#blake: well they didn’t like sun so they’ll love you-
lovingdabeessss · 11 months
Yang doodles
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Yangs record with having a good relationship with parents is TERRIBLE and she had THREE CHANCES
Like 2 left her 1 neglected her there’s NO way she’s gonna be chill about meeting Blake’s parents
I’m 100% a “nobody told Blake about Raven believer” as well as a “Yang has never so much as come out to her family just expected them to know and wont directly tell any one that she’s dating Blake till she’s handing out wedding invites and even then they won’t talk about it” believer
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sc0tters · 3 months
Now I’m not saying I didn’t miss all the aus, but in honour of my daily au thoughts being back here are some thoughts for ten of my favourite aus!
also who do we think are going to end up accidentally married vegas??
Sidney and Camille
Riley lost his first tooth at a baseball game! Sidney almost told Riley that the tooth fairy wasn’t real and Camille almost killed him
Camille got a new job to design the set for the Taylor Swift tour in the Canadian leg
Sidney is low-key having a midlife crisis because he wants to go back for another season but he can’t handle the thought of missing out on more of his kids lives.
Andrei and Annabelle
Andrei convinced Annabelle to join him on a mini trip to Thailand after her school year ended and so did his season
Although he is visiting his family now he’s counting down his days until he gets Annabelle back in his arms
He’s a little jealous right now though because she’s now on a trip to the lake with her group of friends and he isn’t there to see her in her bikinis (and there is a group of guys there that Andrei doesn’t trust)
What he doesn’t know is that Annabelle literally sits on the corner of the boat wanting her boyfriend back
Quinn and Rouge
Rouge ended up at the Zach Bryan concert and she got so drunk so Quinn ended up taking care of her all night
This man adores getting to twirl her around cause she seemed to giggle as he did it
Quinn is so smitten with her that even Cole had to warn him that Trevor would kill him if he found out
But Rouge got all cold again so who really knows what she wants?
Jeremy and Adelia
If you want to really get a bored Adelia, take her fishing.
Like Jeremy has left her at the cabin because he knows she’s been acting like she loves fishing but he knows she doesn’t
Adelia got all sad cause she was left alone and pregnant (which not even dexters cuddles could make feel better)
Luke and Allie
The twins thrived in Czechia! Like they basked in sun and Czech ice cream
Luke took Allie on a proper date too which made her feel like the only girl in the world
Poppy loves getting to see her dad 24/7 too, Willow on the other hand is just grateful for the constant boob
Jack and Kennedy
Now that they are on a good page Jack can’t get enough of Kennedy
Even as she’s throwing up and curled over the toilet, Jack is holding her hair back smiling as he just wants to kiss her
Sofia also has Jack totally wrapped around his finger like this boy just wants his girls 24/7
Jack can’t wait to take them to the lake house because he hopes they’ll love it (even if Sofia is just a baby)
Seamus and Liana
They’ve just built the crib!
Whilst things have been constrained because they know Seamus is leaving soon Liana can’t help but savour the time she has with him
Trevor and Blair
Trevor wants to take the family on a trip to Spain after how well their French trip was
Blake has learnt that he can’t have a watermelon in his belly from the seeds that he accidentally eats, he feels lied to by Mila.
(Post Tilly thought) Trevor takes her to Fuji for their honeymoon
Jake and Charlotte
Jake introduced Charlotte to his family because next week they’re going to visit Sidney and Camille!
Jake almost drunkinlgy proposed to Charlotte
They deffo end up married in vegas at one point…
Nico and Bianca
Just when he thought that he couldn’t love her more, he does.
Jakob is so happy to have him back because he gets a happier Bianca too
Bianca is hot and pregnant so she’s looking forward to getting this baby out of her. Surprisingly she hasn’t cried as much.
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kittyprincessofcats · 2 years
RWBY Volume 9 Ep 1 - A  Place of Particular Concern
I wanted to make this post before episode 2, but oh well - in my defense, I was sick. (I also haven’t watched episode 2 yet, so for me it still is “before”.)
I’ll try to be brief as well and just write down the stuff I really want to say. Don’t know if I’ll make a post like this for every episode either, depends on whether I’ll feel up for it. (Likely not, but I wanted to do it this time.)
- First things first: Aaah, RWBY is finally back! For me this is actually a first-time experience too, since I didn’t get into RWBY until Volume 8 was already almost over. (If I remember right the last few eps of Vol 8 were the first ones I actually watched “live” (or well, with a week’s delay)).
- As a whole, I’m a lot more relaxed about Volume 9 than I was about late Volume 8 (or than I am about Volume 10). Because we’re taking this detour in the Ever After (a good choice imo, since RWBY has so many characters by now that it can get a bit overwhelming), and the only named characters here are Team RWBY, Jaune, and Neo, I don’t have as much to get anxious about. My only faves here who could get hurt are Team RWBY, and since they’re the main characters I think they’ll be fine. My other faves are either not in the void (Cinder, Salem, Ilia) or already dead (Penny... don’t touch me I’m still not over it), so I think this volume is going to be comparatively easy on my nerves (now watch me eat my words as Team RWBY goes through hell...). (My little sisters’ faves are Jaune and Neo respectively, so I’ll see how they like this volume...)
- I wonder who the mysterious narrator in the beginning is. Well, we’ll find out. (But the last time we had a “mysterious narrator” she turned out to be very important, so...)
- Love how it wastes no time throwing us back into the Vol 8 ending from Ruby’s POV.
- Who’s voice is that calling “Ruby!” when she wakes up at the beach? Is that still Penny? Sounds more like Yang to me, but I’m really not sure.
- The two suns made me think of Star Wars.
- I love Little. (And I also like that Ruby being kind to a little mouse even while she’s going through a lot herself is what ends up freeing Weiss and Blake from the mice. Kindness is good and all that.)
- Interesting to know that cartoons exist on Remnant. Makes sense, though, they have TVs and all after all...
- Bit sad we didn’t get to see Weiss and Blake’s reunion. Also, is this the first time they’ve said the name “Gambol Shroud” out loud in the show?
- The way Weiss tells Blake “I’m really glad you’re okay”... Yeah, until just now she thought all of her teammates were dead. And she’s clearly still processing that Penny’s dead for real.
- Weiss cheering Blake on when she’s trying to get her weapon is adorable.
- Love how Ruby nudges her shoulder to wake Little up.
- “I can be your trusty guide” -> cut to them falling asleep. I love Little.
- “I don’t know if anyone else fell, no.” Oh, I just remembered again that none of Team RWBY know that Jaune is down here, too. They won’t look for him because they don’t know he’s here. And they might not run into him, either. So, what if they just straight up don’t meet him? I’ve even seen theories they might leave the Ever After without him since they don’t know... oh boy, I think something interesting is definitely in store for Jaune this volume.
- The Jabberwalker is terrifying and we definitely haven’t seen the last of them.
- That moment when Ruby wants to join the fight but the realizes she doesn’t have Crescent Rose anymore... yeah, based on the intro as well, I wonder if it’ll maybe take a while - maybe even the whole volume? - until Ruby gets Crescent Rose back.
- “I said I wasn’t done with you yet!” Oh... shout out to Barbara for how she voiced this line. Also, I’ve said it before: Yang is so badass. Thinks she’s dead, only has one arm, still goes afte the Jabberwalker.
- “Dammit! You weren’t supposed to be here!” The way her voice breaks here, oh gosh... Yang just wanted to protect Ruby, she was ready to sacrifice herself for Ruby, and to see now that it didn’t work as Ruby and the others still fell... let me give Yang a hug. (They might also have to talk about those self-sacrificial tendencies, because while I get the “protective big sister instinct” - you’re important too, Yang.)
- “If you thought we wouldn’t come for you, then you must have forgotten who raised me.” When I first heard this line, I thought Ruby meant Tai (and Summer) by this, but then I saw people say that she meant that Yang raised her and gosh... that’s both even sweeter and even more heartbreaking. (But also, Ruby... you didn’t actually “come for” Yang, you though she was dead and then you all fell into the void by accident. Not saying you wouldn’t have come for her if you’d known, but that’s not quite what happened.)
- I’ll be squeeling about that Bumbleby tackle-hug for the next few weeks, thanks for asking. The way Blake says “Yang” so softly, the way Yang touches her head and smiles... it’s perfect. Everything I wanted for their reunion and more.
(Also, I don’t want to get into negativity too much here, but it’s astounding how I’ve already seen the dumbest discourse ever over this scene. “Yang should have hugged Ruby instead; why would she care about someone more than her sister?” and similarly braindead takes... like WTF? Yang and Ruby literally had a really sweet sisterly moment right before this. Yang and Ruby have hugged before. Like, what kind of a braindead take is this? Are people who have siblings not allowed to also have significant others or other people they love and care about? Honestly, it’s just straight-up homophobia, let’s call it what it is. If this hug had happend between, say... Ren and Nora, after one of them thought the other was dead, literally no one would be grasping at straws to find something to complain about. No one would be calling it “ship baiting” or throwing fits. If it doesn’t bother you when it’s a man and a woman, but it does when it’s two women or two men - that’s homophobia. And a lot of the haters also seem to go down the whole “but it’s not canon” rabbithole and like... yes, it is. Just because Blake and Yang haven’t kissed or confessed their feelings out loud yet doesn’t make them not canon. They’re canonically in love, that much is explicitly clear. Deal with it or leave.)
- I like the build-up to Weiss telling everyone what happened (rule of 3 - when Blake and then later Ruby ask, she keeps saying they have to find Yang first and she’s not letting herself really process it either. But when they’re finally all together, Weiss finally allows herself to cry and tell them.
- Okay, time to let out my inner Nuts and Dolts shipper: WOW. The fact that Ruby just straight-up faints when she hears that Penny died. The fact that Weiss didn’t even finish speaking and Ruby already fainted... I’m so here for it! Look, I’m still heartbroken (and still in denial, hoping they’ll bring her back a second time), but if I have to deal with half of my ship being dead, then I at least want to see the other half have the most intense reaction possible to it. I want Ruby to grieve, I want Ruby to go through hell, I want her to just not be normal about this on any level. The intro already tells us that this is the “Ruby is depressed” volume, but I want that to be at least in large parts because of her grief for Penny. Ruby thought she’d lost Penny once, then she got her back, got even closer with her, fell in love with her, went through all of that trouble in Volume 8 to save her from the virus, only to find out she died anyways... yeah, I want Ruby to suffer about it and I’m so glad we’re getting that. (And in my perfect shipper-wish-fullfilment version I want Ruby to have some sort of “I loved her” line when talking about Penny later.)
- I like that Weiss left out Jaune’s exact role in Penny’s death and phrased it as “Jaune tried to help, but she sacrificed herself”. It’s not a lie and Weiss is being a good friend to Jaune by deciding that that part isn’t hers to tell. That being said, I want Ruby to go absolutely ballistic on Jaune when she finds out. I want her to blame Jaune, I want there to be a fight with tears and emotions and rage, I want it all. (To be clear, I’m not blaming Jaune, but I want Ruby to. Like I said, I want Ruby to not be normal about this. Let Ruby go apeshit over losing the girl she loves.)
- So wait, Ruby fainted and they just let her lie there? (Okay, to be fair, we don’t see what happend while she was out.)
- Okay, so Team RWBY currently don’t know that Jaune fell, that Salem has the relic, or how everyone in vacuo is doing. Weiss still saw Winter become the winter maiden and most people get to vacuo though, right? 
- Side-note, what about all the random citizens who fell into the void when Cinder set off that first explosion? Team RWBY knows about them - are they going to at least try and save them too, or is this supposed to be a “they’re background characters, so let’s hope the viewers have forgotten about them” thing?
- Oh, I have feelings about Yang asking Ruby if she’s alright and Ruby brushing it off to talk about Neo instead. I hope WBY will realize that Ruby’s going through it right now.
- Yay for Blake taking charge and coming up with a plan. She’s come so far.
- Yang thought she was dead... don’t touch me.
- “I think we’re in a fairytale.” Oh, lovely line to end the first episode on.
Now for the opening:
- Love the song, first of all!
- That opening shot of Jaune and Neo! Jaune still with the broken sword and tears... Yeah, he’s not going to have a good time this volume either. Likely there’s going to be a lot of wrestling with guilt over Penny. Also, as some people have pointed out, there are quite a few parallels between Jaune and Neo. They’ve both lost someone they love (Pyrrha and Roman), they’re both keeping a tragic keepsake of that person (Pyrrha’s red fabric and Roman’s hat), they both (arguably for Jaune?) want revenge for that person’s death... yeah, will be interesting to see if this volume does anything with that.
- That montage of everyone growing more confident while Ruby receeds and becomes more depressed, the part where it’s just Ruby crying, then that montage of everyone else walking and getting faster while Ruby walks behind and gets slower and slower and hangs her head... Yeah, this is “Ruby has depression” -  the volume, and I’m really looking forward to that for several reasons. First of all because I feel like Ruby is ironically one of the less developed characters on the show and I can’t wait for her to finally have the time to get that development. (This is another reason why I think it was a good call to have a smaller cast this this volume.) And secondly because I’ve been struggling with what’s likely depression and I think seeing that represented in a show I like would feel really healing.
- I would have never noticed the “no 11th hour” thing with Jaune on my own - props to all of you for picking up on that!
- Well that part with Ruby on the bridge isn’t creepy at all.
- Neo’s sitting behind a table sipping tea while wearing Roman’s hat and that’s when it hit me that she’s the mad hatter. Brilliant!
- Also, I wouldn’t have picked up on Jaune being the white rabbit (who’s always too late!) myself, but I love it. Also, this is another parallel between him and Neo and I wonder what their stories will have to do with each other this volume.
- Also interesting how we see both Ruby and Neo turning into... was her name Alyx? - well, our Alice, “the girl who fell through the world”, you know who I mean. Just like Jaune and Neo have parallels, Ruby has paralles with both of them as well (she’s also just lost the redhead she loves and might also keep a tragic keepsake of Penny’s).
Okay, one personal prediction I want to make: So far, every one of the last RWBY volumes had one character in particular stand out and steal the show for me, my “fave of the volume”, so to speak. For Volume 5 it was Ilia, for Volume 6 it was Salem, for Volume 7 it was Penny, and for Volume 8 it was Cinder. And based on the first episode and opening I think that for Volume 9 it’s going to be Ruby. That whole going through depression and mourning Penny thing... yeah, I think Ruby is who I’ll feel for the most here and I’m ready for it. Make this her volume, she deserves it. (I definitely also hope for some amazing Bumbleby moments, tough.)
I am apparently incapable of writing “short” posts.
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not a date - extra!
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wc: 1k+
*EXTRA - PART 1.5*
You shut the door behind you, leaned against it for a second and blinked a few times. What on earth?
Your lips curled towards the ceiling, you slipped out of your coat and pulled open your phone to call Evie. It rang a few times as you watched your own reflection on the screen: a blush on your cheeks and a smile that you couldn’t wipe off your face if you tried.
“Well hello,” she answered with a flutter of her eyelashes. “To what do I owe this afternoon delight?”
“Hi,” you greeted, cutting right to the chase. “I’m calling for intel on Jason Sudeikis.”
“Jason Sudeikis?” She asked, her head tilted to the side. “I’ve never worked with him, why?”
“I just went on a date with him.”
“What?! He’s like, in his forties, right?”
“I know,” you whined. “Is that weird? Am I a psychopath?”
“No,” she let out a laugh. “If you’re a psychopath then so are a lot of other people--but, how did this happen? Please provide details,” she watched you expectantly as you moved towards your own couch.
“His assistant texted Mia the other day, Monday, I think. Just asked to get a drink and so of course I was telling myself it was just a work thing.”
“What time did he ask you to meet?”
“I know--” you blushed.
“And you thought it was a business thing?!”
“I don’t know if people in their forties do shit late at night, okay? I don’t know how this works!”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, you had no idea?” She pushed.
You rolled your eyes, a pause before you sighed. “I was wondering if it was more than that but I didn’t know and I didn’t want to be presumptuous.”
It was mid-day in LA, Evie ran a hand through her hair and the sun glowed behind her between floor length curtains in her living room. “So how’d it go? Did you hook up?”
“What? No! We met for a drink.”
“Well isn’t it like, almost 1am there? You drank with him for four hours?”
You shrugged, “basically.”
Her eyebrows arched, I call bullshit. “And that’s all?”
“I went back to his place for a drink, it was definitely flirty.”
She smiled, nodded, kept her eyes on you.
“What?” You asked. “Are you judging me?”
“No!” She laughed. “I love this for you. An older man? I didn’t pick you for that but I still love it.”
“Alright, well what do you know about him?”
She clenched her teeth together, shook her head when she looked off in the distance. “Not much, honestly. I think my friend Carrie knows him, I think her boyfriend worked on a movie he did. I can try to gather some info.”
“That’d be great,” you nodded.
“Wait--don’t Blake and Ryan know him? Aren’t him and Ryan really close?”
“Yeah,” you waved her off, “which is exactly why I can’t bring them into this. They’ll never be objective.”
“And God knows Ryan will get his hopes up,” she laughed. Evie also knew Blake and Ryan, she ran in your circle back in New York but had moved to LA when she got a gig as a writer for a new sitcom.
“Right, so let’s avoid that.”
“Okay,” she looked distracted. “I’m texting Carrie. What do you want me to say?”
“Nothing that makes it obvious. Just ask what she knows about him. Tell her a friend of yours might work with him or something.”
“A friend of mine might work with him in the bedroom,” Evie spoke aloud as she texted.
You shot forward on the couch. “Evie!”
“I’m kidding, fucking relax!”
You sighed, rolled your eyes at her and sunk back into the cushions. “You’d tell me if you thought this was weird, right? He’s like forty-five and I’m twenty-eight.”
“Yes, I would,” she nodded honestly, her attention back on you. “It’s definitely a decent gap, but it’s not like you’d be the first.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hello? Florence Pugh and Zach Braff…”
“Oh right. Do people like them? Or do they think it’s weird?”
She munched on something now, reached her hand into a bag of chips or some other type of snack on her counter. “Oh my god, no,” she made a face, “people love them, totally obsessed. And I think she’s like, twenty-five maybe?”
A sigh of relief. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that crazy.
“Oop Carrie texted me back.”
You sat up again, nervous. “If you said anything stupid I’ll be so pissed.”
“I said: What do you know about Jason Sudeikis? Friend of mine might work on a project with him,” she glanced up at you to prove her innocence. “She said: He’s super sweet. Max worked on We’re the Millers and loved him, said he was super nice and super professional. I’ve met him twice and he’s always seemed like a good guy.”
She watched you process, another handful of what you now could tell was Smartfood.
“Okay so literally no dirt,” you nodded sarcastically. “Thanks for nothing, Carrie!”
“Dirt?! I mean, he called off an engagement last year, right? That’s not enough dirt for you?”
You shrugged. Was that a bad sign? Engaged for all that time and then something stopped working?
“He has kids.”
Evie nodded, waited a beat. “Oh I thought there was a second half of that sentence.”
You shook your head. “No, just questioning my sanity.”
“Everyone comes with a past.”
“Not everyone comes with a wife and kids past.”
“They never got married,” she made a face at you as if she was taking the wind out of your sails.
“That’s supposed to reassure me? Isn’t that another red flag?!”
“You went on one date. You never agreed to spend the rest of your life with him, okay?”
Another sigh, “I know. I just…I don’t know. I had a really good time with him. Like, really good.”
“So have a good time with him next week, too.”
You were quiet and Evie smirked when she realized you didn’t have anything to say. “Want me to ask about--oh, she texted again. What project?”
You let out a groan. “Don’t answer, just ignore it.”
“A porno,” she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Fuck you.”
“I would never say that!” She defended, then muttered under her breath: “unless it was true.”
“Yeah if my music career doesn’t work out we all know pornos will be next on my list.”
“Says the girl who’s already sold millions of albums.”
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AN: wooooowwww surprise! a little insight into what happened when Y/N got home from their first date, and the beginnings of the rumblings on social media!
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Strawberries On A Summer Evening
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A soft imagine in which YN is one of the extras in the watermelon sugar music video and Harry can’t take his eyes off of her [2.2K Words] I hope you all enjoy this lovelies make sure to stream watermelon sugar! Masterlist
“And cut!” The director shouted, “That’s great ladies, go get yourselves some water and then we’ll go again in ten minutes. Harry can I run through a few things with you?” You made your way over to the table where bottles of water waited for you and the rest of the cast. There were spare slices of watermelon lying about, but you weren’t sure if you could face eating any more watermelon after the amount you had got through during filming. It was your first high profile job, the other music videos and projects you had been in were mainly for unsigned artists, so being in the Harry Styles’ music video was a pretty big deal. All the girls taking part were beautiful and so lovely to talk to, at first you had felt extremely out of your depth, but they had all gone out of their way to make you feel incredibly welcome.
“So we need a few more shots of you and the extras on the beach before we do the shots on the benches,” Blake, the creative director explained.
“Sounds wonderful, do you know who that girl is?” Harry replied, gesturing towards you as you spoke to a couple of members of the cast.
“Not sure, I think Lambert recommended her,” Blake told him, “We’ll be back on in five.” Blake walked off leaving Harry gazing at you, the sun capered over your skin, quite frankly Harry was in awe, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of you during filming, he was bold enough to look right at you when he was singing, but you were yet to approach him. He didn’t want you to think he was coming on too heavy so he just left it, it wouldn’t exactly be a great first impression to ask for your number straight away, whether he was Harry Styles or not.
“Hey Lambert how's it going?” Harry asked his stylist as he approached him for an outfit change.
“Things seem to be shaping up well, I reckon your fans will go mad for this video.” He replied, handing Harry a new outfit, Harry Lambert had known Harry for a while now, and they were pretty close, meaning he could read him like a book, “But you didn’t come over here to ask me about that did you?” Harry looked up at his stylist with a confused look on his face, “You wanted to ask about YN didn’t you? The girl in the blue bikini.”
“How did you know?” Harry asked, pretty impressed by his friend’s skills of deduction.
“Many reasons, firstly you’ve literally been staring at her throughout the whole shoot, you’re even doing so now, secondly the way you bounded over here like a puppy with a look inyour eyes that I haven’t seen in a long time, and thirdly I had a bet with Blake that you would ask me about her.” Harry Lambert smirked, folding and putting away Harry’s outfit.
“If this stylist thing doesn’t go anywhere for you Lambert I recommend you become a private investigator.” Harry laughed at his friend.
“You are going to talk to her aren’t you?”
“What, now?” Harry asked.
“There’s no time like the present.”
Harry shuffled across the sand awkwardly to where you were sitting on a step reapplying sunscreen. “Is this seat taken?” Harry asked, gesturing to the space on the seat beside you.
“Help yourself,” you smiled, rubbing suncream up and down your arms.
“How are you finding the shoot so far?” Harry asked, leaning back on the steps, the warm breeze from the sea hitting both of your faces.
“It’s been good, everyone’s so lovely, I think I expected everyone to be strictly professional, but I’m having a lot of fun, this is my first video shoot for a signed artist you see,” You explained.
“Really? Well I heard you came highly recommended.
“Been talking about me have you Styles?” Harry felt put on the spot, you had only known each other for a few minutes and you were already keeping him on his toes.
“No, I um, well-” Harry stuttered, unable to think up a plausible excuse.
“I’m messing with you, the last artist I worked with knows your stylist, he sent him my portfolio and it went from there.” You assured him, he was different to most men you had spoken to before, yes he was as charming as the media said he was, but he was also clearly nervous, stumbling over his words and offering you small smiles every so often. “Nice sunglasses by the way.” You told him as you struggled to rub sunscreen into your back.
“Thank you, do you want me to help you with that?” Harry asked politely, clearly not wanting to overstep the mark.
“If you don’t mind.” You replied, he took the bottle from your hand, squeezing some of the cream into his hand before slowly rubbing it up and down your back, his hands felt strong against your back which sent shivers up and down your spine, he made sure to cover your shoulders too, gently rubbing the suncream along your shoulders, his fingers lightly dancing along your collarbone.
“I think that’s all done, wouldn’t want my leading lady getting burnt now would I?” Harry smiled, admiring how well your bikini complimented your figure, but he didn’t mention it because he had just rubbed sunscreen into your back, and any other sudden advances could be too premature.
“Leading lady eh? Can I put that on my resume?” You teased.
“I mean one of my leading ladies, you look wonderful, you all do,” Harry stuttered, you were having that effect on him again, when you looked at him whilst he talked all he seemed to do was trip over his words, “We should probably get back down to the set, they’ll probably call time on the break in a minute.”
Filming was resumed as you and the rest of the extras laid sprawled across picnic blankets, Harry in the middle of you all. As the director shouting action Harry’s eyes were on you, “Baby, you're the end of June, I want your belly and that summer feelin' getting washed away in you.” As he sang to the music blaring out of the surrounding speakers he couldn’t take his eyes off of you as the two of you lay opposite each other, he sang the words to you, there was no question about it, he was definitely singing it to you, you bit your lip in response, which ultimately sent shivers up Harry’s core. “Harry that’s great, keep working with that!” Blake called from behind the camera, “Yep Harry get closer to YN please, the camera is loving that!” Harry moved towards you, you adjusted your positioning so that his body was sprawled across her as he sang into the camera, and clearly neither of them had any complaints about the arrangement. Harry could feel your heartbeat and it was truly comforting, he could also smell the scent of your perfume that was a mixture of strawberry and vanilla, whatever it was he thought that it’s sweetness suited you perfectly.
Filming had come to an end and the sun was slowly setting over Malibu beach, most of the cast had already left, with flights to catch for other jobs, but you were still there, talking to a few of the other girls about your previous jobs, “Sorry to interrupt you ladies, could I possibly steal YN away from you?” He asked, you turned to look at you, the slight wind catching the ends of your hair, he thought your smile was beautiful, but the golden rays of sunlight made it even more so. “Did you have a good day today?” Harry asked as the pair strolled along the edge of the beach, the waves lapping up onto their bare feet as they walked.
“It was incredible, everyone is lovely, I really enjoyed it,” You smiled, he was a little bit taller than you, so you would glance up to talk to him, taking in every inch of him as you did.
“I hope you don’t think of me as overstepping the mark, but I’m inviting some friends back to my house for some drinks and some food, you are more than welcome to come.” Harry told you, somehow he had gained more confidence in talking to you since your conversation on the steps, well lying across someone’s chest is a pretty plausible reason to get closer to someone.
