#bnha sickfics
kuwkedits · 1 month
☁️Comfy Cozy Monday☁️
The League take care of sick reader
Tags: c.c.m☁️ / comedy🎭
⚠️CW: Friendly Death Threats, Friendly Bullying
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📍Authors Note: .. I’ve noticed my lov text are very Dabi and and Toga heavy do you all hate that or no 🧍 I’ll try to get better at including other members in general but 🧍 do you hate it or no 🧍
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thoumhawife · 5 months
Izuku taking Care of You When your Sick
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Izuku, when he first finds out when your sick he panics, straight panics. No thoughts just absolutely freaking out. Once he calms down he’s right by your side, checking your temperature, opening every window if you feel hot and then bundling you up so you don’t become freezing.
Izuku, goes right to Bakugo, practically on his knees begging him to help him cook you something to make you feel better. Once Bakugo finally gives in he’s already in the kitchen trying to do as much as possible. After a long while of him getting yelled at by Bakugo about what spices and seasonings he can and can’t use, and what they were even making he rushes it straight to you. (Also insists that he feed you)
Izuku, who suggested multiple times that he should skip class just to take of you and make sure your safe.
Izuku, who makes a deal to come see you every break between classes he can get. Will literally leave the classroom and sprint straight to your dorm room during lunch just to make sure you eat and rest.
Izuku, who won’t let you leave your bed unless you really need to. You need something that less than a foot away from you, he’s grabbing it and giving it to you. You need to use the restroom, he’s walking you to and from there.
Izuku, who will cuddle you throughout the night, not caring if he gets sick in the process, he just wants to hold you and keep you safe.
Izuku, that would gladly hold your hair up/back if you were puking, then not even 30 seconds later running you a bath and going to the common room to get you food/fluids.
Izuku, who, if your muscles or limbs ached really badly, he would in a heartbeat massage them and run you a hot bath right after.
Izuku, while your resting would call his mom and ask her what medicine he needs to help you feel better, then once he hangs up he’s running to the nearest drug store to get those for you.
Izuku, who is literally begging Aizawa to let him bring you your home/school work just to basically do all of it for you. (Aizawa knows but just let’s it slide)
Izuku, the cinnamon roll who would literally be the best care taker for you when your sick.
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thesakuragarnet · 10 months
Good Graces (Dabi X Fem!Reader)
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Summary: When you miss your meeting as a member of the Violet Regiment, your recent boyfriend comes to check on you.
Tags: sickfic, sick reader, Fem! Reader, hurt/comfort, swearing, Dabi X Fem!Reader, caring Dabi, fluff
Word Count: 940 words
Tumblr Original <3
You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable in your bed at the Gunga Mountain Villa. You were supposed to be up four hours ago, but the pit in your stomach and the ache in your bones was enough to keep you bound to your bed.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"You in there, princess?" Dabi's voice trills gruffly through the closed door, and something inside you twitches. You and Dabi hadn't been dating for very long; you'd merely caught his eye as a member of the Meta Liberation Army when the merger happened. He saw you in the crowd and immediately took to liking you. A few weeks later, and you'd been exposed to a side of him no one ever saw. Now, he was at your door because he'd noticed your absence at his Violet Regiment meeting.
Your throat is scratchy and dry, and the moment you open your mouth to speak, you can't help but go into a coughing fit. You hear your door creak open, and light from the hallway floods the darkness. You sit up, looking through watery eyes to see your lover's silhouette.
"You sick or somethin'?" Dabi grunts, walking to the foot of the bed and putting his hands on the wooden frame. You can't help but whimper in pain and discomfort before nodding, hot tears threatening to slide down your face. Dabi's facial expression softens, his tight jaw relaxing as he takes a good look at you.
"Go away. Don't wanna get you sick," You manage to croak out, but Dabi just shakes his head.
"I don't really get sick," He mutters offhandedly before walking around.
"I'm all gross," You cough, and Dabi's lips press into a thin line. He seems to ponder something before tearing back your covers. Immediately, you start shivering, scrambling for the blanket, only to watch him kick off his shoes and shrug off his jacket before climbing into bed with you.
Before you can protest, he's pulling you into his arms, nuzzling your face into his low-cut tank top. He doesn't say a word, just squeezes you tight and traces his fingernails in circles on your back. You hadn't realized how badly you needed his hug until now, and you swallow the urge to dissolve into another coughing fit.
"I got you...it's okay," He rasps under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear. "Have you gone to the infirmary yet?"
You shake your head. You thought you were getting sick for a few days now, but waking up today was the nail in the coffin.
"Come on then," Dabi sighs before scooping you up in his arms. Your face reddens, and not just from fever. You're just in your pajamas, and Dabi is fully prepared to carry you all the way to the infirmary.
Dabi gently sets you back into bed as he fumbles with the pill bottle in his pocket. The doctor thought you had some kind of virus, and all they could give you was painkillers. He forces two pills in his hands before handing them to you, along with the water cup on your nightstand. You take the pills, still shivering. Dabi's touch was so warm, and it was so easy to fall asleep in his arms. Hell, you'd fallen asleep with your face buried in his chest for a few moments as he carried you to the infirmary. Now that he isn't snuggling you, you feel impossibly cold. Dabi notices, and his eyebrows furrow as he peels back your covers, kicking off his shoes once again to get in beside you.
"Come here," He huffs, wrapping his arms around you and caressing the back of your head. You sniffle and cough, half expecting him to come up with a sarcastic comment, but he just kisses the top of your head, whispering sweet nothings to you.
"It's gonna be okay, baby," He whispers, his gravelly voice laced with genuine love and concern. Only you ever heard that tone in his voice.
"I don't feel good," You bitch shamelessly, hating how pathetic you sound, but, once again, Dabi doesn't seem to mind or notice.
"I know, I know," He murmurs, pressing another kiss, this time to your forehead. Through your congestion, you can barely breathe in his scent...charcoal...ashes...cologne...faint isopropyl alcohol, most likely from changing his staples recently. It smells like...home. Dabi has become your safe place. Your home. You two have been hopelessly in love...it's inevitable. You'd overheard Himiko Toga teasing him about it in the hallway. That's what it had to be, after all. The way he treated you...so delicate and tender compared to his usual cold, hard gaze. He pulls the blanket over the both of you.
"You lemme know if you get too hot," He mutters before clearing his throat. You let your eyelids flutter closed and fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.
When you open your eyes again, you hear faint snoring directly above you. You look up to see your boyfriend fast asleep, snoring softly. Dabi looks so peaceful, which is a rare sight. He mumbles something under his breath before sleepily pulling you closer, nuzzling into the top of your head. The painkillers seem to have kicked in at this point, but you still feel sickly. You just focus on the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, and the way you're using his pecs as pillows. Either way, Dabi seems completely content with you in his arms, and you don't see any need to disturb him. You yawn and snuggle deeper into his embrace, allowing yourself to drift off in your lover's arms.
