#big rant tonight because i was upset with how it went
twogriffons · 7 months
first night of training tonight, and i think i'm quite unhappy with how it went. also apparently the first night was actually last week but i had misread the calendar.
we're doing obedience level 4 this term as well as our normal social class, and the structure is just not good or how we prefer. the trainer was a temp one because the real one was busy this week and i really did not like her teaching style. also she's' got two very big dogs so her style just isn't suited to us.
the main downside was just how much sitting and listening there was. waiting around doing nothing is so fucking boring and demotivating for erie and me (and everyone else im sure). we did countless laps of heeling, but it was Just Heeling, no stopping or sitting or other movements, or even speed changes. we also did sit stays and down stays which erie is normally good at but she did not want to do them tonight, maybe because of all the new dogs or because she had already been stationary for so long waiting for each exercise to start.
we also did quick downs, which erie is very good at and one trainer observed us and said we were doing really well. then the temp trainer came up and gave erie treats and told me that my voice wasn't stern enough, even though erie listens very well to me. then the thing that really threw me out of whack was erie stood on something and started limping so i knelt down to check her out, and this trainer was like don't do that. like wtf???? i was like "no. i need to make sure she's ok." and she pretty much rolled her eyes.
the last thing was pivots, but the temp trainer didn't say pivot she said perch work and i was like oh we're really good at perch work, not knowing that she was expecting me to demo pivots because she never said that!!!!!
anyway, we're missing the next two weeks of this class, and then we'll go back for a class and see if we like the real trainer, if not we're dropping that class
the positive was we made friends with an akita inu who is so beautiful, also i got to meet my friends staffy puppy
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
One request. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Angry black suit cody. 😍😍😍
That's all.🙃🙃🙃
Ask and you shall recieve shnookum 🤓☝️
Settle Down
Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader
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Desc: Cody fires himself up during his Monday Night Raw promo which results into Y/N having to help calm him down backstage.
Contents: Fluff, Cussing, Y/N being a sweetie, angry cody 🤗‼️ (No smut in this one since next oneshot will include smut)
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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“The Rock, took to instagram last week following up with a very entertaining rock concert, too bad he didn’t wanna be here tonight..” the crowd booed “Rock referred to himself as our favorite heel..?” Cody’s voice echoed throughout the arena talking & saying “The nature boy rick flair was a heel. Rock..I don’t think you’re a heel I think you’re an asshole..” Cody scowled directly into the Camera while standing inside the ring as if you two were making eye contact despite the fact you were backstage watching this all go down on the tv that laid against the wall of his dressing room.
“Haven’t you been crying behind the scenes this whole time? I mean once that hashtag came out once they started chanting something else, you went and CRIED to your buddies on the TKO board ‘HEY HEY! This is gonna be some good pr for the rock I need to save wwe’ god knows look at thise house we sure needed saving right?! He said it’s gonna be this great pr for the rock until it wasn’t..” Cody ranted while circling around staring directly at the live camera & you immediately noticed that he was beginning to fire himself up the more he spoke.
“Rock, the TKO folks said to you oh my gosh yes rock yes put on your gucci shirt your muscles will look so big YES YES YES YES! The reason they said it is because they are YES people they are enablers they don’t tell you like it is, so I’m going to.” Cody scoffed as he went on another tangent on how he could admit many things on the Rock but then he pissed himself off so much to the point where he started becoming more verbally agressive “Rock you are also a terrible Salesman a carny succubus and for those who don’t know what that means..Your a whiney BITCH.” He snapped.
Y/N sat in the dressing room staring directly into the fury of his eyes right through the television screen, all this talk about the rock had genuinely started becoming angering to him & bothersome that he somehow managed to upset himself the more he spoke. “You haven’t been in the ring in real time action in YEARS! And April 6th the BELL is gonna ring! What happens rock when it rings? Are you gonna have all that Big Dwayne Energy or LDS?! Little. DICK. Syndrome!” He shouted while all of the fans within the arena started Chanting, Cheering, Shouting waving around their signs while even the announcers chuckled to themselves.
For the rest of his promo he continued ranting, shouting & even going as far as making a sudden deal with The Wiseman Paul Heyman, threatening to pull a Homelander & rip out his throat if he didn’t get to the point which left Paul a little shocked. Once his promo for the night was finished You immediately left the dressing room just as he rushed his way backstage huffing and puffing mumbling with Jey & then approaching you hut you held up your hands that lightly knocked against his chest about to speak but you shook your head
“Cody I can tell you’re pissed off, You upset your own self just by talking about Dwayne alone & before You do anything like take off the suit, get comfortable, go to the bus I need you to grab some water & take a breath.” You spoke softly as you noticed his hands were shaking in irritation and inner rage before he took a deep breath & exhaled while nodding.
“Good. Now let’s get you out of that suit & into the bus before Pharaoh looses his mind..” you pat his shoulder while you two went to the dressing room. You helped him get undressed and for a moment he just legit stood there with boxers on ranting his heart out “Had the nerve on him to mention MY mother y/n and complain about me shedding ONE tear ONE SINGULAR TEAR but this entire time he’s bitching and WHINING to TKO” he started shouting a bit while you folded his suit & packed it away. You turned around & started shushing him softly and pat his chest “Baby your yelling, Settle down okay? I know your pissed hell I would be do if someone talked about my parents like that. But I need you to lower your voice, your throats gonna go raw. Like Monday.”
Cody chuckled at the corny joke you had made to help cheer him up while pulling him into a warm hug as you practiced deep breathes with him “Thank you sweetheart I don’t know what i’d do without you.” You smiled shrugging “I don’t know either.” He snorted and pressed a kiss against your lips “alright now pipe down a bit.” You laughed before giving him one more kiss.
Cody was not an easily angered man, until things like his parents or loved ones getting mentioned but when he had You around? He was going to go a long way when you knew how to calm down in the right ways.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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poppinspops · 6 months
Dear older brother
Part 1, Part 2
Lucerys velaryon as your brother (platonic) the beginning of your relationship to the end of it..
Fem reader! Sorry, it's just easier to write for girls as a girl myself. I do hope you understand
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Lucerys is your older brother as you were born a year after Luke was born a bastard, just like your two older brothers having dark hair and dark eyes
Though your mother Rhaenyra doesn't like it when you call yourself that neither do your two brothers but alas you still do when upset with yourself
Lucerys HATES being called Lukey by everyone that's not you, and you hate when others (besides joffery, jace, and your mother) call him lukey
You and jace mainly use it when you are teasing him, and sometimes Rhaenyra joins in
You two where sat next to each other at dinner, always whispering about something or someone you always did strive to make your older brother laugh
Luke is more open with you because you would come into his chambers and let your brother rant to you or vice versa
But it was more often that he came into your chambers and spoke his mind with no fear of judgment from you
Often, big events ended in him in your arms crying after something stressful happened in his chambers, though you didn't mind
You're usually the one consoling him if your mother hadn't beat you to it
You are the definition of a brothers girl
You are usually seen next to Luke or walking beside him. Wherever Luke went, you weren't far behind him
Though if Lucerys isn't off with jacerys doing something most likely practicing sword fighting, you'd be seen with your mother Rhaenyra
During important dinners or really any social event your mother planned or was invited to, you'd always would be seen standing next to luke or sitting with him whispering to Luke
Most likely, just you gossiping to him about something another Lord told you or how disgusting one of the lords where with you
You bumped Lucerys gently with your elbow whispering to your older brothers "so.. how are you 'enjoying' this beautiful banquet older brother?" Giggling as you saw his quick roll of the eyes before he replied back in a hushed tone
"Oh, I see how it is.. how was dancing with almost every lord tonight?" Luke said with a sly smirk on his pale face. Now it was your turn to roll your eyes giving him a good elbow in the side making him grumble as he rubbed his side. Your feet hurt like hell from all of the dancing you had to do tonight it was almost as bad as your name day.. "delightful." You replied in a strained voice. Luke had laughed at that, making you smile and laugh with your brother, elbowing him harder in the side this time, making him yelp out in pain.
You two quickly composed yourselves when your older brother turned his head over to the two of you making you straighten your back and look away from his gaze not seeing the small smile on his face from seeing his two younger siblings seemingly having fun teasing one another.
Luke is the calmer one between the both of you which was funny as your mother thought that her having a girl after her two boys would mean the two older boys where going to be the ones protecting their younger sister from others when it turned out to be the complete opposite, not that Rhaenyra minded at all she was proud that her first daughter could defend herself
Daemon had once told his wife you acted like her when she was younger, and Rhaenyra agreed as you did
Though she did wish that you would hold your tongue at times as you would go head first into arguments no matter if you or your brothers were in the right or wrong
One of your brothers could have been the one that got the facts wrong, but you would have still defended them with your life, that made you get into physical altercations with many lords and some lady's aswell
Though Rhaenyra was proud of that, it was like she had given birth to a second jacerys. Just this time, you could punch harder than jacerys could..
You were a natural when it came to learning High Valyrian much like Lucerys is
When you got the news of your mother being pregnant, it left you overjoyed. You so dearly wanted to know if you had a little sister coming. Look. It's hard being the only girl in a family of mainly men.
When your baby brother joffery was born, you adored him from the moment you first got a glimpse of him
You always volunteered to watch over little joffery, to teach him how to walk and how to say his first words, begging your mother
Though this did leave Lucerys a bit envious of his little brother joffery and how he seemed to take up all your time and attention now ever since he was born.
It caused Luke to start giving you a bit of the cold shoulder rolling his eyes when your little brother was brought up
When you had figured out why Luke was giving you the cold shoulder for a few weeks, you laughed and teased him for it as it was silly and lucerys knew that
You and Jace started teasing Luke about it for months on end
You had started spending all your free time teaching your younger brother how to speak and what names each color had much to Luke's dismay, you where often seen in Jofferys' room reading to him, as you had always wanted a younger sibling and you had finally gotten one a well mannered one at that.
You were a tad bit upset that he wasn't a girl, though you had quickly gotten over that once you held him in your arms as he tried to say your name
When you were younger, you used to follow Luke around, just like what little joffery does with you now
It was funny to Rhaenyra that joffery acts so much like his older sister
though she was glade that unlike his older sister, joffery didn't go and dig up holes in the ground, looking for worms much to her mothers dismay when finding her daughter outside, digging up bugs from the ground..
You were never too fond of Daemon, your stepfather. Though he seemed to be fond of you quite a lot being as he has daughters of his own (girl dad daemon), so he understood you on a level your brothers just didn't.
Daemon was the first to defend you, or he'd just appear by your side randomly at times. You thought you had been the one intimidating people, but it was really daemon standing behind you that intimidated those people and scaring them off
once you had punched him out of shock, as he had scared you as you didn't know he was standing behind you once though he just smiled as your punch didn't do much.... that day hurt your pride and ego very much, though you were just happy you didn't get punched back.
You and your mother Rhaenyra got along swell she gets you the most since your the only two girls in a house with four boys
You being Rhaenyras' first daughter and all means you have a special place in her heart as you weren't going to get a fancy title like you had always hopped for as you were sadly born a woman. And your brothers men.
You and lucerys safe place was always near the water
Least to say, after his death, it was no longer your safe space it was a place of fear, death, and great mourning when you sat near the water.
You had gotten news of your elder brother lucerys death when you were getting ready for bed. The news brought you to your knees in tears, your mothers soft voice trying to calm you down as she herself was a reck, but she tried to hold it together for you
It took hours for you to stop crying. Your eyes had a red rim around them with tear stained cheeks and a wobbly lip
You wouldn't come out of your room and barely talked much for almost half a month
The funeral couldn't even be called one as all you had of your brother was clothes and personal belongings to burn. They couldn't find lucerys body now lost at sea, and that made the anger in that you boil up, making you snappy at people
You had sympathy for aemond before he killed your brother, you did feel a bit bad for his eye being stabbed out by your older brother feeling guilty everytime you saw him with that eyepatch he was a child like yourself afterall..
You never did hate aemond you two would well 'talk' well it was more of exchanging a few words when you had too though, Jace always seemed to come in and swoop you away you where always greatful for that as your exchanges of words where rather awkward. It was more staring than talking if you were honest.
Aemond took every chance he could to remind you of how your brother took his eye
You didn't know what kind of reaction the older boy wanted to gauge from you, but he never seemed quite happy with the reactions you would give him
He only seemed pleased when you would apologize for your older brother saying how he shouldn't have done that and things along those lines for some odd reason unbeknownst to you, a weird almost delighted smile would appear on the aemonds face it was odd.
Though you always found aemond to be a bit weird, so you brushed it off as aemond being aemond
After your brothers death and having to be at his make shift funeral, your heart held no sympathy for the older boy.
when you thought of the one-eyed boy, all you could think about was taking his other eye from him and forcing him to live the rest of his pathetic life blind.
You could no longer see the ocean as safe and calm. You saw the true nature of what the ocean could truly be. Its waves were angry as it took the lives of people you held so very dearly into its depths to never be seen again, or maybe that's just how you saw it in your many hours of grieving
After half a month, you were slowly healing your relationship with the sea, knowing that at least your brother died both as a targaryen and as a velaryon and he wasn't alone in death he had his beloved dragon both dead but dead together.
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Library event (first time)
“And as the sun goes down, Giggles curls up on your bed and rests her big head beside you. Tonight she’ll play in your dreams and guide you away from all those awful nightmares. All you have to do is believe in the magic of your own imagination, and let that little voice inside you speak.” Paradise recited from the picture book, her voice a perfect mix of respect for the kids, and silly excitement. The picture was of a chihuahua sized Shine curled up like a puppy on the bed, around her other toys sat, and a small child was yawning. “Go outside, eat new foods, try something you never thought you could, because Giggles will do it with you.” The drawings showed her munching on an orange next to a middle school aged child, the two of them high fiving. “Adventures are something you’ll never grow out of, if you keep that spark of a silly laugh alive. Giggle along with her, and see what there is to see in this amazing world around you!” 
