#blood blossoms eat ghosts headcanon
starry-bi-sky · 4 months
I am loudly pushing the batdad agenda i am loudly pushing the— DPxDC Prompt
“Woah. You look like shit."
Granted, that’s probably not the first thing Danny should be saying to the guy that just bit the curb, but in his defense; he’s not running on 100% right now either.
The man -- tall, towering, and broader than Danny is tall -- whips around on his heel, black frayed cape flaring out impressively. Danny would've whistled in appreciation, but he takes the time instead to wipe the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the blood running from his nose across his cheek.
"Sorry." He blinks widely, not even flinching as the man with the horns zeroes in on him. "That was rude of me. I have a really bad brain-to-mouth filter; Sam says its what always gets me into trouble."
And she's not wrong either, per say. His smart mouth is what landed him in this situation -- with blood blossom extract running through his veins and cannibalizing the ectoplasm in his bloodstream. Thanks Vlad.
The man grunts at him; a short, curt "hm" that shouldn't make Danny smile, but he does because he's somewhat delirious and probably concussed. The man keeps some kind of distance, sinking towards the shadows of Gotham's alleyway like he dares to melt right into it.
If it's supposed to scare Danny, it doesn't work. Danny's never been afraid of the dark; he's always been able to hide himself in it. He blinks slowly at the mass of shadows.
"You look hurt." The shadows says, blurring together around the edges. Danny squints, and licks his lips to get the blood dripping down his chin off. Ugh, he hates the taste of blood.
"I am." He says, "My godfather poisoned me. M'dying." The agony of the blood blossom eating him from the inside out looped back around to numbing a while ago, so all he feels is half-awake and dazed.
"Hey," Danny stumbles forward towards the man, a bloodied hand reaching out to him. "You-- you're a hero, right? You're not attacking me; which is more than I can say for most costumed people I've met." Maybe it's a poor bar to judge someone at, but he's already established that Danny's not in his right mind.
The man makes no change in expression, but Danny realizes blearily that it's hard to tell with the shadows on his face. He stays still long enough for Danny to latch onto the cape -- stretchy, but almost soft under his fingers.
He looks up blearily into the whites of the man's eyes. "Can you help me? I don't-- I don't wanna die." Again. He doesn't wanna die again. He blinks slow and lizard-like. "I mean- I'll probably get to see mom and dad again, but I told them I'd at least try and make it to adulthood."
There's a clatter down the street, and Danny's ghost sense chills up his spine and leaves a bitter, ashy taste in his mouth. He immediately knows who it belongs to even before the deceptively gentle; "Daniel?" echoes down the way.
"Daniel? Quit your games, badger, Gotham is dangerous for children."
Danny's mouth pulls back, and blood spills against his tongue. "Please." He rasps, and grabs onto the shadow's cape with both hands. "Please. He's going to kill me. Please--"
"Daniel? Is that you?"
His lips part, dragging in air to plead with the darkness again. He doesn't need to, the whites of his eyes narrow, and the cape whirls around him before Danny can blink. Soon swaddled in shadows, the Night lifts him up, and steals him away.
#I AM LOUDLY PUSHING THE BATDAD AGENDA#anyways— add ons are encouraged i wanna talk more dpxdc with folks i just cant find any aus i really like enough to engage with#which is nobody's fault and its why im making my own content in order to reach more people#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dc x dp#dpxdc prompts#i took a ‘which batfam member are you (except its personal)’ quiz a few days ago#and got bruce wayne. and then was promptly read to filth why im most like him and it rudely but accurately explained why im the most like#him. it also consequently explained to me why i like him so much. whenever i see him in his kindest form i see a mirror looking back#anyways lots of ‘danny rejecting bruce as a parent’ aus. may i present: bruce and danny finding family in each other aus. batdad aus pls.#dpxdc prompt#dcxdp#this prompt can take place at any point of Batkid accumulation but personally i was imagining this as before Bruce has any of his kids yet#eldest brother danny supremacy and also just that one on one bonding#danny being someone who was never afraid of the dark as a kid and even less so as he got older. taking solace in it as a ghost because you#cant hide in the dark when you glow. his enemies can't jump out at him. but he can jump out at them. how can he be afraid of the dark when#the dark is where the stars like to live? there's a comfort in the shadows. there might be something hiding in it. but he's hiding in it to#blood blossoms eat ghosts headcanon#wasn't sure where i was gonna go with this at the beginning and then i caught steam.#batman casually kidnaps an orphan upon kid's request. also the kid was Actively Dying Of Poison. What was he gonna do?? NOT help him?#mister 'keeps candy in his utility belt specifically for scared children'??? no way.
