#best seafood california
bagopucks · 7 months
J. Drysdale - Blind Dating
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Jamie Drysdale x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warning(s): alcohol consumption.
The end is pretty fast paced but I’m considering making a part two if enough people like this!
This had to be a joke.
I tapped my foot impatiently against the floor beneath the table. Watching the man across from me fidget with his menu, peeking over it occasionally with a wide grin to ask some sort of question. Was he five? His hair was parted down the middle, looking as if it was still drying from a shower. He had wide blue eyes.. doe eyes, warm and welcoming compared to my scowl. He was handsome, but I couldn’t get past his behavior.
“What do you think you’re gonna get?” His voice was soft, but curious. I wanted to reply with, ‘whatever I can finish the quickest to get out of here,’ but I held my tongue. “The shrimp Alfredo looks really good.. I’m just afraid it won’t taste the same.” I would admit he was mostly talking to himself. I wasn’t being very open. But his statement piqued my interest.
“The same as what?”
“I used to live in California, right next to the beach. All of the seafood was so fresh.” I watched his broad shoulders rise and fall in a shrug.
“That’s nice.” I looked down at the glass of water I held between my hands. This man was not very impressive. Nor did he seem overly confident. Or confident at all.
Could he sense my distaste?
“You can get something other than water.. I don’t want you to feel like you need to save my money.” His words brought a good reminder as to why I hadn’t walked out already. He was covering the whole meal.
“Thanks, but I’m avoiding much else at the moment.” I spoke, watching his big blue eyes look back up from the menu.
The fact that the man had been late was probably the driving factor that made me not want to give him a chance. I was never one to take to people who had a bad internal clock.
“So.. what do you do for a job?”
“I’m a journalist.” I answered his question briefly, my eyes wandering toward the window by our table.
“Nice! You must be pretty smart then.” An awkward chuckle fell from his lips. “I’d say I was okay in school.. but I never went to college. Just wasn’t my thing.”
“It’s not for everybody.” I shrugged, watching cars pull into the lot of the restaurant.
“Is this the first time you’ve done the whole.. blind dating thing?”
“Oh.. this is my first time. I gotta admit I’m pretty nervous.”
“You don’t say,” the sarcastic phrase slipped ruthlessly from my lips. My gaze returned to the man to assess the damage, a momentary empathy filling my gaze. He simply chuckled again.
“I know.. my best friend always says I’m easy to read.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized softly, leaning back in my seat.
“It’s okay.. I get it. I can imagine I’m the last person you expected to show up..” his voice trailed off into silence before he shrugged once more. “You are very pretty.”
Finally. A compliment. I smiled. He seemed to loosen up slightly at the sight. I had been raised on the ideal of returning a compliment with a compliment, so I indulged his words kindly.
“Thank you, Jamie. I’ll admit you have beautiful eyes.” I watched his cheeks flush, my disinterest morphing quickly into a twinge of attraction. He was cute when he blushed.
“Thanks..” he whispered before his head seemed to duck behind the wall that was his menu again. What was once annoying slowly turned into amusing. Maybe I could cut him some slack. “Do you have any idea what you want?” He asked once more.
“I really love clams.” I glanced down at my own menu, at the item I had picked out the moment we entered the building. This was one of my favorite restaurants.
“Ew,” I heard Jamie mumble from the safety of his side of the table. My brow furrowed.
“You don’t like clams?” I leaned forward.
“Never had them.”
“Then how can you hate them?” I quickly reached out to pull his menu down, catching Jamie off guard. He immediately sat up. For the first time since he sat down, he was exposed, having to sit with no barrier between us. I refused to believe someone as beautiful as him had confidence issues.
“They look gross.” Jamie reasoned with a nervous grin.
“You’re trying one.” I demanded, smirking and folding my arms across my chest.
“Absolutely not.” I drew in a breath to insist before our conversation was cut short. Our waitress waltzed by with a grin, pulling a notepad from her apron as she greeted us kindly, informing us of the specials and the house alcohols.
“What can I get you two?” She glanced between the two of us, and Jamie’s eyes settled on me as a silent signal to go first.
“Can I get the garlic butter clams with a side of fries?” The woman nodded kindly and jotted down the order before turning to Jamie, who happily requested his own meal.
“Shrimp Alfredo and a side salad with Italian dressing?”
“Anything else for the two of you?”
“Can we get a bottle of wine?” I asked swiftly, “not too expensive, but whatever you think is best.” I had told Jamie I didn’t need anything other than water, but he certainly needed to loosen up. Wine was always a good way to take the edge off.
“Of course. I’ll be right back with that!” The waitress gathered our menus and swiftly turned to leave. My eyes settled on Jamie.
“I hope you don’t mind,” I spoke.
“I don’t mind at all.” He smiled, “as long as you share.” Though it wasn’t the best of jokes, his attempt still made me chuckle.
“Why are you so nervous, Jamie?” I folded my arms atop of one another on the table, leaning forward against them,
“Oh god… where to start?” He laughed at himself, reaching upwards to brush his hair back. “Well first of all I was late… which really wasn’t my fault, and I’m sorry. I had to- stay over time at my job. Then I had to run home and grab a shower real quick. It threw off my whole plan. Then I came here and find you sitting all alone- and I just felt bad. But you look- like.. amazing. I feel like I could have dressed a little nicer. And you’re kinda intimidating. When I lived in California I usually had a wingman, now I’m flying solo.. it’s kinda scary. Not to mention I’m new to this whole area. I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to go on a date so soon,” he seemed amused by his own misfortunes. A nice refreshing attitude to the usual of people whining and complaining. He drew in a deep breath only to sigh. “It’s been a long day, and I really didn’t want to mess this up. I still don’t.” It was the only explanation I needed. The judgement was lifted from my shoulders fairly quickly.
“It’s okay.. you haven’t messed anything up yet.” Less than minutes ago I would have had a different response. “Hopefully this wine’ll take the edge off too, yeah?” I watched Jamie’s anxieties melt away, nodding with a wide grin.
“Yeah.. that would be amazing.”
And it certainly was. The minute the wine came Jamie and I dove in. We opened up far more, and I learned a lot about the man in front of myself. He told jokes, he spoke about what he loved and what he was passionate about, and he asked a million questions about me. When our food came the conversation slowed but it didn’t stop. I was taken with his smile, his glow, his tentativeness. And just like he promised, when we finished eating, he paid for everything. I hadn’t planned on spending any more time than necessary with the man, at least not at first. But I’d admit the turn of events made me sad to think of the fact that I’d have to say goodbye. Or would I?
“I had an amazing night,” Jamie spoke as he stood from his chair, grabbing his coat off the back of it.
“I did too.. but it’s not over yet.” I watched his brow rise in surprise as I stood too. “We have one more stop.” I walked around the table and reached for him. Jamie had no problem with letting me take hid hand. We walked side by side out of the restaurant, and he made sure to hold the door for me. “We should get an Uber,” I suggested, reaching for my phone. Though Jamie was quick to argue.
“No, they take too long. I’ll call a friend.” We sat down beside one another on the bench outside of the building. I leaned into Jamie’s side for warmth, and he was swift to wrap his arm around me while he dialed a number on his phone.
I tuned out the conversation as I watched cars drive in and out of the lot. I relished in Jamie’s warmth, though I also told myself I was crazy for giving in to him so easily. I usually wasn’t into men like him. But he was certainly an exception.
“My friend said he’ll be over in five minutes.” I nodded as Jamie spoke.
“That’s pretty fast.”
“He’s really supportive.” Jamie laughed softly. “Where are we headed?”
“Cant say.”
“As long as you don’t axe murder me.” I rolled my eyes and laughed at the brunette’s words.
“You’re safe with me, Jamie.”
“That’s good.” I looked up at him, only to find him staring back. His blue eyes held questions I couldn’t decipher.
“What?” I finally asked, breaking the silence and recognizing the closeness.
“Nothing,” he whispered. “Nothing at all.” I smiled at his words. “You’re very pretty.” My heart fluttered and I looked away.
“Jamie,” I scolded, not wanting to be flustered.
“I’m serious,” he insisted with a giggle. I felt a cold hand touch the side of my neck as he moved my hair. I shivered. “Your beauty is more intimidating than your scowl.” He teased, causing my head to whip back in his direction. I swatted the man’s chest, laughing along with him as he found humor in his own joke.
“You’re mean,” I pouted.
“Please tell me where we’re going.” I laughed, watching his baby blues adopt a puppy dog stare.
“No way. Quit asking.” I pushed myself away from him, only to have him snatch my arm and pull me right back. I laughed, standing to try and get away before he followed suit. Jamie scooped me up into his arms, holding my back against his chest. All I could focus on was his beautiful laughter.
“Please-“ the honk of a horn cut him off. We both looked to see a bright red truck pulling up to the entrance of the building. “Oh wow.. that was fast,” Jamie mumbled before releasing me. He walked to the edge of the sidewalk and opened the back door of the truck. “Ladies first.” He held my hand as I stepped up into the vehicle, and Jamie was quick to follow suit.
“Seems like this date’s going well.” The man in the front seat turned to look at us. “Where are we headed?” I stood up and leaned over the middle console to speak with the man. We eventually settled on typing the address of the location into his phone before I fell back into my seat. The man let out a long whistle that I could tell intrigued Jamie. “Seems like this date is going really well.” The man teased.
“Where are you taking me?” Jamie insisted on asking. I ignored his question, and each one that followed for the entirety of the ride. His focus shifted from myself to the scenery out the window when he noticed we were leaving the city. It wasn’t a long drive, but it was far enough out of the suburbs to be intriguing. We crossed a few bridges, and found ourselves in the midst of a riverside neighborhood before Jamie started to put two and two together. The calm, ‘you have arrived’ of the GPS caused him to look back at me.
“Is this your house?”
“Surprise?” I pushed the car door open and slipped out. “Join me.” It wasn’t a demand. More so a request. Jamie had no issue saying yes. He followed me out of the car.
“Be safe!” The man in the truck called.
“Thanks Ty!” Jamie waved as his friend left, and I was quick to begin rummaging through my clutch for my house keys.
“You live on the river?”
“Wait ‘till you see my back deck.” I guided him to the front door, opening the glass door and unlocking the deadbolt of the actual door. I stepped inside and kicked my flats off as Jamie followed, toeing off his dress shoes. My home was a patchwork of decor. My walls were lined with a fresh yet old looking floral wallpaper, I had China cabinets full of old glassware my grandparents had passed down to me. Somewhere I had knitted quilts and a shelf full of inherited thymbols. The scent of fresh flowers was the leading smell in the home, and Jamie was quick to find the source of that scent as I closed the door. I turned to find him sniffing the pot full of dahlias seated on a stand by the window next to the door.
