#bill | dominique
bcrncoldx · 1 year
@rainbowmuses (dominique weasley)
"Hey!" Bill called, jogging over once he spotted his daughter. "I got your text, it sounded important." His brow furrowed in concern as he looked down at her. "Is everything alright, Dom? I know things are.... a little weird right now, but I hope you know that you can talk to me."
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shout out to gary lineker for causing an absolute meltdown in both the government and the bbc <3
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catgriller · 2 months
Cursed Child? More like WOKE NEWGENS !!!!!!!!!!
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Edit: I decided there was TOO MANY Gryffindor kids in cursed child like.. CMON!!! 9 out of 12 of these kids were wearing red.. ugh. I get it the Gryffindors are cool and awesome but can we pls have more Hufflepuffs and ravenclaw 😫
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Victoire Gabrielle Weasley Facts
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• Was an extremely smart person and wasn’t afraid to hide it.
• Always feared people were only friends with her because of her family or her looks.
• Wasn’t as well behaved as people thought. She just never got caught.
• Girls girl.
• Absolutely adored growing up in Shell Cottage by the beach and wouldn’t change it for the world.
• You can’t not like her, she’s just a genuinely nice person.
• Was the quidditch announcer at Hogwarts and was great at it despite some warnings over her showing favouritism towards her family.
• Very dry sense of humour.
• The shoulder to cry on. Everyone knew they could come to Vic to talk. Even James and Dom felt comfortable opening up to her.
• The definition of putting on a brave face.
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angstintensifer · 2 years
Harry Potter Next Gen as modern family moments
Harry: *reading a letter from Teddy after he leaves for Hogwarts*
Ginny; Harry?
Harry: Make sure to take care Harry, I’ll miss you guys so much
Ginny; nice huh?
Harry, full on crying: Nice! Im gonna go mail him another robe
Hugo; you know that hero essay we have to write
Hermione: Mhmm, what about it
Hugo: Well dad kinda assumed I wrote it about him, but I didn’t
Hermione: don’t worry I’ll talk to him
Hugo; you don’t think he’ll be upset, I wrote it about you?
Hermione, touched: you wrote it about me?
Hugo; you know me, I didn’t think much. What’s a hero? Someone whose not afraid of anything and whose strong, that’s you
Bill: Im actually relieved, the day that I’ve been dreading. The day you two have finally have out grown me has finally arrived.
Bill, crying; I’m handling it really well.
Victoire: Dad are you crying?
Bill: No
Dominique: are you sure you’re okay?
Bill: Yep
Victoire: Oh Merlin he is crying
Dominique: I’ve never seen dad cry before.
Victoire, starting to cry: but dad if you cry then I’ll cry.
Bill, still crying: I’m not crying
Dominique, also crying; we made our dad cry
Bill: you totally did
Victoire: Because you are our daddy!
All three: *harsh crying and sobbing*
Ron and Hermione after Rose got a bump in the head.
Hermione: can we please just call your sister?
Ron: No way, Ginny will be all judgement and condescending, like she’s perfect and I don’t know how to take care of a baby
Hermione: Ronald, she is your family.
Ron: Right so-
Hermione picking up the phone: Of course she’ll be judgmental and condescending
Louis: I remember crashing through the wall and the ambulance ride to St Mungos
Bill: That wasn’t an ambulance, I drove you
Louis: then what was that siren?
Bill: that was your mother
Fleur: I ‘as worried!
Harry: I did not pick Lily up early from play school
Ginny: Lily, did Daddy pick you up early from school?
Lily: No
Harry: See? Case closed
Lily; we didn’t go
Ginny: Case open
Lily: we went shopping
Harry: Ha Ha, shush now, Lily-
Lily: we bought matching hats
George: Act like a parent, talk like a peer.
George: I call it “peer-renting”
Percy: There are very few parenting issues where I come out on top.
Percy; You know I’m distant. I work too much, my French braiding is sloppy
Percy: finally, something that isn’t my fault.
James: Whoa, you’re being a little-
Rose: Obstreperous? Recalcitrant? Truculent?
