#bitting the drywall rn
Rotating Lance in my mind to Maxwell the Cat
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tzarrz · 4 months
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i listen to fog lake too much
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the-knife-consumer · 11 months
If the actor for link talks I'm going to start chewing all of my books to shreds.
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mentalblabbermouth · 11 months
Lokius really pulled a petrigrof huh
ngl i'm more of a casual mcu observer but after watching the Loki series...man
just wow/pos
as someone dealing with abandonment issues and crippling loneliness...haha that ending is NOT helping/hj
don't get me wrong it's a compelling and satisfying conclusion for Loki's character arc from a writing standpoint
but also he's alone now protecting the multiverse with his own hands. To give them a chance. To protect them. The people he cares about the most. He just wanted his friends back and now he's burdened with glorious purpose for eternity.
and Mobius is what just waiting for him for eternity??
It's a beautiful, heart-wrenching tragedy 😭
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in my media I need characters that feel like a mirror because I need to understand myself through the other and characters that feel like a best friend because media never changes or leaves but people do and either way all you’re left with is stories
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teaboot · 1 year
Kind of a random hill to die on rn but "You'd eat this thing you hate if you got hungry enough" does not set a reasonable expectation of what "hungry enough" means for people with food problems.
Like, are we talking "stomach grumbling" hungry enough, or "can't stand up" hungry enough? Cause personally, I can make myself eat a bit of a pork chop if I'm barfy and shaking and can't see straight anymore, but if it's down to "black out for three days and wake up angry and confused" or "willingly swallow prosciutto", I'm having sleep for dinner. And I know this from experience.
People without food problems don't seem to understand this and it drives me insane. "Hungry enough" is for shit like chewing drywall because the alternative is death or cannibalism.
If I say I can't eat something, It means I can't eat it. It Is Not Edible To Me. It's not even appetizing. It literally does not register as food. You might as well hand me a rubber duck.
And it's frustrating!! Trust me, I wish I wasn't like this, too!! This isn't a choice!! I know it can be rude!! It's embarassing!! It's complicated and annoying and irrational!! That doesn't fix the problem!!
I just wish people didn't treat this sort of thing as "being picky" or lacking willpower or basic manners or something. I can't make myself eat certain foods the way you probably couldn't cut your own fingers off. Does that make sense? It's not just food. Fuck
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runawaymun · 5 months
I'm sure you'll get/have gotten other asks about this same thing, but I would love, love, love to know more about your ideas for a messy kidnap fam fic. :)
(also, accidently unfollowed when trying to hit the ask button. it's finally happened)
Ask me about my not-yet-written-fics from this list
The Messy Kidnap Fam Longfic
Under a cut for length
It all starts with Mae and Mags finding Elrond and Elros in Elwing's wardrobe post-oath-induced-rage fugue.
Elros and Elrond put up a hell of a fight to Not Get Taken and are absolutely convinced that a) Elwing has been murdered and b) they're also about to get murdered.
Maedhros gets bitten by Elros >:3
Mae and Mags have a debate about What To Do With them. I feel like maybe Mae initially is like "Put Those Back Where They Came From or So Help Me" at Mags, but the only idea they come up with is maybe leaving the twins at the edge of what's left of Sirion in the hopes that they'll be found (because if they tried to drop off the twins in person they'd get attacked on sight by Gil Galad and Cirdan). But Mae can't stop worrying that they'll die of exposure that way (he still feels awful about what happened to Elured and Elurin at Doriath).
They both realize at the exact same time that Elwing and Earendil Might Want Their Kids Back and Might Be Willing to Do A Lot to get them back, and so Elrond and Elros would be excellent hostages who could potentially be ransomed for a Silmaril.
So Elrond and Elros are very much hostages at this point. Mae and Mags do not really interact with them at all (save for Mags poking around in their minds to try and get some information out of them. Which Mae disapproves of but doesn't care enough about to stop him. He's in a bad way rn. Like his last other baby brother save Mags just died and he himself just participated in a massacre and he doesn't feel particularly good about it. They didn't even get a Silmaril and their own forces are fragmented post Sirion. My boy is barely keeping things together. They're together with duct tape and string at this point).
The twins are carted along the road back to Amon Ereb but kept under too heavy guard for them to be able to escape.