Why had I never been into men like this before? Whatever uncertainties I had about bringing him home slowly melted away.
“Want anything to drink?” I asked softly, catching his attention.
“What do you have?”
“Fresh iced tea, pop, water.”
“Tea would be nice.” Jamie followed me into the kitchen, taking in the decor as I poured two glasses of tea. When I was done I led him out of the kitchen and into the dining room, giving him his cup. I walked past the table, opening the sliding glass doors to the back deck that stretched out over the riverbank. The fairy lights strung on the roof of the deck glowed in a comforting way. I opened the window next to the glass door where my record player sat.
“You have a beautiful home,” Jamie spoke softly while I searched for a record. I found one and set it up to play before turning the device on.
“Thank you. I don’t like too many modern things.” I stepped outside with Jamie, and sat down on the swing at the edge of the deck. Jamie sat with me.
“Is there a reason you brought me here?”
“It’s private. Intimate.” I shrugged, eyes settling on the river.
“You trust me?”
“Asks the man who hid behind his menu when he sat down. I’d say there isn’t much to be cautious of.” I teased, laughing softly. I turned to face him, draping my legs over his own and leaning my back against one of the arm rests of the swing. “I don’t like to bring men home.” I admitted before taking a sip of my tea. “But that’s because many of them aren’t like you.”
“You’re more than welcome to stay the night.” I peeked at him, watching his lips turn upwards into a smile. “I’d hate to make your friend drive back out here this evening.”
“That’s the only reason?” Jamie asked teasingly, resting his free hand on my shin. I laughed.
“Maybe I have more.. but they’re secrets.” I shrugged. “Let’s just say it was a good first date.”
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gurugirl · 1 year
Mint Chocolate Chip | Check-in 9*
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Summary: Based on this ask. You and Harry take a much needed vacation.
A/N: Enjoy this smutty fun beach vaca featuring a bit of jealousrry. 6k words (went a little overboard).
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, this is kidnapper!harry x reader and so this might not be your thing, smut, possessiveness and jealousy, punishment, and plenty of fluff.
Mint Chocolate Chip Masterlist
Harry had gotten spooked pretty badly when you were recognized at the restaurant and then when you both saw your face on the news on your birthday. He knew you would just tell anyone who questioned you that you were with him willingly. But that didn’t make him feel a whole lot better about it. He didn’t like the questions or the prying. You two had been in your little bubble in his house for long enough that you’d both gotten used to the way things were.
But he couldn’t keep you trapped inside forever.
Well, actually he could if he wanted. He had all the means to do it and he had your complicity. Your loyalty.
And in many ways that all appealed to him. Locking you inside and never letting you out again after that disaster of a dinner outing and knowing your face had been on the news and people were looking for you.
Making you happy, though, was also important to him. You’d proven your devotion to him. You weren’t going anywhere. You had many chances to break free and run away during the random days when he was not in the house for hours at a time. You were allowed in the backyard and could even simply unlock the front door and walk away. But you were always there waiting for him when he returned.
Which was why he wanted to show you his gratitude.
It was time to take you on a vacation. To a place somewhere you could both be out in the open and where no one would recognize you.
He’d researched places and vacation types. States with pretty mountains and cabin retreats. Beaches in California and Florida.
“What do you like better? Going to the beach? Or like a big city? Mountains?”
You looked up from the book you were reading. You had her legs draped over Harry’s thighs as you rested on the couch after dinner. He had been intently looking at something on his phone.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean for vacation. You and me. I was thinking we could go somewhere for a week. What do you like best for a vacation?” Harry reworded.
You put your book down and slid your legs off Harry, sitting up straight as youx` faced him, “You want to take me on a vacation?”
“Of course, I do. Think it would be good for us both.”
The idea of going on a vacation with Harry worried you a little. You definitely would have enjoyed laying on a beach somewhere with him and eating seafood under a palapa but you were worried about being spotted. About Harry getting upset or nervous. Honestly, you worried more about him than you did yourself, which was crazy when you thought about that with a rational mind.
“Um… I would love to go to a beach. See the ocean. But how can we do that?”
Harry knew you couldn’t fly anywhere. He was certain the moment you got to the airport and checked in your name would be flagged in the system and the police would be called. He considered getting you a fake ID and passport but the vacation idea had been spontaneous and he didn’t have that much time to put something together like that.
“We’d take a road trip. Rent a small beach house or something.”
“A road trip. To a beach somewhere. Okay. I like the sound of that.”
.           .           .
Between you and Harry, you both found a beautiful small beach in Northern California and picked a one-bedroom beach house on Airbnb, not right on the beach, but across the street and up a path. It was an eight-hour drive away, but it would be fun, and you two planned on stopping at the small diners and antique shops along the way.
You had it all mapped out. The spots you’d stop at if you had time, the route that took you to a mom-and-pop hamburger spot that had glowing reviews, a nearby small-town museum you could pop into, and a lake with hiking trails to stretch your legs.
When you arrived in Cloverdale the first stop was the hamburger dive. It was cute. You both stretched as you climbed out of the vehicle and Harry looked so… young… unbothered. You hadn’t seen him look like this ever. Perhaps it was the fact that he could be out with you and not have to worry at all. That he wasn’t keeping you in his house as his captive. It was as if something had been lifted. He’d been unburdened.
You slid your hand into his and stood on your tiptoes to kiss his chin, “I’m hungry. How about you?”
The burgers were good but the tater tots were the star of the meal. Both you and Harry agreed. You got a vanilla milkshake with strawberry topping stirred in and Harry got an iced coffee.
You skipped the museum but decided on a quick peek at the park with the lake and the trails.
It felt nice to be on your feet and walking around outside. The town was beautiful and the little park hidden at the center was cute and maybe even nicer than the photos you’d seen online.
The last few hours to the beach house were peaceful. The traffic was nearly nonexistent. You could feel the last bits of stress and anxiety fall away and Harry’s sudden demeanor lightened even more.
The house was cute. It was in a small neighborhood with a handful of other small houses. A trail at the end of the road led you down to the beach and the ocean could be seen from the living room window.
But before you could really get into vacation mode it was necessary to get some groceries. The house had all the basics already. Coffee, salt, oil, water, and even a bottle of wine from one of the nearby vineyards, courtesy of the host.
The small shop up the road had everything you needed. You perused the wines while Harry loaded the basket with food you two might want during your week. You’d planned on going out to eat as well, but much of your time would be spent lounging on the beach and sleeping in, according to Harry.
“That’s my favorite one. It’s a good price too,” you heard a voice from behind you as you were looking down at a bottle of a red blend. You turned to find a young man looking over your shoulder.
You lifted the bottle up, “Really? Well, then I guess I’ll add this to the basket,” you said with a smile as you placed it in your small cart.
“Lots of good wineries around here. We’re pretty proud of the grapes that come from this area. You new here or just passing through?”
“Oh, just sort of passing through. Staying for a week just a few blocks away. Small beach vacation.”
“Interesting. Not many people choose this town for a beach vacation. What made you choose it?”
“Um… well it just seemed so quant and nice. Plus all the vineyards nearby and trails.”
“You’ll be around for a week? Where are you staying?”
You shot your gaze toward Harry who was already looking at you from the other side of the small shop with an unreadable expression, “Yeah. A week. Just got in today. And, uh, me and my boyfriend are staying not too far from here. Rented an Airbnb close to the beach.”
The young man’s brows raised, “Ahh… I wasn’t sure if he was a boyfriend or uncle…” he laughed quietly. You frowned.
Harry was a bit older than you but you didn’t imagine he looked like an uncle. And you were already losing your patience with the guy. He hadn’t done anything wrong but you weren’t used to small talk with strangers anymore. The guy was grating.
Suddenly Harry’s warm hand was on your shoulder as he pulled you into himself. His other arm reached around your frame and held it out to the young man, “I’m Harry, this is my girlfriend, Y/n. You are?”
The guy grinned and reached out to grasp Harry’s hand in a shake that seemed far too aggressive and you weren’t sure if the jostle of the shake came from Harry’s end or the other’s.
“Chris. Nice to meet you both,” his hand fell back down to his side as Harry brought his other palm up to your arm, holding you a bit possessively, “I was just sharing with Y/n here about the great wineries we’ve got nearby. Some of the best wine in the world comes from this region.”
“Is that so? We’ll be sure to enjoy some of the best wines during our stay here then. But, we do have to be going so… It was a pleasure to meet you.”
Harry pulled you away and guided you to the register to buy everything. You hadn’t experienced Harry being jealous before. You’d never had the opportunity. And you weren’t sure that that was what that was just now but you also weren’t dumb. You knew Harry was very possessive of you.
On the car ride back you picked a radio station and pulled a bottle of wine from the bag, “Can’t wait to crack this one open. Says it’s reminiscent of strawberries straight off the vine,” you read from the label.
Harry smiled at you and nodded, “Yeah that does sound good. We can drink it on the beach if you want. I’m ready to get my toes in the sand.”
So that’s just what you did. You put your bathing suits on and stuffed a bag with towels and the bottle of wine before walking up the trail to the lovely sandy beach and finding a spot to toss your towels and uncork the bottle.
The sun was already beginning to set and the wind had picked up but it was still nice and balmy. The backdrop of the waves crashing and birds soaring above, the smell of the ocean, and a few stragglers walking in the distance felt very much like you were living in a romantic movie.
Harry handed you the bottle of wine and you laughed, realizing you both forgot cups or glasses but also just tossing aside concern for that small detail. You brought the bottle up to your lips and took a drink of the red blend, which turned out, your pallet was not quite sensitive enough to pick up a single strawberry-from-the-vine note the label boasted.
You looked back down at the bottle as you gulped the red liquid down your throat and pointed at the label, “Tastes nothing like strawberry. But it’s good.” You smiled as you handed the bottle to Harry who mimicked you in putting the bottle to his lips to take a drink.
He laughed as he brought the bottle down and shook his head, “It’s like those wine tasters who put in notes of pencil shaving and charred almonds. I never taste those sorts of things. Just tastes like…” you both grinned and said the word “wine!” in unison as you laughed.
Despite the lack of strawberry flavor the bottle of wine, Harry’s company, and the sand under your toes felt incredible.
Harry pulled you into his chest so you were sitting between his legs and had your back against him. The whole scene was romantic. You were outside on the beach with a bottle of wine in your lover’s arms as you watched the sunset slowly until the sky was pink and purple and orange on the horizon.
Harry nipped at your neck and sighed making you giggle and pull away but he held you tight and laughed into your neck, “So, Chris was awfully friendly. What did he say to you before I got there?”
