#big news morgans would be proud
arthvrmvrgan · 11 months
Arthur Morgan x Male!Reader Hcs
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Hey!! I wanted to make another hc list cuz the last one did so well! I made this an x male!reader because as a gay trans guy, there really isn’t too much when it comes to male readers. I just wanna make other people who feel the same and myself feel happy and represented!
Also to add Arthur is autistic in this
Warnings: Mention of vomit
Though he maybe aversive to touch with others, arthur is SUCH a cuddle bug with his partner. When they first start out he’s shy and will hold your hand or wrap his arm around your shoulders.
but once it’s long term arthur gives you big bear hugs, hands around your waist, holding you close by the fire, and of course those soft kisses <3
When he’s drunk, he pulls you onto his lap, smothers your face in kisses, and yells about how much he loves you.
Arthur also gets shy when it comes to talking about his interests. If you mention something like drawing or horses, he’d make a small comment or addition to the conversation. But once he’s comfortable enough, he’ll infodump for hours about horses to you!
Just hold him close, let his head rest on your chest while you pet his hair and he infodumps, and he’s in heaven!
Some pet names he’d call you would include: “Darlin, Sweetheart, My prince, My man, Hun, and Sunshine” :3 When you call him any pet name, his heart melts and his legs feel like jelly
He loves giving and receiving praise! He’ll whisper in your ear “good boy” just to mess with you cuz he know it makes you BLUSH! But he’ll also be like “atta boy!” or “yup, that’s my boy.”
The first time you praised him, it felt really odd for him. He hadn’t been praised like that ever since he’d been with Mary. It felt so foreign but so…good.
His big ol’ heart skips a beat when you tell him how proud you are of him, or how he looks so handsome in that new shirt you got him. He feels like the happiest man on earth
Now unfortunately, times weren’t as accepting as they are now. You and Arthur knew it had to be kept secret for fear of what might happen. You two don’t feel any embarrassment at all, just a need for a safety. The gang knows about you two, most of them accepting you with welcome arms!
You also help Arthur out more with errands, jobs, and chores. Ever since an incident were Arthur worked his way up to illness like vomiting, you’ve made it your duty to lay off the weight on Arthur’s shoulders.
If he needs help with the hay bales, you’ll be right next to him holding one. If he’s going out on a stage job from alden, you ask if you can tag along!
Arthur has gotten better with accepting help or rest, but not so much asking for it. You still encourage Arthur to request help if he needs it, and how he’s not weak for doing so.
There have even been times where you’d yell at Dutch and Strauss to leave Arthur be for a bit.
He’ll sometimes doodle little drawings of you in his journal as well as writing lovey dovey passages about you and putting “A<3Y/N” with a big heart too. He’ll even just doodle random hearts while spacing out and thinking about you..
He gets so excited to see you, even if you can’t tell. The way his eyes light up like a big puppy dog’s as he speed walks over to your horse to greet you and give you a welcome back kiss
He also penguin pebbles and finds random stuff that reminds him of you!! Whether it be a cigarette card, a flower, or even some artifact or object he found…he WILL give it to you!
That’s all for now! If y’all wanna send in your arthur or just any other rdr hcs, feel free! I also wouldnt mind writing more arthur hcs so please feel free to send me rqs!
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discotitsposts · 6 months
born to die
reader is secretly best friends with a famous singer
bau x reader
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set in season 7 so 2012
“Have you guys heard about that new singer, Lana Del Rey?” JJ asked the team while waiting for the brief of the new case on the jet. Hotch and Rossi had taken up conversation in the corner leaving the younger team members some quality time. Derek shakes his head. You smile to yourself. Lana was actually a stage name and her real name was Elizabeth and she had been one of your best friends ever since you had met her in the seventh grade during an incident in Lake Placid.
The team didn’t know that though. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell them. It’s just that the topic had never come up before so you didn’t reveal it. You were very mysterious to them. Honestly you were just private.
Emily smiles, “Yes!! Her album is called ‘Born To Die’ it’s so good!”
Morgan tells you that he’s going to listen to it. He puts his headphones on and closes his eyes. He starts singing ‘Summertime Sadness’ out loud. Spencer looks around confused. Not being kept up on pop culture he had no clue who she was. You explain to him Lana’s vibe is very vintage and her voice is beautiful, which is why people love her. You, having heard her early music when she first started, are very excited about her newfound popularity.
“I heard she’s playing a show in New York soon, wanna go?” JJ asks Emily when the jet lands
“I’d love to!! Who else wants to go?” Emily looks around at everyone. Morgan raises his hand and says, “I’m in!”
They look at you and Spencer.
“How about you guys?” JJ asks with a big grin. Spencer stammers trying to think of an excuse when you say, “I can get the tickets for us. I have an in at the arena.” They nod excitedly. Spencer, being quite fond of you, nods.
“I’ll go. It might be fun.” He smiles at you. Hotch and Rossi were listening in and tell you they would like to join. You smile at them and shoot off a text to your so called contact at the arena. The performer herself.
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You smile and put your phone down.
After the case, you’re all back on the jet.
“Hey you got a ticket for Penelope right, I called her and she said she would die to go.” Morgan asks you.
“Of course! Couldn’t leave her out.” You didn’t tell them you didn’t need to buy tickets.
When you get back to the BAU Penelope runs in.
“We’re actually going!! I’m so excited!! What should I wear!” She asks you.
“Whatever’s comfortable!” You respond while folding your sweater up and putting it in your bag.
“Hey do you know what section we’ll be in?” Emily asks looking up from her phone.
“Right up front.”
Everyone’s jaws drop. “You got us all front rows?” JJ asks. You nod.
Day of the show
You and the girls had gotten ready together in your hotel room. Rossi had ordered a limousine for everyone.
“Where are the tickets?” JJ asks when you get to the ticket station and the man holds his hand out to check for your tickets.
“Oh we don’t need tickets.” You laugh and look for a security guard. You motion everyone to follow you. They look at each other in confusion but follow you. You tell Ed the security guard your name and he tells you all to follow him. He brings you to a backstage room.
“Are we MEETING HER?” Penelope, JJ, Morgan, and Emily jump around screaming.
Lana walks in and everyone damn near passes out. She looks absolutely beautiful. She’s wearing a white dress with her hair big and heavy makeup. She spots you and grins.
“Hi! I’m so glad to see you!” She runs to you and gives you a big hug.
“I’m so proud of you! Look where you’re performing! How do you feel?” You ask.
“I know it’s so crazy. I’m feeling a huge adrenaline rush,” She smiles fiddling with her hands. “Maybe some nerves too.”
“Well you’re going to do amazing. Just think of it as the bar you used to play at and I’m gonna be right there cheering you on!” The whole team is watching you interact with her in such awe.
“Alright, I’m going on soon. Ed, can you take them to their row? Have fun everyone!” She squeezes your hands and waves at everyone as she walks to the door. She blows you a kiss and you blow one back and shake your hips. A secret handshake you guys made up.
Emily smacks your arm gently. “Why didn’t you tell us you’re friends with a singer who’s been all over the radio lately?”
“You didn’t ask me.” Their faces drop. They hadn’t asked you much of anything when you’d first joined. Everyone was nice they just hadn’t spoken to you about your personal life much. Therefore you hadn’t told them anything.
“Know anyone else famous?” JJ asks jokingly as if you might secretly be friends with a whole bunch of A-list celebrities.
“Ever hear of Taylor Swift?” She was also a good friend of yours. You show everyone a picture you had taken with a Tay a few weeks ago when you had gone to dinner with her. JJ almost faints.
The show was a blast and you all had fun. She played everything from Born To Die and her latest release, Paradise. You had even noticed Spencer seemed to like the song, Diet Mountain Dew. He had been tapping his fingers rhythmically to the beat. Lizzy had pointed at you and smiled and waved to you all during the show. Her voice live is so beautiful. After, you had all hung out with Lana and went to dinner with her and everyone was spilling with questions for her. You were laughing for hours with everyone.
“I heard Britney Spears is playing at a stadium nearby tomorrow.” Penelope winds some more spaghetti on her fork with Rossi giving her a disapproving look at the improper way she wound her pasta.
“Oh yeah. For ‘Femme Fatale’ she invited me to that. I might go. Who wants to join?” You speak as if you’re just asking them if they want to get coffee. Leaving everyone wondering how the hell you know all these people.
Needless to say, after that everyone asked you a lot more about yourself.
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so-called-clown · 2 years
Glenn Close is one to wear his own merchendise when he's home. Lounging on the couch in his "The Glenn Close Trio Mall Tour" T-shirt, Morgan in his arms as they watch a bad hallmark christmas movie.
Morgan Freeman finds a too-big T-shirt in the wash, it would look great tied into a cropped shirt under her leather jacket. She admires Glenn's goofy grin as she walks out, ready for a night at the bar in his shirt. Proudly advertizing her husbands band. She looks better than she did on their wedding day.
Nick Close discovers a long faded, Glenn Close Trio T-Shirt as he goes through his moms old things. It would fit him perfectly, Despite the wrinkles and deteriorated lettering, Its his favorite shirt. His dad smiles fondly at him as he displays it on his chest. A proud son and his proud father.
Nicholas Foster doesnt remember where he got this shirt, a family trip years ago, likely. Of the names of the malls the band played at, none of them look all that familiar. Nonetheless, the shirt is casual enough to wear around home, its comfortable. Something about it, the way it feels, It feels unfamiliar in a familiar way.
Little Nicky doesnt know exactly who's shirt this is. It's his, It's his Moms, Its Glenn's, Its his. He doesnt know, nor does he want to. Its his favorite shirt, despite now being stained and torn, and being quite literally to hell and back, It's his shirt.
Cassandra Swift discovered a blue T-shirt with gold lettering under her bed. Several sizes to big, of course. Another stolen shirt, another ex boyfriend. She wore it a few times, mostly when anything else was dirty. The stains multiplying as baby food spilled. It worked in a pinch when she was out of cereal and needed to make an early trip to the store. A family shirt, for her and her new baby.
Taylor Swift received the shirt by mistake as it was stacked into the wrong laundry pile. The shirt was old, older than Taylor, for sure. Though the neck was cracking due to dry rotting, and the edges were singed and torn, saftey pins holding the sleaves together, It was totally a rugged, survival experts shirt! Stretched over the years, it hung loosly over Taylors body. No worries, He never went anywhere in just a T-Shirt, nobody would notice under his jacket and Go-Bag.
Despite how the Foster-Freeman-Close-Swift family shifts and changes, or what Non-Euclidian tricksters or Evil step-dads make their way in and out, something doesnt change. Theyre family, whether they like it or not.
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vikwrites · 8 months
Copacabana - Tony Stark
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Summary ➣ A letter to Tony Stark, 16 years after his death. Pairing ➣ Tony Stark x Widowed! Reader Word Count ➣ 681
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October 17, 2039.
Dear Tony, 
It’s been 16 years since you left this world, October 17, 2023, 16 long years. 
It's surreal to think that it's been this long. At times, it feels as if we're still the teenagers who first fell head-over-heels for each other, dreaming of a future without any obstacles in our way. 
The memory of our first kiss still lingers, like a cool breeze on a warm autumn day, in the midst of an October rain, our clothes soaked and sticking to our skin. Young and reckless, having just graduated from MIT with bright futures ahead of us. But in that moment, all that mattered was the taste of your lips, the warmth of your body pressed against mine. The world faded away as we stood there in the rain, lost in each other's embrace.
I watched as you slowly rebuilt Stark Industries after the passing of your father. We had just eloped to California, swept away by our passionate love, keen for a fresh start. But money had changed you. I tried to understand the pressure of carrying millions on your shoulders, but it became harder to reconcile with who you were becoming. Yet, despite it all, my love for you never wavered. 
I remember when you were captured in Afghanistan. Those 3 bitter months, I didn’t know if you would return or not. Then you came back, and in your chest was embedded an arc reactor, a false, mechanical pump; keeping you alive, but deep down, I knew you still had a heart. You changed so much after that, like you lost a part of yourself in that cave.
Then the world crashed upon us—aliens, Avengers, and everything in between.
The moments in between felt like a hazy blur, my mind struggling to hold onto the images as they slipped through my fingers like sand. I remembered catching glimpses of you on the news, especially in your impenetrable armour, well. We thought it was, but that fateful day on Titan proved otherwise. 
And it hasn’t been the same since.
Morgan, our little girl. She’s just been accepted into MIT, just like you’ve always dreamed of. In a few years, she’ll be getting her PhD in electrical engineering, just like her father did; hopefully, she’ll inherit Stark Industries and continue on our legacy. As proud as I am, it's bittersweet, to see her follow in your footsteps. I know you would have been so proud of her. But at the same time, it brings up all the painful emotions of losing you and wondering how different things would be if you were still here. 
Morgan misses you a lot, she really does.
On rainy days, we’d sit outside the cabin. As rain splattered against the wooden porch, Morgan would curl next to me, tucking her small hand into mine. She would turn to me with big, curious eyes; "Tell me about Dad," she said, wanting to know more about the man she never got to meet, and I would weave fantastical tales of his bravery, how he fearlessly battled against evil to protect us, but deep down, I knew that he had been just as scared and uncertain as the rest of us, scared that he would lose us.
The humidity feels nice, we seek solace these days, finding comfort in the melancholy beauty that accompanies them. But my heart aches as I think about how much you loved these moments, we used to sit by the lake, talking about how we’d get older in each other's arms, yet you're no longer here to join us. 
Occasionally, we’d still leave a cheeseburger out for you, hoping that somehow you can still taste it in another world. It's a silly habit, but it's all we have left to cling to your memory. We know you're no longer here with us, but our hearts refuse to accept it. It's our way of holding onto you, even though we know you're gone.
We miss you, Tony, and I hope I’ll get to see you again. 
I love you 3000.
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miela · 1 year
Shattered Memories • Chapter X: The Return of a Hero • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Heartfelt Angst, F L O O F Y Fluff Chapter Warnings: back to a regular-sized chapters lmao Extra: next chapter is gonna be smut and it might be posted before the next update. Word Count: 3.4k
Masterlist | Playlist | Pin Board
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
It’s been no more than fifteen minutes since Peter left and you were in the conference room holding the Helmet of the Iron Suit of your late father. You were sitting on the table again as you looked out the window at the New York City skyline in contemplation as the ghosts of Peter’s words echoed and danced around your head. 
Me, a hero, you thought. 
You knew that you used to be an Avenger. You used to be a damn good one actually, but that didn’t mean that you were a good hero. Anyone can save a life but not everyone can truly be a hero. And now that you think about it, you don’t think you ever saw yourself as a true hero. 
You didn’t see yourself like how you saw Steve.
You didn’t see yourself like how you saw Nat.
You didn’t see yourself like you saw your dad.
And you certainly didn’t see yourself like how you saw Peter. 
You were meant to be a legacy, not a hero. You were meant to change the world through business and philanthropy. That was your place. 
You were Corporate America, not Captain America.
If Peter really knew what happened five years ago, he would understand why you couldn't see yourself as a hero. If he knew how you're responsible for the pain and loss and downfall of many people because of your selfishness, he would understand why you tucked your suit in a far corner. You were doing a favor by staying in your place as an American Sweetheart and not an American Hero. 
Then…if that’s the case why do you feel this yearning? Like you're supposed to be out there doing more? 
You sighed and looked down at the helmet that your father once wore. Inside of it was a message that he left for you years ago that you refused to look at because you knew that it was his farewell message to you and that meant that it was final and that he wasn't coming back. 
You felt that now was the time to see it. 
You activated the system in the helm as a hologram came up through the eyes of the mask. You clicked around until you found the file that read "FOR ELDEST LITTLE ME" which brought a smile to your face.
You took a deep breath and pressed play. A life-sized hologram of your dad came up. 
Hey Daughter number one, I hope you never have to see this message. But it’s like you say many times “shit happens, and it’s our responsibility to be prepared for it.” So I’m taking a page out of your book and doing just that. Preparing for the shit that may or may not happen. 
If you’re seeing this message that means I’m dead. Or I lived and you got nosey and I forgot to delete this. Whatever. If I’m alive, delete this right now or I’ll hide all your guitars in some off-shore estate of ours. Including the one on your bedroom wall. If I’m dead then…well, stay tuned. 
I’m going to cut right to the chase. Don’t blame yourself for my death. None of this is on you. There was nothing you could have done to save me and I mean nothing. Things played out exactly how they were supposed to. You did everything you were supposed to and I’m so proud of you. 
I want you to live your life and I want you to be happy. I know you’re gonna love Morgan and I know that you and Pepper will take care of each other. You’re gonna grow to be this powerful person in the world just like you always wanted to be. This world will try and knock you down because you are different and you constantly break the status quo, even if I specifically told you not to. Keep being a swiftie, keep playing guitar, keep dancing, keep creating things, and keep being a little smart ass too. I don’t want you to blame yourself for something that you had no control over. 
You will make mistakes, some probably as big as mine and I’m sorry that you have to be left with the mess I made in my lifetime. People will try to knock you down because of me. People will try to discourage you because of me. People will try to destroy you because of me. You will have enemies everywhere and at some point it will probably cause you to be your own worst enemy. So here’s a word of advice from your dear ol’ dad:
“Don’t give up before you can see what happens when you persevere.” 
Yes, I came up with that quote because I am a freaking genius.
Remember what I always told you. “Behind that heart of iron, there is gold.” You are headstrong, stubborn and so damn rebellious but it’s because you care about others, you care about making this world a better place, and you care about saving the earth that we all live on. 
And for that, you are a hero, whether you believe it or not. 
I love you, 3000, (Y/N). When the time comes, I'll see you on the flipside.
By the time the message ended, you were crying. You picked up the Iron mask and leaned your forehead against it. You let out a sob as a wave of emotions washed over you. 
“Thank you, dad…” you whisper to the mask. “I love you, 3000.”
You sat there and cried for a good twenty minutes before you calmed down. You took a deep breath, got up, and walked into the office of the penthouse, a place you avoided like the plague because of all the memories of Tony Stark living in it. 
You were unlocking all types of bravery today.
When you stepped inside you walked over to the desk and set down the mask right in the center of it before patting it softly two times. You walked around the office and looked around at the different decor and pictures that were placed nicely on shelves and the desk. There was a picture of you, Pepper and Tony and another one with Morgan, Pepper and Tony. They made you smile as you looked over and noticed another two pictures. 
One was of you and Peter. 
