secondbeatsongs · 7 months
Triggers teats
happy halloween! have some konpeito!
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gooeykit · 9 months
Hi I confuse asks and messages and would love to follow.
yah go 4 it
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motherofplatypus · 17 days
Remembering the cringe things i did when i was younger was millions of times better than remembering that Miraculous comic.
If you don't know what im talking about, spare yourself and stay ignorant, its for your own good.
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bugoutreviewgirlie · 8 months
OKAYYYY Nino's little resistance is a thing in other universes! We love to see it!! Massive W for my boy
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chilled-to-the-bone · 15 days
Last moments on Eriadu
He is hanging on the wire dangling over, what seems to be, a bottomless pit. He starts climbing the line but the weight shift causes the car to shake considerably, threatening to fall. He slides back, the line straining. Hunter shouts to Wrecker to pull him up. But it’s not possible. The cars are too unstable. Any change in weight distribution will be disastrous. If they try to pull him up, they will all fall. He knows the odds. He knows his odds. He knows what he has to do.
Normally he’s not fazed by high altitudes. However, this is… different. It feels strange. Is this how Wrecker feels about heights? This usually irrational and unwarranted fear now starts to spread in his whole body. He doesn’t want to admit it, especially to himself, but he's simply scared.
For some reason old memories start to resurface.
Suddenly he feels like a cadet. So unsure of himself. A little lost and afraid. A memory of Clone 99 creeps into his mind. He was just a maintenance clone, but he was their brother never the less. He was like a big brother to all of them. He was an example, that you can do something great no matter who you are. He sacrificed himself to help his brothers. They got their name because of him. Clone Force 99 exsists partially thanks to him.
Then he saw his brothers. They were always by his side. They were always together. He was never alone, no matter what. Even in the moment they were created. They were like one organism. They functioned in total harmony. Maybe not perfect but efficient and effective. He couldn’t have imagined his life without them. He remembered all their missions. All the strange worlds they've been to, all the difficult tasks, all the moments of happiness, and all the moments sadness. He's glad he got to spend his life that way even if he had to fight for the better part of it. He’s glad he got to spend it with his brothers.
He remembered the first time they met Omega. When they first saw her on Kamino, she was just a random little girl, another clone. In the span of few months, she became an integral part of their squad, their lives. It amazed him how much could change in such a short time. But he couldn’t imagine things being any other way. Now she was their family. His family, and he would protect her at any cost.
Then he remembered Phee. First time he has met her, she seemed strange. She still was. But with time he started to understand her. Well, to some degree at least. He grew to really like her. She made him feel in a way he’d never felt before. There was something alluring about her. He couldn’t really explain it, hell he didn’t understand it fully himself. Sometimes he caught himself thinking about her. It seemed that no matter how much time he spent with her, he wanted more. He wanted to talk to her, he wanted to listen to her…he just wanted to be with her. But during their little talks, he never mentioned that, any of that…and now it’s too late.
Sudden blow of wind brings him back to the reality. Now he hanging thousands of feet in the air with not much of a way out. But he knows what he has to do. He went through every possible scenario in his head. There is only one way out of this: plan 99. He readies his blaster. He closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath.
“When have we ever followed orders?” This one sentence seems to be a summarization of their life and how they lived it.He aims the blaster, steadies his hand and he takes the shot. The line goes slack and before he knows it, he’s falling. It’s over just like that. The last things he remembers: Wrecker screaming and Omega’s face full of terror. Then falling. Just falling.
He doesn’t remember hitting the ground. Now he’s lying on his back. He’s alone and a little surprised but not dead. Not yet. Under given circumstances, he hoped his death would be quick. He hoped that when he fell, he would die on the impact. It would be reasonably quick and painless. And that hope was for nothing. In some miraculous way he survived the fall. He wasn’t crushed by the car. He suspected something cushioned his ‘landing’ and absorbed the considerable speed he was falling with. He had always wanted a quick end, he presumed that would be the way to go for him and his brothers. On a mission, fulfilling their purpose. But it didn’t end quickly. Not as quickly as he hoped. Not for him. He’s still here. He’s lying on the ground unable to move. He tries to open his eyes, but he only manages to open one. His goggles are cracked. There is something hot on his face where his other eye used to be. He knows it’s blood but he tries to bring his hand to his face to check anyway. Despite the attempt, his hand doesn’t move. He tries the other one, it remains unresponsive as well. Then he realizes something. He can’t feel anything from the neck down. He slowly turns his head and looks around. He can see his helmet not far from him and parts of his armor scattered all around. After a few moments the feeling in his body starts to come back. Then he feels pain. He is blinded by it. All he feels in that moment is white, hot pain. His breathing is shallow and quick, then he can’t breathe at all. He starts uncontrollably coughing and a trickle of blood escapes the corner of his mouth. He’s in agony. His remaining eye starts to burn and his vision goes blurry. He blinks a few times. Then he squeezes his eyelids as hard as he can. He feels a hot tear escape the corner of his eye and run down the side of his face. He takes one more breath. The coughing stops. Then everything goes quiet and a feeling of calm washes over him. Tech sees his brothers and Omega. He sees Phee. They are all on Pabu. They are safe and happy. They are finally at peace. And so is he.
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I feel like miraculous will just do the most bare bones use of the Multiverse with evil heroes and good villains, Miraculous is a Franchise in which the multiverse is a great idea
They’ll probably just make say “they’ve always been evil” without making a explanation of why Hawkmoth is good and the Duo are bad, imagine if they gave the Re-verse a cool backstory like “marinette parents died in a accident and she became the worlds youngest top criminal which discovered about the miraculous, she stole the Ladybug and cat miraculous but master fu misinformed her about which miraculous granted the wish and instead making her go after the two miraculous Master Fu knows nothing, the butterfly and Peacock miraculous, and so Ladybug rampages trough paris trying to get her hands on the miraculous and even discovering Adrien agreste is a sentimonster in her pursuit for the Peacock miraculous making him he’s pawn which will use the cat miraculous [see that play of words? Paw-Pawn?] and Gabriel agreste has to fight Ladybug and save not only the world and the miraculous but also he’s son” but I doubt they’ll do that
Heck with the obvious Spider-verse inspiration I would have wished they would have gone through actually interesting Universes
Post apocalyptic universe in which the akumatized villain are like zombies and only the miraculous users are inmune
A world in which Queen bee got her redemption arc
A world in which Marinette got the butterfly miraculous (a fan favorite)
A world in which Marinette had the bee miraculous and Chloe the ladybug (scarlet lady reference?!)
A world in which Adrien is a Healthy teen with a happy family and nothing went wrong and nothing of the super hero related events of the series happen
A world in which the kwamis are evil and the Duo has to fight the eldritch monsters trying to take over their body’s meanwhile they try to find who is the poor man being used has a puppet by Nooroo which is trying to free the other kwamis to end the world
Chat blanc universe
A super futuristic world in which magic is dying and the villain is the order of the miraculous trying to resurrect magic even if that comes to a high price so they can keep existing and have meaning on their lives since they wasted hundreds of decades of their lives guarding the miraculous which will soon stop existing
A world in which humans don’t exist and instead the characters are creative monster designs
A world in which Marinette was bitten by a radioactive ladybug and Adrien has a eldritch horror alien goo named plagg which gives him super powers (yes like venom and Spider-Man)
A world in which Lila/Chloe and Marinette Swap places
The world of the movie!!! (which is very different from the series world might I mind you)
And the world of the comics (although the only difference I can remember is the American heroes and yes before you ask this is the comics the infamous Ghetto blaster came from)
There’s so many options yet I know they’ll only do the Evil universe trope instead of actually using the potential the world of miraculous has for parallel universes
You'd think for a special that seeks out to explore the multiverse, they'd do more than just your generic dystopian mirror universe where all the characters aren't made evil are part of some resistance faction judging from the trailer. There may be a chance that we'll get glimpses of other universes, but there's still going to be more focus on the "Re-Verse".
The idea of a world with Ladybug and Cat Noir being villains could work if you decided to focus on the circumstances that causes them to snap and turn to a life of crime (sort of like Spider-Carnage's backstory from the finale of the 90s Spider-Man cartoon), but given how the show handles the morality of its characters, there's a good chance that this universe's version of Ladybug and Cat Noir will just be evil for the sake of being evil. Either that, or the writers pull a cop-out and make them completely different characters, like Chloe and Lila.
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jinxytsl · 9 months
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(★。・:*:・゚☆Enlarge for better detail - there are about 30 characters/faces here!!!☆゚・:*:・。★)
FOR CONTEXT!!! I drew this insane picture as my milestone picture for 1,000 watchers (followers) on DeviantArt - and I only just realised I never posted it on Tumblr!!! So here it is XDDD
REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED!!! (Lots more information under the cut ^^)
This picture holds a character from nearly every fandom I have ever been in or am still in (the only fandoms I can think of that aren't referenced here are LOTR and Harry Potter... I could be wrong though ;^^) But the ones that ARE included here, with their respective characters, are;
How To Train Your Dragon - Bewilderbeast Undertale - Sans, Frisk, Flowey, Gaster Blaster Deltarune - Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Spamton NEO, Lancer (and the cool box) Pokémon - Morelull, Litten Gravity Falls - Bill Cipher, Waddles Miraculous - Ladybug, Chat Noir Arcane - Jinx Jurassic World - Tauro (Or "Toro" according to the Wiki... but I refuse to spell it like that >:T) Star Wars - Captain Rex, Ahsoka, Omega, Loth Cat Marvel - Moon Knight (RANDOM BULLSH*T GO!!!) Steven Universe - Spinel, Steven, Lion Horizon - Aloy Avatar: The Lat Airbender - Appa
And of course, me and my kitty cat, T'Challa!!! (Written as Challie on the page on my desk there XD) (Also, the drawings on my desk are other milestone pictures I have drawn in the past!!!)