“See I could interpret that in one of two ways, either that’s you telling me you are having friends over and I could come, or that’s you indirectly asking me to come to your house.” You replied, running through the soft waves of the sea.
“Yeah, it would be the latter.”
Harry’s house was impressive, really impressive, it made your apartment look like a shoebox in comparison, but the company was what completed it. Harry’s friends were lovely,most of them were from the shoot, meaning their faces were familiar, you had been there quite a few hours and honestly Harry was fine with it, you slotted in with his friends perfectly, like you had known them all for ages. He made a conscious effort to check that you were alright and kept offering to top up your drink if you wanted him to. After a lengthy conversation with the group about the best ice cream parlours in Santa Monica you realised it was just gone 2AM and you should probably be getting back to your airbnb. You excused yourself from the conversation, making your way out into the grand hallway of Harry’s home, putting your shoes back on along with your denim jacket. “Leaving so soon?” You heard Harry say as he appeared in the doorway.
“It’s 2AM, and I have a job in less than six hours.” You explained, your head feeling weary as a result of the constant sun exposure mixed with the two glasses of wine.
“I could drive you if you like,” Harry offered, desperate to spend more time with you.
“You’ve had like five glasses of wine, do you want to get stopped by the police or something?” You replied, “I’ve already ordered an Uber.”
“Well will I see you again?” Harry asked.
“On what?” Harry asked.
“Whether or not you ask me on a date.” You replied.
“Well, would you like to go on a date with me?” Harry asked, unable to hide the massive grin on his face.
“How does Friday sound?”
And there you were, spending your Friday evening on a date with none other than Harry Styles. You were wearing a white summer dress, while Harry wore a yellow patterned shirt, buttoned halfway, being the hopeless romantic he was, he had taken you back to the beach where you first met, accompanied by a picnic that of course featured watermelon pieces and strawberries. “I’ve got a lot of memories on this beach you know.” Harry told you, admiring you as you dipped a strawberry in the melted chocolate.
“Is that so?” You smiled, glancing at the butterfly tattoo that poked through his shirt.
“Yeah, we filmed the band’s first music video here when I was like seventeen,on this very balcony,” he declared, gesturing at the beach house you were sat on, “and we filmed watermelon sugar here obviously, which is where I met you.”
“I like the last one the best,” you replied, but I can think of a new one that could trump it.” You replied.
“And what might that be?” Before he could say a word your lips were on his, taking each other in, the sweet taste of strawberries lingered on your lips as Harry kissed you softly, his hands wandering up and down your body, “You know something, I think that might be my new favourite memory sugar.” Harry whispered, pulling away from your kiss.
“Did you just call me sugar?” You giggled.
“Yeah, because you’re sweet like sugar.”
“H baby, the fans are going mad for it!” You called from the kitchen, sat at a barstool at the kitchen island, four months had passed since your date and you and Harry had only got closer. The last few months had been a whirlwind, so much so that Harry had asked you to isolate with him, he got lonely easily, and the idea of living with you was enough to make lockdown pass quickly.
“They like it do they?” He asked, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, kissing your neck softly, “What did your mum think of it?”
“I think she liked it, she said that her friends from work thought it was erm, interesting.” You giggled.
“I’m glad she enjoyed it sugar.” He replied, squeezing you tightly.
“I’m quite surprised she was so positive about it, considering it was basically a fully clothed orgy.” You laughed, holding onto his arms.
“Excuse me, it was a very tastefully executed orgy thank very much.” Harry told you, spinning the bar stool so that you faced him, “But what was your favourite bit sugar?”
“You, all of you.” You whispered, placing kisses along his jawline, “As lovely as it is reading what your fans think, how about I show you how it’s done.” You continued, knowing the feelings it would stir up in Harry, “Bedroom?” You muttered into his ear.
“Bedroom.” He replied, scooping you up into a bridal carry, trying to get you up the stairs to the bedroom quicker than you could say Watermelon Sugar High.
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vecnawrites · 4 years
Jaune has survived NNN. His reward: Go to town on May and Ciel and release all of his built up stress.
Jaune had done it. He had survived ‘No Nut November’. It had been...hard (no pun intended), or rather, obscenely difficult. Pyrrha’s beauty, Nora being Nora and walking around in her underwear, Yang being Yang and flaunting her tits and cracking sex jokes every other minute...they all took their toll on him.
And it wasn’t just them! Beacon was full of beauties that tempted him. Professor Goodwitch was an utter bombshell, and many male student’s masturbatory fantasy. Velvet was adorable and had the warm ‘Girl Next Door’ vibe, Coco, the girl who knew she was hot, and flaunted it without being a bitch about it.
Blake, the quite nerdy bookworm archetype, down to actually openly reading freaky smut in class of all places, Weiss, every bit the sophisticated heiress that people wanted to rail and defile like a complete whore, even Ruby and her innocence attracted people like moths to an open flame.
And the foreign students tempted everyone. The smug Cinder Fall, the quiet Emerald Sustrai...everyone had their fantasies, ones that they lost the challenge because of.
He, however, had kept to his guns, a promise of a reward from the two girls who had been interested in him guiding him through the month and its intense trials. May Zedong, the beautiful sniper of BRNZ, and Ciel Soliel, the time focused companion of Ruby’s friend Penny. Both had approached him on Halloween night at the Beacon Halloween Party and given him an offer that he couldn’t refuse: Survive November without ejaculating once, and he could do whatever he wanted to them until their schools left Beacon.
His cock throbbed in his pants as he made his way towards the room that they had asked him to meet them in. It hadn’t been easy, not at all, especially since they had also teased him, regularly sending him naughty texts about what they were doing and even very sexual selfies, which were immediately hidden in a password protected folder so no one could stumble upon them.
Shaking his head to clear it, Jaune realized he had reached the room in question. Swallowing and trying  to calm his aching cock, Jaune knocked on the door. There was a brief pause before he heard Ciel’s voice. “Who is it?”
Swallowing again, Jaune opened his mouth. “It’s Jaune.” he said, glad that his voice didn’t crack. There was another brief moment of silence, before he heard a pleased hum. “Right on time, mister Arc.” he heard Ciel’s voice say in a pleased manner, “It’s not right to keep your ladies waiting…”
The door made a small sound as it was unlocked, and Jaune entered the room, swiftly closing it and relocking it behind him. Looking at what he was met with, Jaune swallowed hard, pants bulging outwards before him.
Before him stood the tanned May Zedong and the cocoa-skinned Ciel Soliel, each wearing a smile and little else. His cock throbbed. He recognized the underwear, or lingerie rather, from the most recent selfie set that they had sent him.
May was wearing a low-cut peephole bra that not only barely contained her surprisingly massive chest (and boy, had that been a shock to see for the first time!), it also fully revealed her fat inverted nipples, the puffy bits of flesh sticking out a fair big from her breasts. For underwear, she wore a simplistic lace-lined bikini cut panty.
Ciel, on the other hand, wore a dark blue bra that contained her B-Cup breasts fully, if accentuating them, but he knew that her bottom was a thong bottom. As if on cue, Ciel turned her body, bending over a bit and showing Jaune the dark blue string that was swallowed up by the split of her bubbly rear, giving the adipose flesh a wiggle after a moment of allowing him to look.
Growling, Jaune stepped forwards, only to stop when both held up a hand. Both young women moved towards him, stroking his shoulders, chest, and back, slowly removing his shirt and baring his torso to them.
Both hummed, pleased that Jaune stood still and let them work, leaning forwards and beginning to press kisses along the firm muscle of his chest, breathing in the scent of his freshly showered skin.
Slowly kneeling before him, the pair pressed kiss after kiss down his chest and abdominals, meeting his belt. Carefully, the pair undid the metal and leather device, undoing the clasps, sliding down the zipper...both found their eyes widening as Jaune’s cock flopped out between them, the long thick flesh nearly slapping both of them in the face.
Both stared in shock, impressed and somewhat awed that Jaune could manage to hide such a thing in his pants. Lowering his pants more, both gasped a bit as they viewed how utterly swollen his balls were. Leaning forwards, the pair pressed delicate kisses to the swollen flesh, inhaling his musk.
“Since you haven’t achieved orgasm in a month, we will get the first one out of the way quickly, so you can truly enjoy the rest of the night…” Ciel hummed, sharing a look with May, whom nodded eagerly.
Slowly the pair started at the base, kissing and licking the thick flesh between them, slowly moving upwards towards his tip, humming and moaning all the while, loving the grunts and moans of pleasure that Jaune was releasing as he gently played with their hair.
Reaching the broad, leaking tip, the pair kissed the fat head between their lips, before they began to lick it wildly, their tongues slipping over the slit and tasting the sticky precum dribbling out, their tongues colliding and tangling together.
Jaune growled to himself, watching the two gorgeous women practically making out with his cock, his balls churning angrily at the sight; he knew that he wasn’t going to last long at this rate with the intense feelings flowing through him…
And he was proven right, cumming hard with a guttural sound, splattering the tanned and cocoa-skinned faces of his beautiful lovers with thick, pent up seed, covering their faces in a gooey white mask.
Both Ciel and May moaned, licking their lips and tasting the musky offering, before leaning forwards and licking the other’s face clean while Jaune watched, his cock not losing a bit of hardness and only getting harder as he watched, his cock demanding more attention.
Looking up at their lover with a smirk, Ciel spoke. “Who, or what, do you want to slate your lust with first, Jaune? May’s Massive Mammaries,” she unclipped the tanned girl’s bra and yanked it away, making the sniper squeak and blush even darker, “or my Plump Peach?” with what had to be practiced moves, Ciel wiggled her thong down and off, leaning over and wiggling her rump in enticement.
Growling in lust, Jaune grabbed them both. What he wouldn’t give for having Blake’s or Sun’s semblances at this moment...but it didn’t matter. He had both of them until they left back to their schools. He would make them both his.
A smirk pulling at his lips, he looked at both eager young women, cock twitching as his eyes roamed the expanse of bare flesh. “I don’t know…” he drawled, “why don’t you both tell me why I should pick you?” he asked, glancing between both.
May blushed fiercely, while Ciel smirked. She decided to start, knowing that the shy sniper would need to gather her courage for this. “Well, my marvelous rear has just enough muscle to tighten around that wonderful cock of yours, and if I do this,” she began to flex her muscles, popping her cheeks, alternating which one rose and fell, getting wet upon seeing the hungry look on Jaune’s face. “I can jerk you off with my ass alone.”
May shuddered, cupping her hefty tits and bringing them up in offering. “A-And I...my breasts are the softest...softest t-things you c-could play with. They...they’ll swallow y-your massive c-cock completely a-and you can t-thrust to your hearts c-content.” she managed to force out, feeling lightheaded after saying something so utterly lewd.
Jaune couldn’t help but smile at May. He could tell she was so utterly nervous, but still trying her best and honestly wanting this. He licked his lips, before reaching out…
May squeaked as she was knocked back on the bed, Jaune straddling her belly, his hard cock slapping against her skin, the fat head pushing up against the bottom of her cleavage.
Feeling the bed shift next to her, May only became more flustered as Ciel looked at her with a pout. “I’m jealous...that cock is going to feel so good between those breasts of yours…” she smirked as Jaune cupped and pressed her breasts together, sandwiching his shaft between them, slowly beginning to rock back and forth.
Jaune hissed through his teeth as he pumped himself between the heavenly pillows that May called her breasts, the softness just as exquisite as May had proclaimed it to be. He couldn’t wait to paint them with every drop of seed in his next load...then he would move to Ciel. Then back to May. And then the cycle would continue, until they begged him to stop or his balls emptied and fired completely dry, whichever came first.
May whined, a pleasant tingle in her pussy. She hated how sensitive her breasts were normally, but this...this was nice. She squirmed slightly, sighing as Jaune’s thumbs toyed with her fat nipples. She arched a bit, glancing down to see if she could see any of Jaune’s cock. She was surprised that even though Jaune was big and making full strokes between her breasts, her flesh had completely swallowed him.
“I wonder…” she glanced to the side to see Ciel watching and gently running her fingers over her pussy, allowing her to see quick glimpses of bright pink between the chocolate skin. “When Jaune cums, will it mostly stay between your tits and just bubble up out of your cleavage, or will it have enough force that it just shoots out and coats that pretty face of yours?” she hummed in thought, looking up at Jaune next. “What do you think, stud?”
Jaune grunted. “You’re soon to find out, that’s for sure!” he growled, rocking back and forth faster, outright humping May’s chest now as he neared his second, but nowhere near last, orgasm of the night. Taking a deep breath, he groaned darkly, hips bucking wildly as his balls pulsed, his cum shooting out of his cock.
May squirmed as she felt wet heat form between her boobs, building and building until-she squeaked loudly as a large burst of cum shot out from between her breasts, painting a long stripe along her face. Then another. And another. And then another.
Next to her, Ciel chuckled, watching as May’s face was once again painted a milky white. “Guess that answers that…” she murmured, before smirking up at Jaune. “My turn, stud!” she rolled on her belly and raised her ass up, shaking it side to side eagerly, smirking as her thicc cheeks clapped against one another.
Jaune grunted as he watched the teasing woman before him, slowly shifting over towards her as May settled back, tits and face glazed in his cum. As he rested his cock between the dark-skinned half moons, Ciel wasted no time, beginning to pop her cheeks and twerk around his cock, clapping her ass along Jaune’s thick cock as it rubbed against her sensitive rim.
Jaune groaned as he squeezed his hands into fists, watching the show with lust. He knew now that the three of them would be doing this nightly until they had to leave. Her control was so great that he could already feel his balls churning again, ready to let out another load. He growled softly at the thought.
Sensing this, Ciel looked back with an eager smile. “That’s it, let it all out! Coat my thick ass in your cum! Paint it white!” she demanded, rocking her ass against him faster and faster, eager to see what was going to happen.
Jaune growled, taking control and grabbing Ciel’s cheeks, humping away madly between them, his balls slapping against the underside of her cheeks. “Here...it...comes!” he pulled back and clapped the thicc cheeks over his tip.
With a harsh sounding grunt, Jaune began to cum, seed rocketing from his cock, bubbling between Ciel’s cheeks, then spraying outwards and coating her lower back and overflowing the crevasse of her ass, trails of milky cum sliding along her dark skin.
Pulling back, Jaune licked his lips as he stared at both young women coated in his thick semen, cock twitching. He acted, unable to hold back any longer, grabbing Ciel’s hips, angling himself down a bit, and yanking the dark skinned young woman back.
“Ahhhh!” Ciel groaned as her ass clapped back against Jaune’s hips. She gripped the sheets tightly as Jaune wasted no time thrusting into her soaking core. She saw May looking at them, at her, in jealousy, only making her clench down harder on the thick cock invading her formerly virgin pussy.
Seeing May’s expression, Jaune chuckled. “Don’t worry, May...I still have...plenty...both of you...will be satisfied...by the night’s end!” he grunted, picking up speed and slamming into Ciel’s backside, pumping into her hard.
May settled, eagerly awaiting her turn to be fucked, knowing that if Ciel’s expression of lust was anything to go by, she would love it.
And she did.
Jaune Arc:
Time Survived: All 30 Days
Reward: May Zedong and Ciel Soliel As Lovers
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Was wondering at random if you still ship freezerburn? And if you ever considered that, and I know and hate that it was offscreen, they spent a bunch of time together in earlier volumes (i.e looking for Blake, planning the dance. I mean, Weiss was attempting puns and we know who used to make them a lot.)
Oh, for sure I ship Freezerburn! It’s really unlikely they’ll be canon, I’m kind of on the ‘confirm BB already you cowards’ train because of CRWBY promising it, but I’m... Kinda still dreaming and trying to find ways for Yang and Weiss to interact more personally in the show. I loved their V5 moments
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But you’re right that there were also so many small moments before that, they were just not very explored, background moments. I wouldn’t say they had more than some small groundwork, but honestly, I wish the show had gone for Freezerburn. I mean, for one thing, they’re fire and ice. And for another thing, their personalities just compliment each other, imo.
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Honestly, they spend time together, they’re seen interacting arguably more than Blake and Yang, they look great together, they both have connections with Ruby and include her in their relationship
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Like, idk, I just think they’re so cute and work so well together. Remember when everyone split into teams to find Blake in V1, and Weiss and Yang were together, and Ruby and Penny were together, and Blake was off with Sun? Not gonna lie, that’s my ideal shipping pairs for all four of the main girls right there. They mostly did this again in V2, but have Yang off with Neptune and Weiss by herself. Shame. But also, I didn’t even consider the pun thing.
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Girl was looking right at Yang. XD She was trying so hard, it’s so cute. All that to say... Freezerburn is still one of my favorite RWBY ships of all times.
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the8worldking · 3 years
BlackSun: Awakening after the first night of their honeymoon where they chat, discuss new plans in married life and of course bring up kids.
The sunlight was leaking through the curtains onto Blake’s face. This was enough to wake her up from her deep sleep after her long night of…celebration with her just made husband, Sun Wukong. She sat up and stretched her limbs before grabbing the robe next to her and getting out of bed to open the curtains, letting the full glow of the morning sun to illuminate their suite. Scattered about the room was their clothes and some pillows from the bed. Seeing all this and her husband sleeping on the bed mad her blush a bit. She picked up one of the pillows then went out the glass doors leading to the balcony and sat down at the table, gazing towards the morning vale sky. She could hear her husband making groggy noises in the bed as he was waking up. He stretched his back and his tail while letting out a high yawn. He then turned to face his wife who was smiling at him.
Sun: morning kitten.
Blake: you are so not calling me that.
Sun: I mean after last night of you calling me daddy I just-
Before sun could finish, Blake used the pillow she picked up and threw an absolute piss missile right into Sun’s face with enough force for him to fall of the bed. Sun then sat up and shook his head and looked at his wife whose face was beet red.
Sun: I was wondering what the pillow was for.
Blake: I know the jackass I married.
Sun and Blake then began to laugh together. Sun then got up to join Blake out on the balcony, but the was stopped by Blake with a raised hand.
Blake: Sun, I love the sight of you naked. But I also prefer to be the ONLY one who sees you naked.
Sun then looked down and saw his twin tails exposed in all their glory. He then made a light chuckle and grabbed the robe of the dresser on his side of the bed. He quickly put on his robe and went to sit next to his wife out in the balcony. Before Sun sat down, he gave Blake a very passionate good morning kiss.
Sun: damn to think a couple of days ago I married the greatest girl in remnant. Who just happen to be one of 4 of Remant’s saviors.
Blake: and beat the MANY competition to boot.
Sun: so, what do we do now?
Blake: well, there is that one tea shop we passed by that I want to see.
Sun: no, I mean what do we do for the future?
Blake: oh. Oh…
When Blake realized the question Sun was asking she looked down with a concerned look on her face. Sun saw this and went to comfort her by pulling Blake closer to him, laying her head on his chest.
Sun: Blake? What’s wrong?
Blake: I’m sorry I just…I just now realized I’ve never once thought ahead about that. Or anything after Atlas. When we came back to remnant, everything fell apart so quickly. Every kingdom fell, humanity was on the defense from Salem’s relentless assaults. I just stopped thing about “Tomorrow” because I thought I’d never see it. Because I though every second was going to be my last.
As the memories of the war came flooding back, Blake sunk her head deeper in Sun’s chest and began to tear up. Sun could feel her tears running down his chest. He picked her head up and used his thumbs to wiped away her tears.
Sun: Blake, Tommorrow is here. We survived the war. You and Your team Defeated Salem and Freed Oz of his curse. Humanity is now free of the Grimm thanks to the brother gods. Now everyone now has a chance to build a future they can look forward to. However and with whoever they want to.
Blake smiled hearing sun’s words. It’s been a couple of years since she’s ever thought about “what comes next”, but now she’s ready to give it a try.
Blake: well…I guess…I’d like to spend a couple of years with you exploring remnant like you said.
Sun: sure. Anywhere in particular you wanna got it first?
Blake: definitely Atlas. I’d like to settle down there. Oh that’s the second thing I want to do after.
Sun: I’d prefer somewhere a bit warmer but for you babe, I’ll deal with it. Also may I add another thing we could do after we settle down?
Blake: sure.
Sun: well…I’d like to one day…make you…a MILF?
Blake just gave sun a very confused look like she was looking at the worlds hardest calculus problem. Until she finally processed and understood what Sun meant by what he said. What every married couple brings up wether the beginning or middle of their marriage. The thought of children. Blake also had the idea of having children in the future before the war got insane. But know that the suggestion was back, she didn’t know.
Blake: well, I would like a couple of kids. Hopefully a son, it be more refreshing to be around more guys after being around and hounded by so many women. But I think we should hold off on that until…
Sun: we’re ready?
Blake: yes when we’re both financially and mentally ready. Well, until YOU’RE mentally ready. I’d like to raise 2 kids not 3.
Sun: oh shut up. I’ve got maturity coming outta my ass
Blake: oh totally. Breaking in the idea of children by telling your wife you wanna and I quote “Make you a MILF” is the most mature thing a man could say.
Sun: hey I’m just a man who wants to help the love of his life reach her true potential as the hottest MILF on Remnant. But Ruby might have a head start on you for that title. Again, what are Her and Jaune having?
Blake: triplets.
Sun: holy shit! I don’t know wether to be impressed or intimidated by The Arc seed.
Sun then got up from his chair and stretched out his limbs.
Sun: well now that we got that out of the way, I’m gonna get shower and get ready.
Sun then removed his robes and tossed them onto his bed. Seeing sun naked made Blake’s face red. Even though she’s seen him naked so many times, the sight of it never fails to make her feel flush in the face. She then began to had a mischievous idea forming her head. She believed they would save more time if they both showered together. Just before Sun entered the bathroom door, Blake quickly took of her robe, jumped of the bed and landed directly on sun. The force was enough to make him wobble forward a bit. It took Sun a moment to realize Blake was clinging on him, and naked at that. He heard her mischievous giggles, giggles he knows all to well. Having a good idea of what comes next, Sun carries Blake into the shower for a little “fun”. And after they’re done, they’ll explorer the town around them while looking forward to whatever release their new Tomorrow might bring them.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness 40
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Damn Jaune.
I thought.
And damn myself for getting comfortable.
It was a sad thought. One of valedictions rather than of true cursing.
But I started to like him…
It was a thought of denial, one born of protest.
I was saying goodbye to Ren and Nora. We cremated them and had a short ceremony. Long funerals were mostly frowned upon across Remnant for the negativity such things tended to gather.
It hurt, more than saying goodbye to my father ever had. These were my family. These were my friends and I'd never hear their voices again. Ren and Nora had no family for us to send messages too, though we would have. They had no ancestral homes to be buried at. They were orphans. All they had were Jaune and Pyrrha and they were gone now too.
I missed Nora's bubbly personality and Ren's stoicism. I missed sitting with them for meals. I missed watching them dance around the others' feelings. So obvious to the rest of us, they never had time to explore one another.
"Our time is fleeting," Ozpin officiated. "Time always seems short. Even to me." He gave an empty laugh. None of us echoed it.
He opened the cremation jar and emptied it into the wind. Jaune should have been here for it. Instead he was bringing the relic to Salem. He should be here to collect their weapons. Instead it was Ruby who held onto them during the ceremony.
Titania wasn't heavy but those weapons sure were. I didn't envy Ruby who seemed to want to carry them. Nora's hammer which Yang seemed content to hold on to for our travels was neatly folded up. She attached it to her belt and put it behind her. As the bruisers of our teams, Yang and Nora had been fairly close.
I received one half of Stormflower from Ruby. I wasn't sure what to do with it. I didn't need a gun but it felt wrong that they should never see use again.
It was wrong.
Jaune should be here to take it. He would know what to do with the weapons. Even if it was just to have them buried.
Amongst the mayhem and chaos Mistral represented Jaune had been like a rock. Sturdy and absolute. In every situation he'd known what to do. Real confidence had been in his heart rather than the false stuff he'd tried to show off freshman year. It was little wonder then, why Ruby lashed herself to him. And now it seemed Ruby was sinking and there was nothing I could do about it.
She was in love with Jaune, our problem child. As little as we knew what to do about Nora and Ren, we knew even less what to do about Jaune.
Ozpin was convinced Jaune was some kind of sleeper agent and not a full blown traitor which only seemed to make things more complicated. If he was a traitor I'd at least know how to classify him. Instead it didn't even seem to be his fault. Well it was and it wasn't. Ruby was fully in his camp but that was always going to be the case, dating or not. She believed in her friends. It was hard to find a fault in her for that.
So I didn't.
Instead I admired it. Arguably she should have been hurt the most, instead she seemed almost ready. Ready for what I wasn't sure. She was adamant that we'd run into Jaune again. It was hard to fault her instincts either. Not when they'd led her so far.
She also didn't want to be felt sorry for. I respected that, too. Lords only know that if it had been me, I'd be in pieces.
I packed Stormflower in my briefcase, carefully wrapping it in cloth. I clicked the briefcase shut over it and tried not to think about it.
"Hard to believe they're all gone." Blake leaned by the door of Yang and my room.  
"JNPR is over. Felt just like that." Yang snapped her fingers. "Could have been us."
I shivered. "It basically was us. But for a chess piece at initiation."
"I don't want to think about that," Blake confessed. "RWBY is still whole."
"The girl or the team 'cause my sister hasn't handled this the best."
"Right. Our team, I suppose," Blake elaborated. "But she traveled with them, right? She was close to them all. Not even counting Jaune."
"They called it Team RNJR or JNRR," I said.
"Sounds painful."
"Like when our team was fractured," Yang said pointedly.
"Right." Blake sounded sheepish. "Except we came back together."
"Did we?" Yang asked. Her eyes red, and not just from tears. There beat a rage filled drum in her voice and it showed in her eyes.
"Well…" Blake trailed off.
"Really? You want to do this now?" I asked.
"Why not now? Should I let the cuts heal only to peel off the scab again?"
"I suppose." I granted. I didn't particularly like it, though. Our friends were barely in the ground, so to speak.
"You left us Blake. You left me. I was as partner-less as Jaune! I thought I'd never see you again. And the worst part was it was your decision. You didn't want to be around me."
"You didn't even ask me if I'd go with you!"
