#bonus points if they have a music theme as well <3
aphemorpha · 4 months
I realize I keep collecting Theater themed Eldritch Horrors as my favorites.
The Stranger - The Magnus Archives
The King in Yellow - King in Yellow
Pokotho, The Singular Voice - Hatchetfield Series
The Hanged King - SCP Wiki
I would appreciate any tips anyone may have for adding to the Collection.
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cmncisspnandmore · 10 months
One Night Stand; Part 3
Pairings: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader
Warnings: OOC Simon (kinda?), fluff, alcohol, pregancy, talks of abortion, vomiting,
Summary: Its been 3 months since your night in the sheets with Simon and your life just got a whole lot more complicated.
A/N: I know, I know. okay. I get it. Not everyone like the pregnancy trope, so if you dont im sorry. If i lose some readers for this then im sad to see you go but i hope to see you in future writings i do for the COD men. This is not going to be like other pregnancy tropes that get all mushy and fluffy and light after. This story will be filled with dark themes coming in later chapters that i hope will keep people interseted. We all know Simon Riley's life cant be easy, so if you're still here after this part. Buckle up. Its a wild ride.
Word Count: 5,015
New to the Series? Catch up here: Part 1, Part 2
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The bar looked exactly the same as it did three months ago. The music wasn't as loud, but that was probably because it was still early. Many people were still at work at 5pm on a Thursday.
Not you, you had found a job working online, writing articles for business pages. It wasn't the most exciting thing in the world but it paid well, and it occupied most of your time. An added bonus of not leaving for work was you never had to worry about coming home from the office to find someone on your couch. You shake your head trying to clear the thoughts. You weren't even 100% sure why you were here, the chances that Soap even knew Simon were slim. But he had said he knew almost everyone that came to the bar. 
So there was a chance.
One you couldn't pass up, you had to at least try.
Wrapping your coat around you tighter, you walk into the bar. The dim lights reflect off the shiny tables. A few people sit at them, watching a replay of a game on tv. You glance around behind the bar, looking for the familiar mohawk. 
It pops up from behind the bar towards the end, Soap holds a bin of limes in his arms. He sets the bin down on the shiny black countertop, pulling a small cutting board out from the top of the bin and a knife. He slices a lime in half as you slide into the seat in front of him. His blue eyes meet yours and a smile breaks out on his face. 
“Lass! Good to see ya, you disappeared on me the last time ye were here!” He smiles, turning the lime and cutting it again. 
“Sorry about that, I needed to clear my head, I hope I didn't upset you,” you smile back, placing your hands on the bar.
“Nay, what can I get for ye? Vodka Soda?” he asks, setting the knife down as he turns towards the shelves of alcohol behind him.
“Uh, actually, can I just have water instead?” You bite your bottom lip and Soap nods, grabbing a glass and filling it. He slides the glass of water in front of you, and you stare down into it. 
“Everything okay?” he asks, looking at you with one raised eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine. Early day tomorrow ya know? Don't want to be hung over is all.”
“Aye i get that, so what brings you here?” Soap leans his forearms against the bar, “Miss me?” He smiles.
You can't help but roll your eyes, “Oh totally,” you laugh.
“I knew it, not many women can resist the MacTavish charm,” Soap grins, he stands back up and picks up the knife. He cuts each lime into wedges before putting them in the bin, you reach over grabbing one from the cutting board and squeeze it into your water. 
“Aye! Paw off,” Soap smiles, shaking the knife at you. A smile of your own breaks out on your lips as you watch him. 
“You have plenty to spare, plus someone around here has to keep you busy.”
“I assure you Lass, the folk around here keep me plenty busy,” Soap points over your shoulder where Price and Gaz are walking in. They’re deep in a conversation as they make their way over to where you are sitting in front of Soap. 
Kyle is the first to notice you, and he pauses looking at you over. “Y/n, it's good to see you again, not going to lie. I was kinda sad you left without a goodbye last time,” Gaz takes the seat on the left.
“Sorry about that, I promise to say bye this time. I don’t want to bruise your ego,” You say over the rim of your glass. 
“Good, I don't think I can hear him wallow about it anymore,” Price says as he sits in the stool on your right. “So what do you think of London? Everything you could’ve imagined?”
“It’s alright… It rains a lot more than I'm used to, but it's not too bad. Definitely different from the small town I'm from,” you look over at him. He gives you a small smile, and turns towards Soap. 
“Soap, we ship out tomorrow morning, be ready at 0600 hours,” Price grunts as Soap puts the last lime into the bin. 
“Yes sir,” Soap turns towards the bottles of liquor on the shelf and grabs a bottle of bourbon. He sets it down on the counter with a soft thud, he then grabs two glasses for them, pouring each man two fingers. He slides the glasses across the bar to them, the acidic smell of the bourbon makes your stomach turn. Saliva pools in your mouth as you desperately try to swallow. 
“Oh uh, Soap, I wanted to ask if you knew someone actually,” You take a sip of water, your eyes following him as he moves behind the bar. Soaps bright blue eyes look over at you, his brows furrowed together. 
“I might,” he smiles. A loud noise from behind you startles you, and a drunken man tumbles into the back of your stool. His drink spilling down your back as he leans against the back of the barstool, the smell of the alcohol hits your nose. 
“Oops,” the drunken man mumbles, his breath wafting over your face.
Your stomach rolls, as Price and Gaz help the man up. Gaz and Price half drag him away from you as he continues to mumble about his drink. Gaz says something and pats him on the chest as they pull him to the door. You stand from the chair, the fabric of your coat and shirt now sticking to you. Nausea rolls through you as you try to breathe through your mouth. 
“You alright lass? You look a little green,” Soap is now standing in front of you, a clean bar towel in his hands. He gently pats the towel against your soaked shirt and coat trying to soak up some of the liquid that's seeping into your skin. 
You can't answer, if you open your mouth you’re sure you’ll throw up so you push past Soap and hurry towards the bathroom. Soap follows behind you, pausing at the door to the women's room. You shove open one of the stall doors and drop to your knees. The cold tiles bite through the fabric of your jeans, as the contents of your stomach is emptied into the porcelain bowl. It takes you several minutes to stop dry heaving, your stomach clenching painfully with each contraction of your abs. When the feeling settles you stand, before rinsing your mouth out with some water from the tap. You grab a paper towel, wiping your hands and mouth.
“You alright in there?” Soap calls through the door, his voice laced with concern. 
“Yeah..” you call back, tossing the paper towel into the bin and pulling open the door, “Sorry about that.” You shove your hands into your pockets as you come face to face with Soap. His eyebrows knit together in worry as he looks over you, one hand hovers in the air as if hes going back and forth on if he should touch you or not.
“You su-” he pauses looking over your shoulder, his eyes widened slightly.
“MacTavish, the bar can't run itself…” A familiar voice rumbles, the hair on the back of your neck stands on end. Memories of your night 3 months ago rushes back, that same voice that murmured praise to you as he pounded into you. 
You whip around, at the end of the hall stands Simon, his black hoodie pulled up over his head, his mouth and nose covered by a skull print face mask. His brown eyes widen slightly as he sees you. “Y/n…” he whispers. 
“You two know each other?” Soap muses from behind me, his hands coming to rest on my shoulder as he walks by. An uncomfortable silence settles over the hallway and Soap slips by, muttering “I’ll leave you two alone…” 
Simon takes a few steps towards you, and it seems like he takes up the whole hallway. You look up as he towers over you, his face is unreadable, he lifts a hand, brushing his fingertips across your cheek. It sends electricity skittering across your skin, your breath catches in your throat.
Over the past 3 months you have tried to forget about the man whose brown eyes haunted your dreams. Whose touch caused your mind to go blank. Like someone wiping a harddrive. But there was no forgetting, not anymore. He was here in front of you, sure, you had come to ask Soap if he knew him. But you hadn't expected to run into him tonight. You still had no idea what you were going to say to him. How do you justify just leaving his house at 3am?
“You could've said goodbye, you know… You didn't have to sneak out and call an Uber at 3am..” Simon whispers, and guilt slams into you. He knew you left. He wasn't asleep like you thought…
“I-I..” you stumble over your words, unsure what to say. There wasn't anything you could say really. You knew you should’ve just waited, dealt with the awkward small talk. Maybe even exchange numbers you would never plan on using. But nope.
Instead you fled. Just like you fled after your sister's funeral.
At least you were consistent. 
“I’m not upset, I understand.” Simon adds after a moment, his hands shoved deep in his pockets of his hoodie. 
“Simon.. I.. I’m sorry.. I’ve been going through a lot. And i didnt .. I couldn't face you after that. Not, not that you did anything wrong. Because you didn't! I mean you were great. I just,” You run a hand through your hair. “God, this is not how I wanted this to go.” 
“Breathe. Love, breathe.” Simons hands cup your face and you freeze. “It’s okay, like I said I'm not upset with you,” he lets his hands drop, and you nod. 
“I didn't know you knew Soap,” He muses, leaning against the wall. You shuffle your feet, taking a deep breath.
“Yeah… I met him the same night I met you… You know him too, yeah?” 
“Soap, Gaz, Price and I all serve together,” Simon rubs the back of his neck with his hand, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“Oh! I don't know how I didn't pick up that you were military,” You bite your lip looking down at his black boots. 
“We didn't exactly get to know each other very much that night..” Simon says, and a small blush creeps up your cheeks at the mention of your night together. “So what brings you here tonight?” Simon asks.
The familiar feeling of nausea swirls in your stomach again, you clench your fists, nails biting into your palm. Something you have come to do a lot over the past few months. “I came here to ask about you, actually. I needed to talk to you..” You whisper, and Simon's brows furrow.
“Well you found me.. What did you need to talk about?” He asks, as you chew your bottom lip. Anxiety creeps into your chest, wrapping itself around your lungs like an icy hand. The air rushes from your lungs, your eyes burning with tears.
 How the hell could you turn this man's life upside down?
“Hey, hey,” Simon whispers, his large hands clasp your shoulders steadying you. The world feels a million miles away, like you were floating out in space untethered. Everything sounds muffled, and the lights are suddenly too bright in the hallway. You raise your shaky hands, running them through your hair. A large hand guides you down the hall a little until the bitter cold air of winter in London hits you. You gasp, your lungs filling with the cold air, goosebumps break out along your heated skin. 