I wrote a whole essay about the development and details of this picture on the actual post on DeviantArt that I posted in May, so if you're actually interested in reading more about it you can read about it here!!! (Same link as above btw)
Hope u guys like it here too, tho <333
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hanasnx · 1 year
❝ exit music for a film. ❞
── knightfall!anakin skywalker x reader
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MINORS DNI 18+ WORD COUNT: 1k SUMMARY: somehow aware of anakin skywalker's knightfall before the events take place, you seek to change the ending before it happens. NOTES: based on the dream i had last night where i knew everything that happened in rots & couldn't tell anybody & was trying to change the ending of the movie. WARNINGS: lowkey angst | minimal violence
── PREVIOUSLY: in your haste to save the lives anakin takes, you miscalculated. leading the newly brandished sith lord to mistrust you. a costly, and hazardous mistake. as your goodbye to this world, you granted him a kiss. using his confusion, you narrowly escaped. As if a gift from the gods themselves, you were granted mercy, and you slipped out from the corridor, allowing him time to process what had happened as you escaped. By the time he looked around the corner to ask you why you came onto him... now of all times... you were gone.
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You pressed your back to the cold surface of the wall, a hand on your chest to calm your rapid breathing. It escaped you as to how whatever you thought to pull had miraculously bought you precious time.
The legs underneath you shook as you ventured, scrambling to decide your next move based on efficiency. As much as your knowledge served you, chronologically you were lost. Based on your surroundings, you’d say you’d delayed Order 66’s command. Which meant Anakin was most likely busy with something.
You slowed to a halt. As if the very blood inside you that once roared past your ears, froze in your veins. In your attempt to solve one problem, you’d created an entirely new one.
It kickstarted your tendons, springing them into action in a sprint.
“Hey!” he called out from behind you— the devil man. His heavy steps thundered down the stairs behind you; you didn’t dare look back lest you fall victim to his paralyzing appearance. You didn’t have to be part of battle to understand the fear Anakin inflicted on his enemies. To live it firsthand such as this was terrifying enough. “Hey—! Stop! I wanna talk to you!” His pace quickened, and your route had to change, spotting the elevator. To avoid his indomitable force grab— which would doubtlessly rope you in and squeeze the life out of you like a viper— you dove in, cowering in cover as you feverishly pressed the button.
As if the gods were recanting their gift, precious seconds were wasted as you dispiritedly wished the elevator to close, until you realized it was purposeful. So you peeked past the purview, observing his outstretched hand forced not you, but the doors to remain open. A squeak of fright emitted from you, loose gripped hands trembling as they yanked the blaster out of the holster on your hip.
He was close.
You’d prayed you’d never have to use this. Staring hard at the weapon in your hands, you had no time to think of anything else. The dead giveaway you were Anakin’s enemy would be revealed.
He was so close.
Even the General could not focus on two things at once. Your rapid blaster fire— shit aim as it was— caused him to release the doors, and agonizingly slow they began to close. His growl reverberated with the beat of your chest, alternating between dodging and redirecting the shots with the force. When he drew his saber, you didn’t realize you backed up. Your body had a mind of its own, desperate to put more space between the two of you as he advanced on you with newfound exuberance, stamping yourself to the wall as you hopelessly fired til the gun was hot in your grip.
The hard expression he wore, the blazing focus in his eyes— eyes burning into you, as his cloak billowed behind him, and his saber in his hands. He looked lovecraftian. As if he had the power to drive a storm to bow to him, bend to his will. Your subconscious subjugation lingered when the doors cut him from your line of sight.
A loud bang of his metal fist against the shell made you flinch.
From overheating, your blaster jammed as soon as you’d been freed from your most recent life threatening altercation. Now foreign in your hand, you tossed it away from you. A sick feeling rose in the pit of your stomach, churning bile. You did not relax from the wall behind you, frozen in place as if Anakin still faced you. Fresh memory haunting your mind’s eye of his bloodthirsty rampage, imposing on any rational thought you could muster.
Adrenaline impossilized the quiet elevator ride up. What if he outran you? What if he hung from beneath and his saber would cauterize through the floor any second? Sweat beaded at your forehead as you eyed the ground underneath you cautiously. Sea legs fooled you into believing you were rising at a slant, and that he’d somehow found a way to divert the elevator’s destination. It was just your imagination, and to distract yourself, you lifted your wrist COMM to your lips, whispering as if the Ghost of the Republic were listening in on your conversation, privy to your strategy.
“R-8? R-8, are you there?”
A reassuring beep let you know he’d not been smashed in Anakin’s stray rage from your getaway.
“Meet me at the top of the tower, on the roof. Ran into some trouble.”
R-8 confirmed, your astromech on his way to rendezvous brought little relief when the most powerful Jedi of this galaxy was after you, and you’d just invited him to.
You stamped your foot, if you’d been smarter you might’ve reached the briefing room here that monitored COMM usage from Jedi and Clones alike. General Kenobi could’ve been notified— he must be on Utapau dealing with General Grievous.
Unfortunately, you knew the Jedi forces were spread thin.
No one was coming to your rescue.
However, if you stalled long enough, perhaps an alternative, more agreeable outcome would come to pass. Every time you’d seen the ending, the entire journey leading up to it your futile wishful thinking drove you to beg for a chance to change it. Maybe it’ll be different this time. He’ll understand the true consequences, he’ll make the right choice. The trust in him is not misplaced, he’ll save himself… therefore, saving everyone.
It never turned out that way, did it? If he didn’t make those choices, if he wasn’t backed into a corner, coerced into his insanity like a starved, wild animal… he wouldn’t be Anakin Skywalker would he?
Yet, you still loved him.
The poetic tragedy of his life, rolled up into a long, arduous scroll. Sealed with blood.
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kpopnstarwars · 7 months
The Hunter and the Culinarian: Darth Maul x Reader
A/N: don't mind the millions of metaphors i put in the end i didn't know how to finish it ok
Warnings: swearings, violence, blasters,
Word count: <1600
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Unbeknownst to many Sith and many more Jedi, you're in possession of a rather remarkable little secret. You, and only you, have seen the sight that graces your eyes nearly every morning, heard the gleeful notes of a soft baritone voice as he works, tasted the wonders of his phenomenal creation. Your husband, Maul Oppress himself, weilder of the cruel, crimson double bladed lightsaber, master of thousands of deadly, efficient fighting techniques, user of the mysterious, miraculous Force, is quite the chef.
To put it shortly, he makes great Gi dumpling soup. And Tiingilar. His Mustafarian Lava Bun is absolutely delectable, not to mention the Franikhad he cooks up, or that Corellian Ryshcate he made for you after you got some disease from a snotty Mon Calamari child... Oh, and the Quor'sav Fried Steak he made for you after that one hunt, or the one time where he made his own, slightly healthier version of the Raxus Slider from Dex's Diner.
There's nothing you love more than coming back from a long, arduous hunt to the smell of hot, just-out-of-the-oven food, apart from maybe the hug that follows - usually involving you dropping the bounty on the floor, chucking your rifle in the opposite direction (once you check the safety's on, of course) and hurling yourself at his back, trusting his connection with the Force to inform him that a heavily armoured Mandalorian is flying in a collision course for his ass. The expression on his face is always priceless, the soft melody dying an untimely death in the back of his throat as he drops the wooden spoon in his hand and catches you with the strength and precision of  a Sith lord. You can almost the strong grip of his powerful arms now, can almost hear the deep chuckle he'll let out as you kick your feet, toes brushing the ground from where he's lifted you into his embrace.
Your feet drag in the desert dust. How you wish for the insufferable, hot headed Zabrak now, with an unconscious bounty that feels like it's made of the solid beskar slung over your shoulder, the sun beating down on you as you trudge towards the ship - a mere speck on the horizon. Yes, you may tease him all the time that you're the bread winner, but sometimes you wish you were the one at home, pottering around in a 'please do nothing to the cook' apron and humming contentedly to yourself. You reckon you might even be able to avoid burning the whole ship down, although the food you produce may or may not be inedible. It's safe to say that the roles you both carry are fitting - you can't prepare food for your life, and if you put Maul on a hunt he'll either lose patience or find some trace of Kenobi that he can pursue eternally until you remind him that you'll all starve if he leaves you alone to do the cooking.
With every step, the arches of your feet radiate pain all the way up your legs, and the tiny silver glimmer on the horizon seems to slip further and further away, taking with it your promise of food and a pretty, tattooed, Zabrak man wife. The bounty over your shoulder groans, and you don't even think twice, you just sling the Iktochi onto the ground, watching passively until he stumbles, tripping over a rock, and you shoot out a hand to grab his arm in a vice like grip, steadying him. Digging the barrel of your blaster into his back, you urge him forward.
'Don't even fucking think about trying anything,' you huff grumpily.
Without the heavy, insistent weight of the bounty on your back, you relax a little, picking up the pace and forgetting your plans to just leave it all to hell and kill him, even if it meant you had to take half the pay. You roll your eyes when the Iktochi trips again, this time dropping to his knees on the ground. It doesn't escape your notice that he scoops a rock off the ground, probably a last resort weapon, but you ignore it for now - he'll be in carbonite soon, and if he tries anything, he'll have to deal with a grumpy, half starved Mandalorian and a Sith Lord with anger issues.