She smiled at (insert watcher), or she thought she did, since she couldn’t see them. She knew Halo was there, and that was enough. She’d spent enough years with Shine to work with invisible figures. Instead she focused on the event at hand.
She packed up the last remaining book, luckily there were only a few of them. She got to walk off with a nice bit of cash, and the smiles of all those kids. That one little boy in particular had caught her heart when he hugged the doll and gave her the biggest smile. His parents had a weird look when they saw what Giggle along looked like, but they let him keep it. 
Paradise caught sight of a familiar form. With a pair of slightly blue tinted glasses, a cozy gray hat, and comfortable clothes, was Shine. Para swung herself over a chair and skidded to a halt next to her Godly girlfriend. “I see you made yourself smaller again~.” She slid a hand along her arm. “How did your big fight scene go? I was getting a little worried there.” 
Shine still reacted to the touch, which made Para Very happy, but she wasn’t bantering back. Instead she shrank another half inch and pulled Para closer. “...It…went.” 
Paradise pulled them away from the groups of people into a nook and sat her down on a stepstool. Para herself sat on the floor so they’d be closer in sitting height. She didn’t mind looking up a little, she was pretty used to this position. “Hey, what’s got my sugarplum glum?” 
Shine couldn’t help but giggle just a tiny bit. It was enough. “I…I lost the fight, and worse than that I lost track of my boy again. I was so close, I was so feathering close to getting him back.” 
Paradise rested her hand on her girlfriend’s thigh and shook her head. “It’ll be alright, you’re a God, remember?” She wasn’t completely sure who the kid Shine was so focused on was outside of some panicked descriptions of torture done to said child and a single gushing motherly rant about how cute he was. “You can rely on me.” 
Shine shoved herself off the stepstool and into Para’s arms, not the first time they’d been like this, but it wasn’t usually due to comfort reasons. “I’m so- I’m terrified of what they might be doing to him while I’m gone. I had to stop by Andy’s place just to get my bearings back.” 
She knew about Andy, and hopefully they’d get to meet soon. “Hey, I got you.” 
“heh..I know.” 
They were walking along a street in South Bend Michigan at Para’s request to get out of Hatchfield for a bit. Shine looked less upset, but she was clearly distracted and talking to someone. It was…Well Paradise wasn’t going to tell her magical partner to get off the multidimensional phone when she was dealing with whatever was happening. If Shine didn’t want to talk about it, it was for a reason. 
Instead she focused on the donuts they’d picked up. She loved watching her girlfriend’s face light up around food. It was like seeing someone discover their favorite food, but so far it had been every single thing they’d tried. It never got old. 
Their conversation about whether or not a cat would be safe to bring into the black and white was interrupted by a call that even Paradise could hear. “Mama!” 
They froze. Shine took paradise by both hands and her eyes were literally glowing with emotion. “That’s him. That’s my baby. I’ll be back soon, I promise. I’m sending us back to your place.” Without her usual dramatics they were instantly inside Paradise’s new home. Para stumbled but caught herself in Shine's arms. “Stay here please.” 
Paradise pulled her still smaller body into a kiss. “I love you, ok? I love you and if you need help, I’ll do what this little human body can do to the best of my ability.” She held on an extra second and pressed one more kiss to her cheek. “Come back to me soon, ok?” 
Shine shivered and tugged her down for a goodbye kiss. “I will, so keep yourself safe.” She was gone. 
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
This is gonna be a whole ass rant I'm so sorry but....
Story time...
Yesterday a regular of mine (that I've actually complained about on here before) came in and said "Hi I'm here for my appointment with 'dead name.'" ALL of my stylists have only EVER known me as Cal, NEVER my dead name. So Christina (who transferred from the other salon with me) was like "Oh you mean Cal!" At this point I was walking up front to pull her back and she was like,
"Ooooh yeaaa I don't call her that." Now I'm USUALLY really REALLY chill about my pronouns and whatever as long as people call me by my preferred name. Even with my name, with my clients, I've been a bit lax on but when I heard her say that it irritated me to no end. So I said,
"No one here knows me by that name, they aren't gonna know who you're talking about unless you call me Cal." And she was like,
"Ohhh I just can't." Now I was trying to be professional and polite AND stand my ground so I used my #1 argument when I'm in this situation, which is,
"Well my mom named me and she calls me Cal so I think if she can you can also." Then she says,
"You know I'm not good with change." Still I'm TRYING to be polite, I've done this woman's hair for like 10 years and have considered her a friend for a long time. I said,
"You could try." And she just smiled and said,
"Luckily you love meee." ALL I could think was 'I don't love anyone enough to let them disrespect me' but instead I just dropped it and pulled her back. The whole haircut was awkward and tense and she kept trying to conversate and called me 'dead name' a couple more times in my chair. I didn't really say anything and just let her talk. When we were done I checked her out and USUALLY I'd walk around and give her a hug goodbye. I DID NOT. After she left I walked in the back and Christina was there. I said,
"I am..." and Christina immediately was like,
"I know I couldn't believe her just now!" So for someone that doesn't like change she's going to be really upset when I stop taking her calls and texts and she has to find someone else to do her hair because I will NOT ANYMORE after that. She could have dealt with little change and called me Cal now she deals with BIG change and finds a new stylist. She also has hella hard hair to work with and is stupid picky so good luck to her on her new journey.
Then today another regular who's hair I've done for like 10 years came in.
"I'm here for 'dead name'." My assistant manager had heard about the incident the day before so she said,
"Oh! You mean Cal!" And he went.
"Oh yea Cal." No problem a slip, it happens, no harm no foul, thank you for correcting yourself. But then he accidently called me tonight instead of his ex mother inlaw because he still has me saved as 'dead name' in his phone after almost 3 years of going by Cal. He went on a whole schpeal about a family situation before he realized it was me on the phone. So he asked my opinion about the issue anyway and I gave it to him. (Big shocker he was the one wrong!) Then he proceeded to go on about an email he got from someone at work (he's a cop🙄) and how it had pronouns at the bottom so I was like,
"Yea, lots of people put their pronouns in their bio on socials or at the bottom of emails..." He cuts me off and goes,
"Well they didn't 2 years ago." So I went to finish my sentence.
"Yea probably not but a lot of businesses are trying to be more inclus-" Cuts me off again.
"Well they didn't do that before." Again I tried to say,
"Yes but business are trying to be more inclusive for trans and non-binary-" Again.
"Well no one used to." It was like talking to a fucking wall. I was like,
"You KNOW I wrote my pronouns on my mirror at the other salon." And he groaned and was like,
"Yeaaa I know, I don't get it. Binary I thought that meant book. I don't know." Fucking FACE. PALM. I was so pissed by the time I finally got off the phone with him. I just can't with this shit. I'm TOO easy going about it for people to be so blatantly disrespectful. I'm over it.
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lvlymyaesthetic · 1 year
Posting this here because I don’t have any friends and I don’t want to post it to anywhere my family could see and a refuse to use Reddit lmao. I imagine no one will really see this which is fine but I wanna get it off my chest.
My boyfriend of over 4 years has developed a pretty serious porn addiction and it’s ruining our relationship. He barely ever wants to have sex anymore (he used to want to like at least once a day, now I’m lucky to even get him to have sex with me once a week if I practically beg), but then every time I leave the house, he watches porn and jacks off. It has always bothered me and made me feel unwanted, especially since he didn’t want to be with me as much, but after endless arguing I caved and said I was fine with it as long as he didn’t do it when I was home(because he had once before and it led to a fight so big I was almost ready to move out). It was fine I guess for a little while, it still really bothered and upset me but I didn’t talk about it anymore. But now, he does it even when I’m home. I’ll do everything I can to get his attention and he won’t let me so much as kiss him, but then he’ll wait till I’m asleep and go jack off, or sometimes even lock himself in the bathroom saying he’s showering or his stomach hurts but he’s actually just watching porn. Tonight he asked me if I wanted to have sex and I was really happy, and it was really good for a while, but he kept losing his boner and it took almost THREE HOURS for him to, yknow, ‘finish.’ And even then, he kinda did it mostly himself with a little bit of help from me. I checked his search history (don’t call me out, I feel like it’s okay once in a while if you know the person is lying), and he had been trying to watch porn in the shower before he asked me to have sex but the webpage wouldn’t load because the wifi went out. So now all I can think about is that he didn’t actually want to have sex with me, I was his second choice, and I’m worried that he took so long to ‘finish’ because he would rather be watching poem or maybe isn’t attracted to me anymore.
Any time I try talking to him about it he gets really defensive and sarcastic and rude, and he says that it’s not about me and that he’s just unhappy with his life because he’s in a hard spot right now. I’m in a hard spot too, but I don’t treat him badly because of it, if anything it makes me want to be closer with him because I love him so fucking much and he means the world to me. I do everything I can to help him get through this rough spot, whether emotionally or financially or whatever he needs. I don’t expect a lot from him, especially right now, and I keep telling him I don’t need him to be some perfect guy, I just need him to stop lying to me and realize how much what he’s doing hurts me. He just keeps telling me that it doesn’t matter and I’m being dramatic and a baby, which I know I’m not.
And it all just sucks so fucking bad because I know I should probably just leave him, but we used to be so fucking happy and I just desperately want that back, but he’s not willing to try to fix on things. I love him more than anything in the fucking world, I’ve always planned on marrying him once we’re in a stable place financially. It physically pains me what we’re going through right now, because I know that if he’s not willing to fix things, nothing will change no matter how hard I try. I feel our relationship slipping away more and more each day and I’m clinging to it so desperately, and he says he doesn’t want to break up but he’s just making me feel so fucking unwanted and miserable. It doesn’t help that he’s kind of all I have, too. I only have one really good friend and she’s moving to the opposite side of the country soon(we’re in California, she’s moving to New York, that’s why I don’t want to talk to her about all this while she’s worried about moving). Other than her, I don’t have a single person I could talk to, much less stay with, because if we do break up I’ll have to move out of his house. My only option would be to move back in with my family and I was so miserable there my whole life, they’re such hateful people. And on top of all of that, we have a cat together who I love so much, but his chip m has my boyfriend’s name on it because he adopted him to surprise me, and if I DO have to move in with my family I wouldn’t be allowed to take him anyway so I would lose my boyfriend my house AND my cat. All because he cares more about porn than me.
He has acknowledged in the past that he has an addiction, but since it got worse he won’t admit it anymore and he’s adamant on saying it’s not a problem and it’s not affecting our relationship. I’ve tried to suggest therapy to him, for the porn problem and for some other he’s had happen recently, but he refuses. He says therapy is for people who have something wrong with them (which, I VERY much disagree with, but I know where he’s coming from, there’s a lot of stigma around it still unfortunately and he was raised by people who told him that).
Idk what else to say, I’m just really fucking depressed and don’t have anyone I can talk to so this is me screaming hopelessly into the void.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's now a giant watch on Tommy f no longer can you roam around free here his side swiping a lot of cars his are then they're ramming people and they're trying to bump and run no they're trying to kidnap people. Max have a standing order any kind of operation you launches no matter how small they want to know about it they have several layers watching and several layers of troops monitoring and in order to make sure they're no lapses and you're getting tons of information. This will happen soon there's tons and tons of people over here doing the job and there after these guys and they're tougher than the warlock but they're firing them too and they're finding out that she grabbed them right away it's a war happening here Florida and lots of it has to do with our son who's doing okay today was a challenge they had to walk a lot and carrying stuff and lifting some things and it was a challenge for Trump and said we're all out of shape but he is a strong person and he said it too that thing is very heavy and he's very fast and decent with his hands too now he said he almost fell over and you stopped it knew who he was and everyone's having a real hard time and nobody's going to hurt anybody we don't pretty well and it's kind of ranting a little and he says oh this is the U-Haul treatment and he went put it in and said thank you very much I said so you'll see it and he says yes since oh this used to happen to me he's probably ranting and raving and it's these assholes who follow U-Haul trucks around ranting and raving at them screaming stuff epitaphs and more and it is ridiculous you can't go anywhere on Earth with stupid you all because these idiots I have to tell you it's just like the rain of Mack but worse because he started fights and stuff oh no but you won't get silently pulled in you get harassed into it so the world will be out of balance but our style is what Mac does and we're going to rain supreme, and her son and daughter say I'm saying it out of my mouth we aren't now and we're moving out because we get that.