You both were hugging each other cheek to cheek with big smiles on your faces. You noted how young you both looked and how happy you both were with youthful twinkles in your eyes and baby faces much like how you were in the scrapbook pictures. The other picture was of you, Peter, and Harley all making funny faces and wearing Stark Internship tee shirts as a joke (and as proof for Aunt May and Harley's mom that they're doing something other than Avenger's Hero work). You giggled to yourself.
"All the clues I needed, right in here in the only place I didn't look," you smile to yourself. "Figures."
You set the photo back down as a notification popped up on your stark specs.
"A message from Spiderman," FRIDAY chimed. "Or better yet, your boyfriend."
You hummed in amusement with a smile. "Open it please."
Through the specs, you could see a picture of the Avengers Tower in the distance and a red webbed hand doing a finger heart at it. The caption was a red heart. Your smile widened as you faced the window, did a finger heart at it, and sent him a picture of it with a heart caption back. 
You wanted to ask him how patrolling was going, but your mind decided on other things. You made your way to your room down the hall and made a beeline to the walk-in closet filled with your business clothing that you would rather keep there than at home. You walked inside and made your way to the very back and stopped at the long mirror that stood in front of you. You sighed and put your hand on the hidden scanner on the side of the mirror. A blue light Illuminated around your hand. 
"Welcome back, Silk," the system said as the mirror turned around and revealed your spider suit. "It's been a long time."
You looked at the white, black, and red one-piece with minimal gold details and minimal blue LED lights. You had almost forgotten what it looked like and you were about to remember what it felt like.
You smiled. "Yeah, it has."
Next thing you know you were in the suit, with your full white mask on and your white hood up. It was just as comfortable as you remembered. It felt liberating, freeing and right wearing the suit and now you were going to put it to the test. You strapped on your web shooters and tested them to make sure that they still work. Then you made your way to the platform outside. 
"Shall I notify, Peter?" FRIDAY asked through your mask.
"No," you replied with excitement and nervousness flowing through your body. "I'll surprise him."
You took a deep breath that came out more shaky than you would’ve liked. You haven't done this in so long and you honestly felt like you were going to run into a building or something. And although you can make webs from your fingertips, you haven’t really haven’t used your webs in a while either, so you opted for the web shooters that you also used in combat before.
Oh god, what if the fluid is no good anymore? You thought.
"You're afraid,” FRIDAY stated.
"Is it obvious?” You asked as you took the web fluid container to check it from the web shooter. “I haven't done this in five years."
"Just like your first time, it’s a leap of faith."
“FRI, that leap of faith could have me seeing my father on the flipside much sooner than planned.”
“You could summon an iron suit for emergency purposes.”
"You're right." You took a deep breath and put the container back in the slot of the web shooter. "Here goes faith."
And with that, you ran across the platform and dove off. The fall was terrifying but invigorating. The wind was harsh and cold but in an instant reaction, your suit auto-warmed you. You shot a web from the shooter as it attached to a building and you swung across the veins of the city. Once you got the hang of it from your muscle memory, you flung yourself high up in the sky over some of the buildings and did a flip. You could hear people from down below pointing you out and you waved as you passed by them. You smiled from behind your mask as you swung and ran on the side of buildings, careful to not hit windows. You landed on top of a building and laughed happily to yourself as your heart raced in your chest.
You almost couldn’t believe you gave this up. Almost.
"Man, I missed this."
"Spiderman detected nearby. About five blocks over." FRIDAY stated as she showed you his location.
"Thanks, FRI."
You swung and leaped from building to building until you felt your senses tingle. You land on the building where he was at. He was spider-squatting (as you two called it)  on the edge and looking down at the street. You began walking quietly over to him.
"Friend detected," FRIDAY chimed. "Hello Karen."
"Hello FRIDAY," Karen chimed back.
You lay your hands on his shoulders softly and his body instantly relaxed at your touch. You sensed a form of happiness from him. 
"You came," you could hear the smile in his voice.
You leaned against him, wrapped your arms around his waist, and hugged him from behind. He turned his head towards you as you rested your chin on his shoulder. He kisses your cheek through his mask as heart emotes pop up on the screen through your mask lenses. Your face burned. 
"I did."
"What changed your mind?"
"I wanted to see your ass in the suit again."
Peter laughed in response. “Is that why you made the suit so form-fitting?”
“No,” you replied with a giggle. “But I’m certainly not complaining.”
“I’m not complaining about yours either,” he said lowly in your ear which caused your face to burn even more.
He smirked under his mask knowing what your silence meant.
"How long have you been staking out here?"
"Since I sensed you like three minutes ago," he explained. 
You smiled and then moved to sit next to him. "I decided to try the hero thing again. If I'm gonna do it with anyone, I'm glad it's you." 
He was looking at you when you looked back at him. He then moved his covered hand to cradle your masked face gently and you leaned into it as your mask showed you closing your eyes. His thumb caressed the apple of your cheek gently and you let out a soft breath at the sweetness of it all. 
"Are you okay?" He asked softly with obvious worry in his voice. "I sensed your sadness earlier."
You look up at him with a covered smile. "I'm okay. I just found a message from my dad and it just kinda got to me," you explained and put your hand over his. "But I'm okay." 
"You sure?" 
You nodded and then stood up. 
“Let’s go protect the little guy,” you held your hand. “Together.”
He took your hand and stood up. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
You nodded. “Me too.”
Both of you swung through the streets of New York City. You stopped several things from happening including petty thefts, muggings, car accidents, and children from getting themselves into danger unintentionally. You mostly assisted more than anything, which neither of you minded since it’s been a while since you’ve done any heroic justice work. 
After a while, you guys stopped and got some food to replenish the energy you used. Peter settled with a sandwich while you got a wrap and you guys split your food in half and gave it to one another. You both sat on the edge of the roof of a lower-rise building scanning the streets for any suspicious activity.
"You got one thing wrong earlier," you started. "In your big ass rom-com speech."
"Oh?" Peter looked at you. "Enlighten me."
"Draco Malfoy and Aaron Warner aren't my book boyfriends anymore," you smirked. "I've moved on from them."
"Oh really?" Peter mused. "Care to share with the class?"
"Why? So you can feel some type of way about him too? Nah I'm good."
"Oh, come on!" 
You giggled and took another bite of your wrap. "I'll tell you once he's ready to meet you."
He scoffed and shook his head with a playful smile. "I'll just ask Morgan."
You snorted. "She probably does know. Speaking of, she told me you helped her out yesterday. Thank you for that."
"Don't mention it," he smiled and took the last bite of his sandwich.
You looked out into the skyline of the city and scanned over its beauty before letting out a sigh. You felt the happy chemicals working through your body over time and smiled to yourself as you finished your food. 
"So," you began. "I know this question is annoying as hell but what do you plan on doing after college?"
"I have a few options," Peter started. "But the two that resonate with me most are working in a lab or being an educator."
You look at him. "You wanna become a teacher?"
Peter nodded. "I love science as you know and I have a passion for it. I know it's not for everyone and some kids struggle with it y'know? so I would love to share my passion with them and show them that even though they're not good at the subject they can still get some sort of fulfillment from trying. Like the scientific method. Also, some kids need someone who they can turn to when bullies happen and when they're struggling. I'm no counselor but I could help them connect to one."
Your heart swelled. He is just so pure and too good for this world. You couldn't understand why the universe would ever want to do any harm to him when he's such an angel. All he wanted to do was make this world a better place in the best way he could. 
You pouted.
"You're such a sweetheart," you pecked his lips. "My sweet boy."
He blushed. "I-I-It's nothing, really."
"To some kid out there, one day, it'll be everything."
He looked at you again and he could tell that had a loving look in your eye. You both leaned in and kissed each other softly. Kissing Peter had become one of your favorite things in less than twenty-four hours. And if you said it out loud, Peter would agree with you.
"Oh my god!" You heard a shriek from below and both of you reacted by whipping your heads around and pulling down your mask.
There was a group of three girls at the bottom of the building gawking up at the both of you. 
"Silk! Is that you?!" The girl who shrieked before asked. She had long braided locs that were tied up in pigtails, dark skin, and big brown eyes that sparkled at the sight of you both. She wore a black long-sleeved turtle neck and a black pleated skirt under a hot pink corset. She has fishnets on her legs and demonias on her feet and several spikes accessories to top the outfit. 
She reminded you of Draculaura from Monster High.
You smiled and waved down at them. "Hello," you sang, putting on your best Brooklyn accent.
"You came back!" The girl chimed excitedly. "Everyone thought you were dead!"
"No, they didn't," a girl next to her corrected. She had long wavy brown hair and she wore an oversized maroon sweater that looked nice against her tan skin, with a white flowy skirt, Doc Martens, a denim jacket full of embroideries and patches, and a white beanie on her head. "Spidey said on many occasions that she was taking a break due to unknown reasons."
You looked at Peter who shrugged. 
"I didn't know what else to say," he whispered so only you two could hear.
"Are you two dating?" The other girl who was with them asked curiously. She had short blonde hair and wore a green crew neck sweater over a white turtleneck and a pair of loose mom jeans with Doc Martens. 
"Uh, duh? Why wouldn't they be?" The Draculaura girl said with a smile. "They're, like, perfect for each other! He picked up the slack so she could take a break! That's sooooo sweet! Iron Spider Duo is the OTP!"
You couldn't help but giggle like an idiot with your hand over the area where your mouth would be as you crossed a leg over the other.
God, she's so cute, Peter thought as he blushed under his mask. 
"Where are you girls headed?" You asked. "You shouldn't be walking by yourselves at this hour."
"Oh, we ubered here to this cafe," White beanie replied. "And we should get inside so we can meet up with everyone else!" She urged the other two to go inside. 
"Wait, can we get a picture with you?" The blonde asked.
You and Peter exchanged looks and shrugged in a why not manner before jumping down and posing with them. After that, you saluted them a goodnight as they hurried inside to meet up with whoever they were supposed to meet up with.
"We do make a good pair don't we?" You smiled and nudged his arm playfully.
"We sure do," Peter nudged back.
After that, you patrolled some more before calling it a night. When you two finally got back to the tower, it was one in the morning. Nothing big as an Avengers-level threat happened on patrols and so you both still had some energy. But that could also be your senses being happy.
You missed this. You were all smiles and adrenaline high when you walked back in.
"I'll take a shower in the locker room," Peter smiled and before he could turn and walk away you grabbed his arm. He looked at you wondrously in response.
"Why waste water?" You smiled softly looking at him with a longing in your eyes. 
Peter's eyes widened slightly as he looked at you. His wild eyes betrayed him as they traced over your body and just as you do a lot of justice in that suit, that suit was doing you a lot of justice. 
He pressed his lips together and licked them as he nodded at you. You smiled, taking his hands and walking him towards your bedroom.
@chrisevans-realwife @riordanness @peterdarlingg @thecrystalclarity @brckenmemories @paleprincesssxo @blackcanary130 @kindlover @i-have-no-life-charlie @melodicheauxxlovesfood
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medusapelagia · 2 months
New ask game for writers:
Very low-pressure rules: Tell me which fic of yours was the MOST FUN TO WRITE (if you want to). Like, which one did you have a BLAST writing? Feel free to share, to rec, to tell us WHY they were fun, etc etc - I was tagged by @dragonflylady77 (thank you!!!)
It might sound a bit too much but I love all my fics. The two I have had more fun writing in the last few months are:
Second Chances Mixtape, a preSteddie time travel AU inspired by Morgan's art that I wrote for the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang.
And I'm particularly proud of this exchange because it still makes me laugh every time I read it. Eddie here is a five year old kid for… reasons that are explained in the fic XD!
"No, you didn't. And I'm fine! Look! I found Wayne, now I can go home." the kid says, and then he turns his attention toward the man that is staring at him. "Holy shit, Wayne! You are so old! Are you going to die?" "Eddie. That's not an appropriate thing to say." Steve tries to stop him. "But he is old! And when people get old they die. Grandma died and she was so old! She must have been at least thirty." Then he turns toward Wayne. "How old was Grandma when she died?" "She was eighty-two," Wayne replies, still astonished, and Eddie turns toward Steve with a grin. "Told you."
The second one is Hidden Treasure, that a metalsandwich omegaverse pirate AU I wrote for the Stranger things Big Bang.
I'm really proud of the ending, that I won't spoil! XD, and of this exchange between Eddie and Billy:
“I haven’t cut my hair in ages! That’s not fair! He’s the ferocious pirate! Not me!” Eddie whines, but then he nods, “Alright, alright. But I’ll cut my hair myself. I don’t trust you not to cut my throat, Hargrove.” “I would never cut your throat accidentally.” “No one said that you might do it accidentally.” Eddie chuckles, and then he grabs some water from the table to dampen Billy’s hair and his face. Tilting Billy’s head back gently, he starts to shave his face with skilled hands.
My no pressure tag lists: @spaceofentropy, @lemonhoarddragoness, @katyawriteswhump, @midsummer-semantics, @romeren and everyone else who wants to join!
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sorryjustafangirl · 2 years
babe for the weekend
a/n: this is a little different than what i usually write, in terms of boy and structure but i am really really proud of how it turned out, so i hope y'all like it too! the title comes from Taylor Swift's ''tis the damn season" and it quite inspired by it. this is for @broadstbroskis, one of the very first writers i starting following on hockeyblr. it was an absolute honour to write for her in @antoinerousselssel's winter fic exchange and i really really hope she enjoys it (and all its Swiftie references <3)
pairing: morgan rielly x fem!reader
word count: 8.8k+
warnings: a few swears, holiday setting (although not crazy prominent), childhood idiot friends to lovers?
disclaimer: this is a piece of fiction and this beautiful gif is not mine! p.s. i know he got engaged recently (to the figure skating love of my life Tessa Virtue; congrats to them!) but i was too deep in the fic to switch it when i heard the news. hope you still love it!
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Morgan had been getting you out of trouble since the day you two could walk. You’d knock over a vase, and he’d find a way to blame the dog. You’d convince him to mattress surf down the stairs, and he put it back while you stalled your mom so she wouldn’t know. He would tell his mom that she “saw you walk up the stairs after dinner like hours ago” when you only snuck in his window four minutes before. 
That didn’t end when he left to play junior hockey or when he got drafted and you moved across the country for school. Despite being in the same city, you relied less on him to bail you out as you got older, but every once in a while, his number was on speed dial to decipher if a guy was phishing you or for a 2am pickup from the club. 
Granted, you’d saved him just as many times. You’d posed as his girlfriend to save him from puck bunnies and more than once told his mom it was you he was out with, instead of the girlfriend he wasn’t supposed to have. Every other week, he’d call with a question he was too embarrassed to ask his own mom (“is $10 too much for a carton of orange juice?”). 
You just never thought he’d be bailing you out like this. 
As the youngest of four kids (and the last single one), your parents were overbearing about your love life to say the least. But in the holiday season? It dialed up to 11. 
“Are you sure you’re alright though? We don’t want you to be feeling lonely.” Your mom brought up at the end of your weekly Zoom family call, complete with all your siblings and grandma. 
“For the last time, I am not lonely. I have great friends, I have a good job at an ad agency, and my credit card is paid off. I’m doing great!”
“But it’s a big city, darling. You’ve been out of school for years and you still haven’t told us about any guy. Or-or girl, if you’re into that,” she tried to reason.
“Mom, she isn’t lonely because she’s getting some!” Ben, your youngest brother, chimed in, making you cringe. 
“Grow up, dork,” Julie, your eldest sister, said at the same time your older brother, James, said “Nice one!”
“Kids, you’re making Grams blush, can you knock it off?” Your dad chimed in. Ben’s face flushed but that didn’t stop James from poking the bear. 
“Just think Mom, there’s less people to feed at Christmas!” 
“That’s what you take out of this? Your sister could be at risk for depression.”
“I don’t have depression!”
“You always talk to me with an iced coffee, I do get a little concerned.” “Rude!” “Hey! Ruby drinks iced coffees too and she’s not depressed.” “She’s in a relationship with you, I’d rethink that.” “You aren’t depressed when you’re in happy relationships, that’s what I know.” “Grams, that is not true.” “That’s what Cynthia at book club said!” “None of that changes the fact that your sister hasn’t had a boyfriend in a long time and I’m worried about her!” “She’s not that old Brenda.” “She’s not seventeen anymore Thomas, our daughter is getting older and if she wants kids–” “Kids? Mom, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend.” “That’s my point!” “Who said she wants kids?” “Julie, you’re a mother, you should know every woman wants kids!” “Grams, that isn’t true.” 
All of their overlapping voices seemed to get louder, rattling around in your brain, and you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“I have a boyfriend!” You blurted and the screen silenced. You relished the small moment of quiet before the sound exploded again. 
“What?” “Yes!” “Who is he?” “Is he coming home with you?” “What’s his name?”
“Woah, woah. One at a time please,” you nervously laughed. 
“What’s his name?” The smiles on your mom and Grams faces were so wide it was starting to freak you out and your brain froze. What’s a boy’s name what’s a boy name what’s a boy’s name??
Your brain blurted out the name before you realized its implications. 
“Morgan?” Your mom’s smile widened. “Like our Morgan? The Rielly’s boy?” 
Shit, shit, shit. “You’ll have to wait to find out.”
“If they couldn’t get together in high school, no way it would happen now. I say it’s different.” “There’s lots of Morgans in Toronto! It’s a big city.” 
“Yeah, I call bullshit on this whole boyfriend thing,” your older sister Julie chimed in.
You felt blood starting to drain from your face “What?” 
“Oh c’mon! All we have is a name? You don’t want to share his job or what he looks like? You can’t even tell us if he’s coming back with you. You’re just faking it.”
“His work is busy, we haven’t decided if he’s coming back yet!”
“Two weeks before the holidays?” She raised an eyebrow and you pursed your lips. 
“Fine. I was going to surprise you instead, but yes he’s coming back with me. And he has blond hair. Happy?” Julie only shrugged but you could hear your grandmother rejoice in the background of the call. “Look, I have to go but I’ll see you all in two weeks.”
“With Morgan! Oh, I’m so excited to meet him!”
“Yes. With Morgan.” You ended the phone call and flopped into your couch pillows before letting out a scream. 
Where were you going to find a Morgan with blond hair to act as a fake-boyfriend to meet your family across the country?  
“Just call your Morgan.” Your best friend, Ivy, said as the two of you sat in Fran’s, the best diner for burger and fries past Jarvis street, for your regular lunch chat.  