You're almost to the ship, happily trundling along, so close that the sun reflects off the hull and right into your eyes, when the bounty makes a break for it. It's rather pitiful, if you're being honest. All he does is launch himself in the opposite direction, the rock that had been previously hiding in his sleeve reappearing and rebounding with a clear, laughably bell like noise off your helmet. Maybe he'd been banking on the fact that you'd rather have him alive so wouldn't shoot immediately, but you're smarter than that - the blaster setting flicks to stun in a millisecond, and in the next, he's falling, eating the dust.
Staring at the unconscious body before you, you wrinkle your nose. Are you really going to drag that dead weight all the way up to the ramp, prop it up while you prepare the carbonite chamber, then struggle to not get your arm frozen in the process? It takes less time for you to decide than it took for you to stun the quarry. No. No way.
'Maul!' You yell, banging on the side of the ship. 'I'm home!'
A few seconds later, the ramp slowly lowers, and he pokes his head out, a smile brightening his face. He's a sight for sore eyes, shirtless and clad in nothing but some boxers and the iconic 'please do nothing to the cook' apron that he bought for himself after you... attacked him while he was cooking too many times: a common morning occurrence, which he claims is a bother, but secretly, or not so secretly, enjoys. His tattoos form constellations up his arms and across his muscle sheathed chest, and you watch, starry eyed for a few seconds before you shake some sense into yourself. Maker, you don't even have the strength to run into his arms today, instead waving helplessly at the body on the floor with a sheepish smile.
'Some help?' You ask. 'I'm in a bit of a Sith-uation here.' He groans. 'My love; that was awful.' 'I beg to differ, Maul. It was hilarious.'
The crimson Zabrak rolls his eyes, strolling down the ramp and over to you. He pauses before you, and you think he's going to bend down and hoist the bounty into his arms, but instead he lunges forwards and grabs you, throwing you easily over his shoulder. You yelp in protest, beating your fists against his back, but don't do much else in terms of struggling - you can finally relax, and although you'd envisioned actually sitting down while Maul supplied you with a glass of water and a kiss on the head, this will do just fine. Swinging your legs, you watch from your upside down position as Maul stoops to grab the Iktochi's tunic, slinging him onto the opposite shoulder like a sack of those fried Protatos they sell in Coruscant.
'Alright,' you sigh. 'I can see you're trying to make a point here.' 'Was it with success?' 'Yes, unfortunately,' you growl. 'Put me down, Oppress.' 'No need to get feisty,' he croons. 'I made Tiingilar.'
It's actually almost embarassing how fast you perk up. Food will do that to a hungry Mandalorian like you, you guess. No one makes Tiingilar like Maul does - you haven't tried something as authentic tasting since you left Mandalore, but then, it would make sense, as he was ruler of Mandalore for a while. Knowing Maul, he probably figured out how to make the dish in private, testing out and measuring the exact mass of the spices to add.
Maul sets you down gently at the table as he hauls the bounty over to the carbonite freezer, and you dig into the steaming stew, setting your helmet on the table beside you. Smiling, your Sith sits down beside you, pausing your hurried eating when he cups your jaw, tilting your face to his so he can kiss you, his lips pulling up into a grin against yours as you snake a hand around the back of his head to pull him closer, leaning into his touch. Once he releases you, it doesn't take you long to eat the food he's prepared for you, and you groan, cradling your food baby as you set the clean bowl onto the table.
'That was so good, Maul,' you sigh. 'You spoil me.' 'Anything to see that pretty face of yours,' he replies with a disarming grin. 'Oh, so that's why you cook so much,' you tease. 'And because I love you,' he whispers, voice dropping a few octaves. You smile - so hard your cheeks begin to ache. 'I love you too, Maul.'
It doesn't take you another second - you fall into his arms, the way a comet streaks towards a planet, trapped in its gravity. You are his star, yet you find yourself orbitting him, the shine of glittering galaxies glimmering in your wonder struck eyes; he cradles you in his arms, anchoring you, grounding you, and you wish to stay there forever, sheltered in the arms of the most dangerous man in the universe. He snares you in his grip, yet in doing so, he secures you. The two of you dance together within your own self made solar system, twirling among planets and spinning past asteroid fields, destined, as two star systems are, to collide. And when you do, you explode in a shower of glittering lights, again and again and again, clasped tightly in each others arms.
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yukii0nna · 6 months
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Power Blending!!!✨
This is something I have been dying to do for a while. Given the nature of the fic,this was bound to come up so here we go!
Earth land magic and Twisted Wonderland magic are different but mix pretty well. Earth land magic spells can be cast by someone with twisted wonderland magic and vice versa. However, people with fairy tail magic can't overbolt.
Wizards can use magic while using the miraculous. How the magic blends depends on the miraculous and the magic. For example; if someone uses water magic and the fox miraculous. The flute can act as a wand or blaster.
It is possible to have both quirks and magic. However they are independent of each other
Duel spirits can be brought out by magic. However, compared to psychics,it is weak by comparison.
Forbidden spells are the same on all sides for good reason.
That's it for now. Asks are welcome
@sayuricorner @anxious-twisted-vampire @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @insomniac-jay @jasontoddssuper@lovelyllamasblog @yugirl @gritsandbrits @starry-night-rose @missputotyra
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pwecie · 2 months
Idgaf if people cancel me for this but,
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Black★Rock Shooter walked
So that Sans could run.
Edit: I mean, the giant blaster weapon, the goddamn glowing eye??? It’s like night and day, black and white, Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja and Miraculous Ladybug (yes, I fucking went there, suck my ass).
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vod of the day (2/3): Caspian. co-commander of 142nd with his twin, Weld. got their name by spending any free time on kamino just staring at the sea. "clones aren't supposed to be force sensitive. we can't be....right?...right?"
caspian (he/they/she) CC-4114 surge company
creepily stares into any body of water around. (cough cough living force)
gets premonitions and extreme empathic connections. weld is her twin; he is slightly force sensitive, though in the matter where he can tell what mechanical components should go where.
they get along fantastically with thetra and zali.
always found with weld; they anchor each other. they make one of the best pairs of leaders; they balance each other out
accidentally force heals sometimes
got shot straight through the chest with a blaster, miraculously survived (zali's force healing, augmented by their own sensitivity to the force, and weld being able to defend them from the explosion)
i do have a plan for a little drabble abt how the twins got their injuries <33
caspian needs a breathing apparatus bc of his injuries, but he's one of kamino's finest sharpshooters. chronic pain haver (& migranes!!)
weld & caspian paint their armor the same, but mirrored! their helmets share the eye slash, and one triangle, but thats it
always worried, but is able to push it aside for the sake of the mission
scar on lip is from a scrap with a droid commando that caught him w/o his helmet on the field.
it must be tiring to constantly be aware of your brothers' feelings. all of them. she feels when each of their vod'e die.
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dustysalmon · 2 months
Show Me Yours And I'll Show You Mine - Asajj Ventress x Crosshair (Part 2)
AN: For the sake of not having our two protagonists perform public/voyeuristic sex, we’re all going to imagine that the clones were given cozy individual homes on Pabu, and are not all living aboard the same spaceship. Thank you for your understanding!
CW: smut; dom/sub dynamics, angst
Word count: 2.5k ⎮ Read on ao3 ⎮ Part 1
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"Love what you’ve done with the place." Ventress says as she scans the area. It is mostly grey, and empty. She can’t muster any other word to better describe the place. Empty shelves, empty closets by the looks of it, blinds shut close. There might have been no one living there, there would be no difference. Crosshair is a soldier, after all; more than that, he’s a clone. Theoretically, they have no use for personal items, family pictures and the likes, although Ventress knows a few specimens who would beg to differ. But probably not Crosshair.
"Have you come here just to taunt me some more?" Ventress’ eyes roll to the back of her head in mild annoyance.
"Quit your whining and sit," she motions to the couch, "I’ll check on you." Crosshair’s eyebrows shoot up briefly. 
"I said I was fine."
"Yes, and we’ve established that you’re a terrible liar. Now go on." He is ready to argue some more, but she offers him the same death stare she threw him earlier, just seconds before having him fall on his backside, and he has no desire for a repeat performance. 
"Good boy." 
Crosshair is very thankful for the small amount of light that the closed blinds allow in, because he can feel a hot blush running all the way from his cheeks to his neck. Miraculously, it appears Ventress hasn’t noticed. Kriffing hells, when did he ever let anyone under his skin like that. Dragging his feet, he walks to the couch. And waits. The irritation on her face brings him an inexplicable amount of joy, and a small smirk pulls lightly at his lips. It’s not often he gets to have the upper hand with this one, he will enjoy life’s little pleasures for as long as he can. Eventually, recognising that the enjoyment might hold up to getting his shit rocked for a third time, he lifts up his shirt. Ventress is so surprised that the man is actually capable of pulling a smile that she doesn’t even seem bothered by the whole thing. She simply takes a seat next to him on the couch.
"You froze."
"Excuse me?" He stops his movements, knowing precisely what she is referring to.
"While we were fighting. You had a clear opening," she says matter of factly, "and then you froze." There’s an indescribable expression painting his face, along with a certain darkness, as if he shut down completely. Suddenly he is very conscious of his unstable hand holding his shirt. If it wasn’t currently gripping the fabric so tight, he knows it would waver. 
"I don’t want to talk about it." He says in a low tone. Now, Ventress might be a big tease when she wants to, but she also knows how to read the room. She nods and focuses back on the newly revealed expanse skin. 
