#books are bangin'
falconfate · 6 months
Hello ranger’s apprentice fandom can we talk real quick about the stupidest thing Flanagan ever wrote
It’s about the bows. Yanno, the rangers’ Iconique™️ main weapon. That one. You know the one.
Flanagan. Flanagan why are your rangers using longbows.
“uh well recurve arrows drop faster” BUT DO THEY. FLANAGAN. DO THEY.
the answer is no they don’t. Compared to a MODERN, COMPOUND (aka cheating) bow, yes, but compared to a longbow? Y’know, what the rangers use in canon? Yeah no a recurve actually has a FLATTER trajectory. It drops LATER.
This from an article comparing the two:
“Both a longbow and a recurve bow, when equipped with the right arrow and broadhead combination, are capable of taking down big game animals. Afterall, hunters have been doing it for centuries with both types of bows.
However, generally speaking and all things equal, a recurve bow will offer more arrow speed, creating a flatter flight trajectory and retain more kinetic energy at impact.
The archers draw length, along with the weight of the arrow also affect speed and kinetic energy. However, the curved design of the limbs on a recurve adds to its output of force.”
It doesn’t actually mention ANY distance in range! And this is from a resource for bow hunting, which, presumably, WOULD CARE ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING!
Okay so that’s just. That’s just the first thing.
The MAIN thing is that even accounting for “hur dur recurves drop faster” LONGBOWS ARE STILL THE STUPID OPTION.
Longbows, particularly and especially ENGLISH longbows, are—as their name suggests—very long. English longbows in particular are often as tall or taller than their wielder even while strung, but especially when unstrung. An unstrung longbow is a very long and expensive stick, one that will GLADLY entangle itself in nearby trees, other people’s clothes, and any doorway you’re passing through.
And yes, there are shorter longbows, but at that point if you’re shortening your longbow, just get a goddamn recurve. And Flanagan makes a point to compare his rangers’ bows to the Very Long English Longbow.
Oh, do you know how the Very Long English Longbow was mostly historically militarily used? BY ON-FOOT ARCHER UNITS. Do you know what they’re TERRIBLE for? MOUNTED ARCHERY.
Trust me. Go look up right now “mounted archery longbow.” You’ll find MAYBE one or two pictures of some guy on a horse struggling with a big stick; mostly you will actually see either mounted archers with RECURVES, or comparisons of Roman longbow archers to Mongolian horse archers (which are neat, can’t lie, I love comparing archery styles like that).
Anyway. Why are longbows terrible for mounted archery? Because they’re so damn long. Think about it: imagine you’re on a horse. You’re straddling a beast that can think for itself and moves at your command, but ultimately independently of you; if you’re both well-trained enough, you’re barely paying attention to your horse except to give it commands. And you have a bow in your hands. If your target is close enough to you that you know, from years of shooting experience, you will need to actually angle your bow down to hit it because of your equine height advantage, guess what? If you have a longbow, YOU CAN’T! YOUR HORSE IS IN THE WAY BECAUSE YOUR BOW IS TOO LONG! Worse, it’s probably going to get in the general area of your horse’s shoulder or legs, aka moving parts, which WILL injure your horse AND your bow and leave you fresh out of both a getaway vehicle and a ranged weapon. It’s stupid. Don’t do it.
A recurve, on the other hand, is short. It was literally made for horse archers. You have SO much range of motion with a recurve on horseback; and if you’re REALLY good, you know how to give yourself even more, with techniques like Jamarkee, a Turkish technique where you LITERALLY CAN AIM BACKWARDS.
For your viewing enjoyment, Serena Lynn of Texas demonstrating Jamarkee:
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Yes, that’s real! This type of draw style is INCREDIBLY versatile: you can shoot backwards on horseback, straight down from a parapet or sally port without exposing yourself as a target, or from low to the ground to keep stealthy without banging your bow against the ground. And, while I’m sure you could attempt it with a longbow, I wouldn’t recommend it: a recurve’s smaller size makes it far more maneuverable up and over your head to actually get it into position for a Jamarkee shot.
A recurve just makes so much more SENSE. It’s not a baby bow! It’s not the longbow’s lesser cousin! It’s a COMPLETELY different instrument made to be used in a completely different context! For the rangers of Araluen, who put soooo much stock in being stealthy and their strong bonds with their horses, a recurve is the perfect fit! It’s small and easily transportable, it’s more maneuverable in combat and especially on horseback, it offers more power than a longbow of the same draw weight—really, truly, the only advantage in this case that a longbow has over the recurve is that longbows are quicker and easier to make. But we KNOW the rangers don’t care about that, their KNIVES use a forging technique (folding) that takes several times as long as standard Araluen forging practices at the time!
Okay I think I’m done. For now.