I felt like an intruder. On the outside looking in as I knelt by my bed. I wasn't of course. And I could almost feel both of them expecting me to take their side. Yang's aura flared, a bright light in the room where Blake's seemed to cowl in on itself. A darkness that layered over again.
"I needed space. I needed time! Sun-"
"So what? Sun's good enough and I'm not?!"
"For your information he followed me. He didn't ask for my permission, he just came with me. I almost stabbed him over it." Blake anxiously pushed some hair behind her ear. Her human ear. "What happened to you was my fault. Adam came for me."
"Your crazy ex you never told me about? I thought we were past not telling each other things."
"I was trying to keep you safe! To protect you!"
"It didn't work!" Yang waved her prosthesis in Blake's face. "Ignorance may be bliss but it's not safe."
Point Yang. I was in her camp for that one. I was certainly tired of other people deciding what was best for me. I was way past that. It's why I supported her when she demanded that Ozpin be open with us.
"I'm sorry! I just couldn't bear the thought of you looking at me with hatred in your heart." Blake was crying. "Over this or over anything."
"Blake…" Yang protested. "I'd never do that to you. I just thought we were at a point where we'd struggle together. Even through the Whitefang stuff. Your problems are my problems. The way Jaune and my sister did. The way Ruby and Weiss are."
"I thought you'd hate me."
"I'd never hate you, Blake. I couldn't pull it off." Yang's aura looked distinctly cooler. Blake rubbed one arm with the other and wouldn't meet Yang's eyes. Couldn't.
"Is everything alright in here?" It was Ruby at the door. She already had her duffle bag in hand. Aside from that she was wearing Jaune's old hoodie. I guess she's gone through his things now that he was gone and found something she liked.
"We were just talking about when Blake left us," Yang answered.
"Ah," Ruby mumbled. "And is it…"
"We're getting somewhere," Blake said. "Thank you Ruby."
Ruby hovered at the door a moment longer before she said, "well I should…"
"Of course." Blake murmured. "Whatever you need."
I watched her go before I picked up my things. "Weiss?" Yang asked.
"You fools," I muttered. I followed Ruby. She didn't want to be excluded. It was the opposite of what she needed right now.
"They didn't mean anything by it." I caught up to Ruby and took her by the hand.
"I know."
"With everything else that's going on they just don't want to bother you with it."
"I know."
"It wasn't anything besides that."
"I know." I didn't feel anything from Ruby other than a quiet patience. I didn't get the sense that she was annoyed or flustered. In fact, her aura seemed reserved too. I could still taste the cinnamon and roses.
"We're all just worried about you."
She nodded. "I know. I…" She was masking and I hated to see it. I missed her energy. Her aura barely extended beyond her skin. If I wasn't touching her I doubt I'd have been able to feel it. It was a silenced, withdrawn thing.
"Are you feeling better today?" I asked.
"Not really I'm -um…" she trailed off.
"You just miss them. I know," I breathed.
She nodded. "We all do."
"But you feel so much more than most. Don't be afraid to talk to me. Ever. Please," I begged.
She wiped her hand across her face and took some silvery tears. "Everyone's treating me like I'm made of glass. And I am… and I am, but…"
I nodded and waited for her to get a head on her emotions.
"I'm not any more than anyone else should be." She finished at length. "And they're fighting."
"Yang felt like she had to," I said.
"Maybe she did. She's a fighter. She…" Ruby trailed off again and wiped some more of her tears away. "I want to go to sleep. I just want to sleep this away." She mumbled miserably.
I kissed her forehead. The kiss was not quick but held no passion.
"That's depression."
"Is it?" She asked.
"Yes. Little energy. It can be a symptom."
"I guess if you look at it like a sickness…"
"It is a sickness."
"That's very Weiss of you." She gave me a giggle and I felt a tidal wave of relief. The noise was quiet and simple.
"Well thank you." I managed. She traced her hand over the skin of one of my arms and I shivered.
"You've got goosebumps," she murmured.
"Well-I…" I cleared my throat and mastered myself. "Have you finished packing?"
She nodded. "I'm all set."
"Then we're just waiting on Yang and Blake now."
"They'll be ready before it's time to leave." She mumbled again. "Weiss, about the plan..."
"Me going on ahead, you mean."
"Yeah. I really don't like it."
"Me neither," I whispered. "But it might be the only way to get through to Ironwood. And it's only assuming Ozpin can't pass a message on to him using code."
"But if communication was up and running, they could do it from here. You'll be the message bearer Weiss. And I don't want to be split up from you."
"I know. I know. I'll miss you too Ruby."
"I wish Jaune were here," she confessed. "He'd come up with a plan."
"I'm sure you do. I bet he would, too. He was cunning like that."
"Is. He's not dead."
"Of course, I only meant…"
"I know," She muttered again. I found myself touching her face. The tips of my fingers grazing her cheeks and I watched in a sort of sick fascination as she leaned into the touch. Eyes closed. "I'm worried about you, Weiss."
"I'll be with the greatest military force on Remnant."
"That doesn't make you safe."
"What does safety even mean? Salem has a long reach. We thought Jaune was safe. I promise I'll be as safe as I can be." She reached up and pressed my hand against her face at that.
"And you'll stay away from your father."
"And… yes. I'll avoid him at all costs."
"Your sister… is she nice to you?" Ruby asked. "I only saw a little back at Beacon. I wasn't sure what to make of it."
A difficult question. Winter was always distant but that didn't put her in the same category as my father or brother. Or even my mother.
"Yes, I think so."
"Stay with her, then."
"What if Ironwood only lets Oscar through, though?" I let an unbidden fear out into the wild. I wanted it to be dissuaded. "What if he keeps you all back?"
"He won't. He works with Qrow too. At which point…"
"Right. That makes sense." I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Plus if you talk about knowing about the relics..." She sighed into my touch. She let out a little humming sound and smiled for what felt like the first time in years, though it had only been days. "Everything will be okay."
I nodded. "Everything will be fine."
"Ladies." Qrow came in on mechanical legs. "I'm not interrupting something, am I?" His gait was too smooth, his strides too even. It belied his mechanical nature.
He seemed to be genuinely asking and I took a step away from Ruby as though caught in some act. "We were just…" I trailed off.
"We were just talking about the mission," Ruby said.
"Ah, the mission." It was Oscar. Or maybe Ozpin. Probably Ozpin. "There's always more to discuss, and if I may, more to discuss about Jaune."
"He has the relic," Ruby went on.
"That he does. And he is a cunning mind second to none. I'm sure, given enough time, he will learn to use the relic. Which, I confess, is a little terrifying. And he only seemed to be growing stronger from my perspective."
"When he was at Beacon he was so weak, by the time he turned he was the strongest of us. And you're right, it was like with each day he was getting better," I muttered. "Limit Breaker… it was aptly named. It seemed like he was pushing himself every single day."
"Yes. I'm afraid of what he will be in Salem's hands. You knew him best Ruby. I'd like a moment of your time to talk it over with you."
"The kid's smart but his options are limited. We weren't sure what his next move will be. Whether we should report him to the police or not." Qrow said.
"I'm… I'm not sure. I never thought he'd turn on us. Turn on me."
"Well, now that he did, we need to come up with a plan." Qrow grumbled. He took a swig of his flask. "Whether that's keeping a watch out for him ourselves or reporting him."
"Yes… the relic may already be in Salem's hands. You may be happy to hear the Malachite reported seeing him, acting and walking about. She gave up this information freely to us. She seemed afraid of him."
Ruby did seem happy to hear that. "Then we've confirmed he's alive? And Malachite is watching out for him?"
"Only smart of her. The kid was strong, and fast." Qrow muttered as an afterthought.
"Is. You all keep talking about him in the past tense." Ruby said with some heat.
"Of course, Ms. Rose. You still believe in his innocence, then?"
"You were the one who came up with the theory of him being a sleeper agent, weren't you?"
"Only as a plausible. It may be that he saw now with the relic as the opportune moment to strike at us." Ozpin said. "We had an interesting conversation before he left. On why I let him into my school. He claimed that I only let him in because I thought he was Salem's agent. It could merely have been mind games, but it was enough to make me doubt that he was acting of his own volition when he took the relic. His possible status as a victim in all this remains only that, a possibility. More importantly, however, if he were a sleeper agent that still makes him a threat to us. He is still allied against us."
"Jaune'll lay low. If he doesn't want us to find him then we won't. He's too smart for that," Ruby managed. I rubbed her back with one hand. Actually talking and being involved seemed to be doing her some real good. Who was I to shut it down? This was more energy than I'd seen from her in days.
"Then the relic is truly lost to us. We put out feelers just in case but…" Ozpin shrugged. "We'll have to manage to keep the remaining relics out of her hands. And an ear to the ground where Jaune is concerned. In the longest term, however, the relic of knowledge is perhaps the most dangerous relic she could have acquired first. And Jaune is very dangerous. As dangerous as any of Salem's other agents."
Ruby's fists tightened by her sides.
"A question, Ms. Rose?"
"I have questions for Jaune, not for you."
"My apologies, then."
"You need to face the facts kido. He killed two of his so-called friends."
"Qrow, now may not be the time…" Ozpin began.
"What is it you think you know about him that I don't?" Ruby demanded. "Why wasn't the opportune moment all the times we were alone together?"
"That's easy. He didn't have his hands on a relic, then." Qrow grunted. He seemed as angry as Ruby was. That he didn't catch Jaune before. That he was weaker now than he used to be.
Ruby bristled at her uncle. Fists clenching and unclenching by her sides.
"You think he saw he shot and just took it?" I asked. "That's what you think of him?"
"It's as I said, a plausibility. And being forgiving on him for it will do us no favors." Ozpin said. "Jaune is brutal."
"Jaune is kind!" Ruby almost shouted. "He is sweet!"
"You have another explanation for what happened then?" Ozpin asked.
"We don't. Not yet." I said. I was backing Ruby. Nobody deserved it quite like my partner did. She would have my back. She had Jaune's back even when the odds seemed stacked against him.
"Then I'm afraid we will have to operate as though he is our enemy. We can't afford the risk."
"I'll show you. I'll find what I need to to prove you wrong!"
"Ms. Rose I very much hope that you do."
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potionsprefect · 3 years
Midnight Visit
Pairings: Blaine Hayes x Jennifer Monroe
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Because the car date was nowhere near enough
Rating: T
Category: fluff, smut (ish)
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Blaine looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes gleaming with adrenaline, his heart beating at a million miles an hour.
He was about to a daring thing. When he learnt he would be attending this school last year, never did he believe he would end up sneaking around to see a certain Rutherland girl.
But Jennifer Monroe was always worth it.
Blaine had been captured by her witty personality and strong willed character. Now he had trouble staying away from her. Blaine had been sucked in and he knew he would have trouble getting back out.
He didn’t want to get out.
Blaine opened the window and felt the cool, crisp night hair hit his skin. Above him, the moon was shining brightly amongst the hundreds of stars and the grounds were quiet. Not a human nor animal was about.
Blaine looked down to see it was only a small drop to the grassy surface. Blaine swung his legs over and dropped down hitting the grass and standing up straight.
Perfect. Now all he had to do was make his way to Jennifer’s dorm.
He knew he was playing with fire and that she was most likely asleep. But Blaine was never one to play by the rules.
Blaine walked through the schools grounds, carefully avoiding security that were lurking by the front gates. He knew where Jennifer’s dorm was but he knew Tatum would be on the lookout so getting into her room would be difficult.
But Blaine Hayes had a plan. He always had a plan.
Thankfully, Jennifer’s room was right next to a large tree so all Blaine would have to do is climb it and knock on her window. He could see it in the distance, and unusually, behind the blinds, the light was on in her room.
Blaine grinned as he headed over to the said bedroom. Looking at the tree above him, he climbed it with ease, nothing was a match for him. Holding onto a branch with his left hand, Blaine leaned forward and knocked on the glass with his right hand. A few seconds later, the blinds opened.
“Oh my god! Blaine?” Jennifer stared curiously at him as she opened the window.
“Surprise.” Blaine grinned.
“Here let me help you inside. What are you doing here?” Jennifer grabbed his hand and helped him through the window.
“I had to see you. The drive in movie was nowhere near enough time.” Blaine grinned stepping closer.
“Am I that difficult to stay away from?” Jennifer grinned as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Absolutely. But you’re worth the risk.” Blaine smiled.
Jennifer leant up to kiss Blaine. He immediately responds, running his hands through her hair, the silky strands were soft on his fingers. Blaine guided them back to her bed, sitting down and pulling her on top of him so she was straddling his waist, without even breaking the kiss. Blaine leaned in to kiss her neck, occasionally adding his teeth to the equation.
“You’re gonna give me a hickey.” Jennifer breathed, resting her hands on Blaine’s chest.
“People will think it’s from your mystery lover.”
Blaine smirked against her skin as he gripped her backside.
“Well they’re not wrong. It’s just a shame they haven’t discovered the true identity.” Jennifer grinned.
“I’m glad they haven’t. This bubble is too much fun. I want you all to myself.”
“Well isn’t that case you shouldn’t stop kissing me.”
Blaine grinned as he leant forward to press his lips to Jennifer’s, a small sigh escaping her. Her hands found their way to his hair and Blaine groaned as she tugged on it gently.
With quick reflexes, Blaine flipped their positions so he was hovering above her. There was a look of desire in her eyes.
“What is it?” She asked breathlessly.
“I....” Blake began. It was hard to put it into words. He really liked Jennifer, but he didn’t want to rush things with her. He wanted to get to know her properly. “I don’t want to rush things with you Jenny. I really like you, but I don’t want to push you into anything you don’t want.”
Jennifer looked up at Blaine. Her hands cupped his face as she pulled him closer, their noses only centimetres apart.
“You are the most thoughtful person I have ever met. And I would love it if you took your shirt off.” Jennifer smirked.
Smirking back, Blaine quickly pulled his shirt off and threw it onto the floor then slowly leant forward to trace his hands on Jennifer’s stomach, nipping at her neck.
“Take it off.” Jennifer said breathlessly.
Flashing a big grin, Blaine unbuttoned Jennifer’s top, allowing his fingers to deftly trace her warm skin. He then threw the garment on the floor.
Jennifer then pulled off Blaine’s trousers and pulled him under the duvet, wrapping her arms around her neck, pulling him flush against her.
“Tatum is literally right outside my door.” Jennifer giggled as Blaine began kissing across her chest. “And with Dionne...” Her breath hitched as Blaine added his teeth to the already faint red marks. “Those walls are thin.”
“Been doing some wall measuring in your spare time Monroe?” Blaine lifted his head to look at Jennifer, a big smirk on his face.
“I’ve always been a fan of DIY. I once helped build a children’s centre in Rutherland. The practicalities are important.” Jennifer replied.
“How is it that simply by saying that, its made you more attractive?” Blaine leant down to press a kiss to Jennifer’s lips.
“I think I’m gonna need a demonstration.” Jennifer smirked as she pulled Blaine closer, running her hands down his chest.
“I’m happy to help.” Blaine grinned as he tangled his legs with hers.
— — — — —
The early morning sun stirred Jennifer out of a peaceful sleep. She looked round the room, everything looked normal apart from the obvious fact that clothes covered her bedroom floor. Memories of last night flooded her.
They didn’t go all the way. There was just a lot of kissing, leg tangling and moaning. Jennifer could see the faint red marks on the tops of her legs in the mirror that sat opposite her bed.
There were also a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. Jennifer looked up to see Blaine sleeping peacefully. Leaning forward she pressed short, quick kisses to his neck, gently rousing him from his sleep.
“Good morning.” Jennifer smiled as Blaine opened his eyes.
“Now it is.” Blaine smiled back as he kissed Jennifer, pressing their bodies together. “What time is it?”
“Around 6. You need to go before Dionne comes in here and drags me out of bed.” Jennifer said.
“Well that would be a nice surprise for her wouldn’t it? Seeing Rutherland and Ardona in bed together.” Blaine smirked.
“The shriek will burst my eardrums. Come on you need to get dressed.” Jennifer said getting out of bed and pulling her top on.
Reluctantly, Blaine got out of bed and got dressed, taking as long as he could, trying to drag out the moment before he would have to leave.
“Is this the part where I ask when will I see you next?” Blaine said with a smile as he pulled Jennifer into his arms.
“There’s a brain up there that belong to you. We have class in about three hours.” Jennifer replied.
“Far too long away to see you next.” Blaine leant dangerously forward, his lips a breath away.
Jennifer closed the gap, pulling Blaine closer wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands snaked round her waist. Jennifer coaxed his mouth open with her tongue, enticing a loud moan from Blaine. He pulled away, pressing his forehead against hers.
“I really enjoyed last night.” Jennifer smiled, cheeks flushed.
“Theres plenty of evidence to suggest you did.” Blaine chuckled, noting the prominent marks on Jennifer’s neck.
“They’ll be easy to hide, the others I secretly hope someone notices.” Jennifer nuzzles his nose.
“Me too. Same time tomorrow night?” Blaine joked.
“This time I’ll make the trip to yours. Now go before Tatum comes in here and knocks you out.” Jennifer chuckled heading to the window and opening it.
Blaine pressed one last kiss to Jennifer’s lips, before climbing out the window and grabbing onto the tree branches.
“See you soon Rutherland.” Blaine winked before he jumped down onto the grass.
Jennifer laughed as she watched him head back down campus ground and disappear round the corner. She flopped back down onto her bed, a big grin on her face.
Blaine Hayes continued to surprise her in more ways than one. And long may he continue to do that.
— — — — —
So I finally finished my FA fic in time for tonight’s finale.
I’m sad we’re not getting a book 2 but that’s not gonna stop me from writing FA fanfiction
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future FA fics
Tag list:
@gryffindordaughterofathena @romewritingshop
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [79]
viii. the old man and the anomaly
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: language, anxiety, mentions of blood, fighting, violence.
Summary: You and your friends plan on how to save your twin, who is trapped in her own head.
a/n: the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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You, Bellamy, and Miller immediately head back to the tavern and gather your people. Everyone except for Murphy and Emori. With Murphy’s betrayal of all of you for immortality, none of you have been eager to be in his presence since the hurt of his betrayal is still so fresh on all of your minds. Even with your newfound realization that Clarke isn't dead, you can't stand the thought of seeing Murphy hanging around, knowing what he’s done, do better be damned.
You and Bellamy excitedly relay what you've learned to Jackson, Echo, Madi, and Jordan, catching them up on the latest development, all of them looking relieved as they hear the good news. Bellamy ends his message with a question to the others. “Question is, how do we get Josephine out?”
You sigh and shake your head, thinking of the genius mechanic all of you know and love. Despite her recent anger towards Clarke, you’re sure she’d help you get her back. “We need Raven, she'll know what to do.”
“Raven's not here.”
You turn to look at your niece, shocked by the angry tone in her voice. You give her a small smile and squeeze her shoulder. “We’re gonna get her back, little sun.” 
Bellamy nods, adding, “When the transport ship lands, we'll be waiting in the field with Josephine. Once we're all back on the mothership, Abby, Raven, and Jackson will go to work.”
“What if they don't open the shield and let us out?”
You look to Miller, answering his question. “If they don't, Josephine dies.”
Bellamy finishes, “That's why they will.”
“What about Delilah?” All of you turn to look at Jordan, noting the excitement in his voice. “If Clarke's still alive, then she could be too.”
But all of you stand frozen, averting your eyes, well aware that none of you care about saving Delilah. At least not now. Jordan’s face falls as he looks at all of you with disappointment. “You only care about Clarke.”
“That's not true, but we worry about Clarke for now. If we start asking questions and the Primes figure out why-”
Madi cuts you off, her voice sounding dull and hollow, “They can't figure it out if they're dead. Once we kill the Primes, we take over Sanctum. We save Clarke here in the lab that was built for it.”
You give her a shocked look, shaking your head at her. “Is that your idea or Sheidheda's?”
“Who cares if it works?” You open your mouth to argue, to let her know that you care and so do the others, but she barrels on, ignoring your potential interruption. “I've been surveilling the one named Miranda. We kill her and let them find the body. They'll think it's the Children of Gabriel and panic, locking themselves inside the palace, probably the Great Hall, and that's where we'll be waiting to take out the rest.”
Jordan is the first to protest, “We're not killing Delilah.”
“Delilah's already dead.”
“We don't know that for sure.”
She looks away from him, tired of arguing with him already. You start to look at Madi, really look at her, noticing that her skin seems paler than normal and she has dark bags that are beginning to show beneath her eyes. You feel a rush of concern as you watch her assert her dominance over the rest of you. “You're right, but what we do know is, I'm the Commander. Echo thinks it's a good plan, don't you, spy?”
You cut Madi a look, silently scolding her for the aggressive way she called Echo a spy. But Madi looks away from you, ignoring you, and you turn your gaze to Echo, apologetic. She nods her head, letting you know it's okay, before she looks down at Madi. “It’s a little aggressive for the situation, but it could work if we were willing to kill all of their people along with them when they come after us for killing their gods.”
Madi sighs, seeming to change her mind about the situation, before her eyes flit to something in the corner of the room. Whatever she sees there, it isn't good, because her expression grows cold and her voice hard as she counters, “We are.”
“No, we're not.” Madi looks at you in shock, not understanding why you aren't backing her up on this, and you give her a disappointed look. “Gaia would tell you the same thing if she were here, but she’s not, because you banished her.”
She drops her eyes down to her folded hands, and you nod once, the situation handled for now. Bellamy looks around at the rest of the group, “We have until the ship lands to come up with a quiet way to get Clarke on it.”
“What about Murphy and Emori?”
You feel a flash of anger and you look at Jackson, shaking your head. “For now, we tell them nothing.”
“Emori too?”
“We have to assume that she's with him.”
You see a flash of worry cross Echo’s face, but Bellamy smiles at her, reassuring her. “Don't worry. When it's time to go, we're taking them with us, even if we have to do it by force.”
She nods and then all of you duck your heads together, quietly brainstorming the best way to get Josephine out of Sanctum so you can bring Clarke back. Most of the ideas involve forcing a guard to lower the shield for you, long enough for all of you to slip outside of the shield and into the woods. You briefly toy with the idea of destroying the radiation shield somehow, but most of you aren't sure you know enough about the tech to actually disable it or destroy it. A back up plan is established that if you can't get the shield down, you and Madi will drag Josephine through it since you’re all Nightbloods, and you’ll head to the ship alone, without your friends and Bellamy. It’s an idea you utterly despise, but you’re aware it’s better to have a backup plan in case everything goes to shit. 
All of you plan for a few hours, coming up with the basics of what you want to do to get her out. The discussion on how to get to Josephine is a different story though, and it’s one you all agree to discuss after you take a quick break. You head to the bar, waiting to grab a snack and something to drink, when you feel someone slide up beside you. You turn just as you hear Emori say, “Hey.”
“Do you happen to know if we have any Eligius shock collars laying around?”
You give her a weird look, but rack your brain anyways. “I think Clarke had one in her pack when we came down, in case we needed it.”
“Can I have it?”
“Uh, sure. Let me go get it.” You step away from the bar and walk to the stairs, taking them two at a time before ducking into Clarke and Madi’s shared room. You locate Clarke’s pack quickly, tucked away in the corner, and as you’re digging through it, you hear the door open behind you. You spin around quickly, muscles tight with fear, only to let out a big sigh of relief when your eyes land on your boyfriend, standing at the door with a questioning look. “What are you doing up here?”
You turn back to the pack and start digging again, turning back to Bellamy with a triumphant smile when you find the collar, holding it up for him to see. “Emori asked if we had one of these laying around.”
“I don’t know, I didn’t ask. Probably for the radiation shield or something.”
He sounds skeptical, “Yeah, probably.”
“What? You don’t trust her?”
“I don't know. Her and Murphy are close, but she’s also not afraid to call him out in things. I just don't know where she stands in all this.”
You pass him the collar, “You give it to her then, see if you can read her when you do.”
He nods and the two of you turn and head out of the room, back down the stairs and to Emori, who now stands near the door waiting. You walk over to her and Bellamy holds up the collar with a smile. “One Eligius shock collar. What do you need it for?”
She takes it and answers, “This circuitry will be useful in building our radiation shield.”
She takes a small breath, like she's trying to steady herself, and you see her gaze dart over to the table occupied by the rest of your group. Her expression falls, something both you and Bellamy notice, because he asks, “You okay?”
She looks away from the group, plastering a smile on her face, nodding at you both. “Yeah. Thanks for this. See you.”
She says each sentence in a rush, sounding uncomfortable, and you exchange a look with your boyfriend as you watch her turn and head towards the door. She is feet away from the exit when she seems to change her mind, turning and heading back to you both, her voice coming out in a rushed whisper. “Clarke's alive.”
Neither you or Bellamy react, though you are curious how she knows. She takes in your expressions, the lack of shock, and her voice sounds a little hurt when she adds, “You already knew. Why didn't you tell me?”
You open your mouth to answer, but she comes to the conclusion on her own. “Oh, because I'm with John.”
“Emori, I-” She cuts Bellamy off, shaking her head. “Nevermind. What are you doing about it?”
Neither of you answer, not sure if you should trust her with the plan, and she reaches out to grab your wrist, getting frantic. “You think you have time? Guys, they're wiping her today. That's what this is for.”
She holds up the collar, and you feel a rush of anxiety as you look at it, thinking about how freely you just gave it to Emori, not even stopping to think about what she might use it for. You and Bellamy turn and head back to the others quickly, Emori in tow, and they all seem to sense your anxiety because Echo stands first, “I take it that it’s go time?”
“Yeah. We need a plan to get Clarke now, something other than killing them.”
You look around at the group, eyes noticing someone missing. “Where the hell's Madi?”
Everyone looks around, unsure, and you sigh, because of course this is happening now. You turn, ready to go look for her, but Emori stops you. “I have to be back soon or they’ll come looking for me, so we need to figure out a plan first.”
You point to the collar. “What exactly is this for?”
“An EMP, like the one you used on Raven to fry the Alie chip in her head.”
“The neural mesh.” Everyone looks at you in confusion, and you turn to Bellamy, almost laughing with shock. “The neural mesh from the chip, it’s still in Clarke’s head. It must have interfered with whatever they use to wipe the host’s consciousness.”
Bellamy nods, understanding. “Which means the second they use that EMP on her, she’s gone forever.”
You turn back to Emori again, “How long until you finish the EMP?”
“An hour, maybe less.”