The scars on his body are not shocking to her, she has seen her fair share of violence and knows what war does to someone, both physically and mentally. It is more the amount and nature of his scars that baffle her. A lot of them are clearly from old battles, some blasters burns, a few cuts here and there, white criss crosses on his darker skin. Clearly the man has deviated from his initial sharp shooting duties more than once. Ventress can see the bruises of her own making, those will go away in a few days. A particular scar catches her attention. It’s not a wound one earns on the battlefield, that much is clear. This one is clean, surgical even, as if— yes, he was deliberately sliced open. Mechanically, Ventress lifts up the shirt to his upper torso, to reveal the gash in its entirety, running from navel to collarbone. She traces along the abused skin with one delicate finger, and feels him tremble under her touch. Ventress has heard all about the Empire test subjects, the pseudo scientific experiment on aliens, humans, she can only imagine what is done to very expendable clones. She looks up to find his light brown eyes already fixed on her, silently begging her not to ask. 
It has been years since Crosshair has been touched, well, touched that way at least, with care, and no desire to harm. Quite different from the Empire’s claws digging into him the past few weeks, and throughout his life-time really. Property since before he was even created, thrown from one battle to another as a soldier, then from one cell to an operating chamber, and back to another cell after having been declared a traitor to the Empire. 
It’s funny, he doesn’t recall having any particular reaction to Ventress grabbing at him and very much touching him earlier. This is oh so deliciously foreign, it burns him, and he wants more. He wants her to make it all go away, the pain, the memories of his cold and dark room back on Tantiss. He wants the warmth of her presence surrounding him, cradling him to sleep like a little boy. He must not get used to this, he knows that, but blast it, she is making it damn difficult. It’s not simply her touch, though, she is doing something with her hands, with her mind, he realises as a wave of calm runs through him. He feels his entire body relax, his breathing slowing down. He couldn’t explain or describe it, the only thing he is certain of at the moment is that he doesn’t want it to go away. 
Halas, nothing lasts forever, that is especially true of the good things, and Crosshair feels her hand slip away. Only for Ventress to reach up and cup his jaw affectionately. He leans into it so easily and instantly, like a well-domesticated loth cat. Without a word, Ventress glides her fingertips over his mouth, grazing the surface of his now half parted lips before slipping her thumb inside slowly. Their eyes meet as he sticks out his tongue, swirling it lasciviously around her digit and sucking it back into his mouth. They keep this little game up for a few minutes, her thrusting in and out, sometimes switching to her middle and pointer finger while telling him how much of a good boy he is; him taking it all, occasionally humming and moaning with his mouth full.
Ventress straddles him effortlessly, elegantly even, as she seems to do with everything else, pulling his shirt up and off in the same motion. She reaches unceremoniously into his pants and boxers to find his hardening cock, and he gasps as she closes her fist around the velvet and warm skin. In no time, he is melting in her hands, his breathing ragged and eyes shut close as he tries not to explode right here and there. 
"Look at me." A simple command, softly spoken yet he cannot ignore it, not with her intense gaze pinning him down, holding him there. She starts grinding herself against him, because there is no world in which he gets to have all the fun— all the while unfastening her shoulder straps and pulling her shirt and brassiere over her head. Crosshair is utterly transfixed, he is no virgin but it has been a while, and the sight of her rocking against him causes his brain to nearly short-circuit. Soon, he feels her hands at the back of his head, pulling him in, and before he knows it, his lips are wrapped around her nipple, licking and sucking tenderly on the sensitive flesh. Finally something to distract him from the fact that he has never been this hard in his entire life, and that he was seconds away from finishing before having truly started anything. It’s her turn to moan, and he’s not one to brag but he enjoys small victories. Most of all, he enjoys the flurry of praises that escape her lips, affections are so foreign to him, so rare, he had forgotten what it feels like to be handled so delicately, to be touched that way, coaxed into pleasure. 
He releases her nipple and looks up at her, awaiting for her queue as to what is next, and to his surprise, she grabs his face and kisses him. It is hungry, messy, and deliciously addictive,  having her tongue clashing against his while she is clawing at his back. He had wondered about that, kissing her, wondered if it was out of bounds, too intimate, something exclusively reserved for long-time lovers. He doesn’t know much about romance but he can definitely see why people are so tipsy about those things. For the moment, he is just glad that she took the initiative, she has been so very good at that so far. 
They are both breathless by the time they finally part, chest heaving and drops of sweat trickling slowly between their bodies.
"Bed?" Ventress presses, only mildly disappointed in her lack of self-control.
"Yes, ma’am." Crosshair breathes, placing his hands under her thighs and standing from the couch as Ventress secures her strong legs around his hips.
Somehow he’s the one ending up with his back on the mattress, in the meantime, Ventress has already ridded herself of the remaining of her clothes and makes quick work of his. There’s no warning, no preamble when she grips his cock and sinks down on it in a single motion, filling herself to the brim, and he can’t say he recognises the sound that emerges from deep within his chest, something between an ecstatic moan and an panicked howl. It has been a while indeed. It doesn’t help that Ventress sets a vicious rhythm, riding him like a race varactyl on Utapau. Multiple times over, Crosshair attempts to regain control, to set his own pace, but she is absolutely relentless, unyielding. He should have known. 
She shoves him back onto the mattress at each of his attempts to straighten up, hands on his slick chest before finally pinning both his wrists on each side of his head while she keeps moving her hips back and forth at a nearly violent pace. He matches her thrust for thrust, jutting his pelvis up into her as deep as she will let him. Again, it’s a battle he will probably lose, but he is fine with that and decides to give it his all regardless. His resolve finally snaps when Ventress starts to clench around him, gripping his cock like a tight fist, and milking him from the inside. His orgasm overtakes him like a thunderstorm on Kamino, waves after waves of raw pleasure course through him. It is quite special sight, Ventress thinks, seeing this usually stoic clone utterly losing his composure, mumbling unintelligible curses while she is very much still fucking him through his climax to throw herself over the edge too. It doesn’t take long for her to collapse next to him, her chest heaving, and a satisfied smile on her face. 
They lay side by side in the afterglow, Crosshair occasionally brushes a strand of her short hair away from her face, his fingertips lingering on her bone white skin. He is quite easy on the eyes, Ventress thinks, with his sharp cheekbones and features, his beautiful brown eyes, his rough exterior that she now knows conceals a vulnerable being, unique, and capable of so much more than what he was initially created for. She runs the back of her hand against the stubble on his cheeks, enjoying the little tingles it procures on her skin.
"Want me to get out of your hair?" Ventress asks, not particularly eager to retreat to her smaller, and rustic accommodation. 
Crosshair works some saliva into his mouth, "You don’t have to go if you don’t want to," he says, lowering his eyes somewhere on the covers.
"I’m asking you. What do you want?" He knows exactly what she is trying to achieve here, if her wicked little smirk is any indication. All things considered, she has seen him come undone just a couple of minutes ago. Admitting that yes, actually, he enjoys the intimacy doesn’t make him weak, it makes him real. There’s no need to keep up appearances, not with her. 
"I want…" Crosshair meets her eyes once more. "I wouldn’t mind if you stayed."
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
Hi, how r u?
I had a fluffy idea for the Christmas writing challenge.
How about a Luke Skywalker (or whatever sw character you like) x fem reader where they are having to share a bed on a cold night winter day. And she’s just so gentle and soft to him, always respecting boundaries and making sure he knows that he’s loved? Like Imagine softly caressing his cheek and he just confesses right then and there because hes so touch starved and melts under her touch
I think this is too confusing and sappy. And too late lol
Thank you for reading this 🤍
I used poe bc I love him and he deserves to know this
Need Your Warmth
pairing: Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader
word count: 1461
warnings: i didn’t proofread at first and literally posted this with (insert creature) in it so that’s lovely
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
main masterlist
Poe was three minutes away from shooting his own foot just to warm it up.
That's how cold it was. And he was about to do it, too. He was thinking about pulling out his blaster and doing it in the middle of the cafeteria when Y/N wrapped her warm arms around him from behind. 
"Hey there, flyboy." She said softly, and Poe felt his whole body warm with her touch, even through all the layers.
"It's a good thing you're here. I was about to shoot my own foot." He told her, trying not to frown as she took her arms away and sat down right next to him, close enough to feel his body heat. 
"Why exactly were you going to shoot your own foot?" Y/N asked, digging into her soup before it got cold. Poe had finished his soup awhile ago, but he still had a good chunk of his break left. 
"It's freezing!" Poe exclaimed, letting himself chuckle a bit when she laughed. 
"Have some of my soup." She pushed the bowl to him, and he had no time to tell her 'no' before she was talking again. "You're just a warm Yavin boy, aren't you." She teased, and Poe felt his cheeks heat at that. 
Why was he like this?
"You got me." He said, pushing the bowl back over to her. She smiled as she took another spoonful. 
"Have I?" She smirked, and Poe just scoffed and looked away. 
"How long is your break?" He asked, heart skipping when she raised her eyebrows at him. 
"Poe, we have a mission in, like, an hour." She told him when she swallowed the last of her soup, and his eyes widened. 
How could he have forgotten?
"Right!" He chuckled, looking down to BB-8, who was miraculously quiet and just staring. 
"Are you alright?" Y/N asked, so genuinely Poe wanted to take the emotion and shove it straight into his heart.
"Yeah! I just - I have to do a couple things." He got up, letting out a quick breath when he almost tripped but gracefully caught himself and was able to play it off.
"Okay," She smiled, taking a bite of her bread and waving. He waved back, trying just a little too hard not to act awkward. He turned and practically ran out, hitting his head on his hand as soon as he turned the corner.
"That was a disaster, wasn't it?" Poe asked his droid as they made their way to the hanger. BB-8 let out a couple encouraging beeps, and Poe sighed.
"Thanks, buddy."