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kindredqilin · 1 year
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Some warning signs ft. the rawest quotes from the DMBJ books
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achilleid · 1 year
Shio turned to face her next enemy with a ragged scream, her blade a flicker of light in the darkness as the lumonium caught and splintered off what parts of its surface were not blackened with blood and gore.
It was not the thunk of flesh and the wet resistance of muscle that met her sword, but the solid, unmovable surface of another blade. Shio had not even the time to register the clang of metal as she drew her arm back and struck thrice more, the madness of battle, of survival, still thundering in the pulse of her temple.
Her breath nearly rushed from her lungs when at last her eyes registered who it was that met her blows– who parried them with the practiced ease of familiarity.
All at once the fight went from her arms. The sword clattered from her hand, her knees buckled and she would have hit the hard rock floor soundly were it not for his hands that relinquished their own steel to catch her.
“It’s you– it’s you…” Shio sobbed, hands curved into claws as she tore at Enoch’s shirt, at his arms, forcing herself up so she could look at his face. Warm, dark brown eyes met her own, wide and wild, the same exertion that panted through her own lungs heaving from his own.
“Are you hurt?”
His voice. His scent. His warmth. Things she had never thought she would miss now crashed against her so fiercely she cared nothing for her wounds. Nothing for her hurts. Only that he was here.
Shio shook her head, too overwhelmed to even try and form words. She slid her palm over his face, felt the coolness of his skin beneath her fingertips before seeking out the silky softness of his hair. Enoch was equally preoccupied, his own hands moving over her arms, her shoulders, eyes checking off each place she might be injured. She felt his sphere fall over her like a warm rain, cleansing the ache from her sore arms, the sting of cuts and at last finding the painful mass of bruises around her ribs.
“Oh Shio… three of your ribs are cracked,” Enoch said, his voice broke with a wince of sympathy, “And your shoulder…”
He had discovered the damage there no doubt from her resetting the joint.
“I will live,” Shio croaked and smiled crookedly up at him, hoping to make him laugh. Hoping to clear the storm clouds that thundered around him and darkened his eyes. Instead, he kissed her, brief but warm, on her lips.
He pulled back to speak against them, every word ticklish, “...Don’t ever do that again.”
“Fall into a chasm?”
“Leave me.”
In those two words was more than a simple request. Shio felt the weight of them, heavy and purposeful in the way he said them and the way he looked at her now with the face of a man whose heart had been hanging, halfway between whole and broken… waiting to know if she had lived or died.
“I will never leave you,” Shio whispered fiercely, watched as her words lit a flame behind Enoch’s eyes.
She kissed him. Bit him. Marked that promise into the soft yielding skin of his mouth. When she pulled back there was a demand there in her eyes. A question. Awakened from the daze her touch had left him in, Enoch at last seemed to understand what it was she wished to hear.
“...I believe you.”
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jupitercl0uds · 3 months
considering the next 2 months are basically for me to goof off maybe i will master every meal i actually like in the hit ds game Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What to Eat?
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poorestforest · 6 months
As I am in the last couple of months of my grad program, I have been applying to jobs. I had my first interview yesterday and after reflecting on how it went I don't think I'd accept the job offer if it were to come my way (part of me hopes it doesn't).
Reasons: My interview wasn't strong, I was not prepared for the questions (hard to prepare when they don't give them to you while you're waiting...), and some of my answers made me feel misrepresented (in terms of self & position). There were obvious, better responses that I missed because of nerves and I think I would judge the panel for poor judgement if they choose me in the end lol
Also, I think the biggest thing for me is that I know there is a Black administrator at this site but for whatever reason she was not on the panel so it was me and a bunch of older white people asking me questions (they were nice but). I think I want to be with a younger team too (which I'm 30 now so younger is subjective I suppose).
I really think I could learn a lot from the person who would be my partner at the site but I also think she is doing too much outside of her actual role and I don't want that to be my reality too.
I have to trust that more interview opportunities will arise if I just keep applying. People reject job offers all the time. I am better prepared now for interviews for these positions and I just gotta keep trying. It's only April.
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
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my desktop + lockscreen btw.. he's my bestest friend ever
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luncheon-aspic · 1 year
The story of a man who won the favor of the king through his demonstration of extraordinary skill as a PE teacher
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the like. evolution of story in wolf's tooth is so crazy to me. what do you mean i made these characters for a porn zine.