The world slowly comes back into focus, soft murmuring in your ear as large arms wrap around your middle holding you against a solid chest. “Breathe, you’re alright, you’re okay… Just breathe, Love.” Simon murmurs into your ear. Tears fall from your eyes, trails of hot tears stream down your cold cheeks. 
“I’m sorry I left that night…” you gasp in between sobs, “and i am so sorry im going to say this…” You whisper the last part. At first you aren't sure Simon heard you but after a moment he turns you around. His arms are still around you as he looks down at you, your teeth starting to chatter from emotion and the wind.
“Whatever you have to say can't be that bad, love. Did you find out you had some like STI or something? Do I need to get tested?” He asks, his brown eyes searching your tear stained face. His hands moving up and down your body in an attempt to warm you up and comfort you at the same time.
You shake your head, if only an STI was the least of your problems. “N-no, i didn't give you anything like that…” you choke out.
Simon watches you as you stand face to face with him in the same alley you met him in 3 months ago. Although this time you’re different, instead of the woman who was caught in her own head. Who was running from demons he couldn't see, trying her best to show the world it couldn't break her. Instead standing in front of him was a woman who was scared, who looked so lost in the world, like she was barely hanging on. He studies you, even as you stand in front of him crying, your entire body shaking. You were still beautiful, and he would be lying if he said he didn't think about you. 
You had haunted him every moment since he heard you leave the apartment. When he heard the door click shut it took everything in him not to follow you out. But he didn’t, he laid there staring up at the ceiling until almost 5, before he got up and started making himself some tea. It was then he noticed the note you left your swirling handwriting on the scarp paper wishing him well. He was saddened to see you hadn’t left a way to contact you, but part of him understood. He had offered you a chance to get out of your head for a while. He hadn’t asked you on a date. He DIDN'T date. 
The onslaught of disappointment was tough for him to swallow. Simon was never upset when a woman he brought to bed left with no goodbye, and a hasty note. Simon preferred it that way, it was better if the one night stands didn’t stick around but for some reason Simon couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how your curves felt beneath his palms. The silky smooth expanse of your skin. The way your moans stirred something deep in him, or the way your eyes told him more than you ever would. 
Now as he looked down at you, standing in the darkened alley way. He knew whatever you wanted to say was about to bring his world crashing down. But instead of the overwhelming feeling to flee, that he normally had when confronting emotional issues like this. Simon wanted to hold you close and tell you that it was okay, that whatever it was you could face it and make it out the other side. During his years of doing interrogations and studying people he had learnt the signs of when someone was teetering on the edge. It was clear in your face and body language that you were one gentle gust of wind from toppling over. Crumbling into pieces he wasn’t sure anyone could put back together.
“What is it then Sweetheart? I’ll help you figure it out, whatever it is.” He whispers, pulling you closer to him, his body heat seeping into you, as the wind blows. You sniffle, your shaking hands coming up to swipe at the tears under your eyes. You take one last breath, eyes closed as you brace yourself.
“I’m pregnant.” 
It’s like the world stopped spinning.
Time was suddenly suspended, as you pried your eyes open to look at Simon. His brown eyes were guarded. His brows pulled together, as his hands stopped their motions for a fraction of a second. Your lungs burned from holding your breath, your throat tight. Every muscle in your body was tense, as you waited for him to say something. Do something. You needed some sort of reaction from him. Yelling, screaming, swearing, anything was better than the earth shattering silence that took place after you muttered the two words you hadn’t yet said out loud since you found out.
It wasn’t like you planned on getting pregnant by your one night stand. Hell. It was the LAST thing you wanted. You were always careful to get your birth control shot every 3 months. But with the chaos of the last few months, somewhere along the line you must’ve missed your last appointment. It wasn’t until you went into your appointment earlier today to get a shot that they had informed you they couldn’t administer it. That you were already pregnant.
The word shocks you, and for a moment you aren’t sure you hear him right. You raise an eyebrow, as you look at Simon.
“Okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, okay. We’ll figure it out.” Simon states, his hands resuming their soothing motion up and down your sides.
“You’re not.. not going to freak out?” You whisper.
“There’s nothing to freak out about, this isn’t just going to go away. So we need to talk about our options, and we will. Just got standing in the back alley of a pub.”
“Okay…” you whisper, as Simon’s hands guide you towards the emergency exit door that he brought you through. The inside of the bar is louder than before, more people have shown up. Soap, Gaz and Price are all talking at the end of the bar. Your glass of water is filled and sitting on a napkin. They all look over when you two walk over.
“Ghost, Soap was just telling me that you and y/n know each other. Small world isn’t it?” Gaz smiles, his brown eyes looking between us. 
“We do,” Simon turns to Price, “I’m going to be bringing her home, I’ll see you at 0600 tomorrow, Captain.” 
There’s a look that passes between Price and Simon, but he just nods, then turns towards you. “I hope to see you again, dear, maybe next time we can all have a nice meal.” 
“Maybe,” you smile, after waving goodbye to Soap and Gaz, Simon leads you out to the street where the cars are parked. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks, looking down at you.
“No I took the bus,” you shove your hands into the pockets of your coat. It was still wet from where the guy spilt his drink, and you shivered.
“I’ll drive you home,” Simon takes your hand, pulling you towards his truck. He pulls open the passenger door and waits for you to get settled in the seat before shutting it. You run your hands together as Simon climbs into the driver's seat. He starts the truck, turning the heat on high.
“Where do you live?” He asks, as he turns on the headlights. 
“On Ashton street, the apartment complex there” from the corner of your eye you see Simon visibly stiffened, but he doesn’t say anything as he pulls away from the curb. The ride is mainly quiet, neither one of you having much to say. As you get closer to your apartment your anxiety starts to grow again. What if he tells you to get rid of it? 
Is that what you wanted? What if he decided he would rather give it up for adoption? Would he help you find a family? Maybe he would tell you he didn’t want anything to do with a baby? Could you deal with a baby? Bile burns in the back of your throat, and you try to swallow it back down. You weren’t about to throw up all over his nice truck. The grimy bathroom of a bar was one thing, but Simon’s leather interior of his car was not an option. Simon turns down a side street, there weren’t many streetlights on this stretch of the drive. You try to focus on the passing shadows but the rolling and twisting in you hug doesn’t let up.
“Can you pull over please?” You whisper, and Simon glances at you. Your hands bunched in the fabric of your coat, your eyes closed as you take deep breaths. Simon eases the car over, barely putting the car in park before you flung the door open and hop out. You move a few feet into the woods, your hands scraping against the tough bark of a tree, as you get sick. Bile burns your throat and nose, tears stream down your cheeks. 
Warm hands gather the hair from your face and hold it back. Holding your hair back with one hand the other rubs up and down your back. It takes several minutes of dry heaving for you to be able to stand up. A handkerchief is suddenly floating in front of you. You take it and wipe your mouth with it, shoving it into your pocket after.
“You okay?” Simon asks, as you take a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m okay, sorry..” you mumble, as you turn back to the car and climb back in. Simon doesn’t say anything as he climbs in and continues to drive to your apartment. As he parks his car, he glances around, his eyes resting on the boarded up windows of the glass door.
“Everything okay?” You ask, noticing as he stares at the glass like he’s trying to get it to tell him what happened to it.
“Yeah. Sorry, let’s go inside,” he mumbles, climbing out and coming to your side. He pulls open your door and offers you a hand. You walk towards the building Simon’s entire body is tense as some residents barrel out of the door. They’re shouting and swearing as they stumble out, a lit cigarette dangling from their fingers. Simon pushes you behind him, as they pass, he watches as they head over to a parked car and continue arguing in front of it.
“They’ll stop arguing after a while. They do this often..” you mutter to Simon as you take his hand pulling him towards the door. He grunts and follows you up the three flights of stairs to your apartment. You hesitate, your hand on the knob as you take a deep breath. Entering was always the hardest part now, every time your hand touches the handle the images of your family break through the mental box you shoved them into. You let out the breath you were holding and pushed open the door. Flicking on the light switch next to the door. 
Your eyes falling on the empty couch against the far wall in the living room. Some of the tension leaves your shoulders as you stare at the threadbare fabric. You step further into the apartment allowing Simon to slip in behind you. He turns the locks on the door, and reaches down unlacing his boots. 
“I don't have much to offer.. Is water okay?” You ask as you shrug off your alcohol stained coat. The fabric is a sticky mess, the fabric ruined from the drink spilt on it at the bar. Tossing it onto the counter, you head over to the cabinet and take down two glasses. 
“Water is okay,”  Simon walks into your living room and takes a seat. He watches you fill the two glasses with water and you come and sit on the other side of the couch, handing him the glass. 
“When did you find out?” Simons asks, taking his face mask off and shoving it into his pocket and taking a sip of water. 
“This afternoon… I went in to get my birth control shot and they make you do a pregnancy test…” You pull your legs up to your chest, holding the glass of water in one hand. The other hand wraps around your shins keeping them pulled up to your chest.
“Did they tell you how far along you are?” He asks, “So we know what our options are, I mean.” 
“They said based on the blood work, 12 weeks. But I have to go in to get an ultrasound next week..” 
“Okay, so we don't have a lot of time to make a choice… have you thought about what you want to do?” Simon sets his glass down on the table next to the couch.
“I .. I don't know.. I was waiting to hear what you had to say before I made up my mind.” You mumble, your eyes trained on a spot of carpet that is fraying.
“If I'm being honest, I never wanted kids. They were never in my cards… I'm not saying I don't like them, kids are great, I just never pictured myself having any,,” he admits.
Your heart sinks.
Here we go, he's going to tell you to get rid of it, and tell you to delete his number, forget he exists and move on with your life. 