"How is it even colder on this side? I didn't know it could get any colder." Poe said between his chattering teeth. He and Y/N's mission was simply figuring out where the people inhabiting the other side of the planet stood - were they with the Resistance, or the First Order?
"Well yeah, our side is in summer." Y/N said with a small smile, pulling a scarf out of her X-Wing and wrapping it around Poe before closing the hatch.
"You're kidding, right?" Poe's face was too serious for Y/N to not laugh at, and she walked ahead of him and out of the small hanger they had clearance to land at.
After a couple hours, the sun was low in the sky and it had gotten somehow colder. By now, even Y/N was starting to get a little chilly, so she knew Poe had to be absolutely freezing. 
"We should head back." She told him, turning to see him actually shaking. "Maker, Poe, are you okay?" She was in front of him in half a second, pulling his hat over his ears and pulling her gloves off to place her warmer hands against his cheeks.
"Yeah," He chattered, and Y/N just shook her head, already feeling his cheeks like ice. "Let's just make our way back to the ships." He began to turn, but she grabbed his arm.
"We can't go back with you like this!" She pulled her gloves back on, then looked around.
"What?" Poe sounded absolutely floored by this idea. "What do you mean?"
"What, you think you'll be able to pilot like this?" She asked, grabbing his hand and holding it up. It was shaking, and he knew his bones had been so frozen that he wouldn't be able to make quick maneuvers if he needed to.
"What about BB-8?" He tried to ignore the look Y/N was giving him.
"Poe," She said carefully. "BB-8 is a droid. He'll be fine."
"What are we going to do then?" He asked, but instead of answering Y/N just grabbed his hand and marched over to the closest house that had smoke rising, meaning a working heating system.
"We're going to stay here, obviously." She answered, knocking on the door before Poe could protest.
"Hello," A Togruta answered the door, smiling nicely at them both. Y/N smiled back while Poe just stared. He was pretty sure his mouth was frozen.
"Hi! Me and my friend, we're not from here, and we really need a place to stay tonight. We can't make it back to our home." Y/N explained, then leaned in to the Togruta. "He doesn't do well with the cold." She whispered. Poe had no chance to respond, instead being pulled into the small home.
"We only have one extra bed. I hope that's alright." The Togruta walked around, finding extra blankets before leading them to a small room, the only thing in there a bed. She set the blankets down on the bed and then smiled at them both. She smiled and then left the room.
"I don't have to sleep on the bed. There are a lot of blankets anyway," Y/N shook her head at Poe’s words, grabbing his hand before he could take the blankets.
"If you don't want to share the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." She told him, giving him a soft smile. As much as she wanted to cuddle up with Poe, she would never force it on him. She never saw Poe interact physically with anyone else unless he came back from a close mission, so she wasn't sure what he was comfortable with.
"No, it's not that I don't want to, it's just, I didn't know if you would be okay with that." He said, his voice light as he tried to convey his feelings without actually saying them.
"I'm fine with that." She smiled, letting go of his hand and beginning to spread the blankets out on the bed. "Besides, if we share the bed, we can share body heat. It will make you warmer." She said it like she didn't care, like the thought didn't make her heart race.
It made Poe's heart bruise his ribs.
"Right," He nodded, finally feeling the heat of the room in his face. It was still freezing, but it was much warmer than it was outside. 
"Alright," She sat on the bed to remove her boots, and Poe sat next to her to do the same. "I'm gonna take off my outer layers." She told him, smiling and making sure he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. He just gave a tight smile and stood to do the same. 
Once the two were in their under layers, Y/N turned the light off and the two awkwardly got into bed across from each other. 
"Are you okay with this?" Y/N asked, and Poe felt so loved because Y/N was always checking in on him, wether it be something small or something big. 
"Yeah," He shivered, waiting for the moment that their body heat did it's job and finally warmed him. 
"You're still shivering!" Y/N put a warm hand to his cheek, which wasn't icy anymore but was still cold. She scooted forward, making eye contact the whole time to make sure he wasn't uncomfortable at any point. "We can share body heat," She suggested, as if she were asking what he wanted for breakfast. 
"That sounds nice." He admitted, letting himself reach out for her. She was so warm, Poe was confused at how someone could be this warm on a planet like this. "How are you always so warm?" He asked, feeling bad when she squirmed at his cold hands. 
"I don't know. I'm glad I am, though." She told him, trying to relax. She put a hand on his face, warming him again. 
"I'm so glad you're here." He whispered, eyes closing as his body began to warm for the first time in what felt like forever. 
"Me too." She whispered back, blushing when he tangled his legs with her's. 
"I love you," He said softly, not even noticing until a couple seconds later. Her breath caught as his eyes widened.
"I love you too." She told him, smiling as he relaxed once more. 
"Good, that's good." He closed his eyes and pulled her close. "Because I'm gonna need you to be my heater."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @roxaya 
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tacticalvalor · 9 months
«────── « CLOSED THREAD » ──────»
FOR: @vendettavalor MUSE: valeriya khorkin; former streetkid gone lethal assassin. inspired by au development!
The bounty hunting scene was set ablaze by the resurrection of Boba Fett. A former legend, seemingly gone to time, miraculously brought back to life and now leading Mos Espa beneath an iron fist. People were paying attention. They wanted the fame that would come with an alliance… or a takeover.
It was why the attempt on his life had become all the buzz. A mysterious assassin, alleged to be allied with the Empire, now on the run after Fett's own guards protected him. One remained while one gave chase, and it wasn't long before there was a bounty on this upcoming hunter. It was good money, and would mean good review should one complete it. After all, working for the Boba Fett? Earning his appreciation, or at the very least his thanks? That could get someone places.
It could get Lucas places.
Places like the dark, dank alleyway he found himself in. He'd tailed the shrouded assassin for a while now, monitoring her every move while waiting to strike. A place such as this would be perfect. Out of sight, forgettable… if a bit cramped for his personal tastes. Still, nobody would know he was there. Nobody would know of the assassin's death but him, lessening the likelihood that someone could swoop in and claim the bounty for themselves. Of course, it also meant that she could get the vantage on him. Could turn the tides and be the one to escape their encounter. If she had evaded Fennec, then it would not be out of the question that she could evade him…
But now wasn't the time to think of that. Instead, their cat and mouse game simply went on.
Valeriya could sense something was off as she looked at the navigator in her hand. She had to be close to Mikhail's drop point by now, and damned would she be if she were to let the bounty on her head dissuade her from picking up more work from him. She owed him that much, after everything, and he'd sworn to her that he would take care of the situation in the meantime. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. That someone was on her tail. And so she turned sharply, tucking herself into an offshoot of the alley and tucking the navigator into its pouch. She, too, unholstered the blaster from her hip, pressing her back to the wall and listening to the distant footsteps grow ever closer.
Listening for the perfect opportunity to strike her own hand.
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
Blasters| Eli Shane x reader. Chapter 1.old enemies and new friends.
in the eyes of others, all hope seems lost when the only one that can help the great Shane Gang is a girl who can't hold a blaster properly. let alone sling a slug.
yet, Eli still has hope.
reader is fem in this fanfic!
Who knew that falling into a whole world beneath you could lead to one almost having their face burnt up for more than one occasion?
Eli Shane was one of the best slingers in all of Slugterra. But he’s also one of the most reckless of the bunch too. Having that in mind, he’s pretty sure he should try dodging attacks more than shooting for a while. since you know, if he doesn’t, he’ll die right here and right now.
Before a grenuke slug could even take a glance at his spot, he jumps down behind the rock and takes cover. The poor slug that was now a few feet away from him starts his attack and blows up for nothing in return. The sounds of slugs transforming left and right were common and the cheeky yet annoying remarks of his enemies were quite annoying.
It was nothing compared to the citizens of Molenoid Cavern who were sitting ducks in the whole fight though. It amazed him how they didn’t even give a single care about their safety. Randomly walking around right in the middle of the fight and miraculously dodging every shot. Pronto was busy screaming for the Molenoid’s to get away and retreat, believing that as the rightful king of the place, they’ll comply and listen. Yet they just kept swarming around him instead, asking for help left and right about the most mundane things.
“oh for the love of-“ Pronto seemed to have enough of the chaos circling around him and facepalmed. “YOU’RE ABOUT TO DIE IF YOU STAY HERE!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!”
“But my sink is still clogged!”
Sighing in exhaustion, he looks down at the slugs he still had left. Joules, Studs, and Burpy who was right on his shoulder. He hears light, quick footsteps and finds it to be Trixie, who was dodging a Hop Rock and falls face first to the ground. Groaning in annoyance, she gets up and urgently puts a slug in her blaster and shoots at the perpetrator. Kord suddenly comes as well, hiding behind a rock a few feet away from them and trying to get the best shot that’ll take out the whole group of bad guys together.
 “I still don’t get it.” Trixie suddenly speaks up, grabbing the attention of her friends. “Why would they come to Molenoid cavern? They don’t really have anything worth attacking the people for.”
“Yeah, especially after the Vault of Knowledge was destroyed. Whatever these guys want to do, it’s probably really stupid.”
“Well, whatever the case is, they still got a bunch more grenukes in their hands.” He puts Joules in his blaster. “We need to stop them before anyone gets hurt!”
Joules throws electrical bolts all through the team and makes them jolt while Kord shoots an Arachnet and ties them all together in a web. “Pronto!” Trixie shouts to the Molenoid King, who was still busy trying to get the people away from the danger right before their eyes. He turns his head to Trixie. “Use your flatulorhinkus!” with a grin, Pronto nods and takes out the slug in question and shoves him in his blaster. “Do your worst! "
The shot let out a horrid smell that made the rest of the bandits close their eyes in disgust and try to get away from it, only to slam into each other and the gas still lingering between them. The gross mixture of lime-ish green and deep purple was stinging their eyes and before they knew it, they were encased in the stomach of a buballeone slug. The gas getting stuck with them as well.