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sukiipoo · 8 months
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S N I F F L E S & S N U G G L E S : Izuku Midoriya
discription : You are under the weather with a nasty virus, and your boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya takes care of you. :)
before reading : gender neutral reader, fluff/Angst comfort (somewhat, I kind of suck at writing angst tho-) TW; mentions of being sick, kissing/making-out, cursing
authors note : Btw yall im writing this bc im currently under the weather and I literally feel like shit rn, So I thought, why not make y/n feel like shit too! >:)
Anyways Enjoy!! <33
You lay in bed miserable, as you turn over and cough, sniffling. You close your eyes, trying to collect your thoughts but your mind is currently everywhere. Your head is throbbing, your heart is beating rapidly, and every time you cough, you feel like you’re gonna cough up an artery. Tears start to form in the corner of your eyes, as you lay on your back, shivering. “This sucks…”, you manage to croak out. Your eyes droop as you stare at the ceiling in silence. You feel a nice, cold hand softly touch your forehead, and you smile, leaning into the touch.
“Hm…still hot…I’m gonna check your temperature, see if it went down yet.” A soft, yet husky voice says to you.
You look up to see Izuku standing over you, and he smiles as he catches your eye. “How are you feeling?” He grabs the thermometer from the nightstand, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I feel shitty...I hate being sick." You open your mouth so Izuku can check your temperature. "100.2...it went down a little, but it's still pretty bad. I'm gonna get you a cold rag. I'll be right back." You watch him walk out the room, before turning back to the ceiling, closing your eyes.
Izuku Comes back in the room with a wet rag in one hand, and a cup of water in the other. You hear him set the cup next to you on the nightstand. He places the cold rag on your forehead, and you hum in relief, smiling.
"I'm sorry you had to miss training today to take care of me..You could've gone, I wouldn't have minded." You watch him walk around your bed to the other side. "Nonsense, I couldn't just leave you here by yourself. and besides," You feel the bed dip, and a hand wrap around you, pulling your body closer to his. "It's better to let yourself rest from hero work sometimes." He lays his head down, resting his face in the nape of your neck. You smile at him, playing with his hair softly.
"I love you...You're so sweet to me." You turn over to face him. He smiles, chuckling.
"It's my job as your boyfriend, right?" He plants a kiss on your nose, grinning. you softly push him back. "Don't kiss me right now, I'm afraid I'll get you sick!" He laughs softly, resting his hands on your waist. "I'll be fine, my love." He kisses you on the lips lovingly, sliding his hands up to your back. You lean into him more, enjoying the way his lips feel on yours as you slide your hands from his hair down to his chest, laying them there. Before you get the chance to go any further, You pull away to sneeze, leaning away from him quickly.
"Damnit...see, I told you." He laughs at you, sitting up.
"How about we watch a movie? Will that make you feel better?" He smiles at you, as you lean into him, your head on his chest. You nod softly, his arm coming to wrap around you. He finds the remote and clicks through Netflix, trying to find something to watch. As he does this, you start to drift to sleep, and soon you're fully knocked out, snoring softly. He looks down to see you asleep in his arms. He smiles adoringly, placing the remote down and planting a kiss on your head. He pulls you closer to him, pulling the blanket up to your shoulders. "There you go....Sweet dreams, My love.." he whispers softly, as his eyes start to droop as well. You both lay there, asleep in each others arms.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How They React to Their SO Getting Sick - BNHA
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki is the epitome of tough love, I feel that his parents did try to take care of him when he was sick but he didn't want to take it, he was going to fight this illness on his own! ~ You had gotten poorly over the weekend, so when Monday came around, you had let Aizawa know that you were ill and were stuck in bed watching YouTube with tissues littering your covers, a sign of your cold. ~ Sniffling softly, you settled down to try and nap for a little while, trying to take a break from the discomfort. ~ BANG ~ Shooting back up in bed, causing your headache to worsen quickly. Moving your gaze to the door, flinching at the light coming from the hallway of the dorm building, seeing the halo of light around a certain angry Pomeranian. ~ "What the hell babe!?" Katsuki shouted, causing you to wince at the volume. "Why weren't you in class!?" ~ Taking a look around your room, seeing the bottles of cold medicine, the tissues and your weak form in bed, he put the pieces together. ~ He also saw you had flinched at the light and his shouting, so he quickly shut the door and made his way towards you, trying his hardest to be quiet (which was very difficult for him). ~ Kneeling down next to your bed, he pressed the back of his hand against your forehead, feeling for a fever and not finding one. ~ Sighing a small sigh of relief, Katsuki pulled back and began working, he put on your favourite show, letting you snuggle up and went away, telling you he'd be right back. ~ Hurrying down to the communal kitchen, he found a can of your favourite soup and, whilst he would have preferred to make it from scratch, this would have to do, he began to cook. ~ He boiled the kettle for a cup of hot water with honey and lemon, knowing you hadn't drank or eaten anything, potentially for most of the weekend! ~ He silently scowled as he moved around the kitchen, he knew you were sick now, but he was mad at himself for not noticing sooner, thinking back on it now, he should have noticed you getting weaker, he'd spent the whole weekend with you! ~ Thinking that he was a shitty boyfriend, he stepped up his cooking game, bringing you up soup, honey and lemon and some of your favourite, softer snacks, nothing that would irritate your throat. ~ Shuffling into your room, he set down your food and snuggled next to you, waving away your protests of 'you'll get sick'. He didn't care. ~ "I'm gonna help you make this cold your bitch, babe!" He whisper shouted.
Izuku Midoriya
Baby Green Bean would just panic, I also feel like before he'd do anything to help you, he would observe you, take notes and then research the crap out of whatever it is to find the best and quickest ways to help you feel better! ft. Mama Inko!
~ When you realised you were sick, just a tummy bug, you text Izuku, knowing he would overthink your absence and you didn't want him panicking. ~ Little did you know, as soon as he got that text message, he was panicking. ~ He had gone to visit his mom for the weekend and now he was running around the apartment, his poor mother chasing him, asking him what was wrong. ~ "Mom! (y/n)'s sick! What do I do!? I- I wanna help but what if I do something and it makes it worse!?" He continued to ramble on about how he had never taken care of someone before, he'd never had a sick significant other because he'd never had a significant other in the first place! ~ His mom tried to calm him down, asking, how you were sick, he responded that you thought it was just an upset stomach. ~ "Oh, Izu, that's an easy fix, let's make a bit of a care package for them, they might not want you around too much if their stomach's queasy." ~ And that's what they did, Izuku worked on making a flask of ginger tea and packing some broth, his mom was at the store, buying you some sports drinks for hydration and some crackers, applesauce and bananas, if you're able to handle the fluids. ~ Packing everything in a cooler, Izuku kissed his mom goodbye, thanked her for her help and set off back to the dorms. ~ Knocking on your door, he waited to hear you let him in, fully expecting you to not respond and instead just leave his care package outside your door, but you let him in. ~ "Hi sweetie," He whispered, seeing you're eyes bleary, presumably just waking up from a nap. ~ He gave you a soft kiss on the forehead, fully aware from reading an article on the train over, that an upset stomach can also cause skin sensitivity and muscle aches. ~ You gave him a soft, weak smile. Izuku placed the cooler next to your bed, "My mom and I made you a care package, just a couple things to help you feel better." He smiled at you, stroking your hair out of your face. ~ You blushed a little at the amount of care your boyfriend was showing you, but thanked him and asked him to thank Inko for you, he agreed and went to leave. ~ You reached out and held onto his sleeve as he was leaving, "Stay?" You asked quietly, needing the human contact. ~ Smiling a big smile, Izuku nodded and tucked himself in bed next to you, pulling up the show the two of you had been watching together. ~ "Of course I'll stay sweetie! I'll always stay."
