#blake would be really excited to have Yang meet her parents Yang would be SO anxious about it
lovingdabeessss · 11 months
Yang doodles
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Yangs record with having a good relationship with parents is TERRIBLE and she had THREE CHANCES
Like 2 left her 1 neglected her there’s NO way she’s gonna be chill about meeting Blake’s parents
I’m 100% a “nobody told Blake about Raven believer” as well as a “Yang has never so much as come out to her family just expected them to know and wont directly tell any one that she’s dating Blake till she’s handing out wedding invites and even then they won’t talk about it” believer
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 months
I often feel the sentiment of people saying blacksun had 5 volumes of build up comes from a place of people thinking anything a guy and girl do together is inherently romantic because a lot of Blake and Sun’s scenes were pretty platonic and dedicated on stopping the WF and not really focused on building their relationship towards a lasting romance. This is not to say the two weren’t interested at all or had a crush on each other at one point because they did, but even when they had two volumes alone together nothing progressed at all romantically and Sun himself even mentioned Yang in their talk and how he knew Yang would do anything for her acknowledging how strong Yang’s feelings are for Blake.
And I know people will mention Sun meeting Blake’s parents as some kind of proof to them pushing blacksun, but those people often ignore how Sun forced himself in that situation. This wasn’t Blake genuinely wanting Sun to meet her parents and being excited about them meeting him, it was more like “well I guess I have no choice but to bring him along so he isn’t stranded” because Sun couldn’t go back home once he followed her on the boat, so I never really saw the whole “meeting the parents” as a push in blacksun’s direction. I did find it comical though with the parent bits because it showed a lot of Blake’s parent’s personality.
But I always saw Blake and Sun as crushes that fizzled out but became a genuine friendship, not really a relationship that was building for 5 volumes that was thrown away. It’s a typical teenage experience in my opinion to like someone but realize you’re better off as friends. Because even if Sun and Blake aren’t romantically together their relationship is still just as good as friends
Yeah, barging into what was supposed to be an intimate family reunion isn't exactly a positive and he NEVER stopped doing that (see listening at the door when Blake and her dad were having a private conversation) and the fact that Ghira never warmed up to Sun, not really.
In V4 Yang was too wrapped up in her own trauma to really have a chance to come to grips with her feelings of loss regarding Blake, that comes a bit later. But Blake in V4? Yang was never far from her mind and Sun knew it.
The end of V4 was the end of any hint of romantic feelings from either of them.
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howlingday · 7 months
Hey since your the tumblr writer I talk to most I wanted to ask your opinion on something. Should have Weiss and Adam meet? I see a bunch of people always talking about how Adam has A lot of wasted potential and should have met Winter and/or Weiss. I haven't watched most of the show but I don't think they should have met. If they did I feel like it would be pointless sins of the father trope like him blaming them for the crimes of the SDC when they haven't even had the chance to be involved with any of the choices of the company. Am I the weird one here?
First of all, you're watching RWBY. So yes, you are weird. Just like the rest of us. Welcome to the club.
Second, I'm touched that you would come to me for my... "WRITER SKILLS" on the subject of RWBY's writing. I'm growing more and more confident and prideful with my writing. Stay tuned for my inevitable fall to hubris.
Now, finally, for what you're really here for.
When I hear people talk about Adam having wasted potential, my first thought is to usually jump in and say, "Yeah!" But then again, CRWBY even admitted to not feeling confident about the "racism" story, and they kinda just wrapped everything up there with Adam. Sure, we got a few hints of faunus inequality here and there in Atlas, but it just doesn't... I don't know. It feels forced, you know?
But back to Adam. Honestly, I was excited to see Adam again when V3 came out. I loved the idea of a shadow from the past coming back to haunt one of the main characters. That said, when we finally did see them meet up again, it was just... creepy. And not the good kinda creepy like Tyrian gives off. Somehow they turned the edgy extremist villain into a creepy stalker character that just felt gross to watch.
Did Adam have wasted potential? My gut says yes, but then I think about to him saying "Darling" and my gut twists around. They could have done a lot more with both Adam AND Blake AND the White Fang beyond Adam pulling a Palpatine on Sienna and the rest of the White Fang just blindly follow him. Show us some reasons to follow him! Give us a reason why he hates the humans and the SDC THAT ISN'T FUCKING SHOWN THREE MINUTES BEFORE HIS DEATH!
And as for his death, this is my BIGGEST gripe with Adam. His potential is wasted even after his death. Sure, the fight between him, Yang and Blake was awesome, and sure we got a bit of reconciling between BY, but beyond them hugging after he goes over and then cuddling together on the Bullhead, there's nothing. Not even a scrap of acknowledgement that Adam died.
"Hey, you remember your ex-boyfriend who we fucking murdered and didn't talk about to anyone?" "Yeah?" "You think maybe we should talk about it, thus giving ourselves and the audience some closure about his death and maybe get some trauma points added to our characters, too?" "Nah. Let's just keep vaguely hinting our relationship status with no payoff until"
And now I'm getting into BMBLB politics, which is NOT something I want to bring up when it wasn't asked. What was asked?
OH! RIGHT! Should Weiss or any of the other Schnees have met with Adam? Honestly, if you want to write that and get a "sins of the father" fix out of you, sure. But I think it would be more satisfying to have the Schnees do this with Ilia of all people. Adam was physically scarred and... that's it. Ilia was posing as a human, then bullied and fought back when she was outed, AND her parents died! I feel like having Weiss or Winter or even Whitley having a tense moment between them and Ilia would pay off this trope WAY more than Adam ever could.
TLDR; Adam did have potential, but CRWBY wasted it to the point that there's nothing to really satisfy us. Ilia, on the other hand, has WAY more potential.
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shortkingvi · 3 years
i have been forced encouraged to make this by @cherrybutchh so,,,,,
bumbleby ocean's 8 AU:
yang as lou, blake as debbie; they were partners for years, running small jobs around NYC and making a decent living for themselves.... until blake meets adam
she starts pulling increasingly risky jobs with him until he screws her over one day and gets her thrown in jail. she and yang haven't spoken in months when all this goes down, but yang still keeps tabs and is lost and heartbroken when she finds out
they slowly come back into contact while blake's in prison, exchanging letters and then eventually phonecalls. yang doesn't trust the CO's enough to visit in person, or at least that's what she tells blake. in reality, she just isn't sure if she can face her quite yet
while blake is inside, she starts to plan. and plan. and plan. by the time she gets out she's nailed down what might be the biggest museum heist in history
they assemble their team as follows:
weiss is tammy: the fence, the supplier, the one who comes from old money and even older connections and can get her hands on just about anything
emerald is constance: the pickpocket, the thief, aloof and wary but in yang's trusted inner circle she developed during blake's time inside
ruby is nine ball: the hacker, the tech wizard; yang's sister and the only one yang (and blake, to be fair) would trust with this level of responsibility
penny is rose: the scatterbrained designer who is probably way too nice for this line of work, but honestly, she's just excited to have a new group of friends
ilia is amita: she runs her parents' jewelry shop now that they've both passed and has an, ahem, history with blake. what this history entails is up to you (but to be fair, amita and debbie probably hooked up at least once in the actual movie)
anyways, once the team is assembled blake reveals the big plan. in 6 weeks, the met will be holding their "relics of the gods" exhibit and blake wants to steal the relic of choice; it's a crown, and they need to get it on someone's head so that they can then, you know, get it off and steal it and whatnot
blah blah blah a bunch of planning i haven't fleshed out yet but they choose their wearer: hollywood starlet pyrrha nikos. she'll be hosting the gala and is the perfect level of importance to get to actually wear the crown
blake intends to pin it on adam. yang is furious. she's convinced if he gets his claws back into her, she'll leave again. and yang just can't handle that. they have a big argument that culminates in blake saying "i made the mistake of leaving you once and it burned me. i'm not going to be doing that again. not to you. not ever" and then they kiss (which is what should have happened during the beach argument in the movie but 🤷)
the heist goes off without a hitch, they all wear great outfits and surprise! blake and yang stole ALL the relics, not just the crown. adam gets thrown in jail for it, everyone is filthy rich, pyrrha is a part of the squad too now and is enamoured with weiss who is, once again, in over her head
yang plans on doing the same coastal bike trip lou does in the movie except in this world, blake comes with her. "never leaving again. that's what you said right? then hop on gorgeous and let's go blow some of our now insane amounts of money"
they never have to pull another heist again if they don't want to and yang would be content with living out their days as two rich old women with maybe some cats, even a dog if she can get blake to agree. they're professional criminals though, blake especially, and yang knows if blake ever gets the itch again, she'll be right there with her
oh EDIT: they’re investigated by the junior detectives! sun and neptune are the funky little insurance investigator duo and are both trying hard and not trying at all to solve this crime
wow this was,,,,, longer than i thought it would be yikes! i just really love this idea and needed it written down SOMEWHERE, so here you go friends. ocean's 8 is an excellent movie and the potential for yang in suits is off the charts with this AU <3
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Not sure if you did this but ... Hera meeting Ghira and Kali
Sorry it took so long to do these Nate! Hope you don’t mind but I’ll be getting rid of the other two versions of this you sent. Hopefully this is slightly longer ask makes it worth the wait!
It was after the battle at Haven Academy. The group of students and one big dog had successfully repealed Salem’s faction thanks to the reformed White Fang, once again under the leadership of the Belladonna family, showing up to help. Now that they had one, it was time to regroup. To rebuild. To form bonds between human and faunus, and even amongst the faunus, once again. It would take time, but with a plenty of focus, it could probably be done in a few weeks. Buuuuut that could all wait for a day.
Kali had basically forced her daughter to introduce her and Ghira to all of her friends right away. Her old teammates were simply adorable! 
Her leader Ruby was exactly as Blake had described and Kali could see why Blake looked up to her a bit. Weiss Schnee was someone she was nervous to meet, but Ghira and Kali were pleasantly surprised to find out she acted nothing like her father. Lastly, her partner Yang was interesting too, Kali was curious if maybe there was a little something else going on there~.
Then she introduced her other friends. She could see Ren and Nora were very close just by how they acted. Ghira also felt the peaceful air around Ren, and respected that since they were a lot alike in that aspect. Next came the tall blond boy Jaune. It was funny for the two parents to talk to him because Ghira had to look down and Kali had to look up to talk to him. He was the perfect middle ground in height between them.
They didn’t talk to Jaune long before he introduced the big dog next to him as Hera. 
Kali happily squealed as she finally focused on the big fluffy dog that was in the room. She squealed again when Hera walked closer to the two of them, looking up at them and letting out a small “Wrof” to them. Kali quickly knelt down on both knees and started running both her hands around Hera’s big fluffy head and neck. “She’s absolutely adorable! How old is she?”
“Oh uhh, she’s about two to three years old.”
Kali looked to him in disbelief, but didn’t stop petting Hera much to the Puggle’s joy. “Nooo. That can’t be right.”
Jaune tilted his head a bit at her shocked statement. “Why is that? She really is only about three years at the oldest.” 
Ghira got down on one knee next to his wife, then also gently ran his hand down a bit of Hera’s back, get her to move her head to look up at him instead of at Kali. “For a dog to be that young, yet be this big… That’s very surprising. I wonder if she’s already done growing?”
“I uh, don’t think she is. Is she really that big?” Jaune took a good look at Hera getting attention from the two of them. That’s when he realized that she was about equal height with his waist, only a few inches shorter. “Oh wow… I guess she is a bit bigger. Back in Beacon, she only came up to my knees really.”
Kali and Ghira laughed lightly as Hera tried to lick their hands. Kali simply giggled as she did. “That certainly sounds precious!”
“I have plenty of pictures on my scroll if you’d like to see.”
Kali immediately stood back up, looking at Jaune with an excited glint in her eyes. “May I?!”
Jaune happily pulled out his scroll and opened up his ‘Hera’ folder in his pictures. For the next five minutes Jaune just flipped through adorable pictures of his baby girl while showing Kali. Ghira had stayed behind and kept petting Hera. 
That was until Jaune flipped to a certain video that made Kali squeak in joy just as Blake had walked over to retrieve her parents. “Oh my gosh Blake this is so cute!”
“What is?”
She walked over and looked at what was on the scroll they were watching, and immediately blushed embarrassed. Ghira also joined them in looking at the video.
On the scroll was a short video, only about 15 seconds long, that kept replaying. It showed a side view of a contently reading Blake sitting on a bed. Next to her on the comforter was little tiny Hera laying on her side. Blake had one of her hands lightly scratching the little puggle’s fluffy belly. Hera’s tongue lolled out of her mouth as she lightly panted with a smile. Blake also had a small smile on her face as well.
After watching it several times, Jaune closed down his scroll and put it away. “Yang sent me that one day when they were watching Hera.”
Ghira and Kali turned to their daughter with happy smiles. Kali hugged her blushing daughter. “Oooooh my little kitten finally made friends with a dog!”
Blake crossed her arms as best she could in the hug. “I-it’s not that big of a deal…” 
Kali let go of her daughter and Ghira spoke up. “I know, but we have to admit that it’s very nice to see you finally over that silly little cautiousness you always had around dogs.”
Blake groaned a but, her embarrassment not going down at all. It was only added when Hera finally realized that Auntie Blake was finally back too! The big dog happily padded over to her and nuzzled her head into her legs, accidentally knocking the cat faunus off balance and onto the floor. Blake caught herself a bit and just landed on her butt, which was when Hera proceeded to swarm her face with kisses and more nuzzles. 
Though, Blake’s protests didn’t sound very dire. “Gah, no Hera! Haha no stop it! That tickles! Hahah Hera you’re getting fur all over me! Stop! I missed you too haha, now please stop!”
No one really stepped forward to help her either. They wouldn’t interrupt Hera when she was so happy to see someone again. It also sounded like Blake was happy to see Hera too.
Everyone present though did have a bit of a laugh at their her expense though.
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coweggomelet · 3 years
i apparently enjoy putting down my thoughts on the off chance someone will read it and enjoy it so here’s rwby rewatch vol 3. i’m ready to be sad!!
(note: it’s long i’m sorry, i have many thoughts and i tried to narrow it down but oh boy do i think im funny)
- ruby you’re so precious. so sweet. so eager. so earnest. c’mere and i’ll protect you from all the bad shit that happens to you later
- hi cardboard cutout tai
- i keep getting an ad for a rooster teeth show called camp betrayal and the way this man says “hoo hoo hoo” will haunt me for the rest of time
- oh shit the fact that it’s called amity has such insane implications for what it’s used for later. jesus.