Eli walks up to the group stuck in webs, puts Burpy in a tube and then his blaster, and aims it at them. The group follows suit and the bandits, now face to face with the infamous infurnus with a gleam of mischief in his eyes, cower in fear. They haphazardly kick their feet to the ground, trying to shove themselves away from the slug's viewpoint making a trail of dust awaken from their pathetic attempts.
“We’ll shoot…unless you tell us why you’re here.”
“Don’t tell them a single thing!” a muffled voice from the bubbaleone’s stomach shouts. He coughs from the smell, his eyes stinging with tears and yet he still punches the slug for a way to escape. The common sound of blasters starting up made the bandits’ ears ring and they looked at the group, still armed and ready to shoot with a hopeless look. “yeah…I don’t think you have a choice.” Although his words could shake one in fear, his sheepish grin showed his shocking optimistic attitude to the situation.
“It’s Twist. We’re working for Twist!”
Suddenly, everything in the world seemed to stop for Eli. His grin faltered and memories flowed through his mind like venom. the name made him feel sick.
Twist. The one he trusted and seen as a family, only for him to stab the gang in the back and become Blakk’s apprentice, has now come back?
It’s been a few months since they’ve defeated Dr.Blakk and with that, all the people who used to work for him have now been solo once again. Slingers had no choice but to use normal slugs, all the minions and employees have gone to other jobs and all the companies and incorporations, whether they collaborated with him by choice or not, have now been starting to do their own thing again.
Twist’s words to him echoed through his head. ‘I’m on the side who wins.’ Well…the good guys won, didn’t they?
He thought he’d gone back to their side.
He hoped he’d gone back to their side.
With a click of his tongue and a sigh, the grasp on his blaster tightens. “Why did he send you here?”
“He wants a map to two rare slugs!” the banging on the bubbly slug’s stomach became louder. “SHUT UP STEVE! SHUT.UP!”
“What kind of slugs?” Eli ignored the furious thrashing of the other and focused on Steve, his face seemed determined, done with bad luck. “We don’t know the names. But we know one can turn invisible and the other can shapeshift.”
“WHAT THE HELL STEVE!” the other cries out. “WE’RE ALL DEAD MEAT NOW!”
“I don’t care anymore!” Steve screams back at him. “That guy sucks! How are we even sure he was going to pay us, huh?!”
As his teammates chuckle and shook their heads at the scene before them, Eli wastes no time and silently walks up to his Mecha, his head obviously in a different world at the moment. With a heavy heart and words stuck in his throat, he mutters a ‘let’s go’ to his teammates and waits for them to get into their Mechas as well. In a worrying silence, they all sit down and start to ride off to their hideout.
Eli could feel their stares burning holes at his back. “What?” he huffs out. he doesn’t dare to even glance at them.
“Dude…you looked pretty sad back there.”
“I-I was just thinking!” he tries to reason, shoulders rising up and his grasp on the handler tightening a bit. He tried his best to ignore the worried glance Burpy sent him. “Pronto would have to disagree on that.” the Molenoid muttered. “You don’t really seem in the best of moods.”
“You know you can talk with us, right?”
He frowns, his chest suddenly feeling heavy and body feeling frozen. As if a froscrawler has been shot at him. His form shakes a bit as he gets a hard time trying to verbalize his emotions. Seriously, what’s up with him? Even he doesn’t know at this point. Is he frustrated? Tired? Scared? Angry? He’s unsure. He doesn’t even think he wants to know what the cause could be. “Let’s just...” he takes a deep breath. “Let’s just go to the hideout first.”
The small tapping of a pencil echoed through the dark room. Webs and boxes filled with lab supplies filled up the giant space. The place was cold. There was always a chilly aura around it. Yet, this time, it felt more present than before. Twist scoffed. Who knew that Dr.Blakk had warmth in him?
Small bits of rubble and signs of blasts littered the ground like it was a canvas. The artist for the piece finished it months ago and left with no guilt. Leaving Twist to pick up and clean the brushes.
Maps and old fairy tale books were all over the large black desk. Twist remembers the old tale Blakk told him. The one where he proudly showed his desk, speaking about his hardships and pain for a way to make slugs obey his command. “This desk was the first to see it succeed.”
If Blakk could make the impossible happen, surely he can too, right? After all, he is his apprentice.
The door shuffled open, but he didn't falter one bit. too enamored with the old tale he had his eyes one for a while. The interrupter of his peace cleared their throat. “sir.” 
The man spoke up. “we’ve found it.”
In a blink of an eye, Twist’s head snapped back up with an excited grin. Yes! He knew it! As his grin became a snarky smirk, he chuckled and put down his pencil. “good, keep it there. And double the guards there.” They nodded at that.
The blonde leans back on his chair and finally, after weeks of scowls, a small smile was placed on his face. Oh, Dr.Blakk the ever-so genius. Hiding some dark water for backup in case of total failure and not telling a single soul about it. Not even his own apprentice.
Before the henchman leaves, Twist calls out their name.” by the way,” he leans back up. Elbows now placed on the desk and his chin placed right into his hands. “tell all those old patrons of ours to start wreaking havoc again. And of course, they’ll be paid handsomely for it.” The blaring stylized ‘V’ shined brightly behind him. The henchman’s eyes widen. For they have now seen the birth of Dr.Blakk within the new boss.
The hideout, also known as the home of the Shane Gang, was in a secluded spot in a forest. Left by his father, Eli often wondered what more secrets the place held. There was this one time with the whole safe that led them to have an object that made him speak to the Shadow Clan. But other than that, there wasn’t much discovered about the place.
Eli thought he knew everything now. He knew every cavern, every slug and even managed to get some rare slugs as well. But this? If they didn’t get those slugs first, who knows what Twist would do with them. A question popped into his mind. What would he do with them? Why is he so hung up about this?
Call it hatred, call it fear, whatever it was, he knows it’s a bad feeling. One that he needs to make sure doesn’t get worse with time. After voicing a few of his worries, not really giving the full picture to the team yet enough for them to understand what he’s going through, he gets up and takes out two white stick figure objects that were stuck together. Taking the two apart, a holograph showed up and he lays it on the table. The blue holographic screen showed a map of the 99 caverns.
“We need to stop Twist. We have to get to those slugs first.”
Trixie, who was busy searching in her computer for some Intel, sighed in disappointment. She turned around and leaned back on the chair with crossed arms. “Hate to break it to you E, but there’s only one thing out there about these slugs.”
“What is it?”
“It’s an old fairy tale about an old slinger who used to have these slugs. They say the slinger wanted to make sure they wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands, so they hid them from the world.” Trixie’s lips thinned in thought. “In the past...I’d say it’s just an old story…but now knowing that the ‘burning world’ is somewhere real…”
“There’s a chance that this could be real, too.” Kord finished her thought. Eli tapped his foot, concentrating on the map to remember any clues he could’ve possibly found in the past within the caverns. He came up with nothing. Greeting his teeth a bit, he sighed in distress. “How are we going to find these slugs?!”
He hadn’t noticed the three friends glancing at each other, a silent conversation being held up with their expressions. Pronto seemed eager, yet warry to tell Shane, while Trixie’s was the opposite, not wanting to give intel about something that could be for nothing. Kord on the other hand, seemed stuck between the two decisions. But in the end, he went with his gut feeling and opened his mouth.
“There’s…someone who could help with this.” Without a second to waste, Eli turned his head to the cave troll. “There was this family that knew everything about the slugs, the L/n family. From rare ones to common, they had a whole book written about them. They could help.”
“Then where are they? Let’s go to them right now!” Eli grinned, yet he was only met with worried glances from the team. “Yeah…um…the thing is, they suddenly disappeared a few years ago. And no one has heard from them ever since. “
“rumor has it that Blakk went to their house for something, but after he left, the house was left in shambles and there were only one remaining L/n in the midst of its ruins.” Pronto spoke. Eli frowned, now a bit of anger and worry coursing through him.“Where are they right now?”
Pronto thinks for a bit. “If I remember well, in a forest near Quisingly Caverns.”
“Uh, guys…!” the shocked and distressed voice of Trixie took everyone’s attention. She pointed to the map that was laying on the table, the red dots suddenly appearing all around slugterra. “There are criminals everywhere! We can’t just leave everything like this!”
“But if we don’t get there in time Twist could get his hands on the slugs sooner than us!” Kord brought up, in a moment of strategic thinking, Eli hummed and his shoulders tensed. He called out for the group’s attention and laid out his plan to them.
‘I’ll go look for the last remaining L/n, you guys can handle all the crimes while I’m gone.’His own words from hours ago echoed through his head, his gaze following the road he’s so near to finish and reach his destination. The forests in Slugterra always were so beautiful, but he never thought one could live in them. Especially with all duels and fights around the place. But, there are a lot of slugs in the forests, so it’s no surprise that a family known for their slug knowledge would want to live somewhere with lots of them.
“you see anything Burpy?” he asks the companion on his shoulder. The slug looks around the place, his eyes widening and chirping loudly as he points out a house to his right. “good job, buddy!” he praised, now turning his Mecha Beast in its direction.
the house seemed a bit old and quite small. But it seemed to be enough for having three living in it, he noticed a fence in the back, which lead him to believe it could have more space behind it. As he got off the Mecha Beast, he walked up to the door and in a singular moment, took a deep breath, hoped for the best, and knocked.