Also absolutely nobody in camp understands how to look after Peredhil. The twins do not get enough food to start with and they probably get sick from the elements, and this does go unnoticed for a WHILE.
They get back to Amon Ereb and are promptly put in a horrible little white room with a lock on the door. Again, Mae and Mags are not much interested with interacting with them at this point. Mags is a bit more interested but that's mostly because the twins remind him of Ambarussa and he's also emotionally unstable.
Mae sends ransom demands to Elwing, Earendil, and Gil-Galad, and they wait.
The twins are still hungry and sick, and convinced that they're gonna die. Also Mags keeps interacting with them and it's scary.
(They do get a window because keeping elves or elf adjacent beings away from view of the stars is unthinkably cruel, even for Mae and Mags. But they also still continue to be pretty neglected, and there is really nothing to do in that room. Elrond goes pretty catatonic at this point and Elros starts trying to tear holes through the drywall).
At some point it occurs to Mags and Mae that the twins are in poor condition and that's not really good when it comes to trying to ransom them.
They don't really know what to do though and so they consult some humans in their service, who are understandably like "uhhhhhhhhh they need more food and some medicine probably boss. Also it's kind of cold for them actually like sure it's fine for an elf but these are actual half-human babies).
Cue the twins finally getting some basic help. I have a vague idea that they bond with a human nurse that's sent in to look after them because Mae and Mags just cannot be bothered to Think About It.
Mae especially is pointedly staying away because it's too painful to be around the twins because a) they remind him of his brothers and b) they remind him of everything awful he's ever done and he can't handle that guilt.
Things continue to be Bad For A While.
Also I forgot to mention that Elrond and Elros have a poor grasp of Quenya at best, and so they really don't understand anything being said around them. They're picking it up fast though. Especially Elrond.
Finally a rejection of the ransom demands comes back.
What the fuck.
Mae absolutely goes into a rage over this because he literally does not know what else he can do. Because apparently Earendil and Elwing are on a boat somewhere with his father's Silmaril.
"What are we doing with the twins?"
Elrond and Elros are more convinced than ever that they're gonna get killed.
It's agreed that the twins should be dropped off somewhere to be found by Gil-Galad, and that trip begins. They likely send a letter to Gil-Galad announcing that they're returning the twins.
Gil-Galad has absolutely no reason to believe that the twins are alive and smells a trap. He does not come to pick up the twins.
Mae and Mags do watch (or have someone else watch) from a distance to make sure the twins are collected. The twins are not collected. The day wanes on into night. It gets really cold. The twins start bawling because they really think they're going to die now.
Mae really can't bear that and also at this point he's mad at everyone and everything.
They recollect the twins and decide that they're just going to have to look after them now until they're old enough to go back to Gil on their own.
Cue a very long tiptoe process of Mags getting attached to the twins and Mae refusing to (he's actually a big softie though so eventually he does).
I have way more ideas about later stages but this is already getting ridiculously long, sorry.
TLDR: (but I can elaborate more if people want me to): Mae and Mags finally start to get a grasp on Peredhil needs but wow is the damage done.
Elrond and Elros are veeeery slow to trust.
Super codependant relationship forms, with Elrond especially terrified of being left again because Mae and Mags are the only people who seem to want them now. Elrond starts emotionally regulating Mae and Mags just as much (if not more) than he used to for Elwing.
Mae and Mags get very attached to the twins and use them to cling to the last remnants of their personhood. This is not a good thing.
There's obviously more here I've thought this out very thoroughly.
Love grew between them but it was fucked from the start, essentially.
Also um something something the twins losing their Sindarin and not being raised in their Sindarin culture and essentially getting unintentionally completely colonized by Mae and Mags :/ icky and unavoidable.
