#blanc just wears him down
Can’t decide what’s funnier- Benoit Blanc meeting his husband during a high stakes murder mystery or Benoit Blanc meeting his husband at like, the grocery store
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dingustripas · 1 year
I just finished watching Glass Onion for the third time so now you get to hear my rant about it but the details are out of order in the timeline because I’m lazy
When Miles lifts the gun off of Duke, we can actually see it pre-Blanc explaining it. The scene where the two hug you can see Miles take the gun and slip it into the back of his jeans.
Following the gun thing, we, the viewers actually SEE the gun itself (pre-Blanc’s explanation) when Miles goes back to the mini bar to put it in the ice bucket. Although it’s kind of hard to see it’s very clearly a gun but our eyes manipulate our minds into thinking it’s a drink because it is indeed a minibar.
They show how Miles places the drink in Dukes hand pre Blanc’s explanation but quickly distract us with the groups dynamic and Birdie.
Phillip is skeptical of Helen when she asks for Blanc, we can assume that he and Blanc have had negative run ins with people from jobs. Also Phillip might be judging Helen’s character, who she is, because he doesn’t want to put Blanc into a situation where he’s in true danger. He’s a detective not Batman.
Birdies mask at the beginning of the movie at the boat is just fucking chains across her face in diamond pattern.
Blanc doesn’t have a gag reflex when the dude in the white suit puts Miles “covid vax” down his throat. (Bc he’s 🏳️‍🌈)
Andi, when she first comes up with the idea for Alpha and starts working with Miles, is wearing dark colors. The dark blue pinstripe suit, her completely black ensamble when we see her at the Glass Onion (the bar). But when she’s challenging Miles she’s wearing both Black and white. At the trial she’s wearing a light almost off white suit. Why is this important? Because what color is Helen wearing when she shuts miles down? White. The color white is, in itself, a color that symbolizes Miles downfall.
Connecting back to the white idea, Whiskey is wearing all white (her bathing suit) when she reveals crucial information about Miles giving her the Taurus necklace for her birthday. (Which leads to his downfall when Blanc puts 2+2 together that he killed Andi)
“Im really bad at dumb things” -Blanc. The reason he didn’t catch on to what was going on with Miles earlier was because Miles is stupid. Miles is so dumb that he fucking befuddled Blanc because Miles is so stupid.
Blanc isn’t uncomfortable about his arousal around Birdie when she put her legs up on him while Miles talks about being ‘Disrupters’. He’s uncomfortable because he’s GAY and has a BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND.
There’s a bunch of owls and small trinkets of birds in Birdies room.
The movie, at the very beginning, with Miles mystery invitation box thing hints at where the envelope is hidden. The fibonacci sequence on the box has the center blocked out in black, where we will later see in the film is red which is where Miles is hiding the envelope. For fucks sake the movie even goes out of its way, with Dukes mother, to point out the sequence. (“The first one’s a fibonacci sequence” -Dukes mom).
During the dinner Whiskey is wearing the same golden chain body jewelry that Birdie was wearing earlier at the pool. So this could mean two things: 1. They have the same chain and 2. Whiskey borrowed the chain from Birdie.
Now connecting to my first point about the chain jewelry above. The reason why Miles likes Whiskey, despite her sleeping with him for the sake of Dukes channel, is because Whiskey reminds him of younger Birdie. Birdie even talks to Peg about how dazzled and amazed Miles was when he first met her and how she wishes it was like that again. Then when they’re smashing the glass sculptures, the first thing Whiskey smashes is a sculpture of a bird. Hence smashing Miles perception of her as another person he can use like he used Birdie.
“You have him turn around so he can have deniability” -Aaron Burr in Hamilton (Basically what Blanc was thinking when he walked out of the room)
When Blanc is trying to light his cigar in the “Smokeless garden” the reason the alarms go off is because because just the smoke and small flames from Blanc’s cigar could cause “another Hindenburg”.
The ending scene with Helen and Blanc after Blanc asks her if she’s ready to go home, Helen’s sitting stance mimics the Mona Lisa. Miles said “It all started with her” in reference to his success being inspired by the Mona Lisa. But it all ended with Helen and her stance at the end mimicking the Mona Lisa is meant to represent that. The beginning and end of Miles Bron.
Blanc refers to alchol as offering Helen “some courage”. Ofc as we all know alcohol is commonly referred to as “Liquid Courage”.
We should’ve known Miles was the killer for this simple reason: The glass he handed to Duke. Duke dying holding Miles’s glass is literally like a signed note. Duke died with Miles name literally written on the crime scene.
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sanzaibian · 2 months
I turns off my phone angrily. I have barely touched down to Pudong International Airport, and now I have to call my Shanghai agent about how I’m going to be late, and that “China Eastern”, that company full of crooks, doesn’t even want to compensate my $4200 business class ticket for being 2 hours late.
“Allô ? C’est Julien, je suis enfin arrivé à Shanghai. (Hello ? It’s Julien, I’ve finally touched down at Shanghai.)” I say to my local correspondent, the one responsible for dragging me here.
- Enfin ! Ça fait une heure qu’on vous attend ! (Finally ! We’ve been waiting for you for a whole hour !)
- C’est pas ma faute ! Le vol a eu deux heures de retard à cause de soi-disants ‘vents forts’ vers la Mongolie… et ces escrocs ne veulent rien me rembourser… typique… (It’s not my fault ! The flight was two hours late due to so-called ‘powerful winds’ around Mongolia… and those crooks don’t want to reimburse me… typical…)” I answer, annoyed.
- Bon, de l’Aéroport de 浦東 (Pudong) jusqu’ici… pff… je vais devoir leur dire de revenir cet après-midi… (So, from 浦東 (Pudong) Airport to here… ugh… I need to ask them to come back this afternoon…)” He says, similarly annoyed, though seemingly flaunting his perfect pronunciation in Chinese.
- Ne râle pas sur moi, j’ai rien fait ! Je savais que j’aurais dû prendre Air France, ils n’auraient pas eu de retard comme ces asiates… (Don’t dump it on me, I did nothing ! I knew I should have gone for Air France, they wouldn’t be late like those chinks…)
- Roh… (Ugh…)” He sighs a while. “Je vais m’occuper de tout. Juste… viens aussi vite que possible. (I’ll manage. Just… come here as soon as you can.)”
I turn off the phone. As if I would waste a minute of my life… I’m Julien Blanc, and my time is money, just like the saying goes. As the heir of a multi-million dollars worth banking company, I have investments left right and center, and can’t let the next golden goose escape me.
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Recently, a well-known investor, Pierre Zhang, let me know of a promising startup here in Shanghai. While at first I was understandingly skeptical, after all chinks are known for their plagiarism, I did check the project and found it to be unique, and even viable.
While I do know that Pierre Zhang is half one of them, so he does take their side much more than a regular person would, this time he saw a good opportunity. And it will be botched due to an incapable company that spouted nonsense about “strong winds” or something and was late as a result.
Angrily, I stomp in the giant airport halls, guiding myself thanks to my impeccable English – though, just don’t listen to the pronunciation. I’m stopped multiple times for security checks, and I do swear on them a couple of times, but they deserved it for wasting my time even more.
However, as I was striding in the main hall in order to find the metro station, seeing more and more of those chink hooligans, one of them shoves me to the side. He’s wearing a mask like the pussy he is, as well as a ridiculous oversized hoodie, some laughable jewelry and undistinguished sweatpants.
He’s left as soon as I turn around, meaning I can’t berate him. Youth these days are really insufferable. Where I grew up, on the Saint-Louis island in Paris, we weren’t even half as rude as today’s kids.
Scoffing, I continue rushing to the metro, though I kind of feel dizzy. Did he give me a disease or something ? When I reach the metro shoot, I see a barrier with policemen. Apparently they’re scanning for the coronavirus – they’re still doing that ? – by checking our temperature.
I go in the barrier, confident that I’ll pass the test, when suddenly, my path is blocked.
“Sorry, sir, please come with me.” Said a policewoman in her heavily accented English.
- What are you doing ! Let me go, I did nothing wrong !” I protest with a similarly accented English.
The policewoman doesn’t answer me and leads me to a small room in the airport. There, I see a bunch of other people with masks, waiting on seats. Showing me a mask, the policewoman explain :
“You may be sick. Take a mask and wait. - I’m going to be late ! Nothing’s wrong with me, just let me leave !” I say, though I don’t notice my accent shifting a little.
- Wear it or face consequences.” The policewoman insists, dangling the mask in front of my eyes. I sigh.
- Okay, but make it quick. I’ll wear 一只 (one).”
I squint my eyes. How did I say ‘one’ ? It feels incorrect, have I accidentally used French ‘un’ ?
I take the mask and wear it, still squinting. I still feel dizzy, so I guess the policewoman must have been right ? I take my phone out, wanting to send a quick message to Pierre about me being late, but something seems wrong.
When I look on my phone, there’s a weird app named 抖音 that has been installed. I don’t remember doing that. In fact, why is there even a Chinese app on my phone !
I click on it, and suddenly, videos start playing. I squint my eyes as I look at the videos of ch… Chinese people doing a variety of things. First it’s a video of a cat rubbing on someone, and that guy exclaimed “它真的是只饥渴死的猫啊!”, with then the woman filming answering, with a hurried tone “快摸它啊,你干嘛在那儿等呗?真冷啊。”. Even though I don’t understand a word that is said, I can guess that the woman is telling the guy to go rub the cat.
It’s funnier than I expected. Turns out the Chinese have more humor than I thought. Then, another video comes on, showing a guy, looking just like that punk from earlier, saying “穿这种衣服,我干嘛不会感丢人哎?(… these clothes… … lose face ?)”, and the camera pans out to a woman in a cockroach outfit. The punk continues “你已经三十岁了,为什么还在卖这种衣服了?(… thirty years old, why still buy… ?)”, the woman answers “你现在我穿什么你都要管吗?(You... right now what I wear… your business ?)”. The punk then comes back into frame, with the woman on the left, asking “没有情侣版吗?哪只手我该牵啊?(There isn’t a couple’s version ? Which hand should I hold ?). Then, the woman shows a tendril, and they hold hands like that. I smile, finding it way funnier than it should.
I don’t really notice how I understand more and more what’s on 抖音 (Douyin), though I do let myself grow limp on the waiting room chair. I guess I don’t have much regards anymore for how I look, after all I’m waiting for a coronavirus test. Nobody’s going to comment on my posture !
The next video shows three guys running, with the caption 三人跑步时能干什么 (What can three people do while running together ?), and I see how their hair bop up and down. I’ve been shaving myself bald for quite a few years, ever since I was balding too much for me to bother with hair, but seeing these guys like that makes me a bit nostalgic of that time.
Seeing them doing stupider and stupider stuff, and smiling more and more as they show bungee jumping, doing pull-ups, playing games, stir-frying and even boxing, I feel a bit weird. Like I can kind of relate, in my youth I also did crazy things, and it would absolutely be something I would have done with my friends. I scratch my head, feeling it tingle, as I continue watching the next video, not even realizing my squinting is less and less strenuous.
The videos continue trickling in, every one more humorous than the last, and I catch myself chuckling out loud multiple times. By now, I understand everything very clearly, and when a doctor comes to do a coronavirus test, I don’t even blink when he addresses me in Chinese :
“少年,请跟我进走。(Young man, please enter with me.)
- Yes, 先生。(Yes, sir.)” I answer, mixing English and Chinese.
Everything is confused as he takes me to a machine, my thoughts mixing French, English and Chinese. Even my clothes feel… less tight than they used to. Almost as if they were melting and becoming glue.
I take place in the machine and he activates it. I feel as if things become clearer while I’m in. Like, for example, why was I stressed just now ? I don’t have anything important to do right now. And why languages are mixed ? I guess it’s because it’s cooler to mix in English…
The machine stops, and I leave it, scratching my straight hair. Had I ? … no, of course not, it’s my facial hair that I shave…
The doctor hands me my piercings.
“Euh, attendez, 先生,有什么不对了…… (Er, wait, sir, there’s something that’s not right.)” I ask, mixing French and Chinese. I really feel like something is not right.
- 什么发生过了?会跟我谈一谈。(What happened ? You can discuss it with me.)
- 我……有个奇怪的感受。Est-ce que 您找到了种疾病吗?(I… have a weird feeling. Did you find some kind of disease ?)
- 没有。但是您不舒服的话我肯定会给您扑热息痛。(I didn’t. However, if you don’t feel good, I can give you some paracetamol.)” He answers me, with a helpful look.
- 该好了。Merci. (It should be good. Thank you.)”
I take the pill he gives me, and put my piercings back on as I go back in the terminal. As I walk, I feel very comfy, as if everything was alright. I look down on my large oversized hoodie with its colorful prints. I feel like I’m in my youth once again… huh, it’s so weird to say that when I’m only... 23 years old !
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Suddenly, I get a phone call from a weird contact I don’t remember having, someone named 张皮尔 (Zhang Pi’er/Pierre). I accept the call :
“喂。是谁?(Hello. Who’s there ?)” I ask, with a perfect accent.
- Julien ? Pourquoi tu parles chinois ? (Julien ? Why do you speak Chinese ?)” He groans, then switches to Chinese. “是我问您是谁。是您的电话吗?(I’m the one asking you who you are. Is it your phone ?)
- 当然是。我是个富二代,为啥要偷手机啊?(Of course. I have a trust fund, why would I steal a phone ?)” I slur, my speech becoming more and more relaxed.
- 嗯……那您是谁啊?您认不认识Julien Blanc ? (Ugh… So who are you ? Do you know Julien Blanc ?)
- 是白炬亮。那你到底是谁啊?(I’m Bai Juliang. And now can you tell me who you are ?)
- 是张皮尔……嗯……听我说一下。你有没有多钱会投资?我认为了Julien Blanc要投资新项目,但你还会投资一下。有没有兴趣?(I’m Pierre Zhang… ugh… Listen. Do you have a lot of money to invest ? I thought Julien Blanc would come and invest in a new project, but you can still invest. Are you interested ?)”
I think for a while. It could be great to have some money coming from another place than my parents’ company… plus, I don’t want to have to join it, or risk being cut off from my money…
However, there’s time, I’m still young, and there’s no rush right now… Plus, having work is, like, a lot of work, and I don’t want to work… But I have an idea.
“张先生,你想不想跟我投资?我给了你钱币,你给了我专业,收入分两半。感觉好吗?(Mr. Zhang, do you want to invest with me ? I give you the funds, you give me the expertise, and we divide the profits in half. Do you like that ?)”
After a while, he answers :
“感觉好了。(I think it’s good.)”
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yeppeun-riaa · 1 month
Hi, how are you? I saw on your profile that you like Ran so I was wondering if you have some headcannons for him and if you could share? If you want, it can be his and Rindou or just Ran... Your preference ♡
hii, I'm pretty okay thanks🫶🏻 and I have a few!