You rolled your eyes but kept the grin on your face, “He was just talking about the vineyards and the wine. Recommended this one,” you said as you tapped the empty bottle, “Asked why we chose this spot for vacation. That was it really.”
“So he’s nosey. And he has questionable taste in wine.”
You snickered and shook your head to turn and look at him, “Were you jealous?”
Harry squinted his eyes at you and licked his lips before looking out toward the ocean, “Of course not.”
You leaned back into him and smiled. He definitely was.
.           .           .
When you walked back to the little house up the trail Harry kept hold of your hand. You hadn’t had many moments with him away from his house. Having him holding your hand and keeping you steady as you stepped carefully over the small rocks and the sand along the dark trail made you feel like you did when you were a kid. It was fun and the darkness was exciting. But it also gave you a sense of safety with his hand wrapped around yours as he led you carefully through the path. But there was also the fact that you’d had half a bottle of wine.
“I’m already having so much fun, Harry,” you said as you entered the house and Harry sat the bag down next to the door.
Harry smirked and locked the door, grabbing your hips and pulling you in, his wine-stained mouth connected to yours in haste. You hadn’t expected it at all. He had been quiet the whole way back, which wasn’t out of the norm for him. Harry wasn’t much of a talker, you did well to fill in the silence with your near-constant rambling. But still, you hadn’t thought he’d be all over you the moment you stepped into the door.
“Let’s go test out that bed,” he spoke quietly and turned you around to walk you toward the bedroom.
Now, the thing was that your sex drive was high. For Harry it was. You were sure that no one else could make you feel the way he did. Obviously, you were a virgin before you met him but he was so good at what he did and the way he made you feel, the way you’d get wet for him in an instant, just the way he trained you, you were usually begging him for his come every night. He liked to act as if he was aloof or didn’t need it because he loved to watch you squirm, hear you beg…
But tonight was different. He wanted you and he was being quite handsy suddenly. Needy even, you’d say. He was already hard in his shorts when he put you on the bed and pulled your bathing suit off.
He gave you little preamble before pasting his lips to your cunt and bringing you to your first orgasm for the night. He made it messy and noisy too. His moans vibrated off your body and sounded through the room as he fed from your pussy. His fingers and hand were drenched and he wiped his face through your folds until he was coated in your arousal from the bridge of his nose to the bottom of his chin. You were breathless and shivering as you called his name.
And you had no time to recover before he was wrecking your insides with his long cock. The bed rocked under his thrusts and his dirty words were whispered into the room, “My pussy, my girl… no one gets to have this. You’re mine, aren’t you?”
You gasped and nodded, unable to form words when your lungs were searching for air from the way he pounded into you, punching into your guts and rendering you a breathy mess under him.
“S’right. My little girl. All these holes are mine to come inside.”
You weren’t in the head space to think about what he was saying. You just knew that yes, you were his. Your holes were his.
But Harry was making a point. He knew he didn’t need to but his jealousy and possessiveness got the best of him when he thought about the way Chris tried talking to you. And he saw the way the guy looked at you. Harry wasn’t dumb. He knows the look.
“Tell me pup,” Harry spoke his words in gasps as he moved in and out of your beautifully tight and warm pussy, “Who do you belong to?”
Your words came out in punched breaths, “You! Harry! I… only you!”
The way Harry was dipping in deep and fast felt so yummy. You loved how he felt when he was connected to you. You imagined that his cock inside of you was like some kind of Lego piece to your little Lego piece. As odd as that sounded – it made sense in your brain. Every time he was inside of you the pieces fit together so nicely and made something even better than they were before. Something bigger. Something complete.
“Fuck, pup! You’re so good. So fucking sweet and you’re all mine. Gonna breed you, baby. Want my babies, pup?”
Harry had been hinting a bit lately. More often than not lately. You didn’t know if it was a heat of the moment kind of thing or if he really wanted to knock you up. But you would happily be a mother to his children if he wanted. And while he was railing you deep with his big cock making you braindead you especially loved that idea.
“Yeah… uhghhh! Yes! Fuck!!” His pounding didn’t let up and the bed underneath only got louder as the springs danced under your back. The thud of Harry’s heavy balls to your skin was wet and you could feel them pressing into you each time he bottomed out.
“M’gonna make you a mommy. Fuck my come into your womb and no one can have you when they see you pregnant with my babies.”
You panted and felt sweat at your temple. Harry’s words were tight and grunted as he spoke between heavy thrusts.
“It’s so deep! Harry!!” It was deep. It felt especially sharp and achy with the way he was punishing your pussy with his cock. But you could handle it. You’d handled him going in harder many times.
Every plunge and smack of skin, the squeak of the mattress, and panted words and gasps only got louder as Harry neared his end. His moans were beautiful. You loved making him feel good like this. Loved when he came inside of you and orgasmed because your pussy felt so good. Because he loved you so much.
“Better feel your pussy squeezing around me again, pup. Come on, baby. Fucking come all over me,” Harry clenched his jaw as he spoke, holding himself back. He wanted one more from you. Selfishly he liked knowing he could make you come over and over again so you knew how good he could take care of you in the way no one else could. And also because he loved how you felt when your pussy spasmed around his cock as he came, the way you milked him and his balls drained into his cock and poured into your body as you shivered and pulsed around his throbbing dick.
Your ears began to ring as you started to come again. Harry’s thick tip was continuously poking into your little spot on the inside that made your toes curl and that did you in. The stretch and the deep thrusts into your soft aching little part on the inside had you shaking and shouting his name in orgasm.
Harry saw stars as he finally allowed himself to drain into you, fucking himself in as deep as possible so his come would stick and get in deep, his wide crown pushing it up into your guts. Your slick, hot walls wrung his cock out like a rag, making all of her sperm drip into you with each pulse and contraction from your little muscle. He was rendered silent as he felt himself being siphoned by you. His mouth hung open and he trembled over you, his arms barely holding himself up, his thighs quivering… he hadn’t realized he’d been so on edge. He was responding to your pussy the way you responded to his cock.
And of course, the rest of the night was sweet and soft. Harry helped you clean up and doted on you. You both lay together on the couch and watched TV as you faced Harry so you could watch him. You loved looking at him and rubbing your hands over his tattooed chest and upward to the scruff on his neck and face. You kissed his nipples and sighed to yourself about how lucky you felt as you fell asleep in his arms.
The next few days were all spent in the dizzying heat on the sand and splashing around in the ocean a little. The waves were strong so you didn’t go in too deep, at Harry’s urging, “Don’t want you to get hurt, pup. Stay close to the shallow parts.”
You visited a vineyard attached to a winery and bought a case of wine that you both loved to bring back home with you. And every night the sex was filled with lots of dirty talk of getting you knocked up and making you a mommy.
But last night, Harry had gone easy on you. He didn’t pound into you or make you sore all over like he often did. No spankings or hair pulling. He fucked you sweet and slow and kept his cock stuffed inside of you until he’d long softened in order to make it stick. Make the come stay inside and get you where he wanted you.
So that meant that today you were feeling extra spicy. A soft fucking sometimes meant you turned into a bit of a brat afterward or the following day. There was something in you that needed the brutal fuckings in order to keep you subdued.
You were on the towel and pulled your bikini top off as you laid flat on your tummy so you could get a tan on your back but Harry swatted your bottom as he hovered over you possessively, “What the fuck are you doing, pup? Want everyone to see your tits?”
You giggled and looked up at the man, “Just needed a nice tan. Don’t worry. You’re the only one that gets to see the front, Harry. Don’t be so boring.”
Harry scoffed. He was anything but boring and you knew it. But he knew the game you were playing.
He looked around and the beach was mostly empty. There were some people in the distance but no one would see what he was about to do.
“Boring?” He said as he yanked you up by your arm, your tits out. He pulled you into his lap and draped you across his thighs as he pulled your bikini bottoms down just enough that he could spank you hard.
You grinned as you yelped at each of his rough smacks and felt your backside burn from the sensitive skin of your bottom getting a beating. You kicked your legs and turned to look at Harry, “Hey! I don’t deser-“Your back talk was cut short when he issued you another spanking.
“You deserve exactly what I give you,” another strike to the exposed flesh of your ass, “Went too soft last night and now you’re acting like a little terror.”
You put your face into the crook of your arm as Harry continued punishing you right there on the beach with your tits bare against the towel, small granules of sand covering your damp skin.
When he felt you were finally somewhat mellowed he lifted you up and handed you your bikini top.
“Put this back on right now or we’re going back to the house.”
As if that were a punishment for you. He’d only gotten you even more worked up with the spankings and now your nipples were hard and your pussy was wet. You bit your lip and gave him a look of challenge but you put your bikini top on. Your ass couldn’t handle another swat. You were sure of it.
But now the problem was you couldn’t sit on your bottom at all over the towel and the small bits of sand were irritating your rear.
“I’ve got to go get into the water for just a bit. Come with me.” You stood up and gave Harry your sweetest puppy dog eyes.
Harry shook his head, “Gonna stay right here. You go on. But don’t go in too deep.”
As you walked away Harry became very aware of how red your ass and your thighs were. Your bikini bottoms covered the most severe markings but the parts that were exposed were very obviously red and spanked. He rolled his eyes, hoping no one saw what he had.
Once you got into the ocean and let the cool water soothe your bottom you turned to look back at Harry and waved at him and then stuck your tongue out. You didn’t know why you’d done it. You were just in a mood. You needed him to obliterate you since it was your last full day. Something about being on vacation and being in public with him really did something to you. Made you feel naughty and liberated all at once. You were having a really good time on your little getaway. It was just what you both had needed.
“Water’s great today!” You heard a familiar voice and turned your head to see Chris.
“It really is! The waves aren’t too crazy either. Haven’t really been able to get in too deep.”
Chris walked into the water toward you with a grin on his face, “Oh no? Are you not used to swimming in the ocean? There’s a technique you know.”
You shook your head, “No. Haven’t swum much in the ocean. The waves are so strong that they pull me under,” you laughed as you lowered your bottom half down to let the water submerge up to your rib cage.
“I could teach you. It’s not too difficult. Just some basic rules for when the waves are coming at you. It’ll make you safer in the water too.”
“Oh… well. Okay!” You looked out to where Harry was and realized he was lying flat on his back. He hadn’t even noticed that Chris was talking to you. You smiled to yourself just knowing that when he realized you were out here with him he’d probably come out into the water with you finally.
Chris gave you an example as a small wave came ashore jumping into it as it neared and explained how the timing was important. He held your hand to help you jump into the waves so you got the feel for how you should be moving into the water.
“Okay, now let’s do it a little more in the shallow so the waves feel stronger. You’ll see.”
You followed him closer toward the shore and you could feel the waves more intensely.