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto I think would be panicking but only on the inside, obviously when you're not feeling well, you're his main priority, but he doesn't know what to do! He'll sit and panic on his own and then try his hardest to help you, not doing too great…
~ You had the flu. ~ You had a fever. ~ And Shoto had no clue, how to help you! ~ He came to visit you in your dorm room, not realising that you weren't very well and got worried pretty quickly, seeing your tired, delirious, face red, sweating and cold at the same time and you didn't even acknowledge his presence when he came in. ~ He steps out of your room again, pulling out his phone to call Fuyumi, begging her to help him, he was so confused, poor baby! ~ Walking back in, he realises you've seen him now, reaching out with grabby hands for him to cuddle you. ~ Of course he's happy to, but he's desperately trying to stay as still as is humanly possible, hoping you'll be comfortable. ~ He notices that you seem to be moving a lot, moving from his left side to his right. He's not an idiot, he knows what the matter is fairly quickly. ~ Shifting you to lie on your front, cradled against his chest, he gently places his right hand on your forehead, soothing your fever. His left hand goes on the small of your back, underneath your shirt, feeling how your shirt sticks slightly to your skin. ~ Once you've fallen asleep, he once again texts his sister, smiling when he gets the text back, 'Keep her comfortable'. ~ He did a good job.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro is most definitely the 'mom' friend, he knew exactly what to do and when he realises you're not well, he's sprinting around to help you!
~ Eijiro probably knew you were sick before you did! He probably always keeps some kinds of medication around, painkillers, cold medicine, cold and heat pads, emergency snacks. Anything really! ~ What kind of boyfriend would he be if he couldn't take care of his pebble? How unmanly would that be!? ~ When he notices that you're getting sick, you were getting tired quicker, you didn't have much of an appetite and you were starting to slur your words slightly. ~ He let himself into your room, with his arms full of - things! Just things! Blankets, some of his hoodies for you to wear, cold medicine, a bucket (just in case), a bunch of movies and TV shows, snacks, drinks and basically anything else he could have brought from his room to your own in one trip. ~ Once you yourself have realised you're sick, he doesn't let you leave your bed and he certainly doesn't let anyone else in! ~ Mama Eijiro is the most protective being and you cannot tell me otherwise! ~ But he's also a total pushover for you! You could ask him to kill someone, rob a bank or piss off Bakugou and he'd do it! ~ He did try his hardest to keep you comfy and happy, keeping you warm and well fed! You two would definitely binge movies and shows together, him happily commenting every now and then and you tiredly nodding along, happy he's happy. ~ But then the weekend was over and he was being physically dragged out of your room by Bakugou and the rest of the class, still shouting instructions at you: ~ "Keep drinking water through the day! I'll be checking how much you've drank! I've left some sandwiches and soup for you, try and eat if you can! I love you pebble-"
Denki Kaminari
Denki is my favourite clueless baby! I can almost guarantee he would have a minor panic attack/aneurysm whenever there is something wrong with you at the beginning of your relationship and probably whenever you're sick for the rest of it!
~ I feel like Denki would originally try to avoid you when he finds out you're sick, not to be mean or because he doesn't want to take care of you, it's because he doesn't think that he can take care of you! ~ The boy can barely take care of himself and boyfriend protocol dictates he should take care of his partner as well!? ~ Panicking, Denki would probably text the Bakusquad group chat, hoping they can help somehow! ~ They do. ~ The squad seemed to have a soft spot for you, even Bakugou! I feel like Mina and Sero would definitely be like, "Your partner is my partner", kind of thing. Then Katsuki and Eijiro are just the group's mom and dad! ~ They all leave different things outside your door for Denki to give to you, both not wanting to overwhelm you with their presence and also not wanting to get sick. ~ Katsuki cooks you lunch, Eijiro leaves you a flask of tea, Mina couldn't think of anything helpful after that so she ran out to get you snacks and sports drinks and Sero just brought you an item of clothing from each of them (definitely not asking Katsuki before stealing from him). ~ Eventually Denki would calm down, you would demand cuddles from him and any other day he would be on you like glue and would not let go! ~ But today, he was so nervous about hurting you, about making you worse, he was zapping like crazy and he didn't want to hurt you. ~ He saw the look in your eyes when he told you, but almost broke down when you told him you didn't care and pulled him into bed anyway. ~ You would spend the rest of the day watching movies, cuddling and most likely sending each other memes. ~ Denki calmed down and stopped shocking you, but he was happy that you loved him, Zaps and All.
Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi would act cool on the outside, definitely acting stoic and uncaring but having a full on meltdown in his head. He wouldn't know the first thing about taking care of something that wasn't a cat, but he didn't want you knowing that!
~ When you tell him you're sick, he had just entered your room, so he stands there, staring at you from the corner, before whipping out his phone to look up what he should do. ~ "What are you doing?" You croaked at him. ~ "Well, I don't know what to do! So I'm googling!" ~ Chuckling and shaking your head, you mutter that you're fine, just needing some company. ~ He tries his hardest to just stay with you, but can't help thinking that he needs to do more for you. ~ He spent the rest of the day basically treating you like a houseplant, feeding you, watering you and facing you towards the sunlight, hoping something would help! ~ Hitoshi would most definitely use your sickness as an excuse to cuddle and take a nap. ~ He just would. Baby is tired and needs to sleep so any excuse will do! ~ Denki would definitely come looking for him. If he didn't find him in his own room, he'd immediately know to check yours! ~ He woke up Hitoshi when he came in and was instantly threatened. ~ "If you wake them up, I will leave you trapped outside the dorms for a week!" He whisper shouted, Denki giggling as silently as he could but did leave, not wanting to wake you up intentionally. ~ Hitoshi would have to wake you eventually so you could eat and take some medicine, he does so with a soft kiss on your forehead (definitely not checking your temperature or anything!).
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unhonest-iago · 9 months
Dabi with a sick reader???
Dabi has a lot of experience dealing with sickness, between being the oldest Todoroki child and having a piss poor immune system. So when you get sick, he physically cringes. Hiding it with his usual sense of sarcasm, ‘What, did the little prince/princess wake up on the wrong side of the bed?’ Only realizing it’s the wrong course of action when you whine at him, looking down-right miserable. He doesn’t question it, seeing the mountains of tissues and open cough medicine on the nightstand. ‘What do you need?’ He asks, stomping over. Wiping your sweaty hair away from your face. Already making a mental list before hearing your answer. 
Walking through the aisles, knowing the league sure as hell doesn’t have the soup you requested. Or ice packs for the matter. ‘Soup and cuddles…just trying to get me sick.’ Not that he cares about his own well-being. Knicking a few gatorades while he’s at. If you were cognizant enough, he’d claim he paid for it with money.
Using a cutting board to carry it all to you. ‘Dabi, I can’t eat in bed!’ 
‘Do you have enough energy to get to the couch?’ He would absolutely carry you to the couch if you asked, but the question was more intended to make a point. ‘...’