“No, it’d be weird! He’s known my family for a long time and we’re friends.” You shook your head while munching on your fries. 
“Those are exactly the reasons you should take him! Plus, you said his name. I don’t get why you’re making it into this big deal about taking him.” 
“Because it is!”
“But why? It’s not like you’re in love with him,” She said, dipping her fries in ketchup. 
“About that…” You trailed off, biting your lip waiting for her reaction. 
She dropped the food before it could get to her mouth. “No!”
“Look, it was when we were in high school! I was about to tell him when we moved out here, but then he was saying how there was so much on his plate and he was feeling a lot of pressure and I just didn’t want to add to that, you know?” You took a bite of your food before continuing. “I didn’t want him to resent me for telling him at such a crucial point in his life.” 
“And now?”
You shrugged. “I think I’ll always have some sort of feelings for him. He was my best friend growing up.”
“You’re going to have to be really good at hiding those feelings when you’re posing as boyfriend and girlfriend with him.”
“Who said I’m asking him?”
Ivy raised her eyebrows. “Where else are you going to find a blond-haired Morgan to bring home to your family across the country in less than two weeks?” You threw a fry at her, which she grabbed and put on her own plate. “Besides, there’s no harm in asking. He can always say no.”
“Really?” You asked a little too loudly, putting your coffee mug down a little too harshly, gaining the attention of others in the cafe the two of you routinely catch up in. But you didn’t care. You were expecting a little more skepticism from Morgan when you proposed him playing a fake boyfriend role in front of your family. 
“Yeah, ‘course. It’s my job to bail you out of trouble, isn’t it?” You playfully kicked him under the table. “Besides, I haven’t seen Vancouver or your family in a while. It’d be nice to go back to the old times.” 
“Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” You said, instinctively placing a hand on his arm laid across the table. “Okay, so I don’t know when your season ends but I’m hoping we can fly out for like three days maximum, so it’ll be quick, and we can use your job as an excuse so that’ll be good. For the story, obviously we just went out one day after being friends for a long time, so that’ll be easy. You asked me out. Five or six months is a good timeline for them not knowing but also you coming home so let’s stick to that. You can’t tell your parents because my mom will be furious if Shirley knew before her. Um, Ben, my little brother – you know him–, he’s bringing his girlfriend Ruby, but she’s chill so you’ll get along with her a lot. Drew, my oldest nephew, he’s Julie’s kid and then Charlie and Julie had Rebekah the year before last and Izzy, who is James’s wife, just had baby Taylor a couple months ago so the house is going to be chaotic. You should be writing this down, you know.” You slowed down to notice that Morgan was just staring at you. “I just said so much stuff you need to remember.”
“I know your family. Trust me, it’s going to be fine. I’ll remember all that,” He assured you, placing a hand over your arm like you had done to him.
“Are you sure? I just..I can’t have this go wrong. Julie already suspects the legitimacy of this…fake relationship.”
He squeezes your arm and sends you one of his smiles that makes your heart swell. “We’ve got this in the bag.”
You’d both decided that it’d be easiest if you came to the airport together, so you said you’d pick him up from morning practice. You were waiting in the parking garage at the arena, scrolling through your phone, until you heard footsteps. Looking up, you see Morgan, Mitch, and Willy walking towards you. You give them a shy wave, and they all return with big grins, like they knew something they didn’t. Morgan came up to you, swung an arm over your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Bye guys, safe travels,” He shouted over his shoulder, the two of you walking towards your vehicle. Once they were out of earshot, you turned to Morgan.
“What was that?” 
“That forehead kiss!”
“Oh!” His smile grew a little. “I was practicing for this weekend. Was it okay?” His slight concern made your heart beat faster and you could feel heat starting to go to your face. 
“I mean, yeah, but like won’t the guys think that, you know, we’re—” 
“Believe me, the guys already think we’re together.”
He laughed. “They asked about my plans for the holidays and I said I was going home with you. They just assumed we were dating and it felt like a lot of work to correct them. It’s okay, I promise.”
“If you say so,” you hummed. You unlatched yourself from his arm as you approached your car but Morgan stopped in his tracks and started to laugh. 
“You’re still driving this old thing?” He was referring to your blue Honda you’d had since high school. 
“Excuse me, you named this thing and Louise is still in great shape so of course I still drive her. Now get in.” He holds up his hands in surrender. You buckled yourself in and turned the engine over. The dash lit up like a Christmas tree and the radio was uneven again, so you hit the console a few times before it started to come out of both speakers. 
“Great shape, sure.”
“Shut up.” 
Despite the busyness of the Toronto Pearson International Airport during the holidays, the two of you seemed to breeze through security and boarding. It wasn’t until you stepped onto the airplane, you’d realized just how much anxiety you got from flying. 
Morgan offered to put both carry-on bags in the overhead bins and you gladly took him up the offer. You slid into your seat, immediately putting on the seatbelt and making it tight against your hips. 
“We aren’t flying just yet,” He teased, sliding into the seat next to you.
“I know, it’s just that I–nevermind, it’s silly.” You murmured with a strained smile. 
“No, what is it?” You met your eyes and you took a deep breath. This was Morgan, your Morgan. He’d seen you cry after you got root beer up your nose and he only laughed a little. 
“Airplanes give me a lot of anxiety and I hate takeoffs. It’s just really nerve wracking for me.” 
“Okay, well I’m right here. Would it help if I held your hand?” You shyly nodded, and Mo grabbed a hold of your hand, lacing your fingers together and rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. You tried to take deep breaths but after the safety presentation, and the plane started to taxi, it got shallower and the grip on Morgan’s hand got stronger.
“I think it's time for a distraction. Want to help me out here?” He said, turning his body towards yours as much as he could. You nodded, trying not to focus on the bouncing of the wings outside your window. 
“What kind of pet names do you like?”
That was…not what you were expecting but it certainly is a distraction. “I don’t really know? I didn’t name our dogs, Julie or my parents did. Why?” You look over to Morgan to see him quietly laughing to himself. “What?” 
“I meant like, romantic pet names. So I can play this boyfriend role right, you know?”
“Oh,” you said, feeling your face heat up. “Uh, I don’t really know. My past boyfriends weren’t really into those.” You continued to take deep breaths as he pulled out his phone. 
“Okay, cool, I’ve got a list and we can just go through them?” You nodded and he started. 
“We aren’t fifty years old Mo.”
“I’m not five either,” you joked. At your attempt at humour, you say Morgan’s face lit up. 
“What about sweetheart?” Your grimace made him laugh and he moved on. “Kitten? Dear? Babe? Sugar plum?”
“You can call me babe. For the weekend, of course. I like that one.” 
“Of course, babe.” He winked. “And look, we’re in the air already. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You looked out and the clouds were level, the city skyline peeking through like a scene out of a movie. You look back at him to see him already looking at you. Unable to say everything you feel for him in that moment (platonically, you tell yourself), you squeeze his hand. 
As you touched back in Vancouver (still holding Morgan’s hand for safety purposes), it started to feel real. Real you were back in the city, real Morgan was here, and real that you were supposed to be acting like you’re in love. 
“Hey, I’ll be right back. Hold my bag for me?” Morgan asked, once you’d deplaned and entered the airport. You nodded and shooed him off, finding a place in the nearest lounge to wait for him. You pulled out your phone and started to catch up on messages when someone beside you cleared their throat.
“Sorry to bother you but did you go to Prince of Wales Secondary School in Vancouver?” You turned towards the voice to see someone so familiar but couldn’t put a finger on who.
“Um, yes. How did you know that?”
“I’m Abigail Brown. I think you were my lab partner in high school chemistry?” As soon as she said it, it was like everything rushed back to you. The two of you were good friends but just fell out of touch as years went on. 
“Oh my gosh yes! Oh my gosh, hi! How have you been?” You got out of your seat to give her a hug. 
“I’ve been really good! My girlfriend and I are headed to London for the holidays.”
“Oh fun! I’ve come back for the holidays with my uh..” You trailed off, thinking of what to call this arrangement. “Morgan Reilly, do you remember him?”
“Yeah, totally. Did he come back with you?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. 
“Yeah, we’re here together.”
“No way, that’s so sweet! Back in the day, everyone was wondering when you two would get together!”
“Oh, really?” You asked, surprised. You had thought that your crush on one of your closest friends was pretty discrete. 
“Yeah, a lot of us thought you’d be a cute couple. Turns out we were right,” she winked and nodded her head behind you. You turned to see Morgan coming back with two Tim Horton cups in his hands – one hot coffee for him and one Iced Capp for you. You tilted your head at his thoughtfulness. 
“My flight is boarding now, but it was so nice to see you again!” Abigail said, waving briefly to Morgan before leaving with her girlfriend. 
“Yeah, you too!” You called after her. “Is that coffee for me?” You asked, a wide smile on your face. 
“Because it is so ridiculously early, it is,” he said, placing it in your hands. “Who was that?”
“My high school lab partner. She thought we were together, actually.”
Morgan gave you a puzzled look. “Isn’t that what she’s supposed to think?”
“I mean, I guess, but we’re really just pretending for my family, so I didn’t think she’d think we’re together.” Morgan only hummed at your response and grabbed his bag. 
“Ready to head to your parents' then?” 
Like coming home, the two of you navigated through the airport easily and were on your way to your parents house in no time. Outside of the Uber, looking up at your childhood home, you felt your nerves getting the best of you again. The warm Christmas lights and the three cars in the driveway should’ve calmed you down, but instead had the opposite effect.
“Okay, so, again, we’ve been dating for five months, you asked me out. We kept it a secret, so your parents don’t know either. Ruby is Ben’s girlfriend. Drew and–”
“–Rebekah are Julie and Charlie’s kids. Rebekah is two years old. James married Izzy and their baby, Taylor, was born last month,” He finished with a smile. “Told ya I’d remember it. It’s going to be fine, let’s just go see your family?” He held out his hand for you to take and you cautiously placed it in his. He tugged you up to the front door, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to ring the doorbell. He left it over your shoulder and leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
“Trust me, we’ve got this.” He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek but before you could process what he was playing at, your mom had opened the front door.
“Oh, it is our Morgan! Thomas, I told you it was going to be him! Oh, come in, come in,” she ushered you in and your family all appeared, saying their hellos, taking your bags up to your room, placing drinks in your hands and leading you both into the living room. You settled in beside Morgan, your thighs touching each other as he reached over to entangle your hand with his.
“So, Morgan, my daughter hasn’t told us anything yet! How long have you been together?” Your mom said, once everyone was back together and catching up with the two of you. 
“Couldn’t have been too recent if you brought him home with you,” Julie said, her skepticism showing through. 
“Can’t be too long either since she never told us about him!” James said, nudging her.
Before you could get a word in and defend yourselves, Morgan spoke up. “We started dating five months ago. Might seem a little fast to come home for Christmas but I remember your family pretty well from when I was little. Plus, the schedule lined up really nicely this year so we figured, why not? But we decided to keep it to ourselves for the first little bit, with my job and everything. It can be a really hard adjustment. Especially with the media, I didn’t want them to freak her out.” 
“Aw, how sweet of you.” 
“Who asked who out?” Ruby said, curled up next to her boyfriend. 
“She asked me.” Your heart stopped as Morgan deviated from the plan you’d created. “It was nice, though, so I didn’t have to rack up the courage to ask her the same thing.” He turned towards you, meeting your eyes. To your family, you were recounting your first date and how you’ve been in love since. But Morgan was trying to get away with changing the story and you were civilly throwing daggers at him. 
“That’s nice. But you’ve got to get dressed, we’re still going cross country skiing this afternoon.” Julie said, standing up. 
“Why?” you whined. “We’re tired from traveling.”
“Then exercise will be good for you. And it’s tradition, you can’t deprive Morgan of that.” The smile she sent you was fake and you could tell, narrowing your eyes at her. 
“Yeah, babe, don’t deprive me from family traditions,” he commented, earning a small poke to his side, but you nodded, going to find your warm clothes. 
Cypress Mountain was where your family always skied on Christmas Eve. It was a tradition passed on from your grandfather, who’d done it with his father, and your family liked to keep it alive. It was a thirty minute drive, forty five in Vancouver traffic, so your head fell to Morgan’s shoulder. Soon enough, he was shaking you awake.
“We’re here, sleeping beauty,” He said softly, unbuckling your seatbelt. “Ready?”
“The better question is if you’re ready. I’ve been doing this for years,” you laughed, getting out of the car and walking towards the lodge to get Morgan skis. 
“Please, I’m an athlete. I’ll be fantastic.” He grabbed your hand and your heart started to beat faster at the cute gesture, only to notice some of your family behind you, watching the two of you. Of course, it was only for show. What else would be for? You reminded yourself. 
Twenty minutes later, and you were still watching Mo struggle to clip his skis in, trying not to laugh when he fell over. 
“‘I’m an athlete, I’ll be fantastic’” you said, mocking him and he pouted. You unclipped your own skis and held your hands out to help him get up. 
“The key is this little latch here,” you said, guiding his foot into the ski. You did the same with the other before getting yourself ready. 
“Where would I be without you?” He said, as the two of you, slowly, moved to the track. 
“Probably still be on the ground,” you said with a cheeky smile. You knocked his poles with yours. “Want to go this way? It’s easier than the track they’re doing,” you said, referring to the rest of your family. 
He looked up at the hill your family, including your little nephew, were already halfway up and shook his head. 
“If this is a family tradition, and I’m supposed to be part of your family, I should do it with them. We can join them, I’ll be okay.” 
Morgan was right, for the most part. He got the hang of it pretty quickly, and soon enough you were both caught up to your family. He was smiling, and talking with your dad and brothers. You had time to catch up with Ruby and Charlie, who you never really saw in the family Zoom chats. 
Until you rounded the corner and saw Morgan standing to the side. You didn’t understand why until you saw what was ahead – the hills. For your family, including daredevil Drew, it was easy. But for a beginner like Morgan? You understood why he stopped. 
“If you want to turn back now, it’s okay. They’ll understand.” 
He shook his head again. “I’ve got to sell this boyfriend thing, don’t I? Just…can you go first?” You nodded and made your way down, gaining some speed before slowing down and stopping at the base to watch him. 
“You’ve got this, Mo, just do it!” You told him. He nodded at your words and came down slowly, mimicking the way you had just conquered the hill. His eyes were determined, the way you saw he was on the ice, and your smile got wider as he made it down successfully.
“Yes! You did it!”
That was, until he caught an edge and very ungracefully tumbled to the ground. 
“Well, you mostly did it. I thought you were supposed to be coordinated!” You said in a joking manner, maneuvering over to where he was trying to get up. 
“I don’t usually have these long things attached to my feet!” After his attempts, he held his hands out and you helped him stand upright again. 
“Are you okay? It looked like you fell pretty hard.” 
“My ego is bruised more than anything,” He mumbled. 
“Why? None of them saw your wipeout.” You nodded towards your family who were all ahead and had no idea of what had happened.
“But you did.”
“It’s not like you have to impress me,” You said, waving it off and starting to move along the trail. He only huffed, settling into pace beside you. 
After making it back to the lodge in one piece, you all traveled back to your parent’s and sat down for a family dinner, albeit quick, as the kids’ bedtime was long ago. You helped your mom with the dishes while Morgan had “bonding time”, as he called it, with your brothers and Dad. 
“I’m glad you brought Morgan home, sweetheart,” she said, breaking through the quiet sounds of washing dishes. “He’s a catch and you seem really happy with him.”
You blushed, involuntarily, and nodded. “I am really happy when I’m with him.”
There were sounds of protests and laughter, so you peeked your head around to see Ben on the couch leaning over Morgan’s lap to ruffle James’ hair, only to get caught by Morgan in a loose headlock. Your dad was laughing at their antics and you joined him. It was nice to see Morgan be so carefree, especially with the stress of the season. 
“Hey!” Ben got your attention. “Your boyfriend is bullying me, tell him to stop!” 
“Maybe you deserved it,” You said, moving to be behind the couch. “Morgan is usually right.”
Morgan looked at you and only let Ben free once you gave me a small nod. You leaned down over the couch, wrapping your arms around his chest. At the slight display of affection, James gagged but thankfully, Izzy came down and whisked away her husband. Ben left shortly after that and you noticed Morgan’s head starting to drop. 
“Okay, we’re still on Toronto time a little bit,” You checked with Morgan, who was nodding along. “So we’re going to hit the hay, but Mom, I didn’t see the spare blankets for the pull-out couch?”
“Oh, you don’t need them, Ben has them.”
“What?” You asked, removing your hands from Morgan so he couldn’t tell how clammy they suddenly got. “Where’s Morgan going to sleep?”
“In your bed. It’ll be better for his back.” She answered. 
“Where am I going to sleep?” 
“In your bed.” She sighed when she saw the shock on your face. “Look, we trust Morgan. Besides, it’s a big bed and your dad and I aren’t under the impression you haven’t already slept together.” Her bluntness made you choke on your breath and Morgan patted your back, answering for you.
“Thank you Brenda. We'll be good, I promise.” 
“I know you will. And if you aren’t, know I’m not above telling your mother,” She said with a smirk. “Now, goodnight.” 
You both said your goodnights, and headed up to your room. Morgan shut the door behind you and you immediately started apologizing. 
“I’m sorry, I was certain she’d send one of us to the basement. She never let Charlie or Izzy sleep in the same room with my siblings until they were married,” you said, rummaging through your suitcase for pajamas. 
He waved you off and took a look around your room. It hadn’t changed much since high school, your parents leaving it unchanged for when you came back. The photos in the frames and on the walls were faded and each childhood trophy and trinket was covered in a small layer of dust – not enough for it to be untouched, but enough for it to be preserved. 
The sound of you digging through the closet for extra pillows broke him away from your walls. There were two blankets spread out on the floor and you dropped the pillows you’d found on the space above them.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting ready for bed,” You answered. “You can get changed in the bathroom.”
“Why aren’t you in the bed?” 
“Because you’re sleeping on the bed, hotshot. Can you please get changed, I want to sleep.” He huffed but nodded, slipping out of the room. When he came back to see you curled up on the floor beside the queen sized bed, he let out a small sigh and moved towards you. 
“I’m not going to let you sleep on the floor. Please come sleep on the bed?” He said, standing over top of you.
“I…I don’t want it to be weird.” You said, suddenly interested in the fraying fibres of your blanket. 
“It’s not going to be weird. I promise. Please?” You turned to see him with his puppy-dog eyes and you started to break.