“If you finish the device, can we use it on the radiation shield?”
She thinks for a second, running over the mechanisms in her head. “Yes, but not for long. It'll probably only interfere with the shield for 10 seconds or so.”
Bellamy starts to catch on to your line of thinking, the plan developing in his brain too. “And where is Josephine?”
“In Ryker’s shop with me, John, and Ryker.”
“You’re gonna go and finish the EMP. As soon as it’s done, sneak away with it.” She looks confused and you clarify, “Take it to the radiation shield. The second Josephine knows it’s missing, she’ll come after you. We’ll meet you in the fields, subdue Josephine, and we’ll take down the radiation shield so we can all sneak to the transport together.”
She nods, understanding. “Okay. I'll stretch this out, give you as much time as I can, but you need to know this. Josephine said that with both her and Clarke sharing Clarke’s brain, they’ll die soon. It’s too much data for one brain, and Clarke’s body will die, killing Clarke, but Josephine will be backed up in her mind drive. You need to be prepared to take the drive out yourself.”
“Okay. We’ll meet you in the fields, one hour.”
“One hour.”
Emori turns and jogs off, and you turn back to the others. “We need to make this fast. Echo, I need you to find restraints we can use on Josephine, and a weapon if you can.”
You look to the men in the group, “The rest of us are going to split up and find Madi. We have one hour to get everything we need and get to the radiation shield, so move quick.”
Everyone nods and breaks off, leaving you and Bellamy as the last two in the tavern. “I think we should search the palace. Madi seemed a little too eager to get over there to kill Primes.”
Bellamy nods and the two of you start to head towards the door, slipping outside and into the village, trying to walk casually so you don't raise any suspicions. As you weave through the streets towards the palace, you catch sight of a hooded figure passing nearby, looking just like the person from the tavern. You shake your head, wondering if you’re imagining things, until you turn another corner and see them slip by again, this time with a glint of metal flashing in their hand. You feel the hairs on your neck lift in alarm and you turn to Bellamy and whisper, “Did you see that?”
“See what?”
You shake your head, sure that your lack of sleep from the night before is starting to get to you, until you walk by an alleyway and see the hooded figure at the end of it, a knife in his hand. As you stare at it, you realize now that it's your knife, your Grounder knife, missing since you and Bellamy got knocked out by Josephine. You watch the figure slip in between two buildings, practically calling out to you, and you turn to Bellamy, trying to stay casual. “I forgot my medkit in the tavern, I should get it in case Jackson doesn’t have time to get his.”
Bellamy starts to turn, heading back with you. “I’ll go with you.”
You reach out and grab his arm, pulling him to a stop. “No!”
He gives you a weird look, shocked by your outburst, and you shake your head, trying to backtrack. “I mean, there’s not enough time. We need to find Madi before we leave. You go to the palace, and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”
“Are you sure?”
You lean forwards and kiss him on the lips, smiling at him. “Positive.”
He smiles at you one last time before turning and jogging off, heading towards the palace in search of Madi. You turn and slip between the buildings, into the alleyway, following it until it turns a corner and deadends. There, at the end, is the hooded figure. Every muscle in your body is telling you to turn around and run, fully aware that everything about this seems sketchy and not good. But something in your brain tells you to keep going, so you walk towards the figure anyways, watching as they pull the hood back to reveal a mess of brown hair and bright green eyes. He smiles and mutters your name, and you stop walking, warning bells going off in your head. “How do you know my name?”
“Doesn’t matter.” He pulls out the knife, and now that you’re closer, you can see that it’s definitely yours. “Nice knife. Where’d you get it?”
“Earth. Now give it back to me.”
“Oh, I've got something better for you.” And before you can comprehend what he means, you feel a prick in your shoulder, seconds before your entire body goes numb, paralyzed, and you start to fall backwards to the ground. Mentally you brace for the impact, but instead you land in someone’s arms, and your panicked eyes look up at a second person, a woman, grinning down at you. “Didn't know they were this dumb on Earth.”
“She’s only good for one thing.” You see the man’s face come into view, smiling down at you, before he lifts your limp arms and tears the rag from your hand, revealing your small cut from earlier, hastily patched and smeared with dry blood. “Black blood.”
The woman’s grin grows wider, “Death to Primes.”
“Death to Primes.” He looks down at you and whispers, “Can't have you seeing where we’re going.”
And then he knocks you out, hitting you so hard that you immediately slip under.
You groan as your senses come back to you, your head throbbing with pain. 
You pull your eyes open and you’re greeted by darkness. You start to panic, thinking your eyes aren't really open and you’re even more paralyzed than you initially thought. Except, your vision starts to clear, and you realize you can see a torch flickering from somewhere nearby, letting you know that the darkness you see is from your surroundings.
You turn to look around, realizing that your hands are bound in front of you, along with your feet. You stare at the ropes, eyeing the knot, before you take one quick look around, checking your surroundings. With no one nearby, you start to frantically untie the knot around your ankles, almost laughing with relief when the rope falls and your feet become free. You jump up, leaving your hands tied for now, escape the only thing on your mind. Judging by the sounds in the cave, there are people to your right, deeper in the shelter, but the left seemingly leads to freedom. You debate between sneaking out slowly and running with reckless abandon, and ultimately your fear wins out and you take off running. You run through the empty cave entrance, passing a few piles of bones as you do, but you don't allow your brain to process the image. You just keep your focus on escaping and getting far away from here. 
Unfortunately for you, the Universe has other plans. 
You didn't stop to consider that the cave likely has a guard at the door, let alone two. And as soon as you tear out of the cave and right past them, they jump into action behind you. You can hear them yelling and cursing at you as you fly through the trees, reminding you of the hundreds of times you ran through the woods on Earth, chased by Grounders. Except now, you’re being chased by who you’re pretty sure are the Children of Gabriel, who seem to care a little too much about your blood, but not for the same reason the Primes do. The Primes want to kill you by wiping out your consciousness so they can keep using your body. But the Children of Gabriel? They want to kill you by chopping off your head so that the Primes can never use your body. You feel a rush of anxiety when you hear the footsteps behind you growing louder, and as you glance back to get a look at the approaching team, you trip over an unseen tree root.
You stumble and crash to the ground, rolling a few times, and you let out a groan as you come to a stop, only reminded of your current situation when you hear the footsteps thundering closer. You turn and stand just as one of the guards reaches you, and he pulls out a sword and swings it down towards you, catching the rope around your wrist. You jump back and shake the ropes off of you, watching the man wildly swing the sword with little to no skill in his movements. You wait until he swings the sword at you again and you duck beneath it, using your lowered position to punch him in the stomach. He drops his weapon and clutches his midsection, and you swing your elbow at his face, hearing his nose crack as you make contact with it. He hits the ground, crying out in pain, and you have half a second to celebrate your victory before more footsteps come thundering to a halt, a lot more than the original two guards you had guessed were following you. 
You look up and make eye contact with the person leading the group, eyes landing on the brown haired man from before, the one that snatched you from Sanctum. He smiles and turns to yell at the others, “She’s mine.”
He lunges at you, yelling with rage, and you lean down and scoop up the fallen sword from the ground, lifting it just in time to meet his blade. He bears down on you, pushing all of his weight into his blade, forcing your back to arch as he pushes you down, and your wrists shake with the effort of keeping your sword held tight in your grip. You make a quick decision and reach out and grab his blade, wrapping your fist around it tightly and pushing him away from you. You feel it cutting into your skin, but you are too hyped up on adrenaline to care. The man stares at your hand in shock, watching your blood seep between your fingers and run down your arm, and you hear one of the guards yell, “Asher, what should we do?”
“Nothing! I said she’s mine!” As he says the word mine, he delivers a swift kick to your stomach, knocking you back and onto the ground, and you look up at him, watching his sword swing towards you again. You lift your own weapon, blocking the blow, before rolling out of the way and scrambling to your feet. Your anger pulses through you, thinking of all the things you’ve been through since landing on this moon, and you channel it into your assault, bearing down on him with a barrage of attacks. He blocks each one, except for the last hit, which allows you to knock the sword out of his hand, leaving him weaponless. 
He only looks panicked for half a second before he swings a powerful kick towards you, knocking your own sword out of your hand, both of you now down to fists. The two of you exchange a few blows, some of them landing, some of them missing, both of you rapidly running out of energy as the fight continues. Just as you start to get the upper hand, delivering a few hits that successfully land on Asher, he kicks you again, his foot now making contact with your still bruised ribs. You cry out in pain, doubling over, clutching your injured body, and Asher uses your pain as an opportunity to punch you so hard you fall to the side. You taste blood rolling around in your mouth, and you groan and roll over, spitting some of the black liquid out, your eyes landing on your fallen sword nearby. You start to crawl across the ground towards it, but Asher walks around you and kicks the sword away, far out of your grasp, before moving behind you and putting his foot in the middle of your back, pinning you in place. 
You feel tears of panic rise to your eyes, wondering how you’re going to survive this, how you’re going to get out and save your twin or see Bellamy again. Asher leans down and grabs your hair, using it to tug your head back, exposing your throat. You see a flash of metal glint in the light before you feel the cool rush of it against your skin, your Grounder knife now held at your own throat. Asher’s mouth is right by your ear, and he chuckles, “You put up a hell of a fight. Too bad Primes aren’t good for anything other than their blood.”
The sentence pulls a memory to your head, a vision of your mom in space, making Nightblood. You gasp out, “You can’t kill me!”
He tightens his grip on your hair, bringing tears to your eyes, as he bites back, “And why is that?”
“Because I have information about the Primes.”
“Asher, she’s lying! She’d say anything to save-”
“Shut up!” The woman quiets down after he angrily snaps at her, and he drops his mouth back down to your ear to ask, “What information do you have?”
“The Primes can live forever.”
He laughs, his grip on your knife tightening. “We know that already, Prime.”
“No, no, no, you don’t understand! They don’t need to wait for babies to be born with the blood to have a host. They’ll have a way to make their own!”
He freezes, dropping your head and quickly rolling you over, tugging you up by the collar of your shirt, repositioning the knifepoint at the base of your throat. “How?”
“If I tell you now, you’ll only kill me.” You glance down at the knife, and then back to his angry expression. “I’ll tell Gabriel, no one else.”
You see a muscle in his jaw twitch, and you can tell he is carefully considering the information before he quietly sighs a little and releases you, pushing you away from him. He turns to look at the others gathered around him, “Lock her up, and use the chains this time!”
He turns back to you, pointing the knife at you threateningly. “You have 24 hours. If we can’t verify what you’ve told us or get in contact with Gabriel, I’m torturing you for information before I kill you for good.”
You nod, hoping against hope that you don’t have to endure torture at the hands of the Children of Gabriel. Asher turns and stalks off, back towards the cave, while the others gathered around you quickly descend on you, grabbing you and restraining you before they drag you back to the cave. This time, they restrain you using a heavy duty chain that is connected to the wall, clamping it down over your left wrist, limiting your movement. The man whose nose you broke drops down in front of you, looking pissed, and he grabs your left hand, spreading out your fingers to look at the cut on your hand from the sword. He runs his fingers through your blood, snapping, “All of the shit I’ve been through; the crappy job and my life in Sanctum, was all because I didn’t have your precious royal blood.”
He reaches up and wipes his hand across your face, smearing your black blood, and some of his red blood, across your forehead and down your cheek. He laughs as he does it, clearly enjoying humiliating you. “Not so royal now, are you?”
“I’m not like them.”
He glares at you, “You’re all the same. Now shut up before I make you shut up.”
You snap your mouth closed and lean against the wall, too tired to put up a fight. Your adrenaline is now gone, your calf is on fire, and even some of your more healed up Earth injuries are starting to ache. He smirks at you, before rising to his feet and walking away, leaving you alone in the cave. Your mind starts to drift and wander, and you think of Bellamy, and the clock that continues to countdown, signaling Clarke’s soon to be death. You hope that Bellamy forgets about you for one second, long enough to save her before searching for you. 
You may have 24 hours before your eventual demise, but Clarke likely has less than that, making her the top priority. So you sit back and bide your time, taking notes of your surroundings, already planning your next escape, because this time, you’re not letting her go without a fight. This time, you will tear this moon apart to save her. 
This time, you will not let her go quietly.
next chapter
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Luck of the Universe (Spencer Reid Screenplay)
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Season 9 Reid deserves more recognition. Definitely one of my fav looks/seasons. So I wrote about it :) 
Summary: Years after Spencer saves Maggie’s life, they reunite unexpectedly. Maggie thinks it’s fate; Spencer does not. She challenges him and says they’ll meet again, even without intending to. They do meet again, but not under favorable circumstances. Maggie’s life is in danger and Spencer must save her . . . again. 
Couple: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Category: Angst, Fluff, Screenplay Content Warning: Profanity, pregnancy, miscarriage, abduction, violence, death Word Count: 10.5k
DISCLAIMER: This was originally a screenplay but was adapted to have a more cohesive appearance on Tumblr. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
Spencer Reid sits outside a cafe to enjoy his beachside view from a coffee shop. Foreign to California’s sun, Spencer has aloe and sunscreen packed with him. He even wears sunglasses wherever he goes. While he patiently waits for the arrival of his coffee, he reads The Narrative of John Smith. The exact copy that Maeve gave him over a year ago. 
Serving his coffee is Maggie. This event will single handedly change both of their lives forever. 
MAGGIE: Let me know if I can get you anything else. 
As she sets down the cup, Reid thanks her, and out of politeness, he tilts his head forward ever so slightly so that his glasses will shift to the bridge of his nose. This way she can see his eyes. And when she does see his eyes, they are so familiar to her, but she can’t place where she remembers them from. Spencer notices her looking at him.
MAGGIE: Oh sorry, you just looked really familiar. 
SPENCER: Actually we have met before. I’m the agent that, um, saved you.   
Maggie stands there for a moment in complete disbelief. 
MAGGIE: Oh my God, yes! No, I totally remember you now. Wow. Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner I’m -
SPENCER: Maggie. 
Maggie peers down at her name tag and gives him a funny look.
SPENCER: No, I genuinely do remember you, and I didn’t just read your name tag. Um I have what’s called an eidetic memory. I’m able to recall things with high precision, even if it was a brief period of time on one occasion. 
MAGGIE: Really? That’s incredible. I wish I could say the same. All I could remember after being resuscitated was your eyes. I meant to thank you, by the way, for saving me, but at the time I was too in shock. I went to the police department the next day trying to find you, but you weren’t there. And as it turns out, it’s not so easy searching for a pair of hazel eyes. 
Spencer smiles. 
SPENCER: I’m Dr. Spencer Reid. I’m a Supervisory Special Agent with the Behavior Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia.
Hearing his name completely changes her. She says it to herself in disbelief. For years she’s wondered who he was, and now she knows.
MAGGIE: So what brings you back to California? 
SPENCER: We finished a case here earlier. I’m just killing time until I go back by reading.
Maggie extends her hand to ask for the book politely. Spencer hands it to Maggie. She recognizes it almost immediately. 
MAGGIE: Oh, I love Arthur Conan Doyle. This is just one of those novels I wish I could read again for the first time. 
Spencer doesn’t respond, he’s just so enamored by the way she thinks and speaks. She misinterprets his silence as a sign that he’d rather not keep talking. 
MAGGIE: I should probably let you get back to reading. I wouldn’t want to keep you from the opinionated Everyman John Smith. I hope you have a safe travel home.
Maggie begins to get up from her chair.
SPENCER: Wait um, I don’t normally ask this, but I still have a few hours until my flight and I’d really love to keep talking with you so do you think maybe we could go somewhere or -
MAGGIE: I would love to, but I’m working until the closing shift tonight. 
SPENCER: Oh okay. 
Maggie is conflicted. Against her better judgement, she agrees. 
MAGGIE: You know what? I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere. 
Excitement rises in Spencer. When Maggie goes into the coffee shop, he tries to contain himself. He fixes his hair and straightens out his cardigan and tie. Maggie comes back out. 
MAGGIE: Ever been to the pier?
. . . 
Maggie and Spencer are looking out onto the ocean from the pier. It’s one of the rare times that they aren’t being swallowed by a huge crowd. It’s just them, a few other people, and the sunset. An ocean breeze blows through, making Maggie shiver and bump into Spencer. 
MAGGIE: My bad. Sorry. 
SPENCER: Do you want my - 
MAGGIE: No, no I’m fine. 
Spencer ignores her statement and drapes his cardigan around her. Though she would never admit it, it sort of smells like him - and it’s the most comforting smell in the world. 
MAGGIE: It’s beautiful isn’t it?
Maggie says while looking out to the sunset.
SPENCER: Yeah, it is. 
He says while looking at her. 
After a couple seconds, she notices him staring, looks at him, smiles, and nudges him. 
MAGGIE: It’s getting late. We should head back. 
Spencer follows close behind as Maggie leads the way. 
MAGGIE: I wish we could’ve hung out longer, but I don’t want to leave Tony running the shop alone for too long and I wouldn’t want you to miss your flight. 
SPENCER: For what it’s worth, I enjoyed the little time we did spend together. 
MAGGIE: I did, too. 
SPENCER: So maybe, when I’m back here, we could make plans. 
MAGGIE: I’ll look forward to your return then. 
Maggie and Spencer walk a little longer in a comfortable silence, until finally they’re back at the coffee shop. 
MAGGIE: Do you have a pen?
Spencer hesitates for a moment, but ultimately, has to place his hand on Maggie’s hip to retrieve the pen inside the pocket. This gesture startles her and causes her to remember that she was wearing his cardigan. 
MAGGIE: Oh sorry, I forgot that I was wearing this.
SPENCER: No keep it. It looks better on you anyway. Consider it an early birthday gift. September 8 right?
MAGGIE: How did you- Oh right. Eidetic memory. 
Spencer hands her the pen and Maggie reaches for a napkin from the table and writes her number on it.
MAGGIE: So if you’re ever insanely bored at 3 a.m. or you’re not busy saving someone’s life, call me. 
Spencer takes the napkin. 
SPENCER: Will do.
He tries to mask how excited he really is. 
Maggie heads back inside, but stops herself at the door. She turns back to Spencer.
MAGGIE: (genuinely asking) Do you know how often people reconnect without intending to after years of not seeing each other?
SPENCER: Not very often I suppose. 
MAGGIE: This could very well just be a huge coincidence, but it really feels like some luck of the universe that I’m talking to you right now. And I think we’ll be seeing each other soon again. 
Spencer’s intrigued. As a doctor, he’s pragmatic. Romantic notions such as destiny and luck - he wasn’t a believer of. Even God, he was skeptical of. But he wanted to see Maggie again, even if that meant he had to agree that it was fate after all.
SPENCER: And if we don’t?
Maggie pauses to answer his question. 
MAGGIE: Then we will eventually. 
Before Maggie opens the door, she notices Spencer pulling money out of his pocket to pay for his coffee. She stops him.
MAGGIE: It’s on the house. 
She says with a small smile that’s returned with a grin that creeps upon Spencer’s face. When she fully enters the cafe, Spencer is left alone with his thoughts. 
. . .
It’s the next day. The BAU is seated at the round table. Penelope is presenting the case. Reid’s momentarily distracted. He plays with the napkin in his book. It’s the napkin with Maggie’s number on it. His fixation lasts for so long that he misses the presentation entirely. It’s only when JJ asks him a question directly does he tune in and snap out of his trance. 
REID: What was the question?
Reid shifts in his seat uncomfortably and tries to hide his confusion by opening up the case file. 
ROSSI: You’ve been awfully quiet this morning. A little too quiet. Care to share?
REID: Nothing. Just thinking. 
He’s lying and they all know it. The team exchanges suspicious glances.
REID: Sorry, Garcia, could you repeat it one more time?
GARCIA: Why of course! Anything for you, Boy Wonder. A week ago, Brynn Dryer disappeared from her home late at night. 48 hours after she was reported missing, a couple jogging past a lake found her body. In the M.E’s report, there was a terrifyingly large amount of evidence that she was brutally beaten and clubbed. The official C.O.D was blunt force trauma to the head and the lake was nothing more than a disposal site. Less than a day later, Eliza O’ Hara went missing after someone invaded her home. Yesterday local P.D found her in the middle of a  field by the highway. Same M.O. The police department is anticipating that when you land, another girl will go missing. 
Spencer notices something. 
REID: Wait, can you put their pictures side by side?
Garcia does so. Spencer makes a connection. 
JJ: What is it, Spence?
REID: The similarities between the two victims are uncanny. Notice the eye color, skin tone, hair style, even down to the freckles they have.  
BLAKE: Alright so he’s got an aggression toward brown eyed, tan brunettes with bangs and freckles. 
ROSSI: And I have an aggression toward telemarketers but you don’t see me clubbing them to death. 
HOTCH: The cooling off period between kills is getting shorter. He’s escalating and we’re going to put a stop to this before he hits his stride. Garcia, you’re coming with us. Wheels up in 30.
The team is leaving the round table. 
. . .
The team is on the flight. 
HOTCH: JJ, as soon as we land, I need you setting up a press conference to let the women in the area know to be vigilant. After that, we’ll interview the family’s of Eliza and Brynn. I need Blake and Reid working on the geographical profile. Dave, you and Morgan will take a closer look at the bodies and see if you can’t gather more information. And Garcia, 
GARCIA: Yes, sir?
HOTCH: Find as many more connections between these women as you can, and contact any other women who fit the victimology. 
GARCIA: Yes, sir. 
ROSSI: Apparently, it'll be 101 degrees when we land. Remind me again why people live in California?
Reid perks up. He didn’t even know he was going back to California. But now that he does, he’s even more on edge. 
. . .
Reid works on the geographical profile, while Blake assists from her chair. There’s something off about Reid, and she’s about to find out what. 
BLAKE: Hey, you alright, Reid? You seem like you’re a million miles away. 
Reid stops working on the map. He turns around to face Blake. 
REID: I met this girl yesterday. She was actually a former victim I resuscitated. And before I left, she said she had a feeling we would see each other again soon.
Spencer pauses and purses his lips. 
SPENCER: She looks just like the other victims.
BLAKE: So you’re worried that when you see her again, it’ll be because of this case. 
REID: Do . . . do you think I could call her? To let her know. 
BLAKE: I’m not saying I wouldn’t want to break the rules if I were you, but I can’t, in good conscience, advise you to let her know what’s happening. By doing so, you’re giving her an advantage other people don’t have. If she tunes into JJ’s press conference, I’m sure she’ll be safe. 
REID: I thought Maeve was gonna be safe too. Look how that turned out.  
Blake is at a loss for words. Here she is, the linguist, and yet she can’t find the right words to tell Reid to comfort him. 
. . .
JJ sits beside Garcia as Garcia sets up her system. 
JJ: Spence has been acting really weird today. 
GARCIA: So it’s not just me! I knew something must’ve been wrong because earlier on the flight, I asked if he wanted to play online chess with me and he said no. Can you believe that? I know he’s all anti-tech and everything, but he’s never passed up a game of chess. So that’s why I’ve already done some digging.
JJ gives Garcia the face of “You shouldn’t have done that.” 
GARCIA: Okay, but before you say I shouldn’t have, you should see this. 
Garcia pulls up a small window on her computer to show to JJ. JJ is shocked. 
JJ: A three hour call with his mom last night? Could’ve just been his regular check in.
GARCIA: See that’s what I thought, too, but look. 
Garcia scrolls further up the call list. 
JJ: He hasn’t called his mom in months. 
GARCIA: We all know Reid tells everything to his mom. Something must’ve happened yesterday. 
Unbeknownst to Garcia and JJ, Reid walks in. 
REID: Hey, guys - what’re you looking at?
It’s too late now. Reid’s already seen it.
REID: You’re keeping tabs on me now? How long have you been monitoring me? Huh?
Anger possesses Reid. 
GARCIA: Just since this morning. I only looked at your call history briefly. 
REID: Unbelievable. 
JJ: We were just worried about you. We all are. There’s obviously something going on. 
REID: So then ask me about it. Ever thought of that? 
JJ: We’re sorry. 
REID: Yeah no, I’m fine, thanks for asking. 
Reid storms off from JJ and Garcia. 
. . .
Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan all meet Garcia, JJ, and Blake before delivering the profile. Spencer’s missing.
MORGAN: Where’s Pretty boy?
BLAKE: I thought he was going to talk to Jennifer and Garcia.
GARCIA: He did, but something happened . . . he was upset and left. I thought maybe he went back to working on the geo-profile.
HOTCH: Garcia, when did you last speak to him? 
GARCIA: Oh, I don’t know, sir, um, maybe fifteen minutes ago?
HOTCH: Morgan, go find Reid. We’ll deliver the profile. 
MORGAN: Where should I be looking?
BLAKE: He went to a coffee shop yesterday. I’m not sure which one, but it’s a start.
. . .
Reid is frantically entering the coffee shop. He scans the room for Maggie but doesn’t see her. 
TONY: Hey, what can I get for you?
SPENCER: Is Maggie here?
TONY: Who’s asking?
SPENCER: (flashing his badge) I’m Dr. Spencer Reid with the FBI. Let me ask you again, where’s Maggie?
TONY: Didn’t show up today. 
SPENCER: Did she call in sick?
TONY: Nope.
SPENCER: When was the last time you saw her?
TONY: Last night when we were working the closing shift.  
SPENCER: Do you know how she got home?
TONY: She walked. I tried to offer her a ride, but she said she likes to walk. Something about clearing the mind. 
SPENCER: Did she walk alone?
TONY: Mhm. 
Spencer’s mind swirls. He is living his worst nightmare all over again. When he turns around and sees Derek pulling up. Reid rushes out of the coffee shop and hops into the passenger seat immediately. Derek doesn’t even question it. 
REID: Drive. I need Garcia on the phone. 
Derek dials her.
GARCIA: Did you find Rei-
REID: (cutting her off) Garcia, I need you to look up Magnolia Tate. Get me her address. 
MORGAN: What is it, Reid?
REID: She didn’t show up to work today. Her coworker said the last time he saw her was when she was walking home. She fits the victimology. Garcia, the address? 
GARCIA: 178 Citrus Boulevard. Be safe. 
REID: Thank you, Garcia. 
GARCIA: Of course. And, Reid?
REID: Yeah?
GARCIA: I’m really super-duper sorry about earlier. 
REID: It’s fine. I know you guys were just looking out for me. 