Thor Freya
I have something to say this is a gross show but it's always getting people to eat it's not a bad thing and people should eat but really I don't want these people to but how do you do that you can't and these clothes are after the food supply now and where a war with them anyone who decides with them it's dead meat and I mean it no one's decide with them cuz my husband could get hurt and he's more like too I'm terrible you don't side with the max you can work with them on some things but boy these people are horrible horrible people they are just nasty and I want them out and it's working tonight they have a huge flotilla that they're preparing it's going to have like 100,000 octillion and the people are going to amass in 100,000 octillion and they're going to be gone and do the same thing and they're stupid they're trying to come in by airplane and they're trying all day and they're repelled and they started I'm asking him around my husband and Max figured it out and start clearing them out and they finally got something to eat. He was upset since I don't know what to do so they said yeah the go-between with black people and you're not really that big so something to check into and he is and they say it's not really that great but it's better than that it started laughing and said it'll probably get ruined by these other assholes but that's what we're thinking and he's disruptive but he doesn't do that much if there's nobody having to do it. Now this is going on right now and we are having a lot of trouble with you cities and we're moving in there's too many and there's too many doing stupid things and we agree this is hell and we were ignoring it and it was it's expensive you have to have a certain number of us to see what's actually happening and we came in and we did it and we started learning more wow what a pain so and I'm started raising the Army using here and his ideas work we're flying around on those cycles against so many inquiries it wasn't even funny so they came in and that's why we're doing it and said how do we sign up and it's going on now cuz they found out it's for defense and they're not acting wimpy anymore. There's a giant number of people who feel bad for him and they're sending people to help thank God I hate to say finally but we need a lot of help here more later
Thor Freya
I was talking up top and he pokes back in and took over I'm saying that we're going to be almost invaded here possibly invaded and there's too many and they're trying to come in by plane they're flying the plane in the people are getting off and they're letting the pilot know we're putting them right in that bus and that's what's happening at the airport so this huge gangs that have been going to the airport all day to try and break up the force that was there doing that and they couldn't do it now their armies and they're heading there now and they're from inside Florida. They're pretty big each and they are going to flow in around each airport and including punta Gorda. It's a mess I'm trying to use it and the ideas aren't working this giant numbers to them trying to float in and it doesn't work feel real fast the water it doesn't work and they can't figure out what the problem is to get here it's kind of a nightmare so they're looking around they're trying to blame our son and they can't they're trying to blame the clones and can't and I see that there's tons of them out there using tech and it's going on that they're saying we have to use the same tech and they're going to try that as a mix tonight. But it's a giant Force I mean it is rude it's so big and it's bigger than anything and has seen is true and it's getting bigger they're going after the diamonds they're going after the Giants stashes and caches with about half as many in total and it's a giant Force and it's all more lock and they're moving it fast
More later he's got to do his dinner but we have had some developments here it's such a state of hell for our son he needs relief these guys are stuck to him and doesn't do them any good they need to get off him and it's going to be expressed by everybody and fairly soon. What happened is that the Max discovered what they're doing decide to try and help and they ordered people today to try and it didn't work if that's very bad and then you figure out why and start doing it more and figure out it wasn't working and that's very bad and they tried it a lot and it didn't work so clearing this idiots out of here and they have to faster and faster and more and more than and we're getting ready for a major defense here and we're moving in heavy and we're moving in tons of troops and we're moving them in fast and the foreigners are too these idiots are a bunch of steam and jerks they're going to find out tonight that they're very wrong and they're going to send tons of troops and they're going to be completely obliterated. Moreover half are going to the islands no like none of them the evacuations from the north are bringing ships down and they're trying to use them here and they're failing and it's a huge error. There's a massive number of them trying to head here and use those ships but they're not coming down the whole river even though the cool air is coming down they're halted and the ships are pulled out it's been going on for the past 3 hours. Now they're starting to get frustrated and they're starting to threaten like madness in the Midwest and huge armies are going out there to take care of them and a huge armies have been amassing for years and training and army for this very purpose and they're all over the world and they're multinational is a huge problem and it's growing and the biggest problem is that the people down below are not taking care of and everyone's starting to pay attention them today they caught that everyone's eye they're screwed around with everybody. So tonight is going to be a huge series of actions and it's going on in the cities and it's going around and it's going to be a giant night and ship sites are heating up but mostly I want to say this I'm still speaking and it's Hera and we have a job to do here and yeah it was Thor and Freya above and they're saying things are happening you know what a list what it is and they said I can go ahead.
-there were many firings today and we started touching on it of councilman and sleckman and people that work for them and of people that work for the State Assembly and people who work for the federal government's senators and Congress people and people who are in government in DC and there or a lot of them probably 25% were released and that's what they said and it's a gigantic number but out of the hole it's only another 5% today but they did that because these are the elected officials and they want to go slower and on purpose and it's a wise thing to do on top of that they are firing others
-sheriff and they fired a lot of sheriffs they didn't get to this one and he is saying it too and others are saying why didn't they fire you oh you're right there and they're mad and they want him out and it's actually having an effect that's positive and it works for us and it works for my husband. Now he said we need a ceremony we actually do and I'll marry him in absentia and so as we can do it with the hologram and I said okay and it'll be a small private ceremony and they agree. And there's going to be a positive attitude. Now I've never heard of this before but they're going to use a hologram because it's a pow and they do have a ceremony for that too and it's before and separate and afterwards and people have things to say at the party and maybe a little symbolic stuff on Earth and elsewhere and tons of people say it we need to do stuff like that a little bit so nobody knows the date and when going on with the program and now it's not on your birthday thank you though maybe July 4th he says so everyone's ecstatic and it's a nightmare
-there's other than the sheriff there are police Chiefs that were fired and they want certain police Chiefs out and they're putting it back and he's actually saying screw you and it's retards doing it and they said you put ours out and we can put you out and he's saying I don't think so now he's directly involved in reverse of krumel reverse of the parties having a very unique effect on Mac he's getting upset and belligerent towards them like I like my husband is and very very irate this is how do I handle it as you go out and chop up a ton of them and then you feel a little better and they come in again and Max says that's pretty much it and husband says they're not civilized and he agrees and he goes to work but that's happening too with the police and different police are saying why aren't you released and they're going around saying it and there's new police and they go back after them and they get arrested haul off to jail prison and they get sick and die and get burned it's happening here in Florida probably only 20% but it's moving now
-there's a real large number of people who are into this but people are not moving as fast as they should and the banks are starting to realize it and they're going around taking all the guns grabbing guns buying guns getting tons of ammo and taking over caches and stashes everywhere in the cities and towns here we had to and we're doing it too giant amounts of it and we have areas and we're bringing them to it and we're building more for others and us and it's going fast okay there's going to be a ton of it here and in a couple days and it's us building most of it we took over big construction companies and today there are three that signed over and he said okay to announce
*Morrison Knutson and it is related to Jim Morrison no it's spelled differently but it's a heavy highway construction company that does specialty items like Bridges and structures and really big ones and certain lengths of highway nothing over 100 miles and they're moving in now to do a whole bunch of bridges and the skyway
*you sang the song and I was upset cuz he's saying every skyway leads me back to you and it's saying kind of funny that he says cuz we're doing the job that's us out there remember hell hell times 20 I'm out there in hell absurdia she's not laughing that was me I started laughing and it was me I said okay hell absurdia I'm going to make stupid names in the movies probably poor Riddick but his lot in life is to be infamous.
*fluor Daniel this is finally you got to be kidding I thought we did this many times this was the final signing and it's happening this week the giant company to do huge structures and buildings and giant mega complexes apartment complexes business condos real sturdy ones anti nuke ones and more then he says we're going to contract to build the vault and he's going to invest some money tonight and Thor and Freya at it well building our complexes we're going to do it down the street and Mac Daddy has a place for it. So we're going to do that and he says by Fluor Daniel and we're moving out.
And Thor Freya say there's a reason for them doing it and it's because it's a parallel but a dangerous one and our idea
*Turner construction the final sign was today and we're moving out on tons of buildings and they do specialty buildings and lots of them huge convention centers giant offices huge numbers of mixed buildings and they do nuke proof buildings but they don't do humongous ones in the vault is going to be humongous they do very large ones but nothing like that we'll need to do something like that but it's a different scale the volt is going to be tremendous even above ground it's going to be probably half a mile by a half mile and it's going to be pretty tall for Florida and we're going to very hard surface below and it's going to hold a lot of stuff it's going to be tidal wave resistant earthquake resistant War resistant and more and it's going to look intense like that building in blade runner just turned it out turned out to be a pyramid but that's what it looks like..
*Perini construction and we always have one more thing he says and it is that way. They wouldn't give him a job ever seem to Turner and they're like interviewing him and stuff or something but at least turn it into joint venture there so we're going to turn to them and say that we'd like you to do something and he says I would too and you know it and it's good we have a lot of buildings to build and that's what they build mostly buildings but all kinds public private specialty large not massive but large buildings and they build high rises up to about 1 mi and they start doing that last year it's not much more difficult or different and they can bang them out now they build a lot of apartment complexes too and they're going to be building tons of buildings out here and our son wants somebody I mean my husband damn it I just say damn it too I learned it from him damn it the saying I'm like a frog but not really so that's very mean and she's having problems literally so I feel better we got to get going on this and right now
-other things that would happening other than the sheriff and the police where agencies like Florida law enforcement where they lost half of their Chief level people for real they're fired on the spot today. And it was for treason and they're in prison. I pulled them aside and said what do you think we do to you nothing and they're killing them cuz they were killing the max to huge huge event and then sell other agencies. The Florida State Police and they have a few other Florida agencies and people don't know too much about it but there's a lot of law enforcement here they have Florida investigative units of the police in there laying them off because they're gifted people and there are subsidiaries of the police they're not volunteers they're like Outpost type places they're firing them today tons of them they're all over the place here and they're also considering firing every single fire chief and started on a few and it's going to happen now this place is run by them and it's no longer so
-along with those agencies they're finding people from the federal government who are running outposts here or Branch offices as they call them and it's the FBI and the CIA the DEA the NSA and about a hundred more agencies all of them started losing people at the chief level about 10% and it's going downwards most of the tenants were were laid off or fired well they're saying fired and most of corporals were fired and they're going after people rank and the masses of them and it was a horrible day they're all over messing with his balls and it's happening tomorrow too and they're meant and what a bunch of jerks but this is big news the feds are coming down and they're actually grabbing them almost right away some of them are right away so they know what they have at their houses and stuff
-along with the agencies that they're firing and laying off people on there are a massive number of public servants that they laid off today and tonight they're going after him and a lot of them try to leave and they couldn't and they said what is this where officials and stuff and we're not treated well and then we can't leave and they're horrified that the exits are actually blocked and they're figuring it out it's a terrible place to be. And there are other things happening and they are important, but this is a large layoff of general public servants across the board they let off like 35 more percent and actually the government number is probably around 35% total in Florida and they really said they were far ahead of it and outside of Florida is going faster doesn't really matter I guess but it should go faster out there wouldn't start here and it's going on quite often but that's a lot and it will be felt and they're now trying to get the airports opened that's the major thrust airports are with their focuses and the ports so that's who's going there former government people tons of them and the idiots don't really see what's happening yet even though they're trying to invade because they don't have control
-it's really awful his people near him are such jerks but. There are other layoffs today and private businesses we're encouraged to lay them off and we own a whole bunch of them so we laid off a ton. But Max owned and operate the business is here about 20% of the employees are laid off and they're vital industries and military and paramilitary of Mac awesome some p*forg* has moved in they were doing it.
Oh no it was a good day cuz I started doing it they said they were. It has provoked much larger invasion it's going on solidly. And there were 200 households here and they haven't reduced. It's like 190 now it's a horrible show but really it's a preemption to light it up get reactions all of them are bismol and he thinks Thor and Freya very much and I do too and God bless all and let's try and get some sleep tonight it's another big day tomorrow
Haha lol. And my wife's language I believe it means no I know it means oh and see you later more luck don't let the door hit you in the ass
It means exactly that and a lot more
You see what you said we'll see what she's saying don't don't play with the TV while I'm talking but he was listening to someone else that she wanted to
There's only slightly less of vehement
0 notes
mardoufox21111 · 1 year
d is a sick freak. i cant believe i am related to her. 
yesterday she went on her normal BS rant about how theres something wrong with me. then she stopped talking to T so she had to fall back on something right so she calls me and says is something wrong... i was like what the fuck. i said no and she goes oh well i didnt mean to make you upset and i was like :| you didnt. because it was a pretty bland verbal assault compared to the other times. so then she hung up the phone and hasnt spoken to me since. tonight she cooked roast for dinner... i hate roast. HATE roast. she knows i hate roast. when she cooks roast i normally get something else or have a big lunch. i didnt know she was cooking lunch so  i had a shitty ham and cheese sandwich. she cooked roast on purpose. to hurt me/annoy me. i cant believe her. shes disgusting. and also talking to t fawning over him. 
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fleshbarbie · 2 years
that’s a shitty thing to do - eddie munson x bimbo!reader
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( contains : bimbo!reader, fluffy!eddie, eddie comforting reader, reader being in a toxic relationship but it’s only talked about, tiny bit of angst ?? )
authors note - hi, this is my first attempt at writing bimbo!reader, it was honestly done within 5 minutes so it’s kinda rushed & i’m not that in love with it? but i’d love to write more in the future. this was definitely inspired by all the other amazing creators on here that have written bimbo!reader in the past && i’ve honestly been watching a lot of superstore lately and one of the characters very heavily influenced this bimbo!reader (if you know, you know).
“hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
eddie had returned to his trailer after a very long d&d session, one he would say turned out to be rather successful but when he was in charge of everything, were they ever not successful? he had planned to change into something a little comfier than the jeans he forced himself into everyday, to keep the metalhead appearance alive, and just relax in bed until the sun set and the moon rose.
that was until he swung open his bedroom door and found you, his best friend (who he was absolutely head over heels for), crying on his bed with his pillow tightly held in your grip. his concern and curiosity both greatly spiked in that moment .. what had made you cry? did he have to threaten someone? was it a serious thing or was it like that time you came crying to him because you’d been thinking too much about animal testing again?
either way, as your best friend he was eager to find out so he could clear any dark thoughts you might have running through that mind of yours.
noticing eddie enter the room, you instantly sat up and sniffled, opening your arms for the tatted boy to pull you into a hug which he did without a moments hesitation. he sat down beside you on his bed, the mattress dipping slightly with his weight as he pulled you into his side so your head was resting on his chest. he stroked his hand up and down your arm, the other one moving some hair away from your face so he could see your pretty features.
“you gonna tell me what’s got you all worked up? or am i gonna have to try and read your mind again?” he attempted to lighten the damp atmosphere with a soft joke, one that obviously worked as your lips quirked up a tad but you still looked upset.
“you know eric, right?” 
of course he knew eric, your good for nothing boyfriend that he had never liked since first meeting him.
it wasn’t even just a jealousy thing, it was so painfully obvious that eric did not care about you in the slightest, well only if you were offering him sex of course. eddie could count on both hands and feet the amount of times you had come to him, crying about how eric stood you up, or how he never listened, or how he always seemed to be distracted when you were together, the list went on and on honestly.
“yeah pretty girl, i know eric. what he do now huh?” he practically cooed, waiting to hear what he had done now to upset his favourite girl.