James: I was going to say “cray cray”
Ginny: Hermione and I are going to go on this beautiful hike while you all sit and think about how selfish and thoughtless you’ve been
Hermione: *nods in agreement*
Rose: if we’re thoughtless how can we think?
Hermione: …..
James: In Legally blonde, Elle won her case because she was true to herself and dressed cute
Harry: James, this is real life, not an excellent movie
James: Al, before you say no-
Albus: No.
James: I haven’t even told you yet!
Albus: I’m sticking with no.
Ron: Marry someone who looks sexy, while disappointed
Hermione: *looks to Ron in disappointment*
Ron: see?
Ron: I’ll get you fixed up *bandages Hugo*
Hugo: Where’s mum?
Ron referring to Hermiones work: She belongs to the people now
Rose coming in: My allergies are acting up again
Ron giving her medicine: well it’s your lucky day, because missy, doctor dad is in the house
Rose: where’s mum?
Hugo: some people took her
Rose: …..
Dominique & Victoire arguing
Bill: Ah ah ah, let’s this in court, the food court. The honorable judge Cinnabon presiding
Victoire: That place smells like the inside of Louis Quidditch Robes
Dominique: I like the food court
Lily: me too
Bill: don’t worry girls. We’re not gonna deprive ourselves because of Victoires aversion
Dominique: *cackles*
Victoire: ….
Bill: …..
Dominique suddenly stops: Oh, Victoires aversion, I thought you said-
Victoire shakes her head rapidly
Dominique: Never mind
Bill 0-0 *slowly realizes*
Angelina walking until she slips on eggs
Angelina: Fred! Why?
Fred: Im making my egg dropping project
Angelina: maybe don’t make such a mess in the hallway
Fred: Got it! What if I’m the container!
Angelina: there’s a thought- wait no Fred!
Fred, on the edge of the stairs with Roxy putting an egg in his mouth
Fleur: What a wonderful dinner
Bill: I’m impressed
Teddy with his arm around Vic: Thanks next time let’s do it at our place
Victoire realizing he accidentally told them they’re moving in together
Louis: I’m in, just give us a owl to let me know
Bill: our place?
Victoire: Well since I’m finished school now, Teddy and I were thinking of getting a flat
Bill: I-
Louis: are you doing sex?
Hugo: I’m moving into the attic
James: Cool
Albus: The attic?
Hugo: Hey, at least it’s big, Teddy said you used to live in a closet
Albus: *gay silence*
Ron taking care of Rose alone
Hermione over the phone; Keep an eye on rose she has a tendency to wander off
Ron realizing Rose did exactly that: ‘Mione I’m completely capable of-
Hermione: You lost her didn’t you?
Ron: No no no, she is right here, hi honey
Hermione: I can it in your voice, check the dairy case
Ron finding her and trying to open the door: Do you honestly think-
Hermione: doors don’t pull they slide
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
Louis headcanons… 🤲
looks mostly like his dad with his mums colour palate. also a little more snatched like his mum and not as built as his dad. but you can TELL he’s bill’s son if you were to see them side by side
french fuckboy
grew his hair out and had a ponytail era. when he let it loose people genuinely confused him to be a girl (yes he gets hit on by LOTS of confused men and lesbians 😭)
gryffindor with dominique. only a year older than james sirius potter.
closer to dominique than to victoire but respects victoire more funnily enough. kind of like victoire is a second mum. has no problem roasting the shit out of dominique but will check himself with victoire
has begged victoire to give in and date teddy because he desperately wants a cool brother (was happier than teddy and victoire combined when they did get tgt)
is the vain delacour that molly weasley feared fleur was, except he’s masculine as hell and flexes in every mirror he sees (he still looks like a girl)
VERY pretty and could win miss universe or best waifu
he was the femboy reckoning at hogwarts but against his will. he wants women but he keeps pulling men. like that inosuke guy.