“But, with you, it feels right.. There's just something about you that I can't get out of my head and at the risk of sounding like a total barbarian. The thought of having you in my life until I die because of this baby fills me with excitement. I wanted to go after you when you snuck out of my apartment but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable. The night I spent with you was one of the best nights I've ever had. So if you would like to, I would love the chance to raise this baby with you. Even if it's as friends and nothing more. Because I know that you were put into my life for a reason, and I'm going to take any chance I can get to keep you around,” Simon finishes, his hand coming to rest on your ankle. 
You sit there for a few moments, mind reeling with everything he just said to you. He wanted to raise a baby with you? Just so he could get to know you? Did you really have that much of a profound effect on him? Would he still feel the same when he found out what had happened to you? Could you do this? I mean really do this?
Babies are huge commitments. They were for life; there was no backing out. But the way Simon was looking at you, like he would take on the world for you with barely knowing you. It made you feel like you could do it. As long as you didn't have to do it alone, well, at least not completely. You chew on your bottom lip for a few more minutes, the thoughts rolling around in your head as Simon's eyes trail around your apartment. 
“Okay…” you finally whisper and Simon's head whips towards you.
“Yeah, okay. I-i don't think i can get rid of it anyway… The thought makes me feel sick,” you confess and the tension in Simon's shoulders all but disappears. 
“Alright, we can figure this out. No pressure for us to be together, we can just start by becoming friends, and seeing where things go okay?” He smiles, and its a real genuine smile. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you can't help your own smile that spreads across your lips. 
“If we’re being honest here,” you sigh, wringing your hands together in your lap,”I couldn't stop thinking about you either… I mean, even before all… yeah.. You know.”
Simon's hand comes over to rest on the side of your face, and he leans forward pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one with lingering thoughts,” he chuckles.
Simon drops his hand and looks around your place once more, a furrow deep in his brow. He opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it, before he notices the time on the clock hanging on your wall. It was almost 10 and he needed to check over his gear before he shipped out in the morning. 
“I hate to do this… but I have to go,” his lips pulled down into a thin straight line.
“Oh right.. You told Price you would see him in the morning…”
“Yeah… Look, i can't tell you much, but i don't know how long i’ll be gone…” he looks around, and grabs the notebook you write your ideas for articles down in and scribbles on a spare piece. “This is my number, i won't promise i’ll respond while i'm away, but if anything happens, call this number 3 times in a row and you’ll get through to someone who can get a message to me okay? But that is only for emergencies, otherwise just text me and i’ll do my best to get back to you, alright?” He tears the paper out, coming to stand in front of you. He presses the paper into your hand. It crumples slightly as you close your hand around it.
“Okay,” you murmur, looking up at him from your spot on the couch. His fingers crush along your cheek as he brushes a strand of your hair back from your face. 
“Be safe, keep the door locked… i’ll be back soon and we’ll go do something fun and get to know each other.” Simon smiles, as he takes a few steps backwards towards the door. 
“I’ll hold you to it,” you smile, “Be safe out there.”
The only response is the soft click of the door.
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Next: Part 4
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malusokay · 2 years
Winter bucket list
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Making a cute chocolate station. Look for inspo on Pinterest.
Write your Christmas wishlist. I'll upload mine soon!
Try new coffee recipes. Like adding cinnamon or syrups.
Plan your holiday outfits. Plan ahead to reduce stress! :)
Go ice skating. Maybe go with some friends!
Bake some Christmas cookies. Come up with cute designs to decorate them! <3
Decorate your room. I'm going for a Pink, White, and Gold theme again.
Get a cute winter manicure. Maybe some snowflakes and glitter!
Buy a Christmas-scented candle. My favourites are Yankees!
Spend an evening reading poetry books. Cuddled up in a fluffy blanket in front of the fireplace...
Make a snow angel. And take a picture of it!
None stop listening to Christmas music. I do it every year...
Write letters to your loved ones. Maybe to your friends who live far away! <3
Go see the Nutcracker. One of my winter traditions! :)
Host a Hot Chocolate get-together. You can also play some card or board games. <3
Have a Christmas movie marathon. No explanation needed. Essential.
Donate clothes, toys, and money to charity.
Visit a Christmas market. I love Christmas markets <3
Go gift shopping. Start early, so you don't get stressed.
Do some volunteer work. Maybe at a shelter! :)
Go for long walks in the snow. Cuddled up in a warm, large scarf...
Try knitting a chunky sweater. Take the challenge, haha.
Take a candlelight bubble bath. You can also read a book to relax even further.
Buy some adorable earmuffs. Totally in and super cute!
Practice making pretty and fancy bows. I see gift wrapping as competition; fancy bows Always get bonus points!
Host a gingerbread house competition. Fun and also a bit messy, haha.
Review your 2022 goals and make a 2023 vision board.
I hope everyone has been feeling well, and I wish all of you a beautiful Christmas time! Spread some love and positivity <33
As always, Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments!
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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lunarnillinia · 4 months
The magnus protocol theory - greek mythology themes
@torkhin @amelie-isnt-french @field-cryptobotanist & I have been picking up on some greek mythology associations (more specifically the odyssey) in protocol. We might be onto something or it might just be the craziest red herring ever.
There are definitely connections between alchemy and greek mythology, so who knows at this point, am i right??
Here's an overview of connections i made, along with connections @torkhin made previously
*disclaimer* i am well aware i am REACHING with a lot of these, but i need to get my thoughts out nonetheless, let me nerd about greek mythology...
TMAGP 1: Orpheus & Euridice
Going to the place of the dead to find your lover that you just can't let go
TMAGP 2: Pygmalion & Galatea
Artist's desire to create the perfect image of a woman (sculpting). Falls in love with the art & causes it to become a reality
TMAGP 3: : Daphne & Apollo
Toxic 'lovers' where one of them turns into a fucking tree
TMAGP 4: Sirens
Music that leads to your death
(Sirens are also often depicted with instruments, to lure their victims with)
TMAGP 5: Eros & Psyche
This one is especially far fetched but: being urged to reveal and *actually see* this thing that everyone keeps on saying is horrific
(Myth explanation: Psyche gets banished to an island alone. She gets told by her sisters that her lover that comes to her in the night, which she is never allowed to see, is a terrific monster. Eventually they urge her to light a candle to see and kill the monster.)
TMAGP 6: Charybdis
Monster that wants to completely draw you in and 'embrace' you
(Charybdis is sometimes depicted as a sea monster with a lot of sharp teeth or as a giant whirpool)
TMAGP 7: Penelope's suitors
These people that you didn't invite just keep coming into your place, enjoying themselves, making the place unliveable and you just can't get them to leave
TMAGP 8: Lotus eaters (/Laestrygonians)
Strange place with these people that just seem 'off' want you to eat there and 'stay awhile'
(Laestrygonians were cannibalistic giants that killed many of Odysseus' men)
TMAGP 9: Palamedes (& Tyche)
The whole thing with dice & luck
Dude who's supposed to be your friend/ally tricks you into doing something you don't want. You then play into it and get your revenge on him later
(Myth explanation: Palamedes was a greek ally but also an enemy of Odysseus. He tricked Odysseus, who was trying to get out of joining the trojan war by acting insane, into revealing himself when Odysseus' baby was threatened. Odysseus never forgave him and framed him for being a traitor and then had him killed by the rest of the greeks or killed Palamedes himself in some accounts.
Now get this: Palamedes is the inventor of dice gave the first dice to Tyche, the goddess of good and bad luck.)
TMAGP 10: Hermes & Poseidon
Again far fetched: Gwen playing a fucked up little messenger & an unknown enemy emerging from the waters
TMAGP 11: Poseidon
(Tattoo of) a ship in the middle of the ocean, being chased by something in the water
TMAGP 12: Polyphemus
Big monster with googly eye(s) crashes a party and starts brutally ripping people apart and eating them. His teeth are not soft.
TMAGP 13: Hermes
Far fetched: Hermes is a trickster god of trade and commerce, but also thieves
Same-ish theme of cheating the system for wealth
TMAGP 14: Circe
Snakes & people being transformed into animals?
TMAGP 15: Scylla
Noble lady is actually a monster with dogs (literally) by her hips and eats human flesh
TMAGP 16: no idea honestly
+ bonus thoughts on Lena: i think she might be an Athena type character:
stern authority figure, highly practical, scheming and placing her pawns just right, sees most people as tools/assets, but!! still cares about her people in some way too, protects them and helps them to succeed
Definitely add on your own thoughts :)
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luvlyycy · 3 months
twin😋 we need to see Ed's cultural shock when he goes clubbing in america, it's 2000s night at the club, with his chubby reader. She's shaking her hips and twerking in the crowd of people and Ed can't help but to stare. Imagine if Ed has a problem with the idiot standing next to her bc he grabs her hips. I wanna see some bump and grind in the club😋
Bonus points if reader is wearing low rise pants/skirt and a thong. extra bonus points if reader has hipdips. (i fucking love hipdips) you get a brownie point if the thong song starts playing😋😋🫶🏼
DID I GET ALL THE POINTS??? ALSO I LOVE U FOR THIS IDEA THANKKSKSSSS RRRRAAGGGGG (theres no explicit smut in this but its vv suggestive i also recommend listening to the songs featured in the fic when they play cus it works lmao) enjoyyyy <3
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Ed stifles a tiny yelp, his arm around your waist as he watches many individuals grind against each other in what seems like dancing, multiple girls bumping into his broad chest.
"are they all like this?" he yells over the bumping music, still astonished by your clothes, you giggle into him and nod yes as his finger dips underneath the thong peaking through your skirt. Ed makes a shocked face before laughing due to nervousness, he looks up again at all the people noticing the 2000's theme.
he finally realizes why you had him dress this way— white tanktop with black wings drawn on the back, along with baggy jeans, simple black bracelets adorning his wrists, silver chain around his neck.
the song 'peaches and cream' slowly coming to an end, fading into the next track on the songlist.
"....this song right here, is lettin' all the ladies know what guys talk about." the singer begins in the song, and Ed watches your face light up, handing your drink to him.