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artinvain · 3 months
Sevika's reaction to her girlfriend cumming untouched from eating her out AAAAA pulling out my hair bangin on the walls I'm so normal for her I have nothing else to say I'm just vibrating at unimaginable speeds
fuuuckk thank u - been watching the bear so in keeping with that — we have chef!sevika
angst, fluff, smut, degradation, dom!sevika, oral (sevika receiving) after care, drugs (weed).
being a chef at one of piltover’s five star restaurants could kill sevika. sure she was strong physically, and she could hide her pain, but in the kitchen she was vulnerable. in the kitchen she was young again, clinging to her mother’s legs as she baked this thing or the other.
so when the head chef had told her that she had disappointed him with her fucking choux? to say she was devastated was an understatement. how did she fuck up a pastry she’s been making since she started culinary school almost a decade ago.
he went in on her, about her ethic — “you gave yourself too much to do again, you do not delegate and that does not work in our kitchen’s brigade.”
jesus christ he was worse than usual today. she tried to focus on folding in her pastry, thinking about; the eggs she had going low over vinegar, the last meal review — there were bones in a bake and she had shit on jinx for overlooking something so simple. and yet here she was, fucking up a choux. she could feel bile in her throat.
“Yes, chef,” sevika replied, restarting her batter and taking a deep breath,
“and when was the last time you did quick checks?”
“twenty three minutes go, chef,”
“for this event? for brunch sevika are you incompetent now?” he asks slamming his hand down on the hard metal of her island, “do you not know how quickly breakfast foods go? you need checks every ten chef,”
“yes, chef,”
“but here you are doing a choux a second time, something so simple you could do it asleep,”
“sorry chef,” sevika says, she couldn’t explain herself even if she wanted to. there was no conversation with silco — he talks and sevika listens, learns and adapts.
“we’re wasting piltover resources on undercity scum for charity we do not pay for fucking incompetence,” silco says so loudly the kitchen goes quiet for a moment. sevika can’t hear or see anything anymore. can’t hear silco asking her how she got into this industry, why she thought she was good enough. told her that she would never be good enough.
“are you fucking mute?” silco asks.
“no chef,” sevika says void of emotion.
“they chose you, despite my protestations. yes you are creative - but you have no work ethic” chef silco rounds her station,
“I’ll do better chef,” sevika says starting to pipe her choux, these were perfect.
“and here you are, disappointing me, as expected. but what do I know, right?”
there are people glancing nervously, they liked sevika, they were a family when silco wasn’t around and spent months trying to convince her that they loved her, regardless of where she came from which was “pretty fucking cool” according to them. they had finally started to get her to believe that she wasn’t a good chef she was great, one of the best — all that work undone in a moment.
sevika spent hours after her shift fucking up the punching bag at the gym, by the time she’s home — she’d cried for over an hour in the gym shower and now she was kind of just pissed. she didn’t want to feel small or afraid. she was a good chef — inside she knew that. she made a mistake and she couldn’t afford any inconsistency, it gave her heart palpitations. she wanted to be respected, revered, praised and when she enters your shared home she knows you’ll give yourself over to her in that way, you always do.
when she crawls into your bed, you put down your book and start to scratch through her damp hair and kiss her forehead, you can tell from the look on her face. “bad day?” you ask gently as she pulls you over her lap to straddle her lap. she rubs her hands over your thighs, grunting when you roll your hips and she smacks your ass. you’re stunning, sitting above her in her sweater, it’s falling off your shoulder and she feels your neck is too clean so she sits up to lick and kiss and suck on your neck so she can hear your pretty moans.
“promise, I’ll make it better,” you yelp and your breath hitches when she smacks your ass. you pull her face toward hers and kiss her feverently, licking into her mouth and moaning as she sucks on your tongue.
she pants into your mouth, her arms around her, guiding you to grind down on her. kisses you, her lips tasting and biting and sucking yours.
“get on your knees for me baby,” sevika pants, watching you kneel between her legs, moaning when you arch your back. you bend down so you’re nuzzling her mound, your ass on display for her. and she’s got a wet spot on her boxers, “yeah,” sev moans — “boxers off” she pants as you kiss her through her underwear, instead - teasing sucking and moaning around her clit.
“get them off, now sweetpea or you won’t cum for a week,” sevika nods “good girl,” when you scramble your remove her underwear and she whimpers when you face her cunt, warm and leaking as your dip your fingers through her lips, the soft hair of her mound against your cheek.
“please,” you gasp out, near burying your face between her legs but tittering on the edge - waiting for permission.
“I don’t know if you deserve it,” she tuts, a hand in your hair, tugging gently and keeping your head away from her pussy — all she wants it so suffocate you with her cunt but god did she love to hear you beg. “tell me you want me, beg to eat me out,”
“want to make you feel good sevika, please I need it, makes me feel good tasting you,”
“fuck you’re pathetic, so needy for my cunt aren’t you,”
you moans and kiss and suck her inner thighs,
“need to see you cum. please you take such good care of me — of everything, want you to feel good,” you whimper as sevika whispers out praise, “what a pretty slut I have — so needy just to get me off.”
sevika guides your face towards her cunt and — “come on be a good, dumb little fuck toy and eat my pussy baby,” you whine, your hips sharply meeting the bed, your body going weak as you taste her. her soft, wet pussy lips rubbing on your cheeks as you lick into her, going to suck on her clit after running your tongue up and down her slit, tasting her sweet and tart cunt.