best subject was charms and DADA, courtesy of his dad being very talented and his mum being the same except also add her being a drill sergeant
nepo babied his way into interning at gringotts but got on the goblins nerves sm they fired him anyway (louis still pretended to go in because he was so scared about what his parents + victoire would say)
made a secret tiktok account for posting his thirst traps until dominique and victoire found it and he was so embarrassed he deleted it
favourite cousin is roxanne despite their age gap just because shes always so hilarious and always down to do whatever and just never takes anything seriously (also she was the cutest baby in louis’ opinion). its less a friendship and more like a one sided smittenness on louis’ side— he has a whole folder on his camera roll dedicated to her being generally goofy
people use his face for clout and to catfish people all the time. every time his girl friends need to loyalty test their man they just snap a photo of his face
that being said, he IS the man you need to loyalty test. mf has fifteen girls on the back burner that still think they have a chance with him
that also being said, hes waiting for marriage 🙏 (he wants his first time to be special guyz)
that ALSO being said, absolutely no one thinks he’s going to last that long
likes bantering with his mum a lot and getting on her nerves. she’ll start swearing at him in french when rapidly lecturing him in english doesn’t work and he finds that to be the funniest shit ever
bill weasley is such a Daughter Dad so he’ll baby tf out of victoire and dominique and then get louis to do all the household chores 💀
but louis is also the biggest diva in the family by far so bill and fleur drop more money on him than victoire and dominique combined. and then they complain about how spoilt their son is and the girls are just like “🙄 stop buying him shit then 😒”
meh at quidditch but decides he hates it because he’s not the best at it (it’s an ego thing)
really likes his maternal cousins and only allows aunt gabrielle to plait his hair
godfather is uncle percy 😭 every time its his bday louis forces percy to go shopping so he can drop some big bucks on him (whatever karma percy accumulated in his youth has taken the form of his godson now).
lucy is a year older than him and they keep feuding over her dad. think blue haired liberal versus white blond conventionally attractive man. thats the relationship, and its hilarious especially during joint family dinners.
used to be very scared of the dark and couldnt sleep by himself and so victoire was always forced to let louis sleep with her when they were younger
also always goes to victoire for hair care help and his mum for skincare and fashion help
despite being seemingly easygoing and carefree, he can hold VERY mean grudges and will never apologise for something if he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong.
also will fist fight someone over a yo mama joke (yes he’s sensitive about his mum, don’t insult her to his face)
everyone knows louis for the menace he is except grandma molly who treats him like hes the sun that the earth circles around (yes grandma molly likes bill’s kids the most, what of it?)
louis is surprisingly very sweet to old people. he does his due diligence and visits them the most, brings new presents to arthur and helps molly with chores and lets them fuss over him.
okayyyy i think ive yapped enough
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
Bill, to Victoire, Dominique & Louis: We don't use bad words in the house. Fleur, who has just stubbed her toe in the other room: FUCK!
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letstrythisout4 · 8 days
Thinking about Victorie (Tori) Weasley
First things first I dont fuck with the approximated ages of this generation. I just- no. Like the math isn’t mathing for me, so in my head this is how it goes. I think Victorie is the eldest of the entire generation, I think she was born in 1998. That is not canonical but I like it so much more yk. I like to think that she’s older than Teddy by a couple months. I don’t think she was a planned baby (much like Teddy) but yk. Bill and Fleur were young and dumb and shit happens idk. I just don’t like the…let's say canonical implications of Teddy and Tori dating at such a young age, AND if Tori is born sometime during the war it's a little moral boost or whatever, this is what we're fighting for type shit, much like Teddy. (But this will also play into a headcanon that ill get into later in this post about like politics, social standings yadda yadda, so stay tuned)
I like to think that wizard genetics are weird, right. So in the case of the topic for this post, Victorie Weasley, this would mean that Tori and all of her siblings have Veela traits despite being like what an eighth (im dumb and bad at math so dont bully me if thats wrong) Veela. I like to think that Tori is the most Veela-like; where all of her siblings have the classic red Weasley hair she was born platinum blonde and just in general looks way more like her great-grandmother than anyone else in the family.
I think that she is kind of deemed precious by the entire family, I mean she was born in such a moment of darkness and provided so much hope for regrowth after the war and that never left.
That girl was spoiled, heavily.
I mean the first grandbaby and she’s a girl. Molly adores her like no other and definitely hovers a lot.