Reid can sense Garcia smiling through the phone so he promptly hangs up knowing their business is resolved. 
MORGAN: Reid, there is a good chance this could just be a coincidence. 
REID: I’m telling you - nothing with this girl is just a coincidence.
MORGAN: Well, have you called her yet?
MORGAN: Then call her now, Reid. 
REID: I can’t. 
MORGAN: Yes, you can. 
REID: I can’t. 
MORGAN: Why not?
REID: I’m scared that if I call her, I won’t be able to stop, and I’ll want to keep talking to her, but I can’t do that. Not when I know what it’s like loving something death can touch.
MORGAN: Is this about Maeve?
REID: It’s always about Maeve! Morgan, I watched her die in front of me. And just knowing that right now I could be in the same position -
MORGAN: Listen, I know how guilty you feel about Maeve. Man, I feel guilty about her, too, but you gotta understand that if this is connected to our case, you’re gonna save her. Trust me on this. 
REID: Yeah, okay. 
MORGAN: So how do you two know each other?
REID: She was actually a previous victim of ours. Nearly a decade ago, I performed CPR after her ex-boyfriend pushed her off the boat, bound and gagged. They were out on the lake watching the Fourth of July firework show, but a witness recognized her from the news, which ultimately saved her life. Prior to that, he killed practically all of her next of kin because he believed they were responsible for the restraining order she filed against him. 
MORGAN: Why’d he risk taking her out in public?
REID: He was recreating their first date. How do you not remember this? 
MORGAN: Actually, now that you mention it, I do remember the case. Cause you made that stupid joke that he was trying to reignite a spark.
Reid makes an offended/sad face. Morgan smiles.
REID: You know, taking into consideration how much emotional trauma we’ve been through combined, there is a very real possibility that our relationship would be, for lack of a better word, doomed. She has no parents, my mom has schizophrenia. We’ve both been held hostage. I’ve been hospitalized, and she’s potentially been abducted for a second time. 
MORGAN: Seems like the perfect fit to me. 
REID: I’m being serious. 
MORGAN: I am, too. 
REID: Statistically, 40% of all long distance relationships end up failing in some way, including relationships where the partners are married. And of that 40%, 70% of these failures occur because of unplanned circumstances that happen to one of the participants in a relationship. Unplanned circumstances are practically a part of our line of work. Not to mention, most long distance relationships survive on two in-person visits per month. But relying on getting two cases in California per month is completely unrealistic. 
MORGAN: Kid, you can give me all the statistics and numbers to convince me why you shouldn’t be together, but the one thing you haven’t said is that you don’t like her. 
REID: Fine, I don’t like her. 
MORGAN: Then why am I driving to her house?
Reid pauses, not ready to admit he’s wrong. 
REID: Because this could be a lead on the case. 
MORGAN: Whatever you say, Pretty Boy. 
After a long period of time, Reid finally speaks.
REID: At first, I only noticed her because she looked like Maeve. Even when we were talking, it felt like I was talking to Maeve again. But then, she surprised me. She said that seeing me again felt like a “luck of the universe.” That’s when I realized, she’s not a girl who reminds me of Maeve. She’s her own person. She’s Maggie.
MORGAN: See that wasn’t so hard now was it?
REID: I will crush you.
. . .
Morgan and Reid are walking up the flight of stairs to get to Maggie’s apartment. 
MORGAN: Remind me again of the plan. Because realistically, she could just be playing hooky or be out somewhere else. 
REID: Once we get to her apartment, if she’s not there, I’ll call. 
MORGAN: Have we thought about what we’re gonna say if she is there? Oh sorry ma’am, we thought you were kidnapped.
REID: I’ll figure it out. 
Reid and Morgan are in her hallway. Morgan knocks on her door, but the door moves when he knocks on it. It’s open. Morgan and Reid exchange glances. Morgan reaches for his gun as he cautiously opens the door wider to enter. When they do, there’s no one inside. But there was an obvious sign of a struggle. A glass vase has been smashed.
REID: Call Hotch. I’ll call her. 
Morgan goes to the side to let Hotch know.
REID: (to himself) Please pick up. Please pick up.
MAGGIE: (her voicemail) Hey, it’s Mags. Sorry I couldn’t get to the phone right now, but if you leave a message I’ll call you back when I can. 
Hearing Maggie’s voice almost makes him want to break down in tears, but he composes himself. 
MORGAN: Reid, we gotta go. Garcia found something. 
. . .
Hotch, JJ, Blake, Rossi, and Garcia are all together in the conference room while on the phone with Reid and Morgan. 
MORGAN: What’d you find, Baby Girl?
GARCIA: Well after doing some digging, I unearthed Marcus Linden and Toby Forthword. Who are they you may ask? Good question. They are Eliza O’Hara and Brynn Dryer’s sons. And you’re probably thinking, they have children? Yes indeedio they do. The reason I didn’t find this earlier was because when Brynn and Eliza were teen moms, they set up closed adoptions for their sons before they were born. I’ve been trying to find any contact they might’ve made with the agency or their kids since the adoptions, but I haven’t been able to. I thought that was weird, but I started searching for other women that fit the criteria, and would you believe - there was one. 
The pause Garcia takes before saying it, tells Reid it’s Maggie. 
GARCIA: Magnolia Tate.
Reid is at a loss for words. His mind is trying to wrap about what he’s hearing, but it’s all so much. 
HOTCH: Could you find any more connections?
GARCIA: A week before the abductions, all three of them went to a clinic for women who were pregnant or planning to be. 
Reid bites his lips as he tries to grasp it all. 
REID: Is she pregnant? 
All of them know who he’s referring to. 
JJ: Spence . . . they all were.
If Reid’s jaw could be on the floor, it would. Even Morgan winced as JJ revealed the news. A moment of silence falls over the group as they all feel for Spencer. Hotch is the first to speak after nearly a minute of not.
HOTCH: Apply those precedents to teen mothers in the early 2000s and cross it with women that gave birth to sons who ended up in the system instead of being adopted. 
MORGAN: Baby girl, look at kids that are around 18-20 now. He would’ve been recently freed from the system. He’ll most likely have a history of anger management issues or disciplinary issues. 
ROSSI: The mother might also be recently deceased. 
JJ: There’s your stressor.
BLAKE: With the death of his biological mother, he wouldn’t get the answers he wanted. He’d look for them from the women that his mother is similar to. Brynn, Eliza, and Magnolia all serve as surrogates. Garcia, he’d be aiming to work in the system. Not only would he want to prevent other kids from going through what he did, but it would also explain how he found them. 
JJ: You know the fact that all three women were pregnant could account for his anger. To him, that’s the ultimate form of betrayal. Giving their son up, only to have another child in the future to keep.
GARCIA: Got it. 
Spencer is still trying to process. He stays quiet as he fiddles with the napkin. It almost appears as though he might tear it.
. . .
Maggie’s balled up in a corner, hugging her knees. She’s badly beaten. She’s bleeding, her eyes are swollen from crying and she’s looking down at her stomach. The unsub is standing, watching this.
UNSUB: Don’t cry, Magnolia. I wouldn’t have done that if you just answered me. 
MAGGIE: You killed my baby!
UNSUB: And I’ll do more if you don’t answer me!
MAGGIE: Please . . . I can’t give you the answers you want. I’m not your mother. 
UNSUB: If you don’t answer me, I’ll hurt your little boy. I’ve been watching him very closely. His name is Elijah Martin, cute kid by the way. Quite the over-achieving 12 year old. He’s in soccer and track and field. Wanna see his school picture?
Maggie closes her eyes and turns her head so she doesn’t have to see. 
UNSUB: See, Magnolia, what you’re going through right now, is only a fraction of what I had to go through in my foster homes. I was tortured, bullied, abused. All because that old hag didn’t want to make the sacrifice to be a mother. So answer me this, how could you give him up?
MAGGIE: I may not have made the sacrifice to be a mother, but I did make a sacrifice the day I chose not to be his. I wanted to keep him. I cried when I watched him leave with that other family. But I couldn’t be the mother he needed.
UNSUB: Why haven’t you called him? Or tried to get him back?
MAGGIE: Reaching out would’ve done more harm than good. Not knowing who I am, or who his father was, meant that we could never stand in the way of his future. He can reach his fullest potential - free of mine or Charlie’s hindrance. 
The unsub understands Maggie. She’s gotten through to him. But he still carries anger. He groans in frustration and grabs Maggie by the collar of her shirt.
UNSUB: We’re gonna take a little trip.
. . . 
The BAU is at the local Police Department. Garcia is reading to them what she’s found. 
GARCIA: I know a textbook serial killer when I see one. His name is Ray Lewis-Fernandez. Throughout his time in foster care, he was a troublemaker. He never stayed for more than a month in a group home. Quite a Dennis the Menace, according to his foster families. It also says here that he got caught on multiple occasions trying to get his file so he could find his mother. Her name was Shawna Heights, and I say “was” because she passed away exactly two weeks before he was emancipated. 
MORGAN: So this guy is finally able to find his mother on his own, only to realize he missed her by two weeks. 
GARCIA: Talk about bad luck. But that isn’t even the worst of it. If Ray did do some digging after his emancipation, he would’ve discovered that Shawna had two sons and a daughter only a few years after he was born. 
JJ: Did he try to contact them?
GARCIA: No, but that’s the surprising part. I profiled him wanting to reach out and be one big ol’ happy family, but then I remembered I’m not a profiler.
REID: Wait, that might actually be it.
Everyone is shocked to hear Spencer speak up. 
GARCIA: Wait, I’m right?
REID: Foster families mentioned he’d been trying to find his mother but at the core of its meaning - he’s trying to find family. If his mission is to find family, he wouldn’t stay away unless he had to. Garcia, check if there’s a restraining order on Ray. 
GARCIA: Bingo, Boy Wonder! Malcolm, Shawna’s husband, filed it against him just days after Shawna’s funeral. 
REID: The restraining order means he can’t come within a certain distance of the kids, right? So he wouldn’t risk it all just to have lunch with them or send a letter. Think about it - high risk, high reward. Ray would only violate the order, if he could have them completely. But in order to not get caught, he’ll use maternal figures to lure them. They just lost their mother and seeing or talking to someone so similar to Shawna would make them that much more susceptible. But Brynn and Eliza are both mothers who have given up their sons. This means they know what inadequate guardians look like. They’re aware the kids are better off with Malcolm, and they won’t be responsible for abducting them and placing them under Ray’s care. It would completely go against their own reasoning for giving away their children. Their refusal to help him execute the plan angers him to the point of murder. He isn’t just killing because they’re surrogates for his rage, but because they refuse to help him achieve his goal. 
ROSSI: The kids are his endgame. 
BLAKE: All he’s wanted is a family. Now that he knows he has one that hasn’t already betrayed him, he’ll stop at nothing to have them.
HOTCH: What’s the address, Garcia?
GARCIA: Already sent it, sir. 
The BAU rushes out of the conference room. 
. . .
Maggie and Ray are sitting in his car. They’re watching the three children play - staking them out. Malcolm - their father, is nowhere to be seen. We’re to assume he’s at work while they’re at home. 
RAY: You see the boy with the red hoodie? That’s Malcolm Jr. He’s the oldest. Same age as your boy. Then Evan is the middle child. He’s eight. But the baby - she’s my favorite. Her name is Ariel cause of her red hair. She’s six. 
Maggie smiles for a split second before frowning. 
MAGGIE: You don’t have to do this. 
RAY: And I’m not. Because you will. 
Maggie breaks her gaze from the children to look at Ray with shock. 
MAGGIE: No, no, no I’m not kidnapping them. I won’t do it.
Ray retrieves his gun and points it at her stomach. 
RAY: You had a chance to have your family with Elijah. But you gave him up. Now that I have a chance, you’re gonna help me. 
MAGGIE: What if I don’t?
RAY: You’re smart. Figure it out.
MAGGIE: I will not be taunted with death if I don’t help you take someone else’s babies away. So go ahead, kill me. I’ve got nothing left to live for anyway. 
A gunshot. 
Standing in front of the car, is Malcom with his shotgun. The windshield is shattered by a single bullet that penetrated it. Malcolm fired a shot right through Ray’s head. Maggie is alive and in complete and total shock. Once Malcolm knows he’s dead he rushes to her door to help her. 
MALCOM: You have to unlock it. 
Maggie is forced to reach over Ray’s dead body and unlock the car. When she does, Malcolm helps her exit the vehicle. Maggie’s seen putting pressure on her stomach to stop the bleeding. 
Within seconds of escaping, police SUV’s arrive. Spencer is the first to run out of the car. 
Relief overcomes Maggie. 
MAGGIE: Spencer!
She stops him before he can hug her.
MAGGIE: No wait! I’m bleeding. 
Spencer ignores this and embraces her. Maggie sobs hysterically when he does. 
MAGGIE: He . . . he killed my -
SPENCER: Shh, I know. I know. I’m here now, okay?
Neither of them pull away. 
MAGGIE: Oh my god. I can’t believe you’re here. I knew I’d see you again. 
SPENCER: Yeah, you did. You were right Mags. 
These words make Maggie shut her eyes and smile. 
Hotch approaches the pair from behind. 
HOTCH: Miss Tate, there’s an ambulance here for you. Let’s get you to a hospital.
Maggie nods as Spencer helps her limp to a stretcher. 
When she situates herself and is lifted into the back of the ambulance, Spencer turns to Hotch. 
HOTCH: Yes, yes, go. We’ll meet you there. 
Spencer enters the back of the ambulance and sits beside Maggie as they ride to the hospital together. 
MAGGIE: You’re coming?
Spencer nods and gives a small reassuring smile. 
Another tear escapes her eyes as she smiles through the oxygen mask to thank him. 
. . .
The entire team is seated in a waiting room. Spencer is standing up and pacing as he waits for the doctor. 
A doctor soon enters. 
DOCTOR: Is there a Spencer Reid?
Spencer comes over quickly. 
SPENCER: That’s me.
DOCTOR: Come with me, sir. 
Spencer follows the Doctor. 
DOCTOR: Luckily, the lacerations didn’t travel far enough to do a significant amount of damage that would require surgery, but we did have to perform a blood transfusion due to the amount of blood she lost. 
SPENCER: How’s the baby?
DOCTOR: It was too early to tell the sex of the baby before she miscarried. She’s awake now and has been asking for you. 
SPENCER: Thanks. 
The doctor leaves as soon as Spencer knocks on the door. 
SPENCER: (quietly) Maggie?
Maggie’s face lights up when she sees him. 
MAGGIE: Hey you. 
Spencer pulls a chair closer to Maggie’s bedside to take her hand and kiss the back of it. She smiles as he does this. 
SPENCER: How are you feeling?
MAGGIE: Is it possible to feel incredibly lucky and incredibly lucky at the same time?
Spencer gives her that small reassuring smile. 
MAGGIE: I’ll be okay.
MAGGIE: I’m starting to regret not letting Tony take me home. 
Maggie and Spencer share a laugh. 
SPENCER: Yeah, I think you should let him drive you from now on. 
MAGGIE: Yeah, you’re probably right, but I don't think I want to work there anymore. Or even live here for that matter. 
SPENCER: I don’t blame you. 
MAGGIE: I grew up here, but it doesn’t feel like home anymore. 
SPENCER: Where are you thinking of going?
MAGGIE: Well, I completed my bachelor’s degree to become an English teacher, but I never applied to any schools. I think in my gut I knew I didn’t want a job to tie me down here, otherwise I’d never leave California - no matter how much I should. So realistically anywhere that’s offering positions to English teachers is ideal. 
Hearing Maggie’s an English major doesn’t surprise Spencer. 
SPENCER: You know, when I go back to D.C, I can find open teaching positions for you. Moving there would be a big change, but I think you’d feel safer at least.
MAGGIE: I think I would too. And I wouldn’t mind the change. Getting a couple thousand miles closer to you doesn’t sound so bad.
Spencer cheekily grins. 
Maggie nods. 
Hotch enters the room.
HOTCH: It’s time. 
Reid nods and turns back to Maggie. 
SPENCER: I’ll see you soon.
MAGGIE: Can’t wait. 
SPENCER: Goodbye, Maggie. 
He sits up and kisses her forehead. For a moment, he rests his forehead on hers. Maggie smiles when he does this little gesture. 
MAGGIE: Thank you. 
Spencer nods and shuts the door behind him when he leaves. 
With a heavy heart, Spencer leaves the hospital. 
. . .
On the plane back, everyone is asleep besides Spencer and Hotch. 
HOTCH: How is she?
SPENCER: She’ll be okay, but I can’t seem to figure out why. I thought she’d be broken. And I think deep down she is, but when she smiles, she isn’t faking it. 
HOTCH: “Sometimes the ones who have the brightest smiles are the ones who have known and endured deep darkness.”
SPENCER: Dodinsky. (the author of the quote)
. . .
It’s been a week since Spencer has visited Maggie, but he’s back now. Maggie is lying on her hospital bed, with Spencer entering her room. He hides something behind his back.
SPENCER: Knock! Knock! I brought you something.
MAGGIE: Oooh, fun!  
Spencer pulls out headbands with the words “Fourth of July” in block letters. 
He slides one on top of her head and puts the other on himself. 
MAGGIE: What’s this for?
SPENCER: Sometimes when we go through something traumatic, we subconsciously link the tragic event with the date it happened on. It happens most often with death anniversaries, birthdays, or in your case, holidays. But I want to make the Fourth of July a good holiday again. So earlier, I asked the doctors if I could take you up to the roof to watch the fireworks. 
MAGGIE: Spencer . . .
SPENCER: Humor me. 
Maggie’s reluctant but she still reaches out her arms to have Spencer help her out of bed anyway. He wheels over the wheelchair to her and she groans. 
MAGGIE: Are you actually gonna make me use that?
SPENCER: I mean, you’re welcome to walk around the hospital with your backless patient gown.
Maggie laughs and complies. Spencer begins to wheel Maggie out of her room and into the elevator that goes up to the roof. When they finally get there, Maggie’s face lights up. There’s a whole picnic set out for the two of them. A blanket with small fixings is laid out for them. 
Maggie rises from the wheelchair and turns around to engulf Spencer in the biggest hug. 
MAGGIE: Thank you. This is like the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. 
Spencer hugs her back even tighter. His hand is on the small of her back, and for a second he can feel her smooth skin, but like the gentleman he is, he tightly wraps Maggie’s hospital gown to cover her exposed skin. A small gesture that to Maggie, does not go unnoticed. 
. . . 
Maggie and Spencer's backs are lying flat against the blanket. They’re in the middle of a conversation where each of them are smiling.
SPENCER: JJ said that Henry wanted to dress up as his favorite profiler, and he came into the office as me. I even gave him my badge.  
MAGGIE: That is adorable! I can’t wait to have kids and celebrate Halloween with them. 
Spencer goes quiet, making Maggie realize what she said. 
MAGGIE: Oh, gosh, sorry I did not mean for that to take a dark turn. 
SPENCER: Do you want to talk about it? 
Maggie pauses. 
MAGGIE: Um, I mean, sometimes I get sad, but for the most part I’m okay. I think I’ve finally accepted that it happened. You know, I’m actually sort of relieved that I didn’t carry the baby full term, because could you imagine how complicated that would be? Yeah, it’s . . . it’s better this way. And I’ve always wanted a family, but if I had that sperm donor’s baby, I wouldn’t have a family, it’d just be me and the baby. But I want my child to grow up with a father, you know?
Yes, Reid does know. He wishes his father was around. 
SPENCER: Yeah, I do. 
MAGGIE: What about you? Do you want kids?
SPENCER: Absolutely. It’s funny because I always say that I could never picture myself leaving my job and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. But if I had kids, they’d be the exception. I, uh, 
Spencer lightly laughs and looks down. 
SPENCER: Yeah, I don’t know, I just really want to be a dad one day. 
MAGGIE: You’d be a really good dad. I mean that. 
Originally, Maggie and Spencer were both looking up at the sky, but after Spencer turned his head and Maggie turned hers, their faces were only inches away. Spencer licks his lips as he contemplates kissing her. But he pivots. He smiles and kisses her forehead. 
Simultaneously, a firework goes off, startling the duo. Maggie laughs in excitement. 
SPENCER: Did you know that at MIT, one of the lessons they taught students earning their degree in chemistry was how to make a firework?
MAGGIE: You know how to make one? What do they use to make the colors?
SPENCER: Good question. To create certain colors, different physical elements are used. Magnesium creates a bright white light, like that one right there. While strontium and lithium each showcase a different shade of red, like the first one we saw. But the most dangerous colors to form, blues and greens, are formed from barium and copper. 
Spencer’s explanation continues for a little longer. The view above the pair zooms out. They’re just two small people on the roof of the hospital. 
. . .
Spencer is in his apartment. He’s on the phone with Maggie. 
MAGGIE: So I’m looking at an apartment in Manassas right now. It’s only half an hour away from the school and it’s a 45 minute drive from your apartment. 
SPENCER: You’re not very good at changing the subject, Maggie. Even now, I can read your body language. 
MAGGIE: I’m not changing the subject. I’m just mentioning my other options that are unrelated to the one you proposed. 
SPENCER: Wow, is the idea of living with me really that bad?
MAGGIE: No! I would love to live with you. 
MAGGIE: But you’ve already done so much. You’ve saved my life twice, visited me every week I’ve been in the hospital, made the Fourth of July fun again, and helped me find a great teaching job over there. So I am sincerely grateful, but moving in with you would feel like taking advantage of your good heart. You’ve done a lot for me already, okay? I can take care of myself from now on. 
SPENCER: Okay, think of it instead as a mutualistic relationship. We both receive net benefits from moving in. You wouldn’t be taking advantage of me because I’d be gaining something from it, too. I’d have a roommate and my rent would dichotomize. And for you, you’ll only be driving 15 minutes to work instead of 30. 
MAGGIE: Did you ever consider being a lawyer? You’re quite convincing. 
SPENCER: So is that a yes?
MAGGIE: It’s a “Yes I’ll move in with you but only if Plan A doesn’t pan out.”
SPENCER: Promise me you’ll think about it. 
MAGGIE: Okay, fine. I’ll think about it. 
SPENCER: Say it. 
MAGGIE: I promise. 
Spencer yawns. Maggie hears it. 
MAGGIE: What time is it over there?
SPENCER: 11:54. 
MAGGIE: Spencer! Why didn’t you tell me? You should’ve been asleep like two hours ago.
SPENCER: I’ll be fine. I don’t have to be at work until 7.
MAGGIE: You of all people know how bad it is to get less than 8 hours of sleep. I’m gonna hang up now so you can at least get 6. 
SPENCER: Then I’ll call back.
MAGGIE: Then I’ll decline. 
SPENCER: Fine, if I go to sleep, you have to agree to consider living with me as more than a Plan B.
MAGGIE: I already said I would! 
SPENCER: Mmm no. I’m not really feeling it. You have to say it nicely.  
MAGGIE: If you sleep now, I’ll consider living with you as more than a backup plan. 
SPENCER: Music to my ears. Sleep well, Maggie. 
MAGGIE: Sweet dreams, Spencer. 
Spencer lets Maggie hang up. Let it be known, that he has never once ended a call. 
. . .
It’s a few weeks later. Maggie’s finally out of the hospital. It’s official that she has the teacher job - no interview required thanks to Garcia. Currently, she and Spencer are packing the last of her things away into boxes in preparation for the cross country move she’s making tomorrow. 
MAGGIE: I know I’m still a little fragile, but the doctor said I’m all clear to resume normal activities. So would you please let me help you with the boxes?
SPENCER: Mmm, I don’t think so. 
MAGGIE: Need I remind you that I’ve been through worse than packing?
SPENCER: That would violate our designated jobs! I pack the boxes - you label them, remember? 
Spencer picks up a book from her shelf and reads the spine of it. From the looks of how empty the bookshelf is, he’s been packing away the books this entire time they’ve been packing.
SPENCER: By the way, I love your book collection. Very diverse. But the way you’ve organized them is peculiar, though. 
MAGGIE: What do you mean? Each shelf is categorized by genre. 
SPENCER: No, I figured that out, but why not in alphabetical order? Cause, see, you have several books from Dickens, but they’re sporadic on your shelves. And again with Austen and Steinbeck, you have several of their books, so organizing by last name means that all the books by the same author would be together. 
MAGGIE: Alright then, when I move, you can organize my bookshelf. 
MAGGIE: I was joki-
Maggie notices that Spencer actually takes pleasure in organizing her books, so she refrains from saying she’s joking. 
MAGGIE: Can I see a box? I forgot I have stuff on my fridge still to take down. 
Spencer hands Maggie a box. Maggie begins to fill the box with her fridge magnets, postcards, and small reminders she put on her fridge. Only one picture is left on the fridge - a sonogram picture. Maggie had completely forgotten it was even there. But she drops the box immediately and pulls it off, placing it close to her chest. 
SPENCER: You okay?
Maggie pauses for a moment cherishing the picture. 
SPENCER: What is it?
Spencer comes over. 
MAGGIE: I thought I threw this away, but I guess I didn’t. It was my first sonogram. 
SPENCER: Oh, from a few weeks ago?
MAGGIE: No - years ago. This is Elijah’s. 
Maggie smiles when she sees the picture. 
SPENCER: I think you should keep it - the picture I mean.
MAGGIE: Yeah, I think I might. I mean, if it’s stayed with me all these years, no sense in throwing it away now. 
Maggie puts the picture at the top of the pile in the box. 
. . . 
Maggie and Spencer are on the plane heading to Virginia. Reid’s reading and Maggie is sorting through some papers with an earbud in one ear.
MAGGIE: Before we left, I contacted the landlord for that apartment in Manassas weeks ago, but he never got back to me. 
SPENCER: I guess it’s a good thing you have a Plan B then. 
Spencer smirks. 
MAGGIE: Remind me again that we mutually benefit so I don’t feel so guilty that you’re constantly helping me but I can never find the opportunity to pay you back. 
SPENCER: Stop it, okay. I want you to move in with me. 
MAGGIE: I snore really loudly. 
SPENCER: Completely okay. 
MAGGIE: I take long showers. 
SPENCER: Not a problem. 
MAGGIE: Late at night, I’ll get random bursts of energy and get really hyper and bothersome. 
SPENCER: So do I. 
Maggie groans in frustration. 
MAGGIE: I feel like you know the reason why I don’t want to move in with you, but even I don’t know why. 