»»————- ★ ————-««
Ran definitely went through a lot of girls and when he was in tenjiku, he never saw himself committing to a relationship
He wants to learn baking, specifically so he could make mont blanc....key word 'wants' he's to lazy to actually attempt it
Someone told me that ran is a yellow flag, and now I firmly believe that
He takes time to listen to whatever beats rindou makes, he's impressed but will always tease him before giving actual feedback
He plays video games with rindou, shion and mochi (occasionally kakucho) on weekends
He brought up the idea of having different colored uniforms to stand out
He loves to intimidate people for fun
100% sure he talked his way out of trouble at least 10 times before
He knows he has charisma and takes full advantage of that
He would never hit a woman (good timeline), in the bad timeline he'd pay someone to do it for him:)
Its important to ran that rindou gets along with his partner, if rindou asks ran would consider breaking up with his partner
he cried a bit when he cut his hair, rindou laughed at him
he hangs out mostly with mochi and kakucho while rindou hangs out with shion more
He and rindou are natural blondes🤷🏻‍♀️
They're dad left them but is a dilf👹
They're mom is a rich business woman
he hates talking about his feelings, even to rindou
he dislikes hanma and the tenjiku guys try to keep them away from eachother bc hanma is a bitch and ran will not hesitate to hit him with his baton
Hes a big fan of pda, loves to show his partner off and spoil them
He's a sucker for if his partner wears skirts
Hes an ass and thigh guy
ran can't swim, but rindou can
rans lazy but when it comes down to it, he gets shit done
Hes good at at sports, but doesn't really participate in them
Its rare for him to be on time to anything
Hes clingy when drunk
Has a huuggee sweet tooth
»»————- ★ ————-««
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tigertales9 · 9 months
Good Clean Fun
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Smut
Description: You accompany Joe to the Hamptons for the white party
Time/Place: July 3, 2023 - the Hamptons, NY
A/N: I wrote this just after the white party pics dropped, but I'm still not sure about it. 😬 I've tweaked it to pieces and finally decided to just offer it up. Hope y'all like it.
Inspo pic: (one of many)
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Pic source = white party hotness
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You jolt awake at the sound of your phone ringing, fumbling to grab it off the bedside table. "Hey," you whisper.
"Hey," Joe says. "What are you doing?"
"Just laying in bed … thinking about you," you answer nonchalantly, not wanting to admit you were asleep. "How's the party going?"
"It's … fine," he mutters. "I wish I was there with you."
"Me too, babe."
"I'm thinking about leaving early."
You check the clock on the bedside table. "Better stick it out for at least another hour," you advise, smiling when he heaves a sigh. "I know it's not your scene, but you need to do this, okay?"
"Are you gonna be awake when I get back?" he asks, the pouty tone in his voice causing you to smile even bigger.
"Of course. Shoot me a text when you leave and I'll be waiting for you at the front door."
"I promise," you chuckle. "Now get back out there and mingle," you order, laughing at his dramatic groan.
"Yes, ma'am," he grumbles. "Love you."
"Love you, too," you echo.
You set your phone down and look around the elegant but unfamiliar bedroom. Joe had begged you to come with him to the Hamptons even though you weren't invited to the white party. Y'all had flown up the day before on a private jet, quickly settling into your Airbnb before ordering a dinner delivery of salmon piccata pasta, caesar salad and garlic bread. Joe had uncorked a bottle of crisp sauvignon blanc, and y'all had enjoyed your meal while watching an amazing sunset from your upstairs balcony.
You smile to yourself thinking about what happened after dinner; you and Joe tangled together on the plush bed, him getting you off twice with his fingers and tongue before putting your legs over his shoulders and fucking you slow and deep, his big hands teasing your breasts and clit in a way that had you writhing beneath him, your third climax of the night hitting so hard you actually saw stars.
You bite your lip at the intense memory as you flop back against a pile of fluffy pillows, heaving a sigh as you look around the tastefully decorated bedroom. The Airbnb is a few miles away from Billionaire Lane where the white party is taking place, but even though it's more modest than those monuments to conspicuous consumption, it still has amazing views, a super comfy king-sized bed, and a huge shower with a built-in bench and several different water features.
You giggle when you think about the shower; you had a little solo fun in there earlier after a couple glasses of wine and a couple pics of your man at the white party looking like a walking orgasm got you worked up. "Sexy motherfucker," you mutter to yourself, still smiling at the naughty memory when your phone chimes; you read the text from Joe before sending a quick reply.
"Thirty minutes is not exactly an hour, Joseph Lee," you giggle to yourself, "but okay." You place your phone on the bedside table before easing off the bed and walking into the en suite bathroom to check your reflection in the mirror. You're wearing a short silk robe the color of pale seafoam green and a lace thong to match. Your face is devoid of makeup and your long wavy hair is in a messy bun on top of your head; you briefly consider fixing it before giving a shrug. "Fuck it," you mutter, walking downstairs just in time to see a car pull into the driveway. You watch through a front window as Joe climbs out of the backseat of the car and ambles up the sidewalk, his slightly unsteady, long-legged stride making you smile as you swing the front door open.
"Hey," you purr, staying mostly hidden behind the door as the car reverses out of the driveway and drives off into the warm, humid night.
"Hey," he mutters, giving you a lopsided smile as you close the door behind him. "You look gorgeous," he says, reaching a hand out to finger your slinky robe as you raise an eyebrow in response. "And you look drunk as fuck," you chuckle, pulling him into a tight hug. "Did you have a good time?" you ask, inhaling his pungent aroma of sweat, vodka and a hint of weed.
"Not really," he pouts, "and I'm not drunk. I'm just a little buzzed," he argues. "Just a little crossfaded," you retort. "Maybe a little," he admits, giving you a sheepish smile when you pull back and look up at him. "But I'm mostly just tired as hell," he continues. "I couldn't relax the entire time I was there because I felt like an animal on display at the zoo. I mean, it was fun to catch up with the guys, but then there were these random peeps who kept staring at me, taking pics and vids." He makes a stank face before continuing. "Some of them even tried to talk to me," he shudders. "Weird as fuck."
"Awww, you must be so exhausted," you murmur sympathetically, pulling him into another tight hug. "I am," he sighs, burying his face in your neck as you reach under his shirt and scratch his back through his thin tank top. "Poor baby," you coo. "It's a lot of work dodging all that pussy being thrown at you. No wonder you're tired."
He leans back and looks down at you, narrowing his eyes at the bratty look on your face. "For a second I actually thought you felt sorry for me," he grumbles, trying hard not to smile when you roll your eyes. You stick your tongue out at him just as his stomach gives a loud growl. "Did you eat anything at the party?" you ask, shaking your head when he lists a few appetizers. "That's not nearly enough," you state, grabbing his hand and leading him into the kitchen. "Good thing I got you a lobster roll when I ordered mine earlier."
"Oh yum!" he chirps, placing his phone and sunglasses on the kitchen island before shrugging his "crochet" shirt off and tossing it over a barstool; he hurries to the kitchen sink and washes his hands, giving you an almost giddy smile as he plops down in another barstool, his entire demeanor perking up at the thought of delicious food.
You preheat the toaster oven before pulling a fluffy split-top roll out of a paper bag; you quickly slather butter on the roll before popping it into the oven to crisp up, throwing him a smile over your shoulder while opening the fridge. "I got it deconstructed so it wouldn't get soggy," you say, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge and sliding it across the counter to him. "It'll be ready in just a few minutes."
"Thanks, babe," he sighs, twisting the cap off and guzzling most of the bottle in about five seconds, a tiny drop of water escaping one corner of his mouth to casually slide down the long, sexy column of his throat. You watch the downward progress of the runaway water droplet like your life depends on it, biting your lip when he finally wipes it away just before it reaches his collarbone. Your gaze lingers on his broad shoulders, muscular chest and sculpted arms, the skimpy tank top and smiley face necklace he's wearing showcasing those impressive attributes in a way that makes your mouth water.
"What are you thinking?" he asks, giving you a loaded look when you meet his gaze.
~ DING ~
You jump as the timer on the oven goes off, shaking your head as you place the warm roll on a plate before grabbing the container of lobster salad out of the fridge. "I'm thinking I need to get this food in your belly," you mutter, smiling when Joe groans as he watches you pile an obscene amount of lobster onto the crispy roll before setting the plate in front of him.
"You're so good to me," he mutters, taking a huge bite of the roll as you hand him a bag of kettle chips and another bottle of water. "SO good," he repeats, his eyes rolling back in his head as he devours another bite. "I didn't realize I was so hungry," he mumbles, holding a big hand in front of his mouth as he speaks so as not to show you his half-chewed food.
You walk behind him and scratch his back as he continues to scarf his food, grinning when he pulls his tank top off to give you better access. You continue to scratch his bare back just the way he likes, your pulse reacting to the sex-type noises spilling from his pretty lips. "Feel good?" you ask, sliding one hand up the nape of his neck into his sweaty curls, his low-throated moan making you want to pull his hair and have your way with him. You ponder that naughty thought for a second until your pragmatic inner voice reminds you he needs food and sleep more than sex since y'all have a fairly early flight out tomorrow morning.
"Feels amazing," he groans after swallowing his last bite of lobster roll.
You give his back a final scratch before grabbing his empty plate and walking to the sink. "I got you some dessert, too," you say, quickly rinsing the plate and washing your hands before reaching into the delivery bag to pull out a small package. "I hope that's a euphemism for sex," he purrs, giving you a dirty wink when you cut your eyes at him. "These are better than sex" you state, placing a napkin in front of him before setting two peanut butter chocolate chip cookies on it.
He raises one eyebrow before taking a huge bite of cookie. After chewing and swallowing he narrows his eyes at you. "These are delicious, but they're not better than sex. Not even close."
"I was just teasing," you chuckle, watching in amusement as he crams the rest of the first cookie in his mouth before reaching for the second. "If you think these are better than sex then I really need to up my game," he grumbles, polishing off the final cookie while giving you a pouty grimace.
"I said I was teasing, grumpy cat," you giggle, reaching forward to wipe cookie crumbs off of his lips while he continues to faux-glower at you. "If you upped your game you'd give me a stroke." You flick his pouty bottom lip a couple times until he smiles. "Anyway," you continue, "quit thinking about sex. You need a shower and sleep since we have an early-ish flight tomorrow."
He makes a face before speaking. "I'm almost too tired to take a shower, but I know I need one since I feel grimy." He lifts an arm and gives his armpit a hearty sniff. "I smell like b.o. and vodka."
"And weed," you interject, chuckling when he wrinkles his pert nose at you. "C'mon," you urge. "I'll help you shower since you're so wrung out."
He follows you upstairs into the en suite bathroom, leaning against the wall as you turn the shower on to heat up. You squeeze toothpaste onto both of your toothbrushes before handing him his, keeping a close eye on him while you brush to make sure he doesn't fall asleep on his feet.
When you finish brushing you strip naked before helping him do the same, ushering him into the steamy shower and immediately ordering him to sit on the built-in bench while you angle all of the water jets to your liking. You grab the handheld shower head, quickly switching the setting from pulsate to rainfall before wetting him down head to toe, stepping in between his spread thighs as he slumps back against the tile wall and groans at the feel of the warm water cascading over him.
"Let's wash your hair first," you murmur, placing the shower head back in its holder before squeezing some shampoo in your palm. You rub your hands together before sliding them into his wet hair, thoroughly lathering the drenched strands while he ogles your bare chest.
"Close your eyes and keep 'em closed, please," you state.
"How am I supposed to keep my eyes closed when your tits are jiggling in my face?"
"You wanna get shampoo in your eyes?"
"Then keep 'em closed."
"Yes, ma'am," he grumbles, squeezing his eyes closed as you step a little closer, dropping a quick kiss on his wet forehead before massaging his scalp. "Feels good," he groans, sucking his plump bottom lip into his mouth as you grind the pads of your fingers against his temples, slowly working your way down the nape of his neck before reversing course. You smile at the look on his face as you grab the shower head. "I'm about to rinse so keep your eyes closed tight."
You thoroughly rinse his hair then grab his tube of face cleanser. "Hold a hand out for some face cleanser," you order, squeezing some gel onto his palm and waiting for him to lather up his face before rinsing again. He wipes the water off of his face and slicks his hair back as you reach for his shower pouf and wet it down, squeezing a generous dollop of his fav body wash on it before getting down to business.
You get him to lean forward so you can reach his back then move to his shoulders, working the foamy lather down each muscular arm all the way to his fingertips, pushing his wristbands up to clean underneath before moving to his chest; you grin when he squirms a bit as you tease his nipples with the frilly sponge, urging him to lift both arms so you can scrub his pits before continuing down his torso.
You bypass his crotch, ignoring the fact that he's semi-erect as you lather up his long legs, upper thigh to ankle. "You better do your feet," you giggle, knowing you could easily catch a foot upside the head if you accidentally tickle him. "Got it," he mumbles, quickly scrubbing his feet before handing the sponge back to you.
You rinse the pouf and apply more body wash, dropping to your knees between his spread legs before matter-of-factly soaping up his dick, still ignoring the fact that it's getting stiffer by the second as you slide the mesh sponge down over his balls and between his cheeks. He scoots a bit lower on the bench to give you better access and you slide two soapy fingers just behind his balls, biting your lip when he moans low in his throat as you massage the sensitive skin, reaching farther back to ghost your slick fingers over his hole a few times before grabbing the shower head to rinse him off. You give him a thorough rinse starting at his shoulders and working your way down, your mouth watering at the sight of his fully-erect cock laying against his glistening abs.
You eventually place the shower head back in its holder and position yourself on your knees between Joe's legs, dropping open-mouthed kisses from knee to groin, leaving love bites where his ample ass meets the top of his muscular thighs. He gives a grunt of approval and cups one big hand behind the nape of your neck as you lightly suck his balls while ghosting your fingertips over his impressive erection, teasing him for a few minutes before sliding your tongue farther back, tickling his hole with your tongue while slowly pumping his cock.
"Woman, if you keep that up I'm gonna cum in ten seconds," he grits out.
"Is that good or bad?"
"I wanna cum," he gives you a naughty smile, "but not in ten seconds."
"Okay, I'll ease up," you chuckle, his well-defined abs tensing under your fingers as you slide your hands up his torso, teasing his nipples while sucking your plump bottom lip into your mouth, giving him a filthy grin before lowering your head.
You hold eye contact with him as you flatten your tongue against the base of his cock and slowly drag it up, tracing a prominent vein all the way up before lapping at the precum on his tip; you feel his hand tighten on the back of your neck as you take him deep s-l-o-w-l-y, feeling every vein on his cock as you start to bob your head; you go deep enough to choke on him a few times, knowing he loves it even if he's too much of a gentleman to push your head down himself.
"Yeah, baby, just like that," he groans, squirming underneath you as you continue your sensual onslaught, dropping a hand down to play with his balls before sliding it farther back to tease his hole. "Don't stop!" he grits out, his throaty groans magnified by the acoustics of the shower enclosure as you follow orders, tears streaming down your cheeks as you continue to deep throat him.
When you feel the first spurt of his climax hit the back of your throat you quickly pull off and take the rest of his load on your face, using your free hand to milk every last drop out of him. "Fuck!" he grunts, his head dropping back against the tile with a thud as he watches you slide your tongue out to lick his creamy essence off of your lips. "So fuckin' hot," he mutters, panting hard as he continues to watch you through half-mast eyelids.