“okay so, i thought i’d be a fun girlfriend yeah? and i’d make him a nice dinner, because he’s been training so hard since the championships are upcoming and i spent hours in the kitchen, made him that big meatball dish he always talks sooo much about.” you had sat up now, your hands moving animatedly as you ranted to him and he couldn’t help the adoring smile that took over his face at your mannerisms.
“anyway, when he came in he was all like, what’re you doing here, and i was like oh i made you a nice meal, and he was like but you knew i was meeting up with the guys tonight, and i said how am i meant to know that when you’ve barely said two words to me for the past two weeks, you know?” eddie nodded, his brows furrowing slightly as he tried to keep up with your story. “and then he just got super mad at me for like, nothing? he started yelling at me and telling me i don’t pay enough attention to things, and then he just flipped the table out of nowhere and all my hard work just ended up splattered on the floor.”
you finished the story with a pout and a sniffle, to which eddie responded with a light squeeze hoping it provided at least a little bit of comfort whilst he tried to piece the events together in his head.
“are you serious? he actually did that?” he asked, growing increasingly annoyed at the thought of you being treated that way.
“i mean yeah, but it was only a small table it’s not a big deal.” you shrugged, wiping under your eyes and smudging your mascara in the process.
“no, no.” he breathed a laugh, quickly catching onto how you thought he was admiring the boy’s strength, “i meant, he ruined all your hard work like that? that’s a shitty thing to do sweetheart.”
“oh.” you muttered, “yeah, it was shitty and it really hurt my feelings. he didn’t even mention anything about boy’s night tonight i swear!”
he hummed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as he admired the innocent look shining bright in your eyes, you really were precious. “i believe you. and even if you did know, doesn’t mean he had any right to react like that, you don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
you smiled at boy sat beside you, leaping to pull him into a hug. “i know eddie. thank you for always listening to me, i know it must get tiring sometimes. i love you.”
his heart both melted and ached at the three words he heard from you on almost a daily basis, because yes you did love him ... just not the way he loved you and it pained him everyday seeing you in this dead end relationship you hadn’t broken out of yet.
despite it all, he smiled and pulled back from the hug to press a brief kiss to your forehead. “i love you too.”
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negansbackdoorwhore · 3 years
How Did I End Up Here?
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Summary: You meet a beautiful stranger at the bar but you didn’t know what were getting into with him
Warnings: angst, cheating, alcohol, swearing
Author’s Note: I’ve never written an angst like this before but bare with me, I want to make this a short series because I don’t think I’m going to get back into my “Love Bites” series but mostly this story in particular is inspired by a dream I had and by the song “Cowboy Casanova” Plan on getting hurt when reading this because I’m not holding back! Enjoy my loves!!!!
“Forget it! I’m going out.”
“There you go again! Being immature and running away like always. Don’t even bother coming back asshole!”
Negan had gotten into yet another fight with his wife Lucille after lying about getting a job. He’s been unemployed and did nothing but play video games. He was definitely a loser but worse he was a notorious cheater. The first time was just after Lucille left for a business trip and her best friend came onto him. It was too easy. Negan felt awful afterwards because he loves his wife dearly but he can’t help himself. So that’s his mission again, to find some random woman to keep him company for the night. Particularly all night since he was still a bit upset.
“A whiskey neat.”
Negan asked the bartender and looked around the bar for someone. Most girls unfortunately for him were attached to other guys. But then he sees some girl in the corner by herself looking so shy while drinking a beer. So Negan set his aim for you and made his way toward the empty table.
“Hey there. Mind if I sit?”
He smiled to himself and felt amused at how nervous you were and watched your fingers fidget around the bottle.
“I don’t mind.”
Negan took the chair and sat next to you instead of across. He figured this will show his intentions more and to give you a closer look at him. He knew very well he was a handsome man and took pride in it. His charm was already working on you as his gorgeous smile flashed and you blushed. It didn’t take much time or convincing from him as he brought you back to his hotel room. Negan opened the door for you and watched your ass sway as you entered the dark room. As he shut the door he noticed that you were less talkative and tense.
“First time doing something like this?”
“Truthfully yes.”
“Don’t worry, just let Daddy have you for the night.”
He said as he took a hold of your body and held you against his chest. His mouth kissing your neck and turns you around to kiss your lips. You were hesitating but his kiss was too good. Negan took steps to walk you back into the bed, the edge hit the back of your knees. He pushed you onto the sheets and kept his lips on you. You let him do whatever he wanted and thought this would be a fun experience to spice up your life.
Although you’ve never had someone be so fueled with passion and used you like some fucktoy. He put you in many different positions and made you come over and over again. And it seemed he wanted more but you felt drained. You lay there feeling exhausted and covered a sheen of sweat as Negan was already moving around to drink from a big whiskey bottle.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“You can if ya want. Don’t matter to me.”
He said while taking another swig of the bitter liquor. You felt it was right to leave and put on your discarded shirt but something told you to stay. And there was a conflict with the bad feeling in your stomach to leave and your brain trying to use logic. Cursing yourself, you walked toward him and took the bottle from his grasp. He watched you take a big swig and laughed when you started coughing. How can anyone enjoy this shit?
“You know if you’d want to, we could talk.” He quirked his brow at you and just laughed.
“Nothing serious at all. I meant about anything, besides it’s not like we’re going to see each other after tonight.”
“You’re right. Fine let’s sit and talk.”
You sat down on the bed with him, both ranting on about different problems you have. You had first went on about a bad breakup and how he was such a liar. Ever since you’ve been cautious of putting yourself out there but it had been so long since having sex, so that’s why you were here. Negan then had a turn by first going on about losing his job as a coach. Then proceeding to his marriage problems, he didn’t say anything bad about Lucille but went on how he was a bad person. You heard things from him that made you feel guilty and how he had a wife already. And yet even if you knew you’d probably still would’ve hooked up with him.
Your own problems weren’t so bad after hearing Negan spill his guts. So you try to relax and continue drinking with him. Both of you turned out to get drunk and Negan’s body was between your thighs yet again before passing out.
You woke up to seeing Negan’s naked back and felt sick from all the liquor you drank. You moved to stand and heard movement in the bed.
“You leaving already?”
“Yeah, I’ve got to get home.”
“Alright, thanks for last night.”
You dressed yourself and left him in the room. Little did you know that this was only the calm before the storm…
>>>Chapter 2
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ptergwen · 4 years
hi val can you maybe write something about the reader being dared to kiss peter/tom/arvin (you choose) since her friends knew that she has a big crush on him, but once she did he seems disinterested after which makes her sad, but what she doesn't know was after she kissed him, he practically runs to his friends freaking out that the girl he's had his eyes on this whole time just kissed him??
kiss and tell
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w/c: 1.8k
warnings: like one swear and awkwardness
a/n: yeeee i went with peter! this is adorable :,)
“i can’t!” you scold betty and her annoying smirk. you’re bored at lunch, so liz suggested the three of you play truth or dare. you’d made the mistake of choosing dare. in your defense, betty is the nosiest person in all of midtown, so you thought you were dodging the bullet and guarding your deep dark secrets. how could you have known she’d make you do... this?
“that’s so, like, forward. he’s gonna freak out.” you glance over at peter’s table to see what he’s up to before you possibly scar him. he’s laughing along at a heated conversation ned and mj are having. the way his face lights up, and his eyes crinkle as a smile crosses his features, it gives you butterflies throughout your whole body.
“in a good way,” liz grins her most charming grin at you. it’s not working this time. you roll your eyes up to the ceiling. “i thought you liked him,” betty huffs, gesturing over to peter and keeping her eyes on you. “all you do is talk about how he’s so cute and smart, and his lips look so soft-“ “i never said that!” you look at her with wild eyes. liz bites her lip to hold in a laugh. “the last part, i mean,” you clarify in a murmur.
liz puts a hand on you and pats your shoulder knowingly. “you’ve probably thought it, though. i’ve seen you checking them out.” there have been quite a few times your gaze has landed on peter’s lips, watching them curve while he talks to you about some new science theory he’s excited to share. you end up zoning out and pretending you retained any of what he said. betty puckers her own lips at you.
“you wanna kiss him,” she insists in a sing song voice, resting her chin on your other shoulder. “i’m doing you a favor.” “you’re really not gonna change the dare?” you sigh, your friends leaning on you in support. liz taps your cheek. “so, you don’t wanna kiss him?” “there’s no way,” betty comments from your side. “no, i...” you start, focusing in on peter again.
he meets your eyes across the cafeteria. his smile fades slightly, then a shy one is replacing it, ned dragging him into his and mj’s debate. you turn back to liz and betty.
“i do, but do you think he wants me to?” you ask them both, and they share a you have to be kidding look. “only one way to find out.” liz gives your shoulder a nudge. betty beams at you. “i triple dog dare you now, so you have to.” considering your options, you bounce your leg up and down. you’ll either get the nicest rejection ever from peter or a kiss back. you can handle this.
“ok, i’ll do it,” you decide, betty clapping her hands and squealing. liz throws an arm around your neck. “yay! i love love.” “let’s calm down,” you giggle so she doesn’t get too carried away. you and peter haven’t even established that you like each other. “i’m calm, i’m calm. do you need to borrow chapstick?” she offers, betty simultaneously pulling a tube out of her purse. “or lip gloss?”
you’re appreciating their over involvement now.
“both,” you breathe out, letting them get you ready for your big kiss.
liz and betty send you good luck wishes in a hushed tone while you make your way to peter’s table. mj went to get a snapple, and ned went with her so they could continue whatever argument they’re in. that left peter by himself. it’s almost like this is meant to happen.
“hi,” you greet peter, making him look up at you with raised eyebrows. he notices right away that your lips are shiny, more so than usual. a color that you always seem to bring to his face takes over his cheeks. “hey. you wanna sit?” he gives you a small smile. you return it. “yeah, sure. thanks.” instead of taking the bench across from him like he assumed you would, you find your place next to him.
he doesn’t mind.
“how’s your day been?” you wonder, body turned towards him while he answers. peter scrunches his nose. “kinda busy. i got so much homework in spanish tonight, and i’ve been putting off this essay about...” you do the thing you do every time he goes off on a sort of tangent, watch his lips. lucky for you, that’s the whole point today. “i don’t know. all i have so far is the intro-“
you cut peter off with a kiss. liz and betty cheer to each other the second it happens. peter doesn’t move, only freezes up as you press your glossy lips to his and grab his shoulders. it takes a few seconds for you to realize he’s not kissing back. his arms are stiff at his sides, eyes wide in shock. absolutely humiliated, you pull back, moving as far away as you can.
“fuck, i’m sorry. i should’ve asked you first,” you apologize, voice shaking. you’re already getting to your feet. peter blinks a few times, grounding himself back in the moment. “no, no. it’s okay. i-“ “that was weird, i know. you don’t have to lie or make me feel better.” he furrows his eyebrows, in a way that seems regretful even though you’re the one who messed up. “i’m trying to tell you, y/n. it’s fine. we-“
ned’s voice fills the room, making you snap your head in his direction. him and mj are coming back. you need to get out of here before you embarrass yourself even more.
“i’m gonna go. i’m sorry,” you mumble out, running back to your table, where liz and betty are instantly asking what’s wrong and if you’re alright. peter licks his lips that are now coated in your gloss and clenches his jaw. he’s pissed. not at you, at himself. it’s clear because mj brings attention to it when she sits down.
“what’s up with your face?” she narrows her eyes at him, popping the cap on her snapple. ned elbows peter in his spot next to him. you were just there less than a minute ago. “you okay, dude?” he checks. “no.” peter closes his eyes in frustration. “what’s wrong?” ned kicks mj’s foot under the table so she’ll stop making out with her drink and help him.
“i... y/n kissed me,” peter admits, sounding oddly upset about something everyone knows he’s been hoping would happen. “she what?” ned gawks. “isn’t that a good thing?” mj points out. “you love her.” “like her,” peter corrects and chews the inside of his cheek. “whatever. shouldn’t you want her to kiss you?” she takes another sip of snapple, passing this off to ned.
“yeah...” is all ned says. he awkwardly rubs peter’s back while mj tries not to snort. “that’s not the problem. i didn’t kiss her back, and she took it as me not being into it,” peter shakes his head as he recounts your weird moment. “which i was,” he tells them for the record. ned makes a funny face at him. “so why didn’t you kiss back?” “no shit she ran away,” mj mutters to him. she saw that part.
“because i wasn’t expecting it!” peter frowns at his friends’ reactions and at what he did. “you guys know how much i like y/n. i can’t believe i screwed this up so bad.” mj squints in mock confusion. “i can.” she quickly drops her sarcasm for encouragement after that. “ok, seriously. just go find her and apologize.” “maybe kiss her this time,” ned chimes in.
“if she really likes you, she’ll get it.” mj smiles genuinely, nodding back at your table. ned gives him a push forward. “you got this, dude. come tell us all about it after.” a rush of confidence enters peter from their advice. he’ll fix this. “thanks, guys. here i go.” he shoots up from the table, ned and mj getting back into their debate once he’s out of sight.
betty is hugging you way too tightly when peter gets over there. she goes on about how much peter sucks, overcompensating because she’s the reason you kissed him. you only hum in response. you don’t have the heart to tell her you blame yourself. only liz notices peter come over, so she talks on your behalf. “oh, hey,” she says drily. “hey. can i talk to y/n?” peter gets out, twiddling with his thumbs nervously.
she has to decide if she’d rather go into protective friend mode or let him. from your unenthusiastic responses to betty’s hate rant, she figures you’d like to hear him out.
“come on, betty,” liz takes her arm suddenly, betty trying to pull it back. “what? why?” “i’m gonna buy you ice cream. let’s go.” that’s her cover. peter shoots her a look that says thank you, liz pressing her lips into a line and dragging betty along. betty sees peter standing in front of your table and glares at him, liz walking faster. you don’t get the chance to ask them where they’re going because they leave so fast.
the bench dips down on one side of you, making someone’s prescense known. you’re surprised to find it’s peter. you talk first.