“I don’t know Mo…”
“I’d feel better if you slept in the bed, babe, please? For me?” At that, you relented, nodding your head. He helped you up, gathering the blankets from the floor and laying them over you in the bed. 
He slipped in beside you, a large margin of space between the two of you. It was silent as you got comfy and you turned off your side table light. Morgan hadn’t followed your lead, so you looked over to see him looking at his side table. 
“Remember when we took this picture?” Morgan said, pointing to the only frame on the table. You didn’t even have to look at the photo to know which one he was referring to. It was the last day he spent in Vancouver before the draft and it was a few days before your graduation date. You’d taken your car to the North Shore and hiked to Lighthouse Park. The serenity of being able to see far into the ocean and see the downtown skyline was the place both of you had gone to clear your mind. You’d taken a silly selfie together but it was the one physical memento of your last time together in Vancouver. It was when you almost confessed your feelings to him. 
“Of course I do. It was a good day.”
“Do you think about it a lot?” He asked, and you turned your body to face him. 
“I mean, sometimes, yeah. Do you think about it a lot?”
He nodded, his eyes fixated on the picture. “Yeah. Reminds me of when life seemed normal.” 
You stayed silent for a few moments, watching his eyes begin to get hazy looking at the picture. “Are you okay, Mo?”  
He just nodded curtly, and turned off the light. “Goodnight.” 
You couldn’t lie and say his behaviour didn’t feel like a thousand cuts to your heart but you said goodnight before turning to face away from him, like he’d done to you. 
The sun shining in from the window woke you up in the morning. You started to stir, stretching your arms and legs, but stopped when you felt arms around you. You slowly turned your head to see Morgan close to you, his arms wrapped around your waist. Sometime during the night, he must’ve moved to start cuddling you. You thought it should feel weird, being so close to your friend like this, but all you felt was a sense of calm. Being hyper aware of his arms, you shifted slightly to face him. 
You took the opportunity to look at him, really look at him. Not on the TV, through his hockey gear, not in the cafe when he was conscious that anyone could recognize him, but when he was just him. The sun was shining on him, giving his skin that soft golden glow. The lines on his forehead were almost nonexistent and his beard was filling out nicely. He looked so peaceful here, like he wasn’t one of Toronto’s biggest stars. You looked at him, your face softening as he started to stir under your gaze.
“Morning sleeping beauty,” you teased in a quiet voice, the same way he’d done to you yesterday. 
“Hmm, what time is it?” His voice was raspy and it took everything in yourself not to kiss him right there.
“Early,” you answered and he hummed in response. He slowly opened his eyes and must’ve noticed how close he was to you because his eyes got increasingly wider. His eyes met yours and when he didn’t see any panic or disgust in them, he relaxed, a small smile coming onto his face. 
“Morning babe,” He said, pulling you a little closer to him. 
“Nobody’s around, you don’t have to call me that.”
“What if I want to?” 
You looked up at him, eyes wide in shock and your lips parted. What did he say? It might have been a shock to your brain, but your body seemed to long for a closeness to him. Your heart wasn’t beating faster, no, it seemed to slow down, as if the idea of a relationship with him was the only thing to calm you. 
You noticed his eyes glancing down at your lips and you swallowed. Was he…what was he doing? He started to lean his head towards you and you felt yourself leaning in as well. He was close enough you could feel his breath hot on your face and see the grey flicks in his eyes. You started to close your eyes, his hand caressing your waist from under the covers, and —
“Auntie, Auntie! He came! Santa came! You have to get up! Come see!” Drew yelled through the door, pounding away as if you didn’t hear him. You broke away from Morgan, the small bubble popped by your nephew.  
“We’ll be right there Drew!” you yelled back, rubbing your forehead and getting out of bed. You left Morgan in bed, running downstairs to start some coffee, desperately needing to clear your head. What just happened? 
“Morning, sweetheart!” You sighed as your mom walked into the room, too chipper for how early it was. “I’ve got the pajamas for you and Morgan.”
“Morgan too?” It was a tradition to dress in matching pajamas on Christmas morning but you didn’t think it was something your parents would enforce for him. 
“Yup. Go get changed, I want to take photos soon.” She placed the two pajama sets in your arms and you trudged upstairs. You figured Mo was still laying in bed so you didn’t knock, just charged right in. Maybe you should’ve knocked. But then you wouldn’t get to see Morgan shirtless. Your brain short-circuited until you saw him looking back at you and you shut your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to knock! My mom wanted me to give you these. Matching pajamas and photos before gifts is a family tradition.” You tried to pull out his pair with your eyes closed but Mo just laughed when he saw you struggling. He came closer, his distinctive cologne invading your senses. He took one of the pairs, hopefully his size, from your arms.
“You can open your eyes, it’s okay.” You slowly opened one eye to test the waters, to see he was still without a shirt. You stared at him as long as it is socially acceptable to look at your best friend shirtless, before rushing out of the room to get changed yourself. 
You beat Morgan downstairs, and got started on the coffees. After buying him many hungover wake-up coffees, you knew his order by heart. You brought them out to the table, your sister and her family having their portrait taken in front of the tree. 
Mo came up from behind you, wrapping his arms around you and taking a whiff of your coffee. He recoiled at the hint of chocolate. 
“Yours has vanilla creamer, don’t worry,” you told him, taking a sip while watching Taylor get her first family photo in front of the tree. It was so nice to see the smiles across your family’s faces as you had this tradition. When it became Ben and Ruby’s turn, you noticed Drew starting to get a little antsy, his eyes fixated on the big box with his name on it. 
“Okay, sweetheart, yours and Morgan’s turn,” your mom said, clearing the area for you two to sit. 
“Oh, Mom, Drew’s looking a little antsy. We can skip ours–”
“No!” Mo interrupted you, taking one last sip of his coffee before tugging you along to sit in front of the tree. You gave him a look and smiled shyly. “It’s our first Christmas together. I want a picture. Please?” 
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” You turned to the camera, plastering a smile on. You were pretty close to him, your legs touching and his arm around your shoulders. Near the end,  Morgan pressed a kiss to your cheek and you blushed, the sound of the camera clicking long forgotten as you stared into his eyes. 
“Auntie, can I please please open my presents from Santa now?” Drew said, once again interrupting the moment between you and Morgan.
“Of course, baby, but you have to open the ones from me and Morgan next, deal?” He shrieked and scrambled over to the boxes, ripping into his wrapping paper. You stood up, grabbing your coffee before watching your nephew and niece on Christmas morning.
“Look at how cute you two are together,” She said, tilting the camera towards you. The first one was a cute photo. Morgan had his lips pressed against your cheek and your face was scrunched up in joy. She switched it to the next one, where the two of you were looking into each other’s eyes. He had the softest, earnest smile on his face. “I swear, I haven’t seen any people so in love since Ben met Ruby. I’m so glad you brought him home.” 
“Thanks, Mom.” You put on the best fake-smile you could, and turned back to the kids, trying not to think about how they two of you did look in love. But it wasn’t real and your stomach sunk. You took a seat on the couch, talking to Rebekah about her new doll and watching Drew drive his toy cars across the coffee table. 
“Who are these from?” you dad asked, holding up some small packages wrapped in blue paper.
“Oh, those are from me sir.” Morgan spoke up from behind you, moving to sit beside you. “There should be one for everyone.” Your dad nodded and handed them out to everyone while you turned to your fake-boyfriend. 
“Mo, I told you you didn’t have to bring anything,” you said, eyeing everyone tearing into their small gifts. 
“Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” He winked at you, before turning to see their reactions. You were glad you’d turned too.
Everyone was holding up a different variety of a Toronto Maple Leafs keychain. Ben held one with a bottle opener on it and Drew held one that had skate on it. Some of them had the shape of Ontario with them or a special spinny part in the middle.
“You’re really banking on us liking you, eh?” Julie said, holding up her Rielly jersey keychain. 
“I’m planning on sticking around for a while. I figure you’ll be fans sooner or later,” he laughed off your sister’s hazing and assured your parents it was the least he could do. He turned to you. “And I didn’t forget you either.”
“What? No. Babe, I thought we were doing gifts back in Toronto?” If you’d known, you would’ve gotten him something, but he seemed unfazed. He brought out a medium box and placed it in your lap.  
“Are you sure? I didn’t bring anything for you,” you whispered to him. He just nodded and told you to open it. You ripped into the wrapping paper, opened the box, and tore out the tissue paper only to stop.
“You didn’t.” 
“I did,” He said, his face growing. “Bring it out, let’s see it.”
You lifted out of the box a dark wash denim jacket, the same one you’d been trying to rationalize buying for the past three months. It was your size and you couldn’t help but run your fingers over the seams, tracing the buttons. 
“Check the inside,” Morgan said, leaning over your shoulder. You turned your head to see him slightly blushing, and you turned to the jacket’s inside as quickly as you could. Inside there was a small label stitched in. Upon closer inspection, you read what it said and your breath hitched. 
 You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town. Don’t forget it. Love, your Morgan
“Mo, I don’t even know what to say. This is-this is perfect. I love it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He pressed a kiss to your temple, before slipping out of the room, both empty mugs in his hands. Your heart started to beat faster again, and as you stared down at the inscription, you had to remind yourself that it didn’t mean anything special. He was acting like your boyfriend, but he wasn’t your boyfriend. This was all fake, and this must’ve been a part of it; a show for your family to make sure you didn’t get in trouble. 
You shoved those feelings deep inside you, instead focusing on the Christmas spirit your family had. The living room was full of laughs and someone had turned on the Christmas music. Morgan came back and sat beside you, his arm resting comfortably over the back of the couch and you couldn’t help but curl into his side. The kids came over and asked to play with Morgan and he eagerly agreed, switching from playing cars to dolls to lifting them up to play the airplane game. Like the Grinch, your heart grew three sizes watching him interact with your family – the way he was so patient and sweet with them meant everything, even if he was just pretending. 
Later, your Grams arrived and Morgan was quick to win her over as well. You bit your lip, trying to stop from smiling so wide as you watched him help her with her coat, and lead her over to where he was sitting. 
“Do you mind holding her for a few minutes?” Izzy said, coming over with Taylor in her arms.
“Of course not! Come ‘ere, darling girl.” You rocked the baby in your arms, sometimes looking over to where Morgan was. Sometimes you even catch him looking at you. You took Taylor’s little hand and waved at him, and he over-enthusiastically waved back, making you laugh. 
“You picked a good one, you know? The two of you are really adorable together.” Izzy said, coming back to take her daughter from you. 
“Thanks Iz. He’s just…” You trailed off, trying to describe the situation. “I couldn’t imagine doing all of this with anyone else.” And it was the truth. From the plane ride to skiing to the gifts this morning, you couldn’t fathom bringing back a stranger and pulling this off in the same way. 
“Sounds like you’ve found the one then.” Her comment made you choke on air and turned into a full coughing fit. Before you knew it, Morgan was beside you, his blue eyes full of concern. 
“Are you okay?” His hand was rubbing your upper back as you continued to cough. You nodded as best you could, and he turned to get his cup. When you seemed to be finished, he handed it to you. 
“Here, drink. It’s water.” You gulped down the water and sighed. 
“Thank you.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“I’m good, thank you. I’m just going to get my lip balm; will you be okay on your own for a while?” You asked, placing a hand on his arm. 
“It’s your family, not war,” He laughed. “Go, I’ll be fine.” 
You smiled at his comment and gave him a quick cheek peck before making your way out of the room. In the bathroom, you took a breather, trying to stop your cheeks from blushing. Whatever you were doing with Morgan, it felt real. But it wasn’t, and you had to keep reminding yourself of that before you got hurt. 
When you exited, Grams was standing outside the door. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realize someone was waiting,” you said, quickly leaving the bathroom but she waved you off. 
“Oh, I haven’t been here that long. But dear, my goodness, that Morgan. He’s a keeper, dear. You hold onto him, you hear me? With him, you’ll be happy for the rest of your life.” She said, patting your cheek before walking past you to the bathroom. You stood in shock for a moment at her words, before taking a deep breath and moving on. 
You were just friends. 
You repeated that to yourself as you sat next to him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. You repeated it again when he moved your legs into his lap, caressing your ankle. You said it again when he snagged the race car, arguably the best Monopoly piece, only to give it to you, taking the lame iron for himself. 
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Julie said, tapping your shoulder, just before Monopoly (another family tradition) started. You nodded, and lifted your legs out of Mo’s lap. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before following her into the kitchen. 
“What’s up?”
“I wanted to apologize.” You furrowed your brows a little bit. “You know, for thinking your relationship was fake? It was wrong for me to think your relationship wasn’t serious but…I was just trying to look out for Mom and Dad. You don’t see how worried they get when you say you don’t have anyone in that big city. You’re the youngest, they’re always going to worry. And it’s just …You never even remotely told me about anyone and I didn’t want you to be faking it, just to get them off your back. But I was wrong and I’m sorry if it seemed like I was doubting your relationship. He’s perfect for you, and you seem really happy together.” 
It was everything you’d been wanting to hear – that even the most skeptic of your family bought your lie and was happy for Christmas. But no relief came like you thought it would; only a lump forming in your throat. “Thanks Julie, that…that means a lot. Would you excuse me please?”
You slipped out of the room, taking the stairs two at a time. You paced around for a few moments, before sitting on the edge of your bed, placing your head in your hands. You’ve gotten in too deep now and it’s going to hurt everyone — yourself included — when you have a ‘breakup’. Your mom will resent Morgan, sweet sweet Morgan, and he’ll probably get chewed out by his own mother, and it’ll all be your fault. You did this to your family, to Morgan, to yourself. 
“What’s wrong?” Morgan said, leaning against your doorframe. 
“Julie thinks we’re dating. Like for real. They all do. ” At your words, he pushed off the wall and sat beside you on the bed, his hands dangerously close to touching yours. You move them into your lap before you can’t function. 
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“I thought that was the whole point of this? To make them think we’re dating?”
“No, it was. It’s just….” You trailed off, looking down at your hands. 
“It’s just what?” 
“It’s too much, okay!” You stood up and turned to face him. “Like you’re here. You’re in Vancouver again, with me again, in my parent’s house like we’re fifteen again! You can’t be around like this and expect me not to think about the road not taken! And it doesn’t seem to bother you! And I don’t like lying! I don’t need to be lying to both our families, your teammates, my friends! I don’t need to be lying to myself that I don’t enjoy this! It feels wrong. I know we lied a lot as kids, but it feels different this time. It feels like people are going to get hurt and I don’t think I was prepared for that.” 
He took a moment. “We don’t have to lie, you know.”
“What do you mean? We’re fake dating; fake indicating lies.” You crossed your arms across your chest. 
He took another moment, taking a deep breath. “We don’t have to be fake dating. We could…be dating for real.”
“What?” you whispered.
“Can I be honest here? Like really honest?” He asked, and you could only nod slightly. “I thought you would’ve got your head out of your ass by now. I thought you had feelings for me.
"Why do you think you said my name? You could’ve said any other name but you said mine. You could’ve found any other Morgan in Toronto but you asked me. You could’ve come clean to them! There were a thousand ways you could’ve gotten out of this but you didn’t! I thought that meant we had something special; that you were finding excuses to bring me here.” He sees your blank, shocked face as a sign to continue. 
“And now that we’re here? Back in our hometown? It just all rushes back to me about how I didn’t tell you how I felt. Then I spend the days doing your family traditions and seeing you so happy with Drew and Rebekah and thinking that I could’ve had this a long time ago. But I was a coward and I don’t know if I can make the same mistake again.”
“What are you talking about?” You said breathlessly. 
“When we were at Lighthouse Park that day, I almost told you I loved you. But I didn’t. And I went to Toronto and tried to forget the huge regret I’d made. I can’t- I can’t do that again. I love you. I have loved you since we were kids. I didn’t want you to be tied down when you moved out so I didn’t say anything and I tried to forget how I felt about you. But in two days, you’ve made me fall for you all over again and I can’t go back to how things were. I won’t. I don’t want to be your fake boyfriend when I am irrevocably in love with you. I want this,” He stood up and walked closer to you, his fingers reaching out for yours. “I want this to be real.” 
“Mo…holy shit.”
“Yeah. It’s a lot, I know.” He went to step back, to give you space after everything he said, but you held onto his hand tighter. 
“No, like holy shit, I was going to tell you I loved you that day too.” One of your hands traveled to rest on his cheekbone as you caressed his soft skin. “I didn’t want to give you more pressure as you started your career; that wouldn’t be fair. But some part of me has always wanted this to be real.”
“Really?” The corners of your mouth started to lift up as you nodded. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, ever the gentleman.
“Please.” And less than a second later, his mouth was on yours. Maybe it was a good thing you waited so long, because this was better than anything you could’ve imagined at eighteen. His hands found your waist, and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. 
When you finally pulled away for air, you pressed your forehead against his. “Wow.” 
“You’re telling me.” You giggled at him and played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Guess you can tell the team we’re dating for real life now.”
He laughed and pulled you in for another kiss. “For real life, eh?”
“For real life. As long as you’ll have me. ”
“Forever then, babe.” He winked, squeezing you tight. “Now let’s go join the family, yeah? Gotta beat my in-laws at Monopoly.”
His antics had you in laughter all the way down the stairs, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. There was happiness because of him.
taglist (join here): @heatherawoowoo @4ambagelbites @typical-simplelove @2manytabsopen @stars-canucks @lorrmorr @fallinallincurls @plds2000 @barzysandhughesbaby @yummygoldenfood @drei-mrssvechii @bananarantanen @pulpfixion
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
hear me out, would you be interested in writing a fic where reader hasn’t told the team (bau) a lot about themselves and they’re in a band and one of the girl in the team had a crush on them. It can be any girl but if it could be jj i’d be happy :)
Out of My League
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Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Reader
Summary: You weren't an open person. But maybe a certain blonde (Not Garcia) can break down those walls? Or when Garcia does her thing and finds out you have a band.
Warnings: Language, Innuendos, mostly just fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I'm honestly pretty proud of this one. Lmk what y'all think!
navigation   criminal minds masterlist
You were a guarded person by nature. Honestly, it worked out well for you because of the career path you chose.  
Your childhood wasn’t the greatest, and as you got older you developed trust issues. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t fully open up to someone unless you deeply trusted them so you wouldn't get hurt again.
Only a small number of people had broken through your solid barriers. Your bandmates were among the few, along with your best friend, SSA Derek Morgan. 