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halfagone · 7 months
Danny, You Need To Calm Down
Me: "I need to nerf Danny a bit for this fic. I should have him only reveal and use his intangibility."
Danny: *is still BAMF and kicks ass*
Me: "Hmm... I did not think this through."
I am serious, though. If you're creative enough and have watched enough superhero media then you'll be able to find all sorts of unusual applications to some of Danny's powers.
With intangibility alone, all Danny needs to do is stand there and let his opponent tire themselves out trying to just land a blow and then fight back. If he has some more melee or martial arts training, he could use a nerve strike and bam, one-shot knock-out. And that's not even counting super strength or flight or telekinesis or why is this boy so overpowered?! /rhetorical
And if you know me, you know how much I love writing a good OP BAMF Danny. But it can be pretty restricting too. With an abundance of powers and a proven track record to gain more powers when necessary, it's not exactly easy to keep Danny down. There are a few known weaknesses we can use to our advantage here, but they come with their own issues:
Major Weaknesses
Blood Blossoms
We've seen blood blossoms are pretty effective on ghosts from the "Infinite Realms" episode in Season 3, but only on Danny's ghost half. I always thought it was a bit strange, since Danny has used ghost powers in his human form so technically it should still affect him? But that's just a personal headcanon so feel free to ignore that.
But! Since Danny could just transform (if he can get past the total agony it causes him) then he'll be fine again. Blood blossoms are also edible, as proven by Tucker, which makes me wonder if Danny could eat them in his human form and make it out unscathed? Since it's only his ghost half that's susceptible to them.
However, it's commonly headcanon'd that blood blossoms are extinct as we only see them in this episode back in the 1600s from the Salem Witch Trials. But canon also tends to bring up some really interesting concepts and then just... never mention them again, so it's possible they're still out there and the Fentons just never learned of them.
We don't see this one come up too many times in fanfiction, if only because many of us have totally blocked out the episode it aired in, "Phantom Planet", from our minds entirely. Ecto-ranium is essentially the equivalent of kryptonite, but for ghosts. (Unsurprising, seeing as Phantom Planet likely took inspiration from Christopher Reeve's Superman II.)
This does come with some plotholes of its own, seeing as intangibility had allowed the ecto-ranium to pass through the Earth despite ecto-ranium supposedly making it impossible for ghosts to use their powers? I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one, I won't lie...
So obviously this weakness also has some shaky ground to stand on.
Mind Control
We see in "Control Freaks" that Danny is pretty susceptible to mind control as well, so long as it comes from the right source. We learn that Vlad continues to collect ghostly artifacts, so it's entirely possible he could find another magical device of equal power and use. Freakshow himself comes from a family with a wide range and collection of ghostly artifacts.
It's also possible that ghosts like Undergrowth could be able to control Danny as well, as he was able to puppet Sam through his vines and plants.
Danny is still capable of breaking through the mind control, if given enough reason to. There is also proof, though, that he can do a lot of damage to himself and others before that time comes. Just food for mischievous author thought.
Plasmius Maximus
This device only appears in the episode "Maternal Instincts" but Vlad had created it to shorten out Danny's powers for three hours. This is another instance of an interesting concept that disappeared after one episode, but considering how Danny used it against Vlad, maybe the man just didn't want to risk it a second time.
Nonetheless, this does prove Danny's powers can be temporarily locked away. How this is possible isn't exactly clear, but I've taken to using a yarn knot analogy to explain it. I won't bore you with that explanation (unless you're actually interested) since it leans more into fanon and headcanons than canon.
Lesser Weaknesses
Now this isn't really a surprise to anyone since Danny is a good kid and most superheroes have this weakness, but Danny is very much susceptible to threats made against his family and loved ones. We see that Freakshow uses this against Danny in "Reality Trip" to make him do his dirty work, as in: collect all the pieces for the Reality Gauntlet.
We might make jokes that Danny could easily defeat anyone he comes across, but the truth of the matter is that he takes these threats seriously and he's lucky more people haven't used it against him.