I think Tori being born is a major part in fixing the relationship between Molly and Fleur.
ALSO imagine being Tori and learning the lore behind your mother and your grandmothers relationship before your birth. I feel like most people have a point where after youve grown up, maybe when you’re a teenager or an young adult, where you get to know like the family drama; imagine just ONE (because the weasleys have other shit to that i can get into later) piece of your family drama/lore is that your grandmother used to have beef with your mom and straight up used to hate her. Like the grandmother that you adore used to talk shit about your mom. (That’s not an uncommon thing at all, I know that something that people go through but its still crazy yk)
You know that trend where its people photos as adults and then as kids with the Megan song where its like “Knowin' nothin' in life, but I gotta get rich · You could check the throwback pics, I been that bitch” THAT IS TORI
I like to think that Tori and Teddy grew up like two peas in a pod. If they went more than like three days without each other when they would finally be reunited -especially as little toddlers- they were so dramatic, refusing to be more than 5 steps from each other.
I like to think George is the one who gave Victorie the nickname Tori and she just loved it so much that after the age of like eight she stopped answering to her full name unless her mom or grandmother (on her mothers side) was the one calling her.
Tori and Teddy are like the heads of the Next Gen. Way before they even became a couple they were the older cousins, they were respected and looked up to by the rest of the Next Gen, their just a power duo.
(I think Tori has like a two to three year distance between her and Dominique, and then I think that Dominique is kind of like the eldest of all the kids. So basically the next gen is Tori and Teddy, no kids born for the next 3 years, then Dominique then everyone else)
Tori and Dominique both grew up heavily in Veela culture. I can’t remember if I’ve said it on the blog or just thought about it alot but I think that they both were sent to Beauxbaton for a couple years for the equivalent of muggle elementary and then transferred to Hogwarts.
I think Tori ( because she is so Veela-like) perhaps got bullied and harassed. I’ve seen a lot of people dive into the implications of being Veela or part-Veela so I won’t get into it too much but Idefinitely think that she had her fair share of just straight bullying. 
Now a little bit of a switch up but stick with me. Imagine with me, that the Weasley family is a fallen noble house (maybe even ancient).
The house fell maybe during the first war or a little prior due to blood supremacy; they were clipped out the pureblood scene when they were just a little too loud. 
Now the house has fallen and post-secondary wars the Wizarding World in Europe is trying to rebuild itself. 
Tori (in my head) would take advantage of that. 
Listen, we've seen the Weasley family kind of get treated like shit because of their relationship with muggleborns and their financial situation and their lack of political influence. In theory if they were to rebuild the house there would be no better time than postsecondary war.
But I don't think that they do. Molly and Arthur are happy just to be with their family. All of the Weasley siblings we know of , except for Percy, are (for lack of a better word) free spirited non-socially conforming people yk. Bill is a curse-breaker, Charlie works with fucking dragons, the twins opened a joke shop and Ginny is a quidditch icon. I doubt they give a fuck about social status in the sense of regaining former political power. Especially because they all seem to have had it kind of easy. I mean yes we know they get comments about their finances and whatever but like…Weasleys are tough as shit, they'll just beat the shit out of you and call it a day.
Percy though is an exception, Percy did want to be in the Ministry. He was attempting to climb the ranks but I think after the war…after Fred’s death, he does not care, at least for the next few years.
I think Tori does care. I can see a world where Tori is getting harassed because she is part-Veela and I mean lets be real there must still be Death eater sympathisers at Hogwarts and Ican only imagine he fucking target the next gen had on their backs. I don't think that it's an issue for the other kids because well they have each other to rely on and the older cousins aka Tori and Teddy who as the eldest set the standard of like hey we are not meant to be fucked with. 
I think Tori and Teddy both faced heavy harassment for being half-blood and fought back. I think the two of them were perpetually in detention simply because they refused to sit there and take it.
I think Tori is bitter because of course this harassment isn’t just little kid petty ignorant bullshit, this expands into the grander political/social scene. Her family is beloved by half the Wizarding community sure, but they are seen as Harry Potter's sidekicks. The other half would kill them if they could get away with it. 