“god, yeah good — jus like that,” she’s already on edge, so pent up, her back is tightening when you moan around her, she looks down and sees that you’re rutting against the bed, grinding on the sheets between your thighs as you eat her. “fuck, so riled up huh? you need this as much as I do - don’t you honey? yeah, christ just like that,” she groans when you dip your tongue into her leaking hole.
“fuck you’re such a slut, getting off on making me feel good — so needy for me,” she moans, cupping the back of your head and holding you to her as you start to suck and roll your tongue against the underside of her clit. “fuck lemme - let me fuck y-your face just a little baby,” she huffs “stick your tongue out for me, wanna use your mouth just a little,” sevika moans loudly as you whimper around her clit and she starts to buck her hips against your face.
sevika groans, her hips near lifting off the bed as she grips your head and guides your mouth, bobbing your head as you suck on her clit, moaning at the sounds of you slurping at her, whimpering against her.
“so good baby,” sevika moans “so good letting me use you like this, my perfect girl,” she whimpers you shift up a little bit, her thighs resting on your shoulders. you twitch, your thighs twisting together as you salivate on her pussy, pulling her close the feeling of the soft sheets on your clit, your lacy panties rubbing your swollen nub. your head is dizzy, her taste leaking into your mouth you swallow gratefully and moan, your hips twitching.
“oh my god, loot at you, actually fucking getting off, shit baby, you’re the prettiest slut I’m so lucky to have you,” she moans and you whine your nails biting into her thighs, you look up at sevika meeting her hooded eyes, “I love you baby,” she moans and your eyes roll back in your head as you cum.
seeing you cum all from eating her out, the feeling your you licking and sucking her cunt, your tongue rolling against her as she controls your movements, controls your pleasure. fuck, she’s cumming — holding your head in place she’s riding your face, hot white pleasure warming her body.
“f-fingers, fingers!” she whines when you sink two fingers into her and curl until you’re rubbing the perfect spot, fucking into her until she’s squirting, wetting your face and leaking down onto the sheets, you’re moaning and sucking at her clit and drinking all her pussy offers until she’s pushing your head away from oversensitivity, moaning when you resist her and keep fucking your fingers into her, sucking gently on her clit.
“fucking brat, shit, mm’gonna — keep -“ she’s fucking drunk on pleasure, her hands solely resting on your head as you fuck her into another orgasm.
when she comes down and you let off her clit, gently slipping your fingers from her and crawling up to have her bury her head between your tits and brush her hair away from her face.
“fuck thank you,” she sighs, pulling you in close and wrapping her arms around you, “I love taking care of you vika,” you say, kissing her face with sticky lips and then kissing her mouth.
“need to clean you up, maybe we take a bath and you can tell me about today?” you ask gently and sevika nods, you run the bath and fetch her when the water is hot and soapy. she can feel her muscles relax, smell the lavender and eucalyptus essential oils and,
“did you put the cbd oils in here?” she asks and you slide in, getting between her thighs - your legs on either side of her hips.
“yes, and I brought a joint,” you say as if it’s obvious, she smiles and kisses you, and puffs on it,
“I fucking hate silco,” she groans and fills to air around you with her exhale,
“I’m gonna kill him,” you say, “he terrorises you,”
“today i fucked up a choux and he called me undercity scum,” she sighs, she can only laugh about it now, but you’re enraged.
“what the fuck?” you say, trying to stand but sevika tugs you down by your arm, “no, I’m calling the resturant he can’t talk to you like that,” you say, “you’re not scum, you’re the best person I know,” you say sternly and sevika smiles at your protective nature.
“I know, because you remind me every day,” she pulls you closer and stuff the joint head in your mouth, “there, pacify yourself, I’m fine,” she grunts and kisses your cheek.
🤲🏼🏷️ @archangeldyke-all @sexysapphicshopowner @sevsbaby @iamaboringrattat @lavendersgirl @bimboprincezz @opropheticsoul @ariariarr
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hazbinshusk · 27 days
a kiss in parting w blitz please i need the angst lmao😭
prompt #28: a kiss in parting.
You arch up against Blitzø with a throaty moan as he thrusts hard into you, his slow, steady pace offset by the way devasting way he bottoms out with every press of his hips. His teeth graze the soft flesh of your neck, his breath leaving him in a soft growl.