This one is more understandable and maybe not even technically a weakness but this boy is so silly stupid sometimes it's honestly really endearing. He doesn't have the best grasp of his powers so he can make all sorts of unfortunate mistakes. Danny is the type of person who learns as he goes, and thanks to the fact his one eligible teacher also so happens to be the same guy trying to murder his father... his options are a little limited.
However, this can be easily fixed given enough time and practice. Danny might not have any formal training but he's also proven to be a very fast learner which could very well make up for whatever else he lacks. Due to the unique nature of himself and his powers, there's also a chance that even with a mentor he would still largely be self-taught.
It can still be pretty hard to write though. When you want to have high stakes, then you need to have a credible threat. And for a kid that has a gazillion powers, all with countless applications, it gets a lot more complicated. Honestly sometimes Danny might not have even needed the new power if he just applied one he already had in a different way? But so is the life of a teenage, overpowered superhero.
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ectoamerican · 1 year
@brutalscaled asked: Fornax - What food could your muse eat for the rest of their life, and what's one they would never touch again?
Tumblr media
Constellation Headcanons! || accepting.
///A food he could eat for the rest of his life? probably soups or sandwiches. It's an easy loophole to take advantage of in that you could do pretty much anything with both types of food. There are a seemingly endless amount of types of soups and sandwiches so there's a ton of variety.
As for something he'd never eat again? He doesn't really hate any types of foods. He avoids his parents versions of foods, which tend to have faces and attack you before they even get to a plate. There are blood blossoms too, which hurt ghosts. They can be eaten, but I doubt Danny would try.
There's also... well... it's not really a food. But, he did.... eat some really gross underwear as a part of a loss for a bet. :S I can't imagine he would be put in a position to do so again, but it wasn't pleasant.
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 years
The reason that we never see blood blossoms in the modern day isn’t because they became endangered or went extinct. It’s because blood blossoms are super poisonous not just to ghosts, but to humans as well, and the smoke created from burning them can have lasting health effects if it’s breathed in, leading to the growing and selling of blood blossoms being made illegal across America at some point in the past. You can only purchase blood blossoms in modern day America in small amounts if it’s for a strictly scientific or medical purpose.
Stores in Amity Park get around these laws by only using a tiny amount of blood blossom extract (usually obtained by claiming it’s for medical reasons) and then adding several things that make the extract safe for human beings. The result is something that can harm ghosts but won’t harm human beings unless it’s swallowed.
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Do you ever imagine what Jack's side of the family is like? The side filled with ranch dressing, melted cheese, lots of fudge, and generations of supernatural hunters.
I imagine they're a mixed bag of doctorate earners and trailer park underachievers (or whatever look "Fun Danny" was rocking in Identity Crisis). Jack could have siblings, or maybe cousins he grew up close too, and Danny and Jazz could have cousins or second-cousins.
They could all meet each year and do an RV convoy to the Fudge Festival Rodeo. If they had missed doing that a year and his extended family hadn't seen him sense he was 12, they could gush about how much he grew (based off Elle, at 12 Danny was 4 feet even and still had a round chin like a baby). If Danny's cousins shared Jack's body type, they could be just a little older or his age still be able lift and toss him in the air like a preschooler.
the fact that we see nothing but one aunt in the show gives me the impression that he either doesn't have much extended family or that they're estranged due to distance or their profession
I write Jack to have been ostracised for his belief in ghosts and not treated very well by other kids at his school who thought he was weird, I've also written him as an only child, but considering his pride in being 'A Fenton!' it would make sense if he had a large close knit family, so a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles would make sense in that regard, and also it does just Feel Right for Jack to be part of a big family
so if their extended family are never mentioned in the show it may be simply because of distance, we know they had to travel by plane to visit Aunt Alicia so Maddie's side of the family are quite far away, Jack's might be the same, also Alicia's character was very southern and somehow I feel like Jack's family would have Big Country Folk vibes so maybe Jack and Maddie both came from the country
I always figured the Fentons settled down in Amity Park because it was considered a good location to open the portal, maybe it had a history of natural portals, high levels of ambient ectoplasm or other supernatural phenomena (I think I talked about this in another post once) so maybe they had to travel quite far from home to find somewhere with the right conditions for their work
I giant Fenton Family Reunion sounds like so much fun tho, like yes I'm so here for everyone being big and boisterous and fun, having them all be supernatural hunters of some kind could be a whole lot of fun and make an EXCELLENT headcanon, but I like to think they all sort of see Jack's work as like, a funny gimmick, like 'oh here's Mad Cousin Jack (affectionate) with his ghost stories!'