I think Tori looks around and sees that yes the war is over but ignorant purebloods still hold power. They still have their elite clubs and balls and still shoot down laws that could make change, I mean yeah a lot of people died or went to Azkaban but that was just Death Eaters, they are plenty of blood supremacists that couldn’t be convicted because well they haven’t done anything. They just refuse to let half-breeds into any important position of power *shrugs* voting against something isn’t illegal.
In theory the Weasley House could be great and as the eldest Tori is in a position to make it great. 
Tori Weasley looks at the snobby pureblood society and decides I am going to get in there and change it for the better or die trying.
Give me Tori Weasley who in her 5th year walks into Flitwick's office for her consultation on her future career paths with notebooks filled with information on Wizengamot, all the pureblood families, pureblood customs, etiquette, niche traditions, clubs, events, everything. Information on every level and subsection of the Ministry. 
Tori Weasley who works her ass off to be the top student of her year, before because she simply was competitive but as she gets older she is intentionally trying to stomp on every highly-tutored pureblood who thinks they have an advantage. She wants to be the best with no room for discussion and she is.
Give me Percy Weasley who is watching his niece grow up to be a mini him. She always had his tendencies even when she was at Beauxbaton, obsessed with rules and wanting to know everything. She looked up to him. But now, Christmas of her 6th year, 16 year old Tori was like looking in a slightly distorted mirror. She rallied her cousins and siblings, yelling at them if they were too loud or bumped into her, messing up what she was writing.
Percy warned Tori of greed and ambition and how blinding it could be. But Tori just had to respectfully shut him down. Greed? Ambition? Yes, yes she could admit she could find satisfaction in always being right but at the end of the day this wasn’t about her, this wasn’t for her.
This was for the family.
Tori didn’t want a position of power for herself.
She wants to rebuild the House of Weasley into a respectable name, politically, socially, and financially. She wanted to form allies with other like minded Houses like the Abbots, and wanted to formally politically oppose blood supremacy. 
She wanted their seat back in Wizengamot.
As the eldest she had much to gain from this, yes, she would be the head of the family… but she’s always been the head of the family. She gave the generation before her something to fight for during the war, she gave them something to live for after the war, she gave her generation a reputation to use for when they were at Hogwarts so that their years could be easier. And she would be giving all of her success to the next generation as well.
Tori is greedy and ambitious, yes, I mean you definitely won’t see her handing over the position as Head of the family to just anyone but so long as it benefits the family…
She starts her plan the second that she leaves HogwartsI think Tori is someone who becomes incredibly famous because of her efforts. I mean incredibly intelligent, beautiful, witty, and well known through coming from families that fought in both wars, I think she is set up to become a media darling. 
Photos of her arguing passionately in Wizengamot make it on the front page and that is where she gets her start. 
I think she grows into a name that is so well known that before she gets a seat in Wizengamot she’s already building connections.
I like to think that Tori is incredibly successful, that she reestablishes the House of Weasley and garners more respect for the House of Prewett. Tori is making political moves shutting down underhanded oppression and advocating for different communities. Tori is at every event, every ball, every club. And I mean even the ones whose crowds are primarily made up of blood supremacists. Why does she go? Because you never know what you’ll overhear. Why is she even invited? Because her name is too big in the Wizarding World to not be invited. 
I think Tori Weasley is the youngest member of Wizengaot ever, becoming the official representative of the family and taking up the seat for the family at age 22.
I think everyone is incredibly proud but I think Arthur is the most proud. I think he never held a passion for politics or House matters but I would imagine that he is old enough to remember what it was like when the Weasley name was respected and we know that he lived through the disrespect that the Ministry put them through after the first war. 
I imagine a seat in Wizengamot pre-first war used to be a symbol of status and respect because you have to fight your way to be an option to fill the seat and you have to be elected by your fellow Wizengamot members to actually take up the seat. Losing your seat in Wizengamot must feel devastating so to see it be regained, not only is personally satisfactory but also feels like a symbol of true progress.