It hurts in the best way, the way he’s stretching you with every slide of his cock into you. The way his claws dig into your hips. The way he moves his mouth to yours and his teeth catch your bottom lip as he moans into your kiss. You tighten around him, wrapping your legs around his waist, and his breath catches. “Jesus. Fuck…”
“Right there,” you whine as he angles his hips in the way that makes your eyes roll back. “Fuck, right there, Blitz, right there, right… fucking there…”
He rolls his fingers over your clit and you cum hard, nails digging into his shoulders. Blitzø groans, curses, and moans your name as he follows you over the precipice, spilling himself into your warmth. “Satan’s… fuck!”
Blitzø keeps pumping his hips into yours disjointedly until you’re pushing him away, your thighs shaking from the stimulation. He taps your clit with his tail teasingly, and you smack him in the arm. He rolls off of you with a laugh.
“Holy shit.”
“Damn fuckin’ right,” he replies cockily, tucking his hands behind his head.
“Oh, shut up.” He laughs again, the tip of his tail drawing slowly up your thigh. It makes you jump, and you swat his tail away, rolling onto your stomach and taking his face in your hands. You kiss him, letting him relax into it for a few moments before you reach down to scratch your nails over his hipbone. He jerks away from you with what could almost be a whimper as you find that sensitive spot that always seems to rile him up. This soon after an orgasm is basically torture. “Serves you right.”
“Fuckin’ dick.”
“I just finished doing that, actually.”
Blitzø scoffs, the sound devolving into a laugh. Then, he sighs, stretching his arms out above him before he sits up and swings his legs out over the side of the mattress. You sit up slightly, raising an eyebrow curiously.
“Are you leaving?”
He nods, tugging a shirt on over his head and scanning the carpet for his briefs. “Full moon tonight – got that appointment with his Royal Horniness for a grand-slam smack-down of sex.”
You wrinkle you nose at the description, trying to ignore the weight his words set into your stomach. “That’s still happening?”
Blitzø shrugs a shoulder. “Still need the book if I.M.P. is gonna keep bringing in bank.”
He stands, pulling his underwear up his thighs and snapping the waistband into place. Even as your mood drops, you can’t help the small smirk that touches your lips at the silhouettes of galloping horses printed across the fabric. “And you just knooooow Birdy is probably already gagging over the thought of getting to split himself open on—”
“Oooookay,” you cut him off, rolling your eyes as you sit up. You tug the blankets up against your chest, swallowing back the distaste you suddenly feel. “I get it.”
Blitzø snickers, fastening his belt.
“Just… promise me you’re gonna shower before you go over there.”
He turns to face you, shooting you a wink. “’Course. I’m a classy bitch, tits. Besides, I’ve gotta swing by home and check on my Loonie-Toonie anyway.”
“Mm-hm.” You toy with the sheets with unsteady fingers.
Blitzø shrugs his jacket into place, tail whipping gently back and forth. He lets his eyes fall down over your body for a moment before meeting your eye again with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “I text ya later for a round two, alright?”
You nod, offering him a weak smile. “Sure. If the Prince doesn’t wear you out.”
The imp snickers, leaning across the bed to smack a quick kiss against your lips. “Oh please, y’know it takes more than a few ball-drainin’ fucks to stop me from bangin’ your silly little brains out.”
You press your lips together tightly as he turns to leave, and you lay down again, rolling onto your side so you can avoid watching him walk through the door.
send me a prompt and either husk or blitzø
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smallnico · 3 months
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song of rest
felt like doodling out esper's tent. trivia and guide under the cut!
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the tent is a plain dark colour, very unflashy, fairly low to the ground. it provides shelter to sleep under, but doesn't close -- esper is a bit claustrophobic, especially when alone, so they don't tend to sit inside unless they're sleeping, and they prefer to sleep in the others' tents if they're allowed to.
wind chimes! their magic moves the chimes around slightly, so they like to play along to them. if it's too windy they don't set up the chimes. the magic itself isn't a particular spell (could be song of rest, but they're just tuning into the weave, really) but they usually have spell slots left at the end of the day, so they use any residual magic to vibe. more on that in 8.
a lantern that's basically an empty wine bottle that's been faerie fired. esper sets up pretty far away from the campfire -- they like the dark, but they do find comfort in the little motes of light.
the much-abused training dummy. this thing has been decapitated and run through so many times it's not funny. part of why esper sets up so far away from the center of camp is because they sometimes imitate death noises when they destroy this thing (for fun & enrichment), and they're a little too accurate for comfort.
barrel of swords. esper takes the weapons from enemies that they respect and sometimes polishes or sharpens those weapons, even if they don't use them.