except like, one grizzled great uncle who Knows Things and has a ton of stories about ghosts and cryptids that he hunted back in his day, and he and Jack will talk for HOURS, but the uncle gets all cranky about these new fangled hunting weapons 'what happened to good old salt and blood blossoms?'
there's so many other good visuals like Jack sharing knitting tips with his aunts and Danny and Jazz getting pinched on the cheek and told they need to eat more because 'Fentons are built big and strong!' and your idea that they get tossed around by their bigger cousins is just *mwah* beautiful I love it, they're the outliers in the Fenton clan and get a lot of lighthearted ribbing for being so small
every year someone challenges Maddie to an arm wrestle, every year they lose, the Fentons love Maddie because she's small but she's fierce and strong as hell
also the mix of 'doctorate earners and trailer park underachievers' is so good I love that, like since as far as I'm concerned Jack is autistic as hell, and autism can run in families, I love the idea that half of them have their own neurodivergencies and weird interests so Jack's devout study of ghosts is just another one of the oddities of the Fenton clan, most of the rest of them are farm folk or tradies and it's not at all unusual to have an astrophysicist chatting about jigsaw puzzles with a bricklayer because it's both their hyperfixation
but it wouldn't matter what differences they had they would all go mad at the fudge festival and wrestle each other and holler and hoot out the RV windows whenever they drive past each other
the Fenton clan just sounds like they would be so much fun and I want in
also post-portal incident Danny would finally be strong enough to impress the cousins and they all get so fucking excited when he finally wins an arm wrestle
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yetanothergreyjedi · 3 years
@who-is-cannon Yes, that is the game! (Packs everything up and heads over to the park because the café is closing)
1st 2nd OC post
OH I misunderstood what you were trying to say last time! Yes, I think there are other 'flesh' supernatural creatures. Werewolves, yetis, unicorns and what not definitely exist or did exist at some point.
As for other magic systems... If you add too many players it gets confusing, so I try to avoid it. (but like you said, I have AU's of my headcanons, everything is fluid to some degree depending on the story I'm trying to tell.
I think everything in this universe is one of two things or something in between.
There's the material plain, based on substance. And the immaterial plane, based on thought/will. Ectouranium being a substance that repels the immaterial substances. (with means too much exposure to it could definitely give you brain damage.)
There's lots of overlap between worlds even when there are no portals.
I think magic could mean lots of things. It could be purely material: Chemistry. It could be mostly material: herbal magic or using things like ectouranium to alter the immaterial. (freakshow's staff is probably something that occurs naturally on earth). It could be a mixture of things: like using ghost speak runes, which when done right could change how spirits interact with a place, thus changing the place. Using metal and electricity to control ectoplasm, like the Fentons do(even if its just for energy blasts usually). (Old ghosts absolutely call this magic, Maddie is enraged by it) Using ectoplasm to directly alter the human realm like Des. Or it could be mostly immaterial, like literally anything the ghosts do
I think what gets called magic, really depends on who is around and what they consider normal.
(Same with what gets considered a god/demi-god, I think those are human terms that spirits really only use when interacting with humans)(tho I do think a good chunk of ghosts might be called such if they were noticed under the right circumstances)
Does Aminites mean people who live in Amity? I'm answering under that assumption.
I think they could tell if a tree was Sapient if they were really trying, but it would take a lot of effort. A generation or two down the line, it will probably be much easier for them.
Wait so if blood blossoms are GZ native how intelligent are they?
did a chunk of land get pulled in through a portal and these flowers just started mutating or what?
Plant natured ghosts hovering over the NEW plant with excited but very hesitant interest!
People absolutely feed Phantom like he's a stray dog and he is very grateful. He missed lunch do to Skulker and he is absolutely going to eat those fries you don't want.
Spirits are weird about attacking humans, because on one hand, yes they don't want a vengeful neighbor... but on the other hand, most of them do not understand how fragile humans are. No, you cannot wack them across the street because they were rude, that won't end well for them.