Suddenly Chris’s chattering stopped, “Are you… okay? Did you get dragged on your butt in the sand from the waves?” He seemed genuinely worried about the state of your bottom.
You laughed and nodded. Actually, that was a great excuse. You kind of wanted to tell him that your lover had just spanked you for being a brat but you were sure Harry would hate that, “Yes. Like I said. I am not a strong swimmer so I got taken down in the water to the sand on my butt.” You laughed.
Chris squinted and you realized he was inspecting your bottom a bit too closely when suddenly you heard Harry, both of you turning to see the tall man with broad shoulders stomping his way toward you. Uh oh.
“Let’s go. We need to get some lunch.” Harry fumed.
“Oh, but Chris is just showing me how to swim in the ocean properly. He’s just trying to help me stay safe.”
Harry did not like this one bit. He didn’t like that Chris had been ogling your backside with his red handprints all over, or that he was near you in the ocean at all. And that he was acting as if he was trying to protect you somehow. That was Harry’s job.
“Is he now? And what’s the best way to go about that, Chris?” Harry said as he began to slosh into the water nearing you until he was at your side in the water, “Because from what I just saw you were more so staring at her bottom. Is that how you show her to stay safe?”
Chris’s eyes got wide as he shook his head, “No! Of course not! She told me that she’d gotten taken down by a wave and that her butt hit the sand. I was just concerned because that’s really a lot,” he cleared his throat keeping his eyes on Harry.
“Your concern is noted. Now,” he looked back down at you, putting his hands at your shoulders and leading you out of the water, “Let’s get going before the waves take you down again, pup.”
You smiled and waved at Chris, “Bye! Thank you so much for trying to help keep me safe,” twisting the proverbial knife in just a bit more. You knew Harry would be fuming by the time you two got back into the house.
And he was. But fuming might have been an understatement. It was the first time Harry’d had to deal with such a thing with you.
When the door was locked, Harry kept his hands at your shoulders as he spoke into your ear with seething wrath, “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why don’t you behave when I fuck you softly? Hmm? You need to be treated like a slutty brat when I fuck you don’t you? Need to be smacked around a little?”
Harry let go of you as he pushed you down to your knees and lowered his swim trunks just enough that his cock was out.
“Suck til I’m hard then I’m gonna treat you like you the way you seem to want.”
You nodded and smirked as you began working on his cock, spitting and licking and sucking all around him. He grew hard in your mouth and hands fast. His length was always a shock to you when you saw it up close. Harry’s dick was big. But that was part of what made you love having him fuck you. You loved being wrecked by him.
When you began to bob over him, spit covering his cock to his base he gathered your hair up and pushed you down on him, holding you in place with both hands, “Mouth needs bruised just like your bottom,” he groaned as he filled your tight throat, causing your eyes to water with your nose brushing into his pelvis.
You grabbed onto his thighs as he began to slowly roll his hips into you. He bit his lip and closed his eyes to just feel you. He didn’t want to give you the pleasure of hearing him moan.
The way he was fucking your mouth wasn’t too out of the ordinary. Though he normally was a bit more vocal you figured it was part of the punishment you knew you deserved. You gurgled and gagged around him as he continued stuffing himself into you and you knew to just take it.
When he pulled out you gasped and swallowed but then leaned forward to put him back in your mouth but he only pulled your hair harder to keep your lips off of him. He pulled you up by your hair and then pushed you against the couch, so you were bent over the arm with your red bottom facing up.
The sudden movements were unexpected but the moment he buried himself into your pussy, splitting you in half you sighed and cooed at him, “Fuck me. God yes!”
Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head. You were incorrigible. Impossible to correct at times. But fuck if he didn’t love you and the way you took him.
He gave you no mercy as he began railing you deep, the couch being pushed the slightest and banging into the wall, “You don’t get to come. You’re only here to hold my sperm and take your punishment. Maybe then you’ll turn into a good girl.”
His hand held you down by the back of your head into the cushion as he continued bucking into your pussy, reaching deep into your tummy. The delicious sound of wet cunt being fucked and stuffed repeatedly had your head spinning. You could record the sound of yourself getting railed and get off on that alone.
Harry pushed his fingers into your hair to grip harder and put his other hand at your low back to keep you down as you kept arching your back and trying to push yourself onto him harder. You wanted it harder.
Harry finally let out a choked groan as he felt you clench hard and watched his cock fuck into you. He would never grow tired of fucking your little pussy and watching your soft skin turn red from his fingers and spankings. Your face was smushed into the couch but he could see your mouth was wide open and your eyes were shut. He loved that you loved it.
Suddenly he lifted you up by your hair so he could speak filth into your ear, “Little slutty wet hole all f’me. Puppy wants my come and my cock all the fucking time. Isn’t that right?”
You tried nodding but his grip was tight as his chest was pressed into your back, his hips rolling into you in punishing thrusts.
“Gonna come inside of your cunt and over and over again until we leave tomorrow. Teach you a lesson about being needy and slutty. Always soaked for me and begging to be stuffed full,” his words came out in gasps and you could tell he was about to come.
You sighed and licked your lips as you let him use you for his pleasure, happy to take whatever he gave you.
When his grip tightened harshly at your hair and his wet lips licked your ear he moaned and jerked his hips into you, his balls pressed against you tightly as he throbbed and pumped his come into your tummy.
He breathed hard and pulled his other arm around your middle as he held you close to his chest, filling you to the brim with his sperm.
You hissed when his cock reached into you so deep and he kept himself submerged in that achy spot, never letting up pushing into you. It felt as if he was going to tear your pussy in two for a moment.
As he came down, his harsh grip on your hair and around your middle loosened as he lowered you back to the couch and finally pulled himself out.
You lay quietly and sweetly as you caught your breath. You hadn’t come, of course, but you were certainly feeling the flow of endorphins from making Harry come.
And just like always, he tenderly helped you clean up, kissed you, and spoke to you as if you were the best thing he’d ever had, “Took it like a good girl. Such a soft little pussy, but even better is that I get you and your pretty eyes and these beautiful lips. What would I do without you? Huh?”
“I love you, Harry.”
Harry grinned as he smoothed his hands over your naked body, “I know pup. I love you too.”
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diiwata · 3 months
my district 4 masterpost!
to me, district 4 is a mix of se/east asian, lat-am, and even a bit of black influence. had a bit of help from @blackoutdays13, creds to her too <3
let's dive in (joke intended). more below the cut!
i like to think dance is an important part of the d4 culture. many artists that contribute to hip-hop culture originate from california, especially dances :) not to mention cultural latam dances, the dragon dance from china, and maybe even tinikling (projecting so hard rn)! movement is how they get through the day.
their diet may consist of mostly seafood, but grains are also a staple. rice, bread, noodles, and tortillas are often paired with meats and vegetables to make meals more fulfilling. of course, they aren't the same to the grains we produce now, but it's close enough to what they are able to get their hands on.
as stereotypical it is to asian culture, i like to think education holds some importance there, too. it doesn't just involve hitting the books, but also street smarts and survival skills. even if you're working, there's some downtime saved for learning/passing on knowledge from the older to younger generation.
there is a large sense of community in the districts. it's a staple in asian culture to identify with your community. your achievements and your failures are not just yours, but is a reflection of the people you identify with. this is touched more on my asian d4/d7 analysis.
since california legalized this, they definitely had... recreational uses for certain substances. you know. mary jane, the 🍃. it's a whole thing in the district and a "hidden gem". it's more popular with the lower class, but the capitol thinks it's used by the best of the best. they don't have to know, though ;)
their marketplace is concentrated in the docks! similar to the piers of santa monica and san francisco, there's a lot of street vendors, kiosks, and street performers.
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the further away you are from the shore, the more impoverished you are. the people of the "inner lands" probably process the food for safer consumption, or travel to the shore to find work (hence the kiosks and such). grains could also be grown in the inner lands, which is how they're able to supply the district with rice and such w/o having to rely on d9 imports too much.
a train or trolley system helps large capacities of people travel to and fro their work. the trolley might be a bit more for tourists, though.
lots of cliffs. lots of mountains. houses on cliffs and mountains are seen as a privilege. I imagine the victor's village is somewhere here!
the houses in the victor's village look like italianate homes in san francisco (1). houses by richer folks look like malibu/southern californian beach houses (2). inner lands houses are either the older, fenced homes or apartment units (3)!
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(i read these in some fics!!) considering that latinos are also big in california, and that a lot of asians share a catholic faith in the state, i could see them using rosaries or crosses. not because of a belief in it, but as an equivalent of a good luck charm.
to add onto this ^ they celebrate ash wednesday, but with their own twist. the ash on their foreheads is instead a reminder of who they lost.
speaking of holidays, the festival that they celebrate during the victory tour months probably closely mimics lunar new year! of course, they don't follow the lunar calendar, but their traditions and rituals to celebrate that day look awfully similar. red envelopes could be passed around, but I highly doubt that there's much in there if you're from the inner lands.
dia de los muertos is celebrated too! possibly during the victory tour months, too. imagine a festival that's just spilling with the golds and reds of lunar new year and the vibrant colors associated with dia de los muertos!
earthquakes. wildfires. droughts. those are the holy trinity of natural disasters in d4. protocols for all three are drilled into the minds of d4 citizens since youth.
thanks to the indigenous practice of controlled fires that persisted during the building of panem, they are often able maintain these wildfires. but sometimes, the wildfires do get out of control and turn the sky orange.
their structures are relatively stable to help accommodate for the earthquakes, but of course, damage will be done especially during a huge one that occurs in california every few centuries.
in my finnick/oc fic, "the big one" occurs before the 65th games. after finnick's victory, they paid more attention to d4.
droughts are not to be taken lightly in d4, especially in the inner lands. don't shower for more than five minutes. turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. never keep the sink running. fix leaking faucets whenever you can b/c every drop counts.
a water limit is imposed on them. most of the water goes directly to the upper class and the capitol resorts by the coast.
the inner lands' lower class, the coast's merchants, the officials, and the victors are all classes in district four. the lower class harbors some resentment towards the upper class, and it's the other way around, too.
since most of the water travels to the upper class, that's where the main resentment lies. everything is for tourism and to maintain appearances.
because of this maintenance and carefully curated appearance, I can see the capitol citizens romanticizing d4 to an extreme degree. with finnick as the "face" of the district, it only worsens. they think of d4 as beaches, tropical fruits, and a sunny paradise. but once they take the train that passes through the rural lands and the poorer urban areas with the fog limiting their view, they realize that district 4 isn't all what they shaped it up to be.