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 5 months
something i've noticed about the difference between good omens and doctor who fandoms rn is that the good omens people are either making funny art or coming up with increasingly unfeasible theories about supposed 'hidden messages' in the show and generally being weird about it going out of their way to say they LOVE EVERYTHING about the show, and the doctor who people are like. damn this sucks.. unfortunately it's also really compelling. oh well <3
like idk the good omens people (generalising here of course) seem incredibly strung up on what Could Be Meaningful and making wayyyyy to much of a big deal out of minor details. and like the show is clever! there are secondary levels of meaning! but not everything is or should be. not everything is a metaphor. continuity errors exist. and the doctor who people (even new fans) are still yknow eating drywall over it but are also like HAHAHAHthat bit was awful. anyways its also incredibly thematically relevant to these other episodes so it's very important you watch it lol.
and i think the difference is that good omens is twelve episodes. just twelve. there's the book of course, which is a different angle than the show, there's the radio version etc. but there's only so much story. and a lot of the version are the plot of the book in different formats. whereas doctor who goes on forever and ever and ever and there will always be more content. so the good omens people are overanalysing the same few moments over and over again because thats all there is, they probably know their content better than the doctor who people, but b/c you only see them in so many Situations, its also easier to begin to warp your perception of them. you only see them deal with a crisis a couple times under very specific circumstances. there are only so many character moments, so things can be blown out of proportion b/c you cant compare it to another similar moment.
but doctor who is infamously long and infamously has a Very large eu so you have a lot more time with the characters to pull together your perception of the characters, even when regenerations and new companions come and go. you simply have more to work with to build your understanding.
like if you compare the 'i just lost my best friend' scene from good omens to any of the 'doctor thinks companion is dead' scenes--crowley reacts like that only once. he is distraught, obviously, doesnt quite know what to do about it at first, doesnt know what's happened to aziraphale--but its a specific moment. bookshop burned down. world is ending. aziraphale Gone. whereas doctor who there's a range of scenarios with a range of reactions--guilt and also hope when bill gets shot and then taken away. anger and denial over clara willingly dying knowing that she must (actually resolved her character arc quite well i thought, though so did hell bent). there are more but i forget. uhm end of s1 second to last episode rose gets vaporised but it's actually a teleport, the way nine responds to that. there's just more to work with!! which i think is why the good omens fandom is so deeply embroiled in arguing over minutiae of character and background detail b/c they dont have anything more to read about them except fanfics (which are obvious a feedback loop in any fandom) and because they only see aziraphale and crowley for such a short time. they cant compare their reactions during times of The Literal End of the World and The Disruption Of Their Quite Nice Life Together And Also Possibly the End of the World to them just chilling.
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edgepunk · 1 year
Okay, filtered MSM 2 thoughts:
We knew Kraven was gonna show up in the sequel, however, I def did not expect The Lizard/Dr. Connors and the fact that Kraven is focused on him instead of Peter or Miles is very interesting. I wonder if they're gonna sort of recreate/reference Kraven's Last Hunt 👀
Either way, I'm very excited to see these classic villains showing up. Maybe we'll see Yuri Watanabe/Wraith too??? They were building her up in one of the DLCs quite well. Also, interested to see how Peter will react since they were friends.
Gameplay!!!!!! I already loved the gameplay in the first game, and the Miles Morales game improved upon that. And they seemed to take it another step further, it's like they actually listened to the criticism that people had, and I didn't know it was possible to improve the already banger gameplay (tho yes the first one was a little clunkier but still v intuitive)
The new traversal features look so good hello?? The web wings used as a glider? Miles slingshotting himself across the city??? aoughhfg and also!!! It looks like we'll be able to explore other parts of New York like Queens and maybe Brooklyn??? tbh Manhattan became a little restrictive after a while in the first two games, so it would be cool to expand the map a bit. Y'all know I'm meh about huge maps with some exceptions, but if done right, I think it's gonna be good.
Putting this under a read more bc this game is driving me insane I'm eating drywall
So I was right that we'll be able to switch between Peter and Miles. I kinda guessed that they're gonna be mission specific, and maybe, we can switch between them in free roam like with Jacob and Evie in AC: Syndicate (this specific feature isn't confirmed, just speculation on my part)
Looks like Nuform changed Miles' abilities since his Venom (heh) powers can turn blue? I'm interested to see what it did to him and if they're going to address it. Maybe it's purely for aesthetic/gameplay reasons. Who knows, I'm still curious.
Also, love how they incorporated Ganke as their guy in the chair. I loved him in MM and the fact that he helped Miles with the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man app. Just give me more Ganke please, he was really charming and they managed to differentiate him from MCU Ganke Ned that he feels like his own character.
Okay, I'm done beating around the bush and I'm going to address the elephant in the room - the symbiote. This is all we've been waiting for, we knew from the post-credits scene from the first game that Peter is gonna have the black suit. I'm glad Insomniac were like "yeah let's get this over with" and showed it to us.