- “bffs!” “No.” “…/yessss/” love them
- yeet the yang
- god ruby’s admiration of emerald is so sad in retrospect like… oh boy ruby you’re in for it
- “even if you know how a story ends, that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch” wow cinder are you psychic
- ummmm they’re having a talk can you please respect their privacy
- thor whomst??? i only know nora valkyrie
- hiiiii gavin
- so much mid battle banter. in the middle of a big important fight they just have to make jokes and argue. i love teenagers
- awww winter you’re a disaster and you’re horribly emotionally repressed because of your bitch ass dad but jesus christ you care about your little sister and you wanna know she’s doing okay and i’m emotional about it
- PENNYYYYY my love just keep being you
- jeez i forgot how early on ironwood was talking his shit about being “someone who will act”, the “only person” who will do what needs to be done, as if his course of action is what needs to be done
- every single person who underestimates emerald and mercury gets so fucked up. like so many people look at these youngerish teenagers with some funny one liners and banter and go “oh they seem capable and they’re confident and funny so i like em but i can take em” and then absolutely get the shit kicked out of them. and i think that’s why they’ve been so successful, cause nobody takes them seriously enough to consider them a threat.
- see this is why i love rwby. coco just turned her handbag into a gatling gun and cut down a field of grass with it
- god the way they hint at emerald’s semblance before fully showing what it is. *chef’s kiss*
- winter marry me
- we love an uncle who absolutely destroys his nieces at video games
- “they do and they’re called silver!” ruby i love you
- top heavy. heheh
- this dude’s weapon is a trumpet!! she’s got glowing nunchucks!! i love this show!!
- this battle music is AMAZING what the FUCK they’re fighting to JAZZ
- cinder if you keep having vague ominous dialogue people are gonna get the wrong idea
- oh yeah great idea asking a child to take on immense power which sends her into a stressed out panicky spiral and alienates her from the people she finally feels legitimately connected to and for once didn’t feel alienated from
- oh fuck. oh fuck the finals. oh god. oh no.
- she’s so happy. she’s so ready to have a good fight. i’m gonna cry
- and with one moment, the entire show flipped on its head
- god when i watched that the first time i fuckin freaked. i was not prepared man. i was warned. but i was not prepared for this much of a fucking tone change man. that quickly. like tone changes (in my experience) normally happen gradually, but this one happened in, what? 30 seconds?
- fuck
- god this is so bad
- and it GETS WORSE i can’t do this
- love that we can see yang’s distraught eyebrows through her bangs
- after this episode was the first time my friend asked me “how we doing buddy?” and i’ve only wanted to kill her more since then
- oh god emerald’s backstory. this poor child. she was so alone and cinder was there and said i can give you a place i can give you a purpose i can give you security and emerald latched on so hard.
- hiiiii laura bailey i wish you had more than a lil baby line and some sounds of effort
- god that little anklet
- god what a fuckin backstory episode man. backstory? evil plan explanation? idk but it was good
- great parent move. telling your kid you’ll only save them once.
- jaune you sweet good boy. what a good boy. i love him
- god this poor child. she doesn’t deserve this. FUCK i’m so sad. is that the last conversation they have?
- oooooh shit this song is so good. what the fuck i have chills it’s so fitting
- god everyone else is so happy and excited and then there’s ruby who is one of the very few people who knows how bad a fight between penny and pyrrha could be and pyrrha who’s got to decide if she wants someone else’s aura smushed with hers, which could turn her into a different person. FUCK
- peeeennyyyyy “salutations!! it’s an honor to meet you!” it huuuurts
- it makes me so sad but damn was this a good diabolical plan
- god im so sad. penny is so good. and pyrrha’s fuckin eyes. and ruby just collapsing. jesus christ. it’s all fuckin falling apart
- oh fuck here we go. those klaxons are so terrifying
- it makes me so happy that torchwick gets rescued and then like maybe a couple episodes later just gets swallowed
- the fuckin adam fight is coming up too. jesus. really piling on here
- and she doesn’t even hesitate to save pyrrha
- the one and only time (to my memory) that ironwood is gentle is when he says no one would blame the students if they left. that might be the last time he actually remembers that they’re all teenagers and feels sympathy for these children with all this pressure on them
- oh yeah the big boy
- the first time i watched this i was LOSING MY MIND this whole time. like yang attacked mercury and from then on man. just freaking out.
- eurgh grimm juice
- c’mon blake you got this. i mean. technically you don’t. the fight goes poorly. but you fuckin try and you’re so brave about it and i love youuu
- shut the FUCK up adam you GROOMED her you ASSHOLE
- aahhhh i love velvet!!! her semblance and her whole fighting style is so goddamn cool and has such interesting implications for using weapons and powers of people who are dead
- get fucked, torchwick. GET FUCKED. get fuckin chomped
- a backhanded slap feels so much more violent than any fighting with weapons
- uh oh evil katniss
- god. the fucking blood splatter turning the whole shot red. just their silhouettes. the slow motion. the arm slowly separating.
- my friend was also a big fan of “how we feeling?”
- bad. the answer is bad you fuckin sadist
- oz is… a lot of things, and one of them is a goddamn good fighter
- oh god oh noooo she’s gonna kiss & yeet AWWWW FUCK this is heartbreaking
- pyrrha i love you
- if i don’t look it’s not real
- oh pyrrha my love
- awww hey tai. what a good dad. love tai
- i’m so sad. everyone’s so sad. and then salem just has to do an ominous lil monologue where she lays out her whole plan to divide them and makes a fuckin semblance pun. she’s such a good villain
- jacque you stiff bitch
- they’re all fuckin scattered and depressed
- love team rnjr tho
- there she is. god what an ending
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Happy Anniversary to me!
One year ago I asked @rain-down-knowledge to be my girlfriend and she said yes!
To celebrate (and as part of my gift) I have written this incredibly self indulgent domestic fluff. No plot, no real point, but it was fun to write, enjoy!
Yang nervously shifted the plastic wrapped bouquet in her hands as she walked up to her front door. It had been three years but she still worried Blake wouldn’t like her gifts. She took a deep breath in, reassuring herself that Blake would love it, and exhaled as she opened the door and stepped in.
The empty downstairs greeted Yang as she  placed her keys on the hook by the door, placed the flowers down as she sat on the bench by the door to take off her work boots. As she undid the laces she heard movement upstairs. Smiling, Yang stepped out of her boots, retrieved the flowers, and padded up the stairs.
 “Blake?” Yang gently called at the top of the stairs, announcing her presence. Hearing a responding hum she made her way to the master bath.
 As she walked in, Yang saw Blake, back to her, touching up her makeup in the mirror. Yang slid an arm across her shoulder and gently pulled her into an embrace, moving the flower into her field of vision.
 “Happy anniversary Love” Yang pressed a kiss to Blake’s temple.
 “Mm, happy anniversary to you too Babe. These flowers are beautiful!” Blake took the flowers from Yang and turned to give her a kiss on the lips, “I love you.”
  As Blake turned to stand, Yang took a few steps back to give her room. As they stood face to face Yang was finally able to take in Blake’s outfit.
 “Wow,” Yang’s eyebrows rose as she took her girlfriend in. Blake was wearing a loose floral button up adorned with dark purple flowers with yellow accents that draped from her chest and flared out with her hips, her dark denim pants contrasted the white background of the shirt and made the flowers pop even more. “You look-” Yang paused as she scrambled for an adjective, “so fucking good.”
 “Gee thanks babe.” Blake rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress the smile that bloomed across her face. Blake walked past Yang and across to their bedroom dresser. “I still have to choose a necklace, and do something with these,” she raised the bouquet in her hand, “ and then I’m ready to go after you get ready.” She placed the flowers down and picked up a simple gold chain. “A little help?”
 “Hm, what time are those reservations again?” Yang walked up behind Blake and draped the chain around the front of her neck and quickly closed the clasp as Blake swept her hair aside in a well practiced maneuver between the two. Instead of backing away, Yang dropped one hand to Blake’s hip, the other brushing the hair back to reveal her neck again and pressed a lingering kiss where her neck sloped into her shoulder. 
 “About an hour.” There was a hint of laughter in Blake’s voice. “Just enough time for you to shower and change out of your greasy shop clothes.” Blake felt the hand on her hip wrap around her stomach and be joined by Yang’s other hand as Yang gently rested her head on Blake’s shoulder.
 “Any way I could convince you to join me in the shower?” Yang’s voice was soft and warm in Blake’s ear. She was tempted to give in, but they had been planning to try this restaurant for weeks.
 “Yang,” Blake was gentle, firm, and a bit teasing as she turned in Yang’s arms to give her a pointed look. “I already showered and got ready. You’ll have to go this alone.” Blake pulled her in for a quick peck on the lips before stepping out of the embrace to collect the flowers from the dresser. “I’m going to go put these in some water.”
  Yang dramatically threw her head back. “Fine,” she huffed, a smile dancing on her face as she lifted her head. “Guess I’ll just have to get ready all on my lonesome,” her voice was teasing as she pulled the collar of her shirt over her head, reliably drawing Blake’s eyes to the plane of her stomach.
 Blake felt her fingers itch with the desire to feel her skin but shook herself out of it. She grinned at her girlfriend’s behavior as she watched Yang stretch exaggeratedly  and turn towards the bathroom as she began to take off her pants, twisting her head to throw Blake a wink on the way to the shower. Blake shook her head, starting down the stairs as the shower stuttered to life. 
 Having cut the flowers and retrieved Yang’s gift from behind the couch Blake settled in with her book as she waited for Yang to get ready. Yang never took too long to get ready, but a long day at the mechanic’s shop typically prompted a longer shower than usual.
  Soon enough Yang was walking down the stairs and it was Blake’s turn to struggle for words. Yang had on a crisp, tailored, white button up, sleeves cuffed to her elbows, tucked into some slim fitting black jeans. Around her neck she was wearing a simple amethyst on a chain, drawing out her beautiful lavender eyes. “Ready to go?” Yang looked up from fidgeting with the leather strap of her watch to see a breathless Blake.
 “Hm? Oh! Yes!” Blake snapped back to attention. “That shirt looks fucking fantastic on you.”
  Yang chuckled, “Thank you, I think you say that everytime I wear it.”
 “It keeps being true!” Blake countered as she stood. “You have everything?”
  Yang hummed in affirmation as she retrieved her things from the entryway. Opening the door, Yang flourished with her hand to cue Blake to go first, “M’Lady,” she did a mock bow and looked to Blake who promptly rolled her eyes.
 “Really? I’ve put up with three years of this?” Blake questioned as she walked through the door.
 “Oh, you love it.” Yang followed behind Blake, locking up behind them.
 “I do.”
  Dinner was a quiet conversation tucked into each other’s sides in a corner booth over a steaming hotpot. Stories from their days, childhood, and dreams were exchanged between bites of fish and sips of broth.
   Afterwards the couple found themselves on a bench at the beach to watch the sunset and exchange gifts.
 “Ooh, a ring box! Babe,” Yang teased as she pulled a small velvet box out of a gift bag.
 “Don’t worry, it’s not that. Not yet.” Blake said with a chuckle. Yang opened the box and immediately put a hand over her mouth. “I was talking to Tai and he mentioned Summer’s earrings and how he didn’t know what to do with them since neither you or Ruby pierced your ears,” Blake rushed through the explanation, worried when she saw tears well in Yang’s eyes. “ I saved one for Ruby too so-”
 “Blake,” Yang’s voice was heavy with the sob she was holding back, “Thank you, I love it.” The hand she was using to cover her mouth stretched out to grab the hand Blake was waving as she spoke.
 “You do?” At Yang’s nod Blake sighed in relief, “Thank the gods. I was worried I’d overstepped.” Yang quickly shook her head and Blake continued, “I know you can’t wear it to work, there’s a chain in the bottom of the box.”
 “You thought of everything, huh?” Yang wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled the ring out of the box. A small ruby was set into a simple silver band. Yang slipped it on her finger and held out her hand to admire it. “I remember these earrings,” she said softly. “I lost one playing dress up once and Mom was so upset. We made cookies when we found them. I think she felt bad about blowing up.” Yang sniffed and Blake wrapped her hand around her wrist in support. “Anywho,” Yang cleared her throat and straightened up, “Your turn! Apparently we both went the jewelry route.” She pulled a larger, more shallow, box from behind her on the bench and handed it to Blake. 
 “Ooh!” Blake hammed it up a bit to try to lighten the mood, but her genuine excitement was betrayed as she eagerly took the box from Yang. She slowly snapped it open to reveal a traditional wooden fish hook necklace from Menagerie with a yellow garnet adorning the eye of the hook. “Oh,” Blake gently ran the pads of her fingers over the intricate engravings on the surface of the wood. “Yang, this is gorgeous! Where did you find it? I’ve never seen any Menagerie shops in Vale!”
 “Um,” Yang blushed at the praise of her gift. “When we were visiting your parents for your birthday, I asked your mom about getting you something traditional.” She fidgeted with the new ring on her hand. “You’ve been doing all that research into your family history. I guess I wanted to give you something to connect you to it.”
 “It’s perfect.” Blake held the pendant in her palm and used her other hand to cup Yang’s cheek and looked her in the eyes, “Thank you.” She leaned in for a kiss, Yang meeting her halfway and bringing a hand to rest on her collarbone.
 The two shared their quiet moment alone together. The orange glow of the sky casting long shadows as the sun set on this beautiful day.
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zozee122-2 · 3 years
The War Ends at Dusk
This is my first fan fiction, so I worked super hard on it! This is the prologue, and the first chapter is finished so I will post that shortly. The premise is four years after the accounts of RWBY and Blake and Yang are awaiting the birth of their first child. Ruby, Weiss, Nora, and Ren are in the waiting room awaiting the birth of the bumbleby baby. The fic is centered around the bee family, and add a bit of found family trope and new age angst.
WC: 2,214
“Does anyone know how much longer this is going to take? I mean they’ve been in there almost 10 months!” Nora barked, getting up to stretch. Ren sighed and grabbed his partner’s hand.
“Patience, please Nora. This has got to be hard on Blake and Yang too.” Ren said ever ready to calm down his excitable partner.
Ruby chuckled, “Guess they’ll be as stubborn as Yang. Taking bets that they’ll be born tomorrow?” she said checking the clock on the wall which read 5:38 pm, the group had been there since Yang’s frantic group text that early morning that Blake was going into labor.