"this is my fucking song, Ed !!" you excitedly cheer, running onto the dance floor— putting a considerable amount of stress into Ed's soul because he thought your skirt was gonna ride up too high over your ass.
he stares at your body as you lift your arms in the air, swaying your hips to the bump of the beat, girls beside you cheering you on. he's quite literally in a trance, watching the soft bounce of your belly and the dips on your hips practically making hearts in his eyes.
you're even singing along with the song, "lemme see that thooonnngg !!! —" you yell a little more than you sing, back arching so you shake your plump ass, multiple girls mimicking slapping it.
what is with america? are all girls like this? what kinda club is this? he frowns when he notices all the guys looking at you, your sparkly lip gloss glistening in all the bright lights. you turn to him and call him on the dance floor, but he psyches himself out as he looks where you are—
men and women grinding against each other as if they were horny teenagers, all dressed with the same theme as well. he softly shakes his head 'no', he wasn't much of a dancer anyway. you tilt your head in confusion but continue to dance your heart out.
suddenly, a random guy wraps his hands around your waist, sliding against your soft tummy, resting on your hips. you turn back, expecting to see your boyfriend— seeing a mediocre man compared to who you belonged to. he smiles politely as he begins to dance along with you, hips rolling into your behind to the song. Ed's face contorts with anger as he slams both of your drinks onto the counter, non-alcoholic unlike the stupid asshat in front of him.
Ed stomps over, upper lip twitching upward similar to Balrog when he gets angry. he places his hand flat on the guy's shoulder, causing him to jump— Ed leans closer, head tilting upwards as he looks down at the brown-haired idiot.
"fuck ya doin', hah? can't keep your greasy hands to yourself?" he's close enough to where he doesn't have to raise his voice too much so the guy can hear him. he listens to the guy stutter, hands immediately being thrown up in surrender, "i-i didn't see you, man. i swear!" Ed lets out a soft 'tch' before just simply pushing the dude back, causing him to stumble into his friends— eyes softening as he looks back at you.
you look up at him, smiling before giggling out, "what a weirdo, right?" you lean closer so he can hear you— "yeah, he's an asshole for sure." .
suddenly, the song switches— beat slow as it starts out, "....welcome to my sex room...." Ed laughs at the audacity of the lyrics before you begin to grind on him to the slow beat, his hands flying to your hips— carressing the way your skin dips.
you turn around and grind your ass on his crotch, back arching as you place your hands on your knees— ass swaying side to side. Ed licks his teeth as he grinds into you as well, hand running down your back as he leans backwards to get a better view of you— his other hand dipping underneath your showing thong.
man, you gotta take him to more clubs.
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ominouspuff · 2 months
hello!!! :DD seeing your tags on the Rex piece made me immediately (and very) curious; would you feel comfortable talking a bit about your process? *___* that piece is stunning (I love that petals are your art signature :)!)
You mentioned it took some time, was it because of the composition or the colouring? Anything specific you had to learn as you went (for the piece?)
Does it fit within the ‘RepGar armour AU’, or were you thinking of a specific Rex feel (especially as it’s the companion to Cody’s rain piece)?
Were you listening to something while illustrating?
and bonus question!!! Possibly not art related :3 does Rex ever met Corrie!Fives??? *___*
Feel free to answer one, some or none of those questions! Love your art (and AUs!) best vibes!!!
Hi @lesquatrechevrons !! Your tags often make my day, so this seems very fitting. I’d be happy to answer questions! (Hoho thank you for noticing — it is indeed a predilection; I love most drifting particle effects quite a lot.) ;)
You mentioned it took some time, was it because of the composition or the colouring? Anything specific you had to learn as you went (for the piece?)
Ooof. The rendering itself, without question. It is difficult to explain, but usually my rendering is a bit more blur effect with up to three colors, with very little painstaking detail work. In the piece you reference, by contrast, almost every part of Rex has been rendered by use of a pencil-tool and very fine blurring. In most of my pieces I will only have a few layers for base colors and lighting, and then quite a lot of layers for accents to the piece or detail work. For this one, almost all of my layers were several coats of ‘paint’ layered on top of each other, like a classical acrylic or oil painting, as I went back to adjust lighting for each part at least twice with a completely new application of color.
Does it fit within the ‘RepGar armour AU’, or were you thinking of a specific Rex feel (especially as it’s the companion to Cody’s rain piece)?
Good question! Like Cody’s companion piece, it was separate from that AU, supposed to be a character-study view with themes inspired by this song and SW canon. The theme of falling leaves, golden petals, and the symbolism of comparing them to the lives of warriors striving and falling and striving overtop each other with weary feet and doomed by the narrative/reduced to being seen as inconsequential (especially given all the golden leaves/petals are identical) seemed appropriate for Rex in particular to be meditating on. The piece would only fit within the AU by accident, because they don’t directly contradict each other so they’re technically compatible.
Were you listening to something while illustrating?
I very often do (I am incredibly vibe-focused whilst in creative mode) but usually it’s just the background-type music, very vibey and mood-setting. This time it was the above song, for sure, but also Space Man by Eurielle and Tokyo Rain by Marcus Warner.
and bonus question!!! Possibly not art related :3 does Rex ever met Corrie!Fives??? *___*
Hoho — a very fun question, and one I’m still working on in the written fic for the RepGA AU. They do meet, and it is a mess, but like everything in that AU I try to focus on there being a point to the pain, and there will definitely be a happy ending. There is conflict surrounding how both of them have changed since they last met, including what they’ve since heard about the other.
As I’ve mentioned in pieces here and there, Fives ends up on Fox’s side of an altercation between the Republic itself and a revolutionary group (essentially the Rebellion, but jumpstarted by a Rogue Marshall Commander CC-1010 and all the resources he has been collecting to do precisely this for the latter duration of his command on Coruscant). This would all be well and good, but the GAR is still serving the Republic. So Rex and Fives, among others, find themselves on opposite sides of some battlefields — and both with very understandable reasons for being there, which is much more difficult to reconcile.
Thanks so much for asking! I’m delighted you like the piece, and I’m always down to talk art-techniques if you want to. Also, feel free to ask if you’re curious about anything more. For the AU fic I will not give too many spoilers as a rule, so you can ask but I might not answer some questions yet.
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ner5y · 8 months
Some music idea's for tadc Carnival au
So in each of the guardian's themes from BOTW you can faintly hear the morse code for S.O.S at different points in their songs, right? (along with other morse code messages that I don't know the meaning of)
(It's a lot clearer in the soundtrack, especially for vah ruta but hopefully you can still hear it)
Listen closely, you can hear beeping in the background:
So what if WHAT IF Different songs in the Carnival au game's soundtrack had something like that? Like you open it up and the title screen's song has a catchy beat, but little do you know, IT'S THE GAME CALLING FOR HELP.
That was just a random thought I had, this post is mostly to headcanon what video game osts would fit what character, so here:
Pomni's Room:
Glitzville (Paper Mario: The Thousand year Door)
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Does. Does anyone actually remember some of the weird (and sometimes racially insensitive) writing in this game? I still have a pretty fresh memory, because I first played it about two years ago (VERY LEGALLY). But did anyone clock those as a kid, or was it just a normal 2000s thing?
Pomni's Boss Battle
I think the choice is obvious...
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Ragatha's Room
Petalburg (Paper Mario and the Thousand year Door)
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(But if you wanted it to be more elegant, "The Night of The Ball" from Fire Emblem 3 Houses would also fit I think. Oo, OR" Lily's theme" from Pokemon: Sun and Moon might fit better.)
Ragatha's boss Battle
Battle! (Lusamine) (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
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(I couldn't really think of a good one for her)
Kinger's Room
Soul Sanctum (Hollow Knight)
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(Could also be "Victory Road" from Pokemon: X and Y, Or if you're looking for something more upbeat, Merlee's mansion from Super Paper Mario! that one might sound too evile, though [Fun fact: I was so scared of Mimi's spider form as a kid, that I didn't end up getting past the second door and finishing the game until I was FOURTEEN])
(It could also be a whole host of other Hollow Knight songs)
Kinger's Boss Battle
Mantis Lords (Hollow Knight)
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(OR "Twilight of the Gods" from Shadows of Valentia, or maybe even "Time to Fight!" From Xenoblade Chronicles (*cough* Dunban is the goat *cough*))
OKAY, for Jax, since he's so fucked up, I think his themes would be DRASTICLY different when comparing sentitience and none-sentience:
Jax's Room (sentient)
Hellfire Follies (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
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Jax's Room (Non Sentient)
Inkwell Isle One (Cuphead)
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Jax's Boss Battle (Sentient)
Colossal Wonders (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
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Jax's Boss Battle (Non-sentient)
Fiery Frolic (Cuphead)
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Another fun fact, King Dice's song is sung by a woman named Alana Bridgewater!
Gangle's Room
Shopping (Pokemon: X and Y)
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Again, struggled with this one. Not sure if it fits too well.
(A general theme for Gangle could be Dimentio, Charming Magician from Super Paper Mario)
Gangle's Boss Battle
I've Had Enough Of You (Billie Bust Up)
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And would you look at that, Michael's at it again.
Here's a female cover cus y'know Gangle's a girl
(For ones without vocals, maybe "Battle Team Flare" from Pokemon X and Y, "Fracktail Battle" or "It's Showtime" both from Super Paper Mario)
Zooble's Room
Spirit of Hospitality (Celeste)
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(Could also be Crystal Peak from Hollow Knight!)
Zooble Boss Battle
Confronting myself (Celeste)
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(I was struggling to decide between Heartache, Metal crusher (Undertale) and Battle Elite Four (Pokemon: Sun and Moon) but as soon I heard this, I KNEW)
Caine Boss Fight
BIG SHOT (Deltarune: Chapter 2)
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I think that's all of them!
