#blanche wispily
twsthoodstar · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland 2nd Place Art Raffle Prize!! ✨
(All artwork credit goes completely to @by-inky and I thank them for doing such a wonderful job on my OCs!)
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Carmina looks so beautiful!!! 😭🌊🐬💖💖 This looks amazing!! And they even drew my little Blanche 🥰 Please go check them out you guys their art is phenomenal!
Carmina Oceaneis - MC twisted from Ariel
Blanche Wispily - Heartslabyul student twisted from The White Rabbit
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
Finally done! The Blanche revamp is complete! ✨ Picrew link is right here, enjoy!
Blanche Wispily 🐰
“P-Please excuse me! I-I’ll be in trouble if I’m late again!”
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Name Meanings
Blanche - the French feminine term for the color white.
Annabella - a feminine name of Italian origin meaning “loving” or even “beauty”
Wispily - To be light and feathery, almost referring to thin smoke.
Cottontail - Ruggie
Penguin Chick - Floyd
Blanche is a second year in the Heartslabyul dormitory. She is a rather timid young lady who has a knack for being late to nearly everything. Her high strung personality often clashes with her clumsiness.
Blanche is a petite young girl with a delicate appearance and a slender body. She has pale cream hair and light purple eyes, with two beauty marks under her left eye.
Biographical Info
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: September 5th
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 156cm
Eye Color: Lavender
Hair Color: Vanilla White
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Family: Father, grandfather, older cousin
Twisted From: The White Rabbit
JCV: Hitomi Owada
NRC Profile
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School Year: Second
Class: 2-B | no. 13
Occupation: Student
Club: Boardgame
Best Subject: History of Magic
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Profiteroles
Least Favorite Food: Umeboshi
Dislikes: Deadlines
Hobby: Illustration
Talents: Calligraphy
Unique Magic
Down the Rabbit Hole - Her magic allows her to create dimensional portals, connecting to two separate locations. However, she can create numerous at the same time.
Quick to freeze in the face of confrontation, Blanche is a rather skittish individual who’s always jumping from place to place. Whether on order from her dorm leader or in a rush herself. She has a rather paranoid mindset and has a tendency to overthink, causing her to be late to most events. Leading her to apologize frequently and frantically as well. This is also due to her kind heart, as she takes others’ feelings very seriously.
However, Blanche doesn’t have the highest opinion of herself. Never on time, no self confidence, weak physical strength, and no courage. These are qualities she believes tie her down, labeling herself as a coward. This low opinion is something she’s constantly worried about, but she does try her best to see the bright side of every situation. She’s unfortunately a bit clumsy too so that doesn’t help her much. 😓
Blanche is an only child living with her father, who is the head of the family organization. They have been in business for generations and are very wealthy. Blanche adores her father dearly but you could say she’s a bit spoiled.
She was friends with Cater back in elementary.
Her signature pocket watch was a birthday gift from her cousin.
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
OC Menu
Courtesy of the Mostro Lounge, I present to you two new drink items as well as some sweet specials! I hope they’re to your liking ~ 🍬
Blanche: (Dang! It has been awhile since I did anything for Blanche)
Dear Darling - A vanilla milk tea with coffee tapioca pearls paired with edible chocolate straws
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Honey Bunny - Consists of strawberries, salted honey, white choco wafers, & a dark choco veil
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Calypso Tide - A blue lemonade float topped with lemon garnish & a bright red cherry
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Seaside Surprise - Consists of sugar star candies, sweet fruit, coconut cream, & chewy dango
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twsthoodstar · 4 years
Blanche’s Relationships 🐰
N/A - Have not met or they barely interact
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Heartslabyul 🌹
(Bunny protection squad! God forbid anyone make her cry.)
Riddle - Coming from a high class like him, Riddle behaves like a gentleman. However, her clumsiness is something he can’t seem to tolerate. His comments are less harsh post-Overblot, but Blanche is quite nervous around Riddle due to his temper, but admires him as strong dorm leader.
Ace - This dork over here tries to come off as this suave goody two shoes for his cute upperclassman: he would neeeever do anything wrong (you liar). Yet can’t help flirting a bit just to get Blanche flustered. There are times when she actually believes his farce.