“I’ll put ten liens on that bet, Ruby” Nora said tossing Ruby a rolled-up bill.
Weiss and Ren collectively sighed at their partner’s immaturity and gave each other a knowing look.
“Ruby, your sister’s wife, your best friend, is giving birth to her first child have some sympathy.” Weiss retorted rubbing the bridge of her nose. The four of them sat in silence for a minute. It seemed impossible that they were here together to celebrate life. Something none of them saw in their future a mere four years ago when they were fighting for their lives and battling a unkillable creature. Ruby sat back in the hospital seat closing her remaining eye. She was about to be an aunt, she still couldn’t believe that they were all here like this, yesterday it seemed that Blake and Yang announced they were officially dating, yesterday that they were trapped in Purgatory without seeing any way out. Ruby smiled, she couldn’t quite describe how elated she was to celebrate this moment with her closest friends and family.
“You know,” Ruby started, “I don’t know if you all feel this way, but this feels unreal.”
Weiss looked to her best friend and smiled sincerely, “It does feel unreal. Like all the tribulations we went through as teenagers seems so close, yet so far away. I’m happy in a way that we were a part of the new future that we are giving to Blake and Yang’s child, to all future generations, that they will never have to worry about the things we did.”
“Never thought a future would exist for us like this,” Nora chimed in, taking Ren’s hand, “After everything, I am so thankful that I get to experience this moment. Can’t imagine what they must be feeling too and I’m glad Jaune is assisting in boosting her aura for childbirth.” She smiled and looked towards the birth wing.
Ren rubbed her hand with his, smiling contently, “When we became huntsman it seemed like a forever thing, like we would never be able to experience moments in life as precious as this. I felt like this at Yang and Blake’s wedding too. Their happiness and love for each other filled the room with pink petals, their emotions were so raw and real, I can even feel it today.”
The three smiled at him, “You always know what to say, Ren.” Weiss said, “I just cannot wait to spoil the little thing.”
The group laughed, “They just have to hurry up and get out into the world!” Nora yelled earning a strict look from one of the nurses. She uttered a soft apology while Ruby chuckled and in turn Weiss gave her a look.
Ruby sighed, “It is taking a long time, I hope she’s okay. Has anyone heard anything from Yang or Jaune?”
The four of them checked their scrolls, “Haven’t heard anything sense ‘Blake is 7 centimeters,’ and that was two hours ago.” Weiss replied, huffing quietly in annoyance.
“Hmm, well we could tell some stories to pass the time?” Ruby asked rubbing her chin.
Nora looked up at her, “Practicing your story telling skills on us before you have to tell famous, huntress who saved all of Remnant Auntie Ruby Rose stories?” Nora asked.
Ruby laughed, “Partially, I guess. So, yes, or no?”
Ren nodded, “I’d like to hear some, maybe some that we were not together for? Like what you’ve been doing now with Jaune and Weiss?”
Weiss looked at Ruby, not like her work now was anything confidential, just not something Ruby liked to talk about specifically. It hit close to her.
Ruby took a long sigh, she closed her good eye and raised her hand to touch her scarred over right eye, “I’d hate to put a damper on our good moods,” Ruby let out a long breath and Weiss put her hand on Ruby’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you do not want to Ruby, it’s not an easy topic to discuss,” Weiss reassured Ruby.
Ruby looked to Weiss, who has been next to her throughout her whole journey, never questioning Ruby’s judgement, the most loyal person Ruby has ever met. However, Weiss was right, this was not an easy topic to talk about. Especially when this only mattered to her, but she has not discussed this with anyone except her teammates and Oscar. She was reminded of her mother for a moment, and Maria who did not have a lot of information to give her either on the silver eyed warriors. After seeing Salem’s Hound, she promised herself that she would do whatever it takes to end any part of Salem’s tyranny, and as of late Ruby found several lackey groups that still practiced horrid experiments on silver eyed people.
“I could talk about it, but I am not sure where to begin, it is not a particularly easy thing to talk about. You remember four years ago in Atlas, the Hound that was after Oscar and Penny?”
Ruby could feel the atmosphere shift. Weiss raised her hand from Ruby’s shoulder to fix her hair bun. Nora’s shoulders slumped and her eyes darted to the ground. Ren let out a long audible sigh as he straightened in his seat.
Ren spoke first, “It, it is not something I like to think about,” remembering his own impudence, “but I will never forget it.”
“I was thankful that I did not have to see it in person,” Nora added rubbing her lightning bolt scar on her neck.
Ren folded his hands on his lap, “It’s never something I like to discuss either, if the students ever bring it up, I mean.”
Weiss nodded, “Ruby and I have been well…” Weiss looked to Ruby.
“We have been finding Salem’s old research facilities and finding silver eyed people being experimented on.” Ren and Nora collectively gasped. “Yeah, it is not something, well it is not an easy thing to talk about. The hardest part was finding out that Salem, even now that she is gone, still has her clutches across Remnant.”
Weiss rubbed Ruby’s back, “As a huntsman rehabilitations counselor, I focus on finding homes for the silver eyed people who have either been born into the lab, or who have lost family members…” Weiss trailed off looking at her scroll to check any messages.
Ruby picked where Weiss left off, “It is not an ideal situation, but through Weiss’ company we are finding homes that are taking children and teenagers and Oscar is letting adults live in some empty apartments in Vale.
Ren shook his head, “I hate that there are still veins of Salem’s reign throughout the kingdoms, but I am glad that there is you two that are liberating these people.”
Nora placed her hands on her thighs, an exasperated expression on her face, “I have a student with silver eyes, they’re so promising. I can’t imagine anything ever happening to them.”
Ren nodded in agreement, “Yes, they are a wonder, though I am not sure they know how to use their silver eye powers yet.”
Ruby nodded, “It might be best right now, for your student to not know, it will paint an even bigger target on their back.”
Weiss looked to Ren and Nora, of course they would be worried about their students, even though there was peace many dangers still lurked around the corners, still small threats of Salem’s powers.
“Nowadays, huntsmen and huntresses are returning home, all of the small lurking problems are ones for the younger generation now.” Weiss said giving a reassuring look to Ren and Nora.
“Remnant is safe, yes though there are Grimm still lurking about, thieves trying to steal maiden powers or relics, even bandit troops are still around. While these new huntsmen nowadays don’t have to worry about the fate of the world, they are just cleaning up our scraps.”
Nora stood and looked Ruby in the eye defiantly, “Ruby, that is why Ren and I decided to become professors at Beacon. People will always be willing to help those in need and we will be there to offer support, just like our professors and mentors did for us.”
Ruby sniffed and stood to give Nora a hug, “I will always count on you guys to do that for us, and if you ever need a guest talk about the silver eyed warriors or to teach your student how to use their eyes, I am here for you. All three of you.”
“You guys, I love the sentiment, but you should really save your tears for Blake and Yang’s child.” Weiss sighed.
The group laughed. “I am glad our parents were allowed to go into the room with them, but I am a bit jealous,” Ruby said and continued, “Dad is so excited to be a grandpa and I know Kali and Ghira have been waiting for this moment too. I don’t think I have been this excited for something in a long time.”
“I couldn’t wait to meet the little cub since the baby shower, I think I bought too many gifts.” Weiss sighed leaning on her knees.
“I am surprised you still have money after that spree,” Nora said sitting back down next to Ren.
Ren laughed, “I splurged a bit too much as well, almost my whole paycheck.”
“Mrs. Xiao Long-Belladonna! Do not run in the halls!”
The group stood up when Yang burst into the waiting room.
“Yang! Is everything alright?!” Ruby and the rest stood quickly.
Yang ripped the hair cap from her head and pulled her surgical mask down, beaming from ear to ear.
“Guys! You’re allowed to come into our room, there is someone I’d like you to meet!”
The gang followed Yang quickly down the hallway to the room. Jaune was waiting outside for them.
“Everything alright still?” Yang asked him, leaning an arm on his shoulder.
Jaune looked to everyone, his eyes heavy, “Yeah, they are resting comfortably. Though, that kid is a fighter, I used up all of my aura.”
Nora stood by her teammate to rub his back.
“We really appreciate it, Jaune. Now guys, please come in.”
The group of seven walked in slowly passing by Taiyang who was standing in the corner of the room, weeping softly. Ruby placed a hand on her father’s back.
“Alright, Dad?” Ruby whispered. Taiyang nodded and ruffled Ruby’s hair. Yang passed by to sit beside her wife. Blake reached up and kissed Yang sleepily. Blake held a bundled blanket closer to her chest and smiled happily to the rest of the gang.
“Well don’t just stand around like that you guys! No need to be nervous!” Kali said grabbing Ruby by the arm leading her to stand by Yang.
Blake and Yang laughed as the group nervously huddled around Blake’s bed. Yang gently touched the bundle which in turn made a soft gurgling sound.
“Hehe, our little guy just ate, he and Mommy are super sleepy now, huh?”
Weiss raised her eyebrows and stared at Yang, “A boy?”
Nora and Ren bumped fists, “We knew it!” Nora cried.
The baby moaned a bit at the sudden loud noise and Blake and Yang were quick to reassure their newborn son. Ruby and Weiss shot Nora a look and Ren rolled his eyes.
Blake laughed after the baby calmed down.
“Sorry, Blake. I know you’ve had a hard day.”
Blake laughed again and looked at Yang, “Nora, this was one of the happiest days of my life. He was a sucker to push out, but I would do it all again to share this moment with the person I love the most and my most prized possession, our son.”
Ruby smiled and moved closer to Yang, “So, are you going to introduce us then?”
Weiss grabbed Ruby’s arm, Ruby leaned in closer to Yang, and Ren, Nora, and Jaune linked together.
Blake unwrapped the small bundle a bit where two little, folded blonde cat ears stood up.
Weiss teared up, “He’s beautiful, Yang, Blake”
Yang smiled and kissed the small head, “Well, I mean he came from the most beautiful woman on Remnant, of course he’s beautiful.”
Blake and nearly everyone in the room rolled their eyes.
“Yang, please. I love you, but please.” Blake pleaded, “Even the baby hated your joke.”
Yang chuckled, “No, he didn’t. Look at the perfect little kitten.” She said taking the small baby’s hand.
“So,” Ruby pleaded her eyes beginning to water, “What is his name?”
Blake and Yang looked at each other then to their son.
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Dusk Yin Xiao Long Belladonna”
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misstrashchan · 4 years
RWBY V8 CH1 Thoughts2
- I didn’t know what to expect from the first episode of v8 but the one thing I was certain of was that we’d start with a Salem/Cinder scene and then transition into an Ozpin/Oscar scene cos like. They do that a lot. And welp, guess I was right. Gotta love those immortal/vessel relationships am I right
- okay, the entire mood of being an Oscar Pine fan is wanting to wrap him in a blanket and feed him soup, and 1/2 ain’t bad, so props to you Mole Man. Literal strangers will meet Oscar and within 10 seconds of knowing him be like “I must take care of him” like he automatically kicks in people’s parental drive to 100
- pfffggbbttt oh wow, some Oscar fans I know where DESPERATE for him to have some kind of solo arc away from the group so he could shine on his own, even for just one episode. But nope, Ruby’s right there already. And that makes way more sense, I mean for one he still had his ear communication piece with him, and Oscar knows he can’t save Atlas on his own, that they all have to work together, so him trying to lie low and go all lone wolf just doesn’t suit his character or the themes of the show in general (don’t worry though, he’ll be forced to have a solo arc if he gets kidnapped by Salem)
- “every choice I’ve made has been the wrong one” okay it’s normal for Oscar to be doubting himself and feeling like he can’t trust in his own decisions after going through a traumatic experience of literally being shot by someone he let his guard down to, but BOI THE ONLY WRONG CHOICE YOU MADE WAS GOING TO FACE IRONWOOD ALONE. EVERY OTHER CHOICE PROVED YOU WERE DIFFERENT THAN OZPIN, THAT YOU WERE BETTER. THAT’S WHY HE CAME BACK! I really, really, hope that Mr I’ve Made More Mistakes Than Any Man, Woman And Child Alive On This Planet sets Oscar straight on this so he can help Oscar to have faith in himself and not repeat the same mistake of being paralyzed by guilt and feeling like he can’t trust others or himself.
- I was so caught up in the excitement of having Ozpin back that I forgot that yeah, Oscar’s going to have some conflicted feelings towards him and his return, and that’s only natural. I think Oscar deserves a 1:1 with him more than anyone and with how tense and stressed everyone is I think that’s the best move to clear some things up with Oz before letting everyone else know that he’s back or fully accepting him back into their group (Bets on Yang being the first one to find out that Oz is back though)
- Oh, that’s the first time we’ve seen Oscar communicate with Oz in his head, without speaking out loud. That’s. Hmmmm.
- Okay, I thought they’d be conflict between Yang and Ruby about her decisions as a leader, but I wasn’t expecting EVERYONE to be having their doubts in her leadership. My poor girl.
- I’m really really liking how we’re exploring these different sides to Penny’s character. Seeing her be more solemn, angry and assertive. Even if part of that is rooted in her being in a really low place right now, riddled with guilt and uncertainty and burdened with responsibility, both of a role she gave up in cutting ties with the Atlas Military and General Ironwood, a place and position she’s been the most familiar with almost her entire life, that conditioned her into the “Ideal Lone Perfect Hero” mentality as the Protector of Mantle, the uncertainty in the choices she made about becoming the Winter Maiden, feeling she obtained a role that wasn’t meant to be hers (and it was Penny oh my gosh Penny IT WAS) and taking that away from Winter, while also figuring out how she’ll move forward and act as the new Winter Maiden and just... PENNY
- glad to see everyone’s a member of the Penny Polendina Protection Squad this volume
- just realized that this is the first time Oscar and Penny have liked, actually interacted with one another. And as a useless BrightEyes shipper I’ll take my crumbs where I can thank you
- Highlight of this episode is definitely Ruby taking Ironwood’s call from Penny saying Actually Me And My Awesome Girlfriend Are Going To Save Atlas AND Mantle, AND ALL OF REMNANT, So You Can SUCK IT JAMMY BOI (what do you mean that’s not what happened that’s totally what happened)
- In all seriousness the Nut and Dolts vibes were strong as hell this episode and I am LIVING
- hnnnngggh I’ve got a whole lot of feelings about Blake’s look between Ruby and Yang and the layers there. She’s the most concerned about the conflict between the two, and I’ve always felt that out of WBY Blake has always been the one who respected and took Ruby the most seriously as a leader, and in part sees her younger idealistic self in her, so I hope she’d be able to relate to her current struggles and try to mediate between the two sisters by talking to Ruby. There’s also the fact that in the last volume Blake and Yang have been joined at the hip, trying to make up for lost time, and this is their first time willingly splitting up. I kind of hope this helps them rethink their relationship on a deeper level and what they want from it, but in all honesty in terms of romantic relationships I’m expecting Ren and Nora to get the most focus and development this volume, judging from the OP. I just can’t switch my bumbleby shipping brain off though and I would just Like To See Them Say Goodbye or Have A Reunion Where They Kiss
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt.9
Season nine
RWBY and JN(P)R and the jobbers are all prepping to take the fight to Salem.