I also imagine the upper class trying to dismiss the lower class because they don't look appealing enough to the capitol. they ARE a career district, after all. this could tie into the model minority myth, which I discuss in this post using hannah's ask, as well as the d4/d7 hc I linked previously. to summarize, reputation is ingrained in asian cultures. this need for a good rep could bring d4 to try their hardest to appeal to the model minority myth and keep up with the other career districts.
all in all, d4 is my little try-hard district rich with culture, mary jane, and the impending doom of "the big one". I love it with all my heart. if you have anything to add, or things you want me to touch up on, feel free to drop an ask or say something in your rb!
stream "california love" by 2pac 🙏🏽
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stellar-collective · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering of you had any headcannons on Agent Phoenix and Dr Prism
like, their relationship? sure i do!
-Agent Phoenix was pretty quick to hop on the TK train, so Dr. Prism personally operated on them. it was the only time that they met prior to 3. Phoenix remembers her very well, but she didn’t recognize them at all when they met again.
-my Phoenix is really young (like, twenty at the oldest) so they sorta-almost-definitely grew to see her as a mother figure by the end of the game. as an extension of this, they’ve adopted Right Robot as their little brother.
-speaking of Right Robot, the very first thing Agent Phoenix was worrying about as soon as they got back to Agency headquarters after KBOOM was how to tell Prism that one of her robots survived. since they didn’t want her to be found if she didn’t want to be, they finally settled on leaving her a note at her old house in California. it was the best that they could do
-Prism loves seafood and Phoenix will eat anything, so if they went out to eat together they’d get sushi and Phoenix would get the strangest, most bizarre thing on the menu and let Prism try some so she can satisfy her scientific curiosity. if she liked it, they’d swap, and if she hated it, they’d eat the rest and be delighted at her constant incredulous exclamations about how they could eat it with a straight face and i’m surprised that poison even affects you!
-Agent Phoenix wants to wear her goggles SO BAD. sometimes when she was monologuing they’d zone out because they were distracted by her awesome goggles
-after her disappearance, Reginald will sometimes find the perfect piece of high tech equipment to help Agent Phoenix on their next mission on his doorstep, or find a set of helpful security cameras already hacked with a back door made just for him, or discover a hint to Zoraxis’s next plan via digital breadcrumbs. Prism still wants to look after her best creation, even if she doesn’t want to do it in person.
-Dr Prism has an absolutely atrocious evil laugh. she got made fun of for it during Zoraxis meetings. Agent Phoenix, on the other hand, has a great unhinged cackle which they did in her presence once (when they cut off her monologue in House Call) and she would never, ever admit that she was jealous but she was. she really was.
-one time, as a completely mindless side project that she cooked up over lunch one day, she worked with Daniel Sans to make some great curly hair products which she made a couple batches of and kept in her bathroom. Agent Phoenix stole them on the way out of House Call and now won’t use anything else
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siblingskissing · 2 months
Hopper and El father-daughter's relationship headcanons?
(I forgot to put "headcanons", sorry)
Hopper & El Headcanons
Sorry this took so long to finish!
-First off: El and Hopper are very much two sides to the same parent relationship trauma coin
-El is initially stand offish and hesitant to get close. She avoids Hopper, doesn't touch her dinner until he leaves, acts very much like a stray whenever he's around.
-Then as time goes on she warms up and suddenly she's at his hip all day. She talks to him about her shows, about the drawings she did that day, about a squirrel outside her window ("I named him Ricky") and she will be the first one sat at the dinner table while he cooks
-Hopper on the other hand is immediately trying to coax her out of her shell. He gets her gifts, tries to find recipes she's enjoy, gives her her shows, new clothes (that are all from the local Goodwill bins) and teaches her things he had once learned with his oldman
-And when El gets close? Well, he gets a bit skittish then.
-Reminders of Sarah make him hesitate more, makes him second guess and he admittedly spends a lot of nights looking over the stolen files from the lab to figure out if El had any allergies or anything he should know
-(She's allergic to cinnamon and seafood)
-He puts distance to keep her safe while she ignores his walls and forces him to bond with her. They find a middle ground that works because it's theirs
-Hopper seems like the kind of parent who tells his kids about the workday everyday because they think it's funny. Obviously he leaves the bad details out but he'll get home, lay on the couch and tell El about how 'Flo stole the last donut out of the break room despite knowing he had wanted it and isn't that just the rudest damn- don't say damn- thing you'd ever heard?'
-El just laughs at him Everytime without fail before suggesting something for dinner.
-After season two Hopper tries to get El more punk clothing items to try and appeal to her interest. He doesn't get her makeup but a few T-shirts and ripped jeans, a few pins and even some bracelets that she adores. He even helped her once gel her hair back but he didn't as well as her sister had.
-Hopper loves that Max is friends with El. He likes how El isn't spending every waking second with Mike, and even better, she's spending time with another girl. A girl who understands El is different and why so she knows how to help her find a place in the world
- He's even proud when he realizes El is wearing clothes he didn't buy. That she supposedly picked out because she's making big decisions for herself.
-another part of him is upset that he wasn't there though, and at the fact she's growing up so fast
-During his stay in Russia, Hopper will often trace 'El' across his wrist with his finger so that he can remember her. He'll hum her favourite shows theme songs and sometimes goes to sleep imagining he was on the couch in the cabin with her beside him. It's the only way he can sleep.
-El, likewise, imagines showing Hopper around California. Imagines how many jokes he'd make about being a beach side cop and will sometimes buy shirts that remind her of him- making sure to get them in his size to perfectly replicate the idea.
-She even finds the cologne he used to wear and sprays the shirts with it. It's never the same, even if she spills some coffee on the front to mimick him.
-El never tells people she 'used to' have a dad. It's always "My dad is away right now" or "My dad is a hero so he's gone". She doesn't put him in past tense despite how many sad looks her family gives her.
-Hopper doesn't talk about El while he's in prison because obviously they'd try and find her. However when he starts trusting Enzo he tells him about his special daughter who's so strong without even trying and how she's the best thing to ever happen to him..he plans to one day take her across country to explore.
-Their reunion consisted of a lot of stories and conversations and reluctantly El admits she got bullied. However when she admits she hit Angela back she didn't get the yelling or punishment she expected. Instead Hopper laughs and tells her next time leave the skate out of the equations and use her fists instead.
-El doesn't ask about prison but makes some guesses of what occured based on her own time in the labs so she is careful not to trigger him accidentally. She avoids Coca-Cola like a plague, will quiet the others if they mention Russians or hospital gowns. She even covers her shaved head to avoid reminding him of his own. Hopper catches on and explains he was treated different and that he appreciates her attempts.
-Hopper taking El to an amusement park and warning her that eating before a ride will be a hug no-no
-El then being found throwing up in a trash can because she thought she could handle a funnel cake right before the roller coaster.
-After the dust settles they would save up for vacations at least once a year. With the Byers family now apart of theirs it's equal parts easier and harder to do but they make it work.
-El has to introduce and get Hopper into the dynamics that the Byers have. She shows him how the have their cupboards set up, the unwritten but very specific shower schedules on the bathroom, what colors their toothbrushes are and their chore chart. Hopper just wonders how his girl got so observant over such small things.
-Hopper talks to Joyce about the things El had been interested in recently but Joyce admits she doesn't quite know. Will however explains her newest interest and hobbies and Hopper uses those tips to get her new things she enjoys. (He doesn't the same for the boys too, but they admit that they know he's doing it more missed time so they don't need anything like she does)
-El is such a "wearing my dad's T-shirt as a night gown" girl and I refuse to believe otherwise.
-El wearing her dad's shirts to school and when people bully her she just "My dad owns a gun"
-Hopper picking her up from school with sunglasses covering his eyes so that they feel like he's staring at them (when in reality he's looking at his daughter who just pushing between her bullies and hugs him)
-In Hawkins he's already got a reputation so it's easier to scare those kids and he does it a lot. El just laughs at his intimidation tactics.
-Once El gets brought to the police station with Max because they were caught sneaking into the community pool after hours and Hoppers bring them to his office to make sure nothing UD is happening
-When they admit it's not and that they just wanted to do something fun he tells them that the YMCA has a missing padlock and a fucked up security system and sends them on their way.
-He encourages her misbehaviors when he's in charge of the punishments because he knows kids have to rebel in some ways. He only stops her when she could get bigger eyes on their backs or when boys are involved.
-he still helps her through nightmares from her time in the Labs and finds that he doesn't have every file on her time there when she admits small things to him.
(I have a whole thing on Els time in the labs and what experiments and modifications they would've done to her if anyone's interested)
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amoralcrackpot · 20 days
For a Good Time
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In the urine-soaked ambiance of a men's room stall located somewhere beneath the pier of a bustling California beach, a man had himself a little cry.
It was a sweltering summer afternoon next December. A steady drip-drip of indiscernible origin echoed across concrete walls and floors as the dull roar of footsteps and and even duller chatterings about the cost of parking and wait times at a popular seafood buffet seeped in from between the cracks. The putrid potpourri of many unflushed bodily fluids and solids clung to everything. And yet, here the man sat, pantsless, weeping atop a stainless steel toilet with no proper seat. Perhaps it was a self-inflicted punishment for a wrong committed. Perhaps the overwhelming assault on the senses served to drown out the thoughts and feelings of an overwhelmed heart and mind. Or maybe he simply had to poo, and this nightmare was his only option after a large helping of poorly cooked shellfish at a popular seafood buffet with far too few toilets of their own. I don't know, nor do I care. And neither should you, quite frankly. It should go without saying that such a torturous trek to the toilet is torment enough without complete strangers overanalyzing and intruding on every last sob, plip, or plop.
Fortunately for both of us, the well-dressed set of fake teeth with coiffed hair standing outside the stall with a camera crew thought otherwise.
"I'm Anatomically Incorrect, and welcome back to 'Who Are You, And What Are You Doing in Here?' the fake teeth with coiffed hair said into the camera, pushing the stall door open and revealing the man in all his shame for the audience at home. "This week, we've come all the way out to the men's room beneath Santa Carla Pier to speak with our guest, Mr. Murray Etta from Murrieta."
"Who are you, and what are you doing in here?" Murray Etta from Murrieta said from atop his toilet, unsure of what to do with his hands.
"That's correct."
"How exciting!"
"I hope we haven't caught you in the middle of something important."
"No, no," Mr. Etta chuckled. "I've just come in here to be alone and cry."
"Would you mind sharing your deeply personal emotional conflict with us and our viewing audience?"
"Oh. Not at all, not at all."
"You see, I just learned today that I’m..."
"Dead?" Mr. Incorrect interjected with perhaps a little too much glee in his voice. "Dying? Pregnant? Your own brother?"
Mr. Etta sighed. "Left-handed."
"My god," Mr. Incorrect gasped. "I never knew."