“if you’re gonna apologize, don’t. it was my fault-“ “you never let me finish earlier,” peter interrupts, the hint of a smile on his face. his clammy hand links with one of yours. “what were you gonna say?” you ask quietly, peter threading your fingers together. your heart is racing at the simple touch. “that i like you,” he replies at the same low volume. “and, that i wanted to try again.”
he’s sitting a lot closer to you than you realized. you welcome it, your hands in between you two on the bench. “i like you too... try what again?” you question, although you hope and pray it’s what you think. “kissing,” peter says what you were hoping and praying for. “wasn’t ready the first time.” you’re about to go into cardiac arrest as he rests his forehead on yours, curls brushing your face. a few broken up breaths escape him.
“can i?” he nearly whispers, warm hand still gripping at yours. “yeah,” you agree before your eyes flutter shut. he wastes no time, parting his lips and brushing them against yours gently, you reciprocating. he kisses as sweetly as he is, his free hand on your cheek and fingers careessing your skin. your other hand ends up on the back of his neck. you grin against him, lips detaching momentarily so you can engage him in another kiss.
peter doesn’t hesitate to kiss back this time, nose nudging yours as he moves in more. you tug on some hair at the nape of his neck and laugh into the kiss, reminding him you’re in school. he pulls back with a chuckle, but keeps his forehead on yours and your hands in each other.
“sorry. got too excited,” he laughs out, you leaning into his open palm. “i told you don’t apologize.”
liz and betty joined ned and mj at some point. the four of them are whistling at you and yelling out suggestive jokes. they’re too much. but, to be fair, you owe this all to them.
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lucy90712 · 3 years
cravings/mood swings (pregnancy series)
Series masterlist
The hormones from pregnancy have made me an entirely different person at times which was a huge shock to both me and George when they first started to hit because I've always been pretty good with my emotions and hormones even when on my period. To me it isn't as bad because I only notice after my mood swings but poor George has to deal with me during.
George came down the stairs after filming a video and came to join me sat on the sofa. I was eating salty crisps (chips) some of which George stole as he sat down, this really set off my hormones for whatever reason and I looked at him with just pure anger that he would even dare to steal my food that I had been craving.
"George what the fuck I wanted those" I almost shouted
"I'm sorry love I didn't mean to I can get you more if you want them" he said panicked slightly
I gave no reaction to what George said as I came down from my rage because I realised I was being way too over the top. I always feel awful when I yell at George because he doesn't deserve it at all but he just happens to be around all the time so he's the one who bares the brunt of all my emotions. I apologised to George and gave him some of my crisps to make up for it and we cuddled on the sofa for a bit.
Later in the evening George was showing me cute videos he has of cat from when he was in his office which were just so adorable and made me so incredibly happy but then the sadness came over and tears started to fall down my face.
"Hey what's wrong?" George asked
"It's just so cute like how can one small animal be so cute" I sobbed
He comforted me and we spent the rest of the evening doing things that didn't provoke any emotions in me.
My cravings have been very strong though my pregnancy so far which is a combination of normal things and weird concoctions just whatever I was feeling in that exact moment and I mean that exact moment. My cravings are things that have to be satisfied within the hour or else it's too late and I get over it.
It's about 10pm and I'm just chilling waiting for Clay to get out the shower so we can watch the office together. At that exact moment a craving for pickles came over me, its not a craving I've had before but its one that I know is kind of common. I checked all the cupboards and fridge to see if we had any but we didn't which made me quite sad.
Clay came down the stairs to see me staring at the empty cupboard with a few tears in my eyes. He came over to me looking at what I was before becoming very confused at what exactly was going through my mind clearly wondering if I was going a bit insane.
"Is everything alright?" He asked
"We don't have any pickles" I whined
"Do you want me to go and get you some?" He asked
I nodded my head and we went to the car to drive to the store to go buy pickles mainly because I didn't want to be left alone. Clay actually went into the store while I stayed in the car because he didn't want me getting cold but he soon came back with two jars of pickles just incase I wanted more another day.
Back at home I ate half the pickles in the jar and very much enjoyed it and so did baby which was the whole point of going to get them. I imagine just like every other craving I will get over it and move on to a new one.
My mood swings have been insane so far during pregnancy like way morse than they would be before my period is due to arrive. I feel so awful that Sapnap has to deal with me because he used to hate it when I got so very emotional before my period and now its constant and like x1000.
I have been slightly more emotional than usual today which has just been ruining my day because I can't seem to get anything done without crying or raging at myself but I've yet to spend much time with Sapnap so he has been spared from my disastrous day so far. This soon changed when he came downstairs and sat with me on the sofa.
He attempted to cuddle with me but something in my brain told me that I didn't want that and I should be mad at him for even trying to be affectionate even though I love him so very much.
"No get off me" I said a bit too harshly
"Oh I'm sorry baby is there anything you want?" He asked trying to be accommodating
I shrugged him off still slightly angry but getting over it very quickly and feeling bad for half yelling at him. My anger soon completely dissolved and was replaced by sadness at the fact that I had yelled and now wanted to cuddle but he wasn't going to want to now right, I mean I've just yelled at him so why would he want to cuddle.
A few tears started to form in my eyes and soon spilled out onto my face wetting my cheeks which I tired to hide by facing away from Sapnap but of course he knows me and tried to see what I was hiding. As soon as he saw I was crying he put his hands on my face to wipe the tears and gave me a kiss.
"What's wrong babe? How can I fix it?" He asked
"I feel bad for yelling and I want cuddles but you don't want to give them to me because I was mean" I explained
"You are so silly of course I'll still give you cuddles if you want them" he said
He pulled me into a big bear hug where we stayed for the rest of the day and night.
I have been having a lot of odd cravings over the past few weeks most of which are completely unnatural and Alex thinks are gross but they actually taste really good. To me at least.
Tonight I was really feeling like eating chicken nuggets with honey, I really wanted to eat it but I was scared to ask Alex to come to the store with me because he would think it was weird and judge me which my fragile little heart couldn't take.
"Alex will you go to the store with me please?" I asked
"Of course love what do you want this time?" He asked
"Chicken nuggets and honey" I whispered
"What was that" he questioned
"Chicken nuggets and honey" I said a bit louder
"That sounds interesting lets go" he said
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and to the car where we went to McDonald's for the chicken nuggets and then target for the honey before going back home. Alex was interested to try this combination too so the both of us sat down to try it. At first the flavour was really weird but once you got used to it it was really good actually and now I think I'm obsessed and by the looks of things so is Alex because his face looked like he had just had the best thing ever.
Oh my has it been a rollercoaster so far, I've been so over emotional and have been craving so many different things it is so hard to keep up with for me let alone Karl.
This morning I was trying to make breakfast and I couldn't open the milk which upset me but then the bowls were up too high so I couldn't reach which made me even more upset but the last straw for this morning was when I had just sat down after struggling with everything and someone rang the doorbell just as I was about to eat the cereal I had really been wanting. I answered the door to collect the parcel the man had before going back to the living room with tears starting to slip down my face.
I'm not sure why I was so upset but I was which stopped me eating my cereal because I was crying which made me cry more because I really wanted the cereal, it was just an awful cycle. Karl walked in as I was staring at my full bowl of cereal sobbing which caused him to run over to see what was wrong.
"Hey hey whats wrong?" He asked
"Nothing is going right and all I want to do is eat my cereal but I can't because I'm crying which is making me more upset" I ranted
"Oh honey I'm sorry how about you follow my breathing to calm down and then eat your cereal ok?" He suggested
He helped me calm down enough to be able to eat my cereal which was kind of soggy by now but I still very much enjoyed it and soon got back to my normal self.
My hormones are all over the place which normally I can handle but every now and then I get too overly emotional and just cry over random things, this usually happens when I'm alone so I just deal with it myself.
Today Wilbur took the day off from working so he's here to see the rollercoaster that is my day and believe me it can be a rollercoaster. I had a breakdown this morning when doing chores I was unloading the dishwasher and I kept almost dropping everything I touched which made me so mad at myself and really sad at the same time. I just left the room and sat down for a minute talking to myself to sort my brain out then went back to doing chores.
Later in the afternoon we were watching a nature documentary which we do a lot and there was this lizard and her babies that were being hunted by a large bird, I was willing them to get away but the bird caught the babies and the mother got away. This made me so sad that the lizard lost her babies while I was sat there carrying my baby. I started crying thinking about the fact that anything could happen to little bean once their here.
"It's ok love its just natures way" Wilbur said
"But what if bad things happen to bean when their here obviously not like that but anything could happen" I sniffled
"We will protect bean as best we can to stop anything bad happening but for now their safe where they are" Wilbur said
This made me feel better and luckily the rest of the documentary wasn't sad at all and there was some cute moments which made me forget about all my worries.
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Sugar, Sugar 15
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Warnings: non-consent sex and rape, violence, mean sugary Steve
This is a dark! sugar daddy! Steve fic. Obvious AU so please keep that in mind. :) That being said, it will be an explicit fic (18+) with noncon. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
(This chapter: violence, threats, fear  :O)
Series Summary: The reader is struggling in the big city but find opportunity before her. Will she take it?
This Chapter: The wedding day approaches but not everything goes to plan.
Author Notes: So this is another series wrapped up after a grueling two years, haha. Sorry y’all.
Please let me know what you think, like and reblog <3 love ya
🍭 🍭 🍭
The floor length mirror was trimmed with twisted gold. You stared at your reflection as your shaky hands pressed against the front of the ivory dress. The cut hid the small bump but you could not forget it. Ever since you confessed, it all happened so fast; the wedding was pushed up, the dress tailored and expedited, and invitations sent out in a rush.
It all felt surreal. The day had come but you just couldn’t accept it. How could you go through those doors and smile through it all?
You closed your eyes and let your breath out. They would knock when it was your time. Your father would be waiting to walk you down the aisle. The guests waited eagerly for the most talked about ceremony in the city. And you still felt like just a footnote in your own wedding.
You moved away from the mirror and sat unsteadily, gripping the arms of the cushioned chair, careful not to catch your veil under you. That night you told him, that was the final straw. But you didn’t forget what Sasha said. You took a picture of the broken door and wrote down the entire scene. You sent it to yourself in an email as proof.
That wasn’t the last time. You recorded Steve one day when he came in as you were texting your sister about the new date. You hadn’t answered his last message about your first appointment with the doctor. He was livid and you sat and listened to him rant as the red dots pulsed. You wrote down every instance, every time he made you appease him, every terrifying word.
Then there were the police reports. Nothing more than words in a filing cabinet but the night he choked you was just the beginning. He threatened to break your finger when you took your ring off because your hands were swelling. Then he broke your laptop when you didn’t pay him enough attention. 
As the wedding loomed closer, he only seemed to get worse. He was clingy, always touching you, marveling over your stomach. He checked in almost every hour on the hour when he was working, and you weren’t stupid enough not to notice that the building was being watched.
It was like you were living two lives and yet you were entirely trapped with him. What good could the emails do? Or the reports when the police wouldn’t act on them? You were going to marry this man and that would be the end of it; of you, of your life.
Knuckles tapped on the door and you stood. You crossed the room and inched it open the door. You flinched as you were met by an unexpected and uninvited guest.
“Sasha?” you gasped.
“You’re marrying him then?” he held the handle but you didn’t try to close the door, “the account gone, I heard nothing from you.”
“I… I’m scared,” you admitted, “when he found out, I thought he was going to--” you shook your head. He wouldn’t actually kill you.
“You know it’s not too late,” Sasha urged.
“You can’t be here, it he finds out, he’ll--”
“I’ll defend myself,” Sasha snarled uncharacteristically, “I’ll give him what he deserves.’
“No, I don’t want you to get hurt. You need to go,” you begged as you glanced past him furtively.
“I will. Come with me,” he said, “just go. Everyone’s distracted, they won’t know--”
“I can’t just leave. You don’t understand--”
“No, you don’t understand,” he argued, “if you marry him, it all gets so much more complicated. I told you that day at the café. It will be harder to fight after the vows, but right now, you can still get out.”
“And go where?”
He swallowed and looked down the hall. You could hear the distant murmur of the crowd.
“Did you do any of it? Keep a journal? Something?” he asked.
“I tried. I went to the police but nothing,” you sniffed and gripped the door tight.
“Nothing yet but that’s a start,” he chewed the inside of his lip.
“Why are you here? Why is this so important to you?”
“Because I can do something,” he hissed, “because I can’t live with it if I don’t. So come on. Come with me, I got a bigger place. It’ll have to do for now and then we’ll work on getting you standing, getting the baby somewhere to grow--”
“Am I trading him for you?”
“I’m your friend,” he said evenly, “that will never change. All I want is you safe. If it makes you feel better, I’ll sleep in the hall. You can lock me out and I’ll sleep against the door. But I came down here knowing I wouldn’t leave without you.”
“It’s a sweet fantasy but--”
“Come on,” he grabbed your hand and pushed the door open, “please, don’t go with him. It doesn’t end well. You don’t get out. It doesn’t get better.”
“I have nothing,” you quavered.
“You have me,” he said, “please don’t make me walk out of here alone.”
“I….” you uttered as your heart squeezed. “He’ll come after you.”
“Good, I want him to,” he clung to you, “please?”
You inhaled and heard the voices. Your father and your sister. You had no time to think but you knew it was your only chance.
“Let’s go,” you lifted your skirt and pulled the door shut behind you as you stepped out, “now.”
He held onto your hand as you rushed away from the voices and skirted around the corner. Sasha urged you on down the back stairs and through the maze like halls of the extravagant church. You nearly tumbled down the stairs and he caught you as you came along the narrow passage beside the main room, the guests and groom just on the other side of the wall.