Big military invasion is planned targeting the Grimmlands.
Atlas is used as staging ground.
Atlas military, Ilia’s White Fang, SDC militia, Raven’s bandits, Mistral defense force, Menagerie commandos, and more are there to help.
Everyone even vaguely connected to Ozpin’s Council sends aid.
Vacuo’s defenders will lightly pepper the southern coast to make it seem like they’re still planning on attacking from Vacuo.
Everyone has scenes together about emotions and fears and whatever.
Invasion begins.
Goes well. A beachhead is established, casualties are minimal, and grimm are curtailed rather easily.
Normandy was a success.
They have to do what they came to do as fast as possible before Salem’s grimm from the south cross the continent.
The distraction did its job, but now they’re on their way.
That’s when the offensive grinds to a halt because nothing is ever that fucking easy.
Skirmishes become common, but no greater progress is made.
Then the casualty reports keep coming in.
Everyone except Ozpin reads them.
Morale is lowering, which in turn makes the grimm stronger, which lowers morale further and so forth.
Ironwood says that they need a big symbolic victory to restore morale and get things back on track.
Idea is a blitz, push as hard and fast into the Grimmlands as possible, consolidating as much territory as possible along the way.
Myrmidon is the only real strategic obstacle in the way.
Time is of the essence so plan is a go.
Night before the blitz.
Ruby gives a speech to WBY and JN(P)R.
Says that they’re all the best friends she’s ever had and that, even with all the problems going on, the time they’ve spent together has been the best time of her life.
Everyone has a few more scenes together.
Tai has a moment with his girls.
Raven tries to further apologize to Yang in her own way.
Weiss and Winter have video call with Willow and jailtime Jacques.
Blake has a moment with her parents who came with the Menagerie Commandos.
JN(P)R vow to each other that they’re going to either get Pyrrha back or put her to permanent rest.
Qrow and Ruby have moment together.
Ruby says she’s both out of her mind terrified and incredibly excited to kick ass at the same time.
Qrow says that that’s about right for Summer’s daughter.
Day of the blitz.
Coalition forces charge forth with the fury of…an uninterrupted carpool. What the hell?
There’s no fucking grimm.
The entire army is advancing into hostile territory completely unopposed.
Jaune and Ironwood realize what’s happening at the same time.
Sometimes the best defense is an overwhelming fuck you of an offense.
Pyrrha had withdrawn as many grimm as she possibly could in the timeframe and condensed them into two massive combined hordes.
And she’s sending those two hordes, in a pincer maneuver, directly against the sides of the coalition blitz’ spearhead.
Swarms of grimm hit them like a tidal wave.
The offence halts right then and there.
Fighting is brutal and ground is taken and lost at an alarming rate.
RWBY is shining beacon of hope against the darkness.
Killing droves of grimm as fast as the laws of physics allow.
Pyrrha gets involved.
JN(P)R intercept her.
Fight goes similarly to the last two but with one major difference.
Jaune, in his desperation, takes a blade to the leg and wraps Pyrrha in a bear hug, flooding her with his healing aura just to see what happens.
He doesn’t know what the hell it’s going to do, if anything, but it’s all he has at this point.
Pyrrha tosses him off but is visibly stunned and starts convulsing.
Her human parts are being affected by Jaune’s healing.
This gives them enough time for Ruby to blast her with white fire.
Pyrrha gives Jaune a sad look of longing before she collapses into his arms, once again dead and fading away into the wind.
JNR is sad at seeing their friend die… again.
The grimm lose all cohesion and even begin infighting a little at the complete removal of coordination.
The blitz continues all the way to Salem’s Sanctum.
They encircle and lay siege.
Salem and Ozpin communicate.
It’s finally here, isn’t it? The moment they both’ve dreamed about.
Chaos or order. Which will win in the end?
The day of fate has fin’ly come.
The siege is going rather poorly after about a week or so.
No headway is being made on being able to directly assault the Sanctum.
Artillery has little to no effect due to a magic bubble shield.
Swarm of incredibly powerful grimm operate as a sort of moat preventing infantry incursions.
Flying grimm lead to similar results on aerial attacks.
RWBY and JN(P)R are involved in latest offensive.
It fails. Pretty hard too.
Every day that goes on the more people get killed by the grimm.
This lowers morale.
This causes more, stronger, grimm to show up.
Same problem as before the blitz but with even more stressed logistics.
Scouts report that the grimm horde from the south is going to show up in under a week.
The worst part is that it would take just over a week for coalition forces to pack up and retreat.
Cinder has a moment of actually having a conscious and says she has a solution.
She knows of a way past Salem’s defenses and directly into the Sanctum.
The Cavern of Remembrance. (Yes, I’m nabbing the name from KH2FM, roll with it)
Rumor has it is that it’s a tunnel full of vengeful spirits of the departed.
Many have gone mad attempting to go through it.
Tyrian was the last to make it through, probably because he was pretty crazy to begin with.
Salem does nothing with it because the vast majority of people that go through there don’t make it out and those that do are either easy enough to kill on the other side or are susceptible to recruitment.
Ozpin makes the plan to send a strike team through it.
Should they survive, Ozpin will have Raven open a portal to give them a clean shot at killing Salem.
Nobody really likes this plan but they have few alternatives.
Decide that RWBY, JN(P)R, and CEMN would be the best options for the strike team.
Most of them (particularly Ruby and Jaune) cringe at the idea of working side by side with Cinder but roll with it because Salem is a much higher priority.
The teams get ready to go off.
Tensions are high.
Cinder leads them to the entrance of the cavern.
Everyone takes a moment to steel themselves and enter.
The great majority of the walk through the cavern is just that, walking.
So far it’s just a fucking cave tunnel.
Ren and Nora disappear.
It’s a straight, almost featureless, tunnel so they have no idea what the hell just happened.
Emerald and Mercury disappear next. Then Weiss, then Jaune, then Blake, then Neo, then Penny.
Ruby, Cinder, and Yang are alone now.
Yang gets a little angry, thinking that Cinder set them up.
The argument stops when they see a completely out of place cottage door ahead of them.
They enter it and are shocked to see Summer Rose, happily sitting with a pot of tea ready to pour.
The cavern is a font of old magic. It allows those who enter it one chance to speak to the departed spirit of someone emotionally close to them. Not necessarily a loved one, but someone important, good or ill.
As it turns out this has the habit of often making people want to ‘reunite’ with their loved ones or get killed by the spirit of the one they hated.
Ren and Nora are talking to their respective parents. They tell them that they’ve made it after all.
Weiss is talking to her grandfather. Calls him an old fart that history will only remember as a huge cunt.
Blake is talking to Adam. Specifically, depressed Adam that has lost the psychopathic streak.
Penny is talking to herself, the version of her that Cinder killed. Very trippy and self-reflective.
Emerald is talking to her mother. The last genuinely good influence she’s ever had before going good.
Mercury is talking to (read: says three words to and then starts fighting) his father.
Neo is…okay not talking, but with Roman. He teases her for going legit.
Jaune is talking to Pyrrha. Big happy lovers’ reunion.
Conversations range from tear soaked reunions to vitriol filled shouting matches to straight up fights.
Important bits, aside from emotional closure are as follows:
Mercury doesn’t get his semblance back from papa but awakens what would have been a second one.
It’s Armstrong/Greed style body hardening.
Jaune and Pyrrha have a moment properly saying that they love each other but are cut off prematurely, showing that Salem has resurrected her again.
Jaune has a new plan.
Everyone either connects again with the deceased and gains new resolve, or get pumped by telling the dearly departed dickhead to fuck themselves.
Ruby and Yang get confused as to why Cinder is there with them.
Cinder mouths off like a rude fuck.
Summer scolds her and calls her ‘Cinder Rose’.
Do the plot-twist dance, c’mon. (This was the thing that the Mad Scientist tried to reveal to Ruby)
As it turns out, Cinder is Ruby’s long lost fraternal twin that was stolen by Salem and raised in a horrible orphanage until Salem could come and ‘save’ her.
It was almost a contest between Ozpin and Salem.
Ozpin’s kid living in a well-structured and sheltered place with Salem’s living in a shitty environment with constant hardship. The one who’s system made the better kid, wins.
C+R+Y mutual BSOD.
After a few good shouts and some crying Summer tells her girls that she’ll always love them and be proud of them.
Summer and the cottage fade away and C+R+Y are really unsure as to what to make of this revelation.
Cinder is in the worse emotional shape she’s been in in the series.
They all agree to keep it quiet and just get on with things.
Repress now, react later.
Eventually everyone gets through their meetings and meet up at the exit of the cavern.
They’re right at the base of the Sanctum with the entrance to it in front of them.
Ruby shares brief secret words with Neo, Blake, and Emerald as everyone else is distracted.
They send a radio signal, Raven opens a portal and she, TQ, Ironwood, Glynda, Winter, and Ozpin come through.
Everyone moves into the Sanctum.
They enter the main foyer and Salem is standing atop the stairs waiting for them all dramatic and shit.
Says thank you to Cinder for giving her the opportunity to kill Ozpin.
Cinder calls her a bitch.
Says that she’s going to kill her for her mother’s sake.
Salem says that that’s easier said than done.
Myrmidon attacks with a shitload of grimm, including very crude resurrections of Tyrian, Roman, Adam, and some other jobbers.
It’s almost insulting how poorly done they are compared to Myrmidon.
Salem put all her time and effort into Myrmidon.
Big battle royale extravaganza.
The various resurrected try and fuck with people psychologically. Roman saying he never loved Neo, Tyrian bragging about killing Summer, and such like that.
This works on no one and the resurrected get decked but at least they tried.
The Council, baring Ozpin, get tied up against grimm.
JN(P)R distract Myrmidon and get her away into a separate room.
RWBY and CEMN get at Salem directly.
Salem boss fight start.
JN(P)R manage to redo the plan to knock off Myrmidon’s helmet.
Myrmidon believes she knows what they’re planning to do.
JN(P)R know she knows this and have planned around that plan she planned against their plan.
It makes sense, shut up.
Jaune kisses her and floods her with as much healing semblance as he can.
She almost dies, y’know, again, but the grimm taint is healed away from both the healing semblance and Jaune’s aura jumpstarting her aura again with the power of love.
N(P)R’s aura’s flood into Pyrrha as well because friendship and jury rigging Penny’s artificial aura system.
Pyrrha is unconscious, scarred, and in very poor shape. But she’s alive again, truly.
Not that they’d try it, but attempting similar plans with the other resurrected would have just destroyed them due to their comparably shabby creation.
JNP(P)R’s story is now wrapped up.
RWBY and CEMN vs. Salem is still going on.
Lots of fire of both orange and white.
Fuck it, black fire too from Salem.
Summons and hallucinations.
Clone decoys and illusions.
Salem is enraged that she’s losing, decides fuck it and starts just blowing shit up with magic.
Ozpin comes in with the assist when Salem has taken a few hits.
He wants to kill-steal like a noob.
Ruby smiles as her own plan has come together.
Fight goes on, big spectacle, you know the deal.
Big crazy god powers combating each other.
TL;DR Salem and Ozpin stab each other at the same time.
Ruby had Neo, Blake, and Emerald fuck with both of their perceptions with their semblances to as many degrees as they can, making mutually assured destruction… assured (shut up).
Ruby even brags to both of them about it.
“There is no need for gods that only take,” –Asura (A really angry dude)
Calls both Ozpin and Salem bitches.
Both are enraged but the prophesy is fulfilled. Only one can kill the other so both now die.
So die the two worst mass murderers in the history of the planet.
It’s a BIGASS explosion.
Ruby wakes up at home, hoping to unholy fucking hell that this whole thing was not just one long dream after the Fall of Beacon.
It wasn’t.
Everyone is there to see Ruby and tell her that, yes, Salem and Ozpin are super dead.
Everybody wins.
Everyone else lived (She’s especially happy to see Pyrrha) and even got her flowers.
The one that draws her eye is the one that people say is the newest, a black rose.
It has a note saying ‘Ruins of Beacon. One week. –C’.
One week passes.
Ruby goes to the ruins of Beacon, alone, armed as she usually is.
Cinder is waiting for her.
Ruby doesn’t really want to fight Cinder now. She’s even talked to whatever authorities remain about getting Cinder a level of amnesty for helping in the last couple seasons.
Cinder tries to bait her into getting angry and attacking her but Ruby calls her bluff and tells her to just be honest for once in her life.
Cinder says that due to her upbringing she needs to contextualize events in a specific way.
Ruby needs to beat her in a fight. Properly.
No berserk insanity, no grimm arm weaknesses, just the definitive one on one show of strength.
Only then can she accept the reality where it’s possible for her to be sister to such a good entity as Ruby.
Otherwise she’s just going to fuck off to parts unknown, content with her stupid worldview.
Ruby tells her to stop being such a chuunibyou, but admits that she still has some shit to work out herself and the best way she knows to do that is a fight.
Ruby vs. Cinder.
Vergil 3 motherfuckers.
The definitive, badass, rival match, season and series final boss fight.
The wheel of fate is turning, heaven or hell, let’s rock!
The fight goes through everything.
Going from shooting, to melee, to fire duel, back to melee, to hand-to-hand, ending in a MGS4 style exhausted slugfest, all interlaced with flashbacks and shit, culminating in a mutual cross-counter.
Final punch, both of them nail each other on the cheek.
They glare at each other for a second, each other’s fists in their faces.
Cinder falls (ha) over first.
Ruby declares victory before collapsing next to her.
They have an absolutely exhausted heart-to-heart.
They reflect on the events of the series and accept each other as sisters.
Cinder accepts the name, ‘Cinder Rose’.
Four months later.
World is recovering from the conflict well.
Grimm still exist.