"Me either. Not until I went to my best friend’s funeral this morning and had to sign the registry. When I caught myself instinctively reaching for the pen with my left hand, I..." Mr. Etta said, trailing off for seemingly no reason at all.
After a moment of uncomfortable, fermented silence, Mr. Incorrect continued. "Have you sought medical attention?"
"I demanded my best friend’s widow drive me to the emergency room the moment it happened. But all they did there was ask me a bunch of questions like, 'What is wrong with you?' 'Do you have health insurance?' and 'Where are your pants?'"
"You weren’t wearing any pants?"
Mr. Etta scoffed. "Not after the fright I had. Imagine living to my age and having to learn something so horrific."
"I suppose I’d soil myself, too."
"Exactly! Thank you. My wife..." Mr. Etta said, then corrected himself. "Sorry - my ex-wife wasn’t so understanding."
"She divorced you at your best friend’s funeral?"
Mr. Etta nodded. "She saw that pen in my left hand and smelled that mess in my pants... Well. We both knew it was over right there and then. Fifteen years and two-and-a-half children right into the trash along with my disgustingly soiled pants.
"How depressing."
"Heartbreaking, really. I just purchased those damned pants."
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ladylooch · 1 year
In an atmosphere of celebration 🥳 Congratulations on the 300
How about Kempe and reader celebrating a dating anniversary? Very romantic! Lots of affection, slow dances... candles 😍
The Way You Look Tonight with Adrian Kempe
A/N: First, Thank you so much!!! Second, you're speaking my language :) But I think you already know that! I went with a wedding anniversary because I wanted it to be so extra! And that is first wedding anniversary category.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Boob grabbing, so fluffy you’re gonna die.
Adrian Kempe has never been one to skimp.
And tonight, on your first wedding anniversary, is no different.
You just arrived back in L.A. to get settled before the season after visiting��both of your families. 
After you finished lunch this afternoon, Adrian immediately sent you off to the salon so you could get your highlights and color retouched along with a quick trim. He surprised you with manicure and pedicure appointments at the same time, followed by full hair and make up. When you returned home, you were disappointed to find he was nowhere to be found. Instead, a gorgeous bouquet of deep, red roses with hints of baby breath sat on your counter. A note in his scratchy writing is resting with a corner under the vase.
A year ago today, we made the best decisions of our lives. Thank you for choosing me, beautiful girl. Happy first anniversary. Jag alsker dig.
P.S. Go upstairs. More fun awaits you.
You lean in, savoring the sweet smell of the roses before giddily bounding up the stairs. There, you find a black garment bag along with two Cartier boxes. You bite your lip, grabbing the smaller of the two and popping it open. Gorgeous pearl earrings greet you. They are reminiscent of your grandmother's that you wore for your wedding last year. The other box has a dainty necklace with yours and Adrian's initials lined along the swoop of the chain. A note from him says more initials can be added as your family grows with a wink.
The jewelry is stunning, but the black, beaded, A line dress really gets your butterflies swirling. It's paired with gorgeous ombre red to black, open toe Louboutin heels. You start to get a little sweaty at the price tag of all these items. You're not sure your gift for him of an engraved Rolex is enough. 
With your hair and make up already done by the professionals, you slip into the outfit he arranged for you. You’re pulling up your phone to text him when his picture appears on the screen with a phone call.
“Babe, where are you?” You whine immediately. He chuckles.
“You’ll see soon. A car is coming to pick you up. Get in it and I’ll see you soon.”
“Oooo kidnapping! I like it.” 
“What? No.” He laughs. “But the driver is named Jason. Check that before you get in.”
Jason does indeed pick you up in front of your condo ten minutes later. You chat while threading through California traffic. Eventually, you get to the beach. The sun is starting to set over the ocean, finding an angle that releases the relentless, summer heat. You’re dropped off in front of an expensive seafood restaurant with gorgeous ocean views. Their patio is usually stacked, but tonight it’s set only for two. 
You slowly walk in. The indoor part of the restaurant is busy. 
“Hi, I’m meeting Adrian Kempe.” The host eyes sparkle excitedly.
“Mrs. Kempe! We have been waiting for you.”
“Oh great.”
She leads you outside to where one table is set up. Adrian is out there, leaning against the railing overlooking the beach. He turns when he hears the door, grinning at you and only you. His hair is pulled back into a bun, just how you like it. He’s wearing a white, t-shirt button down, leaving his tattoos exposed for you to run your fingers along after a few glasses of wine.
“You look just as beautiful as a year ago.” He murmurs, leaning down to capture your lips. “Hi. I missed you all day.” He holds your hand as he admires the outfit he picked for you. It looks better than he could have dreamed on your curves.
“Me too. You’re the one who sent me away.” You remind him. Your hands grip the muscles of his back as you sway together for a moment. His lips rest against your head, breathing in the scent of your hair products.
“Was it worth it?”
“Yes. It was amazing. Thank you.”
“Good. You deserve all of that and more.” He leans away to grab you a glass of champagne. You take a small sip after a clink of your glasses in a cheers.  “To us. Forever.”
“Forever.” You agree, tilting your face up for another soft kiss. His hand at the small of your back presses you deeper. You lose a bit of your footing with his insistence of pressing you deeper into him. 
“Sorry.” He murmurs. “Want you closer than that.”
“Am I going to have to sit on your lap during dinner?”
“Yeah and feed me like a baby bird.” He chuckles, kissing your cheek. 
After you both finish your first glass of champagne, you grab another then sit down to start munching on your meal. You start with oysters and shrimp ceviche then move into a light salad with butter lettuce and a lemony dressing. You two take turns feeding bites from each others forks, leaning shoulders into each other and stealing kisses as the waiter takes your starter plates away.
“Thank you.” You murmur, then kiss your husband’s lips again. The privacy on the balcony along with the champagne is making you fee loose. “I hope we can recreate other parts of this night together.”
“There is more at home when we are done.”
“Mhm. Champagne… candles… bubbles in a bath tub… chocolate covered strawberries….” He nibbles on the side of your throat as he says that. You let your head fall towards his, gripping his necklace under his shirt for some grounding. He’s recreating your honeymoon too and you hope what happened in that bed then repeats tonight.
Another glass of champagne is gone. Multiple courses begin to filter to the table including pasta, sushi rolls, crispy okra, and a ribeye with a decadent truffle butter sauce. You share everything, but are both too full to consider any dessert. 
“I have something sweet at home for when we want it.” He assures you when you feel guilty about saying no to chocolate gelato. “How about another glass of champagne though?” 
“Yes!” You wiggle against him as he pours you both another round. 
A recognizable, soft jazz beat begins to play in the outdoor speakers. 
Some day, when I’m awfully low… when the world is cold… I will feel a glow just thinking of you.
Your gaze meets his and you feel yourself tear up, remembering the soft steps of your first dance. It was such a hectic night, but all the noise faded when this song played. Adrian had held you so close, lips on your ear the whole time, signing the lyrics to you as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Dance with me?” He murmurs, kissing along your knuckles hanging off his shoulder. His lips hover on the large wedding rings he gave to you. Their imprint stays in his lips for an additional moment when he pulls away.
“I would love to.” You set your glass on the table and let him lead you to an open area of the patio. He pulls you flush with him, just like he did a year ago, whispering into your ear how incredibly beautiful you are. Then he sings along with Michael Bublé.
“Lovely, never ever change. Keep that breathless charm, won’t you please arrange it? Cause I love you. Just the way you look tonight.” His European accent muddles the words a bit as he sings, making you fall for him again. You pull away, eyebrows pulled low in tender love for your sweet man. 
"Baby." You murmur into his neck. "This is too much. I didn't get-“
"You are worth all of this. I'm so happy. Our life together is better than I could have imagined it being even on our wedding day. I want to spoil you."
“You have. This was all so unexpected and so sweet. I love you.”
“I love you too. Happy anniversary.” 
The first pop of fireworks surprises you as they fly off from the beach into the ocean. Adrian hugs you tighter so you know you are safe against his chest. You tilt your head up to the sky, watching the next one burst in gold across the inky, black sky. 
“Oh my god!” You exclaim. At your wedding, you had wanted to have fireworks, but the dry weather conditions made it a last minute cancellation from the venue. “You got me our fireworks.” Adrian had tried so hard to get them to reconsider because he knew how much you wanted them with sparklers for your guests.
“I told you I would. Sorry they are a year late.”
“No, it’s perfect.” You admit as he transitions behind you, pressing your back to his front so you can watch together. Both your hands fold together over your stomach, admiring the glittering booms he arranged just for you.
It’s late when you get home. But you two are not tired. There is a glow coming from under your bedroom door as you walk down the hall with him. He pushes the door open from behind you, showing you an oasis of candles, soft music, rose petals complimented by a chilled bottle of champagne on the nightstand.
“I should carry you over the threshold. We never did that last year.” 
“Yeah you were too desperate.”
“Me? You were too.” He laughs, swooping you up. “You ripped the buttons off my shirt.” He brings you into the room.
“Still not sorry about it either.” He sets you down on your feet and you look back at him as he unzips your dress.
“Who is breaking into our house and doing these things for us?”
“Don’t worry about it. They’re gone.” He murmurs against your shoulder. He unhooks your small straps from your shoulders, letting the whole dress pool down at your feet. A groan sounds at the sight of your lacy butt cheeks pressing against his zipper. You rub your booty into him more, creating a hardening there. He reaches up to cup your bare breasts, holding them and stroking their tips into hard peaks. You melt into him.
“Mhm.” You nod. He leads you forward, wanting to feel you brushing against his lap with each step.
You begin to strip him down in the bathroom. His shirt falls to the floor. You lean forward to kiss along his chest to his shoulder where you sink your teeth into him playfully. He chuckles, showing his straight teeth as you work on his belt next. His bottoms fall to the floor as his fingers hook in your panties, working them down your legs. He kisses his way back up your body, then offers you his hand to step into the tub. You both sink in, skin buzzing from the warmth and the night. You both want each other, desperately, but it’s going to be so worth the little bit of wait. 
“I have one last surprise for you.” He says as smooths bubbles across your arm. He points to his tattoo sleeve. Nestled inside the ripples of roses on his right bicep is your first name with his last, the infinity symbol, and the date of your anniversary. You run your finger tips over it, feeling the raised lines of the fresh ink.
“Babe. I love that. And you more than I can put into words right now. Tonight has been… unbelievable.” You sigh, leaning further back. “How is this all real? How are you real?”
“I constantly want to pinch myself that you’re mine.” He whispers. “So many times you could have left. This is not an easy life you have chosen.”
“No, but you make it easy.” You answer honestly. “If this was with anyone else, it would be so hard. But we have an amazing relationship. One I thought only existed in teen fairytales. I’m proud of us. I know we can handle anything as long as it is me and you.”