just a huge pile of pillows and hide blankets and discarded armour. esper sleeps on the equivalent of a dirty laundry pile with a pillow. they will tidy up a little if they have company, but they are a slob on their own. anything that isn't a weapon or research is extremely disorganized.
pile of collected journals and notebooks. most of the books they pick up through their adventures esper will give to gale or astarion or halsin, or whoever wants them, but they keep notes that give them an eerie feeling -- notes that Might be about their mysterious past. some nights they will take out their own notebook and try to put the pieces together until their headache gets too bad and they have to stop.
esper bangin out the tunes. they're playing the spider's lyre. not any particular song, mind you, just a series of notes and a rambling improvised melody charged with magic. esper tunes into the vibrations of the surrounding area (birds, wind, rustling leaves, tremors in the ground, etc.) and harmonizes with them so they can sense if anything around the camp is weird. they're meditating and calming their own emotions when they do this, but they're also stretching out their senses for nearby threats or weird energies in camp.
this is probably tea or just hot water. it might be soup. esper will drink about anything but they rarely make it for themself -- someone wandered over there and poured a liquid in there and they've just been sipping it since. esper isn't a heavy alcohol drinker -- their tolerance is really low, and they don't like having their judgement or control compromised.
these are weapons from enemies esper Doesn't particularly respect, or just daggers that are shit and cheap and not worth using. i'll be real, this is mostly for the aesthetic, but when you have bad knives, sometimes you want to punish them by burying them in the ground and using them to hold up your tent.
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writingsbychlo · 2 years
"I was trapped in the wardrobe while they had sex. I accidently waited so long that it was just weird to leave until they were finished." please, this could be really funny 😂
AYE YO. I WAS CLEARING OUT MY DRAFTS AND LOOK WHAT I FOUND BURIED? I totally forgot about this, I think I never posted because I never proofread it, and I still haven’t, but now I just don’t care. enjoy whatever mess this is because I remember writing it on my phone!
psa to all. this is not prompts reopening, this is just me having a clearout of my asks/drafts! don't send me more!
When Azriel walked in, you became acutely aware of it before you could actually see him. You always just knew when he was nearby, the tingle on the back of your neck that travelled down your spine, the flutter in your chest, the way your thoughts seemed to scatter away temporarily. As your thoughts moved to him, you lost your place on the page, the story fading away.
Glancing up and waiting for him to appear, you were more than shocked that the usual stoic mask he wore was entirely absent, and instead, a look of horror and distress painted onto his features. He stared blankly into the room, shoulders slumped and eyes positively haunted.
"Az... sweetie, you okay?" He swallowed, throat bobbing, and his eyes finally moved from the fire to you on the couch before it. You closed your book after marking the page, setting it aside as he just stared. "You wanna' talk about whatever it is?"
"I... I was pranking Cassian." He paused, turning to face you a little more, and with a few quick steps, he shuffled across the room to perch on the arm of the large chair opposite you. "Y'know, to get back at him for replacing all my holsters with hot pink ones last month."
"I remember." It took everything you had not to giggle at the memory, it had been a full day before Azriel had found where Cassian had hidden the rest. A full day of watching your friend parade around strapped up in too-small hot-pink leather, tight around all those black-clad muscles and golden skin. It may have been a prank on Azriel but it was a treat for you.
"Well, I was in his closet. Cutting all his training shirts into crop tops." He shifted, eyes flickering away from your own as heat rose to his cheeks, wings drooping even further down as he practically hunched in on himself. It was so unlike him, and you were invested. "But.. Cass came back early. I had to stay in the closet and hide. He wasn't alone. Nesta was with him. They.."
"Started bangin'?"
Azriel cringed, looking as though he was traumatised by it. "It went on for so long. I heard their bodies make sounds I never want to hear again. I heard Cassian say things I never wanted to hear my brother say. I witnessed things that will leave me sleepless for-" You hid your giggle behind your book, squeezing your eyes shut and his words snapped off at your laughter. "It's not funny!"
"Why didn't you just, y'know, do your little shadow-winnow thingy out of there?"
"Oh, gee, I wish I thought of that!" He rolled his eyes at you, but the way he was resisting a smile flicking at the edges of his lips made you grin even wider. "Oh, wait, I did! Cassian obviously knew I was gonna' get him back, he must've figured it would involve some kind of magic or spell, because he warded his room. I went in on foot, I had to leave on foot. I was trapped!"
"Oh, Gods.." You were cracking up again, and he whined -whined! - like a petulant child, only furthering your amusement.
"I'm so glad you're finding joy in my misery. I'll never be the same."
"Oh, poor Azzy." You put on a pout, despite your chest still shaking a little with laughter. "C'mere, you want me to hug it better?"
