment, and her voice sounds a lot steadier now, less like she’s floating in space, “I went to win.”
You hum into the phone, and lying on the bed on your back like this, you can kind of see the stars in the night sky if you crane your neck to peer out the window by your bed. 
You end the call a while after that. She’s got a match tomorrow, after all, and she needs her sleep. 
You let your phone loll out of your hand and onto the sheets. Fumbling blindly, you manage to lift the blinds up a little further. 
The stars look very different today, for here am I sitting in a tin can far above the world, you mouth the lyrics, and something in you aches to the beat of the dial at the end of a call, planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do.
You watch Kanoka play on live television the next day. She’s amazing, as she always is, and you wish you were there in the stands. 
Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still, and I think my spaceship knows which way to go. 
You and Kanoka have always been planets in orbit, and you’ve convinced yourself that you’re okay with the collision course you’re on. 
It’s not, you and Kanoka have always been planets in orbit, but you’ve convinced yourself that you’re okay with the collision course you’re on. It’s and, and that makes all the difference. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
“Remember that movie we watched in middle school? About the astronaut with no oxygen?” The question slips out of your mouth before you can think twice. You have an odd sense of deja vu. 
Kanoka hums, chewing her tuna onigiri thoughtfully. You indulge yourself by allowing your eyes to trace the slope of her neck and the line of her jaw, outlined by the fading orange of the sunset. “Yeah,” she says after a moment, “it was really sad.”
Yeah, it’s sad. What’s sadder is that it’s happening to you on a daily basis. 
Instead, you say, “I was thinking of doing my art assignment on that,” and you really don’t know why you’d even brought this up in the first place. 
“That’s so cool,” Kanoka tells you earnestly, and you fight the urge to brush off the grain of rice stuck on her chin. Looking is fine, looking is all you’ll allow yourself. “Though I still don’t really understand why he’d choose to drift into space. Wouldn’t he have lived longer if he’d waited in the ship?”
You try not to smile to bitterly as you answer, “I guess he figured that if he was going to die either way, looking into space the way he’d wanted to was a pretty good way to go.” 
Kanoka frowns. “He could have done that from inside the ship,” she argues, and you really, really, should not feel this defensive. 
“It’s different,” you insist, and your chest aches the way it had when you’d nearly drowned in the pool in elementary school, all out of oxygen, “kind of like go big or go home, you know?”
You can tell she doesn’t know. But you do, and it hurts. 
“Still, maybe someone would have come if he’d stayed in the ship.”
“Yeah, maybe,” you accede, “but then he wouldn’t have had such a pretty view when he’d died. Because he was going to die anyway - no ship would have gotten there that fast.” You don’t know why you’re still on this topic, why you’d brought this up in the first place. It’s like you’re masochistic or something. 
“You don’t know that for sure,” your best friend says softly, an expression that feels oddly familiar and yet entirely alien on her face, and suddenly you feel like you’ve missed something, stumbled unknowingly into a whole other conversation. 
“But I do,” you say carefully, realizing belatedly that sometime in the past five minutes, you’ve both slowed to a stop. The streets are empty except for you and the best friend you have a crush for. 
(You’re not in love with Kanoka. You can’t be in love with someone who doesn’t love you back. It’s a childish distinction to make, like between and and but, but it’s the only thing standing between you and the cold, oxygen-less expanse of space, and despite all your bravado you never really expected the collision to be this soon.)
Kanoka reaches out hesitantly to touch your hand, brings it up so that your fingers are as hopelessly intertwined as the hope and resignation you’ve carried since middle school. Her onigiri is gone. You wonder if it had taken the surrounding oxygen with it. 
“Y/n,” she says nervously, and you hate yourself for hoping. You wonder when the last time she’d said your name without honorifics was.
You realize that this is the first time. 
“Y/n,” your best friend repeats, tongue darting out to wet her lips, and it’s such a small, miniscule action - you would have missed it if you weren’t so horribly fixated on everything Kanoka - but it draws your eyes to her lips, and once it happens, you can’t look away. Caught in orbit. 
And you’re so, so tired. Astronauts have to go through rigorous training to prepare them for space, but you’ve never had that. All you’ve had is a best friend who is as kind as she is tall and as pretty as she is loving.
And fuck it, you think a little hysterically, you’ve liked her for so long, and maybe this will mess your entire friendship up but you’ve liked her for so long, and maybe it will do you good to hear her rejection for what it is. Maybe it’d give you the closure you need to move on, and smile the next time a boy calls her out of class to give her snacks or a volleyball or a letter. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
(Maybe she would feel the same. 
Maybe you could be in love with-)
When it looks like Kanoka isn’t going to say anything else, you do, before you lose your nerve and your mind with it. Maybe you’ve already lost it. All you are is a collection of maybe-s, now.
“Kanoka,” you yank your gaze from her lips to her eyes, large, and the love in your chest swells and swells like a supernova, “I like you. I really, really like you, and it’s terrible, and I’m-” You choke a little, “I’m sorry. I wish we wouldn’t change.”
There’s a horrible, horrible, moment when you feel like the astronaut must have felt as he let go of the cord to the ship, as he set himself adrift in the vast coffin of space. Then-
“Y/n,” and her hands are tender around yours, her skin soft like the bruised fruit of your heart, “what if we could?” 
“What?” You’re lost, you’re drifting, and your lungs aren’t getting the oxygen they need. 
“We could change,” your best friend says patiently, and you let yourself pretend that the red on her cheeks is a blush and not the shade of the waning sun, “because I like you too.”
Your oxygen tank runs dry. It rattles the way your heart shudders in the age of your chest, a tin can. 
“Oh,” you say, and then you take a breath. “Oh,” you say again, in a tone of realization this time, and then you’re moving closer and Kanoka is too, until your noses brush like satellites and your lips meet like planets. Collision.
When you finally part for more than a few brief seconds for air, you smile. “I was always okay with this collision course,” you say into the crook of Kanoka’s neck. 
“What?” You feel her try to pull away in confusion, and you allow her to, just to pull her back to you with a hand on her collar. You smile into her lips, “Nothing. Just thinking about magnetism.”
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
a/n: one day i will stop self-inserting myself into my wlw fics. today is not that day.
do lmk what you thought abt this :”) i feel kinda rusty hhh but also i am on a self-imposed quest to spread wlw angst fics <33
taglist: feel free to drop me a dm/ask to be added!
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