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capturecharlesau · 9 months
Hey I know we don’t talk much but aaa the urge ti send a ask is just killing me
sorry if it’s nonsense, it’s 3:30am at the start of writing this lol
your art is fucking amazing, I wish I could draw like you. It expresses the emotions wonderfully without feeling out of place in the darker moments. Art style wise, you’re like my idol. I just want to fucking nom on it and shake it
your story is beautiful, honestly one of my favorite THSC AUs. It conveys darker themes without feeling too disconnected from the original series. I mean, even I struggle to make my AU actually seem like a AU. I really like Terrence as well, even though he’s still a bad guy he stands out much more then the other evil Terrys I typically see
the character designs are super original, and they work nicely. Honestly I have a problem finding the differences between everyone’s designs for Charles and Reginald, but I can always easily spot you. Personally design wise, Terrence and Charles are my favorites
I thought I wouldn’t like Danny, but I really do. I feel bad for what I originally thought. I want to hug him goddamnit! He’s such a pretty guy, and he gets bonus points for being bigender since I basically never see rep for them sadly
your comic made me realize 1. how abusive I really was to my ex, and 2. how abusive others were to me. I don’t wanna go into details (since I don’t want to make you uncomfortable), but your comic really did help me
I can’t wait to see what you do next with the story! (and I’m sorry if I ever creeped you out)
Thank you for loving my story SO MUCH!! I try to relate THSC stuff to it as well so it doesn’t feel out of place! MSNENDJDJDMDN THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE AU!? IM SHAKING THANK YOU I POUR MY SOUL AND DARK FEELINGS INTO IT! THANK YOU! I’m so happy many people like my AU aaah!!
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Ahhh yes Terrence Suave! When I saw that frame of him in ITA and after a few fanfics I saw him as pure evil! >:D The thing that makes my Terrence stand out is that my Terry is honestly a DEMON! He is literally pure evil and loves blood, pain, and seeing men, women, and children suffer a slow and painful death! Basically I portray him as satan himself from hell with his snake like behavior!
Terrence Suave a literal traumatic man who suffered abuse who then realized he has no purpose on the world other then to abuse Reginald and KILL AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND KILL THE HUMAN RACE as an all mighty snake demon!
The point is ….my Terrence is PURE evil! My Terrence is a pure black heart 🖤 filled with anger, sadness, and trauma!
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AH THANK YOU! Coming up with the designs for the characters were easy after using my imagination a bit with some music! Aaaaah GLAD YA LIKE EM!!
AWWEEE MY REGINALD AND CHARLES STAND OUT!!!??? AAW THANK YOU! I think people can notice my character since my versions tend to look more anxious! Like this:
(Plus Reginald has his giant scar Terrence gave him!)
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For Terry since he has his golden gun I always assumed his suit would be bright yellow and yellow glow-y eyes and a yellow dollar sign pin and a orange-yellowish tie! And of course…..blonde hair lol
Charles I always liked the white military outfit with a black tie hehe and I added some red eyes and some cute stickers on his headphones!
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Aahhh yes! He is bi-gender and I’m so happy I can help represent some people and help them feel more comfortable :3
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No worries pal it’s all good! I know my comic is VERY dark with abuse and how it affects others in a bit of a dramatic way but you see what I mean!
I’m so happy your safe and you made that step to change! That immediately makes you WAY better then Terrence who decided to not listen!
Thank you so much for this ask OH MY GOSH IT MADE MY DAY THANK YOU! HUGS AND KISSES!
Give credit at @bluetorchsky and @jaytoons7 and @smoresthehalloweenqueen for helping me with making character development as weelllll 💕
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squishlordkiwi · 1 year
Did a 15+ hour road trip with my fam twice a little ago and I drove a good chunk of it. Used AA/DGS music to keep me awake bc music psych is a blessing sometimes. Anyway, just a roundabout way to say, I have discovered some fun things in the music that made me 👀👀👀 Idk if anyone else has noticed any of it (and I will say I have minimal music theory knowledge but I'm an English major with the tendency to read into symbolism way too much), but feel to keep reading if you're interested! Spoilers for DGS2 are in here, fair warning!
I'll try and include links to the songs when I can! It'll probably be a mix of Spotify and YouTube hyperlinks so bear with me. Fair warning, this is super long because I decided to cram everything in one post oops lmao
The Funky Time Signature
The first thing I really ever noticed was that Sholmes' "Dance of Deduction"s were weird in terms of keeping beat. It's not in common time aka 4/4 aka 8-count; I think it's in 7/8 time (so you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 etc. etc.) which is a struggle to maintain counting since people are so used to 3, 4, and 8-counts.
Dance of Deduction - Type A
I found sheet music for easier counting! It says it's in 7/4: https://youtu.be/51vTmoQzwI8
Originally, I thought it was just because he's Weird and Silly™, but I ended up listening to "Partners - The game is afoot" which plays when Sholmes and Yuujin are on the S.S. Grouse trying to deduce where Jigoku is.
Partners - The game is afoot!
This one is surprisingly in 4/4 aka common time (you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 etc. etc. [though I have seen sheets put it in 12/8, which is close-ish, but it still has an even counting pattern WHICH IS WHAT MATTERS]). So in actuality, Shomles' Dance of Deductions aren't in a weird time signature because he's our favorite eccentric boy (okay, it might be part that too); it's because he's missing his partner after he left and investigating never felt quite right without him. Once he and Yuujin get to investigate together again, he's whole and happy. And it's just so fucking gay I can't.
The big thing I noticed while I was driving (because there was nothing else interesting on the road) was the use of harpsichords in certain Londoner themes, specifically Stronghart, van Zieks, Iris, and Kazuma's prosecutor theme, as well as some of the final songs during 2-4&5.
If you don't know, this is what a harpsichord sounds like! Yes, I know I'm a nerd for being able to pick it out and name it while driving lmao
You can hear it a lot in Stronghart's theme, specifically around 0:38-0:49 (it's pretty in the background so you kinda have to strain your ears but it's there), but it's also pretty present throughout his theme.
Lord Chief Justice Stronghart - Time-Keeper of the Law
There's also a lot of it in van Zieks' theme as well; it's right off the bat and it's one of the prominent instruments throughout the piece.
Barok van Zieks - The Reaper of the Bailey
You have to really be listening for it, but it pops up occasionally in Iris' theme as well! You kinda have to strain your ears during 0:16-0:30 to hear it, but it's definitely there. It's more hidden compared to van Zieks'.
Iris Wilson - Young Biographer
I know Kazuma is Japanese, however, since he became a prosecutor in Britain, it still counts and it makes more sense once I tell you why it's all related (if you haven't guessed yet). ANYWAY, his theme also has a lot of harpsichord in it, even in the parts that were from his original theme.
A Prosecutor, Reborn
This could all just be a stylistic choice too, but do you see it yet? All the people who correspond with these themes are directly related to the Professor killings. van Zieks and Kazuma have the most prominent because we know by 2-4 the obvious connections they both hold. Iris and Stronghart's are more in the background since both of their involvements are big reveal-type deals by the end of the game.
Bonus points: the actual theme that plays when anything related to the Professor is mentioned also has some background harpsichord to connect it all.
The Professor - A Spectre Revived
I will note that I didn't notice anything in Gregson's theme, even though he played a big part in the false conviction. Courtney Sythe's theme also has some harpsichord, but I can't remember how she's related to it other than the fact that she helped with the autopsy (which probably means I should replay the games again lol).
Other game music that proves the connection:
Enoch Drebber - Rondo of Science and Magic
The Great Gateway to the Truth
The Prison Warders
The Great Closed Trial - Court is Now in Session
Reminiscences - The Fruits of Ambition
Others I probably completely missed
A Prosecutor, Reborn
Speaking of Kazuma's prosecutor theme, one of the really cool things about its composition is the warring back and forth between itself. It starts with the completely new theme, blending his usual string accompaniment with drums/cymbals, singular bell tolls, and harpsichord. When it gets to around 0:47, you hear the bells and then it switches back to his original theme from Adventures, though it's a lot grander now and lacking a lot of the traditional Japanese elements it once had.
A Prosecutor, Reborn
Kazuma Asougi - Samurai on a Mission
And it bounces back and forth like that until the end of the song, the bells signifying the shifting. It goes to show this internal struggle Kazuma is having between finding the truth even if it's something he won't like (his original theme) and following his emotions to falsely convict van Zieks as revenge (the beginning chunk of his prosecutor theme).
I also think it's interesting how dominating the harpsichord is, again especially over the chunks of his original theme from Adventures. In connection to it being related to the Professor, aside from the obvious connection to his father, it also shows how much influence and manipulation Stronghart had over him, with him being the BBEG.
One of my favorite things I noticed was Susato and Kazuma's connections through themes, though not the one you're thinking. Kazuma's official theme I'm sure has a few connections to Susato's (but I haven't listened closely enough to hear them), however I really noticed how intertwined the two were when I listened to Kazuma's unused theme they provided in Chronicles.
Susato Mikotoba - A New Bloom in the New World
Kazuma Asougi (Unused)
Many of the same instruments are used, as well as note and chord progressions. They have the same peaceful/serene vibes too, which is understandable in why Kazuma's was scrapped (even if I do like it a lot). But if this ended up being Kazuma's actual theme, I would've noticed the familial relationship they share instead of my initial thoughts of it purely just being professional.
That's all I've really noticed for now, but I'm sure I'll come across more things as I listen to the soundtrack to study. I will, however, shut up now and let you get back with you day/night/whatever time of day it is for you because this is getting l o n g. If you did read this far, thank you for indulging me and listening to me be a complete nerd ^w^ And definitely feel free to share your thoughts too; I love talking about this stuff if you couldn't tell!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Tagging game
Tagged by @bimbomcgee
Nickname: Kat, or Katy! Rom or Hina if you are very intimate with me and Rina if you want to be dead instantly
Sign: You really have any doubts? It's fuckin' Aries, binch!
Height: Boring generic 165 cm (5'4''). I love extremities, I'd love to be either very short or very tall.
Last thing I googled: 'Elden Ring Alberich face data'. Look at these mfers and tell me they are not implied to be related, especially considering that they are both big people in regards to Roundtable Hold:
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Bonus - at first I misread this field as 'last thing I DOODLED' so here you can look at the result of me and Val having been drawing on Whiteboard and him mishearing me say "they added shapes" as "they added apes":
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Sorry for NFT Boc everyone </3
Amount of sleep: From 4 hours to 4, it depends. I love consistency.... xD
Dream job: I want to work with plants... I just want to tend to flowers. Unfortunately spots like this are seldom open. Alternatively, I'd love a boring office job with buncha boring documents and high salary. Just take me somewhere where I won't have to interact with people -_-" You think I am not very social online, but in real life I get aggroed when a person I am not pals with as much as says my name!