When you were transferred to the BAU, both you and Derek were ecstatic. He was so excited to introduce you to the team that was like his found family. 
“Derek! Quit yanking on my arm! Your like a fucking toddler.” You snap playfully at your best friend. He laughs at you before continuing to pull you towards your new place of work.
Once you get in the elevator, Derek turns to you. “I know you’re a very private person, so I haven’t told them all that much about you. I also haven’t told them that you are joining the team. I’m telling you this so that you can prepare yourself for an onslaught of questions, especially from Penelope and Reid.”
“Penelope and Reid… Babygirl and Prettyboy?” You ask, poking fun at Derek’s nicknames for his favorites on the team.
He nods his head happily before slinging his arm over your shoulder. You exit the elevator and enter the bullpen. 
“Alright, Jagger, I’m going to go put my shit down at my desk. You go up to Hotch’s office to get the basics.” Derek states as he separates from you. You nod at him before making your way up to the big office at the top of the stairs in front of you.
Looking into the office, you see a middle-aged man sitting at a desk. Knocking on the doorframe, the man looks up before saying, “You must be Y/N. I’m Aaron Hotchner, but everybody just calls me Hotch. Come on in, close the door behind you.”
You do as he says before walking over and shaking his hand. You take a seat across from him and he starts briefing you on what working at the BAU would be like. 
Meanwhile, the rest of the team has gathered outside in the bullpen. They whisper to each other, trying to figure out who you are and what you are doing in their boss’s office. Derek stands off to the side, smirking to himself.
Finally, Emily looks over at him and notices the look on his face. “Do you know something we don’t, Morgan?”
Derek just shrugs and smiles to himself. The rest of the team turns to him and starts badgering him with questions until the office door opens and you and Hotch step out. 
You thank Hotch before realizing that the rest of the team is staring at you with a variety of facial expressions. 
Penelope with excitement, Rossi and Emily with slight confusion, Reid with slight understanding, Derek with a smug look, and JJ with her jaw slightly dropped.
You can’t help but spend a little more time staring at JJ. She was the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen. You quickly shake yourself out of your stupor, and move to go stand by your best friend.
He grabs your head and shakes it while saying, “I missed you, Jagger.”
You snort before quietly exclaiming, “It’s literally been 10 minutes.” He laughs at that and puts his arm around you.
The whole team with the exception of Hotch watch the interaction with confusion. 
Hotch then clears his throat to get everyone's attention. “This is Y/N Y/L/N. She’s the newest member of the BAU. Please treat her with respect. I will let you all get acquainted now.” He then walks back into his office to continue his paperwork.
Almost immediately, Garcia descends on you. “How do you know Derek? Where did you guys meet? How long have you known each other? Why are you transferring to the BAU? Do you have any pets? Siblings? Why’d Derek call you Jagger? I need personal details!” 
You chuckle nervously. “Um, Derek and I went to college together. So we’ve known each other since we were both 18. Uh, I have a dog, and um, no comment on the last two.”
Morgan quickly interferes, steering you away, and moving towards the kitchen. Garcia trails behind, still firing questions at you.
 Emily approaches JJ, who is still staring at you. She taps JJ’s chin before teasingly saying, “You got a bit of drool right there.”
JJ smacks her hand away, blushing. She can’t help but drool over you. Your Y/H/C hair falling gorgeously over your face, that button up shirt clinging to your muscles perfectly so she can see everytime you accidentally flex, your tall stature that towers over even Morgan.
“Oh, my god! You’re totally into the newbie!” Emily gushes. JJ goes to deny her statement, but completely loses her train of thought when she catches sight of you picking Derek Morgan up and holding him bridal style, your back flexing making her mouth go dry. 
All of her is focused on your taunt muscles, so much so that Emily has to wave her hand in front of her face multiple times to get her to snap out of it. 
“My new goal is to get you two together as soon as I can!” Emily all but squeals. 
A few months have passed, and honestly, you couldn’t love your job more. The team is amazing, and you get to see your best friend and the woman you have developed a crush on almost every day.
During the time in which you have worked at the BAU, you and JJ have gotten significantly closer. You started to bond over pictures of your dog and an 18-year-old Derek Morgan on the plane ride home from a case. 
Even with the newfound closeness with the team, you still let barely anything be known about your personal life. You were fine with them knowing next to no deep details about yourself.
After getting to know Garcia, you should have known that nothing would be a secret for long. You slip up one time and say something too specific, and Garcia is off and deep diving.
That’s what leads to her bursting into the bullpen at 7 in the morning, and practically screaming at you, “You're in a band?!”
You bang your head down on your desk, muttering something about it being too early, before realizing what she said. Your head immediately snaps up and you look at her in shock. 
“Wha- bu- how… Did Derek say something? If he did, I’m going to kill him!” You splutter out. Garcia quickly shakes her head.
“No, no! It’s just, you mentioned the other day that he calls you Jagger because you play an instrument, so out of curiosity, I searched up Y/N Y/L/N music, and lo and behold, you have a whole ass band!” She exclaims.
At this point, the rest of the team gathered around, curious about the loud disruption to their mornings. 
JJ couldn’t help but imagine you playing guitar, sweat dripping down you, intensely focused on what you are playing. Oh god, did that mental image make her feel something.
She was snapped back to reality when you start answering some of the questions that the rest of the team has for you. You had honestly given up on keeping information on your band a secret.
“Yes, I’m in a band. No, we don’t play jazz, Rossi. We mainly play indie and rock. The band name is Clash Compact. We have a couple originals, but we usually do covers. And yes, we do have an upcoming gig.” Just then, Derek walks into the bullpen.
“Ah, did Garcia find the band? Yeah, y’all are playing over at Shaw’s on Thursday, right?” You desperately signal for him to stop talking, but he plows through until he reveals when and where you're playing.
You sigh in resignation. Finally, you nod your head. JJ then pipes up, saying, “What if… I mean we don’t have to if you don’t want us to… but I mean… we could come see you play?” 
You look over at her and see the hope in her gorgeous eyes. There is no way you can say no to her. “Fine. If y’all want to come, have Derek text you the information.”
You then walk away, missing the excitement and slight lust at the thought of seeing you perform in JJ’s eyes. 
When Thursday comes around, the team gathers outside of the bar Derek had told them to meet at. You and Derek were already there, so when you spotted them, you welcomed them inside warmly.
You quickly introduced them to your bandmates, who were happy to meet the people you talked about almost constantly. 
The bassist of the band and your good friend, Fay, pulled you to the side. She pointed out JJ and asked, “Is that the one you won’t shut up about?” When you nod your head, she grins at you. “She seems nice. Very pretty.”
You smile at her, and pull her into a side hug. You are distracted enough that you don’t notice JJ jealously glaring your way. Derek makes his way towards her. 
“So how's your crush on Jagger fairing? Asked her out yet?” He teases. She glares at him before frustratedly replying, “Does the whole team know? Also, clearly, not well. She’s totally into Fay.”
Derek laughs loudly at that. “Oh my god! You think she’s into Fay? JJ, they dated a couple years ago, decided they were better as friends, and then Jagger set her up with Rocco. Also, we are profilers, and you are very obvious. The only one who doesn’t know is Y/N.”
JJ looks at him confused. “Wait, who’s Rocco again?”
Derek then moves to point out your bandmates to her. “Ok, so the one you are insanely jealous of is Fay, who is dating the brunette over there, Rocco. He’s super cool. That person over there with the colorful hair, the one who is intensely flirting with Reid, that’s Malik. They’re awesome. We dated for a little while, but our lives got too busy, so now we’re just friends.”
JJ nods in understanding and relief. She can’t help but want you all to herself. 
Soon, the bar is packed. You know you will be going on soon, so you go to say goodbye to your friends.
Playing in front of a lot of people always makes you anxious. You were nervous, but confident. The feeling was good.
You smiled at the encouraging looks from Derek in the crowd as you nodded at him in farewell before moving to the back of the bar and walking toward the stage.
Grouping up with your bandmates, you go over how the night will play out. Soon, you guys were told you were on next. 
Rushing to grab the guitar you had left stored at the back of the stage earlier, you hang the instrument on your torso, and walk to the stage after being announced by the clerk.
Most of the people who have filled the bar are regulars, so they knew your band pretty well. Still, even the general crowd seems excited to see you guys play.
You nodded slightly as your group got adjusted to the equipment on stage already. Raising your hands, you move the microphone in front of you to be level with your mouth.
“Good evening, everyone.” You repeated the standard greeting for all introductions. “I hope you are all well. For those of you who don't know who we are, I’ll introduce us. I’m Y/N, our drummer is Malik, our bassist is Fay, and our keyboardist is Rocco. We are Clash Compact.”
As each of your bandmates is named, they wave at the audience. 
“Today we’re going to start with one of my favorites, and then we’ll take your requests. This goes out to the women I’ve discovered I am really into. I’m pretty sure she’s here tonight! I hope y’all enjoy it.”
You smiled at the applause and looked at your bandmates before you began. Out of My League by Fitz and the Tantrums had become one of your favorite songs over the past few weeks, and because of its rapid popularization, many of the people in the bar recognized the melody and the first few verses quickly, letting out exclamations of excitement.
You smiled shyly as you sang, keeping your eyes closed to enjoy the music better.
When you risked looking into the crowd, you almost hit the wrong notes.
The woman you had been crushing on these past few months was standing almost front row, and your gaze met hers immediately. 
She looked just as beautiful as she did the day you met her, now with a ponytail that left her neck exposed. You shouldn’t think about this now because you were playing in front of one hundred people, but you can’t help it.
Your gaze stayed on her until the song was over, and you knew your legs were shaking because she looked back the whole time.
On the last note, you gave her a wink and she rolled her eyes with a smile, and because of the distance you didn’t notice the redness in her cheeks.
When the music requests began, you could no longer find her in the crowd. Searching for her, you noticed that she had moved to the bar and was standing with her back to the stage, appearing to chat animatedly with a man you didn’t recognize.
Once your set is over, you quickly make your way off the stage, jealousy coursing through your veins. Almost the entire time you were playing, JJ was talking to this man.
Moving through the crowd, you approach her at the bar. You greet her quickly with a peck on the cheek that makes her turn bright red, which in turn makes you smirk. 
“Hi! I’m Y/N. And you are…?” You say to the man in an overly friendly voice. “I’m Will! Nice to meet you! You guys were great.” You shake his hand and thank him before putting your hand on the small of JJ’s back, causing shivers to run down her spine.
Will then turns to JJ, and says it was nice to meet her, and that he would love to grab a drink some other time.  You quickly lace your fingers together and practically snap, “Sorry, she’s taken. You seem like a nice guy, though.”
He quickly apologies, and moves away as fast as he can. JJ turns your head towards her, and asks with a little smile on her face, “Girlfriend? Really?” Realization then dawns on her face and she inquires, “Were you jealous?!” You go to deny, but as soon as you look into her eyes, you know you can’t lie to her.
You sigh in defeat. “Yeah, I guess I was. He took all your attention away for the whole damn show! And I really like you, and I wanted to impress you. I even sang a song and dedicated it to you! I mean, I hate sharing things about my life, but you make me want to share everything about me. I want to tell you about my siblings, my pets growing up, my traumas, my everything!”
You finally stop to take a breath. Suddenly you are pulled into a kiss. You quickly melt into it and wrap your arms around JJ. When she finally pulls back, she looks at you softly before quietly stating, “I like you too, you dork. I’m happy you trust me enough to want to share stuff with me.”
You smile at her before pulling her back into a kiss, this one much sweeter than the one before. “Would you want to be my girlfriend?” You shyly ask. She nods her head vigorously. 
Suddenly you hear Derek yell, “Get it, Jagger!” He then gasps, looking to the right of you, before exclaiming, “And Prettyboy! Damn, son!” 
Looking to your left, you see Malik and Reid really getting into it. Laughing with your friends, you look around and realize there is no other place you’d rather be. You are so grateful for these wonderful people in your life.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
OC Interaction Tag
Thanks for the tag, @illarian-rambling (here)!!!
Katie/Illarian's OC: Mashal Darezsho is an amnesiac 25-year-old man who was born human, but currently inhabits a robotic body. He's not very happy about this and has had significant trouble adjusting due to new limits and dysmorphia. He stands at about 6'10", has a face that can sort of move, and is generally pretty intimidating-looking. As a person, he's kind to a fault - the sort that would quite literally give someone the shirt off his back - and always strives to protect people. He has a strong sense of honor and is certain in his sense of right and wrong. However, he has a tendency to apply these morals to other people, sometimes making decisions for them because he thinks he knows what's best. He means well, but this tendency has ended in dangerous situations. He also has a deep fear of magic, owing to some horrors in his past he doesn't quite recall. Mages make him paranoid, which occasionally escalates into startling violence. This makes him feel terribly guilt and afraid of himself. Along with all that, he's a decent artist, gets easily flustered, and has a deep appreciation for the beauty of the world.
My OC (from my WIP Supernova Initiative): Gabi Ophyria is a 19/20-year-old girl, who was raised by a former (now retired) assassin, who adopted her as his daughter when she was a 6-year-old child due to... complicated spoilery reasons. She has a fiery temper, a big heart, a strong sense of justice, and is unafraid to get into fights/brawls when the need arises - overall, she's very much her adoptive father's daughter. Gabi is around 5,4ft to 5,5ft and is actually rather muscular. She has brown hair, which she occasionally streaks red or bright pink - but never fully. Her eyes are also brown, and she has a round face - she also usually carries some form of goggles to protect her eyes while racing around in her hoverbike. She usually wears practical clothes in a style similar to our Earth's 'grunge', with a futuristic/cyberpunk twist - but she also often has bright, girly accessories that she is very proud of. (I showed an idea of her usual outfit in this post!). She is good friends with her adoptive older sister, even though the girl is quite the polar opposite of her personality - being a shy, soft-hearted girl who prefers to help others through science than out on the frontlines where there's conflict. She's also brash, proud, and oftentimes painfully stubborn. She is also a decent artist and often uses her art as a form of rebellion.
How Mashal and Gabi would interact: I think that they would be good friends - Mashal would probably remind Gabi of her older adoptive sister, Morgan. (A robotic, more intimidating version of her, but still similar selfless personality as Morgan). She would probably relate to his strong sense of honor and protective nature, as those are pretty big personality traits Gabi has as well. However, I do think she would be a bit - if not a lot - irritated with his tendency to apply his morals to others especially if he tried to make decisions for her, which would DEFINITELY piss her off. Gabi has a very strong, fiery personality, and her stubborn/hard-headed nature, means she doesn't take orders being given to her or choices made for her well, she is naturally inclined to resist authority, especially when someone claims to "know what's best for her" - as she was raised to have a strong sense of self and strong opinions. I can definitely imagine that would be a point of tension in Mashal and Gabi's interaction, though I think they would be able to eventually move past that and would probably become really good friends. They also have a shared interest in art, which I can definitely see being a factor they would agree upon.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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lynzishell · 1 year
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~*~Snow Day~*~
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Greta: How was your Winterfest? Phoenix: It was okay, I guess. Quiet. It was just me and Julian, and we're both used to quiet holidays. But he cooked a big meal, and we watched a movie. Greta: That sounds nice. My family makes such a big fuss every year, it’s exhausting. Phoenix: Ah, c’mon, I think you love it. When we talked on the phone you sounded like you were having a great time. Greta: Yeah, I mean, it’s fun, but it’s still exhausting. I wanted to sleep for days by the time it was over. Phoenix: Well, I’m glad you came over here instead. Greta: Mmm, me too
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Greta: Hey, so, how are you doing? Your first Winterfest… in Copperdale – Phoenix: Without my mom? Greta: Yeah.
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Phoenix: I’m doing okay. It’s weird, I don’t know… she usually worked the holidays because you get paid extra, but when she’d get home, we would turn up the holiday music and sing and dance. It was silly, but it always made me happy. Anyway, I was thinking of that today, and it made me laugh. But then I immediately felt awful. Like I’d betrayed her by feeling happy when she’s gone. And then I got angry at her for making me feel guilty… it escalated so quickly… I went from laughing to throwing my glass against the wall in less than a minute. Greta: Aww, you know she’d want you to be happy right? And that she’d want you to find joy in your memories of her? Phoenix: I know. Logically, I know that. It’s just hard to remember in the moment, I guess. But I, um, I wrote her a letter. Greta: You did? That’s such a great idea. Phoenix: Yeah, Julian suggested it. And I went to the bench over by the lake and read it out loud.
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Greta: Really? How was that? Phoenix: It was good… cathartic, I guess. Julian has offered a few times to find me a counselor, but I don’t want to talk to a stranger, so he asked me to at least try that... and to keep talking to him, and you. Greta: I think that’s amazing. I’m really proud of you. Phoenix: Thanks… Anyway, what’s the plan for New Year’s? Morgan mentioned a party at her house? Greta: Yeah, everyone’s going, it should be fun. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. Phoenix: About the party?
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Greta: Kind of. Remember when I told you that last year was rough for Luna? Phoenix: Yeah, but what does that have to do with –
Greta: Well, ok so, she went out on a date with this guy once who turned out to be a total creep. So, when he asked her out again, she turned him down. But he wouldn’t leave her alone. He started telling everyone they were together and showing up everywhere. He basically stalked her and terrorized her for nearly a year before her parents were finally able to get a restraining order. He stopped going to our school… I don’t know if he was kicked out or if his parents pulled him out… doesn’t matter. Anyway, he’d still show up at parties sometimes looking for her. So, Luna stopped going to parties and nearly stopped leaving her house except to go to school. But she’s tired of hiding away, and the guy hasn’t even shown up in a while, so she’s decided to come to Morgan’s with us for New Year’s.
Phoenix: Jesus Christ, that’s awful. Greta: Yeah, it was. I’m just glad he seems to have given up finally. Phoenix: Well, I’m glad she’s coming. It’ll be fun, and we’ll all make sure she stays safe. Greta: Yeah.
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Phoenix: You okay? Greta: Yeah, just, remembering it all… I don’t know. It got pretty scary there for a bit. I still get anxious, and it wasn’t even me he was fixated on. Phoenix: Ah it’s okay. Here, come lay down with me. We can snuggle for a while. Greta: Okay.
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Phoenix: Is this okay? Greta: Yeah, this is nice. Phoenix: You're always taking care of everyone else. You should let me take care of you once in a while. Greta: I can do that. Phoenix: Good. I love you, Greta. Greta: I love you too.