As long as negative emotions exist, Salem’s grudge will also. But without centralized control, the grimm are just hyper-combative and aggressive animals that crop up now and again, but can be curtailed easily enough if direct threat is posed.
Hunters still need to exist, but grimm aren’t world ending level threat anymore.
RWBY has been enjoying a little time off together as they do minor logistical work.
JNP(P)R have been palling around doing the same as RWBY, very much enjoying having Pyrrha back.
Team CEMN is now official with its members working as a sort of penal squad to work off their respective sentences.
They’ve got house arrest in their downtime though.
Only exception is when they’re working or have supervision from someone trustworthy.
Better than prison or doing the hempen jig so... take what you can get.
Kingdoms use the framework of Ozpin’s surveillance system as a communication and connectivity network instead of a ‘big brother’ type system of control.
Big get together with everyone.
Beacon is about to reopen under Headmaster Qrow Branwen.
RWBY and JNP(P)R decide that getting the Hunter GED equivalent might be the best option for them, considering they’re infinitely more experienced than any first year has a right to be.
Agree to a grad-student type arrangement to still be involved, though.
Everyone’s having a good time. Everyone’s connecting and blowing off steam.
Ruby peaks out and goes off on her own for a particular reason.
Ruby has final moment of series, talking to Summer’s grave.
Turn around and sees all her friends, family, and teammates.
Says she loves them all, half talking to the audience as well.
Red Like Roses plays as it fades to statues of Team RWBY in a cathedral or altar type place.
Season nine done.
War arc done.
Series done.
 Season of mini-episodes mostly for the fluff, fun, and because I say so.
1. Cinder awkwardly bonding with her new family, despite her best efforts.
2. Raven having a moment with Tai and Qrow about Summer.
3. Pyrrha reuniting with her family post-resurrection and dealing with the fallout of Myrmidon.
4. Weiss and Blake visiting Jacques and Sienna in their respective prisons.
5. Ironwood, Glynda, and others talk about Ozpin, reflecting that he really was kind of an asshole.
6. Team CEMN on mission, very slowly becoming actual friends.
7. Team CFVY make plan to transfer back to Beacon during sparring match with SSSN.
8. Flashback episode for team RWBY when they were children and still had much to learn.
9. Ilia and Blake talking about the restructuring of the White Fang.
10. Un-incarcerated Schnees talking about the future of the company.
11. RWBY and CEMN little sparring fun for stress relief.
12. Flashback thing with team STRQ, going through their forming and breaking.
13. Cinder going on an apology tour. (Pyrrha still hates her guts but not enough to kill her).
14. Qrow and Raven have big over the top dork duel because they’re both dorks.
15. JNPR has moment of “Wow, we REALLY didn’t sign up for that but we made out fine enough,”
16. Team SSSN wondering just what the holy hell all that was about.
17. Ciel and Penny reaffirm their friendship with each other, even though their team is long gone.
18. Flashback to Salem and Ozpin’s original falling out, showing that they were assholes even back then.
19. RWBY are made official huntresses and start a proper career of grimm killing and peace keeping.
20. Flash forward a generation or three later and someone telling their kid/grandkid team RWBY’s story.
 I did this because I felt the need to and nobody could stop me. Too many aspects of the show pissed me off just a little too much and I know that all this amounts to is my insane ramblings, but I did it anyway. Will I ever be put in charge of an actual RWBY reboot or something of that measure? Fucking no. Will this change anyone’s minds? Probably not. Was this entertaining to read? I certainly hope so. But, in the end, I had a ton of fun doing this and have made the points I wanted to make. That’s just about all I care about in the end.
I regret nothing.
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musings-from-mars · 4 years
78 Bees?
First… 78. Time meeting the parents
Blake did the honors of knocking on the door, then glanced over at her girlfriend and chuckled. “You don’t have to be nervous. They’re going to love you.”
Yang shrugged, chuckling. “What? Nervous? I’m not nervous, it’s just...” She started fanning herself. “Menagerie is just so hot, and I’m just really sweaty.”
Blake giggled. “It’s okay. They’re both really excited to meet you. Just be yourself and they’re adore you.”
Yang smiled at her, relaxing a bit. “Okay. Thanks, Blake.”
The door opened, and around the door stepped a lovely woman with pierced feline ears and a beautiful outfit. Her golden eyes darted back and forth between the two girls on the porch, and she grinned, wide and proud. “Oh, you made it!”
Blake smiled and waved. “Hi Mom.”
Kali didn’t even greet her back, though. She went straight to Yang to shake her hand. “Oh my goodness, look at you!” Kali declared happily. “You’re Yang, oh, you’re so gorgeous!”
Yang rubbed the back of her neck and laughed. “Thanks, Ms. Belladonna, I, uh...I try?”
“Can I give you a hug?” Kali asked. “I feel like I should give you a hug.”
Kali hugged her, and Yang looked toward Blake and mouthed the words, she’s so cute!
Blake giggled, but then noticed someone else come to the door, and she smiled and ran up to him. “Dad!”
Ghira hugged his daughter with a laugh. “It’s so good to see you, Blake.” They parted from the hug, then he looked over toward Kali and Yang just as they parted from one another. “And this must be Yang.”
Yang looked up at the very...large man and smiled, both from happiness and a little intimidation. “Uh, hi, Mr. Belladonna.”
Ghira came over and offered a hand. “And hello to you, Miss Xiao Long.”
They shook hands, and Ghira squeezed her hand rather tight, but Yang realized what he was doing and started squeezing his back. It was starting to hurt, but that was the point.
“It’s...an honor...” Ghira muttered, straining against Yang’s grip. “And a...privilege.”
“Nonsense,” Yang said back. “The pleasure’s all...mine!”
“Gah!” Ghira winced and drew his hand back, shaking it out a few times. He looked back at Yang, stared at her for a moment, then laughed heartily, patting her roughly on the shoulder. “I guess Blake wasn’t lying about you being a strong one, huh?”
Yang laughed along with him, then looked at Blake. “Oh, is that what she called me? A strong one?”
Blake blushed, breaking eye contact and pushing some hair behind her ear. “Yeah, yeah, don’t flatter yourself.”
The others laughed, and Kali invited them inside for tea. Kali led Yang ahead while Ghira and Blake trailed them.
Ghira elbowed Blake and muttered. “I like her.”
Blake smiled. “I figured you would.”
“Even if she did probably break a bone in my hand.”
“Wait, she did?!”
Ghira laughed. “I’m joking. The fact that you believed me in a good sign, though. That means she probably could break my hand if she tried.”
Blake sighed and chuckled. “Yes, she could. Count yourself lucky.”
“Don’t worry.” He gave his daughter a quick hug. “I do.”
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rwbyvein · 4 years
Armoured Night: Chief
(sequel to Armoured Night:  Crusade)
Jaune, Pyrrha, and Blake walked down the gangway from the boat.
Jaune: So, this is Menagerie?
Blake: Kuo Kuana
Pyrrha: It is wonderful.
Jaune: A bit... warm...
Blake: You could take off some of your layers.
Jaune: *glares at Blake*
Blake: What?
Jaune: The hoodie provides padding and prevents chaffing.
Blake: My dad wears armour without a shirt...
Jaune: Uh-huh... Alright, let's get this over with.
Blake: Can't you be more cheerful? This is my home.
Jaune: Let's... talk to your dad first...
Blake: Your dad, too.
Jaune: Maybe once we get married.
Blake: *nervous look*
Jaune and Pyrrha: *look at Blake questioningly*
Blake: You'll figure it out soon enough. Alright, alright, but you guys have to promise to be excited by Kuo Kuana afterwards.
Jaune: I promise.
Pyrrha: *giggles*
* * *
Jaune, Pyrrha, and Blake walk up to the headman's house.
Jaune: Swank.
Blake: It's not as... big... as...
Pyrrha: It is lovely.
Jaune: And... with guards. Is this the right place?
Blake: *ears twitch as she nervously leans forward*
Guards: *glare a Jaune*
Jaune: *looks behind him*
Pyrrha: I believe... they are looking at you...
Jaune: *looks back at the guards*
Ghira: *opens the door and walks out*
Ghira: *opens his arms*
Ghira: Blake?!
Ghira: *waves her in*
Blake: *stays in place, and nervously looks down*
Jaune and Pyrrha: *wave*
Ghira: *walks up to them*
Ghira: What's the matter, Blake, and who are these two?
Kali: *walks out the door and eagerly walks up to the group*
Blake: *nervously looks up*
Blake: Mom? Dad? This is my husband, Jaune.
Ghira: *glares a Jaune*
Kali: *eagerly looks at Jaune*
Kali (looking at Pyrrha): And who is this?
Blake: This is... untouchable Pyrrha... who's also married to Jaune.
Ghira: *glares at Jaune even harder*
Kali: Oh, my, Pyrrha Nikos?!
Kali: *holds out her hand*
Pyrrha: *holds out her hand*
Kali: *shakes Pyrrha's hand*
Kali: *pulls Pyrrha in for a tight hug*
Ghira: So, you wear armour, do you think you can protect my daughter.
Jaune: *pulls his shield out, opens it up, and strike's Ghira, using his aura to launch Ghira backwards*
Guards: *rush towards Jaune*
Ghira (bellowing): STOP!
Guards: *stop in their tracks*
Ghira: *angrily walks up to Jaune*
Ghira: Do you really think you can be the next headman of Kuo Kuana?!
Jaune: The next what?
Blake: *looks down nervously*
Kali: *sighs*
Kali: It looks like she didn't tell them.
Jaune: Tell them?
Pyrrha: It seems, her parents, are the chiefs of Menagerie.
Jaune: So, she's like a princess?
Ghira: Not much in the brains department, but you also obviously didn't marry her for her position.
Blake: He's actually a brilliant tactician.
Ghira: He's a what?
Blake: He's the reason we were able to beat Salem.
Ghira: *silently glares at Jaune*
Jaune: What did I do?
Kali: Oh, he's just grumpy because now he can't stay mad at you.
Jaune: For the record, I'm not going to marry Blake because of her position... nor do I even WANT to be the chief of Menagerie. If that's how it works.
Ghira: It's not. The headman is picked because he is respected.
Kali: But, they do like to pick the son or son-in-law of the last one.
Jaune: So?..
Ghira: *sighs*
Ghira: Come in.
* * *
Jaune, Pyrrha, and Blake sat around one side of the low table. Ghira sat on the other. Kali brought in tea for everyone.
Ghira (curtly): So, what do you think of Menagerie?
Jaune: It's... hot...
Ghira: Maybe if you didn't wear so much...
Blake: Apparently he needs to, dad, for his armour.
Ghira: Then the obvious solution is to get you new armour.
Jaune: New, what?
Ghira: You are planning to live here, right?
Jaune: Well, yeah, but...
Ghira: But nothing. If you are going to marry my daughter, you are going to have to be able to protect her, and if you need armour to do that, you need armour you can wear in Menagerie.
Blake: Dad...
Ghira: Dad nothing. You bring a man home, tell me you are married, and the only thing I want him to do is get armour he can actually wear in Kuo Kuana?
Kali: He does have a point.
Blake: *sighs and leans forward*
Blake: Yeah-yeah.
Ghira: So, how did you meet?
Jaune: Beacon, sir.
Ghira: *glares at him*
Ghira: Humans actually respect their elders?
Jaune: I was raised that way, sir.
Kali: So, how did you meet?
Blake: In the Emerald Forest, mom. We got to the relics...
Jaune and Pyrrha: *snicker*
Blake: At the same time.
Ghira: Relics?
Blake: Professor Ozpin used them to set up the teams.
Jaune: They were chess pieces. One white and dark of each piece, the pairs that picked up the light and dark of each piece became teams.
Blake: Yang grabbed the "horsey"
Pyrrha: We grabbed the castle.
Blake: Anyways, we all got there at the same time, and had to fight for our lives, together. Since, the two teams... were always together. Hell, when my team broke up, Jaune was the one who held us together.
Kali: So, when did you two?..
Jaune: There was someone stalking me. It turned out to be Blake. She was just shy.
Blake: *blushes, hanging her head*
Jaune: *pets Blake's ears*
Ghira and Kali: *nervously looking at the two*
Kali: And Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: *blushes*
Pyrrha: He was my partner... but little did he know how I loved him. I was feeling frustrated... and I've always been better at fighting... than... being social...
Kali: So, what did you do?
Pyrrha: I challenged Blake to a duel. I really didn't think it would change anything, but...
Kali: You had to do something?
Pyrrha: Exactly. We fought, and found more in common than we had expected.
Ghira: *ears perk up*
Ghira: Alright, I've changed my mind. They are both worty of marrying my daughter.
Kali: Honey...
Ghira: *dismissively waves his hand at her*
Ghira: *stands up and walks around the table, looming over Jaune*
Ghira: *holds his hand out*
Jaune: *takes his hand*
Ghira: *pulls Jaune to his feet and in for a powerful hug*
* * *
Jaune: *looked at himself in a mirror, shirtless, wearing Menagerie armour*
Blake: *growls*
Pyrrha: *giddy blush*
Jaune: Doesn't cover as much... but... it's really light... Is it okay to be walking around shirtless, like this?
Ghira: This is how we wear armour in Menagerie.
Kali: And the girls seem to appreciate it. How does it feel?
Jaune: A lot more comfortable in the heat. Alright, I'm sold.
Ghira: Excellent!
Ghira: *slaps Jaune hard on the back*
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citadelofmythoughts · 4 months
Ran into some shipping discourse recently and need to cleanse my pallet.
What’re your top 5 (if you have that many) RWBY ships and what do you love/like about them?
This is an open question to anyone who wants a chance to gush about their favs cause that’s what I need right now. Optimism, excitement, and seeing people “fan-person” about loving love.
Just to be fair, here’s mine!
1. Bumbleby: I love literally everything about them both as a couple and as individuals!
2. Nuts-and-Dolts: They’re two absolute optimistic sweet hearts who’ve had one of the truest connections I’ve ever seen. Just like the BYs, I love literally their entire characters with my entire heart and soul!
3. Icebyrd/Schneewoodforest: Completely fair that they haven’t had any interactions yet, but I absolutely believe that the potential and reason for them to get close is there.
Having the true, open, understanding, confident, and sexy as hell Robyn Hill help the cold, closed, troubled, confused, and also sexy as hell Winter Schnee is an incredible match for me. Robyn would love all of the positive traits that Winter has hidden away and would probably think that she’d be a great fit for the HHs; while Winter would love Robyn’s selfless personality and the fact that she can be true to herself.