And people are already calling him Bully Lowenthal 💀
Now, I was a little bit iffy about the design of the black suit, but after I watched the trailer a couple of times, it's starting to grow on me? Maybe I'm looking too much into it but the organic armor/exoskeleton design gives me xenomorph vibes, and I love the tendrils in the "exposed" exoskeleton. The texture looks gross and slimy and I love it. I was wondering if they're gonna add some subtle sci-fi horror elements to it and they delivered. I've always said that the symbiote has a lot of space/eldtrich horror potential.
Which brings me to the tendrils (I can already hear the p*rn artists working hard), jokes aside, they look so cool and they're animated so well???? The way Peter fights with them??? He straight up turns into a uhhh tentacle monster for a split second. And his fighting style is so brutal, I liked when he kept repeatedly kicking the guy as if he was a punching bag ddjhsjh
but the scene where he shows up in the sewers(???) yeah this shot legit gave me chills bro looks fr intimidating
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And do I really need to gush about Yuri Lowenthal's voice acting? Ben 10 off the shits I'm gonna do it anyway bc holy shit he got the guttural growl down to a T. However, I do wish they put a very subtle filter on his voice. Doing that kind of growly voice must've hurt his throat real bad. Maybe his voice is gonna become more monstrous as the game progresses, that'd be real neat :3c
Honestly, I'm really curious to see how it will affect Peter since May is dead, the whole thing with Otto (I think they're gonna have a convo on the Raft maybe???), he's got a lot of debts to pay and he mentioned that Harry is dying. Bro's going through it fr also parksborn angst???? I'm ready for the homoerotic undertones in their cutscenes kdjkdjdkj I'll take any crumbs I can get 👀
And the way that Peter just dismissively shoved that one civilian away??? Ah?? I'm not ready for Peter to become an absolute cunt and be mean to Miles. There's a high probability we're gonna have to fight Peter in a boss fight as Miles aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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bluejayblueskies · 1 year
Rules: List Five Comfort Characters And Tag Five People. This is in no particular order.
Tagged by @organchordsandlightning and @magnetarmadda (like three weeks ago i am so sorry 😭)
And I'll tag uhhh @anonymoussong, @quigalchemist, @thewrongshop, @judesstfrancis, and @wordsintimeandspace! if you want!
funnily enough though i gained a new comfort character in those three weeks! who knew!!!! it gets spot number one bc i am rotating it in my brain rn 💕
list under the cut!
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries) - ohhh my goddddd i truly have not related so hard to a character in a while like ... it's just like me for real and i love it 💜 i'm almost done with fugitive telemetry and then i'm going to go back and listen to all the audiobook versions because i need more right now immediately. it's just ... it's really nice especially to see murderbot's (what i view as) autistic traits accommodated and respected by the preservation team, especially the bit in the first book where mensah catches on to the fact that it doesn't like eye contact and adjusts accordingly. i can see this book series fundamentally changing my worldview, and i'm 100% here for it. honorable mention: ART my absolute beloved 🥰
Parker Yang (Malevolent) - 'jay, how can parker be a comfort character if he's dead?' well you see i love him, that's how. truly though, sometimes when i'm sad i think about parker and then i 🥺 and then i am a little less sad. i go absolutely wild for pre-canon arthur & parker fics. grabby hands, more parker always.