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Beanbag poses by rebouks
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fe-fictions · 1 year
do you have any Lon'qu to repost or new prompts to fill? my crops are dying :C
(I have Lon'qu being the BEST papa to toddler Morgan ever!!!)
There was something about your little Morgan that was very different from his future self. It wasn’t that he loved you any less. It was clear your little boy adored you.
But you realized that...it almost seemed like he loved his father even more than his future self, did. For one thing, he refused to leave his father’s side.
He was practically latched onto Lon’qu from the second he learned how to walk. Crawling after Lon’qu had become quite a struggle, seeing how he wasn’t able to keep up with his dad (who would quickly return and pick him up).  
With access to the magic that is walking, though, Morgan had nowhere else to be but following along at his father’s side. And Lon’qu found it absolutely adorable.
The man had barely gotten out of bed that morning when he found a handsome mop of dark hair smushed into his leg.
Lon’qu’s hand fell on Morgan’s little head, giving him a proper tousle. “Good morning, son.”
“What we doin’ today?”
“Training.” He replied, before looking over his shoulder. “But first, breakfast.”
“Mama still sleepin’?”
“Yeah.” He took Morgan’s hand and the pair quietly left the bedroom, headed straight for the kitchen. 
Lon’qu’s little shadow followed him around while he prepared a proper breakfast meal, rice porridge and eggs quickly whipped up. Strips of bacon sizzled in the pan while the rest of the ingredients were cooking. 
Morgan dutifully retrieved the wooden bowls for his parents’ meals. And was promptly rewarded with a proud “thank you” from his father and an apple slice.
“Yes, son.”
“I wanna train.” 
“You always do.” Lon’qu reminded him, smiling to himself at the thought of Morgan swinging around a stick haphazardly. He was much too young for Lon’qu to teach him proper fighting form, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t tempted to, from time to time.
“No, I wanna train like Papa!!” He insisted behind another apple slice, which Lon’qu promptly handed him. “I wanna big sword!”
“You’re too  little to handle a blade, Morgan. I didn’t get to use my first sword until I was five.”
“But I wanna train like you, right now.” Morgan’s reasoning was perfectly sound. But Lon’qu knew it wouldn’t do either of them any good if he tried to teach Morgan how to fight with an actual sword.
If you didn’t put a stop to it, Khan Flavia would have his head. “He’s a kid in peacetime, Lon’qu! If you let that boy swing a sword before he’s at least ten, I’ll skewer you with mine!”
It wasn’t his fault Morgan wanted to fight like his father. If anything it was something he was very happy about. There were few things in this world that brought him greater joy than mastery over the blade. 
It was only behind being married to you, the woman of his dreams, and Morgan, the most precious, chubby-cheeked baby boy on the face of this planet.
Not...not that he’d ever admit that.
“I’ll let you train with a big sword when you’re ready. You’ve still got a lot of training to do before you can handle a blade. But the sooner you learn,” Lon’qu handed him your breakfast, “The sooner you get to use one.”
“R-really?” Morgan’s eyes sparkled with joy. Lon’qu smiled.
“Of course. Now go give that to your mother. We need to eat quickly so we can get a head start, today.”
Morgan scampered off, Lon’qu trailing after once he finished up Morgan’s bowl (with a few extra apple slices). That would be just about the only moment Morgan wasn’t right beside him.
When everyone finished eating (and you gave him a proper number of thank-you kisses), Lon’qu helped his son dress and the pair of them headed out for the day.
The training out in the field was peaceful and warm, a pleasant change in Ferox’s usual weather. Morgan’s stick waved frantically as usual, poorly mocking Lon’qu’s disciplined swings and his determined focus. 
Once training was done, it was on to the next thing. Visiting the market was, naturally, a very important errand you wanted to run.
But Lon’qu wanted you to rest (for once). Why else would bring you breakfast in bed? You had a day off, let the boys handle things for the day.
You weren’t worried about them heading into town. If only because Morgan would never dare stray from his father. He knew there was no better place to be than beside his father!
So you remained at home and relaxed, waiting until they returned before you even thought about lifting a finger. 
In fact, you were about a third through your new novel when the door opened, followed by the happy cheering from Morgan and the scrambling of paper bags.
“Morgan, be careful! You’ll trip-”
“I won’t! I got all the bags, Papa! I’m-” 
“-That’s why you listen to me.”
“I’m okay!” 
You rose from your seat, stifling a giggle as you watched your poor baby recover slowly from the faceplant. He retained his cheeriness, starting to put things back in the bag that had torn.
Lon’qu sighed, setting everything on the table before going to his son’s aid.
“You would’ve been more okay if you did as you were told.” He crouched beside Morgan, picking him up and setting him on his leg while he scooped up the fallen fruits and vegetables.
Morgan rubbed at the mark on his forehead, offering a humbled, “Sorry, Papa.”
“It’s all right.” He gave Morgan the bundle of carrots, “You won’t be doing it again, will you?”
“No, sir.”
“You’ll do as I say the first time?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good.” Lon’qu pecked his forehead, “Take those into the kitchen, put them on the table and then go wash your face.”
He stood to find you watching over him with nothing but a smile on your lips, doing a terrible job of hiding how thrilled you were with your husband.
Suddenly self-conscious, he looked aside, shifting the produce in his hands. “W-what?”
“Nothing,” You mused, walking up to him. “I just love you.”
“I-I…!” He stammered, face flushed, “What brought that on, all of a sudden??”
“It’s just so cute how you take care of Morgan. He’s always following you around like that, and you dote on him so sweetly. I thought for sure you’d be annoyed with him, by now.”
“Tch. If he were someone else’s brat, maybe.” He muttered, letting you take some of the food from his arms. “But he’s my responsibility, isn’t he?”
“That’s a funny way of saying you love your boy.”
“Of course I- t-that was implied!” He huffed, “I care about both of you. He’s just the one who doesn’t leave me alone.”
“It doesn’t seem like that’s such a bad thing.”
“It’s not.” He agreed, reluctantly. You helped him sort the groceries, putting them away while he struggled to get his blush back under control.
“He really does look up to you, doesn’t he? It makes me jealous.”
“Please. We both know he’ll grow up to be just like you.”
“But with a lot less magic and plenty more swordsmanship.”
“Even so...he’ll stick by your side more often than not when he’s older. I just want to enjoy it for a while until I’m not the favorite, anymore.”
“Oh, you think you’re the favorite?”
“He follows me around like a duckling; I don’t see him doing the same with you.” He pointed out, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being smug.
You fought to keep the poker face, quirking an eyebrow at him. “That’s quite a hefty claim.”
“I stand by it.”
“Papa, Mama! All clean!!” Morgan scampered back into the room, collapsing into Lon’qu’s legs. He looked to you, his face remaining stoic, but his eyes were narrowed at you.
‘Told you so.’ They said.
You had to bite your lip to fend off your laughter. “Morgan, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Mama?” He peeked at you beyond Lon’qu’s hug. 
“Who’s your favorite- Mama or Papa?”
“H-hey now, you can’t just ask a kid that-”
“Mama!!” He exclaimed, beaming brightly at you. Lon’qu stiffened, and you were certain you just heard his heart break.
“Mama my favorite.” He repeated, squeezing Lon’qu’s legs. You could see the poor man turning to stone.
“Impossible...my own son...has betrayed me…” His voice cracked, hoarse with the crippling realization that his baby was no longer his baby. “All that following me around...all those words...they were meaningless…?”
“Looks that way,” You shrugged, taking Morgan into your arms and balancing him on your hip to start dinner. “Maybe you ought to sit down for a little while, dear. You look pale.”
Lon’qu numbly trudged into the living area, collapsing onto the hearth beside his scabbard.
You had yet to tell him that Morgan didn’t know what the word “favorite” meant. But he did know that, according to you, that’s what Mama was. 
You’d tell him later, of course...after he marinated in his humbling a little longer.
It was your turn for a little duckling time, anyways.
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eyesontheskyline · 1 month
And not an emoji but a question. Which chapter of no such thing did you find the hardest to write!?
😭 Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
Yeah. I'm a crier honestly, so it doesn't take much, but reckless was a lot. I'm the lapsed Catholic child of teen parents, and I had my own baby in lockdown with the world falling apart around me, isolated from pretty much everyone who would've been supportive, and basically entirely without any sense of like... happiness or normality. So yeah, various parts of all three chapters of that made me cry lol.
💰 What’s one trope you wouldn’t write, except for money?
Note a trope really, but I wouldn't touch x reader (except for money loool, there's definitely enough money out there to sway me).
Any sort of dubious consent is also very much not for me, and anything kind of age play / daddy or mommy kink... all that stuff.
📌 If all your fics/WIPs fell off a ship and were drowning (go with it), and you could only save one, which would it be?
This is a brutal question hahaha I love all my babies! But probably no such thing as over this? It's still fun for me to reread, and it was always my answer to 'what's one fic idea you'll probably never write' because it felt too big for me. Like I felt like I couldn't do it justice or I'd never follow through or whatever. So I like it and I'm proud of it and honestly just the fact of having both started and finished it is a big deal for me.
Aaaaand which chapter of no such thing was hardest to write?
Ha there are so many contenders for this! My first thought is maybe chapter three - I did a lot of deleting and restarting and restructuring. It was quite a lot of ground to cover practically, and initially the whole team helped Emily move in instead of just Morgan and Garcia, but it just didn't feel right. (It felt too much like the shortcut the show started taking with that pasta cooking lesson and then didn't stop honestly - just jamming all the characters in a room and not really doing anything with them.) So yeah I had a lot of false starts with almost every single part of that chapter lol. I was still figuring out how to write around canon too, really wrestling myself away from the impulse to try and fill in every little moment.
And it has Emily crying on the floor by herself with her cat, which I really liked, but also found really hard to write. Like, my writing style has been (very generously lol) described as 'practical', and I consistently struggle writing characters crying (or doing any other sustained activity to be fair) for any amount of time. For the reader to end up with the impression that it's been a long time, they need to be reading about it for more than one sentence, and it just took me a while to figure out how to write it well. I think (on this one occasion) it turned out okay.
Chapter six too though, which spanned four episodes and had no particular plot points for me to hit but I needed to lay the groundwork for Emily and Garcia's friendship and end up with an Emily and Hotch who might plausibly have an open, vulnerable version of the "having a bad day" conversation with each other.
I struggled in a lot of places and I had a lot of blank page anxiety every time I moved onto a new chapter, but I think these were the ones I really struggled to make work.
Thank you so much for asking, I appreciate you, kind anon ❤️
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spacelizzbian · 1 year
Ahsoka s1ep7
That guy be like: false Jedi? Witches?? Space whales??? In my star wars?¿?¿? Unheard of.
Respectfully, please stop wasting precious time from these last two eps on this new republic nonsense 😭
Omg please let it be an audio recording of Leia saying "fuck off" in pg way
Do you think Carrie Fisher would've been on this show as a cameo if she could? Would've loved to see her say fuck off (in a pg way)
You can tell Ahsoka hasn't put these recordings on in forever...the little bow?
She be healing 🥺
I also like the tone Ahsoka used in "he was a great master" cause you get the sense that she mourns for him.
Idk I think that's a neat way of her moving forward regarding her feelings on Anakin/Vader (though I still wish they acknowledged it more in ep 5 but I'm still chewing on my thoughts on that whole episode)
Ahsoka really out there pretending she doesn't give a shit if they're in the wrong galaxy lmaooo such a troll, I love her
The relief I felt when they all jumped thank god
Poor Morgan, she's so aware of the nonsense the good guys get away with when defeating their foes but she comes off so paranoid in universe. Doomed by knowledge of star wars' silly narrative quirks 😔
"Put her on a path of her own choosing so that no matter what direction she takes, we'll always be one step ahead of her"
That makes no sense
Just cause Thrawn says it and it's briliantly acted does not mean that was sound logic 💀
Huyang is me, I too find it bs that they sensed Ahsoka coming for their asses via space whale
Love how Ahsoka and Thrawn are out here playing 3D chess while Sabine and Ezra are just vibing in these big pods lmao
"The emperor died" "that's what people say"
Ahaha don't remind me of that, I will start biting
Omg Sabine being so offended and Ezra being so confused has me in stictches haha
Same bro, wish they showed us how exactly that happened
Fellars, when she says "it's complicated" she means "I saw my master get murdered before my very eyes and disregarded the last thing she said to me all in a desperate move to find you"
Sabine upon seeing Shin and Baylan: "NYO" 😡
Baylan, tf do you mean Shin's path leads her in a different direction?!?! All I've gathered from the 5 lines of dialogue she was allowed is that she wants to be on top, secure.
She did not seem too keen on joining the witches and sees the Empire as a means to an end. What's stopping her from just outright joining the new republic if you leave her on her own?! Seemingly the only thing stopping her was her connection to you and your teachings, ya dingus.
I like this show, but this makes no sense for the characters they've set up, why wouldn't he take her with him so they can both wield the ancient superweapon?? 🙃
Wait. The raiders in this whole different galaxy shoot normal ass blasterfire?¿?¿?
Come on, that's so boring
(They do look cool if not like normal star wars bounty hunter types)
Huyang is such a little shit, honestly his banter with Ahsoka has been one of the highlights of this show for me. Especially now that Ahsoka seems to have regained some of her original snark spark
Ahsoka dropping out of that ship RIGHT where Baylan is, IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT 😭
He really be like "huh, was sure I killed you 🤔"
"The Force is my ally, it's all I need" very Jedi of him, Kanan would be so proud
That shot of the hermit alien headbutting a raider with a pot is my fav thing ever
Yooooooo, seeing the saber actually lose some of its form when being pushed back with the force was sick
That piano 👌
Did Huyang just know Ahsoka was in trouble and instinctively thought "guess I'll shoot flares at her" 💀
Ahsoka is riding a space wolf, Filoni can finally rest
Sabine getting flipped was such a funny shot
Fight choreo go weeeeeeeee
Ok this guy really embodies Ezra well, this is EXACTLY how he would bs his way outta this pickle lmao
Props to Shin, if I saw Ahsoka barreling in like that smirking like a real psycho I'd have noped the fucke outta there instantly
Did Ahsoka just kick a hand that was swinging a lightsaber at her?!?!?
Truely deranged behaviour, pop off queen 😌
Why did Thrawn have a whole ass ppt prepared 😂
Ah yes, time, the thing I feel like this whole show did not know how to spend correctly
I can feel this season ending on a cliffhanger, I don't even know if a second season was announced beforehand but ain't no way all of this is concluding satisfyingly in one more ep
Ahsoka seeing Shin looking like a wet stray cat and going pspspsps is so her
Not Ahsoka being 110% aware she must be immortal or smth and using that knowledge for trolling 😂💀
That was such a good hug omg
And the laugh?!? I dont think she's laughed since rebels 🥺😭
17 notes · View notes
smolwritingchick · 1 month
Forced To Believe Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)
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Chapter Summary: All hell breaks loose as Morgan shocks the world when she watches Ambrose and Rollins go at it at SummerSlam.
Words: 5,000+
Author's Note: Relax....
Backstage as Melanie and Milena walked together, the duo received a standing ovation from everyone which got them emotional. Their rivalry was over. And now those two were headed to different storylines after tonight. It was bittersweet as they were praised for their hard work despite the time cut on the match.
After numerous conversations with staff and their peers, Brie rushed over to them.
"Oh my God! You two scared the crap out of me, during that whole match!" Brie said to them. "How are you two still standing!?"
Melanie laughed and smiled at Milena. "We did good. If you excuse me, I seriously need a doctor to get rid of all these crazy thumbtacks. Thanks Milena."
"No problem!" Milena replied with a giggle.
"Grapes, that match was awesome." Randy hugged her.
"OW! OW!" She yelled.
"Aw crap! Sorry!" He pulled away and backed up, but showed a half smile when he saw her laughing.
"Joking! The look on your face was priceless. I'm okay. The pain isn't that bad anymore. And thanks."
"I hate it when you do that."
"I love you too, buddy!" She gave him a pat on the back and began walking around backstage, to the trainer's room.
Everywhere she went, her and Milena would receive compliments and praises for the match, despite how short it was. It made them smile at how much respect they were earning from the locker room.
SummerSlam continued to go off with a great start with WWE's favorite show off winning the intercontinental championship. Then they showed Paige going up against AJ for the Diva's Championship. Melanie watched as AJ started pulling Paige's hair out, from the diva's locker room.
She laughed when she heard Paige yell "What the hell!?"
Melanie had on skinny jeans, boots, and a Dean Ambrose Unstable shirt that was cropped and showed her right shoulder, along with her fingerless gloves. Luckily all the thumbtacks she had been pulled out and she took a shower to wash off the blood while placing ointment on her wounds. As she looked at the TV again, she saw that Paige won the championship again, and on her 22nd birthday.
She headed out of the locker room to meet up with Jon at the gorilla while Rusev had his match against Jack. She saw her Lunatic already in his wrestling attire, and a Dean Ambrose themed hoodie, checking himself out in a mirror.
"And...I look like crap." He rasped out.
"Haha! You look cute." She embraced him.
"Saw your match. Badass. Those thumbtacks made me think about Christina."
"I thought about her, too."
"You did great out there. I'm proud of you." He smiled at her.
"Thank you." She returned the smile and kissed him softly. "Now lemme do something about this." She tried to do something with his hair.
"It's already ruined; you're making it worse!"
"Aye! I'm making it better!"
"Get a room!" Colby chuckled as he stood by them, with his briefcase.
"Shut up, Colby." Jon and Melanie simultaneously say.
For one final Rosa segment, Rosa was getting treated in the trainer's room, clearly exhausted and defeated. The crowd cheered when Triple H came into the room. Triple H wasn't too pleased with her as he eyed her down, shaking his head.
"You're out," he declared, officially kicking her out of everything associated with The Authority.
Shocked at the sudden news, Rosa began to freak out as she begged him while he left the room. "W—wait! Wait, Hunter, please!"
As the screen transitioned back to the ring, the Lumberjacks surrounded the ring, and they were Big E, Bo Dallas, Cesaro, Curtis Axel, Ryback, Damien Sandow, Luke & Erick, Fandango, Goldust & Stardust, Heath, Jimmy & Jey, Kofi, RVD, Sin Cara, and Titus.
"Well, it looks like that is the last of Rosa Mendes associating herself with The Authority," Cole said as he shook his head.
"She couldn't get the job done. Morgan prevailed. The Authority saw her as a weak link. Gotta get rid of the dead weight," JBL bluntly said.