‘Thought so, now let me take care of you.’ Cracking the ice pack so it’d activate, hoping it had enough time in the freezer to actually work its magic. Held in an oven mitt, he gently places it on your forehead. ‘Here comes the train.’ His deadpan delivery makes you laugh, quickly turning into a coughing fit. ‘Okay, no jokes, noted.’ Patting your back. ‘Thirsty?’ Seeing your nod, he lifts the bottle of gatorade to your mouth. Focused on not accidentally waterboarding you. 
Taking the board, he places it near the door. Dabi toes off his boots, his jacket already hanging off the desk chair nearby. Crawling under the covers, he lets you guide his warm hands to wherever they’re needed most. Dabi doesn’t mind being used as an electric blanket if it helps you get better sooner. ‘Sleep, love.’ Promising he’ll still be there when you wake up. 
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mirllop · 3 months
bakusick but not want to bakurest
Bakugou (sniffling): C'mon, fight! What're you holding back for? Kirishima: Dude, are you sure you're okay?? Bakugou: I SAID FIGHT, SHITTY HAIR! HRRRAAA– *cough* FUCK!! Kirishima: You're sick. Bakugou: No, I'm fucking not. Getting sick is for losers. Kirishima: Then the biggest loser is right in front of me. Bakugou (Bakurage): WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?? YOU FUCKING–– *sneeze* Kirishima: ...Yeah, back to bed you go. Bakugou: FIGHT ME, HAIR BRAIN! FIGHT ME! **Kirishima drags a weakened (but struggling) Bakugou back to the dorms to rest**
I'd like to imagine that Kirishima literally just hoisted Bakugou up over his shoulder like santa's sack to haul his sick ass back to the dorms
i want to turn this into a full story. should i? it would be a sickfic/comedy combo. bakugou would insist on training even though he's sick... while kirishima would forcibly smother him with a rest regiment
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pukeiscute · 11 months
Been thinking about a partner puking in bed, unable to help themself
A sick partner who knows their partner has emetophilia, so they warn their partner, “‘m ‘bout to puke.”
“Okay, Hon’ hold it in for me, ‘kay?” Then the get in their position-kinky laying on the wooden floor (minimal cleanup), and sickie on all fours hovering above them panting.
A sickie groaning through their nausea, and caretaker rubs and prods at their exposed stomach, releasing low belches that sometimes end with a gag. Eventually they get to the tense knots in sickie’s tummy, causing thick slurries of stomach contents to eject from their sloppy mouth. Sickie continues to groan in relief, pain, and elation between retches at getting on with it to feel better. They make a mess of themself, their partner, and the couch, but neither seem to care much. Caretaker assures them that all that matters is getting sickie feeling better.
Let me know if you have any requests for sickfics-as explicit (even smutty) or as fluffy as your heart desires. I tend to write for MHA (absolute slut for Aizawa), Marvel (primarily Tony Stark, Bucky, and possible Steve), Original works, and Twilight. I have an AO3 account, pukeiscuter, where I will be posting all sorts of emeto content. Tips are always appreciated 💙
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parsnips-and-meth · 1 year
Boiling Over (Part 1)
Hi! This is my first time posting an exclusive tumblr whump piece - I hope you enjoy. This one features some Todoroki whump, BKTD and a little bit of Dadzawa. Includes: Fever, Vomiting, Vertigo.
He should have listened to Bakugou. 
            Shouto had woken this morning in a feverish haze. Shirt clinging with sweat, ears ringing. He’d nearly fallen and cracked his head open on the desk trying to get out of bed. But he’d put it down to quirk overuse – yesterday had been intensive. It wasn’t unusual for his body to overcompensate… or undercompensate. 
            He’d sat panting on the tatami mats, right hand pressed to the back of his neck. It had been soothing, and after a few minutes, he felt more centred. Certainly not bad enough to miss training. Besides – he was sure his temperature would regulate by lunch. 
            He had been wrong. 
            Bakugou was glaring at him over his mapo tofu. He stabbed around in the sauce for a while as Shouto shivered, yet to even pick up his chopsticks. There was nothing appealing about his soba today. The sight of the noodles sitting slumped and wet like fat, brown earthworms made his stomach churn. 
            “You’re an idiot,” Bakugou hissed, a cube of tofu circling his mouth. Shouto swallowed. “I told you to stay in bed.” 
            Shouto could feel a twisting burning in his chest. He pressed his left hand to his sternum and activated his quirk. 
            “Go back to the dorms,” his boyfriend ordered. “Go back or I’ll fucking kill you.” 
            “There’s only one period left,” Shouto murmured, closing his eyes. The lights in the cafeteria were beginning to coagulate and blur. 
            “I don’t care,” he growled. “You look like shit, Icyhot.” 
            Shouto frowned but didn’t open his eyes. “That’s not very nice. You’re supposed to be nice to me.” 
            “I am nice to you, you stupid fuck.” Bakugou’s calloused hand landed on his cheek, thumb stroking back and forth. “God, Sho, you’re burning.” 
            He opened his eyes and shot Bakugou a soft smile. The blonde just squinted further, clearly not placated. “Just one more period,” Shouto said, “and then I’ll go straight to bed.” 
He should have listened to Bakugou. 
            He didn’t even remember changing into his gym uniform. But he was wearing it – he could feel every single fibre of it tearing at his skin. The grey expanse of Gym Gamma was so wide, so bright today. 
            Oh god. Not once in his life had he ever felt this awful. 
            He was paired with Kirishima for a round of quirk combat in close quarters, but neither he nor the redhead had moved an inch. Shouto could feel his stomach bloating against his waistband, could feel its contents seething. He snaked his right arm around it, hunching his shoulders and taking deep, shuddering breaths.  
It hurt. 
            The sounds of their classmates around them were building, fights underway. Still, Kirishima waited, watching him nervously. Shouto wondered why he didn’t jump at the opportunity – there was no way Shouto was winning this one. 
“Hey, man.” Kirishima’s voice was quiet, “you wanna sit down? You don’t look so good.” 
“Mm,” Shouto grunted. “I’m okay. Just need a minute.” 
“Dude –” 
He straightened up, pushing his shoulders back. A deep, rippling ache spread up from his stomach to his throat. He could taste acid. “Let’s go,” he said, pushing his right foot forward. 
The fight didn’t last long. His ice was sloppy, arching just past where Kirishima stood, and the other boy skidded round and started barrelling towards his left side. Fire licked its way up Shouto’s arm, but the heat was searing, unbearable – his head throbbed, and his vision narrowed, a rotten, sour taste flooding his gums. He put out the flames as his knees buckled, catching his fall with one hand, and clamping the other over his mouth. He could hear Kirishima shout, but it was indecipherable over the tinnitus. Shouto’s oesophagus burned, stomach cramping and knotting, and he burped, saliva sticking to his palm. 
He felt vile.
“You idiot.” Bakugou was next to him. When had he got here? “You stupid, fucking idiot. You never listen.” Shouto shuddered, and he felt his boyfriend’s hand run up his back, gentle, soothing. “You gonna be sick?” 
He couldn’t answer. He dropped his hand and belched again, rocking forward over the floor. Hot saliva rolled off his tongue and hung from his lips in strings. Bakugou moved his other hand up to cup Shouto’s forehead, pushing his hair back. 