Wearing: I am in my pajamas because it is 9 AM and I need to go to job soon! It is silly light blue one with pink flowers :3
Movies/books/media that summarize you: I used to have more interesting answer, but at this point my personality IS Soulsb0rne. I don't have to elaborate, just have a discussion with me that last longer than 10 minutes and you will understand. (and also probably go insane xD) However, if you really want to understand me well, you should also be familiar with Undert4le and Delt4rune, and also Mad0ka (ESPECIALLY Magia Record) and Gravity F4lls!
Favorite song: I don't have favourite song of all times, and in general it's been years of me not listening to music as it should be and instead abusing music as a podcast while drawing... This is one of the favourites since childhood tho:
Why it was so hard to find the subbed version... т.т
Instrument: None, but I often have dreams of playing piano! Makes sense because it is like, a dream haha.. hah
Aesthetic: It used to be all flowers and nature and blooming but Bloodb0rne seriously skewed it towards water and space and eldrich abominations.....
Favorite author: Lmao I don't read sorry dfshfsdhfd xD Focus issues! I read a couple of sentences and end up thinking of them from every possible angle, imagine every possible scenario, put them through my own memories and feelings..... and hella time sips away. Rom has MANY eyes, she should scrutinise the concept with EACH of them @_@ However, Dostoevsky and Bulgakov really pulled me <3 Dostoevsky has absolutely unrivaled fucking Russian depression in his works that I haven't found elsewhere, and Bulgakov just.. pulled religious themes so well, and I love his fucking CHARACTERS, so iconic xd If you read Master and Margarita you'll get it! (Crow I know you here LOVE classic Russian literature!)
random fun fact: I am in the walking distance from the sea! x) Could not have had it any other way, haha.
I tag: (You tagged some of our mutuals now already I guess?) @wikipedianna @lizteaart @val-of-the-north @saint--adeline @jarognieva @cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme @bobbyzombiegg @greenblueyulum
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
Hi! Any thoughts on the 'hidden track' at the end of the Bonus DLC Tracks for the new Dragon Age Vinyl set? "D'Read Koda" can be interpreted so many ways but 'dread bear'? Coda, the musical notation? (Do you suppose there's any connection to the bear and maiden graffiti art we see several places in Inquisition [or any connection between that mural and the one from The Missing {moon atop the bear and halla horns on the maiden?}])
Hi! Thanks for the ask! :D And yeah, I've been super curious about this as well! (And also the pre-sale for the vinyl now starting at the same day that the final volume of The Missing is coming out, May 10th 👀 but ALSO everything about the cover, like the GOLDEN CITY (omg???), the enormous DRAGON (Mythal???), the vines/tree branches (like Mythal's vallaslin/visions of her conquering in Trespasser??), the ECLIPSE in the background (according to Dalish mythology Mythal "created" the moon/"An Eclipse as Fen'Harel stirred"??), the summit/mountain beneath it (!!) and that single hooded person (with a staff resembling the headpiece of one of the two figures in the 2020 teaser mural/symbols in the new cinematic)?? The potential LORE revelations on this thing are absolutely bonkers, but I digress! 😂)
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Anyway! I actually thought something similar when I first saw that mysterious hidden track name, that it has to be some kind of anagram or wordplay, given how much BioWare LOVES to do those and also with the musical term "coda" being spelled with a "k" for some reason, but what stood out to me especially was the random apostrophe that's in there, since the devs are also known for their (internal) "disputes" about the extensive use of apostrophes in DA for the elven language and names. lol
So to me the odd spelling plus the random apostrophe points more to it being an anagram for a specific elven term, but I have yet to decipher what it could be. 🤔
My second thought was if this "hidden track" could actually just be the final part in the "extended version" of the Lost Elf theme (starting at about 10:13), but then I looked up the game's files and noticed that this specific tune actually plays (though only once) when you first get to the Darvaarad and the full piece is about 2:40 minutes long (the hidden track being only 1:08), leading me to think this is probably what's titled "Qunari Atmosphere" on the tracklist. And after going through all the Trespasser music files I could find, there was nothing hinting at something like "D'Read Koda" either. :/
But you're right, "Koda" is also a term in the Dakota language meaning "friend/ally" or "little bear", but I'm completely at a loss as to what that could refer to. For all we know, it could be a reference to frigging Storvacker. 😂
As for your second question though, since you brought up "The Bear and the Maiden" painting/mural in connection to the mural in volume 3 of The Missing, there are actually a few other interesting aspects to this that I've been thinking about, but before I start rambling get to that point, let me just put the rest under a cut so people don't get spammed with an exhaustingly long text post. lol
First off, for reference, this is the painting we're talking about, featured in various places throughout DAI!
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People have made quite a few speculations about this imagery over the years. For one, given that it is not exclusively found in elven ruins and filed under "Fereldan art" in the game's files, some people assume it could depict an old legend of the Alamarri. Others have suggested that it's actually just a little easter egg in reference to the "The Bear and the Fair Maiden" song in ASOIAF. lol
But by far the most popular take on this, is that this is depicting the elven gods Dirthamen and Ghilan'nain. Based on Ghilan'nain's sacred animal being the halla and the lady with her all white appearance and her antlers kinda resembling one as well. And Dirthamen's sacred animal being a bear (among others, I think). Which would pose the question though, why these two are portrayed in such a way, when there's nothing in the lore that could give us an explanation?
To me, it almost looks like the maiden is trying to calm the bear down/keep him in check, who has gone out of control and is now turning into a wild beast (that can apparently also breath fire? lol). With what we know of Ghilan'nain now, it's definitely possible that her horrifying experiments and creation of all kinds of freaky creatures might have inspired such imagery.
So, while I can see how you could draw a parallel to the mural in volume 3 with the way they're positioned/embrace each other, I don't know what else to derive from this, other than that it would point to the bottom "red one" being Ghilan'nain and the "green one" being Andruil and not the other way around, or that Andruil was maybe able to shapeshift into a bear? lol But if we're going with my assumption that the bear is losing control over itself, maybe it could refer to the stories of Andruil succumbing to madness from hunting the Forgotten Ones in the Void. As opposed to the mural in the comic, where they seem to be rather peacefully in love (to me at least).
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But while we're at it, let us go back to Ghilan'nain and Dirthamen's potential connection real quick (because I've been thinking about it 😶)! What's interesting to me, is that these two have actually been mentioned together in the lore, too, looking at this ancient elven writing for example that is only revealed to you when using Veilfire at the Temple of Mythal:
"His crime is high treason. He took on a form reserved for the gods and their chosen, and dared to fly in the shape of the divine.The sinner belongs to Dirthamen; he claims he took wings at the urging of Ghilan'nain, and begs protection from Mythal. She does not show him favor, and will let Elgar'nan judge him."
"For one moment there is an image of a shifting, shadowy mass with blazing eyes, whose form may be one or many. Then it fades."
So there we have the two being involved in what appears to be a judgement on someone serving under Dirthamen, because of Ghilan'nain's actions. While we don't know how much of this actually happened, it definitely makes you wonder about their intentions here. Why would Ghil do this? And why specifically to someone serving under Dirthamen? What was the outcome? And what does this tell us about their relationship? (And now that I think about it, what if this sinner was actually the bear in the mural? lol)
As for the sinner himself. Now, I don't know about you, but when I reread this codex again after several playthroughs, particularly the “shifting, shadowy mass with blazing eyes” at the end, I thought “Wait. That kinda reminds me of something......”
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Look, I know it doesn't appear that way when looking at my blog for like five minutes, but I certainly don't think that every single codex entry on elven myths should be automatically assumed to be about Solas. 😂 That being said, I can't help but feel like there's a connection to be made when looking at this other ancient inscription, that can be found in the final chamber of the Solasan Temple:
Faintly carved into the stone is a figure bound in chains. Two other figures have turned their gaze from the central image.
The script below the image is ancient, though Solas is able to provide a partial translation:
Pride in our accomplishments and in our hearts. That same pride became (a word meaning corrupted or altered) within him, he sought to claim (indecipherable), cast from favor and so he was bound.
Hidden from mortal eyes, death lies within.
To me, this text always seemed to perfectly match up with the ancient writing in Mythal's temple. A person being judged for claiming (godhood?)/daring to fly in the shape of the divine (a dragon?), put in chains and "bound" as punishment (by Elgar'nan?). And again, there are two figures involved. If the events of these writings do connect, was this "sinner" the one belonging to Dirthamen, taking wings by the urging of Ghilan'nain and them now silently accepting Elgar'nan's judgement, making those two the "figures turning their gaze"?
The thing is, if I'm presented with an ancient elven text about someone's PRIDE being corrupted in a place called SOLASAN temple, how in the world am I NOT supposed to draw an immediate connection to Solas here? 😂 I'm not saying that the sinner in this story had to be him per se, but if the age-old theory about Solas having been a spirit of Wisdom once who somehow turned into Pride is true, then there's still the question of how or why exactly this corruption occurred? And, if anything, the story of this sinner would provide at least one possibility for what happened to someone who had been corrupted in ancient times.
"Cast from favor and so he was bound."
If Cole's cryptic comments in Trespasser are actually about Solas (and Mythal?), then it's safe to say that Solas was himself bound ("He left a scar when he burned her off his face"), which does make SO much sense, considering that he values free will above everything, his furious reaction to the Well of Sorrows is SO telling, oh and also, he lead a motherflippin Slave Rebellion. 😂
But if we're looking for further potential connections between Dirthamen, Ghilan'nain and Solas... Well, Dirthamen is not only called the Keeper of Secrets, but is also always associated with sharing wisdom, knowledge and giving counsel to those in need. His symbols also include two ravens. Wolf and raven being known for pretty cool 80s synthwave music having a special bond in many real life myths and legends.
And Ghilan'nain is the only elven god we know of who was a "huntress of the People" before she ascended to become the youngest of the elven pantheon (possibly because of her relationship with Andruil or her ability to "create" things). As far as we know, Solas was also one of the People before he "became" Fen'Harel. So they were very much alike in that sense.