Spirits that regularly interact with humans are better with this. Danny's rouges gallery are slowly understanding this, slowly...
I think Danny meets Rye when she's in human form. A bigger ghost is attacking, he's not having a great time but its manageable. Then this human woman, walks out into the middle of the street, and yells at the ghost in perfect Ghost speech.
"W̴̟̹͉̠̜͙̗͗̐͊͆̾̈́̈́͝h̷̹̅͌̓̽̈́̏̑̚͠y̶̯͇̪̬͈͚̖͉͍̲̥̗̿̓̓̀̊͑̏ͅ ̴̢̤̮̟̝͉̜̘̪̥͕͖̳̌a̵̡̬͉̝̒̎͛̂́͊̒͒̎̆̋͆͊͝r̵̢̢̛̥̘̺͈͇͕͂̿͌̓͒͛ë̵̯̩̮̙̯́ ̴͓̭͈̫̞̘̒̈́̌͛̀̈́̑́͋̊͂̏̕̚͠y̷̩̻̳̖͔̦͕̪͕͆̃̐̑̔͛͋̈́̍̓͆̈̄̚̚͜ǫ̸̗̭͙̮̩̹̳̭̝̫̩̱͍͙͌͆̇̌̚ù̵̧̗̳̝̙̼̆̽̍̇͂̄̈͂̚͘̕ ̶̢̱̝̏̑̏̽̀ạ̵̢͙͔͉͐̇ͅt̸͇̠̽̿͆́̈̊͒͠͠ţ̶͍̟̊̆͐̓́̈͌̈́ͅa̴̘̓́͝c̸͇̏̅̑ķ̷̨͍͇̪͈͑́̋̒̋̎̔̉̕͝͠ī̸̡̹̲̣͎̳͇̣̻̳̫͍͎̪ͅņ̷̧̡̛̯͇̪̭͍͙̰̘̺̺̟̈͐̀͊̊̔̉͒̆̊̏̀̚͝g̶̛̦̎͠͝ ̴̫̓́̈́̔͌̾̌̈́̈́̈́͘͠a̴͖̝̹̺͐̿͗̔̌͂̀̔̒͆̌̑͘͘͝ ̸̢̨̧͎̠͕̮͙̾̍̒͛̇͆̔̇͊́̇͝͝c̵͔̺͙̝͉͖̥͕̃̆̓́h̷̨̢̯̺͓͕̰̹̤̟̹͈̲̗̏̇͗̐̔̃̌̿͆̓͑į̵͍̣̞̟̟͕̯͚̩̦̍̈́̀͐̓͜ḷ̷̛̫͍̭̋̒̐͆́̍͂͒̔͒͑͘̚d̴͙̹̘͎̽ͅ?̶̡̧̣̤̥͔̳͈͎͎͚͔͇̈́̌ͅ!̴̡̲̫̳̫̚ ̵͉͚̘̤͉̳͓͇̦͑̆͛̈́̏̓̎̽͂̅̕̕̚ͅ"
The ghost takes one look at the ancient and he nopes his way back to the portal
I'll let you decide how Danny reacts to that
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artisticallygay · 5 years
A concept
You know how with plants, there's a certain part of the plant that's poisonous but the rest of it can be used for medicinal and cooking purposes?
What if blood blossoms worked like that?
The flower part itself is deadly for ghosts. The other parts however? Commonly used as medicine and healing boosters for sick and injured ghosts.
And the reverse is opposite to humans. They can eat the flower part but the rest of the plant is highly toxic and can cause serious rashes if touched with bare hands.
Danny's fucked either way though. Feel free to do as you like with this headcanon.