You came out into the sunlight and Sasha lifted the train of your skirts as he directed you over the grass. our heels sank into the dirt as you rushed over and the organ began to play Here Comes the Bride. As he helped stuff the swathes of fabric in behind you in his modest car, the music stopped suddenly.
He closed the door as you were squished in the back seat amid your layered skirts and he got in the front. The engine turned and he nearly side swept another car as he pulled out without looking. You peeked back behind you but saw no one coming down the large steps of the church.
He turned the corner and sidled in behind a yellow cab. He looked at you in the mirror and nodded. You bit your lips nervously as reality sank in. Your chest hammered and your entire body buzzed with adrenaline. You knew it was only the beginning.
The day passed in a daze. You sat in your wedding dress waiting for all hell to break loose. Sasha sat with a beer, silently, and tapped his foot endlessly. When the silence was too much, he turned on the television but neither of you paid any attention to the old sitcom.
When the trance of disbelief dissipated, he showed you around his spacious loft. He was being paid well by Stark but you worried how long he would stay on the payroll after what he’d done. Steve wasn’t stupid and there were more photographers at the church then you’d seen collectively over the last year and a half.
“This is the second bedroom,” he showed you into a room with gleaming windows. There was a bed, a dresser, curtains, a cozy rug, all carefully selected, “I thought you’d be here sooner.”
Your eyes lingered on the box leaned against the far wall. A crib.
“Didn’t know how long…” his voice trailed off as he followed your eye line, “I’m not trying to be him. You can go anytime but I… you have a place here.”
Your eyes welled and you blotted them with your knuckles, the rough lace of your gloves scratching your cheeks, “you did all this for me?”
“I told you, I’d do anything,” he said.
“But… Sasha, I don’t--”
“I don’t expect anything from you. High school was a long time ago but you made it bearable for the biggest dweeb in the class.” He sighed and paced a circle around the room, “you know, I had the biggest crush on you. That doesn’t mean anything now, it doesn’t mean I want you to fall into my arms, but it means I want to help you. It’s the right thing to do, somehow I made a career of doing the right thing so what’s one more?”
You felt your chest sink and you covered your cheeks with your hands, “Sasha?”
“Please,” he cringed, “I was a teen boy, I think I had a thing for Oprah once. Really, it’s just… we’re friends. We’ll always be friends.”
“I can’t…” you sniffled and dropped your hands, “I don’t deserve any of this.”
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Sasha intoned, “and you don’t deserve to live like that. I know this isn’t much but I know you. You’ll find your way, you just got a little lost.”
“I…” you shook your head speechless.
“We’ll figure everything else out tomorrow. You can borrow some of my clothes for tonight and then we can see about retrieving your things from Steve,” he neared the door and stopped beside you, “or we can say fuck it and you can start all over.”
You turned and slung your arms around him. You buried your face against his shoulder as tears spilled out onto his jacket.
“How did you know?” you sobbed.
“That day at the shower,” he rubbed your back gently, “you know, lawyers learn how to read people and you never were very good at subtlety.”
“No,” you chuckled through your tears, “No, it’s why I was great as a bard.”
“Mmm,” he grumbled, “if that’s how you remember it.”
It felt like Sasha was gone forever but when you checked the clock, it had only been twenty minutes. 
You sat on the couch with your feet under you as you watched the news and rocked nervously. All anyone was talking about was Steve Rogers’ runaway bride. Your face was everywhere and the statement issued by Steve made it all the worse.
He painted you as a gold-digger, as an adulterer, as a swindler. He was the heartbroken fiancé and you were the wrongdoer. You knew it would go this way but expectation never softened reality.
You flinched as the lock turned and Sasha entered with a bag in hand. He came to the couch and set it down beside you.
“I don’t know about my taste in women's clothes but those should do,” he said as he checked his watch, “we should go soon.”
“Yeah,” you stood and opened the bag to reveal the lavender blouse and dark jeans, “you really didn’t have to--”
“You kidding, he’s gonna be surrounded by cameras. You can’t win his game if you don’t play it. I’ve dealt with his type before, they’re the ones who need lawyers on standby,” he sneered, “did you eat?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you swiped up the bag and headed for the hallway, “it was good.”
“No problem,” he shrugged as he grabbed the remote and shut off the tv, “and ignore all that nonsense.”
You got dressed and emerged as your anxiety grew to impatience. You left the apartment in brittle silence and the car ride fed the uneasy bubbling of your stomach. .
As you came up to Steve’s building, you sat for a moment before you got out. Sasha followed and shoulder away the cameras as you neared the front door
The elevator moved slowly and fidgeted uncontrollably as it dinged on Steve’s floor. You swallowed and braced yourself to face Steve. Sasha kept a few feet back as you walked down the hall and stopped at the door. You knocked as you found it locked.
It was a while before it opened but when it did, you were startled as Steve grabbed the front of your blouse and wrenched you inside. He spun you but quickly released you as he was knocked off balance and sent sprawling over the floor. Sasha stood above him with his hands in fists.
“Hey,” he pointed at Steve then looked at you, “you okay?”
You nodded as Steve glared between the two of you and cautiously got to his feet, “so you brought your little boyfriend?”
“She’s here to get her stuff. We thought we’d avoid a police escort, as her lawyer I thought it prudent, but we can always make that phone call,” Sasha said sternly, “she is entitled to her possessions.”
“Her stuff? I paid for every single thing she has to her name. Hers? Mine.” Steve spat and reared on you again, only to be caught by Sasha as he inserted himself between you.
“You will not touch her again. Those things you bought for her were gifts. You have no legal rights to them once they are given. She will take her clothes, her phone, and any other necessities.”
“Pfft, she’s not taking anything. She’s not going anywhere,” Steve growled, “she not yours--”
“I am certain the photogs would appreciate a show,” Sasha pulled out his phone, “police? That can only be a domestic dispute.”
Steve squinted and his nose flared as he looked at you over Sasha’s shoulder, “fucking slut.” He crossed his arms and stepped aside, “get your shit, get out…” he hissed, “but I have my rights too. You will not keep me from my baby.”
“That will be settled in court,” Sasha replied coolly, “go on, get your things.”
He waved you past him as he kept you shield from Steve. He was of a height with Steve but not as broad. Even so, you felt safe behind him. You rushed down to the bedroom and quickly gathered up your toiletries and those clothes you didn’t absolutely hate. Your phone screen was shattered but you took it anyway.
As you emerged again, a bag slung on your shoulder, you slid the ring from your finger. 
“You can keep the rest,” you said as you placed the band on the small round table just inside the front room, “goodbye Steve.”
“Goodbye? Goodbye?” he spat, “this isn’t the end and you fucking know it.”
“Calm down,” Sasha warned.
“You don’t tell me what to do,” Steve shoved him, “I should fucking smash your head in--”
“I’d like you to try,” Sasha stood his ground, “really. You think the court would let a violent man be around an infant?”
Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes. He backed down and shouldered by Sasha. “Get the fuck out.”
You left quickly. You had no desire to hang around. As you stepped onto the elevator, Sasha softly touched your elbow and you winced. The bag fell to your elbow and he quickly scooped it up and heaved it over his own shoulder.
“You okay?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said, “he was so angry. I--”
“I was stupid, we should’ve brought the police. Fuck the cameras,” he said, “from this point on, no contact with him whatsoever. Only through me and the court. No talking to reporters, no nothing.”
“Yeah, that won’t be hard,” you uttered as he led you out of the elevator. 
As you came outside, cameras flashed and voices called out. You collided with Sasha as he was blocked by a photographer shouting questions, “is it true you’re pregnant? Is it Steve’s?”
“My client will not be answering questions,” Sasha kept on and made a path for you, “go, she’s not answering any of your questions.”
He elbowed past more cameras and opened the car door for you. You fell inside and quickly huddled down in your seat. As he sat behind the wheel, he mumbled and pulled out into traffic. He gripped the wheel tightly and pushed himself back into the vinyl.
“That asshole,” he said, “he’s gonna want the paternity test. This isn’t gonna be pretty.”
“I can’t… he fucking told them. I mean, I’m not surprised but… god,” you grimaced.
“We’ll get the test done before he makes a formal request,” Sasha said, “it shows transparency and when we hand over those results, we’ll include those police reports too.”
“Police reports?” you blinked.
“Sorry, I… It’s a suggestion,” he said tersely, “but he’s going to make this a trial by media.”
“No, no, I want to,” you said firmly, “I want everyone to know the real Steve Rogers.”
‘I was just like many struggling in the city. I worked a low-paying job in data entry and lived in an apartment which was little more than a box. The dreams of the big city were passing me by as there was little opportunity to be found.
Then I met Steve Rogers. Like a dream or a Lifetime movie. I was in debt, I was desperate, and he offered me a safety net. I can own my part in the relationship; I was interested and I accepted his generosity. I was all too happy with the arrangement.
That was until I found out that it was all based on a lie. I didn’t know that he had access to my accounts even before I knew him, that he had used his connections to force me into that dire situation. And I could not know the real man behind the billionaire façade.
It was little things at first. Any woman loves to feel wanted but his possessiveness soon turned to control. He kept me isolated from my own family and did not permit me to do anything without his permission. His affection turned to obsession and when it was not reciprocated he forced it from me.
He took me on vacation and did not allow me to wear clothes. He chose what I wore, how I looked, and what I did. He coerced me into acts I was reluctant about, and when he was too rough, he did not listen to my pleas for him to stop.
When I tried to leave him, he followed me and dragged me back. He had me watched by PIs and surveilled all my communications. He used his financial power to control me and when that did not work, he used his physical power.
Steve Rogers abused me. He yelled in my face, he threatened my family, and he choked me.
Steve Rogers raped me. He expected me to bend to his will whenever he desired and when I refused, he held me down and did what he wanted.
Steve Rogers took my whole life and when I chose to leave, he set his eyes on the life inside of me. 
The only thing I want from him is freedom. I want to live safely with my child and I want that child to never experience the abuse of their father. I never want anyone to know that horror again which is why I have written this and released the police records. I am not asking for anything but peace for me and my unborn child.’
The statement was carefully edited by Sasha. You reread the font across the glossy pages of Vanity Fair, the article spliced with excerpts not only from the police reports, but your own emailed accounts of your relationship, and the whole thing began with an image of that broken bathroom door.
It was two months since you ran away from the altar but life was not a romcom. It was a disaster. Even with the article, you knew not all would believe you. You knew it would open you to doubt and vitriol. And you knew Steve would have a response.
You closed the magazine and groaned as you rubbed your hips. Freedom didn’t feel so… freeing. There was a long way to go; court dates, doctor’s appointment, and depositions. But it was a start.
You rested your hand on your stomach and pushed on the arm of the couch as you stood stiffly. When you were halfway up, you felt a hand on your elbow and Sasha helped you stand straight. You smiled guiltily. You’d grown a lot in the last few weeks and still had nearly four months to go.
“The reviews are good,” he said, “I know that is kinda grim but… people seem to believe you.”
“Seem to?” you echoed as you went to the kitchen and pulled out the container of sliced strawberries, “or they don’t?”
“Well,” he leaned on the counter as he watched you add too much cream to the berries and smiled, “Stark Industries has cut ties with Shield, Inc. and Tony has made a sizeable donation to several shelters across the city,” he cupped his chin coyly as he leaned on his elbow, “and will be covering legal costs for the support hearings seeing as I can’t legally represent you anymore.”
“Oh,” your mouth fell open before you could spray some cream onto your tongue, “when were you going to tell me this?”
“I’m telling you now,” he crossed his arms as he shifted them further over the island, “I thought I’d give the good news first.”
“And the bad?” you put down the can of cream as you neared the marble across from him.
“I have several requests for interviews and I think you should do at least one,” he said, “I know you hate reporters and all that but… with a little Rogers baby on board, it’s just another part of the process.”
“Oh, and what should I tell them,” you edged around the counter towards him, “that I moved? That I found someone better?” He turned to you, his lips curved as he leaned in and you turned your face up to peck his lips, “or maybe I should tell them I’m single? Keep the intrigue?”
“As long as you tell them I’m handsome, I don’t mind,” he purred as he placed his hand on your side.
“Oh, how could I leave that out?” you cooed and kissed him again, “patient, loving, kind… but what a geek?”
“A geek?” he smirked and framed your chin with his hands, “says the dungeon master.”
You giggled and ran your hands up his chest, “someone’s gotta raise this little bard well.”
“Oh, no, no, she’s not gonna be a bard. Maybe a cleric?”
“No way! That’s lame,” you chirped, “how about… a sorcerer? Ours is a bit lacking.”
“Excuse you,” he quipped, “what was your AC again? Maybe next session I’ll run out of healing spells.”
“See?” you taunted, “geek.”
You drew him to you until he was pressed to your belly and he swept you up in a kiss. You rocked with him as he turned you against the counter and slowly parted.
You squeezed his wrist as you went back around to your strawberries and cream. You took a spoon and scooped up a mouthful as you slid your phone towards you. Sasha stayed as he was, watching you scroll through the emails and piled up texts.
You stopped as one blared in all caps. There was no name, only ‘Private’. You opened the conversation and found a dozen bubbles; ‘THIS ISN’T OVER’, ‘HE CAN’T KEEP YOUR FROM ME’, ‘CUTE, YOU THINK PEOPLE BELIEVE YOUR SHIT.’ Another message blipped up, an image and you dropped your spoon as it opened.
You saw the picture of your sister and her son. You shook as you put your hand down on the counter and choked on the cream.
“What?” Sasha reached over and turned your phone to him, “Shit,” he sighed and blocked the number, “he’s just stacking the evidence against himself.”
“I--” you blinked as tears boiled behind your eyes.
“You don’t need to be afraid,” he screencapped the conversation, “this just makes the case even easier.”
“No, I will always be afraid of him,” you said as you touched your stomach, “it’s not just about me anymore.”