“Now to start planning next year….” 
“Oh my god.” You laugh, shaking your head at the thought. 
“Maybe no champagne tho…” He trails off. You turn to look at him, knowing this man aches for his baby in you. 
“I would be okay with that.” You admit. He grins, leaning forward to seal the deal with a kiss.
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aceontheline · 2 years
WTTT Headcanons: New York edition!
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New York is actually a softie. Well, when you get to know him better anyway. He's the kind of guy to check in on you during the day just because. If you're not doing well, he brings some pizza & yours + his favorite snacks//beverages.
New York takes cooking very seriously. If he's not allowed to help in the kitchen, he'll lose it. He loves Italian cooking, but will more often than not default to seafood or American cuisine. He shows his love//appreciation for people through food.
New York doesn't like taking off his beanie very much. He's very prideful in his team, yes. He also doesn't like it because he's too used to having it on. He only takes his beanie off in front of you if he trusts you.
New York, if he likes you, will become a hugger. You won't see it coming, but one day, he'll hug you so close to him. He really only hugs someone if he senses immense distress from them. Or, just if he feels like it. Of course, he'll back off if you tell him "I don't want a hug".
New York and California? Best friends. He won't admit it to the others, but NY actually really likes hanging out with CA. He's even let California play with the rats every now and again.
New York has MAJOR Social Anxiety. He covers it up by putting up the cold, distant front. Once he gets to know you better, he'll slowly let it down. Eventually, you'll get the real NY. Florida, Massachusetts, and California are the only ones who know about his Social Anxiety.
Massachusetts will lay New York down on the floor of an empty, quiet room & bring in NY's rats. They all scatter & scurry about, or climb on top of him. New York really likes this method.
Florida just gives NY noise canceling headphones and takes him to an isolated area. He'll check on NY every 10 minutes or so until he says "I'm good".
California takes New York to a private beach, along with some meditation music. New York also likes this, as the beach is warm & calming.
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oliviaemiley444 · 6 months
Unveiling the Beauty and Allure of Oregon: The Beaver State
Oregon, a state nestled in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, is famous for its stunning natural landscapes, from towering evergreen forests to dramatic coastlines. But Oregon's charm goes beyond scenery. Let's dive into what makes this state special!
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Is Oregon a Good Place to Live?
Oregon consistently ranks high in livability surveys. It offers a good balance between outdoor activities, a strong job market (especially in tech!), and a laid-back lifestyle.
Cities in Oregon:
Portland: Oregon's largest city, known for its coffee scene, microbreweries, and quirky vibe.
Salem: Oregon's capital city, with a rich history and beautiful state capitol building.
3 Facts About Oregon:
Nature Lover's Paradise: Hike through ancient forests, explore volcanic wonders like Crater Lake, or marvel at the mighty Columbia River.
Foodie Destination: From fresh seafood to delicious wines produced in the Willamette Valley, Oregon offers a vibrant culinary scene.
Progressive Spirit: Oregon is known for its progressive policies and focus on environmental protection.
Why People Love Oregon:
Outdoor Activities: Hiking, camping, fishing, kayaking - Oregon caters to all your adventurous desires.
Unique Culture: From quirky festivals to a thriving craft beer scene, Oregon offers a taste of something different.
Beautiful Scenery: Breathtaking mountains, stunning coastline, and lush forests make Oregon a visual treat.
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Best Things About Oregon:
Natural Beauty: Oregon boasts some of the most stunning landscapes in the US.
Pleasant Climate: With mild temperatures and wet winters, Oregon offers a comfortable climate.
Cost of Living in Oregon:
Oregon's cost of living is slightly above the national average, with Portland being the most expensive city.
Oregon's Biggest Cities:
Why is Oregon Called Oregon?
The exact origin is debated, but it likely comes from a French term for "river" or a Native American word.
How Many Cities Does Oregon Have?
Oregon has numerous cities and towns, each offering its own unique charm.
Safety and Peacefulness:
Oregon is generally considered a safe state with a peaceful atmosphere.
Oregon's Fastest Growing City:
Bend, known for its outdoor recreation opportunities, is experiencing rapid growth.
Where do People Move to Oregon From?
People move to Oregon from all over the US, particularly California and Washington.
Is Oregon Welcoming to Immigrants?
Oregon has a welcoming reputation for immigrants, with many resources and support programs available.
Universities in Oregon:
The University of Oregon (Eugene)
Oregon State University (Corvallis)
Beauty and History:
Oregon's beauty and rich history make it a captivating place to explore and call home.
So, is Oregon for you? With its stunning scenery, exciting cities, and focus on a good life, Oregon offers something special for everyone.
Final Thoughts about Oregon state:
Oregon truly offers a unique blend of experiences. Here's a summary to help you form your final thoughts:
For nature lovers: Oregon is a wonderland. From majestic mountains to dramatic coastlines, there's endless adventure for hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts.
For city dwellers: Portland provides a vibrant, quirky urban experience with a thriving food and beer scene. Salem offers a taste of history with its beautiful capitol building.
For those seeking a good life: Oregon boasts a strong job market, a focus on environmental protection, and a generally peaceful atmosphere.
The trade-off: The cost of living might be slightly higher than the national average, especially in Portland.
Ultimately, Oregon's charm depends on your priorities. If stunning scenery, outdoor activities, and a progressive spirit resonate with you, Oregon could be a perfect fit.
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shalini-yadav45 · 6 months
Unveiling the Marvels of Venice Beach, California
Venice Beach, nestled on the enchanting shores of Los Angeles, California, is a kaleidoscope of experiences waiting to be discovered. With its sun-drenched beaches, vibrant boardwalk, and eclectic culture, Venice Beach beckons travelers from around the globe to immerse themselves in its captivating ambiance.
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A Day at the Beach
Venice Beach boasts a stretch of pristine coastline where visitors can indulge in a plethora of beach activities. From lounging in the sun to surfing the waves, the beach offers endless opportunities for relaxation and adventure. Take a dip in the refreshing Pacific Ocean or build sandcastles with the little ones, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Exploring the Boardwalk
The iconic Venice Beach Boardwalk is a hub of activity, teeming with eclectic sights and sounds. Meander along the bustling promenade, where street performers entertain passersby and vendors offer an array of unique wares. Browse through funky boutiques, art galleries, and souvenir shops, or sample delicious bites from food stalls and cafes lining the boardwalk.
Cultural Gems
Venture beyond the boardwalk to uncover the hidden gems of Venice Beach's cultural scene. Explore the tranquil Venice Canals, a network of picturesque waterways lined with charming homes and lush vegetation. Embark on a leisurely stroll or kayak excursion, immersing yourself in the serene beauty of this historic neighborhood.
Outdoor Adventures
For outdoor enthusiasts, Venice Beach offers an abundance of recreational opportunities. Test your skills at the renowned Venice Skate Park, where skaters of all levels can shred on ramps and rails. Nearby, Muscle Beach provides outdoor gym facilities and iconic weightlifting areas for fitness aficionados to flex their muscles and soak up the sun.
Culinary Delights
After a day of exploration, satisfy your cravings with the diverse culinary offerings of Venice Beach. From fresh seafood to gourmet cuisine, the dining scene caters to every palate. Indulge in a seaside feast at a waterfront restaurant or grab a quick bite from a food truck, savoring the flavors of California's vibrant culinary scene.
Sunset Serenade
As the day draws to a close, witness a breathtaking Venice Beach sunset. Head to the shoreline to watch as the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant hues, casting a golden glow over the ocean. It's a magical moment to reflect, unwind, and appreciate the beauty of nature's spectacle.
In conclusion, Venice Beach is a captivating destination that offers a wealth of experiences for travelers to enjoy. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, Venice Beach promises an unforgettable journey filled with warmth, beauty, and endless possibilities.
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lovemesomesurveys · 10 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? Time spent with family, doing things I enjoy, and taking care of health related issues.
What foods make you want to gag? One is Canadian bacon. It's a texture thing.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Not so much these days, but I used to be. I'd still like to be, but it's hard right now.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yeah.
What time do you get sleepy? I'm sleepy all day.
What music do you listen to? I like variety.
How old were you when you started to walk? I never got to that stage, I was a victim of a drive-by shooting at just 7 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? I get along with all my family, but I'm not close with all of them. I'm closest to my mom and younger brother.
What cheers you up when you're sad? I just kinda have to go through it. I'm kinda just a sad person.
What do you sleep in? An oversized tee.
Have you ever tanned topless? Nooo. I would absolutely not feel comfortable doing that. I don't even go tanning at all, really. I mean, if I'm at the beach I'll get some sun cause I spend several hours out there, but that's not what I'm there to do. I don't set out to tan, it's just a bonus. I just love the beach.
Wear jewelry? Yeah, but I had to take it off prior to surgery recently and I haven't put it back on, yet.
What's something you've been told you're good at? I've been told I'm a good writer.
How much can you eat? Not a lot, but it's enough for me. Like, I just had 4 rolled chicken tacos from Taco Bell and I'm full. I will say I've had more of an appetite lately and have been doing a lot more snacking.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? From California to Georgia.
Are you a cat or dog person? I'm a dog person.
Have you ever done drugs? Just weed.
What does your room look like? It's small and cluttered. I had to get a special hospital like bed that you can make sit up or lie down and it takes up more space than my old bed did. I also have a lot of medical supplies everywhere. Plus, there's an office chair we keep in here for my mom or whoever is chillin with me in my room. I also just have a lot of other stuff and my room is just too small.
Recommend a really amazing book. Depends what you like.
Recommend a really amazing song.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Not saying it's the most amazing movie ever, but I've been rewatching The Hunger Games movies before seeing the new one and I still think they're just as good as when I first saw them. I haven't rewatched them in a long time and I'm still a fan. It's not cringe at all like when I rewatched Twilight lmaoooo.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? I haven't done my arm exercises in awhile, I need to get back to that. I just recently spent 3 weeks in the hospital, so I lost some of my strength.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? No, I actually hate it. It's super short and choppy and has no style to it. It's all my natural color, too, which I'm not a fan of. I miss my long red hair D:
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? Uh, I've only ever heard that name in The Junglebook.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I love Disney.
Do you eat seafood? Noooo.
When was the last time you cried? Earlier today. I have those days/moments where I cry cause I mourn my old life and how some things used to be and I'm afraid because of my health it'll never be that way again.
Do you have good working habits? I don't work and I have no desire to work to be honest, but if I did I know I'd do my best and want to do well. I would definitely try.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I don't know exactly, but I'm going the wrong direction right now that's for sure.