There was no noise for two whole minutes. With a frown, he knocks again. He feels relieved as a groan reached his ears. Footsteps became louder and soon, the door opened.
It was a girl, seemed to be his age with messy hair and puffy swollen eyes, as if she just woke up. The clothes were a big giveaway to that as well. Sweatpants and a tee-shirt with some cringey line on it written in cursive. The girl frowned at the boy, clearly annoyed by his interruption.
“Uh…hi.” He gulped, giving an awkward wave. “I’m Eli Shane. Are you from the L/n family?”
The girl’s frown deepened. It took her a whole minute to respond. Begrudgingly, she rolled her eyes and huffed. “Yes…” Eli smiled, hopeful gleam in his heroic eyes and his posture now brighter than before.
“I need your hel-“
the door slammed shut.
Eli looks at the door with pure shock, he takes a small glance at Burpy and sees him with the same expression as his. Taking a moment to collect himself, he knocks once more.
 “Nobody’s home!” your voice screams out. He huffs and frowns.”I know you’re in there.” He says, unimpressed. “please, you gotta help us!”
No one answered back. He takes a deep breath, collects his thoughts and forms the best words in his mind to speak up about .his shoulders slouched.
“Blakk’s gone.” His first words came out deadpanned, serious of some sorts. “But his apprentice, Twist, is still out there. We don’t know what his plan is, but we have to stop him before it’s too late.” He’s already attacked Molenoid Cavern, who knows where else he’ll resort to for these slugs. The thought made Eli even more worried than before. As a Shane, it is his duty to protect all of Slugterra. All caverns whether big or small. For the first time in quite a while, he felt worried. One of the last times he saw Twist, was when the blonde and Dr.Blakk defeated the Unbeatable Master. He let out a sigh he didn't realize he was holding back. “We could really use your help right now.”
There wasn’t a single noise coming from the house. Not even any sounds of walking around or shuffling away some objects. It was fully blank. It made Eli feel a bit awkward and stiff. Despite that, he didn’t falter. He didn’t give up a single hope. He’ll wait. He’ll wait for the night if he has to. Because the Shane knows that if he doesn’t, there’s no hope in stopping Twist.
He wasn’t sure how long it has been. A few minutes or hours, but certainly not a full day. He played a bit with his slugs, chuckling at their calm purrs as he pets them.
The girl was certainly stubborn, he’ll give her that. With feeling confident about getting through her, he smiles. He has already gotten through the great grumpy Redhook. If he survived that man’s wrath, he knew he could survive anyone’s.
He flinched as the door suddenly creaked. Quickly twisting his head in its direction; he was met with the same girl, but in a more outside casual outfit. An evident scowl on her face by seeing him still there. Eli got a bit distracted by the few hairpins that were stuck to her hair. “You’re still here? Seriously?” she scoffed.
By completely ignoring the blue-eyed Shane and closing the door, she walked out of her house. Eli quickly got up, rode his Mecha Beast, and followed. He had to lower the speed his vehicle was going at, all to hold a conversation with her. He looked at the road ahead of them, the Quisingly Caverns can be seen from a distance. “Sooo where are you going?” he fiddles a bit with the buttons placed on his Mecha Beast.
It took a few awkward seconds before she answered. “I’m out of slug chow.” He hummed at that, now looking at the road. “you need a ride there?” he twists the handlers in his grasp a bit, making his Mecha Beast roar off some sound as a way to impress.
Her frown deepened. “No.”
“alright…” Eli looked at her once more, now getting a closer look, he noticed her lack of blaster and slugs. ‘Weird.’ It was certainly not strange for some people to not have any slugs nor be slingers. But if she needed slug chow, then where are her slugs? Maybe she had them more like a pet or roommate rather than ammo? Still, isn’t her family all about slugs? She’d have to know how to sling if that’s the case...right?
An infinite supply of questions and barely even a thread of answers were given to Eli. He’s sure he’ll get the answers soon.
“could you at least tell me your name?”
“….its Y/n.”
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
That’s the first thought that ran through your head as you hesitantly walked beside him. Couldn’t he take a hint? You didn’t want anything to do with Blakk anymore. It doesn’t matter if he was gone for good, didn’t matter if he had an apprentice. Whatever the so-called ‘Eli Shane’ was getting himself into, it was absolutely none of your business.
Still, the sudden news shocked you. Dr.Blakk, the foulest and evil person you’ve ever met, the richest guy in slugterra, defeated? And by some kid like you no less? It made you feel relieved, a bit happy even. You still remember the days when Blakk was just a mere name you heard of in shops, some guy who you thought you’ll never have the dismay to meet.
Eli Shane…Shane…that name was very familiar. Who doesn’t know about the Shanes? Protectors of the caverns, heroes of all. You remember seeing his father once in the past, his visit to your house, talking with your father about some sort of plan and holograph recording through Enigmo Slugs. You even remember him talking a bit about his son, saying he’ll bring him to visit to one day. Ten-year-old you were happy to hear about a kid her age.
Who knew you’d be meeting in such different circumstances than it was imagined? A bittersweet smile gets placed on your lips. Looking back up, you noticed the city you’ve been meaning to reach. You give another annoyed glance at Eli, wondering if he’d leave you be, yet were only given an awkward grin from the boy instead. Soon, your eyes landed on the infurnus slug he had on his shoulder, something you hadn’t noticed till now.
He looked familiar, way too familiar in fact. The extreme orange skin…the fire design around him…it took you a few seconds to realize why. “I’ve met you before.” You speak to the slug, the little firey being flashing a grin and waving at you. “You were with Will Shane that day.” You unconsciously point out.
“You met my dad?” Eli gasped, now his head in a completely different subject. Your eyes squinted at the boy, unsure of how to respond. Yet, when you looked at the eagerness and desperation in his eyes, as if he hasn’t heard from his dad for years, you felt guilt stab into you. You looked away and sighed. “Yes. I’ve met him before.”
“I was young though.” You looked at a supermarket and made your way to it. “I think I was ten at that time…he was talking with my dad about some Enigmo slugs.” You opened the store’s door and went in. Eli muttered something to himself. Eyes on the ground as he stood still in thought. Seeing this as your golden opportunity, you made a run for it and lost yourself in the supermarket’s isles. Away from the stubborn boy.
Slugterra’s products are quite cute when you think about them. Since slugs are the most known beings throughout the place, many companies use them as their mascots. There’s the gum that features a Bubbaleone, chocolate featuring a hop rock, and spicy sauces with Flaringo’s on them. Really, it’s all too darn cute. At times when you look at them, you remember your own slugs at home. Always there with you. By your side at your best and worst times, always sticking with you even if…
You stop that thought.
Focus. They’re going to get hungry soon. Get the food.
Walking down the familiar place, you take a few steps forward and reach the counter filled with different brands of slug chow. You can always make ones yourself, but that’ll take more gold than the store-bought ones. At the same time, you’re sure your slugs would like the family recipe better. You hummed a bit, now in deep thought about the small ordeal.
Before you could decide, you heard a snicker behind you. Turning around, you found yourself regretting coming out today. The man before you made the moment significantly worse with his evil smirk.
C.C. was his name. Or at least, the name he’s known as throughout Slugterra. Last time you saw him, he was a respected slug slinger but a huge douchebag. He forced you to help him find a Forgesmelter. You had two choices at the time. Either help him find that slug or face his slinging skills and get your face chopped off by a thresher.
“Y/n.” he showed off a cocky grin. “…C.C.” you looked away.
 “Long time, no see.” The slinger chuckled. “What are you doing around here?”
“Just buying some stuff.” You gulped, quickly taking the closest brand in front of you, and quickly tried to scurry away. Only to be stopped by a hand blocking your path. Your heartbeat quickened and you felt your nerves screaming at you to run. Run as fast as you could muster. “Now now, no need to be in such a rush! I just want to make another deal with you.” his tone was condescending. Sadistic. You felt like throwing up by just hearing his annoying voice. “Judging by the Shane by your side…” oh god no. oh shit fucking fuck. “ I’m guessin’ you know about the whole…” he takes a deep breath. “Rare slug thing going on.” his blaster, now in his grasp, was placed right at your head. “how about this, I’ll buy you the slug chow and in exchange,” his blaster was suddenly pushed right into your head, almost grazing your skin and reaching your skull.” you tell me everything you know.” You took a fearful breath.
As if the world has blessed you, a familiar infurnus flew around the slingers. Gasping in shock, C.C. let go of you, and as swift as possible, you made a beeline to the exit. Completely ignoring the thing you were here for from the start and running since your life depended on it.
“Not so fast you slug nerd!” you couldn’t even grimace at that nickname. C.C. was right behind you. Blaster fired up and a Lavanyx shot. You grabbed on anything you could. Taking a small glance at it, it seemed to be a plastic tray on discount. Without a second thought, you threw it in his direction. The Lavanyx took the bait and shot his hot scourging lava at it, melting the whole thing completely.
Finally reaching the exit, you push the glass door as hard as you could and zoom out. Completely ignoring the pain in your palms. You were met with another can of worms. Slingers who had been waiting outside, all blasters aimed right at you.
Within a blink, they all shoot. You try to dodge each and every slug yet got punched down by a Rammstone. Your chest ached. Your cheek felt sore. Your heartbeat was in a state of disarray and your muscles were screaming for rest. Before you knew it, a loud scream emitted from the supermarket, and C.C. came flying through the door. Crashing merely a few steps ahead of you. Eli quickly got out as well, Blaster aiming right at the slingers outside.
“Jeez, can’t a guy buy groceries in peace?” Eli gave a cocky smirk. His eyes swayed everywhere and soon, they landed on you. “You ok there?”