“And it’s not just you anymore,” he took your hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb, “we’ve been through worse. If we can get through a cave full of orcs, we can defeat Steve Rogers.”
END (or is it?)
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haikyuuthots · 4 years
Hi I love your fics. I read all your ushijima ones and I loved them ☺️ Is there any way you can write some ushijima angst please??? Thank you I hope you have a great day 💖
Misunderstanding- Wakatoshi Ushijima
Pairing: reader x Ushijima
Word count: 1.8K
Warnings: curse words, some arguing, angst.
Synopsis: your boyfriend overhears you talking to your friend, and is offended by what you said. You had no idea why he was giving you the silent treatment.
A/n: here ya go bestie, I’m sorry it’s a little late, I’ve been working :/ thank u luv and appreciate u 🤍
Being with Ushijima was a literal dream. Although he almost always held a stoic expression and wasn’t into public demonstration of affection. There was no doubt that Ushijima loved you, and was only ever soft with you.
From another persons perspective, Ushijima could seem uninterested or inexpressive, but to you Ushijimas feeling were the most evident, you never had to question what he could be thinking or feeling. But one day, everything felt off, for the first time , you had no idea what was on his mind.
Ushijima was home early from practice that day. You didn’t notice him walk in because you were on FaceTime with your friend. Last night all three of you went to dinner and you two were talking about the experience. Ushijima can hear you’re on the phone so as he’s making his way to your shared bedroom he walks around quietly not wanting to disturb you from the call. Stopping at the crack of the door, he can’t help but overhear the conversation between you and your friend.
“Yeah he just doesn’t really know how to express himself, sorry if it felt a little awkward.”
Your friend lets out a small laugh “no girl you’re good, it’s funny he’s kinda like a brick wall.”
Ushijima’s chest tightens upon hearing this comment from your friend, becoming a bit offended.
You on the other hand laugh out loud at her comment, you found it kind of funny. This offends your boyfriend even more he expected you’d at least try to defend him but instead you continued to agree.
“He kinda is.” You chuckle out “it’s like he’s like this the whole time.” You finish your sentence by changing your posture to stand completely still, with no expression on your face. Doing your best to “imitate” him. Your friend bursts into a fit of laughter and you briefly join her.
Ushijima has heard enough at this point, becoming angered by the fact that you would ver talk about him behind his back negatively. With a scowl on his face and a hurt heart he angrily makes his way out.
You on the other hand are still unaware that he was ever present at all, and continue talking
“No I'm just kidding. Honestly, he’s actually a big softie believe it or not. He cares about me and always makes sure to show me he does. He’s literally the sweetest person on the planet. Foreal girl I’m down bad.” You chuckle “I love him so much, I couldn’t ask for anyone better.” Your friend gives you a sincere smile as she hears you gush about your boyfriend “I can tell. Honestly he does seem like a really great guy. I’m so happy for you.”
As you continue to listen to her speak, you’re suddenly startled by a sound coming from your living room. You go to look to see what it is but you find nothing. You shrug it off and continue with the call.
Unbeknownst to you though, your boyfriend had actually been there and just left again, closing the front door of the house. He had no idea what to do with this built up anger growing inside him so he decided to go with his best friend Tendou to avoid you until he calmed down. Overhearing you say those words, really did hurt his feelings, and it made him insecure.
You continued on the call for another 20 minutes before you ended it
“Okay so I’m gonna go, it’s almost 9 so Ushijima should be home soon.” You tell your friend.
You both say your final goodbyes and hang up. Now you were jut waiting for your boyfriends arrival.
It was almost midnight and your boyfriend had still not returned home. You were worried sick, calling and texting him every 30 minutes. But he never answered any of them. You were freaking out, debating whether or not you should go look for him. When you finally came to a decision you heard the front door open and saw your boyfriend walk right through it.
You let out a giant sigh of relief, as you run over to him
“Oh my god Toshi, where have you been?!” You say as you make your way over to hug him.
He doesn’t answer or reciprocate the hug, confused you pull away
“Do you know how worried I was?! I thought something happened to you.” You say, annoyance obvious in your tone
Ushijimas stoic expression never changes as he stares down at you, still not muttering a word he continues to walk in shoving you to the side.
You’re extremely confused by this behavior. Ushijima never ignored you and he never ever went somewhere without letting you know first. Everything he did was out of character, and the fact that he ignored all your questions and avoided you completely angered you. You quickly follow him back to your shared bedroom, raising your voice you speak again
“Why are you ignoring me? Where the hell were you? Why didn’t you answer any of my messages?”
He still doesn’t say a word and this pisses you off even more. You forcefully turn him around to face you, your hand gripping on his arm “I’m talking to you” you angrily say
Instantly Ushijima yanks his arm away from your grip “don’t touch me y/n” the seriousness in his voice is almost scary.
You’re taken aback by his actions, you had no idea what was wrong with him. Why was he being so cold to you? He has never once acted this hostile towards you, you couldn’t wrap your head around what could’ve been wrong.
“A-are you mad at me or something?” You stutter out,
Still your boyfriend says no words, proceeding to grab a blanket and pillow,
“I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight. Don’t follow me.” He states as he briefly looks behind him to look at you one last time before walking out.
You felt defeated, the tears you were desperately trying to hold back, finally making their way out. You felt heartbroken, that your boyfriend whom you loved very much wanted nothing to do with you, and you had no idea why.
You cried yourself to sleep that night, overthinking and wondering why Ushijima had such a giant shift in character.
For the next two days, you barely spoke to your boyfriend. You missed him, and not being able to speak to him hurt you very much. All you wanted to do was talk to him and work things out, but he didn’t seem to want to do the same, considering the fact that every time you directed a word to him, he’d only stare blankly and ignore you.
Now, you’ve had enough, you weren’t going to take this torture anymore, if he wanted to give you the silent treatment, you needed to know why.
It was 9:30 pm when he walked through the front door returning from practice. You wasted no time and instantly made your way over to him
“We need to talk.” No answer
You groan “fuck Ushijima it’s been two days, can you please just talk to me?”
“Why are you mad at me, what did I do??” You’re voice is sounding more desperate now. But he just continues to make his way to the closet.
“Talk to me!!! Im tired of this, it feels like I’m talking to a fucking wall.” You yell out.
This comment seems to trigger Ushijima, as it finally incites a response from him
“If that’s how you feel then maybe you should just leave!” His voice is louder than you’ve ever heard it before
He’s staring at you with a hurt gaze, “if you’ve always felt like I’m such a wall then why are you even with me?”
You’re shocked at his sudden outburst, feeling hurt by his words
“Is that what you want?” You quietly let out, “you want us to break up?”
You’re trying your best to hold back tears “but why!?”
“This is what YOU want. You made that pretty obvious.”
You’re beyond confused “what are you even talking about, why would I want this??”
“I know I bore you y/n! You don’t have to pretend to spare my feelings anymore.”
“W-what? Where did you get that from? Why would you say that?”
At this point the tears you were holding back are spilling out Ushijima’s gaze softens as he notices, his voice calming down a bit. He didn’t care how hurt he felt, the last thing he wanted to do was watch you cry.
“I heard you that night. You were talking to y/f/n. And I heard how you feel like I’m a brick wall with no expression.”
You’re staring at him in shock, you had no idea Ushijima had even been there that night.
“Toshi. I was only joking I swear. Instanly right after I ranted about how much you actually aren’t a brick wall, and how much I love you.” You place your hand on his cheek, making him look down at you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I promise I don’t feel that way at all.”
Ushijima melts in your touch, listening to your apologies, “i overreacted. Yes you hurt my feelings a bit but I should’ve talked to you about it.”
You make your way to hug him, and for the first time in two days he finally holds you into the embrace “no toshi. I made a dumb joke, and you didn’t listen to the entire context so it was easy to misunderstand. It’s not your fault, you had every right to be upset.”
He’s squeezing you, slowly rubbing his hands on your back, as a form of comfort
“It’s just, I know I’m not the most expressive, so when I heard you say that, I couldn’t help but feel that you were right. All I could think about was how much better you’d be with someone who matched your energy.”
You pull away and you look up at him “stop, don’t say that. I don’t need anyone else but you. You’re everything I want, I wouldn’t change a thing about you. I love you for you Toshi.”
You bury your face into his chest, tears beginning to fall from your face again, “I can’t believe I made you feel that way I’m so sorry.”
Ushijima holds you closer, his heart breaking at the sight of you crying again “please stop crying y/n. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
He held your chin up, his big hand wiping away your remaining tears. With a loving gaze he speaks again,
“I love you too y/n.” Instantly he bends down to connect his lips onto yours. He was so gentle as he kissed you, you instanly reciprocated, wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you tighter by the waist.
You missed being this close with your boyfriend, all you’ve wanted for the last two days was to be like this with him.
As you pull away, you speak again “promise me you’ll talk to me next time. Any problem you have please tell me, it hurt too much being away from you.”
“I will” he responds, leaning in for another kiss.
You loved your boyfriend, you truly didn’t want anyone but him.
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Stay with Me | BNHA
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request:  Hi! Can I request a scenario where Bakugou thought that reader was starting to lose interest, but in reality reader is just really busy and doesn’t realize she’s treating baku differently and Bakugou confronting her about it then it ends with some fluff fluff. 💖 p.s luv ur work
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anime | character:  bnha | bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 1949
themes/warnings: soft!bakugou, insecure bakugou,  college AU
a/n: sorry for not posting a fic in such a long time, I’ve been SO busy. so anyway, okay I kinda went little off-track and ended up writing the way it is shown below but i hope you’ll still enjoy reading this, though i have to say I’m not really fond of how it turned out. this fic has not been beta-ed so pardon me if you find any cringey error.
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The city of Musutafu moved as sluggishly as possible for a city of its size and caliber. It was one of those days when the moon was mostly hidden behind the clouds.
Kirishima let his eyes roam the street outside. The inhabitants of the boulevard were constantly on the move despite being a Saturday; it was a startling contrast to the cafe they sat in where a comfortable nonchalance clung to every aspect of the little business.
The slow, sleepy music playing from the speakers.
The casual yet practiced movements of the baristas as they prepared the orders. 
The lazy, idling manners in the way the customers brought their cups to their lips. Carrying every bit of thoughtlessness and indifference in their actions.
Well, almost everyone but them.
A perplexed frown pinched between Kirishima’s brows as he turned his gaze away from the window beside them.
Bakugou Katsuki had been sulking at the window ever since he plopped into the seat across him. 
He had been sitting in brooding silence for what felt like fifteen minutes and the expression on his face hadn’t changed. If there were any at all, it was only that his scowl grew bigger.
“As much as I like hanging out with you, I have to say this is getting a little…weird.” 
Kirishima briefly flitted to the counter to see curious eyes on them, “My colleagues are starting to think we’re dating.”
Tonight was the fourth time Bakugou had come to find him right as he was knocking off from his part-time job this week. 
“Who gives a fuck about what they think?” Bakugou muttered gruffly,  finally looking away from the outside.  
Kirishima had known him ever since they met in middle school to know the scowl on Bakugou’s face was…well, his default expression. 
Long enough for him to tell at one glance that the scowl he’d been seeing on Bakugou’s face was different. This one seemed to come right out from the depth of his fierce vermilion eyes — Bakugou was upset.
And it was about you.
No matter how hard Bakugou tried to hide how much he was a sucker for you, Kirishima could always tell. 
Even though they had matured into college students, Bakugou was still the same stubborn guy who wasn’t the most comfortable displaying his affections openly.
Mere mentions of you would soften the scowl on his face, and the rough edge in his voice. It was easy for anyone else to miss the difference but it was obvious to Kirishima. 
His grumpy complaints about how clingy and touchy you are were one of their common topics in their conversations. The annoyance scowling in his eyes when he did was always subtly soft and warm. 
But something changed, as Bakugou had mentioned, in the recent two weeks.
Nights in his dormitory room were spent alone. He was so used to falling asleep and waking up, to the sight of you curling up right next to him.
The last time he saw you were from afar, watching you rushing off to somewhere. 
Dates with you, even as simple as a meal in the cafeteria was scarce. 
Your replies to his texts were late and sometimes curt. The usual ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ from you, if you didn’t spend the night with him, were no longer…usual. 
Sometimes his messages to you would be left hanging for days before you replied.
The tone when Bakugou was telling him about all these strange distances between them was nonchalant, but the scowl on his face told Kirishima a different story.
Kirishima tried to think of something to say, but all he could think of in the end was the same thing he’d been saying ever since Bakugou shared this with him.
“Stop worrying man, she’s probably just busy?”
Bakugou’s face carried a carefully blanked expression as he raised his eyes to meet Kirishima’s.
“…Or maybe she’s losing interest in me.” 
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His arm was tucked between his pillow and his head as his other held his phone to his face. Vermilion eyes stared blankly at the quiet chatroom he shared with you, particularly fixated on your last reply to him.
Two days ago.
The gloom hung over his gaze these days were like the dreary seasons of dull, gray monsoons. 
The hopeful morning sun filtering into his room through the wooden window blinds above him was a startling contrast, and so was the lively laughter ringing out from the basketball court somewhere near the dormitory blocks. 
Probably some idiots shoving snow at each others’ faces, Bakugou thought seethingly as he clicked his tongue in annoyance at a particular spike of volume in the ruckus downstairs. 
It was Saturday and the morning was already—
His eyes flitted to the time written in the corner of his screen.
— halfway to noon.
A quiet sigh left him.
Like on Saturdays, he should be on the way to meet you for your usual brunch. Except things weren’t quite ‘usual’ anymore.
Bakugou released another sigh as he let his phone fall away from his face along with his raised arm, landing on the bed under him with a muffled ‘plop’.
His forehead ridged with a scowl. Just how did he fuck things up?
His memories sifted through the times he called you names and how you would still smile back at him like he was your whole world as if he didn’t just call you an idiot, a nerd, or a moron. 
A bitter taste of guilt entered his mouth.