(lemme know if yall want my opinions or headcanons on literally any character of any era because I have many, also if yall want elaboration on anything)
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lolathestoryteller · 1 month
part one of my personal take on ; HARRY POTTER: NEXT GEN
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Victoire Weasley
- super smart but not in a cocky way
- outstanding owls in charms
- surprised everybody by being the first Weasley in ages not to get sorted into Gryffindor
- proud Ravenclaw
- she’s a lover and a fighter
- you know she’s a girl’s girl
- she looks just like Fleur
- very dry humor
- head girl in seventh year (not a prefect though, she gets into a bit of trouble every now and again — wink* with Teddy)
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Dominique Weasley
- Dad’s twin with Mum’s eyes
- the little troublemaker
- she’ll never lie to spare your feelings; the turth hurts, babe
- the sorting hat literally shouted GRYFFINDOR
- she’ll stand up for what she believes in, no matter her opponent
- Dad’s little girl
- wants to work with Dragons like her uncle Charlie (Fleur is praying it’s just a phase)
- loves quidditch and is a fairly talented chaser (never tries out for the team though, because she dislikes the rivalry of it)
- you bet she absolutely smashes DADA
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Louis Weasley
- you know he’s Fleurs baby, come on
- literally the kindest soul
- Bills’s freckles, eyes and height with Fleur’s beauty
- loves magical creatures, and wants to work with them when he’s older
- huge fan of Newt Scamander! (obviously)
- was a hat stall between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff for so long, he broke the record for the longest stall in at least a century (according to Headmistress Mcgonagall)
- sorted into Gryffindor in the end, genetics were just too strong
- a prefect since his 5th year
- very popular with girls, but they never interested him much until the summer before his seventh year, when he fell hard for a muggle girl he met at the beach (they ended up getting married a few years later)
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months
saturday august 3rd jenga adventures at the guthrie from kiko laureano:
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bcrncoldx · 1 year
@rainbowmuses (dominique weasley)
Bill → Dom 👧: [location pin sent] Bill → Dom 👧: Your mum and I are trying to round everyone up, please come to the apartment! Pack enough stuff for a week. Bill → Dom 👧: Keep texting whilst you're on your way, so I know you're alright!
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Well, someone's gotta call the government on its considerable bullshit, and if the news media won't do it then I guess its gotta be the guy who does Match of the Day 🤷
i'd like to say that it's surprising that a (former) footballer is doing a better job than the entire uk press/the leader of the opposition but we've sat through marcus rashford's free school meals campaign so. this isn't surprising at all.
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ikarponea · 4 months
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Bill Weasley 🦁❤
Fleur Weasley (Delacour)
Victoire Weasley: May, 2nd 2000 🦅💙
Dominique Weasley: June, 22th 2002 🦁❤
Louis Weasley: January, 12th 2005 🦡💛
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herwold · 2 years
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Fleur Delacour - moodboard
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In honor of you going to see TSwift in a few weeks, I’m begging (read: demanding) to know which TS album each Weasley couple is. 😘
Molly & Arthur:
Debut - the OGs, they have lived through two wars, raised seven kids, lost one child, seen their family be killed off, lost friends that were like family, and yet can still open their hearts to love.
Favorite song from the album: I’m Only Me When I’m With You
Bill & Fleur:
Fearless TV- these two keep their hearts on their sleeves and try to live a life of adventure! They are brave and open people, and nothing can stop them, even dancing in the rain in their best dress.
Favorite song from the album: Fearless
Victoire & SJ:
Speak Now - all they ever want to be is heard! So an album written by one and only one person sticks out to them. They ran away to start a life together, and yet resettled close to their siblings to keep the family together.
Favorite song from the album: Speak Now or Long Live
Dominique & Lorcan:
Lover - they got together in the middle of tragedy, they spent their nights thinking of each other and also what was coming next. They spent so much time fighting opposing forces, only for the same outcome to happen. At some point, they asked the traffic lights if everything was going to be okay, only to hear…‘I don’t know’.
Favorite song from the album: Paper Rings
Louis & Anamika:
Red TV - passionate, beautiful, colorful. Louis loves Anamika in red and she’ll sit for him for hours with the album playing. Sure it’s all about a relationship ending, but it just makes them feel more secure in their own.