You wait a few minutes before speaking. "Did you like that?" you ask, playing with his slowy-softening erection as he catches his breath.
"I loved it." He gives you a blissed-out grin as you reach for the shower head, quickly rinsing your face and hands before turning it on him to give him a final rinse.
"Good. Let's get you dried off and tucked into bed."
"Lemme get you off first."
"You can return the favor tomorrow."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." You step out of the shower and grab a fluffy towel, handing it to him as he steps out behind you. "You want some undies?" you ask while drying yourself off, stepping into a pair of panties as he half-ass dries himself. "Gimme that," you chuckle, taking the towel from him and vigorously finishing the job. "No undies," he mumbles, walking into the bedroom and faceplanting onto the bed. You laugh to yourself as you crawl into bed beside him. "Goodnight," you whisper. "Night," he croaks, his voice muffled by the pillow.
After several minutes of silence, he speaks up again. "You still awake?"
He turns to face you. "I feel like I left you hanging," he says, punctuating this statement with a huge yawn. "Lemme get you off."
"I'm good, babe, seriously. I'm kinda tired, plus I had a little solo fun earlier with that handheld shower head."
He perks up at the mention of you pleasuring yourself. "Tell me more," he orders while scooting closer, his expression a little hard to read in the dim lighting.
"You know how our handheld shower head at home only has two settings?"
"Well this one has a few extra settings." You give him a naughty smile before continuing. "One of them is pulsate."
"Ohhh, sounds interesting. So you got yourself off with it?"
"Mmm-hmm. I got worked up looking at pics of you so I decided to relieve the pressure."
"That's hot," he purrs. "Why didn't you do a repeat performance just now when we were in the shower together?"
"Because you were half asleep," you state, smiling when he tries to stifle another huge yawn.
"I would've instantly been wide awake if you started going at it with the pulsating shower head," he grumbles.
"Exactly. That's why I didn't do it." You give him a quick kiss before rolling onto your side, facing away from him. "Go to sleep, horndog. Our car will be here to pick us up at 10:00 am."
"Did you set an alarm?"
"Yeah. We'll have just enough time to get dressed and pack our shit before the car gets here."
"Can you set it for forty minutes earlier? Pretty sure we're gonna need a looong shower before we leave for the airport."
"Are you serious?" you ask, rolling back over to try and read his expression.
"I'm dead serious," he mutters, giving you a sleepy smile when you grab your phone off the bedside table to reset your alarm.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You do a final walk-thru of the bedroom and bathroom, making sure y'all haven't left anything before heading downstairs. You check your watch as you walk into the kitchen -- 9:49 am -- giving Joe a smile as he places your bags by the front door.
"Good thing we're in an Airbnb and not a hotel," he states, winking at you when you raise an inquisitive eyebrow. "Why?"
"Because that loud ass scream you let out in the shower would have folks calling 911 if they heard it," he teases, pulling you into a hug when you roll your eyes at him. "Did you scream that loud when you went solo with the pulsating shower head?" he whispers against your ear.
"I didn't scream at all when I went solo."
"So it was better with me?"
"Of course it was better with you," you scoff, leaning back to give him a 'boy please' look. "Your fingers, tongue and this," you give his cock a gentle squeeze through his slinky shorts, "were the stars of the show. The shower head was fun, but you're always the main event."
"Glad to hear it," he gloats, giving you a smug smile while reaching into a pocket to grab his phone. He quickly pulls something up before showing you his screen. "I ordered a pulsating shower head for you," he grins, giving a dirty chuckle when your eyes go wide. "You didn't have to do that," you demur, secretly thrilled that he did. "You know I'm always looking for new ways to make you scream," he purrs, sliding his tongue into your mouth when you pull him down for a kiss.
Several heartbeats later a car horn honks in the driveway, signaling the arrival of your ride to the airport. "I'll thank you later, daddy," you whisper against his slick lips, giggling when he playfully swats your ass.
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weministertomonsters · 4 months
Sunshine & The Beast
You're all bubbles and sunshine as you walk into the Pleasure House several minutes late for your appointment. Madame Blanc scowls and flaps her hand urgently. You're so late that she doesn't have time to scold you.
"Room 6!" The vampiress hisses.
You nod and make your way to the room. You take a deep breath so you can look as professional as a cucumber on ice. Cool and unaffected.
"Hi! I'm your adventurer for today!" You say cheerfully as you push open the door and step in, letting it click shut behind you.
The monster sitting on one of the couches in the seating area blinks.
"You know, because with monsters you never know what you're working with so it's always an adventure..." You trail off when you realize he's not getting it.
"I'm technically supposed to say "I'm your caretaker for the day" but I think that sounds lame," you admit.
He snorts and stands up.
"Coming here was a mistake," he says.
"Whoa, whoa! Slow down, Fluffy."
He shoots you a glare. "Who are you calling fluffy?" He demands.
"I'm sorry. Your fur just looks so soft and poofy. It's got to take you an eternity to brush out," you say.
He blinks again, like everything you say surprises him. He narrows his eyes, probably wondering if this is a prank.
"Geez, I started off on the wrong foot," you sigh. "I'm sorry. Again."
"Why are you dressed like that?"
"Um?" You glance down at the shirt you're wearing.
It's got a very artistic-looking cupcake painted on it. Your niece made it in one of her after-school classes, and you treasure it more than any other piece of clothing you own.
"I was running late, as I'm sure you've noticed. My cat gave birth early this morning! It was magical."
He raises a shaggy eyebrow and glances at the door.
"Wait!" You yelp. "Don't go. I, um, really need to get paid today."
"When my friend booked me an appointment this wasn't what I expected. Shouldn't you be on your knees sucking my dick right about now?" He says, crossing his arms.
"Uh, yes. I'm just off my stride this morning. I had way too much coffee trying to stay awake in the wee hours of the morning. It was worth it though!"
"Are you on drugs?" He demands.
Your cheeks warm. "Dang it, am I that buzzed?"
He steps closer and grabs your arm to hold you in place. Then he leans down and sniffs the pulse point in your neck.
"You're clean," he announces, pulling away. "It's just coffee."
"Like I said," you say sheepishly. "Take a seat."
"I'm not sure whether I should trust myself with you. I think you're shady," he replies seriously, and you burst out laughing.
"You look like you could snap me in half," you smirk. "I don't know what you're worried about."
"You're too cheerful."
"Since when was that a crime?" You huff.
"This is exactly how an enemy of mine would act to get my guard down-"
"Ugh, sit, will you? Relax." You push him gently.
He sits down reluctantly, gripping the armrest of the couch so tightly that you hear the wood creak.
You put your hands on his shoulders first, to make sure he's okay with your touch. Still stiff, but he doesn't pull away. He's covered in fur from head to toe, something vaguely human with huge shoulders and a broad chest. You reach up to touch his horns gently. They're small and curl backward, barely noticeable in his thick mane.
"You look cursed," you tell him.
"I'd be offended if you were wrong, but yes. It's a generational curse," he replies, looking up at you.
"I've been with a lot of monsters, I'm becoming a pro at recognizing the different types," you say with a grin. "Would it put you off if I kiss you?"
His eyes roll slightly. "Good luck. With my tusks, it's practically impossible-"
You cut his rambling off with a kiss. You have to lean forward to do that, because of the way he's positioned on the couch. To spare your neck from the awkward angle, you make the executive decision to straddle his lap. His hands automatically come up to your hips, his blunt claws digging in slightly.
When you pull away, he's starry-eyed and dazed.
"How did you do that?" He demands.
"Where there's a will, there's a way!" You say cheerfully.
You move slightly and feel his arousal underneath you and give him a wide-eyed look.
"Dude. That was like, a ten-second kiss."
"It's not like I have an eager host of lovers lining up to get into my bed," he grumbles, looking away.
"If you fix up your attitude, I'm sure there will be."
"I don't have an attitude!" He snaps.
"Okay, Mr. Sunshine," you laugh.
"Shut up," he grumbles before leaning in to kiss you this time.
He's very careful because of his tusks. Despite his misgivings, there's plenty of room to kiss him. His lips are juicier than yours, which is something you'll be jealous about later, but right now they're yours to nip at.
Your greedy hands press against his chest, squeezing handfuls of his pecs. Pretty handy that he does not need shirts. His nipples are right there, covered by soft whorls of fur. He grunts when you pinch them gently.
"Maybe I was hasty," he pants, tipping his head back. "About wanting to leave earlier."
"Really now? I've only just started with you," you tease, reaching down to cup him through his pants.
"What's that?" You say with wicked delight. "You've got two... Oh, I'm getting a treat today!"
He doesn't say anything but the heated stare he gives you tells you that he appreciates your excitement.
You shimmy out of his lap and drop onto your knees on the soft carpet, squeezing his thigh.
"Let's see what I have to work with," you grin heatedly, undoing his belt and making quick work of his zipper.
You're so impatient that it takes a few good tugs to get his pants to slip off his haunches and hindfeet. For a second you wonder if he has toe beans like a cat, but you decide not to risk ruining the moment by asking.
"I don't normally say this, but Dear Lord! Whatever witch cursed you certainly gave you a blessing here," you say.
"I don't think so. They're too fucking big and it's hard to find underwear that fits," he says flatly.
"Learn to take a compliment," you advise him. "Can I touch you?"
He blows out a breath. "Please."
You need both hands, one for each cock. They look pretty much human but on steroids. You're awed because this isn't a usual occurrence, not even in a Pleasure House like this one.
Your mouth is pretty much watering at the sight. You lean forward and take one into your mouth, your lips hugging the tip. He hisses and arches his back like he's in pain.
"Oops, did I catch you with my teeth?" You say innocently, blowing a puff of air over the saliva-slick tip.
"No. Sensitive," he hisses again. "Don't do that, fuck."
"Is that too much for you to handle? Poor thing. I had so much planned," you say in mock disappointment.
You don't give him a warning the next time you engulf his cock with your mouth and you have the pleasure of hearing him whimper. Your lips curl into a smirk at that soft, vulnerable sound. You like hearing big, scary monsters make sounds like that.
So you endeavor to force more out of him, switching between both of his cocks to drive him crazy, using your hands and mouth to massage as much of him as you can, teasing the sensitive underside with the tip of your tongue.
He squirms and growls so loud that the chair vibrates. He seems a little touched-starved too, melting when your hands squeeze his thighs. His hips shift subtly as he struggles to hold himself back. It's probably for the best because lust-hazed monsters have a hard time controlling themselves and that would wreak havoc on your throat and jaw. You're struggling enough as it is already.
His eyes, which have been closed, shoot open suddenly. His pupils are small, his expression a little crazed.
"I want to taste you," he demands. "Get on the bed?"
"What?" You say breathlessly.
Usually, your customer is the only one getting taken care of. While your job turns you on, it's against protocol to pleasure yourself unless it's the customer's request.
And except for a vampire customer who liked to feed from your thigh (which was almost as good as an orgasm), no one else has ever offered.
"Are you sure? This is all about you."
"Trade places with me. I'm not asking you again," he growls.
"Okay, okay!" You laugh breathlessly but damn if that didn't make you twice as wet.
You scramble onto the bed, your weight dimpling the soft mattress.
"How do you want me?" You pant.
"On your back. I want to see your face," he says, dipping the mattress even further as he gets on.
You raise your hips for him and he drags your shorts and underwear down in one fell swoop. You remove your shirt and toss it onto the sidetable. He pushes your legs open and you prop yourself up on your elbows so you can watch him.
The first stroke of his tongue is heavenly agony. You stifle a squeal, your hand coming down to tug at his mane.
"Just like that," you encourage.
He's an apt learner, and when he figures out exactly how you like it, he doesn't let up.
"Wait, wait," you beg as the momentum becomes too much. "I think I'm gonna pass out."
"I don't think so. You didn't stop when I asked you," he says triumphantly, the pad of his thumb rolling over your clit. "I want you to come undone."
"I'm supposed to be giving, not taking," you argue.
"Who says you're taking anything? I like the taste of you on my tongue."
"Shut up," he says pleasantly, his voice muffled as he presses his mouth against you again.
You bit your lip and clutch the pillow. It's actually been a while since someone other than yourself made you come. Just as you're about to tip into a whirlwind of pleasure, he stops. You almost kick him in the face before you remember yourself.
"What the hell?" You say, about to sit up. "Why did you stop-"
He pushes you down with his body weight. "I'd use my fingers but there's no way around my claws," he says huskily. "I changed my mind. I want you to come undone while I'm inside you. I want to feel it."
You let out a hard breath. "Okay. But hurry. I almost attacked you, dude. Not cool."
He snorts out a laugh. "Your weirdness might grow on me," he says. "Which one do you want?"
"The lower one," you say. "I think it's smaller."
Jokes on you, because as soon as he begins to press against your hole, you realize maybe you underestimated his size.
"Fuck," you whisper.
He pauses, his arms bracketed around your head, his face so close to yours. "Does it hurt?"
You shake your head and pull him closer so he doesn't see you grimace as he slides in another inch. It doesn't hurt, but it does stretch you quite a bit. But you're yet to lose a single devil's tango, so you power through.
"Damn," you murmur when he stops abruptly. "Where do you end and where do I begin?"
"Who cares," is his response as he pulls out slowly.
The next time he thrusts in, it's a little easier. He buries his face against your neck, breathing in your scent. Soon you forget all about the stretch. What you want is more. Suddenly you have a craving to get fucked so hard that you feel it tomorrow. You reach down to take his first cock in your hand, circling it so that each time he thrusts into you, it slides through your fingers.
It's a little amusing to think you're jacking him off while he's fucking you. You angle his cock so that it slides through your folds and bumps against your clit just so. Your body's response is to clamp down on him, and he hisses, his thrusts speeding up.
You're so wet and he's so hard and you fit together so perfectly. He hits all the right spots that have you melting in his arms until you're as boneless as a ragdoll. He takes over, holding you in place with your legs pressed up so he can slide in even deeper.
Good lord, your back is going to ache tomorrow, but you don't care. You're moaning shamelessly now, aware of nothing but his weight on top of you, how full you are, and the way his cocks throb inside and against you.
"I think I'm going to come," you whimper, gripping his mane and tugging at it.
"Go on," he huffs, his hips accentuating his command, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. "I'm right behind you. Can I come inside you?"
"Please, oh yes please!" You exclaim. "Don't you dare pull out."
His eyes brighten, even as his lip curls rather scarily. You bite down hard on your lip as you come, struggling to contain yourself. Your orgasm is so forceful that your entire body jerks even though you're pinned under his weight. He shoves his cock as far as it can go, growling so loud that you feel it rattle through your body.
His first cock spurts molten heat on your belly, and it drips down the side, soaking the sheets. You love the way his hips jerk with the aftershocks and pull him close so you can feel everything, even the way his heart thumps in his chest.
"I almost didn't stop myself from biting you," he says, swiping his thumb over the flesh between your shoulder and neck, the prime biting spot.
"I take shots to prevent any unwanted consequences, we all do," you tell him. "You can bite me next time."
His eyes crinkle in amusement. "Next time," he says, and it sounds like a promise.