Deuce - Poor Deuce is so innocent sometimes, he cannot talk to girls! 😂 He’ll stutter for a little while before regaining his senses, and express his admiration for her morals. He tattles on Ace whenever he tries to get on Blanche’s good side. 
Trey - Blanche reminds her of his little sister back at home: sweet, curious, downright adorable. However, he tries to teach her to keep her cool. She sees Trey as an older brother figure and tries to help when out as thanks, but unfortunately she is banned from kitchen duty.
Cater - They’ve spent some time together back in elementary, as they were both eager to make friends but lost contact once Cater graduated. They both but Cater tries to bring up her confidence.
Savanaclaw 🐾
Leona - So, there’s meek little rabbit hopping about the campus? How cute. He’ll tease her about gobbling her up but won’t overstep any boundaries due to his upbringing. He’ll stand up for her if need be, but sharply encourages Blanche to do it herself.
Ruggie - They’re actually good classroom buddies and hang around each other if one happens to pass by. Just like Leona, Ruggie respects her due to upbringing, but likes to make fun of her. It’s cute seeing her cherry red cheeks puff out.
Jack - They don’t know too much about each other, but Blanche thinks it’s cool how strong and talented he is for a first year.
Octavinelle 🐚
Azul - Blanche knows better than to make a deal with Azul, whether it’s a small favor or a starry-eyed wish. As for Azul, despite her cowardly demeanor, he finds her rather interesting for having refused every deal he offers. It appears she’s smarter than she seems.
Jade - Problably has a better chance of winning her favor than Floyd but she’s still cautious. He’s just so tall; Jade treats her like a lady as any gentleman would, so Blanche treats him kindly in return.
Floyd - Nope nope nope, just no! Poor Blanche gets so nervous whenever Floyd enters the room. He could squeeze her in an instant if he’s in a bad mood, so she’s careful with her words or she’ll just go hide somewhere.
Scarabia ☀️
Kalim - Best friends all the way! Kalim tries to get Blanche to have more confidence in herself and is her personal cheerleader. While Blanche tries to keep him out of trouble.
Jamil - Neither talk too much to each other, just converse for the sake of awkward silence. Although, Blanche tries to keep Kalim in check, which he is thankful for.
Pomefiore 🍎
Vil - What a curious little potato, gifted with fine beauty yet behaves so squeamishly. She needs to learn to hold her head high rather than hiding away like tortoise, as Vil states. Blanche tries to take his advice but he can be so intimidating.
Rook - Another nope over here. While Rook’s flowery words are very flattering, Blanche finds it disturbing how he casually stalks those who peek his interest. It’s also rather embarrassing how he praises her beauty in the middle of the hallway.
Epel - N/A
Ignihyde 💀
Idia - They’re both Boardgame Club buddies and bring up new topics if they get the chance. Blanche asked him to teach her an RPG once and she did a terrible job 💦. However, Idia still gets nervous: why does she have to be so cute?! Why can’t I ever talk to girls?! Her smile is too pure!!
Ortho - He’s such a sweet and polite little robot child, Blanche can’t help but stop for a chat whenever they meet. Ortho will gladly offer any advice about conquering any anxiety, although, as helpful as that is Blanche claimes it’s nothing that severe.
Diasomnia 🥀
Malleus - They’ve never met but Blanche has heard rumors about his power and is honestly a little reluctant to.
Lilia - N/A
Silver - Whenever they have PE together, Blanche’ll ask him to train with her as a way to get stronger. Silver also teaches her self defense; it can be quite useful for a lone girl in campus full of boys.
Sebek - N/A
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
The Wispily Family
(Revamp! 🙌)
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Argento Wispily (45) - The head of the Wispily family that oversees all the other businesses in the city they live in. Unlike his daughter, Argento is rather prideful person who sometimes flaunts his powerful title. He loves his little girl to bits & would give her the world if she asked. Which embarrasses Blanche to a certain extent, reminding her dad that she is not a little girl.