Favorite song from the album: Safe & Sound (from the vault)
1989 - it’s fun, it’s adventurous, it’s addictive, it’s 1989. It’s an album he can hum under his breath around the dragons that won’t cause them to go crazy and he can listen to it with his nieces and nephews with no complaints, it’s a little dated, but so is he and no one can revoke his “cool uncle” title anyways.
Favorite song from the album: Shake It Off
Percy & Audrey:
1989 - for all of its highs, this album also has its lows. While they hated it when it was the only album the girls played on loop for about a year, they grew to love the music and messages of love behind the lyrics. Don’t tell anyone but they are the secret Swifties of the family.
Favorite song from the album: This Love
Molly & Artie:
Red TV - it took them a few tries, but they finally nailed it down. They took all of their anger, all of their love, all of their unyielding passion, and they came together and found love and can’t let that love go.
Favorite song from the album: Come Back…Be Here
Lucy & Devon:
Evermore - she’s the sister album to Folklore, but the cousin to Red, which is enough for Lucy. Her story with Devon is spent so much in secrets and quiet moments, that Evermore resonates with them. Often they also feel like the forgotten couple because they keep their issues to themselves instead of bringing the whole family in too.
Favorite song from the album: gold rush
George & Angelina:
Speak Now - I don’t think I could pick anything else for them. After the war, after all of their losses, they both turned inward, losing their voices until they found each other again.
Favorite song from the album: Last Kiss
Freddie & LeeAnne:
Midnights - they keep a time stamp on their relationship because time spent together is their love language. Time together whether in the middle of the night or not, is important to them, intrusive thoughts and all.
Favorite song from the album: Sweet Nothing
Roxanne & Sean/Sasha:
Lover - with Sean it’s all about young love, sweet and innocent, while Sasha it’s about growth and change and acceptance. Both sides are seen in this album.
Favorite song from the album: Sean is Lover, Sasha is Daylight
Ron & Hermione:
1989 - bright, hypnotic, new. Their relationship thrives on challenging each other and making each other grow, finding adventure even while standing close. Also they love to dance.
Favorite song from the album: Wildest Dreams
Rose & Scorpius:
Red - they are passionate and loud and young and they feel it as they laugh and dance and sing together. They fall in love at the wrong time for all the right reasons and together they lift each other up. Also they are hopelessly romantic, and nothing is more romantic than a break up album.
Favorite song from the album: Red
Hugo & Lyla:
Folklore - she’s anxious and he can’t stand still, but together they’re calm, cool, and collected. They find the summer to be their best season and time seems to slow down just for them and their love for one another.
Favorite song from the album: Invisible String
Ginny & Harry:
Reputation - because isn’t that what they’ve always been fighting for?
Favorite song from the album: Call It What You Want
James & Katie/Marci:
Reputation - with Katie, James is trying to protect his reputation for her, and it still makes her cheat on him and leave him at his lowest.
Lover - with Marci, James is trying to recover from Katie and the damage she caused him while also falling in love. She makes him let go of his reputation and just start thinking about love.
Favorite song from the album: Look What You Made Me Do / Afterglow
Al & Maggie:
Evermore - dark and heavy full of failed love stories and also stories full of love and wanting, it reflects both halves of their relationship. The anger of not wanting to be in love at seventeen and the hopelessness of being in love at twenty-two.
Favorite song from the album: champagne problems
Lily & Ryan:
Midnights - the beginning of their relationship is spent hiding away from the world in their own quiet space, in the hours between midnight and 3am. Lots of stories and thoughts and adventures are shared that maybe shouldn’t have been, but that’s the beauty of the nighttime hours, the sun is coming soon.
Favorite song from the album: Lavender Haze
Teddy & Annabelle:
Speak Now - this album is what made them Swifties, and in many ways made them realize that they’re not just friends. Playing music and writing songs together is how they became friends and fell in love, so they see the strength in doing it all alone.
Favorite song from the album: Mine
If anyone wants me to explain the song selection, just send another ask, but for right now I’m going back to bed.
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