I was living for their banter. 👌
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seeingivy · 4 months
satoru gojo x f!reader
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
you turn your head to find mai, as you pinch your lips together and push off the wall to make her accquaintance. you give her the most polite greeting you can, hovering a kiss by her cheek as she nurses her a wine glass in her hands. 
always the drunk. though you suppose it was hard for you to do these things sober too.
“how are you doing? it’s been a while.” she asks. 
“i’m good, how are you?” you ask back. 
"where are you living again now?"
the two of you lean against the wall, making her best efforts to hide the fact that she's talking to you, as you smile.
the dim light of the crystal chandelier creating a shimmering display upon the great, painted walls. you’ve positioned yourself far away from the classical orchestra, from your parents at the front, and the synthetic sweaty smell permeating the group of people swim around the room, a mix of fancy fabrics and glittering jewelry. 
“i’m good. did you hear about what happened with naoya?” she murmurs, voice low as she hums into your ear. 
you fight the urge to smile. you owe satoru twenty dollars. 
“do you remember that girl from the kamo clan? the one that you dormed with during the exchange event? who told your parents about you and him?"
"the blonde?" you ask.
"her fucking sister met naoya at a club and he kissed her.” 
you smile, shaking your head as you roll your eyes.
“i’m dead serious. there were pictures and she was wearing this like god awful denim on denim outfit. some zenin clan head he’s going to be when almost everyone knows he can’t help but get his dick wet with every living organism in sight."
you pinch a smile.
"no offense, of course.” 
“none taken.” you respond. 
“did you see the photos of it?” 
“no, no i didn’t. but thanks though.” you respond.
maki shrugs before she’s whisked away, by a girl whose name you can hardly remember as you give the two of them a wave. the girl averts making eye contact with you as maki gives a halfhearted goodbye and you curl back into the wall.
granted, maki’s the only one who would stoop down to your level to talk to you, even if it was just to level you for information. you suppose the details of you living france in france will make their way across the room in two minutes. but you can hardly blame the girl or even possess yourself to be mad about it. 
it’s all she knows how to do. 
you feel two arms wrap around you from behind and look down to find a wine glass being held in front of your nose. you fight the smile making its way to your face as you turn around, to find satoru’s outfit already unkempt - his tie hanging halfway down his shirt, the buttons undone. 
“wow. did you have to put on a lap dance for the sommelier to get these drinks?” 
“but of course! a champagne you requested and a champagne i delivered. by any means possible.” he smirks, before leaning against the wall at your side. 
you take a sip, the overwhelmingly artificial flavor biting your tongue. 
“had a feeling you would say that. so….i snagged this from the kitchen. had to seduce a cook for it.” 
“do you want to have my babies?” 
satoru rolls his eyes as he hands you the bottle. it’s a twelve dollar sauvignon blanc, that you’re almost positive that someone bought from a target. only because you’ve bought one there yourself. 
“bullshit. there’s no way that my parents keep this in their house.” 
“think it’s because they miss you?” he asks, a hopeful smile on his face. 
you smile, as you reach forward and cup the side of his cheek. 
“toru, my love. don’t be silly. you know the only reason that i’m standing in the house i grew up in right now is because i’m your plus one right.” 
he frowns. 
“did you see them yet?” he asks, popping the lid off the bottle as he takes a swig before handing it to you. 
you can see his face nearly curl up in disgust at the drink as you fight the urge to laugh, at satoru and his expensive tastes. in nearly a year of dating, it was your personal joy and mission to curb satoru gojo and his expensive tastes. or at least die trying. 
“no. but they must know i’m here. i’m the talk of the party.” you jest, giving him a smile. 
satoru rolls his eyes, as you focus back on the expansive ballroom in front of you, of your parents glittering smiles at the front. you try your best to hide your disappointment as you focus on the rest of the room of the people begrudgingly dancing - stepping on each other's feet, murmuring niceties - as your parents hover around, their jaws fixed into permanent glittering smiles. 
but you can tell. that something, or more appropriately someone, is sinking under their skin, from the way your moms eye twitches - certainly when someone makes a comment - and your dad swallowing hard every time someone smacks him on the back and whispers in his ear. you almost feel bad. 
“you’re the talk of my party! the party in my pants.” 
you look to your left to find satoru smiling at you, so boyish and excited that you can’t help but laugh. 
“party in your pants?” 
“correct. your blatant disregard for authority makes me horny."
“well, i could tell you that much. otherwise, you wouldn’t be dating me in the first place.” you hum, giving him a bright smile. 
satoru wraps his hands around your cheek, angling your head up as he rubs his thumbs in the softness of your cheeks. his eyes are nearly lidded as he smiles at you, before leaning forward and pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. 
“why are you looking at me like that?” you mumble. 
“is it a crime to look at my girlfriend?” 
“you’re like ogling me…” 
“you’re so pretty you take my breath away.” he responds, giving you a wink and wiggling his eyebrows. 
it’s enough to make your skin heat up. the tenderness of it. of a cheesy joke, told with the sole intention of making you laugh.
“that’s corny, satoru.” you deadpan. 
“you're asking for it.” he jests. 
“asking for what?” you respond, feigning innocence. 
you, were most definitely, asking for it. because almost every time satoru made a corny pass at you, you made it a point to rip his affections to shreds. to which he would early pepper your skin in kisses, wrapping you warm in his embrace until you returned his sentiments. 
and if satoru gojo is one thing, it’s predictable. satoru wraps his hands around your waist, his sweet vanilla smell tickling your nose as he starts mumbling into your ears. 
“why’s my pretty baby always so mean to me, hm? don't you love me?” he mumbles. 
"okay, toru. I love you plenty. and-"
he places his hands around your neck, before pulling your face close to his again.
“i’m not mean either-” you start.
satoru pulls you closer to him, lips warm on yours as he smiles into the kiss. 
“are you insane? there’s people here.” you whisper. 
“so you can kiss me after a total three minutes of knowing me in the middle of an alleyway but you’re morally opposed to me kissing you at a party?” he murmurs.
“first of all, i was drunk. i’d never kiss you if i was sober. second of all, i was-” 
you gasp when he sinks into the skin on your neck, the pressure making your head nearly keel back. 
“i’ll take you right here in front of everyone if you keep giving me attitude.” he states. 
you drag your hand into his white hair, before curling the locks in your hand and pulling his head off of you. 
“okay fine. i’m so in love with you that i might stop breathing too. now quit it, your parents are going to see.” 
he gives you a satisfied smile, before leaning his head against yours and wrapping his arm around your waist. the two of you remain that way, curled up in each other’s arms as you finish off the bottle, the warm feeling enveloping your chest with each consecutive sip. 
but it had nothing to do with the drink. and everything to do with satoru. 
you met satoru gojo three years after you made your exile from high society. one forbidden romance with naoya zenin, who was simply not the man you thought he was, ended the life you were leading dead in your tracks. 
bags packed, no questions asked, and one flight voucher. you opened up a map, closed your eyes, and settled in the first place that your finger landed. 
and three years later, a very disgruntled satoru gojo made his way to the city, extending his two week long european vacation to a two year long stay when you drunkenly kissed him in an alleyway after confusing him with the guy you were talking to at the bar. 
you suppose it was hopeful thinking. drunk you’s hopeful thinking. that he was the one you were talking to and not whoever it was at the bar, so unmemorable that you can’t even procure the memory. 
and it’s the one time your wish comes true. 
“you think i care if my parents see us together? if anything, i want them to know.” 
you smile, as you reach forward and wrestle his buttons back into place. 
“i care what they think about you.” you murmur. 
“i’d punch my old man if they said anything about you.” 
you shake your head, fixing his collar against his coat.
“hey. i don’t need you to make big, romantic displays of affection for me. romance isn’t dead if we keep our love just ours, you know?” 
and three hours later, with a punch straight to naoya’s nose after one shitty comment and a polite introduction to satoru's parents, he’s dragging you out of the hall as you teeter the line of being blackout drunk, curled up in his arms. the ballroom’s nearly emptied out now, except for a few people lingering in whispered voices at the tables. 
he passes your mother. who grabs him by the shoulder, the touch so firm that it makes him nearly flinch and pull back. he can feel his nostrils nearly flaring when he sees the sight of her, at someone who so callously pushed you out of their life. 
“mr. gojo?” 
“yes?” he seethes. 
she swallows hard, nimbling with her gloved fingers. 
“you-you’ll take care of her? of my sweet girl, right?” she whispers. 
satoru smiles. you owe him twenty dollars.
he looks down at you curled up in his arms, your fist closed fist crumpling the fabric of his collared shirt and your incoherent mumbling. 
“always do.” he mumbles, as she gives him a curt nod as he whisks you down the hallway. 
and nearly halfway home, he can feel your reignited vigor, finally awake after the hour of quiet driving, as you paw at him in the back of the cab, shuffling closer and closer to him in the cramped space. 
“i’m right here, princess.” he murmurs. 
“need to be closer to you…” you slur. 
“you’re sitting on me.” 
“even closer. like inside your head. i want to know everything you're thinking.” you whisper. 
satoru fights the urge to laugh as you take his cheeks into your hands, eyes lidded as you look at him with a droopy smile on your face. he brings his hand up to your cheek, tracing the glittery makeup shimmering on your face as he smiles. 
“currently. i’m trying not to think about you. you’re sitting in a compromising position for me and your smell is nearly intoxicating when you’re this close to me.” 
he can’t help but smile when he watches your eyes go wide. 
“do you think i could brainwash you into loving me forever?” you whisper. 
satoru smiles, hooking his hands under your thighs as he curls you into his chest, your arm tucked into his neck, as he runs his hands through your hair. 
“won’t have to. you’ve got me right where you want me, princess.” 
“do you think i could brainwash me into giving me your credit card?” you mumble. 
“hey. what happened to me having me right where i wanted you?” you whine. 
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
an: taylor as gojo fills me with more stress than anything i've ever written so i apologize!!! a teeny tiny midnights taylor as gojo as an offering. i've been in a writing rut, especially with this series - and i despise this - but im trying to get back into it!
taglist: @invisible-mori @porridgesblog  @k0z3me  @kayleegomez @yihona-san06  @bsenpai  @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon  @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks
lmk if you would like to be on the satoru as taylor swift songs taglist!
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tumble-witch · 4 months
TW light suggestion of body horror. No descriptions though!
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Bunnix shows up in Marinette's bedroom when it's already dark outside.
Marinette knows what the older heroine is about to ask the second she hears the burrow open. When Bunnix greets her, Marinette is hyperventilating. Instead of exchanging pleasantries, she asks:
- Is it... him again?
Bunnix has a grim expression on her face, yet shakes her head. Marinette exhales. She has another question.
- Is it something I did?
- No. I'm sorry I'm asking this from you again. I'm sorry there will be no answers yet.
- It's okay. I am ready.
At first Ladybug thinks she is on another planet. Another dimension, even. There are cloud fractals in the sky. There is a street light growing out of another one, growing out of another one, growing out of another one... Trees are huge and have so many leaves they are almost a solid green mass. Some buildings are so tall they go way past the clouds in a curvy line. It reminds her of the Jack and the Beanstalk fairytale her mom used to read her before bed.
The roads branch out like blood vessels, getting smaller with each separation, ending in dead ends near the buildings or growing vertically on top of the walls.
The whole city almost looks like it could move at any second. It almost looks alive.
As Ladybug progresses through the streets (if she can even call them that), she finally realizes where the people are.
At least, what's left of them.
Infinite growth apparently works on humans, too. She never thought she'd be so thankful to see somebody not move.
The silence makes her ears ring. Everything is quiet, except for some mechanical sounds the structures make, not really meant to support their own weight in this new form.
Then, she hears laughter.
A girl with hair so long she's not sure where it ends is frantically pacing around the roof, her body movements jittery and odd. As the camera of the heroine's yo-yo focuses on the akuma, helping seek out where the cursed butterfly is hiding, Ladybug realizes the dress this girl is wearing is not grey.
It's is covered in trillions of colourful tiny dots of different shapes and sizes. They seem jittery too, as if trying to move, but some force is making them stay together. This feels like standing up after lying down for too long. Looking at the pattern for too long makes her head hurt
Ladybug continues hiding. She takes her time looking for clues. At this point she's not really sure if the girl is actually laughing or this is a weird hysterical cry. Sometimes the akuma starts muttering under her nose, too quiet to make out most of the words. Ladybug is pretty sure she heard the girl say "I can fix this" a few times though. She shifts to hear the words better.
The akuma turns around
This is the hardest she's ever fought. Chat Blanc feels like child's play now.
While the villain almost looks out of breath, long hair going everywhere, Ladybug is still barely able to keep up.
The air is too dense with oxygen.
The girl has a yo-yo as a weapon, in a cruel twist of irony. And she's damn good with it. Yet, she clearly hesitates in using the thing, saving it as a last resort to escape.
Ladybug tries to reason with the akumatized victim.
- Wait! Please, let me help you!
- You don't understand, - the girl looks around frantically, - I have to fix this! I need to fix this!
Villain's grey yo-yo starts to glow white and she throws it at a fire hydrant, making it grow another one on top.
The akuma was inside the earring. Ladybug was hit by the yo-yo. She doesn't have the time to think as she casts Miraculous cure, just before her brain registered the pain fully.
She'll remember the way it looked when she closes her eyes though.
The streets go back to normal. Her body is normal. Ladybug turns around and meets the eyes of
Marinette sits on the ground, horrified. But before Ladybug can talk to her Bunnix appears and she has to go.
Bunnix doesn't say anything as they walk through the burrow, but she's pretty sure the older heroine is holding her shoulder softer than ever before.
They didn't change anything. They didn't fix anything after they came back, no scoldings, no erasing her name from anywhere, nothing. Marinette is growing more paranoid at every turn, expecting to get akumatized. Her conflict avoidance is at all times high. She's withdrawing from her friends.
Nobody is near when Hawkmoth himself shows up in the middle of the night and she has to transform. He senses her distress immediately.
This is just too easy.
The butterfly lands in her earring just as she started to call for a last effort Lucky Charm.
"Creatomachia, this is Hawkmoth. You are overwhelmed with every problem creating a million smaller ones. Things seem to stack on top of each other and just never end. I'll give you the power to fix everything. In return, you will give me your and Chat Noir's miraculous."
For a split second, everything is white.
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Petit Lapin Blanc
Part 3
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Part 2
Alastor and Human Child Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing, implied murder, welp-you went through a portal for sure! ⚠
You tried to avoid stepping on the cracks as you walked on the sidewalk.
Alastor didn't mind the little game you decided to entertain yourself with and even helped you at times by lifting you up from the ground a bit.
It distracted you long enough that you didn't notice that you had now arrived.
"We're here little one.", the man in red said.
Looking forward, you saw a big building with a hotel sign.
"What does Hazbin mean?", you asked looking up at him and pointing at the building.
"Let's go inside and ask.", he said with a smile and picked you up.
The man in red pushed the double doors open with one hand with enough force that they hit the walls.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your favorite radio host has returned!", he announced and waltzed into the hotel.
"Ah shit.", a grumpy sounding voice said.
Looking over, you saw a cat with wings behind a counter, cleaning a cup with a rag.
"Tsk tsk! Husker, there is a child!", Alastor scolded.