Fabien Wispily (71) - Blanche’s grandfather & Argento’s father. He retired as head of the Wispily family due to his old age, but he is most feared by their ��employees.” However, he cares very deeply for others & Argento often goes to him for words of wisdom. And just like his son, he spoils Blanche to a great extent.
Marcello Havers (23) - The older cousin of Blanche, who’s training to be the next family head. At least in his perspective. He is what most would call a wild card, as he is a reckless & rambunctious who’s always getting into trouble. He loves to tease Blanche, anything to get under her skin, which gets him in even more trouble. But don’t worry, it’s all in good fun & he cares very deeply for his baby cousin.
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
Baby carrots 🐰
A mishap in Alchemy class turns Blanche into a toddler for the day; how will her friends handle this?
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It was actually Blanche’s fault to begin with, she accidentally grabbed the wrong item for the assignment she & Ruggie were working on. Before she could put it back she tripped and knocked into the cauldron.
Spilling the wrong potion as well, the smoke cleared, revealing an an adorable doll-like child with white hair and a lab coat that was way too big for them. Of course Crewel was angry, but couldn’t really do anything since the guilty party was now a child.
He said he could whip up an antidote but it would take the entire day, which left Blanche in Ruggie’s care much to his annoyance. However, babysitting wasn’t anything new to him. He had helped out many parents in need of assistance back in his hometown, and Leona has more than once dumped Cheka in his care.
Although, the weirdest thing about all this was the fact that this child was formerly his friend a few minutes ago. So naturally, he gave Blanche to Heartslabyul since she was apart of their dorm and took off. Narrowly escaping Riddle’s wrath.
At first the boys didn’t know what to do. Saddened by Ruggie’s disappearance, poor little Blanche started tearing up. The A-Deuce combo tried cheering her up by making stupid faces, and it actually worked for a little while. Until Riddle yelled at them to knock it off and take her inside since they looked ridiculous.
This made Blanche cry, and Riddle started to panic since it was his fault making her cry. Luckily, Cater & Trey came just in time to save the day. Having experience with girls and Trey having a little sister, they changed Blanche into something more suitable until Professor Crewel came with the antidote. Which was really one of Blanche’s dresses tied up in safety pins and ribbons.
Blanche was actually a well-behaved child, with such polite manners and even offering to help with any work around the dorm, although that part didn’t really work out well. Ace & Deuce let her help paint the roses, but gave her back after she pricked her hand on the thorns and started to cry.
Riddle carried her around the dorm for a little bit, but hadn’t expected a child to be so talkative. (Trust me I know what kids are like, they don’t stop talking 💦) She asked him all sorts of questions: why was his hair so red? Why was he so cute? Why was he always angry? He looked so funny! Trey had to take her before Riddle blew a gasket.
Normally, Blanche wasn’t allowed in the kitchen, but this time was an acception. Cater was supposed to be watching her while Trey continued with baking duties, but ended up doing a small photo shoot instead. He snapped pictures from every angle he could find, cooing over how cute Blanche was, who cheerfully went along with it.
Until, Trey went to grab more sugar from the pantry and it was at that moment Cater decided to scroll through his Magicam account. A pair of grubby little hands going unnoticed by both of them, reaching for a bowl of cake batter Trey had left. A loud crash surprise the both of them as the bowl fell, splattering the batter everywhere.
That’s when Blanche started to cry, not only because she spilled the batter, but because she caused trouble for Trey. She started apologizing over and over with fat tears rolling down her cheeks. At first, Cater was a bit frazzled, he was supposed to be watching her and at first he thought she was hurt, but Trey said she was emotionally hurt and managed to calm her down.
Saying that it was only an accident and they weren’t going to get mad at her for that. They managed to clean it all up before Crewel finally arrived with the potion. At first Blanche wouldn’t take it, but tricked her into drinking it with a warm cup of tea. In a puff of smoke, a normal sized Blanche appeared.
Unfortunately, the effects of the antidote were immediate and she instantly fell asleep! Cater rushed to catch her before she could fall face first on the floor. 😅
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
Blanche Family Headcanons 🐰
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Argento Wispily - The underboss of the Spaventare organization, he is held in high regard by the Family. He gets along well with others due to his cheerful personality, but behaves arrogantly when it comes to his status. He loves his family dearly and turns to a pile of mush when it comes to his little girls, he likes to spoil both them and his wife. No dating though, that’s a big no.