SPENCER: It’s quite simple actually. You’ve spent nearly a decade living alone. And because of that, you think you prefer isolation over having company. But in reality, you’re just scared. Because the last time you were surrounded by a lot of people, they eventually died, essentially abandoning you. And it might not seem like it, but I know exactly what that feels like. To be scared of abandonment. 
MAGGIE: Really?
SPENCER: When I was three, my dad left me and my mom. And a year ago, my girlfriend was shot in front of me.
Maggie’s speechless. 
SPENCER: You and I - we’re scared to let people in and get attached to them. The reason is because we’re afraid to suffer or let go. So, we think, in order to protect ourselves, we have to stay away from the people we’re getting attached to - which is hard because it is equivalent to avoiding the privilege of becoming happy. So we’re caught in the middle of which pain we’d rather endure - the pain caused by unhappiness and loneliness, or the pain that we know, nobody will ever be strong enough to stand against - the pain of letting go. 
Maggie’s astonished. 
MAGGIE: If our love could’ve saved them, they would’ve lived forever. 
A tear rolls down Maggie’s cheek. Spencer uses the pad of his thumb to brush it away. 
. . .
Maggie and Spencer are at the baggage claim of the Virginia Airport. Maggie yawns and leans into Spencer, who puts his arm around her and comfortingly rubs her. 
MAGGIE: Extremely. 
SPENCER: We can get coffee on the way home. 
MAGGIE: Are you reading my mind right now?
Spencer laughs.
Maggie sees her suitcase come through on the conveyor belt. Maggie lifts her baggage up, and they begin to exit the airport. 
. . .
Spencer is driving and Maggie is in the passenger seat, trying to fight her sleepiness. 
SPENCER: Tell me about your parents. 
Maggie’s surprised by not unwilling. 
MAGGIE: My mom’s name was Amina. She met my dad, Sonny, in college, and had me when she was 24, but he took off when she got pregnant. At first, I didn’t mind it just being the two of us, but when I was seven, there was a father-daughter dance at my school. I wrote him a letter inviting him to it. He didn’t show up, of course. Not that I really expected him to, but ever since then, I’ve resented him. My mom used to say that he was the reason why I dated Charlie. She said that I never got to see an example of what a good man looks like or how a girl should be treated. In hindsight, she was totally right. 
SPENCER: How did she react to your pregnancy?
MAGGIE: Well, at first she said she was gonna slap Charlie, but she wasn’t even really mad at me. Instead, she just said that if I wanted to have a future and if I wanted the baby to have a good future, I should set up an adoption. Later that same year, she helped me file a restraining order on Charlie. My mom was always looking out for me. It felt like she always knew what the right choice was.
SPENCER: She sounds like a really good person. 
MAGGIE: And she was. I just wish I told her that more often. Growing up, I thought one day I’d get a job and become rich enough to support the both of us. I’d even buy her a range rover - it was a car she wanted since forever. I never got to do that for her, but she used to say to me, “Some people are so poor, all they have is money.” And I think about that everyday. I was never spoiled or born with a golden spoon, but we were so rich in love. She loved me so much, that she’s the reason I wanted to have a baby. Just days after her death anniversary, I visited the clinic. It’s silly, but I just wanted to be half as good a mother as she was.
SPENCER: I feel the same way about my mom. I wanted to grow up and create a cure for schizophrenia by the time I was 29. And even though I’m far from doing so, I’m not giving up hope that I still can. 
MAGGIE: Does she live here?
SPENCER: She’s in a facility in Vegas. 
MAGGIE: Well, if I ever find myself in Nevada, I’d really like to thank her for raising the perfect son. 
Spencer gaily smiles.
SPENCER: Would you maybe want to visit her with me one day?
Maggie nods.
SPENCER: You two would have a lot to talk about. She was a former professor of 15th century literature. 
MAGGIE: Does she still hold lectures?
SPENCER: She does. I attended one of them years ago. It completely changed my perspective. I realized that I owe all of who I am today to her. 
MAGGIE: Then we have to attend one of her lectures when we visit.
SPENCER: She’ll be so happy when I let her know. 
Maggie and Spencer continue to talk about literature. 
. . .
Now in a coffee shop, Maggie and Spencer are nursing their drinks at a table in the corner of the cafe. 
MAGGIE: Earlier, we were talking about your mom a lot, but on the plane, we spoke about your dad leaving when you were really little.
SPENCER: Yeah, um, eventually he wrote a letter saying that he just didn’t know how to be a dad to me anymore. That and he couldn’t deal with my mom’s paranoid schizophrenia anymore. 
MAGGIE: I’m sorry to hear that. I know it’s not easy growing up without a dad. 
SPENCER: He’s partly the reason I want to have kids. I want to be the dad mine never was.
Maggie nods. 
SPENCER: I’m not as mad as I used to be about it. Over time, I slowly stopped caring about him. 
MAGGIE: As you should. 
SPENCER: Um, we still have an hour before we’re home so-
MAGGIE: Yeah, no of course. Lemme just use the bathroom really quick before we go. 
Maggie leaves her phone and her coffee cup at the table. Spencer sips from his drink but stops when he sees Maggie’s phone ringing. The call’s number has a familiar area code. Spencer instantly recognizes it from Manassas. He realizes that the caller is the landlord from the apartment in Manassas that Maggie said hadn’t gotten back to her. He looks at the bathroom and sees Maggie isn’t back yet, so he declines and deletes the call. 
He wants Maggie to live with him, and knowing the landlord called her back would ruin any chances of that happening. And Spencer wasn’t taking any chances. 
. . . 
Maggie and Spencer are finally at his apartment. They’re climbing the flight of stairs, with Spencer carrying Maggie’s backpack for her - like a gentleman. When they reach his door, Spencer unlocks it and opens it for her to walk through first. In that same breath, confetti comes flying. 
Maggie is startled by this, but comes to realize that the entire BAU is in his apartment. A banner hangs behind the team saying “Welcome!”
She laughs and goes to greet each of them.
JJ: I’m JJ. 
Maggie shakes her hand. 
MAGGIE: Maggie Tate. Nice to meet you. 
MORGAN: Derek Morgan. I’ve heard a lot about you. 
MAGGIE: All good things I hope. 
HOTCH: Aaron Hotchner. 
MAGGIE: Right of course. I remember you from the day you guys found me. 
BLAKE: Alex Blake. Nice to finally meet you. 
MAGGIE: Likewise.
ROSSI: David Rossi. Spencer’s Italian grandpa. 
Maggie laughs and Rossi greets her by kissing each of her cheeks. 
ROSSI: Got any Italian blood in you?
MAGGIE: Oh, I wish. Half Filipino, half Mexican. 
ROSSI: A beautiful mix nonetheless. 
Finally, Maggie meets Penelope. Before Maggie can even say anything, Penelope envelopes her in a huge hug. 
MAGGIE: You must be Penelope!
She pulls away.
GARCIA: At your service. 
MAGGIE: I really like your glasses. Cool color. 
GARCIA: (to Spencer) I love her already. 
Maggie returns to Spencer after all the greetings.  
MAGGIE: Did you know they were gonna do this?
SPENCER: I might’ve. 
Maggie turns back to everyone.
MAGGIE: I wish I would’ve known I was meeting you all, I would’ve worn something nicer than leggings and jet lag. 
They laugh and tell her that it’s not a problem. 
GARCIA: So we thought you guys might be hungry, so there’s chips and guac as well as other little snacks. 
MAGGIE: It’s crazy, because I was craving just that.
Penelope gasps and smiles. She extends her arm for Maggie to wrap her arm around. 
GARCIA: Well then let’s dig in. 
Garcia leads Maggie arm in arm to the food. While Spencer draws back to set her things down. JJ waits up for him. 
JJ: She’s pretty. 
SPENCER: She is, isn't she? And she’s more than that, too. Everytime we talk, she never fails to surprise me with her wit or mind. She reminds me a lot of you. 
JJ smiles as Spencer and her rejoin the group. 
. . .
It’s almost the evening now, and Maggie and Spencer are bidding each guest goodbye. The last one to leave is of course Penelope. But when she does, Spencer and Maggie are alone again. Spencer shuts the door behind Garcia, and turns and presses his back to it and sighs. Maggie exhales too. 
SPENCER: I’m sorry about that. I didn’t think this would last for as long as it did. 
MAGGIE: No, no don’t apologize. I like spending time with them. I’m pretty sure Garcia’s energy cured my jet lag. 
Spencer laughs and walks back to Maggie.
MAGGIE: I think I’m gonna go shower now. Try to wash off the flight from me. 
Spencer nods and leads her to the bathroom. 
SPENCER: Just turn this knob to the left if you want it hotter, and to the right if you want cold water. When you’re done just press down on this. 
Spencer presses on the little knob, and when he does, the shower sprays him with water and sprays Maggie, too. She squeals and begins to laugh when she sees Spencer’s hair is drenched. It’s all stringy and in his face, so she pushes it back to see his smiling face. She leaves her hands around his cheeks, cupping his face. 
MAGGIE: Well that’s one way to get wet!
SPENCER: Oh yeah? What’s the other?
The delivery of his innuedo is so subtly seductive. Maggie dismisses it and laughs instead. 
MAGGIE: Um, just tell me where the towels are and I can bring you one to dry your hair. 
He points her in the direction and Maggie promptly leaves the bathroom. When she does, Spencer sees himself in the mirror and realizes just how ridiculous he looks. But on the inside, he feels doubly ridiculous. He’s so embarrassed from what he just said that his cheeks turn red. 
. . . 
Spencer is cleaning up what was left of the welcoming party. He’s in the kitchen, when he hears Maggie exit the shower. Her hair is damp and stringy, and she’s drying it with a towel. Spencer notices the clothes she’s wearing. She has on sweatpants and to his surprise, his shirt. 
MAGGIE: I forgot my pajamas were with the moving truck. I hope you don’t mind. 
SPENCER: Not at all. 
Maggie thanks him with a smile and walks a little more into the living room. She notices that the couch has a blanket and pillows on it. 
MAGGIE: What is this?
SPENCER: What do you mean?
MAGGIE: Are you gonna sleep out here?
SPENCER: Yeah, why?
SPENCER: No what?
MAGGIE: No, you’re not sleeping on your couch in your own apartment. I won’t let you. 
SPENCER: It’s fine really. I’ve slept on it before. 
MAGGIE: Do you not want to share a bed?
SPENCER: No, it’s not about that. I just want you to have the bed to yourself. 
MAGGIE: If anything, I should be sleeping on the couch because I’m a guest.
SPENCER: No, I’m serious. I’ll sleep out here. 
MAGGIE: Okay fine. 
Maggie dramatically flops onto the couch. 
MAGGIE: Then I’ll join you. 
Spencer sighs and shakes his head. 
SPENCER: You’re really gonna sleep on the couch with me?
SPENCER: Why are you being so stubborn?
MAGGIE: Why are you being so stubborn?
SPENCER: Are you just gonna repeat what I’m saying?
MAGGIE: Are you just gonna repeat what I’m saying?
SPENCER: You’re acting childish. 
Spencer comes over to Maggie. He stands in front of her, towering over her small figure. 
MAGGIE: You’re acting childish. 
SPENCER: Stop repeating what I’m saying.
MAGGIE: Stop repeating what I’m saying. 
SPENCER: I mean it, Maggie!
She shoots up from the couch and makes a grumpy face to imitate Spencer. Their bodies are so close. 
MAGGIE: I mean it, Maggie!
Spencer takes the opportunity of their closeness and uses it to put his arms behind her back and swoop her up - bridal style. Maggie squeals and tries to squirm out of his arms, but he resists and carries her all the way into the bedroom. He tosses her onto the bed and starts to tickle at her sides. 
MAGGIE: Stop! Stop!
Maggie’s laughing so hard, she’s breathless. 
SPENCER: Not until you agree to sleep in the bed. 
MAGGIE: I want to sleep on the couch with you!
SPENCER: Well I guess I’m gonna keep tickling you then. 
Maggie laughs so hard she’s almost in tears. Suddenly, she sees a window of opportunity to escape. When she does she runs out into the living room. Spencer chases after her through the apartment. Maggie dodges some of his attempts to capture her, but is ultimately outrun by him. He gets her to fall flat on the couch as he hovers above her. Both of them are smiling and breathless. 
SPENCER: You’re not gonna give this up are you?
Maggie shakes her head no. 
SPENCER: Alright, I surrender. But if in the morning, you wake up and find that you’ve magically teleported to the bed after falling asleep on the couch, it wasn’t me. 
MAGGIE: Deal. 
. . .
It’s sometime late at night and Spencer has finished showering. Maggie’s traveling through his apartment and looking at everything closer. She notices he has a record player. And all the records are classical music.
MAGGIE: Interesting record collection. Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach. Why am I not surprised?
SPENCER: Am I that predictable?
MAGGIE: Just a little. Care if I try to expand your music taste? 
Maggie pulls out her phone. After some scrolling and typing, she begins to play “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron. Spencer is unfamiliar with this song, but it’s abundantly clear Maggie loves it. 
MAGGIE: Do you dance?
SPENCER: Oh, no, no. 
MAGGIE: Just dance with me. I’ll teach you. 
The song plays in the background as Spencer shyly approaches Maggie. Maggie puts one arm out and Spencer takes her hand. Then he timidly puts his hand on her back, but with confidence, Maggie slides his hand down to her waist. Maggie puts her hand on his shoulder. Promptly, Spencer and Maggie both peer down at their feet as Maggie leads the dance. She does the classic box step, and after fidgeting around, Spencer gets it. 
MAGGIE: There you go. You got it!
They dance a little more. 
MAGGIE: Do you think you can lead?
Spencer nods, and Maggie lets him lead. As the song reaches the chorus, Spencer finally gets his confidence. He doesn’t have to look down at his feet anymore. He finally looks at Maggie. To her surprise, Spencer spins her and dips her. They stay put in this position. Neither of them break eye contact.
MAGGIE: You sure you don’t dance?
Spencer sheepishly smiles and shakes his head. He brings her up from the dip. Maggie’s flustered from the thrill of dancing with him, so much so that she pulls away.
MAGGIE: So, did you um, did you like the song?
SPENCER: Yeah, I did. 
MAGGIE: You know, that, that could be like our song. 
SPENCER: Our song. Yeah, okay. 
. . . 
It’s the middle of the night now. Maggie is sprawled across the couch, asleep. Spencer is at the table reading. He only has one dim light on so as not to make it harder for Maggie to sleep with a bigger light on. He peers over the couch and sees that she’s sleeping so he picks her up and carries her bridal style again. When he lays her in the bed, she stirs and mumbles. 
MAGGIE: (quietly) Spencer?
SPENCER: (whispering) Sorry, I was trying not to wake you. 
MAGGIE: Can you just sleep in the bed? I don’t want you on the couch. 
SPENCER: Yeah, yeah. I’ll sleep on the bed. I’ll sleep soon, but I’m just gonna be outside reading. Goodnight, Maggie. 
Maggie’s already fallen fast asleep again. Spencer leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. 
As Spencer approaches the table, his reading material can be visibly seen. A thick stack of papers within a manila folder labeled “CONFIDENTIAL.” He opens it to resume reading the contents. On the very front, a scanned picture of a man’s driver’s license is paperclipped to another paper. The name on the driver’s license reads, “S.J Glover.” a.k.a Sonny Jr. Maggie’s dad. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
“But Bumbleby was rushed/forced to pander to the gays—”
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There are a number of glaring flaws in this argument, most of all the fact that no straight relationship is ever called “forced” or “pandering” even if people don’t like it, let alone “rushed” when it’s only on the verge of officially happening seven seasons into the show, but I want to break down all of the many levels on which it’s wrong in order to hopefully kill it once and for all.
“It came out of nowhere—”
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Jaune was crushing on Weiss the second he saw her, Sun was crushing on Blake the moment he saw her, Pyrrha developed feelings for Jaune in just one Volume and showed some interest from the moment she saw him, and Blake goes from being consistently annoyed at Sun throughout Volumes 1 and 2 to suddenly having a crush on him in Volume 3.
If Bumbleby supposedly “came out of nowhere,” then so did W/hite Knight, A/rkos, and B/lacksun. But no one ever has an issue with the speed at which those characters started having romantic interest in each other. And I’m not even saying they should—they’re all very valid ships and whether they came out of nowhere or not isn’t the point of this—but there’s a clear double standard applied to same sex ships as opposed to heterosexual ships here and it invalidates this point right out of the gate.
“It was rushed—”
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Blake and Yang are only just now close to becoming an official couple after more than six whole Volumes of knowing each other. There is no possible universe where this would qualify as “rushed.” Again, W/hite Knight and B/lacksun albeit both one-sided at least to begin with both became obvious things within literal episodes of the characters meeting, and Jaune and Pyrrha were showing blatant romantic interest in each other by Volume 2 before kissing in Volume 3.
In the last case you can argue that it went at a faster pace because Pyrrha was going to die, but that doesn't change the fact that no one complained that it went too quickly—or about the other two ships I mentioned which were both initially based solely on one (1) instance of a guy showing interest in a girl—and yet people say it’s too soon for Blake and Yang to get together when they’ve had over twice as long for their relationship to develop.
“The shippers forced it into the show—”
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I don’t think I even need to add any more here when the words of CRWBY speak for themselves.
“Toxic shippers think everything is gay—”
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I mean, I’m gay and I only truly ship a handful of the possible same sex pairings in the show—certainly far from the majority of them—and I also ship a number of straight ships, but go off I guess.
I already made a post on this here, but it’s insanely dismissive and ridiculous for heterosexual people i.e. the ones who usually use this “argument” to assume that they know better than actual LGBT+ people what is or isn’t good LGBT+ representation, and for them to assume that just because they missed build up that it therefore isn’t there.
I can’t take someone seriously when they go into a discussion determined to believe that they’re already right and don’t listen to a word you say to prove otherwise, especially when they’re debating on a topic which doesn’t directly affect them and which they don’t have the same level of firsthand knowledge of.
“The wasps only care about Blake and Yang getting in each other’s pants—”
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Actually, it’s the people who are most aggressively against Blake and Yang being a couple that tend to reduce their relationship to being entirely about sex even though they haven’t had a single remotely sexual interaction in the show, but if this were true then surely Bumbleby shippers would be very unhappy with the show because Blake and Yang have still not “got in each other’s pants,” or “swapped clit juice” as I once saw someone tastefully describe it?
But that isn’t right. Because in general us Bee shippers are currently exceedingly happy with everything that’s happening in the show to do with Blake and Yang’s relationship. So how can that be if all we care about is whether they fuck or not?
The answer is of course that we don’t only care about whether they fuck or not—in fact most of us couldn’t care less whether it’s ever so much as hinted that they have sex, both because the show almost certainly won’t ever go there and because that isn’t our priority—we’re just enjoying watching them fall in love.
Honestly this argument is one of the most lazy because one look at RWBY will tell you that none of the romances are at all sexual thus far so any shippers who truly only care about that aspect wouldn’t stick around very long when they’ll just end up disappointed. And of course the way that these people inherently view same sex relationships as sexual is homophobic and disgusting too.
“CRWBY rushed it to give the rabid shippers what they want—”
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Like the last two points, this is a “criticism” that I’ve only ever seen levelled at same sex ships and never straight ships, so it’s yet another example of double standards and hypocrisy, but that’s only the start of what’s wrong with it.
The most galling thing about this is that these people insist that all LGBT+ people because as I’ve already mentioned that is always the group which statements like this are aimed at just want to see two characters of the same gender make out as soon as possible, which is simply not true.
No one would ever claim that straight people just want to see a man and a woman get it on as soon as possible and dismiss the worth of a straight relationship because of it. So it’s ridiculous to try and force that logic onto shippers of same sex ships, who are primarily LGBT+ people themselves.
If anything, we care even more about the quality of our ships—how healthy they are, whether they’re well built up or not, etc.—because we hardly have any to begin with in comparison. If one straight ship is rushed or poorly written, then there are plenty of well-handled ones to choose from instead, but the same isn’t the case for same sex ships.
We want to be represented well, which means that we want healthy relationships with plenty of development where the characters actually have chemistry and complement each other. We might still support rushed or badly-written same sex ships sometimes because it’s still representation which we are overall sorely lacking, but we don’t want them.
“But they ship baited with Blake and Sun—”
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First off, straight ships can’t be baited the same way that same sex ships can. It’s simply not a comparable situation. But of course B/lacksun shippers are entitled to feel disappointed that their ship didn’t become canon. That’s utterly valid and understandable. However, that doesn’t mean that the writers or the show in any way misled viewers regarding what was happening.
“But Sun winked at Blake—”
And Yang also winked at Blake in Volume 2 while asking her to the dance, just like Sun winked at Blake in Volume 1 and then asked Blake to the dance. And Blake turned Sun down when he asked initially, specifically told him that they were only “technically” going together when she ran into him outside, and told him definitively that she had chosen to give her first dance to Yang.
“But Blake blushed at Sun—”
And now she’s also blushed at Yang, in a far more intimate scene at that. Next point.
“But Sun met Blake’s parents—”
And? Simply meeting someone’s parents doesn’t on any level automatically imply romance. Ghira didn’t even like Sun, and while a lot of people like to claim that Kali “ships it” which would be extremely flimsy evidence to base the canonicity of a ship on anyway, she’s someone who would do the same with anyone Blake brought home so it means nothing. If Blake had actually chosen to take Sun home with her herself then this would be a valid point, but she didn’t, so it has no weight whatsoever overall.
“But Blake kissed Sun on the cheek—”
And I kiss my mother on the cheek the exact same way every time I say goodbye to her. If you think that type of kiss on the cheek has to be romantic then quite frankly I’m not sure what world you’re living in. If the camera had been close up, if there had been any shots at all of their reactions, any blushing or lingering looks, a more private setting— literally anything to give it some actual weight and make it feel significant, then this might mean something, but it’s framed as a totally platonic goodbye with zero romantic coding.
And that’s without even mentioning the fact that right after that moment Sun flat out states that his time with Blake was “never about [romance],” which sort of kills the idea that anything about that scene was supposed to be taken as romantic. There was no reason to include that line except to make it clear to the audience that Sun and Blake parted ways as friends who now have no intention of ever becoming anything more.
Seriously, if they wanted us to think that there was still something there, then Blake would have been shown to be thinking about or missing Sun even one since they separated, but he hasn’t been brought up for even a second. If they wanted to set up a continuation of anything romantic for them when the group reach Vacuo, say, then they would have started doing it by now.
Plus the reverse argument that Blake and Sun have never hugged or held hands—both of which Blake and Yang have done multiple times—works just as well, perhaps even better since handholding is a well-established romantic cue in the show already thanks to A/rkos, R/enora, and O/zma and Salem.
“But why was Sun even there in Volumes 4 and 5 then—”
Because Blake needed a friend who she could exposition to about her thought processes and personal problems so that the audience could understand what she was going through, and she wasn’t as likely to open up to her parents about that stuff right away when she was convinced they’d hate her for leaving.
Sun was there to support Blake as she developed and to tell her that running away hurt the very people she was trying to protect. That was his narrative role in that arc. There was nothing to indicate that a romance was being built in those more than twenty episodes they spent together and if it was going to happen that would have been the time to do it.
On the other hand Blake and Yang’s shared arc together is built on the fact that Blake’s romantic ex, who Blake had already directly contrasted with Yang and whose Semblance was already a foil to Yang’s, maimed Yang specifically because Blake loves her. The basis of that arc has romantic weight, which is what makes the difference here. Though the scene at the end of Volume 3 where Adam takes Yang’s arm isn’t romantic in and of itself, I should clarify, it just has romantic significance in that it makes it clear that Blake and Yang’s feelings go beyond mere friendship.
In short, the summary of this whole section pretty much boils down to: two characters spending time together doesn't inherently equal romantic development, and it isn’t in any way “baiting” if those two characters don’t then get together.
The characters’ feelings follow a fairly logical progression over the course of the show, with Blake showing interest in both Sun and Yang in V1-V3, then ceasing to show interest in Sun after that as their relationship becomes totally platonic by Volume 5/the beginning of Volume 6 at the very latest, while the events of the Fall of Beacon only solidified how strong her feelings for Yang were and once she reunites with Yang their relationship begins to head towards romance.
It’s a pretty realistic depiction of how human feelings work, and a far less messy situation than in a lot of other shows where there isn’t the same massive level of hatred and vitriol towards the “victorious” pairing, because this was never even really presented as a love triangle or rivalry.
To conclude, I just want to list some of the contradictions that I’ve seen within the arguments made against Bumbleby, because I think it’s very telling that the people who are against it can’t even settle on one coherent narrative on why it’s bad.
“Bumbleby has no development, but also the show focusses too much on Bumbleby.”
“Monty wouldn’t have wanted Bumbleby—it goes against his vision—even though I didn’t know him and have no idea what his vision actually was, and he explicitly stated that he wanted LGBT+ characters in the show who might already be in the main cast and that he wanted Blake and Yang to have a shared arc together, as well as being responsible for the set up of that arc with Blake and Yang being introduced as Beauty and the Beast while Adam canonically represents Gaston.”
“The Bumbleby shippers have so much influence that they forced the writers to make the ship canon, but they’re also just a vocal minority who don’t matter.”
“Blake and Yang hardly interact—they’re barely even friends—but they also interact too much and it’s making Bumbleby take over the show.”
“Arryn is a victim of the toxic wasps who harrassed her and sent her death threats for saying that the song Bmblb doesn't automatically make the ship canon, which there is zero evidence of,  but Arryn is also an unprofessional cunt for expressing her support of Bumbleby.”
“None of Blake and Yang’s scenes together are romantic so Bumbleby is forced, but even when they have undeniably romantic interactions I’ll ignore them or deny that they mean anything so I can still pretend it has no build up.”
“Bumbleby is bad because Team RWBY are a sisterhood, but all of the other straight relationships within teams—even those who’ve flat out called each other ”family”—are fine, and I’ll just pretend that there aren’t other definitions of the word sisterhood which have nothing to do with actual sisters and are the ones that actually apply in this case.”
“Blake and Yang’s relationship could be seen as romantic or platonic, but I personally think they’re just friends so Bumbleby is bad and came out of nowhere.”