"He said a bad word!", you whispered and covered your rabbit's ears.
Someone else walked into the room and pulled out a spear.
"Oh hell no! Put the child down!", the white haired person yelled out and pointed it at both of you.
"Hn!", you turned away to hide your face, closing your eyes and held the stuffed rabbit tighter.
There was a loud buzzing noise, like the one you hear from the radio.
"You're scaring them.", the red man says and pats your back.
A little bit of time passed before the static sound went away. You peek over your shoulder and see that the lady now had her spear pointing away from you.
"Put. Them. Down.", she said, still looking angry at Alastor.
He sighs and does as told, letting you stand on your own, but you look up at him worriedly.
"I'll have you know that I did not kidnap or harm this child.", he says and fixes his suit.
"Bulls-!", the lady starts but stops herself and takes a deep breath before letting it out. "Ok. Let's say its true. Where did you find them and how did they get here?"
"A very excellent question!", the man in red says cheerfully. "I found this one watching the picture show of a rabbit! However, I do not know how they got here."
She groans and slides her free hand down her face, stopping it just above her mouth. "Fine! Ok, we'll wait for Charlie to get back from brunch with her Mom before figuring all this out.", the lady says waving her hand around.
With your feet still hurting from all the walking you did earlier, you turn to the red man and lift your arms up with a firm and serious face.
The two demon staff jaws drop.
Did this human child want to die? Ordering and demanding the Radio Demon for..uppies?
Breaths were held back as he stared down at the child with a growing smile. Leaning forward with his claws reaching down and-!
He picked the human up like they asked.
Jaws were dropped lower than before.
Did one of the most strongest demons just...obey a child's order?
Hank got you out in the morning. Checking over you for any scratches before taking you downstairs for breakfast.
While eating, you heard Mary yelling and then a door slam.
The older man came back into the kitchen. "I'm going to work. I won't be back till five.", he said and pat your head. "If my wife tries anything bad, run to my office."
Office? You thought and turned to ask where it was, but he already left.
Then Mary came back into the room, tugging you out of the chair and outside into the garden. Pushing you onto the ground, tossing a little shovel at your feet along with a packet of pink flowers.
"Go plant my roses.", she glared down at you.
"I don't know how to plant things.", you said looking up at her confused.
She got angry and yelled at you.
Hours later, you were lying in bed trying to go to sleep. The clothes Mary made you wear were uncomfortable. Eventually, your blinking got slower and you closed your eyes.
Then there was a whisper shout.
"Shh! Shut the fuck up!"
"No one said anything sir.", another voice whispered.
"Not you dumbass, the floor!", the first voice replied. "Damn thing is creaking!"
"Walk along the sides! The middle parts are the creakiest.", a feminine voice said.
You sat up confused, holding your bunny close.
The footsteps were light but they were getting closer to your room. As quietly as you could, you got out of bed and made it look neat before hiding under it.
Keeping your breathing small and low, you watched as your door opened.
"No one's in here.", the second voice you heard said.
"Oh gee, thanks for the obvious Moxxie.", the first voice said. "Come on! We gotta kill that old bitch. She's probably down the hall."
The three walked away, leaving your door open.
Crawling out from under the bed carefully, you carried your stuffed toy to the doorway and remembered what the feminine voice said. Walking on your toes close to the wall, the floor boards didn't creak and you made it to the stairs.
"How do we wanna do this?", the feminine voice asked.
You heard it coming from the door on the other side of the hallway.
"We can lodge something in her throat and call it a day.", said the first voice.
You sat on the stairs, going down little by little.
"That'll look too weird. It has to be something believable.", the second voice said.
Once you got downstairs, the voices weren't that loud anymore and you looked around for Hanks office.
"Aah!", Mary's scream made you jump and run.
The voices upstairs got louder.
Banging and other loud noises had you run into the closest room. It was scary. Before you could hide, you saw a glowing circle appear. Walking over, you put your hand through it. Not feeling anything different, you walked into the new place and looked around.
"Nope.", a new voice said.
Looking over you saw a wolf? With long fur on top of their head. Red where the white is supposed to be in the eyes.
You looked at them for a little bit longer.
"We're back Loonie!", the first voice said.
They were tall, red with white spots and covered in more red stuff, two more red ones came through the same glowing circle.
"Ugh, I can't believe we had to take both of them out.", the second voice said, they had white hair.
One of them spotted you.
"Uh, Blitz?", said the feminine voice, who had black hair.
"I know Millie, you and Moxxie want alone time, but I'll be there watching you guys like always.", the first voice said.
"Blitz!", they ran over and turned the taller one's head to face you.
You held your stuffed rabbit closer.
"Oh shit-!",the tall one got a big blue book and ran over to you.
And then everything went dark.
What the fuck urban dictionary. That is not what I meant. Read their definition for uppies at your own discretion.
~Seline, the person.
Part 4
@ducky-died-inside @stolas-thebirb @c4rved-pumpk1n @naelys-the-aster @scary-noodlesblog
🐇 ChL | ML for Alastor🎙
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
The Odyssey | 0.1 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Summary: There are a few bumps in the road during your travel to Italy and your first day there. Bradley’s not a regular professor, he’s a cool professor.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, power imbalance (professor / student relationship), age gap (22 / 33), will be smut, virgin reader, swearing, themes of eventual infidelity, mentions of travel sickness and throwing up, wc: 4.5k
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“I can’t do it, I just can’t go,” You throw yourself back against the leather seats and cover your face with your hands. Malcom drives a Rolls Royce corniche from last year with a black exterior and brown leather seats. You’re parked outside of Ithaca Thompkins Reigonal airport, your suitcase is in the back and your fiancé’s stroking tenderly at your cheek. “It’s going to be hell.”
“It’s a summer in Italy, honey, not jail time.” Malcolm laughs at you, lifting your jaw and giving a calm shrug of his shoulders. The sun on your face, the two of you had practically the entire winter to celebrate your engagement, it seems fitting that his last summer is his and his alone. His heart squeezes at the thought of the autumn to come. Your honeymoon, a short stay at his father’s place in the Bahamas.
Then, the rest of your lives together. The thought is enough to make you concede finally.
“It’s hardly a vacation.”
“You’ll be home before you know it, and then you’re gonna be my wife. I’ll take you on all the vacations you could want.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” You point, tone begrudging as you finally move to pull open the car door. Your fiancé follows you out of the car, leaving the roof down as he
reaches into the back to grab your suitcase. It’s a gift from your mother, part of a matching his and hers set that should’ve stayed pristine until your honeymoon. Bringing it back tarnished isn’t an option.
He lifts it out of the car and walks around, closing your door for you and then wrapping an arm around your waist.
“This will all be a funny little thing that we look back on. Something to tell our kids the first time we take them to Italy.” Malcolm’s thumb nudges just slightly under your white t-shirt, stroking a gentle circle on your waist. He squeezes you against him, pleased with himself for finally drawing a smile from you.
“Alright, two, four, six…” Bradley counts the young adults in pairs, his brows drawing together as he searches for his seventh. There’s no need to wonder who it is that’s missing. Eight minutes after nine, he’s giving you two more before he leaves you behind.
“Hey, Bradley,” Luke is Bradley’s favourite TA. He’s not supposed to have favourites, but he’s also not supposed to have any tattoos. He’s supposed to wear a tie at work. ‘Supposed to’s’ haven’t mattered much to Bradley in the course of his career. Luke is a little shorter than Bradley, athletic and dark haired. He’s going to teach in France in the Autumn, inspired by his favourite professor. “Did you hear back from that guy in Sicily about August?”
Luke listens. He really cares about what he studies, Bradley likes that about him. They share the same sense of humour too. He smiled a little, and then shakes his head.
“No, I think he heard the American accent and made up his mind before I’d even asked him about it.” Bradley gives a small shrug, like it doesn’t matter, but they both know that would have been the opportunity of a century.
Luke’s sympathetic in his nod back. They leave it at that. Bradley lifts his arm and checks his watch again. As he’s about to turn and leave, he catches sight of you, strolling in and talking away to your fiancé like you aren’t holding everybody up.
“You’re late.”
You turn your head and look him over. He’s wearing beige shorts and white converse tennis blancs. No other professor you know would show up to a work trip in sneakers. The first impressions are set.
You’re late, he’s underdressed.
“Sorry, man. We hit traffic on Warren Road.”
It’s a maybe thirty minute drive from the furthest part of campus. Bradley doesn’t say anything at all. He just stares. Just the look on his face makes you seethe, wondering silently what kind of woman could have raised such an impolite adult.
His eyes pull away from Malcolm and fall down to the nice, white suitcase that you’ve brought along with you. It’s Ralph Lauren with an extendable handle and wheels. From this alone, Bradley knows that you haven’t spared a second to look at the itinerary. You watch him scrutinize your luggage, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Alright, well, since we’re already late. Let’s move.” Bradley decides, bored. He turns and hoists lifts his much more manageable suitcase into his right hand. Like ducklings, the other students gather quickly and follow him as he turns towards the check in desk.
“You can’t seriously expect me to spend three months in the middle of nowhere with that man,” You shake your head adamantly, folding your arms over your chest and looking to your fiancé for support. “I’ll wind up murdering him.”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to say murder in an airport, honey,” Malcolm teases. He pulls you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. “You’ll be back before you know it. Go, see the world. I’ll be right here to listen to all your stories when you get back.”
“I love you.” You mumble begrudgingly into his Tommy Hillfiger polo. He grins and kisses your temple, then tells you the same. Finally, he takes you by your shoulders and pushes you towards the other group of students.
You swallow dryly as your loafers carry you forwards. One of the students, dark haired and grinning, leans in and says something to Bradley while his eyes remain on you. Bradley chuckles as it and shakes his head, dropping his suitcase onto the scale.
Glancing back over your shoulder, trembling starting in your chest and spreading along your nerves, Malcolm smiles and nods for you to go ahead. He’s tanned already from the start of the golf season, cheeks dimpling, straight brown hair falling into his eyes a little. He’s going to have to cut it once he starts working for real, but you like the boyish look for now.
Pausing, you take your time to look him over. Taller than you by just a few inches, strong from his years of baseball, slim from his years of track, smooth skin and blue eyes that are just to die for.
Your gaze falls down to the rock on your finger. The knowledge that if you can withstand these two months, you’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted is enough to finally make you turn back around and set your suitcase down on the scale.
The next twenty four hours will be the worst. Your itinerary, which is wrinkled near the bottom from the stream of tears that had been pouring onto it the night before, tells you that it’s about seventeen hours of travel. A short flight, first, two Newark airport. Then, a six hour flight to London. Finally, a two hour flight to the north of Italy.
Bradley settles into his seat on the flight to Newark and glances behind him to search for his seven students. Three sitting together, two sitting together, Luke’s at his side and then you’re sitting on your own between an elderly married couple. His lips quirk to himself as he turns back around. It’s only fair that karma pays him back a little bit.
He’s less than thrilled about you being here. It just doesn’t seem fair that someone missed out on this opportunity because your daddy was able to pull some strings. You don’t give a shit about this trip. So, if it’s miserable for you, Bradley really couldn’t care less.
You rub at your temples, the volume of your Walkman turned up as loud as it will go, Joy Division blasting in your ears as the Houseman’s lean over you to argue with each other. Lifting your head, you find Bradley soundly asleep, arms folded over his chest and lips parted slightly — perfectly comfortable aside from his knees pressing into the seat in front.
He couldn’t care less when you’re panicking in the lounge at Newark airport, thinking you’ve lost your passport. Or when you’re stuck next to a screaming baby on the flight to London. Or, when on the flight from London to Turun, there’s such bad turbulence that the first thing you do upon landing is rush down the steps and puke.
“Oh, here — did you want some water?” Abigail offers. Bradley doesn’t know her that well other than the fact that she is the only person he knows who has never gotten less than an A in his class, and that she’s probably more intelligent than he is. And apparently, more of an empath. She rubs her hand along your shoulders soothingly and offers you the unopened plastic bottle.
You step back from the trash can, letting go of your hair and groaning quietly, blinking the tears from her eyes.
“Thank you,” You seem surprised by her kindness, taking the bottle from her slowly like she might have snatched it back from you. Gratitude. That surprises Bradley. “That’s really sweet of you.”
It’s not your fault that you were taught early on that there’s no such thing as a free handout, or that selflessness is a myth. Abigail comes from a much different background. Her mom does soup kitchens and charity drives, she taught all three of her children the meaning of kindness early on. Your mother taught you the value of womanhood early on.
“It’s no big deal.” She smiles, reaching into the pocket of her light washed jeans and pulling out a packet of gum. “You can keep this.”
Bradley watches the exchange, then checks his watch again. As much as it seems fair to watch you suffer, the last thing he needs is for you to call your father screaming on the first night.
“Alright. It’s a twenty minute ride to the hotel, there’s a bus for us outside. Are you going to be alright?”
Exhausted, your ears are ringing and this is the most professional that he has acted all day; you know not to push your luck with him. You nod weakly at him. He can’t help but notice how colourless you’re starting to look at baggage claim, and how much trouble he’s going to be in if you die on the first day. You chew tiredly on the peppermint gum, trying to pretend that the motion of just chewing alone isn’t enough to still make you queasy.
You should be in Malcolm’s television room, right now. Sitting curled into his side with your legs across his lap, watching some action movie that will keep his attention long enough for the two of you to finish it. Closing your eyes and picturing that you’re there just doesn’t cut it.
Stepping out of the airport, an iron-tight grip on your suitcase handle, you inhale deeply. The fresh air makes you feel a little less light headed. You sip slowly at the water. Everyone keeps looking at you.
It’s not half as warm as you had expected it to be. When you had pictured Italy, you had pictured vineyards and thick heat. Tonight, you’re in a city, and it’s actually a little cold even with the thick denim jacket you’re wearing. The chill helps breakthrough that sick, sweaty feeling that you’ve got going on though, which is nice.
“Mr. Bradshaw!”
Bradley’s lips turn up into a big grin as he locks sights on the short, bald man that’s grinning at him from in front of a black minivan.
“Pasquale!” He chuckles as he speaks, dwarfing the older man as they hug. You’ve never seen him that pleased to see anyone. “How’s it going?”
“Same old, same old,” Pasquale shrugs, giving Bradley a knowing wink. They share a laugh again. “Big group this year.”
Bradley turns to look at all of you over his shoulder, then nodding slowly. His gaze lingers on you. “Uh-huh. They’re a little tired.”
“Well, then, let’s get the kids to bed.” Pasquale jokes. He grabs the handle and tugs open the middle door to the van, then walks around to tug open the back doors.
Everyone hands their bags to him, then finds a seat inside. Making the most of the fresh air whilst you’ve got it, you’re intentionally the last.
Pasquale grunts as he lifts your suitcase off of the ground, struggling with the weight of it. Bradley shoots him a look and then grabs your arm, stopping you before you can step into the van.
“Sit up front. In case you puke.” He instructs, grabbing the passenger side door and pulling it open for you. Waiting for the ground to just swallow you whole, you nod weakly again.