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nastoychivost · 8 years
Tagged by: @kurwakurwakielbasa dom I know if there’s a meme I wanna do I can count on u to tag me in it ilu ;* Tagging: @hailcolumbia @annuitcoeptis @pannazsinihkvetak @t3485 @ainaikapono @severnayastolitsa  @sveikidraugai​  @marching-man 
Name: mittens Birthday: October 30th Age: 19  Sexual Orientation: ace as all hell Romantic Orientation: panromantic ayyy finger pistols. winks. falls over. School Status: college freshman 
Drink?: i’ve never drank  Smoke?: i’ve never smoked Eat cake?: yeah but i don’t rly like cake that much oops Believe in true love?: see i don’t at all but i wish it was a thing because i’m a hopeless romantic and i eat shit like that up  Afraid of the dark?: not really unless i’m walking down the stairs i’m always afraid a ghost will push me down them Cat person?: i love cats so much cats are so important to me
Shampoo: this cherry blossom stuff and it’s so nice and clean i love it Disney song: the brave soundtrack is really good i liked that a lot Actress/Actor: i’m sorry i don’t really watch many movies or tv shows i don’t have a favorite actor Car: i would sell my blood if it meant i could get a little red mini cooper. they’re so cute just look at that dumb thing. i love it Person: I CAN’T JUST PICK ONE PERSON I mean there’s my parents and my aunt and a couple teachers who rly influenced me and my work buddies but there’s also a few ppl i’ve met on tumblr throughout the years who are very very dear friends to me and i care about them very much because they put up with me and i have no idea what my life would be like without them and ahhh sends kisses @hailcolumbia ​ @t3485​ @annuitcoeptis Type of Weather: i rly enjoy that spring weather where it’s just cool enough for a jacket and there are flowers and it’s just a little bit drizzly u feel 90s Sitcom: fuck idk man
What is your special talent/skill as a roleplayer?
uh.,,, I have the ability to write excessively drawn out headcanons about Ivan to the point where I get out of control and completely burn out, does that count for anything
What is your favourite type of roleplay genre, and why?
oh man oh man I REALLY love historical roleplay ugh punch me in the fucking face I love historical roleplay so much. the only reason I don’t do it as much as I’d like to is because my inspiration waxes and wanes a lot and my muse has a tendency to be uncooperative. also there’s been sort of a backlash against historical roleplay that I’ve noticed and it makes me p sad because?? it’s such an interactive way to learn about history and that resonates with me idk, as long as the topic isn’t insensitive and is handled with care I don’t see a problem
Why did you pick your muse?
it kind of happened by luck tbh?? I used to rp on FB a long long time ago and I had a couple friends back then, and one was like ‘oh you really like APH Rus.sia you should rp him’ so then I did and that’s the moment my life spun out of control. Ivan has developed a lot since then so I don’t consider him to be the same muse or really even canon APH Rus.sia save for appearance and name, but I don’t regret picking him and I love my shitty son he’s v important to me <3
if you could write any other muse - but know you don’t have the muse for him/her - who would it be?
there’s a couple?? I always adored APH South Ko.rea and I did a little bit of rping as Yong Soo waaaay back in the day, but I ended up focusing on Ivan in the end and that’s where my energy went tbh. if I didn’t have so many great friends who rp APH Amer.ica beautifully already I’d probably try that a bit but ngl I think I’d get too far into satire territory anyways lmao
What is one thing you think you need to work on as a partner?
oh jeez.,, I’m really bad about dropping threads I’m so sorry @ anyone who has ever rped with me my muse is so spotty and uncooperative like 99% of the time it’s really hard to get him to come out if he doesn’t feel like it, and a lot of the time on tumblr he’s less than eager to come out? I do most of my rping off of tumblr in IMs and stuff and ngl he tends to come out easier there but I’m just so sorry to anyone who I’ve ever rped with on tumblr it’s not you it’s my spotty muse ;;;;;
What would be your warning label to other roleplayers?
I’m shy at first but don’t become friends with me I talk too much and rant about miscellaneous and irrelevant things that nobody gives a shit about because I have too much to say I’m sorry
What is your favourite episode/scene of your muse?
well like I said I don’t really consider Ivan exactly as APH Rus.sia at this point but I never got over that strip where he goes to that meeting late and he’s like ‘oh I had to stop a tank with my own body’ and everyone just like. accepts it. jesus
What crack!ships do you have for your muse?
I’ve always liked RusTurk and RusGer but I’m singleship so OOPS
What is your senpai blog?
one day I will be able to word and aesthetic like toma but by the time I get there toma will have already become even greater someone stop him he’s out of control
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sarasanddollar · 8 years
Welp there’s been some drama involving Tucker going around in the DP group chat today and I guess somehow it led to everyone convincing me to talk about my Muslim!Tucker headcanons especially after @polyrhythmically​ made this post because being the only Muslim in our corner of the Phandom I had to shove my religion on at least one of these kids uhhh let’s see where this goes???