There's also the tale in which Fen'Harel gets captured by Andruil, because he had angered her by “hunting the halla without her blessing”. Some people have taken this to mean that Solas made a move on Ghilan'nain or that they had something going, so naturally, given that Andruil and Ghilan'nain are believed to have also been lovers, she was not very amused about that. lol (Which would make the rest of the story even funnier, where Andruil declared to “punish” him by making him “serve in her bed for a year and a day to pay her back”. lmao)
Which brings us finally back to the mural in The Missing volume 3, that could depict Andruil and Ghilan'nain embracing each other, perhaps even romantically (btw, if you want to know why I think so, check out my post on volume 3. :D).
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I kinda joked about it at first, but if we assume that this mural was actually made by Solas as well, then you do have to wonder why he would even choose to paint such an intimate moment between Ghilan'nain and Andruil, people he arguably despises? Though it'll be interesting to learn what their relationship was like before his rebellion and Mythal's murder. I mean, who knows, maybe the before-mentioned tale actually happened and all three of them made out afterwards (willingly or not). 😂 (I mean, we're still talking about immortal beings here, so what else are they gonna do all day? lol) Or maybe Solas was just the Evanuris' personal portrait/mural painter at one point. lol
Anyway, to conclude, all of this is partially why I assumed for the longest time, that the two figures seen in the 2020 teaser mural could be Ghilan'nain and Dirthamen (also the fact that Dirthamen's vallaslin matched up perfectly with the silhouette of the right figure and obviously everything about Ghilan'nain and her horrifying experiments in Tevinter Nights).
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...but with everything we've learned since then, I'm now actually leaning more towards it being Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan (if you want to know why, I highly recommend watching this fantastic analysis!).
The only thing that still kinda irks me with this, is the fact that the only elven god that's known for wielding a spear like this is actually Andruil.
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However, it is super suspicious to me how the "goddess" seen in this concept art seems to break out of what looks like huge ocean waves and how this "grey sludge stuff" from Ghil's ancient "pools" in Tevinter Nights was described to have "smelled like the ocean" AND the mention of (capital P) Pride in elven myths having "stopped Ghilan'nain's hand when she was about to destroy her creatures of the deep sea". 👀👀 (Also, is it just me or does the figure in the 2020 mural look like she's having algae hanging down her headpiece? Not to mention the tentacles. lol) So there's that.
Also, and I know this is the silliest reason, but I don't know if BioWare would expect new or casual players to keep up with all these long "complicated" elven names, since "Ghilan'nain" and "Elgar'nan" do sound kinda similar and people might get them mixed up. lmao So having Elgar'nan and Andruil might be a bit more distinguishable, just for the sake of making it a little easier for new players lol (I mean, they have changed names before to avoid this problem, like when the Tevinter city "Qarinus" was turned into "Ventus" because it sounded too similar to "Qunari", I think? 😂).
I don't know if any of this actually answered your question, I feel like I got carried away by like a mile. 😂 I don't know how I got from "D'Read Koda" on the vinyl to tentacles, but here we are. 😂 Those are my thoughts on.... a lot of stuff. lol
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anoddrock · 1 month
Ok for funsies and also the fantastic @the-one-and-only-aroace, a collection of Electric President songs talking abt no longer being human or never having been human from the start, either as a primary theme or a minor one!!
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Within their first album, S/T:
Good Morning Hypocrite - has a verse about how all the organs left are machinery, with the exception of the heart, and that? It doesn’t work. Nothing about the body is what it should be!!! Overall the song is about a replacement of life with machinery, and a vast discomfort in oneself due to that.
Grand Machine No. 12 - the general theme of not being what you’re ‘supposed’ to be in a system or society that will destroy you for it(that system being the grand machine).
Hum - ‘what do you think about me now? What do you think about me now that I’ve fallen down?’ Screaming crying throwing up I swear. Just the general theme of dissonance between what you were seen as and what you now know yourself to be, and addressed to someone who you knew before and who has your past as their view of the ‘real’ you.
Some Crap About The Future - probably the closest song in the album to saying ‘we are robots and we should be humans and it is hell.’ Most solid line might be ‘you have no body-just a cage to hold your parts’ which tbh!!! The body feels like a cage of torment when dysphoria is trying to choke you out!
We Were Never Built To Last - mostly vibes tbh. They are being taken apart for scrap metal, and not with care. They are literally having their body and agency of what they are and do forcibly removed. Someone finds them and helps them get to a point where they’re people again. And then they leave.
Note: Ben Cooper, half of the band, is a huge fan of narrative music, and this album? It’s the end of all things. Apocalyptic or post apocalyptic, a world where people literally become just the cogs of a dead society’s machine. A lot of his music has a sorrowful tilt to it, but in a very beautiful way.
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Second album, Sleep Well
Monsters - to me, this is at least partially about the way that being treated as a monster as a queer person is exhausting and you eventually become tired of tiptoeing around societal expectations and trying to be seen as tame when they’ll treat you as a beast regardless. Its narrative feels like the speaker is talking to someone who recently realized their own ‘monstrosity’ (queerness) but was cruel to the speaker for their own oddities. You got rid of everyone who would accept you and then realized you needed us. Too bad. You hurt me and I Will Not Forgive You. I may seem bad, but you and your ‘friends’ were worse. They will not recognize you now. They will not change for your sake. In my mind, it closely parallels Hum.
Bright Mouths - kinda a continuation of Monsters. ‘Despite your prayers you’re broke(n) like us.’ An almost bitter sympathy.
The last album (the violent blue) doesn’t have as much in trans themes, but overall still has some points that could be interpreted pretty queerly.
And lil bonus: while Electric President only has 3 albums and stopped writing in 2010, Radical Face(the artist name of Ben Cooper) is still going!! And he has an EP, Lady Covers, where he covered some well known songs by women!
While I can’t find the original EP cover, I did find two song covers!!
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If I recall correctly, the Jolene outfit is what Ben was wearing in the original EP cover!
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ruvviks · 6 months
teehee hi. spare a vitali fact. i need to hear abt him <3
after the broker arc vitali gets a nightclub at his office! it's in the basement of the building (his office building is called the crest by the way) and it's called club dysnomia :^) it means anarchy / lawlessness which ties in with vitali's central themes but in the opposite way since he's actually got a very strong moral code and is very composed but also there's so much rage in him. you understand
the club is semi-private which means it's mostly open for business with mercs and clients that have been to the office before but new mercs and clients are welcome too :D it's open to the public in the weekends too to generate more income and while it Is on the fancier side, it does have a very laid back atmosphere and it's a lot more chill than most bars and clubs in night city. the music isn't too loud (vitali is hard of hearing and he's trying to listen to viktor's advice a little better) and it focuses more on the hanging out together part than the dancing part (there's still an area for dancing but club bodytalk (aubrey's club) is a LOT more focused on that)
the place becomes the main working place for the ex employees of clouds. in my canon they manage to keep the place running without the tyger claws for a while by themselves but end up feeling unsafe which prompts vitali to open his own club so they can work there instead. the place doesn't use BDs and/or doll chips but employees Can do sex work there safely without any risks
the last part is important to me because vitali back in college used to go to clubs a LOT, went to every party he could go to and did sex work on the side to make enough money for rent and his meds and later his surgeries as well. it was a very bad time for him and clubs were generally just. a bad place for him to be but at the same time they made him feel Alive in a way; him now having his own club with all the positive effects they used to have on him but none of the negative effects is very important, and for others to be able to do the work he used to do himself but without any dangers or risks adds to this too. he just wants to create a safe space for everyone basically
bonus fact added to all this is that later on in like. 2083-2084ish vitali starts an alliance with club bodytalk, so with aubrey :^) he generally doesn't work together with other fixers that much (except for like. the council. but that's just meetings he goes to and he doesn't collaborate with any of them directly except for with rogue every now and then) but aubrey seems a lot more laid back than all the other fixers out there. which is true. and that's how the extended blorboverse ends up all together basically :^)
that's also how vitali ends up meeting. well. reuniting actually. with andrew colton (@reaperkiller's freak of a man) who was like. the director of the serpent projects back at arasaka and at some point head of special programs altogether. the cause of everything bad that happened to all the test subjects including sebastian vidal which is where the extended blorboverse story comes in play. vitali worked at counterintel at the time and kept fighting off maxtac attempts at getting into special programs so naturally vitali wanted to know what that was all about and kept bothering andy about it for a couple of years before he got fired and became a fixer instead and everything
yeah so basically andy isn't with arasaka anymore either and funnily enough his younger brother jesse who he hasn't spoken to in years is working for vitali as nightclub manager so they also get to reunite. and also vitali and andy kiss. vitali and aubrey too if that wasn't clear yet i mean look at them. the rest of the clown brigade is just making bets on who's next on the list
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sang8262 · 1 year
so im working on a pretentious, i mean, JP themed playlist, and i really wanted to throw in a composer with the same initials as a joke
which is why Johann Pachelbel and Jean-Philippe Rameau have infiltrated this playlist despite having no other relevance to his character;;;
speaking of, here's what i got so far:
J. Pachelbel - any fugue, just... anything that isn't Canon in D
J.P. Rameau - Les Indes galantes, Forêts paisibles (but this rock cover specifically)
Sergei Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet, No. 14 Dance of the Knights (stolen from another JP playlist you know who you are lmao. it gets bonus points for being from a ballet)
Sergei Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor, Op. 18 (there's a reason it's popular!! and i like the strings in it!!)
Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz No.2 (another popular one. it's a pretty tepid choice i admit)
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade, Op.35 (this one's pretty well known too. apparently there's optional yelling in the 4th movement?? gets bonus points for being a ballet)
Aram Khachaturian - Masquerade Suite (another popular one, especially the Waltz, which fits him rather well. though i also like Nocturne and Mazurka. apparently there's a ballet of this so that's bonus ballet points)
Khachaturian - Gayane, Sabre Dance (I'M KIDDING. but a JP hater would have chosen this)
Khachaturian - Gayane, Dance of the Comrades (since i do not hate him, i'm replacing the previous with this from the same ballet. and ofc, bonus ballet points)
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker, Arrival of Drosselmeyer (there was a whole thing on Twitter about how JP's smile resembles a nutcracker, so this was obvious. Uncle Drosselmeyer as a character is rather JP-esque as well, at least, when he's pretending to be nice)
Alexander Mosolov - Iron Foundry (referenced in JP's win quote to Zangief: "Seeing you, I can't help but recall Mosolov's Iron Foundry, tovarisch.")