Bradley was right. It’s a twenty minute ride to the hotel. He just hadn’t warned you that it was going to be the longest twenty minutes of your life. Turin has a tram system and passing over the tracks, and the bumpy roads makes your stomach churn. Pasquale tries to make conversation but there’s not really much you have to say. Everyone behind you is in pretty good spirits, looking out of the windows and talking about the city.
“Alright, everyone gets a roommate — are we going to be mature about this and buddy up, or do I have to treat you like you’re six?”
You’re blinking at him now, knowing that no one here will want to share with you, hoping that you get assigned a room so that you can finally pass out. The hotel is ninety years old and it looks older, cracks through the paint and cobwebs in the corners, but you just can’t find it in you to care. Dust fills your nose and makes you blink like you’re going to sneeze. The entire place smells like cigarettes. Speaking of cigarettes, Bradley’s just itching for a couple of seconds away from you guys.
Everyone around you buddies up. Your eyes widen, finding that there are only seven students.
“Uh, no, no — you two cannot share a room. I’m not taking anybody home pregnant. Luke, you’re with me.” Bradley snaps his fingers, frowning sternly. You turn your head and watch as he takes his arm off of the girl’s shoulders. She whines, frowning at Bradley. “That goes for all of you actually. You’re all adults, just — I’m not your dad, don’t make me act like it. Okay?”
“Okay…” Come a few begrudging agreements as Luke sulks over to Bradley.
“Cool. That leaves you two.” Bradley decides, nodding to you and the girl who just had her evening’s plans ruined. You swallow, nudging the toe of your shoe into the faded red carpet under you. “Okay. I’m going to give you your keys, there’s one per room so don’t be a dick and lock your roommate out. Don’t lose your key, there’s a twenty euro replacement fee and I’m not paying it.”
What no one had mentioned to you about Italy was the stairs. You’re still fairly naive about it as you drag your suitcase up to the third floor — you’ve got a long summer ahead of you. Your room is at the furthest end of the hall. Bradley makes his location known to all of you, and then suggests that you try to get as much sleep as you can.
“Dibs on the bed by the window.” Your roommate, who you now know to be named Robin because of a conversation you heard as you were coming up the stairs, declares before the door is even open.
You’re far too tired to argue, and not really bothered by that kind of thing anyway.
It’s a twin room with dated paint on the walls and patterned sheets, heavy curtains covering the window and faded carpet under foot. You swallow softly as you look around you. Quickly, you realise what’s missing.
“What? — Not what you’re used to?” Robin teases as she lifts her bag and drops it onto the bed by the window. It’s most definitely not what you’re used to. Your mother wouldn’t touch this place with a ten foot pole and your father dismantles businesses like this one just for the fun of it.
Still, the decor isn’t your biggest issue. “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Huh,” She stops to look around the room, frowning, then shrugs and turns back to her case. She unzips it and flips the top open. Your eyes land immediately on the box of trojans at the top of her belongings. “I don’t know. Ask Brad.”
You’ve never heard anyone call him Brad, or heard him introduce himself as that. You don’t like it. But, you turn and walk down the hall anyway. All that you want right
After approximately thirty seconds of peace, Bradley winces at the knocking on his door. Something in his gut tells him that it’s you, or something you’ve done, before he even answers.
The force with which he swings the door open makes you jump. You almost shrink away from him, pushing your sweaty hair back off of your face, then remember everything that your father taught you about being taken seriously. You swallow, straightening up again, “Our room doesn’t have a bathroom in it.”
“There’s one at the end of the hall. It’s right next to your room.” Bradley answers, resting his hand on the chipped paint over the doorframe, nodding his head in the vague direction of it. He watches your face change in realization. You look more sick now than you had when you were hunched over that bin.
“Oh. It’s… a shared bathroom?”
“Yeah. It’s for the floor.” Bradley’s tone tells you that he thinks you’re even more stupid than you feel. You don’t even share a bathroom in your own home. Safety is the first thing that crosses your mind.
“What if someone tries to get in while I’m in there?”
“Locks are still a thing here.”
Luke snorts in amusement from inside of their room behind him.
“I know that,” Your tone slowly starts to stray from sheepish to snappy. It’s been a long day and being made fun of isn’t how you would like to end it. “But, I really need to take a shower and I—“
“Luke, go stand outside of the door until she’s done.” Bradley’s already turning away from the door, bored by his conversation with you and starting to pry open the buttons on his blue shirt.
“Me? — Why do I have to do it?” Luke frowns from his perch at the end of the twin bed closest to the door.
“Because I want her to shut up and quit whining at me, and you owe me a favour. Remember?”
It seems unprofessional for Bradley to be close enough to one of his students that they’re now owing each other personal favours. That’s something to think about another time. You shift back awkwardly as Luke pushes himself up from his bed and starts towards you.
“Alright. Go get your stuff.”
Exhausted, you’re on the verge of blacking out the entire time that you’re standing under the stream of water. It’s lukewarm and the pressure is poor, but it helps.
You brush your teeth quickly and dress yourself in your pyjamas. Sitting on the floor, Luke falls backwards into the bathroom as you tug it open.
Now laying on his back, you catch his gaze starting to wander. Even about to fall asleep standing, you’re awake enough to jump back before he can sneak a peek up your nightdress.
“Pig.” You mutter, stepping around him without thanking him for standing guard. He watches you wander back to your room and slam the door shut, then pushes himself up laughing.
He walks calmly back to his room and lets himself in, swinging the door shut behind him. Bradley’s on the bed by the window, a cigarette dangling from his lips and a stack of six books, all opened to different pages sitting in front of him.
“D’you think she’s really going to make it two whole months?”
Bradley looks up, scratching an itch on his bare shoulder and then taking the cigarette from his mouth. He exhales, then shakes his head with a breathy chuckle.
“Buddy, the sooner that she calls her dad to come and get her, the better.” He mutters, flicking ash from the cigarette into an empty water bottle and picking up his pen to scrawl a few notes onto the page of one of the books.
Luke drops down onto his bed and tucks his arms behind his bed. He wishes all of his professors were as cool as Bradley is. “She wears a nightdress like my freaking grandmother.”
Bradley scoffs, taking a long draw on the cigarette, his dog tags dangling between his collarbones as he flicks through the paperwork for the trip. His lips quirk up slightly as he shoots his friend and student a playful look, “Well, what does your grandmother wear?”
Luke pulls a face and then shrugs, running his hands through his feathery, raven coloured hair. “I don’t know, it comes down to like here. Hers was this cute little yellow with cap sleeves and a heart shaped kinda neckline.”
Bradley’s smirk grows around the thin cigarette as he looks over. “Didn’t you say your Mom was one of six kids?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Maybe your grandmother was onto something with those little nightgowns, huh?” Bradley taunts, chuckling and turning back to work while Luke gasps in horror at his side.
“You’re sick.” Luke complains, amused but playfully offended as he turns onto his side and presses his face into his pillow. Bradley just laughs to himself.
The next morning, you can’t help but notice that Luke seems to have modeled himself after Bradley. Both of them are wearing nearly the same thing. A half buttoned, cotton shirt — Bradley’s is a pale yellow, Luke’s is a deeper blue — and five inch shorts.
Once again, you’re late, he’s overdressed.
You’re in a cute little sundress with a sweet little purse in your shoulder and a pair of expensive, Dior sunglasses on your face.
“Did everyone eat?” Bradley asks, tucking his Ray-bans into the opening in his shirt by their arm. He’s got a baseball cap on today, his auburn curls peeking out from under it. You bet Luke’s pretty upset that he didn’t get the memo on hats. A chorus of quiet yes’ come from your class. “Good. Because lunch isn’t for another five hours and we’ve got some walking to do.
“Now, remember,” He pushes his hands into his pockets and looks straight at you. “You’re a big group of kids in a foreign city, so watch your stuff because someone will try to take it if you’re not careful.”
That seems like common sense. With Pasquale as your tour guide, you’re led through the streets of Turin. Bradley already seems to know his way around well enough, walking ahead of everybody else, studying the streets as he passes. This is his sixth summer consecutively spent in Europe, his fourth year spent in Italy. Turning his face towards the sun, indirectly looking up at the laundry hanging between apartments over his head, he misses it here more than anything.
As much as this is a research trip for himself and his work, it’s also somewhat of a cultural exchange. So, the first stop is a museum near the centre of the city. Today’s itinerary starts with this place, the museum of national something something. You cross your arms over your chest and look over the detailed architecture. It’s pretty, but you can’t pretend that you wouldn’t rather be sat on a rooftop in Manhattan with your girlfriends on this sunny morning.
Although, back there it would be the middle of the night, barely 3am. It still feels like 3am for you, you would have happily spent another five hours in bed just to avoid returning to that shared bathroom.
“Who knows what this place is?” Bradley stops and turns on his heel. Everyone seems to know at once, spouting off the name of the museum whilst you’re still standing there with your arms folded. “Cool. And who can tell me what Risorgimento is?”
“It was the nineteenth-century Italian movement of unification.” Abigail answers calmly, tucking a braid behind her ear. She’s well prepared for the day, wearing her backpack on her front so that she can keep an eye on it.
The streets are busy already, the centre of Turin at almost 8am is bustling with people trying to get to work and tourists trying to get to the sights.
In retrospect, it was a bad place to stop. Standing in front of a big museum with a group of students. It’s practically a target. You, with those fucking Dior sunglasses on your face, are a target. The man isn’t dressed like a thief. He’s wearing blue jeans and a green Ralph Lauren polo, walking quickly like he has somewhere to be. You don’t take any mind as he bumps into you, inhaling quickly as you’re surprised by the impact, but then stepping out of his way without much notice.
Bradley has watched as the man had sped up, knocking his shoulder into yours and curling his hand around the strap of your bag. With one swift tug, he has the strap off of your shoulder quickly. Your brows draw together, surprised and confused as you turn to look.
Immediately, Bradley steps forwards and catches hold of the back of the man’s navy shirt. He tugs hard and pulls the man back swiftly before you’ve even registered what was happening. Bradley tells him something in Italian, the man lets go of your bag accordingly and then sneers at your professor. He mutters something back that you don’t understand Bradley lifts his hands and shoves hard at his shoulders.
The man stumbles, sneering at you as he turns and hightails it away from your group.
“What did I tell you? — Watch your stuff.” Bradley mutters in annoyance, like it’s your fault that you were almost mugged. Your mouth opens to back with an immediate protest. He narrows his eyes at you. “I’m not going to babysit you this whole trip.”
“No one’s asking you to.” You bite back.
“Hey, he did a nice thing. Maybe stop being such a bitch.”
Bradley and you both turn to look at the same time, finding Robin tucked under Luke’s arm and looking at you like you just kicked her. You gaze darts quickly back to Bradley, waiting for him to scold her.
Instead, he just looks at you like it’s all your fault and then turns away, calling for the group to follow him inside. You flinch as someone bumps into your other arm, finding Pasquale smiling at you.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine.” You answer Bradley’s friend begrudgingly.
He’s older, maybe in his late forties or his early fifties. A little shorter than you, with a seemingly perpetual smile on his face. He guides you after your class with his hand on the elbow. “Seems like Italy doesn’t agree with you much,” You’re not certain if that’s a polite way of him saying that Bradley doesn’t like you much, you leave him without an answer anyway. “Stick with me, I’ll help you find your feet, miss.”
If you’re wondering what her nightgown looked like, it’s the yellow one on the right
@thedroneranger @batdanceq @wkndwlff @littlemissobsessedwitholdermen @sunflowerziva @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @bradshawseresinbabe @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @thecitysgraveyard
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daiseukiis · 1 year
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FEAT. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ chigiri hyouma, yukimiya kenyu, nagi seishiro, alexis ness, bachira meguru, hiori yo, kurona ranze
A/ N. when i tell you i went to sephora to smell at least 15 scents and had employees ask me how i was doing five times is a mf understatement. i stood in front of that fragrance wall, sniffed and labeled the smells. srsly 5/10 would not go back unless i gotta, so mf crowded for what. again, i work as a cosmetician and these are opinions i think they would smell like. but definitely if you guys ever has a whiff of these scents let me know what you think!
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༊*·˚ CHIGIRI HYOMA is 100% going to wear YSL LA NUIT DE HOMME EAU DE TOILETTE. this fragrance starts off very subtle, which is exactly what he's going for! super aromatic, and despite it supposedly being a spicy hot fragrance ( as in when you smell it, it's kinda warm ) there's this woodsy and slightly citrus smell that gaslights into making you smell this sweet note that pops up once it fully develops on him!! chigiri was definitely surprised at the warmth and kinda sweet smell it had, also his sister helped him chose it.
༊*·˚ YUKIMIYA KENYU with his sponsor BURBERRY HERO EAU DE PARFUM.  this guy is into some of the classics! despite how strong the scent comes off at first, it dials down to this spicy fresh scent. you'd be surprised how the spiciness isn't overwhelming and aromatic as well. there's an amazing cedar and citrus scent that makes it worth while! it really suits him as he goes with it since its long lasting and when he models it gives him a fresh and woody smell. he most like started wearing it after modelling with burberry and just stuck to it.
༊*·˚ NAGI SEISHIRO wears VALENTINO UMONO BORN IN ROMA EAU DE TOILETTE. this scent it is a nice woody but mineral like smell. a spicy hot middle note that gives you that warmth and comfiness when you smell it. very aromatic and slightly aquatic due to the salt and sage! just giving lots of at home and comfy vibes. he wants to go with something that he can wear on an everyday thing, and something that isn't to overpowering. he also doesn't give a shit if its a men or womens fragrance because his parents probably just bought it for him.
༊*·˚ ALEXIS NESS of course wears VERSACE DYLAN BLUE. this is very citrusy and very amber smelling when you spray it for the first time, but when it starts to dry down the scent will not be as strong and it's subtle! doesn't want to put kaiser's eros to shame. when it dries you'll be surprised to smell that fresh but also warm spicy ( like his mf personality ). hint of woodsy and musk that blends together to very subtle sweet aromatic smell. obviously, he would be a frequent versace buyer because of kaiser but doesn't wanna wear the same thing as him! .
༊*·˚ BACHIRA MEGURU surprisingly wears TOM FORD COSTA AZZURA EAU DE PARFUM. this aromatic smell is definitely unique... it has woody and citrus top notes when first sprayed, but there's a marine like scent after due to the seaweed!! this scent is enhanced due to the lavender, lemon and mandarin but what makes it super interesting is this herbaceous!! the vanilla gives you that warm, kinda spicy with an odd sweet smell? honestly when i smelt it i was like wtf is this bc its so different. bachira's mom bought for him 100%.
༊*·˚ HIORI YO wears MONT BLANC LEGEND SPIRIT FRESH. this screams him and i cannot be convinced otherwise ! this scent is something super freshly light, nothing overbearing due to the aquatic scents because of the grapefruit! theres a hint of spiciness but its super fresh because of the cardamom. the lavender and woody scent is giving a nice soft powdery feel. this has a hint of sweetness, you can't really smell it unless you concentrate to smell it but it hides just a bit behind those wood notes. hiori got this one because when he went out one of the salesperson suggested it to him and he likes how it makes him feel like he's not in his home.