I’ve seen all of these countless times with my own two eyes and it’s absolutely hilarious to be honest. Anyway that’s it. I have yet to see a single logical argument as to why Bumbleby is bad that isn’t made in bad faith, fallacious, or just doesn’t hold up when you actually look at the show. It’s about to be canon, and at this point to be honest anyone who doesn't like that can simply accept it or go and watch something else that will pander to their specific tastes instead.
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currantlee · 4 years
My issues with Blake’s Atlas outfit
Blake Belladonna is an ambush fighter who will avoid unnecessary combat and prefer to surprise or even backstab her opponents rather than picking an open fight. She is highly mobile, fast and can use the power of her Semblance, Shadow Clone, to make immobile copies of herself in order to distract or deceive her opponents. Her clones can be modified with dust to have different attributes, for example ice dust may be used in order to create a clone made of ice. Blake also excels at stealth and infiltrating enemy territory.
I’m focusing so much on her fighting style and her abilities because fights are an important part of RWBY. Let’s not forget that according to the fanbase, the fights speak for themselves!
However, so does character design. And if I were to show you this particular character design without you having watched the show – would you believe me that this is the same character I just described to you?
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If you did,then you’re probably different than me and this character design actually makes sense to you – which isn’t a bad thing. However, it doesn’t make sense to me, not for a character like Blake and not for an environment like Solitas.
I have a love-hate relationship with RWBY. On the one hand I love the show because there are so many wonderful concepts and ideas in that show (even those seem to be borrowed from other media without an actual understanding on how the concept works most of the time). And on the other hand I hate it because it almost never uses the concepts and ideas to their full potential and prefers to do a lot of very bad fanservice instead.
That being said, I want to make very clear that everything in this post is my opinion and my perspective. I obviously dislike this character design, however, my opinion is not a universal one. If you like this design, that’s great!
Please do also keep in mind that I’m almost entirely self-taught when it comes to this topic and my primary approach when designing characters myself is practicality. This approach obviously doesn’t apply universally and it is certainly not the only way to approach designing a character.
My initial reaction to Blake’s new design
I’m not going to lie: my first reaction when I saw the V7 Artwork for Blake was: “What is this?” Not a purely negative way because there are actually elements I like, but still, the design didn’t make sense to me from the get-go, which isn’t a good thing in my opinion.
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To the design’s credit, I did recognize Blake (mainly due to knowing it’s from RWBY and her cat ears) and not just because someone told me that it’s Blake. I obviously had a lot of problems with this design immediately after the reveal despite this.
Also, and I’m just going to mention this really quickly: when a few friends and I discussed the new designs shortly after the reveal, we all could agree somewhat that this design seems to be a somewhat fetishized version of Blake, despite the fact that she isn’t showing much skin. This is especially unfortunate because Blake is essentially a catgirl. You know, that type of character design which commonly tends to be fetishized. I won’t go into further detail with this however as the topic makes me personally uncomfortable.
With that right out of the way, let’s get into the actual analysis.
The Character of Blake Belladonna
To understand why I think that this character design is very mediocre at best in my opinion, I think that I should explain who I think Blake Belladonna is as a character – and not just her fighting style, which I have already described in the opening.
To be honest... It’s hard for me to characterize her. And not because she doesn’t do or talk much, but because RWBY is incredibly inconsistent with characterization, specifically when it comes to Blake (seriously, I think only RWBY can have an anti-violence character murder somebody and then jump back to the character being against violence... Without any development in between). So, I’m just going back to the Black Trailer and the first episodes of RWBY Volume 1 in order to get an idea of what she was originally like.
The first time we see Blake is in the Black Trailer, in which she ambushes a train together with a mysterious guy (a.k.a. Adam Taurus), only to leave him behind on the train at the end of the trailer after this vocal exchange:
Blake: What about the crew members [of the train]? Adam: What about them?
This established Blake as a character who, despite the violent nature of her actions, cares about others and their lives. It also shrouded her in mystery: we wanted to know why she left that guy behind. We also get a glimpse on Blake’s sass in the trailer when she tells Adam to “[not] be so dramatic”.
The first time we see Blake in the show itself is in RWBY Volume 1, Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon (Part 1), where she confronts Weiss Schnee after Ruby Rose accidentally knocked over her baggage. Note that in this scene, Blake is fairly sassy, just like she was in the Black Trailer:
Ruby: Hey, I said I was sorry, princess! Blake: It’s “heiress”, actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy compellants in the world. Weiss: Finally! Some Recognition! Blake: The same company infamous for it’s controversial labour forces and questionable business partners.
Let me say this again: Blake is – once again – being sassy here. And the reason I want to stress this so much is because Blake is often described as shy or anti-social because she prefers to be alone, which I don’t really agree with – my approach is that she is more of an introvert, who only interacts when she wants to (which fits her cat theme very well in my opinion), something that is established within that scene.
Aside from that, the scene establishes that Blake is usually well-informed and has a strong sense of justice, which is a very important part of her character as well. She is also not afraid to speak out against injustice when she sees it.
Finally, we have the scene that is most often used in order to describe Blake as an introvert: the scene in RWBY Volume 1 Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon (Part 2), in which Ruby thanks her for coming to her help when Weiss was scolding her earlier on and the two start to have a conversation about books. Blake is established as a book lover and more of a quiet and calm person in this scene.
It should be mentioned that the scene is used to contrast Blake with the other members of the main cast: Ruby is too shy to talk to Blake at first (which is something you can’t say about Blake, because she doesn’t seem uncomfortable with the situation, but more like she doesn’t want to talk and continue reading), Yang’s flashy personality contrasts Blake’s calmness and Weiss’ egoism contrasts Blake’s display of maturity.
We later learn why Blake prefers to be alone: over the course of the first four volumes, we learn that Adam was in fact Blake’s boyfriend and that they were members of an organization that turned into terrorists (after Blake left) together. Blake ran away because she did not want to hurt people and enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress instead in order make up for the bad things she supposedly did during her time with the White Fang (again, Blake has a strong sense of justice). After Blake’s friend Sun Wukong is injured by Ilia Amitola at the end of Volume 4, the two have an emotional conversation in Chapter 11: Taking Control:
Blake: This is why I left them all behind. Sun: What are you... Wait. Where am I? Blake: I am done seeing my friends hurt because of me!
She becomes very emotional in this scene, to the point where she seemingly doesn’t care that Sun is hurt, which is something you rarely see happening with Blake. This emphasizes how important her friends’ safety is to her. Also, if you think about it, Blake’s worries aren’t empty fears. She was part of a terrorist organization – and they’ll likely not let her go just like that. In fact, the White Fang tries to assassinate her entire family in Volume 5. So yeah, her worries are far from unjustified.
It should also be mentioned that Blake alludes to Belle from Beauty and the Beast, specifically the Disney version.
All in all, Blake is a character, who...
... (deeply) cares about others and their lives, even when those people are her enemies. This holds true especially for her friends.
... has a strong sense of justice.
... usually displays a calm and mature demanor.
... often approaches things very rationally and will only become very emotional in rare instances.
... usually chooses to be alone / not interact with others unless she wants to.
In addition, when it comes to fighting, Blake is a character who...
... generally avoids violence and especially open fights when she can (even though she is capable of handling an open fight as long as she is with at least one teammate).
... is intelligent, usually well-informed and capable to use this to her advantage.
... is not a heavy hitter and instead relies on her speed and mobility, especially in the air.
... can be quite stealthy and deceptive.
... is capable of using multiple weapon types and dual-wielding blades.
This, to me, makes clear that Blake was likely supposed to be a ninja / assassin type of character with elements of an illusionist (mainly due to her Semblance). This would mean that she relies on the element of surprise, creativity when it comes to taking her opponent down (which she needs to do fast or she will lose the fight) and escaping, staying hidden for extended periods of time, and finally: information.
So now that we know who Blake actually is (or rather, what she was likely supposed to be), we can talk about...
So what about her Atlas design?
General Stuff
Where am I supposed to look? Someone please tell me where I am supposed to look here because I don’t know!
There is way too much stuff without any kind of orientation going on with this design, which is a general issue with the newer RWBY designs in my opinion. However, the Mistral designs did at least have some sort of focal point, something that immediately caught the eye of the viewer.
I struggle with this a lot myself, but usually you want to have a focal point in any picture - including a character design – and ideally guide the viewer’s gaze from there. In character design, the focal point is often a character’s hair or face, because as the characters may change their outfits over the course of a series, they can’t change their face (and usually won’t change their hair too much). In other words: focal points in character designs are often the elements that make a character recognizable.
An example of this is Tsukino Usagi a.k.a. Sailor Moon with her iconic bunnytails (it are buns. Falling into pigtails. Bunnytails! Which is fitting because her name means moon bunny). Not only do they immediately draw your attention because it is a very unusual hairstyle, but the loose part also guides your view from her face to her actual outfit. It’s also an iconic element that remains mostly unchanged throughout her various different character designs over the course of the series.
Blake’s visual signifier, the thing that makes her identifiable immediately and distinguishes her from other characters looking similar to her (e.g. Cinder Fall) is the fact that she always has something on her head. In the early Volumes this used to be a bow, in the newer Volumes it’s her cat ears. However, those do not function as a focal point in this design (or honestly – at all). Which by itself is not an inheritly bad thing (even though Blake’s design admittedly doesn’t stand out much due to the lack of a distinct, outstanding element that makes her instantly recognizable and the fact that there are so many characters with a similar design to hers).
The problem with this is that there is no other focal point. As I stated previously, there is just too much going on in the design. The cat ears are about the last thing I’m looking at, and my gaze is not lingering on them for a while. This is partly because they’re just not a very intriguing element and partly because there is too much other, potentially more interesting.
Another thing about this is Gambol Shroud. Now, I will say this, I have issues with the reforged Gambol Shroud. However, incorporating the original Gambol Shroud into the artwork rather than the reforged version (even if it had been reforged in a different way than just adding yellow superglue) was a good choice on Ein Lee’s part – and just not because it avoided giving spoilers to the audience. The cat ears are just not enough to identify Blake immediately (just going by the design), especially because they’re already rather subtle in a design that isn’t as overloaded as this one and there were so many things that were changed about her character design for Atlas, mainly her hair.
Gambol Shroud takes up more space than the ears, and especially the ribbon is interesting, so the viewer’s gaze is more likely to linger on that for a while. That’s why I think that this was a really good choice.
That being said, let’s talk about Blake’s other visual signifiers, which are...
Blake’s hair and the color black
A big part of RWBY’s design philosophy is that every character has their design, name and even traits centered around one color. In case of Blake, her color is black, meaning that it should ideally be the most present color in her outfits.
Blake’s hair is also black and speaking of it... Many shows are afraid to change the characters hairstyles. Not only is hair something that’s really personal (in real life too! Which is why hairstyle changes, especially drastic ones like cuts, are often interpreted as indicators of a huge change in someone’s personality or life), but hairstyles, especially in anime, manga or similar media, can become really iconic. Just think of Son Goku’s spiky tower or, again, Sailor Moon’s bunnytails.
I will say though that Blake’s hair, before the change, was admittedly fairly simple, if not even boring, and too similar to Yang’s hair in my opinion. That is why I really welcome this change to be honest. However, I wish they would have kept Blake’s curls because I actually really liked those, and I think an updo would have been cooler than a bob.
Another minor nitpick I have is that the bob makes her look slightly younger in my opinion, which is a common problem with short hair as it tends to emphasize the face. This is why if someone has a fairly round face, short hair can make them look younger. This especialy applies to anime as most figures tend to have round faces. However, I also want to mention that due to Blake’s unique, cat-like eye shape, this problem is not as prominent as it would be with other characters (like Yang).
Then again, Blake just went through an life-changing event (she murdered her former abuser and yes, I’m acknowledging it despite the fact that I really didn’t like the entire storyline, it felt like such a waste to me). So a haircut is definitely not out of place.
Back to black though...
This design doesn’t exactly lack the color, but it doesn’t bring it out that well either. The mostly white coat (which is ironically my favorite piece in this design) takes up much space in the design. It’s just... White is generally not considered a heavy color, but I’d say in this case it is. It is too heavy for a design with a primary color that is dark.
And with that, I’m jumping to...
The Penguin Coat 
I already said that the coat is my favorite piece in this design... Also, yes, I call it a penguin coat because it reminds me on cute little penguins for some reason... So props to the coat for reminding me on cute little penguins I guess. May I mention that this actually fits with the fact that the main characters are in a rather cold climate in RWBY Volume 7? You know, since most penguin species live in cold climates... But let’s move on from the penguins.
The flaps are likely a callback to Blake’s original design, which had those funny flaps that reminded a bit of classic illusionist outfits - it also reminds me personally on some of Zatanna’s outfits (from DC Comics). And guess what, this actually makes a lot of sense considering that Blake’s Semblance is essentially creating illusions (of herself).
Coats are also often used to make characters look more mysterious. The first use of this was in one of Akira Kurosawa’s movies, which are considered some of the most influental of all time and you should definitely go watch some of these because they’re awesome. Two other popular franchises using long coats for mysterious characters are The Matrix (with Switch wearing a white coat like Blake does) and Kingdom Hearts. So it is fitting for a character like Blake.
I know a lot of people do not like Blake wearing white coats. However, I disagree. First of all, Blake has ties with the White Fang (yes, the story arc was dropped but just because it was it doesn’t mean it never existed) and second of all, they are in a snowy area. Meaning that the coat has the same color as the environment. So it makes sense, at least it does to me.
A detail I really, really love is the black patch on the back of the coat, specifically because it creates the illusion that Blake is moving differently than she actually does. While this makes things a bit harder for the viewer indeed, it fits Blake’s theme of an illusionist / ninja crossover really, really well.
All of this being said, it should not be left unmentioned that logically spoken a coat like this restricts your mobility. Especially the flaps are constantly going to be in the way. Which is why I think that the flaps could honestly have been shorter (which would possibly have taken away the “long coat” element though). I think there isn’t really a “better” or “worse” here, so this is a very minor nitpick.
All of this being said, giving Blake a coat is not a bad idea to be honest. It protects her from the cold, it is commonly used to add some element of mystery to a character’s design and the flaps are not only a callback to Blake’s original outfit, but also a clever nod to her illusion powers.
That being said... Let’s move on to the two longest and silmoutanously most annoying sections of this post. Yes, we’re finally moving on to the worst, yet most interesting, elements about this design!
The Belts
First of all, the collar belt is absolutely unnecessary and no, we didn’t need a reference to Yang’s tryhard Mistral outfit here, at least in my opinion.
The backpack belts aren’t bothering me to be honest. They don’t feel disrupting and even though they obviously don’t have a function as well (because no, this is not how you tighten backpack straps), they add some nice detail to the straps and most of all: they are part of an element of this outfit, not a standalone element.
Let’s move on to the hip belt. That is actually a belt a really like, because it holds those pouches while fulfilling a decorative function at the same time. The belt hangs loose on Blake’s hips, which looks good (especially with Blake’s hourglass-shaped body) and contrasts the rest of her more skin-tight outfit. I also really like the idea of Blake having some sort of Batbelt (you know, the equipment belts the Bat Family usually wears in the DC comics), especially because she is a ninja / illusionist. Both usually have a lot of equipment (compared to other fighters / performers) in real life. My only nitpick would be that the belt hanging loosely on her hips could get in the way during fighting - but then again, it also looks really cool, so 9/10.
But now, let’s finally address my biggest belt issue in this design: the wristbelts.
I just don’t see a (reasonable) function with these – in fact, they are the most impractical thing about this design in my opinion – and they don’t even look cool. They just... I think they look weird, uncomfortable and just really out of place.
Some could argue that they have protection purposes. However, I am going to debunk that quickly because in fact, wearing something like that is actually very dangerous in combat. You see, belts usually have a buckle, right? Same with Blake’s wristbelts. Belt buckles are hard – if somebody hits the buckle in battle, her wrist could easily break from that
And yes, I know there is aura. However, aura can’t fix the fact that the belts are so broad that they limit Blake’s ability to move her wrists – which is important for someone who fights with swords and swings around with a ribbon a lot.
I also want to add that character designs should ideally work without the viewer knowing about in-universe logic (like aura). Simply because our brain is automatically, whether we know in-universe logic or not, going to assume that the logic applying to the design is the same logic that applies to our everyday life. Therefore, any element that doesn’t make at least some sense with real-world logic applied will feel weird, even if the viewer starts thinking about a justification with in-universe logic (which they have to do actively, while the real-worl logic assumption happens unconsciously and automatically).
It should also be mentioned that wristbelts as a concept per se aren’t automatically bad – there are instances in which they can work. Now, before I get into this, something needs to be brought up again: the CRWBY (meaning the people behind RWBY) borrows a lot of concepts from anime and video games, JRPGs in particular. However, they usually do so without understanding what makes those concepts work in the original. There is a great video by hbomberguy on YouTube that explains this in detail (I recommend the section Anime Homework in particular if you don’t want to watch a 2-hour-long video essay).
With the new character designs for RWBY Volume 7, a lot of people (including myself) have noticed that the concepts the show seems to be borrowing this time are concepts that are often found in Tetsuya Nomura’s character designs, particularly the Kingdom Hearts ones. Heck, a lot of people have pointed out that Nora Valkyrie’s new dress reminds them on Kairi’s dress from Kingdom Hearts II and Jaune got nicknamed Jauntus / Jaunxas for his new haircut (which reminded several people on Ventus and Roxas from the Kingdom Hearts franchise).
Saying that Nomura’s character designs might have inspired RWBY’s character designs isn’t a far stretch either: the new designs for the four main girls were designed by Ein Lee, who was known for her Kingdom Hearts fanart back in the day, before she started working on RWBY. So we know that she definitely knows this series and has, to some extent, analyzed the character designs - because she has drawn these characters herself. And even though blogpost by Kerry Shawcross about the redesign process confirms that Ein Lee wasn’t the only one in charge with those character designs, she was still the one who did the main bulk of work when it came to the new designs of the four main girls.
Let me clarify this: I don’t think that it’s an inheritly bad thing to take inspiration from something. Heck, Kingdom Hearts itself takes a lot of inspiration from other media! So the plain borrowing of concepts is not the problem here in my opinion. The problem is that the CRWBY obviously don’t understand what makes the concepts they’re borrowing work in the original.
Whenever you take inspiration from something, especially when borrowing concepts – like the concept of wristbelts in this example – , you should always, always make sure to understand those concepts and what makes them work at least to some extent. And while I believe that it is not possible to understand a concept or an idea to 100% – except for the person who originally came up with it – it is possible to get a good enough understanding to make the same concept work in another place. Does it have to work in the exact same way? No, and it likely won’t because if you re-use an existing concept, you’ll likely add your own ideas to it. That’s the interesting thing about inspiration (and also any kind of fanwork by the way).
So yeah, taking inspiration isn’t forbidden, even when it is so obvious where you got it from that the entire FNDM starts joking about Tetsuya Nomura having invaded RT (which... Quite honestly, I find that joke funny). However, when taking inspiration, you should also be aware that if two things are very similar, whether that’s intended or not, people are going to compare, whether you like it or not.
That being said – let’s compare, shall we?
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So, here we have the character design of Sora (for those of you who don’t know Kingdom Hearts, he is the protagonist of the series and fights with a sword-like weapon, similar do how Blake does) from Kingdom Hearts III, and next to it, a 3D render of Blake in her Atlas character design from RWBY Volume 8. I picked a 3D render because I feel like it is fairer and Volume 8 gave us updated models for pretty much every single character (which was absolutely necessary because nobody looked good in Volume 7). I mean... They fixed Blake’s terrible hair halfway through Volume 7, which is something they usually don’t do, because so many people rightfully complained about it. Anyways...
Now, I don’t know what you think, but I have to say that with Sora’s wristbelts many of the problems with Blake’s wristbelts do not exist or are not as prominent. One of them is that in this case, the belts do not lack a function: I can immediately see what they’re for.
Sora wears those rather loose bracers in KH3 (which make sense since he fights with what is essentially a sword). The bracers are loose because Sora is rather scrawny and the bracers make him appear a little broader than he actually is. This is important for silhouette purposes since without the bracers, Sora’s silhouette would look fairly similar to the silhouette of another character in the same game – not absolutely undistinguishable, but this still makes it a bit easier to differentiate between the two characters.
Back to the wristbelts though: without these, the bracers would eventually fall off or constantly be in the wrong place. It should also be mentioned that Sora’s wristbelts are not even half as wide as Blake’s are, meaning that they don’t restrict the movement of his wrists as much as Blake’s do.
On top of all this functional stuff, they add a nice spot of yellow to the bracers, which not only does make the bracers look more interesting, but serves two purposes:
Designwise: the only other place where you have yellow are Sora’s shoes. If it weren’t for the wristbelts, the addition of the color would seem very random – and if there wasn’t any yellow, the design would look way more boring. However, there is another reason for the yellow.
Gameplay: Kingdom Hearts III is an Action RPG and Sora is the protagonist. Meaning that he is the playable character for most of the game. Since it’s an Action RPG, it involves fighting, which can be really chaotic. That’s where the yellow comes into play: you need to know the position of Sora’s hands and feet in order to have precise control. Yellow is a signal color (meaning that it is very bright) and the yellow Sora wears is also very saturated, meaning that it is unlikely that it appears anywhere else in a frame (even though it’s Kingdom Hearts and thus really colorful).
And yes, Blake’s wristbelts could indeed have a similar function. However, I personally feel that it doesn’t work since black is her primary color, meaning your eye is not immediately drawn to her wrists (even though the belts are a contrast against the white of Blake’s coat). Black also isn’t a signal color, so if that is what they were going for, they should have gone for an electric purple, a bright red or yellow instead.
For fairness’ sake, here is a nitpick about Sora’s wristbelts as well: the placement of the belt buckles. Because the way they are placed, the are an additional risk for injury. While replacing the wristbelt with velcro would certainly be the best option in regards to safety here, I also acknowledge that a wristbelt simply looks a bit better. That being said, to minimize the risk of injury, the buckle should be placed on the inside of the arm, next to the palm. That’s the spot where it is the least likely to get hit and cause (or worsen) an injury.
Blake’s wristbelts have the same dangerous buckle placement (which doesn’t make this any better) and are, as I have already said, pretty much non-functional. They’re unnecessary, obstructing and the only reason why they are there is because someone thought it would look cool (which... No, it doesn’t, it just looks weird).
And before someone says something about Blake’s wristbelts holding the sleeves of her coat together when the sleeve zippers are opened: why are the sleeve zippers even open? They’re at Atlas. It’s supposed to be freezingly cold! Why does she have her sleeve zippers open? It makes absolutely no sense!
The Zippers
Speaking of the zippers: why are there so many zippers in the first place?
Again, most of those zippers are not functional. Somewhat of an exception is the long zipper on Blake’s coat, which... Ein Lee herself has admitted that she shouldn’t have designed it to go all the way down because the coat is not meant to be zipped all the way down (Ein Lee, seriously... What were you thinking designing this?). So it’s basically only half-functional.
What is worst about this is that the one zipper that should be there – a front zipper for the catsuit – is not there. In other words: Ein Lee should have swapped the long coat zipper for a longer chest zipper on the catsuit. Yes, there might be a back zipper hidden underneath the coat for Blake to get out of the catsuit. But imagine the pain of opening a back zipper every time you want to pee. Which I can tell you is a pain, even if you’re more flexible than me. Therefore, a chest zipper would be way more practical (and there are ways to prevent it from accidentally zipping open, so that shouldn’t be a problem.
The rest clearly don’t serve the purpose of getting in and out of the catsuit or coat. The only purpose they could theoretically serve is ventilation.
Let me stress this: Atlas and Mantle are located on Solitas, a continent that is essentially the North Pole. It is really cold (according to Weiss in RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 3: Ace Operatives the cold of Solitas can kill you in a matter of hours without protection or aura). Even with moving around a lot, ventilation is not needed, especially not with outfits like these. I mean... They don’t look very warm to be honest. If there were thick jackets, fur and just more stuff that implies that these clothes are easy to overheat in, then yes, we could discuss about ventilation zippers. But like this? No. At least not with me.
And I’m not going to discuss aura now because of the stuff about real-world logic I already explained in the section about the belts. Also, quite frankly, aura as a concept is a mess of its own and another thing the writers can’t seem to keep consitant, but: if aura can protect you from extreme cold, shouldn’t it be able to protect you from overheating as well? Shouldn’t you rather wear warm clothing because if you run out of aura, you’re going to freeze if you don’t? It won’t hurt you because as long as your aura is up, you’re not going to overheat.
So yeah. Even with in-universe logic applied, there is no point why there should be so many zippers. The risk of overheating is technically nonexistent, so you can’t use “they’re fighting all the time, they could overheat if their clothing is too warm” as an argument.
That leaves the option that the zippers are meant to be a decorative element. Now, I will say that this can work - however, it doesn’t work in this case for multiple reasons.
First of all, if they are purely decorative, then why are the sleeve zippers open all the way? That implies a function, which, as I have established, is nonexistent because no ventilation is needed with and without in-universe logic applied. That leaves the sleeve zippers to be unnecessary because they fulfill neither a decorative nor a functional function within the character design.
Secondly, the zippers, especially the leg zippers, are obstructing Blake’s movements – again. Yeah, we already had this with the wristbelts. Logically spoken, a skin-tight catsuit like Blake is wearing needs to have a lot of stretch in order for the wearer to move properly, especially in the leg area. However, a zipper doesn’t have stretch, it’s static. And because it has to be sewn into the fabric, it also affects the fabric’s stretch. If you want to see how, I suggest taking your favorite pair of ideally skinny jeans (since those usually have some stretch) and trying to stretch the fabric around the zipper area. And keep in mind that those denim fabrics only have a fraction of the stretch that a catsuit usually has!
Third, and this kinda goes in line with the first reason, the zippers are not visually misappropriated. This might be a bit of a weird one to understand, so let me show you two designs in which decorative zippers are used, one being yet another character design by Tetsuya Nomura and the other being Blake’s original character design.
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In both designs, the decorative zippers are visually misappropriated. What I mean by this is that while the zippers are there and might even work in the intended way (opening and closing a piece of clothing), they are placed in a way that makes it very clear that the zipper is not intended to function in the way zippers usually function.
In case of the left design (which is Kairi’s design in KH2) that means the decorative zippers are placed upside down. Now, that doesn’t mean that they are completely unfunctional (meaning that they might be unzippable). However, zippers are usually placed the other way around, except for sleeve zippers – which makes our brain assume that the zippers might not function in the way zippers usually do.