"Almost every one of these men were at sometime victims of the former Shield." Cole informed as the camera showed all of the lumberjacks.
"I'm not sure I want to be surrounded by the ring, with 20 people who don't like me." JBL stated as Seth's theme came on with him walking out with his briefcase.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is the Lumberjack match! Introducing first, from Davenport, Iowa, weighing 217 pounds, Mister Money in The Bank, Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced.
Cole starts acknowledging some celebrities in the crowd, while Seth raises up his briefcase on the top rope, before jumping off. Dean's theme comes on, to a big pop.
"And his opponent, being accompanied by Morgan Lopez, from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, Dean Ambrose!" Lilian announced.
"The fact that Morgan is still walking around with her head up high after the most insane opening women's match is beyond me. She had thumbtacks all over her body earlier tonight and she is good as new. Talk about strength," King informed.
"Shades of Chyna flowing through her veins," Cole praised.
Morgan seriously did not want to see these two kill each other but it had to be done. Dean needed closure and wanted to get even with Seth, after what he did, these past months. And having a strong feeling Kane or even Triple H was going to come out and interrupt the match, made her blood boil. She just had to come out here and keep a close eye.
"Why is she here? She has no business out here!" JBL shouted as the couple held hands and walked down the ramp.
"Actually, she does have business out here. She's just as involved in this situation, as Dean. And Morgan isn't stupid. She knows The Authority is going to try something. So, why not be at ringside to keep a close eye." King countered.
"Here we go guys, this has been building, and building for months," Cole said.
Dean takes off his jacket and gives it to Morgan. The couple stop at the end of the ramp and she gives him a sweet kiss on the lips, before walking around ringside, placing his jacket near the timekeeper's area.
Ambrose gets in the ring and has a stare down with Rollins. Meanwhile, all the lumberjacks move out of Morgan's way, still acknowledging the match she just had. The men knew not to even think about putting their hands on her.
If there was one thing that Morgan was sure of, is that as soon as that bell rings, all hell was going to break loose. And boy was she ever right.
'Ding Ding Ding'
The Outspoken Diva heard the bell ring as she stood by, near the time keeper's area, leaning on the barricade.
"And here we go!" Cole shouted as Ambrose & Rollins started brawling back and forth. "These former best friends, buddies who grew up in this industry, together, now going after one another."
Dean catches Seth with an elbow, dropping him down.
"This may turn into a slug fest inside and outside the ring," King said. "I wonder what's going through the mind of Morgan as she watches these two go at it."
"Would you stop worrying about her? She's fine." JBL replied.
Dean starts stomping away at Seth, seated in a corner. He tosses Seth across the ring as Seth rolls over to the edge. Stardust, Goldust, and Titus shove him back instead, making Morgan laugh.
"Come on!" Seth shouted at the Lumberjacks.
He turns around to get blasted back down by Dean. Moments later, he clotheslines Seth out of the ring, and he gets shoved back inside by the Lumberjacks.
"So, far guys, Ambrose has gotta be liking this stipulation that he picked," Cole said as Dean stomped on Seth's stomach, making him yell out in pain. "Ambrose has gotta be loving this."
"This is exactly what Dean Ambrose wanted. Seth Rollins, in the ring, where he can get his hands on him. No place for Seth Rollins to go—oh the nose!" King shouted as he trapped Seth in a submission and gripped his nose back, making him yell out in pain.
Morgan looks on with an amused facial expression. This was priceless.
"Ambrose is gonna punish Rollins. He's gonna torture Rollins." Cole guaranteed.
Dean gives Seth a chop to the chest, as the crowd 'Woos' in response. He drags Seth's face into the ropes but gets kicked in the midsection and tossed out the ring.
"He built Dean Ambrose. Ambrose should thank him." JBL stated.
"Wait a minute, did you just say he built Dean Ambrose?" Cole asked.
"Oh, and now Ambrose tossed out." Cole looked on but then Dean punched Fandango and Damien before sliding back in the ring, unloading on Seth. "And Ambrose is not gonna go in quietly. That's one way to go about it. Now Ambrose taking down Rollins."
Seth manages to hit him with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle, gaining the upper hand. Seth runs to the ropes and dropkicks Ambrose out of the ring. Still holding a grudge, Bo Dallas, Fandango, and Damien begin stomping down on Dean.
"Oh and look out. The Lumberjacks." Cole pointed out.
"Aye! The heck are you doing!?" Morgan shouted as the heel Lumberjacks continued to beat down Ambrose.
The face Lumberjacks try to break it up while Dean gets thrown back into the ring. Seth gets on top of Ambrose and continues pummeling him down with punches.
"Rollins called Dean Ambrose a hellcat with rabies, and a bipolar nutjob." Cole quoted.
"I dunno if he has rabies but everything else is true." JBL agreed.
Seth hits Dean with a knee to the face, as he was laid out, on the mat, and goes for a pin.
"1!" The referee counted but Dean managed to kick out.
Dean begins fighting back with punches but gets irish whipped into a corner. Seth runs to attack but gets kicked back. Dean gets on the top rope, with his back to Rollins. Rollins takes advantage and catches Ambrose in the tree of woe. This catches Morgan's attention and she starts to look worried.
"Déjà vu. We saw Morgan in this position, earlier tonight." Cole recalled as Seth stomped away on Dean and then he fell off, clenching his stomach.
Seth puts Dean in an arm bar while the crowd begins to clap, to motivate him. Ambrose begins gaining more momentum and tries to go for a crossbody but Seth moves out the way. Dean gets on the apron and kicks Luke away, who was near him. Rollins tries to go for a suplex but Dean counters and hits Rollins with the suplex instead, onto the Lumberjacks.
"Whoa!" King shouted as Seth slammed his head on the announce table.
"Rollins! And Ambrose!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.
"Man, oh man!"
"Wow! Taking out the Lumberjacks. And this is a dangerous situation for both Rollins and Ambrose, out here." Cole said as the two continued fighting at ringside.
"As I feared." Morgan looked on, amused at the two.
She moves out of harms way as all the Lumberjacks get involved, trying to break the two up. As soon as they do, Dean jumps on top of Rollins and the group holding him back.
"And now Ambrose startin' to brawl. Ambrose brawling out here with the Lumberjacks, trying to get to Seth Rollins." Cole looked on as the Lumberjacks desperately tried to break them up.
"This is melee!" King exclaimed.
Dean and Seth finally get separated but start punching and elbowing the Lumberjacks away from them. Seth runs over to Dean but gets tossed up in the air, over the barricade as he holds his knee.
"Rollins sent over to the WWE fans!" Cole shouted.
Dean tries to get over the barricade but gets Ryback's arms wrapped around his waist, trying to pull him back, along with the other Lumberjacks.
"Just let them fight! It's no use." Morgan mentioned.
The crowd boos once Ambrose gets thrown back into the ring.
"Lumberjacks finally doing their job," JBL said.
"Ambrose now taking out more Lumberjacks!" Cole shouted as he hit them with a suicide dive. Dean got on top of the announce table. "Look—a—look at this! Look at it! Ambrose! Ambrose! Ambrose!"
"Look out!" King shouted in a high pitched voice as he jumped on top of Rollins, in the crowd, taking out Kofi and Bo as well.
"That's my lunatic." Morgan grinned and looked on, entertained.
The crowd cheers as Dean tosses Bo and Kofi back at ringside and goes right after Rollins. Rollins starts running away, through the crowd.
"He's a wild one, ain't he?" RVD grinned at her as the Outspoken Diva nodded in response and chuckled.
"Rollins is trying to escape in the Staples Center but Ambrose is huntin' him down!" Cole looked on while Dean hit Seth from behind.
"I love you, Dean! You're the best, Dean!" A male fan shouted.
Ambrose continues pummeling Seth through the crowd as they go up the steps.
"These Lumberjacks are at ringside, watching the fight!" JBL scolded.
While the two fight in the crowd, the crowd boos loudly when Kane walks out.
"Oh great..." Morgan retorted and rolled her eyes.
This was exactly why she came out here. She knew someone was going to come out and try to ruin the match.
Kane started yelling at the Lumberjacks. "Get them back in the ring! Do your job!"
Dean prepares for the dirty deeds in the crowd until some of the Lumberjacks go and separate the two, earning more boos. The Lumberjacks drag Dean back to the ring, while Rollins continues to escape. He punches Sin Cara and hits his head on the railing.
"Seth's leaving! Seth's leaving!" JBL shouted.
"Seth Rollins has had enough!" Cole said. "I think Rollins is taking off, guys."
"I don't blame him." King replied.
Seth sees the Usos, Big E, and Stardust in front of him. He tries to reason with them but then attempts to jump over them. He fails as he gets caught as the crowd cheers.
"Now they're doing their job!" King added.
"Seth Rollins gonna be dragged back down to the ring, by the Lumberjacks," Cole said.
Morgan starts cracking up as Rollins desperately tries to escape but gets lifted up in the air by the Lumberjacks, Adam Rose style.
"There you go, guys! Get him back in the ring!" JBL shouted.
Dean climbs on the top rope, as the crowd cheers loudly with anticipation.
"Ambrose!" Cole shouted as he leaped on top of Seth and all the Lumberjacks.
Dean sits up and widens his eyes, revealing a crazed look. Kane doesn't look too happy, as he begins to look worried.
"Kane's gonna blow! This is incredible!" Cole said in amazement.
Dean tosses Seth back in the ring as the crowd chants 'This is awesome!'.
Seth gets on his knees, looking groggy as Ambrose makes gun sign and shoots it to the back of Rollins' head.
"Ambrose gonna finish him off here! He's been waiting on this!" JBL said as Dean positioned Seth for the Dirty Deeds.
Seth counters and pushes him away. He kicks him from behind, making Dean lean back, between the ropes to come back with a vicious clothesline.
"Yeah!" Morgan cheered with the crowd.
"Ambrose explodes off the ropes!" Cole shouted.
"Ahh!" King screamed in a high pitched voice as Dean went for the pin.
"Kick out by Rollins!" Cole said with excitement.
Things were really starting to pick up as Kane looks relieved. Ambrose starts to show a cheeky grin.
"What a blast!" King said happily.
Dean begins to show a blank look before getting on his knees, and turning his attention to Rollins. Seth begins gripping his grey tank top, trying to get up. Ambrose stands up and grabs Seth's hair.
"I love you, brother." He kissed his head and ran to the ropes.
He lays Seth out with the curb stomp, making everyone 'Oh!'
Morgan puts her hands over her mouth in shock.
"Curb stomp!" Cole shouted as Dean started to get emotional. "That's Rollins' move!"
"He hit him with his own finish!" JBL shouted.
"Here's the cover and now wait a minute!" Cole shouted as Kane broke up the pin. "Kane!"
"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan shouted as the crowd booed.
They start to cheer once Goldust gets in the ring and gets in his face.
"Hey! What are you doing!? What are you doing, man!" Goldust shouted but Kane hit him in the face.
And that's when all the Lumberjacks get in the ring and start fighting, as Kane gets out of harms way. The crowd cheers loudly as the big brawl breaks out. Kane returns to ringside, adjusting his tie. Morgan glares at him and starts heading his way, shaking her head. It was not going to be like this. Not this way.
"And now Morgan!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.
"Hey, asshole!" She shouted.
Kane turns around only to get kicked in the groin. Face scrunched up in pain, he falls down.
"That's what you get!" She shouted and turned her attention back to the ring.
"Woo hoo! Low blow!" King cheered and turned his attention back to the ring. "Wait a minute! Wait a minute, look out!" He shouted as some of the Lumberjacks got thrown out of the ring. "What in the world!? What is happening here?"
"Kane was supposed to control things, and he set this thing into this!" Cole replied.
"Not to mention getting low blowed in the process," JBL recalled.
Dean and the Wyatts were the last ones in the ring. Luke tries to go after the Lunatic but gets tossed out the ring. Erick tries to clothesline him but gets clotheslined instead. Meanwhile, Seth manages to snatch his briefcase while Dean was distracted by the Wyatts. Morgan decides to take action by stepping on top of the apron, yanking the briefcase out of his hands, as the crowd cheers.
"The hell are you doing!?" Seth shouted.
"Look at Morgan!" Cole shouted.
"She has no business doing that!" JBL exclaimed.
"She's looking out for Dean! Seth was about to cheat! She had every right to do that!" King retorted to JBL.
"Give me my briefcase!" Seth got in her face.
The Outspoken Diva glared at him. "Forget it! You think you're gonna win, like that!? Hell no!" She turned around, about to jump off, but got yanked back, by her hair as she yelled out in shock.
"Oh, come on! Get off of her!" King shouted as she got forced into the ring, by Rollins.
"You think you are gonna ruin this for me!?" Seth shouted, backing her up into the corner.
"Seth! Stop it! Get off!" She shouted back.
"Rollins is putting her in her place! She shouldn't have messed with his briefcase." JBL shrugged.
"He doesn't have to do this! Just leave her alone, Seth!" King exclaimed, sounding concerned for Morgan's safety.
Seth can be dangerous when he wants to be. And having Morgan ruin his chance of stealing a win, made him irate.
"Always in the way!" He growled as she struggled to escape his grip.
"Enough!" She shouted back.
"This is uncalled for! Let her go!" King demanded.
"Always in the damn way! Just stay in your place!" He struck her in the face, making her fall down as the crowd looked on in surprise.
"Oh my God, is Morgan okay!?" Cole said with worry.
Morgan holds her face and rolls over to the apron. Seth kicks his briefcase over to its original spot in the corner and continues seething, trying to cool down after being so angry with the Outspoken Diva.
"Stay out of my business!" He shouted and ran his gloved hands through his hair.
"This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong." JBL scolded as Morgan held the side of her face.
"How can you say that? Morgan saw that something was wrong, and tried to stop it." King exclaimed, getting fired up at JBL criticizing Morgan's actions.
"It was a stupid move."
"I wish you'd shut up. If you saw things in Morgan's point of view, you would have done the same thing. So, shut your trap."
Turning around after dealing with the Wyatts, Dean sees Morgan laid out, face first, holding her face in pain. Seeing red, Ambrose goes berserk and starts attacking Rollins, viciously unloading on him with punches.
"And now Dean Ambrose! Dean Ambrose getting fired up!" Cole shouted in anticipation as the crowd gave him a big pop.
Dean drops Rollins with DDT as the crowd gets hyped up. He waits for Rollins to get up, but then Kane gets on the ropes to distract the referee. Rollins rolls over to the corner, diagonal from where Morgan was recovering at the bottom turnbuckle. Ambrose starts yelling at Kane, while standing in the middle of the ring, between his former teammates.
"Can somebody get Kane out of here so he can stop distracting Ambrose? Ambrose had this match won!" King exclaimed.
"Lesson learned. You shouldn't get distracted in a match like this. This is chaos! What kind of Lumberjack match is this? First Rollins and Ambrose fight outside the ring, and into the crowd! Then Kane has to try to restore order, but caused a brawl with all the Lumberjacks. And now Morgan gets involved and gets hit in the face, for heaven's sake!" JBL rambled on. "And she's not even in the damn match! What is going on!?"
While Jerry and JBL continue to argue, Morgan begins standing up. Dean starts walking up to Rollins, who is still in the corner.
"And now Ambrose looks to finish Seth Rollins off," Cole said. "This may be it!"
"I think you're right!" King said in a high pitched voice.
Morgan narrows her eyes across the ring and walks up to Dean from behind. She drops down to her knees and gives him a low blow as the commotion from the crowd causes the arena to get loud at the sudden turn of events.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! What the hell!?" Cole shouted as the crowd got loud with cheers and boos.
Dean's face expression shows pain and discomfort as he drops to his knees, falling down, face first. The Outspoken Diva rises up and shoots Ambrose a blank look while Rollins looks on in shock. The Architect widens his eyes, processing what just happened in front of him.
"Oh my God! Morgan, what the hell are you doing!?" King screamed as she ran a hand through her hair.
"The hell is going on!?" JBL exclaimed.
"What about her face!?" King shouted as the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!'
Celeste tweets 'WHAT THE HELL!? What are you doing WWEMorgan101!?'
"Never trust a woman!" JBL stated.
Morgan looks at her hand and takes her ring off her ring finger. She examines it before putting it on her right index finger instead, showing power and Authority, instead of love.
"What is going on!?" King exclaimed. "And was that ring what I think it was!?"
Seth begins to grin, revealing that he was faking his shocked look and continues to watch on.
"L­—look at Rollins, grinning. He knew this was going to happen?!" Cole exclaimed. "Don't tell me Morgan just joined The Authority!"
"But he punched her in the face," JBL recalled.
"Morgan doesn't seemed to be hurt. I think they faked it."
"What are you doing!?" Fans shouted. "Why!? Why!?"
"I­—I can't believe Morgan just...she just low blowed Dean! Her boyfriend! Why? Why help Seth Rollins?" King asked, looking startled.
Ambrose starts to get on his hands and knees, while Morgan continues to stare at how helpless he looked. Seth grabs Ambrose and gives him to Morgan, putting him in the backfire position for her.
"W—­wait a minute! Wait! Morgan! Don't do it! It's not too late to reconsider! Don't do it!" King shouted.
"After what she just did? There's no turning back, now! This is a done deal!" JBL said as the crowd gave off mixed reactions.
"Oh no. You've gotta be kiddin' me!" Cole shouted as she slammed Ambrose down hard with the backfire.
Dean grunts as she sits down, next to his laid out body. Morgan begins to look uncharacteristically relaxed after what she's done. She glances at Dean and shakes her head, smirking as she gets helped up by Rollins.
"I don't believe this..." Cole grumbled.
The crowd boos as Seth and Morgan grin at each other and embrace.
"Morgan, what are you doing!? This isn't you!" King said in disbelief.
"Maybe this is the real Morgan," JBL replied.
"Man...the look on the face of Morgan! No regret. No remorse."
"I don't understand. What did we just see?!" Cole asked as the crowd chanted loudly, 'You sold out!'
Dean, who is struggling to get up, manages to grab Morgan's left boot, for support. With one of Rollins' arms around her waist, as she holds onto him, she and Seth look down at the beaten up Lunatic.
After getting released by Rollins, she kneels and lifts up Dean's chin. She roughly shoves his face away and gets up to hit him with a sickening heel kick to the face. The crowd 'Ohs' and continues to look shocked. She turned all those smiles into frowns after what she did. And there was not a sign of regret on her face.