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) - to absolutely nobody's surprise, my favorite bi ace archivist is on this list 🥰 jon's another character that makes me go 'oh he's just like me fr' and i love writing him! he was the first character that i really explored my own asexuality through (though i'd known i was asexual for a while before coming across him), and i just think he's neat and i am putting a blanket around his shoulders and keeping him away from the horrors 💕
Andrew Minyard (All For the Game) - if you're at all familiar with the AFtG series, this probably seems like an incredibly strange choice, but for me comfort character = a character that i'm glad i met and that i adore and that makes me happy by existing and sometimes that makes me feel things about myself, and andrew hits all of these points. i sometimes think about andrew's past and what he's gone through and what he has now and i want to chew through drywall, and without getting too overly personal, there are aspects of his storyline that hit me hard when i first read them and have stuck with me ever since. if you haven't read the series, i highly recommend it (though i also recommend looking up a list of content warnings beforehand because it's quite intense)
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - there are a lot of characters who could have gotten this final spot, but percy deserves it honestly. i've read the og 5-book percy jackson series like ten times and percy is just ... i loved him as a kid and i love him even more as an adult. he's the kind of character where i pick up a book and i start reading from his POV and i feel like i've just sat down in front of a fire with a cup of hot cocoa and a fleece blanket. he also reminds me of the good parts of my childhood, which is not an easy feat, and i appreciate that 💜
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seattlesellie · 1 year
i think not having a romantic experience during hs has rlly fucked me up as a lesbian- especially because it’s not like all my straight friends had boyfriends, i befriended almost every gay girl and they all constantly had girlfriends and i’m just like??? i’m aware there isn’t anything wrong with me but like.. why does cupid hate me… and every time someone just says “omg just wait your time will come!” i feel like punching drywall because i’ve BEEN waiting. i would be fine being single rn if i had a teenage romance like almost everyone on this planet but i haven’t- and now it’s really just annoying to me 😵‍💫
sorry abt the rant i just can’t DO THIS RIGHT NEOWWWWJDJDHEBE
omg i hate to be the one to break it to you but the people saying that your time will come are absolutely right babe !! but honestly if ur growing a little impatient maybe try putting yourself out there a little bit more ?? <3
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unfriendlies · 2 months
i ended up sleeping all day again and i woke up to see that my 6 month old puppy chewed threw the cord to my heating pad. just when i get a lil bit of money, something always happens so now i have to use that money to buy a new one... but it's not even in my bank account yet, it'll take up to 48 hours so i have to endure horrible cramps for two days before i can replace that heating pad.
i am so upset rn.
edit: and yesterday, i woke up to see that he chewed through the cord of our $200 carpet cleaner. needless to say, we're going to be rehoming this puppy because these two things aren't the only things he's destroyed. there's also chewing the wallpaper off the wall and then some of the drywall under it, chewing and pulling apart my recliner chair in the living room, and chewing on the cupboards in the kitchen.
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odetolove · 10 months
PLEASEEE that was me waiting for your reply cries ;-;
Oohh felt that! I just finished my thanksgiving break and I have two more weeks to school and then I’m off for Christmas break !! But it’s gonna be so busy once Christmas rolls around 😭 do you have a lot do for the holidays or just busy cus it’s busy?
Oh I’m gonna be finishing my 1st semester of nursing school so I’m excited !!! :3 been so stressful but it’s gone by so fast bc there’s so much to do
HEHHE I’m honestly so flattered cus I feel like I’m better with the other miya twin but hearing you say you like my Samu just makes me so T_T also considering I love your work just makes me !!!! Like my heart is SOARING rn !!!!!!
Heheh talking is also fun to bites lip giggles :3
- Samu mod
AHH REALLY?? oh my god i’m going to hope those two weeks flyyyy by then!!! i think i have like 3 more weeks til i have my break… sobs ;; and!! it was just busy cause it’s busy :T met new people this thanksgiving and im a big homebody so that kinda drained me but!! it was fun, i can’t complain too much hehe
AAAHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD, i’m so excited for you, i feel like i’ve been through this with you for a little bit of ittttt, i remember you telling me you were in nursing school and was like :0 !! about it!!! im so proud!!!
hehe,, honestly rping with you gives me the biggest osamu lovebug ever 😭 i wanna drop everything im writing n just do something for him cause i feel like your characterization of him gives him like a softer and bigger loverboy face to him 😭😭 hehe im happy your hearts soaring,, your writing in your replies makes me wanna chew drywall (in a good way) JDKFJDHSJD
GAHHH?, now i’m blushing… you’ve got me blush in g im as good as dead ;^;
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gormezone · 1 year
Girl I KNEW I should have gone to rugby yesterday if had just bit the bullet and put myself through the woman bonecrusher washing machine I would NOT be fighting the urge to punch through drywall rn
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jensownzoo · 2 years
So probably no one is going to care, but I don’t mind just sending this out into the ether because I did something I’m very proud of myself for today and this’ll be the equivalent of running in circles and shouting in celebration.
After years of having the materials but being to terrified to install it, I climbed up my shaky-ass extension ladder to clean out the second-story gutters and install gutter-guards so that I never have to do that again...at least on that side of the house (which is the one that accumulates the debris)!!! Last year I even went to the trouble to set up the ladder on the first 3’ section and made it maybe halfway up before starting to panic and noping out. I have no $$ to pay someone to do it for me, so it’s just...not getting done.