“Yaoyorozu, could you make us a bucket, please?” That was Aizawa. His teacher stood in front of him – Shouto could see the scuffs on his black boots. “The rest of you can wait for me in the changing rooms.” 
Shouto heard lots of whispering and shuffling, and then blessed silence. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to breathe – in, out, in, out. A bucket was put in front of him, along with a flannel and bottle of water. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Yaoyorozu asked, voice trembling. 
He heard Bakugou scoff. “He’s chronically stupid.” 
Shouto lurched forward with a dry retch, forehead hitting the rim of the bucket. He moaned, gulping in another round of air. In, out, in, out. Cool fingers brushed against his skin, followed by a hiss. 
“Christ, kid. That’s a nasty fever.” Aizawa took out his phone. “I’m going to call Recovery Girl. Let her know we’re coming.” 
The nausea was so rampant he could feel it in his eyes. Shouto reached out and grabbed at Bakugou’s knee. “No,” he mumbled, “don’t… can’t move –”
He was cut off with another unproductive gag. He felt like he was choking. Bakugou brushed a hand through his hair, hushing him. “Not yet, Sho. When you’re ready.” 
He sobbed as another cramp ripped through his stomach. “Katsuki.”
“It’s okay, Sho. It’s okay, you’re okay –”
He heaved violently, and this time a slurry of undigested food made it into the bottom of the bucket. Bakugou was holding him steady, mumbling things Shouto couldn’t quite hear, couldn’t quite understand. But the sound of his voice was enough. He burped, bringing up another mouthful of liquid, and then his back was arching as his body tried to wring itself dry. Round after round of vomit, until he had nothing left but spit and dry air.
The stench of the bucket was cloying. Bakugou pulled him back even though he was still gagging, rubbing his back in circles. “I think you’re done, babe. Here, come on. Breathe for me.” 
Shouto hiccupped, leaning back into the blonde’s chest. “I – I don’t feel well.” 
“No shit.” Bakugou used some of the water from the bottle to dampen the washcloth. He tilted Shouto’s head and began wiping away the bile and spit sticking to his chin, the snot under his nose. Aizawa took the bucket to wash out, and Yaoyorozu took his place in front of Shouto, smiling softly. 
“Want to try a bit of water?” she asked, holding out the bottle. Shouto groaned, pulling away from her. The nausea had just barely let up – he wasn’t sure he was ready to swallow anything yet. 
“Hey. Have just a little,” Bakugou said, taking the water from her. He unscrewed the cap and pressed the bottle to Shouto’s lips. “Dehydration is dumb.” 
He felt it wash over his tongue. It tasted acrid and did little to settle his stomach. He pushed the rest away and belched into his fist, shivering. 
“You think you can stand?” Aizawa asked, returning with a clean bucket. After a few measured breaths, Shouto nodded, clinging to the bucket as Bakugou eased him onto his feet. Yaoyorozu moved to stand on his other side, taking some of his weight. His teacher’s gaze was scrutinising, brow furrowed. 
“Let’s go. I want you checked out sooner rather than later.” Aizawa held the door open for them as they left the gymnasium. “But tell me if you need to stop, alright?”
“Mm,” Shouto said, not sure what he was agreeing to. Colours and sounds were starting to melt together. He leaned into Bakugou on his right, eyes searching. “Kats-ki?” 
“I’m here, Sho.” He pressed a chaste kiss to his boyfriend’s temple. It was scorching, even on his right side. Bakugou bit his lip and tried to temper his anxiety. “I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he murmured. “I promise.” 
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z44raith · 1 year
Characters included: Izuku midorya
Rating : sfw
Synopsis: you're sick and in bed trying to rest but, the izuku want to take care of you :)
Type: scenario
A/N: Bro I wrote this almost a year ago on my other account, and idfk why, i decided to re-write it. Go read the og one on @rika-kaiyo if you want to cringe. It has a lot of spelling mistakes and is pretty cringe lamo.
Izuku Midoriya
Yay! Wholesome boy!
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You woke up from your bed. You felt greatly tired. You checked your temperature and, yep... You had a fever. You asked Mr Aizawa and he allowed you to stay in the dorms.
Your boyfriend Izuku was confused why you didn't come so he waited till school ended and knocked on your door.
"Hello?" He said.
His voice was adorable.. So perfect, you decided let him in.
"Mhm, come in Izuku."
Door opens
"Hey Y/N... How are you doing?" While taking off his shoes.
"Oh,I'm just a little bit sick, that's why I took off school..." you said quietly.
"Ah... How bad? " He said remorsefuly.
*Sniff* "A 101° fever... "
"Oh.. Sorry to hear that"
"It's fine Izuku no need to worry... "
"Uh.. I brought your homework do you want me to help you? " He asked, Wanting to help you ease your pain, by helping you.
"I'll do my homework later.. " You said in an annoyed tone, not at izuku, but at all the work you had to complete.
"Oh ok... Do you want me to do anything? "
"Yeah... Could you make me some soup?"
"Yeah, sure y/n.. I'll be right back! "
"Thank you, Izuku... "
"No problem Y/N! "
Whilst you waited on your bed, reviewing his notes, and seeing the homework. He came back, with your soup in one hand.
"Here's your soup dear! "
"Thank you Izuku... "
"No worries y/n. But the soups hot so watch out!"
"Ok.. " You said as you placed the soup down on your side-table, sitting upright, with the blanket still on you, pushing your boyfriend's bag and work upon the floor.
"Is there anything else?"
"Uhm.. Can you sit on the bed with me?"
"Oh..." You were dating for 6 months but Izuku still felt flustered whenever you kissed him or did anything to him which involved affection.
"Do you not want to? " You said in a fake sad tone, wanting his sympathy.
"No, no! I want to! " he sits down on the bed.
"Ok now close your eyes... " You said, with a hint of playfulness in your tone.
"Uh.. Okay" he closes his eyes.
You kissed him on the lips quickly, Before he could even realize.
"H-Hey! " Izuku said, Blushing intensely.
You chuckled, at his adorable reaction. "Yeah, Izuku?"
Looking away, still blushing he says "Y-you could've told me you were about to kiss me.."
"Would that make you less embarrassed? "
"S-shut up! " hiding his face in his palms.
You were dying of laughter whilst, still Coughing. You loved you're cute boyfriend so much <33
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dudadragneel · 1 year
Sickfic Masterlist
Hello guys! This has been long due! 
But finally the masterlist is here! I’ll divide into the fandoms that I have added on the pinned post! I’ll put the link to this masterlist at the beginning of the pinned post as well! 
My Hero Academia 
- Weight I. 
- Weight II.
- Quirks and their consequences
- An Unsual Day 
One Piece 
Coming soon!
Trigun Stampede
Coming soon!
LOZ - Legend of Zelda
Coming soon!
Stray Kids 
- Stubborn part I
- Stubborn part II
- Airplane sickfic
- Public Life
- Winter Cabin
- High School A.U
- Summer Vacation
- Consequences
- Responsibility
- An Eventful Weekend
- The Eldest Falls Ill
- Family Dinner
- A Tiring Trip
- A Dangerous Move
- Just a Case of Bad Luck
- Stressful Day
- Hectic Life
- A Date Gone downhill
- Don't Hide It
- The Only Hyung
- Of Heat and Pain 🔞
- So Close Yet So Far
- I hate to admit it
- Tour Hardships 
That’s it for now! I’ll update this as I post more sickfics!