༊*·˚ KURUNA RANZE is giving PRADA LUNA ROSA OCEAN. it’s nice fresh scent that has very mild woodsy notes!! reminds you as if you went to the ocean on a sunny day. it's powdery and aromatic and the musky note it has is super subtle! has that hint citrus scent with a slightly spicy note with it but what makes it an aromatic is the lavender. kuruna at first only smelt this because it said ocean, but he ended up actually liking it so he can feel like an on land shark boy.
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© daiseukiis 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Part 8 Jaya Arc now with Robin, (who’s fond of Reader, and has been teaching her to read and write) and meet Mashira, the ‘Monkey Man’ but everyone got scared by the ‘giant monsters’ that suddenly appeared and escaped (By rowing incredibly fast) and go to Mock Town, a Resort Island for Pirates
Reader joins Luffy, Zoro and Nami into town (Wearing a disguise, only to discover her poster hasn’t reached this island yet, to their relief and lets her take it off since it’s no doubt uncomfortable) as she and Luffy got an Apple from a strange man, both duds, but it still horrified them that Reader could’ve died (As they’re glaring darkly at the Man) then they find a nice hotel, however the entire place was rented by a ‘Mr. Bellamy’ and his friends insulting the 4 (Reader’s hugging Luffy because she doesn’t like these people) and leave (Nami was especially made when they insulted the red dress she made for Reader because she’s “Too Adorable to wear such ‘Ugly/Cheap Threads”, though Reader told Nami she prefers the clothes Nami makes her than any others clothes, which made her feel a little better)
At a Bar to get information, Luffy gets into a fight with a man over pies and drinks (Reader is confused) and then Bellamy himself demanding to see Luffy, he buys him and her a drink, only to slam Luffy’s head through the bar (Causing Reader to feel scared) though when everyone begins to start attacking Luffy and Zoro, Reader wants to help heal them, but Luffy firmly told her no, so when they leave, she immediately tries to heal Zoro and Luffy’s wounds (And trying to hold in her tears because she was scared)
When the crew gets together again they meet a strange man Mont Blanc Cricket and rencounter the Monkey Brothers (Though they bonded, having fun with Luffy and Reader, making Nami and Usopp worried she might catch Luffy’s ‘Stupidity’) who told them to search for a ‘South Bird’ (Reader got separated, but she found the South Bird and was surrounded by giant insects, they’re very docile around her because she’s sharing her snacks, and was found with a South Bird following her like a Baby Duckling)
But when they came back to see Cricket and the Monkey Brothers beaten up (Everyone is upset after discovering it was the ‘Bellamy’ man who took all the gold Cricket collected) so Reader comes with Luffy because she wants to get Crickets’ gold back, and the whole town was horrified after finally discovering not only does Luffy have a 100 Million Bounty, along with Zoro with a 60 Million Bounty, but Reader has a 150 Million Bounty (Because of the angel of the moon and the size of her horn causing a shadow on her face, everyone who saw Reader were terrified of her when she held her out her hands and politely asked for the gold back, which they did out of fear, as she and Luffy leave them and an unconscious Bellamy behind)
Then Reader along with the Straw Hats wave Cricket and the Monkey Brothers goodbye as they go on the Knock-Up Stream (With Reader a little scared but inside just to make sure she doesn’t fall overboard) not noticing Blackbeard smirking at the Straw Hats and thinks what Luffy and Reader will bring to the world
-It had been about a week since Robin joined the crew and other than Zoro, being stubborn, Robin got along with everyone on the crew, especially you. You were so eager to learn, wanting to be able to read and write, it got to the point where the only time you weren’t practicing is when you ate or were sleeping.
-You were waiting for Luffy and the others to rise from their underwater expedition, worried for them. According to Usopp, who was overseeing the diving expedition, they were looking for material for an island in the sky, which made your eyes go so big, Robin couldn’t help but tease you, “If your eyes get any bigger they’re gonna pop out.” Chopper was laughing at your shocked face before they both had to calm you down as you believed her, which she thought was rather cute.
-Mashira looked like the monkey in your picture book, making your eyes sparkly before he dove down to where your big brothers were, as they tried to lay claim to the shipwreck down below, and your big brothers weren’t going to give it up without a fight.
-When everyone rocketed to the surface, barely escaping the giant sea turtle that ate the ship they were trying to salvage, you were worried, helping Sanji out of his barrel diving suit, holding onto his hand.
-The sky suddenly went dark and both crews turned to see two massive figures that looked to have wings, holding weapons and you held Sanji, shrieking in fear as everyone paddled away.
-When you all arrived in Mock Town, Nami had to brush out your long hair, giggling on how windblown you looked, which made you laugh when she showed you how funny you looked, before she helped you get dressed to go into town, disguising yourself.
-Robin learned the rules about you early on, that you had to be with one of them always, and disguise yourself in town, since you were so highly wanted, something she knew a lot about.
-Mock Town was like a resort town for pirates! There were no marines, and after a bit of hesitation and gentle coaxing from Nami, Luffy, and Zoro, whom you were with, you removed your hat, as your bounty poster hadn’t made it there yet.
-It felt so liberating but also a bit scary, being in town and not wearing your hat as you held onto Luffy’s hand.
-A nice but kind of strange man gave you and Luffy both an apple after he and Zoro helped him onto a horse, which also was rather weak. You both took a bite before a loud explosion took you by surprise, turning and you froze, hearing that the apples were explosive.
-You were both lucky, have gotten duds, and you were quickly tearing up, scared, while Zoro, Luffy, and Nami immediately terrified this man with their murderous looks, never had he felt so scared before!
-Once you were calmed down the four of you headed to a hotel, only to find it completely booked by a man named Bellamy and his crew. A funny looking man named Sarquiss came out and mocked the four of you, throwing money at Zoro, “Get some better looking clothes, you all look so drab, even that little girl’s dress is shabby! Someone so cute should be dressed in something much finer!”
-You looked down at your dress, it was something that Nami made for you, apple red with white sleeves and white leggings, and matching red shoes.
-Nami was being held back by Zoro, her screaming at the laughing man who was walking away while you were hugging Luffy, who had kneeled next to you, comforting you as you didn’t like these strange men.
-You later learned this was a pirate island, with everyone on the island being a pirate! Which made since due to all the violence happening the lack of marine presence.
-They took you to a bar and Luffy sat you on one of the barstools and the barkeeper grinned, seeing you, you were so tiny, before Luffy and a bit man with long black hair got into a fight over pies, which made question marks fly around your head.
-Nami punched Luffy on the top of his head, “Idiot! I told you not to start trouble! We’re here for information only!!” Luffy, now puffy and bruised, apologized.
-A man then stormed in, demanding to fight Luffy, and not wanting to get scolded by Nami again, Luffy refused while Nami went to talk to bartender about Sky Island.
-Everyone started yelling and laughing, making fun of them, calling Sky Island a fantasy! Bellamy said that things like the City of Gold and One Piece were useless things, as there was more treasure to be found around them, not in chasing fantasies!
-Bellamy bought Luffy and you each a drink, getting you juice since you were much too young to have booze, but as soon as Luffy was handed his, Bellamy punched, him and instantly everyone was attacking him and Zoro.
-Nami grabbed you, protecting you as she begged them not to fight, and they didn’t, refusing to fight back, before you were all laughed out of the bar.
-The man with the long black hair ran out and encouraged Luffy to never give up on his dream, which made your eyes widen, seeing Luffy turn to him, shock on his face.
-Once back on the ship you hugged Chopper, holding him close as Nami explained they had no luck getting any information, but Robin did, hearing about a man on the other side of the island, Mont Blanc Cricket, who seemed to know about Sky Island.
-You all ran into Shoujou, whom you learned was a sworn brother to Mashira, but before anything bad could happen, you all managed to escape.
-Once at Cricket’s house, Sanji told you the tail of Liar Noland, who once found the City of Gold, but when he returned with his king and it wasn’t there, the king killed him, calling him a liar. Your eyes were huge and sparkling, “Is there really a city made of gold?!” you were so cute, getting several head pats as nobody could answer you, not wanting to dash your joy.
-Cricket was a nice man after he crawled out of the ocean, introducing himself as Noland’s descendant and to clear his family’s name and prove the existence of the City of Gold, he dives each day, looking for evidence.
-Mashira and Shoujou were followers of Cricket, wanting to know the truth as well, calling themselves the Saruyama Alliance. You and Luffy were playing with the two brothers, they were both so gentle with you and Nami sighed, rolling her eyes, “He better not rub off his stupidity onto Y/N.”
-After Cricket explained about the Knock Up Stream, you all needed to find a South Bird, which always points south, to find it.
-In the forest, looking for the South Bird, Luffy, who was supposed to be watching you, ran off, leaving you alone in a dark forest, making you panic slightly, before you started wandering in the direction Luffy went.
-You sound the South Bird, but not realizing it, it was a nice bird who cooed sweetly when you approached, seeing it surrounded by large bugs, and you were munching on a large bread roll that Cricket gave to you, and you shared your bread with the bird.
-Luffy was black and blue when you arrived back, the South Bird following you like a baby duckling, as he had been punished for leaving you alone, but without his stupidity, you wouldn’t have found the South Bird.
-However, when you all arrived back at Cricket’s, you gasped, seeing that he, Mashira, and Shoujou were all heavily injured, and Luffy was furious, learning that Bellamy and his crew did it, taking the gold he had managed to find.
-You didn’t allow Luffy to leave without you, showing a stubbornness you had never displayed before, and he agreed, under the pinkie promise that you were going to stay back and out of harm.
-People were treating both you and Luffy way differently now, after the new batch of bounty posters came in, and Mock Town was a place where the hierarchy was based on bounties, and both you and Luffy were way higher than the highest bounty on the island, Bellamy.
-Luffy called Bellamy out and you were worried, as he still wasn’t fighting back, even while Bellamy was using his Devil Fruit abilities. You were hiding behind a barrel, peeking out as Luffy punched him only once, instantly beating him, showing everyone that these bounties weren’t fake.
-You trotted out and everyone back pedaled in fear, seeing you there, which surprised you before you spoke up, “Can we have Mr. Cricket’s gold back please.” They instantly brought out the gold, handing it to Luffy before you saw the three new bounty posters, one for Luffy, Zoro, and you and you asked a man for a copy, and he instantly gave you a set.
-Cricket was happy to have his gold back, thanking you both, kneeling to pat your head gently which made you smile warmly before you all said goodbye to the three of them.
-Once back out at sea you showed them all the new posters you had gotten, as you wanted to collect all the bounty posters and jaws dropped, seeing your bounty had went up dramatically, Luffy was at 100 million, while you were now at 150 million!!!
-The Knock Up Stream was terrifying! Sanji had put you in the galley, so you wouldn’t fall overboard, and you were once again under the table, holding onto the post of the table, biting your bottom lip lightly.
-There was a moment of weightlessness, like you were floating for a moment, before you slammed down hard, and everything went dark.
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asukiess · 4 months
I got really into the Loveybug train after seeing that original post. I am really into Canon Divergent AUs especially those that change a character in a certain direction that is key to their personality.
So I ask you, what would be the "Chat Blanc incident" in the Loveybug AU?
I know Cat Walker happened way before the Cat Walker episode, but this is fanfic, the timeline is more of a guideline. So would Loveybug or Chat Walker get the Chat Blanc treatment?
this is such a good question, thank you for the good good idea!! first of all, I also wanna say that I’m glad you’re enjoying it, and I wanna invite @pisoprano & @blur0se to share their thoughts as well 🥰 (and anyone else interested of course!)
I’m very much a “throw ideas at the wall like spaghetti” so here’s the ideas that marinated:
It’s hard to have Ladybug destroy the whole world as the stakes were quite different for Chat Noir, buuuuuut! Since the AU is about the major transformation of Ladybug, let’s think about what would send her to the breaking point.
1. If she’s already distraught about having Chat Noir unintentionally refuse her confession, we could have an Elation-style Loveywalker kiss where he “comes to his senses” and apologizes because Adrien doesn’t feel this aligns with Catwalker’s ideals, he not supposed to fall in love, and she becomes Akumatized.
2. Loveywalker have their own shared Jubilation dream but instead of it sending an already distraught Chat Noir to the brink and almost cata’ing Damocles, Loveybug instead becomes disillusioned and feels that loving someone is truly, truly out of the question for her. Kinda bringing back that early S4 Marinette where she was convinced she wouldn’t ever be able to date. So, Loveybug wears white like she would to a wedding but white is also used in mourning flowers so it’s like mourning a life she’d never be able to live. Meanwhile, Catwalker is trying to convince the girl who was always reassuring to him that his love was never wasted, the girl who inspired him to realize he was worth so much more than just being CW, that made him realize he could love again after Ladybug, that while he knows love is difficult, she’ll be able to have that life someday too.
3. Classic trope where maybe Lila manipulates those around Marinette like she promised (maybe just the situations idk) against her so Loveybug is left feeling isolated, alone, and therefor becomes a physical embodiment of feeling that unloveable.
AND there’s a few white ladybugs in nature so!! there’s even one with a heart shdhdjdj
Personally, I LOVE the idea of Blanc-Catwalker but I haven’t ever been able to pin down concrete ideas myself.
thank you again for the ask!!
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
December moments
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Prompts used in this chapter: last night - New Year
Sherlock thinks back on the year that’s soon to be history. Has this been his best year, or was it the year he met John for the first time, or when he got a puppy for his birthday, or when Mycroft read Treasure Island to him for the first time? Let’s find out what he decides.
December 31
Falling asleep in John’s arms, has become Sherlock’s favourite thing. Correction: one of his favourite things. The list is an ongoing project and will most likely never get finished. John’s a source of constant surprise, which leaves Sherlock breathless and excited. Never in his life has anybody made him feel this vibrant, alive, loved and cherished. 
Sherlock looks down at John’s hand that rests protectively over Sherlock’s heart. The late morning light makes it possible to see the gold ring on John’s finger. It’s almost glowing, and for the first time since Sherlock put it there, he wishes he had thought of buying himself one too.
Why hadn’t he?
Because he never in his life has worn anything but a watch. A ring seemed to be unnecessary at the time of his purchase. He just needed John to wear one as a proof that he was Sherlock’s. 
But what if John feels the same?
Sherlock decides to go out to buy a ring for himself as soon as the jeweller opens after New Year. 
He doesn’t cook very often but they have planned this for a few days, staying at home on this last day of their first year as lovers, and Sherlock wants it to be a day to remember. They’ve decided on turkey breast served with Hasselback potatoes, haricot verts sauteed with almonds and a cream-based orange sauce. Two bottles of Chenin Blanc from Loire are already placed in the fridge. The fruitcake Sherlock made earlier that month will be a perfect finale to the meal. 
John has set the table and comes up behind Sherlock, circling his arms around Sherlock’s waist, resting his head between the shoulder blades, sighing contented. 
“Thanks for doing this, love. Making the year’s last night into a feast,” he murmurs. 
Sherlock leans back, nudging John to press in closer. All his nerve endings are tingling by the contact. 
How is John able to do that with just caressing him like this?
“Witchcraft,” Sherlock mutters under his breath. 
John just chuckles and presses an open-mouthed kiss to Sherlock’s exposed neck. A jolt of desire shoots down his spine, stirring his penis.