Seraphine Wispily - Argento’s wife and Blanche’s mother. She is a beautiful and well mannered young woman who used to work as a simple seamstress, but now works for a high class company. She’s the only one who can handle Argento’s ego and likes to tease him about it. She tries to help Blanche gain more confidence, but can’t help but laugh at her clumsiness.
Bianca Wispily - The second oldest of the daughters, she is the exact opposite of her older sister. Quiet and aloof, she dislikes interacting with strangers and can be suprisingly sharp tongued if she’s in the mood. She takes pride in her skills when it comes to academics, excelling in all of her classes.
Bella & Brielle Wispily - A young pair of twins, they are both energetic and unruly. They’re always running around the manor, ever curious and excited. Though they tend to get carried away when it comes to helping. Brielle is more of a crybaby while Bella is a bit more disobedient.
Marcello Havers - Blanche’s older cousin and a student at Royal Sword Academy. Despite his gentlemanly appearance, he’s quick to anger and likes to poke fun at his adorable little cousin. It’s all in good fun though and he’s suprisingly protective of her, as they grew up close.
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
How Blanche Was Banned From The Kitchen
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“Oh no oh no oh no oh no!!”
Of all the things that could happen to her, this had to have been one of the worst. Blanche had wondered once before if she was cursed in some way, but that was usually her pessimistic thoughts talking or she was just plain curious. Although, now she was starting to think it might be true.
Everything was an absolute mess.
It started when Blanche finished her duties earlier that day, which was a bit surprising considering Riddle wanted everything perfect when it came to the Unbirthday Parties. Everything did appear in order, and she had nothing else to do.
It just so happened Trey was making his famed strawberry tarts and various sweets when Blanche wandered into the kitchen, preparing for the upcoming festivities this weekend. He looked more tired than usual. Being the vice dorm leader was a tough job: keeping the rowdy underclass men in line, tending to upcoming venues, and taking care of their hot-tempered dorm leader were all difficult tasks.
So naturally, Blanche offered her assistance, which Trey great fully took. She was tasked with making the glaze for the strawberries as well as mixing the buttercream once the macarons came out of the oven. While Trey headed over to Sam’s shop to buy some edible decorations. However, while she was taking the macarons out of the oven—
She tripped.
Now, bits of broken meringue and chocolate cream were splattered all over the floor while the hot pan lay vacant upside down. Some of the macarons even went flying, landing into a tray of freshly frosted cupcakes. Shards of pink and white stuck out of them like pairs of sore thumbs.
After knocking into the bowl, it went tumbling into Trey’s tart batch, which were now all squished with choppy filling. In response, bumped into a can of cherries that Trey was struggling to open earlier, which fell off the counter with a loud bang. Smearing red liquid and fruit onto the tiles.
Blanche felt hot tears prick her eyes as she scrambled to clean up the mess: of all the times her clumsiness had gotten in the way, it had to be now of all times! She herself was a mess too: bits of cream had gotten on her cheeks after the bowl slipped, her apron was even worse from kneeling to clean the floor, and her hair was in a pathetic excuse for a ponytail.
“What on earth happened in here!!!!” A furious voice shook Blanche to the core as she slowly looked up. Her eyes met with a pair of grey ones, filled with disbelief and anger.
“What happened to my tarts?! What have you done!” Riddle boomed. Before he could go any further a shaken, yet kind voice interfered.
“R-Riddle! I-I didn’t know you were here!” Blanche stuttered, frantically trying to brush off this whole situation. She was doing a terrible job at it too.
“Riddle,” It was Trey. “Let me explain, I left her unsupervised. I should’ve stayed to help her.” It wasn’t his greatest attempt, but Blanche silently thanked Trey from the bottom of her heart. He was trying to protect her even though she was the one who caused this. She had never felt more embarrassed, she’s never been scolded by someone her own age before.