You held your arms out to him, wiggling your fingers dramatically, and he huffed. The same indignant sound he always made, and you waited for him to slip on his I'm-so-manly mask, and tell you he didn't need a hug. Instead, he moved forwards, one knee on the edge of the couch beside your calves, plucking the book that lay abandoned on your chest and discarding it, before replacing it with his head as he collapsed down against you.
You sucked in a sharp breath, holding it as you felt him get comfortable, knowing that underneath his cheek was your racing heart, that there was no doubt he could feel it going crazy. His arms circled your waist, settling his body between your thighs until he was letting out a heavy sigh. Clearly comfortable now, his body melted into your own as your arms wrapped lightly around him, one hand smoothing up and down his spine between his wings slowly.
Your other hand twitched, neglected and feeling useless, drawn to touching him as he finally caved into whatever line you two had been dancing for over a year now. If he could let his walls down, you could too. Running your fingers once, experimentally, through his hair, he hummed happily under his breath at the feeling, tipping his head up fractionally into your touch to silently request more.
You weren't sure how long passed, how long it took you to finally calm the racing of your heart, the spinning of your mind.
It could have been hours or even days that you lay there, running your fingers through his hair, dragging your fingers over the muscle between his wings in soothing patterns.
"I've always thought you have such nice tits."
"What- I- Azriel!"
“I’m just saying! I’ve been lay on them for like twenty minutes now!” He chuckled but didn’t shift off of you, even though you were sure the flush from your face was travelling down to your chest, under his cheek. “This is nice. I don’t feel so stressed anymore. I should lay on your tits more often.”
“Hey!” You have a sharp tug to his hair, a punishment for the teasing lilt to his voice, and he groaned, lifting his head as your fingers started smoothing through the locks again.
There was a playful look on his face, something dangerous in eyes, not at all what your expected for your little act, and your breath hitched. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
His eyes flickered down to your lips as he stared, your breath hitching. You and Azriel had been flirting, dancing around this thing for so long now you could barely remember when it started, and you were waiting for him. Waiting for him to make the first move, to be ready for more. You’d always been his, everyone knew it too, it was just waiting on him to make the move.
He shifted a little closer, until his lips were brushing yours, a teasing drag, testing the waters. Your fingers smoothed through his hair, a gentle caress until you were no longer gripping, fingers smoothing lightly over the back of his head instead.
Your whisper was silenced, his lips crashing down into yours as that final thread of resistance snapped. It snapped so wonderfully, so cataclysmically, one hand smoothing up your body until leaving you entirely, pressing into the couch by your shoulder to hold himself up. The kiss was intoxicating, your head spinning with every slow drag of his lips against your own, every soft pant of your name he let out, every swipe of his tongue.
Your nails scratched against his scalp, a shaky moan too, when he sucked tour lower lip gently, pulling away only to take ragged, gasping breaths. With foreheads pressed together and your eyes still closed, you could practically feel his smile, his nose nudging yours.
“Let’s never stop doin’ that, okay?”
“I think I could agree to that.” You whispered back, hand slipping down to his face, thumb running between, across his lips softly. His eyes finally opened, pulling back enough to sparkle at you lovingly, brows raising a little at the mischievous look you were sure was on your face. “I think, you need a little revenge on Cass and Nes.”
“Oh, yeah?” He dipped down, unable to help himself from stealing a few further kisses from your lips, despite your giggling and smiling. “How am I gonna’ do that?”
“We.” You hitched a leg up, locking it at his waist, his wings flaring and eyes darkening a little as you pushed his hips down into your own. Every little bit of your bodies was touching, the evidence of his arousal clearly grinding into your now, and his other hand flew back to from your thigh. “Dinner time soon, and guess who has to walk right through this living room to get to the dining room. I say we give them a little show of our own.”
His wings spread a little further, shielding you from the outside world entirely. “Only I get to see you fall apart, baby, but I want you to wake them up with your screams.”
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bobbys-not-that-small · 11 months
Netflix really dropped the ball with cancelling Lockwood & Co - I read the first book after watching the show and my first thought was how faithful it stays to the source material, which is so rare! Plus it’s genuinely a bangin’ story. Anyway, #savelockwoodandco
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ecogirl2759 · 10 months
Yasuhiro Hagakure, the funny man :)
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
Oml these pictures are awesome I have to show you
(A long post, this one is)
He looks good in only, like, 5 of these XD
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Victoryyyy :D
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Crystal ball man doin crystal ball things
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I know he doesn't do drugs but you can't tell me he's not high on something at least
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Ion wanna talk to his hair I wan talk to him :(
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Fact: Hiro breaks curfew to grab some snacks
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LMAO he got caught touching the statue's b00bs--
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Damn bro you got the whole squad laughin'
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Someone help him please :(
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That's not... a ball..?