See you soon!
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machiroads · 1 year
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When Hizashi is washed up onshore after a storm, he doesn't expect to find common ground with the pirate that saves his life, but it soon becomes a race against the clock to ensure the pirate's own survival.
Erasermic | 6.8k | Mer!Mic / Pirate!Aizawa AU
Read on AO3
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Sick of Your Face (KiriBaku sickfic)
Katsuki awoke with his throat on fire. The pressure in his head throbbed. Nausea churned in his stomach. He sneezed so hard that small fireworks shot from his hands. The sneeze was like a gateway that broke as snot began to run down his nose. At the time, Katsuki thought it was a good idea to sniff it back up, but his throat screamed in protest, and a noise of scratchy irritation formed behind his lips.
He should probably go back to bed. The idea was tempting enough, but what type of hero would he be if a mild cold got him down?
I'll get some Tylenol and water for my throat. That'll kick it in the ass, Katsuki thought as he swung his legs out of bed.
Once he finished dressing into his uniform, Katsuki went to the bathroom facilities, where he found Kaminari and Todoroki brushing their teeth. "Oh, hey, Bafuhoe!" Kaminari mumbled around his toothbrush.
Todoroki spat into the sink in front of him and wiped his chin. "Hello, Bakugou." With no toothbrush in his mouth, it was easy for the peppermint bitch to pronounce his name correctly.
Katsuki gave a small grunt of recognition, only to regret it shortly afterward. Dammit. Why'd everything gotta hurt so much? He glared at both of them through his lashes. As if to send the message that he didn't want to talk to anybody.
"You're awfully quiet, Bakugou. Is something wrong?" Todoroki inquired as he watched Katsuki's movements through the mirror. Katsuki tried to ignore him but felt a muscle in his jaw twitch as he stepped towards the sink he claimed at the beginning of dorm life.
Kaminari spat into his sink, then rinsed it clean. "Wait a minute....yeah, you're right, dude!" Kaminari threw his head back into a laugh. "Did all your yelling and screaming catch up to ya—? Ouch!"
Iida had stepped in and had given the walking electrical outlet a smack upside his head and a stern lecture to follow. Katsuki popped open his mirror cupboard and used it to hide his tiny smirk of satisfaction. It served that little discounted crackhead, Zeus, right.
After rooting for the medicine, Katsuki closed the mirror door—clack. Twisted the faucet's handles—squeak, squeak. And waited for the perfect temperature—shaaaaw.
Katsuki wasn't one to be insecure about his looks, but his sickly complexion made him more self-conscious about it. His face was grey, except for his nose and under-eyes. His nose was more red than the spiky mop on Kirishima's head. Katsuki's under-eyes were a mix of pink from the rubbing and purple from his sleepless night. His lips were cracked and dry. And then his once ruby-sharp, fiery to the point of volcanic eyes were dulled to nothing more than a pair of sunken-in velvet and doormat ones.
All in all, he looked like shit.
He placed the recommended dosage on his tongue and cupped his hands for a makeshift cup. With each sip he took, a grimace followed. To keep the rest of him healthy, Katsuki washed his face—being careful around his nose, and brushed his teeth—making the situation worse for his throat. Katsuki didn't bother fixing his half-tucked button-up, or his hair, which was pressed down in some areas and wild in others.
When Katsuki stepped out into the common area, he sniffed to stop more snot from dripping. He didn't use the back of his hand. It was unhygienic. Also, people could've thought he was weak by using the back of his hand to stop the mucus from leaking.
"Bakubro!" an annoying voice called, causing Katsuki to snap his head up and away from the turmoil of his muddled thoughts. It was Kirishima with a wide shark-toothed smile and his hand held up in greeting.
Once Katsuki realized that the walking boulder wanted a high-five, he kept his hands in his pockets. Instead, Katsuki jerked his head in acknowledgment and stomped to the kitchen.
Ashido and Aoyama were nibbling away and some cream-cheese bagels as Katsuki pawed around at the contents in the fridge. The only soft thing for his throat was peach-flavored yogurt. Katsuki internally groaned as he snatched the item and a spoon from the nearby drawer. As he ate his light breakfast, the room began to notice his lack of...noise. If he wasn't sick, he would've been kicking and screaming about something by now.
Katsuki downed the small cup and tossed it in the trash. Stupid Tylenol...shit's not even working yet.
It wasn't odd for Bakugou to ignore Eijirou's high-fives. He never was one for physical contact, so Eijirou didn't take it personally. But what bothered him was how quiet Bakugou was. During class and training, Bakugou spoke the bare minimum. When he did, his voice was nasally and hoarse.
Eijirou figured it was more than just a sore throat from all his screaming. Bakugou's posture was more hunched. He winced whenever he sniffed. Bakugou struggled to keep his eyes open during training and wobbled after one of his explosions on occasion.
English class had finished, and Eijirou was waiting for Bakugou past the doorway. Present Mic called for Bakugou, but Eijirou was willing to wait a little longer. When the teacher's voice grew louder, Eijirou knew he shouldn't eavesdrop. But he couldn't help it. Eijirou wanted to know what was wrong with his friend.
"Bakugou, I think you need to go to Recovery Girl to get that cold of yours fixed up," Mic coaxed.
"I'm fine!" he snapped.
A fit of coughs and rough sniffles proved he was lying.
"'Kay, maybe I'm not..."—a frustrated sigh was heaved—"...the best. But I'm not hurt, so she can't help."
Mic sucked his teeth. "Well then, you need to get some rest, kid. You could make others sick and things worse for you."
Bakugou grumbled. "Fine,"
Is Bakugou sick? I need to help him recover, Eijirou thought as he stepped back into the room. "Excuse me?" Eijirou awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the nape of his neck. "I was kinda eavesdropping and—"
"What the hell?!" Bakugou yelled before his face pinched in irritation, and a fit of coughs scratched his throat. It got bad to the point where he doubled over a little.
"Sorry, but I just thought...what if I help you while you're sick? If you don't want me to, that's fine!" Eijirou quickly added when he saw Bakugou starting to fume.
"Hell no! Get lost, shitty-hair idiot."
Mic cleared his throat to refocus the group back to him. "Seems like a wonderful idea, Kirishima! Wasn't Aizawa talking about being able to rely on others?" He whipped out finger guns, one for each student. "I'll tell your teacher to cut some slack for your homework for the next couple of days."
And just like that, the teacher was gone, leaving the students alone.
Bakugou glowered and Eijirou and jammed his hands into his pockets. "Whatever. Just don't make this a big deal." Bakugou croaked as he began to leave. Eijirou promptly followed, not wanting to fail his new job.
Goddammit! He won't stop following me like a stray puppy! Katsuki yelled internally. Even though he wasn't talking, his throat was burning.
"Go get ready for bed, bro. I'll be back to bring you some supper," his new caretaker chimed. Katsuki slammed the door before Eijirou could continue blabbering and rested his head against the wood. His head pounded, and his nose started to drip again. Katsuki sniffed the snot back up. He didn't want to use another one of those damn tissues. It would be like asking for help, and he didn't need it...he didn't want it. But he felt so run down and exhausted that he couldn't put up a fight to not have help.