It was a perfect day to get it accomplished. Warm, but not enough for sweating which might make grips slippery. Absolutely no wind to shake the ladder. The ground was wet enough to be springy, but not mucky. The tall bushes along the side of the house were still leafless and the ground plants weren’t quite sprouting yet, so any damage inflicted could be recovered from. The maples have just started budding out so I wouldn’t have to deal with scooping masses of helicopter seeds out of the gutters. And unfortunately I had heard the scritching of a squirrel likely making a nest under the eaves on that side of the house while lying in bed last night—something that needed to be addressed ASAP before there were babies or the squirrel chewed through the drywall into the bedroom (yes this is from unfortunate experience).
This time it took two hours to psych myself up to start, I got a little panicky on the way up, but once I was up and my feet were firmly planted I was completely fine. Which is what gave me the confidence to do it again and again, moving the ladder to a new 3’ section each time, until the whole 25’ was done. I even screwed a new corrugated piece over the window ac (for shade/protection) while I had the ladder over that part plus found the squirrel nest under the eaves in one section (no babies yet) and filled it with hardware cloth wire and spray foam.
I honestly feel extremely relieved that this is done and a little like I could take on the world! I’ve decided to make myself a tollhouse cookie pie to celebrate (after I’ve had a thorough wash—I’ve grit and dirt in uncomfortable places rn) and am definitely going to bask in this feeling for a bit.
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outivv · 3 years
Studying with the first years drop it rn or I'm eating ur dry wall
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Synopsis: studying with first years >:)
Warnings: swearing, and not proofread
Game/ fandom: twisted wonderland
Characters: first years (ace, deuce, Jack, epel, and Sebek)
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
Note: this is just for fun, but I do apologize if they’re slightly ooc
A/n: hello! Don’t eat drywall it’s poisonous D:
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— ace —
A menace.
Whining, and complaining the whole time. You aren’t allowed to go to the library together because he’s so loud when studying with you.
You barely get anything done, because he becomes so frustrated so easily. He can’t focus very well either.
Mc: “…it’s just a bunch of lines ace.”
You kick him out of ramshackle dorm not long after you start studying.
— deuce —
Oh deuce.
He tries. He really does.
But he gets so frustrated like ace.
He starts off strong, and then just fizzles out like a sad sad candle.
Deuce: “why does there have to be letters in math…”
Mc sobbing: “I don’t know deuce… I really don’t”
He does study much better with someone with him though. Makes him stay on task oddly enough, and he asks a fair amount of questions! And when you’re right there it makes it much easier!
— Jack —
Loves studying with you, but acts like he doesn’t.
Literally such a good student it’s weird.
Mc: “you actually listen during class… I just screw off with ace and deuce…”
Jack: “you’re a disappointment.” /j
His tail will sway back and forth when you ask him a question. He feels so proud when he gets to teach you something, or just help you out with something.
If you fool around a bit too much he’ll tell you to quiet down, but won’t tell you to leave, nor will he stop studying with you.
— epel —
Could go one of two ways…
Either you both do great! You study for an hour or two, and actually stay on task and did really really well! And then you go get some food as a reward for yourselves when you’re done! :)
Or you both end up so frustrated you scream in the middle of the library, and get kicked out for the day.
Librarian: “…get out…”
It’s one or the other. No in between.
— Sebek —
Mmm… ಠ_ಠ
A prick.
You easily get off task? Hmm… hope your eardrums survive his very, very loud lecture.
Mc sobbing: “stop yelling at me.“
He will make sure you study, and he will get his work done way way faster than you, so he can focus on helping you. It’s sweet but also damn dude… you just went through a weeks worth of homework in an hour.
— everyone :) —
You all study at ramshackle dorm. It’s nice an cozy, even if the wind blows through the dorm.
It turns not cozy real quickly though
I can see Sebek and deuce just yelling at each other honestly.
Jack and epel are actually doing their work, and working together on something.
Ace and grim are struggling together cause they don’t know how to solve for X
It’s chaos. But eventually… it all works out. Mostly because epel and Jack helped everyone. :’)
After everyone calms down it’s actually really nice, and helpful! And surprisingly people get a fair amount of work done! :D
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