You got up a bit, groaning from the jolt of shocking pain that went through you. “I’m fine! Just focus on the fight!” he nodded and shot a Hoverbug. The flying slug grabbed two of the slingers and flew around the place, making them land face first on the ground next to you. Their blasters and slugs get thrown out in the process.
Eli shoots a Frostcrawler, getting the slingers stuck on the icy wall for a bit. “Come on! Grab a blaster and shoot!”
All the world seemed to go blank. Hear beat raising again, feeling like a frog was stuck in your throat and body starting to shake. The blaster stood on the ground, mocking you and starring as if it knew all your secrets, as if it would tell the whole world about it. Your head was filled with unwanted thoughts. Your stomach felt like it was punching your guts and tears threatened to spill. Soon the thoughts became memories.
You looked back at Eli, a sheepish grin placed on your lips as you huffed out a laugh and quickly grabbed the blaster. “d-don’t worry! I’ll..I’ll…” you wanted to show you can do i. yeah, you can do it! It’s just...it’s just as easy as anything else!
“uhh- um-“ your words kept coming up scrambled. Your mind was in full panic mode. Grabbing the tube that the rammstone slug was in, which was looking at you with worry, you placed the tube in the blaster and stretched your arms out. Your aim seemed wonky and your hands were shaken. Eli noticed that you didn’t even have the right position for slinging a slug.
“Y/n wait-!”
Without letting another thought run through you, you shot the rammstone and chaos obliterated the atmosphere. The power that surged through the blaster to shoot it soon impacted your body as well and you stumbled to the ground. The poor slug hit a mecha beast rather than a slinger, soon bouncing off the mecha beast and hitting a wall, then a pole, then another mecha beast and it kept going and going without any stop. In fact, it seemed to be going at a higher speed with each hit.
The stare you believed Eli was giving you was burning through your skin. With an awkward cough, you turned around and grimaced at his expression. Jaw dropped from shock, eyes widened in disbelief. Worse part was, his slug had the exact same expression.
“U-uhh I…” seriously, what was there to say? You felt your throat become dry, your shoulders rack in shame and you looked at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“You…” Eli tried to process this. Never expecting such a situation. The slingers that were supposed to be fighting you seemed quiet as well. You didn’t even dare to look at their expressions.
The sudden sound of a blaster shooting made you all jolt and turn your heads to the source. A Bubbaleon transformed and swallowed the uncontrollable Rammstone, now slowing down the slug’s speed and keeping him still in her stomach. “what? You didn’t know?” a snort came from C.C., who now recovered from Eli’s harsh attack on him. “the girl cant blast even if her life depended on it!” his laugh hollered through the place. The other slingers joined in as well. Leaving you embarrassed out of your mind and looking away from anybody’s gaze.
God, you’re so embarrassing. A fool. What kind of person in Slugterra can’t fucking sling a slug? Taking a small glance at the people around you, you felt your dignity scream from the sight. The slingers were laughing their hearts out at your embarrassing actions while Eli seemed to show sympathy. Choking a bit and coughing, you slowly looked away, paying extreme attention to the Mecha Beast a few feet away from you. Already done with everything. You just want to go home. You really need to go home. You couldn’t bear the laughs they were hollering out anymore.
Eli’s gaze switched from the slingers to you in concern. Torn between two decisions, Eli bites the bullet and shoots a tomato; the tornado turns and turns with no intention of stopping, leaving the slingers with no clear way of seeing the two.
He taps your shoulder. “Come on Y/n. it’s our chance to leave!” he grabs your arm and forces you up. With no words said, he runs to his mecha beast. You sat down the mechanic wolf, mind occupied elsewhere as you both rode to the house.
Eli, now finally piecing out his thoughts and coming into a conclusion, cleared his throat and broke the silence between you two.
“So…” his finger tapped lightly on the handle. “…you can’t sling a slug?” he heard you sigh.
“It’s…none of your business.” You grumbled out, obviously not really meaning that.
“But how come you can’t sling?” Eli pressed further, not letting this slip away. With gritted teeth, you rolled your eyes. Even if your emotions betrayed you and felt complete embarrassment from his words. “I just..can’t. Ok? I never really learned how to.”
“…Alright then.” Eli finally let go of it, focusing on the road ahead of him. You felt a bit bad. Not only did you act so harsh with him the whole day, he also saved you and you had yet to thank him. With a small pat on his shoulder, you caught his attention.
Looking back, Eli was shocked by seeing your expression. “Hey…uhh…” you cleared your throat a bit from the nonexistent block. Taking a deep breath, you finally spoke up.
“Thanks…for saving me out there.”
Eli gave you a small smile. “No problem.”
It’s been officially a full day since Eli came here. Yesterday, after the ride home barely any words were spoken. Eli offered his spare of slug chow to your slugs and you offered him a room to sleep in.
The room, although packed with notes and pictures, books that seemed to collect dust and clothes that seemed untouched, felt completely empty. As if a ghost was living in it instead. The bed felt as cold as the Chillbore Caverns. Making him cling to the blanket as if it’s his last life. Despite the uncomfortable energy around the room, he slept quite fine after an hour of staring mindlessly at the ceiling.
Waking up, Eli realized it was quite late in the day. Two p.m., to be exact. He must've felt exhausted from all the slug fights yesterday. He still felt a tad bit worried about you and the whole fight yesterday. So without a single second wasted, he gets up and starts his new quest. Find the slug nerd!
The house felt different than the room he slept in. it was warm and full of life. The small sounds of chirps and chippers of slugs goofing off filled the silence in the room. Small pencils and papers lay across the table in the living room. With a small glance, he noticed that it seemed to have written a bit of info with a slug drawn on its side.
He saw a few slugs hanging around the table in the kitchen, a few being his and others seemingly yours. A chirp caught his attention, looking to his left, he noticed Burpy jumping to get to him. With one high jump, he lands perfectly on his shoulder. Chuckling, he pets the slug a bit and greets him. “Where’s Y/n?”
The slug smiles and jumps down, looking back at Eli and motioning him to follow.
He hasn’t actually seen your backyard yet, has he?
It was quite beautiful, blissful even. The tall mushrooms from blue to deep purple towered over you, making the whole place darker than the rest of the forest outside. Small patches of grass littered around the place and a few slugs seemed to be hiding in them for fun. The whole place was to simply put it, breath-taking.
Despite the wonderful scenery, there wasn’t any time to appreciate it. He still had a person to check up on. His gaze landed on your sitting figure on the wooden stairs. Ones that were leading up to the yard in front of him.
 Quietly petting the Arachnet slug that sat on your lap, you heard footsteps that you could only assume were Eli’s. feeling a new weight getting added and a small creak coming along the stairs with it, you only tilted your head up to look at the top of the 99 caverns, covered by sharp rocks that go all up in an inevitable darkness.
In a few moments, you started to speak. “Invisible and shapeshifting slug…god that’s such a mouthful.” You scoffed. “They’re actually called Invislug and Shaper…”Eli’s head turned to you in a swift movement. “The owner might have had skills in slinging, but certainly not in naming slugs.” You chuckled, completely ignoring his shocked expression.
“so you do actually know about these slugs!”
“only a little.” You shrugged. “my great grandfather had been trying to find them for years. but died before finding out. the rest of the family didn’t want to continue his research, but they did write about it in the book.” Eli smiled, relief flooding his system. “Then can you show it to me?” the frown you gave worried Eli. Lips thinning in stress and shoulders tensing up.
“I destroyed the book.”
Silence took over the room for a moment.
“you what?”
“I destroyed it.” You repeated. It felt more like a confirmation to yourself than him. “It…it was to stay safe from Dr.Blakk.”
A few moments passed, but Eli sighed in nodded in understanding. He knew what you meant. From what he heard, no one ever stood up to Dr.Blakk before he came around. No one dared to disagree with the man in the fear of everything they have got taken away from them.
The ones who did stand up, ended up getting convinced and partnering up with the man or, well, dead. His father was proof of that.
In deep thought, you found yourselves fighting between two decisions. Be selfish or selfless?
It was a question that everybody goes through at some point. If you be selfish, you could stay here and rest for as much as you like. Do nothing for hours without any consequences. If you be selfless, however, you could find yourselves nearly dying every second, danger all around you. But, you’ll also make the universe avoid giving danger to others. If you get those slugs, you can keep them away from the wrong hands for good. You can finally be someone useful. Someone worthy of your family’s legacy.
“I’ll help you.” You stated, making the boy grin in response. “I don’t remember much about them, but I do know the book having something about clues being left around the 99 Caverns for where they hid the map.” Getting up, you gave a small smile and held out your hand for him to take.
“So? What are you waiting for?”
It took a moment for Eli to process your words. A new determination surged within him as he took your hand and got up.
“let's go find those slugs.”
Guess which clown made an x reader fanfic for a show barely anybody remembers. THIS CLOWN!!!!
Anyways, so I recently rewatched all of slugterra and had this idea pop into my mind, in the end, I couldn’t help but write it. I'm sorry if Eli seems a bit ooc, I didn’t get much opportunity in the plot of the first chapter to show his personality. Had to make him get into his hero mode for most of the part. But dw, Eli will be in character in future chapters.
If you enjoyed this please do comment and leave a like on this fanfic. It keeps me motivated and makes me decide if I should write a second chapter or not.
Alrighty, so here's a question, whose is your favorite character in slugterra? Mine would be Junjie. He’s so sweet and kind- I really loved his arc about feeling horrible for who he was for the last twenty years and trying to move on from that. I wanted to give him a hug the whole time- if there ever was more slugterra made, I hope they show us Junjie more-
Anyways thank you all so much for reading!! See you all in the next chapter!!!
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