Maybe he shouldn’t have assumed that you knew he was feeling affectionate when he did?
Perhaps you’ve grown sick of him? And realized that you didn’t need a shitty boyfriend who called you insulting names or would shrug off your affections as if they were annoyances.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth as a frustrated hiss slipped from him.
Shit, maybe he did fuck up afterall. Fucked up big time.
And he was probably going to lose you. Everything that made you…you.
The way you smiled at him with a loving, bright glint in your eyes as if he was the one who put the stars in the sky.
The sweet kisses you love to plant on his lips and forehead.
How your hand would hold onto his — small but warm with your love.
Bakugou felt his throat swell with the presence of forming tears as his heart twinged in his chest.
The idea of losing all that spurred a rush of panic in him.
Bakugou shot off his bed, put on the nearest shirt and jeans he could grab, and hurried out of his room.
The first place Bakugou thought to look for you was your dormitory but his worst fear made him hesitate at your door, with a hand hovering over its handle. 
In fact, he’d thought about doing this for the past two weeks but the wisps of doubts whispering nasty things wouldn’t let him.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth.
What if there was someone else— 
Bakugou shoved the unfinished thought aside; it was unbearable to even think about that possibility. 
His scowling gaze snapped to his hesitating hand and his lips instantly curled into a sneer to a spark of irritation within.
What was with him? He was starting to remind himself of Deku, hesitating outside doors with twiddling thumbs like a wimp.
He was Bakugou Katsuki and he should be announcing his arrival by bursting through one.
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Man, you thought you could finally enjoy a good night’s sleep after countless of sleepless nights.
But no…nope. 
The heater just had to break down at an ungodly hour when you were still trudging through the last thesis for your project and you could find no other alternative places to work on them. 
Bakugou came across your mind but again, it was crazy late or more accurately, early to budge into your boyfriend’s room.
Like every other night, you’d been tirelessly working on it so you could finally submit the project you’d been assigned since two weeks ago.
It was the infamous final year project you’ve dreaded ever since you heard about it from your senior — dubbed as ‘the project from hell’.
And indeed, it was a project from hell. It seemed to suck out your very soul. The exhaustion weighing you down like lead ran bone deep, that even lifting your head off your pillow was such a struggle.
With a broken heater sitting uselessly in your room, you’d spent the whole night wrapped in your blanket, with the lingering winter chill prickling at your skin. 
So you couldn’t help sighing at the sudden warmth enveloping your body after spending the night shivering away under your blanket at the mercy of the dropping temperature.
Your arms found their way around the heat source.
You didn’t see the tender curl of his lips when you sighed blissfully and nuzzled into his chest or the softening glint in the usual fierce edge held in his vermilion eyes.
It was like nestling inside a warm cocoon that…
— awareness seeping into your groggy senses pried your eyes open.  
What or rather who greeted you lifted you right out of your morning grogginess and struck you with an overwhelming barrage of emotions.
“…Ka-Katsuki!” You missed him so much.
Along with how the shadows and sunlight filtering in from behind you fell across and highlighted his chiseled profile, there was something about the way his intense eyes looked down at you with his head leaning against an arm. 
This sight gave your heart a fluttery squeeze.
You weren’t sure why Bakugou looked so strikingly handsome like this — maybe it was because you haven’t seen him for awhile?
“When did you come in here?” Words started pouring out of your mouth. 
You’ve always wanted to vent and rant about the dumb project to Bakugou so there was too much you wanted to say, 
“Oh my god, you’ve no idea how much busy I was these few weeks-” but the brooding look that hadn’t left Bakugou stopped you.”…Katsuki?”
You’d never seen Bakugou look this down before, and it didn’t sit right with you.
You hesitated but asked anyway.“…What’s wrong?” 
The cloud that fell over his eyes told you that something was definitely wrong.
“…I’m sorry, (Name).”
You grew concerned as you tried to understand his unreadable demeanor. “What’s this about— ”
“Are you losing interest in me?”
Your next breath was caught in your throat at his strange question and the only thing you could do was blurt out a —“What?”
You watch him exhale carefully with a bewildered look. 
Bakugou didn’t even care how he looked to you now.
“Look, I know I’m a huge fuck-up as a boyfriend and you probably think I don’t care about our relationship cause I act like I don’t.”
There was so much to say, so much guilt brimming inside him. 
“But shit, I do care.”
He was desperate. 
He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t. He loved you but he was an idiot for not showing that to you. 
So he needed to let you know now.
His hand on your waist pulled you up to him and his eyes were pinned on yours.
Your mouth opened, then snapped close at the silent, blazing gleam in his gaze.
Your voice had fled at the way he stared at you. 
Longing and heavy with remorse.
“Stay with me,” His lips brushed lightly across yours as his voice cracked with an aching need.” …please.”
He kissed you and the world fell away.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
hey congratulations!!🎉
if possible, can you write quote #19 w/ atsushi?
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Whew so this was a popular request and I’m honestly excited for it! This was so fun to write too. Atsushi ain’t slick either 👀 Atsushi when he’s doubting himself 📉📉 Atsushi when he’s confident, believes in himself AND goes feral📈📈 📈 also sorry for the wait, school has me 1000000x stressed, but my birthday is coming up so expect me to post more as a birthday gift to myself 🥰 reader is gender neutral!
TW: a little spicy but nothing extremely graphic is mentioned, minor language
Prompt: “I saw that. You just checked me out.” with Atsushi!
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Atsushi couldn’t help it. No matter what, his eyes were always drawn to you. You’re just...really pretty! Beyond pretty! You’re just so alluring, that no matter how much he tried to snap out of the daze that you unknowingly put him in, he would just be focused on you all over again. Didn’t matter where either: in the office filling out reports, hanging out in the cafe, on missions (Akutagawa would be fuming and a little confused, but Atsushi didn’t care).
While he is naive at times, that didn’t mean that he’s stupid. He knows that he’s in too deep and it’s too late to try and deny what he’s feeling for you, but he’s scared. He fears that he isn’t good enough for you, that he never will be good enough for you. You deserve more than what he can ever give you, so why waste your time on someone like him? You deserve better than that, better than him...
But those thoughts were pushed away whenever you’re around him. Everytime you flashed him that sweet smile of yours, his heart would beat even faster than before (and you made his heart pretty fast already), and he couldn’t bare the notion of you not being in his life. He couldn’t imagine it, and he didn’t even try to.
Which lead to now: you both walking on the Yokohama boardwalk, him holding onto your prized tiger plushie (that took so long for him to win and SO MUCH MONEY) and varying treats from different street vendors, and you chattering excited about...something. What was it that you were talking about again? Damn it, it happened again!
It was so easy for Atsushi to get lost when it came to you. Just seeing the ways your eyes sparkled underneath the lights and the night sky was enough for him to lose his breath, not to mention how stunning you’re already are. He was more than flabbergasted when you accepted his invite to the boardwalk, stumbling out a thank you with a heavy blush across as you rambled on about how you can’t wait until then.
And you look so good. Not that you already didn’t! You actually got a little dressed up tonight, nothing too over the top but nothing like a regular hangout either. The outfit that you chose really displayed your figure, and he couldn’t help but let his gaze fall to-
“Hey! Are you listening?”
“HUH?! Oh! Of-of course!”, he stuttered out, nodding his head. Please believe me, please believe me, please-
“So you agree that I should go on a date with Dazai or Ranpo? Or even Akutagawa?”
“I’m just kidding, Sushi,” you playfully bumped his shoulder. “You zoned out on me. If I’m boring you-”
“No! It’s not that!”, he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, shameful. “It’s just...I’m really having a lot of fun with you tonight. I’m still a little shocked that you actually agreed to come out with me.”
“Why would I tell you no? I love spending time with you! Plus, this gives us a chance to hang out without any interference. Just us two.”
“Y-yeah! Just us! I’m really happy that you’re having fun.”
“Just make sure I’m not boring you to death okay? Plus, I have to tell you something important...”
His ears perked up and his heart started to race. Was this the moment? Could it be? He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. You looked so bashful, twiddling your fingers together nervously.
Were you about to confess to him?
A smile broke out on your face as you gazed at him.
“You’ve been checking me out this whole time, haven’t you?”
He choked.
Atsushi could faint right now. Not out of pure bliss, but of embarrassment. You knew what he was doing?! He wishes that the ground would open up and swallow him while, he even wishes that Akutagawa just comes out of nowhere to fight just so he wouldn’t have to face you.
“W-wait?”, and his voice cracked. Even more embarrassment.
“You’ve been checking me out, tiger boy! My my Atsushi, who knew that you could be so devious?”
He almost dropped your plush tiger trying to wave his arms to defend himself. He wasn’t checking you out! He was admiring you! Very big difference in his opinion.
Oh who was he kidding? Either way, you didn’t need to know that!
“No I wasn’t! It’s- you see- I wasn’t checking you out! You h-had something on your face! Yeah!”
“Oh please Atsushi. I saw that. You just checked me out. As a matter of fact, I know you’ve been checking me out for quite some time.”
Oh he could just shrivel up and disappear into nothing at this point. He felt so ashamed, disgusting. Oh God, what if you thought that he’s a pervert now? He began to open his mouth, the start of a first apology of many to follow on the tip of his tongue, when you cut him off.
“Honestly, I was wondering when you were gonna make a move. Thought I was gonna have to, but I wanted to give you enough time and maybe see you sweat a little.”
You broke poor Atsushi.
So you didn’t think that he’s a disgusting pervert? You didn’t hate him? And you knew that he’s been doing this? And you knew of his feelings for you? And you reciprocated said feelings?!
Atsushi was overjoyed at this revelation. Then, he came to the realization that you knew this whole time of his feelings for you, didn’t say anything because you were amused with how stressed he got, and then proceeded to still mess with him after.
He’s irritated to say the least.
You let out a string of laughter, “Atsushi, you should see your face right now!” You started to clutch your stomach, tears pricking at your eyes with how hard you’re laughing. “Seriously! You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice you always staring at me? I’m not that oblivious you know.”
As much as you loved teasing him, you really did mean what you said. He’s been gazing at you with his longing look in his eyes for so long, that you believed it was only a matter of time before he approached you. However, you were starting to get just a tad bit impatient. You knew how much of a crush he has on you just as you have a crush on him, and you were trying to have him make the first move, but if he continued to just give you puppy eyes when he thought you wouldn’t notice, you were going to drag him by his tie and force him to confess.
“But don’t feel too bad. If I was super nervous to confess to my crush, I’ll probably just stare and hope they understand my feelings that way. So, now that that’s out of the way, do you want to confess first or should I-”
“You don’t even know what you do to me, do you?”
Atsushi’s had his head lowered, and when he snapped his head up, he was glaring at you.
Oh no, he’s mad at you. You didn’t mean to make upset! It was- wait a second. What you do to him? He continued on, gripping your shoulders so that you couldn’t look away, your focus would be on him and only him, just like his is always on you and only you.
“It’s not my fault what you do to me! It’s yours!”
“Wait, AtsuSHI-”
“It’s not my fault that you’re really pretty and nice and-”
Now he was shaking you while he rants and whines about all the things that “weren’t his fault”. You began to giggle again, “Okay okay Atsushi! I get it.” Clasping his hands, you slowly ceased his shaking, with him giving you that same puppy eyed look that you’re used to.
Damn it, he didn’t understand what he does to you.
“I’m sorry, Atsushi. It’s just so fun to see you get riled up sometimes”, you already moved his hands to in front of you, gently rubbing circles on them. “I...I really do like you, Atsushi. More than like, really. This wasn’t how I was planning this to go, but whatever. And you don’t have to worry about me not returning your feelings dummy! It’s pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say?”
You could see his expression soften the more you spoke, processing your words and letting them sink in. He saw no playful glints in your eyes this time. You genuinely meant what you said, you like him, more than a friend.
He felt tears gathering in his eyes, but you wiped at them before they could fall. Caressing his face, prizes and treats long forgotten, you leaned in to kiss him softly. He went still, then melted into it, bringing you close to him as much as he can by your waist. When you pulled back, he had such a dopey grin on his face, eyes full of warmth.
Nothing could compare to this feeling, the feeling of being loved, being truly cared for.
He truly did feel blessed.
“The night’s still young, Atsushi,” you leaned in to give him another peck, which he happily accepted. “And I don’t want to waste anymore time than we already have.”
“Y-y-yeah, me either”, he touched your forehead against yours. You look so angelic underneath the stars, he couldn’t look away if he tried. “Let’s make up for lost time.”
“Of course. And I know the perfect way to start.”
“Good morning, Atsushi!”
Dazai rolled his chair to his desk, already putting off his work for the day. “So tell me: how was your date last night?”
“Oh-it was great! We just went to the boardwalk. (Y/N) was happy, and we both confessed, so everything went okay.”
“That’s it?”, he sighed. “How boring. You guys didn’t do anything else?”
“Hm? No? Was I suppose to do something else?”, he blinked at Dazai. Did you miss a step or something? Everything went better than expected last night, so he did everything right...right?
“Tell me, Atsushi. Did you two run into any trouble last night?”
“No. Why?”
“Well how did you get that bruise on your neck?”
Bruise? What was he-
Oh no.
Dazai leaned back in his chair, arms folded behind his head. “And judging by the way (Y/N) is being way more cheerful than they usually are, something tells me that that isn’t a bruise-”
“DAZAI! Get back to work!”
Kunikida couldn’t have come at a perfect time. Dazai groaned out a “fine” and rolled back to his desk, letting Atsushi breath out a sigh of relief. You guys had a lot more fun than he let on, and he would be beyond mortified if the whole office found out-
“Goodness Kunikida, I was just letting Atsushi know that his hickey was showing! (Y/N) really knows how to leave a mark, don’t they Atsushi?”
Please someone, end him now-
“And the way that (Y/N) is covering their neck tells me that you do too. My mentee is growing up so fast, I’m so proud!”
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