Mosolov - Two Nocturnes, Op. 15 (it's really unsettling! and reminded me of JP's introduction scene in World Tour, with the horror elements)
Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird, The Infernal Dance of King Kastchei (bonus ballet points, and for sharing names with his j.HK) (honorable mention to Petrushka, another ballet, but it isn't exactly 'JP'. but i like Danse Russe so, i'm mentioning it lmao)
Alexander Scriabin!!! - everything!!! (recently discovered for me and im in love. there's a whole collection made by Dmitri Alexeev of all his works, and i can totally see JP doing paper work with it playing in the background)
this list is already too long, but here are some extra notes: Rimsky-Korsokov was part of 'The Mighty Five', also including Modest Mussorgsky, Mily Balakirev, Cesar Cui, and Alexander Borodin. This was a historically and musically significant group, which is why I wanted to at least name drop them. Actually, it was looking into Mosolov that sent me down the rabbit hole regarding similar Soviet-era composers. Obviously there's a lot going on here with the... artistic (and political) censorship at the time. Or, all of interesting stuff going on with composers finding influences from traditional folklore/ dances. Or alternatively, responding to and processing contemporary events through music, as a form of subtle protest...
But I've only glossed over these topics so I'm going to refrain from going too deep on it;;
As for connecting all this to JP, gosh idk, these comic pages from Vol. 3 and 4 seem relevant. I'll let these stew as a final thought:
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youremyheaven · 2 years
BTS & Their Possible Rising Signs (Vedic Edition)
im starting with jk bc im most certain of his rising sign and my estimate is that he's a bharani rising, which will make him a tropical taurus asc. jungkook gives me strong venusian energy, so my only other guess is for him to be a libra rising but i think its more unlikely.
if you listen to any of jungkook's solo music, he talks about missing his lover, yearning for them and being afraid of losing them, death is frequently addressed in them as well. jungkook has also mentioned several times about how he believes he'll hear bells when he meets his soulmate. tl;dr boy is obsessed with love, uniting with his soulmate etc. if you've watched claire nakti's nakshatra exploration videos, you'll know that these are major bharani themes.
i mean just look at the lyrics of stay alive or still with you. assuming that he's bharani rising, his birth time would be around 12 pm, and this would give him a 5h & 6h stellium, which just makes a lot of sense to me, since jk is known to be vvvv hardworking & is prone to workaholism.
IF he is bharani rising, then his asc would be conjunct namjoon's bharani ketu and considering the fact that jk has openly said he only joined bighit bc of joon & was inspired by him etc, it makes a lot of sense for them to have asc conjunct ketu synastry. ketu is the lowest point but its also where creativity is born, so jk was inspired by joon bc joon embodied the kind of creativity that jk wanted to project.
2. Yoongi
this will be short bc its a more simplistic take but man's gotta have a cat yoni right? i mean after a bazillion cat memes about him and his obvious physical resemblance to a feline. it makes sense for him to have a cat yoni asc. i dont think its ashlesha bc he does not give tropical leo vibes. but i think him being punarvasu rising makes a lot of sense, bc then he'd be a tropical cancer asc & sidereal gemini. he's so domestic and has 9398474 random hobbies and is so sensitive and intelligent. its def giving punarvasu to me.
bonus: this would mean that his asc is conjunct namjoon's punarvasu mars and that makes a lot of sense given how they've mentioned they used to argue a lot predebut etc but suga looks up to joon and he's mentioned it as well. there is a lot of respect between the two.
3. Namjoon
everybody says that joon is a scorpio rising and i agree lol. i cant see him as anything else. i think he's a swati rising, bc then he'd have a swati stellium (asc, venus & jupiter). he has a rakshasa gana moon and its rlly hard for someone with major rakshasa gana placements to gain public love bc its the kind of placement that makes ppl see u as a villain. so him having a swati stellium (swati= deva gana) makes sense bc he's seen as a precious angel, which is peak deva gana energy. he's vv well balanced for someone with so much rahu energy tho.
4. Jimin
he's pretty much confirmed tropical cancer rising and he'd be pushya asc in vedic. i mean this is sooo obvious, like look at his face, look at those lips, if thats not giving pushya idk what is.
now here are the members i have no idea about:
5. Jin
he gives aries asc vibes. def not an air or water sign asc. mayyybe a capricorn asc??? he could be ubp moon & asc. i strongly suspect that he has lunar influence, im ruling out rohini or hasta bc he does not give those vibes, however if he's cap rising, then he could be shravana asc & that could explain it.
6. Taehyung
i have no idea, i dont even know how to guess. maybe gemini asc. that could explain his duality. so mrigashira asc i guess??? serpent yoni could explain his charm and sway lol
7. Hobi
im inclined to think hobi is aries asc too but i dont see him as revati, ubp or aswini
an air sign or fire sign asc for sure tho
he's krittika moon and maybe he's krittika asc too??? who knows
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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Wakana 3rd Album Details Revealed & New Artist Visual
Following the little teasers from yesterday, we finally have some concrete news today.
Wakana’s 3rd original album 『そのさきへ』 ("Sono saki e") will be released physically/digitally on May 31st. The first new album in over 3 years welcomes Satoshi Takebe as producer and is comprised of a total of 10 tracks including the songs "標 (Shirushi)" composed by singer-songwriter Yoshiko Hanzaki, “明日を夢見て歌う(Asu wo Yume Mite Utau)” composed/arranged by Satoshi Takebe with lyrics written by Wakana as well as "Flag", a character theme song for the mobile app “Memento Mori”. Other songs will be announced at a later date. Please look forward to it.
[Comment from Wakana] This 3rd album "Sono Saki e (Beyond this point)" will be the first album in 3 years and 3 months since my previous work "magic moment". The title of this album came from the desire to “walk towards the future together”. We are all living in the same world, living in the same time. As long as we are alive, we are always moving forward. No matter how sad or painful things are, time won't stop or wait for us, we can't stand still. If there are people who feel loneliness in such a time, I want them to remember that they are not alone. I want to make the kind of music that always stays by someone's side. It's not an exaggeration but if my music can make you smile, it makes me happier than anything else. With the help of Satoshi Takebe and many other people, I was able to bring my thoughts and feelings to life. While waiting impatiently for the day we can finally release it, we will carefully work on the final details of the album. Please look forward to the finished result! ***Wakana***
【Original 3rd Album『そのさきへ』Product Specification】
[Title]  そのさきへ [Release date] 2023/05/31   Cover images from left to right (Type A, Type B, Regular)
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◆First Press Limited Edition Type A(CD+DVD):VIZL-2189、6,600円 Bonus Content: ●Live DVD「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」(~86min) <Setlist>  01.約束の夜明け, 02.442, 03.オレンジ, 04.夕焼け, 05.myself, 06.時には昔の話を, 07.愛にできることはまだあるかい, 08.君の銀の庭, 09.標, 10.明日を夢見て歌う, 11. Flag, 12. Happy Hello Day, 13.記憶の人, 14. magic moment ※The Christmas songs (Winter Wonderland & Silent Night) are not included
◆First Press Limited Edition Type B(2CD+Photo booklet+Poster、LP Sized Package):VIZL-2190、6,050円 Bonus content: ●LP Sized Package ●LP Sized Photo booklet ●Poster(B2 size) ●LIVE CD with audio tracks of「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」(~86min)※same setlist as the DVD
◆Regular Edition(CD):VICL-65821、3,300円
Tower Records In-Store Release Events
In commemoration of the release of the new album "Sono Saki e", two in-store events will be held for the first time in a while at CD shops in Tokyo and Osaka. ◆ [Tokyo] June 10, 19:00- Tower Records Shibuya  ◆ [Osaka] June 17, 14:00- Tower Records Umeda
At both venues, a mini-live and a present handover event will be held. The present will be a signed clear file (A4 size). The mini-live at Tower Records Shibuya on June 10th can be viewed online via teket by all those who purchased at Tower Records nationwide and Tower Records Online. If you can't watch it in real time, there is also a one-week archive period. ※Starting from May 30, those who purchase a copy of the target product in the target stores will receive a ticket voucher which can be exchanged for a numbered admission ticket to the in-store events (tickets are limited!) ※In addition to the above mentioned benefits, customers will also receive the store specific tokuten postcard
Victor Online Sign Events
To celebrate the release of the new album "Sono Saki e", two online sign events will be held for those who purchase the album in the Victor Online Store. ◆【1st】 4/16 13h~ BUY HERE (Pre-order deadline: 4/15)  ◆【2nd】5/13 17h~ BUY HERE   (Pre-order deadline: 5/12)
As a purchase privilege, you will receive an alternate version of the "Sono Saki e" cover with a different visual depending on the day. This cover image will be signed by Wakana and include a personal reference with your chosen nickname. Both events will be broadcast on YouTube and archived until April 23, May 20 respectively. ※The store specific tokuten postcard will NOT be included
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Store Specific Tokuten
In addition, there will be a first-come-first-served purchase privilege for the new album "Sono Saki e" in nationwide store. Those who purchase the album at "Animate",  "Gamers", "Tower Records", "HMV", "TSUTAYA RECORDS", "Rakuten Books", "Seven Net Shopping" or "Victor Online Store" will receive a "Wakana Visual Postcard" as present. Those who purchase at "Amazon.co.jp" will receive a “Mega Jacket/Cover”.
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Fan Club Exclusive Tokuten
For members of Wakana's official fan club "Botanical Land", there will be special presents for those who order a specified copy. Fan club members will receive a CD with a live audio track of "Nagareboshi" which was performed during the fan club exclusive ending section of 「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」 as well as a photo card (A5 size) with an autograph. Preorder period: 2023/3/15~4/14. More details HERE. ※Specified copies are sold in the Victor Online Store ※The store specific tokuten postcard will be included
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Photoshoot Offshots
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Wakana Instagram post
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