“That doesn’t hide the fact that my kitchen is completely ruined! You there!” Blanche quickly scrambled to her feet. “Clean up this mess immediately! And as for your punishment you will—” Riddle’s words instantly froze as he looked at Blanche’s face. Wet tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked down meekly, clutching the hem of her stained apron.
She wasn’t trying to make them feel guilty, but she just couldn’t stop the gates from opening. Hoping to hide her face, she bowed deeply.
“I’m so sorry!!” Trey and Riddle just stared. Over and over she bowed frantically, hoping to be spared from her horrid predicament. “I-I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble! R-Really!” Blanche cried like a scolded child as she waited for Riddle’s answer.
Riddle was lost for words: yes, he had punished those who openly violated the rules, as all actions have consequences. As the new dorm leader, it was his duty to keep the members of Heartslabyul in line, but he didn’t mean to make a lady cry. Plus, it was rather bold to show weakness in front of a dorm leader. What would his mother think?
“I-it’s fine!” He stuttered, trying to keep a composed face. Trey looked at both of them in disbelief, not only because of Blanche’s sudden outburst but also the fact that Riddle was overlooking this whole mess.
“Since you didn’t really break a rule, there is no need for execution. However, your punishment will not go neglected.”
Blanche gazed up at him with tears eyes, anxious for his next response.
“As punishment for ruining the queen’s royal tarts and nearly spoiling this month’s upcoming Unbirthday Party, you are hereby banned from the kitchen until further notice. Let this be a lesson to you to pay attention more! And you will help Trey clean this whole place from top to bottom!”
More tears flowed from Blanche’s big round eyes, and the boys froze, worried she was going to start crying again. Instead, she leaped towards Riddle boldly—
“Thank you thank you thank you so much!”
“Agh! Blanche hold on a minute here! 💦”
“ACK! I told you it’s fine now let go of me this instant! You’re going to choke me!”
“You did all that?!!”
Blanche gave a nervous laugh as she watched the three first years gape at her in shock. Remembering this dreadful story was enough, but did they really have to overreact?
She twiddled her fingers and looked away, “B-But that was a long time ago! And it was an accident I swear! Besides, Trey-senpai has already forgiven me so it’s no big deal!” Her face turned cherry red as she quickly looked away in shame. That was not a good first impression that day, especially for a first year. Blanche could practically hear Riddle scolding her again through that horrid memory.
Ace gave shot a surprised look, “Wow! I knew you were a klutz but I’ve never heard of anyone messing up that bad.” He gave a pained shout as Yuu struck him in the shoulder.
“So I take it we’ll have to do this on our own huh?” Yuu sighed as they dragged a collared Ace inside the cafeteria’s kitchen.
“To think Riddle-senpai overlooked something like that. That’s amazing.” Deuce replied. Unfortunately, Blanche wasn’t allowed to help so she waved them off and wished them good luck on their apology tart.
Maybe he just took pity on me? Blanche sighed, either way she was grateful.
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twsthoodstar · 4 years
Blanche Wispily 🌹
I-I’m sorry but I have to hurry! I’ll get in trouble if I’m late!
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Name Meanings
Blanche - The French, feminine, singular noun for the color “white.”
Evangelina - From the Latin word “evengelium.” Which means “good news.”
Wispily - To be thin and/or feathery. Similar to smoke or clouds.
Cottontail - Leona
Shorty- Ruggie
Petite Lapine - Rook
Pengin-Chan / Little Penguin - Floyd
Blanche is a second year student in Heartslabyul. She is popular due to her cuteness and kind personality. However, she can be quite high strung and clumsy.
Blanche is a beautiful young lady of short stature. She has wavy, pure white elbow-length hair with side swept bangs covering her forehead and some framing her face. She also has a two braids tied together in the back, similar to Vil’s (see Magical Archives), with a blue bow. For someone of innocent appearance she has quite the voluptuous figure, with fair skin and purple eyes. At first glance she comes off as adorably charming.