 - So we have “halal” (good to eat) and “haram” (bad to eat) foods according to religion like how Jewish people (SAM) keep kosher, so yes, Tucker eats any and all meat... Except pork.   - That one time he had to eat the blood blossoms to save Danny was like, “I can’t eat this, I don’t know if they’re halal!” “Tucker even I know it’s okay to eat haram things in extreme circumstances and these are EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES” “Okay bUT”  - Fasting for Ramadan, of course! Tucker hanging out with Sam and Danny while fasting and them having to avoid all subjects involving food, not going to the Nasty Burger for the entire thirty-day period, and then Tucker even inviting Sam and Danny to break his fast with him at sunset  - If Tucker complains about how hard it is Sam reminds him that she fasts for Yom Kippur too, Tucker points out she only has to do it for two days and he has to do it for thirty, Sam points out that she fasts two days straight at least he gets the nights off, Danny tries to calm the two down but they snap at him he doesn’t get a say because he doesn’t even give anything up for Lent tsk tsk  - Danny has poor eating habits, during Ramadan it’s easier because then he just says he’s fasting to support Tucker, Tucker is happy to give his friend an excuse and fights down the tiny voice that says he’s not doing it for Allah tho  - Unlike how you can tell a woman is a Muslim by their headscarf (and not always, I don’t wear one yet!) you can’t really tell a dude is a Muslim because it’s not visibly obvious? So I imagine Danny and Sam don’t realize Tucker’s a Muslim until he mentions some small thing and they’re like “You’re a Muslim”  - “Yeah I thought it was obvious?”  - “No?? Not really???”  - They chill with it tho. With that they’re a big three religion trio, doubtful Christian!Danny, lowkey Jewish!Sam, highkey Muslim!Tucker  - He’s only read the Quran once, and likes to joke it’s shorter than the Bible, but that’s it, only once, and in English. He does have a Quran app on his PDA  however, because he’d feel weird if he didn’t have it on hand  - Occasionally a frequently-used short Arabic phrase slips out of his lips  - “Shukur” when he’s grateful Danny’s home safe for another night  - “Estafullah” when he says something blasphemous which happens a lot  - And a personal favorite, “inshallah,” when Sam and Danny are making plans for a weekend without ghost hunting and Tucker says it by accident they ask him what it means and he explains that it means “if God permits” and the other two blink and agree that they need all the help they can get  - Some ghost refers to itself as a god. Tucker is completely offended, there’s only one God and Tucker’s pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that  - “So... Tuck.”  - “Yeah Danny?”  - “What does Islam have to say about ghosts?”  - “Oh man. Let’s not even go there.”
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do you have any/know where i can find some headcanons on blood blossoms?? i'm trying to incorporate them into this super angsty bit of fic i'm working on but there's so little on the wiki, and i KNOW i've seen some people talk about them here and there, but nothing concrete enough that it shows up in my searches
this is the only one I can really find under the tag on my blog
I'm sure I have more somewhere but they aren't coming up, I can give you some of my headcanons on them now though if you like?
canonically they were able to take Danny down just by their presence, which I took as an indication that the plant is poisonous right down to the pollen, I figured when the plants are moved or disturbed they probably release a significant amount of pollen into the air which would incapacitate any ghost it lands on, especially if they breathe it in
contact with the skin would probably cause irritation and keep them from being able to heal and regenerate properly, whereas ingestion or inhalation causes issues with their body's ability to produce and distribute ectoplasm, causing weakness
the sap of the plant is the most toxic element, it will destabilise ectoplasm on touch, essentially melting it, it's almost like acid, and ghosts have a very hard time healing from it, often the affected area cannot be healed and has to be chopped off and regrown from scratch
Danny is susceptible to blood blossoms but nowhere near as much as other ghosts, his body can't fully destabilise because he has a human form to fall back on, too much damage to his ghost form and he'll revert to human, where the effects of the plant are less severe
his human form responds to it like an allergy, the pollen causes him significant respiratory distress, if he comes into contact with the sap he breaks out into terrible hives, if he eats any of it his face and throat will swell up, like an anaphylactic response, but as long as he isn't continually exposed to it he can recover on his own, the swelling of his mouth and throat are the most dangerous symptoms
something I really like to consider is that unlike all normal ghosts, Danny can develop a tolerance to blood blossoms, especially in his human form, coming into contact with the flesh of the plant itself is the least harmful so that would be his best option of gradual exposure