Katsuki changed into his favorite skill t-shirt and shorts. Even though Present Mic asked for more time for submissions, Katsuki sunk into his desk chair and began his work. Katsuki's eyelids were heavy, and his headache worsened with each equation answered. But his efforts were all for naught when his head hit the workbook's pages.
"Hey...hey, buddy," a soft voice called. He felt a warm hand gently shake his shoulder. Katsuki squeezed his eyelids before slowly peeling them open.
Katsuki felt like he was about to pass out. Which was strange because he had just woken up. "God," he rasped, "Fuck...how'd you get in?" Katsuki's throat was drier than the Sahara desert. He sat up, causing the room to spin and the corners of his vision to darken.
"You left the door unlocked and didn't open when I knocked," Kirishima admitted with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, I took so long. I had to wash my hair gel out. I also made you some soup."
Katsuki felt like his nap made things worse.
Kirishima sat the bowl on the table. "C'mere," he ushered. Kirishima stretched out his hands.
Katsuki swatted them away. "Don't...don't need your stupid help," Katsuki grumbled. He stumbled out of his chair. The room spun and darkened again as an arm snaked around his waist.
"Woah there! Careful, bro. Don't need you hitting your head now!" Kirishima joked.
Looking up at him with hazy eyes, Katsuki noticed Kirishima's half-up hairstyle, still damp from the shower. And how his jawline and collarbone still glistened from the rushed hygiene check. Katsuki tried to stand up straighter, but his knees were weak. Katsuki's neck and face felt hot. Was he running a fever?
Kirishima helped Katsuki into his bed and went back to the desk. Once Kirishima placed the water and soup on the nightstand, he paced around the room. He pointed upward in a "Eureka!" movement. "Can't forget to check you for a fever."
He held the thermometer up to Katsuki's lips. "This is a little—" Kirishima popped the thermometer into Katsuki's mouth. He wanted to gag at the metallic taste. "This is a little overkill," he croaked.
"I just need some sleep. Get lost, idiot." Katsuki muttered as he pulled the thermometer out of his mouth. He placed it on his nightstand and rolled over, pulling the blankets past his chin.
Kirishima's enthusiastic smile slowly dropped. "Oh, okay. You know where my room is if you need anything, right?" Katsuki nodded, staring at the wall.
Footsteps padded out of his room. Katsuki waited until he heard the door click before and sat back up. He grabbed the glass and downed the water. Katsuki flinched at the first gulp but was thankful for how the cool water soothed his throat.
Once the water was gone, he eyed the suspicious soup. He didn't trust it. Katsuki rolled over and went to bed, too tired to do anything else.
"Hey Kiri, how's it going?" Sero asked.
Eijirou flopped onto the couch with a sigh mixed with a groan. "He didn't want to take my help. But he's going to get worse if he doesn't. He was so tired, he almost passed out, for crying out loud!"
Asui and Hagakure sat on the loveseat beside the couch Eijirou and Sero rested on. "It's that bad?" Hagakure marveled, "He never was sick before. You'd think that how much he takes care of himself, he wouldn't be sick like this."
"I mean, it's good that he's sleeping. But he can't sleep while getting food, medicine, or anything else. I just feel like I have to help him because he's done so much for me. It's like I owe him, you know? Not to mention that he relies on himself too much."
Sero gave Eijirou a comforting pat on the knee. "He can be...rough, most of the time. But keep trying 'cause he needs to accept that he needs to ask for help."
Eijirou grinned. "Thanks, guys." He stood and adjusted his pants. "I should probably go and check up on him. Let me know if anyone needs anything."
Nobody said anything as he left.
He carefully crept into Bakugou's room. Eijirou made as little to no sound as possible to not wake him. Eijirou made a face when he saw the untouched bowl of soup but was glad the water was gone. He placed a hand on Bakugou's forehead. To his surprise, he was shivering but boiling to the touch. Eijirou took his now sweaty palm and wiped it on his pant leg. Despite his almost always angry appearance, Bakugou was most at peace in his sleep. Like a baby, really.
The bed springs creaked under his weight as Eijirou grabbed the bowl of lukewarm soup. "Hey, buddy. I'm gonna need you to sit up for me, okay?" Eijirou urged as he stirred the spoon in the bowl.
Bakugou groaned. "Fuck off,"
"Listen, man, I'm here to help you. I don't care how much you fight back. You need my help to get better." Eijirou huffed. "Now sit up. You need to eat."
Bakugou reluctantly sat up as Eijirou held the spoon up to his lips. His hand was cupped underneath so none of the soup dripped onto the blankets.
"There. Was that so hard?" Eijirou asked as Bakugou took his first swallow. Bakugou gave Eijirou the finger.
Once the bowl was drained, Eijirou gave Bakugou an affectionate head rub. "Good job, man," he praised. Bakugou didn't protest except for an irritated grumble. Eijirou gathered the glass cup, bowl, and abandoned thermometer. "I'll be right back, okay?"
Bakugou rubbed his eyes as he struggled to stay awake. "Whatever, idiot."
Eijirou left the bed and paced into Bakugou's personal bathroom. He took the washcloth and ran it under the running sink water. After it soaked, Eijirou cut off the water and squeezed the cloth tight.
When Eijirou returned to the bedroom, Bakugou was still sitting up and swaying slightly. Eijirou sat back down on the edge of the bed. "Lay down. I'll try to bring your fever down while you get some sleep."
He gave an idle nod and sank back into the blankets. Eijirou scooted closer and began dabbing the cloth along Bakugou's forehead. Eijirou began to hum whatever soft tunes that came to mind. Anything that would help his ailing friend slip into a deep sleep.
"You...you tell anyone about this, and you're dead. Got that...hair for..." Bakugou trailed off as sleep slowly took him.
A soft chuckle tickled Eijirou's lips. "Sure thing, bro,"
After Bakugo's temperature went down, Eijirou left his room as quietly as possible and went to bed.
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timmydrabbles · 2 months
bakugou is needy when his temperature rises. when his tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth and his mind becomes muddled with sick.
he whines and can’t find comfort in his incessant shifting, and he allows kirishima to be close.
he allows fingers to thread through hair and gentle hands to wipe off sweat.
and kirishima should not enjoy this.
he should not look forward to it. he should not delight in the subdued state that fever has forced his friend into.
but he finds himself almost relieved when bakugou falls sick.
because bakugou asks for him. because bakugou wants to be held by him. because bakugou wants kirishima to take care of him.
and kirishima does.
kirishima warms soup in bowls and refills water glasses and wipes sweat from pale skin and coaxes medicine between parched lips.
and kirishima likes to be needed. he likes to be the one to care and help.
and kirishima wants to but he can’t. he wants to feel callous on callous and warmth on scalding heat, but he has to hold back. he has to take care of him first.
because bakugou will hide his hands from the medic team and let the pain continue.
he claims he can take care of it himself, but kirishima has seen him try, and he’s not so sure.
so the moment he’s allowed into bakugou’s hospital room surrounded by monitors and wire and scratch sheets, he’s armed with towels and creams and bandages.
he sets himself up on the bed beside his friend and holds out a hand.