“Hold that thought,” John whispers against his flushed skin, letting his hands run up Sherlock’s flanks. 
When John lets go, Sherlock feels bereft, and his legs feel too weak to carry him. The anticipation of what awaits him once they’ve eaten, makes him lick his dry lips. 
“You should cook more often. That was fantastic!” John exclaims after he’s eaten his fair share of the meal Sherlock’s prepared. 
Sherlock just hums, feeling deliciously light-headed after too much wine. Through dinner, he’s pondered if this has been the best year of his life. It should be easy to answer yes, but what about the year he got the puppy, or when he discovered pirate stories from Mycroft’s reading? Sure, those years had been wonderful, but they couldn’t compare to this year. Only one year came close, and he realises he’s nowhere near a conclusion. It has to be a tie between the two most significant years he’s ever experienced; the year he met John and the year they became lovers. They could after all not have existed without the other. 
He startles when he feels fingers carding through his hair, and John straddling him. His hands automatically find John’s hips, holding him in place. 
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart? You’ve been quiet for almost ten minutes,” John says in a soft voice. 
Sherlock clasps his hands around the small of John’s back and pulls him closer so he can reach John’s neck and nuzzle into it. John continues to pet his hair, and it’s utter bliss. 
“John,” he murmurs, placing a kiss on John’s jaw. “I just pondered a serious question.”
“Okay. Which question?” John inquires, not for a second stopping his ministrations to Sherlock’s head. 
“God, John,” Sherlock moans with closed eyes leaning into John’s touch. “I love when you do that.”
“I know. That’s why I do it,” John says fondly and bends down to kiss Sherlock’s forehead. 
Sherlock finally answers John, and his blue eyes fill with tears when Sherlock explains that it’s impossible to choose between the year they met and this year. 
“How is it possible for me to love you more than I already do?” John asks. 
It’s a rhetorical question, which becomes clear when John only seconds later cups Sherlock’s face and kisses him so tenderly it almost hurts. 
Neither of them wanted to go out to witness the fireworks. It’s after all widely displayed on the telly if they feel the urge to watch it. 
The fruitcake turned out just as Sherlock had expected, and John’s praise made him blush slightly, which John for some reason adored. 
John had insisted they clean up the kitchen before settling into their chairs by the fireplace. Sherlock had acquiesced, mostly because John did the dishes and Sherlock got to distract him, biting and licking at John’s lovely neck. In the end, John had intervened. 
“My darling, Sherlock. I can’t get a thing done when your gorgeous lips are marking me like that. The faster I finish, the faster we can go back to kissing. Light the fire, play for me, or put on some music or the telly, but get out of the kitchen for ten minutes, or…”
Sherlock stopped this ridiculous string of words effectively with his mouth plastered to John’s, pressing John toward the counter. Strong hands gripped his upper arms, pushed him away, turned him to face the sitting room, and one palm swatted his arse teasingly. 
“Do as you’re told, soldier,” John snarled. 
Sherlock immediately straightened and walked to the fireplace, daring a look over his shoulder before crouching down at the hearth. John was watching him with narrowed eyes, his arms akimbo and his weight equally distributed on both feet. 
His captain!
In record time he got the fire burning, not without his hands trembling both from John’s reprimand and his own expectations of what was to come when John had finished in the kitchen. 
Sherlock had been so lost in his thoughts and almost jumped up to standing when John called his name beside him. He looked up at John from under his lashes, careful not to be cheeky, but John’s eyes were soft.
“Come here,” John crooned, and Sherlock rose gracefully to his feet. 
His heart did something funny in his chest by the tone of John’s voice and the look in his eyes. John took him in his arms, kissed his lips while cupping his face. 
Outside people were gathering with cheerful and drunken voices, ready to watch the sky being filled with colourful fireworks. 
Inside 221B a certain doctor surprised his detective for the last time that year by bringing Sherlock’s left hand to his lips kissing the knuckles before sliding a golden ring onto his ring finger. 
Read it on AO3
@totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @raina-at @sabsi221b @gregorovitchworld @topsyturvy-turtely @peanitbear @helloliriels
Thank you for all you support through this month and 2023. It means the world! A special thanks to the remarkable @totallysilvergirl for, without knowing it, made me consider writing a story for each day of the month, and now I'm apparently doing the days until Epiphany as well, but that's another story altogether... See you tomorrow! In the mean time, Happy New Year <3
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Forged au:
After dealing with so much stuff in her life, with the mask and without the mask, Marinette is so tired... she is so tired of having to tiptoe around everyone because of her secret identity, she is so so tired of dealing with Lil's lies and with the fact that even if Alya already knows that she's ladybug... She still decided to believe whatever comes out of her mouth.
Most of the class still believes Lila too, Adrien is not much of a help in that area as of currently, and then someone who supposedly is a "miraculous guardian" decided to try and take HER miraculous box from her, and with the bomb to both Cat noir and Pollen dropped on her about what actually happened with Chloe, makes her feel ever worse then she already felt...
She has no actual support system and she can't even talk to cat noir about her problems because of the stupid identity rules that are in place (and because of her fear of him becoming Chat Blanc but she would never admit that outloud... Atleast not now). She's so stressed out and overwhelmed that she's starting to find comfort in Ursa's visits and check ups
She knows it's not good that she found out she was Multi-mouse but it's better then her finding out she's Ladybug, sometimes it confuses her how someone who so blatantly shows her distaste and annoyance for her alter-ego... be so thoughtful and caring with her secret identity. Sometimes Ursa would show up on her balcony with some little gift or trinkets that 'supposedly' reminded her of her like if she knew or saw that that day was a hard and gloomy day for her. Other times she'd show up with nothing as an offering and just sit down or stand next to her, admiring the night sky, not saying anything as if she knew that on those days Marinette only needed to have someone there next to her, not talking just the presence of someone next to her... To show her and reassure her that she at least has one person there for her.
But not in any of the previous times that Ursa visited did Marinette ever cry in front of her... until today... everything that she's been piling up and locking away into the back of her mind finally explode. And she's didn't even know when she started crying, she only realized she was crying until after Ursa pointed it out through a question, she tried desperately to calm down cuz really... crying over the fact that the person you consider a friend, (at least while not wearing a mask) who for some reason reminds you so much of your old bee holder that you failed so horribly, looked so much like her when interacting with a bee, is not something you should be crying about
And it doesn't help that Ursa is so concerned about why she's crying, why is she concerned? Why is this vigilante such a better friend then the ones she's known her whole life? She shouldn't be concerned. She has other stuff to worry about. Like protecting the other temporary heros or like doing something else entirely different that doesn't include comforting Marinette.
But deep down Marinette knows that out of everyone she knows... She would prefer Ursa being the one to comfort her and then anyone else... Maybe it's for the fact that she's a bear... Bears are known for their warmth... Or maybe it's because of her secondary power that makes her feel safe enough to let go of her emotions... Ot maybe it's because she reminds her so much of Chloe Bourgeois and even if Chloe and her aren't in good terms now... She can at least be on good terms with Ursa... Like she wished fo be with Chloe
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yanderepuck · 6 months
Kinktober Day 31
WELCOME BACK SLUTS. It's that time of the year you've been looking forward to. As always, Kinktober is hosted by your local Napoleon simp @xxsycamore
If you would like to read Kinktober 2021 and 2022 they are here
Remember to reblog and tell me what you thought about it
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Day 31 - Monsterfucking/Non-human Characters | Sexual Roleplay
"What do we have here?"
That was the first thing you heard to start off your day. And it was followed by a finger looking under the choker you were wearing.
You always wore them back home, and when you came through the door you thought you had lost it, but you managed to find it at the very bottom of your bag. Now that you had it back you wanted to wear it. But clearly that was a mistake.
It was Dazai that you came face to face with. He saw you walking by with it and curiosity got the better of him as always. He pulled you to him with just that finger.
He made you tilt your head up to look at it better. Then he does that cute smile of his when his eyes close and he looks like he's up to no good.
"Now I see why Theo-san calls you hondje," he definitely butchered that word.
You pout at him and pull his finger away from the collar. "I'm not a dog."
"No. But maybe a cute kitten. Maybe if I call you koneko he'll be scared of you so I can have you to myself," he does that smile again. He's definitely thinking of something.
"Koneko?" You aren't sure if that's any better than him never seeming to remember your name. "You do know that my name is-"
"Koneko it is!" He cuts you off before you can finish and pats your head. "If only you had cute little ears to scratch," he pets on your head where two cat ears would possibly sit. "Then I bet you would purr."
You started to get flustered. Where is he getting at here.
"I... I need to get started on my chores, Dazai-sama," you slowly step away from him and go do what you need to do.
Maybe wearing a choker was a mistake, because you also didn't hear the end of it from Theo. He only stopped because you threatened no pancakes for a week if he kept going on. At least you have the upper hand in some way.
For the rest of the day any time Dazai saw you, he immediately called you 'koneko'. You have no way to get the upper hand with Dazai. But being called a kitten is much better than anything Theo would be saying.
You wear the choker for the next few days, each day getting some sort of comment about it from Dazai. Doesn't he have anything better to do?
You make your rounds delivering rouge and blanc to the guys at different times. Normally Dazai goes to the kitchen and gets his whenever he pleases but you haven't seen him yet today, which you were starting to think was a relief, until you realize you have to find him to make sure he drinks blanc.
You check around the garden and in the library. You even try looking in the game room to see if hi and Arthur might be playing chess, but nothing. Finally you check his room. He's never there but you guess it's the most logical place to look.
And there he is. Sitting at his desk writing. Now this is a rare sight. You walk over, not wanting to disturb him and set the bottle on his desk.
Dazai put his pen down to look at you. "What a pleasant surprise, koneko," he smiles up at you.
Each time he calls you that you think you get more and more flustered. Why is he getting to you.
Dazai has caught on too. His smile turns to a smirk and his finger loops around the choker just like he did the first time.
He pulls you closer. Slow enough where you have a chance to swat his hand away and back up, but close enough that once he stops pulling you are leaning over him. He had to put your hands on him to stop yourself from falling onto him.
You can feel how flushed your face is, which means he can see how flushed your face is.
"Dazai-sama, I... I," you couldn't get your words out
His normal joking tone of voice got deep and soothing. "What is it koneko? You can speak."
You're so close that when he spoke your lips brushed together. He reaches behind the choker and turns it around so the ring in the back is now in the front. He hooks his finger in it, giving it more of a tug.
You moan. Wait. Was that out loud? You get even more red when you realize you moaned. Outloud. To Dazai
"That's what I wanted to hear," his other hand moved things to the side on his desk. As he stood up, he pushed you against his desk. "Can you do that again for me," his lips got closer to your neck, kissing the bare skin around the choker.
You moan again, each kiss gets another moan out of you. Your bodies are against each other but he still keeps his finger on the ring.
"They are like little purrs," he teases. Dazai presses his body against you more, putting his knee between your legs. You have your hands holding the edge of the desk, worried that you might fall backwards despite Dazai having a good grip on you.
"Dazai-sama," you gasp and without realizing start to grind against his leg.
He starts to unbutton your shirt, kissing along your shoulders as he drags the fabric off of your body. He happens to glance at the blanc sitting on his desk. "I think you'll taste much better."
You feel his fangs graze across your skin but he doesn't bite you. You begin to take Dazai's clothes off, until you both end up with a pile of fabric on the floor, including everything, even your underwear.
Dazai's lips trail to your chest and he seems thoughtful. He opens a drawer and moves things around looking for something. He closes that one and opens another, never letting the ring go.
He can't find what he is looking for and drags you over to a small dresser. At some points he tugged a little rough, getting you to moan.
"Finally," he pulls something out. It doesn't look like anything special, just looks like ribbon. It's not wide enough to blindfold you. What could he-
He loops the ribbon through the ring, finally letting it go with his finger. He gives the ribbon a few rough tugs to make sure it's going to stay.
"Now you're on a leash," he wraps the ribbon around his hand a few times to keep it short.
You feel your cheeks redden again.
"Good girl," he kisses you on the lips, causing you to absolutely melt into his touch. He leads you across the room again, taking you to his bed and taking the rest of his clothes off.
You couldn't help but stare at him. You wouldn't have guessed he has such a defined figure under his clothes.
"You're going to be obedient for me, right koneko?" He grabs your jaw and makes you look up at him.
You nod your head, "Y-Yes," you almost forgot how to talk for a moment.
"Good girl," he lengthens the ribbon just enough to be able to push you back on his bed, but immediately shortening it as he gets on top of you, getting between your legs.
His hands go up your body, wanting to feel every inch of you. Then he feels you down, pulling on the ribbon as he grabs your hips. "Now stay still," he holds you in place as he slides into you.
You try to tilt your head back but the ribbon is taut, your moan still comes out. "Such a pretty koneko," he slides himself all the way in, pushing your legs farther apart so that he can be flush against you.
"Ahh..hh," you bite your lip not expecting for his cock to be so long. He stays still for a moment, his cock twitching inside you, your walls clenching around him.
You try to move your hips to get some friction but he holds you down into the mattress. "I told you to stay still," he pulls on the makeshift leash more and you feel your choker squeeze you. You would think it would hurt but it makes you moan.
Content with seeing your body start to squirm, he starts to thrust into you. You let out a yelp as he thrusts in, each one being rougher than the previous.
He looks down at your reddened face and smirks. He leans down and kisses you hungry, absorbing your moans into his mouth.
"You feel better than I imagined, koneko."
This is the first time you've heard that deep voice and it's wonderful. You didn't think just a voice could get you turned on.
His lips trail down to your neck and to your chest, nipping at your skin. You push your chest up into his face and look down, watching his fangs drag across your skin.his thrusting never stops, it doesn't even slow down.
He gently bites your chest before finding a better spot just above your nipple to bite.
You were expecting it to hurt, for it to be painful, not for it to feel amazing. You moan louder as pleasure flows through your body. You never expect a vampire's bite to be so pleasurable.
Your walls clench around his cock, and you yell out as the bite helps you reach your climax, but Dazai isn't stopping. He licks up the blood that is coming from your wound. You drape your arms over this back, keeping him close.
"Ungh..you taste so good, koneko," he moans into your ear and gets rougher. He tugs on the ribbon more, he might as well be tugging on the choker itself for how short he's made the ribbon.
"I hope you wear this for me all the time," he finally loosens his grip and moves the choker to bite you on the neck.
You moan again, louder this time. Your nails scratch up his back, surely leaving long marks behind his shoulders. He thrusts roughly just before cumming. That extra taste of blood bringing him to the edge
As he rides out his high, his fangs go deeper into you and take even more blood. He takes his fangs out of you at the same time he stops moving.
You both pant. Looking up at him you see your blood on his lips and can't help but sit up and kiss him roughly.
Dazai pulls out of you, laying beside you in his bed, letting the ribbon go. He didn't want to accidentally tug on it when you now have a fresh wound in your neck.
After a few minutes of laying there, you realize it's only the middle of the day and you still have things you need to do, but you and your body can't agree on moving just yet
Writers notes: *looks at this fic compared to the rest of kinktober* so I think we all know what MY favorite kink is
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