I like to think Sam makes flower crowns out of it for Danny to wear around for short periods of time, until the itching becomes unbearable, it's the most effective option because his hair hides the obvious irritation to his skin, (Sam only uses stems that haven't bloomed yet to avoid the pollen irritation, and she seals up the cut ends with wax to contain the sap), after that she begins cooking tiny amounts of it into food for him to eat, it makes him really sick for about a day but he gets better
eventually his human form can withstand it with only minimal symptoms, his ghost form has a harder time, but does become less affected over time as well
I hope this is helpful! feel free to use as much or as little as you like ~
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OP Danny x Blood Blossoms (different anon): so I rewatched "Infinite Realms" for yall and it reconfirmed my hc that the blossoms only affect halfas in ghost form, bc when Danny first hit the barrier he basically got a shock from it but didn't go THROUGH it bc it acted like an actual physical barrier. Then Vlad forcefully threw him through it, and had to touch the barrier to do so, but he seemed fine. I also subscribe to the other anon's hc that Vlad is more a human with ghost powers while Danny is full on half-ghost, but I think regardless of that, Danny wouldn't be affected by blood blossoms in human form even if he were slightly more ghostly than Vlad because of that. I hc that Danny is not just half-ghost, like a human with ghost powers or a ghost with human traits that bleed into one another, but simultaneously completely human and completely ghost, and any traits bleeding over is him consciously deciding to do that, like when he uses ghost powers in human form, or (as I like to hc) perceiving himself as having bones/organs like a human in ghost form (bc there's that popular fanon that ghosts' physical forms are self-actualized and that's how he understands his anatomy/the world so his ghost form has it... but only sometimes bc have you seen the weird contortions he does sometimes? he def doesn't have bones then lol)
ooooh interesting! makes me wonder what would happen if he ate them as a human and then turned into a ghost, oof, probably the worst food poisoning of his life, also eating them as a human might actually do a lot for his tolerance in ghost form (as long as he doesn't have to transform any time soon, because then he'd have to like... throw it up first) maybe Sam just makes him a flower crown to wear as a human that's much cuter and less terrifying implications-y
and kudos for being the one to fact check the canon! very groovy of you
it's funny because Vlad being different from Danny isn't just a headcanon, it's actually canon, the first reference being that he got really sick with 'ecto-acne' after his accident, indicating that his development into a halfa was a whole lot more messy and unpleasant, where as Danny's was immediate and had no dangerous side effects
then to expand on that, Vlad's ecto-acne returned, and this time was actually killing him, that is significant, really really significant
his ghost half and his human half are not perfectly in synch, his ghost half is damaging his human half, almost destroying it, he genuinely cannot function as a halfa without medical intervention
the fact that he could weaponise his condition to make Sam and Tucker sick was interesting as well, they didn't have to be halfas for it to work on them, I don't really know what conclusion to draw from that except that it was interesting
Danny is a complete freak of nature, so many variables had to line up to make him what he is, (Vlad is the prime example of what happens when it goes wrong), and he can't even be cloned properly (I mean we never saw what might have happened if Vlad succeeded in getting the dna he needed but I'm of the opinion that no clone would ever be quite as stable as Danny, I'd even say that Danielle's destabilising issue requires constant maintenance not just because I desperately crave disabled superhero representation and a superhero who has to have regular treatment to function is a MOOD)
so yeah, Danny's body is in total and complete harmony with the ectoplasm he absorbed, whereas Vlad's body tolerates it but can get to a point where he can't handle it, MY idea of why his ecto-acne returned was that he realised Danny was getting stronger way too quickly and in training to get stronger to stay ahead he pushed his body too far and it couldn't tolerate the increase in power
this means that Vlad's power has peaked, he can't get any stronger without destroying his body, whereas Danny can just keep going and going and going
I would definitely consider them to both be halfas, as it's the only word to describe them since creatures like them had never existed before, but they are definitely on different ends of a spectrum, and it wouldn't be unreasonable to assess that Danny is a 'true' halfa simply by virtue of being the only stable and healthy example out of three beings like him who exist
as a side note, I think where it would be impossible to permanently separate Danny's halves without destroying both parts of him, Vlad could probably not only survive a separation, it would probably be a whole lot better for his health to do so
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