Plus, given that Robyn is Mantle’s most trusted person and Winter was Ironwood’s (whom the people of Atlas trusted) second in command it only makes sense for them to work together in Vacuo to help the refugees.
4. Arkos: They also had a true connection. It’s just a shame that Jaune only realized it in V3. Just like BY I truly believe that they were meant to be and will always be connected, which is why I just CAN’T ship Jaune with anyone else. (Despite my endless love of Weiss’s: “mature” 😏)
5. Ghira/Kali: Dunno if they have a ship name buried somewhere. But they have one of only two healthy married relationships in the show and they’re both such amazing people! I’m REALLY praying that they both show up in Vacuo so I get to see more of them and they get to meet their daughter’s true love!
Again, please no discourse. Only love and appreciation, please!
Bumbleby always and forever. Absolutely perfect, astounding, soulmates. It's been such a ride for those two with the lowest low and the highest high. I mean going from Blake WANTING Yang to hate her so she wouldn't come trying to find her and risk her life in the process and Yang being so devastatingly sad and trying to mask that sadness with anger but all the while she missed her so much. And then the most amazing high ever, baring their souls in the most beautiful way in a literal fairy tale moment.
Nuts-N-Dolts hits my tragic romance buttons. I can't imagine falling in love, believing they died only to get them back and losing them again. It's part of the reason I believe that we haven't seen the last of Penny.
Renora You start of watching RWBY and being certain that they are already a couple but then you get to V7-8 and realize that their communication sucks and they've been unintentionally hurting each other for ages. But when they talk about it, it doesn't immediately fix things but it does start the healing process and I hope they eventually make it work
Frostbyte is a recent ship of mine. It's a bit of a crack ship because on the surface Weiss and Penny don't seem to have a lot in common but then you think about it and realize that they're both victims of Atlas society and have been used as things rather than people.
Ghira/Kali - look it's impossible not to love the best parents on Remnant and it's nice to have a shining example of mature love and it's so obvious that they adore each other even after all this time. I agree that I hope they're in Vacuo because they are going to love Yang so much.
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howlingday · 3 years
tragic backstory (tm) au) cin-cin has ruby yang and pyrrha out to lunch today so a bored jaune is meandering through the school looking for something to do when he stumbles across blake talkign to someone. turns out it's her mother and father and jaune actually makes a really good impression on them.
kali: "so blake, how did you meet your new boyfriend?"
ghirha: "you made a good choice this time, far better than that adam"
blake: "we're not dating."
kali and ghirha together: "we'll no time like the present to fix that"
Partly Clouder
The White Fang were not always so violent. There was a time when peace was not only their preferred method, but their only method. They believed in equality without hostility. But at some point, a member grew tired of peace and sought violence instead. Were they wrong to think so, or merely misguided?
Jaune: And you're sure you'll be okay?
Cin-Cin: (Nods) I'll be fine! I have my new big sisters to help me!
Yang: R-Right... Sisters...
Ruby: Where are we going?
Cin-Cin: I wanna go to a bookstore! I heard from Becky Becker that the new playrites are in stock!
Pyrrha: Then that'll be our first stop. Are you ready, Nora?
Nora: Just a second. (Swigs back a bottle of soda, Downs in one go) Alright, let's- (Belches) go.
Cin-Cin: (Giggles)
Weiss: (Rolls her eyes)
Jaune: Have fun! (They leave) Are you sure you don't want to come, Ren?
Ren: I will be fine on my own. There is much I wish to do while Nora is out.
Jaune: Okay. (Looks to Blake and Weiss) Uh, I guess I'm ready to meet your parents, huh?
Blake: Don't say it like that.
Weiss: Especially when you've already met mine.
Ren: (They leave) ...Finally. (Strips naked) Ah... One with the universe.
Blake: I don't think this is a good idea, Jaune.
Jaune: I heard you, Blake.
Weiss: Did you hear how I know it isn't?
Jaune: I did.
Weiss: I just wanted to be sure, considering you're ignoring my advice.
Jaune: I know it's not the best idea.
Weiss: The worst.
Blake: Without question.
Jaune: BUT... It's something I want to try. After all, when was the last time a Schnee and a Belladonna met before Beacon?
Blake: I'm pretty sure during the Faunus Wars.
Jaune: Great! This will be a good time to bury the hatchet!
Weiss: Preferably in no one's back.
Sienna: Thank you again for escorting me to this meeting, Ghira. I know our last... interaction wasn't on the best of terms.
Ghira: Water under the bridge. Besides, it wasn't you I was angriest with. It was Adam.
Sienna: Who is now in prison, thanks to our guest at this meeting.
Kali: I'm so excited. I get to meet with celebrity and see our baby in person! Do you think they're engaged?
Ghira: Kali, calm down.
Sienna: Don't bother, Ghira. Ca- I mean, Kali was never one for being subtle about love. Especially if it's one of her own.
Kali: Can you blame me? Years of her life wasted with that brute, Adam, and now she's with someone who actually cares about human/Faunus equality. The only thing that would make him better is if he loved fish.
Ghira: Oh, Brothers...
Jacques: Must you escort me, James? I have plenty of guards ready, willing, and able to defend me at a moment's notice.
Ironwood: Yes, but they're also loyal to you, which means they'll shoot anyone you tell them to.
Jacques: Do you really think so little of me, James?
Ironwood: It's not a matter of thinking little; it's a matter of preventing the worst outcome. Not to mention that this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about Arc. His tactical mind would be vital to Atlas, if only we could have him transfer schools. He may be an early graduate.
Jacques: Like yourself?
Ironwood: And your daughter.
Jacques: Yes, and one of two, while the other is escorting Arc as we speak.
Ironwood: Are you proud of her?
Jacques: That she developed close ties with Arc? Of course. Nothing makes me more proud than the early networking my children conduct. Who knows, our mysterious hero may become Jaune Arc-Schnee!
Jaune: ...I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.
Blake: Really? You weren't expecting a screaming match between the High Leader of the White Fang, the Menagerie Chieftain, the CEO of the SDC, and the General of the Atlas military and Headmaster of said Academy?
Jaune: No, I was. I just wasn't expecting... this kind of shouting.
Jacques: I will be the one to apologize first! My grievances are far more severe than yours, mongrel.
Sienna: No, I will apologize to him first! The blood of every soul fallen or injured in Atlas is my responsibility, you greedy war-monger!
Ironwood: He should attend Atlas! His brilliant mind could benefit our military and serve to guide us into a new age of tactical enlightenment.
Ghira: He should come to Menagerie! He should see the Faunus plight firsthand, so that he may lead with a better understanding of Faunus suffering!
Weiss: I'm just glad they haven't focused on us yet. That would be embarrassing.
Kali: Yes, it would, Miss Schnee.
Weiss: Aah! Where did you come from?!
Kali: I slipped under the table while my husband was distracted. You must be Weiss. My daughter told me all about you.
Weiss: Daughter? You mean...
Kali: Blake, yes. She's told me so much about how you've changed her perspective, and how perhaps not all humans are beyond hope.
Weiss: Oh, that's... very flattering?
Kali: And you must be Jaune. My, you're more handsome than the videos show you to be.
Jaune: (Blushing) Um...
Blake: Mom! Stop!
Kali: Oh, you know I'm only teasing, Kitten. I've always had a soft spot for blond boys. Especially after that one from so long ago. If you were younger, you would be the spitting image of him.
Kali: But that was so long ago. Almost twenty years, in fact. I was a different woman. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by how Blake's story went. After all, she's just like her mother.
Blake: (Blushing) Mom...
Kali: (Sighs) Please, take good care of my daughter, both of you. She's my most precious treasure.
Weiss: Hmph! As if you could expect anything less from Weiss Schnee.
Kali: From a Schnee, I expect nothing. But you aren't just a Schnee. You're a Schnee I haven't seen in so long. And you, Jaune, are an entirely unique person altogether. But I can't help but feel like I've seen you before. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you. (Giggles) It must be the blond hair.
Jaune: I'd like to help you, but I can't even control a meeting.
Kali: That's because you aren't using your resources, dear. I can stop half of the table, but you have to use your own to stop the other half. Do you understand?
Jaune: ...I think I do.
Kali: Good. Now, follow my lead. (Paws the air, Smashes her fist down) HEY! KAHN! GHIRA! SHUT UP AND LISTEN!
Ghira: (Stiffens)
Sienna: (Flinches)
Kali: Now it's your turn, Jaune.
Jaune: (Nods)
Jacques: Are you actually going to surrender because a guest told you to heel? You really are beasts!
Weiss: Oh, Father? (Jacques looks at her, She's on her scroll) Forgive me, but I can't remember. How many Js are in "bigot"?
Jacques: (Grunts)
Blake: And General, perhaps Professor Ozpin would like to hear how you intend to weaponize one of his students.
Ironwood: That's not what I- (Clears his throat, Sits down)
Jaune: How was that?
Kali: (Claps her hands) Perfect! And you did it in your own way! (Giggles) I haven't had to use "that" voice in so long. Now, shall we begin our meeting properly now?
Jaune: Yeah, we should. Oh, and Blake? Weiss? Thanks again for your help. I couldn't have done it without you guys here.
Weiss: That's clearly the case.
Blake: As is us standing by to help you.
Jaune: Right. Now, as for why I brought you all here.
Kali: Pick up the pace, dear! We don't want to miss our flight!
Ghira: On my way, darling.
Kali: (Sighs) To think my baby girl would grow so much in so short of time. It just reminds me of the last time in happened.
Ghira: I don't blame you, dear. None of us do. We were just glad to have you back.
Kali: Yes, but two years, Ghira. Two years of my daughter's life I'll never get back because of my selfishness.
Ghira: You were young, and your family needed you. If two had to be set aside for everyone else, it was understandable.
Kali: But not forgivable.
Ghira: Do you miss it?
Kali: (Looks to the blue sky, Clouds roll by lazily) Sometimes... (Thinking) Now I remember that boy.
15 Years Ago...
Sienna: Captain! Enemy vessel escaped! Shall we pursue?
Thug: Nah! We shouldn't! Those punks won't be back; not after how we humiliated them!
Sienna: I was talking to the Captain, Roll! Captain, we have everything from their cargo hold. Shall we split it amongst the crew?
Captain: We'll sell it. Spoils from a thief's ship get more complicated the more it's stolen, to say nothing of a Sky Pirate's.
Punk: And who would steal from the Sky Pirate Queen? (Crew laughs)
Sienna: The box just moved! (Everyone freezes, Captain approaches) C-Captain! Be careful! It might be trapped.
Captain: (Opens the chest) Oho? A pair of sapphires under a cap of gold? (Picks up shivering boy, Shushes) It's okay, I won't hurt you.
Cabin Boy: It's a kid!
Kali: Can you talk? No? That's okay. My name is Captain Belladonna, Queen of the Sky Pirates. (Smiles sweetly) But you can call me, "Kali."
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 2: Beacon’s Fragile Light Ch I
Hey guys! Welcome back to my canon divergent RWBY AU, Grimm Guardians.
This is the second arc of the AU, Beacon’s Fragile Light. This arc will focus on the Weapon Spirits’ experience with Team RWBY and their friends while at Beacon (in other words, this takes place during the first three seasons).
I’ll explain what the pacing will be for each chapter, but this might make them pretty long. As usual, please enjoy and please give constructive criticism. Thank you!
(After Ruby is brought in for interrogation by Glynda Goodwitch)
“So what if our actions were reckless?” Crescent asked. She and her wielder Ruby had been brought into an interrogation room by the huntress, Glynda Goodwitch after the duo had stopped a robbery in progress. Unfortunately, the huntress didn’t seem too appreciatory of the girls’ methods. “We had to stop a robbery in progress. What more do you want?” Crescent asked.
“It’s not about what I want….” Glynda said, before turning behind her. “Someone else wants to meet you two.” A man with white hair and in green clothing approached them, holding a mug and plate of cookies. “Ruby Rose...and Crescent Rose…” He said and immediately the latter of the two felt something tugging at her. The tugging got stronger when the man said, “You have silver eyes.”
Crescent cleared her throat, while her wielder struggled to find words to explain. The man seemed to notice this and decided to change the subject, thankfully. “So, where did you learn how to do this?” He asked, gesturing at their combat prowess. “S-Signal Academy.” Ruby answered. The man raised an eyebrow, “They taught you how to wield one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed? No offense.”
That last part Crescent knew was directed at her, so she just nodded, “None taken.” Ruby felt Crescent squeeze her hand as she answered the man’s question, “One teacher in particular.” The man nodded as he placed the plate of cookies on the table. Ruby hesitantly took one and bit into it, only to shove the rest in her mouth after noticing no rebuttal. “Easy. Slow down now.” Crescent chuckled.
“I see…. It’s just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before.” The man said. “A dusty, old crow…” “That would be Ruby’s uncle.” Crescent chuckled. “You’re referring to Qrow Branwen, correct?” The man smiled and nodded. “Yap! Hesh a tesher at Shig-...” Ruby said with her mouth full, before swallowing and wiping her mouth, embarrassed. Crescent and the man looked rather amused.
“Sorry.” Ruby said. “He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like—” The young girl then proceeded to make martial art movements and sounds. The man nodded, amused, “So I’ve noticed.” He then sat down opposite of the pair and placed his mug on the table. “May I ask why people as cute as you two are going to a school designed to train warriors?” He asked.
“Well….” Ruby started, hesitantly. “I want to be a huntress.” “You want to slay monsters?” The man asked. The girl nodded, eagerly, “Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon!” Ruby began to talk faster as her enthusiasm grew. “You see, my sister's starting there this year and she's trying to become a Huntress. And I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, ‘Hey, I might as well make a career out of it’!”
“I mean, the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!” Ruby said, giving Glynda and the man a wide smile. The two studied the young girl, while Crescent just sighed and shrugged. “Do you know who I am?” The man asked. The young girl nodded, “Professor Ozpin. Headmaster at Beacon.” Ozpin smiled, “Hello.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Ruby said. She could tell that Crescent was tightening her grip on Ruby’s hand, though she decided that she would talk about it with her later privately. “You want to come to my school?” Ozpin asked, receiving a nod from Ruby. “More than anything.” She said. The older man and Glynda look at each other, only for the older woman to humph in disapproval. Ozpin nodded, “Okay then.” Crescent had never seen Ruby so excited before.