and of course bakugou protests. of course he grumbles out soft curses, but he doesn’t hold out long.
because he knows kirishima won’t leave until he’s done what he’s come to do. he won’t start talking til he’s able to care for bakugou in one of the few ways he’s allowed.
and when the weight of his battered and burned hands fall into kirishima’s, he falls into routine.
except this time, his light hearted chatter is heavier. except this time, his best friend almost died and he can’t get that image out of his head. of bakugou bloodied and lifeless on scorched rubble.
he wets the towel with water and drags it across grime and dirt and says how he watched mount lady fall.
he twists open a cap of burn relief and says how yaoyorozu came up with a plan of attack.
he circles cream onto raw skin and says how he saved mina.
he wraps gauze and bandages around pliant hands and says how he climbed the giant with his own bare hands.
he holds bakugou’s hand in his and says how he was the one who was able to give the sedative.
he lets go of bandaged hands and says how he still failed to stop the villains.
then it’s quiet. there’s only the breathing of the two of them and the beeping of monitors and the hum of air conditioning.
just when kirishima feels as if he’s about to implode, as if the silence was sucking away all his air, rough cloth finds his hands. his forearms. and he’s being shaken.
because bakugou thinks he’s stupidly strong. because bakugou says that he was the only one who got close enough to finish the job.
because kirishima was the only one who bakugou sees as an equal and not some extra to compete with.
and that’s enough. and kirishima lets the anxiety and relief mingle and flow and he grasps at bakugou as gently as he can and cries.
because they’re both here and they’re both alive and because they’re just kids. and they’ve seen too much. they’ve experienced too much. they know too much.
he’s exhausted by his tears and bakugou lets him stay and hold his hands with salt crusted cheeks and red eyes until the nurse says visiting hours are over.
and kirishima leaves, promising he’ll be back.
and even if hero society isn’t everything he dreamed, he has katsuki.
(originally posted to twt 12/11/2020)
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loopielupie · 1 year
Whumptober Day 2 - Thermometer
Katsuki wakes to Izuku shifting in the bed, tugging on the covers like he's cold, maybe? He's hazy with half-sleep but it's still easy for Katsuki to throw an arm out in Izuku's general direction and tuck him closer with a murmured "g'back t'sleep, 'zuku". And Izuku goes with it, burrowing against Katsuki's chest and...shivering?
That doesn't make sense. Their bedroom isn't cold by any means.
Much more alert, Katsuki goes to sit, but Izuku whines and clings closer. He's warm, uncomfortably so, his shirt stuck to his chest with sweat.
"Izuku," he whispers, resting his head against his forehead. It's hot under his fingers and Izuku pulls back from the contact, eyelids fluttering.
"Izuku," he tries again. "Izuku, wake up."
Izuku croaks a sound of complaint and Katsuki can tell that hurts even before his face scrunches in a wince.
"Mm, 'm here." He brushes sweaty hair behind his ear and Izuku leans into the touch this time. "You have a fever."
"Mmm. Head hurts."
Katsuki stifles a sigh and goes to leave the bed but Izuku grips his shirt on reflex. Katsuki leans back in, runs a gentle thumb across the back of his fist.
"You gotta let me go get the thermometer," he reminds him. "I'll being you something for your headache too."
Izuku releases him with a pitiful nod, slumping back onto the bed. He must feel awful. Katsuki's stomach knots.
"I'll be right back."
The thermometer, paracetamol, water, and a damp cloth are retrieved but it's only then that Katsuki realises he hadn't asked after other symptoms. He kicks himself but heads back, this is good enough for starters.
Izuku has curled up in the interim, burrowed under the blankets and shaking so hard Katsuki can hear his teeth chattering. Katsuki's stomach clenches as he sets down his things. Flicking on the light earns him a pained hiss and he apologises under his breath.
"Oi, you're gonna have to come out of there," he says, poking izuku gently in the cheek. He tries to ignore the little voice in his head that says he's even warmer now. There's protest but he finally manages to get Izuku to give up the blankets. In the lamplight, he looks as awful as Katsuki suspected he felt: fever bright eyes, pale, flushed cheeks, curls stuck to his forehead with sweat. Katsuki swallows thickly and snatches up the thermometer. Shaky hands guide it under Izuku's shirt and they wait the few seconds before a shrill series of beeps breaks the quiet.
"39.6," Izuku croaks, squinting at the screen. Before Katsuki can curse at that, he suddenly sits bolt upright and dives for the side of the bed. Katsuki lurches to catch him with a panicked yelp of his name but the first gag tells him all he needs to know and he scrambles for the bin by the bed instead. He's a little late but he holds Izuku steady until the retching tapers off into ragged gasps for breath.
"m..sorry." Izuku's whisper is fried at the edges and Katsuki's heart breaks a little.
"Stop it," he chastises, helping him to sit and wiping the tears clinging to his lashes. "You're sick. Nothin' you can do about that 'cept get better."
Izuku manages a woozy little chuckle:
"Kacchan's right."
"Course I am. Here," Katsuki hands him the glass of water. "D'ya think you can manage the paracetamol? We gotta get your temperature down."
The sounds Izuku makes isn't very commital, but Katsuki drops the pills into the awaiting shaky hand and while Izuku takes them, he mops up the mess and roots through their drawers for lighter clothes. Izuku is pliant and sleepy as he changes him into a tank and shorts but Katsuki can feel him trembling.
"Nope. No blanket," he says as Izuku tries to wrap himself up.
"That's the fever talking, you're gonna boil your brain if I let you have that."
He pulls the blanket down and Izuku just let him; it sends a swoop of dread through katsuki's stomach to see him just...give up like that even as he's relieved he doesn't have to fight him on it. Katsuki can't help squeezing the damp cloth just a little too hard in agitated fingers. Izuku hisses again at the feeling of what must be freezing water on his skin, but Katsuki tries to sooth as best he can, guiding izuku's head into his lap and running fingers through damp curls.
Izuku goes slowly boneless under the attention, eyelids falling closed, although Katsuki can see him fighting it.
"Sleep," he coaxes. "I've got you."
"...mmkay. G'night."
Katsuki watches Izuku slacken against him, listens to the even sounds of his breaths, and settles in for a long night.
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happy-snake-noises · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Additional Tags: Shinsou Hitoshi Whump, Sickfic, Sick Character, Shinsou Hitoshi-centric, Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is Shinsou Hitoshi's Uncle, he does an okay job at it lol, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, very reluctantly some times lol, Rated teen for Bakugou’s language, Pre-Relationship, Whumptober 2023, Shinsou Hitoshi Wins the Sports Festival, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Series: Part 1 of Whumptober 2023 Summary:
Katsuki’s weekends weren’t particularly busy. Sure, he studied and trained and some claimed that it was masochistic and that’s not what most people considered relaxing, it kept him occupied and settled his mind so he didn’t fucking care what those extras thought. Keeping up a routine was important to him so that’s what he was going to fucking stick to.
So when part of his morning routine didn’t show up for their hand-to-hand training, he was a little beyond irritated.
OR Shinsou is sick and Bakugou takes care of him until somebody more qualified can. Aizawa makes an appearance but it doesn’t go great
Whumptober - day 2 |thermometer|delirium|"they don't care about you"|
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