What are your boundaries? This is too deep right now.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? >> predictably, I immediately forgot every funny thing I've ever encountered
What are two quirky little things about you? I don't know. I feel like that's something you'd have to ask someone who knows me well.
Are you claustrophobic? I can say with absolute certainty that I am. My MRI scans during my hospital stay recently confirmed yet again. It is HORRIBLE and I had to be sedated.
Do you like getting wasted? Blech, noooo. I stopped doing that 10 years ago and don't miss drinking at all. I don't even want to just have a drink or two, I want nothing to do with alcohol at all.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Someone I have stuff in common with, good sense of humor, and we just vibe, ya know?
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? .Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? Christian.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? .My family includes my doggo, so they're all safe and in that case I'd try to save whatever things of mine I could. I'd definitely have to get my meds, I'd want my phone, laptop, purse with my wallet, a hoodie... ugh it would be so hard cause obviously I'd want to save all my things but I just have too much.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc Undergarments, an oversized Barbie tee, a choker necklace.
Does caffeine make you hyper? Nope. It helps take some edge off, but otherwise it does nothing anymore. I just genuinely like coffee so I still drink it.
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avesblues2 · 2 years
Is SoCal a good place for a honeymoon? And do you know any good places for a sate?
I think SoCal if you have never been is great or even central California. San Simeon, cambria, Big Sur, Yosemite, sequoias, or Laguna beach has some amazing places and Newport Beach. Not a fan of San Diego tbh. Obviously avoid La county. Umm Malibu and even parts of Santa Barbara are super nice. I'm assuming you meant date??? There's an awesome place in Laguna called The Ranch, best breakfast and dinner there. It's beautiful right near the beach. Um lots of cool places along the coast tbh. San Simeon/cambria area has some amazing seafood restaurants and little cottages to stay in and then inland is Paso Robles which has some of the best wineries. Then if you like the forest, sequoia area has nice cabins, hikes, etc. it depends if you want coastal vs forest.
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drippingwithmalice · 1 year
I have just discovered an insane love for sushi
I hated sushi before I became pescatarian
I think I trained myself to like seafood
Just had the best lunch/breakfast of 4 pieces of a California roll (180) and 4 pieces of a Shrimp Tempura roll (140)
I also tried one single Hot Mustard Dorito for my bf (12.5) and it’s not bad but. Not a good thing either 🤔
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shop-korea · 1 year
NCT DREAM 엔시티 드림 'Hello Future' MV
RED PANDA - 24/7
0 CAL - DRINKS - $0.25 BOTH -
$0.25 - WE - WILL - SHARE -
DEFEAT - '7 - ELEVEN' - 24/7
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When was the last time you went out on vacation?
Christmas and New Years, during that nasty snowstorm we had. Of course, by the time I'd gone it was already in full swing, and I'd missed the stupendous silence. Best part of a squall like that: how quiet it makes the city. I went to a little town off the beaten path in Baja California. Near enough to the ocean, but not so close that you get too many touristy resorts. Fresh seafood, wonderful opportunities for birdwatching, and I met the ex-mayor of the town in a dive bar eating a shrimp cocktail. Can a man ask for more? I think not.
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The Destination We Cannot Help Imagining
Posting on behalf of JCR/Departer on the ILW discord, who does not have a tumblr, for ILAW Day 1, your MCs.
Word Count: 1612 Premise: Demelza, Harper, and Everest meet up after the carnival and the night before Everest moves to California.
This is the end, according to Aristotle,
What we have all been waiting for,
What everything comes down to,
The destination we cannot help imagining,
A streak of light in the sky,
A hat on a peg, and outside the cabin, falling leaves.
Billy Collins, “Aristotle”
Demelza, Harper, and Everest sat at a circular table outside The Seaboard.  The restaurant was one of Pine Springs’ fanciest and served the best seafood around. They had a nice view of the lake and had dined well. They took turns pouring the remaining white wine into each other’s glasses as the evening breeze flew past them. The outdoor heaters shielded them from the cold, but that didn’t stop Demelza from putting a black shawl over her shoulders or Everest from putting his suit coat back on. Harper had insisted on them getting together, as he was unable to attend Everest’s farewell breakfast the next day.
“I have a meeting with my academic advisor,” Harper said. His leg was still in a cast, but he otherwise looked relaxed, relieved that the issues with the Power were resolved. “I was getting ready for medical school when everything happened. You know how it goes – school during the day, studying at night, and fighting the Power in my spare time.” He took a sip of wine and said, “I’m not starting until January, but it feels good to get things going.” 
Demelza nodded as she tucked her dark hair behind her ears. “I got my associates degree before things picked up here in Pine Springs two years ago. I’m not sure what my major will be, though. I’m not good at anything except monster hunting.” 
“At least you don’t attract monsters,” Everest said. His hazel eyes still held that world-weary quality that hadn’t left since the day of the carnival. He took off his glasses and wiped his eyes before putting them back on again. “It’s hard not to feel like everything happened because of me.” 
“None of this was your fault,” Demelza told him. She put her hand atop of his. “You’re a good person, Everest. We’ll keep telling you that until you understand the truth of it yourself. No one blames you for what happened, so don’t you blame yourself.” 
Everest sighed. His entire countenance carried the weight of the world and the thoughts of what he could’ve done differently. “Don’t you wonder, though? What would our lives be like if we hadn’t gotten involved with the Power?” 
Harper swirled the wine in his glass. “Pine Springs and Westchester would be worse off. You helped save all of Westchester, Everest; and you kept the Power from coming back to Pine Springs.” 
“Remember what Abel told you?” Demelza asked. “You’re allowed to leave all this behind. Besides, you’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting for us over the past while.” 
Everest smiled despite himself. “Have you thought of being a therapist or life coach, Demelza? You always know what to tell me.” 
Demelza laughed. “No way! Sometimes I feel like monsters and the supernatural are easier to deal with.” She had a far-off look in her brown eyes. “The real villains show up in the most ordinary places for the most part. The scariest monsters are the ones you see – or don’t see – every day much of the time… the parents who were never around; local politicians who care more about their own authority than they do about keeping people safe; high school bullies who slammed you on the floor, pushed you into your locker with every intent of leaving you there overnight, and left bruises on your skin.”
Everest winced. His eyes met Demelza’s; they both knew who she referred to. 
“I’m sorry, Everest,” Demelza told him. “I know how much you cared about Jocelyn. I shouldn’t be doing this… speaking ill of the dead. It’s not right.” 
“It’s okay, Demelza.” Harper put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. “I still have a lot of complicated feelings about my grandparents. I hated my grandfather for what he did to my grandmother. He hasn’t been here to defend himself in two years, but I still find myself getting angry with him.” He paused as his mouth turned downward and his blue eyes brimmed with tears unshed. “Things would be different if he had just listened to her – and it’s not just because the Power wouldn’t have gotten out of control. It’s because they could’ve been happy raising my mom and then being more involved with me and Elliot… but the Power corrupts when put in the wrong hands.” 
Harper looked down and said, “I’m still mad at my grandmother, too. She was lashing out after being trapped at the bottom of the lake for fifty years, but she left so much destruction in her wake. People died because of her. It’s hard coming to terms with that.” 
“You don’t have to carry the sins of your family around,” Everest said. “You’re a good person in spite of who you’re descended from.”   
“Thanks, Everest,” Harper grinned. “Are you excited about heading to California tomorrow?” 
Everest nodded. “Abel got everything squared away. We have an apartment close to the beach and he got a teaching position at Redmond University that’ll fund archaeological digs and site visits for him. I’m also starting classes at the community college that feeds into Redmond’s system… and I’ll go to class this time.” 
“You were busy trying not to die,” Demelza said. “Even the most uptight college professor would understand that.” She took a sip of wine and asked, “Have you thought about what you want to do?” 
“I want to be a pediatrician,” Everest responded. “Like my dad. I want to help people, and this feels like the right way to do it.” 
“I’m going into neonatology,” Harper said. “I want to help bring life back and make it better for my future patients. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of death over the past two years.” 
Demelza thought about the friends she had lost to the Power and the innocent people whose lives were taken in its wake. She had witnessed more than her fair share of death herself and was now the constant tasked with ending that cycle. She looked at Harper, who promised to help her, and at Everest, whose mental health would have shattered were he to stay behind. She held up her glass and said, “Here’s to us: our futures, having the rest of our lives ahead of us, stopping the Power for good, and stopping the wheel of death it brings.” 
“I’ll drink to that,” Everest said. Harper nodded in agreement. 
The three of them clinked their glasses together and took their final sips of wine. Harper looked at Demelza and commented, “You have a way with words. Have you thought about studying creative writing?” 
Demelza blushed. “I keep a journal… but you can’t really do anything with that field except teach; and the thought of going back to middle school or high school for the next forty to fifty years honestly makes me want to throw myself into the void.” 
Everest and Harper laughed and held up their empty glasses in another, albeit empty, toast. 
“I can’t argue against that,” Harper said. “Middle school and high school should only be lived through once.” 
“You could teach college and then write during the summers and school breaks,” Everest suggested. “You can even take a sabbatical and work on your writing during the time you have off. You could take what you already have written down in your journal and make something out of that.” 
“I couldn’t sell it as a memoir, though.” 
Harper looked at her with earnest eyes. “Who says it must be a memoir? Didn’t that witch who used to live in Connor’s cabin write a bestselling children’s book about her experiences in Westchester?” 
Demelza nodded. “She wrote Things That Live in the Woods. It won a Newbery medal.” 
“Think about it,” Everest said. “You could write about what happened in Westchester and Pine Springs and incorporate so many ideas into the horror and supernatural aspects of it: family, friendship, love, teamwork, and life after death… of those we love who’ve passed on coming back to help us see things through. I think you could do it, Demelza. You could make something great out of that.” 
Demelza wiped her eyes. “Stop making me cry.” 
“I’ll be first in line when you’re giving a reading of your bestselling novel,” Everest promised her. He looked at her and Harper and said, “I know we’re headed in different directions, but let’s make a promise: not just to keep in touch, but to meet up regularly. We’ve been through a lot together and lived through something life-changing. We can’t throw that away.” 
“Never,” Harper agreed. “Let’s agree to meet up at least once a year, possibly more if life circumstances allow it. We can agree on a date and time each year, adjust if necessary, and make plans throughout the year. We can meet up someplace different every year or pick a spot we all like and make it our own.” 
Demelza, Harper, and Everest stood from their chairs and went in for a group hug, not knowing what was ahead despite their best laid plans. The future and the destinations they were set for remained unknown, but they would always have each other. Their friendship would transcend the greatest distance and be there to greet them in a cabin in the woods of their choosing, far away from Westchester and Pine Springs, yet to be known to them.
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