(On the airship)
Unfortunately, Ruby was able to get her Weapon Spirit partner to talk about what she seemed worried about, so they both agreed to discuss it later. Before Crescent knew it, later had become now as she witnessed Yang bear hug her little half-sister. “I can’t believe my baby sister’s going to Beacon with me!” The blonde girl shouted with a big smile on her face. “This is the best day ever!” Ember chuckled as Ruby, as much as she loved her sister, begged Yang to stop bear hugging her.
After the girls broke the hug and had a private supportive discussion, Yang looked towards Crescent. “You had something you wanted to share?” She said, receiving a sigh from the taller Weapon Spirit. She then walked over to the window and looked at the city of Vale below, “I….think I know him.” The three girls raised and eyebrow as Crescent explained, “Ozpin...and Glynda. From my past life.” “I...also think I went to….Beacon at one point.” While Ruby looked happy, Yang and Ember shared a surprised look at each other.
The “Crescent Rose is Summer Rose” theory had earned itself a point. Though the worrying part was the fact Crescent seemed…unsettled by remembering Beacon. “This is great!” Ruby shouted as she hugged her Weapon Spirit partner. “We should celebrate on you recovering a memory!” “Y-Yeah.” Crescent said, trying her best to smile and be happy about this, but it was quite easy to tell that the taller woman was worried. Understandably so, as she didn’t remember what she was like at Beacon.
(After landing at Beacon)
After getting off the ship, Crescent felt even MORE uncomfortable. It was as if the entire sight of Beacon was giving her a constant reminder of something or even taunting her for her lack of memories. Needless to say, while she did notice that Yang and Ruby went off in their separate directions, she didn’t realize that she was lost. Though it seemed that she wasn’t the only one, as Ember was with her. “You going to be alright?” She asked.
It took a few seconds for the taller Weapon Spirit to respond, “I don’t know. Though what can we do that this point?” “Good point.” The blonde said, sighing. As walked towards the campus, there were two other women talking. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be Weapon Spirits as well. Arktis looked in Crescent’s direction and waved, “Hello. You must be the Weapon Spirit of the red cloaked girl, correct?”
“Yes, I am.” Crescent nodded with a comfortable smile. “Crescent Rose.” “Arktis Schnee, also known as Myrtenaster.” Arktis smiled, as the two women shook hands. “I’m Ember Celica!” The blonde grinned. Gambol went up to them and gave a small smile, “Gambol Shroud.” “Since we’re waiting for Ozpin’s speech to get done, shall we talk about ourselves?” The other three women nodded as the group sat down. “I’ll go first if you’d like.” The Schnee offered. Everyone just nodded.
With no objections, Arktis began her story. She explained how she was part Demigod Grimm, how she died, how she became a Weapon Spirit, how she was the mother of Weiss and her siblings, and that she was a former heir to the Schnee Dust Company. “Does your family know that you’re back?” Ember asked. The white-haired woman sighed, “Only my eldest and family butler. Honestly, I’d rather not have my son and husband know.” “What about Weiss?” Gambol asked. “She’ll find out in time.” Arktis replied. Everyone agreed to leave it at that.
“So, who’s next?” The Schnee asked. Gambol raised her hand, drawing the groups attention. “So, I’m a Demonic Grimm and Weapon Spirit created by Kali Belladonna to protect and watch over her daughter, Blake.” The faunus said. “Blake’s the daughter of Ghira, the White Fang founder.” She then explained Blake left the White Fang and is trying escape the past. The group nodded in understanding. “Realized that the White Fang wasn’t all that righteous anymore?” Arktis asked, receiving a nod from Gambol.
“I’m proud that she left.” The faunus said. “Because I can’t imagine what she would become if she didn’t.” “Anyway, that’s my story. Who wants to go?” The black-clad woman asked. The blonde raised her hand, “Well, I was made by Ruby and Yang’s father, Taiyang. Much like Gambol, I was made in order watch over them.” “While I’m based off of Taiyang, I retain some features from Yang’s mother. Like her eye color and gender.” She said.
Ember then explained how she was a Demigod Grimm bonded with Taiyang, but decided to become a Weapon Spirit in order to protect Taiyang’s daughters. Needless to say, Gambol and Ember’s storied were the shortest. Everyone’s gaze turned to face Crescent, who went pale. After clearing her throat, she stuttered and began her tale. “S-So, I’m a Demonic Grimm and Weapon Spirit.” She started. “I am Ruby’s Weapon Spirit and like Arktis, I was resurrected as a Weapon Spirit.”
“What were you like?” Arktis asked. There was the dreading silence again and immediately, Crescent looked at the ground in a tone that was similar to melancholy. “You don’t remember, do you?” Gambol asked, receiving a nod. “It’s….frustrating. Currently, all I know is that I went to Beacon and know Ozpin in my past life, but nothing else.” The red-cloaked woman said, sighing. “It’s...so damn aggravating!” Ember began rubbing her back, which the taller woman was thankful for.
Gambol and Arktis sat closer as the faunus placed a hand on Crescent’s shoulder. “It’s understandable that you’re angry by this.” Arktis said. “It’s….literally a 50/50 chance that one maintains their memories after becoming a Weapon Spirit.” The Schnee then put her hand on the taller woman’s, “If you’d like, we can try to help you regain what you lost.” The red-cloaked woman blinked, before asked, “You two would really do that?” Gambol nodded, “We’re fellow Weapon Spirits. Is there a reason why we shouldn’t?”
Crescent stayed silent for a bit, before softly saying, “Thank you…” After a few moments of silence, Ember said, “So, we’re all Soul Grimm, huh?” “Talk about a crazy coincidence.” Gambol said, earning and nod from Ember. “Are you sure about that?” Arktis asked. Gambol raised an eyebrow, while Ember smirked. “Don’t tell me you think that this is fate.” The blonde said. The Schnee shrugged with a smile, “Who knows? But I can say that I don’t believe in coincidences.”
“I don’t care.” Crescent said, gaining attention. “So long as it’s beneficial to us, I’m okay with whatever.” “I guess that’s a good point.” Ember said. After some silence, Gambol asked, “Shall we join our wielders now?” “And suffer through a long ass speech?” The blonde asked, causing everyone to chuckle. “Good point.” Arktis said. “How about we wait here until the speech is done?” The group looked at each other and nodded. “Sounds good.” Crescent said as the four Weapon Spirits began to talk about each other some more.
(Later at night)
“Something on your mind, Ruby?” Crescent asked as she watched Ruby write on a piece of paper. The young Rose perked up and sighed, “Just writing to my friends, Dad, and Uncle Qrow.” “Aw, that’s cute!” Ember cooed, only to earn a hit to the face by a pillow thrown by Crescent. “Stop teasing her. You know better.” Crescent said, receiving a pout from Ember. “You are no fun.” The blonde said, sighing. Crescent rolled her eyes and sat on the edge of Ruby’s bed.
“How are you feeling?” The red clad woman asked. Her wielder sighed, “Honestly, kinda worried.” The Weapon Spirit nodded and rubbed the girl’s back in reassurance. “You’re going to do good.” She said. “Believe me. You will.” Ruby looked at her and smiled, before the four’s attention was drawn by something….or someone behind them. Behind the sisters and their Weapon Spirits, there stood Gambol with a not-too-pleased Blake. “Hey.” The blake clad woman said with a smile, waving.
“Hey.” Crescent replied with a smile and looked towards Blake. “Is this your wielder?” “Yep! This is Blake.” Gambol said, chuckling at her wielder as she looked at her in shock. “Trust me, this will help you.” Gambol whispered, earning a sigh from the younger girl. Blake then introduced herself to Yang and Ruby, “Hi. My name’s Blake.” albeit in a bit of indifferent tone of voice. Ruby shyly waved, “H-Hi.” “You’re the girl that...exploded, right?” Blake asked, which caught Crescent’s attention.
“I’m sorry. She what now?” The red clad woman asked. “It was an accident! I swear!” Ruby shouted, earning an amused look from Gambol and Blake. Crescent looked at her wielder, in both shock and concern, “What did you do?” “For your sake, maybe you shouldn’t know.” Gambol said and turned to Blake. “This is Crescent Rose and Ember Celica.” The young girl nodded as Ember gave her a warm smile and waved, “Hey. The one next to me is Yang, my wielder.”
“The girl who exploded is my sister, Ruby!” Yang said with a smile. The faunus girl nodded, sharing a laugh with her Weapon Spirit. “Well, Yang, Ruby, it’s a pleasure to meet and have you two here.” She said with a smile. “As well as you, Ember and Crescent.” The said women smiled and nodded, with Crescent saying, “It’s nice to meet you too, Blake.” “Same! It’s nice to meet ya!” Yang smiled and stretched her arm out, which prompted Blake to shake her hand.
The two smiled at each other, only to notice that the three Weapon Spirits were looking at them directly. “What’s going on through your heads?” Blake asked, only to receive innocent smiles. “Nothing!” Gambol said. Yang just looked at her, “It’s definitely something and it worries me.” “Don’t worry about it!” Ember grinned. Ruby opened her mouth to say something, which prompted Crescent to whisper, “Don’t tell them yet. Let them figure it out on their own, please.”
“What is going on here!?”
Yang and Blake abruptly let go of each other’s hands due to the outburst. The Weapon Spirits and the girls then looked to find Weiss storming into the scene...with Arktis behind her. “Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep?” Weiss asked, annoyed. She and Yang took one look at each other, before nearly shouting, “Oh, not you again!” Ruby shushed them, “She’s right! There are people trying to sleep.” The white-haired girl looked at the young Rose, “Oh, NOW you’re on my side!”
“I was always on your side!” Ruby said. As the sisters and Weiss continued to bicker, Arktis went up to Blake and the Weapon Spirits, sighing, “I apologize for her attitude.” “Not your fault.” Gambol said, putting a hand on the elder Schnee’s shoulder reassuringly. Arktis sighed, before looking at Blake and asking, “Is this Blake?” Gambol nodded, “Yep.” “I see. Arktis Schnee, though I would appreciate it if you called me Myrtenaster until Weiss finds out who I really am.” The white-haired woman said.
Blake nodded, albeit hesitantly, “Blake Belladonna. And I understand.” The four women and Blake looked at the three girls still bickering and sighed. Crescent, Ember, and Arktis went to break the three up, while Blake took the candle she was using and blew it out.
To be continued…
And that is the first chapter of the Beacon Arc! HOLY SHIT, did this take forever to do! While I don’t like how long it took me, I’m still satisfied with the result.
Feel free to tell me your thoughts and give some advice, because I REALLY need it. Anyway, thanks for reading and I see you when chapter 2 is uploaded.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Rosebud prep 8
[Tai’s House]
Today was a special day. Lately Ruby has been having a life’s worth of those. From the excitement of Weiss’s luxurious baby shower, to the knowing what it’s like to not see her own toes. She’s roughly roughly eight months pregnant and has been assaulted with every conceivable thing they pregnancy had to offer. It was very fortunate that not only had she married a patient man. She married one with enough sisters to handle any obstacle. Truly Ruby has lucked out once again. Combat skirts and corsets had been ditched for months and replaced with Tai’s oversized T-shirts and her red sweat pants. It was scary how used she had gotten to do nothing. The thought of weighing herself gave her dread to the point Jaune keeps track of the number without revealing it. Everyday there was pain coursing through her feet and the baby has obviously gotten her high spirits because boy did it kick hard! Ruby loved every moment of it.
Right now the woman sat in one of Maria’s many rocking chairs and enjoyed the fresh autumn air. The sky is painted an intoxicating orange that gave her chills. Her hand on her stomach as she lightly hummed. As much as she loved fairytales, nursery rhymes escaped her mind often. The only song that was constant in her mind was Gold since Yang had lovingly lulled the girl to sleep with it all the time growing up. It would just be another thing to bond over along with being an autumn born child. At this point she was crossing her fingers that this kid would get something from Jaune. Her train of thought was broken the moment her gaze went away from the sky and back to the porch’s other guests.
Ruby:*smiling* You know y’all didn’t have to take time off for me right?
Yang:You are actually insane if you believe for even a second that I am going to be across the world when you go into labor. I will be around for my baby sister giving birth to her baby. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Ruby:Blake can you please tell your future wife that being here for a month is crazy and better spent planning the wedding she’s dreamed of?
Blake:Do you think I would be here if I agreed with you? This baby tops whatever plans we have. Yang has already bought a shirt that says “hot aunt” on the front.
Ruby:I wanna believe you’re joking, but I absolutely know your not.
Weiss:I begged her not to.
Yang:Then she found one in white.
Weiss:Now we match.
Ruby:You didn’t....
Weiss:We both know how I feel about kids. Better believe that shirt is hanging up in a proud spot in my closet.
Blake:If it makes you feel better they also had a black one. We are all still color correct.
Ruby:And I thought Jaune was losing it over this bundle of joy. All of you are no better.
Yang:Where is the baby daddy anyways? I thought he’d never leave your side.
Jaune:*opens door* He hasn’t.
Tai:*walks out with ice tea pitcher* He was just helping me in the kitchen.
Jaune:What did I miss?
Ruby:Yang is replacing you as clinging blonde who loves this baby.
Yang:Oh don’t act like you don’t love it.
The older sister walks over as tea is passed around. She kneels down and gently wraps her arms around Ruby; laying her head on the baby bump and making her little sis giggle.
Yang:Hey there little rascal. Your mother thinks we’re all looney for loving you so much but she’s just playing cool. I can tell out of everyone that she’s thrilled the most. Just wait, I’ll gonna smother you with love the way only an aunt can. This family is pretty noisy but we know you’ll get used to it.
Ruby:Pfft, now I feel bad. I- Yang....?
Yang:Right now the whole family can’t be here but that’s okay. You’re gonna love uncle Ren and auntie Nora. If anyone who’s an expert on kids by now it’s them. Not to mention your great uncle Qrow. He might look grumpy but he’s a big softie. His semblance makes him wary to be around Ruby right now but I’m sure you’ll get along great.
Yang:Am I forgetting anyone really important? Well there’s-
Ruby:I uhhh, I think my water just broke.
Suddenly Ruby hunches over like the wind got knocked out of her. Yang quickly jumps to her feet and is fully alert and caught of gaurd.
Yang:Right now!?
Ruby:Ri....agh! Yeah it’s definitely right now!
Tai:I’ll drive!!!
Blake:I’ll call ahead!!!!
Weiss:I’ll make sure we have everything. This is actually happening!
Jaune:Alright Ruby, up you go. Let’s go have a baby....
Ruby:Ugh, this gonna hurt a lot isn’t it?
Doctor M:You’re doing great Ruby. Just a little bit more to go I promise!