In Blake’s original design, visual misappropriation is handled a bit differently: the sliders aren’t visible (they’re covered up by the flaps of her vest), which also makes out brain assume that the zippers might not work. Again, there is no way to ensure that they truly don’t, but our brain will assume it.
What makes the lack of visual misappropriation worse in the case of Blake’s V7 outfit is that there are unzipped zippers (the ones on the sleeves) which look exactly the same as the other zippers. This implies to our brain that yes, all the zippers are functional.
Now, this is also the case with the KH2 design of Kairi. However, due to that tiny detail that is the visual misappropriation of turning the decorative zippers upside down, our brain will not assume that the decorative zippers are functional. In fact, it’s the other way around: due to the one non-upside down zipper being slightly opened (implying to our brain that it is functional), it contrasts the fully zipped... I can’t say up, so zipped down decorative zippers. And this is actually a great example on how much impact such tiny details can have.
Last but not least, the leg zippers are visually disruptive. Not only because absolutely no one would place zippers on catsuit legs like that, but also because they draw your eyes somewhere your eyes are not meant to be drawn to (which is an overall problem with the V7 designs to be honest).
Now, someone pointed out on a podcast that the zippers help follow the movement of Blake’s legs. But let me ask one question about that (that was also thrown in in the podcast by the way): why does it have to be a zipper then? It could be a simple seam! Or the next thing I’m going to discuss, which are...
The Kneepads
Not going to lie, many people including myself seemed to be really confused about those because from the artwork alone it wasn’t clear whether Blake is wearing boots or kneepads. Fortunately we know from the Concept Art that those are meant to be kneepads now.
That makes my main question about those kneepads: why are they black? Seriously, why are those kneepads black?! And why are they the exact same shade (because yes guys, there are actually shades and tones of black as well) as the catsuit? I really don’t understand why they did this, because usually Ein Lee and the RT designers seem to have more of a tendency to never put the same color next to each other when they create a divide in a character design. So just... Why didn’t you do it there?
As I said, the kneepads could also serve as as visual indicator for Blake’s leg movement - without disrupting the entire design. As I said, by “different color” I mean a different tone of black (maybe a bit brighter than the catsuit is), they don’t have to be signal red, white or yellow. Yes, that joke was intended.
And that marks my transition to the final thing that bothered me about Blake’s new look. I already said I’m going to talk about it earlier, so now let’s finally get an answer to the question:
What’s the deal with Gambol Shroud?
First of all, I have to praise Blake’s backpack. I didn’t want to put this into a separate section because I literally have nothing else to say than “I love it because I think it fits the thought that Blake, being a ninja / illusionist needs lots of equipment and I LOVE the fact that it doubles as a way for her to carry Gambol Shroud around!”
That being said, my happiness about how Gambol Shroud is being handled in Volume 7 ends exactly there.
As you remember (or you don’t if you didn’t watch RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 12: Seeing Red), Gambol Shroud was cut in two pieces by Adam. When this happened, a large portion of the FNDM including myself were incredibly exited for Gambol Shroud’s upgrade. In fact, my exitement for the upgrade even overshadowed my distaste for this particular scene which I am not going to include because there is a lot of blood involved.
Summary of what happened: CRWBY deliberately had an anti-violence character murder someone who was unarmed, portrayed it as a heroic action and then never talked about it again despite the fact that this event should have traumatized both of the characters that were involved into this. Which... I just want to say that even though Adam allegedly abused Blake, which was never officially confirmed by the way, it is not okay. Murdering Adam out of self-defense? Sure, that would have been an interesting new arc for both Blake and Yang. However, this wasn’t self-defense and as I stated before, it was never talked about again, so there goes the story potential. But anyways...
The exitement for the upgrade in relation to this scene overshadowed my disdain for it for a very particular reason: I believed that it might be foreshadowing to Blake wielding not only one but two dagger-like weapons in the future.
Unfortunately, this turned out to be false and all we got instead was this:
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Yes... They simply fixed the blade with yellow superglue... Which is not only incredibly uncreative and lazy in my opinion, but it’s also highly unrealistic: the blade is bade of metal. Once it is broken, even a fix with superglue won’t make it last long before it breaks again.
I think that turning Gambol Shroud into two daggers, maybe connected by the ribbon, would have been a better route to go. And if you still wanted that catana (because this joke is fun), you could always design it in a way that Blake can connect those daggers to get a full katana again. It would also allow for her to still use the catmerang and the pistol as well as the ribbon and the sheath.
I also think that Blake wielding daggers rather than a full katana would contribute to her ninja image. It’s way easier to sneak a knife or a dagger into some place than it is to smuggle a sword in there. Which is why historical assassins nearly exclusively used dagger variations – including the historical ninjas or shinobi.
Finally, it would have given Blake the chance to evolve her fighting style. At this point, Blake has fallen far behind with what she can do in comparison with her teammates and this is partly because the CRWBY seems to be mostly clueless about what to do with her, leading to Blake swinging around in combat most of the time. A whole new weapon type could be a fresh start for creativity with Blake. And yes, this is me talking in good faith because we all know that RT wants to save money and that is a huge part of the reason why every character’s moveset, including Blake’s, has become so incredibly boring.
Dear RoosterTeeth! Please fire the person with an unhealthy obsession with way too many belts and zippers in character designs before the FNDM makes even more jokes about Tetsuya Nomura having invaded your company. They were funny in the beginning, but they’re getting old. Thank you!
And now for the real conclusion...
Blake’s new design has a lot of problems, but almost all of them come from the same source: a lack of understanding for what makes the concepts the design uses work. This goes from concepts borrowed from other media (belts and zippers) to the concept of Blake as a character overall.
Furthermore, parts of the design (especially Gambol Shroud) show a lack of creativity and an overall lazyness. I mean, why put thought into how to avoid a void (ha, the pun!) in your character design or use a creative way to fill said void when you can just add a useless accessoiry?
Let’s get concrete. Here is what should be fixed in my opinion in order to make this a better character design:
Less zippers! The leg zippers and sleeve zippers can easily go completely. The front zipper of the catsuit should be longer than it currently is. And if you really want additional jacket zippers, then make them so it are clearly pocket or ventilation zippers (meaning that they don’t go all the way down to the hem – also, don’t have skin showing underneath if that is the case).
No wristbelts! For the reason I stated above. The other belts can stay, even though I am admittedly not much of a fan of the collar belt. I’d also say to tighten the hip belt a bit because the way it hangs loosely on her hips right now, it’s going to be a nuisance at best.
Make it look warmer! With fluffy parts or just anything that doesn’t look like plain, thin fabric. They’re at the north pole and I don’t care about aura, a character design has to make sense without knowing in-universe logic.
No heels! Yes, not even wedges. They are a nightmare to walk long distances in, let alone fight. Even the show itself acknowledged this in Volume 2, so time to apply this knowledge – after eight seasons of having characters who do a lot of acrobatic stuff run around in heels.
Give Blake gloves! It’s cold and quite honestly? I love to give infiltrator / ninja / spy characters gloves. Simply because you don’t want to leave fingerprints anywhere, do you? So gloves would be a win-win.
Do something different with Gambol Shroud! I don’t care what it is – dual daggers would honestly be cool, but who knows, someone else might have an even better idea than that! I’m open to anything, as long as it’s something different, and not just the superglue solution we got in canon.
Those are the major issues in my opinion. Fixing them wouldn’t exactly make this my favorite character design ever – honestly, if I was the character designer for RWBY, I’d do the entire outfit completely different. But I’m not and I’m not going to design an alternative because honestly? I’d rather save the ideas I have for alternative Blake outfits for OCs or characters from other media that I actually care about. As I stated before, I have a love-hate relationship with RWBY and I’m not particularly fond of the way things are being handled in the show as of late (*cough* the fact that they absolutely had to show Oscar being tortured *cough* That’s not dark, that’s just tasteless in my opinion, especially when so much other important stuff gets ignored for something like this).
Anyways, if the issues above were fixed, then the design would at least make sense to me and I think I could even say I like it – because all in all, this is a bad design in my opinion. The issue is just that while this design comes with some good ideas any concepts, it doesn’t execute them very well (which is the issue with RWBY a lot of the time).
Anyways, that was my mustard on the topic. I apologize for any language mistakes since this posting wasn’t beta’d and English is not my first language. Thank you so much for reading, especially if you got through this entire thing.
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redmaneroster · 4 years
Our Home Away From Home, Away From Home
[1] [x] [3] [4-5] [6] [7] [8-9] [10]
PART 2 – Adhesion
It’s the second year at Beacon and the rest of the juniors are out by the cliffs watching freshmen start their initiation by being hurled into the woods at a speed that would break normal people’s necks.
Weiss wants to scope out the competition to see if they’ll have any favorable opponents for the Vytal festival. They’re competing this year again too and she aims to win.
Yang arrives a little later than the rest since she spent much of the night before unpacking.
On instinct she moves to sit next to Jaune but then he laughs at something Pyrrha says and she almost doesn’t. Almost. She plops down anyway and asks what’s up. Turns out, another student was launched screaming through the sky just like Jaune was.
He decides then to make an announcement. Then promptly shuts his mouth. He wants to keep it a surprise. Ruby bugs him to say it anyway but he holds his tongue.
Yang can tell Pyrrha already knows and its clear Ren has an inkling. (Nora’s poker face is so legendary that nothing can be read). It’s another thing Yang doesn’t know about Jaune.
Ruby has taken to decorating their room. She strings lights across the ceiling, sets table cloths on their nightstands, lays a carpet in the middle of the room, and smatters the walls with pictures of them and their adventures. It feels a little more like home and Weiss doesn’t fuss about how scattered it all looks.
Yang can’t help but fixate on one photo tucked into the corner of the room.
The two teams are huddled together, but on the far side is Jaune and Pyrrha. Cheeks pressed together and their hands – unseen in the photo – are clutched together behind them. They were in love then, she tells herself, even if the word love is so ambiguous at this point that it makes her irritable.
Maybe one day she’ll convince herself he’s okay and that he has nothing to hide. At least from her.
“Going for a walk,” she announces to the busyness of the room.
The clatter of Blake’s book follows after her as she plunges into the noise of the hallway.
Blake walks with her without a word because the halls are filled with so many voices behind the hundred closed doors and any one of them could be listening in. It still, somehow, feels uncomfortably quiet.
They sit at the garden just out by the dorm and Blake asks her what’s on her mind.
Yang says that it’s not worth mentioning. A petty, tiny thing that she’ll get over in a day and that it’s silly she’s even worrying about it.
Blake tells her that it can be silly if she’s worrying about it. Just because the world has bigger problems doesn’t mean she should feel ashamed for feeling what she feels. Some things – she says slowly, empathically – are beyond our control. Even in ourselves.
Blake’s smile isn’t real. Yang catches the self-defeat hiding in the too wide look in her eyes.
Not wanting to let Blake wallow in her own torments amidst the silence, Yang confesses that she’s gotten to really know Jaune for the better part of a month. She says she’s his friend but believes that she barely qualifies. She doesn’t really know the real Jaune Arc.
“What’s the first thing he does in the morning?” Blake asks.
“Uh… cook breakfast, water the cactus, play death metal at my door so I wake up to set the table.”
“He has a cactus?”
“Don’t ask me to explain. It’s a long story.”
Blake explains that despite her little courtship triangle with Sun and Ilia over the summer, she couldn’t answer the question herself. If anything, they know more about each other than she does them. When it was happening, she tried to memorize everything on the surface. Music tastes, favorite food, books they’ve read (they didn’t have many. They’re movie buffs), but one time the two of them were arguing and Ilia let slip that Sun was a virgin, and Sun returned fire by reminding her that so was she.
Blake didn’t know any of that, but they told each other in confidence somehow.
It was no surprise that they called things off a month before school started. She even overheard Sun setting Ilia up with a close friend of his, and Ilia’s been behind him and Pyrrha ever since.
Yang tells her that it doesn’t mean she didn’t get to know them or get closer.
Blake smiles, brightly with a ghost of a chuckle rumbling from her lips. “Yeah, that’s what I mean.” Blake may not have gotten to know them as well as they did with each other, but who can say who is closer to who. Does that kind of comparison even matter?
The bottom line is that they care about each other. It’ll take some time to get to know them but love isn’t a quantity set with knowing what someone says or does. Those are things that make it easier, but love of any kind has only one requirement: a willingness to give something selflessly.
Yang is surprised by that and admits, rather somberly, that she hasn’t done that yet.
“What are you talking about? You did.”
Blake explains that – for the most part – people give things to those they care about without really knowing it. You listen to them talk so you lend them your ear, you eat where they want to eat so you give them your time, you say something nice, you crack a joke, and sometimes, just sometimes, you sit there and be whatever they need. The sacrifice is often tiny, but you’re still giving for their benefit.
And sometimes these connections go at a different pace, she says. Like her with Sun and Ilia, them to each other, Yang with herself, and Yang with Jaune. That doesn’t mean they’re any more or less valuable.
So maybe it isn’t so bad that she’s still getting to know him, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t friends.
At lunch, everyone seats themselves around a blonde in a hoodie, snoozing with the hood pulled up. Minutes later, Jaune shows up and they all stare wide-eyed at the mysterious blonde they converged around. Jaune’s surprise, apparently, is that his twin sister, Joan, is attending Beacon with her team.
Yang realizes that Jaune hasn’t been wearing his hoodie.
Joan calls it the “elder hoodie,” because no one knows who was born first so they trade the hoodie depending on who the eldest is supposed to be at the time. Since he stole it for a year, she’s keeping it till they finish being sophomores. Everyone’s just going to have to get used to him without it for a while.
Nora says he should stop putting it on altogether cause his muscles are showing. Joan takes a quick look at her chest – undefined in the oversized cloth – and quickly takes it off and tries to give it back to him. They fight over it until Yang snatches it for herself.
The twins are momentarily embarrassed until she says, “Okay! I’m the eldest now.���
Joan decides that Yang makes a great big sister. No one tells her that Yang’s three months younger.
It’s Friday after class and Yang shouldn’t be surprised that Joan muscles into the apartment. She doesn’t take the couch either. Joan and Jaune shared a bed so often that she decided that bunking with him was evidently the logical conclusion.
Joan cooks soup for dinner. It has banana slices in it. It reminds them of home.
Yang wakes up on Saturday morning to find Jaune sat on the couch in a towel; shampoo still in his hair. Joan woke up grumpy (he doesn’t mention the teary-eyed look) and kicked him out of the bedroom so she could shower and change without him seeing. Yang doesn’t like this, but Jaune tells her not to get mad at her.
He explains that, even though he reconciled with his parents, it didn’t go so smoothly with his sisters. Joan especially. Had she known he was running away to Beacon, she’d have followed after him. He didn’t want to risk her future for the same shot in the dark as his.
Still, she’s upset cause she spent a year worrying about him and being petty for one morning is hardly the worst she could do.
“And what if she does this again?” she asks, arms crossed.
“She won’t,” he says swiftly, an affection to his eyes that tells her that he knows his twin sister as well as he does himself.
Joan is probably hating herself for kicking him out in the first place, and will come out apologizing for it. Cause she’s eighteen and things should have been okay now. No sense in dragging things along.
Yang offers her bathroom for him to finish. She resists innuendo. He catches it anyway. They laugh.
“I’ll get some soap from my closet real quick.”
“Dude, use mine. I don’t care.”
As predicted, Joan comes out into the living room looking sheepish. She asks where Jaune is. Yang instead offers to talk.
With a hesitant step, she sits down with her.
Joan tells her about how things went down at home. She spent a lot of time defending Jaune, saying he’d come back soon. It was only a week before even she seriously doubted he’d come back safe. They feared the worst until Jaune called Saphron at the height of his guilt to explain that he’s fine and that he got accepted into Beacon. A week later, he calls again and tells them about his team.
When they heard they were both nice and competent, they left him alone until he was ready to come back.
They knew they had to trust him and their dad, Apolian, admitted that he should have tried to prepare him instead of pushing him to pursue medicine like a civilian.
Good things did come out of it though. Joan got training like she wanted and she got registered with a local team. It was too late to enroll for freshman year but their accolades qualified them as sophomores. She didn’t want to stay in the field though. She wanted the academy experience.
It’s thirty minutes later after an anecdote about one of her teammates, that they realize that Jaune’s already starting breakfast. (He still had some of his spare clothes in Yang’s closet. It did use to be his).
He’s happy they’re getting along.
Joan is sorry she was being petty.
He’s sorry he ran away without telling her.
Apologies go back and forth until it ends abruptly. Yang almost envies the speed in which they hash things out.
They spend the day together.
Joan took the same guitar lessons as Jaune. They’re both terrible at singing. So is Yang. The neighbors hate it. Then they make plans to buy amps.
The afternoon is a blur of stalls and dust shops. Sugar and music. Noises and laughter. Joan is still fresh into the city life and Yang feels like she could take her under her wing. She even has an interest in getting a bike.
Yang shows Joan the Club. Junior is amicable with there now being two Arcs who will keep her on the dance floor instead of the bar.
There’s a moment where Yang and Joan are talking between themselves. In that time, Jaune thinks to himself for a minute too long and he reaches for his flask to ease the torments swirling in his mind. Yang takes his hand. She noticed. With a smile small enough to be honest and pleading, she leads him out of the booth and into the dance floor.
Joan watches the way they look at each other.
She snaps a picture.
So much happened the day before that Yang almost gets whiplash when it’s just her and Jaune again. It’s blistering hot outside so they decide to make milkshakes.
Yang goes on a tirade about why Jaune should just buy a bike instead of saving up for a car. Jaune insists on getting a Highway Aries his sister Sable vowed was safe and sturdy. They’re so distracted by the conversation that someone forgets to lid the blender.
The mishap is explosive, and they’re both covered in stray milk and sugar. They take a picture and laugh it off. It’s another memory – they decide – that would be timeless.
After getting changed, they get the idea to get a “before and after” shot. Since they couldn’t take a before shot, they take one now and pretend that it is since the kitchen’s all cleaned.
They try with the milkshakes again, remembering to have the lid closed, and after smothering each in whipped cream, they’re sat at the TV, streaming an old film they saw as kids.
Their scrolls buzz.
Everyone saw the photos.
Ren asks why their clothes are different in both shots.
Nora sends a winky face.
Joan rants about how she leaves them for one day and they’re already messing around.
Weiss rants about their lack of propriety.
Jaune is static as he stares at the continued outburst from the rest of their friends just because Ren had to question the logic and Nora had to take it that way. Before he types down an explanation, Yang stops him. She takes another photo, milkshakes in hand, and captions it.
“Come join us next time. Let’s make it a party.” Everyone who isn’t Weiss knows the party is genuine. Weiss struggles to even say “orgy” and, somehow, “preposterous.”
Jaune takes pity on her and asks Neptune to explain that it’s a joke. Somehow realizing she misread the whole thing makes Weiss feel even more embarrassed.
Yang is very satisfied with the outcome.
Sat quietly together, their movie drones on and they forget that milkshakes aren’t exactly coffee. Their drowsiness straps weights to their eyelids. Haphazard jokes that mean nothing and make no sense are the only attempt at staying awake.
Joan slips into the living room cause she forgot something. She finds Jaune cleaning glasses while Yang slumbers on the couch.
“No luck?” she asks.
“Didn’t even try,” he answers.
“Maybe you should.”
“Maybe I’ll screw up again.”
“Maybe you won’t.”
“Maybe it’s safer –” he pushes a tiny strongbox into her hands, “–that I don’t.”
Despite herself, Joan doesn’t pry. She hugs him instead and makes for the door. Before she leaves, she peeks through the crack in the door and sees Jaune staring at Yang. Temptation twitches at his fingers. He goes for his flask.
Joan gets an idea.
Joan skips class Monday morning. She sneaks into the apartment and waters down Jaune’s whiskey.
She doesn’t know if it’s wise. It might even end poorly, but it might turn out precisely how it should. Jaune already hardly notices the taste, and this won’t feel much different.
A week passes and nothing happens. That is until Joan is sitting with Ruby on Sunday. The weekend before, they went to the dock to indulge in the carnival.
Joan is, at first, not surprised to hear that Jaune and Yang disappeared somewhere towards the end.
Then, it turns out, Yang came back to the dorm really late with a bruised lip. She was also missing her jacket.
Jaune walks into the cafeteria with band aid on his neck. They already know he’s hiding a hickey.
Ruby makes a demand: as his best friend, she wants to know what he did with her sister. Her and Joan look up at him expectantly.
“Fine,” he groans, “but this stays between us.”
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/jollyblke | 8.4k followers | Activist | I’m here to save the world, it’s my right. & You should care about your environment too, get active. If not? Leave. Visit: theindigenousmovement.com
22 (23) years old
From Kensington, England
Choctaw nation & proud
Visits Oklahoma every other summer...sometimes it’s every few years
Majority of her family lives there on a reservation
She’s made a name for herself in the town for speaking up for the missing and m*rdered women of her community & how they continue to sweep that shit under the rug
Call it what it is, genocide
Has been arrested & charged a few times
Has a sense of dread when she goes back but also a form of happiness since her mom, some of her sibs, and other family members are there
Has 7 siblings
4 boys, 3 girls
Chelsea found that so facisinating!
I feel like there’s two sides to Blake? Either she’s rooting for you or she’s shitting you, there’s no in between
Willing to communicate & have intellectual conversations
Has to be in the mood to socialize, sometimes she just prefers NOT to talk since that requires energy
Always tired, doesn’t sleep much, probably has insomnia a little bit
Was on the debate team in secondary
Either you like her or you hate her, either way that’s a you problem
Kinda a loner, keeps to herself—always feeling like people should be doing more with their time on this earth
But she also understands that there are moments where you need to chill/relax/ have fun or take some time out for yourself
Donates to woman’s shelters often
Attends & organizes protests
Minimal makeup: mascara, nude blush, moisturizer mixed with sunscreen, a lip tint & she’s on her way
Knows how to ride a bull but will only do so if she’s back in Oklahoma
Knows how to work a g*n & is licensed to carry but prefers not to
Enjoys cliff diving & swimming as a form of exercise (not counting the hr long protests she travels to & attends)
Will do leg exercises more than anything at home, does not have a gym membership & will never get one
Favorite color is in the tropical blue shades: turquoise & aqua
Her home is her personal sanctuary, where she feels the most safe & allowed to be herself. Doesn’t invite anyone over to mess with the energy she has there, afraid that they’ll ruin that. She’ll meet you somewhere but one thing you’re not going to do is come into her space
Always has kale & quinoa in her flat
Has a chronic stomach condition
She’s a very blunt person & many don’t take that lightly, she doesn’t sugarcoat anything
Doesn’t have much experience in the love department
A few have tried but she either ignores them or tells them straight up that she’s not interested, always was focused on her school work & other things
That’s why she’s single
Now that she’s in her early twenties she feels like that she needs to experience love
She feels like she wants it? However a part of her isn’t sure if it’s something that she truly needs?
Possibly aromantic?
so when she met henrik, she immediately felt platonic energy with him & didn’t mind exploring it but also found noah quite aesthetically attractive?
Henrik fit into her lifestyle nicely outside of the villa, it was nice having someone else to talk to & spend time with. She wasn’t sure how she was meant to feel when he asked her to be his gf inside & outside the villa but she agreed so why not?
Her mother felt like she shouldn’t analyze the boy as if he was some sort of experiment, Blake did like watching experimental movies/documentaries based on true events or reading about them but she truly did not feel like that’s what she was doing with henrik
They had their differences ofc, henrik was more easy going/chill when it came to things whereas Blake observed before she attacked. If It don’t sit right with her, she’s gonna say some shit
She was the one to call it quits with henrik after almost two years passed
She was not heartbroken over it but she did realize how things changed now that he was no longer in her life
Loves clothing that have slits in them or v-necks
Loves going to flower shops since they remind her of her mom
I feel like she smells like cherries & cashmere musk
Adores sunsets, that’s the time of day where she feels most at ease
Interested in photography & is currently exploring what is her best subject to shoot...her activism helps
she hopes to have her own biography made about her one day
learning to gradually let her walls down but it’s extremely hard to do with the negative energy the world brings
Is cordial with mc...after some years have passed and they and their significant other always feel the need to have meet ups once a year where they invite EVERYONE somewhere else
Blake feels like they still have ties with the production company of love island but that’s not her business
Unless her services are truly required and the $ is right or if Elisa decides to drag her then she’s not going
Being on reality tv was not her main purpose
She hated the superficial and trying hard, things should just be natural
She’s above love island now & she doesn’t need to see henrik or Lucas OR single Noah every year
Her profile is filled with activism and how people can get involved
Along with a good dump of her face, she knew she was pretty but she didn’t need to use that to her advantage there was, “more to life than shallowness”
She barely remembers the other girls she entered the villa with. she thinks one or two tried to reach out to her in her dms but she ignored them
Is indifferent towards Shannon & jo
she gets jo confused with lily from season 3 when they both pop up on her explore feed. Again she doesn’t know why insta feels the need to show her other people’s lives if she’s not following them in the first place?
Doesn’t follow people back unless she’s got a strong platonic connection with you
Has lunch & dinner dates with her dad since he resides in England as well
She believes her parents marriage is a reflection on her non-existent/small percentage of relationships
They live in two different countries and they’ve been married for 15 years & still seem to be in love...hey whatever works! It works for Dolly Parton & her husband although they live in the same house? I think
On the outside it seems like she has a cold heart and many around her have told her mainly her sibs but she doesn’t believe that’s completely true
She has feelings!
If she was truly cold hearted, she wouldn’t have any remorse for the bad she’s done or wouldn’t be fighting for those who deserve it right?
Cap sun + Scorpio moon + sag rising
Thinks Mena Massoud, Rami Malek, Ben Hardy, Rahul Kohli, Kurt Cobain, Manish Dayal, Janel Parrish, Charles Melton, Manny Jacinto, Miguel Gomez, & Clayton Cardenas are all nice to look at
Listens to: Yuna, Aly & AJ, Pip Millett, Jaz Kris, Sinhead Harnett, Iyamah, James Vickery, Maluma, Kanye West, emotional oranges, & Jimmie allen
Anthem? Hope Tala — All My girls like to fight
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