She tosses Seth his briefcase and leans her back against the corner, crossing her arms. Dean begins to get back on his hands and knees, turning his head to his ex. She slowly shoots him a wicked smirk as he clenches his fists. Ambrose shot her a dangerous glare, but in his eyes, they showed the look of distress. Not phased by his look, she continued to look indifferent as she watched Seth lay him out with his briefcase.
"Rollins with the briefcase to the face!" Cole shouted as Kane let the referee go, and he started to count. "No! Not like this! Not this way!"
"And Rollins takes advantage of this disarray out here,"
"Here is your winner! Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced.
"Guys, that was more action than my eyes could follow. I can't even speak after what Morgan just did." King said as they went to the highlights of the match.
"The Architect of The Shield, Seth Rollins, just beat Dean Ambrose." JBL proudly announced as Morgan helped Rollins up.
"What a disappointing night for Dean Ambrose," Cole added.
"For sure. He just lost Morgan. Got low blowed and hit with a backfire, and lost the match." JBL replied as Seth lifted up Morgan's chin and examined her face, amused that they fooled everyone. "She's not even hurt. I wonder how long these two planned this."
"I am even more excited for RAW, tomorrow. I cannot wait to hear Morgan's explanation for her actions." Cole said as Seth laughed and raised up his briefcase with Morgan.
"Wait a minute, look who it is." Cole pointed out as Triple H walked down the ramp, with a huge grin on his face.
He gets in the ring and embraces Morgan as the crowd boos, loudly. "For crying out loud...After all that she's done to The Authority? Why is she with Triple H and Seth Rollins?" King asked.
"Morgan has sold her soul to The Authority. I...I can't wrap my head around that." Cole murmured.
Triple H raises her hand and smirks at the crowd.
"I win. I finally got her." He proudly said.
"Triple H saying he won, he finally got Morgan. The question that is on everyone's mind, is how did The Authority get into the mind of the Outspoken Diva? After all, that she's done to fight against them? I just can't believe this is happening." Cole said.
Morgan, Seth and Triple H exit the ring. Triple H goes backstage after patting the two on the back. Morgan and Seth head up to stand in the middle of the ramp.
Rollins wraps his arms around her waist from behind, and rests his chin on her shoulder, laughing at Ambrose. Dean manages to get up on his knees, looking at his ex with sorrow and shock.
The shocking events played back in his mind.
She hit him with a low blow.
She hit him with the backfire.
And now she aligned herself with The Authority. With Seth. It was a slap in the face to the WWE Universe. And a dagger to his heart.
Morgan shrugs at Ambrose, giving him another smirk. It was absolutely hilarious to her, seeing the shocked crowd reactions and Dean's face. She could have sworn she saw his eyes getting watery.
"Hah, hah, hah. She's mine, Ambrose. She's where she belongs. Dark side called her home." Seth taunted, kissing her on the cheek.
"This has to be one of the most shocking scenes we've ever seen in WWE history. I can't..." Cole trailed off.
Fans tweet:
'Oh they pulled the trigger?! I didn't think they were gonna do it!'
'BOLD! They teased it but I didn't think they'd actually do it!'
'What the fuck they made her heel!?'
'That was a total #SlapInTheFace'
'WWEMorgan101 has lost yet another screw for betraying Ambrose #YouReallyDoneItNow'
'Just cleaned my glasses to make sure I was looking at what WWEMorgan101 did clearly. #IsThisReallyHappening?'
'It's about time! Finally, she's with The Authority! If you can't beat them, join them. And that's exactly what WWEMorgan101 did!'
'WWEMorgan101 must be really confident about her safety after attacking Dean Ambrose. Watch your back.'
'How dare you do that Dean Ambrose!? You are gonna get it WWEMorgan101! #WhyMorganWhy'
'Please just do not let Morgan explain anything tonight. Let this marinate. I'm loving this,'
'And just like that Morgan has become the most hated woman in WWE'
Celeste tweets 'I don't understand. Was this about power? Success? It's not worth it. #SoldYourSoulForWhat?'
Naomi tweets 'WWEMorgan101 just made the biggest mistake of her life! #DeanAmbroseAlwaysGetsEven'
Triple H tweets 'I finally got her. Welcome to The Authority WWEMorgan101. You won't regret it. #WelcomeToTheDarkSide'
Paul Heyman tweets 'WWEMorgan101 is a brilliant conniver! She fooled everyone.'
Seth Rollins tweets 'What can I say? I knew she'd give in to me. She deserves better. She's mine, now.'
AJ Lee tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Why? You just pissed off all your fans! What do you gain from this? You and I need to talk on Raw.'
Natalya and Naomi angrily walk around backstage.
"Where is she? Where the hell is she? We are gonna find her little ass. She isn't going to be off the hook from this." Natalya looked around while walking with Naomi, in a hurry. "I can't believe her...What the hell was that!?"
"I know. I mean after all she's done to The Authority? Now she joins them? This is not right," Naomi said in disappointment.
"Did you see that engagement ring on her finger that Ambrose gave her? And how she took it off, like it was nothing to her? That is unforgivable! Dean loves her to death! He did everything for her! He sacrificed so much for her, and now she turns around and does this?"
"Yeah. Wonder why she didn't tell us about that, ring. There is no loyalty around here. How could she?"
"Guess there's no engagement now since she wants to take off the ring and sell out. It's a slap in the face—there she is. Morgan!"
The two divas walked up to her and Seth. "Why would you do that!? Why!?" Natalya shouted.
"How could you? Why would you do that to Dean?" Naomi asked, looking at her in disappointment.
Seth, who had his arm around Morgan, spoke up. "Ladies, can't you see that this doesn't concern you? Now move it, along. Morgan doesn't have to explain herself to you."
Natalya shook her head, shooting her an angry look. She firmly stated, "You...are such a hypocrite. You chose power. The Authority over a man who loves you? Who stood by you through everything? Dean deserves so much better."
"Correction. Morgan deserves so much better." Seth smirked and continued walking with the Outspoken Diva.
Natayla's words did not bother Morgan at all. She couldn't care less what she thought.
"After all you've done against The Authority...? For your family and friends? For the fans? For Jane? Your own mother?" Nattie asked.
"She did what was best for business," Seth stated.
"I'm pretty sure the OUTSPOKEN diva can speak for herself." she sharply replied to Rollins, giving him a dirty look, before turning her attention back to Morgan. "How could you? Why? We were all rooting for you and Dean. Ever since that last week before WrestleMania. And now you do this?"
Morgan looked at them up and down before smirking. She brushed past them and kept walking with her held up high.
"Instead of worrying about Morgan, worry about yourselves," Rollins glared at them and walked away to catch up with her.
The two continued to walk around backstage as everyone stared at them in shock.
"Morgan! Morgan." Renee rushed over to her. "Morgan, why did you attack Dean Ambrose and align yourself with Seth Rollins?"
All of a sudden, Morgan starts laughing. Getting Seth's arm wrapped around her, she sighed and left with him, leaving Renee confused.
"Damn it!"
The sounds of growls, thumps, kicks, and punches were heard backstage, as a vexed Lunatic paced around. He wanted to rip Seth Rollins' head off. He wanted to tear him apart. But most of all, he wanted to get his hands on the woman he envisioned to have a life together. He thought their relationship was going great. He gained her trust back after what he did back in January. He thought he was doing everything right, and nothing could stop them.
His mind went back to the day he asked her to marry him. He remembered the innocent gasp she made when he went down on one knee. Her angelic laugh she let out when he said cheesy things about how
much he loved her. Her emotional 'Yes!' and how she tackled him into a hug, letting out tears of joy.
How could all of that be an act? How couldn't he see right through her deceiving ways? She looked fine. Smiling, loving the crowd, and taking on Rosa and The Authority. What happened?
Ambrose ran his hands through his damp hair, which was covered with water and sweat. WWE Superstars, divas, and backstage workers looked on with sympathy, worry, and fear as Ambrose continued to assault everything in his path, from black storage boxes to walls, chairs, and tables. They kept their distance, letting him take all his anger out. They pondered if Morgan knew what she was doing. Dean can lose his cool, but no one saw him become this enraged. Not even when Seth betrayed The Shield.
"Dean." Eden's voice filled his ears as she cautiously walked up to him, for an interview.
His cool, blue eyes filled with sadness, rage, and disgust over the events that transpired, turned his attention to her.
"Morgan shocked the WWE Universe when she low blowed you­—" Her words got blocked away in his mind as he mentally cringed at the thought.
He begins to remember the events that happened in the ring, not too long ago. That uncharacteristic look she gave him when he was helpless in the ring.
"Dean, can you please give me your thoughts on what happened out there?"
Ambrose came back to reality and exhaled, letting the question sink in. He shook his head, trying to calm himself down. He then let out an unamused laugh.
"Oh, Morgan...she really done it, now. She really screwed up this time." He growled. "She broke my heart. She tore my heart into pieces. She stood there and watched me get beaten. No...that isn't going to happen again. It won't happen again." He looked at the camera, with a crazed look. "Harley...I want you to know that this isn't over. I'm going to get you. And I want my damn ring back. And if I have to rip or bite it off your finger, I will. You're going to pay for this." He stormed off.
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so harley has always felt like he was never really a Big Brother to abbie because since their dad left, he's had to step into this parental role. like, he can't be an Older Brother to her because she needs this fatherly figure in her life to make up for the one she's lost, and obviously macy isn't around as much as she wants to be because she has to work. no one asked harley to do that, he just does it - so he's always been more of a father figure than a brother figure.
harley made meals for them, tidied the house, as well has having to get his school work done. on top of that, he always worked odd jobs that needed doing around rose hill because he knew they needed the extra cash, even when macy told him that she didn't need his help with money, and that she appreciated everything he did.
he didn't mind doing it at the time, it was normal to him - he didn't have time for a lot of friends because he was doing so much, so he didn't Quite compute that not everyone was doing the same as him. he knew he was doing More, but not as much as he actually was.
macy always cared for the both of them when she didn't have a shift. she was a good mother really, but she just needed to work to afford the house and food.
they moved to new york when tony found out about their living situation and how badly they were doing financially. he'd found out because harley was talking to tony about everything he was doing to keep the family afloat. tony decided to get them an apartment in the city, which was all paid for - macy didn't like it at first but she knew that it was best for her kids. tony agreed to let her pay the bills, but if they got too high then she had to tell him and he'd make up the difference she couldn't afford.
macy ended up getting a job at a restaurant - like she had in rose hill, so it was familiar, but the pay was so much better. harley started at midtown, because tony's intern goes there and it's a good school apparently. abbie isn't quite old enough to go to midtown yet, but she gets into middle school on a full-ride scholarship. harley's really proud of her, because he used to help abbie with all her school work and it's paid off.
harley has time for friends now, and that's when he realises that he was moe of a father figure to abbie, and not a brother figure. he learns this through seeing the way the people at midtown argue playfully over silly things with their siblings in the corridors.
harley never got that with abbie. he'd tell her off if she drew on the walls, or refused to do her homework, or forgot her manners when they were at their grandparents' house.
he was never a brother, harley was almost a father. from 6 years old.
when harley turned 16, tony and pepper had morgan. harley and peter would be asked to babysit morgan from time to time. harley would always say yes, even if peter didn't. it was like a second chance.
he'd take morgan to the park, like he did with abbie, but instead of being worried about her every move, he would mess around with her, and push her down the slide, and encourage her to do the monkey bars, even when she was terrified she'd fall off. harley would hold her up until she got the hang of it.
he'd take morgan to get ice cream or cake, depending on the weather. sometimes, they'd go into a small lab that tony had made for morgan (child friendly, don't worry) and they'd make new and improved nerf guns. they'd run around the house and shoot tony (sound familiar?).
sometimes, harley and morgan would argue about how something worked, how it could be improved, or how they could prank tony.
they were siblings.
yes, he felt responsibility, he had to look after her. but harley felt like a brother.
no, of course harley never forgot about abbie. he continued to look after her, and he'd spend as much time as he could with her everyday. but abbie was growing up, and harley would never get to do those cliche sibling activities with her.
abby had a large group of friends now. harley would drive them to wherever they wanted to go that day. harley would watch a movie with abbie whenever they had time. but their dynamic still didn't feel like a brother-sister relationship.
with morgan, it did.
harley felt guilty about it sometimes, but he begins to realise that, actually, the situations were entirely different.
he was a father when he needed to be and a brother when he needed to be for abbie.
but he will always be a brother to morgan - even if it isn't biological. he doesn't need to be a father for her, but he did need to be for abbie. and he thinks that's okay.
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ravygravywrestling · 2 months
The show kicks off with Gunther calling out Damian Priest. Gunther degards The Judgement Day, calling them “Street Trash”. Damian comes out in full force and brings the heat to Gunther. A brawl starts and Priest is not backing down even with security. Jackie Redmond/ Cathy Kelley tried to get a word with Gunther and the attack continued from Priest. I am loving this feud. As much as I love Gunther, I think Damian is going to put him in his place! This match is definitely something to look forward to next saturday.
Bron Breakker VS Ilja Draganov
This qualifier match for the Intercontinental Championship. Both men put out everything they had. Many great counters by Draganov that were absolutely flawless. I am really starting to enjoy Ilja. New name for Bron’s move coined by Pat Mcafee, “Breakin Steiner”. Draganov was able to get Breakker on his shoulders and slam him on the ring edge. Breakker comes back and Ilja lands on his head wrong, resulting in a TKO and Breakker winning. Hoping Draganov a speedy recovery and hope it was nothing serious.
It's Tozawa’s birthday!
Wyatt Video pops up about Nikki Cross aka Sister Abigail
Dom and Mami argue about Jey. Balor suggests a match and Mami say no, as there is no reason to start a war.
CM Punk comes out to announce he is finally medically cleared to wrestle! He is such a good promo talker and watching him interact with every fan in the crowd is amazing. Punk asks for Drew McIntyre to come out and fight. Drew makes his way to the ring and says he doesn’t want to fight. Punk leaves the ring to go after Drew, Adam Pearce comes out with some news. It will be CM Punk VS Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam!!! But there’s something else that is going to be very interesting about this match. If at any point Drew or Punk attack each other before SummerSlam, the match will be called off. But that’s not all!! Seth Freakin Rollins enters the ring to announce he will be the special guest referee!!! This match is going to be crazy. I can already predict the chaos we are in for!
The Judgement Day goes on the hunt for Jey Uso, Dom gets stopped by Liv Morgan. Finn catches them and takes Dom away.
Sami Zayn in an interview said he is not concerned about Bron Breakker. He wants Bron to take him seriously, and he will do the same. He wants 100% put into the match so Breakker doesn’t make the same mistake twice. In the middle of the interview, you hear some banging, so Zayn goes to check it out only to find Carlito and JD McDonagh attack Uso. Sami chases them away which then brings the main event for the show. A tag match with JD and Finn VS Zayn and Uso.
Otis, Akira Tozawa and Xavier Woods VS The Final Testament
With Kofi out, Xavier needed some tag partners. Karrion Kross has been trying to recruit Woods into the Final Testament for weeks. Akam and Rezar were dominant in the first half of the match. Woods tags in Tozawa and he is absolutely annihilating the big guy. Otis comes in and unfortunately they end up losing the match. This match was a decent mid card match. Otis and Tozawa really showed off that they can do things without Gable. Over all domination from the Final Testament but hopefully they continue this story line further.
Chad Gable and the Creed Brothers come out to talk to Maxxine Dupri, Otis, and Tozawa. “YOU SUCK” chants boom around. I love that we are treating him as we did with Kurt Angle. Otis says when things get juicy and dangerous, Gable leaves his “friends” to be attacked, like last week with the wyatt sicks. Gable tries to ask the group to join back with him, and Otiss tells him no! Otis then attacks the Creeds, then tries to attack Gable before the brothers stop him. Lights go out, the Wyatt Sicks appear at the enterance with no Uncle Howdy. Howdy is behind Gable and gets his attention. We finally get to see Howdy’s in ring gear. He takes out Gable with Sister Abigail. Almost as flawless as Bray. He would be so absolutely proud of what Bo has created and continued.
Bronson Reed VS Pete Dunne
This match was made by the attack last week on Sheamus. The bell didn’t even ring yet before Sheamus came to attack Dunne. Sheamus gets 10 beats of the bodhran on Dunner before Reed sets his sights on him. In my opinion, this was an unnecessary match. Hopefully this leads to maybe a triple threat match but even then, the story line isn't fully developed yet. The Feud grows, but I would like to see more character development on Dunne’s part.
Mami is very upset that the boys went and attacked Uso anyways even when she said to leave it alone. Carlito mentions that Dom ran into Liv, Mami drags Dom and says “Lets go to the ring”. Once in the ring, Mami calls out to Liv, “You want him, come get him!”. Liv is in the crowd asking Dom to say the 3 words she's been waiting to hear. Dom says “I hate you!! Get out of my life! You have ruined everything!”. Morgan then starts to cry and leaves the crowd. Rhea brings the whisper back, then proceeds to LICK DOM ON THE FACE!!!!!! This storyline has been absolute perfection. I can’t get enough of this. I really am hoping that something is going to happen between Rhea and Jey. Her even posting the artwork of them in waffle house just gives me a little bit of hope that she is just using Dom to her advantage at this point. And I love it!!
Jey Uso and Sami Zayn VS JD McDonagh and Finn Balor
Balor and McDonagh dominate the first half of this match. Sami Zayn did a moonsault off the top rope into ringside that was perfectly executed. Carlito gets involved and slams Zayn into the ring post. Zayn again showed how impressive he is by performing a Thunderbomb on JD. Tag is made on both sides, Jey superkick and slaps Balor around. Another tag is made Zayn gets set up for his finisher. Dom interferes and stops the Helluva Kick. JD with a Spanish fly reversal almost takes the win. Zayn and Uso double teamed, performing a 1D to JD. Cover and Balor breaks it. Zayn is down and Balor tags in JD before executing the Coup de Grace, followed by JD doing a moonsault. He goes for the cover and it is broken up by Zayn. Zayn finally gets his Helluva kick into Balor and dives at him outside the ring to keep him down. JD is down and Uso hits him with the Uso Splash, clenching the victory against the Judgement Day. While celebrating, Breakker comes and spears Zayn to give him a taste of what he’s going to get at SummerSlam. I am glad they are keeping up with the Breakker Zayn feud, but I really enjoyed Zayn and Uso as a tag team. Good to see them back in action together. Hopefully we see more of it in the future.
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