Ruby:It........really hurts........
She had been screaming for at least half an hour now; not that she could really tell. First it was from the contractions but now came the time to actually push. Desperately she tried to control her breathing as did nothing but focus on the task at hand. Her hair clinged to her forehead that was covered in sweat that coated everywhere. Ruby never felt so tired before. Fighting Salem was ten times easier than this hands down. Once or twice Ruby looked to her right to see Jaune looking at her with nothing but vigor and determination; silently letting her know that he was here and that she could do this. His hand being grabbed like a vice by hers as she nodded. Screw the pain, the sweat, the blinding lights; none of that mattered. She had a job to do and she knew that it’ll be worth it. The only thing that mattered was to-
Doctor M: PUSH!!!!!
The echoes of scream mightier than a grimm dragon filled the halls off Vale’s hospital. Everyone sat in the waiting room in nail biting anticipation. Few people around them needed to ask what had them so tense. Consciously Yang knew the reason for the screaming yet it didn’t calm her big sister instincts as she paced around the tile floor. Each scream making her flinch hard. She doesn’t think she ever heard Ruby in such pain. Blake saw her partner gradually start to unravel bit by bit and took her hand in reassurance.
Blake:She’ll be alright.
Yang:I know but.....
Tai:Trust me when I say Summer screamed louder. I know Jaune must be scared to death right now.
Blake:My mom apparently sounded like some primal beast with me. I hope I don’t sound too bad.
Yang:You....want kids? *blushing*
Blake:Yeah. Wait, do you not?
Yang:Oh I want kids we just never really mentioned it before. That’s just...phew, anyone else light headed?
Weiss:Yang please go sit down and I’ll go get you some water.
Yang:*sits* Thank you.
The Heiress wonders off at brisk speed. I’m truth, Weiss also really couldn’t take hearing the screams of her partner happen in intervals. She was granted a reprieve however since the vending machine was a few floors down; the sounds being almost like whispers. The glare from the setting sun hurt her stress filled eyes to the point she wanted to cover the window in solid ice. Two water bottles finally came out and Weiss immediately put one of them on her forehead with her eyes closed.
Weiss:(Ruby I love you pieces but you’re making my head pound)
Thump Thump Thump....
Weiss:*opens eyes* That...that wasn’t my head.
Thump Thump Thump....
The noise continues in random succession as Weiss confusingly walks around the area until it eventually gets louder. Her head turns to see a door completely on the the other end slightly jiggle in beat of the thumping with a nurse by it. The blue sign next to it quickly told her what room it was.
Weiss:The restroom???
Doctor M: Alright Ruby, just give me one more big push. You’re in the home stretch.
Ruby: huff...Sweatie..?huff
Jaune:I’m here. *tighting grip*
Ruby:I know. *smirks* Ready to lose our bet?
Jaune:*smiles* Only one way to find out.
Doctor M:All set!?
Ruby:Bring it on.
Doctor M:One three then. One...Two...THREE!!!
Call it her second, conviction, you can call it the absolute power of the Gods and women itself. Regardless of the label, Ruby Rose summoned every once of strength she had left to push as hard as she could; a kind of strength that she didn’t even know was possible at all let alone something she could possess. With it came a scream but from the pain. It was resolve. Love. Soon the screamed was met another that silenced hers. It was small yet so mighty that Ruby couldn’t help but succumb to tears. She wasn’t the only one. Jaune braced his arm against her hospital bed while his right hand covered his mouth; tears forming as easily as rain.
The doctor grinned at both of them as she held the source of the small scream wrapped up in a blanket in her arms. All Ruby could do is put her hands out in an eager and tired attempt to hold finally see her baby; the doctor didn’t make her wait a second longer and put it gently in her arms. Time felt like it stopped; reality slipping away. The only thing that remained was her, Jaune, and the new addition to their life. Her finger brushing a head of black and faded red hair out of the way to reveal eyes that dazzled like the moon; like hers. Ruby slowly pulled it closer to her chest to embrace tiny warmth further. Jaune reached out to cradled the both of them and doing his best not to fall apart.
Jaune:Doctor, can you do the honors?
Doctor M:Congratulations to your healthy baby boy.
Ruby:A boy. Jaune we have a beautiful baby boy. *sniffling*
Doctor M:Looks like someone needs to be fitted for a dress.
Jaune:Wouldn’t be the first time. I’d lose a thousand times over for this moment.
Tai:Oh my goodness...
The new parents look up to see Tai, Yang, and Blake crowding the doorway in awe. Ruby waves them in one by one happily seeing their face light up as they get closer.
Ruby:Hey you guys. Come meet the newest member of the group. Dustin Arc Rose.
Tai:I’m a grandpa.....*tearing up*
Blake:He is gorgeous.
Yang:How are you feeling?
Ruby:Like I fought a hundred battles in a row. Jaune I have no idea how your mother did this eight time. Arc’s really are a sturdy bunch.
Jaune:Trust and believe that no one knows what makes her such a trooper but hey, you’re one too now. Is there anything the number one huntress can’t do?
Ruby:Not as long as she has you. All of you.
Yang:Can I hold him please?
Doctor M:Hold up. As much as I love creating beautiful moments, still have a job to do which ruins them. I gotta clean the little guy off properly and make sure he’s actually all ready to go. Those screams where a good sign and if he’s anything like his parents then this won’t take too long. Ruby I hate to be a mood killer but....
Reluctantly she handed over her baby and received a wink from the doctor as she exited the room. She already missed him but was immediately surrounded by family smiles. Tai handed her another well deserved pillow for his daughter. Adrenaline and holding Dustin was all that kept her body from instant fatigue black out but now it was trying to catch her. Sleep never sounded so good.
Jaune:You okay there Rubes?
Ruby:You think the doctor would be upset if you used your aura to give me a pick me up?
Jaune:I feel like this type of tired is above my threshold.
Tai:If you’re anything like your mother then you’ll bounce back better than ever.
Ruby:Hehe, looks like I’m getting cooler from here on out.
Yang:That’s nothing new. Just rest up, you can have my water whenever Wei-Oh my god Weiss missed all of this because of me!!!!
Ruby:I was wondering where she was.
Blake:She’s going to be so livid.
Yang:Wh...who knows? Maybe she will be completely calm about the whole thing?
Weiss:*runs in* H E Y ! ! ! Tell me I’m not late!?
Yang:Ahh! I’m sorry! We already saw the baby and he’s adorable! He’ll be back in a few minutes with- *turns around*
Yang’s words got caught in her throat as she saw the shaken expression on Weiss’s face. Urgency filled the shorter girls eyes but that’s not what stunned th room. Weiss’s clothes, they were covered in blood. The Two more sets of footsteps come from behind her. One was a trembling nurse who was also covered in blood as she supported a body around her shoulder. The person was bleeding from their torso and looked half dead; their head hanging and in ruined surgical attire. The room went pale and stomachs dropped when they saw person raise their head with fading eyes. It was doctor Michaels.
Doctor Michaels:Tr.....p tr...a..p
Tears ran down her face before her body went limp. The nurse layed her on the ground and was about to rush in to grab tools but immediately stopped at the sight of the doctors face. She gone. Ruby felt completely numb. If this was the doctor....
Ruby watched Jaune and her team dash out the room immediately and slpit off; busting open Every single door they came across. Tai took the nurses hand and guided her and the doctor to Ruby before heading out the door way.
Tai:Lock this door and call the authorities immediately!
Ruby:D...dad? W....where’s my baby?
He watched tears form in Ruby’s eyes. What could he say? What do you say? His hands clenched tightly before running off and joining the search. Time was everything. The nurse immediately closed the door and followed Tai’s instruction. Ruby reached for the bed rail to pull herself up but her arm went limp in a second. Making her fall back against the pillow. She tried again but the outcome was the same. Not even her legs would respond properly as she desperately tried to move before the nurse restrained her so she didn’t injure herself. Giving birth had taken to much energy. Ruby was a sitting duck.
Ruby:Let me go!!! I gotta find my son!
Nurse:You are in no condition to move! Right now you’re-
knock knock knock
Both of them shifted attention to the door. There wasn’t anymore knocking. Instead the door handle slowly grew brighter and brighter until it melted off completely. That was all Ruby needed to immediately feel terror and rage grip her soul. The nurse reached for phone but was immediately struck with glass right through her stomach through the newly made hole. She didn’t feel pain at first; just overwhelming heat ripping through her body as the door opened. Revealing Ruby’s fear complete with an old outfit she hadn’t seen since she was fifteen.
Cinder:Helpless. That’s what you were going to say right?
Yang and Jaune raced down the hall in full force. She recklessly swung open every door to her right and knocked into people while Jaune did the same one the left. Nothing. With each failure they got faster and faster as they raced up the stairs to the higher floors. Yang grabbed her scroll to call Weiss and Blake who where going down.
Yang:Please tell me you found him!
Blake:Not yet!
Weiss:Damnit!!! There’s too many rooms and people!
Jaune:KEEP LOOKING! They couldn’t have-
His eyes shifted to see the “Doctor” standing in the elevator holding the baby; his baby. The person locked eyes with the bonds as they struggled to reach the kidnapper before the doors closed. Unfortunately it was in vain. Halfway way there they watched the door closed on a sadistic smirk but that’s not all. Yang’s eyes went deep red watching the set of emerald eyes turn pink and brown. With one powerful step she lunged over all the people and pried the doors open to see the elevator car going up fast. If wasn’t for the baby she would’ve snapped the cable right then and there.
Weiss:Does that mean Cinder is here?
Yang:She’s heading to the roof!
Tai:Damnit all! I’m heading back to Ruby!
Blake:You’ll need back up. I’ll head back too. Everyone else go to the roof.
Yang:Okay. Jaune let’s-
He was already moving towards the staircase. His aura washed over his body in a divine white and pushed his body beyond its normal limits. Increasing his speed dramatically. Yang followed his lead by jumping of the railing and propelling herself upwards like a rocket with her arm.
A few floors down, Weiss smashed a window and jumped out. She waved her left hand to form a glyph platform then made a line of them running along the entire building. She ran up towards the top while Blake stopped at the floor Tai was on and continued back to Ruby’s room. This was beyond bad; they were completely blindsided. Worst of all, it had been in a hospital. They were weaponless.
Cinder:Surprised to see me little Rose? Well, I guess you’re not that little anymore now are you? You seemed to surprised to see me. I guess that makes since; it’s been a few years since our last encounter. Longer since you seen me in this.
Ruby:Cinder. I....I spared your life....
Cinder:Bet your regretting that decision now aren’t you?
The nurse tried to move until the blood in her veins lit up along with the shard in her. Bringing the woman to her knees and hacking like a feral animal. Ruby leaned forward before the weight of Cinder’s grimm arm pressed her back down. The nails slightly digging into her neck. Ruby’s eyes lit up dimly before fading and draining away what little energy she had.
Cinder:I wouldn’t try to move. It’ll only get worse.
Ruby:Leave her alone Cinder or-
Cinder:Or what? Silver eye blast? You can’t even sit up. Kids really are the death of us huh? It’s almost sad really.
Ruby:If you want me then fine. Just....cough let everyone else go.
Cinder:Pfft, typical. Always trying to play the hero. Always thinking your above others; stronger than them.
Ruby:You’re deranged.
Cinder:And you are pathetic. Brain dead even. Are all honest souls like this or just you? I wonder how that kid is the same? Or at least, would he have been? Given the chance to grow up.
Ruby couldn’t do anything but listen as Cinder laughed at her. Tears rolled down her face uncontrollably. Grabbing Cinder’s wrist weakly in desperation and despair.
Cinder:That’s what I wanted to see. How long has it been? Since you’ve felt so powerless.
Ruby:If you want me dead then just do it already but please......leave him out of this. He has nothing to do with this!
Cinder:*grabs harder* He has everything to do with this. Listen closely, I’m not gonna kill you. That doesn’t settle what you did to me. After all you didn’t kill me. No, you killed my dreams; my perception this world. You made me realize I wasn’t as strong as I thought. Because of you and your friends my dreams of ruling under Salem and being on top are history. Now it’s your turn for dreams to die. I’m killing your happy ending and the best part is it’s all because you had to take the moral high ground. Reap what you sow right? Eye for an eye. Speaking of which, I guess I have a two brand new ones. You think his left or right eyes would look best on me.
Ruby:I’m going to kill you....
Cinder:Little late don’t you think? Maybe in your dreams.
Monstrous fingers squeezed tighter until Ruby’s vision went blurry. Seconds passed until she blacked out; never standing a chance. Cinder stared at her work. Even the sight of Ruby knocked out and still crying made her furious but she kept composure then left the room. She didn’t get one step in before Tai and Blake turned the corner to see her leaving the room. Both of them rushed her instinct but wasn’t expecting Cinder to yank the nurse out the room and throwing her towards them. The glass glew brighter than ever until bursting into flames and spreading it throughout the hall. The nurse screamed before turning into ash and distracting the pair. By the time they got through the flames, Cinder had vanished. Tai immediately ran into the room to check on Ruby.
Tai:She’s breathing but roughed up!
Blake:Guys we saw Cinder but she got away! Did you get Dustin!?
Blake:Yang!? Weiss!? Jaune!? Someone answer me!!
They didn’t feel tired or scared or anything for that matter. The three of them just simply ran and ran and didn’t once stop. Never stumbling. Never losing sight of their goal. All at once they arrived at their destination. Weiss over the edege if the building, Yang through the door to the room, and was immediately followed by Jaune. The trio locking eyes on Neo and closing in around her with arms stretched out. Just to be met the sound and sight of shattering glass the moment they can in contact. Their surroundings crumbled like their resolve. It was only them on the roof; staring at a helicopter fly away into the dreadful sunset and out of their reach in silence. Yang’s mouth open in an attempt to scream but was stopped by Weiss grabbing the girls hand. The fiery rage died painfully the moment she turned towards her. Weiss’s other hand was clinging to Jaune’s as the man dropped to the ground shaking in uncontrollably. The aura around him dying down to a complete stop; revealing tears running down his face.
Only one person should be screaming but he didn’t. He just watched. Yang’s red eyes turned back to normal and bent down towards Jaune with Weiss. The two women put their arms around him and held tightly. Finally he broke the silence; Wailing and screaming at the world for doing this to him. To Ruby. All while Weiss and Yang sunk into the shared sorrow. Tears staining Jaune’s shirt, but they never screamed. Only one person should be screaming right now. The man who just lost his son.
Part 7
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