Biographical Info
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: July 3rd
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 158cm
Eye Color: Periwinkle
Hair Color: White
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Family: Mother, Father, little sisters
JCV: Hitomi Owada
NRC Profile
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School Year: Second
Class: 2-B
Occupation: Student
Club: Boardgame
Best Subject: History of Magic
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Dacquoise
Least Favorite Food: Umeboshi
Dislikes: Deadlines
Hobby: Illustration
Talents: Needlework
Unique Magic
Down The Rabbit Hole - Her magic allows her to create dimensional portals that lead to different locations. She can make more than one and use them for fast travel.
Blanche is a naturally kindhearted person, who wears her heart on her sleeve. She can be quite bubbly and very playful, similar to a small child. She’s rather sociable and it’s easy for her to make friends if they’re willing. However, when confrontation roses she’s like a completely different person. Quick to freeze up or get nervous: this is something she belittles herself for. Labeling herself as a coward.
In constraint to her cheerful personality, Blanche has a paranoid mindset. She has a tendency to overthink, causing her to be late to most events, well as a being forgetful, leading her to apologize frequently and frantically. This surprises most as she’s quick to swap personas. This leads most to be protective of her and often see her as the little sister type.
A total cuddle bug! She’s naturally affectionate and often clings to those she’s close too. She often looks to others for guidance or protection if she’s incapable of handling the situation herself. However, Blanche is determined to change, yet struggles with her overactive mindset. She holds herself in somewhat low self esteem when it comes to strength and often compares herself to others.
The oldest of four daughters, who are all in elementary. Her mother is a seamstress with a talent for needlework, and her father is the underboss of their family-run organization that aids other businesses.
She and Cater went to elementary school together.
She likes rock music.
Her pocket watch was a birthday gift from her mother.
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twsthoodstar · 4 years
Blanche’s Background 🌹
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Born and raised in the Land of Pyroxene, Blanche is the oldest daughter of the Wispily family. A branch from a family-run organization, which involves trading with other businesses while keeping the peace between the locals. They dislike involving innocents and are respected yet feared by them. Her father is the underboss of this organization and makes sure things run smoothly.
She is the oldest of four daughters, being next in line to receive the wealth. The second oldest is 14, who Blanche claims is not one for conversation and can be quite shy, aloof even. As for the youngest sisters, a pair of small twins, neither of them listen to what their older siblings say and are quite rowdy, yet they always want attention.
Blanche was fairly popular in middle school, but not as you expect. She had many friends due to her being open but was deemed weak and timid on her own. As she got older, she felt a bit unappreciated by those at school. Often sought out and complimented by others yet always tagged behind. Like a pretty doll for others to stare at, left alone on a shelf.
Cater was actually the one to help her express how she truly felt, putting herself first for once. Blanche left her former group, but ended up following Cater like a little puppy. Despite being older than her, they shared many similarities and sought each other out whenever they could. Becoming a shoulder to cry on for each other as well.
However, soon after Cater graduated, he had to move away due to his enrollment at NRC and his father’s job. They lost touch after a while; Blanche worried for days thinking Cater already forgot all about her, but fortunately found other people that accepted her for herself.
They reunited during Blanche’s first year at NRC. Riddle introduced her to the other students and went on about “treating her no different than any other card soldier” and “respecting a lady’s privacy” and what not, but was interrupted by a friendly yet familiar voice. They both ran up and embraced each other, but was soon interrupted by an angry Riddle.
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twsthoodstar · 4 years
This is just an example of what Blanche sounds like and her voice actress.
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
🍬 OC Masterlist 🍬
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Disney Twisted Wonderland
Blanche Wispily
Blanche’s relationships
Blanche background
Alchemy incident
Wispily Family
Poor Blanche....
Carmina Oceaneis 🐠
Carmina Short Intro
Carmina’s relationships
Carmina Family
Carmina School Uniform
Yuuken & Carmina
Camping Event
Sea Pearl Kingdom
Carmina’s Birthday! 🎉
Carmina’s Spell
Carmina in Scary Monsters
Mayumi Hanabusa 🎤
Jujutsu Kaisen
Miyoko Omamori 🧧
Miyoko’s relationships
The Omamori Clan
Akari 🦊
Kitsune Facts
Madame Rouge - Villain
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