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Hiro abuse
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H-how you doin' Hiro?
..........They took my fuckin ball.
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Bro just had his clothes forcibly changed and Hiro's first thought was "What about his underwear?"
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"Oh shit this juice is bangin' yo" It's paint, asshole.
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Top 10 photos taken just before disaster
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I had to include fever-dream Hiro
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I love how the artists draw him, it's so good.
I think Hiro's really funny lol, I have no idea how he survived but I'm not unhappy :)
Next up: Junko Enoshima! [SPOILER WARNING]
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daredevilexchange · 2 months
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Here are the works posted for the 2024 Rarepair Minibang! (AO3 collection) The Tumblr post will have the art (or one part, in some cases, the tags, and summaries; you can alternatively click on the title to head directly to AO3!
So here it is, a smorgasbord of the good stuff!
Alpine, Lucky and Deuce
Fic by @42donotpanic, Art by Iithril Rarepair: James “Bucky” Barnes/Clint Barton/Matt Murdock, James “Bucky” Barnes/Clint Barton Tumblr post
Stay… Because I Want You To
Fic by @marv-with-a-v, art by @rrr-nightingale Rarepair: Matt Murdock/Danny Rand Tumblr post
Foggy Nelson in: 2 Kill 2 Krew
Fic by @pomegranate-belle, art by @melonnabar Rarepair: Frank Castle/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson Tumblr post
The Only Good Cop in New York
fic by @certaintendencies, art by @stripedscribe Rarepair: Brett Mahoney/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson Tumblr post
Moon Boys and Daredevil
Fic by @42donotpanic, art by @heroofashesnot Rarepair: Matt Murdock/Marc Spector, Jake Lockley & Matt Murdock, Steven Grant & Matt Murdock Tumblr post
I Left my Heart on Nidavellir
fic by @marv-with-a-v, art by little_miss_crazy Rarepair: Frank Castle/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson Tumblr post
Mortal enemies: till death do us part
Fic by @kimmycup, art by @heroofashesnot Rarepair: Matt Murdock/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson/George Stacy Tumblr post
Let me show you my world of books
Fic by @42donotpanic, art by Iithril Rarepair: Clint Barton/Matt Murdock Tumblr post
Date Crash
Fic by @ironwingedhawk, art by @melonnabar Rarepair: Frank Castle/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson Tumblr post
Always the Bridesmaid…
Fic by @pomegranate-belle, art by @heroofashesnot Rarepair: Loki/Mike Murdock Tumblr post
Center of the ring
Fic by @ironwingedhawk, art by @pomegranate-belle Rarepair: Luke Cage/Danny Rand, background Colleen Wing/Misty Knight Tumblr post
the full extent of the law
fic by @roipecheur, art by @42donotpanic Rarepair: Rahul “Ray” Nadeem/Matt Murdock Tumblr post
fic by @neko-kohaku, art by @bleedxblack-art Rarepair: Frank Castle/Peter Parker Tumblr post
Thank you all <3
Bangin’ banner by MissMoochy ! ID under the cut
Fanart of Danny Rand, Frank Castle, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock from the Netflix Marvel TV shows. All five characters are standing behind a table. Danny is wearing a green shirt, smiling gently with his eyes closed. He is holding voodoo dolls of Stick and Alexandra. There are pins in the dolls’ hearts. Frank is wearing his Punisher skull t-shirt but the skull has hearts for eyes. Frank is ripping the head off a Fisk voodoo doll and smirking. There is a doll of Bullseye on the table in front of him. Both dolls have pins stuck in them all over. Luke wearing a black and yellow hoody over a black t-shirt and a yellow beanie hat. He is looking with concern at Frank and holding voodoo dolls of Elektra Natchios and Malcolm Ducasse. Jessica is wearing a black jacket over a purple top. She is frowning and sticking a pin into a voodoo doll of Misty Knight and has a doll of Trisha Walker in her jacket pocket. Matt is wearing a red shirt and red sunglasses. He looks worried and is cuddling voodoo dolls of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. There are doll hearts and pins on the table in front of him. The table is black and the background is pink.
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sparklemaia · 2 years
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y’all my top surgery consult HAPPENED! And it was GREAT!!! Now just waiting on the scheduler to get booked for a surgery date. In the meantime here’s a doodle I forgot about in my drafts folder of me wearing this bangin hoodie I got from JustSaySK’s mutual aid fundraiser for community members’ top surgery costs. I’m extremely lucky to live in a place where gender affirming care is fully covered by my health insurance. This is how it should be everywhere!! But since it’s not, we gotta keep supporting each other financially when we can (and keep fighting like hell to change this gd system). Bonus when we also get to wear a soft and perfect hoodie that makes transphobes uncomfy when they figure out what it is 😎
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